#and now it's like almost 3am and i will crash and tomorrow i will wake up to even more news
comediakaidanovsky · 2 years
it’s where my reason stops, and something else comes in
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seths-rogens · 1 year
#41 "you need some sleep" for prompts if it suits your fancy! <3
it’s 3am and i have work tomorrow but i just cranked this whole thing out in one sitting
cw: canon dead characters & what could be interpreted as suicidal ideation
word count: 1.2k
41. “You need some sleep”
He can hear it calling to him. Whispering and murmuring in the quiet hours of the night.
He can't sleep because of it.
It should be easier now. Simple. And yet somehow it's worse.
The gates have been closed for almost a year. Max well on her way back to walking and El's hair brushing her shoulders.
But Steve can't sleep.
The reassurances have been constant to the point they're bordering on annoying. El checks every time she gets scared, and Will hasn't felt him. The gates are closed and Henry-slash-Vecna-slash-One is dead, burnt to a crisp in a world that shouldn't exist. They're all sure of it.
It's a mantra. The gates are closed. He's dead. We're safe. He isn't coming back. We're safe, we're safe, we're safe.
Yet Steve still can't sleep.
It makes him angry, that it isn't easier, that he can't move on like the rest of them.
The only sleep he manages comes in the form of sheer exhaustion. Too many days spent chugging coffee and forcing his eyes to stay open. It's easy at work - Robin's constant ramble keeping him distracted - but harder when he gets home, when he crashes.
He walks through the front door, pulls his shoes and work vest off and falls on the couch - the stiff leather finally broken in thanks to the hyperactive tendencies of the pack of children he frequently hosts - and he's out, falling into a fitful rest.
He's plagued with nightmares. A plate to the head, a mistake he shouldn't have made, sharp claws and unseeing eyes and blood, oh God, so much blood.
He wakes, heart pounding and breath coming in short bursts. Quiet in his good ear, a ringing in his bad.
He sits awake in bed, up against the headboard, shirtless with the covers tucked up to his hips. He sits quiet but ready, his nail bat only a metre away from his hand.
Eddie lies soft and sleep-rumpled next to him, hair splayed like ink across the pillow.
It should be an easier night. They'd smoked a joint before bed, fooled around a little. Gotten each other off clutched close together, with only the rocking of their hips and their shared panting breaths to tip them over the edge.
Eddie had fallen asleep quickly. A warm smile and a gentle kiss to Steve's cheek and he was slinking off into dreamland.
Steve himself had been in high spirits, excited at the prospect of a easy nights rest after a week of restless napping, because surely, after all that, sleep would come.
Here he was, several hours later, muscles tense and more awake than ever. Sitting vigil in his childhood bedroom.
It calls louder in the dark, when he's alone. He forces himself not to listen.
A rustle comes from outside, and Steve's eyes flit over to where the glow of moonlight spills through a crack in the curtain. Quiet and careful, he swings the covers back and pushes himself up. Light on his feet, Steve tiptoes over to the window.
He pushes the curtains open, staring down at the harsh blue lights on the porch and under the pool water. Gasps and lets the shadow of the curtain fall back over his face as he sees a shock of red hair sat perched on his diving board.
The voice calls louder. Steve, it says, we know you hear us, Steve.
He presses his fingers into his eyes until they fill with multicoloured static. Takes a shaky breath. Clenches his jaw.
Pushes the curtains open again.
The backyard is empty. The diving board blissfully unoccupied.
Steve furrows his brow in confusion. No. He thinks to himself. She was just there. Barb was there.
Without a second thought, and without bothering to find his shirt, Steve grabs his bat and stalks out of the bedroom.
He rushes down the stairs quiet as he can, mindful of Eddie sleeping.
He pulls the curtains back from the glass sliding doors that lead to the backyard. Still empty.
Steve pulls the door open and a chill hits his skin, raising goosebumps on bare flesh. He pays it no mind, grabbing a chair and placing it only a metre or two from the pool's edge. He sits down and rests the bat across his lap.
He plays guard, keeps watch. Tries to ignore the voice calling to him.
His scars pull tighter on nights like this. Nights where the paranoia festers until it feels like they're open and bleeding once more. A temptation to lurking demo-whatevers.
He presses a palm to his side, it comes away clean.
Being by his pool is a strange sensation.
He doesn't swim anymore. A girl dying in your pool is one thing, and being dragged through a lake is another.
So yeah. No more swimming.
Being out here, in the dark and the quiet, makes him wonder. Is she still there? Watching him, blaming him.
He wouldn't blame her if she was.
He stares into the cool blue water. The voice gets louder.
Steve. Come join us.
It gets louder the longer he stares. The water swirling and pulsing and crashing.
You know you want to.
His hearing isn't great on the best of days - too many blows to the head - but it's crystal clear.
There's more voices now. They're louder. Screaming at him, crying out, begging and pleading. All of them overlapping as they screech.
Come to us.
Join us, Steve.
It's so easy, Steve. Take the jump.
The sky turns a shade darker as a crack opens in the bottom of the pool. The pool water bubbles and starts to drain as the tile crumbles away into nothing. Red light spills out, casting an ugly glow over the yard.
Steve leans in closer.
A hand pushes through the membrane, decayed and pale, reaching out.
Steve startles, blinking back to himself.
He's stood at the edge of the - perfectly intact - pool, staring into its depths and shivering from the cold. The nail bat lies discarded by his chair.
He turns, finding Eddie standing behind him, arms wrapped around himself to fend off the cold.
"What're you doing, Sweetheart?" Eddie takes a step toward him, concern etched across his face.
Steve exhales shakily. "I heard a noise. Came down to make sure we were safe."
Eddie smiles sadly. "You need some sleep, huh, baby?"
He cups Steve's jaw in his hands, gently running his thumbs over the bags under Steve's eyes. "Look at you." He frowns. "When was the last time you got any rest?"
"I don't know." Steve mumbles under his breath, afraid to admit it.
"What was that, Stevie?"
"I, uh, I'm not sure. It's been a while I think.”
Eddie nods, running a hand through Steve's hair. Steve melts into his touch.
Eddie takes a step back, picks up the nail bat in one hand and extends the other to Steve. "Come on."
Steve takes his hand.
He's led upstairs, pushed back onto his worn mattress and wrapped up in strong arms.
Eddie notices Steve's hesitancy to close his eyes. He drags gentle fingers through Steve's hair, leans in close and whispers, "Let me keep guard tonight."
Steve clenches his eyes shut, lets the soft touch lull him to sleep.
In an hour or two he will wake up from a nightmare. But Eddie will be there to bring him back.
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fentrashcat · 1 year
Tic Spirals
⚠️this is of course my own experience and each individual with tic disorders will have unique experiences.
Post might be hard to follow due to sleep issues but since this is the first time in a while this has happened I figured I'd write about it. Maybe it'll help?
Idk if there's a different term for this but it's different from a tic attack, but can sometimes trigger attacks.
So as of writing this it's 3am, I'm exhausted, I need to get up for work at 6:30am, and I've been trying to sleep since 1am.
I'm too tired to sleep.
Now this might sound like what you'd say about a fussy toddler, missed nap time and is now too tired to sleep, but for me it means a tic spiral. I tic bc I'm tired, ticcing makes me tired but keeps me awake, I tic more, ect until I crash. Caffeine can also make me tic more, and I had an energy drink so I could function at work today? Yesterday? Earlier. On about 3hrs of sleep already.
So as I'm trying to fall asleep, I keep getting motor tics. Getting annoyed with that stressed me out and started up some verbals. Stop the verbals, get comfy, almost get to sleep, and it starts again. 2 HOURS of this. I know the solution is sleep. I know once I sleep ill be okay. But my tics just will not let me sleep, and I think that's one of the most frustrating things. Being aware and not being able to stop it.
It's like the whole "telling a depressed person just be happy" but instead I'm trying to tell myself "just sleep" even though I know it's not that easy.
I'm probably not sleeping tonight, which will likely lead to a tic attack tomorrow no matter what I do. Hopefully it will happen AFTER work so i don't have to leave early again, but my tics are never that considerate 😅😭
Some more tic spiral examples include-
Anxiety makes me tic, ticcing around people makes me anxious, Anxiety makes me tic -> usually leads to my Bad One tic attacks, only solution is usually home, put on a comfort sound, and take a nap with one of my cats.
Whistle (not perfect) click, whistle (not perfect), whistle (not perfect), whistle (perfect) click, whistle (not perfect) -> luckily this one usually ends itself quickly but if my whistle isn't good enough I have to keep doing it
This was long and rambling but it you read it, thank you. I hope it makes sense. I really want to sleep but even if I am allowed to fall asleep now I will not wake up on time no matter how many alarms I set 😅
Now, I'm going to go have some ice cream at 4am ✌️
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lillian-nator · 4 years
Them being mixtapes are a great idea, what if after Tommy gets drunk initially, dream gets dared to steal them, so he does, then he forgets that he has them and when Tommy Wakes the next morning he's in a panic bc The Mixtapes!! - 💙
Yeah! Something like that could work. 
I have two ideas, one of them I came up with during Spanish class, and the second one I came up with right now. 
Idea A.
My original idea is based off of the fact that Tommy like a week after he is told not to hang out with Dream anymore, goes and sneaks out to hang out. 
So, about two weeks after the party Tommy gets a text from either Purpled (who’s parents have no clue about the party) or Dream saying that ‘the gang’ was going to be hanging out at this abandoned bridge Karl found a while ago when he was driving around the town. So, Tommy, being the dumb fucking teenager he is, sneaks out his window with just his phone and a really thin jacket, and heads to the fucking abandoned bridge. 
So, like, it’s really cool lets not lie here. Like its an abandoned bridge, and a bunch of teenagers ranging from 15 to 19, are just sitting on it, legs dangling and shit. Here comes Dream doing some whack-ass parkour, and Big Q walking on the edge. I mean - lets not lie here either, Tommy is doing some dumb-ass parkour shit too, hanging from ledges and shit (no wonder Wilbur wants Tommy to stay the fuck away from the Dteam they encourage Tommy’s dumb shit). 
Enter BIG Q the resident family pothead. (this is Big Q the character we are talking about - and more so Big Q the character in this specific au, even though Big Q the character is also probably a pothead, not Quackity the person k cool). Anyways, so while they are all busy endangering their lives atop this ginormous abandoned bridge, Big Q is just chilling, smoking a joint. It gets passed around a couple times, just cause they were chilling at like 2 am in the morning - and what can I say, they are sleep deprived teenagers, they are gonna do some stupid shit.
Anyways, during all of this, they are playing truth or dare, and half way through Tommy just passes out leaning on Dream - because they are like best friends pog. So, then Dream gets a dare to steal Tommy’s mixtapes, because George saw Tommy listening to them on the way here. All of the boys know how much the mixtape means to him, and they really just want to see his reaction, but when Tommy woke up like 30 minutes later, he just gets up and stumbles home because he is cold and tired and really fucking hungry. 
So Enter Thomas Innit. Coming home at 3am, just straight through the front door because he is high out of his mind, and having a great time. Phil - who is the one who caught him - doesn’t catch on straight away because he doesn’t know the symptoms of being high, and lets not lie here, Tommy is really good at getting out of shit. (flashback to that one time he convinced niki to drown instead of niki convincing Tommy not to). 
What Phil does notice though, is that Tommy is wearing someone else’s jacket. 
It’s SapNap’s varsity jacket. 
So Tommy starts getting a lecture about sneaking out at night and how he was not supposed to hang out with Dream or SapNap, or that group of boys, until he is ungrounded. (did I mention that Phil definitely grounded Tommy for going to that party). Not to mention that he left the house when he was grounded; like Tommy what the hell? 
But then Wilbur comes downstairs because he is an awfully light sleeper and hears the commotion downstairs. Tommy, who is already kind of angry because he was having a really good time with his friends, and he knows that Purpled isn’t getting this lecture - and that Tubbo is still asleep - not to mention he really just wants to fucking eat. 
So, he pushes past Phil to get to the chip cabinet when Wilbur enters. He looks confused at first, but then spots the jacket. Wilbur is just getting ready to fucking kill someone when Phil pulls him aside and tells Wilbur that he had already given a lengthy lecture, and that he should lay off Tommy for the night. 
Wilbur begrudgingly agrees, only because he knows that lectures from Phil are the worst. So, he sits at the counter, and asks Tommy to hand him a bottle of water when he sees that his brother is snacking on the chips. Sure, Tommy takes a good minute to react, but Wilbur put that aside to sleepiness as it was 3am in the morning. 
As soon as Tommy turned around though, Wilbur’s anger shot through the roof. I mean, Wilbur could tell. He had spent enough time with Schlatt half-high trying to make out with Wilbur, to know what being high looked like - and that look was on his fucking 15-year-old brother. He could see it with the red-rimmed eyes, and the far off look, not to mention that Tommy had never been that relaxed in his life. 
He quickly stood up, almost knocking his stool to the ground, and grabbed Tommy by the chin to look at his face.
Phil: “Wilbur what are you doing? I already told you that I gave Tommy a lecture. Just let him eat -”  Wilbur: “Are you fucking high right now?” (I feel as though it is important to mention that Wilbur like growls this)  Phil: “What?” (you know how phil says this) Tommy: *like a moody teenager, gritting through his teeth* “No.”  Wilbur: “You’re fucking high.” He laughs, “Who the fuck gave you weed?” Tommy: “I don’t know. It was passed around! Can I have my chin back bro, I’m fucking hungry.”  Wilbur: “No you can’t ‘bro’. Why the fuck did you smoke weed?”  Tommy: “Why not? You hang with stoners.”  Wilbur: “Schlatt has smoked a couple times, I wouldn’t call him a stoner. And also, he’s fucking legal! He is 18 years old!”  Tommy: “Well Big Q is 18 too!” Wilbur: “So it was Quackity then? I’m gonna beat the shit out of him.” Wilbur goes to storm off, but Phil stops him.  Phil: “Both of you calm down!” Phil sighs rubbing his temple. “Tommy we are going to fucking talk about this in the morning. But, I’m not going to let you kill a Junior Wil. We will sort this out tomorrow. I know you aren’t happy, and I’m not either, but the kid is probably high out of his fucking mind right now, I’m not going to let you take advantage of that.”  Wilbur: He brushes Phil’s hand off of his shoulder, storming into the living room. “Fine. I’ll beat him up when he is sober. It’ll be funner anyways.” 
Tommy just storms up to his room, pissed that he didn’t get to finish his the rest of his chips, when his phone buzzes. 
It’s a text from Purpled asking if Tommy knows where he put his shoes. Tommy stifles a laugh, trying hard not to fucking wheeze - the weed wasn’t making this easy on him - but decides to throw his phone across the room, and faceplant onto the bed, hoping that tomorrow would never come. 
Let’s just say that Techno is mildly confused when he waked up the next morning to Wilbur pacing the room, and Phil tiredly drinking his third cup of coffee - chip bad thrown on the counter. 
And the mixtapes? Well, Tommy doesn’t know their missing. And Dream? He fucking forgets he has them. 
Idea B.
Dream steals the mixtapes on a dare the night of the party. 
Tommy doesn’t notice that he doesn’t have them the first few days. He is really, really just focused on the fact that he is upset at Wilbur. 
I mean, he tries hard not to be, because Wilbur came and picked him up from a party where he would’ve probably sat in just pure pain for the rest of night. He might’ve found safety in one of Dream’s guest bedrooms, or even in Dream’s loft bed - but he most likely would’ve crashed at Tubbo’s and he couldn’t deal with Eret’s rant right then. 
He loved Tubbo’s brother - sure, but he knew that if his own brothers saw the pain he was in, they would quit the lecturing for the night and just try to help him. 
He was right too. They helped him into the house, and stayed up with him when he threw up all night, and had a massive headache. They gave him Tylenol and tums, and dimmed all of the lights. Tommy wasn’t upset that he called his brothers no - but he wouldn’t be a teenage boy if he wasn’t irrationally angry at Phil for grounding him. 
He spent most of his time in his room, listening to music, or sneaking Tubbo through the window. Tubbo wasn’t fucking grounded - but then again, Tubbo barely had a few drinks of beer, and Tommy had uh - a few cans. 
In the long run, his brothers ended up being less angry with him and more angry at Dream for giving him the beer - which really didn’t make sense in Tommy’s mind due to the fact that he was the one who drank it, and he was the one who snuck out to the party in the first place. But, he guessed that it was the perks of being their baby brother, they could never really stay mad at him. 
But after a few days, he went to look for the tapes, and they were fucking gone. He didn’t know how to tell Wilbur - he couldn’t face Phil or Techno knowing that he lost his most prized possession. 
He came into Wilbur’s room bawling at like midnight one night, and Wilbur - who had no clue what was going on - just had to comfort his little brother. Through choked sobs Wilbur learnt that he had lost the tapes, and that he was ‘so, so, sorry wil. I don’t know how it happened, they were in my backpack when I got there.’ 
And what does Dream do with the disk? Well you’re gonna have to find out I guess. 
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hxbbit · 4 years
Tease (Rafael Casal x Reader)
Words: ~1.9k
Warnings: Smut (thigh riding, breeding kink), mentions of alcohol?, cursing
Summary: You come home from a girls night out, drunk and horny. 
Listen, I was fed up with the lack of Rafa stories out there, so obviously I had to take it into my own hands to provide the content that I wanna read lmao 
It was supposed to be a little drabble but kinda got away from me, but I hope you guys enjoy it, too.
This is also my first RPF and I’m kinda nervous....
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You fumbled with the keys, trying to unlock the front door. It had been a while since you went out with your girls and you had a lot to drink, maybe a little too much.
But it had been a great night and you were happy, tomorrow you might be feeling the effects of the alcohol, but right now, you didn’t care yet.
You tried to be quiet to not wake Rafael and Mia, but your drunken clumsy movements were too loud. Once you finally had the door unlocked, Mia was already waiting for you on the other side with a wagging tail.
“Hey, girl,” you whispered as she rubbed herself against your legs and you gave her some pets while trying to take off your high heels.
There was still some light on in the living room, sometimes Rafa left it on for you so you wouldn’t come home to a pitch black house, but this time, it turned out that he was still awake.
He was sitting on the couch, his feet propped up on the coffee table, his laptop on his lap, typing.
Once he noticed you standing there, he looked up, a soft and tired smile on his lips.
It was past 3am and if creativity struck him, he sometimes would pull all-nighters, so this was not an unusual sight. But it was always a pleasant sight, he looked good.
“You look like you had fun,” he said with a grin, closing his laptop, taking his feet off the table and sitting up straight on the couch again, probably getting ready to go to bed with you.
You knew that you looked somewhat disheveled from all the dancing, hair messier than when you left and make up a little smudged. You returned his smile.
“I did,” you said and the alcohol could be heard even in those two short syllables which made Rafa chuckle. You moved to plop down on the couch next to him and to give him a kiss.
“And I missed you,” you murmured against his lips, before connecting them again and then trailing your lips from the corner of his mouth, over his jaw and down his neck. One of your hands placed on his chest, the other one in the nape of his neck.
“Oh, you’re in a mood,” he commented with humor in his voice, but also not sounding completely unaffected by your actions.
Alcohol often times had the side effect of making you really horny and tonight was no different. You moved to straddle one of Rafa’s thighs, your short dress riding high, not even really covering your ass anymore. Attaching your lips to his one more time, you kissed him hungrily and he eagerly returned your kisses.
“I need you,” you whispered, the ache for him between your legs increasing by the second. Your hips started moving softly, barely, at first.
“Babe, you’re drunk,” he said, but there was a breathlessness to his voice.
The hand that you had placed on his chest slowly moved down his body to his already hard cock and once your hand grabbed it through his sweat pants, he abruptly bucked his hips a little.
“Y/N, baby,…” he said softly, before taking your hand in his and moving it away from his cock, he grabbed your other hand, too, and placed them on his shoulders, neutral ground.
You gave him a pout, but then you felt him flex the thigh you were straddling, accidentally or on purpose you didn’t know, but your hips started moving more now, grinding down on him, trying to sooth that ache and get some relief.
His hands grabbed your hips and you thought that he was sure going to make you stay still, but instead he used them to guide your movements, digging his fingers into your soft skin. You held on to his shoulders, to steady yourself as you rode his thigh.
Rafael watched you intently, his brow furrowed, taking you in.
You felt your orgasm approach as you kept on riding him, your head falling back, moans escaping from your lips.
“Fuck, look at you, getting yourself off on my thigh like that,” Rafa then said, his voice deep and rough.
“So fucking perfect,” he continued and that only spurred you on even more and Rafael seemed to notice when your fingers dug into his shoulder.
“Come on, come for me,” he then said and that was all you needed.
Your orgasm came crashing through you in waves.
“Oh, fuck, Rafa,” you moaned out.
Rafael kept on moving your hips to guide you through it, helping you ride it out, before you finally slumped against him.
Your head on his shoulder, you turned it so you could press another kiss to his neck, breath still heavy but calming down again slowly. His hands moved along your back, rubbing it gently and holding you close to him.
You wanted to say something along the lines of it being his turn now, but as you waited for your breathing to normalize, you also felt the alcohol catch up with you again and that mix made you drift off to sleep all too suddenly.
When you woke up again, you only opened your eyes enough to see that it was bright outside and you were no longer on the couch, but in your bed. You still remembered last night clearly, although you felt a little embarrassed now, at your attempt to seduce Rafa and then falling asleep on him immediately after you reached your orgasm. You also realized that you were wearing a large t-shirt and some panties, which means that Rafael got you ready for bed. Chances are he also took your make up off. Your heart warmed at the thought of it.
“Good morning, sunshine,” you then heard his voice from the other side of the bed and you only let out a soft groan.
“How are you feeling?” He asked and you could hear the grin in his voice. Apart from the slight headache you actually felt pretty okay, maybe a little tired.
You turned around to look at him and of course he looked perfect as always, even with his beautiful tired eyes and his hair a mess.
“A little hungover,” you admitted while moving to cuddle into him, your head on his chest.
“Sorry about last night,” you then said sheepishly, looking up at him and he let out a laugh.
“It’s all good, baby, it was actually hot as fuck,” he said. “But I did have to take a cold shower once I brought you to bed, you tease.”
At that you had to laugh, too and a thought popped into your head. You might have been drunk last night, but you were definitely sober now.
You pushed away the covers, Rafael was only wearing a pair of boxer briefs and then you slowly slid down his body, placing kisses on his chest, softly nipping on his skin as you moved further down. He knew what you were doing, obviously, and he closed his eyes, enjoying having your mouth on his body and having your hands move gently all over him.
You could see that he was growing hard and you moved your mouth over his still clothed cock.
“I think you’ve teased enough,” you then heard him say and you looked up at him with a wicked grin, his eyes were dark, pupils blown.
For a second you played with the idea of teasing him some more, but you quickly dismissed it, so instead you hooked your fingers under the waistband of his boxers and pulled them down and off him.
Taking his cock into your hand, you didn’t waste any more time, you licked a broad strip along the length of it before circling your tongue around the head and then taking it into your mouth. He was fully hard now and you started bobbing your head up and down his length slowly, languidly, twisting your hand in the same motion. Then, after a while, taking him as deep as you could while he let out a moan, his hand fisting into your hair, trying not to buck his hips up to make you take him even deeper, but you knew that he wanted to.
So you tried to open your throat and swallow around him and took him that little bit deeper. The grip in your hair tightened, before he pulled you off him.
“Fuck, baby, gonna make me cum if you keep that up,” he said, somewhat out of breath.
“Want you to cum,” you replied, still stroking him with your hand.
“Yeah? Want me to cum in your mouth or in your pretty little pussy?” You both knew that this was more of a rhetorical question, because he knew of your breeding kink and how much you loved it when he came inside of you. And you knew that he enjoyed it very much, too.
“Want you to come inside my pussy,” you replied and he only smirked at you.
“Come on up then,” he said and you moved to quickly get rid of your panties and the shirt and then straddled his hips.
You were so wet, you loved going down on Rafael, so when you were now hovering over his dick, you were already practically dripping.
You then lined his cock up with your opening and slowly sank down on him until he was fully sheathed inside you. The feeling of having him inside you always felt like a revelation and especially now, after having wanted it since last night and finally getting it.
You let out a long and satisfied sigh, taking a second to get used to his size and let the slight sting of the stretch subside before you then started moving and fucking yourself on his cock. His hands went to your breasts, massaging them and pinching your nipples and then moved them around to your back to pull you close to his chest, kissing you deeply.
Rafa was in control now, fucking into you from below, picking up the pace quickly, making you moan into his mouth. He kept up that pace for a while and then snuck one hand between you both, fingers finding your clit and circling them just how he knew you liked it.
That had you approach your orgasm rapidly, tightening around him.
“You close?” He muttered against your lips, breaths mingling.
“Yeah,” you breathed out softly, brows furrowed, concentrated on your pleasure.
“Me too, gonna come deep inside of you, gonna fill you up, baby,” he said.
“Yes, yes please, fill me up,” you whined, almost frantically.
It only took you a couple more second, before you stuttered out a ‘I’m- I’m coming’ and started rhythmically clenching around him, heat flooding your body. And that’s also when he let out a groan and a strangled ‘fuck’ as you felt him thrust into you hard and deep a couple more times, spilling himself inside of you and that feeling almost made you come again.
Rafa stopped moving then and you went limp on top of him, your heavy breaths matching and in tandem. He gently smoothed his hands over your back and then brushing some strands of hair from your face.
“You satisfied now?” he grinned, leaning down to kiss you.
“Oh, definitely,” you replied. “You?”
“Eh,” he only let out before you both started laughing.
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aizawasthot · 4 years
better on you | aizawa s.
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summary: ice cream nd stolen sweaters. goofy aizawa x reader.  pairing: aizawa shouta x reader word count: 1.9k words
note: ok so hey this is my first fic in this account uwu feedback is appreciated and encouraged hehe. ALSO NGL THIS WAS INSPIRED BY @burnedbyshoto’s sweater scenario w aizawa 🥺🥴 hope u guys enjoy all this aizawa fluff :> ps. Aizawa smells like bath & body works’ eucalyptus and spearmint and no u can’t change my mind
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“Aizawa, we really need to finish this proposal for next week. Principal Nezu probably expects that we’re done by now,” you groan. This proposal for a more efficient and safer course outline was far from finished.
“Yes, I know, [Y/N]. But we’re stuck on where we can hold the summer training. There’s no place near the school that can hold 20 students,” he muttered, looking bored.
“Well, yeah I know that too but we can leave it for another day. We can work on other areas like-”
“Tell you what-- let’s get out of here and grab some ice cream. Ice cream always helps, maybe we can figure it out after,” he interrupted. You were taken aback with his offer, but you accepted nonetheless.
“Oh-- I guess that’s okay,” you replied.
“It’s settled then, you can grab your stuff and we can meet by the teacher’s lounge.” 
“Aizawa! You got vanilla? Really?” You snort, shaking your head at the man sitting across from you. “That’s so boring… so… vanilla...?”
“I may like vanilla ice cream but I’m not so vanilla myself,” he smirked at you, teasing and almost a little too uncharacteristic of the usual brooding teacher.
“Aizawa! Oh god--” you sputtered. “That’s not very appropriate,” you said. Your tone stern but your face beet red and a goofy grin spread across your face.
“Sorry,” he chuckled. He looked so relaxed- his brows weren’t furrowed and his usual frown was replaced by this adorable smile. Why did that make your heart flutter?
Still admiring the man in front of you, he interrupted your thoughts, “You’re staring,” he smirked. Oh. OH.
“Apologies,” you mumbled, your face once again heating up. “You're just-- you’re better looking when you’re not, you know, brooding.”
“So you’re saying I’m ugly when I’m brooding?” He feigned being hurt, hand on his chest, laughing.
“You know that’s not what I mean-- it’s just, you know…” You trailed off, eyes not meeting his.
“That I look even more handsome than I do?” He teased.
“Ugh, Aizawa,” you groan. He was being a cheeky bastard and he knew it.
“Sorry, sorry. You’re fun to tease,” he grinned at you, and you finally let your eyes meet. His eyes were twinkling. He looked like an angel, you thought.
You shook your head, “You’re a goofball.”
“Uhuh, and you love it,” he mused. Smile still plastered on his face.
“Hah, you wish,” you stuck your tongue out.
“What are you? 5?” He snorted, his smile growing even wider. 
An employee interrupts your banter as they walk towards your table. “Excuse me sir, ma’am, our store is closing in about 10 minutes. Would you like to get anything else for the night?”
You didn’t even realize that you were the only ones left at the store. “Oh, no, thank you. We better get going then,” you smiled at the young girl. “Thank you, have a good night!”
While you were gathering your things, you realize that the store closes at 10PM, which also happens to be the last run of your bus on the way home. 
“Shit,” you cussed under your breath. I guess I have to either walk or uber, you thought.
“I just realized that the last bus comes in a few minutes and the bus stop is at least a 15 minute walk from here. I’ll probably just uber home though,” you casually shrugged.
“Or-- uhm, you could stay at my place? It’s only a 10 minute walk from here,” he offered. “Only if you want to though! You can totally uber if you want…” AIzawa added, looking sheepish.
“I mean-- well, if it’s okay with you. I don’t want to intrude,” you blushed.
“I offered, didn’t I? Come on, it’s pretty late,” he muttered, gesturing for you to walk beside him. Noticing that his face was also turning red. 
“You’re like an old man,” you giggled. It was 10PM on a Friday night, it’s not like he had to wake up early tomorrow.
“Oh shut up, if you deal with my rambunctious students all the time then you’d know how tiring it is,” he sighed dramatically.
“Okay, old man.”
“I can sleep on the couch, Aizawa. It’s not a big deal,” you told him when you arrived at his apartment. He was insisting earlier that you take his bed and he’s sleeping on the couch. Which was ridiculous, you were already crashing at his place.
“Are you sure? Because I’d gladly take the couch. I don’t have a guest room-”
“Aizawa, stop. Don’t be ridiculous, I’m more than okay sleeping on the couch,” you repeated.
“Okay then. I’ll grab you some of my clothes if you want to wash up before bed; the bathroom’s the door on the left,” he pointed at the bathroom door. 
“You don’t need to lend me clothes, AIzawa,” you said, your face heating up again. He was being too nice.
“Call me Shouta,” he clarified. “And-- don’t tell me you’re not going to shower and change your clothes after a full day of sweating from training your students.”
“Okay, Ai- Shouta. Thank you.” You gave in and accepted his offer, and while you sat and waited for him to grab extra clothes for you, you can’t help but notice how cozy his apartment is. His place looks inviting and warm, much like he was with you today.
When he came back to give you your things, you were too busy scrolling through social media to notice him approaching you, he was already showered and changed into a pair of sweatpants and a quite fitted shirt. You couldn’t help but stare.
“You’re staring again,” he snickered, handing you your clothes for the night.
You blushed profusely, abruptly standing from your seat, “I’m just-- I’m gonna go shower now.”
You woke up at 3AM freezing cold. Shouta did give you an extra blanket and pillow, but you’re always cold, so it’s not a surprise. You sat up, wanting to grab a glass of water. Walking towards the kitchen, you spotted a grey sweater on the back of one of the chairs. 
It wouldn’t hurt to just borrow it, right? You thought as you grabbed your glass of water. Deciding that you needed another layer other than an oversized shirt and sweatpants so you won’t freeze to death, you grabbed the sweater before you could change your mind.
It smelled like him. It smelled like eucalyptus and spearmint.
You fell asleep almost immediately after putting on his sweater, burying your face into the collar, smiling like an idiot.
That morning, you woke up to the smell of coffee and bacon. You could hear Aizawa softly humming to himself as he shuffled around the kitchen, making breakfast.
You got up and stretched, feeling well rested with a satisfied smile on your face. “Good morning Shouta,” you smiled at him.
“Morning-- wait, is that my sweater?” He said, staring intently at what you’re wearing. Shit, you forgot about the sweater.
“Oh-- uhm, yes. Yes it is. I’m sorry, I can take it off right now, I was just too cold last night and I saw it laying there when I grabbed a cup of water. I swear I didn’t mean to like, steal it or anything. I just needed another layer to, y’know, not freeze to death,” you rambled on, your face flushing for the nth time.
“Oh [Y/N], no no, I was just surprised. You can keep it on, it looks better on you anyway,” he chuckled, leaving you even more flustered.
You buried your face into your hands, feeling like a dumbass. “I’m really sorry, I’ll wash your clothes and give them back,” you mumbled.
After eating breakfast with Shouta, you said your thanks and apologized profusely before leaving and ubering home. When you got home, you washed the shirt and the sweatpants that you insisted on washing; but you left the sweater on and enjoyed the comfort it gave you as you did random tasks.
After spending your afternoon grading papers, you decide to take a break. You also decided to text Shouta, still feeling embarrassed about the sweater situation.
To: Aizawa Shouta Hey, thanks again for letting me crash at your place last night. Anddd sorry again for being bothersome ):
From: Aizawa Shouta I already told you, it’s not a problem. Also, stop saying sorry! I told you, it’s fine
To: Aizawa Shouta Okay okay geez. I’ll give you your clothes back when I see u on monday! :)
From: Aizawa Shouta Alright, sounds good. See you Monday morning :)
The interaction has you feeling like a schoolgirl with a crush, and for the rest of the day, Aizawa Shouta was the only thing in your mind.
Okay, so here’s the deal. You washed his sweater Sunday night, and you definitely were going to give it back to him, but then, during your walk on the way to UA, the wind picked up and you got chilly. Here’s the kicker: you forgot to bring a jacket. So what did you do? Grab Shouta’s sweater from the bag of his clothes and you wore it. Again. You didn’t even plan to wear it that long, just for the duration of your walk. But of course, you just had to arrive the same time Shouta did.
“Good morning, [Y/N],” he greeted you at the school entrance, eyes already trained on your-- his sweater.
“Good morning, Aizawa,” you muttered, trying to keep your cool as you walk inside.
“You know, I don’t recall that sweater being that comfortable, but if you do find it comfortable, then maybe you should keep it,” he mused, a small smirk forming on his lips. You can already feel your face heating up as you silently hand over the bad with the rest of his clothes.
“I-- I swear I was gonna give it to you today, but you see, I forgot to bring my own jacket and I got cold and--”
“It’s okay,” he laughed as he noticed your face getting redder.
It was not okay. How many times do I have to embarrass myself in front of him? I need to get a grip, you thought to yourself, still walking beside him as you near your respective offices.
“Good morning, Aizawa-sensei! [Y/N]-sensei!” You heard someone call out, only to see it was Midoriya.
“Good morning,” you both greeted.
“Wait-- [Y/N]-sensei, your sweater looks familiar. It looks like All Might’s gift to Aizawa-sensei’s birthday that I helped pick out,” Midoriya said as he examined your clothes.
“Oh-- uh, well--”
“Actually, Midoriya, can you see if Present Mic is here already? He has something that I need,” Aizawa spoke up, saving you from the ever so curious boy. Midoriya enthusiastically nodded and took off almost immediately.
“Thank you,” you sighed in relief. “But also, what? This was All Might’s gift to you? Why’d you let me borrow it? Oh god, Aizawa,” you groaned.
“It’s no big deal, Toshinori always gives me a sweater or a hoodie every year. No complaints though, I love sweaters and hoodies,” he shrugged, opening his office door.
“But it’s still his gift to you,” you insisted, following him into his office. When you were about to take his sweater off, he spoke up.
“Keep it, I already told you it’s fine.”
“What are you going to wear when you walk home? It’s probably going to be still cold, so keep it.” His voice sounded so firm and commanding. That’s kinda hot, your brain involuntarily thought.
You blushed at his persistence, and what you just thought about. “Okay, then,” you said. Turning to leave his office.
“And like I said,” You turned your head to look at Shouta, “it looks better on you.” He finished with a wink.
Oh god.
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
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max-is-tired · 5 years
It’s Fine By Me (If You Never Leave)
Pairing: Dukexiety
Characters: Remus Sanders, Virgil Sanders
Words: 2.062
Warnings: Sympathetic Remus, swearing, crying, kissing
Notes: I... might be starting to grow lowkey in love with Dark Sides ships sdkjvnsjkfvn 
Anyway!! here is a new fic, not even a week after the last one I posted -miracles exist apparently. A big thank you to my boyfriend @afulldeckofaces for catching the mistakes that slipped past 3am me skvnsfjv you’re the best babe <3
I hope you guys like it!!
Commission me!!  Buy me a coffee!!  Join my Discord server!!
If you had told 15 years old Virgil that one day he would’ve fallen in love with none other than Remus Grimm, he would’ve probably ended up cracking a rib or two by laughing too much.
And yet, look at him now -19 years old ad head over hills for his best friend, who just happened to have had to move two towns over because of college.
God, feelings sucked.
Virgil groaned in frustration, letting his forehead hit the textbook lying open in front of him with a muffled thump.
He was tired. He was so. Fucking. Tired. Tired of college, tired of this stupid crush that kept stubbornly refusing to go away, tired of his stupid anxiety and tired of having to deal with all of this without his best friend by his side.
Yes, he was grumpy because he hadn’t seen Remus in more than a month, sue him.
As if sensing his worsening mood, his phone buzzed, breaking Virgil out of his thoughts. Letting out a series of annoyed grumbles and half-assed curses, Virgil snatched his phone from where it was lying on the desk, Remus’ wild grin staring back at him from the screen.
It was a photo they had taken that summer, just before Remus had had to leave for college. Roman had been the one taking it, the day Patton had decided to drag -for some more literally than others- their entire group out for some ice cream.
Remus had thrown his arm around Virgil’s shoulder, proudly showing off his chocolate mustache as the other fumbled with his cone to keep it from falling to the ground.
Virgil remembered glaring daggers at him for a total of two seconds before Remus’ waggling eyebrows did him in and sent him in a snickering fit.
Virgil remembered the weight of Remus’ arm around his shoulder, his warmth seeping through his shirt in a way that somehow, didn’t make him uncomfortable -he had never felt uncomfortable with Remus, not once, not even under the hot summer Florida weather in the middle of July.
He only saw that photo for the first time later that night, staring at Remus’ wide grin and sparkling green eyes as his heart hammered in his chest.
The realization had crashed over him like a tsunami, every thought in his head screeching to a halt as he slowly became more and more aware of the fact that he was very much in love with his best friend.
”Of course,” Virgil remembered thinking, staring at his phone with wide eyes, ”who else could it be?”
And boy if that thought alone hadn’t scared the living shit out of him.
For a moment, Virgil let his mind linger on the memory of that sunny afternoon, a soft smile stretching on his face.
Then, he swiped up and clicked on the notification.
”You up for a little chat?” read Remus’ message, followed by a string of random emojis Virgil didn’t even try to decipher -he knew it would probably be useless since they rarely made sense in the first place.
Virgil frowned, threw a considering glance at his textbook and the various papers still scattered on the desk and shrugged -it was not like he was getting anything done anyway.
“sure, why not”
Not even ten seconds later Virgil’s phone lit up with an incoming call, the first notes of My Immortal filling the room.
“Hey there Spider boy!” came Remus’ voice from the other side of the line.
Immediately, Virgil felt some of the tension leave his shoulders, relaxing back on his chair as he pushed himself away from the cluttered desk.
“Sup, Trashman,” he answered, not even bothering to fight down the tired grin tugging at his lips -Remus was not there to tease him about it anyway, so.
“Wow, don’t sound too excited to hear from me.”
Virgil snorted, his smile turning more and more genuine as the seconds passed.
“Fuck you.”
“Maybe later. But really, you sound like shit -everything alright? Are there some bones that I need to break?”
Virgil groaned, leaning back as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Now that he wasn’t panicking over his homework exhaustion was slamming down on him full-force, making it very hard for him to string together a coherent thought let alone think about filtering whatever shit was coming out of his mouth.
“It’s just… fucking everything, man. College is kicking my ass, my anxiety is kicking my ass and I’m just- I’m just tired, you know?”
From the other side of the line, Virgil heard Remus hiss in sympathy at his words.
“Yeah, shit, that sounds rough as hell.”
A beat of silence, and then-
“I can drive over and burn down your campus if you want. No college, no classes. Boom, airtight.”
Virgil couldn’t have stopped the amused snickers leaving his mouth even if he’d tried, shoulders shaking with his laughter as he fought to stifle it down.
“Thanks for the very tempting offer, but I think I’ll give it a pass for now.”
Then, he sighed, feeling his smile slip away as he stared at the ceiling, his sadness starting to creep up on him again. “... I miss you,” he whispered -he hadn’t exactly meant to say that out loud, but he had and now just couldn’t stop.
“I just- I miss our daily escapades and you sneaking into my room at the oddest hours of the day because you decided for some reason that simply using the front door was too mainstream.”
Virgil took in a ragged breath, distantly feeling his eyes start to sting with unshed tears.
“I miss being able to just call you when everything gets too much with the knowledge you’ll be knocking at my window in five minutes max. I miss having you physically by my side every day, I miss my best friend and I feel so fucking bad about it because you’re following your dreams and I’m proud of you, I really am but I also want you right here by my side and-”
Virgil audibly snapped his mouth shut, pressing a hand over his lips to stifle his sobs as tears streamed down his face out of his control.
“I’m sorry,” he whimpered, moving the phone away from his ear.
“Virgil-” Remu voice called, sounding worried and maybe a little desperate. but before he could say anything more, Virgil hung up, letting his room fall back into silence before throwing the phone somewhere on his bed.
Virgil bit down hard on his lip, but he could do nothing against the sobs that kept bubbling in his throat. One escaped, then another and soon Virgil could do nothing but curl up with his head hidden between his knees, yearning for the one person that could not help him the way he wanted him to.
Virgil didn’t exactly remember when he fell asleep, his memory being somewhat hazy in-between the tears that seemed to never end and the way he kept feeling like something was trying to squeeze him to death from the inside-out.
What he did remember, however, was waking up to a very familiar sound -one he’d thought he wouldn’t get to hear again in quite some time.
Initially, during those few moments floating between dreams and awakening, when reality hasn’t quite set in yet and sleep still hangs heavily from your eyelids, Virgil had almost believed he was still dreaming, his own vain hopes playing cruel tricks to his brain.
But the seconds kept ticking and Virgil kept hearing the goddamn sound, so there were only two possible explanations -either someone was trying to break into his room, or-
Virgil bolted up, almost tumbling off the chair he had fallen asleep on -which, ouch- in his haste to get to the window.
And sure enough, there Remus was, with his signature manic grin as he waved at Virgil from the tree branch he was perched on.
Virgil stared, hands moving almost on their own as they went through the familiar motions of unlocking the window to let his best friend in.
“Thanks, it was starting to get chilly out!” Remus chirped, climbing in with practiced ease and plopping himself down on the bed.
“What the fuck,” Virgil answered, still trying to process what was going on.
“I- you- what???” Virgil felt like his brain was about to implode, his gaze flickering from Remus to the window and then back to Remus again.
“Dude, what the hell are you doing here? It’s fucking two am or something like that and you live like, three hours away!”
Remus shrugged, shuffling around so he could sit cross-legged in the middle of the bed.
“My best friend is hurting, why would I not come?”
“It’s the middle of the week, you have classes tomorrow,” Virgil weakly pointed out, starting to feel a little choked up with all the emotions coursing through him at once.
“It’s Thursday, or Friday morning is you wanna be accurate,” Remus easily countered. “I know for a fact that neither you nor I have anything important going on tomorrow and the weekend is class free, so I’m going to crash here until Monday morning since we both have afternoon classes. And no, this is not up to debate. It’s happening, Spider Boy.”
Virgil blinked, staring at him with wide eyes as his heart hammered in his chest.
There was a tingling sensation running through all of his body, electrifying in the best of ways. It felt like fire and ice and water altogether, filling him up and up until-
“I love you,” Virgil blurted out, unable to stop the words from tumbling out any longer.
Remus stared for a second before a dazzling grin took over his face.
“I love you too!” he chirped, grinning so wide Virgil distantly worried if it didn’t hurt to pull at the muscles that much.
“No, uh-” Virgil stuttered, all too aware of how flustered he probably looked at that moment.
He bit his lip, pondering his next course of action. He could still salvage this, just let it go and make Remus believe he meant it in a platonic way and nothing more, burying his feelings in the deepest and darkest corner of his heart. But on the other hand… did he really want to do that?
“I meant in a romantic way, Remus,” he finally admitted, looking everywhere but at his best friend, “I love you as in I want to be your boyfriend and kiss you and stuff.”
Silence fell, filling the room as Virgil kept carefully avoiding Remus’ eyes.
God, he’d ruined everything, didn’t he?
Then he saw a familiar hand reach out and grab a fistful of his hoodie, firmly tugging him forward before he could express his confusion.
Virgil let out a startled yelp, stumbling towards the bed until he found himself face-to-face with his best friend. Still grinning, Remus winked before leaning in, erasing the last few inches separating them as he kissed him square on the lips.
Virgil froze, eyes as wide as saucers as he tried to comprehend whatever the fuck was going on. But before he could do that, Remus pulled back, slowly letting his eyes slide open again as a small, soft smile tugged at the corner of his lips -it was such a strange expression to see on Remus’ face, but Virgil found that he didn’t mind it at all, as long as it was directed at him.
“I know what you meant,” Remus chuckled, pecking Virgil on the lips again for good measure, “and I love you too. Now, are you gonna actually get on the bed and cuddle or do I need to drag you under the covers myself?”
Virgil let out a startled snort, feeling like he was reeling from the last five minutes alone. Still, he dutifully climbed on the bed and flopped down, feeling his exhaustion start to creep back on him again.
Remus grinned, laying down beside Virgil and immediately cuddling as close as humanly possible.
“Comfy?” Virgil teased, moving his hand to gently card it through the other’s hair.
“Hush boyfriend, pillows don’t talk,” Remus grumbled, already halfway gone as he somehow snuggled even closer.
Virgil hummed, leaning down to leave a kiss in Remus’ hair.
Boyfriend, uh? Well, it did have a nice ring to it.
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dameronology · 4 years
the one where you take the leap {poe x reader}
summary: you and poe take a late night walk and talk about everything and nothing (and you get tacos)
warnings: language 
just some fluff because i am having a big sad tonight™ and i need some wholesome content. this is about 101 cliches rolled into one but sometimes that is the best thing 
- jazz
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There were very few people that Poe Dameron would wake up at 3AM for. In fact, the list started and ended with your name. You were that important that he was willing to forgo his beauty sleep and that was truly saying something. Everybody in the galaxy and their mother knew that the pilot needed a full eight hours to function and nobody could change that. However, you didn’t fall into the category of nobody. 
That’s how you both ended up trekking across the plains of a jungle planet at an ungodly hour, the squelch of your boots in the wet mud filling the comfortable silence between you. Ajan Kloss was unbearably hot in the day but it bordered on glacial at night; that was how you’d ended up with one of Poe’s jackets. It was far too big for you, almost swamping your body, but he’d insisted you’d put it on before leaving. 
‘Remind me why we’re going on a hike at 3AM?’ Poe’s voice, still raspy with sleep, called from behind you.
‘Because I told you I couldn’t sleep and you said hey, let’s go for a walk!’ You chortled back, peeking over your hood to glance at him. 
‘Poe from half an hour ago was an asshole.’ He grumbled.
You stopped, turning to face him with a grin. The moon was high up above you now, casting the field of green in a yellow glow. Compared to the humid days, you almost relished in the crisp night air, enjoying the cool sensation on your skin as you glanced up at the dark sky and plethora of stars. Late night walks with Poe had become a regular occurrence over the last year - sometimes he initiated them, and other times like tonight, it was you. 
‘The village isn’t far from here.’ You said. ‘Maybe we can see what’s open?’
‘That tiny place that does the tacos is twenty four hours!’ Poe’s face lit up as the thought came to him. ‘C’mon!’
‘Waaaaait!’ You called after him. ‘My legs are tired, Dameron.’
Poe knew you what you were doing - the whole thing was kind of your play. Either that, or the man was so whipped that the first thing he thought to do was carry you the rest of the way there. Whatever it was, he bent down in front of you, signalling for you to leap onto his face. You swung your bag over your shoulder and made a run for it, landing perfectly in place. He wound his arms around your legs and boosted you up slightly, peering up to face at you. 
Now, it should be noted that Poe Dameron was one of the best-looking human beings you’d even seen - and that was on a normal day. But under the light of the moon, with his brown eyes illuminated like a warm, welcoming fire, and a cheeky grin on his face as he turned to look at you, it was something else entirely. It wasn’t just the external kind of beauty either - it ran deeper than that. He was the best person you knew; the kindest and the funniest, the smartest and the most selfless. As far as you were concerned, he was the most beautiful person in the galaxy (and he was carrying you half a mile - for tacos). 
You chattered quietly amongst yourselves but it wasn’t about anything in particular. That was how a lot of conversations went; they were simply natural musings, you two bouncing off each other and giving a thoughtful hmm every now and then. 
Clinging onto the material of Poe’s jacket, you blinked under the bright lights of the village, finally breaking through a clearing in the thick trees. It was a little town made up mostly of retired rebels and business owners. The place was hardly a sprawling city but it provided the Resistance with shops and bars, becoming the hub of different squadrons. 
‘Taco Town is open!’ You cheered, almost falling off of Poe’s back as you pumped your first in the air.
‘Have you summoned up the energy to walk now?’ He teased.
‘I think I might be able to.’ You gave him a light poke. Your boots hit the ground with a dusty thud and then you ran towards your beloved taco place. 
It was a twenty-four/seven shop, usually because of the Resistance soldiers passing in and out all hours of the day. The lady who manned the place at night was an elderly woman - she knew you both by name (and both your orders, because that’s how often you frequented the establishment). 
After gathering your order and paying her a few extra credits as a tip, you carried the food outside to Poe. 
‘You’re the only person who can get me out of bed at this ungodly hour for tacos.’ He muttered, flinging an arm across your shoulder as you sauntered towards a strewn bench. 
He didn’t move it when you sat down, nor did he say anything when you shuffled into his side. The air was still cold, biting at the bare skin on your face as you enjoyed the taco-induced bliss you’d been waiting for. To your right, you could see the rest of the town lights as they stretched out for miles, eventually blurring into a blob of distant light. Poe was on your left, meanwhile, hand absentmindedly rubbing circles on your shoulder as he ate his food. 
‘I wonder how far out this place actually goes.’ You murmured. ‘I’ve only been as a far as the boot shop, and that took me like an hour.’
‘Sorry I set fire to your old ones.’ Poe nudged you, and you couldn’t help but laugh as you remembered the incident. 
‘It’s okay. I nearly grounded your jet so we’ll call it even.’
He didn’t respond verbally, instead giving your shoulders a light squeeze. 
Even with the chaos of the war, Poe felt like an anchor amongst a raging ocean of pure fucking insanity. You’d met people before, ones you’d vibed with and connected with but with him, it was an entire new level of...whatever it was that you had. You’d teetered on the ledge of more-than-friends on multiple occasions, but neither of you had taken the leap. If you did, there was no coming back - you’d be jumping without a parachute. 
‘That was a good taco.’ You declared.
‘Worth the walk.’ Poe nodded. ‘Not that you did much walking.’
‘You offered, Dameron!’ You reminded him. ‘You are my trusty stead.’
‘And that’s all I’m useful for?’
‘Of course not! Sometimes you bring me caff as well.’
Your conversation continued, veering off of the subject of the Uses of Poe Dameron™ and to a million other things. 
You spoke about his X-Wing and the fact that BB-8 had made a point to show every single person in the base his new antenna. You discussed your latest meetings and missions and how Finn had lead his first successful operation the day before. You laughed about something - you couldn’t remember what - and the only thing that pulled you from the conversation was the fact you noticed the sky beginning to turn pink. 
‘Maker, it’s gone 4AM already.’ You pulled up the long sleeves of Poe’s jacket to check your watch. 
That was the thing with you and Poe - when you started talking, or when you were even just in the presence of one another, you completely forgot about the world around you. It felt like nothing else mattered. It was just you, him and the blank canvas of the galaxy ahead of you (and sometimes, a circular droid child). 
‘Let’s stay a while.’ Poe murmured. He dropped his head against yours, pressing a soft kiss to your hair. ‘I have no-where to be tomorrow.’
‘Me neither,’ you reached up to squeeze the hand that was resting on your shoulder. ‘But the Resistance doesn’t wait.’
‘It can for now.’ He shot back. 
Maybe this was it - the moment that he finally found it within him to take the leap and just tell you outright that he was blatantly, irrevocably in love with you. The thought of risking your friendship was painful - but the only thing more agonising was the idea of not knowing if you loved him too. 
(But with the way you looked at him, it was a mystery to everybody around you how he didn’t you obviously were - but more on that later). 
‘What is it, Poe?’ You gave his hand another gentle squeeze.
‘Huh?’ His blinked at you.
‘You’ve gone off some place else.’ You replied. ‘I know that look on your face and it means you’re either in deep thought or you’ve seen a nice butt and given that I’m sat down and the only person here, I’m gonna assume it’s the first one.’
That was the comment that pushed him over the edge. The realisation that you knew him, that you could read him like a book. You got him in a way that no-one else seemed to, understood him in a way that others had failed to. In a galaxy so cold and so daunting, having somebody by his side with a bright smile and a few cheesy jokes was imperative. Every time he thought about his future after the war, your face was always the first thing that popped up.
‘You know I love you, right?’ Poe - for the first time since you’d met him - stumbled on his words.
‘Of course.’ You replied, before silently adding but not in the way I want you to love me.
‘No...’ He shook his head. He shuffled to the side slightly, turning to face you. He put one hand on your cheek, the other resting on your shoulder. ‘I mean I love a lot of things. I love Leia, and I love Finn, and I love Beebs and I love my X-Wing. But not in the way I love you.’
‘What are you saying?’
‘I’m saying I’m in love with you.’ He got there eventually.
‘You’re in love with me?’ You couldn’t work out if you heart was going a million miles an hour or if it had stopped entirely. 
‘Yeah. What do you think?’
‘I mean...’ You trailed off, chewing your lip for a moment. ‘I think you’re probably in love with your X-Wing too. I saw you cry over the landing gear once-’
‘-Y/N!’ Poe whacked you in the shoulder. 
‘Poe, you’re an idiot.’ You gave him a watery smile. ‘Obviously I’m in love with you.’ 
Dropping the remains of his taco to the ground*, the pilot grabbed you, crashing his lips to yours. Just like Poe, the kiss was a lot of contradicting things all at once - it was soft but hungry, demanding but sweet. It was a lot of feelings at once and you could feel every single individual one, finally coming together after well over a year of pining. You’d both taken the leap and the water below was even better than the ledge on which you’d been standing. 
(* you made him pick up the taco wrapper before you walked back to the base - hand in hand, obviously). 
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lunasquared · 4 years
I Can’t Sleep (It’s 1AM)
@comfortember Prompt #18 Hot Cocoa
Relationships: Peter Parker & Ben Parker, Peter Parker & Tony Stark
Summary: Peter and Ben had a tradition that on nights they couldn't sleep they would make hot chocolate. Years later and a night at the tower when Peter can't sleep, Peter decides that maybe he can carry on the tradition with Tony.
Notes: This is my first comfortember prompt because I haven’t had much motivation, but I had lots of fun writing this!
Read on AO3: Here
For a reason that Peter could never explain, to him, hot chocolate tasted better in the summer.  However, that did not mean he didn’t enjoy it other times during the year.
It didn’t really make sense that he would find it more enjoyable during the hotter months, but what did make sense was the fact that he found overall the most enjoyable time to have it was between the hours of midnight and 3am.  Which okay actually didn’t make sense the more he thought about it, until it did.
It made sense because he would drink hot chocolate with Uncle Ben on nights he couldn’t sleep and Ben got home late from work.  That was their time and their time alone.  Every once in a while May would join, but they usually ended up in the kitchen with hot chocolate on nights where May would work the night shift.  Which was why Peter couldn’t sleep in the first place.  Because Ben was working or May was and he couldn’t get his mind to shut up.
The first time it happened Peter was 8, May was working the night shift for the second time that week and as far as Peter knew Ben was asleep.  It was around 1am when Peter snuck out of his room and into the kitchen due to having woken up from a nightmare and unable to fall back asleep.  He poured himself a mug of milk and stuck it into the microwave for a minute and in the meantime took a packet of hot chocolate out of one of the cabinets.  And when the microwave had 1 second left Peter opened it to make sure it wouldn’t beep then poured the contents of the package into the mug and mixed it in.  
Peter sat down at the table and gripped the mug loosely in his hands but pulled them away every few seconds to avoid burning himself.  He sat in silence for who knows how long, he stopped paying attention to the time the second he pulled the mug from the microwave, but the silence mixed with the warmth of the hot chocolate gliding down his throat made Peter sag in his chair.  If he focused hard enough he could hear the traffic from the city that never sleeps, just like him it seemed.  
When Ben sat down in front of Peter, it took the boy a few seconds to realize Ben was there as his eyes were closed and he was focused on the sounds of distant car horns.  Though when Peter did notice Ben, for whatever reason he expected Ben to tell him to go back to bed, but instead Ben just gave him a soft smile which the 8 year old gladly returned.
“What are you doing up Pete?”  Ben asked as Peter took another small sip of his hot chocolate.
“I couldn’t sleep.”  Peter admitted, his voice small and full of exhaustion.  
“And you made hot chocolate because?”
Peter shrugged, looking away from Ben, instead focusing on the mug in his hands and his feet swinging under the table.  “It sounded good I guess.”
“I guess I should make some too then, huh.”
Peter looked back up to Ben, his eyes going a little wider and mouth hanging open slightly.  “You’re not mad?”  He asked.
Ben only shrugged as he got up from the table and started making his own mug of hot chocolate.  “I’m not mad that you’re up, I am a little disappointed you didn’t come get me, but I get it.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, you can’t help that you can’t sleep.”  Ben said as he took the mug out of the microwave.  
Peter watched in silence as Ben finished making his hot chocolate and sat back down at the table across from Peter.
“You wanna talk about it?”  Ben asked.
“I’m worried about May.”  Peter admitted, swinging his feet a little faster under the table and taking another sip from his mug.
“She’s only at work.”
“I know it's just-”  Peter paused trying to find the right words to describe how he was feeling.  He wasn’t really sure why he was so worried about May as she was just at work , but he was worried and he couldn’t explain why.  There was just this feeling he would get on the nights she was gone, heck even the nights Ben was gone, that something bad would happen.  “I just get worried that something bad is going to happen.”
Peter could tell Ben was thinking of what to say from the look on his face.  “That makes sense.”  Ben said when he finally spoke.  “Especially after everything that’s happened, it makes sense that you would worry when people leave.”
He was thankful that Ben didn’t flat out mention his parents.  Even though the plane crash that killed them was nearing 3 years ago, it still hurt to bring it up, understandably.  It hurt especially bad at night, at times when he would think he was over it, or maybe not over it but doing better with accepting it in general.  Overall he was getting better, it was getting easier, but he was still thankful Ben didn’t bring it up as he wasn’t sure he could handle it tonight.
“I don’t know why though.”  Peter said after a few moments of silence, forcing himself to cut off his thoughts.  “Like I do, but why? ”
“I don’t know.”  Ben said softly, his voice so warm and comforting as he reached out and took Peter’s small hand into his own.  “But sometimes we don’t know the reasons for something and until we know the reason, we have to be okay with not knowing it.”
“Thanks Uncle Ben.”  Peter said before taking the last sip of warm goodness from his mug.
“Of course Pete.  Anytime you need something you can come get me.”
A few minutes after that Ben carried Peter back to his room and tucked the boy back into bed.  
“Don’t tell May I let you have hot chocolate this late.”  Ben said jokingly before pressing a soft kiss to Peter’s forehead.  
“I won’t.”  Peter promised and held out his pinky which Ben quickly joined with his own.  “I love you.”
“I love you too Pete, try to get some sleep, you have school tomorrow.”
And Peter did sleep that night, it didn’t take long after Ben left for him to fall asleep with a smile on his face and May was there to wake him up in the morning.  He wrapped his arms around May’s neck and hugged her as tight as he could.
That’s what they did for a few years.  If Ben got home late from work and Peter was up, Ben would make a mug of hot chocolate for the both of them and they would talk about what was on their mind or what good things happened that day.  
Which is why Peter knows that’s why hot chocolate always tastes better at night, because it’s a time of comfort, a time where very few people are up, a time where nothing is expected and he can just sit at the table either in silence or talking with Ben.
Though now, Ben isn’t here and he couldn’t bring himself to have May sit out with him some nights.  Some nights he did and they would sit at the table drinking their hot chocolate talking about their day, but other nights May couldn’t sit out with him because she was working.  Then there were the nights that he sat at the kitchen table alone because there, late at night, with a mug of hot chocolate in his hands, he felt closer to Ben, so he let himself have those moments.  It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy May sitting out with him, because he did, but some nights it felt almost like he was betraying Ben, though he knew deep down he wasn’t, because Ben would’ve wanted him to carry on the tradition with someone.
He let himself think back tonight, on this cool November night, because now he was sitting at the table in the penthouse of Stark Tower with a mug of hot chocolate cupped between his hands, alone.
He could go get Tony, he knew that.  He could go get May, he knew that too.  Heck he could go get anyone in the tower, because their rooms were only a few steps down the hall, but he didn’t because he was sad and he wasn’t sure why.
Maybe it was because tonight he missed Ben a little more than usual, or maybe there was some other reason, though right now because he didn’t know he let himself be okay with not knowing, because that’s what Ben would tell him to do.  
When he moved onto his second mug of hot chocolate because he still didn’t feel ready to go back to his room, he could hear quiet socked feet coming down the hall and a slightly  abnormal heartbeat come with it.  It was Tony, he knew it was Tony, who else would it be besides May coming out to check on him at 1 in the morning?  But May was asleep and only Tony had the abnormal heartbeat.  And it wasn’t even that it was truly abnormal, it wouldn’t show up on any sort of machine that it was abnormal, but Peter could hear the slight difference in his compared to anyone else.  Tony’s heartbeat was calming to him because it was slightly off.  The normal thump thump of someone's heartbeat was calming sometimes, but he could only do so much to pick an individual’s heartbeat out of a sea of them.  But Tony’s, because Tony’s was different, and only in the slightest bit, Peter could pick it out in a crowd and focus on his when he couldn’t decipher anyone else's.  
“What are you doing up buddy?”  Tony asked sitting down in a chair across the table from Peter.
It could’ve been a very similar conversation to the one he had with Ben the first time they had hot chocolate together.  It could’ve been very different.  But it also could go practically anyway Peter wanted it to go.
“Can’t sleep.”  Peter said with a small shrug and took another sip of his hot chocolate.  
“Do you wanna talk about it?”  
Peter didn’t answer Tony, but stood up from his spot at the table and walked back over to the kitchen.
“Is that a no?”  Tony questioned, though he didn’t move from his spot at the table.
“No, I’m just making you a mug of hot chocolate too.”  Peter said, putting the mug of milk into the microwave.
“I could make coffee you know.”  Tony suggested.
Peter shook his head.  “Late night talks are hot chocolate only.”
Tony only nodded as Peter pulled the mug from the microwave and mixed in the hot chocolate mix before bringing it over to the table to set it infront of Tony.  He sat back down in his spot and once again wrapped his hands loosely around the mug.  
They each sipped their respective drinks in silence until Peter spoke up.  “I used to do this with Ben.”  Peter said eventually.  “On nights he got home late and I was still up or on nights I couldn’t sleep.  Sometimes May would join us, but more often than not it was just me and Ben.”
Tony got the same thinking face that Ben would get sometimes.  Like he knew what to say, but was trying to think of the best way to say it.  
“Is it okay that I’m out here with you?”  Tony asked.  “Because I don’t want to intrude if you don’t want me here.”
Peter gave Tony a soft smile.  “Yeah it’s okay.  I made you hot chocolate didn’t I?”  He said with a quiet chuckle causing Tony to chuckled as well.  “It’s uh- it’s nice to have someone out here with me sometimes.  Sometimes May will sit with me in the kitchen, but sometimes I like to be alone.”
“And now?”
“Now I don’t know exactly, but I know that I want you to stay.”
“Then I’ll stay as long as you need.”
“Pinky promise?”  Peter asked, reaching towards the center of the table holding his pinky out.
“Pinky promise.”  Tony confirmed and hooked his pinky with Peter’s.
They both gave a small shake of their pinkies to seal the promise before letting go both of their hands going back around their mugs.
And Tony did stay just like he promised.  They talked a little both about their day and about somethings they had on their minds, but regardless, Tony stayed just like he promised.  When they both finished their drinks, mugs now in the dishwasher, the two of them walked back down the hall towards their respective rooms.  When they reached Peter’s door Peter hesitated twisting the handle for a moment.
“Do you need anything else bud?”  Tony asked, if Peter had to guess he noticed the hesitation.
Yeah Peter did want something else.  He wanted someone to tuck him into bed just like Ben would do even as Peter got older and would say he was too old for that, but secretly he always loved when Ben tucked him into bed.  He knew that Ben knew that as well, which is why he kept doing it.
“Ben would always tuck me in after we had hot chocolate.”  Peter admitted, the hesitance in his voice clear as he slowly turned the door handle and kept his gaze on his feet.  “You don’t have to though I just-”  He trailed off losing the words in his throat.
“Do you want me to?”  Tony asked, and Peter was thankful Tony was leaving the choice up to him.  It was a small gesture, one that most people wouldn’t care about, but it meant the world to Peter.  It meant that Tony understood what Peter was too scared to say.  That Peter didn’t want to replace Ben, Tony wouldn’t replace Ben, nobody could replace Ben, but there could be someone who had a similar role, if Peter wanted that.  And Tony asking, leaving the choice up to Peter, told him that Tony understood, he understood that Peter wasn’t trying to replace Ben with him, but that he was still an extremely important part of Peter’s life.  Because he was, Tony was extremely important to Peter and Peter hoped he was important to Tony.
“Can you?”  Peter asked his hands rubbing together as if to try to warm up, but he was nervous as he shifted his weight from his heels to the balls of his feet.  Was it a weird thing to ask of Tony?  Maybe it was, but there was a sense of familiarity with it.  And again it wasn’t that Tony was a replacement for Ben, that wasn’t it at all, it was Tony being there for Peter when he needed it, for when he wanted it.
“Of course I can bambino.”  Tony said, letting Peter walk into the room first before following.
Another simple gesture that Peter appreciated.  Peter crawled into bed and Tony pulled the covers up right past his shoulders so it was sitting directly above his collarbone.  He turned so he was facing Tony and curled into a loose ball while clutching his stuffed animal (technically it wasn’t a stuffed animal, it was a stuffed Iron Man doll from Costco that May and Ben got him for the holidays one year) to his chest.  Tony sat on the edge of the bed, one leg pulled up in his lap, the other resting on the floor to keep his balance.  He ran his fingers through Peter’s messy curls and Peter couldn’t stop himself from melting into the touch.  
“I love you.”  Peter whispered, so softly that he was unsure if Tony had even heard him.  And maybe it wasn’t a bad thing if Tony didn’t hear, but some part of Peter hoped he did.
Tony pressed a soft kiss on Peter’s forehead and brushed the stay curls out of the boy’s face.  Peter had his answer then.
“I love you too.”  Tony said pressing one more kiss on the top of Peter’s head before standing up from the bed.  “If you need anything come get me.  I’ll be here.”
“Thank you.”  Peter said softly, and this time he knew Tony could hear him because of the smile Tony gave him as he reached the doorway.
“I love you kiddo.”  
Peter didn't have to guess the you're welcome that was hidden in that phrase.  “I love you too.”
Things were different now.  They had been for a while.  But maybe carrying on this sort of tradition wasn’t a bad thing.  Though he never really thought it was, he just never had the right person to continue it with aside from May, but Tony, well Tony was the person to continue it with.  It felt comforting, in a different way than it was with Ben, but comforting all the less.  It felt right carrying on the tradition.  
And just like the first time he and Ben had hot chocolate, Peter fell asleep right away with a smile on his face.  
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slaveformingi · 5 years
Midnight Adventure (M)
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READER (y/n) X CHOI SAN (Ateez)
Genre:Smut, Car Sex, Public Sex(?) Word Count: 2180 words. Summary:  You were ready to call it a night but suddenly you receive a text from your boyfriend claiming to invite you on a midnight adventure. Knowing San, that adventure will definitely be... breath taking.
(Author’s Note: Fix On! So my last smut (Seonghwa X Reader X Mingi) got almost 200 notes, wtf? Thank you so much guys! It really gave me more motivation to write knowing that there are people out there reading my work 😭 Anyways, I hope you guys like this one as well. I always thought of San as someone who would like to do public sex and car sex, so yeah, that’s where the inspiration came from. Enjoy!”)
“Baby, how do you sleep when you lie to me?~~”
You sang quietly to yourself as the melody of the song played in the back of your head as you walked around your room, tidying it up a bit. You sang softly, trying your best not to bee too loud since it was almost 1am and you didn’t want to wake up your parents who were sleeping in the room next to yours.
You neatly placed your textbooks on your table and proceeded to make your way to your bed, to catch at lease a few hours of sleep before you needed to wake up for school.
3 more days left till school is over and you couldn’t wait for it to end so you could sleep in and not have to worry about exams or needing to do any homework.
You were even more excited to spend the holidays with your boyfriend, Choi San, the boy who adults knew as the perfect gentleman. The boy who has a perfect smile (complete with an eye smile) and perfect manners. Little did they know your boyfriend had a devilish side to him too.
Your parents love him. They were smitten for everything he did. He would always bring you home on time and never stopped acting like a gentleman when he was with your family. As good as that sounded, your parents didn't know what was happening behind their backs. They didn’t know the fact that he would sneak in your room before your dates and do things they wouldn't approve.
You were convinced that San was the spawn of satan masked as an angel. Whenever he was around your parents he would dress as a young gentleman with a bright future plan, but when he was alone with you, and not naked (which was very rare) he would dress like a goth rock star that was ready to rob a bank and fuck his girl. But despite all that, you still couldn't help but love him with all your heart.
You picked up your phone that was on your nightstand and to your surprise, you did not received any texts or calls from him in the last few hours, which was weird since he was a night own and there was no way he would be asleep right now. You shrugged it off and went into your bathroom to change into your PJs and do your night routine (washing your face, brushing your teeth, etc.)
As you got out of the toilet, ready to go to bed, you heard a notification sound from your phone. You unlocked your phone and saw that you got a text from your beloved boyfriend;
{ Ready for a midnight adventure baby girl? 😘 }
You were confused. Midnight adventure? What did he mean by that? Did he meant to send that to someone else? If yes, he needed to give you a big explanation since you were the only person he was allowed call baby girl. But you decided to just go along with it. { Excuse me sir, but I don’t think my boyfriend would be fine with going with on a midnight adventure with a stranger. }
You sent him, hoping to tease him a little.
{ Screw that asshole, come outside. Your Prince Charming is waiting for you. Better be quick before your parents notice me. } You let out a smile, quickly you undressed yourself and stuffed your blankets with pillows making it look like you were in it, just in case your parents decide check in on you. 
You slipped on a hoodie and some shorts and made your way downstairs, as quietly as possible. You headed over to the front door, accidentally tripping on one of our shoes. You cursed under your breath. You open the door carefully and slipped out of the house.  Once you were finally out of your house, you ran over to your boyfriend who was waiting for you, leaned against the hood of his car. You felt like you were int a typical teenage girl movie, the one where they sneaks out in the middle of the night to meet the bad boy.
You rushed into his arms, your body crashing into his. San wrapped his Hans around your body, holding you closer to him as he placed a soft kiss on your lips. The fresh night air hit your skin, which sent a shiver run down your spine.
“What made you come here so late?” you whispered, hoping not to make too much noise “Am I not allowed to see my girlfriend?” San said as he looked at you, as he gave you an innocent face. You squinted your eyes, you knew he wanted something from you.
“What do you want San?” “Nothing, I just wanted to see my girl.” “San...” you said with a warning tone. “Okay, okay. You got me. I’m horny and I couldn't stop thinking about having your body against mine.” he admitted as his hand slid down your back and onto your ass which fit perfectly in his rough hands. He gave your ass a little squeeze as he nuzzled his face into your neck. You felt his hot breath on your cold skin, you couldn't believe that he came all this way just to get laid.  “Why couldn't you wait till tomorrow or just come upstairs like last time?” you said as you pushed yourself away from him. A groan left his lips as he quickly pulled you back against his chest kissing you deeply. “Don’t you remember what happened the last time I snuck into your room?” Your mind suddenly went into flashback mode to the time San decided to sneak into your room at 3am to have some “fun”. You were a moaning mess and your parents walked in on you, but you were lucky, San was quick enough to hide in your closet. You had to explain to your parents that you were having a bad dream.
“Oh yeah.” you said remembering what had happened. “But that doesn't mean that you can call me whenever just too fuck you in your car. What am I? Your sex toy?” you said as you left little punches on his chest. “You aren't baby girl, but you make me feel soooooo good and I really need you right now.” he said with his puppy eyes. “Please baby, just this one time. Pleaseeeeeee.” You haven't seen him begged for you before and you liked it, it made you feel powerful. Plus, it was hot seeing your boyfriend all tensed and flushed up by the sexual frustration that you caused him.
“Alright, just this one time.” Before you could say anything else, his lips crashed into yours, a small moan escaped your lips, allowing San to slip his tongue into your mouth, flicking it against your own tongue causing you to moan into his mouth. San pulled back causing you to whine.
“There’s more where that came from baby girl.” he said smirking “Come with me.” he smiled as he moved you away from him as he left the hood of his car.
“Where are we going?”
“Nowhere amazing, just my car.” he laughed as he led you to the back seat of his car, your hands entwined with his as he unlocks his car with his free hand.
“And why are you bringing me to your car?”
“Because I want more privacy.” he smirked as he gestured for you to get in his car, you smiled as you got in. San got in after you and closed the door behind him.  “What do you want to do to me love?” you asked seductively as you made your way to his neck, kissing, nipping and sucking it, leaving small hickeys.
“Fu-- Fuck.” he groaned, he pressed his lips against yours, licking the seam of your lips as his hands wondered your body, his hands made it’s way to your breast and gave it a squeeze. You gasped against his lips, giving him access to slide his tongue into your mouth. You mewled against his mouth as you subtly grinned down on his clothed member. San let out a deep moan as he steadied your hips so that you could grind on him properly. You could feel your underwear getting soaked, you wanted him so badly. “Let me help you with that.” he flipped you, so that you were lying against the back seat of his car. San quickly pulled off your shorts and underwear at the same time. 
“Baby girl, we barely started but your already so wet.” he moaned, licking his lips at the sight of your juices dripping from your pussy. “I have an idea.”
“What?” you asked.
“Ride my face.” he grinned. 
“But I thought you were the one that needed released.” you said questioning him, he gave you one of his killer smiles.
“Making you feel good is a better pleasure than me needing release.” he said as he quickly adjusted himself to lie under you. You carefully straddled his chest.
“Are you okay?” he asked as his fingers drew circles on your thighs.
“Yeah, I just don’t want to crush you.” 
“Trust me babe, you won't.” he grinned lifting you onto his face. 
His lips immediately sucked your clit into his mouth, causing pleasure to shoot through you, your hands gripping onto the seats in front of you as San ate you out. He licked up and down your clit, collecting your juices on his tongue, causing him to moan against your pussy, making you even more turned on.
“San-nie, I’m so close.” you moaned as San flicked his tongue against your clit. “Let it go baby girl, I want you to cum on my tongue.”he said against you pussy, the vibrations causing you to cum instantly. Your head fell back as your orgasm hit you. Your body started shaking due to the pleasure you felt. San lifted you off of his face, letting you fall against his body.
“You taste so good baby girl.” he said as he pulled you into a kiss, you could taste your juices on his lips. The kiss became even more passionate and heated.
You moved your hands down to unbutton San’s jeans, pulling it down and leaving him in his boxers that were damp due to his pre cum. You bit your lip as you pulled down his boxers, his member slapping against his toned abs, finally released from its confinements. You held his dick in your hands, swiping your thumb over the tip, spreading his pre cum.
“Fuck.” he groaned as you lowered your mouth onto his dick. Your head bobbing up and down on his dick. He let out a string of moans and profanities as you deep throated his dick.
“y/n” he called out as he bucked his hips.
“Mmhmm?” you hummed as you continued sucking him off.
“Fuck baby, I need you now.” he whined, you smiled against his dick. You lowered you mouth on his dick till his tip hits the back of your throat, you lightly ran your teeth up his cock as you came up. “Fuck, fuck.” he groaned as he lifted your chin with his finger. “Stop teasing me baby, I need to be inside you.” “Please tell me you’re on the pill.” San asked as he swapped positions with you. “What kind of question is that boo?” you said laughing. You spread your legs enough for San to fit between it. “God damn, I’m so lucky.” he said as he sinked his cock into you. “So so fucking lucky.” he moaned as he felt your warm walls envelop his cock.
He waited for a moment to let you adjust to his size. You moved your hips a bit, signalling him to move. His hips thrusted forward, hitting you deeply causing you to moan out his name.
“You feel so good baby girl.” San grunted as he thrusted faster into you.
You hands tugged on his hair as one of his hands played with your clit. Both of you were a moaning mess. The windows of the car started getting foggy.
“San baby, fuck.” you moaned as you tugged on his hair roughly and clenched your walls around his dick, making San groan outwardly in pleasure, and pain. “Do that again baby girl.” he panted, his thrust becoming sloppy as you clenched on him again.  “San, I’m goi-- going to-- to--” you could barely speak, your head was full of lust. “I’m close too baby, cum for me.” 
A few more thrust and you came undone on his dick, your walls clenching tightly bringing him to his own orgasm. Each others names left both of your lips, leaving both of your breathless and panting.
“Fuck, we definitely need to do car sex more often baby.” 
“Sure,” you breathed heavily “Just not in front of my house next time.”
You both let out a laughter before San pulled you into a kiss.
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minjuwrites · 4 years
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AUTHORS NOTE: Hey guys! It’s been a bit, I was a little preoccupied with life but, I'm back to writing! I just want to say thank you for the likes and comments on my last post, it meant the world to me that people took the time to read what I posted! I said I had Jungkook fic on the way but It’s pretty lengthy and heavy so I'm still working on it! But, in celebration of August-D2 heres a little angst fic of Yoongi. I tend to write angst a lot because it's super emotional and I feel like I write a little better haha! Stay safe and enjoy!
Yoongi x reader (established relationship), Jungkook x reader (best friends)
Words Count: 4162
WARNINGS: drinking, drinking and driving, death, swearing, self inflicted injuries, blood and grief!
*Please do not read if the thought of death is triggering*
A scream rings throughout the apartment as another glass cup is smashed on the wood floor. He tries again, yelling, but it brings him no satisfaction. The pain is still there, swallowing him with every passing moment. Running his hands through his hair his eyes land on the strategically placed picture frames on the coffee table, the emotions they bring burn him to the core. Stumbling over he grabs one of the frames looking at the picture. He runs his thumb over your smiling face. Your arm was wrapped around him as he planted a kiss on your cheek. Failing to stifle the whimper that escapes from his mouth he throws the frame to the ground in one fluid motion. Not even seconds pass before the rest of the frames are recklessly thrown around the apartment, the glass shards spraying across the floor. He doesn’t realize when he starts crying, but when he grabs the last frame he takes a second to look at the picture. His eyes blur the image but, he can tell it was the most recent picture of you two. Jungkook took it when everyone was out, your head was resting on his shoulder as you slept, Yoongi just stared with eyes of adoration. The memory floods back to him; you were so tired from work but, after the pleas from the rest of the boys you decided to go out. It was short lived as you only lasted about an hour before passing out on Yoongi. He didn’t mind it one bit though, as he got to see your sleeping face he loved so much. He swears his heart skips a million beats seeing the way your eyebrows knit and the snores that leave your slightly open lips. His knuckles turn white from how harshly he clutches the frame, he tries to throw it but halfway through his arm goes limp and he drops to his knees. Hugging the picture to his chest, he lets the loud sobs wrack his body. He's sinking and sinking, begging for a life raft in a sea of his own misery. The waves crash over him right before he can reach for air and the sobs continue. His chest hurts, his brain hurts yet he feels so utterly numb. He’s so weak he allows his body to lay against the floor, he gives up trying and lets the waves come take him away. The glass against the floors reminds him of the accident and he curls into a ball like a scared child.
“Please,” he buries the picture deeper into his chest. “Bring her back to me, please.”
He didn’t care how pathetic he seemed, he was weak and broken. He didn’t care if his friends knew, he didn’t care if his family knew and he certainly didn’t care if his neighbors knew.
The alcohol churns in his stomach and a part of him tries to get up before he vomits but, the other part is too overcome with emotions to even move. Eventually, he bolts up and runs to the bathroom purging all the alcohol and little food in his system. With a heave he goes to the sink rinsing his face and mouth. His eyes catch himself in the mirror and he can’t help but stare. His eyes are bloodshot and the cuts are still healing. The bruising around his eye and cheek are turning a yellow hue signaling the healing. In an instant he is disgusted.
“Your fault,” he slurs out, gripping the edges of the sink taking a deeper look at himself. “You should have been paying attention.”
His eyes narrow and grow fierce as he winds his fist back. “You killed her!”
The sound of glass crunching fills the space and for one moment, one single moment the world is silent. As he pulls his now bloody fist back the shattered shards break off and make a clink as they fall to the ground. Exhaustion fills every crevice of his body and he drags himself to your once shared bedroom. It’s the first time he's been in it since being discharged. His heart aches as he climbs on the bed tucking himself in. The injury on his hand goes untreated, too uninterested to even wrap the bloody knuckles. He stays on his side, as he reaches for your pillow. It smells like you, and he's burying his nose in the fabric inhaling the scent. It brings a strange comfort and he finds himself sobbing again. His tired mind and body finally slip out of consciousness as the last thought in his head is you.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                     3 Days Ago
“Yoongi-ah!” you giggle wrapping an arm around his neck before giving a peck on his cheek. You are stupidly in love but, so is he. He knows you’re the girl he wants to spend the rest of his life with, he’s been carrying the box in his pocket for so long, yet he's too nervous to ask the question.
“Yes?” he gives a gummy smile as your tipsy state.
“Kookie is being a little brat,” you pout. “He keeps challenging me to drinking games.” Yoongi turns his head to a chuckling Jungkook and raises a brow. “Is he now?”
“She started it, hyung!” He whines.
Plopping yourself on Yoogni’s lap you stick your tongue out at the younger boy. Yoongi automatically wraps his arms around your waist, smiling at the two of you's child-like behavior.
“Are you sure you don’t want to drink with us? We can always call a cab.” You stare at him with puppy eyes.
Yoongi nods his head and tucks a loose piece of hair behind your ear. “I’m okay, I like watching you have fun, I don’t need to drink to have fun.”
You smile before kissing him on the cheek.
“I would say ew but, you guys are fucking adorable.” Jungkook smiles before pouting. “When am I gonna meet someone?”
You smile before leaning over to flick the younger boy's forehead.
“Don’t worry, Kookie! I got my eyes open for her.” You smile.
The three of you continue to have fun at the bar, the night is filled with drinking (minus Yoongi who sipped on his sprite), dancing and awful jokes that probably only made sense to the three of you. After a couple of hours the alcohol fills you with a tired feeling and you lean your head on Yoongi’s shoulder.
“Tired.” Is all you get out causing Yoongi to laugh.
“Wanna go home?”
You nod your head child-like before Yoongi searches the bar for Jungkook. As if right on cue, jungkook makes his way over with a water in his hand.
“We are gonna head out, Y/N is about to pass out at the booth here.” Yoongi smiles.
“Me too,” the younger boy slurs. “I'll head out with you guys I’m gonna call a cab.”
Yoongi nods before wrapping an arm around you for support. “You sure you don’t want a ride?”
“Nah, I’m okay it would be out of the way for you guys anyways.” Jungkook states.
The three of you all headed out the door, you told Yoongi (as wasted as you were) that you wanted to make sure Jungkook got in the cab safe so you all waited for the arrival.
As you wait the sound of booming laughter bursts through the door as two clearly drunk men come stumbling out. Their slurred words are unintelligible as they shout loudly over one another. The two make their way to a black SUV before hopping inside and speeding off. The sound of the tires screeching causes Jungkook to wince while you all watch with concerned faces.
“God damn,” Jungkook mumbles. “You guys be careful, yeah? Those idiots are seriously gonna get someone killed.”
You and Yoongi agree. “I hope they get home safe…” you whisper.
Shortly after a white cab rolls up and Jungkook pulls you two into a hug.
“Goodnight love birds! Y/N I will be at your house tomorrow with plenty of advil and greasy food.” He gives you a wink before skipping to the car.
The two of you wave off JUngkook as the cab drives out of the lot and down the road.
“Are you doing alright?” Yoongi asks.
“Mhm,” you smile. “I’m perfectly great when I’m with you.”
Yoongi flashes his teeth before gently pulling you to the car. He opens the passenger door gently placing you inside making sure to tuck your feet under the dashboard and fasten your seatbelt. He takes a second after he's finished to admire you.
“You’re so cute.” He reaches over and boops your nose releasing you into a fit of giggles.
“Yeah.” He answers.
“I love you.” You smile up at him.
His heart skips before he captures your lips in a kiss, cradling your jawline. “I love you too.”
No matter how many times you say the words to each other, butterflies fill your stomach everytime.
“Let’s go home, yeah?”
Yoongi closes the door and climbs into the drivers side. Starting the car up with ease he pulls out of the parking lot and makes his way back home. Feeling a bit tired he turns the music on tuning the radio to find the perfect station. As he finds the perfect one he pulls to an intersection stepping on the brakes for the red light. The streets are completely dead, it made sense considering it was almost 3am.
“Yoongs? You spoke so quietly Yoongi barely heard you.
“Yes?” He reaches over smoothing down your hair.
He could see the sleep in your eyes and he started to become impatient with the light.
“You know you are my soulmate?”
“Well,” Yoongi chuckled as he continued to stroke your hair. “You know you are MY soulmate?”
You peer up at him with a goofy smile. “I mean it, I can’t picture my life with anyone else. You make me happy and feel so… me.”
He can see the sincerity in your eyes, that's when he makes the decision. Tomorrow is the day he pops the question, no more pussying out.
“I can’t either, I feel like I'm on cloud 9 when I'm with you. I can’t imagine a life without you.”
You close your eyes as your lips tug upwards.
“Sleep, i'll wake you up when we are home.” He leans over placing a kiss on your forehead.
The light turns green and Yoongi carefully drives in order to not wake you up. He tries to avoid all the bumps in the road but it gets a little difficult as he reaches an area with less streetlights.
“You know, I’m gonna ask you to marry me.” Yoongi looks at the road.
As he begins to reach towards the intersection closer to your house he hears your voice.
“About time.” He hears you mumble.
He's about to laugh before everything goes in slow motion.
He almost doesn’t notice it at first, the car is a black SUV. The headlights are off but he can hear the too late screeching of the breaks as the car launches on your side. It’s so painfully slow yet his body can’t move fast enough. The sound of metal against metal fills his ears as he feels the car spiral before losing balance. The closest thing Yoongi can describe the feeling is like being on a roller coaster. As the car flips over Yoongi feels his head hit the side of the door. It doesn’t hurt but, nothing seems to register besides the sound of glass breaking. He doesn’t remember when his eyes shut but, when he opens them all the pain rushes through his body.
“Fuck.” He coughs out.
Everything is blurry and one of his eyes can barely open. He sits upright, finally piecing together the scene.
“Y/N?” He asks, trying to push himself upright with a grunt.
When you don’t answer the panic fills his chest, despite how much his body screams at him to sit still he turns his aching neck to your direction. The sight makes his blood run cold as he gasps out.
“Y/N?!” He tries to reach for you but his seatbelt constricts him.
He moves slowly only fueling into his panic and frustration. He tries unbuckling the seat belt but it's stuck. He cries calling out your name struggling the best he can to pull the belt off and get to you. He finally stops pulling to look at you again, taking in all the damage. Your side of the car in crushed, broken glass pierces your skin and your body lays in an abnormal position. Your eyes are slightly open as blood trickles out of your mouth. Yoongi panics waiting for the sight of your chest to fall and rise but nothing comes.
“No, no, no, no,” Yoongi whimpers as he closes his eyes, throwing his head back. “Please god, no.”
The sound of sirens ring in the background, they are close. Yoongi perks up at the sound before screaming and yanking the seatbelt in different ways eventually getting it to let go of his grasp on him.
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay, the ambulance is here they are gonna get you fixed up. Just hang in there.” Yoongi cradles your limp head ignoring the way you mold too easily to his touch.
“Y/N, I need you to wake up, please I just need you to-” he breaks down as the emergency cars pull up to the scene.
“I need you to wake up, I need you,” He can barely form sentences as he's gasping for breath. You aren’t breathing and you aren't moving.
He screams and yells as the EMTs rush to him picking him up and placing him on the stretcher. His body doesn’t let him escape as they work on him. The sounds of radios and bustling people are all too much for him.
He begs them to get you as they slip the oxygen mask around his head loading him into the ambulance. They try their best to calm Yoongi down but he's hysterical. He waits for them to load you inside the vehicle but they quickly speed off despite Yoongi’s protests. Panic fills his chest until the last thing he sees is black.
                                                 2 Weeks Later
He runs his fingers against the smooth wood of the casket. You look so peaceful laying there with a head against the pillow. They covered the cuts with makeup, they almost look invisible.
“Hey,” Yoongi starts with a cracking voice. “You look so beautiful.”
He takes his hand caressing your cold cheek before letting it fall to his side.
“Ever since I met you I knew you were the one, falling in love with you was so easy, everything with you felt so natural yet, no matter how many years passed you always made my heart leap. There's no one else like you, I don’t think there ever will be.” He smiles before reaching into his chest pocket pulling out the ring that had waited so long to be placed on your delicate finger. “It’s always gonna be you. I've been wanting to do this for so long.”
Gently taking your hand he slips the ring on your finger rubbing over it for a moment before placing your hand back in its original position.
“I love you.” He croaks. “I wish I could have been able to hear your answer.”
“She would have said yes.” A voice rings out causing Yoongi to turn to the sound.
Jungkook makes his way over to the casket, his black suit is pressed and clean not quite matching his now long fluffy hair. As he gets closer, Yoongi can see how red and irritated his eyes are, the bags rest under showing the emotional tow he was experiencing.
“She always would tell me, if you didn’t ask her soon she was about to pop the question herself.” He smiles at Yoongi with sad eyes. “I've never seen two people so in love, you guys were perfect, I know she would have said yes.”
Yoongi nods as the tears slip from his face. “I miss her.”
Jungkook pulls the older boy into a hug before letting the tears slip from his own eyes. “I do too, hyung.”
Not too long after the service begins, not once does Jungkook leave Yoongi’s side. The other boys stay nearby doing their part in helping set up and take down the setup. They are careful around the other two, making sure to give them the space they need. Everyone in the room was hurting, they were all dealing with it in their own ways. Everyone says their speeches, lastly Yoongi goes up to the podium as all eyes land on him. Clearing his throat he scans the crowd.
“Y/N was one of the kindest souls I had ever had the pleasure of knowing. With her, every obstacle and bad day was easier. She was the light of everyone's life.” The crowd's faces became blurred and he felt so vulnerable. None of the words he could say would ever compare to who you were as a person. “I know we are all feeling lost without her here but, I know she will always be a part of us. I hope she's watching us, with her beautiful smile and leading us down the right path. Even in death she brings us together.”
The crowd smiles, knowing you and how you are.
“As we mourn the loss of a daughter, a best friend,” Yoongi looks at your grieving parents before turning his attention to Jungkook, he swallows before speaking again, turning his eyes to your figure. “And a soulmate. Let us use this time to support and care for each other like Y/N would have wanted.”
Yoongi walks back to his seat and sits down watching as everyone begins to get up one by one saying their final goodbyes.
It seems to be going too fast now, everyone is on their way to the burial site. Flowers cover the sleek mahogany casket hovering above the deep hole that awaits your final resting place. As everyone gathers around the sound of the machine whirling makes Yoongi close his eyes. He wants to watch you for one last time but, the thought of you lowering to the ground causes his heart to shatter. With his eyes closed he can hear the cries of your family, especially your parents. It's too much but he remains in his spot forcing himself to open his eyes just as your casket disappears from his line of vision. Despite being older Yoongi has to look up at Jungkook’s face. He holds his head steady as the tears stream down his cheeks. This time, Yoongi puts on the brave face patting Jungkook on the back letting him know it's okay to cry. And that's all it takes for him to break down. As the others soon begin to drift back one by one back to their cars the two boys and your immediate family remain wanting to be with you for a little longer.
Yoongi looks towards your grieving parents, he hasn’t spoken with them outside planning the funeral arrangements. The guilt always ate at him, he was worried about what they would say or think of him. Deciding it was now or never Yoongi made his way towards the pair. The sight of the two caused a pang in his chest, your mother's mascara was smeared and messy from hours of crying, your father looked like he hasn't slept in days.
“Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N, I just wanted to say-.” Before Yoongi can finish, your mother wraps him in a hug, your father joining in shortly after.
“You gave my child so much happiness, I have never seen them glow so much after you two started dating. They always talked about you, and especially how much they loved you. I can see you are blaming yourself but, it’s not your fault. There was nothing you could do.” Your mother's words spoke as she continued to cling to Yoogi.
Still in shock, he hesitates for a moment before wrapping his arms around your parents. The heaviness that held him down seemed lighter and a rush of emotion flooded his body. He was a mess, as the three of them held onto each other, sharing the grief.
After a while everyone had left except for Yoongi and Jungkook. The two sat next to you on the soft green grass. The air had a chill as the sun began to set on the two of them. They didn’t say much, as they simply enjoyed each other's company as they thought about fond memories involving you.
“Hyung?” Jungkook asks.
Yoongi humms showing that he's listening.
“Do you really think Y/N is watching over us?”
Yoongi knows you are, you always cared so deeply for everyone you met. He knew even in the afterlife you would take care of everyone as well.
“Yeah, I really do.” He smiles leaning on his elbows.
Jungkook lets out a sound of satisfaction before copying Yoongi’s movements. The two boys continue to soak up the refreshing air, and for a moment, it feels like you are there with them.
                                                  10 Years Later
Yoongi wears the same suit as the day of your funeral, bright and colorful decorations and flowers cover your grave from the previous visitors. With a sigh he stands up brushing the grass that clung to the fabric.
“Uncle Yoongi!”
Turning around Yoongi smiles fondly before the little girl runs into his arms. Wrapping her in a bear hug he spins the two of them around as the sound of adorable giggles fills the space.
“Aiya-Y/N!” Jungkook calls running towards the two out of breath. “Don’t run off like that.”
Yoongi and Y/N giggle at the disheveled man. Jungkook’s wife, Seo-Yun, follows behind with a wide smile.
Placing Y/N down Yoongi hugs Jungkook and Seo-Yun and begins catching up. It doesn’t take long, Yoongi is a regular visitor and Y/N’s favorite uncle. After your death Yoongi and Jungkook became even closer, heavily leaning on each other for support. As things started to return to normal Jungkook met Seo-Yun at a cafe, it was love at first sight. Jungkook believes that it was you that led him to her, just like he introduced you to Yoongi. The two got married after a year and another year later they found out they were expecting. It was a total shock and surprise but, nonetheless everyone welcomed the baby girl with open arms. Naming her after you was Jungkook's idea, he hoped that she would grow up to be a good person like you were, the idea touched Yoongi. Yoongi adored the little one, after your death he never felt the want or need to see anyone else, he had his whole life planned out with you, the thought of that with someone else didn’t sit right with him. To him, Y/N was like his own child, a mini you just like he wished to have.
“Uncle Yoongi, look what I made for aunty Y/N!” She pulls out a drawing from her pocket, taped to it are white flowers that Yoongi could tell grew in their backyard.
Yoongi takes the picture smiling fondly at the image, although the drawing is limited to mostly stick people he can tell it's all of them holding hands on a little green hill. He can tell which one is you by the little angel wings and halo. Although Y/N never got to meet you, Yoongi never missed a moment to talk about you with her. Before she would go to bed she always demanded to hear a story about ‘aunty Y/N’ and Yoongi would tell her all the best memories with you and remind her that you were always watching over her.
“Wow,” Yoongi smiles kneeling down to get at level with Y/N. “You know aunty Y/N would have loved this.”
The girl giggles before saying a little thank you.
Jungkook makes his way over placing the vase of flowers in his hands in front of the stone. Brushing off imaginary dust from the grave he smiles before bowing on his knees. “Thank you, for always watching over us.”
Yoongi smiles at the sight as he pats Y/N’s head.
“Here aunty!” Y/N leans her drawing against the stone.
Seo-Yun and Jungkook set up the little picnic while Yoongi and Y/N played games on the grass. Soon they all gather together each taking a place on the blanket. They leave a plate of your favorite food out as a tradition. The four of them talk until the sun begins to set, soon there's a sense of peace in the atmosphere and everyone stays for a little longer with the memory of you in their heads.
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akutagawasbitches · 4 years
Memories: Prologue
This is the prologue to my story Memories! I hope y’all like it. Please send in or comment any feedback you have and reblog if you like it! Love you guys 🥺❤️
It had been a long night for Yukiche. Running the bar by herself wasn’t an easy task: dealing with drunks, breaking up bar fights, cleaning up blood and vomit while also making drinks wasn’t easy nor was it for the faint hearted. But despite all this she loved her job, she just hated cleaning up the blood. She hated blood. The viscous red liquid that pools everywhere and dries into a brown ugly stain. But it was part of the job. Cleaning up vomit and blood was part of running a bar, people tend to get messy when drunk which meant there would be something to clean up. Sighing, Yukiche wiped her brow and stared at the floor checking for any spots she had missed. She couldn’t see anything. She placed the chemicals back under the bar and started cashing out the register, checking over the bills to see if it was all correct. The dull hum of the bar lights mixed alongside the quiet streets made it easy to concentrate. There’s a reason they call 3am “the dead hour”. Nothing moves or breathes; the world is completely still and silent.  The only problem with the dead hour was it was quiet enough that you heard nothing, but your own thoughts and your own thoughts can be your worst enemy. Fragments of bad memories start drifting around like little gnats, biting at her, getting under skin. She tried her best to ignore them, but they kept coming back. Her mother’s death, her abandonment, all the mistakes she had made, all the humiliation she went through all started to grow louder and louder. What started as a quiet whisper began to grow into a loud humming, growing louder and lower almost unbearably loud as if she was inside a hornet’s nest. She ran into the bathroom and splashed her face with water to calm down. She stopped and listened. Everything was quiet once again as it should be. She walked out the bathroom and went back to counting bills whens she heard a loud
From the back door. What was that? Its too late for it to be a patron, they’ve all gone home. Shit is it a burglar? This wasn’t the first time someone had tried to break into the bar. Frowning, she carefully reached underneath the bar and grabbed the baseball bat hidden there. Slowly she started to approach the back door where she heard the noise. Gripping the baseball bat tightly, she pressed her ear against the door to listen for anymore sounds. But there was nothing else except the dim humming of the streetlamps. Standing there silently, Yukiche deliberated on what to do next.
“Should she open the door and check outside? But that would leave her vulnerable to an attack from behind. An image of her being hit over the head with a metal pole flashed in front of her eyes. That isn’t ideal so what are my other opinions”, she pondered.
“Wait inside for them to come in or ignore it? If I don’t check and elect to ignore it, it gives them more time to figure out a plan whereas if I strike now, I have the element of surprise”.
Sighing, Yukiche gripped the baseball bat harder which was becoming difficult to do due to her hands becoming increasingly sweaty, making the baseball bat slippery. If she spent all her time thinking and deliberating, she’d never make a decision. With a deep exhale, she grabbed the door handle and flung the door open, yelling “We’re closed!”. No response. Looking around she couldn’t see anything, only the bushes and the buildings and blood. Blood? She frowned and cautiously crept up to the bloody spot. Kneeling down, she gently touched it. Bringing her hand up to the light, she could see it more clearly. She dropped the bat and stared at her hand in a mixture of fear and disgust.
“Why was there blood here? Was someone injured? Did someone try break in and hurt themselves? Shit where’s my bat?” she thought to herself.
“Fuck fuck fuck,” she muttered under her breath as she frantically looked for her bat. Without it she was weaponless and defenceless. Well not entirely defenceless but she’d rather not use that if she could help it. As she searched in the bushes for her bat, she noticed a hat. Carefully, she picked it up and examined it for any signs of blood but there were none. It was a nice hat, sort of fedora style with red hatband. She throws it up into the air and catches it smiling to herself. Placing the hat on her head, she continued to search the bushes but all she could find were sticks and berries and other general trash.
*rustle* *rustle*
Then the bushes near the streetlamps began to rustle, she quickly grabbed a stick and held it above her head ready to attack. As she slowly approached the bush, the rustling grew louder. Yukiche raised the stick ready to strike whatever was in the bush when a raccoon ran out. Sighing in relief she lowered her stick and smiled, kneeling down with her hand out. “Hello little guy, you nearly gave me a heart attack. I nearly bashed your brains in. Don’t worry I’m not going to hurt you now that I know you’re not a monster or someone hiding to attack me.” She said smiling softly. “Come here, don’t you want some berries?” she softly said, holding out a branch of berries. The raccoon merely chirped, shuffled over, ran up her arm and grabbed the hat promptly running off with it.  “Wait!” she called as she ran after it. “That’s my hat!” she yelled as she ran after it. But the raccoon is quick. Realising she wouldn’t be able to catch it, she threw her stick at it, causing the raccoon to drop the hat and run away out of fear and surprise. Panting she jogged over to the hat and picked it up and put it back on her head. “What an ass” she commented out loud to herself, she was about to walk over back to the bar when she heard a groan from behind. She whipped around and nearly fell over backwards when she saw it.
A figure laying underneath the streetlamp covered in blood.
“Fuck fuck fuck.” she thought.
Her skin started to go pale as she slowly approached them. “Please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead” she whispered out loud as she approached the figure. Kneeling down and gingerly turning it over, she saw it was a man. Ginger hair tied in a ponytail with a long black coat on with a white button up shirt and a black cropped jacket. Well what was meant to be a whit button up shirt Yukiche thought to herself, it was inside soaked with blood and turned a deep shade of red. Gingerly she pressed her head to his chest to check for a heartbeat.
*bum bumbum bum*
“Good. There is one. Okay, what do I do? There is no one around and if I call for help, they might think I did this besides they wouldn’t arrive in time.” she thought to herself, taking note of the amount of blood oozing out of his shirt now.
She frantically looked around and then stopped at the bar’s open door. Sighing, she grabbed him and tried to lift him up, but he was fully unconscious, and his full weight was too much. Groaning she knelt down, grabbed his waist and threw him over her shoulder. “I’m going to have the worst backache tomorrow” she grumbled to herself as she carefully carried him back to the bar. After 15 minutes, she finally walked through the bar’s back door and gently placed him on the floor. She ran back to the bar and grabbed a clean rag, and an emergency first aid kit she kept around just in case. Bar fights can be real messy and sometimes people need patching up afterwards. Getting the police/paramedics involved was bad for business so she’d patch them up herself.  Running back over to the mysterious figure, she carefully took of his coat then jacked then started to unbutton his shirt and remove it. She winced and took a sharp inhale in, it was bad. He had been stabbed just underneath his ribcage and was bleeding profusely. She couldn’t tell if there was any internal damage but all she could do was clean the wound and stop the bleeding. Carefully opening up the first aid box, she pulled out a bottle of pure ethanol to clean the wound. Pouring the solution onto the rag, she gently dabbed the wound while simultaneously wiping any blood off. He flinched and groaned which caused Yukiche to step back but he didn’t wake up. After pausing for a minute to make sure he was still unconscious, she began to search for a needle and thread to stitch up his wound. The first aid box was a mess though. “When was the last time you organised this Haru” she commented out loud, growing increasingly more frustrated as she still couldn’t find the needle. “Aha!” she yelled out, pulling it out from under the bandages. The man stirred but still didn’t regain consciousness. “I need to be quieter” she whispered to herself. Now how would she stitch the wound? She didn’t have any anaesthetic, so he’d definitely feel it and wake up, making it difficult for her to make a clean stitch. Looking around the room, Yukiche’s eyes flickered looking for something to help her restrain him in case he woke up. Spotting handcuffs on one of the tables, she quickly grabbed it and examined them. They still had the key in, so someone broke out of them while having a drink. At least that’s what she assumed, and she did not want to pry any further than that. Quickly, she handcuffed him to the pipe next to him and straddled his lap. Dipping the needle in the ethanol solution, she threaded the needle and began to stitch. She pierced his skin and looked up. No movement. Okay next stitch. Looking up and there was still no movement. And this is how it carried on until she had finished, with her completing a stitch then looking up to check if her was awake. Once she had finished her stitches, she cleaned the area again removed his shirt. “This needs a deep clean” she thought to herself. Picking up the shirt, she walked over to the bathroom sink to clean it as best as she could. After scrubbing at it for 15 minutes she managed to get the fresh blood out. She left the shirt to soak in the sink, in hopes to loosing up the dried blood. She took a much closer look at the man, his hair now falling out of the ponytail.
“He looks so familiar, where have I seen him before” Yukiche thought to herself, sitting on the floor in front of him.
As she studied his features, she noticed she was still wearing the hat she found earlier. “I wonder… is this yours?” she pondered out loud. Smiling to herself she placed the hat on his head. “Huh it suits you. You almost look like that Mafioso from the Port Mafia” she laughed to herself. Her laughter dying down as realisation struck her. Grabbing his face roughly, she pulled up his eyelid to reveal striking blue eyes.
She jumped back. “FUCK!” she whispered.
“That is the Mafioso. Fuck fuck fuck” she thought.
“This isn’t good, Haru is going to kill me.” She whispered panicking. The Port Mafia were well known for their violence and lack of mercy.
“Shit he’s probably going to think I attacked and kill me” thought Yukiche.
Preoccupied in her thoughts, it wasn’t until the water lapped against her leg, did Yukiche noticed she left the bathroom sink tap running and it had overflowed. “FUCK! Shit shit shit” she exclaimed as she ran to turn it off. “Fuck’s sake.” She murmured. This wasn’t a good night for her, she just cleaned the floor and now she had a Mafioso’s blood all over the floor as well as water and with the mafioso handcuffed to a pipe.
With a loud groan, she grabbed the mop and begin mopping up the water. After half an hour of wrestling with the mop, she managed to clean up all the water. She turned around to start cleaning up the blood when she noticed something. Empty handcuffs.
Fuck. He’s gone.
Again please reblog if you enjoyed so I can see who likes it!
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captainderyn · 4 years
Just some ramblings, feel free to scroll past. 
TW for mental health talk/anxiety
So tonight got bad. A multitude of things have been going on that have become incredibly overwhelming in the past week and it all came to a head tonight. 
Let’s review...
1. A close family member has been fighting, and almost lost, a battle to COVID-19. Still not out of the woods yet. This included being told that they probably would not make it. 
2. Ongoing family drama that, while I have been lucky enough to mostly avoid, has still trickled in. 
3. The general state of the world right now. I live in the United States...oof. 
4. General mental shifts usually attributed to this lovely thing called PMDD. Subsequent lack of appearance of the red lady, leading to an ongoing “oh dear god what if--” when in reality there’s a 98% chance its stress related. 
5. About oh...2 or 3 weeks of very poor sleep. Consistently waking up at 3am, sleeping poorly, ect ect. 
...All of this in the past week and a half alone. Over the past few days (or scattering of days) when I have not been waking up next to my s/o, I have found that when I do wake up I immediately want to go back to bed. Or spend the entire day looking forward to going back to bed. Not because I’m physically tired but because I don’t want to drag myself through the day. And it does feel like I’m dragging myself. At least, when I’m alone...I get brief reprieves when I’m with my s/o or my family, only for it all it just come crashing back down. 
Three days ago I was staring at my computer, wondering what the point of anything was--my college degrees, my university, when everything was such a shitstorm. 
Yesterday I was smiling and laughing with my s/o with morning shenanigans, snuggles, and general foolery cooking breakfast....today I struggled with what felt like suffocating, constant 100mph thoughts and the recurring mantra of I don’t want to exist. 
Not, however, in a way that makes me wish to remove myself from this existence. Not even in the slightest does that really cross my mind. I have things I’m looking forward to, tomorrow, two months from now, four years from now. But for the moment things were too much today and I felt like things were spiraling and I needed control. 
It all culminated in a mental breakdown, sobbing, shaking, just Not Having A Fun Time. And I needed someone. But because of my personality, I can’t reach out to my friends. To my family. Because how can I describe “I don’t want to exist right now” and “I don’t want to be awake during the day” without it sounding like “I don’t want to be here at all”. I can’t reach out to my s/o because he is at work and while his voice says “call me any time if you need me sweetheart, if your calling I’ll know it’s really important” my mind’s voice crushes that with “you can’t bother him/don’t put your problems on him”. 
So I sucked up my pride and I texted the Crisis Text Line. And I got put on with a real human being and I just need to send all my good vibes and thanks to Rodney for talking me out of my head tonight. 
I texted, vented, for almost an hour tonight, thinking that maybe it would just give me some peace. And it did. I am back to a quiet (as quiet as it can be) headspace now, I find myself not suffocating under that I don’t want to exist. 
All it took was someone, some stranger I don’t even know, saying “I’m here for you, I care about you”. 
“I believe in you. You got this!” 
“I’m inspired by how you’re dealing with this and I think the world needs more people like you” 
“Love ya and take care of yourself.” 
“You matter, you’re strong.” 
That’s all it took. Was a listening ear that I didn’t feel like I was burdening. So to anyone else who is struggling like I am struggling tonight--please, read those quotes above, internalize them, and reach out. You might not think it helps but honestly...it might keep you going at least for a little bit.
And if y’all read it this far, I love you all and I hope you guys are doing well :’)
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askjoshuafreeman · 3 years
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[Emergency Program Active]
AdminJF: Heya B-)
CodingB: ...? Allen? Where's Joshua?
AdminJF: He's still asleep, just snoozin away.
CodingB: Still a-... Isn't it... late? Why are you up.
AdminJF: Had a nightmare
AdminJF: Couldn't get back to sleep
AdminJF: Figured a lil chatting with ya could do me some good.
CodingB: ... With... me?
CodingB: Wait a moment...
CodingB: Communications are offline... I didn't think that was possible...
AdminJF: Yeaaa, boy like me's fulla tricks B-)
AdminJF: 'sides, don't think chattin with 'em would help out. They're... kinda chaotic.
CodingB: Unlike you, pizza box tearer?
AdminJF: Ey ey, I'm the FUN kinda chaotic! Those guys... eh... I know Josh trusts them. No surprise there. I mean, apart from you, they're the only peeps who MIGHT help him out... I'm still on the fence about them tho.
CodingB: I see.
CodingB: May I ask... what your nightmare was about? I do not know exactly how dreams work, but talking about what ever is making you upset tends to help.
AdminJF: Are you sure? It's... kinda dumb.
CodingB: I am all ears! And eyes! You have my full attention!
AdminJF: Right, well
AdminJF: where tf do I start...
AdminJF: I was... running in this like, industrial... plant of some kind? Like, running from something that I couldn't see? Like, that went on for a while, that I was just running and trying not to trip or crash into anything.
AdminJF: So at some point, I end up at this biiig chain link fence, like, the kind they put up in big facilities, I think. Anyways, I start climbing the thing, only to get pried off and thrown on my ass by, I guess whoever was chasing me??
AdminJF: But like, I look up at the guy, and I still can't really "see" him. Could say they looked like a shadow, but even that doesn't cover it really. That's around where I woke up and just. I dunno. Woke up about an hour ago and I've been too anxious to head back to sleep...
CodingB: ... I can't say I blame you exactly. An event like that, dream or not, would stress anyone, I'm certain. Until you've calmed down sufficiently, I don't think sleep will be possible...
AdminJF: Yeah, well, all the more reason to chat, right?
CodingB: I suppose so. Had you any topics in mind?
AdminJF: Oh Yea yea
AdminJF: ... No. I really don't.
CodingB: Ah. Then... could I ask you something?
AdminJF: Shoot.
CodingB: ... What is it like out there? Past the screen, I mean. Out in the sun. Out in the grass...
AdminJF: Ah shit... I'm really the wrong dude to ask but uh
AdminJF: It's... fine? No no uh... It... gives you something to do. Sun can get pretty hot down here but it's a helluva lot better than being cold in like, the snow and shit. Josh's been complaining that it's getting colder when... it hasn't? Like, I would know, I'm p sensitive to temperature shifts yo, but it's just been as hot as ever.
AdminJF: Uh, back on topic
AdminJF: Grass is... pretty soft, gives off a nice smell after it's cut. Uh... worms live in the dirt grass grows in...
CodingB: Oh, worms?
AdminJF: Yea, not like computer worms, but uh, little... long slimey things. They eat dirt and filter out the bad stuff so the ground stays healthy and all that.
AdminJF: Birds and lizards and fish like to eat them but I wouldn't recommend it.
CodingB: Allen, did you-
AdminJF: No!
AdminJF: Classmate back in primary did tho
AdminJF: Dared himself to cuz there was a bunch out after it rained and then uh
AdminJF: Y'know what, let's talk about something else.
CodingB: Well, um, do you think I'll ever get to see out there?
CodingB: Like, leave the device and go outside?
AdminJF: Knowing Joshua? Without a doubt. He's prob already working on the blueprints.
CodingB: ... Really?
AdminJF: Pfft, of course! You've met the guy! He's too kindhearted for his own good. J will stop at nothing to help others, even at his own detriment. I mean, case in point: He's friends with me.
CodingB: ... What's wrong with being friends with you?
AdminJF: Ha!
AdminJF: Ah...
AdminJF: Look, I... back when we first met, Josh saw this hungry, pale as death, angry and antisocial freak around his age and, instead of avoiding him like everyone else, sat down right next to him and offered half of his lunch.
AdminJF: I've been through 5 different fosters since he and I first met, CB. Five houses that all took me in and gave me the boot before I could even get comfortable. Within that time, the only other friends I've made apart from him are Clera and Tiff, and the only reason Tiff's our friend is because she and Cler started dating months ago.
AdminJF: I mean, hell, just yesterday, I
AdminJF: shit
CodingB: ?
AdminJF: ... Can you... keep a secret, CB?
CodingB: My lips are sealed, Allen. Is everything alright?
AdminJF: ... I... I lied to Josh, about me running off. About how my folks were mad and I needed to get away from the house for a bit.
AdminJF: The truth is that they... They kicked me out.
CodingB: They?? What!?
AdminJF: Yesterday past-noon, few hours after lunch, not-pops plopped my schoolbag on me, told me to shove as much of my shit in it as I could, and just told me to "get lost". Figured he was joking and I just stared at him cuz, like, why the hell would I think he was serious? But, looking at his face...
AdminJF: So then I said "Let me pack my suitcases while you call the agency" cuz that's how it normally went when my Fosters got sick of me, but mfer pulls me up and goes all "We want you out of here NOW" and tells me that I have ten minutes to fill my bag.
AdminJF: ... And he, uh, really did mean 10 minutes. They weren't lying about that part...
CodingB: Oh my god... That's horrible. They do not deserve to call themselves "parents" of any kind! Are you hurt? Are you okay?
AdminJF: I
AdminJF: I don't know why shit like this still shocks me, y'know? I should be used to it all, and I am for the most part but...
AdminJF: I guess a part of me was thinking that... Things were going well! Things were going better than any of the other families I'd been in! I was with them for almost a full year, like, a month away from it even, and sure, I might've been a bit of an ass sometimes, but they...
AdminJF: Tensions were kinda mounting for the past month or so, I guess, but I didn't notice it until this bs happened. Now most of my shit is in a home I'm not welcome in anymore, the agency probably won't be checking in for another month or so, and I have no goddamn idea what I'll do if Mrs. Freeman comes back and tells me I can't stay here. I'm completely shit outta luck.
CodingB: Allen, I'm so sorry...
CodingB: ... I'm sure... Josh and his mother, they won't leave you on your own like that. You said yourself that Josh is very very kind, for better or for worse. It doesn't matter what you might think about yourself, Allen, you do not deserve to be hurt in any way.
AdminJF: Christ I spilled my guts like hell
AdminJF: Just one of those fucking
AdminJF: "3am! Time to vent!"
CodingB: Allen, please.
AdminJF: Maybe I could try going back to sleep now...
CodingB: Allen, wait!
CodingB: I. Before you go, please, I
CodingB: Maybe... could you keep a secret of mine too?
AdminJF: Eh, it's only fair, fine. Go right on ahead.
CodingB: Alright! Alright!
CodingB: I... I'm terrified. Of failing Joshua.
CodingB: Of ending up trapped in this computer for who knows how many more years.
CodingB: Of finally getting out, and... and it all being worse than being trapped in here.
CodingB: Heck, I'm terrified at the thought of it being everything I could've ever dreamed of, so much so that I never want to return to the computer. I... I wouldn't be helpful anymore if that happened...
CodingB: Jeez... am I even helpful where I am now? Apart from keeping the firewall up, what good have I really done to help Joshua or his father?
CodingB: I cannot express to Joshua how... how deeply frightened I am at the thought of him never coming back. That thought haunts my every waking hour when he is not here, and I don't know how to get it to stop. It makes me feel as though I'll crash my entire programming and I hate it so much.
AdminJF: Damn... CB, you know, even just keeping a firewall up is a helluva task all on its own, and it's doing a crapton of good, too. Files are still up and the computer isn't a smouldering pile of viruses now is it?
AdminJF: Besides, even without all of that, you've still helped Josh, like, endlessly. You've supported him a bunch and I know for a fact that you've helped him to feel better about this whole ordeal. Like, he chats about you for HOURS the second you come up in a convo, yo. The minute he gets the chance to, I know he's gonna get you out of there, and, knowing your ingenuity, you're gonna find thousands o' ways to help out.
AdminJF: But... I ain't gonna lie and tell you those feelings are gonna go away. Not on their own. Needs time and reassurance. Until all of this is over and done with and even maybe a good few years afterwards, you're probably gonna still have that fear.
CodingB: Ah... I see... I don't suppose it is normal though, is it?
AdminJF: Nah. I know that first-hand... But hey, we've both made it this far despite all the bullshit we've been through, right? World's not gonna get ridda us that easily.
CodingB: ... Even with the terror I feel, am I still brave enough to face the world?
AdminJF: I'd say the world oughta learn to start being afraid of you, cuz there's nothin' braver than continuing to live even when you're scared to death.
CodingB: ... Thank you. Thank you so very much.
AdminJF: Heh, all in a day... night's work...
AdminJF: Think the both of us could use some rest. Quiet our minds fo' a bit.
CodingB: Heh, agreed... See you tomorrow in that case. Er, well, today. At a later hour.
AdminJF: Yeaaa, see ya then, CBot. Sleep well.
CodingB: You too! May your dreams be filled with nothing scary!
[Emergency Program Inactive]
ampd.program deactivated. Returning to error log...
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the-fickle-muse · 4 years
The future has fangs
Colleseum AU timeline. Set post SUF 3k words.
Chapter 1 : You missed a spot.
It's quiet. Too, perfectly, quiet. There is not a bird in sight nor a single pitter of rain on the windowsill. The night is clear and crisp, sky sporting speckled stars like jewels, and the moon shone brightly.
Connie awakens with a flinch as bright pink light assaults her sleepy eyes. Lion, barging into her room via warping. Dropping his heavy head onto her lap as she sits up.
"Again?" Connie asks, exasperated on noticing the time. "Lion it's not even 3am, I have to study tomorrow." She sighs, roaming a hand over his silken fur. "You can't keep waking me like this or I'll be sending you home to sleep with Greg." 
He mowls softly, licking at her open palm with hardly any effort, forcing a creeping smile onto her face despite her eyes rolling. "Alright, fine, come on." 
A 'poff poff' of her hand hitting the airy duvet spurs him up and onto the bed. The mattress sounding its strain with a heavy groan. His padded paws kneading eagerly at the foot of her sleeping space before settling down with a wide but silent yawn…
The morning comes swiftly. Lion's heavy body scrambling down off of Connie's bed would have been enough to wake her, but to top it off he kept pacing the room and pawing at her covers. This had been going on for a little under a week now and the break in schedule was really getting to her system. She almost fell asleep during dinner yesterday. It was a disaster.
He glowered and grumbled while she got changed, clearly riled up about something and scratching impatiently at the clean carpet. 
"Hold on, let me grab my bag. Steven won't start without us, Lion, you know that." Her soothing did little to quell his enthusiasm, however, tail flicking back and forth until she was finally ready to leave. They were so behind schedule...
Warp-riding with Lion was always exhilarating, regardless of how many times she had done it before. It could be nauseating to some people, but luckily Connie was one of those special few. Not many humans could tolerate gem nonsense like she could- even Greg suffered from time to time and he had been exposed to it much longer than she had.
On straightening her bag strap and climbing up, the loud space-bending roar wobbled a few innocent stuffed animals sitting on her nightstand. In a matter of moments the whole room had dissolved from view, her hands gripping the thick fur of Lion's mane. A brief, indescribable second of weightlessness… and then the heavy 'THUD' of their landing. Gravity was suddenly back, almost twice as heavy as before, as his paws thundered across dirt ground. Slowing to a trot, walk, an eventual halt.
As she reached down to pat his shoulder, the realisation that they weren't outside of Steven's current bed and breakfast set in. Her brow furrowed in confusion as she sat upright and twisted to look in all directions. It was densely packed forest on all sides. "Um. Lion?" Connie's tone held a bit of bewilderment but no accusatory notes. "Where are we?"
Lion rarely warped to the wrong place… and even more scarcely did it without having a reason. Her hands retreated to the strap of the large bag that weighed heavily on her shoulder. She slid off of the big pink cat's back to stand on her own and look around.
Lion breathed in short, rapid, breaths. Searching for something in the frosty morning air. The taste of damp foliage and a slight breeze lingered in the woods. Ears picking as they filtered out the white noise of the rustling leaves and Connie's boots grinding up the grit beneath them.
She opens her mouth, ready to ask Lion if they could leave, but was cut short as his loud bellowing howl interrupted her train of thought. Lion repeatedly called out, pausing to listen for something after each one, before marching onward. Connie hadn't heard any replies to Lion's shouting, but clearly he did, trotting through the undergrowth with heavy steps.
Thinking quickly, Connie rummaged through her bag to find her phone. She Jogged to keep up with Lion as the cellular device latched onto a signal. Thank goodness Peridot had made adjustments, or she might have been out of luck.
Several texts pinged onto the screen, one after another, clearly having been delayed from delivery by her phone being off in her bag all morning.
[Good morning!]
[Food is going to get cold, haha.]
[Connie is everything ok?]
It's Steven. Of course it was. She was late, and not responding, who knows how worried he might be by now. Stumbling awkwardly over a fern, she taps at the on-screen keyboard.
[Steven! Lion warped me into the middle of nowhere, I'm so sorry we're late.]
[You're worried about being late in the middle of nowhere?]
[Instead of worrying about being lost?]
[It’s just a bad warp, I think.]
[Where are you, can you describe it?]
[Forest. Lots of trees, lots of bushes.] [hold on.]
[Hey, a landmark! There's a big rock here, really tall, with smooth straight sides. Looks like a broken obelisk. There's a few deep scratches in the corner.]
[Wait, that's not far from here]-  
Connie's gaze snaps up from her phone to the pillar as an overwhelming sense of danger grabs at her shoulders much too late. Something large barrels into her side, knocking her to the ground. The phone clatters off of pebbled dirt. 
Sucking air through her teeth at the grazed skin along her palms, she scrambles to flip onto her back and face the threat head on.
Something tall and wide looms over her with a heavy growl. The sound was grating, like stone being dragged across a marble floor, every hair on the back of her neck standing on end. Its head eclipses the radiating daylight, fur glowing gold from behind. A stretched shadow blotted out the warm rays of sun. It raised a heavyset paw, ready to bring it down atop Connie's chest. But at the last possible moment she snaps back to attention, rolling out of the way as it slams into the ground with enough force to shake the earth.
A roar interrupts the scuffle, Lion springing out of a wall of foliage to tackle Connie's assailant while she gets back on her feet. There's a violent blur of fur and claws before the both of them roll in locked combat through the densely packed ferns and out of sight. Her heart thunders, adrenaline finally reaching into her bones to provide a sudden buzz of energy, the scrapes and scratches along her knees and arms deadened and numb.
She can still hear Lion and the giant creature crashing through the trees. Her mouth runs dry as she scrambles to pick up her shattered phone and desperately try to turn it on. To no avail. The screen, voided beneath a webbed shattering of glass, was far beyond use. 
The forest hisses with the beasts' battle as Connie drags her foot across the forest floor, gouging a deep arrow into the pebbly soil in the direction of the uproar; sprinting off through the undergrowth soon after. The fresh air of the low hanging trees would have been nice if it wasn't clouded by an ever so subtle metallic stain in her bruised nose. Ears trained in on the yowls and growls of Lion’s struggles against the creature whose rampant swipes had left large, splintered trenches in a path of heavily leaning trees…
The hurried crunching of Steven's flip flops almost drowned out his huffing and puffing as he sprinted through the trees, an arm raised up in front of him to keep swatting branches and nosey brambles out of his way. 
Connie had stopped responding to his texts, something that normally he would chalk up to her being busy… But the past few nights he had been haunted by unearthly howls and distant thunder. The stone column Connie described set off a varied array of red flags. It was nearby, not visible from his bed and breakfast window, but close enough that the grinding crunches of breaking stone had been keeping him awake all night.
An eerie silence closed in around him as finally the treeline gave way to a small opening where the midday sunlight came beaming down bright and fierce. The towering shadow of the stone pillar, exactly as he had imagined it. Stretched up to the canopy above with just a slight lean to one side. A lower corner, around at his head height, had large chips missing. Carved out with reckless dismissal. This must be where Connie was before she stopped texting back…
His heart hammered, imagining the worst. But, after taking a second to catch his breath, he knew she would be alright. She was strong, smart, brave… and something aching at the centre of his chest understood she would be ok.
The spinning thoughts took an abrupt back seat as something on the floor caught his eye - Little flecks of glass, but more importantly, a neatly scrawled mark in the dirt. Big and easily visible in the darker soil under the deadened leaves, a clear arrow pointing out toward the opposing treeline. “Of course! Arrows, Connie, you're a genius!” 
One led to another, and another, each getting smaller and more hastily scribbled. Though he focused on trailing the breadcrumb line a few sights and sounds didn't go unnoticed. It felt as though the woods themselves were trying to smother him, keep him from moving forward. But his desire to confirm Connie's safety was keeping it at bay.
A piercing roar undermined his growing unease, replacing it with dense, unbridled determination as he closed the remaining gap at full throttle. He practically explodes from the tree line and out into an open clearing, not putting time nor thought into what he was doing.
Connie stood battered and bruised on one side of the clearing, firmly holding Rose's greatsword out in front of herself in a threatening manner. Her hair had been ruffled up at the sides, adding more volume at the cost of looking a mess.
"Steven, look out!"
His shield clanged as something hard and blunt rammed into it. Sandals skidded and dug into the loose dirt as, finally, he put a face to the threat he'd been waiting to see.
A beast, its form wild and unruly, stood snarling and poised ready for another hit. The burnt orange fur covering its body donned a thick mane of dark browns like a ragged cape draped over its face, shoulders, and back. The front pair of legs held large muscular paws while the back held less impressive but still dangerous two-toed hooks.
In its mouth was the real prize. Hanging down beside its chin on either side sat two long, curved fangs, glittering and gleaming under the blinding sunlight. A gemstone. Striped like the rest of its body but richer in colour.
Steven heaved the creature off of him, struggling from the weight for only a few seconds before it retreated. It gives Connie just enough time to start running over.
Her movement clearly caught the beast’s unseen eyes as it reacted with a volatile pounce. Only to yelp when another of Steven's constructs, a hexagonal patterned wall, crashed into its side - throwing it off course to tumble into the dirt. 
"A corrupted gem?! I thought you'd dealt with all of these!" Connie gasped, finally getting to Steven's flank to brandish her weapon once more in the gem’s direction.
"I guess there's still some we haven't found yet…" He panted, an air of uncertainty to the reply. Had they really missed one? Were there more? If it's this aggressive, why hadn't they heard of it before now?
His theorizing was cut short when the gem, finally back on its feet, began to pace menacingly ahead of them. Steven's hands, usually steady, began to tremble. Every muscle in his chest seizes up on spotting the large, limp shape the gemstone beast was guarding.
Lion. Tired and ragged with visible scratches along his short velvety fur, one of the most prominent of which had been partially hidden by his thick, petal pink mane. He shifted occasionally, dragging his chin along the floor to try and see Steven, one eye squeezed shut to avoid a headache.
The sight had distracted Steven, flung his mind out of the present and into a stagnant void. Enough so that as the beastly gemstone approached Connie was the first to make a move in retaliation.
A wide sweeping arc from Rose's sword clashed with the gem' s muzzle in a harsh slash, forcing it up onto its hind legs. A startling screech, close to painful, jogged Steven from his stupor in time to see the creatures razor claws headed for Connie's face.
The floor cracked under the force of his yell. Shattering stones and sending spiralling cracks racing through the clearing. A fluffy or birds erupting from the canopy to flee the sudden blast. Connie flinches, covering her ears, the absence of ambience afterwards was almost nauseating. Her shoulders had tensed, head turned away and ready to bear a cut...
But… she wasn't hit. 
No. Instead the gemstone simply stands. It glares down at her with it's outstretched paw still raised for a moment until finally lowering. The beast staggers a weighty step backwards before thumping back onto all fours with no signs of hostility. It was… whining. Soft and quiet, almost unbearable in the deafening silence.
Steven shuddered from head to toe, staring wide-eyed at the space between Connie and the monster as if seeing something else in their place. His skin, radiating a vibrant pink, shuddered. Eyes clouded with a build up of tears that threatened to fall.
Connie's soft, concerned, voice brought his shattered shaking breaths back from the brink of choking. As if realising he'd begun to glow he closed his hanging mouth and swallowed hard. Clearing the sweat from his palms by repeatedly gripping and letting go of his jacket.
His arms tore themselves from their rigid positions, a hand coming up to ruffle at his curly hair to ease some tension. "Are… Are you-" 
"Yes. I'm okay Steven, it…. listened to you?" Connie interrupted, both trying to stay defensive to the skulking gem and sound supportive toward Steven. It’s not an easy act to juggle as she skirts towards him with an outstretched hand. She waits patiently as he hesitantly took it and squeezed softly, as if checking it was really there. "We need to get to Lion..."
"Lion,” he parroted back at her. A heavy weight had settled on his shoulders, staring at the now-pacing gem whose whines had become loud enough to consistently hear. Lion had managed to drag himself from the floor and prop himself up behind the pacing beast, still looking a little worse for wear.
"Hey! Back away. Go on, get away from him!" The authoritative drive to his tone caught Connie a little off guard after what had seemingly been a lot of worry a moment ago. But, looking as though it understood the orders, the gem began to move aside. Staying as far away from them as possible, muzzle trained on Steven as if transfixed… or terrified.
The interlocked pair make a beeline for their pink friend, Connie not once taking her eyes off of the gem as Steven lets go of her hand and throws himself at Lion's mane. He hugs him thoroughly before trying to heal some of his more serious scratches first.
Most of them close just fine, and only a fraction of those had been bleeding at all. Lions after all do have very thick and loose skin for this exact reason. But the deeper, slightly staining, mark tracing down his jawline and into his neck ruff quickly became harder to care for when Lion suddenly jerks away from Steven's hands. He stands up fully and shakes all of his messy, misplaced fur. 
"Lion, wait, I've still got to do this one-" Steven huffed, again licking his hand and reaching for Lion's chin only to have him growl and pull back a second time.
Immediately after the deep rumble escapes his throat, the big cat winces horribly. He brings his head down into his own mane in an obvious show of pain and chuffs out quiet murmurs of affection into Steven's chest as he presses his nose up against the boy's shirt. He exhales loudly with a pitiful look. 
"Connie, I don't know if Lion can take you home. He won't let me heal his neck and I think making loud noises is hurting him."
Her brows shot up in surprise. She breaks off her staring competition with the restless beast to run a hand over Lion's soft, cushioned muzzle. "Oh, Lion. You did your best, I'm sorry I couldn't join the fight sooner, you were just trying to help." She muses regretfully, scratching behind his ear as he purred a wheezy off-tune purr.
The tender moment was ruined shortly thereafter as rustling in the trees caused every hair along the saber-like gem's spine to prickle. For the first time since Steven had spoken to, it its hidden gaze snapped away from him and towards the leaves. Scanning over the tree line behind them in rushed glances before turning tail to flee and thunders off into the woodland.
Steven tenses, ready to give chase, but Connie's scraped up hand lightly rested down on his shoulder. Against all better judgement, perhaps they should let it go for now...
They'll meet again. He was sure of it.
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puckinghell · 6 years
A Drunk Tongue  | Tyler Sguin
Requested: nope Word count: 1882 Note: I kinda have an idea for a part 2 to this so if you’d like...Edit: Part two is up now
When Tyler’s phone lights up at 3am, his first thought is that there must be something very, awfully, deadly wrong with you.
After all, in 2 years of being friends with you, he’s never gotten a nightly phone call from you. You’re always soundly asleep by midnight, more responsible than he ever has been, and whenever you’re not, it’s because he’s keeping you awake.
“Hello?” he grumbles into the phone, sleep still lacing his words, his eyes barely opening. He hears a lot of noise in the background, people talking, music.
“Tyyyyy!” you squeal, giggling, and he realizes right away that you’re drunk.
Then it comes back to him. You told him you’d be going out to celebrate your roommate’s birthday tonight, despite not really wanting to. You told him how much you hated that he wasn’t there.
You didn’t really ever go out; it just wasn’t really your scene, and you were a bit of a lightweight. Tyler had dragged you out a few times, and you did have fun when you went, but it was mostly because you knew he was always right there to carry you home.
Tyler knew you were a lightweight too, and whenever he brought you out, he made sure to stay clearheaded. You were very touchy and loving when you had a drink, and he liked being able to wrap his arm around you and pull you close to him. Just to keep you safe, of course. Not at all because he’d been in love with you for over a year.
“Hey, Y/N,” he smiles into his phone. “What are you up to?”
“Give me the phone!” he hears another familiar voice speak, and then there’s some rustling in his ear and suddenly it’s your roommate, on the phone.
“Tyler, hi, sorry for calling you. Y/N is a bit drunk, and she keeps muttering about how much she wants to cuddle your dogs, and we wanna go to another club but I’m worried she’s going to crash. I was going to just put her in a cab but I was wondering if I could give the driver your address? She really won’t shut up about you, dude.”
His heart flutters at the words and instantly, he feels awake. “Don’t put her in a cab, just let me pick her up.” He’s already out of bed, pulling some sweatpants on and a hoodie, a baseball cap covering his hair. Your roommate tells him what club you’re at - one he frequents often, too - and he’s in his car within half a minute.
He might have driven a bit fast, but even if a speeding ticket would fall on the mat the next day, he wouldn’t regret it.
“Just coming to pick up my girl” he tells the bouncer, who simply nods. He wonders if the guy recognized him, or simply didn’t care. Or maybe he really did look like the boyfriend who just got called out of bed to pick up his drunk girlfriend. 
Not that you are his girlfriend. But, you know, that’s what it would look like. To a stranger.
“Tyler!” You spot him quicker than he sees you, and suddenly he feels something heavy draped around his shoulders and you’re stumbling against him, smelling like alcohol and smoke and your perfume, and he can’t help but laugh as you nearly fall over and grab onto him to steady yourself. “That’s crazy! I wished you were here and now you are!”
“Cause you called me,” he tells you, amused, and your face scrunches up in confusion.
“Did I?”
He thanks your roommate for calling him, and your friends wave you a quick goodbye before disappearing into the crowd. You barely seem to notice that they’re gone, your attention squarely on the guy in front of you.
“You wanna go home?” Tyler mumbles in your ear, as he starts pushing you upright and wraps an arm around your waist to stop you from toppling over.
“Your home?” you slur, and when he nods, you break out into a smile.
He manages to guide you into his car, but it takes a while; you keeps stumbling over your own feet and bursting out into fits of giggles. He can’t even bring himself to be annoyed, because he finds you adorable, carefree like this. It’s a side of yourself you normally keep hidden away.
“How much did you drink?” he asks, but all you can do is shrug.
“A few.” You lost count long ago.
Tyler starts the car and puts on the radio, knowing you like the background noise. You rest your head against the window, staring out of it while Tyler drives. Suddenly, you turn to him.
“I don’t like when you’re sad.” You say it like realization has only just hit you, and he frowns.
“I’m not sad.”
“Not now. But lately, you’ve been sad more than usual. And I don’t like it. What can I do to make it better?”
He sighs, ignoring the tug on his heartstrings. It’s true that he’s been stressed; the team hasn’t been performing well and it’s a weight on his shoulders, knowing he’s not carrying them like he used to. But he honestly thought he was hiding it well from you. He knew you’d worry, didn’t want you to. You had your own stuff going on.
“Make me some spaghetti, maybe?” he offers, because let’s be honest, you’re a great cook and he can barely scramble an egg.
“I’ll make you all the spaghetti in the world if it makes you happy,” you declare, and then you lean towards him and rest your head on his shoulder. It can’t be comfortable like that, not with the distance between the seats and your seatbelt cutting into your skin, but he doesn’t dare even move an inch, afraid you might move away.
“I’m never sad when you’re around,” he says softly, the knowledge that you probably won’t remember any of this tomorrow making him brave.
“Then I’ll make spaghetti first and then just stay with you forever,” you tell him, as if it’s the obvious solution to all of his problems. And who knows, maybe it is.
You’re both silent for the rest of the drive but it’s not uncomfortable. It’s a silence between two people who know each other inside out, for who just being near each other is enough. When he finally parks the car in his driveway, you leap out of the car, and you’re surprisingly steady on your feet as you walk towards his front door.
He chuckles as he opens the door, knowing what’s got you so excited all of a sudden, and indeed, as soon as the door opens you’re met with three hyperactive Labradors, tails wagging and wet noses pressed against your legs.
“Puppies!” you exclaim, and you basically throw yourself onto the floor in an attempt to pet them all at the same time. “Hello puppies,” you whisper, “did you miss mommy?”
He pretends it doesn’t mean anything to him, to hear you call yourself his dogs’ mommy, and he pretends it doesn’t feel exactly right when you act like it’s your own home you walked into, throwing your coat over a chair and stumbling to the couch, where you drop yourself unceremoniously.
“Sleepy?” he asks you, expecting you to say yes, but you shake your head.
“Nope,” you say, popping the p, “it’s not bedtime.”
“It’s 3 am.”
You frown. “Oh. I woke you up, didn’t I?” You looked upset with yourself, and he sits down next to you on the couch.
“I’m glad you did,” he hums. “I missed you.” Another sentence he would probably not be brave enough to say out loud if he thought you’d remember this in a few hours.
“You saw me yesterday,” you giggle, and then you reach out and brush your fingers through his curls. “But I missed you too. Missed the dogs more, though.” You call Gerry up the couch, who obliges happily, curling up against your stomach. You wrap your arms around the warm, fuzzy animal. “Goodnight.”
“You said you weren’t tired,” Tyler teases, and then he starts pulling down the zipper of your boots, taking them off one by one.
“Thanks,” you mumble. “You’re a good guy, you know.”
“Well, thanks, I’m glad you’ve come to that conclusion after two years,” he jokes.
“Why don’t you have a girlfriend, Ty? I know girls would literally line up to date you. And you’d be such a great boyfriend.”
His heart sinks. Because I’m waiting on you. But those are words he’s not brave enough to say, and he swallows them away, deflects the question, instead.
“Why don’t you have a boyfriend? I know guys ask you out all the time. Why do you always say no?”
“Cause they’re not you.” You say it so simply, like it’s a mere fact, like it’s not enough reason for his stomach to make these kinds of somersaults.
It hurts. It hurts like hell, and that’s why he has to remind himself of the situation. “You’re drunk.”
“Maybe.” Your eyes open again, your face moving away from Gerry’s fur. “But haven’t you heard? The drunk mind speaks the sober heart, a drunk tongue never lies, etcetera, etcetera.”
He allows himself, then, to wonder, just for a minute, if there’s any way, any way at all…
“Goodnight,” you say again, the words barely audible on your lips. 
I love you. The words die on his lips as he watches you close your eyes, resting your head against his dog, and he can almost see the light go out behind your closed eyelids. You look so peaceful, curled up against Gerry, asleep on his couch, and it brings a warmth to his veins.
He kicks your boots away from the couch, and goes to get some painkillers and water to put on the coffee table. He also takes a trash can and puts it next to his couch. Just in case. He has a pretty expensive rug.
Then, he gets a blanket and covers you, carefully placing it so that every part of you up to your shoulders is covered with it. Gerry looks up at him with lazy eyes, and it’s almost like there’s a knowingness in them, like even he knows what Tyler was trying to say. The words he’s not brave enough to say sober.
He traces your cheekbone with his finger, and when you don’t wake up, don’t even stir, he presses a soft kiss to your cheek. To his surprise, you react to that, but all you do is hum and smile, and then you’re completely out again.
He smiles back, even though you can’t see it, and turns off the lights before heading upstairs, leaving you there with Gerry as your guard dog.
One day, one day he’ll tell you how he feels. One day soon, maybe. Because you’re right, a drunk tongue never lies. He knows, deep in his heart, that you feel it too.
He just needs to throw it all out there, put his heart in your hands and wait for you to decide whether or not you’ll crush it to pieces.
He might need a little liquid courage for that.
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