#and now everyone thinks it makes sense to hate on a whole entire sign as if they have no aspects of that sign showing up in their real life
clockworkouroboros · 5 months
i don’t even go here but the hbomberguy/todd in the shadows videos on James Somerton are both enlightening and, for me, not wholly unexpected. I didn’t watch many videos by Somerton, although I know people who did! And I can’t say I wouldn’t be taken in by a different video essayist in the future. but there were a number of things in Somerton’s videos that turned me off of watching more—and for the one or two I saw, I don’t know if I even finished the whole video.
First, Somerton’s work seemed inconsistent. some of what he said was eloquent and persuasive, and sometimes he was jumping to conclusions and expecting you to follow without outlining his reasoning or how he reached that conclusion. A lot of that makes sense in retrospect—he was plagiarizing better writers and thinkers than himself, and his own contributions were all over the place.
Second, a lot of Somerton’s opinions appeared to be very cynical/angry/dismissive. He seemed to have a cherry-picked view of the world that demonized people who weren’t like him or didn’t agree with him. To claim to be representative of an othered group and then use that position to alienate and other groups not like you left a really bad taste in my mouth that I couldn’t get past. Likewise, he had a very clear superiority complex over “the bad guys”—conservatives, homophobes, queer people he didn’t like. It’s really easy for a lot of us to deny the humanity of groups that hate us, which is why his constant putting down of conservatives and homophobes was easy to support. For me, though, I didn’t like how flippant he was in what was supposed to be an informative essay—it reeks of arguing in bad faith.
Thirdly, I know Somerton’s “intellectual” style really appealed to a lot of people who wanted a smart, academic authority figure to help educate them on queer history and queer media. Again, for me personally, Somerton’s persona as an intellectual struck me as false. Man was trying way too hard and it came across as pretentious and untrue to himself. I know a guy like that in real life—he’s my classmate in university—and I know for a fact the guy I know is one of the worst students in our class, to the extent that he’s failed multiple classes. I don’t think everyone has to be an academic or an intellectual, but that if that’s not an area in which you should excel, you should find an area in which you do excel and feel fulfilled. Somerton’s intellectual persona was phony, and I recognized it as such because I have seen other people do the same thing in real life. Likewise, the smartest people you know don’t always look or act like their the smartest people you know. Think about hbomberguy’s video: he meticulously and thoughtfully exposed all of this plagiarism and had really important thoughts about plagiarism on the internet and youtube, all while being a little ridiculous and also wearing a lab coat that was burned all over and falling apart. Genius is not James Somerton’s carefully paced reading and his black turtlenecks. Genius is much more similar to the passionate and thorough work hbomberguy did.
These are things that personally turned me off his videos, but I wasn’t about to tell other people they couldn’t watch. Some of what he said was really good—now, knowing what we know, the good stuff was probably all plagiarized, but it was good material! I do think now, in retrospect, I do think some of this might be helpful in evaluating other video essayists. Usually, if they’re as egregiously unethical as Somerton was, there are other warning signs. I do think the most insidious was the villainization of the other, because it is so easy for our confirmation bias to get in the way, or our tendency towards generalization. Somerton’s videos really took advantage of that—a trustworthy essayist is going to steer clear of generalizations and villainizing an entire group of people, unless it’s about like, the nazi. which apparently Somerton went into a lot of detail about how gay they were (false information), which is horrific. so.
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bonesandthebees · 2 months
I just rounded off my period so a massive L to all of you I suppose /lhj
I'm in so much pain about the Wilbur situation in general and have so many mixed feelings. Like I've only just got a chance to sit down and read his 'apology' and all of the replies from content creators and (ex)fans alike. I was so close to throwing up that I had to close the tab /gen.
I've never really watched Shubble content, nor have I had a chance to watch her full vod on the issue, so my first instinct was to be a good little media sieve and try to be open-minded before making an opinion. I won't lie, I was trying very hard to convince myself that it wasn't Wilbur and everyone was jumping to conclusions (though the more I read made that less and less likely).
I was worried for Wilbur's group (tommy, phil, charlie etc) because there was no way they could stream without being harassed by it, and worried partially for Wilbur as well because of various mental health problems that he's admitted to in the past.
Now that he's responded, though, everything's so much worse. As someone who struggled with being on the victim side of abuse for a while, I feel awful for Shelby and everything that happened to her.
Charlie, Ranboo, Tubbo etc have all responded (most very passionately so I have no doubt where they stand), so that's good for them, but tommy and phil have yet to. I can't help but wonder if Techno knew, if it had even started by then or if Wilbur didn't tell him.
I've seen people making reasonable assumptions about signs in past content that may have pointed to Wilbur's abuse, but there are some people making reaches that don't even make sense and now I can barely consume content or even remember videos that i used to be fond of without worrying that it was just Wilbur manipulating people.
Also, as far as I'm aware, none of lovejoy have replied to the situation (apart from the ex trumpeter), so ash, mark and joe are getting hate when they haven't done anything (though I may have just not seen it yet).
Some part of my brain is convinced this is all some horrible nightmare and I'll wake up able to laugh and joke about SBI content with my friends, even if I know that'll likely never happen again.
If there's one thing for certain, it's that his response was not an apology. I do believe that he thought long and hard about it (even if it was just for superficial PR reasons) and maybe ran it by people he trusted, but it was not what he should have said in response to Shelby coming forward about his abuse. All he's done is dig a bigger hole and now thousands of his (ex)supporters have to live with the consequences of his actions.
Honestly, I just feel sad. Sad that it happened, sad that Wilbur isn't who I thought he was and sad that my life will be drastically different from here on out.
Sorry that that was so heavy. I just feel really confused and there's a pit in my stomach that's churning horribly.
-🌺 <3
oh of course SOMEONE just had to finish their period right when the rest of us get it smh /lh
yeah, this is such a horrible situation overall. for me at least his response made the situation somewhat more tolerable because it felt like a closure moment. it made me realize, oh, he was really awful the entire time and this shit apology proves it. however, I'm sure in a few days the reality will hit me and I'll feel awful again. it's not fun realizing someone you admired and were a fan of for so long was a completely different kind of person than the guy he presented himself as.
I don't know where you heard that charlie responded, because as far as I'm aware he has not said anything anywhere about this situation yet.
I also don't think it's very worthwhile for people to be combing through old vods and videos for 'questionable moments' they can point at and be like "look he was abusive the whole time!" because we don't know what's going on in cc's personal lives. more than anything that should be the take away here. we don't know these people, we don't know their personal relationships, we shouldn't be trying to pinpoint every questionable moment and prove something with it because we're not in these personal relationships with wilbur. the other cc's are. basically, don't overthink what you see in old vods or old videos. it's not going to help whatsoever and it's none of our business.
I've also had the thought that this feels like a nightmare I could wake up from. I've had that thought every day since shelby's stream first happened. but unfortunately that's not the case, and we need to focus instead on supporting the victims here
I'm sorry there's not much I can say to help. just try to take care of yourself. give yourself time. it'll get a bit easier with each passing day.
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makriiii · 11 months
Caught (Arthur Morgan x f!reader)
Word count: 2.6k
Summary: You rode up in the mountains after the rest of your gang- the O'Driscolls- planning to rob a train belonging to a Mr. Cornwall. Come to find out, the O'Driscolls weren't the only ones who were preying on this train.
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Author's notes: This is my first time posting a fanfic, so any constructive criticism is appreciated! It's not entirely lore accurate, and I changed a few things here or there just to work better with the story.
Warnings: 18+, fluff+angst, slightly nsfw, mentions of blood and gore. Also, spelling mistakes.
Pt 2, this isn't a oneshot ;)
Wattpad or Ao3
Wind whistling through the swaying tree tops above you and muffled hoofbeats on the path beneath you interrupted the otherwise near perfect silence.
Your chilled breath formed small clouds in front of your face with every exhale you took, quickly whisked away with the blowing that cut against your face.
You were huddled closely to yourself. The cold was getting to you, and it had been ever since you'd been sent up to this god forsaken place.
It was your gang's first step to the robbery everyone had been rumoring about, a rich man's train, so you heard.
'Cornwall.'  You recalled, thinking back on the plan Colm had proposed to the lot of you. One that didn't excite you simply due to the climate.
It was getting later and later, the ride taking significantly longer than you'd initially expected. Having left a few days after your comrades, it seemed you had missed out on a storm with all the fresh snow that rested on the ground.
As much as you hated their company, you did feel safer with the whole lot around. Less for you to worry about.
However, not long was it for you to spot the camp through the thick trees. Though it didn't light much excitement in you at the dark and dreary sight as much as you hoped it would.
Something was wrong. That much was made clear when you heard no commotion, no sign of life. In fact, it was quite the opposite when you came upon large lumps in the snow.
Frozen bodies and blood were spread all about the path. They weren't fresh, at least not by much. Still, you brandished your revolver, scanning the small and torn down mining site.
There were too many to count, all dead. Some of them you recognized, others were face down or too deformed to identify.
"Christ..." You drawled in a long sigh, sliding off your seat and losing the warmth you had from your horse's sides. A quick shiver ran up your spine while you rubbed your arms for warmth.
The whole place was a ruin, and although it seemed unlikely, you searched the place cautiously. Making sure the ones who did this weren't still here awaiting any more poor suckers such as yourself.
Having found the place completely ghosted again, you, yourself, were grateful for having missed your own possible execution by a few days. But you still soured at the fact nothing was left for you.
Everything had been ransacked and stolen. An involuntary groan escaped your lips as the delayed realization finally caught up to you.
You'd be here, entirely alone, in an area you had almost no knowledge of prior to your arrival and with people no better than you somewhere out there.
The thought less than comforting in every sense of the meaning.
A low growl hums from your stomach. Consequently, making your eyes blink open slowly. 
Your whole body ached from the cramped position you kept in all night to stay warm, the fire you had stoked now a small, cold heap of ash.
Early, no doubt. The sun had barely risen from behind the tree tops and boy, were you glad to see it, knowing it wouldn't be so cold, easier for you to work.
A few minutes had passed, and you tried thinking on what to do, but your mind remained blank as the aspect of removing yourself from your bedroll seemed just as bad as starving.
Still though, hunger bit at you until you relented and begrudgingly got up. Grabbing your shotgun from your side, you peered out at the forest you had rode in from.
There was to be something; deer, rabbit, anything really as long as it was just you you were feeding.
The wind from the night before had let up, and thank the lords for that. Anymore of it, and you feared you'd end up no better than the rest of the unfortunate men at your feet.
That thought sparked a whole chain of questions in your head again. 
Who else was up here with you? Who knew your gang was here, and where are they now? All questions you'd likely never have the answer to and hoped you wouldn't get.
As much as you tried focusing on hunting, the thoughts ate at you, and so did your paranoia. You head whipping around to any snap or snow slipping off the needled branches around you.
You weren't alone up here, and that had to be considered if your life was something you planned to keep for longer.
You thought of the train. Were you still to attempt that? One woman against who the hell knows how many men, with enough bullets that would have you descending far below any hell that might exist.
You were ill equipped, if you put it lightly, and all your men were dead. No use of them dead.
Countless scenarios ran through your tired mind as you trudged through the resistant snow, knee deep and reflective in the morning light. Someone would've definitely thought you a zombie had you been in any town like this. Drab and completely on auto pilot.
Just then, a small flash of fur out of the corner of your eye yanked you from your thoughts, causing you to jerk to a halt and cock your head over.
That there was your meal. Possibly the only one for today, so you remained motionless.
The rabbit bounced through the fresh powder at its feet, clearly not having noticed you yet.
You dug your boots into the ground, slowly raising your gun and aiming, mumbling a small sorry to the poor varmint who was unknowingly about to become someone's meal.
A pop followed in response to your pulled trigger, the echo sounding from all sides of the surrounding canyon, which made you wince at the thought that someone other than you might've heard it.
The rabbit now laid in the snow, giving you permission to collect it, dragging your feet through the powder to grab your meal.
You turned back the way you came, and made for your little run down shed. If that was even the right word for it.
The fire crackled once more in your arrival as you finished your food. Saving the rest of it for your travels.
You couldn't stay here much longer, and with that in mind, you had to come up with what you were to do. Rob a train solo, or go back empty-handed?
The second option was safer, of course, but where was the thrill in that? Thrill was what kept you in this business after all.
There was nothing you did that didn't already risk your life, even just traversing down this mountain could have you saying your last prayers. So if you were to die, why not do something you hadn't done before? Stupid as this decision was.
With a full belly, you decided to look through camp more thoroughly; for anything that'd leave with a more detailed understanding of the train robbery you were to commit, as Colm handed you his barest of explanations.
Yet, the more you searched, the harder anything was to find. Whoever pillaged, did it well. The dynamite, the plans, everything was now in their hands, which meant train attendants were likely not the only thing you'd have to worry about today.
You cleaned up all your belongings, stomping out the fire and packing your horse. 
The trail back was just to the left of you, but you pushed on away from it before you could change your mind.
The scenery became sparse with snow, much to your relief, as you made further down the mountain. The railroad sat below you just a couple hundred yards.
You had your eyes peeled for anyone who had clearly made a great effort to join you.
Once you felt you made it close enough, you stopped in a shaded forest area, hiding your horse away in the cover of trees.
There was a ledge and a small tunnel which had hefty rocks near it - a perfect hiding spot with a vantage.
You fiddled with a blade of grass, unfolding, refolding, and tearing at it while you waited for the train, though arguably more so your unnamed and unseen enemies. 
It was nearly past mid-day, but before any doubt that the train had already ran by, voices barely caught your ear.
Your eyes flicked to where it sounded from - men and their horses. A frown worthy sight, but not an unexpected one.
You slid further behind the cover of your rocks, making sure you couldn't be seen by them. 
The blade of grass in your hands got replaced by a small pair of binoculars to get a clearer look at the group.
There were no shortage of them that stood on the ledge overlooking the track. No doubt the ones who ravaged your entire gang's camp. If you weren't careful, you'd be added to the body count.
You counted six from afar before you spotted a seventh one willy-nillying around in the small clearing by the tracks.
Another man in a navy coat rode down the steep hill to meet the one in the clearing, helping him draw out the dynamite.
As you studied the ones on the ledge. One face seemed familiar in a way to you. It wasn't long till you recalled some gang Colm had qualms with. Some Van der Linde if you were correct.
You weren't quite sure how this would work out for you. The train attendants seemed easy to work around with enough caution.
But your cocksure thoughts from earlier started dimming. A whole other gang of pure no-good criminals who would probably know exactly what you are with a quick glance suddenly made you a lot more nervous.
What was worse, was the long standing hatred each gang held for another.
You felt at this point, your more rational side near convinced you out of it. Being alone and all, you'd have to relent.
Defeat had grasped you completely, but you didn't want to leave, not yet at least. Curiosity kept you seated. You wanted to see how this would pan out for them.
The loud motion of a train moving along on the tracks drew your attention, as well as the gangs.
All the men on the ledge now covered their faces, and the ones in the clearing scurried off out of sight.
Your thoughts cleared when the train sped around the corner, approaching the spot the dynamite had been planted. You covered your ears, the train getting closer and closer.
You furrowed your brows when nothing went off. Why were they waiting so long?
It only took a second before you realized it was faulty. You perked up with this prospect.
Three of the gang members shared your reaction when they quickly dismounted and ran to the opposite side of the tunnel.
You didn't care to pay attention much longer as you got up without hesitation, making for your horse with speed.
Spurring hard, you caught up to the train that hadn't yet passed you too far.
With a quick glance, you made sure you had no one behind you. Though it seemed their access to the tracks was not as clear cut as yours.
When you finally turned to look back at the train, your mouth flew open.
One guy dangled off the side as crossed a bridge, the other helping him up.
If you were crazy for this, they'd be psychotic. You certainly didn't think them to be ballsy enough to jump on top.
They didn't notice you, thankfully, and with that you cleared your head and focused.
If they were shooting, you could be stealing. Stealing what was yours in the first place. After all, they wouldn't notice your shooting amongst all the others.
You rode right up to the last train car before you finally heard gunshots. Instinctively ducking closer to your horse as you weren't sure if it was you getting shot at.
Reluctantly you looked up, and saw no one. With that, you couldn't waste anymore time. 
An involuntary leap of nothing but faith landed you on the back ladder of the final train coach.
You watched as your horse slowed behind you and all you could do was hope she didn't get in the way of the other members who followed.
Gunshots continued the ring out in the cabins ahead of you, making their way up to the engine.
The door next to you was the only thing keeping you from this score, sending a bullet through the lock that kept it hitched shut.
The metal flung open with its release, which made the sounds of men more apparent to you.
You weren't quick to peer around, readying yourself for the rain of bullets you were likely to receive. 
Forcing your arm in the way of fire, you shot indiscriminately inside the cabin, hoping your bullets would find them.
Now you gained enough confidence to peep back over, you saw only one slumped. The rest each held a great look of fear and fury.
You hissed at the time this was costing you as you reloaded. A few gunshots shot through the metal side of you, which motivated you to work faster.
Sliding out from behind the door swiftly, you popped each one with precision. Simply no room for no precision, lest it was your life you intended on losing.
The worry of being shot died with the men as you walked into the train cabin. 
It was something to be marveled at for sure. Warm gas lights pulled you in, illuminating the wooden decals and Scarlett seats.
Your boots met with a cobalt rug now stained with the same color of the furniture, your doing, really.
Ruffling around in all of the cabinets and dressers that sat to the sides of the inside, you found two lock boxes, which didn't take much time to break into. That or it was another bullet breaking through it for you.
You listened for each and every gunshot, hoping they wouldn't end soon, that thought being filled with pure irony.
The inside of the lock boxes held train bonds and a great deal of cash, too much for you to count through now as you stashed it and made it to the door that flung around in the wind.
The train was going too fast for you to jump off, or at least want to jump off, but staying on wouldn't do you much good either, that much quickly prominent when you heard the final shouts of some men and the screeches of the wheels as you jerked forward with the halting train.
"Shit."  You scowled.
Blowing a whistle desperately for your horse, you leaped off the now stationary train, maneuvering through the rough mounds and rocks that littered the surrounding terrain.
You crouched down with trepidation when you heard yet another round of shouting and gunshots. 
As soon as you ducked behind a boulder, you checked if it was directed at you. And it seemed not yet.
You needed to get out of here before they realized that you weaseled around, or you'd be on the same horizontal plain as the train attendants.
Whistling again, you prayed your mare would find you without catching much attention. And attention was exactly what she caught.
The largest of the men, the same who had been in the clearing, pointed directly at you. Barking out loud commands at the others whilst your mare innocently trotted straight up to you.
Now you got real nervous. Your blood ran thin as you sprang onto her back, shaking so much the reins threatened to leave your grasp.
You fled deeper into the forest, the gunshots having now stopped but not the frantic hollering nor the sound of many hooves in your direction.
Losing them in the dark, snowy alps was your only plan, and by no means full proof since the beginning of your day lacked a great deal of proper planning.
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willieverseetheland · 3 months
spring cleaning.
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sherlock holmes x fem!reader summary: your annoying, yet admittedly hot, neighbor drops by unannounced while you're busy cleaning. Things get a little, heavy?
WARNINGS: sherlock being sarcastic as ever, suggestive flirting, implied smut ig?
wc: 762
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The only sound in your flat is the loud whirring of the hoover. It's so loud that you didn't hear the door open.
You had decided to do some deep cleaning today. So far, you've swept, washed dishes, done the laundry, and cleaned the toilet. You still need to mop, organize, and clean the oven. At least you have nothing else to do today.
You power off the hoover and hear clanging coming from the kitchen. You turn to see your neighbor Sherlock Holmes standing in your kitchen, rummaging through the fridge.
"Excuse me?" you exclaim.
"What?" He looks at you with a genuine confused expression.
"Don't you know you're supposed to knock before you enter someone's home? Or do you just not care?"
"The latter." He says with his head buried inside the refrigerator.
"I assumed."
Classic Sherlock. It's his world and we're all just living in it. You normally wouldn't care actually. It's just today your flat is a disaster, and you're still in your pajamas, which is just a camisole and your underpants.
"What are you looking for?"
"Baking soda." he replies.
"And why do you need baking soda?" you're sure you already know the answer.
"An experiment."
Of course.
"Okay..." your voice trails off, you're a bit concerned because you can never know what to expect with Sherlock. He could explode the entire building and you and Mrs. Hudson along with it.
"You should really dust over here." He slides his finger across the top of the cabinet, and then rubs his index and middle together to remove the dust from them.
"I'm working on it. I can neither see nor reach up there, so I forget about it." you sigh.
"I'll do it for you, if you want." he turns to look at you.
"And why would you help me? Sherlock being nice isn't something you see every day."
"Because I'm attracted to you, and we're more inclined to do things for people we're attracted to."
You can't help but blush. You've had an interest in him for a while now. He's not charming in the traditional sense, but that's exactly why you like him. He tells things as they are.
"The duster's in the cabinet under the sink, thank you." God, you hate how flustered he makes you. It's embarrassing.
He notices that you're blushing and smirks. He knows how you feel about him. He deduced it weeks ago, after noticing your body language changing slightly. Pupils dilated when he got close, cheeks slightly pinker, you started wearing more makeup as well. The nail in the coffin, however, was when he brushed your thigh slightly with his fingers, and he saw your whole body tense up and your cheeks redden.
You'll admit, you do think of him as more than a friend. You're worried he's caught on. Has he noticed how you stare at his lips for a second too long, or how you can barely look at him without blushing when he wears that godforsaken purple shirt, or how you focus on his hands and fingers when he plays his violin?
"And by the way, I 'm aware of your feelings for me. Very aware." You know that he's looking at you, but you can't muster the courage to reach his gaze.
"Sherlock, I don't know what you're talking about." you scoff.
He slowly walks over to you, eyes locked on your figure.
He's analyzing you, something he does often, to everyone. But right now, you are more aware than ever. It feels as if he's looking into your soul.
"At first I wasn't so sure. It didn't seem possible. But the closer I watched, there was no denying it. You hid it quite well, I will admit." He's only inches away from you now. You feel so hot and honestly a little out of breath.
He reaches out to grab your wrist, you flinch but his grip is strong.
"Quickened pulse, reddened cheeks, dilated pupils. All signs of arousal and attraction. Or maybe you're just embarrassed, considering the lack of clothing on your lower half."
"I am... just embarrassed, that's all. May I go get dressed?"
"What's the point in that when we both know your clothes will be off soon after?" he says with a smirk.
You almost gasp at the boldness of his words. You feel like you could melt into the floor. This man really has you in the palm of his hand and he hasn't even touched you yet.
"Well then, I suppose you're right."
"When am I not?" he grins. --
I'm not british so I'm sorry if I used the wrong words LMAO.
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episode 2-
Mobius: Because if you think too hard about where any of us came from, who we truly are, it sounds kind of ridiculous. Existence is chaos. Nothing makes any sense, so we try to make some sense of it. And I’m just lucky that the chaos I emerged into gave me all this. My own glorious purpose. Because the TVA is my life. And it’s real because I believe it’s real. Loki: So everything is written. Past, present, future. There’s no such thing as free will. Mobius: Well, I mean, you know, it’s an oversimplification. Loki: So in fact, in a way, you and I, here at the TVA, we’re the only ones who are actually free. Mobius: Where are you going with this, Loki? Loki: How does it all end? Mobius: That’s a work in progress.
episode 5-
Mobius: All that time, I really believed we were the good guys. Sylvie: Annihilating entire realities, orphaning little girls, classic hero stuff. Mobius: Well, I guess when you think the ends justify the means, there’s not much you won’t do. By the way, you did some annihilating too. Sylvie: I did what I had to do. Mobius: Yeah, so did I. Sylvie: You hunted me like a dog. Mobius: I’m sorry about that.
episode 6-
Mobius: I think people are ready to hear a little truth now. You know, like the TVA is a lie. Ravonna Renslayer: But what if it’s a necessary one? Someone created the Time Keepers. They created this whole place. They gave us all purpose. I have to believe they had a reason. Mobius: No, because I’ve seen the horror waiting for people when they get pruned, and there’s nothing necessary about that. Ravonna Renslayer: You know what would happen if we didn’t prune the Timeline? Mobius: What? Ravonna Renslayer: Chaos. Death. Mobius: Free will?
I wanted to line these three conversations up because it becomes clear just how much Mobius refuses to take any kind of moral responsibility. He honestly tries to play moral high ground against Ravonna when earlier that day he had Loki continuously beaten because he was angry he ran away. What was so necessary about that? He really is great at lying to himself.
You know, when you put it like that it almost feels like it could have worked with Mobius falling victim to the propaganda to realizing the truth and turning his back on the TVA... that's what Mikey wanted to do but it doesn't work if he doesn't take any responsibility for his actions.
It makes no sense to have a character who has spent years or decades (if not more) working for the TVA and believing their lies, finally finding out the truth and instead of having an existential crisis he blames everyone around him but himself. That's not a logical reaction at all!
He should hate himself, he should be devastated from all the pain and death he has caused, he should be apologizing profusely to Loki - hell, even to Sylvie - and aching to make amends. But he shows no signs of any of that, if anything he's delighted about that "free will" he despised just a few hours earlier.
Mikey imbued him with all that shallow morality when he speaks to Ravonna but his words fall flat precisely because he feels no responsibility for any of it. The time loop was Mobius' call, not hers - what, he doesn't feel bad about that? Isn't he supposed to be oh so morally responsible now?
She didn't do it on her own, in fact she ordered the missions but he is the one who carried them out. Renslayer's reaction is far more believable than Mobius'.
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biotic-major · 1 year
When You Realize You’ve Made the Game 1000% Better in Spite of the Dev’s.
So, playing Mass Effect Legendary with the sole intention to avoid Liara in game 1 and 2 makes 3 make NO SENSE whatsoever. So I had it that I played the entire game in Mass Effect 1, grabbing Liara right before the push to Ilos. There is no connection between Liara and Shepard if you do this because they don’t bloody know each other. I didn’t talk to her on the ship, I figured she’s just some civilian currently under protection and does not require the coddling of the commanding officer.
Then in Mass Effect 2 I made the specific choice to not talk to Liara on Illium. I did Miranda’s mission and ran off as fast as possible. Now that did mean that I missed out on recruiting Samara and Thane, but I figured the small sacrifices for the greater good demanded it.
That does mean though – what the heck is Liara’s purpose in 3? Her forced ‘Oh I’ve been here since Eden Prime I MUST go on this mission’ – um…no? Even in a playthrough where I go get you first thing…you still weren’t there for Eden Prime. You are actually the LAST companion to be gotten which means why the hell is 3 telling me you are a required person for this mission? Because you’re an archeologist? I’m sorry, Lara Croft you are not and that makes no bloody sense to bring you. But then to have none of the ‘I gave your body to Cerberus because I JUST COULDN’T LET YOU GO’ (lady, lady, chill out we only knew each other for like a week and I never talked to you.) and her whole ‘Ashley would call it target practice’ uh…nope. Apparently when you forced yourself on Shepard for that ‘mind connection thing’ (which no one will ever convince me wasn’t Liara’s grabby little hands reaching for shit that wasn’t hers to have and that there were hundreds of other ways that Shepard should reasonably have the location of Ilos by that point in the game without relying on some random 3rd party archeologist to just magically recognize some images) you stole information about Ashley and are pretending you knew her because she was already long dead by the time you came aboard.
But also, why the heck are you constantly coming into my quarters? Do I not have a lock? Does the elevator not have a ‘authorized personnel only’ setting? How does she keep getting in? Also – how the hell did she get that equipment onto my ship and why does she have the fancy giant room but everyone else just sleeps on couches basically? Uh, nope. Get out. To the basement with you. No special treatment for a NOBODY on MY SHIP.
Not to mention her whole ‘Shepard that’s my homeworld I have to go!’
No. No you do not. And it actually makes no sense that I would take you if you’re already showing signs of not being rational or ready to do the mission. She’s the most obnoxious person in existence that whole mission. I would have dropped her ass off on the Citadel (if she was even lucky enough to get me to go out of my way and not just drop her off at the nearest taxi station) and not even waved goodbye.
Her little breakdown? Oh my god. I wanted to slap her upside the head. Oh, poor widdle blue baby, your planet has been attacked? Yeah, here’s your tiny little violin on the ship with the people who have all lost their planets before you. I hate how we’re all forced to CODDLE her and for what bloody reason? No reason, absolutely no reason. Forget that, she’d be gone. Can’t suck it up and do what needs to be done? Then get the hell off of a warship that you shouldn’t have been on in the first place.
But let me say – Mass Effect 2 became loads better without the forced Liara scenes. And Mass Effect 1? Nothing is funnier to me than her little temper tantrum that she throws when she gets on the ship.
Do I intentionally not get enough war assets and make sure she’s in the group with EDI with me when I make that final run? …Yup. Almost every. single. time.
Supposed to be a sad moment I think? It’s not. It’s supremely satisfying. It took me 3 games to finally manage it. No more Dev’s Girlfriend Plot Armor protecting her for that scene and it is GLORIOUS.
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lawonderlandwriter · 2 years
Controversial opinion, wishful thinking, blah blah blah, I know, I already know what many of you will say.
That being said, I am not at all convinced, with all the news about SNOW today, that the new series will be a “doubling down” on Jon killing Dany and will be “more justification” of what Jon did.
Kit could not even speak out loud about the scene and had to create a hand-signal with Emilia because he was so emotional about it, could only speak in whispers when talking about it in an interview with James Hibberd, it was THE scene that made him cry during the table read, and as far as I’ve seen in his interviews, he has still yet to watch the final season, it hurt him so much.
Regardless of all the things Kit said in “official interviews” about Jon killing Daenerys and Daenerys’s end, it never felt like a plot line Kit was comfortable with or personally endorsed. And with him being THE person behind the Jon Snow spin-off, I can’t see the new series being more of that. 
It’s like, if Emilia were to write a Daenerys spin-off, we’d all be behind that right, because we know how much she cares about Dany’s character?
And even though we all hate what Jon did in S8 and most of us count it rightfully as D&D fanfiction, the character Jon Snow in the hands of someone who cares about him as much as many of his fans.... doesn't feel so bad. 
Now knowing that Kit is the person behind SNOW, rather than just him signing on to something that was pitched to him by someone else... Idk, I guess I kind of trust Kit. At least I trust him more than I would trust anyone else writing a spin-off set after the events of S8. 
And for everyone saying he needs to just “move on” from it and let GOT die... well, WE didn't. We still write fan fiction all the time! We’re still wrapped up in this world and these characters too. We can’t just say Kit needs to move on when we’ve yet to do the same. When you love something this much, you don't want to move on, especially when the ending leaves you as broken as GOT left its fans and many of its actors - Kit included. Kit’s just got a whole hell of a lot more influence than we do and can actually make his fan fiction come to life, unlike us. 
So can we really blame him for wanting to give Jon a proper ending that will feel fulfilling? (Because I honestly can't see this being a multi-season thing. It’s got 10 episode mini-series written all over it). 
With Kit being as emotional as he was over what Jon did to Dany, and with Emilia being one of his best friends, I can’t see her even being mentioned in the new series out of respect for Emilia and Dany (unless, you know, they resurrect her which, with Kit creating this, I don't think we can entirely rule out). 
I am a Dany stan down to my core, and only in the later seasons started to appreciate Jon’s character, and then in S8 hated him for all the things he did and didn’t do. 
But I can’t help but feel this sense of optimism about SNOW now. I know it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. I may be entirely wrong here and have to eat my words if it goes to series. But for the moment, I don’t care. And if there is even a glimmer of hope that we get the retcon Season 9 we’ve all been fanficking in our heads the last three years where it was all a dream or Dany was mind-controlled or whatever, I’m gonna live in that while I can. 
People can be critical of it if they want. But for now, until I hear otherwise, I’m gonna support Kit. Because after all, he's just a fellow fan fiction writer. And we fanfic writers gotta support each other. 
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jakeperalta · 1 year
i just feel like my opinion over the fight is really unpopular because unlike other people who hates rory (for some unknown reason 😕), i think it was lorelai’s fault all along that it went down the way it went.
like i get why lorelai felt betrayed by her parents because they literally stab her in the back but it has nothing to do with rory. your daughter has to go to court and you just don’t show up because your mad? that’s your daughter! don’t have anything with emily & richard but don’t punish rory through them! her not telling rory about her engagement to luke, bringing all of rory’s stuff in the middle of the night and telling her parents that she’s out of the picture now because they won? you can not agree with their way, but your daughter needs her mom. like lorelai, beside being her mom, was also her best friend in the entire world. they talked and shared everything with each other.
cutting rory off like that and being all mad and bitter about it / commenting about it to rory like “did grandma changed your address?” // being mad at luke for telling rory about the engagement? showing up to rorys birthday party seeing everyone being happy surrounding her and staying outside of it? like fine. you are mad. you are hurt. but that’s your kid! YOUR KID and she needs her mom.
like you can be mad at her for dropping out of yale, but at least don’t cut her off like that. i’m still so pissed because rory did nothing to deserve this treatment from lorelai. yeah, she stole a yacht, she did a mistake, be there for her. don’t cut her off like that.
and when rory is moving in with logan and asking for Lorelai’s opinion lorelai is like “are you sure you don’t want to make sure the pool house is free first?” EXCUSE ME WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK
i swear i love lorelai but if my mom would’ve getting engaged and not telling me about it…. it would’ve become my villain origin story.
yeah I find it annoying how it's often put totally on rory like she was falling apart that's when she needs support more than ever? especially since lorelai was willing to forgive rory for stealing the boat and it was only her taking time off from yale that was seen as some unforgivable mistake instead of just a sign that she's clearly struggling and feeling lost. the whole reason rory went to her grandparents was because lorelai wasn't being supportive and she needed some family to lean on
I get that lorelai's shocked and disappointed and obviously hurt by how her parents act so like a couple of episodes of them falling out would've made sense, but after that I wish she would've just been like "this isn't what I wanted from you but what can I do to be there for you anyway"
the scene where rory finds out about the engagement is so sad 😭 especially compared to how excited they were together in s1 when lorelai got engaged to max, this should've been like that excitement x1000 since rory loves luke so much (and then it doesn't help that once they finally make up lorelai and luke start falling apart like we were truly robbed 😭)
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dark9896 · 1 year
Spilled Tea [Blurb Cannon]
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Requested by Anonymous 🔥
No one was expecting the lights to go out. Even more worrisome when a sniper laser began tracking through the living room. Klaus had been quick to put himself between danger and everyone within arms reach, following your instructions to duck into a narrow passage. Trusting you when you said it lead to a secret bunker. Given everything they thought they knew had long since gone up in smoke over the past 24 hours, it wasn't difficult to think you still had tricks up your sleeve.
What they didn't know, what you had to explain after the fact, was how you had planned the chaos. Using the cover of dark to wreck your own apartment with a slingshot while Detective Law pointed a high-power laser pointer to mimic a sniper. You had packed everything of value while others were fruitlessly interrogating the man you'd managed to capture. Explaining you planned to throw the place away with the end of the lease agreement happening the day after. Needless to say, it left everyone shocked for a couple days, with you stashing the "second-life kit" in your actual apartment.
"L-Liebling," Klaus didn't like prying, nor did he want to tell you what to do... and yet, "Are you certain all that secrecy was necessary?"
Your raised eyebrow had Klaus doubting himself, "It's just that... You do know you can tell me when something feels off. I'd hate to hear second-hand that you were hurt or targetted or-"
"Klaus, it was never an issue of trust or feeling secure." You sighed, setting the teacup down on its saucer, "I just wanted to make sure I had a fail-safe for those... extra dangerous targets."
Scratching the back of his head, Klaus stopped mid-breath as you went on, "I mean, what are we supposed to do with targets like that? Risk taking them to HQ? Bring them here? Or to Steven's place? Or anyone else's for that matter? Having a place like that apartment in my back pocket just... it just..."
Klaus reached across the small garden table, gently squeezing your hand. He could tell you were at a breaking point, that explaining yourself and your feelings was still quite a difficult undertaking. But he also knew that simply reminding you it was okay to vent fully was the right thing to do. Klaus would always be there to listen, and to remind you it was all going to be okay.
"It just," You exhaled deeply, "It makes things just a bit easier for me to deal with knowing that I am prepared for every situation. Cause frankly, sometimes just carrying a f&^king tomahawk on my hip isn't enough."
You didn't want to admit to the bright pink rising on your cheeks as Klaus chuckled at your... non-joke. But for now, the matter was dropped. For now at least.
Finger's idly tapping on his mouse, Steven sighed. He had been mulling over that incident for the past two weeks. And none of it made much sense.
Sure, he could understand a few secrets here or there. A weapon stash, an arcane lock system. Even your preference for older 'junk' cars was perfectly normal to Steven. But a whole separate apartment? That felt like a little too much.
Unable to handle the weight of all these questions without answers, Steven picked up his phone. You mentioned needing to look for a new backup place, and he wasn't entirely sure about waiting for a face-to-face talk.
"[Name], are you busy?"
"Not particularly, just signing paperwork. Why?"
"Can you talk?" Steven's eyes lowered from the monitor to the keyboard, "About the last place I mean."
"Not right now." That uneven tone meant you were trying to make this sound normal, civil. More secrets to blank-faced strangers who would never guess that the new neighbor was really a... "Could I call you back? Maybe an hour from now? Or I could just pop over for a visit if that's easier."
"An hour?" Steven's fingers drummed the desk impatiently, "Meet me at Broskette in an hour. We can get coffee before we get to my apartment."
"Oh, so you're still at work then?"
"Yeah. But there's not much left to do. Schedule's pretty clear and all."
"Alright, yeah. I'll see you then."
The talk over coffee hadn't gone nearly as smoothly as Steven had hoped. Resulting in quite the spat between the two of you, arguing over keeping secrets. Deep down, Steven knew he was just as bad, if not worse about keeping secrets. He couldn't truly have an open communication relationship, not when his secrets would get people hurt.
But you weren't backing down. It shouldn't matter how many secrets either of you kept, you would die on that hill. You couldn't help but feel like Steven was ignoring what you were saying. That you just wanted to be ready for situations like that, how it felt like he couldn't trust you to know what's good.
Storming out of his apartment with bitter tears clinging to your lashes was the worst feeling in the world. And as much as Steven instantly regretted letting you leave, he wasn't quite fast enough to catch you before you sped off. Tonight would need something a little stronger than wine to cope with himself. And tomorrow would come with a lot of explaining...
This whole thing was a little too much for Leo. He knew you were prepared for basically every situation, but for whatever reason, this felt like a step too far. But Leo couldn't put his finger on why.
Why did this bother him so much?
"Leo?" You nudged his arm from across the table, "Everything okay?"
You tilted your head, "You're stuck in your own head again, aren't you?"
"It's just..." He scratched the side of his face, "The whole thing with the second apartment. The second life stuff."
"What does that matter? It's just a thing to fall back on."
That rubbed Leo just slightly the wrong way. He couldn't pin down why, but hearing you be so nonchalant was just a little too much.
"I mean, it's f&^ked sure. No one should really need a backup apartment. But then you get a job like this and..." You sipped your drink to avoid coughing, "Well, with a past of not being able to trust a whole lot of people. You can see why I didn't think to tell anyone. Even you."
That made things a little better, but Leo still didn't like how you could so easily dismiss it. This isn't exactly something he could forget about any time soon. Maybe this time it won't bug him so much, he already knows that you will have a second apartment. Maybe...
"So, you and that other apartment... uh..." Zapp didn't know how to start this conversation, he wasn't the kind to talk. Especially not about this but, "Any other uh... things you wanna fess up to or...?"
"I don't have any other romantic partners if that's what you're asking." You were a little preoccupied with your game to really dive into this right now, "But I did find a decent little chuckle-f^ck neighborhood. Just gotta fill out the lease tomorrow and--"
Zapp leaned over your shoulder. For such a chill-looking game, it was full of fuzzy animals for f^cks sake, you always seemed to cuss at it like you were dying to a boss or something. Then again, if the same little f^cker was in Zapp's way and constantly talking... he could understand it at least.
"B^tch." You muttered under your breath, "Anyways, yeah. Everything'll be settled and sorted by tomorrow."
"M'kay, not exactly what I was getting at Steven 2.0."
"Then what?"
"What do you mean 'then what?'!" Zapp frowned, "You're basically domestic Rambo... or is it Metro Rambo?"
"I think the term you're looking for is prepared."
"It most certainly is NOT the word I'm looking for you walking armory! You're a mini Chief with Steven's disposition!"
You looked at Zapp, "If I didn't have that apartment, we wouldn't have gotten the answers we needed, right?"
"Well... I mean, I guess."
"So I'm not Rambo, I'm just prepared."
"Yeah right." Zapp scoffed, "You carry at least three blades on you at all times, even in the shower!"
"I do not!"
"You so do! I've seen them! You were pulling them out of your hair!"
"Those were bobby pins you demented orangutang."
Zapp was not about to back down from this. He knew you always had weapons on your person. This was going to be a long night...
It felt like Zed had brought this same topic up at least once a day, but he never was able to get a straight answer. As much as he didn't want to constantly pry, he did need some form of closure over this matter. In one day he went from believing he knew his partner to thinking they were a complete stranger again. It was the kind of mental whiplash that made his head hurt.
But he really didn't feel like he had much of a choice.
"[Name], I know you probably don't want to talk about this, but..." Zed sat up a little on his side of the couch, "You never have given me a decent answer about that apartment. Why you had it in the first place and why you feel you need another."
Letting out a deep sigh, "It isn't strictly to keep secrets or anything. I just... I feel better if I have something like in my back pocket, ya know?"
"No, I really don't. That's why I'm asking you." He shifted to face you a little better, "I don't understand what would drive a person to having a second apartment, even if does help with one's job."
You stopped. Normally Zed did get things like this, without the need for you to explain in detail. It wasn't exactly the kind of thing you liked fessing up to, since it would make it seem like you just didn't trust him. And that couldn't be further from the truth, you just never knew when the right time was to bring up a literal safe house to your partners.
But you couldn't very well keep stalling, Zed did deserve an answer at least... even if it was a difficult one.
"So, I've always struggled with being able to trust other people." YOu started, "And not knowing when to bring things up until it's absolutely necessary. That said..."
Zed's jaw hung limp. He wasn't expecting you to have that kind of a past. It had him feeling a little guilty about pushing so hard for answers. Then again, if he'd gone through the same kind of situation, he would likely want to be as prepared as you were at all times.
Suddenly your "obsession" with weapons made a whole lot more sense.
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galactic-pirates · 1 year
Ok Picard 3.02
My heart is still pounding to be honest.
Spoilers spoilers, many spoilers, all the warnings.
Ok Jack Crusher has charisma in spades. They seem to be going for a Han Solo type vibe and it’s working - I like him.
What I do NOT like and what I knew I wouldn’t like is the whole “Picard’s son” thing because I can’t make it make sense. Why would Beverley have hidden that from Picard? They were friends for years/a couple of decades before they gave being a couple a go. Even if Beverley was certain Picard didn’t want a kid, and admittedly I have just seen the movies and to mid-season 3 of TNG, but she seems honourable. She wouldn’t make him be involved. Perhaps she “didn’t want to trap him” but she always seemed to make moral arguments on the Enterprise about right to know. I just don’t see why the secret and until I do (and it makes sense) I will remain irritated.
I am doubly irritated by Shaw. I hate the man, I loathe him with the fire of a thousand suns. He is a grade A asshat and the way he just went “oh ok then” when Picard said “it’s my son” like that made a difference!?!? I mean Jack Crusher was somebody’s son! Beverley’s in fact so why does Picard providing half the genetics change a damn thing? I hate it. I would have preferred Shaw by like “yeah and so??” because the argument remains the same. The hundreds of crew lives vs. one guy. That is about the one thing Shaw isn’t wrong about. I hate him for how he treats Seven. Insisting on her deadname, being so blatantly bigoted and disrespectful. But Picard choosing to risk his own life for a personal mission is one thing, it IS irresponsible to decide to risk the lives of an entire ship. I mean “the greater good” is a bad thing to say I know, and I get principle is important but the crew of the Titan have value. Their lives are just as valid.
I mean I’m not saying they should have turned Jack Crusher over. Because Federation ideals and everyone onboard signed up for StarFleet and that fight. What I am saying is that make it about that, because it doesn’t matter a damn who is related to who. Being a Picard doesn’t make Jack Crusher anymore worthy of being saved and I hate the implication that it does.
I really think that season 3 is going to wind up like season 2 in that I find a big chunk of the ‘main’ story to be a complete waste of airtime. Picard and his whole mother story was something that weakened season 2 horribly and I feel like this son angle is going to be the same.
Seven deserves better. The premiere allowed some hints at what she has been dealing with. This episode barely gave her anything to do beyond repeating that Shaw is an asshat, and about the Rangers in addition to everything else. Seven is playing second fiddle, being like background and she is too good for that.
Now Raffi. Oh Raffi. The saviour of the episode. I may wind up watching this season for Raffi alone. She is knocking every damn scene she gets out of the park, my heart just breaks for her. Raffi blaming herself was something I knew would happen, Raffi being determined to get to the bottom of it and not believing the party line - well that’s how she was drummed out of StarFleet the first time over the Mars attack. You would think they should have learned to listen to her as Raffi was right then, and she was right now.
Bringing in her ex-husband was one big ball of pain. The ultimatum he put down of the case or her son was an impossible one. It’s actually a bit like the Titan/Picard scenario only Raffi didn’t choose what she wanted (her son), she chose her duty. Because it isn’t just about the lives that were lost - it’s about how many more are at risk. Whomever behind this gets away with it and their scheme will continue. They thought nothing of killing 117 people. They need to be stopped. But man Raffi’s face just about killed me because she knew this was a turning point. She has chosen duty over her son before, and she lost him, and when Gabe hears she did it again - she may never get another chance. I don’t know if she had a chance to begin with but if there was hope it’s gone. And Gabe doesn’t seem like he’ll care if Raffi saves the Galaxy. I guess it’s a cost of heroism they don’t usually show. Because he probably accepts it’s important but “why does it have to be my mom?” Because always coming second burns whether it’s for a noble reason or not.
I confess I did not see it coming that Worf was Raffi’s handler. I was thinking it was some shadowy enemy bad guy. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that he saved her. I love that they are giving Raffi this meaty story and integrating her into the TNG stuff through making her story be Worf’s intro. I just wish they would shine more light onto Seven as well. But hell Raffi deserves this, Raffi deserves even more. I hope that it continues and Raffi and Seven both get their time to shine even when more TNG cast are brought in. I am concerned that the cast is big and they might get shuffled to the back and forgotten by the end of the season :/
Anyway! Moving onto the last piece of my heart that Raffi stole. She risked her sobriety (and I would argue it’s a risk rather than a loss) to keep her cover and continue the mission. Raffi made a choice to go all in and that was brave. I suspect it will make resisting drugs even harder now she’s had another taste. That struggle will make her (hopeful) victory even more impressive. I wish I knew for sure whether Raffi was still in touch with Seven. They are in different places, doing their own thing, but Raffi needs someone that understands and that won’t judge her.
I am still like ahhhhh over it being Worf! The text messages have a different inflection now as Worf never did feel the need to explain himself. When I first saw the blade I did hope for half a second that Elnor has come for Raffi but I did know better as he’s not in this season :( I miss him.
I don’t get this villain. I do very much like the “doctors without borders” thing, very similar to Seven and the Rangers that they are suggesting Beverley was doing. But why does the villain want Jack Crusher? Given how much of the plot seems to hinge on this reason it better be a damn good one. Like maybe he stole something that is irreplaceable? It can’t be merely expensive as clearly they have enough resources to buy entire solar systems. I have a feeling the reason is not going to live up to the hype. I am much more invested in Raffi’s investigation!
I want Seven to either reform StarFleet somehow so they actually do some damn good, or tell them to stuff it and go back to being a Ranger. Seven deserves better dammit.
Ok I don’t think I have anything else to ramble about but Raffi is living in my head rent free right now. No thoughts, only Raffi. I have tried to make sense but my brain is just like ahhhhh because I have feelings. My heart breaks for her suffering. I want to fix it somehow for her. I want her to reunite with Seven and for them to work together and save the day.
Anyway next week I predict we’ll have a boring ass time playing peek a boo in the nebula and Seven won’t get enough to do. I remain deeply disappointed that the crew didn’t rise up against Shaw and throw him out of an airlock (I am kidding, mostly). And then we’ll have a handful of incredibly compelling scenes with Raffi and my heart will be in shreds again. Also bets on the next TNG appearance? I am thinking maybe Deanna. Her spider sense may have said Riker is in trouble I don’t know. We shall see.
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tobiasdrake · 10 months
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor's first level is, frankly, an incredible accomplishment of narrative design. I mean that. Truly. The game's opening mission is a masterpiece of disappointment. I have never in my life had my investment in a new franchise entry killed this quickly. It's astonishing.
Me: Alright, here we go. I've been waiting for this. Fallen Order gave us the most fascinating concept, in a Jedi and Nightsister becoming friends and getting to know one another and learning from each other's way of life. What an amazing idea.
It was too bad that it only came about in the last like hour or so of the game, but it's a massive hook for the sequel. And now we're here. I'm ready for Cal and Merrin's big adventure together. Hit me.
Game: Merrin fucked off between games. As did everyone else. They're all gone now.
Me: Oh. Well. Okay. I guess that makes sense. Probably going to have to get the gang back together over the course of the game or something. I mean, we already got the gang together last game, I was kinda hoping we'd move forward with them, but okay.
Fine. It's not time for Cal and Merrin's big adventure together. I can deal. Go ahead, show me what you do have. What are we doing?
Game: Cal is on Coruscant with a group of disguised Rebels working under Saw Guerrera. They're here to take down a Jedi-hunting Senator.
Me: Wait, Saw Guerrera? We're working for Saw Guerrera? Oh, that's cool. Saw is a character that gets constantly shit on by Star Wars media. His whole thing is that he's antifascist but he goes too far. He's a dangerous radical. You should fight Nazis, but not like that!
Because. That's a thing a lot of Star Wars writers apparently think is a valuable political commentary to make. For some fucking reason.
So if we're actually on Team Saw, that's. Okay, I'm down for that. And Coruscant? Oh, man, we so rarely get to see Coruscant in the Imperial era. Yeah. Yeah, I'm here for this. Tell me about these other members of the team.
Game: Well, Gabs is a criminal who signed on with Saw for the loot. She doesn't really believe in the cause; She's just here to rob Imperials.
Me: Oh, that is interesting. Yeah, okay, I'm hooked now. This character is a self-centered bandit who only signed on for the pay. But she signed on with the #1 most radicalized True Believer in the entire Rebel Alliance, and has a Jedi Knight whispering in her ear.
That sounds amazing. How is this character going to grow and change as a result of these experiences? I can't wait to see-
Game: And then she DIES.
Me: ...
Game: They all DIE. Everyone DIES. The whole team DIES.
Me: ... *heavy sigh* Okay. Sure. What. Fucking whatever. Okay.
Game: You get to keep Bode, though.
Me: Haha, yeah, okay! What's his deal again? "He hates the Empire because they fridged his wife." Sure. The most boring possible concept for a Rebel you could ever possibly imagine. The stock character taken from every piece of media ever made.
We don't get the unique Nightsister and Jedi dynamic, we don't get the cool bandit being gradually radicalized by true believers. But Unbuttered Toast in the form of a character, he makes it out. Great.
Fucking great. Can't have goddamn anything interesting in this story, I guess.
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unwantedhatred · 11 months
Marvel fanfics hurt me deeply..(mostly Peter Parker. These are just my opinions and my unwanted hatred)
God, I’m gonna sound so awful the second I say this.. but fuck all fanfics involving lgbtq+, mental Illnesses, pronouns and iron dad. And y’know what, FUCK FOUND FAMILY WITH THE AVENEGERS! And since we’re already there, fuck femboy Peter and Harley Keener.
I’m all for with Peter having ADHD, being Bisexual and having Tony as his Father figure, but some people push it. It gets to the point where it’s so unrealistic and honestly creepy, plus everything now has to do with LGBTQ+ or it’s just not a fanfic to all of you. Also.. why do you think it’s okay for Peter to act.. like a barbie doll..?
Peter is cannonly bisexual in the comics and also shown signs in the live action version as well that he is. I mean, we can’t forget the way he looked at Quill when he dissed Thor like that. But now I can’t read a fic without it having to do with pride. Like, yes, it’s normal, but then at some point Peter goes on a rant on twitter or just somewhere talking about Pride and all the hate towards it, then a bunch of people praise him for that and it goes around for ages. It just came out of no where for no reason. Why is everyone praising him? Being gay or something is the most normal thing nowadays. Then everyone starts going to pride parades or come out as gay or something. It’s not even apart of the actual story, it’s just there for some reason. Why?
Don’t get me started on when everyone starts pulling pronouns out of their ass. Why. Just why. Randomly in the middle of the fic, all the Avengers talk about their pronouns, starting with “she/they” or “him/she”. There was no need. Absolutely no need for that. Then they start talking about how they wish for everyone in the community to respect them by their pronouns. At their age, they shouldn’t even care. Then they all make a huge fuss about it online and how they wish everyone to respect them by their pronouns. It’s unprofessional, I’m sorry, but there was no need and it makes no sense. Soon the whole fic is just about that the whole time. Why must everything involve pride and BLM? Half the Black people you see online don’t even care about white lives. No hate on BLM, but I’m hating on them. All it is is just about one race. Half of them think it’s okay to hate on white lives while white people and all these other races have fought for them. It’s insane. Not everything is about race.(now it’s just unwanted hatred online, woops)
All of you have an obsession with Peter having a mental illness or something fucked up in his head. It’s genuinely messed up how you guys play these characters with issues. It gets to the point where he genuinely needs help and yet all you think you need to do is get someone to hug them and it’s okay. Even with sensory overloads. Yes, it can get bad, but he doesn’t need to be crying in the corner. He’s not a kid and he’s been dealing with it for ages, so I don’t know why you need to add that. Can’t he just be normal?
Why must he have stuffed animals? Have you ever actually interacted with a guy? Yes, some do have stuffed animals and it’s usually the ones who do have issues, but why does he need like an entire army? The only ones you usually see with one are little kids and ones who need extra help in life. Sure, having an old one from his childhood sitting under his bed is fine, but why a whole box? Why is he taking it with him everywhere? Then they say he has an Avengers collection of stuffed toys. The Avengers were formed when he was 10-11. He’s not gonna have much besides a poster or an old figurine. It’s not cute. It’s like watching a Disney series. The characters don’t act normal and it’s just weird.
Why does any story that involves Peter being gay or even bisexual have him wearing booty shorts? Or even those cat headphones.. and a tank top. Normal people don’t wear those. Yes, some little kids wear those headphones, but you’re pushing the limits here. Not cute and honestly really weird. Always pouting and acting like he’s 5.
People who write irondad and anything involving Tony need to calm down. Whenever he’s around Peter, you make it look like they’re dating. Why are they always cuddling? Why does he kiss Peter on the cheek? Why does he call him baby? Yeah, doing this for your toddler and little kid, normal, but he’s a teenager and a boy. Its strange and even around my own Father, I’d be creeped out. Peter always has a nightmare and runs over to his “Father” and sleeps with him. In the show, he acts more like a mentor than a Father minus two scenes which are their deaths. That shit was heartbreaking and he lost his kid while Peter lost Tony. It’s gone over the line of being close to creepy. He’s an adult treating a teenager like a baby. It’s so wrong.
The Avengers always seem to have an obsession with him. They’re always touching one another and fighting over him. Like, it’s cute once or twice in a story or even funny, but it just genuinely seems creepy. Laying in each others laps and threatening to kill someone for going near Peter? It’s disturbing. Yes, they all have issues, but you make it out like it’s affecting everything.
Why is Parley so toxic? Half the stories are about Harley being a douche bag and being such a bitch towards Peter and then they randomly get together. Like wtf.. one was so messed up it actually made me hate Harley. I genuinely can’t handle this ship. Also what is with characters threatening to tell the main character that they like their crush if they don’t do something. That’s just a bad friend. I would hate if one of mine went over to my crush and said I liked them. It’s messed up and they need to stop doing that to Peter, especially when the so called “crush” is so awful.
It’s so random and I hate it. MJ/Shuri. Horrible ship. Never met and makes no sense. Also, Ned/Peter. They’re best friends, brothers! Wtf.. also, poly ships. No. Why? It’s like a trio. They never actually work out. Might at the start, but in the end.. it’s basically like two fighting over one person and the other just wants both or the other is just a second option in reality. It’s an excuse half the time. I understand some may working, but it’s so random and unneeded.
There needs to be serious limits to these, cause wtf are half of these people on. This isn’t cute, this isn’t funny and it’s not how people act. It’s honestly gross. Don’t even get me started on Flash. It’s 2023 plus he goes to a Science school. If he ever did beat Peter up, police would be involved nowadays. He’s not even that bad. Sure he makes a few comments here and there, but Peter hardly reacts. Flash isn’t even that stupid to say it in front of The Avengers. In reality, if they did go to SI, Flash would mock peter once and when the Q&A started, ask if Peter of people underaged work at SI and then proceed to wink at Peter or make one small comment about him. He’s not even half bad. You guys make him seem so much worse, like wtf.
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baldpeoplehater · 11 months
ok so its 2 am. i am tired, i am incoherent and i have a lot to say.
first of all, before the final 10ish minutes i was actually pretty ok with the ending! i was so happy to see that most of the stories were wrapped up really nicely and were headed for a good place. but as soon as ted boarded that airplane. oh god.
although i never really shipped tedbecca before season 3, to me it kinda of seemed like they were ending up together? and i wasn’t mad about it. i actually got pretty invested in it after the whole matchbox/soldier thing. and it really sucks that they build all that up for nothing! all the signs with the psychic (“oh but they could have been for the dutch guy” yes! why not just leave them for scenes with him then?), the multiple ted/rebecca fakeouts (the whole bantr thing and the beginning of the finale episode), the AIRPORT SCENE? SERIOUSLY? and the worst part about it is that by building all this up but not having them end up together, rebecca’s ending felt unfinished and rushed (we barely got to know the guy and even though is “meant to be” or whatever they interacted once. come on), and (for me personally) it seemed that the show implied ted going back to michelle, which makes no sense at all. there was no need for tedbecca to be endgame, but both of their characters deserved better.
the whole roy/keeley/jamie debacle. (i think i just get throuple baited by ted lasso) seriously, i’m ALL for keeley ending up alone since she’s been in relationships basically the whole show. but why make her go back to roy when he apologized????? if they made up, as friends, there wouldn’t be A SINGLE storyline that would have to be changed. they still could’ve gone after jamie. the fight between jamie and roy could still be a catalyst for her to realize that she doesn’t want to be with either of them for now. it was completely unnecessary for them to sleep together.
why. on. earth. would you, for three entire seasons, disapprove of a relationship, show us how toxic it is, and then have them marry each other. seriously. of all the couples, beard and jane ended up together? dude. come on.
ok. let’s ignore the whole beard and jane thing being toxic and just assume they’re good now and she’s improved (her shredding his passport so he couldn’t leave was barely a figment of my imagination). although i dislike ted and beard being apart, i do understand that people move on and even the closest of friends sometimes have to grow apart. but why couldn’t they show us ted at beard’s wedding? he clearly was ok with beard staying for jane. there was no bad blood and even with him going back to kansas, i really doubt he would miss his best friend’s wedding.
and finally, i hate that ted went back to kansas. i can’t really logic myself out of this one, like i did with my other complaints because the reason why he went is really simple: for his son. and it’s the right thing to do. must be really hard parenting from another country and i’m absolutely sure that henry missed him a lot. but michelle could’ve gone to london with him, specially after it being implied that dr. jacob was out of the picture. it just makes me really sad that ted had to go back while everyone else moved forward.
ok! now the positive points because im not a complete bitch.
love to see rupert get absolutely shitted on. the wanker scene? poetic cinema.
i’m really happy that rebecca didn’t sell the club and that she realized that, although it wasn’t what she imagined would happen at first, they were her family now. also loved the juxtaposition of her giving 49% of shares to the fans against edwin akufo’s idea of a super league or whatever the fuck
the ted/nate scenes really moved me. even though nate’s arc was kinda rushed, i was still happy to see him thriving at the end and going back to being the sympathetic character he was at the beginning of the show. him saying i’m sorry, crying on ted’s shoulder, coming back as assistant kitman instead of coach, it all showed that he changed. i’m also really glad that richmond won with his false nine after all.
the goodbye song from the boys and their reaction when ted says he liked it. priceless. (bonus points for trent joining in)
trent’s book being successful
anyways. it was a hell of a ride. i don’t think we’re getting a season 4, but if we do i’ll be back on my bullshit. believe guys :)
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queerspacepunk · 2 years
here's the thing though (and I am ENTIRELY certain of this): end of s1? right up until olu spots him with the spyglass? the entire crew thinks stede is dead. i'm serious!! (with the probable exception of izzy. pretty sure izzy knows he's alive) (fml this is so long i'm so sorry)
it's pretty clear from the start of episode 10 that ed hasn't told anyone anything, in fact i'd say it's pretty likely that no one but izzy has even seen him since he climbed on board and asked to take tea in his room!
so imagine you're the crew, trying to figure out what the fuck just happened, and you have the following information:
stede bonnet is stupidly in love with edward teach
edward teach is so in love with stede bonnet that he signed away his life for a decade to go fight for the king of england
they both got taken away to join the navy and go to war!!
stede is an absolutely useless dingdong who has only survived this long because of sheer luck, and clearly has people within the navy who Hate His Guts
ed's ploy only worked because some officers saw him as a prize, and he's notorious enough that everyone in the navy is going to either hate him, feel threatened by him, or both
ed comes back. alone, and sad.
so you're all sitting there, in the jam room, or maybe by the kitchen, or up on deck, slumber party style, trying to figure out What The Fuck Happened To Stede, and really there's only three options:
ed changed his mind and fucked off, leaving stede behind
stede and ed broke up and/or stede refused to escape with ed
stede died and with no reason left to stay in the navy, ed fucked off back to his crew.
now, option 1 is an immediate write off. like i think black pete would be the most likely to suggest it and lucius would just be like "babe, babe please. you do not understand how utterly deranged they are for each other. edward teach is so in love with that man that he didn't stab me in the face on like three separate occasions." option 1? out.
option 2? interestingly, i feel like option 2 is both what actually happened AND the option that, to the crew would seem the least believable. olu would be the first person shutting this down. he had to put up with stede the entire night they broke up the first time. even more than that? they're looking at blackbeard, right? and blackbeard's responses. if stede HAD dumped ed, after ed just sacrificed himself for stede, then surely he should be furious, right? they would all be expecting a response much more akin to what we get in the second half of the episode after the magical girl kraken transformation.
(of course, they don't KNOW about all the shit going on in stede's head, they don't know about ed just wanting to be ed and how much that shook stede, they don't know about chauncey! they also don't know about trying to put down the whole blackbeard role for a bit!! even though option 2 is 100% what happened and makes sense to us viewers it seems entirely out of character to the other characters in the show!! the writers made these boys eat the broccoli so hard i wanna scream)
whiiiiiiich leaves us with option 3: stede is dead. compared to the other two options, this makes so much sense. You've just put Stede No Survival Instincts Bonnet into what may be the only environment more dangerous for him than pirating, they were probably expecting it to happen at some point or another. and ed? from that brief interaction? easily looks like grief. then factor in how fucking delighted izzy is about the turn of events, and well... stede being dead is pretty much the only thing that makes sense.
(they're all sitting there kinda talking around it, fang's probably talking about how he was quite worried for stede, in the navy and all, and swede's like 'blackbeard seems very sad' and buttons is all 'ahhh but mr hands is in a very good mood' and no one wants to say it until frenchie's just "so the captain, uh, stede, i mean... he's uh... maybe... ?" and jim's just like "dead." and there's a big uncomfortable chorus of "very dead" "definitely dead" "absolutely deceased" (lucius) and they all make a beeline for the rum)
i have a bunch more to say about why i think izzy knows stede's alive and also how "the crew thinks stede is dead" makes the rest of ep 10 read different but it is way too late and this is way too long already so i'll come back to that in the morning
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so while i was driving to work the other day, i was thinking about how catching the bus or other public transport in general, is like, kind of antisocial in a way…. or was at least for me. like when i started my job earlier this year in march, i was getting to work early (good) because people were there…. but when it came to the afternoon, at around 4:15pm i had to start rushing to pack my bag and getting my shit together, to run off for the bus by 4:25pm or 4:30pm by the latest…. even though my bus didn’t come until around 4:45-4:50pm. it’s mainly all bc i liked leaving extra early to make sure i could wait at the traffic lights and also bc i was paranoid that i’d miss the bus if it just somehow decided to be extra early, somehow.
but although i did kind of relish getting to leave a whole 40mins earlier than everyone else, it still kinda made it hard to settle in and stuff…. bc i missed the end of the day group home walk to the parking and stuff. all bc if i missed the 4:45-4:50pm bus, there wasn’t another bus for an entire hour; since there’s only one (1) bus that actually goes through my neighbourhood regularly (the other bus that goes through my neighbourhood only goes through my NH at really random times like 6am or 11pm. like thanks. that’s so fucking helpful)… while every other bus just stops on the highway which creates at least a 40mins walk from my house each way.
and it was the same with uni. the whole reason i didn’t bother with extra curriculars, was bc i was stuck on the bus for 1hr 20mins or an hour & a half (depending on traffic etc) and it was just too taxing to bother with extra curriculars and clubs and shit for “development” and “your resume”. i just wanted to get the earliest bus home and fuck off. bc i hated the idea of getting a late bus back.
like yes. i get that so many people will say “but all the opportunities you missed at uni bc you just wouldn’t extend your bus travel past 4pm”. but bro. the streets in my neighbourhood are poorly lit. i hate walking home in the dark. and i’m aware of the opps i missed. i missed an internship back in 2014 for business college, that was at my local uni’s “innovation campus” (it’s just digital media etc labs/studios and “startup funding” facilities) for a cancer charity. but since it was 1hr 20min/an hour and a half by bus; they just didn’t bother giving me the position (bc yeah it was unpaid, obvs). i didn’t apply for many part time/casual jobs in retail bc they’re unpredictable shifts and also finish late some nights (10pm on thursdays for example for late night shopping); all bc i didn’t feel safe walking home in the dark etc.
like also there’s always the threat of running into my high school creeper/stalker on the bus like i did in 2015 or 2016 (i’ve forgotten now) on the way home from uni…. and having to sit through the entire 50min bus home all bc i wanted and basically had to get off at the stop behind my house. i didn’t feel safe walking home in some pitch black streets (since it was late winter so still dark at 6pm) through the next suburbs over and near me too.
i also couldn’t pick jobs that weren’t close and accessible to the bus route. i was so lucky that my job rn is on the main bus route.
just yeah. in a way, when you’re using and/or relying on public transport, it’s kind of antisocial bc of the lack of accessibility of stopping places (for example the bus stop i was using FINALLY got proper signage right after i stopped catching the bus bc i bought my car…. like the entire time i was catching the bus to work half of the bus drivers didn’t believe my stop was an ACTUAL stop bc one side didn’t have a sign (but it did have some paint)) . and the fact that you might have to leave work early to catch the bus (like me) means when you start a new job, it’s harder to settle in, in a sense bc you miss the end of the day walk to the parking.
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bushs-world · 2 years
So, I have refrained from posting anything regarding the Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard trial until now but I have seen so much toxicity floating around on the internet, I really want to put forth my pov. Just to be clear, I am not taking a side or pointing out who is right or wrong, merely rambling about the toxic internet behaviour surrounding this case.
First of all, it upsets me to see a case involving domestic violence and abuse being treated like a reality TV show, with people making memes or jokes about such a sensitive topic.
Two, this idea floating around the internet where people judge who is the victim based on how they act during the trial is so stupid. I have seen a plethora of comments which go like 'look at Amber! that's not how a domestic violence victim would behave' or 'Johnny on the stand is how a victim behaves' etcetera. And not only is this idea stupid, but also ableist. Nobody can judge who is a victim based on how they act. Two victims can have two totally different way they react. That doesn't make one more authentic than the other. All this idea does is reinforce the false stereotype of how a victim should behave, and shunning or mocking those that don't fit in the mold of an 'ideal victim'. I remember reading an article from a disabled person about how he has to suffer judgement and harassment over people refusing to believe his disability, coz it wasn't a physical one and hence invisible. Judging someone or disregarding their abuse because they don't act like a victim is plain wrong. Pick sides based on evidence, not whether or not they act like victims.
Three, but the amount of self proclaimed body language experts on the internet thinking they can pick out when a person is lying based on their body language and offering their opinion. This situation reminds me so much of Elizabeth Holmes' situation. She fooled people and sold faulty, non working blood testing devices, yet nobody could realise her treachery. So many TV interviews yet nobody doubted about anything. Once however she was exposed, a whole bunch of internet body language experts came forward how her manipulation was visible in her body language, and how the signs of her lying and trying to control her impression were crystal clear. And I am sorry but you are wrong. She was able to fool people for so long, there's no way anybody could sense she was wrong. And why didn't you notice this earlier when she was cheating everyone. That way so many people wouldn't have been cheated.
Four, the idea that Amber deserves the vitroil and villification. If she is lying, then what she needs is punishment, she needs to face consequences if she is in the wrong. But the entire internet pretending like they are on some moral crusade. No.. You are just enjoying the witch hunt and partaking in the fun. You don't like her anymore. No issues. Withdraw support. Protest against her. But thinking sending hate via the internet is some sort of activism, it isn't
Lastly, this one will definitely get me a lot of hate but to all the people spewing toxicity and hatred in the name of supporting male abuse victims, I honestly don't think it is about supporting male victims. It is quite common for fringe hate groups to use male victims as fodder to shoot down feminism and women rights, yet these people will also be the first one to hate and mock other men when they fail to uphold the masculine ideals. Once this trial is over, will there be support groups for male victims? Will they have shelters and social groups that will help them get justice or rehabilitate them? Will they be offered a chance at healing? No. People will think they served justice by punishing Amber, believing themselves to be moral crusaders, without actually bringing any positive impact or uplifting male abuse victims. Because it isn't about helping such men. In fact, these very same people will be the first to mock or belittle a male victim by calling him a pussy, a loser, not man enough whatever. This entire notion of performative men's right is less about helping or uplifting men, and more about using these men as fodder to attack the idea of gender equality, hiding their misogyny under a mask of performative support
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