#and now my little sister started feeling sick and im worried for her
electricpurrs · 2 years
sighs. today is being a particularly shitty day
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themultifandomgal · 8 months
Shelby Sister- Let’s Get Drunk
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From as far back as I can remember I have always been like a mother hen to my siblings. Especially for Ada and Finn after our mother died and father skipped out on us. Growing up my older brothers Tommy and Arthur helped our parents to look after me. When John was born I was so excited to have a younger sibling and now it's my turn to help take care of the family.
Groaning I finish cleaning up after tonight's supper. I hear Finn running down the stairs squealing
"Finn calm down" I shout out to him
"But Tomorrow it's my birthday!" the 3 year old yells running into the kitchen where I'm stood drying the dishes
"I know but you've just had your supper. I don't want you to be sick"
"I won't" he beams up with a smile. The door opens then slams shut, Ada. I place down the towel and cross my arms as my younger sister walks into the kitchen as well
"You missed supper" I raise an eyebrow
"So? I'm 13 now YN I can do what I want"
"Within reason. You didn't tell any of us where you were going or who with"
"YN will you stop worrying I'm fine"
"Stop worrying? That's all I do about you all, you Finn, John, Tommy and Arthur. I worry all damn day!" I shout
"I'm home now aren't I?"
"Not the point Ada"
"Your not mum YN so stop acting like her!Im going to bed" Ada turns around and takes herself upstairs. I do my best to stop the tears from falling
"And that's where you should be" I point to Finn who groans in response "now please"
I sit down with a sigh after putting Finn to bed and making sure Ada is also in her room. I close my eyes feeling mentally exhausted. The tears I have been holding in finally roll down my face. I don't even hear the front door opening until I hear Tommy and Arthur laughing as they walk into the house. I quickly wipe the tears away and put on a fake smile
"What's wrong?" John asks straight away obviously noticing that I'm upset. He's always been able to do that, notice when I'm off. It's like I can't ever hide my true feelings from him. I know there's not point saying 'I'm fine' or 'nothings wrong' because he will know I'm lying
"Just... I don't really know. I'm exhausted and Finn and Ada aren't helping things"
"What 'ave they been doing?"
"You want me to have a word with them?" Tommy asks
"No. It's fine. Finns just seems to have loads of energy andAda's going through the teenage phase. Shouted at me earlier"
"What did she say?" Arthur asks
"Told me I'm not mum and to stop acting like her"
"That's it, I'm having a chat with her" Tommy starts to walk towards the stairs
"Tom it's fine"
"Why don't we go out tomorrow night? Take Ada and Finn to Aunt Polly's and we will all go the the Garrison"
"I'd like that" I give my brothers a little smile.
The following evening I take Finn and Ada to Polly's and meet John, Tommy and Arthur at the pub. Tommy immediately gets me a whiskey as I sit down
"It's good to be out" I sigh
"It's good seeing you out" John says giving me a smile. Tommy comes back handing me the whiskey
"Let's get drunk" I shouts downing my drink in one.
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drpeppertummy · 8 months
truthfully my friends this isnt something im overly into or experienced in & as such i have Absolutely no idea if its any good or not. godspeed
[alien-esque parasite creature-in-stomach bordering-on-rapid-horror-preg situation, ends in hospital post-surgery bc you know id never let it explode him but the hospital isnt like a whole big thing, nobody has a good time in this but hes fine]
Val was beginning to wonder if eating at that sketchy restaurant in Hell had been a good idea.
Truthfully, he'd known it was a bad idea from the start. He hadn't liked the look of the place when his sister had brought him there, the service had been awful, the food had been worse, and he'd felt a little off ever since. That had been a few days ago, and he was back home now. It was always shockingly cold returning to the mortal world after visiting his family, but he was glad to be back in Connie's arms, even if it meant braving the chilly autumn air.
Exhausted from the busy week behind him, Val flopped down onto the bed. He was freshly showered and dressed in his pajamas, and very glad about it. Connie was taking her turn in the shower now. Sprawled out flat on his back, Val looked down at himself, and his brow furrowed. He hadn't felt quite right ever since visiting that restaurant, and he was still a little bloated. He laid his head back down on the pillow and rested his hands on his belly.
"Looks like your mom stuffed you like a turkey," Connie teased, standing in the doorway. "Does she think you're as skinny as I do?"
"Christ, does she," Val laughed.
"Maybe you oughtta visit more often, let her beef you up a little," she giggled, dropping herself onto the bed next to him.
"I don't think I could handle that," said Val. "You know everyone else in my family is like ten feet tall?" Connie laughed.
"And I bet they feed you like you are too, right?" She placed a hand on his rounded tummy and raised her eyebrows at how firm it felt. "Sheesh, you really feel stuffed."
"Tell you the truth, my sister dragged me out to some weird restaurant a couple days before I left. It was a mess, you never woulda gone in. Whatever I ate didn't sit right, I guess, my stomach's been a little funny ever since. I've spent the past few days feeling like I swallowed a bowling ball."
"Huh," said Connie, rubbing his belly. It gurgled uncomfortably under her hand. "Maybe you got, like, mild food poisoning or something."
"Maybe," he sighed. "Probably."
"Do you feel sick?"
"I don't know. Not quite. Just off. ADR, as they say at the vet. I mean, I definitely feel bloated, I can tell you that much."
"Believe me, you don't have to tell me," she chuckled, patting his belly. It didn't sound hollow, like it was filled with gas. Instead it sounded solid, like patting a rock, and it let out another sickly gurgle. Connie winced sympathetically.
Suddenly, Val sat up. Connie looked up at him, surprised. His face was difficult to read, but he seemed tense. Concerned, she sat up beside him.
"Val, what's the matter?" She placed a hand on his shoulder.
"I don't know," he said uncertainly, holding both hands against his tummy. He looked down, brow furrowed. Was he more bloated than before? His stomach felt tighter, and…strange, somehow. Almost as if something inside him was pulsing.
"Maybe you should go to urgent care or something," said Connie. She didn't like the look on his face, and she didn't like that he was still so bloated days after eating whatever he'd eaten.
"I can't go to urgent care. I'm not even human. They wouldn't know what to make of me even if I was feeling fine."
"Yeah, but…I don't know. I'm worried," she said, squeezing his shoulder. Now that he was sitting up, his belly looked even more distended than it had when he was laying, and it was oddly top-heavy, as though whatever was making it so swollen was stuck up in his stomach. She didn't like that at all.
Val couldn't disagree with her point of view. Still, he preferred to avoid letting people find out he wasn't human if he could help it. It was a dangerous secret to reveal, and there had been plenty of times where he'd nearly paid a heavy price for it. He didn't have much time to mull it over, though, because his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a bizarre wave of pain in his stomach. He doubled over with a groan, clutching his belly.
"Val!" Connie grabbed his shoulders. Val remained frozen, trying to process what he'd just felt. It was pain, certainly, and pressure, but it almost felt like movement as well. Cautiously, he sat back upright, his breathing shallow and shaky.
"That's it, you're going to the hospital," she said, standing up. Val opened his mouth to protest when another surge of pain shot through him, and this time he definitely felt movement. He doubled over again, gaping like a fish as his belly pushed out against his hands.
Carefully, Connie pulled him to his feet, putting an arm around his waist to hold him steady, and hurried him out of the bedroom. As they walked, she felt something shift under her hand, and for a moment she froze, looking down at him.
"What the fuck was that?"
"I don't--I don't know," he choked out, desperately hugging his middle.
"Let's go," she urged, and practically dragged him out of the house.
Connie hastily put the directions into the GPS and was off like a flash before Val could even finish buckling up. His belly bulged conspicuously over the seatbelt, undeniably rounder than it had been earlier, and whatever was inside was growing restless. A moan of terror escaped him as he watched something move under the skin.
"Connie, I love you," he blurted out, his voice shaking.
"I love you too. Don't talk like you're gonne die. You're not gonna die." She reached out and grabbed his shoulder tightly before returning her hand to the wheel. Val thought she looked like she definitely thought he was going to die.
The pressure inside his stomach was unbelievable, and only seemed to be increasing as whatever was inside continued to move around and grow. It was growing fast now, and he could feel his stomach stretching and straining to contain it. He tried not to think about how far it could stretch before it burst.
"We're almost there," said Connie, trying to reassure herself just as much as him. She glanced over at him and was horrified to see his belly visibly squirming. Suddenly, his belly surged violently, and he let out a hoarse cry as the creature inside him began to thrash, pushing out hard against the walls of his stomach.
"Oh, god, please," he cried out, clutching his belly as his tightly-stretched skin was pulled tighter still. "Oh, please, god, no--"
Val woke up feeling like he'd been run through with a chainsaw. He wasn't sure where he was or what had happened, and he didn't have the strength to care. All he knew was that there was a horrible searing pain in his belly. As he regained consciousness, though, he began to recall the events of the night, and he looked down at himself. His belly was flat. Flat, and bandaged up. He let his head fall back onto the pillow with a sigh of relief.
The surgeon told him that he'd barely made it in time, and that they'd pulled something like a sucker-mouthed chupacabra out of his stomach, and that it was nearly the size of an infant, and that his wife had urged them to just not ask questions, and that after the procedure they were inclined to just roll with that, and that he'd have to stay in the hospital for at least a week. Val groggily accepted all of this information; the surgeon could've told him he'd grown a second head and he'd have nodded along. With his stomach intact, all he cared about now was seeing Connie.
EPILOGUE BECAUSE I CANT WRITE ENDINGS: It took one day for Val to win the hearts of all the nurses with his charm and only five for him to be released--for good behavior, he'd joked. Against all predictions, he recovered surprisingly quickly, although his tummy remained terribly sore for weeks; that was, of course, to be expected. He'd persuaded the hospital to let him ship the creature back to Hell for further evaluation. Astonishingly, they'd managed to get it out alive after sedating it right along with Val, and it had been nicknamed "Fluffy" by the frightened staff who were in charge of keeping it under observation. Fluffy, as it turned out, was a relatively common parasite found in undercooked lava cod, which was exactly what Val had eaten, although most of his fellow demons and devils were built sturdily enough that it wasn't much of a danger to them. Connie, who had been even more shaken up by the incident than her husband, received even more affection from him than usual in the following days. He felt awful for putting her through the experience--he'd expressed this, and she'd incredulously assured him that it wasn't his fault--and he made sure to bake her something special for taking care of him.
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ashecampos · 1 month
Riding it out
Aj Campos x sick reader
Reader x Chantal (twins)
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Warnings : migraines, nausea, anxiety, basic illness stuff, fluff, my terrible spelling
Summary : reader is sick and her girlfriend aj comes to comfort her, little does aj know reader hasn’t been looking after herself, even going as far as dragging herself into school.
You hated being sick, the word hate would be a massive understatement for how much being sick made you feel. Your parents are out of town attending to the company they own. Leaving you and your twin sister Chantal to fend for yourself.
Another fit of coughs racks your body, your lungs burn with this being the fifth coughing fit already with it only being 8 am, you had another half an hour before school started and you where dreading it. Throwing on one of your girlfriends hoodies and a pair of grey sweatpants you cough again, grabbing some water and your sneakers. Before you knew it you were at school, slowly walking to your home room class.
I put my head down on the desk, praying no one notices how bad I’ve gotten in the past 24 hours, the last thing I need is to be sent home and miss out on work, or even worse track. The teacher starts taking the attendance and I notice there is a few people off, probably experiencing the same symptoms I have right now. I am startled out of my thoughts when my phone vibrates in my pocket, lifting my head up I grab the phone to see who was texting me, seeing it’s the group chat,, I ignore it, not ready to face my friends at this moment in time. I know exactly how they will all react once they see the state im in.
Fast and curious
(Thursday 8:50am)
*missed call from Stacey Clark*
Timotee🪽: girl why are you calling us right now, why aren’t you in school?
Dillpickle🥴: wait my wife is off today??
Staceye😇: YES im off because SOMEONE gave me the flu…any guesses @y/n/n ???
Dillpickle🥴: oh baby why didn’t you tell me, I’ll ditch and come over in an hour
Gabrii🌺: guys im in home room with y/n now, she doesn’t look too good, what do I do?
Paige🎨: wait why is she in if she’s ill? Also get well soon Stacey 💕
Talía(Chantal): shes ‘riding it out’ her words not mine
Ayjay (aj): wait y/N’s sick? Since when? And why is this the first im hearing of it?
Talía : shit, she told us to not tell you, sorry aj
You are hit with a wave of nausea as you slowly bring your head up off of the desk to look at the teacher who is calling your name, you look over at him and you don’t hear any of the words coming out of his mouth. His normally angered face turns into a one of pity. He shrugs the question off and points to Gabi, signalling for what I assume is for her to take me out of the classroom for some air. Not even a second later a hand is on my lower back, guiding me to the door of the classroom. I look up to see Gabi on the phone to someone while we walk at an incredibly slow pace to a water fountain. She points to the floor and tells me to sit. I slide down the wall, my legs failing on me, making me fall faster. The loud ringing of the break bell hits my ears and the halls are flooded with students. The noise deathening. I close my eyes a little tighter and hold my hands over my ears before they are swiftly took away, I look at the culprit, it obviously being gabi but this time I look at her she has both of our bags in her arms as she holds out a hand for me to take. “Cmon ángel let’s go find ur girl” she says nodding her head towards the door. I take her hand and we start to walk towards our groups hangout spot on the field. I immediately look for AJ, seeing the girl in one of my hoodies and a pair of black jeans with her signature white converse. Her head shoots up as soon as the doors of the school shut behind me and Gabi. She gives me a look of sympathy as I walk to the group. Chantal is the first to greet me “hey sis, feeling any better?” She asks with a worried tone, I simply nod not to draw too much attention to myself “we got sent out of homeroom..so no she is not okay” Gabi says for me, making Aj give me a disapproving look. “Baby cmon im taking you home” the shorter girl says while taking my bag off of me, I groan while looking at her, tears forming in my eyes. “Just one more class and if I don’t feel any better we can go okay?” I plead hoping I’ll feel a little better in an hour or so. “No ángel, we are going now, our next class is gym and im not going to let you be sent to hospital because your too stubborn to admit your too sick” she scolds me, I look over at Gabi and Chantal as if they would help, they are trying to help but im being too stubborn to see they are only doing this in hopes that it’ll make me feel a little better. I hear the doors of the school open again and turn to see Dillon and Tim walking towards us. This is around the same time my body is graced with yet another coughing fit, followed by nausea. I run to the nearest trash can and throw up the contents of my stomach into the can. Someone is thankfully there and is already holding my hair back as I do this. A hand runs down my back, I look back and see a ‘told you so’ look from my girlfriend who now has her car keys in her hand. “dale vamos ángel” (‘let’s go angel’) a very concerned Dillon says as he brushes my hair out of my face while helping me stand up and get back to the group of my concerned friends.
Aj grabs my backpack off of the floor where Gabi placed it, then she walks over and grabs my hand, pulling me along with her to the carpark, the rest of the group saying their goodbyes to me in a mixture of “get well soon” and “we will come round later with soup” between the lot of them.
Once in her car Aj turns to me, giving me a stern look before holding out her hand “give me your vape” she states without a beat. I stare at her blankly before looking at my bag. She shrugs and reaches over, her hand swiftly disappearing into my hoodies pocket and pulling out my vape, she then waves it in front of my face “none of this while your sick” she mocks before putting the small pen into her own hoodie pocket.
We end up driving for around ten minutes before I realise we aren’t going in the direction of my house anymore “uh aj?” I say quietly,, voice breaking due to a lack of energy “don’t worry we are going to make a little pitstop then we are going home” she says with that goddam little smirk she always sports, her little dimples gracing her tanned face. We end up stopping at a gas station where she runs inside to pay the cashier for the gas but she ends up coming out with tons of snacks and a crate of Gatorade. I laugh a little as she dumps it all into my lap before she continues to drive back to my neighbourhood. Once at my house she helps me carry all the snacks into the house and getting us settled in my room. Once she has me in my bed and covered in a few blankets, she quickly runs around the room setting everything up, turning my LED lights on, closing my curtains and turning on my tv before jumping into the bed with me. I laugh at how much she knows about my room which in turn brings me to another coughing fit. She rubs my back and hands me a bottle of Gatorade she managed to open in the midst of my fit. I take it from her and take a few sips of the drink, i thank her which earns a shake of her head. “How about we watch a movie huh?”
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angelst4re · 1 year
Hii its me (again) with a Caius request (pls tell me if im getting annoying with then i just love this Vampire sm) but i was gonna ask if you can do a angst then fluff? Again the reader is bellas sis, and it takes place in breaking dawn part 2 when they go to convince the volturi that renesmee isnt a vampire. The reader has been with Caius since new moon but she went to visit bella after she heard she was ‘sick’ and Caius gets m a d when he sees shes on bellas side. When a fight starts (but none of the volturi die like in alices vision) a wolf thinks the reqder is a vampire and attacks her. She has like no chance shes gonna survive so Caius turns her into a vampire and takes her back to Volterra and its all fluffy najsjsjsn omgs please tell me if thats too much i apologizee i have too much ideas😭 againnn i adore your work sm and youre one of the best Jamie writers i have readd❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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hi my love!!! ahh noo it's never annoying, i love getting requests :) (although right now i have 120+ which is mad! but it's always open for more!) but i loved this one so much and i'm thinking of possibly writing a part 2!! <3
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Gods & Monsters- Caius Volturi x Reader
summary: in the request :)
warnings: none?
notes: i wrote this over three days so if there are any little plot holes or if something doesn't make sense then i'm sorry! it hasn't been proof read </3
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You had been with the vampire for an entire year now, and he still would deny changing you. You had tried reasoning with him, telling him it meant that you could live together forever, but he still insisted on you staying alive, keeping your soul. You already made certain commitments, such as living with him and even moving to Italy, but it seemed like it wasn’t enough. 
When you heard the news that your little sister was sick, you insisted that he took you to her, but he would not. It ended in an argument between the two of you, and you left that night, taking all your belongings with you. You told him you might return one day, you just needed some time alone and to take care of your sister, and if he were to follow you then you would never come back. 
When you got to the Cullen’s home, you were too afraid to look at Bella. You had never seen her so unwell, and even Jacob told you that he didn’t think she would make it. You would lie down beside her on the sofa, holding her cold body in your arms, and you wondered whether there was anything Caius could do to help- but you already knew what he thought about your sister and her husband. 
That night, Bella told you that she was pregnant, and that’s what was causing her to feel so sick. You reassured her that she’ll be okay, but everyone was worrying that she wouldn’t make it through the birth, even Edward had his doubts. Carlisle said she would go into labour in the next few days, and you worried that it meant she only had a few more days to live. 
In a panic, you left that night to return to Volterra, to return to Caius. You knew he wouldn’t show you any sympathy, afterall, he despised your sister, but he welcomed you back with open arms, letting you cry into his chest. 
For days, you had tried not to think about it. You had distracted yourself with books from Caius’s library, and had gotten through three in one day. However, your mind would eventually go elsewhere as you read, and you would worry about Bella again. Caius insisted you spoke to him about it, he could tell something was really upsetting you, but you didn’t dare to say a word about it. You knew his response would be something along the lines of ‘she’s done it to herself, she could have prevented it’ and although it did seem to be the truth, you weren’t ready to face it just yet. 
To your surprise, you woke up one night and Caius wasn’t in the room with you. He would never leave you alone, especially at night, so there was either two reasons for this:
One, being that he had something important and urgent to attend to.
Two, something bad has happened to him.
You hoped for the first one, and so you slipped out of the covers and wrapped your fluffy red robe around you, before leaving your room. You could hear talking, but you couldn’t quite tell where it was coming from. 
“The Cullen’s, they have done something terrible.”
You creeped closer to the heavy metal doors, where you assumed the voices were coming from, but it was almost impossible to hear what they were saying. However, you worried they would hear you, or sense that you were there, so you fled back to your room and waited for Caius to return. 
When he finally returned, you instantly started to question him. You knew he had set rules, and one of them was to not listen in to any conversations that would happen in that room, but you didn’t care about that right now, you only cared about your sister. 
“What’s happened? Is Bella okay? Has she given birth yet? Caius, please, answer me!” 
He sighed, as if you were bothering him.
“She’s fine. It’s not your sister that’s the problem right now, it’s the child that she was seen with.” He shook his head lightly, as if he couldn’t believe what was happening, “we’ve been informed it’s an immortal child. Do you know what that means?” 
You shook your head, adjusting your posture slightly as you sat up on your bed. 
“Then don’t worry about it, darling, we’re already working on sorting out this… situation.” 
“What does that mean?” You asked, “if you lay so much as a finger on my sister-”
“I told you,” Caius spoke, beginning to lose his patience, “it isn’t your sister that we’re concerned about.” He said before leaving the room. 
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
You knew Caius said he wasn’t going to hurt Bella, but you couldn’t help but fear something terrible was going to happen- and you were glad you trusted your instincts. You were currently by Bella’s side, squeezing her hand reassuringly as you walked. You warned her that the Volturi knew about her daughter, and Alice had already had a vision that the Volturi were planning to punish the Cullens for what they had assumed had happened. 
As the Volturi arrived, you couldn’t help but worry about what Caius would do when he saw you with your sister, you even felt a little nervous when he looked at you, giving you a look that called you foolish. You knew how ruthless and sadistic he could be, but you would never in a thousand years believe he would hurt you. 
You gave Bella one last smile before you let go of her hand, letting her take Renesmee's as your eyes found their way back to Caius. You don’t think you have ever seen him look so angry before. 
Aro and Carlisle spoke, whilst Bella began to whisper to you, 
“Do you think everything will be okay?” 
“Of course,” you said, trying to believe it yourself, “I promise.”
“Aro,” Carlisle began, “let us discuss things as we used to, in a civilised manner.” 
“Fair words, Carlisle,” Aro spoke, “but a little out of place given the battalion you have assembled against us.” 
“I can promise you, that was never my intent. No laws have been broken.” 
“We see the child,” said Caius, his eyes focused on you as he spoke, “do not treat us as fools!” He snarled, his eyebrows furrowed in anger. 
“She is not an immortal!” Carlisle declared, but Aro wouldn’t give in so soon, he wanted proof, evidence- and he wanted it from Edward. 
So far, everything was going great for your side, and you even grinned smugly at Caius, who seemed to be getting more outraged by the second. Especially after Alice turned up, Jasper by her side. And in mere moments, the fight you were all anticipating had begun. 
Aro raised his arms, staying put with Marcus and Caius by his side whilst everyone else began to charge at each other. Kicks and punches were being thrown, wolves were leaping from vampire to vampire, in hopes of beheading their enemies. You weren’t too sure what to do, or where to go, as you were neither wolf nor vampire, and you felt like this wasn’t really your battle to fight. 
You watched in horror as people from both sides would fight, until you heard a low growl from behind you, before your body was flooded by fear and a sharp, agonising pain. 
The last thing you saw before it all went black was the pure shock and fear on Caius’ face before he dashed over to you. 
The wolf that bit you was chased off by another vampire, as Caius picked your limp body off of the snowy ground, holding you in his arms as he fell to his knees. In this moment, he could only care about one thing- and it was you. He couldn’t lose you, he had told you about his wife that had died whilst he was still human, and how he blamed himself for it everyday, and he knew he couldn’t let it happen again. There was only one way to save you, and as his teeth sunk into your skin he whispered a soft apology to you. 
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
“Where am I? Caius? What happened?” You asked, blinking what felt like sleep away from your eyes. 
“Oh my- You’re okay!” Caius cried, a wide smile plastered on his face as he wrapped his arms around you, stopping you from sitting up, “I was so, so worried I’d lose you, sweetheart. I’m so sorry.” 
“What are you sorry for?” You asked, with a soft chuckle. 
“Don’t you remember what happened?” He asked, stroking your cheek with his thumb, feeling devastated at how your once warm skin was now ice cold, like his. 
You shook your head, looking at him cluelessly. 
“That’s okay, you’ve only just woken up,” he said with a gentle smile as your now red eyes met his, “we have forever together now anyway, you got your way, darling.” 
“What happened to Bella? And Renesmee?” 
“They’re perfectly fine, my love.” He told you, “she isn’t what we suspected, Bella and the Cullens are fine.”
You let out a sigh of relief, and smiled up at Caius. 
“Can I hold you?” He asked, and you felt your tummy swarm with butterflies. 
“Yes please.” You grinned. 
He sat down beside you on the bed and pulled you towards him, wrapping his arms around you and placing his hands on your waist, pressing careful kisses to your forehead. 
“I love you.” He said, taking you by surprise. You turned your face to look at him, clearly he was joking! But as you looked at him you saw nothing but adoration in his eyes, “I’m never letting you leave my side ever again, okay? In all the years I’ve lived, I don’t think I’ve felt such fear as I did when I thought I was going to lose you.” 
“I’m not going anywhere, Caius,” you assured him, “I love you.” 
His hand that previously stroked your cheek came down to your chin, slipping his finger underneath and capturing your lips with his. As he kissed you, you moved slightly, so you were sat on his lap, straddling his hips as he held you against him, not breaking the kiss for the slightest moment now that you didn’t need to pause and catch your breath. “So when do you think we should start planning the wedding?” Caius asked, jokingly. However, you both knew that neither of you would be opposed to getting married, from the moment you first met him you knew he was special, there was something about him that you couldn’t help but fall in love with. However, you couldn’t believe that Caius, who was infamous for being the most cruel and sadistic member of the volturi, loved you, and he would do anything for you.
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goldenempyrean · 11 months
can you write something supercorp where lena has to do a public announcement but is obviously sick and is doing a bad job at hiding it bc shes sneezy and sniffly? Please 🙏
Working Too Hard
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〚 Notes - This request was super super cute and I had fun writing it :D Im still super open for requests too, I might update my prompt list later today! 〛
〚 Pairing - Supercorp 〛
〚 Summary - After buying Catco Lena has to announce it to the public - just her luck that she ends up sick on the day of the announcement 〛
〚 Wordcount - 1700 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
〘 Part 2 〙
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Lena Luthor, CEO of L-Corp and scientific genius. The last thing anyone expected of her was to buy CatCo Media. 
Yet, here she was, the day of the announcement. Some might’ve expected her to be beaming with excitement or enthusiasm. Any two would be a normal reaction to such a big day but excitement was certainly not the emotion was she currently feeling. 
Sat in her brand-new office, Lena sniffled and rubbed her red, irritated nose with a tissue, crumpling it into a ball before tossing it into a nearby wastebasket. She had been dealing with this cold for a couple of days now, and it seemed to be getting worse at the most inconvenient time possible - much to the worry of her girlfriend. 
Her head was pounding, and her nose felt like it was on fire. She sniffled and reached for another tissue, but to her dismay, the box was empty. "Of course.” she muttered to herself, frustrated at her lack of preparation. She rummaged through her desk drawers, desperately searching for any spare tissues, but to no avail. Just great. 
The press announcement was scheduled to start in just a few minutes, and Lena knew she couldn't delay it. CatCo's employees were already gathering in the conference room, and reporters were waiting downstairs.  
This deal was significant for both L-Corp and CatCo, and she didn't want to disappoint anyone, especially not the CatCo staff who were looking forward to a new beginning under her ownership. Not only that, with her the weight of her last name constantly overshadowing her work, it was imperative this went as smooth as possible.  
And so, she stood up shakily, trying to collect herself despite feeling so under the weather. Her vision blurred for a moment, but she steadied herself on the edge of the desk until the dizziness passed. She knew she had to just make it through this announcement, and then she’d be swiftly taken home by the blonde Kyrptonian who was anxiously waiting to dote over her. 
The large double doors of the conference room sneaked open as Lena quietly came in - she wasn’t one for making scenes - the room was packed with bustling reporters from across the city and she tried desperately to land on Kara’s soft familiar eyes in the crowd. Lena had no such luck however, not with all these people constantly moving, but she did see the hurried form of her assistant rushing over towards her. 
“Are you sure you should be doing this, Ms. Luthor? You don’t look well at all. Should I call Kara? I think one of the security guys pulled her aside for a moment.” She said, nodding over towards the front of the stage where Lena recognised Alex in her DEO issued security vest talking with Kara. So thats where she was. 
"I'll be fine," Lena managed to say with a forced smile, trying to hide the severity of her illness, “Everything will be fine.” Her tone wavered a little, almost as if she didn’t quite believe herself there. 
“Lena!” The worried voice of Kara was instantly at her side as she approached the stage, “Sorry I had to talk with my sister for a second there. Are you feeling any better than this morning?” 
She shook her head. Kara had tried so hard to convince her to postpone this morning, but the Luthor was stubborn, and she muffled a hoarse cough before replying, “Kara, love. You don’t need to worry so much, it’ll be fine…” She shivered, a sharp chill running down her body – her low cutting shirt did little to ward off the cold. 
The blonde sighed, taking off her thin cardigan and pulling it around her shoulders. There wasn’t much more she could do. Maybe if there weren’t so many people, she would’ve just flown her home there and then. “Just... don’t push it. I’ll be right behind you.” Kara whispered, taking the Luthor’s hand as they both stepped on stage before the Kyrptonian took a few steps back to let Lena have the podium. 
"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being here today," Lena began, her raspy voice in stark contrast to her usual confident tone. "I'm here to announce that L-Corp has officially acquired CatCo Media. We believe that this acquisition will lead to exciting new opportunities for both companies and revolutionise the media industry." 
She tried her hardest to focus on her prepared speech, but her congested sinuses made it difficult to enunciate her words clearly. Not only that but every word she spoke felt like a struggle, and she had to suppress several sneezes that were threatening to escape. Which worked…for about 30 seconds. 
"Hh'uhh… hih'schhh! Ehh'tschh!" Lena's face scrunched up as she stifled the sneezes, her cheeks turning slightly pink from both the effort and embarrassment. 
Whispers started to spread among the audience, and Lena's assistant discreetly handed her a glass of water. She took a sip to soothe her throat and continued, attempting to maintain her composure. But as she spoke, her voice grew progressively weaker and more congested. 
Kara stepped closer; concern etched on her face. "Lena, honey, if you’re not up to this we can reschedule. People will understand.” 
"No," Lena insisted, her voice wavering. "I can't… hh'uhh… afford to postpone this. It's… important."  
With some heavy reluctance Kara left her side and Lena continued to soldier on, determined not to let this overshadow the significance of the announcement. But the more she spoke, the worse she felt. Her nose was running, her head was spinning, and her body was growing weaker with every passing moment. 
Just as Lena was about to conclude her speech, she let out a sudden, powerful sneeze that she couldn't hold back any longer.  
"Hh’hhiii…Hh’iishieew!" The sneeze echoed through the room, and Lena's shoulders slumped as she tried to catch her breath. Kara was by her side in an instant, keeping her steady arm wrapped around the Luthor’s waist.  
“You’re okay, you’re okay.” Kara whispered as she saw the panic settling into her girlfriend’s eyes as turning her head to avoid her lips being read, “Sweetheart just wrap things up now, you’ve done more than enough here now.” 
The audience was now fully aware of her condition. Some looked concerned, some sympathetic, and some even suggested calling off the rest of event but Lena raised a hand, signalling that she had a few more words to say. 
"I apologise for my condition, as you can see from this spectacle I’m just as human as the rest of you." she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper but it earned a small chuckle from the crowd, "I am truly excited about this acquisition, but it seems my body has other plans. Rest assured, though, that CatCo is in excellent hands, and I will ensure its continued success." 
With that Lena turned away from the podium, straight into the waitings arms of Kara who carefully helped her down. The room was filled with a mix of applause and sympathetic murmurs, and Lena could feel her cheeks burning with embarrassment as the blonde ushered her back up to her office. 
“You did so well love.” Kara whispered one they shut the door behind them before reaching out to move the several stray strands of hair which had fallen out of place and in front of the Luthor’s eyes, “Oh baby, you’re really burning up here, aren’t you?” She whispered, as her hand moved to press against her forehead. 
“Do you think they accepted it?” Lena mumbled in reply, her feverish head still swamped up in work. 
“Of course, they did, you made everyone proud out there today.” The blonde gently soothed her nerves before nudging her back to the prior conversation, “Should we get you home then love? Come on, I’ll fly us just this once.” Kara didn’t like to use her powers for personal reasons but flying was the fastest way to get her home. 
As they stepped outside, Kara noticed the chilly evening air. She gently wrapped her red cape around Lena, providing her some extra warmth, and then scooped her up into her arms with ease.  
Lena snuggled closer, resting her head on Kara's shoulder, finding comfort in the warmth of her super-powered girlfriend. 
Kara's flight back to Lena's apartment was swift, and she gently landed on the balcony. She carefully carried Lena inside, making sure not to jostle her too much. Once in the living room, Kara set Lena down on the soft, plush sofa, and Lena immediately sank into the cushions, her eyelids heavy with fatigue. 
"Stay right here, love. I'll get you some water and a few blankets," Kara said, her voice soft and soothing. She quickly went to the kitchen and fetched a glass of water, along with a couple of blankets from the bedroom. As she returned to the living room, she saw Lena already lying down, her eyes closed. 
Kara couldn't help but smile at the sight of her girlfriend looking so vulnerable and cute, even in her current state. She gently draped the blankets over Lena, making sure she was warm and comfortable. Kara then sat down next to her on the sofa, stroking Lena's hair tenderly. 
Lena stirred slightly, mumbling incoherently, and Kara couldn't make out what she was saying. But it didn't matter; she knew Lena was exhausted and needed rest. The Kryptonian leaned in and placed a soft kiss on Lena's forehead. 
"Just sleep, Lena," Kara whispered. "I'll be right here, watching over you." 
Lena's hand weakly reached out and grasped Kara's, holding it tightly. "Mmm, 'ove you," she mumbled drowsily. 
"I love you too," Kara replied, her heart swelling with affection for the woman before her. She stayed by Lena's side, keeping a watchful eye as her girlfriend's breathing gradually steadied and deepened, indicating she had finally fallen asleep. 
And a watchful eye she kept indeed. Throughout the rest of the day Kara stayed back her side, ready with soothing words when fever fuelled nightmares plagued her dreams or when fits of coughing left her unable to rest. Through it all Kara was there, holding her close and never letting go. 
〖 Join My Taglist! 〗 @natashamaximoff69 @lovelyy-moonlight @santana1437 @kljhsong @inluvwithfictionalwomen @shamelessbearunknown @kathleenmikaelson @bloomingflowersthings @observeowl @scrambled-brain-eggs @natashamyl0ve @somber-sapphic @poison-blackheart  @lexasaurs634 
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banana-pancake5 · 7 months
Kiwi meets Waffles!
(Long post)
Kiwi had just finished patching up Milkshake when she saw another, smaller turtle, he looked panicked. “Maybe another mutant? But most likely a Yokai,” She thought to herself. She decided to check out what was going on. She spoke softly as to not disturb him further, “hey, are you alright?” At hearing her voice the soft shelled turtle froze. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. Are you okay? You seemed a little freaked out.”
The soft shell spoke quietly, “Uh… I’m looking for my sister.”
“Oh, well maybe I can help! My names Kiwi, im a nurse here in the Nexus. Can you tell me what she looks like?”
“…I’m Waffles, and my sister is another turtle, really tall… she fights in the Battle Nexus…”
“Oh! Are you Milkshake’s brother? I wasn’t aware she had a brother.”
“Do you now where she is?”
“Yeah but i just finished patching her up but she’s hurt pretty bad… she’ll probably be in the med bay a couple of days.”
“Wh- what? Is she gonna be okay?”
“I’m sure she’ll be okay. No need to worry,” Kiwi reassured with a small smile. Waffles still seemed very panicked, he clearly wanted to be with his sister. And she understands what he’s feeling. If she got separated from her little sister, knowing she was hurt but unable to help, she would be panicking too. That’s the whole reason she became a nurse in the first place. What could she do for Waffles? “Think Kiwi, Think! … oh!”
She looked at Waffles a moment before speaking up, “Are you feeling well? You look sick.”
“What? I uh I feel fine?”
“Hm, you look sick. Can I take your temperature?”
“Uh, I- I guess?”
Kiwi pulled out a thermometer from her medical bag and put it up to his head. She quickly covered the green light showing that he was fine and said with faked concern, “Oh my! You have a fever! And a bad one too. It’s a miracle your still standing. We should get you in the med bay, quick.”
Waffles stared at her in complete confusion.
“But, the thermometer showed a green light. That means I’m okay.”
“It must be worse then a I thought if it’s effecting your eyesight too.”
“No that was a green light. My eyesight is fine.” Kiwi gave him a wink trying to get him to understand the facade. Waffles stared blankly a few more seconds before understanding dawned on him.
“I, uh, I think you’re right. I have been feeling really tired lately.”
“Great! Uh sorry, I mean we should get you to the med bay stat.”
The Battle Nexus was a busy place no matter what part you were in. People were hearing what was going on, though most ignored it, she could feel eyes on them. She grabbed Waffles by the hand and started quickly going to med bay. Once they arrived, a guard blocked them from entering. Kiwi showed her medical card but the guard didn’t move. “Who is this?” The guard gestured towards Waffles, who was avoiding eye contact.
“He is sick, he has a very high fever and I needs to examine his condition further.” The guard looked Waffles again, “Seems fine to me.”
“Excuse me? Are you the one with a medical certificate here? Hm?.” Right when she finished talking Waffles let out a couple fake coughs and the guard wordlessly stepped out of the way. She walked past and set Waffles into a bed close-ish to Milkshake’s. She whispered to Waffles, “Okay Waffles, if any other doctor tries to check on you tell them that you’re Kiwi’s patient and she said not to let anyone else check on you. And uh, if they ask why, just say you the Turtle flu. Okay?”
“Um yeah, okay. And… thank you.”
She smiled at him and told him she had to leave but that she’d be back soon.
Milkshake belongs to both @sleepis4theweak & @mikebeanz
Waffles belongs to @sleepis4theweak
Kiwi’s MasterPost
Sorry if anything is out of place or incorrect I can change it!
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eashmo · 10 months
7 minutes in hell, or is it heaven? Part 12
-There are Stranger Things out there-
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Warnings: abuse and angst.
a/n: if ya’ll could'nt tell the time line is totally fuck up from how the show is. also this chapter gave me trouble i didnt want to write it.
*Billy pov *
 I was relaxing on my bed  flipping through a new rolling stones magazine when I heard my fathers angry voice ringing through the quiet house.
“William! Get your ass down here, right now!” I shivered at my father’s voice, speedily jumping up from my bed, and quickly went downstairs. “You needed me, sir?”
Neil walked over to susannand whispered in her ear. She looked at Billy like she wanted to say something to him but shook her head and left. She always wanted to say something. She just never did.
 “Where the fuck is maxine?” Neil snaps. 
“I don’t know, sir. She is probably at the movies or arcade” 
“You let her go alone?”
“She's old enough to take care of herself.”
“You know what I’m done playing these games. I’m done with your fucking additude”. He slaps me across the face. 
“What did we talk about?”
“Respect and responsibility.” 
“Fucking find your sister!’ instead of staring at yourself in the fucking mirror faggot and get her home immedially” he spats while dragging me out of the house throwing me on the ground next to my car.
I headed to Sinclair's house first, but mrs. Sinclair said that the kids were probably at the wheeler's house.
I rang the doorbell to the wheeler's house, but there was no answer, so i tried again. The door opened to a woman wearing just a robe, her hair slightly wet. She must have gotten out of the shower or something. 
“Oh Hi”  I smiled at her.
“Hi” she softly says. She stared at me in awe, this is going to be fun, i thought. Using my charm to get information faster. 
“I, uh, didn't realize Nancy had a sister. She chuckles lightly. 
 “What's so funny?”
“I'm Nancy's mother.” she laughs. 
Chuckling in disbelief  “Mrs. wheeler”
“Um, I'm sorry, and you are you?” she stammers.
“Billy, Billy hargrove.” I said as I took her hand delicly.
“You must be here for Nancy.”
“Nancy? No, no. Not my type. uh…. “ I noticed she had a glimmer of hope behind her eyes. Sorry, mrs. wheeler im taken. I smile to myself. “No, actually, I am looking for my little sister Max. goes by maxine. She's been missing all day, and, uh, to be honest with you, I've been worried sick, you know, so….”  Not going to lie to myself. i was actually starting to get a little worried about Max. 
“I thought she was at Lucas", but Mrs. Sinclair said your house is the designated hangout, so, you know…"I leaned on the door frame, smirking slightly “here i am.” 
“Come on in, i give you the byer's address.'' She says, opening the door more for me to follow her inside.
“Their driveway is pretty dark this time of night. So drive slowly.” She handed me a piece of paper.
“Always” I smiled at her.
“And when you see Mike tell him to come home already, okay?”
“You’re a real lifesaver, you know that?” I said as I took a bite of a cookie she offered. 
“I’ll see you later.” walking out the room i can feel her eyes on me. Chucking, y/n is going to kill me if she finds out I let mrs. wheeler eye fucked me but i needed the inforation for my sake. 
*small time skip*
I pulled up to the byers' house. I see Harrington standing at the front door. “Am I dreaming, or is that you, Harrington?”
“Yeah, it's me. Dont cream your pants.”
“What are you doing here, amigo?”
“I could ask you the same thing, amigo, y/n isn't here, by the way.”
“I'm not looking for her, I'm looking for my stepsister. A little birdie told me she was here.”
“Huh, that's weird. I don't know her.”
“Small, redhead, bit of a bitch.” 
“Doesn't ring a bell. Sorry, buddy.”
Sighing “you know, i don't know, this whole situation, Harrington, i don’t know. It's giving me the heebie-jeebies.”
“Oh, yeah? Why is that?”
“My 13 year old sister goes missing all day. And then I found her with you in a stranger's house. And you lie to me about it.”
He chuckles. “Man, were you dropped too much as a child, or what? I don't know what you don't understand about what I just said. She's not here.”
“Then who is that?” I pointed my cigarette at the window behind him. He turned, and we saw the kids duck. 
“Oh,shit. Listen….” he started to say before I pushed him to the ground. I leaned over “I'm going to let this slide because you're your y/n friend.” marching to the door, I swung it open to see the kids all staring at me. I saw how close Lucas was next to Max, and that made me furious.
“Well, well, well. Lucas Sinclair. What a surprise.” I say as I walk towards him. Looking over to Max “I thought I told you to stay away from him, max.”
“Billy, go away” she says.
“You disobeyed me. And you know what happens when you disobey me. I break things.” I pushed Lucas against a corner shelf roughly. 
“Billy!, stop!.” she screams. 
“Get off of me.” Lucas says as he struggles under my grip.
“Since Maxine won't listen to me, maybe you will. You stay away from her, you hear me?” I growled.
“I said," Get off me! "” he knees me in the balls, i quickly let go.
“You're so dead, Sinlcair!” 
“No. You are.” Steve turns me away from Lucas and punches me in the jaw. I started to laugh. "LOOKS LIKE THERE'S STILL SOME FIRE IN YOU AFTER ALL! I'VE BEEN WAITING TO MEET THIS KING STEVE EVERYONE HAS BEEN TELLING ME SO MUCH ABOUT!"
“Get out.” was all he said, pushing me back. I threw a punch, but he dodged it, he manages to land a punch on my jaw again.
The kids start yelling “kick his ass, steve!
“Get him!
“Murder the son of a bitch!”
I hit him with a plate and got the upper hand, and continued to land punches on his jaw. “Now one tells me what to do!” I yelled. Steve is a bloody mess on the floor.
“Billy? Kids? What the fuck is going on?” I froze when I heard the y/n voice. “Shit im in trouble” I thought, Steve realized that I stopped and he pushes me into the fridge, a demented dog looking thing fell out onto my lap.
“What the fuck is that?!” i say.
*y/n pov*
I pulled up to the byers house, and I noticed Billy's car  was here, “weird why is he here” I said to myself as i got out of mine. I could hear screaming and yelling coming from the house. I ran to the door thinking we were under attack by demodogs again. I had my nail bat ready and slammed the door open, expecting creatures  but what I found was  my boyfriend beating the ever living shit out of my best friend. 
“Billy? Kids” what the fuck is going on?” I yelled. I noticed Billy froze to my voice and suddenly he was on the floor with a dead demodog on his lap.
“What the fuck is that?!” was all he said. 
“Fuck dustin, why did you have to put in the the fridge.” i say. Great, now I'm going to have to explain everything to Billy, who is probably going to think his girlfriend has gone crazy.
“This is a ground- breaking scientific discovery. We can't just bury it like some common mammal, okay? It's not a dog.” he says as he picks it up from Billy's lap, who was still in shock. 
“Billy?” i say. He doesn't look at me. 
“Baby?” he finally looks at me. “ I'm going to explain everything, so please listen closely…. Okay?” he shook his head, yes. Taking a deep breath.
“The year before you got here, something strange happened to Hawkins. It all started when Will byers went missing, and a girl named Eleven suddenly showed up. El made cross-dimensional psychic contact with the hive mind and opened the "Mothergate" at Hawkins Lab. Somehow, the Mothergate’s creation also caused the Upside Down to transform from its original state and become a perfect copy of the human world, during that time a Demogorgons came through terrorizing both Will in the upside down and our town.” i looked at him carefully. He just sat quietly listening to me. I continued.
“Do you remember when I said i had a brother?” I asked.
“Yes,” he says softly.
“Mikey died at middle school trying to protect the kids from a demogorgon. While I was upside down helping Joyce and Hopper find Will. We managed to get Will back. But he didn't come back nearly like his old self. Recently, he's been having visions about a creature we are calling a mind-flayer, which now has made Will a host. The thing that fell on you was a demodog, a smaller version of a demogorgon. I know all this sounds crazy and I understand if you think I'm crazy but this is what's happening in the hell hole of a town. I wanted to tell you for so long, but I did it to protect you from this, and the government made us promise not to tell anyone." I breathed. 
“You're right. This is crazy and you are crazy, but…. Strangely, I believe you.”  he says, taking my hands. 
“Max, how long have you known?” he asks her.
“Since last year.” she says
“Jesus” he sighs in disbelief. 
"Guys, i have located where hopper dug the entrance to the tunnel," i say to Steve and the kids. as they geared up to help with the mission.
"Baby, i know you're trying to process everything, but we may or may not have to go in an alien vine tunnel thing right now to help save the world."
"oh fucking fantastic" he says as runs after me and the group.
Previous Chapter
Part 13
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mooncakesofpan · 2 years
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Teen dad!Billy Hargrove x Teen mom!hopper!Reader
Summary: Weeks after an incident with your boyfriend your not feeling well and with hopper concerned he takes you to the doctors.
A/n: sorry it took so long to put out another part to this. Reader is Adopted. This takes place before Vicky is born. im also appologizing right now i do my reserch but of course things arnt going to be accurate due to the fact ive never been pregnant. 
Warnings: Teen Pregnacy , Angst, Morning sickness, mentions Neil’s terrible and Abusive Parenting, Established Relationship, Strong Language,OOC BIlly, She/her pronouns
Word Count: 1.2k
Stranger things Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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You had been home sick for 3 days not feeling well having felt queasy and tired. Your dad was getting ready for work when he heard you in the bathroom retching into the toilet. Your head on your arm leaning against the toilet seat. You were feeling a bit better after that, you were obviously sick with something. “Are you sure your gonna be okay if I leave you here?” Hopper said weary “Yeah, yeah I should be fine in like a few days I’ll be okay,” “If you're not better by tomorrow morning I'm taking you to the doctor okay?” he says sternly butting on his jacket. El was toasting egos in the toaster while you were feeling a little better, you decided to try and go to school getting dressed and ready to be a bit late. You saw billy in your first period. You could feel your boyfriend's eye’s on you. As your class ended he came up to you leaning his arm next to you on the locker. “You been gone for 3 days, and every time I call your house all I get is your little sister saying you're sick, ” he says searching your eyes. “What's up with that Doll?” “I've just been sick I'm not contagious or anything I was feeling a bit better so I came in” Billy's eyebrows furrowed. “Well, I'm glad to have my girl back,” he smiles looking at your lips leaning in and pressing his slightly chapped lips to yours. you went threw the day with a very little bit of nausea. But you managed the rest of the day without too many issues just being really tired. Which Billy defiantly took notice of. You had made it back home and tried to eat something really that's you had been avoiding all day cause you were worried about queasiness. After a nap and eating a snack you were doing okay till 5:15 and your dad brought dinner home. “I got you an appointment with your doctor tomorrow something is clearly wrong,” Your dad says with a deep sigh “Uh thank you,” you said digging into your food. You were up bright and early, heading to the doctor. “Okay, so I do have to ask this hopper just in case. Is there any possibility you could be pregnant?” your doctor Hopper looked at you, eyebrow raised waiting for you to answer the question. “No right?!” he says sternly looky “I uh maybe, I would say no but there was an incident a few weeks ago with my boyfriend where the condom ripped and we thought it would be fine,” you rambled on. You could see Hopper in the corner shaking his head and rubbing his temple. “okay that's fine we can simply run a few tests, cause due to your symptoms it seems nothing else could be wrong aside from you seem to be a little dehydrated, and a bit bloated, can you tell perhaps when your last period was,” your doctor said. “Uh mine was a little over a month ago so technically mine should have started I guess,” you say a bit unsure, she nods writing it down. “Well we’ll do a blood and urine test and we’ll let you know when we have the results,” she said. You got the blood test and urine test and scheduled an appointment for later that week to go over the results. “Why wouldn't you tell me something like that happened” Hopper “Oh yeah, it would be super easy to say ‘hey dad remember my boyfriend you hate, yeah we’ve been screwing in the back of his car, and the condom we used was faulty and I might be pregnant with his baby’” you snapped. Hopper let out a sigh as you rode in silence for a while “Are you mad at me?” you said tears and streamed down his face hopper looked between you and the road “Christ kid, no I'm not mad I'm just concerned,” Hopper said “Your 17, and I'm just worried about how difficult this will be for you,” he said with a deep sigh. You nodded and the rest of the ride was silent. For the next few days, you were at school waiting for the result to come back in the weekend finally came around and so did your appointment. “Well, your test result came back Y/n you are pregnant we're gonna get you set with an ultrasound so we can see exactly how far along you are,” your doctor said you looked at your hands nodding. The truth is that a part of you knew you were pregnant, but the truth was really setting in as the words were uttered by your doctor. Your mind went blank as she gave you an appointment date and gave you some recommendations, and vitamins on what you could start doing now. leaving the doctor's office you had a lot on your mind you intended to keep the baby. That was something you thought about long and hard last night. How would you tell Billy though, you’d have to say something eventually. Your ride to the store was silent, your dad getting out to grab things as you went threw the pharmacy isles you grabbed the vitamins while Hopper grabbed some snacks and other things. Your mind was everywhere. as Hopper paid. the ride home was silent “What are you gonna do? are you gonna tell that Billy kid?” Hopper said “yeah, I'll tell him I think I just need a minute.” you got home and went in your room waving to El as she sat in her room in the cabin. you weren't entirely sure how to tell your boyfriend this was kinda a roadblock in your guy's plans for after high school.  Go to California live carefree for a while, be wild young adults before possibly settling down. but now this threw a bit of a Rench in the plan. Billy was also a bit rough around the edges you had been keeping him in check with shit he use to say, influenced by his asshole of a father. You finally decided to tell him while the two of you were on your way home Billy driving you out near the cabin. the speed of Billy's Camero going too fast to be anywhere near safe. Half of you didn't really think much before what came out your mouth. “I'm pregnant” those two words caused the car to swerve a bit “Y/n What the hell! You don't just spring that on a guy,” he says looking between you and the road. He pulls over albeit roughly and brakes leaning his head against the wheel. He breathes out looking at you. “You're sure, like you not fucking with me,” he says lowly. you look at the roof of the car. “I'm not fucking with you I'm serious billy,” there was a long pause of silence “So are you gonna say anything,” “I mean it's mine right?” he says raising an eyebrow at you “of course, it's yours I haven't fucked anyone else,” you say slightly frustrated at his response “ Well then I'm gonna help raise it,” he said leaning back and joining you in looking at the ceiling of the Camero “I may be an ass but I want to be better than my shithead of a father,” he says breathing out “I'm not gonna leave you to do this alone okay,” he said looking at you and grabbing your hand.
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dad!Billy taglist:
@and-claudia​  @daringvixen​  @justarandomflowerchildofthenight  @anothersock
Let me know if you would like to be added or taken off the taglist
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aita-blorbos · 3 months
(OC) AITA for telling the cops one of my bosses sisters girlfriends is a serial killer to get outta jail
Okay this is kinda convoluted so ill try to cut it down. So curretly i (M ##) share an apartment with the boss of my crime gang/best friend, we'll call her Tia (she/they ##), and her twin sister, we'll call her James (F ##). Now very important to note that, James and I god damn hate eachother. Also James is in a polycule with three other girls, but only one of them is important
So the story begins with Tia being out sick and me as second in command being put in charge of an upcoming heist we couldnt afford to postpone. To make a long story short we fucked up hard, cops came, but luckily only one person got arrested. Me. Honestly my bad.
I ended up being interrogated and we ended up ticking the cops into letting me go in exchange for info about a local serial killer, that being James girlfiend, who ill call PB. I tried to give as little info as i could to get out of there, figuring the cops would never actually find out.
So yesterday as im writing this PB got arrested. Im not sure if the info i gave caused this but now im worried, and not just beacuse if they found out she can easily hun me down since she knows where i live. I told Tia about it and she started worrying that this could apparently lead to a chain of events that causes one of james's other girlfriends to stop paying our rent, which is bad.
I honestly just feel like an asshole for this cuz i had no idea this would escalate so far but i need unbiased opinion and my only sources for that is objectively bad advice and confused fear so AITA?
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lord the way i can write in circles about Alear and the visceral experience of [redacted]
(or, the wordbarf of “I am very unhinged about Alear how dare you assume im normal” ft. copious spoilers for like. chp 21 onward because I need tumblr to know I’ve already said most of this on twitter to some extent)
he finally got to experience love and how he finally started recovering from his trauma and how he was at his desperate, frantic wit’s end probably when he first struck sombron down how he probably felt cornered and would rather risk his life and everything else to simply be free of his father how he went in without an emblem and all alone and likely not telling Lumera the full plan probably terrified if he would come out alive 1v1-ing sombron with nothing but fuck it he would rather fight for a chance to live in peace than wait for his dad to find out how “defective” he is and dispose of him like so many siblings and lumera was probably going to stop him because it’s crazy it’s stupid it’s risky it’s not worth it she loves him and promises one day it will end don’t be rash and please hold on but!!!!!! god damn does someone have to try and he is tired of waiting for the chance to get better he cannot fucking take it anymore!!!!! he can’t sit there and wait and worry and be strong he has a sister out there who is at risk every second they carry on their little hidden charade! 
How PAINFUL it is to finally receive kindness and be forced to realize all these scars and all these days spent walking on eggshells is for NOTHING for even what had been kindness before pales in comparison how WOUNDED to realize how damaged you are simply trying to survive and how unfair it all must feel when kindness and love was simply that easy to choose and yet knowing your father would never, EVER be kind.
and contrary to having a gentle and honorable nature that only carried out sombron’s will to survive, coerced into such violence and desolation, the nature that is stilted and a thoughtless machine so he, too, does not join the ranks of failure, the nature that the hero king himself recalls as “You were kind, as you are now.”, despite that gentle, gentle core that somehow survived he has such malice for his father there is no mercy there is no kindness dare I say he- with only a little conflict and concern -relishes the opportunity to personally do his father in because after years of abuse and trauma there is finally catharsis and it pours from him like he is finally vomiting and coughing up the vile dregs of the poison in his system
finally hope that is so disgustingly blinding right in front of him and how he was SO CLOSE he was SO CLOSE to walking away from this he was sick and giddy and the thought that he was going to get away and be free and live happily with his mother and go find veyle and be SAFE and HAPPY FOR ONCE IN HIS LIFE and then ITS JUST. TAKEN. IN A SINGLE MOMENT.
how even saying himself the war is over and they don’t have to worry still accepting that he’s a Fell Dragon this is just WHAT HAPPENS as if he is not sitting there dying, struggling to breathe, having just ended a war that nearly wiped out the Divine Dragons, no doubt caused terror across the land, HAVING DONE A GENUINELY OBJECTIVELY GOOD THING THAT HE HIMSELF RECOGNIZED and still saying that Fell Dragons die in the end. how he is no better than the father laying only feet away who treated his children like tools and only spoke his name once when he was born. Lumera says he’ll just sleep and he’ll wake up and it will be fine and how he so subtly doubts that and still speaks as if this is his last chance, simply speculating how, if he does wake up, he wants to be like her AS IF HE ISN’T ALREADY FOR. YOU KNOW. ENDING THE WAR AND SLAYING THE PROBLEM DRAGON.
the way i pull at my hair and scream at the top of my lungs over how AWFUL alear had it and how VINDICATING it is to see him grow and love and rage and scream and cry and find his own way anD KILL HIS OWN SHITTY DAD WITH A LASERBEAM OF LOVE AND ALL THE FRIENDS HE’S MADE AND GETS TO BE DRAGON JESUS HAPPILY EVER AFTER
#katie rambles#alear#fe 17#fe engage#fe17 spoilers#engage spoilers#spoilers#tw vomit#tw abuse#im sorry i get a little gross and visceral with the descriptions and metaphors if only because GOD THIS SITUATION SUCKED#I REMEMBERED TUMBLR HAS DECENT TAGGING WITHOUT COSTING SPACE#HAHAHAHAHA I CAN GO OFF WITHOUT FEARING ACCIDENTALLY SPOILING MY FRIENDS#ANYWAYS THIS IS LIKE. 90% OF MY ALEAR BRAINROT IM SO PROUD OF HIM AND SO WORRIED#like idk i think so much about That One Flashback#and i'm pretty sure the hashtag patricide moment was alear on his last fucking braincell going 'that's it im done im through'#because he knows how his father works and would anyone want to wait knowing death is coming when love and peace is right there.#right at his fingertips. so close. so god damn close it HURTS#so yeah i think alear was having the mental breakdown of the god damn century going after his dad alone#i think he felt very. VERY cornered in his options and went 'fuck it we ball'#because if most of his options involved waiting and risking death might as well take the risk#why wait to get called defective and fed to the corrupted and why keep crawling back for long. nice talks with the growing risk#i think it is an awful emotional barf of all his pain and fear and rage and glimmering above it all hope that he could reach out and take#a hope that is SO VERY CRUELLY TAKEN AT THE LAST GOD DAMN MOMENT#i'll admit a lot of my own interpretation in here but like AUGH.#Alear I love you alear alear best lord ever#i've always been thinking about this in some capacity since I learned i have not known rest going on 3 mnths
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xxlynxxx · 1 year
Could’ve been Levi Ackerman x Black reader part 2.
A/N: For the sake of this story lets pretend Levi is 5′10 lol. Also smuttttt warning ;)
“Did you hear me son?” My moms voice brought me out of my thoughts that seemed to be reiterating itself. “Yeah, you’re gonna come stay in a couple weeks. got it.” I said setting the phone up so she could see me as I stirred the pasta on the stove. 
“Son,  I worry about you sometimes and you know if my sickness takes a turn i just don’t wa-”
“Mom, stop talking like that. It wont come back and i’m fine. Now tell me about your vacation.” that seemed to ease her because she started rambling on about what she did on the vacation i just sent her and my aunts on. 
My mother had lupus and some days were worse than others. The medication and lifestyle the doctor had her on seemed to be working so far, she just worried too much about getting real ill again or leaving me and my little sister Isabel behind. “Anyways, enough about that. Hows the family? You know i miss my grandson. I havent seen him in awhile, i just cant wait to see you guys. Make sure your sister is actually coming this time. You know how that girl can be with all her partying and drinking ugh she worries me that she will never settle down.” I rolled my eyes as she began to ramble on again. Erwin walked into the kitchen and mouthed ‘your mom?’ before i nodded and he backed out of the kitchen. ‘Thank God.’ My mom had a weird crush on Erwin and if she saw him i would be on the phone all night. 
“Hey mom, i gotta go. Im gonna burn the food if i dont pay attention. I will make sure Isabel is there. Alright?”
“Okay, call me tomorrow Levi. I mean it! I love you my handsome boy, i cant wait to see you!” i quickly said my goodbyes before hanging up. 
“Dinner almost ready my handsome boy?” Erwin joked returning to the kitchen, setting plates on our dining room table. 
“Fuck off.” I rolled my eyes and took the pot off the stove taking it to the dinner table.
“So, you don’t seem so sick to me, why did you leave early today?” Erwin asked cutting off a piece of garlic bread. I shrugged. “Petra is trying to get me to move back in. Then my mom text saying she's gonna come visit so of of course she cant know that i live with you and not at home.” 
Erwin nods. “So you're stressed because now you have to act like the perfect family while your mom stays?” “yeah” I sigh starting to lose my appetite just by talking about what awaits me back home. 
“You are your moms pride and joy, i don't get why you just don't say ‘hey mom, Petra and i are separated and on our way to a divorce and by the your grandson? Yeah he’s not really mine.’ See? that’s so easy.” I roll my eyes again at Erwin. Which feels like a pretty reoccurring action. 
“Maybe its easy for you since you tell your mommy everything.” Now it was his turn to roll his eyes. “I just don't wanna stress her out, she's been through a lot this year. Plus, she's already stressed over Isabel. Just don't wanna add to it. Let alone think about Petra”
“I understand. There is something I wanted to ask you.” He says and i cock my eyebrow at him. “Now, don’t jump down my throat. I couldn't help but to notice you taking her out to lunch often. Which isn't typically Levi behavior to be so... dare i say doting?” I almost choked on my water. ‘Fuck... am i being obvious?’
“And, if you're thinking ‘damn, am i obvious?’ yes..yes you are. At least to me.” 
“Erwin i-” 
“BUT” He cuts me off wagging his finger at me with his dramatic self. “I noticed today you ignored the poor woman this morning, and then later at lunch when i let her know you wouldn't be back today she looked for a split moment like i had just shot and mutilated her dog right in front of her.”
“Okay that's a little much.” I say picking up my plate to take it to the kitchen. Erwin following behind me “So I ask my dear handsome boy. What's going on?”
I lean against the counter glaring at him, hopefully to make him uncomfortable enough that he will  fuck off. It doesn't work he just stares back smiling annoyingly wide. “and don't lie because, for a lawyer you're not good at lying when it comes to yourself.” 
“Nothings going on, I find her attractive but she works for me. So I'll just look and not touch.” Erwin slowly nods.
“Yeah so how long do you think you can keep that up for? Im all for you finding happiness especially after your divorce is final from the wicked witch of the east, but then again you do have a point. “ 
“Yeah, i think ill just die an old lonely man.” I say turning my back to him putting the leftovers in the fridge. 
“Wrong, because tonight we are gonna go out and drink like we are 21 again and maybe even meet some ladies.” He says doing a little dance. 
“I'm so good on that actually. Besides i have go to the office in the morning and finish up on the paperwork i didnt do today.” 
“Thats so funny that you think you have a choice.” He laughs obnoxiously all the way to his room. I sigh going to mine to get ready.
2 shots in and I'm kind of enjoying my time out. Erwin invites two woman to our table after buying them drinks. One of them keeps rubbing her leg up and down mine under the table. It makes me think of the other day when Ivy did it. If this was her sitting next to me doing it, i would be much more receptive. I excuse myself from the table once i feel her hand land on my thigh. “I'm gonna get a beer.” I state out loud mainly to Erwin. “I can come wi-” The one whos been touching me for the last 20 minutes responds but I'm already walking away from the table. Luckily she stays put. 
Deciding to drink my beer at the bar i pull out my phone and open up Instagram. Hange convinced me to create one a couple months ago but I didn't post any pictures. To keep from looking like a “spam account” as Hange put it, I just put a profile picture and my name. I had no use for this app until after meeting Ivy. I found her through Connie's followers. I mentally thanked Connie for making me follow him.
Fortunately her page isn't private, i felt like a creep for how many times i searched her account just to stalk her page and check if she posted any new pictures. I noticed that her profile picture had a pinkish/orange ring around it. ‘Thats interesting’ I clicked to see what would happen and saw she was out. She posted a video of a blonde girl taking a shot, the next video was of them clinking glasses, after was the last post she put. It was a selfie of her in a bar, the lights in the background looked familiar, I turned around and noticed the lights near the bathroom looked just like the ones in her picture. ‘Is she here?’ I looked back n forth between her photo and the lights behind me. 
“You good man?” Erwin came up behind me grabbing my shoulder. 
“Yeah, i just started talking to the bartender and lost track.” I Lied which he caught on to.
“They’re leaving, and they invited us back to their place. I have no problem telling them no if you're not into it.” 
“I’m definitely not into it. But you should go, have fun i dont mind.” 
“No, i was hoping you would say no, im not feeling it either. I'm just gonna walk them out to their uber and ill be back.” Erwin, always the gentleman. I made my way back to our table. Keeping a look out for Ivy. I was certain she had to still be here. The photo was posted 10 minutes ago. 
Just as i suspected she walked from the bathroom area with a blonde holding her hand leading her to a table on the other side of the room. She sat with her back away from me. She couldn't see me but i had my eyes on her. I noticed the other men watching her as she walked to her table. You had to be blind not to think this woman was beautiful. Her beautiful sandy brown skin always seemed to be glowing. She had the biggest brown eyes. Every emotion she had shown in them, her hair was a beautiful shade of auburn. Tonight her beautiful tight coils were out and free. She never wore her hair down at work. I wanted nothing more than to wrap my finger around a curl. Or maybe get a handful of it as she-
“What are you looking at?” Erwin pulled me out of my thoughts before they turned lewd. “Did you wanna go to a different bar?”
“No, lets stay.” I said a little to eager
“Okay, someone caught your eye?” Erwin sat next to me looking in the direction i had been. 
“Don't be obvious, but that's Ivy.” I said turning my back to the table she sat at. Erwin smiled and waved in that direction, catching the eye of Ivy’s friend. 
“What? that's great! I’m gonna invite them over. Go to the bar and order whatever they’re drinking.” He said getting up
“Erwin wait!″ I tried to grab for him but he was already halfway across the room.
“Quick! How do my tits look?” I gave Hitch a thumbs and tried to keep from looking behind her at Levi. I noticed he tried to grab Erwin's arm when he was coming over here. ‘damn, he really must be trying to avoid me.’
"Hello Ivy. I thought that was you, small world.” Erwin smiled down at me.
“Hello, Mr. Smith. its nice to see you again.” I don't know why i tried to sound so formal. I immediately sobered up. 
“Ah come on Ivy, we’re out of the office. Please call me Erwin.” I nodded “And whos your lovely friend?” He asked taking Hitch’s hand kissing the back of it, which she ate right up. If there wasn't so many people in this room she would've pounced right on him by the look she was giving. 
“Hitch, but you can call me baby.” She winked at him. I rolled my eyes but, Erwin seemed find it amusing. He gave a big laugh and kissed the back of her hand again. 
“Well would you ladies like to accompany Levi and I tonight? we’ve got a section over there, its too much room for just us.” 
“Yes! “ Hitch answered before i could. She was already up and following Erwin forgetting her purse. I grabbed our things and slowly made my way over. Levi was at the bar and made his way back to the table at the same time i did. Setting down a drink for Hitch and I. She happily thanked him while I avoided eye contact and gave a quiet ‘thanks’.
“Of course.” He said taking his seat across from Hitch and Erwin leaving a spot in the booth for me right next to him. 
 Hitch giggled across from me as Erwin whispered something in her ear. I could feel Levi burning a whole in the side of my face so i pulled my phone out scrolling through Instagram. Luckily for my privacy screen he couldn't see what i was looking at if he decided to lean closer to peep. I liked a couple photos before going to my insta story to look at who viewed it. ‘Levi.Ackerman87′ viewed my story. My stomach felt like it had a whole cage of butterflies in it. Checking my following i didnt see his name on there. I glanced over at him, he was making small talk with Hitch and Erwin. Putting my phone back into my purse, I stood up. “I’m gonna use the bathroom, ill be back.” 
“Oh do you want me to go with you?” Hitch asked.
“No, I'm okay. Ill be quick.” I said before heading to the back towards the restroom. This bathroom was one of those fancy clean types that had a person inside waiting with mints and rolled up towels, luckily the person who was supposed to be in here left out as i entered. I drenched a towel in the cold water and placed it on the back off my neck to cool myself off. I took my phone out again just to double check what i saw. ‘Yup, Levi.Ackerman87′ Clicking on his profile he had no pictures, just as i expected. But his profile picture was definitely him. I held my phone close to my face to get a better view. He wasn't smiling, but a long haired seal point cat laid across his shoulder ,with its tail covering a side of his face. ‘ugh, why is he so cute with zero effort.’ If someone were to walk in i would look pretty dumb. My phone so close to my face while i smiled and giggled like an idiot to myself. I washed my hands and walked out the bathroom heading back to the table. I slowed my pace when i noticed that Levi was at the table by himself.
“Uhm, they went to get more drinks.” He said as i took my seat looking over at the bar. Hitch had her arms leaned on the countertop as Erwin stood smiling down at her. His hand placed on her hip as she giggled at something he said ‘mans cant be that funny.’ i thought. “How are you?” Levi asked bringing my attention from the view at the bar to the beautiful raven haired man sitting inches away from me. 
“I’m quite fine. How are you? I heard you were sick. Remind me to get your doctors info, he must work miracles.” I was proud of myself until i saw the slight frown on his face that he immediately replaced with his normal stoic look. 
“Yeah, i think it was just a bad migraine...needed a break.” i nodded.
“You’re right, i’m sorry. I dont think i’ve ever heard of you missing a day of work.” Embarrassed with my unusual behavior i turned my gaze to watch the other occupants around us. Levi was silent next to me, but i could feel him looking at me and then down at his hands and then back to my face.  
“I cant stop thinking about you.” He said in a faster pace than he usually talked. My heart quickened.
“What?” I said now giving him my full attention.
“I know its not ethical of me, but i cant get you out of my mind. I'm actually dreading Hange coming back because I'm not ready to let you go.” He opened his mouth like he had more to say but Hitch and Erwin's laughter killed whatever tension was in the air as they took their seats. 
 The rest of the night Levi seemed to have relaxed after his confession. That made one of us because now i was more nervous than before. I couldn't believe he would so confidently say something like that. I was used to men beating around the bush with me. Levi kept scooting closer to me throughout the night until his hand was the only thing from keeping our thighs touching. Hitch and I started our own conversation as Levi and Erwin started talking about work related things. Levi finished off his glass of whiskey as his pinky rubbed against my thigh which at first i thought was an accident until it started moving gently up and down. I tried to keep my face from showing any emotion as i listened to Hitch’s story about her class of 10th graders. I guess he took that as me enjoying it, which he wasn't wrong. His hand found its way to my thigh and he gave it a light squeeze. My face didn't react but my body sure was. My thighs squeezed together as the heat between my legs grew more intense. To make matters worse he pushed my legs apart with one hand and rubbed circles on my inner thigh. Now, I'm not tiny girl. I have curves, this mans whole hand was squeezing my full thigh like it was nothing. 
 A couple drinks later and we were heading out the doors. “Ivy, I'm gonna go home with Erwin, I would say take Levi to our place but,he doesn't seem like your type.” She giggled. Hitch wasn't wrong. Normally i would never go for guys like Levi. My typed seemed to be broken man-child’s who could never fully commit. Levi was the first older and very mature guy I'd ever had feelings for. 
“I can drive you home.” Levi said as Hitch waved from inside the uber with Erwin.
“ Are you ok to drive?” I asked following him to his car. He threw a glance at me over his shoulder as if to say ‘really bitch?’ 
“I had 4 drinks Ivy. I could probably do a backflip right now.” He said opening the passenger door for me. “Besides, i wouldn't put you in any harm.” He said looking at me as he slid into his seat. It’s not like i was drunk out of my mind. I mean i paced myself like i always do and had water in between my drinks. I just still couldnt believe that the Levi everyone tried to stay clear of and stay on his good side was talking to me like this. Besides earlier today, he had never made me feel like i was a bother. 
 Levi reached over taking me out of my thoughts ‘oh my god he’s gonna kiss me.’ I prepared myself for our first kiss, but he leaned past me and grabbed my seatbelt clicking it. “Safety first.” He smirked at me before clicking his own seatbelt and starting the car. 
Per usual Levi gave me the aux. I typed my address into his maps and, put on Lullaby by Umi and looked out the window. New York was beautiful at night. Especially this time of year when everything was decorated for Christmas. “ I meant what i said earlier.” Levi said making you look at him. God, he was fine. I studied his face, he was still looking at the road and glanced at me real quick. Tightening his grip on the wheel. “I feel like im going crazy.” He chuckled. “I’m actually losing sleep over it, you should feel bad for me.” He smiled and i laughed. 
Levi parked outside my building. I felt stupid for not telling him that i felt the same. I was losing sleep over him too. “Do you want some tea before you go home? If we’re lucky you might kill enough time to miss Erwin and Hitch.” I laughed trying to cut through the thick air in the car that appeared after his second confession. 
“Yeah i’d like that.” He said turning off the car and hopping out to come open my door before i did. He followed me up to my apartment on the second floor. “ I hope you're not allergic to dogs.” I turned to him, my back pressed against my door. 
“Allergic? no. Wary? Most definitely.” I nodded and held a finger up at him. 
“Wait here and when you hear me, come in.” He nodded as I slipped inside the door. My doberman Arlo already waiting at the door to either greet or snap at who came in. “Okay, you can come in.” I said grabbing my pup’s collar. Levi looked right and left before coming in and his eyes widened as he looked at Arlo by my side. “Come, let him smell you so he knows you’re not a threat.”
“I’m not sure i wanna do that.” Levi awkwardly laughed. 
I rolled my eyes smiling at him “ Now don’t tell me you’re scared of my little baby.”
“Tch, i wouldn’t consider him little.” Levi scoffed. “If he’s harmless than why are you holding him back?”
“Because he can smell your fear and that’s what gets him going.” I laughed at my little joke but Levi didn’t find it funny as he glared at me which only made me laugh harder. “No, i just wanted you to feel safe. See I'm in control, He listens to me.” I said letting go of Arlo’s collar telling him to stay and he did just as i said. I reached my hand out to Levi and he cautiously grabbed it. I pulled him over to us and stood us in front of Arlo. Holding Levi’s wrist in my hands as he slightly stood behind me i let Arlo sniff him. He sniffed his hand a couple times and then started to lick it. “ See! he accepts you.” I smiled at Levi, leaning down and rubbing Arlo behind his ears “such a good boy!” I praised. Levi held his hand a little away from him because it was covered in slobber. 
“Come here, you can wash your hands in the kitchen while I start the tea.” I said leading him to the kitchen sink. 
“Your apartment is very clean.” Levi said watching me take off my shoes and slip on my slippers. He took his shoes off as well and i placed them on the shoe rack near the front door. That’s something i noticed Levi and i had in common. I kept my house tidy, or at least tried to. Hitch was kind of unorganized but we managed.  
“Thank you i try. My mom would give me an ear full if my place was dirty. Growing up she instilled cleanliness in us so now i cant help but to continue the tradition.” I said placing a coaster down and putting his tea in front of him. Sitting down across from him with my own mug of peach and ginger sweetness. 
“My mom is the same way, she used to clean houses when I was a kid and would sometimes take me on big jobs with her. Its like a hobby now.” He smiled like he enjoyed a memory in his mind.
 “I didn’t know your mom used to clean homes?” Not judging but i and many people at the company assumed Levi grew up a rich kid the same way Erwin did. “I don't talk about it. I’m pretty sure none of my colleagues grew up they way i did.” He trusted me enough to let me in on that detail about his life. My heart swelled.
“Talk to me about you.” He said leaning back in his seat.
“Ugh, i hate that question. I never know what to say.” I groaned dramatically, rubbing my scalp.
“Fine lets do a game. I ask a question and then you can ask me one in return. Nothing is off limits.” I could get down with that. 
“Well ask me something specific.” He rubbed his chin thinking. 
“What’s your middle name?” Okay he’s starting off tame. 
“Rose. What’s yours?” Great question Ivy. Even though i really wanted to ask what color his di-
“Tal. How old are you?” What a beautiful name.
“That's beautiful, does it mean something? and I'm 26.” He nodded taking another sip of tea.
“ It’s Hebrew for rain dew. That’s a relief because you look like you could be 20.” He said smirking.
“I always get told that, i guess i should consider it a compliment. Do you speak Hebrew?” Now I'm gonna imagine him giving me commands in two different languages. ‘God, why is my mind always in the gutter when he’s around?’
“Its a compliment. You’ll appreciate it more when you get older, and I speak enough. I’m surprised you didn't ask me how old i am.”
“That’s because I already know your age Levi dot Ackerman 87.” I smirk at him trying to look unfazed.
“Are you stalking me?” He asked finishing off his tea and placing it into my dishwasher. ‘That shouldn’t be hot but it is.’
“Quite the contrary Levi. I think you have been stalking me.”
“How’d you find out?” Shame. I thought he was gonna deny some more.
“Come here.” I waved him over, he stands behind my seat as i open up my phone and show him how you can view whos seen your snap story. He leans down his face near mine as he looks over my shoulder as i point out his name. He scoffs and i laugh. "Now, 35 ain’t old but that was definitely an old person mistake.” I begin to laugh harder as he glares down at me a small smirk on his lips. 
 Levi joins in my laughter. After awhile we calm down staring at each other in silence. Levi pushes a curl behind my ear. “So beautiful.” He mumbles. “You make it impossible to not want you.” He says caressing my jaw. I don't even care about the consequences now, I've never wanted anyone as bad as i want him. 
Levi grabs my chin making me look up at him. His thumb going over my bottom lip. I’m drunk on him and he’s barely touched me. The way he’s looking down at me like I'm the most fragile, beautiful thing he’s ever laid his eyes on has me feeling hot in more ways than one. I open my mouth a little as Levi pushes his thumb inside. I don’t know what’s coming over me, what spell his ashen eyes have on me. I graze my bottom teeth over his digit, giving a kitten lick before closing my mouth around it. 
“Suck.” Is the only command Levi gives me and I do as I'm told, keeping eye contact. A scarlet tint covers Levi’s cheeks as his mouth opens slightly, and if i thought he couldn’t get any hotter he lets out a low groan as i grab onto his wrist to take his thumb further into my mouth. 
“I don’t care what happens.” He says removing his thumb and standing me up. Everything feels like it happens in one fluid motion as Levi pushes me up against the kitchen wall. One hand around my neck and the other that has a tight grip on my hip. The way Levi is kissing me, i can’t explain it. Like he’s making love to my mouth. His kisses are slow and sensual, running his tongue in my mouth like he’s trying to savor the last drop. The hand on my waist has now traveled to grip my thighs like earlier, but he doesn’t stay there. Levi pushes my legs apart with his knee and glides his hand up my thighs until he’s playing with my panty line. He releases my mouth for a second to help me out of my underwear. I’ve never been more proud of myself for wearing a thong. Levi stares me deep in my eyes as he puts my thong in his pocket instead of discarding it on the floor. I never knew it was possible to be as wet as I am. 
 Instead of holding me neck his hand is hovering near my hair “May i?” He asks and not able to find words i just nod with my mouth slightly ajar. Levi grabs the hair on the back of my head gently gripping it and pulling my head back to gain full access to my neck. He’s careful to not leave hickeys on the places it would be hard to cover. He kisses up my neck back to claim my mouth again. I could kiss him for hours. “Turn around.” He says before giving my one last kiss on my lips. I do as he says and he unzips the back of my dress. But he doesn’t take it all the way off, just my back and the top of my ass is exposed. I don’t feel him touching me anymore so i glance over my shoulder. Levi is just taking in my appearance. “It should be criminal being able to touch you the way i am.” he says running a finger up my spine giving me chills. He steps closer to whisper in my ear. “And it should be very criminal the way I'm about to ruin you. I don’t want to leave room for any thoughts of another man again in that pretty head of yours.” He kisses my cheek as he peels my dress off. Grabbing my hand to help me step out of it. I began to turn around. “No, turn back around for me.” I nod turning back around. My breast pushed against the wall. Levi moved my hair off my shoulders to kiss my neck, down to my shoulders, making his way to leave open kisses against my spine. He’s on his knees behind me as he’s kissing the dimples above my ass. One hand keeping me steady against the wall while the other spreads my thighs. Levi kisses my ass. I moan, I never thought gentle kisses on my ass would turn me on and get me this wet. At this point I'm dripping and he hasn’t even touched my sacred part yet. Levi chuckles and then does it again to each one giving it a little nibble. "I just wanna worship this ass.” He uses the hand that spread my thighs to slap my ass, running his tongue on the reddened skin after. Another moan escapes my lips “Levi, please.” I pant. 
 He kisses his way back up to my mouth. His large hands gripping and groping all over me except where i need him the most. I hook my leg over his hip to bring him closer. The hand not kneading my breast slides down my abdomen and right between my legs where I've been craving him. I let out a gasp as he gathers my slick before inserting one, then two fingers in. “Because you asked so nicely” He smirks against my mouth. His fingers are sinful, using his thumb to circle my clit while his index and middle finger curl and stretch me out. Bringing me close to the sweet release that’s been building up. Levi pulls away his fingers and his mouth from me, earning himself a frown and a confused look. The lust filled look in his eyes is one of hunger, like he wants to do nothing but devour me. Bringing up the fingers he just had inside me he sucks off the juices i left on him. “Mmm, just as sweet as i imagined. I don’t think i can continue without tasting more.” I’m in awe, his eyes, the moan he let out tasting me on his fingers, the language. I do nothing but nod leading him to my bedroom with his hands on my hips and his lips never leaving my neck. This man is the grand multi tasker. How he can do this in a dimly lit hall and not skip a beat is beyond me. There is nothing he can’t do. 
“Lay on the bed for me. Keep your legs open.” I crawl on the bed laying my head against my pillow, Levi waits for me to pull my legs up and spread them. He smiles as I do so. “Good girl.” He says walking to my bedside table using my little remote to turn the fairy lights in my room a beautiful shade of purple. “Much better, I like to see while I eat.” He smirks unbuttoning his shirt and pulling it off. ‘Damn’  I mean i know he had some muscle from how broad his shoulders look in his button ups but this man was art. Art I wanted to drag my tongue across. Levi stood at the foot of the bed, grabbing my legs to pull my down to the end of the bed. He kneeled eye level to my pussy. I’ve only had a couple guys go down on me before. A couple hookups in college and rarely my ex would. They all sucked, so i grew to not care for it, thinking maybe it was just me from hearing the stories my friends talked about mind blowing orgasms they got from it. I also never did much with lights on. Always feeling insecure in my body since a young age. Levi was opening the door for a lot of my firsts. 
I suddenly felt self conscious about being so exposed. Physically and mentally. “Don’t hide from me.” He said opening my legs again rubbing up and down my thigh. My hands covered my face. “Ivy, i wont do this if it makes you uncomfortable.” Levi peeked at me from around my legs grabbing my arm to take my hands off my face. 
“No!” I said a little too eager. “I just, I don't do oral.. often. I’ve never finished and i don’t want you to think its something you did. I think I'm just broken.” I awkwardly chuckled. The look on Levi’s face was pure disbelief, quickly replaced with determination and lust. 
“Sit up, i want you to watch me. I’m so eager to taste you again, it should be something we both enjoy. “ He said kissing my inner thighs as I leaned up on my elbows nodding at him to show I'm ready. He kissed all the way up my thigh. First placing a gentle kiss on my clit. I had to keep from moaning. He brought both my legs over his shoulder placing another kiss on my clit flicking his tongue on the sensitive bud. Switching his flicks out for swirls had me opening my legs for him more. ‘Yeah I definitely hadn't had it like this.’ I bucked my hips forward throwing my head back to let out breathy moans. Levi slid two fingers in me gently nipping my clit then swirling his tongue around it before sucking. “Ungh Levi i-.” He smirked up at me repeating the same combo over again. I felt euphoric. If there was a drug of this feeling i would be a fiend. 
 I gripped the hair on the back of his head as Levi removed his fingers and ate me out the same way he was kissing me in the kitchen, hot and sloppy. I couldn’t help but to buck against his face trying to catch that release. “Such a good girl, fuck my face just like that.” As if he said magic words the air in my lungs were knocked out and all i could do was moan his name like a dirty chant. “That’s it Ivy.” He said leaning over me placing his two fingers back in as he brought me over the edge. 
I lay on the bed panting like a ran a marathon. Levi crawled over me smirking kissing up my abdomen, over tp my breast giving each nipple a bite. He kissed me rolling his tongue over mine. “You see how good you taste? I could eat you all day.” I sat up on my knees to unbuckle his pants. Levi stood off the bed to pull his pants down, now standing in his black briefs that did nothing to hide the tint. Tint was actually an understatement, The head of his dick was poking out from his waistband. It glistened under the purple light. I sat up on my knees to kiss him again placing my hand on his bulge. ‘There's no way this is gonna fit.’  I thought to myself. “Ivy, i uh i dont have condom. I didnt expect for this to happen. We dont have to do this tonight." 
“I’m on the pill!” I said a little to eager. Even after that leg shaking orgasm i just had i still wanted him, needed him. “And i trust you.” I said pulling him closer by hooking my finger into his briefs. 
“I trust you too.” The look in his eyes was soft, like his words meant more. Kissing him again I pulled his briefs down and laid back onto my bed as he stepped out of them. My eyes went right to his member. I always imagined Levi would be packing. He had an aura about him. He had to at least be 7 1/2 or 8 inches I'm not sure. The girth is what got me, nice and thick with a slight curve. I wanted him in my mouth. I leaned forward to return the favor.
“You don’t have to do that. “ He placed his hand on my shoulder. “Plus I'm dying to be inside of you.” He said settling on top of me capturing my lips again. Levi grabbed his dick rubbing it between my folds gathering my slick on his tip. Gently pushing inside. I gripped his shoulders. Digging my nails into his skin. Its been almost a year since I last had sex but, regardless i don't think that would make taking him any easier. Levi buried his face in the crook of my neck as he pushed all the way in “fuck, you're so tight baby.” Levi moaned his voice muffled. Not wanting to wait to adjust i pushed my hips against him to let him know to move. 
Levi was slow and sensual, taking his time dragging out of me and pushing in painfully slow. “Leviii ungh.” I moaned throwing my head back against the pillows. 
“Use your words.” He used one arm to keep himself above me while the other slowly tightened around my neck. Kissing me hard. “Use your words baby.” He murmured against my lips. Keeping his sinful deep and slow pace. 
“Faster, please fuck me faster. Ruin me Levi.” That’s all he needed. The grip around my neck tightened making me clench tighter around his dick. Levi pulled one of my legs over his shoulder and began his assault on my pussy. At this point my only vocabulary was ‘right there’ or ‘harder’. Levi was fucking me dumb that soon i couldn't say anything but incoherent words mixed with his name. 
“You cant even speak can you baby?” Levi said against my ear not letting up on his pace. He reached his hand between you two to rub on your clit. It was too much, but you loved it.
“Levi i mm please.” He smirked at me barely forming a sentence. Levi sat up on his knees holding my legs behind my knees. Slowing his pace down a little but the way he slammed into you was ungodly and as you felt your second release that night building up you didn’t want him to stop. 
“You’re, gonna take all of this dick. Like the good girl you are.” He said flipping me  over to all fours. This new position putting him so deep I let out a muffled scream as pressed my face in the pillows. “Answer me.” He says slapping my ass. The grip he has on my hips is sure to leave bruises. 
“Yes Levi.” I moaned out his name. Levi switched to long deep strokes while reaching his hand between us again to rub on my clit. This man was gonna kill me. Now i could see why some woman went crazy over dick. I don’t know how any other man could ever compare in bed now that i had Levi. I didn’t want other man again. Levi had me already thinking about a monogamous relationship[p. Had me imagining a white picket fence and what our kids would like. 
“ Look at yourself”. Levi pulled my chin up to look in my large mirror across the room. He had a nice view of himself fucking me. The look in his eyes as he looked down at his dick going in and out of me to him looking up smirking in the mirror. Levi’s mouth was slightly open and his brow furrowed as he let out pants and moans. Leaning over to whisper the most lewd things of what he wanted to do to my body. ‘I wanna hear how loud you scream when i put it in your ass. would you let me do that baby?’ to ‘I want you on all fours watching me in the mirror as I eat it from behind.’ 
“Levi i mmm i’m gonna cum.” I moan pushing my ass back to meet his thrusts. “Me too baby, i’m so close. Turn around i wanna look at you when you come on my cock.” Levi laid me on my back like i weighed nothing. God, this man is everything. He leaned down to kiss me picking his pace up again, i tightened around him. My second orgasm that night crashing hard. My back arching a bit off the bed as Levi is still fucking into me chasing his orgasm.
”Keep fucking me like that baby.” He says as i raise my hips to meet his while he rubs my clit again overstimulating me in the best way. At this point i don't know if I'm screaming or moaning. 
 Levi finishes collapsing on top of me, laying his head on my chest. Both of us laying there trying to catch our breath. He looks up at me. Both us laughing because the only sound in the room is us panting. He looks over at the the clock reading 3:51. “ I haven't been up this late in awhile. “ He chuckles laying next to you, propping himself up on his elbow to look at you. 
“What?” I smile. He must think i look a sweaty mess.
“Nothing, i just think you’re beautiful. I cant believe i had the balls to actually do it.” his smile fades for a second.
“What do you mean?” His raven hair is hanging in his face. His sweat causing some strands to turn wavy. I run my fingers through his hair.
“ I was supposed to be in California for a couple months not Hange. But i convinced them to take my spot and bring Moblit with them. Hange of course jumped at the idea of going to LA since they have some family there. They were worried about leaving you so i told them i would take you as my paralegal for the time being since i hadn't met you officially. I had only seen you in meetings with Hange. And Ivy i have to tell you it took me weeks to realize that i never put myself first. I wanted you and i had to have you. Plus it doesn’t hurt being your own boss so i can bend the rules.” He smiled smirking at me.
 I had no idea this whole time he had wanted me. He saw me from my first day and knew he had to have me. God, this is not something i would have ever thought to happen. But I'm glad it did, now a new feeling of abandonment and jealousy if someone else wanted him as bad as i do comes to mind. I didn’t think these feelings would happen so soon.
“What is it? Tell me what you’re thinking.” He said with his lips against the back of my hand. i shook my head looking away from him, getting ready to shower. But, he held my hand to keep me put. “If something is bothering you i want to know. You can talk to me about anything. I wanna be here for you.” Its lame to cry after sex right? My eyes welled up with tears. Men like him were not real. There has to be a catch.
“I’ve never done something like this. Anyone one night stand I've had was years ago and under the influence and i hardly knew 
who they were or saw them again. I haven't been in a relationship in years and i.. i don't know. This amount of care and reassurance is new for me. I’m sorry for crying I'm such a baby.” I said getting up to hide my face and start the shower. 
“Ivy, lets talk. I’m being honest. I want you and not just because we had the best sex i’ve ever had in my life. But because im drawn to you, and i feel like this could be something great and i get it. I’m not used to being this open but im not blind i saw how men were falling over you tonight and i just cant stand the thought of you not being mine.” He was now in the bathroom holding my face between both hands. Using his thumbs to wipe away the tears that found their way down. I nodded with more tears falling from my eyes. 
“Baby look, we don’t have to talk about this tonight. Lets get cleaned up alright?” We showered. Cleaning each others bodies and giving gentle kisses filled with so much emotion. I stepped out before him to grab clothes in hopes that he would stay the night with me.
“Uhm these are my brothers from when he visits. But they should fit you.” I finished putting lotion on my body as Levi dressed. “Also if you want that is. No pressure. You can stay the night with me. I know you mentioned having to go to the office tomorrow but i mean its late and i would hate for you to make that long dr-”
“Ill stay” He chuckled pulling the shirt over his head. 
‘Perfect because im exhausted after that workout.” I said laughing at how Levi winked at me. He got behind me in bed as i pulled the covers over us. 
“A workout indeed.” He tickled my sides and giving me a kiss on the neck. We talked a bit more before bed. Sharing childhood stories. I laid on Levi’s chest  drawing patterns on it with my finger as he told me a story about how much of a partier Erwin and Hange were in college. I closed my eyes the sound of his voice lulling me to sleep. Levi looked down as i opened my eyes. “ I swear i was listening.” He chuckled and kissed my forehead. “There will be more time in the future for these stories. Go to sleep, ill see you in the morning.” He pulled my chin up to kiss me deep, a couple pecks later i laid back down on his chest as Levi turned the lights off. The idea of doing this every night with him one day swelled my heart. I dont think i could ever let him go.
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darkphoenix07 · 2 years
Conflating Arousal
An Office love story <enemies to lovers>
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Paring : Jeong Yunho x Jowha (Reader)
Genre : Office Romance, Fluff, Angst, Smut, Kdrama vibe
Synopsis : What happens when the man you hate become your CEO?
"If you have problem with me, Ms. Im, you can give your resignation letter and leave, we don't need employees like you in here."
- Jeong Yunho
[ If you want me to add you in the taglist, just comment below. And reblog my post ( ͡°ᴥ ͡° ʋ). (I'm kinda comfortable with writing with names, not y/n as I was a Wattpad writer. So bear with me ♡) ]
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"On the couch? Really?" Suddenly they both hear Iseul's voice echoing in the living room.
And the scenery in front of her, makes her heart beat go faster. Not because she knows any of them, neither because she knows Mr. Jeong loves that woman. Johwa's eyes start trailing on them, the couch.
No, no, I can't lose it. I-I have healed so much. I've gone to therapy, I can't give up now. This is not the time.
She keeps trying to make herself calm but her heart clenching badly while her mind is filled with the memories she has accepted years ago. Then why do they still bother her?
Is it her fever? Cold? The medicines she took? Why can't she handle these? Why can't she come back from those thoughts?
She feels like her whole body going paralyzed as she couldn't move. Mr. Jeong... He is in front her. Maybe, maybe he can hold her, save her from falling.
Am I falling for real or it's just a hallucination?
"Mr. Jeong," she doesn't realize when his name leaves her mouth and he wraps his hands around her immediately, "Ms. Im..."
That's all she hears before losing her mind.
"Ms. Im, are you there? Ms. Im?" He keeps calling her, feeling uneasy about not believing her being sick.
What have I done to her?
"You're going to be fine, don't worry," Yunho stands up taking her in his arms while Iseul starts chasing him, "Yunho, wait..."
But he doesn't look back neither wait for her.
I am never looking back at you.
He doesn't understand should he grief, cry, become mad or tensed. He runs outside the house, keeps Johwa beside the driving seat.
As he sits on the driving seat after fixing her seatbelt, he looks around for her phone. Maybe calling Wooyoung is the right thing. Taking her phone out he realizes, it's dead.
"What the hell?" He punches his car as he doesn't know what to do.
He looks at her keeping his hand on her forehead again only to realize her fever rising higher time by time. He takes his phone immediately and, "Hello, can you come to my penthouse early? I'm fine, it's someone else. Okay, reach immediately and also, come with a nurse."
He starts driving his car cutting the call, I can't let anything happen to you. I won't be able to face Wooyoung anymore if anything happens to you. I can't make any mistakes again. Not anymore.
But you wanted her away from them, didn't you?
Yunho grabs the steering wheel hearing his own voice.
Now it's not the time to think all these.
Didn't she take the place where you always belonged? Why do you care about what happens to her? Why are you saving her again?
Because I don't want to hurt them.
He replies himself as tears appear in his eyes while driving giving him memories of seeing his old friend being covered in blood in the car.
"I don't understand why does your sister keep leaving the house out of nowhere. I can't take it anymore. She has become a whole mess," the woman beside Yunho tells him while they're sitting behind the driving seat. "It's not her fault," Yunho looking outside the window, hoping to see his sister soon.
"She should have listened to me or else these won't happen. Now, where do I find her? I've come in these clothes, this is disgusting!" Yunho doesn't say anything in reply, he is only concerned about his sister.
"Ma'am, there she is," another woman in the car, beside the driving seat says showing them the girl a little far from the car.
Yunho starts leaving the car but his mother grabs his hand, "Emery will bring her, go Emery."
Yunho watches as Emery drags his sister inside the car. As soon as his sister gets pushed inside the car by Emery, Yunho holds her hand firmly, "Are you alright, Noona?"
"S-someone is...is... dying," her words make him worry.
"What do you m-" he again tries to ask but gets cut off by a sudden hit on their window, "Help us, please! Help us," Yunho looks at the girl being scared not understand what happened, why was she covered in blood.
He tries to tell something but his mother says, "Your sister caused it, we should leave now."
Yunho looks at the girl with trembling lips, "Drive the car back home," he orders their driver and he nods. As the car starts, he sees the girl falling on the ground.
"I have some works to do," he says afterwards looking at his mother.
"I know what type of work you have, don't go there. You'll mess things more," his mother says gritting her teeth.
"If I mess things more, you may punish me the way you want to. Take care of Noona," he says and leaves the car behind.
Running to the place where the girl fell, he found a car nearby. He reaches towards the car only to see his old friend being covered in blood in the driving seat, "Wooyoung!"
He takes his phone calling an ambulance. He keeps his hand on Wooyoung's neck checking if he is still there. Wooyoung seems like he is still breathing so Yunho tries moving him.
No I shouldn't move him, it may hurt him more.
He looks at the girl on the street then reaches towards her and keeps her on his lap to check if she is still alive. She is breathing too.
As soon as the ambulance comes, he tells them to take Wooyoung out, she is bringing the girl. And as he takes two of them to hospital, after making sure they are out of danger, he left the hospital telling the staff to inform their family.
But it's different this time. Wooyoung isn't even here but he is feeling obliged to save her. It's like even she is alone, Wooyoung is somewhere with her and his possessiveness for her. It's not new how Wooyoung is possessive for someone he loves and for Johwa, Yunho has noticed something different. It wasn't simply messing around Johwa or helping her or taking care of her. It was something more than that which is making Yunho worried.
Yes, this is the reason.
Finally able to come his mind, he reaches in front of his house and takes her inside. Her wet dress makes him guiltier for torturing her all the time.
I never belonged there. I always have been a stress for them. I never deserved love from anyone. I couldn't even take care of Iseul, neither my friends. How did I think I can get it all with a simple interaction?
He thinks staring at Johwa, measuring her fever. It's 103F right now. Someone starts ringing the bell so he runs back to open the door, "Hyung, are you alright?" That's the first thing Jongho asks seeing Yunho half drenched in rain.
"I'm fine, there is a girl...my employee. It's complicated, let's go," Yunho takes Jongho and his nurses upstairs.
After checking her and giving her some medicines, Jongho tells the nurse to change her dress while he leaves the room to talk to his older brother.
"You don't look so well. You should probably change," Jongho tells Yunho keeping his hand on his shoulder.
"I'll, you may go now. Will she be alright?" Yunho asks and Jongho nods, "She looked out of energy for her flu."
Look at him,not even asking who she is or why she is with me.
"Take care," Jongho says staring at his brother for the last time while his nurse leaves the door.
He doesn't want to leave his hyung alone in these lonely house but he knows, it won't help much. His brother has always been like this, stubborn, lonely. Not always, but he has become like this.
On the other hand, Yunho enters in the guest room to check on Johwa sleeping with a blanket covering her.
He takes her phone and tries charging it but the port isn't matching with his, so he just tosses her phone on the sofa.
I need to sleep or else I might die.
He tells himself changing his dress and opening his laptop. Instead of sleeping, he ends up reading chapters of his favorite writer's book.
Next day
Johwa's eyes start fluttering as she tires to understand where she is. Opening her eyes, she gets startled, "Hell, where the fuck I am."
Looking at herself she almost screams finding herself in an unknown t-shirt without bra and her last night's short jeans.
"Where the fuck am I exactly? Wait..." She remembers Yunho holding her, calling her name.
"Is it his house?" Realizing where she is, she hears a woman's voice echoing somewhere. As she leaves to see the owner of the voice, she sees three people sitting in the living room.
"Why are you wearing this color, Yunho? Don't you know I hate this color on you? It's not a color a boy should wear," her appearance tells Johwa that she is her CEO's mother.
"He is wearing something in his own house, Siyang and I gifted him this pair," a man says who is most probably his father.
"Send me these pairs, I'll change the color," Yunho's mother says staring at her nails.
"Why did I even come to ruin my morning trying to meet you? I should have gone to parlour and fix this mess on my nails," his mother says making Johwa's jaw drop.
His son literally got cheated on and this is how she is behaving?
"Then let's go, you should not ruin Yunho's morning either," his father says earning a death glare from his wife.
She gets up taking her bag, "Whatever is wrong with Iseul, fix that. I'm sure you've done something to make her go this far."
"Siyang! He got cheated on and that's what you say to him? For God's sake, he is your son," his father says standing up, getting so mad at his wife.
"Yunho had never been a good boyfriend, you won't understand it when all you do is scream at me. He should learn from this mistake and get back together with her instead of showing his back at her," his mother again says where Yunho keeps quite looking down.
Johwa doesn't understand why he is listening to all these bullshit. If he has been a bad boyfriend, she should have broken up with him and it didn't even seem like Yunho had been a bad boyfriend to her.
What is this woman saying? Is she his step mother or something?
"Siy-" Yunho's father starts saying something but Yunho grabs his hand.
"I'll fix things and throw this dress too," Yunho says licking his bottom lips, bitting it down so it doesn't start trembling in front of them.
"You must," his mother says before leaving.
His father hugs him and starts patting his back, "Don't listen to her. Iseul is not meant for you."
"I'm sorry, I didn't notice I was wearing th-"
"You are not fine. So, it's alright. I'll buy you a new suit which is lavender color," Yunho's father says smiling and then he leaves waving at Yunho.
What's wrong with this family?
Johwa wonders watching Yunho closing the door, falling in front of it trying to picking the pieces of his but not being able to fight strongly because of tears.
"I should not cry," he tells himself but the more he tries not to cry, he cries more while covering his ears.
"I am not a crybaby, I don't cry. Stop fucking saying all these," Yunho keeps rubbing his ears trying to fight with his overflowing emotions which starts scaring Johwa.
San sighs, "I am disturbed. Yunho, Mingi used be our friends from middle school. He was quite at first but started to show up who he was slowly. He was such a happy pill, taking care of everyone of us, making us happy when we felt down. But his mother is such a dangerous person. She is so manipulative and controlling which is why Yunho ended up losing himself, losing us. But what is worse is, Yunho respects his mother blindly and he thinks whatever she does is for his good. He doesn't know how far his mother can get to control him. And Wooyoung thinks he has turned into his mother now. But I know, I feel like he needs us. I feel like we shouldn't ignore how his life is getting ruined like this," San finishes and Johwa notices a glimpse of tears in his eyes.
He again sighs, "He must feel lonely but I'm glad Mingi is still by his side. But I'm sure, Yunho is in trouble and he needs us to become what he was. This is not like him, Johwa. This is not the real Yunho. This is a Yunho with a mask put by his mother. I can't see him like that," San finishes and a drop of tears fall from his eyes.
"I don't understand him either. I haven't seen his good side, I won't be able to understand like you do. But Wooyoung is never wrong unless he thinks about anything being mad," Johwa says.
"Wooyoung is mad because he doesn't have a good history with Yunho. It ended badly with them," San tells Johwa.
Johwa starts realizing how San was worried about Yunho being controlled by his mother which hurt her too. A mother should never act like this with her children. Maybe that's why Yunho has become rude, maybe he craves safety which his mother didn't give him. This can be really bad in the future.
Johwa doesn't realize when Yunho wipes his tears and gets up.
Suddenly, "Oh my," she realizes Yunho staring at her. She starts retreating, "What do I do? Where do I go? Wait, this is...his house. Holy crap, he is coming this way!" Johwa starts looking ways to run but Yunho appears in the room.
"Ms. Im," hearing him calling her name, her heart starts bumping in her chest faster.
Calm down for fuck's sake, don't burst out.
She looks at Yunho smiling awkwardly but guiltily, "Mr. Jeong, I didn't meant to see all these, I f-"
"How are you feeling now?" Yunho asks gently but she starts panicking again, "I swear, I didn't mean to hear all these. I just wanted to know w-"
"Ms. Im, why don't you ever hear anything carefully?" Yunho starts rubbing his forehead closing his eyes.
I'm not going out alive today.
"I asked about your health. How is your health now?" Yunho asks again.
"Health, my health. Oh, health? I am fine. I am perfectly fine. I can run now. Maybe I can leave too," she says running to pass by Yunho but he grabs her hand, "Ms. Im."
She looks at him almost crying, "Yes, sir?"
"Here, take my phone," he leaves her hand handing her his phone, "Call whoever you wanna to take you after you have breakfast."
"Eh?" She doesn't get what he says but he walks away not answering again.
"Gladly, he didn't slaughter me today. Johwa, you should slap yourself for acting like a kid," she says slapping herself for real and then looks at Yunho's phone.
Whom should I call?
9:19 a.m.
"Have you called someone?" Yunho asks in the breakfast table which is in front of the kitchen.
Johwa's eyes are still sparkling from the entire decoration of the house. She has never been inside a penthouse, it feels like a dream being inside one. Not that she wanted to buy one but now she is itching to buy one in future.
"Yes, I called," Johwa says moving constantly in her chair while eating. The food is so good that it's melting in his mouth.
For sure, Jeong Yunho is a good cook.
Yunho looks annoyed with it but doesn't say a word to her.
"You can take some days off if you want to," Yunho says.
"I am fine no-" and she sneezes.
Yunho sips his juice staring at her and she smiles awkwardly, "Sorry."
Finishing her breakfast, she hears nonstop bell ringing. She stands up and follow Yunho taking her purse.
"Where is she?" Seeing Wooyoung in front of Yunho's door, Johwa's eyes get big. She immediately runs outside moving Yunho, "Here I am. Let's go," she grabs Wooyoung's hand and starts leaving but Wooyoung doesn't move an inch. He is still glaring at Yunho.
Why did he come when I called Eunseu?
"Mr. Jeong, thanks for everything you did for me," Johwa says bowing.
"What did he do for you? Why were you in his house? Why was your phone switched off?" Wooyoung keeps questioning her so Johwa keeps her palm on his mouth, "I will explain later. Let's go home, please?"
Wooyoung grabs her hand placing it down, "Alright."
Leaving the penthouse, Johwa explains everything to Wooyoung including the fact that Yunho got cheated on.
"Well, he didn't deserve it," Wooyoung says sighing.
You chose hell for yourself all the time not even knowing it. I can only pity you at this point.
"Of course, he didn't. I felt so bad fo-"
"Is it his t-shirt?" Wooyoung asks noticing the black oversized t-shirt almost uncovering her shoulders.
"Oh, this? Yes, this is his. He said that he called a doctor and nurse. He wouldn't have to do all these but he did," Johwa says smiling.
How hurt he was from his mother's words but didn't say anything about it. Isn't he too much pretentious?
"He was guilty for making you work too much," Wooyoung says not looking at her t-shirt time by time.
"Whatever. What's up with you?" Johwa asks showing Wooyoung all of her teeth making Wooyoung giggle, "Ew, ugly."
Johwa pouts looking away, "You are ugliest."
"So, miss ugly wanna go see a movie with me today?" Wooyoung asks raising an eyebrow.
"Okay and I'll make you call me pretty," Johwa says stopping to sneeze.
"You still have cold?" Wooyoung asks and she nods, "Doesn't matter, I'll be fine."
"Okay then, get ready by 7. I'll come to pick you," Wooyoung says and Johwa starts clapping, "You're paying then."
"As you wish, ma'am," Wooyoung says and drops her in front of her house.
7:14 a.m.
"Are you coming or not? I have been standing in these heels for almost 15 minutes," Johwa says screaming through the phone.
"I am literally on the way. Why did you come down in the first place?" Wooyoung asks.
"Because I am punctual unlike someone," Johwa and sees Wooyoung with his Bentley Mulliner Bacalar car. He always shows off with it.
"You bought my wife?" Johwa says clapping as she touches the car, "Only good thing about you."
"She is m-" Wooyoung stops smiling staring at Johwa. Her red short silk outfit with one sided lace sleeve, uneven ending of the dress. Those red glossy lipstick on her and smokey makeup making Wooyoung nervous.
Why is she looking like that right now?
"What Jung Wooyoung? Can't take your eyes off me? Of course, you can't. Because I look prettiest today. Look at your face man, you look like someone took your heart away," Johwa starts giggling seeing Wooyoung mute.
On the other hand, Wooyoung's eyes start filling with tears as he smiles. Her smile melting him, making pieces of his poor heart. It's not like he can't move or something, it's just he is mesmerized.
Not the cherry lips or the pretty dress you're wearing. It's your aura, Im Johwa. Your aura filling the air around me with sweetness, and the way your body reacts when you're happy, the way your lips carves in a smile.
I have fallen for all these, Jo.
She keeps giggling still making fun of him and his expression.
I have fallen badly this time that there is no going back...
"Call me pretty now," Johwa says bending over him.
"You look like a tomato slice. Why so red? Get in the car" Wooyoung says raising an eyebrow.
Prettiest, you look like the prettiest woman I've known so far.
"You're such an idiot," Johwa hits him with her purse and gets inside the car cursing him.
After finishing the movie, they enters in a club for having drinks also some foods.
"Take me to a strip club one day," Johwa says making Wooyoung surprised.
"What about the strip club now?" Wooyoung asks.
"Don't act so coy, I know you go to strip clubs and look, you're not even denying," Johwa says sipping her tequila, her favorite one.
"Why do YOU want to go?" Wooyoung asks.
"I wanna see your choice, hehe," Johwa says laughing creepily.
My choice is here, right in front of me.
"You're just a pervert, that's it," Wooyoung says taking her tequila away. She starts hitting him as he drinks her tequila, "Give it back."
"Cry in the corner, I won't," Wooyoung says standing up and finishing it up.
Johwa throws her purse at him, "Fuck you," and walks away from the club.
Making you angry is my favorite thing, don't you understand it?
Wooyoung follows her and sees her jumping into the dirty water by the street for raining. Holding the heels with one hand, playing with the drops.
"You are not the main character of your book. Stop acting stupid and let's go home," Wooyoung tells her exposing himself in the rain too.
Stop acting like this or I might start kissing you.
"I wish I was," Johwa says still enjoying the rain stretching her hands, making circles in the air.
"You look like a spring right now," Wooyoung says.
"You look naked," Johwa says and Wooyoung looks at his white shirt getting fully wet.
He starts smiling hearing her, crossing his hands.
Not always you can watch such a view in front you.
Wooyoung can't stop smiling as his heart is so sure about being in love with the person in front of him. He doesn't understand when he should tell her everything. The first time he saw her dancing in the rain, playing alone, enjoying the drops, it was when he realized that he wanted her more than a friend would.
Though people of the street are judging her, she doesn't seem to care about those judgmental gazes which makes him want her more.
No, you are not what I want. You've become a need.
"You should join me too," Johwa says kicking some water at Wooyoung but he retreats, "You seriously need some lessson, Jo. Come on, your cold will get worse."
She just shows her tongue at him and starts jumping again.
"This girl," Wooyoung hits his forehead and notices some guys staring at her with lust in their eyes.
You are so careless when you're having fun.
Wooyoung grabs her hand, "Enough of it. Let's go home now."
"Your pretty dress will be ruined," Wooyoung says showing her the little mud stains on her dress making her scream, "No way," she starts rubbing it while Wooyoung drags her inside the car with him.
"What a day it was!" Johwa says falling on the seat, "Thank you, bestie!"
Johwa starts hugging him but he pushes her, "Don't hug me just because I spent money on you."
"It's not like I don't spend money on you," Johwa says crossing her hands.
"You're such a annoying ass," Wooyoung says driving.
"SAYS WHO," Johwa says getting more angry at him.
As they keep bickering their night passes by and Johwa suffers from her cold for more days taking break from work.
As she enters in her office after a long break, "Just because I told you to take break, doesn't mean you will stop coming to office for month," Johwa's dancing while walking stops staring at the person behind her.
I was at peace for days but unfortunately I am back in hell again.
"It was too bad. I swear, sir," Johwa says getting inside the elevator.
"We have a meeting with some Japanese colleagues today. You're coming with me," Yunho says.
"TODAY? WHEN?" Johwa almost screams making Yunho pissed.
"8 p.m." Yunho says and Johwa starts hitting her head with the elevator.
I have arcade plans with them today.
"What happened?" Yunho asks.
She looks at him and fake smiles, "What about the details?"
"I've sent you an email days ago," Yunho says and she checks her email.
He sent it twice, man!
"Aren't you getting out?" Yunho asks as he is outside the elevator now.
"OH YES, SIR," Johwa runs outside following him.
As he disappears inside his office, Johwa drops her head on San's desk, "Why would you say he is a good man?"
"Who?" San asks with an unusually happy voice.
Johwa looks at him with her hands on her own cheeks, "Why are you smiling like that?"
"Something is wrong with San today. He has been smiling like an idiot since he came," Yeosang says trying to take a look at the screen.
"Wait, did you have a heated night yesterday?" Wooyoung asks shooting San a suspicious look.
"Excuse me, why would I be with Ahnjong? She left after we had d-" San stops realizing he talked whimsically.
They start laughing hitting the desk, "You two had s-" Yeosang hits Wooyoung for stopping him.
"Whatever that's true," Johwa says clapping, "Finally she made a move."
"How did you know she make a move?" San asks.
"Are you dumb or something?" Johwa starts laughing again, "You are so innocent, Choi San."
"Uhm," hearing Hongjong they all sit on their own desk fixing their laptops.
As Hongjong leaves, Johwa whispers, "Is it only me or Hongjong is becoming like tallroach for real?"
"Im Johwa, focus on your work," Johwa doesn't understand how Yunho notices her from his room so well.
She starts working afterwards.
Tallroach, Demon, Bastard, Trash can, ugh I've lost words to describe him.
9 a.m.
"You did well today, Ms. Im," Yunho says staring at the signed contract.
Johwa smiles, "Thank you, sir."
"Mingi, we will drop Mr. Im first," Yunho says and he nods.
"No, wait. I...am going somewhere else," Johwa says and tells Mingi the address.
As Mingi stops in front of the arcade, Yunho rolls his eyes.
How much stamina she has?
"Thanks for dropping me," Johwa says leaving the car but again knocks on the window, "Mr. Song and Mr. Jeong, you can join us if you want to. We are two person short today."
"What?" Yunho gets surprised hearing her.
Johwa shoots her brightest smile again remembering about that night her friends made a scene in front of Yunho. Later, Ahnjong told her.
As Yunho sits on the sofa, Wooyoung calls, "San, Yeosang, we have nothing here. Let's go outside."
"Will you cut it out already and stop acting like a kid, Wooyoung? He is Johwa's guest right now," Ahnjong tells him but he doesn't look satisfied.
"Yeosang, San?" Wooyoung again glares at them.
"Wooyoung, leave this room right now," San says keeping the last cushion on the sofa.
"What?" Wooyoung asks not being able to believe his own ears.
"I said, leave. Stop making a scene," San says coming in front of Wooyoung.
"YOU'RE TELLING ME TO LEAVE BECAUSE OF HIM?" Wooyoung asks pushing San.
"Yes. Because he is not making a scene," San said.
"Will you two stop?" Yeosang asks.
"It's all because of him. He is again ruining our happiness. You suffered the most because of him and now y-"
"WOOYOUNG, GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE," San screams this time which makes Yunho stands up and leaves the apartment fast.
Wooyoung rolls his eyes and San gets mad at him, "Seriously, Wooyoung?"
And that's how Johwa wants them to stand face to face again but in a different way. She wants to see where is the problem and by San's description, the whole problem looks like this is related to Mrs. Jeong. So, she wanted to fix it, make her friends happy. Specially San who misses Yunho the most.
"Arcade? That's great," Mingi says and looks back earning a death glare from Yunho.
"So, are you in?" Johwa asks.
"Yes, we are coming," Mingi says cutting Yunho off.
"Okie dokie, come quickly," Johwa says running inside, jumping twice.
Learning about Mingi, she has come to know how much fun he is. He doesn't like to work at all, always sleeping around, browsing phone. Games are his second home. He smiles often, makes Yunho annoyed and paranoid too. They are not professional at all though Mingi is scared of Yunho sometimes. So, Mingi is the weapon of controlling Yunho.
"When did I say we are going?" Yunho asks Mingi.
"I said. You don't boss me around after work," Mingi says leaving the car and opening Yunho's door.
"You will get a payback," Yunho says following Mingi inside.
"We will see about that," Mingi says dancing with the music playing inside.
They see Johwa already with a controller kicking Wooyoung away and winning level.
When did she even start?
Yunho wonders and sees Wooyoung strangling her,"You die tonight."
"He already died twice," Yeosang tells Johwa while playing with the controller with San.
Johwa notices Yunho and Mingi, "Come here, join us," she and looks at Wooyoung as he faces Yunho again.
Mingi sighs staring at both of them, full of rage and hatred.
"Guys, I have a plan. Let's team up and play a vr combat. We don't have Seonghwa and Hongjong today," Johwa says trying to change their thoughts.
Wooyoung keeps his control on the table, "I am not playing with them," Wooyoung starts leaving but Johwa grabs his hand, "Please? We haven't played for a long time."
"Let's go, Mingi," Yunho starts leaving but Mingi stops him, "Yunho, I haven't had fun for so long."
"I told that you won't be able to have fun if you choose to stay with me," Yunho says.
Why do I feel like I am in some high school drama?
Johwa starts thinking hearing all these.
"There is an awesome game, it's a game with powers. Here come with me. Follow me everyone," Johwa says and starts walking.
"I didn't say I was coming," Wooyoung says.
Yunho sighs, she is so annoying.
But they notice San, Yeosang and Mingi following her, "We are coming."
They start playing after reading the instructions leaving Yunho and Wooyoung in one place which is making them more uncomfortable.
"I-I am coming," Wooyoung says running towards them.
"You can't enter, it has to be 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3," San says staring at Yunho.
"Mr. Jeong, please join us," Johwa calls him and Yunho comes glaring at Johwa, "You're working overtime tomorrow."
"Whatever, go and bring your things," Mingi says showing them the counter.
As the game starts, it's Yunho, Wooyoung and San vs Johwa, Yeosang, Mingi.
They tricked while putting the names and that's how Wooyoung ended up being in the same team as Yunho.
First, Johwa's team starts earning points. Specially because of Mingi. He is playing better than everyone.
"We can't let them win. Guys, we are a team now, come on. Be serious," San says trying to motivate them to focus but they are glaring at each other time by time though San is in the middle.
"No, Mingi you're a badass. You can do this," Yeosang says fully focusing on the game.
As they are almost losing, Yunho gets tensed, I can't lose against that annoying shortie.
Therefore, Wooyoung starts working hard earning more points. His competitive ass didn't wanna lose this easily.
He starts using his powers on Johwa more than Mingi and Yeosang, earning points and ends up winning.
"WE WON," Wooyoung screams starting to jump removing their glasses
"Thank you, Yunho," he starts screaming out loud jumping with Yunho.
"Yes, we defeated those idiots, uhu," the lights appear in the room making Johwa look at Yunho's sparkling eyes filled with pure joy as she removed her class in disappointment.
"WE DID IT," Wooyoung says not noticing everyone is staring at their happiness which feels so contagious that is making Johwa wonder how beautiful a person can look while being so happy. Their joy felt overwhelming in this environment, why?
What happened to your smile, Mr. Jeong?
Someone's beauty comes out suddenly when he or she is the happiest and it can only happen when the sickening worries are gone with the bloody voices.
I wrote this chapter so quickly so don't know how it turned out.
Does anyone ship Wooyoung and Johwa?
Tag list:
@theaufanartist @hwanchaesong @littleninja97 @fudgeflyssworld @loosmyshit @pinki-minki @sanshinee-world @harusoraa @kitty4hwa
24 notes · View notes
skoulsons · 1 year
you know what time it is. my scrambled thoughts. took me an hour and a half to finish the ep 🥴
people have said this ep is really good and intense so I’m excited
where are we
we going back to two days before it broke out it looks like cause the 24th
Oooh police? What did she do
I think every ep is gonna start with a flashback so that’s cool
or is she like a doctor or something and knows something about the fungus?
she looks distressed?
Ibu ratna okay. Prof of mycology so they need her to inspect the cordyceps or something
I remember seeing a pic of her floating around
my episode froze why
cant survive in humans suree
oh dear is this person gonna be a clicker already or something
oh no okay it’s just her corpse
EUGH I hate surgery stuff and cutting like that
is she gonna wake up I fear
This is so gross please
OH MY FORHDKF that’s horrifying
bro I feel sick wth
FLOUR AND GRAIN FACTORY people were right
so she bit three people and they were all taken into observation
oh fourteen that’s a lot
listening carefully
“There is no vaccine” you’re damn right thank you joel
BOMB alright cool
it’s gonna be hiroshima all over again
was that too much im sorry
no she wants to be with her family before they all die :(
oh the music. gustavo I love you
I cant skip this intro it’s too good man
and the little Joel and Ellie <3
alright back to reality
look at her sleeping. she’s so tiny
they really put butterflies everywhere in this show
her bed hair 😭
did they just shove her in a room or something and tell her to go to sleep
I feel like I just experienced whiplash
oh cause she’s infected
sir that’s the second time you’ve aimed a gun at her in the last two days
im only 11 minutes in at this rate I’ll never get through this episode
“Don’t worry about that” “well I’m gonna” 😭
“there’s not gonna be anything bad in here” “just you” “oh funny” STOPPP I cant wait to get moments like these where they’re smiling
Joel :((
holy crap. “You need to stop talking about this kid like she’s got some kind of life in front of her”
“Guess not you guys” 😭
joel being scared of Tess going over to Ellie bc he doesn’t want her to get hurt :( the end of this ep is gonna suck real bad
“You must’ve heard that he wants to shoot you” :(
“She told me not to tell anybody and now I’m telling the first people that i-“ this is so Ellie. it’s about the vaccine isn’t it
Joel knowing exactly what she was saying 😭
Tess having to be their mediator
I GET IT!? damn no
her making the clicks 😭
I can’t believe I get to see my little comfort character in live action whisper an “okay” and throw his hands outwards. I love you joel miller
the chirping birds :)
I hope there’s a little instinctive moment where Joel protects her this ep. IM YEARNING FOR IT (I got it :D)
man those buildings look gnarly
I love how Joel just keeps walking while Tess indulges her questions. he’s so annoyed 😭
they’re such a little family 🫶🏻
oh I’m dumb I had captions this whole time and never put them on
Joel’s just causally eavesdropping cause he won’t talk to her directly but is also still curious
Riley :/
you got some balls on you sister 💀
I know I said this last week but Joel really has the “too tired for this shit” plastered on his face all the time and it’s delightful
the scenery is phenomenal
ooh mention of spores
they’ve really got the whole “Ellie bombarding them with questions and inquiring about every little thing” down
OOH CLICKER CLICK. that was loud too
and a frog too 😭
“Have you heard of books?” 💀 he’s SO done with her
NO SMART ASS. his little jump to show her it’s not deep 😭
this whole set is so good
YOU TRY CLIMBING TEN FLOORS WITH OUR KNEES. they’re so old this is so cute
he won’t even grab her shoulder to shove her aside. mans grabbed a fist full of her hoodie and backpack 😭
“I’m gonna need a few minutes” boy I hope this joelellie convo goes well
“The circus” he’s so tired
he’s downplaying her knowledge so much I love this
“no more questions about me” :(
this direction is beautiful. neil I take back anything bad I’ve said about you
was that a hint of him smiling. was it. or is my brainrot convincing me of things. WAS IT. she said it’s a really shitty one and it cuts to him I SWEAR THE LOOK ON HIS FACE AND HIS EYES I SWEAR
“sometimes” :( he looks like he’s thinking abt sarah
their height difference bro I can’t wait til they hug
im trying to cut these into small sections so… next section I guess?
wow. that’s a lot of bodies
all the infected noises wow
wow that’s incredibly scary
ooh the fungus being like a hive mind sort of thing? Interesting
ooh he was testing it
“did Marlene pack you one of these or just sandwiches?” 😭
“I HAVE A SPARE HAND” “CONGRATULATIONS” they’re so funny. if y’all could see the grin on my face
this is so spooky
that guy is messed up
“from this point forward, we are silent” yes sir whatever you say sir <3
this building is really falling apart
Joel turning back to look a them :’)
these first two eps have a lot of trailer shots which is good
the bodies look so gnarly
why did Joel look so soft opening that door. he just looks so 🤏🏻
oh look, a rare untouched room. not for long
him helping Ellie up :’’’)
wow that’s a gorgeous shot of their lights lighting up the dust from the debris
oh my gosh dude
joel has a tear in his eye telling her to be quiet. I might just 🕳👩‍🦯
it’s right there EUGH
they look so good dude
he sees Ellie he’s going over to get her
his backpack almost hit her in the face 😭
this is a serious scene but I can’t help but look at Ellie holding the flashlight on the clicker while joel fires and immediately being reminded of all the times my dad has had to fix something and I have to hold the flashlight over his shoulder while he yells at me to hold it better
oh she was bit a second time I THOUGHT SHE WAS
“If it was gonna happen to ONE of us” mmmm not quite true
“For once, maybe we could actually win” :/she’s acting like this bc she’s bit and she doesn’t get to win
he looks sm softer looking at her :(
that ladder is so unstable
last ten mins
man she’s in such a rush to get there :/ Joel’s suspicious
EUGH was that crushing his head? sheesh
that bloods looking pretty fresh
oh here we go
oh that’s disgusting okay
Here we goooo
“That’s not my home” why does it look like that broke Joel.
on her neck still wow.
she’s shaking already :(
joel baby you gotta go
SAVE WHO YOU CAN SAVE *immediately grabs Ellie*
Tess :(
I hate that
joel :((
Tess went out like a hero tho what a champ
12/10 episode!! So freaking good
10 notes · View notes
warnings: violence, gun violence, blood, death, gore
wordcount: 6263
prev chapter
A/N: i started putting the next chapter at the end for convenience also this chapter is so messy the reason for the random perfect grammar and random parts with no grammar is because i got tired lol. thats all im sorry enjoy the chapter
"I really can't believe you brought a damn gun," I groan in the back as Woo drives unnecessarily fast. "And can you slow down? You want to get pulled over with an illegal shotgun in the back?"
He out a reckless laugh. "Unwind, Sannie. You know those fuckers are gonna have all sorts of excuses. Plus, Miss A needs to know we're doing our best. You know we can't have her losing faith in us."
I sigh and fall back into my seat. "Yeah you're right."
It's a fourty minute drive to Cita county, wherever this place is. My stomach is a little scrambled because of the mess we're about to make. One would think just because I did this often, that I'd get used to the feeling of sickening adrenaline. But I just couldn't.
The thought that something will go wrong drives me up the walls at every single moment. A man I've gotten used to seeing since I started high school is about to get cut up and devoured by the very gang that made him.
Its kept me up, I know its Yunho's own fault, but then I think of how badly I want to escape this. I think of how easily it could be me. That thought is exactly why I have to keep Yaera away.
It's exactly why I can't trust her to even be around this situation today. If anyone finds out about her, it will be a mess I won't be able to clean up.
I need to reply to her message. I have a gut feeling its passive aggressive and I don't know what to do about that.
I texted her all weekend when I should have focused on my test. But I ignored it, her sobbing on Saturday replaying in my head. And now I find out her parents have basically exploited her dead sister and is doing the same to her.
It makes me sick to my stomach. Fucked up parents who leave their kids vulnerable and broken before they even face the real world. No matter how unfair, you have to live what they did to you, when they were meant to protect you.
I guess we have that in common.
I decide to muster up a reply. Something must be wrong with me.
Me: What are your plans for tonight?
She's online. Her reply is almost instantaneous.
Y: I'm going to make a lot of money ;)
I narrow my eyes at her message. I wasn't aware she'd gotten a job. What am I thinking? Where would Yaera actually get a job? She probably plans to steal something.
Me: Don't get into any trouble.
I don't know what I'm doing by sending that message. I sound like her father and I know she probably won't listen anyway.
Y: You know I can't promise that. Anyway, shouldn't you be paying attention to your cousin?
"What are you smiling at on your phone there?" Woo asks me suddenly, making me lift my head. His eyes are teasing in the rearview mirror. "Your little girlfriend?"
I roll my eyes. "Why don't you focus on the road, asshole?"
"It is her!" Woo obnoxiously cooes. I swear I need to get him a girlfriend so he can stop worrying about what I do. "What did she do? Did she send you a cute message?"
Yeah, she's planning to commit theft. The usual.
"She just told me to enjoy my night," I say just to get him off my back.
"How romantic. So when are you letting me meet her formally?"
I scoff. "Never."
Woo's offended and a dramatic gasp pulls out of him as he nearly turns his whole body in the driver's seat. "How can you say that? You really hurt my feelings just now."
I kick his seat in the back, making him yelp. "Pay attention to the road!" I yell. "And no, I'm not letting anyone meet her. You're the one who told me to keep her away from this."
"Yeah, but I didn't mean from me!" Woo complains. "I'll pretend to be your cousin. She probably won't be able to tell anyway."
"No, Wooyoung."
"I just wanna see her personality!" Woo whines more. "I wanna see if she's right for you, you know?"
To think if this scenario was true, Woo would still be this nosy. I almost laugh at his desperate tone, shaking my head.
"So you know what's good for me now? Especially women-wise?"
"Of course. I need to make sure she knows your needs and how much of a crybaby you really are so she can let you sleep on her boobs."
My face heats up dramatically and I kick Woo's seat out of embarrassment. His annoying hyena laugh blasts through the air and I lean back into my seat. I'm not even going to dignify that with a response.
The rest of the ride is same old. Wooyoung blasts 1980s Cantonese pop, to "fit the mood" because he thinks we're in some Hong Kong crime show.
But as soon as the sun starts setting and the lights on the road begin to blur, its like a switch has been flipped.
Woo makes rough turns and parks in a shady neighborhood. We're feet away from a club with a neon lit sign flashing the words, "Nevada Dynamite". We sit in the car a few minutes, simply breathing. A car passes by and stops down the street as Woo slowly turns George Lam down.
"Are you ready for this?" Woo mutters. I nod without a word.
I pick up his shotgun and hand it to him while grabbing my crowbar. I pull my mask over my face and tighten my beanie as we get out and Woo locks the van.
Yunho's establishments don't really have an age restriction, maybe it's because he has a thing for minors. But either way, it isnt easy for us to make it past the door, especially when the bouncer immediately glares at us when we near.
"and who the fuck are you people?" he snaps. Woo walks ahead of me and flashes an overly cheerful smile, knowing he's about to ruin this guy's whole night.
"we got a message from Miss A. you sure you wanna send us away?" wooyoung says with a smirk. The bouncer's eyes widen in fear.
he doesn't get a chance to speak. wooyoung lifts the head of his shotgun and knocks it across the bouncer's face, throwing him to the side. he isnt knocked out yet, so woo slams the gun over his cranium for good measure.
i shake my head. this kid has way too much fun doing this. we barge inside the club, the neon lights and shitty techno music overwhelming. its pretty full, and i nudge wooyoung in the ribs when we get to the open floor.
he has the gun hidden underneath his jacket, but if it goes off at all we're fucked. "we need to talk to the VIP bouncer," i tell him and we look around suspiciously. "dont shoot while we're inside. if the cops show, we're fucked."
"i know, im not a moron." woo rolls his eyes at me but i have to make sure. he's trigger happy when left unchecked.
i look around worriedly. despite the intoxicating atmosphere i know this place is probably crawling with black dragons. if yunho is scared for his life the way he should be, he'd have this place fully invested.
a woman comes up to us in a tight red dress, a flower in her afro as she smiles. "evening boys, haven't seen you around here before. are you new in town?"
"not interested," i say, but woo nudges me in the ribs. the woman laughs, slightly offended.
"oh no, im just the hostess. my name is leana. can i get you boys anything? karaoke?" she offers with an unreal sparkle in her eyes.
"how can we get to the vip area?" woo asks.
leana's smile shrinks slightly. "oh no. thats restricted for the owner. but i can show you our other premium suites if you'd like a more private party."
yunho is definetely under this roof. fucking coward. i pull a small knife from my pocket and yank leana close to me so that her stomach rests against the tip of it.
she yelps, freezing on the spot. i sway her a little so it looks like we're dancing. i force a smile as she looks up at me in fear.
"why dont you lead us to the VIP room?" i say. "be a good host, yeah?"
"o-okay." her voice shivers as she turns around to walk. woo and i manage to stay close to her, with woo's hand on her shoulder as she guides us to away from the flashing neon lights and into darker fluorescents.
"please," she begs as we walk down a dim hallway. "i have nothing to do with any of this. i-i'm really just a nobody."
"arent we all, lady," woo mutters, not caring for the lady's obvious fear. we stop infront of a door and i push her aside, and she immediately runs down the hall as to not be seen.
wooyoung and i share one look before we both slam our feet into the door, throwing it open with a violent swing.
and of fucking course, yunho is there at a table with a shit ton of other gangsters. his eyes widen when he sees us and he jumps up from his seat.
"what the fuck is this?" he growls and looks at another guy. "mingi, your boys couldn't fucking keep anyone out?"
"no more running, asshole," wooyoung spits. "we're taking you home."
yunho shakes his head with a dirty laugh as men start to swarm us. i pull my crowbar from under my hoodie and glare. "not a fucking chance, kid. the next time you hear from me, i'll be on top of the drug empire in hong kong with zero fucks to give."
yunho gets up again but there's no way im letting him leave. i swing my crowbar against the head of a black dragon and shove its point into the stomach of another. soon the room is in all out carnage when they start pulling knives, and everything goes to utter shit.
i feel cuts slashing across my ribs as im forced against walls and surfaces, fighting for my life. wooyoung is using his shotgun like a sword, knocking everyone the fuck out. yunho runs out of the room when theres an opening, while a man just sits put at the table and watches everything unfold.
i punch one of the gangsters and grab his knife, stabbing it into his thigh. he howls like a little bitch, and i strike him across the face with my bar, knocking him straight into the table. the man stays at the table, smoking a cigar in a trenchcoat as if hes bored with everything.
theres money all over the table. bills upon bills. they mustve been gambling, or making a deal. i wave my crowbar toward the guy sitting as wooyoung beats the shit out of three guys in a corner.
"your boss is bold, sending you into black dragon territory," he drawls, blowing out a puff. "you must want an all out war, huh?"
"we want yunho," i heave, my shoulders rising and falling harshly.
"then you better go get him," mingi smirks. "you dont want him to reach hong kong, do you?"
"go!" wooyoung shouts at me, nodding to the door. "i'll take care of that bastard. you go get yunho!"
he wouldnt run now. i know this because hes most protected here. as soon as i make it out onto the open dance floor, seven guys show up to jump me. goddamn it.
one runs at me at full speed, raising his fist like its a rocket launcher. i move out of the way and grab his neck, slamming his head into the bar counter. people start screaming and running. everything is chaos.
i jump onto the bar and throw out my heel, catching two guys in the face. my breath is fast, it feels like im moving at lightning speed. i slide down and grab a bottle, smashing it over another guys head as he rams me into the bar. he grabs my head and tries to choke me, but i shove the broken end of the bottle into his cheek.
he screams and its a bloody mess. a punch reaches me from the side. it feels like im fighting with eight limbs, all the taekwondo and krav maga i was forced through during eighth grade completely saving my ass.
when theyre down, i scan the whole place. people stormed out of the club in fear. its empty. i run for the bathrooms to check it out. he couldnt have run, he has nowhere to go.
a couple starts rushingly gets dressed and runs out when i enter the mens bathroom,  complete silence following after. thats when i hear heavy breathing. its like hes trying to calm himself but its not working. fucking idiot.
i kick open the middle stall door and it hits yunho in the face. he whines out and tries to throw a punch, but i roll my arm around his neck and hold him in a downward lock.
"let go of me dickhead!" he screams, his voice tightening as i fasten my grip. "ple- fucking come on, san. dont do this. dont do this to me please."
im trying to choke him out. but the fucker is holding on for dear life.
"pleasse!" he wheezes, sounding like hes on the verge of crying. "please, shes gonna kill me. are you really gonna let her kill me? after everything shes fucking done to you? think of your dad– think of–"
i loosen my grip as a shot goes off. yunho tries to wriggle out of my grip, i quickly apply more pressure. what the fuck was that. wooyoung better not have killed someone.
oh god. if wooyoung killed a member of the black dragons we are screwed. we're dead.
yunho passes out between my arms. i drop him and quickly run out when i see someone in a hoodie, standing in the middle of the club. hes staring right at me, in an awkward stance like he doesnt know whats going on.
"get lost," i spit at him. he doesnt move. another gangster?
"didnt you fucking hear me?" i hiss.
"ohshit oh shit oh shit!!" woo comes running out, holding his shotgun and mounds of cash on his other arm. "we need to get the fuck out of here."
i cant even register what i want to say when i hear footsteps and the door push open. that guy speeds out like his life depends on it. fuck no.
"yunho's in the bathroom!" i yell to woo right before i break into a run after the gangster.
he has to be another black dragon ready to call for back up. when i get outside the club, hes already halfway down the road. i sprint after him like the devil himself is on my tail.
"you need to give me an extra hundred, doll. you didn't say it was this far out," the Taxi driver tells me when we stop outside the shady club. "You didn't even tell me it was a whole different county. Gas prices are high, you know."
i scowl and hand him another hundred. "Hey, do you think you can stay here for a few minutes. I'm just trying to find someone."
The taxi driver's eyes shine in amusement in the rearview. "Trying to catch a boyfriend cheating?"
i snort and look up at the light up neon sign. "Something like that."
it was a whole hour drive. A whole different neighborhood, district, nearly a whole city. The black van San got into is currently parked infront of a shady looking club.
I know San lied but wow, he really covered everything up in a few mundane sentences. I won't be able to describe how betrayed I feel till I find out what he's hiding from me.
"Five minutes max," the taxi driver says. "After that you're on your own."
"Thank you, mister," I nod and get out, running to the entrance of the bar.
the sound is loud and comes straight from the club. i try to lie to myself and deem it a firework, having grown up in a sheltered neighbourhood, but when i look at the taxi driver, his fear is so imminent that i know it simply isnt true.
"hell no! im outta' here!" the bastard hits the gas and speeds off, leaving me stranded. i watch dumbly as he rounds the bend of the street, abandoning my view.
well, yaera, it looks like youre on your own.
i check for security when i turn to the club but the whole place looks abandoned out front. its only when i creep closer do i see a man sprawled out at the door, completely passed out. at least i think hes passed out. respectfully, i dont care if hes alive or not. it just makes me want to find san.
i go inside, and the silence is quickly shattered by the loud grunts of men and splinters of chaos. glass shattering, things breaking. when i finally get onto the dancefloor, all i see are bodies across the floor looking like human wrecks.
did...did san do this? i know he can fight but this? is he fucking bruce lee incarnate?
im bewildered to my bones. a door bursts open on the side and i see san right there. and i have no words. im frozen on the spot as we stare at each other in disbelief.
he looks fucked up. so fucked up. hes bleeding but i dont even think he realizes it. he looks ten times worse compared to the last time i saw him fight. and theres a look in his eye ive never seen before. he looks like he wants to kill me.
oh. oh fuck hes staring right at me.
"get lost," he orders in a low voice, his body taking a fighting stance. he has no idea its me.
"didnt you fucking hear me?" he says even more harshly.
limbs. nows the time to wake the fuck up and carry me out of here.
"ohshitohshit–" i hear another voice panic, a guy coming from another door in the club. he has his arms full of money and a gun in his hand.
a shotgun. thats all i need to see for my legs to finally jumpstart and get me the hell out of there.
i barely have time to think of how jung wooyoung, my childhood friend and faux cousin just left the both of us unbelievably fucked. all because im chasing black dragon backup. and fuck is he fast.
"Hey!" i yell, running after them. wooyoung follows behind me, and my nerves and face are unbelievably hot from how pissed I am at him.
"should i shoot him?" woo asks as we chase after the guy, and i wish i could swat him like a fly.
"do not fucking shoot anything anymore!"
the man curves into an alleyway, short and scrawny and so annoyingly fast. i feel like a cat chasing a mouse, im also trying to catch my breath because cardio is so damn terrible.
when we get to the alley, the man is hoisting himself over a fence. he sees us, staring at us with a mask and hoodie on so we don't catch his face. really convenient.
i keep pursuing, because the best I can do is knock this guy out till he can't remember a damn thing. or i can toss him into a bin so his members dont find him.
i try my best to climb over the fence with woo, but the person is already halfway over another one. woo is faster than me, jumping over and dashing toward the black dragon. he climbs and jumps, grabbing the asshole at the end of his hoodie and giving one hard tug.
he falls from the top of the fence and hits the cold concrete below. but instead of being unconscious with broken ankles, he scrambles to his feet like a rodent. he tries running past me, but I block him and yank him by the sleeves, throwing him into the brick wall.
once he hits it, I stomp my heel into his chest. he lets out a pathetic yelp, sinking down to the floor.
"you saw something you shouldn't have," I say, breathing hard. "now you should forget."
i can't kill him, so a terrible beating will have to do. woo and I already have to leave the area before anyone catches up with us.
"damn, Sannie, you gave him one hard ass kick," Woo chuckles. I glare at him and his smile quickly falls away.
"I haven't forgiven you yet. Shut up and take his hood off."
woo sighs and rips the guy's hood off, and I swear my breath hits a wall.
my ears feel like they're about to combust because of the rage pooling into them.
"what the fuck?" woo yells, pointing accusingly. "isn't that your girlfriend?"
yaera wheezes in pain, looking up to us shamefully. she's clutching her chest and tears are spilling down her eyes, and the sight of her red face somehow makes this already shit night a hundred times worst.
"woo, help me fucking carry her."
helping yaera in the van while she's out of breath and unable to speak is good, because it distracts me from the absolute bullshit I know she's going to spout once she can speak.
woo throws yunho in the back, tying ropeties around his wrists and ankles. yaera watches the scene as takes in puffs from her asthma pump and i cant believe it. im actually surrounded by idiots who never listen to me.
she fucking followed me. i don't even know how she found out, or how she found me, but she did. she actually did. and on top of that she has asthma. who the fuck smokes cigarettes while having asthma?
i strap her into the seat next to me, and she's borderline crying from how hard i kicked her. i feel bad, but im so fucking angry. i wouldn't have hurt her if she wasn't here in the first place.
woo gives me a weird look when he gets in the drivers. "what the hell man..." he whispers, staring at yaera like she's subhuman. "you've got a shit ton to explain."
"don't you fucking start," i snap at him, not in the mood. everything was ruined at once so i might as well go off now that i can. "what about you? what the Hell were you thinking shooting at a black dragon, woo!?!"
"look, that mingi guy attacked me. he was beating the shit out of me and i did what i had to. plus i didnt kill him!" woo defends, having the nerve to mutter under his breath, "even though i fucking should have."
"and this?" i gesture to the cash in the van. "was robbing him necessary?"
woo sighs exasperatedly as he grips the wheel and starts the car. "look, i just thought if i took a little extra you wont be so broke at the end when Miss A eventually takes her share of the money–"
i can't believe this kid. "you did this for me?" I scream. "you aggravated our rivals after shooting them so i can have some extra cash? goddamn it, woo!"
woo's eyes are desperate in the rearview. its like hes realizing the magnitude of what hes done. like hes trying to convince himself mentally that it was worth it.
"but this is worth more. I-It'll pay off your debt so you'll be able to buy something f-for yourself for once!"
i open my mouth to yell again but I'm interrupted. "Y-You're in debt?" Yaera dares to ask in a breathless voice.
i glare at her furiously. "Oh, you don't even get to ask questions. What the fuck are you doing here? Why did you follow me!"
She flinches at my loud voice but I don't care. Instead she has the nerve to glare back, sobby eyes and all. "You lied to me, you asshole. so this is the 'thing' with your cousin?"
"so you follow me? are you fucking crazy or something?"
"you just shot someone and you want to call me crazy?" she raises her voice. "what about you? If I'm fucking crazy then what are you?"
I grit my teeth in rage. "you had no right to follow me."
"oh but i have every right. You're my partner and you're doing shit behind my back."
"do you know how much harder you've made shit for me?" i snap. "if you had just fucking trusted me i wouldnt be in this mess right now!"
she scoffs. "how can I trust you when you lie to my face about everything! you asked me to be honest and i was, and then you lie to me right after? what the fuck do you take me for, san?"
i lean back into my seat and let out a frustrated groan, rubbing my temples. i can't take this. im not used to this, i hate having to explain everything I do and reporting to someone like a fucking understudy.
"this was a mistake," I realize. "this partnership. it was a fucking mistake."
yaera shakes her head at me, her chest rising and falling rhymically, somehow angry as well. "this wasn't a mistake. dont you dare blame your dishonesty on me," she grits through her teeth. "if you stopped lying and just told me what i need to goddamn know, i would have understood i need to hang back."
"okay fine!" i heatedly admit. "i wasn't going to bring you here. you know why?"
her dark eyes light up daringly, as if she's hoping I'll say something mean or insulting.
"because I don't trust you." I sneer.
i want to tell her i dont want her to be exposed to these awful people and this hellish environment. i dont want her to die or get hurt. but i dont say that. it rests on my tongue, dying to come out but i know how she'll react.
the fact that she refuses to be kept safe makes me even angrier.
"really? I would never have guessed."
"i seriously don't fucking trust you. you're reckless and it's like you don't care about your life at all. there were gang members in there. Actual gangmembers and after what happened last time, i wasn't going to have you mess anytvhing up for me."
she shakes her head in disbelief and curses in Italian. it's a long one and I know she's insulting me.
"wow! you're fucking doing this again after you said you wouldn't! you really can't keep your word, can you?"
her voice is dry and unimpressed and its clear we're both in the same page where we just dont trust each other at all.
"saying is one thing, but can i really leave your life in your own hands?" I laugh mockingly at her. "you can't even take care of yourself. the fact that you followed me here, an hour away from where we live just to fucking see what I'm doing says enough."
"Really?" She clenches her jaw. "Do you have any idea what this looks like to me?"
"i don't. enlighten me."
she leans forward, the long strands from her hair falling loose on the sides of her face. " it just looks like you played me."
"what?" i scoff because where is she going with this?
"to me, the person you're never honest with. it looks like i gave you all my savings, in exchange for a partnership that's one sided. i gave you that money to work with you and instead of fucking holding your end up, you do your own thing, you lie to me, make your own plans, go off on your own and never tell the truth. is that a good fucking partner? Doesn't that sound like a goddamn scam to you? Because it fucking feels that way to me!"
her words render me silent, and i realize i havent even thought about it like that before. im glad we're driving at night, because my cheeks are flaming hot from embarrassment.
"do you think that's fair?" she asks me again, defeatedly. "i did my part. i did all you asked of me. but you don't do the same."
"what the fuck is going on, San?"
woo's concerned voice from the front reminds me that he's in fact in our presence. I groan and clutch my head, oh god wooyoung has been here the entire time.
im going to have to be honest now. all the things im afraid of are happening to me. i wanted to keep yaera away from the gang while getting her what she wanted, and already one person is aware of her existence.
this just keeps getting worse.
"we're not dating," i say weakly. "we're partners. she's helping me with the gang stuff."
"what the fuck, dude!" woo exclaims. "since when?"
"recently," i mutter.
he sounds like he's about to break the steering wheel. wooyoung starts stuttering aggressively before finding his voice again.
"And Miss A??? Does she know about this?"
"Of course not, woo. and I'm not going to tell her."
"B-But if she finds out. She'll..."
i eye him sharply in the mirror. "that's why no one's going to tell her. she's my girlfriend, that's all there is to it."
woo sighs heavily. "what the fuck man... and here I thought you were finally getting laid. why are you letting her do this shit? what possessed you?"
if i tell wooyoung now, while yaera is in the car, he'll say some shit and scare her into oblivion. i think we have enough problems at hand.
"whats going to happen to san if people find out about me?" yaera asks woo. an uncomfortable silence follows before wooyoung answers.
"you see that guy in the back? that will be san. and you? well, it depends on who gets to you first, our gang, or the black dragons."
yaera frowns. she looks mildly uncomfortable, but not as afraid as she should be. shes not running for the hills when she absolutely should.
"that...wont happen," i try to convince myself. "just–just dont do this ever again, please."
"we need to talk san," yaera and woo say at the same time, both in demanding fashions. my mind hurts just thinking of having to deal with both.
"this whole thing is causing me to detour. we're gonna have to take her home first before we can take care of yunho," woo says.
"im staying at san's," yaera says, eyeing me sharply. "im not going home until we've talked."
the rest of the ride home is agonisingly silent. yaera has fallen asleep, her head against the tinted windows as soft breaths fall from her lips. she looks so serene sleeping. and yet my brain has been terrorising me by envisioning her as dead.
right next to me.
i try to keep my mind off it and watch yunho instead. he randomly wakes up on the way home and i punch him again, where he sinks right back into unconsciousness.
its a dreadful feeling carrying yaera up to my apartment with wooyoung being so quiet. the most talkative guy i know is dead silent.
maybe hes preparing for whats going to happen tonight. we've heard tons of stories of people joining the 105ths, finding out they were policemen and then having them fall off the face of the earth. traitors are far and few because of Miss A. people are too fucking scared to betray her.
i put yaera down into my bed and just as i close her with my blanket, her eyes flutter awake. shes disorientated and sits up on her elbow.
"go to sleep," i urge her. she shakes her head at me and i sigh.
"not until we talk."
"we've been gone long enough, lets go," woo says and pulls my arm, staring at yaera and i in a tense way that has his jaw clenched. hes angry at me, and fuck he should be.
it didnt take long for everything to go to shit.
"she texted me the address," wooyoung tells me in the van as we drive. "a warehouse at the docks. thats where theyre doing it."
i stay silent and mentally prepare. emotionally i know ive already been ripped apart by everythign ive seen.
"please be honest with me, man," woo says and frowns at me. "i just wanna know what youre doing with that girl."
"she needs to skip the country, so shes helping me make money and im giving her a share of it."
"and she knows youre in the 105ths?"
i nod and woo's grip on the wheel tightens. here we go.
"does she know about the debt? your dad? miss A?"
"no," i lifelessly answer. "i havent told her any of that. she just knows the easy stuff. im helping her till she can get away from her family, then we'll never see each other again."
"the san i know would never agree to shit like that," woo grumbles.
"i didnt. she has leverage."
"what?" woo shouts, piercing my eardrum. i wince. "shes fucking blackmailing you? that bitch! lets kill her. we can get rid of her, san. what does she have on you?"
this is exactly why i never mentioned anything infront of her.
"a video," i sigh. "she just caught me in the middle of a deal with that yeosang fucker. she filmed it. my face is clear in it and everything."
"lets fucking kill her."
"no." i say in a clipped tone. wooyoung is staring at me incredulously. "dont look at me like that. im telling you i dont wanna do anything. she wont snitch on me, i know that."
"shes literally blackmailing you."
"her family is fucked up," i shrugged. "i was angry about it but it passed.im going to help her and im not gonna make it the gangs problem. so can i trust you to keep this to yourself until everythings over?"
"whatever man," woo shakes his head disappointedly. "if youre sure about this, i cant say anything. but..."
"just trust me, woo. i know you cant trust her but trust me."
woo nods grudgingly, his discomfort worse than what it was before.
we pull up on the dark port and the warehouse is to our left. woo and i get out and carry yunho to the door, where higher ups take him from us.
he wakes up while they carry him and hes already screaming when hes put onto a chair in the middle of the place. the lights shine directly on him, casting out his ghostly, terrified face to the public.
"good work," one of miss A's deadly machines says. he steps out from the shadows like a ghost, his dark and unhinged eyes making me severely uncomfortable.
park seonghwa. aka the butcher. ive only heard of him from woo. hes the copkiller of the gang, the one who punishes all miss A's enemies. when he gets rid of people, he makes sure they stay gone.
and they wont ever be found. not in one piece at least.
from his twisted smile as he stares at the horrified yunho, its clear to see why hes dubbed 'the butcher' in the first place. he looks like he'd eat your heart out of your chest.
"you can go now," seonghwa tells us with a wave. "unless you wanna stay for the show."
he pulls out a long knife from the belt on his black pants, its blade shining sharply from the light sliding across it. yunho starts screaming louder.
"fuck no! you assholes cant do this to me! no! fuck you! ive worked for Miss A for years! you cant just–" his screams rapidly turned to sobs. "san, wooyoung, please. you cant let them do this. i made a mistake. i was being blackmailed–"
seonghwa gives no warning for what he does next. the blade disappears into the flesh of yunho's stomach, his mouth hanging open wide as inhumane chokes come from it.
i want to throw up.
woo and i watch in horror as seonghwa pulls the knife out of yunho roughly, cutting him up all over again. "its always you cowards who beg for your life the loudest," seonghwa chuckles mockingly. "its funny really."
he starts stabbing yunho rapidly, with blood now dripping from his mouth. i turn around because i cant stand looking at the sight anymore. i want to cry but i feel empty.
i cant believe this is my life.
"youre gonna tell miss A we did a good job, right?" woo asks pathetically, failing to hide the fear in his voice. yunhos screams have gone radiosilent.
"of course!" seonghwa says with a laugh. "go chase that promotion, kids! have a good night!"
i get out of there as fast as i can. and when im out the door, i empty my stomach on the concrete.
next chapter
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jungwnies · 11 months
hello mae! I’m sorry I was a lil mia for a second 🥴
these past few weeks have been nice, a few little bumps every now and then but overall good although i will admit the past few days I’ve been feeling a little sick and ngl it got me and my parents worried so I’m gonna get some blood tests taken during the weekend just to check that everything’s alright and verify that i just probably need some vitamins 🤞🏻🤞🏻
i also went on a walk with my sister the other day and omg i sooo needed that, it even rained a little bit and it was nice, she showed me this street where there’s a whole ass tree in the middle of it like right in the middle (say what now), she found it a couple of months ago on one of her morning walks and has told me about it but i only saw it a couple of days ago and we took some pictures posing in front of it cause this thing was also mASSIVE, not the biggest tree I’ve seen but one of definitely :0
i started korean classes again after two months ish and it’s actually very nice, it helps me keep practicing and studying even if im feeling lazy cause like that was the thing, i could totally study on my own but i just couldn’t (like some people nEED to get a gym membership otherwise they don’t workout, well i need my teacher assigning homework otherwise i won’t do it) ㅠㅠ
i also started journaling a little bit again and it helps a lot so im happy about that ^^
and lastly I’ve been listening to a lot of lana del rey (specifically her nfr album I LOVE ITT 😩😩) and donna missal (her new album “revel” 🤎🤌🏻)
now questions for youuu~
how have you been? how’s life treating you? (honest answers only but feel free to go as deep as you want hehe)
what’s your favorite meal these days? have you drank water today? (if no go now! 😤)
what’s your latest obsession? (any kind of) and lastly, which side of the bed do you sleep on? (very random but im writing this before going to sleep and now im curious, i used to sleep on th right side but now i just stick to the middle and end up on the left lol)
remember to take care of yourself, stretch, drink your liquids, eat your favorite meals/snacks, watch some shows/films, cry if u want to and get some sunlight on you if you can 🫶🏻🫶🏻
i love you maeby baby, have a nice day (and week) im rooting for you!! hehe💓💓
-🧸 anon
i also saw your message about your blood tests coming out okay, which i am so happy about! i wish you nothing but happiness and health omgomgomg.
oh my god, i saw ur message about the swift tickets and im sooo happy for you. i haven't been super active on tumblr, not sure why, just need a break from writing i am BURNT OUT!!! walks are always so refreshing, but in my state its sooo humid i hate walking i feel like bugs stick to my body every time i step outside, but i did go to the beach yesterday (who would've thought...) i am also a gym person who only goes if i have a membership, which is why i haven't gone because i haven't renewed... i AM SO LAZY LMFAO i also loveeee lana del rey, her music is sooo chef's kiss... literally
now to answer your questions :)
how have you been? how’s life treating you? life has notttt been bad recently, a few things here and there piss me off, but that's life??? not ready to start the semester again in september, i am literally dreading it LMFAO!?!?!? but it's okay, i'll stick it through and be successful (hopefully????) i'm going to another state in a few days for vacation so i'm super excited for that, need to get away from home!!!
what’s your favorite meal these days? have you drank water today? my favorite meal definitely has been rice and some sort of meat recently... or pasta!!! i really love carbs tbh, it's awful!?!?!? and yes i've drank some water, but i definitely need more. i appreciate the reminder <3
what’s your latest obsession? jungkook is my latest obsession... jk but also not jk?!?! his song with latto is so good, i was so worried it was going to sound off but i lowkey enjoyed it a lot? but to actually answer ur question i've been obsessed with valorant... i know yikes?!?!? but it's so fun... the last time i played was in like 2021 and i finally got back on and realized how much fun i have playing this game LOL
which side of the bed do you sleep on? i sleep on the left side... it's also the side closest to my door. i don't know why i can't sleep on the right side to be honest... usually i sleep farthest from the door, but i feel most comfortable on the side closest to my door.. but it is also the side closet to the wall LMFAO
remember to take care of yourself, stretch, drink your liquids, eat your favorite meals as well, and catch up on your fave shows and rewatch ur fave movies!! <3333
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