#and now I'm done with her and the trolls of the other corners of the internet thanks!
xplrvibes · 4 months
some people on twitter are getting really mad at colby for apparently ‘ditching’ shea for his new girl saying shit like oh he led shea on and now he’s pushed her away lol
they’re fully acting like he’s committed an awful crime like why are they cancelling him 😭
(side note - i’m actually, whole heartedly convinced that half of the fandom genuinely hates colby and everything he does fills them with rage lmfao)
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This is going to be a one and done, on this topic. I don't like Shea, don't like what she's doing. Never did like her, as you all know, because she has been an absolutely awful and manipulative bully and generally trash person over the years and I don't want her taking up too much space on my blog because of it.
But I felt the need to just put this out there before I move on, so here we go, behind a cut for anyone who doesn't want to hear it lol.
You know, I find this whole "taking Shea on her word all of a sudden" thing interesting.
According to Shea, they had a 10 year (even though he was still living in Kansas 10 years ago) "on-again, off-again thing" that was "mostly just talking" and was "never official," although it was "almost dating, but not official" for 2 years (even though there hasn't been a 2 year period where Colby hasn't been at least seeing someone, if not hooking up).
She doesn't seem to know any of his friends and not a single one of them follow her on socials - in fact, most of them unfollowed her several years back. Of particular note is the fact that Sam, after all these years of her being Colby's future wife, still hasn't followed her back...but has followed several of the other girls Colby's been linked to over the years, including M.
She never seems to have a clue about what is going on in his life and has been promising (and not delivering) fans content with Colby for years now - including her telling everyone that her and Colby were going somewhere to film a documentary in January of this year when Colby had already told everyone on xplrclub that he and Sam were going to be in Vegas or in Texas filming in all of Jan and then in Australia for most of Feb. She promised to have him on one her streams on a day when he was actually in Hawaii, then another day when he was actually in Kansas visiting family.
She hasn't been invited to a single party or group gathering of theirs since 2019, save for one time when she visited Colby and Sam in Las Vegas - which came across as very awkward, given the above.
She complained about never getting invited to snc's Halloween parties - you know, the ones that have 500-1,000 invitees and snc have claimed include an invite to every single person they know and are friends with? Yet Colby's soul mate gets left on the list somehow, 6 years running?? (One year he had four different past flings there at once. But the future Mrs. Shea Brock just didn't make the cut somehow)
Oh, bonus: she once told a gc full of her fans that Colby asked her out, but she turned him down because she valued the friendship too much. Funny how those turns tabled.
Colby meanwhile, has never hidden that he considers himself single, does not think he's met "the one," uses Raya to find dates, hooks up and has flings....he's not just pretending to be single, he IS single.
So. to recap: They have had a 10 year friendship and emotional bond that Shea deluded herself into thinking was more. Colby comes around her again after having had a cancer that could've easily rendered him unable to have children, and her grand idea is to tell this guy she freely admits she was never even dating that she wants to cash in on some vague promise he may or may not have actually made to her about getting married and having CHILDREN???
I'd have left her ass, too.
But sure. He's the bad guy. By the way, to hear Shea tell it, Colby did the same thing to her that Sam did to Kat. But all the people trashing Colby were the first ones in line to defend Sam from big bad mean Kat and her hurtful words because "he wasn't ready" and wah wah wah. Isn't that funny...and on par.
So yes, lol. Most of the people pissed about this are using any excuse put in front of them to trash Colby cause that is the only enjoyment they get out of life. Trust me when I say they are backing the wrong horse with Shea. She's not the hero victim y/n sainted good girl she pretends to be.
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moongurl95 · 2 months
7 Times the Charm
GN!MC / May or may not be an alternate version of a long fic I'm working on, but I've hit a writing rut and this prompt by @serpensortiamaxima (this is dedicated to you too OP!) got me churning out this piece until 4AM (now i can sleep with my brain empty! XD) also divider credits here
Summary: It was no secret that the Three Broomsticks can also be considered a social gathering for the latest news, and Sirona Ryan, the owner was at the neck of it. Or, a glimpse of a blooming relationship she'd observed since that Troll Attack in Hogsmeade. (One-shot also posted on AO3)
“Oh, there’s a face I haven’t seen before.” This may be the first time Sirona Ryan’s memory seemed to have failed her as she was confident in remembering her clientele.
“It’s my first time here.” The student had replied almost sheepishly, which explained everything to the bar owner. Of course, she’d heard about the latest talk in the streets of a Hogwarts student having been caught in a dragon attack.
“Welcome! Butterbeers on me.” Sirona assumed that the student was a transferee, after all, she’d never heard of a student starting this late in their Hogwarts education. “Glad to see you two escape injury.” She glanced between the two students with growing worry, having planned to check on the other shopkeepers and residents once the crowd had buzzed down from the recent Troll Attack in Hogsmeade.
“Thanks to this one. Single-handedly took down a Troll!”
“Is that right? Well done.” Of course Sirona couldn’t take the Sallow boy’s claim seriously, not when she was sure of the way the boy had looked admiringly at his new classmate. Before she could decide to play matchmaker however, they were interrupted by some brutes’ arrival.
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The second time Sirona next saw the pair was on a relatively calm day in the Three Broomsticks, she considered herself not eavesdropping at all while the two students had quite the passionate discussion over a round of Butterbeer.
“Honestly! Why do you have to trouble yourself on a trip to get something for my sister? Anne wrote she’d be delighted by your very presence alone.”
“Because Sebastian, it’s common courtesy to bring a gift when visiting your friend’s family.”
Now this seemed to be a development. Sirona had to keep herself looking busy as she wiped away at the mugs on the counter, casting a knowing glance by the corner table to quickly spy the flustered look on the Sallow boy’s face.
Sirona could only hope to Merlin that his ‘friend’ fancied him the way he seemed to.
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In exchange for asking her assistance on where to find her friend, Lodgok, Sirona in turn thought to request the new student’s help in retrieving her box of letters. Though she never would have predicted they’d also come as a pair this third time around.
“I’m not letting you go alone. And for Merlin’s sake, why a mine of all places? Do you happen to know what sort of creatures could possibly live there??”
Sirona could only watch in amusement as the Sallow boy was being pushed out by his classmate in an attempt to shush him, “Alright, alright – I’ll tell you all about it on the way. Just get going so we can at least finish this while there’s still sun out.”
The door to the Three Broomsticks had shut after their departure so Sirona could only guess how the rest of their day would go. One thing was for sure though, if she’d initially thought the Sallow boy only fancied his new friend before, then now Sirona was absolutely certain the boy was now smitten.
Maybe there was good reason to owl Mirabel after all, nothing better than an entertaining chat about young love over tea.
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The next time Sirona served Butterbeer to the new student at the counter, she was half expecting them to be with a familiar face. Instead, they sat alone, looking quite under the weather as they seemed to stare unseeing into the tankard, Sirona was just about ready to lend a listening ear after she’d served all the other customers’ orders when the student had stood up just as a familiar Slytherin entered the premises.
Sirona was quick to notice the two of them weren’t on speaking terms as they passed by each other – the Sallow boy taking the stool beside where his friend just left. She chose to quietly serve him his share of Butterbeer before she continued to keep busy.
“Sirona, would you apologize if you said something… true but ended up sounding… mean?”
So that was how it was… “Well dear, first of all, it’s not what you said, but how you made them feel. So yes, an apology should be expected.”
“But… how?”
Sirona raised an eyebrow at him as if to say the answer should be obvious enough, but ended up sighing in exasperation as the boy looked pitifully at a lost, “If you aren’t ready to tell them personally, then a letter might suffice, and don’t make it just a simple apology either – at least, offer to take them somewhere you’d think would be meaningful to them.”
“A letter! That’s just it, of course!” Sirona watched as the boy waved his hand in thanks as he rushed out the doors, she hoped everything would turn up for the better the next time she saw those two together.
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It didn’t however, for just days before the 5th, Sirona herself had received an unmarked letter notifying her of Lodgok’s passing – his gentle soul did not deserve the fate he was dealt with by his brother’s hands. Yet also here in her supposedly lively pub, sat another lost soul who she dearly tried to keep from straying to the Hog’s Head by keeping the Sallow boy’s tankard refilled with Butterbeer.
She’d heard he just lost his uncle and that the Sallow girl also informed him late, the poor twins were now left all alone.
And just when Sirona felt the boy slipping away, from the doors came in a face who she hoped would be successful in reeling Sallow from his darkest thoughts.
Sirona was glad to see the boy encased in a hug, he dearly looked like he needed one…
“You’re safe now. I promise, I wouldn’t let them take you away.”
It may have well been a secret language only the two students shared with each other, but Sirona was nonetheless relieved to see the boy’s shoulders relax, the undeniable soft sob that escaped him was a sound that would forever tug at her heart.
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And it seemed that heart wrenching sob echoed around the wooden panels of her establishment as the once lively pub was filled with students of varying years, all of which ranged from sniffling for their parents to a quiet uncertainty that loomed over the older ones.
Hogwarts was under attack, and despite how Sirona herself could not believe such a situation would even come about, the evacuated students who took shelter in the Three Broomsticks were enough to leave her unsettled for what was to come.
“Sirona! Are they here? Did they at least stop by here?” She could only shake her head in response, clearly seeing the Sallow boy was distraught.
“Sebastian! We have to settle ourselves and wait for Black’s announcement –“
“They could still be there, Ominis!” His next words were barely audible but somehow Sirona managed to catch a hint of it, “What if they’re fighting for their lives – alone? Against a Goblin Rebellion!”
“Attention, students!” Black did make an announcement right after that, clearing his throat as if today was a normal occurrence, “I am proud to announce that my esteemed faculty has handled the – uhm… rebellion. Yes, the Goblin rebellion – wait, what was that?”
Everyone seemed to hold their breath as a House Elf seemed to whisper the latest news to his master, who gasped out as if he was scandalized, “A casualty you say???”
Sirona felt her heart drop at the sudden news, she could only watch as Sebastian Sallow all but rushed out of the doors, fearing for the worst.
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Fear melted like snow from a season past, and while Spring came a bit too late for those who grieved, the flowers still bloomed.
The Three Broomsticks was once again abuzz with an energy of celebration and nostalgia – students crowded with relief at having survived their O.W.L.s and others were busy planning their summer ahead – two of which Sirona couldn’t help but approach, “Butterbeers on me, to the Hero of Hogwarts.” She’d winked before leaving the pair in their usual spot by the counter, not really meaning to overhear…
“So… I heard Fig left you a place in his will, back to London it is for you then?”
“Yes… and Feldcroft?”
“Can’t say I relish the thought of spending summer by myself, but I have a way to keep busy by doing some odd errands here and there, I suppose.”
“What would you say to a ticket to London?”
“I was only really planning to spend a few weeks there, fix some things that need to be done and well… spend some time in Feldcroft with you… if you’ll have me?”
“Of course! I – but why even take me to London – not that I’m complaining but –“
“Because I care, Sebastian. I – care about you… very much.”
Sirona couldn’t keep herself from spying a glance then, very happy to see the pair both sporting flustered faces. It may have taken a while, but there wasn’t a perfect time than any to start anew.
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splickedylit · 7 months
Just reread domestic diplomacy, so hype for the 3rd part. Was curious whether you planned on ever including other pale couples? I would love to see the meowrails or vrisrezi in this au where pale romance is actually. Romance. Lol. Anyway keep being cool (and share another snippet of the wip if you want pls 👀)
Aw, hooray! :D Tbh I don't really,,, plan these fics lol. This series especially I very much make up as I go, so I can't discount the possible future in which meowrails make an appearance, but I also have learned to make no promises about what's going to happen in uhhh any fic ever lol. But I can certainly share a snippet, since I'm getting writing done today!
Trolls don’t drink wine, it turns out—trolls don’t drink alcohol at all.  When Gamzee sniffs at your cup thoughtfully, he’s already recoiling before Karkat makes an urgent, warning noise and yanks at his arm.
“&lt;NO,>” Karkat says, and Gamzee rolls his lips back from a really startling amount of fangs and makes a low, throaty rising and falling noise that sounds disgusted even to your human ears.  “<Have a cup of (noun, gesturing at whatever’s in the wine bottles with troll labels on them) or something!>”
“<Shit smells like (some kind of descriptor with ‘window’ in it, for some reason),>” Gamzee says, and reaches over to snatch up one of the bottles Karkat pointed him toward, popping the top off with a careless twist of his wrist and taking a much more appreciative sniff.  “<Fuck yeah, that thing right there, makes good for motherfucker to have a good (fatal) time.>”
“<You’ll do good (warning shot) at worst,>”  Karkat says sternly.  “<And not with human home-cleaning liquid drinks. You would die.  Die fast—and boring, not funny, not fun, got it?  Humans drink home-cleaning liquid to get (troll-descriptor).>”
Gamzee chortles.  “<I bet the fuck they do get!>” he says, apparently delighted.  “<And then get (the fatal form of “funny” but flipped around to be a descriptor? A new construction, excellent)  funny-dead real quick for because of they’re nasty.>”
“What are you guys drinking, then?” you say, and reach over cautiously to the bottle Gamzee’s holding; he growls a little, possessively, apparently just as a warning that it’s his now, and then gives it up and watches you hold it up and take your own big sniff.  It doesn’t…smell toxic.  Sweet, mostly, in a weird, thick, smothery kind of way that makes your nose burn a little.
“It is human safe,” says Kanaya, before you can ask.  “I believe you don’t feel…tss.  Intoxated, by it.  But it is still very strong for you, differently.”
That’s all you need to hear.  You pick up one of the glasses and pour some out for yourself—it’s just a little thicker than water, a pure, light gold color, and when you take a sip it’s like getting punched in the sinuses by a sugar cube the size of a building.
“Oh, fuck,” you say, and swallow with an effort.  Your eyes are watering; your mouth feels aggressively candy-coated.  “Whoof.  Wow!”
Rose is laughing at you, just a little—not out loud, but you can tell by the way her eyes are creased and her lips are quirked up at the corners.  “Yes,” she says.  “Nectar requires some getting used to.  Trolls cannot metabolize alcohol but they are…quite sensitive to sucral compounds.”
“Give it,” Gamzee says, and gestures insistently to have his bottle back, then reaches past the nice wine glasses to pick up a distinctly human red solo cup and dumps a hearty half-cupful of nectar into it, then pulls a bottle of something that looks exactly like faygo with alien writing on the label and dumps a hearty measure of that in on top of it.
“<You can have one of those,>” Karkat says, looking appalled.  “<You (something)-less piece of shit.  One, got it?  What the fuck is wrong with you.  And you’re not kissing me until you clean your teeth.  I’ll get (troll descriptor) off your fucking breath.>”
Gamzee grins hugely and runs his tongue over all his fangs in Karkat’s direction, then tosses back a big mouthful of his mixed drink and gives a happy shivering rumble, fins fluttering and claws kneading delicately at his cup.
“You want?” he says in English, and holds it out at you, grinning exactly like he did earlier when he snuck a horn under your butt—like this is the kind of joke that has a winner and a loser, and he’s pretty sure he’s already won.
“Jade,” says Dave.  “He’s bein’ a dick.  You know you don’t have to take shit from this guy, right?”
“I know!” you say, and reach out to take the cup from Gamzee’s hand, holding eye contact in a way you’re pretty sure is kind of socially unacceptable.  Karkat starts “Jade—” and then you take a deep breath and throw the cup back.
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What does damage control even look like at this point?
"Damage control goes like this" He says.
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Setting down a small mirror in front of him.
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"I've already lost the PR battle. There's nothing now I could do or say that would sway the general public out of Rollyn's favor. Her fans, most lowblood audiences, I've already lost them. I've thought about it every which way, and I'm not going to tarnish her reputation by revealing what she said to me. I can't tell the truth. So that's over. It's done. I have to play the bad guy. I can work with that. I hate to say it but this incident might have even swayed some higher ups in my favor. Having a model girlfriend and not treating her great? Not a dealbreaker for most highbloods I encounter and work with."
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He sets down a tiny dracula figurine, continuing to think with his hands.
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"...What other trolls in the business wont like is I got my ass handed to me on a silver platter by some random civ. I had a good reason not to attack Sereni back but they don't know that. And also. Before now, the wider public didn't know about my powers and now they will. I'm confident Sereni and Rollyn have already goneto the web or the press about the memory erasing. Suddenly, this card that has been in the mafia's back pocket of having a convienant memory eraser has gone public. Midas will not be happy about this. It'll have people asking questions. Digging around."
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"I have to find a way to get tens upon millions of Rollyn's fans, curious onlookers, and rival gangs of my scent."
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"At the same time, I've got to retaliate against Sereni in some way that makes my peers respect me again. While at the same time not actually hurting her physically or mentally because she's one of Rollyn's friends and she didn't honestly do anything wrong. She had every reason to suspect me for some kind of abuse and there was nothing I could do to dissuade her."
Sunset stares at the things he's set down, and lets out a long, resigned sigh.
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"I'm thinking. I make some social media posts. I get one of my computer people to go back through and make me a nice digital trail of breadcrumbs for Rollyn's fans to 'discover' some kind of fake crime. That I will blame the memory erasing on."
"Something low impact business wise but highly emotional and scandalous enough to captivate the press circuit. It's got to be well hidden enough that I don't look like an idiot, just a very meticulous sociopath, but still open enough to be found in the first place. It's also got to make the gang look good, or at the very least powerful. This is the story we need to sell the press."
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"Then, at the same time, I make a different, seperate trail of breadcrumbs for Sereni specifically. That implicate Rollyn in some kind of fake crime she's 'forgotten'. Something Rollyn would realistically back morally but would get her in trouble with the fleet if it went public. I then blackmail Sereni with this, threaten to go to the fleet etc etc, force her into conceding into some kind of smoke and mirrors public defeat at my hand."
Sunset describes to you, like a man who has thought up of a meticulous, smart and well fashioned plan, and is deeply unhappy and unsettled about every single part of it. He could care less about wider alternia. But he cannot describe to you, how much it hurts him to know that Rollyn specifically will likely remember him for the rest of time as one of the worst people imaginable. He is backed so throughly into a corner there could be no choice but doubling down. The kindest thing he thinks he can do for her is to respect her wish not to mourn his loss, and this would certainly leave her not mourning him.
But he can't imagine it would make her happier, imagining him to be some kind of monster. Living a double life like this, it's got to tear a person apart. It stretchs him like a rubber band pulled taut at the best of times. That constant facade. That never ending fear. It's probably at this very moment, that Sunset decides, he can never 'date' again. Most certainly not hold quadrants with anyone he actually cares about. He wanted so badly to live in that fantasy where he meets a cute girl at a pulmonologist and falls in love just like a regular troll. But this world where a relationship between him and Rollyn, away from the prying eyes of the press and coworkers and fear and terror is just that. A fantasy. And it has become what he always knew it to be from the beginning. A liability.
"I don't wanna do it" He says, his voice cracking. "I really fucked up" He wheezes. "How selfish of me. To toss and turn in the grave I dug for myself and not even be able to lie in it. What was I thinking! What was I thinking! I risk my career- my life- my plan- for what? Just to leave Rollyn worse off than she ever was before meeting me? Just to rebreak her heart she can't even remember is broken? I should have never dated her in the first place. I'm smarter than this. I risked it all and for what. To try and ward off some run of the mill loneliness?"
He laughs, bitterly, the way a troll does when trying not to cry.
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But the sobs catch up to him anyways. Violently overtaking Sunset's body. He covers his face with his hands, curling up and holding his body close like a young boy well used to weathering this kind of pain.
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artist-emerald · 4 months
Trollstopia: Rapid Freeze Tag
Poppy: Okay everyone, today we're going to help welcome our newest, and first ever pardody troll resident, Emerald Waters! We'll be playing a classic community game of freeze tag! And Emerald will be the one who's it.
Holly: Oh no, Poppy, what have you done?
Poppy: What do you mean?
Emerald: Queen Poppy, a question before we start. What are the established rules on hair usage for this game of freeze tag?
Poppy: Hair usage is totally allowed!
Emerald: That's all I needed to hear.
Poppy: And game start!
Emerald Waters takes off his hat, and stretches out his massive hair towards all the other Trolls, instantly freezing them in place, with the exception of Holly, Poppy, Branch, and a small handful of other Trolls.
Holly: I tried to warn you, Poppy! He may not be a fast runner, but he makes up for it in hair power. Ain't nobody escapes the Rapids of Gold, y'all!
Poppy: Rapids of Gold?
Holly: On the account of his hair being the appearance of polished gold and the fact he can maneuver it in a rapid manner. Now run!
Emerald: Hoo wee! Looks like we got ourselves a game! Y'all can run, but you certainly can't hide!
Branch: I gotta say Holly, your boyfriend's got some skill. I think this is gonna be the most fun game of freeze tag yet!
Holly: Aw, thanks sugar. Under that cutie-patootie face of his is one tough, game-playin troll!
The other Trolls ran off, many of them trying to hide but to no avail. Emerald spread out his hairs like a pack of snakes on the hunt. It came down to the final three of Holly, Branch, and Poppy. Until Emerald caught Holly by surprise and cornered her.
Emerald: It was a good run Holly, but there ain't nowhere to go now.
Holly: Well I sure did have fun, sweetheart. Now go get em!
Holly giggled in excitement before Emerald planted a small kiss on her cheek, freezing her in place. He then set off to tag the last two survivors.
Branch: Poppy, I don't know how much longer we can keep this up. I'm losing steam.
Poppy: Come on Branch! We can do this! You and me, Team Broppy all the way right!?
Branch couldn't respond, due to him being tagged on the back by Emerald's hair.
Poppy: Branch! Nooooooooo! Gosh this is fun!
Emerald: I'll tell you what Queen Poppy, you really made me work up a sweat. I haven't had this much fun in the longest of times! I reckon you do know how to make a troll feel welcome.
Poppy: That's all I ever wanted. Good game!
And with the last tag, the game was over.
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No Cure for The Plague (1)
Lucien: So Idgrod wants us to give a letter to this 'Danica Pure-Spring'. The trip from Morthal to Whiterun was surprisingly short!
Kaidan: That's because we cut through the Labyrinthian. It would have taken days longer if we'd decided to go around the mountain.
Inigo: I am going to stink of troll for weeks..
Morana and Xelzaz: *excitedly writing/talking about the troll fat they had gotten*
Morana: I'm going to make Two-Handed potions for Kaidan. He would like that, right?
Xelzaz: It would definitely be beneficial. I'm planning on making some Frenzy poisons.
Morana: I should do Dragon's Tongue with it. Fly Amanita would just give the potion frenzy properties.
Xelzaz: Agreed.
Taliesin: If you two are quite done, we have reached Whiterun.
Morana: So rude, Tally. *a little angry face is written in the bottom corner of her newest page*
Taliesin: Yes, yes. Let's just find this priest and go already. It reeks of dog here.
Kaidan: If I remember correctly, the temple's in the Wind District. This way. *holds the door of the Temple open* After you.
Morana: Thank you.
Kaidan: Of course.
Morana: ...? *looking around at all the sick people lying in their beds.* ... *staggering forward, suddenly feeling nauseous* Oh.. This.. this is a healing temple..
Kaidan: Hm? Morana?
Morana: *falling forward* Shit..
Kaidan: Morana! *he runs forward and catches her before she hits the floor, unconscious* Hey! What happened?!
Soldier: *sitting up in bed* Huh? The pain's gone..
Farmer: My fever! It's been cured!
Taliesin: What?!
Lucien: Morana! What happened to her??
Xelzaz: One of you get a healer! We need to lay her down somewhere that isn't the damned floor!
Xelzaz: How is she?
Danica: Stable. I don't know what happened. One moment you say she's fine, but now she's taken on.. the same symptoms as all my patients combined. They all say they've been cured.
Kaidan: How is that possible?
Danica: I'm not sure. Magic is my first guess. I'm going to double check my other patients. You can go in and see her, but be warned that what you see may be the reason she was so insistent on wearing that mask.
Inigo: We understand. Thank you.
Morana: *gasps, sitting up quickly in bed* Ow.. Rockjoint..? *reaches up to feel her head, a cold towel falling off of her forehead* Bone Break Fever.. *looks around the room*
Inigo: *Lying asleep sprawled across the foot of the bed, quietly purring*
Lucien: *asleep propped up in a chair, his head bent at a (most likely) uncomfortable angle*
Xelzaz: *sitting with his head down against a table, asleep*
Taliesin: *Leaning against the wall by the door with his eyes closed. He looks relaxed, but is he really asleep?*
Morana: *frowns, looking around at her friends. Night has fallen, and the moonlight illuminates the room* How long was I.. asleep...?
Kaidan: *sitting in a chair next to her bed, his top half laying on the mattress. His hand covers hers gently*
Morana: Shit- *winces, curling in on herself from the pain* Need my potions.. *reaches for where they usually are on her armor, realizes she isn't actually wearing her armor* What?? My mask- I-I'm not wearing my mask-
Kaidan: Mn.. *he shifts, opening his eyes slowly*
Morana: *gasps, raising the blanket so it covers her face*
Kaidan: Morana! You're- what are you doing?
Morana: I-I'm not wearing my mask.
Kaidan: Oh. Er, I-I'm sorry, I should have figured you.. wouldn't want anyone to see. We all.. we were too worried, we came in as soon as Danica told us you were stable.
Morana: So they know?
Kaidan: About what?
Morana: *lowers the blanket, frowning at Kaidan* ... I'm not.. a very attractive person. So many people are afraid of me. *Several scars litter her body, ranging from small cuts on her hands to a large burn on her shoulder and arm, and several heavy flagellation scars on her back. The entire right half of her face is burned.*
Kaidan: You're worried about not being attractive?
Morana: No. Well- yes, but I'm more scared people will see my scars and think different of me.
Kaidan: We don't think different of you. If it helps, I think you're rather.. beautiful.
Morana: Don't lie just to make me feel better.
Kaidan: I'm not! I swear on everything that I am. Your scars tell stories, and while they may be painful ones, it doesn't take away from who you are at all.
Morana: ...
Inigo: Mrrr.. Hm? Morana? *yawns, raising his head to look at her* You are awake! This is very good news. *sits up, kicking the leg of Lucien's chair lightly* Everybody wake up!
Lucien: Wha- WAH! *the chair tilts, and he falls backwards. He grabs the table to try and steady himself*
Xelzaz: Xuth! *the table pulls back, he falls forward and hits his head on his knee* OW! What on earth was that for?!
Taliesin: Haha. That was quite a show.
Xelzaz: Oh shut it.
Morana: Are you guys okay?
Lucien: Quite alright, we.. *blinks, turning his head towards her* ... MORANA!! *jumps out of the chair to stand next to her* Are you alright?! What in the gods' name happened-
Xelzaz: How's your fever?? I tried to give you a cure disease potion but it didn't work-
Inigo: Did you sleep well? You looked very tired, my friend-
Morana: *raising her hand so she could get them to quiet down* I'm hurting a bit too much to write or sign right now, so please bare with me... Um.. *flushes, unfamiliar with the attention* C-Could someone bring me my potions please? The ones in the purple bottles.
Taliesin: Here.
Morana: Thank you.. *she reads the labels on the bottles before drinking two labelled 'Rockjoint' and 'Bone Break Fever'* ... I'll be fine in a few hours.
Inigo: What did you just drink? It smelled very nasty.
Morana: Regular cure disease potions.. don't work on me. I have to make special ones catered to my immune system.
Xelzaz: Alright.. Well now that we know you're okay, would you mind explaining what happened? It frightened us greatly when you suddenly collapsed in the middle of the Temple of Kynareth.
Morana: Kynareth??? Nobody told me it was a Temple of Kynareth.
Kaidan: Why does that matter?
Morana: ... It doesn't. Or- it does matter, but there's a lot to be explained before I can say anymore on that.
Taliesin: We've got all night. And rather eager ears.
Lucien: Are you sure you don't need anything else?
Morana: No, I'll be fine for now.. I suppose I did promise I'd talk about my past.
Kaidan: Only if you feel ready to share, lass. We won't force you.
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shaunsummers · 1 month
Period, sis.
"Yeah, it's fuckin' dumb." Devin perks her brows as she gets up to stretch. Whatever was going on between Lilith and Siren, she didn't want to get in the middle unless she had to; but there was a noticable change in behavior since Siren came back. Maybe the death of her parents had something to do with it but Lilith started displaying some serious helicopter mom symptoms. Like making sure she ate and worrying about how much she stayed inside; but now it was starting to get into bizarre territory. Quinn getting Siren back on drugs? Talk about a fucking leap. She must have been super paranoid to reach that conclusion. "But whatever, I gotta take a shit. I'll catch y'all later. Me and Jade are gonna game here in a few."
"Fine. We didn't want to hang out with you, anyways. Enjoy your Call of Duty, loser." Okay, so maybe a part of her did want Devin to stay in the room. Her departure meant one human shield down; and there was a very big reminder of one colossal oopsie that just walked through the door. Robin could hear her voice traveling now. She was probably talking about the process from head to toe of homemade ice cream and how she spent far too long on it. Though it was undeniably sweet how she went out of her way to deliver it to a house of mensies. Like a brave medic jumping onto the battlefield.
God, she fucked up so hard.
Sam might have still been a little peeved but it didn't stop Robin's leg leaning against her as her stomach twisted and curled.
"...Sam. I need emotional support." Robin doesn't waste a single breath, the words coming out of her mouth like vomit as soon as Devin turns the corner. "Oh my God, please don't be mad at me, but I may have said something real nasty to Sierra when I was high off my tits. Like so high I couldn't even operate a toaster type of high. This was like months ago and I'm dying of guilt over here. It fucks me up every time she comes over. I didn't even get fuck all of a warning this time!"
Ah, yes. Sweet victory. Honoring the white flag, Rebel eases her way down the tall lady and plops her feet back into the ground. With a cheeky smile, she takes the popcorn back into her arms. "I could still start it." She says but instead shifts the bowl to tuck the phone under her cheek; and the shit eating grin was irrepressible. "But I'm busy."
"Babe. My butthole started to leak there for a second." She picks back up the conversation but, with one glance back at Shaun, she starts the winding of a take off to jog straight back up the stairs.
Jesus. Why Devin had the compulsion to publicly announce she was taking a dump, she had no idea. "Hot." Sam quips with grossed out humor, blowing smoke to the side. It made sense how her and Quinn got so close. They'd probably hold hands and stare into each other's eyes if there was two toilets in a room.
Feeling the warm pressure of Robin's thigh—and the exaggerated sigh that went with it—Sam's attention redirects towards the building panic happening in front of her. Maybe it just seemed worse with all of the sweating. "...What did you do?" Sam's eyes narrow slightly; the quick skirting of what Robin had actually done hadn't escaped her notice. "Weren't you living with her, too? You said you were before you got here. Did neither of you just...bring it up or something?" Her rings clink softly against the glass as her fingers tap in confusion and thought, but realizing she was hogging the bong, Sam nudges it her way.
Of course she'd heard from Tek recently, she'd been clueing her in on the drama this entire time. "You two are a fucking nightmare." Shaun ribs her as she escapes. Even though it was a front the entire time, Tek's 'relationship' with a certain little gay busybody had seemed to only fuel her gremlin ways. And now, she'd found another little troll to share the cave with. Frightening.
"Right?" Tek had been quiet but ultimately stunned into silence the entire time. "I didn't know there was going to be a fight...are you guys doing okay?" It didn't worry her enough to stop the crunch of popcorn on the other side of the line, though.
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parknights · 4 months
Parknight imagines, miscellany 29: carpooling
Parker's on his way to the bullpen from the break room, having snatched a tasty-looking donut someone brought in a quickly disappearing pack of dozen, when his phone buzzes. He balances coffee and pastry in one hand and fishes his phone out with the other to answer. "G'morning, Jess."
"Not a good morning," Knight hisses back. Odd. She's not one to dampen her temper when she feels it, but she sounds as though she's whispering right about now.
He quirks an eyebrow. "You just pull in? It's the last Monday of the month, so I thought—"
She laughs, darkly, her voice thin and unlike her. Parker can imagine her shooting a certain someone (thankfully, not him) a glare. "Yeah, but I think I'm just about done carpooling with McGee. If it means being roped into helping the Tech Trolls out of the blue…"
Now he furrows his brow, because that doesn't add up. McGee down in Cyber, amongst his kin? A perfect picture. But Knight? She speaks other languages, but computer isn't one of them. "Lemme see if I can swing by and steal you back. Gimme a few minutes."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Alden…!" Knight exhales, and her usual cheeriness returns.
He might say "You're welcome" or "No problem" in normal circumstances, but—seeing as how he suspected Cyber's previous head was ready to clock out of the department and NCIS for good—Parker decides no comment is best here. Instead, he asks, "I take it this means, to lower the incidence of surprise, Carpool Mondays with McGee are off now?"
"For this and a handful of other reasons," she grumbles. But, a beat later, Knight adds, "Maybe…I should switch it up. Know anyone looking for some company in the morning ride to work?"
Parker can hear the smile in her voice, just as sure as she can hear the smirk in his. "What time tomorrow? Unless…you want to stick with Mondays."
"N-No. Tomorrow's good. Uh. Seven?"
"I'll pick you up then." And Knight disconnects first, but Parker rounds the corner to the bullpen, his coffee and donut in hand and—well, the donut turns out to be the second-best surprise of this morning.
-follow for more imagines & Parknight fanworks & content-
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hello-mojo · 11 months
Phantom of The Ministry
skip to the dotted line if you just want the story. I'm gonna put some personal info here first.
meh... I had this idea ages ago before Penny died and I quit writing... there was a lot going on back then. The troll harassing me and a bunch of other people on archive.... Eh It all snowballed on me and especially without penny to encourage me, litterally no one else wanted to read my stupid stories. I had floated this idea by her and she'd loved it. She said she couldn't wait to read it. I will miss her forever. 😢 I never even met her IRL. But I talked to her everyday. I used to tell her all my problems and she would tell me hers while we were writing back and forth. I don't have any of those fics anymore because I was hacked and had to delete the Google account where everything was saved. 😖 oof.
Well this was saved in a different place so. It's literally all I have left to remember her by because I deleted my profile on archive of our own where everything we'd done together had been published. I orphaned the stories but I honestly can't bring myself to look them up from my alternate archive reading account.
I really didn't mean to put so much about her in this but... I guess it's cathartic or whatever. I was working on this all by myself so... be warned. I struggle with grammar, punctuation and spelling particularly as the dyslexia seems to not let me remember the rules no matter how many times I look them up. I also have pacing issues and my plots always felt weak to me so. At the height of everything, I just quit. It seemed like no one was interested anyway.
I wanted to perhaps finish this for Penny or in her memory but honestly... I just don't have it in me anymore. I'm not even that into Drarry anymore. I enjoy many ships but that's neither here nor there. So... here's what I did get written on
Phantom of the ministry.
Ch.1 Draco’s Perspective
Draco realized, looking back, that he'd always been a somewhat vain child.  After all, what else would you call trying to crusio a boy just because he saw you crying?
Vain.  That's what Draco called it.  Perhaps prideful as well.  Neither personality trait had ever served him well.  In a way, he supposed that he had Potter to thank for opening his eyes to his own faults.  He might even be able to actually say the words to him, if he ever saw him.  Of course,  that would never happen because he didn't exist anymore.  He'd died in that bathroom, as far as most people were concerned.  
Most said that he'd deserved it.  A precious few had insisted that he hadn’t, that he wouldn't have attacked unless he had been provoked somehow.   Draco himself felt that he had started the ill fated duel and had basically deserved some sort of consequence.   However he also felt that Potter, using a spell that he didn't know, was the height of impulsive stupidity and that the 'Sectum-sempra' had been overkill.   He stared now at the ruin of his once handsome face.  The hideous twisted scars from the left edge of his nose to his left temple, the patchy bald spots where the hair had never grown back after being shaved off by the spell.  The cloudy, faded eyeball that had once been bright and vibrant, that had seen everything,  now saw almost nothing.  Draco had no idea why the spell had only struck the upper left corner of his face.  Potter's aim must have been off because they'd been chasing each other.  Otherwise he had no idea. 
With a heavy sigh he picked up the white China quarter-mask that hid the left side of his damaged face from anyone who might chance to look at him.  Not that many ever did.  In fact, there were only two people who knew of his existence.   Since Severus Snape had died in the war, that left only one person who knew he was here.  She came to his hidden potions lab and left him files full of research that needed done, potions that needed identification, other's that needed refined.  The list went on and on. 
He was a ghost, a figment of overworked employees imaginations.  Severus had brought him here after he'd been healed as much as he could be.  Draco had categorically refused to return to hogwarts or the life he had known before.  His father had always viewed him as a disappointment and after he'd been disfigured,  well he'd have been a disgrace as well, and likely would have been disowned.  
So this had been the only other option.   A friend of Severus's who worked in the department of mysteries as head unspeakable, who had owed the potions master a favor,  had arranged it. 
That had been eight years ago.  He'd never left the ministry since that day, the day Severus had brought him here and handed him over to Madeline Gery. 
She was originally from France but her parents had moved to London in the midst of the first wizarding war.  She'd worked her way to the top of the department of mysteries, a department that was only a rumor and largely off books.  She had arranged for private tutoring,  and for Draco to be able to take his exams.   She'd had the mask and wigs made to Draco’s specifications and the sketches he'd provided her with.  Brown hair, something nondescript that blended in.  His own hair was too flashy, too distinctive.   If anyone caught sight of his oh so striking platinum hair, they'd know instantly who he was.  So, wigs had been the solution.  Though, thanks largely to the numerous secret passages and hidden rooms scattered around the ministry no one ever truly saw him. 
The passages had originally been intended as an emergency escape route out of the ministry.  Near as Draco could tell, they'd been forgotten about and hadn't been accessed or utilized in any way until he'd found them. 
He now had free roam of the entire ministry.   There was a small room and a two way mirror that looked into the ministers office, there was another such set up in the head aurror's office and a few other of the department heads.  He suspected that someone had been using the passages to sus out corrupt ministry officials but obviously the program had been ended without anyone being the wiser.  Draco had let himself into the records room and the aurror department after hours and looked for any information he could find on the passages but had found nothing.   
Over the years he'd added more passages,  tunnels and access points, carefully hidden from and warded against the wondering eyes of idiot employees who were too curious for their own good.   He could go anywhere he wanted or needed too inside the ministry now.  He left notes for Madeline occasionally about his findings, particularly when he observed ministry officials taking bribes or practicing dark magics.  He always got proof first.  The employees in question were usually sacked immediately.   At least, now that Potter had won the war anyhow.   
What a relief that had been.   The first few years he'd been here, he'd had to be incredibly careful.  He'd let himself into the ministers office after hours and nicked his file, and any other proof of his existence that he could find.  With Umbridge and Fudge being loyal to the darklord,  he dare not let them find out about his existence.   He had observed though.  He'd recorded plenty of evidence of their corruption and any plans that he had observed and passed them along to Madeline who he assumed passed them to an order member.   It was the best he could do. 
Ch. 2 Potter's Perspective
He'd killed someone.   Harry couldn't forgive himself for it.  Nor would he ever forget Draco Malfoy, or the valuable lesson that he'd learned from the horrible experience.   Never use a spell that you didn't know.   It was forever ingrained in his brain,  on his very soul.   He might have felt some sort of closure on the matter had he gotten into trouble for killing a student.   Something more than just detention with Snape for the rest of the year.  That had been bad, but hardly a fitting price for murder.  Even if accidentally.  
He was the only one who had felt that way about it.  Everyone else had said that Malfoy had gotten what he deserved.  After all he had started an unsanctioned duel, had been using dark spells, and had fired first.  Malfoy had started the chase, and continued to aggressively attack Harry.  He'd simply defended himself.  That was the official response.   Even if accurate,  it didn't feel right.  Not to Harry.  Nor, he could tell, to Narcissa Malfoy.   She looked at him with hatred now.  Hatred he deserved.   There was nothing he could do about it though.  Even after he'd found the reserection stone that Dumbledore had left him. There'd been no information anywhere on how to use it.  He'd tried to bring Draco back from the dead but it hadn't worked.  Harry had been flying blind.  He'd put away the Elder wand and the Reserection stone in a safe and heavily warded place known only to him.  He couldn't destroy them until he figured out how to right the wrong that he'd caused.  
He had no clue how he'd managed to win this stupid war.  It had seemed impossible. Without Hermione and Ron, he'd never have survived.   He knew it.  He might be a magical powerhouse but brilliant he wasn’t.  Nor was he any good at strategy.  Thankfully his friends had been very willing to help him out.   He didn’t feel worthy of such loyalty and support but he was grateful for it.  
After the bathroom incident, the minister had appointed Severus Snape as headmaster.  Zabini had somehow left the detheaters into the castle and Severus Snape had cast the killing curse on Dumbledore.  Harry had confronted him and managed to disarm him, purely by having the element of surprise and sheer dumb luck, as McGonagall would say.  Somehow they'd managed to follow through on the scavenger hunt for the horcruxs and the rest was history.    Winning hadn't made Harry feel any better though.  He and Ginny had broken up after only a couple months of a relationship post war.  It just wasn't working.  So he'd gone to work at the ministry as an aurror because what else could he do really?  He'd thought of going into quidich but the desire to fly knowing that Draco never would again,  just hadn't been there. 
Ok that's it. All I've got other than the doc where I listed all the things from the Musical that I thought I could work with to make the story work. I'd love to know your thoughts. If anyone reads this that is. The algorithms on any platform hide me from everyone. Lol I'll never be popular I guess. So what else is new? Lmao. Oh well.
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nihils-trolls · 5 months
Thunder Rumbles in the Distance
Sequel to Whispered Hints and a Shadowy Endeavor
A quiet, but stressed discussion takes place in the upper halls of the Kinefort Cavern this morning. Two auxiliatrices stand off in a corner, talking about the most recent, horrific happening in the sector’s spire.
“What do we do? Nothing like this has ever happened before.” the shorter one whispers. She looks like she’s about to cry.
The taller of the two stands firm, exhaling a sigh. “Tell me one more time what you’ve found. Slowly, Feliss.”
“W-well, that’s just the thing! I couldn't find anything. No one’s been in or out of the spire since last night. We haven’t had any visitors, and there’s nothing weird saved in the footage for this hall. It doesn’t make sense, Celode.
All of the jades on this level have an alibi. So it wasn’t any of them. I… all evidence leads to the fact that it wasn’t done from inside. Someone had to have entered through outside.” Feliss fidgets, clearly not confident in her own theory.
“Outside?” Celode rolls her eyes. “We’re on the upper levels of the spire. Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? The perpetrator would have had to climb up five stories of sheer rock face just to get to her office. Though, they could have entered somewhere else, I suppose..” The elder jade trails off.
Though, the younger one shakes her head. “A thorough sweep of the place showed that there was only an open vent near where Delvah’s office is. The ductwork was connected directly to it.”
Celode presses a hand to the side of her head, rubbing it slowly. “We really need to get better security measures around here.”
Feliss fidgets nervously again. “Do we call someone about this? The legislacerators? They could search better than us, I'm sure…”
But she only receives a sharp laugh on that remark. “And ruin the night of everyone downstairs? No. They’re not allowed in here anyway.” Celode hums to herself, seemingly amused. “You didn't hear it from me, but I say good riddance.”
“She was hacked to bits!-” Feliss sputters out. “Don’t you think that’s concerning? How can you say that about such a prestigious woman? One you're related to, not to mention.” The young jade is aghast, scoffing. But her expression turns sheepish after receiving a glare from her superior.
“Delvah was accomplished, yes. But do not assume that I should have any respect for her.” Celode’s tone has turned cold. “She was a bitter, cruel and indifferent woman who lorded over this cavern with an iron fist in a velvet glove. Showed no mercy or remorse.
You may know her as… prestigious, being a new transfer- but your inexperience here shows.”
Feliss looks down at the floor during her scolding, embarrassed. “S- so, wh… what do we do here, ma’am? Who takes charge now?”
Celode is silent for a moment, considering the best course of action.
But eventually, she instructs Feliss sternly. “I will be the temporary head matron seeing as I'm technically the next in line to take on the position. In the meantime, fetch me a list and the records of our longest staying auxiliatrices and archivists.
I'll conduct evaluations over the course of the next two perigees and determine someone more fit to take the position. You are not to speak a word of your duties to anyone other than Naomis, who I will inform of the situation. She will allow you full access to the archives, and monitor what you access closely. Do you understand?”
Feliss blinks, turning her gaze back to Celode. “... Me? You want me to do all that?”
The elder matron raises an eyebrow, but otherwise does not change from her demeanor. “Is there a problem?” She states slower. “Do - you - under - stand?”
“Y-yes ma’am…” Feliss acquiesces.
Without another word, the young secretary runs off to do as told. Celode sighs, heading the other direction to find cleaning supplies.
Man, Zephyr thought to herself. Why did it have to be me of all trolls she had to ask?
She clutches the fur of her lusus closely as they fly through the late night sky. The moons were nearing the horizon, and things were quiet in the large city below. With a few clicks of her tongue, she signals the bat-dragon to take a sudden decline, heading for an industrial sector. It contains a few vents that allow air refreshing to the underground portion of the city beneath. Her way in and out.
Finally dropping to said vents, Zephyr dismounts quickly. The black suit she's wearing allows for quieted movements. That along with black tinted goggles and her hair tied up in a knot make her look really suspicious- if she gets caught, that is. Which she knows she won't.
They make short work of removing the grate covering the duct. Setting it gently aside, she mounts up again- signaling now for her lusus to shimmy inside. It's a bit of a tight squeeze for a long way, but this was the best way to not be tracked in and out of the city.
With a wiggle and a small squeak, the dragon makes it through into the underground. They were covered in layers of dirt, dust and grime- the system likely not having been cleaned in several sweeps. However, it did make for excellent camouflage in the darker lighting down here. The lusus, now colored a dusky gray, begins its flight weaving around stalactites and pylons jutting from the enormous cavern ceiling.
Zephyr directs their path towards the center where one huge, hollowed-out stalagmite spires into the air. The Kinefort Caverns, where her target sits unaware. Within a mere minute they arrive. The bat-dragon clutches onto the sheer rock face a story up from where Zephyr needs to be, easily but carefully slinking along while avoiding windows.
Once in position, the goldblood pries herself from her hiding spot in the beast's fur and scans the wall. In the shadows, they spot a vent closeby where they'll enter from. Again, not an easy fit, but… take a deep breath, and they'll be fine. She adjusts her position- now clinging to her lusus just with her legs upside-down- and pulls out a small screwdriver from her pocket.
The cover comes off like a breeze. For being a city of the future, you'd think these places have some better security. This vent leads directly to the head matron’s office with the right route, after all.
… Apparently not.
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Icy Kisses
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I wrote so much today, holy shit. I think that's the most words I've ever written in less than ten hours. I feel great, might write a lot tomorrow too cause I'm on fire and still have a lot of motivation and inspiration. Anyways, going back to my roots with some Sapphire and Raven angst (with fluff at the end, because I'm nice). i used the prompt "i thought I lost you kiss" one of my favorite tropes ever, from this prompt list. *evil cackle* enjoy, suckers. Also this takes place during book 8 in the series.
Wordcount: 1668
Warnings: angst galore but there’s fluff at the end, panic, the dangers of thousands of tons of snow up in the mountains
FSF Taglist: @rose-bookblood @chalcid @evethenovicewriter @writing-is-a-martial-art @thatprolificauthor @mjjune @wip-nook @fiercely-raging-writer
General Taglist: @enchanted-lightning-aes @/thatprolificauthor
Tiny snowflakes whipped through the air like little knives, slicing at any and all exposed skin. There were barely even any trees this high on the peak, just blinding white snow and jagged black rocks. 
The cold was almost unbearable, and the wind wasn’t helping a bit. Raven would’ve frozen solid if not for the fur coat secured around his shoulders. The mountain trolls and enormous snow cats with the large saber teeth protruding out of their jaws were clearly faring much better, unbothered by the cold.
He’d forgotten how much he hated wind. It was loud, scratched and clawed at his exposed skin- and the worst part was no matter how much he tied his hair back, the wind kept ripping it out and whipping it right in his face. The wind was so loud and grating on his senses he wanted to tear the wind right out of the sky and chop it into little pieces.
Another snow cat lunged at him, and he swiftly swung his sword in a bloody arc of death- chopping the mountain cat’s head clean off.
On her horse behind him, Snow was firing well aimed arrows at the trolls’ eyes and noses, where they were most sensitive. Lady- along with the other horses- was able to walk on the snow without much of a struggle thanks to Triveya’s spell that kept her hooves mostly on top of the soft white powder, only sinking through about halfway up the hoof. However the spell was due to wear off soon, so they had to finish the fight as soon as possible.
Snow shouted something to him, but even without the wind it sounded like gibberish. He asked her to repeat, and she moved her horse closer. “If you’re done with the cats I could use your help with these trolls!”
Finally understanding, Raven heaved himself up into Dante’s saddle, sword out. That was when he realized Sapphire wasn’t next to him, she usually hopped up right behind him or in front since she was terrible with horses.
He looked over his shoulder, steering Dante around, scanning the area for her. With the red hair, bright pink coat, and loud yelling that always accompanied her fighting, she couldn’t be that hard to spot in the blinding white.
Finally, a little farther down the mountain behind him, he spotted her throwing rocks at the trolls with enough accuracy to nail them in the face and daze them. She was angrily screaming something about how it was not nice to throw people, which made a smile tug at the corner of his mouth. Little Stripe was scampering across her shoulders, shrieking and chattering unintelligibly. Tris and Cass were in front of her, using their swords while Lan and Max backed them up from behind.
Raven tried not to worry too much about her. She could clearly handle this and keep herself relatively out of danger for now. Though he couldn’t help risking a glance over his shoulder to check that the trolls and mountain cats weren’t getting too close for comfort.
While Hestia and Monty were keeping the cats busy, he went to help Snow with the trolls.
Things were going fine. Snow was taking down trolls while he, Kaye, and Indigo got up close to distract them, most of the mountain cats were dead or had run off by now, and there were little to no injuries in their little group so far. Every time he risked a glance down the mountain, Sapphire was doing fine and as out of danger as she could be in these conditions.
Then it went horribly wrong.
One of the trolls had the unfortunately smart idea to chuck a giant boulder up at the slope above them- causing the snow to come crashing down with a thundering rumble.
Snow grabbed all of the group that was up there with her to the side, behind the safety of a large ledge overhead. Raven thought he could beat the snow down the mountain, but Snow stopped him.
“I have to get down there,” he said, hoping to the gods he didn’t sound as scared as he was.
“It’s too dangerous,” Snow told him, “You’ll be buried alive before you can scream.”
“I don’t care!”
Snow kept a firm grip on his arm, keeping him under the ledge. “We’ll get down there the second that the avalanche stops moving, alright?”
He started to protest again, but Snow kept a firm grip on his arm. “Lan is with them and he knows about avalanches like I do. He probably pulled them to safety just like I did with you and the others.”
Reluctantly, Raven took a step back, and leaned heavily against Dante. The horse wasn’t doing so great, as he was used to much warmer temperatures down in Greyvenhill, even with two horse blankets secured on his back. Raven would have to make sure that his horse got plenty of time to warm up by the fire tonight.
The loud roar of the snow and blinding white was making it hard to think on top of the panicked whirlwind of thoughts in his head. He started braiding Dante’s hair, which helped him a little bit to at least not freak out and go barrelling down the mountain. Next to his neat and straight braids in his horse’s mane were messy and uneven ones- but Raven didn’t even think about touching those, she’d worked hard on them. She was getting better, and it seemed to help when there wasn’t much options to move around and she was restless.
After what felt like an infinite amount of time, the mountainside finally stopped moving.
Raven barely gave Snow a second to give the go ahead before he hopped on Dante and started down the mountainside as fast as Dante would go. Indigo was right behind him, and quickly passed him and went ahead. Because the fresh power was quickly settling and becoming almost as hard and heavy as stone, Dante couldn’t move very quickly in the deep snow, especially with Raven riding him- the horse was built for speed, not strength.
The pace made his heart pound faster and harder as it felt like his throat was closing. Most of what he remembered about Snow, Lan, Tris, and Kayes’ advice on avalanches was what to do if you or someone else got buried in the snow- if they were buried more than a foot under, the victim had minutes to live before dying from lack of air.
When he finally arrived at the flatter, much wider slope where the others had been, he couldn’t wait anymore and hopped off.
The area was filled with huge clumps and ridges of settling snow. He’d already spotted some of the others leaving the ridge of jagged black rocks they’d hidden behind.
There was one person missing now.
Raven looked around frantically, scanning the area for anything red, orange, or pink. He was pretty sure he’d stopped breathing minutes ago as his mind continued to race faster and faster.
Snow and the others came over.
“Hey, hey,” Tris held out her hands, “Relax alright? We’ll find her, it’ll take just a minute to search the area-”
“We don’t have minutes!” Raven cried. One hand was gripping the hilt of his sword at his side so tight the knuckles turned white.
Little Stripe came skittering across the top of the snow, and screeched to a halt at his feet. “It’s S-s-s-sapphire.”
Raven immediately snatched up the tiny chipmunk and demanded. “What? Where?”
“She’s- she’s- sh-sh-she’s trapped under- trapped under the snow! I managed- I managed- to d-d-dig a hole for air and sssslip out but the sssnow is crushing th-th-the air out- the air out- offfff her lungs-”
The cold mountain air froze in his chest. “Take me there,” He choked out, “Now.”
Little Stripe leaped out of his hand and dashed across the white expanse, kicking up snow in her wake. Everyone rushed after her, Raven at the front.
Snow and Tris pulled ahead. At the spot where the chipmunk stopped, they started to dig, and soon red hair and a pink sleeve appeared. Once deep enough, both girls grabbed one of Sapphire’s arms, and yanked her out.
She collapsed to the snow clutching a snowy mitten to her chest as she gasped for air. Ice crystals clung to her cloak, dress, and hair, and her nose and cheeks were bright red from the cold.
Darting across the deep snow as fast as his boots would allow, Raven sprinted over to Sapphire and pulled her into a bone crushing hug. She hugged him back just as tight as he buried his face in her hair.
He finally opened his eyes, and their chapped and cold lips locked and he kissed her like there was no tomorrow. She kissed him back just as hard, cupping his face with mittens covered in ice crystals that stung his face with cold- he could barely find it in himself to notice much less care.
Another avalanche could’ve happened right there and buried them- and neither would’ve noticed, nor cared.
When the need for air beat them both, they finally broke the kiss, but didn’t loosen the embrace. He gently cupped her face and said in a shaky voice, “Don’t you ever, ever scare me like that again.” He pressed his forehead against hers, tears leaking out and immediately hardening in the freezing air. “I thought I was going to lose you again…” He whispered, his voice cracking at the last word. 
He added, attempting to be stern. “One of these days you’re going to scare me so bad it’ll be the death of me. Don’t do that!”
She nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck. “I don’t plan on it.”
And then they and the others found a stable and sheltered ridge farther down the mountain with enough room for the giant tent, and set up camp for the night.
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viscountessevie · 2 years
I’m sorry and some of your tumblr mutuals are dealing with insanity the last couple days. I wonder if it’s one person who is aggressively going after three of you simultaneously. I wish people would leave our corner of the fandom in peace.
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Thank you two for your support and messages. That being said, I do not want to dismiss my last anon’s experience and feelings.
[@ My First Anon: You most likely didn't mean it maliciously but doesn't negate the fact that it was used. I want to let you know that using the word "aggressive" is not the right choice of words given the negative connotation it has and being a part of the history of language used against Black people tied to it.]
I am very conscious of my last anon's fandom experience because I understand where they are coming from because of what I went through with S2. I constantly had and saw non-Desi fans - hell even some Desi fans themselves - talking over me and my fellow Desi friends/fans' experiences and feelings over how the Sharmas were portrayed as well as Kate's portrayal (and lack of screentime) as well as how she was fetishised all through S2 and even now post-S2.
In direct responses to my two anons above: it doesn't matter if they are trolling because this is still their lived experience in the fandom and I am not going to negate or invalidate that. I will still respond in kind and listen to their POV with care and consideration.
As for leaving our side of the fandom alone (and I'll talk about my friends getting anons in bit), I've always been open about race conversations on this blog and so if I have said anything out of turn that wasn't related to my personal experience with S2 and seeing how Simone was mistreated as a fellow Indian person, then I take full responsibility for that. So I personally don't want to be left alone in terms of these discussions because I want to learn from what I've said and done, do better to improve and provide a safer space for anyone who comes on this blog, especially in this case, Black fans of the show.
That being said, while I understand on some level where my previous anon was coming from, sending my friends leading and loaded asks is not okay at all. I'm not sure if it's the same person or their friends doing it on their behalf. These asks especially this one is not cool:
Stalking Chloe’s Twitter
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Who does this? Why would you go stalk someone and find their Twitter to dig up "dirt" and insult them like this? That's extremely creepy. Especially since this someone was not involved in this discussion at all and all she did was like a post that was in support of Black fans and their community!
While I understand this anon’s sentiment but like Chloe said in her reply, it was confusing and came out of left field. 
Another friend got asks as well, they are busy with their work irl hence taking their time to answer so I’m giving them the space to do so before commenting on all of it directly. However, there was one ask they got which confused us. It was essentially gatekeeping them from interacting with any post that mentioned the Black characters on the show,,, which was odd to say the least because how are non-black fans supposed to support and hype up their favourite characters who happen to be black? Not to mention we still want to reblog and share content created by Black fans of the show. So that ask felt like a slippery slope to me.
In summary, about these asks sent to my mutuals: All I ask is my friends be left out of this discussion as they only liked a post, which again was in support of Black fans and keeping this dialogue open for them. However, *I* made my choice to defend my friend and then that discourse escalated to bringing up while important - but still unrelated to the original discourse at hand - conversations about race. *I* made the choice to open my blog up to that and am still keeping the dialogue going. On the other hand, my friends did not make this choice so please just keep directing your asks at me. 
After all this is said and done, my offer to continue these conversations in my asks (off anon is better since it is private and I'll know who I'm talking to directly) or in DM (it's faster), still stands. This blog and space will always be and continue to be a safe space for any of my Black mutuals/followers/anons and anyone else from any background who wish to make this blog a safe space for them.
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teamkicksource · 2 years
i read your site and that may 10 blog. you seem nice so this hard to do. you arent wanted or needed in king kota fandom. its a family because it only accepts people who are known by people held in high regard. rest can linger dont expect anyone to care you there. charlie said on twitch she doesnt want you in her fandom. btw your correct her gift list isnt for fans even if it public. you fucked up. she pissed at you dude. find another fandom because we dont want you. im sorry.
I was going to ignore this Anon Ask. I've been busy with other stuff since last weekend so just saw that earlier.
Common sense encourages me to think you've read my personal blog over at the resources site and are trolling me. My low self esteem and mental health being in a muck has me think you might be correct.
The Team Kick Source resources site has been a flop after eight months since I've been unable to bring more awareness to it anywhere I've tried. I've been unable to connect with the Dakota Kai fandom just as a fan for close to a year. I never get any notifications about the Twitter in my email like I should if there is feedback. I'm keeping hope this Tumblr can become a good resource for Charlie and Nixon in general.
Now if the Dakota Kai fandom doesn't want me or have use for the resources site, I can retreat to the corner I was in before. I made an effort to join the fandom because I wanted to take part in something for my heroines/favorites (Kota & Nixon) and be helpful to other fans.
Can you provide proof Charlie (Dakota Kai) said that on Twitch? I don't think she's even aware of the site let alone a nobody like me. What you said does not seem like something she would do. If you or anyone can provide proof I'm not welcome in the fandom I'll gladly go. I respect the fandom and most of all Charlie.
I did offer an apology on Twitter to her for sending from the public Amazon Gift List in case I did wrong. If making a mistake in the first place is why I'm not welcome, I'll say that would be understandable. I just think it's fair to ask for proof.
This should be a happy and exciting time for all of us. I was happy earlier tonight. I only got bummed when I read your message. Considering my string of bad luck I'll offer you a chance or anyone for that matter to provide proof. If I've done some wrong, I'm willing to offer apologies and go.
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legends-of-time · 4 months
Amelia’s Story (BBC Merlin Story)
Chapter 24: Beauty and the Beast Part Two
Amelia's POV
The Troll soon delivers its next blow by accusing Merlin of stealing Catrina's seal. Hypocrite considering it stole it first.
Amelia learns about it when Sir Leon bursts into her Chambers where she is with Anne, Morgana and Gwen.
"Sir Leon?!" She exclaims.
"Sorry My Lady," Leon says. "I am looking for Merlin." Wait, what?
"Why? And why would he be in here?" Morgana questions.
"The new Queen has accused him of stealing her seal. I have also been ordered to search the whole Castle, My Lady."
"Well, I suppose we cannot fault you for that," Amelia replies trying to cover her worry. "I can tell you he is not in here. Good luck with your search."
"Thank you, My Lady." With that Sir Leon leaves. The four of them look at each other in alarm.
"What if something happens to him?" Anne murmurs sounding close to tears.
Gwen puts a hand on her arm. "I'm sure he'll be fine."
"Yes knowing Merlin, he'll somehow slip away," Amelia adds. They all share a chuckle at that.
Amelia and Anne hurry to Gaius' Chambers after the visit from Sir Leon as well as hearing that Guards are closing on his trail in the forest. Amelia can't find anything in her notes about what happens to Merlin here so she still worries.
They burst into Gaius' Chambers to find a Merlin standing in there with the man they were looking for. Both men jump but relax when they see it's only Amelia and Anne.
"Merlin!" Anne exclaims, rushing over to him and wrapping him in a hug. Merlin just stands there blinking in surprise.
Anne then seems to realise what she had just done and pulls back quickly, coughing awkwardly. "Eh... um... it's good to see you are alright."
"Uh thank you." Merlin mumbles. Amelia and Gaius share an amused look. It seems Gaius can also see there is something between the two of them.
Amelia then decides to walk over to Merlin and slap him on the arm.
"Ow!" He exclaims. "What was that for?!"
"For worrying us." She tells him.
"Not my fault!" Merlin complains.
Gaius huffs, "Anyway... they picked up the trail that we left, but it won't fool them for long."
"Oh, you meant to do that?" Anne asks.
"Yes but now I better get busy," Merlin says walking to the door.
"I'm coming with you." Anne declares. "No one would suspect anything if they see me."
Amelia nods. "Okay." Her notes said that the Troll takes a potion to keep up the pretence so maybe this is when they get it.
Gaius stops them before the two leave. "And Merlin, be careful. The Guards are still searching for you." Gaius warns.
Anne's POV
They peek around a corner from behind the Troll to see her go inside as she scratches her arm irritably. Once she is inside, Merlin and Anne stand on a wooden box to spy on her through a grate in the wall.
"Mistress, it is time," Jonas says as the Troll is bending over the table retching. Jonas then goes to the cupboard.
"Do I have to?" The Troll whines.
"You must keep up the pretence!" Jonas says as he rifles through the cupboard. What is in there?
"I hate being like this! So clean! It's revolting. I can't keep it up. This skin, this face! I just want to claw it off!" The Troll's hands grip onto its face as if it is about to do just that, bending so far over it almost goes to the floor. Jonas comes back over carrying something.
"Think of all the money," the Troll perks up, "and the power. Soon it will all be yours." Jonas places a potion bottle on the table. Anne watches as it takes the potion. The Troll pulls back its sleeve and a patch of Troll skin disappears.
Afterwards, the Troll pulls itself up and moves to exit the room. Merlin and Anne run to hide. The Troll exits and walks past them with all the poise of a lady.
Anne and Merlin wait till that night when Jonas is sleeping and sneak into the Chambers.
They walk over to the cupboard and Merlin lifts his hand towards it and whispers, "Tospringe."
Jonas whimpering and crying in his sleep startles them briefly. Once he settles, Anne takes the potion bottle.
Amelia's POV
Anne and Merlin return with the potion bottle and Gaius analyses it over a flame.
"We saw her drink some of this potion and a patch of Troll skin on her arm disappeared," Anne explains.
"It must be pretty powerful magic to physically change her like that," Gaius notes, opening the bottle to give it a sniff.
"Could you make a potion that looks and tastes the same as this?" Merlin asks.
"I don't know. Yes, I suppose so, but without the Troll magic, it wouldn't have the same effect." Gaius says. He then walks over to a table to sit down.
"No, that's good. If this potion can be replaced with one that isn't magical..." Anne trails off.
"...Catrina will keep taking it, but it'll no longer work." Amelia finishes. Brilliant! This is how they expose the Troll though the next issue will be the enchantment.
"And she'll turn into a Troll," Merlin adds. "Think you can do it?"
"I don't know," Gaius murmurs.
"We have to make the switch before morning or Jonas will notice." Anne points out.
"Then it's going to be a long night." Gaius quips.
Amelia groans. "Oh great."
The next morning Gaius holds up two potions that look exactly the same.
"What's in it?" Merlin asks.
"Nothing too potent. Rat's guts." Gaius says.
"Oooh, lovely," Amelia remarks.
"Toad paste." At the looks of confusion, Gaius begins to explain, "Take two toads, grind them up..."
Anne holds up a hand to stop him. "We get the picture."
"Horse dung. Crushed sheep's eyeball."
"Oh, lovely," Amelia says, feeling like she wants to gag at the sound of it all.
"Pond scum. Three wolf spiders. And what potion isn't complete without a dash of sheep's brain?"
"Nothing apparently," Amelia mumbles through her hand.
"Yeah, sounds delicious." Merlin sarcastically agrees.
"Good, 'cause you're going to taste it," Gaius tells him.
Merlin immediately pulls back, "No way."
"It's completely harmless."
"Er, no." But after a couple of encouraging nods from Gaius, he sighs in defeat.
"If it helps, remember this is to save the Kingdom," Anne says with a grimace.
Merlin grimaces and sticks a finger into the bottle and brings his finger to his mouth. He immediately gags as soon as he tastes it. Amelia pulls a face at the sight of it. Merlin coughs before spluttering out, "That is... ugh. That is disgusting."
"Yes, to you, but not to a Troll." Gaius reminds him.
"I can't even believe you let me put that in my mouth," Merlin says.
"Yes, well, try the original," Gaius says, pulling out the other potion.
"Oh..." Merlin winces.
"Just a small amount. And be sure to spit it out." And with that Merlin does the same action as before and is straight away gagging and spits it out.
"Does it taste roughly the same?" Gaius questions.
"Yes! It's horrible." Merlin exclaims.
"Are you sure though?" Amelia asks. "Cause the Troll will notice if they're not."
"It tastes exactly the same."
"Well, let's hope she thinks so, too," Anne says.
Anne's POV
Anne decides that maybe she should do this one so that Merlin doesn't get caught. She still sneaks past patrolling Guards, just in case something happens, and peaks through the gate and sees that the room is empty. She slips in, whispers "Tospringe" and puts the fake potion back in the cupboard.
She then hears someone coming and hides in the wardrobe. Jonas enters and sits. Anne notices she left the cupboard door open.
"Fýrbendum fæst." She quickly whispers. Jonas hears and gets up to investigate the cupboard noise. But moves away when nothing else happens. He sits down and Anne sighs quietly. Seems she'll be here a while.
Amelia's POV
Amelia is taking a walk with Arthur in the Lower Town. They see Guards wrestling with a man.
"What do you think you're doing?!" Arthur exclaims, running over with Amelia close behind.
"He's refusing to pay the King's tax." The Guard, Patrick, explains. Oh yeah, Uther has introduced a harsher tax. Probably the influence of the Troll.
"You- you ask for too much." The man, in the clutches of the Guards, begs. "I've given all I can."
"That's not enough!" Patrick says, shaking him. The crowd stares at Arthur and Amelia imploringly.
"Let us see," Amelia says and Patrick hands it over.
Arthur looks in the money pouch and hands it to the man. "Release him."
"The King said..."
"He said release him and while you're at it, give them back their money. All of it." Amelia orders.
The Guards listen and Arthur and Amelia leave with people smiling and bowing to them.
Amelia and Arthur stand before Uther and the Troll in the Council Chambers. It had gotten back to the King and Queen about what they had done.
"I gave you a direct order," Uther says angrily.
"The people cannot afford to pay the tax," Amelia replies.
"Don't tell me you're naïve enough to take them at their word?" The Troll says as if the mere idea is ridiculous.
"We have their loyalty, their goodwill. Do not forsake that by making unreasonable demands." Arthur answers.
"Is it so unreasonable for a King to expect his subjects to obey him?" The Troll counters. Amelia looks at Uther who doesn't seem to be reacting much. Yeah definitely enchanted.
"They'll starve!" Arthur exclaims.
"There's no point of a Kingdom if its people are dead," Amelia adds.
"Nonsense." Uther finally says, standing. "They've grown too soft. Remember, these are your subjects, not your friends."
"And why can't they be both?" Arthur demands.
"Because we rule the people, not the other way around," Uther says.
"I think you're wrong," Arthur says somewhat quietly. Amelia knows that he doesn't want to go against his father like this.
"I beg your pardon?" Uther walks towards them.
"He said you're wrong," Amelia says boldly.
"Without the people, there is no Camelot. We're as much their servant as they are ours." Arthur adds, now feeling more confident.
"You allow them to address you in this manner?" The Troll asks pointedly, now standing behind him.
"No, I do not. It will not be tolerated. You will take your men down into the town and go to every house collecting the payments I demand." Uther orders.
"I will not."
"Both of you get out of my sight."
Arthur bows and Amelia curtsies and they exit. That went well.
Anne's POV
Hiding in the wardrobe seems never ending and then the Troll enters.
"Jonas, it's time for my potion." It croaks.
Jonas goes and collects the replaced potion. "Are your plans progressing as you'd hoped?"
"Yes, not a moment too soon." The Troll then seems to notice something. Anne holds her breath, hoping she hasn't been spotted. She quickly retreats further back into the wardrobe. Anne hears it stop right in front.
"I must admit, though, that crown will look rather fetching." Anne quietly lets out a breath, realising it's looking in the mirror. "All that gold, and them lovely jewels." Anne then sees her down the potion.
"Now, would you care to accompany your Queen?" The Troll says in its Lady Catrina voice. Jonas takes the Troll's hand and they walk out together.
Finally, Anne is able to come out of hiding, she slumps with relief against the wardrobe, gives a little smile to herself, and then exits the room.
Amelia's POV
The full Council is assembled in the Council Chambers when Arthur enters. Amelia stands with Gaius watching anxiously. Merlin is unable to come along due to obvious reasons.
"Father?" Arthur says.
"I'm relaxing your duties, revoking your title," Uther announces. What?!
"What?" Arthur says, unknowingly voicing Amelia's thoughts.
"We live in dangerous times, I cannot allow you to undermine my authority," Uther explains.
"You've always welcomed my counsel in the past," Arthur argues.
"You stood against me for all the people to see."
"I'm sorry. Any future grievance I have will be held in private." Arthur sounds desperate.
"No, it's too late for that." Uther turns away from him.
"Father, this is..."
"You are to be disinherited," Uther interrupts, "with immediate effect. You are no longer Crown Prince of Camelot." Amelia looks around at everyone who have similar looks of shock on their faces.
"Sire, Arthur is your son, your natural heir..." Gaius tries.
"Gaius..." Arthur wordlessly tells him to stop. "You've always taught me to be true to my heart, and that's all I've ever tried to do. To be the man you wanted me to be. Someone you were proud to call your son."
For a moment it looks like Arthur's words have gotten to his father but then it's gone. "My decision is final." And with that Arthur leaves the room.
"Queen Catrina will be named as rightful heir to the throne. The ceremony will begin forthwith." Uther sits on his throne next to the Troll.
Sir Leon begins the slow clap that everyone eventually joins in on.
Amelia and Gaius are sombrely telling Merlin what had just happened when Anne bursts through the door.
"We've done it! Catrina's drank the fake potion." She says cheerfully before taking in their expressions. "What's wrong? What's happened?"
"Uther has disinherited Arthur and made Catrina his heir," Gaius explains.
"Now if Uther dies, she will rule Camelot." Amelia finishes. She wishes she could remember how Uther is enchanted.
Everything happens in quick succession as by the afternoon, everyone is dressed in their fanciest garb for the ceremony that will make a Troll the rightful heir to Camelot.
Geoffrey of Monmouth leads the ceremony. "We are gathered here to bear witness to the naming of Queen Catrina as the rightful heir to Camelot." Amelia looks at a sad Arthur with concern and she can see Morgana doing the same. Anne is just glaring at Jonas and Gwen is chilling.
"Are you willing to take the oath?" Geoffrey asks the Troll.
"I am." It calmly answers.
"Do you solemnly swear to govern the people of Camelot, to uphold the laws and customs of the land?"
"I... do." It itches its arm. Amelia smiles to herself. It's working!
"Will you, to your power cause law and justice in mercy to be executed in all your judgments?"
"I will." It continues scratching its arm.
"Will you, to the utmost of your powers..." Amelia sees the Troll look at Jonas with worry "...maintain the laws..."
"Yes, yes."
"I'm sorry, you-you must let me finish. The wording must be exactly right to be binding." Geoffrey says.
"Well, get on with it then. I mean, really, where did you dig up this old crone from?" The Troll demands.
"She's right. Get on with it." Uther says beaming. The audience gapes in shock. Arthur is now frowning at this unusual behaviour from his father. Amelia is just sniggering behind her hand.
"Will you, to the utmost of your powers..."
"Yes, yes."
"...maintain the laws and customs..."
"I will, I will." The Troll is getting increasingly agitated.
"...of the land, and serve the people of Camelot?" Geoffrey finally finishes.
"Yes! Just shut up and give me the crown!" The Troll bursts out. The Court gasps while Amelia chokes on her laughter. Geoffrey presents the crown to Catrina.
"Will you just hurry up!" The Troll grabs the crown and jams it on her head while running out of the Hall of Ceremonies.
"Catrina!" Uther follows her out of the room. Amelia grabs Morgana's arm and pulls her along as they rush after Uther. She isn't going to miss this!
"Catrina!" Uther calls as they turn the corner into the Red Ribbon Corridor and they come across a few Guards, who point toward the Council Chambers.
"Catrina!" Uther calls again as they reach the Council Chambers. Amelia sees the Troll bolting towards the doors. "Whatever's the matter?"
"I'm sorry..." The Troll gasps before quickly hiding its arm that looks a bit Troll like. "I don't know what came over me. I, I just suddenly felt so hot. I, do you know, I think I need to be on my own, alright?"
"Are you alright?" Morgana asks, stepping forward.
"Yes, yes, I'm, I'm fine." The Troll says abruptly causing Morgana to falter in surprise. "Really, thank you. I just..."
The Troll pulls at the doors that are mysteriously locked, stopping her from escaping. Amelia glances behind herself and notices Merlin hiding behind a pillar as well as Arthur coming into the room just behind them. "Come on. Come on. Open!" The last word no longer sounds like 'Catrina'.
"Let me." Arthur walks forward but then sees the Troll's arm and backs away. "What's that?"
At his exclamation, the Troll spins around and seems to try to explain but it's too late and she begins to transform.
"What's happening? Somebody help her!" Morgana exclaims.
"I don't think we can do anything really," Amelia replies.
The transformation, with some disgusting farting in the middle, finally completes and the Troll form is there for everyone to see.
"Wow, that's a look." Amelia can't help but say as she takes in the Troll in front of her. This is a genuinely new experience for her as she can't remember what it looked like in the show.
"You're a Troll!" Arthur exclaims.
The Troll gasps and Uther's reverie, causing him to be silent up until now, is broken. "How dare you speak about her like that!"
"What is wrong with you? Look at the state of her!" Arthur argues. The Troll is panicking where it stands.
"I don't believe it." Morgana gapes.
The Troll then rips open the door, almost hitting them, and exits with a snarl. And Uther still has a dazed look on his face.
"She just ripped a door off its hinges. Doesn't that tell you something?" Arthur continues.
"Enough!" Uther says now looking angry.
"She's a Troll! A giant... grey..." Arthur lists trying to explain what they had just seen.
"Stinking," Morgana suggests.
"Hideous!" Amelia adds.
"Hideous, stinking Troll!" Arthur finishes.
Uther then has had enough. "Stop it! Haven't you hurt her feelings enough? Insult my wife again, it'll be the last thing you ever do." They all stare slack jawed at Uther as he picks up the Troll's shoes and crown and exits.
Morgana then turns to Amelia who's still staring at where the Troll had been. "Huh." She says open mouthed. "Had not realised how ugly it would be."
"Not the time!" Morgana chastises. Amelia rolls her eyes.
"Ok, so Merlin was right," Arthur mutters.
"You think!" Amelia cries out. "Though, Arthur, your stepmother is a Troll! Literally!" Amelia then bends over laughing as Arthur groans. Morgana does her own giggling.
Gaius and the whole Council going to Uther to try and gently point out to him that his wife is a Troll doesn't work so the gang convenes in Gaius' Chambers.
"Uther must be enchanted. It's the only explanation." Gaius utters.
"Which is why we have to find a way to break it," Merlin says from where he's flicking through his spell book.
"You won't find anything in your magic books. Troll enchantments are too strong."
"What are we going to do then?" Anne asks.
"You must speak to the Dragon. If there's a way to break Catrina's hold on Uther, he'll know it. But be careful, dragons and Trolls have been close allies in the past." Gaius says.
Well, this is going to be fun.
Kilgharrah finds the story absolutely hilarious as he laughs heartily at their news.
"This isn't funny." Merlin insists.
"It is kind of funny," Amelia says, leaning over to Anne and Merlin as if she was going to whisper it but she says it loud and clear.
"Not helping," Anne mutters.
"The thought of Uther marrying a Troll! Was it a very public affair?" Kilgharrah says through his laughter.
"Public enough." Anne answers. Kilgharrah laughs some more.
"Don't laugh!" Merlin demands. "If she can't be stopped, Arthur won't become King. Albion will never be born."
Kilgharrah stops his laughing. "I'm sorry. You are right, of course."
"How can we break the enchantment?" Amelia asks.
"These are not trifling tricks. Troll magic is very powerful." Kilgharrah says.
"There has to be a way," Merlin says desperately.
"The only way you could break this enchantment is if Uther were to cry tears of true remorse," Kilgharrah says.
"How do we make him do that?" Amelia asks.
"That I can't answer. Uther's heart is cold as stone. He's never been sorry for anything."
"Uh... thanks?" Anne says.
They turn to go but Kilgharrah's voice stops them. "Young warlock, young sorceress, it was some time ago you promised to set me free. The help I give is not unconditional." Amelia purses her lips displeased.
They return to report back to Gaius.
"The Dragon said he had to cry tears of true remorse to break the enchantment," Merlin says.
"Which is not going to be easy. Uther's heart's closed to everyone." Amelia adds.
"Well, not everyone." Merlin rebuffs.
"Arthur." Anne realises.
"Then there's only one course of action we can take. Uther must see his son die." Gaius declares.
Merlin goes to wake up Arthur and inform him of their plan. So Arthur, now fully dressed, consults with the rest of them.
"So your great plan is to kill me?" He says, crossing his arms and leaning against a pillar in the room.
Merlin is cleaning the room as he talks, "No. Well, yes. It... not exactly. It's... Gaius has made a potion that gives the appearance of death without the actual dying bit." Seeing Arthur's unconvinced face, Merlin helpfully continues, "It's fine. There's nothing to worry about. It'll only bring you to the brink of death."
"Oh, only to the brink."
"We haven't got a choice." Amelia points out. "We need to make your father cry."
"He doesn't care about me anymore," Arthur says.
"Nonsense," Gaius replies. "That's Catrina's influence. I've known your father for many, many years. There's never been anyone or anything he's treasured more than you. It's perfectly safe. A single drop of the antidote will reverse the effects immediately."
That catches Arthur's attention. "Antidote. What antidote? You didn't say anything about the antidote!"
"Er... I didn't think it was important." Merlin says.
"The potion will lower your heart rate and breathing. For all intents and purposes, you will be dead." Gaius explains.
"And the antidote reverses the effects?"
"Yes," Anne says, hesitating. "If it's administered in time."
"If it isn't?"
"You will be dead," Amelia says, looking at the floor.
"You just said it wasn't important!" Arthur yells at Merlin.
"Erm... yeah, I suppose it is a bit important." Merlin mumbles. Arthur looks incredibly done with him.
"Merlin and Anne will have the antidote. Once I have administered the poison," at Arthur's look, Gaius corrects himself, "er, the potion, they'll have half an hour to get it to you."
"Don't be late," Arthur tells them.
"Am I ever?" Yeah, that's helpful Merlin.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Amelia asks him worriedly.
"It's the only way to save Camelot." Arthur rolls his eyes and drinks the potion, waits, shrugs, and then tips forward passing out causing them to jump forward to catch him and place him on the floor.
"Time to break the bad news to Uther," Gaius says.
Amelia and Gaius follow after Uther who is going to Arthur's Chambers to find his "dead" son.
Uther bursts into the Chambers and goes over to Arthur, falling to his knees. "My boy."
Amelia leaves the room with Gaius and goes to find Anne and Merlin. She comes round the corner to find Merlin soaking up the antidote with his neckerchief, bits of broken glass surrounding it.
"What happened?" She asks.
"I don't know," Merlin quickly explains. "Something hit us on the head."
Anne's groan alerts Amelia and she runs past Merlin to find Anne just waking up.
Amelia gently pulls her up into a sitting position. "Anne? Anne? Are you alright?"
"Uggghh... I think?" Anne groans, rubbing her head. She then straightens. "The antidote!"
"Merlin is sorting that. Come on." Amelia pulls her to her feet.
The three of them hurry to Arthur's Chambers through another door that's not the main one with what little of the antidote that Merlin was able to get.
"How I've suffered these last weeks." Amelia hears the Troll say. "Allowing you to touch me! Having to share a bed with you!"
"Ugh." Uther groans. Well, it's good to know that this part of the plan worked.
"It's repulsive." The Troll continues.
"I know the feeling," Uther mutters.
"Ooh, I've been looking forward to this." The Troll looks ready to attack.
"Guards!" Uther yells causing a few to enter. "Seize... it!"
As the fight between the Troll and the Guards begins, Merlin brings the antidote sopped neckerchief to Arthur and squeezes out one drop to revive him. Arthur wakes and Amelia, Anne and Merlin join in to pull him up.
The Troll defeats the Guards and turns to Uther but Arthur, having picked up a sword, tries to attack the Troll from behind. It doesn't work and the Troll punches him.
"Is that any way to treat your dear old stepmother?" Uther chokes at that. The Troll throws Arthur then fights off Uther and the Guards. Jonas goes for Arthur with a dagger in his hand, but Arthur stops him and runs him through. The Troll goes for Arthur again.
"Fléoge hrægl." Merlin whispers. The spell pulls the rug out from under the Troll; it lands on its back. Arthur runs her through. As it dies, it lets out a series of farts that leaves everyone in the room gagging with disgust.
Well, at least that's done.
A/N: Please leave comments on how you're enjoying this story and what you think.
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ggstargetedlife · 2 years
It's amazing all the things you can learn in one month as a T.I.
You learn even more of how jealous, insecure and narcissistic humanity is towards those they see as doing better than them.
You learn just how cold, cruel and heartless people in general are, always wanting to deepen someone else's pain and suffering.
You learn just how intimidated society as a whole is of you, how your very existence threatens them.
You learn just how far others will go in trying to make you out as something you're not, to try and force you to stumble.
You learn how desperate they are to wrench away the very few you may have standing in your corner.
You learn, really all you have is truly yourself. Anyone can be manipulated against you to further an enemy's agenda.
You learn that people can promise you anything, even those you thought you could trust. But soon as the heat hits, rather than keeping their word, they too turn against you, forming their own incorrect logic and conclusions about you and your situation. They may know you even longer and deeper than anyone else in this world, yet they still turn against you. Everyone becomes an enemy. Everyone. Until eventually you have to put up the same wall with them as you do everyone else. Not because you want to, but because trying to get them to believe what is happening to you is like trying to get someone to believe there's no such thing as gravity. It sounds completely insane to them, so of course it can't really be happening, unless they experience it for themselves in ways they can no longer deny. Which of course furthers the evil intent of the Program, working completely in their favor.
Brinley and all his troll friends wished to divide me from my close-knit family. It's been their goal since day one. After all of these years, I still have the screenshot of little miss Tiffany Moser threatening that her, Brinley and the rest of them would make me go homeless, turning my folks against me to do so. Don't make me whip it out. Obviously, they meant that shit, and now the Program's merely planting the seeds with their involvement. The B.Y. neighbors told me earlier, they all want to get me into trouble with my folks any way they can. Apparently, they weren't lying.
"These motherfuckers are legit trying to undo everything you've fucking worked for over these last fucking years!" James had shaken his head in disbelief, figuring the whole thing out in a matter of seconds.
"Duh," Angel had sneered with a roll of her eyes. Everything amuses her. Everything, no matter how dirty or cruel it is.
Meanwhile, rather than cry away the broken pieces of my life, all it's really done is strengthen my anger and rage against all of these motherfuckers.
I WILL make it. Whether I have to physically get away to do it or whether I choose to stay in this war zone out of consideration to my folks, although they too have majorly disappointed me. Another lesson: never depend on anyone. They will always let you down. Perhaps not on purpose but as they are human, they are weak, easily misled by lies, their own misperceptions or both, and you get hurt in the process. You're the one with all the bruises and lashes, not them. You. And all your enemies, the ones who so thoroughly enjoy playing as god in someone else's life but can't do SHIT in their warped out lives, just sit back on their asses ho-hum about it all.
Cool. Brinley and all his pathetic friends and the rest of the trolls have wanted me to feel and be alone since the beginning because deep down, no matter how many people they sucker into their corner, THEY feel alone. Humanity forever fights to make others feel the way they feel on the inside. Another sick, ego-driven cycle. And you think I want to be apart of some shit like that?
Think again. I'm better than all that. Much better than all of these pathetic losers with absolutely no lives. Their biggest "goal" is in running worthless mind-games all day everyday, the cringiest of the cringey but they swear out that shit is so cute. Chile, please. Some people don't deserve forgiveness, some people deserve to go to hell for the wrong they continually do to someone else. And they are definitely among the some. Can't wait till they start dropping dead like flies, it'll be of some consolation to know they will suffer eternally in hell being tormented 10× worse than what they are inflicting upon me. God knows I can't wait. To imagine them burning in hell's fire pleading for mercy, for all of it to stop to no avail, same as the hell they put me through, is the happiest thought ever. They'll fully deserve every bit of it, then we'll see how confident and "bad ass" they are about themselves then. CANNOT WAIT!
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silasbug · 2 years
dream log Nr. 012
Type: the in between type where you almost actively choose to keep dreaming, but also can't exactly just wake up | Flow: - | Amount: 1
snores with eyes wide open. i have been feeling more rested the last few days, however i've been sleeping 2 hours past my alarm consistently ( i do remember turning it off though), putting me at a sleep time of 10-11 hours. which is.. not ideal & if it continues i will eventually start feeling horrible.
i can only remember the bits close to waking up: in which my glasses have disappeared, i need to get to class & my BIL was trolling me by continually leaving glasses he'd nabbed from other people in my dorm.
#1. there was a lot that happened before, but i don't remember the way it started. i do remember there being a multitude of people i know. something about school binders, collecting things. maybe almost like an open-house, event-day?
i remember going home after the event, to a little dorm room i was apparently living at. i go in, and i have trouble taking my clothes off & start to sweat from the heat. i was wearing two thick sweaters, one of them a knitted-turtle-neck version of a bright neon jacket i had back in 10th grade. i wondered why i had even bought it, i hated it.
as i was trying to pry the sweater off, i was standing in front of the mirror. i had goggles on my eyes or forehead, my hair was almost afro-like with the tightness of the curls. i remember continuously tonguing along the back-teeth at the right side of my jaw and it feeling like two of them had a huge hole in them. i thought i should probably.. most definitely call a dentist in the morning (which i should, i haven`t been to one in 4 years, yikes), especially because the left side seemed fine and smooth.
when i finally got undressed, i went to my bed, which was around the corner from the door (the dorm was essentially reverse-U shaped. you walked in, there was a divider wall to your right, straight ahead was a desk and small table, around the divider wall was the bed with a closet) & started pulling things out from my binder. maps, pictures, weird stuff where i wasn't even sure why i had it.
once i'm done setting up for my first day at the new University the next day, i go to bed.
in the morning, i wake to get ready. just before i'm about to leave, i realize that i should probably take my glasses with me so that i could see anything in class (i am fine walking around without glasses & usually forget them, i am moderately near-sighted). i start looking around for them, but i can't find them.
i keep having a flashback in my head of where i might've left the glasses, but i can't entirely make it out. i keep finding random pairs of glasses strewn about my apartment, which are all not mine, or even remotely in my strenght. i get annoyed just as my sister walks in & asks what's wrong.
i tell her that "i can't find my fucking glasses because BIL keeps bringing in and leaving all these glasses he nabs from people!" which is.. surprisingly in-character for my BIL. he sometimes just likes to see what he can get away with, i'm not a fan of it & he also extends that to me. he has actually brought home a pair of glasses before that he stole from a dealer. yikes.
anyways, i collect all of the glasses i've found because i think one of them looks very similar to my actual glasses. so i pile them in one place to have an easier overview, but suddenly i can't find the pair that migt've been my glasses anymore.
as i look at the time, i get really annoyed. it's either: 1. be really late and potentially not even find your glasses, 2. go now, be only slightly late, without glasses and just ask to sit closer to the front.
i decide to look through the pile once more & at this point my vision is getting really blurry, there are multiple pairs which are the same, the one that looks closest to my glasses has an extra bridge and are slightly more square.
as i keep fussing over the glasses, i wake up.
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