#when I came out to them for the first time as lesbian my mom legit said she was glad at least one out of 4 kids was queer lmao
Similar to the other post I just made but I need to scream it again into tumblr because I want to: MY PARENTS ARE SO AMAZING you guys if you think people from different generations can’t understand us (especially queer people) that’s not true my parents are literally the best
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m00nj3w3l · 5 months
VERY long rant sorry
Ever since I came out to myself as a lesbian life has made sure I'm as miserable as ever. I costantly hear stories of people actually coming to terms with their identity being such a freeing and wonderful thing while for me it has been the exact opposite.
I've gone through it all, I identified as bi first, then lesbian for some time but it didn't stick cus I had insane comphet in 2020, then bisexual nonbinary/agender for some time in 2021, then sapphic, up until I realised I'm legit just a fucking lesbian again and decided to stick to it, and yet I've never felt SO fucking tired even when going through all the different phases.
My mom doesn't even wanna say the word cus to her it sounds "bad/dirty". My dad, who I'm not out to, is the most classic cishet white dude on Earth who doesn't even know the difference between being gay and being trans and I know that if I ever made clear that I'm not interested in men he'd go on a rant about how I'm probably just scared of them, that I'm doing this for the trend.
Last close friend I had, bisexual dude who SEEMED to respect it, rambled about how unfortunate it is that I won't have sex with him because of this and then got offended that I didn't forgive him. Ok.
I hate to say this cus it makes me sound self-centered too, but men in general have started to hit on me more and it scares me when any of them stop me to ask me anything cus Idk when they're ACTUALLY asking for something or just looking for an excuse to try and get me. When I told my friend (bi girl) that this is a legit concern of mine, she said "well, you can just say you're gay and leave it at that" and I didn't reply cus I knew she meant well, but I don't think she understands that that doesn't work. Men either see it as an excuse from you cus you find them "ugly" and so you need convincing, OR you are to be fixed.
Around three weeks ago I hung out with said friend, she presented me two of her gay friends and when I said I'm lesbian one of them went "oh I couldn't tell, you really don't look the part" (UGHHH) while the other, older dude, went on a rant about how he used to make fun of lesbians and call them disgusting 20 years ago and how I'm "too cool" to be one. When I addressed it to my friend, she said he probably felt comfortable saying that cus he has found a community with that friend group, but how tf is it a community if I'm treated as a punchline and invalidated cus I don't fit the stereotype enough?
I keep on being told to find community but I, quite frankly, don't know where to go. I already live in a country that hates our guts, but if even the small amount of other queer people I know don't care or see me as valid atp I'd say I'm better off pretending I never came to accept my sexuality and just go play the role of cishet girl for the rest of my life.
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blackbird-brewster · 1 year
Hiiiiii Kit I have been thinking more and more about sapphic CM/X-Files crossovers and how much I need some Scully/Lewis in my life. What do you think their ship name would be? And if you were going to write about them, what kind of fic would you write?
Also I’m very glad you came back to writing and that we’ve become such good friends this past year! ❤️❤️❤️
Waaaaaa, I love you Bex!!! Thanks for the ask. I'm so glad we're friends too!!!!
Honestly, ever since you mentioned this the other day I keep thinking about it toooooo. I'm such a slut for old-school OTP ship names vs pormanteau ship names. So might I suggest:
OTP: Two Good Doctors OTP: Tol and Smol (a classic) OTP: Be Gay Solve Crime OTP: Science Lesbians I'm sure we could workshop it. I'd LOVE a crossover where Lewis runs into Scully on the elevator at Quantico and they have a cute chat. Tara asks where Scully works and she's like 'Uhhh, in the basement' (presses basement button on elevator) Tara legit thinks this woman is doing a 'bit', because she's only been at Quantico a short time, and she's fairly sure no one works in the basement. (In this situation, Tara is an FBI psychologist -- non-BAU).
Time goes on, she has an appointment with a pair of agents who can't get along with each other. Honestly, she's s forensic psychologist, yet here she is being a middle-school counceler having to tell trained FBI agents to 'play nice'. And in walks elevator woman and some guy who looks like he hasn't slept in five years. (Remember how CM did the Mulder/Scully joke when the BAU was reassigned during the Barnes arc!?!?!? I've always wanted this fic) Tara learns the woman is name Dana Scully, Dr Dana Scully. The man is Fox Mulder. And turns out, they really do work in the basement.
Tara does her best to help them get through their conflict, apparently Mulder is kind of a loose canon, and Scully seems very level-headed. Tara ultimately asks 'why wouldn't you just transfer or get a new partner?' and Mulder/Scully laugh at the concept. Afterwards, Tara has Scully stay for a minute and she's like 'Look, I won't put it on the report but are you and him....together?" Scully gets instantly defensive about it, says something like, "We always have each other's backs." Tara shakes her head and says, "Yeah, but are you....dating...him??" "Why do you care?" Scully is absolutely missing the point here. "Because, I was hoping you were single...." Tara says. "Oh." "yeah." "Oh, right... well, yes, I'm single," Scully says. (With that cute little half-smile she gives Mulder when she thinks he's being annoyingly endearing) They'd be impossibly cute together with that nine inch height difference. I'd sob. Two very amazing badass FBI women, ugh, my heart!!!!! My two fave characters of all time, this is so overly specific to me.
BONUS MATERIAL: and old Emily/Scully crossover I wrote in 2016 [X]
Ghosts of the Past
When Scully went missing her mom had a head stone made. Which lead me to come up with the best AU/cross over ever…
For shits and gigs, Mulder had the head stone placed in the cemetery . (Because face it, he’s a child) Scully objected at first but secretly goes and visits once a year because it gives her some sort of inner peace.
Fast forward to 2012. Scully is on the metro on the way to visit her head stone for it’s 18th birthday (she brings a pile of scratch offs because it is now old enough to gamble.)
She strikes up conversation to the woman next to her. Scully feels like she’s seen the woman before but can’t quite place where. 
Scully’s stop comes up and she’s surprised when the other woman stands to leave as well. They continue their conversation during the short walk to the cemetery. 
The woman chuckles, “I guess we have more in common than we thought.”
Scully, panics, she definitely doesn’t want to admit to this attractive stranger that she is morbidly visiting her own grave. So she fakes a phone call and waves good bye to the other woman. 
Once the coast is clear, Dana goes to her grave and does her yearly moment of silence to think about how her life has changed in those many years since the X-Files. She’s peacefully reflecting when a hand taps her on the shoulder. 
“Sorry, I’m not follow you…it’s just…I never caught your name.” the smiling woman said.
Scully now had two options, either lie about her name and forgo the potential of getting to know this woman or telling the truth and hoping the woman wouldn’t notice the head stone she was sitting by.
“Dana,” she stuttered. “Dana Scully.”
The woman shook Scully’s hand happily and began to reply when she noticed the headstone. She read it aloud, “Dana Katherine Scully. 1964-1994…”
Scully sighed, expecting the woman to run screaming. (She knew Mulder would get a kick out of the who fiasco when she relayed the event later) But instead, the brunette burst into laughter. 
“Come here,” she chuckled as she pulled Dana off the ground and lead her a few rows over. 
The brunette pointed at the head stone in front of them, while wiping tears from her eyes from laughter. 
“Emily Prentiss?” Dana read from the stone.
Emily held her hand out, “Nice to meet you.”
Emily explained that she worked for the FBI and had faked her own death but had been adamant about keeping the head stone. Scully doubled over with laughter and explained she too, was an FBI agent who had been prematurely marked as dead.
After that day the two became best friends and ended up dating.
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My Self Discovery Of My Sexually 13+ Years of not knowing
At first, I thought I was bi but sometimes thought I was a lesbian since I leaned more towards girls. But I found sex gross most of the time. Did not like to be touched and kissing was so nasty. I told my mom this and she told me it will feel right when I meet the right guy... I tried dating guys. I tried dating girls. I got easily emotionally attached but not enough where it was right. Then I met her, a girl in my year who after a year of knowing. I felt it. Yes, I could feel libido when I was horny or simping over a fictional character. ALL The But never did I feel such desire for another person wear I was so mmmm excited. We did it, which honestly I was thirteen and way too young to be doing it. Though came the problem. I still thought I was bi. Because I LOVE Fictional characters, especially men. So much that I would get off to them when exited. So I thought I was bisexual and I came out to my mom. She of course told my sister and oh boy this is where the talk comes in. She told me that being bi is a gateway to being gay. Then took me on a three hour drive talking about how I would go to hell if I was gay and how God controlled us. Even said. "God is keeping me from driving us into this ditch." Like no God gives us the choice. Either way, this went on where I was not allowed to be alone with any females outside the family. This made me better at lying about it. For the next two years at least I was forced to go to church and not be around girls. It was it sucked. It also really fucked with my psyche. I 1000% knew I would go to hell and now lived in a state of fear of damnation. Long story short I left the church and religion hoped a bit Anyways I learned who I was. At eighteen I thought I was pansexual. As It seemed the only thing that fit. Got THE TALK Then too. Now that I am 26 almost 27 I figured out what I really am. Panromantic and Demisexual. Got A version of THE TALK once more. Guess some things never changed. My Sexuality never changed. I just learned what it was. My sister and mom? (Yes my mom said this is just a phase and that I grow out of it and never stopped my sister from talking to me about going to hell) I don't care what they think. I know for a fact that I love who I am. Also, as a side note homosexuals were never damned in the bible only when a bunch of older white dudes in 1946 translated the bible did it say, homosexuals. The word actually translates to pervert or pedophile. The more you know. 
(side note for those who do not know, I can enjoy sex even if not connected with someone. Such as enjoying it as a physical act But I do not orgasm from those times or am sexually attracted to the person. I am just really super hypersexual and have a high libido and sometimes have actual sex to deal with it. Mental and emotional orgasms are my best friend. Sometimes even better than physical ones. ANDYES You can still simp over fiction characters and be attracted to them because they are fiction it does not mean you would actually do them in real life. Asexuals and Demisexuals can have fantasies sexually to they are not all sex repulsed.) 
I love to give blowjobs and eat someone else I love servicing someone sexually even if I am not sexually attracted to them. BUT I HATE KISSING WITH TONGUE it makes me so uncomfy and sometimes even sick. Anyways this is just a mini rant on how I was not allowed to find out who I was and how it took me until I was legit over a quarter of a century old to find out who I am XD) 
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magireco · 3 years
out of curiosity what do you think of the characterization of homura in rebellion? i hugely dislike it but get the impression you enjoy it which i think is interesting cuz we seem to have very similar thoughts on homura pre-rebellion (CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG)
THIS IS INTERESTING BECAUSE IT DEPENDS ON WHAT FLAVOR OF REBELLION HOMURA YOU MEAN. i really really like the way she was done in the first half of the movie but as for the twist at the end...? mmm...
...okay, so... i've been thinking about saying this at some point but i keep avoiding it in fear of causing discourse and such bc... this is a really unpopular opinion apparently, but I really do not think devil homura was done properly. read under the cut if you wanna know why i feel this way!
the first issue i'm going to address is that there wasn't NEARLY enough buildup for it. i'm going to explain this from the perspective of a first-time viewer: what would you have thought would happen after the very last scene of rebellion leading up to them breaking homura out of her soul gem? when homulilly got purified and the flowers on her head turned to sakura flowers (y'know, the flowers that symbolize life and rebirth, homura being reborn from her witch)? did you think homura was suddenly gonna undermine madoka's godliness? because, uh, first-view me did not think that at all. and neither did almost anyone i know who watched it for the first time. not only is that poor setup but it's just so sudden and it feels so out of character compared to what we'd seen in the entire series as a whole, especially considering that the entire last part of the movie leading up until that was about purifying her... and saving her... there wasn't enough buildup. most people are like "but the flower scene happened!" but that's still way too vague...? it's hard to tell what conclusion homura comes to at the end, because we don't get to see any of her internal monologue... there is no other buildup after the flower scene... it just skips to homura realizing she's a witch. wouldn't that bring the viewer to think the flower scene was something that made homura realize she was a witch rather than her suddenly starting to form her plan? it always felt like to me the conclusion homura came to at the end of the flower scene was that she was validating madoka's bravery and telling her that if it ever came to that, she'd have the ability to make that hard decision. which is... so... weird? because i always interpreted that as homura coming to terms with what happened? i could just be interpreting it wrong though, but isn't that supposed to be our proof scene? our buildup scene? why would they make it so hard to understand? we need to know such important buildup points just as blatantly as the natural buildup to homura becoming a witch was. that's just from a moviemaking & writing perspective though.
secondly, i'm gonna discuss homura's motive. i actually ended up understanding were she was coming from after a while of being like "what the hell that makes zero sense!!!!". madoka is a 14-year-old girl who, in order to save the fate of every magical girl, literally had to sacrifice herself and erase herself from the world, and in the end, madoka just ended up saving homura again, and that must've made homura feel like her promise with madoka was never fulfilled. it's unfair what happened when you think about it and the law of cycles should not have been run by madoka herself because she, as any other 14 year old, deserves to be happy on earth. although it was said in magireco that madoka felt happy with what she was doing (and she felt like it truly gave her a purpose), she did admit to feeling lonely and homura probably made that assumption big time. but the way the writers went about it just made her seem so sinister... so out-of-character-ly sinister. what with the evil smirking and the deepened, almost... uh, sensual-seeming voice, and homura completely ignoring madoka's fear. it feels like they twisted her character extremely suddenly and it throws the viewer on a loop. they could've gone with that ending without making such drastic and sudden changes to homura's character, and if they were planning on doing that, why did they not give us more buildup? buildup that wasn't extremely cryptic that you have to scan and search every detail to get a clue? something i love about rebellion is that every time you watch you find something new, but how come some of the only clues illuding to devil homura's existence are in the op? it's odd. why didn't they go with something like making the incubators run the law of cycles? they were the ones at fault for causing it to be created. but honestly, the incubators cannot be trusted with anything, which is why it'd make sense for a magical girl to run the law of cycles, but if homura and madoka had the combined power to do so, what if they just remade the law of cycles so it was less unfair to madoka...? i don't know. either of those possibilites would make more sense than what happened.
something else that kind of irks me about it is that they demonized(literally, lol) homura's love for madoka. homura is very much a canon lesbian, and it's incredibly discomforting to me that they made her seem, outwardly to the viewer, so selfish...? please don't get me wrong, i'm not ACTUALLY calling homura selfish -- i know the entire akumura facade is a mask she put on, but like, it's so much more blatantly sinister than she is in the series when she's putting on the coolmura facade. it's going to really confuse the viewer and see every single one of her actions from the entire series in a completely different light, INCLUDING stuff that happened in rebellion itself. like the genuine sadness homura felt, the way we saw into her soul and felt her pain, that genuinely made a lot of people i've seen think that it was ingenuine upon first inspection... they made homura turn "evil" out of her love for madoka, as if it's a bad thing to fall in love, and as if love for another girl was what corrupted her soul gem... i understand that gen urobuchi probably wanted to explore that kind of path where love leads to obsession or whatever, but homura was selfless to a fault, constantly trying to force herself away from the others in order to not get attached, and deeply afraid of seeming creepy and predatory and scaring(she said this herself), which is exactly what she ends up doing at the end, and i feel so awful that they did that to her... how is the viewer supposed to know what her true motives are at that point? it gets all scrambled up after they did that huge plot twist. i'm going to address another thing super quick before people jump in my ask box over this, i understand also that it would make sense for homura to be obsessed with madoka, but in the series, it was never shown in this light, and like i said, if they were going to do this, why'd they even have the purification scene at the end at all? the buildup is all wrong . it also just made me upset that this ending caused SO many people to start literally believing homura is evil because of her actions at the end, and it made people become even more vehement on their beliefs that homura is obsessive and ps*cho...
i was really confused when i watched it for the first time (and also sobbing hysterically, literally, my funniest rebellion story as someone who has genuinely watched the movie 40-ish times, i remember vividly the first time i watched it i started sobbing on my hands and knees on a yoga mat in my mom's room). also like, just to prove my point a teensy bit more, the ending was so ambiguous and out of nowhere that one of the first google results to "madoka magica rebellion" is "madoka magica rebellion ending explained" because it shocked people so much that that was the first thing they needed to google. also, the fact they left us on such a vague cliffhanger and then abandoned the movie series for a total of 8 whole years only to make a sudden comeback in god's holy year of 2021 was almost cruel. LIKE GUYS I JUST FINISHED UP MY DEVIL HOMURA HEADCANONS IT TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH!!!
...anyways, um, i really have to address the sexualization. madoka magica, previously, was a series that avoided fanservice in the show, at least, but why did they make akumura's design look like that...? it shows an unsettling amount of skin and like, every three seconds in the end they're focusing intensely on her lips and her eyes and... it's almost like the writers forgot she was 14, but they never seemed to forget that in the series? what happened????? in the transformation scene, we get closeup views of homura's thighs and back and stuff and it's all open everywhere... they made her tights into thigh-highs... in the whole series, even when she went to school, she always wore tights, and she was wearing tights in her magical girl outfit too... they absolutely deliberately did that to sexualize her further so they could make official art with her thighs out. speaking of official art that unsettles me, why does so much of the official art make the whole outfit just glued to her body and you can see all the shading on her features... it's just. ugh. anyways.
i went off a LITTLE too much on this and i know this is probably gonna get me some weird glances in the fandom and i am open to hearing other people's opinions but i don't think i'll ever stop disliking the effect this plot twist had on the fandom's interpretation of homura and although i'm like UNDENIABLY incredibly hyper excited for the next movie, i'm kind of...nervous for what this is going to bring? i don't want this next movie to cause the same amount of discourse the ending of rebellion did and i legit just want to see homura happy. another one of my main issues with the ending is just that homura is SO unhappy when she literally deserves to be happy SOOOOOOO BAD and just take a break from all the loops ... i'm Praying to madokami out there that that's what happens.
i know this is all really funny coming from someone who draws devil homura on a regular basis and literally writes her, but like... i'm a lesbian i'm allowed to<3
ANYWAYS thanks for listening this was a fun ask!!!
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 3 years
Wrong Sibling
Summary: Class 1A learns that their hero fundamental's teaching assistant is dating Todoroki's sibling. They assume it's one of his brothers.
They're wrong.
Pairings: Izuku/Fuyumi, mentioned Inko/Mitsuki
Tags: Female Midoriya Izuku, Aged up Midoriya Izuku, Izuku is like early twenties, Bakugou isn't a dick, for once lol, Midoriya Izuku Adopts Shinsou Hitoshi, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Quirkless Hero Midoriya Izuku, Endeavour was exposed
On AO3
Part of the They're Lesbians series
The first day of the Class 1A Heroic Foundations class, All Might walked in with a green-haired girl wearing a pale blue jumpsuit and a pair of goggles on her head. Around her waist was a large belt and had multiple pockets everywhere. The top of her jumpsuit was down, revealing she was in a black tank top and her arms were a mess of scars.
“IT’S GREEN BOLT!” Tanaka squeaked, the brunette girl covering her mouth and squealing. Green Bolt threw her head back and laughed as All Might chuckled himself.
“I have a fan! Nice!” Green Bolt smiled at the class.
Ochako figures that she had more than just one in the class, as Kirishima hissed so manly and Ashido clapped her hands excitedly. Then again who wouldn’t be shocked and awed to see the Green Bolt- the first Quirkless Hero in Japan and ranked in the three hundred of the limelight heroes. Though while they were all fans- Tanaka herself was Quirkless too. It made sense she idolized the hero more.
“Nice to meet you all- well I know about four of you.” The woman nodded as she looked around.
“You know some of us?!” Kaminari asked, but then froze. Ochako winced, glancing to Todoroki.
The biggest claim to Green Bolt's name was her unearthing and reveal of the abuse Endeavour put his family through, as well as her reveal of the Hero Commission’s more unsavoury practices.
Todoroki though just smiled.
“Hi nee-chan.” He said simply.
“Hey!” Bakugou turned and glared. “She’s MY sister!”
“She’ll be my sister-in-law soon,” Todoroki told him.
“Oh joy another uncle,” Shinsou called out mockingly.
Tanaka looked like she was having a heart attack as Green Bolt snickered.
Ochako joined her. It was hard NOT to laugh.
“YOU’RE GREEN BOLT’S BROTHER?!” Tanaka yelled, slamming her hands into the lunch table where Bakugou was. All of 1A had ended up sitting together to eat, gossiping about their lesson the other day. “AND YOU’RE HER SON?” She lifted a hand to point at Shinsou.
“Calm down pigtails,” Bakugou said. “Yeah, she’s my sister.”
“And my mom. She adopted me a few years back.” Shinsou said dryly.
Tanaka looked so shocked, her mouth opening and closing wordlessly.
“You don’t look a lot like her, kero,” Asui remarked.
“My mom married mama when I was like… nine,” Bakugou said. “My bio dad is… he’s Quirkist. Made some comments about her being a hero my mom did not like. I was seven at the time and I just remember my mom throwing him out, shouting that if he can’t support his goddaughter he can leave.”
Ochako winced as did the others as Bakugou took a vicious bite of his lunch.
“I still see him. He’s not a bad person- just you know. Quirkist as fuck. But…” Bakugou sighed. “You can be a good person and hold terrible beliefs. I see him rarely.”
“Katsuki is my favourite uncle,” Shinsou said dryly. Bakugou glared at him and the purple-haired boy just smiled.
“And your brother is dating her?” Tanaka asked Todoroki who blinked.
“My sibling is yes,” Todoroki said blankly.
Ochako frowned at that wording. She glanced at the hidden smirks of Bakugou and Shinsou.
Well that was interesting.
The class got to know her well though. Midoriya Izumi was her legal name. She was twenty-three, had adopted Shinsou when she was nineteen and had a strong friendship with Phantom Thief- another TA in the school. Though it seemed they were bitter rivals at times as Phantom claimed.
Ochako witnessed a so-called ‘battle of rivals’ where the two just shoved each other into the mud cackling for thirty minutes.
“Too bad Phantom isn’t a girl- we could have some mud wrestling!” Mineta complained. Unlucky for him both TA’s heard him and slapped him with some pretty serious detention for that.
Bakugou was pretty tight-lipped, about his sister, just grunting when asked. Shinsou took a similar action, though he included staring.
Todoroki was the main source of gossip about her and his reactions were just blank: “She’s the one who punched out my dad and threatened to murder the people helping him cover up the abuse. I would die for her and if my sibling doesn’t propose soon I will.”
Of course, that just got the class wondering which brother the hero was dating. Everyone knew that Shouto had two brothers. Natsuo, a doctor in training. And Touya- the one who faked his death, came back with a rap sheet and a mountain of proof to prove that their dad did beat the crap out of them.
“I mean- it would be cool if she was dating Touya,” Ashido remarked. “He’s like really advocating for like helping abused kids and also villain reform. Shit sorry I mean Dabi.”
“I don’t know. Bolt-sensei doesn’t seem the type to go for a villain. Even if it was more out of necessity than not.” Yaoyorozu remarked.
Ochako mostly stayed out of it, not interested in gossiping about their teacher- more so when Todoroki’s words of Bolt-sensei dating his sibling, not his brother played in her head.
Something about it…
Ochako continued pondering that sentence through the first two weeks of UA, and she clutched to it after the USJ, after seeing Aizawa-sensei broken and bloody, seeing Bolt-sensei with a broken arm aiming a gun and taking a shot, teeth bared.
After seeing their sensei kill a villain for them.
Ochako still could see their sensei firing her gun. Could still see the splatter as the bullet hit the head of the mist villain. Could still hear the screams of the hand villain who tried to kill her.
The sight played in her mind for the week after the incident, when Bolt-sensei was under review for the death of the villain.
For an entire week, she felt haunted by her dreams.
When they did see Bolt-sensei the entire class cried out in relief. The green-haired woman stood with another woman who had white hair with red streaks, the woman smiling at Bolt-sensei. They stood in front of the gates, the class watching through the window.
“She’s back!” Tanaka cheered. “Does that mean she’s teaching again?” She asked Aizawa who grunted.
“Yes.” Was his only reply. Everyone felt relieved though.
“WHAT?!” Ashido screeched though upon seeing the other woman lean in to gently press a kiss to Bolt-sensei’s mouth. That got everyone’s attention.
“I thought she was dating your brother!” Tanaka said to Todoroki who snorted.
“I said sibling. That’s my sister. And they’re now engaged.”
“About fucking time,” Bakugou voiced.
Ochako simply watched as their sensei smiled at her fiancé.
Ochako couldn’t help her own smile.
She was happy her sensei had love in her life.
It was a very good thing in her opinion.
Prompt: So what about aged up Izuku/Fuyumi. Izuku is a TA at UA and half of the students have a crush on her the other half wonders if she is in a relationship with Aizawa or Yamada. Meanwhile Shouto just calls her big sis once (she is over at the Todorokis often when Endeawhore isn’t home) and now people think Izuku is dating Natsuo until they have have a parent teacher conference (or the school festival something) where Izuku just dips a visiting Fuyumi and kisses her in front of everyone just to get the rumors out of the way.
Somewhat not following, but like here we are!!! Also, this was harder then I thought and I kinda am angry at how bad it is, but I legit did not know how to like drag it out? It's not like they're in the same class and they watch her all the time!!! She's a TA!!!!
But whatever. So here we are! Also- good Bakugou! For once in my works...
Hope you guys like this and Happy Pride!!
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faerielleart · 3 years
Hi sorry you don’t have to answer this! But I’ve seen you speak about LGBTQ+ and from my understanding you are a part? So I want to ask I have been dealing with my self identity and struggles and I want to ask if you can share experiences and how you find out since I think I am not straight to be sure… Thank you I hope this ask doesn’t put you in uncomfortable place.
yo anon hello!! 👋 no worries, i’m not in any way uncomfortable and i’m always happy to help if i can
first of all, keep in mind that not everyone’s experiences are the same and what i went through in my journey to exploring my sexual identity might be completely different from what someone else went through, hence take what i say with a huge grain of salt and know that everyone’s experiences are perfectly valid
alright hhhhh well my story’s pretty funny actually LMAO i think i already answered this some other time iirc? but yeah i started “having doubts” in middle school. i wasn’t interested in boys, i was genuinely meh in front of any dude my female friends found cute, i never thought about dating and i never thought about marriage. some people (my family) called me a “late bloomer”, my classmates secretly made fun of me for being “gay”.
thing is, i was obviously gay but i didnt know at the time- however everyone else did 💀💀💀 i was out there saying shit like “i wish men didn’t exist” “i wish the planet was only populated by women” and stuff like that on the DAILY and each time my classmates looked at me like 👁👄👁 and it was like the class’ inside joke that i wasn’t a part of. i was bullying victim unfortunately and i was the class punching bag 🚶‍♀️
one day, i was at my (at the time) best friend’s birthday party and all the girls in class were invited with some boys to her house. i remember we were playing truth or dare, my turn came and i chose truth; there was this girl who hated me with all her heart for no reason whatsoever and loved humiliating me while pretending to be my friend and i was too much of a pushover to say anything to her, anyway bitch started laughing and yelled in front of everyone “IS IT TRUE THAT YOU’RE A LESBIAN?????” and i was ,,,,, pretty much shocked. firstly i thought that was a dirty word, i had never known lesbians irl and i only knew gay men and i kinda associated lesbians with something taboo? i think i was maybe 11 or 12 years old but it was all peer influence, i was lucky to have parents who were never homophobic and never taught me to hate? so this “hesitation” towards this word was something that was instilled into me by my schoolmates who treated it as if it was something shameful and to make fun of. anyway, i told that girl to mind her own business and i was silent and sulking for the rest of the party.
several days later i was at the mall with my parents who asked me what was wrong bc i had been behaving weirdly since the party and i remember telling them exactly “we were playing a game and [girl’s name] asked me if i were…” and i didn’t finish the sentence. “if you were?” and i still was hesitant to answer but then i said “gay” in a really small voice and i remember getting super flustered and feeling so embarrassed?? and my parents just looked at each other and i think that was the start of everything lol in the next years through middle and high school i was so confused about myself i was refusing to label myself bc i thought i was “figuring myself out” and for a long while i thought i was bisexual. i used to tell my ex best friend about these doubts that i had and she was always a bit weird about it 🧍‍♀️
she randomly asked me shit like “do you wanna have sex with a guy? if you had a boyfriend would you have sex with him? would you suck his dick?” and shit like that and i always was so embarrassed about answering those questions? because my answer was always a straight up no, but i thought something was wrong with me if i didnt wanna do stuff with men. despite that, i still didnt truly question my attraction to men, i just went “yeah i mean all girls secretly think that men are ugly right that’s normal” for SO MANY YEARS LOL i thought everyone had the same experience??? i reached the point where i was 100% sure of my attraction to girls and i was forcing myself to be attracted to men as well bc “that’s the right thing for me”. i forced myself to be enthusiastic when my friends talked about boyfriends, i forced myself to pretend to have a crush on celebrities and THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING BUT LIKE ONE TIME I WAS WATCHING THIS TV SHOW WITH MY MOM AND THERE WAS I THINK ORLANDO BLOOM AS A GUEST AND I GOT THE IDEA OF PRETENDING TO BE HAPPY TO SEE HIM BC I THOUGHT HE WAS “THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MAN EVER” AND I SPENT LIKE HALF AN HOUR INSISTENTLY TELLING MY MOM “LOOK AT HIM HE IS SO ATTRACTIVE OH I AM SO IN LOVE WITH HIM” TO SHOW MY MOM I LIKED MEN 💀💀💀💀💀💀 I DID THAT A LOT IT’S LIKE I WANTED VALIDATION FOR IT i want to bury myself in sand thinking of this
anyway after an extremely failed coming out to my grandma whom i saw for the first time ever expressing disgust at the thought of me potentially being attracted to women i was terrified to do it again and i refused to tell any other member of my family. i still haven’t truly come out and i don’t think i ever will tbh even if i know my parents would love me and accept me regardless i still think of my grandma’s reaction and i start legit crying whenever i think of that
march 2020 comes and i finally accept that i am a lesbian. how did that happen? i was watching harry potter and i went “holy shit i wanna fuck hermione” literally that’s it nothing else. nothing else. that was that. that’s how i knew 100% i was a lesbian and i was tired of pretending i wasn’t. don’t ask me why, don’t ask me how but that’s literally what happened.
and that’s when everything started making sense tbh? like i just felt as if i had a huge huge burden lifted off myself for the first time ever? i said it out loud and i felt happy? the more i said it, the happier i felt? through the years i had always known deep down i didn’t like men, i was just pretending i was, comp-het was hitting me SO HARD and then finally i stopped letting it influence me.
what helped me was asking myself extremely specific questions after that to be sure, in the same fashion my ex bestie used to be weird about it when i “came out” to her. i imagined myself in really specific situations with fantasy boyfriends, i asked myself what i liked about men and the answer was always “nothing”, i asked myself “could i be capable of falling in love with a man?” and the way i was setting standards so high and ridiculous for any human for my “dream man” was the obviously negative answer to that question, i asked myself more intimate questions like “if it came down to it would you ever actually sleep with a man?” and the answer was always a solid no. basically putting myself in theoretical situations is what helped me finally understand. i had done that through the years and my answers were the same since the beginning, but i still refused to admit the truth to myself, until one day i just stopped.
and that’s my journey LOL it’s kinda pathetic tbh,,,,,, i could’ve been much happier with myself if i had just admitted it to myself since the beginning, bc deep down i always knew. would’ve spared me years of not feeling okay with myself, would’ve spared me years of surrounding myself with the wrong people who caused me terrible pain every time i heard them say lesbians are disgusting. but anyway, what’s done is done and i’m just happy now i get to be free and accept myself for who i am, unapologetically. on the internet. bc in real life i’m still traumatized 🚶‍♀️
i think questions are the easiest place to start. imagine yourself in situations, ask yourself how would you act and why. figure yourself out bit by bit and take your time to understand what you like. don’t ever let yourself feel pressured by anyone, don’t even let yourself feel pressured by the need of labels. don’t let anyone tell you your experiences are wrong or not valid, don’t let anyone tell you there’s a set way to explore your identity, don’t force yourself to do anything you’re not comfortable doing. if you need to vent, my dms are always open. be happy exploring your identity, there is no right way to do it. and remember that you’re always valid. 💜
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So obviously this came from insta and it speaks for itself.
For me i use bisexual because ive been through hell with that term. I came out as bi about 6 years ago and my mom lectured me for 2 hours over how i was sinning and gonna go to hell and all that bullshit and even convinced my dad to be mad out me ( they were both drunk and forgot i even came out so I just went back in the closet. They were the only two i came out too) so i last yeat I came out again as bi and it has went way better. My mom has grown and learned to be more accepting (she still has work to do but she is actually trying and has even offered to take me to pride which shocked me because i didnt think she was that cool with it) my dad makes dad jokes about and laughs whenever i make a stupid joke involving being bi. The rest of my family knows too and the only one who doesnt accept is my grandmas sister but she isnt that important and her acceptance doesnt matter. It wasnt until a few months ago that soemone said pan fit me better and yeah it probably(idk if i spelt that right it looks weird to me) does but me and the term bisexual ive been on a journey together and i feel so fucking proud when im around somd asshole and they over hear me talking about a girl I have a crush on and they are like "oh so your a lesbian. Did you even give boys a chance? (Legit had someone say this to me and my mom was like stay calm and i was like tf) anywas when they said that i went " ive had a bf before he ended up dating my best friend (ex bff)" them "oh so what you dated one and decided they were all terrible and went lesbian" me "im actually bisexual so no i didnt just give up on boys". Anyways I feel proud when i declare im bisexual idk its just so empowering to finally be able to say it and not worry about how my parents are gonna react and to just say it out loud is amazing. When i came out the first time it was hell and afterwards i had to listen to some bullshit until they changed and i was finally able to come out again and it felt so good to have my dad make a joke on how i couldve came out to everyone. Also this is my first time going to pride and being out. (I sent once with my aunt when i was really little and didnt understand anything or know what i was) and i fr lowkey feel like crying because im supposed to be going this year and on top of that my mom is gonna go with me to show support like idk its so amazing to me. So yeah sometimes there might be a term that fits someone but its their sexuality and they get to say what makes them feel comfortable. Obviously i love my pansexaul siblings in the LGBTQ+ community but bisexual was what i held onto when i had to listen to my mom be hateful. I held onto that term telling myself one day I was gonna come out and be happy and proud and not have to be scared my mom was gonna kick me out or scared she would talk shit with my other aunt. I told myself i was gonna come out as a loud and proud bisexual and now i have people telling me that it would be better to call myself pansexaul like excuse you but this is my sexuality and this is the term i had a journey with and now im gonna wear it proudly. Like i said ive been to hell with this term and i love all the other sexual identities but this is my term and im not gonna give it up based on someone elses opinions. Im bisexual and proud.
Sorry if this was way too long and confusing. I just wanted to share why i use bisexual over everything else. Saying im bisexual makes me happy and its comforting everytime i say it out loud.
I love yall and please be safe.
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I know it’s not number ask but could you please talk more about Djinn? It’s great hearing about your OCs and headcanons, Stefan and Jindra are cool! What about the last person from their trio? :)
Leaving out some things because technically his mere existence is a spoiler
- he's adopted and his parents are two lesbians, that's all I'm gonna say about his family
- though his actual first name is Matthew, literally no one calls him that. Not even his moms. Being called by his actual name is one of those "oh shit what did I do" moments
- he's very extroverted, he's actually incapable of shutting the hell up
- as a child he would constantly end up doing some stupid shit which one time ended with him falling wrong and his teeth moving, giving him a noticeable tooth gap
- has dimples in his cheeks when he smiles
- he was the popular kid at school thanks to his outgoing nature and the utterly batshit stories he would tell, using certain information surrounding his family and the fact that his birth parents are not known to create sort of a persona for himself. Pretty sure he convinced at least one classmate that he is actually the child of a demon or something
- had a great interest in magic as a child and wanted to be a stage magician
- all of that was basically how the nickname Djinn was born
- at some point noticed Stefan sitting in the back of the class being a wallflower and went "is anyone gonna adopt that?" and did not wait for an answer
- had a group of about five friends who he frequently had sleepovers with, mostly spent reading horror books. (The Vampyre was released when they were about 13)
- in general he really liked that sort of mysterious dark goth sorta vibe and even as an adult you would not see him in anything else other than primarily black clothing. It came in handy after Stefan became a vampire, as it took attention away from him
- his moms kept telling him (jokingly but with genuine concern) to reduce all the theatrics, made up stories about himself and loud expression of his interest in the supernatural or else he would get arrested for witchcraft
- as they grew up the friend group slowly fell apart with each of them finding different interests and paths in life until it was mostly just him and Stefan
- after learning Stefan is gay Djinn made it his goal to help Stefan find a boyfriend. He's gotten in trouble for it a countless times, pretty sure he almost got imprisoned once
- at 18 they went to university, Djinn to study law and history and Stefan focusing on physics and technology
- two years into university they put a pause to their studies to travel. Djinn headed for America and spent about two years there
- after his return when he found about Stefan's vampirism he abandoned his studies and decided to try everything to find a cure for him
- once again I cannot express how much those two love each other. Djinn would literally fistfight God for Stefan
- when he and Jindra started a relationship and she joined them on their travels she legit thought for a few weeks that the two are a thing and she's entering a polycule
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- basically, it was a lot of fun confusion
- though Jindra is not Djinn's first partner, he's been with many girls but the relationship never lasted long. That one segment from the 19th century diary that goes "10th September: I am in love! Her name is Drusilla McAvoy! 15th September: Alas! That McAvoy girl was not for me. I shall end my life and if the following pages are clear, know that I succeeded" that's Djinn. But the breakups were usually not dramatic, and if they were, they usually made up and remained friends. Djinn just likes being dramatic about everything in general
- but Jindra is the first where the relationship lasts longer than a few months, and will likely be permanent. But they will likely never marry
- whenever she does anything remotely cool his brain just gives up. Stefan teases him mercilessly for it
- Djinn is the mom friend supreme. This bad boy can fit so much love and care in him it's unreal
- he's also almost permanently stressed, mostly because of Stefan. He's incredibly worried for his friend, to a point he forgets that Stefan is literally an undead superhuman with the ability to shapeshift and drain people's blood
- he's literally just so stressed all the time. Boy really needs a nap
- uses humor to hide his fears. Though he jokes nearly all the time it's near impossible to tell if he's just in a good mood or if he's worried 24/7. He can be faced with hardship, pain, death and eternal torment and will still keep a grin on his face
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- the only time he has ever cried so far was shortly after learning that Stefan became a vampire. Stefan fell asleep due to general weakness from being starved for weeks and since vampires don't show any signs of life when sleeping, Djinn thought he's actually dead
- Has a hard time opening up about his worries, especially those relating to Stefan as he knows it's in Stefan's nature to feel guilty about causing others trouble. He's only ever talked about these things with his moms, and later Jindra.
- Stefan knows about all this. Benefit of enhanced hearing
- puns
- is an expert on finding loopholes in curses. Studying law really comes in handy with monster hunting
- gambled for his soul with at least five different demons. He's still alive only because they can't agree on custody
- the group tagged along a travelling theatre at some point. They got to act in some plays a couple times. Djinn loved it. Got to wear a dress for a woman's role once and loved it too, though Jindra teased him for wearing it wrong
- is quite a skilled swordsman
- has zero sense of self-preservation
- lovable dumbass
- a really good liar. He could convince the dead to come back to life
- is great with kids. During their travels he would often tell stories to children in villages they passed through
- loves folk dances with Jindra
- he's scared of her horse (to his defense, Šafránek really is McFuckingHuge)
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Drama queen
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tbhwhocaresanymore · 4 years
Nancy Drew 2x5
It’s official everybody: love conquers all
Okay WOW I cannot believe this was the original Nancy Drew season finale and that I had to wait an additional eleven months to see this episode I am suing the coronavirus for emotional distress. Because let me tell you this was one of the best season finales I have seen in a WHILE. And once again the writers have swaddled me in a safety blank and assuaged all of my concerns. I was a little worried when they made Odette a wlw because then that meant a lesbian was hunting down the good guys and would have to be killed, but MORE THE FOOL WAS I. I should have learned by now not to doubt the Nancy Drew writers.
Every single plot thread was wrapped up and a whole host of new ones were set up and I cannot wait to dive into all of them.
First off I would like to say that everything about the scenes with the Aglaeca coming to kill them was perfection. The five-way phone call, the deathbed confessions, the soft French singing and ominous chain rattling. And then when she APPEARED on the hood of the car like Dead Lucy appeared to Nancy on top of her car to tell her to summon the Aglaeca aaaah parallels and Nick and George held each other. “oh where is she, where is she” SHE’S RIGHT BEHIND YOU! The fire leaping out at Bess, the meat hook cutting Ace, Nancy falling from the bluffs. And then the crew reconnects back at the Claw thinking all is well but OH NO WHAT’S THIS ANOTHER PORTENT.
Hey how is it the entire gang seems to have forgotten that they willingly volunteered for this whole Aglaeca mess. Like I get it, your lives are on the line, you’re scared, but Nancy was all “no I cannot let you guys summon the Aglaeca with me it’s far too dangerous absolutely not” and they were all “psh danger fuck danger we have the power of friendship” and went right on ahead. And now that they have to face actual consequences they’re all “Nancy I cannot believe you put a gun to our heads and forced us into this how dare you” like GUYS. But yeah that scene caused me pain, with them all yelling at each other. I do think it’s interesting that proverbial lines in the sand have been drawn. Generally speaking whenever there are massive disagreements I’ll be watching to see if it stays as George and Nick v Bess and Ace with Nancy as the sort of swing vote.
Also because I am a Drewson shipper until I die it was satisfying to see that Nick, despite being in love with George, still has unresolved feelings about what went down with him and Nancy. We love unresolved feelings, and once Nancy learns how to communicate and be more open they will find their way back to each other and be even more in love.
The writers continue their never ending tally of taking seemingly unimportant moments from past episodes and making them SO IMPORTANT. NANCY HAVING THE PORTENT IN RYAN’S CAR??? *SCREEEEAAAAAAMS* And then speaking of the car. Oh my god you guys. Ryan and Carson the dad duo was peak comedy. I was legit dying. On the topic of parental figures
Hannah Gruen: Nancy no!
Nancy Drew: Nancy yes!
I know some people who watched the episode are probably going to be like “are you kidding me they beat the angry sea spirit with the power of love? Ugh pathetic” but no actually you’re wrong and it was BEAUTIFUL. Not just the concept but the execution. The lights going out one by one, the Aglaeca popping up and screaming, throwing them across the room one at a time, the words having to come from the heart, Nick speaking French he can speak French to me all day long, the Aglaeca melting and Odette rising once more. BRUH.
And then of course the blood bucket curse came to fruition and George fucking died and I was losing my mind only for Nancy to fucking revive her because THAT won't have consequences. And George talking about her sisters was so sweet I thought it might give me a cavity, and her with them in the morning. Quick question though. We know Victoria is around because she gave them the inhuman sea spirit banishing ritual like five days ago, soooo where is she now? Like George is about to die and she hardly gives her mom a spare thought aside from making sure Jessie will be able to take care of their sisters. Nancy had a fucking beautiful moment of reconciliation with Carson, couldn’t George have at least exchanged some kind words with her own mother?
Moving ahead we have sooo many plot lines to talk about I can’t wait.
The Bobbsey twins are coming back. Don’t know how I feel about that yet.
We have Ace with the sibling in Witsec. Now I know like the entire fandom wants Ace to be a Hardy brother, but here’s the thing. Ace has apparently never met this person and his dad doesn’t have any of that tortured ‘I’m-missing-my-child’ vibe going on, so I’m thinking maybe it’s Ace’s half-sibling. Like he’s half a Hardy. Cause also why would just the one kid go into Witsec and not the whole family? Maybe his mom had a baby as a teenager and gave them up for adoption, maybe his dad had an affair and didn’t realize it ended up as a pregnancy. Who’s to say???
We have Nick and Ryan (and possibly Nancy) taking down the Hudson empire. Nick is going to commit to honoring Tiffany’s dying wish and with Ryan as his man on the inside, he can hopefully actually do it. Nancy will probably also have a role in this storyline, because as evidenced by Ryan taking the flash drive she’s going to be the driving force behind Ryan listening to his conscience. And then of course we will have Nancy’s whole my-DNA-is-evil struggle, and her wanting to prove she’s not a bad person. Separate from the Hudsons (potentially) Nancy will also be working for her father this season as he regrows his law practice, and it will be so nice to see them finally have a good relationship again.
We have The Possession of George 2: Electric Boogaloo. This possession, if that’s even what it is, is very clearly different from the last one with Tiffany. George is still in control, and she’s not switching back and forth between herself and Tiffany like last time, she just has some new personality traits or whatever. The next episode summary includes Nick being concerned about George’s behavior, so I’m guessing some of the changes will be pretty obvious. But it probably isn’t something that’ll be fixed right away it’ll take a while. And I also don’t think Odette possessed her on purpose? Like she had given up the Aglaeca and seemed ready to move on, and then we see her in the mirror. Maybe there’s something she has to do regarding her girlfriend, like she has to find the Englishwoman’s ghost? Because the public story is Odette got married on the ship and died, what if her lady love thinks Odette forsook her or something and Odette wants to make it right? Last but not least I have said it before I’m saying it again I want George to develop psychic powers like her mother. Come on writers she’s not even cousins with Bess at least give me this.
Bess is going to try and stop stealing and some other stuff I’m sure and maybe learn about Marvin family skeletons and hopefully start dating Amaya??? Pleeeease???
We still have no idea what Det. Tamura’s purpose here is and I for one continue to want McGinnis back.
And then of course we have like fifty million horrors that Nancy just unwittingly unleashed on the previously sleepy town of Horseshoe Bay, and I absolutely cannot wait to see where that goes.
Hmm yeah that seems just about everything, except for I feel like there’s something I’m missing, something I'm forgetting, something important that’s slipped my mind. Oh, that’s right.
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Being an adult is thinking about Madagascar 2: Escape 2 Africa out of nowhere and realizing you can just fucking watch it. You can dig through the dvd shelf and spend your Saturday afternoon rewatching underrated masterpiece Madagascar 2: Escape 2 Africa and no one can stop you or needs to give you permission. Like literally I thought ‘huh did they literally do an evil uncle lion like lion king? Did they literally just copy it?’ Then I thought ‘no I don’t think he was related’ then ‘they accidentally made a really excellent queer allegory with Marty and Alex by having their relationship plot lines solely revolve around each other. Which I guess is cause gloria’s the only existing female animal and they don’t really have time to introduce characters not related to the lion-pride or bizarre (yet oddly wholesome??) hippo-giraffe-romance plot because all the extra time goes to Maurice and Julian fucking around and finding out and the penguins bossing the monkeys around. And it’s so funny because like it’s like they realized they’d made 2 movies about a lion who not only didn’t have a heterosexual love interest, which they can get away with because it’s a kids movie, but who was ostracized by his father for his love of dancing from the time he was a child, came to be accepted and loved as he is, and whose male best friend only needs his validation that he’s unique in order to feel whole and valued. So they gave a lot of weight in the third movie to Alex falling in love with a girl big cat (can’t remember what species she actually was).’ which of course made my brain go ‘hehe polka dot polka dot polka dot afro lol’ and then I watched the movie again and holy shit it’s actually really funny and heartwarming?? I had to fast forward through the ceremony part because of second-hand embarrassment but I legit teared up in all the scenes with Alex’s mom and dad??? And did y’all remember the part where the monkeys FORM A UNION and GO ON STRIKE and fucking BLACKMAIL SKIPPER WITH INTIMATE PHOTOS OF HIM AND A BOBBLEHEAD INTO GIVING THEM MATERNITY LEAVE jfjfjfjuehshsushudeoitigvjcjfkkfkcksdhfjjfjf I don’t really remember where I was going with this besides the fact that Madagascar 2: Escape 2 Africa is a fucking weird movie in many parts but it is legitimately really good and made me laugh out loud several times and it makes me grateful to be an adult and thus capable of indulging my silly little impulses and rediscovering childhood movies. (Also this movie is better than I thought it was, I think because when I was a (very Repressed) kid all the het romance between a giraffe and a hippo kind of turned me off of it and seemed unnecessary but now as a lesbian adult I can just be like ‘yeah that’s Cishets for u lol at least none of it is toxic. almost all media has some level of unnecessary heterosexuality bitch now let’s get you some gay lion and zebra subtext’
Oh my god I just remembered why Madagascar 2 was on my mind in the first place it’s because of that post about the person whose Spotify wrapped song of the year was Big and Chunky by Moto Moto ASMSKSKJFDKDKKFKFJJD this fucking site is deranged I love it
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raybyanothername · 4 years
Some Nile Freeman Headcanons
Her brother was 100% against her joining the Marines because he was afraid to lose her too. And now she has All the Guilt about fulfilling his greatest fear.
Her little bro is named Layne in my head as a nod to Kiki because it means roadway and rivers are the original roadways. Siblings should always have related name meanings!
She takes forever to warm up to Quynh because of the memories of her nightmares.
Once Quynh and Nile bond, they go full tag team to keep Andy from her usual self-destructive bullshit lifestyle choices.
And by bond, I mean they jump off a building together and Quynh does a flip.
Nile has Always been the big sister - first with her actually little brother and then with her unit. She'd get up in the middle of the night to check they were all breathing sleeping soundly.
That big sister experience has prepared her Not At All for becoming the baby of a millenia old found family with abandonment issues.
Nile took a detour on the way home from a mission one time and was woken up by Nicky and Joe breaking in to the apartment of the woman she picked up at a bar.
Quynh and Nile also bond as Team Lesbians by mocking Andy and Booker's taste in men.
Finding her in a woman's bed is how Jicky and Joe find out she's the current Team's Lesbian (pre-Quynh return) because they are oblivious and Nile is significantly more subtle then literally the entire rest of the team.
She points this out to them when they accuse her of hiding her sexuality.
"Not every one likes to tongue people at the breakfast table."
Andy and Quynh only barely came up for air when she said that. Nicky snorted apple juice out of his nose.
Nile doesn't like baklava.
The rest of the team is Offended by this.
Nicky brings her baklava from all over trying to find one she likes.
Nicky and Booker have a running bet about whether she will like it or puke. (After Quynh brings him back into the fold in a flourish of red robes and Fuck Offs.)
Nile loves s'mores.
The team is also Offended by this.
Booker cackles every time she makes a point to eat s'mores in front of Nicky.
Joe is in charge of teaching Nile to be subtle and less reckless.
This was the worst decision the team ever made. Crusades included.
Nile gets Joe to jump off a building with her within the first day.
Andy is not pleased and Nicky is not amused. Quynh gave them both high fives.
Layne, that stubborn adorable little brother of hers, tracks Nile down when Copley doesn't take a TikTok down quick enough.
It takes him three months, but he knocks on her door in Rio one day and Nile legit does not stop hugging him for at least an hour.
There's a tense week of negotiations before Layne becomes part of Team Not Immortal/Team Headache with Copley.
Layne cannot keep a secret from his mother.
Nile recieves a long voicemail informing her that she is expected for Friday Dinner for her formal nagging about dying in combat and NOT INFORMING HER MOTHER when she came back to life.
Mama Freeman is both sarcastic and sweet. She and Quynh hit it off like fireworks.
Which is to say, there was a car explosion and Andy got lectured by Two Total Moms about safety.
Basically, I am all for Team Immortal getting a few extra Freemans because it would make Nile smile more. Also, no one is ever straight in my headcanons. Maybe Layne? Idk, somebody's gotta be right?
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dekusbrokenarms · 4 years
Class 1-A Gender and Sexuality Journey Headcanons
This is mostly just me really liking messy self discovery because I am a messy bitch.
Kyoka Jirou
First off, Kyoka is a trans girl. She socially transitioned when she was really young and began medically transitioning in high school bc her parents are super supportive and great (we stan a supportive parent)
She first thinks she's bi when she's 14 and comes out as such at 15
She dates Kaminari for a while second year and after they break up she's pretty certain she's a lesbian
After high school, she has a couple years where gender is kinda nebulus. For a while thinks she's a nonbinary lesbian but then decides she's just GNC and punk but definitely full girl
She gets more comfortable in her gender after that, but starts questioning her sexuality again
And ends up back at bisexual, but like not attracted to dudes. Girls and nonbinary people only please
Also she and Momo reconnect in their mid twenties and hit it off and get married
Denki Kaminari
Denki is completely comfortable calling himself straight up until he's 17
But don't get it twisted, he definitely was already acutely aware he was into dudes
Because wow boys are pretty
But he also just kind of ignores it because OMFG GIRLS
But after his other friends start coming out, he gets more comfortable thinking about his sexuality but doesn't bother labelling it
Specifically he doesn't want to label it because he gets comfortable with it after her starts dating Kyoka and doesn't want anyone thinking he's calling himself not-straight for dating her
But a couple months after he breaks up with Kyoka, he starts fooling around with Hitoshi and like really he's at the point of no return so he just slaps the bi label on himself and goes about his day
Towards the end of third year, he starts playing around with GNC and really vibes with the genderqueer label, but still uses he pronouns because he's used to them
He and Hitoshi break up after graduation and Denki really throws himself into exploring his gender and sexuality
And starts using he and they pronouns and typically dresses on the masculine side of androgynous but with lots of cool makeup
He gives polyamory a shot, but he keeps finding himself feeling like he's third wheeling other people's relationships and decides its not for them
In their late twenties, he and Hitoshi hook up at a reunion party and hit it off. They keep things casual for several months before suddenly they decide to move in together and in a blink of an eye, they're in a legit committed relationship without knowing how it got there but it feels right to them.
Eijirou Kirishima
No flavor for this one. He figured out he was gay when he was 12 and it stuck. His moms are lesbians and support him wholeheartedly.
Katsuki Bakugou
I think Bakugou also grew up with queer people in his life so he was never really in the closet
He was pretty certain he was asexual and aromantic until Kirishima weedled his way into his heart
At 17, he decides that he's probably demi-pansexual and demiromantic but that feels like too much so he just says queer.
This boy knows all the words though. Keeps very up to date with the local and global state of queer communities but doesn't talk about it unless prompted or provoked
At first he was very private about his relationship with Kirishima because it was no one's fucking business but after seeing the rampant homophobia in the hero business, he became very loud and very proud of his boyfriend very fast
Eijirou and Katsuki probably got married at, like, 21 and did not give one shit when people pointed out they were young. And they're together for the rest of their lives so those fuckers can suck it
Mina Ashido
Mina is your classic bisexual disaster and spends her teens and early twenties going between calling herself straight, bi, and a lebsian depending on who she's currently into because this bitch has zero object permanence
She chills out in her twenties though and is comfortable calling herself bisexual at long last
Hanta Sero
Sero is pretty comfortable being straight right up until all his friends come out
He spends a couple months questioning his sexuality before knowing for certain he's straight
But he's that one straight dude that always ends up dating bi and pan girls by complete happenstance
Hitoshi Shinsou
He really does not know what his sexuality is
Sometimes its yes
Sometimes its no
He says queer because he can't be assed to look into any of the microlabels
He just knows he's not straight and that's good enough for him
Momo Yaoyorozu
This girl is a lesbian but trying to convince herself of that was A PROCESS
She denies it for years and years
Its not until after graduation she thinks, but doesn't dare say, she's bi because she tells herself she's "mostly into guys anyway" so "it doesn't really count"
Slowly her percentage shifts away from guys and to girls
She's 23 before she accepts she's a lesbian
But she doesn't come out until she's 28 because she's scared since her parents expect her to end up with a man
Ochako Uraraka
This girl is mostly into guys. Like she's pretty sure she's straight because all the crushes she had so far have been on boys
When she's 18, she starts to suspect she might like girls too but is really too shy to explore that feeling at first
But when she does? Oh boy she will not stop talking about how wonderful and perfect girls are and how unfortunate her attraction to men is because she feels insecure in her validity as a bisexual woman with a preference for men
Tsuyu Asui
Tsuyu has known she's a lesbian since she was 15 and was very comfortable with that
She questioned if she might be bi a time or two but always came back to being gay
She does realize she's an ace lesbian at 18 though but she's also okay with that
Her goals in life are to own a house by a lake with a beautiful wife
Tenya Iida
Tenya is pansexual
Literally he just cannot see why gender would be a factor in choosing a potential partner
He never came out because he was 20 before he realized that this was not the default state and others weren't just being picky by having a different sexuality
And by then, every knew because he made no attempts to hide his partners
He was really stressed at first about it, and asked Tensei why no one ever told him he should be more careful with publicly showing his sexuality but Tensei was just like "we just thought you knew what you were doing, dude. And it looks like it worked out"
Izuku Midoroya
Again, Izuku is too swept up in "nghh girls pretty" to think too much about his sexuality when he's younger
When he gets a crush on Shouto, he doesn't recognize it as a crush at first because it felt so natural and comfortable and he was used to being uncomfortable around people he liked
So he has a crush on Shouto for years before it hits him: Oh I'm not straight
He stays in that nebulous not-straight state for months because he does not have time to deal with that
But once he stops procrastinating his sexuality, he cannot decide if he's bisexual or pansexual or polysexual and he gets super wrapped up in researching microlabels and its super overwhelming
He even questions his gender for a little bit but settles on he's a cis man pretty quickly
He does eventually start dating Shouto and just calls himself gay for a while because it's easier than trying to piece together ten microlabels like he's tempted to do
However after Shouto begins exploring his gender identity, Izuku gets more comfortable just calling himself pan because he realizes that gender never really played a part in who he likes.
Shouto Todoroki
He came out as gay at 14 to piss off his father depsite the fact he didn't actually have any feelings about his sexuality at the time
No he decided he didn't care what his sexuality was. He was gonna be gay.
And he forgot he did that until he was 17 and was like, oh- I should probably figure out my actual sexuality, after being questioned due to his close relationship with Izuku
So he thought about it for about 15 seconds to say, well, I do like Izuku so I'll just be actually gay now
That stuck until after graduation and into his twenties when he started questioning his gender
He figured out he wasn't particularly attached to masculinity or femininity and found comfort in the agender label
They started using gender neutral pronouns and grew their hair out long but that's really all that changed
They came back to their sexuality after that and decided it was just "men"
Izuku tried to be helpful and offered terms like androsexual, but Shouto didn't find them very useful so they like to tell people their gender is no and their sexuality is dude
It gets the point across
Yuga Aoyoma
Okay, so we all know he’s gay
But despite how flamboyant he is, this boy is a closet case
He definitely had a crush on Izuku first year, but he couldn’t handle that yet so he definitely lived vicariously through Ochako’s crush on him
I don’t think he came out until after high school
And zero people were surprised
He probably does drag too
And he’d look fabulous doing so
Kouji Koda
I think Kouji is ace 
I don’t think this is a word he had for himself until he was in his mid twenties
He just assumed he was a late bloomer and he’d been told he just had a low self esteem
But he finds the ace community and suddenly everything makes sense and he feels comfortable in his own skin
Once that falls into place, he discovers he’s also aromantic
He ends up having a platonic life partner and they have lots of pets and plants together
Fumikage Tokoyami
Fumikage figured out he’s bisexual when interning under Hawks. Like fuck, he had the most embarrassing crush on this guy who’s aesthetic is so embarrassing
I don’t think he had much trouble accepting that he’s attracted to guys though
Like a demon lives in his head
He’s mostly suffering because he has a crush on his cheerful, friendly mentor
Dark Shadow is very happy about this development because it’s a chance to embarrass him and make him uncomfortable
Fumikage gets renewed interest in being able to control Dark Shadow to shut his whore mouth
Unfortunately Dark Shadows outs him to his mentor
Fortunately Hawks is really cool about it and tells DS to have some chill and doesn’t give Fumikage a hard time about it, but Fumikage doesn’t get invited back for another internship with him and finds himself assigned to do work with sidekicks afterwards
Mezou Shouji
Mezou doesn’t fuck with gender
It’s not that he necessarily feels disconnected from his masculinity but rather that he just feels like gender is archaic and useless
So he’s pan and bigender (male and agender)
Definitely would make jokes about be attracted to frying pans and this is how he comes out to Fumikage in their third year. 
Rikidou Sato
Rikidou doesn’t really date in high school
Soon after graduation he ends up in a relationship with a girl that lasts five years before he realizes he’s gay
One time someone tells him he should have known sooner since he likes baking so much and he punches them in the face (I like to imagine this person was Mineta for face punching purposes)
He ends up good pals with the woman he was dating and she’s his maid of honor at his wedding :’)
Tooru Hagakure, and Mashirao Ojiro
I’m sorry if one of them is your fave. They’re both straight and cis and have never questioned it even once. 
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szivtalan · 4 years
character ask: kagami, momoi, alex and himuro 👀👀👀
!!! omg thank u Ceru! u might be one of my favorite mutuals <33 (putting this under a read more just so I can speak at lengths about each individual character)
Why I like Kagami: this is where I sarcastically ask “why DON’T i like him” but that’s literally the next question so; he’s everything i want to be and more. He has the determination and the willpower to make his own dreams come true, he’s gay as shit, he’s tall and buff and well-adjusted, mature enough to live on his own at an annoyingly young age, he’s funny and dumb and a total himbo as well as an excellent advisor bc of how grounded he is.
Why I don’t: I’m... not really good with explosive people. Violent men with loud voices especially scare me, and I’d think I’d flinch around him a lot and that would make me rlly anxious.
Favorite episode: it’s a toss-up between the Seirin fam visiting his place for the first time (is it where Kuroko confesses his love to him and then passes out in his arms? idk), and the onsen episode. I also loved all his plays against Kise and Aomine. AND the training camp w him running a lot in the sand.
Favorite season/movie: season 2 probably because he’s not a jerk anymore, but he’s still on his way to shed off any asshole behavior stuck to him. And I actually liked Last Game?
Favorite line: “There’s no such thing as useless effort.” and “This is our drama and we write the plot.” because he’s so ridiculous.
Favorite outfit: all of his casual fits... comfy but manly is my Jam
OTP: AoKaga....they’re truly soulmates, star-crossed lovers, canonically brought together by fate.
Brotp/otp no. 2: KagaKuro, I love them
Head Canon: I have several collections because I think too much about this boy, but here’s something I think about his family: he doesn’t know what happened to his mom. He never asked, because it wasn’t relevant, and he didn’t want to inconvenience his dad by questioning him. Occasionally, as a kid he felt like he was missing out on something (seeing other kids with their moms, feeling like they’re being treated with much more gentle care because they have moms), but as he grew older he realized that nurturing behavior shouldn’t have been limited to only a mother, and that he was just straight up neglected without any regards to missing a parent in his life.
Unpopular opinion: I never realized this was an unpopular opinion but I’m glad he went back to America at the end of Last Game. Obviously, it’s sad that he had to separate from the others, but I felt like Japanese basketball has always been just a stepping point to him, and now that he’d beat the best of them, it was time to move on. And it also warms my heart that him getting scouted in the US gave Aomine hope to aim big, too. I felt like both of them would’ve felt trapped in Japan with their skill sets.
A wish: I want him to be happy and gay and to confront Himuro and tell him how hurt he was by how he treated him and probably do the same to his dad too
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: ....whatever I’d say Shinsun has probably written it/will write it, but I don’t want him to forget about the GoM just because he becomes a world-famous athlete.
5 words to best describe them: sweet child with anger issues
My nickname for them: not mine (it’s Sypha’s) but “Kags”, Kagami, Tigerboy, Kagababe, Baby
Why I like Momoi: she is SO nurturing and sweet and she cares so much about her boys!! I’m sorry it always turns into “how they remind me of myself” but actually I get feeling like a background character and being the moral/emotional/physical support of those who are more talented or in any way better than you. I feel a strange kind of kinship with her and also,,, feminine girls make my heart stop, and it doesn’t get more feminine than Momoi. Added: Aomine aside, the Touou team wouldn’t worth shit without her skills tbh, and she’s not in any way less than the GoM. Also, I appreciate her being the one person to try to keep their friend group together.
Why I don’t: Analytical People Scare me like!! how do u know stuff people are Unknowable!! I usually am also irked by her pointing out Riko’s breast size but I can just pretend that’s in a gay way (maybe Momoi likes girls with small boobs and she’s just bad at flirting) (also I don’t exactly liked her calling Aomine a “ganguro” but I have too little knowledge on the use of this word to say exactly why)
Favorite episode (scene if movie): uh the one where Aomine made her cry? It really came through how much love she actually has for her friends at that one.
Favorite season/movie: she was great in all of them!!
Favorite line: I can’t remember the exact quote and Google isn’t really helpful either but the one where she made Kuroko promise they’ll always play together or something? Or that they’re gonna beat Aomine?? idk?
Favorite outfit: I like all of them but mostly I just appreciate her wearing so many hoodies, she looks so cute in them
OTP / Brotp: it’s both AoMomo. I feel like the have the most special and strongest bond in the entire series.
Head Canon: She’s never been shown to do, but I feel like she wears Aomine’s clothes a Lot. Also, they definitely have sleepovers To This Day.
Unpopular opinion: Momoi is good at basketball and she loves playing!!! But try being successful in it when ur opponents are Giants and Way More Buff than you are
A wish: I wish people appreciated her more!! Both in fandom and in canon. She’s an amazing person and she has her own skills and strengths that are rarely explored or even mentioned anywhere.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: her falling out with her boys ;-; I do not want that
5 words to best describe them: strawberry sweetheart to steal ur heart
My nickname for them: Satsuki :> I feel like it’s a little too much to call characters on their first names sometimes but hers is so cute I can’t
Why I like Alex: yet again another woman with an extensive skill set. I love her persistence and again I appreciate getting disillusioned and finding your way back to the thing you love. Also it’s just sweet that she did that by teaching (again, something I can relate to)
Why I don’t: the whole “kissing children” thing rubbed me the wrong way but again, just like Momoi’s obsession with comparing breast sizes, it’s just bad/sexist writing from Fujimaki probably
Favorite episode (scene if movie): adshg any and all where she expressed that Himuro and Kagami are equally important to her <33 that shit makes my heart burst
Favorite season/movie: she only appears towards the end of s2 and in s3 so... I guess s3?
Favorite line: its so Bad that u literally can’t find the iconic quotes of these iconic ladies anywhere but... her story on finding her passion again through teaching kids, and anytime she mentions her fondness of Kagami and Himuro.
Favorite outfit: her iconic olive green coat with the short red shorts... wtf was that I loved it.
OTP: she doesn’t really interact with people her age but I’ve heard she’s shipped with Masako Araki and I’ve seen some seriously good fanarts and like... Yes Good I’d Love To See It
Brotp: I feel like her and Himuro would be that sassy pair that Kagami tries and fails to contain and they get into all sorts of weird, absurd situations asdjs what I’m trying to say is Kagami has to bail them out of jail from time to time
Head Canon: fck me if I’m wrong but she’s the lesbian single mom of the two gay kids she reluctantly adopted from the streets
Unpopular opinion: it’s more like another headcanon, but she can dunk and she taught Kagami how to do it.
A wish: I’d love her to coach the Seirin fam more!! Pls let her be part of her children’s lives (she could also judge streetball games between the goms it would be fun)
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: anything about her being romantically involved with her pupils makes me.................no
5 words to best describe them: Beautiful Beach Blonde Basketball....goddess
My nickname for them: Alex!! sometimes An Icon
Why I like Himuro: em dash Asdgsdj I’m joking, I’m becoming more and more fond of the boy. Once I realized that he shouldn’t have been the “bigger person” in that situation and one year doesn’t really mean much when you’re that young and that hurt, I realized he’s actually a good and hard-working kid and I’m sorry for giving him so much shade. Also I really like his snark and sass, but that might not even be canon at this point tbh
Why I don’t: I’m still sort of irked by him beating down on Kagami because he was envious/mad, but I realized the aspect of that situation that Really got to me was how devoted Kagami still was to him after all that. That devotion was what felt toxic, nothing that Himuro actually did to him.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): the time they met up w Kagami just to exchange a dramatic socially distancing bro fist and a few encouraging words.... gays be Like That
Favorite season/movie: I really didn’t mind s3 Himuro
Favorite line: apparently he’s said some iconic stuff that I don’t remember (and my sources don’t seem really legit) but I’m gonna say “let’s see you become number 1, bro” because again, that’s just so ridiculous and endearing. On one hand he really went from loathing Kagami to rooting for him and wanting him to reach his full potential and on the other, honey ur  like 17 stop speaking like That
Favorite outfit: his knitted V-neck sweaters and the black coat with the white fur.... boy’s got all the fashion sense that’s missing from Kagami
OTP: can I say.....AoHimu asdfh I ship 3/4 of these characters with Aomine what does that say about me
Brotp: KagaHimu. They can be sweet, but I’ve only ever seen Jake write them really well
Head Canon: I’ve been entertaining the idea of....trans Himuro.....
Unpopular opinion: everyone thinks that Kagami is the violent kid and Himuro is the chill, sweet child who’s somehow wound up with this mess of a fiery tiger, but it’s actually Himuro who taught Kagami how to fight and Kagami learned quite a lot of aggression from him
A wish: I feel like Himuro should’ve gotten a separate episode to explore his thoughts, feelings and past. He had so much potential as a character Is2g
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: him quitting basketball would fucking destroy me. I’d be devastated for others too, but it would really pull on my heartstrings if he just dropped the only thing he’s been so passionate about.
5 words to best describe them: gender-non-conforming emo child
My nickname for them: Himu, Tatsuya, Tatsu
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anestheticrage · 4 years
Be me: Japanese honor student🎓, 15, with half a brain and even less of a plan. Hunting bitches by day and witches by night. Livin that dank only child✌️ life while mom n dad yeet all over the globe, leavin me plenty of time to forget not to make 2 lunches for myself #quirky 😜
no time for socialization or basic electronics skills ???📱??? when your best friends are an alien demon rabbit🐰👽 and the inexplicable Hole ™ in your brain. lmao, btw did i mention im ✨M✨A✨G✨I✨C✨A✨L✨
dreamin bout my 2D waifus again when familiar pink haired cancer patient dances through my brain passin out fliers: Kamihama Meguca Dating Service: Sponsored by Cult of the Magius. 250 stones per session 🤔
seems legit, Mr. Moneybags. wasn't spending my unwieldy sack of gemstones on anything else anyway. lets pull 💎💎💎
first up we have Redhead Radagast and her plethora of plants. 🌿☺️🦎
anndd, nearly dies immediately. 
well not off to a great start but i guess shes pretty cute at lea- oh FUCK its her girlfriend, Tsundere Poseidon😒🔱💦, and their exasperated, straight and single Sword Mom 😔🗡️🔥. fml gonna have to save up for the next pull. might as well play a few rounds with what i got tho. 
get in some good girl talk about things like school, color coded hair styles, body count, permanent soul damage, and our personal demon pacts. ya know, the usual 😚 . realize my dark backstory seems to be missing, so the girls take me to Ketchup Queen Sappho 🍅🥧 (wtf?) to molest my glowy egg stone. whatevs, more action than ive had since Kuroe 🖤 got added to the story anyway
the gang agrees it's time to hunt down the cutest rabbit pimp 🕶️🐇💵 in the city. >> say 🎵mukyuuu🎵 one more time and ill hug you so hard my backstory will pop right out, you adorable fluffy bastard. plz be my new best friend 💕
Form brand new friendship pact with Kyubae, and remember that my lil Sis 🐥 was always the best wingman for pickin up magic chicks, and kept her side of the room so spotless i forgot she existed. whoops 乁༼☯‿☯✿༽ㄏ Maybe if I find her i can stop paying these exorbitant pull fees.📵💎
speaking of which: hot damn this week's featured bachelorette is a 19 year old model and magical detective🔎 with massive levels of PTSD and self loathing 🥵💙💦 more likely to stab you or dramatically jump off a rooftoop than utter a single positive comment. wow, maybe i really COULD find true love…
... if i had MORE THAN A 1% FUCKING DRAW CHANCE. 😡 smh
hard to make much progress finding sis or winning the broken heart of a hard boiled detective amidst the never ending lover's quarrel of the Trident Vine Lesbians. 💔 Sword Mom tells them if they don't behave a monster will take them away. LOL classic mom 🤣
declare all-out war on urban legends, starting with staircases ⚔️ to reunite the dysfunctional trio, and hope that I net a way better lineup with the next 10x pull. at least sad sleuth lady came to help out. they say combat is the best way to bond wi-   and there she goes off the rooftop again 🙄 fml
alright that got way off track, we need a fresh start, away from all the loli drama. how bout a little B&E🔓🔨🤷🏻‍♀️ at the local house of worship to clear my head. ahh nothing like the unanswered prayers of the masses to get you in the mood for another wasted pull, and the 🔥 MIGHTIEST 🔥 headache you could ask for with a side of Double Cooked Pork 🐖🍜 (meh 5/10🧾)
venture forth into the spiritual unknown with your new human flamethrower🔥🌻🧡 and ask your favorite private eye to please, for the love of Eve, trade Meguca accounts with me~~~ Head through the eastern spirit portal to meet up with hologram propaganda sis and detective crush's evil ex, who joined a dating-app cult (#fuck) and also turned into the moon?🌕?(that's rough buddy)
get ambushed by Acid Horse on Wheels 🌈🐴 and vomit up my soul so hard that its time for a crossover episode. T U R F F F   W A R R R *que operatic harmonies* 💛 Blondie with the hair drills and enough attitude and guns to fill up a noble phantasm tries to ban my account permanently, but PI heartthrob denies her admin privileges. aww babe i didn't know you cared. 😭♥️
get kidnapped by my new true love and go back to her place 😏  defs enough empty rooms to house five emotionally traumatized girls and at least two ghosts hehehe👻 XD 💚🃏💜🎸 decide to form the anti-gossip brigade and recruit my blazing sunflower after getting ambushed by the witch living in my fruit loops🥣
❌outvoted 2:1 that cults are bad. mf. fiinneee one last pull to round out the team and then I'll delete the app. cmonnn Karin 🎃~
Always wanted a daughter 💜🔨🐄 with a penchant for pissing off the local Martial Arts & Books Club and drinking suspicious liquids offered by total strangers. Well if it's good enough for her AND the sexy mayadere with enough game to seduce a mermaid, might as well get in on that myself. 
#curseddrank 🤢 0/24 would not recommend to a friend, 'cept maybe Ria
win alot of cash 🤑, blow up a fountain, meet the pied piper²🎶🖕, moon cult, monochrome feathers, something about liberation✊🏻; adopt temper tantrum cow girl. aces 💜🥩
Next up!!! skydiving with DJ Hammer! Jump to apparently-not-certain death after suicidal A.I. 💚💾🗼 tells you to rescue her hostage before they run out of Radiohead albums and have to move on to Thom Yorke's solo discography. save the invisible shield kitten 💚👑😿 from happiness and get chased through the internet by the sexiest homicidal Paint Pallette 💚🎨😈 since Caravaggio. (apparently green is the color of the digital apocalypse. i’m deleting Kako from my friend's list)
that’s it, fuck this app. 250 stones 💎 per-life-threatening-experience is more than i’m willing to deal with 😓 don’t wanna mess with the perfect nuclear family anyway. we've already got: 
✔️the two emotionally traumatized moms with memory and commitment issues
✔️the adhd daughter with anger management problems and a giant hammer
✔️the psychologically abused scizophrenic cat
✔️and the eccentric aunt with crippling anxiety
now that were done hoarding bitches, its time to hunt the witches. and the bitches makin the witches. btw did i mention the witches ARE the bitches! AND WERE ALL GOING TO DIE!? 📽️⁉️💀 wait fuck lets back up a second
This is Nemo📕 and Token🧪 and they have all the answers but prefer if you only ask vague questions in exchange for vague responses so they can fill in the rest by discussing their superior intellect 🧠 at length. not to mention they built that dating app, so of course everyone in my harem decides to be a FUCKING. TRAITOR.🤬
cept waifu prime ofc 🥰💙. [PTSD > brainwashing] 'yOu CaN bE tHe LeAdEr NoW'. i have been from the very beginning you traumatized Hinedere nightmare. maybe if you weren't so caught up collecting surrogate daughters you would've noticed IM👏THE👏ONLY👏 ONE👏PROGRESSING👏THE FUCKING👏PLOT✨
rescue the rest of dysfunctional found-family™ from selves before my adorable firebender burns down Disnihama🎡🔥😱 during her weekly anxiety attack. (love the makeover T B H) 
CHAPTER 8: Magical Girl Massacre🩸🗡️
   - everyone has like, the shittiest day ever
   - the new Pope really needs to be extradited from the church
   - make friends with a really pretty tree 🌺🌲✨
i swear, if i don't finish this god damn story in time to get that free pull im gonna beat the shit out of every mirror i find in that giant mansion that i haven't even had any time to even mention yet. 🖕🏚️ let alone EVERYTHING happening with the prequel [fuck you, I'm the star] girls 💗💜💙💛❤️️ and their multidimensional melodrama. We don't need that many repetitive af episodes to emphasize that Homo-ra is a shitty person. we've all seen Rebellion. 🙄
uhhhggggg where were we… Topple a cult and burn down Hotel Denoument only to realize that Sis was fused with the dating app servers this entire madokafuckin time (told ya she was the best wingman 😊). 
Dilemma: Sis =🥚, Triumvirate of Trouble want 🐣. What do? vote now:
Help Hatch - IIIIIII
Not Do That - IIIII
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Lets just fight everyone until something good happens.
Kill (???) the artist-in-chief of the italian reindeer murder police after teaching her the true meaning of Christmas 🎄 hatch 🐣lil Sis and realize she WAS your wingman all along🐰 MUKYUUUU! we're just gonna ignore how much trouble it would have saved if you'd just mentioned that. "yOu DiDnT aSk..." 
anywho, somewhere along the lines we of course summoned the Antichrist ⚙️ because why not raise the stakes to max and still not kill off a single character. Madofuckinkami, can we PLEASE wrap this up. 😩💤
feathers (not the culty kind, tfm) rain from the sky, and the power of friendship and not having the Urobutcher 🔪🩸as a lead writer saves our peacefully sectioned off alternate reality 😇
TL:DR fuck cults, real life waifus DO exist, don't sell your soul to space rabbits, or your stones to megacorporations. Enjoy arc 2 on the JP server with your shitty translation patch you filthy fuckin weebs 
Yours Truly, 
- Thirsty Weeb Eroha 💗💎😘 
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You said we can ask you questions so here goes( hope they arent invasive)
-at what age did u realise u were lesbian?was it easy/hard to accept?
-how was your coming out like? How did your family and friends react?
-were you ever/are you religious?do u believe one can balance between being homosexual and religious?
- were you always masc or is it something that came with accepting your sexuality?
-do you call yourself a stud?
- how hard/easy has it been being an out and proud black lesbian?
- thoughts on the stigma against stud4stud/butch4butch lesbians
-were you ever a TRA/libfem? If yes, what made you peak?
-ive had ppl talk about how masc lesbians being touch-me-nots is problematic/toxic and how its more about upholding a "status" than it is about preference. What do you make of that?
Not invasive at all! I'm happy to answer and thank you for asking :).
- I realized I was a lesbian at age 12 when I developed a HUGE crush on my gorgeous English teacher. I also got a small crush on a girl in one of my classes. I didn't grow up around much homophobia so it wasn't hard for me to accept that I was gay but what was hard was the absolute intensity of my feelings towards my teacher. I used to pray to god to have my feelings for her taken away because they were just so intense and I didn't know how to handle them (she was my teacher so I clearly wasn't going to ask her out. There was literally no outlet for what I was feeling so I kept it bottled.). My parents never brought up gay people in any positive or negative way and the kids I grew up around didn't really either. So me being gay wasn't something I beat myself up over. Once I accepted that I wasn't an overly invested straight ally, the road to acceptance was a peace of cake tbh.
-My coming out was... Well. I first started coming out to my friends when I was 13 and they were accepting of it. It honestly wasn't that interesting to tell you the truth 😅. All the peers that I gave a shit about never gave me shit for being gay. I never lost a friend for being gay. Coming out to my parents took me until I was 16 and the reason for that is because I genuinely didn't know how they'd react. Like I said, they never said anything about gay people point blank period. However, I was kind of forced to come out one particular night because my heart had been fucking shattered by a girl I was strongly crushing on at the time. I was pacing up and down my house, my best friend wasn't answering me, I could hear my dad's TV playing, it was late, I was tired, I couldn't sleep, I had school tomorrow, I was freaking out, I was devastated... I wanted to be comforted so I went to my father, threw my head into his arm and started telling him how my heart felt broken. He asked me if I had a boyfriend and when I said "nope" there was some silence and he was like "it's okay, I've known for a long time". I never actually said the words "gay" or "lesbian" during my coming out but I guess I didn't need to. The next morning, my father asked if it was okay if he could go tell my mom and I said yes. Long story short, my mom was even less surprised than my dad and she's the more progressive of the two so it wasn't really an issue (though she did tell me to keep an open mind in terms of liking men 😅 she seems to think I'm bisexual which is whatever because she never bothers me about it).
-Hmm. I don't like to completely cut out religion from my life. My father was extremely religious and now that he's gone, I feel it's disrespectful for me to say God doesn't exist. Like, "dad, you spent practically your whole life believing wholeheartedly in God but guess what! It was a waste and the thing you dedicated your life is something I think is a fairytale!" that doesn't sit right with me at all. I've been baptized and I used to go to church when I was younger. I think that there's no reason to shake my head at the possibility of a God. In terms of being gay and believing in God, I once watched a video by a devout Christian gay man who went through all the homophobic stuff Christians love to quote from the bible and gave the actual meaning behind them. I, personally, do not think that God is homophobic. I think that God's love is not something we have the capacity to understand. So, I, personally, think Christian gay people are perfectly fine and are already balanced. Here's to hoping that they stay away from homophobic churches!
-No, I wasn't always masc. As a child I was a huge girly girl. Like, legit, I wasn't a tomboy in the slightest lmao. I'm not sure when I started being masc. But what I do know is that I've grown far more masc over the years. I used to not want to dress too manly (no tuxedo's and no clothes from the men's section and no boxers) but nowadays I love all of those things and that's genuinely what I want in my wardrobe so I have no problem going into the men's section for my clothes.
-No, I don't call myself a stud. Love those guys though. The label I feel that's most accurate for me is masc.
-Um, I'm not sure how to answer this since I don't have experience being any other kind of lesbian. I guess it's just kind of tiring. I'm black, female, and homosexual. That's a LOT of different topics to give my attention to. The hardest part of being a black lesbian is knowing who to give my camaraderie to. Do I give it to black women? Black women AND black men? Lesbians? Only black lesbians? The lgb community as a whole? It's just a lot to think about. I will say, though, I think that it's a lot harder to be a masc black lesbian than a white one. Black women are already perceived as manly just based off of our skin color. So for me to willingly present masc can often be... A non-pretty picture in the eyes of society and I'm hyper-aware of that which is why I often have trouble going all out with the wardrobe I truly desire. That's my biggest challenge navigating the world as the black lesbian that I am. On a more positive note though, it's great being a black lesbian because I can have an opinion on everything and nobody can tell me I'm being racist/homophobic/sexist or stepping outside of my lane 😂. I'm on a three-lane road motherfucker and I'm not afraid to use all of them.
-my thoughts are that you should leave people alone. I will say though, I once read something that was like "if you call yourself a femme but the idea of being with a butch disgusts you, you're not a femme, you're just a feminine lesbian" and that rang true to me so it feels hypothetical (and nonsensical) if the reverse wasn't true as well. If a butch/stud shits on femmes and assumes they can't be as feminine as they are and ACTUALLY gay then I do have a problem. Butches and femmes have a history that's damn near inseparable from each other so for a butch to shit on femmes... I'd argue that they're probably not butch but instead just masculine lesbians. However, I don't care if two butches or studs want to date lmao. All the power to them, I hope they're happy.
-I definitely used to support trans rights more than I do now. I would correct people who misgendered others. I thought trans women were women. I was in support of bathroom laws. I never made posts about it, but I very much did believe it. Magdalen berns made me peak. I started realizing that gender makes no sense. I did some research and came to the conclusions I hold today. Even when I want to go back to my ignorance, I can't because I've seen too much by now.
-I honestly don't know. I think that some masc lesbians don't want to be put in that "feminine" position of being touched by their partner. It could stem from upholding a status but at the end of the day, sexual boundaries are sexual boundaries. What are you gonna do? Force your touch on to them? Yikes. Leave them be. If you're upset about your partner not wanting to be touched by you then get a new one. Clearly you're not sexually happy so leave. I don't think it's necessarily toxic unless they think there's something inherently demeaning in being touched by their partner or they do want to be touched but won't allow themselves due to trauma or feeling like there's a certain persona they must uplift. Other than that though, I don't see the issue.
Thanks for the questions, buddy ❤️
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