#then when I came out to them as demigirl they just looked at me with smiles and asked me what that meant lmao
Similar to the other post I just made but I need to scream it again into tumblr because I want to: MY PARENTS ARE SO AMAZING you guys if you think people from different generations can’t understand us (especially queer people) that’s not true my parents are literally the best
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mangora · 16 days
Emma (TD23) or Beth for the ask game, perhaps??
Emma (23):
Sexuality: Sapphic; I’m not sure if she’s a lesbian, bi, etc. but she definitely likes girls
Gender: I generally think of her as a cis girl (she/her) but I’ve also seen hc’s where she’s non-binary/a demigirl/etc. and uses she/they or she/bun, which is pretty fun
Ship: My favorite for her is definitely Zemma, but tbh I like her with a lot of characters; I could see her with Priya, MK, Julia, Caleb, Damien, Wayne, Axel, Nichelle, or Scary Girl tbh
BROTP: Her and Bowie had suchhh a fun friendship, I’m so sad they never reconciled. I also like her and Scary Girl as friends. And her and the Hockey Bros
NOTP: Don’t even think I need to say it but Chase, get a job stay away from her ‼️
Random Headcanon: She really loves musical theatre, she’s in her school’s theatre program and tries out for every musical despite how awful her singing is. Her favorite musical is Cats, but she likes pretty much everything that’s ever been on Broadway. Or anything that’s big on tumblr. I know she was so annoying when Hamilton came out and she watched those Heathers animatics every day in middle school
General Opinion: Emma’s so fun and also adorable, she’s just so silly. She’s such a girlfail and I want good things for her. However I’m kinda sad by how much she was sidelined in the show, I really wish we could’ve seen more of her ignoring or rejecting Chase in season two and becoming a stronger player, making friends and being more confident. If there’s a season three I hope she makes the merge
Sexuality: Pansexual
Gender: Definitely girl, not sure whether she’s trans or cis but she’s girl as hell
Ship: Beth and Lindsay are very cute but I also love Beth and Leshawna, as well as Beth and Courtney
BROTP: Her and Cody were such a fun duo, I miss them. I also think her and Harold or her and Noah would’ve been fun
NOTP: Her and Justin as a ship makes me kind of uncomfortable tbh
Random headcanon: She roleplayed Warrior Cats as a kid and bit the other children
General Opinion: Honestly I love Beth, everyone’s so mean to her and sure her writing could be a bit annoying at times (mainly when she was talking about Brady or fawning over the boys), but overall I loved how authentically herself she was in season two, and how she was mostly nice and helpful. Sure she had slip-ups and could be a bit uppity while looking down on people like Courtney or even Leshawna, but I think its because kindness is genuinely important to her and she gets upset when she or others aren’t kind. She was trying her hardest and I honestly think she deserved to win. You guys just hate to see an autistic girlboss succeed /hj
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So like heres the thing, ive always wanted to yap about my gender journey but I havent came out to anyone yet, so like at first im like just a girl and whatever the hell and perhaps even a bit confused about my gender so at certain point i discover what a demigirl means and im like "OH FUCK THATS ME" so yeah very cool but YEARS LATER I start questioning my gender more, like "ay sometimes I feel more boyish yk? Maybe theres something different here" and like, ive never thought about being trans before cuz i never hated my body or myself or my name, I pretty much loved myself but then I start questioning "Oh hey what if I AM trans?" And I started to look more into it but I wasnt sure because I didnt knew if I really liked the idea of being trans, I didnt like the idea to have to choose my gender because maybe I was doing the wrong choice, but the thing is: I started looking into more genders, and I was like "Oh Im def not nonbinary cuz Im not a they them I dont like that idea at all" (and yeah i was right) and i was also like "Oh no I dont wanna be G E N D E R F L U I D because thatd be weird like always switching my gender" (Funfact yeah i wanted to swap my gender all the time, i constantly thought about it but just didnt like the genderfluid title in specific) But then like months later i see a video on youtube of "how to know if your genderfluid" and thats when it clicked. So I started looking into genderfluidity and started actually understanding and relating to it and well.... Wow, turns out I am gendefluid. And I kinda like the title now
Now im in a journey of exploring the genderfluidity. Perhaps testing switching genders online? Or even thinking about how I wanted my body to be, etc etc. Im pretty much very less confused now, although I get a bit frustrated when I have to pretend to be fem when Im feeling masc lmao. Also, still thinking about wether im gonna or not come out to someone
Thank you for yapping! I'm glad you're less confused now, and I wish you the best on the rest of your gender journey
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mrslittletall · 4 months
As soon as video games started to have character creation, I always would make a female character to play with. Because I thought because I am a girl, I need to play as a girl. It would be weird to play as a guy as a girl. But also... those characters were never my self insert. I never wanted to play as me. My husband always just makes himself and gives his character his name, but I never gave her my name or my looks. I think once I named a character after myself after my husband prompted me to and it felt so WEIRD! That was not me, that was a character! I should have named her something else! Then when WoW came around, I discovered roleplaying. I created characters and I gave them backstories. But they still were all girls. Until I decided to give it a try and make a male character. Long story short, that one is one of my longest and most beloved OCs now. And since then... something in me... changed, I guess? I suddenly figured out that I can just make up some guy. But it still took a while. In the meantime I found a way to make my "self insert" work. I always called her "Hikari" (my real name means light and as the weeb I am I used the japanese word for light as nickname) but I always made her in a way that didn't look like me. Red hair, pretty face, only thing from me were the green eyes and I only chose them because they look so good with red hair. If you see me play as a "Hikari" that is my self insert, but I never feel that it is me. And Hikari never ever turns in an OC. That is just my avatar to play the game. Well, but since I created my first male WoW OC I was thinking... why do I always make female characters and they go nowhere? And then I tried to make more guys. And now we have Tempest. And I put Laurence into a bunch of different universes so that he is basically my OC of that universe. And then I made my Tarnished Tobias and while he still needs work, he has a story. And at the same time, I gave another woman character a chance and made Blaze and having a character that is not meant to be myself is so much more fun to me. And when I started FF14 I was like "Heck yeah, I am going to make a catboy RIGHT away" and even though I needed some time to figure him out, I am obsessed over this OC now. I don't even know where I want to go with this... but I think... my OCs and blorbos are a way for me to explore what being a man is like without being one myself? I don't think I am transmasc. I don't want to transition into a man at all. I love female clothing and presenting female. But... I often wish I could just change genders at will or grow a dick and basically be futanari... which is part of why I identify as demigirl under the non binary spectrum. I don't know... I think I just wanted to talk about what it means to me to have male OCs and why I don't like to self insert.
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shimmer-wolf-arts · 5 months
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Also, @pansy-picnics always inspires me to write/ramble about the same things LOL
But yeah, we share the headcanon that Hugo is genderfluid.
Cuz honestly, look at them. There's no way they aren't!
Ramble about Hugo headcanon incoming:
So, Hugo uses he, they, and she pronouns. Corona mostly uses he and they, but Varian, Grace, Nuru, and Yong will use she if Hugo tells them!
Hugo suppressed his feminine fluxes a LOT growing up. They presented as a man 99% of the time (except when she tried infiltrating the Ingvarran army at 16), mainly for their own safety. He grew up in an orphanage with only boys, who were already bullying him for being attracted to guys, and Ingvarr was notoriously transphobic overall, thanks to the Queen. So Hugo had to hide that part of herself.
Upon meeting Varian and the gang, and slowly beginning to trust this group of queer peeps (Varian being bi and on the ace spectrum, Grace being bi, Nuru being a lesbian, Yong not knowing what he is yet but being 100% supportive. I'm thinking Yong might be nonbinary in some way idk), Hugo started letting his guard down a bit.
The first thing she asked was if Nuru could help her paint her nails after they did the Trial in the Dark Kingdom. It was small, but it made Hugo feel a bit more feminine.
Upon returning to Ingvarr for the Iron Trial, Hugo asked Grace if she could make hair extensions for them out of her perpetual ice (aka ice that didn't melt). Their hair was already growing out, but if Hugo was to disguise themself in Ingvarr (you could literally be arrested for either trying to escape or for coming back AFTER escaping), they needed to look different.
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It was little things like that on their journey that made Hugo feel a touch more comfy with himself.
After the entire incident at the Eternal Library and things calmed down, Hugo started wearing a bit of makeup! Nothing too much, just eyeshadow and a bit of mascara. But once she started dating Varian and Grace, she finally came out to them. Fully.
Hugo didn't always feel like a guy. Sometimes, they felt like they were nonbinary (specifically demigirl), or like they had no gender at all. Varian and Grace didn't care. In fact, they were even happier since Hugo didn't have to hide that part of herself anymore!
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Hugo had gotten his hair reshaved and cut when the went back to Corona for the final Trial, but after that, he just let it grow. He kept the shaved part maintained, but the top part grew a LOT. It gave him the flexibility to present it either really feminine or really masculine, or androgynously. And no matter what flux Hugo is in, they always have painted nails. Hands down, always green nails. And hell, they'll even wear makeup even if they're in a masculine flux. They just really like it.
But yeah, when Hugo is in a feminine flux, she goes ALL OUT! And she SLAYS in whatever outfit she wears!!
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octahedral-chaos · 3 months
Question for you about some characters we talk about less - how do you tend to characterize Summum or Demon? Quimera? Yin-yang and Duality?
Second question that just occurred to me: How do you think the main cast of Worldless would handle an Exit game? What about the collective of Duos across the AUs, if put in the same room? The Avens? (For context if needed: Exit games are basically an escape room scenario, but condensed into cards, a booklet, a decoder, and a box.)
Also: *chucks a large weighted blanket through the door, with assorted plushies burritoed inside*
Thank you! Pretty sure everyone would love the plushies!
Also for the Exit game, I think the main cast would have a lot of fun (Especially Summum and Angel), the duos from across the timelines would also probably have fun (I could see Duality! Edda and Eclipsed! Aven having fun, correct me if I'm wrong @mystic-131).
As for the Avens, well, this is our first time hearing about Exit Rooms! It sounds like fun, maybe we should try it one of these days...
As for how I hc the other characters of Worldless? *Clasp hands* Oh boy, I have a LOT of ideas!
Summum - They/ it
Looks scary, but is actually a sweetheart.
Likes being around the duo, and is very curious.
Very protective of those who it considers its friends.
Demon - She/her
Yes... I hc Demon to be trans-
Anyways, I call her Ted and despite being scary-looking, she's quite chill.
Would LOVE TTRPGs if they existed in Worldless, also may or may not have a massive collection of figurines of different TTRPG characters.
Quimera -it/its
A silly little guy!
That's unfortunately all the characterisation I have so far-
Yin-Yang - they/he/she
The one brain-cell holder for the ENTIRE cast
Pretty chill though. Would yell at anyone who did anything dumb though.
Duality - she/they (lamp) and he/it (Shade)
Ah... Lamp and Shade... the chaotic duo...
Lamp is a bit of a cuckoolander, Shade is more grounded and can be quite blunt.
Lamp also likes to help with stuff to the best of her abilities, and is very, VERY optimistic at times.
Shade is a bit more realistic but is somewhat silly at times.
Dark Paladin -they/ she (Yes... I feel in love with fem! DP because of @many-faced)
Chill but will deck you if you mess with anyone.
Also would crack jokes at random times (Especially during the night)
Lightning Nightmare - it/its
Chaos. Absolute chaos
Very mischievous, loves to play pranks on everyone.
Very hyper too, literally can't stop fidgeting or teleporting around (Unless in spear form)
Unicorn and Phoenix
Literally just a random horse and bird that the duo encountered
Angel -they/ she
Very chill, goes by Chicken (they love chickens) and likes to help others.
Would fistfight anyone who mess with her.
Is in a relationship with Lamp... yes, they're all lesbian.
Old One - she/ xe
Yes, this version of Old One is a girl! Well... demigirl, but still
Her name is Gris, xe is not that old compared to other takes on them and she will fight someone.
Very different from canon Old One, instead of going insane when They came out, xe tried to help the duo and hide her deterioration from them until her death. To say that the duo was crying when they realised would be an understatement.
Also loves to make stuff. She gave Edda an bandana, which she wears all the time now!
Also unlike most Old Ones, she can be very feisty. She would use a bat as a weapon in all honesty.
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genderqueerdykes · 2 years
Can you explain how your transfeminity works with your transmasculinity? I wanna use transfemmasc but I wanna hear why others actually use it before I decide.. And also, how does your transfeminity work with the butch label?
yeah! those are very good questions, thanks for taking the time to ask! ^ _ ^
i think i'm going to start identifying with the label genderfluid again, because i think i do experience fluctuations in presentation and identity- sometimes we are femme, sometimes we are butch, mostly due to the nature of being a system, so i think including the element of fluidity in our identity is very important!
as for transfeminity and butchness, you can be a transfem butch! amab and intersex transfem butch lesbians are still transfem, it's just that you're transitioning to a masculine kind of femininity. you might identify as a woman but a butch one, or, in my case, a butch fem and woman aligned nonbinary person. i'm not taking estrogen due to the fact that it makes me feel extremely fucked up, but i am still transfem in the sense that i have very femme days due to having femme gay men in my sytem as well as femme lesbians, and when i identify as butch i am identifying as a woman aligned gender, just not a binary one- i don't feel comfortable saying i'm a trans woman, but i'm the closest nonbinary equivalent- demigal/demigirl is pretty good. the fluidity makes things a bit wobbly at times as well. technically i identify heavily with the term lesboy but that's due once more to bigenderism & butchness
my transmasculinity is a bit tough to describe these days, but the way i best describe it is my transsexuality. i needed my body to be more masculine because my physical dysphoria was crushing. my body was all wrong. my family would NOT let me keep my beard, they kept forcing me to use nair to remove it and i was so tired of that sensation. i also liked my facial hair and just... didn't like the way i looked without it. i snapped and stopped taking estrogen and went on T and suddenly i felt so much better in my body and more comfortable as a person.
i identified as a trans man for a very, very long time, and i've been questioning that label lately, as i'm not sure if it's a good fit. when i came out in 2011 - 2012, i told my family and friends that i was "a person". and when they couldnt' accept that and kept gendering me as male since i said i wasn't a woman i complied. i went well. if you won't see me as a person, i'll settle for a man. and i did this with the rest of society. i appreciate you sending this ask because i've been wanting to personally step away from the trans man label. i don't think i'm a trans man. i have some alters in my system who are men, but on the whole idon't think we ever really identified as a man OR woman- we've always been "people". it's also hard to really have an identity label designed for a single person when you have so many people living in a single body.
i think i can experience multiple genders at once at times, and i also experience fluidity between them due to systemhood. but, if you want a simplified answer, i'm a genderfluid bigender transmasculine transsexual (in reference to my HRT) neutrois & agender person, and a transfeminine butch demigirl/enby. at times it's easier to say transfemasc/transsexual bigender nonbinary person, but i think after dropping the trans man label, i feel a lot better, and i feel this is the most accurate. =) i'm reclaiming my neutrois & agender identities from when i first came out, i'm not going to let people tell me who i am anymore =D
that being said i am perfectly fine with helping trans men, as i lived as one for a decade! and i really love helping trans men realize that it's okay to be a man, it's okay to be masculine, and also how to get on testosterone, and get the help they need. so i don't want trans men to stop sending asks, i still <3 trans men and the community, i just don't think i identify as one anymore, i'm tired of adopting a label that just isn't me. but i'm okay with being seen as an honorary trans man of sorts. also due to my intersex condition it makes things very difficult :'- )
anyway thanks for taking the time to ask! if there's anything else you're curious about let us know we're happy to help! take care, good luck in your own journey
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Heyhey loves. So I've been really confused with my demigirl side of my identity. It just doesn't really feel like me ya know. So I've been doing some research and at first I came across demiflux, which it seemed kinda accurate for me but I wanted to do some more research. I then found demigenderflux, which honestly really confused me with demiflux, but I did further research and I understood better. But I just wasn't too sure, I wanted to be absolutely positive about it. Then when I was looking at definitions for these 2 identities, I came across the term genderflux, and I was like "dang it another one" of course I was curious, read the definition. I was very intrigued with this actually. I did more research on it and honestly I feel like it fits me pretty well, because I'm completely confident in my identity as Non-Binary, but I also fluctuate between how my gender feels and demigirl just never seemed right. So from now on I will be identifing as Non-Binary and Genderflux!! I'm so glad cause I feel really confident in this identity and it's took me so long to find out. I will still be using they/them pronouns cause those are the only ones I feel comfortable with and I hope y'all can respect my decision! Love y'all ♥︎❥ᥫ᭡
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Could I get a jist or at least a summary of your alters? Like what are they like and want do they enjoy?
Well my main alter that has been here for quite some time, its name is Moxie. It seemed to have already known its name from the start, even before I'd started hearing them.
It uses, It/Its, pronouns, and are Genderless/Agender.
They also aren't human, they're more of a "little devil" as it's put it. It's a small devil gremlin creature. It's the trauma holder of the alters.
When it talks its voice echoes slightly, but when its talking through me, it's just my normal voice, though, it tends to come out when I'm angry, like very angry and my voice gets louder when it comes out, and it tends to make the situation worse, and it knows this. It tries not to, but that's just how it reacts when it start fronting.
It isn't violent, it's just more bold and loud, and even more confident than me. It speaks its mind, no matter if it hurts someone's feelings. That's just how it is, and it doesn't regret it or feel sorry for it, but I do when I hear about what it did, even though I, usually, don't remember doing it.
My second alter is my more "soft spoken" side, to put it simply. Her name is Mue, which is a Japanese name for "beautiful".
Funny side story, while I was doing dishes talking to them out loud, I had said that she didn't have a name yet. Yes, she was there, but she didn't know what to call herself, and she said she wanted a "pretty" sounding name. Though not my deadname. Neither of them like my deadname.
Anyways, she tends to keep me quiet when she fronts. Whenever I start getting overwhelmed with emotions, and start to cry, they keep me silent, because she knows that if I open my mouth, it'll just be nonsense, or just sobbing.
Basically, they're the reason I respond to people yelling at me to freeze, even though I'm also crying at the same time. It's because she's aware that Moxie will just escalate the situation, and I'm not good with words, so she just makes me keep my mouth shut, because they think that's what's best.
Although, this tends to happen when I was arguing with my stepdad, and he's very impatient, so when she came out and made me be quiet, it was really hard to deal with. Because he would start yelling more and tell me to speak, when I physically couldn't say or do anything.
I honestly didn't know what to say and I would say she's more "inconvenient" than anything, and she feels bad for doing so.
Also, forgot to mention, Mue is human.
Mue also, uses They/She pronouns and is a Demigirl.
Also, when she's fronting she's why I don't feel uncomfortable when I hear people using she/her pronouns.
But, when Moxie or me are there instead, it makes us both uncomfortable. Not like anyone else knows though.
She looks very feminine, her cheeks are more pink, like blush, and looks like younger me.
She also doesn't really have a voice, they can talk, but she doesn't need/have to. Her voice is very quiet, like a whisper, and it's more high pitched, sort of like Fluttershy, but even quieter. They never really talk, but I still understand how she thinks and feels. We are one in the same after all.
Anyway, that's basically the jist of them, I hope you can understand, and I know it might not make a lot of since, but it makes sense to me at least.
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itsyourstarboy · 2 years
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✨Babe OC✨
Baaabe is up next in my redacted listeners! I love how she came out, she’s gorgeous ❤️
Info about them under the cut!
Hot damn 🥵🥵
My Babe is named Pixie and uses she/they pronouns
Her hair is naturally blonde, and she dyes it with cheap box dye. The dye is usually a vibrant hot pink when she first puts it in, but after a week it’s already faded into that streaky pastel pink
E-girl babey 🖤
She is dominant most of the time when it comes to sexual intimacy, but very submissive when it comes to basic affection. Poor thing doesn’t know how to handle a compliment.
Tell her she’s pretty and she blue screens
She keeps to herself a lot, having been raised to only speak when spoken to, but if you get her talking she is loud.
Pix just wants to be heard
Their laugh is described as obnoxious by some, but Ash loves it.
It’s a very contagious laugh
Her love language is teasing, so if you think she’s bullying you, she’s actually flirting.
Ash wears one of those bracelets that is locked onto his wrist, and she has the key on a necklace <3
They work middle management at their office job, and they hate it.
However, they’re good at it and it pays well, so they don’t see a reason for leaving.
They’re a master at painting, she’s been practicing for over 10 years.
If she could, she would make a career out of it, but she thinks she can’t.
It was kinda instilled in her from a young age that art isn’t a real job...
Ash has tried to encourage them to profit off of their work, but his attempts have proven fruitless.
She’s definitely painted Ash in the nude (more than once)
The first time, he was just trying to be funny, and stripped in front of their canvas going, “paint me like one of your French girls”.
She was like, “okay, bet,” and now there’s a portrait of Asher hanging in their bathroom.
Milo refuses to use the bathroom when he’s over there.
30% sweet; 15% silly; 40% mom friend; 5% organized; 20% horny
They can’t fight for the life of them, I’m sorry.
She jumps at everything, especially loud noises.
She’ll drop something and her hands immediately fly to her chest to curl into herself as she preemptively flinches at the dreaded clang of object hitting floor.
She can, however, run very fast
And scream very loud
They are so tired of pizza and wings but don’t have the heart to tell Ash, so they just make sure they have dinner plans for every night.
They have some basic cooking skills, not the best, but better than their mate so it’ll do.
She is the BIGGEST sucker for Ash when he’s excited about something. Like she can’t bring herself to ever burst his bubble.
If there’s a movie coming out that she thinks looks like shit, but Ash is really excited about it, she will toughen up and go see the movie with him.
If it ends up being a good movie, sweet! The two of them had an enjoyable date night and now they can discuss the movie on the way home
If the movie ends up being as bad as Pixie predicted, she will have to physically restrain herself from making out with Ash in the theater (because she may be bored, but he’s not)
They’ll leave the movie and Ash will be chatting a mile a minute about everything he loved about it, and they’ll just smile and nod, because they may not have had a good time but Ash is really cute so they don’t care.
But if Ash genuinely asks for their opinion, they’ll be honest.
Just not as brutally as they’d prefer.
She has social anxiety, but she’s used to dealing with it since she works around so many people.
That, and she’s an extrovert, so she has to socialize sometime.
On bad days, where they get headaches from the stress, they’ll wear soft, comfy clothes (which prompts Ash for cuddles because soft, comfy babe)
If she’s at work on these days, Ash will surprise her by showing up during her lunch break with her favorite foods <3
Pet names for Asher include: Hun, Baby, Bugs, Boog, Puppy
They want a chinchilla.
Ash has a fear of chinchillas.
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peaches2217 · 1 year
2, 21, and 25? 🫶
Yay! Thank you! (In regards to this prompt)
2) Describe your pronouns. What are they, and why?
She/Her and He/Him! I'm bigender, in my case being male and female. (I got called "Cis+" as an insult in an NB group once, but honestly that's not a bad way to look at it - both of my genders are binary, but they coexist rather than being mutually exclusive opposites.) I don't really prefer one pronoun set to the other; rather, I prefer to be called by both interchangeably!
To that extent, please, please don't refer to me by they/them pronouns (unless you just forget/don't know my pronouns and do it out of respect, in which case that's totally cool!). Admittedly that was the catalyst for the Cis+ comment (something to the extent of "Lol you claim to be nonbinary but your genders are binary and you're adverse to they/them? Looooool you're literally just an indecisive cis person"), so I've been especially sensitive to that ever since 😅
21) What are your favorite things about being multigender?
I'm gonna be corny here: I just love knowing who I am! I kicked around being bigender in high school, but ultimately decided I was my AGAB with tomboyish tendencies. But throughout adulthood, the signs that it was more were always there: I've always identified more strongly with male characters in media, and as a writer, I find it easier to write from a male POV. I've always love being perceived as male; I have short hair and look fairly androgynous from the back, so at work customers would sometimes get my attention with "Excuse me, sir?" They'd apologize profusely when I turned around to reveal a baby face and a sunflower hairclip, but I'd be on Cloud Nine all day and I could never quite explain why.
At the same time, I never thought I was trans. I've always been perfectly happy being a girl. I spent most of my life shunning my femininity (my formative years were smack-dab in the middle of the Not Like Other Girls trend), but in my early 20s I began really embracing it, letting myself wear makeup and dresses and bright colors, and I've loved it ever since! But I could never shake my ties to masculinity. I couldn't explain it.
Last year I finally got fed up and did some soul-searching with friends; they suggested maybe I was a demigirl or demiboy, but those labels didn't feel right, because I'm not partially either, when I dig down deep. When asked who exactly I am, "I'm a woman" and "I'm a man" both feel right, but suggesting I'm more/less one than the other doesn't. "Bigender" came back up, and I was like "Oh. Maybe 17-year-old Peaches really was onto something."
ALL THAT TO SAY: My favorite part of being multigender is being able to understand and embrace myself to the fullest. I'm not a girl with masculine tendencies and I'm not a guy in touch with his femininity. I'm a man as I am a woman. Discovering that has been life-changing.
25) What's your favorite art/music/writing/etc about being multigender? (Things not explicitly written as such are OK too!)
Not sure if it counts as art, but this symbol:
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because it perfectly encapsulates and answers the mystery of my own identity. Not all bigender people are male and female or masculine and feminine; the beauty of the nonbinary is that everyone's experience is so varied! But as someone who's only recently come to realize she can be both at the same time rather than having to choose, that simple, silly little symbol just makes me so happy.
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peonyblossom · 2 years
Sapphic Styles Interview for Transgender Awareness Month
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Book: Red Carpet Diaries Pairing: Thomas Hunt x nb!MC (Jackie Winters Hunt) Words: 506 Form: Interview Rating: General Warnings: Mentions of gender dysphoria Summary: Jackie does an interview with a queer magazine for Transgender Awareness Month A/N: for @choicespride Trans Awareness Week event
Sapphic Styles sat down with actor Jackie Hunt to discuss their gender in honor of Transgender Awareness Month! Check out the interview below.
What does being transgender mean to you?
To me, being transgender means not fully vibing with my assigned sex at birth, but still embracing it when I wants to. I’m AFAB, but I identify as a demigirl, so my gender is still very feminine and there are some days where I embrace that femininity more than others. I like to allow myself fluidity.
How easy/difficult was it for you to come to terms with your gender identity?
It was pretty hard. Since I was raised a girl, but I’m actually a demigirl, there are a lot of similarities, which made it easy to mentally invalidate the differences. 
What is your  favorite thing about their gender?
My favorite thing about my gender is the fact that I don’t have to limit myself. Before I came to terms with being a demigirl, I found myself limited by my gender and how I could acceptably express myself - which in part is because I grew up in suburban Iowa. But, I no longer feel that way and feel like I can express my gender any way I want. 
Who was the first person you came out to? How did they react?
The first person I came out to was my best friend, and now agent, Chazz. He had already come out to me as gay and I had already come out to him as bisexual, so we’d had some conversations about gender before, just not how it applied to either one of us. He was very accepting and had a few questions, but was very respectful about the whole thing. 
What triggered their gender exploration/crisis?
2013 Tumblr. I was on the site a lot during high school and saw a lot of posts about different genders and people’s experiences with them. But the term ‘demigirl’ really stuck with me and I so I looked more into it and talked to some internet friends about their experiences with gender. 
How did Thomas react when you told him? Does your gender affect your relationship at all?He knew before we started dating that I’m a demigirl. He found out during the audition process for The Last Duchess. My acting resume has my pronouns on it - which are she/they - so he asked about it. As for how my gender affects our relationship… it kind of depends on the day. We don’t subscribe to a lot of heterosexual norms in our relationship, so we don’t really think about gender all too much. I would say it affects our relationship most when I’m feeling dysphoric and need some comfort - which Thomas will glady supply! It’s been especially difficult lately being pregnant. Most of the time, it’s fine, but when that gender dysphoria creeps in it is a bitch. Thankfully, Thomas has been great throughout this and we are so excited to welcome our baby in just a few months!
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I have spent my life trying, and largely failing, to fit in with a gender. Any gender. Any group of people around me, I have tried to be one of them, one of their gender. And I've failed.
When I was very young, I didn't fit in with boys because they were boys. And I was a girl. I didn't understand what that meant, not really, but I knew it was supposed to be very important. So I was fine with that. I didn't need to be one of the boys! I could make friends with all the girls!
I could not make friends with all the girls.
I tried to pretend I was no different from them, but that didn't go so well. It wasn't even because I was too masculine. I was just too weird. I didn't know when I should talk and when I should be quiet, I depended on rules and structure far too much for any classmate to tolerate me, my interests were stupid, I didn't know social rules that everyone else had apparently been taught.
So, the girls of my childhood never really considered me to be one of them, but that wasn't for my lack of trying. I tried so damn hard. They liked dresses, so I liked dresses. Dressing like them was the closest I could come to being like them. I would lie and say I understood what everyone else was talking about, even when I didn't. My sort-of-friends, those who didn't mind me quite so much, would suggest raiding our mothers' makeup and trying it on, and I would go with it.
And then I stopped trying, because I found a new gender expression where I fit. The Girls Who Weren't Feminine. The other weirdos, the undiagnosed neurodivergent kids, the girls who liked sports too much to be "girly." I was one of them. I was just like them. I belonged.
Sort of. Except for the part where my interests were made fun of, or they threatened to stop being my friend because I said the wrong thing, or I spent my recess running back and forth to resolve a petty argument my friends were having.
It was the best option I had.
And then we hit middle school, and The Girls Who Weren't Feminine grew out of their "not like other girls" phase. They liked social media. (I didn't have a phone.) They liked makeup. (The one time I wore it for real, not painted sloppily by a seven year old, I was told I looked like a completely different person. I did look like a completely different person. I didn't like that.) They liked boys. (I was slowly, slowly realizing that I did not like boys.)
It wasn't just my friend group that I felt I no longer belonged in. I felt that way around all my female peers. They wanted bigger boobs and I wished mine would disappear. They wanted their body to look like an hourglass, and I felt sick every time I saw my own curves. They were eagerly awaiting when they might get their period, and mine was my own personal hell.
And locker rooms. Girls' fucking locker rooms. I felt like an outsider to womanhood more than I ever had before when changing for PE. I could never shake the thought that I was an intruder, that I was invading their space. And if the girls there knew what I knew, that I was attracted to girls, they would see me as a creep.
No, I didn't fit in with girls very well when I was in middle school.
When my best friend came out as nonbinary, it slowly led to my realization that I might not be cis either. As I dipped my toe into the waters of gender experimentation, I tried to categorize myself as nonbinary.
I didn't consider that I might be a boy. I thought I had to have always known. I thought I couldn't be a boy if I sometimes, sort of, wanted to stay a girl too.
So I tried to be feminine-aligned nonbinary, demigirl, girlflux, and none of them worked. I knew I couldn't be a cis girl, that my gender couldn't be confined to that, but nonbinary was an incredibly uncomfortable identity for me. I hated they/them pronouns. I hated calling myself a term like "enby." I hated placing myself outside of male and female entirely, or proclaiming myself genderless.
I still tried, because I knew I wasn't a girl, and I didn't think I was a boy, so I must be nonbinary. Even if I didn't use the term. I tried genderqueer, a term so vague it was easy to fit, but I didn't understand myself and no one else understood me. I wasn't like my other nonbinary friends; I didn't change my name to something neutral, I didn't use they/them, I didn't bind, I didn't dye my hair or "dress nonbinary," whatever that meant.
They were the closest thing I had to a home, but that wasn't very close.
Even as I've explored a masculine gender, I've never felt like I fit in with men. Even trans men. I don't think they see me as one of them; how can I be a man if I use he and she pronouns? They think I am less of a man than them, if they think of me as a man at all.
I enter a men's bathroom, and I think; I've gotten lucky so far, but is this going to be the time my luck runs out and I get clocked? I enter a woman's bathroom, and I think; Can they tell I'm not a woman like them? Am I going to get yelled at for invading their space? I walk the halls to the single unisex bathroom, and I think; Only the weirdos have to walk the length of the entire school just to use the bathroom in relative safety. There's nowhere for me to feel normal.
Feeling normal has started mattering less, as I've found people who don't need me to be like them in order for them to like me. I don't understand my friends who are girls, as they discuss femininity like it's a foreign language, but I'm grateful to have them. I may not relate to all of their experiences, but I'm happy to talk to my friends who are boys. My nonbinary friends and I have very different genders, but we'll support one another.
It's not the worst thing in the world, to never completely fit in with a group of people. But I do sometimes wish I could find a gender to call my home.
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fawnedover · 2 years
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[ bree kish, demigirl, she/they. ] ✧・゚ is that 𝓹𝓱𝓲𝓵𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓪 ‘𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓪’ 𝓪𝓵𝓫𝓮𝓻𝓸 who just stumbled into town? rumour has it that they’re the 23 year old child of bambi & faline . i’ve also heard that they’re 𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓸𝓬𝓲𝓸𝓾𝓼 but 𝓯𝓵𝓾𝓬𝓽𝓾𝓪𝓷𝓽 and have 3 siblings. i could almost swear i heard christine by siouxsie & the banshees playing when they appeared. [ cirice, 24, est, she/her. ]
hello , everyone ! i'm cirice , and this is my newest darling , philomena . there's a bit more information about her beneath the cut here , if you'd like to give it a read ! i look forward to interacting with you all . i'm hoping to have an Actual Theme thrown up sometime tomorrow - ish , but my main concern is writing , so forgive me if things are not quite so pleasing to the eye for a period . feel free to contact me via discord or tumblr ims ! i'm always here to chat , and i'd love to plot .
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𝓫𝓮𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓮 .
it was with the kiss of dawn that philomena entered the world , the fourth & final fawn born to the current great prince of the forest & his dearest wife . she was born with an inquisitive twinkle to her keen gaze — it was hardly a rarity to find her venturing off at a moment's notice , nor to catch her trotting after her siblings or parents as she plagued them with questions . why was the first word she spoke , and it stuck , hurled at anything or anyone in the vicinity . in her world , no leaf was left unturned , no flower unnamed , no answer allowed to be deemed unsatisfactory . with so many curiosities to sate , you would think philomena lucky to have been the youngest of the herd : without the responsibility of the crown , she was given freedoms her eldest sibling was never afforded ; so too were they often free of their mother’s watchful eye in the way the twins weren’t , given the twins’ proclivity for troublemaking . quick to learn & quicker still to change subjects in search of the next new thing with which to occupy her time , however , philomena often found herself growing bored of what was readily available . it seemed there was nothing in the sanctuary of the forest that could sate them ; or , conversely , maybe it was that they did not know how to find satisfaction — yes , there was a sense of fulfilment with every new achievement she earned , but it never felt like it was enough . the feeling never stayed — blink , and she'd miss it . gone with the wind , just another breeze passing through the foliage . though it wasn't often spoken , be it by herself or anyone else , a sense of envy had begun to settle itself in the recesses of her mind . a rotten tangle of barbed vines , lashing out in longing whenever she deemed those in her life as being better , accomplishing more . yes , there was a certain jubilance & freedom that came with being unbridled by the minutia of heirship , but philomena was growing ever anxious as she found herself lacking direction . she felt off course — and worse , she wasn't even certain of what course she was supposed to be on . her interests were vast & varied , yes , but maybe that too contributed to the problem : with so many options , nothing ever really stuck . she had a habit of taking a superficial interest in things : gorging herself on them for a week or so , only to pass onto the next thing once she'd had her fill . there was nothing she felt particularly drawn to ; no special calling . no hand of fate to guide her . she was merely there , not the heir , nor the spare . of course , her family was not void of love . her parents were kind & supportive , always checking in , but naturally , a monarchy will always be the stake between parents & their children . with their own list of responsibilities needing to be tended to , it was easy to offer philomena the space they thought she needed to find herself . what was meant to be viewed as trust within their youngest child to make good decisions , to allow her the time & room to carve out her own path , mina misconstrued as the purposeful distancing of those meant to help guide her . it only furthered the jealousy and frustration she felt . she assumed that , given her status in the line of succession , her parents must have viewed her as of so little consequence that it did not matter one way or another what they did . hurt , she turned to the court : always having been known for her wit , she was hardly estranged from the other creatures of the forest , and sought the surface-level comforts of their attention & praise . it would suffice in the moment , but once the day was over , she was only ever left that much more aware of the loneliness she felt .
𝓬𝓾𝓻𝓻𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓵𝔂 .
her arrival in town , and the nature of how she's arrived , have done very little to help assuage her . the change has presented more opportunities , yes , but has also provided them with more questions than they have answers . though generally well-meaning , mina has many faces , and will employ each one based on those around her . she thrives on the positive attention she can garner from others , and would gladly drown in it in the moment given the opportunity ; teasing , joking , flirting , she'll employ whatever means necessary to get the reactions she wants . however , once they find themselves home alone at night , she's much more cognizant of just how separate she feels from most . it's a bit of a handcrafted prison , really , pieced together by her own hands : she insists the distance exists , and so none of her interactions ever feel genuine , nor do her relationships . her doubt takes root , and , of course , everything she does from that point forward is something that she's convinced is disingenuous . the truth of the matter is that they have a good heart . they don't want to hurt people , but they want to feel worthwhile , and they convince themselves that the manipulation they might employ isn't really that bad , because their intentions are never really foul . they enjoy making people smile and laugh , they enjoy making people feel good ! but it is when they're alone that their pretty mask splinters . their horrendous habits of comparing themselves to others has hardly lessened here , not with so many new chances to do so . mina is particularly vicious when it comes to matters of the self ; it is possible that they could be considered as suffering from a form of imposter syndrome . boredom comes easily , still . she's retained her curiosity , and is always a willing , eager student , but she still hasn't found something that will hold her attention the way she assumes it's meant to be occupied . her sense of self is fractured . decisions don't come easily , and even if you ask her something as simple as what her favorite color is , she won't have a simple , set answer . her brain is constantly working overtime , which becomes overwhelming quickly , but she isn't keen to let on . which brings me to my next point : she lies , frequently . they're usually about inconsequential things , white lies made up to bolster herself in the public eye . she feels uninteresting as she is , so she makes up stories to entertain others , to deceive them into believing she's far more fascinating than she considers herself to be . again : these things aren't done out of a sense of cruelty , and she's aware that it's wrong to do so . but it's almost an impulse . usually , there's a bit of truth in each tale she spins , and it is , of course , those little pieces of honesty that she uses to assure herself afterwards that she didn't really do any harm , because it wasn't all a lie . mina enjoys her creature comforts greatly , and is happy to provide them for those she cares about , as well . her charity is unending , but she also has a habit of overextending herself . she has not learned yet that she cannot pour from her own cup if she leaves it empty . her hobbies include scrapbooking , crocheting , reading , going on nature walks and , strangely enough , archaeology . it is her newest vice . she's a terrible cook , aside from making soups , which she excels at greatly , but everything else ... well , she's got a nice collection of takeout menus for your perusal ! she likes to collect old quilts , pillows , & stuffed animals that are secondhand . while she's great at crocheting , her sewing leaves something to be desired — the projects she's undertaken to patch up & breathe new life into certainly take on the appearance of a child's approach , but she loves them all the same .
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total-mkulia · 30 days
The signature Heather Gwen MK and Julia for the ask game?
Love getting Heather twice, people know what I'm about.
Sexuality Headcanon: Bi! Gender Headcanon: I can see her being a demigirl tbh A ship I have with said character: Well. Gweather again. A BROTP I have with said character: Hear me out,, her and Alejandro. Something so funny about everyone (not Sierra but, y'know, Cody obsession) having a strong reaction to him (either attraction, distrust, or contempt after being betrayed) and she just never acknowledges him. I want them to be in a room together just to see what happens. A NOTP I have with said character: Her and Cody. She is not the ramona flowers to ur scott pilgrim. A random headcanon: Y'know those girls who drink, like, 50 monsters a week? Yeah. General Opinion over said character: She's kinda funny in canon but they really didn't know what to do with her. The characterization feels so inconsistent with her, it's hard not to be annoyed. Love the version of her in early TDI— where she was still very mean and misanthropic but still got along with some others, like Leshawna— the most. I adore the base they gave us and the version of her that exists in just my head is insane.
Also she was my childhood fav because kid me always chose the goth girl.
Sexuality Headcanon: Lesbiannnn Gender Headcanon: Nonbinary, but in an apathetic sort of way. She's just there, y'know? A ship I have with said character: Look at My url. You know. A BROTP I have with said character: Emma and MK in my head is just Emma consistently missing the obvious signs that MK is fucking with her because sometimes MK happens to fuck with her in a way that works out in her favor. A NOTP I have with said character: I don't really think I have any? There are ships I might not get but none I'd go so far to label notp. A random headcanon: Idc what that one TD flash game gave her for a swimsuit, in my head she wears either a one-piece with swim trunks over or a wetsuit General Opinion over said character: God I wish she talked to more people in canon. She's funny and I like mkulia but I also treasure the snippets of her personality we got outside of it and wish there were more of them.
Sexuality Headcanon: Came out as bi for attention. She's also bisexual but that's not why she did it. Gender Headcanon: cis woman A ship I have with said character: See MK's answer A BROTP I have with said character: Her and Damien, 100%. It is the healthiest relationship she has (outside of MK) and the most toxic relationship he has. They will never stop talking to each other. No one outside of their friendship understands it, and they barely do either. A NOTP I have with said character: Her and Wayne. Wayne reads as Ace/Aro for me but even outside of that, I just never liked it. Feels like it happened just bc Bowie was (is?) her rival and he dated Raj A random headcanon: I made a post about this but, to me, her parents are definitely divorced and her mom's been through, like, 5 marriages. Her mom and dad opened the bakery when they were together and now they have to tolerate each other for the sake of the business. General Opinion over said character: I said I loved mean girls and I meant it. She is duplicitous and underhanded and I hope she never gets better.
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galacticnova3 · 1 year
your tags on the hp post are *chef’s kiss* but also i must inform you that a lot of people consider pcos to fall under the intersex umbrella so i would hazard to say you are affected by her shitty rhetoric, yes (if you don’t identify that way apologies btw - ik it’s not the case for everyone + don’t wanna force anything on you)
Ah shit I didn’t know she went after intersex folks too. Not surprised though. I think we should all get together and throw light blue, white, and pink toilet paper on her house and also leave defrosted shrimp in her walls and go to town on her clothes with a seam ripper and put thumbtacks in her shoes and bring back the guillotine and
Tbh I don’t know what I would describe myself as; I don’t feel like a woman but simultaneously don’t feel like I’m not a woman, so I’ve just been identifying as a demigirl. At the same time I wouldn’t say I fall under the transgender label because. Idk. There was never a moment when I explicitly realized “oh I’m not what the hospital said I am” or “I’m not what a swath of society expects me to be” or “hm calling myself this makes me feel happier”. I’d say I just never felt like a girl™️ to begin with, in a sense. My understanding when I was little(as in, like, Kindergarten-first grade when I first started thinking about stuff without realizing it) was “girls have long hair and like pink and dress up and taking care of things, boys have short hair and like blue and gross stuff and breaking things, but I have medium length hair and like pink and blue and I don’t like dress up but I like gross stuff and taking care of things instead of breaking them, so what does that make me?”
I got called a tomboy a lot so I just assumed Ah Yes, That Must Be What I Am, Nevermind That I Don’t Know What It Means. Girl was a category and tomboy was a more specific thing under that, like animal taxonomy having family, genus, species, etc. Calling myself a girl didn’t feel incorrect for the same reasons calling a cat a feline doesn’t feel incorrect; not wrong, just not as specific as one could theoretically be. There were times when I thought “hm maybe I’m a boy”, but it wasn’t in the exploring gender way so much as being on the playground swing set in 2nd grade and thinking “wait, i like bugs and frogs and mud and those are Boy Things, and I don’t like dolls or makeup or dresses and those are Girl Things, so I have more Boy Stuff than Girl Stuff about me”. Which probably shows the sort of Needlessly Gendered environment I grew up in that complicated things when it came to understanding my own feelings. I didn’t even know what gender was, Girl and Boy were just nebulous concepts to me, like two circles with different traits that weren’t supposed to overlap yet seemingly did for me.
Given my experience I wouldn’t feel right calling myself intersex, to be honest. Other folks like me can and do and that’s awesome, but it doesn’t feel like the right label for me. My PCOS is… idk, minor? Compared to other cases. I get slightly longer facial hairs and have the world’s lamest mustache if you zoom in on my upper lip and boost the contrast, but it’s hardly noticeable when not pointed out or a specific thing I’m looking at. I got the wonky hormone levels but the only thing that noticeably suggested there was Something Afoot with my Chemicals was just the fact that most deodorant brands didn’t work on me(and still don’t, shoutout to ban for doing its job when everything else failed) and my therapist was like “hold on a minute this might mean something”. Other stuff going on with me just seemed like depression and/or symptoms of my ADHD. The most impact it has on my life is just that I always get jumpscared by shark week because it doesn’t follow a schedule, even now that I’ve been on birth control for around a year that was supposed to make The Blood manifest on a monthly basis at the end. I thought I was just unlucky or had an incomprehensible schedule but no the hormones are just bad at driving the car(me)
More or less the only change that’s happened following my diagnosis has just been “oh hey there’s a term and reason for this stuff, neat”. It’s just a thing that is and I don’t feel different from how I was before I knew about it, so identifying differently feels like it’d be… Idk, unnecessary in my case. Plus I wouldn’t exactly be able to talk about it with most of my family, unfortunately. Only two of my sisters and maybe my grandparents, everyone else I have contact with would just think I was trying to be a snowflake and also have transphobia disease.
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