#and she’s gonna swing open the door with that ridiculous cheeky smile and she’s gonna see it’s just dad
mellowyandere · 4 years
Erasermic “Just tell us what you like darling.”
Reader: F
Characters: Aizawa Shouta, Yamada Hizashi 
Summary: You’d been stuck with the two pro heroes for a couple of weeks now but have yet to open up. Can’t you see they’re just curious?
Length: 4K
Warnings: non-con, yandere themes, M/M/F, slight bondage, aphrodisiac, oral sex, vaginal sex, slight praise kink.
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You sat curled up on the far end of the couch, eyes glazed over as you watched the TV in front of you. A half-baked sad excuse of a porno disguised as a movie was playing. The plot was flimsy at best and you couldn't care less, but movie nights weren’t optional.
Hizashi and Shouta were cuddled up closer to the middle of the couch than you’d prefer. You could feel their eyes flickering between you and the shitty movie. Currently the female lead was bent over the male leads extravagant kitchen counter getting railed out of her mind. Her wanton moaning was starting to get on your nerves.
“Soooo.” the blond broke the silence. You peered over at him and couldn't help but roll your eyes as he waggled his eyebrows. “What kinda stuff you into baby girl?” With the degrading quality in movie’s Hizashi had been picking for the three of you to watch you had a feeling he was up to something.
“Not whatever this is...” Shouta snorted at your response, pulling Hizashi closer to keep him from migrating over to you. The dark-haired man was fully aware you were on edge, still not having settled into your new life yet. His boisterous partner on the other hand was dying to get to you, his patience much shorter than his sleepy counterpart.
“Aww I thought you’d enjoy this one! I mean she sure looks like she’s enjoying it. Ever been fucked over a counter?”
You couldn't help but choke a bit at his question. The man had been getting more and more pointed in his attempts to unravel your sexual escapades and desires. “I-It’s hardly any of your business!”
“Come on babe no need to be so shy! Sho and I are here for yah, whatever you want or need we can give!”
You felt your blood boil a bit at his proclamation. The fucking nerve this man had to say you could have whatever you want after kidnapping you.
Shouta noticed your face scrunching up with anger. Hizashi noticed too, but was so desperate for something besides your passive aggressive moping he'd take anything.
But you weren’t interested in giving them any reason to punish you, so instead you quietly stood up from the couch.
“I have a headache so I’m going to go lay down. Don’t bother me.” You hesitated for a second. “Please.” Within your two weeks here you had learned manners got you pretty far with Shouta, allowing you to push the boundary between rude and polite.
Peeking over at the two you saw Hizashi struggling to sit up, but Shouta held fast, pulling him close and murmuring something in his ear. The blond frowned, sharp green eyes narrowing in your direction, but he relaxed into his partner.
“Take it easy kitten. Let us know if you need anything.” You cringed at the sleepy pro’s pet name but took the chance to leave before they changed their minds.
“I told you those shitty movies weren’t going to work.”
“Yah never know Sho, I thought maybe she’d see us all cuddled up like love birds and want to join after watching something steamy! Not my fault she’s so damn shy.” Hizashi was pouting now.
Shouta hated to see the normally, annoyingly, enthusiastic voice hero like this. Thankfully he had been mentally working on a plan for a while now. Your problem was not only were you shy, but you were so self-conscious you lacked the courage to ask them what you wanted. It was on him to work it out of you. The issue was getting you in the right mood. He knew it would take months before you came around, and if it was just him that would be perfectly fine.
But his sulking partner wasn't going to last that long, and he’d end up doing something to push you further away from them. No, they were going to have to get you to come onto them. What he had in mind made his gut churn a bit in guilt, but if it worked then it would all be worth it.
“Hizashi stop whining. I have a plan to help get her out of her shell.” Hizashi sprang up, emerald eyes wide in delight. “Oh oh, tell me tell me!”
Shouta smiled softly at how fast the man could bounce back. “I had a feeling we were going to need a bit more than movies to encourage her so I had Kayama get me an aphrodisiac. She has troublesome pets of her own so she was more than happy to help out.”
Hizashi was practically vibrating with excitement now. It took everything in him to not shout out in joy. “You’re a genius! So when do we give it to her, now? Tonight? The sooner the bet-”
“No. Not right now,” Shouta cut him off.
“We need to give her some time to settle down, cut it with the pornos, and use it when she least expects it. I’ll decide when the time is right, and let you know once it’s all set up. Can’t have you giving the surprise away now can I.” With that the dark-haired hero pulled Hizashi closer to him for a gentle kiss. “Just be patient Zashi and she’ll be ours willingly.”
It had been a little over a week since Hizashi had stopped forcing you to watch those raunchy movies. He still insisted every now and again to watch something, even asking for your own input. He had also thankfully stepped back a bit on the sexual comments and you almost felt comfortable near him.
Tonight, was yet again movie night. Hizashi was already hunkered down on the couch a warm cup of tea clutched in his hands. Shouta silently slunk in from the kitchen, he always managed to spook you with how quietly he moved.
“Here kitten,” he handed you a hot cup of tea and plopped down in between you and the blond. He opened his arms and gestured to you with a questioning eyebrow but you simply mumbled out your thanks for the tea and turned to the tv.
“Alright babes it's show time!” With that Hizashi started the movie and another uneventful night began. You sipped slowly on your tea, it was a bit hot but it felt nice in the cold house.
About thirty minutes into the movie you began to feel a bit... odd. Did you have a fever? You wiggled a bit to try and get comfortable but the burning in your gut only seemed to increase. Something wasn't right, but you couldn’t figure out what.
“You doing alright there kitten?” Shouta questioned while shuffling closer to you. He reached his hand out and gently placed it on your thigh, deep obsidian eyes glinting with amusement.
You yelped, jumping a bit as his large hand made contact with your clothed leg. Even through the fabric he was so warm, and arousal pooled in your stomach. What the fuck was going on? You jumped up, his hand falling to the soft cushion.
“A-ah I’m fine! I don’t feel so good um so... I’m gonna go rest!” You bolted, Hizashi whining in complaint as you took off. “What’s her deal,” he grumbled in annoyance. He glanced over at Shouta and suddenly it dawned on him. The cheeky smirk on the dark pro’s face giving him away.
“Come on Zashi. We’re going to follow her tonight.”
Hizashi shot up in excitement at his partners’ proclamation. A grin that showed just a bit too many teeth splitting his face in half.
“Might need this though,” Shouta murmured as he grabbed his capture weapon.
Heading upstairs the two pros found your bedroom door closed, but due to the lack of a lock it didn't stand as much of a barrier. Hizashi rushed to swing the door wide open, ready to charge in, but was halted by Shouta. “Slow it down we’ve got all night. Don’t want to spook her,” he whispered.
The blond shot him a wink “Aight aight my b,” he whispered back.
You shot up in bed when the door was forcefully thrown open, a familiar pair of green eyes locking onto you. “You doin’ alright there baby girl? I mean I know runnin’ off ain’t too weird for yah but you’ve been so good these past couple days.”
“I’m fine,” you grumbled out. You were in fact not fine. You felt like your body was on fire, and your cunt was aching. Hizashi bounded over, jumping up on the bed and shuffling closer to you. You curled up on yourself, body pressed against the headboard. “Pl-please stop.”
“Aww Sho she’s so damn shy, ain’t she just the cutest thing?”
“Mhmm, the cutest.” Shouta wandered into the room, capture weapon in hand. Why did he have that?
“We’ll finish the movie in here. That way you can continue to rest.” The dark-haired pro turned the tv on in your room and crawled into bed, remote in one hand, weapon in the other. “And so you don’t try to avoid watching the movie...” With that his weapon slowly unraveled, metal alloy winding around your wrists and securing them up above you on the headboard.
“Whoa hey what are you doing! I-I’ll watch the movie I promise!” Shouta planted himself firmly on your right, while Hizashi cuddled up on your left. “Nu-uh baby girl you’ve been dodging movie night! Can’t take any chances now!” Two different hands took up residence on each thigh, Shouta’s gently rubbing circles into your skin while Hizashi’s squeezed and rubbed with a little more force. You had changed into shorts to try and help with how hot you felt, but now you were regretting your decision.
It was torture. Their hands sending tingles of electricity straight to your wet pussy and hardening nipples. You bit back a moan as Hizashi’s hand began to trail further between your thighs so he could get a better grip on the soft skin. If they noticed your uncomfortable squirming they didn't say anything about it. Opting to watch the movie while you grew more and more aroused.
This was ridiculous, you’ve never felt so turned on in your whole life! You held your tongue for fear of letting a moan slip out of your mouth.
A text notification went off to your right. Shouta heaved a sigh as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, but quickly chuckled in amusement upon opening the message.
“What’s up Sho?” Hizashi leaned in closer to you, hand moving upwards, gently bumping up against your clothed sex. In turn Shouta extended his hand towards his partner, knuckles brushing across your sensitive nipple.
You couldn’t hold back the soft moan that passed your lips.
In a fraction of a second two set of sharp eyes darted to you. You hung your head in shame as heat flooded your cheeks.
“What was that baby doll? Someone feelin’ a lil frisky?” The blonds quirk picked up a bit at the end of his sentence and rumbled through your body.
“N-no!” What was with you stuttering? You needed to assert yourself! You felt completely out of control of your own body.
“Oh reallyyy?” With that Hizashi bumped his knuckle up against your clit. You bucked your hips into his hand and let out a pathetic mewl.
“Zashi leave her alone,” Shouta chided the man. You looked over to him, thankful he was always the voice of reason, to feel relief replaced by fear as you saw the predatory glint in his eyes. “Come on now, Kayama sent us a cute little outfit we should buy for our kitten,” as he spoke his hand clutching the phone continued to rub against your perky bud.
The fire in your gut was getting worse, your head felt like it was spinning. Did they.. did they do something to you? Your brain couldn't block out the image of Hizashi’s slender fingers pumping in and out of your wet cunt fast enough and you clenched down on nothing in response. You felt so empty.
“Please stop? Or do you mean please keep going baby girl?” At this point you didn’t know which one it was either. You wanted them to stop, to leave you alone. But at the same time, you needed something. You needed them.
But they made the decision for you. Pulling away both men placed their hands back into their own laps, pants a little more tented than they were a moment ago. “We wouldn't want to do anything without your permission kitten,” the dark hair hero stated as you whined at the loss of contact. Oh so they chose now to be decent human beings?
They were doing this on purpose. You felt your eyes sting a bit as tears threatened to form. Fine if they wanted to play a stupid game you'd play. Raising your head you glared at the tv, hell-bent on not giving them the satisfaction of hearing you beg.
You lasted about fifteen minutes before the burning sensation in your core went from uncomfortably aroused to painful. You wriggled about, desperate to try and generate some friction. You no longer cared that Shouta and Hizashi had turned their attention to you with quirked eyebrows and amused smiles. How fucking patronizing.
“Just say the word baby girl and Sho an’ I can help yah.” Tears were openly falling down your face now as you sniffled miserably. “Pl-please..” you whispered, shame flooding through you.
“Not good enough.” You growled in frustration at Shouta’s dismissal. “If you want help kitten, you’re going to have to tell us exactly what you want.”
You threw your head back in frustration against the headboard. You couldn’t last much longer, they were leaving you with no choice.
It took about three more minutes of them ignoring you before you couldn’t do it anymore. Little sobs racked your body at the intense heat that was pumping through your veins.
“Please!” You cried out. And then the flood gate of promises burst forwards as you tried to tempt them into saving you. “I-I’ll be your good girl. I’ll let you tie me up, dress me up, pin me down, kiss me when you want, hold me during movie nights...” you started off tame working your way to more and more explicit promises.
“I’ll warm your cocks while you grade papers, o-or suck you off, let you fuck me while I’m asleep, anything, everything! Ple-please help me I need you to.. to fuck me please.” To say the men were pleased was an understatement. They had been expecting something, but were blown away with your confessions, each one spiraling into deeper and darker desires. You deserved a reward, now didn't you?
You kept rambling, little hiccups shaking your body while you cried causing you to stutter. You had been so busy trying to figure out what they wanted you to say that you failed to notice your now free hands. Only when Shouta slid behind you did you realize the situation you were in.
Both men had stripped themselves of their remaining clothes, and made quick work of peeling off your damp shirt and drenched panties. Hizashi hunkered down between your thighs. “That wasn’t so hard now was it baby girl? Aww Sho she’s absolutely dripping.” He threw your legs over his shoulders and his hot breath fanned out against your aching cunt.
You barely registered the words he said, opting instead to buck your hips towards his lopsided grin. “Easy now kitten, we’re here don’t worry,” Shouta murmured low into your ear. Gently he bit down on your earlobe while he hands came up and began to work on your tender breasts. His solid cock was flush with your lower back, gently throbbing as you wiggled for Hizashi’s attention.
“See now ain’t it just so much better when you tell us what you want.”
“Don’t torture her Zashi come on now, she’s waited long enough.”
The man barked a laugh before delving right in, not wasting a second more. His eager tongue delved between your delicate folds, working its way up and down. You threw your head back against Shouta’s shoulder, crying out in relief and pleasure. It wasn't enough, but fuck it was something, and he was good at it.
Shouta’s fingers pinched and rolled your nipples while Hizashi began to experiment with delving his tongue deeper inside, nose brushing up against your clit. Your hands wrapped around Shouta’s wrists as you attempted to ground yourself. You had only just begun and you could already feel your oncoming orgasm, your walls desperately clenching down on the blondes skilled tongue. You had been denied for so long it would only take a little bit more.
He hummed in satisfaction as he felt you getting close, quirk sending vibrations straight to your core and you snapped. You closed your eyes as your hips bucked up against his face. He held fast, hands digging into your thighs as he eagerly lapped you up. You moaned without restraint, Shouta’s lips flush against your neck as he nipped and sucked marks into your skin.
When you finally stopped squirming Hizashi pulled away with a cheeky grin, mouth glistening with your arousal. “Fuck baby girl you already finished?” No, it wasn't enough. You needed more!
“Please, I need more..I..” “Shh don’t worry kitten, we know what you need.” The blond leaned forwards and locked lips with his black-haired partner behind you. Shouta groaned into his mouth, cock throbbing eagerly against your back. From here you could see the blondes cock as well. He had an impressive length, red tip dripping pre-cum as it flexed with his arousal.
With a free hand you reached out and gripped his enticing member, earning a surprised moan from the hero. He pulled back looking down at you with lust clouded eyes. “As much as I want to fuck you until you sing, it’s Sho’s turn. Mm but shit do those small hands of yours look good wrapped around me.” He gave an experimental thrust of his hips into your grip before pulling away. Shouta began to move as well, swapping places with the blonde. You were flipped around, Hizashi crawling under you while Shouta pulled you up and back so you were on all fours.
“I could get used to a view like this,” Shouta said with satisfaction. The blond couldn't agree more, after all he was about to get a front row seat to his partner fucking you silly. His greedy hands came up and gripped the back of your head, pulling your face down for a deep kiss. You could taste yourself on his tongue, but you didn't care.
With your head pulled down your ass was arched up and Shouta couldn't help but give it an experimental slap. You yelped in pain, wriggling forwards out of his grip. “Sorry kitten I just couldn’t help myself. Your ass is just so perfect.” He kneaded the sore flesh affectionately as an apology.
The burning in your core had returned full force from what little Hizashi had done earlier to ease it, and you once again found yourself rocking your hips back against the dark haired hero. With his cock in hand he began to teasingly run it up and down your sopping cunt. Not this again.
You cried out into Hizashi’s mouth attempting to pull away from him in order to force the man behind you to fuck you, but both men held your firmly in place. Shouta took a moment longer to enjoy how needy you were before giving you what you wanted, the head of his cock slowly breaching your tight walls.
Your cries of frustration turned into cries of pleasure and Hizashi ate them up. Shouta began to gently pump himself into you. The aphrodisiac and Hizashi’s prepping making you wet enough he could slam into you if he wanted, but he needed to take his time. After all this wasn’t about him, it was about you. Showing you just what he and his partner could give you, how well they could provide for your every need.
Below you Hizashi took his own cock into his hand and broke off the kiss, pumping into his fist at the same excruciatingly slow pace Shouta was fucking you. He watched the pleasure consume you, eyes twisted shut as you took his partners cock like the perfect little girl you were. As Shouta began to pick up his pace, not only did Hizashi match it, he got the pleasure of watching your tits bounce in rhythm to the sturdy hips snapping against your ass. He could die right here a very happy man.
You were babbling now that your mouth was no longer consumed by the blond hero, pleas and mewls spilling forth as you allowed the men to alleviate the burning inside you. “You’re just so fucking cute ain’t you, shit I hope you’re still needy when Sho’s done cause fuck do I want to feel that perfect lil pussy of yours.” Speaking of, the man behind you let out a groan as you clenched down on him hard when he hit a particular spot inside you, velvety walls trying to milk him for all he was worth.
“She’s so fucking tight, so perfect. Shit, I think she’s going to cum again.” Shouta leaned down, muscular chest flush against your back as he wrapped his arm around you, hand reaching between your legs to stimulate your neglected clit. You bucked back into him at the sudden sensation. Hizashi’s free hand reached up and began to tweak your left nipple, desperate to see what your face looked like when you came undone on top of him.
The conjoined efforts of the two men sent you once again over the edge, face contorting in pleasure as your walls fluttered around Shouta’s cock. Moans and whimpers tumbled from your mouth. Shouta’s hips began to stutter a bit at the sensation of your walls clamping down on him, quickly approaching his own climax.
He began to slam into you, his thick member forcing itself deep within with each snap of his hips. With his chest flush against you, and arms tightly holding you in place he finally stilled. Groans of pleasure fell from his mouth as he pumped his hot cum into you, the remedy for the aphrodisiac bringing you immediate relief. Holding your exhausted body off of Hizashi, Shouta kept you plugged with his cock in order to undo the aphrodisiac as best he could.
The sight of both of you finishing above the blond was beyond a dream come true. He had been helping himself along this entire time and couldn’t contain himself any longer.
“Fuck do I wish I had a camera both my babes cumming one after the other I’m on cloud fuckin’ nine! Prop her up and slide out for me baby, it’s my turn to help cool down our girl.”
With a grunt the dark-haired pro sat up, continuing to press you firmly to him. His cock slowly slid out and his cum immediately began to run down your thighs. He maneuvered you so you were sitting over Hizashi’s waiting cock before lowering you down.
You whined at the feeling of the slimmer man entering you. Shouta had him in girth, but Hizashi won when it came to length.
“There you go baby girl, shit! You weren’t lying Sho she’s so tight I don’t think I’m gonna last that long.”
Quickly the blond began to snap his hips up into your limp body, only upright thanks to the man behind you. Words of praise tumbled from the blond as he fucked up into you. True to his word he didn’t last much longer, the entirety of the night catching up to him as he began to cum inside you. Unlike Shouta he continued fucking his seed into you until he finally stilled.
You were absolutely spent, and a complete mess.
“Seems we made a mess in your bed kitten, you can sleep with Hizashi and I until we wash your sheets.” He began to pull you up off the satisfied hero below you, his length slipping out, causing even more cum to run down your thighs and onto the blond’s lap. Not that he minded.
“Lets get all cleaned up babes and ready for bed!” You were too tired to protest, relaxing in Shouta’s arms. Come tomorrow you had a lot to think about regarding what happened. But for now, with your body no longer burning, a warm shower sounded like heaven.
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thisissirius · 3 years
ooh hide for the micro-story prompts 🧡
“Hide,” Buck whispers furiously. 
Taylor raises an eyebrow. “Are you kidding me?”
Buck throws up his hands, yells, “coming,” and gives her another look. “Taylor, I am begging you.”
Before Taylor can ask what he means, the door opens and a familair voice calls, “you upstairs?”
Jogging over to the balcony, Buck grins. “Hey. I didn’t know you were coming over.”
“Yeah,” Eddie says, and Taylor can hear the smile in his voice. God, they’re disgusting. “Chris is here too.”
“Buddy,” Buck says, looking pleased. Everything about him changes, from the look on his face to the way he stands. “I haven’t seen you in forever.”
There’s a laugh from downstairs that sounds like a kid--Diaz’s?--and then a small voice saying, “Daddy and Miss Flores aren’t friends anymore. We have to cheer him up, Bucky!”
Buck’s face goes through a myriad of expressions that Taylor struggles to understand. “Eddie,” he says, and that’s a tone Taylor’s never heard before. 
“I’m alright,” Diaz says from somewhere beneath her. “Or will be if you get down here.”
“I’m coming,” Buck says, and his voice is heavy with promise. Taylor knows what’s coming and slides out of bed. “I’ll be right down, just gotta get changed.”
Taylor sighs, picking her bra up from the chair. Buck gives her a look and she smirks at him, keeping her voice low in a whisper. “I guess we’re done with this?”
“Sorry,” Buck says. “I’ll call you later.”
Taylor snorts, tugs on her skirt and flicks her hair off her shoulders. “Buckley,” she says, hauling Buck in for a goodbye kiss. “I think we both know you won’t be calling me.”
Buck’s cheeks are pink and yeah, she figured. “Sorry.”
“Meet me Friday for drinks? I wanna know all about that,” she says, gesturing downstairs. 
“Sure,” Buck says, with a cheeky grin. “How are you gonna leave?”
He looks over his shoulder and she snorts. “I’m not climbing out of windows, Buck. Go and distract him and I’ll sneak out.”
Buck lets out a slow breath and pulls her into a hug, startling her. She squeezes him back, kisses his cheek. “Thanks, Taylor.”
“You’re welcome,” Taylor whispers. “Now go. I have places to be.”
With a laugh, Buck jogs down the stairs, and when she hears Diaz ask what’s so funny, she darts down quietly, shoes in hand. Buck’s facing her, Diaz’s back to the kitchen and she slips around the corner, opening the door quietly. 
“Where are you going?” Diaz asks. 
Taylor freezes, thinking he means her, but then Buck appears. “I just gotta grab something from the cupboard, one second.”
It’s enough noise for her to close the door. She tugs on her heels, grinning to herself, and makes her way out of Buck’s building. She wonders if there’s enough time to swing by Maria’s to grab her favourite pastries. It’s not breakup, but any excuse to binge eat and watch movies is fine with her.
Besides, she’ll find out on Friday whether her quick exit was worth it.
(When Buck walks into the bar with a shit-eating grin on his face, she knows it was and proceeds to mock him mercilessly for the next hour.)
petition for taylor to continue to mock buck about his ridiculous i’m in love��expression. the dork. 
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bonjour-rainycity · 3 years
Double Heart | Chapter Twelve ~ Cosima
|previous part|
Pairing: Haldir x OFC
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 3433
Warnings: None
**Read on Ao3 under the user “bonjour_rainycity if you prefer!**
A/n Sorry for the delay! Thanks for your patience and for reading :) Also, I’m so glad you liked the cuteness of the last chapter <3
I wake to an insistent pounding on my door.
I grumble against the noise and the sunlight, pulling the thick duvet over my head.
“Cosima,” a voice sings from behind the wood. “Rise and shine, it is well past lunchtime.”
I crack open an eye. The sun shimmers aggressively, forcing me into a state of awareness. Too early. But Rumil’s wake-up calls and knocking are insistent, so I haul myself out of bed and dress quickly, running a washcloth over my face and a brush over my teeth. When I’m decent, I swing open the door to fix Rumil with what I hope is a withering glare.
He grins brightly. “You look tired.”
“Wow, thank you,” I deadpan, opening the door wider to allow him in. He jaunts to the chaise lounge and reclines on the pillows, evidently in the mood to borrow the luxury of my guest room.
I offer him a glass of lemon water and pour one for myself, then sit on the couch opposite him.
He gives me a sly look. “You know, Haldir came into our room quite early this morning.”
I freeze mid-sip.
Rumil nods gleefully. “Woke me up—quite rude, if you ask me. Though I do have to wonder, what kept him out so late? Surely he was exhausted from his long day at the borders.”
I take a deep breath, trying to relax the tension that has shot its way into my shoulders. Rumil just likes to tease. You didn’t do anything wrong or scandalous — not even anything of interest.
He continues. “And then I come to visit my friend out of the goodness of my heart and find her sound asleep at two in the afternoon. She greets me at the door with such dark circles under her eyes — did she sleep at all? What was so interesting that kept both my brother and my good friend awake into the early hours of the morning?”
I roll my eyes, trying to seem nonchalant about it. After all, there’s no reason to feel cornered like Rumil is so obviously trying to achieve. “I couldn’t sleep. I was on my way to the gardens when I ran into Haldir and he ended up coming with me.”
“To the gardens?”
“Late at night?”
“Yes, Rumil,” I huff.
He looks positively delighted. “And what did you do to pass all that time in the gardens late at night by yourselves?”
I squirm under his gaze then force myself to stop. It looks suspicious. “We talked a little. And then stargazed. At some point I fell asleep, he woke me up and walked me back to my room. The end.”
“The end,” Rumil echoes dubiously.
“Yes,” I insist, just about done with this conversation. It’s ridiculous — we did nothing to warrant this questioning. “If you don’t believe me, you can ask your brother.”
“I did.” My eyes blow wide in disbelief. Somehow, Rumil looks even more smug than he did a second ago. “He quite forcefully told me to leave him and you alone. Such a strong reaction over a little thing, wouldn’t you agree?”
I fight the urge to groan loudly and instead take a sip of my water. I cross one leg over the other. “Is there something you would like to say or are you just here to interrogate me?”
He shrugs, looking completely unapologetic. “No, I think I am done for now. I’ll let you know if that changes, though.”
“Please do,” I snark.
He stands, placing his glass on the table. “I did actually come here for a larger purpose. Orophin and Lavandil went riding and missed lunch, so we’re having an impromptu picnic in one of the towers. It has some lovely views. Would you join us?”
The emptiness in my stomach begs me to agree, but the word ‘tower’ gives me pause. Rumil guesses the direction of my thoughts and huffs. “The tower is encased in stone, it is perfectly safe. You would have to jump onto the barrier and lean over to be in danger of falling off.”
I consider his words. That doesn’t sound too bad, and I am hungry. “Alright,” I agree. “But I’m inviting Alex.”
Rumil makes a noise of general acceptance and gives me directions to the tower. Before leaving, he snatches one of the thicker quilts from a storage basket. “Cost of attendance is the blanket we use to sit on. See you there!” With a cheeky wink, he disappears, leaving me feeling whiplash from the quick turns in our conversation.
Before leaving to find Alex, I pull a few pillows from the seating area. They’ll make for some extra cushion on the hard stone. And, since Rumil annoyed me, he will not be getting one.
At my knock, Alex throws his door open, greeting me with a wide smile. “Hello, Cosima.”
Well, that’s not what I was expecting. I blink and step into his room, careful not to tread on one of the many books and scrolls scattered around the floor. “Uh, you’re more chipper than I thought you would be after yesterday. How are you doing?”
He shrugs, throwing his hands into his pockets. “I mean, it didn’t feel great to find out that Elrond can’t help us, but I am holding out hope for Lady Galadriel. In the meantime, though, I’ve borrowed some materials from the library to see if there’s anything I can learn to help in getting us home. Most of them are in that Elvish language—Sindarin—so I’m having to learn the basics of the language first. Baranor offered to help — we’re meeting this evening after he’s done with his shift in the healing wards. Want to read the English ones with me and then come along? I’m sure he’d be fine with teaching you, too.”
“Um…” I trail off, feeling guilty. I’m attending a picnic with my friends while Alex is pouring over resources and learning the language of this land — he’s doing something helpful to try and get us home.
But if I’m being honest, I don’t want to do research right now. It’s not like there’s likely to be anything we could do, anyway. The best option is to just wait for Lothlórien and see what Lady Galadriel says. I clutch the bulky cushions tighter in my arms. “Can I take a rain check? A few of us are going to the tower to have a late lunch. That’s actually why I came here. Want to come?”
Alex looks at me like I’ve grown a second head. “You don’t want to see if there’s something in these books to help us?”
I shift my weight uneasily. “Not now…I haven’t eaten yet, and I already said I would go to the picnic. And I mean, come on, how likely is it that there’s something in those books Elrond isn’t aware of? It’s his library.”
“It has forty-two thousand volumes.”
“He’s lived a long time,” I defend weakly.
Alex’s eyes tighten into a glare.
“Look,” I try, “I’m gonna go eat, but what if I joined you and Baranor this evening? It’s smart to learn the language. And then maybe later I can help you look through these books.”
He sighs and shrugs his shoulders, looking frustrated but resigned. “Yeah, that’s fine. We’re meeting at five-thirty on the second floor of the library.”
“Okay,” I exhale, relived to have avoided a larger argument “I’ll be there. You sure you don’t want to come eat?”
He shakes his head, crouching to the ground to pick up a particularly withered scroll. “No, I ate in the dining hall. See you tonight.”
“See you,” I mumble, backing out of the room. I feel bad for not helping him, but hopefully joining him and Baranor tonight will smooth things over.
Following Rumil’s directions are relatively easy and, before I know it, I’m navigating the hallways to one of the towers built into Elrond’s home.
I stop in my tracks and turn at Haldir’s call. He jogs to catch up to me, having just entered the long hallway, and greets me with a pleasant smile. As always, he looks perfectly rested and put together — not a strand of hair out of place. Today he wears a tunic of deep grey, his clear blue eyes standing out in stark contrast.  
“Hi!” I wait for him to fall into step beside me. Unbidden, Rumil’s gleeful teasing enters my mind, and I feel my face go hot. What? I clear my throat. “Are you going up, too?”
“Yes, it’s—here,” he pulls the four bulky pillows from my grasp into his. My arms drop limply at my sides, suddenly relieved from their task. To give them something to do, I tug on the sides of my dress, trying to smooth the wrinkles that have somehow already appeared.
Haldir continues. “Rumil insisted it would be fun and it’s such a nice day I figured, why not?”
We turn a corner and begin our ascent up a tall spiral staircase. I remember a snippet of our conversation from last night. “Has Glorfindel come around?”
The edge of Haldir’s mouth pulls into a frown. “No. I talked with Elrond anyway and he’s agreed to my plan. It has set Glorfindel and myself at odds though, since I went over his head.”
I purse my lips. Though Haldir doesn’t say it, he’s clearly bothered by this outcome — it’s obvious he hoped to resolve things peacefully with Glorfindel and gain Elrond’s support. I hurry to try and make him feel better. “You did the right thing. So what if you went over his head? If it keeps people safe, I doubt it really matters how the plan came to be. And as commander, isn’t it his job to recognize advantageous strategies regardless of where they come from? I wouldn’t worry too much about being at odds with Glorfindel — the two of you will reconcile soon enough. And in the meantime, it’s good that Elrond agreed with you. Now Imladris has more time to better prepare.”
Haldir pauses on the step above me, turning with his head tilted slightly to the side.
I freeze. “What?” Did I intrude? Did I offend him somehow?
“No, it’s—I…” He sighs, offering me a soft smile. “Thank you.”
Oh, good. I breathe out in relief, returning his smile. We resume our climb.
“Elrond gave the order to call up the entire force and rotate the soldiers — they should all be switched in about a week. He’s asked me to oversee their training, to teach the strategies I use with my own guard in Lothlórien.”
I snort. “You’re going to work while you’re on vacation? That’s the most you thing I’ve ever heard.”
He rolls his eyes, but the smile never leaves his face. “It’s important and something I enjoy, so I am happy to help. I haven’t forgotten my offer to you, though.”
I furrow my eyebrows. Huh?
“Do you still want to learn how to defend yourself?”
“Oh! Yeah, definitely, if you’ve got the time.”
He steps onto the landing, moving forward to make room for me. “Of course I’ve got the time.”
I step up next to him—
And immediately return to the staircase.
Haldir alternates between looking at me in confusion and scanning his eyes over our surroundings, wondering what would make me practically jump away from the landing.
He doesn’t have to wonder long.
“You said it was encased in stone,” I shout accusingly over Rumil’s wailing laughter.
“Did I say encased? I meant made of. Whoops, my mistake.”
“Rumil,” Haldir grumbles in annoyance, but that only seems to make his brother laugh harder.
The tower is not, as Rumil promised, encased in stone, but rather a circular platform with only a roof and four stone pillars to protect from falling. There is no guard wall or even a thin railing. And we are stories above the ground.
“Cosima, it’s alright,” Lavandil coos, though her encouraging words are damaged by her giggles. “Elves have wonderful balance, no one is going to let you fall. And look—we are set up right in the middle.”
“If it helps, I can shove Rumil off the tower to demonstrate elven reflexes,” Orophin offers through a chuckle.
This does make me feel slightly better, and I crack a small smile. On the step above me, Haldir waits patiently. Maybe I’m just being silly. I take a deep breath and step up to join Haldir on the landing.
And nearly sway in fear.
To my right and left are open sky — and too many feet below, the hard, deadly ground.
I suck in a sharp breath.
Rumil waves in joyful greeting. “Good to see you both. Now do sit down, Cosima, I worry you will faint and tumble over the edge.”
His words resonate with a very real fear and I scurry forward and practically throw myself onto the blanket. Haldir follows closely behind, offering a cushion to myself and Lavandil before using another to hit his youngest brother over the head. Even in my nervous state, I can’t help but join Orophin and Lavandil in their shocked laughter.
“Didn’t our parents teach you not to lie,” Haldir drawls, dropping the cushion to my left and sitting upon it. He tosses the other to Orophin, raising an eyebrow at Rumil as if asking him to challenge his choice.
Rumil grins, completely unaffected. “Then I apologize, dear Cosima, but your face was hilarious. And don’t you know we all like you too much to let you die?”
I huff, rolling my eyes and feeling better as long as I focus on the faces of my friends rather than the nearness of the edge. “Thanks.”
Lavandil wisely changes the subject. “No Alex?”
I shake my head. “He’s doing some research today. I’m supposed to meet him in the library at five-thirty — Baranor’s going to teach us Sindarin.”
A chorus of approval runs through the group.
“That’s a useful skill,” Rumil nods, taking a sip of what looks like orange juice.
“I’d be happy to practice conversation with you once you learn the basics,” Lavandil offers, and I accept readily. From the little I’ve spoken with her, I like Lavandil, and it would be nice to spend more time with her.
Tired of being the focus, I turn the conversation on my friends. I gesture between Lavandil and Orophin. “How did you two meet?”
Lavandil launches into an animated account of her relationship with Orophin from start to where they are now. Apparently, they met eight years prior when Haldir and Orophin were part of a company escorting Lady Galadriel to Imladris. Orophin was taken with her immediately, but it took Lavandil a little longer to come around.
“I always swore I would marry an architect—anyone but a solder,” she laments with comical exaggeration. “But eventually he persuaded me to give him a chance, and I haven’t looked back since.”
Orophin takes her hand in his and squeezes, staring at her like she’s the center of his world.
I don’t want to pry, but I do wonder how elven relationships differ from human ones. Just the time they’ve been courting—eight years—is much longer than I think is the standard for humans. I am lacking in memory, but surely with how short human lifespans are, they get married quicker? I make a note to ask Lavandil or Rumil about this later. Though, with all Rumil’s teasing of late, Lavandil is probably the safer option.
After I learn how Lavandil and Orophin got together, I have a lot of other questions about the lives these friends of mine lived before I knew them. As afternoon passes into evening, I discover that Rumil—unsurprisingly—has been the instigator of no less than four human bar fights, Lavandil once snuck from her childhood home to try and explore the mountains (and was promptly sent back to a furious mother), Orophin is apparently the life of the party after a bottle of Elvish wine, and, in his first few years of the guard, Haldir constantly challenged his superiors, to the point where they would send him off on solo trips just to be rid of the relentless suggestions. Before I know it, the first stretches of sunset streak through the sky and it’s nearing the time I set to meet Alex and Baranor.
I stand, sighing with no small amount of regret. I wish I could stay here with them all night. “I’ll see you tomorrow! I’ve got to get to the library for lessons.”
Rumil waves goodbye. “I’ll drop the blanket and cushions in your room. You know, as penance for tricking you.”
I roll my eyes, concentrating on his face rather than the open sky all too close to my feet. “That doesn’t even begin to cover it, but thank you.”
“Do you know the way?” Lavandil looks up at me with mild concern. I assure her that I’ve visited the library before and am mostly confident in my ability to not get lost.
Haldir wraps an apple and some bread in cloth and passes me the bundle. In response to my raised eyebrow, he quirks a knowing smile. “Baranor is likely to keep you well past dinner. He loves his lectures.”
I chuckle, agreeing that Baranor probably will, and thank my friend. After a final round of goodbyes, I hurry as quickly and carefully as I can to the security of the stairwell and head in the direction of the library.
Sindarin is complicated. Baranor seems to have an endless reserve of patience — how? I have no clue.
Alex struggles just as much as I do, but it is clear that he is more dedicated than I and pushes to keep his attention into the late hours of the night. I’m grateful Haldir had the forethought to send me with food, as are Alex and Baranor, who share the dinner. By the time ten o’clock rolls around, I’m fighting back yawns. I think I’ve got the alphabet down, though that isn’t even technically Sindarin — it’s the writing system called Tengwar — so I don’t even have any conversational phrases to try with Lavandil.
At midnight, Baranor finally calls it, acknowledging that he will need some sleep if he is to put in a full day tomorrow of researching with Elrond and doing a shift in the healing wards. But he graciously commits to teaching us three evenings a week after dinner and maintains that, after practice and time, we will improve.
We say our goodbyes and I practically stumble out of the library. I can think of nothing more than my plush duvet and cool mattress. Alex, on the other hand, somehow almost vibrates with energy. He seems rejuvenated, renewed, and for the first time, I recognize him as the same man in my memories — no longer is he weighed down by malnutrition, injury, exhaustion, and defeat. But it’s more than that. He’s no longer angry — hope lights up his eyes. He smiles broadly and insists on walking me to my room.
“Worried you’re gonna fall over, Cosi,” he reasons, sending me a wink. Even in my tired state, I have to blanch. It’s like being with a whole new person. But at the same time, I know this person. I like this Alex. At the very least, I know what to expect from him — he’s the friend I remember.
Though I do worry…what will happen to him if this search for answers is a dead end? What if we can’t get home?
I don’t want to think about how he would feel, then.
I don’t want to think about how I would feel, then.
We climb the stairs and reach my door, pausing outside it momentarily. I turn to my friend, giving him a sleepy smile. “I’m glad you’re feeling better.”
“Me too,” he agrees, leaning against the doorframe. “I just needed something to do. Now I don’t feel so helpless. And you’re okay? After yesterday’s setback?”
I sigh against the drowsiness. “Yeah, yeah I’m good. Don’t you worry about me.”
He nudges my shoe with his. “Good. Alright, I’ll leave you alone. Sleep tight, Cosi.”
I smile, waving as he walks down the hallway. “Night, Alex.”
Entering my room, I see that Rumil kept to his word and left the folded blanket on my couch with the four pillows stacked neatly on top. Still doesn’t atone for all his foolishness today. Crawling into my bed, I instantly fall asleep.
A/n Thanks for reading! Let me know if you would like a tag :) Comments, likes, and reblogs make my day! 
|next part|
Tolkien tag list: @anangelwhodidntfall @eru-vande
Haldir tag list: @tolkien-apologist
Double Heart tag list: @lainphotography @themerriweathermage @thophil2941btw @kenobiguacamole @wishingtobeinadifferentuniverse @from-patroclus-with-love @boywivlove @ordinarymom1 @my-darling-haldir @sweet-bea-blossom @moony-artnstuff
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paper-chain-queen · 5 years
String Of Fate
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Kyo Sohma X FReader
Soulmate Au / Red string that connects you to your soulmate
Words: 1,800+
Well... I enjoy soulmate stuff so I thought I would try and take a whack at it... please forgive me  :p  Also... such an original title, right? XD
You looked down at the red-string wrapped around your pinkie. It felt especially tight today.
Where are you?
"Your staring again.." A voice called out, bringing you out of your thoughts.
" You're not gonna find them just by staring at it you know." Your friend teased, pushing you playfully, but it almost caused you to fall out of your chair.
"Easy for you to say, you're soul mate just happened to move next door when you were like 5." You pushed right back, you were teasing her, but you were slightly jealous of her luck.
" I was 10!" She corrected you, and then you both burst into giggles, earning small stares from the people in the little cafe.
".... You could always live in our basement." She proposed once you both had quieted down. You had to shake your head; it was nice that she wanted to keep you around, but there was a small part of you that was excited for the new adventure.
It was sad to think that there was a chance you would never see her again. She was a massive part of your life, and now you were moving across the pacific.
You had grown up in a small household with only your parents, no siblings. And they had hardly been around. Growing up in a large, empty house, it was the nanny that you had spent most of your time with, at least she was nice. Father was a busy CEO and Mother... mother was a socialite, known for always stepping out in the most recent designs and appearing at all the most exclusive social events. They weren't soul mates, and they didn't marry out of love. It had been more of a business deal. Mother had wanted to be 'comfortable,' and Father wanted a beautiful wife.
But times had changed, and the business deal had run out.
Mother had refused to stand by anymore while Father had an affair after affair. While you weren't happy about moving, you were slightly impressed that your Mother had finally put her foot down after years of being cheated on. You guessed that after a while, even she got bored with fine jewels.
You had no dreams of fame or riches. You had watched and learned that it didn't lead to happiness.
"You'll be fine. Katie will keep be sure to keep you company." You couldn't help but tease your childhood friend who's face blew up red at the mention of her girlfriend and soul mate. You had seen them together, and while you were happy for her ... it had left you feeling a little lonely and wishing you could find your soul mate already.
All you wanted in this world was to find the one person you were made for.
To love and be loved.
" Hey! Let's go to the park. Maybe the swings are available." She suggested as you left your regular cafe, grabbing her half-finished frappucino from the table.
"Sure, sounds fun." You agreed, feeling nostalgic about the local neighbourhood park you had grown up with, the swings had been where you first met your best friend.
You knew your friend was just trying to make you feel better and have one last good day before you left, but honestly. It all felt so bittersweet. You miss your life, but this was for the best. Your Mother needed to get away and be with her family. It would be for the best, and you did like your grandparents. They were soul mates and very cute together, plus they liked to spoil you.
You and your friend joked around and shared stories while you walked to the park when you had gotten there, the only people some teens were using the basketball court.
Sitting on the swings, swinging back and forth gently, she caught you glancing at your pinkie again.
"Maybe you'll find your soul mate in Japan! Wouldn't that be amazing! So romantic." She again tried to cheer you up, and you gave her a small smile.
" Maybe..." and you looked back down at the small red string on your right pinky. It had always been tight for as long as you could remember, some days it felt like it would rip right off. Where ever they were, they were far away.
" I'll let you know." You played it cool and winked at your friend, but she knew the way you always looked at the string she couldn't see. Waiting. Hoping. She wanted you to find happiness and love just as she had found it with her soul mate.
"I'll miss you." She said as she grabbed your hand and gave it a small squeeze.
"I'll miss you too."
The morning sun shined down on Kaibara High school, it was going to be a beautiful day, but an orange-haired teen had a weird feeling his gut, and it had him a bit on edge. Well. More on edge than usual.
Kyo stared out at the window of his homeroom class. Everyone was gossiping about a new transfer student and he couldn't care less.
" A lot of noise over some new kid." He grumbled, annoyed with how loud the class was being.
"Aw Kyon, your no fun. " Uo teased, giving him a cheeky smile.
"Watch it, delinquent!"
He snapped at her, his orange eyes glaring holes into his blonde classmate. She only began to challenge him more, and Tohru had to try and settle them down before the teacher came with the new student.
It was weird for someone to transfer in the middle of second year. A part of Kyo felt bad for the new student as he had transferred in the middle of his first year of high school, and while he would never admit to it. It was scary, especially with all the boy crazy girls at this school.
The door slid open, and the teacher entered holding a clipboard.
"Everyone, take your seats. We have a new student joining us. Please be welcoming. You can come in now." The teacher called, and a few moments later, Kyo felt a small tug from his pinky but watched as the line started to slack.
It was minuscule, but there was a movement from the string. He had been so distracted by the red string wrapped around his pinky that he had missed the new student walking in and introducing herself.
Kyo found himself often glaring at the red string around his pinkie finger. It was just a big joke to him, as if the universe was taunting him. There was 'apparently' supposed to be someone out there for him, someone who he would love and who would love him.
It was ridiculous. Zodiac members rarely ever had soul mates. It was practically unheard of. It was a shock to the Sohma family when Kyo had asked as a child why he had a tight red string around his finger, and he could never see where it would lead.
When he was first told about it, he was naive and young, excited to meet the person on the other side, but now he knew better. There was no hope for someone like him. He prayed he would never have to meet the person 'the universe' had picked for him. He couldn't imagine what kind of person would want to be with Cat of the Zodiac, the most cursed of his family. Cursed to be an outcast.
Fated to be alone.
" I'm (L/N) (Y/N), nice to meet you." You smiled at the class and bowed while thanking you're lucky stars that your Mother had been making you practice Japanese intensely since you were a young girl so you could communicate with your grandparents. The class broke out into a sea of comments and questions, you could barely make out what everyone was saying.
"Wah she's so beautiful!"
" She better not look at Prince Yuki."
" Aww! I was hoping we were going to get another hot boy."
" Hey, think she has a boyfriend?"
"Everyone settle down, please." The teacher called out over the noise, but a few people persisted, asking questions.
"Are you a model?"
"Um.. no.. but thank you?" You answered, feeling a little embarrassed as you felt your cheeks warm slightly.
" Where are you from?"
" California."
You were already missing the ocean breeze from your patio and you reminded yourself to google where the closest beach was.
"Hollywood!" A student gushed with excitement.
You laughed and explained that while you didn't live in 'Hollywood,' it was only a few hours away from your old house. With good traffic.
"Do you have any hobbies?"
" I like camping and going on hikes." Your family wasn't much for camping, but your friend's family always let you tag along with them.
Another round of questions came, but the teacher stopped them.
"Go sit next to Sohma Kyo. There's an empty seat beside him." The teacher instructed, and you looked across the classroom to see if you could find 'Kyo.'
There was an empty seat next to a boy with brilliant orange hair and handsome features. You felt your heart skip a beat.
He's so handsome
Kyo finally looked up, and the new student was walking towards him. The teenager had never seen anyone like her. All the colours seemed brighter, time seemed to slow, but he felt his heart rate speed up. The way her hair flowed behind, the sun shining on her skin, making her glow.
She's... gorgeous...
The new student was taking him in as well, a small, cute blush on her cheeks. Her eyes wandered to his hand, and a little gasp left her parted mouth.
"It's you?" She whispered and his heart felt like it was going to explode. A large smile appeared on her face she lifted her hand to show off the red string around her pinky that only the two connected could see. He didn't want this, anything but this.
He didn't want a soul mate. He couldn't. It wasn't possible. They were never supposed to meet.
It can't be...
The universe really did hate him. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. And he couldn't have her.
She was about to say something, but Kyo was quick to cut her off, standing up in a hurry and taking a step back, making his chair clatter to the ground in his haste.
"NO! Stay the hell away from me!" Kyo screamed at the girl, his words cutting like a knife.
Her eyes widened, and she took a step back, confusion spread from her face, and the other students started calling out at him.
"What is your problem, Kyo?!"
"That's so rude!"
"Poor (L/N)-San."
Kyo looked around at his classmates. They had no idea at what had just happened because they wouldn't be able to see the red string connecting the two, but the girl just stared at him. Her large eyes filled with confusion, which then turned to sadness; he was unable to look away. Fat tears started flowing down her cheeks, and something in Kyo broke.
All he wanted to do was engulf her in a hug. Hold her close. But he couldn't.
Life wasn't fair. At least not to him.
Kyo scoffed at the ground and then went to the window, opening it up and jumping out. Escaping and running away, the red string tightening around his finger like a vice. He left like it could fall off, and he honestly, that would hurt less than the pain in his heart.
It's hopeless.
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catb-fics · 4 years
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So I got this as a request today but I’d already written it (great minds think alike!) It’s an old fic but I re-wrote part of it. It’s pretty dirty so don’t read it that’s not your thing! But if it is... enjoy! 
Then There Were Three (Van and Bondy) 
Warnings: loads of smut / Word Count: 4.4k
You all tumble out of the taxi and into the hotel, laughing and rowdy.
"Oh my god Y/N, I can't believe how drunk I am!" Your friend Ellie’s very loud in her drunken state and she’s finding it hard to walk straight. Her boyfriend Bob’s supporting her as she stumbles along.
"Come on Ellie, let's go back to our room," Bob urges her.
"No way it's party time!" She giggles.
Bob doesn’t look too happy but carries on steering her along the corridor and past their room to Johnny and Van's suite. You can’t help but giggle along with Ellie. You’ve never seen her this drunk before and to be honest you’re pretty inebriated yourself.
You’ve been seeing Johnny for a while now. You met in a bar in Newcastle, and the attraction was instant. You’d both been drunk enough to let that attraction lead you back to his house that very same night where you’d ignited a passion that still hadn't cooled months later. He had an insatiable sexual appetite and an overwhelming curiosity for trying new and daring things that you didn't think you’d ever get used to.
Johnny and Van had obviously arrived back from the club before you as the door of the suite’s flung open by Johnny as soon as you knock.
Ellie stumbles in and crashes straight on to the sofa in a giggling heap, much to Johnny's amusement. Bob's reaction is the complete opposite. He immediately goes to her and helps her into a sitting position.
"Come on, lets go back. You're completely wasted Ell."
"Bob stop being so serious! Let your hair down for once!" You giggle.
Johnny joins in. "Come on man, she's got a point! Drink?"
As if on cue Van appears with a tray of shot glasses and sets them down on the table. "Come on Bob, tonight's been class. We gotta carry on!"
Ellie immediately lunges forward and grabs a glass before throwing her head back as she downs the contents. Bob looks on exasperated, but then picks up a glass and follows suit. You all start cheering and finally Bob seems to relax a bit. Van puts some music on and the party gets wild pretty quickly as the shots are knocked back.
Johnny keeps trying to steal you away to his room at every opportunity but you manage to escape his grasp, enjoying the company of your friends too much. There’s plenty of time for that later.
"You're fucking driving me crazy tonight, come on Y/N," he says as he corners you on the way back from the toilet.
He pushes you up forcefully against the wall but you manage to slip away, teasing him. "Good things come to those who wait!" You call behind you, looking back with a sexy smile as you make your way back to the party.
The buzz from the alcohol is strong now. You close your eyes and start to sway to the music and the beat thuds in your head. You open your eyes to see Johnny standing across the room watching you hungrily and fix him with a steady gaze as you swing your hips slowly in time to the music and lift your hands up in the air.
As you turn slightly you become aware that Van is also looking up at you... not just looking but staring. He’s sitting on the sofa and he can’t take his eyes off you and he doesn’t seem to care that you’ve noticed. You immediately feel your heartbeat quicken as you glance around. Bob and Ellie are dancing together wrapped around each other, completely absorbed.
Despite being with Johnny, you’ve always had a little attraction to his friend Van. It’s never been an issue, it’s just one of those things. He’s a good looking guy and you can’t help but appreciate that fact.
Spurred on by the feel of both Johnny and Van's eyes on you and the drinks you’ve consumed your inhibitions slip away. You close your eyes and tip your head back, running your hands down your body as you dance. As you open your eyes again you notice that Johnny has joined Van on the sofa. You wonder if he's noticed how intently Van’s also watching you. Knowing him he'd probably get a kick out of it.
Just then you feel small hands around your waist. You turn your head and Ellie’s there, pressing into you from behind and grinding her hips. You both laugh and you carry on as you lean back into her, moving your hips to match hers. Johnny and Van watch on whilst Bob sits on the sofa looking somewhat uncomfortable. This makes you and Ellie giggle.
"Come on Bob," Ellie purrs. "Come join us!"
After a while, Johnny gets up and heads over to the bar area, coming back holding a bottle and a few shot glasses.
"Let's play a game!" He announces.
Ellie starts to jump up and down, clapping her hands, squealing with delight. Everyone looks at Johnny expectantly as he set the drinks and glasses down on the table.
"Everyone does a forfeit or drinks a shot!"
Bob stands up. "Ellie I don't think you should have any more, you're gonna make yourself sick."
Ellie looks at him and then steps forward, defiant but laughing. Bob frowns.
"Well I guess I'd better do my forfeit then!"  She giggles.
Johnny has a mischievous grin on his face as he speaks. "Ellie, why don't you give Y/N a kiss?"
You and Ellie look at each other and laugh, and all of a sudden she’s there in front of you, grabbing your face firmly between both hands and pulling you closer.
"Ellie..." You hear Bob call but you both ignore him.
You lean into the kiss and Ellie's soft lips met yours, your tongues running over each other sensually. You close your eyes and kiss her passionately. Silence falls over the room until Ellie pulls away, giggling.
"Y/N you're such a good kisser!" She exclaims, slurring her words.
You glance around and your eyes fall on Van.
You’ve never seen him so quiet. He’s sat back in the chair, head slightly reclined, his piercing blue-green eyes fixed on you both. A little thrill runs through you and you quickly look away.
"Ellie we're going!" Bob’s suddenly next to you and grabs Ellie round the waist. She falters and her legs give way. She probably would have collapsed into a heap on the floor if Bob hadn't been there to hold her up.
"Thanks guys, I told you she'd had enough to drink earlier!" Bob speaks in a stern tone.
Johnny holds his hands up. "Sorry mate, just having a bit of fun."
Bob starts to lead Ellie away and she can hardly put one foot in front of the other.
"I don't feel so good," she whines.
“Come on, I've got you." Bob reassures her.
As Bob practically carries Ellie out of the room, Van gets up and shuts the door.
"Then there were three..." he says, looking from Johnny to you.
Johnny’s chuckling. “Shit, I feel bad now."
"No you don't, you git!" You laugh playfully.
"Hey Y/N, don't get cheeky with me, it's your turn for a forfeit!" He smiles and you roll your eyes dramatically.
What crazy shit does he have in mind for you? You stand looking at him defiantly with your hands on your hips. Johnny looks from you to Van and back again.
"Now you gotta kiss Van," he says.
Your stomach drops like you’re on a rollercoaster and you look at him with your mouth agape, heart pumping hard. You daren't look at Van.
"You're kidding, right?"
"Why not? You've kissed everyone else tonight!" Johnny’s smiling, enjoying this.
You shake your head as you step towards the table to pour a drink, and that's when you hear Van speak and it stops you in your tracks.
"I don't mind, you know."
You slowly turn towards Van and he steps towards you. Is this some sort of test? You glance at Johnny and he just smiles, a sexy little knowing smile that makes you squirm inside. What is he playing at?
Your heart’s hammering so hard you think it might burst out of your chest as Van comes to a stop right in front of you. Your eyes flick to Johnny and then back to Van. You lick your lips nervously, almost wishing you could bolt for the door, but you can’t back down now.
Van stands there close enough to touch, looking at you with an intensity that makes your head swim. His gaze goes to your lips and then back to your eyes as he slowly leans in to you. You swallow deeply and take a sharp breath as your lips meet.
You start to kiss and it’s slow and sensual and it makes your heart race. His tongue moves gently against yours and you feel yourself melting into the kiss. He’s not rough and urgent like Johnny but still insistent. After a moment he senses you start to pull away, but presses his lips harder against yours. You resist and he lets you go, stepping back with a little smile on his face.
You’re not sure how to react, you look between Van and Johnny with a nervous little laugh. You’re just hoping that Johnny can’t tell how much the kiss with Van turned you on.
"I... errr... gotta go to the toilet!" You blurt out, and you whirl around, pushing past Johnny, not wanting him to see the flush that’s risen to your cheeks.
Johnny still has that smirk on his face and you feel yourself bristle a little. This is just like him to put you out of your comfort zone. He loves to push the boundaries.
You close the door firmly when you get into the toilet and pace up and down, trying to get rid of some of the nervous energy that courses through your body, quietly cursing to yourself.
You replay the kiss in your mind and realise that your hands are trembling. This is ridiculous, it wasn't even a proper kiss, it was just a stupid dare. You take a few deep breaths and try to calm yourself. You’ve got to act completely normal when you go back out. The whole evening you’ve all been laughing and having fun and you need to just go out there and carry on like you’re not shaken up.
As you make your way back to the living area you can hear hushed voices and Johnny and Van look up as you step into the room. Everything falls suddenly silent so you force a little smile and speak, feeling a little uncomfortable.
"So... what are you two plotting?"
Johnny and Van don’t speak but exchange a look that instantly sets you on edge. You really don’t want another drink but feel awkward with nothing to do so you cross over to the table and pick up a glass. Your mind’s starting to buzz with all sorts of crazy thoughts you probably shouldn’t be thinking.
"Actually, I think I might just go to bed...” you announce, placing the glass back down.
Johnny steps over to you in a flash. “But the party's only just getting started," he says, slipping a strong arm around your waist, turning you around to face him.
One of his hands goes to the back of your head and he steps even closer, forcing you to move back until you feel the drinks counter hit your back and you can’t go any further. He leans down to kiss you, his lips mashing against yours fiercely. The suddenness of his action takes your breath away, but all you can think of is the fact that Van’s still standing there, and you pull away awkwardly.
A quick glance across the room confirms that Van is indeed still there. Surely he'll get the hint soon and go to bed?
You feel Johnny's long fingers wind through your hair as he leans down to kiss you again, and now he’s pressing his body right up to yours.
“Johnny... not now,” you murmur, pushing him back.
You’re aware of a presence right next to you and you’re shocked to find that Van has now made his way over and he’s standing just a foot away. He can’t take his eyes off you and you look at Johnny uneasily, slightly perturbed by the strange atmosphere that’s now fallen on the room.
Johnny reaches out a hand to your face and tilts your chin up so your eyes meet his and he speaks quietly. "Y/N do you trust me?"
At that moment you’re not sure you know the answer to that, so you say nothing and just look up at him. Your whole body feels wired with nerves. You see him glance at Van then, and they exchange a look which confirms what you’ve been thinking. Your heart immediately starts pounding.
Before you have a chance to react, you feel a hand slip around your waist. "Come here Y/N," Van says softly, and you feel him pulling you to him.
You hesitate, looking up at Johnny questioningly. “It’s okay,” he says, releasing his grip on you, urging you to go to Van.
“We're only gonna do this if you're okay with it," you hear Van say.
Two sets of eyes are on you now, and you look between your boyfriend and his friend. Van’s watching you carefully, cautious even, whilst Johnny’s eyes are dark and swirling with an unmistakable hunger.
“I... I don’t know,” you say, your voice coming out shaky.
“Y/N you know I'd never do anything to hurt you,” Johnny says softly. “Just go with it.”
Surely this is the stuff that fantasies are made of? You’re just not sure that you can let yourself go. And how will you all feel in the morning?
"Can I kiss you again?" Van says quietly.
You want him to, god you want it so bad, and something snaps inside you, your inhibitions slipping away. You take a deep breath.
Van wastes no time in reaching for you, and he leans into you, pressing his lips against yours. The kiss is deep and passionate, and you want to surrender yourself, but your mind is still whirring, wondering what Johnny is doing.
You don’t have to wonder for long. You suddenly feel his body pressing into you from behind, his hands going to your shoulder to push your hair aside.
Every nerve in your body is electrified, and when you feel Johnny’s lips brush your neck, something ignites inside you. He doesn’t let up, kissing and sucking at your skin, concentrating on that spot just behind your ear which he knows drives you crazy. A shiver runs through you and you moan softly into Van’s mouth, breaking away from the kiss.
You feel embarrassed by how obviously turned on you are, but Van just smiles at you. Then he glances down, his hands going to the buttons on your top. He starts to slowly undo them one by one, his gaze flicking up to meet yours, his bottom lip caught between his teeth.
“You okay?” He whispers, and you just nod, not trusting yourself to speak.
As he opens the last button you feel Johnny’s hands again as he pulls your top back over your shoulders. It falls on to the floor and then you feel him unclasping your bra. Pretty soon you feel your bra slip down your arms and then you’re standing there naked from the waist up.
You feel so vulnerable yet so desired all at once as Johnny’s hands wrap around you from behind, cupping your breasts. He gently tugs on your nipples, rolling them between his fingers and it feels so good. Van watches on, his lips slightly parted, his breathing sounding shaky as his hands trail down to the fastenings on your jeans.
"Do you think you can handle us both then Y/N?" Johnny whispers into your ear, before his lips brush your neck again.
The way he says it sends a white hot flare through your body, but you’re also suddenly hit with the enormity of what’s about to happen.
"I don't know if we should be doing this Johnny," you say cautiously.
Van’s already unbuttoned your jeans, and he crouches down to start easing them over your hips but he stops when he hears your words, looking up at you.
Johnny’s voice comes from behind. “Come on baby... we’ll make you feel good. Isn’t that right Van?”
He returns to kiss your neck, his hands kneading your breasts. You look down at Van.
“Uh-huh,” he says, and you can feel your resolve weakening as he leans forward to plant a soft kiss just below your navel, his eyes never leaving yours. “Really good...”
Despite your hesitation your mind’s already made up, and you reach down to continue pushing your jeans down your legs, kicking them off. When you look around at Johnny he’s smiling at you, his jeans already off and his shirt half unbuttoned. He knew there was no way you were going to resist.
He steps over, a hand on your cheek, and brings his face close to yours. “You won’t regret this,” he whispers as he kisses you again.
Whilst he’s kissing you he takes a hold of your hand, and then he starts to pull you across the room to the sofa, urging you to sit down. You do, and Johnny takes the seat beside you.
Van’s now just in his underwear and you take in his lean frame as he walks over and kneels down on the floor in front of you, his cool eyes locked on yours. You feel like your insides have turned to jelly, a combination of nervous anticipation and arousal. You swallow deeply, trying to hold it together.
“Just relax Y/N,” Johnny says, inching closer to you.
Relaxation is the furthest thing from your mind as Van’s hands go to your knees and he gently pushes your thighs apart. Then his fingers hook under the waistband of your lacy panties and you lift your body slightly to allow him to slide them down your legs.
Johnny reaches out and tilts your face to his, kissing you deeply. You try and concentrate on the kiss, but you can feel Van’s touch travelling up your inner thighs. As you feel his fingers connect with the sensitive flesh between your legs you have to pull away from Johnny, gasping at the sensation.
"Oh you like that do ya?" Johnny breathes, as his lips press against your neck. “You dirty girl..."
You feel Van start to explore between your legs. He expertly caresses you with his long fingers, achingly slowly inching one inside you and then another, the pad of his thumb rubbing over your clit until you’re squirming in your seat. Those rumours about him being good with his hands have definitely been proven right.
Your breathing’s coming in gasps now as Johnny's lips trail down to your breasts and he circles a nipple with his tongue before taking it into his mouth and gently sucking it. All the time he caresses your other breast with his other hand, your nipples stiff and sensitive to his touch.
Your body’s already starting to tremble from the barrage of sensations you’re feeling, and when you feel Van’s tongue replace his fingers your whole body convulses with the sensation and you can’t control the sounds of pure pleasure that escape you. His tongue relentlessly circles the bud of your clit, whilst his fingers pump inside you, swiftly bringing you to the brink of orgasm.
“Fuck...” you moan, glancing down to see the sight before you of these two guys satisfying you. It’s like watching your own personal porno and you’re the star.
The pleasure’s almost too much to bear and you writhe on the sofa, arching your back and tipping your head back, losing yourself to the exquisite sensations.
Soon enough you feel a huge pressure building in your core and you know that you’ve reached the point of no return. You bury your hands in Van's hair, tugging it at the roots, unable to control yourself. Your whole body goes into spasm as you experience an orgasm so intense you cry out. Your limbs are still trembling as Van pulls away a moment later with a self-satisfied little smirk on his face, licking his lips.
You hardly have time to catch your breath before Johnny reaches for your hand, pulling you on to your feet. "Come on, let's take this into the bedroom."
Your heart’s pumping with anticipation and nerves. Looking between Johnny and Van the hunger in their eyes is apparent and you’re suddenly a little apprehensive about the prospect of pleasuring these two guys who are gazing upon your naked form like they've just hunted down their prey.
“I’m a little nervous,” you admit, and Johnny places his hands under your chin, raising your face up to him.
“Don’t be nervous Y/N, we’re gonna look after you, okay?”
He leads you by the hand over to the bed and climbs on, urging you to follow him. You kneel before him and he kisses you passionately, running his hands over your breasts and then trailing one hand between your legs, revelling in the sticky wetness he feels there.
"Mmm... you naughty girl," he says, his voice husky. “Van got you so wet.”
You feel your cheeks blazing with arousal and shame, glancing over at Van who’s looking at you with a sexy little smile on his face.
Johnny chuckles at your reaction. “Hey, don’t be embarrassed about how turned on you are baby. I like it.”
You watch as he reaches down to the waistband of his boxers, sliding them slowly down his hips, causing his erection to spring free.
“Come on Y/N... I have something for you,” he murmurs, grasping his hard cock.
You reach out, gripping his girth, slowly sliding your hand up and down his length, watching his face contort with pleasure as you do so. Then you lean forward on all fours, lowering your head, your lips brushing the head of his cock before you slowly start to move your tongue in a circular motion around the tip. A passionate sigh falls from his lips as he winds a handful of your hair around his fist. He starts to move his hips forward, desperate for you to take him further into your mouth.
You feel the bed dip behind you with Van's weight as he climbs on, his hands going to your hips and then reaching around to caress the wetness between your thighs, the sensitivity from your recent climax sending shudders through your body.
You try to concentrate on Johnny, taking his full length into your mouth whilst grasping his shaft, slowly, teasingly running your lips up and down, delighting in the way his breaths became deeper and more ragged, his hips bucking forward.
To your surprise after a moment Johnny pulls away and one hand goes under your chin as he raises your head up. His eyes are hooded and his lips are pulled into a devilish smile.
“I’d love to watch Van fucking you whilst your lips are around my cock. What d’ya say Y/N? Bet you’d like that huh?”
A dim part of your mind is telling you it’s wrong to be admitting to your boyfriend how much you want another man, but you’re all past that stage now. Your body’s practically on fire and the thought is such a turn on you hastily agree, seeing Johnny’s eyes cloud with a hungry kind of desire.
Van presses his hips against you, the head of his erection insistently pushing between your legs, sliding against your slick skin. You open your legs wider for him and push back on to him and he guides himself inside you.
“How’s that feel Y/N?” You hear Johnny say, and you pull away from him to answer just as Van thrusts himself deeply inside you. Your resulting gasps of pleasure give him all the answer he needs.
“Fuck... that’s so good,” you hear Van murmur from behind you.
The sensation of his thrusts make you gasp. He quickly finds his rhythm, and the penetration is so deep in this position you can’t contain yourself from crying out from the sheer intensity and pleasure of it.
“She likes it hard,” you hear Johnny say, his voice low and gritty.
Van grasps your hips tightly, picking up the pace, bucking his hips as he pounds into you, the sounds of flesh on flesh connecting filling the room. You grasp on to the bed sheets to steady yourself as he slams into you.
You return to the task of pleasuring Johnny, knowing he’s close by his ragged gasps and the way he’s jerking his hips. You grasp the base of his cock firmly, pumping your hand up and down, then taking him into your mouth as far as you can. You can almost feel yourself gagging as his hips jolt forward.
He groans loudly and his whole body tenses as he reaches his climax and his hot cum fills your mouth. You swallow everything he gives you just as you feel Van's thrusts becoming faster and more urgent, his fingers gripping your hips so tightly it will surely leave marks. With a guttural groan he pounds into you one final time, finding his release and spilling in to you.
You all collapse, spent on to the bed, panting and covered in a sheen of sweat, riding the high of the moment, the realisation of what you’ve just done searing your mind.
You look across at Johnny, who’s smiling at you with a kind of awe-struck expression. "You've no idea how incredible you are Y/N. Come on, come 'ere."
You move into Johnny's open arms and nuzzle into his side, turning away from Van. Your gut clenches. How are you going to face Van in the morning? Surely this is just going to make things intensely awkward between you all?
You expect Van to leave the room straight away, but to your surprise you feel his arm snake around your waist and he moves close enough so that you can feel the heat radiating off his body. He nestles into you and Johnny doesn’t even bat an eyelid.
"Mmm... that was amazing Y/N," Van whispers, his lips ghosting over your shoulder in a soft kiss.
And so you all lie there, locked together until sleep finally claims you.
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lacewing707 · 4 years
[Mind Blind] Trappers
Never have I thought I‘d write something that isn’t my first language (at least not this early), but I just love Mind Blind so much I have to do something to contribute to the fandom. Here’s a fanfiction about Nick and f!Button as a result. Dedicated to @mindblindbard for creating such an amazing game (And I would also like to apologize beforehand for the possible OOC.) Summary: a bit of Snickly, less bit of GrayxButton, and a whole bundle of Button’s monologue. Enjoy!
A small “click” echoes from across the room, taking over the quiet essence that previously engulfed the house. Someone is entering, and with only two people living in this place, it’s not hard to guess who it is by the door. My brother Nick, with a coat on his forearm and slightly disheveled hair, is trying too hard to loosen his tie, as if it would strangle him somehow should he fail. He seems to be in a more solemn mood than usual.
I cautiously edge over the sofa, taking a good look at his face. Dreadriness seems to drag down those poor brows on his forehead. When he notices my gaze, my brother slowly drags his eyes up to meet mine. One brief moment of tortured silence follows, then suddenly his shoulders loosen:
“It was you, wasn’t it?”
I grin, relieved to notice his confrontation sounds more of exasperation (or amusement dare I say) rather than of anger. His eyes crinkle with indulgence as a smile steadily plays on his lips. After all, Nick could never really be angry with me. I mean how could he, with his sweet, loving, adjective-adjective little sister, even if she kind of locked him in an empty room for hours, with no one but her best friend Sally, who happens to have a massive crush on him ever since elementary school.
Now, before you all begin to judge, I just want to state that my intention is utterly and undoubtedly pure in heart. It was none other than a wedding vow under a Ferris wheel, with heaps of flowers blooming in the background like July fireworks. Sally is going to wear a lily-white dress, cascading down the curve of her body until it floods the ivory stone pavement. The color matches Nick’s ridiculously flashy suit, which...should not come as a surprise knowing how much of an extra he is; and when the pope finalizes the vow, standing aside a model bridesmaid as I am, I will be SCREAMING on top of my lungs “kiss already!” - or better yet, preparing to kiss alongside them, in the delightful scenario of a double wedding (in which the other spouse is definitely not decided by-the-by).
I admit, being stuck in a closed room is not the most creative way of starting a romance, very much beneath a creator such as myself. But you know what, Nick has always expected me to be innovative, so let’s surprise him with this epitome of cliché shall we? In fact, it can serve as a double trap, an unexpected tactic that could put the opponent off-guard and unprepared and, and…
Alright, screw it. After Rosy’s one hell of a training, I was exhausted, okay? Exhausted and, well... a bit lazy. Still, at this point, might as well just start throwing things aimlessly. I’m sick and tired of waiting for my best friend and my brother to be an item. For all I know, Sally’s feeling has been pretty clear, and I am sure there’s something from Nick’s side, but those doofuses just keep throwing at each other meaningless banter and even insisting on the weird, full-first-name basis. What was that all about?
The squeaky sound from one of the cupboards abruptly cuts through my train of thought. I raise my head, only to find Nick already standing beside the kitchen counter. Even though I did prank him a good deal, he still wants to make sure his sister has good nutrition for the night.
“How did you even get access to that room?” He wonders.
Well my dear brother, you obviously have not made aware of my very resourceful friend Glitch. It only took an avocado toast and some treats (vegan, of course!), made and packed by Nick with love. Never would have thought they could be used against him just like that.
Ouch, feeling a bit guilty here; but a double wedding is awaiting, and I just cannot ignore that call from the future. It is my (self-proclaimed) duty to make such vision a reality.
I may have developed some other questionable methods for Nick to come all the way down from the top floor, such as making Grayson unknowingly lead his best friend into a trap. Now, I’m sure I could get Gray involved in a more volitional manner, with just a few shed of crocodile tears, but as much as I love him (I mean, not literally, ahem!), the guy is a disastrous liar. No doubt Gray would be figured out in the blink of eyes.
I need not say a word, as Nick must have known all about my schemes from my open daisy field of a mind. For a brief moment, his brows creased into contemplation as an unreadable expression sets upon his features. It is one of those times where I wish I could just read his mind.
I would assume he’s questioning my ethicality, which is seriously weird coming from him, but I guess it’s different now that he’s the victim? Regardless, I approach the counter, a cheeky smile plastered on my lips.
“So how was the quality time with Sally? Anything...interesting?”
A faint blush flashes across his cheek, and I don’t need to be a Ment to know what’s going on. It’s no challenging feat to imagine that squishy feeling like marshmallows, blooming in his chest; that thumping sound of heart whenever that person’s image conjured in one’s mind; and that sweet-yet-bitterness when ones almost-but-not-quite touch...
I mentally clear my throat, now is not the time.
Nick seems to be resonating my mental throat clearing as well. Dishes clank as he’s trying so hard to form an intelligible answer.
“W-What do you mean interesting? Nothing’s interesting!” He swings around, almost colliding with the edge of the counter. “Let’s eat, Button!”
“Really, Nick?” I smirk.
It’s rare to see Nick like this, very rare. My brother always likes to pride himself on being the suavest of the suave, yet he’s acting like some hormonal teenage kid with a crush. I smile so hard, it’s a miracle that my cheeks are able to contain it. One toothless, dazzling grin as I try my best not to laugh my arse off in a villainous manner. Thousands of suppressed thoughts loom beneath my subconscious.
Then, they all explode.
“So much for all those teasing her before eh?”
♪“Who said, who said “I don’t love her”?”♪
It felt immensely glorious. Waves after waves of thoughts come crashing down at once as my heart is bursting with sheer excitement. My head must have been a hell ground for Nick, which can only be worsened by his Pollard Score of 10. This means he can dissect my crumbling mess of thoughts very clearly, and no doubt that Nick can very well hear all my gloat, teasing, as well as a bunch of old songs to which I so horribly butcher the lyrics just to further torment him.
♪“And you’re never ever ever, gonna fool yourself now”♪
Nick’s face is so red, might as well make some marinara sauce. Immediately, he turns around and bolts to his bedroom, despite knowing how little it can help when my mind is already a full-on broadcaster. For the first time in my life, I am actually grateful for my sucker of mind blindness.
Makes the teasing a whole bundle of fun!
I barely hold my breath as I settle down on my diner seat, making a mental note to wrap Nick’s dish in case he’s done sulking in his room. Still giggling to myself, I muse, today has been a fun day.
Glitch stares at the neatly packed lunch box temptingly dangled in front of his eyes. An amused smile plastered on his lips.
“It seems that I’ve been attracting a lot of deals with the Wiseman lately, have I?” He chuckles. “What’s with you and all the locked rooms?”
Nick grins. False innocence imprints on his handsome features while he struggles to contain a devilish satisfaction. Button will be so pissed, knowing her own recent scheme actually inspires the trap that has yet to befall her. How he wishes to see her face when it all comes down.
He may or may not attempt this as payback, but one thing Nick is very certain of.
He is not the only person who wants the best friend - sibling scenario.
I’ve just realized that K is the only one from the main cast who doesn’t make at least a cameo appearance. 😂 Oh well, I do have another idea specifically for them anyway (if I ever manage to write it down =)) ).
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20 Seconds
Meet Cute Moment
So like I haven’t written anything new in like a thousand years but I’ve been feeling the itch so I randomly chose a prompt from a meet cute list aaaand here goes nothing!
Bucky x Reader (+bffs Wanda & Steve on the side lol)
You walk out of a dressing room asking if the outfit suits you, but it’s not your friend waiting outside the room like you thought
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Dressing rooms are the absolute worst. You’d lost count of how many you’d broken down and cried in over the years. Heck, you wouldn’t even be in this one if Wanda wasn’t having an engagement party in a couple weeks and you were stuck with nothing decent to wear. “The things I do for my best friend,” you muttered under your breath as you shimmied into what had to be the tenth dress of the day only to realize you couldn’t even bring the fabric together far enough to pull the zipper up.
Your quiet scream of frustration as you flung the dress onto the growing pile of discarded clothing was met with laughter and a knock at the door. “It can’t be that bad sweetie.” You cracked the door to see Wanda’s cheeky grin and another armful of options.
“Wanna bet?” you sighed as you grabbed the next round out of her hands.
“I’ve got a good feeling about these!” She called out as you let the door swing shut. “And I actually wanna see some of them this time!”
Reluctantly you did as you were told and made an appearance with a few of the least offensive options. At least she didn’t try to talk you into any of them, one of the things you loved about your best friend was that she was honest (but not brutally so) and that she truly wanted the best for you. You shook your head at the latest fail, “This is pointless Wan, maybe we should just call it a day...”
“Absolutely NOT! We are getting closer I swear, just a few more? For me...?” You couldn’t help but smile at her ridiculous eye batting and over exaggerated pout.
“Alright, alright... you’re lucky I love you, you know that?”
“Yup! Now get in there and get naked, we haven’t got all day!” She turned you around and swatted your butt, ignoring your faux glare as you shut the dressing room door and resumed your seemingly endless battle.
Grabbing the next contender off its hanger you paused, instantly noticing a difference. The fabric was silky soft, practically caressing your hips as you pulled it up and slipped your arms through the straps effortlessly. Turning to look in the mirror your jaw literally dropped. Somehow this miracle dress accentuated the curves you loved while disguising the ones you loved less, the length was absolutely perfect, and the fabric draped over your chest just so as to make you feel sexy but also demure and not at all in danger of a wardrobe malfunction.
“Hey Wan? I think we might have a winner here,” you called out as you opened the dressing room door, distractedly tucking the tag out of sight to get a better idea of the full effect.
“I’d be inclined to agree with you, doll.” Said a voice that was definitely not your best friend. Nope, this voice was deep and smooth and the absolute opposite of how your perky redheaded bff sounded. Not to mention that this particular voice was coming out of the most gorgeous male specimen you had ever laid eyes on. “If you don’t mind me sayin’ so, the guy who gets to take you out in that is gonna be one lucky s.o.b.”
Your brain was screaming at you to be cool but in reality the best you could do was an undignified squeak as his smirk just seemed to get wider causing the heat from your cheeks to quickly spread down your neck and onto your chest.
“If only there was a lucky s.o.b. In her life, but there isn’t,” Wanda stage whispered conspiratorially in the mystery man’s direction as she appeared out of nowhere, taking your hand and giving you a twirl so she could examine you from all sides. Your chronic muteness persisted as Wanda let out a low whistle of approval, “Stop the presses, this is definitely THE one! See? I knew we shouldn’t give up.” She cupped your face affectionately and you couldn’t help but smile back at her. “Now, you might have the dress but Cinderella can’t go to the ball without shoes! I think I saw some that would be perfect with this. Be right back!” And before you could blink she was gone, leaving you alone again with bachelor number one.
Just as the awkward silence was on the verge of uncomfortable he spoke up. “So, ah.. if you don’t mind me asking, what’s the occasion?”
“Oh!” you squeaked, suddenly finding your voice. “I, um my friend just then, Wanda, best friend actually she-- well it’s her thing really. Engagement party, weekend after next. Wouldn’t miss it for the world but I-I couldn’t exactly show up dressed like the hermit I am on the regular so...” Your voice trailed off as you realized your awkward silence had just morphed into a rambling overshare. Clearing your throat your eyes darted around desperate to look at anything but him.
He stood slowly, stepping up behind you and catching your eye in the mirror. “I bet you could wear a potato sack and still be the loveliest gal in the joint.” His sweet smile and sincere words were sending a flurry of butterflies loose in your stomach. “Hard to believe someone pretty as you would be going out looking like such a dish all alone...”
“You know, she doesn’t have to since you just happen to be free that weekend,” a tall muscular blonde interjects as he steps out of the dressing room next to yours and slaps your mystery man on the back before turning to introduce himself. “Hi there, I’m Steve.”
“Seriously man?” the brunet muttered through clenched teeth as he shoved Steve’s arm away.
“What? Like you were going to be doing anything that weekend other than watching Netflix on the couch covered in Cheeto dust?” Steve winked at you with a telling grin then headed toward the front to pay for his purchases. “Don’t screw this up pal!” he called over his shoulder as he went.
“Ignore my idiot best friend. Sticks his nose into my business too often for his own good...” He was the one looking at the ground now, rubbing the back of his neck as he avoided your gaze.
“No worries, Wanda’s exactly the same way.” You quietly replied, nervously smoothing away nonexistent wrinkles in your skirt as that awkward silence from earlier returned. As it became more obvious that he wasn’t going to say anything else you reluctantly eased towards your dressing room. “Well I’m um.. I should probably go change...”
At the door you paused, you could almost hear Wanda’s voice in your head screaming at you to not let this one get away. Twenty seconds of insane courage, right? Taking a deep breath you turned, stopping just in front of where he sat with his head in his hands.
“You know, I really do hate going to these things alone...” His head snapped up, his brow adorably furrowed. “Better with two, yeah?” You smile shyly and twist your hands together nervously. He stands up slowly, carefully reaching out, taking your hands in his. You open your mouth with the intent to ask him to officially be your plus one when you suddenly realize what’s missing and you can’t help but erupt into a fit of giggles. “Here I am about to ask you out and I don’t even know your name!”
He chuckles right along with you. “Maybe we should get introductions out of the way then, yeah? I’m James, but my friends call me Bucky.” He raises your knuckles to his lips for a chaste kiss.
“Nice to meet you Bucky, my friends call me Y/N.” Aaaand my blush is back. Dammit.
“Y/N... a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” Now he’s smirking again. I am in so much trouble.
“You are quite the charmer, Bucky.”
“Oh you haven’t seen the half of it, doll.”
Laughing you take a step back, “Okay.. so, I definitely have to change now. Be right back, don’t you go disappearing on me.”
He shakes his head, a mischievous smile on his lips. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
You manage to wait until the dress is back on the hanger before you break out into an impromptu victory dance in the dressing room. Practically vibrating with excitement, for the first time in ages you consider a future full of happy possibilities.
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harolinastyles · 5 years
A Little Bit Of Jade
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"Get off me, Cherry!" He sighs as we walk along the path, our shoulders bumping into each other as we move side by side.
"You know I hate it when you call me that." I smack his arm as hard as I can manage.
"Yeah? Well, I don't like it when you guys make fun of me." His pout is bigger than his nephew's was when we told him he couldn't have any chocolate this afternoon. "Why did you say that?"
"Say what?" I skip around his body as we cross the deserted road. That's one thing about Holmes Chapel, it's quiet. Especially at night.
"That I'm out of touch? Mr La-di-da?"
"I didn't say those things."
"You laughed."
"I slightly chuckled." I poke my finger against his pouty lips. "They were only teasing, H. They don't really think that."
"S'not funny," he hums. I stumble forward when he nudges my shoulder.
"I'm sorry, I didn't realise it was actually bothering you."
"Never treated you any different, Cher." His fingers hook in my elbow.
"Course not, I'm your bestie. You'd be lost without me." I grab his arm as we near the park. "Oooooh. Can we go on the swings? Pleeease?" I bounce on my feet and shake his arm as if it's a magic 8 ball.
"The swings? We're thirty, not thirteen." He huffs but follows behind me anyway. "Slow down!" His laughter fills the air as I rush toward the red one.
"Bet I can swing higher than you!"
"Fuck off!" He grabs my swing, and I fall to the ground in a heap. Oh, he is gonna pay for that. I haul myself onto the seat and kick out at him and he yells as he almost crashes into the metal pole. "Hey, watch the pretty!" His hand gestures up and down his body, and I bump his swing again.
"I know you are," he says. I can't stop the laugh that rises through my body and crashes from my mouth, shattering the quiet of the night. I'd missed him. Not that I was about to admit that to him, even though he knew it anyway. "You're losing." His head snaps towards me and I frown as I realise he is swinging higher than I am.
"You have longer legs."
"Excuses, just admit it, I'm better than you."
"Pfft. I don't tell lies, Styles!" I scoff and swing my legs out as far as they'll go, trying to match him. The sheer length of his body and his effortless movements mean I'm never going to catch him. "Race you home!" I yell and launch myself off the swing but in my rush to get to the gate I miscalculate my distance from my friend and he comes crashing into me, both of us falling to the ground, Harry's body literally knocking all the air from my lungs.
"Shit, Cherry! You okay?" I can feel his fingers in my hair and then on my cheek but my vision is a little hazy. "Cher?"
"M'kay." The words get stuck in my throat as if my tongue has swollen to twice its size. I try to focus and the first thing I see are my friend's green eyes. Have they always been the same colour as my favourite jade necklace? My fingers automatically wrap themselves around the pendant my best friend had brought me back from his first trip to Japan. I'd worn it every day since. His lips are the next thing I notice. They're set in a concerned expression, and my mouth feels as dry as the desert as I think about touching the perfect curve of his cupids bow. What the fuck is wrong with me?
"Cherry?" His voice sounds like leaves rustling in the breeze.
"I told you not to call me that!"
The cupids bow I admired a few seconds ago disappears as his mouth stretches into a soft smile. My heart is thumping faster than Sarah can bang her drumsticks as his thumb swipes across my cheek and my skin instantly feels warm.
"Breathe for me, yeah?" His tongue licks across his lips and the moonlight seems to dance across his features.
"You're pretty." I breathe and all the air suddenly rushes back into my body. I feel dizzy but I don't think it has to do with the fall.
"You hit your head hard, huh?" He grins and the famous dimple pop makes me gasp. That magical move that has every girl I know falling for him but now I see it's spell too. It makes his eyes twinkle, like they're made of glitter. Maybe I did bump my head?
He shifts his body and I'm suddenly aware that his hips are resting on top of mine. My hands fly to his arms as if being pulled by a magnet.
"Don't move!" The words leave my mouth in a whisper and I shake my head, what the fuck am I doing? It's Harry. It's just Harry. My best friend since we could talk.
"Cher, we can't stay here." And there is that dimple again.
"I can see you." I smile, again the words just tumble from my mouth without thinking but maybe that's what this is? Am I finally really seeing him? Have I been so blinkered in thinking of him as a friend that I missed how he could be so much more?
"Okay, I think we might need to get you looked at." Before I can protest he clambers off the top of me and the chill in the night air becomes all too apparent. I sit up and he holds out his hand. "Come on, I'll get my Mum to check you over."
I let him help me up before gripping his arm in both my hands. "I'm not hurt, it's just - I just - you're really good looking, do you know that?"
"Stop it. It's not funny." He pouts. "I'm never going away again if all you're going to do is tease me." The sound of his boots thumping against the ground matches the beat of my heart.
"Hey! Wait up!" I grab at his coat but the smooth wool slips from my grasp as he pulls away from me. "Stop walking away from me!" My yelling makes him pause, but he doesn't turn around. I realise I've stopped walking too. "I'm not teasing you. I - I don't know. Maybe I did hit my head?" A soft sigh escapes my mouth.
"Let me see?" He's suddenly towering over me, his long fingers combing through my hair and I find myself pressing my head into his hand like Binky, my cat does when he wants attention. "Can't see anything. My Mum will know what to do." He links his arm through mine as we head back to Anne's house.
"Hey love, you okay?" Anne grins as Harry drags her into the living room.
"Yeah. I'm sorry he got you up in the middle of the night for this. I've been trying to tell the idiot I'm fine."
"Well, I wouldn't be so sure if this giant lump landed on you!" She smacks his arm, and he pouts at her.
"It was an accident. She ran in front of me!" He nudges my knee with his as he sits on the sofa beside me.
"Why don't you make yourself useful and go make us a cuppa?"
"You wanna shove a broom up my arse and I'll sweep the floor too?" He huffs as he pushes himself up and stomps to the kitchen.
"Cheeky shit!" She says as she hurls a cushion after him.
"You really okay, love?" Her finger and thumb pinch my chin and turn my head away from the doorway to the kitchen.
"Yeah. Nothing hurts."
"How was the party? How was Harry? He's been like a bear with a sore head all day. Think he missed you. Mitch and Sarah were busy with the baby."
"Aww yeah, little Ben is so cute!" He was a perfect mix of his parents and had the squishiest cheeks.
"What are you worrying about? You always fidget with that necklace when you're worried."
I let the jade pendant fall from my fingers. I hadn't even realised I'd been holding it.
"Who's worried?" Harry's voice makes me jump and Anne quirks her eyebrow at me.
"Thanks, love. Gonna take my tea upstairs. Bacon and eggs in the morning?" She stands up and takes her Best Mum mug from Harry. We both nod at her like we haven't seen food in days and she chuckles as she heads upstairs.
"So, you're worried, huh?" He takes Anne's spot on the sofa, pulling his feet up off the floor so he's sitting cross-legged. "'Bout what? A guy? Are you dating? Work?"
"I'm not worried." I hug my knees to my chest when I realise my fingers are playing with my pendant again. "Not dating anyone either."
"No?" His fingers straighten out the collar on the Gucci shirt I'd borrowed from him and I feel my skin warm at his touch. "What about that date you went on the other week? You never did tell me about it."
"I don't know." I shrug. "He was cute but ridiculously shy, not like -" I stop myself from completing my sentence. I don't like Harry like that, do I?
"Not like what?" His green eyes are glued on me, and I look away as I try to work out what to say.
"Just like, not in a cute way. He was barely able to keep conversation. I need somebody who will challenge me, you know?"
"Like I do?" He flashes that bloody dimple again, and I want to push him off the sofa, it's what I'd usually do but I don't.
"Yeah, maybe?" I watch his face for a flicker of emotion but he gives nothing away.
"Hmm... I think I know a few guys who could handle you, but Evan is a blonde, and he smokes and I know that's a no no for you."
It feels like he's just shoved his hand into my chest and is squeezing the life out of my heart. Fucking shit! I have to get out of here. I throw my feet down on the floor and stand up to head for the door.
"Cherry! Where you going?"
"Home. And I told you don't fucking call me that. My name is Cher!" I shrug but I don't turn round. A tear has rolled down my cheek and I can't look at him.
"But I haven't told you about the other guy yet!" I can hear him following me so I pick up the pace. My fingers wrap around the door handle before he grabs my arm.
"I don't care, Harry." The words drip from my mouth like venom.
"But, it's me." His grip on my arm tightens and my body freezes, the front door halfway open. So he'd worked it out had he? Was he trying to mess with me?
"What?" I turn my head to glare at him, daring him to say it again. This isn't a funny joke.
"It's me. I like you, Cher. Realised it the minute you left tour to go back to work. Missed you like fucking crazy. Tha's why I was face timing you all hours of the day, needed to hear your voice, see your pretty hazel eyes before I could sleep."
"If this is some kind of joke, then it's not funny."
"No joke. Please don't go!" He gently squeezes my arm, and I let him close the door but I don't move, I just stand there staring at him. What the hell is happening? Is this a dream? Maybe I'm lying out cold in the park? Any moment now I'm gonna wake up...
"So... does this mean you like me too?" His fingers tickle as they slide softly down my arm and grip my hand tight.
"I don't know - I - is this real, Harry?" My eyes seek his and I realise we've moved closer, our noses almost touching.
"I fucking hope so. I don't think I have the balls to confess this to you all over again." He chuckles. I find myself staring at his eyes as they crinkle, and my right hand reaches for his left one. It's suddenly eerily quiet as we stand staring at each other with both hands linked together. His tongue pokes out to wet his lips and in a moment of either bravery or sheer stupidity I move closer and his nose bumps mine. Neither of us had been blessed with very small or dainty noses.
"Sorry." He mumbles and I can feel the heat in my cheeks. I gasp as he presses his lips to mine so quickly and so lightly I'd think I imagined it if my lips weren't tingling like pins and needles.
"Sorry," he whispers again. His eyes and head drop to the floor and I inch even closer still, my cheek brushing against his to get him to look up at me. As soon as he does, I mimic his movements from a moment ago, pressing a quick, soft kiss to his lips before pulling back. I just kissed Harry. I just kissed my best friend. But what is really surprising is it doesn't feel weird. At all.
He's shuffling closer now, and his arms wrap around me, pinning my hands behind my back as he's still holding them tight, his lips press to mine harder this time, and I can't stop my tongue poking out to taste him. His lips are soft and taste like the wine we'd shared earlier tonight. He's holding me so tight my hands are being pressed into my body, but I want to be even closer as his tongue sneaks out to brush against mine. I pinch the tip with my teeth and his resulting moan sends a swell of excitement rushing through my body, making my skin prickle with goosebumps. I shudder and he pulls away from me.
"You cold?" He speaks as he releases his arms from around my body but uses our joined hands to pull me into the living room.
"So I guess we should talk about this?" He breathes out as we fall down onto the sofa, side by side. I shake my head as I turn into his body. We like each other, what more is there to say? We could figure out the logistics later. My lips seek out his for a much more fun task than speaking. His hand grips my hip as my leg slides between his, and again his resulting moan sets off little sparks of joy within me. Our lips move together like they're both singing from the same hymn sheet, and I just need to get closer. I sling my leg over his and slide into his lap. He shifts his legs underneath me and I giggle into the kiss as I slide into him. My hands cup his cheeks as our tongues dance the tango and as his fingers press into my hips, I realise they are rolling of their own accord. His body shuffles and I let a moan vibrate through our mouths as his semi erect penis presses against me. Fuck! That feels nice.
My left hand slides to pull on the hair at the back of his neck while my right hand buries itself in his curls. His tongue slows against mine and his hands slow my hips, but if anything, it just feels better as he slowly rubs me against his now rock hard erection.
"Cherry?" He growls and I suddenly want to hear him say that stupid pet name all the fucking time. Exactly like that. Deep and sexy. "Cherry! Stop! I don't wanna - not like this." He pulls his lips from mine, and his hands still my hips.
"You don't wanna make me come just by kissing me?" I pout.
"No, I do and I will-" His smirk is almost infuriating, "but just not the first time. You're special. I want it to be special."
"Fine. Then I guess I should head home." I nod towards the door.
"No!" The whine makes him sound like a baby, and his kiss swollen lips pucker into the most adorable pout I've ever seen. "Stay? Snuggle? I haven't been able to hold you in months, and I seriously think I might cry if you make me sleep on my own."
"Eww, Harry. That is the mushiest thing I've ever heard." On the inside, he has my heart racing though.
"Don't care!"
"Fine. But I get the left side of the bed." I smile as I stand up and heave him from the sofa.
"Don't care so long as I get to hug you, Cher-" He stops himself from completing the nickname, and his fingers link with mine as we head for the stairs.
"Harry?" I whisper, and he replies with a hum. "You can call me Cherry."
So I figured I’d try posting this here too. I write on Wattpad (Lollipop2204). I’m trying my hand at one shots to try to improve my writing and challenge myself. If you like it then let me know.
Laura x
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scribeofmorpheus · 5 years
Chasing Tornadoes Prologue
Pairing: Stephen Strange x Reader
Series Warnings: poorly written medical procedural , mild delving into spirituality, language, overbearing egos, graphic descriptions, more to be added.
*Set before Doctor Strange
Series Masterlist | Masterlist | AO3
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The hairs on your arms stood erect, prickling with new vivacity. Wind blew in from the east: Euros was stirring. Dust lifted off the ground as the howling winds agitate the tarp materials of the parasol overhead. You grabbed a serviette from the box next to the condiments and wiped the cucumber and mint tzatziki sauce off your lip. 
Something was coming.
You could feel it in the heat of the air and the rise in humidity. 
Deemng it past time that you got back, you pulled out a twenty from your purse and secured it under a salt shaker after you took one last bite of your lamb burger before binning the food wrapper and slinging your wicker bag over your shoulder. Your wide-brim hat protected your complexion from the harsh summer rays. 
Beyond the city line, a green sky began to crawl outwards. Random debris started rolling down the tarred road. At first, it was only small objects. Weightless objects like cans and newspapers and runaway articles of clothing. Then it escalated to furniture grinding against the cobbled streets, reluctantly being pushed backwards. 
You riffled through your bag, digging for your keys when the wind suddenly died down unexpectedly. A flash of light struck down in your peripheral and then you heard a roar that sounded like a runaway freight train.
Something was definitely coming.
The TV was relaying the latest weather report on mute. The freak weather had prompted the meteorologists to do a deep dive on the direction of air currents and possible escalations.
You set your kettle on, hand gripping your crystal necklace as you stood by your open window. Wind chimes clanking in a dissonant manner. The grey sky had blocked out the sun and a funnel began to form at the centre of a thunderstorm just beyond the horizon. The thundering shook the photo frames hanging up on the walls.
Your iguana, Spike, startled you by dropping several spice containers from your spice rack. His reptilian growl communicating his discomfort as you picked him up and cradled him against your shoulder. 
"It's okay Spikey boy, it's just thunder," you observed the funnel descend further down from the sky. Chunks of debris mixing into the circulating air. "Just a thunderstorm." 
You weren’t sure who you were trying to console, the fat lizard straining against your arms, or yourself.
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The tornado had razed through half the neighbouring farming town to the south. Your pager beeped incessantly as soon as the weather had died down. Without needing to check why, you grabbed your medical badge and called an Uber.
The hospital was abuzz, filled by the smell of antiseptic and bleach. The waiting room was packed and the PA system blared out one announcement after the other with little breathing room between sentences. Swift feet rushed from one corner to the other. The few interns and fellows you could spot inside this chaos looked worse for wear, the stress and humidity making them resemble pruned vegetables.
You walked over to reception, tapping your arm on the counter when you noticed Janice was on duty. "Hey Jan, what's the 411?"
Jan covered her headset with one hand, "Tornado crashed through. Doctor on call is stuck on the other side of a collapsed bridge. Metro General is flying in some doctor to help with the relief efforts." 
Could it be Christine? You wondered.
You frowned, tying your untamed hair back and stowing away your bangles and necklaces. "Who's heading triage?" 
Right then, two paramedics burst through the swinging doors. Janice waved her arms to keep them from stopping, “Don’t bother waiting,” she said. “Just head on through.”
The police officers manning the entrance kept it open for another set of paramedics.
Things were escalating quickly and about to get a whole lot worse.
One of the fellows –Mike- half jogged to oversee the second patient on the gurney. The wheels squeaked, grinding from poor maintenance as he hovered over the gurney. Mike nodded at you as he shot Janice a pleading look. A smudge of soot on his cheek.
“Jan, you gotta get Doctor Weisz back on the phone, stat. We can’t take anymore as it is. We were understaffed to begin with.” He said with a tired lull to his voice.
“Sorry kid, unless you can magically mend bridges, we’re gonna have to make do.”
Mike wiped the sweat off his brow with his blue scrubs as he listened to the paramedics fill him in on the patient’s condition. He applied pressure to the patient’s stomach and asked a series of stand of the mill questions as they disappeared behind another set of doors.
Janice took another call and you waited on jittery legs until she was done, "Mike and a few other interns are the one’s handling triage. You best get in there, they could use you."
Next to go were your earrings as you started inching towards the second set of doors, clocking in your shift card. "Who's senior medical on staff?" 
Janice clacked away at her computer, bringing up the roll sheet, "According to my logs, now that you're here, it's you." 
You swallowed uncomfortably, handing Janice your bag so she could shove it under her desk. The distant fire-truck sirens were barely audible from inside of this noisy beast’s belly. A new ambulance screeched to a halt at the entrance.
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   “You’re sending me where?” Strange demanded as he stared at Christine with large eyes and pulled eyebrows.
Christine scoffed as she made her rounds, “I’m not sending you anywhere, the board is.”
The skin around his nose curled upwards as he refrained from rolling his eyes, “Oh, screw the board.”
“Don’t start with that, you know why they’re keeping a close eye on you, it’s not like they don’t have good reason to either,” she ticked off a chart next to a patient’s room after thoroughly reading the attending physician’s notes.
Strange peered over her shoulder, “You should probably prescribe some probiotics,” he offered his advice freely even though she hadn’t asked.
She gave him a look that told him to back off and he did. Christine placed the chart back in its slot and made her way to another room. He massaged his jaw in frustration as he chased after her, nowhere near done with his rant. “I saved that patients life, Christine and now the board is punishing me for it. it’s bloody ridiculous is what it is! They’re all just bitter because I’m smarter than everybody on that circus show and they know it.”
She spun around to face him, her pen nearly touching his chin, “Yes, you saved that patients life, but you did so with no regard for this hospital’s code of ethics. You acted impulsively and without a seconds thought about the rules you were breaking or the potential backlash we could have faced had the media caught wind of it. That is why they chose you.”
He flicked her pen away with his index and middle finger, unwavering confidence twinkling in his eye, “I did what I had to do to save that man’s life.”
“Our jobs aren’t just about saving lives, that’s the harsh reality of it Stephen!” Christine’s voice turned stern, “You could have been fired for your recklessness… and if anything had gone even the slightest bit wrong, the patient’s family would have been liable to sue!”
He shot her a dastardly smirk, head cocked to the side, “But that didn’t happen, did it?” He could see it in the way her face muscles twitched, she wasn’t in the mood to deal with his tantrum.
She grunted in exasperation as she continued down the hallway. He was so sure of himself it made Christine want to pull her hair out at times. “Listen, they’re sending you to aid the relief efforts after that Tornado struck and that’s the end of it. If you want to look at this as some form of punishment to appease your ego then that’s fine by me, but either way, you’re getting on that chopper.”
“For Christ’s sake, Christine. I’m a bloody neurosurgeon! Not some goffer the board can pawn off to some second rate hospital in the middle of nowhere!” His temple was throbbing, that vein of his pulsing to the rhythm of his accelerated heart rate. He was beginning to lose his temper.
“Yes, you’re a brilliant neurosurgeon, no one disputes that,” she patted his chest, feeling his lungs force his ribs up and down in quick movements. She smiled sweetly. “But you were also a gifted doctor before you specialised. Time to get back on that bicycle superstar.”
The sound of plastic gloves stretching off his slender fingers sent smacking noises through the air. Strange wasn’t happy about his new assignment. He was one of the leading neurosurgeons in his field and they were sending him to some small town in the ass-end of nowhere to aid in relief efforts?
“Utterly ridiculous,” he muttered under his breath as he strode to the locker rooms.
Christine watched him storm away with a cheeky smile hiding under her perfectly professional demeanour. Maybe this trip might do him some good after all. She had been right to suggest him for the job. He could do with a little humility. And if she knew her old friend Y/N, he was in for a bit of a painful awakening.
 To be continued...
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Permatags: @gruffle1 @thechickvic @notawarriorjustyet @savethehoneeybees 
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straykidsmusings · 5 years
Family Weekend - Jaehyun
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Pairing: Jaehyun & Y/N 
Words: 2.6k+
Warning(s): none
Genre: Fluff
You were visiting home for the weekend with Jaehyun. This was nothing new for the two of you, you had been dating for around 5 years and known each other for forever before that.

You opened the front door to your family home, calling for your parents saying that you had arrived.
After your call, you heard a stumbling and a pitter patter of feet running down the hallway towards you. You crouched down, opening your arms for your incoming 3-year-old niece, Amelia, that was bolting down towards the front door where you stood. She ran into your arms, quickly wrapping her arms around your neck. She giggled as you picked her up, spinning her around.

As quick as she said hi to you she was already asking where Jaehyun was. Ever since they first met they were the best of friends, always playing with each other and making each other laugh.
Just as you were about to answer her you heard his voice come from outside the door as he walked through it with your bags for the weekend.

“Of course, I’m here. I wouldn’t pass up the chance to see you, you cheeky monkey,” he says, setting the bags down and opening his arms.
Amelia giggles at the nickname, and ran into his arms when you set her down. He picks her up and tickles her sides a bit to release all the giggles that she had. She rested her head on his shoulder as he moved to hold her with one arm.

“I missed you guys,” she said sweetly, moving to cuddle into Jaehyun’s warm frame.

Your sister comes down the hall and takes a few of your bags as Jaehyun is still holding Lia. 
You move to the kitchen where your parents are sitting with mugs of tea in front of them. You catch them up on a few things that have happened since you last saw them, them doing the same.
There was a small lull in the conversation so you looked over to where Jaehyun was and saw him contently sitting on the floor, children’s makeup smeared over his face and a pink tiara sitting on top of his fluffy hair.
You sister sees where you’re looking and smiles at the sight. 

“He’s really good with her. I’m glad you’re with him,” she says, a broad smile on her face.
 You hear him tell her a stupid joke and poke her in the side to see her cutely giggle.
You were on the sofa watching a movie, a cosy blanket thrown over you. Initially it had been just you and Jaehyun on the sofa but Lia had quickly joined you, cuddling up in between the two of you.

Half way through the movie you look down to see her eyes slowly closing and then opening quickly again, trying to keep herself awake. You looked over at your sister, getting her attention and nodding down to the sleeping toddler.

She stood up from where she was sitting, reaching down to lift her up, Lia’s eyes opening slowly at the movement.

“Time to go to bed missy.” At this a small whine left her mouth.

“Want uncle Jaehyun to put me to bed,” she said, reaching her arms out towards him, and making grabby hands at him. Your sister gave him a look that told him he didn’t need to do it if he didn’t want to, but he stood up, lifting her out of your sister’s arms and made their way up to her room, the two talking and giggling the whole way.

When he begins to walk out of sight you feel your parents staring at you, cheesy grins stretched across their face at what had just happened.

“Stop it,” you say, hiding your face slightly with the blanket that was still wrapped around you.

After a while you go up to see what’s taking him so long. You get to the cracked open door and stand in it and hear him reading Lia one of her books, accents and funny voices in full effect, tired giggles from Lia quickly following.
“Right, it’s time for you to go to sleep now,” you hear him say.
Peeking your head into the room ever so slightly you see him tuck her in as she begins to tiredly babble a little bit.
“Do you love aunty y/n?” she asks. 
He smiles down at her.
“I love her a lot. Now it’s time for you to go to sleep I’ll see you in the morning.” He leans down and presses a quick kiss to her forehead, making his way out of the room.
As he kissed her on the head you made your way to the landing area, leaning against the banister. He shuts her door and turns to see you standing there, a small smirk on your face.
He walks over to you, a blush rising on his cheeks, a bashful look on his face. He wraps his long arms around your waist, hiding his head in your neck.
He runs his hands up and down your sides lightly, “How much of that did you hear?”
You laugh, reaching your hands up to run through his messy hair.
“I heard enough,” you answered, placing a small kiss on his shoulder.
He pulls back, both hands on your waist still, moving your top up so he could run his thumb over your skin as he leans forward, pressing light and frequent kisses to your lips.
One of his hands leaves your hip, making its way up to your cheek, cupping your jaw with his large hand as he makes the kiss longer, your lips getting heavier, beginning to part when you heard someone clearing their throat.
You pull away rapidly, looking to the source of the noise.
You see your mum standing there, arms crossed but a smirk on her face.
“I hope Amelia didn’t see any of that.” she said, walking around you to her room, “Oh and no funny business tonight!” she called, closing her door.
Jaehyun let out a relieved breath, a shaky laugh following it.
“I thought she was gonna kill us,” he said jokingly, grabbing your hand, and making your way to your room.
“She’s caught us doing a lot worse than that,” you say, going to get your pyjamas from your bag.
You felt something light hit you on the back, looking down you saw it was a pillow. 
You looked up at Jaehyun who gave you a look, “Don’t remind me of that time, your dad almost chopped me in half,” he said, a chill running down his spine at the memory.
You laughed as you both got changed into your pjs, making your way under the cosy duvet, slowly gravitating towards each other.
You lay your head on his chest, his arm coming around to rest on your back, making its way slowly up and down your back.
“Lia loves you,” you say absentmindedly, breaking the small silence that had come over you.
You felt him smile above you, “She’s very cute, I like making her laugh,” he says, his hand moving your top up so he could draw little patterns on your skin. “She reminds me of you,” he continued, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. 
You could feel yourself falling asleep with his calming movements on your back when he said softly, “I can’t wait until we have one of them." 
You woke up to Lia poking your side. Your parents and sister had to go out for the day, leaving you and Jaehyun to look after her.
You got out of bed, leading her down the stairs to allow Jaehyun to sleep for a bit longer.
You took her into the kitchen, lifting her up onto the counter. 
"Do you want to make some pancakes for breakfast?” you asked, delighted when you saw her little face light up. 
She clapped her hands as you went to get all the ingredients and equipment that you would need for making them.
You had music playing, soft giggles leaving Lia’s mouth as you danced ridiculously around the room with her, pretending to do the tango and then some very bad break dancing.
When breakfast was done both you and Lia crept up the stairs to go wake Jaehyun up. He was laying on his front, his face snuggled into the pillow, fair as messy as ever.
You lifted Lia up into the bed, allowing her to jump up and down as much as she liked on the bed as long as it woke him up.
You laughed as you could see him wake up from the sudden movements and the angelic laughter. He moves quickly and suddenly, grabbing a bouncing Lia and tickling her sides relentlessly.
She let out laughs and giggles until she was out of breath begging for him to stop.
Eventually he does and you all make your way down to breakfast.
After breakfast was done you asked Lia what she wanted to do. In of course a 3 year olds style, bake a cake was the first thing out of her mouth.
But a pleading look from Jaehyun as well as puppy dog eyes from Lia meant that you had to give in.
You weren’t going to make it from scratch, thinking it would be too messy if you didn’t just start with a ready mix.
You got out all the ingredients and chocolate buttons to decorate it with, leaning down to get the mixer you head a small giggle and a swift ‘shhh’.
You turned your head and saw both Lia and Jaehyun looking overly innocent.
“What’s going on over there?” you ask, a smile on your face.
You see Jaehyun shrug, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You laughed and went back to getting things out of the drawer. You heard the same thing again. You whipped your head around and saw a slightly guilty looking Jaehyun and Lia with a giant grin on her face.
You turned around to them properly, “What are you two doing?”
Lia laughed, walking over to you, and held her hand out.
“Here aunty y/n, you can have some too.” you take the chocolate button from her hand, looking over at your boyfriend and gave him a joking dirty look. You picked her up as Jaehyun crossed his arms and started talking.
“Oh, so you’re ratting me out, now are you? After everything I did for you.” he said, shaking his head and letting out a laugh at the end.
She lets out a laugh and you move her over to stand on a chair so she can reach the counter top.
You stand behind her to make sure she won’t fall off or hurt herself.
Jaehyun comes over behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, placing slow and silent kisses on your neck as you watch her mix what’s in the bowl.
As you feel his hands wandering a bit too much you shake him off with a laugh, moving to help Lia before she over mixed the cake batter.
After the cake was baked and was cooling you all made your way up to get washed and changed, you were all covered in some type of chocolate while you were baking.
You were now going to the park with Lia.
It was a lot of laughs and pushing her on the swing, Jaehyun making a fool of himself just to get a laugh from her or you. You couldn’t stop laughing when she insisted he go down the baby slide with her, however Jaehyun’s long stature made it very difficult for him to not get stuck.
On your way home, it started to get cold, and even though Lia was bundled up in her warmest coat she was snuggling into Jaehyun’s neck and clinging onto him for warmth the entire walk home.
He sets her down on the ground for a minute, taking off his soft jumper and putting it on her.
She let out a laugh when her head emerged from the massive amounts of fabric. She was completely drowned in fabric and she didn’t have her hands to be seen for days because of how long the sleeves were. But she was warm and she was comfy so she didn’t care.
He picked her up again and moved her to one arm, interlacing his fingers together with yours with his other hand. Lia nuzzles her head into his neck and relaxes now that she’s warm.
You stop into the shop on your way home to allow her to pick out a treat for being so good today.
You walked over to the sweetie aisle, pointing out the different sweets that she usually likes and asked her what she wanted. She pointed at something but wasn’t specific enough, and as Jaehyun moved closer to where she pointed. She made a grabby hand to the thing she wanted, him pulling away jokingly every time her little hand got near it. You stood smiling at the two of them when an older lady walked up to the three of you.
“You are a beautiful family. It reminds me of when I had my first child.” she says, a smile on her face at the happy memory.
As you went to correct her about Lia not being yours, Jaehyun butts in quickly.
“Thank you,” he says, running a hand up and down Lia’s back in a comforting manner.
The lady looks back at you with a smile, “You’ve got a keeper there.”
It was now the next morning and you had to go home, much to the dismay of Amelia. 
You were now standing at the door, your bags were already in the car and you were hugging your parents and sister, who had a sobbing Lia in her arms.
You reach out and take her into a hug, her tiny arms wrapping around your neck tightly.
“I-I’m just going t-to miss yous a lot,” she sobbed out, “I like it-it when you’re here.”
You rub your hand up and down her back, pressing kisses to her head and her cheeks while you rocked her back and forth gently.
“Shhh, it’s okay. Hey, what if really soon you come see me and Jaehyun? Come have a sleepover with us?” you ask her, hoping that it would cheer her up.
Her sniffles died down a bit and her head rose to meet your eyes.
“Really?” she asked, her tiny fists rubbing at her eyes.
You nod your head sincerely, pressing one last kiss to her cheek before setting her down.
Jaehyun crouches down beside her, wiping away some stray tears that were running down her chubby cheek with his finger.
“You’ll see us soon, okay?” he reassures her, bringing her in for a hug, rocking back and forth on his toes as she knocked his balance a bit.
He let her go when her crying stopped. You both began to walk to your car, Jaehyun getting in the driver’s seat.
You looked in the rear-view mirror as you drove down the driveway, seeing them all waving at you, smiles on their faces.
As you were stopped at a red-light Jaehyun turned to you slightly, taking your hand and giving it a kiss on the back of it. He moves that hand down to your stomach, his thumb rubbing back and forth over it. 
 "Lia’s going to be excited that the next time she sees us she’s going to have a companion.“
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spiltscribbles · 5 years
Hamilton Friends AU  |  The One With The Engagement
Notes: Okay so this is so late, I beam the craziness f this summer. But a huge Thank you to the ever lovely @aswithasunbeamwho prompted me this perfect Friends episode to write in a Hamilton AU. You’re an amazing soul and I hope you enjoy<3<3
“Your face looks weird.”
“Just an observation,” Angelica, as appraising and blunt as ever, chides at Alexander with a probing finger to his cheek. In turn alexander just scowls her way and sticks out his tongue for good measure.
“She is correct my friend,” Lafayette, currently trying to balance a fifth book on his head after proclaiming that yes, in fact he is as graceful as any of those fucking Disney princesses, tacks on. “As if your face has gone all goopy permanently.”
“It’s like you’re staring at Eliza even though she’s not here,” Hercules clarifies with a shrug.
“You’re all awful people and I don’t know why I’ve ever agreed to be your friend.” Alexander huffs.
“We’ve gone and made him all sour,” Peggy snorts and Laurens begins to mimic his peeved off expression in-between his own cackles.
“Awful!” Alexander reiterates. “Awful, awful people.”
“Answer the question at hand loser,” Peggy charges on, standing up from the sofa and swinging her weight to her left hip, defiant. “Why do you look so eerily unbothered, so, un-Hamilton like. For Pete’s sake even when you’re happy you look like there’s a hundred different things that are annoying the fuck outta you.”
“Fine,” Alexander twists his lips in annoyance of getting caught out. “If I tell you lot you better swear on everything you own that you won’t breathe a word.”
“Mysterious,” Laurens leers.
“It is Burr, he has died a most awful death! This is the source of your happiness, no?” Lafayette accuses.
“Ah, erm…. Not quite yet?”
“Well get on with it then,” Angelica scolds with no real heat. “Some of us have actual lives to get too.”
“”Drag race is on tonight and me and Ange have got a bet going.” Peggy explains.
“Which I will win,” Angelica sniffs.
“Fine, fine,” Alexander harrumphs, long acquainted with the larger than life personalities of all the Schuyler sisters, his heart contracting and stomach swooping once thinking of one in particular. Of her long, dark hair, and impossibly bright eyes, and the way her smile makes it feel like Alexander’s floating in midair. 
She’s quite literally the most beautiful, brilliant, strong willed and even stronger hearted woman he’s ever known. She’s everything Alexander wishes he was and nothing but wonderful. He knows that, is positive, even if he concedes that she in fact is not an angel sent from the heavens above. Eliza’s not perfect just because Alexander swears she is. He knows that she is a bit of a clean freak, that she can get neurotic if plans aren’t followed through exactly as she had laid out. He knows that she was brought up oblivious to her insane level of wealth and that sometimes it takes full blown arguments for her to speak her mind instead of trying to spare him or anyone else of their feelings. Alexander knows all these small quirks and he doesn’t care because they only make him love her all the more. He loves Eliza more than the sun and stars and all the galaxies above combined, he loves her so much that somedays Alexander thinks his chest might crack with it. 
But it never does, and she’s always there, and what they have is everything Alexander has ever wanted, and Eliza is someone who he never thought he could have. All this to say that he has absolutely no doubts in his mind when he pulls out the small velvet box from his trouser’s pocket and opens it to reveal the sparkling engagement ring he’s spent months saving up for.
“wholly fuck,” Peggy balks, scurrying closer to snatch it out of Alexander’s grasp, Angelica right on her coattails.
“No way!” Laurens crowed the same time Lafayette let out a strange, indecipherable squeal that Alexander is almost positive was only partially in French, partially in English and  then a hodgepodge of other languages he’s never even heard before— all the books cascading down to the wooden floors  in a crescendo of thuds.
 For his part, Hercules just begins to tear up with a stiff lip and quivering hands. “Get the hell outta here.”
“You guys don’t like it,” Alexander asks with a shit eating grin.
“Don’t be cheeky dork,” Angelica reproves, never taking her eyes off the ring, swatting at Peggy to give her a chance to hold it.
“Don’t speak that way to your future brother-in-law,” Laurens snickers, claps Alexander on the back with an encouraging hug. “I’m so proud of you Ham, you’ve finally found the one.” 
Alexander gives his oldest friend— the man he once thought would’ve been his forever if they hadn’t had such contradictory views on what that meant— a watery smile. “thank you Laurens, but don’t get too excited, Betsey’s still gotta say yes.”
“She’s crazy about you,” Peggy says airily, waving off his worries with a lazy hand. “Of course she’s gonna say yes.”
Alexander bites down on a smile, casts his gaze to the floor so to hide his reddening cheeks. He’s still in such disbelief that this is his life. He’s got the world’s greatest friends, an amazing job that he actually enjoys, and now he might actually get to keep the dream girl. So far away from the lonesome days and hard nights of St Croix. Far away from dying mothers and flighty fathers and cruel brothers who never bothered to keep in touch. This, right here, these people, Eliza, the Washingtons, hell even Burr on a good day… They’re his family, the people he’d die for and who he’s sure would die for him too. What a strange feeling that is, to love and be loved. How strange it is that he gets to keep this sense of belonging, of balance.
“God, now enough with the sappiness,” Peggy gripes. “I can see it on your face Hamilton, and just because you’re technically my brother now doesn’t mean I won’t beat your ass if I feel like it.”
“Charming,” Alexander deadpans.
“I thought so,” Peggy says with a magnanimous grin.
“So what’s the plan? How are you gonna pop the question?” Hercules interjects from where he’s now examining the rose gold band and round cut diamond accented with sapphires. 
“I was planning to take her to that really posh French restaurant near fifth avenue that Laf showed us. Bets loves hearing me speak French,” he explains with a wink.
“My people’s language does arouse a certain, how do you say, sultry emotion.” Lafayette leers.
“For the love of God stop talking about having sex with my baby sister.”
“Right, ahem.” Alexander concedes. “Well after that I was gonna order us a bottle of her   favorite, ridiculously priced champaign.”
“We use to drink it when we’d summer in our villa in the South of France,” Peggy explains, totally impervious to how fantastical that sounds to Alexander.
“Friends with too many rich people,” Hercules mutters morosely, handing the ring off to Lafayette, face scrunched up in displeasure all the while.
“Do not hate us for our good fortunes mon grand,” Lafayette sniffs. “Especially now that Alexander is considered part of our lot after he and Eliza’s inevitable union. One that is written in the stars mind you.”
“What’s written in the stars?”
Alexander’s heart stutters to a rapid staccato just as soon as he sees the door to the apartment swing open, revealing a disheveled, but radiant Eliza strolling through, one perfectly manicured brow kinked. 
Before Alexander can take a breath, Lafayette impulsively stuck the ring— the symbol of his undying love and eternal devotion to Eliza— into his fucking French, snail eating mouth.
“Gross,” he hisses, to which Lafayette just tossed him the bird.
“Ah, the fact that Thundermist is totally beating Vivian October tonight,” Peggy blurts out in a totally high pitched voice. Jesus fucking Christ half of them work in politics and the other half are lawyers, save for Hercules whom’s perfectly content as the head of Ralph Lauren merchandize. But still, Alexander expected that they’d all be better at lying than this pathetic display!
He’s subsequently shown up the moment Eliza flickers her gaze towards him, a knowing smile blooming across her face that makes Alexander’s heart ache with want. He supposes it’s more the person who they’re all lying to rather than the act itself. 
“You and Ange need to stop making everything a competition love, it’s teetering on ridiculous.” She toots, tosses her and Alexander’s mail to the counter before excepting the peck he can’t help but offer her.
“You know how daddy is with his horses,” Angelica argues. “It’s in our blood.”
That just makes Eliza role her eyes, totally fond, before she excuses herself to change out of her pencil skirt and red bottom heals.
“Hey is there paint on your top?” Laurens asks, brows furrowed.
“Oh yeah,” Eliza blushes. “The kids had arts and crafts today at the orphanage and wanted me to help out so I just set all the paperwork to be done tomorrow instead.”
“THat’s my top!” Angelica squawks, affronted.
“It’ll come out,” Eliza shoos her off with a lofty tip to her head.
Once she’s shut the door on her to change, Alexander cuffs Lafayette on the back, hard. 
“This is the love you show me after I successfully kept your little romantic gesture a secret,” he harrumphs.
“Now I’ve got your French cooties all over it!” Alexander hisses.
“Many a men and women would have died to get my delightful French saliva within a ten mile radius of them.”
“We really need to talk about your ego one of these days,” Peggy snorts.
“I have Adrien as my wife and you lot are blunders in love, I shall not permit any judgment from any of you.”
“Hey, I’ll be joining you in that marital bliss soon enough,” Alexander contends, totally giddy smile curling at the corners of his mouth.
“Gross,” the remainder chorus in varying degrees of exasperation, dosed  in pride.
Alexander’s really never had the best luck, most especially when it was the romantic sort. Before Eliza he’s never had a relationship that lasted over six consecutive months, or one that he didn’t constantly feel as if he had to garnish a facade of brilliance and magnetism that he’s never truly felt he had any right to own. Before Eliza Alexander never was able to picture himself settling into the domestic sphere quite so willingly. Never thought he would’ve yearned for quiet Sunday mornings in bed where Eliza’s head was propped up on his chest, and the early morning light would cascade atop her cheekbones and lips and glimmer in her hair. Those mornings where all Alexander could focus on was counting the quiet breaths she would let out and plotting out all the ways he could always make her look so at peace and lovely. Alexander never thought he would ever want the house in the suburbs with a large yard and rose gardens and everything his mother had tried to give him when she was still here. Alexander never had wanted it until Eliza came and he realized he could have it with her.
He remembers one particularly pitiful night towards the end of L2 when he had just cut ties with Cornelia Lotts because he had woken up that morning and had just not found her as interesting as the night before, which obviously meant he had drunken himself silly at some sleazy bar and tried picking up someone knew, just for the fun of it. Instead he was met by Angelica’s expectant,  irritated glower once he was three drinks in, telling him on no uncertain terms that the reason his love life sucked so hard is because he always went for the obscenely wealthy and tragically pretty folks that always infested ivy league institutions. The same folks with too large egos and too little self worth to ever consider having an actual relationship with someone outside of their social circle— A circle that the Schuyler family were the crown jewels of is what Angelica didn’t have to say but Alexander heard in screaming clarity all the same.
“Fuck you.”
“You wish loser.”
That was when she tugged him by the ear to get out of the city with her for the long weekend to clear his head. When he slept in her family’s country home upstate. When he had stumbled downstairs in the middle of the night to be face to face—for the first time— with the sister he’s seen millions of pictures of and heard even more stories about  by a beaming Angelica. The one who had just spent the year after graduating Yale in the peace corps. That was when Alexander’s heart had first swelled and he was a goner.
“Yes love,” Eliza smiles up at him through her lashes now, so many years detached from their first meeting. Years composed of unrequited crushes and tentative laughs that morphed into a strong friendship and shy words of sincerity. Eventually leading them to first kisses and first nights and all the in-betweens Alexander’s never gone through with any other relationship. Nothing else felt as vital, as permanent, as the one he shares with Eliza. Nothing else felt like it deserved his efforts in quite the same ways that he’s always known Eliza has. Nothing else has made him experience this distinct sort of want.
“I love you.”
“I love you too,” she giggles, mouth partially hidden from the lip of the flute of champaign she’s nursing. “Is everything alright deer? You look a little pale.”
Alexander’s throat closes up and he rinses his hands with anticipation.
“Yeah, yes. Everything’s Perfect Bets, it’s been perfect for a while now… Honestly ever since you agreed to actually go out with me. You. You make things perfect.”
Eliza doesn’t answer him in so many words, just cups her hands around hiss face and kisses him nice and thorough. Alexander wonders if how she makes everything inside of him go golden with every press to the lips will ever fade.
He seriously doubts it.
“Now, let me get this out, okay?” Alexander begs, squeezing her hands with his own and kissing the tops of each of her fingers gingerly. 
“Oh, Andre.”
Alexander’s heart stills and the breath from his lungs escapes— It feels like something awful and freezing has just clutched his heart and rinsed it dry.
“No, Alex—- I’m Alex.”
That only makes Eliza role her eyes at him before nudging her head to where a ridiculously handsome, obviously well off man stands.
“Oh, yes…. erm that is Andre.”
“Maybe he won’t see us,” Eliza offers before he’s lead directly to the recently vacated spot besides them by a completely oblivious host.
“Maybe he’s blind now?” Alexander says hopefully.
“Lizzy Schuyler is that you?” 
Alexander curses every ounce of bad luck he’s somehow accumulated before standing up to exchange awkward pleasantries  and spending the remainder of the night refraining himself from knocking Andre/s lights out every time he stares a tad bit too longingly towards Eliza for his liking.
The pampered bastard.
Still inwardly fuming while drinking his morning coffee, Alexander was accosted by someone cuffing him on the back of the head, hard.
He isn’t surprised to turn around and Find a surly looking Angelica glaring at him, hands on her hips and mouth curled in a distinctly predatory fashion.
“What happened last night Hamilton?”
“How do you know something happened?” 
“Well when I gushed to look at Liza’s hand this morning, instead of a rock on her finger she just looked at me like I was insane! I had to pretend I wanted to read her palm.”
“So confirming the insanity suspicion then?” He asks owlishly.
“Hamilton!” She says in a hiss.
“I couldn’t do it, okay.” Alexander snaps back, waspish.
“You chickened out,” Angelica accuses, depositing herself on the sofa besides him in the small cafe and snatching the muffin from his hand.
“Then what? You changed your mind? My baby sister not good enough for you?” She needles, prickly as he’s ever seen her.
“Don’t be ridiculous Anne.”
“Then wh—“
“Andre showed up,” he blurts with absolutely no tact.
“No fucking way,” Angelica gapes, dropping the aforementioned muffin.
“I’m cursed aren’t I?”
“Kinda,” Angelica consoles with a pout, cradling his head on her shoulder.
“Ah oh, not a good sign.” Hercules observes once taking a seat with his own latte.
“Hamilton’s cursed,” Angelica informs him, matter-of-fact.
“Why this time?”
“Because Eliza’s fucking perfect ex-fiancé somehow showed up last night with his own date and sat there besides us looking all handsome and waxing all poetic and reminiscing about how he and Eliza were caught fucking in her childhood bedroom her sophomore year of college and making her laugh and I couldn’t get a damn word in edgewise!”
“Oh not the thanksgiving story,” Angelica winces.
“So I reckon you didn’t propose?”
“I was gonna do it tonight instead, but thanks to Mis babble mouth over here,” he elbow checks Angelica. “Eliza most definitely suspects something is up now.”
“Hey! It’s not my fault that you apparently committed some sort of horrendous crime in a past life.”
“Who asks to look at someone’s hands!” Alexander hurls.
“People who think their sister was just proposed to!” Angelica defends.
“It’s fine you guys, we’ve just gotta throw her off the trail a little. Make her think marriage’s the furthest thing from your mind.” Hercules placates. 
“Yeah, yeah Herc, you’re right.” Alexander nods, is thrown to alert the moment the cafe’s bells chime— indicating a new customer— and it’s Eliza’s soft timbre that rings in his ears.
“I swear, I don’t care what Laf says, French people are total weirdos.” She sheds off her jacket and assumes the seat in Alexander’s all too willing lap. “I walk into his place to pick up some papers I left there and the first thing he wants to see is my hand to see if it’s proportionate to his.” With a huff, she grabs the coffee mug from Alexander, face scrunching up adorably at the excessive amount of sugar he always mixes in. Totally oblivious to how his heart is pulsing and his face is infused a bright red.
“Oh— Hah, how weird,” Angelica titters awkwardly. 
“Why do you sound so strange Ange?”
“No she doesn’t,” Alexander quickly pipes in.
“Yes…. She does.” Her brows furrow, the smallest dent between her eyes telling Alexander that she’s suspecting something. “What’s going on?”
“We were just reading this article in the New Yorker is all,” Hercules explains, saving all their asses. “It’s making her worry about her relationship with Mr Big.”
“His name’s Church, stop comparing our lives to Sex In The City characters,” Angelica admonishes with no heat.
“Whatever Miranda.”
“So what’s this article that’s got you all frazzled Angelica?” Eliza asks worriedly.
“It’s about marriage,” Alexander answers instead, seeing his opportunity and plunging for it.
“Yeah, just about how it’s a total scam. I mean think about it Bets, legally timing yourself to another person? Doesn’t that sound Orwellian to you? A ploy by the government just to get our money and to keep us in check if you ask me.”
Eliza’s frown somehow, impossibly, sinks deeper.
“That’s not what you think Alex, is it?”
“I mean, ah yeah—“ His voice most certainly does not screech like he was a character from Saved By The Bell. “I mean you know me Eliza. I mean marriage didn’t keep my dad around for my mom.”
He can’t believe he just used that card on her. He totally deserves to go to hell for that one.
“It doesn’t always have to end up like that hon.” She cards a hand through his hair, kisses his cheek gingerly. And yeah, eternal damnation here Alexander comes.
“Eliza like 60% of all marriages now days ends in divorce,” Angelica contends. “Can you even name a couple that hasn’t been separated at least once.”
“Our parents,” she sniffs.
“But is it worth taking that chance,” Alexander says, reminds himself of how happy she’ll be tonight after he pops the question, when Eliza shakes off the hand that’s trying to lace their fingers together.
“Yeah, Yeah Alex I do think it’s worth that chance! And you know I do!” She starts to get up now, properly mad. “I mean don’t you guys want to promise yourself to the person you love in front of all your nearest and dearest. Be bound to someone so intimately and permanently. To get to show off your love to the world to see!”
“Sounds kinda selfish to me,” Alexander counters and Hercules and Angelica mumble their agreements.
“Okay,I’m running late for work.” In a cloud of carefully concealed fury, found in the pinch of her shoulders and downturn of her lips, Eliza collects her bag and jacket before storming out. A quiet fury in total opposition to her sisters’ brash words and ear shattering shouts.
Alexander yet again reminds himself of her beaming face when she doesn’t dip down to give him the customary kiss goodbye. 
“This’s gonna workout just fine.”
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puckinghell · 6 years
Stars and Supernovae | February
Summary: As soon as you meet Tyler Seguin, you know you’re destined to be best friends. Sometimes you wonder if you’re destined to be more, but life keeps getting in the way. Perhaps it’s just not written in the stars? Note: This is Part 6. Part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
“Hmm,” you hummed, figuring that was the only appropriate response since you had absolutely no clue what your conversation partner was talking about.
“Do you want another coffee?” You zoned back in just in time to hear Max’s question, and nodded with a polite smile. “I’ll get you one.” You watched as your date made his way over to the coffee counter.
It wasn’t fair, not really. Max was in your physics class, and had helped you with your project, and then, when it was done and your grade was an A, had asked you out on a date. You’d said yes, because, really, why not? He was tall and slender, with auburn red hair, cleanly shaven, always dressed up but never overdressed. He was like, everyone’s perfect son in law. And he was nice, smart, polite, and even funny, every now and then.
But he wasn’t Tyler. He didn’t make you laugh so hard your stomach hurt and when his green eyes found yours, you didn’t feel like the world around you disappeared with a snap of his fingers. He didn’t get fiercely and ridiculously overprotective of you when some guy bumped into you in the street, didn’t yell “watch where you’re going, bud!” He paid for your coffee without sighing and complaining about how tough it was that the patriarchy had made it necessary for the guy to pay, just because he knew it riled you up, he didn’t laugh as you argued with him and he didn’t tap his fingers against your hand, telling you he was just joking, and he would pay for whatever you wanted him to because you had enough problems 'fighting for rights and shit'. He didn’t even have a dog, and that, that really was just too much.
Then again, even though you’d known it wasn’t fair to go out with the guy while you were still so clearly hung up on your best friend, you’d still said yes. To the first date, and then the second. You’d said yes when he’d asked if you wanted to come home with him, and when he’d started kissing you, you hadn’t said no. You’d said yes to the third date then, too. You’d gotten drunk on that one, and ended up in his bed that night. And then, the fourth date, he hadn’t even really asked anymore, he’d just asked when you were available. Which was now.
You’d hoped that being with a perfectly nice boy would take your mind off your heathen of a best friend, but so far, that had failed. Instead, it had made you think about Tyler more; had made you appreciated how easy it was, to just be with him. How comfortable it was, to be yourself around him. How perfect he was for you.
You sighed, and smiled at Max as he returned with your coffee.
“So, any plans this weekend?” Max asked, and you knew you should tell him the truth; you weren’t really planning on doing anything. But then he would ask you if you wanted to do something with him, and well…
“I’ll be busy, work and stuff,” you lied through your teeth.
“I understand.” And damn it, he did, too. Why couldn’t you just like him? “How’s your cousin?” He even remembered that your cousin was sick. You didn’t think Tyler ever remembered anything you told him about your family.
Speaking of the devil; your phone started blaring a familiar song. You swiped it away and when Max raised an eyebrow, you shrugged. “Just my best friend. He’s probably just bored. I’ll call him later.”
But then your phone rang again. And then it pinged, and it pinged again, and then rang again.
“Please answer it,” Max laughed. “I think it might be important.”
“Sorry,” you apologized, then finally picked up the phone. Making your way outside with it against your ear, you hissed: “This better be a fucking life threatening emergency, Segs, or I swear to God…”
Tyler chuckled on the other side, telling you it wasn’t such an emergency at all. “Why, you busy?”
“I’m on a date.”
“With the guy that’s bad in bed?” You groaned in frustration. You should’ve never told Tyler that Max hadn’t been so good in bed. Well, you hadn’t even told Tyler; you’d told Katie on the phone, you’d just happened to be on Tyler’s couch, and he happened to be right there. It wasn’t that Max had been bad, you’d just not felt anything electrifying, no sparks, the way you felt them when Tyler did so little as look at you.
“I’m hanging up in 3, 2, 1,” you started, but Tyler interrupted you.
“Jamie is going to try and get Katie back.”
If you were a dog, your ears would’ve perked up, as energy suddenly surged through you. You had told Tyler how miserable Katie was, and he’d told you that Jamie wasn’t a load of sunshine either, and then he’d promised he’d try and talk to him, but you didn’t actually think anything was going to happen. Jamie was stubborn.
To be fair, Tyler was more stubborn.
“It took me a while,” Tyler admitted. “But he knows he made a mistake. He misses her. That’s all I needed to know. So, we, well, I, came up with a plan for him to get her back. I just need your help.”
“I’m listening,” you told him. As Tyler spoke and explained his plan to you, a smile spread across your face.
“And the coach is okay with this?” you asked, finally.
Tyler laughed. “Montgomery doesn’t know. I’m assuming Chubs will have to do bag skates for a week straight. But it’ll be worth it if it works. What do you think?”
“I think he has a pretty good shot,” you said earnestly. “Tell him I’ll get her there, and he’ll have to do the rest.”
“Neat.” Tyler sounded smug. “You and I are a good team, Shiny.”
You sighed as you looked through the window, where Max was sitting, waiting patiently. “Yeah, I guess we are.”
“I don’t understand why we have to be here,” Katie complained as you pulled open the doors of the American Airlines Center.
“I told you, I just have to grab my wallet. I left it at Tyler’s yesterday and he accidentally took it to practice with him.” You were lying, of course, but it was for a good cause.
“Why can’t I just wait in the car?”
“Because you’re my best friend, and Tyler is my best friend, and Jamie is his best friend, and you’re just going to have to deal with it, because I’m not losing any of you,” you snapped. Katie fell silent at that, like you knew she would. If you knew her at all - and you did - she actually really wanted to see Jamie, she was just scared. Scared cause it would hurt.
Please let this go well.
You walked through the hallways towards the rink, the sounds of skates slashing against the ice and pucks banged against the boards ringing in your ears already. Katie had started to walk slower and slower, and you had to grab her hand and pull her along because otherwise, you would arrive hours later. When the familiar green jerseys came into sight, you felt her stiffen next to you.
“Come on Kate, don’t be a wuss,” you told her sternly. Then, a little softer: “It’s not going to be easy for him, either, you know?”
“Is he…” Katie swallowed. “Is he doing okay?” It was the first time she’d allowed you to see that she still cared about Jamie, and it lifted your spirits with hope.
“Let’s go find out,” you said, and then you pulled her along with you, up to the boards. “Segs!” you yelled, and one of the figures on the ice turned around.
Tyler shot you a look and then elbowed the person next to him in the side. When Jamie turned to you, Katie inhaled sharply next to you. Then, Jamie skated over to you, Tyler on his heels.
“Hey, Chubs,” you smiled at Jamie. “Katie here was wondering if you were doing alright.”
“Y/N,” Katie hissed, the tone of betrayal on her voice, and she kicked you against the foot, a little too hard, as you yelped in pain.
“He’s been better,” said Tyler, swinging his arm around his mate’s shoulder, as Jamie seemed to have lost his ability to talk. “How about you, Katie?”
“She’s not doing so well either,” you answered for your friend. You were pretty sure Katie was going to murder you. Unless this worked.
“You should get some lunch together and talk about how miserable you’ve been,” Tyler grinned, and that’s when Jamie finally seemed to remember that he was supposed to be the one carrying this show.
“Right,” he said, clearing his throat. “Katie, I want to, uhm, talk to you, if you, like, have some time…”
“She’s got time,” you interjected when Katie didn’t speak. “She’s got time right now.”
“But we were going for lunch,” Katie finally spoke, her voice too high and too shrill.
“No, we’re not. I’m canceling on you right now. So now you need a new lunch partner.”
“Jamie has practice.” Katie’s voice had gone colder, more distant, as the root of their issues was brought to the surface again. Hockey first, girlfriend second. Except…
“Fuck it,” Jamie whispered, and then his voice got louder, what you called his 'captain voice' booming through the rink. “Listen up! I’m gonna drop out, I have to tell Katie here why I’m an idiot and how I’m planning to stop being an idiot in the future, if she’ll give me a chance. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
“But, we’re in the middle of practice,” Rads said, dramatically clutching his hand to his chest. There was a cheeky sparkle in his eye and you suspected Tyler had given him a script.
“I don’t care.” Katie’s eyes widened in shock as Jamie took off his bucket and stepped off the ice.
“That’s gonna be bag skates for a while, Benn.” It was coach Montgomery who spoke.
“I don’t care about that either,” said Jamie stubbornly. “I’m sorry coach, but this is something I have to do.” Montgomery shrugged, and you noticed a slight hint of a smile glide over his face. Jamie put his arm around Katie’s back and slowly guided her through the tunnel. Tyler sent you a smirk and high fived you.
“This is all really great, apart from the fact that I am now out of a lunch partner,” you pouted.
“If you wanna wait an hour, I can get lunch with you?” Tyler giggled. “Or would you like me to walk out of practice too?” There was a mischievous glimmer in his eyes.
You sighed. “The problem is I know you would do it, too.”
He winked at you. “Anything for you, Shiny.” And as he skated back towards center ice, you couldn’t help but wish everything was different, and Sabrina wasn’t there and neither was Max. You couldn’t help but wish he meant it.
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emospritelet · 6 years
Kiss of Life - chapter 5
I’m taking a break from the Rumbelle Angst War to post KoL.  Just recharging my batteries you understand...
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
AO3 link
Belle had Tuesday off, and she spent her time exploring the town, sharing an iced tea with Ruby at Granny’s and picking through the book selection at the local thrift store.  She walked through the park in the afternoon, smiling at the sounds of local children playing on the swings, bundled up in scarves and gloves and colourful hats.  The sun was out, frost sparkling on the ground, and she had her hands deep in the pockets of her coat, a scarf wrapped around her chin to keep out the cold.  An old man was making his way towards her, wrapped in a long coat with a black felt hat on his head, white beard twitching as he approached one of the benches.  Belle watched as he reached into the pocket of his coat, pulling out a book and promptly dropping it.
“Oh, let me get that for you!” she said hastily, trotting over, and bent to pick it up.
The old man smiled, bowing his head.
“Thank you, miss,” he said, in a low voice.  “Not as limber as I used to be.”
Belle turned the book over in her hands.
“Lord of the Rings?” she said.  “It’s been years since I read this.”
“I read it once a year, in winter,” said the man.  “Sort of a ritual, you see.  On sunny days like this I like to take some exercise around the park, sit on the bench until it’s too cold and then get a coffee at Granny’s.  When you’re retired, it’s good to get out of the house.”
“What was your work?” she asked, and he smiled, his eyes crinkling.
“I taught at the elementary school,” he said.  “Oh, years ago now, but I enjoyed it.  I’ve seen the kids I taught grow up and have kids of their own.  Makes you feel old.”
“Must have been rewarding, though, sharing knowledge and encouraging children to read and grow,” said Belle.  “I had plans to be a librarian when I left college.”
“Oh?” he said, interested.  “What happened?”
She shrugged.
“Life,” she said, a little gloomily.  “Couldn’t find work, and had to move back with my dad.  I’m working up at the hospital at the moment.  Just helping out, but it’s enjoyable.  Worthwhile, you know?”
“Ah,” he said.  “I was in there not so long back with my hip.  Wonderful staff.  A little lacking in reading material, though.  Mostly magazines.”
He lifted his book, with a somewhat rueful smile, and Belle chewed her lip thoughtfully.
“Well, maybe I could do something about that,” she said, an idea starting to take form in her mind.  “It was lovely to meet you.  I’m Belle French, by the way.”
He touched his hat, his beard twitching as he smiled.
“Alfred Prentice, at your service.”
The sunny weather didn’t last, the rain returning by Thursday and turning to sleet, but Belle was busy at the hospital and barely noticed.  She had decided to take Mr Prentice’s comments about a lack of reading material on board, and so she had returned to the thrift store and bought all the decent-quality novels they had.  Getting them to the hospital had meant persuading her father to give her a lift when he was out making deliveries, but as flowers were ordered for patients on a regular basis, they were able to kill two birds with one stone.  The locker room now had three boxes of books stacked in a corner, and Belle had hunted around for something that she could use to transport them around the wards, eventually borrowing an old cart from the janitor.  She hadn’t bothered to discuss the book collection with Zelena, instead going straight to Glinda South, who was Zelena’s senior.  Glinda was a warm, pleasant woman, who could see the benefit to patients being able to access reading material, and was only too happy for Belle to run the scheme.
Belle was in the process of arranging books into genres in the patients’ waiting area, separating romance from fantasy, horror from history.  She chewed her lip as she looked over the titles she had managed to gather together.  I need more children’s books on this thing.  The kids are sometimes in this place the longest.
“Here you go-o!”
Ruby’s sing-song voice made Belle look around, and she smiled as she saw Ruby standing with a wide grin on her face and a paper bag swinging from one hand.
“Pastrami with tomato and hot mustard, just as you like it.”
“God, you’re an angel,” sighed Belle.  “I’m starving!”
“Figured you’d forget to eat lunch if I didn’t remind you,” said Ruby cheerfully. “Too much dedication’s a bad thing.  You make my half-assy waitressing look bad.  Take a break.”
Belle smiled, nodding, and stacked the pile of books she had been sorting on the cart.  Ruby looked them over with interest as she handed Belle her sandwich.
“You running a library in this place?”
“Well, kind of,” said Belle.  “I bought a bunch of books from the thrift store, and added some of my own - the patients don’t get to read unless someone brings in material, so I figured this would help.”
She bit into the sandwich, mouth watering, and let out a tiny moan of pleasure as the heat of the mustard and the salt of the pastrami bathed her tongue.
“That’s so good,” she said, in a muffled voice.
“Hey, Belle.”
Dorothy’s voice made her look around.
“When you’re done with lunch, could you bring some fresh linens to the kids’ ward?” she asked, flicking dark braids back over her shoulders.  “Grace threw up again, and if I have to clean up another pile of vomit I think I’ll kill myself.”
Belle giggled.
“Not a problem.”
Dorothy sent her a grateful smile, eyes flicking to Ruby, and she nodded a greeting before stomping off in the direction of the children’s ward.  Belle took another bite of her sandwich, noticing that Ruby’s eyes had gone very wide in her face.
“Who’s that?” asked Ruby.
“Oh, that’s Dorothy,” said Belle carelessly.  “Nurse Gale to you.”
She gave Ruby a cheeky grin, and Ruby shook her head, huffing out air as she fanned herself with a hand.
“She could check me for a fever anytime,” she remarked.  “How come I haven’t seen her before?”
“New in town,” said Belle.  “I could ask her out for you, if you like.  Couldn’t go any worse than the date you arranged for me.”
Ruby sighed.
“Okay, I admit Isaac was a disaster,” she said.  “Don’t lose heart, okay?  We’ll find someone who’s perfect.”
“And in the meantime I can pass on your fondest regards to Dorothy,” said Belle, with a grin.
“Oh no, don’t do that,” said Ruby hastily.  “What if she doesn’t like me?”
“Only way to find out is ask.”
“You’ve never asked a girl out, have you?” said Ruby dryly.  “It takes at least two years of politeness and mutual pining before one of you gets brave or drunk enough to make the first move.”
“Sounds way too complicated,” said Belle.  “But have it your way.  Maybe I can see if she wants to come on a girls’ night.”
Ruby perked up.
“That would be okay.”
Belle found that she had to bow out of the Friday night get-together when she was asked to work a double shift that weekend.  An outbreak of flu was spreading through the town, and several of the hospital staff had been struck down, leaving everyone else overworked.  Belle rushed along the corridor, carrying an armful of fresh linen and trying to ignore her aching feet.  She had worked four days in a row, and hoped that no more of the staff would succumb to the illness.  They were short-handed as it was, and things were only getting worse as the weather turned colder.
For most of the residents of Storybrooke, staying in their own homes and drinking plenty of fluids was enough, but this strain of the flu had been particularly nasty, taking its toll on the weak and sick, the young and the elderly.  She bit her lip as she saw old Mr Prentice being wheeled along on a gurney, eyes closed above his white beard, looking drawn and tired.  Wishing him a speedy recovery, she hurried along to the children’s ward, pushing open the door and almost knocking Dorothy on her back.  Belle apologised quickly,  but Dorothy shook her head.
“It’s okay, we’ve all been here too long, I think,” she said wearily, and glanced over her shoulder.  “Especially him.  Do me a favour and see if you can get him to go home and get some rest.  The guy’s been here eighteen hours at least.”
Belle peered over her shoulder.  Dr Gold was reading a chart at the end of little Grace Milliner’s bed and frowning.  He looked exhausted, but she knew full well that he was always the first to arrive and the last to leave.  Getting him out of there wouldn’t be easy.
“I’m done for the day, anyway,” added Dorothy.  “Gonna go home and try to get a whole six hours of sleep before we do this again.”
She patted Belle’s shoulder and wandered off down the corridor, and Belle hurried over to Dr Gold’s side, setting down the armful of linen.
“You look like death,” she said, not unkindly.
Dr Gold glanced up.  His eyes were dark hollows in his face, his cheeks drawn, but he smiled briefly.
“Miss French,” he said.  “I had no idea you were still here.  Shouldn’t you be at home?”
“You’re one to talk,” she said, and he shrugged.
“There’s too much work here.”
“Yeah, and it’ll still be here after you’ve actually had some rest,” she said firmly.  “You know Dr Whale’s on shift now, right?  Let him take over.”
“With new patients coming in every hour?” he said dismissively.  “Don’t be ridiculous.”
He turned away, hooking the chart over the end of the bed and reaching over to feel Grace’s forehead.  He frowned again, and Belle sighed.
“Look, you know you have to sleep sometime,” she said reasonably.  “Sleep deprivation can lead to mistakes, everyone knows that.”
“I just need more coffee,” he said repressively.  “If you want to be useful, why don’t you go get me one?  And then you can go home, you look dead on your feet.”
He walked to the next bed, picking up the chart and fumbling it.  Belle caught it before it hit the floor, and he sighed and ran a hand over his face.
“Go.  Home,” she said firmly.  “Eight hours, that’s all I ask.  If you don’t rest, your immune system will be throwing a welcome party for that flu virus, and you know it.  How much good is it gonna do your patients if you’re too sick to tend to them?”
Dr Gold’s face appeared to go through the five stages of grief, but eventually he sighed heavily.
“Fine, you win,” he said, in a defeated tone.  “Get your coat.”
Belle blinked.
“My - my coat?”
“Well, if I’m leaving, so are you,” he said tersely.  “Or are you too stubborn to take your own advice?  I’m driving you home. Meet me outside the main entrance.  Ten minutes.”
He stomped off with an air of irritation, and Belle gaped after him.  He was driving her home?
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(I actually had to do a tad bit of research on the sapphire because while I’ve known about it, I never knew the specific details)
A Royal Proposal
Word Count: 1868 Warnings: Fluff, Sappy goodness, Link makes an appearance
Early morning training after a restless night is never a great combination but at least Sidon had someone to keep his head on straight.
“I must thank you for accompanying me this morning,” Sidon said as he opened the door to the training hall, “I’ve been meaning to work off some steam and get a few things off my chest.”
The blonde knight comfortably strides into the room, having been brought here several times before whenever their schedules happened to align like today. He went ahead of the Zora turning to give him a thumbs-up. As silent as ever, Link still prefers to express his words through gestures and facial expressions and Sidon has grown accustom to deciphering them, though the occasional sign also helped.
“This isn’t a bother for you, right? I know that you and Zelda are ever so busy with restoring Hyrule Kingdom to its former glory.” Sidon watches with a sheepish smile as Link begins to remove his Master Sword and shield and hang them upon the weapons rack. He always insists on using Zora weaponry when they have these sessions.
He turns to Sidon and shakes his head making quick signs with his now free hands, “Need break.”
Sidon chuckles, “Zelda has been working you hard?”
The look of exhaustion that crosses the hero’s face tells him all he needs to know but Link still signs, “Never stops,” to emphasize his point.
He nods in understanding and then walks further into the room, putting a hand on Link’s shoulder. “Yes, on occasion she reminds me of Muzu; though I think she is a little more charming than him.”
“Stubborn too.” Link signs which makes both of them laugh.
Sidon has many friends in the Domain but never has he had one like Link before, and it had nothing to do with being a Hylian. It was the way that he felt comfortable around him, a calming sort bond where he didn’t feel he had to keep up his image; he could be as casual as he wanted and confide in Link things that he wouldn’t dare say to anyone else. Like today, for instance, where he had something rather significant to get off his chest.
Sidon retrieves a spear from the weapons rack, holding one out to Link and smiling as he took hold noting how the weapon was slightly taller than the hero but he held it as if it weighed nothing at all. The hero’s adversity in wielding different weapons was admirable but now was no time to admire as Link launched his attack beginning their sparring match. Now it was over clanging metal and their back-and-forth movements that Sidon has to speak, feeling much more comfortably with something to keep him moving.
“I’m sure you are well aware already, but my pearl and I have been-” Link thrust forth his spear forcing Sidon to quickly side step and take his own jab that sent the hero retreating for a brief second “-together for quite some time. It has been marvelous being by their side; waking up every morning to their sleeping face, gazing at them from across the dining table. It already feels like they’re part of the family, like they’re where they belong.’ Sidon let out a dreamy sigh picturing you, but then he realized that he has been rambling and had lowered his weapon as he day-dreamt.
Link doesn’t seem to mind, as usual, in fact he was standing there leaning his weight on the spear now standing upright. He was grinning wide at the Zora, quirking a brow when their eyes met which only made him feel more embarrassed about being caught up in his thoughts.
“Sorry, it’s just that I want them to stay because, well… I love them.” He admits with a fond smile as he also stood his spear and grips it tight. Link playfully puts a hand to his forehead and pretends to swoon at the Zora’s words which prompts a laugh from said man when the hero “collapses” on the floor with his spear still in hand. “If I did not know you could take down beasts ten times your size, I’d say you should pursue a career in theater.”
Link snickers softly then stands on his feet, bowing like an actor after concluding their grand performance, prompting another laugh. The blonde carefully tucks the spear into his elbow to free his hands and sign with an inquisitive look, “Propose?”
Sidon smiled sheepishly as he gave a tentative shrug. “I would love to more than anything, I am just unsure if now is the right time or how I should even go about it. I mean, for them to become my mate, my life partner, it would mean they are to be Royalty and that is a lot of pressure to suddenly thrust upon someone.”
Snapping his fingers, Link pulls Sidon from his nervous rambling saving him from drowning in his worries. The Zora sighs and then casts his gaze down to the floor muttering a quiet apology. “I just want it to be perfect.”
His friend snaps again drawing his attention to Link to see his hands moving in simple signs. “Do you love them?”
Sidon blinks perplexed. “Is that really a question? Of course I do!”
“Do they love you?”
The Zora thought for a moment then smiles and nods his head firmly.
“Then no worries,” Link signs with a casual smile swinging his spear around nonchalantly.
Sighing, Sidon shook his head. “I’m afraid it not that simple, my dear friend. If I am to propose then I will have to do many thing in preparation: receive my father’s blessings, inform my people, pick the perfect opportunity to ask for their hand, not to mention I’d have to acquire the sapphire, I mean, that is tradition after all.” And as much as Sidon had a tendency to break tradition this was one thing he could not tamper with.
The Zora Sapphire was sacred to every person in the Domain after all, a symbol of everlasting promise to love between mates when presented to them in the form of some kind of jewelry. Royal engagements on a very different scale when it came to the proposal jewelry as they would be extraordinarily detailed compared to regular standards and such ornate crafts often took an equally great deal of time to make.
A spear suddenly thrusts forward giving the prince only a moment to react and deflect the head of the weapon with his long forgotten spear; hide-eyed he gazes at Link staring back at him with an amused grin. The hero pulled back then thrust his spear again and again beginning an assault upon the prince while he did his best to block them all. The attack seemed relentless, showing no signs of stopping so Sidon has no choice but to step up; using his weight to push against Link’s weapon sending him stumbling back then knocks the spear from his grasp.
Panting softly Sidon points the tip of his spear at Link’s neck holding it there for a moment before letting it fall with a sigh. “Was that really necessary?”
Link shrugs with a cheeky grin. “Needed focus.”
You certainly have interesting methods of getting people’s attention,” Sidon says with a light chuckle.
“Worth it. Now go.”
“Go where?”
“To propose.”
Sidon smiles and then shakes his head with another soft laugh. “I think Princess Zelda’s stubbornness has rubbed off on you.” Link rolls his eyes then shoots the Zora a look as he tapped his foot impatiently. “Alright, alright. I will go, let us hope that you are right.”
Lowering his spear he hands it over to the hero who takes it with a flamboyant twirl that makes the prince chuckle. He then heads for the exit in disbelief that he was truly going to do this. Looking back at Link, who is staring right back at him and smiling giving him an enthusiastic thumbs up. “Thank you Link.”
The Zora’s heart was racing the moment he departs noticing how oddly quiet which did not help the prince’s anxiety. After spending quite some searching with his bustling nerves, he turns his attention to the throne room figuring that perhaps his father had seen you.
Approaching the grand room Sidon was retrieved to see you standing in the center of the platform that protruded from glistening waters; the crowd of Zora’s in the entrance hall was a surprise. They all went quiet, staring at him with giddy grins as he approached you. His father was also present, sitting upon his throne with Muzu standing on the platform beside him.
“Hi Sidon,” you said with a sheepish smile once his eyes finally fell upon you,
The prince let out a breathy laugh before responding, “Hello… what is all this? Everyone in the kingdom seems to be here.” The crowd laughs but his father quiets them with a wave of his hand.
“Well, I thought they’d all want to hear this.” The Zora quirks a brow glancing from his father, to the crowds, then back to you.
“My pearl, are you…?”
“Please let me speak, I practiced this whole ridiculous speech so let me get this out.” You hold out your hand and he tentatively took hold of it noticing how the other was hiding behind your back. “Sidon, you are my greatest friend and of course my greatest lover. The time that I spent with you has been… magical and for that I’d like to show you a type of Hylian expression of gratitude.”
You kneel down before him, still holding his hand tight which inclines him to bend down a bit, his mouth agape. “Sidon, prince of the Zora, keeper of my heart, friend to all, but lover to me, will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?” He gasps softly when he saw the ring you had been holding behind your back. It was breathtaking; shimmering silver band curling into the jewel of the Zora emblem with the sapphires fitting in perfectly.
He knows that his people are watching but hearing those words just made something inside him snap and the tears fell. “Yes, yes, a thousand times yes, my sweet pearl!” He exclaims and the entire room erupts in applause cheering as Sidon lifts you off the ground and spins around with you in his arms.
“Sidon! You’re gonna make me drop the ring, don’t let Dento’s hard work go to waste!” You laugh and the Zora pulls back noticing how you were also crying now. He chuckles and then raises his hand so you can carefully slide it onto his finger; a perfect fit. “Hope you liked your surprise.”
“Love, you have me in tears loving you even more than I ever have before.”
You chuckle and peck his lips sweetly, “Good.”
Sidon smiles and the cheering from the crowd kicks up again reminding the prince of their audience; however, when he surveys the crowd again - now proudly showing off his ring as they stepped forth to look at it - he notices a certain blonde her standing at the back giving him a big thumbs-up.
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h-styles-babes · 7 years
From your prompt list: "scoot over a little bit please" Aaand btw i love your fic😍😍
Thank you so much for the request and your kind words, lovely. Hope you like it :)
18. “Scoot over a little bit, please.”
Y/N and Harry were sat on the love seat in the Winston’s home in LA, watching a film with Ben, Meredith, Lou and Lux, having taken a break from promo for just the day. Harry was due back on set for The Late Late show in a few hours, so they had all taken to the Winston’s house for their down time. 
Y/N was cuddled up to Harry’s side, her legs curled up in his lap, nearly completely on top of him. She was glad to have been able to fly out with him for his week in America to promote the new album that he had worked tirelessly on for the better part of a year. She was incredibly proud of him, and although she knew the traveling back and forth and the time spent in Jamaica were necessary to get everything squared away, she had missed him terribly. She was afraid her work wasn’t going to let her have time off in order to come out with him, but they’d happily granted her the week off, so long as she came back, hitting the ground running when she was due back. 
They were on day three of their trip—day two of his week long stint at the night time show, and Y/N had greatly enjoyed watching Harry in his element the night before. She’d been his friend long enough to have seen several of his shows while he was touring with One Direction, and they’d been dating long enough for her to catch the tail end of his final tour—mostly the promo for their last album. She’d been with him through his much needed break at the beginning of the previous year, and she was there when he’d gotten the role for Dunkirk. She visited him a few times while he was on location for filming, and she’d made sure to see him as frequently as possible while they were set up in London. She had visited him for a week when he was recording and writing in Jamaica. She had attended the launch party for his magazine shoot, proudly stood by his side as they viewed all the amazing photos that had been taken of him back toward the first part of the year. 
The only part that she had really missed was his first few performances, which she hated, but she knew there was no way around them. She wasn’t able to jet off from her job any time she pleased, which weighed heavily on both Harry and her, but they made it work. She was there in studio when Harry went on Grimmy’s show to play Sign of the Times for the first time, and she beamed proudly when she first heard the notes play out through the room. She’d heard the track before, but that didn’t take away from her excitement at all. 
Unfortunately, she couldn’t go with him to New York when he did SNL, but she made sure she was up in time to catch it on a live stream. She called him as soon as she knew he was done and squealed and cried while she gushed to him about how amazing he did. And she watched just as dutifully when he played on the Today Show, cringing only slightly when she heard Carolina, but quickly brushing it off. She never wanted to be that girlfriend, and he’d already warned her that there would be a few songs from girls from his past on the album. Being his friend for so long, she knew exactly who he was crooning about, and she honestly couldn’t be that mad. She’d liked the girl well enough, though she hadn’t been more than a brief fixture in Harry’s life. She was probably the most genuine of his flings, and she could appreciate that. 
It had been about a month since then, and now promo for the album was in full swing. She’d been there when it debuted of The Breakfast Show, yet again. She enjoyed watching Harry and Nick rib each other back and forth. They’d been friends nearly as long as Y/N and Harry had been, and she considered herself close to the radio DJ as well, so the atmosphere was relaxed but buzzing with energy as they went through the album. 
Being there with Harry for a full week as he did his residency on James Corden’s show was pretty exciting, though. She didn’t know what his full participation in the show would be, because he had specifically kept it a secret from her—kind of like how he’d kept the entire album a secret from her until it’s release (except for the first single, because he was just too giddy to not have her listen before the rest of the world). She’d almost been expecting the first night’s run, though. Harry sitting and chatting on the couch to someone she had only ever seen on screen was something she was nearly used to (barre that time they were sat next to Ian McKellen on Graham Norton. That had been a trip), and she had enjoyed watching them play Flinch. She cringed as Harry cursed on live television, but she hadn’t really expected anything less of him. He played by his own rules a lot now that he had the freedom to. Jeff scolded him lightly during a break, and Ben and James took the piss out on him for not going more than a few minutes without having to be bleeped out, but it was fine. 
For that night, she knew Harry had something else planned for the show, because he’d disappear with Ben a few times throughout the day for nearly an hour at a time into Ben’s office, and they’d both emerge with cheeky grins and little chuckles being shared between them. When Y/N would raise her eyebrows in question, Harry would just shrug and say, “Yeh’ll find out tonight, love.” She remained curious, but she wasn’t about to ruin her boyfriend’s fun.
So, around five that evening, they all headed off to the studio where the show was recorded, all of them piling into Ben’s Range Rover so as not to have to take separate vehicles. They were all headed to the same place anyway. When they got there, James greeted Y/N with a kiss to the cheek before whisking Harry away with a shouted, half-arsed apology over his shoulder, not sounding at all apologetic or sincere. Y/N just rolled her eyes and headed back to Harry’s dressing room, since the men seemed to be heading in a different direction. 
Lou already had her things set up in the room from the day before, all of the products she used on Harry piled on the vanity. Y/N took up the bottle of cologne she had become familiar with over the years and took a little whiff, smiling at the potent scent that was a bit more diluted on Harry’s skin. The scent of the laundry detergent they used and the mint that was typically on his breath mingled a bit more with the cologne, but it was still the most prominent thing on his person. She’d jerk her head up any time she smelled the scent in public, anticipating seeing Harry, and be sorely disappointed when it was some businessman or something, standing in front of her in line at Starbuck’s. She wanted to be ridiculous and request that Tom Ford discontinue the scent for public consumption and only send it to Harry from now on, but she knew that was out of the question. She was in no position to be asking for things like that, and she really didn’t want her boyfriend to become more of a diva than he already was sometimes. 
After a bit, Y/N could hear the sounds of music playing out in the studio, though she couldn’t hear much more than the bass, so she couldn’t tell what song it was. She knew they’d run through the song a few times for their rehearsal, so she took to sitting on the couch, scrolling through her phone and listening to Lux chatter about her visit with her dad last week. Y/N had known Lux very nearly since she was born, and they were as close as could be thanks to Y/N’s close relationship to Harry, who was basically Lux’s family at this point. Y/N saw Lux like a niece, and Lou was thankful for the loving people that surrounded her daughter.
Lux hopped up when the dressing room door opened. Harry stepped through in his jeans and a Harley Davidson t-shirt, his sunnies pushed into his hair, though he hadn’t been outside in nearly two hours. He smiled as Lux launched herself at his legs, swooping herself up in his arms to settle on his hip. She was nearly six, but she was still tiny compared to Harry, and seeing them together was one of the most precious things Y/N had ever seen. She had been teased many times over the years—mostly by Lou—about the stars she got in her eyes when she saw Harry with children. She brushed off comments like, “Just wait ‘til it’s him with your guys’s babies,” with a chuckle and a shake of her head, but the pinging in her heart at the longing she knew she harbored happened every time. She knew they were a long way from settling down like that and having kids—hell, they weren’t even close to being anything more than boyfriend and girlfriend—but she couldn’t help the way her ovaries ached. Damn biology and hormones.
“Yeh’ve got about an hour before I gotta start gettin’ yeh all pretty,” Lou announced, briefly looking up from her own phone. “Do yeh need a shower?” Harry shook his head as he placed Lux back on the floor. “Took one this mornin’.”
“Alright. Relax for a bit. Love on yeh girl,” Lou suggested. “I’m gonna go find James. Gotta have a chat with him.” 
The statement sounded a bit cryptic to Y/N, but she shrugged it off as Lou left the room, throwing out that she’d be back in about twenty and to keep an eye on Lux, as if Harry or Y/N would ever really let the child out of their sight. Harry plopped himself down on the sofa beside Y/N, immediately dropping his head onto her shoulder and slinging an arm across her lap. Y/N chuckled as he nuzzled his head into her neck. She reached up to run her fingers through her hair, enjoying the fluffiness of it having been washed earlier in the day, and a content little grin stretching across his face. He hummed as she scratched her nails lightly over his scalp.
“Missed yeh,” he murmured, turning his face in to press a kiss to her shoulder. 
Y/N couldn’t help but smile at his little affections. “Yeh’ve only been gone about two hours.”
“That means I can’t miss yeh pretty face?” he questioned indignantly, peeking one eye open up at her. 
Y/N shook her head. “Not what I’m saying. Just mean we’ve been in the same building this entire time.”
He shrugged. “Still missed yeh.”
She dropped a kiss to his temple. “Missed yeh, too, babe. Can’t wait to see yeh perform tonight.”
Harry popped his head up and grinned cheekily at her, her favorite grin of his. It was a little cocky but also a little goofy, and his dimples pressed deep into his cheeks. She thought it brought out the youth in his face, like she was stepping back into 2011 when they met for the first time and she had been instantly taken with his charm and playfulness. 
“Think you’re gonna like it,” he said excitedly, the hand resting on her opposite hip squeezing slightly. “And I’ve got a few surprises, so yeh’ve gotta be in the audience tonight.”
She reared back a little, instantly suspicious of his demand. “What for?”
“Yeh’ll see. Just go with it.”
“Yeh know I hate hearing that phrase just as much as you do,” she reminded him, her eyes squinting at him.
“Promise it’s good,” he pleaded.
She was about to respond, but Lux came up to them, her iPad gripped in her hands, headphones already plugged into the jack. Both Y/N and Harry made the correct assumption that a Peppa Pig marathon was about to begin until show time. She stood between Harry and Y/N’s legs, looking back and forth of them expectantly, like she was waiting for them to do something without any type of verbal communication. When they both just looked at her in curious anticipation, she sighed.
“Scoot over a little bit, please,” she said, looking at Harry, since Y/N was the one pinned to the arm of the couch. 
“Yeh can sit on the other side of me, Lux,” Harry offered, patting the free space next to him. 
She cocked her hip out as she looked at him. “I wanna sit next t’ Aunt Y/N, Uncle Haz, not you.”
Harry’s mouth dropped open in faux offense—or what Y/N was assuming was faux, but Harry was slightly offended at the girl’s demand. Y/N couldn’t keep in her giggle at Harry being slighted by a girl that was essentially his niece, who was usually attached to his hip. He wasn’t used to playing second fiddle to anyone, not even her parents.
“Yeah, Uncle Haz, scoot over,” Y/N teased, pushing at his chest to get him to back up.
“See how much I’m loved ‘round here,” he mumbled as he shifted over on the couch, opening up a sliver of space for Lux to wedge into. 
She settled herself between them with a little wiggle and a satisfied smile before pushing the little buds into her ear and beginning her episode. Y/N couldn’t stop giggling as Lux leaned her head into her side and Harry pouted. 
“Put that lip away, Styles.”
“She just kicked me out of my spot!” he protested.
Y/N’s giggles turned into chuckles. “Yeh can tell her ‘no.’ Yeh know that, right?”  
“Her pout is more adorable than mine; I don’t stand a chance.”
Y/N reached over and flicked at his bottom lip that was still stuck out. “You’re gonna give her a complex. Gotta tell her ‘no’ every once in a while.”
“That’s what her parents are for,” he shrugged. “And have yeh seen her throw a tantrum? Never wanna experience that again.”
“Kids throw tantrums, H. Just a part of life.”
“Yeah, an annoyin’ one.”
If you want, you can make a request from this post :)
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onlyjihoons · 8 years
ask:  I'm in love with boyfriend!haechan so can you do the same with Jaehyun and/or Mark and/or Ten (depending on how busy you are)? Please 💕 and thanks ❤ -anon friend
omg im so so so thankful you liked my bf!donghyuck au ahhh and i’m really sorry this took so long because it was the chinese new year holidays and i was visiting my friends and family and on top of that, schoolwork has been piling up since the common tests are coming up real soon,, i cri ;-; but my ask box is always open because after my homework is done i usually think of plots for my asks hehe ok im ranting too much 
pls give casper/jeffery lots of luv bc he’s rlly fluffy and i practically say this to everyone in nct but i nearly swerved into his lane at one point ngl
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ok shall we start
let’s go
so there was once upon a time
where you moved to america for a period of time bc your parents were posted to work there
and this neighbourhood was super pretty like this:
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and like
the neighbour beside ya’ll invited your fam into their house for a break
and they greeted you w loads of snacks:
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and turns out they’re koreans being sent to america to work too
and like there was this shy boy hiding behind his mom
“yoonoh! don’t be shy!” you hear his mom nag
in the end his mom had to drag him
“this is yoonoh, he’s 6 this year”
and she got your mom get all excited like
dRaGgInG you too
“this is Y/N, she’s the same age as yoonoh!”
since that boy was so so shy
shy shy shy
you had to introduce yourself first
“i’m Y/F/N, let’s be friends yoonoh-ya.”
and he just sMiLeS at you
w those cute deep dimples
and you were shookt bc he wasn’t that shy boi anymore wth
then he just drags you upstairs to his room
to show you his Lego collection
and that’s where it all started
fast forward 8 years later
ya’ll were at your friend’s lil birthday party
and by now you guys were neighbours and best friends at the same time
so ya’ll played truth and dare w your friends
ok a lil back track here
there was one fine day when you and jaehyun were playing on the swing
and you noticed how handsome he was
like he was already cute enough
and your hormones whispering to you like
“he’s cute! go get him!”
you nod internally but another part of you stops yourself
“don’t do it you’re gonna risk your friendship”
so you just sigh to yourself and keep that crush on him to yourself
and you vented your feelings into your diary
you brought that diary to school
and left it on your table during recess
your other bestfriend not so innocently peeks into your sacred diary
bc she saw you acting more girly around jaehyun
and boom
she knew
so she told the whole class about it
except you and jaehyun
she also knows about jaehyun’s crush on you
thanks to his trustworthy friends
and she planned all of this on purpose
ok back to the party
when the pen pointed between you and jaehyun
ya’ll picked dare bc yolo
your friends dared ya’ll 7 minutes in heaven
they locked ya’ll in this attic
which was pretty cosy tbh
sat face to face w each other
and your defence mechanism kicks in
“more like 7 minutes in hell,” you scoffed
little did you know that you hurt poor woojae’s feelings
and his face turns serious like
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“can i tell you something?”
“yeah sure”
“promise not to tell anyone”
“we’re best friends, yoonoh-yah.”
then he snapped at the word best friends
“i really hate it when you say that!”
and you were like whot is happening did i do smth wrong
“i really hate it when you label us as best friends”
then you thought he was being ridiculous
“then what do you want us to be?”
“i want you to be my girlfriend”
oH tHat’s when shit got real
you slowly shifted backwards
like so shookt
your crush actually like you back
your dreams actually came true
and you were like
“don’t try to make me feel better, yoonoh.”
and that’s when he leans in and kisses you
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you guys’ first kiss awh
and after a few seconds he leaned his head against yours
“i love you, Y/N.”
and shortly after you hear whispers outside
“have they kissed yet?”
“omg what if they’re having that”
“ew no way!”
you and jaehyun laugh @ your friends bc they being silly
so ya’ll hold hand and prepare to get out when the door opened
and your friends saw ya’ll w hands interlaced
and they swooned omg
and cheeky jae:
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i shall timeskip or i will faint
now ya’ll are like 18
jaehyun’s a trainee from SM
ngl you were super proud of him
ya’ll lived together while your parents stayed in america
you lived w jaehyun’s parents
and jaehyun ofc
on one condition
no hanky panky and the you know what i mean
you willingly obliged bc you aren’t that kind of person
but jaehyun was
only a tiny bit
bc you were so smol and kyoot
he felt the need to protect you at all costs
partially bc his height towered over u
and he didn’t want to disappoint both of ya’ll parents as well so
one day his parents went out of town to run some errands
and left ya’ll at home
the moment his parents stepped out of the house he pushed you into the store room
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i’m am a mark stan i’m a mark stan i’m a mark stan
and you were so shookt like WHAT ARE YOU DOING
you were retaliating but this boy has super human strength
and after a few moments he pulled away and 
“you had no idea how much i wanted to do that”
you slapped his chest and scolded him
“you do know that I live here under one condition right”
“but my parents aren’t home🌚”
“that doesn’t mean you can just-- nevermind”
and you just stormed out of the store room
but inside you were idk a mixed feeling
like your heart bbbeating so fast
yet you’re mad jaehyun broke the rules
jaehyun knows you liked it
you slumped on your shared bed, staring at the ceiling
“go away”
“i know you liked it”
you just back faced him and ignored him
and then stupid jaehyun he joins you lying on the bed
“i didn’t know the ceiling was more good looking than me”
“i didn’t know you were such an asshole”
jaehyun was dying internally bc damn you were so cute
then jaehyun hugged you from behind
“i’m sorry babe, did i make you mad?”
you finally turned to face him
“what do you think”
jaehyun resorts to aegyo
bc he knows you’re weak
“woojae is sooo sooooo sorryyyyy”
and you forgave him
you guys went on dates
like food dates
at home lololol
because why eat out when you have a masterchef at home
so instead ya’ll went on a grocery shopping date most of the time
jaehyun carrying you and plopping you into the trolley
people were staring at ya’ll overgrown kids
you screaming as jae pushes you at 100000km/h
the security nearly kicked ya’ll out
when jaehyun cooks you always hug him from behind
and he nearly burned down the kitchen bc you distract him
and him always sneaking those pieces of meat and feeding you before the dish is even done
and the end product was only left w 4 pieces of meat
when nct u was about to debut jaehyun had late practices
and he had lesser time w u
you were a little sad tbh
but you know his career is more important
esp if his company finds out he’s dating
that wouldn’t be a good thing
and there was one day jaehyun didn’t return home
at least jae could drop a message that he was not coming home or smth
but he didn’t so you were riled up about that
you texted jaehyun a million times but he’s only read them
you were so annoyed at jaehyun ngl
then you received a text from taeyong
“we’re having our showcase tomorrow, jae really needs your support”
you were rolling your eyes and typed a haste reply
“what support? he doesn’t come home or drop me a message”
“i’ll have backstage passes for you and his parents, i’ll send you the link”
you made a mental note to yourself to attend it nonetheless
“did jaehyun bribe you to do this?”
“... no”
“pls tell him i’m mad @ him ok”
the next day you and his parents attended his debut showcase
and when you saw him perform you were so proud AHHH
you and his mom cried
after the showcase ended you went back stage
and jaehyun shows up with flowers
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i couldn’t find jaehyun w flowers so here’s cuddly jae
“i’m sorry i kept you waiting babe, happy anniversary”
and then he pecks your lips right on the spot
the nct members were shookt
what jaehyun...why...
cue your cheeks flushing red
and jaehyun giggling cause u cute awh and hugging you
ok i shall end here
thank you for requesting omg
pls show jaehyun lots of luv
this is probably not on par w the rest of my boyfriend series
i will re write if its not up to standard,, sorry:(
ok anyway 
have a nice day/night ahead!💘
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