#and not to mention the amount of people who are non binary
yukipri · 2 years
May I inquire as to your pronouns? Big fan of your art and I donxt want to misgender you in sharing your art with friends :)
Thanks for liking my work!
Copy-pasted from my FAQ post, which you can find through my Masterpost pinned to the top of my blog:
I’m genderfluid and nonbinary, and am also perfectly happy applying the term Queer to myself. Most people assume I’m feminine, and I can be, but not always. I prefer he or she, but honestly don’t care what you use.
My own gender/sexuality is far less important to me than most other aspects of me, such as my culture, fandoms, and opinions.
TLDR: I don't care! I would rather you use the brain power necessary to think about my pronouns thinking about my art or fics instead!
To reference another Tumblr post, my 3rd person gendered pronouns in English are, as far as I'm concerned, a you problem and not a me problem <3
❀ ❀ Send YukiPri an Ask! ❀ ❀
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cripplecharacters · 13 days
I have this xenofiction idea set in an alien solar system. One of the intelligent species ideas i had are octopoid-looking but terrestrial creatures that communicate via bioluminescence, and don't vocally communicate but do have hearing.
I started thinking about how blind members of this species would communicate. Does tactile sign language work if you only have identical tentacles and no fingers or toes?
My first idea when you mentioned identical limbs was the Lorm alphabet. It's a kind of tactile communication (not really a sign language, more of a signed letter-by-letter transcript) that is virtually unknown outside Central Europe and Georgia (the country) in my experience. It requires a single limb from each person. For the Lorm alphabet, you tap and stroke the person's hand (or foot, I've seen it adapted to a double arm amputee too) and the amount of taps and their position (also line or circular movements) signal specific letters. Here's a video to visualize it from the French DeafBlind association (TLDW: two people using Lorm at great speeds at a conference).
What that means for alien creatures who have identical limbs is that there could be Aliorm alphabet where a specific spot on the tentacle signals a specific letter/syllable/binary code/etc and thus allow them to communicate. So if the aliens have some way to codify their bioluminescence-based language into a written system, they could use that.
Another option is to do another kind of non-oral language. Humans have ones that rely on hearing, seeing, and feeling, but aliens could have ones that are based on smell or taste. Especially if they original one is bioluminescence, I don't think it's too farfetched to imagine they could produce other chemicals that perhaps could be smelled as a form of alien olfactory language.
I'd personally love to see the Lorm alphabet in any sort of media ever, but considering you're writing about aliens, you have a lot of possibilities - there's no one single correct answer unless you find a blind alien to ask.
I hope this helps!
mod Sasza
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ceilidho · 2 months
This is in no way of hating but i want to know why do you enjoy writing noncon/rape? When I first downloaded tumblr which was couple of months ago i was surprised by the amount of noncon fics here. I eventually came to enjoy them which makes me question myself. Whenever i read a noncon fic and enjoy it i feel like im betraying women who actually went through those traumatic events. Plus I actually don't really like dark romance books? I love cod dead dove and that is mainly because i really love the characters and the authors are so talented. I rambled so much and i hope you don't get this in the wrong way i don't mean to hate AT ALL i love the stuff you write. Maybe i shouldn't think too much and let myself enjoy what im reading lol
first of all, no worries! i wasn't sure about your tone/intentions at first, but by the end i was totally fine with the question.
i actually don't mind talking about this stuff - i just sometimes avoid it on main because i prefer chatting about it privately.
second, i'm no psychologist or sociologist, so i probably won't be able to give you the most satisfactory answer, but i think there are a lot of different reasons. i can only name a few. one thing i should mention right off the bat is that rape fantasies are very normal (and this is true whether you're a survivor of SA or not) and writing/reading fiction can be a safe way to process those thoughts/feelings.
one of prevailing reasons is, of course, that many survivors of SA use noncon/dubcon literature/art as a way of processing their experiences and taking ownership of their trauma.
and look, people are going to go back and forth on this point (i've seen it all before - many people refuse to believe that engaging with noncon lit/art is helpful, and in fairness, it's NOT helpful for everyone because every person is different), but at the end of the day, if a survivor tells you "writing/reading this was helpful in my recovery" then that's that!
additionally, for many women and non-binary folk (i can only speak as a cis woman, but i'm sure this is a shared lived experience across many different people), we're also taught from a very young age to suppress our sexual desires / that being open about our sexuality is morally reprehensible and shameful. and a lot of people carry that shame for years, impacting them well into adulthood. so dubcon/noncon fantasies can be a way of being able to enjoy sexual scenarios where you don't have to be the initiator, thus taking away some of the emotional weight and shame.
plus, at the end of the day (and im sure many people will disagree with this take, it's something that i'm still figuring out myself), there is a kind of weird underlying consent implicit in dark fics. like, you might be reading a fic or novel that's ostensibly noncon, but you're also actively seeking out that literature (hopefully it's not just sprung on you - i do very much agree with tagging to the fullest extent and my lukewarm take is that I think all books, even traditionally published ones, should come with content/trigger warnings too).
there are a medley of reasons why someone might write or read dark fiction/dark romance. again, i'm just one person and i can only speak from my own experience!
i think at the end of the day, the important thing to realize is that fiction is fake, and as long as the writer appropriately tags their work and ensures that the audience is aware of what they're getting into when they start reading, they're not coercing the reader into something they aren't prepared for.
and it's totally fine if you have limits (like, you can read and enjoy dubcon, but not noncon) or can't engage with the material at all, but it's also unfair to say that it reflects someone's real life values - the same way that we don't say that the people who enjoy crime fiction must love murder.
and the last thing i want to say because this got a bit out of hand lol, is that, yes, for some people dark fiction is genuinely harmful, whether or not they're a survivor. it's not for everyone and that's completely fine and i'm aware of that, which is why i agree that you should tag as much as possible (even if you feel like you're overdoing it sometimes), but someone else's discomfort doesn't give them the right to tell you how to process your own emotions/experiences/desires/etc.
as long as no one's getting hurt, there's no issue as far as i'm concerned. and sorry but, no one's getting hurt by reading a fic or a novel unless the author didn't give proper content warnings - if you "forgot" to read the tags or read anyway DESPITE being warned, im sorry but that's life.
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dreinstein777 · 4 months
Expect the unexpected !👻
What next unexpected thing is to happen next?PAC!
Entertainment purposes only !
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Pile 1
I get the feeling this is something you already know! Your surprise revolves around drama!! You’ve made an assumption, a joke, a THEORY. About someone and you will find out you were basically right. This could also be something only YOU knew at a work place. And now it will be revealed to everyone and honestly be treated as some big shocking thing. Someone might suddenly get engaged, someone is pregnant. Someone is dating another coworker. Possibly a school setting for some people. Like a professor probably has a side gig that kicks off and everyone knows now. I just know that everyone will tell each other this news. LIKE CAN YOU BELIEVE SO AND SO? Take what resonates because the situation to be revealed is untold yet of course.
Pile 2
NSFW MENTIONS FOR THIS PILE. if you don’t want nsfw this pile isn’t for you.
Forgive me I’m so not used to inappropriate topic readings! You’re my testers today I get the feeling you’ve got no dick at all for a long time. Maybe some of you are non binary, trans, lesbian, or fem presenting. I get a strong feeling of trans girls here. You may have came out to someone. Or you will represent yourself freely at a bar place. You’ll speak to someone and you’ll get along with them. They’ll buy you a drink, I see you being kinda shy, you feel like you have a secret to tell. Your surprise ?! You tell them about yourself. You’re honest and explain why you’re there. and honestly. And they’ll accept everything. They might be tipsy. I see they have lots of interest in you and even though they’ll approach you sexually, they’re open to you romantically too. I want to say I hope, you know, you’re more than your body. And there WILL be people who know that too. (This might happen at a cafe you often go to too)
Pile 3
I was go excited for this reading, such a silly pile. I hear.
“I’m Just A Boy” “I’m Just A Girl”
You’re getting a new job, is or will be trained for something and you’re so overwhelmed with the amount of information you’re going to learn. The surprising thing? I think you’re leaving something behind, like a(old) job, And it’s extremely sudden. Unpredicted timing. Even, maybe you’re dropping out, maybe you’re switching colleges and universities. Moving into a dorm, moving out a dorm. Moving away to get married with in a month. I hear ADULTING THINGS and it’s happening suddenly,
. I feel a lot of fear, anxiety, such a scatter brain. But you’ll be okay, okay? This is your first time at life and it’s okay if it doesn’t go well immediately.
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warpcoreweirdness · 30 days
just finished season 2 of Lower Decks and i'm SO glad i tried this show again
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i actually started the show a while ago, but the constant easter eggs put me off.
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(i still don't know how non-Trekkie viewers are meant to get the jokes where the punchline is "reference!! 😂", but lots of people enjoy it so ymmv).
i stopped a few minutes into episode 2 after Rutherford agrees to quit his job as an engineer so he can watch the Trivoli pulsar with Tendi.
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i honestly thought it was going to be a storyline about a guy giving up a job he loves and making his boss angry so that he can spend time with a female friend he has a crush on, because that's the plotline i've been conditioned to expect from tv. i wasn't feeling excited about the show, so i put it on pause.
but if i'd watched for about two more seconds before noping out for a few months, i would've seen this:
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when i started watching again, i realised that the episodes never bog themselves down in drawn-out, uncomfortable storyline or character staples - they're actually incredibly well-written, tightly paced, and tell their stories in just the right amount of time. Rutherford wants to be Tendi's friend (at least for now), his boss Billups is really supportive, and Tendi brings a PADD into the Jefferies tube so they can both do what they enjoy, separately but together.
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another great part about that scene with Rutherford and his boss is something that Lower Decks does a lot, which is make jokes that actually rely on subverting audience expectations. a big example - and a way of referencing other parts of the Star Trek franchise that does work for me - is when the creators gently poke fun at or subvert common story beats, emotional arcs, or dramatic moments from other parts of Trek.
like when Rutherford loses his memory and Tendi is excited to get to know him again, rather than devastated that he doesn't remember her.
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or when they save themselves from being smooshed by Dooplers by dramatically ejecting the warp core of their tiny model starship.
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or when Tendi goes on an arc of significant personal development over the course of one (1) whole episode.
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they're general enough that even people who haven't seen other Star Trek shows (or movies) can still recognise and appreciate them.
beyond this, the show also has great moments where they (lovingly) cast a light on some of the flaws and foibles in the franchise, often in subtle or comedic ways.
like showing people in beep chairs living their best lives (in contrast to TOS and SNW's view of the beep chair as a tragic, doomsday fate for Pike).
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or using Tendi to comment on Trek's depiction of Orions specifically as all pirates and slavers, and alien cultures more generally as monocultures.
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or even just acknowledging that Trek shows mostly focus on the bridge crew doing heroic first contact-esque adventures, when that can't be all there is to Starfleet.
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heck, they even have Rutherford go on a journey of acceptance and self-discovery after a permanent memory wipe (in contrast to Uhura in TOS, where it's never mentioned again).
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another reason i really appreciate the show is that the creators have taken the time to think through what a more inclusive future could look like, in ways that are noticeably lacking or absent in many other Trek shows:
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beyond exploring diversity through explicit identity representation (which is still very important), it does this through its world building as well.
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i love this communal sonic shower scene for what it says about gender and body politics in Trek. in the future, why would we still separate bathrooms and changing rooms by gender? and why would we have the same views and expectations around bodies that we (by "we" i mean Western countries) do now?
this short scene dismantles the idea that nudity is inherently sexual, that gender is binary and biological, that some genders can't be trusted around other genders while naked, and that heterosexuality is the default (and when you bring dozens of alien species into the mix, why wouldn't we have more and newer ways of thinking about gender?). it even has a little mention that Boimler prefers not to shower with others, leaving space for people to act however feels most comfortable for them.
it's such a little thing, but after years spent (lovingly) yelling at the screen during TNG, TOS, DS9, etc saying, "why are they assuming everyone is straight? WHY would people be this sexist?", i noticed it immediately and appreciated it immensely.
(this isn't related to the storytelling, but i also have to say - the animation in Lower Decks is so pretty???):
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this isn't a perfect show, but it's funny, has fantastic storytelling, and it loves the source material without worshipping it. (which is not something i expected to say, given how it started).
plus i love these characters SO MUCH.
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so far, so very good 🤞.
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(image descriptions in alt text)
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rinixo · 2 years
sulfur and granite
Din Djarin/Reader | 2.7k | Rated E | afab reader, no y/n, Jealous Din Djarin, smut, piv sex, semi-intense consensual sex, aftercare.
On a short detour to Tattooine, you are introduced to the Marshal. Mando is definitely not jealous.
Non-linear oneshots featuring you, a university scholar from Naboo who is helping The Mandalorian seek out the Jedi.
a/n: I imagine Mando would not know how to comfortably express feelings of jealousy/possessiveness right away, but ultimately would be respectful towards his partner's desires.
read on ao3
You weren’t sure what planet you’d choose if you had to pick your favorite, but you were fairly certain that Tattooine wouldn’t even make your top ten. You had only been there a few times, and each time you had left with an uncomfortable amount of sand in an uncomfortable amount of places. The only redeeming quality in your eyes were the brilliant binary sunsets the arid rock offered, but even then there were hundreds of other places in the galaxy where you could see those.
When Mando charted course for Tattooine, you bit your tongue. He said he needed to talk to an ‘old friend’ in some tiny, middle-of-nowhere town, and seeing as you were along for the ride, you steeled yourself for another day of brushing sand out of all of your clothing.
Mando had not given you much information, which you didn’t particularly mind. This was mainly a detour on your journey through the galaxy – some kind of favor he needed to repay or something, you surmised. His ‘old friend’ was only described as ‘The Marshal’, and you wondered what kind of law enforcement a syndicated crime planet like Tattooine could even harbor.
Mando landed the Crest on the outskirts of the city one late afternoon. You, Grogu, and your armored patron walked the short distance into the town to where a man dressed in red was waiting for you.
“Good to see you,” the man called out, moving forward to grasp Mando’s arm in greeting. You hung back slightly, feeling a little out of your element when the man happened to glance past the bounty hunter and catch your gaze.
“Well, well, what do we have here?” The Marshal sauntered forward, an easy grin matching his easy gait. He was quite handsome, you decided. Nice peppery-gray hair, eyes lined with laughter. He reached out for your hand, which you gave with a quiet giggle as he brought it to his lips.
“Don’t tell me she’s one of your bounties, Mando.” The Marshal directed at the Mandalorian as he kissed the back of your hand flirtatiously. “Cause I might be tempted to play the hero and rescue her from your clutches-“
“She’s helping me on my journey,” Mando interrupted flatly. There was a wink of humor in the Marshal’s gaze as he released your hand, only to wrap one arm around your shoulder.
“Well, then, welcome,” he exclaimed. “Any friend of Mando’s is a friend of mine, er…?”
You shared your name, and the man began to walk you toward what you assumed was the local cantina. It was past midday, and it looked like the building was the gathering place for most of the locals as they ended the day. Several people greeted the Marshal as he pointed out different landmarks to you, indicating that he was just as popular among his people as you would have assumed based on his appearance and looks alone.
Mando trailed along just slightly behind the two of you, Grogu tucked in his sack at his side.
“Can I buy you a drink?” The Marshal asked, motioning to the bartender. Two glasses of blue liquor were poured, and the charming man held one out to you.
“Sure,” you smiled. It had been a while since you had let yourself indulge. Even on the rare occasions you and Mando stopped someplace with alcohol, it was mainly for information or to pick up supplies to take on the go. Not to mention the fact that Mando never took off his helmet.
The Marshal – who you later found out was named Cobb Vanth – clinked his glass against yours and the two of you took healthy swigs of the slightly sour drink. Wincing, you matched the handsome man’s grin as he leaned casually against the bar.
“So tell me,” he drawled, swirling his drink In his glass. “What’s a girl like you doing hanging around a Mandalorian bounty hunter?”
You vaguely registered Mando hovering off to the side. He did not ask for a drink, nor did you think he would accept if one was even offered. You glanced over at him, wondering if you should defer to him – he had wanted to come to Freetown to speak with the Marshal, who was currently more fixated on you. On the other hand…it had been a while since you had a chance to talk to someone who wasn’t a literal child.
Turning to focus your attention on Cobb, you explained your background and talked generally about what you were doing for Mando. You left out most of the details in the interest of protecting both his and Grogu’s safety but were secretly delighted that the man did not pry for answers. Instead, he asked questions about you – where you were from, your research, your favorite parts of the galaxy you had seen thus far. He had a charming way of speaking, and a quick wit, and you found yourself losing track of time as the conversation flowed steadily into the evening.
At some point, Cobb had procured a small table for the two of you, and you perched on the edge of your seat as he explained how he had come to meet the Mandalorian. He laughed at how your jaw dropped during the tale of how Mando had flown into the mouth of a krayt dragon to blow it up from the inside. You spared another glace towards the bounty hunter, who hadn’t moved since you had entered the cantina. His helmet was fixed on you, and though you couldn’t see his eyes something told you his gaze was fixed on you. The feeling sent a slight shiver up your spine.
Seeming to notice, Cobb reached out and placed a calloused hand over your own. “It has truly been a pleasure,” he smiled. “But I better go speak to Mando before he burns a hole through both our heads.” You returned his smile and stood – albeit a little wobbly from the several drinks you had consumed over the past hour or so.
The Marshal beckoned for someone to come over, and explained that they would show you to a room you could stay in for the night. As he did so, Mando walked over, his bulk just millimeters from your back. You opened your mouth to greet him, but he just handed you Grogu in his sack and asked that you take the now-sleeping baby with you.
“Of course,” you said, gently taking the child into your arms. “See you later?”
Mando did not answer you and instead took your seat across from Cobb. The Marshal wished you a good night, and you followed the young woman he had procured to show you to your room.
An hour later, you were freshly bathed and had changed into a clean set of clothes. The room was decently sized, if not a bit dusty from lack of use. It held one large bed along with several chairs and a small table and was attached to a small side room that had a smaller bed. You had tucked Grogu into the smaller bed in the side room, closing the door gently so that you could prepare for sleep without waking him up.
You laid against the pillows and were browsing your datapad when the sound of the door sliding open signaled the arrival of Mando. You watched him clunk into the room over the top of your datapad. He stood in the middle of the room for a moment, a tension in the atmosphere having followed him in. “Where’s the kid?” He asked, and you pointed to the side room. He walked over to the door and opened it slightly to peer inside. Satisfied, he gently closed it and continued to stand there in the middle of the room.
“Have a good chat?” You asked, breaking the frigid silence after it became clear he was not going to. Mando settled into a chair heavily, spreading his legs and resting his arms on those of the chair.
“Was gonna ask you the same thing,” he rasped in response, and you raised a brow in question.
“What do you mean?” You asked, tapping a nail against the side of your datapad. Mando raised one shoulder in a half-shrug.
“You two seemed to hit it off.”
“Who? Me and Cobb?” You set down your datapad and crossed your arms. “He was nice.”
You could hardly believe the scoff you heard from the man. “Sure. That’s one way to put it.”
“Are you jealous?”
“You are,” you expanded, uncrossing your arms and swinging your legs over to hang over the side of the bed. “You’re upset that he was flirting with me, aren’t you?”
Mando was silent, and you wondered if his jaw was clenched under that helmet. You looked at him expectantly, and he sighed.
“I’m not upset,” you tried to clarify. “I think that’s just how he is. It’s ok to be jealous, Mando.”
“I am not jealous,” he grit out, and you tried to hide a smirk. Standing, you swayed over to stand in front of him. You were wearing an old oversized tunic that came just above your knees, and not much else. You stepped in between his spread thighs, your bare legs bumping against his armor. Even sitting, his head was nearly level with your own. Were you pushing it, standing naked from the waist down in between the legs of a dangerous and definitely jealous man? Perhaps.
“Then why were you staring at us the whole time?” You teased. “Mad that your friend was talking to me and not you?”
“I was waiting for him to make a move,” Mando interrupted. “To touch you.”
“Yeah?” You queried, and in a burst of bravery, you sat lightly on one of his broad thighs. You felt him tense underneath you, even through the armor, and resettle his weight back In the chair to support you more firmly. “What was your plan if he had made a move?”
One of his gloved hands came to rest on your bare thigh, and he slowly pulled it towards him, forcing your legs to spread slightly. His hand rubbed soft circles into your flesh, and you shifted so that your back was supported against the side of the chair.
“Hauling you over my shoulder and back into my ship,” Mando husked, hand venturing further up your thigh, under the hem of the long tunic. Your breath hitched as his fingers brushed lightly over your bare cunt. “And reminding you.”
One of his fingers ran up and down your slit, and you shifted again, trying to get him to put more pressure where you wanted it. “Remind me of what?” You asked breathlessly. Mando’s other hand crept up your back to grip your neck, forcing you to arch in his lap. He stood, hauling you up against him with ease. He half-dragged you over to the bed, sitting down so that he could pull you up against his back into his lap.
“This,” he said simply, spreading your thighs wider and grinding his hips up into your backside. You could feel him, hot and hard under his flight suit, and you let out a low moan at the sensation. One hand roamed over your shaking thighs, playing with the slick gathering between your legs, while the other came up to cross against your chest, holding you tightly against him.
“I was thinking,” Mando continued, sounding almost casual in his tone and timbre, “Of how to show you what you’d be missing. How to show other men that you spend your nights in my bed.”
You licked your lips, feeling air-light as he rasped through the modulator into your ear. His fingers between your legs alternated from pinching your swollen clit to probing your entrance.
“That’s what I was thinking,” he said lowly. “What were you thinking, wicked girl?”
“I’m thinking you should just fuck me already,” you gasped out, and Mando laughed. It echoed through your blank mind like smoke, and your eyes fluttered closed as two of his thick fingers slid tightly inside of you, thumb pressing against your clit. Your hips bucked at the sensation, only to be held tight in his iron grip.
“Can you be quiet?” Mando asked throatily, and you could feel the rumble of it from his chest. “The kid is sleeping…and who knows who else might be listening?”
“I thought you wanted them to know,” you whimpered, and his grip on you loosened for a millisecond before he stood and flipped you face-first onto the bed. The back of your tunic was pushed up as he pushed your shoulders down to the mattress, and dragged your hips up toward where he stood behind you.
“Keep quiet,” he gruffed out, and you heard the familiar sound of his belt coming undone and felt his bare hips warm against your ass. “You only cry for me, understand?”
“Y-ye-“ you barely had a chance to respond before he shoved his throbbing cock into you, punching the air out of your lungs in one solid thrust. Keening, you let your head fall against your arms as Mando gripped your hips firmly and began a steady, brutal pace.
He spread your thighs as wide as they would go so that you could take all of him in with every thrust. Something about his hands on your hips and the way he moved you felt necessary – deep, intense thrusts that would resist anything except acceptance from him. The bed creaked from his weight against your body, along with the rich sound of his hips slapping against yours.
The superiority of this angle made you focus on the place where he filled you like it was the center of your universe. You bit into the flesh of your arm in an attempt to silence the keening cries that wanted to escape from your throat. Mando groaned above you, and his pace quickened.
“This what you wanted?” he husked lowly. “To come on my cock? Come on, wicked girl, come on-“
You choked out a wordless plea as his weight came down across your thighs, and his cock rammed as far as it could go. You knew you would feel the ache of him inside of you for days.
“M-mando-“ you keened again, and you felt his grip on your hips clench harder.
“Gotta be quiet,” he rasped. “Want them to hear how you’re spread open for my cock?” You could feel your orgasm approaching like a ship preparing to exit hyperspace. You were sure nothing in your life would ever feel as good, as full, as right as the heavy weight of his cock inside of you.
The frantic clutch of your cunt wrung from Mando his own release. He all but collapsed onto you, wrapping you up so that you disappeared into his embrace. You came with a muffled scream, your leg going numb from the release of tension and the weight of the man fucking his semen into you.
Not allowing you reprieve, Mando groaned and collapsed onto his side, rolling you so that you were pressed up against him. His iron-hard cock was still inside of you, throbbing its release, and his hand came down between your legs to tweak at your clit. “Again,” he demanded, and you threw your head back and hit it against his helmet. He shoved the fingers of his other hand into your mouth to silence your cries as you came again, obediently, at the clumsy push of his fingers against your sore cunt.
Your body jerked against him, twitching from the edge of overstimulation. His cock, still streaming cum, slid out of you, pulsing the last of his release over your flushed entrance. For a while, all that could be heard was the sound of your breaths easing back from near hyperventilation. Mando’s grip on you was still possessive, but he shushed you gently and murmured praise into the back of your neck, hands circling your skin to ground your consciousness back down to him.
After that, Mando gently slid from behind you and lifted you into his arms. Your legs still shook from the onslaught, and he carried you quietly to the refresher where he helped you wipe yourself clean.
“All right?” He murmured as he brought a soft cloth to your inner thighs. You smiled sleepily and leaned your head forward to lay against his chest, pressing a soft kiss to the cold metal.
“If that wasn’t you being jealous,” you whispered, “Maybe next time I should flirt back.”
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Cartoon rec of the week:
Craig of the Creek
I haven't seen enough people talking about the show, so I'm mentioning it here. Absolute 10/10 cartoon. Just three kids, running 'round, making friends, running their own semi-sustainable community in the forest (there are some concerns about how much trash they leave there but ultimately they're better than most adults). Literally such a dream. they encourage each other to be emotionally healthy and they protect each other from "danger". Like they'll help each other achieve their dreams as they come (and new dreams show up pretty often because they're young kids).
And they're so funny! Like genuinely these kids are so earnest and intelligent and incredibly humorous and full of heart! They have full lives and they live them to the fullest out in nature after school, on the weekends, and in the summer. It's one of the best representations of found family I have ever seen in a cartoon, and I absolutely love it.
Also several of the writers behind the show are POC and queer (I think the head writers are all Black but I could be wrong), so you know that it was written well and the representation is awesome like I know that it should absolutely go without saying, but representation is much more than just showing BIPOC people on screen, and in terms of cartoons I haven't seen that many shows understanding that fact except maybe the Proud Family, Fat Albert, and a few others whose names will return to me once I've taken my ADHD meds. But the point is that Craig of the Creek gets it right. Most of the characters throughout the show (from what I've seen) are BIPOC, and you can tell that there are caring nods to BIPOC communities (primarily Black American communities), and more than that, that the writers know what they're talking about and are deeply familiar with and are a part of those communities. Craig, the titular character, is a young Black boy, and his family are middle class and ultimately very successful Black people. Kelsey (one of the main characters) is Jewish and Polish, and written with more complexity than having a one and done Hanukah celebration. The Creek's main business, a trading post, is run by Kit, a young Black girl with a love for economy and business. And many other characters are racial or ethnic minorities as well, and it warms my heart to see these characters done justice time and time again.
There's great subtle queer rep too, and you can tell it wasn't written just for the sake of representation, like it was thought out and intentional, and it worked beautifully. There are queer witches, and there are no labels applied to them, they're just allowed to exist with no explanations, happily in love with one another. There's a non-binary character later in the series (I'm only like 10 episodes in so I haven't met them yet but I've read amazing things about them). Kelsey also apparently identifies as a lesbian later in the series (I say "apparently" because I haven't done much reading so as to avoid spoilers, not because I am discounting her identity). On top of that, JP (one of the main characters) has a sister who is dating another girl.
There's also a significant amount of body positivity in the show, at least far than I've seen elsewhere. Not only do they openly say "all bodies are beautiful" and follow up on that by defending one another, there's also very little need to defend one another, because there's a very unspoken and deep respect in the Creek for things like body type, skin colour, disabilities, and so on. The kids of the creek, and their grown ups, are all different body types, and given their penchant for community and uplifting one another, it's no wonder they all seem confident in their bodies.
Not to mention the disability representation. There is a character later on in the series who is Black and deaf, and he not only speaks in Sign Language, but in Black American Sign Language. In addition, though unconfirmed, many of the kids in the creek embody aspects of various neurotypes. For example, the three main characters, Craig, Kelsey, and JP all come across as neurodivergent, with special interests, neurodivergent ways of thinking, and so on. Some have speculated that JP has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, which is a disability often comorbid with ADHD. Not to mention that all the kids in the creek embody different special interests, most of which would be considered weird or frowned upon in everyday society, but that are given the opportunity to shine and flourish in the Creek's accepting culture.
Take the Horse Girls for example, a small clique of girls who roleplay as horses in a pasture near the Creek, and of course many of their behaviours are played as jokes, but ultimately they are accepted and involved in many adventures because of their unique interests and abilities which are ultimately how they aid the rest of the Creek. Every kid is a useful and accepted part of the Creek, with the exception of the ranger scout kids, who are essentially the same as cops, who are often exploitative, rude, and disruptive to the community as a whole.
Ultimately, the show is one of love, friendship, community, and acknowledging differences as a natural and helpful part of life. On top of that, it's not copaganda! What more could you want?
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what-even-is-thiss · 1 year
Gender has always been a shaky and loose ever changing category. People asking for a strict definition of a man or woman are always going to be unsatisfied with any answer you give them because their definition of man or woman is the only one they want to be true.
Usually men have beards. But not always. Usually women have breasts. But not always. Often in many cultures “men” are the ones who do the fighting. But not always. There are cultures where women fight as well or even form their own warrior or soldier groups. There are men who can’t grow beards. There are women without breasts.
Usually men have a penis. But not always. Usually women have a labia. But not always. Such as it is for every other characteristic associated with one gender or another. And the necessity of one characteristic or another for being considered a man or woman varies greatly between time, culture, and place. Not to mention the vast variety in presentation in physical primary and secondary sex characteristics.
It’s not a thing that can have a solid definition with no exceptions. There are trends in what we perceive in the cultural moment as being necessities for being this or that gender but those general groups of characteristics always have exceptions to them and are prone to change with evolving cultural attitudes from within a society and influence from other outside cultures.
And generally the characteristics that people associate being a “good man” or “good woman” with overlap a significant amount. Like if you ask someone to just sit down and list things there will be something like a 90% overlap or more. Characteristics like caring for others, resilience, being a good listener, intelligence, etc. tend to be valued in people of any gender. The line between being a good man and a good woman is often more aesthetic than any concrete set of actions or physical characteristics.
Why am I a non binary man? There’s a thousand small things I could point to in order to explain it. But none of those reasons fit into a neat one sentence definition. But if you ask a cisgender man why he’s a man like really actually make him explain it, he will likely have a similar level of complexity to his answer if he really thinks about it. If you really grill cisgender people about their own opinions on this stuff they are often surprised to find how many thoughts they actually have about gender and how much more complicated those opinions are than they thought.
Transgender, intersex, queer, and gender nonconforming people are often forced to actually look at gender in a way that cishet people aren’t. It’s easier to see all of the tiny puzzle pieces when none of the ones you were assigned fit in your life and you’ve got to find your own. Gender isn’t one solid mass. It’s a mosaic made out of a lot of tiny tiles that can be swapped out or removed and still generally look like something you recognize.
What’s a woman? Well, that’s a question with a million answers but if you step back you can get a general idea. Kind of like with pointillism. If you stand too close to it and try to pick out one bit that makes a woman a woman you won’t see much. Just a singular splotch of paint. But if you back up a ways you’ll see something there you recognize. And what you see will likely still be up to your own interpretation.
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xixovart · 2 months
my rrverse headcanons that i will save in my drafts until it explodes
possible tw for mentions of weaponry and violence!! (bullet point no.5)
nico with heterochromia?? im?
a LOT of aphrodite kids are pansexual. somethinf about love knowing no bounds or restrictions to gender because love is a connection to the soul or whatever
actually on that idea a lot of aphrodite kids are under the non binary umbrella :)
spreading the deaf will solace agenda
annabeth goes to a shooting range to relieve stress
she got that from thalia
i just need you to picture how unbelievably destroyed thalia must’ve been when they told her about luke.
alex fierro really likes cupcakes. but he’s like. ashamed of it?? for some reason
one time magnus walked in on her while she was eating some red velvet? hilarious interaction.
“magnus it’s not what ir looks like i swear.”
”what? you use someone’s blood to make those?”
rip bianca di angelo you would’ve loved ratatouille. i don’t know.
kayla really likes mac n cheese. i really don’t know.
chris wnd beckendorf have an unmatched ‘our gfs are best friends but ngl we’re kinda gay for each other’ bromance
percy is REAAALLLYYY good at makeup
thalia is surprisingly good at volleyball?
frank once accidentally knocked down an entire grocery store isle… somehow.
hazel really likes ladybugs
“long day?” “tell me about it. keep em coming.” except it’s kayla pouring will grape soda into a wine glass when they were 12 after a day in the infirmary
unpopular opinion: will relentlessly finds loopholes for rules (and sometimes blatantly breaks them) while nico hates rule-breaking. one was raised in rich 1940s europe and the other is texan. guess who.
annabeth and will bonded over their shared love of true crime podcasts
hazel gossips like a hairstylist
“don’t look at me like that, you’re not my real dad 😒” -11 year old annabeth to chiron after the ares cabin caught fire “unexpectedly. somehow. for no reason.”
percy used to swims in fountains and steals people’s coins
piper blasts chappell roan at unhealthy volumes. so does will. they bond over that
zoë nightshade was in the theater abe lincoln was killed in. don’t know where this came from.
piper and leo were the most chaotic duo that wilderness school ever bore witness to. there were several science room “accidents.” and the food in the kitchens went missing every week “unexpectedly”
magnus hearth and blitz used to sit on rooftops and throw water balloons at tourists. fathers-son bonding i lobe them
frank likes tarzan and kung fu panda an unhealthy amount (he was a horrible influence on hazel)
hazel once made random hand signals at a boy who was bothering her told him she cursed him
bianca was surprisingly good at sports?
thalia had to put saran wrap on every outlet in the house for two months when jason was a year old because he would NOT stop sticking his fingers in them
reyna cannot cook. she only knows how to make a surprisingly good lemonade. it’s insane.
hedge, on the other hand, is a freaking chef. he’s like the love child of a really smart goat and gordon ramsay
annabeth and thalia are both master pickpockets because of their time on the road
luke had a soft spot for gummy bears
silena was very calm and collected but the SECOND this girl stepped FOOT in a rage room she lost her SHIR
mallory hates math. like actually loathes math.
magnus is math smart and mallory is english smart
(book 1) halfborn and magnus are the prank lords of floor 19
alex joined them the second he showed up (he destroyed half the hotel withing his first 24 minutes there? duh?)
cecil hates twizzlers
lou ellen cecil and will are VERY competitive go kart-ers
rachel and hazel are artist buddies and go on drawing dates
chiron gets father’s day presents
someone proposed the idea of achilles and patroclus training nico post-ttc and pre-botl???? stop right now im losing my mind i love this
spreading the multilingual nico agenda
mr. d gave will his tattoo
grover and percy unironically watch rom coms every saturday while eating vegan candy and cry for the characters
grover and rachel’s friendship is INCREDIBLY??? underrated
i think we forget that grover bianca and nico went to school together and bianca and grover were friends. imagine the chaos.
lester and kayla had regular arm wrestling matches (kayla always won btw)
whenever austin’s mad at his cabinmates he wakes them up at the asscrack of drawn by playing we are the champions on his flute.
idk why but malcolm seems very gumball coded.
“wait, where are you going?” “to the brony convention in lietchenstein. where do you think im going????” -canon conversation between malcolm and annabeth
wasian grace siblings wasian grace siblings wasian grace siblings.
ethan is a really bad liar in non-greek related matters
will’s love language is that he points at literally the two most random things and says “us” to nico
“nico look it’s us!! :D” “solace those are two dead leaves on the floor” “yeah but they’re next to each other :)”
sally knows taekwondo. no one knows when or how she learned, she just does and it’s terrifying
alabaster is a plant mom
dakota seems like the type of kid to slump so deep in a chair that he ends up falling off. and then he just like. lays there.
castor and pollux have a concerning attraction to fire
travis stoll likes strawberries :)
connor stoll chunks strawberries at travis from half a km away and calls is “aiming practice”
katie has the temper of a chihuahua
(post-tlo) percy and clarisse pretend to hate each other but they’re actually friends who fight like siblings and it’s surprisingly endearing?
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dresshistorynerd · 7 months
Borderline begging you to not erase the gender non conformity of historical women by applying contemporary lenses of gender roles to them. Gender non conforming women existed then and still exist now. Wearing “men’s clothing” does not make me less of a woman and it’s incredibly insulting to see people in 2024 call women “they” and “he” because they wrote extensively about the misogyny they faced on a daily basis and chose to address and protect against by disguising their female form. Clothing does not a gender make—social roles do. Let’s respect historical women by referring to them correctly—not assuming what they would like to be called these days when we have long since dismissed European invert theory.
I'm assuming you are referring to that historical binder post and specifically this part:
Westner was also buried in men's clothing by their own request.
Firstly, I didn't call Ella Westner "he", not sure why you are implying that. I haven't read much about Westner, but I did try to look quickly if we have any record or second hand information of them talking or writing about their gender. I didn't find it, so I don't know what would be the correct way to refer to them. I referred to them with "them" since that is the pronoun in English language when you don't know someone's gender. By all means if you have any evidence to share how they liked to be referred, do share.
This is for all intents and purposes the same ask I got after my Julie d'Aubigny post so I'm going to link my response here (and the answer to the follow up ask) instead of rehashing the same points all over again. But I will rehash couple of main points since it seems they bear repeating. Firstly, I'm not talking about you, you are not Elle Westner and you have just as little access to her mind as I do. I don't have to assume your gender, you said you're a woman, and certainly I believe nothing you do makes you less of a woman. But I can't ask Elle Westner can I? For most historical people, I think it's fair to assume their gender to be the one assigned to them, but if there is evidence that might suggest otherwise, we should not assume. Of course we should neither assume it's not their assigned gender, it's entirely possible it is, but the possibility should not be discarded that their gender is different.
It's a little silly tbh to say I'm erasing gender non-comforming historical women, when literally in the same paragraph I mention how it was quite common for queer *women* to dress in masculine clothing. This is literally what I wrote:
Queer women and trans masc people, who dressed in masculine clothing, (which was pretty common) also sometimes bound their chests, but unsurprisingly that was not exactly celebrated like drag performances were, so there weren't binders made for queer people specifically.
(I admit I didn't mention the "mannish" feminists, who dressed masculinely, but they rarely bound their chests, and like many of them were queer also.)
What I will not do (even if you borderline beg) is to erase trans masc and non-binary people from history. Assuming all historical queer and gnc people were their assigned gender without extensive evidence to the contrary (for some people no amount of evidence is ever enough) effectively erases all trans and non-binary people from history, since the way gender was talked about, understood and allowed to express, was often so different from our current understanding and usually erased from historical evidence. That is in fact imposing our understanding of gender to historical people. Yes some women did cross-dress in order to escape misogyny, but that's certainly not the only reason people cross-dressed. Especially since many of them, those who couldn't or didn't try to pass, faced even more misogyny for cross-dressing, but they did it anyway because they had other reasons to cross-dress. The reason why cross-dressing can be evidence of queer gender identity (though of course as said, there are other possible reasons) especially in 19th century, is because in their culture the understanding of gender was heavily tied to gender expression. Even today, when gender and gender expression are seem much more as separate things, if you see a person who looks like a woman, but is dressed in men's clothing, you shouldn't immediately dismiss the possibility that they might not be a woman. Yes, they might be a woman who for one reason or another likes to dress in masculine clothing, or they might not be.
You say I shouldn't "apply contemporary lenses of gender roles" to historical queer people, but also that I should in this historical context dismiss sexual inversion theory, which was specifically a Victorian lens (shrouded in scientific essentialist terms) to look at queerness. Sexual inversion theory is not biologically true of course, like it was proposed, but really none of our sexuality and gender categories are. Because while there probably is some biological explanations for our feelings of attraction and towards our bodies (which we haven't really found yet), how we built gender and sexuality categories around those feelings is entirely cultural. So while sexual inversion theory is not relevant today, it is still relevant to understand the historical context, since it was an attempt to explain scientifically their cultural construction of gender and sexuality. And of course the flaw with all these cultural categories is that they can not contain and represent the whole breath of human feelings, and will always leave people out in their explanations, which is obviously true with sexual inversion theory (but also for example our identity based model). But the societal understanding of these things also shape how we understand and frame our own feelings.
So briefly, in 19th century queer identities were emerging (not seen as just behavior anymore) and first queer communities were formed. In the texts of Victorian queer writers the understanding of sexuality, expression and gender are all very fluid. Edward Carpenter (a Victorian gay communist) notably wrote about "the intermediate sex" and "transitional men and women" which he understood as a sort of third gender category. Basically his understanding of queerness was conceptually similar to sexual inversion theory, but he came from a non-medicalizing and queer liberation angle (though like his writings were not entirely free of internalized queerphobia but still very revolutionary for his time). He wrote about this third gender category as a sort of spectrum that goes from feminine men interested in men, and masculine women interested in women, to cross-dressing people and people living as opposite gender. Today we might see these ends of the spectrum as more or less gnc gay men and women and trans men and women, which to him were more or less extreme expressions of the same phenomena. This also aligns with broader Victorian understanding of gender and sexuality, as gnc queer people were generally seen as a separate gender category, often, especially in case of queer men and trans fems, called fairies. As said, certainly not all Victorian queer people would have agreed or felt represented by these ideas, but this does give us some understanding how at least some of the queer and gnc people might have understood their gender.
Maybe I will need to make a full post about how I think gender should be handled and studied in history, so I can just link it to when I inevitably get yet another one of these.
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Thinking a lot about how a lot of transphobia is rooted in the misogynistic idea that a woman's role is to reproduce and submit to her husband.
It manifests itself in different ways, but they all share the same root.
For transphobia against trans women, it manifests as transphobes blasting trans women for "immigrating" womanhood and telling trans women that they'll never be real women because, ultimately, they don't have a uterus and can't become pregnant. Trans women who have vulvas are told that their vulvas aren't "real", even if their vulvas can fulfill every other aspect of a vulva except for the processes involved in pregnancy. Trans women's existence challenges the notion that a woman's worth is measured by whether or not she can become pregnant and submit.
For transphobia against trans men, it manifests as transphobes fear-mongering about trans men "mutilating" their bodies, especially their "female" organs like breasts, uterus, and vulva. They fear-monger about testosterone, saying that it'll render anyone who takes it infertile, as if becoming infertile is worse than a trans man taking his life because he can't transition. Not to mention that testosterone doesn't render the taker infertile. Trans men who elect to remove their breasts and get a hysterectomy are further demonized as abandoning the principles of womanhood- becoming pregnant and being desirable.
If it was truly about concern about infertility, then why do trans women not face the same scrutiny for the way estrogen may affect the testes and penis? It's because one uterus can only produce so many babies while one penis can fertilize a nearly infinite amount of offspring. It's about the commodification of reproduction- transphobes don't care whether trans women can reproduce or not because they don't need them spread their "undesirable" seed- but trans men are seen as women by virtue of their uteruses and thus must continue to be controlled.
Trans women challenge this system by insisting that they are women even though they cannot become pregnant- they force the people in power to reckon with the reality that many women, regardless of their assigned sex, cannot or do not wish to become pregnant, and have been suppressed for this for so long.
Trans men challenge this system by placing their own value over the value of their fertility- by asserting that their mental and physical well-being is more important than their ability to become pregnant. They force the people in power to reckon with the reality that many people do not wish to become or remain pregnant, that to become pregnant would be detrimental to their well-being.
Non-binary people challenge this system by refusing to submit to the rigid classifications of "man" or "woman", and all the expectations that entail with those roles.
People hate trans people because our very existence threatens the fragile definitions of gender and gender expectations that exist to uphold a patriarchal system.
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avicebro · 5 months
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fate fandom poll results! (higher res, since tumblr has crunched it)
these are the big patterns i noticed. if you want some more commentary on the numbers, come and join me in the read more:
I first want to reiterate that I did this as a way to see if I was in a bubble. By the end of the poll, it received 93 results. A lot of these responses did come from tumblr and twitter (thank you friend for posting onto your twitter), and so, the demographic that is being polled is biased. Please keep this in mind.
Overall Age/Satisfaction:
Overall, more neutral or people upset with the fandom.
Older fandom - these numbers also do align with the perception that fate fandom grew in size with the pandemic
Shoutout to the 1 person who said they were in the fandom for over 15 years. I'm saluting you
Shouldn't have been surprised there were zero 20+ years responses, but hey, yk, if you don't put it there.
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I also did this because I wanted to know how gender of characters played into whether a character had 'nice' or 'rude' fans.
Note: I put any characters that have gender ambiguous or gender: unknown in the non-binary section. So this does mean that characters like Astolfo, Caeneus and D'Eon are in this section. While the general fandom may not see some of these as non-binary, it's easier than doing a big asterisk. I'd love to run another poll examining the way trans and non-binary characters are viewed by the fandom, but that's for another time.
Thus, my method was: I read the response, and for each character listed, I sorted them into one of the 3 gender options and tallied it as a point. So, for example, if someone said Avicebron, Medea and QSH, then that would be one point for male, one for female, and one for non-binary. Groups, unless they are specifically one gender, were not counted, however I did keep them in mind (see: later on).
If someone specified popularity, I tallied that as well. For the 'nice' fans, there were only nice comments about 'low rarity/less popular' characters, with the opposite being true for rude fans and popular ones. Hence their bars.
I also included the 'none' section, as there was a non-zero amount of people answering with none, for both.
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Male characters' fans are perceived to be kinder 1.8 times more than fans of female characters
On the other hand, female characters' fans are perceived to be meaner 1.7 times more than male characters
Specifically, some stated that they do not trust 'male fans' of some characters
Some gender non-confirming and/or non-binary servants (like Astolfo, Mordred) also have a similar rule, aka "do not trust male fans"
Younger characters like Taisui and Voyager often have 'nice' fans, while younger female characters have 'rude' fans
In the future, it would be interesting to take data on gender to see the main demographics answering these
As I am trying to remain as unbiased with this data presentation as possible, I will just leave the data here. Again, if I redid this poll I'd ask for gender metrics, and maybe try and spread it to reddit spaces for less polling bias.
The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
When looking at specific characters, I sorted through the responses and counted how often certain characters appeared while accounting for repetition. Simple as that.
Top 10 Characters Associated with 'Nice' Fans:
Arjuna (16)
Dantes (10)
Gilgamesh (10)
Voyager (9)
Diarmuid (6)
Cu Chulainn (5)
Enkidu (5)
Ashiya Douman (5)
Oberon (5)
Mandricardo (5)
Couple extra things to note:
groups mentioned often: GUDAGUDA, KOTRT, Hindu Servants
Kintoki mentioned rather often, too
People highlighted that they like seeing people talking about characters that are less known/less popular.
Avicebron did appear on the top 10, however I have excluded him from the list as it is likely due to polling bias. Thanks, though.
Besides Enkidu and Ashiya Douman, the top 10 list is dominated by male characters.
Top 10 Characters Associated with 'Rude' Fans:
Morgan (20)
Artoria (15)
Cu Chulainn (13)
Melusine (12)
Rin (12)
Astolfo (11)
Jalter (11)
Gilgamesh (11)
Arjuna (10)
Castoria (9)
Couple extra things to note:
As mentioned before, some replies were 'Saberface fans', 'Prillya fans' or 'male fans of x'
People highlighted disliking fans of 'popular characters', some specifically stating their dislike stemming from fans pushing a 'need to roll' mentality upon the fandom.
Male Ritsuka appears more frequently as 'rude' versus female Ritsuka.
'Rude' fans are often associated with being fans of non-FGO properties (namely: Prillya and F/SN).
People who show up on both top 10s: Arjuna, Cu, Gilgamesh.
There are also some less popular characters who were highlighted more often as being 'rude'. However, considering the fact that these characters likely do not have that many fans, I have not included them in the data. That being said, if you wish to DM me about them I'll share. I just do not want to drag anyone, you know.
What's Next?
Maybe in a year, I'd like to re-do this poll. Namely to see if the overall satisfaction changes. But, there's there's a few things I'd like to add to the questions next time:
Gender and Maybe Sexuality Preferences
As mentioned above, I think actually taking data on the gender of the participants would be helpful. Further, sexuality would help understand the data. I do not think it's a big leap to suggest that this poll is low on responses from male fans, specifically straight men. But I would like to have the actual data, and not just a hypothesis.
"Which character's haters do you find rude?" question
As my friend pointed out, as well as some of the responses - some of the haters of a character are ruder than their actual fans. I think this would be interesting, too.
Branching the poll out so it catches more attention from the other side of the TM fandom.
While I would like to keep this predominantly to the tumblr and twitter side of the fandom, it's clear that the results tend to veer on the side that is more FGO-focused. I'd like to get some more data from those who don't play FGO or focus their time on non-FGO property.
Post it to other places.
This was a fun trial run! Maybe I could run a separate poll next year, so there's two: one shared only to tumblr, and one to twitter/reddit. I am, at the end of the day, someone who loves data and would love to compare and contrast fandom perception.
Have an option to share characters who's mind you've been changed on.
Sometimes, it really just takes one person to change your mind on a character. I'd like to highlight that.
I believe? That's everything? I tried my best to be as unbiased as possible in presenting the facts. In a reblog of this post, I'll share my further (biased) thoughts at a later time.
I'm curious to see what you guys think! Did this make sense for you? Are you maybe surprised? Ultimately, thank you for responding to my silly lil poll, and I hope that these numbers don't make anyone upset.
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writerblue275 · 10 months
(Best)FWB!Ezreal Headcanons (18+)
Inspiration: This was one of the of ideas that got me to start this account lol. I’m also in the process of writing a fic based on this idea and it would be so much easier to just reference this post in the header rather than explain everything in the prose.
Champion: Ezreal (like Pilty!Ezreal/Explorer!Ezreal)
Genre: Headcanon
Category: TINIEST amount of angst but primarily FLUFF and SMUT - I mean what were you expecting. We're talking about best friends with benefits here. Typically the benefits are of an adult nature. 18+ ONLY. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
Length: This is a looooong one, friends. In my defense, I'm using this headcanon as world-building/background information for at least 1 future fic (It's quickly turning into multiple parts lmao).
Gender: Fem!Reader/reader who is fem presenting? Ahhhh even my non-binary ass doesn't know how to describe this...mention of dresses and stuff.
TW: Adult themes. Friends with benefits, reference to adult activities and kinks. For example: semi-public petting or Dom/sub dynamics. Slight mention of what (probably) happened to his parents and the emotional fallout of that. Mention of alcohol (always drink responsibly y’all). Swearing (as per usual).
Important context: I know game Ez’s age is a bit debated, though generally agreed on somewhere in early to early-mid-20s. For adult Ez in this, let’s say he’s like 23-24? Also Indiana Jones exists in this universe because DAMNIT I WANT TO CALL HIM INDIANA JONES AS A NICKNAME.
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Your father is a history professor at the academy who knows/works with Ezreal’s uncle, Professor Lymere, and who often collaborated with Ez’s parents before they disappeared. Archeology and history go hand-in-hand, after all.
These collaborations led to you and Ezreal being together often as kids since you were around the same age, and a close friendship developed.
To the point of casual physical affection (hugs, hand holding, occasional cuddles) and silly nicknames for each other. He calls you princess, you call him…idiot mostly. (Jk…kinda.) You’ve called him Indiana Jones for forever since he was just as fascinated about archeology/artifacts as his parents.
You have called him an idiot many times though, especially when he’s been extremely rash and reckless.
At various points in your friendship, people have seen the two of you and assumed you had to be dating. It’s hysterical to both of you.
“Me dating Ezreal?! Nah, he’s just my best friend.”
“(Y/N)?? Absolutely not. We’re just best friends.”
You’re one of the few people who can humble Ezreal, a specialty of yours since early on in your friendship.
You: *In your father’s office studying while he teaches a lecture to one of his classes in a nearby lecture hall*
Ez: *Runs into the office, breathlessly laughing as he leans against the now closed door, holding a toupee*
You: *Eyebrows raise* Whatcha got there, Ez?
Ez: *grins* One of the campus warden’s toupees!
You: *Stares at him for a second and sighs* You’re a moron….*goes back to studying*
After his parents’ disappearance, you were understandably worried for Ezreal. You watched as your best friend struggled through the stages of grief, and even worse, stalled before he could get to the acceptance stage of what most likely happened.
You were always there to listen when he needed an ear. Even more importantly you tried to serve as a voice of reason once Ez started planning his own expedition to find the final resting place of Ne’Zuk.
You never said anything to completely dissuade him, because you wanted him to follow his heart and his dreams, but you couldn’t help but worry. With what likely happened to his parents, you were utterly terrified he wouldn’t come back, especially considering his stubbornness, his recklessness, and his age. Losing your best friend was a thought you just couldn’t stomach.
Only you knew about his plan to sneak onto a supply ship bound for Nashramae. You sent him off in the middle of the night with a giant hug and a “Be safe, Indiana Jones. You better come back alive…Write when you can…”
After a second he pulled back from the hug, gave you a signature Ez smirk, and said, “You know me well enough to know I’ll be fine, princess…”
Once he did set off, you had to convincingly act as though you didn’t know where he went. It was difficult, especially seeing how distraught his uncle was once he read Ez’s note, but your loyalty was to your friend.
It was torment waiting for any sort of news. Ez wasn’t exactly going to the most populated areas.
Thankfully, he did eventually return, excited to show off his new gauntlet, using it often to flash behind you and scare you.
“Ez, I swear if you keep scaring me, I cannot be held responsible for any damage to your stupid handsome face.”
*Smirk* “Handsome eh?”
“…Shut up…f-forget I said anything…the last thing you need is an inflated ego.”
But he didn’t forget.
Over the years as he gained notoriety and fame from his adventures, you were one of the few people who didn’t treat him any differently from how you had in the past.
As much as his ego craved the validation and fame, hoping they’d be enough to draw his parents back (god damn this man needs HELLA therapy), having someone who just treated him as Ezreal, not as the prodigal explorer, was really nice…
Once he was a little older, when he started getting invites to parties and banquets to talk about his adventures, you became his go-to date.
As he told you, “It’s just easier than dealing with the rabid fans. Also you’re good-looking, and I need someone with me that helps make me look good.”
That earned him a sarcastic eye roll and “Thanks, I guess?” from you.
With the fame and scale of his adventures, Ez collected a decent amount of wealth on top of what his family already had. As thanks for being his go-to plus-one, he’d always take care of the cost of your clothes and accessories for these events, sometimes even buying outfits for you himself; things that he thought would look good on you. He has shockingly good taste and understands your sense of style very well. (SUGAR DADDY FRIEND EZ, ANYONE?)
It was about a year and a half ago that things in your friendship changed. He’d been gone almost 3-months chasing a particularly legendary relic rumored to be surrounded by an incredible number of traps that were said to be impassable.
“Impassable” is Ez’s specialty, as you know.
Of course, his exuberant return made him a popular invite to all the parties. Everyone wanted to hear the tales of Piltover’s prodigal explorer.
You were just fucking relieved to have your best friend home, alive, and in one piece.
It was after one of these fancy parties when things popped off. There’d been an open bar during the dancing portion of the evening. Both of you were tipsy. Both of you were giggly. Ez gave you a piggy back ride home since you decided to kick off your incredibly uncomfortable heels the second you stepped outside. (What a gentleman.)
Once you arrived at your apartment, you invited him to stay the night as he always did since it was so late. Of course he agreed, grabbing the extra set of comfy clothes he stashed there for such situations and going to change while you prepared the couch for your usual post-event chats, setting up, pillows, blankets, snacks, and water.
As he came out of the hallway to the living room where you were, you could feel his gaze glued to you as you bent down to prep some things*
You: *blushing a little and not looking up at him* “Yes?”
Ez: *smirks* I thought that dress would look incredible on you, and I was right….you look even sexier than usual…
You looked up at him with wide eyes, your cheeks DEFINITELY pinker as your mind took a second to register what he said* “You thought about how I’d look in this? W-wait…you think I’m sexy?”
He just grinned and shrugged his shoulders. “Of course I did and of course I do. I’ve told you before that you’re good looking. Do you remember when you accidentally blurted out that I was handsome? Do you still think I am?”
You weren’t sure if it was the alcohol or your curiosity about the direction of this conversation that had you saying, “Yes I do. I’ve thought that for a long time. But, I don’t understand why that matters? You’re my best friend, Ezreal, and to be honest, dating you sounds like a nightmare. I already worry enough about you when you’re on your expeditions. Adding deeper feelings into that sounds like a one-way express ticket to driving myself insane.”
Ez chuckled, “Who said anything about dating or deeper feelings? Feelings are the last thing I need in my life (again THERAPY, MY GUY). But, the way I see it, I’m physically attracted to you, you’re physically attracted to me, neither of us want feelings involved beyond what our friendship is now….that sounds like an arrangement that is mutually beneficial…”
You straightened up and folded your arms together as you contemplate his words. “So like a…friends with benefits sort of thing?”
Ez grinned. “More like best friends with benefits, but yes. I have needs. I’m assuming based on the fact that you’re currently not seeing anyone either that you also have needs. We’ve helped each other out with problems many times….why not help each other with this one?”
Ok, but why was he making so much sense??
He was also right. You’d been going through a hell of a dry spell as of late. And hey, when it comes to people, you trust Ezreal more than anyone else. You’d also be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t find him extremely attractive. All of these reasons pinged around your mind until finally…
“Yes…ok…yes….tonight can serve as a test of sorts…but I’m not finalizing anything until tomorrow morning when both of us are stone cold sober. I have conditions, but they don’t apply at the moment. Got it?”
His response was an frantic nod and an eager “Got it,” as he stepped closer and reached for your waist to pull you to him.
Your response was to turn around and move your hair to the side. “Ah ah ah. First help me with my zipper…then show me what you can do, pretty boy…”
And BOY DID HE. Quite honestly he blew your mind (and your back out 😉). But we’ll get to that later on.
The important conversation happened the next morning after you two woke up tangled with each other.
Ez sat up and stretched, and you couldn’t help it as you sleepily reached over and gently ran your fingers along his abs.
He gave you a sleepy smirk and eyebrow raise before murmuring, “Already want another round, princess?”
This resulted in you pinching him before you also pulled yourself up, not even caring that he was baldly admiring you as you stretched. “I tentatively agree to this arrangement, Ez, but I want to talk about limits/conditions. Let’s talk as we get breakfast ready…”
Your conditions: 1. While this arrangement is in place, he’s not sleeping with anyone else and that includes on expeditions. You don’t want the chance for any sort of disease. 2. If either of you falls for another person, the arrangement needs to end (obviously you two would talk about it so the other knows what’s going on). 3. This can’t fuck up your friendship. Even if things physically end, your friendship needs to remain intact. You don’t want to lose your best friend. 4. No falling in love with each other.
Ez easily agreed to your terms and laid out his own: 1. He’ll see you when he gets home from expeditions and while he’s in Piltover. 2. If he’s not sleeping with anyone else, he hopes you won’t either. 3. He wants you to take care of yourself mentally (a bit ironic), physically, and emotionally, especially while he’s gone. (He won’t admit it, but when he’s on his explorations, he thinks/worries about you often and wonders if you’re doing alright.) 4. He wants to continue to buy you gifts and clothes, and he also wants to start including lingerie in said gifts if you tell him your sizes and style preferences.
The last one surprised you. “Lingerie? Why? That seems pretty intimate for fuck buddies. I certainly don’t expect such gifts from you.”
He was unfazed, instead just grinning and chuckling at the surprise on your face. “Believe it or not, it’s almost more for me than you. Undressing you will be like unwrapping my own present.”
Strangely enough you couldn’t find any fault with that logic.
You agreed to all his terms, and the two of you did a little hand shake to finalize things. A strangely small gesture to seal a massive change in your friendship.
(*Clears throat*) And now for the important part…
Definitely NSFW - AKA How is Ez as a FWB?
With an ego like his, you might think Ez is a selfish lover.
And you know what, maybe to start he is, but you shut that shit down IMMEDIATELY. Remember, you’re one of the only ones who can humble this man.
Once you make it clear that this arrangement will not be one-sided in pleasure if he wants it to continue, he makes sure to act RIGHT.
Like he really makes sure to blow your back out every single time (hell yeah go you).
A large part of his initial “selfishness” is hesitance. You two have known each other forever, but certainly not in this way. You telling him off? Honestly it reminds him that this is still you, his best friend, who he knows better than just about anyone. He is just learning about another side of you.
That is a confidence boost to him and banishes any insecurities he has.
(Unlike Heartsteel Ez who I see very primarily as a sub) Ez is a true switch maybe even leaning a little dom.
Whatever you need him to be, he can be.
Ezreal can be VERY PLAYFUL. Your normal friendship is filled with laughter and teasing, and your friendship in the bedroom is no different.
That doesn’t mean he can’t be serious though, he absolutely can be.
He’s the extremely teasing type, expertly working you up with just a couple touches in public or private and then making you wait.
For example, at those fancy dinners you go to with him? If anyone bothers to look under the tablecloth they'll see his hand on you, thumb tracing shapes into the fabric of your dress high up on your thigh, while he casually recounts the harrowing details of his adventures.
There you are, just sitting there trying to keep a straight face and not blush. He does it often enough you think you’d be used to it by now but NOPE.
You’re really glad no one expects you to tell any stories at those things because every time his hand creeps onto your thigh, your brain short circuits a little bit. Trying to tell a story or hold more than a passing conversation would be incredibly difficult.
And he KNOWS IT TOO. Once he’s not speaking, he always looks over at you and gives you a little smirk.
And if you do the same to him when he’s not telling stories? He will not stop leaning over and softly complaining in your ear.
You take great pleasure in whispering in his ear, “Can’t handle what you dish out? This is what you get, you teasing fuck.” (Or something similar lol.) Then you pass everything off as normal with a very quick, friendly, and casual kiss on the cheek which makes HIS brain short circuit a little bit.
Very touchy and LOUD in bed, especially when you’re on top. To the point you have had to cover his mouth with your hand and threaten to STOP riding him if he doesn’t get himself together and be quieter. He knows damn well how thin apartment walls in Piltover are.
Eventually you just gag him with something, because let’s be honest, it’s an empty threat. You definitely DON’T want to stop and he’s well aware of that.
When he’s on top though, Ez intentionally will do things that cause your sounds to get louder, making no attempts to quiet you. Instead he just smirks down at you and whispers in your ear, “Is that all you’ve got, princess? I know you can get louder than that…don’t hold back for me…”
Don’t be afraid to mark him. Feeling your nails dig into his shoulders/back or feeling you mark his collarbone with hickeys drives him absolutely wild.
Very very VERY good at dirty talk. His wit and sass translate extremely well to more intimate contexts. And when you dirty talk right back at him? He loves it when you’re just as playful as he is. His favorite is when you murmur something filthy in his ear and follow it up with a playful little nip somewhere.
Loves tying you up and loves being tied up, as well as using blindfolds.
Not the most attentive with aftercare, but hey, your arrangement isn’t romantic so you don’t mind. He at least stays the night/for breakfast and cuddles you which is honestly more than you thought he’d do.
It might be a bit inconsistent concerning WHEN you see Ezreal since who knows when he’ll come back from his expeditions, but whenever he is in Piltover, the two of you certainly have a good time. Besides, it’s good to know your best friend is home safe…at least until he sets off on another adventure.
Thank you for reading!! Omg I had so much fun with this one. And I’m already enjoying writing the associated fic. It was literally just supposed to be a one-shot and now there’s absolutely going to be multiple parts, so keep an eye out for that!
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With the Harry Potter debate I do want to point out that a lot of the Harry Potter fans out there have gone so crazy over it that they were the ones that ruined the fandom. Most fans can distance themselves from hateful author view but in this case that didn’t happen. I have seen trans people called transphobic over liking Harry Potter. I meet people who hate her views who avoid admitting they like the books because of how crazy people go over mentioning it. For many people that book was a big part of their childhood and now you get shamed for liking it.
Banning it from being in things like this fuels that toxic environment and honestly I think the people who go out of their way to attack and get rid of Harry Potter stuff do just as much to create harmful toxic environments.
(Note: this is coming from a bigender person who has had this discussion with other trans and non binary people who have agreed)
+ Hey this is the anon who just sent the hp thing I just realized it probably sounded harsh sorry. You don’t need to publicly answer it I just wanted to get some stuff out there because I’ve had a lot of issues with this in the past. Sorry for the angry sounding ask
i'll put my thoughts under the cut cuz it's long. my half asleep rambling
This doesn't have much to do with my blog, but I agree that harassing people over liking things created by bigoted authors isn't the way to go about it. There were big scandals when hogwarts legacy released over streamers crying on camera and whatnot because they were called transphobic. While I think it's stupidly easy to not send Rowling money for anything, me harassing others over it doesn't help my community.
People, especially on the internet, also like to focus on the smaller, more easily manageable issues. Instead of fighting conversion therapy, rights in politics, legalization, extend the life expectancy etc, we like to focus on smaller tasks like getting one person to stop buying the books. Because it's one of the only things we're able to do in our situation. So I think that there are way bigger issues that should be tackled, but I understand how intimidating those issues are.
Even though it's not a huge deal that one person pays money for a book, it's also important to remember that a small amount makes a large difference even in things like this, because Rowling invests part of her money into transphobic means. But from my understanding, a lot of Harry Potter fans stay in their own fandom circles and don't buy official products.
Harry Potter will stay banned on this blog because it makes people here more comfortable, but also to not bring attention to her works, and it probably also serves as a reminder that you should question the media you consume. There are ways to go about it, like my first and only hp poll, I don't feel like my blog is a toxic environment for hp fans because it hasn't even been brought up on here for a long time. And I also don't think that people should feel oppressed for liking the series.
I think that's all, but yeah I don't have anything against lgbt+ and ally harry potter fans and wish them no harm, but it will stay banned on this blog.
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gacha-incels · 5 months
genuinely dont get why western pjmooners dont get treated w the same level of disdain as like. western hp fans or like on a more similar Bad Company level western niji fans. like idk man if a company cant treat their workers right who gaf abt what they have to say abt capitalism and marginalization? theyre clearly not doing the work?
yeah this is frustrating for me as well. I genuinely see many westerners here, on twitter and other social medias talking up the company and its games for being progressive or anticapitalist (this kills me for limbus company especially, like at least have a little shame about this one) and just not mentioning their role in the surging amount of misogynistic witch hunts still happening in South Korea, their incel pandering, their suing of labor unions, their treatment of the artist monggeu. I guess for many of the western fans and audience it’s not happening directly to them, where they live or to people who they consider like them so they don’t care. there aren’t thousands of posts being blasted out per day reiterating this issue again and again like people do with harry potter. there shouldn’t have to be for you to take this issue seriously just because maybe less people in the west know about it. Seriously I feel embarrassed for the people that need it explained to them in this way like “ok, you see these issues you clearly don’t give a shit about (project moon- misogyny and labor rights, happening in the east). what if you imagined them as something you do care about (harry potter and transphobia, happening in the west)?” furthermore, for the fans who consider themselves progressive, it seems not to really “hit” them how serious this issue is and how equally serious project moon’s actions were. these aren’t flippant little mistakes the company made. look at the reaction it caused from project moon’s long-standing female fans and how much they try to explain the gravity of these actions to westerners. you would think learning about these things, which many of us have written about in English and Korean, would have anyone who sees themselves as allies for women’s rights and unions sounding the alarm about this company. but mostly you will see them talk the issue down (“vellmori left on her own” is the latest baffling explanation), saying it’s just how things work in South Korea so poor little company project moon just had to fire her and they can’t actually be misogynists 🥺, you know this type of thing we’ve seen etc. but I guess because Limbus Company gives the façade of some anticapitalist story and there’s a non-binary gacha protagonist and you like the character design then everything’s fine? It’s worth supporting an antifeminist company? if you were boycotting hogwarts legacy and someone told you it’s fine because you can make a non-binary player character would you think ok nevermind this is fine now? like how do you explain it to these people? Do you really need it explained like everything is fucking Harry Potter? i know I’ve probably written this same thing before regarding fan reaction so I’m sorry if this seems derailed maybe, but it hasn’t stopped being a frustrating situation to continually watch happen and I agree with you.
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ghulehcirice · 11 months
Papa Emeritus Headcanons
- I love the idea of Primo having had a secret prime mover whom he had a child with. Not wanting either of them to be used by the ministry like him and his own mother, he had to say goodbye to the love of his life. He wrote a song for her, he listens to it when he needs that comfort.
- No one really knows why this old man loves gardening so much. If you as him he’ll tell you it must have passed down to him from his mother. But that doesn’t explain the area of his garden that no one is allowed in..
- He doesn’t let many people help with the garden, just one or two ghouls to water the plants, and a few siblings of sun to help transporting the fresh herbs, fruits, and vegetables to the Ministries Kitchen.
- Primo is one of those stubborn old men, he likes having his freedom. Hardly uses the walker which Sister Imperator insists he uses.
- Primo has a bit of a soft spot for the children of the Ministry just like brothers, he designated a little spot in his garden for any children who may need some quiet time.
- Primo has been know to have another soft spot for some of the trans and non binary siblings of sin. He has a calming tea for dysphoria that he doesn’t distribute via the kitchen, rather he keeps in safe in the greenhouse stored in its walls. He only allows those who need it, the location.
- No matter how scary this man looks, kids fucking love him. No one’s really sure why but if the Papas are attending an event where there are children, most of them will rush for Papa Emeritus II. Not that he seems to mind that much.
- Secondo has a poodle, fight me.
- I’m sorry but if no one else will say it, I will. This motherfucker drips in that “scary trans man” juice.
- He was the entire reason Primo began keeping the tea blend.
- Secondo has had to surgery but still wears his binder. If you don’t remind him to take it off, he will wear it until his nipples fall off.
- Despite all of that work Secondo has Moobs. The amount of times he has had people accidentally run into them is astounding.
- If you’re dating, He treats you like absolute ROYALTY. We all know what a party animal this guy is, but if you asked him to stop he would. This man is WHIPPED (honestly they all are)
- Need I say this again? FRUITY.
- I don’t think anyone will fight me on this one, but there ain’t no way there wasn’t A FEW hookups between him and Omega. Maybe the others if he was feeling extra.
- Many people think Terzo was the first to actually treat the ghouls well but I don’t think that’s true. I like to think they’ve always been treated well but they weren’t really acknowledged by the public until Terzo.
- We all know Terzos rebellious but ive never heard anyone talk about this man probably got so many tattoos !! Secondo has some too, but he likes keeping them a surprise ;)
- Probably has a lot of stupid, small ones. Dates from his many nights drunk and playing truth or dare.
- Can’t tell me this man didn’t try and convince Copia into getting a tattoo when they were younger, eventually he relented and Copia picked. Terzo now has a little rat face on his rib cage.
- Despite how flirty Terzo shows himself to be, he can really be a good shoulder to cry on. Not to mention how good his hugs are.
- Oh rat man. When he first started being groomed for papacy, he was petrified. Sure he had been Employee of the Month many times, and Papa Nihils right hand many moons ago he was scared.
- He knew how beloved the papas before him were, and he couldn’t help but think little old Cardi C would never live up to them.
- No matter how much ~~His Mother~~ Sister Imperator said he deserved this just like they did.
- And thus Copia had to find his place in the ministry once again.
- It was almost refreshing for him at the same time, once he became papa he could shed from what everyone had known him as ever since he stopped wearing a sisters habit and begun wearing a Cardinals Cassock. He would be that shy little kid anymore. He was Papa Emeritus IV.
- The past papas took to him rather quickly, Terzo almost not recognizing Copia from their younger days.
- Primo gave him access to the tea hidden away in the green house, helping to make him a glass as the poor man scrambled to try and help the old man
- Secondo seemed as stoic as he was, but he seen himself in Copia. He gave him a few nudges and shoves without really letting anyone realize it.
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