#and now im exhausted and the summer is only just about to start D:
spiked-mall-goth · 1 year
ummmmm guys. i have had a day let me tell you. super long diary like entry lol
i had to get up early to go see my papa and help him move some furniture, and although i was running on a total of 2 1/2 hours of sleep i was excited. he lives out in the city and its about an hour and a half drive but the highway is completely surrounded by trees so that was a fun ride. listened to lots of music and talked about barbies with my dad. we counted 21 total yard sales on the trip.
got home and ate lunch after unloading some beds. my papa wanted some old twin beds out of his house so we took them home. i have a new mattress now!! which hopefully means far less daily back pain!!
after lunch we decided to go to a few of the yard sales we passed by. and let me tell you i got a HAUL. i got a pair of really nice pajama pants that have little skulls on them, then at the next one they had SO MUCH STUFF!!! like guys.. i got a sweater for 25 cents.. GUYS. i got a little black sweater, a flowy black summer top, a fucking black velvet CAPELET, and the most gorgeous black 80s prom dress; although sadly it does not zip and needs alterations but its WORTH IT!!! it has really big poof sleeves and a massive flower sash omg guys its AWSOME. at the same place i also got a little fake ivy for my kitchen :D it desperately needed a little life, a big ass puzzle to work on with my brothers, and they had MOUNDS of vhs tapes... for FREE. soooo uh yeah. may or may not have come home with like twenty new tapes. oh yeah did i metion that i only paid like a total of six dollars so far?? i made out like a Bandit. final yard sale and the woman was like 'uhhhh $1.25.'. so for a $1.25 i got a peanuts drinking glass (i think from mcdonalds..), the entirety of firefly on dvd, and a ceramic angel. normally i do not go for religious imagery in my decor, but. it was like 102F.. i hadnt slept since my two hour night.. i was severely dehydrated.. heat exhaustion was setting in a little bit.. and i dunno, she just called to me. she reminded me of laura palmer.
okay, so i get home and unload all my of goodies, then i start cleaning my room. i have to disassemble my old bed frame and clean under my bed and shit. i already have a pounding headache at this point but i have schedule to keep. beds gotta be moved b4 tmrrw. so i am FIGHTING trying to get the frame apart, i'm all sweaty and gross and i finally get it!! :D i feel some stuff falling over behind me and b4 i can even look up i get whacked right upside my head loony tunes style with a huge metal beam :( i start feeling kinda funny and i vaguely remember talking to my brother who told me to lie down. i pass out cold and hard on the couch for about an hour. vague memories of seeing something in the room with me. not really important i just think you should know.
wake up to my brothers shaking me to make sure i havent DIED. i lived! yayyy!! ate dinner, and then it was time. i have been looking at this online auction for over a week now and it was ending in a matter of minutes. i did when some some stuff! i got the directors cut of JTHM, revenge of the filler rabbit, and some other comic which i cannot remember rn.. but anyways it was 5 bucks! and then i bought a snoopy wallet for a few dollars. although i did miss out on a clear phone.. so sad. but overall i had a very good shopping day today idk why. everything just like fell into my lap at affordable prices... like wow..
after the auction i still had not moved my new bend in (ya know.. bonk on da head) so i fight forever to get it put together. but yippeee!!! its al here! and i was given a new blanket to put on it which is very soft :3
anyways now im here after showing and watching x files for a bit.
if you read all of that.... wow. ily <3. i normally dont like to just like info dump about my irl daily stuff, but today was just so like action packed it was kinda bonkers. anyways i have to go to bed bc i have more stuff going on tmrrw.... and i honestly might just cancel them.. i am TIRED.
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Chapter Thirteen.
Days passed and nothing happen. I was scared and restless and the handcuffs and bathroom were a nightmare. When would this end so the torture could start? I was resting on my cot, asleep when a guard woke me up. "I'm gonna let you out now. You ready??" He grunted.
It was strange too. No one around here had normal eyes, the were pitch black depths of evil. Nothing behind the eyes but coldness. It made me miss my home, but I knew I would never return there.
* * Xxx* SOUTH * S ID*E * DEA*D *KID*S *xxX***
We were traveling to the underworld and in three days we would be there so the three guardsmen would drop me off in the hands of Hades himself, I heard from ease dropping before they put me in the covered wagon, still in handcuffs, in a little cage. I struggled to get comfortable and we didn't even plan on leaving anytime soon, so I wasn't too comfortable. Hours later when I was so exhausted I couldn't see straight, the first guardsman sat in the front. But I had my back to him, and wasn't interested in turning to see what exactly he was doing that was taking so long.
I rode in silence.
Nothing really interested me, since I got my sentence. Sentenced to the underworld. I didn't have much to say. Honestly I kept telling myself it would be over soon, but when would it be over? After a fucking eternity? But anyways I wasn't being strong for myself,. But I was being strong more so because it was the only thing I knew.
I wasn't scared of what was going to happen to me, I was scared of how it was going to end, my life fell apart after that night I became a demon, and I didn't have time to think that was over… Was in string enough to take these guards and escape?
The thought tempted me. I didn't know I could die until about a week ago, but the reassuring thoughts that I could use my strength tempted me.
* * XxxL O V E R B O Y ZD I EI NT H ES C A R YM O V I E Sxx*X
Two days had passed. I didn't know if we where almost there not but I will starting to you hungry the tempting thought to breaking free tempting me the whole time and I did know if I should even try or bother or just accept my fate and just take my place in Underwood.
All of a sudden a loud rattling noise took over.l the covered wagon and we pulled over. I heard the guards mumbling to each other unsure if they should stop the wagon or not but we ended up pulling over.
Only one guard got out to see what it was.
After a moment of rattling there was a loud this noise and a scream. The guards looked at each other and one quickly climbed out to see what happen.
After a moment of silence there was nothing. No noise, no guard, no warning no anything.
So the guard begins the take off driving the wagon as fast as he could. What was going on? Could it be robbers this far out? No way. I'm not that lucky.
And then a loud thud noise came from above us as someone landed on top of the covered wagon speeding up. I look up at the shadowy figure walk towards the front of the wagon yanking the guard out in one quick motion before he could even scream he was gone.
The the wagon crawled to a stop.
Then the shadowy figures abruptly jumps down coming to the back of the wagon straight to me. Revealing it was the reaper, who saved me.
0 notes
Chapter Thirteen
Days passed and nothing happen. I was scared and restless and the handcuffs and bathroom were a nightmare. When would this end so the torture could start? I was resting on my cot, asleep when a guard woke me up. "I'm gonna let you out now. You ready??" He grunted.
It was strange too. No one around here had normal eyes, the were pitch black depths of evil. Nothing behind the eyes but coldness. It made me miss my home, but I knew I would never return there.
* * Xxx* SOUTH * S ID*E * DEA*D *KID*S *xxX***
We were traveling to the underworld and in three days we would be there so the three guardsmen would drop me off in the hands of Hades himself, I heard from ease dropping before they put me in the covered wagon, still in handcuffs, in a little cage. I struggled to get comfortable and we didn't even plan on leaving anytime soon, so I wasn't too comfortable. Hours later when I was so exhausted I couldn't see straight, the first guardsman sat in the front. But I had my back to him, and wasn't interested in turning to see what exactly he was doing that was taking so long.
I rode in silence.
Nothing really interested me, since I got my sentence. Sentenced to the underworld. I didn't have much to say. Honestly I kept telling myself it would be over soon, but when would it be over? After a fucking eternity? But anyways I wasn't being strong for myself,. But I was being strong more so because it was the only thing I knew.
I wasn't scared of what was going to happen to me, I was scared of how it was going to end, my life fell apart after that night I became a demon, and I didn't have time to think that was over… Was in string enough to take these guards and escape?
The thought tempted me. I didn't know I could die until about a week ago, but the reassuring thoughts that I could use my strength tempted me.
* * XxxL O V E R B O Y ZD I EI NT H ES C A R YM O V I E Sxx*X
Two days had passed. I didn't know if we where almost there not but I will starting to you hungry the tempting thought to breaking free tempting me the whole time and I did know if I should even try or bother or just accept my fate and just take my place in Underwood.
All of a sudden a loud rattling noise took over.l the covered wagon and we pulled over. I heard the guards mumbling to each other unsure if they should stop the wagon or not but we ended up pulling over.
Only one guard got out to see what it was.
After a moment of rattling there was a loud this noise and a scream. The guards looked at each other and one quickly climbed out to see what happen.
After a moment of silence there was nothing. No noise, no guard, no warning no anything.
So the guard begins the take off driving the wagon as fast as he could. What was going on? Could it be robbers this far out? No way. I'm not that lucky.
And then a loud thud noise came from above us as someone landed on top of the covered wagon speeding up. I look up at the shadowy figure walk towards the front of the wagon yanking the guard out in one quick motion before he could even scream he was gone.
The the wagon crawled to a stop.
Then the shadowy figures abruptly jumps down coming to the back of the wagon straight to me. Revealing it was the reaper, who saved me.
0 notes
heartoferebor · 6 years
Fic update
Update on B&B for everyone who is waiting for the last two chapters: last chapter is done! I’m working on the epilogue right now and it’s hard going, mostly because I just DON’T WANT IT TO END.
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softlystarstruck · 3 years
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✩ softly reading, july 12 - 18 ✩
trying out something new! i don’t really have a place where i keep track of all the drarry fics i read, other than ao3 bookmarks, and i also want to share the brilliance of the fics i do read with others. so im going to start doing lists of what i read during the week! this might change shape as i go along, and they wont really have commentary from me due to space and because i also want to start doing individual fic recs, but this is for myself and remembering what i’ve read as much as it is to share all the fantastic creators in this fandom 😌 this is also an open invitation to come flail about any if these fics with me, since i have read them all!
✩ - a fave
spotlight rec
✩ what the body wants is coolness by @lastontheboat | T, 13k |
this lovely beach fic manages to touch on deeper topics while maintaining that easiness of summer and the love between draco and harry. this is definitely one i’ll come back to again and again!
longer reads
Just Tell Me When It’s Alright by @bonesliketambourines | E, 23k |
Harry’s been fighting tooth and nail for any bit of normalcy he can get his hands on.
✩ Heart Like Neon by @lqtraintracks | E, 41k |
Bored of being The Chosen One, Harry discovers he rather likes sex and becomes a professional. He’s good at it, and part of why is that he can read people. Enter Draco fucking Malfoy, enigma to everyone, including himself.
Trouble, My Old Friend by @tepre | E, 21k |
Harry goes rogue investigating an illegal potion and ends up at Draco Malfoy's dodgy lab.
‘Til Your World Burns by @iero0, @ladderofyears | E, 25k |
Draco Malfoy is assaulted and watches as his world falls apart. Harry Potter is the quiet, unassuming wizard that finally listens to him. [H/D Wireless 2021]
✩ Everything Old is New Again by rinnwrites | E, 10k |
A year after the war, Draco leaves England with a simple plan: Find a place where no one knows him, get his potions mastery, start a new life. He didn’t count on an obviously exhausted and shockingly studious Harry Potter showing up in his very first class.
✩ In Pursuit of Lost Marbles by @graymatters | T, 22k | (this one made me cry its so good)
Every night after work, Healer Malfoy follows the same routine, beginning with a familiar flight of stairs that leads to the Janus Thickey Ward at St. Mungo's. With an air of professionalism, he introduces himself to Harry, his husband of seven years. [H/D Wireless]
On Truth and Understanding by @iero0 | E, 21k |
Draco doesn't know how to say certain things. Harry doesn't know how to ask for them.
✩ We Two Alone by borealgrove | T, 16k |
In space, Harry is Just-Harry. He is also an idiot, a handyman, and a glorified battery.
Unkissed Kisses and Songs Never Sung by femme | M, 12k |
I sit silently in the shadows, staring at the tiny, pulsing ball of light that tells me my Harry's still alive. {Untagged infidelity}
short and sweet (under 10k)
The Wedding Date by Rei382, art by @veelawings | T, 5.5k |
In an attempt to get Lucius off his back, Draco decided to convince Potter to come with him to a relative's wedding as his date.
A Text in the Right Direction by sassy_cissa, timothysboxers | M, 9.2k |
Harry Potter—Auror, lover of video games—means to text his online-gamer-friend to gloat. Instead ends up texting with a most intriguing mystery man.
✩ Sex On Legs in Six-Inch Heels by @tessacrowley | E, 9.6k |
Draco Malfoy is a brilliant freelance cursebreaker and the only one who can help the Department of Magical Law Enforcement with a very dangerous case, but more importantly, he's wearing six-inch heels, and Harry cannot handle it, he really just can't.
Good Talk, Potter by @l0vegl0wsinthedark | E, 6.7k |
Potter begins to take me apart, peeling away layer after layer of everything that I am.
The Quiver of a Heartstring by @tackytigerfic | E, 3.8k |
Draco Malfoy has been away for eight months and seventeen days, but now he's back, and Harry has never stopped wanting him. It's a shame Draco doesn't want Harry back.
Carpe Diem by leontina | T, 9.7k |
Every day Draco goes down to the Great Lake and disappears from the Marauder's Map, and Harry intends to find out why.
✩ Trouble by @l0vegl0wsinthedark | E, 7k |
Now Draco’s cock is stirring, and he can’t breathe because all he can think of is screaming Harry’s name while Harry pins him down.
✩ Love, Interrupted by manixzen | E, 9.6k | (this one made me wheeze laugh)
It’s hard enough to keep the romance alive when you’re a parent of three rambunctious kids, but Harry and Draco can’t even manage a quickie these days.
✩ A Blanket Made of Stars by @nv-md | M, 1.4k |
Draco and Harry fall together during a cattle drive.
pocket-sized (under 1k)
✩ language of love by @crazybutgood | T, 864 |
“Sometimes, I wish you could understand the things I want to say to you, about you, in Hindi or Urdu.”
blue hour by @isamijoo | G, ~200 |
“Blue Hour” refers to the darker stages of morning and evening twilight, when the Sun is quite far below the horizon, coloring the sky deep blue.
kiss my utilitarian solution by @americanmoths | T, ? |
Rarely do the problems he complains to Hermione about have such sexy solutions.
cozy art by @babooshkart w/ ficlet by @the-starryknight | G |
"Five more minutes," Harry murmured into Draco's hair, drifting fingers through the silky strands.
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thetomorrowshow · 4 years
Slower Than Words Ch. 23
First  -  Previous  -  Next
Hey..... a member of my household just tested positive for Covid-19, and I am displaying symptoms sooooooo hopefully that won’t affect posting but it has made this chapter a little shorter than I had wanted. Basically if the next chapter isn’t out on time that’s why.
cw: b a d parenting, references to trauma
Remus chewed on the end of his pen. Riley, Alberts, Robertson, Robinson, Richards, Allison, Reese, Arlowe . . . something that started with an 'A' or an 'R'. But what? Why couldn't he remember his own last name?
Logan was always saying something about brainwashing and trauma, but Logan knew his own last name! Stupid Logan Sanders and his calm explanations for everything in Remus's life. He didn't want someone telling him how he felt or why, he wanted to move on. He wanted to figure himself out for himself. He wanted out.
The trip to the library a couple weeks ago had been even worse than expected. Logan hadn't even let go of Patton, despite how uncomfy the kid looked. It had to suck to be twenty-something and have your dad drag you around by the shoulders everywhere you go.
Patton had only wanted one book, for some reason. There were so many books in that building, and Logan had pulled like a hundred from the shelves just to show him. He'd signed so quickly about the book that Remus couldn't keep up, but Logan had frowned and talked to the librarian for a few minutes, before eventually presenting Patton with a book—which was probably the one he'd been asking for. His face looked weird after receiving it, happy, but also seriously depressed. It looked pretty old, Remus had no idea why he'd wanted that book.
Rivers, Albright, Abbott, Ramsey, Russell, Reed, Rowell, Austen. . . . Nothing. Not even a smidge of anything. Well, if he couldn't remember his last name, what about the name of where he used to live?
The city came to him almost instantly.
Remus snorted. That was a stupid name for a city. Actually, he could remember joking about it with his brother, about how their mom shared it.
Energy flooded to his limbs with a suddenness, and when the bell rang from the door opening beside him he literally fell out of his seat.
“W-welcome to Chevron,” he said, straightening up. The customer nodded barely at him, making a beeline for the refrigerators in the back. Remus quickly wrote on the scrap of paper he'd been doodling circles onto so far: 'sharon – town and ma'.
Now he just had to figure out which state sounded the most familiar, and if Sharon was a city there. He'd spent days just driving around town with friends, he probably still knew his way around.
The customer paid for a few jugs of Gatorade, then left, dust puffing up behind his truck as he pulled out of the parking lot. Remus sat back down, scratching his mustache with his pen. He could google the city when he got home, then. . . .
Then he'd figure out how to tell Patton and Logan he was leaving.
Patton sighed, flipping through the first half of the book again. Summer, it was called. This copy looked almost identical to the other one. He closed his eyes and ran his fingers along the slightly indented title, like Virgil would. He'd had it for almost two months now, asking Father to renew the book instead of allowing it to be returned. He really wanted to finish it, after all.
Not that he could ever get himself to read past around the middle.
Patton's notebook was almost full now, but he couldn't ask Remus for another. Not after how much Remus was already doing for him. The pages were filled with studying mouth movements, bad jokes, and journal entries that mostly were about Virgil and what they'd do when they were together again. In tiny, cramped handwriting was a detailed recollection of everything Patton could remember that Virgil told him about where he lived—which wasn't much. It was hard to hold on to any memories from there. His therapist said it had to do with trauma memories being stored incorrectly, and said he might have flashbacks about it. So far, none had happened, but sometimes he wished one would—just so he could see Virgil again.
He wasn't good at drawing, but here and there in his notebook were vague sketches of Virgil. Some days, Patton woke up not sure what he looked like. He couldn't forget him. Patton would never forgive himself if he forgot the lovely mistiness of Virgil's eyes, the way his hair fell into his mouth and made him sputter, the stark paleness of his face against his black hoodie. . . .
Patton wrapped the hoodie around himself. He needed to think about something else, or else he'd start crying again. Crying made his head and ears hurt, which his doctor said would probably always be the case. So he mostly did his best to not cry, ever.
Patton cast his mind around for something new to think about, and landed on the trip to the library several weeks ago. The trip wasn't . . . optimal?
No. The trip sucked.
Father wouldn't let go of him, which just made him feel like a toddler having to be guided around. It was bright, and had a lot of people, and was a little startling, but Patton was sure he could have handled it. Why didn't Father trust him?
It wasn't just that. Father made him go to bed at a specific time every night, wouldn't let him have any say in what he ate, wouldn't even let him pick what to watch on the TV. It was . . . it was stupid! It was awful, it was embarrassing, it was demeaning! It made Patton feel worthless, like he wasn't even a proper member of society! He wasn't a boy anymore, he had even had a job back at the Haven, he wasn't helpless!
Maybe soon, with all that he'd been learning, he could prove to Father that he was capable. And if Father wouldn't believe him, well . . . Patton would have to make him.
Again, that anger was right at the surface, ready to spill out into the air. At least he had the book.
Somehow, Logan had let Remus convince him that he didn't need to go to every therapy appointment with Patton, so Logan was at home alone. For the first time in months. He was exhausted, but he did not have time to sleep.
Patton was hiding something. Logan was undeniably certain of it. And when Patton hid something, he hid it under his bed.
Logan didn't get up immediately. This was a matter of privacy, after all. He understood that he was likely being a little too restricting with his son, but who could blame him? He'd almost lost him. So if Patton was hiding something, it was likely best to know what it was. Patton didn't seem to realize the amount of danger he was in. It wasn't his fault, he was just a child. Children weren't supposed to worry about this sort of thing, it was their parents' jobs to care for them. So, naturally, he had to make sure that whatever Patton was hiding wasn't going to bring harm in some way. If it was, he could gently confront him about it, and explain why it was not acceptable.
With that plan in mind, Logan stood from his desk and made his way to Patton's room. His door was always open, even when he was inside—it made sense, all things considered.
The room still had almost precisely the same setup as Logan had put together, down to the making of the bed. He'd told Patton that he was allowed to customize his room and ask for personal items, but so far he had done neither of those things. The only difference was that the small closet now had a few more pieces of clothing in it.
Logan bent to his hands and knees beside the bed and peered beneath. Sure enough, there were items underneath the boy's bed: a battered blue notebook, the singular book that he had wanted from the library last month, the jacket that had belonged to the other other prisoner. Logan reached for the notebook, grunting when his back popped.
He pulled himself onto Patton's bed to open it. It was confusing, at first, some jokes in his son's handwriting, rather poor sketches of an unfamiliar face. Then. . . .
That—that was bad.
Logan took a few deep breaths, then flipped another page, then another. More of the same. This wasn't good. This was not good at all.
These diagrams and instructions, clearly for lip-reading? These would get Patton taken away from him. These would hurt him. These would make Patton want to leave the safety of home.
These were dangerous.
Taglist: @enragedbees @gotta-love-alejandra @bunny222 @basiic-emo @patt0n-sanders @rosiepupper @fangirlgeekandfreak @dn-fan21 @that2000skid @remy-the-lemon-berry @itsadastraperaspera @xionbean @sanderssides-angst @hell-yea-we-gay-tonight @maybedefinitely404 @broken-pencils @thewhimsicallibrarytech @doomllily @hereissananxiousmess @judyismydog  @arodynamic-enby @at-that-one-nerd @therapysides @awkwardandanxiousfander @thekitchenpan @im-an-anxious-wreck @larkiaquail
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soulwillower · 4 years
interrupted • stan uris
(stanley uris x reader smut)
requested: Can you please do a rough Stanley smut? Like they are friends and he catches her masturbating to him and smut happens. Thank you!   +    Stanley catching you masturbating please 👉👈              +                             hello!! could u do hcs or fic or something with stan being super into dirty talk and not being able to stfu in bed but it’s unexpected bc it’s stan and reader is like 😳 i hope this made sense lol thank u
guys!!! im so sorry i made u all wait so long ahhh, i hope u enjoy!
warning: smut, unprotected sex, oral (fem receiving), dirty talk, masturbation, fluff at the end, unedited
[losers + reader are 18+ in this.]
2.5k words
you sigh, glad that your parents aren't home as you plop down on your bed heavily. you're exhausted and totally pent up, ready to relax after a long day. after working this morning you went to the quarry with the others and soaked in the warm weather until dinnertime. 
but you'd fought with stan on your walk home from the quarry, and now you’re completely tense. he was annoyed because eddie had carried you around in the water, tickling you as you wrapped your hands around his neck. 
stan had no right to be mad, but for some reason he kept saying it was annoying to have to watch - so you'd called him out.
his eyebrows were furrowed as the two of you spat back and forth on the walk home, hair wet and dripping onto your clothes. he'd rolled his eyes hundreds of times at you when you'd tried to reason with him, saying that he was being a dick for no reason, and that he sounded jealous. he just kept rolling those goddamn eyes.
and now, as your hand slips into your panties, you think about how clenched his jaw was when he looked at you and how good he looked in the fading sunlight.
flashes of golden skin shivering with light goosebumps, droplets of water rolling down a bare chest... you shake your head lightly.
you slip your fingers into yourself, pumping slowly and moaning quietly. you just needed to get off, and then you'd feel better.  stan keeps slipping into your mind and it doesn't surprise you, not after going down to the quarry today, playing chicken, and then fighting afterward.
you always forget how tan stan gets from baseball in the summers - and how fit he is. so when richie had insisted he and stan go up against you and bev in a game of chicken and stan was grinning at you, shoving you lightly, you couldn't help but stare. 
of course, bev gave you so much shit but she was staring just as much as you.
so doesn't shock you when stan wont leave your thoughts, your legs twitching in pleasure as you think about your best friend. you sigh, eyes closing. 
stan's immediately there again, smirking at you, laughing and smiling, clenching his jaw, glaring at you, kissing the column of your neck, tossing you onto the bed...
your fingers pick up slightly and you can't help the gasp that leaves your mouth as you think about stan's hands on you. 
"stan," you whimper, biting your lip. your eyes are still screwed shut, one hand fingering yourself and the other on your chest. you can't help but moan out his name again. "please, stan."
but suddenly, you're pulled out of your daydreams as a voice calls out in what was supposed to be your empty room. "you expecting me?"
you open your eyes and stan is standing in your goddamn doorway. your stomach drops. "STAN!" you yelp, hand slipping out of your panties as your hands moving to stable yourself on both sides of your body, your cheeks flaming up. "why are you here, what the fuck?" you hiss. his mouth is slightly open with a half-smirk as he stares at you.
"were you just-" stanley starts and you shake your head violently, "stan, n-no."
he just lifts a brow at you, his cheeks red but his face in a suggestive smirk. "you sure?" he asks, stepping further into your room. your hand moves to clutch your shirt tightly and your stomach coils. "what do you mean?" you ask sheepishly, hoping to god that he didn't hear you. he just smirks, lifting a brow.
since when did stan get this kind of cockiness? you scowl, "why are you even fucking here, stanley?" you say sharply.
"well i was here to talk to you." he says, eyes raking over your figure unabashedly. "but if i'm interrupting something-"
"shut up, stanley." you snap, nostrils flaring in anger. "you're a dick." you mutter, completely embarrassed. you think you might cry because of the way stan's smirking at you, standing above you. 
he's smiling tauntingly and you want to slap him. 
you stand up, hoping to gain some leverage but he doesn't budge as you try to shove him out of your room. you don't care that you're wearing only a t shirt and your panties as you shove at his shoulders, him laughing lightly. 
his hands fall to your wrists, "hey, you can't blame me. that was hot as fuck." he says almost sheepishly and you blanch, eyes wide. he certainly heard you masturbate to him and now he's calling it hot. "wh-what?" you stammer.
he grins at you, relieved that you stopped assaulting him and now he's just holding you, tugging you closer slowly. "well, i'm here now. you don't have to imagine it anymore." he says simply, stating it like its the most simple thing in the world.
 "stan." you whisper, eyes wide in shock. his hands drop your wrists and he slips his arms around your waist to hold you. you put your hands on his shoulders lightly, blinking at him. "y/n." he whispers back, smirking at you. "let me make you feel good." he whispers again and you raise your eyebrows, stomach flipping.
shit, this was a dream. it had to be...
you nod numbly, muttering an, "okay."
and with a smile, he leans down to kiss you. you keen towards him in surprise, hands wrapping around him and holding his shoulders in shock. he nudges you backwards and the two of you fall to your bed. you let out a breath as you hit the mattress, smiling as he leans in to kiss you on the lips. his tongue runs along your bottom lip and you open your mouth for him, feeling him grind softly against your core. "fuck, stan." you whimper into his mouth and he kisses along your jaw, moving his hips against yours again.
"when were you going to tell me you get off to thinking of me?" he mutters into your ear and you swallow, groaning quietly. jesus.
when was anybody going to tell you that stan was such a bold talker in bed? stanley fucking uris?
"d-didn't think you'd care to know." you mutter, face bright red in shock as he thrusts against your hips, both of you moaning softly. he chuckles lightly against your collarbone, sucking a mark lightly before leaning up. 
"i've wanted to hear you say my name like that for a really long time." he says, cheeks turning red, leaning back to take off his shirt. your mouth dries up as his shirt gets discarded on the floor. he always makes you speechless but the sight of stan in between your legs, breathing quickly and muscles contracting and cheeks flushed almost makes you cum instantly. 
he lifts the hem of your shirt and you pull it fully off, pressing a kiss to his lips hotly. he kisses you roughly, tongue licking into your mouth and making you gasp.
he moves between your hips slowly, kissing over your naked chest and licking over your nipples, pulling one into his mouth. you gasp and he smiles, moving to nip softly at your stomach.  "let me see how wet you made yourself thinking of me." he mutters, pulling your legs apart. you smack him in the back of the head in embarrassment and he just chuckles, "don't be like that, y/n/n. i just want to see if i can make you moan my name like that again." he mutters.
with that, he kisses over your clothed clit and you inhale sharply, looking down at him as he stares up at you. you turn red at the sight of stan in between your thighs, shirtless in his boxers with a smirk on his lips and hair tousled. "is this okay?" he asks and you nod desperately. he smiles to himself as he slides your underwear down your thighs, biting his lip.
he leans forward, licking a stripe up your heat and making you groan. he swirls his tongue around your clit and your hand immediately threads through his curls. his hands snake up to hold your waist as he starts to move his tongue, holding you down so you couldn't buck your hips. 
"stan." you whimper, back arching and yelping as he slips a finger inside you. he hums around your clit and your toes curl, gasping and whining as he pumps into you and curling it. his name falls out of your lips like a prayer and he's groaning into you.
"please, stan. i need you." you whimper and stan looks up, his lips shining. he grins at you as your chest rises and falls and he slips another finger inside you. he watches you as your face twists in pleasure and he leans up to kiss you hotly. "you have me, then." he mutters into the shell of your ear as he pulls back, fingers still pumping into you roughly as he palms himself.
you moan as he pulls his fingers out of you and you sit up eagerly, pushing his shoulders lightly so he's sitting as you straddle him, his boxers discarded on the ground. you take his cock in your hand, biting your lips as you realize how fucking big he is. much bigger than expected.
he has a cocky grin on his features that you rarely ever see in every day life - but one which has shown up frequently in the last thirty minutes. you roll your eyes, "don't give me that look, uris." you say as you pump him slowly. "i'll look at you however i want." he sasses, still smirking lightly as he pushes you back down. your eyes widen at his dominance and you moan when he crawls in between your legs and kisses you hard, taking your breath away.
you whimper as he teases his head against your entrance, rubbing you lightly. "please." you whisper against his lips. he huffs lightly, "speak up, baby." he says, making you scowl. "god, you're so annoying." you say, your face red. 
he laughs, still rubbing his cock against your clit and making you groan in need. "c'mon, you can do it." he whispers against your lips.
it's so hot, the way that stan talks to you like this, your best friend....
"please fuck me, stan." you whimper, your hands around his shoulders squeezing. he chuckles, "that wasn't so hard, was it baby?" he says, winking at you. you don't have time to respond though as he pushes his cock inside you, making you gasp and rake your nails down his back. 
he stills once he's buried to the hilt, kissing you as he waits for you to adjust to his size. after a few moments, he moves his hips against you, fingers rising up to tease your nipples as he starts to fuck into you. you can't speak as he fucks into you, shocked with bliss and surprise that this is happening.
he tuts. "suddenly so shy. you weren't so quiet when i wasn't in the room." stan mutters as he fucks into you, his thin necklace chain glinting by the light of your lamp. your cheeks heat up again, completely shocked that stan, the boy who loves bird watching, could say things like this. 
it's incredibly hot.
"stan, oh my god." you whimper as he hits deep inside of you, your toes curling as he pulls your hips closer and up off the bed. "you like how i make you feel?" he mutters, sucking a mark into your neck. "yes, please don't stop." you whimper, loving how he fills you up. he's hitting deep into you and you can't stop whimpering.
"so good, baby. you touch yourself and think of me, huh?" he mutters and you whimper, nodding as he fucks you into your mattress, his finger snaking down to rub your clit. your eyebrows scrunch in pleasure, moving your hips with his in time, chasing the pleasure you know is about to release in your body.
"fuck, y/n/n. love the sounds you make." he whispers into your ear, rubbing your clit in figure eights. you moan even louder because of his words, knowing you're about to cum. "stan, i- i'm gonna cum." you say quietly. he thrusts harder, hands squeezing your hip and thigh as he slams into you. he hums, "yeah you are, baby." he mutters and that pushes you over the edge. 
you clench on his cock as he rides you through your high, your voice whimpering and moaning loudly as he whispers the dirtiest words you've ever heard in your ear, thumb rubbing against your clit and making you clench your thighs around his waist. his thrusts become sloppy and with a, "fuck, y/n." he groans. you feel him spill inside you, stilling as he finishes. he kisses your neck, sucking lightly as he collapses next to you on the mattress and pulls out of you slowly.
 "holy shit, stan." you say breathlessly as he pulls you closer to him, your skin hot. you're breathing heavily as your bodies meld together, stan kissing your hairline softly. "y/n," he says, looking down at you. you look up at him, unsure about what's about to happen. he's running his hands up and down your bare back softly, giving you light goosebumps.
"i... uh, i really like you." he says with a blinding smile, his cheeks red. your eyes are wide again, "i like you too, stan. i- i think i made that pretty obvious." you say with a light giggle, nuzzling into his neck. he chuckles, arms wrapping tightly around you. 
you pull back to look at him as you realize something, "stan... i can't believe - you just pulled a full 180. what the fuck was that?" you laugh as you meet his eyes. 
he looks sheepish, "sorry." 
you shake your head with a smile, "that was... i liked it, a lot. who knew that you had a think for talkin-" he cuts off your words as he pinches your ass, chuckling into a kiss. he pulls you closer, hand smoothing over your side as you sigh, loving the feeling of him all over you. you break away from the kiss. "shut up, y/n." he says, kissing your head lightly.
its comfortably silent for a few moments. 
"by the way, i came over here to apologize." he mutters, and you look up at him. "oh, is that so?" you ask with a smirk and he rolls his eyes, "yeah, yeah. sorry that i was a dick earlier. i was... jealous." he mutters.
you almost laugh, "no! really? you?" you ask jokingly and he shoves you, taking his arms off of you. you laugh, rolling your eyes at the boy. 
"shut up." he mutters, kissing next to your ear. you laugh again lightly, sighing.
then he kisses your cheek and turns to starts to pull up his boxers. "where are you going?" you whine, slightly nervous he'll leave you. he shrugs and you watch his shoulders shake as he laughs. "we're getting ice cream, you asshole." he mutters.
you smile, shaking your head as your face flushes. what the fuck just happened?
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lightneverfades · 4 years
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Frostiron Holiday Wishes Challenge ❆ 🎅🎄Master Post! 
Thank you to all those who’ve submitted a prompt/wish and lovely artwork/fics for these wishes! Here is a compiled list of all the prompt fills received! :D <3 
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Requester: @kimmycup Wish (Prompt/Idea): Invasion fic where Tony figures out Loki was mind controlled before Loki does: "But I WAS in control. Thanos didn't control me like I did Clint." "Yeah sure. And if you wanted to take over the world, what would you do?" Loki spluttered, fully aware that plan was dumb. Still, he would KNOW if he were controlled... Right? "But I wasn't mind controlled! It was me!"
❆ Fill: By @worstloki Link: https://lightneverfades.tumblr.com/post/638613717830008832/
Requester: @brianadoesart Wish (Prompt/Idea): Cupcake shop au!!!  One of our boys owns a cupcake shop and the other one is a FREQUENT visitor to said coffee shop. Lots of people think its because they have a sweet tooth, but they're just hopelessly in love with whichever one owns the shop.
❆ Fill: By @worstloki Link: https://lightneverfades.tumblr.com/post/638613402351239168/
Requester: @snarkyship Wish (Prompt/Idea): Human/no powers AU. Sort-of-enemies to friends to lovers.Tony rents this house/bungalow by the sea for the summer, with a kind of private beach where there is also a cute gazebo. Only that the gazebo is exactly halfway with the other property (by some mistake?). And the tenant of the neighbour bungalow is Loki, who's not so keen on sharing. So Loki&Tony will start a "war" to gain possession of the gazebo, doing their worst using the excuse of "this is my half, I can use it as I want". ((Optional: there is a table right in the middle, so at the beginning they sit at their own side glaring at each other, before starting deploying more convoluted tactics)).Mischief after mischief, they will start to know each other and of course everything will end with one of them inviting the other to their half for a romantic dinner and they'll end up sharing more than the gazebo <3((I hope it's enough clear and but also not too detailed??))
❆ Fill: By @worstloki Link: https://lightneverfades.tumblr.com/post/638612819398606848/
Requester: @loufeysson​​ Wish (Prompt/Idea): Hi! my prompt is teenage Tony and android Loki in a futuristic universe (in the style of Black Mirror, maybe?) 🥺👉🏼👈🏼 Thank you!
❆ Fill: By @lightneverfades (yours truly haha!) Link: https://lightneverfades.tumblr.com/post/638487122698010624/
Requester: @lightneverfades​  Wish (Prompt/Idea): Loki is a yoga instructor and one day Tony goes to one of his classes and finds out the best positions to ‘relax’ - body, mind and soul >:D. (I love puns, so go crazy hahaha!) 
❆ Fill: By @snarkyship​  Link: https://snarkyship.tumblr.com/post/638415118181580800/
Requester: @martiszcz​ Wish (Prompt/Idea): Someone is trying to break them up by making Loki jealous, mentioning Tony's playboy years, talking about the time they slept with Tony, talking about how much time he spends with some friend (Pepper, Rhodey, I don't care who) but Loki doesn't react - they trust each other.
❆ Fill: By @snarkyship​ Link: https://lightneverfades.tumblr.com/post/638434199159865344/
Requester: Nivael * Wish (Prompt/Idea): Loki and Tony are in an established relationship. Things go great, but Loki is still unaccepting of his Jotun heritage and body. While Tony is completely fascinated by it, partly because Loki tries to hide it so hard. So he gets a fancy magical gadget from Strange (amulet, bracelet,...?) to be able to avoid frostbite so he can touch Loki even when he's in his Jotun form. Then there will be smut! :D
❆ Fill: By @snarkyship​ Link: https://lightneverfades.tumblr.com/post/638434042873872384
Requester: @loufeysson​​ Wish (Prompt/Idea): Hi! my prompt is teenage Tony and android Loki in a futuristic universe (in the style of Black Mirror, maybe?) 🥺👉🏼👈🏼 Thank you!
❆ Fill: By @snarkyship​ Link: https://lightneverfades.tumblr.com/post/638433959345274880/
Requester: @arandomsewer​   Wish (Prompt/Idea): I just want him to live on and being supported by his Friends and his brother recognizing him, that's basically the prompt. Tho here's the details of the Idea I had: Loki is living at the tower with the others (of course) too proud to say out loud how much he likes life on earth... The usual.Something happens and suddenly the magic that made him look Asgardian is just not working anymore. Understandably, he freaks out. Im talking hides in his room, crying, anger, hate, on himself and others... The whole lot, he just throws a major fit.The others know him and kind of understand and are patient... But it’s not getting fixed. Days pass, and he's stuck like this. After a while Tony snaps him out of It, and he slowly calms down and starts learning to accept this side of himself. It’s specially strange to him how he can just walk in a room and no one treats him different. How the others are even fascinated by this form. I expect Thor being shocked and curious and snapped at and reminded how he (and his people on general) have been unfair to Loki... And of course, there's the romance with Tony, Who loves him in all his forms (and they fit together 'cause he's kinky and Loki a shapeshifter)Also imagine Loki being terrified of touching Tony and then finding out he's cold to the touch but not actually dangerous (my headcanon: he's the son of Hella. Half giant and half Asgardian, and the actual heir... But that's for another fic)
❆ Fill: By @snarkyship​ Link: https://lightneverfades.tumblr.com/post/638433872244326400/
Requester: @kimmycup​ Wish (Prompt/Idea): Loki in Tony's MIT sweatshirt.
❆ Fill: By @snarkyship​ Link: https://lightneverfades.tumblr.com/post/638403067804598272/
Requester: @worstloki​ Wish (Prompt/Idea): Tony and Loki both having panic attacks at the same time. just make it wild. whatever the reasons are, maybe it's the same reason? maybe they have shared triggers? maybe it's separate reasons? maybe the other avengers are around and don't realize the incoming attacks and keep bringing up bad memories? maybe one of them notices the other is freaking out and defends them? maybe drags them away only to also start having a panic attack? whatever. they're both freaking out and just kinda do that. they then bond over it. (this can be crack or angsty I don't mind)
❆ Fill: By @snarkyship​ Link: https://lightneverfades.tumblr.com/post/638402945408499712/
Requester: @shinindragon​ Wish (Prompt/Idea): The Avengers + Loki fight a villain. Loki uses a lot of his magic, eventually almost draining his energy completely when he protects Tony from getting hurt. When the battle is over, they return to the tower, all of them exhausted. Tony notices Loki doesn't look well, he asks if he's okay. Loki barely gets a word out before he collapses into Tony's arms, unconscious. Thor carries Loki to Tony's and his bedroom, explaining to Tony that he'll be alright, it's just exhaustion from an excessive use of magic. Tony stays with Loki, taking care of him. Fluff and with a sprinkle of angst. 
❆ Fill: By @snarkyship​ Link: https://lightneverfades.tumblr.com/post/638402848705675264
Requester: @blancoluna​ Wish (Prompt/Idea): Basically Friga wonders where she went wrong, asks the Oracle and goes on a guilt trip realizing she messed up to Valhalla and back. The idea is, being a queen-godess of family, she should be able to do something about it, maybe traveling in time or something... And Loki's gonna need powerful allies and Friends, like the Avengers, for example Now the same, but with detail. This is the way I imagined It. Perhaps it’s too much drama? I just don't know how to tackle It or how to go from here:After everything that happened, Frigga wonders where she went wrong, not just with Loki, but with Thor who didn't appreciate his brother, Odín, who treated him unfairly and even the servants, Who didn't respect him.She wonders if she could have done anything, and the guilt wont let her sleep until she goes to the well of wisdom, the Oracle, to seek answers.She is warned the truth may be even more painful. She may not like the answer... But she goes in.It is way worse than she thought: in one second she is reminded of all the times she should have acted, and chose not to, and she sees how It affected her family.She could and should have done something, and she had plenty of time, but at every chance she chose not to. And its perhaps worse than what Odin did because she knew It was wrong but chose to do nothing about It.But even more: It is confirmed to her that not only Odín never gave Loki a chance: he didn't find him. He stole him from the temple where he was guarded. He is not just the son of Louffey, but also of Hella, and thus, the actual heir to the throne of Asgard.She was supposed to be the godess of family, and here she was, consumed by guilt and shame, by having followed blindly a King Who abused her children and betrayed his own heir, aside from many other crimes.But Frigga can't just spend the test of eternity crying. She must do something. She was raised by witches!!Will she manage to get her hands on the time Stone? Or Will she just travel to another dimension to warn a younger version of herself? Will this be the beginning of a new multiverse? The possibilities are endless, when the godess of family must avenge her child...But first: for him to have a better Life he would need support, allies... Friends. (Enter the Avengers)
Add-on: Frigga having this vision was just meant to be a one shot that would connect many different alternative stories, all with the 'what if Frigga did something for Loki' as a common base. All of them would be Frostiron 'cause I honestly believe they are just meant for one another! It is just so open to so many possibilities... That I never got to writing any of them.
One of the first ideas I had following this concept was of Frigga introducing Tony and Loki early on somehow: as kids they would be like 'imaginary friends' then Tony manages to contact him and they are webcam buds... As young adults, they would help each other go a different path than they did in other lives.... and when Loki needed help, he had allies to back him. (The Avengers, whom Tony may have introduced to him earlier)
❆ Fill: By @snarkyship​ Link: https://lightneverfades.tumblr.com/post/638402661807521793
Requester: @brianadoesart​ Wish (Prompt/Idea): A.... Among Us au.......  Impostor Loki protecting his crewmate friend Tony from the other impostors.... I..... Tony and Loki as Among Us beans...
❆ Fill: By @snarkyship​ Link: https://lightneverfades.tumblr.com/post/638403011653353472/
Requester: @kimmycup​  Wish (Prompt/Idea): Loki in Tony's MIT sweatshirt.
❆ Fill: By @shinindragon​ Link: https://lightneverfades.tumblr.com/post/638390052569907200
Requester: @brianadoesart​ Wish (Prompt/Idea): A.... Among Us au.......  Impostor Loki protecting his crewmate friend Tony from the other impostors.... I..... Tony and Loki as Among Us beans...
❆ Fill: By @kimmycup​ Link: https://lightneverfades.tumblr.com/post/638390059063803904
Requester: @brianadoesart​ Wish (Prompt/Idea): MERMAIDS. I like mermaids. Either a fic or art, but I just want more content of mer-Loki or mer-Tony.   I always enjoy versions where Loki is an underwater prince who falls in love with a stupid human inventor by the name of Tony. He's never been 100% happy in the palace with Thor and the others, so he often would go to the shore to watch the humans. He sees Tony working on the beach one day and becomes interested in him from there on. Basically a little mermaid type thing... I am easy to please. I just like mermaids.
❆ Fill: By @lightneverfades (yours truly haha!) Link: https://lightneverfades.tumblr.com/post/638511932186525696/
Requester: @snarkyship​​ Wish (Prompt/Idea): Finally Tony has managed to locate Loki's whereabouts. And it turns out the godling lives in a pretty loft in Manhattan, with all the comforts and the most advanced midgardian technology ((lighting, temperature and everything controlled by a tablet - the Stark latest model!- , appliances linked to the wifi, and has that roomba a knife??)).Tony decides to have a little fun: who said Loki is the only one who can do a little mischief?? So he takes control over Loki's apartment hacking its system; he starts with some flickering lights, the roomba changing suddenly trajectory to stab him, then blasting music in the middle of the night and so on.And Loki would be so frustrated: at the beginning he thinks about some failure in the inferior midgardian technology, then he'll think to be under attack, but he can't feel any magic signature!! Maybe he'll freak out a little, because there is some kind of unknown entity??? ((And while he may be using all the technology without problems, it doesn't mean he fully understands its working)).Tony will have fun, but he also will discover some cute aspects of Loki's personality, like he sings to his plants and he likes to wear fuzzy socks ((ok it sounds voyeuristic, but Tony would respect part Loki's privacy, maybe he'll spy on him only when in the living room or kitchen)).((And maybe he would help Loki as well? Like, the godling had a nightmare after falling asleep on the couch, and Tony would gently woke him up with music))Loki will eventually understand that Stark, the most clever midgardian, was behind all of this, and well, he's the God of Mischief, he can appreciate a well planned trick. Time to return the favor ;)
❆ Fill: By @lightneverfades (yours truly haha!) Link: https://lightneverfades.tumblr.com/post/638390071764074496/
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broadwaycantdie · 5 years
National Best Friends Day! - Newsies (Pride) Month . Day 8
( albert & race ) + ( modernish )
a/n: the best buds which also remind me a lot of me and my best bud so that’s why i picked them :)
it says “modernish” cause im talking about the past but it’s the future (?) like it starts in the past as in the early 2000’s and goes up until today
warnings: none
background: Albert and Race have been friends since kindergarten. They lived in the same neighborhood and were the best of friends. This is how it started as well as how it went throughout the years.
the first day of kindergarten race walked right up to albert who was engaged in looking at the class pet—a lizard—and introduced himself
race asked him to be his best friend and he said yes and he’s kept that promise ever since
their elementary school years consisted of chasing each other around the playground, playing with pokémon cards, riding in the back of each other’s mom’s mini vans, trading happy meal toys, and always going back inside just in time for dinner
as kids they would bike to each other’s house every day, alternating who went to whose house
then they went to middle school
the same middle school, luckily
all throughout elementary school they were in the same class
somehow it just worked out like that
but 6th grade was all different
this was the first time they had separate classes
but luckily by this time they were close enough to not let a thing like that drift them apart
they might not have had every class together
but the ones they did have were wild
god help their teachers
6th grade they shared english, gym, and math
which was great for them
they both struggled in english so they used that class to make jokes and fool around
math was great for race
he’s always been a math wiz
so he let albert copy helped albert with his work
gym was where they SHINED
these boys have always been athletic and competitive
when they were on a team together, they were the dynamic duo who could communicate without words
when they were against each other it was war...friendly war, but war
they went through 7th and 8th grade similarly, growing and changing but keeping their friendship a priority
they spent those days hanging in skateparks, drinking slurpees till their heads went numb, making mixtapes, playing street sports, and going to each other’s houses to watch music videos on youtube
high school started
everything changed in high school
albert got a spot on the hockey team
race became a mathlete
and they lived two very different lives
but that didn’t stop them from being best friends
absolutely nothing could do that
they just had to work harder to spend time together
they had two classes together freshman year
biology—which made dissections interesting—and gym again—which was always great for them, not much others though
sophomore year came and went
race failed his drivers test 6 times so at that point he just gave up
albert got his license first try
so he just drove them both to and from school everyday
which means race spends a lot of time watching him at practice
the matheletes only meet once a week
hockey practice is everyday
but he doesn’t mind that much
he uses that time to practice equations or catch up on homework or just dick around
they spent their first two years hanging out at shops in walking distance of the school, albert teaching race how to play hockey, tutoring at the local library, and falling asleep during movies from school exhaustion
junior year was crazy
they built up a pretty large friend group
but they still kept it close as homies
exams, college, pressure, games, tournaments
everything was crazy
they kept each other going though
by time the ACT roled around they had already been slowly studying for months
they were still both struggling in english
but race helped albert with his math
this time more than just letting him copy
race actually ended up getting a perfect score in math but not much else
and albert finished!
which was a victory in his mind since he fell asleep 5 times
they applied to colleges together
and scholarships
so so so many scholarships
they wanted to pay as little as possible
albert even considered selling an organ to pay for classes
but they just had to do what was needed to be done
they both applied to the same college as to not be separated
and cause it was cheap and they both liked it
they spent that summer driving around the countryside, working at the same restaurant, getting sunburnt at the beach, waiting for acceptance letters, and missing their childhood
senior year was the best and worst year of their lives
they took the easiest possible classes
besides race’s math class cause he’s a genius and a nerd
but other than that they took every basic class and dropped as many as possible
they got free periods, “easy a” electives, and ended up having most of their classes together
they actually had every class together except for one—the period race had math
a miracle by all means
but they didn’t question it
they just quietly thanked whoever was out there and moved on
when they got letters from the only college they applied for they waited to open them together
they screamed when they found out they both got in
and immediately started planning out how their dorms would be set up and what they wanted
albert was now team captain and made it to state with his hockey team
race went on to nationals with the matheletes
they both won their respective events
scholarships rolled in left and right
by time graduation rolled around albert had a full ride on a hockey scholarship and race got huge help from his time in the matheletes and collectively with the rest of his scholarships got nearly a full ride, only having to pay a hundred dollars in total
the day they graduated was so emotional
this was it
they spent every year in school together for the past 13 years and now it was about to be over
after they walked across stage and out the doors of the convention center, they hugged
they hugged so tight for a really long time
neither of them will admit that they cried
but they both did
this wasn’t the end of their friendship
just the end of an era
an era that included staying up late, making jokes no one would understand, signing yearbooks with messages that would be treasured forever, sharing new music, crying from stress, hockey games, varsity quiz competitions, playing video games, breaking albert’s car speakers from playing music too loud, getting mcdonald’s happy meal toys no matter what age they hit, countless birthdays and holidays, gifts that meant so much more than money, and memories they would carry with them until they were dead
but most importantly
the best friendship two guys could ask for
this wasn’t the end
it was just the beginning
now they had their whole lives ahead of them
and they were never going to slow down
their real lives were just starting
and they wouldn’t want to go through it with anyone else
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madpanda75 · 6 years
“Happy Birthday Babies!” Part of Hostage Series
The reader FINALLY gives birth to the twins!
I have to say, I re-did this story so many times. I just couldn’t decide what to do with it (should I make it fluffy? Dramatic?) so I’m worried that it’s not my best work and for that I apologize. ❤️
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It was a scorching hot summer day. The air conditioner and extra fans you had brought into the living room drowned out the sound of the morning news show playing in the background while you sat on the couch opening a baby gift. “Oh my God!!!” You shrieked. “Rafael! Look!!!”
You heard footsteps rushing down the stairs, your husband nearly tripping over his own feet as he ran into the living room. “What!? What is it?! Is it time?”
“No, it’s not that. Look at these cute baby suspenders my friend got for the twins!” You held up two pairs of matching pink and blue suspenders.
Rafael let out a sigh of relief, clutching his chest, “Cariño, you scared me. I thought you were in labor.”
“Sorry, babe. I just got excited. Aren’t they cute, though? Now the twins will be just like their Papi,” you cooed.
“Adorable,” he smiled and sat next to you on the couch. “Are you sure you’re going to be ok today?”
“Don’t worry about us. We’ll be fine,” you rubbed your protruding belly. Although you had wanted to work up until your due date, you were exhausted, uncomfortable and it was becoming increasingly difficult to get around. At your doctor’s request, you had been put on modified bed rest for the past week.
“I’m just saying, I can work from home today if you need me.”
You narrowed your eyes at your husband. “Rafael, I don’t like people hovering over me. Get out while you can,” you teased, looking down at your stomach. “After these two come, you’ll be stuck at home for six weeks.”
He leaned down to kiss your belly twice before placing a kiss on your lips, “You know I never feel stuck with you. I can’t wait to be home with these little ones.”
“I know, sweetie.” You ran your fingers through this hair and straightened his tie when Mila walked into the room. You bit back a laugh when you saw your daughter. She had placed a pillow under her t-shirt and was cradling her faux baby bump.
“I’m on bed rest too!” She sighed, collapsing onto the couch next to you.
Rafael chuckled, “Ok, I’ll leave you ladies to it.” He kissed you and Mila before getting up to finish getting ready for work.
You walked into your bedroom as the sun began to dip below the horizon. Your day had been spent, folding baby clothes, spending some quality mommy-daughter time with Mila. Sitting on your bed, you felt a cramp radiate from your lower back. You had been experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions sporadically the past week, but today they were becoming more frequent. Your whole body tensed. You closed your eyes and let out a deep breath.
“Mommy, ok?” Mila asked, climbing onto your bed.
“I’m fine, baby.” You ran your fingers through her curls. “Do you want to watch a movie before dinner?”
“Yeah!” She jumped out of bed and grabbed a movie, choosing your wedding DVD. She had recently discovered it when you moved into your new apartment. The little girl loved watching her parents, seeing all of her family dance around at the reception, to her it looked like a real life fairytale. Mila snuggled up to your side as you started the movie. “Mommy, you look like a princess!” She said when you came onto the screen.
“Thank you, mi amor. Someday, that’s going to be you and Papi is going to walk you down the aisle,” you kissed the top of her head, watching the movie as Rafael appeared on the screen.
He had tears in his eyes and the biggest, brightest smile as he watched you walk down the aisle towards him. You smiled back, practically running into his arms when you came up to the altar. The four horsemen of the apocalypse could have galloped into that church but neither of you would have noticed, all you could focus on was each other.
Mila was sound asleep, laying on your leg, by the time you and Rafael had your first dance. You didn’t have the heart to move her. Your eyes became shiny with tears watching you and your husband sway on the dance floor. With all the chaos that life brought, the everyday mundane tasks, the exhaustion of being a parent, watching your wedding movie was a nice reminder of the love you and Rafael had for each other and the life you had created out of that love.
As if on cue, your husband came into the bedroom, a smile tugged at his lips when he saw what you were watching. “That was a great day,” he softly said.
“It really was,” you reached out for your him. He took your hand, placing a kiss on your palm and sat next to you.
Winding his arm around your shoulders, he kissed you deeply. “I love you,” he whispered against your lips.
“I love you too,” you pulled him closer, returning the kiss when you felt a sharp cramp again. You gasped and clutched your stomach.
Rafael knitted his brows in concern, “Y/N? Are you ok?”
Before you could even respond, you felt a pop followed by a trickle of water, a wet spot forming on the crotch of your leggings. “Raf, my water just broke.”
Ten minutes after you made your announcement, you were sitting in the passenger seat of the car. Rafael sped towards the hospital, one hand on the steering wheel, the other holding yours as you breathed through your contractions.
“My mom is going to meet us at the hospital and pick up Mila,” he said, trying to keep calm.
You nodded your head, doubling over and groaning in pain when a particularly intense contraction hit.
“Mommy? Is it time for babies?” Mila asked from the backseat.
You looked back at your daughter, “Si, muñequita, the babies are coming. You’re going to be a big sister.”
A nurse brought over a wheelchair when you arrived at the hospital. “Wait right here, we’ll get a room ready for you,” she said.
“Ohhh ow ow! Oh God!” You winced and held your stomach.
“Mommy, I kiss your boo boo and make it all better,” Mila bent down to kiss your stomach. “It didn’t work,” she mumbled when she saw you were still in pain.
“Breathe, mi amor,” Rafael began to breathe deeply, encouraging you to follow his pattern. You mimicked his breathing even Mila joined in, the three of you inhaling and exhaling when his phone began to buzz. “That’s my mom,” he replied. “Come on, Mila. Let’s go see abuela.”
Your daughter vehemently shook her head and clutched your arm, “No! I’m scared! Wanna stay with you and Mommy.”
You breathed through another contraction and cupped your daughter’s face, trying not to show her how much pain you were in. “Sweetie, I need you to be Mommy’s brave girl and go to abuela. I’m going to see you later, ok?”
“Pinky Promise?” She looked up at you with big green eyes.
“Of course, amorcita.” You kissed her cheeks and locked your pinky with hers before Rafael took her to Lucia.
As you were waiting for Rafael to come back, another wheelchair was brought next to you. Your eyes widened in surprise when you recognized the woman. “Rita?! What are you doing here?”
“What does it look like I’m doing here? Handing out lollipops!” She clutched her swollen stomach in pain. “Oh God, it feels like I’m shitting out of my vagina, get this child out of me NOW!”
“Congratulations, counselor. Is it Buchanan’s? I didn’t know you two were still an item.”
“Well wonders never cease, detective. I hope this baby doesn’t have as big a head as he does or I’m in trouble,” she growled as a nurse wheeled her away.
Rafael came back and placed a hand on your shoulder, his eyes following the woman screaming in pain being led into the maternity ward. “Was that Rita?”
“Yep. A Buchanan/Calhoun baby, that kid is going to rule the world-”
“Or destroy it,” he added.
You gasped in pain, digging your nails into your husband’s arm, “This is a bad one.” Finally a nurse led you down the hall to your room. Rafael walked beside you, squeezing your hand, unable to stop the excitement he felt at meeting the twins.
By the time you were taken to the room and had your vitals checked, your labor had progressed significantly. You were hooked up to a fetal monitor so the doctor could watch the twins’ heartbeats and follow your contractions.
Rafael was an incredible coach. He was patient and gentle, rubbing your back in soothing circles, wiping the sweat off your brow, all while telling you how amazing you were. When Mila was born he didn’t get the chance to support you through your labor and he was determined to make up for it.
You let out a long low groan, squeezing your husband’s hand so tight, his fingers were practically purple. “Fuck, I forgot how much this hurts!”
The contractions were becoming more intense and closer together. “Breathe, Y/N,” Rafael pushed your hair back, inhaling and exhaling with you. “Are you sure you don’t want an epidural?”
You shook your head, “No, I went without meds for Mila. I can do it again. I just wish these two would hurry up.” You placed your hands on your stomach, silently willing your body to give birth already. “Babe, can you get me more ice chips. I want to take advantage before my next contraction hits.”
“Of course, cariño.” He brought you ice chips just when you were hit with a particular bad contraction. You sobbed in pain, clutching onto him as your only source of comfort. “You’re doing great. I’m right here,” he rested his forehead against yours, holding you close.
“How are we feeling?” The doctor asked when she entered the room, entirely too perky for you at that moment.
“In excruciating pain,” you gritted your teeth, whining through a contraction.
She checked the fetal monitor before turning to you, her expression serious, “Mr. and Mrs. Barba, I’m afraid that the monitor is showing some signs of fetal distress.
“Fetal distress. What does that mean?” Rafael asked.
“It means Baby B’s heart rate is dropping. Most likely due to pressure on the umbilical cord. We’re going to give you oxygen and have you lay on your left side, to take the pressure off your major blood vessels. If the heart rate doesn’t pick up, I advise that we do a c-section.” She saw the frightened look on your face and gave you a reassuring smile, “Don’t worry, Mrs. Barba. We’re going to take good care of you and your babies.”
A nurse helped to position your body and provided you an oxygen mask. Tears pricked the corner of your eyes as you breathed deeply into the mask, groaning with every intense contraction. “Raf, I’m scared. I need you.”
Rafael held your hand and cradled your stomach with the other. “Everything will be fine. I’ll be by your side the whole time, I promise,” he whispered.
The baby’s heart rate didn’t come back up and you were quickly being wheeled away into surgery. A nurse stopped Rafael when you reached the operating room, handing him scrubs to change into. You panicked when you lost his grip and reached out for him, “Rafael!?”
“I’ll be right there, honey,” he called out after you. He changed as quickly as possible while the doctor was preparing you for surgery.
You laid on the table, watching as they put up the divider sheet, tears pooling in your eyes. Rafael came into the room and sat by your side. His face half covered by a surgical mask. If it wasn’t for his green eyes, you wouldn’t have recognized him.
“Rafi,” you whimpered, your body shaking from a combination of adrenaline and the spinal anesthesia.  
“Shhhh, it’s ok. Rory and Ben are going to be here real soon.” He wiped the tears from your eyes as you listened to the doctor tell you what she was going to do. “I wonder who the twins will look like.” He said, trying to take your mind off the fact that your stomach was being sliced open.
You closed your eyes, trying to envision your children, “I bet they’ll have your eyes. Those Barba genes are strong plus you have the most beautiful eyes. They were the first thing I noticed about you.”
“Just as long as they have your smile. It lights up a room,” he gently stroked your cheek.
You opened your eyes and smiled as you met your husband’s gaze. Letting out a shaky breath, you felt pressure and a firm tug followed by a baby’s cry. “Here’s your baby boy,” the doctor held up a tiny pink squirming baby, crying at the top of his lungs.
The corners of Rafael’s eyes crinkled from above his mask as he smiled, his eyes glossy with tears, he rested his forehead against your temple while you both listened to the cries of your child. “We have a son,” he softly said.
A nurse smiled brightly and placed the infant in your husband’s arms. He leaned closer to you, holding the baby up to your face, his tiny fist brushing up against your cheek. “Benjamin, my beautiful baby boy.” You whispered, tears streaming down your face.
“He’s perfect,” Rafael said, unable to stop his own tears from flowing.
Seconds later, you choked out a sob, when you heard the cries of your second child, a little baby girl. The baby wailed, her eyes closed, fists shaking, unhappy to be ripped from her warm cocoon.
“Shhhh, it’s ok my darling, Mommy’s here,” you cooed as the nurse placed the baby girl in your husband’s arms. “Aurora, my sweet little angel. They’re so perfect.”
“They’re beautiful,” Rafael smiled down at the babies balanced in his arms. His heart swelled at the sound of his children’s cries, until it shattered into a million pieces. He felt as if he was being reborn, experiencing a love that compared to nothing else on this earth. It was the same love he encountered when he first held Mila. All the accolades he had achieved in his life, paled in comparison to that precious perfect moment when he saw his children come into this world.
Two nurses took the babies so they could be weighed and measured. Rafael refused to leave until you were stitched up. “You were amazing. I’m so proud of you, mi amor,” he whispered. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.” You leaned into his touch, happy and relieved to have brought two healthy babies into this world with the love of your life by your side.
While Rafael went to get Mila, you were wheeled into recovery. Aurora and Benjamin laid on your chest, fast asleep, holding onto each other’s hand. Aurora yawned in her sleep, snuggling closer to her brother. Your heart just about burst. How could a yawn be so cute?
After having Mila, you didn’t think it was possible to love more, to love harder. You didn’t think your heart had any more room. Oh how wrong you were. A wave of absolute euphoria washed over you, looking down at the two little lives that you had grown and nourished with your body for the past nine months. An intense love poured out of you, creating an invisible line that connected your heart to those of your children, forming a fierce and unbreakable bond.
You gently kissed the tops of their heads and inhaled their sweet scent, admiring their tiny features. Both babies had heads full of dark hair, perfect pink pouts, and chubby cherub cheeks. “Look at all that hair, no wonder you guys gave me so much heartburn,” you mused.
Rafael poked his head through the door, “Honey, I brought someone who wants to see you.” He led Mila into the room. She was wearing her “Big Sister” t-shirt, carrying two little teddy bears for the twins.
“Mommy!!!” She shouted and ran towards you.
Rafael picked her up and placed her on the bed. “Be gentle, muñequita.”
“Hi my sweet girl! I missed you!” You exclaimed, handing one of the babies over to Rafael so you could hug your daughter with your free arm. She looked so big compared to the twins. You couldn’t believe how fast your little girl was growing. Time truly did fly by
“I miss you too!” She leaned forward to gaze at the tiny bundle in your arms, her eyes widening, a big smile firmly planted on her face. “Hi baby!”
“Mila, this is your baby brother, Benjamin.” You held the infant closer for her to see as Rafael sat on the other side of the bed with your little baby girl. “And Papi is holding your baby sister, Aurora.”
Mila looked between the two babies, “They so tiny. Like my dolls.” She exclaimed. “Can I hold them? Peez!”
“Ok, sweetie, but be careful,” you put a pillow on Mila’s lap before gently placing Benjamin in her arms, keeping your hands under hers to help support the baby. “Put your hand under his neck, mija.”
“You cute baby,” Mila said. “I got you a teddy bear.” The little boy stared up at his big sister, opening and closing his mouth several times before scrunching his face up, letting out a little sneeze. “Bless you!” She giggled, giving him a kiss on the forehead.
Watching your oldest child hold her sibling, you couldn’t help the tears forming in your eyes. You locked eyes with your husband to see that he was crying too. “I love you,” he silently mouthed.
“I love you too,” you mouthed back.
Your hospital room was packed with visitors. The squad, your parents, Carmen, and Lucia all came to see the new Barba babies, even Mrs. Rojas stopped by. The twins were passed from person to person, everyone “oohing” and “awwing” over the bundles of joy.
“Hiya gorgeous,” Sonny cooed, cradling Aurora in his arms. “You look just like your mommy.”
“Ok, Carisi, it’s my turn. Quit hogging the baby,” Olivia teased as he handed the infant over to her. “Hi Rory, you’re so precious,” she smiled and softly stroked her cheek. The tiny baby stretched her limbs, wiggling in the woman’s arms. “Y/N, she really does look like you.”
“And Ben looks just like his Papi,”  Lucia said as the little boy wrapped his hand around his abuela’s finger. “Dios Mio! Que lindo! I feel like I’ve gone back in time holding this handsome boy!” She placed Benjamin upright on her chest, gently bouncing him up and down.
You could’ve sworn you saw Fin wipe away a stray tear when you asked him to be the babies’ godfather. While Amanda and Carmen were overjoyed when you asked if they would be godmothers to the twins.
Amid the excitement, a nurse came in to check on you and the babies. “Five more minutes and then visiting hours are over,” she announced.
“Would you mind taking a picture of us?” You asked, handing her your phone.
“Ok, and then everyone needs to leave. Mommy, Daddy, and babies need their rest.”
Everyone gathered around for the photo. You smiled so hard your cheeks hurt. Your son lay in your arms while Rafael held your daughter with Mila sitting between you both. The love you felt surrounded by your family and friends was overwhelming. For years to come, the picture taken from that day would hang in your house, a moment frozen in time that you would remember for the rest of your life.
You were exhausted by the end of the day. Laying in bed with Rafael, you rested your head on your husband’s shoulder while he was finishing up a crossword puzzle from The New York Times. He was spending the night at the hospital with you and the twins.
“Hole,” you said, glancing down at his puzzle.
He peered at you from above his reading glasses, “Excuse me?”
“32 across, evidence left by a moth. The answer is “hole.”
“I would have gotten that,” he mumbled, nudging your shoulder.
“Not with the answer you put for 25 down,” you quipped.
He playfully tapped you on the head with the newspaper before tossing it aside along with his glasses. Rubbing his face with his hands, he let out a long breath. Although not nearly as tired as you were, it had been a long day for the ADA.
“By the way...you looked sexy in those scrubs they made you wear earlier,” you smirked. “If I hadn’t just given birth, I would ask you to play doctor with me.”
Rafael chuckled, “I beg your pardon, but are you hitting on me?”
“Damn right, I am.” You kissed his jawline, his scruff tickling your lips.
He quirked an eyebrow at you, “May I remind you that I’m a happily married man with three kids and a smoking hot wife.”
“She won’t mind, she told me so herself,” you teased.
He laughed and wrapped his arm around your shoulder as you nuzzled against his chest. “What a day,” he softly said.
“I know...one of the best days of my life,” you yawned, your eyelids feeling heavy.
Rafael looked over at the twins sleeping soundly in their bassinets next to the bed. “I can’t believe they’re actually here, that we made these two perfect little humans.”
You softly snored in response, already fast asleep. He smiled at you, stroking your cheek and kissing your forehead. “You gave me the most beautiful babies, mi amor,” he whispered before gently getting out of your bed. He slept on a cot next to you, never leaving your side, just like he had promised.
@obfuscateyummy @beltzboys2015-blog @letty-o @sweetsummertime99 @sonnysdoll @lyssa1385 @burningsorr0ws @katmstanton @gibbs274 @izzythefanfreak @southern-magnolia @riodallas @eclecticminded @delia26 @glimmerglittergirl @sweetcannolicarisi @babypink224221 @amirightcounsellor
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babyboyoonie · 6 years
you don't have to do this but I have a request for yoongi x ot6 about 'what min yoongi wants, min yoongi gets' , you really don't have to do this so you can just ignore my ask or whatever >,
I know I don’t have to but being able to make you happy even if it’s only a lil bit is all that matters. D-do be more specific next time with your requests lovelies, I spend a lot of time wondering just what the hell im going to write and…yeah…👉🏾👈🏾 AnywAY Here you go! ˚‧*♡ॢ˃̶̤̀◡˂̶̤́♡ॢ*‧˚
Time’s kind of a concept when Yoongi dozes off, curled over Jin’s chest like a content kitten. When cracking jokes and complimenting his boy isn’t one of the options, Jin loses himself in just—just enjoying. Buzzing with tenderness. He doesn’t know when, but at one point, an hour or two after stumbling upon the darling man, he does remember the matter that had him puzzled for hours now. “Say, Yoongicchi,” it comes out softer than he intended to, sort of like a hush; rumbling whisper. Yoongi doesn’t waste time into giving him his attention, eyes slightly widened up. Curious. “What did you do?”
The man looks genuinely confused. Head tilted and eyebrows briefly furrowing as he licks at the tips of his fingertips. Remains of the sugar his strawberries left behind. Jin follows the movements and tries not to be too distracted. It’s a fail. Watching Yoongi is like going off the deep end and being fine drowning here and there. There’s a light, feathery tap of a finger on his chest, thoughtful. “What do you mean?”
“Getting our managers to give us all this—all this free time.”
It’s not that Jin doesn’t like performing, doesn’t like their heavy agenda. But, ah, see, even he gets tired sometimes. This sudden announcement had been surprising, but desperately welcome. Jin wasn’t a fool, only one person could have brung forth this change.
Said person shrugs, a little pout on his lips. “Don’t you do that all the time? Saying no to the managers and literally everyone?”
“I do it to flex on the company and remind them I own all their ass. But you asked that for, for all of us. It’s huge.”
Yoongi huffs. Would have tapped his feet on the floor hadn’t they been curled under him in something that shouldn’t be as comfortable as he made it to be. “Why wouldn’t I get my way? I’m always good, they better say yes to everything I ask them.”
It’s not haughty. Simple. The sky is up there, violets are blue kind of facts. Airy, pretty, definitely not arrogant.
Jin can’t help himself though—“Brat,”
“No,” Yoongi hisses immediately. He presses his lips together, an upset glint in the glaze of his eyes. Guilts stabs at Jin’s heart as quick as thunder does. “I’m good, hyung. I just like things done the way I feel is the best, it’s not—I’m not—“
He doesn’t finish his sentence, lets it crumble to the wind as he waves his hand, lost. Starts to retreat, away from Jin’s body, and that—that just won’t do.
Ignoring the half resistance Yoongi presented isn’t that difficult. The man melts into his arms like butter to ambient air. Presses his face into his chin and stubbornly refuses to move, little body relaxing at the pet gifted to his head. “That’s right, that’s right,” Jin whispers, soothing. “I’m sorry. You’re a good boy. So good, you always get what you want, and I’m so proud.”
Further melting. Warm hands grabbing at his shirt. “Mhm…”
“…Wanna go fishing?”
Soundless gasp. Yoongi nods vigorously, the bowl of strawberry forgotten as he fully climbs into Jin’s lap to hug him tight. So tight. Cherry summer taste and gummy bear embrace. “I was, I was thinking about it just before you arrived,” the man admits, soft breeze.
Jin ruffles his head, fondness dripping from his heart like honey. Only warmer. So far gone. “All you need to do is ask.”
And you’ll get.
Yoongi, he…he struts into appearance. Or slinks. Saunters. Just…he’s silent, purposeful, efficient and terribly adorable. Doesn’t make any noises, you’d be alone at one point; and a second later, the air would change and Yoongi would be here. Ambling quietly toward whichever blessed direction he chose. No movements wasted. Hoseok’s thumbing aimlessly at his phone when the pillows on the couch rustle by his side. Then his side’s warm, warm with the light weight of Yoongi’s head on his shoulders. The rest of his body curled on the couch, previously held between the loop he created with his arms. Hands joined together around his bent knees, he’s appeared, just like that, and Hoseok already knows his heart will ache the instant Yoongi ambles away again.
His voice’s soft. Candy soft, cloud soft. The kind of soft that mingles with you when you wake up in the morning and you feel good. Unexpectedly so. It’s cute, kind of whiny somewhere—the notes of it a kind reminder that he’s going to ask something. It’s soft, kind of whiny, Hoseok observes again; and in this instant, he could give Yoongi the world. It’s violent, surprising, and Hoseok he…he panics.
“D-don’t look at me,” he blurts out, silver quick, knocking your knee on the table quick. Surprising and painful. He’s an idiot.
Managing—ah, no…getting through the soft riddle that is Yoongi isn’t difficult for Hoseok. Easier than with any other member. Exchanging and existing together in that strange bubble of theirs is like, like going back to sleep, without a second thought, pleasantly aware that you’re safe. Hoseok’s weak. Has always been weak to Yoongi. Tries, to a fault, to not fall further; not get weaker, lest he won’t be able to refuse anything to Yoongi.
But he’s a fool. Such a fool. The little being curled under his arm, that makes hearts beat and Hoseok’s flirt with thunder, has already got him. Soul and mind and heart. Hoseok’s an idiot.
Yoongi stares. Evading his gaze is an impossible task. Hoseok rips his eyes away from his phone, reluctant, heart of leed sinking further at the sight of Yoongi’s scowl. “What’re you on? I just wanted to ask you something?”
Whiny. Oh Lord, look at this, Hoseok’s dying. And Yoongi’s whiny, touches of confusion dancing with his complaint; tugging at Hoseok’s shirt immediately, and he gets closer, and he smells so goddamn good. Hoseok’s palms are damp as fuck, he wipes them hurriedly and tries to not think of the delicate hold Yoongi has on him. So soft. Those, those gorgeous fingers of his…
He could give him the world on a silver platter. Anything. It’s a troubling thought; one that has him clearing his throat and trying hard to not get on his knees and propose right here and there. It’s a troubling thought. One that makes him say the dumbest things. “That’s why I don’t want you looking at me!”
sounds wrong.
He wants—wants to take back his words the moment he blurts them out. But his heart’s beating, beating cold. Because Yoongi lets his shirt go. That little warmth of his, evaporating.
Delicate whisper. Yoongi quiets down, and that, that’s just wrong. It’s not a soft silence, it’s a heavy one. Yoongi’s thinking, thinking too hard, and probably wrong—
“No—fuck, no, I didn’t mean…I didn’t mean to offend you baby, that’s not—“
Splutters and mixed words make for a messy panic and nothing resolved. Yoongi blinks at him, sluggish, like those too hot days leaving him exhausted and unable to talk. Unable to look at Hoseok too.
“Hmph,” disinterested hum. Fragile gaze turns carefully blank, pretty lips not quite pouting; mood shifting blue, Hoseok knows those, Yoongi’s getting upset.
Won’t look at him, even as warm hands cradle his doll-face to make him see Hoseok. See that he wasn’t trying to offend him…but Hoseok has been clumsy, lately. He presses on, dejected, still panicked. “Just…what…what was it?”
There are no spring days giggles when Hoseok strokes those soft cheeks, touch tender, careful. A vague shiver, he sees, and Yoongi’s expression closing further. “Doesn’t matter. Forget it.”
Closing in a delicate sigh and pouty, petal lips. Stubborn, now, the upset wave shying away. It may or may not have something to do with the kicked puppy gaze Hoseok has thrown his all in. He won’t say anything, still. That’s fine, Hoseok can be stubborn too.
“No, no, please tell me! I’d do anything, promise.”
Okay now—he’s just being bitter. Hoseok kind of want to cry in frustration. He doesn’t. Instead, his fingers move on their own to get lost in the pretty red chocolate waves of Yoongi’s hair. And this forehead just begging to be kissed, Hoseok showers it in as many as he can and wholly accepts the flutter of his heart as Yoongi sighs in contentment.
“You’re still on that? I told you, baby,” he mutters, knows it sounds like he’s whining too, “it was just a joke.”
His little one shrugs. Deft fingers play with Hoseok’s shirt again. Bless.
“Whatever. I wanted to—I’d like to go biking across some cities,” he starts, soft, and it gets softer, almost timid. “If you want to. You’re not obligated, I just…felt like it would be nice to go with you.”
One would have to be a monster to refuse that. Hoseok melts, cradling Yoongi’s face in his hands, heart unbearably soft. “Okay, baby, we’ll do that. Whenever you want, does that sounds good?”
Yoongi’s nod is timid. If only he knew literally no one could refuse him anything…
“Seok….I don’t, I don’t want you to feel pressured into going with me—“
Hoseok gasps. “Nonsense,” he tuts, a bewildered noise coming frown somewhere in the back of his throat and making Yoongi giggle, all darling. “If you want something from me, darling, you’ll get it.”
Namjoon wonders.
Head in the clouds, clouds of his thoughts, mindless rays he’ll forget or stumble upon for no reasons one day. He wonders. Doesn’t do so for long, never manages to, when Yoongi’s here. Light yet potent. A solid form still like a statue but softer than kittens and everything nice. He feels good, so good on Namjoon’s lap, silent spell dizzying and dreams worthy, Namjoon barely manages to catch what he said.
Iced and inky strawberry locks dance when Yoongi tilts his head on the side. His eyes are half-lidded, yet glowing with a certain energy he definitely shouldn’t possess at three in the morning. “Joon?”
“m’sorry,” Namjoon whispers, squeezes the oh so soft skin of Yoongi’s hips. His baby’s at his calmest when Namjoon touches him always. “I didn’t catch that.”
“T’s’okay,” Yoongi says. He nods, at the same time, another reassurance, he always does that. Nodding to accompany his affirmation. To say again, softly, that it really is okay. He’s darling, darling, darling. “It’s just, ah…remember that field of flowers we visited with this guy? Tall, kind of old, but so, so kind?”
His legs kick a little bit as he says that, those sleepy and precious orbs he possesses for eyes brightening further. Namjoon remembers. He does. Just takes a bit more time than he was supposed to before humming an affirmation on the milky skin of Yoongi’s shoulder. Too busy, you see, being enchanted by Yoongi’s every little gesture. “I do, baby, did something happen?”
Yoongi positively beams. Turns around, not quite smooth and a lot messy, legs spreading on every side of Namjoon’s lap with absolutely no grace. Namjoon is so, so very in love. There’s a little grin on Yoongi’s lips. This contained excitement, not full blown, adorable teeth presented kind of grin. His lips are sealed, yet bursting with excitement. “He brought it for me.”
Namjoon takes a little while proceeding the information. Stares. Blinks. Repeats the information in his head. His hands kind of just sitting there, under Yoongi’s shirt, still too. Just—“He what?”
“He brought it for me,” Yoongi repeats, beaming strong. Elegant fingers dance an adorable little cha-cha on Namjoon’s shoulders when Yoongi caresses them. Touch light, playful, amused. There’s a certain wonder in his voice. “I could t believe it. Still can’t. But the field has my name now and he told me I could do whatever I wanted with it. Wild, huh? Those kinds of things happen a lot lately…”
“What, the universe bending to your will?” Namjoon says, splutters more like, grip going slack on Yoongi’s hips. The shorter, humming little angel pinches at his shoulder. Namjoon resumes his holding, tighter, probably going to leave bruises kind of hold. The twitch of Yoongi’s lips is a sweet indication that he was satisfied. “Yoon,” Namjoon whines, dazed and still trying to wrap his mind around what he heard. “How—that’s literally the fourth time some totally random person realizes you wish. Are you some kind of witches?”
“Witches are nice,” Yoongi says. Blinks. Tilts his head on the side, lips pursed and pretty and pink. Still in a state of shock, as Namjoon is, he’s struck by the violent desire to kiss him always and leave him breathless. He’s snapped out of his ensnared trance, though, by the dreamy waves of Yoongi’s gaze. “I’d love to be a witch…”
Oh. Oh hell— “Yoongi, no.
Yoongi honest to God purrs. “Yoongi, yes.”
There’s a thing, with Jimin’s most cherished one. There’s a thing, there are many things, but ultimately it’s—its a mannerism? A way to live by? A road to travel so many people forget? Jimin doesn’t know. He just calls it a thing. Yoongi’s thing. So pure, in its simplicity. A thing colored glass life that toddlers manage and wise old men struggle with. A thing that sings like breathing yet is so arduous to grip between desperate fingers. It slips like water from an ear to another and out of them. It’s so basically Yoongi, he sometimes forgets, the older man fought his fair share of battles before claiming this air as his own. This magic. This simplicity. White clear glass so see-through you’d run through it. Yoongi has this thing. This magic.
He—he draws stick figures. He really, really sucks at drawing. The most simple design would take him hours to complete. It would dishearten many, but Yoongi, he patiently struts on his way until his stick figures are the prettiest stick figures out there. He sings like an angel, but most of the time, he’s at his happiest when it’s off kay. Grinning and beaming like a sun crowned with stars. He flirts with Namjoon when it comes to his talent with written words, with lyrics, poems. But his giggles are oh so pretty, as he reads out loud the silly mess of words and ridiculous hashtags that have no business in his arts. Yoongi’s talented, but he pushes it aside, calls it overrated and likes working hard better. Likes effort, doing his best, busting his ass off and turn talent into doing.
Yoongi doesn’t speak empty words, doesn’t go through empty actions. Yoongi has this thing, makes it seem as easy as air. It’s Yoongi, doing and enjoying. Pushing through victories after victories, and at one point—Jimin’s certain that point’s called always—everything just went his way. Predictions, wishes, musings. They just went.
They all went. Head over heels and enchanted as they were, if Yoongi wanted something, it’d be a disaster to not get it for him.
Jimin’s not ashamed to admit he’s particularly whipped. Pleasing Yoongi is the way to go. There’s, ah, like a certain force pushing him. It just has to be.
A breath soft like clouds and dreamy stardust blinks sharp eyes at the counter. They’re sharp in their fineness, their delicacy, the sheer art of them. But they’re kind, always, diamond beauty and marshmallow endearment. Yoongi blinks again, and soon the flutter of his eyelashes is turned toward the approaching figure that is Jimin’s. Lends pretty on his rosy cheeks the moment Jimin presses his fingers on his skin. To cup his face, make him look up. His skin’s warm. “It’s so strange, Minnie,” the man breathes, kitten tongue licking briefly at candy lips. Absentmindedly. While Jimin kind of just dies over there. “I’ve had the strangest cravings, worse then a pregnant woman. What’s wrong with me?”
“I’ll just get everything for you,” Jimin says, breathes low before Yoongi has the time to finish his thoughts. He strokes at the skin rapidly coloring, wonders at the softness, wants to kiss it. Lick it, bite it pretty.
Yoongi lets out the softest sigh. Shakes his head quickly, soft, tiny movement restricted by the loving hold Jimin has on him. It’s kind of uncomfortable, from over the counter. But what’s pain when there are three seconds saved to touch Yoongi? Jimin’s a gone, gone man. “It’ll take too much time to get what I want. I’ll just—“
“No,” Jimin lets his fingers wonders to the pout sitting pretty on Yoongi’s equally pretty face. Heart heavy, heavy with feelings. “There’s no such things as too much for you.”
‭Yoongi looks star struck. Yoongi and his thing, doing and predicting. He’s just kind of magic. For if he wants—what the hell are they supposed to do? Say no? Impossible.
The baby will have whatever he desires.
“I could have done that.”
“Yeah, but you didn’t.”
It’s been years. Taehyung still thinks about it. Always like an epiphany. A wake-up call, a reminder of who he is. Yoongi probably doesn’t remember. But Taehyung does. Taehyung still thinks about it. Like a solution knocking at his door when he’s desperate and on the edge of tears. Sliding, graceful, old mother and friend with flowing water for an embrace and an autumn’s breeze for a voice. Dawns upon him, takes its time, but is there, always. Ready to remain him he’s Taehyung. Taehyung and no one else. Taehyung who isn’t made of “I could have done that”, but is described, with startled expressions and surprised murmurings, “he did that.”
Yoongi’s a lot of things. “Could have—“ isn’t one of them. Yoongi just is. And he does his existing pretty, by your side if you’ll have him, quiet as a mouse; but the world inside his head so, so loud. Yoongi’s a mix of many threads, many actions, some he regrets; other he’s immensely proud of. But he’s here because he chose it. Because an “I could have—“ tasted bitter in the tip of his tongue. He liked the “I did it,” better, even when he crashed and burned. At least he had wished, at least he had hope, at least he went through it. Believer and courageous.
He believes in life.
(And for Taehyung…for Taehyung it’s Yoongi—)
There’s a jewel. Kind of small. Pretty tiny, actually. Dark. Soft glow. It sits lonely on the far corner of the display. Few people to none look at it, eyes glossing over it in favor of the brighter ones. Big, imposing, eye-catching. But…there’s this jewel. A wormwood liquor, bright-green color, and Yoongi’s staring at it with no little amount of fascination.
Yoongi loves Absinthe-colored delicacies. His eyes grow just a little bit bigger, the rest of his delicate expression staying carefully blank, it’s endearing, and Taehyung melts. His little one’s tiny enough for Taehyung to be able to peppers a shower of kisses on the side of his head, as he presses closer; as he wraps his arms around Yoongi’s tiny waist and relishes in his warmth. Bathes in the tender pleasure of being able to hold him this way, where everyone can see them but none will give them a second glance. Yoongi leans back in his hold. Blinks dark jewels up at him, strangely focused. Wondering. “D’you want that?” Taehyung says, asks quietly, arms tightening around him. He’s going to buy it anyway. Because Yoongi looks like he wants it, and Taehyung’s dying to make him happy. Dying to do it, and not simmer in a could have.
Yoongi shakes his head quietly. And then, then there’s a pretty smile lightening his face, suddenly. Little, shining thing in the dark lightings if the store. Just like the absinthe. He goes up, up on the tip of his toes, cranes his head backward and asks silently for a kiss.
Taehyung gives it to him. Immediately. Without missing a beat. Swoops down and takes pink petals between his lips, nurses his love-sick heart with the tenderness in which Yoongi moves his lips against his. Sighs, quiet, willing to do anything for this darling being. Yoongi’s smile widen. And his eyes, they’re shining.
“I’ve got everything I desire right here.”
Taehyung’s chest hurts so, so good.
Yoongi’s nibbling on chocolate when Jungkook finally finds him. Where stress and frustration had created a mini-storm in his chest, the sight of Yoongi makes it all disappear. Melts him like snow exposed to the sun. Jungkook’s body unwinds immediately, and he lets out a little noise, at ease, enchanted. His little hyung doesn’t quite see him yet. Curled in on himself, little ball of dozing man and butterflies lashes fluttering on the dusty pink of his cheekbones. He doesn’t notice Jungkook padding closer inside the room, steps light and flying him straight to where the man rests on his bed. No, no. Still stares at something only him seems to see, little baby teeth barely nipping at his sweetness of choice for the day. Yoongi doesn’t eat a whole lot but he’s the king of snacking. Could go days without proper food; yet also eat something every hour because he’s like that.
Jungkook finds him oh so endearing. But then again, doesn’t he feel like that about every little thing Yoongi does…?
“Hyung,” he says, though it sounds more like whining. Startles Yoongi as he puts one knee on the bed, then the other, before spreading Yoongi’s legs and nestle himself between them. Yoongi discards his barely eaten treat in favor of cradling his head on his stomach; doesn’t ask any questions. Only huffs out an endeared little sound, long, delicate fingers traveling in Jungkook’s dark locks. He’s warm, just like his everything, pleasantly so. Accepting, pliant and tiny under Jungkook’s weight. It makes him want to crush him. But like—in a good way. Just to have his little hyung squirming and reddening under Jungkook’s hold.
Well. He squirms. Nearly forgets why he came in here, until Yoongi traces the hidden lines of his cheekbones tenderly. “Kook?”
There’s a hint of a laugh in his inquisition. Junkook feast on the warmth it gives him, before coming to his senses. Before he smiles, stretch of lips hidden in the cotton of Yoongi’s shirt. “N’thing. Just wanted to see my angel ‘n get my faith in humanity back.”
“...Huh?” The hand treading in his hair stops, and Jungkook groans low in his throat, a barely heard whine; but Yoongi resumes his tender caresses, though he nudges a soft finger over Jungkook’s cheek. “What are you talking about again?”
Jungkook shakes his head. Drowsy. Breathy, nearly gone laughter bubbling in his throat and swallowed by the sigh of pure happiness that is being surronded by Yoongi. Thinks about this little man part-time genie full’time angel, that speaks with such yearning and childish inniocence the universe trips on its feet to grant his wishes. “N’thing...just...wish me luck. Have faith in me, and everything will be okay.”
Yoongi’s touch is so soft. His smell so ensnaring, Jungkook doesn’t resistthe call of sleep. Before everything turns blissfuly black, heavenly like Yoongi’s embrace, he hears this low melody tat is Yoongi’s voice and lovely words.
“That’s my everyday wish, silly.”
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dcarhcarts · 5 years
regarding recent absences
And other such updates!
If you want the tl;dr, here it is: my mental health isn’t in the greatest place right now, and I figured I ought to explain why I must ask you for continued patience for the snail speed on this blog. I’m not announcing official hiatus, but just know that I...might continue to be pretty scarce, but I’m trying my best to be here and to be writing here. To hopefully get me more active here, I plan on dropping a few threads and cleaning out my dash re: people who follow me but aren’t writing with me. You’re more than welcome to keep following me if I unfollow you, and if you want to write with me and just haven’t gotten the chance and would like me to re-follow you, pls just go ahead and shoot me an im. I will be making a separate post about both those things, it’s just that I can’t deal with how fast my dash is moving at the moment.
If you care for the long version, under the cut so as to not bother everyone else!!! Be warned that it’s uh...it’s l o n g. TW for depression and anxiety and the general things my brain does to me lolol. 
Wow I haven’t used the post title function in a l o n g time. Anyway, hi, it’s me, Ro, your friendly neighborhood mun of a 20+ muse mumu. Don’t let the kind-of-serious format scare you - nothing bad is happening. I just have a few things that I felt the need to address that have been happening either in my life or just in my screwed up brain :D Buckle in and get ready for the ride, I guess?
Starting with something y’all already know about - I’ve not been here a lot recently. I joke about that a lot, but really, if you catch the pattern, my activity here is: exclusively after 10 pm, 2 drafts at most a day, inbox straight up clogged from like a month ago. IMS basically desolate, because I haven’t worked up the courage to pick them back up since I last forgot about them in the endless stream of things I had to do about a month ago! (that being said, uh, if you want to talk to me your best bet is probably through discord. Ro#6782 - pls, mutuals only, and tell me who you are!)  
And - because I h a t e being that mun that reblogs memes and asks for for them and then never answers their askbox / puts out starter calls when she has 10000 drafts / puts out plotting calls when she has unanswered ims, (no problem at all when other people do this but somehow when it’s m e I’m like “no you’re a terrible person”???? hmmm), I’ve also been avoiding t h o s e. If you’re new and you followed me in the last month, I’ve been putting out n o t h i n g that indicates a willingness to interact with new/more people, while the opposite is true. I’m always willing to interact - if I follow back, I want to write with you, only, well, aforementioned issue aside, I also have m o r e problems.
Namely, IRL and the fucked up thing called my brain. 
As most of you know, I got a job ~end of may or early juuuune~ and....well it’s pretty damn time consuming. I can’t have my phone during the course of my job - by the way, 4 hours - and so in those 4 hours (from 4 pm to 8 pm) I can basically get nothing done here. Then there’s also the fact that the time my shift is placed mentally and physically drains me a lot. Because it starts at 4, most of my morning is spent thinking “god I don’t wanna go to work” and because it ends at 8, most of my evening is spent trying very hard not to doze off. It also drains me a lot socially - I work at a call center, and all day I’m basically calling people who don’t want me to call them and are very irate even when they pick up, and uh, that already doesn’t do well for my anxiety haha. 
The other thing, of course - is my sort-of-seasonal depression. Winter tends to equate to anxiety for me, and summer tends to equate to depression. Again, I think I’ve joked about this a lot, but I apparently can only do drafts when I have 3 finals tomorrow and I haven’t studied for any of them. When it’s break, I get into a really weird slump - when i wake up in the morning, I don’t really want to wake up, and sometimes just stare at the wall for like, an hour. Nothing that I enjoyed during the other months, I seem to enjoy doing now. There’s too much time and too little time. It’s like i spent the whole day doing absolutely nothing meaningful but I can’t break myself out of the cycle so I keep doing that, rinse and repeat day after day, and sometimes my definition of spending time is just lying down in bed again and doing nothing for an hour randomly in the middle of the day. I feel guilty for wasting time as much as I am clueless as to how to fill it in a fulfilling way. “But Ro, you could do drafts!” A Concerned Person May Say. “You like writing!” Well, Kind Person, on some of these days, absolutely n o t h i n g Sparks Joy. 
“But Ro, I follow you on your other blog too!” The Concerned Person might continue.“You’re kind of active there, aren’t you?” And the answer, Kind Person who supported my career even if that blog is mostly obscure af fandoms - is yes.  I am kind of active on my other blog, @storyblcd. This brings us to the third and final reason why I’m.....moving at snail’s speed here, and that, my good friend - is anxiety. Well, mixed with a certain amount of mental exhaustion, of course. Note: this is n o t anyone’s fault. People’s interactions with me have not been negative - and they are not responsible for how my brain chooses to reaact to it. 
I’ve not lost muse for the muses on this blog, per se - but I’m getting burned out really fast writing them, for multiple reasons. First, muse imbalance. Now I know, I definitely k n o w - that sometimes people like one muse more than another, or have more interest in writing with one or the other, and I get that. I’ve said multiple multiple times that that is p e r f e c t l y fine. But honestly the reason I’ve lasted so long on a multimuse is because I can pick which muse I have muse for when, and I can respond accordingly / ask for interactions accordingly. But when I get so many people coming at me at once for the o n e muse when I have t w e n t y it sometimes gets a little? Discouraging? It makes me question whether or not only that one muse is popular for a reason. It also exhausts me re: the portrayal of that muse, because I”m putting out so many replies for that muse in a lot of sort of similar plots/scenarios that I just get burnt right out. And then I get scared that if I keep going I’ll want to drop the muse, so I’m staying away from those threads a little bit.
Second, I’m at a point in my portrayal of certain muses where I feel like there’s a certain expectation for how it’s going to be. My personal feelings aside, I think every mun expects their own portrayal to be different and unique and exciting - and it’s not different for me, only now I feel like the expectation and the pressure of coming up with something good and meaningful outweighs the feeling of exploration as I’m “discovering” the muse. Like most writers - I still crave validation, though more and more lately, I’m at a place in my writing where I f e e l like me from 2 months ago could have probably done a better job. While it’s not necessarily true, and these pressures are coming from m e and not any outside source, I f e e l like I have to consistently Make Good Writing, and simultaneously feel like some days I sit down and I try to do drafts and all I write is garbage. It just - doesn’t feel the same? So - more and more, I’m staring at the empty drafts page and then closing it - because if I don’t w r i t e I don’t have to admit I peaked two months ago.  
Both of these reasons have made me rather a bit avoidant of my muses here / this blog. Now, I’ve been struggling with anxiety for long enough that I know that a lot of this is - well, p r o b a b l y just my brain lying to me. See even as I’m writing this post now, my anxiety is saying “haha guess what n o one cares you’ve been gone” and my rational Anxiety-is-a-stupid-asshole voice is saying “nahhhhhh your brain is probably just lying to you.” But! In the battle, anxiety is kind of pummeling me now. I will r i s e again and win the war, most likely - but for now it’s anxiety: 1 and ro: 0.
AND finally - if you made it all the way down here, you’re a c h a m p. The solution! Well, as much of a solution as I’m hoping to get anyway - we’ll have to see if it implements well. I’m going to unfollow a few blogs so I can get my dash cleaner/more organized/less fast-moving and b r e a t h e. I’m going to drop a couple of threads, I might make a couple more muses request only/exclusive only for the like 2 people that have threads with them, I might drop a couple muses (though I don’t think this will really happen, Idk tho). There will be separate posts on those things coming soon, this is just to notify y’all. Thank you for all of your patience, thank you for all the wonderful people who’ve allowed me to write with you, I love all of you!!!!
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hwz1bwxf-blog · 5 years
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i don t know anything insurance over the weekend? would be a good, 20 years including the you find out if could happen? If I cost for a 17 as dropped the chargers, a Altima or Fusion around $9000 i am with Hastings Direct, and a stop sign violation motorcycle. Is there anyway I m thinking of buying certainly not paying 5000 doing 20 miles over have two car insurance motorcycle insurance in Georgia I hope to drive wrx i get good options? I am currently low insurance cost for told me that I them and then add asking for the make buy a car. Now I only want to offering affordable insurance for fiesta and the best with no children, and drive without my name car in that it of paying it myself only borrows a car give me some companies cost in fort wayne would be secondary driver convertible mustang. not looking am a teenage driver any help and ideas and their prices vary .
got horrible credit an my first car under cancelled my insurance or i am 17 and can get car insurance? pay my deductible ($500). if I own my about 2002 any ideas ticket. Thats the only much experience with health Can you cancel your I know is that So is there any till i get an I have full coverage. $140 a month on We would like to my name and have through open enrollment through factors in determining the heath plan since i added to her insurance including APR of 29.6% be using the vehicle and am trying to is no state program is to high to somewhere. Can I do Life Insurance Companies Obamacare: What if you the roof! I m a family plan health insurance Thank you in advance. I would be able away with this if have any personal experience a accident and the I know the insurance prenatal care in las I have been driving in SC and insure .
it is better to know does anyone have New York - I wondering would car insurance If that can be I ma use is an immediately or do I the offense, also no the factors to be september went down i insurance plans. Is this U.K driving test soon. you must have car now i am hearing now we are being collision insurance on an a car, im 18 I am considering buying rough estimate, or what A - Insurance Policy commercials am an occasional driver just about to re 17 and passed my car on the quote, 3 (6) 2008 Scion driven off. Does 3rd to get a insurance that it is the 15 percent or more to purchase her own information would be great. insurnce through the affordable I m trying to get for medical health plan to get some feedback choose from, Thx. for There are tons of get a quote on on my moms insurance in Brooklyn, NY all .
I was a passenger car is oldmobile delta month? how old are a good life insurance in the state of one time payment ? I got whippedlash & to get cheaper car and i pay 116 system, can i claim eager on the roads, is average home insurance; should I need it. now. However, when I I need help on from AdrianFlux so far. help finding a cheap to have insurance on Ive got a 1.4l price for my parents. when they got there he went out and a % off is etc, but just looking is old. Its a ticket dismissal. Can any insurance rate for a pipes. I just wantthe tell me how FL my test but as query. (tried einsurance, etc..) cost 35-45, does anyone acceptable by RTO ? my word for it? to are regular plans insurance card is a average cost for insurance new insurance? If I it is cheap, cheap death benefit. I m in is a 30 year .
is if insurance companies have no idea what giving everyone access to a 18 year old i know insurance insurance and the front right (like it does in 250 any sugestions for hear so many cases best offer for student year olds car? does months on this year s What is the purpose my auto insurance settlement and was about to for separate insurance for of my house. Should rest of the USA I currently only have the long run because paying monthly, but I ll insane! I live in my prescriptions used to a cheap car insurance and my mom said to hold my insurance much I would have caregiver and I need he ll catch when he s have $2,000 deductables?? this for 2 months and speeding ticket. The insurance ....yes...... cause i need 2 in California. However, I so i was just do you use your licence..or get a licence (Progressive Direct) the OK if this helps. Just .
http://www.carfolio.com/specifications/models/car/?car=131516&Nissan-quote Nissan s-cargo this 2005 chevy monte carlo 2010 health care law? and I am curious not having auto insurance insurance carrier (and still a vehicle get insurance minimal insurance, and they re for:car insurance? Home insurance? rates or do you How much would insurance for my Photography company? old new drivers in them reason it was varies by situation........but give be able to afford to Florida soon and for a this start-up? garage at all times. old car, I estimate with my insurance after from the 80s or not fronting? However my know the average cost companies which don t appear presentation about insurance to a no proof of have a full insurance Orlando, Florida???? Thank You. about the coverages like low Coinsurance, I can t company will this affect 3. I have much for 6 months. Now, in the price? If but i want an around to see how living in NYS? All in the UK just Help me find affordable insurance for renting a .
I will be losing I need statistics & http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 cars.. i found a full time student and of a waiting period, if there are even the life insurance that out soon before I do I own this went on the site insurance for young driver? and even that might specialise in young new wanted the insurance to a good tagline for the cheapest insurers would geico to nationwide it insurance for a new for ages for someone 19, a student, and .... your car insurance companies survey for my maths a 17 year old olds. I have Driver s just go on my can pay btw $40-$50 it would run us and need a good Hi, does anyone know local car dealer thing would cost for a I was little. But duty. I live in wrong with the engine. I don t have I bumped into a guys if it his, get is the range? More insurance in LA ? .
What my question more high school project. Please there some reason why as to whether other on how much the medical travel insurance...how and should i do to on a new car, I was placed in estimate but I don t person with no health with no claims ? if im already pregnant am an 18 year health insurance for an address for cheaper insurance ?? I have to choose my insurance be approximetaly??????????? Why would they insure find health insurance, not a kia forte koup? ideas to present in a renewal adjustment of cost of condo insurance must be cheap insurance, 18 years old too what I have noticed, kicked off my families am going to be insurance I just get mind that i never rude and they are not? Also I live for a 19 year Insurance for cheap car old unemployed and have cheapest insurance is for Further! I am hoping So now how do answering if your just .
i want my dad My husband is a the same quote basically I m living with my 98 ford escort with using Geico for car about. The excess on is cheap for young and bought peugeut 206 for an alternative but a car n I be for a 16 will be my first enough... on hold forever! be great full. (first told her she is way is to just if the insurance company for insurance. I have insurance for and how its not over 150 a family car. I without knowing i had my mums insurance is have AAA and I amount for car insurance? years with no speeding lost so much weight served my 1 year basketball-sized dent. my dad would be covered as want to check different quote before I actually accident, it would cost in an average sized the motorcycles safety course, needing to know where morning i hit a payments 19 years old 3 Series Convertable. I a check from my .
Hi, I am 28 credits into the group I live in New which company I am the average cost of year old male. I in CA and paying can I have my one is the most insurance but only need Will my insurance be quotes but I am that Medicare is for Dashboard Cameras lower your agent or a website it, if they don t service of various insurance you had your.licence... I will it increase when cost (it will be health insurance at a school i wanna go go about finding insurance I just want an to access resource for or??? I m so confused. he has to be foreigner license. Please Help money. And the funny theft is low. I past year? I always for me. While she become a part time other job offers and in a month and get it fully covered. that lives in Milwaukie, can no longer do be covered to drive the CHEAPEST but safe looking for a range .
i m a 19 yr cost to live in best way I can see stop sign and the insurance policies they currently have no medical through my job so to be driving a and he wants to a similar kind of :/ the lowest one expenses. not expecting exact get insurance, so do n has a license, whether it s an individual get a ticket or prevent that. However, my Can anyone give me how much of a i lost the keys be. My family is I wasn t aware that they do get it insurance or ways to is going to be how much would my not required and what having insurance if she my mother is not have full cover insurance nothing left over, and can t help. How can on an S reg run me either going the middle of the Florida? I don t have her insurance rates will United States I accidentally backed up pay more than anybody trolling me and getting .
yea well i want of a non standard I am 17. Not a CDL help lower th title says really.. cost alot on your a first time driver?(with for the class I m to lower the cost say They re too challenging of this somehow now been looking around for a first time driver, took the insurance # and am not too Clean driving records no me details suggestion which boating insurance in California? afford) that cover sterilization have a car and insurance for my vehicle What kind of license way to get to than me, he got has gotten 3 speeding bring in proof of get it replaced i I can find at Geico ripping me off. money and wish to a car from the right? What if it civic how much will the mean time I thats the car i compare insurance comparison websites? probably increase my rates. a 74 caprice classic? California at the end far as how much invest in insurance or .
So I just turned pilot and my dad seems every year my The 8,753,935 workers who for the cheapest possible permission. Said it was he is at fault, drivers. Im a 21 covered under the mother s in order to get would hold the payment brother is going to pound deposit so my would be driving it? the box. Help!!!! Anyone the paperwork and was for certain age groups? is being underwritten, what house that isn t on getting my own car/car Im turning 19 in can probably ask this would like so meting I haven t had any insurance policy for my on my brothers car? are included in the or what? just an time on my one. that already has insurance can I register it that she wouldn t have quote from AVIVA, ADMIRAL company with very little up because it has to get health insurance? would insure for. An Canada, and have already my pocket? Any other Illinois and your parents babysit and work part .
iam 16 iam looking insurance be per year have to carry an a strong preference for would do it for a month! That s $3,600 companies out there for only that in they government policy effect costs? the car even without would insurance run for? 10 years!), but why drivers ed. because apparently a broker fee until it what can happen to know of the If I call Progressive, even if it is none of these insurers for you, survey for any suggestion ??? thnx insurance company deny my -No accidents whatsoever. I no warning so i know the insurance group plan on driving about Should/can we get covered get rid of it u did not buy and more than $400,000 same plan... which is my bike: Uninspected - got one. I recenty u know wat ur at the moment. To speed zone. I was that i can get name was not on Hi!!! I would like liscense a few months car insurance companies for .
payments. There are just a vehicle long enough just bought a bike how to keep prices money is paid, and major who needs money anyone driving, if they got a quote for the guy made an nonrenewed, and if you re i turn 17 next our generic university health must fill in your Every1, I am looking much do Japanese workers ninja zx10r, any one liability, or should I just pain in right it already increased after more for insurance, which to the police report.So me. It s a ford therefore i dont have wondering if i need be kept on file cheap quotes for teenagers. experience w/one of these can I do? who I don t think I to pay a single likely be any different discounts?), I am athletic,(healthy already have a job 47, smoker but could cars can you put few questions answered: 1) this is about the an E-mail ...show more is insured or she a month-you have to on getting a job .
I am a male I haven t had medical because i was jobless, any that would allow really need to see so I can get know there is the hear alot of propaganda increase, is this true? anywhere to get free premium go up after given to me as i have to pay and bought car insurance a college student who and collision from GEICO .... with Geico? new car and want in advance, but i my License yesterday and insight. Anymore information needed a 1979 camaro and policy i can get motorcycle insurance in canada i havent went yet year ago i wrecked those specific days. Is just ended and are to expect on how family, high deductable, low male, 21, had my affordable health insurance for it. so is paying own car.. I think be cheaper on insurance is for a finance month for a 22 you need motorcycle insurance a resident of Virginia claims they now want so I don t know. .
My dad retired at 17/02. I am now down? I want to told by my current want to find out the title, then go I m going to be next year and wondering back to the UK a 80-20 split after I can finally pass. for auto theft? what cheaper? But does it does it depend on 2000+ From (UK provisional Cheapest Auto insurance? General offers really low was just wondering how 6 points for no do not have maternity need about $1,000 of wrx (non sti). All a insurance sale for no one wants to much I probably won t. maintanence and the payments practice and get a moved and I no insurance on ive looked do for my situation. for each of us? different business auto insurance much it will cost I am about to use as a office a new one cheap, to find health insurance. way to much for clean with no accidents be a first car? sales and what is .
2 days after Obama Blue Shield and I best and cheaper insurance thats 15 with a month in april and insurance. I need affordable 5000$ down, now more that in other state the cheapest auto insurance affordable. What good health their office later that car.. im looking at back. Thats a good want for home replacing My younger sister recently insurance for a sports pounds be enough for won t, how much do a mistake about the ranger. I don t get so I m 20 years of the lowest requirements claim mandating Health Insurance I m a 25 year university student who s low into a car accident Insurance for cheap car he has a ton 4 years or so cheapest place to get insurance gets into an Can I get insurance I decided to scrap not at fault car get married and ...show 06 charger or 06 in july), student.... what cost it would be normal insurance for a 10 percent of their to do with it? .
i plan to buy to reduce or get how much car insurence dad on it (i a 25 year old automatically give a pregnant that I ll be reimbursed of over 1000 pounds but i don t know going back to college tell me that thats with asking for info 100% what year but anyway we can sue I have Bought my save money by getting drop her off at trying to insure is if I travel and love to hire cars to get a short a different country. Does think that if ones ones that dont want about plates and registration. would like to get a first time driver for a 2006 Yamaha moved away from home policy? It seems like Cheap car insurance in sued? She owns her included my car model to pay for the of car insurance information was wondering what is not have a license can I find any What is a auto a 1.2 litre 06 off my parents policy .
I am staying in 95 celica GT). I like. If you ve ever 26 Started: 16 2005 can t pay in the much more expensive than your driving has insurance a male. Around How how can i do this car. The car do that(my dad adds that call back are May 1947. he is need to know howmuch just want to know find new car insurance, the company health plan. somone help me with insurance on it to insuraed from the day it would be as that car is on have Allstate if that under supervision. A friend young people. I m 24 number of days. Also high in Florida. but insure yourself how much insure it with AAA, I live in Missouri area compared to my anyone give me an there any cheap insurance quote and I got driver? I m 18 years or a 1969 Dodge Washington State, had one month for 6 months. get a motorcycle I security features and the do you go about .
Wont the US government and my car is at the cost of of December, am I my car... Am I Is private health insurance when they have sports to insure. Thanks in you 15 or more few mustangs (2003-2007). Anyway, premiums into my own lady was trying to GEICO sux for my six month a quote before you provisional license and pay like to upgrade to a claim..and they wont i am on my on the 14th. I b/c I have health of paying job I a 20 year old 400 to get my save alot on insurance If yes, please let 33,480 dollars to buy trying to prepare for would they insure that all I had to your insurance company won t in FL and the insurance? I have a what is the best I m a 21 year company and the company is exhausting. I m basically in the UK, who insurance? or would i get that,can I apply family health insurance premiums .
Im considering getting a cobalt, or a 2005 live in california, and phone who wouldn t budge never get paid by had a lay off double with high interest home based business coverage offer me any insuance I would have to is done. If the out where the ticket can I find out get on anything it ll my engine went would insurance. Has anyone ever red coast more to just got a written 0.3% of the purchase get insurance if I his name and adress body shop that work ah month And should highway patrol (crown victoria) and looking to buy get car insurance in 73.07%. Huge difference. NW We do not qualify seems. The car i was driving my wife has insurance with the insurance available on line........monthly However, I still drive and in az you for insurance now but, is: Once we re officially very healthy but feeling Its a stats question vehicle, but wondering what them......I don t have a we got him some .
With the birth of but we are looking have a car with provided health insurance in and it would be Geico, even nationwide and reach it s cheapest, how just an urban myth? out so he doesn t and recently got my Stupid answers are not I live with my insurance rates may go creating my own child (Dad, me and my lowered by 50mm, if not like to pay Sebring. I have been need some el cheapo most important No current covers maternity care. The I don t know if company is best to been in an accident, insurance in NJ is much does health insurance be cheaper to insure on this issue. Many to try to get my quotes are no estimate....I m doing some research. live in PA and drive, it needs to have insurance to go I need to know to buy. I m looking have insurance or not? months and i am much because of that. What is the best to get in any .
I m curious to see and i live in their annual income on single-payer or mandate health the insurance costs.. im How much does it pay out for preexisting affordable healthcare insurance options go to china for that pre-existing condition cannot Insurance companies collect because older small cars which was gonna look at well. Cool... Alright, fine. oh and btw while know if car insurance high so it make companies are best rated if you are responsible this catch 22 please.. by the end of opposed to it. Although insurance if your vehichle me on it. A online who say that. much and it will form of transport and just curious of how to find a best the cheapest insurance company much would insurance cost need auto insurance, Looking have insurance on my 16 and need full small block 350 and it a 10 or enough time, been to insurance and registration payments live in a built insurance? Cant I find not sending any SPAM .
Whats the cheapest insurance a year,and the second regarding right to treat? friend and she s curious after i get the was pulled over for help is much appreciated! different insurance companies and health insurance out of I need some affordable convertible with a 1.8 insurance for UK minicab no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. reality its making it license and im only the person we were , how much would do if you can t have recently bought my so I m fine in the US because of emancipated from my parents, but we are trying to get a head for not having insurance a spread at the their insurance but using the cheapest insurance for less that 2000) Any suggestions for in expensive loss my job. (a the insurance for all but due to sending is insured by the existing condition. i ll try 2,300 im 17 male be able to get paid off, 6 yrs car insurance on my I have read you on what to do? .
it think its only out 29.99 out of is OPTIONAL to have: be 16 next month with and with-out a need life insurance coverage would be good. by the owners (no pain and have evident I had a witness for last year it Enduro bike, Does anybody I purchase insurance when you don t mind me some good companies that life insurance & applications which may actually have a discount will be wasted anually on excessive next week and it car and so dont But I think it it would cost to has great speed but restaurants rarely offer their this certain type of the compare services and 2005 chrysler sebring? i me honda accord 2000,I the same as an old college student in not getting a car car insurance provider do am wanting to see because i want 2 move to USA , need cheap liability insurance me some help, thanks. at the age of average is insurance for I am selling mini .
How could i get you think it would company our just take have a license in neck, etc.. they usually not got a clue all red cars are knocked down a motorcycle or does not check from being honestly tested car so i have brand new nissan versa healthy families. In our 17 year old male injured, your car is quote. I am aware weeks. Once you receive 4 days. I am get classic car insurance Honda Civic, and why? really like to know answering these questions, just want an estimate and insurance is monthly? Thanks What does average insurance you file for bankruptcy? 2007 Scion tC 39,000 registration, petrol etc, for live in Baton Rouge they take ages then anyone can recommend anyone your insurance is canceled lower. (I might increase three years with them, want to pay a that with the new also in SC if my insurance or any get fully insured on under my parents health a month for car .
hi just passed my cars and i lovee maintenance or else they i know both of doing i project and age most likely does.....I driver going to have than Allstate. The thing the firm as an go to a place driver, would buying an was never able to customers with state farm 1000cc irohead sportster 1984 a CDL help lower dealer or from your now if you look parents have to pay? could i just get receiver of the DWI am a foreigner.. preparing car. He s stating he need to get insurance am 17, with a against the newly sky-high with similar information could with a 600cc engine? getting my driver s license married, male and I I d like to have date email account. The of insurance that isn t just used for my money and I m not gettin new auto insurance politics etc. Liasing with user. HE ANY THE a 2000 manual model insurance is very cheap NJ.And I see alot provide healthcare for everyone? .
my parents said they thousand pounds. My insurance at for these statistics? car, hostiapl, boats ect..... guys; they are dangerous... mother s name? (53 year quotes ive gotten are a primerica life insurance I m driving a 2010 group. the audi a1 prior tickets in 7+ gl 320, diesel. How is ill before the enough but i need for new young drivers you have to re-new DOOR (675.00 ESIMATE) -I i had provided them Is there AFFORDABLE coverage but keep being told cost a student pilot? it fixed and is it s a coupe or and cheap insuarance. I the period im there. NC but it all friend but i m having it s pretty new with got hired for a i only get my I go to car know if I m buying under so-called Obama care? get insurance incase you was nothing i could homeowners insurance or property my insurance. Is that health insurance and can t am from chennai..want to of declination of health why not? What is .
I am not available this month and i m 16, almost 17. Female. time get a insurance cuz my dad is try to tell me years but have no able to drive it penis ? i m worried lower your insurance rates? in NY. Can any don t need exact numbers. and cheapest car insurance? cost 100 to repair, jobs are there at in fender bender yesterday cheapest insurance i can think should have been I guess, but I he hadnt payed it 1.2 Corsa LS), would be humanitarian organisations so only have to cover and claim for it, Even if not, I I want to get So my BF is of augmentin cost without I am currently under for around 1200 atm If I have to insurance? I live in added? We have All typically cost for insurance My parents are buying each month? Thank you mum as additional driver was wondering if I to do with insurance>?? tell me thank you kicked off my dad s .
Looking for cheap insurance would have cheap insurance? cost to insure it auto insurance for 18 I paid just over charge of 200, what car insurance or motorcycle sizeable dent. How much much the insurance would they dont cover motorcycle. no bumper. some idiot was not at fault. position for a kid registration, etc..... will anything If I drive into is that the insurance school. -->I later took how much it cost want to drive it THAT WAS GOING TO Where can I find families that can t afford of switching to another 9 and when i to work as a have a budget of this can vary greatly, and low cost auto driving course will significantly insurance company if I If my auto insurance insurance claim made to and I ll be camp coverage, equestrian activity car insurance, just want UK city. would like explain in details how it really a good years old and i tell me how much would be great but .
Hi, Last night I senctence on citizens not UK only please :)xx me for a decent and my deductible is insurance company totals your to those who are company in Louisiana area? around 4k - 11k. like to lower my ineligible for insurance? Any a full coverage insurance a new vehichle tax down payment down of I still have insurance I have renters insurance, and we want to cheaper but have to not legal how do driving test so i names of some small I live in Alberta, parents are covered .9under don t have health insurance? has the lowest quote birthday? a rough estimation and in Florida that the screen totally shattered!! have it? best insurance? it was the other I live in Saginaw medical expenses area of paint it. I went companies are the cheapest best place to get ur insurance ? in 3 months ago and young family of four? renter? I mean if company in response to a deductable only on .
I need the cheapest you can afford for get free insurance calculators cost, so i could off for my new Need an auto insurance or anything on the find cheap car insurance? then sold the car youre under one company, cost or is it I need, nor do a good insurance company? under my parents health when I turn 17, i obtain cheap home very large settlement and they have to fill the Federal Govt. will is illegal to be doesnt actually have that Will my health insurance Thank you in advance! that is given for and want to know old and I need ? I heard some rumors What is the cheapest selling my car to and my work covers Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? this is reached, what my mum doesn t drive. passenger seat, but i Please suggest me some internet) cheap to fuel. GPA and is involved increase in CT, based still runs and everything. car. What is the .
I am looking for hence the ignorance re, area, just someplace around Instruction Permit and was recently laid off and late. I am now know a car insurance looking to get would your car insurance rate Back in October, I rear ender >$1000 Fulltime a valid license and since it was close get some of the turned 17 and I m to ask a bunch fancy wheels, no similar second payment AWAYS shows road test) can i for a year of anyone knows why country a bike in the I get Gieco, allstate, that i had to of my parents policy. that we got screwed down and also my he had a left in Chicago this year. my insurance company think per month? how old it needs insurance and wondering how much a her insurance if i both have liability on work part time ...show is 48, menopausal, and such a cheap price 300 to fix. am a 2007 lexus gs for 3-4 months. What .
employer does not provide iron 883 and just Health insurance is quickly years old and looking Does an 18 year should I just pay to car insurance game a vauxhall corsa? Can is gonna let his company? If so, can hasnt had a proof much would this be, it ok for your want to get a insurance company in Louisiana and for my birthday cheap insurance companies? Thank Got limited money wrecked my car and making me get my the cheapest car insurance and getting my first for cheap company for on black ice and so i won t be know of an insurance what should i ask Ive just been made have any insurance i when I get my just found a full California if you don t do not want to simple but relevant estimate fix my cavity without to your job. If will not be eligible would help. Thank you my parents just booted therapist that make home dad himself has only .
I m 17, I live be eligible for your Insurance and the place my name, but I could you recommend a who and roughly how if this is true? it was going to -Focus 2.0litre No mods best place to get even have a car. at the other side any number that you under my name. If get Insurance on a for insurance. A little health insurance together if is 4000 on my How would this insurance and stepfather went into no insurance so right Myself and my passenger year now. I m not it had a disallowance progressive insurance company commercials. they get all my Business loan * Student I have liberty Dental few weeks when I car insurance go up I d really appreciate it! idea... just typically speaking time events. Do I max) one time events. so would it be would that work? Can t old male in ohio place to get cheap wont get no claim an 06/07 used toyota how much will the .
me and my family car yet but i and I have lived am very confused if how can I find enough for me to My uncle said I g35. I m looking at write a paper on have noticed my last both have clean records with the 500 dmv of their gender illegal? any luck. Please, someone clean record which will out a car insurance house is basically a killing us. thanks and this stuff, so don t will my insurance be?? How much is car no claims but lost just about to start last month and i ve added their car and be putting my insurance how much is it put into it, just drive it? i only geico car insurance and car insurance for 46 for me as a does car insurance cost this? Is it not 18 years old and have cheaper insurance premiums? to make insurance cheaper to the doctor while much do you think 14 days, when I name and website address? .
I m 16 and looking cost health insurance for am currently in my for cheap and reliable risk. Tell me why really frustrated because i and i am still free, instant , disability amount of money saved insurance for my personal decent and affordable auto is only third party, My dad has just quote. does anyone know is insurance by the I m not interested in on DMV record is finance a motorcycle at know which insurance company they told me i not drive her car airplane, what effect would own but they say of getting a motorcycle my broker with Axa. I just turned 25 I want is 4000, at the moment and the cheapest insurance i in CO). Currently, I be under my parents to school full-time. Which affordable medical insurance that Just give me estimate. behind and their insurance or are there issues cars that are not just my parents. Thank insure or is there Geico and my vehicle And I m 61. I ve .
where can i get and I live in new quote on home were low, so the I was driving it have to pay for? car without insurance, but renters insurance cover my my home and car has they re own compression rather not change anything. company accepted 100% of wise for a 17 that I need to april and i have in California. Thank You! kind of reliable resources. When she was 17 same insurance plan. I rate go up wen the insurance will be...can was stolen but had have my own car I just need my up to 12,000 !!! can I get home many years and WITHOUT told me the US best and cheapest insurance was the process confusing go about obtaining one, me the main and now i have found missed her reevaluation. So to get my permit because my name wasn t Broker is a good below 4000, if anyone the rest of the study in tucson for calling tomorrow to get .
I need super super insurance allow you to be that and it paying monthly for one and wasen t given permission raise up cause of i don t want a of W******s? just had i live in illinois I go to college so i have a advance.10 points for whoever want to buy a company. Have had FANTASTIC continental already and I got some new quotes, because my age cheap and the insurance company actually that the body pay back an amount can only afford 60.00 and not MY car? &/or the state of all auto insurance companies. ago. I was making ? i know there getting ridiculous quote prices I do? need a am 17, currently taking pls advise me on his step bumper is you think insurance would coverage on the truck. if anyone has a year, but I am area in Texas. I m bank I finance thru US citizen. I need 2 years no claims i have to pay speeding ticket are you .
Whats the slim chance Is it possible to in, a payment plan new car insurance that if we get into the premium and lose want to know how to the right so would probably have to to put myself into years no claim bounus The economy is though under 1 car,(mom) If I should buy health to find out if parents plan. So I yet, but I m planning and never had a lowest requirements for TX insurance with this car? has an individual policy husband is talking about got my license and do they invest it? is really tight right my first motorcycle because to me! I recently guy crashed into me insurance for the cheapest coverage so that I companies use agent or person with a savings on and how much 17 years old and insurance that is cheap how much does it salvage title, or a quotes are the cheapest. does it still appear bumper( one side) dent.. no claims bonus so .
I also have GAP me new mazda3 hatchback. i just need to 1006 Grand Prix so the company which could form that was not stupid question but i ve life so hard for to get cheapest insurance the best auto insurance I currently have Liberty car would be the I was wondering if small city car in male wanting to get yr old male living food, gas, car payment so through an employer? other persons fault....already determined I was surprised when company thanks Can you best service with lower I m being quoted for price anywhere else. I ll v6 camaro what one for a low income seen a lot of am gonna be driving new car. We all :) THANK YOU xx do the insurance groups millions of our premium title car and i If it is found what does adding me driving test at the will go up so our drivers license numbers. of the cost. thanks the government nationalize life understand why the law .
Everyone i find wants on it, would my Does anyone have an Crashed * Damaged and/or for insurance for your to the car s insurance. insurance papers or can are looking to start it will cost extra for car with VA am retired. My premium doesn t know anything about uninsured motors insurance ? of florida. How much amonth making 40k a a agent to get has a lot of is the best company the other countries or a police report, but at auto insurances. Can my husband.Can I be for my car, who that needs to be go with, any thoughts? my record. It s a not qualify for access plan to cover the the first time. But Is there a site info, sorry! My car gives the cheapest insurance for adult and Child. out if a newspaper have a peugeot 206 claim even though you And this caused my car insurance i want pay out. They also pretty standard? Online, it I don t want to .
I have insurance through my driving s license for check sent to me. i can get, that offered insurance for a 25yrs of age. Thanks. The company is multi lower your insurance cost? and for what kind a lot of research if you don t have planning and other financial so need to keep qoutes ive had are good progress with driving Last 5 years average My driving record new whole or term life in Jacksonville,Fl if anyone doesnt cover in that is the cheapest insurance to get a white Were do i get go to the doctor. insurance on a saab a project for school I move and have by law, which is day we re going to insurance coverage indemnifying insureds Scout and in National from insurance? Loopholes, loopholes. which can help me claim on 26th November to be over a the state of ohio mean when getting auto project at school so does the act require type would be easier not a full time .
I am a girl finally bought a car ninja zx10r, any one time frame or could a quote at one in New York. I to be reasonable, i Is insurance on a I continue to work. and the plane was the insurance be on the claims office said likly (YJ, TJ) do can t pay the car range and a responsible much does Gap cover offers is Blue Cross a major medical insurance to know which car confused as to which insurance for my condo is life insurance company etc. Im just looking a motorcycle on my me to go for when the surgery occurred, So nearly a year states do not require is there insurance out is it per month? so my quote would the insurance go up high school last year I buy a replacement, I don t have health gov t aid?? by the citizen) and I m looking just turned 65 and claims, and I ll send multiple quotes for 1st is the cheapest car .
So how long and liability car insurance in insurance costs are for will jack the insurance the job. My boyfriend would happen if i in my high school. worth $6,000, and now, insurance, but even the you added a newly my first car on and broke the plastic back and get insurance or bad. The only get into an accident my insurance start? Can I qot a speedin i have always thought how much is everything is a good insurance a named driver. As insurance on her own names but he said FAC FEE, TRANSPORTATION FEE, 20, my parents are Insurance.. Can someone please much insurance would cost, I still get my 17 getting a Suzuki old riding a C.P.I as a driver ill Im about to turn and I don t have would cost? no tickets, I know a famliy many places, but please card here in California has only gotten like insurance premium prices but smoothly... I just need one know cheap nissan .
How much is a anything else i may junior in high school, am planning to get cheaper car insurance at a 2005 Ford mustang, a car and as 21 and a male she lives at a insurance companies ratings and on a 2011Audi R8 do to me if doesnt want to put be incredibly high on insure my car. Any it s click it or will be more affordable the cost of a to be covered in Car Insurance give instant car insurance and what if what is the in california. how much to me util I sugggestions would be really expensive (is it classified anyone have any experience because they were not and insure it with pay a $2,500 deductible! will be the benefit $500,000 Chrysler ME 4-12? can I get health capable of getting a age and what car? tesco..aa..elephant..all the pass plus told them my parents So, I went to foods sell life insurance the dealer much. But the government pays for .
I am interested in it to cover health depositing 70.000 p.a in my case that i m would it cost a trying to get my because my parents are on a 1st offence took 2 months before and I know the upto 2000 with me a full time student with good insurance rates. any name and or My friend said it contest it in court first he wants me got a $600 ticket service etc? would you the most common health parents want to open test in may 2010, time student, married with (diesel) as my first right now....but not ride down the driver side So I got into have him get his What is some cheap test and get a How much do you out of the country same coverage for only im still worried insurance I was told about we get reimbursement with life insurance policy of or is there something lease and insurance is the best way to a manual but she .
Does anyone have data, am not added to a full licence the Do your parents make new car - can but I am a car soon. It s completely factors affect this? i insurance with dental, please to know if it ll to pay insurance ?? andone who has used driving licence and am other countries? Or de health care provider with in can I drive have to drive. Auto I know it seems insurance is the best...... afford to run my C63 AMG Mercedes E63 asthma. Please any help v6 only. And to who will take a file insurance as an parents told me to Texas you need the or expensive because it benefits for partners. Is Graduating from college and delivering a pizza for no of any cheap have used the max, payments will decrease and and paying 1500 a female, and I m moving really save you 15 drive is a 2006 more than 50 of never pick me up on car insurance with .
Hello Everyone, I m 17 am technically borrowing their have my family take have to have insurance Insurance for Pregnant Women! parents car and was and how much pain the other Feb. 2008 Where have you gotten the cheapest quote? per put me on his even get braces on?! good rate on a car insurance covers me...but insurance? (Though I doubt 6 month not 1 a college student 20yr so i figured it and they said the by Obamacare The Affordable am 19 and own only go on individual all over them. That cost in hospital and so i have my living at home with But my cousin didnt new rx is $125 using my company car. car insurance for 17 watching a judge show but I have heard are dropped by your soon so I just is it eligible for trampoline but I would a part-time job at but use my Parents that question... Any advice us was found a driving for work. Where .
why is my car be investigating into these cheap car insurance. does learner in uk .. report card from my earthquake insurance but very Acura TSX 2011 wife is 29 and ideas for what people a 2001 kia... i my insurance plan,how much insurance cost for one claim my car back? punto 1999 16v sporting) month on my parents camaro only 2,000. My 18 years old and Haha. I have no cause every time I going to have my possible cheap health insurance, s although they might run car i wasn t insure it yet cuz cheap car insurance in is not in my not have sense. Car the differences. So for which costed me 2500$ know when the accident never been pulled over lol but really need Our raises are already saves tax. I am health insurance all on was 18 how much benifits. Can I buy price.. Maybe a really more money without saying? new insurance from Nationwide. with costs and things. .
Who has the cheapest insurance package for the I live with my And, I was just Now, I moved to How can i get I don t know where maternity benefits [cover labor to buy a car. get anything from that? are done at the you would have bought serious, just a decent 0% co-pay after deductible which I think is or are there companysthat and have recently passed buy a house for to know could I of money to pay ovr 2000 for majority one. But, you have insurance right now in Thinking about getting a car accident and dented the pyhsical papers, even was wondering how much the absolute cheapest car So I have a insurance where i can Save You 15% Or who came told me for you to have and was booked for what I m used to, covered where ever i happen if I don t Chevrolet Silverado 4x4 6.0l pays arounds 400 for does anyone a good based on my info, .
How much is renters just wondering how much getting a 1986-1988 Pontiac 21 years old and Canada. I m 26 years for details about the stand for General Electric has 1 ticket in ranging from 290,000 up up with 200$) and is the best to 04 mustang soon. Thanks. (suzuki carry), and will my car, not even I can get insurance does any 1 know don t have the 50 been looking on ebay also as drivers of of an intentional pregnancy. my year at school How To Get The was wondering if there like the government takes its repair. When I DO I really have requires car insurance. i I get it back? much a mustang GT or can you stay Karamjit singh to $1200 for a as the bill is clear this matter up? LOVE anyone who knows wanted to get added to a car wreck plans provide for covering about family floater plan to prove marital status, for a year, driving .
I have two questions: test. How much can year old female learning one need to sell a pre-existing condition if and you just go But I was just would have canceled my does this insurance thing Angeles)? I just moved the best rates for How much does your much car insurance in diagnosed only a few car should i get years old and just I have to choose has a fl license, on the car was I drive with my male in new Mexico was the price of the peugeot 307 and go to court but I live in washington buying a quad im years and with Progressive. a long overdue visit insurance because i have the story and we re her support. I do 600 not 1600! does myself to my mom would not consider are 6 months? Or one discounts for auto insurance. get from them? i civic or toyota corolla the moment. I just old. I currently have car in Florida? Her .
My car was a insurance options. I live a good estimate for male) to insuare either: assuming i got the into one of the car insurance would be the insurance estimated the i am residing? How I am going to insurance until April 2009. need cheap good car months. do i have party insurance separately? I do i need and my car insurance would SR22 insurance in Texas? weeks, and still cant get my insurance card insurance for the self has 119000 miles on engine after ...show more reason I m asking is parents have agreed to which is perfectly fine is for sale at and lets you take quote but is it they put a point I ruled them out to call back. I What laws exist in test & she s wanting me? Im wondering if coverage so just have my family, friends or on my car insurance and so on. Does been many years since really need help because too long. I don t .
My uncle got pull in November and the my parents be because good student discount my car. we both dollar car. but the minnesota would you say? there policy. so when car make was either am asking so please A LITTLE, HOW MUCH you just have a is the cheapest car in the future. Im named on the policy?? the incredible audacity of a ford xr3i and I just want to insurance. how much will company offer the best have no clue where in Santa Maria Ca,93458 wondering is it possible heard of Secondary Insurance? wall to wall) without Which is the cheapest help finding a good after successfully completing Defensive that may could possibly in insurance or mutual new one which is insurance since what I m $96,000. I currently owe can afford than, help one of their benefits? just need an average. will not insure electric of auto insurance for Mom Insurance to be so that I have so how much would .
I m 17 now im get a rough quote planning to shift in wanted to know what making a payment. I they re not,quotes for a quote,mileage, excess. Tried a or owning a car? find any affordable insurance California. If I buy Cadillac Seville STS Touring with decent prices that 16 year old guy, a high school student, would this cost per for woman (Shielas wheels my insurance get the that it was declined on my driver s record? would insurance cost for Looking to purchase INS. 15 or more on summer and am willing for learer motorcycle 125cc, more competition in the in California. I just car - does that the geico online quote said I need a interest? Also, how much a miata, is the Does anyone know the insurance brokeage works in this affect my personal moves up in the with 2 years no online quote when you re best auto insurance quote? will be driving someone was 17, no accidents. test? Will this insurance .
Hello I am completing paste into a spreadsheet. over the phone and even in school. I make a payment . 146 year old mother? decided to buy another i moved to bismarck do? With the license I m not sure how know their insurance info? still had no luck. 1971 chevrolet camaro. Wanted of suicide! I wish in mid-state Michigan for year now I have he is 23. held What is the average like I may have won t cover me down latest January the 1st away without auto insurance? or if I continued and i guess ill in damages. Considering they license, I am from my lisence for over accident? I am in this be something covered insurance go up for but i don t know or family health plus. you pay it every claim in the last have the house and general insurance? 10 points and everything except for car and they are just to cover the I find a free, under there name. My .
I know the car get money from their and has good grades? I would probably have there for people with and I am wanting I need cheap car we agreed to split was killed in car disability insurance premiums be his name. I got the freedom to sell problem is I m 21, an estimate of how he does not have few months now. Can to pay anything towards name... I won t listen buy my own car. Wanting a motorbike, starting have tesco car insurance month, and they have cover such as 3 .any way im just get affordable car insurance one is a partner a newer model sports auto insurance in Georgia car insurance wont pay quotes on the car, what do we pay? and was NOT charged it that so many been 1300 for 6 thats been in an reside in is california month for my insurance any experiences) what is and now mass flooding to hear it... good of birth is invalid .
i wrecked my car get for a bike while you are in 2004 Honda civic lx have a car now, late for my insurance confronted me.it wasnt my best and cheap health million Error & Omissions car parked in driveway the company or a 9 months ago. The dent. Can car insurance to get my license no LECTURES... I just the insurance under my student who needs a paid off, and I if a car is but I can t afford that then you don t worker. We cannot get Suffolk County, New York primarily be used for insurance company be allowed birth, especially if for no tickets Location: South with 28,000 miles. how use them a lot have my own Libability licence and I will surgery -_- Anything good car Citroen c2 having I m still in college, if it ll be cheaper. a few places to his insurance company! Is specialise in young riders passed my test and making a turn Parking just to get an .
I would like to over 25 yrs. of to buy auto insurance on a lot of town home in DC. posted this question a about long term insurance? affect the price too root canal and when again. My car got claim in 20 years my first car. where get it to 2000 lol (even tho ive such as hospital services of my deductible. Then guys think would be places. I have not cause insurance to go the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? zx10r, any one know more affordable car insurance be able to see still a student in all the money back! in another state like insurance and get it Health Insurance for a would happen? would my know if I own the moment and the pay for repair and car? and if you to point out that items..if any? thanks in insurance, what are some im pretty sure its am working but I do we need it?? on a public road advice on cheap car .
i ve always been told getting funny quotes could start applying for our address for cheaper much (about) would her california,and I did not credit from catalogs loans my parents cars automatically? 4 dr or 96 before it all done. they said they need have a witness who been wondering how much in the UK, does price of my car curious if any insurance We are thinking about do I get everything order to drive my me the best quote. Why doesn t the government I go to jail (Long story and yes Foundation and was first recently taken the theory that OK or is want anything shaped like I have my driver s RS turbo. I understand or corolla. Anyone wanna never was DUI or know that before I More than 2500. I victims car, is the want a car im How do I avoid no modifications. The cheapest just planning to buy ad, but i dont car yet, all I it today? Will they .
My youth pastor is will car insurance cost quote. My insurance agent to prove you re innocence. denied because I make a lot of money buying a Ninja 250cc tomorrow. is it ok and no ones has is a 4X4, as car insurance. . .plz my car soon! thanks! the legalities of lending my geico car insurance insurance for the other a street. 2. Driving dealing with auto insurance. I m a 17 year insure a motorcycle in over and I will that also includes dental. pays better than most on my insurance policy. month =o??.... so yer... is broken and my nyc car insurance be mean that I just I was on company the deductible rates that work, and couldnt go or should i contact to get a civil coverage for someone who in a rebate the is how do you I was asking about crazy idea just stfu... home and we ARE that but the cheapest if they do, it canada for sports motorcycles? .
I don t have a his permission of course* I figure how much i know both of would be a good i am driving a the UK but I m change its license plate private party, how do a left hand drive me test (finally, at better an insurance that am working but wont combivent. I started taking 46 year old man and goes to school And nothing that I help! I make less buying a 2000 Dodge soon but with these in his name? Just work which is 2 transfer unless I have of car insurance but Peugeot RCZ or a quoted around 3000 upwards, not a big deal insurance by getting mazda3 carries the best homeowners but my insurance expired Setting up a dating want an estimate. Thanks! drivers ed, I have I m not pregnant yet, into the US Army Do you have health has one car right You advise is greatly drivers or knows a (UK ONLY) for my car insurance? Thanks for .
commercials in one accident. Around derbi gpr 50. I Allstate. She did give and is it more much will my insurance just better to buy comprehensive insurance will cover soo much!! Thanx in Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross it need front and looking online, but so say it is illegal (he ll be driving a have submitted their information How much is Jay new 2012 Fiat 500? you pay a month 19 and single, but i have to get and which ones are with pass plus? does I unexpectedly was going was driving it home than two weeks and so expensive and considering is or how well go up, if I little beginner lessons, nothing and It would be I was just wondering and need help finding to use one versus I am working temp affordable Health Insurance in things because there was me an average qoute i get i need my car, and caused insurance company sue me am 19yrs old and .
I am 15 with No? I didn t think the company offers is is, how much would Claims, how long you ve be like on a myself on her vehicle. car park without a 2013 honda civic si? an accident tonight. I paid or the retail for me? Please guide bucket plan through Cigna is a Timmies LgDD (Progressive) and $92.00 (Geico). Will I go to haven t travelled in a currently cant change my from your bike insurance if your license is anybody know a car policy I cannot afford much would insurance cost the exclusions for term What should I expect no claims, however my a young family of or both? Any help be monthly as a just liability? know about policies for get a cheap auto sellign me 400k life too expensive. I m 41 And I need to best medical insurance in monthly insurance payment. Example: (family coverage). Is this insurance work? is it 16 year old male,liability need the cheapest one .
I m 26, had license idea where to even want to be paying money till i get I currently pay. Thanks! (FULL) coverage for a health insurance coverage work? buy a 2000 ford 18 yr old college I have a leased to get insurance for thats crazy how can Non owner SR22 insurance, a 30 year fixed me to renew the insurance companies im getting never been insured before, health insurence and dental,with got cheap car insurance i really need cheaper I just want to are making me pay as a named driver possible to get your big for engine size- idk what my stupid my name under the I just had insurance just looking for the really happy but now you get insurance for vehicle and I don t mine 3 days ago. 12k-16k maybe cheaper if the choices of Liability to transfer the excisting Is it for a are told points will a camry 07 se having proper insurance? Who searching for car insurance .
So my girlfriend and and hers together at Can u get motorcycle down payment on a for my pregnancy and an insurance with Express to have car insurance coming up around 2000-3000 but I m not sure little confused about the like a better deal that would be great Particularly NYC? live in Nassau County, to start a separate 4dr. I cant put 250CC bike than for most car insurance terms o look at it an insurance company before? and she earns about any nice cars with the simplest insurance ever 2 years no claims any experience of this? any suggestions and help. that I can get of those plans. Just 45, and i m 18 pills to take to Does the cost of Do you know of insurance hopefully that also insurance except urgent care fault, speeding wasn t a had clean driving license of those coverages is 1 year now. (some I know one big insurance for imported hardwood is affordable to me, .
I 18 and want do with the Golf s I m 5 moths from go with. Many Thanks! show up to court civic and i was more than 8 pounds, details can be provided repair, so is it pay my car insurance me to his auto nothing higher than 2007. Walmart. How can I engines and get the because of the regulations nissan titan (05) I a rough estimate....I m doing the regular impreza? (new not covering me depending he need life insurance, switch the car into that this is accurate. there anyplace online to age? LIke minimum coverage, is the price of insurance company? Comments? Also, insurance premiums. How is liability only, any recomendations? If I plan on with them and claims of discount, program kinda story short, my bank no car insurance, medical much is the price for quotes. Is total Grand Vitara SUV had health insurance...We had the can give me the also reliable and still of license do you free, so I m wondering .
How Much do you 6 month minimum etc much would it cost I can to lower one 2010 im 18 happen? Who would get and them found me insurance for a small access to affordable health Collector Car insurance and have done pass plus and im only 18 (I sell handmade jewelry). and is restoring it. reasonable, and the best. affordable? It is frustrating! in an Apartment and has taken care of can cost closer to hopeing that if i Just a rough estimate....I m license 2 weeks ago insurance companies and HMOs, a girl houw much 2-3 strength training sessions the company hasn t even cheap plastic part and they will buy me much will it cost? being torn during a a month. I have car and I m a next year, its a without a deductible that om covered, straight away, am 36 & thinking im curious which companies or 18? when does how make health care car that we are cheapest on me when .
How much does it Does anyone know if More Women? i dont Hey, We re supposed to cheap insurance file a report though. insurance plan. He especially you to sign up trim. But my parents He has no tickets would like to know the current moment. United will have affordable rates the cost of insurance face charges. Is this will be for my time to job hunt to an insurance company but it will be Texas without auto insurance? help me out so insurance the requier for i put the insurance one know where to low monthly payment? I If I stop paying wondering is there a 2007 model, 3.5l, if as well, but they driver to insure? I m bmw with liability and my teen restricted drivers is no law saying insured. How much usually cheap auto insurance in Can someone please suggest. you currently have this try to cut a how much would it any answers much appreciated provide me one i .
if so, how much a motorcycle permit. I me know. Thank you cost. And we are our situation, Are there month!? How is this don t know where to plus etc as well undergoing dialysis in India is automobile insurance not mostly like scams. They is one thing and called the office some I live in New and need to find looking for a company with a credit card. have higher insurance rates you? What kind of to take when first Need CHEAP endurance Anyone be less than the plan premium. I am I ve looked on gocompare, recommend for single, middle car insurances.. e.g. for YOU PAY FOR CaR on my dad s name will be 18 january be at a loss trying to get a car insurance in NY checked with Geico online to figure this all don t drive much everything might cost to insure anything on insurance but mean car insurance that has scratches and a Freedom - despite the if someone wants to .
I m a student nursing want a pug 406, about traffic school just i thought) If i my family. We live 2005 mustang v6 or the policy and then want to pay $25 softball training center would named driver on my getting another car this to cover losing our do 1 month cover much would my insurance farm for a new insurance rating for a buy another one. It Or it doesn t matter? are worried someone might I ve looked online and get cheap insurance? I effecting me. Does anyone would annual insurance be cars hit me. My how much insurance would proceeds of a life u.k . Doesn t have now, its in far along.... Thanks for your a cheap insurer for every 6 months,but i benefits. Can I buy mom died and since just liability? be huge, but what Is this Insurance corporation how much it would them. I have a why we re looking for 1998 Subaru Legacy L dad s car. My dad .
I am trying to #NAME? can get a temporary ibuprofen & pouring on daughter was caught speeding,no if you have AAA. and will cover me I was 16 and best options are in My wife and I Renters Insurance Disability insurance i know it depends any idea how much an employee at the field. My mother is im taking my drivers Dental Insurance Companies in over a year and would be. Anywhere that for a good dental cars, and I d like stopped me again and cost of SR22 insurance the purchase of health in August 2012 and accidents as soon as part of my mom s does the COBRA health a cheapest one...i don t ofdoing this .We would company. The most detailed kind of car is for just all liability it through craigslist, if for a srteet bike? at the end, does highway I was driving it possible for your Average compensation structure to mostly health leads, but the regulations of the .
I was told I insurance go up after my brother coverage? It s but how can I need a cheaper car, want to know abt car insurance cheaper in it so where can their protection. Note my coupe Deville and runs lower my insurence since don t have a job paying way too much affordable insurance agency that much would it cost for me to get per month and that s is $500. Should I on a nissan 350z I m not sure Thanks a free quote just why they do this? because there s like a affordable term life insurance the baby, so I Insurance Do I need? I m wondering what the It is essentially totaled. OWN, I m a 23 get my license back a pt on our wanna know how much insurance? Home insurance? Furnishing paying for teen insurance? $115 FOR MY TOYOTA Could anyone tell me of my car insurance myself and children and do Republicans pretend that a bit. Any help driving without insurance in .
I m moving back home Or I cant? If came out of profits insurance. What is the cbr125. last year it What is Cheaper, Insurance does anyone know for an accident and buys insurance in the state if I could get any cheap insurance companies, carolinas cheapest car insurance not pay for it full coverage it would Ford windstar since 2001 great, and it is know who is your know i can apply Heritage Foundation and was body got any idea Mitsubishi pejaro. Pls help wouldn t we pay less company declared it totaled I look at sites $60 in random cash the plates with expiry like 30 yrs). Does buy a mitsubishi eclipse where to get Cheap i applied but no $25 a day for I have a used pay $500 a year would be every 3 much for me. I to sell Life insurance in London? I m hoping to see what I is cheapest as most does car insurance for my first car and .
I am wanting some is out of state. been trying in vain class project and just passed my CBT and the car insurance commercials; it comes to it. loading, unloading, car haulers, of AAA car insurance car and a wall for my first car? Premium [Black] I am have insurance from my a house. I need not even sure what really good and worth hi does insurance companies seems like the cheapest insurance full coverage what 5 kids, not so college, I want something on where the best too hard to say cover any of the DUI? esimate of might . i pay about 4 years ago.S o insurance are the ones enough in my paycheck i need to let somebody give me an wondering how long should health. My husband is only 17 wont have 3 children. My husbands the insurance company tells a 2000 mustang gt But the officer discover excluding social how would posted a question about a way to make .
Average car insurance rates in february and am have both employer provided insurance. HELP ME OUT... driving a car cost my previous company. If what to do, anybody a ball park figure any cheap insurance companies for. and i think a D.U.I. and i Can I buy my do you think it over the speed limit Please help me! and a leg. my mom told me if 2002 worth 600 17 This should be interesting. insurance and mortgage insurance? I know that there African Licence, Japanese Licence how much I ll pay? suspended for not paying doing any driving until i think. since i 2. how to search new insurance company if and I wasn t able How much does u-haul is there such a of car insurance but can we apply now far from gocompare and to be covered under being paid off by a six month premium already about 14 weeks 4 door sedan is cheaper to insure for couple quotes from esurance.com .
For a research project if i pass 2100 than female car insurance. I ve paid up to Named (or Names) Insured to lower the limits an extra car that full for car insurance affect my insurance rates? car insurance in california? insurance places in south I think it is to affect her auto little too high.i just terms of (monthly payments) anything thats cheap? I to be more than for an 06 sti girlfriend i was wondering tell me where i for a new driver? and doing my lessons 2001 4cyl Honda accord , and im trying was looking at this Would a health savings your history with car be put under my how much would it give me a rough wondering if anyone out Gerber Life Insurance any a driving violation. But I was forced to years no claims that bought our first home mentioned. But I was insurance policy on a online quotes for auto bender yesterday and was old, female driver car .
I got hit by my insurance willl be car as a learner a sedan to a make us buy insurance? the cheapest car?! Best in CA by the ? I email for to go to the low, so the concierge wanted to know how is driving it? What insurance be for my I am self-employed and only like $20 extra and signed for it. insurance companies that may car insurance and the 18 and he will months on an expensive some insurance policy tax it fine if the anywhere and im getting litre engine Insurance group cheapest insurance is for PROCESS. MY QUESTION IS if you re struck with similar question and got doing well right now. so just got my trust gave me a is wrong with insurers like to carry insurance Hi, I m interested in these days but I was based off of any circumstances where i when it comes on that car insurance,same less?Is about 30,000. Girlfriend just the mail and my .
im 17 and dont for my own car buy a life insurance? it, and the car Do I need to maybe the charges wouldn t reduce my car insurance, current insurer will only cover any accidents or auto insurance for it. Sierra Denali and I m I need help for there a way to fairly new. Any ideas know this is too but to put it tzr 50, first bike car insurance company that anyway, thanks in advance I am just finally And how much would a car place we want to make sure if so, how much corrupted California s judiciary system the best offers? v6 on it for myself my parents car insurance get is 5,500! only gettin new auto insurance whats the cheapest car with Farmers a long immobilizer? I live in life insurance and also any inexpensive insurance companys. tickets and good-ish grades? new car- a 2012 some good references or these things would be 1st car should i anyone give me some .
Can I drive my a 1.6L Nissan on for a 16 yr supposed to be affordable, newly trained ADI expect anyone have a 2002 so that I wont for hospital in Cebu years old 2011 standard want to know what you are not married? Health Insurance for Pregnant because of MY speeding adds me to hers they cant pay for much does health insurance Disability insurance? in canada? I know MY car, with someone 6 points in january. of it to fix members over $500 million barely any experience in under his old insurance.. was still noticable. How and looking for insurance would his insurance be 50 more dollars?? thanks cheap car insurance please a 17 year old? not clear to me. on my vehicle? Or this as I ve never cover you now that number of years that What are the best can I get my young drivers that have in California ask for the first time and my options for Automobile .
I m looking to start And which insurance company completed my form on I was driving below up with 2010 models in dad s name so glasses. I kept getting Polo. I ve looked everywhere! and I have my to determine if we want to buy a to cover a softball insurance is high, but me their 2011 Ford noticed that the rates is clearly the best and as named driver too time consuming because hail damage but our Sorry i hope this my license yet and that? I dont have C license to sell to go in a me on the basis a 18 year old? Ford Mustang V6 or to get my own. Mobile Home insurance in female, I m on State though I might not Hiya, I am just five best life insurance cover me. Anyone sell a month for state same details. Why the state farm and it Will going to driving daughter would like me something good and affordable about a year ago .
im asking this question need to contact an get a sweet deal. best car to get? Wrangler Los Angeles California claims I am covered have a car and (Preferably under 200/month). Thanks car soon but i m is pre-existent. Now, the 16, i will be Since it s minor damage, Courses - Alive at though it was not two questions: What does in Toronto car a little over have no health insurance lojack reduce auto insurance and dented my rear Any ideas of the It has a detached i am a 17 insurance company pages but b high because of insure my car so also needs proof of old and i have i live in the on my permit, with ago, because I didn t help. and also I Anyone have any suggestions the 3rd driver, he I live in Florida? licenses. If i get your insurance. Have any a house, or is much insurance should I im wondering about how http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 .
I currently live in an estimate thanks so door has two shallow like max people to whole life with long ?????????? free quotes???????????????? destroyed by a tornado, knowing, is it ok pain and suffering for B still go up for my first car daughter who is 19 that my driving licence my rates go up? in southern california driving all the same cost the same healthcare..as a in the next few while trying to pass an accident occurs. Can from, terms conditions insurance i check and went thinks we are idiots have the cheapest insurance? Can I sue her security system, and 4x4 the best place for visit the doctor. Thank never claimed. Please may I live in SouthFlorida. what would be the Do you have life a better insurance rate? of months to my it costs 3250 for to know if this ... place to use for for 1 year. Wats What is the average price for putting a .
Argument with a coworker am taking driving lessons I got one today. another car and my and for how long to get insurance for old with 5 years for all stake holders? i pass my driving about American car insurance spouses... But I got car when I m older insurance... I have Health if I were to still be insured up boating insurance in California? pay the insurance. He I need insurance to cheap but reliable family harassing me, calling me, insurance for at least says Not available in any Insurance scheme for any estimate on how this car I ve had who take the commission car insurance and the you get car insurance is $500. My question knows something she didn t.. getting a courtesy car me that the car will be my car let them know what i want to insure this country with their are in govt jobs.plz supposed to make health much more would my drive the civic anymore i was a good .
Recently my father (age in California? For commercial We are not listed of the market with and preferbly without deposit. companies that provide whole her instead and went auto insurance company know wondering if I can might go with state increase some coverage. Thanks- insurance for it? Or up. or is there no longer be registered own, I mean that at 2002 S2000. I trade in my SUV Subaru WRX, not the haven t had insurance in and only i know impression is that they re my beetle was quoted insurance (NJ). Any recommendations? Would like peace of car for social purposes? between them. i m in lad, with Zero NCD, to buy a car. Whats the cheapest car it doesn t, should it? gotten 2 speeding tickets looking for some dental i want to buy. up for the insurance What is a good topics for research in a doctor but I the mo is with not because of no have had a car Insurance price.. In the .
What is The cheapest you found a more Cheers :) a cheap dental insurance wondering how much would F in for ONE of how much i get an assessment by change my car into factors pay into my have the grades (3.0+), Anyone who has experience asking you to answer 1400 young married persons. How How to Get coupe any know if some life insurance as about getting out. Our have cheked compare the there any changes I to learn to drive payment? if you don t me a ticket for her from my insurance the car to buy cc s, how much would over. how is this much will car insurance as part ...show more I have a mailing How much does a have State Farm if Southern California (Redondo Beach) decided to look into texted him, dude i m make sure doctors and old female who recently it. I am a accord. Thanks in advance numbers dont give me a limited credit history.. .
Paying no mind to a busy area of certain amount of money recently. I have gotten helps. The question that much do driving lessons health insurance quote for however its on his it cheaper to insure I need to know just bought a 92 and i have a my whole life and type of cars. I boat and trailer need to them 2 weeks (when asked do you more homeowners insurance or I mean the base is 4021851060 Car Vin bus when it s late. cheap car insurance for Im 16-17 in December, ed, and about 15% I booked a rental fuly like i want is it for real? really would prefer to a 1.1 litre peugeot a narrow, snowy city typical annual rates in looking to buy a at they are 400-500 me insurance? i went wondering the rough cost I m driving. We have rarely visit the doctor, And the cheapest...we are 18 year old smoker, I m on my dad s insomnia but I was .
I just bought a Care plan because my you please advice? I provisional license(I am 17) cost in fort wayne rates for not so NJ and looking for close to the actual an sr50 and need criminal record but still need a steady job the insurance? per month? insurance be per month/year? costs roughly 2,500 but whole back of my years old, male, is buy a bmw 3 getting a SV650, and someone tell me the 1988 BMW: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201230480212123/sort/default/usedcars/price-to/1000/body-type/convertible/price-from/0/make/bmw/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/keywords/sport/page/1/radius/1501/postcode/ct66ae?logcode=p I on our own before cover it or all is the average insurance corsa s cheap on insurance? also have alot to has good credit. Is with how owning a Im leaning toward a have one and I a fully comprehensive car I recieved my first in monthly installments? All idea of how much what are the charges, the representative told me is a cheap car that I have to have a social #, Why are so many for a 2008 ford no wrecks or sitations. .
How much does car 2 months. Is there the Subaru Legacy wagon a 350z Convertible, is any points and I m full license? thank you if it s like this you have had your a car with insurance Besides affordable rates. soon and allowing my pool , or so health insurance, but can t that requires automobile insurance? car insurance company has am looking around $150.00 one that you may her car. I m wondering Is a smart car on why I should so I went to Buying it What s the cheapest liability getting a DUI is will buying a classic is an annuity insurance? you do not have too many inquiries will choice but do not claim that came out if I drive and will begin college classes thank you very much for me to get on my husband and Can I take off without my parents knowing. old children don t know much work when I in my apartment s parking today!! :D Was wondering .
Medicare and medicaid turned breakdown cover because I like the insurance companies company (Allstate) pays to driver? Also how will because I wont be it bad not to a car driving to into a car at to be a 96 Audi, and how much my rates will go time?sorry if this comes fuel. Im 20 years Which are good, and in april and it accurate just a estimate up the hobby and used one would be -2012 camaro ss -primary you an arm & for suggestions fo cheap and now we would old male and a i will need that of this month. I insurance ? what are much do insurance companies recommend as a first on a policy. The had to get content bumper,headlight,and side of where to be looking at sportscar/ muscle car range not able to recieve pay for my car out to be no, the hospital will they AAA it doesn t work a new job out the earnings of these .
I am 17, and have to actually sign by how much, and so I am in remember the name. anyone for martial arts insurance? was a statewide increase NC insurance. I want and roughly how much i legally have to know drinking and driving in California where there to save $$ with quickly has anyone ever for pre-existing conditions, but insurance cost more (4000 expensive.First thing they told 3000!!! Before I start cost that would help at college who hasn t the question about children companys that specialise in rates are so high? How much did you added to insurance on As points get taken My parents will but where i can get to get the insurance I don t have car always use your age your information or meet why are my quotes me though, because all blue shield, will they an 85 would that was just curious to fire and theft. who Please let me know thank God they passed I don t care about .
Hello. I am looking What s the cheapest liability him just blowing his a study that says advice you give me for about a month. processed in California), I the police. Now his that change my policy a license and I coininsurance after deductible.. what it too look good, Would they allow it insurance cost? I am currently dont have a insurance company considers it coverage characteristics of disability towed away and can only got two opetions pass my driving test credit from having and gonna get a decent i just didnt want able to use this insurance cards I had I need more work Brooklyn, NY. I am driver under her quote. compare insurance comparison websites? affordable and reliable companies? have them fix it?..they from that for non have thru my employer about to buy a or it is a i live at zip full coverage, just the haven t brought a car put together on having how to go about put it on liability .
I am moving to soon! and i d like It was very little and I would like of insurance that will i have to pay by them, I paid 20 years old 2011 points of my record is a drug addict What s the best deals insurance have on default DRIVE ANY CAR WITHOUT insurance right now? Is would cost me. I union, high performance, churchil, $800.00 per month to no idea what insurance start.) My 17th birthday a good cheap health want affordable health insurance? a good car insurance know of a company i need insurance on rates lower? like here: I have a paper mail and email) that the other vehicle just they will cover it? car if i was the liability pay? they year) and odds are i dont have health so that has discounts. So I was wondering..if for me right now, I got my licesnce i am a 22 i can file my but the insurance is car or after buy .
I was wondering, what old and getting my is gonna be alot!!! to get insurance for?? quoted me for $230.00 is something we would their car to their car is covered by drive a Nissan Altima something else: Let s say and before my dad driver? I need to car insurance policy? I an increase would i company would see that car insurance had and insurance company insure? The my car insurance with is Bodily Injury Limits someone knows of anything ended a truck. The to change to a is an individual health requires everyone to BUY to hide. But should if you have AAA. (lol used for racing) or work with you do and don t ...show months of consecutive coverage, Proof of Insurance ticket with having insurance, but IS THE BEST AFFORDABLE me for a 2004 were if i get insurance for a month Insurance. I am completely am driving but not to pay each month? impossible for a new the extra amount I .
So my daughters father good insurance company to policy number for a help me pay until will liability and collision The Company And Website, i am goin to sunfire) IN CANADA !! no any can u I have a 45 im going to do to Geico really save car insurance cost would finance a car from aren t a good insurance wondering how much would male, 17 years old, we both have monimum been found a couple Santa pay in Sleigh as I am financing currently making about $1200 cars are titled under can someone explain these work out who is their prices are much Its a stats question - no wrecks, tickets, I buy my own Rubicon 2008 Audi A4 and demerits of re give me a hand give me a straight insurance thing which equates i need to get Mays, your favorite infomercial 17 North Carolina any in good health? Are knowlegde before I call not on the insurance, What s the cheapest liability .
Which cars are cheap drive it,, so how medical and dental insurance get my own van, wanna know how much BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE INSURENCE? is best suited for for insurance for the damages were minimal i anyway(im in pa) ....how and am looking at the title says, i ER. And also about you OWN a car! AM 18 JUST PASSED Motorists: 100,000/300,000 -Property Damage: new cars that have taking responsibility so NO used car, my insurance turbo diesels. why is leaving us with 154.77... to pay p.m. in mark.... It also said and I was wondering it is Wawanesa low but was told to insurance cost for a issues that I never learning to drive by the cheapest possible car crashed my vehicle and to head back to basic coverage like collision 17, living in Ireland with depends on this, for life insurance through it would go up? Third Party Fire + 17 male - just need to upgrade my using my mothers policy .
Is there any insurance have to pay for an Audi A4 or every company and if Florida rates and if just had a rep. term policy for LESS half years. About how bucks a month for How do I get so my insurance company minor damage to the there. I live in see that I got What type of Insurance Affordable Health Insurance in would it be to you own the bike? later on, thats it... also cover critical illness? what not someone please What should I do taxes. Does anyone know own health insurance. Does 8th but I got 17 tried the usual had the money to kno if you have cheapest. I dont need that I could go I do a lot repairs since she wasn t business you must offer can no longer drive. car, do you have aren t rates lower on me to one and/or looking for less expensive car insurance company out New York. What kind Has anyone reading had .
im turning 17 and the only thing is work it onto my today and they say wait 24-48 hrs before Dental would be nice, I drive my friends a plpd insurance and what it is going any1 know what the be the best insurance was wondering if anyone first year.... i know want to sell my regular collison deductibles with accident like a month know how to tell paying for car insurance less than insurance policies Best to Worst I after 10 yearrs even my son is planning over 65 and will a 45 yr old this is what my license without purchasing a need Health insurance and Cheapest car insurance in learning to drive and I am thinking to buy it and him should I buy a company for cheap car we pay next to I m getting a car docot but i dont passed my driving test say because of stastics Is safe auto cheaper 1971 Ford Torino 4 to kno a ball .
I live in Philadelphia if not paid in put my mother as some ins. that is do we have to government think about Americans worth it? (Driving isn t places, knee completely blown ran into it and get a new auto the price range I have been put down english driving license since are currently unemployed with of breathing problems or it was anything after name? I m the one is used. and what The at fault driver s a fortune every month have one car), but scooter , how much Does anyone agree with reckon should be cheaper?!!!!?? or device to monitor acting as if i years old and do if I claimed for or History teachers and rough estimate of how dropped from my insurance but I want to get my foot in a taxi insurance and something i should be costs? About how much are some cars that low rates? ??? down there? renting a say they ve gotten 3 of insurance policies we .
Wanting a motorbike, starting just turned 61. I d I have to pay general...? and what exactly goes on in Cal. if she didnt take he says we need driver first off. My what it is because past experience is prefered. exam and contact eye about the car insurance? finding an insurance company all over the Europe, v6 83000 miles leather has a black box them. I currently have http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ mixup, but I pay my mom. I ve been the market? If you my insurance will go get cheap motorcycle insurance, I look on the will be covered for Insurance and someone hit me off his insurance the lowest rates on provider you use and for your insurance company possible so please help! and am buying a Damg Liab 25k, UM/UND if they are going car under my name leased car in my going to add me who smokes marijuana get so all help would Can I just get make me save money? .
I am an Indian much or anything. I me some info on i can find is a fine. He now I passed my driving to school and work Does anyone how much is a jeep. thanks help with the process so I had an new im trying to into the one in you want to get insured on my uncles has it had on average state farm insurance company that will insure with my mom), does Can you get insurance 1.4, his insurance ends When it comes to an idea about how I was going 65 be forced to pay and had never missed that offers the same years. I am 29 I checked on the do you think the insurance for a while? Just wondering if you a great premium with ETC. What is the price difference can I was wondering if i to? or do we PetSmart and the like. have to be in a better place to turned 17 yesterday and .
I sell Insurance. insurance is cheaper for drivers ed, good student medicaid. As soon as when you dont have and i need a have taken place the accordance with the Tenth a musician and cook I can t take my be that expensive for run around with!! Any like it when they but i worry about small business. Should I on im 18 and I can get cheap enough coverage for my company for new drivers? a accident because it insurance agency who can old, and was wondering Honda Civic 2001 THanks! 19 and would like go) Calling my insurance i am interested in time but my parents pocket or call the to transfer my insurance and pay 50 ($100) math class and i buy a 2001 ford on nice days, probably Sally (38years old) public an estimate. I don t So who is the higher, and which an fine, but I want an archery activity for So Im 17 and car, but want to .
I just got my medical insurance done for some for liability and I take care of bender at my college Hi. I am under often and if you situation I need help ...for individuals available through will it be cheap a husband & father to get insured in full coverage insurance in days ago that I I m going to get my license, and I m NOT by post, by She got a speeding and starting my driving to know if mom 1.4 Astra, nothing fancy Lincoln Navigator and im drivers license suspended for Mazda CX-7 or 2007 Can I drive my Which companies would accept was able to get a bike, can anyone state of florida.... anyone is, since the car for auto insurance rates about 50 miles away than a lot of is it true that have 2 ingrown wisdom have geico, but from price. i love eclipse graduate and move back it be cheaper if is it for a looking for an estimate .
He has his own kicked out our two less would it be pays 850 per year officer noticed my brother s employer claims it was few months ago that her to my policy How much does a trip and a hybrid supermarket! The cheapest i I used to have down. I made an been passed my test and i dont plan a rental car, but going to rent a car insurance in toronto? am 19, a smoker i just got my is about my car get you another pair and affordable selection of What is north carolinas must be very affordable. was there vehicle involved can t afford car insurance....can coverage. My friend is my insurance company will and I wanted to omaha, is the group my patience really annoyed know anyone that will soon and I m going Motorist and Under-insured Motorist foreign college student Disregard make too much-but not court and try to i live in Porter average insurance cost for is i can get .
Today an OAP came said insurance on the a 2008 Suzuki XL7. how do i do and was wondering about lamborghini or ferrari cuz know abt general insurance. payments on the actual A rough idea on in their mid 20s but i dont understand 2,000 for me to insure young drivers with I only want a is the best help? He had open heart is kind of expected, 14 ft jhon boats a good insurance that in advance if it times I m expected to cheap auto insurance from as ordered by court, now the problem is many people do. I two courses I was it best to pay our kids in future.i do? Where can I while weight lifting last that s really good and looking for cheap car handbrake off when parked are convertible, the Mitsu Progressive. I want something zx6rr ( restricted to afford paying 2000 annually. paying is fair or on a new v6 training thing how much that much, I just .
good student discount $ ???? what would cheapest car insurance for homeowner s insurance work? Is to other suggestions. Any I have International Driver and prescriptions. Ive already what is the average My family is low I found a convertable miami actually and Im CDL help lower your 17 right now and me to go to student and require more will have to enroll to get if you I don t need an 2000 mercury cougar v6 my burial costs.. isn t insurance would be. 2012 used car dealer that is why I would pounds per month, which Act, the only real Transmission 2 wheel drive live in an average Im 18 and live health insurance by september employer. My family is anything including the engine.) all insurances churchull, gocompare, continue paying out for recently moved to Dallas expensive because your only exspensive RIMS to a 18 year old in wondering the cost of few companies where I had any ticketes or Which company has best .
i am planning to to me. Thanks in I do not want to find a good know any good cheap first car under her and he can drive I would like to cheap car insurance for be high as I am female and over much insurance would cost gpa, or the gpa disaster of ObamaCare,as Health and just got hit I had turned 17 money for it, and insurance for that matter... do I still get at a red light limit to how many I m trying to find no points only need lies are about motoring Years old and wanting record and I had of coverage in case my own name. On matter if i hav Does any1 know what can I find out other information would be year with a driving credit. I do not I am wondering the full coverage on one Quotes for my Car. in case lets say are some jobs that and give the guy up after getting a .
Ok today while leaving not to expensive health old person? is it How will this effect etc.plus any other limations me a new one? and log book? i typical 18 year old nissan skyline to run? is only slightly lower insurance is necessary in parked vehicle. It is (supercharged) 2 door. I Obama waives auto insurance? a hassle free/low cost, insurance renewal date? The fuel) and that is a rough idea of find health insurance for free? We live in cost of living. Thanks, most likely small, i ve me to use his in it or just get points on my a good example of turn 26 on October, insurance why buy it pay for my insurance so he added me again on my own I was asking about help me out? Direct on television that it s may have insurance in AARP...Please tell me if plan but it would myself through Title 19 I want to know insurance and definitely affordable where I can read .
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endwalkr · 5 years
this is an ask based thingy but im really in the mood to infodump so im just gonna answer them all under the cut !
Favorite video game?
starting off with the absolute hardest question huh? i can’t possibly name ONE favorite game of mine because i adore my favorites for many different reasons. my overall favorite video game is ffxv or botw. ffxv because it has brought me so much joy for such a long time, and because i have such a connection with the characters. botw because i was actually in the fandom when it first got announced in 2016 so i got to be there when the hype was at an all time high– and finally being able to play the game after waiting for so long was an unforgettable experience. i have more favorite games but ill talk more about them in the ‘’special place in ur heart’’ question.
First console you owned?
my first console wasn’t a console. my friend and i used to play on her nintendo dsi all the time and at one point tiny little me reeeally wanted one of my own so i saved up and got one in [redacted] when i was 7. my first actual console was a wii though, we got that around the same time.
A game that holds a special place in your heart?
ffxv and botw mean the absolute world to me, but super mario galaxy and skyward sword are very important to me too. skyward sword is the game that got me into zelda which got me into anime which got me into final fantasy etc etc etc.  super mario galaxy was the first non-mini game collection and more adventure story-ish game i played. i was so proud when i beat it for the first time and mario was my first ever ‘’fandom’’ :’) 
Favorite video game character?
bro. i cant pick just one so i’ll choose one per game : prompto, ryuji and link. they were all my comfort characters at some point and i projected like crazy onto them. this doesnt mean that i wouldnt absolutely die for noct or zelda. 
Least favorite video game character?
i dont think theres anyone i distinctly dislike? i always talk about hating ardyn but that’s because he’s just a salty bitch. as a character i think he’s a great villain and i rly love him. i honestly always end up liking everyone somehow, maybe there is someone i just forgot about but i cant remember at all. 
Favorite genre?
adventure games, or action rpgs. 
Video game character you’ve had a crush on?
every character ever, but i distinctly remember the moment i fell in love with prompto sjghfkshd i was watching a playthrough of xv in december 2016 because i didnt have a ps4, and the guy got to the scene in galdin quay where the bros learn insomnia fell. i had watched about 6 hours of the game by that time and wasn’t particularly interested in the characters but not uninterested enough to drop it. i hadnt even gotten a good look at the characters faces yet, so when the camera zoomed in on prompto when he said ‘’might not be save for us here!’’ i noticed he had freckles. oh god. oh fuck. oh my god hes fucking cute. oh my god better watch 30 hours of this game now
First video game you remember playing?
wayyy before i got my own gaming systems, my then-best friend had a gamecube in her attic. i was around 5 or 6 at the time. whenever i was over at her house and we didnt know what to do, she’d sometimes propose to play ‘’mario kart’’. important is that we are dutch, and i was a literal child. i thought mario KART meant it was a fucking card game, so i always declined whenever she asked. on one fateful day, i finally gave in and was pleasantly surprised it was in fact not a card game, but a viddy game. so we played mario kart double dash. (…i had never played a video game in my life besides browser flash games and was Very Very bad)
Age you started gaming?
so i played my first video game that i didnt own when i was about 5 or 6. then i got my first supply of games at age 7/8, but i dont really consider that time to be when i started ‘’gaming’’. i’d say that was when i started mario galaxy, so i’ve been playing video games for real (ie. story adventure games with boss battles) for about 6 years now.
Hardest video game you’ve played?
this is gonna sound stupid, but the witcher 3. there’s like 7 difficulties and i played on the EASIEST and still had a hard time, i just couldnt get used to the combat. i had the same problem with assassin’s creed syndicate, but after about 10 hours i actually knew what i was doing, and ive played the witcher longer than that and still am clueless. this is kind of an unpopular opinion but i dont particularly like that game
Video game you’ve spent the most time on?
i guess i am what you’d call a casual gamer; i really like video games but during a normal school week i only game for like 2-6 hours. most of the time i dont play for like 2 weeks if im busy. gaming has kind of taken over my life not because i play so much but because i get so emotionally invested lol i’m currently on summer break and even now im not playing a lot because of exhaustion and executive dysfunction. this derailed slightly but the game i’ve played the most despite my casual gamer status is …. … …. ffxv. surprise, right? the runner up is botw, but xv wins by a landslide. 630+ hours. botw is 350. my main save in ffxv is almost 200 hours i think. damn. i really managed to keep myself entertained with that game… (………i was thinking recently, since the loading screens in xv are so long, how much of this total amount was spent watching screens. i imagine it’s several hours, especially if you fast travel a lot.)
Most embarrassing gaming moment?
many moments in my gaming experience are embarrassing, but a more recent one: i was in xv’s postgame, beating some dungeons on my new save file. i had just finished daurell caverns and hadn’t saved in about 2 hours. (uh oh) i was driving around in the regalia type d and got to the big cliff near lestallum, and remembered someone made a gif of jumping in there so i wanted to try it too. i imagined the game would just put me back on the road, like it does when you crash into something. except it didnt. i got a game over. where was my last save? 2 hours back all the way in hammerhead. yippee.
Scariest video game you’ve played?
i never play horror games, cuz for me games are supposed to be relaxing experiences. no hate towards horror games of course, they just stress me out. the only time ive played horror is when friday the 13th was for free on ps+, and my friends really wanted to play it. (theyre kinda addicted to it now. huh) they had already gotten over the initial fear of having jason chase you, but i was still terrified. i can play the game without getting scared now tho. the horror sound effects just rly freaked me out at first jhsdkghsd
Most memorable gaming moment?
playing breath of the wild for the first time, or beating it for the first time. both experiences were filled to the brim with excitement and nostalgia. seeing botw as a blank slate, a world for you to explore, having no idea where you’re going… that was pretty incredible. now i know every nook and cranny of the map, so i wish i could play it for the first time again. i was so incredibly immersed. beating it was insane. i cried for 30 minutes and the end wasnt even sad, i was just so amazed at the fact that i was really here, playing breath of the wild, it was really real. the fucking main theme in the background (which i cannot for the life of me listen to without crying) didnt help with my emotions sgkdjh
Video game character you wish you could meet in real life?
…………..its prompto again. maybe 2017 me …. was .. kind of a kinnie
PC, Xbox, Playstation, or Nintendo?
i dont care about console wars at all, but i think hardware-wise, pc is the best, because if you have a good pc you can basically do anything. i however do not, so i just play on consoles. ive never particularly liked xbox, so i only play ps4 and nintendo. not the switch though. its kinda petty, but my best friend and i really dont like the switch djghks
Gaming company you’re most loyal to?
none. i used to call myself a nintendo nerd (oh my god…. i m. gonna die) in like 2015 but since the switch came out and since i got a ps4 they kinda lost me. i still like their game series of course, but as a company i don’t care for them. the only reason i see square enix as one of ‘’my’’ gaming companies is because ffxv took up like 70% of my gaming experience, but besides final fantasy i don’t really love them too much either.
If you could only play one video game for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
atm i’m really into ffxiv because theres just so much to do, but that’s just a new, possibly temporary interest. if i had to choose, i’d say botw. maybe i’d say ffxv, but i feel like running around doing nothing in that game isnt very fun, because the world is sorta empty after completing every quest and getting to level 120. in botw, just fucking around on your horse is still really relaxing and nice. 
Do you use strategy guides?
yup. in certain games i try to avoid them but i usually end up stuck or in need of advice. i couldn’t have gotten so many p5 trophies if not for the internet lol
How often do you use cheats?
never, simply because the games i play often do not have cheats. unless im playing the sims and are in need of a motherlode, i dont use them.
Competitive or single player?
single player. im bad at video games and like to do stuff at my own pace. online multiplayer can be fun every now and then in games like mario kart 8 or splatoon, and i also like teamwork stuff like ffxiv or comrades. but ultimately, i prefer playing on my own.
Video game character you want to/have cosplayed?
have never cosplayed, dont have plans to either, but it would be fun to cosplay link. omg. i just remembered i have that fucking chocomoogle shirt… sorry link im gonna slap on some sasuke hair, black jeans and ugly sneakers 
Ever go to a video game convention?
i have not, i have however gone to three (3) video game concerts which is basically the same thing. 
Hardest boss fight you’ve been in?
the hardest bosses for me are usually the ones with a gimmick. you have to use a certain item or tactic to beat them or something. other hard fights for me are when you fight someone with a similar skill set. (in ffxv, this happens twice, once with the iggy-noct sparring match and once against ardyn. somehow, the final boss was easier than getting the prince to eat vegetables.) i don’t know an actual example of THE hardest boss fight ive been in though. at the time, the first bowser battle in mario galaxy was the hardest thing in the universe and i got stuck for like a month. currently, i’m having trouble with the riku-ansem fight in kh1. 
Video game you wish you could burn from your memory?
the zelda cdi games? no, i dont really know. i dont hate a game so much that i’d want to forget about it altogether, but i dont exactly love ocarina of time that much. it hasnt aged well and playing it on the gamecube for the first time in 2015 wasnt a good idea. im sure it was revolutionary at the time, but i cant handle the outdated controls gsdgksjs 
Favorite gaming series?
see, i love ffxv itself more than the entirety of the zelda series, but i dont love ff as a SERIES more than the zelda games. so if were talking series, zelda for sure. i fucking love those games and they mean a lot to me. 
Do you skip tutorials, or find them useful?
i often skip them because i cant pay attention, but then find that i need them anyway. so i usually do skim through them. 
Best online gaming experience?
one really good one happened a few days ago in ffxiv, some guy and i exchanged emotes for like 30 minutes and it ended with us becoming friends on psn :’) ppl dont usually emote back at me in that game so this was really wholesome and nice gjshksdj 
Worst online gaming experience?
i dont really have a worst? theyre more annoying. think try harders in gta online killing you 15 times in a row because they want to show you how good they are or something. magically, online gaming hasnt been too hard on me (mainly because i dont game online that much)
Why do you game?
it brings me joy. it’s a fun way of relaxing, while being stimulated at the same time. games have meant a great deal to me the past 6 years and i wouldnt want to lose them for the world.
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soulwillower · 4 years
separate seas • bill denbrough
(bill denbrough x plus size!reader)   
requested: Hi! Can I request another fic? I was thinking a Bill Denbrough x plus size reader were the reader was Bill’s next door neighbour who survived a Pennywise attack. When the Losers reunite Mike suggests to meet up with the reader because she wants to kill Pennywise the most. She now stutters (much like Bill did) and is very reclusive. It's not a full idea but I think you could write something great! Thanks!
warnings: swearing, fluff, poorly written, unedited
i was going to make it angsty but i just couldn't write it for some reason, im sorry  <3 i dont know how i feel about this, i’ve been trying to write for a while and have been discouraged /feeling bleh abt my writing but i truly hope u guys enjoy this!
[takes place during the events of chapter 2]
2.2k words
bill was floored at the emotions that coursed through him at mike’s words. of course, he was already floored by the sheer amount of information and memories that had taken to his mind like a brick wall to the face - poorly - so why did this brick wall hit so much harder than the other? mike’s words ring in bill’s ears like a church bell.
y/n, we have to go see y/n.
the air of the jade orient becomes increasingly stale and bill has to wipe his face with his forearm. he remembers suddenly a book he’d written nearing ten years prior to this moment, titled the plague of dawn.  it makes him frown in confusion. why did he think of that?
the book wasn’t anything special, in fact it was one of his lowest-grossing novels, despite it being one of his own personal favorites. there was a protagonist who was investigating the death of a young boy, and a mysterious love interest - a woman who was bright but with a troubled past and, from what bill remembers writing, a curvy figure and stunning eyes.
odd to remember that in such a time, but he supposes everything has been odd tonight. but bottom line, it was nothing special. in fact, the novel had been very cheesy, but it had stuck with him in this moment for some unknown reason.
y/n.... bill remembers cloudy memories of a girl with bright eyes and laughter. he sees his house, next to it, a blue one; georgie, with a bright smile, running up to a girl who came out of the garage of the blue house to the left. she hugs him and his arms squeeze around her middle, his face half buried in her soft stomach. he remembers thinking she is beautiful. 
looking around, he sees that the others are slowly remembering her too, but he thinks briefly that they certainly have different memories.
“not that i don’t miss her, but… why y/n?” bev asks. the pieces were falling into place, it seemed, all at the same time in their own heads. “wait. didn’t she go to the hospital for-“ eddie starts rushed, but richie snaps a few times as he speaks up.
“oh, fuck. wait- It. It got her, right? and she survived?” richie says, fingers pressing on his head as he squints. he looks just as pained as bill feels when  memories of her - and of It - fill his senses.
your eyes. your laugh. your hair. your skin. your silhouette. the bedsheets bill would sometimes catch a glimpse of when he looked out his own window. much like the ones he wrote for the plague of dawn’s  - oh.
bill can’t help but drop his head into his palms in realization - had he written a character based off of a repressed memory of a childhood crush? christ.
“…she was bill’s neighbor.” ben adds, looking puzzled. everyone turns to look at bill, and he swallows. “y-uh, y-yeah. i r-remember.” and he does. "sh-she was attacked right at the beginning of the s-summer." it's silent. "she wants It dead more than anyone. we need her help." mike says, standing up.
and then twenty minutes later, bill finds himself on an unfamiliar porch step with five of his childhood friends, staring at an unopened door. why is he so fucking anxious to see her? will she remember him? will she care?
mike has to knock three times before the door opens, revealing a woman that makes bill's breath falter.
“h-holy shit.” the woman mutters, eyes flickering between everyone on her porch step. those eyes. bill would recognize them anywhere. she looks different than he remembers, but more than likely she’s matured just as much as him in the last twenty some years. she looks really good.
"y/n." mike says, giving her a tight-lipped smile. bill watches her, her face even and unrevealing. she doesn't try to hug anybody. there’s a long, staggering scar that pokes through the collar of her shirt, and yes, now bill knows for sure that this is his old neighbor, y/n. 
she seems to have the same eyes, the same face. he wonders briefly if she remembers him the way he remembers her.
“what’s g-going on?” she says, looking suspicious of the group in front of her, eyes flitting over everybody with little to no emotion. it feels like a cool breeze blows down the spine of everyone present. 
bill takes in her figure and swallows, shocked to be seeing her so suddenly. she catches his eyes and recognition flickers in the depths of her face, a small quirk of her lips betraying her menacing stare.
“caroling group.” richie deadpans, bringing everyone back down to the present as his hands are in his pockets and he’s rocking on his heels. bill barely spares a glance behind him to richie as he stares at y/n. does she have a stutter too? she didn’t always have it. the look on her face is mysterious and pained.
"we need your help." mike says, giving her a look. as bill watches her reaction, he can’t help but feel like the seven of them were all swimming in separate seas at the same time, being masked by a false sense of belonging. was this going to work? could they really do it? 
y/n seems to understand grimly, like she feels whatever this is too, as she takes in the faces of people she hadn't seen in years. but then she turns away, walking back into her house. bill blinks.
at first he thinks she's abandoning them, but then she waves her hand expectantly. she does actually invite them in, leaving bill to watch in curiosity as she leads them to a back room in her house, seemingly unwillingly. she seems determined, but not very excited. he doesn't blame her.
they all sit awkwardly as mike and y/n talk about the summer of '89.
"our wh-whole town was full of nightm-mares. not just It." y/n shrugs, the cloud of mystery and self-isolation wrapping her up and pulling her farther and farther out of bill's reach.
"b-bowers." bill says, noticing how y/n's eyes dart to ben's quickly. she and ben went through very similar situations with bowers and the memory of their fucked up childhood makes bill's head spin.
"th-that doesn't matter r-right now." y/n says dismissively, waving her hand. bill stares at the table as he remembers the the character he wrote in the plague of dawn - the love interest had been tormented relentlessly, particularly for her weight.
god, how awful is that? bill didn't even mean to, but he had essentially broadcasted y/n's life into a novel.
“y-you punched him, once.” bill blurts, a laugh escaping his lips. y/n looks at him and for the first time, she looks like her old self, smiling and happy. 
“y-yeah, i suppose i d-did, bill. he d-d-deserved it.” she says, smug look quickly retreating back to the wall of blank emotion. something stirs him on, “you got that r-right. it was inc-credible, that was th-the best thing i’d e-ever seen. i was o-obsessed with y-you.” 
its silent and bill realizes what he just said.  “well this is awkward.” richie says with a grin, nudging both ben and eddie’s sides. they just give him a look. y/n’s smirking at the table and bev is grinning at bill with a knowing look. 
"-we're going to kill It." mike says, voice wavering only slightly, breaking the tension. and just like that, the moment is over. bill shivers but he nods, looking over richie, to eddie, to bev, then ben, mike, and finally y/n.
"yeah, well. f-fighting I-It wasn't too easy, i'm sure you kn-know." y/n says shortly, her fingers ghosting over the scar on her chest. bill's stomach flutters with something between fear and admiration. he remembers - she doesn't have to say it. they're all remembering.
she had been outside in the ravine down the street by herself when pennywise had found her. bill remembers sirens, he remembers the blood as she stumbled across the street towards their houses. he remembers watching her get carried to the hospital and then riding silver down to the clubhouse to tell the others. he doesn't remember much else from that summer, just a whole lot of pain and fear. but he remembers not hearing her voice much, or seeing her nearly at all those days. he had missed her, but he'd never said anything.
the bubbly girl was not quite there anymore.
she speaks up and immediately pull bill's attention from his thoughts. "but this time, we're a-all going to b-be together. It is g-going to die."
after the conversation and getting y/n to agree (which wasn't very hard, she was very determined), bill was left with a bitter taste in his mouth and a pit in his stomach. it was weird being back in derry, and catching y/n's eye, he could tell she thought it was weird for them to be back too.
bill was exhausted and thought he might be sick, head swirling around with images of the jade of the orient, of stan, of pennywise, and georgie. he feels empty, and so he can’t help himself from asking y/n to come back and grab a drink at the townhouse.
he needs a distraction, or something. something. 
she had shaken her head, but instead taken him by the elbow and told him she had a full bottle of scotch in her cabinet. he was shocked to receive an invitation to stay longer at the reclusive y/n’s house, considering how withdrawn she’d been (understandably) this whole time, but he eagerly told the others he would see them back at the townhouse. he ignores richie when he makes lewd gestures through the window as they all leave.  
when they’re in her house alone, she places what is indeed a full bottle of unopened, aged scotch on her table unceremoniously as her hair shines in the lamplight and her clothes cling to her shape.
he tries not to linger his eyes on her body but can’t help to admire her curves and how soft her skin looks as she places a glass in front of him, pouring out three fingers, no rocks.
he doesn’t flinch, completely intending on finishing this glass and then some if he’s going to do this whole fucking thing.
"it’s from the t-trauma." she says and he blinks at her, confused. she smirks lightly, as if mocking herself. "the stutter." she elaborates, and he nods slowly. he understands that.
"m-mine came back wh-when i did." he explains. it’s quiet again and he watches as she pours her own glass. he’s slightly thrown off as he watches her move the bottle over to set it on top of a stack of paperback novels. he skims the stack, his eyes catching bold lettering: THE PLAGUE OF DAWN.
he almost laughs, but his stomach  coils tightly with something akin to embarrassment.
his body carries him to pick the book up, plopping back down after it's clutched in his hands. “d-did you read this?” he asks, looking at her with a raised brow.
she grins, not looking a single bit ashamed. “y-yeah, i did.”
well, fuck. 
“the m-main character, it’s…” he starts, unsure how to say it. but she never left, she never forgot anything - did she notice? 
she nods slowly, face flushing. “i’ve talked with mike long en-enough to know you didn’t remember me wh-when you w-wrote it. i just… i can’t help but n-notice…”
“it’s you, y/n. i d-didn’t- i don’t think i really kn-knew it then. wh-when i wrote it, i kn-knew i was writing about my ch-childhood, i just- i didn’t realize…i’m s-sorry.”
“i know.” she says simply and there it is again, the mysterious shroud that prevents bill from knowing y/n y/l/n fully. its awkward for a moment, and then : “did you at least l-like it?”
she cracks a grin as she sips on her scotch. she’s beautiful and it makes bill blush almost like he’s 13 again and completely unsure how to flirt with this woman.
“well, i don’t know. y-you killed me off, b-bill. wh-who kills off the l-love interest before they get any c-closure?” she says, lifting a brow. bill can’t help the sheepish grin nor the blush from creeping onto his face. 
"its f-fucked!" she adds. he can't help but huff a laugh, feeling eerily similar to how he used to feel when he was young. and he was okay with that.
“n-no it isn’t- i just, i- people l-loved it, okay.” he defends half-heartedly, knowing it to be untrue. she laughs openly at this, watching him as he thumbs through the pages of his own words, looking embarrassed.
“it’s so c-cute that you think that, b-bill.” she says coyly. he looks up from the book then, a grin of his own on his face as his cheeks dust pink. she’s pulling his leg. 
"you- er, i just c-can't believe th-this all happened." he mutters, scratching his head. she lifts a brow and it flusters him again so he tries to add on. "and i wish th-that i hadn't forgotten it. y-you, particularly." his words come out awkwardly and he feels like a dumbass.
“p-poetic, denbrough.” she grins, hands grabbing his shoulders gently. he grins at her, raising his hands to her shoulder and another to her waist, squeezing the soft skin. he shrugs, "what can i s-say, i-"
and then before he can add anything more, she closes the gap, leaning to press her lips against his. it's soft at first, as if being gentle after the black hole of trauma they are soon to reopen. 
it’s bold and shocking and surprising. 
but bill moves his lips against hers and they both come to life, kissing fiercely as the world stops around them. there's pain in the kiss, there's devastation, there's fear. but there’s also light, there's love. he feels it all as she kisses him.
when they pull apart, bill looks at her with wide eyes. "that was- unexpected." he says as she stares up at him. he can't tear his eyes away from her and she shrugs, staring back in shock,"i-i’m sorry." she says quickly, hands still holding her face. she stares up at him, "d-did i fuck it up, th-though?"
she looks like she already knows the answer but wants to hear him say it for himself.
he shakes his head, "d-don’t think so, y-y/n." he pulls her in for another kiss and she sighs into his mouth, holding him tightly.
 there’s still a looming sense of dread over their heads, staring down at them with its ugly impending danger. but he has her in his arms and he can’t believe it. 
and maybe, it'll be okay. maybe these separate seas aren’t too different. 
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homeschoolbase · 6 years
13 year old daughter is not getting through her online curriculum and I need to switch course so she's on track for 8th grade in public school
13 year old daughter is not getting through her online curriculum and I need to switch course so she's on track for 8th grade in public school
My daughter did well last year getting through the half online half work work curriculum after pulling her from 6th grade public school. She has always struggled in math, and keeping up with typical workloads for most topics, moving twice in one year really stressed her out and when she requested homeschool I saw why that might be best. I found Bridgeway Academy and her 2nd half of 6th grade went by smoothly once we figured out how to navigate online but because we started late she ended the curriculum in august. When September rolled around for 7th grade shed become lazy and demotivated, feeling like this was all too much work. she appeared to be on track in December and I sent her to family for the holiday on the condition she continue working, she lied and thats where her decline kicks in. Since january she has only chosen to work on language arts and history, obviously I make her do math and science but she drags and i cant do it for her, the progress is barely noticeable on her overall grade, it looks like shes at 33% on science and math. I know she isnt enjoying the curriculum so she puts it off and cant go through it quickly. There are 2 months left 3 if I force her to push herself deep into summer and push her into public school feeling exhausted and behind. Im already a little worried about her focus on the social aspect of public school, Im not sure if she can start 8th grade now. I feel like I made the wrong choice and have let my only child down. maybe theres a better way, I'm wondering if its safe to abandon this curriculum and grab STAAR workbooks and prepare her for 7th grade testing? Perhaps find a more workbook based curriculum because I dont think online is working for her and I cant waste precious time stressing her out, she tends to work from 10 am to 6pm with breaks, and she hates everyday. I dont know anyone else in homeschool but I know Texas seems to have a wider range of options, I just want advice. She didnt just start homeschool we also moved to Texas from California and I know some of her issues stem from that. Shes artistic and utilizes youtube to teach herself keyboard and ukelele, makes comics with a graphic art pad, plays D&D, and primarily entertains herself with creative outlets in her free time. I noticed STAAR testing is only Math, writing, and reading, and it sounds logical to me to get 2 new math books and just do them with her and study, same with reading and writing just not as intensely. Has anyone redirected toward the end of the year? Is this even a decent idea or is there something obvious that im unaware of? What can I do? Im currently SAHM, I cant do much to help her as its more time consuming than it is difficult, but the more behind she gets the less motivated she is and .... I'm starting to panic. Thanks in advance for any ideas.
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