#and probably skip the whole plan with the pardons
kvetchinglyneurotic · 5 months
if flint from episode 1 was magically granted all the knowledge and memories he had in episode 38 do you think it would change anything
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casp1an-sea · 6 months
Star Wars But Better Part 3
here’s the link to the master post so you can get part one: Master post
releasing more because I’m bored
(Time skip recap: luc argues with their uncle over leaving. The next day they discover R2 ran away to find obi wan. Luc and Treepio go off to find the little droid before Owen can find out and are ambushed by sand people. Luc is knocked unconscious.)
Ben: *Great howling moan*
(Okay Time skip)
Ben: Hello there my little friend
(Okay time skip again here’s a recap of what just happened because I know you are very confused: Sand people were looting Luc so Ben came walking in with arms flailing making krayt dragon noises to scare them away. Then he said hi to artoo and told them that he’s obi wan he just changed his name. Then he took them all to his house. Not creepy I promise.)
(Oh yeah I also forgot you had to go find threepio before you went to Obi-wan’s house but that’s not important. Now your talking about your father)
Luc: Yeah no my dad wasn’t a soldier. I’m pretty sure he was a drug dealer or something.
Obi-wan: That’s what your uncle told you
Luc: Why the heck would he tell me my dad was a drug dealer if he wasn’t?
Obi-wan: The mind is a strange thing.
Luc: Ya know my uncle also told me you're a creepy old wizard but I don’t think he was wrong about that.
Obi-wan: (Laughs)
Luc: I wasn’t joking
Obi-wan: (Ignores Luc’s comment) Your father did fight in  the war. In fact we fought together.
Luc: Why do I keep meeting War vets?
C3PO: Pardon, but I am not a war vet
Luc: You fought in space battles right?
C3PO: Correct
Luc: Same difference
(R2 tweets that he’s a war vet of course only 3PO can understand)
Obi-wan: I was once a jedi night the same as your father
Luc: Now you’re a sad old hermit
Obi-wan: You seem suprisingling unfazed by this.
Luc: My dad died before I was born. Whatever he did doesn’t really affect me, does it?
Obi-wan: Ah but it does! (Goes to a chest and takes something out of it. It looks like a CERVEZA CRISTAL… jk jk it looks like a silver cylinder) This was your father's. He wanted you to have it when you got old enough. (Thinks: Well not really but If I hadn’t happened to get it by cutting off his limbs and watching his body burn in lava then he probably would)
Luc: (Looks at it judgingly) What is it
Obi-wan: It’s a lightsaber, the weapon of a Jedi!
Luc: (Snatches it quickly) My dad would give weapons to unstable children?! Man we would’ve gotten along!
Obi-wan: (Laughs nervously)
Luc: So how’d he die? I never believed my uncle's story about him falling in the bathtub.
Obi-wan: Ah, that’s how he got a scar down his face.
Luc: By falling in the bathtub? How does that even happen?
Obi-wan: (Shrugs) How he died though was much darker. (He has flashbacks of Anakin’s burnt chicken nugget looking body) He was killed by Darth Vader.
Luc: That’s a lot cooler than falling in the bathtub. How did he kill him?
Obi-wan: Uhhhh….. Maybe that’s a story for another time.
Luc: I bet it’s gory then.
Obi-wan: Unfortunately yes. (Seems like he’s going to cry for a second and then regains composure) It was the force that killed your father, the dark side.
Luc: Force? Like Newton's laws and stuff?
Obi-wan: No no, it’s a mystical thing. It’s in all beings in the galaxy it flows in us and around us. Some people like the Jedi have the ability to control it to some degree. You have that ability.
Luc: And I’m just hearing about this now?!
(R2 Beeps)
Obi-wan: Ah yes, let's see what is going on with your little friend.
Luc: I saw part of the message but apparently I’m not special enough to see the whole thing. (Glares at R2)
(R2 whistles quietly and then plays the video)
Obi-wan: Well it seems he has changed his mind.
Luc: Yes it does (Continues glaring at R2)
Leia: General Kenobi you knew my father or something… my ship is under attack… special plans we got from a confidential information vending machine is inside this droid. My father knows how to find it. So yeah go to Alderan fast. Help me Obi-wan Kenobi! You’re my only hope!
Obi-wan: You must learn the ways of the force if you are to come with me to Alderan.
Luc: (Is shocked) Wait what. That just kinda came out of nowhere.
Obi-wan: Did it? I assumed you’d known you’d be coming with me.
Luc: Why? Why would I even go with you? You're a strange hermit I just met who forced me into your house and gave me a weapon. Also like My Uncle doesn’t trust you and I’m not supposed to leave the planet till after harvest.
Obi-wan: I need your help Luke, she needs your help. I’m getting too old for this kind of thing.
Luc: That’s your problem.
Obi-wan: That’s your uncle talking
Luc: How can I get you to leave me alone?
Obi-Wan: Come with me to Alderan.
Luc: Yeah that’s not gonna happen I got stuff to do. Lots of stuff. I’ll take you as far as Ancorhead if you’ll get off my back and let me go home.
Obi-Wan: If that is how far you will go. Then shall I teach you the ways of the force?
Luc: NO! Sorry old man but I’m not joining whatever cult you're running.
Obi-wan: it’s not a cult it-
Luc: Yeah whatever let’s get to Ancorhead, like I said I have stuff to do.
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uths-ethnol-spam · 10 months
i've listened to MAG 158-159-160 in a perfect setting and just want to talk a bit about it
tw: animal death (rat) and a disturbing thing about it (it's the paragraph following me talking about mag 160 if you want to skip it, it really is not relevant)
spoilers for TMA season 4 finale
my experience listening to tma, there you go
i currently live in Paris. the autumn here lets the sinuous paved streets gleaming after the rain; the night falls early, and you quickly happen to walk under the yellow light of old street lamps, their glow slightly dimed by fog; when you know where to go, some places are almost devoid of people — and the cars are very rare. the sounds are mostly the Seine, the Canal Saint-Martin, your feet on the pavement, the wind, distant sounds from the city filtered by your headphones.
so i was walking in the 4th arrondissement, between Pont Marie, Sully Morland and l'île Saint-Louis, crossing some bridges, drinking hot tea as Martin dropped his actual first f-bomb, as Basira promised Daisy to kill her — and just couldn't stop wandering, as Jon entered the Lonely, searched for Martin, forced a statement out of Peter Lukas
(something funny did happened. i, well, gasped — really gasped — when Martin said “i really loved you”, but just had crossed path with a man, who turned back and stared at me, clearly concerned, and oh what a story like tma made me do)
(i told him “oh, pardon, c'est rien, désolé” and simply walked away)
then, mag 160; finally, i knew what the cows were about, why the sentence "hello Jon, apologies for the deception" is indeed iconic, and and i just fell into Jonah's clutches throughout his whole monologue.
when he was explaining the whole plan, i happened to walk on the corpse of a dead rat; they are not quite unusual here, though myself do not see rats often, actually; it was so bizarre, to feel its softness, and i did have an immediate body reaction, a shudder, and was a bit lightheaded right after; but it was thematically fitting. besides, it just reinforced the impression that it was just me, the town, and Jonah Magnus. a very... intimate journey, somehow
and then. well, the end (... no pun intended) happened. oh fuck. i had almost reach the Hôtel de Ville, and from where i was (les quais de Seine) i could see the very end of l'île Saint-Louis, where i was half an hour before, listening to Peter Lukas' statement; from there, you actually have a large view — you see all the sky. and oh. i actually stopped walking, and just stared. and it was brilliant
really, i don't think i could have had a better experience (besides, i don't walk enough these days, and doing so in Paris is always a good idea because the city is so cool)
anyway, i just wanted to talk about it, put it somewhere, because it was sick bordel vraiment incroyable, and it's great to commit it to memory
(there are. so, so, so much things at the end of the season. it is a very strong finale, probably my favourite, and i can't wait to finally listen to s5, though i do not want their story to end and leave them behind) (i won't, but... you know how it is)
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sheliesshattered · 1 year
Interior sleeve finishes:
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Armscye facing:
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Neckline facing and reinforcement for trim and beading:
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Visibility from the outside:
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Pardon my excitement over finishing these finishings, but I'm just so glad to be done. All of these were fiddly, time-consuming handsewing, but now that they're done, all the interior finishes of the overdress are checked off my list. I still need to do the hem (probably very last step of the whole project), and the handsewing on the underdress seamlines are still ongoing, but this is still a huge section of the project done. Huzzah.
Someone on the Dragon Con discord mentioned the other day how much time cosplayers spend doing teeny tiny hand-stitches that no one else will ever see, because the whole point of them is to be invisible. The dimpling along the sleeve seam is just a little bit visible, even after ironing, but that's mostly down to the thickness of the flat-felled fabric there. But the neckline and armscye finishes are completely invisible, even from close up, which is exactly what I wanted. A lot of effort, but worth it.
With all the finishing (except the hem) done, it's finally finally time to move on to the trim portion of this project! The wide strip of organza to finish the neckline was measured to match the 1.5" trim that will be going along there, and that will have ~200 tiny garnet seed beads sewn on top. The red silk can be a little fragile feeling, so I wanted to be sure that the trim+beading would have plenty of support to grab onto.
Getting that trim placed and seamed together at center front and shoulder seams is going to be another tedious project, but I think getting that -- and the narrow trim that goes over the seamlines -- into place will really bring the dress into focus and make it look a lot more like the screen-used dress. The narrow trim is going to look something like this:
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I need to play around with it a bit to figure out placement and technique, but I'm planning to anchor it to the interior vertical seam finishings if possible. It all needs to be handsewn, but the trim is so narrow that I think I'll either be able to do a single line of stitches, or a narrow zig-zag alternating between the sides. This trim is on nine of the ten seams (not center back, for some reason, but eh I'll match the show and skip that one) running from shoulder to floor, so even if the handsewing itself is fast, I've got a lot of ground to cover.
The narrow trim disappears under the wide neckline trim at center front and over the shoulders (a fact I used when drafting the shoulders waaaaay back in January, which is weird to think about now), so I may end up sewing on at least the upper edge of the wide trim before I do the trim for those five seams, just so I can position it correctly in relation to the bottom edge of the wide trim. I think I'll start with one of the underarm seams, though, until I have a good grasp on the technique for couching the narrow trim along the seamlines.
Besides getting started on the trim, this week I also want to keep hacking away at all the seam finishes for the underdress. This past week I was able to finish a stretch of one seam from waist to floor, and start on another one. It's another part of this project that is very slow and tedious work, but it would be even more fiddly if I tried to do it by machine, so I'm just going to keep at it little by little.
The only other thing I might try to tackle this week is sewing the hooks and eyes to the forearm opening of the sleeves. It's not hugely pressing, but I do want to have those in and functioning before I add this same narrow trim to the cuff of the sleeves. I still need to figure out what I want to do for the wide flat circular medallions? beads? trim? that are just above that. I think I might be able to replicate the ones on the show using the narrow trim, but if not I do have a couple of options bookmarked on Etsy.
And speaking of, this last week I also ordered the last piece of jewelry I need, and the bits for making the one thing that I haven't been able to find a good stand-in for also arrived. Jack has promised to help me with that, we just haven't gotten to it yet. I'll definitely post pics once that's done. There are a couple of other little bits -- lacing rings and aglets -- that I need to order for the decorative dragon-claw lacings on the front of the dress, but I my shopping list is definitely getting pretty short.
Not counting today, there are 86 days left until Dragon Con, basically just 12 weeks plus a couple of days for packing and last minute wig fussing and such. And I think I'm well on track to get this project done, including a little matching bag to carry all my con necessities around in.
Buuut I've also sourced all the bits I would need for the other cosplay I'm really excited about, including an alternative for the one piece I want to sew, in case I run out of time to sew it. And then there's the classic-and-comfy cosplay that I've been meaning to tackle for literal decades that would be fun to have for an easy Thursday evening cosplay, and ugh I just want to sew all the things!
OTOH, given that it's 12 weeks until Dragon Con, I'm also trying to get my sleep schedule under control again, and walk earlier (and longer) every morning, to prepare for all the walking that con entails. So I should probably wrap up this post, maybe do a little more handsewing on the underdress before bed, and make myself get some sleep. And hopefully not dream about working on cosplay again tonight, lol.
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renjuseyo · 3 years
37 and 38 with xiaojun and male reader
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pairing: xiao dejun / reader (male)
37 - “because i love you goddamn it!”
38 - “wait a minute... are you jealous?”
prompt game: closed
when the door swings open, you're greeted with a tired sicheng, who's blearily blinking as he tries to take in your blurry frame. knowing him, he probably just woke up, even if it's one in the afternoon. "hey sicheng-ge, i'm here to drop off dejun's notes. is he here?"
he yawns, rubbing his eyes. "oh, him? he went out a while ago with... what was her name again?" he shouts, craning his neck.
from inside, hendery hollers back, "he went out with huishan! you know, his ex?"
at the sound of dejun's ex, you frown. they had dated each other sometime during high school before breaking it off before enrolling in university. from what you know, it didn't end in bad terms - she had just fallen out of love and didn't want to lead him on - but you do recall the envy curling in your stomach each time your friends teased him about her. "oh. i guess i'll just drop these off, then," you mutter.
your change in tone doesn't go unnoticed by sicheng, who's now more awake. "why don't you come in and hang out with us? yangyang's been meaning to invite you over, anyways." well, it's not like you have anything better to do, so you slip off your shoes and enter the apartment.
a few hours pass as you hang out in sicheng's (well, technically kun's and ten's) apartment. you temporarily forget the envious feeling in your stomach, too busy trying to beat yangyang and hendery in all the games you play. it isn't until you hear the doorknob twist open hours later that you suddenly remember why you came over in the first place, and you turn towards the door right as dejun steps inside. "oh! hi (name), what brings you here?"
you're about to open your mouth until yangyang sprints towards dejun, snaking an arm around his shoulder. "so, how was your date with huishan?" he teases, enunciating the word date.
dejun rolls his eyes. "it wasn't a date, brat. huishan was just visiting and wanted to catch up. she's flying back to china in two days."
as yangyang continues pestering dejun for more details, you feel the feeling in your stomach becoming more pronounced. why should you be jealous? it's not like he likes you back, nor do you have the right to say anything. not wanting to look sulkier than you already do, you abruptly stand up. "i just remembered i have something i have to do. i dropped off your notes from class the other day by the way, so there's that. bye." you vomit out your words with such urgency that you can feel the others' eyes on you. you aren't sure why you feel envious to this degree - it doesn't concern you anyways. yet you grab your stuff so fast and zip out of the door before anyone can stop you.
"you fool," you mutter, skipping down the porch. "why are you like this?"
"yeah, what's up with that?" a voice behind you asks. you freeze as dejun steps down the steps until he's standing in front of you. "are you okay? you seemed really rigid back there," he observes.
"it's nothing," you snap, and you mentally curse at how clipped you sound. "if my ears aren't mistaking me, is that yangyang i hear, asking you for more details about your date?"
he frowns, taking up a defensive stance. "date? it wasn't a date." he pauses, analyzing your figure. "wait a minute... are you jealous?" your silence is answer enough, and he has the audacity to laugh. "why are you jealous over something that isn't a big deal? do you-"
"because i love you goddamn it!" you exclaim. your eyes widen when you process what you just said, but seeing how dejun looks equally, if not more surprised, you press on. "you know what? i don't even care anymore."
"you... what?"
"you heard right, and i will not be repeating myself because i will now be planning a dozen ways to bury myself alive." he shoots you an incredulous look; humor has always been your defense mechanism, although sometimes he can't tell if you're actually joking or not.
you spin on your heel, ready to walk away (and maybe actually go through with your plan) when dejun grabs your wrist. "wait, you can't just drop a bomb like that and leave!"
"oh, but i can. because just because i like you doesn't give me an excuse to act sulky. you're your own person, i know that. i don't have ownership over you, so why does it matter? you can go around doing whatever you want. plus, it's not like you like me back! for all i know, the others were right this whole time, teasing you about not being over her. maybe you can-"
"can you please be quiet for a minute?" dejun interjects. you fall silent, biting your lip in embarrassment. "one, i got over huishan a while ago, because there was someone else that caught my eye. they just tease me all of the time because they're demons," he explains, jabbing a thumb towards the door. he pokes your chest as you stare at him in bewilderment. "and secondly, that someone was you. glad to know that jealousy isn't just something that i feel."
you look like a deer caught in headlights. "pardon?"
"why do you think i, and i quote, look constipated all of the time, when yukhei's around? he hangs off you like a leech."
"...oh. i'm sorry."
"i mean, it's normal, as long as it doesn't lead to toxic behavior." he releases his grip on your wrist, setting both of his hands on your shoulders. "i like- well, i love you too. too late to take it back now, isn't it?"
"...i suppose it is."
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nugnthopkns · 3 years
i know you get deja vu
word count: 1.4k
warnings: explicit fem!reader, cursing, it's mild angst up in this b
recommended listening: deja vu | olivia rodrigo
a/n: wrote this short little ditty while avoiding my adult responsibilities lmao. it is not great but i really like the premise, maybe one day i'll do something more with it
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Your eyes have to be failing you.
There’s no way he showed up, let alone with another girl – who looks shockingly similar to you. She’s a more polished, more refined version of yourself, and anger bubbles in your stomach the moment you see him walk through the door with her in tow.
When your parents informed you they’d invited Pierre-Luc to your graduation party you shrugged it off. Their reasoning was he’d been a large part of your college experience, and it was sound enough logic. You stumbled across him in a coffee shop during your freshman year and quickly fell into a romance that lasted until a few months ago. The breakup was rather brutal, though your family doesn’t know that, so you didn’t expect him to stop by your parents’ house to congratulate you on completing your degree.
Much to your distaste he does make an appearance, with who you presume to be his new girlfriend. You don’t want to stare at the pair, but you can’t help it – they look good together, possibly better than you and Pierre did. However, you notice that the young woman has on a dress that’s identical to one hanging at the back of your closest. Pierre had bought it for you when you accompanied him to France one offseason, and the thought of him replicating the trip with her crosses your mind.
Finding it too much to be in the same room as him, you excuse yourself from a conversation with some of your father’s business partners and grab your sister by the elbow on the way into the sunroom.
“What’s the matter with you?” She grumbles, upset you pulled her away from a conversation with a boy she has a tiny crush on.
“He’s here,” you whisper shout, doing your best to inconspicuously point to the culprit of your dampened spirits.
Her expression softens, and it’s clear she feels sorry for you. “Shit. I didn’t think he was actually going to show up.”
You let out a rather strangled laugh. “Me either, but he’s here and I don’t know what to do.”
The two of you stay tucked inside for a few more moments, deriving a plan that gets your ex-boyfriend off the premises as fast as possible without him seeing you. She heads outside first, making sure to grab one of your cousins who’s obsessed with hockey on her way. Together they make a beeline for Pierre, who is beyond excited to catch up with your family. You slip through the door and into a conversation with some fellow graduates in the back corner of the yard. It isn’t interesting, just about future plans, but it keeps you occupied. You’re careful to keep you back turned and your voice low – anything to keep your existence inconspicuous.
Your sister keeps Pierre-Luc busy, chatting to him about how the playoffs went and what his goals for the offseason are. A small crowd gathers around him, mostly just extended family members who haven’t seen him in a while, and he indulges their questions with a kind smile. You can tell your luck is running out, that he’s finally going to spot you in the crowd and rush over to say whatever he came here for. The fates are cruel, and at that moment your mother calls everyone into a circle for a toast.
“I want to thank you all for coming,” she says, pulling you to stand beside her. You can tell Pierre is looking at you, but you avert your eyes and look anywhere but him. Your mother continues talking. “We’re incredibly proud of our daughter for completing her degree, and we can’t wait to see what she does next. If you’re here, we appreciate the role you played in her success. To Y/N!”
Your name is chanted like a chorus, and your eyes meet Pierre’s as he raises his glass. The intensity of his stare makes you blush, and you bury your head into your father’s shoulder, playing it off as being overcome with emotion. More toasts ensue, including one where you thank everyone for their continued support, and then the cake is cut. You try to slip inside, praying that Pierre-Luc and his date will leave, but the devil himself grabs your elbows as you open the back door.
“Congratulations,” he says softly, accent thicker then the last time you heard his voice. You can’t lie to yourself – he looks good. The sunshine has done wonders for his skin, and the tattoos peeking out from his shirt sleeve look new.
“Thank you.”
You offer nothing more to the conversation, which clearly upsets him, but he doesn’t do anything other than knit his brows together. It makes sense that you wouldn’t want to speak to him since the last time you did was the screaming match that ended your relationship. You go to make your exit, but the small girl hanging off Pierre’s side speaks.
“It’s so nice to meet you,” she smiles. “I’m Maisie. Luc talks about you a lot.”
“Pardon?” You’re caught off guard. Why would he talk about you to his new girlfriend?
The man in question shifts uncomfortably, like he’s going to get caught in a lie. “Yeah, it’s so nice that you guys are still friends.”
There it is. Saying that you split amicably is probably the only way he could convince her to attend this stupid party in the first place. “Ah,” you sigh, “Well not everyone is afforded the same luxury.”
Against your better judgement, you compliment her dress. Maisie thanks you graciously, explaining that Pierre bought it for her and once he’s cleared to leave Columbus they’ll be taking a trip to France, with a pit-stop in Portugal because she’s never been. Your insides churn, but you manage to keep a glaringly fake smile plastered on your face. The conversation shifts, and you find out that she also studies English Literature and expects to graduate next year. You laugh off all the coincidences, but it’s obvious to you and Pierre-Luc that Maisie is a substitute for the person who came before her.
“Why don’t you go get us some drinks babe?” Pierre asks, and the girl skips away after reaching on her tip-toes to press a kiss to his cheek.
You fiddle nervously with the hem of your dress, anxious to be alone with him. “It isn’t what it looks like,” he starts, but you cut him off.
“It’s exactly what it looks like Luc, and don’t you fucking dare say otherwise.”
He lets out a defeated sigh. “So what if it is? I think it’s glaringly obvious that I still love you.”
No shit you think, but you bite your tongue and say something more respectable. “I’d say so. She’s exactly like me, but hopefully she won’t mind being asked to put her whole life on hold.” There’s a bite to your tone that you can’t help, but it sets Pierre-Luc on edge.
“You can’t still be fucking on about that.”
You’re seeing red now, irate that he is still choosing to minimize your emotions. “I am! Because you asked me not to continue school, which is something I explicitly told you I wanted to do, just so I could be a more conventional NHL girlfriend. And then you broke up with me when I said I wouldn’t do it.” You inhale a deep breath before continuing. “I hope you have fun with Maisie in France. You should take her to that little café we went to, in Bordeaux, where we ate so much food we couldn’t walk back to the hotel. And I hope that every time she looks at you like you hang the moon, you remember that you’re recycling our entire relationship because you let it fall apart at the seams.”
Perhaps your emotions got the best of you, because the look on Pierre-Luc’s face is nothing short of shock. You’re taken aback too – your parents raised you better than to say hurtful things, but seeing him again brought up a myriad of things you hadn't yet dealt with. Without another word, you spin on your heel and head inside, slamming the door behind you. It shouldn’t upset you this much, after so many months, but for a reason you’re unwilling to admit to yourself it does.
You sit in the bay window of your childhood bedroom, wrapped in a blanket even though it’s the beginning of summer, and watch as Pierre-Luc presses a kiss to her forehead before thanking your parents for inviting him one last time. Just like him, every relationship you have for the rest of your life will be an attempt to replicate the love you had for Pierre – a never-ending circle of deja vu.
taglist: @samsteel @kiedhara @tortito @boqvistsbabe @iwantahockeyhimbo @himbos-on-ice @2manytabsopen if you want to be added shoot me an ask :)
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axoxtxhxh · 3 years
First Date with the Vets - Hange
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Big shoutout to @chaotic-nick​ for making this lovely banner for me!
Overall Summary: I had this idea to do a first date with the vets and what it would be like. I am including Erwin, Levi, Miche, and Hange in this list. Each date will be different, but all of them will be set in modern au.
Check out Miche’s story here, Erwin’s story here, Levi’s story here
Pairing: Hange x Masc!Reader
Content: All fluff
Word Count: ~ 5,300
Summary: Reader is getting ready to close up his shop for the night and start his Friday night when just before it’s time to close, a familiar face walks in the shop. Will this change his plans for the night?
A/N: Here I am again, writing for a masculine reader. I hope I did okay :) I am also still trying to get better at writing Hange and because of that, I may make mistakes with they/them pronouns and other non-gender specific things. Please let me know how I can fix it if I’ve made a mistake. Thank you!
Also, I wasn’t planning to post this today, but you know what? I don’t care. Happy Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈
The clock on the wall continued to tick as slowly as it had been the last hour, each time you checked it, you swore it slowed down even more. You nibbled on your thumb nail again, tapping your fingers on the counter as you looked out the front window. It was one of those nights that felt cold, rainy and wet. The ground was wet, but it wasn’t actually raining. There were no umbrellas necessary, but you could still feel that rainy day mood.
The weather meant most people were either inside or at a café, trying to pull as much of the cozy feeling that they could. Not the best night to be at a bookstore. Especially an old bookstore without a café. You definitely mentioned this to your boss, but no such luck. It would have been a nice addition.
Normally Friday nights were quite busy and normally you loved being there. This Friday was a bit different. For once you had plans to go out and these were plans you were actually looking forward to.
Your friend had called you up last week saying she had tickets to an art show just down the street from where you work. It’s not that you were a huge fan of art, but you really liked the idea of being able to be out without having to get looks from people because you were alone.
It was the whole reason you loved living in the city. There were so many things you were able to do by yourself, but still have people around you. The was basically a dream for you being an introvert. Plus, it’s not that there was an issue finding someone to hang out with, you just preferred doing things alone. At least, you had yet to find someone you were interested in spending time with.
You checked the clock again. Twenty minutes left. You sighed and brought your thumbnail to your mouth again. It looked like the rain was actually picking up. More umbrellas were popping open and you watched the droplets of water roll down the front window. The rain wasn’t going to slow you down though. If anything, it meant there might be less people interested in an art showing and you could have the place to yourself.
You continued watching the rain droplets rolling down the window, periodically checking the time, until you recognized a familiar Starry Night umbrella. The walk of the person holding the umbrella was even more familiar.
It was maybe four months ago that Hange Zoe first walked into the bookstore. You were working that day, standing in the exact same spot. They had never come in the bookstore before, you were very sure of that because had they come in, you would have remembered them. Still, the second they stepped foot inside, it was as if they knew the place, as if it were their bookstore and not your boss’s.
At the time, you didn’t realize that anytime Hange came in, they would be searching for the most random and hard-to-find book in existence, but after about a month of that happening, you quickly realized that when they walked in, you would be having to place an order for them. You were pretty sure that’s what brought them into your bookstore in the first place since you ran a specialty bookstore. Still, Hange found a way to get you searching for books you had never even heard of.
The first book they wanted was a very old and very specific ethics textbook. You had no idea what they needed that for, but you knew you didn’t carry it in the store. They waited by the spinning display of sunglasses while you filled out the form. Yes, your boss decided to sell cheap sunglasses in the front as well as those keychain nametags, but couldn’t find a reason to open a café.
Your eyes kept taking glances at Hange while they tried on the most ridiculous glasses meant for the children that came in. You laughed to yourself as you finished filling out the form and called your boss over to sign the order form.
“What is it?” He asked, carrying a stack of books that you knew he was going to have you stocking later on.
“She’s looking for this book.” You pointed to the order form.
“It’s actually ‘they’.” Hange spoke so nonchalantly that you weren’t actually sure if they were speaking to you or to themselves in the star sunglasses they’d put on.
“I use they/them pronouns.” Hange gave a wide grin, peaking around the spinning display.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” You had hoped your face wasn’t showing how uncomfortable you were feeling. You hated making mistakes like that. You hoped that they weren’t annoyed with you for that mistake. Based on the smile they had on their face, they weren’t bothered at all.
“No problem.” Hange was still smiling and there was something so contagious about the way they smiled. Something about the open-mouthed grin that made it seem like they were constantly half a step away from giggling that always got you to smile back.
“They are looking for this book.” You looked back down at the order form, still smiling. “I need your signature to order it.”
Your boss took the form and signed it, handing it back to you and you couldn’t help but stand there watching Hange trying on another ridiculous pair of sunglasses. This time, it was a Halloween themed pair with one square lens and one circle. It really was the stupidest addition to the bookstore, but that day was the first time you were happy that it was there. You laughed to yourself as you watched them try to realign the glasses in a spot they didn’t fit in.
“Mx. Zoe.” Hange looked up and skipped over to you.
“I will place the order today and for most books, they come in after a couple days, but since yours is quite specific, it may take a week or two.” You explained everything to them and gave them their receipt. “Please make sure you bring your receipt in when you come to pick it up.”
You watched their attention move from you to the receipt to the card on the table. They slowly reached up and picked up the card, reading the text and flipping it over.
“You guys repair old books?” Their eyes moved up to you and you nodded.
“It’s another one of our specialties.”
“I have a couple old books I’ve been scared to read because of how fragile they were when I bought them.” They put the card in their bag.
“There are some limits to what we’re able to fix, but if you bring them in, I can take a look.” You smiled widely, hoping to see them smile once more before they left.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then.” They flashed a wide smile and that time you actually did laugh. A laugh which you covered up with a cough and scratched your head, pretending to tend to something on your computer. You watched Hange walk out and realized you had something to look forward to.
The next day Hange came in with a crate of books. You smiled at the cuteness of the little huff they gave after setting the books on the counter in front of you. Your smile quickly dropped as you saw the books they had.
“Where did you get these?” Your eyes were wide. Most were books that you would never be able to get your hands on, order form or not.
“Lots of different places,” they explained as you reached your hands in to pull out the first book.
“Do you collect these?” You couldn’t take your eyes away from the books. They were in pretty bad shape, but the fact that they owned these was amazing.
“Some of them are books I’ve been wanting to read. Others I’ve read online and really wanted to own the original.” You could feel the smile on their face, but found it so hard to look away from the original binding.
“These are amazing.” You smiled, finally looking at them. They were just as excited as you and their smile widened even further.
“This one’s my favorite.” Hange reached in the crate and pulled out a severely crumbling textbook. “Vicki is in back shape.”
“You named your book Vicki?”
“It’s a Victorian era medical textbook detailing surgery of the time. What would you name it?” Hange explained.
“I wasn’t questioning the name choice, but the fact that you—never mind.” You chuckled to yourself. “Vicki is a great name.”
“Thanks, Fuzzy.”
“Fuzzy?” “Your beard. It looks like it’s coming in nicely.”
“Thanks.” You rubbed your two-day old stubble, a little embarrassed that someone noticed you forgot to shave and a lot embarrassed that Hange seemed to like it. Maybe embarrassed was the wrong word. Hange never lingered though and just after complimenting you, they moved on to the next thing that caught their attention. In this case it was the receipt you handed them and they started signing.
“I imagine this will take some time to get through.”
“For this amount, it will probably take at least two weeks,” you started, “We are closed on Mondays which is when we get the book repairs done.”
“Like a vets office.” Hange smiled and gave you the signed receipt. “Spaying and neutering on Wednesdays.”
“Like a vets office.” You nodded, laughing to yourself at the connections they always made.
“I’ll see you around, Fuzzy.” They waved good-bye and walked out.
From that day, you always looked forward to any exchange you were able to have with Hange. It was always a good day when they came into the shop and each time they came in, they would stay longer and longer chatting with you about new books that came into the store or new books that they acquired. You often wondered what their apartment looked like considering how many books they talked about.
Seeing their smile as they walked into the bookstore on that rainy Friday night made you really happy that there was still twenty minutes before closing. Hange stepped inside and shook the extra water off their umbrella before bringing it inside. They threw the hood of their raincoat back and smiled.
“Heya, Fuzzy.”
“Hey, Hange. You here to check the status of that book you ordered?” You leaned over the counter and smiled at them.
“That, I am.” They took off their raincoat and you watched them fail at hanging it up a couple times before finally getting it to stay on the coat rack. “Please tell me you have some good news for me.”
“I do have some good news.” You watched their face light up in a huge smile. “It’s not about your book though. Apparently, it’s not supposed to rain all weekend.”
“I see what you did there.” They pointed their first finger at you and narrowed their eyes, quickly breaking it with a laugh. “Good thing I don’t get disappointed easily.”
“One of my favorite things about you.” Hange’s excitement for books always seemed to remind you of your own.
“Got anything good coming in?” They hopped up to sit on the counter next to where you were leaning, something the boss hated them doing. Hange always did it anyway and you found it incredibly endearing.
“Not this week.” You stood up straight, turning yourself to lean against the counter. “Most if it is stuff you already have.”
“Aw shucks.” They took the inventory chart from you to take a look. Another thing the boss didn’t like, but you found adorable. You watched the way their glasses slipped down their nose as they scanned over the list. “Not bad. You guys are actually starting to become a specialty store.”
You laughed loudly at their comment. Since the beginning, Hange was always criticizing the lack of textbooks that were offered in the store. Your boss liked to focus on rare fiction, but Hange loved non-fiction more than anything. Textbooks on ethics, medicine, dinosaurs, you name it. It was always the first complaint out of their mouth when they checked the inventory.
“I don’t think anyone’s collection will come close to yours.” You watched as Hange smiled shyly. It didn’t take you long to realize that no matter how much you tried to compliment how they looked, they never noticed it as a compliment. That is until one day you commended their commitment to building a library in their spare bedroom and the blush that reached their cheeks that day was on your mind for weeks. You always tried to find ways to flatter them through their achievements after that.
“Such is the life of a crazy professor.” They lifted their hands, palms up, in an expressive display and you laughed. “Any plans tonight?”
“I have this art show I got invited to.” You shrugged it off, not sure if Hange liked art so you didn’t want to seem too interested. “I uh… I’ve never really been into art, but this one seemed good.”
“That sounds like fun.” You watched them kick their feet lightly forward and there was a small voice in your head that told you to invite them to the show. You didn’t want them to feel obligated, but this was a chance to bring your work friendship to possibly something more. For all Hange knew, you lived in this bookstore.
You both heard a noise outside and watched as a little kid tripped on the sidewalk. His mom picked him up and kept walking.
“I hope he’s okay,” Hange whispered. You were pretty sure your window to ask them to the art show closed. It would be weird if you asked them about it now. You sighed.
“What about your plans?”
“Just going home. Maybe watch a documentary.” They’re just going home. Dang it. It would have been perfect for you to ask them. You tried not to beat yourself up over it and instead enjoy the short time you got with them before you would have to leave.
You were both laughing and joking as you normally did when they walked into the shop that you completely forgot to keep track of the time. You caught a glimpse of their watch and saw that the bookstore should have closed thirty minutes ago.
“Oh!” You jumped up. “I have to close up.”
“Oh man, sorry.” Hange jumped off the counter. “Here I am, just talking away.”
You moved to the back counter and flicked off all the lights and shut down the computer systems. Hange moved up front and you met them by the door as they put their raincoat back on and opened their umbrella. You locked up and turned to them.
“Well, enjoy your art showing, Fuzzy.”
“Thanks.” You smiled, not feeling as excited to go now that you didn’t ask Hange to join. “Enjoy your documentary.”
They nodded and turned around and you watched them walk through the crowd of people. You were going to turn around and start walking to the showing, but you couldn’t get yourself to move. You should have asked them. What a wasted opportunity. You sighed again before your feet started moving forward, not in the direction of the showing, but in the direction of Hange. When you realized what you were doing, you started running.
“Hange!” You called after them and ran even faster to catch up. They turned around at their name and looked at you, confusion crossing their face. “Do you… maybe want to come with me? I’m pretty sure I can bring a guest.”
The realization that you just asked them to hang out with you outside of your bookstore hit you quickly and your cheeks started heating up, your hand instinctively moving to the back of your head and you laughed at yourself. A smile also grew on Hange’s lips.
“I think I’d like to.” They nodded, putting their arm out for you. You closed your umbrella and took their arm with one hand and held their umbrella with the other. You reached for your phone to message Fenmore quickly.
[Fen, is there any way you can add a plus one for me at the art show? I’m bringing someone :) ]
[You have a date!!!]
[It’s not really a date.]
[At least I don’t think it is.]
[I don’t know 😩]
[It seems like a date! You both are in]
[Good luck!]
You stuffed your phone back in your pocket and turned to Hange and started walking to the art gallery. It wasn’t far, just a couple blocks away from the bookstore, but you couldn’t stop thinking that this was possibly a date and it made you so nervous which made the couple blocks feel like miles. When you did finally get to the door, you breathed a sigh of relief and walked inside.
“I think there’s a couple artists at this showing,” you said, reaching for a pamphlet. “I don’t really know much about many of them.”
“Me neither.” They smiled at you. “I may love studying, but art wasn’t really on the top of my list.”
You started with the first art piece in the pamphlet, standing in front of it and waiting. You tried to look around and see what everyone else was doing. This plan of getting to spend more time with Hange was becoming a fail because you had no idea about art. You didn’t want to say anything weird if they were liking it, but you really didn’t think you could just silently look at all these pieces. Honestly, some of them were weird.
“This one’s nice.” You turned to them and smiled.
“Yes, very nice.” They smiled.
“What’s it called?” You leaned forward to look at the information card. “Abandoning All Hope… ah.”
“Lovely.” Hange nodded and you swallowed hard. This was bad. This was really bad. You both moved to the next one, the artwork looking a little happier.
“This one looks bright.” You turned back to Hange and they read the title card.
“It’s called Basking in Sadness.”
“Jesus.” You rubbed your temples and closed your eyes.
“According to the description,” They started, “the artist was sick as a child and often had to stay inside. So when he would see sunny days and be stuck inside, he felt sad.”
“I suppose that makes it a bit better.” You scratched your head. “Still sad.”
You both continued and hoped that the art would get better at making conversation naturally flow between you both. It was weird how well you conversed in the bookstore, but now you were really struggling with what to say. You walked up and the next piece looked like a murder scene.
“Gosh, I really have no idea what any of this means.” You finally admitted. “Sorry, I’m really not as big into this kind of art.”
“Oh good!” Hange laughed. “I’ve had no idea of anything since we walked in.”
You look quickly to them and smiled.
“I thought the bench out front was part of the exhibit until I saw someone sit on it.” You both laughed and a man walked up to you with a tray and glasses of champagne. You turned to Hange and they nodded, grabbing a glass.
“Well, to having no idea what we’re doing here.” You held up your glass and Hange clinked it and you both drank quickly.
After the first glass of champagne hit, you started feeling a lot more comfortable. The artwork still made no sense to either of you, but you were having fun. When the man came back around a short while later, you grabbed another glass and another glass and another glass. Before you knew it, you and Hange were five glasses in and finally the art was starting to make sense to you.
“Wait, wait, this one. Do this one.” Hange stood next to the artwork giggling and you rubbed your chin.
“Hmm, it’s definitely about a mother.” You had no right to be as confident as you were when Hange looked at the title card, turning back to you with a surprised look on their face.
“A Mother’s Touch. How did you do that?” They couldn’t believe it. You grabbed Hange’s arm and pulled them next to you, pointing at the picture.
“You see all those swirls look like arms. Like a hug.”
“I do not see that at all.” They laughed. “Do the next one!”
You stood in front of the painting and thought about it, but your eyes kept drifting over to Hange. They weren’t looking at you which only made it harder to focus on the painting. If they could see you, then you’d have a reason to look away, but their eyes were glued to the artwork and yours were glued to them.
“There’s no way you’re going to get this one.” They leaned back up from looking at the title card and faced you and you quickly looked back at the painting. “No way at all.”
“Something with a snake.”
“How!?” They put their palm on their forehead and smiled. “Snake’s Path. How did you know?”
“Come on.” You laughed. “Let’s go to the next one.
“Wait, I’m getting more champagne.” They started moving towards the bar. “The one they’re passing out now is cheap. I want the good stuff.”
“Make sure you bring me a glass.”
“I’m bringing the whole bottle, Fuzzy.” You laughed and went to look at the next artwork while you waited. It was a short wait and you felt a tap on your shoulder.
“Excuse me, sir?” You turned to see a man standing behind you.
“Is that your date?” The man pointed to Hange and you looked over his shoulder to see them at the bar. You started thinking about them being your date and it made you smile this time, your nerves from earlier completely calmed with alcohol. Hange was still at the bar and you watched them debating with the bartender. It really reminded you of how great they are. Hange never got scared of confrontation like you did.
“Yep.” You smiled proudly. “That’s them.”
“I’d like to let you know that she is causing quite the—”
“They. Their pronoun is they.” You corrected.
“Well they are trying to steal alcohol from the bar. We’re going to have to ask you both to leave.”
It took everything you had no to burst out laughing on the spot, but you managed to hold it in enough to make it to Hange and you both walked outside. Once outside, you both started laughing hysterically, holding your belly as you tried to catch your breath. It was nice outside now. The rain had stopped and it left the air fresh and cool which felt great against your heated cheeks. You both stopped laughing and looked at each other.
“It’s a nice night.” Hange smiled.
“Yeah. Thanks for coming with me.” You smiled back, taking a deep breath.
“Anytime, Fuzzy.”
You didn’t want to say good night. You weren’t ready to leave yet. There really wasn’t anything else to do though. It was probably nearing eleven at that point and you weren’t sure if Hange had things to do in the morning. But you still didn’t want to say good night just yet.
“Do you want to go to the bookstore?” You asked without thinking. “We got a new shipment you might like.”
Hange smiled, a strange look in their eyes as they looked at you.
“You liar.”
“I saw the shipment earlier,” they explained, “You showed it to me and told me I wouldn’t like any of it.”
“Oh, right.” You looked down, laughing at your ridiculous attempt to spend more time with them.
“But I would still like to go to the bookstore with you.” You looked at them quickly.
“You would?” You couldn’t hold back your surprised face at that.
“Lead the way, Fuzzy!” Hange linked arms with you and you both walked back the couple blocks to the bookstore. This time, the walk was a lot faster.
You unlocked the door and were about to step inside when you realized that Hange wasn’t with you anymore. It made no sense considering they linked their arm with yours. You leaned around the corner, looking for them, but they weren’t there. It was possible that they changed their mind, but they didn’t know how to tell you and just went home. That didn’t really seem like them though.
“Fuzzy!” You turned around and saw Hange running over to you with a bottle of convenience store wine and you both laughed.
“After you.” You gestured them inside and started looking for some cups. You only had a couple small dixie cups, but they worked well enough. Hange poured a glass for each of you and you tapped your cups together, spilling wine on the floor.
“So how many years before I get to walk into your bookstore?” They asked. At first you misunderstood, thinking they were talking about the bookstore you both were in.
“Ah.” You smiled. “I think it’s a while before that.”
Your dream of owning your own bookstore came up in conversation with Hange more often than you ever thought it would ever. They genuinely seemed interested in it and seemed to be your biggest cheerleader when it came to opening it. Normally when people would ask you about it, you felt rushed and like you were behind. Almost as if they were saying ‘you still haven’t opened it yet?’ but not with Hange. Never with Hange. They made it seem like you were right on track and your dream would be here sooner than you thought.
You looked over at them and smiled. It was amazing how pretty they were. You definitely noticed it the first time they walked into the bookstore last summer, but you wondered if you were the only one to see it. There’s no way. There was no way that someone as intelligent and funny and kind and so beautiful didn’t constantly get asked out. You must just be lucky enough to catch them on a free day.
“You know what Fuzzy?” You looked over at them as they spoke, their eyes still looking down at the empty cup of wine. “I’m glad you asked me to the art showing.”
They giggled a little to themselves, possibly remembering what a hot mess it was inside the gallery. Or perhaps building the courage to say what looked to be sitting on the edge of their mind.
“I don’t get asked to do much these days. Not since moving to the city.” Hange hiccupped and you tried to understand how that was possible. “But I’m having a lot of fun. Thank you.”
You weren’t really sure what to do. You really couldn’t believe it. You managed to smile when they looked up at you.
“It’s my pleasure.” You stared at them, maybe a bit too long, but you couldn’t look away. Hange’s eyes were lidded, tired from all the alcohol you both had. But seeing their drunken smile and hearing their small hiccups had your heart beating quickly. They reached forward and put their hand on yours and you looked down at it. “Oh! I wanted to show you something.”
You jumped up from the ground and helped pull Hange up with you. You walked towards the backroom and halfway there realized you were holding Hange’s hand as you pulled them behind you. It was so soft and so warm and you were thankful for the alcohol letting you do things that you normally would second guess at every moment.
“It’s up there.” You dropped their hand and did your best to reach the top shelf, barely touching the bottom of the books you wanted. “Maybe if you try.”
“We’re the same size.” They laughed.
“Oh right.” You were both laughing and they handed you a shoe and you grabbed it, trying to shimmy the books down. “Wait, whose shoe is this?”
When you turned to look at them they were smiling and you looked down at their feet and couldn’t hold back your laughter at their feet missing a shoe.
“Here, climb on my shoulders.”
“Great idea.” They hopped up and reached for the books. This time they were able to grab them and slowly pull them from the shelf.
Your balance was surprisingly good considering how intoxicated you were. You were looking up and focusing on making sure Hange got the right books. As soon as you saw them grab it, they handed them down to you, one-by-one, and you set them on the table next to you.
“Last one!” Hange placed the book in your hands and you set it down. They threw their hands up out of excitement and you finally lost your balance as they moved back and forth. “Oh!”
Hange started to fall backwards and you quickly bent forward, giving them a way to hop down as you grabbed them before they fell. You managed to catch your balance and Hange fell into your arms and you both fell backwards onto the floor, Hange on top of you.
Their face was so close to yours and you reached up to fix their glasses, smiling at them. You couldn’t help but notice how warm they were, how soft their body felt up against yours, how much prettier they were up close and how badly you wanted to kiss them.
“Hange.” You took a breath, not sure if you were going to be able to do it. “I’m going to kis—”
Before you could finish your sentence, Hange bent down quickly, pushing their lips against yours. At first your eyes widened from the sudden movement, but then when you realized what was happening, you slowly closed them, your arms moving around their back and up to their face.
You rotated your head a bit, trying to get a better angle so your noses weren’t smashed against each other and your tongue slipped out to brush against their lips. Hange opened their mouth and brought their hands to your hair, their long fingers delicately moving along your scalp and you sighed into their mouth. The butterflies in your stomach were going crazy and you couldn’t believe how good it felt.
Hange slipped their tongue into your mouth and you moved your hand to their hair. You had always noticed how silky and shiny their hair was, but feeling it in your hands was a whole different story. You rolled yourself over so you laid on top of them and Hange let out a gasp, pulling back so they could laugh at the sudden movement.
They really were so completely dazzling and you watched them, smiling yourself, until they stopped laughing and looked at you.
“You’re beautiful.” You brushed a hair out of their eye and smiled. “I suppose a stepladder would have been safer.”
“It wouldn’t have been as fun.” They wrapped their arms around you and pressed their lips against yours.
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*rolls up to ask box* Lemmee get a Yoongi with plus size black reader where she's a teacher who moved to Korea teaching English at a university. She's grading papers at a 24 hr coffee shop with her 4c hair in puffs & glasses on. He's out getting his beloved iced Americano and he sees her. He's watches her for a bit until she overhears him talking about her fine ass in korean thinking she can't understand him but she snaps her head up and speaks perfect korean to the waitress? Sorry it's so long
I changed it a little bit but here you go wifey! 
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First encounter
“God, this is so good…” you sighed in happiness once the delicate taste of your sweet cappuccino hit your tastebuds. This was exactly that you needed after a long day at school: a nice coffee and a new book to enjoy reading at your favourite café.
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After clocking out, you had gone home to change into something comfortable and decided to let your hair rest in cute little buns and your glasses just complimented the whole outfit. Thank God it was Friday because you were so ready to just unwind and spend some quality time alone. You had some plans to go and have some fun in Seoul but those weren’t fully convinced of the plans just yet. Teaching had been very exhausted, but you loved your job, nonetheless.
You were about to dive back into your book when you noticed a very handsome guy sitting just two tables away from you. He had his laptop out, with something that looked like a small portable piano keyboard. He was bobbing his head along to whatever tunes were blasting through his headphones. You couldn’t help when he suddenly broke out grinning, showing off his gummy smile and it instantly made your heart swell with happiness.
The handsome stranger continued to grin while tapping away at his laptop, making you lose yourself in his little bubble, you were growing curious to what he was creating while wondering whether you’d ever be lucky enough to listen to it.
“Shit!” you hissed to yourself when the handsome stranger noticed your gaze on him and snapped his head in your direction, the two of you making instant eye contact. In that moment you released two things:
1. You had been staring at Min Yoongi aka, BTS’s Suga 
2. Min smiled when your eyes locked, and he gave you a gentle head nod
To say that you were panicking a little was an understatement. That man wasn’t just a celebrity but also had acknowledged your existence. A boost of self-confidence rushed through your body while you looked down at your book and mentally counted to ten in order to get your shit together. This wasn’t happening.
It took you more than ten seconds to calm down before clearing your throat and trying to focus on the phrases of your book. Your tensed shoulders slowly relaxed again, and a small smile crept onto your face, you had never guessed this would happen in a million years.
Five minutes into your book, you randomly glanced up again and noticed that Min was still staring at you. You gave him a small smile and raised your cup of coffee, not knowing that your beauty was putting the musician in complete awe. He hadn’t been able to keep his eyes off you as he instantly was interested in you.
Sure, Min had seen and met many beautiful people in his life but something about your smooth brown skin, the clothes that were hugging it perfectly and your simple behaviour was doing something to him. You didn’t know that he had paused his music and made it his personal mission to try and get close to you. Min was happy that today was the day he had decided to leave the house in order to find some inspiration for BTS’s upcoming song, because you were now the newly discovered inspiration.
The group had decided to write another beautiful love song, this time not just only expressing hopes of finding that intense and addicting love but to actually write about experiencing it. Not many knew that Min Yoongi had experienced that kind of love, it hadn’t lasted for a very long time but his heart had once belonged to someone special. The breakup nearly killed him though, the pain was unbearable and the musician had ever since been afraid to even approach someone.
Seeing you there, he felt his stomach flip in anxiety but also excitement because he felt determined to get to know you. Your eyes locked for a few more minutes before you felt like a creep and decided to get back to reading.
Taking another sip of your cup, you noticed your palms starting to sweat as Min’s handsomeness was simply too overwhelming for you. “Such a beauty”, whispered the singer in Korean before shaking his head in amazement.
You screamed in your head, your eyes almost popping out of its sockets. Min didn’t know that you were fluent in Korean as it was a necessity in order to teach in the country and probably didn’t expect you to understand him, so he felt more than free to voice his opinion on you.
You took a big sip from your coffee and decided to take your interaction a step further. You took a few deep breaths before standing up, collecting your book, hot drink and phone before walking over to him and joining him at this table.
Min let out a surprised gasp when you looked at him and replied in Korean “Thanks for the compliment”. Then you started the conversation, saying that you had been fluent in the language for a few years now and that you were a fan of BTS. The way he snapped his laptop shut had you giggling while leaning back against your seat and smiling happily.
Min instantly felt shy and apologised for his comment, expressing how it wasn’t gentleman like and that he just felt so amazed by your beauty. You excitedly let him know that you also found him very beautiful and then you loved his musical talent. The rapper then asked you about your life, you liked your job and how you liked living in Seoul, he patiently listened to you while making mental notes how you beautiful your voice sounded. It was like sweet honey to his craving ears.
You told him a few funny stories that happened while teaching and the way he threw his head back and laughed loudly had you instantly catching feelings. His gummy smile just looked breathtaking, he didn’t give a single fuck about the fact that his loud laughter was booming through the whole café, he just was in his happy moment.
Min then told you different stories of his life as a worldwide known musician, the ups and downs of dealing with fame and even his hopes for the future. It was so easy to read right through him like an open book: that man found happiness in the simplest things of life but was very lonely. He didn’t have many friends and barely had the time to spend some quality time with them, but just from the way he was looking while talking about them, you knew that he loved them dearly. 
Yoongi continued talking about the group’s members, what he had learned from them and how much he loved them despite being very bad at showing his appreciation. You clung onto every word that left his soft and plump lips and imagined what it would be like to feel them gently pressed against yours.
“Hey…Can I take you out sometime? There’s many amazing places I can show you if you want”, Min asked with the most adorable yet shy expression on his face. You were melting away while he was trying his best to not show how much he wanted to hold your hand, listen to you talk for hours and be lucky enough to kiss your plump lips that were calling onto his.
Your numbers already had been exchanged a few minutes into the first conversation so all you could hope for was to get a text from the musician.
“I would love that!” you grinned and couldn’t help but reach out for his hand and give it a quick squeeze. His palms were sweating, and his nostrils immediately appreciated your delicate scent when you leaned in. That man was falling quick and hard for you. You didn’t mind his sweaty hand, actually loved the feeling of his soft skin.
Your heart skipped a beat, but you didn’t dare show it. This felt amazing. You wished it never end, but that wasn’t an option, for now. With one final smile you wished Yoongi a nice day before standing up and gathering your things, your cup of coffee already having been consumed. After leaving a few bills and a nice tip on your table, you made your way out of the café without glancing back, knowing damn well that Min was staring at you and your luscious curves.
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-Emmanuelle 💋❤️
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rint4rous · 4 years
hogwarts au! oikawa
a/n: wrote this with a bad headache LMAO so if you see mistakes no you didnt <3
yeah help
oikawa toru
sixth year slytherin
captain of slytherin quidditch team
this one. very popular with the girls.
always gets gifts and confessed to, he turns them all down nicely tho
he flirts with them a little but never goes out with anyone
thanks but no thanks, hes focusing on quidditch
mostly hangs out with hanamaki, matsukawa, and iwaizumi
you, sixth year gryffindor
a chaser for the quidditch team
actually you and oikawa had a bit of a rivalry thing going on
because oikawa was getting good grades AND is good at quidditch
and it doesnt even look like hes trying.
and he lowkey comes off as arrogant sometimes
and youre like i hate geniuses
the two of you met during first year when he tried playfully hitting iwa in the hallway but iwa dodged
and you happen to be speedwalking past and then next thing you know you get slapped???
you stop walking and turn to oikawa
“it’s alright!”
“are you sure??”
“yeah, it was an accident, right? …. unless it wasnt?”
“i thought so! see you ‘round!”
then you skip away
yeah. yall dont really start competing and shit until you found out your mom and his mom had BEEF??? WHEN THEY WERE IN SCHOOL????
you found that out at the end of first year
“i heard tachibana’s son is in your year. or i guess she’s oikawa now.”
youre like yeah what about it
“my dearest y/n, you’re a smart little girl, okay?”
“so make sure you’re better than that oikawa kid, alright?”
and little innocent you is like “ok”
so start of second year, you study and work extra hard
but here’s perfect little oikawa who always knocks you down to second place
at first youre like. i’ll just work harder!
and he joins quidditch and so do you
so you try hard at that too
you’re not like a sore loser or anything so when slytherin wins you shake his hand with a smile
but by the end of the year you’re just kinda :/ now because you never see him studying or practicing spells so how the fuck is he BETTER THAN YOU AT EVERYTHING!!! ITS NOT FAIR!!!!!
third year you come into school with like not very good feelings abt oikawa
and your mom was on your ass about your grades and you’re like omfggg im TRYING OKAY IM TRYING SO HARD
too bad tho thats when he starts liking you …
middle of third year is when you start expressing those feelings for oikawa out loud
“i hate self-centered geniuses. come back down to earth, will you.”
he heard you say when test results came back
and hes like is she talking abt me? lol nah shes probably talking about stupid ushijima over there
and then he finds out you were in fact talking abt him
hes kinda hurt lol
then when the new term rolls in
and the two of you just start talking shit about each other and start arguing all the time
“what’s the answer, l/n?”
“fairy wings.”
“oh my bad, i didn’t realize she said oikawa, and not l/n.”
“oh sorry, i thought you wouldn’t know the answer so i answered for you! i saved you from embarrassing yourself. you’re welcome~”
your seatmate yaku was holding you down with all his might and HOW IS LITTLE MAN ABLE TO HOLD YOU BACK HIS GRIP IS STRONG BRO
the whole class s ighs here we go AGAIN
the teacher doesnt even bother sending you guys out to hall anymore because this happens so much
you always try to sabotage each other in potions
one time his eyebrows almost burned off after his potion exploded in his face
makki and mattsun like LMFAOWFEHERGUYER
then when the year ends you’re like ranting to your mom like “i hate geniuses. who does he think he is? just because he can beat me at everything?? i’ll show him. i’ll make him eat dirt in the field. i’ll wipe that dumb smirk off his face. i’ll-”
your mom: omg my little baby so full of hate just like her momma
fourth year you’re so determined to beat oikawa at something
he sees you in the library, unprovoked, once and he comes up from behind you like
“aw, is l/n gonna try beating me again this year? you know there’s no point in trying.”
you: hold it in hold it in hold it in YOU’RE MATURE NOW Y/N L/N. YOU SHOULD BE MORE MATURE THAN THIS DIMWIT IN FRONT OF YOU. inhale exhale inhale exhale
“aw, is oikawa gonna try beating ushiwaka in quidditch again this year? you know there’s no point in trying.”
way to be mature
poor oikawa tho you pressed a wrong button so he just leaves silently
you kinda regret it after
so this year goes like the last and so does the next
“arent you tired?? of competing with oikawa all the time??” your friend semi asked you
“kind of”
“then stop?? you dont have to fulfill your mom’s high school revenge lmao”
“ughh eita i know but im too far in”
one time you were out breaking curfew #savage
no but seriously you couldn’t sleep so you thought some fresh air will help, the dorms were super suffocating right now
you were stressed after your mom’s monthly letter
beat oikawa this beat oikawa that
you turn at a corner and you see the man himself, ALSO BREAKING CURFEW
now the both of you are looking at each other like 👁👄👁
“shush before we both get caught”
“right sorry sorry”
“so what the hell are you doing breaking curfew.”
“what are you doing breaking curfew.”
“i asked you first”
“just answer the question, oikawa.”
he looks around, making sure the coast was clear before he motions you over to him and as you walk towards him
you see the door hes standing in front of
he drags you in there and what you see is
a bunch of practice dummies
“yeah i,, practice my spells here at night. contrary to popular belief i’m not a genius like ushiwaka or tobio. i’m flattered you think so, though.”
and youre like he... actually practices?? he is actually human?
“what’s with that look? you wanna join me practice at night?”
“as if-” and then you see the book of spells and you guys aren’t even learning any of this YET. and you are determined not to fall behind oikawa “sure.”
oikawas like pardon?
you: i SAID SURE.
and so now at night you practice spells together
only because you want to beat him as if
the arguing goes down a little because you get caught up in beating each other at who gets to do the spell right first that practice runs super late sometimes and you dont have energy to fight with each other that early
everybodys like ??? huh????
but then you’re back to the usual bs in the afternoon and everybodys like oh okay so the world isnt ending yet
so anyway !! yall are practicing again
you’re pointing your wand at a practice dummy and trying to focus so you dont accidentally do something dumb
"hey why do you hate me so much?”
“it’s not because i hit you when we were first years right? it really was an accident i swear-”
“you still remember that?”
“well yeah… because i cant think of any other reason why you don’t like me.”
“um… trying too hard to please my mom, i guess. what about you? why did you try so hard to beat me at everything?” you ask, regaining your focus for the charm
“idk, you never paid attention to me unless i did.”
you scoff, “why? you don’t like me or anything, do you?”
“i do tho??”
he literally said that just before you chanted the spell and you got caught off guard and
it almost hits oikawa
oikawa: WHAT DID I DO
now youre staring at each other and you’re both red
he kinda quiets down “and you’re a better rival than ushijima anyway. i don’t mean any of the stuff i said, i swear. i know you don’t like me but i just needed to let that out or i will go insane.”
and hes just looking down all shy
at this point you actually dont know if you like oikawa or not
i mean??? you spent like 3 years butting heads with this dude
and he liked you the whole time?? hes crazy this man is crazy.
maybe you were just in denial the whole time
because?? you could’ve stopped competing with him at everything
maybe you did enjoy it somehow
he did make your life at school interesting
“let’s go out on a few dates and we’ll see.”
his head just whips up and his eyes like light up and hes so EXCITED
in the time before you officially started dating
you find out from iwaizumi that even tho he smiles at a lot of girls its actually rarely genuine the only girl hes ever seen oikawa smile about genuinely was you
and that his mom actually didnt approve of him playing quidditch at first because he had a bad knee but he pushed for it because he really wanted to
he has like a smug and a flippant demeanor but hes very attentive and super caring !!
hes super passionate and hard working at what he does and
i guess now you finally realize you are falling
it takes five dates until the two of you officially start going out
if you tell third year you that you were dating oikawa she would never believe it but here you are, walking to class with him
when the two of you walked in the classroom talking
like TALKING NORMALLY AND NOT THE USUAL “i will choke you in your sleep” “ooh, kinda k-” “don’t”
it was already sus when the arguing toned down a bit but now that its like. REALLY GONE?? everybody is so confused
LMFAO matsukawa asks like “what happened?? are you guys broken?”
“how rude! dearest y/n and i are dating now!”
everybody in this class: see now thats crazy. that is crazy.
makki: maybe we didnt hear him right. say that again oikawa
oikawa: me and y/n are dating.
everybody: oh okay bc we thought you said you and l/n were dat- WAIT SO YOU AND L/N REALLY ARE TOGETHER??? 
you: unfortunately
oikawa: h-hey :((((
nobody was as SHOCKED as your moms
“y/n, baby, i know i did not just hear you say you’re dating the oikawa kid. repeat that for momma again.”
“i’m dating the oikawa kid.”
“so toru, what did you wanna tell me?”
“i have a girlfriend now! her name is y/n l/n.”
“l/n? surely not THAT l/n’s daughter, right?”
“oh it is that l/n.”
when your families have dinner together for the first time
but they do try hard to get along. they try super hard.
“ma, we haven’t graduated yet-”
your mom, ignoring you: THEYRE GOING TO HAVE THE CUTEST HAIR
momma oiks: PERIOD!
steals your books from you in the halls so he can carry it for you
you tease each other with pet names and shit???
he’ll try to kiss your cheek in the hall but iwa grabs the back of his robe and pulls him away “you’re gross”
“you’re just jealous iwa!!”
when your houses arent playing each other, he goes to your games and vice versa!
tries to distract you in the field
“hey beautiful”
“toru don’t or i will make iwa knock you off your broom.”
“you're so mean”
so anyways yall r couple goals
"listen well, kindaichi, kunimi, your senior is showing you how to get girls.”
kunimi, without looking up from his book: what are you gonna teach us? accidentally slap the girl and get her to hate you for three years while you secretly pine over her during that time before confessing that you liked her the whole time and you go out on five dates and officially start dating? too much work
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thedevillionaire · 4 years
Exordium, part two, though this can be read as a stand-alone. This one comes with an 18+ label.  
Some other supernatural soap opera folk get brief appearances here too. Aera – Sorcery Leader and best of frenemies with Cerberus; Vampyra – Vampirism Leader; Ashtaroth – Incubus, Vampirism Understudy, Kia’s BFF and ex-FWB. Mentioned, not appearing: Lilith – Cerberus’ ex, and Therion, Demonics Understudy.  As always, any questions, please do ask! But anyway...
Offering a hurried apology, Cerberus sneezed again, more heavily than before, and Aera and Vampyra frowned at him simultaneously. “Cerberus, if you get me sick, I will never forgive you,” Vampyra said, the expression on her face suggesting that she was quite serious about it too. “I have far too many things to do, and not just this. Also, if I can’t do those things, then you’ll have to work with Ashtaroth or, more likely, whoever he sends in when he doesn’t feel like working, and you’ll completely deserve it. So think about that.”
“Mm,” seconded Aera, looking at Cerberus and raising her eyebrows as if daring him to disagree.
Cerberus, mildly affronted but feeling increasingly unwell, blew his nose, excused himself and took a drink of water. He cleared his throat, grimacing a little at the pain. “If either of you would like to try reclassifying the Demonics Levels without me, then please, go right ahead. Although surely Therion can do at least some of it. I’m not particularly keen to be here, you know.”
Aera rolled her eyes. “None of us are. And really, I’m still not convinced it’s even all that necessary.  We’ve gone generations without doing anything to rejig the whole ratings whatnot and the place hasn’t collapsed.” She waved a paper in the air as if it would back her up, not that anybody else could read it. “I mean, I do agree that there probably should be more fine detail between levels, but, at the same time, if…”
Cerberus, having abruptly derailed Aera’s point, muttered a reflexive, “Pardon me,” added a more than somewhat irked, “again,” and internally cursed himself for failing to shake this off despite his best efforts. He sniffled. Everything ached, his head foggy, this damned incessant itch still refused to abate, and he knew at this point his fight was a lost cause.
“For fuck’s sake, go home,” said Vampyra crossly.
A sharp nod of agreement from Aera. “Yep, what she said. You sound awful. Go be Kia’s problem. You can test her resolve about the whole ‘in sickness’ part of things,” she said with a brief sardonic laugh. “I’ll call Therion. If he fucks it up, you can fix it in a week or so, alright? Don’t pretend you wouldn’t be double-checking it all anyway,” she added. “And don’t argue.”
Cerberus hadn’t intended to. He stood, gave them both a curt nod of acknowledgement, remarked, “Don’t call me,” and disappeared.
 Closing the door behind him wearily, Cerberus leant back against it and sneezed heavily three times in succession, his eyes watering and his head pounding. Kia, her attention abruptly and thoroughly pulled from the Inception papers she’d been reviewing, peered down at him from her vantage point at the top of the stairs. Abandoning her work, concentration destroyed, she descended and crossed the foyer to meet him.
“Meeting over already? Or just over for you?” A rhetorical question, the answer writ unambiguous across her bonded’s entire demeanour. She reached up and put her hand on his forehead. “Well, at least you don’t have a fever. Oh, hon. I knew I should have kept you home tonight.” She gave him a soft look of chastisement. “What happened to ‘I’ll be fine’?”
He’d certainly meant to be fine. “Miscalculation,” Cerberus managed before his breath caught again, sharp and demanding, and he turned from Kia in haste. “Ahh-TSSCH-uu! Gods! Pardon me. *snf!* Sorry. Can’t seem to stop doing that.” He met her eyes with apologetic dismay, sighing. “I’ve been exiled.”
Kia made a gentle noise of sympathy, stroking his arm and motioning for him to accompany her into the loungeroom. She glanced up at him as his expression helplessly crumbled anew, pressing a pre-emptive tissue into his hand as he lost a very briefly fought battle against another heavy sneeze. “Hh-hh… Huh-ATSSCHH-uu!” He groaned, excused himself again, blew his nose.
“Aw, bless you, sweetheart. Sit,” Kia said, and Cerberus all but collapsed onto the couch. Kia moved to join him, stretching her arm across his shoulders and stroking his hair repetitively, soothingly. Cerberus closed his eyes, relaxing into her touch, although with a measure of reluctance. “Careful, darkling. I do not want to give this to you,” he murmured.
Kia, not concerned about that in the slightest, kissed him lightly. “I know.” She continued to stroke his hair, and he leant into her, energy drained and thankful for the respite she provided. “Do you have any cold meds in the house?”
Cerberus sat up a little straighter, sniffled again, shook his head. “I never catch cold,” he said with another sniffle, the unmistakeable notes of congestion starting to blunt his consonants now, and he conceded quickly to the soft challenge in his love’s eyes. “Alright, well, not never...clearly.” He claimed another several tissues, wiped his nose and sighed in weary resignation, pressed his fingers to his forehead against the relentless pulse of cold-fuelled ache. “But no.” And despite Kia’s expression now plainly reflecting well that probably wasn’t the best-laid plan was it, it was indeed true that he’d not had a proper cold for well over a year, possibly two – not that his newly bonded had any way of knowing that – and there were only so many unexpected events one could prepare for.
“Okay then, I’ll do a drug run,” said Kia, deciding practicality was the best course of action right now, and stood. “I shouldn’t be too long, depending on how busy Healing is. Here.” She handed him the box of tissues from the loungeroom table. “So, um, just a thought…if it is really busy, can I name drop you and skip the queue?” Kia raised her eyebrows archly.
“Hmm. Your hopes as recent Underworld queen are certainly ambitious,” Cerberus said, then after brief consideration added, “Although…yes, probably,” with a conspiratorial chuckle and a tired but knowing smile.
“Ha! I’m going to try it.” She kissed him again. “See you soon. Because queens don’t queue.”
 Kia did indeed return in good time, carrying a bag of Healing concoctions. “Hey, babe,” she said, kicking the door closed behind her and crossing the foyer to meet Cerberus in the loungeroom, where he now sat on the chair nearest the fireplace, looking more than a little defeated, a blanket draped across his shoulders, tissues in hand. “I didn’t get a chance to name drop my way to the top, because they were actually not busy, damn it. I swear, the only time I’ve ever kind of wanted them to be busy, and…nope. Anyway, the dealer is in,” she said, leaning over to kiss him.
Cerberus held up a finger to indicate that Kia should wait, pausing with brow creased in expectation, turning from her as that expectation escalated to urgency, excusing himself as hastily as he could, desperately and unstoppably overcome. “Huh-TSSCH-uu! Hh… h-huhTSCHHUU!”
“Bless you,” said Kia, looking at him with a mix of sympathy and concern. Cerberus acknowledged her as best he could, made a small sound of exasperation and sneezed again. “Ahh-TSCHUU! Gods!” He sniffled fiercely, managed to take a determined moment to recover, and met Kia’s compassionate gaze with a matter-of-fact certainty. “I’m going to die,” he announced succinctly.
Kia suppressed a laugh. “Oh, sweetheart. Well, um, probably not, but...”
“No, I-ihh-HH…” Cerberus inhaled sharply, shakily, and broke off in short order. “HehAHTSCHUU!” He groaned and cleared his throat, the resultant raw sting bringing with it instant regret. “I’m definitely dying.” He blew his nose, sniffling again, vaporised the latest addition to an increasingly long succession of used tissues, and put his head in his hands. “I’m so sorry, darkling.” Looking back up at Kia in sincerest apology, he raked his hair back from his face and rubbed his nose with resolute firm hand, sighing heavily. “I have a question for you, though, if I may. I assume you remember the night I proposed?”
“Vividly,” Kia said, chuckling in reflex at the apparent randomness of it. “Interesting tangent. But first, drugs! You sound wrecked, hon.” She handed him the bag. “By the way, I’ve been warned that you’re a terrible patient. More than once.” A kiss pressed to his forehead. “A lot, you could say, actually.”
“Malicious lies,” said Cerberus as imperiously as he could manage, which wasn’t particularly so given the circumstance.
“Naturally.” Kia rested her arms on the back of the chair, and brushed some wayward hair out of his eyes, tucking stray tendrils behind his ears. “Anyway, I think…maybe you’ve just never had the right nursemaid.” She kissed the top of his head lightly, running her fingers through his hair now in a tranquil, repetitive motion.
Cerberus raised an eyebrow. “Oh?” Well, it was certainly true that Lilith had never been caretaker inclined – not that he’d considered any alternative reaction as a possibility at the time.  Avoidance of these sorts of…contagious absurdities seemed a perfectly reasonable response anyway, he thought, as he rubbed his nose once more against another rising itch, frowning, but managed for the moment to see it off. He refocused. “My question, then, darkling, if you’ll indulge me. Earlier that night at your old apartment, when I told you that you were always beautiful, you told me that I was either a liar or crazy.”
“Or drunk,” Kia added brightly.
“Ah, yes, of course. Anyway, love, if you are even the slightest bit attracted to me in this…frankly ridiculous state—” Cerberus sniffled sharply, as if to emphasise his point. “—then I’m afraid you owe me an apology.”  
“Hmm.” Kia smiled slyly, feigning consideration, as she continued toying with heavy ebony hair, trailing her touch further now, slowly, down angular jawline, across broad shoulders, and mused, “I don’t know. I mean, what if I am crazy? Because—”
An acute deep inhalation the only warning, Cerberus interrupted her with a sudden, powerful sneeze. “AAHTSSCHHUU! ..ugh. Excuse…” he began, but the insistent, demanding need was not yet sated. “Huh-TSCHU-uu! Oh, for…” Another catch in his breath and he surrendered again, almost doubling over with the force of it. “Ahh-HEHTSSHHUU! Fuck! If I find out who’s responsible for this, I will immolate them!” His patience completely at an end, he looked up at Kia in consternation, the frustrated fury alight in vivid emerald indicating there was every chance that he wouldn’t so much as hesitate if given the opportunity.
“Sweetheart, I know that’s kind of a Demon king perk, but…probably a bit extreme in this case.” Patting his shoulder firmly on her way, Kia moved to sit on the table in front of him and tried to think a little less about just how deliciously being indignantly dishevelled suited him. For the time being, at least. She took his hand in hers, held his gaze. “Alright, I want you to listen to me now, okay? Take the drugs, go to bed and I promise I will do my best to make everything better in just a little while, but you have to help me out here.”
With a discomfited sigh, Cerberus sniffled again, apologised – though that green fire, albeit ameliorated slightly, still burned apparent – and nodded after a short time in mildly begrudging concession. He stood, taking the bag of Healing concoctions and the tissues with him. “As you wish, darkling,” he said, and kissed Kia gently on the top of her head. Another sniffle. “But make no mistake – an immolation would be entirely and thoroughly deserved.”
 :Ash! Hi! Sorry about the intrusion, but I was hoping maybe you’d want to come entertain me for about an hour or so? Are you busy?: Kia stretched her legs out across the coffee table and took a sip of wine. :Also…I could kind of use your help.:
Ashtaroth needed no further encouragement. :Not busy, definitely would like to get the hell out of here, will help with whatever. See you imminently, sweetie.:
Kia laughed and began walking towards the door, reaching and opening it at almost the exact moment Ashtaroth arrived. He smiled and hugged her in greeting. “Alright, fill me in, love. A time limit and a mystery task? Darling, what is going on?”
“Come in first,” said Kia, heading back into the loungeroom to reclaim her wine and pour one for Ashtaroth. She took a seat on the couch and motioned for him to join her. “Okay, well, basically, the short version is I’m on a bit of a medication timeline, and I could use some assistance with getting into an outfit.”
Ashtaroth, taking a seat beside Kia, raised his eyebrows. “Not out of? Where’s the fun in that?” He smiled mischievously. “Wait, did you say medication timeline?” He looked closely at Kia, frowning in concentration. “Well, all hail to the Healing team. I’d never have picked you as ill. What’s wrong?”
“Not me.” She pointed upstairs. “Head cold.”
“My, my. So the delicious Demon can be undone like the rest of us after all. I imagine he’s taking it just marvellously.” Ashtaroth chuckled. “Ah…and you intend to be the cure, am I right? I am, aren’t I?” He grinned, winked and raised his wineglass in a toast. “Well, then. To the goddess Kia, panacea!”
“Ooh, I like it!” Kia laughed. “A little bit ambitious there, maybe, but, well, I’m going to try, so…here’s hoping, at least for a while. Cheers!” Kia raised her glass also, then hesitated. “Oh, actually, hang on. Probably shouldn’t. There’s kind of a fair bit of fiddly lacing up of stuff to be done yet.”
Ashtaroth drank his wine anyway. “I’m well practised,” he remarked. “And since I’m very sadly not actually the one who’s going to be the beneficiary of this, and I’ve only got an hour here – even less than that now – honestly, I should probably have your drink too.”
Kia laughed again. “Fine, but I’ll be doing my own eyeliner.”
“Deal!” Ashtaroth claimed Kia’s wineglass for himself, smiling playfully. He took a sip, then said, his tone serious and genuine, “You’ll be fucking irresistible, Kiki love. He’s so lucky.”
“Oh, Ash,” Kia said, touched. She kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you, sweetie.”
“I mean it. He is. And I think,” Ashtaroth said, toying with Kia’s hair, “that after this you’ll even properly believe it yourself.” He stood, finishing the rest of the wine, and offered his hand. “Alright, come on! Let’s get you even more gorgeous.”
 Kia opened the door to the bedroom quietly, peeking in at Cerberus, who was semi-lying, semi-sitting amid an array of pillows on the bed, a Demonics text in one hand, and smiled to herself. Perfect. She entered the room.
Cerberus pushed some hair back from his face, sniffling lightly. Healing’s assistance had brought some manner of relief, though his head was still somewhat heavy with the cold he’d come home with and – to his immense irritation – failed to shake off, but he sat up a little straighter and widened his eyes as his bonded walked slowly further into the room, closing the door behind her. Kia, dressed for pure seduction in a black silk fitted minidress, velvet and lace detailed, bodiced and skintight, six-inch stilettos and sapphire eyes kohl smoked, her hair a wildness of arranged disorder, gave him a knowing smile as she reached the foot of the bed, and stopped. She placed one fishnet-clad leg smoothly onto the bed and looked directly at Cerberus, who gazed back at her in a mix of astonishment, disbelief and desire.
“Hey, babe,” she purred, shifting to sit now on the edge of the bed, leaning forward, her hourglass figure lushly emphasised by the corsetry she wore. “As promised…I am here to make your night…better.” Rearranging herself to straddle him, she lowered her body across his and traced a tapered dark ruby fingernail along his jawline, cupping his face in her hand and kissing him deeply before sitting up again, fluid, measured, catlike.
Stunned, Cerberus couldn’t take his eyes off her, absently dropping the text to the floor and barely noticing that he’d done so, mesmerised and fixated, only returning to his senses as a re-emergent, rising tickle sharply forced his attentions redirected. With a brief frown and shake of his head, he hastily claimed a handful of tissues from the box on the bedside table, apologising as he did so but unable to do anything else much about it. “HHTSCHuu! ahH… HuhTSCHuu! Ah, gods, I’m s…” he began, intending to attempt a half-hearted protest that he wasn’t at all sure he was up to this and that he’d meant it when he’d said that he didn’t want Kia to get sick too, but she wouldn’t hear of it. “Shh,” she soothed, putting a finger to his lips. “That’s a chance I’m willing to take.” A little smile and a quick, gentle kiss on the tip of his nose. :Bless you.: Pressing herself closer again, she kissed him anew, warmsensual, indulgent. “And you don’t need to do anything…well, one thing, but I don’t think,” she continued, now trailing her hands down to his inner thighs and pressing, coaxing, insistent, “you’ll have any trouble with that.” She gave him a sultry smile and a quick wink as she felt him harden at her touch. She pushed herself against him a little more, and Cerberus made a small sound of pleasure, closing his eyes, giving in. Kia smiled again, briefly, wickedly, as she moved to weave her fingers through his hair and gently but firmly pull him towards her, teasingly licking, lovebiting and kissing him before murmuring, “Okay, babe, I need you—" Another soft kiss. “—to trust me now.” And another kiss, intense and absolute, accompanied by a heatwhispered Mindsend of :Drop your Protect.:
Cerberus immediately opened his eyes again at this, meeting Kia’s gaze directly, serious, questioning. :Darkling…: he began in reply, uncertainty evident, but she did not relent.
:Trust me.:
And he looked at his love, his heart, and he chose to trust her in a way that he had never trusted another and so gave himself over absolutely, and she took him in body and psyche and she was power, essence, flesh and dream, she was air and emergence, she was sensurround envelopment and possession, immersion, complete and completion, weight and flight and heat and heat and (oh gods) heat, sanctuary and abandon. She was vibration, whisper, scream and pulse, metronomic beat-beat steady and crescendo (breathe) and fall (gods) and arise, crescendo, once more, once more, again immerse again again (breathe) and again (breathe) fire my love, fire, the inferno elemental and burn, burn, burn. She was becoming, she was ascension, she was all the unknown and all the familiar. She was warmth and blood, the crimson charisma, ecstasy and power, she was urgency, debauchery, divinity, desperation, she was insatiable lust and beautiful sanctuary, the splendorous art of the succubus supreme, the frisson edge, enveloping centre and magnificent release, release, ravenous need, and (oh) she danced, yes, (oh) yes, unstoppable force ascendant, as she took his hand, his heart, his sex and his soul and she was everything, everything, everything, and she was, they were, and (oh, oh gods, oh) he was wildpurest sensation, plenary surrender, ecstatic enraptured climactic consummation everything (oh gods) everything (oh gods) everything and (oh gods yes) they were everything and now he was (oh, oh gods) he was (OH) he was hers, he was hers, he was oh (!GODS!) he was hers as he came supplicant unprecedented and she wrapped her arms around him and whispered I love you through his entire being, more than and more than, and kissed him like there was nothing else in the world but this…
..and Cerberus, as beyond words as he’d ever been, found himself unable to do anything more than gaze at Kia in a state of amazed reverie as she smoothly shifted positions on the bed to kneel beside him. She smiled gently, a little impishly. “Feeling better, yeah?” she said with a wink, and placed the palm of her hand on his forehead. :Get some sleep, babe: she Mindsent with Compel, taking advantage of his Protect still being down, and in entranced tractable rapture, he fell readily into unconsciousness. Kia kissed him lightly and stood, gathered some scattered items of clothing from on top of the bed, repositioned the bedcover to ensure he’d stay warm, and made her way downstairs, privately but without reservation delighted.
 Cerberus, rested and freshly showered and impeccably dressed in an all-black silk nightwear ensemble and robe, his hair still slightly damp and falling loose around his shoulders, entered the loungeroom slowly, almost cautiously, meeting Kia’s eyes with an intense focus as he did so. She smiled idly up at him from where she was lying stretched across the sofa and put the book she’d been reading aside. “Hello, sweetheart,” she said. “You’re looking quite unfairly hot right now. I’m not sure you should be, but…whatever. I’m fine with it.” She grinned. “I might even take some of the credit.”
Cerberus chuckled quietly. “You probably deserve all of the credit, darkling.” He walked over to sit opposite her and looked at her almost in study, a slight frown on his face, contemplative and in consideration for some time before he asked, sincerely and seriously, “What did you do to me?”
“Well, hopefully gave you the best orgasm ever, but I think you might mean more specifically, yeah?” He indicated agreement, and she continued. “Immerse and Possess, the succubus experience deluxe. Everything but the Take.” Kia smiled again. “I’m pretty good, you know,” she said haughtily.
Cerberus acknowledged this with a nod and soft laugh of assent. “I… We’ve had some marvellous sex, darkling, truly, but you… That… I can’t… You…” He shook his head. “Damn it, I really thought I’d have things together by now.” He sighed heavily, smiled a little, and sniffled. “Apparently I’ve forgotten how to talk.”
Kia laughed. “Babe, you’re sick and full of meds and, well, let’s face it, still a little fuckstruck, so…”
 “I’m what now?”
 Kia smiled, gentle victorious, and blew him a kiss.
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
First time reader click here
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TWs/Summary: We stan ✨women in science✨. Bruce uwu. Twitter social media AU nobody asked for. Stephen and Tony are dicks and I'm not talking about their anatomy. Setting up mood for Bruce smut, ngl. PTSD makes things spicy. I'm depressed so please be kind ✌🏻💀🙃
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"I really do wonder how can you two fit those egos of yours in your pants," I kept my tone forcefully casual, cheerful even. "Why don't you just fuck already?"
I was met with stunned silence. Suddenly, the room seemed far too large and the people in much too quiet, staring at me with various expressions of horror obvious in their faces. As the strange friendship began developing between me and the team, my "outbursts" - how Steve liked to call them - lessened considerably. I had no need to provoke them into giving me attention, just striking up a casual chat was enough. The Avengers were great conversationalists, to my surprise.
Tony and Stephen, when paired, were the exception. I could count on one hand the amount of times they successfully came to a conclusion without fighting like cats and dogs. It was like each man had made it a personal mission to verbally top the other, more often than not resulting in a thirty-minute shitshow ending with one storming off in a dramatic flourish. It was mind-boggling how two supremely intelligent men could not find a way to communicate efficiently without infuriating the rest of the team.
Plus me. One way or another, I was almost always around. In the beginning, it was hilarious to see the free circus but it got old really quickly when they couldn't decide on dinner or a movie, leaving the rest of us starving and bored. Or the great Cloak debate - that one lasted days and the fussy thing was so upset, it point blank refused to part from Peter for a substantial amount of time. It's pretty fucking creepy that a semi-sentient, ancient piece of outerwear watches you when you sleep - just sayin'. I personally interjected with my own snark and sass whenever Tony and Stephen got too heated, successfully drawing the attention to myself. The fight broke up and I had amazing sex with Tony later, it was a win-win scenario.
Yet, Tony and Stephen didn't stop. To me, their way of "talking" (and I use that term loosely) looked a lot like unresolved sexual tension. Stephen frequently used his greater height to tower over Tony in a childish attempt to establish dominance; the engineer was no rookie and responded with extravagant peacocking such as "subtly" tapping the bracelet that hosted his nanotech suit or parading at dinner in a $30,000 custom made designer outfit. Because Tony could.
I was pleasantly surprised when Natasha started laughing at my remark. Full-blown, belly laugh. Those were rare, coming from the Widow, her usual mirth was quiet, sophisticated, just like her. Deadly (adorable). Bucky followed suit, snorting together with Clint and Loki.
Steve looked none too pleased with me. But then again, was he ever? "Doll, don't be rude."
"Brat," Bruce said at the same time, palming his face.
"People always call me a brat. And guess what, Steve?" I popped my hip, twirling a cotton candy pink coloured Dum-Dum between my fingers. "What can you do about it? Nothing," I shrugged, leaning my head against Bruce's shoulder affectionately.
Steve just shook his head in disappointment. "Can we get back on topic? Please?"
"Captain, I think that Stark..." Strange began talking with Tony dramatically groaning in the background and I instantly tuned out the useless babble. Steve should've been smarter and revoked speaking rights from Tony and Stephen. Or asked Loki to magically render them both mute for ten minutes.
"You're not wrong," Bruce quietly whispered next to my ear. "Ten bucks says Wanda meddles and those two finally work out their frustrations," The scientist hid a grin against my head. I felt the amused, giddy energy radiating off him like a plasma beam.
"I don't even have to bet," I rolled my eyes. "If she doesn't do it, I will."
Both Tony and Stephen were throwing me equally infuriated glances. One promised me a good, hard fucking and the other saw me a short, poisonous lecture on appropriate behaviour in the nearest future - you can guess which is which. If I had it my way, I'd skip the lecture and go straight to a hot, filthy threesome with two men twice my age. I wasn't blind, Strange was hot as hell and could be decent and even nice once in a blue moon.
He could, but he wouldn't be. I wanted that raw, unadulterated lust, tension so concentrated it walked the razor's edge between violent craving and repulsion. Ever since the incident with Clint, I had this ugly mess inside of me, like a live wire about to snap. My brain was constantly racing, darting between how utterly useless I am in a group of supers and embracing my normal-ness, amplifying it by hosting game nights and spending time trying to convince people to start a dungeons and dragons campaign. Or something.
My sleep was like Swiss cheese, riddled with holes where I stayed awake for one or two hours at a time in the middle of the night after waking up sweaty, with my heart hammering out of my chest. Sometimes I dreamt of Clint's lifeless, sickly white body, sometimes the whole room flooded with blood and I couldn't stop it no matter what, there was so much of it, I drowned in it, I startled up with the taste of it in my mouth. Rarely, the worst of it came - the one where Clint was alive as millions of millions of little fluorescent, poisonous jellyfish burst out of him and he screamed and screamed and screamed...
I had PTSD. Yay, me. As if my uselessness wasn't enough of a burden, my brain decided for me that it wasn't good enough that I saved Clint and now it was punishing me for being close to a group of people who routinely saved the WORLD.
I contemplated my usual habits - going to a party, getting trashed and dancing until my legs were numb. I just wanted to shut my brain off for a moment, give it a hard reset so-to-say, but with Tony on my back like a jet-pack, I didn't doubt he'd show up to the place and drag me out of there even if I was kicking and screaming. And he was a Stark, a billionaire, so visiting my dad in Cali wouldn't be possible on my own. Tony would gas up the jet and the rest of the team would find and excuse to tag along, too. As much as I loved being the baby menace who could get away with anything, I hated the way they all herded me, like I was an actual child. I couldn't get away from myself, not even for a moment.
I had the backup-backup plan and I was going to have to execute it. Desperate times, desperate measures. "I don't doubt y'all enjoy listening to Tony and Steph flirt," The nickname escaped unmoderated from my lips before I could catch myself. "But what are we doing for Halloween? I need to know if I gotta get a costume," Bruce chuckled next to me and wrapped an arm around me, happy for the distraction. Unlike me, the scientist was obligated to listen and participate in the avengers-themed discussion. Which was difficult because the engineer and the sorcerer constantly bickered, inadvertently taking over the talk.
"Halloween?" Steve groaned.
"We should do something," Bucky side-eyed his boyfriend. "For the children." Something told me he wasn't thinking of the children, at all. The man was positively leering, probably thinking about what kind of a tight suit he could convince Steve to squeeze into.
"A party!" Tony immediately exclaimed, interrupting Stephen mid-setence.
"Tony, no," Steve stated firmly.
"Tony, YES!" Clint perked up. "A snack bar. A bar-bar."
"I will not be helping you all if you get alcohol poisoning," Stephen crossed his arms.
"So it's a party," I stated firmly, throwing a contemplating look at Wanda and Pietro. The twins looked unsure but excited. I knew I could count on fellow young people to support my decision to have fun, dance a little, drink a little. Let loose. To nail my point, I turned to Bruce with a mischievous smirk. "Fifty bucks says Stephen is too stuck up to show up in costume."
"Beg pardon?!" The sorcerer exclaimed. His eyebrows threatened to meet his hairline.
"I think you give him too little credit, Princess," Bruce winked at me and we solemnly shook hands. It was great having a fellow partner in mischief. Loki's approving smirk just sealed the deal for me.
"It's not my fault you sometimes act like you have a stick up your butt," I gave in the way of explanation, shrugging my shoulders innocently in Stephen's direction. "I'm just pointing out the obvious."
"I don't dare to imagine what's been up yours," The sorcerer retorted dryly, in an uncharacteristically childish fashion, arms still crossed. It almost looked like he was pouting.
"Tony," I simply said, leering salaciously at the man.
"Ooh, kinky," Clint reached over and we promptly high-fived each other in the wake of multiple embarrassed groans emanating around the room. "Strange, you're a boring old man, get over it."
"And you regularly end up in dumpsters, Barton," Strange retorted quickly. "Not my idea of fun."
"You wouldn't know fun if it hit you in the face!" Tony grinned triumphantly, confident in his superiority over Strange. Look at that, the team was doing the work for me and I didn't even have to try.
"I'll show you fun," Stephen retorted darkly. It was obvious the man was planning something.
"Ok, boomer," I raised my eyebrows in muted satisfaction before turning around and grabbing Bruce to drag along with me. "I'm confiscating your best scientist to amuse myself. I am bored. We will go and do actual science whilst y'all argue. Bye."
My patience had run out. We were examining the parasites we found in the murder-anthropods-from-space, codename MAFS, courtesy of yours truly, and their amazing properties to penetrate cell membranes and feed on metals in organic life forms. Without Bruce's help I understood maybe half of it but he had the patience of a saint and dutifully and understandably explained to me the finer points of studying aliens. Signing half a dozen NDAs was never more worth it.
Steve's sigh consisted of 99% suffering and 2% disappointment. Natasha face-palmed silently in the corner, clutching a mug of coffee, a poster child for existential dread.
"Wait for me," Tony whined, going for the door and promptly being stopped by Steve pointing out the team needing his input on one mission or another. The engineer sighed. "Baby girl, don't let the green mean to start any experiments without me." Tony instructed, pointing an accusatory finger in our direction.
I clutched at Bruce dramatically, feigning hurt feelings and was rewarded with a swift motion of his arms. I shrieked delightfully at being thrown over the scientist's shoulder as he hastened his pace towards the elevator, hightailing it out of there. "I'd never snitch on science daddy," I wiggled my eyebrows in Tony's direction, sticking a hand down the back pocket of Bruce's pants, dangling over his shoulder like a happy sack of potatoes.
The lab smelled strongly of alcohol and bitter chemicals, the solution that Bruce developed to ensure the optimal state of the alien pathogens. The man's genius never ceased to amaze me: Bruce came up with the needed formula in the span of a few hours while running low on sleep, post a Hulk-out session.
We put on our protective gear - "science onesies" I called them - along with a respirator and goggles and set to the segregated part of the lab where the specimens were kept under a blue light. The glass wall between Bruce's and Tony's lab was dimmed; I reflected in it, looking positively futuristic in my double-stacked white platformed boots and white hazmat suit.
"Wait," I motioned to Bruce to come over.
"Oh, right, our music," He was already half-way to being in total Science Mode. "Friday, please put on the "Get Schwifty" playlist, 60% volume."
The playlist that me and Bruce came up with for our lab sessions. The man was such an adorable dork. Thirty percent my music, thirty percent of his indie rock shit and forty percent 00's bops. In other words, utter perfection.
I finally managed to fish out my phone from my pants. "No, let's take a selfie," I struck an impressive pose and pointed the camera as Avril Lavigne sung the first verse to Sk8r Boi.
Bruce laughed but abided by the request, giving me bunny ears in the photo, tapping the fingers of his other hand on my waist to the rhythm of the song.
"He was a skater boy, she said see ya later boy!" I sang along, switching my Instagram to stories and posting the short clip of us just vibing with the caption #sciencetime, Bruce laughing openly behind his respirator. I looked cute and silly in my outfit.
"Send the video to me, I'll post it on my Twitter," Bruce requested. I indulged him then put my phone away, ready to conquer the world of microbiology. Or die trying. Science was calling...
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THE TAG LIST IS NOW OPEN! @another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings  @vozit ​ @littlegasps ​ @pilloclock ​ @shereadsinquiet @downeyreads ​ @hermione-grangers-wife ​ @individualistfem ​ @sleep-i-ness @capbrie @lillsxd @agustdowney @dee-vn @justanotherblonde23 @fanngirl19 @persephonehemingway @softie-socks @schemefrenzy @letsby @cutenessloading @romeo-the-cactus @jelly-fishy-babie
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promisedangel · 3 years
Finished Campaign 2 of Critical Role
And I have some thoughts. Obviously tread lightly as I’m going to be word vomiting this and spoilers abound.
First up. Kingsley. I tried to keep myself distanced from the show and try not to be spoiled much, but I knew they ended up defeating Lucien, and they brought Molly back to life. But... he was different. Looking into it a bit, I understand there were many fans pissed or distraught at Talisen’s decision. That some felt it was a kick in the face to those who loved Molly and were overjoyed when the Divine Intervention succeeded. Me... I’m fine with this. My initial reaction when I heard about him was... neutral for a lack of a better term. I wasn’t mad. I wasn’t sad. Just... saw it at a new development. Of course, if I was more caught up at the time, I probably would have had a stronger reaction. Maybe. Regardless, I’m fine with Kingsley. And him working his way up to become the Plank King(sley) one day may be really cool. He may even pardon the Mighty Nien’s banishment of Darktow, who knows?
The final fights I mostly listen to the show via podcasts, but I tried to watch at least some of the last two episodes on Youtube. And I succeeded, except for the fights. Just timing. I knew the flow of the Cognoza fight beforehand, of course, but the Trent fight. Oooo. Holy fuck Beau and Veth coming in CLUTCH with the collar. I only knew that Caleb encountered Ikithon, so I thought it was a denouement thing, not a whole ass encounter. Still, made long drives I had to make this past week engaging. As for the Cognoza battle, since I was listening, I kinda lost the scale on how big Lucien was until I saw bits on the vod and holy fuck knowing that would have made it much more tense. And fuck those eye abilities. Essek tethering two of them saved a lot of struggle. And the prophetic way that Jester ended up being the one to kill Lucien after the tarot reading. There’s a lot of full circles in this campaign that is just beautiful. The Denouement Yeah. Tears were shed. Mostly welling, but they definitely dropped when Veth, Essek, and Cad all said their goodbyes. Beau got justice for her kidnapping into the Cobalt Soul, with only a passing sentence to her father. And Zuala’s grave... fuck that one got to me. Caleb saying goodbye to Frumpkin, I was worried his magic went with it, buuut that’s just from me running a Pathfinder campaign, rather than 5e. So, that’s good. Last thing I expected, thought totally understandable in hindsight, was that he’d become a teacher. And the scene in Aeor with Essek, for a second I thought he was going to go through with his plan, and then just a smile. Oh, and his parents’ grave got me, too. Fuck. Arty and Jester’s scene was adorable, I hope they get to journey together. I wonder if Fjord came with them on some? Or was he just hanging with Vandran while they explored the planes? Dunno. He’ll still have to deal with Uk’otoa’s servants from time, until the Cloven Crystal’s in the hands of the Cobalt Soul, or whoever it ultimately is given to. I wonder if Avantika will show up again, stitched back together, and gets to see Vandran again. That’d be a neat one-shot to read. And the tears returned with the final speech, realizing it was over and I was caught up... except for Exandria Unlimited. Might dive into that or give it a break until the Campaign three announcement. I hope they give themselves a good amount of breathing room/prep time.
The Wrap-up Watched the wrap-up immediately after. Skipped through a couple of questions I wasn’t interested in. Surprised yet not surprised no one posed the question to Talisen about why Kingsley came to be, rather than Molly. Not important. The wrap up confirmed a couple of things I mused about during the denouement. Altogether was a good wrap up. Very intrigued by the Shady Creek story lines that were never meant to be, seeing it squashed over and over. Sad the Matt Colville thing never happened. And the hints of Essek as a villain were nice, too. It also unearthed things I completely forgot about. That skeleton was one. And it was funny to hear that Sprinkle would have been with Jester no matter what happened. And Halas in an alternate timeline potentially being a big bad of C3 was intriguing, but so glad it didn’t happen. OH and I hope one of the group chooses to be a Warforged, since now there’s a bunch of Aeorian Warforged around now. There’s a lot more I could say, but as someone who joined Critical Role near the beginning of C1, got SUUUUUPER behind, and finally has caught up again, Exandria Unlimited notwithstanding... It’s... weird. It’s strange. But... I’m glad. I was trying for the longest time to catch up. Listening in podcast form at 1.5 speed while working out or driving, which i stopped the speed up during the last three episodes. Now... I don’t have to rush. Sure, there are a bunch of oneshots I’m interested in, but now I can go at my own pace and I’ll be fine. I doubt I’ll be able to watch live, maybe til the break and then I go to bed, cuz work (Which i did the the Nautilus).
Thank you once again to Matt Mercer, who advertised the FUCK out of Critical Role at ColossalCon 2016. I’m glad I got in near the ground floor and was able to watch the fandom grow, at my... usual lurking distance. I did try to write a few things, but only one was completed and the website that hosted it no longer exists, sadly. And the other endeavors didn’t get far either.
Thank you to the WHOLE cast and crew behind the scenes for making the magic happen and watching this blow up. Those who’ve come and gone. Those at Geek and Sundry in the beginning, to those who are in the crew now. And the struggle of the pandemic definitely fucked with your jobs, but you all did wonderfully and I wish you ALL safety and vaccinations.
Thank you, begrudgingly, to Amazon for picking up The Legend of Vox Machina for an additional season past what the kickstarter (Protector Tier, rewards received) funded and, like many others, hope a long awaited release date is announced at that October 5th E-Panel. Thank you to the fandom, through think and thin, the Critters have been more generous than most fandoms. And yes, toxic chats and fans and blah, but those are a vaaaaast minority.
Thanks for reading my word vomit.
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imaginesmai · 4 years
Peter Parker - No more fondue on my watch
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This got a little out of hand... Hope you like it @peterwandaparker​​!
Plot: Peter and you have been together for a while now, but nothing can go past Captain America eagle’s eyes.
Warnings (or notes): SMUT or nearly smut, but there is a dick. And this is Peter Parker x Rogers!reader. Let’s be honest, there is a bit of Stony
You bit your lip, uncrossing your legs and doing it again just by pure nervousness. Or boredom, that worked too. There was a ray of sun that had moved since you had arrived the length of the table. If you fixed your eyes there for a long time, just like you had been doing, you could see it moving; and it was the most entertaining thing you had done since you had woken up. And you had woken up really, really early.
But that’s what you got when you lived in another district, you wanted to look presentable for him, and your father was Captain America, who could have a heart attack if you were late once more. Who wasn’t as punctual as your father was Tony, the engineer who still was in his lab for sure.
You weren’t uncomfortable in the tower, but you had places to be instead of the living room. Like, your boyfriend’s room.
“Hey dad” you tried.
Steve was wearing what you called ‘I’m gonna meet my crush’ attire. Tight grey shirt, black jeans and a fairly big amount of hair gel. He was reading a book of his list of ‘things I missed under ice’, which in your opinion was too long and boring. But he insisted in completing it, maybe just for the sake of Tony, who wrote it.
He raised a brow at you, his eyes not leaving the book but letting you know that he was aware. You coughed to make you sound as casual as possible, because sneaking out on Captain America wasn’t easy.
“How… much longer?”
“I don’t know” he gave you the same answer for the fifth time. “Whenever Tony finishes what he’s doing. It’s not like you have anything better to do, Y/N”
You bit your remark about your plans; any plan, actually, was better than waiting in the compound in silence since seven in the morning.
“But I’m hungry” you said, and Steve raised his head finally. You contained the proud smirk.
“Didn’t you have breakfast at your mother’s?”
Steve Rogers was a man of a diet. He didn’t have chocolate, sweets, fried stuff or anything that could be bad for health, and he forced anyone who lived with him to have 5 meals per day. The thing was that you were still a minor, and you didn’t always live with him.
Your mother and Steve didn’t have the perfect relationship, you could say. They were both wonderful people, but too stubborn to get along. So it pained you to lie about her, but that was the only way to get around your dad.
“Not really, since you woke me up at five” you almost barked, still hurt that he had blasted your phone away. “But mom wasn’t awake and there was no milk”
“I can’t believe that’s how she raise a child” Steve tightened his jaw. “What’s next? Telling me you had pizza for dinner?”
With extra cheese, actually
“No, dad” you lied again, salivating at the thought of pizza. “Can I eat something or should I starve to death?”
Steve was quiet for a while. He was against every type of snack; and if he ever pardoned one, was that tasteless rice pancake without fats, sugar or salt. It felt like eating cotton. He looked at the clock of his wrist, and sighed, going back to reading the book.
“Try not to raze Tony’s pantry, please” he gave up. “And don’t eat anything that has … just try to avoid eating Nutella from the jar”
You chuckled and hoped off the sofa, speeding to the kitchen. Closing the door behind you, you marvelled at the huge space in front of you. It was probably bigger than your father’s and mother’s apartment. Without wasting another beat, you walked to the fridge and enjoyed the opportunity of the free card of food.
The fridge was full of things that you couldn’t even name, but you were more than aware that that’s who Tony was. You contented yourself with a ham and turkey sandwich. Knowing you weren’t going to go back to your father, you made another one and reached for the bag of chips in the top counter.  
You were just putting everything in the tray along with two juices when your phone sounded.
Petey-pie [9:39]: i’m getting up early 4 u
Petey-pie [9:39]: hurt not to wake up by u smashing a pillow on my head
Petey-pie [9:39]: where are u
You sent a quick reply, telling him to stop being so needy and that you would be there in a minute. His room was on the other side of the compound, so you weren’t worried about running into your father; besides, luck seemed to smile at you, because you heard Tony’s voice from the living room greeting him.
And you knew that Tony was enough to keep your father busy for a few hours; after all, he didn’t put the ‘I’m gonna meet my crush’ attire for nothing.
You picked up the tray and tiptoed toward the other end of the kitchen, where the door for the main hallway was. You ran past your ‘room’, the one you used when Steve went on a mission with the Avengers and didn’t want you to stay alone, or with your mother. That he wasn’t living there anymore didn’t mean he wasn’t a part of the team, much to your mother dislike.
There weren’t many things there, but you quickly changed from your boots to soft padded socks with small cute bears decorating. Once you were comfortable enough to spend the whole morning there, you closed the door of your room and skipped to his.
Peter wasn’t facing you when you opened the door, but rather looking out of the window daydreaming. He turned around once you were in, and gave you the most beautiful smile you had ever seen. He still had his eyes swollen by sleep, and his pyjamas were on. But he seemed awake enough to pick up the tray from your hands and set it aside, cornering you in the bathroom’s door and locking your lips.
You smiled into the kiss and raised your hand behind his neck. Peter’s room smelt a lot like Axe, a bad habit in your opinion that he had gotten from his dad mentor. The window was half open and his bed was still undone, which gave you a sense of home that you hadn’t felt in a while.
Peter’s lips against yours weren’t nice, but demanding. He pressed himself against your body and cradled your head with his hand, tilting it so that he had better access. When you ran out of air, he teared away and looked at you with a lovestruck gaze.
“Hi” you managed to say, out of breath. It came out a little high-pitched.
“I missed you” he whined, and pouted like a puppy. Your heard literally broke with his look, so you leaned forward and kissed him again.
The spring break was hard for everyone. There was no highschool, and even if it was good news for every teenager, for you wasn’t. It meant you couldn’t see Peter every day, that you lived with your mother during the week, and that you could only sneak around your father some weekends. Peter was probably who felt it the worse, since he was a rather clingy boy, and had made it known in the three months you had been together.
Peter broke away to keep pressing kissing on your cheek, nose and forehead. They were light kisses, so fast that you ended up giggling and tossing between his arms. When he felt like he could let you go, he gave you a final peck and stepped back.
“Breakfast in bed” he said, giving a side glance to the trail of food. “Is it any special service?”
“Only for the best” you chuckled, and walked to the bed.
Peter’s bed was probably the softest one. When him and May had moved over, Tony had made sure he spoiled Peter rotten. With May’s help, they bought him the comfiest cushion, the nerdiest stuff and the best computer. He didn’t accept half of it, but the bed was different. You let yourself be drowned in it, pale blue sheets surrounding you and making you feel like in a cloud. You closed your eyes and rested your head on his pillow, that smelt like him and made it ten times better.
He followed you close, and you felt the bed dipping under his weight. Slowly, he crawled until his head was resting in the space between your neck and shoulder, and you could caress his hair. His body was covering yours, and when Peter threw the covers over the both if you, it felt like you were in your own perfect little world.
The tray laid forgotten on the desk as Peter curled into a ball by your side, hugging your body as if it was his personal pillow. He tangled your legs together and intertwined his fingers with yours. When he was comfortable enough, he talked, and his hot breath hit the side of your face.
“I missed you” he repeated.
“I missed you too” you answered, turning your head so that your noses were touching.
“You know what I missed the most?” Peter asked, and by the smirk on his face, you knew that shy-Peter wasn’t making an appearance. “This”
Peter’s hand rested on your bare belly, and from there he kept going down. He was met with the hem of your trousers, a baggy sweaters that you had snitched from your mom before leaving that morning. Peter’s skilled fingers started undoing the knot of the front, and his body rocked against yours slowly.
“I hope you know what you’re doing” you teased.
By any answer, Peter shifted so that he was hovering over you, his hand still placed between your bodies and his eyes boring into you with burning love. He gave you a lazy, lopsided smirk and finished with the knot of your trousers.
He didn’t bother in tugging them down, but sneaked his hand down and his thumb touched the lace of your panties. He didn’t have to look to know they were the purple one, because he knew your wardrobe by heart; and because with the spider bite, came a constant flood of teenager’s hormones.
Your skin was soft and warm against his finger’s pad, and he gifted you with a soft grunt that made you clench your thighs and trap his hand in between. Peter chuckled.
“I don’t think I can stand another two weeks without seeing you” Peter said.
“Let’s just enjoy the moment”
And that’s exactly what you did.
Peter kicked off the covers and let his lips be lost against your neck. They nipped, kissed, licked and bit your whole neck, never leaving any mark but testing your limits. He knew where to touch you to make those noise, and he spent his time there. His hot breath hoovering over you was enough to make you come on your panties.
But he didn’t have enough, so he ended up tugging your pants down and off the bed and letting his hand be lost in your pussy. He ran one lazy finger up and down your lips, parting them and creating a delicious friction against your clit.
“Peter – Peter, oh – wait – stop, Peter!” you cried out an pushed his hand away.
Peter’s eyes almost got out of their socket and you saw panic filling his features. He was off you in a second, and what a sight. His hair was messy from tugging too much, t-shirt gone and pyjamas pants holding a tent of its own. You bit your lip and squeezed your eyes, begging to yourself to last a big longer.
“Get inside” you moaned, opening your legs again. “Please – please, I need – I need –“
You hadn’t seen Peter move so fast in his life. He was standing in front of you when you blinked, fighting with his pants and boxers at the same time. His erection bobbed up and down until it almost touched his stomach, and you were sure he was as turned on as you.
You were about to take off your t-shirt and mount him yourself when the door was kicked open and both Peter and you screamed.
“Mr. Stark!”
You didn’t think the mood after not seeing your boyfriend for two weeks could go down so fast, but it did when a very flushed Tony Stark and a totally mortified Steve Rogers opened the door of Peter’s room. You covered yourself the best that you could with Peter’s sheets, and he took the pillow to hide his dick.
“What the hell were you doing?!” Steve screamed, and you had to remind yourself that it wasn’t a good moment to say ‘language’. “What – why are you – Y/N Rogers, you’re so grounded!”
Your father’s face was as red as his shield, only discerning from an apple by the blue and white of his eyes. Tony’s shock seemed to be wearing off, and he was simply leaning against a the wall with a hand covering his evident smile.
“Haven’t you heard of knocking, dad?” you asked, your voice still too high for your liking. “You can’t just burst into someone’s room”
“I can’t – I can’t?!” wrong answer, you guessed. “You can’t do… that! And with him!”
“Mr. Rogers, I – “ Peter tried to talk.
“Shut up” Steve growled, and Peter’s Adam apple bobbed up and down. “Listen to me, you end this right now. And don’t ever expect to see him again.”
“What?!” you let the sheets fall to your lap, exposing your thankfully still covered front. “You can’t do that!”
“You don’t get to say what I can and can’t do!”
“Steve –“ Tony tried.
“I can! You only see me on weekends, I live with mom! You can’t say who I can and I can’t see!”
“Then maybe you will come and live with me” Steve said, and your jaw dropped. “Get dressed. I’ll – “
“Just because mom and you don’t love each other anymore doesn’t mean I can’t love someone!” you screamed out.
The room got silent, and Steve actually paled. The thing about him was that he wasn’t a bad father at all. Your mother had thrown you at him when you were younger, and even if she loved you, you knew that most of the arguments came because she loved to make his life impossible. Steve was patient, loving, funny and cared for you like no one.
But he was also afraid. Afraid of you going to parties, afraid of you getting a sleepover, and afraid of you having a boyfriend. The man had lost so much, that it terrified him that he could lose you too.
For the first time since he had heard the noises in Peter’s room, he got to finally look at you. You had tears in your eyes, your cheeks red and your lips pursed as if when you were going to cry. He knew what a bratty teenager was, and what he saw in your eyes wasn’t the tantrum you throw sometimes when he didn’t let you go somewhere.
He looked at Peter, then. The boy looked even more devastated than you. With just a pillow covering his lower half, Peter was chewing on his lip and looking at Steve lacking all the respect he always had. There was only desperation, and Steve felt bad.
“It’s not about that” Steve whispered, and sighed. Even if he didn’t age like normal people, he felt like greys hair coming out. “How… for how long, you know? This?”
“Three months” you whispered back, and a tear rolled down your cheek. You quickly caught it with your finger, and rubbed a furious fist against your eye.
Steve slumped against the wall, and closed his eyes tightly. There was a headache coming his way, and at full speed. His daughter with Tony’s son protegee, his daughter doing… that with Peter, and his daughter growing up and him being left behind.
“Just – just be careful” Steve made a small grimace and coughed it away. “Say goodbye, we’re leaving. And please… next time lock the door, Parker”
You knew you had to talk about it with your father, that he wasn’t done, but for the moment, he muttered a quick goodbye and left the room. You felt like your heart was beating again. Tony had a smug smile on his face, and rose up from his leaning position too.
“And here I thought you didn’t bring girls home because you were a shy boy” Tony teased, and Peter felt like dying. “We’re talking about this later too, Pete”
With that, Tony left and the door was left ajar behind him. It was silent for a while, until Peter’s knees gave away and he sat beside you in the bed. The pillow fell to the ground and he put his elbows on his knees, covering his face with his hands. The decision of not saying anything was for the sake of your father, because you wanted to wait until he had everything figured with his feelings for Tony in case he felt obligated to stay away for you.
You raised a hand and placed it on Peter’s shoulder, and you swore he gave a small relief sob. Your suspicious were proven when he finally said something.
“I can’t believe that just happened” he whispered. “I thought I was gonna die”
“We’re not off the hook yet” you joked, and kneeling in bed, pressed a small kiss to his neck. “But for now we’re okay”
Peter gripped your hand on his shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze. He looked at you sideways, and attempted to smile. It was shaky and hesitant, but it was enough for you. Even if you hadn’t been dating for long, you had known the boy for your whole life, and you didn’t want to think what to do without him.
“I should get going” you muttered, and crawled out of bed. “I don’t want him any angrier”
Peter stood up too, and even if the mood had been killed and felt more like throwing himself off a window, he pressed his lips against yours one last time. Not a second after you had moved your hand to cradle his cheek, a barking voice came from the hallway.
“No more fondue when I’m around!”
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themonkeycabal · 4 years
WandaVision Ep 4 SPOILERS
Yes, spoilers, 
Wherein I watch and say stuff that might or might not be worth reading.
After a little bit of a lackluster start, there was good story progress last week. An escalation of weird, which I appreciated. I'll probably have to relive it, because Disney doesn't want to let me skip the previously. Ever. Why are you the way you are, Disney?
Geraldine/Monica is made of whispery voices and swirling dust and such. Weird. She's sitting in a chair, sleeping, and apparently being reconstituted. She wakes to a hospital room but outside is chaos. Lots of yelling and people running about. There's like swirling dust or human confetti everywhere, and other people are being reconstituted left and right. Seems unusual. Not the sort of thing that normally happens in hospitals. Oh, are they being un-snapped? The great un-snappening. The un-snapapalooza. The fall of the snappocalypse. I'll stop. I guess we're in a flashback of sorts.
Dudes, Monica just like full on hip checked some dude into the boards. She didn't mean it, but, damn, that guy went flying. Nobody knows what's going on, it's madness. A doctor recognizes her and asks where she went and Monica's all "uh, what? I took a nap?" Napping and then snapping and then popping back into existence. Ain't that just the way? Oh, sad, her mom died while she was missing for five years. :(
Sentient Weapon Observation Response Division — please nobody expect me to remember that. They have a Cape Canaveral looking compound with multiple launch pads and a very large hanger smack in the middle. Gee how neat for them that they get to operate out in the open, Phil Coulson says (in my head) with a whole lot of sarcasm.
Oh, right, they called it the Blip. The Great Un-Blippening. That doesn't sound as good. What on earth with the massive monitors in the main lobby. Nobody likes watching the news that much. Monica is trying to brazenly walk through the front doors with a badge that doesn't work and wow, security guy is kind of a dick. Oh, she belongs there. Captain Monica Rambeau. Captain, good for her.
And now security dick is revealed to be even more dickish, since this is just after the Blip and she's trying to go back to work. Like, SWORD couldn't put out a memo "Be on the lookout for recently unblipped personnel. Don't be massive dicks to them when their security badges don't work, because of how they got blipped and all"? Also maybe a reorientation packet, or like a desk out front "Back from the Blip? Talk to Lt. Mandy Smith in HR about your reactivation options today!" I'm just spitballing here. I get it was chaotic, but that's no reason to let the unblipped get a rude welcome. It wasn't their fault Thanos was critically dumb.
Blip no longer sounds like a word.
Anyway, the acting director is fortunately there to meet her before she could drop her gloves and punch the security dick in the dick. Aww, Maria Rambeau is on the Wall of Valor, or whatever they call it at SWORD.
Things aren't going well at SWORD. The Blip put the hurt on the division. Their remaining astronaut trainees have chickened out. Oh, what if there was like crew up in orbit that got blipped and then when they unblipped five years later … yikes. Well, I'll allow the 'lost their nerve' may have a solid basis in horribleness that probably occurred around the Blip. I retract the 'chickened out' comment.
This is a very long walk-and-talk. Maria Rambeau built SWORD "from the ground up". Bless.
The Director has grounded Monica. Well, actually, her mom grounded her, making protocols in case vanished personnel one day returned. Lol. Though, I mean, I'd guess she'd know, what with Carol and all.  "I know it's a raw deal, but there is one positive takeaway. She believed you'd come back." Awww
So, she's off to deal with some sort of missing persons case in New Jersey overseeing the loan of one of their drones for the FBI. I guess Wanda will be the missing person. Yep, she's off to Westview. Which has seen better days.
Hey! It's Agent Woo! I like you Agent Woo! Did I know he was in this? I don't remember. Randall Park's great. A happy surprise.
Hmm, he has a missing witness. So, not Wanda, then. Hmm again. Agent Woo contacted known associates, family, friends — none of them have ever heard of the witness. A mystery!
Oh and there's another wrinkle.
"Pardon me Sheriff, would you mind repeating your claim about Westview to my colleague here?"
"No such place," he says, standing next to the 'Welcome to Westview" sign.
Hmmm, puzzling. Jimmy Woo can't reach anybody listed as living in town. So, wait, the town doesn't exist, except it does, but, nobody thinks it does, so where did he get the phone records for residents? The phone company was just like "here's your records for the imaginary city of Westview, all 3,000+ residents that never existed, and yet we have the numbers and we're just not going to question that". Weird.
"So you can't reach anyone inside and everyone on the outside has some sort of selective amnesia?" That does seem to be the case, Monica. Super odd. Agent Woo is very sanguine about the whole thing. He dealt with Scott Lang, I guess after that everything else is like, 'meh'.
"Why haven't' you gone inside to investigate?" A fine question, Captain.
"Because it doesn't want me to." That's just creepy, Agent Woo. "You can feel it, too, can't you? Nobody's supposed to go in." I guess this is where the drone will come in handy. Oh, it's the little helicopter that Wanda found in the bushes in the second episode. I'm going to pretend that super advanced SWORD drones would totally look like cheap RC toy helicopters. I guess that's a disguise?
Monica wants to know why she and Agent Woo are aware that Westview exists and nobody else is. Does that mean the Sheriff was standing next to the Welcome to Westview sign and just did not see it at all? He was just hanging out in the middle of nowhere with a weirdly laconic FBI agent who kept asking about the town that very clearly wasn't just right behind them? That's a little more than amnesia.  
Also, Agent Woo's hero was Elliot Ness. Of course it was.
Oh no, the drone vanished as it crossed the town line! There's an energy field around the town that looks like what happens when you push your fingers against an old monitor and get the weird pixelly rainbow. Agent Woo's all "please no touch" and Monica's all "yes, I think I'll stick my whole hand in there." And she got sucked in. Agent Woo's gotta be like "WHY DOESN'T ANYBODY EVER LISTEN TO ME?"
24 hours later. Darcy! Some sort of transport van. A trio of other suits in the back, plus Darcy. She tries to talk to one of the dudes and he's all "we're not supposed to talk to each other!" "Boy Scout leader, got it." Relax, uptight guy. Pfft, what sort of team is that? The rest give up their specialty. Aww, bless, she went into astrophysics. "We've got the full clown car." heh.
Boy Scout leader finally caving to peer pressure: "I'm a chemical engineer." Darcy: "No one cares." lol. Missed you, girlfriend!
And in 24 hours SWORD/FBI whoever have set up a little military camp. Oh a "response base". How banally euphemistic. There's like a whole bunch of agencies there, as well as Army and Air Force.
Dr. Lewis. Oh, I'm so proud. I bet Jane was over the moon. Saved from poli-sci!
Elsewhere another drone vanishes. Darcy darcys a lot at an uptight uniform who is breathing down her neck "make your assessment" and it's delightful. Darcy notices some high levels of cosmic background radiation and also something weird layered over the top of that. Hmm, she needs a tv. "An old one, like not flat." One with vacuum tubes, perhaps?
In another part of the camp, they send in a guy in a hazmat suit, down into the sewers, looking for Monica. I guess he'll be the beekeper Wanda tosses in ep 2. Jimmy Woo is not optimistic about that plan. He tells the SWORD Director all about it.
"Someone must really miss you back at Quantico." "No, sir, softball season is over." Lol.
All their high tech scanning is turning up nothing.
Uhoh, screaming. Oh, nevermind, it's the laughtrack. While everybody else was dicking around with the LIDAR, Darcy has tracked down the last tube tv in New Jersey and has tuned into the Wanda Dimension. Episode one is playing.  
Darcy is understandably particularly baffled by Vision. "Look, I know it's been a crazy few years on this planet, but he's dead right? Not blipped. Dead." Poor Vision. Alas.
Director wants to know if the broadcast is realtime or a recording. Or what? Darcy's like "how tf should I know?"
Jimmy asks the good question "So you're saying the universe created a sitcom staring two Avengers?" "It's a working theory."
Now SWORD fans out! And collects every ye olde TV on the eastern seaboard. Who doesn't love a good sitcom, amiright? (Me. Me do not love sitcoms). The Director storms off to wherever for whatever reason. I don't know, don't care. Jimmy and Darcy are on the case.
Darcy is IDing the other "characters" in the sitcom, who appear to be real people with NJ driver's liscenses, while Jimmy is wondering why the force field is hexagonal. You've got me there. And now we're montaging.
Jimmy ponders the big board of 'characters' and Darcy drops her cup o' noodles when she spots Monica in the second episode. He and Darcy discuss and he's like "is it an alternate reality, time travel, some cockamamie social experiment?" Darcy's all "it's a sitcom." A pure mystery.
Darcy comes up with the idea to reach out to Wanda via the radio in her kitchen. "Next time she's washing dishes — which by my count happens about once an episode, barf." heh. She tech babbles some and I'm very proud.
A minion agent runs up with the latest intel from the most recent episode, it's a picture of the SWORD drone that looks more retro (frankly it looks better than the 'real world' one.) Hmmm, such a puzzler. Why did it change, they wonder.  
Darcy Lewis and Jimmy Woo are a partnership I can totally get behind. Jimmy was the voice trying to reach Wanda. Darcy's watching the show while Jimmy's trying the radio thing. It's the second episode where Wanda's talking to Emma Caulfield and things go weird. Good. I'm glad they jumped us to the outside world by ep four. While I thought the first two eps were slow, I think maybe they'll work better once we can watch the whole thing at a go.
Dude is still crawling through the sewers. I completely forgot he was down there. And the field extends below ground and he just crawled through it and became a beekeeper, and his safety rope snapped and … became a jumprope?
And then Wanda wishes him to the cornfield. (I guess? We don't see what happens to him.)
SWORD is watching episode three.
"1950s, 1960s, and now 70s. Why does it keep switching time periods. It can't be purely for my enjoyment can it?" Guys, it's so good to see Darcy.   "I can't believe Wanda and Vision are having a baby." No really, Jimmy and Darcy, BFFS 4EVAH! They're eating chips and watching the episode. Delightful. Just delightful.
"Twins. What a twist." Jimmy gives Darcy a look. "I'm invested!"
Monica mentions Ultron and Jimmy and Darcy are like "Whoa!".
They notice the screen sort of glitches and then Monica is gone and it's the end credits. Like when Bee guy vanished. Darcy and Jimmy are confused. "Someone is censoring the broadcast." Yeah, Wanda. She's gone to the scary place, friends.
Alarms go off and they run off. But, we go into Wanda World the aspect ratio changes from 4:3 to 16:9 and it's a new angle on when Wanda went all scary at Monica, demanding to know who she is. And then, of course, she gets kicked out of Wanda World.
"Wanda, I'm just your neighbor." "Then how could you know about Ultron?"
Wanda brings up the glowy hands of scary. "You are a stranger and an outsider and right now you are trespassing here. And I want you to leave." And then she zooms Monica out through the walls and fences and fields and that looked like it probably hurt.
Oh gross. Wanda turns around and sees Dead Vision. The big hole in his head and his face all, you know, dead looking. She looks away and then he's normal when she looks back. Well, now this has turned all sad, you guys. "We can go wherever we want." "No, we can't." Sad. Poor Wanda. The aspect ratio goes back to 4:3. I’m sure Editorial was like “oh god, again?” 
"Don't worry darling, I have everything under control."
I don't think so, Wanda.
Good ep! My only real takeaway is that none of this is going to end particularly happily. 
So … Darcy and Jimmy, BFFS 4EVAH!
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jalaluvsu · 4 years
“Y’know, just ‘cause Kori’s got a baby coming doesn’t mean you can boss us around Robin,” Beastboy whined as he stepped out of the Zeta Tube.
He scoffed at the notion, “That’s literally exactly what I can and will do, you absolute buffoon.”
“Oh, shutup.”
He sighed. There isn’t ever a moment where Garfield doesn’t wish Starfire still led the Titans. The past three weeks have gone by at an agonizingly slow pace, filled with never ending fights between him and Damian. And! Before you get the wrong impression, no, he did not start these fights. In fact, he was practically the one getting attacked!
Really, what’d you expect him to do when Damian insulted tofu during dinner at the Waynes’? Smile and wave?
Garfield will tell you what happened after, whether he’s proud is a matter of who asks. Let’s just say Alfred’s put him on a month-long ban from the dining room at the manor; worth it, nonetheless.
“Beastboy, earth to Beastboy,” He heard Raven chant over comms. Oh, right, the mission.
“Reporting for duty!” he saluted obediently, like the responsible hero he is.  
“Stop standing there and you know, actually read the coordinates I sent to your navigator,” he grinned at her snark as he pulled out his compact. A hefty amount of unchecked notifications was in its wake.
Automated message coupons from the local pizza place at Jump City (hell yeah!)
Missed calls from Terra, he faltered at the offending contact; as if he would respond. The time for that has passed, long passed.
He scrolled down the small screen as he flitted his gaze past the hundreds of junk mail. Ah, and lastly, one lengthy preview of information regarding the mission. The text listed an address along with...enrollment details? Huh.
Garfield glanced both ways before crossing the busy street; him previously being in the too-bright alleyway. 
Okay, see, he knows what you’re thinking. Someone like him- or rather someone who looked like him, would stick out like a sore thumb. Especially in a place like Paris. How common were metahumans here? Probably not as high as the rate in Metropolis, that’s for sure.
There were only so many green colored people, and a good ninety-nine percent was or is associated with heroes (vigilantes, fine) or even aliens. That being said, he was keeping it on the down-low. In Paris, he wasn’t the cool, collected, and most desired by all Garfield Logan. In Paris, he was just Grant Roth. What? It’s a good cover! And he was planning on taking Raven’s surname eventually anyways. (wink wink, nudge nudge)
A few spells and enchantments via Magical Goth Gf ™ prior to his ride in the tubes later; he practically looked uncanny to his appearance before the whole ‘failed experiment injection’ thing. You know, a mop of auburn hair, pale as paper skin, and cutesy little freckles (Blue Beetle’s words, not his) (Okay, maybe it was his too..)
Garfield pulled out his pocketed compact once he safely made it across the street. Now that he gave more than a glance at the address it looked...short. In fact, it was vague, extremely vague. He discreetly looked around for any eavesdroppers and lowered his voice to a whisper as he walked down the 21st arrondissement.
“Uh, guys? Where exactly am I supposed to go?”
He hated not knowing how to do something he was expected to, incredibly so.
“I was hoping you’d dispose of your body there,” he paused, "but since you asked so nicely, we’ll tell you.” Robin chimed in matter-of-factly.
Garfield could practically feel the next set of words. He didn’t know what they were, but they were going to suck. He just knew it.
Raven took a long swig of coffee before announcing the dreaded news, “We’ve signed you up for a foreign exchange student program,” 
“You what?!” he shrieked. A couple of onlookers gave him dirty glances, he smiled sheepishly.
Blue Beetle toggled his audio, “C’mon Gar-“ Robin interrupted,
“No names on field!”
 “Shutuuuuup,” he drawled out.
“Anyways, Beastboy,’’ cue pointed glare at Robin,’’ did you really think we’d let you roam around without a leash for what? Three months? In a foreign country of all places?” Garfield could practically hear the smirk in his voice, the fucker.
“I was hoping, yeah!” Damn. He thought he would get away with them actually trusting him here alone, wishful thinking on his part.
He pouted at the idea as he scouted for a place to lounge in.
Raven huffed, “You’ll be living with a host family during your stay at Paris, if it wasn’t clear enough already.”
He froze; what other surprises were up their sleeves?!
“C’mon, be real for a sec. I’m a superhero, I don’t need to go to public school, I don’t need a couple of strangers!” he stressed as he weaved between crowds of Parisians.
Ooh, a bench. He sat with the intent of winning this argument, no matter the consequence. So what if he looked crazy, supposedly talking to himself? Priorities people, priorities.
“Doom Patrol’s strict orders, you know, ‘cause they can’t homeschool you a whole continent away,” Jamie deadpanned.
Garfield dragged a hand down his face. Stupid Doom Patrol, stupid worrying for his wellbeing. “But- it’s a mission!” he gestured rapidly, in clear exasperation.
Jaime tsked, “And? Gotta keep that brain of yours in tip-top shape, amigo!”
“Whatever, man;” he got up to dust himself off, “still don’t know how that’s related to the address on the Seine but- “
“They live there, your host family,” Raven supplied.
Garfield scratched his chin in wonder. Who lives in a body of water? That’s so- Wait. His friends were totally holding out on him!
“You guys didn’t tell me I’d be staying with Aquaman! That makes this ten times better!”
What were the chances that the man himself was in Paris too? They can bond over sea creatures, and Garfield could show him his animal transformations! This mission wasn’t so bad, it wasn’t bad at all. He had an extra skip in his step as he pranced down the pavement.
“Are you entirely brain dead?” Robin audibly face palmed,
”No, you’re not- you know what? Yes, you’re going to be living with Aquaman. At a river. In France,” quiet murmurs along the lines of ‘idiot, and ‘cómo adorable,’ sounded out from his remaining teammates.
“This is gonna be so awesome!” Garfield exclaimed giddily.
He spotted a boulangerie-pâtisserie a couple blocks away. Aha! Time to get him some sweet, sweet, treats. And hopefully, some directions.
“Robin spent weeks doing full analysis on the whole family,” Jaime grinned over the comm.
Raven cut in, “Even though it was incredibly self-destructive, “
Analysis? On the King of Atlantis? Boy, no one was safe from Damian’s wrath.
“Awww. You do care, Robin!” he cooed as he entered the bakery.
Robin gasped, affronted, “Don’t flatter yourself! I needed to make sure you wouldn’t feel obligated to blabber all our secrets, obviously.”
“Better than nothing, I suppose,” Garfield shrugged to himself, but quickly zipped his lips shut once someone came into view.
“The Couffaines are...adequate at best;” he quieted, “well, at least from what I could infer before I was so viciously torn away from my research!” was sniffed hotly.
Couffaines? Was that a code name?
“If I didn’t know any better Robin,” Jaime mused, “I’d think you were taking after Tim, especially with how many late nights you’ve had...”
A beat.
Garfield ignored the squabble taking place in his left ear, opting to chat with the kind looking, lady at the register.
“Hello! What can I do for-“ she looked up from tying her apron,
“Oh! You must be new here; I don’t recognize you,”
Garfield offered his hand, “Hah, yeah! I was just walkin’ around town. I’m Grant, by the way,’’ he silently praised himself for remembering his alias.
She shook it firmly, “Sabine.”
A warm smile was sent his way before she gestured to the variety of sweets on display. His mouth watered at the sight and contemplated his choices, no matter how hard it was.  ‘’What would you recommend?’’ he whispered, completely in awe.
Sabine paused to give him a once-over before lighting up. ‘’Well, you don’t strike me as a tart kind of guy so, how do you feel about chocolate?’’
‘’Love it.’’
‘’Great! My husband just put out some fresh Pain Au Chocolates before you came in!’’ Score. His luck hadn’t completely run out.
‘’That sounds fire! I’ll have that,’’ he exclaimed cheerfully.
She blinked at his wording, ‘’Pardon?’’
What? Did she not unders- Oh.‘’Sorry, American slang. It means cool!’’ he rushed out.
She mulled it over, ‘’Ah, okay. Well, coming right up!’’ Sabine opened the glass in search of the Pain Au Chocolates.
“Don’t ever compare me to that insufferable fool, -“
He snickered, “Your brother?”
Robin fumed, “-you complete and utter nincompoop!”
“Now, now, don’t use big boy words on me,” Jaime taunted.
“I’ll show you ‘big boy’ words-! “
Garfield faux scratched his ear in favor of switching off the comm as he watched Sabine bag the treats. He grinned in thanks once handed to him.
“If that’ll be all...?” She trailed off.
He wasn’t really paying any mind as he took a big whiff of the sweets. His thoughts floated over to a haven filled with a never-ending overflow of pastries. Ah, what’s stopping him from staying here forever? A pat on his shoulder, apparently.
“Hm?” Garfield found the petite baker leaning over the counter with a patient smile.
“Sorry, I totally zoned out! Did you say something?” he rubbed his neck bashfully.
She chuckled, “I asked if there’s anything else I could do for you, sweetie.”
If there anything else she could- Right! Yes, he needed to know where the hell he was staying at. Garfield fumbled for his phone, luckily for him he copied the address into his Notes app.
“Yeah actually! Well, not food wise but, I’m here in Paris for,” he blanched momentarily, “uh, an exchange program; and I have a like host family here, right?” he gestured to his voice; the American accent evident.
She nodded.
He continued, “And I don’t really uh, like, know exactly where I’m supposed to meet them. I was wondering if you by chance knew someone who lived on the Seine around here?” Garfield shoveled a croissant into his mouth.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Marinette was a lot of things.
To some she was the sweet bakers’ daughter, insanely witty and clever, granted a bit scatterbrained, but she was your trophy student by all means of the word; to others though, she was someone to be wary of. A classmate’s spew of lies crawling under their skins, itching to be taken into account. Every move watched meticulously, waiting with bated breath for a slip up, for anything to grasp on to.
In simpler terms, Marinette was over it. Over being unable to speak her truth; over being villainized, constantly put under a spotlight. There was already enough on her plate, one of its regulars accumulating to a steadily-rising designer. One of her biggest flexes, if she was being honest; because really, what fourteen year old could say they constructed glasses for the Jagged Stone? Surely not the average bunch.
Oh, and did she mention superheroine? Yeah, she’s a superheroine.
The whole gig was shoved at her face, three months shy of her thirteenth birthday; and by gig she meant a brief guide, a blindingly red polka-dotted suit, a questionable choice of weapon (seriously, a yo-yo?), and an ill-timed partner.
Nonetheless, she worked with what she got. It's kept her alive so far already, why complain now?
She rubbed her eyes with a stifled yawn, ‘’Radiant....Carefree....Dreamy…’’
Marinette slammed the snooze button at the sound of that god forsaken jingle. Christ, she needed to change her alarm. All it did was make her reminisce of her former crush on Adrien Agreste; top teen Parisian model, son of fashion mogul Gabriel Agreste, and current boyfriend of future Olympiad, Kagami Tsurugi. Alas, old habits die hard, and this one was going to crash and burn any time soon; Marinette was sure of it.
A groan sounded out as she flopped to the floor, skillfully ignoring the tinkling laughter coming from her bedside. Ah, who was she kidding? It’d take some sort of absolute miracle to get over him completely. She would end up forever lonely, pining over a taken man, indefinitely getting dropped from position as lead designer for Jagged, friendless, Akumatized, disowned by her parents-
“None of those things are true, and you know it!”
She snapped her gaze up to the floating embodiment of creation, Tikki. Had her friend really thought that, that look could get Marinette to take back her spiel? She looked like an angry kitten for crying out loud!
Her cheeks reddened as she got up and dusted herself off, “Did I say that out loud?”
Judging by the narrowing of the tiny god's eyes, she’d say yes, it was said out loud. Damn, she was not looking forward to a morning lecture about her declining self esteem and her tendency of speaking her mind. Before Tikki could get even a word in, the Just In Case™ alarm for bad mornings went off. She shot the kwami a rueful grin and scurried over to the counter.
“Radian-“ the clock was chucked out of the three story building. Marinette watched from her window as it plummeted to its demise, in a heap of cheap metal and wires. Lovely.
A red blur zoomed to the front of her face, making her go cross-eyed, ‘’Marinette!’’ Tikki frowned shakily, struggling not to smile at her antics. 
She shrugged and skipped over to her closet, in search for acceptable clothes,
‘’What? It was getting annoying! And besides, it’s not like it was worth that mu-!’’ They both froze at the pounding of the trap door.
Ugh, couldn’t they wait to bother her later?
‘‘You better get out of there soon, young lady! I don’t want another call from your school added to the list,’‘ Marinette was going to absolutely combust. It sucked enough that barely any of her ‘‘friends’’ stuck around, but Tom and Sabine? Really? Believing some complete stranger over her? It must be the lack of familial relation that makes it sting a bit less. It must.
She groaned tiredly, ‘’Yes, Sabine.’’
Once the descending pattering of her footsteps quieted, Tikki raced over to latch onto Marinette’s cheek. Her bluebell orbs peered up at her, filled with sympathy for her holder. She shook her head at the silent offer to talk; there’s no time for a pity party. 
The kwami sighed sadly, before pecking her cheek and floating over to rest on her shoulder. Marinette plastered on an encouraging smile, ‘‘C’mon Tikks’, help me pick out and outfit for today! You know how indecisive I can be,”
After some thinking, they’ve come to the mutual decision of something completely out of Marinette’s alley. Instead of her usual pink capris, floral shirt, blazer, flats, and pigtails; she sported a plaid pleated skirt, a tucked in Queen Bee graphic tee, black two-inch heart buckled platform Mary Janes, and spacebuns. Who knew her wardrobe from Clara Nightingale’s on-set music video would come to use? 
She ogled her reflection with a satisfied smirk, yeah, she was hot. 
‘’Holy shit, Tikki, if I was still into Adrien,’’ she whistled, ‘’he’d drop to the floor as soon as he saw this; and that’s coming from me!’’ 
The kwami shook her head good naturedly, ‘’I’m glad you think so. I really like confident Marinette!’’ she nudged her shoulder, ‘’Although, I hope you aren’t doing this for your classmates’ approval...’’ 
She directed her gaze at Tikki; an other person’s approval? Why would she do something for another person’s approv- Oh. She actually wasn’t that far off. 
‘‘Pssh. No, I would never! This is all me baby! The awesome, cool, and Pinterest board version, I mean,’‘ Marinette gave her little friend finger-guns and grabbed her purse. Enough about her, they needed to get to school before she was late again. 
‘‘Get in Tikks’, if we wait any longer I’ll be,’‘ she checked the time on her phone, ‘‘like five minutes late to homeroom!’‘ 
She flitted into the bag as Marinette settled it onto her side. With one last look-over, she was off. 
To say she struggled down the stairs was a complete and utter understatement. She almost died, multiple times. Maybe the platform shoes were a bad idea, a very, very, very bad idea. Marinette clutched onto the railing with an inhumane grip that could rival Alya’s on her phone; and that was telling you something. 
Once she made it passed the death trap, or rather simply a few steps, she grabbed an espresso and a handful of cookies; the former being for her, and the latter for Tikki. She gave a fleeting wave to Sabine and Tom, not that they gave any mind. 
She pulled out her phone, 8:26, she could work with that. Her phone buzzed with a text notification. 
 (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ 𝖈𝖍𝖑𝖔𝖊 𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖇𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍 ♥          ɴᴏᴡ
where the fuck are you
Marinette snorted and slid the cookies into her purse. She unlocked the screen and tapped the message icon.
{𝟖:𝟐𝟕}  .•°¤*(¯`★´¯)*¤°   🎀  𝓃𝑒𝓉𝓉𝒾𝑒  🎀   °¤*)¯´★`¯(*¤°•.    
wouldnt you like to know weather boy
{𝟖:𝟐𝟪} (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ 𝖈𝖍𝖑𝖔𝖊 𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖇𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍 ♥
wow ur so funny im literally laughing so hard rn 😐
{𝟖:𝟐8}   .•°¤*(¯`★´¯)*¤°   🎀  𝓃𝑒𝓉𝓉𝒾𝑒  🎀   °¤*)¯´★`¯(*¤°•.  
thank you, thank you, im here all night 🖤
 Marinette looked both ways before crossing the intersection, Dupont just about a block away. She chugged her now-cold coffee and tossed it in the recycling bin, ‘’Score! And the crowd goes wil-!’’ the atmosphere suddenly stilted.
‘‘Dupain-Cheng,’‘ she swiveled around, and was met with the putrid swamp green slits shes grown to despise. 
A snarl rolled off her tongue, ‘’Rossi.’’ 
omg guys so hi. im doing this. im actually doing the thing i said i would do here  cuz im a bad bitch. 3k words i think. sorry for any mistakes i literally wrote this while watching pbs kids LMAOOOASODFWOEB @beautiful-disasters-sunshine idk if u still wanna be tagged when i do this kinda stuff but pm me if u dont <3
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jamilelucato · 4 years
Best Teacher, Part 2 || Fred Weasley
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Slytherin!reader
Fandom: Harry Potter
Summary: y/N is a pureblood Slytherin best friends with Harry Potter, but not yet that close to the Weasleys until she’s invited to spend Christmas with them.
PART 1 || PART 3
A/N: This chapter is bigger than I expected, I don’t know why (?).
*gif below not mine
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Playing quidditch with Fred, George, Ron, Ginny and Harry was one of the funniest things you had ever done.
Your teammate, George, was not very patient when it came to teaching you and helping you out with your mistakes, but Fred, on the other hand, was very considerate, explaining everything you could doubt. Although everyone, in general, put an extra effort on making you learn the game, at the end of the match you still had a lot of doubts.
"Ok, I guess quidditch can be fun," you said, returning Fred's old broom to him. He got it from your hand, touching you for a little longer than necessary, making your heart skip a beat.
"Can't believe you'd never tried it before" Ginny commented, smiling.
"I can. She couldn't get anything right" Ron disagreed to his sister, trying to diminish you. You couldn't understand why he wanted to be rude, but it didn't affect you as much as he probably expected. Quidditch was fun, but it would never be your goal to be the best at it.
"Not true, dear brother," said George, pulling his brother in a hug that looked more like a naked choke than anything else.
"y/N managed to be better than you if you ask my opinion" Fred observed, making you blush.
Ron rolled his eyes before getting out of his older brother "attack". "Your opinion doesn't count. You're completely biased."
You faced Ron, confused by what he had said. What did he want to mean with that?
Fred replied with "I beg your pardon?" at the same time George said: "Who would be by your side?".
You stared at the twins, running your eyes through them, undecided if you should or not suspect anything. Harry jogged to next to you, passing his arms around your neck, turning you to face the Weasleys' house at the same time Ginny tried to part her brothers.
Behind you, you could hear some weird noises, but every time you tried to face back, Harry pulled you tighter in his one-sided embrace.
"You were excellent at the field, y/N," he said, trying to smile.
"Thanks, Harry, but I was just lucky enough" you corrected him, getting shy.
"Nonsense" he stopped in front of the house door. "Don't let Ron's word hurt you. He isn't used to sharing his friends and family, that's all"
"I think he doesn't like me because I'm a Slytherin" you elaborated, escaping from Harry's embrace to walk inside.
"That can't be why. It'd be a ridiculous reason" Harry said, but you weren't able to define if he was defending his friend or just disagreeing with you.
Inside the Burrow, an amazing smell awaited. You couldn't put your finger in what kind of food it could be, but you bet it was gonna taste good.
"Come on in, kids. Lunch has been waiting for you" Molly Weasley's voice found its way to your ear.
You looked at Harry, only to smile with him. All that sport had made you both hungry. It didn't take more than a minute for the rest of the Weasley to find their way in, sitting at the same places they were in breakfast.
Fred smiled down at you since he was taller, which made you feel flustered, although you had no idea why. "Sorry about Ron," he said, truthfully.
"It's okay. He wouldn't be the first to hate me" you said, shrugging.
Fred faked being shocked. You wanted to laugh at his face, but then everybody on the table would look at you. " How can anyone hate you?"
"Right! I ask myself the same thing!" your reply almost made him laugh, but he held it in.
"Don't worry, we'll make him pay" he continued, breaking the funny facade, but keeping a smile on his lips. Fred looked mischievous and rather handsome with that expression, which made an electric current pass through your whole body. You had no idea what to expect from his promise.
"He is your brother" you pointed out, worried about what he and George could have planned.
"And he hurt you" added Fred, slightly raising an eyebrow just before his mom sat down and said we could serve yourselves. *** Wednesday arrived faster than you imagined it would. Fred and George had you up to a lot of tasks, but the funniest was, definitely, the pink hair dye in Ron's shampoo. He got super angry about it, mainly because the dye wouldn't come off. It was two days later — and a lot of washes, since his hair was always wet — but his hair was still pink.
The next one pranked was Mr Weasley, who had all his clothes turned into dresses, but he got so angry at the boys that they had to undo the spell right away.
The best part about partnering with the Twins was that nobody suspected you. Ginny would face you with half-closed eyes as if she thought you were part of all that, but she never confessed if she did suspect you.
The rest of the time, George and Fred tried to make sure you learned everything about quidditch, so you could try out for your team once you were back at Hogwarts.
"No way I'll try out for the Slytherin team. They are monsters!" you exclaimed, making the twins laugh.
It was a beautiful sunny morning, yet cold, but still rare at this time of the year, so it was a perfect day for a match of quidditch.
"That's only better! They can't hurt you, you are on their team!" Fred said, still laughing so hard you thought he'd be soon out of breath.
All that time spent with the twins, the midnight escapes, helped a lot with your friendship with them, but they were kind of dangerous when it came to your suppressed crush on Fred. Since he was always trying to make you giggle, you two were much more close. It made you glad the fact that he wanted to see you happy, but part of you was scared that it'd all be a far gone dream once you got back in your Slytherin uniform.
"Yeah, whatever, they'd never let me in. I don't think there's a position that I'm genuinely good at" you sighted, ducking your head. It wasn't a habit of yours to depreciate yourself — in fact, most of the time you even lied to make yourself look better — however, you couldn't lie about quidditch. You were just not that good, it was obvious, essentially if you compared you to that family of players.
"You think you are bad, but you're better than Ron and that's saying something," George said, gathering your broom. You couldn't help but smile at that compliment.
"You'd be an excellent keeper" Fred added, smirking, putting his left hand on your back cautiously. The gesture was so sweet that, because of the thick fabric of your black jumper, you almost couldn't feel his touch. You both walked side to side, leaving George behind to stow everything you used for the match.
"I'll consider" you gave in, breathing out heavily, causing him to smile.
"That's the spirit" he cheered.
His big brown eyes stared at yours like he was seeing you for the first time, and part of you believed it. After all, you two practically had never talked before, even more, you had never touched. That was all knew. 
Knowing he was holding you that delicately just to bring you closer to him, even if it was for a more brotherlike touch than a romantic one, made butterflies come to live, butterflies you never knew lived inside you.
What you didn't know was that he was feeling the same.
Fred Weasley thought you were a rather odd witch, much like a hurricane. You were a firestorm in his eyes, you could make someone cry your name for days, and that always made him feel a bit scared of you. 
Last year, he heard that one of his and his brother's pranks against the Slytherin common room affect y/N as well and he got terrified. He spent the day thinking about it, scared you'd prank him back. He couldn't sleep.
He had heard what you did to your fellow Slytherins when they set your notebook on fire and he only imagined you'd do worst with him and his twin since you were not even from the same houses. 
Except you never did. You never punished them for their prank, much to Fred's surprise. When Snape ordered one of them to sit with you in Potions' class, he immediately volunteered, hoping to find out why you didn't confront him about his misbehaviour. But, when he finally faced you, so close he could see everything maximized on your continuance, he lost his bravery. He was too fascinated to even say a word. 
Now that you were sleeping in his house, just a few steps away from him, he was losing his mind. No longer terrified, but excited. You were funny and had an incredible sense of humour and sensibility. He wanted to do everything with you around, he wanted to have your approval. When his jokes managed to make you laugh, he felt like it was Heaven on Earth.
He was scared, just as you, that by the end of the holiday, you'd ignore him, because he knew that, if you did, he would be forever miserable.
Percy Weasley arrived when it was almost dinner time, but he didn't seem exactly thrilled to be back home. Considering the face he made when he realised Harry Potter was in the room too, you'd say he wasn't thrilled with Harry either.
Molly was the one that made the introductions. "This is y/N y/L/N," she said, smiling tenderly. She pulled you closer to Percy, forcing you to give him your hand. He shook it firmly, looking straight deep into your eyes.
"y/L/N, I see" Percy mumbled, analysing you up and down. "I think I remember you from Hogwarts. Always angry at something."
"Hope you're the only one to remember me by that" you replied, letting his hand go, desperate to run from that conversation.
Percy wasn't all that older from you, only one more year if compared to the twins, but he sounded a lot older like he was trying to impose a sense of authority.
After settling down for dinner — you planned on sitting next to Fred again, but Percy took your seat, forcing you to sit next to him and Potter —, things got a little quieter but not that much as you'd wish for. Percy kept asking you random things that you only answered for pure politeness while Mrs Weasley tried to ask her son about his job and how he was handling everything.
By your seat, you could see the twins rolling their eyes every time Percy asked you some silliness about your school life and you had to restrain yourself from doing the same. Ginny, Harry and Ron wouldn't stop gossiping in a low tone, making you curious about what were they talking about.
The only good thing was the food, that was great.
After eating, everyone went to the living room, including you, but you waited for Percy to sit first, so you could sit as far away from him as you could without looking like you were running from him.
When you got in the living room, Potter, Percy and Ginny were sitting on the biggest of the couches, with Mr Weasley sitting in the only armchair available. The twins were sitting on the other couch left, smaller than the one where Harry was. George and Fred smiled at the sight of you, inviting you to sit in the middle of them, and even though the couch wouldn't be able to fit you comfortably (it limitedly fitted two), you thankfully accepted because you'd be away from Percy's weird questions.
George crawled aside, giving you a little space to sit, making you nervous since you'd have to be in constant touch with Fred. Although George couldn't take his eyes of off you and his twin, you and Fred were avoiding making eye contact at any cost, facing the fireplace like your lives depended on it.
"What's bloody wrong with you two?" George asked, suspicious. His right arm was up on the backrest, whereas Fred had his left arm up front, his hands falling in the middle of his legs.
Fred and you stared at George, trying to look as much surprised as you guys could. To be real, you had no idea why you guys started acting strange, it just happened. A corner of your mind had an answer for that, but you were avoiding it.
"What you mean?" you both retorted at the same time. Fred blushed when he noticed.
The younger twin puffed, not able to believe you were playing dumb. He crossed his legs, taking more space in the couch,leaving you to be more close to Fred, who was forced to raise his arm and place it up on the backrest, so he could provide you with more space. Thus, his hand almost ended at your shoulder, causing you to face him. 
Wrong idea.
His brown eyes glanced at yours like something just clicked, and you couldn't tell if it was you or him. He was wearing the red sweater with his initial and it seemed a bit too small for him. He was probably taller than when his mom made it.
You listened to George giggle yet you didn't look at him to confirm if he was all that happy with your disgrace. Thankfully, Fred changed the subject.
"So... Percy, huh?" he whispered, making sure his older brother couldn't hear. Percy was very much concentrated in a conversation with his father about the Ministery, so he didn't even look at your direction. Harry and Ginny on the other hand, who seemed uncomfortable being so close, faced you guys at the sound of Percy's name.
Ron Weasley didn't stare at all, concentrated on the letter he was holding.
"Do you fancy him?" George asked, laughing too loud. You blushed at the question, not because he was right, but because you're scared Percy would look at you.
"Oh Merlin, no" you answered, revelling a disgusted face too quickly. Fred and Ginny laughed right away, which made Percy give a slight look at you all, but he turned back at his father like you were stupid. He was probably used to his brothers' jokes. "I mean, nothing against him, he is your brother..."
"No hard feelings," Ginny said, sniffing at the end of the sentence.
"He is a pain in the ass" George added, giggling. For such a unified family, they were easy to talk trash about each other.
"I don't get it... why was he... you know... so focused on me?" you asked, pausing a lot since you had no idea how to turn your doubt into a sentence.
Fred smiled. "You are a y/L/N".
"What's that suppose to mean?" you replied, confused by what your last name had to do with all the attention.
"You're rich" George answered. You looked at him, finding a very relaxed expression in his face like it didn't bother him the amount of money you had. "And a pureblood" Ginny continued, shaking her head. "That's like — real high status".
Ginny might have a point. You never had given much thought about your social position in the Wizarding World. You were rich, but since your whole family was rich as well — and most of your friends when growing up — you didn't consider what being a poor witch would be like. Of course, five days in the Burrow you'd started getting more sense of the things. Most of the Weasleys wore handmade and hand-me-down clothes, besides having to live in such a small house.
Back at your place, it was just you, mom and dad, but the house was so big, you could invite all the Weasleys — including Bill and Charlie — to spend a week there and they all would have one room of their own.
Notwithstanding your parents weren't big fans of holidays, they always gave you gifts at every celebration, sometimes without being needed. Paying close attention to how your life was being handled, you had it pretty easy if compared to the Weasleys.
You noticed they were all staring at you, expecting an answer of yours. You had no idea what to say, so you just shrugged. "I had never realised it".
Fred stared at you like you were a puppy asking to be petted, immediately letting his arm — the one up at the backrest — fall to your shoulders, his hand touching you carefully.
Ron finally realised he was in the middle of a living room filled with people, lifting his eyes from the paper he held. "Hermione wants to hear about you" he spoke, facing you.
"Oh. I'll write to her. Does she ask for anything else?"
"To know everything that's happening" he responded, focused on you. "You're not gonna tell her about my hair, are you?"
"Oh, she definitely is" Fred replied for you.
"She definitely should," George remarked, laughing alongside his twin.
"Dear Hermione..." you started writing, but it didn't seem right. Both yours and Ginny's wands were light up by Lumos, because you both were still up, even if it was probably already passed midnight. Ginny's room was cosy enough for you to have changed clothes to your nightgown, but you were avoiding doing so, even though Ginny was already with a short and a really old sweater.
She was reading a book, but she didn't want to keep on reading. "I'm gonna sleep, y/N" she warned you.
"Oh, ok. Do you want me to Nox?" you asked, trying to sympathize with your newest friend.
"No need. The light won't bother me," she replied, getting under the covers. "Hardly something does".
You giggled at her phrase, remembering the nights you scaped with the twins and she didn't even move. "Good dreams" you wished her, but she was already sleeping.
You kept trying to write. "Dear Hermione, Days here in the Burrow have been entertaining. Nothing that you couldn't have seen in school, to be fair. Although, maybe Ron's hair going pink is something he'd have tried to hide in school. He'll probably find a way to wash it out by the end of the week. Let's hope not. Haven't quite talked to Harry, though, which makes me wonder I should, after all, it was his idea for me to come. Ginny became a friend, but it's actually with the twins that I have been spending my time. They're really fun to be around — who could have wondered? — and they are very caring towards me since they're trying to teach me quidditch. they say I'm a fast learner, I suppose they mean it. That's all I have for now, but hey, keep me updated about you. How are things in the muggle world? Best regards, y/N y/L/N"
It seemed incomplete like you had more to tell her, but you hade no idea what was missing. Hermione and you weren't exactly best friends, so telling your deepest concerns seemed too much for such superficial friendship. You hoped after that letter, you two would become closer.
Ginny's window was right next to her bed, and you didn't want to wake her just so you could send your owl out there. So you headed downstairs, where you could send your letter with no trouble to anyone. 
You tried to be as much quiet as you could, holding your wand and the letter closer to your chest, in case you could let them fall.
"y/N? What are you doing here?" a male voice asked in the gloom of the kitchen, making you jumpscare. You pointed your wand in the direction of the voice, hoping Lumos would be enough to show you to who the voice belonged.
The face showed one of the twins, and by the looks of the sweater, it was Fred. "Merlin, Fred, you scared me!" you exclaimed, trying to sound angry but still keep it in a lower tone.
"Sorry" he replied, ducking his head. In his hands, he held a cup, but you had no idea what could be inside.
"Hope you were not here planning something" you commented, getting closer to the window, asking for your owl who awaited for you outside.
"Nah. George is snoring and I couldn't sleep" he explained, making you giggle at the image of a snorting George that appeared in your mind.
Your owl left into the darkness outside, with your letter in its beak. You rapidly closed the window, because of the cold wind that was coming in, and stepped towards Fred, who was leaning on the sink counter.
"Hermione's letter?" he wondered out loud.
You were happy to reply, filling in the silence. "Yep. Faster she gets it, faster she stops looking for me".
He chuckled after your explanation. He then took a sip from his mug.
"What are you drinking?" you asked, still scared to let the silence dominate.
"Milk. Want some?" he offered, at the light of your wand.
"Is it in the fridge?" you were willing to take a little to drink before going back to bed.
"Uh, no" he answered, after a hesitation. "It ran out. But you can have mine".
You didn't know what to do. You wanted to drink milk, water wouldn't do the trick, still, you didn't want to take from his mug. Not because of disgust, but because he was drinking it himself.
"Come on, take it," he said, lending you the mug, smiling, inviting. "I don't want it anymore, it'd be a waste".
You sighed, accepting. When you reached for the drink, your hands touched for a split second but it was enough to wake your heart up.
He took his wand from the counter, enchanting Lumos, to get you more light. You took a sip from the mug, pleased to find the milk no longer too cold as it should have been when he got it out of the fridge.
"So... no pranks planned for tomorrow?" you asked, making conversation. He giggled, placing his wand back at the counter, while you leaned your back on the counter as well, staying right next to him.
"Not telling you that easy, y/N" he simply said.
"Won't you guys ask for my help anyways?" you pondered, finishing the drink on your hand, leaving it inside the sink.
"Yes, but until we ask, it's a surprise" he answered, smiling down at you. 
You placed your wand right next to his, which made the lights merge into a brighter one. His face shifted because of the new angle of the lights, giving him a more mysterious look.
"Is it gonna be the biggest one yet?" you asked.
Fred looked down at you, moving a slightly away from the counter, so he could face you better.
"It's on Percy's, so... Yeah, I planned something big for him" he smirked. The proximity made you wanna duck.
"You did all the planning?" 
"Don't look so startled. He did bug you all night" remarked Fred. You were surprised that he noticed how uncomfortable you were during dinner. It made you think how long had he been paying attention to you.
"He was just... curious" you hesitated, not because you needed to find your words, but because his closeness was making you nervous. A good nervous, but nervous nonetheless.
"I bet that git was curious!" he countered, louder than before.
Fred was agitated by the way his older brother treated you, but you didn't understand why would he. Maybe Percy could have been nicer, that's for sure, but if he wanted so badly to rise in the wizarding hierarchy, his reaction was not that much scandalous. 
You positioned your hands over Fred's shoulders, one at each, in an attempt to calm him down. The sudden touch scared both of you — Fred wasn't expecting it and you weren't believing you took the initiative.
"Look, Freddie, you don't have to worry about me" you started but he didn't let you finish.
"I don't but I do, don't I?" he prattled, not making much sense but showing his deepest feeling just by saying an unreasonable phrase.
His brown eyes sparked meeting yours, so close now you could smell his breath. And then, you gave in.
The kiss started as a soft encounter of lips, both scared of what you were doing. It wasn't your first kiss, but it was your first kiss with Fred and you were terrified you had just ruined everything. A corner of your mind blamed you for starting the kiss, but you weren't completely sure of who started it.
Once the kiss got passioned — Fred pulled your body closer to his, holding you by the waist —, all of your concerns got lost. You only thought about how to bring him closer, and how to deeper the kiss.
You didn't know an eager for kisses lived inside of you, but she was pretty alive, wanting to groan every time Fred tightened his embrace and his hand seems to wonder every part of your back. You're not complaining though since you're pretty much doing the same, although you're more focused on his hair, so soft to the touch. When you ran your finger through his scalp, making little circles, he moans lowly, you almost can't hear it.
You had never been kissed like that before, he's practically making you lose your mind.
It takes him a while to finally loosen his arms around you, slowly pulling his lips away. You have your foreheads pressed together, both so out of breath that can't say a thing.
That pause didn't do you any good, 'cause you started wondering "what now?" You put one of your hands away from him, trying to catch you wand from the counter. When your fingers feel it, you know it's time to disappear.
He hasn't said a word and neither have you. Although you wanted to repeat the kiss, you knew you shouldn't.
He's staring at you, his eyes sparkling like stars in the middle of the night, makes you question if it's him with the Lumos spell, not the wand.
"Good night, Freddie," you say, before running away from him, too scared to look back.
"Good night, y/N" you hear from behind, even though you turn back, you're too far to see him.
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