#and over here too uvu
despairforme · 1 year
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At least now he's not the only clown.
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bookoftriumph · 1 year
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the-dragon-blade · 1 year
"Thaaaat's a lot of people..."
Ferenir sweats a little, looking around awkwardly. He is absolutely not the best at this...
"Do you all need something made...?"
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
my problem is that i wanna keep adding muses but i have so many already and the muses i wanna add rn are characters that most people :' ) won't be familiar with :' ) which makes figuring out interactions for them a lil harder BUT i love them...... i love them
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calamaricollie · 3 months
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Behold, my sappiest (and longest) Lari comic yet, I hope ya'll enjoy some tooth-rottingly sweet fluff UvU
More of me rambling under the cut:
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Honestly I was so worried about posting this one, I wrote it when I was really needing some comfort so it turned out very sweet, less humorous than my other shitten stuff, but hey if you've watched and liked my animatic that's what you're here for anyways >:)
As much as I love feral Nari I just love writing him being all soft and chilled out tbh, this cat has been fully domesticated over years of TLC (Tender Lamb Care), I just hope others like it as much as I do too :p
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vin-taege · 2 years
Chishiya x reader fic at The Beach where Kuina makes the three of them play “put a finger down” (she ships y/n and chishiya)
Fair Game (m)
Summary: Perhaps you got too competitive over a drinking game, but in your defense, Kuina started it.
Genre: fluff, suggestive themes, gets a little smutty in the end lmao
Pairing: reader x chishiya; platonic!reader x kuina
Words: 1.9k
Note: I got carried away uvu this was supposed to be just fluff but oh well. Part 2 is out now, which you can read here!
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"Come on! We deserve a rest night after that spades game," Kuina poured your cup full of beer despite your complaints. Chishiya stared into his own glass with no intention of ever touching it.
Kuina slung an arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to her before she raised her glass up. "Kampai!"
"Kampai," you said with forced enthusiasm. You didn't want to put a damper on her mood, so you brought the glass up to you face and tipped it just enough for the cool liquid to touch your lips. After a few seconds, you pulled away, licking the sticky residue off. Chishiya chuckled softly when you grimaced.
You turned your head slightly to Chishiya's side, sticking a tongue out at him. He reciprocated with an eyebrow raise.
Kuina took no notice. Instead, she opted to grab a handful of chips and munched happily on them. Her chatter filled the room in between mouthfuls.
As much as you tried to pay attention to what she's saying, your mind couldn't help but drifting off to he blonde next to you. He would offer a hum or one-worded responses every now and then, but his eyes were lost far in the distance. You wondered what was going on inside his mind—what plans were being concocted. He had offhandedly mentioned wanting to steal the cards, but you weren't sure if he was being serious. Then again, Chishiya wasn't the easiest person to read.
Suddenly, his eyes snapped towards you.
The corner of his mouth turned up into a small smirk—his ego undoubtedly fueled after catching you in the act.
"Hey, can the both of you stop eye-fucking each other next to me?"
You whipped your head towards Kuina, a deep blush fiercely filling your cheeks. With your head turned, you didn't notice the tip of Chishiya's ears tinting red.
'We weren't—"
"You guys are no fun to drink with," she pouted. "I'm bored. And we haven't gotten through the case yet."
"Kuina," Chishiya mused, speaking clearly for the first time tonight. "You knew what you were getting yourself into. _____ and I aren't exactly the life of the party."
"No, no. I think its because I sense a bit of..." she paused, pouring herself another glass. "...tension!"
By the way she giggled, you knew the tipsiness was starting to creep in. There was a mischievous glint in her eyes. "As this group's designated cupid, I propose a fun activity for all of us!"
"And by us, you mean just me and Chishiya?"
"Exactly! It's no fun if the host joins in the games," Kuina repoured both your glasses, much to your mutual disappointment. "Trust me, you need to be tipsy for this to be fun."
"I can only think of things going downhill from here," Chishiya stretched his arms upwards. Kuina grimaced, throwing some crushed chips against him. Chishiya didn't even blink.
"Okay!" She clapped her hands, the loudness making you flinch. "Do you guys know the game 'put a finger down'?"
"Oh shit," you muttered, immediately downing the shot. "Here we go."
"Gameplay is simple! Put a finger down if the statement is true for you. The last person who puts all fingers down wins."
To your surprise, Chishiya straightened in his seat. He leaned forward, propping his elbows on his knees. Reaching over, he grabbed his glass, taking a big gulp of beer like it was nothing. "So a heart game?"
"Shut up, no game talk tonight. No scheming, no cards. Now put your hand up!" She frantically waved her hands upward.
Hesitantly, you held your open hand up. Chishiya followed suite a few seconds later. Truthfully, you didn't know what Kuina had planned—or why you were playing this stupid game in the first place.
But hey, this might be a way to know the elusive man better. Plus, a part of you was curious of how this would turn out.
Kuia beamed at your willingness. "Okay, we'll go easy on the first round. Put a finger down if you'd been in a game with someone you were attracted to."
"I thought you said no game talk," Chishiya deadpanned.
"Chishiya, I will cut your hair off in your sleep."
Despite the eye roll, he held the snarky reply back. He slowly looked over to you, your own gaze avoiding his. The both of you were waiting for the other person to make a move, and it looked like no one would budge.
"Fucking hell, give me this," you groaned, reaching over for the beer bottle. Taking a big swig, you put a finger down.
Sure, you were in multiple club and diamond games with Chishiya. But you didn't need to specify who you were attracted to. By all means, it could have been Arisu. Or Tatta. Yeah, Tatta was an attractive gentleman and a formidable love interest.
Kuina's smile grew wider. She turned her attention to Chishiya, looking on at him expectantly.
He hummed, curling a finger down. Your heart was pounding, but you didn't know why. Could it be you? Surely not. Chishiya never made any romantic advances nor gave hints of his attraction. But he also wasn't the type to be expressive about these things.
"Nice! See, this isn't so bad," Kuina refilled her glass and Chishiya's. "Okay. Put a finger down if you've pined over someone before."
You mulled this over. Did you pine over Chishiya? You've thought about him a lot, but only as a friend. Well, except those times where you've imagined how his hair looked all tousled in the morning, or how you've fantasized about his lithe fingers dancing on your skin, or how his lips always looked so inviting and soft.
Shit. Was this pining?
Chishiya saw the hesitation on your face. He murmured, "Whatever you're thinking of, if you're thinking of it that deeply, the answer may be yes."
You gave an annoyed sigh, putting another finger down. After taking a long drink, you cheeks were starting to feel warmer.
"You shouldn't be drinking that much that fast," he said cooly. He swiped the bottle, taking a drink out of it as well.
"What are you drinking for? You're safe this round." you spouted bitterly.
"For the future," he grinned back.
Kuina was barely containing her excitement. She was dying to get down her line of questions. Without wasting another second, she passed you a second bottle. "Put a finger down if you've ever been in love."
Now it was Chishiya's turn to have second thoughts. Love was a broad term. Did he care about you? Yes. Would he take a bullet for you? Maybe. Did this mean he was in love? Debatable.
He glanced over at you, surprised to see a third finger down already. You held his stare, challenging him to answer. He huffed, moving his second finger halfway down.
"That doesn't count!" you complained, looking towards Kuina for reassurance. "Only definite yes or no's."
"You could say I'm in the process of it," Chishiya retorted. "It's not my fault you're losing this game."
You gasped dramatically. It might have been the alcohol talking, but before you knew it, a couple of choice words slipped out your mouth.
"Bullshit! I'm losing only because I'm not in denial or whatever. I'm telling the truth, right Kuina?"
The wide-eyed girl stuttered, struggling to get a response out before you cut her off.
"And these questions are all aimed at me anyway. This game is rigged! So Shuntaro, we're playing it my way now. Fair game. We take turns with the questions."
His eyes darkenedat the name, a devilish smirk growing on his face. "Fine. This round doesn't count then."
"Wait a minute-" Kuina tried to butt in, panicking a little after her game has been hijacked.
"Put a finger down," you talked over her before pausing for dramatic effect. "If you've dreamt of me."
Chishiya was a light sleeper. His body clock had adjusted to the nature of his work—him being on call meant more patients and less rest. But there were rare times he did fall into a deep sleep. Usually when he was especially tired that day. And during these times, he dreamt.
This happened only once in the Borderlands. It was after a diamonds game, which he admittedly wouldn't have gotten out of if it weren't for your quick thinking. That was the night he dreamt of holding your hand.
But he'll never divulge this specific dream to anyone. He'll take it to his grave.
He put a definite second finger down. "Yeah, I've dreamt of pushing you off the rooftop."
You snorted, not buying his bluff. His eyes trailed towards the beer bottle again. His body moved before he could think, and by then he has taken another drink using his free hand. "My turn."
"Put a finger down if I've made you blush before."
Sighing, you put a third finger own again. "Blushing doesn't always mean something good, you cocky loser."
"There's only one loser here and they're sitting next to me," he laughed.
You grabbed a throw pillow, repeatedly smacking it against his arm. Chishiya's laughter grew louder. You paused—this was different. This was the first genuine and unfiltered laugh you've heard from him. Was the alcohol finally getting to him? Or could it have been that he was genuinely enjoying this.
Kuina froze as well, noticing the same thing.
"Yeah well, go put a finger down if I've made you hard then. Ha!" You were fired up. You wanted to stick it to him. He can't just treat you like a silly child all the time. You were independent and capable and losing your train of thought when you saw him put a third finger down without breaking eye contact.
A tense silence ensued. Your mouth hung agape, hand stuck forming a peace sign in the air as you stared at Chishiya's hand. Kuina sipped her beer silently, eyes darting back and forth between you both. Chishiya broke the silence.
"Put a finger down," Chishiya began, voice lower, tone almost taunting. "If you ever came to the thought of me."
You locked eyes, neither wanting to back down. Your eyebrows knit in determination, but you were stumped. What the hell were you supposed to do?
"Okay guys, maybe we should give the hosting back to me," Kuina nervously chuckled, feeling like she's witnessing something she shouldn't. "Let's go back to the original question. Have you ever been in love?"
No answer.
Chishiya's gaze pierced you through his hooded eyes. You leaned closer to him, narrowing your eyes.
"Guys?" Kuina's smile slowly dropped. Fuck, maybe the game worked a bit too well. "Well look at the time, I've got to get going.".
She stumbled out the room, tripping over her platforms. She hadn't even closed the door when she heard a soft thud. Turning her head in time, she saw you leap onto Chishiya, the blonde catching you with open arms.
You didn't hear the door click shut, nor notice her leaving. The only thing you were focused on was Chishiya's lips against yours.
He kissed you hungrily, gripping your waist with his hands and pressing your crotch against his. He flipped you over, pinning you between him and the couch. Grabbing your legs, he pulled you harshly closer to him, making you slide down the cushions.
Your lips connected once more, hands tangling in his hair.
"You lost," he rasped in between kisses.
"Shut up and make me cum, loser." You rolled your hips against his.
At the back of your mind, you hoped that you wouldn't forget to thank Kuina in the morning.
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papaziggy-devblog · 3 months
Yeah….im gonna need an sfw alphabet
I'm assuming for Finn .w.
See below under the read more uvu/
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) Very affectionate, likes to nuzzle and hold and give soft little kisses where they can, but their favorite place is the top of your head and your cheek
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) He'd wanna take out our foraging a lot, teach you whats edible in the forest and whats not, show you how to catch little fishies in the creeks, talk about the cryptids he's 100% convinced live in the forests
He'd also love listening to you talk when he's not feeling too chatty, and having parallel play time
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) Man loves to cuddle, just absolutely engulf you in his arms and bury his face into you, he's really just a big teddy bear TToTT
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) He's decent at domestic stuff, he likes to cook with ingredients he finds/grows himself... As for cleaning.. he's a little cluttered and scattered but its not too too bad
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) He'd try to sit down and have a talk about it, see if there's any way of fixing things, but if not then he'd try to end things on a mutually good note
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) They're fine with it, they'd probably want to date for at least a year or two before starting talk about that kinda stuff tho
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) Very gentle, big gentle giant... He's very mellow and soft emotionally as well
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) He gives GREAT hugs... just big long arms wrapping around you... His body runs pretty warm too uvu
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) Hmm, it would take a lil bit cause he's already not the most vocal, he'll probably say it as soon as you do
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) Very jealous if you're together... He doesn't like to share and he'll be clingy if he thinks someone's trying to make a move
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) Very soft and warm, slow little drawn out kisses here and there, along your cheek, across your jawline, down your neck uvu
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) He likes kids, he gets along better with kids than most adults tbh, he likes letting them climb over him and running around giving them piggy back rides
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) Cuddled in bed or sitting outside eating breakfast... He prefers eating outside more than inside, he can't really explain why, he just finds it more refreshing
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) Searching for mothman Watching movies, playing video games, maybe reading or just enjoying the quiet... Thinks might get kinda spicy tho u3u
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) Finn is pretty much an open book.. its almost like he CAN'T lie, not that he would really want to.. if there's something he doesn't want to talk about he'll more just try to avoid it or dodge around the topic
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) It takes a LOT to make him angry... he's more likely to get upset for someone else than for himself...
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) He remembers a lot pretty easy.. you just sometimes gotta give him a minute for the info to load .w.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) First kiss uvu
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) Decently protective... they'll let you stand up for yourself if they know you can and back you up... It'll spike though if they know you can't and get a LOT more protective
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) He's gonna put a good bit of effort in! He's learned what you like and your interests and what foods you like and activities you enjoy and will plan out a whole day around that
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) He spaces out sometimes... He'll be talking and then boom... 1000 yard stare He also is a little scatterbrained and has 0 self preservation sometimes
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) Not really that much.. he prefers comfy over looking good, he still takes care of himself tho
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) They'd feel so lonely and down... moping around like a sad puppy...
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) His favorite food is mushrooms, he looooves stuffed mushrooms... He also has to wear special piercings cause he has an allergy to some metals (Which same my guy... same u3u)
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) He wouldn't like if you tried to make him get rid of his bones or his bugs.. u3u
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) He sleeps maybe 4-6 hours a day? Sleeps like a rock, hard to wake up, likes to hold onto things while he sleeps... stuffed animals, pillows, you :)
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askyuuandco · 5 months
Twisted Wonderland 17
Yuu: *just doing their homework* Crowley: Oh Yuu! I'm respecting your privacy by knocking but asserting my authority by coming in anyway! *breaks down the door* Yuu: DAD WHAT THE HELL?!?! >A> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The second time Malleus meets Yuu be like: Malleus: What?! >:0 Malleus: A cursory change in one's appearance, and you barely recognize me? Hah, then let one dispel any doubt — one is in all things unconstrained and unabashed, free to live as one pleases, go where one desires, and journey with whomsoever one wishes. Nevertheless, ahem… In light of one's considerable renown… please call me "Tsunotaro" in public. HMPH! *walks off blushing* MC/Yuu: o.o ???? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Epel: Pff, real men don't carry umbrellas… Oh boy, wow, it's really starting to pick up. Uh quick, c'mon, get yours out! C'mon, quick, quick, quick! O.O' Yuu: *Eye roll and smiles and gives it too him* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sebek: *pissed at Yuu for stepping on his Waka sama picture* I'LL GO RIGHT UP YOUR NOSE!
Buff Female! Yuu: HA! >:D *cracks her knuckles* Sebek & Buff Female!Yuu: *About to fight*
Silver: *stops Sebek* WOAH! WOAH! WOAH! You wouldn't hit a woman!
Sebek: *stops* Hu-! That's a woman?!?!? >A>
Buff Female! Yuu: *proceeds to deck him for the comment* >:(
Grim: Lilia is a free spirit, wouldn't you say? Yuu: Yeah, he seems to be a bit of a loner too. Grim: Being able to explore the world at his leisure while savoring the beauty of everything around him. That doesn't sound too shabby… Grim: Hey Yuu, you aren't thinking of sneaking off to go on a solo adventure, right? :( Yuu: Aw, I would never leave you, Grim. <:) Grim: I'm really happy to hear that. Here… Hee—hee, have this… >u< Yuu: Monthly food expenses… 300,000 Madol!? >A> *runs off* Grim: Hey! Wait! Yuu, Where are you going?! Yuu: I suddenly feel like going solo. Maybe it's not a bad idea after all. See Ya~!>v> Grim: Please don't go! Wait for The Mighty Grim! DX< -------------------------------------------------------------------
Malleus: Is today the day of your creation? Return to the city with me. I will read out a speech for you in front of all my attendants. UvU Yuu: No (X39) please no need to do that it would be a little embarrassing if you went on a did that <X0 Malleus: "Embarrassing"? …Understood. :< Malleus: *then gives yuu Flowers* Then this is a dried Lily of the Valley that came into bloom on the day of your birth. Long ago, the people of Briar Valley would say that this flower blooms bearing the weight of the beautiful memories and prayers of the land. I believe this to have been applied on the day you were born as well. Yuu: *accepts the flowers* Thank you ever so much then <X) Malleus: *Blushes but doesn't say anything* Yuu: Malleus are you okay? <:> Malleus: I'm fine thank you >////>'
------------------------------------------------------------------- Ace: *comes in* Hedgehog: Your home late >:( Ace: Basketball club went a little over Hedgehog: *takes the fur from his pants* You were hanging out with a cat?! D:< Ace: Your smelling a leaf or something Hedgehog: Then explain these *puts photos of grim on the floor* Ace: I can explain he jumped on my lap and I didn't have the heart too kick him off! ;A; Hedgehog: I'm going to my moms >:( *leaves to Riddles place* Ace: Nooooooo!!! .>A<.
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celestialaviva · 2 months
hi again! 👋 hope you don’t mind me coming back with a few more questions about the creator’s assistant au :D
do/did any of the cg, aside from green and purple, know or live with their birth parents? if not, do they remember anything about their parents (or other family members)?
speaking of parents: how’d mango and purple come to meet? and does green have any relation to mango, too, or did mango only adopt purple?
what role does gold play in this au? if he’s alive, what’s his relationship with purple?
any ideas/concepts for any of the dungeons so far? i think you’ve mentioned a sound dungeon and a plant dungeon in your other posts.. what other dungeon(s) do the cg + purple explore? :o
if you could describe each of the cg (+purple) in this au in one word, what would it be? also, i love your designs for everyone! esp how you draw their expressions; who in this au’s the most fun to draw?
i will possibly return with more later, but once more: that’s all for now :D feel free to answer any/all/none of these if you’d like, and have a wonderful rest of your day! *gives cookie*
Hello again! :0
I don't mind at all! Im glad with more questions UvU
You're always free to ask more! :3
1. All of the cg are orphans, and half of them remember their parents. Besides Green and Purple, Blue definitely still remembers hers and she adored them. Red and Yellow barely remember theirs. And... hm, I guess Orange is kind of a different story. Though, can you call him an orphan if Alan, his Avatar, is his guardian?
2. Well fhbfkf this is still something Im trying to figure out too. I will say, Mango only adopts Purple, and Green never gets to meet Mango at all. Here's how it kind of goes:
A tragedy occurs within the Heath family and Purple and Green sadly get separated. Purple is left behind at the slums with their parents. The two never see each other again (at least for a decade). Some time after this, the slums get burned down, but Purple was outside of the slums and he was barred from getting back inside. You can guess what happened to their parents...
Purple, being a coder and now a fresh orphan, is at risk of getting captured and becoming a slave.
For some reason somehow, Mango visits this kingdom. I do not know what for, or how yet, but he eventually finds Purple and takes him in. Mayhaps, he noticed Purp was one of the few coders in this kingdom? Nevertheless, he knows the kid was at risk for slavery. He certainly does not want that to happen to his fellow coders, especially the kids.
3. Sadly, Gold isn't alive in this AU. But! He serves as the reason Mango does what he does. If he were alive, Mango probably wouldn't be the chancellor of the prestigious coder school he founded, nor I guess, the ruler of his nation of coders. You could say his nation's the safe haven for coders, in the same way Acadia's kingdom's the safe haven for slaves from all backgrounds.
4. For now, the sound and plant dungeons are the main dungeons I have in the AU
I do want to add more, but due to the current concept of dungeons being tests to determine a potential ruler's candidate, which is more serious than a typical dungeon that isn't raised by an Assistant, it's kind of hard to really be flexible with them. I mean! The dungeons themselves, I like to imagine the environments inside them are unique depending on the Avatar that rules over them. The Avatars make their own rules for each of their own domains. But the rules surrounding dungeons are.... Uh
Okay. I'll be rambling- forgive me fjbskfbdk
It's a system.
First, the Assistants raise the dungeons. Then there would be people either chosen by the Assistants or simply ambitious enough who enter them with the goal of clearing the dungeon.
Avatars are beings that rule the dungeons. They oversee these people, and make them go through their handcrafted trial rooms. They are the reason dungeons in this world are known to be holes of death.
Whoever clears their dungeon will not only get you riches, but also the title of Ruler's Candidate and the power of the Dungeon Master themselves. The Avatar would usually choose whatever metal object on the Candidate's person, and make it their vessel. From then on, the Avatar will stay by their Candidate's side, allowing them to use their powers 'til the Candidate's death. They also serve as the main indicator the Candidate is, well, a Ruler's Candidate, who has captured a dungeon.
When a Candidate dies, the Avatar will then leave their vessel, and wait until an Assistant raises their dungeon once again. And that process starts all over.
A Candidate can have more than one Avatar vessel, meaning yes- they are allowed to conquer more dungeons- but to even achieve your 2nd Avatar, you'd need to be skilled with your first. Because Im pretty sure that an Avatar can sense a Candidate and their vessel, which would for sure push them to make trials hell.
.....That said, I just have no ideas beyond the sound and plant dungeons. The cg will absolutely die if they're not careful in these dungeons.
They're pretty important, for me personally. If the cg entered other dungeons, then they probably wouldn't be the kind of dungeons the Assistants raise. Though this is just a recent idea- so I need to think about this more. I do lean more to the idea of dungeons under the Candidate system being the only type of dungeon in this world. The world is magical enough outside of them I think.
The sound dungeon is the first dungeon introduced, in the same arc Orange, Green, and Red are introduced. The whole cg haven't met yet.
I don't have art of the Avatars yet so just have these. The notes are a lil old and some of these will most likely change, but the sound dungeon is ruled by Melodaize, the Sound Avatar.
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The plant dungeon is the second dungeon introduced, but this time all of the cg are together (minus Purple, he's not really part of the cg's adventures). It is ruled by Bay Lauvar.
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Avatars do in fact have minds of their own. Though they do follow the same system the Assistants follow to ensure a Ruler's Candidate, it doesn't mean they can't. . well. Be assholes, lmao. Think of Bay Lauvar like Dark in this AU. Maliciously compliant to the system.
Because Avatars have minds of their own, they have the ability to choose their vessel. Usually they would choose who they deem worthy for the Candidate title. In Bay's case, even though Green has an Avatar and is already a Candidate, they would choose Blue as their vessel, making her a Ruler's Candidate. Mostly because Green is in fact not skilled with his Avatar, and also Bay dislikes him- actually dislikes the whole cg, except for Orange and Blue.
Honestly, so much happens in the plant dungeon! But I only got stray moments in mind fjtkhkg-
The cg nearly die here. They were not ready to tackle another dungeon, but Bay isn't at complete fault for the cg nearly dying.....I guess, mostly at fault for Blue losing her legs- but they're not at fault for Green falling into a coma.
I do have a few thoughts for other dungeons- but they would be dungeons Chosen led his Candidate Freedom Guy Acadia in, when they were still around.
Sorry for rambling- hope this answers the question xbhfifbfj
5. That sounds fun :0 Hmmm
Orange: Innocent, perhaps? And I guess he comes off really naive and ignorant, to an extent. Green unfortunately has to deal with it, just like the unwilling big brother he is.
Green: Sly. He's greedy, and deceitful. Though pretty approachable for personal gain. I mean. Why else would he keep Orange around at first? But well, in Orange's view, he knows he cares about him more than that at least.
Red: Spontaneous. I find him very driven by emotions, and while I do think he may be impulsive at times due to them, it's not like he doesn't think about what he does often.
Blue: Sweetheart. Listen. She seems mom friend to me. She's very kind and compassionate and huggable.
Yellow: Cowardly. It's not like she's shy or a nervous wreck or anything. Rather, she's weak willed. She isn't very confident in herself either.
Purple: Prideful. He's kind of a tiny bit of an asshole and certainly confident in himself. I also think somehow he's doing better than the rest of the cg mental health-wise funnily enough. Not completely, but still lmao
And thank you! Im so glad you like them! ;0;
Hmm, overall, I guess Chosen? He's just very simple for me to draw, and I like drawing his hair. Within the cg, I find lil Orange fun to draw too! His curly hair's a tiny bit of a struggle- though thankfully not as much as when I first drew Green's hair- but still, fun! Wavy curly swoopies my beloved
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Thank you for all the questions! And the cookie ;v;
I hope you have a wonderful day too! 💕
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haunted-creations · 2 years
My Top 10 Fictional Guys' HC's
I didn’t know where or who to start with writing, sooo here’s my personal top boyos! Instead of giving my personal reasonings, I’m giving headcanons for each! This took me way too long to do. uvu Man there's gonna be one heck of a tag list pfff-
#1 Mirio Togata (My Hero Academia)
♡ When He Likes You: Mirio knew he’d like you, but he didn’t expect to like you this much. It’s kind of hard to tell that he does because he’s pretty friendly with everybody, but his friends notice that his smiles are a little bigger and he seems a little more excitable when you’re around, not to mention that hint of blush on his cheeks. He’ll use his quirk and act a little goofier than usual just to hear you laugh and see your smile. He even goes out of his way to spend what little free time he has with you because he enjoys being around you that much.
♡ Asking You Out: It happens on a random day almost out of nowhere. Mirio’s been thinking about asking you out for a couple days now trying to think of the best way to approach you about it without making you feel uncomfortable or forced to say yes. He really wants to make sure if you do say yes, it’s 100% your choice. But after all the thinking it just feels off for him not to be direct, so he just casually asks you one day when there’s a break in the conversation: “Hey, would you wanna go out sometime? Like on a date. You don’t have to say yes or answer right away if you wanna think about it, either way is fine with me. I just think you’re pretty cool.” When you say yes, he has the biggest smile on his face as he grabs your hand and tells you he’ll come up with the best date ever.
♡ 3 Dating HC’s: 
♡ If you’re ok with physical affection, this man has plenty to provide. Mirio will always interlock your fingers and hold your hand wherever you go. He gives the most AMAZINGLY warm hugs that make you feel like nothing could ever hurt you with him around. Forehead and head kisses are his way of showing his utmost affection for you especially when you’re cuddling together. If you happen to return said affections, he melts and returns it again ten fold. ♡ Whenever you’re feeling ill, in pain, or just feeling down in general, this man is on it. Need medicine? A heating pad? Good warm food? Comfort foods and soft warm blankets? Just ask and he’ll go get it or make it no question. Even when you’re sick he’ll hold you and make sure you’re able to fall asleep. He’s very attentive and wants to make sure you’re feeling your best or as comfortable as possible. ♡ One of his favorite things to do is share food with you. There’s something sort of intimate about sharing food that really makes him feel like a couple with you. He also finds amusement in the way you eat, but also this gives him a chance to not only feed you food, but for you to feed him food as well. While he enjoys feeding each other in a classic couple-like fashion, sometimes you two will opt to be silly about it and make funny noises while you do it or straight up miss each other’s mouths on purpose.
#2 Kagami Taiga (Kuroko no Basket)
♡ When He Likes You: Kagami’s a complete dork around you. He’ll try to impress you with his basketball skills and occasionally it’ll work, but sometimes he’s so focused on looking cool that he doesn’t pay attention and ends up tripping over something or running into his teammates. When it comes to one on one interaction with you, he‘s pretty blunt about his curiosities about you since he’s too impatient to have any tact with a conversation. Despite his rough behavior with most people, he’ll be his own version of polite and respectful with you and keep his more fiery side in check when you’re around.
♡ Asking You Out: You’d think Kagami would just straight up ask you, and he does, but you have to ask him to repeat himself because he either stutters the whole question or says it too quietly to hear. At one point even he gets fed up with himself so he sighs and finally asks you clear as day. “Will you go out with me? On a date?” He chokes on air when you actually say yes and then cheers and punches the air in celebration. You also think you hear distant cheering somewhere you can't see that totally isn't his teammates.
♡ 3 Dating HC’s: 
♡ If anybody gets a little too friendly or flirty with you, Kagami steps in instantly glaring them down. He won’t even say anything, he’s just scary enough to send people running. God forbid anyone try to put their hands on you without your consent, he won’t hesitate to deck them and full on FIGHT. ♡ One of Kagami’s favorite activities to do with you is to cook together because he didn’t get many opportunities to do stuff like this with his own family. If you don’t know how to cook he’s happy to teach you and surprisingly patient with you (it really baffles his friends and people that know him, it’s like his hot headed side shuts off when interacting with you). He’s a little more iffy with baking, so if you know how to bake he’s eager to learn. If neither of you know how to bake, it’ll probably be a bit of a hilarious disaster that's still fun for you two. ♡ When you guys sleep in bed together he likes to be the big spoon because you’re quite comfortable and the perfect hugging size for him. Even if you guys fall asleep separately somehow he’ll still end up wrapping around you in his sleep in some way.
#3 Sebastian (Stardew Valley)
♡ When He Likes You: You can hardly tell that Sebastian likes you since he’s a pretty closed off person, so it’s the subtle things that give him away. Despite his loner tendencies, he lets you hang around even when you stumble upon him having alone time. He’s not much for conversation, but he’ll genuinely ask you how your day was or how you’ve been, maybe even ask about farm life and your interests. But every now and then you’ll catch him off guard with something you say and he’ll let a smile slip or a small chuckle followed by a look of appreciation for your presence.
♡ Asking You Out: Sebastian wants to ask you out, but to be honest he doesn’t really know how so he’s been putting it off until one particular day. You two are exploring the mines together since you know your way around pretty well and he wants to see if he can get a Frozen Tear for himself. When you two finally find one, you get swarmed by frost bats. Sebastian grabs your hand and you two make a run for it. When you’re finally outside the cave, you two are laughing in disbelief and then there’s a pause before he suddenly asks you out. You say yes and he can’t hide the excitement on his face. “Cool. Maybe we could go see the city on my motorcycle some time.”
♡ 3 Dating HC’s: 
♡ Sebastian ends up getting pretty invested in your lifestyle so he tends to help out on his days off. He likes to tend to the animals (and slimes if you have them). If you need any mine resources he’s totally down to go with you and ends up being your cover from monsters while you mine. Any other activity that involves exploring or going to strange places, he’s your right-hand companion to make sure you come back safe and also feed his own wanderlust he didn’t quite know he had. ♡ After a long or particularly rough day the two of you go to the Spa together to relax in the hot spring. If your muscles are aching Sebastian doesn’t mind massaging them for you as long as you return the favor. On the occasion that you guys might get bored while sitting there, your relaxation will turn into a little splash fight. ♡ It catches you off guard at first, but Sebastian will sometimes suddenly express how grateful he is to have met you and how lucky he is to get to date you. He always felt like the odd one out in this town finding it hard to really connect with anybody and his life felt pretty stagnant, which is why he wanted to move to the city in the first place. But now that he’s met you, he’s grown a lot more optimistic about his future and he smiles a lot more than he used to. He never wants to take all that for granted so he makes sure to let you know that.
#4 Rin Matsuoka (Free!)
♡ When He Likes You: Rin doesn’t want you to know it so much he hardly wants to admit it to himself. He’ll act pretty irritable with you due to this, but if he sees he’s upsetting you with his attitude he’ll instantly drop it and try to cheer you up. As you get to know each other more though he starts to really open up and relax, even playfully teasing you and giving you sass to draw out a reaction from you.
♡ Asking You Out: Rin’s pretty troubled at first because he feels like asking you out would cause things to be awkward if you say no, but he can’t deny his feelings for you any longer. So he seeks you out one day looking rather irritated (as a tsundere does) and at first you think you’re in trouble for something. “Oi! I need to ask you something. Would you…go on a date with me? It’s fine if you say no, you can just forget I asked or whatever…” But you say yes and he’s shocked, but grins and has the gall to tease you about liking him back.
♡ 3 Dating HC’s: 
♡ First and foremost, Rin wants to swim with you. If you don’t know how to swim, he’ll definitely teach you. But if you’re not too keen on learning how, he’s ok with just spending time in the water with you. He’ll even push you around on a floatie or hold you and slowly pull you around. If you’re on a floatie he loves diving and jumping out at you like a shark. ♡ Despite how active he is, one of his favorite things to do with you is chill at your place or his (or both if you guys live together). There’s nothing he likes more than to just lazily cuddle up on the couch or bed with you. If you like music, he’s all for laying there and sharing your music tastes or new songs you found with each other. If you wanna watch any shows or movies, he’s ready to attempt getting invested, although even if he’s not interested he’ll still hang around. If you guys are bored and have nothing else to do, he’ll suggest building a blanket fort and of course there will be snacks and drinks to be had in it for a job well done. ♡ Rin doesn’t outright admit it, but he likes when you play with his hair. He finds it relaxing to feel your fingertips on his scalp or your fingers run through his hair, so he tends to lay his head on you a lot to prompt you. He’ll even let you braid his hair or style it however you want.
#5 Aki Hayakawa (Chainsaw Man)
♡ When He Likes You: Aki can be hard to read sometimes, but his aloof nature cracks when it comes to you. He’s very protective of you and always wants to make sure you’re safe (and not bothered by people unworthy of your presence). You can hardly tell when he’s particularly happy or excited, but when you offer (or accept his offer) to hang out you manage to get a small blush and eager smile out of him. He's also the type to check himself in the mirror and straighten out his clothes before he goes to see you. He always wants to look his best around you.
♡ Asking You Out: Aki’s actually kind of nervous about it and has to hype himself up a bit to ask you. He plans a specific day and specific time to ask you to get a coffee/drink of your choice with him framed as a casual hangout. However, his fellow co-workers manage to stumble upon you two and ruin the moment consistently every time he tries to pop the question. In a built up fit of frustration, he slams a table and blurts out, “Would you go away already?! I’m trying to ask them out!” He goes red as he realizes what he said. After a moment of silence, you pipe up that you would in fact like to go out with him. He’s thrilled of course, but the amount of torturous teasing he gets from everybody afterwards is almost unbearable.
♡ 3 Dating HC’s: 
♡ It takes Aki a bit to get used to physical affection if you’re into that. He’s kind of shy about it so you’d probably have to initiate, but once he gets more comfortable he more so offers affection rather than outright giving it to you. He’ll open his arms for you to step into the hug or he’ll hold out his hand for you to take, things like that. ♡ Aki’s the type to pay a lot more attention to you than you think. Have you been coughing lately? He’s got cough drops on hand. You mentioned you ran out of your favorite snack? He happened to buy extra you can have. Are you sweating a lot? He’s got a small fan for you to use and knows an air conditioned place nearby with drinks. His gifts to you are also pretty top notch because he remembers a lot about your conversations and interests. ♡ While Aki is more used to tending to others, he likes it if you make a bit of a fuss over him even if he says he’s fine. It makes his heart flutter when you worry about any sustained injuries he has or if you’re concerned about his lack of sleep because it’s been awhile since someone’s really cared about him like that. He’s an incredibly efficient workaholic and usually pretty good with keeping up basic self-care, but sometimes when he’s having a hard time he can falter in those aspects. If you happen to catch him when he’s emotionally vulnerable and comfort him with a hug or hand hold, he unravels pretty quick but that’s when he knows he’s truly found a treasure.
#6 Masato Hijirikawa (Uta no Prince-sama)
♡ When He Likes You: Masato’s caught off guard by his feelings for you and doesn’t know how to handle them, which can cause some jealous and protective outbursts at times. When he’s not guarding you though he’s very sweet and a total gentleman. However, his usually aloof personality breaks if you two make physical contact. If you try to hug him he’ll look like he’s ready to combust on the spot.
♡ Asking You Out: Even though he’s nervous, Masato wants to make the experience romantic. He’ll ask you to meet him somewhere private yet beautiful (like a botanical garden) and have flowers in hand when you come to meet him. As he presents them to you, he’s blushing with a determined look in his eyes. “Would you do me the pleasure of going on a date with me?” When you say yes he smiles affectionately and gently takes your hands, bowing until his forehead meets them. “Thank you. I will do my best to take care of you.”
♡ 3 Dating HC’s: 
♡ Physical affection isn’t Masato’s strong suit so he doesn’t dish it out often, but that makes his displays that much more meaningful. He considers physical affection to be very intimate so he prefers not to do it in public, though he is ok if you wish to give him small kisses and hugs. Hand holding is ok too, but he prefers you two to link arms. It’s his personal exception for being closer to you. ♡ Despite Masato being on the more reserved side, he likes to take you out to one of those private karaoke rooms because he may or may not want to show off his singing skills while also serenading you. He’ll even bust out the boy band moves for you! Regardless of whether you’re good at singing or not, he encourages you to try too just for the fun of it and will use whatever little instruments they have in there to cheer you on. ♡ Masato’s not too keen on trying new or different things that might appear unseemly for someone like him due to his upbringing, but his inhibitions relax if you’re involved. It’s actually pretty amusing for you to have him try things and see his reactions. You find out that he can get pretty competitive while playing video games as he has little childish outbursts of amazement and frustration. He takes watching cartoons a little too seriously and actually gets emotionally invested. And at first he’s hesitant about trying adult coloring books, but soon enough it’s one of his favorite ways to relax and he’s pretty good at it.
#7 Zen/Hyun Ryu (Mystic Messenger)
♡ When He Likes You: Zen flirts with you. Constantly and with zero shame at all times, there’s no way you don’t know he’s into you. At first it might seem like a shallow attraction, but once he really starts to get to know you he’ll start to point out things he really likes about you like little habits he finds cute or your laugh or how excited you get when you talk about your interests. He’s positively smitten with you but he will respect your boundaries if you tell him he’s overdoing it.
♡ Asking You Out: Technically Zen’s already asked you a handful of times, but you never took them seriously and brushed it off as playful flirting. Unknown to you Zen has been genuinely serious, so when you wave off his attempt once again he’s pretty disappointed and he gets uncharacteristically meek. “Oh ok, I get it. You’re not interested…” You stop him and ask if he actually meant what he said to which he responds of course, he’s been flirting with you for weeks! But you both apologize for the misunderstanding and when you finally accept, he’s so excited he almost wants to go on the date right that second. “Should we go right now? I know a lovely restaurant nearby. What do you mean you want to get ready first? Ah I get it, my cutie wants to look their best. Then let’s go out later and I’ll make sure I look my best too <3”
♡ 3 Dating HC’s:  
♡ Zen wants to show you off to everybody and will gush over you to anybody who will listen to an embarrassing (and perhaps exhausting for others) extent. Anybody that tries to flirt with him is immediately shut down with your picture in their face and how lucky he is to have you. That one Will Smith meme where he’s got his hands out presenting his wife (or whatever, idk his life lol), that’s Zen. He couldn’t be more proud of having you as his significant other. In his eyes there couldn’t be a better couple than you two. ♡ He loves going out with you and spoiling you wherever you two go, but his favorite thing is when you two go out at night. Seeing all the city lights or just seeing the starry sky takes him back to one of his favorite moments with you that he’ll always cherish. He’ll grab your hand and rub his thumb over the back with reverence and smile at you as he pulls you closer as you two walk. ♡ Zen gets excited at the thought of being domestic with you, so when you two start dating he wants to do all the things: cook together, clean together, grocery shopping, sleeping together, do some skin care together, exercise together if you’re into that, maybe even get a pet or plant child to take care of together. Even if you simply need to run some errands he’s more than happy to go with you and help out where needed.
#8 Brett Hand (Inside Job)
♡ When He Likes You: You catch Brett’s curiosity right away and he’ll chat you up to try to find out all about you. This might be an issue if you’re not much of a talker, to which he might have to ask Reagan for advice with getting closer with you. Once you two are fairly acquainted he’ll definitely want to hang out more and will always check in with you to make sure you’re doing ok. Eventually you’ll start to notice that his usually smooth conversation skills start to fail him when talking to you and he’ll start to stutter and stumble over his words if he’s not already blurting out embarrassing things by accident.
♡ Asking You Out: Brett is a wRECK. He usually isn’t this nervous about dates, but he’s never liked someone this much before and he doesn’t want to mess this up. It doesn’t help that he gets flustered around you. He even asks his co-workers/buddies for help and advice, but their suggestions were pretty intense and some not all that legal. So he settles for the old fashioned way of just asking you. Brett tries to approach you smoothly, but ends up tripping and falling. After you try not to laugh and help him up, he tries to drum up some small talk and compliment something normal about you, but it’s kind of awkward. So he takes a deep breath and just goes for it, closing his eyes afterwards to brace for the answer. And you say yes. “Wha- Really? Oh wow, uh, thank you? No Brett that’s stupid…um, I mean, great! Is there anything you want to do or anywhere you wanna go? I’m down for anything!”
♡ 3 Dating HC’s: 
♡ Brett’s kind of a rom-com guy, so in kind he does a lot of very cheesy and cliché things except he tends to mess them up. Setting up a romantic candlelit dinner? Something (probably him) catches on fire. Sharing a kiss in the rain? He slips and accidentally headbutts you. Bringing you flowers? Somehow they get destroyed on the way to you. But even when things go wrong, you two find a way to make it better. From laughing over the incident as you tend to any injuries and clean up, taking turns drying each other’s hair and snuggling up with warm drinks, to using the surviving petals as romantic and fragrant decoration. It seems like nothing can truly deter your relationship. ♡ Due to his work, Brett’s very nervous about your wellbeing. If you’re not involved with what his job does, he tries to make sure you stay far, far away from it so that you stay safe and don’t end up mysteriously disappearing. If you happened to be a co-worker that he started dating, he’ll check in with you frequently to get you food and drinks and also let you vent about work since he knows working for Cognito can be rather stressful. ♡ Since his family sucks to a high degree, he takes spending time with you and all celebrations with you quite seriously. He will go all out for your birthday especially. If you’re ok with parties, he’ll throw you the best one according to your preferences. Either way his one requirement is to have a dance with you. Whether it be high energy, go crazy dancing or a slow and romantic dance, he’s happy to be close to you.
#9 Kanji Tatsumi (Persona 4) 
♡ When He Likes You: Kanji blushes just from thinking about you, much more looking at you. He tries to cover it up by looking even meaner than usual but his friends know better and tease him endlessly about it. He’s pretty bashful around you and has a hard time making eye contact. If you’re receptive to him, he’ll gift you handmade keychains and plushies of your favorite animals or things you’re interested in. If you’re still wary of him, he’ll try his best not to seem so imposing around you by lowering himself if he’s taller than you, keeping his hands in his pockets, and practicing smiling more though that part might backfire from how much he forces it.
♡ Asking You Out: There were a couple failed attempts before he finally just goes for it. There’s not really much of a set up for it to be honest because his friends force the situation on him when they all plan a way to get you two alone. There’s a briefly awkward exchange between you two when he suddenly just blurts out asking if you would go on a date with him followed up by an apology. “I know I’m not as good looking as some other guys and I don’t exactly look like someone you wanna take home to your parents ya know, so I get it if you say no. No hard feelings or nothin.” So he’s taken aback to say the least when he hears you say yes. He even asks if you’re sure and once you reassure him you mean it, he does a little cheer before clearing his throat and saying, “Cool, cool. It’s a date then.”
♡ 3 Dating HC’s:  
♡ Kanji really loosens up after you two start dating and lets his more dorky side come out since you make him comfortable to be himself. He scowls a lot less and tends to smile more genuinely especially when you’re around. Make no mistake though, even though he’s friendlier he’s still willing to intimidate and throw hands if anybody tries to mess with you. ♡ You tried on Kanji’s clothes once for the sake of impersonating him as a joke, but it turns out he was really into it. He thought it was really cute. So he doesn’t mind if you steal any of his clothes for pajamas and will offer his jacket to you if he sees you shiver even the tiniest bit. ♡ When you guys are having a more chill day inside sometimes you two pick out crafts to try together. Kanji is pretty handy with sewing so he has no problem learning or leading the way with crafts around that department if you’re not knowledgeable of them. You two will usually make a matching pair of whatever craft you’re doing and Kanji will proudly display your guys’ crafts in his room.
#10 David (Camp Camp)
♡ When He Likes You: David’s sort of obvious and cliché since he’s usually a pretty open person. He’ll blush around you, give longing looks while you’re not looking, and give you compliments over seemingly minor things. His affections are even more obvious when you’re brought up in conversations with others because he’ll start rambling about how much he admires you and how amazing he thinks you are.
♡ Asking You Out: There’s a big camp bonfire coming up so David decides it’s a perfect time to ask you out. What’s more romantic than making smores by the fire under a starry sky? Unfortunately for him, nothing ever goes as planned in Camp Camp. Some camp kids start throwing melted chocolate and marshmallows at each other, others are throwing random things into the fire to see what burns, and amidst the chaos David briefly catches on fire himself. After the fires are safely put out and everyone’s returned to their cabins, you take David to dress his burns. Deciding that he’s got nothing to lose at this point, he finally asks you out on a date to which you accept. He can’t believe it, but he’ll take it. “As much as I love these kids, I’m definitely making sure Gwen watches them when I take you out.”
♡ 3 Dating HC’s: 
♡ As disastrous as the confession was, David wants to make up for it by taking you out to a campfire minus the kids this time. The stars are beautiful, the smores are delicious, and he has a surprise for you as he takes out his guitar. At first you expect a campfire song, but instead he has a sweet and tender love song he wrote to sing to you. Afterwards you two share a kiss and cuddle next to the fire. ♡ You two plant a tree together and it becomes your plant child. The type of tree and name is up to you, but you two go all out with its care giving it the best quality soil and water, decorating it around holidays or just for fun to make it cuter, and talking to it like it’s your guys’ actual child. David couldn’t be a prouder plant daddy. ♡ David doesn’t seem the type, but he can get pretty jealous if he sees anybody showing more than friendly interest in you especially if the person seems tougher or more masculine than him due to previous relationships. He’ll end up inserting himself into the conversation feigning friendliness and wrap an arm around you while standing as tall as he can to make things clear you’re unavailable. He might seem like a pushover, but when it comes to you he won’t back down for any reason.
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resinixupi · 6 months
My process of creating a BJD for the first time
I sculpted my own BJD-inspired little doll for the first time! Including sewing his outfit, I worked on the project over the course of December til March.
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He's based on my artistic fan-rendition of dr. Nitrus Brio from the Crash Bandicoot video game series, and I'm planning to make a few of his colleagues as well! 😊 Here's some reference pics for context, for those who don't know the character.
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Read on if you want to see the process of his creation!
(Heads-up; Contains censored doll nudity and loose body parts and all that~)
He's only 19cm tall (which is uncommon for adult-type BJDs (they'd usually be 40-70 cm, that's 1/4 or 1/3 scale)) and his technical design is a little crude/simplified compared to the beautiful mechanics of the BJDs I used to own, but I'm really happy with how he came out. It was quite the magical experience, because I haven't sculpted much before, nor have I sewn on this level of detail.
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I figured the smaller scale would make him more easy to handle and less intimidating for a first project, but it made it a little difficult to work with at times as well!
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My very first attempt was fun but had a lot of issues, I decided to start over before painting. The (extremely cheap) clay had shrunk massively, he was nowhere near hollow enough, he was a disproportional mess xD
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And since he needs to be to scale with his friends later on, I decided it would be a valuable prototype. UvU
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So all that happened during my Christmas break! From then on, I continued working on him little bits at a time. Quite surprisingly I managed to stay engaged and dedicated XD
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This time I got actual doll-grade paperclay, which made so much difference. Amazing stuff. It was again very satisfying to see his shape forming. And this time he made it to the paint stage!
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After drying out properly, I coated him first to set the clay, then used acrylic paint to give him his base skintone all over. The first layer, applied with a brush, was a blotchy mess. :x
Then I thought of sponge-dabbing it on instead, which worked wonderfully! I only realized while doing it, that it reminded me of how I applied my own bodypaint with a sponge for a blue-skinned cosplay 😊 Must've subconsciously gotten the inspiration from there lol
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After his base coat, I could no longer resist and strung him😂💖
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I realized it might get messy later on if I'd refuse to unstring and restring him for further painting/blushing and coating. But I figured it'd be good enough and I was having too much fun having him in his strung form XDD <33
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It turned out okay, even after spray coating him strung. ^^
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Painted his face, cleaned the paint off his bolts, glued eyelashes on 💕
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And finally, gave him bodyblush for a little more life to him, love it!
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Then I spent many nights sewing his lab coat, undies, pants, gloves and boots! 😊😊😊
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I now consider him finished, and ready for cool shoots! All of this really made me relive my love for BJDs and all the crafting around it. Looking forward to make him some friends, but for now it's kinda nice to have time for other projects again as well 😂
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multi-fandomsfreak · 1 month
Hello hello!
I hope you are doing well ^^
I want to make a request. I'm a huge Secret History Mario fan and I'm in love with the other x readers or him you did!. And uhh- To add, maybe some uh... NSFW headcanons or nsfw alphabet of him? (He just a fine sir- and when you get chance of course! ^^;;;;)
You can choose either one of these btw uvu
Or do both, I completely don't mind which you do!
Have a great day/night!
Secret History Mario Smut HC’s
Hello there! Thanks for the ask!
A fellow Secret History Mario fan. Nice seeing you here. I’m doing great thanks for asking. Also greatly appreciate the love for the fics I did of him glad you like them and hopefully you like this as well. Also I did headcanons hope you don’t mind. Hope you have a good day/night as well. ~ Blaze/Dawn
Pronouns: Not Mentioned (Gender Can Be Interpreted To Whatever)
Warning: ⚠️NSFW/Smut Content Ahead: If You Are A Minor Or Uncomfortable With This Stuff Don’t Interact/Read This.⚠️
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Secret History Mario
Proofread: ❌
Credits: Art by Captaincreator on Newgrounds + Banner by Ixvemimi on Pinterest
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- I feel like you probably had to convince him to do anything sexual with him. Not because he was conflicted on the idea but mostly because you know he’s a dictator. He’s too focused on trying to make sure that he has control over everyone in the kingdom. You're just surprised that managed to get him considering who he was known for. However, once you finally manage to convince him, let me tell you you’ve never met someone as kinky as him. He’s not a freak in nature but he isn’t the most vanilla person in the world. He has a set of things he’s into and uses them to his full advantages. He aint stopping till he’s satisfied with the result he has on you. He’s surprisingly really good.
- He’s probably more dominant when it comes to performing sexual acts. As I said he likes to have control over everything and it's still the same when he wants to fuck you. He likes to control every part of the experience, examples of this being when you can or can’t cum. If you're giving him a blowjob he likes to have his hand in your hair and control how fast you're going or how much of his cock is in your mouth etc. Honestly it gives this sense of weird pleasure just seeing you following what he says not questioning his actions. It turns him on a lot.
- As for his dick size I like to think he’s just a bit away from being considered above average while still maintaining some thickness to it. Just like my LDO Mario smut HC’s Secret History Mario is just another version of Mario so pretty much he’s the same size Mario is. He doesn’t really care or mind about what his dick looks like; he's too focused on making you feel good. If his dick makes you cum he’s satisfied with that.
- For masturbating I feel like he does do it but it’s on a pretty rare occasion. One of these occasions could be when he’s in the middle of his work and all of a sudden he’s thinking very impure thoughts of you and his dick decides to express his excitement which causes him to forget about his current task and forces him to sort it out. Honestly this kind of annoys him. Not at you but mostly at himself for getting distracted but if he knows it might be a while till he sees you again he just sorts himself out which gives him the same satisfaction sort of.
- Surprisingly he can kinda clingy during the time you two do it with each other. Having you close up with him, full blowing making out with you from your lips to your neck as he’s feeling up and down your body. Just think of it as some sort of foreplay as he’ preparing you for what he has in store for you to experience.
- He’s definitely into some sort of restriction/bondage. He likes seeing you tied up as he thrusts his cock inside of you making you whine out in protest. He can’t help but smirk to himself as he sees his cock going in and out of you having his hands roaming all over your body leaving nothing untouched, having a hand around your throat or even tightly gripping onto your waist so his cock can go deeper inside of you makes him so happy he can’t help but praise you for doing so well to please him.
- I feel like he also likes to have one of his cigarettes in his hand or mouth while he’s fucking you. He honestly doesn’t know why he does that’s just how he is. Maybe he has an addiction but who cares. He isn’t really seen without one so do be prepared to seem him with one as he’s fucking you and for the smell of nicotine filling the air.
- I kind of like to think he’s into brat taming. Or basically any kink when he has to punish you for being naughty. Just a warning he can be a bit rough when doing this but that’s how he thinks you will learn a lesson. He likes to have you bend over on a surface having your ass up slightly as he’s smacking your ass gently rubbing the area giving you some relief before slapping once again not stopping till you admit your wrong doings. Even when your eyes are watering and your ass is turning a lovely shade of red he continues this. He likes to be told he was right about something. It’s just some sort of pride/ego problem he has. Regardless though once he thinks you’ve had enough he does comfort you letting you recover from the pain before going into whatever he’s planning next.
- He definitely likes to have blowjobs under the desk. Sometimes he likes to invite you to his office, making you think he just wants some quality time before finding yourself on your knees sucking his cock. Honestly you don’t mind though. For some reason he finds himself getting turned on at the thought of someone possibly walking in not knowing what’s going on under the desk. He also likes to use it as some sort of stress relief for when work is getting too much for him a simple blowjob from you is enough to get rid of it for him. That as well as having you bend over the desk or sitting on the desk as he fucks you from behind or grabbing onto your waist as he fucks you.
- I also like to think he likes it when you sit on his face. Regardless of gender he likes just having you on his face making you climax from him eating you out/sucking you off. Even when you have climaxed he keeps his arms on your legs forcing you to stay in that position as he feels your body trembling on top of his. He’s practically getting himself addicted to it and makes you cum over and over again till he gets tired of it.
- He’s really into pet names whether it is in a praising way or a degrading way. It really depends on his mood. It’s sometimes unpredictable whether you’d get called a whore by him or if he praises you for doing a good job. Or even a combination of both. Calling you his little slut, his good girl/boy or whatever terms you prefer. Giving you a pet name in Italian if he’s feeling extra spicy. He likes giving you pet names.
- He’s an extreme tease but it really depends on what mood he’s in. If it’s something like in 8th point e.g. a quick blowjob. He doesn’t tease you. This might be a slight favour in himself due to the circumstance but he prefers to not waste anytime. In situations like this he has a point to reach. He wants to actually reach said point whether it's for his or your own gain. However if it’s in a situation when it’s just you and him. No one to interrupt. Nothing that’s going to happen and the two of you have all the time in the world you can bet he’s taking his time and teasing the ever living fuck out of you. In these situations he’s taking his sweet ass time feeling every point of you whether it's with his hand, mouth or cock he isn’t rushing. As long as he doesn't have any future plans in the set amount of time he has he’s planning on using every single second with you.
- When it comes to sex drive he kind of has a sort of low sex drive. Considering the things that can actually affect someone’s sex drive he smokes and isn’t really that active. Mostly sitting in a chair only getting up if he needs to (e.g. when he decided to ‘kill’ sonic for being more popular than him in the original animation). So he doesn’t find himself having sex too often but his sexual thoughts are just fine regardless of sex drive. He also can be really horny when he does decide to have sex and can actually last a few rounds.
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candycryptids · 4 months
how did Ishi'li's tooooootally not romantic "it's just speculation!!" feelings for Kizuna develop? >:)
was there an "oh" moment? who asked the other out? (speculatively, of course jsdbvjsfkdvbsdfk)
blows you a platonic SMOOCH for your patience !!!!!
So for ISHI, because somehow I know how Kizuna felt better than how Ishi felt- (oops, the reason this took so long as that I was having to pin down the my side of things, haha!) - they didn’t start really catchin’ proper feelings until, like. Heavensward. And they didn’t talk about it! Shit was happening- there was a war, and Kizuna has this whole, personal business, they’ve kept each other at vague length and then they’re sharing a room together (in the Fortemp’s Manor) and there was only one bed
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There wasn’t really any particular ‘Oh’ moment that I can think of, despite having racked my brain- it’s a lot of small things, I think? He’s strong and capable, they fight well together, Ishi picks up Astromancy to cover their healing blind spot because they can’t Scholar (their aether too thin to summon, haha. 😳)
Speculatively 😉 Ishi tries to ask Kizuna out first officially, in Shadowbringers. After Kizuna’s taken on His Majesties Light… when the night floods Il Mheg and it’s so beautiful.. there’s dancing, and celebrating, and. Kizuna asks, in sign, for them to wait. Until he can say it back and mean it. (Every word, but the Light Aether is corrupting his body, slowly, slowly. His face a solemn immobile mask, his fingers smooth, cold marble, his emotions blotted out. He keeps going on Devotion To The Cause and his own commitment to what he thinks his old self would do.) :’) So
When everyone is safe! When the Crystarium is celebrating! When the night is back for good, and there’s drinks late into the night, these two idiots sneak off to one of the towers where it’s quieter and have a real proper confession there ;v; ……… speculatively ;)
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Also thank you ! For your patience ;w;’ id been ruminating on this question and then all the weather happened and I lowkey FORGORT,,, and then it took me a lil more time cos I wanted to get screenshots >_>; I am scattering flower petals all over thank you for the juicy ask 🌸‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Here's a couple bonus screens I couldn't figure out where to put; I kinda did it as a warm up for The Boys tm while rotating what I actually was plannin to do awejkfnakwjfe
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[Shaders are all Neneko's Gameplay Essence, except this very last one, which is Ixora's Ordinary]
Kizuna belongs to my husband @zombiesockfuckinglovescardfight (he also helps me bang out the timelines because I have applesauce instead of brains sometimes =w=') [The shot from inside the Fortemp's house is ! Actually Ishi's FC room, we put a lotta thought into the whole, mess of it, lol. There's only one bed but they end up dragging a bunch of blankets and the couch closer to the fire because Ishi just. Gets so so cold. It's in Aether-Siren-Empyreum- plot 26 ward 4 if you're interested! Chuu's workshop is also here uvu]
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mack-timelines · 1 year
Phantom's Arcade au - (renamed arcade au)
(post not friendly for mobile users)
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Welcome to the info drop UvU (unfinished artwork lol) Its order has been flipped due to the info being long and some people just want the au info in general, so for those who really want to read it efficiently: Phantom Funhouse Main 3 Background info Story Progression
For those who won't read the long thing, here's netflix type summary ig:
Sam, Max and Darla were normally enjoying the arcade the boys worked at until…Darla starts to wonder the mystery behind the ghostly arcade machine. As they dig deeper into Phantom's Funhouse, what will they find? will they ever be the same?
Geek became very curious about the Phantom Arcade machine and started an investigation into it. She asks Sam and Max to help her with it, at first, they kept denying her because of the fearing of losing their job. Max also got curious too, so Sam didn’t have a choice but to agree. It started out with them hearing a bit of information about it, to getting too actual play the game at the right time and then Halloween is where they got to play it. They found it remarkable and the most fun they ever had. None of them have ever heard of the game and that’s where it all made it sense. Yeah, arcades where very popular back then, but why would this amusement arcade be THIS popular. They all wanted to know more, they’ve tried searching the game, any game similar to its format or appeal but nothing. Geek began to suspect the boss is hiding something or there is some evil motive to this addictive game. Sam and Max said they’ll start snooping around for her (mostly Max tho, small fast lol-). Max accidentally slept at work and was stuck in the mall, so he called Sam to come get him. They both got stuck there lol. At the same time, they were trying to figure out a way out, Phantom was there. They stayed hidden to not get in trouble. Phantom was chatting with Daniel about stuff they’ve never heard before, they were confused asf they started to think they’re from a different planet. Phantom told Daniel that he’ll see him at home then went into his office. As they saw him walked off, a bright light came from the office and the boys couldn’t hear Phantom anymore. Sam went to check inside, and he was gone. Both were so freaking confused and left as fast as they could out of the mall (Daniel was their way out lol). The next time they saw Geek they were frantically trying to tell her everything they see the other night; she was also confused.
When the boys had their break, them and Geek rushed to question Daniel. Daniel wasn’t budging even when they threaten to send the deranged lagomorph on him. Max was accusing him and his dad to be aliens, Dan couldn’t help but laugh, and Max was about to jump this man. Sam stopped him and asked where does him and his father live, Daniel told them freely, but he slipped up. After they search the address and no result was found, he was either lying but he said it which such confidence they began to start questioning what was really going on in that arcade. With more snooping they finally caught Phantom in the act of time travelling back home. Max busted in the room like HA WE CAUGHT YOU PUNK, Sam and Geek facepalming themselves-. It startled Phantom which caused him to press something he shouldn’t have in the elevator. It was off its safe procedure which prevents from causing a similar explosion which killed Phantom. Phantom shouted at them to get out, he couldn’t stop the explosion. Geek heard him over the electricity and sparks going on and told the boys they should get out of here. They were already on that lol-. They couldn’t make it all the way out, so the explosion got them. Daniel heard it and was trying to play it off as a little problem with electricity and made everyone get out of the arcade. Once they woke up, they were phantoms themselves. Sam was panicking, Geek panicking in silence wondering how the hell does this work and it took a while for Max to realize. When he did, he panicked a bit then was like this is cool. They all thought they were dead, but Daniel explained to them that they’re not. (They basically became Danny phantom pfft-). They couldn’t go home looking like horror movie ghost so when Phantom returned, he taught them how to turn back.
Phantom made a deal with them if they kept this a secret, he would teach them everything on how to live life as a phantom now. As much as Max would spill so much, they all agreed to the deal. In the end, Sam and Max worked at the Arcade until Phantom taught them everything. Geek had to move; she had all the training though; then everyone went their separate ways.
(the universe plays out with how they are now, expect Darla is an adult working with Mama Bosco and Sam & Max dealt with cases easier due to their Phantom powers~.)
Darla met the boys was because of Sam. So how geek met them is like, Sam was fixing one of the arcade machines and Darla noticed it and came up to him to say he’s doing something wrong. He doesn’t like kids trying to be smarter than him or a smart a$$. So, Sam was not having it with listening to a kid, so like he jokingly made geek do it herself and she fixed it no problem. Sam was a bit speechless and had to admit she was smart. He asked for her name, and everything pretty much went great after that. She also made one of the games there. Sam asked her to come again so he can introduce her to Max and boom friendship lol-. Max and Darla clicked due to their love for novels and a videogame they both love (respectfully for different reasons lol). Sam and Darla with smart banter, her and Max with childish/literacy banter.
Sam accidentally fell for Max with how affectionate he is. Max is obviously to this, and Sam doesn’t really want him to know anyway because he’s his childhood best friend. Unfortunately, it’s kind of useless due to his unexplained hatred for Max’s favourite game. Max has a crush on the main character/character you play in the game Dogman Adventures (made up game lol). It basically a buff, shirt-less, gun-shotting German shepherd and boy oh boy how Sam is jealous pfft-. Darla noticed and now teases Sam about it which he hates but he can’t hurt a kid on the job.
The nickname Geek is pretty self-explanatory. Sam only calls Darla Geek or The Geek while Max calls her by her actual name and The Geek as a form of teasing.
They can only hangout at the mall and arcade because no mother is leaving their young daughter alone with older teenage boys. No matter how “harmless” they are (lol) or smart how Geek is, her mother isn’t ok with it. Their personality is kind of the same ig lol
Nerd Sam, very talkative, will mostly be seen with a cap (sam and hats bro) he has a little sister (cartoon show ref), optimistic, hardworking only chaos driven because of Max, DND player def and tries to make max not get fired.
"Badboy" Max, talkative, cocky to taller younger kids, can be seen with heart glasses any color, doesnt mind working there but cant take it seriously, loves dogman with a passion pfft- and loves Fantasy novels.
The Geek Darla, doesnt talk as much as the boys or cant get a chance to-, Basically the 😒 face lol- seems more cheerier because of the boys, very intelligent high vocabulary, loves tech has pouch with little gadgets she's made and loves mystery novels.
Phantom Funhouse is the amusement arcade where Sam and Max works at, with the afternoon shift because they’re still in school. From 3:45-6:00pm on Wednesdays to Fridays they come to work. It's in a mall, near the boys’ school, they gotta rush home to get ready lol.
Phantom or G. Navarro is the owner and boss of Phantoms Funhouse and is the whole mystery behind the place. Phantom died while experiencing with time travel in the future, but due to the blast he became a phantom or semi-permeable-. The reason he started an arcade in the past/80s-90s was for nostalgia and to give the kids a new experience with games. He missed the old days and he always loved arcades. He hired the boys because they seem very social, Sam’s smartness and kids around kids seemed sensible right. He time travels with something simliar to the Elevator from the games (Remember the mariachi band?). His son Daniel is basically the boss because his dad only shows up when it’s phantom arcade time lol-. He is not a ghost like his father.
There’s a phantom arcade machine which is the place attention grabber or sales point. An arcade game from the future. It’s there but it’s not real, well not yet. Phantom only puts it out at random times of the year or in VIP for Halloween. When you play it, you’re not allowed to give details on the game, just tell your experience, time playing and loving it. This makes people more curious and excited for a chance to play it, so they keep coming back.
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dangara2610 · 11 months
(4/10) Child and Teenager Ulla - Part 2
Quick fanart made in hurried moments xD
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Let's continue were I left uvu
< Before :
1.- Okey, Faber family stayed the night at the metal kingdom, on a cheap hostal, was this a bad desition?, maybe, was people there waiting for them to sleep to rob them? maybe, why should they think the worst from these people ? That's unpolite and prejudiced , they should have some faith on people.
2.- Either way, dad (let's call him Tenax, latin word for tenacious) stayed awake the whole night while his wife and twins were asleep, and it was curious, he catched how much the door and window was softly forced open until he softly closed it back , even a "secret" entrance on the closet were there was supposed to be a safety box (maybe stealed and broken before then came here of course), also de bathroom drawer had a secret entrance he gently closed time to time.
3.- It would had be funny, like a comedy book about a thief failing all his tries, but he was nervous, what if this was not a sole thief but a group? What if they get tired of playing soft and prepare a stronger ambush ? What if he has to figth or surrender in front of his kids and wife ?
4.- None of that happened, and the light of the day reached the room, thankfully, whoever wanting to enter the room was tranquil enough to not call out a fight.
5.- The rest woke up and got ready to search something to breakfast, daddy doesn't look sleeping but kind of in high alert, he says they shouldn't stay too much, so better have breakfast in the next town, in their way to the rich wall separation, they got greeted by a child beggar and were asked for some coins.
6.- Dad said sorry and encouraged his family to keep walking, the child beggar insisted and started to beg, so, mom (let's name her Holda, germanic female name meaning "hidden" ) took some coins from her purse to give them, the beggar thanked her and walked away, gave a signal and more beggars started to walk/run to them asking for more coins.
7.- That felt like an ambush done by kittens, now mom had to give away all the coins on her purse , trying to give only one to each kid, but the disorder started when one of the beggars wanted more than one, and next, when the purse had no more money, dad wanted them to keep walking and ignore the beggars, they had enough, but one of them accused the lady for lying and having more money saved .
8.- And then this became a true ambush, the beggars started to try and rob her purse, next open up their suitcases, and try to rob them too, but between beggars they were fighting over who got coins first, the twins tried to ask politely to stop but they wouldn't, dad told them to leave the things and follow mom to the door.
9.- They obeyed and mom took their hands to walk away, then run because they felt how street teenagers got out to watch what the fuss was about, they needed to get out of here, and as she feared, another group of people started to get closer, they were making fun of her and her family, typical foreigners.
Anddddddd why am I too especific with this xD??? This is supposed to be a Summary I should had posted last week
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10.- They got out safely, well, the dad, without his family on sight, used a little excess of strength to retrieve the bags and suitcases the beggars were ... Robbing? , lots of years of work on them, the coins were lost , but the other stuff , trinkets , maps and tools , were left behind and retrieved.
11.- The family agreed , they would go back sometime to search the trial , starting with the borders and not the city and not the downtown, they have lots of progress thanks to a kind of soil scanner mom created years ago, she also teaches her twins how to operate it (the same Varian would use years after to research the path of the red rocks)
12.- There is a curious girl, older than the twins , who wants to try and join their search, her name is Donella, not very social, but she was welcomed, of course, the parents were wary, but the twins were euphoric about adding a new friend, she would ask if they were archeologists, but the answer was that they all were alchemist.
13.- Donella supposedly goes back home every day and next morning visits them again to keep helping searching the trial temple, but later they discover and she confess she doesn't really has a home, in Ingvarr downtown, as soon as a child reachs 10 years old, they are kicked out the house to search a job and live in their own, why? Maybe because money is not enough, thypical families there only can afford school until the kid reaches 8 or 10.
14.- Faber family kind of adopts her, during they stay on this kingdom, she sleeps with mom and Ulla, Ulf is confused, why suddenly he isn't allowed to sleep with his twin ? , dad explains the best way he can, how come girls and boys are supposed to be on separated rooms since the beginning, but they spared them from that lots of years, now they are hosting a girl, separation is a must.
15.- Ulf since this day, is resigned to get more distant from his twin and more closer to his dad, he becomes clingy to Ulla and she becomes clingy to Ulf during free time after dinner and before going to bed, but they also maturely (or they think they look mature) accept they have to go to separate tents for sleeping.
16.- Now Ulla and Donella are becoming close friends, like water and oil, very different but together, they finally find the temple and start the excavation until the whole door entrance is visible, everyone is happy, except Don , who doesn't get how come this is supposed to be a big discover.
17.- They assumed the desire of discover antiques was something global, but they wasted no time and infodumped her about how this was a big deal, and her eyes started to shine at the implications of this, fame, glory, MONEY and power.
18.- If course, they would give more priority to the knowledge and the use for this in order to improve the whole civilization around them, high quality services and happy people surrounded by innovation, Donella wouldn't share that desire, she has no love for the community who send everyone to the mines with no care just for having the money for their self sustaining and self pleasure.
19.- After they -
Oups , I have to go, thanks for reading 🌸🌺 see you around
Next >
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gaybananabread · 9 months
for the thing i saw that you were open to magnus chase potentially fierrochase with oranges and cherries? Lee alex ler magnus? You definitely dont have to just curious (for 300 fruit thing)
Fruit(s): Oranges, Cherries
I haven’t read these books in a while, but thanks for reminding me of them! I was younger when I first read these; the gay went right over my head. Also, severe LACK of tk content for this entire series! Now I can obsess over these as well (UvU). Used she/her pronouns for Alex on this one. Magnus strikes me as a shy ler, ya know? Hopefully these peeps aren’t too OOC, same with any lore or character dynamic issues (). Thank you for requesting, and I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Alex
Ler: Magnus
Summary: During one of the Hotel’s fights to the death, Alex and Magnus slip away for some calm. Unfortunately for the son of Frey, Alex got geared up for the fight and is feeling antsy. He offers another kind of fight, and while it’s not what Alex had in mind, it's certainly a laugh.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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It was business as usual in Hotel Valhalla; Einherjar running around, trying to pop eachother’s balloons that were attached to their chests, various weapons flying across the playing field. Folks of all ages screamed in frustration as spears, axes, and arrows went through their balloons and hit vital organs. The usual mayhem.
Two residents managed to sneak away from the craziness, locked in a room with a nice, peaceful atrium. Magnus took a deep breath, savoring the quiet peace with his partner. The blonde spared a quick glance at her face before turning back to the trees, blushing softly. “Thanks for dipping with me, Alex. Sorry if I spoiled your fun with Mallory…”
Alex rolled her eyes, pinching the hand she was holding. “You didn’t spoil anything, dork. I’d rather relax with you than kill that loudmouth again. I’ll get her later.” Her free hand moved up to her chest, absentmindedly twisting the changing pronoun pin Magnus had got her on their last trip to the mortal world. That day, it read, “she/her/hers.” She wore it every day, though a certain blonde got punched whenever he brought it up. 
The calm sounds of nature surrounded the pair, bringing a small smile to Magnus’s face. He much preferred the quiet to the chaos, though he had to admit a few of the games were kinda fun. The son of Frey could’ve stayed there all day.
Alex, on the other hand, was really starting to get bored. She was all for supporting her boyfriend, but Gods, they’d been just sitting there for almost twenty minutes. She had no problems ditching the fight for Magnus, but it left her fidgety. The greenette wanted to move, the urge to do something like an itch on her hands she just couldn’t scratch. She tapped a quick, repeating pattern on her arm, trying to distract herself. 
It took the blonde all but four seconds to see how antsy Alex was getting; he nudged his partner’s arm, sighing. “You don’t have to stay here if you’re bored. I’m fine by myself.” The look on his face was a smile, though his eyes gave away how desperate he was for Alex to stay.
That got an eye-roll; how poor was that boy’s self-esteem? Alex wrapped an arm around Magnus’s shoulders, squeezing him a bit harder than necessary into a hug. “Maggie, listen; you’re good. I know you don’t like super loud ‘n crazy stuff, and they’re literally killing eachother while popping loud ass balloons. It’s actually refreshing that you have the sanity to not wanna do it.”
Magnus’s guilt faded, the desperation melting into adoration; what did he do to deserve someone as awesome as Alex? Well, besides saving a bunch of stuff and almost dying for it, but he didn’t count that… “Thank you, Alex. Seriously.” Still, something nagged at him to make it up to his partner. He really didn’t feel like actually fighting, though a silly idea popped into his head. One his partner might enjoy even more than revenge on Mallory.
“Hey, I know it’s not Last Einherjar Standing, but do you wanna do our own thing in here? Like…a fight, but not killing eachother?” A small blush decorated Magnus’s cheeks, making his partner hum. It sounded better than just sitting there, though she could tell there was more to it than that. “Okay…what’s the catch?”
The fact that he only got redder was very telling for the child of Loki. Another silly Magnus idea…but anything was better than nothing. “Well, we could, ya know…tickle eachother instead.” He regretted the words the moment they left his mouth; why would Alex ever wanna do that? He tried playing it off, hoping he wouldn’t get teased for it. “It’s, uh, nevermind dumb idea-”
“Eh, sure. I’m bored enough.”
Magnus was a bit stunned, to be honest. Alex actually wanted to have a tickle fight? He was shocked for a good few seconds before snapping back to reality. “Oh…alright then. You wanna count it down, or…?”
Alex rolled her eyes, seeing the shock on her boyfriend’s face. Normally, she would’ve teased the Helheim out of Magnus for even mentioning something like that. That day, though, she was feeling kind; kind enough to let Magnus have his fun. While he’d never directly expressed it, it was clear to literally everyone close to him that Magnus liked that kind of thing. Still had appearances to keep up, though. “We can count it if you want. I don't really care.”
A vibrant red hue decorated Magnus’s cheeks, a rare bout of confidence overtaking his thoughts. Things were gonna be fun; if he could win without combusting, that is. 
“Okay…uh, three, two, one…go!”
Not in a thousand years would Alex have expected Magnus to pounce like he did. I mean, she was already planning on letting the blonde win, but damn. Boy was excited. 
Magnus was quick to wrestle Alex down, his mind racing with all the possible ways the greenette could wreck him. Animal claws, bird feathers, multiple appendages… Best to get her before any of those played out. Soon, the shapeshifter’s arms were above her head, wide and slightly surprised eyes staring up at Magnus.
“Dahamn, Beantown! Didn’t think you had it in you~” Alex, ever the tease, smirked up at his boy. While there was no avoiding what was about to come, she could at least see the little flash of red across her boyfriend’s cheeks.
Predictably, the blonde blushed, his confidence faltering for a second. “Quiet…” Okay, Alex was so getting it after that. However, the doubtful thoughts wormed their way back into his head. Gods, he hated his head sometimes… “Hey, are you sure this is okay? Like, you’re fine with me ti-…uh, doing this?”
Alex rolled her eyes, a small groan escaping her. Magnus said “fight,” not feel guilty about everything; was he seriously gonna make her ask? The anticipation was honestly getting to Alex, her heterochromic eyes shining with a nervous giddiness that she would never admit. “Yes, my Gods, just do it already!”
Magnus huffed, feeling himself get a bit red at the annoyed ask. Still, he kept Alex’s arms above her head with one head, the other experimentally kneading at her hip. 
She bit her lip, squirming in his hold as she tried not to giggle. If she really wanted to, Alex could’ve just shifted into a ferret and slipped away; she could’ve won the whole fight if she wanted to. Magnus seemed down though, and while she’d never admit it, she loved the wondrous little gleam he got in his eyes when he was happy. So, for him, she endured. It wasn’t that horrible…
“Aww, c’mon Alex. You were begging me to get started, and now you’re not even gonna giggle?” He dug in, drilling his thumb into Alex’s hip. Hello, confidence! Alex’s strained focus broke, surprisingly bubbly giggles spilling past her lips. Even more of a shock: her cheeks grew red, almost matching her boyfriend’s. “Sh-shuhuhut ihit!”
Magnus was stunned for a second, his mind taking a moment to process the sound of her giggles. So cute…she’d kill him for saying it, but it was true. He had to hear more; the hand traveled upwards, curiously clawing at her ribs. He wasn’t disappointed.
“MAHAHAGNUS! F-FUHUHACK!” Alex arched her back, not expecting that spot to be so bad. She hadn’t really been tickled as a kid, and while that stuff was more common with her friends, most of them were too anxious to really try it. That was…really the first time someone had actually gotten her. She didn’t…hate it? It was a lot.
The blonde chuckled, his eyes sparkling as she laughed. Okay, new favorite sound… Alex had never sounded so carefree. “Wow Alex, such dirty language. It’s just a few little tickles; no need to get so worked up!” Not wanting to make her uncomfortable, Magnus moved his spidering fingers to her stomach.
“Y-yohohohou’re the wohohorst!” It was hard to take that “insult” seriously with all the giggling she was doing. That side of Alex was one Magnus didn’t see often, but he loved when it would show. “Am I? I mean, you did literally ask for it. I’m kinda an awesome boyfriend for giving you what you want, no?” 
Alex groaned through her giggles, mentally rolling her eyes. “Noho, you dohohork!” She wiggled in his hold, but made no real effort to get away. It still lit up her nerves, but the gentle tickling on her belly was actually kinda nice… Well, until Magnus started talking. “Wasn’t this supposed to be a tickle fight? Kinda seems like you gave up, love~”
Her cheeks went red, an indignant grunt flowing with the adorable giggles. “I- thahat’s nohot-... Ihi hahahate youhu…” Alex tried to hide her face in her shoulder, her arms still above her head. 
Magnus gasped, feigning a hurt pout. “You hate me? Wow Alex, I thought we had something…” He sighed, shooting his hand back to claw at her ribs. “Guess I can’t feel bad for doing this anymore.” 
“NAHAHAHO! MAHAGNUHUS, YOUHU AHASS!” She squealed, her face turning an even deeper, lovely and vibrant shade of red. Magnus couldn’t help but coo. “That’s actually adorable, Alex. I mean, I knew you were a shapeshifter, but I never knew your cherry impression was so good!”
“SHUHUHUT UHUHP!” Alex twisted and turned in Magnus’s grip, her face only getting hotter. She really wasn’t used to tickling, and while it was kinda fun, she was nearing her limit. While it hurt her pride to do it, she tapped out. “ENOUHUHUGH!”
The son of Frey stopped almost instantly, his arms wrapping around Alex to pull her into a hug. He was pushing it with all the affection, but he was feeling brave. “Sorry, that was kinda mean. You good? Did I go too far?”
Alex buried her face in his shoulder, giggling off the ghost tickles. “Thahat was- Gods, Mahaggie. Yeah, Ihi’m good…” She took a few deep breaths, her slightly dazed smile becoming something much more mischievous. “Uh…Alex?”
Suddenly, his partner shrank, a small ferret in her place. The fuzzy noodle zipped under his shirt, climbing up his torso and around to his back. He squeaked, squirming as her fur brushed against his poor skin. Finally, she made it to his neck, hopping out and shifting back. 
Alex wasted zero time with her plan. In seconds, Magnus was on his back, his arms stuck firmly above his head. She smirked down at him, a playful smirk on her face. “Here comes the fight, Beantown. Hope you’re ready~”
Magnus gulped, looking up at his partner with wide eyes and a wobbly smile. “Oh Gods…” The rest of the afternoon was filled with laughter, the chaos of the morning’s strange murder-game forgotten. While it wasn’t exactly what either of them had planned for the day, it was definitely the most fun they’d had in a while. Totally worth it…
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