#and she listened to me with so much attention like aaahh
Similar to the other post I just made but I need to scream it again into tumblr because I want to: MY PARENTS ARE SO AMAZING you guys if you think people from different generations can’t understand us (especially queer people) that’s not true my parents are literally the best
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apathetic-pixel-42 · 20 days
hello! if you don't mind another shaman king headcanons request, I've got one;
Hao with a reincarnated reader who used to be his lover in his past lives. so much potential for this one, and i personally have much ideas for it, like reader doesn't remember past life but gets flashes time and time again. maybe reader doesn't necessarily support his actions in this life so she/they (I'm not picky) try to encourage him to let go of his anger or something. Maybe past reader iterations only supported him out of love for him, not necessarily bc they believed in his cause
aaahh but i don't want this to be too long. I'd like to see what you'd do with this, i hope this isn't too much.
thank you, don't feel pressured, remember to hydrate and take breaks!!
Hello there!! Thank you for submitting such an interesting idea!! I really had fun coming up with different scenarios for this, so thank you again for requesting!! I hope you enjoy!!
Hao Asakura With A Past Lover Reincarnated Reader! 📿
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Oh, how he remembered you. Though, then again, how could he ever forget your face? The love of his life, finally reincarnated once again. The only issue? You didn’t remember him this time.
It was a pain in the ass trying to find you again. At first, he tried searching for you himself in hopes of getting you to join him again. However, when that didn’t work, he grew irritated and just decided to wait it out. You’d find your way back to him eventually.
And he was right. The moment he saw you, he couldn’t stop the grin that formed on his face. He was a little agitated that you didn’t remember, but he could wait. After all, he had waited centuries in hell just to see you again. He could wait just a little longer for you.
But then you started getting defiant. When he realized you weren’t on his side anymore, he almost went ballistic. Had it not been for the fact that he had a facade to maintain, he would’ve burned the island down right then and there. How could you, his darling sweetheart, defy him like this?
That’s when he began to remember. He looked back on his previous lives, thinking about the way you used to act. He remembered the thoughts you used to have, that feeling of reluctance whenever you defended him. He realized at that moment just how much he took you for granted.
After getting his head straight, he stopped pursuing Anna and focused his attention back on you. Anna may have his shikigami, but you had his heart. So, after prying his way into your mind, he began making you remember.
At first, he did little things. He used certain phrases and compliments, little things you used to love hearing him say. Whenever you would pause and stare blankly, he’d read your mind and relive those fragmented memories with you. It almost looked like your head and heart were hurting every time it happened. Little did you know that your reaction hurt him too.
He would eventually come out and flat out tell you what he was doing, who he was, and all that. He hated that look on your face. You looked so upset with him, which only hurt him more. He watched carefully as all of your old memories suddenly flooded back to you, causing you to hold your head in disbelief and agony.
He slowly reached out, mumbling little praises and apologies. He pulled you close, closing his eyes as he breathed in your scent for the first time in years. He kept a soft grip on your wrist, using it to gently pull you closer. He placed his thumb on your pulse point, gently caressing it as he nuzzled into your neck.
The two of you stood there for a while, breathing slowly as the sun set. After a few minutes, he lifted his head up just enough to whisper into your ear.
“We meet again…my divine. I won’t let you go again. Come home with me…let me fulfill my promise and make you my queen. I’ve missed you. Hell was lonely without you.”
He then looked into your eyes, silently pleading for you to accept his offer. He read your mind, listening carefully to your racing thoughts as you tried to figure out what to do. All the while, he kept staring at you through hooded eyes filled with nothing but a burning adoration that had been simmering for centuries.
But you didn’t accept. Well, not in the way he thought. Instead, you cupped his cheek and gently rubbed your thumb under his eye, which he happily leaned into. He kissed you slowly, gently, knowing the familiarity put you both at ease. But it was what you said that shocked him.
“Hao…let go. Please. How long have you been stuck on revenge, knowing those who have hurt you are gone? Hao…I don’t want this. I want the truth. The real you. The you that didn’t rely on mind reading, killing, and intimidation to get his way. I’m sorry, but I just—“
He shut you up with another kiss, a more desperate one this time. His body trembled as you forced him to confront the reality he didn’t want to accept. He knew you were right. Those who made his life miserable were gone. What would his mother think if she saw him like this? He didn’t want to think about it.
He leaned into your touch as you cupped his cheek. He wanted to hide in your touch, just like he used to all those years ago. He reluctantly pulled away, staring at you through hooded eyes in a silent plea. When you didn’t budge, he sighed and realized what he had to do.
“I won’t give up on being King. I’ll put my plans on hold…but only if you become my queen. Additionally, if there is no change in this cruel world…then I will do as I said I would.”
You nodded reluctantly, but it was enough for him. Suddenly, he scooped you up in his arms and carried you home. As the two of you laid together, tangled in each other’s arms, Hao finally felt at ease. He’d wait…just for you.
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andvys · 10 months
Ok, Heather is great. I love her. She's no nonsense , says it how it is and also seems to know about Chrissy and is helping protect her as well as R about both their relationship stuff. All hail Heather. Carol can swivel but she's proving useful I guess.
Steve is the actual definition of dog in the manger atm 🤦🏻‍♀️ listen to your own advice and leave her be pal. It's super satisfying that he's getting nothing from her still, such a great way to go with this. He deserves no explanations, and what's worse is he knows it, but is still asking anyway! What a dick. I wonder if his obsession with her is genuinely because he's realised how badly he messed up or just because his current girlfriend isn't as devoted to him as R was, he's used to the attention and now neither of them are supplying it. Because, you know, Nancy's... busy.
I love how pride and prejudice is making an appearance in this fic, one of my favourites. It's so funny that Steve's favourite quotes are from when Darcy and Elizabeth are finally connecting, but R's favourite is from when Elizabeth is talking about how Bingley was persuaded away from Jane. Maybe how she sees herself as Jane at this point, not Elizabeth. They're on total different wavelengths here and it made me smile 🤣
And then the ending! The tickling, oh man no don't dooo thissss. She'd be no better than Nancy if she did and I don't want that for her 😭 and it's just proving Steve hasn't learnt anything yet if he's willing to cheat with the girl he cheated on. Urgh.
I can see you sat on the fence about 'stoner' 🤣 you can do this. keep strong. have faith 🤣 I've just gone back and re read wicked game to get my fix, it's fine he'll be the hero another day. Loved this chapter so much 🖤🖤
Aaahh thank you for your amazing feedback! 🖤
Heather is the friend that everyone needs! She will always be protective and supportive of her friends!
'Steve is the actual definition of dog' 😂 yep, a typical man, what else can I say.
'I wonder if his obsession with her is genuinely because he's realised how badly he messed up or just because his current girlfriend isn't as devoted to him as R was' Hmmm.. maybe a mix of both👀
Reader might definitely see herself more as Jane, right now!
She'd be no better than Nancy, huh? 👀 I guess, you'll have to wait and see what she will do...... Steve definitely hasn't learned much yet, he's a real clown
Thank you for having faith in me 😂🖤 I'm starting to lose the fight, I'm not sure how much longer I can keep him away 😂 I'm happy you liked the Eddie fic though hehe
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sohin-ace · 4 years
hi! can you do the selective mute hc again, but this tume with p4 crew and a male s/o? thanks! 🌸
Male pronouns.
Duwang gang w/ a Selectively mute S/O HC
He called you 'Jotaro number 2' once and you punched him so hard he literally saw stars.
He felt bad and sympathetic, though, after he's been scolded and explained why you were so silent.
But somehow, this just made him even more curious and he craved your presence even more.
If anything, he admired you capacity to just go about your life, not dealing with anyone verbally, thriving in silence.
When people at school eventually start to spread rumors about you, saying you're scary and probably part of some gang among other horrible things,
Josuke can not stay put and let them trash talk and disrespect you. He knows you won't say anything, but don't expect him to react the same.
After he got into a fist fight with some guys, you caress the side of his face where a bump was slowly forming. You smile softly, endeared by his protective demeanor.
"Thank you Josuke... I love you so much."
He gasps so hard, he actually starts choking on his own saliva. 
What the fuck?! You actually talked! For him!
"Oh my- Y/N- Oh crap, oh... Y/N... Shit Y/-!! Wha-? Y/N-!!! Y/N!!!"
He is frantic and can hardly even say anything else other than your name, and you just watch him with amusement.
"B-bro... The first thing you gon' tell me with that smokin' hot voice of yours is THAT? That's so GAY, man! Ow-owow no don't punch me again!"
You're his litteral hero.
You don't understand why he's so infatuated with you, he just tells you you give off those cool, dark vibes and it's fucking dope.
He keeps telling you you're like those badass protagonists and when you don't answer whatever he says, it just fuels his love for you even more.
He is completely at your mercy, you can order him anything, boss him around, he will do as you please.
When you handle a situation so smartly and so coolly he can't help but feel his heart racing.
Like the way you fight, how your eyes show such a strong fire. You don't even have to talk to scare your enemy off. Your eyes always spoke words for you and to him? That was epic.
One day, you just hang out, getting some ice cream and he's blabbering about whatever is on his mind.
He just goes on and on and doesn't notice how he smeared some chocolate on the corner of his mouth.
You just smile at him and shut him up by running your thumb over it and clean it up for him.
He stops and watches you with round, sparkly eyes, a blush dusting his cheeks. You uncontrollably snicker at his cuteness.
"I love you, Oku. My man..."
His nose is bleeding. A lot.
He's bending over the wall, like he's going to collapse and die, wailing and screaming like a baby. 
You have to shush him because he can't stop crying and at this point it's embarassing.
Oh boy. He gets so shy around you.
It doesn't help that you're already so tall and handsome. But you're also silent and mysterious?
And when you send him a subtle smirk after he accidently bumps into you.
His mind just goes out of service.
He thinks you're so intimidating but he knows you have a kind heart.
He awkwardly asks you why you don't talk and tries to learn sign language. But you make him understand that it is not necessary and he doesn't push it.
One day you two hang out, lying on the grass and watching the golden sky. He feels a bit sentimental.
"It's so quiet... You know I forget my stress when I'm with you, Y/N."
You look at him and he avoids eye contact. He's so cute you can't resist it. You move to lean towards him, towering over his smaller form.
He gasps and blushes a bit at the intimate position and what you could possibly be doing.
"I love you so much... Koichi."
He goes pale. Like he just saw a ghost.
"Y-y-you...! YOU-... O-OH...!!! OH MY GOD, Y/N YOU-!"
He can't even finish his sentence, he can only blabber strings of nonsense. You just spoke to him! When you always refused to say a single word!
You have to dry his tears and he can't help but sob and feel so blessed that you chose him, of all people.
She LOVES having conversations with you.
Mostly because she does all the talking.
She knows you're always listening to her, and when you smile and chuckle silently at her, she just melts.
"Do you want some tea my love? No, don't answer that, I know you love my tea~"
To be honest, your silence is her bliss. If you don't talk, that means you won't protest her love, right?
She hates nosy, obnoxious, stupid men anyways.
You take her on a date one day with a goal in mind. She falls silent at one point in the conversation and you just reach your hand out to her, gently moving her hair out of her face. She's already blushing.
"I love you so much, my little Yukako..."
She gasps so loud, it's almost a wheeze. She can't believe her ears! She's actually living to witness this!
"Aaahh~ Y/N, my Y/N! You spoke my name~! Your voice is... so-... Please, say it again! Say it again!!!"
At this point she's screaming in the terrace and you get flustered by the attention you're getting.
You take her away somewhere more private and she's just in a frenzy, hearts in her eyes and completely love drunk.
If she has to kill to hear you say you love her again, she will.
Rohan appreciated your mutism a LOT.
You gave great (silent) feedbacks and you didn't give him crap for his lifestyle or personality.
He likes sitting in comfortable silence as he draws, you're not distracting him, it's good.
Well except when you start caressing him gently, playing with his hair and kissing his face teasingly.
He clicks his tongue, but he doesn't stop you.
You come behind him one day and lean your elbows smoothly against his stiff shoulders.
He huffs, annoyed and turns his head to glare at you, but you only show him a sultry, sly look.
"I love you, you big pompous sexy douche."
He flinches and you want to die at his dumbfounded expression.
He doesn't know if he should feel offended, happy, shocked, aroused, or all at the same time?
He clenches his eyes shut and grinds his teeth, slamming his expensive pen on the desk violently.
He turns his face to hide from you but the blush tinting his ears is OBVIOUS.
He shots up and manifests Heaven's Door and before you can run for your life, you black out.
Rohan doesn't do anything to you, though. He just needs the peace and quiet to process his emotions.
"God Y/N... Why are you always doing things like this to me..."
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byakuyasdarling · 3 years
Cat, Fishbowl, and Treat perhaps?
Aaahh thank you so much for the ask Luciel!! I hope you’re having a wonderful day <<33 you’re always so nice ^//v//^
All under the cut :D
Cat: The reverse-how do you like to spend time at home? With a nice book, or watching your favorite show, perhaps?
Outside of what I mention them doing in other posts (watching crime documentaries together, reading, etc.) I figured they also like playing chess together!
Now, S/I is very good at chess — she boasts being the best chest player at her primary school (okay — that’s really not an achievement but my chess track record IS DECENT, ahaha). But of course, Byakuya is actually an extremely good player that completely wipes her every time they play.
He sighs a lot while playing — it really isn’t a challenge to him at all. Byakuya loves S/I, but these constant chess games do eventually get very tedious. After a few games he’ll try and bribe her back on the bed to read with him. Byakuya isn’t above trying to reach for her hand across the board while she’s concentrating and getting uncharacteristically affectionate in his words and actions to try and coax her into wanting to cuddle up and read instead.
S/I is smart though and tends to catch on to his antics. She easily does the same thing with him, normally getting up to sit in his lap and play with his hair and he just — he just lets her for whatever damn reason??? He isn’t the most responsive to affection, but he enjoys having her kiss-up to him (silly, grumpy man with his silly power complex — however it isn’t disingenuous on her part as well). He is aware of what she’s doing, but tends to play along for a bit to entertain the extra attention.
He still wins though. Byakuya always wins chess.
Fishbowl: Does your F/O like decorating? What are some staples of their home (or your home if you live together)? How do your tastes differ? How are they the same?
Byakuya isn’t into decorating, albeit he likes to keep things organised and clean. The Togami mansion is mostly themed as white, black, and gold. Everything is very sleek and organised. Tonnes of marble line the floors and walls matched with large expanses of glass walls in the hallways.
Some rooms are exceptions to this. The Library is dominated with browns, reds, and pine greens. S/I very much likes the aesthetics of his house; it’s what she always wanted in her own (even if her old room is cluttered with light colours, figurines, and drawings, lmao).
Treat: Free space! Gush about your f/os. What are your favorite things about them? What do they do that make you smile?
Aaa thank you!! Literally, I love everything about him (even the rude arrogance he has — I love all of him even if he’s intolerant).
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That man — that man right there. He needs hugs. He isn’t big on hugs but I want to give him a hug. I think of hugging him way too much for comfort and safety SKSKSKSKK. I want to listen to him talk — anything he wants. I know he isn’t too talkative unless provoked but I want to hear him talk; perhaps he would like to talk about his crime dossiers he reads?
It’s okay if he doesn’t want to talk or doesn’t want to hug... I just want to be in his presence: that’s enough for me. I often get into the whole “oh he doesn’t love me” loop, but I try to remember it’s my AU and I get to write extensive amounts in an attempt to justify their relationship lmao. I do worry, but I try and push that all aside.
I sometimes get wayyy too mushy and go through the loops of calling him “Grumpy Cat” and “Baba” as you all are probably acquainted with by now. I would very much like to be his darling >///< shshshsj
Anyway, I love him <<3333
Again, thank you so much for the ask <<333 Have a wonderful day 💙💙
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achtung-attitude · 3 years
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CHAPTER 42: Smooth Criminal - Part 3
The siblings lived off the grid for four years, scrounging their way through adolescence, making their way through acts of petty crime. As the War on Terror turned sour and the world’s finances crashed into global recession, Knowles and Toto each developed into hardened criminals in their own right.
By the time Knowles was 18, as well as dealing drugs, the two siblings were robbing banks, with Toto scouting and planning the heists, while his sister used her talent for violence to commit the acts. Together, they had an almost flawless record of success.
Despite this, Toto clung to his vices, spending as much time as he could high on marijuana. One night, Knowles returns to their then-residence, a disused and abandoned building in Watts, to find her brother in his usual state of intoxication. He reclines on a fine couch, staring listlessly at a flat-screen television.
“Wake the fuck up!” she shouts, kicking the sofa.
Toto doesn’t flinch. “Oh hey. I wasn’t sleepin’...” he says drowsily, “How’d the deal go?”
“4,000 bucks for that load of skag from last week. Fuckng’ chump change, but forget that! Have you even moved from that spot today?! All day, you sit there while I’m out keeping us fed!”
“Nah, I did… I did move today, I went to the bathroom like an hour ago, and--”
“Shut up!” his sister shouts, knocking the TV off of its counter and sending it shattering on the floor. “What the hell’s the matter with you?! You’re one of the smartest people I know, and you waste all your time and money on pot!! Are you trying to prove Aunt Janet right about you?! You want what she said to be true?!”
“... She was right, wasn’t she?”
Knowles pauses. “... What?”
“Aunt Janet said I was scum, and she was right.. So’s e’rybody. E’rybody thinks they’re somebody, but they ain’t… Dad mattered, he was somebody. He did e’rything right, e’rything he was s’pposed to do. Mom too. And then somebody walked to ‘em and shot ‘em in they fuckin’ heads. I couldn’t stop it… I couldn’t stop it. Because I don’t matter… Nobody matters…”
“Toto…” Knowles begins, uncommonly soft. 
“That’s no way to think at all, young man,” a voice from the doorway chides. 
Knowles was sure she locked the door behind her, and even if she hadn’t, she should have heard the latch click and the hinges swing open. But when she turns, she finds an old black man, standing as if he had been there the whole time. He is frocked in a white coat and wide-brimmed hat, with a gentle smile spread along his face.
The preacher removes his hat and raises it over his head, a gesture of salutation. “Good evening to the both of you! My name is--”
Knowles pulls her gun out of the front of her pants and fires four shots into the old man. He stumbles backwards and hits the wall, still clutching his hat. But a moment passes, and he simply gets up and brushes himself off right before Knowles’ horrified eyes. There is no blood, no wounds, nor even any bullet holes in the preacher’s clothes.
“Aaahh…!” he exclaims, like he just received a massage, “I thank you for that. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. As I was saying--”
“RAAAAGHH!!!” Knowles roars and unloads her weapon on him, emptying the remaining 14 rounds into the preacher’s body. Once that clip is empty, she produces another from her pocket, reloads, then empties that as well. Still, once finished the preacher starts to get up, none the worse for wear. 
“Knowles…!” Toto says as his sister is about to produce a third clip of bullets. “I don’t think it’s workin’...”
Knowles scowls. She keeps her pistol trained on the old man, but she doesn’t reload it. “May I speak now?” The preacher asks, and Knowles finally lowers her pistol. “Good evening to the both of you!” he repeats in the same tone of voice as before, even raising his hat in the exact same way, “My name is Brother Dust, and I’ve come to introduce myself as an admirer of your work. You may, perhaps, have already heard of me?”
“No,” Knowles spits.
“I have…” Toto says, blinking out of his lethargy, “You’re the preacher man. You was around back in ‘92… During the riot...” 
“Oh!” the preacher man exclaims, clapping his hands in delight, as he takes off his hat and places it on the counter where the TV was. “That’s good! Wonderful, this won’t take up too much time, then! Speaking bluntly, I’ve been following your activities closely for the last several seasons, and I am impressed! Most within the industry are convinced the recent campaign of bank robberies are the work of an entirely new, upstart gang, but I recognized the unmistakable touch of an independent entrepreneur. I was sure that it could only be the work of one, or at the most, two bold souls. And lo and behold, here you are! Like the Good Book says:
Beware you of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. 
For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. Therefore whatever you have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which you have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed on the housetops. 
That’s the Gospel of Luke. Chapter 12, Verses 1-3. Do you know the meaning of this particular passage?”
Knowles stares at him blankly. 
“Christ warns His apostles against the sin of the flesh,” Dust continues, “the chief among them being hypocrisy and the fear of death. The soul, He declares, is immortal. No Pharisee or man of violence can ever lay hands upon it, so why fear them? One who preaches the True Word should have no fear in him but the fear of God. To fear the hands of men when one has been ordained by the Almighty? That is the hypocrisy of which Christ speaks.”
“What the fuck… are you talking about…?” Knowles asks at last.
The old man blinks and then laughs, waving his hands about embarrassedly. “Oh my goodness, me, sorry about that! There I go again, spouting theology! I’m afraid I tend to get too caught up in my devotion! This is your home, and I’m merely a guest here to present you with a proposition. Young man!” he says, turning to Toto, still slouched on the bed, “Please, don’t hold back on my account! By all means, indulge in your narcotic. ‘Take a hit’, as the young people say!”
Toto glances at his blunt and stares at the preacher. He seems to be trying to think of something to say, but eventually, he raises the blunt to his lips and inhales softly. About a second after he lowers it, his eyes bug out of his head and he starts coughing heartily. 
“Toto?!” his sister cries, rushing to his side on the bed, “What’s wrong?!”
“I’m fine!” Toto replies, surprised. He raises his hand and stares at it with wide, completely lucid eyes. The high he was just enjoying appears to have dissipated like morning fog. “It’s like I smoked caffeine or something…!”
“Now that we’re all comfortable,” Dust says, drawing the siblings’ attention. He has sat down in the armchair adjacent to the couch, laying his hat on the coffee table. “I’d like to get to my proposition, if you wouldn’t mind.”
Neither sibling objects. 
“In very simple terms, I’d like to recruit into my organization. Now I know what you’re thinking…!” he proclaims, raising his hands in theatrical defense, “You’ve both been doing very well for yourselves as an independent outfit, thus I recognize your disinclination to becoming subordinate to another! But consider this: An entrepreneur may indeed have the freedom to operate how he or she pleases, but the risk of failure is far greater. Luck, or rather Fate, plays a role in the success or failure of every endeavor, and sooner or later, all of us lose favor with Fate.
“But as part of a collective, you receive the protection of your peers. What I propose is not to simply join an organization, but to become part of an enterprise that will give you the means to awaken your true selves! To rise above and-!!”
“SHUT UP ALREADY!!” Knowles shouts. Dust pauses, his passionate pitch cooling into an amused grin. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, and I don’t give a fuck!” Knowles continues, standing in front of the preacher with clenched fists. “Even if I gotta die for it, nobody tells me what to do!! All I want to know is how you did all that shit?! How’d I empty my piece on you and you don’t even flinch?! What the fuck even are you?!”
“... Were you not paying attention? I thought I explained earlier, remember? Luke, Chapter 12?” Dust raises a finger to his temple and taps it gently. “I am a preacher of the True Word, who does not know the death of the body. And the True Word is that the List is written. The ink is dry. Only those with pure souls will see Paradise. Those like me, and like you.” 
“Yes. Only those with pure souls can become vessels of divine power. Your brother achieved purity through the banishment of desire, wanting nothing, giving himself over to the flow of Fate. But for you, my dear, your soul has been purified by the fire of hatred. The overwhelming desire to control, to consume. That is why you will both make excellent vessels.”
“That’s such bullshi--!!” Knowles begins advancing towards the old preacher, but a hand on her shoulder gives her pause. She turns to see her brother standing behind with a serious look on his face.
“... We’re interested.” Toto says to Dust, sounding more sensible than he has in years.
“... The hell we are!!” she yells, slapping his hand away. She expects him to recoil from her then, backing away from any confrontation, but to her surprise, Toto stands firm and looks her in the eye.
“We should hear what he’s got to say,” he says. “You saw what he can do. If… If he’s talking about what I think he is, then we might--”
“Fuck that!! Weren’t you listening before?! Even if I have to die, no one tells me what to do! Especially not you!!”
“Do you wanna stay here forever?!” Toto shouts, stunning his sister into silence. “Holdin’ up banks for the rest of your life, never changing anything?!” He calms down, lowering his voice, but his intensity does not dissipate, focusing into a quiet determination. He points at Dust and says, “He’s got… some kind of ability. Something that makes him special. And he’s offering to give us the same kind of ability… Can you afford to miss this chance? Don’t you still have something you need to do?”
Knowles opens her mouth to retort with some sharp, biting remark, but nothing comes to her. She stares into her brother’s eyes and sees strength in them she had never seen before.
 A moment of silence passes. At the end of it, she sighs, her tense muscles relaxing slightly, but not fully. Her hands remain in fists as she turns to the preacher man. “... I don’t pray.”
The preacher man smiles brightly and rises from his seat. “Worry not!” he beams, retrieving his hat, “Whether consciously or not, all our actions aid the will of a higher power…”
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amenomiko · 5 years
For the smut, could I request MC and Nobunaga trying to make another child after their son asks for a sibling? Quiz answers: 1 a 2 b 3 b
Mom, I Want A New Sibling
Pairing : IkeSen Nobunaga x MC
Rated : M (Smut)
Type : One Shot
"I want a new sibling, mother."
MC and Nobunaga blink at the same time. Except Nobunaga's surprised look were changed into a smirk when his wife exchange a glance with him.
Their first son come into their room, wanted to discuss about something and when they thought it was something serious....
It's about requesting for a new sibling.
"I want it to be a baby sister."
And it was demanding. Specific too.
"It's about time for me to have my own little princess for me to spend time with since.." A frustrated sigh left him when he look at his father. "Because certain someone want my mother all to himself. Besides, I have too many brothers already. Therefore, all of us has discussed and we want a baby sister."
"Hoooh. That is a very accurate and the best reason it is." He winced a bit as his wife jabbed him on his waist. "...Is it impossible, mother?"
It's not that they didn't do it. They do. Obviously. They always wanted a little princess themselves, but whenever they want to do it or ALMOST reaching for its peak..
3 months ago
"Mmmh Anata..! Yes, yes..! Cum inside me..!"
"Heh, you will get pregnant you know?"
"Nnnh who says that he wanted a baby princess?"
He chuckled as he buried his head into her neck, grunting. "Mmf- I'm almost-""Ah, ah..! Anata--"
Both of them froze to the sound of the castle guard. "..Ah, you have a council with him right?"
"....Damn it."
2 months before
"Anata..! Unnh that feels good..! It's been a while since you cum inside me..!"
"Blame the constant war council..! Now it is over..!" He groaned, spreading her legs further. "..I'm going to bury it deep inside you..! Be prepared for it..!"
"Nnh yes, yes,..! Anata..!"
A sound of crying boy echoed the hallways. It's one of their boys. "Oh no..! He must have another nightmare again.""Wait, just a little bit more..!""But-"
The cry goes louder and Nobunaga's head were pushed aside. "Oof! MC..!"
2 weeks before
She moaned as he grope her breast from behind before snaking his hand into the insides of her yukata. "There's no war council today and the boys are playing outside."
She hummed to his sneaky smile, sharing a smooch of one and two, while her hand rub against his rising bulge. "..I heard that Hideyoshi going to bring them to town and might explore the other parts for their lessons today." She purred. "Perfect timing too, I think I am.." She giggled when they nuzzle their nose together. "..What is it?" He grinned, knowing what she's going to say but still wait for her to say it for the thrills. At that same moment he starts to slide in between of her knees, earning a lustful moan from her. "..able.. To get pregnant if we do it now- mmmnn~"
They kissed and kissed, dancing their tongue in the heat of it. "Mmmhh ahh.. Anata.." She hastily pull his obi to undress him. "Oh? Aren't you eager?" He chuckled as he did the same on hers. "We.." She lick his lips, her hands take his fudoshi away and rub him up and down "..don't have time for foreplay, just- unn- enter me quickly." She gasped into the kiss, her other hand rubbing on her wet clit to lube its entrance. "The kids will come home so-"
Both of them pull away from each other roughly, hitting themselves onto the nearby shelves and table respectively from the strong impact.
Their 3rd son slide the door open, only to find his parents were hissing from their painful head.
1 week before
"Anata.. Kiss me?"
"I love you, fireball."
"Hmm I love you mor-- aaaaahhh!!"
She whined when Nobunaga brush his hand on the back of her head. "Ow- ow-..!""I-I'm sorry." Looks like the previous effect of 2 weeks ago is still there. "It's okay, I should've told you. Mm?" She smiled, pointing to her lips. "I want to kiss~~" Then when she push him gently, it was his turn to hiss into the pain.
His head is still injured too.
Last night..
He kissed her deeply. Before she could take a short breath, he inserted his tongue to dance with hers. "Nnn.! Anata..! Listen to me..! Mmf- ah..!" He shreds her upper yukata, groping one of her breast as his other hand undo his own obi to pull out his throbbing length. "Anata..! Wai- AAAAHHH!!" He had shoved it into her, groaning to the tightness around his dick. He licked his lips, spread her legs apart for a better view to their sex. "We don't have time anymore- nnnh-"
"Nobunaga-sama, I have a report--"
Both: WHAT NOW???
A long sigh left her and it took Nobunaga's attention clearly. "You really wanted a princess huh?" She pouts at her husband, "Well.. don't you?"
"Of course. It will be nice to see a smaller version of you running around in the castle. She will be the most beautiful angel and anyone who wanted her hand for marriage.. Hmh." He grinned. "As if it will be that easy."
'He already think THAT far.' She shakes her head, laughing to her cup. "It will be nice if we could take a short vacation. Just the two of us." He blink at her. "Well," She shrugged. "Wormhole will come for another month.. If it is still there. It would be nice if both of us go to the future without any disturba- why are you grinning like that you are scarying me, Anata."
"As expected of my Lucky Charm. That can be arranged." He chuckled. "How does the future Kyoto looks like?"
He even choose the location himself. Okay, this is easy.
That was the 3rd time he came inside of her.
"Aaahh.. Anata... more..!" She grind her hips to meet his, eyes is full of ecstacy from the sex. "Nnnh it's not enough..!""MC..!""Ah..!"
She glances at their scattered clothes on the floor, purring to the sound of skin slapping in the room, and back to her husband. "We haven't unpack yet and here you are, moving in and out of me.. Didn't you know that your unh.. th-throbbing dick was so visible under your yukata as we arrived here?" She licked his lips, "..Pervert..".
It was quite hard to give orders in such a short notice. Nobunaga ordered Hideyoshi and the other warlords to take over his castle for 3 months, as well as to take care of their 3 sons when they are away.
He ignored all of Hideyoshi's banters and naggings throughout the process of packing things, sending letters to Sasuke to search for the possible location of wormholes and when they got it they immediately arrange for everything, especially informing their 3 sons about it.
2 of them buys the excuse of "We need to explore and study new village for 3 months together." Except their genius 2nd child. MC forced smile give away everything but thankfully a part of him is like Nobunaga where he convinced the other brothers with "Mom and Dad might bring a huge "Gift" for us. So if we are patient and be good in these 3 months, we will get the present of our dreams." He shrugged.
His mom is blushing, while his father smiled at him with full of pride. "I will make sure it will be possible."
Hideyoshi didn't get it at first but when he does, he is a blushing mess himself. "T-then I wish for a safe journey." He couldn't look at the pair of spouse in the eye.
The moment they have arrived at the future and to the hotel... MC bites her lips to his growing bulge during the check-in process; she feels butterflies in between of her legs from the heat that he radiates from his body when he brush his body against her. Right after the door of their room closed shut, both of them kissed deeply, tugging on each other's hair and undressed each other's clothes--some of it were shredded, especially her underwear.
They have been doing the 4th round now--looks like their sex drive has been growing so much til it could burst. "Mmmmf..! Mmmmnn!!! Nnnn-" Nobunaga pushed her head further and further, and she suck his dick to the base of it. "Nnnh-" He growled as he face fuck her, it's been a while they do this kind of intimacy and it drives them crazy. She dig her nails onto his hips, swallowing all of his cum.
"Mmmf- ah!!"
He pulled out, watching her trying to lick the remaining cum when it spread all over her face. "That's a lot.. Nobunaga.." Some of it fell onto her palm, and he can see her eyes smile to the thickness of his semen. "I can see our daily activities nothing but baby making, hmm?" She lift her chin to her husband, both of their eyes dilated, showing the lust that they have.
"Spread your legs. Let me see it flow out." He grunted.
She positioned her body on the bed, spreading her legs apart to show her pushing the cum out of her clit. "Nobunaga.." She inserted two of her fingers inside, whining to the way he stroke his dick that had gotten hard again. "Come.. Make me pregnant." She pulled out her finger, opening the mouth of her clit. "See? It's throbbing. It wants to kiss your dick."
A low groan is in his throat as he align the head of his dick to her entrance. "With pleasure, fireball..! Nnnhh!!"
She throw her head back, screaming to his instant frantic thrusts. She hissed as he reached her spot, locking her legs all around his waist to shove it deeper inside her. "Oh god..!! I love your dick, Nobunaga..mmmff!!" Both of them kissed and kissed, sharing each other's love until midnight.
The best part of the after sex is when he enters her again when she was sleeping, cumming inside her more until she woke up. When she did, they continued their sex until the morning. It was a pure bliss, and it's almost everyday they did it.
Few months has passed ever since their short yet sweet vacation. Their sons is more than happy as they were blessed (gifted) with
A pair of twin baby sisters.
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spideythot · 5 years
Control pt. 2
Hey everyone - it’s late and I stayed up to write this so I imagine it’s not amazing
Thanks for waiting around for it and there’s probs gonna be at least one more part; maybe two??
Warnings: dark!tony (for real), very dubcon/noncon, mind control/mind break
Tony had to eventually let Peter go. The boy’s disappearance would’ve raised unwanted questions. He had family and of course, his so-called ‘teammates’. Tony shooed Peter our of the penthouse, the boy anxious and confused. Tony let him remember most of the night they had shared. Peter knew that Tony had convinced him to participate in multiple sexual favors and escapades - he just didn’t know how Tony had done it.
While Peter was resting after their playtime, Tony modified the boy’s suit, ensuring his programming would continue to train his toy. Tony had also imbedded some triggers deep in Peter’s mind, so when the boy returned to him, he could easily take him down again.
Plans were brewing in Tony’s head. He needed to establish himself in Peter’s brain as his only ally. He wanted the boy to himself. He couldn’t stand to share with Rogers - that self-righteous bastard. Tony was going to rub it in too; show Rogers what he’d done to precious little Peter Parker.
Tony was lost in his work when Peter returned to the Tower around a week later. The boy was in his ridiculously bright colored suit again. He tugged the mask off as he entered and searched the penthouse. “Mr. Stark!” He called. “Hello?”
Stark’s AI spoke to him. “Mr. Stark is currently in his workshop,” she chirped, “I shall inform him of his Good Boy’s arrival.”
Peter felt his face flush. “What?!” He shouted.
The AI didn’t answer, but moments later Tony was strolling into the penthouse living area. His outfit - a light gray tank top and dark jeans - was a far cry from the silvery armor Peter met him in. But the nanotech housing still sat on Tony’s chest.
“Mr. Parker,” he greeted, sly smile stretched over his lips.
Peter hesitated for just a moment. “What did you do to my suit?” Peter asked, cursing the way his voice wavered.
“I gave you an upgrade,” Tony explained, “Free of charge, you’re welcome.” He walked over to the kitchen space and started making himself coffee.
“You did something else,” Peter said, “You did something to my head.”
“Did I?”
Peter glared at the back of the man’s head. “Your AI called me something,” Peter said. “And I keep... I can’t...”
Tony turned to face him, eyes dark and hungry, grin resting on his face. “You can’t what?” He prompted, “I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s wrong.”
Peter sucked in a deep breath and focused his glare on the floor. “When I touch myself, I can’t... finish,” Peter muttered.
Tony raised an eyebrow and chuckled to himself. “I know you did something,” Peter said, “You did something to me that night we...”
“The night I made you my plaything,” Tony answered for him, delighting in the way Peter turned bright red.
Peter shook his head. “What did you do to me?” He asked quietly.
Tony stepped toward Peter, cornering the boy between himself and the sofa. “I simply made you a Good Boy,” he said.
Peter visibly shivered, biting his lip to keep the moan from escaping. His eyes glazed over for a brief moment before he shook his head and glared once more at Tony.
“Mind control...” Peter gasped out.
“That’s right, smartie,” Tony praised, his tone sweetly sarcastic. “You want your prize?”
Peter pushed Tony back and jumped toward the window. “You’re not going to get away with it!” He shouted.
“I already have,” Tony shrugged in reply.
“I’ll tell Steve,” Peter threatened. Tony bit back his laughter - oh, this boy was too cute. “He’ll break your control, and then we’ll come for you!”
Tony rolled his eyes. The liquid metal of his suit slowly slid out to cover his chest, a small threat of his own against the boy. Peter jumped again, and moved more quickly to escape. He threw open the doors to the balcony, ready to swing off the edge when Tony spoke again.
“Peter,” he called, “Playtime.”
Peter froze on the spot, his body reacting perfectly to Tony’s voice. He swallowed hard but waited for his next command.
“That’s right,” Tony purred. He came out to the balcony and picked Peter up. Tony carried the spiderling back to his room. “You’re already mine.”
Peter’s eyes widened. “N—no,” he managed to whimper.
“Don’t worry,” Tony assured, pressing a kiss to the boy’s forehead, “Daddy’s gonna make it so good, baby.”
Peter shuddered again. “Daddy...” he repeated.
Tony set Peter on the bed and stripped him out of his ridiculous costume. “You’re Daddy’s good boy, aren’t you?” Tony pulled Peter further down. The boy’s eyes glossed over against he grinned up at Tony.
“Yeah” he agreed, “M’ma good boy.”
Tony kissed Peter as a reward. He left the boy to lay naked on the bed while he grabbed the new piece he’d been working on. Tony placed a visor over Peter’s eyes and watched as the nanotech in it locked itself in place.
“Daddy?” The boy asked, slight panic in his voice.
“It’s okay, baby,” Tony cooed, “Daddy has a new show for you. You watch, like a good boy, as Daddy plays.”
Peter nodded. “Okay.”
On cue, the new program began to play in the visor, right in front of Peter’s eyes. The boy was limp for a moment, and then his little cock began to twitch. Peter whined and wiggled his hips. His fingers tangled into the bed sheets and he bucked his hips in short jolts. “D-Daddy!” He gasped.
Tony trailed his fingers over Peter’s chest, quickly giving each nipple a flick. He laid between Peter’s legs and used his armor to hold them apart.
Tony bit into Peter’s thigh, relishing in the boy’s scream. He sank his teeth in until he could taste blood, and pulled back quickly when Peter wrenched a leg free from the suit’s tendrils. Tony cursed; he’d broken the boy out of trance.
Peter kicked at him, but more occupied with attempting to tear the visor from his face. “Let me out!” Peter shouted, “You sick sonofabitch!”
More of Tony’s armor descended and tentacled out to keep Peter still. Tony managed to keep him relatively pinned down. The program was still running, though Peter has likely closed his eyes. Auditory stimulation wouldn’t be enough to get him back down - without triggers anyway.
“Lay still, Toy,” Tony commanded.
Peter’s body immediately went lax. He could feel the boy’s panic. Calling him toy didn’t turn off Peter’s main consciousness, it just gave Tony full control of his physical body.
“Stop!” Peter begged, his voice lilted higher with fear, “Don’t, please...”
Tony clicked his tongue with disappointment. “I tried to make it good for you, Peter,” he grumbled, “But now you’ve been bad.”
Peter panted, his whole body trembling. Tony pulled off the visor and tossed it aside. Peter peeked at him with one worried brown eye. The liquid suit maneuvered Peter’s limbs, raising his arms above his head and spreading his legs even wider. Peter tracked them with fully opened his eyes. “Please...” he whispered.
Tony presses a finger to the boy’s lips. “Bad boys get punished,” Tony said. “So I’m going to show you what slut you are without any conditioning.”
“I’m not a slut! I won’t break!” Peter retorted. He returned Tony’s stare, defiant but still afraid. Tony snorted. He went back to where he’d been laying between Peter’s legs. Peter huffed with effort, willing and failing to move his body.
“Let me go!” He shouted again.
“Good Toys don’t speak.” Tony snapped.
Peter’s jaw shut tightly, his words dying in his throat, teeth grinding together. He breathed hard through his nose, tears welling in his eyes. He gasped suddenly, his body jerking involuntarily, as he felt Tony’s tongue press to his hole.
“Ah...” Peter tried to say something to stop him, but only a moan escaped him.
Tony ran his tongue over the rim of Peter’s hole, slowly circling it and lapping at it. Peter desperately willed himself to ignore the sensation. But his body refuses to listen. Tony shoved his tongue past the boy’s tight ring and fucked him open. Peter cried out, his back arching into the sensation. “Oh!” He groaned.
Tony continued to torture him, licking out his insides like Peter was the most delicious meal he’d ever eaten. In a sense, he was. And Peter was certainly enjoying the attention. He moaned and writhed under Tony, his cocklet leaking all over his abs. Tony could tell Peter was close, his moans turning into short gasps. If he could speak, he may have been begging for release. But he couldn’t, so Tony pulled away before Peter could finish.
Peter gave him a strangled little moan in return. Tony sat between his legs and then placed two fingers on his lips. “Suck,” he ordered.
Peter’s eyes narrowed. Still disobedient. Tony sighed. “Suck or I’ll go in dry,” he warned.
Peter carefully parted his lips and Tony crammed both fingers into his mouth. He pushed on Peter’s tongue and the boy began to wet the fingers as much as he could. Tony didn’t really give Peter time to coat his fingers well. This was punishment after all.
He removed them and sank both of them into Peter’s hole. Peter yelled and his body stiffened at the intrusion. Tears rolled down his cheeks and he gave Tony another sweet cry. Tony scissored his fingers inside of Peter, ignoring the grunts and wordless pleas. When he deemed Peter loose enough, he pulled out his fingers and slowly drove his cock into the boy’s tight heat.
Peter screamed again - too much, too fast - but Tony bottomed out anyway. He waited until Peter was gasping out quiet sobs before he started to thrust. Tony rolled his hips first, not wanting to really hurt Peter anymore. Peter moved with him, his body finally adjusting.
“Aaahh...” he moaned.
With the encouragement, Tony thrust more, pressing in deep. He angled himself to bang Peter’s prostate with each snap of his hips. Peter moaned again, his voice shaking just slightly. He gazed down at Tony, at where they were connected, his eyes wet from crying but pupils blown with lust.
“Speak,” Tony said.
Peter groaned, throwing his head back against the bed, “Please! Please let me cum!”
“That’s it, good boy,” Tony purred his praise. Tony thrust faster, pounding into Peter wildly.
“Da- ah!” Peter cut himself short.
“Say it, Peter,” Tony ordered, “Say it and I’ll let you cum.”
“Daddy!” Peter keened, “Yes, Daddy! Wanna cum, please Daddy!”
Tony gripped Peter’s hips and rocked his body in time with each thrust. “Cum for me,” he said.
Peter did: his whole body shook with the force of his orgasm and he painted himself white. Tony fucked him through it and finally came inside the boy’s hot, wet hole as it clenched tightly around him. Peter’s chest heaved as he sucked in breath after breath. Tony’s armor finally released him, and his limbs dropped useless on the bed.
“What do you say?” Tony asked.
Peter met his eyes and gave Tony a soft smile. “Thank you, Daddy.”
Tony grabbed one of Peter’s hands and brought it to his lips for a quick kiss. Peter was his Good Little Boy. And Tony couldn’t wait to show him off.
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
Tumblr media
I sighed listening to the gladers snore in there hammocks under the homestead, as well as the creaking and cracking of the keepers beds around the homestead. I yawned yet couldn't sleep at all, I had tried everything, nothing worked. I heard a sudden snore intupt the others clearly gally making me jump a little, how do all these boys sleep so soundly? Perhaps tired from all the work? Or maybe...
I have noticed lately, being the second glader to ever come up in the box, the boys are fairly use to me and I have watched them mature from little 13 year old boys into...well men? I guess. Teens lets go with. All of them have changed so much. And lately I noticed... The boys changing how they looked at me.
Well I say recently the last year or so. I understand there boys there hormones have kicked in and I get the one girl wearing some shorts is... Gonna make stuff happen atleast for the straight guys. The into guys section are very happy and content as they are.
Maybe that's how the boys sleep so well? I know what the boys do in the dark of the night I can hear them muttering little words and moans under there breath so other boys won't hear them. Maybe it might put me to sleep?
I moved my hand into my little shorts getting comfy as I went down around my pussy my fingers feeling what felt almost like slime coating the lips of my pussy I pushed a finger inside and it felt nice not quite worth screaming about though. I moved my hand up running along my skin and meeting s little nub I gently rubbed on it and I felt like I as in heaven I never wanted to stop so I sped up using my other fingers to push the lips of my pussy apart often making my finger go down and get more juices to make my rubbing easier I added another finger rubbing on with two and I was struggling to keep my hips firmly on my mattress my breathing sharp little moans escaping every now and again until I felt this wave of please rush though ever inch of my body and I collapsed on my bed. That worked. And within minutes I was fast asleep.
I hummed my little tune Making the stew for dinner tonight as fry had a day off today so I was working mostly alone in the kitchen. I had noticed something very of today. Newt the second in command and likely my best friend... Well him and Minho are tied for that position. But he always comes to visit me esspecaily if fry has a day off even to just sit eat apples and chat but he hadn't come to see me at all today. I had spotted him a couple times but anytime he saw me he would blush and look away Funny, maybe he's in one of those moods again. So I focus on my work when suddenly "Uhh hi y/n" I heard newt smile beside me "Ah!" I yell "newt! You made me jump!" I complain "Sorry" he blushed "Rude" I complain hitting his head with my spare wooden spoon "rude to sneak up on a lady like that" I tell him "Ooww! That hurt y/n!" He complains holding his head "What did you want anyway?" I ask returning to cooking "Well uhh it's about last night?" He says "What about last night?" I ask "It's nothing" he blushed "Newt...what about last night?" I ask holding my spoon "I uhh I heard you... Talking in your sleep was all" he says "Ohh, well your room is right next door I'm not surprised you did" I laugh "I say anything interesting?" I ask "No...I couldn't make out words, just thought I'd tell you" he says "Allright then newt" I laugh
Newts pov:
"Okay see you later then y/n" I smiled before rushing off back to work "stupid stupid stupid" I complained why didn't I tell her! Why couldn't I get the words out? So I went out to the forest for fertilizer as zart didn't need me to do other such things "how hard is it! Just walk up to her and tell her the dam truth! How hard is it to say hello y/n I happened to hear you getting yourself off last night do you want me to do it?" I said to myself as I walked "she'd be mad if I told her the truth... plus I wouldn't get to hear it anymore if she knew I could hear her, and it's so nice to hear her... Her little breaths her little groans uhhh that little moan when she comes" I smirked almost groaning thinking about it I knew I was getting a bonner so I stopped thinking about it quickly before it became noticeable finishing up with my work,
as soon as I was done for the day I went up to my room trying not to get to sleep kinda excited... incase she was gonna do it again, my interest peaked as I heard her door open and close... I lose myself to in my imagination, of her coming in from her work exaugsted peeling her tight shirt off her bouncy breasts throwing those tight little shorts into her laundry pile and walking around her room I just a bra and panties, I heard the unmistakable creak of someone sitting on there bed I sat for a while listening slipping my hand under my boxers and slowly stroking my still slightly soft shaft as I heard her little intake of breath ummm it felt good last night didn't it love, my pretty girl wants to do it again? I could hear her bed lightly creaking where she moved her gentle quiet little moans they where all I needed hearing her feeling so good made me as hard as a rock holding my hand tightly pumping in time with her little moans I could hear the sound of the wetness an her fingers colliding it almost made me moan knowing how good she must have been feeling as well as speeding myself up getting close too, I hear a little moan and I made me laugh, gently love gently don't want to overstimulate your pretty little clit... Ummm I'd give my soul to go over and finish her off make her feel so good. Gently touch her and make her beg and scream for me even if she does sound like she's doing just fine on her own. Give her the gentle touch of someone else touching her pretty clit...umm maybe she might give me a little attention after? "Uhh uuh!" She moans Umm come on y/n, cum for me love... "Uhh ahh!" She mains and it suddenly stopped all the noise I got me there too finishing into my boxers "I love that girl" I smiled resting my head on the wall that separates our rooms.
I smiled as I went to the kitchens once I had done my rounds for the day and I spotted little y/n In her normal shirt and shorts so I went over to the kitchens noticing fry was gone so I snuck up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist tightly "Ahhh!" She screams as I made her jump before she noticed it was me "ohhh...it's you newt, what do you want?" She asks "Nothing just a cuddle" I smile "You want a cuddle go cuddle Minho" she says pushing me away "But I don't want a cuddle with Minho...I wanna cuddle you" I smiled "No newt" she says "No what?" I asked "No to whatever you are thinking in that stupid blonde head of yours" she complains pushing me away more and hitting my head with that dam spoon over and over "Ouwww!" I complain holding my head "okay okay I'm sorry" I complain making her stop "I just wanted a cuddle, that's no reason on beat me with a spoon" I complain "Fine" she sighed giving my head a little kiss where she had hit me which made me blush alot "what did you come over here for anyway?" She asks "A cuddle?" I shrug "anything else?" She asks "Well actually y/n I uhhh.... Could I come over after light's out?" I ask carefully "Why?" She asks curiously "I uhhh... Just wanna talk about something" I blushed "Why can't you talk about it now?" She asks "Because... Not" I answer "so? Could I come over?" I asked and she sighed "Alright newt" she smiled "Okay.. thanks love" I smiled giving her cheek a soft little kiss making her smile "Aww, what's up with you today?" She laughs "Nothing" I shrug "Alright bugger off then" she laughs so I went to leave but as I did I felt her slap my arse with her wooden spoon "AAAHH! Y/n!" I complain holding where she hit me that really hurt but it was kinda cute and kinda sexy she got me on the arse "Off to work newt before I get you in the dick" she laughs waving her wooden spoon in a warning way so I went to work a little scared of her and that dam spoon.
Y/n's pov:
I yawned a little snuggling up in all my blankets and pillows it was a very cold night in the glade I was almost shivering when suddenly I heard a little knock on my door so I got up and went to answer, and it was newt looking unusual. His clothes where clean, fresh and dry, his hair was brushed and styled loosely, he was clean compeletly not a bit of dirty on him, he even smelt clean like he just got out of a shower he was obviously hiding something behind him "Ohh it's you, well what did you need to see me about?" I ask "Can I come in?" He asked so I nodded letting him in my room and shutting the door behind him "I uhhh I brought you some flowers from the garden," he smiles revealing what was behind him a little bunch of colourful flowers from the gardens "Aww newt, there beautiful" I smile taking them and putting them in a glass by my window "so... Why are you hear newt?" I ask "Well... I uhh, I just uhh"he stuttered before holding my waist and kissing me I pulled back as fast as I could mostly in suprise I grabbed my spoon from next to my bed and hit his head with it "Bad newt" I tell him "Oww!" He complains "I'm not a bloody dog y/n" he complains "I just wanted to kiss you" he blushed "Then ask, Don't go grabbing girls and kissing without permission" I tell him hitting his head playfully "I'm sorry, I could get the words out" he blushed "well... Could I kiss you?" He asks nicely "Alright" I smiled "You mean it?" He asks and I nod he quickly wrapped his arms around my waist again and pressed his sweet lips to my own I kissed back this time our lips softly moving against each other the gentle clicking loud in my silent room till I pulled back he didn't want to at all clearly enjoying himself "I should probably tell you something" I smile "Tell me what?" He asked almost trying to get back to our kiss but I made sure he couldn't "I heard you last night" I giggled "You heard me? In my room last night?" He asks and I nod which made him chuckle a little "love I heard you the night before, and last night, why else would I have been doing anything unless I could hear you" he smirked I went to speak but no words came "sshhh" he smiled giving my lips a kiss "we're next door to each other, of course we are going to hear each other, lucky you don't have anyone on the other side, come on... We can keep it our little secret can't we?" He asked "Course we can" I smiled nuzzling into his chest and his soft hoodie "Umm... Atleast I'm the only one who can hear you, you are fairly quiet to be fair love. Better then my other side" he sighed "Don't you have Minho on the other side?" I ask "I do, he screams like a bloody banshee" he laughs "what about me? Am I kinda quite?" He asks "Not really newt" i laugh, "I think even the boys downstairs could hear you moaning for me" I smirked "Well, I have a good imagination sometimes I could swear your really saying those things to me" he smirked "so... I think about you? Who do you think about?" He asked kissing my head "Knowone" I blushed "Love? Come on... I won't get mad it it's not me" he laughs "so...who?" He asks "Who do you think?" I smirk running s hand down his chest and gently running over his crotch "Uhhhh! Ohhh...." He smirked "umm come here love" he smiles pulling me back to kissing him.
I smiled as I gently woke up the morning light coming in my window, I was cuddled up in my warm soft bed with newts arms around my waist resting in the small of my back and my head nuzzled into his chest he stayed over in my bed so we could kiss and cuddle all night long he was still fast asleep but I knew we had to get to work so I gave his lips a gentle kiss he slowly smiled and kissed me back till I pulled away "good morning" I smile "Humm good morning love" he smiled his voice a little horse from having just woke up "did you sleep okay?" He asks "Perfect y/n, did you sleep okay with me hogging your bed?" He laughs "Perfect too, I like sleeping with you" I smile after a while more of cuddling and kissing we got up and got dressed for the day even if o was shivering "Aww come here love" he smiles giving me his soft hoodie "there, you keep it on for today it will keep you nice and toasty warm while we're working" he says giving me a kiss so I happily put it on as we left going down to work.
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furidojasutin · 5 years
Title: War of Hearts
Pairing: Fraxus (Freed x Laxus)
Characters: Laxus Dreyar, Freed Justine, Bixlow, Evergreen, Ivan Dreyar, OC Eleanor, (Mother Dreyar, Makarov Dreyar)
Universe: Modern AU??
Rating: K+/T
a/n: Gosh here it is!! Some time ago I wrote a little preview for this oneshot and now I finally finished it >.< It’s the second idea that got inspired by Shadowhunters and #Malec so if you know the series you’ll recognize it >BD If not, then well more surprise for you! I also highly recommend listening to ‘War of Hearts’ by Ruelle while reading (it’s so perfect). Hopefully you’ll enjoy this and I could provide some feelz aaahh >.< ;w;
                                           ‘I can't help but love you                                            Even though I try not to                                           I can't help but want you                                       I know that I'd die without you’
“Ah, Laxus! Come in!” Freed opened the door with a subtle smirk, gesturing for his visitor to step inside. He hadn't anticipated to see the blond man so soon after they've had the conversation just prior, and a meaningful one, too.
“Uh yea, thanks.” Laxus followed him inside, letting the door fall shut softly behind him.
Clear hesitation was in his movements but that either didn't seem to bother Freed or he failed to take note of it.
“I don't have much time. I only wanted to tell you about something.”
“So?” Freed was holding a bottle of wine, studying its label. “Can I at least offer you a drink?”
“No, thanks.”
“Shame,” Freed hummed and proceeded to pour himself some of the alcoholic beverage before rejoining Laxus' side. His gaze was expectant when he waited for the other to continue on.
When Laxus realized that Freed was waiting for him to begin, he briefly scratched the back of his neck. That was before he straightened his posture and determination seeped back into his eyes. He had to pull himself together. This was the right decision. “So, what you told me earlier... I thought about it.”
Freed's face lit up at hearing this. A contented expression settled on his face. This was a good sign.
“I really need to change somethin' about my personal happiness, and the way the institute influences my life. It can't go on like this.”
He nodded. So Laxus had really taken his words into contemplation, huh? “So what are you going to do?” There was a small smile on his face. It was so subtle, he wasn’t sure Laxus would even notice it. And perhaps there was a sense of pride or this weird feeling of happiness he tended to feel around the blond man.
Freed was so certain that this would finally be the bit of positive development he was craving that the lingering moment of somewhat tense silence Laxus created didn’t bother him before he replied.
“I proposed to Eleanor.”
Then Freed’s face dropped. It was bound to happen. Or maybe he just thought that his facial features slipped and it was his heart cracking instead. Or it was his brain desperately trying to comprehend what just happened, searching for anything logical about this. Laxus couldn’t be serious.
Was he?
“You proposed to-”
“I’m gonna marry her in a few days.”
“Right.” Freed swallowed. His fingers tapped against the glass in his hand and he avoided the eye contact Laxus was forcing now. What was he attempting to do? Prove something? He wasn’t tipsy enough for this. “So that is- Huh, that is what you figured out from my words?” He believed he didn’t quite manage to keep the air of scorn and emotion out of his voice.
And he didn’t see the brief change in Laxus’ expression, nor did he notice the struggle in his orange eyes as he was still mindlessly letting his gaze swerve anywhere but towards the man standing in front of him.
Still, Laxus was the one who broke the silence again. “As the future head of the institute, this is the only right decision.” It was hard to keep looking at the other man and his expression that had turned gloomy. He took a deep breath, striving for a harder voice than necessary and yet still it was shaking softly as he continues. “You don't have to like it but you have to understand.”
Laxus' words more than stung and Freed still avoided the eye-contact. Fingers began tapping against the glass again and then, with a rushed movement, he gulped down the rest of the alcoholic liquid. Why was Laxus doing this to him? Why was Laxus doing this to himself?
“You're a honorable man, Laxus, as am I. Family is important to you. I get how a marriage would influence the success of the institute.” A political marriage. There weren't any feelings involved. There couldn't be. When Freed looked back up his eyes were hard but at second glance they held a hurt spark. “But is this really, really what you thought I meant when telling you to live for yourself? Is this the message you got? You think I would encourage you to enter a marriage with a person you don't know, let alone love? Blindly? So you end up unhappy with your personal life? What do you think I-”
“Stop talking!” Laxus didn't know that he would end up interrupting the other but suddenly his entire body was shaking. There was rage in his chest he was unable to interpret and he sure enough was overwhelmed with the situation. Thoughts were raging, and his heart was. “Who do you think you are? Why do you think you have any right to tell me what's right and what's wrong?” He almost kept shouting and the line of words that escaped weren't thought through. This, this wasn't what he wanted. But didn't Freed get it? Couldn't he see that this was the only thing he could do? “Why do you think I would risk anything for you?”
The words stabbed through Freed's heart like a knife. He hadn't seen the sudden outburst coming and his expression hadn't hidden this fact.
Laxus' eyes were a blazing fire, his chest heaving and lowering, until he realized what he'd just blurted out. His breathing began to become more even again and the realization slowly spread across his face, even if just slightly scratching the surface.
They just stood there for what felt like an eternity, tension dominating the air around them, until Freed spoke.
“I see.” His voice was lowered though not quite a whisper. He averted his gaze from the man he loved and turned his back on him, slowly walking towards the table in his living room to pour himself another glass of wine. “Then there's nothing else we have to talk about, Laxus. Leave.”
Laxus wished that the moment of blowing off steam would at least have done something to calm his nerves afterwards. Instead, it had made everything worse. He suddenly felt lost, his inward battle grown with the rage and words he hadn't wanted to say.
For a single second his lips parted to retort something. But then he slowly turned around, grabbing the door handle of Freed's apartment and froze in place for another few seconds. He was making the right decision, wasn't he? Even if it was painful. Sacrifices had to be made. Freed had to understand.
Or perhaps he was being too stubborn and too much of a coward all at once.
With the same hurt in his chest Laxus left and the second he was away Freed's head dropped and his grasp tightened around the glass, almost crushing it.
xxx xxx
Four days had passed since Laxus had spoken to Freed at his apartment. It was the last time they had seen and talked to each other and although he wasn't quite ready to admit it to himself, it had been the worst few days in a long time.
“Hey buddy, you okay?”
Engrossed in his own thought, Laxus hadn't heard anybody approach. His shoulders twitched and he looked back over his shoulder to see one of his closest friends behind him. No, I fucking ain't. But he could impossibly say that. Tomorrow would be his wedding. He had to do this. There was no way around it.
Maybe it would become easier, maybe the pain would become less if he kept on telling himself this over and over again.
“Yea. Just a bit nervous.” It wasn't really a lie.
Bixlow patted the broader man's shoulder in comfort. “That's normal. You don't marry everyday, do ya?” He shot Laxus a wide grin, despite noticing that something has been bothering his best friend. Something he wasn't telling him.
“Yea...” Laxus' head was feeling heavy. All he wanted to do was to get this damn wedding over with.
How he would he be able to look Freed in the face ever again?
Heaving a sigh, Laxus stood up from his chair. His muscles felt sore from working out too much this day and his hair was tousled. In a few hours he would get married and he doubted he'd be able to find much sleep.
“It's the right thing,” he muttered and grabbed his used towel from the chair.
“It's your decision.” Bixlow watched his friend with attentive eyes. His grin was less wide now but still present. If anything, Laxus needed all the support he could give right now. “If that's what makes you happy.”
There it was again. Do what makes you happy. But would this really make him happy? Laxus was so damn aware of the answer to this question and yet... yet...
He clenched his hands to fists without really taking note of it, earning a hidden concerned look from Bixlow. When his body became less rigid again, he simply turned his back on Bixlow and began to leave the work out room. “See you tomorrow.”
“See ya, buddy. Sleep tight.”
“I'll try.” No, he'd most likely be awake all night. How often had his thoughts swerved back to Freed the last days? Far too often for him to count. Thoughts of him had been consuming him.
With a heavy frown on his face, Laxus disappeared from his best friend's sight.
Once Laxus was gone, Bixlow emitted a sigh, his facade crumbling to pieces. It was an understatement to say that he was worried. Laxus was a dutiful person and he had troubles dealing with and showing his emotions. With his gaze stuck to where his friend had disappeared, honest concern surfaced in Bixlow's expression.
“Is this really what you want, Laxus?”
xxx xxx
“You look gorgeous, sweetie.” Evergreen smiled, giving a gentle tug to Laxus' purple bow tie. Taking a small exhale, she gave one last pat to his shoulders. “You'll be fine?”
“I guess.” The nervousness was getting to him. In a few moments his future wife would walk through the doors and at the end of this he would be a married man. His heart was clenching at the thought and he was barely able to grasp a straight thought. Shit.
“Alright. We're all here with you.”
Laxus didn't notice how slightly pained her smile was when she turned around to take a seat in the first row of chairs. His mind was racing and he doubted that it would get any better in the course of the next minutes. How was he supposed to remember and say his vows?
Bixlow, as his groomsman, was standing behind him. The room was crowded already. He could spot his father and his grandfather among the people. Ivan was wearing a self-satisfied expression while Makarov was waving towards him to encourage him and once again this one question claimed his mind again.
Would this make himself happy?
He was just about to turn towards Bixlow and talk to him when suddenly the entire room went quiet at once. The two big doors of the church opened and a few seconds later music began to play in the background.
From this moment on, all the spotlight was on her only for as long as she walked down the aisle together with her father.
Laxus gulped softly and stood straight. He strove for an unreadable expression for as long as nobody was paying much attention to him.
Eleanor was objectively beautiful, that was undenyable, and the dress she was wearing let her shine even more than usual. Her wedding gown was classic – white and with a long train following up behind her as she walked. Her smile was beaming and her brown eyes were sparkling. Long dark locks were held together in a pinned-up hairstyle that was neither too strict nor too casual.
It was the image of a fairy tale. She was an amazing wife and he should be thankful.
But he couldn't be. Not sincerely.
He missed how almost everyone was smiling and holding their breath once she reached him. His eyes naturally swerved towards Bixlow for a second, almost as though asking for help, and got an encouraging look in return.
Alright, this was it.
Visibly taking a deep breath, Laxus forced himself to smile. Gently, he took Eleanor's hands into her own and her radiant smile stung in his chest. She seemed so happy even though she knew that this was a political step. That no deep feelings were involved.
She did know, didn't she?
“Are you alright?” Eleanor whispered, her tone soft and barely reaching his ears.
Laxus gave a small nod, exhaling softly once more, before strengthening his smile. “Yes.”
He didn't think it was possible but her smile widened at this response and they both turned to the minister so the ceremony could begin.
The minister gave them both a humble smile. “Today we have come together to witness the joining of Bride and Groom in marriage. They met each other, fell in love and are finalizing it with their wedding today.”
Laxus' mind was still making it hard for him to concentrate on what was being said. He had lost the minister at the first few words already, his thoughts getting back to swirl around one particular person. Love.
He did fall in love, he was pretty sure. But...
Eleanor's hands still in his own, he stood there absolutely rigid. The good thing was that nobody would notice, most likely. Except for Bixlow perhaps. He just hoped that Eleanor didn't get suspicious.
While the minister gave his introduction, he constantly felt his future wife's gaze on him. It practically burnt his skin with how intense it was and no matter how rude it was, he couldn't bare looking her in the eye the entire time.
His own gaze drifted over the crowd without any destination, then over the walls and all the white and purple decorations. Everything was beautiful. Anybody would be more than joyous about the entire set up, such a wonderful wife, such a meaningful day.
But he wasn't. All he felt right now was tension and uneasiness.
“Laxus, it's time to say your vows.”
The voice sounded so distant at first that he didn't react immediately. It was the gentle squeeze on his hands that brought him back to the here and now entirely and when his eyes swerved back to Eleanor he could see a warm but slightly concerned smile. He couldn't mess this up.
Again he glanced at Bixlow, then at the minister and then at Eleanor. Pull yourself together now.
A moment of silence filled up the entire room before Laxus forced out another smile. This time, with all the effort he could muster up, he managed to make it look natural and easy and sincere. His orange eyes were locked with Eleanor's brown ones.
This was it. This would settle everything. He would say his vows, then it was her turn and then it would be done. He was going to be married.
“Eleanor,” Laxus began, forcing his deep voice not to shake. He needed a moment to remember his vows but Eleanor was still standing there with her patient and warm smile. He corrected his posture, broad body statue standing tall and proud.
With a sigh and another attempt to dismiss his heart, he finally continued. “I-”
This time he didn't interrupt himself.
Suddenly, the doors had fallen open with a loud thud. Whoever just entered didn't seem to have any care in the world.
Heads turned towards the entrance, and gasps sounded from everywhere in the hall.
Laxus' eyes went wide and he thought that his heart stopped beating right then and there. Evergreen's surprised expression turned into a knowing one, then into a large smile. Bixlow, hidden behind Laxus' back, grinned.
“Bastard, what are you doing here?” Ivan had raised from his seat, his voice bellowing. His eyes were pure rage, dangerous-looking and intimidating and his face had turned red from only shouting these words already.
Laxus could still do nothing but stare. He was unable to move, unable to register anything around him but the man who had stormed into the room.
Freed didn't pay any attention to Ivan even though it was tempting to and not all too easy to just ignore him. His long green hair was tied into a pony tail. A light blue suit paired with a fitting bow tie and a black waistcoat were covering his tautly-muscular body and it was stunning.
He was stunning.
Laxus was unable to keep up with anything. He faintly registered the minister's voice and then his father's voice again. This was his wedding. The wedding he had arranged on his own will to influence the reputation of his father's institute. A wedding that was free of any genuine love, at least on his part. And now the man he undoubtedly had feelings for was crashing it.
His mouth opened to say something but closed again without releasing any words.
Freed was just standing there in the aisle. Everybody was looking between him and the altar. Freed's stance was determined and so were his turquoise eyes, except that they also harbored a spark of insecurity, of question. He knew he wasn't technically supposed to be here.
“Who invited him?” Bixlow had sneaked away from his previous place to briefly join Evergreen in the front row.
Ever just grinned widely, voice kept low so nobody else would hear. “I did.”
At that, Bixlow's grin only widened. The two exchanged a meaningful glance and then he sneaked back to his previous place.
Evergreen was confident that this was going to help Laxus to find his own happiness. She couldn't bear seeing him enter a life that she knew would make him more than miserable.
“Laxus?” Eleanor's voice was shaken by an air of concern again, though this time of different nature. Her eyes had lost their sparkle and she gently squeezed his hands again to get his attention.
Laxus, still paralyzed, ripped his gaze off Freed to look at Eleanor instead. She was still smiling but it had gotten a crack and he spotted the lost shine in her brown eyes. He was unable to speak. Unable to breathe properly. He was lacking social skills one way or another but this was the worst.
Again his mouth opened and closed without saying something. His gaze drifted over to Freed.
Freed began to move again, walking further down the aisle with nervous determination. His heart was racing in his chest right now as hard as Laxus' was.
“Don't get anywhere near them!” Ivan had made his way towards Freed fiercely, almost spitting in his face as his voice rang through the hall anew.
Freed, so focused on Laxus only, had barely noticed Ivan coming up to him. But as the man almost went to stand in his way, Freed raised a hand. His eyes became just as fierce as Ivan's for a split-second and his deep voice told more than a thousand words could. “This is between me and your son.” He knew why he was here. This was his only chance.
Ivan was so caught off guard by this retort that he was left speechless long enough. His face was crimson and his eyes storming with pure disdain but he shut up if only not to give off more of a negative expression. Every move was going to influence his institute, and his own reputation.
Freed had gone half way down the aisle when he stopped again. He wouldn't dare walking up to Laxus entirely. He didn't want to force anything.
This was going to be Laxus' decision. Laxus' statement. Laxus could reject him or be with him.
It was silent again, only the music playing in the background and Laxus still didn't know how to breathe properly.
He is right there.
“Buddy, you okay?”
This time, Laxus was unable to respond immediately. His heartbeat was driving him mad. All eyes were on him and he hated it. Panic had risen in his chest, oh how he hated being vulnerable. How he hated dealing with his own emotions.
His orange eyes met Bixlow's red ones and he swallowed. “Yea... Yea, I-” What did he want to say?
He looked back at Freed, looked into those sincere eyes. He now noticed how Freed's chest was heaving and lowering and realized how the other man must feel right now. He put himself on the silver platter.
It was on him to decide how this was going to end.
Do what makes you happy.
Eleanor's soft voice made him jerk his head back to her. Now her smile was more obviously pained but little did he know for what reason. It was difficult for her to see him like this. It was bound to happen. “I know.” She knew. For the third time this morning, she squeezed his hands and all he could do was stare. This plan might not work out... but she didn't want to force him into this life if this wasn't what he wanted as well. “It's okay, Laxus.”
Laxus released and audible breath. Whether or not he liked that she knew about this was something to think about later, once he could think again at all. Everyone was looking at him still.
Evergreen with her wide smirk. Bixlow with supporting grin. His father with his blazing eyes, screaming threat. Eleanor with her cracked but encouraging smile.
And Freed. Freed, with his focused and waiting eyes. His look and body seemed more tense now. He must have become more insecure as it was taking so long for him to make any move at all.
In these very minutes, everything came crushing down on him. This wasn't going to make him happy. He could be as stubborn as he wanted, tell himself every lie that he could come up with. This, this wasn't what he wanted. Everybody knew, and he was the last person to realize this fact about his own happiness.
What he wanted was out of reach.
And he could change that. Right now.
“It's okay.”
Laxus heard Eleanor repeat her words and suddenly, his hands slowly slipped out of her gentle grasp. He was finally moving.
                                ‘I can’t help but be wrong in the dark                             ‘Cause I’m overcome in this war of hearts                                 I can’t help but want oceans to part                             ’Cause I’m overcome in this war of hearts’
He distantly felt Bixlow give a pat to his back and he didn't look right, didn't look left as he walked down the three steps and then moved down the aisle.
This war he had fought with himself was so useless. No other person should be deciding over his own life. He shouldn't be giving up on his own happiness just for business and reputation. There were other ways to stabilize them and he, as the future head of the institute, would utilize them properly.
Ivan, his entire body shaking, rushed up to him midway but Laxus didn't even grant him a look when he walked past him.
“Laxus! Don't you dare walk any further!”
“Enough!” The hiss was out before he could stop it. His gaze was stuck to the one man waiting for him and Freed's eyes were on him as well.
Laxus was pretty certain that he wasn't breathing anymore and he waited for the second his heart would burst through his rib cage.
Ivan was left behind and with how fast Laxus had walked he was suddenly standing right in front of the shorter man.
There was barely time for more eye-contact. There was definitely no more time to think.
When Laxus entangled his fingers in the front of Freed's suit, his eyes fell closed. He heard a deep, and relieved, exhale when he leaned towards the other man and all tension seemed to fall off Freed's shoulder's when their lips met.
The kiss wasn't careful and not hesitant. As soon as Freed realized that this was his answer, everything fell into the right place.
Their lips moved in unison and time stood still just for them. Laxus didn't dare to loosen his grip on Freed's clothing and he was unable to describe how it felt when Freed firmly placed his hands on his waist to keep him close.
It would be kitschy to say that finally kissing Freed felt as though fireworks were going off in his entire body – but it would be just as true. Laxus was dazed and intoxicated at once. They leant into each other, craving to feel the other, craving to feel just how real this was.
By the time they pulled apart for a brief moment, he could see all the emotion swirl in Freed's eyes. His own face was most likely a mess of emotion as well and he couldn't remember when he last revealed so much. Perhaps he never had.
They both exhaled before pulling each other close once more, not caring about any of their surroundings.
The cheers from various people, including Evergreen and Bixlow, were going past their senses as they were kissing.
This had to be the bliss everybody was referring to. He had been a fool to fight it. His happiness was tied to this very man and he had to thank him for showing up later.
He loved this man. And this man loved him.
Nobody had ever made him feel the way Freed did and now that he was beginning to hold onto this feeling, he would never let go of it again.
He would never let go of Freed again.
The kiss seemed to last for an eternity and felt too short at the same time. Too much emotion had been bottled up and released all at once. Breathing heavily, Freed and Laxus' rested their foreheads together while still not letting go of each other.
Now they both heard the cheering crowd clearly and let their gazes swerve shortly. Ivan, paralyed and his body quaking, didn't dare to start shouting again and even though Laxus knew that he had to expect something from him later, he couldn't care less right now. Eleanor was smiling softly even though she seemed a little awkward and Evergreen, Bixlow, his grandfather and his mother were all waving at them.
What would he do without any of them?
Exhaling once more, Laxus looked back at Freed who was smiling now. Almost immediately, he noticed a smile appearing on his own face and it felt so good to smile sincerely for the first time in days.
This was his future.
And it began with Freed.
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dadweebking · 5 years
Black Heron Returns: Part 2
Part 1 (x)
The four ducks wandered around the island aimlessly, Scrooge and Beakley focused on trying to find anything that could help them find Black Heron’s base while Webby looked around along with them while occasionally glancing over at Dewey.  Every now and then, he’d begin to fall behind because he wasnt really paying attention to where he was going, Webby would sometimes call to him to help him keep focus. Though he was happy that Scrooge allowed him to tag along, he didnt really seem to enjoy it as much as he had hoped, since nothing exciting has happened yet, but kept those thoughts to himself.
The 4 then wondered into a cave-like place that goes into the mountains, with multiple openings on the sides that view the whole island.
“We’ll stay here for a bit longer. I have a feeling there might be something here.” “Agreed, 22. Kids, watch your step. There could be trap doors around.” Scrooge and Beakley began cautiously looking around, while Webby glanced at Dewey again, this time with a frown on his face. She noticed it a few times earlier and chose not to say anything, but she just couldnt stay quiet any longer.
“You ok, Dewey?” “Hm? Oh, yea, i guess. Its just so boring.” “Well, thats what a lot of these kinds of missions are. They’re not all action packed.” “Well i wish i knew that before i snuck on this trip.” Webby giggled, as Dewey walked passed her towards an opening.
“You know, it may be boring, but this is one heck of a view.” Webby then walked up to his left side and looked out and was stunned. The view was gorgeous. There wasnt a single cloud in the sky, the sun’s light being reflected on the rippling ocean water. Distant sounds of crashing waves could be heard, and a soft breeze rattled the leaves in the trees. Nothing from towns like Duckburg could be seen. It was just nature doing it’s thing, and it was beautiful.
“Oh my gosh, you’re right. This is so beautiful.” Dewey smiled then took out his phone, and took a picture of the scene. He then turned around and took a selfie with the scene, then pulled Webby closer, put his free arm around her shoulders and took another selfie with both of them. “Perfect.” He said as he leaned against the wall to look at the photos.
But it wasnt a wall.
As soon as he leaned against the wall, it got pushed in, like it was a loose panel or a button. A giant crunch was heard, as he and Webby looked around frantically. Scrooge and Beakley also heard the crunch, and ran to where the kids were. 
“What ‘append?!” “I don’t kno-AAAHH” “KIDS!!”
The ground fell from underneath the kids’ feet like it was a trap door, and they fell through, much to the horror of the adults. The kids were sliding down a rocky surface, with Dewey in the lead and Webby behind him. It wasn’t long before the kids reached the bottom, Dewey rolling to a stop on the ground, and Webby gracefully landed upright in a fighting stance. She saw Dewey slowly getting up, holding and shaking his arm, and went to help him. Rocks could then be heard clogging up the slide, blocking Scrooge and Beakley from going down the slide. They called out to them. 
“Kids, are you ok?!” “Yeah, I’m fine!” Webby called. “Dewey hurt his arm-” “It’s just sore, i landed on it weird. It should go away soon, Uncle Scrooge!” “Children, stay put, we’ll find another way down!” “Ok, Granny!” 
Dewey walked back and forth, still moving his sore arm around, trying to make the pain go away. While doing so, he caught something from the corner of his eyes. He turned fully to see a white light glowing on the wall, but it didn’t look like it was natural sunlight. While still moving his arm, he began slowly walking towards it. Webby then turned to see him walking away. 
“Dewey, where are you going?” Dewey turned to her and pointed to the light on the wall. “There’s something there, I wanna see what it is.” Webby didn’t know whether to follow him, or stay put until the adults arrive, but against her better judgment and her fear of Dewey falling into sudden danger, she hesitantly followed him. They walked side by side down the cave, and it wasn’t long before they were able to see what caused the light, and it made them gasp. 
A giant open space with a bunch of desks and flasks with chemicals and berries along with a lighter, several microscopes and a big screen and projector with a camera right in the middle. They looked around the room, and Dewey spotted multiple flasks with a liquid inside of it. “Webby, what is this?” He walked towards one of the flasks that had a substance that was a completely different than the others. Webby walked next to it, and picked it up. “Wow, this is the bouncing potion. And it looks like it was mixed together very recently!” She then quickly put the flask in her pocket, and then grabbed a whole bunch of flasks in her arms. 
“Whoa, Webby, what are you doing?” “Making a mess. If we get rid of the remaining liquids in all the flasks, she can’t make another potion!” “Ooooooh I like your thinking.” Dewey smirked as he joined Webby in smashing flasks and pouring out the liquid from said flasks. When it was all set and done, they cheered and high-fived each other, but their joy was soon short lived. 
They soon heard mumbling coming from the cave, making Webby’s eyes widen as she pulled Dewey by his hand and dragged him behind a desk. “Webby, what are you-” “Shhhhhhhh.” She covered his bill with her hand, and peaked to see Black Heron coming. She looked towards her lab and gasped, making Webby hide her head. “That’s Black Heron!” Webby whispered. “Really?!” Dewey then turned to peak around the desk, and quickly pulled his head back upon seeing her for a split second. “Why does she have a robot arm?” “I don’t know, she had that when i first met her.” They soon saw her shadow making their way towards them, so they quickly and quietly moved away to hide again from a raging Black Heron, still going on about asking herself what happened to all her berries and the one finished potion. She then stopped, as the kids wondered why she did so. 
“I bet they’re here again.” The kids listened intently as she continued. “That painstakingly annoying Agent 22 and her wreckless partner. Maybe even she brought her grandchild again.” Now Dewey felt something weird inside his chest. It began to beat fast as she kept insulting Beakley, Scrooge and Webby. Everything else seemed to fade away, the only thing he could hear being Black Heron’s venomous voice. “…and she even defeated me at my previous base. That no-good, mischievous, nosey, idiotic child!” 
That was enough to set Dewey ablaze. No one insults his best friend like that. NO ONE!
In rage, Dewey rose up, but was quickly pulled down by Webby. “Dewey, what are you doing?!” He said nothing as he tried again, but Webby held him down, knowing what he wanted to do. “Dewey, take it easy, she’s too strong for you, she’s out of your league!” “No one’s out of our league, Webby. We can take her!” He pushed her arm off him, and hopped over the desk towards Black Heron. “DEWEY!” She whispered out to him. 
The Heron turned around, and saw Dewey standing tall and determined. “Who are you?” “I am Dewey Duck. Nephew of Scrooge McDuck, and close friend to Agent 22’s granddaughter!” He stated bodly, as Webby facepalmed, not believing what he just said. 
“Oh really?” “Yea! And no one talks badly about the people i care about as long as I’m around!” He said as he ran towards her and went for a punch, but Heron dodged it, seeming to have fun with this. He tried again and again to no avail, even having Heron lightly wack him on the head, treating this like a game. Dewey was now furious as he faked a punch, but then suddenly kicked Heron’s legs from under her and pounced, both rolling on the floor before Heron used enough force to hurt him a bit and throw him off her. He landed on his stomach, and turned his head to face Heron, who was now standing before him. 
“Poor Child.” She said as she lifted her arm and turned it into a blaster. Dewey rolled onto his back. “You have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into.” She said, as Dewey glared at her. Suddenly a cry was heard, and Black Heron was knocked to the wall hard. So hard, that her vision was blurry and she felt dizzy. Dewey looked from Heron to his savior in front of him, which was none other than Webby herself.  He quickly got up, and walked towards her, cheering. “Webby, that was si-” “ARE YOU CRAZY?!” 
Dewey stumbled back as she yelled at him. Her face was red and her face had a furious look as well as… a worried one?
“I told you she was too strong! You could’ve gotten really hurt just now!” “I know, i know, but she was insulting you, Scrooge, and Beakley, and i wasn’t gonna let her talk trash about any of my family, most especially my best friend.” Her face got redder, but her furious look softened a bit, making Dewey slightly confused, but he quickly dismissed it. Webby sighed, and stepped back a bit. “Just…don’t be so reckless, ok? I appreciate you looking out for Granny, Mr. McDuck, and I, but don’t go in blinded by anger. That just works against you.” Dewey walked slowly towards her, and put his hands on her shoulders and smiled, saying “Ok, Webbs. I’ll try to think logically next time.” causing them both to giggle. 
Black Heron was just coming to, and her vision cleared to see Webby and Dewey laughing together, and she silently scowled at the scene. But then her eyes widened, as an evil smile was etched upon her face. She was focused on nothing except the smiling faces of the two ducklings as she slowly got up, then quickly charged at the children, slamming Webby off to the side hard. They weren’t expecting this at all as Webby was blindsided and cried out, with Dewey’s face growing terrified at what just happened so quickly. “WEBBY!” Dewey cried out, as he was then grabbed by the neck from Heron’s non-robotic hand. She lifted him up, by the neck, and slammed him onto the wall, keeping a firm grip on his neck, choking him. He grabbed her hand with both of his and tried everything he can to make her let him go while straining to try to get some air into his body but failed, coughing and gagging as a result. 
Webby shot up, and began running towards them. “Ah-Ah-Aaaah.” sung Heron as she turned her robotic hand into a blaster again, and aimed it at Dewey’s chest, making Webby stop dead in her tracks. She looked at Dewey, and he looked back at Webby through tear-filled eyes, shattering Webby’s poor heart. 
“DROP HIM, NOW!” Yelled Webby. “I don’t think so, Girly.” Heron replied, as she turned to face the girl and saw her look back at Dewey. She then turned to see Dewey look at her, and Heron smiled. “You two seem very close indeed.” She said to Dewey, who glared at her through gritted teeth. She then turned to Webby. “Boyfriend?” She asked. Webby said nothing, as a sickening feeling made their way to both the kids’ hearts. Even in a life-and-death situation, they feel embarrassed at that assumption.
“What do you want?” Black Heron began to think, before she looked to Webby’s side pocket, seeing the only remaining flask that contains the completed potion. “I want that flask in your pocket.” She said sternly. Webby was taken aback by this, before pulling out the flask and held it in her hand. 
“That’s right.” Black Heron sung, as she held her hand out, motioning for Webby to give her the flask. She took a few steps forward before, “W-Webby... no.” She heard this and looked at Dewey, who was looking at her with a pleading look. “Don’t... give in! Figure something else out!” “Quiet, you brat!” Heron’s grip around Dewey’s neck tightened, causing him to cry out in pain. Webby gasped, hating seeing Dewey suffer like this, but couldn’t force herself to look away. 
“I’m waiting girly.” Webby looked at Heron, then at the flask, then at Dewey. She was at a loss. Heron could be deadly with the potion against the world, but she just couldn’t leave Dewey in her clutches! For the first time in a long while, she didn’t know what to do, and it drove her insane. Save the world? Or save her best friend’s life?
Webby took so long that when she looked back at Dewey, she saw his struggling begin to cease, his eyes slowly shutting as his hands that gripped Heron’s arm slipped off, eyes closed as his body fell limb. 
To Webby, everything fell silent. 
She saw Heron look back at Dewey, and seeing him unmoving, she just dropped him onto the floor. Webby didnt even notice Heron walking towards her, as she was focused on Dewey, until Heron hit her off to the side, making Webby’s senses come back to her. She looked at Heron who went to reach towards her before, “HERON!” 
Scrooge came in and knocked her away towards Beakley, who began duking it out with Heron. “Granny! Mr. McDuck!” “Forget about us, lass, go help Dewey!” Webby didn’t even think twice, as she got up, and bolted towards Dewey while Scrooge and Beakley dealt with Heron. Webby slid down by Dewey’s side, and rolled him over, before shaking his body. “Dewey?! Dewey, please!” Dewey didn’t move a muscle, causing Webby to fear the worst. “Come on Dewey, not like this! NOT LIKE THIS!” She tried to shake him awake again to no avail. 
Heron could barely get a hit on Scrooge and Beakley. They both we’re fighting differently, and Scrooge had a ferocious look on his while he fought. Beakley hit Heron back towards Scrooge, and Scrooge wasted no time in showing her what she deserved. “You come up with a plan to lay havoc on the world, trash my house, and mess with me and both my partners, but when you seriously hurt one of my nephews?! That’s when things get personal!” 
He landed a couple of blows, and hit her back to Beakley who gave the finishing blow as she punched Heron across the room. Heron, looked up at the two, before noticing something at the corner of her eye. She viciously smiled, as she reached up and pressed a button, causing the whole area to shake with an alarm going off and a voice saying, “Self Destruct Sequence Initiated.” 
“What?!” They both looked around before Scrooge saw Heron making a run for it. He was about to chase after her before Beakley pulled him back. “We can deal with her another time, McDuck, we have another serious problem at hand!” She pointed to Webby still holding a limp Dewey, making Scrooge realize what it could mean. They both ran towards the kids, Webby looking up with teary eyes as they arrived. Quickly, Beakley scooped up Dewey in her arms, and Scrooge turned to a dress both of them. “Beakley, carry Dewey out and Webbigail, stay close. Follow me!” 
Scrooge led the way, with the two females right behind him. He managed to find a way down to the kids, but it wasnt short, so with the self-destruction sequence activated, they had to run fast, or else they wouldnt make it. Beakley really had no trouble running while carrying Dewey, and Webby focused up ahead, but every so often would quickly glance at Dewey. He was still unmoving, and she still couldn’t shake the sickening feeling, but had to focus on running if they all wanted a chance to survive. 
Finally, they rounded one last corner to arrive back at the area where the kids initially fell through the floor. They then ran towards the beach, where Launchpad was waiting with the sub. He could see them and waved before Scrooge’s voice reached his ears. “Launchpad, start the sub!” He was about to enter the sub before his eyes caught Dewey in Beakley’s arms, and his eyes widened in shock. “Wait! What happened to Dew-” “No time, just get in!” Shouted Beakley, and Launchpad did so without hesitation. The engine roared to life, as the 4 hopped into the sub and closed the hatch tightly and quickly. With that done, they sailed off before diving under the ocean, the island exploding before they did so. The sub shook, as the force of the explosion pushed it outward at a faster rate, Launchpad barely able to keep the sub under control. 
Once things were steady again, no one wasted anytime to lay Dewey down across the seats. “How is he?” Asked Scrooge. “His heartbeat was faint when i got to him, but thats all i could hear.” Whimpered Webby. Beakley laid her head sideways upon Dewey’s chest, and emitted a long sigh. She lifted her head, and smiled at Webby and Scrooge reassuringly. “His heartbeat is still there. He just needs a lot of oxygen.” 
“Right. Lass, come with me, i might need your help.” Webby followed Scrooge to the storage closet at the back of the sub, with Beakley looking over Dewey, and Launchpad still piloting the sub, but couldnt get Dewey out of his mind. He turned around and asked Beakley, “Mrs. B., what do i do?” “Just keep driving, Launchpad. The sooner Dewey gets home, the better.” She smiled at him, as he saluted her, and focused on the open ocean up ahead. Scrooge and Webby then came out with an oxygen take and mask, and placed the mask on Dewey’s bill and the tank right beside him. His chest was moving up and down, so that calmed the nerves of everyone to an extent. 
“Now, all we have to do is wait.” Said Scrooge. They then pulled Webby off to the side, and questioned her about everything that happened before they came to their rescue. Webby explained about the lab and the flask in her pocket, completely forgetting about it before they brought it up. She also explained how he took Black Heron on the way he did was because she was insulting the three of them, and managed to actually knock her down before she got the best of him. Then she knocked her back and grabbed Dewey by the neck and literally choked him unconscious, causing Webby to slightly sob as she explained that part. 
The adults hugged the young duckling in reassurance, and smiled down at her saying that everything will be alright. “Give him time, and he’ll wake up soon.” Her granny said to her. “He’ll be fine, lass.” She looked up to Scrooge. “Whether be it fortunate or not, it’ll be hard for anyone to finish him off.” They all let out a small chuckle before dispersing around the sub. Scrooge and Beakley went off to the side to talk about some things while Webby sat by Dewey’s side, waiting patiently for him to wake up. 
About two hours go by before the black finally gains some color. 
Dewey’s eyes slowly blinked as he tried to get his vision to focus while also trying to ignore the soreness of his throat. He noticed a mask on his bill, and took it off while sitting up. His eyes could see clearly again, as he looked around and soon realized he was back in the sub. He could see the back of Launchpad’s head, then turned around and saw Scrooge and Beakley sleeping on the chairs they were sitting. He then looked straight from where he was, and saw Webby’s head resting on the arm rest of his seat, but was actually on the floor. He wondered why she was like this, tried to breathe in to speak before his throat began to hurt badly, and he started viciously coughing, startling Launchpad and waking everyone else up immediately. 
They all swarmed around him, bombarding him with questions about his well being, if anything hurts, if he needs anything, etc. With a bit of a straining voice, he quieted then down, only asking for some water. Scrooge was about to go get it, but Webby was gone and back with a flash, a water bottle in hand. 
Dewey took a sip, thanking her, before walked towards him, putting his mask back on saying, “might be a good idea to keep this on you for a while longer.” Dewey didn’t argue and nodded his head. Scrooge and Beakley went back to where they originally were, leaving Dewey and Webby by themselves. 
Dewey nervously turned to look at Webby, expecting her face to be fuming, but when he did, his eyes widened. She looked at him with her eyes threatening to tear up with her bill quivering, yet she look extremely happy and relieved. 
“Uh, W-Webbs? You goo-oh!” He got cut off with Webby embracing him into a very tight hug. He could feel her body shake and a few tears stain the back of his shirt. He didn’t care about that though, as he was still confused by the sudden action, and she then pulled back, still holding on to Dewey’s shoulder with one arm, and the other to wipe her eyes. 
“You really scared me, you know.” 
“I, um...”
I thought you... I thought that...” she stumbled with her words and turned away from him, as he then scooted closer to her and put an arm on her shoulder this time. 
“I thought I failed you.” She whispered as more tears fell from her eyes.
“Hey, look at me. Look at me.” He pushed against her shoulder, and used his other arm on her other shoulder to gently make her face him. “I’m still here, aren’t I? I’m fine as can be. A bit sore on the neck, but probably not the worst thing that’s happened to me.” He quietly chuckled, trying to lighten the mood, and it seemed to work, as she giggled right next to him. 
“My point is, don’t think you’ve ever failed me from now on, ok? You’re my best friend, Webbs.” He then embraced her and she hugged him back. “You can never fail me.” 
The hug lasted way longer than it should’ve, but honestly, the kids didn’t mind. The only thing that seemed off was that Webby felt a tiny pang in her chest as soon as he called her his “best friend,” but she was too happy that he was still alive, she could care less about anything else at that moment. She shoved that feeling to the side, dismissing it as nothing big. 
Or was it?
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monotonemanday · 6 years
Hey hey! #38 with Yoosung, fluffy or goofy? Thank yoooou~! ^^
Ayeo! Sorry it took light years, but here’s some floofs with the Yoos! 
“You fainted…straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.” Yoosung x MC
It was year 2 of University.
Year one, you quickly learned that student dorms weren’t for you.
Separate student housing? Some tiny apartments?
Sure. Anything was better than getting stuck with another insufferable roommate.
You had lived in your shabby apartment for two weeks now, but you were slowly making it a pretty happenin’ pad.
It was very much your aesthetic. So you didn’t care if paint was coming off the door.
You normally caught sight of your neighbors daily.
Passing them on the stairwell. Entering your apartments at the same time. Helping each other when you noticed toppling groceries or open backpacks.
You were cordial with all of your neighbors and they all found you quite pleasant, and you found you enjoyed these little interactions.
There was, however, a neighbor you hadn’t yet interacted with. At least not directly.
A blonde boy.
A cute blonde boy.
A cute awkward blonde boy.
A cute awkward handsome blonde boy
A, well, yeah. A boy.
You saw him. Often but he always seemed preoccupied. In a hurry? No more like…scattered.
Sharing a wall you heard your fair share of his daily affairs.
It seemed like a lot of yelling…and…whining? But both were…endearing. Cute.
The yelling was usually related to what you can only assume was online gaming. Being upset about not finding specific items on a raid or losing to a different guild.
More often than not you heard “AAAHH WHO IS THIS NUMBER ONE HACKER GOD?!” This was normally followed by a phone call from a friend he referred to as “Seven”
It happened that way so often you made the connection yourself. His friend Seven must be a giant troll. But you thought it was adorable your neighbor couldn’t piece it together.
You spent a lot of time, let’s say “overhearing” your neighbor. Because you were definitely not eavesdropping.
The whining, the yelling. You heard how he talked to his friends. Eventually, he answered the phone with a super optimistic “Yoosung here!’ and you learned his name.
He was constantly telling two people named Jaehee and Jumin that he wasn’t sure if he wanted to work at some big company. Or that they didn’t need to worry about him being responsible. That he wasn’t a baby.
Telling someone else named Zen that he didn’t want to run 3 miles every morning and go through an 18 step beauty regiment in the morning just to get a girlfriend.
And his conversations with Seven…well. You just tried to push those out of your mind.
But in all honestly, most of his struggles, you related to.
You felt like you were learning everything about him without actually interacting with him.
What you didn’t know, was that the lack of interaction was purposeful.
The reason he always seemed to fly into his apartment when you arrived at the same time.
Why he pretended to answer his phone and basically sprint if he saw you on the stairwell.
You were cute. So cute. Like, make his knee’s weak, palms sweaty, omelette on his sweater already, cute.
He couldn’t believe someone as angelic seeming as you had moved into the apartment next to his.
And what’s more, he listened to you too.
Listened to you play vinyls and hum along.
Cackle at youtube videos.
Make cute grunting, exasperated noises while playing console games.
He could only hear this through the thin wall connecting your apartments but anytime he envisioned it, his face was hot and flushed.
Neither of you had the courage to actually approach each other so awkward encounters for an eternity it was!
Well, until one fateful day.
You were getting ready for the day when you decided enough was enough. You psyched yourself up in the mirror.
"You are a treasure! You are cute as hell! So what if you are very awkward and can be pretty damn socially inept. That blonde beauty next door is yours for the taking, so woman up!”
You were still nervous but your self-pep talk helped…sort of?
Grabbing your backpack you started to turn the knob on your apartment door when you heard Yoosung’s voice.
“Look Zen, I will! I’ll talk to her. It’s just, what if she doesn’t like me? Or doesn’t think I am very manly? Or she laughs at me! Then I have to live with that embarrassment. We’re neighbors!”
Your lips curled upward like you belonged in a psych ward. Didn’t even know you were capable of such a wide and toothy smile.
Practically skipping downstairs you made your way outside to start your day.
Plans for the day, however, were quickly detoured.
You heard whimpering in some of the thorny and scary looking shrubbery you passed on your usual walk.
Deciding to follow the noise, trembling and terrified you found a small puppy. A boxer. No tags, no collar. Young. Like just got separated from the rest of the litter young. And you would definitely be keeping it.
The thorns and pricks tearing up your arm, mangling your clothes. You braved it all to rescue the pup. Even though your heroic efforts were successful you had to make sure the poor thing was actually in decent shape.
But empty pockets were a big problem. A college student living on their own did exactly walk around with a bag lined with foxy money.
Then an idea hit you like a ton of bricks.
Eavesdropping, errr, I mean, overhearing, paid off! Yoosung!
Studying to be a Vet. Currently interning as a vet tech.
Awkward and excited footing carried you back to your apartment building where instead of leisurely unlocking your apartment door, you were banging on the door of a certain blonde boy.
Minding his own business you were sure. Just being a blonde boy…doing what blonde boys do?
Okay, you really needed to socialize more.
Yoosung came to the door. Big purple eyes. Royal Gems. They stared at you in a flustered state of shock and awe.
“Y-yes?” He managed to spit out.
“Uhm, Yes hi, I well, there’s no reason for me to know this but you are studying to be a Veterinarian right? I found this poor pup, struggling and crying. I was wondering if you could take a look at him?”
This was his chance. Alright. Superman Yoosung. He took the small boxer from your arms and began to examine him.
You watched how gentle he was. He had this silent determination and you were impressed.
If ever there was time for your heart to murmur Doki Doki, this was it.
Yoosung finished his exam and gave the pup a small pat on the head.
“He is fine! Oh, it’s a he by the way. I think the poor little guy was just scared and in shock. Are you planning on keeping him?”
“You know, I am. I kind of adore him.”
Yoosung scratched the back of his neck nervously and gave you a bright smile. He went to open his mouth in hopes he could capture your attention longer by saying something suave.
That’s when he looked down at your arm and his expression changed drastically.
Something he hadn’t quite gotten over yet. Even though he would need to if he was going to help animals.
Blood made him squeamish.
You watched his eyes double in size. His shoulders tense up. And then finally his face turned a ghostly pale.
Instincts took over and you held out your arms.
About 8 minutes later, he came to.
His head felt like it was set on a cloud and he could feel something unbelievably soothing happening where his hair was.
You had his head elevated in your lap and you were gently brushing his bangs back off of his forehead.
“Did I…oh god did I pass out?!”
“You fainted…straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.” A slight smirk was on your lips, but it quickly turned into a gentle smile when you saw how pink his cheeks had gotten.
“I…your arm. It was bleeding. I’m not very good with blood. I guess we have to work on that.”
“We?” Now it was your turn to change shades. Your face grew warm and Yoosung developed a little smirk of his own.
“After that embarrassing display, you didn’t think we were just going to stay eavesdropping neighbors did you?” Who is this smooth man?
“You’re right! Hmmm, how about, the first thing we do, however,” You scooped the tiny boxer pup into your arms as Yoosung sat up from resting on your lap. “We name this little guy.”
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wonderhevrts · 6 years
Daz Games sentence meme !
Daz plays Until Dawn #1
Collected the best bits of Daz Black playing Until Dawn -game. On the first part are sentences from #1-#5. More sentences under Read More. Feel free to change the pronouns !
click here for #2 !!
"If that is the case, then we should really eliminate all butterflies."
"Oh Jesus Christ i'm gonna get everyone killed."
"Cabin in the woods type of deal.."
"I like hot girls in cabins."
"Oh man, what a slimeball."
"Oh man, bitch alone in the woods.."
"I wouldn't actually be out here! I'd be at home! With a cup of tea!"
"Oooh a reindeer!"
"Holy shitballs and deers!"
"Don't say hello. Stop it. You don't want an answer."
"For Christ sake bitch, i'm wearing my new Yeti boots and you are really pissing me off!"
"No you're not, you just.. You just wanted the D."
"Oh, you lost your phone. What's gonna happen to your Twitter account now?"
"Are they dead? Yeah, they're pretty fucking dead."
"What a bad start.. I'm a monster!"
"You're gonna ruin your fancy-as-shit jacket, bitch!"
"Oh my god, you did not listen to me!"
"Don't have time to be feeding squirrels."
"That is really really odd, i'm not even joking. Haha, and i've been to several strip-bars this week."
"____, I'm gonna throw you off the cliff!"
"Yeah, it's his penis."
"We're gonna shoot some shit? I can do this! Right?"
"Catch some zzz's brah!"
"Bra-strap effect!"
"____! You're dead first, if i get the choice!"
"I'm still gonna punch you."
"AAAAHH! Why!? Such a dick!!"
"Nail his arse!"
"Hahahaa! Having so much fun before we all die!"
"Hah! You ain't getting any of this booty!"
"We know what's going on! We know he was just out there caressing his ex!"
"You dick.."
"I'm gonna be nervous if you keep smacking the table like that."
"You creep me out."
"I'm not coming out with you on a Friday then."
"I'm not paying you next time. I hope you know that."
"No you know what, screw it. I'm gonna ask her out. No no no, not now. Later, later."
"Oh god, why do we gotta walk so slow?"
"That's a bit worrying.. I mean i'd take one look at that and i'd be gone."
"Ready for senior prom.. No, they weren't. They perished."
"Ooohh-whee.. I thought that was a person.." *nervous laughter*
"I completely wasted time, coming down here!"
"Is that jacuzzi-tub?? I'm so getting in there!"
"Oh yeah, he saw the two hugging. Shit's gonna go down."
"I'd dump her, there and then!"
"Oh yeah, selfies!"
"God, everything with these guys is just about sex, isn't it.. It's never about anything else."
"Just keep the torch on the booty."
"Uhh, totally bitch. That's where we're going. You think i'd be out here for any other reason? Oh my god.."
"Did that happen in the shed?? Fuck that, i'm not going in there!"
"Fuck me, sideways, now.."
"Well, your music taste sucks, that's one thing."
"Where is this cabin? Who built it out here? Are they stupid?"
"Fucking CHINA heard that!"
"Could've gone back to the other cabin but noooo.. No, now we're in a mine."
"I didn't do that deliberately, i swear!"
"Four times now, we've nearly died."
"Why are we out here? Why are they putting us all the way out here?"
"This is so unfair. If my friends did this to me, i'd beat the shit out of them."
"Man these two need to relax and have a cold shower."
"A fucking owl in my ear!!"
"Shitballs! Shitballs!"
"I once saw my dad fix a pipe. So i can fix a pipe. I'm super plumber blonde lady!"
"Whenever you're in a cabin, it doesn't matter what noise it is, it's always the killer!"
"Yeah great, thanks. I really need company going into the basement of the big spooky house with no power and the killer outside."
"Oh yes. All this for a bath."
"I've never ever had this tense feeling from holding a torch before!"
"That was not funny! That scared the shit out of me!"
"Can we please just get to the cabin, that apparently, is the same distance that Frodo walked to Mordor!?"
"Don't make me feel bad, you shit."
"I'm obviously not paying you enough, if that's how you decorate your office."
"There's a meat hook by your window, sir. And your curtains are shredded."
"We're doing an Ouija board??"
"She just screamed, did you wanna hurry??"
"Take your time. Probably only being murdered.."
"I don't understand, why is there a mask just floating in the air in there?"
"____, when i find you, i'm gonna FUCKING MURDER YOUR FACE!!"
"So funny, love. Haha. You're dumped."
"We've been walking for what seems like a day!"
"No, don't antagonize it!"
"Why are all the deers arseholes??"
"I mean i love my friends and all, but i'm not out here to do this."
"I'm starting to think that there really is not-- Wait a minute, that looks like a cabin."
"That's not a fucking cabin, that's a shed!! It's got holes in it!"
"Well. I give it precisely an hour tops, before someone pulls my pants down and does stuff against my will."
"No, lets scare her, that bitch. She deserves it for what she did to me."
"Meathooks! Hanging from the ceiling! That means i'm going this way! Bye!"
"I'm gonna find a deer, in real life and i'm gonna punch it in the THROAT!"
"What is it with the deer out here!? No wonder people shoot them!"
"Serves you right for being a DICK!"
"Comfort it?? It's got half of it's neck missing!"
"There there, it's okay deer, it's fine. You're gonna die, but it's fine."
"They said that in the Jurassic Park about the Raptors."
"I'll sit on your head!"
"I just like, feel like they don't fully understand what just happened. He just pulled a deer's head off.. And they're fine!"
"What now? Should we go down to the fucking Levi's store and get you some new jeans?"
"Get a log, stick it in. This is log simulator."
"We're gonna strike the match. AH! Nothing more satisfying than that in life, am i right?"
"Am i that ugly? Thanks!"
"Hey. You want the D, not me."
"Apparently all i can do is show that i have marvelous wrist movement.."
"Alright yeah! I'm on for the blanket! I'll knit you one right now if it'll make you happy."
"Wha-- What am i doing? What am i doing with my head? Have i got a condition!?"
"Love.. I swear to God. Shut up."
"There's the map to Mordor, where we just fucking walked.."
"You say blankets one more time, i'm gonna make a blanket out of your scalp! Shut up!"
"Why don't you fucking do it!?"
"Don't give me the option to pick up the gun, it's the first thing i'd fucking do!"
"Oh my god, it's her phone.. And it's playing Macy Gray.."
"You don't want to know why it came from the window by itself."
"Don't-- Don't go out there. I'm not coming out there after you!"
"Oh my god! She got sucked through a window!"
"Your friend who got sent out in the middle of Mordor, she got sucked out of a window."
"We need a Scooby Doo, is what we need."
"I mean is no one paying attention to how the fucking doors open by themselves in this place!?"
"You don't fire me, i quit!"
"Ow fuck! Ow! Why am i using my head!?"
"What the fuck does Slipknot want with me!?"
"I don't know who that is, but i call him Slipknot apparently!"
"Oh he's bought a.. A scarecrow! And served me.. What looks like a dead cat."
"Starting to think if the therapist, is the one who needs the therapy."
"I don't like ____, she's a bitch.."
"Hah! He knows! He's in my fucking head."
"You know what, i'm thinking about going with another therapist, who doesn't have a naked scarecrow in their room.. If that's cool?"
"___ got pulled through a door, didn't she.. And Slipknot attacked us!"
"I don't think shouting for ____ is working, just wanna point that out."
"Get your lantern, that's it boy. Gun is probably more important.."
"That's it take your time, please.. Girlfriend's not being killed or anything, that's fine.."
"She wasn't the brightest tool in the kit, but she was fit!"
"Circle! Triangle! Square! Circle! Shouting them helps, i'm sorry."
"Okay jump. Jump jump jump, just jump. Just jump!"
"Come on, what's next? I can take it! AAAHH!!"
"___ is just such a beast! He's in a beast-mode right now!!"
"Oh yeah, lets just do it with our bare hands. I like your style, ____."
"You might wanna grab some wood or something to bash the shit out of him."
"Oh, now he's got away. Because you forgot to load the gun, ____!"
"Fuck, ____ is dead, i can't believe it.. And i've got a tank top on in the middle of a blizzard."
"Slipknot didn't kill ____. Does he just like girls or something?"
"Either someone spilled ketchup, or that's ____'s head-juice."
"What the fuck's this? AAAAAHH!!"
"How is that a clue? It's a pig's head! In the middle of the woods!"
"I love walking through the woods. This is like a walking through the woods simulator!"
"Stop shouting! Stop it! He's only gonna hear you!"
"It's a Jigsaw-shit!!"
"Please give me the option to do nothing! I can't choose this shit!"
"Oh man, this is so mean!"
"I don't think he's okay, he's all over your jacket!"
"Oh for fuck's sake.. Who the fuck is that!?"
"Fuck you. You're the worst therapist ever!"
"I hope you fall out the window. Which shouldn't be hard, because you've done very good job at barring it up."
"You don't exist, because this room is changing."
"Oh fuck, here we go."
"Sanatorium? I'm going in there?? Fuck's sake.."
"Really don't like wolves. Really would not like to get eaten by wolves!"
"Careful now, ____.. Wouldn't wanna fall like ____."
"If she's alive, that's very very mysterious."
"I don't know, i'm starting to question everything! My therapist isn't real!"
"Shut up! Bloody howling at the moon.. What's the matter with you?"
"Okay we're going in. Probably won't be able to go in through-- Oh! I was wrong."
"No, it's locked. Yeah, i get it. I get what 'locked' means."
"Morgue?? Why not. Why the fuck not."
"Let's go to the morgue! I'm sure nothing bad happens down here!"
"Now we've got a weapon, we can fuck him up with it and his dogs."
"I'm making hotdogs tonight! Hahaha!"
"Aah you know what they say; See a big wolf shadow, go the other way! That's the old saying right?"
"Hey Skeletor! See ya later!"
"So i think i'm looking for a pass.. Or a hand? That's a fucking hand."
"Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off! Oh my god! Oh my god!"
"I'm not cutting my fucking fingers off!"
"Oh they're gonna fucking make me do it, i'm gonna have to cut my fingers off!"
"Why did i touch it? Why?? This is why we can't have nice things!"
"You just cut your fingers off and you're making jokes!"
"There's my fingers. I'm just going to leave you there guys.. Sorry fingers. I wish i could've taken you with me, still attached."
"Fucking rats crawled out of him/her!"
"Welp! My job is done here. Minus two fingers, so i'm gonna go."
"Now i'm gonna fight him.. With two less fingers and i'm probably bleeding to death."
"____, what are you doing, mate? Come on, i know you're losing a lot of blood, but lets try to stay on topic here."
"Psycho crib.. We're on MTV's psycho cribs!"
"So what have i got in mah fridge? Haha, let me tell you son! I got a head of my wife! Haha! That's what it is! And a few dead guinea pigs!"
"Here boy! Here boy! I've got you my partner's knee bone! You want a knee bone? Who wants a knee bone?"
"Apparently i'm the fucking dog-whisperer.."
"Well, you know what they say! .... I actually don't know what they say."
"Is it loaded? Check if it's loaded you fucking idiot!"
"Well now we know it's loaded, and whoever is still in the building fucking heard that!"
"I've lost a lot of blood, right? I cut my own fingers off, it's been a very stressful day."
"Serial killer guy doesn't really know how to pick where to live.."
"Oh shit! Slipknot's watching us!"
"Damn you Slipknot."
"Oh yeah! We are a lumberjack!"
"These guys are Captain Obvious."
"How about rule number 3, suck my arse? Did you forget that rule?"
"If you fall.. Not gonna lie.. Wouldn't care that much."
"It's fine. Take your time. Don't slip. Break your neck.. Would hate to not have to listen to your wingy fucking voice anymore.."
"Yeah, i'm coming.. Just like, tempted to push you off the ledge though."
"Holy cannoli? Who says that anymore??"
"You're dumped! Holy cannoli!"
"What are the odds that one of these boards are gonna snap?"
"I keep trying to predict what happens and then it doesn't happen and then i feel silly."
"What in seven shades of shit.."
"Just slap it, it's a deer!"
"Yeah bitch, a lot's been happening whilst you've been bathing."
"Oh, we're nakey! I like this game now. Those are some amazing pixels."
"Hopefully there's not a mechanic to pull the towel off.. Am i right??"
"Hide, hide! That was probably a fucking stupid choice!"
"Ohh Slipknot's gonna see me, it's so obvious where i am!"
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heycoffeeatmidnight · 6 years
“Oh my God! Taylor, you’re still wearing that dress from last night?” Tree says, shocked that the singer hasn’t changed since she last saw her.
“Well, good morning to you too, Tree.” Taylor says sarcastically as she holds the door open. Tree enters the room and closes the door behind her.
“It’s almost 1 in the afternoon. You need to change.”
“I’m not feeling well.” Taylor says.
“Taylor, I’m sorry to hear that. I really am. But you need to pull yourself together. You have a show tonight!”
“I need coffee.”
“You need to eat something! What happened last night?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Okay, but here’s something we need to talk about. We need to talk about your show tonight. Joe will be there.”
“Ugh.” Taylor says in disgust.
“Where are you going?” Tree asks as Taylor starts walking away from her.
“I’m going back to bed.”
“Taylor, it’s 1 in the afternoon!”
Tree follows her to the bedroom.
“Go away, Tree. I’m going back to sleep.” Taylor says as she tucks herself into bed.  
“Taylor, I know you’re not in the mood but you need to take this seriously. Just listen to me, okay?” Tree says as she sits on the bed.
“So Joe will be in the audience during your performance.”
Taylor rolls her eyes. Tree ignores it.
“And then you have to hang out with him after.”
“Yes, seriously, Taylor.”
“I just want to perform and go home.”
“You haven’t seen together in a long time. People are wondering.” Tree explains. 
“Let them wonder.” Taylor says indifferently.
“Taylor please—“
“I really need coffee!” Taylor says, her eyes closed. She slowly massages her temples with her fingers.
“Do you want me to come back when you’re ready to take me seriously?” Tree says. She knows Taylor had a bad night and she wants to be empathetic but she also has a job to do and she feels that Taylor is not giving her the attention that she deserves.
Taylor, being the consummate professional that she is, realizes that she’s being unfair to her publicist for acting immaturely and immediately apologizes.  
“I’m sorry, Tree… I’m sorry. Go on. Tell me about your plan.”
“So I was thinking maybe we’ll have Joe in the audience and he can film you while you perform.Get the picture? I think fans will love that. And you also need to display some PDA.. Maybe during Ed’s set?”
“The ideas that you come up with, Tree!” Taylor says, shaking her head.
“I know you don’t like it but you know how it goes.”
“Did mom say anything to you last night?” Taylor says, changing the topic.
“No. She was pretty quiet when she came back. I’m really sorry about that, Taylor. She was so fast. I just excused myself for a couple of minutes to take a phone call and when I came back she was gone.”
“That’s fine. It’s my fault. I should have just told her.”
“How are you, by the way?” Tree asks, genuinely concerned about the singer.  
“I’m okay.”
“You don’t look okay.”
“Well, I am… I’ll be fine.” Taylor says softly.
“What happened with Karlie?”
“I really don’t want to talk about it.”
“Okay but if there’s anything I need to know, as your publicist, you need to tell me, Taylor. We talked about this.”
“Well, you can relax now, Tree. We’re not back together if that’s what you’re asking.”
“I’m sorry… I really am.” Tree says sincerely. 
“Yeah… It’s for the best, I guess. Anyway, just tell me what I need to do. I’ll do whatever you want. Let’s put on a show.”
Karlie looks outside the window of the airplane, lost in deep thoughts. The plane just took off.
“Hey, are you okay? You’ve been awfully quiet.” Josh says.
“I’m sorry. I don’t feel very well.” Karlie says. She’s wearing sunglasses to hide her swollen eyes.
“Does this have something to do with your date last night?” Josh asks.
“It wasn’t a date, Josh.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“No, not really. But thank you.” Karlie says, pleased to hear the genuine concern on Josh’s voice.
“Okay. I’ll leave you and your thoughts alone.” Josh says and closes his eyes to sleep.
Karlie, who’s still quite lost in her thoughts as she looks outside the window again, tries to replay the event of the previous night in her head. They are over. That’s for sure. As the realization hits her, tears begin to slowly roll down her face. It’s all beginning to sink in and her heart is broken. 
New York. A few days after. Karlie is having breakfast with her friend, Derek.
“Isn’t today Taylor’s birthday?” Derek asks.
“Yeah, it is.”
“So are you planning to call and greet her?”
“I don’t know… Maybe.” Karlie says.
“What’s up with you? You look all out of sorts.” Derek says, taking a bite from his sandwich. 
“Yes, really. Did something happen in London that you’re not telling me about?”
Karlie ignores the question and takes a sip of her coffee.
“Oh my! Something did happen! What’s going on?” Derek asks.
“Nothing.” Karlie says, not looking at her friend.
“There is something! I know you, Karlie. Come on, tell me!”
Karlie takes a deep breath. Thinks about it for a second and finally realizes that she needs to talk to someone about what happened. Otherwise, she might just explode if she continues to bottle up her emotions.  
“Okay, fine. I’ll tell you.” 
Karlie starts telling Derek in detail about what happened between her and Taylor in London. From the exchange of text messages to them making out to Andrea finding out and finally to them agreeing to simply remain friends.
“Shit.” Derek says after Karlie is done telling the story.  
“Shit? That’s all you’re going to say?” Karlie says.
“I need a minute to process it.” Derek pretends to take a moment. Karlie can only shake her head.
“Poor you! Come here, let me give you a hug.” Derek finally says as she tries to give Karlie a hug.
“Derek, you’re being so dramatic!” Karlie says pushing Derek away.
“You must have been so devastated!” Derek says.
“Yes, I was… I still am.” Karlie says, starting to feel emotional.
“Aww… You know I love Taylor but I love you more and I hate her for doing this to you.”
“It’s okay, Derek. You don’t have to hate her. I understand why she’s doing it. I know it’s hard for her, too. Plus, I agree to it. So it’s our decision.” 
“No it’s not your decision! She made the decision for both of you. How can you stay so calm about it? She dumped you twice!”
“Wow. Thanks a lot for reminding me, Derek!”
“God, I don’t think I can handle being friends with my ex, especially if I still have feelings for that person. This is a mess.”
“Well, I mean, what’s the alternative? Not have her in my life completely?” Karlie says. She pauses before adding, “I know she breaks my heart again and again but I still love her… I can’t unlove her just because…”
“You’re a saint! That’s all I’m going to say.” 
“We’ve agreed to remain friends. So I’ll try to be a good friend.”
“Karlie, it’s not going to work. I’m telling you now. You can’t be friends with your ex! You’ll never move on!” Derek tells her.
“I know some ex couples who managed to remain friends.”
“Really? Name one.” Derek says, challenging his friend. 
“I’m sure there are a few.” Karlie says as she struggles to come up with names.
“Look, even if there are, I’m sure they hated each other first and became friends only like 20 years later.” Derek says.
“Why are you being so negative?”
“I’m not! I’m just being realistic… Oh God, I have a brilliant idea!”
“Come to Peru with me!” Derek says excitedly.
“It’s in South America.”
“I know where Peru is, silly!”
“You need to join me in Peru and celebrate the New Year there! You need to go out, party, drink, meet new people and do all crazy things! Seriously, you need to get your mind off Taylor.”
“I don’t know. I’ll think about it.”
How can I possibly get Taylor off my mind? That’s impossible.
“Okay, think about it. I’m going to email you the details. Hold on.”
Derek opens his phone and forwards the travel details to Karlie. “Sent!”
“That was quick!”
“I want you to see it asap!”
“I’ll check it later.”
“Okay, fine!” Derek says. He checks his phone again and this time he scrolls through his Twitter feed.  One post catches his attention.
“Oh my gosh! Have you seen this?”
“Seen what?” Karlie asks.
“Taylor Swift and BF Joe Alwyn Show Major PDA During Ed Sheeran’s Performance.” Derek reads the headline.
Karlie laughs. Derek looks at her.
“You know that’s a stunt, right?” Karlie says. 
“I don’t know, girl. They look very coupley to me.”
“They do not! Let me see that.” Karlie says and grabs the phone from Derek.
Karlie reads the article. She remembers how Taylor reassured her in London and told her not get jealous of “some guy I barely know.” But the picture of the two of them together, his arm around her, makes her feel extremely jealous. She know it’s an irrational jealousy but she can’t help it.
“Here.” Karlie gives the phone back to her friend.
“Are you okay?” Derek asks Karlie, who suddenly goes quiet.
“Of course.”
“I’m fine, Derek. We’re just friends. She can do whatever she wants. And I can do whatever I want.” Karlie says, a bit annoyed. “You know what? I’ll go to Peru with you.”
“Are you being serious?” Derek asks, clearly surprised.
“Yes, I am.”
“Really? Oh my God!” Derek gets up from his seat and gives Karlie a big hug. “I’m so excited! Aaahh! It’s going to be so much fun! I promise! Let’s book your flight!”
“Stop, Derek! You’re making a scene!” Karlie says, laughing.
“I don’t care!” Derek says, laughing with her. “It’s going to be fun!” 
Derek eventually goes back to his seat and finishes his sandwich. 
Karlie suddenly comes up with an idea.
“Maybe I should ask Josh if he wants to join us in Peru?” 
“The idea is to have fun, Karlie. Why would you bring Josh along?” Derek says.
“Because he’s my boyfriend.”
Derek laughs. “Pseudo boyfriend. But okay, do what you want. Invite Josh. That may not be a bad idea.”
“Okay, I’ll ask him.”
Rhode Island. Taylor just had dinner with her family to celebrate her birthday. She and Austin are in the kitchen doing the dishes.
“Are you okay?” Austin asks.
“I am. Why does everybody keep asking me that question? Jeez!” Taylor says, mildly irritated.
“Because you don’t look okay, that’s why. Is this about Karlie?”
No response from Taylor.
“Has she called? Did she greet you a happy birthday?” Austin asks.
Taylor shakes her head.
“Oh wow. Nothing, huh?”
“For whatever it’s worth, she did post something on Instagram.” 
“There you go.” Austin says.
“But that’s not the same as calling, Austin.” Taylor says, visibly disappointed.   
They remain quiet for a moment. The younger brother finally breaks the silence.  
“Did something happen between you two? Wasn’t she in London about the same time as you were?”
“How did you know that?” Taylor asks, looking at her brother.
“I know stuff, Taffy. Far more than you think.” Austin says with a grin on his face.
“Yes, she was in London… And we broke up.”
“Whoa, hold on. Weren’t you broken up in the first place? I don’t understand.” Austin asked, confused.
“Yeah, the first time that we broke up, it was kind of up in the air. It wasn’t clear. We didn’t really talk. Nothing was settled. This time, it was different. We had a mutual agreement. We decided to just stay friends.” Taylor says and lets out a big sigh.
“How’s that going for you?”
“Not so good… Friends call you on your birthday, don’t they?”
“Yeah, I suppose… Hey, it’s only 8pm.” Austin says, making a weak attempt to reassure his sister.  
“I can’t believe she’s going to let my birthday pass without calling.” Taylor says, as she starts to feel extremely sad about the whole situation. “She said we’re going to be friends.”
“Taffy, you know people say things they don’t really mean.”
“I know but this is Karlie we’re talking about. She says things and means them.”
“Yeah I know but…”
“But what?”
“Look, even if she says she wants to be friends maybe she’s not ready for that. Maybe she’s still hurting, you know. Give her some time… God, why am I giving you relationship advice?” Austin says with a nervous laugh.
Taylor remains quiet.
“Taffy? Hey, you okay?” Austin asks, obviously worried about his older sister.
“Austin, I think I might have just lost the love of my life…What if this is really it? It’s all my fault.” Taylor says. 
“Hey, don’t cry.” Austin gives her a hug. “Shh, it’s going to be okay.”
“This is the worst birthday ever.” Taylor says as she continues to cry in muffled sobs. 
(Note: Hey, I know it’s been a while! So sorry for the late update! This has been sitting in my draft folder for quite a long time lol.  I will continue to write so don’t worry:) Would love to hear your feedback. Thanks so much! ) 
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taephoriia · 7 years
Why do you want me to leave? - Kim Taehyung {A} {F}{S}
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Request by: anonymous
Genre: angst, fluff(at the end)
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Words: 1788
Note: i hope you like it!, Request anything you want!
So here im sitting and being super confused, how did we become like this we’ve never fight or atleast yell at each other but not for today it feels like we are two different people, i hate fighting and especially with him.
“Omg you are so annoying, why do you always think the worst of me!?” He yell at me, “because you always do the same to me!” He stand ups “no I don’t” he stay still to afraid to move “i always treat like a princess and now you treat me like your the queen and im a servant” he grabs my chin for me to look at me “im sick and done with that” i slap his hands away and stand up, “listen thats not how i treat you!! You neglect me so many times your always busy with bts and im proud that you can do what you’ve always dreamed off but IM HERE TO! I NEED LOVE AND ATTENTION” i yell at him he looks at me “leave!” What!? Why do i have to leave? “GO NO!! AND DONT COME BACK!” I stand up and grab my bag “WHY!!?” He pushes me towards the door “IM DONE WITH YOU, YOUR ARE SO CLINGY AND THATS WHY EVERYONE LEAVES YOU I FUCKING HATE YOU!!” Bang there goes my heart the one and only hates me, i hang my head low and open the door and walk away.
After i got home i drop my stuff and i walk towards the shower, putting the bathtub full and i undress myself and step in, why and what did i do to deserve this kind of treatment!, after an hour i step out and out some comfy clothes on and i walk back to the kitchen and grab a bottle of vodka, and I pour myself a glass and sit on the couch and start thinking about what happened, i put a movie on and i start to get really sleepy vodka always makes me sleepy, and before i know it im off the dreamland.
I wake up hearing someone calling me “y/n?” I feel someone shaking me, i open my eyes and i see my best friend standing there looking very concerned, “whats wrong?” She asked me “nothing, i was just sleepy”, she doesn’t believe and and pick up the bottle of vodka “uhmm, whats this then?” I quickly grab it and out it away “nothing, i can have a drink right?”, she nodds “ofcourse, but most of the time with you it had a reason so what did he do this time?”, i look down and i start to cry “ohh its that bad?” I nodd and i sit back down on the couch and she sits next to me, “just tell me everything okay sweety?” I take a deep breath and look at her “okay”, after 2 hours of talking “take a shower, and sleep it off and i will be here when you wake up okay sweety” why is she so sweet, love that woman so much “okay, i will thanks for being here for me” and i walk towards the shower and after that i step into my bed.
“Bestfriend POV”
Haha stupid girl i swear she is the dumbest I’ve ever met, i start to walk to her office and i open up the desk drawer and grab a key and open up her safe and i grab some money, after that i leave a note that i had to handle something real quick and i walk out, after arriving at a cafe where i have a date with someone i sit down and order us some drinks, a few minutes he arrives “hey baby” i stand up and give him a kiss but he rejects it i look at him weird “im not your baby, and you know it i fucking screw it up with y/n”, “seriously tae, you didn’t she is happy i just was with her”.
“Back to Y/N”
I wake up and I noticed that she is not around so i put some watm clothes on and my shoes and i walk towards a little cafe i like to go to, i walk in and i see two people i wish I didn’t saw once y/b/n sees me she quickly grabs his shoulders and kiss him, he push her away and stand up and turn around to walk away but before he can see me i run out of the cafe, “Y/N!!! WAIT!” I turn around “WHY SHOULD I WAIT HUH SO YOU CAN SCREW HER INFRONT OF ME” he try’s to hold my hand i slap him away “No no no!! I dont want her ever since she knew what happened she has been stalking me!, I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE PLEASE IM SO SORRY THAT I BROKE YOUR HEART” and there comes the tears “Taehyung, you broke my heart and you cant fix it anymore” he wants to hug me but i walk away he stops me “please, just come to the dorm tonight and we will talk i beg you!” I look at him and nodd and walk away from him.
How can she betray me this way once i arrive back home there she is waiting for me, “omg y/n are you okay?” I walk pass her and open the door and slam it infront her face, “listen y/n im sorry” i turn around “HOW DARE YOU HOW DARE YOU! I TOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!!” I give her a slap in the face and i grab all the things we ever got and all the pictures “HERE GET OUT OF MY LIFE!” She nodds and grab the things and walks away, im i really going to him tonight? I take shower and i out some clothes (insert link of clothes (on the word clothes)
So here im standing infront of the building ugh okay just go there and dont come out until you’ve said what you wanted to say!, i ring on the bell and wait for it to be opened, once it open i step into the elevator and wait till it hits the right floor, i step out the elevator and walk towards the dorm, i knock on the door and right away taehyung opens the door i walk in and put my shoes off, we walk towards the living room “where is the rest?” I ask him, “i asked if they could leave for a fee hours so that we could talk” i nodd and i sit down on the couch, “do you want something to drink?” He asks me “yes some green tea please” he nods and walk to the kitchen, after a few he comes back with the tea and gives it to me and he sits next to me, “okay talk before i walk away” he looks at me and start to explain everything, “did she really do that?, like how did she knew we broke up?” “Because i wanted to know how you are and by visiting myself i knew you would not open the door so i asked her because you two were best friends” i nodd understanding everything “but that doesn’t change how you treated me before we broke up”, he hangs his head down “i know, and im sorry”.
“Sorry doesn’t heal my heart tae” he looks at me “you called me tae again!” He smiles and i just roll my eyes “because it’s easier to say, listen you broke my heart by calling me clingy and saying that you hate me and thats the reason why everyone’s leaving me” he grabs my hand, ohh what did i miss his hands, “i know, I didn’t mean it i was so stressed and tired and i know thats not a good way to put that all on you but I couldn’t control myself, please give me an another change i promise i wont do that anymore and give you more attention and the love you need” i look at him, i cant resist this man ughh.
I grab his face and i start to kiss him he holds me right away and kisses me back, he lets us falling down on the couch and he start to remove my jacket and my shirt he gives me kisses on my color bones, he removes my bra and start kissing and massaging my breast, “ohh yess”, i grab his blouse and i open it up and give kisses down on his chest, i open up his pants and removes them along with his boxers, his hard cock bounces against his stomach and i grab his hard cock, and start licking and putting him in my mouth, “oh yess y/n faster!” I start to suck him faster and also massaging his balls, i deep throat him and he grabsmy hair to help, “aaaarrgh yess i-im” he cums and i swallow it, he picks me up and walk towards his bedroom once we are there, he throws me onto his bed and rips all my clothing off of me, he puts me on my stomach and put my ass up in the air, he start to smack my ass “you like it huh?” “When im rough” i start to maon like crazy, and then i feel him thrusting inside of me he pushes my head down on the pillow and start fucking me even harder.
“Aaahh t-taee yess uhhh harder!!” He smacks my ass and goes even faster, he spreads my legs so he can go deeper, he gets out of me and lays down on his back and i sit on top of him, “move your hips babygirl” he grabs my hips and leads me, i out my hands on his chest and move my hips faster, “aahh i-i can’t take it anymore” he pulls me down and start kissing my neck, he moves my hips faster and harder, “AHH Y-YESS IM ABOUT T-TO CUM!!” After we hit our climax i stay in the position, “dont move yet, im very sensitive” i lay my head on his chest.
After we collect ourselves he lays me down next to him and pulls the blankets over us, i put my head on his chest and he gives me kisses on my forehead, “ i love you so much y/n, are you still mad?” I smile “no I forgive you, but dont do it again and i love you to taetae” we give each other a kiss and we both fall asleep.
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xoxoxo ~
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amenomiko · 5 years
Before You Know it..
Pairing: IkeSen Ieyasu x MC
Rated: M (Smut)
Type: One Shot
....At first,
It was only to release each other's pent up feelings. It was only a mutual agreement of one night stand and that's that.
She had been rejected. By the loyal right hand man of Oda Nobunaga. Forcing herself to adapt to new surroundings of the past stressed her mentally, and he was the one to make her feel like it's home, even though the way they begin their greetings was bad. He treated her, spoiled her, until she fell in love so deep than the love he has for her.
Before she could bring herself to confess, he smiled wryly, saying that she was only like a little sister to him. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Ieyasu had found her by the lake, not to far from Azuchi, where he coincidentally just got back from plucking some herbs within the mountain areas. At first, he refuses to pry, but since she is the so called "Lucky Charm" to Nobunaga, he had to get himself involved, like it or not. He can see her tears brimming endlessly but before he could approach her, she rose from where she sat and loses her balance.
The herbs from his arms fell in instant as he run after her, holding her tight in his arms. He asked angrily if there is no better place to kill herself, yet, she responded by crying into his chest. He was taken aback indeed. Sighing, not only he HAVE to get himself to approach her and now she is crying..? Oh for the love of-
Suddenly she made a request.
It froze him right away.
"Please make me forget..! I beg of you..!"
His face twisted the moment he blend it all in his tired brain. She even BEG him, to woo her, to make her FORGET about the REJECTION. "Don't mess with me..! Aren't you being ridiculous and selfi- mmmf..!!" She had pushed him first, kissing him deeply, and they fell onto the grass because this new situation right here is too much until his knees gives in. He tried to push her, not to hurt her at the same time even though his heart is fuming with anger. But somehow her tears stopped him, even his hands that were tugging on the back of her kimono gets weaken. Especially when her tongue dances with his; energy slowly leave him when she moaned into the kiss.
Their lips break apart, and his heart give a slight "Thump!" as his eyes glances at their single slick of mixed saliva the moment she pulled away. "Mmm-.." MC whimpered to his bulging that brush against her entrance, where Ieyasu himself couldn't fathom how he can be aroused just from a kiss. He sigh, and he turn her body to be at his bottom. He leans and pauses very close to her flushed lips, mumbling, "Don't regret after this. I will be the one who will take your virginity, you got that..?"
She didn't say anything, only sliding her hands into his upper haori to pull him into another kiss. "Please.." She cried again. "...Tch." He takes her leg to rest it over his shoulder, grunting, "....Just this once."
From one it becomes twice. From twice to thrice, and from thrice to..
He had lose count. After that first day they shared an intimate moments together, they act as if nothing had happened. MC only said "Thank you" and "I'm sorry" to him, in which he didn't reply. But then, before he knows it, she had come again for the second time, and the third. No conversations, and only a 'look' they've given to each other to proceed with their usual rendesvous session. A glance, too, is more than enough. Or just a simple brush to his hand, he gets the message.
Still, there are time when they didn't do it, they only exchange a few secret, deep kisses, until MC feels weak in her knees. Ieyasu would always catch her, and they will continue their kiss again. And again. And again. They even did it before attending war council, earning a tease from Masamune of why both of their lips looks as if it is swollen.
There's also one time of where Ieyasu wonder why it never stop. Realization hits him. But all he knows is that, he will hate it whenever Hideyoshi pats her head lovingly, and she smiled sadly in return. He didn't know why he was angry; there's a slight heavy feeling in his chest. "..MC." He find his throat growling when he utter her name. "Come with me. You need an ointment to your swollen legs."
Before MC and the "Brotherly" Hideyoshi could ask, he already pulled her away from Hideyoshi, and despite MC winced and say that her wrist is painful, he keep on pulling her to push her into his room, leaving the door slightly open on purpose and grip on her wrist when she tried to escape, and kissed her deeply.
"Mmm..!" She gasped for air, only to be kissed again. "Ieyasu..! Why- mmm..!" He undressed her harshly, licking and biting on her neck and shoulder as he do so. "Nnnh..! Ieyasu-..! A-Aaahh..!!" She writhe desperately to get away from him as he suddenly spread her legs apart to lick her warmth. Deeper and deeper, licking into her wet entrance and she only could tug on his hair roughly from the pleasure. "Mmmh..! Ieyasu..! Not there..! Ah..! I'm cumming-..!!"
Ieyasu licked and swallow all her cum, holding her legs into place when she quiver from ecstacy. He keep on licking her again, and again, sucking on the side of her thigh, biting on it while rubbing his dick on her clit. MC licked her lips, she can feel her clit throbbing with need to his dick. "Ieyasu..! P-please..! I-..! I want you inside me..!" She blushed when he look at her, smiling into her bitten thigh. She moaned again when he tease her entrance with his dick head.
"It seems this is a habit of ours, hm?"
Her eyes widened to his words, but she lowered her eyes to meet his. "...Do you hate doing it..?" She tightened her hold on the tatami beneath her. "I know it was selfish of me but.. When I realized it I.. I think I.." Tears started to form in the corner of her eyes. "I never regret it at all. To do it with you. Instead I.. I feel so safe when I'm with you, Ieyasu."
He didn't respond. He only stare at her.
"D-do you-...no, you can hate me." She cupped her face. "You can hate me because I'm the one who started it all, I'm-""Be quiet."
"Eh- a-AHHHHHH!!!"
He entered her fully. Without giving her time to adjust, he move to thrust in and out of her. "Then don't hate me for doing this to you. Before I know it, it has become an addiction for me to pleasure myself roughly on you like this." She shakes her head. "It's alright.. You can use my body as much as you want.. I deserve thi-""Who said it's about using your body? Just calm down already."
He pulled her up into a sitting position as he thrusts more and more into her. "I-Ieyasu..? Mmmh-..!" He kissed her again, twirling his tongue with hers, and she melted into it. He pulled away, continuing, "You didn't even give me time to reply, and you come into conclusion on your own." Her hold around him getting tighter as his movements getting frantic. "Nnnnn!! Ieyasu..! I'm coming.. Ah- Mmmmnnnnhhh!!!" He buried himself deep into her, riding throughout the release. "Nnnnh..! So warm..!" Fluid after fluid pumped into her, she just loved the way Ieyasu cumming inside her everytime they have sex.
She rest her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes into full bliss when Ieyasu kissed her neck. "Ieyasu..?""What is it?"
"Is it alright for me to hear what you wanted to say..?"
"....There's nothing much I could say. Isn't it enough when we have shared our secret?"
Kisses after kisses. Then sex. And every sex is always full of bliss and never a rough and desperate ones. No matter how they didn't talk, Ieyasu would always prepare her medicine to ease the soreness within her.
"But still.. I just wanted to say that I.."
"I love you too. Happy?"
She giggled. For the very first time she giggled happily like that. She stopped as Ieyasu pushed her gently to rest his forehead on hers, kissing her softly on the lips. They slowly lay down onto the futon as Ieyasu move again inside her for slow sex. Sharing a kiss with each other desperately as they go for another round of sex, more and more to indulge with one another.
Hideyoshi has been listening to the whole moments they share their love with each other. He is concerned with MC's condition, and so he followed them right after Ieyasu and MC left the hall.
He can feel his own bulge rising whenever MC moaned in Ieyasu's touch, disappointed with himself for having those kind of feelings towards her; late in realizing so. He had secretly pump himself and cum when MC screamed from pleasure and to add more into that disappointment..
MC had grinned towards him, smiling as their eyes come into contact with each other. She purposely moan more when Ieyasu came inside of her, licking her lips to get Hideyoshi's attention. He was flabbergasted to the look she gave him, and now he cursed when he give himself another self pleasure, imagining that moan and look from her in his mind.
He panted, his hand slowing down when his cum coated all over his hand. Resting his forehead onto the table in front of him, he cursed again,
"Damn it..."
That's what you get for being too "brotherly" hewhew 👀.
No worries, MC is not bad. She's just want to give lesson of lifetime to him. BAHAHAHAHA 💕
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