#and not trying to knock other trans guys but being fem and a trans guy is not for me and is not my kink
romanarose · 2 months
About a Girl: Epilogue
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Beautiful header by my beloved @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
Joel Miller x Trans!Fem!Reader (Nickname, Blue)
Series Masterlist : The Last of Us Masterlist : Full Masterlist
Summary: Blue sets up her future in Joel's life, step by step by step
Warnings for whole fic, not chapter by chapter: 18+ ONLY!! I cannot warn against everything, but these are major themes. Joel is a lil ignorant but not out of hate. He just doesn't know. He's trying his best. There will be smut. Penetrative sex, all of the anal play, oral. There will be transphobia from other people. Addiction and alcoholism. QUICK child neglect not by Joel but I promise, Sarah is fine and is having a great time in life. Fetishization of women attracted to women by a shitty guy. Will update as needed. Again, this is adult content. Expect adult content.
Immersivity: Reader is transgender, AMAB female, reader has had gotten bottom surgery, not top, and is on hormones. reader has visible hair and a blue streak in hair, but not described. Could be braids, could be natural hair, whatever. Header is for aesthetics only. Reader is about Joel and Tommy's height. Let me know if i miss anything!
TAGS HAVE BEEN SHITTY make sure you're caught up!!
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9 years later.
Life was good. Really fucking good.
You had two teenagers which was… fucking insane, honestly. Sarah and Ellie were close as two almost-twins could get, and often fought like it too. Nothing nasty or mean spirited, just so clearly sister stuff like Ellie using Sarah’s deodorant or Sarah taking Ellie’s coat. They’d fight and yell and Joel would tell them to knock it off before they stormed off. An hour later Ellie would say hey, the bachelor is on, wanna watch? Or Sarah would throw hot cheettos at Ellie and they’d be back to normal.
Tommy had been mostly sober for 5 years, his longest stretch yet. It was looking up, even after a few close calls. There had been a night or two Tommy had called Joel, close to relapse, but being the good brother he was Joel was always there. After a few years at his own apartment, Tommy had suffered a pretty bad near-relapse on hard drugs. He broke his 3 years sobriety on alcohol and called Joel one night crying while he was watching The Late Late Show, Sarah and Ellie up past their bedtimes one summer. 
“Tommy? What’s going on, man?” Joel stands up from the couch, already moving to get his shows as Ellie mutes Craig Furegson. Everyone is quiet as Joel listens. “I’ll be right there, man, don’t worry. Nah, it ain’t a problem at all, Tommy, Blue’s here with the girls.”
Joel stayed with a drunk Tommy all night, holding him, putting on shows, ordering pizza, playing card games, anything it took to keep Tommy from calling up his old dealer.
In the morning, Joel brought him home to sleep. It was the summer, so you were off and could watch Tommy while Joel went to work, Tommy using a sick day at the farm and Joel and Tess hustling extra hard to make up for it. It didn’t matter, because it was Tommy, and they’d do anything for him.
When he put Tommy asleep on the couch, Ellie and Sarah asked to talk to you and Blue, pulling you into Ellie’s room.
Ellie steepled her hands, looking like an evil villain in a made-for-tv-movie. “We have a proposition for you.”
“You’re not getting your nose pierced-”
“Joel.” You chastise.
“Sorry El, what is it.”
Ellie looks to Sarah, urging her on.
“We think uncle Tommy should move in with us again. We love him, and it worries us that he’s had to call you so much recently.”
You can see Joel close his eyes, the wrinkles around his face compounding. He was getting older, as were you, and you loved every single wrinkles and gray and pop of his knees. You speak before he does, knowing your husband is tired.
“I’m sorry, girls. We never wanted Tommy’s issues to effect you.”
Sarah: “We knew there were problems, even when we were young. It’s hard not to notice, you couldn’t have hid that unless he was never around, and we wouldn’t have wanted that.”
“Besides, mom.” Ellie adds. “We’re teenagers now. 13 and 14 are practically adults!”
Joel shakes his head. “Ain’t right to be worry’n about that at your age.”
“Well, you don’t need to worry about every single thing all the time, and yet you do anyway, so it’s even!”
You crack a smile, Ellie, despite no blood relation at all, had taken after you, while Sarah reminded you a lot like her godmother, Talia, mixed with some of her dad. Ellie was agreat kid, even as she entered her teens, she remained steadfast. There was a… slight issue with her getting in fights in school, but when they talked to the principal, there was always a reason you thought made sense, even if the school was displeased. Once, some girl called Sarah a slur. Another time, a boy was bullying a disabled kid. They found out Ellie was gay after the incident where she punched a kid for pushing a boys head in a toilet for being gay.
By this point, coming out wasn’t a nerve wracking thing in your family for Ellie. You and Joel had made it very clear that they had nothing to worry about, and that much was obvious by the people in the girls' lives; Bill and Frank still employed Tommy Tess and Joel and had an active part in the girls' lives even though they could stay home during harvest now. Talia and Tess were their beloved aunts. Sarah was very close to Talia, bonding over hours of doing hair. Ellie and Tess clicked right now, both tomboys, but both girls loved both aunts. 
And of course there was Tommy. When Tommy came out, it began a long struggle of keeping him out of the closet. He switched from gay, bisexual, then insisting he was straight over and over again whenever he went through some identity crisis, or when he reconnected with military friends, or he heard of some hate crime. No girlfriend, no boyfriend, just a cycle of hook ups to keep him distracted.
The girls loved their uncle, Sarah in particular was attached at the hip to him, and it hurt her when he was hurting. You and Joel had tried to protect her, but she was an intuitive girl.
And then, there was you. You had wanted to wait until the girls were a little older to explain things to them, but they went to school in the same district you had taught in. a friend of Sarah’s suddenly wasn’t allowed to play at your home anymore, and soon a rumor went around school that you were born a man. Sarah came home crying one day when she was 12, and you didn’t want to lie to her. You and Joel sat Ellie and her down and explained it to them as best you could for their age. There weren't any handbooks for this sort of thing. 
There was a moment, a brief moment of worry in your head. The echo of Kayla’s voice telling you Sarah wouldn’t love you when she found out. But Kayla didn’t know Sarah. She’d probably seen Sarah three time since the day you confronted her for hurting Joel, and then disappeared. The only time you heard from her after that was when she sent back the papers, signed, relinquishing her parental rights so you could adopt Sarah. She enclosed a $50 check, and although Joel had told her that she could still see Sarah as long as Sarah agreed, you haven't heard from her since. 
At ages 11 for Ellie and 10 for Sarah, you held your daughters in the courthouse as they were legally adopted.
Now, you stood in the upstairs of the home you shared with your daughters and your husband as they showed you just the kind of young ladies they’d grown into.
Joel shook his head. “Thank you, girls, but we ain’t got room here. He’ll stay on the couch for a few days, but I don’t think he’d wanna stay there for more than that.”
After a bad night, Tommy stayed for a little bit. Joel said couch, but sometimes you took the couch so Tommy could sleep in the bed with Joel if he really was in a bad way. You loved Tommy like a brother, you and him getting close in the nearly year you both lived with Tess and Talia. 
Sarah and Ellie looked at each other, and Sarah spoke. “We decided we’d combine our rooms. Ellie will come sleep with me, and Uncle Tommy could have his old room back.”
You immediately felt your eyes watering, realizing how good your children had become, how much like their father they’d grown into. This is Joel’s call. “Girls, no, I don’t want y’all making these sacrifices-”
“Uncle Tommy raised me. And, no offense, but he’s my favorite person.” She said with a smile. “We want to.” And Ellie agreed.
Joel was still declining, but wavering. “I- thats very nice but if he were to move it, we’d have to commit to a year, maybe two, I don’t know…”
Ellie spoke now. “We think it would be best if he stayed for a while. We’re prepared to commit to this through high school. We wanna do this dad.” Her sincerity struck you, a young woman grown up right before your eyes. 
You turn to Joel.  “Baby… I think it might be a good idea…” When you turn to look at your husband, he has a tear rolling down his face and his chest breathing heavily. 
“Babygirls.” Joel’s voice warbled. “I love you, so much.”
When Tommy was sober and the worst of his hangove was done, you spoke to him.
2 months later he was moved into Ellie’s old room where he’s been the last year.
It’d been a year since that morning, and things were better than ever.
Tommy was sober, the girls were happy, you and Joel were happy, and everyone had driven out to Austin to celebrate Ellie’s first pride.
“Whatya think, kiddo?” Frank asked, clapping her back softly with his hand.
Ellie smiled widely, taking in everything around her.  “Pretty fucking cool!”
“Language.” Her dad chastised, earning a nudge from you. He continued. “Don’t be wonder’n off girls, it ain’t safe-”
You decide to tease him, being the only none LGBT person here, other than Sarah, although at 13 there was no reason she needed to commit either way. 
“Oh, so because almost everyone here is gay, it’s inherently more dangerous? Okay Joel.”
But Joel was not to be fooled when you’ve been playing this game for ten years. “Nice try baby…” He paused for a moment before adding, “You know it’s because the city makes me nervous, right? Not because-”
“I know, Joely” You pinch his butt, making Tess behind you gag, as if she hadn’t gotten a grab of a few Miller buttcheeks back before getting married. Well, legally recognized in the State of Massachutis, and not in the other 49.
“What about him?” Ellie asks loudly, pointing to a guy and nudging her uncle. “He looks like he could teach you better spanish.”
Tommy flicked her. “Don’t fuck’n point, shit head.” He ignored Joel’s tired reminder for language. Tommy is where she picked up the habit. “And just because he’s got brown skin doesn’t mean he speaks spanish.”
Ellie looked to Sarah. Sarah’s eyes said no. Ellie’s impulse control said yes. “Hey! You!” Ellie shouts to the man while everyone around her tries to stop her. Poor guy was just trying to get a hot dog.
“Hey?” He looked confused but not unkind as she walked fearlessly too him. He was a little taller than her dad, not by much, dark curls sticking to his head with sweat. It wasn’t even noon yet, but June in Austen could kill. 
Joel is calling Ellie’s name, pulling on her arm but she turns to him, looking up. “Let me do this or I will start screaming stranger danger.” Joel let go, but facepalmed, staying right next to her none the less. “You speak spanish?” She asked the man, thumbing towards Tommy. “My unce here is looking to brush up.” Double Miller facepalm.
“Uhhhhh, no, but I can get by in Hindi.” He looked to Tommy with a grin. “I can impress some desi MILFs, if that’s your goal.”
Tommy swooped in slinging Ellie over his shoulder as she shouted ‘hey!’ and began backing away. “Don’t listen to her, she’s- I swear we’re not racist- I told her not to assume- listen, she knows like, no white people- I’m Mexican!” He nervous rambled, Ellie over his shoulder telling him he’s floundering.
The man just laughed. “Hey, it’s alright, man. Don’t worry about it.”
Tommy mouthed ‘I’m sorry’ and turned around. Now facing the stranger, Ellie frantically motioned toward Tommy to him, pointing and drawing hearts in the air.
After running into him and embarrassing Tommy a few more times, Ellie and Sarah got his business card. Jake and Tommy have talked every day since.
That night, the girls sound asleep in their room, Tommy on the phone with Jake, you keep your hand wrapped tight around your husband's cock. You were tired, not wanting to get up to any antics but you definitely wanted to make your husband cum. He deserved an orgasm for dealing with crowds of strange people in a big city, constantly alert for his daughters, Tommy, Tess, Talia, you, and even Frank. Him and Bill were the same in that aspect, always keeping an eye on theirs, protecting the good people in this world. You suspected Bill was getting the same treatment on the farm right now. Well, almost. Bill didn’t strike you as the type to put up with edging.
“There you go baby, there you go… so close, so close… ah! Not yet!” You squeeze at the base of Joel’s cock, staving off his orgasm a third time. Oh, you were a tease.
“Blue, come ooooon!” He whines, fingers gripping the sheets so hard one corner was already pulled off the bed. “This ain’t fair.”
You begin to stroke him again, his hard and thick cock not allowing for you fingers to close around it, thick and juicy and oh-so mouth watering. 
“Ooooh poor baby boy. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’ll stop.” You lied
“You always- ooohhh shit” Joel moans out for you, you love seeing your big tough man reduced to a whimpering puddle just from a little bit of edging. “You always say that, Blue”
Still, you laugh, your hand moving up and down on his cock as Joel begin to buck his hips into your fist. Silly boy, he thinks if he can reach his high faster, you’ll let him have it. “I know, I’m a meany meany.” You pinch his orgasm off again, giggling when he whispers a harsh-
“Aht, aht, aht!” You continue to tease, spitting on his already over stimulated cock before playing with him more. “Language!” You reference his police of Ellie and Tommy.
Joel flops his head on the pillow. Your little pillow princess. “Oh I see. Y-your-” His words are cut off hummed whimper, his cute little feet wiggling. “You're punishing me for being annoying today?” He chuckles a little, knowing it’s all in fun.
You kiss his forehead. “Not one bit, baby. You’re my perfect man, and I want you to come. Go ahead Joel, come for me.” You pump him as the love of your life groans, covering your hand and his stomach in cum.
Once cleaned and in PJ’s, ready to sleep the fuck in on sunday, you assume your position behind him, wrapping your arms around his wide middle, getting a little wider every year, and kiss his scruffy neck. “Thank you for all you do for our family, baby.”
“Ain’t no thing.”
“But it is.” You coax him to look at you, his eyes wide and brown and beautiful. “I can’t imagine what my life would have been like if I had parents as supportive as you, loved me so unconditionally.” Things with your parents were pretty good now, they were. As well as you supposed it could get. They loved Sarah and Ellie and visited a few times a year, as you did them. Reconciling was more about giving grandparents to those girls they wouldn’t have otherwise. The day you met Joel, he said he hates his birthday, and that never changed. Years later, he’ll have a cake and accepts gifts, but it’s mostly for his girls. You found out his dad died on his birthday, leaving him without any parents. “Things would be so different. I wouldn’t have gone through addiction, I could have started hormones earlier and maybe I’d look-”
“Blue.” Joel turned over to cup your face. “There ain’t nothing wrong with the way you look. You’re my beautiful wife, and thats that.”
You smile at him. “Thank you, baby. But I mean it. I love that we can provide a different environment for Ellie to come out in.”
“I am too, mi amor.” He smiles back, and you lay your head on his chest. 
You wore his old flannel that night. It felt like home.
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Wow, its been a ride!!
I know this series was small but im so thankful for everyone who read it and supported me!!!!
I hope somewhere out there, a transwoman reads this and feels seen <3 you are valued, you are important, you are loved
I love blue and I love the little word here, the found family Joel has gained over the years!!!! Now Jake enters the picture!
If you have any questions about this world, loose ends you didnt think i tied up or you have any additional q's of any kind, comment, reblog, or send an ask! Im happy to answer!
I love you all so much!
Please consider making a small donation to The Trevor Project <3
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If Someone appears to be venting in the transandrophobia tags about facing lateral aggression due to being a trans guy then they hit you with
"why do amabs always behave like this? they always think they're better than us/it's always amabs doing this"
Then that's very likely a terf or someone who is drinking their koolaid and it is probably best to tell them to knock it off and /or block them.
Lateral aggression from trans women and trans fems isn't "amabs using their male privelige to dominate and oppress the deluded weak trans identified feeemales"
it's oppressed people lashing out at the closest safest targets who happen to be fellow trans people often as a response to similar lateral aggression from trans men but generalising all trans men and "afabs" to be exactly like the shitty dude/s who were being transmisogynistic to them.
it's people doing respectability politics
It's classic humans being humans in a crab bucket
its not some magical biological drive or trans women being a hive mind of secret mras
trans women aren't misogynist sleeper agents waiting to hurt trans men and other "afab" assumed trans people, and terfs who keep trying to push this bullshit should know that we see through you and condemn your misogyny and transphobia and stand with our trans sisters and siblings
Beware of anyone equating any crappy behaviour by anyone to their AGAB because that's bioessentialism and it's a cornerstone of terf and misogynistic rhetoric
Just because a trans woman is being a cruel fuckwit that doesn't make her a man,
no trans women aren't "biologically prone towards selfishness more so than other trans people "
Anyone saying that shit is spreading terf rhetoric and trying to prey on people who are hurting to try to isolate them and make them feel like they can't trust other trans people least of all trans women.
It's a grooming tactic ;"you can't trust anyone except fellow afabs" is grooming (similar for the"you can't trust afab trans people crowd) it's an isolation tactic that cuts you off from outside sources of information and experiences that conflict with the simplistic "us vs them" narratives that these high control groups like terfs want to indoctrinate people into
Terfs want us trans guys and assumed "afab" trans people to turn on trans women and fems and assumed "amab" trans people and buy into their fairytale of "male socialisation /behaviour versus afab solidarity uwu sex separatism and violence is feminist" & fuck that to hell
remember to keep an eye out for transmisogyny and point it out for what it is.
Solidarity forever
(The vast majority of people I do see calling it out I just saw a heinous post and needed to vent)
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callsigndragon · 2 years
The Christmas Date | Chapter 4: Santa Tell Me
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Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Fem!Kerner!Reader
(Ron Kerner is Slider, Iceman’s backseater)
Wordcount: 2.8k
Summary: Y/n “Athena” Kerner and Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw hate each other. Everybody knows. What happens when they have to fake date for a whole week to avoid Iceman and Slider’s matchmaking plans?
(there won't be smut in this series)
Warnings: OKAY SO. If there is any transphobic person reading this, i’m sorry but it’s time to LEAVE. Iceman’s grandSON is trans, Rooster/Thena being supportive godparents, Rooster’s ex-gf still being a bitch, body dismorphia, mentions of alcohol, CAR ACCIDENT (everyone's okay don't worry), driving under the influence, mentions of death, mentions of Carole's death... you know the deal.
A/N: Yeah, I know. I should be taking some time to rest. I got bad news today, my heart is getting worse again and I have to go through surgery BUT writing is my coping mechanism so expect more works soon.
Tag list:@ducks118 @milestellerwife @craftymoonchaos @littlebadariell @xoxabs88xox @alexxavicry @tayrae515 @shrimping-for-all @mak-32 @my-soulmate-is-mycroft @harper1666 @purplevortexx @abaker74 @ssprayberrythings @melllinaa @loveless-simp @k-k0129
(If you want to be tagged comment or sent an ask <3)
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The room is amazing. If you hadn’t seen it before, you could never tell that it had been filled to the core with princess things. You can’t wait to see your nephew and Rebecca, talk to both, and learn more about this new part of your lives that has just begun. 
“You went all extra with the Christmas tree.” says Nick looking at the 7 ft tree that Rooster bought. 
“Christmas this year is special. Let’s make it a one to remember” Bradley admits, looking at you. “Can I talk to you?” 
“Oh, am, sure!” 
You two move to the kitchen, Rooster seems to be a bit agitated. “What’s wrong?” 
“I don’t think we should lie to Jes- well, to him” 
You sigh, knowing that he’s right. How can you lie to that poor kid? You clearly haven’t thought about all the aspects of this ruse. 
“Rooster, I know what you mean but… If we tell him, everyone will know. And my father will bring that girl over for you to meet her” 
“Yeah, I know. I don’t think we have a choice” 
Then, as if that little kid knew you were talking about him, you hear a car park “That’s not Iceman’s car” you adduce, going to open the front door. They shouldn’t be here yet.  
Parked in front of the garage is Rebecca’s car. She is opening the door to your five-year-old nephew. Rebecca has a worried expression, and the kid climbs out of the vehicle, a black beanie on his head, and pulls the hoodie up to hide his face from the world. 
Rooster, who is beside you, gets closer to the kid, opening his arms to give the younger one a hug. “Hey, buddy! Long time no see” 
However, the kid enters the house, ignoring both of you, and runs upstairs. 
“He’s been like this all the way back home. I’m sorry, guys. He was excited about his new name but well… He wants it all and he wants it now. I'm happy to see you” Rebecca says, giving each a quick hug. 
“Is he okay?” 
“He’s been begging me to cut off his hair” Rebecca confesses, making the two of you nod. “I told him to wait to get home, so we could look up for some haircuts and see which one he likes best but…” 
“He’s still a five-year-old, Becca. It’s not gonna be easy” you tell her. 
Nick joins you outside to hug his sister. “Your son has gone straight to the bathroom. He didn’t even say hi” 
You look at Rooster before running all the way to the bathroom with him behind you. Everyone knows that Sarah’s special scissors for cutting Iceman’s hair are in the second drawer. And he knows too. You try to open the door, but it is closed. “Hey buddy, it’s Uncle Roos. Can you open for me?” 
“No!” yells a muffled, hurt voice from the other side of the door. 
“Y/n, he can hurt himself” Rooster mutters, as if you haven’t thought about it. 
“I know, shut up” you knock on the door softly. “Hey bud, can you tell me your name? Mom says you got a new one.”
There’s a silence that prolongs itself for a few seconds. You hold your breath trying to hear what is happening on the other side of the door but all you can hear is the quick, pounding sound of your own heart. 
“Jesse, huh? That’s such a cool name” you sit on the floor, legs crossed, waiting for this to be a long conversation. 
“Thank you. I chose it myself” 
“You did? Woah, Jesse. That’s amazing. Much cooler than mine” 
“I’m not going to open the door” Jesse’s voice is calmer now, but still full of sadness. It breaks your heart. 
“It’s okay, pal. I just wanna talk. It’s been so long since we saw each other, I think you are a lot different now” 
“I’m different. But mom doesn’t want me to be different” 
You look at Becca over your shoulder. She’s biting her nails off. You need Jesse to open the door. And fast.
“You sure? 'Cause your mom called us this morning and told us to change your room. She wants you to be yourself, sweetheart.” 
“It’s that true?” you can hear him pout and it’s so painful to see him like that. 
“We got rid of all the princesses and now your room has a lot of Paw Patrol things. And we even found Marshall’s fire truck!” 
“Mom, did you do that?” the door is still closed, but he seems to be closer to it now. It's working. 
“Uncle Roos and Aunt Thena helped me, but yes. I told them to do it” 
“Hey, Jesse” Rooster speaks for the first time in a while. “I know what it is to hate what you see in the mirror. If you open this door, Aunt Thena and I will take you to the hairdresser, so they can get you a good haircut” 
“Promise?” Jesse asks, opening the door for you to see him. 
“I promise, buddy” 
Jesse hugs you and Rooster and then goes to his mom. “I’m sorry, mom… I just wanted to be like the rest” 
“I know, baby, I know. But you have to understand that you can’t get everything at the moment. Mom’s not a hairdresser. How was I supposed to cut your hair?” 
“I’m sorry… Can I see my room?” 
You all laugh at the sudden change in his tone. From being sorrowful to excited. Jesse can be a lot different now, but he’s still a kid, and he will do what a five-year-old does. Be loud, happy, get angry when he doesn’t get what he wants… Normal things for a kid. 
“Let’s go see it!” 
Nick, Rebecca, and Jesse go to see the room, and you stay sitting on the floor with Roos. It’s been a tiring day. And it’s not even noon. 
“I’ll go get the car ready” you say, getting up from the floor and leaving Rooster alone. 
I know what it is to hate what you see in the mirror
His words echo in your head, and several questions on the tip of your tongue are trying to make you turn around and find out the meaning behind his words. 
You have to remind yourself for a second that you hate him, that he took everything away from you, and that if he has a problem, he has a lot of people he can talk to. He doesn’t need you.
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Rooster and Jesse stay at the beauty saloon, and you decide to go to a tactical gear shop nearby, hoping to find the perfect Christmas gift for your nephew. You, luckily, haven’t bought anything yet. And you hope to find a leather flight jacket for Jesse and maybe even get him his own name tag. You thought ‘Marshall’ would be cute as a call sign. 
You’re going out of the shop, gift secured in your bag, when your phone begins to ring. You pull it out of your jacket, smiling at the name appearing on the screen. 
“Natasha Trace, I love when you call me” 
“Are you dating Rooster and you didn’t tell me?! I’M YOUR BEST FRIEND” she yells angrily in your ear. You move the phone away from your ear, but even like that you can hear her. 
“Hello to you too, Nat” you roll your eyes. 
“Don’t roll your eyes, you little bitch” she says, as if she could see you. 
"We're not dating" 
"What? Hold on, let me FaceTime you" 
She hangs up and calls you again, this time you can see her face frown in a confused expression. "Spill" 
"Iceman and my dad were playing matchmakers, and we didn’t want random people at our table on Christmas Eve so… we lied,” you confess, sitting on a bench outside the beauty saloon. Rooster and Jesse are still waiting. 
“And here I thought you were finally getting laid” 
“Natasha!” you whine, covering your face with your free hand. 
“What? Facts only” 
“Oh wait, you know who we met this morning?” you say, trying to change the subject.  “Mandy” 
“Mandy as in Mandy the whore?” she questions. 
“That one. She was with Solo. They’re dating” you reveal to your friend. Her eyes are widening more by the second. 
“WHAT?! Oh my God do you think that’s why-” 
“Y/N? We see each other again!” 
You raise your head from the phone and see Mandy in the flesh. Gosh, you hate that stupid face she has. 
“Mandy! Nat, wait a second, don’t hang up” you say while getting up “Two times in the same day, what a coincidence!” 
She gives you the fakest smile ever, one that seems to be the result of years of practicing. “Yeah, it is a coincidence. Hey, Solo said that the four of us should go out one day, talk about the old times and all” 
“Oh, I’d love to, but we have only this week to be with the family, and then we have to go back to the base for months and-” 
“What about tomorrow?” she interrupts you, not being interested in anything you have to say. “There’s this pub in the center-” 
“O’Malley’s, yeah. I know where it is. Owner’s a friend” 
“See you tomorrow at 6, okay?” she insists, and you don’t have any other choice than accepting. 
Jesse comes running out of the establishment and grabs your hand. “C’mon auntie, it's my turn!”
“Oh, what a beautiful baby girl! What’s your name, princess?”  Mandy says, kneeling down to Jesse’s height. 
“I’m not a girl, you old bat” he says, pushing her and running away. You see how Mandy falls and slap your hand against your mouth to not laugh. From any other person, it would seem like you're embarrassed by your nephew’s actions. Those who know you well enough, however… They know you're enjoying every second of this. 
“I’m sorry, Mandy. My nephew Jesse is a bit… hot-headed. I’m gonna go with him and give him an earful. We’ll see you tomorrow, okay? Bye!” you move from her quickly, almost running, and when you’re far away, Natasha laughs hysterically. 
“Jesus, I love your niece” she says. 
“Nephew. It’s Jesse now. I’ll tell you later, okay? Gotta go” 
“Take care, Thena” 
You hang up and go with the two boys. “Jesse, what you did…” 
“Auntie, I know it’s wrong. I just don’t like her” 
“What did you do, young man?” Rooster says, walking with him to one of the chairs. 
“This old woman who was talking to Aunt Thena called me a ‘girl’. So I pushed her” 
“It was Mandy” you clarify. 
Rooster looks at you, then at Jesse, and then at you again. He opens his hand and high-fives the five-year-old. “Don’t tell your Mom” 
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“What are you going to wear for the party?” Sarah asks you during dinner, hours later, with a happy short-haired Jesse sitting beside you. 
“What party?” you look at Rooster, but he shrugs, not having any idea what she is talking about. 
“The Christmas Party! Didn’t your father tell you about it?” 
You look at your father, who is very interested in the food on his plate. "He didn't tell me anything, as usual." 
"Well, the town is holding a Christmas party on the 25th. A formal party. You have to wear a dress." She points at you with her fork. "You're not wearing your uniform, only a dress. Is that clear?" 
"Yes ma'am. And what about Bradley?" 
"I'll wear a suit, obviously. Have to match with you," he smiles and then leans to whisper something in your ear. "Please, don't choose the dress yourself. You have horrible fashion sense," 
"Says the one that is always wearing Hawaiian shirts" 
"They're cool" Bradley defends himself. 
"No, they're not" you laugh, and he kicks your leg under the table. "Ouch!" 
"Sarah, darling, we need to do the Secret Santa sorting" Tom remembers his wife, helping her clean the table. 
"Oh I have it all prepared!" She goes to the living room and comes back with a red Santa Claus hat. "All the names are in here, just pull one. Y/n, dear, you first!" 
You smile at her, grabbing a paper from inside the bag and reading it. 'Rooster'. 
Is this a joke or what?
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You're getting ready to sleep, Rooster refusing for the second night in a row to sleep in the same bed with you, when you remember that you're supposed to meet Mandy tomorrow. 
"No, I'm not sleeping on the bed. If you want to be that close to me, you're gonna need to beg a little more" he says. 
"You wish. Anyway, Mandy said to meet tomorrow. She wasn't accepting a no for an answer." 
He sits and looks at you. "Are you kidding me?" 
“I don’t like the idea either, you know.” you let out. 
“Is Solo coming too?” you nod, and he sighs. “You know how to say ‘no’ or do I have to teach you? It’s not that hard, look: ‘something has come up, and I can’t’, ‘We already have plans’. Oh, and this is the simplest one: ‘No.’” 
“I know how to say no, Bradshaw” 
He laughs dryly. “If you knew how, I wouldn't have to be in the same room with my ex and her new boyfriend. Again” 
He turns off the lights and lies down. He tosses around, trying to find the most comfortable position to sleep on the hard floor. 
“I’m sorry” you whisper. But you know he can hear you. 
“Don’t worry, Thena. Go to sleep” 
A few minutes pass, and you can’t sleep. There’s something you need to find out. Something that you can’t stop thinking about, and you know that it will keep you up all night. 
“Jesus, Thena, go to sleep” he complains, but after a few seconds, he gives in with a sigh of defeat. “What?” 
“What you said to Jesse… about hating what you see in the mirror… Is that how you feel?” 
“Like you care” 
“I don’t. I’m just curious. You’re usually proud of that stupid face of yours. So… it doesn’t make sense” 
He sits on the floor, his back against the bed, and his head pressed against the mattress. “It’s the scars” 
“Really?” you move closer to him, your hand a few inches away from his hair. 
“Yeah… It’s a constant reminder of how I almost killed us” he admits, his sorrowful voice almost a whisper. 
Your hand moves automatically to your belly, your fingers finding the scarred skin. You had your own scars, too. And you wish you could tell him that it wasn’t his fault but… it doesn’t matter how many times you’ve tried. He still blames himself. 
“If it makes you feel better, lots of girls at base are obsessed with those scars. And even some boys.” 
“Why are you trying to make me feel better?” he questions, and you also want to know why. 
“Because I don’t want to see you broody all day. That wouldn’t make me look like a good girlfriend” you scoff. 
“Aw, it’s little Y/n worried about me?” he mocks, lying down again. 
“Good night, Bradshaw” you say,  pulling the blankets over your head. 
You dream about the accident. You dream about a young Rooster parking at the front of your house, ringing your doorbell repeatedly and yelling for you to open the door. It’s been years but it feels like yesterday. 
Bradley’s coping mechanism when Carole died was alcohol. That same night, he got really drunk and drove to your house. It was late. When you opened the door, the emptiness in his eyes was the only explanation you needed. She was gone. And Bradley didn’t know how to live in a world without her. 
You managed to get Rooster into his car, snatching the keys away from him and driving him to his home. You knew Maverick would be very worried about him. 
But, you never made it to Rooster’s house. A truck driver fell asleep and swatched lanes, forcing you to swerve. The car crashed against a tree. You don’t remember a thing, just waking up with a big stomach wound and a body full of scratches. 
Rooster took the worst part. People thought he wouldn’t make it, that he didn’t want to make it. He was giving up. 
He opened his eyes again three days after the accident. 
It wasn’t your fault. Or his. Well, he shouldn’t have driven to your house under the influence. He knows that and you, too. But nobody could have expected the truck. And he wasn’t driving when you crashed. You were driving. If someone was to take fault here, it should be you. 
But it didn’t matter how much you tried to make Rooster understand that he wasn’t the one to blame. He never listened. And you know he never will.
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pregnancykink · 1 year
happy wednesday, spike! i wanted to ask about ur thoughts on dean + gender + pregancy, how those things intertwine and interract. does deans "thing" for getting knocked up affect the way he views himself as a man? feel free to answer this in an omegaverse way or in a cis or trans (masc or fem!) way, i would just like to hear your thoughts!
happy w...sunday, anon! i've been wanting to get to this ask all week but i didn't feel like typing out what was sure to be a long answer on mobile lol. and a lot of gender stuff
for WW a couple weeks ago somebody asked me if i thought deanna would have any kinks that dean wouldn't, and here's a pull from my answer:
I think I mostly view Dean/na having the same kinks no matter the gender, but it’s more of a case of whether or not there’s shame involved. Whereas I think Dean might feel ashamed about his panty kink, especially since he tries so hard to adhere to those masculine gender roles, there is nothing holding Deanna back from outwardly sharing her lingerie kink with Sam. Who would extremely be down to indulge her. I think Sam would find his sister just as hot in like, a sports bra and old cotton bikini-style undies as he would in some (stolen) Victoria’s Secret or something (can’t see either of them considering stealing something designer, but Deanna’s tiddies in one of them VS bombshell bras? Ok Sam is a red-blooded bisexual male and he’s WEAK!) 👌🏼👌🏼 Same goes for breeding kink. Cis or trans man Dean? You’re only gonna get “knock me up” out of his mouth if he’s really undone. But Deanna is like hell yea Sam put a fuckin’ baby in me!
like okay, i'm ME, so i'm ALWAYS viewing dean as wanting to get knocked up and being hype about it lol, but if i'm taking canon as canon is presented (i.e., as far as we know dean is a cis man of questionable heterosexuality who is always trying very hard to adhere to a certain kind of masculinity), i do think he would find this facet of himself emasculating and shameful. a panty kink is one thing, but to admit to himself that he not only wants kids but he wants to be the one to birth them is........a lot for him to handle, i think. dean is really gentle and good with kids in canon. and he more or less raised sam. he knows he likes doing that, he's good at it, but i also think he's so tied to this idea of being a hunter that he just...would never let himself have that. he wants that apple pie life so bad; it's why he always rags on sam about it (sam – who stopped having that dream years ago!), but he's so clearly insecure about it. and sure, it's fine to be that typically masculine guy who wants to knock somebody up, but turning that on its head? yeah, as i said above, you're only getting that out of him if he's really undone. or you're sam.
as for TRANS dean, which is generally how i tend to read him, i still think it would be a bit of a taboo thing for him to admit out loud and to himself. like, sorry for tmi but as a transmasc who wants to get pregnant it can feel incredibly isolating. sure there are others out there but by and large it makes a lot of transmascs dysphoric! and i get that! and somebody like dean, who has uhhh let's say a toxic relationship with himself (read: he hates himself), i think as a trans guy, who is maybe already feeling lonely in this way, anything that would make people suspect he's trans is gonna be deeply shameful for him. his thought process would be like: he's a guy, he's not supposed to want to be pregnant. and i think that would hurt. i think he wants a family, kids, and denying himself that would hurt him for a long time.
okay SO, now we've circled back around to deanna. whether she's cis or trans, i think she'd be a lot more okay with this. canon dean is a man who is constantly trying to adhere to these standards of masculinity he's set for himself; ergo, deanna the woman likely be the same with femininity. paired with all of the parentification (and wifeification) or her time with john, i think she's very comfortable with wanting to be pregnant. and as a trans woman, i think she'd find her wanting for motherhood to be validating. however she'd obviously be dealing with the pain of not being able to carry a child, so whether or not she'd be comfortable talking about wanting to be pregnant in general is...less likely than cis deanna.
NOW LET'S BRING IT HOME to omegaverse. similarly to cis deanna – i think omega dean would feel secure in his thing for pregnancy. it's what his gender is supposed to do, right; they're meant to breed and it's something he can do and be good at. and if there's one thing about dean, oh, he wants to be told he's been a good boy. omegaverse – a world in which gender roles are strict and fetishized – is the one scenario where i can actually see him keeping a baby, even as a hunter. this is what he's supposed to do, after all.
anyway thanks for this ask anon, it was great food for thought!
(FYI as a disclaimer i am not saying dean is right in his thinking and the bearing of wanting to get pregnant on the validity of identity lol, i'm saying this is how i think he would think)
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katethewriter · 2 years
Wish We Could Be Like That
Part Three
Pairing: WandaNat x fem!Reader
Words: 7k~
Summary: Your relationship with Natasha and Wanda is a secret, but does it have to be?
Based on the song “Secret Love Song” by Little Mix
Warnings: this one does have a more explicit scene, bad words maybe?, Reader finally figures out how to talk about her feelings, bad writing
A/N: ****drum roll please**** HERE IT IS! The moment you’ve all been waiting for! Thank you for being patient with me. This really needs another proof read or two, but I didn’t want to keep you guys waiting any longer. Thank you for all of the love you have shown me and this series. I hope you enjoy!
********Font Cheat Sheet:********
~Song Lyrics~
Dream Sequence
Part One - Part Two - Part Three
Everyone files into the conference room for an urgent last minute meeting. No one has any idea why they are here. The alert sent by Fury calling for the meeting was vague. All that was included was the time and location.
The first person you notice is Wanda, of course. No matter where you are, your eyes always search for your girlfriends first. The red head sits with empty seats on either side of her. You know she’s done that on purpose. One for Nat and one for you.
You go to claim the seat to her left, but before you do Clint sits in the seat directly across from it. He eyes you, daring you to try. The two of you stare off for a moment, wondering who will break first. Its only been a week since your run in. Your arm is still blue from how hard he grabbed you. You sigh and decide its best not to provoke him.
Redirecting yourself, you sink into a chair on the furthest end of the table. The moment you sit down, Wanda’s attention snaps to you. You look everywhere except her direction; you can’t bear to see the look on her face.
You know that for the past few days, you’ve been pulling away from them. Not completely, just around others. The constant anxiety of being caught is too much for you, so you’ve found that its easier to just avoid them when others are around.
The rest of the team files into the conference room. Natasha flashes you a confused look, when she sees you seated so far away when both seats beside Wanda are still open. You do your best to avoid her gaze as well. Once she is seated, you chance a look in their direction.
They’re both looking at each other intently. Its obvious they are having some kind of mental conversation, and you know the topic of discussion is you.
As the meeting begins, you try to push it all out of your mind and focus on the mission that Steve and Fury are detailing. The objective is equipment recovery from a HYDRA drop-off location. Its simple, in-and-out. Shouldn’t take longer than an hour, not including travel time, but the window of opportunity is closing quickly. Intel says that the shipment will be left unattended for a brief period, and that is your chance.
Its not long before you are all dismissed to gear up and report to the Quinjet as soon as possible. The goal is to be wheels up in under thirty minutes. Everyone leaves the room in a hurry, and you’re first out the door. You’re not really in the right headspace to talk at the moment. To avoid saying something you might regret, you head straight to your room to get ready.
A knock sounds on your door. “Come in,” you say from the bathroom. Your hands are tangled in your hair, pulling it back tightly to keep it out of your face.
The door opens. “Y/n?” Natasha calls from your bedroom.
“In here.”
You glimpse briefly at the door. Wanda, dressed in her red coat, leans against the door frame. Natasha stands behind her, head to toe in tactical gear.
“Can we talk?” Wanda asks.
Before you can say anything, someone pounds on your door twice. “Y/n, lets go,” Steve calls.
You sigh, “tonight?”
The both look at dejected, but they nod all the same. The three of you head for the landing bay.
The mission is a success. Everything went to plan. You raided the shipment and are now transporting it back to the compound. Everyone lounges around the jet, while Tony and Clint pilot. Wanda and Natasha are sitting next to each other, while you stand close by, but not too close by.
“Listen up everybody,” Tony stands from the pilot seat, “after this junk gets catalogued, the whole team is going out drinking. Celebrating a job well done. Before you even try, attendance is mandatory.”
“Sweet!” Peter cheers.
Tony quickly adds, “not you. Nice try jr.”
The teen groans, “Aw come on man!”
It seems like maybe the mission or the new plans for the evening have made Nat and Wanda forget about the conversation you promised them. When the Quinjet lands, everyone gets off and goes their separate ways to get rest and get ready for the night.
Rummaging through your closet took longer than you’d like to admit. After a long debate with yourself, you decide on an outfit. A pair of skinny jeans that are Natasha’s favorite because they hug you in all the right places. The black top that leaves very little to the imagination and never fails to make Wanda stare. You finish with your red leather jacket to cover your bruise. Another hour later, your hair and makeup are done, and you’re ready to go.
You decide to wait in the common area for everyone else.
“Y/n,” a voice calls from your right. You turn and see your girlfriends standing near the doorway.
Natasha nods her head to the side of the room, asking you to follow. You glance around to make sure you’re still the only ones. Finding the room empty, you go to them.
Wanda pulls on her lip with her teeth. A nervous habit of hers you’ve picked up on. Natasha looks composed, but you’ve learned how to read her. She’s nervous too.
Natasha is the one to break the silence. She takes a deep breath and asks, “is everything ok?”
Now your nerves spike as well, “yeah, why wouldn’t it be?”
“It just feels like maybe you’ve been distant lately,” she’s hesitant. They don’t want to assume the worst or read too far into something that’s not there, but your change in behavior is starting to worry them, “You left out of the meeting so fast, without acknowledging us.”
“I saved a seat for you, but you chose to sit furthest away,” Wanda chimes in. The whole ‘you didn’t sit with us’ angle seems kind of childish, but it struck a chord within the witch. “It’s not the first time something like that has happened,” she looks down to her hands, “it kinda hurts, detka.”
Your heart drops. That was never what you meant to do. She looks so small, and it breaks your heart. You reach out to comfort her, but quickly drop her hands when you’re interrupted by someone entering the room.
“Hey love birds…”
Three sets of eyes go wide in shock. You all turn in Tony’s direction. What did he just say?
“...and y/n,” he adds. You’re not sure what hurts more: the way he separated your name from them or the slight look of relief on your girlfriends’ faces. 
“Party don’t start til I walk in. So, lets go,” he waves you over.
You share a glance with your girlfriends. You can see the annoyance on their faces, but Tony isn’t leaving. So, they know the conversation will have to wait again. 
~Why can’t you hold  me in the street?~ ~Why can’t I kiss you on the dance floor?~
The night at the bar isn’t actually that bad, if you ignore the fact that you’ve barely been able to interact with your girlfriends. They are getting more and more flirtatious as they drink, which is fine except that you don’t get to enjoy it or join in. 
Any flirty banter with you is met with looks of disapproval from your friends. At one point, Natasha placed her hand on the small of your back for half a second. Bruce has been giving you the side eye since. 
In the far corner of the bar, you stand around a pool table. You and Steve are currently winning against Wanda and Bucky. Its your turn. Leaning over the table, you line up the shot. You’ve only have three striped balls left. After that, sink the 8 ball and you win. You release a breath and hit the cue ball. 
It strikes the 9 ball, sending it into the corner pocket, before it bounces off the wall into the 15 ball. The red and white ball rolls slowly across the table.
“No way,” Bucky protests as the ball falls into the side pocket.
Wanda looks at you incredulously, “how do you do that?”
“I’m just that good,” you shrug with a smirk. 
“Teach me,” she pouts in the way you both know will make you cave. 
If you hadn’t been drinking, you probably would have heeded the danger of what you’re about to do, but the alcohol has numbed your senses a bit. You set your pool stick aside, and motion for Wanda to come to you. 
You have her face the table, and you stand close behind her. She leans over the table to line up the shot. You lean down with her, guiding her hands with your own. You’re so close to each other, she can feel your breath across her cheek. 
Neither of you see the wary look Steve and Bucky share. You especially didn’t notice Clint and Natasha approaching the table.
“What’s going on here?” 
At the sound of Clint’s voice, you stand up and back away. Wanda sighs, upset that the chance to have your arms around her is over. 
You lock eyes with the archer. “I was just showing Wanda how to shoot a combo.”
He arches a brow at that, “Nat’s pretty good at shooting combos, aren’t you Nat? I’m sure she could teach her.”
Natasha looks between the two of you, trying figure out what’s going on there. “Yeah, I can,” she decides to leave it for now. She mentally adds it to the list of things you need to talk about when you finally do have a chance to talk. 
She rounds the table, and you get out of the way. Wanda leans down again, this time with Nat behind her. The latter whispers something in her ear that no one else can hear, and it makes the younger woman laugh. 
You would be lying if you said it didn’t hurt. Your gaze falls on the table wear the pool stick rests on top of their left hands. The light reflects off the rings on their fingers, and you’re reminded of what the archer said to you. 
They are happily engaged, and what does that make you?
~Why can’t I say that I’m in love? I want to shout it from the roof tops.~
The shot glass in your hand slides across the top of the bar. You hold up a finger, ordering one more. While you wait, you turn away from the bar. All of your friends are spread out. Most of the boys are around the pool table again. Yelena watches Kate and Clint playing what is probably their fifth or sixth game of darts. Your girlfriends are on the dance floor talking quietly with each other. 
You had been out there with them for a little while. The crowd gave you enough cover to let down your guard a bit. However, when the DJ decided to slow it down for a little bit, everyone started pairing up. Since there is no way to “platonically” slow dance with an established couple, you trudged over to the bar to get another drink... or two. 
“Hey stranger.”  
Turning your gaze from the dance floor, you find none other than Carol Danvers perched on the stool next to you. “Hey, when did you get on Earth?”
“Just now,” she nods, “went to the compound, but it was basically empty. Peter told me I could find you here.” She flags down the bar tender ordering a drink for herself.
You laugh, “I’m surprised he let you leave him alone.”
The blonde shrugs, “he seemed like he was in pretty good hands. Wait, what was her name....” she struggles to remember.
“MJ?” you raise an eyebrow.
Carol nods with a smile, “yeah thats her. She was there hanging out with him.” You try and fail to hide your laugh. She tilts her head, “what’s so funny?” 
The bar tender sets your shot and Carol’s beer in front of you. You raise your shot glass to her for a little toast. “Let’s not tell Tony the sixteen year old had his girlfriend over while completely alone,” you bring the shot glass to your lips and wince. It burns as it goes down, but it’s a welcome change to the tight feeling in your chest.
She eyes the empty shot glass. She looks you over a few times, then asks, “something you wanna talk about?”
“Bold of you to assume I have something to talk about,” you joke.
She looks at you unimpressed, “you don’t throw back shots like that unless there’s something you wanna forget.”
A glance over your shoulder, and you see Wanda and Nat are still dancing happily.
“It’s complicated.” 
“Ah,” Carol nods, “well if you’re looking for a distraction, there’s a tall, blonde and handsome at your six that’s been checking you out this whole time.”
You take a peak over your shoulder to see the man in question. “Not my type,” you turn back to Carol.
“I said if you needed a distraction, not if you wanted a life partner,” she looks over your shoulder, “oh, he’s coming over.”
Carol smirks as your eyes widen in shock. ‘Please don’t leave me’ you mouth, but she brings her glass to her lips and leaves with a wink.
Turning, you find the looking at you hopefully, “hi, I’m sorry I just saw you sitting over here and had to come say hello. I’m John.” 
When he offers you his hand, you shake it politely, “Y/n.”
“This may be a bit forward, but I saw you dancing out there earlier,” he shifts awkwardly on his feet, “I was wondering if maybe you would dance with me?”
A glance around the bar tells you that none of your friends are gonna save you. Why would they? They all think you’re single. Carol is the only one even remotely paying attention to you, and she’s the reason you’re in this position in the first place. 
You look back at the dance floor. Natasha and Wanda are staring lovingly in each other’s eyes. When they press their lips together, its like another blow to your chest. You’re not sure why, but you suddenly feel an anger bloom inside you. 
You let that fuel you as you look up to the man in front of you, “why not?”
You regret it almost instantly. Everything about it just feels wrong. His hand is too big in yours. When his arm wraps around your waist, you just feel dirty. The feeling is made ten times worse when you look over his shoulder and lock eyes with Wanda. 
A bright red fills your cheek under her gaze. “I can’t do this. I’m actually seeing someone,” you step away from the man.
“Oh yeah, well where is he?” he asks. 
His tone rubs you the wrong way, even if you have to admit he has a point. Still, you furrow your eyebrows, “she is none of your business.” You don’t give him a chance to respond. Quickly turning, you exit the dance floor.
You make your way to the lady’s restroom, well aware of the two women following quickly in your trail. 
~Why can’t it be like that? Wish it could be like that.~
As soon as the bathroom door closes behind you, a set of hands grab your hips. You are pushed from behind until you are pressed into the sink. In the mirror, you can see your girlfriend staring at you hungrily. 
A part of you wants to be angry. Her sights only turned to you after you were dancing with someone else. But the other half has wanted nothing more than to be in her arms all night. Its that part that wins. You turn to face her. 
Suddenly all of your senses are overloaded with nothing but Wanda.
 The touch of her palm to your cheek, the feel of her body pressed against yours. Striking green eyes stare into yours, and you’re certain you’ve never seen a more beautiful shade, rivaled only by Natasha’s. You inhale deeply. The smell of alcohol on her breath, mixed with her own sweet scent invades your nose. Her lips pressed to yours in a greedy kiss, you can taste the fruity drink she just finished. She pulls away from your lips, beginning to kiss and lick her way down your jaw. Her breath echoes against your ear, “mine.”
She steps away from the sink, pulling you with her into one of the stalls. Neither of you are paying attention to where you’re going, so when your back hits the edge of the stall door, you groan in pain.
“Sorry,” she says. Quickly pulling away to check that you’re not hurt.
Giggling, you put your hand on the back of her neck and pull her back into you, “its ok.” You kiss her again.
 The kiss is messy. Between the alcohol and anticipation, you’re having trouble coordinating your movements. 
A hand on your jaw pulls your mouth from Wanda’s, and a new set of lips replace hers. Natasha’s kiss is just as hungry, frantic even, but she takes control immediately, and you let her. She pushes you against the stall wall until your bodies are flush together. You tangle your hands in her loose red hair. She kisses you long and hard. It makes you dizzy. When she slips her knee between your legs and presses into the place where your legs meet, you moan into the kiss. Wanda happily watches through hooded eyes as you grind yourself on Natasha’s leg.
~Cause I’m yours.~
None of you heard the bathroom door open.... or the footsteps that approached the stall door that none of you remembered to lock.
The already ajar door is pushed completely open. Wanda is concealed between the wall and the door, but you and Natasha are on full display for the blonde widow standing outside the stall. 
“Cyka.” (bitch)
 You break the kiss with a gasp and turn to your right. Yelena stands with a glare as cold as ice. This is proof of what she already suspected. Natasha cheating, and you are the other woman. She caught the both of you, but she isn’t looking at her sister. Her eyes are trained only on you.
 As quick as she was there, Yelena is gone again. She runs out the bathroom door before anyone can say a thing.
“Who was that?” Wanda asks, slipping out from around the door. She exits the stall with Natasha following close behind her. 
“Yelena,” Nat answers, “I’ll go talk to her.” She makes her way to the door, but Wanda stops her.
“Wait, Nat, she just saw you kissing another woman,” the term she uses drives a knife in your heart. “Do you really think she’ll listen to you?” The widow sighs. “I’ll go,” Wanda volunteers, “I’ll talk to her, explain it to her.”
They talk quickly, never noticing that you haven’t moved from your spot. The look Yelena gave you burns in your memory. All of the emotions that you felt the past eight months pile onto you again ten times over. The fear, anger, sadness, pain, shame, anxiety, you feel all of it all at once, and you can’t take it.
~I don’t wanna live love this way. I don’t wanna hide us away~
“I’m gonna go home.”
They stop, and their attention turns to you. Its a short sentence, but its thick with emotion. They can hear it, but even more so, they can see it on your face.
You start to leave the bathroom, but Natasha grabs your hand, “hey look, Wanda will talk to her, malyshka. We’ll tell her, everything will be ok.” 
Smiling weakly, you nod, “I know.” You kiss her cheek, “I’ll see you back at the compound.” You try to make your way to the door again. 
This time Wanda is the one who stops you, “what’s wrong, detka?”
“I’m just tired, and I’m ready to go home,” you shrug, hoping that she’ll just take your answer and drop it. Everything is just too much right now. You just want to run and get away from everything and everyone. 
“Ok,” Wanda nods, and you think you’ve got your opportunity to leave, “let us go grab our jackets, and we’ll go together.”
“No, you stay,” you answer quickly, “just... stay... have fun”
“We don’t want to stay if you’re not here, y/n,” Natasha furrows her eyebrows. “It won’t be fun without you-”
“You were doing just fine ten minutes ago.”
The remark comes out before you can stop it. The angry edge of your tone stops them both. You can see the hurt in their faces, and the knife in your heart twists again.
“What does that mean?” her voice is soft, but tight with emotion. 
Sighing, you shake your head, “nothing, I’m sorry. I’ll see you later.” You try once again to head for the door, but Wanda blocks your path.
“No, something is wrong,” tears threaten to fall from her eyes, “you’ve been avoiding us for days. We’ve tried to have this conversation twice today, and we are having it now.”
Suddenly, the walls are caving in, and you can’t breathe. 
“What’s wrong?” Natasha asks desperately. “Detka please, just tell us. Why won’t you just stay and talk to us?”
 “Because you’re hurting me!”
~I wonder if it ever will change.~
No one moves. No one breathes. They stand still. Your words pierce a hole in their hearts.
“This is hurting me! Being here with you without being with you, it hurts so much I can’t breathe and I can’t… I-,” you wipe furiously at the tears running down your cheeks. You take a breath, trying and failing to calm down. You screw your eyes tight unable to look at them.
“I can’t do this anymore,” you whisper.
Their hearts drop. Their worst fear staring them in the face. Are you breaking up with them? Have they lost you? The thought is suffocating them.
Wanda and Natasha glance at each other for only a moment, before they turn back to you. They want to go to you. Wrap you in their arms and love you until all of your pain is erased, but they don’t know if they have that right anymore.
Natasha is the one to finally break the silence, “what do you mean?”
“This,” you look up exasperated, “the secrets and the hiding. I know we agreed to it, but I can’t anymore. I can’t keep walking on eggshells around everyone, constantly looking over my shoulder for who might see us. I can’t talk to you without someone thinking I’m flirting. They all think I’m trying to break you up.”
They’re eyebrows furrow, and their jaws hang open.
You look to Natasha, “Yelena hasn’t spoken to me in months. She hates me because she is certain that you are cheating. Now she thinks she’s right.” You shrug off your jacket to reveal the bruise on your arm, “Clint threw me against a wall and threatened me because he thinks I’m trying to steal Wanda-“
At the sight of your discolored skin, they both step towards you. Speaking at the same time.
“He did what?”
“Excuse me?”
You step away before they can get close, “I’m not finished!” You quickly put your jacket back in place, concealing the bruise.
They both nod solemnly and step back again. They know you need this space and time to say all that you need to say.
“All night, the only thing I wanted was to just be your girlfriend…” your lip quivers and your voice shakes. You feel the fight leaving you, but you can’t let go. Not yet, “I wanted to talk to you and dance and hold your hand. I just wanted to enjoy the night with you, but I didn’t get to.”
Swiping away your tears, you steel yourself and continue, “I had to keep my hands to myself and sit across the bar and watch you have the night of your lives. I was hurting while the women I love were perfectly happy without me. Why can’t we just be happy together? Why can’t we be like that?”
“We can, detka-”
“When?!” you cut off Wanda before she can finish, “…because you kissed her out there, and I had to wait for a sloppy make out session in the bathroom. Why do I always have to wait to be a part of this relationship?”
You lose the battle against your tears. They fall freely, and your breath becomes ragged. You struggle to get the words out, but you have to, “Why- Why do I have to wait till we’re alone to feel like I matter to you?”
~I’m living for that day.~ ~Someday~
“Do I only matter when we’re alone?”
“No,” they say in unison. 
Your hands come to cover your face, but you immediately feel Wanda’s hands on wrists. She pulling them gently away from your face.
“Ok, listen please,” Natasha’s hands cup your cheeks. You try to pull away from them again, but they don’t let up.
 “I know, I’m sorry, I know you have more you need to say, and we’ll let you say it, but detka, we have to say this first.” Natasha’s words come out rushed and urgent, “We can’t let you keep thinking like that, because you always matter to us, Y/n. You mean the world to us. We love you, moya lyubov.”
You finally meet her eyes. Her green eyes are filled with pain and guilt, but mostly just love.
“We love you more than life,” Wanda grabs your attention. “This relationship isn’t complete without you. We are so sorry that we ever made you feel differently.” Tears fall down her cheeks, but she pays them no attention. All of her focus on you, “if you give us the chance, we will never let you feel that way again, because you matter. We love you so much, y/n.”
Natasha leans forward slowly, giving you time to pull away. When you don’t, she whispers, “we love you.” Delicately, she presses a kiss to your forehead.
The dam breaks, and everything you’ve been feeling for the past eight months falls out finally. Sobs rack your body, and your frame crumples against them.
 ~When you hold me in the street... ...and you kiss me on the dance floor.~
There’s no telling how long you stay like that. They hold you until your sobs fade into hiccups.
 Natasha runs her hand up and down your back. You wince when she presses against the bruise on your back. She looks down at you, “is that from Clint?” You don’t answer, but in your silence she knows it is. “Can we see?”
Wanda loosens her grip on you, and you reluctantly take off your jacket. You feel exposed, even though you remain fully clothed. Your spaghetti strap top gives them full view of your shoulder blade. They both let out a small gasp at the sight of the handprint around your forearm and bruise on your back. Wanda’s fingertips run over the purple skin, and chills run down your spine. 
Natasha clenches her jaw, “I’m gonna kill him.” When she sees the goose bumps on your skin, she helps you put the jacket back on. 
“He didn’t know.”
“Still,” from your side, she wraps her arms around your shoulders, burying her nose into the side of your head, “you were a member of this team long before he had any suspicions about us. You’re his friend. There’s no excuse for this.”
Wanda stands in front of you, “why didn’t you tell us about this?”
Tears well in your eyes again, you have to fight the lump in your throat, “I was scared you would think that he was right.” You know you have to elaborate, but you’re still so scared to say it out loud. 
Wanda takes your hands into hers, encouraging you and giving you the strength you need to go on, “that I was forcing my way into this. Jeopardizing your healthy relationship. That you were happy before me, and I was ruining it.”
She cups your cheeks as the tears fall. She brushes them away with her thumbs. Her eyes bore into yours, “my love, we asked you to join our relationship. You’re not forcing your way into anything.” She rests her forehead against yours, “we want you here. We need you.”
Natasha’s arm wrap around your waist, “yes, we were happy in our relationship before we met you, but that doesn’t even compare to how happy we are now. We’re not complete without you.” 
“We love you so much and we’re not afraid to tell the world exactly how much we love you,” she smiles, “everyone will know that you are the missing piece that makes us whole and how proud we are to be yours.” 
Tears fill your eyes, but these are tears of joy. The words you’ve longed to hear since you met the two women in front of you overwhelm you with joy. 
Wanda whines, and wipes your cheeks again, “no more tears, detka.”
“I’m sorry-” you start to apologize with a smile.
“No, do not apologize,” Wanda looks at you stern, but comforting, “not when you haven’t done anything wrong.”
“Except maybe dancing with that stranger.” Nat’s comment brings out a genuine laugh from you, and everyone feels a little lighter. “What was that about?”
 You duck your head in embarrasment, “I just got mad. I saw you two out there and... I guess... I just wanted to dance with you.” Your voice trails off at the end, but they still hear every word. 
They share a quick smile over you. Wanda takes a step back. Natasha grabs your hand, holding it up above your head for you to turn under.
“Really guys?”
“Yes really,” Wanda pulls your shoulders until spin under your arms. 
Natasha smiles, and pulls you flush to her, lacing your fingers together. She wraps her arm around your waist, and you place your other hand around her shoulder. Behind you, Wanda wraps her arm around you both, and the other hand rests on the back of yours. She slots her fingers with Natasha’s as well.
You rest your head on Natasha’s shoulder, and they both rest their heads on yours. The music from outside can barely be heard, but you sway side to side anyway.  
 “I know we have a lot more to talk about, but I’d rather not do it in this disgusting bathroom,” she kisses your head and leans back slightly to look at you, “do you still want to go home?”
Your throat is too sore to speak, so you just nod your head lightly.
“Ok,” Wanda kisses your head and releases you from the hug.
Looking in the mirror, it is obvious that you just bawled your eyes out. Your eyes are red and swollen. Tear tracks mix with your mascara down your cheeks, “god I look terrible.” You wet a paper towel to begin the clean up, but Natasha takes it from you.
“You’re beautiful, detka,” she delicately wipes your face. You lean into her touch, exhaustion of your emotions finally catching up to you. 
“Come here,” Wanda wraps her arm around your waist, and you lean into her warmth. Natasha takes your hand in hers, and you leave the bathroom together. 
You and Wanda walk towards the door, while Nat runs to the table to grab everyone’s things. When she meets you both outside, you are waiting for your uber. 
You still stand with Wanda’s arm around your waist, when you notice Tony steps out of the bar with his phone pressed to his ear. He pauses for a moment, taking in the sight of you leaning into Wanda, Natasha reaches for your hand. You count yourself lucky that the uber arrives at that exact moment. 
The three of you slide into the backseat, ignoring the knowing look in Tony’s eyes. 
“Great,” you sigh, “now he’s gonna tell everyone I’m your booty call or something.”
They both laugh at you, placing a kiss on your head. 
“... and tomorrow they will learn the truth.”
~I wish that it could be like that. Why can’t it be like that?~
Warmth surrounds you, and contentment seeps into your bones. You hum sending a ripple through the bath water eliciting a sigh from Wanda who is lying on her stomach between your legs, her cheek on your chest. Her legs bend at the knee, and her feet stick in the air at the far end of the tub. From behind you, Natasha’s arms tighten, pulling you closer to her chest. You lean your head back, resting it on her shoulder as she peppers kisses down your neck.
“I told you your tub is better. There’s no way we’d fit in mine,” you joke.
Wanda chuckles while Natasha nods. “Although moya lyubov,” the Russian nudges your cheek with her nose, “this can be your tub...” Her offer causes your breath to catch in your throat. Of course, she notices and presses a long kiss to the spot behind your ear, “after tomorrow morning, our room is your room… if you want it.” The whimper you release is involuntary; you nod without hesitation.
The sokovian resting on top of you hums happily. She looks up at you brightly, “endless cuddles whenever you want, no more leaving in the middle of the night, wake up with us every morning. I’ll have full access to your clothes. It’ll be perfect.”
You try to return her smile, but it doesn’t quite reach your eyes. You furiously fight the quiver of your lip and fail miserably. Once again, you are crying between your girlfriends.
Wanda’s shoulders drop in defeat, “Oh sweetheart.” She leans forward, pressing kisses along your collar bone until she reaches your neck and buries herself there. Natasha nestles into the back of your head, whispering reassurances in your ear. They hold you and wait until your crying has died down. Then they stay quiet a moment longer. Wanda is the first one to speak. She lifts her head and looks at you sadly, “Do you want to talk about it?”
A long breath escapes your lips, and you blink back your tears. “I don’t know…” you stare at the ceiling, trying to find the right words, “I guess… your room and my room… it just felt like a reminder that I wasn’t supposed to be here. Like I was doing something wrong by being with you. Some part of this relationship didn’t belong to me… and never would.” Silence hangs heavy in the air, and you instantly regret your words. You rush to cover, “I know you’ve told me that’s not true. I’m sorry, just forget-“
Both of your girlfriends hush you quickly. Nat’s hands find yours and she tangles your fingers together, “no dorogoy, please don’t apologize. Yes, we’ve told you this relationship belongs to you just as much as it does to me and Wanda, but obviously we didn’t do enough to show you through our actions. We know we need to do better. We’re so sorry, moya lyubov.”
“Your feelings are valid, my love,” Wanda presses a kiss to the back of your hand that Nat is holding, “its our job to love you every day until those insecurities are no more… and we’ll start with making sure everyone knows that you are ours and we are yours.”
You look into her eyes and see nothing but love and adoration, and you feel shame. You kept your feelings from them for so long out of fear of their reaction. You were so scared, and looking at them now, you know you never had a reason to be. “I need to apologize.” They both try to object, but you don’t give them the chance, “no please, let me finish.”
They’re a bit uneased, but they settle allowing you to say what you need to say.
You stare down at your hands while you play with Natasha’s fingers. “Keeping this a secret wasn’t just your idea. We decided that together. I should have come to you when I became unhappy with it, instead of pulling away from you.”
You pause to gage their reactions. They don’t say anything, so you take it as your cue to continue, “I shouldn’t have bottled it up until I exploded. The way everyone’s treated me… Yelena and Clint… that wasn’t your fault, and it was unfair to lash out at you. I’m sorry.”
You look up and Wanda smiles softly at you, “we agreed to the secret together, then we left you alone.”
Natasha’s fingers trail over the bruise on your arm, “You were the one in a position to take the fall if any suspicions arose. We should have seen that. We should have protected you.”
“You’re never gonna be alone again, detka.”
You cup Wanda’s cheek with your hand, and she covers it with her own left hand.
That’s when you notice that a certain finger is bare. You pull the hand away from her face to examine it closer. Taking Natasha’s left hand with your other hand, you find the same. Their engagement rings are gone. You furrow your eyebrows and run your thumbs over the empty space the rings used to be.
“We’re taking them off.”
“We’re not getting married.” Your eyes snap up at Wanda’s words. You open your mouth to say something, but she stops you.
“We’re not getting married without you.”
Whatever you were about to say dies in your throat. All you can do is stare.
Natasha rests her chin on your shoulder. “Is that something you want?” she asks, “to get married one day?”
You turn slightly in her arms, so you can really look at her. “Are you proposing to me?”
“Not right this second,” the widow tilts her head with a smile, “we still have to get you a ring, and I’m sure Wanda wants to orchestrate something extravagantly romantic-“
“Please don’t make it big,” you cut her off, turning to Wanda.
“Oh, its gonna be big,” she smiles at you wickedly. You splash her in response, and she just laughs. “Fine, it will be modestly big. We can have our friends be there, or it could just be us three if you’d want that…” She smiles hesitantly. “Do you want that… eventually?”
Grinning from ear to ear, you nod and lean forward until your lips are a breath away from hers. “Eventually,” you whisper against her lips before connecting them with yours. The kiss doesn’t last long because you’re both smiling too much.
You break away so you can kiss Natasha, but when you look over your shoulder, you find her reaching down the outside of the tub. She’s searching for something in the clothes on the ground. You give Wanda a confused glance, but all she does is smile.
“In that case… for now,” the widow says as she lowers a chain in front of you, quickly clasping the piece of jewelry around your neck, “you hold on to these.” You look down and tears fill your eyes as you take in the sight of both of their engagement rings hanging from the chain around your neck.  “Eventually…” Nat says jokingly, before switching back to a more sincere tone, “when we do propose, you can give them back to us.”
You give no warning. Quickly reaching for her face, you bring her into a passionate kiss. You try to deepen it, but the awkward angle of her being behind you in the tub makes it a little difficult. Plus, you have Wanda kissing her way up your body, making her presence known.
You break the kiss, resting back into Nat’s chest. You press your forehead to the widow’s cheek while Wanda presses a long kiss to your chest right over the rings. Your hand comes to the back of her head, guiding her to rest against your chest again.
“I love you both so much.”
“We love you more,” they hum in unison.
With the intensity of your feelings, you have no idea how that’s possible.
~Cause I’m yours. ...I’m yours.~
Just Come Home (sequel)
Series Master List
So, there you have it! That’s all I planned out for this piece. I do have an idea for a sequel that includes how the team finds out about the relationship and how they react. I have to warn you though, it’s currently a bucket load of more angst. 😈 Let me know if that is something you would want! 
I can’t thank you enough for the response this story series has received. Seriously, it means the world. Also, many thanks for being patient with me! 
Hope you enjoy!
tag-list: @simp4nat @mostlymarvelsstuff @youralphawolf72 @originallovementality @an-evergreen-rose @mmmmokdok @localarcherwriter @boowhobabe @womenarehotsstuff @gay-trash-in-a-paperbag @lifeontop @wandamaximoff-simp @kaitlynroseb @diablloblood @ang3lmask @marvelwomen-simp @nightimemommy @smromanoff @nothisismax @splatasha-jumpinoff @natashaswifeu @nattyswidow @dumpaccdontmindme @natty-taffy @iliketozoneout @nowthisisliving27 @theoowo @tvseries-writings @trikruismybitch @s1ut4nat @xinied @souanick @melatonindaydreamz @angel-of-snow @chailivi @lainjupi @gay-fandom-menace @trashbod @lonewalker17 @daenerys713 @tigerlillyruiz @winters-witch-bitch @wizardofstories @karmasgxrl @kyoka-jirou @m-r-nicely @marvelfan-2022 @its-just-greek @anonreader346 @blackluthxr @ali-lie
If I missed you in the taglist, I’m sorry :(
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vance-e · 2 years
My idiot pt2
pairings: vance hopper x Fem!reader
warnings: Henry and vance fighting, violence, vance being cute/soft with (name), swearing, angry henry, overprotective brothers ( belch, patrick, victor) reader cleaning vance and the boys up, first kiss
Fandoms: The black phone x IT 2017
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Gif not mine >> mvnsoxns
I didn’t like henry. but goddamn his sister was something else. And i wasn’t going to stop until she’s mine
After the interaction with vance i felt so hot like i couldn’t breathe around him. I was walking home after the 10 minute “argument” with vance reasoning why he shouldn’t walk me home. 1 because my “dad” or my brothers might be there. 2 i could barely breathe around him so i could not walk next to him. After that i went home praying that my brother or my “dad” won’t be home. But Of course i didn’t have luck, my brothers were home (belch, patrick, victor + henry) And i knew because The trans am was parked in the driveway.
“she’s taking a long time, school ended an hour and a half ago” belch said while looking at his watch. We were waiting for “our” sister to walk through the door because we were going to the beach and wanted to know if she was coming with us. (name) bowers i see people quake in fear of that name because of me. I was the most feared kid in derry and everyone knew not to mess with my sister otherwise they would end up in a hospital. “ she would we check around?” victor said i was sitting on the couch hoping she didn’t get into a fight. I was about to agree until she walked in “ where have you been??” i said looking at her, she seemed blushing? but i didn’t care until i saw the bruises on her knuckles.
“what happened!?” i heard my brother say as he took my hand. “ i got into a fight, im fine i swear” i said while taking my hand back and walking into the kitchen greeting my other “brothers” “ (name) you said that you would come to us when you got into a fight” henry said while walking into the kitchen “ i know but he was talking shit about you” “ you should let me handle that fuckwit” henry said calmly while he still looked mad.” what happened after it?” “... i got the cops called on me” i said while looking down “ Gosh (name) we can’t let dad know otherwise..” “i know i know, But vance picked me up and helped me in the alleyway so nobody saw us” i said nonchalantly until i realized what i said
“WHAT!” i screamed at my sister. Vance fucking hopper helped my baby sis?? how fucking dare he, does he have a death wish??. I got into a fight with the famous Vance and i beat his ass. Knocked him out within 4 punches. I got into a fight with him because i found out my girlfriend was crushing on him and he was always flirting with her to get on my nerves. So when i went into the grab ‘n’ go i saw him and punched him in the face. He tried hitting back but failed miserably. After the fight i broke up with her and hated him ever since. After i heard that he helped my sister i went feral, because i didn’t want him to try and take away my baby sis from me and my friends.
“VANCEE!!” i heard somebody calling my name i turned around to see a fuming henry bowers marching towards me “what the fuck do you want dipshit” i said “DID YOU TOUCH MY SISTER?!” he said yelling at me “ i helped her with her bruised knuckles dipshit i wouldn’t hit a girl” i said scoffing, how could he think i would hit a girl?? especially one that i liked. The next thing i know is that i’m fighting henry and it's getting bloody real quick. I see his little minions surround us to make sure that i wouldn’t escape. I got in a few punches at henry but couldn’t really do anything. I had 4 people hitting me and i felt weak as fuck.
“HENRY STOP IT” i heard a voice come from the door, I saw (name) running towards us ripping henry and his little minions off of me. “WHY’D YOU DO THAT (NAME)?!” “shut the fuck up henry, he helped me and you guys do not have to fight everyone that looks at me fucking hell!” i heard her yelling at them i felt a smile tug on my lips. Even at this state she still makes me feel butterflies in my stomach. “ I'm so sorry about my brothers ”she said looking down at me. She helped me up and we went outside, we walked over to a bench ( more like vance limping over) “ ill be back” she said while running back in, i saw her yell at her brother than run out with cleaning supplies. “ its going to hurt” she said in a soft tone but i didn’t notice the pain because i was looking at her lips. I didn’t even notice the 4 figures walking towards us.
I was cleaning vance until I heard shuffling behind me, i turned around and saw my brothers, covered in blood with their heads down except henry’s. “im sorry (name)..” i heard my brother mumble “ you need to stop this henry, i know you want to protect me but i’m growing up and plus were not in derry anymore so we can’t do whatever we like anymore, so you cant beat up people for just helping me” i said while looking at him then down to their knuckles. “ come here you guys” i said while patting the seat in front of me Patrick sat down first. I helped him and my other brothers with their knuckles. “okay now what do you guys say to vance?” i say while looking at them “ sorry vance for beating you up, we just didn’t want anybody to hurt our sister” i heard belch apologize then the rest of the boys apologized, they went to the car waiting for me to finish up with vance.
 “thank you for helping me (name)” i said while looking in her eyes, then back down to her lips god i wanted to kiss them but i didn’t want to move to fast yet so i held myself back. “ its okay, i guess it’s my way of saying thank you for helping me” she said while tracing her hands over mine “ can i ask you something (name)” i said while trying not to blush from the contact but failed “mhm” “ i really like you (name) and i know we're not friends and barley talk to each other but i really like you and it’s totally fine if you don’t return the feelings beca-” i was cut off from her kissing me. 
I was shocked but kissed back in a matter of seconds. “ i like you too, ”she said while smiling at me “ do you want to go on a date tomorrow at pops ice cream place?” i said nervously “ sure, i can’t wait to see you tomorrow vance” she said kissing my check while she went to her brothers car to go home. I watch at the car drives away
I guess fighting henry was worth something.
- Vance-e
likes, comments, reblogs are appreciated!
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blocksandbloops · 4 years
May I interest you in some fem!hermit!Tommy fluff for you in this trying time?
This is set in an alternative version of @redorich 's hermit!Tommy AU. Diverging from the Dream SMP's raid on Hermitcraft. All you need to know is that family trees are convoluted, Tommy's name is Clementine. She's trans, we love her, she has wings and has adopted Grian as her weird almost twin brother.
After the whole "Dreamon" and "invasion" mess the Dream SMP folk didn't expect to hear much from the hermits besides the ones who attended MCC. They thought that the two servers would just continue to exist, independent of one another. Just drifting through the void mere inches apart but never really touching.
Oh how wrong they were.
The hermits were friendly but they had absolutely underestimated just how friendly.
Apparently, the moment Clementine so much as breathed a word about how much she missed her biological family, Scar -ever the kind and helpful mayor that he was- decided to throw a beach party!
Since Clemmy's extended family was pretty large and they didn't want anyone to feel left out, it was an open invitation to everyone on the Dream SMP as long as they behaved.
That point was driven home when a few people, like Antfrost and his unhealed, dog bitten asscheek, mentioned how upsetting the Hermits was definitely not a good idea.
(Deep down they knew that the reason they were really doing this was because the hermits were worried about them. The Dream SMP was just a bunch of traumatized children according to them. They weren't wrong in that assumption but no one wanted to admit that.)
So, when the day of the beach party finally dawned, they all put on their least threatening outfits and packed up their supplies, (where Tubbo got the surf board nobody wanted to question) and entered the portal just like they had done a few months prior.
A few things were different though, the sun was bright and beaming in the sky, soft puffy white clouds rolled by, only promising gentle shade instead of the dreary air of yesteryear.
The shopping district had been rebuilt from it's smoky ruins and they finally all had time to appreciate the lovingly built shops and roads. It looked so beautiful and vibrant, you could practically feel the fact that summer was in full swing.
The smell of nectar and sea salt drifted through the air, sweetening even the sourest of moods. This is what peace was to the hermits. This was their everyday. They were so lucky and they didn't even realize it.
Some people were taking notes of all the different building styles with bright eyes, hoping to replicate some of it when they got home, others were suddenly hit with a feeling of bitter inadequacy of it compared to their homes. Is this what a world without war could look like?
But, no matter the gloomy musings of the few, they were all here to let go for a day! To celebrate the good times and to kick back for seemingly the first time in forever.
Their welcome party this time simply consisted of one person.
It was a strange sight, seeing the Hermits' admin Xisuma without a mask on, wearing a god awful hawaiian shirt that Keralis had thrown at him with glee the moment he mentioned that he didn't have something to wear, and again, were those, gods forbid crocks?
"'Ello everyone! Wow this is quite the turn up. Scar wished he could be here to greet you all personally, but he's still too busy helping the others preparing for the barbecue, so you're stuck with me for the time being.
Now, if you'll kindly follow me, we set everything up pretty close to here, so we'll be there in a minute."
The walk over to the beach was short, but just as scenic as the rest of the server.
Warm, golden sand, gently lapping waves and lush plant life. The sound of the hermits' laughter and soft music filled the air as the smell of the previously mentioned barbecue proved a welcome distraction from whatever the hell was happening on the far right side of the beach (the ZIT trio built a karaoke machine. It was Zedaph's idea. It was also a horrible idea but they didn't seem to realize that yet.)
As they began to debate a plan of attack, no wait. ... fun? enjoyment? eh whatever.
A tall man jogged up to the group. Some people recognized him as Mumbo Jumbo, that one british guy with the mustache. Others, however, as that semi-scary redstone wizard who managed to create extremely powerful potion launchers during the invasion.
He was dressed just as down to earth as the others, holding a tall glass of lemonade in his hand and wearing a (quite goofy) sunhat he borrowed from Ren.
He was explaining something to X in hushed tones (something or other about a minor fire at the barbecue table?) When he looked past the gathering of guests and out towards the path that they had come from, and screeched.
"GRIAN PLEASE I'M HOLDING LEMONADE DON'T!" X reached over and grabbed the glass from his hands just in time for a cackling, feathered ball of something to crash into Mumbo, knocking him into the water with an audible "oof".
There was wild thrashing as the two tried to orient themselves, Grian somehow climbing onto Mumbo's back.
"CLEMMY! COME HELP ME DROWN MUMBO!" Grian waved towards a cluster of trees to their left, underneath which a small gathering of hermits was enjoying a bit of a reprieve from the sun.
"NOT YOU TOO!" came the mustachioed man's scream of distress.
Clementine, the whole terrifying six feet and three inches of a woman that she was, took off running to the water at full tilt towards the struggling brits.
Mumbo, having already formed a strategy in his head, did a perfect T-pose and feel backwards into the water, bringing down a screaming Grian with him. Clementine did a graceful swan dive into the water (how she executed that shall be left for viewer interpretation) and happily joined the fray, even the distressed calls of Stress behind her because "Gods damn it Clemmy! I spent an hour on your hair! And now it's ruined!" couldn't persuade her to give up on her mission to cause as much friendly chaos as possible.
She climbed out of the water a few minutes later, her hair a mess and a bright smile on her face.
"Techie! Wilby! Tubbo! Thank you guys so much for coming! I'm really glad that you could make it." She hugged them each close, enjoying the comfort of having them all together again.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Techno relaxed his posture, trying not to fidget too much. He was getting better with crowds but it was still a lot.
"You may think he's joking but he literally dragged Quackity all the way to the portal because he was too busy doing his eyeliner and would've made us late." Wilbur snickered when she leaned in to hug him, earnings him one of her patented ear-splitting laughs.
"I got a recording of it!" Tubbo proudly announced, pulling out his video camera
while still holding an arm around her.
"ABSOLUTELY NOT! LET ME HAVE SOME DIGNITY MAN!" The aforementioned Mr. Fattest Ass in the cabinet screamed indignantly as soon as he got within hearing range.
"Quackity you never had any dignity. It's too late for that." Techno flicked the duck shapeshifter on the head, earning him even more annoyed rambling which he just chose to ignore.
"Well, I'm glad that that's settled, now, I have some people I'd like for you to meet."
She directed them towards the group sitting in the shade, which consisted of False, (a now soaking wet) Grian, Stess, Mumbo (who also looked like a disgruntled cat that was just given a bath), Iskall and Ren.
Meanwhile Doc and Cleo had a little cornered off area they'd nicknamed the "cool kids club" (it was because around this time the sun got strong enough to actually burn her and Doc just felt slightly iffy about the water, since he was, ya know, half robot.)
Clemmy threw herself down on a blanket in front of a grumbling Stress who set about actually making her hair look presentable.
Niki sat down next to them and began discussing the merits of different styles to put Clemmy's hair into.
Ranboo sheepishly sat down next to Cleo's lawn chair folding all of his gangly limbs under himself.
Wilbur happily plopped himself down next to Ren on a blanket and began to hum along to the other's guitar.
Techno lay dow his cape, deciding that a nap was the best course of action in that moment.
Fundy hesitated for a second before going down to the shore to relax and just put his feet in the water for now.
Philza, the awkward dad that he was, chose to sit down close enough to the girls that he'd be able to hear what they were talking about without intruding.
Tubbo placed his stuff down by Clemmy's feet and ran out to the shore with his surf board in hand.
Going through so many conflicts in such a short amount of time really tires a person out, especially ones as young as the ones from the SMP so getting this afternoon of rest truly helped ease some of the stress given to them by recent events.
(Beach episode pog?)
Of course, this little get together wasn't without it's faults. About two hours in Doc accidentally trampled False's sand castle, who in retaliation teamed up with Cleo to dump water on him while he was relaxing.
This little conflict evolved into a battle to see who could build the biggest and grandest sand castle between "Team Himbo" and "Team Women" (one of those was coined by Clemmy). Puffy and Stress set up a good system of transporting sand from point A to point B, allowing them to move faster. False got placed on detailing duty while Niki brought refreshments for the rest of the team. Alyssa was mostly helping out wherever she could, as Cleo worked her armour stand magic to make their castle feel even more alive.
Clemmy just shouted encouragements and bullied the opposing team.
(The member list of Team Himbo has been redacted to avoid any drama about who might qualify as a himbo in the given circumstances)
Somehow the guys managed to convince Techno to join them, which immediately stacked odds in their favor to which Eret and Iskall, being the non-binary legends they are, decided to side with Team Women, now renamed to "Team Prettier Than You".
Their building contest laated for another hour before X decided to try to stop them (it wasn't because of the time. It was because TFC and Grian started shouting things about structural integrity and adding stone parts to the walls and the contestants actually listened when he decided that it was getting out of hand.)
Then it was time to actually enjoy the barbecue. Techno surprised everyone with how delicious his baked potatoes ended up. Beef also got to flex his skills a little with, as you guessed it, beef.
Tubbo and Tango sadly had to eat further away then everyone because the moment they got within ten feet of the fire something mysteriously combusted.
After that, the ZIT trio busted out the karaoke machine and the night went from good to great.
The old Team Star was dared to sing a rendition of Hermit Gang and everyone younger than 25 felt physical distress during some parts.
The sleepy bois (+Tubbo) sang a cover of "Your new boyfriend" (Techno got surprisingly into it) and then Wilbur swiped Ren's guitar to sing some Taylor Swift songs (accompanied by Tubbo on a synth he seemingly pulled out of nowhere) in that one weird accent he can do which had most people wheezing on the floor from laughter after the first song.
Niki threw down a german cover of Say So by Doja Cat. Grian, Phil and Tommy were unconsciously doing the parrot dancing thing. It was great.
Quackity sang something in spanish and Karl and Sapnap made over exaggerated swooning noises.
Skeppy and Bad did a duet. It was as adorable as it sounds.
Some other people also came on stage, belting out songs in such horridly broken voices that I'll spare you the details. Let's just say, nails scratching chalkboards would sound better.
And that was most of the festivities over with.
The last thing on the agenda? A meteor shower. How did they set it up? Clemmy's weird star child thing. The aforementioned girl was huddled close together with her family as they watched the comets streak across the clear sky (all electronics and artificial lights were shut off for the night) and Melohi played from a jukebox in the corner.
Fundy was laying his head in Dream's lap, the other boy was softly threading his fingers through his almost fiance's orange hair while leaning heavily on George and trying not to let sleep claim him as it had the fox (no one knew how this happened, all they were aware of is that the three had disappeared sometime during the sand castle contest only to reemerge having finally talked things through and come to an agreement that they all seemed happy with).
Ranboo, Niki, Puffy and Eret were collapsed in a happy pile just vibing.
The sleepy bois, who were for once actually sleepy, all wore matching flower crowns braided together by Stress's experienced fingers (and Wilbur's rather clumsy ones). Phil and her had managed to come to an agreement of unofficial joint custody after he witnessed Techno embarrassedly lean down to let her place a crown of golden flowers upon his head and saw his internal beam of pride when she called him "handsome".
The boys never really had a mother he mused, maybe she could teach them kindness where he couldn't.
Another surprise addition to the family was the owner of the third pair of wings in the cuddle pile. Phil didn't expect to end up with any more children at this point in his life, but Grain and Clemmy were practically attached at the hip and it felt wrong to even think about separating them.
He only hoped that those two wouldn't cause too much chaos especially when teamed up with Tubbo.
In the end, everyone drifted off to sleep, one by one they closed their eyes on their most perfect day. Praying for whatever might be out there, that they'll have many more moments just like this.
almost everyone.
Callahan chuckled as he walked back up to his spot with Alyssa farther away from the others. shutting off his camera after cycling through the pictures he took of everyone looking goofy while sleeping (His favorite is the one where Clemmy was very visibly munching on Techno's hair). He may not use those as blackmail but he sure ass hell was going to tease them about it later. He fell asleep there on that hill, drifting off to comforting rest like the others.
After that? Life moved on.
It was chaotic sure, and not perfect.
But it was theirs. They grew up slowly, learning to be kind to one another, how to grow with one another.
Life wasn't always perfect but hey, they had each other. And in the end? That's all that mattered.
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skzsauce01 · 4 years
Normal Pt 2
Description: For more skilled maneuvers, dragon shifters need a rider to help them out. After rejecting multiple riders, Hyunjin, a traumatized and handicapped shifter, is assigned to you. To add a cherry on top, you’re deaf, so how are you supposed to cast spells to free him from his limitation, let alone the anger in his heart?
Warning: some violence
Word Count: 3.5k
Pairing: fem!reader x dragon!Hyunjin
Pt: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5
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The first assignment you have with Hyunjin comes earlier than expected, but there is no choice but to be standing at the edge of the school on a cold Saturday morning with no experience riding Hyunjin whatsoever.
The task is simple: kill at least twenty goblins within the hour to pass. Additional kills and heads of flying goblins are extra points. 
As Hyunjin is waiting for the professor to finish taking attendance, he hears a familiar voice call out his name.
“Hi Hye Ji.” 
“Are you feeling better from the fall?”
“Yeah. Don’t worry about me.”
“That’s a relief,” she smiles.
Hyunjin notices the beverage in her hand. “You like strawberry yakult?”
“This isn’t for me,” she replies with a shake of her head. “One of the proctors asked me to deliver this. Do you know where Miss L/N is?”
“Y/N? She’s getting the kill-counter from the professor.”
As if on cue, you emerge from behind Hyunjin and hand Hyunjin a metal necklace. You look at Hye Ji questioningly. 
“Hi! This is for you.” She takes your hand and places the milk in it. “See you later! Good luck you guys!”
‘Thank you!’ you sign after her.
Once she’s gone, you look down at your favourite beverage and smile at the note it came with.
‘Fighting! -B.C.’
Hyunjin crosses his arms and laughs curtly at the cheesiness of it all. “We’re going to start soon,” he says while walking past you and towards the wilderness.
You aren’t sure why Hyunjin is staying human ten minutes into the assignment, but it doesn’t stop you from staring at him hopefully.
“Don’t even think about it,” he grumbles for the nth time. 
When you point to his back, he rolls his eyes and takes your notepad from you.
‘I already found out about your little secret, so just stop it already.’
You look at him with a sly smile of disbelief. 
‘You sing and manipulate your spells with different vibrations instead of words,’ he writes with a triumphant smirk.
The way your usual cheerful demeanor falters at his words almost makes him feel bad. Almost. Instead, he writes, ‘Just give up and stay off my back.’
You take the pad back. ‘How did you find out?’
It’s Hyunjin’s turn to be flustered; he did not foresee this question. ‘Changbin told me.’
Your grin tells him that he messed up his answer and that you realize that he’s lying. Do you really trust the older dragon that much? He looks at the note that came with your drink earlier that you’ve stuck to the back of the pad. Or did you trust Chan?
You gesture for him to keep the paper when he tries to hand it back and indicate for him to write another answer. Hyunjin feels his cheeks tingle with heat uncomfortably, so he finally turns dragon and walks ahead of you with his long strides… 
… right into a goblin nest.
He had wondered why you clocked him in the head with a pebble moments before he heard the threatening screeches of the vile creatures, but now he is wondering why you followed him here, panting and bent over your knees, if you knew what he-- and now you as well-- has gotten into.
Anyone else taking this assessment would be delighted to find this many targets in one place, but not him. Goblins, although weak, are crafty, especially in large numbers. The worst of them are mother goblins, protective and merciless. Hyunjin doesn’t need to take a look around to know that they are what makes up most of the muscle force in a nest. Thankfully, they all seem to be ground goblins, meaning he can still fly up and incinerate everything on the ground before he inevitably crashes into something.
But then, there’s you. Despite his apathy towards your kind, he isn’t cruel enough to kill you. At the same time, both you and him are not getting out of this unscathed if you stay any longer, Twilight Terror or otherwise.
In his indecision, Hyunjin barely notices you signing something towards him. He recognizes the alphabet and thus the two letters you are repeating to him.
He watches your small smile-- a familiar smile, he thinks-- as your necklace gleams white and his wings unfurl. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees a goblin arching her morning glory backwards with her gaze trained on you.
Hyunjin lets out a distressed roar as he feels himself lifting off the ground as you grow smaller and smaller in his field of vision. Thankfully, you dodge the first blow from the goblin, but how much more can you take, especially with the other ones quickly approaching? 
Without thinking, Hyunjin swings his tail downwards and sweeps you off of your feet and onto his back. He shoots several breaths of fire onto the meddling vermins down below as you take him out of the area. His ears perk up at the sound of your voice. It’s smooth and even just like his current flight. It’s a beautiful sound, he decides as he gets lost in it, ignoring the nineteen beeps that sound from his kill-count necklace.
He flies off the edge of the forest and over the neighboring sea where the morning sun reflects orange and gold off the waters. Once out of harm’s way, you let out a peal of giggles at your and his success. Hyunjin can’t help but grin too. Part of him wonders how you are able to stay so on pitch while laughing.
The sounds of six years ago come flooding back into his head. Laughing. He was laughing too with his rider until he heard his turning more sinister.
“Lee?” a feminine voice calls out. 
Hyunjin can’t remember who said that. He only recalls trying to move, but his muscles not listening, not when they had sworn their existence and loyalty to his rider. The weight that he had come to adore on his back became heavy and suffocating. The same weight he feels on him now.
You feel your powers losing control over the dragon, starting with the unfamiliar tail. Hyunjin veers hard towards the left due to the imbalance and crashes into the side of the cliff. Something snags Hyunjin’s purple pendant off and it falls into the ocean with a splash. Without it in his proximity, Hyunjin returns to human form as the two of you free fall after the stone.
Hyunjin grabs onto a sturdy branch along the fall, but you aren’t so lucky. 
“Y/N?” he calls out. “Y/N!” 
Thankfully, you quickly resurface onto a rock and wave to him with a bright smile in your annoying wet-but-still-pristine uniform. 
He involuntarily lets out a sigh of relief and begins lowering himself down to meet you. When he turns around again, he sees you falling comedically backwards into the waves.
“What do you think you’re--!”
You begin swimming, and it doesn’t take a fool to know towards what. Just beneath the surface floats a gem that glows a purple hue. Luckily, it doesn’t look like you’ll have to dive deep for it. 
Stones don’t float.
It’s a sea goblin! Hyunjin watches in horror as the vermin notices you and pulls you under the waves for a tussle. You unsheath the dagger at your thigh but miss its head as you thrust forward your weapon. The goblin slams you against a sharp rock, dying the surrounding water red as a sharp pain blossoms from your shoulder. It again hurls you at another rock, this time making sure your head meets it first and knocks you out.
Hyunjin is already swimming by the time your body sinks to the ocean floor. The goblin is racing him towards you to finish the job. No, not to finish the job; it’s racing to take his necklace! Hyunjin notices a familiar glint attached to a chain wrapped around your dagger. You hadn’t missed your thrust earlier; you just had a different goal that what everyone imagined. 
By some luck, Hyunjin reaches you first and ignores the sharp nails being dragged across his abdomen as he holds you and your knife against him and takes you to the surface to transform.
The goblin doesn’t stand a chance. It quickly swims deep into the ocean upon seeing the dragon, but a little water is no trouble for a Terror. Hyunjin sends a deafening roar after it and follows with a flame so hot, water evaporates immediately in its proximity.
A soft chirp sounds from his remaining necklace. Beep! Twenty. 
“Y/N!” he squeaks at your unconscious form.
The only visible injury is the one on your arm, dying your white coat the same color as its underside, but Hyunjin knows how dangerous head injuries are. He puts his ear to your chest; at least you are still breathing. 
If he were Hye Ji or any other dragon, he would hold you between his mouth and fly back to school, but with his tail, he will be risking giving you another concussion if he attempts that. He could make the journey alone since he is used to the falling, but that would mean leaving you alone. He slams the useless appendage against the sea despite knowing that you’d object to it if you were awake.
Then wake up and scold me! he screams internally.
To make matters worse, the water Hyunjin evaporated is already raining down on him. He shelters you away under his wings and roars repeatedly in distress.
After a solid minute, he hears a reply from an upperclassman proctor. “Is that Hyunjin?”
He lets out another roar, his feet shifting anxiously. “Yes! Yes! Over here!” Soon enough, Hyunjin can make out the familiar shape of his roommate and his rider. 
Of course it's Chan.
“Where’s L/N?” Chan gasps as soon as Changbin puts him down.
Hyunjin lifts his wing up for the other male to see. As soon as he spots your form, Chan pushes past the dragon and scoops you up into his arms.
“A concussion,” Chan announces. He looks at Hyunjin. “In the case of a medical emergency, I have the right to make you terminate your assignment before the allotted time you have for your task. Return your tracker now and aboard my dragon.”
Hyunjin transforms and tosses the metal necklace to him with a dark lookl. “I finished already anyway.”
He ignores the stunned look on Changbin’s snout as he climbs on the reptile. Although offensive, he can’t blame his friend for his surprise; Hyunjin hasn’t completed a single assignment with a rider since he enrolled, but for some reason though, he isn’t proud of his new achievement. As the trio flies to campus, a heavy feeling weighs in his chest where his necklace used to hang.
The wind in his face that he used to enjoy so much now makes him sick. Your limp body in his arms only reminds him that he’s never going to truly be able to fly again. He has to admit that you are the most versatile rider he has ever seen, so if you aren’t able to control a tail like his, then maybe it is time to finally face the truth. It’s finally time to call it quits.
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Your resilience both mentally and physically is admirable, Hyunjin notes when he sees you out of the infirmary and walking about in less than a week. The next thought he has is to hide so you can’t see him. However, what you want to find, you will find.
‘You didn’t visit me once in the clinic,’ you pout accusingly.
‘Why would I visit you?’
He expects you to pull another ‘Because you’re my dragon!’ nonsense, but instead, you take his hand and put something cold in it. He looks down to see his necklace that he never took back from your dagger.
To your shock, he hands it back to you. “I don’t need this anymore.”
‘I don’t need this anymore. Keep it. Sell it. I don’t care.’ There’s a reason why he’s gone a week without retrieving it from you in the first place.
With a tight frown, you stand firmly with your feet apart and press the notepad against his chest, demanding an explanation.
‘I’m quitting. I’m not going to be a dragon anymore. I can’t graduate anyway by the way I’m going. I just wanted’ he crosses out the last three words and hands the pad back to you. I just wanted to tell you first before leaving. Maybe that’s why he has been avoiding you.
You’re oddly unfazed by his decision. You simply write, ‘Why?’
He looks at your shoulder. The one blemish you have on your uniform resides there. The stitching is so fine, you can hardly tell it’s there, but the faint brown of dried blood is more obvious. ‘I don’t have to explain myself to you.’
‘Just because I got a little hurt--’ you begin to write.
‘It’s not that,’ he interjects with a scowl.
‘Then what?’
Hyunjin huffs in annoyance. He knows you won’t give up until he tells you, so he writes, ‘Fine, you want to know why? It’s because I can’t fly. Not by myself, and not even with a rider as skilled as you. What is a Twilight Terror that can’t fly? Even a hatchling can do that!’
Your frown deepens. ‘Sure you can. We were doing fine after the nest.’
‘And then I dropped us.’
‘That was my fault! I’m not used to your tail, but we can get it with more training.’
The memories that returned that day flash back into Hyunjin’s mind. ‘It wasn’t you. I just can’t be helped.’
‘I’ve never once met a dragon who could not be helped,’ you pen stubbornly.
Hyunjin eyes your pure white pendant with suspicion but doesn’t dwell on the thought. ‘Well congratulations, you’ve met your first. Shouldn’t you be happy anyway? You’ll be assigned to a regular, functioning dragon after I’m gone and can graduate this academy without any problems.’
You scoff silently after reading his message and point to your ear. ‘Do you think I want a regular dragon?’
He bites his lip.
‘Hwang Hyunjin. Stay at Sheng at least until the New Year’s Race and I’ll be out of your scales for good. If you don’t, I’ll quit too and follow you until you come back.’
You’ve been stern with him before-- it was a tactic that you tried in order to get him to listen to you in training-- but never like this. If he were to be honest, it frightens him a little.
He pushes your notepad away begrudgingly and you know you have won. He can put up with this for three more months, he decides. Or, better yet, he can make you quit before then, and Changbin cannot say anything about it this time; he had already given you a chance to save yourself.
‘And Hyunjin? I’d be very sad if you left :(‘
He hates the way you curl the letters of his name so cutely. 
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It’s much easier to get Hyunjin to allow you on his back now either because you were already there before or because he’s given up on controlling his dragon form altogether. Still, he only agrees to it when the two of you are alone and out of sight from the other dragons. You get yourself and him excused from regular class-time training with the other dragons and instead move your practice time to after dusk when you and him can be alone.
With the extra hours in the day, Hyunjin begins studying fields he hopes to go into after he rescinds from Sheng Academy. Sometimes, when he walks to the canteen for a quick nibble, he finds you in a vacant classroom with a tail made of old dragon scales that’s shaped to represent his own.
Not having a fin at all and constricting one of Changbin’s is similar, yet very different. Hyunjin doesn’t understand why you are trying so hard for this when he can’t fly with his past haunting him even if you did figure out the kinetics. It’s pathetically futile and not at all heartwarming, Hyunjin tells himself.
Today is one of those days where he’s out for a snack. He spots you through the regular window, although today you aren’t alone.
What’s Chan doing here? He quickly skidaddles to a hiding spot.
The male has his hand just above his sternum like you usually do. Around the pseudo tail swirls blue magic rather than white. 
Why are you teaching him how to spellcast like you, Y/N? Hyunjin curses. You’re supposed to be helping me fly again!
The tail suddenly jerks itself across the room, and Chan gives you a lopsided guilty grin. You wave it off and place your hand on his chest and motion for him to try again. Hyunjin swears he’s flexing the muscles in the area as you do so.
‘Good,’ you sign when he gets the tail to flick as intended. You try to step back, but Chan pulls on your wrist to get you to keep monitoring him. However, he pulls a little too hard, and you crash into his arms.
Chan’s Adam's apple bob up and down at your close proximity. Your lips part as a gasp escapes. The male’s eyes shift down to them and he lifts your head closer, his eyes threatening to flutter shut.
Transforming into a dragon in the hallways is strictly forbidden, but Hyunjin figures he has enough time before getting caught to set Chan’s pants on fire. 
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‘Our dueling assignment is in two days,’ you remind him.
Hyunjin isn’t paying attention; he’s too busy grinning at the little burn mark on the tail of your coat. He seems to be ruining your pristine clothes little by little.
You motion for him to lower his head for you to climb on, and to your surprise, he cooperates without a word today. 
Did something good happen? you wonder, stroking him a few times.
The two of you have been making pretty good progress. Like with Changbin, you can get through the easy course in an acceptable amount of time, but it isn’t enough. With the assignment coming up, you want to push him a little further. 
His chest rumbles as he lets out a noise of concern when he feels your increase of energy and sees you leading him towards intermediate course. You ignore him and push on. 
Over the first beam, dodge the log projectiles, slant thirty degrees counterclockwise through the triangular hoop, and fly vertically up the twenty story wall. 
You get through a few more obstacles with only a few hiccups, but none great enough to stop you on your track.
Clear your head, Hyunjin tells himself. Don’t mess this up. Just focus on the course!
Finally, you make it to the last challenge: a rotating hollowed out rectangular prism. The slit cut into it is barely enough to fit the Terror’s wingspan. A dragon would have to rotate perfectly in sync with it for thirty meters to fly through. 
You pat him twice as encouragement and lean forward to brace yourself.
Hyunjin enters the tube with his eyes trained on the exit, leaving the rotation up to you. The spin is against the natural direction of the way Hyunjin’s tail tilts, so you amp up your magic to a level according to your best judgement, hoping the leeway space is enough for any fine tuning. 
Thirty meters. Twenty. Fifteen. Ten… Seven… Five, three, two, one!
You pump your fists into the air when Hyunjin’s tail clears the last of the intermediate course, and the male jerks up his head to let out a celebratory roar. The motions combined with you forgetting to turn back down your powers tosses you off his back, and the two of you tumble onto the sand below, laughing and cheering.
“Oh my claws, I can’t believe we did it!” Hyunjin laughs carelessly, unaware that he’s transformed and rolled on top of you with his body held up by his forearms. 
Maybe not all riders are so awful. Maybe.
His smile warms your heart; it’s a sight you don’t see often, but one you can get used to. Has his cheeks always been so fluffy? You reach up to cup them to see if they are an illusion.
Hyunjin blinks in surprise at your touch. It is only then that he realizes how close you are and his brain malfunctions. 
‘Pretty,’ you form the word soundlessly with your lips. 
It was a mistake for him to look down at your lips, he realizes with a huge blush. He quickly pushes himself off of you and scratches into the sand, ‘Sorry.’
You shake your head and begin brushing off your clothes, hoping that the stains won’t be too obvious. That’s two marks on your uniform that he has attached fond memories to, Hyunjin realizes. He wonders how many more he can get on you.
~ ad.gold
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thedarkstrangeson · 4 years
Falling, Failing, Rising (2/7)
A/N: This is chapter 2 of my pride fic! So it is highly recommended that you check out chapter 1 first.
Ch1 | Ch2(here) | next
Warnings: Lots of (accidental) misgendering, dysphoria, occasional cursing, panic attacks, anxiety, slurs, violence, (graphic/descriptive) threats of violence, transphobia, injuries and descriptions of them, blood.
General Summary: Being trans is hard. It’s panic attacks and dysphoria and nights of not knowing. It’s figuring things out and letting it knock you over, it’s understanding and trying so damn hard to say something but failing, always failing. But sometimes, when you make it through all the dark parts and you see yourself for who you are, sometimes when those words finally come out, sometimes… Sometimes it’s happiness. Sometimes it's love. Sometimes it's rising on unsteady legs and standing anyway. Sometimes, it’s pride.
This is a Virgil-centric fic for pride month, featuring all of the sides portrayed sympathetically. It’s also got fem!Logan (Her name is Eibhlin, for pronunciation it is usually anglicized as Evelyn) and fem!Janus (she does not get a name change because Jan is just lovely like that). Virgil is afab and named Adeline.
Chapter 2: Fight the Transphobe
   It was a Friday. School was hitting the half-way point of the year, and, finally, things would be closer to the end than to the beginning. Addie was convinced that things would be an improvement once school ended, but it would leave only the summer between her and her friends all parting ways for college. But until then, she was stuck in this hell-hole. And this hell-hole had a particular tradition of club rush. Once every term, all the school’s clubs would set up booths in the quad and attempt to recruit new members. 
As she was the treasurer for Theatre Tech, it made sense that she had to be there. That didn’t mean, however, that she was happy about it. So that’s how she ended up sulking behind the club’s booth, just waiting for lunch to be over so they could all pack up and get off to class. 
The booth was sandwiched right between Speech and Debate(popular), and the Gender and Sexuality Alliance(vaguely present). Each were running their own spiels, GSA handing out flags, Remus performing a particularly gory Humorous Interp from his last tournament, and Theatre passing out flyers for their upcoming performances. Addie was content to pretend like she was busy keeping the booth’s poster from falling over, until a commotion at the GSA booth caught her eye.
There was a bit of a standoff going on, between one of the GSA’s face painters and another student. He seemed to be taunting the kid, but Addie couldn’t really make out the words—
“...do you think you’re doing, faggot?”
“P-please treat all students on campus with respect, it’s in the student handbook.”
“Well, ma’am , you can shove your damn student handbook.”
This was… not okay. Addie really really needed to say something, to shut the guy up, didn’t he know that misgendering someone was just so hurtful . Where did he get all that venom? None of these kids were doing anybody any harm. 
I will say something. Her shoulders tensed, and her breathing went unsteady. Oh gods how could I possibly say something? But she had to, this was wrong . It was hurting so badly and she just couldn’t move. Something stung at her eyes, and she blinked but it didn’t go away. 
“And you know what? You can shove your whole fucking booth, too. We don’t stand for trannies in this school,” the guy said, reaching to grab at the club’s poster.
Please, can you just shut the fuck up? 
And then there was another person on the scene, Remus striding over from the speech booth with a bloodthirsty glint in his eye.
“What did you say, girlie?”
The guy took a step back, almost involuntarily. “Stay out of this, or you’re just as bad as they are.”
“Oh, I don’t think I will, worm’s meat,” said Remus. He seemed to be bubbling with anger, dark and deep. But why did he care? Why would Remus, of all people, defend the gay club on campus? Regardless of his motivations, Addie could only watch, rooted to the spot, as Remus went on. “Back off, or you’ll find your kneecaps unpleasantly reversed.”
“I’m not scared of you,” said the bully, although he sounded far less certain now.
“Shut your mouth,” Remus measured his words carefully, “Or I’ll tear off your nipples and shove them up your nose.” He grinned, wild and frenzied for a fight. And the bully gave it to him.
“You wouldn’t dare,” the guy said, taking two steps forward to shove him. Remus was too quick, and sidestepped to grab his arm as he went past.
“Is that a challenge?” 
With that, they were on top of each other, Remus yelling out obscenities and clawing, biting, fighting dirty like there was no tomorrow. The other kid, although bigger, really had gotten in over his head. He spun wildly, trying to get Remus off of him, to no avail. Someone was screaming. Then, something red wading into the fray.
As quickly as it had started, it was over. 
Roman had his brother by the back of his shirt and was dragging him off. 
“I will peel your skin off layer by layer like an onion until you are nothing more than a bony husk, you bastard, you scum of the earth, go die in a hole and fester until even the vultures won’t touch you—”
He kept going, the words flowing, unendingly, all the way until the door to the office shut behind them and Remus’ voice was cut off from the quad.
Addie was shocked into silence, along with most of the students present. Remus getting into a fight wasn’t exactly uncommon, but that was the angriest she had seen him in a long time. Thank goodness Roman was around, or it was possible nothing would have been able to get him to stop. As it was, the kid lay bleeding out of deep scratches across his face and arms. It was like he had been mauled. In a way, she supposed he had.
Not to say what Remus did was right, but Addie was just about ready to punch the kid herself. The things he was saying, the purposeful misgendering, it just cut. Deep. And she didn’t know why. At least I’m not trans. I couldn’t bear to have those words thrown my way.
Fuck, what if I’m trans?
It would explain so much, it would hurt so much, it would be a blessing and a curse and everything rolled into one, and oh no I’m spiraling how did this happen . 
Deep breaths, take deep breaths, get out of this damn crowd get out get out.
She made it behind the booths, there was a little bit of an open area here and the pressure on her lungs let up, just a little bit. But then there was someone there with her.
“Addie?” said Patton, quietly. He reached out but she stepped away, pressing her hands over her ears because why did her name hurt this much? The pressure clamped back down and she was struggling to breathe and Patton did the right thing this time, he stepped back but he kept talking to her.
“Hey, can you look at me? It’s going to be okay. Let’s count, alright? Just breathe with me and count. In for one, two, three, four, hold it with me for one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, you’re doing great. Let’s breathe out now…”
Patton kept up the steady rhythm and Addie slowly came back to herself, out of that dark hole that was far too easy to fall into. 
“Sorry, Pat,” she studied her shoes, trying to keep up the focus on her breathing.
“Aww it’s okay, I always want to be here for you, you know that right? I’m Patt-on call!”
“I—” she resolved to just let that one slide, “Thanks.”
“No problem, kiddo! But I think we might want to head off to class now, lunch is over.”
Sure enough, all the booths had been packed up while Addie wasn’t watching. It was disorienting, to say the least. All that was left was empty tables and a few drops of blood on the pavement.
Addie tried to put it out of her mind as quickly as possible.
They headed off to 3rd period.
She tried to breathe.
She couldn’t tell whether she was succeeding.
Ch1 | Ch2(here) | next
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it-was-summer · 5 years
Mad About You ( Teen! Five x Fem! Reader)
Request: no
Plot: In an attempt to push away your growing feelings for Five you abruptly change your personality.
Word Count: 1,759
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Dating was never really your thing. All your feelings just couldn’t stick. You would talk with somebody for a few weeks or months or however long and then they would say something and you would just be ... gone.
Your friends hated that about you. It would take you so long to start liking someone and then the next day you were just over it, acting as if your feelings had never happened.
If you were being honest you liked it. It saved you from drama. You loved your friends and school but you hated high school drama. Friend against friend, boy against girl, girl against girl, it was all unnecessarily over the top. Not dating just saved you from anything like that. It kept your head clear.
You gently tapped your pencil on your notebook, causing a dull sound with each hit. You heard a groan from the desk in front of you before a boy turned around with a frown on his face. “Are you a musician?” he snapped the question in a quiet tone.
You smiled a little, stopping the tapping slowly. “Not necessarily, no. Why?” you asked, leaning forward and resting your head on one hand.
“The music you keep making is not what I want on my playlist.”
“Oh, sorry,” you said with a sweet smile, seeing how the boy in front of you relaxed quickly and mouthed an ‘it’s okay’ before he turned around to focus on the science worksheet you both shared.
You let out a small sigh, having finished with the paper, looking around the room, wanting something to do or to talk to someone. You found nothing in your small search and found yourself humming a little to a song in your head.
You heard another exasperated sigh before the same boy turned around. “You really are a talented pest, huh?”
“I prefer the term human, but pest works.”
He smiled a little at you as you let out a small laugh.
You looked forward to your science class after that. You would occasionally talk with the stranger that sat at the desk in front of you. You were respectful when he didn’t want, but you usually said something that would make him start to laugh a little. He was intelligent and rather cute for a high school boy, You had yet to learn his name. Your teacher never did roll call and just took attendance by with her seating chart so you were left without a name. It got to the point where you tried to look at his papers, searching for his name.
You liked your nameless friend either way. He laughed whenever you made snarky comments or when you played along with his banter. He was amusing, well that seemed like an understatement.
However, you didn’t want to go to school. You were a studious and punctual student so it was new for you. You had a friend, he was a stand-up guy.. for the most part. He had a common thread of dating girls that were a little crazy. This one, in particular, was extra crazy.  She had decided to spread the lovely rumor that the two of you were having a thing on the side. It was completely untrue, but she had a photo of him and you hugging. You had to wonder why she went through all the effort, but to others, they had all the proof they needed to call you names. You had spent your first period getting stared down and passing period getting called a beautiful name, “’ bitch’”, it all went uphill from there.
Whenever she saw you she would feign tears, her friends glaring at you as they comforted her. It was becoming a great day.
You took the high road and ignored people, ignored what they said or how they looked at you, continuing on with your day the best you could.
Now you sat in science with a frown on your face, your mind swimming with negative thought. You felt something gently hit your face and looked down to see a neatly folded note with your name on it. You opened it seeing a long paragraph, reading it to learn that you sucked. Jokes on them you- shit you were crying. You watched teardrops fall onto the paper. You stood up quickly asking the teacher if you could use the restroom.
You didn’t even make it to the restroom before you broke down in the hallway. You got to the restroom and sat in an open stall. You heard footsteps causing you to try and stop your sobs from escaping your mouth. You stood up and closed the stall quickly, locking it. You looked down and saw a shadow in front of the stall soon enough. You looked up hearing a small knock.
“Listen, I really can’t be in here.” a familiar voice spoke, causing you to unlock the stall quickly, coming face to face with the boy from your science class.
You let out a sad laugh and dried your eyes quickly “I mean if you’re trans then it’s okay.” you told him, causing him to nod a little.
You tried to take a step out of the stall, but he blocked you. “Y/N are you okay?” he asked softly, causing you to let a small sigh.
“I... I just forget how mean high school girls are sometimes.” You answered with a light laugh. You went to hug yourself but he stopped you by putting his hands on your shoulders. You looked into his eyes quickly, feeling your heartbeat pick up quickly and without warning.  You smiled up at him, relaxing ever so slightly. You could tell he was trying his best to comfort you. It was the thought that counts. “Thank you,” you trailed off waiting for a name to be said.
“, Five.” you finished as he let you go and you walked over to the sink, giving him a small rundown of what had happened up till now. Five listened patiently and just before the bell gave you his number so you could talk to him outside of class. It wasn’t that bad of a day after all.
You had yet to stop texting Five. Your opening line was ‘What kind of parent names their kid Five?’ to which he answered,
‘A bad one.’
You found yourself giggling at your text often and feeling a little lighter. You felt this feeling before, you marked it down as the beginning of a friendship. The two of you would joke around constantly and get to know each other along the way.
Now you were sat at lunch with some other friends, instead of talking to them you were texting Five while he was still in class. He sent you a photo of his teacher with a small joke underneath causing you to laugh a little. Before you could text back a reply your friend spoke up.
“Looks like she has a new crush,” she said with a grin before taking a small sip out of her water bottle. You didn’t say anything but watched as your friends talked about how you were acting lately. You focused in on the fact that you were starting to have a crush on Five. You didn’t expect that to be something you were so ready to accept.
You were now in science and it was something you wouldn’t let yourself accept. The thought of Five’s arms around you or his smile or anything about him made you feel like you were about to explode. You never felt this nervous around a guy, You didn’t like that.
So you planned on doing something about that mess.
You were going to change yourself. An alteration if you will just to stop anything. You sat up straighter in your desk when Five turned around to tell you a small joke. You frowned, fighting against your smile. “Funny?” you questioned before he turned around with a confused look on his face.
It was seven o’clock at night when you got a call from Five. You hesitated but picked it up letting out a bored “Hello?”
“Hey! Uhm, are you okay?” he asked in a soft and concerned tone.
You felt your heart jump at how sweet he sounded. He was concerned about you. Even when you were acting like a so abrasive he managed to make your heart flutter. “Fine.” was all you could manage in a monotoned voice.
“You don’t sound fin-”
You let out a fake groan, trying to cut him off. “ I just..” you paused and you hung up. You didn’t answer any other calls or text and went to bed with a heavy heart.
At school, you dodged him any way you could, but now you were in science class and he wasn't trying to talk to you anymore. You could see him writing though. Stopping every once and a while to think and then writing again. He folded up the lined paper and stuffed it into his pocket before focusing on your teacher once again.
After class Five stopped and handed you the note you had almost forgotten about before flashing you a light and nervous smile and leaving you in the hallway.
When you got home you opened the note in your room.
You take my breath away. Every witty joke and quick comeback, every laugh, every smile, everything about you manages to take my breath away. You have given me something to look forward to every day.
I am pretty damn smart so not paying attention has never been better when I am talking to you instead. Even on days where we rarely talk I find myself thinking about you. I think about how beautiful your eyes looked that day you were crying in the bathroom. I think about how you once told someone to shush in the middle on instruction.
I admire you so much and I find myself adoring you with every waking moment of my life.
I like you, a lot. I think you know that because you keep trying to push away today. I’m tricky like that. ;)
You laughed a little. It wasn’t the best confession if you were being honest, but it was the thought that count.
You picked up your phone and called him, biting your lip lightly as you waited for him to pick up.
“Five, I am mad about you.”
“Pardon me?”
“I like you too, you idiot.”
“Great. I knew that.”
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cami-chats · 5 years
Lovin’ Me Good
Fandom: Marvel
Pairings: Bucky Barnes/Natasha Stark (fem!Tony Stark) 
Summary: Bucky loves Natasha Stark so much he forgets that people have shit ideas about her.
Author’s Note: Commission for someone that wanted fem!Tony but still older than Bucky :D Starring: Natasha Stark as middle aged, trans, and gorgeous, Bucky as super in love, and a random asshole who exists to get the story kicking. (PWP)
Link to AO3 
They were at an event when Bucky heard it. It wasn't rare for them to be at an event together, practically a bimonthly occurrence for him and Natasha. Right after they started dating, paparazzi got a picture of them at a restaurant, and it was plastered everywhere for weeks. So called 'news stations' were doing pieces about them, speculating on how long ago this had started, if the Winter Soldier killed the Stark parents had been motivated by possessive jealousy, if she had stolen him from Steve, that sort of bullshit. 
Bucky had expected all of that. He'd been given the run down on modern media when he became part of the Avengers, and Natasha had told him again when they got together. The problem was that Bucky had never heard someone that wasn't a paparazzi or trashy journalist saying those things. He was at the event, expecting the usual snide comments and backhanded compliments. What he got was someone saying, to his face while Natasha was in the ladies' room and he was grabbing some water, "So how much does she pay you?" 
Bucky looked at the man-- suit nice, but the way he was attempting to lounge in it made the material look unfitted-- bewildered. "Excuse me?" 
"Relax Bucky, I'm just joking." Uh, yeah he was clearly joking, but not in a way that would have made Bucky forgive him. Also, Bucky had never met this man before, so him calling him by his first name wasn't going to earn him any points. People just decided they could do that every now and then though, called him by his first name like they were old friends instead of strangers. "I'm sure Stark has other assets that make her fun to be with even if the MILF look never did it for me." 
Bucky just stared at him. Was he actually saying these words? "What the hell is wrong with you?" 
The man spluttered a bit, trying to save face since he finally figured out that he wasn't making a very good impression. The bartender slid Bucky's drink in front of him, so he grabbed it and left without another word. Natasha found him a minute later, looking absolutely gorgeous in her dress. Red and slinky, the blue light of the arc reactor not detracting from the overall look. Her hair was pinned up with a blue clasp that Bucky knew had pieces of an old arc reactor in it. She had little crows feet at the corner of her eyes, laugh lines curving against the inside of her cheeks, and the natural maturity to her face that came with aging. Her long hair didn't show any grey yet, but he knew it was going to happen soon. He hoped it happened soon, because she would look incredible with little streaks of silver through her otherwise dark hair. Bucky was tempted to find that guy just to punch him in the teeth, but it was a much better use of his time to wrap an arm around her waist and press a kiss to her cheek. 
"Hey darlin'." 
Natasha, of course, knew that something was off right away. She put her arm around him in kind automatically, leaning into him. "What happened?" 
"Nothin'," he said automatically. She raised an eyebrow, and Bucky sighed. "Someone just... talking shit about you. Us." 
Natasha's expression turned sympathetic. "People are always going to do that, Bucky. You can't let it bother you." 
"Yeah, so you and everyone else on the team keeps reminding me." 
"If there's a dumb opinion, someone out there has it and they're going to yell it like an edict from god." 
Bucky chuckled, kissing her cheek again. "I guess." 
"Besides, it's not like they don't have half a leg to stand on with us." 
"Nothing personal babe," she said, patting his chest absently as she looked into the crowd, "but I am sorta rocking the cougar dream here." 
"I'm older than you," Bucky said, frowning. 
"True, but you don't look it. As far as everyone else is concerned, I'm another rich person with a partner twenty years younger than me." 
"You're a billionaire, not 'another rich person'. You're better than them." He paused, then added, "I'm much hotter than any of their trophy wives, so they can suck it." 
Natasha grinned, giving him a quick squeeze. "That's why I love you." 
Bucky tried to forget about it like Natasha suggested, but for the rest of the night he couldn't get it out of his head. Any time he wasn't talking, he wondered if that was really how Natasha thought about their relationship. She cared about him, no question, but did she know how much she meant to him? Natasha was a goddamn miracle, and perfect besides. She was strong and smart, and even though she hid it behind a curtain of snark, she was one of the kindest people he'd ever met. He never would have made it a month without her help, and while he could stand here trying to wax poetic about her all day, that didn't really help her know how much he loved her. He was supposed to shake it off when people talked shit about her, and he didn't know how the hell he was supposed to manage that when she was so ridiculously incredible. 
When the night came to an end, they climbed in the backseat of the car. Happy rolled the partition up out of habit, then started driving. All of Natasha's cars drove smoothly, and Happy was so familiar with them that it didn't feel like they were moving at all. The party had been on the far side of Brooklyn, so it was going to take them a while to get back to the mansion. "God," she groaned, taking her shoes off and rubbing at her feet. "Those things don't get any more comfortable the longer you wear them." 
"C'mere," Bucky said. 
Natasha turned, setting her feet in his lap. When he pressed his thumb into the arch of her foot, she moaned, relaxing back against the car door. "This is the real reason I keep you around, my god." 
"Stop wearing heels, doll. Your feet will thank you for it." 
"Yeah but I like them. I look so pretty in them," Natasha joked, but she went absolutely boneless when Bucky rubbed deeper into her foot. It was like every future ache she would have was already gone. "If you ever decide to give up superheroing, find a job as a massage therapist; I guarantee you will never go hungry, sweet jesus." 
Bucky felt interest, hot and molten, sliding into place in his abdomen. It was hardly the first time Natasha had given him a compliment, and if the trend held, it wouldn't be the last. He curved one hand around her ankle, stroking the skin up her shin with short motions of his thumb. 
"So correct me if I'm wrong," Natasha said, not bothering to open her eyes, "but is this your way of saying you want to get it on in the car right now? Because I am all for that." 
"Definitely," she said, bringing up the foot that wasn't currently in Bucky's hand to pat against his leg. 
Bucky grinned, sliding her dress easily to the top of her legs. It's not like the dress had taken up a lot of space in the first place since Natasha liked to go for the slinky look, and it puddled along her hips like water. He slid as far away as he could get, bumping into the car door, and spreading her legs wider but taking his sweet time. They were getting started in the car, but they weren't finishing here; Bucky had too many plans for this night for it to end so quickly. Her ankle bone jutted out just above her foot, and Bucky pressed a kiss there. He skimmed his lips up her calf, kissing at the thick bound of muscle there. She did so much work as Iron Man on top of wearing heels every few days that her legs were nice. Bucky thought it might be his favorite part about her, but he did this every time. His favorite part of her was whatever he kissed first, and it changed with every new place he touched. A kiss right on top of her knee, and he smiled to himself, kissing it again just to feel the rough skin against his lips. "You're so goddamn gorgeous, y'know that?" 
"I think you've said it once or twice." She nudged his shoulder with the side of her knee. "Car sex is supposed to quick and dirty, baby. Make a mess of my hair and rip my dress." 
"Tempting," Bucky murmured, considering for a moment to change his plan. But no, this was to help show Natasha how much he loved being with her, not to get off. Although, getting off was going to be a definite plus, one he was going to make sure she enjoyed. "But I've got plans for you, so your dress gets to survive the car ride." 
"Not the whole night?" Natasha asked with a knowing smirk. 
"Nah." He moved his way up her thigh, lazily sucking a mark on the inside. 
"You," Natasha said, eyes fixed on him, "are a menace." 
"Am I?" He kissed his way higher. "Mm, good thing you're takin' care of me then. Saving all those other women from gettin' their feelings hurt." 
"Oh yeah? You think you'd be a heartbreaker without me around?" 
"I wouldn't say that." Bucky rubbed his cheek against her underwear, silky smooth against his skin but just a tease to her. "More like I'd keep gettin' tired of all the people that aren't half as amazing as you." 
"Flattery will get you everywhere." 
"Only one place I wanna be, and I don't think you'd kick me out of it now." He licked a broad stripe up her length through the underwear, smugly satisfied when her hips twitched up for more. He pulled the elastic band down, wrapping his lips around the head and slowly sucking down as he pulled her underwear further and further down. 
"Fuck." She knocked her head back against the door, fisting a hand in his hair. She wasn't forcing him down or anything, but she liked tugging on his hair-- and even better, he liked it when she pulled on his hair. 
He slurped as he made his way back up, holding the base in his hand and licking at the head like a lollipop. 
"You are evil," she whined, but she didn't make any move to take matters into her own hands. "C'mon baby, don't tease." 
"I ain't teasing, I'm just takin' my time." 
"Well take my time and get a move on, fuck's sake," she fake-complained, ending with a gasp as he took her in suddenly. "Shit, Bucky!" 
He inched his way down her length. The tip nudged the back of his throat and he eased off for a moment, then went down slowly, his throat tightening around her. 
Natasha's mouth dropped open, and her throat worked, trying to say something, anything to let Bucky know how much she loved this, loved him, but the words got stuck. Bucky swallowed, and she let out a ragged breath. God his mouth was so hot and wet it was like living in fucking ecstasy. New rule: heaven had to be like this and nothing else. "F-fuck," she stuttered out, feeling entirely too warm. Her cheeks were flushed hot, and from her toes to the tips of her fingers there was a warm tingle-- like that time she'd taken a bath with a fancy bath bomb before she realized she was allergic to lavender only this was a hundred times better. "Bucky baby, you're killing me." 
He didn't move, and Natasha was vividly reminded of that time he'd tested how long he could hold his breath. Surely he wouldn't do it now, right? Before the thought could take root, Bucky slowly pulled off, looking smug as all hell. "Nah, I wouldn't do that to ya." He gave quick little licks up her shaft before kissing her stomach. "I love you so much, y'know that?" 
"You never let me forget," she said, looking down at him fondly. 
"You sure about that?" he asked, continuing to kiss along her stomach. 
"What do you mean?" 
He skimmed his nose across the edge of her hipbone, enjoying the closeness. "Earlier, you called yourself a cougar. Made it sound like I was with you f'r the money or somethin'. There ain't any truth to that darlin', and I wanted to make sure you knew that." 
"Of course I know that," Natasha said softly. "I was only teasing, Bucky. If you were with me for the money, you'd actually spend it every once in a while." 
"Or how 'bout I'm with you cause I love you? I ain't ignoring your money or your age or anything, I'm here for you." 
Her expression softened even more. "I know." 
"Then lay back and let me love you a little, yeah?" He pushed her dress further up, the fabric in a bunch under her breasts. "I don't need a reason to make you feel good, but I actually have one tonight so let's enjoy it." 
"I always enjoy it." 
"That's the aim," Bucky said, shooting her a grin. Natasha's dress either could be pulled up over her head, or it could be unzipped on the back. The car was nice and big, but it wasn't exactly a limo. They could finagle around so he could reach the back zipper, but this wasn't fucking in the car, this was making out like horny teenagers with no supervision until they got home and could make it inside. He slid the strap off her shoulder and pulled the fabric down to expose one of her breasts, covering the newly exposed skin with his mouth. She wasn't too sensitive, but she could feel the warmth from his tongue as he swiped it across her nipple before covering as much of her with his mouth as he could. 
Natasha arched her back without meaning to, pushing further into him. "Oh fuck," she breathed. The handle on the side of the door was poking uncomfortably along her shoulders, her neck was craned at a steep angle, and she was half falling off the seat because it didn't matter how big her back seat was, there wasn't enough space for her to spread her legs this wide and stay centered on the cushion. None of that mattered right now because Bucky's mouth on her felt divine, but it was going to matter soon unless she changed how she was laying. She didn't say anything for the moment because she didn't feel like moving. She just threaded her fingers in Bucky's hair and held him close as he left a hickey on the bottom curve of her breast and kissed his way up her shoulder. "You are- mm- too good to me honey." 
"No such thing," he muttered, lips not leaving her skin. "You deserve the best." 
"Then you wanna help me sit up so I don't get a crick in my back?" 
He slid one hand under her back and lifted, tilting her to a more comfortable position immediately. 
"Thanks babe." 
"Mmhmm," he hummed, hiding his face in her neck and mouthing at the sensitive skin there. She tilted her head to encourage him, and he scraped his teeth over the extended tendon, making her shiver. 
"I love you. Have I mentioned that recently?" 
"Once or twice," he said with a small smirk. She dressed up too often for him to leave a hickey that high, but he toyed with the idea for a minute, biting down lightly and licking at her skin to soothe it. "I wouldn't mind hearing it again though." 
"So needy," she teased. She turned her head and kissed the top of his head. He looked up, catching her in a kiss. It was familiar, but never boring. His stubble scratched around her mouth, and she leaned into him more fully, moaning when he gripped her hip and pushed himself up so they weren't having to reach as far. Even so, the angle wasn't quite right, and again: back seat of a car. Space was at a premium, so Bucky broke off the kiss after a minute and dropped to the floor mats. 
He winced at how carelessly he'd landed, adjusting himself through his trousers. 
"You know," Natasha said, "if you'd come back up here I could take care of you." 
Bucky shook his head as she readjusted to face him. "We ain't goin' anywhere yet, no need to rush." 
"Rush? Nothing rushing about it baby," she said, hooking one of her legs on his shoulder so he was in close. His eyes darkened, and one of his hands creeped over her thigh like he didn't notice what he was doing. "We went through a fucking horrible party to get to the nice fucking part of our evening, didn't we?" 
"Yeah honey," he breathed. 
"So I don't think it's asking that much for you to plow me through the back seat, do you?" 
Bucky hummed, licking along the length of her clit as he considered. He ran the flat of his tongue on her slit, loving the way her hips jerked and she moaned like it was all she wanted in the world. "I'd love to Natasha, but I'm gonna spread you out on our bed and do you right, this time." 
"Ah- but, car sex is so much fun." 
"Fun, but it ain't sweet." 
"Aw c'mon, who needs sweet when I can be reminded of how big your cock is in my ass." 
"You'll get that when we get home just as well as you would in here." 
"It's not the same," Natasha mock-complained, but even that was gone when Bucky rubbed a finger against her perineum. "Fuck Bucky, come on, come on, I want you." 
"Want you too sweetheart, but we can make it." 
"You're such an ass," she groaned, knocking her head back as he kept licking and toying his fingers along the spots where she was sensitive. "You keep throwing around this 'we' word," she said, rolling her hips towards him in a futile attempt to convince him to touch her more, "but I'm the only one suffering." 
"You think it's not killin' me to not touch you the way I want to?" he murmured, hugging one of her legs to him as he continued. "Nothin' about this is easy for me honey." Wanting Natasha was like a low flame in his gut, always there. Sometimes it flared or spit sparks, but it was a constant companion, something he'd gotten used to handling otherwise they'd never leave their home. It wasn't easy to not press her down and fuck her slow and smooth, but it was familiar. 
"Then throw a girl a bone." She paused, shooting him a shit-eating grin that was in no way diminished by the makeup that was smudged all over her face. "Get it? Bone?" 
Bucky chuckled. "I have an idea." 
"You're not gonna like it." 
"Aw Bucky, come on," she said, pouting. It was a tits out look, and Bucky loved her that much more for it. She heaved a put-upon sigh and flicked her fingers, gesturing for him to come back on the seat. He did, and she picked up handfuls of her skirt so she could slide onto his lap. "See? Much better," she grinned. Then, because she wanted to tease him a little too, she positioned her ass over his cock, rubbing herself on top of his trousers. 
"God honey." His hands went to her hips, and they moved together for a while, kissing leisurely. Bucky didn't mean to, but he started gripping her tighter. By the time they stopped, he had to relax his hand enough that he knew she'd have a bruise in the morning. He smoothed his fingers over the skin like it might heal her. He licked his lips, glancing out the darkened window. No street lights or lit up signs, just the even lighting of Natasha's garage beneath the Tower. "I guess we're home now." 
"Looks that way," she said, sucking on the hinge of his jaw. "Let's get upstairs." She rolled off to be sitting next to him and pulled the straps of her dress back onto her shoulders. 
"Good idea." Bucky gingerly adjusted himself through his trousers, following Natasha as she opened the car door and stepped outside, letting her dress fall down to cover herself. He grabbed the discarded underwear and shoved it in his pocket so Happy wouldn't have to pick it up later. As they were walking, he slung an arm around her hips, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "Love you." 
"You're about to love me more, remember?" she said with a grin, dropping her hand down to grope his ass. 
"Course I do. I can't forget a damn thing about you, and I like it that way." Bucky scooped her up, relishing the surprised squeak she gave. He grinned as he hurried to the elevator, and she halfheartedly swat at his shoulder. 
"A little warning wouldn't kill you." 
"Yeah but that's not as much fun." He jabbed at the up button, stepping inside when they opened a second later. "Does this count as a warning?" 
He dropped her back to her feet, crowding her against the wall in an instant, before she really had the time to be indignant with him. The elevator ride was a hell of a lot shorter than he remembered, but maybe he'd lost himself in kissing her-- which had been known to happen. He moved to walk out of the elevator, pulling up short when Natasha grabbed his sleeve. 
"Not going to carry me to our room?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. 
"Well if you insist, honey," he grinned, picking her up again. She gave a delighted laugh, striking a pose with her foot in a point. Bucky hurried to their room, kicking the door closed. He set her down long enough to push the straps of the dress down and shimmy the rest off and over her hips so it fell to the ground in a puddle. He leaned down to put an arm under her ass and lifted, taking the few steps to get closer to the bed, and tossed her on. She gave a comical little bounce, bits of her wiggling in a way that should have made him laugh but instead made him more desperate to touch her. 
Bucky started pulling at his clothes, in such a hurry that he was pretty sure he ripped a few seams on his criminally expensive suit that Natasha had bought him. The second he was naked, he climbed on the bed, hovering over her. 
Natasha moaned as he licked into her mouth, putting her hands on his back and yanking him down so that he was covering all of her. They rubbed together and she moaned louder, thrusting her hips up for more friction. "If you don't grab the lube and fuck me, I'm going to do it myself." 
"Shouldn't you have learned patience when you've been alive this long?" 
"Fuck you," she gasped. 
"Guess not," Bucky said, equally breathless. He pressed another searing kiss to her mouth before reaching into the nightstand. They only had lube and condoms in there, but every fucking time he tried to grab them it's like they vanished. "You've got to be fuckin' kidding me," he growled, rolling off of her so he'd be closer to the drawer and could see inside. Now that he had eyes on it, it was right underneath his hand. "Of fucking course." He threw the lube on the bed and grabbed a condom from the box, slapping it on the tabletop so he wouldn't lose it in the blanket. 
"Seeing you all hot and bothered is always the best," Natasha teased. 
Bucky went to say something in reply-- hopefully witty but the more turned on he got, the less likely that was-- but his mouth went dry. She had her legs bent at the knee and spread, pressing a dry finger at her entrance. It wasn't much, just a flutter to get her to relax a little quicker. One of her legs was angled close to him, so he curved a hand around the inside of her thigh and pressed a kiss to her knee before moving back into place between her legs. 
He grabbed the lube and poured some into his right hand, coating the first two fingers on his left hand. He pressed in slowly, knowing that she could take it so long as he took his time. He nibbled at her hipbone as she loosened up, sucking a hickey into the skin. He moved his fingers out and back in leisurely, moving his mouth up and making another mark. 
"That's good," she breathed, chest heaving. "Add another." 
He took his fingers out and spread more lube on them, adding a third finger. 
All of Natasha's breath left her like a punch to the gut, and she started rocking her hips before her body was truly ready for it. "Fuck. God, Bucky." 
He dipped his tongue in her belly button and kissed his way higher until she fisted a hand in his hair and yanked him up for a proper kiss. Bucky moaned, opening his mouth wider as she kissed him filthily-- all tongue and teeth and sharp desire. He twisted his fingers and she whimpered, her hips thrusting down involuntarily as she held him tighter. Bucky's hand grabbed at her leg, forgetting about the lube on his hand and smearing it all over. 
Natasha broke off with a laugh, glancing down at her leg. "You do know how to make a mess baby." 
"I'll clean it up," he promised kissing her again. He curved his fingers inside of her, waiting until she gave a jerk and gasped as he massaged her prostate. Maybe he was a little evil, because he didn't stop until her face was flushed completely red and she was shaking underneath him. He pulled his fingers out gently and headed to the bathroom, grabbing a handful of washcloths. He gave a haphazard wipe to his hands and threw it in the laundry bin, then brought the rest out. Bucky wiped her leg as clean as he could, but they both knew the only thing that would get her clean was a shower. 
"Fuck you and your niceties," Natasha mumbled, licking her lips and trying to put more feeling back in her limbs. 
"Nah honey, you love it as much as I love you." 
"Yep." He grabbed the condom from the top of the nightstand and opened the foil packet, rolling it on. He spread some lube over his cock and wiped off his hand on one of the clean washcloths. Natasha hooked a hand under one of her knees and pulled it higher in clear invitation. Bucky pressed the head of his cock at her entrance and rolled his hips, sliding inside. 
"Bucky," she groaned, throwing her head back. "Fuck fuck fuck, now is not the time to tease once you bottom out you better make me forget my name." 
"You got it darlin'," he said. His eyes were dark as he looked down at her, thrusting in an inch at a time until he was close enough to bend down and kiss her again. 
"For fuck's sake, move." 
Bucky rolled his hips, then pulled out a little and thrust back in. Rolled his hips, leaned down and kissed her. He leaned up, grabbed her legs for leverage then did as she asked and started fucking her in earnest. When Bucky thrust in, he pulled her back against him. Natasha put an arm up to brace against the headboard and started moving with him. 
The room filled with the sound of skinning hitting skin, Natasha's higher pitched moans like a harmony with Bucky's lower ones. He started moving faster, pounding into her. He didn't realize how keyed up he'd been because he was so focused on her, but he could already feel his orgasm in reach, molten heat pooling in his abdomen. 
"Bucky," Natasha whimpered, reaching one hand to start jacking herself off. "God, Bucky." The blue glow of the arc reactor was lighting up her face, not hiding how red her cheeks had gotten. Her makeup was a goddamn mess and Bucky wanted to remember how she looked like this forever. She stiffened and clenched around him like a vise, biting her lip hard as she came all over her stomach. 
"Fuck," Bucky bit out, slamming into her and grinding his hips against her ass as he came, filling the condom. He kept rolling his hips against hers as he rode both of them through it, panting. That was a hell of a lot more intense than he'd gotten used to. It was always good, but it usually wasn't like that. 
By the time Bucky caught his breath, Natasha was grinning at him. "I must have done something great to deserve that." 
"Oh yeah," Bucky said, easing out. He carefully took off the condom and tied it, stumbling over to the bathroom to toss it in the trash. She wiped herself off lazily and threw back the covers-- laundry was a problem for tomorrow or possibly later tonight depending on much a mess they'd really made. He got back to bed and collapsed next to her, throwing an arm over her stomach and pulling her closer. 
Natasha hummed and wiggled around until she found a comfortable position, pulling the blanket up to their chests. 
"I love you so fuckin' much," Bucky murmured, kissing the top of her head. 
"I know," she said, smiling softly as she returned the kiss to his shoulder. "I love you too." She yawned, stretching then settling to where she was more on top of him. "And not just for the sex, though that's good too." 
Bucky was walking back from a trip to buy chips, and he saw a tabloid. Plastered to the cover was a grainy photo of him and Natasha, and the headline screamed that they were breaking up because she was done with her boy-toy. Bucky rolled his eyes and kept walking. "Bullshit," he couldn't help but mutter, even though it wasn't getting under his skin anymore. 
He'd started saying "I love you," to Natasha all the time, and she'd started saying it just as often. It was hard to feel insecure about their relationship when less than an hour ago, she was looking at him with little hearts and sparkles in her eyes as she told him that she loved him. 
He switched the bag from one hand to the other and continued on home. He had one incredibly gorgeous girlfriend waiting for him, and he wasn't going to spend extra time away from her. 
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hellimagines · 6 years
Waterworks (Part Two) -- Henry Bowers
Request: “Yo can I get some more of henry bowers x hockstetter!reader? Waterworks was fucking good!!!! My fav henry fic by far!!”
Summary: You and the gang hang out at the quarry.
Warnings: Underage drug use and alcohol use, one mention of past suicidal tendencies  
Pairing: Henry Bowers x fem!Hockstetter!reader
Word Count: 2,277
A/N: lmao, I wish I knew how to keep to a writing schedule. Also, this is a continuation of Waterworks, but you don’t HAVE TO read that, to understand this
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Part One
It was mid-summer, and you and the boys found yourselves lounging on top of the Quarry. You had convinced Belch to let you come along, but now you were slowly regretting it: Vic was high off his ass, Patrick was so drunk, you thought he was going to get alcohol poisoning any second now, Henry kept arguing with Patrick over minuscule things, which led to fist fights every twenty minutes or so, and Belch was the only sober one amongst the group of you, causing him to take on the Dad Role of the group. You, however, were pleasantly intoxicated, with weed and vodka coursing through your system. And as you laid on the dirt, staring up at the sky through your sunglasses, you couldn’t even feel your body growing increasingly hotter with the sun beating down on your leather jacket.
Vic was laying beside you, the two of you oddly quiet as you stared up at the sky. “You know,” he suddenly began, his voice soft, “things have changed so much the past few years.” You gave him a startled look and pulled down your sunglasses so you could better stare at him.
“How so? Everything seems the same to me.”
“Henry. Henry is different. He’s not as angry and violent as he used to be in middle school,” Vic hummed, allowing his eyes to slip close. His fingers were drumming an unknown beat on his stomach, the sound a nice distraction from the two other boys currently yelling at each other. “With his dad, ya know, he was so angry at the world. Hated everyone and everything. Remember that time he almost threw you down the stairs? But then Patrick punched him in the back of the neck? Things used to be like that all the time. But now, all he does is yell every once in a while, or tussle with ‘Trick. We’ve still got that… image, or whatever, at school, but Henry doesn’t beat up Tozier for simply walking in the same hallway as us anymore. I don’t know how I feel about it. And I don’t know why he’s changed,” Vic concluded, letting out a puff of air.
“He’s grown up. We all have. We’re gonna be seniors next year, and I think he’s realized that. He’s taken his role as the group leader and protector much more seriously. Picking fights constantly doesn’t protect us, it puts us at more risk. And I think he knows that now, after the juvey-scare. That’s probably what changed him. Being on his own for 72 hours; it was probably terrifying, even for Bullshit-Bowers. He’s never been on his own before, he’s always had one of us beside him. So being in solitary for three whole days, probably did a number on him. His dad doesn’t beat on him all that much either, now that Henry has grown up and become more… defined if you will-”
“You can just say hot.”
“Piss off, Criss, that’s not what I’m trying to say. He’s changed a lot about himself, just like the rest of us. Pat doesn’t spend his free-time in the junkyard anymore, and his room is actually clean… like all the time. He showers now and doesn’t wear the same shirt for three days in a row. Belch is on the football team and is proud of his jersey. He stands up for himself now and tells Henry to fuck off. And you… you’re more open. You don’t stand in the shadows of Henry anymore, and you don’t care what anyone has to say about you. Your wardrobe has gone farther than a white-tee and cargo pants. We’ve all grown up, and that’s not a bad thing.”
“What about you?” Vic questioned, turning his head to look at you.
“What about me?”
“How’ve you changed?”
You paused for a minute, returning your gaze to the sky, watching as grey clouds slowly started moving into your peripheral. “I… I don’t know. I’m not as happy as I used to be, I guess. But I’m not trying to kill myself every five minutes either, not like I used to. I don’t put up with Pat’s shit anymore, and I’ve grown closer with Henry. I’ve stopped obsessing over school, and I’ve allowed Pat to tell the wrong kind of guys to ‘fuck off’. So, I’m not sure how I’ve changed exactly. I guess I know more about the world now.”
“Yeah, I think that’s about right. Plus, you know how to get what you want now,” he chuckled, and you laughed with him.
“Hey! What’re you two laughing about?” Henry’s loud voice cut the two of you off, and you picked yourself up onto your elbows, to better look at him.
“Oh nothing,” you hummed, a grin spread across your face. Henry shoved Patrick off of him, and rolled to his feet, marching over to you and Vic.
“Bullshit,” he huffed, sitting down in front of your feet.
“Aw, is baby Bowers jealous?” Patrick laughed, joining the three of you on your other side. Belch groaned from his spot on top of the Trans Am, and walked over, sitting beside Vic. Now, the five of you were in a sort of makeshift-circle.
“What the hell would I be jealous of?” Henry scoffed, kicking out his foot so it knocked against your ankle.
“Oh, I don’t know… maybe the fact that my darling sister is hanging out with somebody that isn’t you?” Patrick grinned, leaning back on his elbows to copy your position. You rolled your eyes at the two of them, in an effort to contain your blush.
“Yeah, right. Like I care if she talks with anyone,” Henry glared, avoiding your gaze. “She can fuck whatever dick she wants, won’t make her any less of a bitch.”
“Oi! Watch it, Bowers!” Patrick yelled. You didn’t let Henry’s comment get to you, knowing that he was simply performing for the boys.
“Oh would you two quit it?” you huffed, tossing your head back. “You’re both unbelievable.”
“Apologize to my sister, Bowers,” Patrick grumbled, and Belch laughed.
“Since when do you care if someone’s a jerk too (Y/N)? You’re always a pissant to her,” Belch chuckled.
“Because, Reginald, only I’m allowed to hurt her,” Patrick growled, and took a strand of your hair, roughly tugging on it to make a point.
“Ow! That hurt you ass,” you cried, ripping your hair from his grasp and massaging your scalp. “I don’t need your protection with these losers, Pat,” you huffed, sending a punch to his shoulder.
“You little- of course, you do! If it wasn’t for me, you’d be roadkill by now,” Patrick defended, harshly kicking your calf.
“Would not! Belch loves me too much to run me over. You, on the other hand, would look perfect squashed against the asphalt.” Patrick rolled his eyes at your retort, growling when you elbowed him in the ribs.
“That’s it you fucking twerp,” he growled before lunging at you, tackling you to the ground. Vic yelped in surprise, quickly rolling out of the way of your fight, and practically falling on top of Belch in his haste.
“Get off me you lard! You’re gonna ruin my fucking jacket!” you yelled, desperately clawing at the sides of his face. Dirt was being kicked up from your struggle and settling in your eyes. Your sunglasses were skewed on your face, and you had to close your eyes to keep the dust out of them.
“Not a chance,” Patrick laughed, gripping your wrists with one hand to keep them still. He used his other hand to dig his fingers into your sides, grinning victoriously when your screeches of laughter filled the air.
“Dear God,” Belch grumbled, rubbing his face.
“P-P-Patrick! S-stop!” you laughed, thrashing your body around to try and throw him off. Your legs came up to kick at his back, but it was futile. His tickling increased, as did both of your laughs- one from pain, the other from victory. “I’m gonna kill you!” you cried, finally managing to get one of your wrists free from his grasp. You slammed your hand down onto his head, breathing heavily when he toppled off you with a shout.
“You whore! That fucking hurt!” Patrick yelled, rubbing the top of his head.
“That’s the point you cunt!” you shouted, holding onto your ribs as you tried to catch your breath.
“I ought to toss you off the cliff!” Both you and Patrick spoke at the same time, glaring at one another harshly.  
“Alright, alright! Chill out you two,” Henry grumbled, taking a swig of his warm beer. Belch nodded in agreement, loading weed into the bowl of his pipe. He wasn’t going to take a hit, but he always managed to pack it tight, so you all elected him the ‘Loader’ or ‘Roller’, depending on the day. Vic took the pipe from Belch, lighting it and taking two hits. You and Patrick were still bickering, so he passed it to Henry.
“Hey, dipshits, you want a hit or not?” Vic shouted over your bickering, grinning when the two of you quieted instantly. You both reached your hands out at the same time, waiting for the pipe from Henry.
“Hey, hand it over, Bowers,” Patrick glared, opening and closing his hand.
Henry rolled his hands and passed the pipe to you, watching as you grinned widely. “Thanks, Henry,” you hummed, lighting it and taking a few hits.
“Alright, pass it you twerp,” Patrick groaned. You passed him the pipe, allowing him to finish off the last two or three hits. With a satisfied hum, you closed your eyes and laid back, waiting for the high to come in a few minutes.
Over the next hour, you, Patrick, and Henry got significantly fucked up, with a mixture of vodka, beer, and weed. There was no more fighting, both boys more relaxed, and you too tired to start anything with your brother. You now had your head pillowed in Patrick’s lap, with Henry’s head resting on your hip. Patrick and Vic were babbling off Chemistry facts to one another, trying to see who was the smartest out of the two (you had your money on Patrick, naturally). Belch was intervening every so often, cooling down the argument when needed. You and Henry, on the other hand, were silent. You had your fingers carding through his cut, dirty blond hair, scratching at his scalp every so often, while Henry was tracing mindless shapes on the outside of your thigh, humming every so often when you scratched at a certain spot on his scalp.
The sun had set long ago, leaving the five of you basking under the moonlight. Your senses were in overdrive, and all your eyes could focus on, was the brightness of it. Occasionally, Patrick’s hand would lower to tug at your hair, not hard enough to hurt, but enough to pull you from your thoughts.
“We should probably head home. Pop gets off at ten, and I’m pretty sure it’s nine or something,” Henry suddenly spoke up, and you could feel the vibrations of his voice shudder through your leg. Patrick groaned in disagreement, tossing his head back.
“C’mon, Bowers. Few more minutes,” he whined, leaning over your head to ruffle Henry’s hair. Both you and Henry yelled out in protest- you from being squished, and Henry from being disturbed.
“Piss off, Hockstetter -not you, (Y/N)-, we’re leaving. Now.” Henry’s tone held finality in it, and Patrick did nothing more than a grunt. He lifted his thighs, pushing you off of him, as he stood. The rest of you followed, heading towards Belch’s car. Vic sat up front, while you, Henry, and Patrick sat in the back, with you in the middle. Patrick had his arms around the headrest of Vic’s seat, leaning forward so they could continue their previous discussion. You leaned your body against Henry, kicking your feet onto Patrick’s lap.
“Thanks for driving us home, Belch. Next time I’ll DD, so you can drink,” you said, and Belch laughed.
“Yeah, right. Like I’d ever let a speed demon like you drive my car,” Belch chuckled and you scoffed in offense.
“Hey! I’m not that bad.”
“If you call going 50 in a 25 ‘not bad’, then sure, (Y/N/N). You’re not bad, you’re terrific,” Vic laughed loudly.
“Oh piss off,” you grumbled, rolling your eyes. Henry chuckled quietly from beside you, wrapping his arm around your neck in a mock-chokehold.
“I’d let you drive me around anytime,” Henry hummed, and you grinned.
“I’d rather ride you than drive you around. But hey, whatever works,” you grinned, laughing when Henry’s breath got caught in his throat.
“Oh, you two are disgusting!” Patrick yelled. You gave his calf a swift kick, ignoring his comment.
“Like you’re one to talk. The amount of times I’ve heard your bed banging against our wall? Ugh, gag me,” you said, making gagging motions with your fingers.
“Hey, it was for a good cause!” Patrick argued, wincing when the entire car broke out in laughter.
“Yeah? And what cause was that? Spreading STDs throughout Derry?” Belch laughed, pulling into Henry’s driveway.
“You’re all just jealous that you don’t get the amount of puss’ that I do.”
“Nobody, nobody, calls it ‘puss’, you nasty motherfucker,” you grimaced, pushing yourself off of Henry.
“Alright, I’ll catch you guys later,” Henry sighed, after noticing the lack of a cop car in his driveway. Henry leaned over, giving you a quick kiss to the forehead, before jumping out of the slim opening between the front seat and the door.
“You two are so gross.”
All Writing Taglist (OPEN): @teageowen @mads---world
Bowers Gang/IT Taglist (OPEN): @turtlebabeparadise
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meganlpie · 8 years
Overprotective Winchesters
A Wattpad request. I do not own Kevin or the Winchesters. They belong to the creators of Supernatural. 
Warnings: a teeny bit of awkwardness, some fluff, overprotective brothers.
Pairings: Kevin Tran x fem!Winchester reader, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
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Kevin felt himself blush as you glanced at him from across the bunker’s library. He should have been focusing, but he couldn’t with you right there. Before he could say anything, Sam and Dean walked in. “How’s it going?” Sam asked. Kevin shook his head, trying to clear away his thoughts of you. He gave Sam a small smile. “Slowly. Translating this is complicated. It’s not Calculus after all.” Kevin swore he heard you giggle.
               You and Kevin had been casually, albeit shyly, flirting back and forth for months. Ever since you met. There was only one problem standing in the way. Your brothers.  Sam and Dean had always been protective of you. You were their only sister after all and John’s pride and joy when he was alive. Plus, the hunting life really didn’t leave much time for dating other than casual flings. What you and Kevin didn’t realize was that your brothers already knew how you felt about each other and that only reason you hadn’t made a move was because of them.
               "I’m going on a run. Y/N, you’re coming with me,“ Dean ordered gruffly, earning an elbow to the ribs from Sam. The two elder Winchesters held a silent conversation before Dean sighed and repeated his request a little more gently. You smiled and replied, “Sure, Dean. Just let me grab my shoes.” Taking a quick glance at Kevin, who blushed once more and grinned, you rushed from the room.
               "Ugh. I’m gonna get diabetes from the two of you,“ Dean grumbled. He turned on his heel and left the room. Kevin’s eyes widened and gazed at Sam.  "You guys aren’t exactly subtle,” the younger brother explained to the prophet. Kevin put his head in his hands. “Oh, man. Please don’t kill me. We haven’t done anything, I swear!” He began rambling until Sam’s laughter bounced off the walls. “Dude, relax.”
               "I don’t know how to relax. You and Dean are going to kill me just because I have a crush on your sister!“ Sam placed his hands on Kevin’s shoulders. "Kevin, we’re not going to kill you.” Kevin felt as if the entire bunker sighed with him. “You aren’t? I know how protective you are of her. Besides, she doesn’t even like me.” Sam shook his head then rolled his eyes. “Yes she does. She’s our sister and a hunter. Her life isn’t exactly safe and the last thing she needs is a distraction. But you’re different. You aren’t like the other guys she’s wanted to be with before. You respect her and you’re smart enough to listen when Dean and I tell you to stay put and away from hunting. Of all the people we’ve met, you are about the only one we’d trust with our sister.”
               Meanwhile, you were climbing in the passenger’s seat of Baby. “Alright, Dean-o. What’s this all about?” Dean shrugged, his eyes focused forward and his jaw clenched, a tell tale sign that something was wrong. “Don’t give me that, Dean. I know you better than almost anyone. What’s going on?” Dean groaned. Why had he agreed to this? Why couldn’t he be the one to stay and “talk” to Kevin? Why did he have to be the one to have the heart-to-heart chick flick moment with you?
               "Alright, fine. You need to stop being such a bad flirt. It’s killing me.“ Your brows drew together in confusion. "What?” Dean scoffed. “Kevin. I thought I taught you better than that.” Dean didn’t say another word as he drove to the store and you were too shocked to speak. When you returned to the bunker, Dean finally looked at you again.
               "I’m not happy about this,“ he began, "But…if there’s anyone I trust with my baby sister, it would be Kevin. Now, go on.” You didn’t move. “Kevin doesn’t like me. Not like that.” Dean choked back a laugh. “Are you kidding me? What’s with all the flirting then?” You shrugged. “Just casual friendly banter.” Dean shook his head fondly. “You’re hopeless. Go talk to him.”
               You didn’t get a chance to argue when Dean practically pushed you toward the library where Kevin always was. Kevin was hunched over the table staring at the tablet again,  but he looked up when you entered the room. He couldn’t deny he was nervous, especially when he got up so fast , he knocked his chair over. “H-Hey, Y/N. How was the run with Dean?”
               Kevin didn’t really hear a thing you said in your reply. He was far to mesmerized with the way your lips moved. His thoughts were bouncing around, distracting him from what you were saying. “God she’s beautiful. I really want to kiss her. Should I? I really shouldn’t. But I want to. Wait, what’s she saying?” You had stopped talking and were staring at Kevin in anticipation. “Sorry, what?” You giggled and Kevin couldn’t stop himself.
               Rushing forward, Kevin grabbed your face in his hands and crashed his lips to yours. He mentally rejoiced when you immediately began kissing him back. He pulled away when he felt the need to breathe. You were looking into his eyes with a smile painted on your kiss swollen lips. You opened your mouth to speak but a low growl interrupted you. You turned to see Dean trying to get to you, but Sam was holding him back.
               Dean stopped struggling against Sam’s grip, his eyes softening slightly. “Right. Trying not to do the overprotective brother thing. I’m gonna go. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” You quirked your brow. “Dean, is there anything you wouldn’t do?” You felt yourself flush as Kevin’s hands moved from your face to your hips. “…good point. Don’t do anything Sam wouldn’t do.” Sam glared at Dean and said.“Jerk,” to which Dean replied, “Bitch.”
               You turned your attention back to Kevin. “We don’t have a case right now so, how about a movie?” He smiled at you. “Sure.” You kissed his cheek before moving away. You took his hand in yours, leading him from the library. You could feel your brothers’ eyes on you as you left, but you didn’t care. They may have been protective over you, but now you had someone else to be protect, even from your brothers.
Tagging: @fairytalesexistxx and @brewsthespirit-blog
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