#and of course that can be platonic‚ her being shadow's heart in that she just inspires him to *keep* that promise and keep going.
kissimirrit · 1 year
sometimes i think about how there's a route in shadow's game called "the miracle of love", where you do the dark missions up until meeting amy, then take the good route for the rest of the game—and i just really feel things for shadow. and in the ending when he goes over everything he did, he mentions how he had no reason to help amy, but did anyway, wording it in a way that implies he just wanted to. it's fucking called the miracle of love.
also there's a voiceline in team sonic racing where he says "you did okay, amy" in the gentlest fucking tone i have ever heard my god. and it's like the nicest thing he said to *any* of the characters in that game.
it's such a soft part of his characterization that kinda drives me nuts to think about sometimes.
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nuumbie · 9 days
Trust Fall
Prompt: An elite member of the organization Fractsidius… Scar appears before you in order to explain his beliefs… so you may understand all you have to gain by joining forces and hands and to change the world with them all.
You’re weirdly open to the idea.
Author’s Note: Crack Territory. Surprisingly Wholesome? As wholesome as a Scar Fic can be. He’s a weirdo. This is the kindest fic I currently have. Technically, can be read platonic or romantic adjacent... ( He is flirting with you. You don’t exactly return it. ) Please send me Scar Fics. Otherwise I’ll need to make them all myself. Carry the weight of the world on my shoulders.
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The face of the legendary resonator, his fellow black sheep, his fellow revolutionary in the new world if they had merely opened their heart enough to let them all inside. Well, you could have worn a more dynamic expression. You eyebrows are knit together, their mouth is curved into a frown. In all honesty? A little underwhelming of a reaction especially considering he's sent their little friend. ( A girl. You’re surrounded by girls! It's scary how every time he blinks it's like another one surrounds you. You're too popular! ) Where was he?
Oh, right.
He sent them to The Shadow Realm. Not like he actually hurt her! Well, he could have! To be honest a part of him wished to. Already planting ideas into your head. Getting you on their side. But he chose not to. First Impressions matter a lot. He even wore his nice pair of pants instead of the easy access ones he usually wears just for this moment. The others all gave him all this time so he even had a moment alone! With you. So of course it had to be special! Even though he was sure you'd share many moments. Just like this. "Well, well, well... we finally meet."
"You're... Scar, right?" It's such a coincidence she bought up his name! You don't know a thing. But everything falls into place so you're exactly where you need to be-- you truly are lucky. While Scar? Well, the fact you already know of his name means you know of all the foul, horrible, nicknames she's called him. An already dirty image in your head with his name attached. "Where did you put her?"
You have your hand on your sword. Pointed directly at his neck. He goes to tap it to the side. Away from his face. He already has plenty of stories for how he got all of these scars. Well, maybe he can get another. One specially made by you. Permanent proof of you.
Not bad at all. He casually goes to play with the sword in your hands, putting it back where you planned on threatening him and he leans just close enough so that if you wished you could drive it into his skull. Like a trust-fall! A trust-exercise between you both to see if you'd behave or try to crack him open like an egg. Smiling through the gap between you and the steel edge of your blade. "She's irrelevant. If she were here. She'd add a lot of meaningless dialogue. Right now I wish for your full, undivided, attention."
"Allow me to share with you my side of the story."
He raises his neck for your eyes. It isn't like he covers it up. But it's rare for him to brandish this mark so callously for others. It’s for you! It’s special for you. "I've been watching over you... to think you've forgotten everything."
"They're all fighting for you." He looks through his fingers-- undeniably you're you. Your confused expression gazes back at him. He winks at it. You squint your eyes even harder. He takes it as a win. ( He’s gained lots and lots of personal multiple little wins while watching you. ) "Wishing to use you and drain you of all of your worth. Despite being a human person, they've used you the moment they found you had an inch of worth. While we are no different..."
"We wished to be honest with you." He smiles as he steps closer. He notices how your hold on the blade tightens. You hold it still. It does not stutter or tremble. He leans in close enough that the outline of his neck is at the knife of the blade. "To allow you to understand us. We've been granted precious alone time. I'm here to show you we are not the villains...—“
He expected that if you did fight back. You'd hit him with your blade. Then he'd know to go to the next phase of the plan -- i.e. beat you up. Show you why they’re stronger. So the human, more basal part of you, would understand why not to resist and prove their worth through overtaking you. Offer to join the winning side.
It seems that's not what you're going to do.
"Let me stop you there." You step back and sheathe your blade. You've been exceptionally quiet. Mouth closed in a thin line. Eyebrows furrowed. Handsome. Beautiful. An odd mix of both words.. As he watched over you-- the most you said had to do with what that red-headed girl ( Chia? Chilichuck? What was her name? God. He basically ignored every word of theirs besides your dialogues.. your friends really did talk a lot.. The red-headed one with the gun especially annoyed him. ) And food. This is by all means a pleasant surprise. "Does everyone in this god-forsaken world speak in riddles?"
"Oh, but we have so much time! To explain it all would be no fun. It'd ruin the game." He widens his arms and shrugs his shoulders, showcasing the sight of the destruction behind him. "Besides, you wouldn't believe it if I told you. Would you? You have to come to conclusions on your own for them to matter. It's just me and you. No need to rush. Just trust the process."
You laugh at that for some reason. Scar clocks it. But, the fact you stop glaring seems like a good sign. Your smile is nice. So it does have the ability to be his way. Though, it appears you're laughing at him. He cherishes his victories however small and frames it on his mind-wall. "A town on the brink of destruction... if it wasn't us... how did it fall? A story of false devotion, fleeting kindness, senseless killings and the worst humanity has to offer... of course... there is only one truth. But history can take many different meanings dependent on the person. This is a world filled with oppressors and victims and..."
"That's not what I mean." Hm? Hmm? Hmmm...? "You're playing around. You wish to show me how sick this world is. You wish to understand how I'm being manipulated... that was your point from earlier... right? Stick with that. Are you trying to get me on your side or what? I'm tired of being dragged around."
Scar... has to take a moment... to process your words. Not really expecting... that. "Oh...? So you are listening! I’m glad! Well... inevitably. Yes, that is the point I wished to make. You and I are the same you see... both of us are outcasts... a story of a shepherd, it’s flock, and a black sheep—“ he does have a point to make, he thought really hard about the symbolism before coming here so it was easy to digest and everything.
"I'll join you." You hold out your hand towards his. "Scar, that's your name right? I'll join you right now. I'm not in the mood to play any more mind-games. If I join you. You don’t have reason to not tell me, right? You promised.”
Scar's world lights up.
He stares at your hand. It’s the one with your resonator mark no less— offered out to him. A sign of trust. An offer of companionship. You wiggle your fingers and ahem rather loudly. He immediately takes your hand with both of his own. Maybe a bit too frantically. Maybe a touch too desperately. The closeness is surprising to even him.
He studies your hand. He doesn’t remember the last time anyone’s offered their to his. And you did so unprompted. He feels the weight of your hand in his own. And he almost forgets what he’s here for—
"..." "Seriously?"
"Why are you acting surprised? Why did you even bother to meet me here if you weren't even open to the possibility of me joining you? Was it to sow the seeds? Slow-burn me? I'm not nearly as patient as you all seem to think I am." You cross your arms and huff. "Are you suddenly questioning whether or not I'm the resonator you're looking for? You're right. I don't remember anything. I'm not the hero anyone expects me to be. I'm not what you want from me either." “I want you to prove yourselves to me. You said you’re the ones in the right… that the others are just trying to use me.” You linger on those words. “If that’s true… well… you’re clearly suspicious, mentally deranged, to be honest I was tempted to hit you really bad just now... but... I don't exactly doubt your words. Every single person I've met has been..."
"Reliant on me." You gaze at the mark on the back of your wrist. "This is an equation of my worth. I can't disagree. No matter how hard I try to. That in itself is proof you have a point. So… it’s an avenue worth exploring.”
"..." "....." "Aha... ahahahaa... ahaaa... seriously?!" Scar doesn’t remember to use his indoor voice. He remembers after you jump a little. Doing his best to whisper. "Wait, no, that's bad. Oh, I'm so sorry... I was right... they... did use you as a pawn... and they made it so obvious… That you immediately..."
"You chose me." Scar is giddy. He couldn’t stop himself from smiling even if he wanted to. Each word. He falls a little deeper. "You weren't even forced into a corner. I didn't even have to make you do it.”
“You’re already understanding of how alone we are in this world…!”
"You're not really different from them. You just admit to it." You sigh. "You're worse in a way. I'd doubt they'd force me to help them."
You're insulting him but he's still on cloud nine-- you're joining them aren’t you? Purposefully reaching in to touch the filth you apparently so despite! Ah, they're hardly ready! They'd thought this take much longer... it's true. He doubted you would believe him. Believe any of them. Maybe the villainous appearance and rumors of sociopathy, psychopathy, and all of that doesn't quite help.
Whoopsies. ( He isn't very sorry. You chose him regardless and you would have anyway because he knows at the end of the road you would’ve realized the hopelessness and that you had no choice and all. But you chose him over them and saw through their deceit. Him. Him. Him. He’s the one who got you to change your mind— ) He really can’t find it in himself to care about how menacing he seems. His smile’s just too hard to wipe off…
"I want to understand the world you're fighting for." You sigh. "You see yourself in me, right? You were projecting pretty hard on me earlier... So the world you're trying to make..."
"It's a world which is better for me. And... I can't help but to wonder if you're not wholly in the wrong." You rub your wrist. Like the mark of skin burns. "I want to see.. how worse it gets... I want to see what you've seen. I'm just opening myself for understanding. Isn't that what you wanted? An open, honest, discussion.”
"You do have purpose behind the evil, right? I'm not going to join and you make me blow up an orphanage or something… you're morally-grey bad at worst." You pause to consider. "I don't really have a point of reference for the terrible things you've done actually. Maybe we can put this on hold until I get one-"
"No, no, no! Noooo orphanages! We're not monsters." Scar pouts. "You'll see, okay? I’m going to show you all the horrors! Then you’ll get it. We’re ultimately in the right.”
“You knocked out Yangyang.” You sigh. Detached. But the sentiment behind the words is there.
"So they did get you to care." Scar hums. "Shed your worries. Such useless feelings do little good... she'll be fine... see? We are willing to reason! This whole talk was to prove we can communicate. She wouldn’t listen to me. She wouldn’t even look at me. She’d keep us apart and spread her little lies.”
Okay, maybe he’s a bit jealous. Why was she so exceptionally close to you? He doesn’t even mind the gossip. Everyone talks to him like that. Looks at him in that way without ever understanding.
He’s the one who should have been offering free dinners, doing small little romanticisms, giving you small yearning gestures with you, not her. And he will from this point onward! And he will be the one to do it. Even if he has to pry you from the others…
( Seriously, why are you so popular? It just isn’t fair! He’s going to be fighting for crumbs when he brings you back to the base. He just can’t win. )
“If I shed all my worries then won’t I just be the same as any other sheep? It’s the wool that makes them look different.” You sigh while rubbing your arm. “What even is that metaphor about…?”
“Oh. I did use that metaphor, didn’t I? Yes, with fur so black! It was obvious against the rest of the flock… for black sheep are the outsiders! Those who go against the grain—“ Scar responds dumbly. Rambling, because he really is so happy! He's got you right where he wants you! You're not struggling, nor running away, you've walked right into his arms! And he didn’t plan this far at all. So, his mind’s a bit fumbled. This is the best first date likely in the history of ever. Though, he notices your unimpressed look. Thus, he straightens his back and smiles as gentlemanly he can muster pounding his fist against his own chest considering you’ve made it a point that you hate long-talk. “— anyway, yes, shepherd evil, white sheep stupid, black sheep good.“
He looks at you to see how well you’ve taken his shortened explanation. You use your other hand to facepalm. ( He hasn’t let go of your arm. He realizes. You haven’t pulled your arm back. This sparks joy. This sparks incredible joy. He holds it even tighter. And you don’t even struggle. )
“I should have done the puzzle first. Lacking lots of subtext.” Is what you put together from his explanation. “Just explain on the way. Come on. I’ll lose brain cells if I’m here for any longer.”
He’s taking you home. You’re still not gone. You’re here with him.
You’re with him.
"Ahaha.” he rambles, graining traction as his grin grows more manic, he can feel his skin getting hotter, the urge to hold you tightly within his hands and explain growing stronger with each passing moment, every second, every millisecond. It’s a feeling you wish to feel forever. “You want to listen to me.”
And he will feel it forever. He’ll make it so. He doesn’t have to wait any longer.
"There’s so much to tell you. About this world.” he cackles, loudly, his voice crackling throughout the air with a reinvigorated passion as he leans close to your ear to whisper with as much love as his dried up little heart has. Putting it all for you. “And I’ll tell you about all of it.”
"Okay. I seriously don’t know how the hell you expected me to trust you." You whisper. Tired? Yes. Terribly so. You so hope Yangyang can't hear him. From wherever he's put her. Shadow Realm or whatever. "You’re making me regret this already—“
"NO!" he rushes forward and leap-hugs you. "Noooo take-backs. You already said it! So you can’t take it back. That’s how it works. When you say it. It’s forever.”
“That’s not how it works-“
"You're all mine, forever.”
"Agh-- hey!" You yelp... a touch high-pitched. He squeezes you tightly and you see the flash of smoke-- Yangyang's passed out body on the ground. You shut your eyes, awkwardly looking away. You’ll know she’ll be saved soon. “I’m coming. I’m coming, okay?”
Perhaps you're even better than his wildest dreams. Well, he'd love you as much regardless. Whether or not you came now or later. This is a drastic changes of plans. But a pleasant one.
His cards fly through the air and they capture you both-- you hold onto him. His laugher resonating loudly, a wicked sound which is proof of the choice you’ve made. A choice you’ve made which you certainly can’t entirely turn back from no matter how hard you try to reverse you’re being taken along.
More like dragged. He’s holding your hand like you’ll run if you don’t. ( He’s not exactly wrong. ) You just awkwardly hold back. Unaware you don’t even need to be touching him to get warp-jumped.
He doesn’t exactly tell you either or warn you or do anything to stop you. Instead encouraging it by opening his arms out so you can hold on properly.
As you’re flashed away through a red door… the person you’ve decided to trust manically laughing as you phase through that door. “There’s so much… to tell you! Well let’s start at the very beginning…!”
No matter where you are you’re susceptible to lore dumps. At least he’s excited about it. You wonder how long he’s been holding this in.
You close your eyes tight and just hold on tight as you embrace your new life.
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
What about platonic yandere Dracula and his child who is very affectionate towards him? Basically his shadow, he has to watch his steps so he doesn't step on his small daughter since she's always following him quietly
You are a very small child, and mischievous one too! But that's only what mama Lisa thinks. Daddy Dracula? Oh he wholeheartedly believes that you're an angel and that it's just everyone else around that peer pressures you to be naughty.
If it weren't for your small mischievous giggles, Dracula would've stepped on you a couple of times. You liked to sneak up on him, follow him everywhere he goes even though your parents don't allow you to leave the castle farther than the garden, but you always manage to hide in his big cloak and would go undetected of it weren't for Lisa grabbing you.
The few times that you did go out with Dracula, he would still hide you in his cloak and have a tight grip on you so that you don't wander off. He doesn't want anyone to know about your existence because you're too pretty, cute- you're the perfect child, and the universe is set on destroying perfection.
But of course, one of these times you managed to slip away from Dracula and he had a wholeass heart attack for like 5 minutes before he found you in a pub, standing on the bartop as you danced to some music and everyone at the pub was laughing at your silly moves. Dracula uses his super speed and grabs you and leaves the pub, starts scolding you for wandering off in the dark alley. And as you whine in his arms to be let go, a certain someone calls out from behind-
"Hey! Let that kid go, you creep!"
And low and behold, its Trevor Belmont. A drunk Trevor Belmont, but still.
Your eyes light up. "Trevy!"
"Hey kid." He smiles before taking a fighting stance. "Now you mister, let the kid go."
Dracula narrows his eyes at him. "She's my daughter."
"Yeah and I'm her mother." He scoffs, not seeing any resemblance between you and the man. "You're a vampire, aren't you? So let the human go or Ill march over there and you dont want me marching over therrre. " He slurred.
"She is literally my child with my hunan wife-" but Dracula is cut off by Trevor swinging at him and you gasping.
"Dad! Are you okay?" Wait dad? Now Trevor looks confused but he doesn't have much time to ponder over it when suddenly Dracula smacks him across the face so hard that Trevor falls unconscious, the vampire mumbling something about him being alive because his kid is there.
And you? Dracula takes you home immediately where both of your parents give you a lecture and ground you for a few years.
Oh well. Your sentence can be reduced by some tears and a little pouting. And if your new friend Trevor doesn't come marching in to "save you" from your family.
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Hello! Love your work!
Can you do headcanons for Hosea with a daughter? (Or child if you'd prefer gender neutrality)
She's his kid with Bessie, and I was wondering how the two would be, growing up in the gang, how he'd be as a father, how she'd be with the other members, whatever you'd like to write!
As for her age, I'm thinking young adult during the events of the game, maybe John's age too
Thank you!
Hosea with a Child
Gender Neutral language!
Genre: Fluff! Some angst - No game spoilers Featuring: Dad!Hosea, Platonic John, Platonic Arthur Warnings: Mentions of death and grief
AN: I hope you like these! I really enjoyed writing this request it was so cute and fun to think about Hosea as a dad raising a kid in the gang <3 Thank you so much
---> Requests are open! Check out my guidelines if you have any questions!
Childhood Years:
According to Hosea, you were the only good thing he had ever done with his life.
Being his only child with Bessie, you were spoiled as much as he could afford. As an infant you were given the warmest blankets, the softest toys, and the most attention he could give you.
That short period of time where he left the gang was around the time that you were born after him and Bessie’s wedding. He wanted to give you a proper childhood away from the hardship of the life of an outlaw.
As he said himself, though, the life just draws you back in.
When he went back to Dutch he brought you and Bessie with him.
Hosea worshiped and adored you. Everything he did in the gang he convinced himself was for you and Bessie.
He told you the story of Robin Hood as you grew old enough to understand stories before bedtime. He’d sit you in front of the fire and smile as you gazed up at him in wonder while he told the tale of the hero who stole from the rich to give to the poor.
During the earlier years of the gang, when they still stole for the good of others in one way or another, you always thought of Hosea as Robin Hood - he was a hero to you.
You started calling Dutch “Uncle Dutch” and considered many other members of the gang as family.
You were only eight when Arthur was brought in to the group. You followed him like a shadow and it warmed Hosea’s heart to see you trying to play with another kid (even though Arthur was fourteen by this time - he was still the youngest person for you to hang around).
Since Hosea eventually started viewing Arthur as a son, you viewed him as your badass older brother.
Teen Years:
By the time you turned fifteen, you were expected to start contributing to the gang. Most of the time you were just a pickpocket. Hosea didn’t want you robbing trains or putting yourself in any real danger, and Bessie wouldn’t allow you to do anything that could taint your soul (as she would put it).
For a while you were just quick and sneaky.
Arthur watched over you whenever you went into town to grab a few coins and watches from the people walking through the streets just in case anyone caught on to your act and you needed assistance.
You whined to Hosea that you felt like he didn’t trust you to take care of yourself since Arthur was always babysitting you, Hosea said he’d figure something out. He knew you could take care of yourself, of course.
He fixed it by telling Arthur to be sneakier while he was watching you.
Once you turned sixteen, Hosea started taking you on hunting trips with him. He wanted to make sure you could take care of yourself and your mom in case anything happened to him.
“Give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he’ll eat forever.” He’d say on nearly every hunting trip the two of you went on.
“But we’re hunting deer, Pop, not fishin’.” You’d correct him and he’d just wave his hand in the air as if to dismiss you. “Same concept, kid.” He’d retort.
At seventeen, John joined the Van Der Linde gang. It was the first time there was someone exactly your age near you daily that you got to interact with.
At first, John was following Arthur around like a puppy and it made you so jealous. You complained to Hosea about it, you said John was taking your brother from you and it wasn’t fair.
Hosea laughed lightly whenever you dramatically groaned and whined and told you to give it time, John would become your friend as well.
Hosea was right of course, as always. After a month or two the amazement over Arthur Morgan wore off and John became a great friend of yours.
The two of you bickered a lot, though. Being the same age and all, you were constantly at each other’s throats.
Bessie always said that you and John were like an old married couple. That comment caused you two to look at each other gag over dramatically.
Young Adulthood (around the events of the game):
When your mom, Bessie, died a part of you died with her. Hosea might as well have died too.
For a year, he never left his bed and when he did it was only to grab another bottle of whiskey to drown his sorrows in.
Some days were better than others during he grieving, but there were weeks that would go by when he couldn’t bear to look at you.
You had Bessie’s eyes and her smile. You had all the best parts of Bessie and seeing her in you but not seeing her made Hosea’s heart shatter all over again.
During this time you depended on Arthur and John to be your rocks. They were the ones who kept your focus away from the black hole of grief eating away at your insides. And during the days that the grief was too much to handle, they pat your back and held your hand while you let yourself rot away in bed.
Some nights John would come to see you when he couldn’t sleep and the two of you would cry over Bessie until you drifted out of consciousness.
Everyone felt her death deeply.
As time goes by, your wounds have healed as have Hosea’s. He sobered up and after a long crying session where all you two did was hold each other and reminisce over Bessie, you were a family again.
During the events at Blackwater, you were Hosea’s first priority. He got you packed and to safety as fast as he could once it was time to flee.
In that huge snowstorm on your way east, Hosea gave you his extra jacket and gloves to keep you warm. You rode in the wagon with Abigail and Jack, huddling with them for warmth and assuring them that John would be okay and back soon.
For a while after Blackwater, Hosea refused to let you out of his sights. After what happened with Bessie and the chaos that was that whole situation, you were the only thing he lived for. He couldn’t have anything happen to you.
You didn’t complain, either. You didn’t want to be away from him for a while. You were terrified during Blackwater, terrified you’d lose him or John or Arthur. You let him baby you and watch over you like a hawk as long as it gave his mind peace.
At Horseshoe Overlook, you went hunting with Hosea as often as you could. It was like a tradition for the two of you.
“Give a man a fish,” He’d start his lecture on the importance of learning survival skills and you’d have to stifle a groan and a laugh.
You’d probably heard that phrase nearly a million times at that point. He always said fish, too. Never changed it for whatever you were hunting.
Hosea wasn’t only your father, but your best friend. He was the best person you knew despite his occupation, and you adored him with your entire being.
He wasn’t technically a good man, but he was a great dad.
I hope you enjoyed these!! Thank you for reading
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thel0llip0p · 5 months
A World Without Sonic
a sonadow prime ficlet, you can guess what it's about.
**disclaimer: i'm not a writer and I did not proofread it lol. this was the idea for my next comic but i got lazy to draw it so i wrote it out instead for now.
tags? sonadow , character death/mourning, platonic shadamy, mention of: tails, knuckles, rouge, big, eggman
Shadow finds himself in the last spot he was in right before the prism shattering, his arms held out and empty where the blue hedgehog once was, feeling disoriented for only a split second.
The cave!
Wasting no time, the black hedgehog dashes away making his way up to his destination. His heart racing wondering if Sonic made it alive and intact. A pit in his stomach grew on his way over, fearing the outcome. Like Schrödinger's cat, unfortunately there was only one way to find out, whether he liked it or not.
He makes his grand appearance at the mouth of the cave, and without thinking calls out
His heart dropped. At the scene, Eggman and Sonic's friends all staring blankly at him, both parties equally confused. But sonic was nowhere in sight.
This left him no choice.
"Chaos Control!"
and he disappeared just like that, along with the Paradox Prism.
Warping to a secluded location unbeknownst to anyone except himself, he sheltered the prism.
I guess this will have to do for now.
Against his will, he supposed he'd have to be the guardian of this thing for now, not unlike a certain echidna and the master emerald but he knew he couldn't entrust the prism with anyone else other than himself.
Now that the prism was taken care of for now, he could finally think about the burden on his mind.
Did he really not make it ?
He refused to believe that the bundle of blue joy was no longer in existence. He couldn't leave things at that, this warranted further investigation.
He needed answers now.
And he first person that came to mind was...
"I really... don't know who you are talking about?" Tails pondered with a hand to his chin. "Are you sure you're feeling okay, Shadow?"
"The name Sonic doesn't ring a bell? Really? Your blue hedgehog best friend? Try to remember."
"I feel like, it's supposed to be familiar but I don't really know. Nothing comes to mind. Sor-"
"Never mind, then."
Shadow walked away.
"Umm.. okay?" Tails shrugged him off, thought left a little dumbfounded.
On to the next one..
"Hey redhead, where's your blue friend Sonic?"
"What did you call me?!" Knuckles didn't take so kindly to the nicknames and much less being interrupted during his midday nap.
"Where's Sonic?"
"Don't know 'im"
He sighed defeatedly and took his leave.
Tails didn't know. Knuckles didn't know.
Big and Rouge didn't know either.
Of course Sonic isn't going to be anywhere. He's not here. It's like he never existed. And even knowing this was venture was fruitless, he felt the need to ask everyone anyway, as if he was holding out hope for something.
How stupid. This behaviour wasn't like him.
And there was only one last person left, the only person who could possibly understand even a tiny bit how he felt.
"Oh Shadow nice to see you around. You don't normally stroll around so casually, did you need something?" Amy, oh so very cheerful as always.
"Have you seen Sonic?" Shadow was straight to the point.
"Sonic? Ummm.." she gave it some thought. She felt like she was supposed to know who that was and although she didn't, it did make her heart flutter a bit. "Is he your friend?"
"No, he's not my friend, just someone I'm looking for."
"Oh... well I noticed you've been asking and searching around endlessly. He must be someone important to you."
"...Yeah, I guess so." He melancholically looked off into the distance.
The two of them were sitting on a hill with a nice view of the green hill landscape.
"If you don't mind, can you tell me more about Sonic? Who was he? What happened?"
"He... was a hero, your friend.. everyone's friend.." he trailed off.
"..And I couldn't save him."
Tears began to well as he began to recall his last memories of their adventure together. A surge of pain growing in his chest and his suppressed feelings beginning to surface.
Amy turned to Shadow, concern on her face. He was normally never vulnerable with anyone but in this moment, for some reason he felt like he could confide in Amy with this. Even if he couldn't delve into detail.
"He sacrificed himself to save the universe, and now he doesn't exist and no one remembers him... except me." He did his best to hold back his emotions.
She listened to him with sympathy in her eyes.
"A world without Sonic, is not the same world at all. I can't imagine a world without him, and here I am. Here's not here anymore." Brushing away the tears, he turned away to hide his face from her.
Amy wrapped her arms around him and gave him a hug.
"It's okay Shadow. I'm sure it's not your fault.
Knowing you, you probably did everything you could to try to save him. And surely Sonic is thankful for your effort."
He wanted to believe her but his emotions only welled further.
"It wasn't enough... I wasn't enough, and now he's gone. Forever."
She stroked his back, trying to comfort best as she could.
"As long as you remember him in your heart, he exists and lives on in your heart."
At this point , Shadow was basically crying into her shoulders, and although it was extremely embarrassing he couldn't help himself. The tears flowed like rivers, mourning the loss of the only hedgehog he saw as his equal, rival, possibly friend?
How could he live on like this ? First Maria, now Sonic.
His feelings of remorse, hopelessness and sorrow overwhelming him.
When would it end?
Amy's embrace brought him comfort, but oh how he wished he was in Sonic's instead.
He felt his sense of self drifting away until everything became black.
"Shadow ?"
Amy's voice tried to reach him but her voice sounding increasingly faint.
"Shadow ?"
A familiar voice...
"Hey you okay?"
Slowly opening his eyes, he saw emerald green eyes looking down at him and a blur of blue and sunshine.
"S-sonic?" A sudden wave of relief came over him.
He sat up. "You're okay?"
"Of course I am?
He realized he had been sleeping on Sonic's lap? And oh, there was remnants of tears on his face?
"What was that about? Bad dream got ya?" Sonic teased as he layed back against a palm tree, hands behind his head.
Shadow sighed. "Guess you could say that," rubbing the back of his neck.
"I dreamt... you didn't make it back to Green Hill and everyone had forgotten about you. It's like you never existed."
"Oh you missed me so much you started crying in your sleep? Aww-"
Shadow grabbed his face with his hand, squishing his cheeks "Shut it, you." And kissed him.
"I'm just glad you're okay."
And the two resumed their peaceful afternoon by the beachside.
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takemealivelh · 2 months
heart is gonna flatline || l.h.
tour puts luke and lucy's feelings to the test. addiction to sex, alcohol and weed for when things get hard. SMUT.
this was so fun to write ! loved to participate in the @5sos-fic-fest this year. hope you enjoy this. here's the ao3 link.
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Prompt Au where the characters are both famous musicians with their own projects who have a well-documented public friendship. When they announce a tour together fans go crazy, as do the shippers. As the tour progresses, maybe the shippers are on to something…
Pop-rockers 5SOS and Latina indie-rocker Lucía Huerta announce tour together Last year, there were rumors about the frontman of the Australian band -Luke Hemmings, 27- and relatively new sensation Lucía "Lucy" Huerta, 28. They'd been caught leaving West Hollywood bars together, late at night, on numerous occasions. They put the speculation to a stop when in June 2023 Lucy uploaded an Instagram story of her and the blond having a drink. She tagged Hemmings and wrote "that's the homie", to which Luke replied in his own stories "that's me :)". They've been seen hanging out repeatedly since then, but it doesn't seem any more platonic than work friends. And speaking of work friends, 5 Seconds of Summer and Huerta just announced a 2024 tour that definitely excited fans, not just because of the vibrant shows they expect to see later in the year, but also because they want to see how the relationship of the two stars will develop during the four-month North American dates. Here at Music Getaway, we'll definitely keep a close eye on them.
"i'm not ready to tell them yet," lucy says to his boyfriend as she leaves the coffee cup on the kitchen counter next to them. they've been dating for eight months. it's been hard to hide their relationship from the press, and luke isn't too keen on the idea. he actually hates it. but he loves lucy. he loves that she's a talented musician, her laugh, her jokes and her business smarts. and he just can't enjoy this in peace, not with being so secretive.
"you've been saying that for months now. when are you gonna be okay with this? with us?" luke doesn't get it. why hide when they go out on dates and he can finally press a hand on her ass in public to stop the thirst traps people seem to tag her on. hoping to get a chance with her? fuck no. the blond wants her all to himself, he can't deny that.
lucy twists her lips, stalling. the smell of freshly brewed breakfast coffee dancing around them. "you don't understand." she finally says, reaching a hand to touch his arm for a few seconds. the thought of being out in the open with luke would change everything. "people will treat me differently. they might not respect me anymore."
"what are you talking about?"
"luke, come on. i got my own interview with kelly clarkson and then i played the iheartradio festival." they'd been incredible opportunities. "all of my hard work goes away the minute they know we're together. they'll say oh she was fucking the rockstar and he got her those big breaks. i don't want that. i don't want people to minimize my efforts."
luke sighs and shakes his head. "is that what's more important?" lucy shrugs. "okay," he finally says.
"yeah. it's fine. i get it. i won't bring it up again."
lucy throws her arms around his neck. "thank you," she whispers before kissing his lips softly. "i love you."
luke sits with ashton outside the rehearsal room. they've been playing for nearly two hours and they need a breather, especially because luke's mind is spinning. "i don't know, man. it sucks." they hear chattering on the other side of the door, a few guitar riffs and then laughter.
"of course it sucks, mate," ashton tells his friend. "she doesn't want to be in your shadow. it really fucking sucks and you better not fuck this up for her. you know how hard she's been working." he had grown fond of lucy. she was as much of a fan of drums as he was. he taught her a few fills and she invited him to do yoga and get high, ending up talking about how the unconscious force of creativity is beyond any of us. ashton doesn't want to see her heartbroken because of her boyfriend's, his best friend's inability to trust someone who really loves him.
luke's insecure, there's no question about that. after his marriage fell apart, he fell into a depression. and when he got better, he found this woman in the venue of the iheartradio festival, she was wearing cool sunglasses and stevie nicks-looking clothes. hippie goth he would've dared to say. they were watching the soundcheck of another band and started talking after she took out a cigarette from her backpack and asked him for a lighter.
"sorry, no. i don't smoke."
"that's okay," she smiled. 
that was all she said before looking for -and eventually finding- a lighter in the outside pocket of her small backpack.
the man looked up at the sky, the sun shining bright and the warm air of the field. he squinted one eye and turned to her. "they sound pretty good," he said of the band that was talking onstage, between songs. she nodded her head. "do you know them?"
"not personally, no," she replied and blew smoke out in a thin line. "but i've been a fan of them for a while now. they're one of my favorite indie bands."
that got them talking, eventually introducing themselves and catching up later after each other’s set. there was chemistry and flirting. luke's band immediately caught up to what was happening, when he said he was gonna congratulate lucy and be right back. but he didn't and it took them a full while to find him, thirty minutes before they went up and played.
"you got a lighter?"
calum nods and lights the cigarette for her. the smoking area of the building being a small parking lot.
"thanks," she breathes out. "you out here on your own?"
the bassist nods. "it's a good place to think."
lucy smiles and rolls her eyes. “cheesy,” she says with a grin.
"where's loverboy?" he asks, a cheeky smile on his face. calum was the first one to see them kissing. it was an afterparty at his band photographer's place. he'd gone to the kitchen when everyone started leaving, eight in the morning. when he went back to the living room with a cup of coffee, he saw lucy snuggled up to luke, smiling at him. luke smiled back and leaned in to kiss her. "aren't you guys glued to the hip anymore?"
lucy chuckles, "i don't know. there's... a lot happening."
"i'm listening."
"uh... okay. so... we decided to not tell everyone yet that we're dating. Not even with the tour. and i think he's mad at me."
"why do you say that?"
"he's been more... distant. and i don't know if that's what i wanted but it feels like... payback. like, you banned us and now i'm gonna make sure you feel it type of thing."
"i'm sure it's not that."
a bitter chuckle leaves her lips. "helpful as usual, cal."
cincinatti, first stop of the you don't go to parties tour. lucy had laughed when they first told her the name of the tour, but she eventually grew to like it and even embrace it. it's 6 pm and her soundcheck just ended. security lets fans in for a q&a with 5sos. she walks over to her boyfriend and smiles at him, wanting to kiss him good luck, or maybe just because she loves him. but luke stops her before she can even tilt her head up to reach his lips.
"we can't now. remember?"
it leaves her heart sore. she stands still as luke enters the stage and is greeted with the cheering of the fans. the rest of the guys are already seated on the small stairs of the set. she watches him ignore her and the questions about her. michael replies to one of them by saying she's our friend and we care for her and we're pretty inspired by her work as well, so it seemed like a good idea to, like, join forces and do this tour together.
lucy hopes luke will acknowledge her at some point, but he doesn't. when they start playing talk fast for the few lucky seventy fans in the audience, she twists her lips and leaves, heading backstage.
he doesn't see her until she's onstage again, playing her set of amazing songs for the 16,000 people attending the show. they dance and scream the lyrics back to her. she plays her guitar and sings with her raspy grunge-style voice over the indie-pop-rock arrangements her backing band provides. his heart beats faster as she approaches the microphone and starts talking.
"and thank you to my friends in 5sos who have been kind enough to invite me to co-headline this tour. the you don't go to parties tour seemed a little odd to me at first because this is definitely a party, isn't it?" she smiles as the crowd cheers. "so thank you guys," lucy turns to the left of the stage and sees luke standing next to her guitar tech. "i really fucking love you."
because of technical issues, the band can't perform the whole setlist. sometimes it happens. ashton is always pissed. "they're missing the whole experience!"
"yeah, well. nothing we can do. venue told us we could do the whole hour and a half but because of the issue with the speakers, they can't last that long. you have to cut two songs."
the tour manager tries to hold this thing together as ashton and michael complain. calum offers suggestions.
"i guess we could lose um... we could lose babylon, right? just this once and... flatline maybe?" the bassist looks over at luke.
flatline is the one song they had never played live before and it’d be a surprise for the audience. especially because lucy would come onstage to sing it with them. play the rhythmic guitar while luke walks around, hyping up the crowd. they'd rehearsed it several times and she was excited about it. they both were. allegedly.
"sure," luke replies as he drinks a glass of tequila, setting it down on a table and making sure his guitar is properly tuned. "let's cut them."
michael and ashton look at each other and then at luke. the frontman shrugs and his friends tell the tour manager that they will cut babylon and flatline.
all of the musicians have separate rooms in the hotels. even luke and lucy. she'd insisted it'd be easier. luke hated it. and he didn't expect her to show up at his room, unannounced, with a frown on her forehead and breathing hard.
"you cut our song," she steps inside the white room with the white walls, white bed and white comforter. looking at luke, the woman crosses her arms.
"we had to," he simply states. as if he wasn't the one greenlighting the whole thing.
"you could've told me, though. i was looking stupid next to the stage, waiting for you to introduce me. and it never happened."
"is that all that matters to you? how you look in front of other people? we had to cut two songs, lucy. the surprise's gonna be even bigger in the next show. fans will appreciate that."
lucy twists her lips and walks straight past him towards the door. "you're an asshole," she says before closing it behind her.
the beginning of the flight to boston is awkward. the whole twelve -the bands and the crew- can sense the tension inside the plane. it stems from luke and lucy, obviously. when did everything get so uneasy?
twenty minutes into the duration of the flight, though, luke slides into the seat next to his girlfriend. she doesn't look at him.
"i should've told you."
"yeah, you should've."
her heart beats faster as he places a hand on her cheek, guiding her eyes towards his own. he looks inside the brown hues and decides he can't keep hurting her. but she hurt him first. he wants to grow up and let it go. it's proving to be harder than he thought. maturity hasn't caught up to him easily yet. "i'm sorry." she closes her eyes and luke leans in to kiss her. "i'm sorry," he repeats.
a hand on his wrist, lucy is sad. looking into his eyes makes her sad. "it's okay," she finally says.
"and now we've got a pretty special surprise for you," michael grins into the microphone as the whole venue screams. "it's time to invite lucy huerta back on stage!" he shouts with a smile.
luke thinks lucy looks so fucking edible in those tight pants and that see-through top. her smile is big as she waves to the audience and settles on the center of the stage, where luke usually is. he gets another microphone from one of the roadies before ashton counts to four with his hi-hat.
should've seen me like a year ago, year ago/i was someone you don't even know, even know/dark times kept me all alone, all alone/you were shining like a heart of gold, heart of gold
he steals glances at her as she smiles into the crowd that’s going wild, her acoustic guitar hanging from her shoulders. 
luke was depressed after the divorce, staying home and drinking himself to sleep. then he got his shit together (half of it at least), went to the studio and worked through his issues by writing songs. when he met lucy, luke thought she was the most wonderful person on the planet. she had the kindest heart and was an overall joy to have around. he sings the pre-chorus and is taken aback by her strong voice as she takes over the song with her playing and her singing.
ooh, i'm falling for the first time/heart is gonna flatline/now i can't even look at you/you're like staring at the sunshine, burning into my mind/now i can't even look at you
and she doesn't. she doesn't look at him as she sings, unlike rehearsals when they couldn't stop singing to each other. it breaks his heart, considering it's their song. he wrote this for her.
"thank you!" lucy shouts and then leaves the stage waving everybody goodbye.
after the show, luke showed up to her hotel room. the bands were out clubbing and when he heard lucy wasn’t gonna join them, he immediately took an uber back to where they were staying. 
“let me in, please,” he says after knocking on her door three times. when she finally appears, she’s wearing a towel around her body and another one around her hair. she looks tired. “can i come in?”
without saying a word, lucy steps aside and luke walks into her room. she closes the door behind her and approaches him. 
“talk to me,” he basically begs. reading her mind is like an unsolvable sudoku, the man can’t get his head around it. “I love you.”
“i love you, too,” she whispers, looking down at his messy converse sneakers. 
luke quickly grabs her face and kisses her. it’s passionate and arousing and she can feel herself melting under his touch. she knows they should actually talk about it, instead of making out and falling on the bed, her towels discarded somewhere on the floor. she can’t help it. they’re both sex addicts. lucy rips his thin black shirt open and kisses down his chest, leaving his skin wet with the droplets that run down her hair. his breathing grows heavier and his pants grow tighter in the crotch area. he closes his eyes as she trails the kisses back up to his face. “take it off,” she pleads and sits next to him. luke quickly reincorporates himself to toss his shirt, his slacks and his underwear out of the way. he’s big and pulsating and lucy swallows hard, he turns her on so much. 
when the last item of clothing hits the floor, one of his shoes, the man licks his upper lip and straddles her body, hovering over her. “you really want me, huh?” his smirk is cocky, as if he’s forgotten everything about these past few days. it’s like nothing ever happened and they’re still in their love bubble. she so desperately wants to go back to it, so she nods and wraps her arms around his neck, bringing him to her lips as she parts her legs. luke hooks an elbow on her knee and spreads her wider, watching her folds throb for him. so slick and ready. he kisses her once more before carefully dropping her leg onto the bed. “condom,” he says. “i need to fuck you now.”
lucy reaches out to the bag she keeps on the nightstand. eyeliner, pills and condoms. she hands him one and it doesn’t take long before his cock is ready. luke smirks and kisses her, lining himself against her entrance with one hand, he takes a deep breath and penetrates her.
her gasp shouldn’t come as a surprise, given that it’s the same sound every time, not at all used to having him being so big and thick yet, even after all these months. she closes her eyes and bites her lower lip as luke runs a hand through his damp curls, letting her adjust to his size. he groans as he feels her walls engulfing him. “i want you so much,” he offers a low moan and starts picking up the pace of his thrusts. bringing one of her legs over his shoulder, the man reaches a deeper spot that makes her moan out. 
“fuck,” she pants as the bed bounces underneath their bodies. luke’s strength and determination to fuck her stupid works. her eyes roll to the back and she digs her short nails into his naked back. “more,” she begs and is immediately met with a hand around her throat. “more,” her plead is inaudible as she feels like she can’t breathe from the pleasure.
luke’s pupils are dilated in a way she’s never seen before. he tightens her grip around her throat and around her leg. gulping down at the sight of his girl falling apart under him, he tries to restrain louder moans but how can he? how can he fuck her quietly when she looks and feels so fucking good? “say you’re mine,” he orders. “say you’re mine.”
the morning sun shines through the window and rests its light on lucy’s face. She scrunches her nose and opens her eyes. she’s lying on luke’s chest, they’re both naked. he doesn’t seem to notice her shifting. the woman looks up at him, wondering when things got so complicated. she loves him. she truly loves him. he’s the first man she’s ever loved, in a real way, not a platonic crush way. the fact that he makes her laugh and his skills when making music and also in bed are extraordinary. he’s a sensitive soul and it’s such a wonder when he lowers down the walls he builds up around people. letting them in but not all the way. not in the way he does with her. or did. “why can’t you trust me with your thoughts anymore?” lucy wonders in a soft whisper before pressing a kiss to his sternum and getting up. she goes to the bathroom and takes a shower. when she opens the door that leads to the bedroom, luke is up and scrolling through his phone. “hi,” she smiles softly. her boyfriend’s hair is a mess and there’s still sleep inside his eyes. 
“hey,” the man smiles back, putting his phone away. “flight’s at 6. you wanna do something today?”
lucy leans against the frame of the bathroom door. she crosses her arms in front of her chest and thinks for a moment while twisting her lips. “what do you have in mind?”
they both go down in the elevator, not touching, and it’s killing them. when they reach the hotel’s diner, they find calum and ashton sitting at one of the tables, drinking orange juice and eating bagels.
“you guys had fun last night,” calum smirks as the couple sits down with a plate of waffles and two cups of coffee.
lucy blushes and luke has to stop every inch of his urgent body to wrap an arm around her shoulders. “shut up,” they both say in unison. there’s a soft smile on their faces.
after michael drops by to have a quick breakfast and then leaves to facetime his wife and his baby daughter, the rest of them decide that it would be cool to go out and explore the city. so they do that. they go to a park and sit around, smoking and drinking warm water because of the summer heat upon them. a couple of fans stumble across them and ask for pictures. they stay for around ten minutes before leaving off to continue their day, the musicians keep on enjoying the sun and the fresh air. if you ignore calum and lucy’s cigarettes, that is.
they go to lunch at a nearby restaurant and order pasta salads. lucy looks over at luke across the table, he’s laughing at one of ashton’s jokes and she sighs almost imperceptibly, looking down at her empty plate. there’s a single ravioli and two tomato slices on it. she looks up when she feels a foot against her ankle and sees luke smiling softly at her.
they can’t help but fuck in the restaurant’s bathroom. locked into a single stall, she drops to her knees and sucks him off. luke pins her against the door and buries his head on her neck to muffle the sounds when he slides into her. she’s got a leg wrapped around his waist and she swallows hard to hush the sounds she wants to make.
when they reach back the table, they find that ashton and calum have deserted them, leaving them with the bill. “assholes,” she says and luke laughs.
Seen out: Luke Hemmings and Lucía Huerta have an off day in Boston
The pair walked out of the Intercontinental Hotel with Ashton Irwin (5SOS’ drummer) and Calum Hood (5SOS’ bassist). They were seen by fans at Fenway Park and they took pictures with them. Luke looks tired in the photos, but he seems happy. He wears roughed-up sneakers and a white tank top. Lucy wears short denim shorts and a black top with flowy sleeves. The fans that tagged them in the Instagram posts spoke about how nice they were and how exciting it was to meet them. Hemmings and Huerta were both seen leaving Tenderoni’s Fenway restaurant and getting into an Uber. According to inside sources, the pair haven’t been able to keep their hands off each other during this tour so far. We hope it stays that way.
“fuck,” lucy’s frustration about the latest hollywood gossip blog post seems to go unnoticed on the plane. but luke can tell, and he wraps an arm around her the minute they both sit down. “they know. they seem to know,” she hands him her phone so he can read the writing piece. she hates it. she hates it so much. “inside sources can suck my dick.” this statement makes luke giggle. “what’s so funny?” she asks, annoyed.
the next cities go by in a time whirlwind. lucy’s been distant since the article and it breaks luke’s heart. she refused to hold his hand and kiss him outside hotel rooms. even concerts’ backstages.
a few months after they met, they attended a house party in santa monica. the sparks between them were something everybody noticed, but they didn’t seem to think much of it. they’re rockstars, they’re the same age, of course they’re gonna flirt. luke fucked her in the spare bedroom, door locked. she gasped when she felt his cock for the first time, knowing he’d just made her addicted to it. he’d ruined every other man for her.
“we should head back downstairs.”
“i wanna stay here with you.”
“luke.” his name was rough against her lips as she hooked her bra back on.
“alright, i’m up.”
looking back, that should’ve been a red flag for him, but he chose to ignore it. because she made him feel good and he didn’t want her to leave him for somebody else. he didn’t want to be left again. he’d loved his ex-wife, and it was hard to get over her after she cheated on him. lucy had never been in a relationship, just random hookups, a friend with benefits and two weeks of winter love. she feared intimacy and luke could tell after the second time they had sex. spend the night, he’d said. lucy shook her head and told him she needed to get up early in the morning for an interview, which was a lie.
by the time the first month rolls around, they’re barely talking. It’s all sex and pretending onstage. pretending to have fun, pretending that they’re not hurt. their hearts break in silence. well, sort of.
“i told you not to fuck it up.”
“she won’t let me in. she won’t talk to me about it.”
“fix it.”
someone just like you, no one else/lights will guide you so, run like hell
the screaming fans can’t get enough of the energy onstage. michael jumping around, calum throwing his head back to expose his neck to the crowd, ashton beasting out on the drums. luke crouches in front of the crowd with a wide smile and lucy plays guitar while she sings her heart out. the lights radiate orange and red colors on the stage, the bass resonates in their bodies and there’s so much adrenaline going on that she has a moment of weakness. she looks over at luke, who has walked over to michael’s side of the stage as he sings the second verse. he wears a silver shirt that makes his shoulders look so spectacularly broad. she looks at him a little too long and when the camera pans over to her, showing her true feelings on the giant screen, fans seem to lose it even more. luke walks back to her and sings directly into her eyes, as if he can feel his way back to his girl. finally. a sad smile appears on her face for a split second before she starts dancing while playing the post-chorus instrumental outro. her long wavy hair hides her face and no one notices a single tear rolling down her cheek. when the song ends, she pretends to be emotional about the crowd, about how much they seem to love the show. which she is very grateful for. but on the other side of the coin, she just fucked up everything for herself. her career. and it’s clear when luke approaches her with a reassuring smile and one fan screams KISS! KISS! and then the whole venue is yelling the same word over and over again. michael and calum look at each other, ashton wipes off the sweat from his forehead and when the chanting doesn’t seem to stop, he grabs his mic. 
“alright, alright. calm your asses down,” the drummer laughs and the crowd follows suit. a distraction. he starts talking about how they recorded the song and thanking lucy for putting on a fantastic show with them for the beautiful souls in the audience.
lucy twists her lips, trying not to break down in front of thousands of people. so, she just waves and quickly exits the stage. luke takes a deep breath. he wants to run after her, make sure she’s okay. but she would never forgive him for giving the fans more reasons to speculate about their relationship. 
lucy cries backstage, alone. she takes off her makeup and sees dark circles underneath her eyes. why the fuck is she such a mess? why can’t she be in love like a normal person?
the show ends and the first person to knock on her dressing room is, obviously, luke. “are you okay?” he opens the door and sees his girlfriend lying on the sofa, sleeping. her makeup’s off and he can better appreciate the freckles on her nose that she gets in the summer. he stays with her, sitting on the chair in front of the mirror. the man looks at her as she wrinkles her nose in her sleep. he loves her so much. but what if this it? what if this is the end for them? 
michael opens the door, “what’s going on? is she okay?”
“she’s okay,” luke smiles weakly. “she’s sleeping.” 
lucy holds a pillow to her chest. she’s covered by luke’s jacket. michael decides he should probably leave them alone. “good luck, man,” he says as he pats luke’s shoulder, then he leaves the door closed after stepping back out.
luke could really use a joint right now. all these thoughts and feelings. wondering what she may be dreaming. or what she does with her days when they’re not together. he hates being so possessive, it makes him feel like a child. but how can you blame him?
“good luck with what?” lucy’s yawn startles him. she rubs one eye open.
michael meant well, but he also wanted to protect luke from heartbreak. lucy’s given him that for months now. all the guys -at least in the bands- knew lucy has a bit of… issues. she believes in things to be too black or white, good or bad, yes or no. no space for grey areas in her life. and that’s frustrating to deal with, but luke had fallen in love because she was so intense and so hardheaded when it came to defending her values. He admired that about her. “I honestly have no idea,” he lies behind a chuckle, playing it off as usual band nonsense. “do you wanna go back to the hotel and sleep?”
she’s too tired to get into an argument about taking separate cars, so she just nods. “Yeah.”
when they get to the hotel room, luke tucks her in and pours her a glass of water that he leaves on her nightstand. he looks for ibuprofen in her small bag with pills and condoms and sets two next to the water. 
“i’m sorry for being such a bitch to you,” lucy says with her eyes closed, lying on her side. 
she looks so out of it. as if she’d just drank an entire bottle of vodka and then smoked weed. he feels bad. he never meant for her to feel like this when they got into a relationship. but touring always makes things hard. especially if you’re playing shows every night with the person you love. the man sighs and sits next to her. “don’t worry about me. get some sleep,” he whispers and kisses her temple.
before he can stand up, lucy grabs his arm. “can you stay with me? please.”
a soft smile sets on his lips. “of course.”
after landing in the next city, lucy calls her mom.
there are three knocks on his hotel room door. “luke?” her voice is soft. as if she’s embarrassed. she doesn’t want her mother’s words to haunt her. the man opens the door without his shirt. just sweatpants. he was probably gonna go to bed. she might as well ruin his night too. 
“hey.” there’s a small pause. “what’s up?” he steps aside so she can come in. the tv’s on in the background and there’s a tray with an empty plate and a glass of tequila, just resting on his nightstand. 
lucy nods her head and walks inside. “i wanna talk.”
“about us.”
Love Is All Around: It’s Insta-Official
Two months ago, the You Don’t Go To Parties Tour hit the stage. And last night, Lucía Huerta and Luke Hemmings provided some much-needed proof of their romance. “Ten months with you feel like a second. Magic. I love you.”
lucy sighs as she reads the article.
“are you okay?” luke asks her.
“yeah,” she replies. “just… scared, i guess.”
“it’s gonna be okay, love,” he kisses the top of her head and sits next to her on the sofa. “everything’s gonna be alright.” the dressing room is big and no one else is around. it’s noon.
tons of notifications have been hitting their phones for the past fourteen hours. some are mean comments, others are encouraging words from fans. either way, it makes lucy anxious. “do you wanna get high?” she asks her boyfriend. maybe weed isn’t the solution to every problem ever, but it helps. 
the man smiles. “sure,” he says.
they go to the private parking lot of the venue. luke rolls a joint while lucy smokes a cigarette. she flicks the ashes onto the concrete, fidgeting her fingers around the cancer stick. luke isn’t the biggest fan of her smoking. and she's been smoking more as the days go by. but he understands she’s going through a lot, so he says nothing. he gets a text from calum, wondering where he and his girlfriend are. we’re gonna have lunch, join us? but the blond dismisses the message and lights the joint. he takes two hits before handing it to lucy. she brings it immediately to her lips, the slightly spicy smoke going down her throat smoothly. 
it’s so easy to talk to each other. sometimes. but their words have been stunted lately. they don’t know what the other’s thinking. and yes, last night they had a good conversation. but now what? does everything go back to normal now? how? they both feel anxious around each other, and that’s never ever happened before. they both hate it.
“what do you…”
“do you ever…”
they open their mouths simultaneously, quickly chuckling at the awkwardness of their interaction. lucy nods her head, letting him know that he can finish his thought.
luke smiles. “i was gonna ask you if you ever feel like… like things are going so good between us and suddenly we get so quiet and you worry? is that… is that something you feel?”
lucy smiles back. “yeah,” she says. “i don’t really know how to explain it. i mean, i love you. you know i really fucking love you, luke. but sometimes i worry we get too inside our heads. because i think we’re really similar like that. and i… i wanna be someone you can count on…”
“i want that too,” he replies. she hands him back the joint and he smokes some more.
“and sometimes i worry i’m not that someone you deserve,” she finally confesses.
it makes him sad to hear her say that, because there’s no better person for him than her. no one has made him feel this way before. the ups and downs seem to be heightened and it’s a beautiful way to live, he doesn’t want anyone else. there’s only room in his heart for this woman. this is the hardest he’s ever fallen in love, and he can’t imagine his life without her. a bit dramatic, but hey, that’s just who he is. “i don’t deserve anyone, lucy. i just want to be with you,” he says and takes her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers. “all the time. every single fucking day.”
the woman looks down at their hands. matching red nail polish and silver-colored rings. this is scary. it’s scary to love and need someone so much that you feel like you’d die if they ever left you. please, don’t leave me. ever. lucy sighs and squeezes his hand in hers. “right back at ya,” she smiles softly and looks up to find his baby blues staring at her with so much love in them that she can’t help the weakness she feels in her knees.
the silence is barely uncomfortable anymore. unlike the ones they’ve been experiencing for countless weeks now. it’s all out in the open. their love for each other burning brighter than ever. neither want this moment to end. and since there’s only one way to stop time, they lean into each other and kiss. it’s soft at first, like a goodnight kiss. and it escalates quickly to an i-never-wanna-be-without-you one. she grabs fistfuls of his shirt, bringing him closer to her body. luke places both hands on her face as his tongue traces her bottom lip. their eyes are red and their hunger is raw.
they can’t get to his hotel room fast enough. fuck having lunch with friends, they need to satiate this urge so they can go on for the rest of the day. “i want you so bad,” she whines against his throat, leaving wet and sloppy kisses along his jawline. he’s already big and leaking with precum, grinding his hips against hers. unhooking her bra, luke immediately buries his head between her breasts and she whines again. those beautiful sounds he can’t get enough of.
“ride me, babe. i wanna see these titties bounce,” he whispers against her skin. hands gripping her hips. bulge so hard he feels like he’s gonna explode. they’re naked and he already has a condom wrapping his shaft. lucy bites her lower lip and lines him against her slit. he’s throbbing in her hand and that drives her insane. the moan he drags out as she strokes him is paradise. The filthiest love they’ve ever experienced. Both always wanting to fuck each other. It’s her waist, it’s his broad shoulders. The way they move on stage, wanting to look sexy for the other. 
lucy sinks into his cock and lets out a whine, “fuuck.” his thick size feels so good. luke grabs her ass and spreads her cheeks open so he can penetrate her better. 
“you like that?”
“yes.” her mouth hangs open and her eyes roll to the back of her head. luke has always thought of her as his pretty little pornstar. even before they started dating, the way she danced with him at the club. her back pressed to his body as his hands rested on her hips and stomach. both sweaty and a bit embarrassed when they went back to the booth with their friends. 
the woman, as per requested, starts bouncing on his cock. titties moving up and down. “fuck, girl.”
“is it better to feel this or feel nothing at all?”
ever since the news got out about their relationship, lucy’s been a mess. interviewers can be assholes. they suddenly stopped asking about her music, her achievements. all they wanted to know about was her clothes and her boyfriend. like everything she worked for just disappeared in the blink of an eye.
she lays on her side on the hotel bed after playing a festival in latin america. luke spoons her, holding her close to his body. he doesn’t know what to say. he’s surprised by the outcome. hadn’t expected people to diminish her work, to ignore she just played the 6 pm slot, which is a hard spot to get. you need a lot of people to stay for the whole set. and she’d killed it. 
“i don’t understand what happened,” luke sighs against her neck and squeezes her tighter. “i’m really sorry.”
lucy closes her eyes, feeling a bit less anxious with him. “it’s okay. the industry’s fucked up.”
“yeah,” he chuckles weakly. “it is.”
“so it’s true? you and luke are engaged?”
the questions about her relationship don’t seem to cease. even a year later. they go together to events and people seem to be more excited about them together than their work. it’s annoying, but what are you gonna do? “yeah, we are,” lucy smiles. “we’re also dropping a new song together next month.”
“ooh, tell us about it.”
lucy has become good at deflecting. luke taught her that. 
“how was the interview?” luke asks after he greets his fianceé with a kiss and hands her a cup of coffee from her favorite shop.
“it was alright,” lucy shrugs. it’s definitely been a learning experience, dodging questions about her personal life. but luke has been so supportive and sweet throughout the whole thing. she’s grateful to marry her man in six months. “how was the recording session?” she asks as she sips the hot beverage.
the blond had written things throughout the tour. enough things to make an ep. “it was good,” he smiles softly.
the song luke and lucy release is a hit. a 90s-inspired track with her raspy vocals and his whiny ones make for an interesting texture that captures hearts everywhere. they play it on several shows, the crowds go insane every time.
a month later, lucy releases her second album. it's a hit. she's invited to play festivals and there are rumors of a grammy nomination.
"here's to my girl," luke smiles as he raises a glass of wine in front of her and their friends. "she showed the world she's a powerhouse, an amazing songwriter and performer. she's the best thing that's ever happened to me and i'm so proud of you." his gaze sets on lucy, who's blushing like crazy and smiling like an idiot. "i really fucking love you."
"right back at ya," the woman grins and stands up from the table to kiss her man. everyone cheers.
the night goes by fast. the celebration turns into a party in luke and lucy's new place in west hollywood. but the couple soon disappears into their shared bedroom. fucking until the sun comes up and their friends leave.
luke pants as his orgasm washes over him. "fuck," he breathes out, collapsing next to her on their bed.
"yeah," lucy chuckles. her body is sweaty and she wraps an arm around his torso as she snuggles up to him. looking up at his face, the man's glistening. he's the most beautiful man. he's got the biggest heart and he's never been jealous or threatened by her successes. she appreciates that. "wanna eat me out?" lucy smirks, her leg now over his, her wet pussy making contact with his thigh and she grinds into him.
"give me a second," luke lets out a soft laugh. "you really wore me out. my pretty slutty angel." he strokes her hair, hand soon trailing down to her ass. a small slap to it that makes her bite down on her lip. "okay, come on. legs spread, i'm diving in," he grins.
she does what she's told. opening her legs so luke can attach his lips to her swollen clit and start licking her folds. so sloppy. so fucking nasty. lucy groans as her breath hitches. "you're so good."
he smirks against her entrance before exploring her walls with his tongue. so fucking skilled.
grammy nominations announcement. luke and lucy's song gets one for song of the year. her album gets one for album of the year. they're ecstatic. it's all happening.
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
Me again, back for them tasty Halo RVB requests. I know they didn’t have a whole lot of screen time, but would you be willing to do a North vs South Dakota concept? Sibling rivalries mixed with high stress work environments always turn out great.
-📸 Anon
Oh boy... here you go, lol.
Yandere! North vs South Dakota
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Jealousy, Possessive behavior, Overprotective behavior, Manipulation, Violence, Forced companionship/relationship.
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I covered South before, so if you've seen the South concept then you know she can be such a brat and problem child due to her inferiority/superiority complex.
She hates to share and hates the idea of being in her brother's shadow.
North I haven't covered on here but he is the opposite of his sister.
He's much more kind and nurturing, protective and caring.
He is certainly the Freelancer deserving of the AI Theta.
North no doubt makes South's obsession worse.
Her brother is, of course, much more appealing than her.
Which would naturally make you gravitate towards him.
Which drives her insane.
She hates being less favored and is competitive to the point of volatility.
The moment she realizes North has an interest in you?
Mental. Breakdown.
Just because they're siblings does not mean South will go easy on North.
She feels she deserves one good thing in her life, at least.
Which means North is suddenly bombarded by South screaming at him or trying to harm him.
North being yandere would increase South's demanding nature.
She now takes up so much of your time.
She's more moody and probably emotionally manipulates/hurts you more.
She can't vent her frustration properly.
South may even try to use her obsession to prove she's better than her brother in this rivalry.
Meanwhile there's North... he sees how South treats you.
She teases you, bullies you, is incredibly possessive of you.
It hurts his heart.
He loves his sister but you can't just be treated like that.
North is calm and compassionate to you.
He often acts parental at times and is a shoulder to cry on.
He understands his sister desperately wants you...
But you clearly aren't happy with her.
So, he steps in to ease your anxiety and protect you.
He drifts apart from his sister since he doesn't like her behavior.
All of this drives South to the brink.
Of course! Of course her brother has to steal her victory again.
Why? Doesn't he have everything?
He's stronger, he has an AI, at this point he may have you.
Such a thought makes her think of drastic measures.
The two end up getting into not only verbal fights, but physical ones.
The stress from being a Freelancer and their personal connections make them hate each other.
It takes a lot to make North hate someone.
Especially his sister.
But you mean a lot... to both of them.
If left unchecked they may just murder each other.
Considering North's fate in canon, South may just get the last laugh anyways.
Their rivalry ruins their synergy, it makes their performance fall.
But who cares at this point?
Both of them will end up wanting you in the end.
If it means they get you in the end... they'll fight.
They may even kill.
Their rivalry is very destructive in nature.
They aren't siblings anymore... they're enemies... which means one of them has to go, one way or another.
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thefoolau · 9 months
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🎪The Fool — a Welcome Home AU!🎭
ㅤㅤPeople are cruel, everyone knows that; and sometimes, a "Home" can be where others like you are.
ㅤㅤBut nice things never last, do they...?
ㅤㅤAfter being discriminated & ostracized by society for as long as they can remember thanks to Kastor's influence, Wally alongside Barnaby go out to find other puppets like them in order to create a circus, where they all started performing together. ㅤㅤHowever, this all came to an abrupt end when Kastor cursed the whole city, making all of them forget everything about the circus out of spite and jealousy; all except Wally, who now has to carry with the burden of remembering, while all of her friends don't.
. . . AU info below !
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!﹘Index ,
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1. ﹕ Boundaries ,
💧 What is ok?
Fan art, edits, cosplays, fanfics, anything creative!
Platonic OC x Canon, Zeze is aroace!
Character interactions of any kind!  In any medium!  I’d love to see them!
Memes or things alike!
Hurt/comfort, angst
Fanon AUs of the AU
Edits! All of this, as long as you tag/ credit me of course!
💧 What is not ok?
Selling mass produced merchandise.
Sexual interactions, both explicit and not explicit.
Romantic OC x Canon, again, aroace!  Not open to relationships!
Anything related to crushes/ atraction to masc/ male characters, not even as a joke. Zeze's a lesbian!
Redesigns, recolors, tracing, etc. without my permission.
Gore, body horror Please respect these boundaries, if not you will be blocked and blacklisted.
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2. ﹕ Characters ,
🎭 ; Wally Darling, the trapeze artist!
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🌺 ; Julie Joyful, the acrobat!
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⭐ ; Sally Starlet, the acrobat!
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🃏 ; Kastor (K.W.), the wizard! (antagonist)
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the others don't have a reference yet, I'll add them once I make them!
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3. ﹕ Story ,
ㅤㅤNo one ever liked them. None of them. They were considered weird, ugly; Dangerous. So they sticked together, supported each other, and thus formed a small family.
ㅤㅤAll of them had Something, were something others didn't like. Wally was too flexible; Barnaby was too big; Eddie was too strong, and all of them were monsters made out of felt to their eyes. They were easy to judge, so people took advantage of that.
ㅤㅤIt all started when Wally found Barnaby in an alley, abandoned and beaten up. They talked, and soon became friends; that's when they had the idea to find others like them, others who were ostracized by society. It didn't take long until they did; through sings, word of mouth and rumors, or by finding them in hidden places like dark streets or abandoned buildings. And so, they formed "Home", a circus of the city's "weirdos". ㅤㅤThey performed for others, with time gained their sympathy and admiration; their shows were fun, unique, mesmerizing. Everyone liked them. But most importantly, They liked doing them. They supported, took care of, Loved each other; they were finally happy, together.
ㅤㅤBut nice things never last, do they?
ㅤㅤIt started just like any other day; Wally woke up in the small room he rented with his share of the money made from the shows, got ready for the day and went out, heading to the tent they performed in to rehearse with the others. It was like a home, only there he felt like he belonged, only there he felt safe.
ㅤㅤBut it wasn't there. Home was completely gone.
ㅤㅤWally felt his heart sank. Did something happen? What could've possibly caused the whole tent to disappear overnight? She quickly approached someone she'd seen in the audience multiple times and asked them about it, but to his surprise, they looked at them with disgust and pushed him away, telling her to never approach them again before walking away, insulting him under their breath.
ㅤㅤShe quickly got up, running to the inn he knew Barnaby was staying at; they'd never seen him there, and added that they'd never let a freak like him stay there in the first place. When he got out, a man dressed in black stared at him from the shadows, mockingly smiling before turning away and disappearing without leaving a trace. Tears were already running down her face, ruining their make up and making other people stare at him with disapproval. "Why?" she thought, dropping to her knees, defeated. Why was this happening to him? What did they do to deserve this? Why was everyone so cruel? ㅤㅤAfter a few hours of walking around, he couldn't deny it any longer. To her horror...
ㅤㅤNo one remembered. Not even those who she thought of as family. ㅤㅤIt was like nothing ever happened. Like Home never happened.
ㅤㅤThis is a story not lost to time, ㅤㅤbut to a man's hatred and jealousy.
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4. ﹕ Misc ,
The AU's Spotify playlist!
more coming soon . . .
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Farewell, neighbor! Thank you for reading. @:)
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heliads · 2 years
Hello Lisa! This is a request for peter pan with the prompts no. 13, 19, 25. I can't wait to read it <3
Congratulations once again on 5k 🎉
lots of love from AU Anon! 💛
thank you!! let's rock
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Peter Pan never fails.
That’s what his Lost Boys say, anyway, that little expression they love to repeat whenever he outsmarts another shipful of pirates, evil queen, or the latest villain to come to the island and challenge his status. Peter has said it himself more than a fair amount of times, savoring the syllables on his tongue as if by declaring it alone, he’ll have that much more power to find the means to his ends.
Now, however, Peter feels surprisingly close to failing. He has been trying to actualize a goal of his for quite some time, yet somehow he is absolutely no closer to succeeding than he was at the beginning. In fact, he might be even farther from achieving this dream than at first. Every one of his efforts seems to push him away time and time again.
The name of this particular conquest, you might ask? Peter Pan wants the heart of someone quite close to him. He wants to steal that beating organ directly from someone’s chest without a single drop of blood. No violence, only metaphors. He wants someone to fall in love with him, and that person is Y/N L/N.
Peter was not supposed to fall for her. In fact, he specifically has been going about his days all this time in the hopes of never falling in love. Love is a weakness, a distraction from the true glory of not caring about anybody except for oneself. That’s what Peter had been preaching, at least, but all it took was one daring Lost Girl and he’s absolutely set on her.
It’s ridiculous. Peter has been trying to shake this crush for a while now, but nothing he does ever seems to work. He spends some time in his Thinking Tree to identify all the things about Y/N that he seems to love in the hopes of talking himself out of them, but no dice. He tries to treat her like any other Lost Boy so he’ll start thinking platonically instead of romantically, and they end up sparring and he’s got his sword to her throat and she’s grinning at him and– oh no, he’s even worse than before.
No, there’s nothing Peter can do about getting rid of his terrible affections. The only solution, then, is to get Y/N to like him so he can stop pining and get on with himself. However, this is far easier said than done. Y/N is headstrong, wild, out of her mind, and that’s exactly why Peter loves her. This does, unfortunately, lead to Peter’s attempts having less success than he would prefer.
He’s trying again now, though, and this time, it’s going to work. At first, Peter was worried that perhaps he wasn’t being direct enough– if Peter himself didn’t think himself capable of love, it’s not like anyone else would think that he would fall victim to such an occurrence. Y/N might not even realize it, and believe him to just be talking to her like any other friend.
He’s not blind, of course. Peter is Peter, and at the end of the day, that means he’s the most brutal of all of them, the most cunning, the most devoted to trickery. Most of the Lost Boys wouldn’t put it past Peter to make someone think he liked them far better than he did just to achieve a result if he so wished.
Y/N is different, though. For once, there’s no gambit involved. Peter is simply in love, and although that may not seem conceivable to anyone who isn’t him, it’s true. The objective from here on out is not to win a prize, but a heart. Peter may have had less luck on that front than he’d like as of late, but today is going to go differently. He can feel it, or at least he’d like to pretend as much.
Today, he’s going to be direct. In fact, Peter doesn’t think he could possibly be more obvious. The Lost Boys are holding a celebration of sorts to welcome their latest arrival, some bedraggled looking boy Peter’s shadow summoned up earlier today, and the sounds of their wild whoops and cheers should cover up any words spoken between him and Y/N.
She’s sitting on a log on the outskirts of the festivities, watching the dancing and cheering with a glint in her eye. Y/N had been one amongst their wailing numbers only a little while ago, but she relinquished her spot in the ranks to the new boy.
Peter casually takes a seat next to her, raising his voice a little to be heard over the din of the others. “How’s the prettiest person in the world doing?”
There, a clear indication that Peter wants to be more than just friends. However, despite his strong self assurance that this could only be interpreted in a non platonic manner, Y/N just flashes him an easygoing grin and fires the question straight back at him.
“I don’t know, how are you?”
Peter almost sputters. “You think I’m pretty?”
Y/N arches a brow. “Do you think I’m pretty?”
He’s going to lose his mind. “Do you ever take things seriously?”
“Not if I can help it,” Y/N returns, “I thought that’s what we did around here. Made things up and had fun with it.”
“Only in the proper situations,” Peter mutters under his breath. Preferably, serious conversations could still be had in times of need, such as now, when he really needs to figure out if she likes him or not.
Y/N chuckles. “You look like you’re having a wonderful evening. You might want to smile every now and then, or our newest Lost Boy is going to think that we’re all boring and grim.”
Peter arches a brow. “I’m always like this. Don’t you remember that from when you arrived on Neverland?”
Y/N’s eyes warm with the memory. “Of course I remember. I think you threatened to kill me. It was a wonderful start.”
Peter does remember that, now that she brings it up. Perhaps it shouldn’t come as such a surprise that he’s struggling to let his feelings be known; he’s not exactly well known for his emotional outreach.
“Well,” Peter declares, “it worked for you, obviously, and it’ll work for the new kid. I, for one, am eager to see what he’ll bring to the rest of us.”
Y/N nods in agreement. “Just don’t get so attached to him that you forget about me, alright?”
The fire sparks nearby. The extra light casts Y/N’s face in sharper clarity, and for a brief moment, Peter realizes that she’s serious at last. The shadows come soon enough, of course, ridding him of this evidence in no time at all, but her expression is still burned into the back of Peter’s mind like a brand.
“I could never forget about you,” he whispers, “never in a thousand years. Perhaps even in a million.”
It’s getting dark by now, the night settling over them in great heaps of indigo and charcoal, but Peter swears he can still see a slow smile spread across Y/N’s face at his words. He might have a better chance at this than he thought.
Peter goes to sleep pleased with himself that night, but when morning comes, he can’t shake the belief that he made no real progress. The day comes and goes, bringing with it no sure signs that Y/N understood what he was trying to say. When Peter wakes up early the morning after that and sees Y/N along by the water’s edge, he all but jumps at the chance to talk to her alone again.
Y/N’s skipping stones as far as she can. The water is slow around here, less restricted by the tides. The bay opens up to the sea farther out, but right here, all is calm and bright. The sun is steadily climbing through the sky, setting a ripple of sparkles atop the blue of the water.
She turns to him with a smile when she hears him approach. “Thought that was you. No one else does the whole ‘ominous lurking’ thing like you, by the way.”
Peter snorts before he can stop himself. “That’s a terrible thing to say to somebody.”
Y/N chuckles. “Doesn’t mean it’s not true.”
She turns to pick up another pebble, hurling it as far as she can into the shimmering depths. Peter raises a hand to shade his eyes from the sun, and he can just make out where it lands on the horizon.
“I didn’t think you’d be up so early. We were training all yesterday, everyone else is still sleeping in.” He comments.
Y/N lifts a shoulder. “You’re not. Plus, I only get so many hours by myself around here. I wanted at least a few moments to myself.”
Peter freezes slightly, wondering if that’s a hint for him to get lost. Y/N gestures at him to join her, though, so she must not be including him in her wish for everyone else to keep their distance.
Peter picks up a smooth stone, tossing it up and down in his palm before sending it skipping across the surface. “I can’t blame you for wanting some time alone. The rest of the Lost Boys are a good bunch, but we spend a lot of the day together. I often walk by myself in the mornings, if you ever wanted a place to be alone with somebody else.”
He manages to tinge the offer with the faintest bit of hope, like the last of his spirit is bleeding out into the request. Peter doesn’t know how many more ways he can try to tell Y/N how he feels, but he’s running out of options.
Y/N puts down the rock she had just picked up, and turns to look at him in earnest. “If this is your way of asking me out, I think I’m going to need you to try a little harder.”
Peter stares at her. “What?”
Her voice, usually so light and carefree, is deadly serious. “I need to know how you feel, Peter. I’m sick of playing games or trying to figure each other out through extended hints and innuendos. If this is what you want, fine. I just need to know the truth.”
Peter feels floored. He’d thought he was being obvious, but Y/N looks like she hasn’t been sure of him for quite some time.
So, he nods, and does his best to give her some clarity. “I am trying to ask you out, Y/N. Honestly, I am. I know that I’m– difficult, maybe, or hard to handle, but it’s true. I want to be the closest person to you, closer than anyone else.”
The faintest of smiles is starting to slip across her face, warming her hesitant expression, giving new light to her eyes. Peter thinks he could watch that sort of transition like a sunrise, constantly seeking it out, always enamored to have it all to himself.
“So you really do like me, huh?” She comments, so unconcerned by the gravitas of Peter Pan himself falling for her.
“I do,” he says calmly, “but I don’t know how you feel. Tell me you love me, Y/N. I need to hear it just the once.”
He has always been one for theatrics, for showmanship, and he can’t resist now. Something about hearing her say the blessed words once and for all will finally let him rest.
Y/N seems to know this, and so she smiles and indulges him. “I love you, Peter. I have for quite some time.”
Just like that, he’s golden. Peter is used to his endless stretch of years and decades and centuries. He’s always had the Lost Boys, but now he has something better, someone even closer than those friends. He has someone to love, someone who loves him back, and that makes all of the difference.
ouat tag list: @lovesanimals0000, @amortensie, @lost-ender
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mellowwillowy · 6 months
Greetings Mellow,
I hope you are eating on time and drinking enough water. I recently stumbled upon your very handsome OC (look-wise and character-wise <3). But I am in need of some more content from Blue, our cute puppy.
Last night, I was thinking about this one scenario. You mentioned that Blue was involved in some suspicious underground job(?), so, one unfortunate night for our reader, but FORTUNATE for Blue, where he somehow got involved in crossfire with an enemy of his and got shot in his abdomen. As a result, he was in immense pain (obviously), frustration visible on his face. While he was contemplating what his next move should be, there comes our reader! She was working late in her ceramics studio; while disposing of the trash from the back door, the air carried faint groans and moans, ominous sounds that hinted at someone in distress. True to her being the main character that she is, she walks closer to the crouched figure. Upon closer look, she sees a pool of blood around the baby blue-haired man.
Without hesitation, she crouched down next to him; almost immediately, she took off her hoodie and pressed the cloth onto his oozing wound. Now, Blue here feels like he is on cloud 9. Is he dying? Is she an angel that he sees? If yes, then he wouldn't mind dying in her arms; with the last of his energy, he hides the gun. The reader freaks out but does not waste time pulling him inside her studio (with much struggle). She places him on the loveseat sofa and rushes inside her bathroom to grab her first aid kit. Thankfully, the bullet went through, so the reader did not have to worry about taking out any bullet. She gently tried to keep Blue conscious, occasionally caressing his cold cheeks and murmuring encouragements.
After a meticulous wound dressing, his eyelids began to flutter shut. The reader draped a blanket over his shivering form, surveying the aftermath as she grappled with the uncertainty of her actions. Throughout the night, she stood vigil by his side, periodically checking on him, her mind grappling with the weight of her decisions.
As dawn breaks, what do you think will unfold when Blue awakens? How will he react to the unexpected savior who tended to his wounds and offered a respite from the shadows that enveloped him? Can you make a short scenario based on this?
I’m not sure if Blue is considered fortunate enough that a bullet pierced through him but it sure is for reader 😭
CW: Blue is not so kind with his thoughts lol.
Blue was still wary of his surroundings including you when he woke up. He had no weapon in hand but he could still threw you off if you were to harm him, right?
But you did none of that. Instead, you took great care of him for the whole night! It was rather questionable why you didn’t bother to give the ER a call though.
Of course, he gave you the impression the he was just some silly funny guy that accidentally got shot. Truth was that he was very pissed. How could his father’s men failed to keep him safe and sound? That aside, he was content enough with the idea of encountering yet another stupid plaything.
He was great with his words, as slimy as those lawyers, he made you let him stay for the week! One week was all it takes for him to evaluate you after all. Whether you were the person he should ‘keep’ or ‘dispose’ of.
Alas it was not as he expected. He did not think this would take a U turn to a romantic headstart. Wasn’t it supposed to be something of a platonic or just ended in one night stand?
Blue knew how things work but not this. Was his heart picking up pace because of the wound? It was unreasonable. He didn’t want to admit it but he could only try. A week spent with you would have determined everything he originally thought of.
Yet he could not see this one outcome (Happens if you manage to play your cards right, Blue is a tough love interest!)
He fell for you, not because of your kindness and naivety, no it was something more than this stupid plot.
And he wanted you more than anything.
Yes, he would take his leave once the week ended. Whether you fell for him or not, he would soon come back as a man you don’t remember ever encountering.
His smile was eerily familiar, his voice was light when he spoke: “Hello~! Nice to meet you, the name is Blue!”
Nb: The Blue you first saw was a completely different person lol.
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squeiky · 2 years
My basic thoughts on the whole idea of sonadow in the sonic movie 3:
Though I appreciate the very gay henchmen, I am very tired of villan gays when there's not an equally gay hero.
Which Is why, when people start going "SONADOW! SHASONI! MAKE IT HAPPEN"
I realize that hey, even if it's subtle-oh God is there a definite possibility.
Of course, as much as I'd love that happening, with all these cute love shit- here's my little hot take/thoughts on it(?):
1. If shadow dies in the end like in-game, you understand that-that's a very tragic story of major pinning. (If the words "I love you" come out I'm gonna barf. I've always been a sucker for subtly, so to me that line is saved for when your supposed to be crying and bawling. Never liked that line anyways, cause when performed right you don't even need to say it to get the point across yknow?.)
2. If they're doing a "I can fix him" thing I'm going to laugh in anguish.
3. Does.. does sonic.. even need romance? Does shadow need it like...at the point where he is mentally at, I think it'd be best to keep any romance one-sided untill they can finally put the past behind them-or what not.
4. If knuckles joined the family of the W's then is shadow just gonna like.. join to ? (if he's alive that is) In that cause it would be pretty weird to ship either way cause they're basically adoptive family members.
5. How subtle are they going with this? As cool as it is, not everybody is a shipper. Not everybody wants to see ships in their kids movie especially with already established characters.
(Like, kissing? In my robot movie? Seriously??)
6. Other ships can happen too, shadow x sonic ain't the only plausibility. Neither is Rouge x knuckles. Who knows what the writers might accidentally and purposely come up with.
Okay with that being said, I'm gonna spew out all my thoughts that goes against my own doubts on this.
As a major shipper of this, platonically or not, I've collected more thoughts on this movie shasoni idea.
1. Hints of very queer, gay stuff (as far as I'm aware) is very blatant. (Eggman maid outfit and coffee foam hearts is VERY obvious.) Of course this is only appears on the more villainous side. (The usual villan queers. I'm so tired of it.)
Now, with that being said. There still is, and I mean a very blatant gay ship going on here. (Unsure if one-sided tho) which leaves for the possibility of other ships such as that one.
For examplee~ shasoni! It's a possibilty- probably not a likely one, but still possible!
If there's villan gays, there's gotta be a gay heros if you get what I'm saying.
2. Amy is gone? Well, they're actually doing something similar to what happened with Tails in sa2. The whole "mabye, mabye not" when it comes to tails being in the game/being playable. That's why, (according to what others have told me) Tails plays in an airplane-mech thing instead of flying like he did in Sa1.
This is an odd choice- since Amy was most notably responsible for causing shadows whole "Maria actually asked me to save the world" thing.
Now if she doesn't appear, who else can fill in that spot? There's about 4 canadaties: Tails, Sonic, Knuckles and Rouge. (I doubt Robotnik or Stone can reach shadow like the compassionate Amy can.)
Tbh, I'd scratch Tails and knuckles off immediately, since they don't really get that interaction with shadow to the degree Rouge and sonic do.
Leaving Sonic and Rouge at a tie. Rouge, would obviously make the better choice to rejuvenate shadow's manipulated memories, but her selfish nature/pride may get in the way of being that 100% in the moment, plea of help.
Seeing as Sonic, is characterized diffrenetly, as well as some other characters, you could assume that Rouge may be characterized diffrenetly too!
Of course, sonic still has that edge, as his interactions with shadow and the respect towards him he later gains (shadow even going as far as calling him "the ultimate lifeform" (yes he does say that. Im unsure if it was scrapped. If not, play the sa2 battle but longer than usual. There's a chance he says it after awhile.) (Also to add the whole "almost sacrificing himself in the process to save shadow" bit too.)
So yeah, Rouge and Sonic are at a tie on this one. Personally, I think Sonic has the edge- but who knows! Haha!
3. Both sa2 and the shadow spinoff game was said to be refrence for this movie during a interview/questonaire.
Depending on the timeliness they pick for what they're basing this off of, how else are they going to explain sonic being like.. totally on board with shadows antics?
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I mean, like...^ the guy literally went "whoohoo!" (It's so adorable idk why but it is the cutest thing I've heard sonic say EVER) towards beating up a black..hound alien??
And is like "damn lol okay" while shadow goes and does the whole killing streak thing haha.
4. This is movie sonic, things can go diffrenet (not super deviate, but enough that it's still feels new.) If they want to, they could have the hedgehog be really fucking gay, generally queer, or just kinda not into any romance or kissing n stuff.
Honestly this is just to get my thoughts out. I don't dictate how the story's gonna go, I just wanted to rant. In the end, this is a movie for kids that I didn't watch (I watched through clips, analysis videos, and tumblr gifs okay? Don't judge. Either way idgaf.)
As long as it's not starting actually stuff that can get people in danger, then hey, it's entertainment. Ships are ships and this is just food for thought. Okay, hasta la vista.
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avrablake · 2 years
Friday Kiss Tag Game
Rules: Post a smooch between your OCs for Friday. It can be as light as a peck, or intense as a makeout. It can be romantic, platonic, or familial. As long as a smooch takes places, it's free reign!
Thanks for the tag @bloodlessheirbyjacques @whimsyqueen and @aohendo
I wasn’t sure where I was going with this but I like how it turned out. I had originally planned on Thea’s dad being one of the garbage dads, but I decided I have enough. Also Iris deserves better. I wanted to explore their dynamic a bit as a cute, wholesome couple.
For context, Iris came to town already pregnant with Kai and got a job in the town’s inn. Small town culture being what it is, people other than Jonah haven’t been very nice to her and she’s been having a hard time.
Leaving this as an Open Tag
Iris turned away as the back door to the inn opened. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, hoping the shadows would hide the gesture along with the traces of tears on her face.
“Oh hey, Iris. I didn’t know you were out here.”
Iris laughed, a hoarse laugh that shook as it caught in her throat. Of course it would be Jonah. The one person who would care that she had been crying, and the one person she didn’t want to see her cry.
He stepped up beside her with his usual magnetic grin. She’d resolved not to get close to anyone, but every time she saw that smile, she couldn’t help herself. Her walls always came down.
“Hey you okay?” He must have noticed her red eyes and tear stained face. His grin faded and his forehead creased. Her heart ached at the sight. She thought he would smile a lot more if he hadn’t met her, if she hadn’t come here. She hated it.
“Was it Dan? Did he say something to you?”
Iris shook her head.
“No. I’m fine. It’s nothing.”
“It’s not fine,” Jonah protested. “If Dan said something to you I’m gonna kick his ass!”
Jonah spun back toward the door, as though intent on finding Dan right then. Iris grabbed his arm.
“Jonah stop! No one said anything to me!” In a quieter voice she added, “No one has to. I know what they think. I can see it on their faces.”
He stopped and turned back to her with such a sad look of worry that she couldn’t hold her tears back. Her vision blurred and the tears spilled over, running down her cheeks once more. A sob escaped her throat and she spun away, releasing Jonah’s arm. She hadn’t wanted to cry in front of him. She hated seeing that look of worry on his face.
Now it was his turn to stop her. He caught her arm, pulled her gently back toward him, and wrapped his arms around her. She shook her head but he didn’t let go.
“Hey, it’s okay. You don’t have to tell me. Just…Just don’t run off to cry by yourself okay?”
She shook her head again but the truth was it felt so good to be held, to not have to cry alone. She buried her face in his shoulder as the sobs shook her body. She felt his hand stroke the back of her head while the other arm held her tight.
Once her tears finally slowed, she pushed away from him and rubbed her face.
“Here,” he handed her a handkerchief and she took it gratefully.
“I’m sorry,” she said.
“For what?”
“For this.”
He grinned but his eyes looked a little hurt.
“I think what you meant to say was ‘thank you for being my hero Jonah’. No guy wants a crying girl to tell him she’s sorry.”
Iris couldn’t help another choked laugh. She wiped her eyes before meeting his.
“You’re right. Thank you, Jonah.”
His grin widened and it was like the sun after a rainstorm. She told herself everyday that she should distance herself from Jonah, that he deserved to be happy and that he deserved better; but everyday that smile pulled her back in. It was more than his smile, she knew. It was him. He was sweet and kind. He was everything she needed and wanted. He was the future she wanted, the future she thought she couldn’t have. She knew he deserved better but sometimes she thought maybe he didn’t want better. Maybe he thought she was enough.
He locked eyes with her and his grin faded, not into a look of worry but something else. He opened his mouth then closed it again and looked away before rubbing the back of his head.
She stepped closer to him, tentatively. She knew she shouldn’t. She knew she should leave, let them stay friends and nothing more, but the thought made her ache with loneliness. She was tired of being lonely.
She stretched up on her toes and kissed him on the lips—a soft, quick peck. His eyes widened in surprise and he took a step back.
“Sorry,” she mumbled and spun away, her face burning. She had thought he had feelings for her but maybe she was wrong. She shouldn’t have done that.
She started to step away but he grabbed her arm again, pulled her back toward him. He spun her around and wrapped his arms around her waist. His lips came down on hers and he squeezed her tighter. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him back, warmth spreading through her.
“What did I tell you about apologizing,” he said, his breath still tickling her lips. “You can’t just kiss a guy and then apologize!”
She laughed then, laughed until her eyes watered. She didn’t know why she had been afraid for so long, why she had kept her distance. Jonah brushed his fingers against her face and leaned his forehead against hers. His face lit up brighter than she’d ever seen it and she knew this was right. She’d never felt more right, more like herself than she did right then, and as he held her close to him she knew he felt the same.
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coraniaid · 2 years
Buffy Summers for the Character Ask Game!
Favorite thing about them
Wait, I can only pick one thing?
I guess the best thing about Buffy is that, as heavy on subtext and metaphor as the show is, she could easily feel more like a parody or an archetype than an individual.  But SMG just does such a great job of making her feel like a real person: someone who’s being increasingly worn down by all of the obstacles life throws at her, but who keeps fighting anyway because the alternatives are worse.  Whether that means dying to save her friends, or giving up any semblance of a normal life, or running a sword through her boyfriend’s heart.  
That’s why I like Prophecy Girl so much, I think. Buffy doesn’t just face the prospect of her death with an irreverent quip or a funny one-liner: she seems genuinely, heartbreakingly terrified by it.  And then she goes to fight the Master anyway, because nobody else can do it.  (And then she pulls out the funny one-liner.)
On the surface it feels a bit silly that, over the course of the show, quite so many different people fall madly in love with her within minutes of meeting her, but on the other hand … no, I get it.
Least favorite thing about them
Least favorite thing about Buffy as a person?  Well, I have some sympathy for Living Conditions' Kathy -- soul stealing and Cher aside -- because I do think Buffy would probably be a terrible roommate.  (Even if she wasn't sneaking out every night to fight vampires.)
Least favorite thing about how Buffy is written?  I hate the retcon that was established in Normal Again around when exactly Buffy first told her mother about being a Slayer and I refuse to take it seriously.  
Favorite line
"You don't have a good choice, but you have a choice."
That said, I do think it's slightly implausible just how quickly they become such close friends (and the way Willow talks about their friendship in later seasons sometimes makes me wonder if the writers forgot Buffy only met Willow for the first time when she was sixteen).
The show implies (via Cordelia's role as Buffy's shadow self) that this is because although Buffy was superficially popular in her old school in LA the people she was surrounded by didn't know the real her, which ... okay, I guess it would take me a bit off topic to discuss that much further, but suffice to say it feels a little off to me.
(Though it is kind of amusing that, although Buffy is meant to have been the popular one in her old high school and Willow the social outcast, Buffy has -- by my reckoning -- a total of zero platonic friends she didn't meet directly or indirectly through Willow.  I mean, there's Willow's childhood friend, Willow's high school boyfriend, Willow's girlfriend ... I guess maybe you could count Cordelia, who she does know independently of Willow, but I think the show is very inconsistent about whether they are friends at all.)
You know, I don't really have any strong feelings either way about ... no, wait, hang on, that's a lie.
(The thing is that, as far as I can remember, I really didn't have any opinions about this until my lockdown-inspired rewatch of the show.)
But yeah, it's Faith.
Not really a fan of Riley (more specifically, not a fan of the S6 reimagination of Riley as the One That Got Away).  Wish the show had leaned a bit harder into just how odd Riley could be (for example: how enthusiastically he brings up the idea of locking the duplicate Xanders in separate rooms and experimenting on them in The Replacement), because that honestly makes me like him (and his relationship with fellow weirdo Buffy) a lot more.
Also, it's always struck me as slightly odd that Riley is so similar to Angel.  I mean, narratively he's meant to have been the 'normal' boyfriend that Angel couldn't be, and the show has Buffy herself compare them and conclude that they're very different,  and yet he's ... a suspiciously older man whose relationship with Buffy starts and ends with lies and secrets, who has enhanced strength allowing him to fight alongside her on patrol and who has mysterious links to the Big Bad of the season he appears in.  That doesn't exactly feel like a radical departure from Angel to me.
Random headcanon
Think I'm borrowing this from somebody on tumblr, but I really like the idea that Buffy goes back to college after the show ends and actually gets her degree.
(Still not read the comics, but the notion that Buffy heads off to live in a castle with all the other Slayers and continues to have epic world-saving adventures instead of having something approaching a normal life just seems so antithetical to what Chosen was about.)
Unpopular opinion
Not really sure what counts as unpopular.  I have very carefully curated my internet bubble so that I almost never see incorrect opinions about Buffy.
(Except when I post them.)
Song I associate with them
"So Tired" by Slowdive (specifically late S5 or mid S6 Buffy).
Favorite picture of them
I'm generally not hugely persuaded by readings of Buffy (the show) as being particularly left-wing, as opposed to just generically suspicious of adult authority. (Which I think a show about a teenage superhero pretty much has to be if you want there to be a plot).  If anything, I'd say that -- like other superhero fiction -- the idea that there's a secret handful of Chosen Ones with a Destiny who are just inherently better equipped at solving the world's problems than anybody else is quite the opposite of left-wing.
But then there's this:
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That's a nice hammer and weapon-that-looks-a-lot-like-a-sickle you're holding there, Miss Summers.  And you're fighting to liberate the workers in an industrial-looking sweatshop, huh.  Interesting.
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autisticbones · 2 years
i need to yell about my swtor polycule
my jedi knight elara is married to doc but also partially romanced theron in shadow of revan and then romanced lana through kotfe and i am still So Mad that the game forced me to choose between lana and doc after ossus
the reunion scene with doc also is just so deeply out of character to me??? i've gotten influence points with him for flirting with others with him as my companion do not tell me this man has suddenly decided he's monogamous
elara marries doc before they land on dromund kaas to take out the emperor, and they both go into it knowing it changes the name of their relationship but not the contents of it
then they meet theron and elara starts flirting with him and soon enough so does doc and eventually it turns into a Thing, it's pretty on-and-off/casual because theron has to be pried away from his work when he can be reached but none of them mind
then kotfe happens and elara is kind of freaking out over everything and lana is the only familiar face to be found and they start to have feelings for each other
at some point they have a heart to heart in the swamp about whether those feelings are genuine or a product of being the only familiar face around and decide that the only way to know is to stick it out until they find their people again
theron kinda backs off from being involved with elara on odessen because he doesn't want to piss off lana
when they find doc on ossus, lana invites him to odessen and he tells elara he's glad she's found loves to support her through the ~6 years now since he last saw her and asks if she wants to pick up where they left off too, which of course she does
at some point in all this lana has failed to catch on that a) she has a bit of a thing for theron and b) elara is not monogamous, and gets it in her head that she and elara have run their course
so they have a fairly weepy conversation (because elara cries when anyone else cries in front of her and lana is a mess) about all of that and how if lana isn't comfortable with being involved in a polyamorous relationship then elara will respect that, but doc returning doesn't inherently mean they have to part ways
essentially the only direction where there isn't much non-platonic involvement is between lana and doc
they try all of once and it just doesn't spark so they decide instead to bond over loving their mutual partners
also lana takes one look at doc and tells elara that she now understands why she's such an incorrigible flirt
eventually the four of them settle down somewhere and adopt a bunch of loth cats because i'm feral for giving soft epilogues to characters who go through hell and back in canon
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Hair Scraps
@fluffbruary​ day 23 gave me a decent idea based on my suggestion that Harley got her hair cut after breaking up with Joker.  This also kinda means I need to reference the split of Jack Napier and Joker into separate people during my verse's timeline. Found on Ao3 Here.
Note before anyone comes for me: Jack and Ivy are platonic, don't come for me over that.
“I’m really not ready for this.”
Jack placed the clippers next to Harley on the vanity.  The clunk felt way louder than she expected.  Ivy gave Harley’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze and went back to brushing out her long bleach-blonde hair.
“I’ll start at four,” Jack promised, fitting an orange clipper guard in place.  “And if you want more off, we’ll go down from there.”
“And if I want less off?” Harley asked.
“I’ll glue the hair back on,” Jack answered with a wry grin, the corners of his mouth mismatching with the pale smile cut into his cheeks.
Harley liked Jack’s smile a lot better than J’s, it suited his pale-freckled face better.  No red outlined his lips and scars, and no heavy shadow hung around his eyes, smeared and smudged.  He looked welcoming; he sounded welcoming, even if he could be a little rude.  The thought of J made Harley shake her head, not caring if it tugged and yanked in Ivy’s grasp.
“Harley!” Ivy scolded quietly, a gentle hand readjusting.  “I’m almost done.  Promise.”
“Sorry Red,” Harley gave a weak smile, but Jack’s had fled.
“Maybe I should step out,” he suggested softly, beginning to move from the vanity.
“No!” Harley grabbed Jack’s wrist before he could move away.  “I need you here,” she continued, “both of you.”
Jack hesitated, then settled against the vanity, tapping it with one index finger.  Harley bit her lip and let Ivy continue brushing.  He knew.  Of course, he knew.  He smiled and then she had to get all nervous and tense.  She couldn’t help it.  They were like twins, he and J; they basically were twins as far as genetics–and the courts–were concerned.  Harley took Jack’s hand and ran a thumb over the back of his hand, then ran it over the ring on his ring finger.  The silver band curved like hands around an aquamarine heart, set with a diamond-studded crown, the point of the heart situated towards his fingertips.
“Your ring’s upside down,” Harley said, pulling his hand towards her.  Jack jolted from the sudden tug, but allowed it.
“That’s a claddagh ring, Harl,” Ivy interrupted.  “When the heart points out on the right hand it means he’s single.”
“Oh,” Harley ran her thumb over the heart again.  “I still think it’s upside down.”
Jack smiled half-heartedly.
“Alright,” Ivy sighed, picking up a spray bottle and wetting Harley’s hair, “Ready?”
“Can I say no?”
“Harl, this was your idea.”
“Yeah and now I’m looking in the mirror and thinking ‘that’s a lot of hair’ and I’m not so sure anymore.”
“Think of it like a clean break,” Ivy suggested, giving both of Harley’s shoulders a reassuring squeeze, “a fresh start, and we’re all here for it.”
Harley glanced down at Jack’s hand, where she had started twisting his ring about his finger, then back up at the mirror, and her long, long hair.  Her eyes drifted up to Ivy, to her long red-brown hair, braided back and woven with vines.  It had gotten darker in the past few weeks, but Harley kind of liked it with more brown, the red-brown suited the green tint of her skin, made her look like fairy or something.
Harley shifted her eyes over to Jack, who watched her fidget with her ring.  He blew a puff of air up at one stray red curl,but it only bounced right back in place, stubborn as the man himself.  She remembered bringing him, sopping wet from an involuntary swim in Gotham Bay, to Ivy, being surprised by those tight ginger ringlets when his hair dried, how she and Harley had helped him cut away any sign of J’s hairstyle.
Now it was her turn.  J had to go, he just had to, and if that meant one big change to usher in the rest, she’d do it.
Harley took a deep breath and clutched Jack’s hand to her chest.
“I’m ready,” she said after a moment, and Ivy snipped the first chunk out of Harley’s hair, letting the scrap fall to the floor.  All that anxiety came out in a gasp for air, and Harley tightened her grip on Jack’s hand, grinning.
“I’m gonna need my hand back to use the clippers,” Jack reminded her.
“And then it’ll be Red’s turn,” Harley reasoned.  “Not to worry Jacksie, I’ve planned this out.”
Jack snorted and looked back in the mirror a scrap after scrap of long blonde hair fell away.  He returned her grip on his hand, lacing their fingers together.
“That’s real courage right there, you know that?” he said, nodding to the mirror.  “You’re a brave lass.”
“I don’t feel brave,” she admitted.
“We don’t always feel brave in the moment,” Jack shrugged.  “The funny thing about courage is that you’re not supposed to feel it.”
“Feeling it’s more like being an idiot,” Ivy agreed.  “Something Jack has a lot of experience with.”
“Oi!” Jack gave Ivy a look, and Harley saw her smile in the mirror.
“Said with love,” she amended.
Jack made a shushing noise and waved his free hand dismissively.  “I’ll believe it when you’re not being a cunt.”
“Jack, you are consistently a cunt.”
Harley listened to them bicker on as scraps of hair fell to the floor.  She smiled, for their voices held no anger, and she honestly, truly, felt at home.
Ivy was right.  This was a fresh start, a clean break.  She had to go through with it, and they would be there with her.
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years
Media that would make hilarious Kingdom Hearts worlds:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series If souls and hearts are the same thing, then that makes Vampires basically 'Nobodies' with bad teeth. (Thank you Spike for the "fluffy puppy with bad teeth" line) Which makes explaining Angel, and later Spike, a little difficult, but I bet I could come up with something.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters They keep talking about the Heart of the Cards and, considering shadow monsters are living beings, that's no doubt quite literal. Sora, Donald, and Goofy as unexpected duelists at Pegasus' Duelist Kingdom tournament would be hilarious. And it's not like Kingdom Hearts has never done a card game type thing before.
The Arrowverse Set it during one of the crossover events for maximum chaos. Sora, Donald, and Goofy as super heroes. Cisco getting to meet Chip and Dale. Killer Frost teaming up with the bad guys only to realize she wants to protect Caitlin's friends, not fight them. Oliver being dragged into the Kingdom Hearts multiverse to hangout with Cloud and get involved in the weird thing with Sephiroth that's never properly explained thanks to KH3 dropping the Final Fantasy character plot lines. (hisses in irritation) The Legends traveling to other worlds in the Waverider and causing as much trouble as they try to fix. Sora getting mistaken for a Robin in Gotham and being Batwoman's sidekick. (Either Batwoman.)
Myst An introduction of new ways to reach other worlds, using books to travel. Maybe it'll explain what's up with the Winnie the Pooh book? Investigating the connection between the civilization that preceded the D'ni and the Keyblade wars?
Doctor Who Maybe not as a specific world, but having Doctor Who bad guys and the Doctor showing up on random worlds and the Doctor having someone traveling with him for a while after their Gummi ship broke would be entertaining. I'm kind of thinking 10th or 12th Doctor, but having all of them pop up for cameos would be fun. Along with River and Jack. And, of course, the TARDIS has a heart of her own - which perhaps is what has the Doctor's path cross with Sora & the gang, because Heartless keep going after the TARDIS' world-sized heart.
The Care Bears Grumpy Bear and Donald Duck in the same game. Maybe the Care Bears can reach multiple worlds from Care-a-lot? A revisit of the Care Bears in Wonderland plot with Sora, Donald, and Goofy thrown in the mix? Care Bears Stare vs Heartless! Or, ooooh, Darkheart being a Heartless whose ability to form a friendship with Christy restores his human form? (score for the power of platonic love)
Honestly, there are so many potential 'worlds' to choose from. Maybe one day I'll just right a Kingdom Hearts crossover crack fic just to play with them all. :D
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