#and she goes into this rant about not understanding why people get attacked for having privilege and other related shit
crazylittlejester · 2 months
I’m gonna go on a crazy ass rant because I’m upset and also very tired
A huge reason as to why I characterize Warriors the way that I do, regarding his fear of being poisoned and his food anxiety, is a way to explain myself and my own anxieties caused by my allergies, because when I say to someone I don’t think I can eat the food at the party/function/their house EVEN IF it was specifically made to be free of my allergens, they just don’t understand why I can’t eat it. They just don’t understand that just because it’s ‘safe’ doesn’t mean I feel safe enough to eat it, because there’s always that lingering ‘What if’ in my mind that food made outside of my vision is contaminated somehow.
It is so HARD to explain to people the genuine fear that you are going to die because a food created an odd texture in your mouth and you gave yourself a panic attack over nothing. It breaks my heart every time I go to my friends house and her mom offers to make me food because I’ve been at her house for thirteen hours and haven’t eaten a meal with them, because even though she cleans everything and offers to let me watch her make it, there’s still this loud screaming voice in my mind saying that that food is not safe to eat. And it just NEVER goes away. I feel awful because her mom is so sweet and willing to help me, and I just can’t ever accept because I manage to convince myself it’s contaminated every time
I have been dealing with this for my entire life and never not once have I been able to get someone to understand what this feels like or seen it shown in a media form anywhere. I’ve had family and therapists both just tell me to get over myself, because I’m being ‘ridiculous’ and the craziest thing to me EVER is that for the first time in nineteen years, I have had an outlet to throw this frustration into. Warriors and the food issues I have given him are so important to me because for the first time in my life I can explain this fear through a character and even if people may not relate or really, truly get what it’s like, they understand. They understand and they recognize it as a valid fear, and it’s because of a fanfiction about a traumatized war hero. (which is INSANE to me that this is what it took for people to understand, but you know what, I’ll take it)
This rant was inspired because I opened a sealed container of ice cream and the allergen labels were incorrect and now I can’t eat it and I’ve wasted money and I’m so upset and it’s been a really long week, but also because I never saw anyone talking about this when I was a kid, and if I’d had someone there to represent me like this, or just be there for me to connect with, I would’ve felt a lot better. Understanding allergies and food restrictions is so important for so many reasons, the most important being that if you know how to help someone, you can save their LIFE. And for other people who feel the same way I do, it’s so GOOD to know you’re not alone and that there’s someone out there who gets what you’re dealing with
If I can make people understand what it’s like to live life this way, then that is so important to me. If I can explain to people what to do in an emergency situation because their friend is having a allergic reaction, I will, because not enough people understand how allergies work, and I’m sick and tired of hearing stories about kids with allergies who were peer pressured into eating when they didn’t feel comfortable and then suffering the consequences, and I am TIRED of seeing companies mislabel their fucking food.
Also do NOT be afraid to ask any friends or classmates or coworkers with allergies how to use an epi pen because You Could Save Their Life. If anyone is curious, I’LL tell you, or look up a youtube video I’m sure there are some on there
Anyways, this is why I give Warriors the food issues I do in my fics, for anyone else out there with allergies who’s ever felt invalidated by people telling them their anxieties were stupid, and so people who have no idea what it’s like to fear your food will kill you can try to understand that this is the irritating reality for some of your peers. (not that everyone with allergies has this exact experience, I have a friend with allergies who just eats whatever and prays it wont kill them, but I know now that there are plenty of people out there with allergies who DO have this experience)
Sorry for kinda ranting, (I’m just a little guy 🥺), but this is something that is so hugely important to me, and sorry Warriors but you had too similar of a problem so now you get my exact issues 🫶
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tbhyknow2 · 1 month
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notes. the only reason why i got into windbre is because of her and mister white-haired blue-eyed hajime umemiya. (im gonna explode)
contents and warnings. mostly fluff, tsubaki is referred to using she/her pronouns (pls she is heavily transfem-coded), making out (mentioned, non explicit).
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✦ Somehow, some way, you managed to get into a relationship with someone as cool and awesome as her! How? Why? You aren't sure, but you don't question it, afraid that it'll backfire on you.
✦ Tsubaki is extremely affectionate and loves PDA. She would hold your hand if you let her to, squeezing it occasionally to make sure you're still hanging onto her. It's a small, little habit that you have formed— a wordless communication.
✦ Sometimes, when she sees you from a distance, she'll run up to you and either greet you with a hug or surpise you with a hug from behind. Forgive her if she buries her face into your hair and smells your shampoo, it makes her giddy when you use the new scented shampoo she recommended you.
✦ More often than not, you'll find lipstick marks all over you when she goes to attack you with kisses. It's a fun surprise whenever you suddenly find a mark on your forehead or on your jaw... It's kind of embarrassing, but hey, that's love you suppose.
✦ If you aren't comfortable with PDA, Tsubaki will understand and will adjust to be more affectionate behind closed doors.
✦ She loves to have sleepovers at your place, even more so when your parents are so welcoming and accepting of her. You'd guys have self-care sessions, pulling out skin-care kits and applying facemasks while watching a movie together; Sometimes, you'd have long rant-filled talks about random things you guys find interest in. The sleepovers often end in either cuddling or makeout sessions that also ends up in cuddling.
✦ Uses pet names, but to the point it's unbearingly sweet. Most of the time, it's the slip of a tongue like "Could pass me the salt, darling?", "Oh, sweetheart, don't cry" and "Don't keep me waiting, Angel"... And the other half is just teasing because she just loves watching you become all flustered.
✦ She's also easily flustered, so you guys have flirting competitions and the first to become shy loses. It's a cute, little bonding moment!
✦ Shopping dates are a must! It's practically a ritual for you both. At first, she brought you along, so you can give your honest opinion whenever she tries out new accesories or outfits. But when you start to do the same, you bet she'll be hyping you up. Even more so when you're the type to stick in your personal bubble and avoid new things.
✦ She's the kind of girlfriend that'll introduce you to things you never thought of trying before, but you're glad you did because it makes you so happy! And that's her number one goal when it comes to you.
✦ Whenever you're feeling down, she's there to comfort you. If you need a calm voice to listen to, she's there to sit beside you and offer her shoulder to dry your tears. She'll pat your head and tell you everything's going to be alright, and just lots of encouraging things.
✦ She'd do anything she can to distract you from your thoughts, even going as far as take out on dates and have you focus on being happy instead of whatever your problem is.
✦ Tsubaki just cares so much and loves you lots, and she wants you to be is comfortable around her. So if you have a problem with anything (i.e loud noises, crowds, being uncomfortable with affection), she'll understand and adjust. All she asks is you do the same for her as well!
✦ With her, people don't even make you a target. I mean, she is one of the four heavenly kings in Boufurin. Anyone who messes with her beloved, messes with her.
✦ If anyone dares to push their luck, well... They best be prepared because she isn't going to let that slide.
✦ And after she's done teaching them a very important lesson on how to keep their noses in their own business, she's off to giving you all the love and affection you deserve, making you forget all about anyone that tried to hurt you.
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IOTA Reviews: Pretension
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Oh joy, another Felix episode. Because the last one was just so good, wasn't it?
Let's get into the nineteenth episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fifth season: Pretension
We start off with Kagami and Adrien heading to school, with the former making plans with Marinette to spend a little time together, all while Argos stalks them. We then cut to Gabriel, who's attempting to heal his Cataclysm wound with a machine that drains the energy from his imprisoned Kwamis. It fails because... uh... uhhhh... it just doesn't?
Kaalki: I told you. No magic can heal this wound.
Barkk: A Cat Noir Cataclysm can't be healed!
Yeah, they just say nothing can heal the wound, and don't even mention the fact that we've already seen the Ladybug Miraculous heal Adren when he was wounded by his own Cataclysm in “Miraculer”. And before you say it was a weaker version of the attack, check out what Astruc said a few years ago when the subject was brought up.
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Whether you want to take this as fact or not since it wasn't explained in the show itself, the point is that we've seen Ladybug heal someone who was wounded by Cataclysm before. Then again, considering the recent reveal, that episode only opens up another can of worms.
Back at school, Marinette talks with Adrien and Kagami about how Gabriel only sees her as some crazy fan, though she doesn't do a lot to help her case.
Tomoe arrives, and just like she's done this whole season, is only here to provide exposition while nagging Gabriel to get Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous already. Gabriel comes up with a plan involving a gadget Felix accidentally dropped at the end of the last season. If you forgot, I understand, since it's a pretty weird thing to call back to.
Marinette: He feels worried and I would be too if I were him. He thinks I'm one of those fans who follows you everywhere, showers you with hand-knitted gifts and knows every single one of your middle name days.
Kagami: Isn't that what you used to do, Marinette?
Marinette: Yes... except no! I mean, yes, but I was doing it out of love and, besides, I've changed a lot.
Kagami: You are correct.
Marinette: Really? You think I've changed a lot?
Kagami: No. Well, not that much.
I love when even the show points out how little character development there is. Makes my job a lot easier.
Adrien goes with Marinette to talk to Gabriel about their relationship. We get a pretty somewhat chilling moment where Gabriel's kind father facade briefly fades as he orders Adrien to go to his room so he and Marinette can talk, all while he still puts on a welcoming image. After Plagg reminds Adrien that all Gabriel knows how to cook is pancakes, Gabriel then lectures Marinette about why he doesn't want her to see Adrien.
Gabriel: I don't think you understand, child, so let me put things differently. Life is like fashion. You think you have a choice, but all you have is the illusion of choice. And I decide what choices are given to you.
Marinette: You're wrong! (Shows Gabriel her sketchbook with her designs) Fashion is about listening to people, it's about understanding who they are, what excites them and creating the clothes that will help them express their inner world. Help them connect with others and make their dreams come true.
Gabriel: (Laughs and looks over Marinette's sketchbook) No, that's not fashion. That's making dresses for your dolls. Fashion is a product, a marketing strategy, an industry that relies on uninterrupted trend renewal that forces you to either throw away everything you have and buy more or, worse, to be out of fashion.
That bastard! I can't believe Gabriel wants to make an honest living by using market research data to his advantage! What a piece of scum...
I joke, but the rest of Gabriel's little rant is even worse, as he acts as if he decides what people like and don't like, even though he just mentioned the importance of keeping up with current trends. Seriously, this dude's talking as if the entire world revolves around his brand.
Gabriel: Thanks to the clothes I create, the celebrities who wear them, the advertisements I design and the Alliance rings that broadcast them, I create an idyllic vision. A perfection that everyone aspires to achieve, while keeping it just out of their grasp. You finally understand the difference, don't you? You listen to people's desires and create what they want. Somehow, people make you. Whereas I create people's desires. They buy what I decide to buy. They think what I want them to think. I'm the one who makes people. You think you love Adrien, but you're just under the spell of this world I've created. A world where Adrien is the star, shining high above. A world where you're just part of the crowd below looking up at him.
Let's see... a complete narcissist with an obsession with controlling others, puts on a facade to make himself look more approachable, uses his influence to sell something to the masses that are part of his greater operation, and acts as if his products are necessary for society to function when they're more of a luxury than anything else? Where have I seen this before?
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Marinette goes against Gabriel's wishes and tells Adrien she loves him before rightfully telling him to piss off... through a pancake metaphor, for some reason.
Marinette: You know what the problem is with your pancakes? Way too much flour, not enough butter. You're using an old, completely outdated recipe. No one likes them like that anymore. And that's the good thing about being a baker's daughter. I don't even need to try them to know that they're tasteless.
You know, I could make so many jokes about the state of the show with this little speech, but I feel like it'd be too easy.
Meanwhile, Kagami tries to tell her mother that she's not interested in Adrien anymore, but we get the same crap Tomoe has been saying ever since Season 3. “You must follow our family legacy, Kagami!”, “Stop letting your emotions control you, Kagami!”, “I'm only blind for a cheap visual metaphor, Kagami!”, yadda, yadda, yadda. During this, Argos overhears this and outright kidnaps Kagami. Rather than call the police to report a kidnapping, Tomoe calls Gabriel, who had transformed into Monarch offscreen, and tells him to akumatize him (even though she's still carrying her useless Magical Charm), which he does, turning her into Matagi Gozen.
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Matagi Gozen is basically Ikari Gozen, only instead of a centaur, she now rides a robot dog for some reason and has a bow and arrow now. Her powers are basically related to her size and riding a robot dog, mostly so we can focus on her Miraculous powers for the day. Even though Tomoe was seen wearing six Alliance rings before she called Gabriel, she only gets three powers, the Bee Miraculous' Venom, the Rooster Miraculous' Sublimation (which she uses to give herself an enhanced sense of smell), and the Mouse Miraculous' Multitude. It's really just the same setup we got in “Multiplication” with a few changes, and it's nothing special. Although, it's too bad that Monarch doesn't have the Dog Miraculous, as that would have really gone well with her powers.
As the four Matagi Gozen clones go on the hunt, Argos takes Kagami to the Eiffel Tower to hide out, where we get—wait, it's, it's, BY GOD, IT'S KAGAMI WITH A WOODEN CHAIR!
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Argos transforms back into Felix, and unintentionally throws Matagi Gozen off the trail since she was tracking him through one of the feathers on his fan. It turns out that after that single conversation they shared last episode, Felix is suddenly developing feelings for Kagami, and the whole reason he kidnapped her, aside from “protecting her from her mother”, is to get to talk to her again.
Felix: We have so much in common, and yet, you're also so different. I've never met someone like you.
Kagami: We don't even know each other!
Felix: I know you. I've been following you non-stop.
Kagami: Even better! You follow me, you spy on me and now you've kidnapped me to get to know me?!
Felix: Uh... yes?
Kagami: You are utterly incompetent at social relations.
See? Felix isn't a sociopath who just tried to wipe out all of humanity last episode! He just needs to make friends, that's all.
Yeah, in case you can't tell, it seems like the show is still trying to course correct the characterization of Felix. Rather than the overconfident and manipulative wild card he was for his last five appearances, the episode is now trying to make Felix out to be a secretly awkward person with noble goals. Afterall, he saved Kagami, so by that logic, he has to be a good guy. Yeah, he technically stalked her like a creep, but it ended up being good in the end, didn't it?
After Marinette and Adrien transform into Ladybug and Cat Noir respectively, the Matagi Gozen clones start to track Felix through the scent of the aforementioned gadget. Right as Matagi Gozen finds Felix, Ladybug and Cat Noir arrive on the scene, giving Felix the chance to transform into Argos and escape with Kagami again.
Matagi Gozen: This is what heroes do? Not only did you help that monster escape, but now you're going to fight me? A mother trying to save her daughter?
Cat Noir: Hey, my lady. When you think about it, they're not wrong. We all want the same thing. If we let them save Kagami, we could seize the opportunity to get Felix's Miraculous back.
Ladybug: Too risky. They're under Monarch's influence.
Yeah, but you can't even try to negotiate a temporary alliance between Matagi Gozen? Yes, we know that she's working for Monarch, but the heroes don't know that. All we get is Ladybug asking Matagi Gozen to reject the Megakuma, and she goes back to fighting them. How interesting would it have been for Ladybug and Cat Noir to make an uneasy alliance with someone they don't know is working for Monarch?
After Cat Noir gets ignored during one of the few times he makes a decent point, he escapes to the sewer and detransforms, Matagi Gozen losing their scent trail. Matagi Gozen goes back to looking for Kagami, and decides to shoot her with some arrows tipped with Venom. Argos defends Kagami, and breaks up his fan to throw the pieces around and create multiple fake scent trails to throw off Matagi Gozen before detransforming. How Argos even came came up with this plan when I don't think he figured out Matagi Gozen could smell really good is anyone's guess.
As Kagami and Felix keep running away, Kagami asks the question I'm sure you've all been thinking.
Kagami: I don't understand. You have the Miraculous of the peacock, why don't you create a Sentimonster to get us out of here?
Felix: First of all, don't call them that.
Fine, “walking sin against nature” it is. Got anything else to say there, buddy? Maybe anything that isn't a half-assed speech meant to make the audience sympathize with you?
Felix: I refuse to create a being to manipulate them, control them, abuse them, and end up destroying them. When you bring a living being into this world, you have a responsibility towards them. Your duty is to protect them, love them, help them discover the true meaning of their existence. To deprive them of that... is monstrous.
Kagami: Are you talking about... yourself?
Felix: I'm talking about... us.
Come on dude! I said anything that isn't a half-assed speech meant to make the audience sympathize with you!
Okay, I've been putting this off long enough. Let's talk about Felix's ideology, his little speech, and, how it contradicts his previous appearances.
First off, for someone who refuses to create a Sentimonster to control and abuse, Felix had no trouble screwing around with Adrien in his first episode when his main goal was to get one of the rings from Gabriel. Hell, it makes even less sense why he'd keep that ring that we know can be used to control Adrien if his plan ultimately amounted to trading it away along with the fifteen Miraculous in Ladybug's possession.
Second, Felix literally created a Sentimonster to destroy humanity with just last episode, and he doesn't even mention that. Yeah, you can chalk it up to character development, but we don't even get a line about learning about the burden of ending a life you yourself created. It just feels like a way to make him seem more sympathetic after he went all “I'M THE GOD! I'M THE GOD!” last episode.
Third, and I'm just going to be honest about this, but why should I care about the life of a Sentimonster when the show has shown it doesn't care either? Ever since the end of Season 2, we've seen Sentimonsters be summoned and erased from existence left and right, and other than a single occasion (Ladybug), nobody has really brought up the fact that Sentimonsters are living beings too. Even putting that aside, most of the Sentimonsters we've seen have either been giant monsters, clones of other people, or mindless tools, none of which showed any desire to be alive other than to serve their purpose. It's only because Adrien, Felix, and now Kagami are revealed to be Sentimonsters that we should care about the ethics of summoning a Sentimonster in battle. Even in the last episode, Felix never brought up than Ladybug is essentially taking innocent lives whenever she de-evilizes an Amok.
And finally, the fact that this speech was used to set up a romance between Felix and Kagami, not because he saw a kindred spirit in her, but rather, because he believes that she's a Sentimonster too. You know that episode of South Park where Cartman tried to set up Token with a new girl, where the entire joke was that it was because Cartman believed that black people can only date other black people? This is basically that story with none of the irony. The episode seriously treats Felix taking an interest in Kagami specifically on the basis that she may be the same kind of artificial creation as him, as if he isn't capable of relating to anyone who also has to deal with abusive parents and isn't a Sentimonster. On a completely unrelated note, isn't it funny how out of the four rich kids with abusive or neglectful parents, Chloe is the only one who isn't a Sentimonster and is the least sympathetic?
Ladybug (having gotten a pair of scissors from activating her Lucky Charm offscreen) and Cat Noir try to stop Felix, but after a single speech from him, Kagami is now completely on his side for some reason.
Kagami: Felix is not your enemy! He's like me! He doesn't know how to express himself. Everyone is wrong about him! Including me.
Funny, I don't seem to remember you dooming all of Paris by giving over a dozen magical artifacts to a supervillain. Also, speaking from someone who struggles to socialize in real life, I can confirm that social awkwardness isn't really an excuse to kidnap someone. Just remember what happened in Misery.
Ladybug realizes that Felix and Kagami are vital to her Lucky Charm working, she decides to trust Felix. Felix then transforms into Argos and immediately escapes without contributing to the plan, while Kagami uses the scissors to cut the string of Matagi Gozen's bow after Ladybug and Cat Noir restrain the Akuma.
Ladybug then de-evilizes the Megakuma, uses Miraculous Ladybug to fix the damage caused by the fight, gives Tomoe yet another useless Magical Charm after the last useless one broke because it was completely useless, and Argos once got away without facing any consequences for his actions.
Afterwards, Kagami tries to stand up to Tomoe, but she orders her to hand over her ring containing her Amok—I mean, her ring that has absolutely no control over her, and is part of this thrilling mystery. Adrien also tries to stand up for Marinette, and Gabriel tells him to enjoy her time with Marinette... before saying he's moving to London next year. This is supposed to be a dick move, but with how often Adrien gets caught in the crossfire of Akuma attacks, with or without the mask, this is arguably the smartest thing Gabriel has done for the past five seasons. Adrien chooses not to tell Marinette about London, because I guess all that whining about hating secrets only mattered when someone else was withholding information from him.
The episode ends with Felix revealing that the ring Kagami gave her mother was a fake. Of course, this makes no sense because not only did we never see Felix steal the ring from Kagami, but Tomoe has a mental connection to Kagami, she should notice the ring is a fake. Also, you know how Kagami's arc so far has been a mixture of finding independence from her controlling mother while coming to terms with her breakup with Adrien? Get ready for all of that to be thrown out the window, because the writers are desperate to make him look good, Felix is now the one to save her from her mother and give her independence back, while also hinting at a relationship starting between the two. I'd say this episode fumbled the landing, but I haven't even gotten to the season finale yet.
This episode started out pretty poorly, and quickly went downhill afterwards. The idea of explaining why Gabriel's Cataclysm wound can't be healed was convoluted, Felix continues to be unlikable, Tomoe once again shows how terrible of an antagonist she is.
I'll admit, the chemistry between Marinette and Adrien was decent, but it's far too late to really establish a proper rivalry between her and Gabriel more than halfway through the fifth season, especially while discussing fashion when it's only been used to justify plots where she tries to make stuff for Adrien. The writers had plenty of time, yet rather than build up tension between the main hero and main villain, they decided we needed more episodes revolving around Chloe, Lila, and Felix.
Speaking of, Felix once again shows how poorly written he is. He was the one to instigate the conflict, it wasn't established if he even had a plan on what to do once he gets away with Kagami, and if anything, only made things worse because of his refusal to surrender, much less acknowledge his fault in this situation when the Akuma chasing after him is only as powerful as she is now because he gave his evil uncle multiple Miraculous to use for his Akumas. But no, he has to be the one to wreck Kagami's character arc and be the one to try and liberate her from Tomoe's influence because he's a good guy now! It says a lot when Cat Noir is the only one who still isn't trusting Felix at this point.
While it's nowhere near as bad as “Emotion”, this was still a really bad episode to follow up on.
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While Felix came dangerously close to winning the award, he at least showed more restraint here, and was able to throw off both Matagi Gozen a few times. Tomoe, on the other hand, got nothing to show any real intelligence, and if anything, proved she was just as incompetent as Gabriel is. She chose to nag Gabriel while he was suffering from the effects of his fatal wound, decided to akumatize herself instead of even considering contacting the cops to stop a single kidnapping, while ironically drawing more attention to herself in her attempt to save Kagami and stop Felix, decided to try shooting her daughter instead of the one who abducted her, and didn't even realize the ring capable of controlling her daughter was replaced by a fake when she should obviously be able to sense something.
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opinated-user · 11 days
Like a lot of Lily supporters, there is this hatoheart person on here that doesn't believe that the things Lily did, despite years of multiple posts, witnesses, etc. , because ' there's no evidence and nothing to show.'
...While failing to point out how Lily's side if things have even less to show, despite admitting to side with her.
The funniest thing is that they even admit in their original post that they understand Courtney can't actually provide any solid proof.
They literally say, ' I don't believe them because no evidence, but also, I understand that SA victims can't always provide proof. '
And again... Where's Lily's proof, hmm? Why are so willing to believe someone who arguably provides less proof than the other person??
Also, them agreeing with someone who commented on their post who says saying that ' Courtney is an obsessive stalker while Lily is just trying to live her life.'
LOL, apparently, just speaking your truth and talking about your trauma is just being a ' stalker'. Very Lily fan club language.
It's additionally rich, considering how Lily herself talks about her exes and former friends.
Sorry, I needed to rant. I can't stand seeing people who say this sort of crap.
mmm, i think a thing that we all need to remember about LO's fans/supporters is that they're in a parasocial relationship with LO. this is not entirely the fault of LO (although she certainly does not help matter by constantly bringing up her trauma on unrelated videos out of nowhere), but it's a reality of how people interact with the people they follow. when that happens, the youtuber they like becomes part of their identity. it's already hard when you have a friend you suspect to have done horrible things, or at least are aware of that is what they're being accused of, and most people would prefer to believe that their friends are good people because, for sure, they consider themselves good people. likewise with many of her fans. to admit that LO is the horrible abuser and bigot we say she is, is to admit that they enjoyed for years the content of a bigot without ever seeing the red flags that are sprinkled around. it's humilliating. you feel like an idiot, like you did something wrong even though you didn't. especially when LO also goes out of her way to keep adding traumas to keep relying on that basic human compassion that her viewers are going to have. oh, she was raped by a girlfriend, oh wait it was her sister, and also had a heart attack and also was raped by the police and also had cancer and also also also. so it's easier to keep believing the Ben Shapiro's style voice of LO before any of her accuser, because they don't have that parasocial relationship with them. those accusers being right or wrong is no matter to them because that says nothing about their own identities. it's all about how LO has to be right because if they believe that someone they like, they enjoyed, they invested money/time/art/whatever else into, is as bad of a person as claimed, then would that mean that they're bad people too. it's also the fact that many of those people? are survivors and younger people (note that i said younger people and not minors, although LO admits those do exist among her audience) who are much less likely to question someone's story of horrific abuse because, truly, nobody wants to believe that anyone could just lie about those things. i understand the frustrating when people refuse to see the evidence, i do. like i said, i have no sympathy for people who do go out of their way to get "both sides of the story", only to turn around and call everyone else liars. but most people aren't like that. most of those "supporters" literally only saw LO's version of the story and that is the only one they're going to stick with, because LO said so.
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atschoolunfortunetly · 8 months
A Very Long and Very Rage Written Rant about people talking about the FNAF Movie because I am seeing some takes that make me want to bash my head into a wall.
Very quickly an apology to my followers on here that followed me for Sonic. I would post this on my main but if you read my username I don't really have the time to do that right now. Very sorry for clogging up your TL.
Anyway, I am about to use very aggressive and targeted language. I am not hating on anyone specific but I am going to be saying sentences like "Are you dumb? Why are you like this?" Tumblr is my void and I am going to scream. I know some of the things I say may not be common knowledge. However, in this rant, I am going to pretend that it is. I am going to swear a lot. I am going to be talking about fist-fighting people whom I disagree with.
Just know that once again, this is a rant. Not a "please stop saying blah blah blah blah." I am not going to go out of my way to attack people. Which is, once again, why I am screaming here.
With that out of the way, it is time to scream.
OH MY FUCKING GOD SOME OF THE THINGS YA'LL ARE SAYING. I have never felt the urge to rip through my fucking screen and grab some of yall by the throat. I want to bodyslam you onto the ground and pummel you to death.
Let's begin with a recent complaint I saw about William having no motivation in the movie and how they should have given him his motivation, let me tell you something bud.
They did. They did give him his motive. However, this is a 2-hour movie and they didn't dive into it. It's almost like they're making a second movie or something? OH WAIT THEY ARE! THIS IS THE FIRST MOVIE! THEY ARE ESTABLISHING ROLES!
They want you to grasp from this movie that:
William is a threat.
Mike is doing his best and is not going to pick up on everything.
Abby and the missing kids are, indeed, regular-ass kids who aren't going to understand fully the situation they're in.
Vanessa is a traumatized individual who wants to please her father and was manipulated into helping him because, you know, THAT IS HER DAD.
They are setting up the basics so people know what to expect from the next film. They will, most likely, be going into William's motives then. But as of right now, they are setting the roles that each character is going to take.
I don't know how some of yall ain't getting that because it is the most clear as day thing to me but that may be because I am aiming to be a writer down the line.
Time to aim at the other complaint I've seen which is that Vanessa is an Afton complaint. All I have to say to that is, whoah, it's almost like the movie takes place in an alt-universe from the games. And even if Vanessa is an Afton in the games who gives a fuck? She isn't Williams's direct child if that's the case and it just ties her in with the old characters. A popular thing I have seen a couple of times is that sometimes people portray Gregory as an Afton. So what's so wrong about Vanessa being an Afton. I am genuinely curious here? What's wrong about her being an Afton.
Some of yall come up with the most stupidest ass complaints I swear to god.
"But Micheal is meant to be the Afton-" Tell me how that would have worked in this movie. Tell me how Mike would not have recognized his own father if he was William. Also, I like that the movie implies that his dad is probably Henry.
"How does it imply that?"
I don't know, why don't we look at the career office scene again where William reads Mike's last name and recognizes it. He wants to tie up his loose ends.
And Mike? Mike is a loose end.
It just makes sense and it goes into the last complaint I saw about the movie.
The "I always come back line doesn't make sense," complaint.
If I am fucking right about the fact that Henry is a Schmidt in the movie then that means William has always been a part of Mike's life. He has been haunting Mike since he took Garret, he influenced Mike to get a job at Freddy's, and he was the reason why Mike met Vanessa.
When he said he'd come back, he wasn't talking about coming back from the dead.
He meant it as he'll come back and make Mike's life a living hell.
Anyway rant fucking over, yall pisses me off. Good day.
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muldyfi · 1 year
I don’t often do this, I am very team ‘Yay TV is the best and I’m either going to enjoy it or I’m not going to watch it...’ but I need to rant a little bit about the Mandalorian season finale. 
I work in TV, I know stuff goes wrong. And a lot about this season of Mando felt like production issues. Obviously they didn’t have Pedro much (if at all?) and obviously Katee Sackhoff was contracted to appear in every episode which made for some weird story choices in the first two episodes (going from Nevarro to Kalevala to Tatooine to Mandalore instead of Nevarro, Tatooine, Kalevala, Mandalore which makes a lot more sense). And also rumours of stuff being cut from the finale (which it really did feel like happened).
But there were so many story things in this season that weren’t paid off. 
1. The Mythosaur. I’m not saying I needed anyone to ride the Mythosaur or use it in battle or whatever, but to start with Bo-Katan saw it in the Mines of Mandalore and then got it on her shoulder pauldron and then NEVER MENTIONED IT TO DIN. That is such a weird story choice that I thought it was going to be a point of conflict between the characters but it just...wasn’t mentioned. Like if she was meant to have told him offscreen why didn’t she just tell him in Ep 3 when he woke up after she rescued him? And then to have all these random monsters attacking everyone all season EXCEPT the Mythosaur is....also very weird. 
I actually didn’t want anyone to kill it or hurt it but it would have been nice for Bo-Katan or Din or the Armorer to have a moment being like ‘The Mythosaur is one of us, it’s part of Mandalore and we should respect it.’ Perhaps let the Mythosaur help them defeat their enemy. Basically a reason for it’s existence. Because right now the *only* reason it needed to exist is so the Armorer could be all ‘Bo-Katan saw the Mythosaur so she can lead our people.’ Which was also echoed in ‘Bo-Katan has the Darksaber so she can lead our people.’ Like we get it. She can lead the people. 
But the Mythosaur just felt like it wasn’t paid off at all.
2. DinBo. I’m not talking about it as a shipper (I am one, don’t worry, but I didn’t expect anything to actually happen this season. No one in Star Wars gets together unless they’re dying). But why on Earth (or Mandalore) would you build this relationship so well all season, to the point of Din pledging his allegiance to her and then having Bo be all ‘Mandalorians are stronger together’ and then he leaves. What? 
This was one of the best built relationships I have seen on TV in a long time. The way that they went from completely not understanding each other to strongly respecting and trusting each other. Where she became Grogu’s other parent. It’s so nice to see a healthy relationship like that. But then it had no pay off.
There needed to be a scene where she thanked him for everything. Where he told her he was leaving. Where Grogu and Bo got to say goodbye because she’s basically is mother now. Anything. Even just a ‘If you ever need me, you know where to find me’ moment. At the very least a scene of them waving at each other. Lizzo and Grogu got a better goodbye than Bo and Grogu did. This genuinely makes me (and I believe everyone else) angry.
3. The Darksaber. Okay so I’m not even going to be upset about the fact that apparently Gideon can crush a Darksaber with his hands when I couldn’t even bend the handle of my plastic one if I tried. But to me the idea of destroying the Darksaber is to prove to Bo-Katan that she can rule Mandalore without it. 
It’s not the Darksaber that made her a good leader, but instead the lessons she learnt about uniting her people and trusting and relying on those around her, things she’s never been very good at. There needed to be a moment where she had a meltdown of some sort along the lines of ‘It’s gone, how am I meant to rule now?’ And Din (or the Armorer or Axe and Koska or all the above) tells her that her strength to lead comes from within and isn’t about the Darksaber at all. If this isn’t used to show character growth within Bo-Katan then what is even the point of destroying it? 
Honestly this is the thing that annoyed me the most.
4. The Covert and the Armorer. All season I haven’t really been able to tell where they were going with her character or Din’s attitude towards the Covert. But in the pledging to Bo-Katan scene, when Din mentions he was told lies about the other Mandalorians I felt like that was him realising that maybe the Armorer wasn’t so all knowing, that maybe there was another way and that Bo-Katan represented that way to him. 
Maybe it was just me being hopeful that he’d change his mind about his religion and take his helmet off so I could see Pedro’s pretty face more often, but if that line wasn’t about him learning that he’d been lied to his whole life I’m not sure why it existed. Honestly this point is probably more about personal taste but I still find it weird.
5. Coruscant. Why the hell did we spend 38 minutes in Coruscant? Why did we have to listen to Imperial officers chatting about Thrawn? Is this all set up for Ahsoka? Because in a season where most of the episodes were shorter than they should be what we really could have used was more time with our main characters having quiet character moments, understanding their wants and needs...which leads me to... 
6. Din. Honestly this has never bugged me prior to this season, but suddenly I got really annoyed at him wearing his helmet because I couldn’t tell what he was thinking. If we’re not going to see his face, we need to have scenes where he expresses his feelings to someone in words. Otherwise we have a lead character who shows no emotions about anything and doesn’t have an opinion on anything. The most emotion we saw him have all season was when he showed his hatred of battle droids. 
I’m sure the reason Bo-Katan ended up being the focus of the season was a lot to do with the fact her helmet was off a lot of the time and we could actually see her emotions. For us to feel like Din is the lead we need to understand what he’s feeling.
The appeal of the Mandalorian to me has always been that it’s simple, straightforward and fun. It’s about the love between a Mandalorian bounty hunter and his adopted son (yay!). And there was a lot of that great stuff in the finale. But it felt twenty minutes too short. 
Jon Favreau needs a TV writers’ room. It is literally the job of a writers’ room to be like ‘What if we did this in this more interesting way?’ instead of just one man’s fan fiction. A group of people are always going to come up with something more interesting than one person, it’s why writers’ rooms exist.
Twitter and Tumblr were all very good at coming up with fantastic season finale plots - mind flaying Din, him being tortured and his helmet removed, Thrawn showing up, the Armorer being evil, Axe being a traitor, Bo-Katan dying and Grogu having to bring her back with the Force. All of these things that could have added a heightened emotion and stakes in the finale. 
I’m not saying that creators should listen to the internet, this rarely makes for good television, but I am saying Jon Favreau as a solo writer has run his course on this story. He’s not a TV writer either and it was really obvious this season where Dave Filoni seemed less involved because he was focusing on Ahsoka.
Anyway I love this show and I will absolutely look forward to and watch any future seasons, but I was left super disappointed after the finale, despite really loving a lot of it, because it just felt too easy and too emotionally disconnected. 
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caramelstarlight · 1 year
Hi! I really like your works, I’ve just been too shy to send in anything. If your taking prayers right now, maybe a Tighnari x reader, where reader is Alhaitham’s sibling and can be described as the Akademiya’s “crazy lady” always coming up with insane/crazy theories and projects, will rant about topics that even leave the Sages scratching their heads, but still highly respected. People are really surprised when they learn that Tighnari and the reader are dating and Alhaitham's sibling. (sorry if it's a lot) I understand if your busy and not taking prayers at this time.
✅ /⭐️ Yeahh bestie I gotchu. Prayer is accepted!!
(Points to you for being a person who didn’t use anonymous xd! They can be so rare sometimes.)
Gonna make us Rtarawhist or whatever. Ngl I’m kinda in genshin as a character. Aka Layla. I used to have a mini Cryo vision and I like swords the best. My name is similar spelling to layla but has the same way of pronunciation.
Illuminating the Flora
(F reader/lil sis of Alhaitham x Tighnari)
(Characters: Tighnari, F Y/N, Alhaitham, Layla, Cyno, Nilou, Collei) (Hydro vision, Sword) (Healer / Attacker)
Sypnosis:Female reader who loves coming up with Theories that are beyond understandable to anyone else beside them(Al-Haitham excluded prob????) meets her partner. Fluff with fighting(Extroverted reader, they would be rambling on about their theories so they’d be social-?)
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Story under cut! (Slight angst bc of fighting???) (Can be read as G/N if you ignore the Al Haitham calling you his sister.) (Keeping this in mind that it’s Rtawahist)
“Heyy Layla!” You said as you waved to her excitedly. Going towards the sleep-deprived woman. Holding a few pieces of paper as she saw you while near the fountain. (The one in her hangout where you meet!) She’d wave silently interested in what’s you come up with today. She and her other half found it interesting of what your brain could think of so quickly. It may not make a lot of sense to them but they see how happy you are so they don’t dare to ruin it.
“What’s you come up with this time Y/N?” She’s ask yawning in between her sentences. Having another all-nighter… placing herself on the fountains edge. Being careful to not get herself wet. You mimicked what she did before explaining what you had come up with.
“you see, if the stars and planets are made of dust, shouldn’t water in the space make them grow or dissolve? Especially the sun! It’s blazing hot! It’s worse than traveling to the desert sometimes.” You’d question yourself trying to come up with an answer as she laughed quietly. “I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t grow or dissolve. I don’t think they’d really be affected by the water.” A few talks with Layla seemed to help you with your theories and projects that you could do. Wondering if others could agree with your theories. You may be young but your mind is always head of your years. Same goes for Al-Haitham. maybe it runs in the family…
“I’ll be off Layla! Thanks for helping me sort my thoughts out.” You’d say. Waving goodbye as she went to her class. Your next class is about Zodiacs. What makes people them in a sort of way, it is believed that your birth month changes you slowly but helpful in the process.
Seeing him in the class brought you great joy. He was always early to his classes and you happen to share two classes. You took your seat as your gaze lingered on him for a bit of time. Before you turned your head away and back to the front. (Zodiacs and about plants like the Nilotpala lotus, such as why they only bloom at night or time sensitive ones.)
—After class— (idk what they learned ;-;)
“Tighnari!” You’d say as you catched up to him leaving the classroom. He stared at you with a smile before turning his head back towards his neutral view. You two turned into a different area. Seemingly no one was nearby. So they shouldn’t hear the conversations. (Someone’s gonna hear and it’s gonna be like Alhaitham)
He’d hold you gently, taking in your scent from your hair for a few moments as he wrapped his tail around you. “I heard you came up with another theory. I’d be keen on hearing it sometime before you forget it.” He’d joke, knowing you’d move from it quickly.
“Maybe later…? I just want to relax with the free-time we have today.” You’d tell him. Enjoying his warmth and presence. He lowered his ears and gazed at you lovingly. Silently telling you that he also wanted to do so. He gave you a little peck on the cheek as focused on you. Looking at what you had chosen to wear today.
A similar outfit to Layla but more adorned with jewels symbolizing wishes and more based on daylight. You always wore a different outfit with a new combo. It was refreshing to you and fun, it didn’t cost much as you had your brother getting what you wanted. (Dw you don’t buy much-)
You enjoyed the time silently as Tighnaris ears perked. Alerting the both of you, as he lowered an raised them. Hearing someone coming. But it was too late till they saw you both. It was your big brother, the scribe.
You both quickly departed from one another. Both blushing brightly as he looked with a slightly amused expression. “Al- al Haitham-?!” Tighnari stuttered, hoping he would keep a secret for him. You’d look away and towards a wall in embarrassment.
“You never told me you were dating. But I suppose my little sister always keeps her secrets hidden.” Al-Haitham said as he turned you around to not face the wall. “H-hey! I have my own life too y’know! You don’t need to be a know-it-all about me just because I’m your little sister!” You’d retaliate back to him. Not thinking about your choice of words. Whisper-shouting to him as Tighnari malfunctioned.
“Your siblings?!” He’d whisper shout at the both of you as you and him nodded. Realizing not many knew you were related and just thought you had the same last name but different families. (Like so many ppl can have the last name Takahashi bro- I have seen so many ppl with it)
“Oh you didn’t know-? I thought you did-?!” You’d say back at Tighnari. Hoping the whisper shouts wouldn’t gather your friends or strangers.
“No I didn’t!” He’d say as Tighnari held one of your hands. “Realizing it now I should’ve known sooner… same last name and age.” He’d sigh, lowering his ears and tail in dissapointment.
“Hey it’s okay! Not many people know…”’your state trying to cheer him up as Al-Haitham talked to him about being your boyfriend. He had trust in him that he would take care of you. Walking away from the area and onto the outside / entrance / threshold of the akademiya.
(After announcing your relationship with Tighnari and being siblings with Al-Haitham.)
People were gasping. It’s as if they struggled to breathe oxygen. Leaving many shocked and puzzled. None knew about your lover and brother.
Turns out Tighnari needed a few materials from the desert. So you went with him. Unknowingly, the news about your status of being Al-Haitham sister spreaded quicker than the reaction, a target now plagued into your back unknowingly. Tighnari flicked his ears, getting cautious as the fur on his tail bristled.
You noticed this quickly. He grabbed you suddenly, dragging you away from what seemed to be eremites. Dodging their arrows as you both hid behind some tall rocks. He’d shush you quickly as he heard them going closer. Grabbing your hand again. Leaving before they went to your spot. Using your hydro vision to make the sand wet in a different direction. The eremites followed it. You both successfully left.
or do you thought. Eremites came up from behind as they happened to have backup. Your eyes widened as Tighnari went in front of you. Getting stabbed into his stomach. Shielding you from the hit.
You’d shout at the eremites seeing what they did. Healing Tighnari quickly as he got up. Using his mine to confuse the eremites. You used it as a chance to bloom as he used his three quick charged shots. Healing him with your skill. Dodging attacks as they swung at you, hitting your arm as you got knocked to the ground. Dodging more attacks while kicking them away and up onto your feet using your burst while Tighnari used his. (For context, you summon stars to follow you and heal everyone while having increased crit dmg,rate,atk and healing. The stats have a big first impact like Kiraras but has a decent amount of damage after its first few hits. Skill is you harnessing hydro power like Candace and dealing healing/dmg.)
“There’s still more?!” You’d state as more kept coming towards the both of you. Keeping your health from hits up high. (Tighnaris still wounded, it’s not like in genshin where they get injuries and nothing happens beside hp bar.) A flash of lightning appeared with a wave. It was cyno and Nilou?!
“I was looking for these eremites.” Cyno stated as he charged forward. “I saw you both fighting and went to go get cyno!” Nilou said worriedly as she helped with the fight. Eventually the waves of eremites ended quickly. Seeing cyno was always a bad sight for those against him.
“Thank you cyno and nilou!” You’d say as you looked at them for a few moments hearing them speak as you tended to Tighnaris wounds carefully. Using your hydro power to heal him.
“You’re welcome Tighnari and Y/N.” They’d both stated as you checked on everyone’s injuries. They left as you took Tighnari back to Gandharva Ville.
“Heyy! Collei!” You’d say as you saw collei coming closer to the two of you. Worrying about the both of you as you headed with Tighnari to get himself patched up. When he woke up collei left you both alone with one another.
“I’m sorry narii! It’s my fault you got injuries if I just never announced it with you and kept it a secret for a little longer-MMH?!” You’d state as he kissed you. Preventing you from bad-mouthing yourself. He held you close as you stared at his blood-stained jacket on the side. Wrapping his tail around you comforting you efficiently.
“You did great. Don’t be a worrywart for me?”He’d ask you, looking at you with slight puppy eyes and adoration. His voice was soothing as you both sat in comfortable silence. You eventually fell asleep.
He gently Carried you to the bed. Making sure to not wake you up as he gazed at you when he settled you down and went next to you. Wrapping his tail against you again as he put his chin above your head. Using his arms to bring you closer to him. You leaned into his touch and into his chest. He gazed at you and played with your hair for a few moments before falling asleep.
He gazed at you sleeping in his arms. Staying in the hug position as he grabbed a nearby book and read it. Preparing and studying for tests. Knowing you’ll need his help later on with preparation. He gathered a few bits of info and left it on the side. Putting you on the couch as he left to go do work with collei before returning shortly.
(Kinda glad how this turned out ngl! This was fun imo as I like being super imaginative about certain things.)
(Hope you enjoyed!!)
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missinconsistent · 4 months
The Selen situation is so much worse than I could have ever expected. I'm just gonna rant...
I could understand if she had been difficult in the past with getting the permissions that led to her termination. But the absolute audacity to blame her for their bad reputation when she was considered one of the best and most well-respected talents under them is just a slap in the face. More than any talent, Selen has probably accomplished the most passionate and collaborative experiences NijiEN had to offer- her HoloNiji Apex tournament, Wrestlesanji, her birthday concert, Niji Express and Obsydia Crossing in VR, and the list goes on. A lot of the big projects she has done were out of her own wallet with little in return. The termination statement couldn't show any ounce of appreciation for any of the hard work she's done. Selen was even intending on just graduating quietly and leaving it at that, but Niji terminated her out of the blue so they could delete all her content in the blink of an eye.
Did they think they'd have the upper hand if they had Selen leave the company on THEIR terms instead of her own? Couldn't they have at least just said "she was terminated for breaching contract" instead of a 3-page document about what they didn't like about her? And what's more is that they imply that some of the other Nijisanji livers have been harassing Selen?? Why did they shoot themselves in the foot and lead angry fans to witch hunt other livers??? People are pointing fingers now because Nijisanji is throwing ALL of their livers under the bus, rather than taking any crumb of responsibility for the toxic work environment within THEIR company that all the livers just work under!!
All the other livers are gonna be attacked because Niji completely fed into "the clique" rumours. Millie has been bombarded with hate because she was the only liver to reply to Selen when her Last Cup of Coffee cover got taken down. Or fans don't wanna show support for niji whatsoever, even if they are fans of the livers. And it sucks bc I know most of them were in Japan a few months ago working on some big things. Noctyx has their Level Up series that they've all worked extremely hard for. Krisis and TTT are still building their audience, and any new wave after this is just royally screwed. And there's probably gonna be more damning graduations after this, when Pomu and Kyo's graduation already left a bad start to the new year.
Why the fuck did they have to announce the termination on Vanta's birthday. And during Kyo's last two weeks before his graduation. And after they still promoted voice packs and merchandise with Selen still included in them. Why did they announce a termination at all when Selen was working towards a mutual end with them. Just what the fuck. I'm so mad about all this.
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wilhelmwrobel · 2 months
TW: SA, gore and death
Sorry, I just have to type out this rant somewhere. And, just to be painfully explicit about it, this is in no way supposed to make light of sexual assault, femicide or anything else. My main gripe here is purely with The Left™ and feminism and how we don't seem to notice that we're also engaging in the "the cruelty is the point" culture war we (rightfully) scold the right for and that we're doing a pretty fucking shitty job of being the more compassionate side of the political spectrum at times.
So, there's currently that trend on TikTok where women answer the question...
Would you rather encounter a bear or a male stranger if you're alone in the woods?
...with the overwhelming consensus being that a bear seems like the far safer option. And, sure, not my place to comment on that as a guy but I get why most women answer bears.
Now, along comes this video of a guy whose mom was mauled by a bear. He explains how horrible a bear attack is and that people don't really know what they are talking about. He also says that his mom's response to that thought experiment wasn't kind and the word "asinine" was frequently mentioned in response. And let's be crystal clear: He's definitely seems pissed about this particular line of ✨ discourse ✨ (but I'm also autistic so, well, grain of salt).
I want to implore you to take a second before you continue reading: What do you want to respond to him?
If your answer was either laugh at him or lecture him, you'd be completely in line with the responses on TikTok I've seen so far. And, not gonna lie, I kinda find it genuinely disgusting.
That guy brought the receipts. His mother is Allena Hansen and this is a picture of her after the attack (warning, graphic). She had to have multiple, extensive emergency surgeries taking 10 hours or more. And, because US healthcare is in the state that it is, she had healthcare expenses of upwards of $ 250 000 resulting from it.
... if you don't understand why somebody who almost LOST HIS MOTHER TO A BEAR ATTACK has a visceral reaction to people, in his eyes, talking lightly about the gravity of a bear attack, I'm seriously questioning your empathy.
For him you're looking at the worst trauma of his life and calling it "the better alternative". And at that point anything beyond "Yeah, I see your POV and why you feel that way" is firmly in the Big Lebowski category:
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It's why you'd apologize to someone after saying "at least it's not X" and you sudden notice someone who suffers/suffered from X is nearby.
All of the responses I've seen have similar lines of arguments:
1. "You have no standing here - your mom was attacked and suffered, not you. So shut up and let the people with a stake in it do the talking."
I mean, if you don't get why almost losing your mother in a particularly gruesome way very much results in suffering and trauma for their children, I don't know what to say to you. But next time you go to a funeral try saying "my condolences" towards the coffin instead of the family and see how that goes over. I'm just gonna say that he very much has personal standing here.
2. "Your mom's book is titled "Chomp, chomp, chomp" so I'm gonna take this as evidence that bear attacks aren't bad because SA survivors stories don't have funny titles":
Remember the medical debt I mentioned above? His mom is on the record about how much she struggled to pay for her treatments and even now, years later, it seems to be a sore spot. Which, I surmise, might be a reason for that book with the attention grabbing title. Publishing is a ruthless industry and if you're trapped in debt you sometimes do "indignant" things to survive.
3. "Your mom did a Reddit AMA and answered that question already and said she prefers the bear, too. Your mom is on our side and you're just a clueless man":
I'm gonna admit I didn't check if this is true. I don't care. He speaks out of his own suffering (see point 1) and, who knows, maybe his mom said that back then because of the whole "marketing your book" thing (see point 2) and she felt like ppl want to hear that. Or she changed her mind since 11 years ago when she did that AMA. But you telling someone how their mom feels about the bear mauling she suffered from and disregarding his conversations with his. fucking. mom. is condescending at best.
But none of these things are what's really what's bothering me. What's bothering me is this: Did you ever have a conversation with a Republican or someone of an opposing political viewpoint and felt they are trying to trigger you? Especially if you spoke out of something that's close to your heart or connected to a personal tragedy?
I have. And that feeling is so distinct that I can recall it in an instance. The confusion and obliviousness how somebody can disregard any notions of empathy just in furtherance of an argument. That unique brand of shitty if you're in a vulnerable state and someone just shits over it and you can FEEL that none of what you're saying is going through their ideological filter.
It. Just. Feels. Shit.
And I promise you nobody every changed their political opinion because you made them feel ridiculed, disregarded and put down. It's painfully obvious that all answers to this guy come from a "No, I'm right and the beating will continue until you've learned your lessons" the right loves to employ against every poor person, drug addict and incarcerated person with.
We on the left and feminists oftentimes pride ourselves on being compassionate. Our opinions are oftentimes grounded in "we just want to reduce suffering".
And that contains maybe taking a step back and letting the talking points and "no, you're wrong" take a backseat when somebody tells you their mother was mauled by a fucking bear.
And just to be painfully explicit about it: That doesn't mean we can't take the implications of why women would prefer a bear or actual cases of SA just as serious. Empathy is not a finite resource.
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thenarwhalgal · 2 months
Alright so this is possibly the dumbest idea I’ve ever had. But like somehow it holds together almost too well.
Stranger Things crossing over with The 25th Annual Putnum County Spelling Bee.
Please let me explain, this is a long one I’m sorry:
If you don’t know, the 25th (what I’m going to call it from now on) is about 5 strange kids from mostly broken families (and Chip) competing to win a spelling bee. It’s a great and really funny musical about trauma and innuendos and just how strange both spelling bees and the kids who compete in them are. Also it has 4 randomly chosen audience members come up to actually participate in the spelling bee itself (pretty cool).
Now here’s why the characters line up almost perfectly. (At least in my understanding of them all, if I’m wrong please argue with me lol I invite it.)
Let’s take the two main leads, Olive Ostrovsky and William Barfée. They line up stupidly well with Nancy and Jonathan. Olive is a pattern seeking brainiac whose only friend is the dictionary with incredibly negligent parents and a very strong desire to escape, which mimics Nancy’s need to hide herself in solving mysteries and finding stories to avoid her own trauma and the complete lack of anybody to ever stick up for her. They both bury themselves in gaining as much knowledge as they can because the worst thing that can happen is to be left with their own thoughts, Olive is also the emotional center of the show. Barfée is a pretty witty and weird kid who pushes everybody else away and holes up into his own little world but also has a heart of gold, mimicking Jonathan’s… well everything.
These two in the 25th end up with a really sweet friendship (and maybe romance?) by the end of the show, both finding understanding in each other for their mutual strangeness. Just like Nancy and Jonathan do. (Barfée is usually double-cast as Leaf’s dad).
Okay but what about the other 4 kids? I’m glad you asked!
Robin makes a wonderful Logainne (Schwartzy) SchwartzandGrubenierre. A very self-loathing loudmouth anxious perfectionist who is a constant disappointment to her parents but has really large dreams. Oh yeah, she also runs the gay-straight alliance at her school. She’s mocked by classmates and at one point during the show goes on a two minute (improvised?) rant about something to do with politics because she finds the bee unfair and wants to run for president one day. And she famously is the one who manages to annoy Panch enough to literally break him. Logainne really just wants happiness for the people around her, despite having a panic attack at the thought of losing she doesn’t want anybody else to lose either. I don’t know if I need to explain why Robin fits here lol but I will if pressed. (Double cast as Leaf’s mom usually.)
Steve! This one is somehow the best fit and I love them both for it. Steve makes a hilariously good Chip Tolentino. Athletic Boy Scout and the reigning champion of the spelling bee. He’s the most outgoing and social and least strange kid in the show but loses in the first act because and I’m not joking, he gets a boner. He sings a whole song about it actually. As he says, life is random and unfair. And he has a strong rivalry with Barfée (Jonathan) to the point they almost fight on stage and in most productions I’ve seen, is weirdly cordial with Leaf Coneybear. Again don’t think I need to explain this one, just change the girl he’s into from Leaf’s sister to Olive (Nancy) and we’re golden. Can’t go unmentioned that Chip’s actor is usually double-cast as Jesus fucking Christ.
Speaking of Leaf Coneybear! Who else but Eddie, like really? Who else but Eddie. Leaf is absolutely the one character confident enough in himself to jump up on a table and make a speech, he’s also totally the type to DM Dungeons and Dragons. Wears a cape he made himself, talks with a sock puppet sometimes, is friendly with everybody but also… is seen as a weird and stupid problem child by both his family and presumably everybody else at the Bee (Which I mean doesn’t fit his uncle but it does fit the town). He doesn’t win his hometown spelling bee and is only there because the two who placed above him had to go to a bat mitzvah. He worries he’s stupid and doesn’t belong there but finds peace in himself by the end. This delightfully mimics Eddie’s coward complex despite the fact he isn’t a coward??? And the fact he almost exists above social rules, uncaring of who anybody else is and usually judging them on character alone. Eddie and Leaf thrive in being strange. Leaf is also the sweetest character in the show you just can’t hate him. (Double cast usually as one of Logainne’s Dads).
This is probably the least good fit unfortunately, anybody who could fit Marcy Park fit in better elsewhere (Robin def would sing ‘I speak 6 languages’ and Nancy is very much the ‘best in everything but broken inside finding happiness in not winning’ girl). But Barb fits fine. She’s got that cold exterior somewhat disappointed in you never really happy with the fact she’s forced to fit in a box but does it anyway vibe. And would definitely purposefully lose and then celebrate like Christmas came early. Like it’s not perfect but it does work if you squint. (You could maybe cast Marcy as Chrissy Cunningham instead? They both do cry in bathrooms and feel trapped in their lives, happier letting go of expectations, Barb is just an easier character to characterize).
Now for the adults!
Best fit is definitely Mitch Mahoney and Jim Hopper. Like come on, this is the one where I was like… oh I’ve got something here. Gruff cop with rough exterior but a heart of gold who finds himself through comforting a lost kid and could easily be seen as a father figure? Please god that lines up so well with the ex-convict knows how rough the world is and wants the kids to know this isn’t that big a deal but finds being a comfort counselor actually fits him very well. Genuinely enjoying making sure these kids are alright and have a juice box. They’re both straight-up good people who just take a little bit longer than most to find their footing. Also Mitch being there for community service would line up with Hopper being there because Joyce dragged him into it. (Usually double cast as both Logainne’s other dad and as Olive’s pretend Dad).
Rona Lisa Perretti is the ‘could be seen as a mother figure’ counterpart to Mitch moderator of the Bee who sees herself in all of the kids and finds true joy in all of it. Joyce Byers might not line up perfectly but it’s such an easy placement okay? Like I mean, you can really tell she loves these kids, bending the rules for them even when she’s not supposed to. Also you cannot convince me Joyce isn’t the type of mom to sign up to run the school spelling bee her son goes to. (Usually double cast as Olive’s pretend Mom)
Vice Principle Douglass Panch is the only one I can’t figure out. It could be Murray, Bob, Clarke, Owens, Yuri, or even Ted (but please god no it’d fit but no) but none fit him well enough to make a call. Infatuated with Rona, had an incident as judge five years ago but claims to be in a better place now (he isn’t). Panch is a really fun character but he’s also the least mentally stable one. If I had to pick I think Murray would fit the established relationships in this crossover the most, and Yuri would fit his character the most. But again, I can’t make a good call on this one.
For the 4 audience members who fill in the ranks? Well, any ‘teen/young adult’ members of the show fit. Billy, Chrissy, Heather, Vickie, Argyle… take your pick.
— Additional stuff:
This could be easily played as a love triangle between Nancy (Olive), Jonathan (Barfée), and Steve (Chip) which works way too well for both sets of characters. It could also be played as Ronance (my personal pick lol) because Olive and Logainne I mean - if you don’t put Olive with Barfée that ship is like, right there. Olive helping Logainne through her panic attack it’s so sweet. And Olive x Her Dictionary hilariously lines up with Nancy x Her guns.
Again Chip and Leaf are weirdly friendly with each other and they’re also funfact the biggest ship on AO3 for this show which again is almost a perfect line up with Steve and Eddie. I have no words it’s just a funny coincidence. The gay ship between the weird stoner kid and the popular jock kid is universal I guess.
In other non-romantic funny coincidences:
Rona Lisa and Mitch Mahoney I’ve found usually play the good adults in the kids lives who step in and sometimes go as far as adopting some of the kids in many fanfics. Which I mean… yeah that sounds like Joyce and Hopper in the fandom as well.
Logainne has a very pronounced lisp and a tendency to overcomplicate which mimics Robins perpetual inability to stop rambling in front of pretty girls and in stressful situations.
Chip ends up forced to run the bake sale and complains about his ruined mojo, which again for some reason Chip and Steve just are perfect fits for no good reason. What a Little League champion.
Leaf and Marcy are the only two characters to lose and end up happy about it (Olive is a weird case), which is funny because Barb and Eddie are the only two characters here who die! Yay! ):
Nancy and Olive are both seen by everybody around them as the ‘sweet and lovely girl’, but are both intensely broken on the inside.
Marcy (Barb) is the character who gets to literally see Jesus, and Jesus is played by Chip (Steve). You could not have a funnier casting.
Like I mentioned above but it really needs to be highlighted, Chip and Barfée literally get as close to straight up fighting as possible. Chip at one point throws a bag of peanut M&Ms at him which if you don’t know, Barfée is allergic to, and Olive is the one who steps in. You couldn’t line it up better between these three.
The only relationship I can see that sadly doesn’t make it in here… is Robin and Steve . Chip and Logainne just don’t really talk much? I thought about shoving Robin in as Leaf for this reason and it’d work? But not nearly as well. I mean but like… this is my crossover damnit and if I want Chip and Logainne to somehow become absolute besties despite being complete opposites then I will make it happen. Chip really needs companionship and Logainne desperately needs at least one person in her life who supports her, and it’d be by far somehow the most perfect but completely alien from the outside friendship in the show. Which parallels Steve and Robin nicely (The added benefit that nobody would believe they weren’t dating if Robin wasn’t out as gay in this continuity).
So like, here’s the thing. I have spent way too long thinking about this, and I had to get it out there. Maybe it works as well as I’ve made it out to, maybe it doesn’t. The point is I think it’d be really funny, and as far as I know nobody has even brought it up so far. Which I get! Like I said, this is possibly the dumbest idea I’ve ever had. But it works way better than it should and I had to make other people understand my vision.
So thanks for reading all of this and please if you want to and have made it this far, give me your thoughts.
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rubylarkspur22 · 3 months
So I am finally writing the coprotag Nezuko outline
Nezuko is fully self aware when she wakes from her long nap, during Tanjirou´s training. She has vague memories of her family but remembers everything since she became a demon. She meets Urokodaki and he explains the details of her and her brother´s situation. While waiting for Tanjirou to return she and Urokodaki experiment with her condition (they quickly figure out that she regains her energy by sleeping and that while she can eat normal human food, she gains almost nothing by doing so). Urokodaki also makes her a mask.
Afterwards the plot mostly follows cannon, expect more brother sister interaction, until Tamayo. Nezuko starts learning about her condition from Tamayo (and basics of hand to hand from Yushiro) and even borrows a medical textbook in hopes of better understanding how her demonic body works.
Let´s just say that Zenitsu and Inosuke won´t leave exactly best impressions during their first meeting, but they grow on her eventually.
In the spider forest I consider having her face against the spider sister, but the fight against Rui goes the same it does in cannon. The trial mostly follows cannon as well, with the major change being Nezuko ranting at the Hashira the whole time (especially Saneimi). While the 3 stooges recover Nezuko starts practicing swordfighting (but not breathing techniques yet), so she can pick up the slack if Tanjirou is downed.
Train arc goes more or less according to cannon (sorry Rengoku).
During rld Nezuko still goes berserk, Tanjirou still has to stop her, but she regains sense much quicker (basically immediately after Tanjirou starts to hold her). Then she interrupts Gyutaro during his talk with Tanjirou (and even copies his ranged blood attacks with her exploding blood and Tanjirou´s sword). Gyutoro taunts her that she doesn´t have the energy to protect her brother because she doesn´t eat people.
Swordsmith village is a more Nezuko centric arc, with this being the first time she interacts with a larger amount of regular humans who are aware of her conditions and her parallels to Genya. And on the topic of Genya, she actually teaches him how better exploit his abilities, while he teaches her repetitive action. After she gains immunity to the sun, she might at first think she died and that´s why she can suddenly walk in the sun.
During the pillar training arc she might finally start learning a breathing style and continues helping Genya train.
During infinity fortress she helps in the Kokushibou fight and helps mitigate the causalities in that fight (Genya lives!). She might end up joining Muzan fight as well (demon Tanjirou vs demon Nezuko), but I also had the idea of Sanemi stabbing her with the cure, because preventing Muzan from getting his hands on her takes priority. Ending will be mostly the same as in cannon maybe some additional characters survive.
On the topic of Zenitsu, I don´t think Nezuko would be willing to enter a relationship, while she is still a demon, but with her being aware, there might be more chemistry between them.
Also there might be alternate infinity fortress fights such as Mituri and Obanai fighting Akaza and Giyu joining Douma fight.
I love it! I'll have notes below the cut!
Nezuko getting an extra grandpa in Urokodaki while they experiment with her wonky biology, we love to see it!
Tamayo sees this child, and you know she's confused af. She needed a minute to process. But I definitely love the idea of her giving Nezuko some notes to work with!
Nezuko, looking from her brother to the pair of wack-o's he unintentionally adopted: Really?
Hear me out. Nezuko initially squares up on the sister, but her Tanjirou's in Deep S*** Senses start tingling. Rui thinks he's won, only to get dive bombed by a protective demon sister.
Sanemi is gonna need a minute to process, and some aloe for the burns Nezuko dished out. And she definitely cussed at at least one Hashira.
Rest in Peace, Rengoku Kyojurou!
Yes! Demon Sibling Square Up!
Not Evil Demon Sibling Tag Team! The demons are in trouble!
Heck, yeah!
Yay! Genya lives! Why do I see Sanemi waking up post-Kokushibo, and looking at Nezuko for a minute, confusing everyone? Then he pulls a syringe out of no one knows where and does not hesitate to ram it into her shoulder. 'Cause it took a good few hours to work in canon, iirc. So imagine she and DKT turn back at the exact same time.
This gives them time to actually establish a relationship! Early days definitely featured some good ol' fashioned suplexing.
Ooh! Fun!
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Spiderdemon AU Funfacts
We interrupt the AU drama with some funfact bits for the Spiderdemon AU. So I hope you enjoy!!
-When Bendy first became Spiderdemon, he didn't expect to get fans. Holly’s one thing because he knows she's naturally curious and likes doing research on things, but he was surprised when Boris nearly shoved his phone in his face to show him people were making videos, drawings, MEMES, etc about Spiderdemon.
Since Boris tends to work on the computer the most he spams Bendy with Spiderdemon fan stuff he finds that he thinks Bendy gets a kick out of. Bendy finds it entertaining, and makes a blog or something to save all this spiderdemon stuff. Sometimes taking pictures of himself when he's out patrolling to post online.
People start wondering if his blog is run by spiderdemon, but thanks to Boris' awesome computer skills, no one can get any proof. XD
-Felix is well aware Bendy’s Spiderdemon.
He figured it out when Bendy was with him when he was visiting a museum for work, but someone attacked the museum, Bendy vanished, and Spiderdemon showed up, using a clearly fake voice to tell Felix his kid is perfectly safe.
Although irritated that Bendy’s been lying to his face, he understands why, and from then on pretends not to notice Bendy sneaking in and out when Spiderdemon is needed.
The moment he hears about Spiderdemon out saving the day though he turns on the news and anxiously watches and hopes Bendy doesn't get hurt.
-Oswald and Felix start dating shortly before Bendy goes to college. The two of them connected when Bendy and Ortensia were in the hospital, and Felix helped Oswald through his grief after he lost his wife. Oswald and Mickey always welcomed Felix and the boys over for family meals and Bendy and Boris would occasionally babysit Oswald's kids.
Oswald gets a sneaking suspicion that Bendy's Spiderdemon, and that suspicion is confirmed when he temporarily comes out of retirement and meets Spiderdemon up close as the Lucky Rabbit. He comes out of retirement initially to, convince, Spiderdemon to help him right a wrong.
Aka trick him into helping him steal something from some extremely shady and dangerous people.
Bendy would be MAAAAAD. Boris ends up listening through the suit's communication system as Bendy rants angerly over how he's going to find Lucky Rabbit someday, kick his cussing but, and throw him in cussing jail!
However, the next day, Bendy's surprised to find out the thing Lucky Rabbit tricked him into helping him steal, was actually something Lucky Rabbit stole from Felix many years ago, and he wanted to steal it back to secretly return it. Bendy would be confused, and still kinda mad, but he's glad that his and Boris' adoptive father is happy.
Despite knowing Bendy is rightfully angry at him for his manipulative trick as Lucky Rabbit, Oswald makes sure to keep an eye on the news in case Spiderdemon needs help while saving the town.
-since Boris isn't exactly a big fan of spiders, he's not exactly a fan of Bendy's shapeshifting powers when he can make himself into a giant spider demon.
He's not scared of Bendy when he does that, but it does make him cussing SHUDDER. (like imagine having a fear of clowns and a loved one has to dress like one for some reason. That would give anyone the heebie jeebies)
Then when Holly is in on Bendy’s identity, and starts asking him about his powers, she asks him if Bendy can communicate with spiders, and possibly summon an army of spiders.
Boris straight up got out of his seat, and walked out of the room going "Nopenopenopenope."
Holly: Maybe I should have saved that question for later...
Bendy: Boris come back! I'm 90% sure I can't summon spiders!
Thanks to Holly putting that thought in Boris' head, Boris now brings a can of spider repellent when Bendy’s trying to work on his powers and trying to see if he can tap into new ones.
-When Bendy officially moved into his college dorm, both he and Boris were kinda emotional over the fact that they're not going to be around each other in person daily. Boris absolutely cried and Bendy tried his best not to tear up as they hugged each other bye after Boris and Felix finished helping Bendy move into his dorm.
Later that night though they called each other over the phone. They make sure to talk daily and Bendy comes home during the weekends to stay the night and spend time with his family (when villains aren't threatening the town and keeping him busy).
-safe to say Boris would be kinda giving Cuphead the cold shoulder after learning he's Red Diamond because of how often he hurt his brother in fights.
But he would be curious about Venom. Cuphead probably notices how Boris actually acknowledges his existence again when Venom comes up in conversation. 
Cuphead: You wanna say hi?
Boris: .... Is he going to bite?
Cuphead: Nah, he just ate.
Venom: *smacks Cuphead in the head*
Cuphead: Gah! *rubs his head and rolls his eyes* We also have a strict "no hurting kids" code.
-When out as Spiderdemon, if villains aren't attacking, Bendy delivers food to homeless people on the streets. He remembers how rough it was for him and Boris when they were on the streets before Felix took them in so he'd want to help out when he can.
-Cuphead for the longest time thought Bendy’s tail and horn were part of Bendy’s spiderdemon costume.
So imagine his confusion when he knows Bendy’s identity, and notices his tail coming out of seemingly nowhere to pick up a gear or something he dropped when working on something. 
Cuphead: You wear your costume tail all the time? Doesn't it get uncomfortable? 
Bendy: .... *doesn't break eye contact as he shape shifts his spider demon horns to come out*
Bendy: You know I can shape shift! How is this surprising to you?!
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God, I am feeling so sick towards the TWDG fandom and their treatment towards Tillie. I am not a fan of the comic either, but the way she is being treated while announcing her baby's birth is sickening! Say whatever shit you want about the comic, but why attack the author when you can complain about Skybound doing the disservice? Tillie is only doing her job!
Mmhmmm, it's ridiculous.
I don't understand what's so hard about not sending her shit like that. It's fine to hate and rage about the comic since Clementine's a character we all care about, but leave Tillie out of it. Or at the very least be respectful about it, y'know? There's actually quite a bit in the Clementine books that you can draw back to her previous works and themes that she as a creator likes to write... but no one is interested in that, they just wanna wave their hate boners and I have no patience for that.
Also it pisses me off when bigger creators/fans in the fandom contribute to the hate, it makes it so much worse- lookin' at you, domthebomb. I tried to be nice before but frankly, I watched his review. I don't have it in me anymore.
If I didn't know he read the whole thing from watching parts of his stream, I would've assumed he just read the wiki since he got some basic things about the plot and characters wrong... which is very funny since he accuses Tillie of not playing the games when she's stated in interviews that she has. Like... Amir isn't John's brother, Dom, did you even read the comic? I know you did, so why would you say that? And the book did give you time to get to know some of the new cast, you just spent that time saying, "I don't care," so, I don't know... maybe respect your audience more and put some effort into your review for them? Or, y'know... don't read it at all if it makes you that angry.
Imagine saying you don't condone hate toward Tillie Walden and then proceed to go on a rant about how you believe Ricca, a character you and everyone hates, is Tillie's self-insert and this book is just a romance now, like... he should know that's contributing to the problem. He has an audience. If he actually gave a shit about harassment, he wouldn't bring Tillie into it at all... especially when it's a baseless accusation that falls apart when you have a basic understanding of how art is created and think for more than two seconds. When you say that Ricca is annoying and a character everyone hates, and you say she's Tillie's self-insert multiple times, you're conflating the two for your audience and that's probably why she got an influx of those comments on her instagram calling her awful things after your stream and your review.
Also, liking and engaging with the comments feeding the hate in his comments section goes against his "I don't condone hate" stance, no?
I don't even know why I'm bothering with this since he's not going to see it, and even if he did, he wouldn't care. I'm no one important, so he wouldn't take any criticism I give and reflect on it. I get that he's passionate about TWDG and he loves Clementine, but I don't give a shit that he cares about a fictional character. What matters is how he treats real people like Tillie and then tries to be like, "but guys I don't condone hate, please be kind" like dude, c'mon. I know he's played the games multiple times; he should be plenty familiar with, "This choice has consequences."
I guess at the very least he's not as bad as some other reviews. So much Angry Man Yelling energy, it's... uncomfortable.
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TW/CW// Brief mentions of Homophobia, Transphobia, and Islamophobia, Mentions of Abuse, Racism, and general fandom idiocy
If you replace a poc with someone else, lets say another minority, and it is obvious that they r a minority, like they r wearing pride flag stuff, they're wearing a hijab, etc. and something vague that someone says about that person, like. idk. about them not being the kinda person you should hang around with. and you would call that person homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, etc. for saying that about the person? It isn't bigotry. If the statement could be applied to anyone. Then it isn't bigotry.
Yes this is about Billy Hargrove. Also YOU GUYS HAVE NO CLUE WHAT CONTEXT MEANS AND IT SHOWS. Max literally yelled at Lucas IN FRONT OF BILLY. HE WAS LIKE 20 FEET AWAY WATCHING AND LISTENING TO THE FIGHT. She yelled at him that he makes her feel like shit/that he treats her like shit. And whether u wanna admit it or not, Billy does care about Max. And even if he didn't, he is forced to take care of her. He has to be the parent. SO WHY THE HELL. After hearing that this random boy he's never met, treats his little sister who he cares about and is forced to be responsible for, like shit. Would he NOT tell her that there are some people you shouldn't be around. And that that boy is one of them. And in the Byer house where he sees her with Lucas again, AFTER HE WAS JUST ABUSED BECAUSE SHE RAN AWAY, of fucking course he's gonna target Lucas and not one of the other boys. He hasn't seen them with Max, he has no reason to thing of them as being bad influences or harmful.
And fuck no it doesn't excuse his actions or make them okay. He still attacked a 13/14 (don't remember their exact age) yr old. But nothing about his words or actions are explicitly, outwardly, whatever word u wanna use, racist. And even if he is racist (which by the way, every yt person, especially/specifically in America has institutionalized racism at the very least which takes a long time, and lots of education to break down, which isn't gonna fucking happen when u live in an abusive household where you have other things you have to focus on so you and ur kid sister don't fucking die, especially in the 80's), Max never fucking says anything about it. Even if what he said or did was racist, Max never said or did anything. Obviously I could understand her not saying anything to Billy because she might think he'd get angry. But she never goes to Lucas trying to comfort him, apologize for Billy's behavior, anything.
While I'm on the topic I might as well bring up the fact that NO ONE IN THE SHOW. EVER FUCKING TREATS LUCAS WITH RESPECT OR UNDERSTANDING IN RELATION TO HIS STRUGGLES WITH BEING A BLACK TEENAGER IN THE 80'S. In season 1, he gets SO MUCH shit from the fandom for not trusting Jane/El. A random girl who showed up out of no where, who, through no fault of her own, brings a bunch of dangerous ppl coming after the group. And basically no one gives Mike any shit for doing the same thing to Max in season 2. In season 4 when he is trying to fit in, to not be seen as a weirdo, outcast, freak, etc. So fucking many people treated him like he's an asshole for that. He is a black 15 yr old boy in the fucking 80's. In a town that is predominantly white. Where all of his friends are white. Most of the people at his school, are white. Of fucking course he's gonna do whatever he can to "fit in" and stay with the popular crowd. Not doing that would put even more of a target on his back. I'm so happy they put in that brief moment at Benny's where the only other black person on the team and at the house comes over to tell him it will be okay after the police show up. That he's not gonna be in trouble. Despite a good portion of the fandom being really diverse, be it queer, poc, etc. so many of y'all put the cishet yt characters on a pedestal and either ignore or straight up shit on the few queer characters & poc characters.
That's the end of my fucking rant for now. I'm tired. Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk. night guys.
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skylarmoon71 · 2 years
Aaron Hotchner - Oneshot (Criminal Minds/Grimm Crossover)
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“Can we just go over what happened again?”
When you were called to Aaron Hotchner’s office, you didn’t think it was for another report. Earlier that day the unsub they’d been tracking had made a bold move. He’d infiltrated the BAU. Unlucky for him, he’d decided to take you hostage. When they found him he was unconscious with a claw mark across his face.
You’d confessed to striking him, after all it was self defense. But you insisted that the mark was not your doing. No one asked questions. No one but Hotch it seemed. You worked in another department. The meeting was purely coincidence. So now why did the Unit Chief of the Behavioral Analysis Unit want to run through the events again.
“I don’t mean to be rude sir, but I spoke to the agents earlier. I defended myself. That was all. “
“You don’t seem affected, most people have a harder time dealing with an attack like what you experienced. “
“I’m well adjusted. This is the FBI after all.”
“Those marks, they were already on his face.”
“That’s what I said.”
You were getting a bit agitated.
Hotch closed the folder in front of him, and when he stood, shutting the blinds, you could feel yourself becoming a bit tense. He was now standing at the door, facing you.
“Let’s not waste each other’s time. You’re wesen.”
You flinch, instinctively woging. Hotch barely reacted when the white fur took over your skin. The glow of your green eyes is now prominent.
“A Pflichttreue, that explains a lot.”
You jumped back, changing back.
“Y-You’re going to kill me.”
You looked terrified, and Hotch shook his head. He moved back to his desk, and you backed up into the wall.
“I was just curious. I need to know you aren’t a danger to my team and anyone else here.”
“That’s rich coming from a Grimm!!”
He understands the reaction.
“I’m not some unhinged vigilante if that’s what you’re worried about. I have no reason to come after you. Not unless you give me one. “
That was definitely a threat.
“That’s all. “
Hotch sat back down, and you barely moved. A part of you really thinks this is a game. Maybe a test.
“Is..is that it?”
“What were you expecting?”
“I-I don’t know. Maybe you, jumping from over your desk and chopping off my head.”
“I don’t walk around with a machete. You should stop reading those nursery rhymes. “
Now he was mocking you.
“Have a nice day.”
That’s all he says, and you send him a look before carefully moving to the door. The second you’re outside, you pace, not before sending a look in his direction.
Of all the places you could have encountered a Grimm, why did it have to be at your work.
You weren’t exactly looking forward to meeting him again.
“Hold the elevator!”
The call makes you smile, and you hold it open as Penelope runs over in her usual floral outfit.
She’s wearing that bright smile.
“Good morning Garcia, beautiful outfit as usual.”
“Thank you, thank you.” She gives a little curtsey, and right before the elevator begins to close again, a hand stops it.
“I’m sorry I didn’t see you.”
You’re quick to apologize. Whoever it was had dropped their briefcase, and you kneel, picking it up as you send them a smile.
“Here you g..” When you straighten, the male is not who you expect. You swallow. It’s almost a reflex.
“Thank you. “ You backtrack, and he steps in.
“Good morning Hotch!”
Garcia greets, then goes on a rant about something or the other. You barely hear it. You only process it when the conversation ends.
“I’ll see you up there boss. Bye (Y/N)!!” Garcia waves and you try to step out with her.
“Garcia, wait!” The door closes in your face. Hotch isn’t standing that far behind you. You step to one side.
“I already told you I won’t hurt you. “
“Sorry if I don't have absolute faith in a killer.”
That apparently has struck a nerve, because he turns around and you back into the wall when he gets closer. He’s so much closer, and you have to hold your breath.
“I’m not a killer.”
You want to bark another retort, but his eyes, there’s sincerity. Not something you thought you’d ever see from a Grimm. You can’t look away. Truth is you’re just surprised by it all. Because you knew what he did. He saved lives. Had you never found out about his true identity, you would have still admired the profiler. He was a hero. In more ways than one.
But his legacy, that’s what scared you. Seeing him on a daily basis was alarming. It felt like you were tempting faith every time you came into work. Every other wesen in their right mind would have immediately put in for a transfer, or simply quit. Money wasn’t worth losing your head over.
The ding echoes, and Hotch takes a step back.
“Have a good day Ms. (L/N).”
When he’s gone, you finally release your breath.
He may not have been a killer, but he sure as hell knew what he was doing.
The call from your boss makes you turn.
“Yes sir.”
“Aaron Hotchner has requested your assistance. Their tech analyst is currently unavailable. A family matter.”
“That’s right.”
She’d gone back home to visit family because of the passing of one of her relatives. You’re sympathetic, but then his request runs over in your mind.
“I’m sure there is someone more qualified.”
“He specifically requested to work with you. Apparently Ms. Garcia thinks very highly of your skills. “ Your boss sounds proud. The last thing you want to do is let him down, but you’re not exactly ecstatic.
“I’ll do my best sir.”
Getting a request from the BAU of all departments is every tech head's dream. You excuse yourself, moving to gather your stuff. You know Garcia was just trying to be helpful, but Hotch, he knew. Yet he still asked for you.
“He’s either a sadistic moron.”
Or..someone is in real danger.
Both options make you a bit queasy. You step into the elevator, and the second you’re in there, you have a little mantra to get through the day. The ding alerts you that it’s time to get to work. You step through the door, and you search for Hotchner. The familiar dark haired female is who you run into.
“(Y/N), I heard you’ll be running the case with us.”
Prentiss' smile is inviting, and it helps to calm your nerves.
“Yes. Mr. Anderson was really excited when your boss called for me. I think I almost saw him crack a smile.” Prentiss laughs as she guides you to the round table. When you get there the case files are already laid out, and JJ has the remote, about to start the briefing.
Hotch is standing, eyes moving in your direction the second you’re inside.
“This is (Y/N) (L/N). She’ll be going with us until Garcia gets back on Friday.”
They all nod, giving little introductions. For the most part you know all of them pretty well. Garcia was always very descriptive when talking about her friends. You’ve met most of them at least once. You take a seat, and JJ begins.
As she’s running over the case, you fail to catch the look Hotchner sends you.
It's fleeting.
Gone in a blink of an eye.
“Something you want to tell me Hotch?
Rossi thought he’d imagined it on the plane ride, but spending two days on the hunt for a killer in the streets of New York, he was sure about it now.
“I don’t know what you mean.” Hotch’s focus is on the map.
“That new Tech analyst. You haven’t taken your eyes off her since she came. You’re either concerned she’s the unsub we’re looking for or..”
Hotch didn’t reply to the insinuation.
“I’m just being careful.”
“Of course.”
Rossi didn’t sound convinced, and he left the room when the detective they’d been talking with entered. Hotch looked down when he heard the buzzing of his phone. He flipped it open.
“I know where he’s holding them.”
That was all he wanted to hear. Hotch gestures to Rossi and they all head in the direction of the office you are working in. Prentiss and Reid are strapping on their vests.
“Hotch he has a stream going. We need to take it down. He lives for the attention he gets.” Morgan explains.
Hotch’s eyes turn to you.
“Can you disable it from here?”
You shake your head. He’d caught the slight tremble in your hands as you worked to try and remove the feed. The views were increasing with each passing second. It’s clear that the graphic video is not what you’re used to. But you’re doing a decent job of holding it together.
“Whatever he’s using is doing a good job of rerouting my connection. Just watching this right now is a task. He’s streaming through a very sophisticated program. I..” You let out a breath.
“I need to access his computer, or at least be in the same room as his router.”
He was afraid you would say that.
“We’ll find another way.”
They all turn at your yell.
“People are…they could die if I don’t help. I have to help.” Hotch exchanges a look with the others.
It looks like there isn’t another choice.
“We need to get you a vest.” You nod, and they begin gearing up.
You swallow.
“I can do this.” You need the mental talk, because this wasn’t cleaning a computer virus, or uploading software. You were about to encounter a real killer. Whether you liked it or not.
“We have the area surrounded. He’s not getting away.” Hotch nods.
“Morgan, Reid JJ, take the back. Rossi, Prentiss you’re with me and Ms (L/N).” Your hand tightens on the laptop in your hand.
“Are you ready?”
Was anyone ever really ready to face a serial killer.
“I’m ready.” They begin to fall out, and you follow closely. The plan was simple. Hotch’s group was tasked with protecting you. Morgan’s squad is handling the unsub. They know the moment the feed is gone, he would come looking, and they would have an opening.
Everyone spreads out. Sneaking into the house is easier than you expect. But you supposed the team knew that too.
“Narcissists are overconfident. He thinks he won’t get caught.” Hotch is watching your back as you work through his program, and you nod at the explanation. You’re clicking at the keys, and when the green bars pop up, Hotch recognizes the way your shoulders relax.
“Almost there.” You whisper.
The new voice makes your body stiffen, and when you hear a gun cock, your fingers stop their tapping. Hotch has his gun aimed in the unsub’s direction. He’s on the opposite side of the room, a grin on his face, gun in his hand. You don’t move an inch, and Hotch stands in front of you protectively.
“They wanted it, all I did was give them what they wanted.” You clench your fist, your eyes glow, teeth gritted. Hotch can hear the low growl behind him.
“They did huh.” You challenged.
You woge, and his eyes grow wide, he falls backwards dropping the gun in the process and Hotch rushes forward, dropping and cuffing him quickly. You roll your neck, changing back, but the unsub is still screaming. His yells draw in the rest of the team. When Morgan enters he’s a bit confused at the fearful cries.
“We found them, all safe. We made it just in time.” You release a sigh, and Hotch begins leading the killer out the room. Your eyes follow him all the way out. Morgan walks over giving you a pat on the shoulder as SWAT begins falling inside.
“Good work. Not bad for a rookie.” He gives you a little grin, and you nod.
This was not what you expected at all, but at least his victims are safe. That’s all that matters.
The ride back is fairly quiet. Not much is said. Hotch notices the way your eyes are directed out the window.
You’d been evaluating a lot.
After getting off the jet, everyone had pretty much called it a night. You were at the round table gathering your tablet and computer. Hotch’s gaze stays planted on you as he stands by the door.
“You’re not at all what I expected. “
You finally turn to him.
“I’m sorry for what I said. You’re not a killer. Not even close.”
Seeing the way he’d saved not just you, but all those victims, it was incredible. You’d spent so many hours behind the safety of your screens. A barrier you suppose that kept you protected from the part of the world you rather not see.
“If you ever need my help, I’m here.”
He respects that declaration. Hotch knows what it took for you to even work the case with them. Although the seriousness of the situation outweighed your personal views, you still could have refused. But you took it regardless. Even after finding out he was the one that requested you.
You hold out your hand, and Hotch moves closer, shaking it.
When you pull back, you smile.
“In the future however, I’d advise against boring holes in the back of my head. Your coworkers think you have the hots for me.”
Hotch couldn’t hide his surprise at the observation, which just made your smile widen.
“I may not be a profiler, but I’m not stupid. I can tell when someone is marking me.”
Your eyes glowed, and you let out a soft growl, chuckling. Heaving your bag on your shoulder, you blinked the light away.
“See you later sir.”
There was a bit of mocking in your tone, and Hotch himself smiled when you left.
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sociopath-analysis · 1 year
Sociopath Profile: Odalia Blight
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From the animated television series The Owl House (2020-2023) Voiced by Rachel MacFarlane
One of these days, I’ll actually make a profile about one of these mothers that is actually a decent person. I mean, I don’t think it’s impossible. However, Odalia fits into the pattern of substandard parenting that is rather common whenever I talk about mothers in terms of female sociopaths.
The most notable aspect is how controlling she is of her children. She only cares about how they affect her social standing and her bottom line. Danna Terrance mentioned that she specifically had Amity dye her hair green so that her children can be color coordinated. She and Alador force Amity to be friends with Boscha, not caring about how she feels about her. Notably, when she doesn’t have control over a situation, she will lash out.
She is also very manipulative. She obviously lords her daughter’s potential status within a coven as the reason she needs to study so hard and to be around people she and Alador deem worthy. Odalia also has a jewel that telepathically connects to her daughter so she can subtly influence her without anyone around them noticing it. Later in the second episode of Season 2, she manipulates Luz into a deal to get her, Gus, and Willow back into Hexide by tricking her into being the guinea pig for her weapons demonstration.
The lack of empathy should be obvious since she only views her children as tools for her own status. The fact that she also shamelessly sells weapons to the highest bidder also displays how little she cares about the lives affected by her business. She even starts to work for Emperor Belos after he notices that the Blights have enough arms for a personal militia. There’s also the biggest point that she was willing to murder Luz just for being a distraction to Amity.
And there is a considerable lack of remorse for her actions. She gleefully has Luz attacked by Alador’s newest abomination and will continually lord her superiority over Amity as smugly as possible. She was even willing to back out of Luz’s deal when Amity defies her to save Luz. Odalia rants about wanting to get back at her even though she used the “A Blight never goes back on a deal” creed against Luz.
Notably, she can be convinced to do things if they benefit her. Alador is able to talk her down from her revenge tirade by reminding her of that creed and telling her that her friends are making her stronger with her magic. They may not understand why that is, but it is something that helps her get into a coven faster, so she’ll be willing to deal with it.
And the main bulk of this profile was written before it was revealed that she was a knowing accessory to genocide! Turns out the Day of Unity was Belos' plan to destroy the witches and she was providing him with resources the whole time while fully knowing that is exactly what he was planning. When Amity and her friends tell her what it really means, her response amounts to, "No duh! But I cut a deal that'll make the family rich, so we're all good." I don't think anything can really convince you what she's about more than that. Self-profit above all else.
Female Sociopath List
Disney Sociopath List
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