#it really feels like none of this should have happened
itsjustrosee · 2 days
Alright because of all the support on my last post with Stiles, I figured I should write another 😚👍
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Worried Sick Stiles Stilinski x fem!reader
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Context: established relationship, Stiles comes to visit you when you don't show up to school
Warnings: none, just fluff
Wordcount: 1.1k
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You had been in your room curled up in bed, tangled in blankets and stuffed animals all while you were supposed to be at school.
You had just gotten your period and your cramps left you nothing short of bedridden and on the verge of throwing up all day. You were experiencing womanhood at its absolute finest, to say the least.
Suddenly, the door to your room swung open, and a very confused and distressed Stiles entered your room. His expression softened once he saw you weren't dead or bleeding out, and a wave of relief seemed to wash over him.
"Not using the window to get in anymore?" You asked jokingly, rolling to your side to face Stiles who had now set down his bag and kneeled at the side of your bed. Being Scott's twin, you and Stiles needed to keep your relationship a secret. That's why when it came to hanging out, Stiles would always come in through your window rather than your front door so the both of you wouldn't get caught.
"Well, you gave me a key to your house for a reason right? Also going in through the window would've taken me too long," Stiles explains, his expression still slightly filled with worry as he placed one of his hands on your bed while the other tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
"What were you in such a rush for?" You ask with a chuckle in reaction to Stiles's seriousness, snaking your hand out of your covers and placing it on top of his.
"Well you didn't show up to school and I was worried," He explains, his expression soft and genuine. "I thought something bad might've happened," He says quietly and slowly.
For any other boyfriend, his girlfriend not showing up to school shouldn't cause them this much stress, but considering all the supernatural shit Stiles has somehow managed to get involved in, he couldn't help but worry himself to death.
"I'm okay Stiles, really I am," You say, reassuring him, "Just on my period that's all," You explain, trying to manage a smile but your stomach felt like it was being turned inside out, so it probably came out as more slightly disturbing than comforting.
"Ok good, I thought it could've had something to do with that. Which is why-" Stiles says, relieved, as he gets up and grabs his bag before sitting down next to you on the bed. "I have come prepared," He continues with a goofy smirk plastered on that stupidly cute face of his.
You sit up lazily as Stiles begins to show you what he bought. He whips out a plastic bag from inside of his backpack with items ranging from Tylonal, Advil, and Mydol, (which you immediately snatched and swallowed), all the way to chocolates and a heated stuffed animal.
"I got confused when I saw all the... feminine products, so- um-" He explains while taking out yet another plastic shopping bag from his backpack to reveal at least ten different boxes of tampons and pads.
You pause and stare at the ginormous haul of items that Stiles has bought you and you can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude.
You appreciated Stiles and his caring towards you more than anything, especially in moments like these. He always knew the right things to do and the right things to say, and you loved him for it.
Stiles, however, didn't take your silence in the right way. "I'm sorry- it's stupid I know, I bought way too much. I bet I still have the receipt somewhere, maybe I can still return it-" He asked, sadness and disappointment slowly creeping into his voice.
"No!" You reply quickly. "Don't return it, and none of this is stupid," You confirm before sighing for a moment. "Stiles, this is literally like the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me," You explain, turning to look at him while you say it, a smile slowly forming on your face as you do so.
"Really?" Stiles questions, his embarrassed expression being replaced by one of relief and pride.
"Really," You say while scooting over in your bed and patting the space next to you, beckoning him to join you.
Stiles lays down next to you, and you gladly roll over and climb on top of him, resting your head by the crook of his neck as you wrap your arms around him. The heat radiated off of his body as you listened to his heartbeat and the slow movements of his chest going up and down.
Stiles brought the covers over you and kissed your head before speaking once more, "You don't want to use the stuffed animal I gave you?" He asks with a chuckle as he wraps his arms around you, his thumb rubbing soft circles into your back.
"Nope, I think you'll do just fine," You say as you lift your head to look up at him.
Stiles takes this moment to lean down and kiss you gently. He kissed and held you as if you were the most fragile thing in the world. As if with one wrong move you'd shatter into a million pieces, so he treated you with such care, holding you softly and closely to make sure you didn't.
Though the kiss only lasted a few moments, it made you forget all about the pain you felt in your abdomen and replaced it with butterflies. He definitely had a way of making you feel safe and comfortable whenever you were around him.
Once he pulled away, he looked at you with hearts in his eyes, "You're so beautiful, you know that right baby?" He said, his voice so faint that it practically made your heart beat out of your chest. He removed one of his hands from your back and placed it on your cheek and you immediately melted into his touch.
You could only let out a satisfied hum in response, you were too lost in his features to bother replying coherently.
Stiles let out a low chuckle as he kissed your forehead, his hand moving from your cheek to the back of your head, stroking your hair as he did so.
"Get some sleep okay?" He said while wrapping his arm just a bit tighter around you, "I'll be right here if you need anything," He said softly.
"I know," You say, your words muffled slightly as you rest your head in the crook of his neck, "You're not goin' anywhere," You say with a smile as you place a quick kiss on his neck.
"Didn't plan on it," Stiles mumbles, about to fall asleep even before you do. But as your meds kick in, you can't help but slowly drift off to sleep as well.
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Okay, I'm having WAYYYYYY too much fun writing these I'm sorry 😭
I finished majority of my finals so I'm going to be much more active again so keep sending in requests! I'm continuing to work on them
Also, I cannot thank you guys enough for all of the compliments and praise I've received on my last post with Stiles, it was literally so sweet of you guys. My inbox was literally filled with people praising my writing and y'all have no idea how happy that made me, like literally my heart almost burst.
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anghraine · 1 day
Random thought before back to defense prep:
Something I find interesting and enjoyable about P&P is the way that Austen both foreshadows various revelations about Darcy and complicates them before they ever happen. This is typically done through subtle asides or quick interchanges that don't necessarily register as that significant at the time, but still gives the readers a chance to pick up on what's really going to happen.
Just a few examples:
1- Elizabeth and Charlotte briefly discuss how difficult it would be for an outsider, and perhaps Bingley himself, to detect Jane's true feelings:
It was generally evident, whenever they [Jane and Bingley] met, that he did admire her; and to her [Elizabeth] it was equally evident that Jane was yielding to the preference which she had begun to entertain for him from the first, and was in a way to be very much in love; but she [Elizabeth] considered with pleasure that it was not likely to be discovered by the world in general, since Jane united with great strength of feeling, a composure of temper and an uniform cheerfulness of manner, which would guard her from the suspicions of the impertinent. She mentioned this to her friend, Miss Lucas. “It may, perhaps, be pleasant,” replied Charlotte, “to be able to impose on the public in such a case; but it is sometimes a disadvantage to be so very guarded.”
2- Darcy tries to warn Elizabeth at the Netherfield Ball:
“I can readily believe,” answered he, gravely, “that reports may vary greatly with respect to me; and I could wish, Miss Bennet, that you were not to sketch my character at the present moment, as there is reason to fear that the performance would reflect no credit on either.”
3- Charlotte tries to "read" Darcy at Rosings:
He [Darcy] seldom appeared really animated. Mrs Collins knew not what to make of him. Colonel Fitzwilliam’s occasionally laughing at his stupidity proved that he was generally different, which her own knowledge of him could not have told her; and as she would have liked to believe this change the effect of love, and the object of that love her friend Eliza, she set herself seriously to work to find it out: she watched him whenever they were at Rosings, and whenever he came to Hunsford; but without much success.
4- literally the next chapter, one of the funnier miscommunications between Elizabeth and Darcy in Kent:
More than once did Elizabeth, in her ramble within the park, unexpectedly meet Mr Darcy. She felt all the perverseness of the mischance that should bring him where no one else was brought; and, to prevent its ever happening again, took care to inform him, at first, that it was a favourite haunt of hers. How it could occur a second time, therefore, was very odd! Yet it did, and even the third. It seemed like wilful ill-nature, or a voluntary penance; for on these occasions it was not merely a few formal inquiries and an awkward pause and then away, but he actually thought it necessary to turn back and walk with her. He never said a great deal, nor did she give herself the trouble of talking or of listening much; but it struck her in the course of their third rencontre that he was asking some odd unconnected questions—about her pleasure in being at Hunsford, her love of solitary walks, and her opinion of Mr and Mrs Collins’s happiness; and that in speaking of Rosings, and her not perfectly understanding the house, he seemed to expect that whenever she came into Kent again she would be staying there too. His words seemed to imply it.
Very mysterious!!!! Definitely none of their communications here could justifiably be misread!!
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theosconfessions · 1 day
Hello it's me and I'm in your "Asks" ☺️
What/who made you come to simblr and what/who made you stay?
omg i love this one. LOVE this one. so i just came back to tumblr last year. i dont think ive even been back for a whole year yet. but before that i did have another one that started off in 2012 as a sims 3 tumblr called klauseconfessions. but what MADE me start it is one day i was scrolling through tumblr looking for cc. and i was just a lurker but i came across leiland by my good friend @gloomymoood and i was like k im signing up lol.eden and i became good friends <3 and still are. in fact she is a big reason i even know how to use blender in the first place haha! who also taught me discord to keep my characters straight bc im an old lady sometimes haha. i love her and she makes beautiful sims and you guys should take a peak over there if you havent already. she also made jamis girlfriend and someone whos yet to be introduced <3 shes amazing. ill sing her praises. and back then it was crazy i lost friends over ships before but edens always been my steadfast and i just love her to bits.
what made me come back was i missed everyone. i missed sharing with everyone. i missed writing with daisie [dustins creator] i missed reading what you guys wrote. theres nothing that sparks my creativity up like seeing you guys on my dash.ive been in and out this week so youll have to forgive me. its a strange mental health weak. i have panic attacks and theres things that happened that if i dont regulate myself ill go insane :) BUT none the less. i love seeing you guys on my dash. and i really do feel like youre all my friends.
i have some talented friends. <3
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lilithlinen · 2 days
Turning Tables IIIII - Kevin Lomax, John Constantine x You.
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John's POV Outside, I lean against the wall, trying to catch my breath. My heart is pounding in my chest, and I feel overwhelmed by anger and frustration. I replay the conversation over and over in my mind, wondering what I could have done differently. As I think about you, alone with him in that place, I know that I must find a way to get you away from him. I push myself off the wall and start walking down the street, trying to come up with a plan. 
As I'm walking down the street, my mind races. I need to find a way to get you away from Kevin, to rescue you from this toxic relationship. But how? I have no legal grounds to take action, and as far as the law is concerned, he is your rightful husband. I consider my options, none of which are ideal. I'm lost in thought, trying to come up with a plan, when suddenly I hear a voice behind me. 
I turned around, recognizing the voice immediately. Lucifer (John Milton) stands before me, a sly smirk on his face. Great, just what I need. 
John: "What do you want, Lucifer?" 
Lucifer: "I see that you've met my son." 
I give him an incredulous look as he mentions Kevin. 
John: "Your son? You expect me to believe he's your son?”   
Lucifer: laughs "That's the truth, my friend. Kevin Lomax is one of my many offspring." 
I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Kevin Lomax, the pompous lawyer, son of the Devil himself? It shouldn’t come as a surprise to me, but it does. 
John: "So you're telling me that he's your son...and a lawyer."   
Lucifer: "Yep, that's correct. My boy's quite the lawyer, isn’t he? I must admit, I’m quite proud of him." 
John: "And why are you telling me this now? You expect me to believe that you just happen to have a son who happens to marry the love of my life?" 
Lucifer grins, an evil glint in his eyes. 
Lucifer: "Oh, it's not just a coincidence, my friend. I orchestrated this whole thing. You can think of it as my little joke."   
John: "Your joke? You did this on purpose?"   
Lucifer: "Of course I did. I figured it would be amusing to watch you suffer, watching the woman you love marry the son of Satan. It’s just too perfect, don’t you think?" 
I take a step forward, anger bubbling up inside of me. I want to punch that damn smirk off his face. 
John: "You son of a bitch. You think this is all a game? That my suffering is just a joke to you?"   
Lucifer: laughs "Oh, come now, Constantine. Lighten up. I thought you enjoyed a good laugh. Besides, you’ve got to admit, the irony is pretty funny. The woman you love, married to the son of the Devil." 
I take a deep breath, trying to control myself. 
John: "This is no laughing matter. You have any idea the hell I’m going through? Watching her with him, seeing how miserable she is…"   
Lucifer: smirks "Oh, but she’s not miserable, my friend. She may have been at first, but trust me, she’s enjoying her new life. The money, the power, the status…she’s eating it up like candy. She's never been better. AND...she loves Kevin." 
I feel like someone just punched me in the gut.  
John: "What are you saying? She...loves him?"   
Lucifer: "Oh, she absolutely does. She's completely smitten. In fact, they're quite a happy couple. They're even planning on starting a family soon." 
My mind reels at his words. Y/N? happy with him? Starting a family with him? It seems like a nightmare come true. 
John: "No. You’re lying. She doesn’t love him.”   
Lucifer: "Oh, but she does. I’m afraid it’s very true, my friend. And she does love you...in a way. But she loves Kevin more. Much, much more. And you should see them together. The way she looks at him, the way they touch each other...it’s quite beautiful, really. Come with me and I will show you if you don't believe me." 
Reluctantly, I follow Lucifer as he leads me down the street. My mind is racing, trying to process what he’s telling me. I can’t believe that Y/N is truly happy with Kevin, not after what I saw. But a part of me can’t shake off the feeling that this is all part of Lucifer’s plan to drive me insane.  
John: “Where are you taking me?” 
Lucifer smirks, obviously enjoying my torment. 
Lucifer: "You'll see, my friend. Just follow me."   
Back at the Penthouse
You sit on the floor, your head spinning. Everything that just happened feels like a dream, but the tears streaming down your face tell you it’s all too real. You hear Kevin walk back into the room, his footsteps echoing on the hardwood floor. He stands over you, looking down at you with an expression of disdain. 
“Are you pleased with yourself?” 
You wipe the tears from your eyes, looking up at him with defiance. But you can't find the words to defend yourself. “Of course you’re not. You’re pathetic. Crawling on the ground like a dog. Look at yourself. You’re a disgrace to our marriage.” 
You try to stand up, but your legs feel weak, like you’ll collapse at any moment. Kevin sneers at you, enjoying your helplessness. “Can’t even stand up straight, can you? You’re weak and pathetic. That’s why you ran back to him, isn’t it? You can’t handle being with a real man like me.” 
“You're disgusting! You fucking raped me! Your own wife!” You spit choked up. 
Kevin’s eyes narrow, and he takes a step closer, his face inches from yours. His voice is low and dangerous. “Don't you dare call me a rapist. I’m the only one who has ever given you any pleasure.” He grabs your chin, forcing you to meet his gaze. His eyes are cold and calculating.  
“You have no idea what it means to be with a real man until you’ve been with me. You’ll never find anyone else who can satisfy you like I do. You’re mine, Y/N, and that piece of shit can never compare to the power I have over you.” Kevin’s thick cock strains against his pants, evidence of his arousal, as he moves you towards the bed, pushing you down on it roughly. 
As you land on the bed, you flinch, expecting a blow. But he doesn’t hit you. Instead, he unbuttons his pants, revealing his thick, hard cock. He steps between your legs, forcing them open, his eyes never leaving yours. He grabs your ankles, pulling them up and onto his shoulders, exposing your wet, swollen pussy. 
 He licks his lips, his eyes filled with hunger. “You want this, don’t you, Y/N? You want me to bury my cock deep inside you and fuck you senseless.” He spits in his hand, rubbing it over your folds, before lining his cock up with your entrance. He looks at you, waiting for your response.  
“I’ll show you what it means to be with a real man and take everything you have to give.” He slowly pushes into your tightness, feeling you stretch around his cock. You can’t help the moan that escapes your lips, your body betraying you. “Now, tell me how much you need me, how much you love being my little whore.” He starts to thrust, slowly at first, then picking up speed. Each thrust sends jolts of pleasure through your body, despite your protests. 
“Tell me, Y/N. Tell me you’ll never choose anyone over me.” He slaps your ass, the sting making you gasp, as his cock fills you completely. You writhe beneath him, unable to deny the pleasure he gives you, even as you despise him for it. He fucks you harder and faster, each thrust slamming into your core.  
Your body arches, your hands digging into the sheets as you try to cling to something that isn’t his. Your pussy clenches around his cock, and he grins, knowing he has you right where he wants you. “That’s it, take it. You know you love it, don’t you?” 
He reaches down, gripping your nipples, rolling and pulling them mercilessly. You cry out, your body bucking against his, as the pleasure builds within you. “Cum for me, Y/N. Cum right now, like the good little slut you are.” He spits into your mouth, forcing you to swallow it. You choke on the saliva, your senses overwhelmed. 
“Come on, Y/N. Let go.” He slams into you one last time, his cock throbbing as he empties himself inside you. You can’t hold back any longer, your orgasm crashing over you in waves. He collapses onto you, his warm breath on your neck as you both come down from your high. 
“That’s right, Y/N. You belong to me, completely and utterly.” He pulls out of you, his cock leaving a wet, sticky trail. He gets off the bed, leaving you feeling empty, used, and utterly defeated, as he begins to redress. “Now, you’ll think twice before you consider straying from me, won’t you?” 
Feeling shattered, like your mind is disconnected from your body. You don’t move, don’t speak, don’t even look at him. Your eyes are fixed on the ceiling, trying to mentally distance yourself from the nightmare your life has become. You lay there, your body trembling, tears streaming down your face.  
You hate this, the way he uses you, the way he makes you feel. But even as you despise him, you can’t deny the pleasure he brings. He walks over to the bed, grabbing a tissue to clean up the mess he’s made of you. After, he walks to the window, looking out at the city skyline.  
“You’ll never leave me, Y/N. Never. I own you, and you’ll always come back to me.” He turns back to face you, his eyes dark and calculating. You feel a shiver run down your spine, realizing that you are truly his, body and soul.  
“And as long as you’re under my roof, you’ll behave. You’ll be the perfect wife, the perfect little sex slave.” He smirks, satisfied with your submission. You want to protest, to fight, but the look in his eyes tells you it’s futile.  
“Now, get up. We have a party to attend.” He extends his hand towards you, waiting for you to take it. You know you have no choice but to obey. “Oh, and just so we’re clear, this isn’t over.” 
Reluctantly, you take his hand, allowing him to help you off the bed. Your body is sore, your mind a jumbled mess of emotions. You don’t even know who you are anymore. You follow him out of the bedroom, your footsteps feeling heavy and lifeless. He leads you into the bathroom, where a steaming hot shower awaits. He motions for you to get in.  
“Clean yourself up. You have exactly 30 minutes to get ready. And remember, I want you to look absolutely perfect for this party.” 
You nod, numbly heading into the bathroom. The hot water feels good against your skin, the steam engulfing you. You scrub yourself clean, trying to wash away the shame and disgust. But no matter how hard you try, the memory of what happened lingers, a sickening, bitter taste in your mouth. When the thirty minutes are up, you step out of the shower, shivering from the cold. Kevin is waiting, a towel in his hand, ready to wrap you in it.  
“Let’s get you dressed.” He motions for you to follow him back into the bedroom. He selects a dress from your closet, a tight, red number that shows off your curves. He helps you into it, making sure everything is perfect. Once you’re dressed, he steps back, appraising you.  
“You look beautiful, Y/N. Just how I like you.” He grabs your chin, turning your face to meet his. His lips brush against yours in a quick, possessive kiss. He takes your hand, leading you out the door and into the waiting limo.  
Constantine stands in the shadows, watching as you climb into the back of the limo with Kevin. He feels a pang of jealousy mixed with anger, seeing you so close to Kevin. Lucifer (John Milton) stands beside him, an expression of satisfaction on his face. 
Lucifer: “Well, well, if it isn’t the happy couple.” 
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wolfofcelestia · 2 days
Despite being a man of science, raised in a family of science, Zayne sure is very familiar with religion and fortune telling
And now with him being so cryptic here, I'm starting to wonder if Dr. Zayne has access to his other selves. So far, both his myth selves have the ability to see people's futures. Maybe Dr. Zayne is able to see his own? Or at least, maybe he knows what will happen to MC outside of his medical knowledge
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He looks troubled here, more than we've ever seen before. He looks lost in thought and shakes his head while MC is talking as if he's only half listening because he's trying to decide if he should tell her what he knows
That breeze and floral scent that passes by is no doubt a sign of the Master of Fate (and possibly his MC). But this really does not help deny the thoughts that Master = Dr. Zayne
My main criticism about how Master was written is that I couldn't separate his personality completely from Zayne's. They feel incredibly similar to me to the point where Master isn't distinct enough for me to call him a complete character that stands on his own
But are they now hinting that Master and Dr. Zayne are one and the same? That their way of writing Master was intentional?
I don't want this to be the case tbh. But Zayne is extremely suspicious here, speaking as though he IS Master.
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Why would he go into such detail about the motives of gods when all MC said was maybe they're busy? He even takes the flower petal from her hair just like Master did in the myth. And he suggests that a god, not even plural, A god only takes one person, female, as his priority, despite the yearly rituals of sex with priestesses and gods in mythology tending to have multiple lovers?
I'm usually the one out here with conspiracy theories but this time it's Zayne himself being the source of it all
If Foreseer is able to see the memories of all Zaynes, and they're kept all in that book... maybe all Zaynes have the ability to tap into that too and see all the memories that Foreseer's wraith keeps in his garden
It could explain the voices haunting Zayne in that promotional video. The voices could also be just from his timeline alone, but none of this is confirmed yet
The only thing that saves me from drowning in this conspiracy theory is Dawnbreaker
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If Zayne doesn't recognize Dawnbreaker, that means he doesn't have access to memories from ALL other versions of him.
(But the fact that Dawnbreaker has the ability to see into Zayne's life might suggest that he has an easier time tapping into the other Zaynes BUT THIS IS A WHOLE OTHER CAN OF WORMS THAT I SHOULDN'T OPEN HERE)
That throws one theory out but the main one that unsettles me the most is still up in the air
Dr. Zayne being the Master of Fate is still possible and still heavily suggested. Their mannerisms are very similar. The only difference is that Master tends to smile more. But is that not just a consequence of Zayne getting used to MC's influence?
Zayne's ability to smile is still there. He's still human. But if Master lost his ability to smile when he lost MC, and he... reincarnated as Zayne?? He'd still carry those wounds but he'd learn to smile again with MC's help
Sure, Master tends to use more wind than ice, but Medic Zayne's green ice is very reminiscent of Master's powers taken shape
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Anyway, I don't know where I'm going with this
All I'm saying is that "Zayne in cosplay" might not be just a joke anymore asdflkjadklfn
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seramilla · 1 day
Another idea for homophobic heaven au where the elders have Sera try to get Carmilla to reveal who her lover is. Sera who both out of fear and not wanting to go against whatever Carmilla said hasn’t reveled it to them. The elders are outside the cell listening to them as Sera goes into to talk to Carmilla who has suffered. Sera who is willing to get in trouble if it means helping Carmilla tells her to tell the truth about your love and she would want you to be safe to keep the elders from figuring out it’s her and Carmilla telling Sera that they would punish her and I love her too much to do that. It ends with no progress and Sera in tears the elders think because she’ll lose her friend
"I would like to see the prisoner."
If the guards standing watch over Carmilla's cell question Sera's presence at the Elder's jail, they don't voice as much. Looking at one another briefly, the guards move their weapons out of the way and stand aside. Sera enters standing tall and at attention, betraying none of the anxiety and panic that's coursing through her body at that moment.
Carmilla's cell is easy to find. She's the only one being held prisoner. Very few in Heaven test the limits of what would make them end up in this place. Where she's being imprisoned is right next to the entrance, her cell encased with bars infused with angelic steel. Even touching the bars would be quite painful for an angel. Based on the burn markings across the metal, Sera can tell Carmilla has already tried to do so, in multiple places across the expanse of her prison, and failed.
Carmilla paces around her enclosure, as if she hasn't been practically beaten bloody to the point of collapse. It's just like Carmilla to not show weakness. Even to her own detriment, when all else is hopeless. It's one of the things Sera loves most about her.
"You came," Carmilla says. It's curt, and to the point. Sera's not certain she'd have the energy to say much else.
Sera wants to go right up next to the bars, hug Carmilla desperately through them, and stroke her face, and tell her everything will be all right. Unfortunately, the guards are right outside. They would notice the two angels embracing immediately through the little window at the entrance.
Also, she doesn't want to be burned like Carmilla. Walking out with scorch marks would give her away just as much as a hug would.
"Of course I did," Sera says, with as much composure as she can. "How could I not? Carmilla...what have they done to you?"
Carmilla laughs, but it's pained. "I tolerated the 'torture' they put me through. I thought the Elders were made of stronger stuff than this. They must think I'm weak. They went easy on me."
Sera walks up to the bars. As close as she can, without touching.
"Carmilla. You need to...tell them the truth. There's a chance they might let you go. You could get a reduced sentence."
Carmilla smiles, and huffs. Doing her best not to betray herself or Sera to the guards who are almost certainly listening outside.
"And what? Have my...my lover suffer the same fate? I don't think so. Not happening."
"I can help you!" Sera says, getting much too close to the bars than she should be. The steel reacts to her angelic presence, vibrating at the force of her angelic abilities, but not harming her. Yet. "I can advocate for you better out there, than in here!"
Carmilla stands. She also moves toward the bars, until they're practically within touching distance, the gentle hum of the bars vibrating in response to two angelic beings standing so close. Carmilla flinches slightly. It's muscle memory, at this point.
"No," Carmilla says, without further preamble. Then, looking at Sera with all the words she cannot voice aloud, telling her how she really feels with her eyes only, and that the love she has for her is not worth sacrificing Sera for a lesser sentence, Carmilla backs away slowly, and goes to lie down on the pathetic excuse for a cot they've provided for her.
"Carmilla!" Sera says, standing much too close. The cloth of her sleeves singes a little bit, and she pulls her arms away quickly, before her hands burn. "Please! Let me help you! I--"
"Out of the question," Carmilla retorts, lying down now, turned away from Sera, so the Seraphim can no longer see her face. "Goodbye, Sera."
Sera waits until she's outside of earshot of the prison before she breaks down. She falls to her knees, tears falling from both eyes like twin waterfalls. She wails. Loudly, longingly, for the woman she loves. Knowing that their fate is never to see one another again. Carmilla will fall. She is as good as dead, at this point. She doesn't know how she'll ever find happiness again.
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sjsmith56 · 3 days
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Summary: One shot. An intervention between a woman and her ex-boyfriend turns into a meet cute for Bucky. After agreeing to see each other again, he is dismayed when he finds out she’s been kidnapped.
Length: 4.2K
Characters: Bucky Barnes, named but not described OFC, unnamed kidnappers, several Avengers.
Warnings: Some misogyny from ex-boyfriend, some violence causing injury.
Author’s notes: Avengers AU. Takes place after Bucky has been treated by Wakanda. Thanos never happened, Bucky and Tony made their peace and he was invited to join the Avengers. Despite the kidnapping this is a bit of a fluffy piece.
☕️ 🏚️ 🦾
“Don’t you walk away from me!”
The man ran after the woman, grabbing her by the elbow and yanking her to face him. She struggled to pull her arm out of his hand, but he squeezed her arm right at the elbow in such a way that it hurt to pull on it.
“Let go,” she demanded. “We’re done and I have nothing more to say to you.”
“No, we’re not done,” he answered. “You just don’t get to say we’re over.”
“Is there a problem here?”
They both turned to look at the tall dark-haired man. His frown was enough for the man to loosen his hold on the woman, allowing her to pull away from him. Whoever this man was didn’t matter, but his intervention was enough for her to make her point once more.
“The problem is that this guy is a total asshole,” she said. “He cheated on me several times and I finally told him we were done. Apparently, he thinks he deserves a second chance.”
“She meant nothing,” explained the man.
“Which she?” The woman glared at him. “There were more than one.”
“None of them,” he smirked.
The dark-haired man stepped in between them. “I think the lady has spoken.”
The other man sneered. “She’s no lady. She’s a fucking bitch.”
“You shouldn’t have said that,” glowered the taller man.
He grasped the man with his left hand, making him wince in the iron-strong grip. Then he leaned towards him and whispered something in his ear, that made the man’s eyes widen and his face appeared startled. Releasing him, the dark-haired man stepped back and glared at the other, as if waiting for him to do something.
“I’m sorry I called you that,” her ex-boyfriend mumbled. “I, uh, won’t bother you anymore.”
Turning around he walked away, holding the arm that had been released. He never looked back. The stranger turned to the woman, noticing she was rubbing her elbow.
“Are you hurt?”
She looked at it and shook her head. “No, not really. Thank you.”
He smiled, and the way it lit up his face made her feel warm inside. “No problem. I don’t like bullies.” With a nod, he resumed his path, then suddenly turned back towards her. “Are you free at the moment? Maybe we can have a coffee and take a few moments to enjoy each other’s company.”
It was her turn to smile, and she joined him. “I’d like that. I’m Grace.”
A block away was a coffee shop. Bucky opened the door for her, then waited in line until she made her choice, pulling his bank card out to pay. When Grace protested, he wouldn’t take no for an answer, watching her with an amused smile on his face until she gave up. Sitting at a corner table, she pretended to be angry at him.
“I asked you for coffee, so I should pay,” said Bucky. “It’s only right.”
“But I don’t know you,” she answered, sitting across from him.
“True, but they know me here.” He looked up as the barista brought their coffees. “Tim, can you tell Grace here that I’m a good guy?”
“Never saw you before in my life,” grinned the man, then he relented. “Bucky is a man of honour.” He tilted his head as if realizing something. “She doesn’t recognize you. This is Bucky Barnes, one of the Avengers. He really is a good guy.”
With a smile, Bucky returned his attention to Grace, finding her staring at him in a combination of embarrassment and dismay.
“You must think I’m an idiot,” she said. “I thought you looked familiar but like maybe I saw you on the train a few times, or something.”
“I don’t mind. It’s kind of nice to know that you didn’t run away from me when you found out. I’ve had that happen.”
“Seriously?” He nodded, then sipped his coffee. “That would be rude.”
He smiled again and she found herself appreciating the crinkling at the edges of his eyes. He was so much more handsome in person than he appeared on TV or in the newspapers. A sound outside distracted him for a moment, and she watched as he narrowed his eyes at a pair of men yelling at each other. The one man flipped the bird at the other before stalking away. Satisfied that he didn’t need to intervene Bucky turned his attention back to her.
“Sorry, enhanced hearing means I could hear everything that happened. If they came to blows I would have stepped in.”
“You’re that type of guy, aren’t you?” she asked, then seeing the puzzled expression on his face clarified. “I mean, you’re a peacemaker.” Bucky shrugged. “Yes, you are. I know about your past and everything but that wasn’t you. The guy that chased Jeff away and watched to make sure two strangers didn’t start fighting on the street, that’s you … a peacemaker.”
“I guess.” He sipped his coffee again and was quiet. “Makes me sound like a guy that can’t mind his own business.” He shrugged again. “I do watch people but I’m not a voyeur.” Her smile made him stop. “I’m digging myself a bigger hole, aren’t I?”
With a grin, she nodded, then drank from her cup. “On behalf of those who needed a peacemaker at some point in their lives, I thank you for your service.”
They both laughed, then talked of many things, not noticing how the outside light changed from late afternoon to early evening, until Tim appeared at their table.
“Are you going to order more coffee or a sandwich or something? We’re getting ready to close up.”
Bucky looked at his watch and gasped. They had been there for over three hours. He looked at Grace who shook her head.
“No, I guess we’re done. Sorry, Tim, we lost track of time.”
“Yeah, I figured.”
He took their mugs and Bucky stood up, pulling Grace’s chair out, then opened the door for her as they stepped outside into the humid evening. Running his gloved hand through his hair he gazed down at her, then smiled when she took his hand and tugged him in one direction. He switched sides when he noticed she was on the outside of the sidewalk, explaining a gentleman should always be closer to the traffic than the lady. When they got to the subway stop, she stopped and looked at the sign.
“This is where I have to catch my train.”
“Yeah, I gathered.” Bucky gazed at her. “May I see you again?”
“I’d like that. Do you have your phone?”
He unlocked it, handed it to her, and watched as she entered her phone number in it, then pressed dial before handing it back. She pulled her ringing phone out of her purse, answered it, then saved his number under the name Peacemaker, making him smile. Someone bumped into them, and Bucky pulled her aside, then placed his hand on her upper arm, lowered his lips to hers and kissed her. It was definitely nice; in fact, it was more than nice.
As Grace descended down the stairs to the darkness of the underground subway system, she allowed herself the luxury of thinking what it would be like to see Bucky Barnes on a regular basis. Placing her transit pass on the sensor she went through the gate and waited on the platform for her train. There were no seats, so she resigned herself to standing. As the train accelerated out of the station, she pulled her phone out and checked her emails and messages. She didn’t notice the two men at opposite ends of the train car who watched her.
Bucky took his time as he walked back towards Avengers Tower, feeling pretty mellow after spending the last few hours getting lost in conversation with Grace. She was nice, very nice, and their meeting, even though it started out because of his tendency to intervene in disputes, certainly evolved into what some of his fellow Avengers would call a “meet cute.” He shook his head with amusement as he walked into the Tower, waving at the security guards on the main floor. Inside the elevator he looked out over the city as the car sped its way up to the residential floors. When the doors opened, he was met with a little reception committee.
“Who is she?” Natasha was certainly blunt with her question.
“Who is who?” He didn’t have to answer if he didn’t want to play her game.
“The girl who kept you in a coffee shop for three hours,” replied Sam, holding his phone up with a picture of Bucky and Grace on someone’s social media post.
“I just met her,” he answered, already irritated at them. “What, you didn’t think I could meet someone without help? I intervened when her ex-boyfriend wouldn’t leave her alone. We went for coffee, and we had a good time.”
“Just like the old days,” said Steve, who grinned at his friend. “Leave him alone. You are seeing her again, right?”
“Yes, I am. I have her number and everything.” His phone beeped and he pulled it out of his pocket. “In fact, that’s probably a message from her.”
Opening the message, he began to read, then his face became dark, then outright angry.
“What is it?” Steve asked, knowing this was serious.
Bucky handed him the phone. There was a picture of Grace tied up in a chair, looking terrified.
Soldat, if you wish to see your girlfriend again you will come alone to Fort Tilden in Queens. No cars. Take the 2 train to Flatbush Avenue-Brooklyn College; then transfer to the Q35 bus and get off at the first stop after crossing the Gil Hodges Bridge. Leave your phone behind. We have people watching you so we will know if you try to bring help.
“Looks like someone else was watching,” said Steve. “What’s your play?”
“Do as they say,” replied Bucky. “She’s an innocent, Steve. If they hurt her ….”
“They won’t. We can track you through your arm, but we’ll stay here. That way, if they ask you, it will be the truth. Weapons?”
“Knives,” said Bucky. “I have some that don’t show up on a metal scanner.” He shrugged. “For times when I need to get past metal detectors.”
After texting back that he would comply Bucky left his phone with Steve, then changed into something more suitable for a fight. Heading out into the evening he took the 2 train, getting off where he was told, then transferred to the Q35 bus. Along the way he studied his surroundings, easily picking out the people observing him. It was dark when the bus crossed the Gil Hodges Bridge, and he pulled the cord to get off. Following the signs directing him to Fort Tilden he stayed on the service roads, remembering from his own youth that the grounds around it were covered in poison ivy. The thought that Grace may have been forced to walk through that made him angry for a moment, then he forced himself to stay on task. As he approached the graffiti covered casemate an armed man, visible in the moonlight, appeared at the top, pointing the gun at him.
“Keep going towards the opening,” he said. “You’ll be directed further.”
With a deep breath Bucky stepped under the large semi-circular overhang into the tunnel below. It was pitch black inside, but he could hear the whine of night vision goggles, indicating he wasn’t alone. He stopped and waited.
“Kneel,” said a voice behind him, as he heard another electrical charge, that of a stun baton, start up in front of him.
Doing as he was told, he waited as someone pulled his arms together behind him and clasped a large metal restraint on. The slight beep of a portable metal detector indicated they were checking him for weapons, and he felt the metal knives in his jacket and leg holster being slid out. The detector gave no indication of the knives he had hidden in his boots.
“Stand. Walk.”
He got himself back up and began to walk, feeling the poke of a weapon in his back. They came out of the tunnel and turned on the path towards a building, dimly lit inside. Pushed through a door, he noticed the tearful eyes of Grace, sitting tied up in a chair, and smiled at her, trying to convey that she would be okay. She couldn’t verbally respond as she was gagged but she nodded her head slightly. Bucky looked at the masked man who stood near her.
“Let her go,” he said. “She has nothing to do with any of this.”
“I don’t think so,” replied the man. “Who knew something so simple like a damsel in distress would bring the Soldat to heel. I think we’ll keep her to keep you in line.”
“That’s a bad decision and you know it.” Bucky focused his stare on the man. “The moment your back is turned I’ll take you down. You know I can hurt all of you without breaking a sweat, the four that watched me on the way here, the one on top, the two in tunnel and the three you have in the rafters. I’m sure you have half a dozen more but it’s no big deal for me to deal with them.”
“Even you aren’t fast enough to keep us from hurting the girl,” smirked the man, raising a hand. A laser guided pointer settled on Grace’s shoulder. “I’ll shoot her everywhere that hurts without killing her until you comply, Soldat.”
“I’m not him anymore. I’m James “Bucky” Barnes and nothing you do will bring the Soldier back.”
“We’ll see. Draco.”
A big man descended down the stairs of the building, pulling his jacket off as he did. Then he walked towards Grace. He said something to her in a language that Bucky obviously understood because he launched himself at the big man, knocking him over onto his back then straddled him with his legs, trapping the man’s arms with his thighs in a grip like a vice. Even with Bucky’s arms restrained behind him the big man never had a chance to get up as the super soldier used his forehead as a battering ram against the man’s face until the masked man fired a handgun into the air to stop Bucky.
“I’ve proved my point,” he said, calmly. “The Soldat is still there, just waiting for the right motivation to appear.” He waved to the other two of his men. “Get off of Draco and stand where you were.”
The other two men came down the stairs, their guns slung over their shoulders. They grabbed the injured Draco under his arms and dragged him away to the side, one of them tending to him as the other stood with his gun at the ready. Bucky waited patiently, then he heard the sound he had been expecting, a quinjet in stealth mode. It was still some distance away, so he spoke to drown out the sound as it came closer.
“So, Draco spoke Romanian,” he stated. “Last I heard HYDRA didn’t have any cells there.”
“Your intelligence gathering is flawed,” replied the masked man. “We have cells in many places. He’s not a believer, just a hired gun, although I think his best days are behind him. You, on the other hand, are still in top form.”
“I’ve been spending a lot of time destroying HYDRA cells in many places,” answered Bucky. “Their best days are also behind them. Now, they’re a sad bunch of losers who think they’re so smart about avoiding detection. Really, they just aren’t that important in the state of things. They usually manage to draw attention on themselves, and we let local law enforcement deal with them.”
“Silence!” The masked man was angry. “I was high up in my organization! I went on many missions of importance while managing to avoid capture. I have you, don’t I?”
Bucky smirked. “Yeah, you have me. Had to lure me here, and let poor Draco get the crap beaten out of him. You’re nothing. I bet you were a porter, or perhaps an IT technician. You guys think nothing moves without you.”
This time the masked man pointed his gun directly at Grace’s chest, so Bucky stopped talking but he heard some whispered words in his ear, and knew he wasn’t alone.
“Sergeant Barnes, as soon as I break you out of the restraints you see to the young lady. We’ll take care of the rest.”
He acknowledged Vision’s whisper with a slight nod of his head then all hell broke lose as the metal restraining his arms fell onto the dirty floor of the abandoned building and a small army dropped from the rafters to deal with the others. Sheltering Grace with his body, Bucky held her tightly. Within moments, it was over, and he pulled the gag out of her mouth, and used one of the knives out of his boot to cut through the ropes that held her to the chair.
“It’s alright, I’ve got you,” he said, as he checked her over for any injuries.
She looked at him in surprise then began to cry and he kissed her on the forehead before holding her close again. Standing up, he swept her into his arms and stood with his head bent close to her as the other Avengers approached, all of them looking at Grace with concern. Slowly, she calmed down then lifted her head from where it was pressed into Bucky’s chest.
“You okay, now? I’m going to put you down. I think my friends want to meet you.”
She sniffed then nodded but held tightly onto Bucky as he lowered her until she had her footing. Then he kept an arm around her as she peered at the kidnappers who were all unmasked and sitting with their hands behind their heads.
“We got them all, including the ones who were watching you on the train and bus,” said Steve, handing Bucky some wet wipes to clean the blood off of his face. “Vision made sure they were taken care of first, then Wanda took care of the lookouts. Medics are on their way to deal with the Draco fellow. What did he say that got you riled up?”
Bucky shook his head. It had been vile and disgusting and he truly didn’t want to repeat it in front of Grace.”
“Everyone, this is Grace. I don’t even know your last name, yet.”
“Morrison,” she murmured. “You all came to rescue me?”
“Yeah. Bucky had point like he always does, but we weren’t far behind,” replied Steve. “Did they hurt you, Miss Morrison? Sam? Maybe you can give her a quick look?”
Sam looked at Bucky first, who nodded, and he folded his wings. “I was a para-rescue in the Air Force,” he explained to Grace. “Kind of an advanced paramedic. Let me just quickly check you out.”
He offered her his hand and took her over to where the lighting was better, checking her eyes, and asking her questions. Soon, he had her smiling, then he looked back at the others and gave them a thumbs-up. Bucky and Steve went over to the masked man whose mask was now off. He looked at them defiantly from where he sat on the floor and Bucky kneeled down to stare at him, then shook his head in disgust.
“You were an assistant custodian,” he said. “Weren’t even allowed anywhere near me whenever I was being processed. Who are the others?”
“Top level operatives.” The man’s tone was boasting.
“A couple of cheap mercenaries, probably desperate for work, and some wanna-be types,” said Natasha, coming over with her phone in her hand. “Found the ad he placed on a dark web job board. The plan was to get you and offer you to the highest bidder. He even had your ad ready to post.” She whistled. “$20 million was his beginning price. I think he was hoping for a big payday.”
She whipped a knife out and kneeled down to his level, placing it dangerously close to his crotch.
“Where’s Grace’s phone?”
He reached for his jacket, then suffered the indignity of Black Widow restraining him as she reached inside, pulling it out, then shaking her head as she showed the others.
“He broke the screen. Naughty boy. I should finish the job just for that.”
“I’ll give her one of the newest Stark phones,” said Tony, stomping inside. “Am I late to the party? Took me a little longer to get here from Washington.”
Natasha laughed then stood up. “Yeah, you’re late. You can spring for dinner though. What do you say everyone? Pizza? Chinese? Greek?”
“All of the above,” smiled Tony. “Least I can do for Bucky’s girlfriend.”
“Just met her Tony,” stated Bucky. “Not sure she’ll want to see me again after being kidnapped right after we said goodbye.”
Grace came over with Sam. “I don’t know, it was kind of exciting see you come in to save me,” she said. “After what Draco said I was really impressed. I had a Romanian grandmother. I understood what he wanted to do to me.”
“Nice,” smiled Sam. “What other languages do you know? How do you call someone an asshole in Romanian?”
Bucky gently took Grace’s arm and pulled her away from Sam, while giving him the finger. He towered over Grace, gently pushing a loose strand of hair over her ear. Suddenly, they were alone as everyone else drifted away to give them some privacy.
“What do you say? Do you want to come back to the Tower for some food? I can drive you back to your place after, or you can stay over. There’s lots of room for overnight guests.”
“I am hungry,” she admitted. “They grabbed me as I came off the subway before I got home. I can decide later whether to go home or stay over.”
“Well, at least the ride back will be nicer than the bus or the train,” he said, leading her outside as a squad from SHIELD arrived to take the kidnappers into custody.
The others were out there and began to file into the quinjet, while Sam and Tony rose into the air to return under their own power. Wide-eyed, Grace went up the ramp with Bucky, sitting where he indicated and watching him with a smile as he made sure she was securely belted in. He sat next to her, and they both had a happy look on their faces when their hands slowly inched closer until they intertwined their fingers.
When they arrived at the Tower, Tony offered Grace some clothing to change into, since hers were quite dirty from being manhandled and tied up in the abandoned building. Bucky showed her to his apartment, leaving while she had a quick shower. The clothes, some SHIELD workout wear, fit reasonably well and she came out to find Bucky waiting in the hallway. Taking her hand, he walked a few feet then stopped and pulled her into an alcove.
“They’re going to tease me because before I was the Winter Soldier I was quite the ladies’ man but since I was deprogrammed, I’ve become less sure about myself. I have a lot of baggage.”
“I’m not the best judge of character,” Grace admitted. “Case in point, Jeff, but I never once felt awkward or uneasy around you. As far as I’m concerned, you’re one of the most incredible men I’ve ever met. The way you took out Draco without even the use of your arms was magnificent.” Her eyes met his, full of admiration. “What he said about finding the right motivation to bring the Winter Soldier out was so wrong. Instead, he brought out someone noble who defended my honour, even though you barely know me. I can see us getting along very well, James “Bucky” Barnes, baggage or no baggage.”
She placed her hand on his cheek and drew him down to her, kissing him ever so softly. Looking at his gloved hand, she took it in hers, then looked up at him, asking permission with her eyes. He nodded and she pulled the glove off, carefully examining the black and gold metal hand attached to the prosthetic arm that replaced the HYDRA version shot off by Tony in Siberia. Deliberately, she put her hand in it, and tugged him a little as they walked to the common area. After staying overnight, Grace only went back to her place once, to gather all of her things and bring them back to the Tower, staying in a guest room. A week later, she moved into Bucky’s apartment and the rest might be a story for another time.
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electricpurrs · 2 years
sighs. today is being a particularly shitty day
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dazais-guardian-angel · 9 months
this torture we're going through with the anime must be divine karma for slandering Bones all this time...... they said "oh, you don't like how we adapt things? you say the manga does it better?? okay then, well now there is no more manga. it's Bones or bust, bitches."
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skunkes · 12 days
if life is categorized by Before Loss and After Loss then I exist in the before but with a countdown to the after. and the countdown is always always present and debilitating. the loss will be debilitating too but i cant help myself. i will always suffer twice.
#i cant let go of it. i cant even enjoy good moments without thinking about how they'll just be memories one day#how they're already memories since moments pass so fast#everything is I'll Miss This and i already miss it and i cant believe once you're gone you're gone forever#and ill never ever see you again. and your shell is in the ground but where did the rest of you go?#should i look at your body one last time? on one hand itll be the last time i see you.#on the other hand it will be the last time i see you.#and the memory of you will die with me too. as if neither ever existed#it impacts me so much too bc i dont feel close to anybody really...and i dont make friends easily#so whats going to happen when the people who have always been there arent there anymore?#im going to be alone for so much of my life.#i will record your voice so im ready for when i cant hear it from the source while also knowing it wont be enough and one day#ill be wishing it lasted longer. it could be 12 hours long and ill want more.#how do you surpass this? it hasn't even happened. when it happens i don't know what ill do. considering my whole life has been#the timer. the countdown. hours and hours of anticipatory grief#and then ill be next. me. some of all thats left of you. it cant be true.#sorry. this gets worse every single year and its been going insane lately#id surprisingly been managing it well for months somehow ! it wouldnt cross my mind...and now its there again#like it accumulated and its all coming out right now. ive been crying for hrs tonight and last night#one day his things will just be things. things ive made and given him will be in my hands again.#talkys#i want to go hug my dad but then ill just cry over how one day i wont be able to....! how do i store it? how do i save it?#how do i preserve it forever....even as i take my own last breath....#i cant believe im the only one of me. and my dad is the only one of him.#i wouldnt want to be reborn as anyone else. i cant believe one day i wont get to draw or eat or be comfy in bed anymore.#i cant take it !! im so scared. ill be scared until the end. and you wont be there to hold my hand. im going to be alone.#and none of those years of grief and joy and memories will matter.#i wonder if it would help to tell him about this. i need something to hold onto for when it happens. anything. but i also know it'll make i#hurt more; obviously. just another piece of him that'll be gone one day
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deus-ex-mona · 24 days
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no thoughts, just the way the narumi sisters are so different yet fundamentally similar at the same time yk?
#i love the functionally dysfunctional relationship of the narumi sisters to an unhealthy degree i think…#i’ve just been thinking about how both sisters put each other up on a high pedestal while having a less than high opinion of themselves and.#aaaaaaa just the way sena calls mona her angel while thinking of herself as a useless/subpar older sis#a n d how the main source of mona’s depression is her constant comparisons with her beloved big sis sena is just. aaaaa#just!!!! the way sena pushes herself past her limits in her attempts to portray herself as an ideal big sis for mona#even at the expense of her own health sometimes (see also: the beach sisters honeypre event)#i really feel like the way sena thinks she isn’t good enough of a big sis to mona is pretty glossed over for the most part tbh.. man.#(​i have many thoughts on this tbh. none of them coherent)#and just. aaaaaaaaaaaa im really happy that both of them have great support systems (their families + [midori for sena]/[monacas for mona])#like. even though they don’t personally think they’re good enough compared to their ideals…#at least they have people who are there to love them for who they truly are. their true selves (honto no watashi) if you will—#idk i just wish both of them could see themselves exactly how their sister sees them…#b ut man i really want idol sengen season 2 just so that we may be able to see how sena reacts upon finding out what happens to the bracelet#i doubt they’ll show it in an mv but. man. i really want to know how she’ll react…#im probably misremembering and misinterpreting a bunch of stuff about sena huh… i miss her thoughhh#i miss seeing the sisters together tbh. i think the gen 3 sibling pairs should sing together a la tokyo [season] session style
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bittersweetresilience · 5 months
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i'm not really one to post snippets but... you know, since i'm unlikely to publish any of this anyway... i was going back through my fics and i am thoroughly charmed by how much i forgot i wrote. in about two minutes i'm going to forget i'm a fine writer and i enjoy my work again but for now i'm riding the high... such is life
#i'm particularly pleased with the second one because i remember writing the entire fic in a twenty minute sprint and assuming it sucked and#never looking at it again. but it's fine surprisingly. third one is the same i got a lot done that day#having a lot of writing experience is really just accumulating a bunch of similes and metaphors you can whip out easily and knowing how to#balance action narration internal external observation feeling without thinking. maybe writing poetry helps. i really like rhythm and flow#and making sentences end in a way where if you read them aloud it's almost like they're rhyming#i'm not trying to praise myself i'm just thinking#but you know what? i should praise myself. good job sunny#you did it. you're happy with your work again. you stopped having the crazy unhealthy social media feelings#you are comfortable with yourself even with everything that's happened and everything you're still afraid of a little bit#and you never stopped writing about murder and insane unshowable things 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏#everything is going to be okay i love ME and AUTUMN and MOONIE#wow i'm really just rambling to myself in the tags of a post where i feel good about myself 🤣 how cringe. how silly#but i will be cringe forever and weird and shedding the skin of my shame 😌#i'm also listening to kurzgesagt soundtracks right now and thinking about the vastness of the universe#and how small i am and how none of this really matters and yet it's so beautiful and that just has me feeling some kind of way#🌃#miraculous ladybug#ml fanfic
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girlscience · 6 days
I hate getting into something that has a canon(ish) sapphic couple, but I only end up caring about one of the two women 😭😭😭
#warrior nun? only cared about beatrice couldn't really get behind ava much#the locked tomb? INSANE for gideon. harrow is like cool I guess (I feel like I should like her more than I do idk)#and now dungeon meshi. I knoowwwww I'm going to love falin. 10 episodes in and I already find her relatable and awesome and so cool and sexy#AND SHE BECOMES A DRAGON LIKE FUCK MAN (she's still dead atm but soon soooooon)#marcille on the other hand?? I mean she's fine... but I'm not really drawn to her (I like namari a lot more tbh)#and the thing is I know part of it is the feminization of all three of them#I am not attracted to femininity pretty much ever (outside of a super sexed up version in which case gugh)#and ava and marcielle both have a very bubbly personality type that has never really drawn me in ever#they can have cool stories and I can enjoy them in that. but I have no desire to seek them out outside of that#and harrow... honestly I think it might be the way fandom sees her that makes me not care much about her?#also my feelings about the series as a whole by the end of nona probably don't help#BUT I definitely think a big part for all three is the femininity. none of their counterparts that I DO love are overly fem#(and HONESTLY I don't think harrow should be either and the fact hardly no one actually makes her butch the way I see her pisses me off)#((she CANONICALLY hated her long hair!!!!!!!!! stop giving her anything more than a buzz cut I'm going to attack you!!!!!!))#also. marcielle has green eyes and I'm sorry but I just can't 😭#I need every single character ever in existence to only ever have brown/black or gold/yellow eyes#stop with the blue and the green 😭 please#ANYWAY POINT BEING: I hate that this happens to me because I end up not getting obsessed with the ship#and mostly only getting into the single character but then I don't want to read fic about just one person#so I try out the ship stuff and shocker no one writes the other character in a way I like so I don't read it#and then I feel bad cause all my ships and main characters I'm obsessed over are men#and then I complain all the fandom favs and mcs in stories are men#but like I'm contributing to the problem!!!! but like I'm not attracted to hannibal but I like his personality#I'm not attracted to optimus but I love how fucked up his whole deal with megatron is#I DO love both luffy and zoro even though I'm not really attracted to either of them#the lotr/hobbit ships.... eh I love the world and I love dwarves and I will do anything for them so the characters don't matter much lol#AND THATS THE ISSUE 😭 the worlds of warrior nun and tlt and most of what i've seen of dungeon meshi don't really entrance me much#so I don't get into the ships for that. and I'm not attracted to both people in the ship. and I can't relate/project on both in the ship#and sometimes I find one character type less likable/annoying so that makes me not want to engage
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anarcho-masochist · 8 months
Okay, I thought this was universal but maybe my last three therapists were right that it is not:
Is it normal for boredom to be truly unbearable?
As in, worse than anything else, would rather get eviscerated while fully conscious, will do anything to escape it which might actually include suicide if no satisfactory options are available?
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hartmannyoukaigirl · 27 days
god I really Really need to leave. Really. Seriously.
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baronessofmischief · 6 months
Rebel Moon on Netflix is sooooooo soso bad guys 😂 like at least there’s space Charlie Hunnam with a Scottish accent and sometimes the main character has a flashback where she has a better haircut AND there’s a sibling duo who have the best costumes in the movie but the story? The script? The movie structure? Cohesiveness? Absolutely terrible. And there’s still 45 minutes left
#and it’s only part ONE#and it’s not interesting enough to compel me to watch a whole second movie of this#there’s a billion things going on but none of it fits together and they’re all just mostly disconnected events or ideas or just STUFF#and none of it is the basic things we need like. character connections and relationships.#it’s ALL flashbacks and EXPOSITION and world building#those things should be there when necessary. give us the minimum we need to know and move ON.#if there’s so much backstory that needs expositioning you should have made that movie instead of it was relevant buildup to THIS story#worldbuilding should be there for flavor - boundaries - and establishing the rules for how the story happens within its structure#this universe just. doesn’t seem like there are any limits. so there’s no tension or cohesive feeling to it. so I just end up not caring lo#at least Jupiter Ascending was CAMPY bad#Rebel Moon is just BEGGING for you to take it seriously and BEGGING for you to make it the next big sci-fi cornerstone in culture#but I swear it is just. so bad.#I don’t even know where to start with it 😂#there’s also like. some things they don’t warn for that they defo should have included in the rest? idk maybe that’s just me but#if you warn about attempted assault against a woman you should also do it for one of the men later#also I said ‘main character’ in the post but it really seems like they’re trying to make EVERY character the main character.#they’re too individual to come together. it’s just random ingredients not one dish.#it’s not structured the way an ensemble movie is supposed to be so it just doesn’t work 🤷‍♂️
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