#and seeing all these group photos of everyone in the program makes me realize how distant i am from them
butt-puncher · 1 month
I wish that I was more
#sad hours at the huskin bee#personal#graduating soon and the animation department is collecting photos of everyone in the drive#and seeing all these group photos of everyone in the program makes me realize how distant i am from them#and how close knit everyone else has become...#ive never been good at making friends and within like the first few weeks of school it was like everyone got to know each other#and the few friends i made in the program left after the first year#i wish my social anxiety wasnt so bad i tried harder to make friends in college#also i have an essay due on monday and i might just not do it#or itll be really half assed#ive been doing well so far in that class so if i dont do it i think the least id get is a C#idk maybe i can still make friends w these ppl after college somehow but itd still feel weird bc i had a completely different shm experience#than they had#ahhhh#i can imagine a future reunion where ppl will talk to be about old drama that was big among this giant friend group#that consists of most people in my year that ill have no idea what theyre talking abt#bc im never in the loop abt anything ever lol#this actually happened at my hs animation reunion except i actually knew and talked to most ppl in that class#i wasnt like super close to most of them but i had a few closeish friends#and i know one of those friends probably werent/arent in the know#also like i did hear abt relationship drama back in the day bc gossip spread p easily#anyways i was told completely new information abt someone getting stalked back then so thats wild#and apparently there was a super handsome guy in our class that i for some reason have zero recollection of#point is i be the last person to know something and if i know smth then everyone probably already knew#which is annoying. i wanna hear gossip too. even in my own family my sisters will tell each other and our mom about shit that went down w#their friends or our cousins and i only hear abt it when im in the room#so i end up hearing a lot but never directly and sometimes not in full#man i shouldve gone on more college field trips#shouldve done a lot more in life that my insecurities get the way of#tbh i genuinely think i might have a form of undiagnosed anxiety; tism; or some other mental disorder
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Buck & Eddie: Eddie was M.I.A. and Buck was too.
The video above includes the scenes from S6 where Buck and Eddie were either missing or weren't mentioned even though they should have been.
During Season 6, Eddie was M.I.A. (missing in action) from several scenes even though he should have been present and Buck was either not mentioned or he was missing too even though he should have been present.
While I was watching 6x4 when it originally aired, I noticed Buck wasn’t on a call while the rest of the team was at work and as 6A progressed, it became a pattern.  For the duration of 6A and well into 6B, Buck’s or Eddie’s absences became even more noticeable and they were so prevalent that they were JARRING AND GLARINGLY OBVIOUS.  By the end of 6A, viewers were wondering what happened.  The showrunner (KR) said in an interview that they were trying new pairings which was fine but hindsight is usually 20/20 and when I started analyzing the scenes that didn’t include one of them, it kind of seemed like she may have been telling a half truth.  I mentioned how storylines and pairings were affected in a post I did in November 2022 but now I believe their absences or the lack of mentioning the other one was INTENTIONAL.
Buck and/or Eddie not being present bothered me and I wanted to know why but I didn’t research it until recently because of the way season 6 ended.  With the way TM (the OG showrunner) has been releasing and rereleasing photos of Buddie and Bathena for the last few weeks, I believed their absences in season 6 became too glaring for me to continue ignoring them.  For Buck and Eddie to be drastically removed from each other’s lives had to be on purpose and IMO, it was done so the audience would realize how them not being with each other didn’t make sense.  Let’s be real, regardless as to whether a viewer ships Buck and Eddie as a romantic couple, their presence in each other’s lives and the Buckley-Diaz family’s dynamic has become a staple on the show and when they’re not included, people notice.  Everyone knows how close they are so for them to be separated and viewers along with journalists writing about it was perplexing to say the least.
Before I delve into this, please understand these are MY OBSERVATIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS of the things I noticed during season 6, therefore, it’s ok if someone doesn’t agree.  Everyone interprets media differently so it’s ok for two differences of an opinion to coexist without someone trying to force their thoughts onto the other person.
Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
I believe it all started with the scene below when Eddie asked, “Buck!  Where the hell you going?” because their absences started right after it and they continued through the early part of 6B.
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In 6x4, Buck was off work while Bobby, Chimney and Eddie were all at work but there was no explanation given as to why Buck was off.  Everyone knows Buck loves being at the firehouse especially since he filed a lawsuit to get back to the team after the ladder truck explosion (whether he was right or wrong in filing the lawsuit will not be discussed here.  It happened more than four years ago and I’ve moved on from it).  He wasn’t sick so it’s not like he used a sick day but maybe he used a personal day or he used some PTO time but either way, the audience wasn’t told why he wasn’t with the 118.
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He went to Hen’s house to discuss Connor's request for him to be his sperm donor but since she was on leave, no explanation was needed for why she wasn’t at work.  Reminder, Buck wasn’t on leave so he could have gone to her house to talk to her after their shift ended but he didn’t.  His absence was noticeable especially since at the beginning of the episode, he was sitting at the other end of the table alone and away from the group while Eddie, Chimney and Hen talked about Eddie disciplining Chris for skipping his science club meetings.
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In 6x5, Eddie took Hoover the dog to Buck’s loft but the audience didn't see it.  It was the only handoff that wasn't shown in CANON but the question is, why?  What was the issue with the audience seeing Eddie give Buck the dog ?  The only thing that makes narrative sense is they wanted viewers to not see it so they would notice.  Interesting!
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In 6x7, Eddie didn't mention Buck at all when he told Felisa about Chris being lost in the Tsunami but once again the question is why?  Everyone who watched 3x1-3x3 knows Eddie took Chris to visit "His Buck" that day and Eddie showed Hen and Chimney a selfie of Buck and Chris while they were on a call. In the photo, Buck and Chris were at breakfast earlier eating pancakes.  Also, after the first wave hit, we know Buck saved Chris and they got separated so Eddie’s scene with Felisa was another glaringly obvious one where Buck wasn’t mentioned and it had to have been done for a reason.  Reminder, Eddie told Felisa “My wife died… and six months later my son was on the pier when the Tsunami hit.”  Well, Chris wasn’t there alone so 👀.
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In 6x8, Buck was missing when Eddie and Chris were getting ready for Chris' first school dance. Carla was there but it was kind of off putting and it seemed like she shouldn’t have been the one Eddie was talking to the same way she shouldn’t have been talking to him in 5x10 when he was preparing to leave the 118.  If they didn’t want Buck there, then it could have easily been a father and son moment between Eddie and Chris especially since she didn't do anything but say she thought it was Chris' first crush after they went into the kitchen.  It was only one of the two episodes she was in for the entire season, so what gives?
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Later in the episode, Eddie ended up telling Buck and the 118 about it anyway and based on Buck’s reaction, it's likely Chris had already told Buck about his crush (post linked here).
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In 6x10, Eddie was present and at the firehouse while Buck and Chimney cleaned the fire engine and the ladder truck.  He was on the floor throwing a baseball with Hen.
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But Eddie was missing from the call when a lightning strike hit the car and the woman gave birth but reminder, the scene happened after he was AT THE FIREHOUSE with everyone else.   It's possible he could have been man behind but the point is he was missing.  Also, why was he missing?  Buck helped Bobby with the baby and Bobby had to call Hen and Chimney over for assistance which means Eddie’s help as a medic was needed for all three victims but it was kind of like the show wanted him to be absent so the viewers would notice and we did.
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In 6x11, Eddie was only in Buck’s coma dream at the beginning when Daniel told him the next time he goes up a ladder, he should have someone to have his back and Buck said he did.  Other than that initial interaction, Eddie WASN'T there and his absence was glaringly obvious.
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In 6x13, Eddie was M.I.A. twice. The first time was after a call that he went to with Buck and Hen.  It was the one where the couple misplaced a "toy".
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Chimney wasn't on the call with them but when they were leaving work and Buck was calling all the women he slept with to see if he satisfied them (which was 🙄 I don’t even have words), Eddie wasn't there but Chimney was.  But the question once again is why? Could it be the show was making a point since Buck had just had a conversation with a victim’s husband about an article he read that stated 80% of women aren’t satisfied by their partners (related post about Buck’s woodworking skills linked here)?
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In 6x13, Eddie wasn’t at the loft while Buck and Chris were baking cookies and it appears to be a call back to 5x3 when AF was caring for Chris during the blackout (related post linked here).  Reminder, AF left a mess in Eddie’s kitchen but Buck’s kitchen was clean and organized while him and Chris were baking cookies for Chris’ whole class.  They even talked about cooking the steaks Buck and Eddie won while they played poker for dinner.
What was the reason for all of this?
Initially I, like many others was pissed at the lack of Buck and Eddie, Buck, Eddie and Chris and Buckley-Diaz Family scenes in 6A.  I’m still annoyed by it but like I mentioned above, hindsight is 20/20 so it’s possible the show was trying to get the audience to realize how important they are in each other’s lives by omitting them from specific and important scenes.
Did they do a good job of illustrating it?  NO!
They could have done it differently like a lot of other things but the season ended messily and by then it was too late to change it.
The point of this post is whenever Buck and Eddie are absent, it's noticeable and it can't be denied.  KR said they were mixing up the dynamics (related post linked here) but that can't be it because in 6x9 Hen ended up talking to her best friend Chimney about the way she was feeling about Denny wanting to meet Nathaniel after Eddie and Buck dropped off their four-way call, so she wasn't telling the whole truth.
Could their absences be a coincidence? No. Why?
Because in 6x7 Athena said she didn't believe in them and in 5x17 Karen said once is a mistake, two times is a coincidence and three times is a pattern.  Well, their absences happened more than three times so Buck and Eddie missing in action from each other's lives was a pattern in season 6 and it seems to have been done on purpose.
It appears the omittances of Buck and Eddie from specific scenes in season 6 was in preparation for season 7 but the question is, will anything come of them?  Who knows except for the showrunner (TM), the writers, producers and the actors and actresses so we shall see.
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anime-aus · 5 months
More Twisted Wonderland Events I Think Should Happen:
Part 1
Photo Album Event: The first years find a photo album that shows the third years' first year (technically Leona’s second year). The first years ask their third years about it. We get to see what happened in the past as they’re telling the story. I think it would lead to a lot of interesting interactions and I really want to know what everyone looked like and how they acted during their first year.
Haunted Mansion Event: This would definitely be a Halloween event based off of the rides or movies. Multiple characters come across a haunted mansion and get trapped inside. They definitely meet a few odd ghosts (and a few terrifying ones). They soon realize that they have to escape the mansion before they become trapped inside for all eternity!
Pirate Event: This would have to be Peter Pan themed or Pirates of the Caribbean themed. A bunch of students get a chance to sail around the island. One of the students among them is Kalim. Unfortunately for him Kalim gets kidnapped (again), but this time it’s by pirates. The rest of the students go on a mission to save him and Kalim gets a side story where he interacts with the pirates/tries to escape himself. I love pirates, so I think this would be a really fun even to play.
Cowboy Country Event: Realistically, this would probably based off of Toy Story because of Woody, however I would love for an event like this to be based off of Home on the Range! (Please tell me some of you remember that movie.) A bunch of characters go to a town out in Cowboy Country. One of them has to be Epel because he is very much a country boy. The NRC students learn different things, including how to ride horses. Turns out some of the cattle have gone missing and after some talk with the sheriff (and talk of a promising reward) the characters are out to catch the crook.
Dorm Swap: Crowley begins to notice that there have been a handful of student fights recently. In hopes of bringing the student body closer together he creates a Dorm Swap Program. For a temporary amount of time a random group of students is chosen to swap dorms. Some characters adapt to their situation easier than others. At the end everyone learns something about how the other dorms run.
Muppets Event: I just got this idea while watching Muppet’s Family Christmas. I just think a Muppet’s event would be cool. If we can somehow get Stitch and Tsums in Twisted Wonderland we can absolutely get Muppets. I just know Miss Piggy would love Pomefiore.
Cinderella Event: This one is pretty self indulgent, but I just had to share it. There is a party event where Yuu isn't invited due to some unavoidable reason. A fairy godmother finds a teenager who is upset because they can't go to a party. That's just begging for a fairy godmother to do something! With or without Yuu's permission, this fairy takes it upon herself to get Yuu all dressed up sends them to the party. The fairy also uses a spell that would make Yuu unrecognizable so they don't get in trouble for being there. Yuu has a lot of fun, but the next day they come to find that everyone is trying to unmask the identity of this mysterious party crasher. Yuu has to keep it a secret to avoid getting into trouble, but some of these people are making it so difficult.
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c-e-d-dreamer · 1 year
Something in the Way She Moves
A/N: Happy happy Day 5 of @sjmromanceweek! Today's theme is Feelings Realization, and we're back on our Nessian fluff :) Hope everyone enjoys, and if you need a visual reference, this is the group dance I imagined and this is the solo dance I imagined.
“What time again?”
Nesta sighs softly, stuffing her things into her bag, but Cassian knows the sound is fond, knows the sound like the back of his hand from how many times he’s heard it; the sound practically just for him. “I told you that you don’t have to come tonight.”
“And I told you that I have to support my best friend,” Cassian reminds her, standing up and slinging his bag over his shoulder.
“You’re not exactly the dance recital type,” Nesta points out, her eyes narrowed as she slips her own bag onto her shoulder.
“I’m the Nesta Archeron type,” Cassian shoots back, following behind Nesta to the door before the words register in his mind. “Wait… that came out wrong.”
Nesta rolls her eyes with fond exasperation. “You’re insufferable.”
“Plus,” Cassian continues like she didn’t speak, knocking his arm against hers. “Maybe you can introduce me to one of your hot dancer friends.”
“As if I’d ever make one of my friends put up with you.”
“Ha ha, very funny,” Cassian drawls sarcastically, finding it hard to be too offended with the way Nesta’s blue eyes light up in amusement at the jab, at the way her lips tick up in a smile. “So what time? Seriously.”
“The show starts at 7:00, doors open at 6:30.”
“So get there at 6:00 so I can get front row?”
~ * * * ~
There’s more people mingling outside the doors to the auditorium than Cassian expected when he arrives. He carefully meanders around them all, getting as close to the doors as he can. When they finally open, he waits his turn to step inside, taking one of the programs from the volunteer with a quiet thanks. He’s unable to keep to his joke about being in the front row, but he snags a seat in the second row, opening the program and scanning until he finds Nesta’s name.
It looks like Nesta is doing a group number with some other women in the dance program early in the recital, then her solo performance near the end. With a small nod, he flips the pages until he finds Nesta’s little bio. It talks about how she’s been dancing since she was young, how her favorite style is contemporary, and she even thanks her various instructors at the university. Cassian digs out his phone, pulling up Snapchat and taking a photo of the bio.
No thanks for your best friend? After all my support? :( he adds to the photo before sending it to Nesta, knowing she’ll probably see it after the recital.
“Did you see that Nesta Archeron girl is dancing?” a voice draws Cassian’s attention.
He turns to find two guys sitting a few seats to his left. He’s pretty sure he recognizes one of them from his statistics class last semester, but it’s hard to be sure. With the way they’re both wearing university sweatshirts and snapbacks, Cassian is willing to bet they’re part of one of the fraternities.
“Dude, she was in my psych 101 lecture freshman year. She’s so hot. Maybe her outfit will be skimpy.”
The comment prickles along Cassian’s skin, and he can’t stop the annoyed scowl that settles across his face even if he wants to, his grip tightening on his program until the paper crinkles. Anger flares red hot through his veins, twisting and settling darkly in his gut. As if Nesta would ever give either of those guys the time of day. As if either of them could ever deserve or be good enough for someone like Nesta. She deserves someone who respects her at the very least, deserves someone who worships her properly if he’s being completely honest.
“Cassian. You made it.”
Snapping back to himself, Cassian turns to his right, watching as Elain slides into the seat beside him and Lucien takes the seat beside her.
“I’m sure Nesta would appreciate it,” Elain continues, flipping through her own program. “She’s always talking about you.”
Cassian preens at the remark, something warm starting to unfurl between his ribs at that knowledge, but before he can ask exactly what Nesta says about him, Elain starts chatting away about her classes, about Feyre filling out her university and art school applications, and soon the lights in the auditorium start to dim, signaling the start of the recital.
Cassian only half pays attention to the first dance, but luckily, after that, Nesta and some of the other dancers in her course are stepping onto the stage. She looks amazing in her all black costume, her hair styled down and around her face in soft golden curls, and Cassian’s smile only grows as she takes her place front and center.
The heavy bass of the song they’re dancing to starts to play through the speaker system, and Cassian can’t keep his eyes off her. Even when they shift into a different dance formation and Nesta is no longer front and center, his eyes track her. Tracks the way she cleanly and crisply dances to the beat of the song. Tracks the way her hair swings around. Tracks the way her arms and legs extend with each move. She makes it look so easy, so effortless, and all Cassian feels is awe. He's in awe of her.
Almost too soon the final notes of the song are ringing out and the dance is ending. Cassian’s more disappointed than he expected watching Nesta exit the stage. Already, he misses watching the way she moves, the way the music seems to flow through her. He opens the program still in his hand and starts counting down the numbers until it’s finally Nesta’s turn to return to the stage.
Nesta steps out alone the second time. She’s dressed in all black again, but it’s a simple black top and shorts. She sits down at the center of the stage, curling her knees up to her chest, and Cassian finds himself holding his breath. The music begins and so does Nesta’s dance. Cassian knows she choreographed it herself, knows that she’s spent hours in the studio and has even seen the occasional sequence from crashing her rehearsals, but seeing it all together how it’s meant to be? There are no words.
He’s entranced watching her. The story she’s created and woven together, the emotion pouring from every move, every spin, every leap, it’s ethereal. Cassian’s heart pounds in his chest, matching the beat of the song ringing out around him, set on becoming one with it until it’s his heartbeat that Nesta is dancing to. It’s so clear the way she feels the music, the way it’s so intrinsically entwined within her until it builds into this beautiful, expressive display. And maybe, just maybe, that music is etched into Cassian’s soul too, with the way it echoes and rises to meet her.
For a moment, he forgets that he’s in an auditorium full of people. For a moment, it’s just him and her and Nesta Nesta Nesta. Watching her dance. Watching her move. Watching her so in her element and captivating in this masterpiece she’s created. As the dance continues, pride and happiness swell so surely and suddenly between his ribs that Cassian swears they’re going to crack from the pressure.
She’s breathtaking.
She’s everything.
Too late, Cassian realizes the song and performance has ended and that everyone is applauding. He quickly hops to his feet to clap. Nesta stands back up and offers a small bow, and Cassian presses his fingers to his mouth, whistling loudly. Her gaze snaps to him at the sound, and the small, familiar smile that pulls across her face steals the air straight from Cassian’s lungs.
He barely registers the remaining dances of the recital. The image of Nesta up on the stage performing is forever seared into the back of his eyelids, the memory of it, of her and that damn smile just for him, already sinking its claws into his mind until all his attention and focus is drawn to it. His heart still continues to thump in his chest, every beat seeming to whisper her name, and the rectial’s program has been reduced to a crumbled mess between his nervous fingers.
It’s dangerous territory.
This is dangerous territory.
Cassian knows what this feeling is, recognizes that warmth in his veins, that dizziness in his head, that shake to his breath. But he refuses to acknowledge it, to name it, lest it truly become real and unavoidable. Instead, he swallows hard and pushes it down and away. He dutifully stands and claps when all the dancers step back out for a final bow. He follows Elain and Lucien out of the auditorium and into the foyer area. And he decidedly does not think about the feeling ballooning in his chest and threatening to burst.
“I’m going to run to the bathroom,” Elain tells him and Lucien once they’ve stepped off to the side near the hallway stretching back to the various dressing rooms. “Hopefully, I’m back before Nesta gets out.”
Elain stretches up on her toes to press a quick kiss to Lucien’s cheek, the redhead smiling softly down at her in response, and Cassian has to look away. He closes his eyes, and takes a deep, steadying breath, daring to send a silent prayer to any deity that might be listening that he can just make it through the rest of this evening without absolutely losing it. Or worse, doing something stupid.
“You made it.”
Cassian opens his eyes again to find Nesta standing in front of him. She’s changed into a pair of leggings and an oversized crewneck, her dance bag slung casually over her shoulder. She smiles up at him, her eyes a bright and clear shade of blue even under the harsh fluorescents overhead. There’s still a dusting of pink clinging beneath her skin from all the dancing, but it just brings out the smattering of freckles on the bridge of her nose. Cassian can’t look away from her.
“I promised I’d come and support you, didn’t I?” Cassian finally answers, thankful his voice at least sounds normal. “Your solo dance was amazing by the way.”
“Thanks,” Nesta breathes, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “I sort of messed up a bit in the middle, but I—”
“You couldn’t tell,” Cassian rushes to reassure her. “It was perfect.”
Nesta’s smile widens, and Cassian feels like he’s swallowed his tongue. He tries to fumble for something more to say, anything to say, but the only words that press against his throat, desperate to be blurted out, to confess, are all the wrong ones.
“Elain should only be another minute or two,” Lucien cuts in to the rescue. “Maybe we could all go to that twenty-four hour off Campus Drive? Get something to eat.”
“Actually, Balthazar asked me if I wanted to get dinner with him,” Nesta answers the redhead, although her eyes stay glued to Cassian. “Do you think I should go?”
Cassian knows the comment shouldn’t sting as much as it does, that he shouldn’t feel so betrayed, but it doesn’t stop the way the words spear through him anyways. Doesn’t stop his traitorous heart from twisting and squeezing. Doesn’t stop the way his stomach sinks.
“Well, do you like him?”
Nesta shrugs one shoulder. “He’s nice.”
“Then you should go out with him,” Cassian forces out, the words tasting bitter on his own tongue.
“I guess…” Nesta concedes, a frown tugging down her lips.
Cassian lets out a huff, his temper starting to flare at this whole conversation, this whole night. “Just tell me what answer you want to hear, Nesta, so I can say it, and we can move on.”
Nesta’s face drops in an instant, her eyes suddenly blazing. Her spine straightens like steel, hands gripping the strap of her dance bag tight enough that her knuckles turn white. “You’re a fucking idiot,” she spits, turning on her heel and stalking toward the building exit.
Cassian can do nothing but watch her walk away, blinking in shock. “What the fuck was that about?”
“You’re an idiot,” Lucien offers, shaking his head.
“Thanks for the insightful commentary, Vanserra,” Cassian scoffs, rolling his eyes.
“She wants you to ask her out.”
The words slam into Cassian hard enough it’s like a punch to the gut. He can do nothing but gape at Lucien, his mind trying to catch up and process what he just said. That can’t… could it? Cassian’s eyes dart back toward the doors Nesta just left through, hope threatening to flutter and bloom within him. He doesn’t offer an explanation or even a goodbye before he’s running through the doors as well. He steps out into the cool, night air, head whipping back and forth before he spots where Nesta is walking down the path toward the parking lot.
“Nes!” Cassian calls after her, running down the path. “Nesta, wait up!”
Nesta’s shoulders rise and fall with a sigh, but she at least stops, turning around to face. “What do you want, Cassian?”
Cassian catches up to her, taking a moment to catch his breath before squaring his shoulders. “You’re not going out with Balthazar.”
“What?” Nesta splutters, looking at him with wide eyes. “You can’t just—”
“You’re not going out with him,” Cassian repeats, cutting her off. “Because he doesn’t know that you cry every time you watch the movie Brave. Or that when you’ve had a long or a hard day, you like to watch Pride and Prejudice to feel better. He doesn’t know how your eyes always light up when you’re excited about something or that you get that cute little crease between your eyebrows when you’re annoyed. He doesn’t know that you’d do anything for your sisters. Doesn’t know what makes you laugh or that when you’re dancing, it’s when you feel the most free. He doesn’t know you, Nes, and he doesn’t… he doesn’t love you like I do.”
The confession hangs in the air between them, Cassian’s heart firmly lodged in his throat, in his hand outstretched toward her. He tries to count the seconds in his head, starts to wonder if he should backtrack, but then Nesta is moving. She steps closer, fisting her hands into his leather jacket and tugging at the same moment she presses up onto her toes. Their lips collide, and Cassian doesn’t even waste a second, bringing his hands up to cradle her face and kissing her back with everything he has.
When they finally pull apart, Nesta laughs, the sound bright and beautiful. Cassian’s answering grin is wide, and he drops his forehead to rest against hers. He keeps his arms tight around her, tucking that sound, tucking the warmth and happiness of this moment, of her, close to his heart.
“Took you long enough, you idiot.”
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woollenpharaohs · 2 years
“There is no Belgian record that was so eagerly anticipated as From Deewee, the new Soulwax. It says a lot about the hero status that Stephen and David Dewaele enjoy. However, they too were once just long-haired rockers with a musical dream. Photographer Bruno De Cock stood (closely) and looked at it.
They now operate from a hyper-modern sanctuary in Ghent, but the first Soulwax seeds were planted in the garden house of one of the grandparents on the Waterspoorbaan in Ghent. Drummer Piet Dierickx in front of his grandparents' garden house. David, the youngest Dewaele, rehearsed there with his group, in which bassist Stefaan Van Leuven and drummer Piet Dierickx also played', says photographer Bruno De Cock, who closely followed Soulwax in his early years. captured the sensitive plate. “One day I went to see one such rehearsal with Stephen, my classmate and good friend. We did that half-laughing, but it was already clear then that Stephen wanted to participate.' He joined the group, and Soulwax was born. Envy It soon became clear that this was not the umpteenth average rock group. These guys had too much drive and tons of ambition for that. “Back then, you were quickly viewed as skewed if you were ambitious,” says De Cock.
“At that time, groups were stuck in their niche, they didn't want more. Soulwax does, I immediately realized that. On top of that, they also just had tons of talent, everyone could see that. I remember getting chills regularly when I saw them at rehearsals. They believed in what they were doing, so we as bystanders started to believe in it too." In the beginning, the success of the band was sometimes scorned that they had it easy' with a father like Jackie 'Zaki' Dewaele, a radio and television presenter who had amassed a certain name and fame in Flanders with his music programs.
"It's a shame that sometimes people reacted jealously. Soulwax has certainly traveled its course under its own power. People like Zaki or their aunt Arlette (Vereecke, ed.), then Guns N' Roses press officer and guitarist Slash's love, were mainly a source of inspiration. They showed the boys that it was possible to make it. Although it is still not entirely clear to me whether Arlette was really an aunt of theirs or not…' 
To this day, the Dewaeles are regularly worn by perfectionists, workaholics and notorious music nerds. It was no different in the early years. At home, the brothers had an extensive music collection at their disposal, which they eagerly took in. They often spent whole afternoons listening to music or watching clips on their large television. 'As teenagers, the Dewaeles were already walking music encyclopedias,' says Bruno De Cock. 'We sometimes did music quizzes with friends in Stephen's student room, he just knew everything. And David could use it too. From the popular top 30 stuff to the most obscure stuff, they soaked it all up like a sponge. We just could never win.” 
Stephen was DJing back then, without David at the time. He combined his music knowledge with his sense of eclecticism. De Cock: 'Never before had I seen a DJ combine Motörhead with funk from the 1970s. Nobody did such a thing. That limitlessness was already in their own music back then.” As the eldest of the gang, Stephen quickly pulled the sheets to himself. He had a clear vision of the music and the concept of the group, and acted like a true art director: everything had to be right, right down to the smallest details. Not only the music, but also the look of the band and the records. “I made their press photos and artwork at the time, but even that was sometimes a hell of a job. For the cover of the first EP 2nd Handsome Blues I made hundreds of Polaroids in an old laundromat. In the end they didn't know which one to choose, so it became a poster with all the photos on the front, and the text on the back. Again, only they did such things.”
In addition to being hard workers, the Dewaeles have always had the image of good kids. Guys who know how to make a party explode, but not how to achieve ecstasy themselves. “That image is correct,” says De Cock. “In the past, they were regarded as misfits in that way. Everyone smoked a joint at parties, and most did more than that. But not him. Stephen did not smoke, drink or do drugs. Most of all, he was on the dance floor at 3 a.m. between the druggies, shoving a camera under their noses. That fascinated him, why people did such things. Besides, he had enough weird traits of his own to be able to party without aids.”
"We were also a bit older than the rest of the group, felt we were above those drugs. We dared to laugh about that. For the 18-year-old Stephen, there may have been a kind of urge to prove against those 14-year-old pants. Today Piet is the tough, bearded drummer of Drums Are For Parades, but just look at what a baby face he had with Soulwax at the time. Then you start to understand Stephen.' (laughs) Soulwax made more and more appearances in the nineties, and became part of a scene with Belgian bands from different cities. The Dewaeles were regularly programmed together with bands such as dEUS and Fifty Foot Combo. They inspired each other. Steven Janssens – known from The Whodads and Daan – was a striking figure in Belgian music with his fat rockabilly crest.
“David looked up to Steven very much. They were both gearsluts, you had to hear David talk about his Plexiglas guitar. He learned new techniques from Steven, he was a bit of David's teacher. On the day of the photo above, they happened to be sharing the same poster, but when they weren't performing themselves, they acted as each other's roadies. It was a crazy relationship that the two had.' Early promise Soulwax's current, electro-based sound can hardly be compared with the music they made in their early years. Their former idols were the stoner rockers of Kyuss, The Black Crows and Masters Of Reality, the group of Chris Goss. The latter was enlisted as the producer of their first full-length album, Leave The Story Untold. 
‘That record may sound very 90s, but on the other hand it also contains very sophisticated elements. They were already cutting and pasting, and playing recordings backwards. With all his experience, Goss managed to put the pieces of the puzzle together, but the ideas and creative input did not come from the producer, but from the Dewaeles themselves. And that is no different today.'
 Bruno De Cock now works for Doctors Without Borders, where he is responsible for the photo productions and the database manager. Contact with the Soulwax boys has now dwindled, he says. Although he regrets that he did not experience their real heyday: 'It is a pity that I was never able to go to America, yes. Those must have been crazy times. But on the other hand: going on tour with a lot of friends, that can get out of hand sometimes.' (laughs)” [Rest of article is inaccessible]
- Soulwax, how it started: 'Everyone smoked joints, except the Dewaeles' - Knack Focus, 23/03/2017. (Tranlsated using google translate)
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smutbymia · 3 years
hiiii can i request a smut with ex bf turned fwb jaehyun where he still loves y/n thats why he agreed on that setup but he gets y/n pregnant along the way djsjajhaa thank youuu it could be fluffy at the end thankbyooouu ❤️
You pushed through the front doors of a restaurant bar, scanning the space for your high school friends. It had been a few years since you first graduated and even though you kept in touch with them it wasn’t easy for all of you to meet up due to your busy schedules. 
You saw a few hands waving you down from across the room and walked over, smiling. 
“Great, you all got here at the same time,” said your friend Lia. You were confused at her comment until you turned around, only to see that there was a group of guys behind you that had entered just after you did. And one of the boys in that group happened to be someone you were very familiar with. 
Going to an all-girls school was supposed to help you focus more on your studies and have less distractions but that was all useless considering the fact that there was an all boys school right across the street. You remembered the days when droves of school kids would hang around the entrances trying their best to look nonchalant while they whispered amongst their friends about the boys that they found attractive until it was time to head home for the day. 
Most didn’t dare approach the opposite sex on the other side of the street,  except Lia’s cousin Johnny happened to be a student at the boys school and so he would often use “picking her up from school” as an excuse to hang around the front gates of the girls academy. Lia’s parents traveled a lot for work and so during the school year aside from some weekends, she would stay with Johnny, her aunt, and uncle since her family home was in the next town over. 
That was what led you to meeting your ex-boyfriend Jaehyun. He was handsome and cute all in one and even back then the girls would drool over him, however he was extremely unapproachable in the eyes of many. The day you met, you had gone to the convenience store near school with Lia. The two of you sat outside on top of one of the tables with your legs outstretched as you typically did. Lia was ranting about a drama she had been watching and eating ice cream and you were scribbling clothing designs in the mini sketchbook that you always carried around when Johnny turned the corner with a group of his friends following closely behind.
“Look who it is,” he said as he threw his backpack onto the empty benches you rested your feet on. The rest of his friends followed suit throwing their bags as you and Lia shrieked, lifting your legs out of the way just in time as they made their way into the convenience store. Except one boy walked calmly towards the door, dropping his bag on the table next to you without even looking up once from the book he carried in his hand. 
That day they hung around eating snacks and causing a ruckus but Jaehyun was very easy going. You couldn’t help but steal glances at him as he ran his fingers through his hair and skimmed through his textbook which happened to be about computer programming. He suddenly glanced up and realized the two of you were the only ones sitting around the table while Lia and the other boys all fooled around nearby, gaming on their phones and dribbling around a basketball. 
He yawned and shut his book as he leaned forward on the table, eyes glued on yours as you felt heat rush to your cheeks.
“What are you doing?” he questioned, gesturing towards your sketchpad. 
“D-drawing,” you stammered embarrassingly. The corner of his mouth raised into a gentle smirk as he caught onto the nervousness in your tone of voice. He scooted over next to you and you could feel the air leave your lungs. 
Just as he leaned over to peak at what you were drawing, you slammed the sketch book shut, not wanting him to see the sketch you had drawn of him reading.
“Are they... naughty drawings?” he teased.
“No, no of course not. Not at all!” you protested getting more and more embarrassed by the way he smiled at you. You slipped the sketchpad into your bag, and got up from your spot next to him. You turned to Lia.
“It’s getting late, I should go,” you said to her. She instinctively started to collect her belongings too but Johnny stopped him. 
“Jaehyun lives on her street so he can take her. I need you to come with me to the store. Mom’s birthday is this weekend and I have no clue what to get her,” he whined. Before you could get a word in, the group had split and gone their separate ways leaving the two of you alone. 
Living on the same street is what brought you closer. Jaehyun started walking you home whenever you happened to hang out with Johnny and his friends and the two of you would sometime stop on the way home for bubble tea, or at stationary shops when you needed art supplies. Eventually he started meeting you at the end of your street each morning before school and even on the weekends at the park in your neighbourhood. Eventually the two of you started to secretly date and were known as the “it” couple between the all boys and all girl school once your secret got out just before graduation.
You maintained the relationship through your last summer before going your separate ways once university started. You still remembered sharing so many of your firsts with Jaehyun. Your first date, your first relationship and your first kiss. 
And now here he was years later sitting across from you like he did back in high school. It would have been awkward had your friends slowed down with the drinking. Instead, after a few short chats about what everyone was up to and a bunch of shots later they were all stumbling out into cabs or moaning at the table about missing each other. 
You and Jaehyun had always been the tame ones out of the bunch so the two of you took turns getting the remainder of your friends into cabs until it was just the two of you left. You stood outside the bar with him after getting Johnny into the last cab and sending him off. Jaehyun sighed as he stood next to you on the sidewalk. 
“They’re such a handful,” he complained. You chuckled softly in agreement. 
“Yeah, they totally sobered me up,” you whined, “what a waste.”
“Well it wouldn’t be fair for us to go home sober, would it?” he asked with that same mischievous smirk he always pulled out. 
That led to the two of you going to the nearest convenience store which coincidentally happened to be the one near your old schools, taking shots of soju outside on the dining tables. The two of you reminisced, while avoiding the topic of your former romance until you both decided it was time to head home.
Both of your families had moved from your old neighbourhood but you did still live nearby after finishing school. Jaehyun offered to walk you home despite your refusals. He insisted. And of course, as if it was planned by the Gods themselves, just as you arrived it started to rain. You knew it would be rude to leave him drunk and alone to hail a cab and so you reluctantly invited him into your place to wait until the rain eased up a bit more. 
A mixture of the alcohol and the tension between the two of you that had been building all night led to you pressed against the door of your apartment which you locked behind you, and Jaehyun hovering in front of your face. 
“W-we shouldn’t right?” he started in a whisper, “because...” 
His arms gripped your waist and you watched as he tried to focus on thinking coherently instead of letting the alcohol scramble his brain as his eyes scanned yours for a reaction. It looked like he needed you to finish the sentence because he was struggling to find a good reason as to why he should stop himself from taking your right there in the entrance of your place. 
You couldn’t lie to yourself. You were dying to get a taste of him. He had matured nicely, his muscular frame filling out his clothing. You ran hands over his arms, 
“Fuck it, J-just this once,” you said quietly as you trailed your hands up to his neck and drew him in for a kiss. You could feel Jaehyun relax in your embrace as his lips met yours softly. There was no urgency in his actions. He parted his lips and slipped his tongue into your mouth, deepening the kiss. He kissed you like he had been yearning to do so. 
As much as the romantic mood touched your heart, you needed more to be satisfied and so you took it upon yourself to intensify things. You captured his bottom lip between your teeth and tugged softly. You caught him by surprise as he momentarily opened his eyes. You could see his gaze transform into something a little darker before trailing kisses down his neck. Jaehyuns breathing grew heavy as he flattened the palm of his hand against the door behind you to steady himself. He pushed his hips forward, letting you feel how excited he was, drawing a low moan from his lips. 
“Bed,” you gasped as Jaehyun let his hands wander across your body gripping your ass and making their way back up as he explored every curve he could reach, “now. Before we do anything else, I need you in my bed.”
Jaehyun smirked at the desperation in your voice as you two rushed to kick off your shoes. You walked briskly through your apartment towards your bedroom. Jaehyun however lingered, taking in the space, stopping to look at artwork on the walls and look at photo frames. 
“Jae,” you whined as you paused at your doorway, frustrated that he wasn’t right behind you. Jaehyuns heart fluttered from hearing the nickname you called him after such a long time as he put down a frame he had in his hands. 
He laughed as he approached you, leaning down to plant a soft kiss on your lips before catching himself. He stood tall again, letting out a deep breath.
“Sorry,” he said as he stepped into your room, lifting his shirt above his head and turning back around to face you. You stood frozen taking in his muscular frame with your mouth frozen in a gasp. 
“You- you really matured well,” you said as you crossed the room to place your hands on his chest. His dimples became visible as he moved to stand behind you. He lifted your shirt over your head and unclasped your bra from behind, looking over your shoulder down your chest as the garment fell to the ground to expose your bare chest. He wrapped his hands around your body, squeezing at the soft flesh as he trailed kisses down your neck and pressed himself against your behind. You gasped softly at the way his fingers ran back and forth over your nipples, sending electricity racing through your body, letting your head fall back to rest on his chest. 
Jaheyun moved his hands down your stomach until he reached the waistband of your jeans, undoing the button and lowering the zipper, not waiting any longer. He slipped his hand into your underwear, dipping his digits between your folds as you cried out his name in satisfaction from finally being touched. 
You gripped his thigh behind you, steadying yourself as you shifted your legs to open them up wider in order to give him more access to your core. You could feel your knees buckled as he drew circles under the hood of you folds directly over your clit. Jaehyun adjusted his grip on your body, holding you up when he realized you were growing weak under his touch. He was impressed at your ability to hold back your pleasure.
“That’s my good girl. You’re doing so well. I need you nice and wet,” he cooed as the sound of your wetness echoed with every occasional dip of his fingers towards your entrance before he drew your juices back up to wet your sensitive bud. 
“I can’t last much longer,” you whined. Jaehyun slowed the assault on your clit and instead flattened his hand between your legs, gripping your entire core without moving as he allowed you to regain your composure. You couldn’t help yourself as you slowly rutted against his hand. He chucked softly behind you. 
“Hey, don’t cum yet,” he whined back as he squeezed at your center, slowing your ruts and making your mind go fuzzy, “I want to feel you first.” 
You couldn’t believe this was the same sweet but mischievous boy you had known for so long. He slipped his hand back out from between your legs and pulled your pants down from over your hips until you had undressed entirely. He motioned for you to get on the bed as you watched him undress, pumping his length between his fist as he hovered over you. 
You sat up on your legs, spreading them as you reached for him wanting to take him into your mouth. Jaehyun stood rested a knee on the bed as he stood, letting you lick softly at the head of his dick as he grunted, just as you covered it with your mouth and felt him jerk forward into you. You whimpered softly feeling him push himself back and forth over your tongue as you hollowed out your cheeks and pumped along his shaft. He grew harder with every stroke until he couldn’t take it anymore and gripped your chin as he slid himself out from between your lips. 
“Fuck,” he gasped as he let himself fall onto the bed beside you, propped up by only his elbows. You took the opportunity to climb on top of him, straddling his hips as you hovered above him, dropping your head down to kiss him and silently guiding him to lay down. 
He ran his hand down your sides and over your back as you felt him fumble with himself before positioning himself at your entrance, letting you sink down onto him. The sound the two of you made as your bodies connected at their cores had you whimpering along with the sensation of being filled up completely. 
Jaehyun brushed a strand of hair behind your ear as he gripped at your face, cursing as you took more and more of him into you. 
“Are you sure you can take it all?” he murmured, planting kisses across your cheeks. You nodded shakily, focusing as you felt your abdomen grow tighter the further you sunk down, feeling as though you were running out of space until you felt your rear end finally make contact with his balls. You let out a shriek as Jaehyun let out a dreamy moan, head falling back into the pillows as you settled comfortably around him. 
“Shit, that feels so amazing,” he whimpered. You planted your hands firmly on his chest, sitting up and rotating your hips slowly on top of him as you adjusted to his size. Curse words fell from his lips as he gripped at your hips, slowly and gently fucking up into you every time you circled your waist. 
His thrusts grew more frantic as you started to lift yourself with each rotation of your hips, letting yourself slam back down into his thrusts. The two of you grunted, quickening the pace. As you both grew more desperate, Jaehyun repositioned himself, wrapping his entire arm around your waist as he propped himself up with the other so that he was in a seated position. He bent his knees slightly, planting soles of his feet against the mattress to steady the both of you as he used his strength to jerk his hips right up into your opening so you didn’t have to exert as much energy, and allowing him to control the pace. 
The combination of his thrusts along with the way your clit conveniently brushed against his his lower abdomen sent you into a spiral. You fell apart instantaneously. The feeling of your body clenching around him had Jaehyun releasing himself into you as your name spilled from his lips. The two of you could only keep your eyes open long enough to clean yourselves up a bit before you both fell asleep in your bed. 
The next morning wasn’t awkward at all, thankfully. The two of you woke up and showered, and decided to go out for some coffee and breakfast at a nearby cafe before taking a walk at a park near your place. The conversation was easy. It was officially the weekend and so neither of you were preoccupied with many other responsibilities. Despite the very intimate sex, things otherwise seemed normal. 
“I should probably go back to my place,” Jaehyun said as he gestured towards his clothing. You had already spent a few hours together and had totally forgotten about the fact that he was still wearing last nights clothes. 
“Oh... shit, yeah. I lost track of time,” you said sheepishly. He smiled sweetly. 
“Me too,” he responded hesitating before continuing, “about last night...”
You could feel heat spread across your cheeks. 
“Don’t worry. It was nothing,” you said quickly out of embarassment. 
Jaehyun looked perplexed, then a bit frustrated. You knew him well enough to know that you had ticked him off. Just as he opened his mouth to tell you off, you interrupted him.
“Wait, no! What I meant to say was that it was amazing but I also totally understand that it was a spur of the moment thing,” you said as you grabbed one of his hands to grasp in between yours.
Jaehyun nodded, letting out a sigh and trying not to let the disappointment show too much on his face. 
“Text me so I know you got home safe,” he said as he removed his hand from your grasp. You nodded, and said your goodbyes as the two of you went your separate ways. 
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t thinking about that night since it happened. A week had gone by and even though you and Jaehyun kept in loose and casual contact through text, you still couldn’t stop thinking about him. You couldn’t satisfy yourself either. Nothing felt quite as satisfying as his touch and it was starting to wind you up. 
You were getting ready for Johnny’s birthday party when there was a knock at your door that you weren’t expecting. 
“Oh, hey...” you said. 
You were very surprised to find Jaehyun standing on the other side. He already smelled of alcohol but didn’t seem to be too wasted. 
“Sorry I was going to call but my phone died when I was out with my coworkers,” he mumbled, “do you mind?”
He held his phone up and you stepped aside, letting him enter your apartment and lending him your phone charger.  He was also going to Johnny’s place later for his party in a few hours and according to him he was in the area. He sat quietly in the living room for most of the time. As you were finishing up your makeup, he knocked softly on the bathroom door. 
“What’s up?” you asked in a monotone voice as he opened the door. You were focused on your own reflection applying your mascara. 
“Hey, do you have anything to drink? I think the party already started and everyone already started drinking so I thought it would be a good idea to start now so that we could catch up,” he said as he scrolled through his phone texting what was most likely the boys’ group chat. 
“Yeah, check the cabinet above the fridge,” you said. Jaehyun hovered in the doorway watching you for a moment.
“Is everything okay? I spoke with Lia earlier. She said you’ve been a little... bratty this week,” he said. You turned to glare at him but he raised his eyebrows, challenging you to kick an attitude with him. If there was anyone who didn’t tolerate your moodiness it was Jaehyun. 
“Did something happen?” he asked. You shook your head no. 
“I don’t know I just feel a little.. tense, I guess. It will pass,” you mumbled as you touched up your lipstick in the mirror next. 
Jaehyun stepped behind you, catching off guard. He stood close to you as he locked eyes with you in the mirror. You watched as his hands disappeared behind you before you felt him pull the zipper of your dress up. You had forgotten to do it up earlier when you first put it on. 
“Maybe drinking will help. C’mon,” he started as he took the lipstick from between your fingers and closed the lid before resting it on your counter and pulling you out of the bathroom, “you already look perfect.” 
The two of you took a few shots in your kitchen. The alcohol did help a bit but not entirely. You rotated your head, stretching your neck out as you sighed deeply. Jaehyun was buzzed and in a much better mood than you were, he knocked back another drink before moving behind you and massaging at your neck. 
“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong now?” he asked. You took a deep breath as his fingers worked against your skin and you leaned back just slightly into him, closing your eyes. 
You shook your head. He continued to massage out the kinks in your neck as he watched the tension slowly slip away from your face, smiling. It wasn’t until you started to let soft moans slip from your mouth that he froze momentarily. 
“Jae, don’t stop,” you whimpered, “please.” 
He felt himself harden just from the tone of your voice. He had to catch himself when he found himself instinctively leaning down towards your neck to drag his tongue across your skin. 
Your eyes fluttered open as you craned your neck to look up at him, wondering why he had stopped his massage. His eyes were glazed over and you felt that tension ease its way back. 
“O-one more time” you whispered. 
“What?” he question, not understanding what you were referring to. 
“For fucks sake, Jae!” you groaned. Turning around and pull him closer to you as your lips hovered in front of his.
“I can’t be drunk around you like this without caving and literally nothing satisfies me anymore after last week so let’s do this one last time and then you have to promise not to come back here again,” you said, words spilling uncontrollably for your mouth as you began unbuttoning his shirt.
He stopped you, gripping your hands. 
“Wait, is that what’s been bothering you all week? You needed sex?” he asked, baffled. You felt your cheeks heat up, suddenly feeling a bit ashamed. 
“Y/n... look at me,” he said as you lifted your gaze to meet his. He slipped his index finger under your chin. 
“If that’s all that you need to feel better then you know you can call me anytime, right?” he said, smirking. His heart tensed up a bit when he put the offer on the table. You nodded, head spinning from the alcohol. 
“Alright, we’re already late,” he said as he abruptly lifted you up onto the kitchen counter behind you and hiked up your dress, slipping your thong down past your ankles and discarding it onto the floor.
He pulled your mouth to his, not wasting time letting his tongue massage into your mouth as he let his fingers work at your clit the way he knew would have you dripping in just a few seconds. He unzipped his pants, pushing them down just far enough for him to free himself. He was already hard enough to push into you, slipping easily through your folds and deep into your entrance. He drew a high pitched moan from your lips as he thrusted into you quickly. 
Even though it was much easier to take him this time, you still were very taken aback by the way he made you feel so full. 
“Anytime you want, anywhere you want,” he grunted as he slammed his hips forward, palming your breasts through your silk mini dress, “And however you want! I’ll take care of you” 
You felt a weeks worth of frustration build up in your core as you felt your orgasm approach you. You gasped for air, slapping your hands against his shoulder to get him to slow down as you pleaded, “f-from behind. I need you from behind, please!”
Jaehyun didn’t miss a beat. He lifted you off of the counter before slipping himself out of you just long enough to turn you over and bend you over the same counter before snapping his hips back into you again. 
“Harder,” you begged and he complied. You felt him tighten his grip around your waist and rope his fingers into your hair as he jerked his hips forward, not slowing as you came, soaking him from the inside. You screamed out his name as he kept up his pace. 
“Be a good girl and hold on a little longer, okay? I’m almost there,” he said through gritted teeth. Every thrust left you tingling as your walls squeezed around his cock, just as you felt him release into you and collapse onto your back as he caught his breath. Your moment of bliss was interrupted by the ringing of Jaehyun’s phone. 
“Shit, our uber is here,” he chuckled. The two of you cleaned up as quickly as you could before heading out to the party. You touched up your hair and makeup in the car, cursing Jaehyun for ruining your hard work even though he insisted that you looked totally fine. 
That was the beginning of what became a really rewarding arrangement. Jaehyun kept his promise. He would come by your place after work some days, and did a great job of keeping you satisfied, going down on you in the middle of netflix marathons or fucking you against the wall of your shower. He even picked you up from your office, slipping his fingers into your undies and making you cum on his fingers behind tinted windows in the middle of traffic. The best days were the ones where he would sleep over at your place. It was nearly impossible to have a bad day when it started off on such a positive note and there was a noticeable shift in your mood. Until... something happened. 
Your vision was blurred by your tears, as you swiped at your eyes. You desperately wished that you were dreaming. You stared at the pregnancy test you held between your fingers as you sat on your couch sobbing at the results. You had really fucked up this time. All the constant running around and travelling between your place and Jaehyun’s had caused you to accidentally forget to take your pill one day. You had gotten back on schedule but it was too late. The test in your hand proved that it was a big enough mistake for you to end up pregnant. 
You were so shaken up that you called out of work for a week very suddenly. You ignored calls from everyone, including Jaehyun and even lied to Lia about being under the weather to keep everyone from reaching out. Jaehyun kept his distance at first. You both had kept your arrangement secret from your friends and so he wasn’t exactly in a position where he could ask around too much about you. After not hearing back from you after a few days he couldn’t take it anymore and showed up at your doorstep. 
“Y/n,” he pleaded through the door, “don’t do this to me. I know you’re in there. Just let me in so I can at least see if you’re alright.” 
You hesitated before opening the door. He stormed in right away. 
“What the HELL has been going on? You know how worried I’ve been?” he asked. He was raging. You knew ignoring him would most likely lead to such a reaction but you could barely cope with your current situation. 
“I can’t even ask your friends about you because you wanted to keep this a secret. Why haven’t you at least aswered my texts? Even Johnny hasn’t mentioned anything. I’ve been losing my mind trying to get a hold of you,” he scolded. 
You sat next to him on your couch before bursting into tears, sobbing your eyes out. Jaehyun was so startled he immediately moved from his seat to crouch down in front of you. 
“Oh my God, y/n,” he said, reaching out to hold your hands, “What’s wrong? You know you can trust me with anything. Whatever it is, I’ll --” 
You interrupted him, “I’m such an idiot. I thought it would be okay but I missed a day and now - now i-- i’m so so so sorry” you sobbed. 
“What... what do you mean?” he asked, confused. 
You took a shaky breath before whispering, “I’m pregnant.” 
The silence in the room was deafening. Jaehyun had all but collapsed to the ground into a seated position, breathing deeply. 
“Oh, thank GOD,” he said when he finally found the words to speak. 
You couldn’t even believe what you were hearing. 
“So you’re okay then? Oh, thank God,” he said as he let out a sigh of relief. 
“N-no, i’m not okay Jae!” you yelled, tears filling your eyes, “I don’t know what to do, I-i don’t know if I can be a mom! We were supposed to just be messing around... why aren’t you freaking out.”
Jaehyun’s heart sank and you watched tears fill his eyes next. 
“Aren’t you scared too?” you asked him as you broke down, sitting in front of him on the floor. 
“Actually... I-i’m really happy, y/n,” he began, getting choked up.
You threw yourself into his arms. “I’m sorry. I know you’re just saying the right thing. Neither of us planned on this happening. I’m just in shock,” you said. 
Jaehyun wrapped his arms around you, stroking your shoulder as you rested your head against his chest. 
“I’m really excited to be a dad. If you want to go through this, at least,” he said. His words resonated with you deeply and for the first time you imagined what it would be like. 
“Do you... really want to do this? I just feel awful. It’s all my fault” you whispered.  
“Listen to me, y/n,” he said. You nodded, trying your best to look strong as you wiped tears from your eyes. 
“I’m having a baby with the love of my life! I think this might be the best day of my life,” he said as he flashed a dimpled smile. 
Your mouth fell open at his sudden confession. 
“Oh please, don’t act all surprised,” Jaheyun said as he sprinkled kisses over your face, making you laugh for the first time in days.  
“I love you too, Jae. You’re going to be the best dad,” you said as he violently attacked your face with affection. 
He froze, holding your face between his hands. 
“Does that mean we’re really doing this?” he asked excitedly. You nodded your head, smiling back at him. 
“I hope it’s a girl,” he blurted out. You both bursted out into laughter before he continued quietly, “... and then two more boys, then another girl, and then...” 
“Oh my God, Jae...” you groaned as you swatted at his chest. 
He reached out to run his fingers across your belly though it was way too early for you to show. 
“Sorry, I just can’t believe I really did this. Filled you up so much that I actually get to have a little one,” he muttered as his hands started to wander again. 
You felt your body heat up as he closed the gap between the two of you on the floor and drew you in for a deep kiss. 
“This is exactly what got us into this mess in the first place,” you joked. 
“Yeah well since we’re already here we may as well make the most of it for the rest our lives, right mama?” he said sweetly. 
And as expected, Jaehyun kept his promise. He stood proudly by your side through everything from telling your friends, to breaking the news to your families. As days went on you became increasingly excited about the future and felt so lucky to have ended up in such an interesting situation with the perfect man. 
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sleepy-belphie · 4 years
I have a request if you’re up for it. An MC who just arrived in the Devildom who’s lover just dumped them the day prior. The bros know MC isn’t emotionally or romantically available at the time but the bros still fall in love regardless. How will the bros handle the situation? Thank you! 🙏💗
Hi! I sort of took this idea and ran with it and wrote basically a headcanon short story for each bro lmao. Sorry I got a bit carried away but I hope you like this and it satisfies you! :) 
Also thank you so much @midnight-dome for the help with Asmo, you’re a lifesaver
Tags: @kawaiiblack
The success of the program depends on your wellbeing
So he checks in on you every other day like clockwork 
“Is there anything you need to make your stay more comfortable?”
You always say no
At first, he’s glad you’re staying in 
Because it means less trouble for him
But when you skip all of your classes one day, he comes to your room ready to give you a firm reminder of your tasks here
He’s about to knock when he hears you sob 
Now, Lucifer has heard a lot of crying in his life
But he’s never heard someone sound so completely broken
He shocks himself when he turns on his heels and walks away
He shocks himself even more when he texts the group chat and demands everyone leaves you alone for the day
That evening he comes into your room with a small plate of food
By then you were are least on top of your sheets
You knew he was gonna ask the same question as always
But this time, his words were different
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
He simply nods
And though he didn’t outright say what he meant by help, you knew
“I...don’t know?”
“Hm, okay. I’m going to listen to some music in my study. The door will be unlocked should you wish to join me.”
Then he’s gone
The few precious moments Lucifer isn’t working, he prefers to not be disturbed
So why on earth did he invite you to join him in his study?
He doesn’t have time to ponder it because the door opens and you come in with a blanket wrapped around you
The first night you both listen in comfortable silence
A few nights in, you start asking Lucifer about the records he puts on and he has no qualms educating you on it
On night 10 you tell him about the breakup
Once you’re done he, again, asks the same question
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
‘You’ve done more than enough to help me Lucifer, thank you.”
He finds himself blushing from the sincerity in your eyes and the warmth in your smile
That night you fall asleep before the record finishes
Surely you’d wake up aching if he left you in a chair
So he picks you up, carries you to your room, and tucks you into bed carefully
He tells himself he’s doing it for Diavolo
It’s for the program, this is his job
He’s gonna need time to accept his own feelings before he can tell you anything
For now, he’ll keep doing his “job” and spending evenings with you
He didn’t want to be your babysitter
He was a busy guy! He had stuff to do, money to make, things to steal
Some days he gets Beelzebub to keep an eye on you so he can do what he wants
One night in particular he heads to your room to make sure you won’t interfere with his plans
“Yo! The Great Mammon has things to do so don’t-”
He pauses when he sees you sitting on your bed with your headphones plugged into your laptop
He would have assumed you were just watching a sad movie by the tears streaks on your face
But the pain in your eyes…
He’s seen that look before
His brothers held that same look the day they fell from Heaven and lost Lilith
Mammon sits on the bed and you jump, finally noticing him
You expected him to make fun of you but instead, he grabs the tissue box on your bedside table and hands it to you
He glances at your laptop to see what you were watching and sees a paused video of you and someone else
You tell him about the breakup and Mammon listens closely
“What a jerk! Ya deserve better than that! I’d teach ‘em a lesson if they ever showed their face around here!”
You smile for the first time since he came in the room and he feels like he’s done something right
“How about we get some late-night food? I know a 24-hour restaurant with the best baked newt ever. Your treat.”
He’s shocked when you agree
He makes a point to hang out with you more often
He can’t recall exactly when you went from “a human” to “his human” 
Maybe it was when you held his hand while you erased all your photos and videos of your ex from your computer
Or when you texted him at 3am because you couldn’t sleep and before he could even think about it he was up and on his way to your room
Or when he spotted you in one of his jackets while walking home from RAD
But his greed was kicking in and he wanted you to be his and only his
However, much like he puts himself first, he knows you need to do the same
So though his nature and mind wants to kiss you silly and have you for himself
Part of him knows he’ll ruin things if he lets his greed take over
So he’ll fight his nature and try his best to be patient
He had been playing one of his games online
He’s on a big winning streak and feeling a bit cocky
He sees he’s been matched with someone else so he gets into gamer mode 
Then he loses the first round
He’s a bit shocked and pissed that his streak was now broken but he has to prove his superiority to whoever this opponent was
So he rematches them
And loses again
And again
He loses 7 rounds in a row
By this point he is fuming
So like any salty gamer he sends a very lengthy, angry message to their inbox
Accusing them of using cheats and hacks because there was no way anyone was more skilled than him at this game
He gets a reply a few minutes later
“Um.....is this Leviathan? Avatar of Envy? It’s MC…”
You knew it was Levi because his username is the same across all his social media platforms
Cue Levi barreling into your room a minute later
“How are you so good!? You’re cheating, aren’t you!? You cheater!’
You weren’t cheating, you just had been playing games day in and day out to distract yourself so you got really good at it
Levi all but demands you to come to his room and show him what you know
You were already playing all night anyway so why not play with someone? 
Initially, Levi would have you come over just to show him your tactics 
(Also to get some team wins on his stats because he never has anyone to play with)
But you were actually pretty chill for a normie
Maybe if he exposed you to his otaku ways you would take to them and he wouldn’t be the only one in the house anymore!
You don’t become an otaku but you do get invested in almost every anime he shows you
He starts inviting you over for midnight premieres of new episodes
He starts buying extra merch because what if you wanted one?
He was used to disproving looks from his brothers when he mass buys stuff from Akuzon
But you only smile and listen when he tells you about his new special edition item
You never once judged him and his unconventional ways
This epiphany makes him extra nervous for your weekly hangouts
It was only a matter of time before you came across a break up in an anime
When the episode ended you told him about your break up and how the protagonist reminded you of yourself because they also were taking a break from love
Levi has seen this anime before actually
He remembers how the protagonist reacted to a side character confessing to them and it went bad
So while he knows he likes you, he holds off on saying anything because the last thing he wants is to be a bad story arc in your life
Lucky for him he’s always a flustered blushing mess so you shouldn’t suspect a thing
He is the Avatar of Wrath so whenever there is rage, he is aware
He feels anger radiating through the house one day and thinks his brothers are just fighting again
Imagine his surprise when he realizes the source of the anger is coming from your room
He walks in and sees you throwing things around and screaming, your room was destroyed
He sees you’re about to step on some glass and instantly swoops in and picks you up so you don’t hurt yourself
But then you curl up against him and burst into tears
He stands there, not quite sure what to do 
He ends up sitting on the bed and letting you cry for a while
You word vomit about your break up and he listens carefully and notes the anger welling up inside you as you speak
He knows all too well what anger can do to someone and a fragile human shouldn’t have to go through that
“Would you like some tea?”
He can spare 30 minutes for some small talk with the human if it meant that you wouldn’t be left in your thoughts
You look at him like he has three heads but agree because your room is a mess and you don’t wanna deal with it right now
Tea time becomes a daily occurrence and soon enough it escalates to full-on hangouts
Going to the bookstore, going to cat cafes, going wherever you wanted to really
One time you both took a day trip to the human world
Lucifer wasn’t happy to find out his brother and you were gone for an entire day but he lets it go when he sees that you’re smiling genuinely for the first time in weeks
What Satan didn’t expect was how these outings made him feel
He finds himself distracted from his books because he can’t stop thinking about how cute you looked holding that black cat at the cafe
Or how happy you looked when you took him to that ice cream shop in your hometown that you really love
He wakes up and you’re the first thing to pop into his mind
He’s not dumb, he knows he’s fallen in love
But he also knows this isn’t the right time, you aren’t ready
So he’ll keep being there for you as a friend
And if you ever want him to be there as something more, he’ll happily oblige
There was a movie night at the House of Lamentation
Today’s movie was an action movie, courtesy of Mammon
Amidst all the face punching and explosions, there was a budding romance between the main characters
After the third obnoxious makeout scene, you leave the room claiming you need to go to the restroom
But you leave just a *little* too fast and Asmo can feel something is up
And he thrives on gossip so he intends to find out what is it
He leaves the room a few minutes later and catches you in the hallway, determined to get you to spill the tea
You tell him about the breakup
He wasn’t prepared for the tea to be so bitter
“Oh. Well, you know what’s good for that? Face masks!” 
He had to save face somehow and beauty was his default
He’s a bit shocked when you agree but you both ditch movie night to do face masks and talk a bit
He decides to share a couple of bad date experiences he’s had to make you feel better
“Trust me, you haven’t felt embarrassment until you have someone vomit Enfield brains on your new pants and shoes while at one of the hottest clubs in the Devildom.”
You spent the entire night giggling and listening to his stories
Devildom products are surprisingly effective on your skin so you keep asking Asmo to show you new products
Plus his company is nice
Self-care days become a common occurrence
Then those self-care days become self-care sleepovers
He starts intentionally waiting to try anything new because he wants you to be there when he does
He buys more of those scented candles you told him smelled nice
A few weeks later you’re having a self-care sleepover again and you have this really cute focused look on your face while painting your nails
He knows he likes you, but this was different than his usual attraction
He didn’t want to fuck you
Well he did but not just fuck you
He wouldn’t mind if there was something more
But you routinely ended your self-care nights by yelling ‘Fuck love!’ at the top of your lungs and laughing
So he knows now isn’t the time and he’s actually okay with that
You were a sight to behold regardless of his relationship status with you
But he hopes you’ll indulge in him one day
Mammon keeps pushing his human watching duties on Beel
But he doesn’t really care because he’s being paid in cheesecake
After his third day of keeping an eye on you, he notices you aren’t eating much
Being the Avatar of Gluttony, this is basically a crime
He starts bringing extra snacks with him when he hangs out with you
“I think the chocolate flavor is better than the vanilla. What do you think?”
He actually doesn’t have a preference 
He just wants to know which snacks you like more so he can bring more of them
He makes a game out of it so you don’t think about how much you’re eating
“It motivates me to work out longer when I get a snack, could you help me?”
You sit on his back and after every pushup, you both eat a bit of whatever snack he has
He keeps going until he thinks you’ve eaten a decent amount
Or you say you’re getting full
Belphie notices that Beel is refilling his snack stash more often but he doesn’t say anything
Beel feels an immense sense of accomplishment when you finish your plate at dinner a few days later
Soon after you tell him about the breakup
“It hit me hard but you made it easier to cope, Beel. These hangouts are the highlight of my day so thank you.”
There’s a certain pang Beel gets in his stomach when he’s really hungry
Somehow your words made that pang happen in his chest
But this didn’t hurt him, quite the opposite actually
He felt good, he felt happy
It was strange for his stomach to be the quiet one while his heart went wild
But this wasn’t a change he minded too much
He wasn’t sure what to make of it but he knows he wants to figure it out with you
And he’ll take his time doing so because he liked how things were now
He’s intrigued by you after the first week of your stay
He’s never seen a human who slept as much as he did
Frankly, he was impressed
Until Lucifer informed everyone about your recent breakup and made it clear to not upset you
That’s when Belphie realized these were not the leisurely naps he takes, but depression naps
One day he sees you sleeping in the living room and you looked so distressed
Sleeping was meant to be a peaceful state but you looked so unhappy
So he wakes you up
“You’re in my sleeping spot.”
You weren’t in his sleeping spot.
“Oh sorry, I’ll move-”
“You’re already here. We can both fit.” 
Before you can protest he’s all comfy next to you and falling back asleep
Having another person next to you was kind of comforting so you let it go and go back to sleep
What you didn’t know was Belphie could partially influence your dreams
He can make them more pleasant but he can’t control what you dream about
He knows it works when he wakes up and you have a relaxed expression on your sleeping face
You wake up soon after looking confused
“Good dream?”
“I think? I had a dream I rode a unicorn to the moon then carved my initials into it?”
Napping together in the living room becomes a routine
And every time you woke up you told him about the dream you had with a small smile
A few weeks later he notices he no longer has to influence your dreams for them to be good
So he leaves you be and instead curls up in the attic for his afternoon nap
He wakes up a bit when he feels someone lay down next to him
It’s probably Beel
“Why didn’t you tell me you moved napping spots?”
His eyes open and he looks over to see you pouting at him
“I just sorta ended up here.”
“Well, I can’t nap without my cuddle buddy now can I?”
You’re teasing him and he should be annoyed
But he’s blushing
He spoons you to hide that fact, resting his forehead on your shoulder
But while your dreams were getting better, it didn’t mean you were ready to move on
So he just enjoys his intimate cuddling sessions with you and tries not to think too hard about the fact that he really likes how your body fits against his
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blackwidow-bby · 3 years
Never Be The Same- Mafia!Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Prompt: Mafia Boss au but y/n kidnaps the mafia boss
Warnings: Cursing, violence, gun mention and gun use, kidnapping
AN: I saw this prompt from a tiktok where someone asked "your favorite trope but reverse" so I did it.
It wasn't often that you got anonymous letters sent to you by someone looking for your "services". You had left the spy life years ago with a little help from the Witness Protection Program in order to pursue a much quieter life doing...well currently you were just working as a florist. Before that you cleaned headstones at the towns local graveyard, which was scarily a lot bigger than the town you were in. You had quit that job when you got the first anonymous letter on the steps of the shed where you kept your tools. The thought of someone knowing where you worked, hell, who you were, especially when they shouldn't spooked you more than working in the graveyard around sunset.
The request wasn't for anything serious. A simple adult-napping job of some woman. The stranger who left the note definitely specified that they wanted the target alive. It would have been an easy job with some extra cash to put in your pocket, but instead you jumped ship and quit that day and moved to another apartment complex. You even went so far as to get a P.O. Box instead of using the complex's mail. The threat wasn't that big to get the government involved in relocating you again.
You almost you wish you could go back in time to the early morning before you received the letter by some covered stranger. Your skin turned white when you saw the simple little envelope with your old agent code name; Viper.
Sneaky and deadly, you always knew the perfect moment to strike. Whoever this person was had to have also been an old agent from the same organization you worked for. That was the only way you could explain away the anxiety that boiled in the pit of your stomach. Once was an instance, but twice is a hobby, you decide you'll at least think about taking the job. Opening the envelope, your heart started to pound quickly inside its cage. You can't believe you were about to put yourself in this position after leaving it for so long.
The letter read:
Dear Viper;
It has been many years since the last time I've seen your face, the first time I thought you were a ghost. Certainly after seeing your face again, I knew for sure my mind wasn't fooling me. It is with a heavy heart that I ask for your help. Unfortunately a family member of mine had found themselves in trouble with a mafia member. Unable to keep their end of whatever bargain, the mob killed him. I need you to find the person who did this to my brother and bring them to me completely unharmed. I want them conscious, I want my face to be the last ting they see before I get revenge for a member of my family ceasing to live among those that loved them.
The target's name is Natasha Romanoff. At the bottom I've left a burner number and an address if you do decide to take my offer this time, the payment will be handsomely.
Much Thanks;
Natasha Romanoff? Sounds mafia enough to you. Gods, what a messed up situation to get into. Would it really be enough to possibly have to change your identity again? What if this person was important to this group and they decided to come after you? You sat in silence thinking for a long time if any of this was really worth it. There was a tiny voice that peeped up in the back of your mind. You had been kinda bored lately, this could be the spice you need to add back an old pep in your step.
It was decided. You'll get to work searching for this person in the morning. Wow, that took so much persuasion.
You got started early the next day. Definitely not due to not being able to sleep in the first place. Oh no. Thanks to the nerves building up over putting yourself in a shitty position. Luckily for you though, this Natasha woman wasn't hard to find at all. The mafia she was affiliated with, operated in the city near the town you lived in. They also apparently seemed to operate most of their business out of a simple pet shop. This has to be the inner workings of a screen writer, you thought to yourself.
Your nerves began to get the best of you on your walk back home. It seemed like everyone's eyes were suddenly on you, like they knew exactly what you were up to. You picked up your speed and released a breath you didn't realize you were holding when you saw the steps to your apartment complex. You quickly ran inside up to your floor and slammed the door behind you. Gosh your nerves were starting to annoy you. How did you ever make it as a top agent is beyond you thinking of the position you were currently in. All feelings aside, you pressured n to pack for the trip you'll soon be taking to the city. It was going to be another long night.
Your trip to the city was surprisingly smooth. Light traffic. Sun was out. If not for this little mission, if you could call it that, the day would have been perfect to do some sight seeing. You found the "pet shop" just as easy as well. You set up camp on the side of the street in front of the building to see if your target would possibly show up today. You were really hoping this didn't turn into a multi-day stake out. just wanting to get all of this over as quickly as possible so you can go back into hiding again.
It took about 7 hours, well into the late afternoon, before you spotted her walk in. Surprisingly, she was alone. Perfect, time to move in. You got out of your car and casually walked around the side of the business to see if there happened to be a door. The alleyway of the building was dark enough that anyone on the street wouldn't be able to see in. The sound of a creaky metal door could be heard just around the corner. You guess the back will have to do. As you got closer to the sound, you saw the woman in the back of the building talking with a man. You couldn't make out a single word they were saying. Their conversation wasn't important though, only getting her to Otter was.
Your heart began to race as the moment to make your move came closer. This is what you had trained for your whole life. The stealth and ability to make a move without anyone around you knowing until it was too late. Your eyes trained on the red-head in the back of the building. You gave a silent prayer to whoever was listening that the person she was with, would leave her alone for just one second. That's all you needed; one second.
Suddenly, it was as if all of the puzzle pieces fell into place. He left to go back inside. Time slowed down in an instant. You immediately released a breath through your mouth and moved in. You could see every single moment, all of the steps you took right up to behind her. Watching her turn around carefully but never hearing you step up behind her. At the very last second when she had finally caught sight, one hand reached but to grab her arm and pin it behind her back while the other reached around her head with a chloroform rag to incapacitate her.
The hard part was done. The red-haired woman fell limp in your arms, so you maneuvered her into a bridal position to easily carry her to your car. Time was of the essence. Someone would be coming to look for her soon. Swiftly and quietly, you walked back through the alley and reached your car. Knowing you had some time before she woke up, you could stop later to tie her hands and legs once you were farther away from the city. You placed her down in the back seat before getting in the front and driving away. You let out the most dramatic exhale and looked for the letter Otter had given you of his number and location.
One ring
Two rings
So you did take my offer?
Yes, I'm headed to the location now.
Excellent, thank you for your work.
Yeah, whatever.
You drove on for another half an hour before you reached the location. It was an old abandoned warehouse settled 20 minutes in the opposite direction from the city. The sun was completely settled at this point making the surroundings very dark. The sky had an almost purple glow from the towns nearby lights. Getting out, you circled the car to the back passenger door to remove the woman and bring her inside. She was still passed out from the chloroform only stirring slightly as you picked her up.
Maybe it was the exhaustion catching up to you, but you don't remember her being this heavy. Trudging the knocked out woman inside, you found a small chair and placed her down. Your timing was sort of off and thought better to tie down her hands and legs now before checking her pockets for any weapons or forms of identification. The woman's head lulled from left to right while you searched. You found a knife on her belt holster, a small revolver tucked in the back of her pants, a wallet, and a set of keys but not car keys. Her eyes started to flutter while you fingered through the wallet. Nothing important, a drivers license, a couple of business cards from the "pet store", and a what looked like a family photo. The people in the photo looked familiar to you, very familiar.
"What are you doing with that?" The woman mumbled in your direction. You looked her in the eye not saying anything. The woman was gorgeous with the single light shining down on her causing an angelic glow upon the crown of her head. Her red tresses seemed to almost burn in your presence. You looked away from her and continued to inspect the photo she kept in her wallet.
"Who are these people with you?"
Her head lulled once more, "Why do you want to know?"
"Answering a question with a question won't help you. What is your affiliation with the mafia?"
"I'm their fucking boss."
In that instance your eyes widened. Of course, that's why the men in the photo looked familiar to you. She was the fucking heir to one of the top mafia rings in the country. This idiot, Otter, wanted you to bring in the living heir and current head hancho for what she did to a simple family member that got caught up in the wrong group. The sweat was beginning to pour now that you realized you were absolutely fucked.
Before you could say anything else, Otter, the man of the hour, busted trough the doors.
"Viper! I knew I could count on you!"
"What the fuck man?! You really had me capture the fucking mafia BOSS?! We're both going to be fucked if you don't explain everything right now, Otter." You were sweating rivers at this point. Utterly frustrated and hot in the warehouse. The red-head was slowly coming to 100% but her eyes still couldn't fully focus.
"Calm down Viper. Your work is done with me. I'll cover everything up and you can go back to your quiet life."
"Over?! If you don't give me a very good reason to leave her here in your possession, I'm taking her with me." you were shouting at this point. The red-head was now staring at the both of you dumbfounded at the whole situation everyone was in.
"She killed my brother!" You swore you could see steam coming off of his head. "She killed him and left him to rot!"
"Your brother was nothing but scum who tried to steal weapons from me to sell for himself." She had responded this time. Otter quickly pulled out a gun from his pocket and aimed it at the woman.
"He would never have done anything to harm his family or himself!"
She didn't falter her glare one single bit, even with a weapon pointed at her head. "He'd be living a healthy fulfilling life had he not crossed me."
He cocked the gun this time. "Shut up you stupid bitch!"
A smirk played on her lips, she was enjoying getting a rise out of him. Like she knew something the both of you didn't know. Like she knew no matter her outcome someone would always be out there searching for both of you for the rest of your lives until you got caught, or god forbid, kill yourselves to keep from being caught. Your nerves were spiking again, you couldn't let Otter kill Natasha Romanoff.
You sucked a quick gasp. Otter didn't notice but Natasha did. You had her gun.
Natasha's eyes darted back and forth between you and Otter. He was getting upset at the fact that her attention wasn't solely on him. The arm that was holding the gun stopped its falter and held up straight to Natasha's face. "Look at me! I want my face to be the last thing you see when I kill you, you stu-"
Natasha jumped. She had seen the whole thing take place but didn't really expect you to do it. She could see the tremble in in your hands as they stayed in the same spot. Your eyes were wide, lip quivering, you couldn't believe what you had done and now you had a new problem to cover up. Natasha had a look of empathy in her eyes. You didn't want to be in this position from the get go and it had only gotten worse for you.
"Hey, look at me..." Natasha spoke up softly to break your trance. She had leaned her body towards you in a manner to reach out. "You can put the gun down, its going to be okay now." Your eyes darted down to the gun and back up to Natasha's green eyes. Still shaking you slowly lowered the gun to the ground before you walked over to her cautiously. Tears were falling down your face, the weight of the situation was hitting you. If you had never agreed to Otter's request, you would be cozied up in your bed, awaiting another new day.
Your fingers found Natasha's bound wrists. her skin was surprisingly cool to the touch. She stared at your face the whole time you unwrapped her from the chair. The fresh tears leaving clear trails down your slightly dirtied cheeks. The slight glow of your e/c eyes under the florescent lights of the warehouse. You knelt down in front of her to then remove the binding on her ankles. Something within her compelled her to reach out to you. Without even realizing it, the red-heads palm was already resting on your head. She reveled in the silky smooth feel of your h/c locks. The slight dampness from the sweat that had overcome your skin. She could feel the softness of your fingers slowly circling around her last ankle when your sad eyes looked up to hers.
"How did you manage to capture me without anyone seeing you?" Her hand slipped down to your cheek. "In all of my years, I have not once not heard someone creep up behind me the way you did."
The steady stream of tears grew heavier, your quiet life was about to be destroyed by your own need for a change. She would certainly have your feet for getting a one up on her.
"It was my job. I was known for being so light on my toes, no one could hear me coming." your voice wavered, but the words got out.
"Well I could use someone like you by my side." Natasha held out her hand to you as she got up on her feet. Not really having her ground, she nearly fell when you caught her by the waist. The two of you held your breath as you both stared deeply into each others eyes. You could swear if you inhaled, her scent would be enough to drive you mad. "My guys will cover all of this up for you."
You sat and thought about everything she said. The would would probably prove more exciting than working at a flower shop and probably be more fruitful. You smiled at her. You could feel her warm breath near your lips.
"When do I start?"
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eternally-writing · 3 years
do you still care? | myg
Tumblr media
genre: fluff and angst
rating: G (no swearing or sexual content)
pairing: yoongi x reader
theme: idol!au, boyfriend!au, one-shot
word count: 1.5k
warnings: none? 
synopsis: After waiting months for Yoongi to come back from tour, your reunion doesn’t quite go as planned. 
Today was the day. You had been staring at your phone for what seemed like eternity waiting for your boyfriend, Yoongi, to send you a text saying he had finally landed in Seoul.
BTS's world tour had finished at the perfect time - you had just finished your university exams and although you had slept so little in the past weeks because of you had been studying for hours on end, you were overflowing with excitement to see your boyfriend again.
A world tour for Yoongi meant that he had a hectic schedule of tours, rehearsals, appearances, and photo shoots, while a rigorous university program for you meant that you had assignments, interviews, and exams to complete. Even though you had been texting Yoongi as much as you could, you were often left with short responses and very little love from your boyfriend.
You and Yoongi never had a typical relationship - dating one of the world's biggest superstars did come at a price. You’re unfortunately not the only one who loves Yoongi, and you have to constantly share your favorite guy in the world with millions of ARMY's, and of course his group mates as well.
Dating a member of a group meant that you weren’t just taking care of Yoongi, but also 6 other single boys who never quite clean up after themselves. You had been wishing for weeks that one of them would finally show up to the apartment with a girlfriend just so that you’d have another female to talk to.
You felt your phone vibrate on the table and immediately jumped to open your messages. Surprisingly, it was a text from Taehyung, not Yoongi, that read " Y/N! We just landed back at Incheon. So excited to see you soon!".
As much as you were excited to hear from Taehyung, one of your best friends from the group, you still stared longingly at your phone wondering why Yoongi hasn't texted. You’ve never felt good enough to be dating an idol - and every indication of Yoongi being distant made you shiver at the thought of him getting bored with you.
Much to your delight, your phone started buzzing and read "Incoming Call - Yoongi oppa". The honorifics have always been a bit of a joke between the two of you - though Yoongi was older than you, he found it funny that you came from abroad to Korea and were going to use honorifics for the first time for your boyfriend. Instead you were "his Y/N" and he was "your Yoongi" and that's how you did things your own way.
The sound of Yoongi's voice saying your name as you picked up the phone was music to your ears. "Dinner tonight?" he asked, and you could tell exactly the kind of smile he had one his face as you heard his voice through the phone.
Before you could answer, you heard 3 other very familiar voices chime through the phone "Y/N! We missed you!" that most definitely belong to your 3 other closest friends in the group - Taehyung, Jin, and Jimin. "Hyung did you say dinner with Y/N - we're in!" - and before either of you could protest, Yoongi’s romantic reunion dinner with you had turned into a possible takeout food fiasco at your apartment with 4 rowdy Bangtan boys.
Thankfully, although Yoongi could not convince the boys to give him some alone time with his girlfriend, he did manage to convince them to dress up and come to the gorgeous restaurant he had planned to take you to all along rather than just sit in your apartment in sweatpants eating pizza.
Being the first day in 4 months that you were going to see your boyfriend, you planned to wear a gorgeous dress and had spent almost half a day perfecting your makeup and hair. Soon enough, 6:30pm had come and Yoongi was outside Min's door looking as handsome as ever. Making your way down to the car, you were overjoyed to see your best friends and sat in the back seat beside Taehyung and Jimin as Jin was up front with Yoongi driving.
The drive to the restaurant was filled with lots of laughs, funny stories from touring, and lots of funny jokes from Jimin and Taehyung. Being the same age as them, you naturally felt connected to them when you first met the group.
However one person seemed to be more quiet than the others in the car - Yoongi.
You hardly took note of this as your friends captured your attention constantly, but the oldest kept his attention focused on the road and didn't contribute much to the conversation. But from your perspective, the dinner went off without a hitch at the restaurant and everyone had a great time.
Finally driving home after a filling and happy meal, you were not ready to say goodbye to your friends - you knew you had missed Yoongi, but you didn't realize how much you had missed them as well.
It was only as the car pulled up into Jin's driveway that you first took note of Yoongi's out of character behaviour. Seeing how the other members were not reacting to Yoongi's silence, you wondered if he had just become a more focused, responsible driver in the past 4 months and that this was normal for him - you failed to realize that the real reason for his silence could be you.
Finally dropping off Jimin and Taehyung, you hugged them both tightly and made plans for a movie night as they walked back into their apartment. You then looked at your boyfriend staring straight ahead at the empty road in front of him. "Hey", you said softly, trying to grab Yoongi's attention.
"So now you're going to talk to me?" snapped out of Yoongi's mouth.
You were shocked. You had never imagined that he would talk to you this way - especially since this is the first time that he has seen you in 4 months.
"Wha- ", you didn't even know what to say and were frozen to your spot in the back seat.
Pulling over into a random parking lot, Yoongi put the car into park and turned around to face you in the back seat. 
"Thanks for saying all of TWO words to me tonight", said Yoongi.
This made you replay the night in your head, realizing that most of your conversation had centered around Jimin and Taehyung and you had never even looked in Yoongi's direction for most of dinner. You felt horrible for treating him this way and could not believe that you were letting their first night back together end up like this.
Taking your silence as a negative response, Yoongi followed up by saying "Do you even still care about me?"
Before you could even think about what to say, your feelings took over and "Yoongi I love you" came flying out of your mouth.
"I love you. I love you so much that my heart has been bursting trying to stop myself from saying it for so long now so I don't scare you away. I care about you so much - my love for you is watching youtube videos of you performing the same songs in every city on tour just so I can see if you're okay. My love for you is watching your interviews and seeing if you're still smiling. My love for you is seeing your photoshoot pictures just to make sure that you're eating enough and keeping yourself healthy. My love for you is looking at your dark undereye circles to make sure you're getting enough rest. All these little things that you don't see, this is what I do because I love you. I love you more than any words can say, and even though we haven't talked that much in the last 4 months, you have never left my mind and I missed you every single day. I love you Min Yoongi, and only you."
These words sent a shockwave through Yoongi’s system.
Neither of you had ever said I love you before, and for you to feel so strongly about Yoongi brought tears to his eyes.
It was now Yoongi's turn to be at a loss for words - he didn't know what else to do except climb into the backseat of his car ( he wasn’t very graceful... but he got the job done) and hold you in the tightest embrace. Tears now freely flowing down both of your cheeks, neither of you needed any words to express how much you loved each other.
Yoongi brought his lips to your ear and whispered the most gentle "I love you too, you're always gonna be my baby Y/N". In that moment, all of the tension of the earlier dinner faded away as you and Yoongi enjoyed being in each other's presence for the first time in 4 months.
If you liked my writing please interact/follow! Thank you for reading <3 
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mammonshuman92 · 3 years
- Watched - Pt.4
(Mammon x GN!MC)
** TW: swearing, kidnapping, religion, abuse, blood, death (if I missed any I do apologize!)
He smiled wickedly as he turned around, going back to the table he’d been at earlier and picked up the same knife he’d held to you when he kidnapped you. The only other weapons you could see on the table were a baton and a taser. There was also a thick book you could only assume was a bible and a large jar of water. The most concerning however, was the gas can, thick work gloves, and what looked a lot like a body bag.
“This may call for a more extensive purification.”
Your heartbeat quickened, breathing becoming slightly erratic. Your eyes widened at the scene laid out before you, but you tried your best to hold your resolve. 
Whatever he plans to do, even if this is where your time on this Earth comes to an end, you didn’t plan to give him the satisfaction of conforming to his insane, backwoods ideologies. For your most beloved demons, and the love of your life, you were ready to fight until the bitter end.
After leaving the coffee shop, Mammon made his way back to your house to come up with a plan. As he rushed back, he got a brilliant idea and immediately made a phone call. 
Given their status and connections, he was sure that at least a few of his brothers would be able to dig up info on this Alex dude and the ATA, however he couldn’t risk any of them finding out what was going on, for fear it’d get back to Lucifer, so he had to be extremely careful.
“Ugh, what do you want, Mammon? I’m in the middle of a raid right now.”
Levi seemed like the least likely to get too curious and ask questions, especially since Mammon was the one asking. No way would Levi want to end up being part of one of his usual schemes. And since he rarely comes out of his room or socializes with others, Levi was definitely the best one for the job. 
“I need a favor.” Mammon could hear the slight clacking sound of Levi’s controller in the background.
“Nope. No way. Your “favors” always end badly; for everyone involved. Goodbye.” He declined immediately, wanting to hang up and get back to his raid.
“Wait, Levi! It’s real important!” The second born begged. Levi could hear the desperation; the emotion in his brothers voice. His interest was piqued now, along with an uneasy feeling in his stomach.
“What is it?” He asked with a sigh, casting his controller aside.
“I need ya to dig into a group called the ATA.”
“Yeah, it’s the “Anti Treaty Association”, they’re in the human world. And see if ya can find anythin’ on a guy named Alex who might be associated with ‘em.”
“Anti Treaty..? As in the peace treaty? Mammon, what did you-”
“I’ll explain everythin’ later, okay? Just.. please, Levi? I need ya to look into it.” The level of sheer desperation in Mammon’s voice was concerning, but he didn’t push the issue.
“Okay, okay. Hang on..” 
The sound of Levi’s fingers rapidly clicking across his keyboard flooded Mammon’s ears for the next few minutes.
“Okay, so the group was founded not long after the Devildom exchange program was formally announced. They started small but grew in number quickly; looks like mostly religious extremists. They hold protests at any event involving relations between our world and the human world. Let’s see..” Levi  went quiet for a few seconds as he scanned his monitor.
“It looks like some of the members have a clean record, aside from a couple parking tickets, but there are a few bad apples. Most of the charges consist of harassment, disorderly conduct and destruction of property, all of the incidents taking place at protests. All of them were first time offenders, and have stayed out of trouble since then.”
“Anythin’ about an Alex?”
“Hmm, nope. Do you have a last name maybe? Or literally any other info? I can’t do much with just a first name, especially a common one.”
“Umm, he drives a really old car and he works at a take out place as a delivery driver.” Mammon proceeded to give him the name of the restaurant.
Levi began tapping away on his keyboard again, scanning all the social medias and websites associated with the group and the take out place, looking for anything related to the clues Mammon gave him. Without much to go on, he wasn’t very hopeful and began to lose courage, then he finally got something.
“I got a hit on a few social media accounts related to the ATA. I was able to find some pictures with a crappy older model car in them that were taken at some of their protests a few months back, one of the pictures had a shot of the license plate. After doing a quick search of public record, the car came back as registered to a John A. Smith, who actually died a few years back..” 
Mammon sighed, feeling dejected. That information was all he had, and it may not have even been enough to be helpful.
“Wait..” Levi suddenly said, pulling Mammon from his thoughts.
“His obituary says he had one child; a son named John Smith Jr. I can’t find him on social media under that name, but if we assume the middle initial “A” stands for say, Alexander, then I may have something. I found an Alex Smith, and it’s honestly gotta be him. He’s a member of the official ATA group page, and several others like it. His profile picture has a crappy looking car in it, granted it’s mostly cropped out, but it looks a lot like the one I ran the license plate number on. I’m confident that this is your guy.”
Mammon felt like he could breathe a little easier. Another piece of the puzzle had, hopefully, come together.
“Where do I find him?”
“Not sure. His last location was near the middle of nowhere, but it hasn’t pinged anything for quite some time. I’ll send you the coordinates.”
“Thanks, Levi. I owe ya big time.”
“Yeah. Uh, Mammon? I know you said you’d tell me later, but is everything alright? You’ve never asked me to do something like this before. It kinda feels like you’re looking for someone..”
He waited for his brother to stutter out some kind of excuse to explain it away like he always did when he got himself into some kind of trouble, but he didn’t. Which only made more red flags pop up for Levi.
“If anyone asks, especially Lucifer, this never happened and ya haven’t heard from me, okay?”
“Yeah. Okay, Mammon..”
He didn’t like the feeling he had, the gut instinct and the hair that stood up on the back of his neck that told him something was seriously wrong.
After he hung up with his brother, he decided to dig a little deeper. He traced Mammon’s phone and found him at a location nearby the restaurant he’d had him research. His awful, suspicious feeling was confirmed when his brother’s location came back as one in the human world. A little extra digging of public land records and it pinged as your house. His heart sank as he thought about the urgency and desperation in his brother’s voice. 
He traced your phone, but it just showed the same location as Mammon. But, if you were there, why would he be so frantic? His stomach churned when he realized that there were only a few things that would cause Mammon such distress, and seeing as how he was apparently in the human world, at your house, desperate to find some random dude, it couldn’t be good. Whatever was going on definitely involved you. That thought alone made him sick to his stomach.
“I hope I’m wrong. Please be okay, MC.”
*bzzz* *bzzz*
Mammon opened the new text message from Levi, which contained the coordinates to Alex’s last known location.
“MC has gotta be somewhere near this location. If not, maybe I’ll be able to pick up their trail.” 
He was pacing around the living room, going over possible plans for his next move. Thankfully it would be dark soon and there was also a pretty big storm rolling in, which would provide the perfect cover for him to scout from the skies. Heavy wind and rain would make it nearly impossible to pick up your scent though.
He went into your bedroom to retrieve something of yours that would be heavy with your scent, like your favorite jacket or maybe a pillowcase. As he looked around the room, he spotted a strip of pictures shoved in the frame of the mirror on your dresser. A warm smile spread across his face.
It was of the two of you, not too long after you’d officially started dating. He remembered that particular day very well. You’d decided to walk the cobblestone streets of the Devildom, much like you often did together, but this was different. There wasn’t anymore of that “trying to pretend neither one of you had feelings for the other” junk. It was just..real. You were actually his. He reminisced about how warm your hand felt in his, the way his stomach erupted in butterflies when you looked at him with pure excitement after you’d stumbled upon the photo booth. The way you threw yourself at him, locking your lips onto his for the last picture; the shade of red your cheeks turned when you pulled apart.
That day was one of his favorite memories of you. You were so happy and full of life; looking at him with such excitement and love.
The haunting reality came creeping back in on him, sending his beautiful trip down memory lane, spiraling into despair. There he stood, alone in your bedroom, while you were gone. Taken, by some psychopath. His whole world, snatched right from underneath him as he sat down the hall.
The more he thought about it, the worse he felt. How could he? He should’ve been there. He shouldn’t have let you answer the door. He should’ve done something, anything. 
“I knew somethin’ didn’t feel right, and I should’ve listened to what my gut was tryin’ to tell me. This is all my fault..” He ran his finger over the pictures on the mirror, letting a few tears escape before aggressively wiping them away. 
“I will find ya, MC. And I promise that I’ll make ya safe again, I swear it.”
He felt a sudden vibration in the floor followed quickly by a deep rumble from outside.
The storm’s comin’. It’s time to move.
He grabbed the shirt you had worn the day before from the hamper and quickly smelled it to make sure your scent was strong enough. From the way it made his heart twist in agony, he was sure it would do just fine.
He shifted into demon form and headed straight for the door. With the approaching storm, it was dark enough now that he could fly and remain unseen. Since he was by himself and up against the unknown, having the element of surprise would come in handy.
“When I find that piece of shit, he’ll understand why I hold the rank of the second strongest of the Avatars.” He growled into the dark of the night as he stepped out onto the front porch.
With that, he shot up into the night sky, stealthy and silent.
“Extensive purification? Is that what the body bag is for?” You asked audaciously.
Naturally, you were scared. This mad man kidnapped you at your own damn house in broad daylight and drug you to what you could only assume was the middle of nowhere to tie you up and torture you. So yeah, you were pretty fucking wigged out to say the least.
But, did that mean you would back down? Let him know you were scared so he had the extra control over you? Make him feel like he was winning?
Absolutely not. You’d never give him the satisfaction. On the inside you were shaking, writhing in terror; begging for Mammon to come and save you. But on the outside? You were taking none of his shit, and playing zero games. If you were going to die here, you planned on going out as uncooperative as you could. Fuck him.
“Hopefully it won’t come to that.” He turned around to face you from where he’d been at his make shift work table, with the taser in his hand. He closed the gap between you, keeping his eyes locked on yours, and leaned down until he was just inches from your face. “The night is still young though.”
“Then why not just kill me now? Get it over with.”
“I want to cleanse you; save your soul.” He said, as if you were crazy for not grasping that concept.
“But why? Why are you so worried about my soul? You prodded.
“Because you have chosen to lay with demons and abandon your humanity.”
“And? Who I choose to love and spend time with isn’t yours, or anyone else’s business.” You snapped back.
“You see, that’s where you’re wrong. Your part in all this; the exchange program, being close with a bunch of high ranking demons; you as a human are committing the highest level of treason by aiding in the progression of uniting the realms. You are opening the door for corruption, chaos and sin to pollute our world.”
You laughed lightly in disbelief.
“When has our world ever been free of any of those things? Do you honestly think the Celestial Realm would be part of the treaty if He wasn’t on board with it? Stop blaming others because you’re close minded. Your blatant hatred for others is your fault, your sin. No one else’s.”
His face turned red and his expression changed into one of anger at the mention of Him. He stormed off toward the work table.
“And by the way, none of this-” You wiggled your fingers around as best as you could in an attempt to gesture around you, “is free of sin. Pretty sure He would frown upon this. Maybe even more so than my relationship with his sons.” You couldn’t help but smirk at your own jab.
He turned back to face you, bible in hand and quickly walked back to where you were hanging, and knelt down into your face again.
“It’s time to begin.” He said with sick, sadistic smile on his face; ignoring what you’d said.
With one quick movement, he lifted you off the giant hook your hand restraints hung from; letting go of you when you were a few feet from the ground, slightly knocking the wind out of you. Although you were being a little mouthy, you still felt pretty weak from being trapped inside that trunk. Not to mention that your shoulders were killing you from being suspended for so long.
He pulled you across the concrete floor by the hand restraint, stopping once he reached the stock tank. He opened up his bible and laid it on a little table near the side of the tank. He picked you up easily and climbed into the water. Even with as hot as it is, the water was frigid. It was only about four feet deep, but being restrained and unable to move freely, you would easily drown if Alex didn’t keep hold of you.
He stood at your side, facing you with his hands firmly grasping your arms right below your shoulders. He started reciting scripture from memory, glancing back at the open bible a few times for reference. He began to repeatedly dunk your head below the surface of the icy water. He recited the same passages over and over again, making it easier for you to figure out when to hold your breath. Although, a few times he seemed to hold you under a little too long, leaving you gasping for air when you returned to the surface.
When the never-ending baptizing finally did come to an end, he plucked from the water and returned you back to where you had been suspended. You were shivering uncontrollably and your head was pounding. No doubt from lack of oxygen after having to hold your breath, then gasp for air more times than you could possibly count. The added weight of your dripping wet clothes added to the searing pain in your shoulders.
He went over to the work table and grabbed the big jar of water you’d seen earlier. He dipped his fingers in it and flicked it at you whole reciting scripture. You assumed that it was holy water.
As you listened to him drone on and on, you found it hard to stay conscious. You haven’t really felt right since getting out of that scorching trunk; you most likely had heat exhaustion.
“Does being saved from eternal damnation bore you?”
“No, just you.” You replied weakly, looking up at him and trying to muster a smirk.
“Is that so?” He challenged.
He abruptly turned around and went back to the work table, returning a moment later sporting the thick work gloves you’d seen earlier, carrying the taser in his hand.
“Then I suppose we need to take it up a notch.”
Mammon went straight to the coordinates Levi sent him, but found nothing except dirt roads and cow pastures. Even from an aerial point of view there wasn’t much to see. After circling the area several times, he landed atop a tree in a densely wooded area. Although it was pretty dark out here in the middle of nowhere, far from civilization, he still couldn’t risk being seen as Alex could be watching; waiting for him to come for you.
“Where are ya, MC?” He quietly asked aloud, eyes continuing to scan the darkness that enveloped his surroundings.
With every passing minute his heart grew heavier, his chest tighter. It felt as if he couldn’t breathe properly. As cliche as it sounded, you were his literal heart; his entire world. 
Before you came to the Devildom, he thought he had it all figured out. Stealing and gambling, partying every night, spending money like there was no tomorrow, making shady deals with witches. He was living what he considered the luxurious life of a high roller and he couldn’t get enough of it.
Then you came along, and he was forced to be your guardian or sorts and look after you. It was such a pain. You made it harder for him to give Lucifer the slip so he could go on gambling binges and live up to his title. But, being the weak, magic-less human you were, you needed constant protection.
It didn’t take long before being your protector became something more than what he was ordered to do. He needed to be the one to watch over you, the poor helpless human. His human. As soon as he got a taste of what it felt like to be around you, he couldn’t get enough. He was hooked. 
Your smile and the sound of your laughter, the face you make when you’re concentrating or how you pooch your lips out when you’re getting irritated. The never ending kindness you showed him, especially when he was less than friendly at first. Even during those early days, just simply being near you brought him a sense of peace and warmth. The energy you radiated was intoxicating. Before he realized what was happening, he was a lost cause; completely wrapped around your finger.
If someone were to have told him he’d end up completely smitten with a human, he would’ve called them crazy. The Great Mammon would never waste his precious time on something that didn’t involve Grimm and how to obtain and/or spend it, much less a human. Smitten is precisely what he was though, to say the least. Not that it bothered him in the slightest.
He’s been around for thousands of years, and never once has his heart beat the way it does now. He’d always known love because of his siblings, and even the great loss of a loved one when Lilith died. While he would move mountains and do anything for his family, and even lay his life down for them, the way he felt about you was completely different. He would do all those things for you as well, and so much more. You knew him on a different level, a way no one else ever had in all his existence. 
Relationships were never really his thing. Sure, he’d had plenty of flings, but most of them only cared about what they could get out of being with the Avatar of Greed, not that it really bothered him. He pretty much only got involved with people when the bitter loneliness became too much to bear. Love isn’t typically something that happens for demons, not that he was looking for it anyway. But, sometimes it was nice to have someone to hold, to feel the warmth of another. Even if he didn’t remember their name. Not that they, or he for that matter, really cared.
Which is why he was so perplexed by the feelings you stirred up inside him. He was one of the strongest rulers of the underworld, who could probably have any succubus he wanted, so why was he becoming increasingly enthralled by you? A completely ordinary human. Or so he thought, anyway. No ordinary human would’ve been able to knock him off his feet the way you had. You were special. You made him feel.
You were kind, warm, headstrong and funny. You’d even put your own life in danger to save those who were much stronger than you, like that time with Beel and Luke in the underground tomb; not because you thought you would win the fight, but because it was the right thing to do. He’d never witnessed such bravery, such selflessness in a human. Especially not when it came to protecting a demon, someone who would be deemed unworthy of such an act simply because of what he was. This once weak, irrelevant human, was now one of the people he respected most. You’re undying love and kindness for others was one of the infinite things that made him fall for you.
He clutched your shirt tightly in his hand, bringing it up to his face and burying his nose into the fabric. He breathed in your scent, filling his lungs as much as he could. He needed to keep the smell fresh in his mind, in hopes of picking up your trail. Tears began to prick his eyes. All the memories of you were nearly too much to handle. He couldn’t lose you. He wouldn’t.
He had no idea what this freak had planned, but he knew it couldn’t be good. The clock was ticking. The more time that passed, the harder it would be to find you. He looked out into the night again, hoping to see anything that might point him in your direction, but there was nothing. The only sounds came from the cows in all the pastures around the area, and a very faint humming noise off in the distance. He couldn’t see any signs of the car or any other clues, but he refused to give up.
“Alright, MC. C’mon, talk to me. Where are ya?” He said, getting ready to take to the skies once more to scan the area. Then it hit him, sending a shiver down his spine. He whipped his head to the right, and breathed in deeply.
He took another long breath in, to make sure he wasn’t imagining it. It was definitely your scent. It was very faint, and muddled with something else, iron maybe? But there was no doubt it was yours. Like a shot, he flew in the direction your scent was coming from. The incoming storm was making it hard to stay on the trail, but he was not going to lose it now. He was almost there. Almost to you. There’s no way he was backing down.
A minute or so later he could see the faint glow of a light in the distance. It looked like it was coming from a barn or something. Your scent was getting stronger and stronger as he closed in on the building.
That’s gotta be it!
He landed on top of the building with a thud; coming in a little faster than he intended thanks to the increasing intensity of the storm. He paused a moment, waiting to see if his brilliant entrance had caused any kind of movement. When he didn’t hear anything, he moved to the edge of the roof to have a look around. There was a lot of overgrowth around most of the building, and some spots in the roof seemed to give a little. If he wasn’t careful he might end up crashing through the ceiling. It wasn’t a barn, but more like a warehouse or something.
He walked the perimeter of the roof, looking over the side for any kind of clues. There was nothing out front, and the sides of the building were all overgrown with vines and other greenery. He peaked over the side of the roof near the back of the building and tensed. He could see the car that matched the description of Alex’s, hidden underneath loose foliage in what looked like a poor attempt to conceal it. 
I knew it He thought, his heart beginning to race.
He remembered seeing an industrial ventilation fan on the side of the building before he landed, and quietly rushed over to it, crouching down slightly on the maintenance access platform. 
By now, the storm was raging full force. The rain was coming down in sheets, the thunder booming as lightning lit up the night sky. The fan was pretty rusted but thanks to the thunder, he was able to crack open the slats slightly without being heard. The sight he was met with made his blood boil, prompting him to let out a guttural animalistic growl that rumbled deep in his chest. The iron smell mixed with your scent he’d smelled earlier, was blood. 
Anger like he’d never felt before burned deep inside his very being worse than the raging storm around him, truly making his demon side come out. He never had any intentions of letting this psycho walk away from this, but now it was going to be a lot less humane. The witch’s words came rushing back to him.
‘Bring me the heart of a mammal, not of our world, that thrives on malice and sadism. If you cannot fulfill your end of the deal, I will place a curse on you until the ends of eternity that will make everything of value you come in contact with turn to ash.’
Mammon smiled viciously. Looks like he’d be able to fulfill his end of the bargain with the witch after all.
The “cleansing” quickly shifted from that of something considered somewhat normal, to something very far from it. Nothing about it could be considered holy anymore.
“Are you going to denounce your demonic pacts and sinful ways and conform?”
You lifted your head weakly to glare at him, “Never.” You snarled between staggered breaths. His face twisted in anger.
Blow after blow landed on your weak, fragile body. You spit out yet another mouthful of blood, the wet sounds echoing in the large room as it splattered onto the floor. Needless to say, you were in pretty bad shape.
Blood ran down your face from a laceration on your brow bone. Your lip was busted pretty bad and you had at least a few cuts inside your mouth from your teeth puncturing the skin on your cheeks and lips. You assumed you had some ribs that were at least cracked seeing as it had become pretty painful to breathe. All the spots he tased you in burned like fire, no doubt blistering up badly. He’d held it in the same spot for so long that you could smell your own hair and flesh burning.
There wasn’t much you could do in the way of fighting back, but you sure tried like hell in the beginning. But now you were way too weak, barely even able to scream out in pain. You’d already come to terms with the fact that you probably wouldn’t make it out of here. The reality of never seeing Mammon again swarmed you, tearing away the last bit of resolve you had left. You forced yourself to remember all the time you’d spent with him, making sure he was the only thing you thought of as you began to slowly depart from this world.
You would forever be grateful for the time you had with him and all the amazing memories you were able to make. Movie nights, staying up too late talking and laughing, trying and failing to hide from Lucifer after pranking him.
The way his too big of a hand completely engulfed yours, the way he looked at you when you were both all dressed up for some fancy party at the Demon Lord’s castle and how much he tried to hide his face so you couldn’t see his blush while he held you close on the dance floor.
Sneaking into each other’s beds when one of you had a nightmare, the way his body felt against yours when he cuddled you; his warmth and smell. The way he tried to hide his enormous smile and pink cheeks when you’d gush like a groupie over his newest spread in a magazine.
The time he was a flustered, stuttering mess for three entire days in the beginning of your relationship, unable to hear your name or see you without turning various shades of red because every time he did, flashbacks of loving you for the first time just days before came rushing back to him.
Those intimate moments were your favorite, for more reasons than the obvious. You got to see him in a different light. He was still his usual goofy, lighthearted, prankster self, but he was so much more than that too. He was so sweet it could make your teeth rot. He was gentle, slow. You could feel the love leave him, his heart pouring over into yours. There were always stars in his eyes; pure adoration. Something you could never quite grasp; how someone who had seen the literal heavens could look at a normal human like you in such a way; with such breathtaking awe.
You always felt like you didn’t deserve to be loved by someone as amazing as Mammon, but you would always be eternally thankful. In such a short time he’d brought so much happiness and light to your life. As happy as those memories were, you wished more than anything that you’d get the chance to make more, but sadly it didn’t look that way.
As Alex was coming in to land another blow, a loud thump could be heard from above you; his fist stopped in the air a few feet from your face.
“What was that?” He questioned to himself quietly. He stayed silent for a moment as he listened for more noise, but there was nothing. “Must’ve been thunder.” He shrugged his shoulders and turned his attention back to you, pulling the taser from his pocket.
“It really is a shame that you refuse to comply.” He said as he jabbed it into your ribs, causing you to use what little fire was left in you to cry out in pain. “You really were a fine specimen, until you wasted yourself on demons.” Another jab of the taser, this time on your thigh.
You choked out a weak, raspy laugh. “And I’d do it again, a million times over you sadistic, psychotic freak.” You spat, voice breaking. He reared his hand back to hit you, but was interrupted by another loud noise, this time near the entrance. 
He turned toward the sound and decided to check it out this time, picking the knife up from the table on his way. He was only gone for a few minutes, but you were grateful for the break. As much as you didn’t want to give up, your body just couldn’t take much more.
He slithered back through the entrance, soaked from the down pouring rain and complaining about hearing things.
“If you didn’t have a guilty conscience, you wouldn’t be so paranoid.” You said between several pained breaths. Your voice was small and frail, but you still managed to lace some venom in your words. He snarled, storming toward you and sticking the knife under your chin, lifting your head up to look at him. You used what energy you had left to glare at him.
“It’s too bad really, that even in your darkest moments, your last moments, what’s-his-name wasn’t here to save you.” He snickered, tracing the knife from your chin to your jugular, applying just enough pressure along the way to coax out a small line of blood.
“That’d be The Great Mammon to you, human.”
Alex whipped around toward the entrance at the sudden voice, the color draining from his face as a look of sheer terror washed over him.
“M-Mammon?” You choked out, a massive lump forming in your throat. You looked around Alex, the most beautiful yet terrifying thing coming into your field of vision.
It really was him.
Seeing him in demon form was nothing new to you by now. However, the look on his face was something you’d definitely never seen before. It almost looked as if there was an aura around him; a definite shift in atmosphere at his presence. His natural sin was Greed, but right now he embodied Wrath. 
It was so easy for you to forget that he really was a demon, as you’d never seen him in such a state before. The sight of him now; raw, malevolent power seeping from him, the low guttural growl, emitting such a heavy, nightmarish presence. He was scary. Even to you.
“MC..” There was pain in his voice; his face distorting in agony when he looked at you.
He charged forward, only making it a few steps before Alex swooped in. He got behind you, reaching around and keeping the knife at your throat; Mammon froze.
“Not another step.” Alex warned. “I have no qualms with spilling the blood of a traitorous demon whore that turned their back on the human race.”
Mammon stared at him blankly for a moment, then burst into laughter. It wasn’t his normal, happy laugh. It was dark, and oozed ill intent. He turned his attention to you once more, his expression softening just enough to not utterly terrify you.
“MC, do you trust me?”
“Since my first day in the Devildom.” You smiled fragilely, noticing the way his mouth briefly tugged up at the corner when your words reached him. He locked his eyes on Alex once again, dark expression returning.
“Close your eyes. No matter what you hear, don’t open them.” He instructed as he slightly crouched, getting into an attack stance; you nodded in agreement, doing as he said.
You could hear Alex huff behind you. “I will slit their throat, or did you hear what I said you filthy, abomina-”
He was silenced mid sentence by a sudden impact that jostled you slightly where you hung. You could hear gasping breaths and Mammon’s same sadistic laughter as earlier, followed by several ear splitting cracks and tearing sounds as Alex screamed out in pain; wet, squelching noises and heavy thuds rang through the room as several things hit the floor. It went on like this for several minutes, until the screams finally ceased.
You pretty well knew just by the sounds, that you were finally free; that psycho would never be able to hurt you again. 
Moments later, you were lifted off the large hook and being cradled gently in arms that you knew all too well. Mammon sank to the floor, his wings wrapping around you protectively, shielding you from the gore you didn’t need to see.
“MC..” He whispered, tears running down his cheeks as his eyes scanned over your frail, broken body.
As much as you wanted to savor the moment of finally being safe, once again in the arms of your demon, the reunion would have to wait. You had been through so much and your body couldn’t take any more. You began to fade in and out of consciousness, no longer able to hold on.
“MC..? MC! Stay with me! Please, please hold on just a little longer.” He begged, his voice cracking as he patted his hand against your cheek gently. You tired to put a hand on his cheek to soothe him, but your arm fell limp halfway to his face as you lost the fight to stay awake. You heard him yell your name a few times as you drifted, his voice fading away slowly.
What is that infernal noise?
You had suddenly become hyper aware of an out-of-the-ordinary noise somewhere close by. An alarm clock perhaps? No, it was more of a beeping sound than a shrill ringing.
You lazily opened your eyes, immediately regretting it and squinting them shut because of a blinding white light that was shining in your face. You blinked several times as you tried to adjust.
As you scanned the room slowly, it started to look as if you were in one of the rooms in the Demon Lord’s castle, but it appeared to be set up as a hospital room of sorts. The blinding light was coming from one of the big lights they use at the dentist office. You soon discovered that the beeping noise you’d been hearing was actually one of several monitors you were hooked up to. 
Everything started to fall into place and make sense, memories coming back of the events that brought you here. The monitor closest to you started to sound an alarm, indicating your heart rate had picked up and your blood pressure was rising. Seconds later the door flew open, a figure rushing into the room.
“MC.” He said, breathing a sigh of relief.
Barbatos moved to your bedside and silenced the alarms, opting to check your vitals himself.
“How do you feel?” He asked, pressing his index and middle fingers to the underside of your wrist, checking your heart rate.
“Fine, I guess?”
“You guess?” He repeated, taking a small light from his pocket and shining it in your eyes, checking the dilation of your pupils.
If you remembered correctly, which you’re very sure you did, your injuries were extensive. There’s no way you could forget that level of pain. You felt tired, kind of groggy from sleep, but there was no pain.
“How long have I been asleep?”
“About three days.”
Three days?! You thought to yourself, a little shocked.
That’s still not nearly enough time for your wounds to heal. You must have looked as confused as you felt, prompting and explanation from Barbatos.
“Your injuries were rather extensive, so Mammon brought you here after rescuing you. Lord Diavolo had the best doctors in the Devildom tend to you with magic. Although they healed you perfectly, you weren’t showing any signs of waking up just yet, so we decided to keep you here to monitor your condition.” You nodded along in understanding as he spoke.
He placed the light back in his pocket and moved away from the bed. “I shall notify Lord Diavolo and the others that you have awakened. Please excuse me.” He said as he bowed, then left the room.
You sat up in the bed and criss crossed your legs, careful not pull out your IV or tangle any of the wires to the other monitors. You let out a long, heavy sigh. Before you could be consumed by your thoughts of all the memories of the last few days, the door to your room flung open once more. This time, it was the one person you wanted to see most.
“MC!” He shouted, voice cracking with emotion. Mammon crossed the room in an instant and sat in front of you on the bed.
“Are you okay? Do ya feel any pain?” He asked frantically, his eyes scanning your face then darting to the monitors, hands hovering over you as if he wanted to help but was unsure how. You grabbed his hand, intertwining your fingers in his. It seemed to calm him a little.
“I’m okay.” You assured him. Although you’d been put through the wringer, you felt so at peace. Not only were you in the safest place in the entire Devildom, but the one thing that threatened your peace of mind, was now no longer a problem.
“I-I uh, I was scared.. that I was too late. That ya weren’t gonna wake up, that I’d...that I’d lost ya..” He confessed, voice catching in his throat as tears fell from his eyes. He carefully scooped you up and held you in his lap, holding you as close as he was able to with all the wires and such. You sat up a little and snaked your arms around his neck, pressing your lips firmly to his.
While you were held captive, you had been so sure that you’d never get a moment like this with Mammon ever again. You were happy beyond words to be back in his embrace once again with his lips on yours. Smelling his wonderful scent, and feeling his warmth on your skin.
After a few minutes of your lips moving in synchronization, he broke the kiss, and pulled back to look you in the eye. A serious expression washing over his face. “MC, I’m sorry I didn’t-”
You held up your hand to stop him, “No, Mammon. You’re not going to blame yourself. I won’t let you. Everything that happened was his fault, not yours or anyone else’s. He was sick in the head, with a twisted ideology.”
He nodded, “I know, I know. It’s just..” He shook his head as he tried to choke back more tears that threatened to spill. You knew exactly what was running through his mind.
“Mammon, there is no one else in the three realms I’d rather trust with my protection, than you. As a matter of fact, there’s no else that can even compare to you in my eyes. As I already said, none of this, none of it, is your fault and I’ve never once thought it was. I love you, Mammon and there’s no one else I’d rather entrust my life with, or spend it with for that matter.” You placed your hand on his cheek and smiled at him, tears now streaking your cheeks. He leaned into your touch, his hand resting lightly on top of yours for a moment before pulling your hand away and placing several light kisses on your palm. 
Barbatos returned soon after, with a doctor in tow. Once they unhooked you from all the monitors and removed your IV, Mammon took you back to the House of Lamentation where everyone was awaiting your return.
It felt so good to be back. The HOL was technically your second home, but nowhere has ever felt more like home than here in the Devildom, surrounded by all your favorite people. And thanks to Lord Diavolo extending your stay until further notice, you were on cloud nine.
Although all your physical wounds were gone, the mental ones were sure to stick around for awhile. You expected as much though, having gone though quite a traumatic experience. Although, it made it a little easier knowing that Alex would never again be an issue.
It was clear that his soul wouldn’t be fit for the Celestial Realm, and you had fears of him being reincarnated in the Devildom and finding you once again. But, Mammon quickly laid those fears to rest, informing you of what he’d done that night after getting you safely to the Demon Lord’s castle.
He said he preformed some kind of ritual that ensured Alex wouldn’t be reincarnated anywhere; his soul having been wiped from the worlds. As if he’d never existed. He also mentioned something about Alex helping him to fulfill his end of a bargain with a witch. He didn’t really go into detail about the whole thing, but assured you that everything would be fine, so you didn’t push the issue. He’s a high ranking demon, after all. This surely isn’t his first rodeo. You were just ready to start the healing process and put an end to this awful chapter in life.
And with Mammon by your side; loving you, protecting you, helping you heal; you couldn’t think of a better way to begin such a beautiful new chapter.
~ fin ~
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bpro-cardstories · 3 years
Tomohisa Kitakado SSR
2019 ー New Field [新境地]
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“Say, Tomo, are you really alright with it?”
『Event: Pirates of Legend (1st - 9th August 2019)』
Part 1
ーKitaKore’s apartment.ー
Tomohisa (surprised): ‘A request for me….. To write a script for a drama series?’
Tsubasa: ‘Yes. Because it’s in the form of a competition it’s unknown if your script will actually be used. You were supported by a famous script writer and invited to “co-write” a script.’
Tsubasa: ‘The theme will be “battle”, but outside of this, you are free to write anything.’
Ryuji: ‘Hee, so far there have been writing requests such as columns or comments….. Scriptwriting for a drama series is a first, isn’t it? It sure is an unusual offer, Tomo.’
Tomohisa: ‘Yeah, I honestly was surprised. Why did he nominate me, I wonder?’
Tsubasa: ‘The client is a TV station producer who worked on many hit dramas.’
Tsubasa: ‘It seems that while he was watching Kitakado-san’s appearance in a program,  he took notice of the atmosphere and your speech which was intelligent and had a good feeling to them.’
Ryuji: ‘Hehe. That producer must be watching Tomo closely.’
Tsubasa: ‘He also read the columns published in magazines by Kitakado-san, and said that you have excellent writing abilities and sufficient topicality. Therefore, if you are interested then you are asked to get in touch with him.’
Tomohisa (smiles): ‘I see….. I appreciate that he even read my columns. And to be valued to such an extent makes me happy.’
Tsubasa: ‘It’s not often that I  hear of said things, so I think he is not simply complimenting you, but they do really like Kitakado-san’s writing.’
Tsubasa: ‘Since it’s a rare change, would you like to try it out?’
Tomohisa: ‘You’re right….. I’m very grateful for the consideration. By going beyond acting there will be a lot of things I will be able to learn through standing on the side of production for one time in the future.’  
Tomohisa: ‘Since I like writing, I’m interested in putting together a story. If I can challenge this, it might be a really great stimulus.’
Tsubasa: ‘If so, thenーー’
Tomohisa: ‘But I will turn down the offer this time.’
Tsubasa: ‘Eh……’
Tomohisa: ‘There are many wonderful professionals in this industry. It feels wrong for an amateur like me to suddenly take part in a competition. If I participate just because of topicality, it’s rude toward the contestants that earnestly submit a script I think.’
Ryuji: ‘........’
Tomohisa (smiles): ‘Should turning down the offer become an inconvenience then that’s a different matter, however….. There’s no problem I hope?’
Tsubasa: ‘Of course, please don’t worry about it. You are right, because it’s of a different nature than your usual work, Kitakado-san’s feelings are most important regarding this matter. Then I will later inform him of your rejectionーー’
Ryuji: ‘Wait a minute, Tsubasa.’
Ryuji: ‘Say, Tomo, are you really alright with it?’
Tomohisa: ‘Ryuji…..?’
Part 2
Ryuji: ‘You actually…… don’t really think that joining the competition is rude, do you? That thinking is even more discourteous I think.’
Tsubasa: ‘R-Ryuji-kun……’
Ryuji (angry): ‘I mean it’s the truth, it’s like saying you all lose to a script of an amateur’s topicality.’
Tomohisa (baffled): ‘........’
Ryuji: ‘That producer must know that it’s natural that there will be lots of scripts from professionals. As a producer for programs even more so. Yet, he purposely gave you an offer, Tomo. Isn’t it better to think more thoroughly about the meaning of it?’
Tomohisa: ‘........ The meaning of purposely choosing me, huh?’
Ryuji: ‘Exactly. …… It’s true that Tomo may be an amateur in relation to scriptwriting. But doesn’t the feeling to try it out apply to both professionals and amateurs?’
Ryuji (upset): ‘If you seriously are prepared to work hard, then you ought to take this chance.’
(It may be the first time I see Ryuji-kun persuading Kitakado-san about work in such a manner. All the more as Ryuji-kun might feel that this work will be meaningful for Kitakado-san.........)
Tomohisa (smiles): ‘........ Thanks, Ryuji. You’re right, maybe I was a bit conceited here.’
Ryuji: ‘I- I didn’t say that........’
Tomohisa: ‘No, it’s fine. Thank you for making me realize. It kind of opened my eyes. It seems like the offer itself was unexpected for me and my mind didn’t catch up.’
Ryuji (sighs): ‘........ I thought so. It was unlike Tomo to find a reason to not accept even though you had an interest in the offer.’
Tomohisa: ‘Haha, it’s as Ryuji says.’
Tomohisa: ‘........Tsubasa, I’m sorry, but ignore my answer from earlier. Would it be fine if I think about the offer a bit longer? My own feelings included, I want to properly think about whether I have enough time to face the production.’
Tsubasa: ‘Kitakado-san........ Of course!’
Tsubasa: ‘These are the materials for the competitions. I will contact the other party, so please take your time to consider.’ ________________________
 ーAnother day. In the meeting room.ー
Tomohisa: ‘ーーHello, Tsubasa.’
Tsubasa: ‘Kitakado-san, hello.’
Tsubasa: ‘It has been one week since then....... Did you come to a decision about the scriptwriting competition?’
Tomohisa: ‘Yes. I faced myself and........ Came to a decision.
Tomohisa: ‘I want to participate in the competition.’
Tsubasa: ‘........! I’m glad to hear that........ I thought that it was a really good chance so I am happy as well.’
Tomohisa: ‘Thanks, Tsubasa. I got excited when I read the material for the competition and was able to convince myself once again that this is what I wanted to do.’
Tomohisa: ‘Besides, it’s important for us to open up new work fields from now on I think.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Fufu, I am certain that this will be a big step. If you have decided so, I need to start adjusting your schedule........ I wonder how much time you will actually need to write a script?’
Tomohisa: ‘About this…… When I read the materials I tried to write one. Won’t you look over it for me?’
Tsubasa: ‘Eh........ You tried to write a script, you said?’
Tomohisa: ‘Yes. I wanted to test to what point I’m able to write alone. I thought that it’s important to let the producer know what writings other than columns I can produce.’  
Tomohisa (smiles): ‘Since I jumped into the world of professionals, this much preparation and readiness is a must.’
Tsubasa: ‘Amazing........ But is it fine that I will read your script beforehand?’
Tomohisa: ‘Of course. If possible, I want to hear your honest thoughts and impressions on it.’
Part 3
(Kitakado-san’s first script........ Just what kind of story could it be.)
Tomohisa (laughs): ‘Since the theme was “Battle” I wrote a story with “Pirates” as the motif, which I associate with the theme.’
Tsubasa: ‘ “Pirates”........’
(So, it’s probably mainly intense action. ........ Oh, it takes place in Japan.)
(........Huh? There are........ no battle scenes. The “pirates” appearing in the story are at the checkpoint that’s on the sea.)
Tsubasa: ‘........ How strange.’
Tomohisa: ‘Hm? Is there perhaps some inconsistency?’
Tsubasa: ‘Ah, no........! This story is very interesting. The appearing characters are charming and the dialogue is lively. It’s possible to become engaged in the story because thanks to your stage directions the scenes naturally emerge.’
Tomohisa: ‘I see, glad to hear this.’
Tsubasa: ‘But ........ This work is different from the usual “Pirate story”, is it not?’
Tomohisa: ‘Haha, that may be true, indeed. Pirates are pirates, but I chose “Murakami Kaizoku*” as the motif.”
Tsubasa: ‘ “Murakami Kaizoku”?’
Tomohisa: ‘Yeah. When you hear “pirates” the image of a group that gloriously steals the treasure with showy swordplay and firefights comes to your mind. But Japan’s pirates........ The “Murakami Kaizoku” are a group that fights to “protect” the important things.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘They seem to have been a group, also called the Japanese feudal lord of the sea, that was working for the sake of “protecting” people’s lives, livelihood, and above all, the peace of the sea.’
Tsubasa: ‘So that is why they do not start a fight by themselves.’
Tomohisa: ‘Exactly.’
Tomohisa: ‘........ Modern and extreme “battles” are perhaps better suited for entertainment and entertainment for drama series. But I think “fights” aren’t not only there to mutually hurt or steal from each other. To protect what’s dear, one overcomes their weaknesses. Everyone faces this kind of “battle” everyday.’
Tomohisa: ‘I want to write the kind of story where the viewer sympathizes and is inspired, even if the time or circumstances are different, is what I thought.’       
Tsubasa: ‘A “battle” that does not leave the viewer behind........ That is incredibly like Kitakado-san. This is why you can feel a soft warmness despite the heart-breaking scenes.’
Tomohisa: ‘Fufu, if it’s how you feel, then I’m happy.’
Tomohisa: ‘It’s worth writing just because Tsubasa said that.’
(To be able to produce such a wonderful script in a mere week, Kitakado-san really is extraordinary........)
Tsubasa: ‘I would like to continue reading your script without a rush, but........ More importantly, I would like to quickly submit it to the producer. I am sure it will be more than what they expected.’
Tomohisa: ‘That’s good to hear. But if this script isn’t what they wished for, then don’t hesitate to tell me, I will rewrite it.’    ________________________
 ーAnother day. During a photo shoot.ー
Tsubasa: ‘Uhm........ Ah, Kitakado-san!’
Tomohisa: ‘What happened for you to be so flustered........ Wasn’t it a different location today?’
Tsubasa: ‘That is true, but there is something I need to tell you as soon as possible. It’s about the script the other day, I received a reply from the producer.’
Tomohisa: ‘........! What did they say........’
Tsubasa: ‘It was praised that the result was beyond their imagination. And they were pleased about the subject at hand, which was like Kitakado-san. Moreover, it will be adopted as a solo script by Kitakado-san, instead of a co-written one........’
Tomohisa (surprised): ‘Solo script?’
Tsubasa: ‘Yes! It was decided to make it into a drama, outside of the competition. It seems that it will be in the frame of a two hour special drama.’
Tomohisa: ‘Made into a drama........ This time everything really is beyond your expectations.’
Tomohisa: ‘But I’m incredibly happy about it. I wonder if it’s fine that there are no problems with the content of the script and to receive such a big chance?’
Tsubasa: ‘It looks like there will be some corrections needed, however, they said that they want to go with the content as it is. And........’
Tomohisa: ‘There is more to come?’
Tsubasa: ‘Yes. When the production of the drama happens, if possible, they want Kitakado-san to be involved with the castings as well.’
Tomohisa: ‘Me........ Involved in the castings?’
Part 4
Tomohisa (baffled): Is that true? I didn’t think it was possible for me to choose the actors.’
Tsubasa: ‘If you wish, they will move to make it come true as much as possible. For this reason, should you have a performer in mind, do not hesitate to........’
Tomohisa: ‘........ If so, then there’s one person I’d like to ask.’
Tsubasa: ‘Is that so?’
Tomohisa: ‘Since he’s a veteran, it might be difficult. However, when I was writing the main protagonist, he came to my mind. So I was thinking to myself that I would be delighted if he plays the role........’
Tsubasa: ‘In this case, it will not hurt if we let them know! The producer is eager to gather a good staff and performers as well.’
Tomohisa (smiles): ‘Thanks. ........ How do I say, there’s a mysterious feeling I have never felt before. The world I imagined inside my head becomes reality........ The actors and actresses will bring the lines I wrote to life. They’re just ordinary letters, but I’m able to witness the moment they turn into living words.’
Tsubasa: ‘Fufu, even I am getting excited myself.’
Tomohisa: ‘Tsubasa, you also read the script, is there someone you imagine to play this particular character?’
Tsubasa: ‘Let me see, I ........ Ah, before that, I have an important matter to tell you.’
Tomohisa: ‘Hm?’
Tsubasa: ‘It’s regarding the casting, they also like to ask some B-PRO members to appear.’
Tomohisa (surprised): ‘From B-PRO, too?’
Tsubasa: ‘Yes, as Kitakado-san’s name will be listed, they want at least two other names to be listed as well.’
Tomohisa: ‘I see........’
Tomohisa: ‘........’
Tsubasa: ‘Uhm........ is something wrong?’
Tomohisa (smiles): ‘Yeah........ I just thought about how it’s a bit troubling, because it’s not possible to have everyone appear, I assume? It’s a given that, no matter who I choose, they will deliver a good performance. And yet, I have to choose from them.’
Tsubasa: ‘You are right........ Choosing among the members does feel awkward. However, this is not about the quality of their acting ability. If you choose them based on whether they suit the role or not, then it should not be such a worrisome matter I think.’ 
Tomohisa: ‘That’s true........ Then........’
Tomohisa: ‘........But, what to do. The role that suits Ryuji this timeーー’
Ryuji: ‘What about me?’
Tomohisa (surprised): ‘Ryuji! What about the shooting?’
Ryuji: ‘It just finished. I heard your talk from the middle on....... Tomo, are you worrying about me by any chance?’
Tomohisa: ‘That’s.......’
Ryuji (sighs): ‘Haa....... As I thought. Listen, do you think I will sulk if I can’t appear in the drama?’
Tomohisa: ‘No, you’re wrong. It’s just that this work is my first script. Since Ryuji encouraged me so much....... Besides, I do really love Ryuji’s acting. So if I am choosing from B-PRO, I want it to be Ryuji after all.’ 
Ryuji: ‘But there’s no role for me, is there?’
Tomohisa (dejected): ‘Uh.......’
Ryuji: ‘Good grief.......’
Ryuji: ‘There must already be a set image inside Tomo’s head. You absolutely can’t stray away from it. I won’t forgive it if Tomo’s important work will be ruined by such a thing.’
Tomohisa: ‘Ryuji.......’
Ryuji (smiles): ‘And in the first place, if I was appearing in the drama Tomo penned then I’d be the leading role, am I right. The content as well must be even more refined.’
Tomohisa (smiles): ‘Heh....... You’re right, When casting Ryuji, it has to be a script that was written for Ryuji.’
Ryuji: ‘Exactly. So for now, concentrate on producing good work. That’s also part of a professional’s work, no?’
Tomohisa (smiles): ‘Yeah. Thanks, Ryuji.’
Tomohisa: ‘.......Say, Tsubasa.’
Tsubasa: ‘Y-Yes.’
Tomohisa (winks): ‘To be honest, when I was writing the script, there were characters for which members came to my mind.’
Tsubasa: ‘.......! Please let me hear about it.’
Tomohisa: ‘Thanks. Uhm....... This role is heroic, fun and soothing. Since he’s a moodmarker I was thinking of Hikaru when I was writing the script. As for the other role, he comes with honesty and seriousness who doesn’t hesitate to throw away his life for the sake of his comrades.’
Tomohisa: ‘So I think this role might suit Kazu.......’
Ryuji: ‘.......’
Part 5
ーDuring the drama production, at the beach.ー
Lighting staff: ‘Put the lighting a bit higher.’
AD: ‘The last location bus is arriving! With this all the performers for today are gathered!’
Tomohisa: ‘....... It’s the start of the filming, huh. From here on out we’ll earnestly start filming now.’
Tomohisa: ‘.......’
Tsubasa: ‘.......Uhm, Kitakado-san. Are you fine?’
Tomohisa: ‘Eh?’
Tsubasa: ‘No, somehow you looked stiff for a second....... Since we are shooting at the sea all day, you will be hit by the salty sea breeze. If you are not feeling well, please tell me right away.’
Tomohisa (smiles): ‘I’m fine. My body is fit and healthy, there’s no problem.’
Tomohisa: ‘But, perhaps....... I’m a bit nervous.’
Tsubasa: ‘Eh.......?’
Tomohisa (pensive): ‘It sure is unusual for me, I agree. I just don’t know it myself really well, this sensation I’m feeling for the first time. I didn’t feel like this when I appeared in dramas....... Is this what you call pressure?’
Tomohisa: ‘A great number of people are working to realize the script I wrote. It’s been like this ever since this project started to move. Seeing the preparation for the shooting before my eyes now....... It looks like I came to realize this fact at last.’
(For Kitakado-san, who usually is the one who calms down everyone, to be this nervous....... It’s also a first for me. The words I should be giving at this time.......)
Hikaru: ‘Uwaah~ I’m so super nervous~!!’
Tomohisa: ‘.......Hm?’
Hikaru: ‘Did you see, leader? The actress who’s standing by the location bus!’
Hikaru: ‘When I was a child I watched her dramas in the morning, she played the mother in it!? I can’t believe there would come a day where I would be co-starring with her....... Aaaah, that makes me so nervous!’
Hikaru: ‘Leader, write down lots of letters of “person” on my hand** I will drink them! I will chug them down all at once!!’
Kazuna: ‘Calm down, Hikaru. It’s not our turn yet.’
Hikaru: ‘Uuh~! I know, but.......!’
Kazuna: ‘Hm, I do understand you though. There are nothing but talented performers around here, it’s nerve-wracking. But everyone should have the same desire to produce a good drama....... Don’t let yourself be swallowed up by the atmosphere and let’s rise together.’
Kazuna: ‘Let’s fight the pressure and move forward, just like our roles.’
Tomohisa: ‘.......!’
Kazuna: ‘Ahead of overcoming your weaknesses, there’s the future. For this reason, no matter how scary it is, even if your legs are tremblingーー You need to walk without stopping.’
Hikaru: ‘L-Leader.......’
Hikaru: ‘Uuuh, you’re so cool~! I’m mesmerized~!!’
Kazuna: ‘H-Hikaru, lower your voice a bit.......’
Hikaru: ‘You’re right! It’s the lamest to lose to yourself! Alright, I’ll also do my best!!’
Tomohisa: ‘....... Haha.’
Tsubasa: ‘Fufu....... Hikaru-kun is just as usual.’
Tomohisa: ‘Yeah. Kazu as well as Hikaru, they both are strong.’
Tomohisa: ‘I....... have to become strong, too. I can’t stay like this.’
Tomohisa: ‘If I don’t fight with the same feeling as the actors and actresses as part of the crew, I can’t deliver good work that many people can enjoy.’
(....... A dignified look. Yeah....... I’m sure he will be fine from now on.)
Producer: ‘Alright, it’s time. Shall we gather once before we start filming? Kitakado-kun, come here!’
Tomohisa: ‘Yes, I will.’
Tsubasa: ‘....... Everything is going well.’
Tomohisa: ‘Yeah, then, I’ll be going.’ ______
Tomohisa: ‘....... Tsubasa.’
Tsubasa: ‘Kitakado-san? Do you need something.......’
Tomohisa: ‘No, just....... Thanks.’
Tsubasa: ‘Eh?’
Tomohisa: ‘I’m very grateful that this gives me an environment and opportunity to continue taking on new challenges. That’s why, thank you, Tsubasa.’
Tsubasa: ‘....... You are welcome. The possibilities are limitless. Let us take on all kinds of challenges from now on as well.’ 
Tomohisa (smiles): ‘Yeah. Then....... I will go fight alongside everyone.’
Tsubasa: ‘Yes! Please do so, Kitakado-san.......!’
END ______________________
* Murakami Kaizoku (村上海賊): “[....] Murakami Kaizoku was the country’s largest group of pirates. Contrary to the usual activities of pirates who loot ships for money and goods, the Murakami Kaizoku’s primary occupation was enforcing order for the safety and security of navigation, and ensuring orderly trade and distribution in the Seto Inland Sea.[....]” [Source: japan-heritage.bunka.go.jp]
** Writing the letter for “people” (人) on the palm of your hand and swallowing is something like an encouragement ritual in Japan. Perhaps you might have seen it in some anime before, like Shokugeki no Soma, or in J-Dramas. This article explains the history behind this action.
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zotlel · 4 years
The Exhibition (M)
Tumblr media
pairing: jaebeom x you (ft. jinyoung)
genre: photographer!au, smut, romance, one-shot
synopsis: You are starved for inspiration as a photography student. When visiting the anonymous photographer “Defsoul’s” exhibit you meet a like-minded boy who gives you that spark. Only you didn’t expect the night to pan out exactly as it did.
word count: 7.8k
The wide city sidewalk was packed full of people anxious to get home and start their weekends. Their hurried steps accompanied by the warm street lights were quite a sight, you thought. With a quick flash of your camera, you are able to capture the scene as is, but you were already running late. You weave in and out through the bodies because unlike them you were not going home.
This was the third year of your photography program at the city’s most prestigious university. Despite how much you loved photography, you had been stuck in a creative rut recently that you just couldn’t seem to break free from. Therefore it had become a tradition of yours starting this new school year to attend some sort of photography exhibition on Friday nights. The size of the city that you were currently studying in allowed this to be a possibility due to the ever-growing art community it had.
Your steps continue at a quick pace, but you couldn’t help your eye from wandering at the scenes around you. So hungry for any sort of inspiration, from the streets dampened with a former rainstorm to the businessman making quick work to undo his burgundy tie that had been constricting his neck. Anything. You wished for just anything to strike you with a spark.
You had finally reached your destination where the new exhibition was being held. Alone. That was the title of the photographer’s first show. The photographer in question? Unknown. The photographer was going under the alias as “Defsoul.” It was quite a trendy thing these days to have no idea whose art you were looking at. You really could not wrap your head around as to why you would not want to put your name amongst the work you are proud of. Which was also a perfect example of why you probably struggled so much creatively.
The space the photographer chose had a rather grunge vibe, photographs were arranged on the tattered brick walls and all throughout the room. The air was thick around you as soft R&B beats flowed throughout the space. Stepping into the studio, you notice that you are one of the first patrons to arrive at the exhibition. While most guests came in pairs or groups you stood small in the expansive space in solitary, you preferred it that way. Small gatherings of people were scattered throughout the different rooms, all ranging from different ages, sexes, and ethnicities. You silently complemented the ambiguous photography for having the ability to reach so many demographics. The more you walked about the studio space, the more you understood everyone’s attraction to the enthralling photos.
Each photo was supposed to emit a different sentiment, or so that is what you have learned from your classes. The photos themselves vary from different subjects, older couples holding each other close, some were expansive European landscapes, and then also the occasional stray cat stretching in the afternoon sun. You tried your hardest to interpret the photos in your own words, trying to find the connection. Alone. That was the exhibition name. So why didn’t you feel that when walking amongst the various scenes?
To you, the different film that was taken emulated a mass collection of photos taken from someone’s personal collection. There was a sense of solace in each photo that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. It felt as if you were with the photographer in every photo, imagining the way they shot each scene. You had been walking around rather aimlessly through the gallery until you stopped upon one image in particular. 
The photograph was no more expressive than any other photo in the gallery, but you couldn’t help stopping and staring. The scene was the back of a man, his hair slightly long and disheveled, he looks out into an extensive lake surrounded by forestry, the light of a late midday sun which illuminated the photograph.  You cannot help your logical analysis of the image, and you find no flaws. The common idea surrounding photography is that it is a completely creative and artistic practice, while this isn’t false, it just so happened to also require certain formulas as well. It requires an eye for direction, proportions, and balance. This photo that fascinated you in the gallery had all of those elements.
The sound from the other patrons fades around you as you become enraptured in the photograph. It was only the scent of pure pine and spice that had you reeling back to the current moment. To the right side of you, a man stood, he wasn’t looking at you but instead he was, just as you were, staring into the alluring photo. You studied the man, he seemed to be around your age, taller than you, with dark hair that matched his sultry eyes. You admired the man’s bone structure, tall nose and cheekbones, he really was quite attractive. 
The way your gaze lingered on his face must have given him a sense of being watched. Because before you could hide your stare the handsome man was shifting his face towards you, looking straight into your eyes, a devilish smirk dances on his features. Heat rises to the apples of your cheeks as you turn to look at the picture again, pretending like you weren’t just caught checking him out.
“What do you think?”
You turn to face him, “Excuse me?”
“About the photo,” he smiles back at you. You cough slightly trying to hide your embarrassment. 
“Oh, um-” you start carefully, “it is actually my favorite one in this exhibit I think.” 
His face softens at your answer as he nods, looking back to the photo before he begins to speak again, “What’s so great about it?” 
You look at the photo one more time, really analyzing it.
“I’m not sure exactly,” you say honestly. “It was the only photo that really caught my eye. Don’t get me wrong I thought all these photos were great, but this one helped me visualize what the photographer must have been witness to through his photos.”
He looks back at you with a surprised expression. 
“That’s a really interesting take on the photo, I thought you just thought the man in it was attractive.”
You laugh slightly, “You can’t see much of looks from a person’s back.”
This has the man doubling over in laughter, much to your surprise. You look around the room to see if any of the other patrons are staring at the man, you couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed at the attention. Then you looked back at the man and his blinding smile and you cannot help but return the same emotion. And for the first time, in a long time, you began to feel captivated with this man.
His laughter seizes yet his smile remains as he turns his body to face you, “I am Jaebeom by the way.” 
He says while extending his hand out to you. You are now able to see his entire face as you grip his hand in a greeting. To your surprise, he had a silver nose ring on his right side, along with multiple piercings all up and down his ears. It was your first time feeling such an attraction to a man’s jewelry. You blink rapidly realizing you had just been grasping his hand in silence for some time, but he didn’t seem to mind. You tell him your name before dropping your connected hands, he repeats it softly as if he was saying it for only him to hear.
“Did you come by yourself tonight?” He asks.
“Is that some form of a pick-up line?” You reply back snarkily which has the man chuckling at your playful banter.
“It’s only a pickup line if it works,” he states causing your head to nod in agreement.
“Well then yes, I am alone if you must know.”
“Fascinating. I would have definitely assumed you to just be here on a date, not actually here for the art,” he says.
You scoff, “How pretentious of you to assume such a thing,” you say. 
“I’m a photography student if you couldn’t guess, so I am most definitely here for the art.”
“I meant no offense,” he holds his ringer clad hands up in a form of surrender. “It was just a simple observation due to the other people here tonight.”
He wasn’t wrong about that, you thought. The gallery was littered with different couples strolling throughout the space. Love could easily be seen in the air the minute you walked in. Not that you minded, of course. If you had allowed yourself to date you would also think to come to an art gallery like this, spending time with someone you were attracted to amongst gorgeous imagery, it was quite romantic. 
“This does seem to be a hot-spot for couples tonight,” you note back to him.
“So, what would you say if I asked you to come out for a drink with me tonight instead of staying here?” He asks you.
“What, are the lovebirds kind of cramping your style?” You laugh back at his sudden suggestion.
He laughs at this before continuing, “Not necessarily. I’m just interested in you, I thought maybe a good way of getting to know more about the beautiful girl from the gallery would be over a couple of drinks.”
You smile shyly looking away from him, “I don’t know, I was kind of curious to see if this secret photographer would show themselves by the end of the night.”
“Trust me, he’s not one for introductions.”
He? You thought to yourself, how could Jaebeom know the gender of the photographer? Perhaps he had been coming to Defsoul’s exhibitions enough to have eventually met the elusive photographer. 
Perhaps you should take Jaebeom up on his offer. Hell, you couldn’t even remember the last time you had been out for a drink. Especially with a man as good-looking as Jaebeom. Maybe you could finally allow yourself to let loose, just this once.
“Well, in that case, you lead the way,” he smiles at your response. Jaebeom raises his hand inviting you to take hold. You do so while smiling, excited for what the night shall bring.
Jaebeom grips your hand tightly as you two make your way throughout the lamp-lit city streets. Your heart is beating wildly every time he would look back to check if you were still there, grinning when he is met with your presence. The two of you walk hand-in-hand as he tells you he is taking you to one of his favorite lounges in the city, you can’t help your excitement.
You two finally arrive at the bar, the exterior of the building is ornate in nature with vintage signage and lights decorating the brick walls. Jaebeom drops his grasp on your hand to open the large wooden door allowing you to step inside first, what a gentleman you thought. Inside the lounge the cigar smoke twisted in an elegant way, forming curls in the dim light. The room was illuminated solely by the age-speckled bar lights. Jaebeom finds an empty booth towards the back for you two to sit. A smartly dressed waiter comes around to grab drink orders and skirts away hurriedly after. You sit back a bit in your seat trying to calm your nerves by looking around the room. 
You wouldn’t exactly describe yourself as an introverted person, but this definitely was a new experience for you. Coming out with a man you barely knew, to a part of town you were unfamiliar with, just for drinks. It was all so different for you, but there was something about Jaebeom that made you feel a certain sense of security. It was usually pretty easy for you to tell when a guy was a complete sleaze-bag and Jaebeom definitely did not give off that impression. Still, you couldn’t help but feel slightly shy to be with such a handsome man.
“I’m so curious to hear what you are thinking,” Jaebeom speaks up from the other end of the table. 
You turn to look at him and notice his chin perched on his hand as he stares dreamily at you with his deep-set eyes. You go red as you realize he must have been studying you this entire time.
“I was just thinking about how all of this is a very new experience for me,” you respond back.
“What exactly?”
“Just this,” you emphasize your words by swinging your finger in the space between the two of you. 
“I’ve never said yes to drinks with a man I had met less than an hour before.”
“You don’t say,” he chuckles. “I would imagine a girl as beautiful as you would have plenty of suitors waiting to take you out for a simple cocktail.”
You laugh at this. It’s not that men have not tried taking you out in the past, they most certainly did. You were just in a place with your life that didn’t allow you the capacity for any man. It wasn’t as bad as it sounded, really. You knew that at this point in your life the things that were the most important to you were school and finding your place in the competitive field of photography. No man could ever distract you from this dream of yours.
“Even so,” you begin. “I don’t really have the time for any sort of man in my life right now.”
“So then why did you agree to come out with me?” Jaebeom asks you.
That was a good question, why did you say yes? Despite the fact that Jaebeom had been one of the most attractive men to ever approach you, you wondered what it was about him that pulled your attention so strongly.
“I’m not sure why exactly it’s kind of hard to explain,” you say. “I just feel comfortable in your presence.”
This was something new to hear for Jaebeom. Mysterious, chic, sexy. These were all things Jaebeom was used to hearing from women, but “comfortable” was new. Little did you know, you were also a new experience entirely for him. The other women Jaebeom had encountered in his life felt like nothing more than a shallow quest for lust or domination with him. But you, he wanted to know so much more about the girl sitting across from him. Your dreams, inhibitions, fears. He could listen to you ramble on all night.
“I feel the same way,” he replies back coolly, to which you beam back a tender smile.
The rest of the night with Jaebeom is filled with giddy conversation between the two of you, both anxious to learn more about the other. You share with him things that some of your closest friends did not even know about you, but that was the power he held. He somehow was able to fluster you like a shy schoolgirl and yet hold your hand so sincerely that it felt as if you had known him for years. Drinks and conversation flowed throughout the few hours you spent with him at the lounge, effectively easing all your anxiety.
Once the two of you got onto the topic of photography there was no stopping the excitement. You could see in his eyes he loved it just as much as you, but ultimately he feared he was not good enough to be professional. You related closely to this worry, also sharing the hardships you faced with the creative aspect of it all. The way Jaebeom was able to relate so deeply to you on this issue made him all the more attractive to you, but that could also be the drinks talking.
“Of course you also make music,” you laugh at the man across from you at his recent confession.
“What is that supposed to mean?” He gawks back at you.
“Nothing offensive really,” you begin. 
“It just fits your whole image you know. The gorgeous man I met at the exhibit is also incredibly deep and creative,” you joke with him.
He smiles and nods his head understanding that to most people he appears that way. Not that he minded, of course, he just wished sometimes he wasn’t so easy to read. 
“Gorgeous, huh?”
He completely ignores your other statements to instead put you on the spot, but to his surprise, you don’t seem the least bit bashful. Instead, you take a long sip from your drink before setting it down with a soft thud. Looking him in the eye as if to say, “Did I stutter?” Jaebeom smirks and breaks his eye contact, absentmindedly twirling the small cocktail straw in his almost empty glass. 
“I want to hear your music,” you say breaking him from his trance. 
He looks up to see you leaning in on the table excitedly, a small flame of mischief burning behind your eyes. 
He leans in towards you, “Really?” 
You nod.
“Well then, let’s get out of here.”
You knew just as well as anyone what it meant to go back to his place and listen to his music, but that was exactly what you wanted. Jaebeom hails over the waiter closing up your tab before you both exit the bar to the crisp Autumn night air. As if on cue, a taxi pulls in front of where the two of you stood, allowing a handsome young couple to exit its backseat. Jaebeom takes the opportunity, seizing the door open for you to step into the now emptied seats of the taxi. He joins in after you quickly telling the older man who was driving the taxi his address.
The ride began innocently enough. Silent, as you two sat next to one another, too nervous to make eye contact. Because you knew as soon as you looked, things would take a drastic turn, but you were always too curious for your own good. You turn your head slightly to catch Jaebeom looking at you, not in your eyes, but everywhere else. From the way that your legs were crossed to your innocently folded hands in your lap, the curves of your body, the long expanse of your neck, until finally, into your lust-filled eyes. That was all it took.
Jaebeom was the first to snap, instantly latching his hand onto the back of your neck in order to bring your lips onto his. You more than happily obliged bringing your own hands to rest on his taut shoulders, molding your lips unto his. The connection was everything you imagined. Hot, rushed, and oh so gratifying. You could taste the deep bitters of his drink as his tongue danced across your lip, your own tongue eager to meet his. He groaned into your mouth once he felt the connection which in turn had you draping a leg across his lap attempting for your bodies to be closer. You felt somewhat sorry for the cab driver, but you mostly didn’t care.
Jaebeom grips your leg that is draped over him feeling the soft flesh beneath your tight jeans. God, he only imagined what you looked like completely exposed to him. The thought had to wait as the two of you could feel the car come to an abrupt stop, followed by an awkward cough from the front seat. You both break free and stare into each other’s dark gazes, unable to shake the overwhelming amount of lust. It took a second clearing of the cab driver’s throat to snap the trance and leave his car. Jaebeom handed the man the cab fare, being sure to tip him generously, before exiting the car and extending a hand out to you. You take it graciously after saying a quick “thank you” to the driver. 
Once outside the cab, the pace of the evening leveled out. Jaebeom, now calm and collected, takes your hand in his, smiling at you briefly before guiding you to a rather expensive-looking building. It was late at night when you two arrived, yet upon entering the bright lobby you notice a rather well-dressed attendant sitting modestly behind a large desk. She looks up from her desk to see who had entered. Upon gazing at Jaebeom she stands and bows her head silently in a form of saying “Welcome.” Jaebeom smiles politely at her while still having you in tow towards the titanium elevator doors. They open upon his touch of the button allowing you both to step inside.
The feeling of being next to Jaebeom in the elevator versus the taxi was entirely different. While the backseat of the taxi was filled with nothing but lust for one another, the elevator was quiet. Utter silence from you both as you anxiously spare looks to one another. Whenever one of you caught the other’s eye it would be hard to hide your bashful smiles. Your stomach was doing flips in expectancy of what was to come. The doors part, you had arrived. 
Jaebeom enters his apartment with relative ease, despite his nerves making it difficult to punch in his door code. Once the two of you were inside is when he finally began to speak, “Can I offer you anything to drink? Wine? Water?”
“Wine sounds lovely, thank you,” you respond back. 
He smiles, “Wine it is. Please make yourself at home while I go get us some glasses.”
Then he is off, leaving you to wander about his apartment curiously. It was relatively a clean place, or rather there just wasn’t much furniture in general. Simplistic and chic. You couldn’t think of a more fitting apartment for Jaebeom. You walk about the space coming unto what seemed to be a living room with a single black leather loveseat and a computer desk against the opposite wall. You make your way over to the couch sitting down gently. 
Not long after, Jaebeom appears from the doorway holding two glasses of a deep red wine. He chuckles nervously extending one glass to you. Jesus, he was so endearing. You take the glass with a small smile and thank him, bringing the bitter liquid to your lips. 
“Did you still want me to play you some of my work?” Jaebeom asks nervously, still standing above you. 
You had almost completely forgotten that was the whole reason you wanted to come. You were too enraptured by the beautiful man’s aura. 
“Yes please, play me something,” you say excitedly. 
He takes a sip of his wine and smiles before turning his back and walking towards the computer. He types away for about a minute before a soft melody can be heard throughout the room. You look to see speakers installed all around your head creating a hypnotic atmosphere. You close your eyes and sway, finding yourself getting lost in the beats and pretty vocals of his song. It isn’t until you feel a dip in the seat next to you that you open your eyes to see the expectant face of Jaebeom at your side.
“You really made this?”
“Yeah, that’s my voice if you can’t tell,” he replies nervously bringing a hand to rub at the back of his neck.
“I don’t know as much about music as I do photography, but this is really good,” you say to him which has him chuckling and shaking his head. “No, really I mean it.”
He looks up at you to see that you were in fact being genuine. He felt more proud then than at any other moment he could remember. Jaebeom sets his wine glass down on the coffee table next to yours before turning his full attention towards you, tucking a soft hair behind one of your ears. 
“You’re really something, did you know that?” He asks you, with a voice just barely above a whisper.
Your heart pounded loudly in your chest at the sudden close proximity, but God did you love this man’s presence. You leaned slightly into his hand that was still hovering near the side of your face, allowing him to cup your cheek affectionately. 
“That’s funny,” you say. “I was thinking the same thing about you.”
He’s smiling at you now, staring deeply into your shining eyes. The self-control he had completely left him at that point. He leans into you slowly, allowing you time to register what was about to happen. You close the gap, kissing him softly. He sighs into the kiss, languidly moving his lips against yours while at the same time grabbing your hips to move your body closer. You reciprocate and bring it a step further, throwing one leg over his lap to straddle his thighs, never once breaking apart your lips.
He takes a shaky breath the minute your body softly grinds onto his. God, he was intoxicating. You were so eager to elicit more responses from him, to watch him come undone, so you snake your hands into his long hair, earning an appreciative moan. You can’t help but whine at the sound, wanting nothing more than to feel his body pressed against yours. 
Jaebeom seems to know your thoughts exactly because in one moment he is sweeping you up off of the couch, legs still fastened tightly around him, making his way towards what you can only assume to be his bedroom. He would stop occasionally to press you against a nearby wall, breaking from your lips he would decorate your neck in soft kisses. The scent of his musky cologne exhilarating your thoughts. Finally, he reaches his bedroom, dropping you down to your feet softly with a thud. 
“I want you,” he breaths out onto your abused lips.
“Then you can have me,” you whisper. “All of me.”
He groans at your response as it seems they were the exact words he wished to hear. Swiftly Jaebeom grabs at your top peeling it off over your head leaving you clad in a simple black bra. If you had known you would be seen naked tonight you would have opted for something a little sexier, but Jaebeom doesn’t seem to mind. Instead, his head instantly drops to your cleavage, pushing your breasts eagerly up into his face as he begins to kiss and suck at your skin surely leaving marks for you to remember him by. You breathe out at the sensual feeling, greedy to feel his skin against your own.
You reach below him to tug at his black t-shirt hinting at how much you wanted it off of his body. He understands, breaking away from your chest to pull his shirt over his head. His chest is broad and milky, illuminated from the streetlights outside his bedroom window. You can’t help yourself, bringing a hand to rest against the middle of his chest. You felt him, all of him. The warmth, the sweat, the anticipation, all of it rested just below your fingertips. Slowly you drag your hand lower, noting the shiver that ran through Jaebeom’s body at your soft caresses. You reach his belt, playing with it you look up at him through your lashes, batting them innocently.
“Fuck-” he says. “If you keep looking at me that way, I don’t think I can control myself.”
“Perfect,” you say, pulling him closer by his belt loop. “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
You have no idea where this sense of confidence has come from. Normally during sex, you tend not to be much of a talker, letting the man do as he pleases. Tonight felt different from all those nights before. Jaebeom made you a different person, someone who felt bold enough to take control. You liked this person he created, and he seemed to be just as pleased.
He smirks at you, enjoying your teasing nature, he pulls you flush against his skin. He holds your eye contact for a moment before firmly turning your body so that your back meets his chest. You gasp as you feel him move your hair to the side, decorating lustful kisses along your shoulder and neck. His hands find purchase on your hips, greedily massaging them while also forcing your ass to grind onto his already stiff cock straining against his jeans. You moan at the feeling, taking pride in the effect you had on him.
“Do you like that, baby?” He asks you. “The feeling of my hard cock against you?”
The man could talk dirty, you thought, could he be any more attractive?
You don’t reply with words. Instead, you grind your backside harder against him, causing a hiss to fall from his lips. You lull your head back dreamily, getting lost in the feeling of your bodies moving together, both of you ravenous for any sort of friction. While his hands stayed firmly on your hips you took this opportunity to grab at one of his hands, bringing it upward to your chest, encouraging Jaebeom to massage your breasts. He happily obliges, feeling up your warm body with his rough hands, your scent invigorating his mind.
“I want you to strip for me, then go lay on the bed,” Jaebeom softly commands in your ear, effectively snapping you out of your daze.
There was something about his assertive tone that sent heat straight to your core, you were so eager to feel him there. He takes a step away from your body allowing you space to remove your clothes, and you do so. You look over your shoulder at him to see his bottom lip caught between his teeth, anticipating your show. You reach down for the button of your jeans undoing it in a slow and sultry way until you are able to strip the fabric down your legs. 
Jaebeom intently watches your scantily clad figure which in turn gave you the confidence to continue. You put on a bit of a show with your movements, matching your swaying hips to his music that could still be heard inside the bedroom. Once you step your feet out of your jeans you turn your body so it is facing his. There is still a bit of space between your bodies, but the tension is extreme. You reach behind your back to unclasp your bra, taking one strap between your fingers as you allow the bra to drop. 
Upon seeing your bare chest a fire ignites behind Jaebeom’s eyes. You smirk, with still swaying hips, you hook two fingers into your panties. Turning once more to give him a view of your backside, you dance your way out of the soft material, letting it gather around your feet. Finally, now completely bare, you make your way to his large king bed adorned with fresh white sheets. Crawling on all fours up the bed, making sure to arch your back for the best view, you flip your body onto the bed awaiting his arrival.
Jaebeom drinks this all in. The music, fragrances, lights, visuals, and the ambiance of seeing your bare body lay upon his white sheets, decorated purely by the moonlight. Without waiting for a second longer he rids himself of the last of his clothing, pushing his jeans and boxers down with haste. He walks to the foot of the bed, softly caressing your calves as he climbs up the expanse of your body. Your eyes meet his hazily, running your gentle hands along his forearms until his forehead is resting softly against yours.
“Can I taste you?”
Your mind is in a haze at his request, but who were you to say no?
Your head nods at his request and he smiles. Kissing your lips passionately before dragging them lower and lower down your body. Occasionally Jaebeom would nip and suck on parts of your skin, causing your body to tremor. Until finally you began to feel his heated breaths over your core. You gripped the sheets expectantly, unconsciously tensing your body in anticipation. He gives each of your thighs one last kiss before licking a strong tongue through your core.
You moan instantly, surprised by how sensitive you were from just one touch. Jaebeom doesn’t stop, he grabs hold of your thighs effectively throwing them over his broad shoulders. At first, his licks are long and languid, causing your hips to fall in motion with his tongue. Once he begins to feel your thighs tense at the sensations he picks up his pace, switching from licking up your core to occasionally wrapping his lips around your clit. 
You feel electric waves throughout your body at his movements. At one particular suck, you moan out into the night, threading a hand through Jaebeom’s hair, which in turn has him groaning into you. He too was lost in the pleasure he was giving you. From your scent to your heavenly moans he couldn’t stop himself from grinding down against his mattress eager for some relief on his achingly hard cock.
“Jaebeom please, I need to feel you inside of me, please,” you manage to moan out wanting nothing more than for your bodies to become one.
Although Jaebeom wanted so badly to see your body come undone from his tongue alone, he too was starting to get impatient. One last suck to your clit before he is climbing back up your body, greedily you reach for him and connect your lips. He moans at your soft sucks against his tongue, desperate for you to taste your own arousal. 
Shockingly, you are able to flip your bodies over allowing you to climb on top of Jaebeom’s beautiful body. You break away from the kiss to sit up and see him. There he was in all his glory. The stoic man from the gallery naked and heaving beneath you, so eager to be inside of you. You smile sweetly at him and he groans, taking his painfully hard cock into your hand you stroke him tenderly, to which he throws his head back in excitement. Without waiting a second longer you align him with your dripping core, slowing sinking him deep inside of you.
You release an intense sigh that you didn’t know you were holding. Jaebeom moans at the warm feeling of your pussy wrapped tightly around him, he then looks to see where your bodies meet. As if on cue you begin to sway your hips back in forth, still in rhythm with the music coming from the living room. The pace is slow and sensual, just as you like. 
Jaebeom felt as if he could feel every little movement. From the way your beautiful hips swayed to your hands pressed firmly on his chest, he savored every second. His hands come to rest against your hips once again, encouraging your movements. Moans spill from your mouth as you get lost in the feeling of him buried so deep inside of you.
“Oh god,” you cry out.
Jaebeom is blissed out in the feeling, allowing you full control; he loses himself in the moment, suddenly becoming acutely aware of the song. You too let your body take over and allow your mind to float above the two of you making love. You can hear the melody too.
난 네게 눈이 멀었고
(I became blinded by you)
넌 내게 눈이 멀었겄지
(You probably became blinded by me)
우리 서로만을 보았고
(We only saw each other)
이 세상에 둘만 있었겠지
(We probably were the only ones in the world)
Jaebeom begins to lose his patience as he can feel his end nearing. You yelp with surprise as his strong arms wrap against your frame, flipping you onto your back. You squeeze around him from his dominant change in nature, he groans at the feeling.
“I want to feel you come all around me, baby,” he tells you. 
You nod back ready for him to ravish your body. He hooks one of your legs over his shoulder giving him the best angle for you both. The pace from before is completely different. While you took your time with Jaebeom while you rode him, when he was on top he fucked you, hard.
Sheathing himself back inside of you so hard and fast you both scream out in pleasure. He wastes no time fucking you raw, trying to chase the high you both so desperately longed for. His movements are fast yet calculated, effectively hitting your sweet spot every time he entered you. You were desperate to hold on to reality gripping the sheets above your head as you moaned loudly. Jaebeom saw this action and instead moved your hands to his hair.
“I want you to show me how good I’m making you feel,” he says to you in his gruff voice.
You understand his wish, grabbing his hair just as tightly as he fucked you, earning an appreciative groan from him spurring on his movements further. 
You felt your end coming. It was like a small fire that suddenly began to blister in the pit of your stomach. Your chest heaved for air as you gripped his hair even tighter, warning him. He understood.
“Come on, baby, I need to feel you come, please,” his words did just the trick.
The fire turned into an explosion as the white-hot orgasm swept through your body. You trembled in his hold as he thoroughly fucked you through your high. Once you came down you noticed his brows furrowed and his movements began to waver. You released his hair to hold him close to your body, encouraging him to let go.
He eventually reaches his own high as he drops his head to your shoulder, you hold him close as he moans out deliciously into your ear. His movements stutter as he tiredly milks his orgasm to completion. He slumps his body against yours, slick with sweat the two of you stay connected for some time attempting to calm your breaths. 
Tiredly you stroke your hand softly up and down his back lullingly. You begin to feel the effect of all the alcohol in your system as you fought to keep your eyes open. Too at peace with where you were, you allowed yourself to become a victim of slumber while caressing Jaebeom’s naked frame. 
When morning broke, you expected to be woken by the bright sunshine pouring into his room. Instead, the thing that woke you from your slumber was the distinct click of what you only know to be the sound of a film camera. Still naked in his sheets you turn your body over to see an equally naked Jaebeom perched at the foot of the bed with a small camera plastered to his face. The morning sun decorated his frame in the most beautiful way, you couldn’t help but smile at the sight.
He lowers the camera slowly from his face, gauging your reaction, “Sorry I just thought you looked so perfect lying there. Does it bother you?”
You shake your head no. He smiles and climbs up his bed to be with you again in the early morning light. He lays at your side and you turn your full body to him, he tucks a stray hair behind your ear. You both stay there for what felt like an eternity. Mindlessly you both would let your fingers dance along the other’s naked form, basking in the soft flesh below. The silence was infectious, filling your soul with content. You never wanted this feeling to end.
“Can I just say what an honor it is to be accompanying you on this gorgeous Friday night,” Jinyoung smiles at you. “The forsaken Friday nights that you would normally spend in solitude, per your own request, but I am the first one to break that tradition. Really it is a privilege.”
You laugh at Jinyoung’s over-the-top monologue. Jinyoung wasn’t wrong, he was the first person you had ever asked to accompany you on this Friday night. Your friends all knew the deal, Friday nights were for your alone time, for your creativity to rekindle. 
“You are just too handsome to say no to,” you reply back sweetly, reaching up to Jinyoung planting a swift kiss on his cheek. His eyes crinkle in the most adorable fashion. 
As much as you had grown and changed in the past couple of months, Jinyoung was always a constant in your life. Before you used to be so caught up in your art and finding inspiration that you never gave the cute boy from your English class the time of day. Often times Jinyoung would ask you out for the occasional coffee or study date to which you would always find an excuse not to go. It surprised you that even after all his failed attempts he even still wanted to take you out, so ultimately you agreed. You could say that perhaps you had a change of heart. Something eventually opened your eyes to his affection for you.
After walking some time the two of you finally make it to the exhibit. The words “Awake.” displayed in white neon outside the entrance. Looking to Jinyoung and smiling you both make your way through the large entryway. Subtly you feel him slide his fingers through your own, and your body heats at the affection. 
It had been quite some time since Defsoul had held any sort of photography exhibition. In fact, the last one being just over six months ago. Although the photographer was still active through social media you were surprised as to why it had taken them so long to put on another show. You remembered just how much you fell in love with their work last time that you were eager to see what else they had in store.
As the two of you walk hand-in-hand throughout the gallery you instantly notice the ambiance of this show to be vastly different from the one you had attended months before. The air was lighter, the photographs themselves felt brighter than before, and even the conversations between the patrons were airier. Jinyoung would occasionally point to certain photos attempting his best at discussing the art of photography in order to impress you. You would smile at his attempts, bringing his body closer to yours the more you strolled throughout the space.
Your mind couldn’t help but wander to the night you shared with Jaebeom just months before where you met him at one of these exhibits. It had been so long since you had even thought of him or his name that you had almost forgotten. Though the feelings you felt never disappeared. 
You catch yourself smiling at the memory before looking up at one of the larger displays in the studio. You stopped dead in your tracks upon looking, your breath caught in your throat as you just stared. It was you, not your face, your naked backside peeking perfectly out of his crisp white sheets, the morning sun playing through your soft hair beautifully. There you were on full display for the whole world to see. 
The world around you faded as you sat and stared, Jinyoung taking notice finally to what you had been looking at, “That is gorgeous, I think this might be my favorite one so far.”
You can’t hear him as your mind was reeling a mile a minute. It was then in that moment you came to realize everything. His sheets, his bed, his room, his photograph. This was his show, Jaebeom was Defsoul. How could you have not seen it before?
You looked about the room frantically, fear striking you as you noticed the other patron’s eyes glued to the huge mural of you, Jinyoung too being entranced with the photo. Anxiety bubbled over into your stomach. That was until you saw it, the title: Muse.
You didn’t know why exactly upon reading the simple word that tears began to pool in your eyes. Again you looked around the room. You needed to see him, to confirm your thoughts. You needed to know who Jaebeom really was. Then suddenly there he stood, perfect as ever.
Jaebeom stood meters away from you and Jinyoung, the bodies of the other patrons crossed your paths as the two of you just stared at each other. He looked just as stunning as that night, that one fateful night. His gaze is soft on yours as if to ask if you were okay. You cannot answer him, still in too much shock. 
Until Jaebeom looks to Jinyoung, your connected hands, and then finally you, he smiles warmly. Little did you know that this is exactly what Jaebeom wanted to see for you. Your happiness above all else. To others, what the two of you shared could easily be written off as just some other one night stand, but he knew it was so much more. He cared for you in ways he never thought he would be able to feel for another person. And so he was happy, if he couldn’t be the one holding your hand in this gallery, he was glad you had someone to take his place. You deserved as much.
A tear finally escapes your eye as you continue to gaze at Jaebeom’s sincere expression, laughing slightly you brush the tear away. You felt no anger, no embarrassment. Because what Jaebeom said was right, for that night you spent together, he too was your own muse. The spark you needed at that moment. You needed him then just as much as he did. 
Without leaving his eyes, you bow your head slightly, doing something you realized you never did that night. You thanked him. He raised a wine glass in recognition. Then he was gone, swallowed into the sea of people who would never know his true identity. 
“I didn’t know photography moved you that much,” Jinyoung says to you while wiping your tears away, a look of concern etched into his features.
You laugh, dropping your head bashfully before raising your eyes again to look at Jinyoung. You were so content with the way you began to live your life since meeting Jaebeom. For so long you had deprived yourself of the one thing that should have mattered the most, your happiness.
It was fate for you and Jaebeom to meet each other that night, but you knew it was only meant for that one night. Jaebeom was the trigger for you to stop living inside the constrictive box you created for yourself. You felt inspiration more than ever through your art, which in turn greatly improved your abilities. You also finally allowed yourself love, and to share that love with someone who genuinely wanted you. 
Now with Jinyoung, you had never felt more at peace in not only yourself but your life. Rising to his height you capture Jinyoung’s lips with yours. He smiles against you and reciprocates your affection. This is who you were meant to be with tonight, and for every night thereafter.
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sturchling · 4 years
Can you do a damianette prompt where it is a class,Adrien, Lila salt except for chloe,nino,Alix, Kim and juleka and when Lila is revealed have her go berserk and try to kill Marinette but Damian stops her please? And if you are too busy let me know and I won’t ask you about when
Here you go! Hope you like it! Let me know what you think!
Marinette was fed up with her class. Almost everyone had fallen for Lila’s lies. Lila had managed to gain their trust since she had threatened Marinette. After that, she started planting seeds of doubt about Marinette with the class. Even Adrien, who knew that Lila was a liar, turned on Marinette. He was never cruel to her like the rest of the class, but he never stood up for her. He left her to fend for herself; he didn’t have her back like he promised. It wasn’t long before her threat became reality. Now most of the class had turned on Marinette and the friends she had left. Now, the only people who believed her were Chloe, Nino, Alix, Kim and Juleka.  
Nino had realized that Lila was lying when Lila started saying mean things about Marinette. Nino had known Marinette since they were five and Marinette didn’t have a mean bone in her body. Marinette would never bully anyone, not even Lila. She had never gone after Chloe, and Chloe had been so cruel to her, so why would Marinette just start harassing Lila. Kim figured it out the same way, since he had also known Marinette for a really long time.
Alix figured it out, when Lila said she knew a really popular skater youtuber. Lila had thought it was safe to lie about them, because they kept their face hidden, and you couldn’t really tell who they were. But Lila hadn’t seen their face reveal video from a few months back. Alix decided to ask a few questions, to see if she was telling the truth, since Marinette was so insistent Lila was a liar. Alix had thought that if Lila got the questions right, then she could prove to Marinette that Lila wasn’t a liar. But instead of describing the youtuber correctly, Lila got everything wrong. Alix knew then that Lila was nothing but a liar and started hanging out with Marinette again.
Juleka had figured it out easily. Lila had accidently lied about Juleka herself. After the Reflekdoll incident, Juleka had kept modeling for Marinette, under the condition that she could wear a mask. The mask helped Juleka with the anxiety she felt while modeling, and Marinette was more than willing to accommodate her. Right as Lila started to try and turn everyone against Marinette, Juleka was looking at the new photos Marinette had just posted to her website. Juleka couldn’t believe how awesome they turned out. Lila saw Juleka admiring the photos and told her, “I didn’t know you were a fan of that model! I could introduce you two! We are very close, like best friends! I was the one who helped her get her career started.” Juleka just nodded her head, and Lila walked away, not realizing she had just revealed herself to Juleka.
Chloe had known all along. Despite what others thought of her, she wasn’t an idiot. She knew how to spot a liar. While Chloe and Marinette weren’t especially close, the two girls had called a truce. Chloe was now focused on messing with Lila. Chloe did end up apologizing to Marinette for how cruel she had been, in an effort to be more like a hero in her personal life.  Chloe wouldn’t call Marinette her friend, but they did get along better now, than they ever had before.
About two months before, Mrs. Bustier’s class had done a pen pal project. They were each paired with a student somewhere in America. These students had registered with the pen pal organization, and could be from anywhere in America. Marinette had been partnered with Damian Wayne in Gotham. Bruce had signed Damian up for the program, hoping it might help Damian act more his age, while still being comfortable with the activity. Letter writing seemed like something Damian might enjoy, and Bruce hoped that who ever Damian was paired with would help him loosen up. Damian begrudgingly agreed to participate in this, thinking that he would loathe every minute of this asinine endeavor. However, he was very wrong about that.
Damian and Marinette kept talking to each other, even after the project ended. They started texting and emailing to keep in closer contact. Then they started skyping, so they could finally see each other ‘face to face’. Eventually, Damian decided that he wanted to date Marinette. But he didn’t want to ask her over text, that seemed incredibly immature. So, he planned to surprise Marinette by visiting her in France. It was hard to keep the secret from her, but soon Damian had arrived in Paris and was going to finally see his angel in person. He dropped his stuff at the hotel, and left to pick Marinette up from school. Little did he know, he would also meet the girl that had been tormenting his angel for several months. And that he would be the catalyst for Lila’s downfall.
Marinette was ready for the day to be done. Lila had not stopped talking yet, and kept coming up with more and more lies. Though Marinette and her friends did get a giggle out of one of her stories. Lila had been saying that she was very close with the Wayne family in Gotham for several days now. Today, she decided to raise the stakes by saying she was in a relationship with Damian. When Lila referred to Damian as ‘Damiboo’ Marinette and her friends almost died laughing. Just imagining the look on Damian’s face if he ever heard that nickname was enough to make them erupt into a new round of laughter. But of course, this drew Lila’s ire and Lila switched gears, talking about how Damian had comforted her all last night after Marinette apparently sent very mean messages to Lila. Marinette just rolled her eyes, and ignored the glares the class sent her for the rest of the morning. By lunch time Marinette was fed up, and decided to go have lunch at home to escape Lila, if only for an hour. But when she got to the steps outside, she saw Damian waiting at the top of the front staircase smiling at her.
“Damian!” Marinette rushed up to him and hugged him tightly. She couldn’t believe he was here! Damian chuckled, “Hello angel.” Marinette blushed a bit at the pet name and asked, “What are you doing here?” Before Damian could answer, Marinette heard the liar’s voice from behind her. “Marinette? Who is this?” Damian took a step forward, “I’m Damian and who are you?” Lila batted her eyes, apparently forgetting her supposed boyfriend, and tried flirting with Damian. “My name is Lila. It is nice to meet you. I should probably warn you; Marinette can be a bit of a bully. She has been harassing me for months. All because she is jealous of me.” Damian was furious, he automatically knew that this girl must be the liar that Marinette had vented to him about. “Why would Marinette be jealous of you. She is amazing, and already has a successful career with her designing. Regardless, Marinette isn’t that kind of person.” Damian saw the anger enter the liar’s eyes, but Lila pasted a fake smile on her face, “She is jealous of me for a lot of reasons, but one of the newest reasons is because of my boyfriend, Damian Wayne. She is mad that I have such a wonderful boyfriend, while she is alone.” With that, Lila had set in motion, the end of her lying career.
Damian glared at the liar, while Marinette and her friends started laughing again. Lila had just lied about Damian Wayne to Damian Wayne. This was going to be an amazing show. Lila glared at the group, wondering what they were laughing about, when Damian started speaking again. By now a small crowd, mainly made up of Mrs. Bustier’s class had gathered and heard what Damian said, “It is not possible for you to be dating Damian Wayne.” Lila grew furious, forgetting to mask her rage and snapped, “How could you possibly know who Damian Wayne is dating.” Damian smirked at the liar, “I know that, because I am Damian Wayne. I have never met you before today. But my angel here has told me a lot about you. How you lie with every breath and turned the class against her.” Lila was horrified, she could see everything crashing down around her. Grasping at anything she could to try and save her tower of lies she said, “What proof do you have that you are him. You are probably some actor that Marinette hired to make me look bad.” With out missing a beat, Damian pulled out his ID, which clearly displayed his name for the whole crowd to see. Undeniable proof that he was Damian Wayne. And Mrs. Bustier’s class began to realize that if he is Damian Wayne, and what he said was true, then Lila was nothing but a liar. Lila couldn’t believe it. She saw how the whole crowd instantly started to doubt her. She didn’t know what to do. She looked in the crowd for any friendly face, but found none. Then she heard the laughter start up again. She whipped around and saw Marinette and her friends laughing at her. Lila saw red, and she charged Marinette, intending to push her down the stairs. She wanted to hurt the designer badly.
How dare Marinette do this?! HOW DARE MARINETTE RUIN EVERYTHING!? Lila’s plan would have worked, if Damian hadn’t been there. Lila did manage to give Marinette a small shove, but Damian quickly wrapped an arm around Marinette to steady here, before turning to face the liar. He quickly pinned her arms behind her back and pushed Lila to the ground. Lila kept trying to get at Marinette, so she could hurt her, screaming the whole time. She called Marinette every horrible name she could think of, and kept trying to free herself from Damian’s vice like grip, but she was unsuccessful. Mr. Damocles, having heard the commotion, came out and saw the scene. After being informed of what had happened, Mr. Damocles took Lila to his office to wait for her mother to arrive. Mrs. Bustier’s class would find out later, that Lila had been expelled for assaulting another student, and that her mother had sent her back to Italy to live with her grandparents, where she could be watched much more closely.
Marinette was ecstatic that Lila was gone, but that wasn’t the only good thing that happened that day. When everything had calmed down, Damian finally was able to ask her out. Of course Marinette said yes! Damian stayed the next few days, and the couple were always together. But soon, it was time for Damian to return to Gotham. Before he left though, Marinette promised that she would come visit him in Gotham during the next school break. Marinette was very happy with how things turned out in the end. She has true friends, that stuck by her during the liar’s reign. And she gained a boyfriend who truly cares about her and her feelings. Marinette was very happy, and was glad things had turned out this way, even if she had to go through everything with Lila. The young couple messaged and skyped constantly. They became even closer than they were before, and loved each other dearly. Marinette was truly happy and wouldn’t change a single thing about her life.
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stxrrywildflower · 3 years
can’t help falling in love (two)
pairing - george weasley x reader
summary - you invite george to be your date to your sisters wedding
warnings - mentions of family/home issues
word count - 1.9k
series masterlist
traveling by the floo was always a surprise.
you’ve only ever used the system twice in the past; both times being to get from your home to the weasley’s. you almost always ended up there during the different breaks scattered throughout the year.
it only took a few seconds for you to reach your desired destination, the floo usually worked okay with minimal issues.
you stepped out of the fireplace first, feet hitting the living room hard as you stumbled slightly.
george made his way out right after you. his lanky body made it a little more difficult for him to get out of the sizeably smaller fireplace than the one back at school.
“blimey love, you okay?”
“i’m here on one piece so i guess so,” you answered. “you?”
“same,” george replied.
it took a few moments for you and george to adjust to your surroundings before you could actually take in everything.
you were alone in your living room, no one occupying any of the various chairs or couches. the rest of the house was quiet as well. a wave of confusion washed over you. where was your entire family?
“what’s this?” george asked. your bags had been abandoned on the floor the second george had noticed the various muggle trinkets and machinery around the room.
“that’s a television georgie, we watch programs on it. i can show you later if you want,” you offered. george beamed at your response, already jumping up to look at the next item.
of course he still didn’t notice the very apparent lack of people.
but it was still pretty sweet to see him so excited over the things you grew up with. it was no secret arthur was into muggle tech but seeing the interest spark in george was something special.
“merlin, is this baby you?” george held up one of the framed photos that normally sat on the bookshelf. you snatched it away from him in an instant. “yeah no you aren’t seeing that,” you answered. george held his smile to himself. “i’m sure your mum will show me some later.”
commotion was clearly heard from the outside of your home just as you set the photo back down.
“come on, i think my family’s in the backyard,” you informed george. “but uh just be warned, they can be a bit much, my sister especially.”
george nodded. “i’ll be nice but if they say anything rude, i’ll slip them a puking pastille fred and i made.”
you smiled at that. “thanks georgie.”
“so, are you ready to head out? or do you want to see some more things in here?”
george took note right away of your stalling. there was a strong guarantee that the second he gave his answer, no matter yes or no, you would retaliate with something else   
“do you have a bathroom i can use really quick?” george figured that it would be most beneficial for you to go out alone before he was introduced, especially due to his affiliation as your date.
“yeah i can take you there now,” you spoke before adding a “someone’s got a weak bladder.” he rolled his eyes at your joke.
george followed you around the house like a lost puppy. he didn’t know where to go or the layout of the home and certainly didn’t want to leave your side. you promised him a tour later once everything calmed down.
“bathroom’s right here. meet me outside when your finished.”
you then maneuvered your way down the hallway until you reached the door leading to the outside.
“hello,” you spoke as you stepped out, already fiddling with your hands out of pure nervousness.
“y/n!” your family had exclaimed once they saw you.
you stepped out onto the deck alone, shifting slightly uncomfortably under all of their gazes.
your mum and dad were the first ones up. you accepted their only slightly awkward hugs before leaning back against the railing once more. your grandfather was next, his expression a lot more excited. he was always a lot more comfortable with the magic thing, he had married another witch after all.
“cressida, greet your sister,” your mum had spoken to your sister  
“of course she’s in her school uniform. couldn’t even change for the occasion could you?” your sister spat without warning.
“good to see you too cress,” you mumbled as you looked down at your attire. since you and george had come directly from school, you still had to use your uniforms when taking the floo. as much as you wanted to say her sudden words were a shock, they really weren’t.
“where’s grammy?” you questioned.
“out at the store,” your grandfather answered. “she’ll be back soon i’m sure. i know she’s buzzing to see you.”
a smile passed over your face at that just as the entire group outside went quiet once more. you were not about to start a conversation nor did anyone else make the first initiatation.
“so y/n,” your dad started. “how’s school going?”
“oh no dad i don’t think we should talk about-” you were cut off by the door opening. you let out a breath. ‘saved by the bell’ you thought to yourself.
george stepped out on the deck, greeting you with a warm smile before making his way over to where you stood. his hand snakes around you to rest on the railing.
“everyone, this is george,” you introduced, motioning for him to step forward. “george this is my mum, dad, grandfather, and then cressida or the bride-to-be.”
george shook each of their hands respectfully. you were already quirking your eyebrow at his sudden manners. usually by now someone had some prank played on them, especially when george met new people.
“so this is the boy you brought home. i’m so glad to meet my daughters boyfriend,” your mom beamed. “we don’t know a lot about her life at school but i’m glad to finally be meeting you. how long have you two been together?”
you paled. not once did you think your family would assume the two of you were together. you didn’t even prep or have time to make up a story.
george smirked at your near panicked expression. “since the beginning of this year. so that’s what, seven months? but we’ve been friends since first year,” he answered cooley.
you faked a yawn, wanting to get out of the conversation before your mum could come up with questions george couldn’t answer off the top of his head.
“oh dear, you two must be exhausted from your trip. you two are upstairs in your old bedroom. everything’s already ready with your bedsheets and setup. feel free to take a nap before dinner tonight.”
“thank you mrs. y/l/n,” george thanked before turning to you. “ready to go love?”
you nodded, “yeah let’s go.”
the two of you headed back inside. george stopped back in the living room to pick up your bags before meeting you again. he followed you up the stairs and down the hall towards you room which, thankfully, was away from the other rooms on the floor giving you at least a little bit of privacy.
“i hope you don’t mind sharing a bed,” you spoke as you twisted the doorknob.
“you’re joking,” george groaned when he saw the room. “how are we supposed to fit?”
“george come on, it’s fine. this bed is barely bigger than a twin, i’m sure we can squeeze. it’s not the first time we’ve shared anyway.”
“not the first time?”
you took your bag out of george’s hands and placed it in the corner. normally you wouldn’t unpack for such a short weekend but you abe clothes that needed to be hung up to prevent wrinkles.
“don’t you remember the burrow last break?” you questioned. “you and fred almost blew up your room and then molly kicked you out so your room could air out. take a guess where you ended up.”
george grinned at the memory. “ah yeah i remember that. we did make some really good whiz-bangs though. and hey, we only shared because you were sleeping in percy’s old room and he has a bigger bed. when was the second time?”
“after hogsmeade,” you answered. “you thought it would be so funny to push me into the snow only to realize way too late that it was a half-frozen puddle and i got soaked.”
“and then you sat in between fred and i by the fire to warm up,” george finished the story. “yeah that was funny.”
you rolled your eyes. “maybe you should unpack instead of dwelling on my suffering.”
“alright sounds good, girlfriend,” george made sure to add extra emphasis on the final word.
“don’t think you’re off the hook for what you did.”
“and what is that exactly?”
you let out a huff, throwing the shirt you were folding down. it was beyond annoying that george was completely going around the situation.
“george, what were you thinking? i didn’t even think my family would conclude that we were together. why would you say we were dating? seriously, in what world would that be a good idea to tell them that. merlin, everything’s already going wrong.”
“love it’s fine, trust me.”
“it really isn’t,” you groaned, moving your hands up to run through your hair.
“why is this such a problem to you? babes, you invited me to be your date.”
of course george was already starting on the pet names. “don’t you think this is a little weird? i mean what if there’s mistletoe?” you questioned.
george broke out in a short fit of laughter. you frowned, visibly upset at your friends approach to the situation.
“it’s the middle of april. i doubt there’s going to be any mistletoe. besides, we only have to play the part for less then three days. we won’t do anything that makes each other uncomfortable, okay?”
you nodded. you had to admit, george’s words did bring you some comfort. “alright fine, but don’t expect anything from me.”
“well what about cuddling? i mean we are sharing a bed after all.”
you threw a shirt at him. “we’ll talk later weasley. i still need to explain how a muggle wedding works.”
you and george unpacked in sync while you went over everything he would need to know for the weekend.
he seemed to get everything with minimal questions. george seemed especially excited about the wedding reception.
“wait so i need a suit?”
“yeah but i already have you covered. my dad has something that’s your size,” you explained. “what about your dress?” george asked.
“oh don’t worry about that, it’s a surprise,” you beamed. “cress and i aren’t close enough for me to be in her bridal party so i can pretty much wear what i want.”
george nodded. “sounds good. what’s the plan for today and tomorrow again?”
“we have dinner at eight with my entire family tonight. my sisters fiancé jasper will be there too. he’s a lot nicer than her and actually understands, to an extent, me being a witch,” you spoke. “and then we have to be at the wedding venue by four tomorrow and the reception starts at nine.”
“is your grandmother going to be at dinner tonight? i haven’t seen her in awhile.”
you hummed. “oh yeah she’ll be thrilled to see you. don’t be surprised if she mixes you up with fred though.”
george shrugged, a slight frown on his face. “eh it’s fine. it happens all the time.”
a genuine yawn escaped your lips after he finished his thought. “tired?” george inquired. “i didn’t really sleep well last night, too stressed,” you revealed.
“why don’t you lay down and rest for a bit. i have something to work on in the meantime,” george offered. you raised your eyebrows. “and what is that?”
“just a new prank. i don’t want to give too much away but it’s going to be really good.”
you shrugged. “okay, just don’t blow up my room please,” you added. you shrugged off your robes, folding them up to place in your suitcase as you grabbed a pair of more casual clothes.
“i’ll be right back, i’m going to get changed.”
you returned a moment later, tossing the rest of your uniform in your suitcase. “comfy?” george asked, motioning down to your new attire. “very,” you answered as you headed over to the bed.
george leaned down to press his lips to your temple after you got under the covers. “sleep well love.”
your cheeks flushed at the platonic gesture. “thank you.”
george waited a few minutes before he looked at you again, feeling an overwhelming sense of protectiveness as you slept. you were his best friend. it wasn’t strange to feel like that...right?
tagging: @goldenxreid @wilburxpancakes @blakeprentiss @criminaly-supernatural @blakes-dictionxry @mrs-dr-reid @weasleytwinsfav
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chibinekochan · 4 years
Cherry Serpent - ft. Levi / reader
In this au you are a member of a semi famous j pop group, named Cherry Serpent. 
You are a human exchange student and asked Lucifer and Diavolo to keep your fame a secret, since you desire to live a normal life, at least in the devildom. Lucifer doesn't get it but is fine with this. You also get your own little portal so you can travel freely between the worlds. Soon you find out that Levi is your biggest fan.
  Small side notes - Cherry Serpent is an enby group, their whole aesthetic is based around snakes and cherries with an overall cute look. The group has 5 members.
Your character is Sakura, who is the cute one of the group. You wear a wig and contacts on stage. With some pretty heavy makeup. 
Here is how I picture Mc's stage outfit.
  Pairing: Levi x reader
2.5k words
At the start of your exchange program you didn't hear any mention of cherry serpent. It's not a huge surprise and honestly it's a relief. You don't have to worry about anything and just be yourself. 
On stage you must play the role of the cutie with a love for cherries. In reality you are a huge anime and game nerd with a love for hoodies. Most people would be very disappointed if they knew. At least you believe that. 
Not long after coming to the devildom you become friends with Levi. You find it very easy to be around Levi. He never judges you for anything and it's very relaxing to be with him.
  Everything is going very well. You feel much more relaxed and your idol carrier is also going well.
  Well, at least until the day you walk into Levi's room and find a huge poster of your own face staring right back at you. 
You stare at it in awe. You can remember the photoshoot very vividly.
  “Hey perfect timing. I was just about to tell you about my newest treasure. Look at this beauty. It's so rare for Sakura to have a photoshoot, they are very shy. I relate so much. I'm so happy. I mean it's super rare merch.” Levi is very happy, so happy that he doesn't realize that you have gotten a bit pale. Now he will surely notice that you are Sakura. I mean it's literally your face but like 3 times bigger than you are. 
“Oh, wow that's pretty cool.” You try to not show your distress. 
“Sakura is just so cute, look at their signature hand sign. I mean I have pre-ordered the new CD of course. Actually about 500 of them. I know it sounds like a lot but they have limited photos of them all and a chance to win a vip ticket for the next concert.” Levi is in full fan mode. 
It's pretty sweet of him to be this excited about it. Even when 500 copies seems a bit too much to you. 
“You really are a huge cherry serpent fan.” You never thought that a demon would ever be your fan, especially since you have not heard a single thing about it since your arrival. 
“Ohhh, you know about them? Don't tell me you are a fellow cs stan?” Levi's eyes light up. 
You bite your lips, darn you forgot that your group is just semi famous even by human standards, it's rare to meet a person that recognizes you just from a poster. 
“I have heard about them.” You try to be vague. 
“That's so cool! Who is your favorite? I mean I'm a full Sakura stan. Maybe I'm biased but when I first heard their first solo single 'cherry beast.' I was so excited and they sang about the love between a sea beast and a human. It was so touching. Ever since that day, I've been their biggest fan.” Levi has stars in his eyes.
  This is pretty embarrassing. You can't help but blush a little, of course you had people tell you things like this before during handshake events but they all were strangers. 
This here is different, it's your friend telling you how much they love your work. Even when Levi doesn't know that you are Sakura.
  “I think they are all great but why Sakura?” You wonder a bit about this. 
“Well, other than their cute outfit, they have the best voice, the best signature move. They always encourage everyone. Like one day I felt very down and sent a request to their radio show and Sakura was so sweet and really encouraged me. I know Sakura isn't the best dancer but they always train so hard and improve so much everyday. I honestly want to be more like that. We also share a love for water creatures. I mean their favorite pet is a fish, despite them only being able to have a toy fish due to their busy life. Such a tragedy.” Levi seems unable to stop himself.
  This makes you smile. You have never heard anyone say such sweet things about you. 
“I know it must sound funny to you.” Levi seems a bit embarrassed. 
“Oh no, you were just so cute that I couldn't help smiling.” You are telling at least half of the truth. 
Levi blushes.“ You shouldn't tease me like this.” He is pouting. 
You giggle a little. “Sorry Levi.”
“Now that I think about it, you are similar to Sakura.” Levi looks closely at you.
Did he notice who you really are? 
“What do you mean?” You shift nervously around.
“You always encourage me too.” Levi gives you a smile. 
Now you feel a bit embarrassed.“That's very sweet of you to say Levi.” 
“I also think that you look similar.” Levi says this very quietly. 
“I'm not sure if I do.” You can't say that you don't look like this at all. 
“Well, how about we listen to their old CD and play some games?” Levi is utterly embarrassed again and just tries to move on.
  You welcome this chance. 
After a few games you both take a break. 
The CD is still running in the background, it's pretty surreal. What are you going to do when Levi notices that this is your voice?
  All kinds of thoughts keep running through your head for the rest of the day. 
Why does Levi have to be your fan boy? 
It's not like you want to hide this from him but how will he react once you tell him the truth?
He will be disappointed in you for sure. You basically lied to your best friend. 
You ponder about this for the rest of the night. Causing you to be very tired the next day.
  Asmo sees you and can't help himself to mention it.“Don't tell me that you have been gaming all night again? You have an awful complexion. Well, nothing that I can't fix of course.” He shakes his head. 
“Not this time Asmo. I just have been thinking about some stuff.” You sigh lightly. 
“What kind of stuff? I'm glad to hear you out you know.” Asmo tries to be supportive. 
You honestly appreciate this, especially today. “I can't really talk about it here.” You are afraid that Levi will overhear you. 
“In that case you should come to my room later.” Asmo gives you a suggestive smile. 
“If you mean to talk then I'm willing to come.” You know that he means no harm. 
“Alright, we will just have some snacks and tea and talk about all of your troubles.” Asmo shrugs and casually changes his tone. 
In the end he is a good friend. 
“I will bring your favorite cupcakes to make it up to you.” You give him a soft smile. 
“Now that is a plan. I'm looking forward to it.” Asmo is genuine about this and you are grateful.
  Later in the day you go to Asmos room with the promised cupcakes. 
Asmo is delighted. It seems like he is really looking forward to this. 
You both sit down and have some tea before starting your conversation.
  “I will get straight to the issue. I have a secret from my best friend and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.” You aren't sure how much you should tell Asmo. 
“Is this about you being a member of cherry serpent?” Asmo says this very casually, while you almost spit your tea out. 
“How do you know that?” You are too surprised to deny anything. 
“Please, I've known ever since we went to karaoke. Levi might be too blind to see it but I have heard enough of your music to recognize your voice. I mean your stage makeup is great but it's clearly you.” Asmo just shakes his head. 
“You knew all this time but never once mentioned it?” You are pretty baffled. 
“I know how it is to be in the spotlight and figured that you had reasons to hide it. I knew you would come forward when you are ready.” Asmo keeps sipping his tea. It's honestly amazing to you. 
“That was very nice of you Asmo.” You feel honestly touched. 
“Does that mean that you have finally fallen for me?” Asmo gives you a flirty smile. 
“Nope, I'm just glad that you support me.” You shoot him down with a smile. 
“Too bad. Well, anyway, I think you should tell Levi. I know he is your fanboy. I mean technically of Sakura, but I'm sure he will be happy to know that you are his favorite idol.”Asmo casually moves on and then gives you his suggestion. 
“I'm afraid that he will see me differently than now and I also don't want him to hate me. I hid this from him all this time after all.” Both things weigh equally on your mind. 
“He will figure it out sooner or later. If he finds this out from anyone else he will be much more hurt.” Asmo says this gently while still being firm. 
You can only agree and nod. “You are right.” You feel sad about this.
The last thing you want is for Levi to treat you differently. 
“Of course I'm right, and you know it's not the worst thing in the world to have your own personal cheerleader.” Asmo doesn't really understand your issue. 
“I just want to stay close to him. I can't do that if he is only my fan boy.” You shake your head. 
“You should tell him that. I don't think Levi will stop being your friend first and fanboy second. Maybe your relationship will change but that's not always a bad thing.” Asmo gives you some much needed encouragement. 
“You are right. Thank you for your help Asmo.” You give him a heartfelt smile. 
Asmo seems slightly troubled for a moment but then smiles as usual once again. “Everything for you.”
You spend some time with Asmo, catching up on the latest devildom gossip. 
After talking about anything you feel much better.
  You go back to your room and see a load of messages from Levi. 
It seems like he got tickets for an upcoming concert. All is well and good but it's a cherry serpent concert. 
Now you really need to come clean to Levi.
  After thinking for hours about the right way to gently break the news, you invite Levi over to your room.
  Not long after Levi arrives. He is still very giddy over the tickets. He almost seems to sparkle. “Hey, there. I guess you also wanted to celebrate the great news right? I have brought some snacks and some other stuff.” As usual he has brought some seemingly random things with him.
“Come in Levi. We really need to talk.” You give him a nervous smile. 
“Is the moment where you break up with me? Wait, we aren't dating…” Levi seems pretty confused. 
“Stop fooling around. There is something that I really need to tell you.” You feel slightly annoyed at his joke. 
“Alright, sorry…” Levi gets serious in an instant. One hundred reasons why you want to talk to him in such a serious manner race threw his head. No reason is a good one.
  Levi sits down, trying to prepare himself for whatever you will drop on him. 
“I know what I'm about to tell you will probably be upsetting. You should know that you are my best friend and if possible I want you to see me the same way as you see me now. You see, I have a big secret that I kept from everyone.” You take a small breath,“I'm a member of cherry serpent. To be more precise I'm Sakura.” 
You prepare yourself for whatever Levi will throw at you. His possible anger or hurt.
What hits you is stunned silence. Levi looks at you like he can't comprehend your words at all.
  It takes him a moment to get over the sheer shock of this information. “W-wait.. Hold it right there! You are SAKURA? Since when? Wait that's a stupid question. Are you serious right now?” Levi has huge issues understanding what you are saying. 
“It's true Levi. I'm sorry I have been hiding this for so long.” You feel pretty guilty. 
“Never mind that part but you are telling me that I'm friends with Sakura? THE SAKURA FROM CHERRY SERPENT?? I can't believe it!” Levi seems to struggle with his emotions but he seems pretty happy. 
“Well you are friends with me. I just happened to be Sakura as an idol.” You feel like you really need to point this out. 
“Oh yeah. That is an important distinction. So, you are telling me that my best friend is not only an idol but also my favorite idol on top of that?” Levi's confusion seems completely gone. He is very excited. 
“Yes, that's right. I mean, I didn't know that Sakura is your favorite idol.” This point is a bit embarrassing to you. 
“Now they definitely are. I mean my best friend is Sakura. So of course Sakura is my favorite idol.” Levi says this without any hesitation. 
This makes you smile. “That is very sweet of you Levi.”
Somehow this causes Levi to blush.“Stop being so unfair.” He mumbles. 
“Does that mean that you aren't mad? I mean, I've been lying to you for a pretty long time.” You are still bothered by it. 
“I'm not mad. I actually can't believe that I never noticed. In hindsight, I was pretty blind.” Levi seems to beat himself up more than anything. 
“I look very different on stage. I bet most people would be very disappointed by my normal appearance.” You give him a small smile. 
“Everyone that says that is a huge idiot. You are even better than Sakura in my opinion.” Levi seems a bit offended by your statement. 
This makes you giggle. “You truly are my biggest fan, aren't you Levi?” 
“Damn right I am! I will continue to support you and I will take your secret to my grave.” Levi says this with unusual confidence. It's something you can only see when he beats the final boss of a game. 
“You are the best!” You give him a big hug.
  This makes Levi freeze on the spot. “Hey, no surprise attacks!” 
You burst out laughing, there is your usual Levi. “Sorry Levi.”
“It's not like I hate it, but you should warn me.” Levi pouts a little.
You are just glad that your friendship is safe.
  On the day of your concert Levi joins the rest of your fans, as usual. 
Thanks to his great efforts he is far upfront. Waving his glowsticks. 
This is a very familiar sight to you. When you notice him your eyes meet just for a moment and you give him an extra smile while doing your signature move, just for him.
  Then you notice that Levi wears a shirt with your name on it. Not with his usual Sakura gear but your real name.
  What a sweet surprise. 
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carmenxjulia · 3 years
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I put together a transcript of the 1 hour Q&A Interview the Carmen Sandiego Discord did with Abby Trott (Ivy) and Rafael Petardi (Chase Devineaux). All of the questions were submitted by server members. You can read everything below the break!
Hello everyone! Please welcome Abby Trott and Rafael Petardi to our Q&A today.
Abby Trott:
Rafael Petardi:
Hello Bonjour!
Let's get started. How did you get started as a voice actor? Was there anything that inspired you to pursue it as a career?
Abby Trott:
Oh MAN. Long story.
Rafael Petardi:
Mine is very short. I'm an actor and my agent started sending me on voice auditions and eventually I booked some!
Abby Trott:
This is a novel so I started typing it ahead of time, haha. I was an acting/theater major, and when I graduated from college I moved to Japan on the JET program to teach English because I wanted to travel so freakin' badly. I had never even been on an airplane. I was placed in rural Akita, (inaka), and absolutely LOVED it. The only problem was I wanted to be and actor/singer… womp womp. At that time, I also started to mess around with characters and voices - I would record voice memos and conversations with myself while driving around. One day, a friend was in the car and my phone was on shuffle and one of my "scenes" started playing - I was absolutely MORTIFIED. But that moment solidified for me that I need to move to the big ole city if I wanted to really pursue acting. I ended up heading to Tokyo, where I performed in children's musicals, and did other gigs here and there. That's where I started doing VO professionally! I was able to do some character voices for the shows I was in, and some other side projects. I realized how much I loved VO, and eventually decided to move back to the States to pursue it, since most English VO for games and animation is produced here.
When I moved back, I started searching online for VoiceOver opportunities, and stumbled across a contest hosted by Bang Zoom! Entertainment. I BARELY got my entry in on time. The contest took place over several months, and in the meantime, I moved to NYC and started taking VO classes. For the finale of the contest, they flew me to LA. I ended up winning! Still can't believe it. (O-O) I got to dub my first anime "Miss Monochrome," and realized that if I wanted to work in games and animation, I should probably move to LA… and the I DID.
What do you think are the best and worst things about being a voice actor?
Abby Trott:
Oooh. The worst things? Job insecurity... constant rejection...
Rafael Petardi:
The incredibly talented and cool people you meet and work with.
What Abby said
Abby Trott:
The best things? Working with amazing people, AND it's so much fun - even auditioning is fun!
How did you land your role on the show?
Rafael Petardi:
I auditioned
Got the job
pretty boring I know
Abby Trott:
I auditioned through my agency, and got a callback. I went to the callback and their note was "more Boston." Then I had a second callback and their note was "even MORE Boston." So I went WICKED BOSTON and got the job
What was your favorite/the most fun thing to record (episode/scene/line)? Any least favorites?
Rafael Petardi:
For me, the funnest scenes to record are the ones I got to play opposte the incredibly talented cast.
The least favorite... did not have enough scenes with the Wonderful Abby Trott
Abby Trott:
Awww Rafe! Singing was the MOST FUN! The Karaoke Ep, and the choose-your-own adventure one, where we got to sing the theme! Mikey (Zack) was cracking me up constantly.
Least favorite was the last ep because I didn't want it to eeeeeend
Were you allowed to suggest lines to be said by your character, or improvise the script at all if you thought something would add to the scene?
Abby Trott:
YUP! And Mikey and I definitely did, hahaa. It was encouraged. Always fun to see what they keep...
Rafael Petardi:
Yes we were. I improvised mostly sounds and noises. Words once in a while but not very often. Thank God for Duane
What was the hardest part of voicing your character on Carmen Sandiego? Was there a particular episode that was difficult to record?
Rafael Petardi:
Keeping the consistency episode to episode of the Chase's accent, pitch and energy
I did not want hime to sound different ever
Abby Trott:
I think the hardest part was keeping up the EXTREME Boston accent. But it was also SUPER fun...
What traits do you share or have in common with the character you play?
Rafael Petardi:
I am like Chase in the sense of a Dog with a Bone. If I get pasionate about something, I go to extremes. Abby Trott has scene this for example in my bread making endeavors
Also, I'm an idiot in life too sometimes
Abby Trott:
Ivy and I are both... from Mass! we both have brothers who we argue with but really do love when it comes down to it. We love chocolate, aaaaand... I think we're both brave. (brag?)
Can confirm Rafe is v. passionate about bread. And and idiot.
Rafael Petardi:
All True
What character on the show would you voice if you had the chance?
Abby Trott:
Rafael Petardi:
I would love Maelstrom
Abby Trott:
Jk... Coach Brunt seems SUPER fun
If you could meet a character from Carmen Sandiego in real life, who would it be and why?
Abby Trott:
Carmen! she is the coooooleeest. I'd ask her to teach me some tricks
Rafael Petardi:
Julie Argent. She's cute
Which character do you think you are most like or that you most identify with?
Rafael Petardi:
I think that's partly why we're doing the roles we do
Abby Trott:
I think Ivy, for real! Casting was ON IT. I can be serious when I need to be, but I'm a giant goofball (if you couldn't tell from my latest tweet/insta post...)
Who is your favorite character, other than your own?
Abby Trott:
Mime. Bomb.
Rafael Petardi:
Other than my own? Hmmm... uuuh... mmmm. tough...
Abby Trott:
Seriously, I think Mime bomb is hilarious.
Rafael Petardi:
Yes Mime Bomb!
Do you wish your character had more interactions with another character in particular?
Rafael Petardi:
Yes, I would love to interact with Ivy and Maelstrom
I think the interaction would be odd and awkward and funny
Abby Trott:
Yes. I would love to see how Ivy handles the specific VILE members... I would love to see IVY try to go to VILE academy...
Are there any themes or lessons from the series that you would want people to remember?
Rafael Petardi:
yes, don't jump to conclusions and be an idiot
Abby Trott:
Yes! That! also, don't be evil. ALSO also, be loyal to your friends.
Do you ever look at fan content?
Rafael Petardi:
yes all the time. It helps when I'm tagged rafaelPetardi on Instagram
Abby Trott:
Yes! I look at fanart sometimes, and see what cosplays are happenin'
Rafael Petardi:
I've posted many as well
Abby Trott:
Haven't read much fanfic... but I know it's out there.
What did you think about your character's development and arc throughout the series?
Rafael Petardi:
I absolutely loooooooved Chase's arc
Love redemption stuff
he was just misguided
just was alway his thing
Abby Trott:
I love Ivy's journey - she really grew up, from a troubled kid to an adult, accepting responsibility and accepting new challenges. Donning the hat, if you will.
Rafael Petardi:
*justice as always his thing
How do you feel now that Carmen Sandiego is at its end?
Rafael Petardi:
sad. miss evrybody so much
we will have to have a cast reunion when this pandemic thing is over
Abby Trott:
SAD! But grateful. It was THE MOST fun to record, and I wish it could continue forever.
Rafael Petardi:
I'm grateful too. yes
Abby Trott:
and YES reunion!
Yesss can't wait for that group photo to pop up on social media!
Were there any moments in the series that had you legitimately emotional?
Rafael Petardi:
yes ofcourse
losing Julia was tough
Abby Trott:
A lot. But one that stands out for me is after Carmen gets stuck out in the snow, and is reunited with her crew. (:_;). Also the stuff with Shadowsan and his brother... and anything with baby Carmen...
Gah. So many...
Did you enjoy how the show ended? Is there anything you would have changed or would have liked to see more of?
Rafael Petardi:
I loved the way the show ended! I think Duane did a fantastic job tying loose ends and bring the story to a satisfactory close for all characters
I do hope for an ACME Ivy, Zak, Julia and Chase spin-off
Abby Trott:
I love how it ends. I think it wrapped so well considering the number of eps - the writers really got it done. I WISH Ivy and Zack could follow Carmen forever, but she has her own story to unravel it would seem.
And Ivy does look good in that suit let me tell ya
Can you share a favorite behind the scenes moment?
Abby Trott:
Mikey. Is. So. Funny. Hard to choose one moment - he would make me laugh harder than anything. Especially when we were singing. Or any time he had to gag...
Rafael Petardi:
That singing stuff we had to do together was hilarious
we could not stop laughinh
What, in your opinion, are the best pizza toppings?
Abby Trott:
Cheese. Caramelized onions. Roasted garlic. Spinach. Mushrooms.
Rafael Petardi:
buffala mozzarella and tomatos period
oooooo fancy Abby
Abby Trott:
Rafe why aren't you as obsessed with pizza as you are with bread? And can you be?
Rafael Petardi:
I am
Abby Trott:
Rafael Petardi:
I just don;t like to share pizza
Here's a specific question for Rafael. Did you sometimes get mad at your own character for the way he behaved towards Julia earlier on in the Series?
And one for Abby. As a Massachusetts native, how did you feel about voicing a character from Boston with the iconic accent?
Rafael Petardi:
I did not. I always felt, however misguided Chase was, he was always on the path of turth and justice no matter what was in his way. It's the same principals that led hin to see the truth about Julia
Abby Trott:
I think it's so cool, and kind of an honor, in a way. I was worried about it being too much, and people saying it's over the top. Turns out comedy wins, haha.
Were you familiar with the older animated series when you started work on the Netflix original?
Rafael Petardi:
I never heard of Carmen Sandiego before I did this series
Abby Trott:
Yes! I had seen a bit. I also remember watching my brother play the game. Someone gifted me a mini arcade version of the game this year, and I'm excited to play :slight_smile:
Rafael Petardi:
Which I think helped when I had to say the iconic line
"Where in th world..." there was no pressure
Abby Trott:
Okay, last question. Do you have a favorite quote from the show?
Abby Trott:
"La Femme Rouge!"
or Mime Bomb's classic "..."
Rafael Petardi:
"the game is over!"
Abby Trott:
Thank you so much Rafael Petardi and Abby Trott for joining us today! I hope everybody had a wicked awesome time.
Abby Trott:
Thanks for having us! What a pleasure.
Rafael Petardi:
It was great! Thank you to all the great questions.
Abby Trott:
Thanks for watching the show! Great questions. I'm sure I'm going to think of more quotes as soon as I log off... haha.
Rafael Petardi:
See you all soon!
Abby Trott:
Stay safe, take care, and see you all on various social media platforms!
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