#and she'll sometimes say 'thank you for your patience' (what patience) or 'have patience with me' (no.)
larryrickard · 4 months
i had a dream that i made little cards that say "THEY!" on them that i handed out to people at work who got my pronouns wrong, immediately after they got it wrong. and in smaller text (or on the back) it said "i don't want an apology, i want you to do better" or "don't say you're sorry, DO BETTER" and ..... i kind of want to do it. maybe i'll get some moo cards made lmao
various scenarios included:
me slamming it down on a desk in front of them.
instead i had stickers, would slowly peel one off while they watched, and stick it on it on them.
handing out a quarter sheet piece of paper based on the 'i caught being good' tags we'd get in kindergarten which said 'i got caught misgendering hallie/my coworker'. it would have their name and date on it and a giant 🙁 face. i had them as a pad of paper and would hold up a finger to say 'wait a second', dramatically pull it out of my back pocket, take my pen out of another pocket, slowly fill it out in front of them, and hand it to them while staring them in the eyes.
getting a whiteboard for the outer side of my cubicle wall that said '[days] since i was misgendred' (with a bonus by saying 'last offender: [name]'
i also dreamt that i got into trouble for it because i was making people feel bad and was 'creating a hostile work environment'. i was just like.... okay and how do you think i feel? and my boss shut up real fuckin quick. dunno if that would be the case irl but if that does happen i can only dream.
#tired of the people who say 'i'm trying but i'm going to make mistakes'#ok sure i definitely mess up sometimes too but when it's not even close to 50/50 let alone merely uncommon ............. fuck you#what's sad is it's all people i like and it hurts so much#in the dream it the cards also said something about how i'm not a girl. not a lady. not a woman. stop saying that word to me ...#... in plural when i'm with female coworkers. about half the time i say 'not a lady' and only about half the time it's acknowleged#or that one who constantly posts female-empowering images on ig which are alienating bc it's clearly very binary#and getting comments like 'well it applies to you to!!!' why bc i have a pussy? fuck off#and she'll sometimes say 'thank you for your patience' (what patience) or 'have patience with me' (no.)#i've also thought of holding up my name tag in their faces bc my previous boss had it specially made for me#it's got my name position and pronouns#same boss tho..... he was REALLY consistent about using my pronouns but one day used she/her three times in a row before eventually...#... correcting himself and the next day i told him that really sucked especially from him and he later told me i should have been nicer...#... about it. i was PISSED. i said 'well then how should i have said it?' i don't even remember his answer i just know i wanted to go...#... off on him SO BADLY bc he said it 'hurt his feelings'. well too fucking bad bc every time i'm misgendered it makes me want to...#...die inside a little and feels like at the very least a tiny punch to the gut but that felt like being stabbed esp since it was a new hir#he also said 'ok but i corrected myself' yeah AT THE END after doing it THREE TIMES and that's not the point here#anyway lol this dream definitely stirred up shit unfortunately but i'm serious when i say i might actually have these made#like both my internal email and external emails have my pronouns in them (i had to campaign for this btw so thank you me)#but i recently added my own custom signature with 'they/them' in it that has a link about using pronouns correctly#me#lgbtq#nonbinary
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could you write kate missing reader's birthday party ?? pls and thank u
i bet it stung [K.Bishop]
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pairing: kate bishop x reader
summary: kate tries her best to be there for everyone but sometimes, she messes up.
warnings: angst with happy ending; mutual pining, friends to lovers; kate's a mess but she's trying her best; allusions to sex + mentions of hickeys; NOT proofread
wordcount: 1.7k
a/n: HEY GUYS! i've been spending most of my time working on polishing vampire!kate and trying to figure out an upload schedule for new chapters BUT i suddenly got hit with inspiration to tackle this request and now it's here. i actually really liked how this turned out, sorry to the anon who requested this because it took me a RIDICULOUS amount of time to write it 😅 as always, thanks for the love, support, and patience. hope you enjoy <3
* * * * * * *
You didn't want to think the worst of your best friend.
You wanted to be kind and patient and understanding and not give her the silent treatment like she deserved. But what else were you supposed to do after she broke yet another promise to you?
Maybe it was stupid, maybe you were being overdramatic, or maybe you had a damn good reason for feeling so disappointed.
It wasn't the biggest deal in the world, you knew that, but that didn't stop you from wanting to shut down and hide in your room. You couldn't do that, though, since you were still in the middle of your living room, celebrating your birthday.
Well, celebrating is putting it nicely.
It's more like you're sitting on your couch, surrounded by people who know and love you, and trying to act like your heart isn't sinking down into your stomach and making it churn with something akin to anxiety. What's bothering you isn't anxiety, though.
It's the fact that Kate looked you right in the eye and promised she would be there before the end of the night. Your birthday wasn't exactly the best day for the archer to go off on a complicated mission but it wasn't like she had a choice.
At least, that's what she had said before running out the door with that breathtaking smile on her face.
You had believed her at that moment but then night came and Yelena showed up at your apartment with a bottle of unlabeled vodka in her hand and no awkward archer at her side. It would have been fine if the blonde hadn't mentioned she had no idea where Kate was even though she had told you Yelena had assigned the mission to her.
You didn't want to make a scene, though, you were supposed to be enjoying your day and getting slightly too drunk with your friends while eating ridiculously expensive cake.
Your change in mood didn't go unnoticed by the Russian or the rest of your friends.
"She'll be here," Peter says, offering you a small smile. "She's just a little late."
"Yeah!" Kamala joins in, giving your knee a reassuring squeeze. "When has Kate not been late to something, right?"
Yelena opens her mouth to answer but the glare you send her way makes her rethink her words. "She is…awful at time management."
You snort, lifting up your cup. "Cheers to that."
Your friends join in and you down the rest of your drink, thankful that the bitter taste of the alcohol distracts you from your bitter feelings.
The rest of the night looks the same with drinking and crappy jokes and far too many slices of cake. Your friends leave a few hours later and it's not until you turn the music off and silence engulfs you that you remember your disappointment.
More than that, it suddenly dawns on you that you're alone.
That Kate still isn't back.
It hurts more than it should.
You know she didn't lie but she still chose not to tell you she wouldn't make it. She promised she'd show up and she didn't.
You're in the middle of cleaning up the kitchen, doing your best to hold back your tears because you are not going to cry on your birthday, when you hear the sound of the front door opening.
It takes a lot of self-restraint to stay instead of running away like you want to. You already know you'll end up forgiving her for missing your party, no matter how stupid the reasoning she gives you is.
The simple sound of her voice is almost enough to get you to break. You're determined not to break down this time, though, and certainly not in front of her.
You take a deep breath before turning around to face her. Your eyes instantly fall on the badly wrapped present and the almost crumpled bouquet of flowers in her hands. Any other day, you would have found it cute.
It's hard to break your habit despite how upset you are and you find yourself scanning her for any clear or severe injuries.
It doesn't take you long to notice the marks on her neck. You assume they're bruises, that her messy hair and disheveled appearance are part of whatever trouble she ended up getting herself in tonight.
But then you look closer.
And suddenly the room feels far too small, the air too thick to let you breathe.
Kate instantly takes notice of what's stolen your attention, placing the flowers down before her free hand comes up to nervously rub at her neck. You're not a genius but you know all her tells by heart.
"You didn't," you say, your voice barely above a whisper but brimming with danger.\
"It's not- I didn't-" She cuts herself off with a sigh.
You know exactly what that means. She doesn't even have an excuse. No stupid explanation to make you feel better. If anything, that makes her guiltier.
Of what? You're not too sure. You just know your best friend was out getting laid when she was supposed to be here with you.
Your unspoken feelings for her only make her betrayal worse.
"You're fucking unbelievable, Kate."
You see a flash of hurt stain her usually bright eyes but you don't care. You can't. Because all of you've done since you met her is care and it's gotten you nothing but heartache.
The soft tone she uses tugs at your heartstrings and yet you force yourself to keep going. To walk away and put enough space between the two of you so you don't have to keep staring the truth right in the face.
Kate doesn't love you. Not the way you want her to. And even though you love her, you can't keep letting yourself get hurt like this.
Not anymore.
So, you walk away.
Unfortunately, you still live together which makes your plan to ignore her for at least a few days practically impossible. Maybe it's immature but the only thing you can do is stay in your room and avoid interacting with her as much as possible.
Avoiding her does little to soothe your hurt feelings, though, and hearing her pace outside your locked door like a scolded puppy makes things even harder. All you can do is remind yourself you already know what her excuses will be anyway so what's the point of letting her in just to be hurt again?
It's a good plan but it doesn't take into account how…persistent Kate can be.
You assume she'll end up doing something to catch your attention but you never once think she'll climb the fire escape and knock on your window.
That's exactly what she does, though, which leaves you pretty much unable to ignore her.
You think about it for a second but then your eyes meet hers and you get up before you can stop yourself.
It's stupid, you know that, but that knowledge doesn't stop you from opening your window. You don't let her in even though it's ridiculous to make her stay outside.
"Do you need something?" You ask.
"Yeah, to talk to you," she replies, her eyes nervously searching your face. "I need to apologize."
"You don't have to, you-"
"Yes, I do and you have to let me in." She seems just as surprised as you are by her words.
You momentarily think about shutting her out and yet somehow, for whatever stupid reason, you don't. You take a step back and allow her to climb in through your window like all those times before. At least this time she's not bleeding.
An awkward silence settles over both of you as she stands in the middle of your room. You regret not cleaning up a little before making your way to the window since now she's subjected to all your haphazardly thrown tissues and incredibly messy bed.
"What now?" You question, already fidgeting with your fingers while you wait for her to talk.
"Now…I tell you how sorry I am and how big of an idiot I am."
"Kate, we've been friends for years, I already know you're an idiot," you say with an eyeroll that holds way too much affection.
"True," she says with a chuckle. "No, I um…I really messed up but not in the way you think. I did miss your party but I…I didn't hook up with anyone. Not really, I-"
"You really don't have to explain this to me." You rush out, not at all wanting to hear those kinds of details from her.
"Yes, I do." She takes a step toward you and it takes all your restraint to not step away from her. "I don't want you to think I went out and slept with someone else on your birthday-"
"Kate," you try again. "You're an adult, you can do whatever you want."
"I want to do that with you!"
There's an edge of desperation to her voice that makes you pause. More than anything, her words confuse you.
"What are you talking about?"
A groan escapes her lips and before you know it, she's getting rid of the space between you and gently taking your face in her hands. She tilts your head until you're looking right at her and your breath gets caught in your throat from the proximity.
"I. Want. To. Be. With. You." Kate whispers every word into the small space between your lips. "I did get caught up on a stupid mission but I didn't sleep with anyone else. I just had to get creative and I took a page out of Natasha's book. I didn't think I'd end up with a massive hickey, though."
It's absolutely ridiculous.
It honestly borders on stupid.
So much so that you laugh.
You laugh until the weight you've been carrying for who knows how long falls off your shoulders.
Until finally, finally, you're able to lean in and kiss the girl of your dreams.
Kate may be an idiot who always gets herself in the worst kinds of troubles but…she's your idiot.
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kokomos · 1 year
abby anderson relationship headcanons
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  + Abby's the girl who says hello to everyone in the morning and will never fail to thank the people working around base. She's a sweetheart at her core and it's the reason you two got together. She's so friendly that it's almost unknown for her not to get along with someone or at least try to.
+ Definitely tries to impress you with her strength, she knows you've got a thing for her muscles so she'll be sure to show 'em off whenever she's got the chance.
+ Goes to the gym every day, she's one of those people who's hardcore dedicated to their routine. She'd love it if you visited her while she's there working out!! It would make her so happy to have you join her, she'll guide you patiently through all the new equipment so you can get a feel of what you wanna try. Definitely will use anything as an excuse to put her hands on you. She's so cute, she'll give you encouraging rubs on the back after you complete a set.
  - "You did so good, babe! Wanna keep going?"
+ Always has you over at her place, she kicks Manny out for the night so you two can be alone.
+ Basically makes you wear her clothes; after a night together at hers she'll give you one of her favorite shirts to keep. She thinks you're the cutest in her stuff because it's always a little too big on you. Having everyone in the cafeteria see you in her attire is just more incentive to the cause.
+ On occasion, she lets herself enjoy a quiet, lazy afternoon spent with you.
+ Unfortunately for you she takes enjoyment in tickling other people; specially reserved for only those she's closest with. She doesn't go all out, usually a sneak attack of a side tickle but sometimes, sometimes she goes in for the kill. She can have you under her within seconds and it's used to her advantage greatly.
+ Soft dominant. She's had to make a leader out of herself since her father's death meaning she'd rather you take the backseat while she takes care of things.
+ Abby isn't the biggest on physical touch, she wouldn't be constantly touching you like some people would. Affection from you, either alone or with friends, is always welcomed with loving arms though. She prefers expressing her love for you through quality time in your company or doing simple favors to help you out.
+ That being said, she's the kind of girlfriend who will let you take her by the arm or spontaneously grab your hand while walking up behind you.
+ Tilts your face by the chin when she kisses you. Her fingers are so blissfully light on your skin like she's trying her hardest to be as gentle as possible with you.
+ She really is so tender and delicate with you. Always giving you the lightest touches when her fingers inevitably end up tracing the curves on your body.
+ On the other hand, she can show her true strength if you want it. She can pin you down so easily; she can't resist teasing you about your weak muscles (of course she'll follow it with a kiss to avoid your pouting).
  - "See, babe, this is why you have to go to the gym more. What if I was an attacker?"
+ She will more than volunteer to teach you about self-defense, weapons, etc. Actually, if you don't know that stuff already she'll force you to attend a mini class of hers.
+ Such a good teacher, her patience makes learning from her a breeze. Comes at a cost when she’s almost always assigned to training the newbies because of this unmatched skill of hers.
+ If you're a soldier, too, she tries to convince Isaac to let you two stay on the same assignments. Nine times out of ten he says no, it'll be a rare occasion when he gives in to Abby's relentless arguing.
+ She patches you up after missions!! No one else can be trusted to tend to you. You deserve to be babied 100% and anything less than that is unacceptable in her eyes. She ends up staying with you for a couple nights checking up on you near constantly to monitor your condition. It doesn't matter if it's just a couple cuts, she's treating it like a broken leg when it comes to you.
+ With Manny's help, she begins writing you little love letters. Mostly they're innocent messages with her declaring just how cute she thinks you are and how much she loves you. Simple, yet so effective. She knows you cherish each and every one she's written.
+ A sentimentalist at heart! Aside from her coin collection, she has a stash of memorabilia from days in the past to keep the moment and the feelings associated alive. Give her a flower you casually picked from one of the bushes around the base and it'll be drying in a book under her bed so she can keep it forever.
+ When you two get into an argument, she tries to hold back her honesty but it slips out in hurtful ways more often than not. She has a problem of not working with you as a team to solve the issue; Abby views any conflict as a fight and she wants to win more than anything. When this unavoidably makes you upset, she realizes she's done wrong and takes back whatever she's said. Fortunately, arguments never last long and they without exception end with some cuddling.
  - "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I care about you so much…"
+ Very good at reading you, it's half scary and half comforting. You don't need to use a lot of words to get your point across with her, she understands you completely.
+ After you two date for awhile, she realizes how much time she spends away from home and you. She has a talk with Isaac to take shorter trips around less dangerous areas essentially taking a step down in her position.
+ Dreams of following in her father's footsteps by working in the med unit, she knows she can't be a soldier for long; not when she's got a whole future with you to live for.
— ♡☆
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yanderes-galore · 2 months
Can I request a yandere Garnet (SU) concept? Thank you
Kept it mostly platonic as I just view her like that. I'll take feedback on this as she is... surprisingly hard to yandere properly.
Yandere! Garnet Concept
(Ruby + Sapphire)
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Controlling behavior, Jealousy, Manipulation, Violence implied, Isolation, Dubious companionship/relationship.
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Considering the nature of Garnet already being a relationship, I feel she'd be more platonic to her obsession.
Not only that, but she'd be so stern and protective too.
Garnet isn't always emotive, although some aspects of Ruby and Sapphire show through separately at times.
She tries to think rationally like Sapphire, but sometimes loses her cool like Ruby.
Most of the time Garnet is calm with her obsession.
You could throw a fit at her and she'll take it... only to scold you later.
As long as you don't try to hit her, she can tolerate your outbursts.
The only time I can see Garnet as romantic is a very rare case where she likes another Gem.
In that case she'd want to try fusion with them if it meant she could keep you with her.
She'd wait until you're ready, however.
But let's be honest, based on what we've seen in the show, she isn't interested in that with many.
She'd be more likely to protect you platonically because she sees you as family or a close friend.
Garnet is an unnerving yandere as you can't read her all the time.
She's deadpan towards most around you... including you at times.
There's times you'll want to hang out with others, like friends or maybe a partner of your own, only for Garnet to step in with an unreadable expression just to say one thing.
That's it, nothing else.
She's really good at shutting down things she doesn't want you doing.
There's times you're allowed to be with other people, she wants you to have some other bonds.
But she doesn't want you to ignore her completely.
I have a feeling you can't really argue with her, either.
She'd want her obsession to respect her and her decisions.
Essentially, you listen to her or she makes you if she feels it's for the best.
She's the type of yandere who would "mom" her darling.
She's usually level-headed so most of what you do won't break her composure.
She isn't always stern and stoic, though.
Sometimes she's genuinely caring, wanting to let you know she does care for you.
That she loves you.
She does what she does because she wants to cherish the bond you have with her.
After all, Garnet knows quite a bit about bonds.
Most of her obsession is this protective guardian role.
She tries to be very understanding with her obsession.
Due to the nature of Garnet viewing relationships as sacred, she wouldn't want to rush anything with her obsession.
Doing so would lose your trust.
She is fine with acting like a guardian to you, as a Crystal Gem she's used to such a thing.
She may be protective and stern... but she would want her obsession to come to her when they were ready.
She knows getting you to love her by force will only hurt you both.
Ruby may be overly eager about having you accept them, but Sapphire is careful to keep them both calm.
If you're a Gem then they try to be even more patient... Unstable fusion will hurt you even more.
Garnet, out of most Gems, is one of the more patient yanderes.
Bonds take time to develop and locking you away certainly won't help.
Ruby is no doubt the half that feels the most jealousy when they see you interact so well with others.
Sapphire knows they shouldn't be jealous of you having other people you enjoy.
Sapphire knows you'll come to them at some point and see they care...
They just need patience.
Although... they do fear you'll never come to them...
I can see Ruby and Sapphire splitting because of their differing beliefs throwing them out of sync.
They have different obsession types, which means if they get impatient... they can't be Garnet.
Ruby's scared you'll never love them the same way they do you.
Ruby wants to show you how much they care, to the point she may be too reckless and scare you off.
Meanwhile Sapphire fully believes in waiting.
She wants Ruby to calm down, to give you time.
You may be confused when you see the two out of fusion, concerned even.
Completely unaware that you are the reason they're having a fight.
Eventually the two may make up, both loving you and wanting you happy.
Sapphire has to calm Ruby's jealousy... but soon they'll be Garnet again, ready to give it another shot... hopefully.
Garnet would stick by you regardless of how you feel.
It's really hard for me to view her as toxic as Garnet herself is a pretty healthy relationship in my eyes.
She believes in love being comfortable for both parties and would wait years for you.
Even when she's impatient or jealous, she can usually calm herself down.
She's been around for years as Garnet, she'd wait as long as she had to in order to gain the affection of her obsession.
When you finally think you can be there for her, Garnet would welcome you with open arms.
Her most toxic traits are a subtle jealousy towards others along with being overprotective.
Anything more toxic causes Ruby and Sapphire to split until something resolves the issue.
I am struggling to make her toxic while being in character....
She'd do just about anything if it meant you'd be protected.
Protecting you is her way of loving you.
Her obsession could hate her and she'd probably still try to be encouraging with them.
Garnet may be intimidating... but she's actually one of the better yanderes in my eyes.
She mellows out both Ruby and Sapphire's traits which makes her pleasant to be around.
She seems controlling and overbearing, but genuinely cares for your feelings.
She'll let you take your time.
If you aren't hers in the end, then she'll maybe nudge you in the right direction.
If you're a Gem, she may offer fusion to show she cares for you... that she wants to include you.
If you're human, she protects you in whatever way she can.
She'd do anything to have you happy and protected.
Even breaking her composure if she sees you get hurt.
Garnet can be ruthless when protecting those she cares about.
Imagine if you see her shatter a Gem to protect you... or maybe have blood on her gauntlets.
She sees her overprotective tendencies as caring for you.
You may be scared of her, or maybe even hate her, but she's willing to wait...
If you're in danger, she'll isolate you with the rest of the Crystal Gems.
Even if you aren't in danger, she may still isolate you to prevent any potential danger.
She'll still give you your space, She'll even say she loves you... but you can't go out on your own.
She feels bad that you aren't happy all the time with her... If at all...
She hopes it will change... but...
As long as she has you in the end... and you're safe...
Then she'll accept loving you from afar... until she can't take it anymore, that is.
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ceilidho · 1 year
no worries if you're not feeling this! I know you said your wrist is giving you trouble so I would so much rather you prioritize yourself and your health over any writing!!
that said, I am so digging this knight ghost situation. after reading the last prompt about it, I'm seeing some potential for a battle of wills situation. ghost waiting for the princess to ask (beg) for what she wants but she's too prim and proper to say it and she's confused as well, all like why has this dude who I'm married to not made a move on me?? and ghost has so much patience, he'll just wait and wait until she absolutely can't take it any more and then idk, you're the master!!!
again again, I hope you're feeling well soon and if this is not your vibe it's all good in the hood. btw I love all of your writing and I wish I could grind it up and make a delicious shake out of it❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for being so kind!!! Wrist is feeling a lot better today because I did some exercises with it yesterday <3
Ghost's patience is endless, of course. He endures month and sometimes year long campaigns with little creature comforts. Even when he comes home, he doesn't really indulge in any of the comforts of home because he knows that it's temporary. He'll be called upon again by his king the next time there's a need for his service.
So at home with his princess, it's easy to deny her. It's almost a game, whether she'll break first (anticipated) or whether he finally will (not likely, but the odds never quite hit zero).
She's the first thing that ever really made him question his ascetic code; if anything was going to tempt him to indulge, it would be his pretty new wife wrapped in her winter furs and badgering him about repairs to the stables (he loves listening to her complain; she's so tight lipped around her family and doesn't really speak her mind, but after months as his wife, she's gotten comfortable expressing herself with Ghost).
And it's so so cute watching her struggle to bring up the subject of their marriage bed with him. She hints at it and talks circles around it, about how it's not proper for her to have her own chambers and how her parents expect her to be with child by the spring, but she doesn't just come out and say it. She's always on the verge of a temper tantrum, like she might stomp her foot about it because her warrior husband won't take her to bed even though she worried for days before their wedding that she'd have to endure his appetites.
Ghost knows he's going to give in eventually, but they'll never be able to wait like this again so he enjoys it while it's happening :)))
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prisoner-of-sin · 11 months
Shy/Affectionate s/o
Featuring: Zoya, Cinnabar, and Macchiato
These are re-written headcanons from about a year ago! I am rewriting more stuff and slowly writing some of my Ao3 requests.
Requests: OPEN
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Zoya doesn't care if you are shy and affectionate, she happily opens her arms to you and gives the love back equally. Her tone is softer in public, her arm is always around you or at least has a hand resting against you.
Zoya loves to tease you but relents with laughter when you get pouty. She holds her hands up in defeat before pulling you into her lap for some cuddles.
When you start to open up, Zoya is so proud of you because you feel safe enough to be yourself.
I stated before that she's more of a words or actions, but I've changed my mind. Zoya is most definitely action over words, sometimes she doesn't know what to say. Reputation or not, she's going to shower you in love.
Zoya will return any sentiment you give: compliments, hugs, kisses etc. She keeps you close to her body when out in public, she acts like the protective shield. It won't ever bother her, she takes it with pride.
When you and Zoya are in the comfort of indoors, she becomes similar to a puppy. You can cling to her and be overly affectionate, she holds onto you and whispers how much she loves you. Her kisses will deepen yours as her arms tighten around you. She teases and proclaims how she can take it further, resulting in your face fluttering. You may have to put up with her indoors.
There's no way to avoid that Cinnabar attracts women to her, she's like a magnet! That simple fact alone may make you shy away from her even more. She knows and understands that, she puts forward more effort even if she gets flustered.
Cinnabar knows the unspoken boundaries and backs up when it's needed. This was a time for both of you to figure out feelings.
When you suddenly become more affectionate, she is taken back and nearly clueless. She may have conflicting internal thoughts about it; are you trying to get her hopes up, just to shatter them later? That seems unlikely because you are one of the sweetest people she's met.
Cinnabar is very patient when you are slowly opening up to her. She encourages the spikes in affection, you may both get flustered but she is so proud of you. There are bright smiles and thanks for making her day.
If you give Cinnabar compliments, she'll fluster and return it with a rub of her neck. You may or may not give another back, BUT if you do she'll return it. It'll be a constant cycle until one of you is the winner, it's like an endless hurricane of butterflies in your stomachs.
Cinnabar will always be by your side when outdoors, she is lowkey protecting you from any dangers. Her hand rests securely on your waist or the small of your back. She's attentive to her surroundings and you.
When it's just the two of you alone, inside, Cinnabar keeps you close and her head rests on top of your shoulder. She expresses how being with you makes everything easier, not only being a sinner but the challenges of life. You won't be able to see how much you mean to her, not through her eyes and she hopes that you'll believe her words.
Macchiato loves that you are shy and affectionate. She won't be afraid to ease past the barriers you have built. She wishes to satisfy all of the needs you have.
Macchiato knows boundaries very well, she won't push past them unless you are comfortable. Her patience is very high and nearly unbreakable.
Macchiato's words are smooth as silk, they are nothing but the truth. She'll hold you from behind or rest her hands on your hips, her mouth grazes over your ear as her hot breath makes you blush more. She achieved what she was wanting.
There are many times that Macchiato does it on purpose in public. It would be around the whole MBCC, count your blessings. It isn't more because she doesn't want you forever embarrassed.
At moments, Macchiato's actions can lean more on the lewd side. She'll apologize with a small huff and blush on her own face, admitting it's embarrassing that she crossed a line. She will do whatever you want to make up for it.
If you manage to gather the courage to return the gestures, Macchiato is beyond happy! She has a large smile as she teases to get her whip out to go further. She traces the thin leather over your sides before threatening to give you spanking.
When it's just you and Macchiato behind closed doors, you'll be cuddled to her or vice versa. She still teases but it's lighter and more of her heart behind the words. Her eyes have a certain twinkle in them and she's more hands on than before.
Macchiato looks forward to exploring new territory with you.
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Ok so I'm a very new F1 fan - started watching this year; I used to sit and watch races together with my father and brother in the 2007-2012 period just to spend time with them, not because I was interested, but I still retained some information from back then - and now I started out as, and still am a Charles fan.
And considering just how popular he is and all of the jokes about "Ask her about her favourite driver, bet she'll say Charles Leclerc" I thought the main reason people supported him was for the hype.
But to see a blog run by someone, who has so much knowledge of F1, the car structure, the history of the sport, someone who has watched for so long...and that blog is about Charles Leclerc of all drivers? That fills me with such joy and relief. Because I know for myself, that I'm not a fan of him for his looks or popularity, but sometimes I feel a little insecure about supporting him since I lack experience and knowledge in the field of watching F1, considering how new I am to it, so I can't always really defend my reasoning behind being his fan ("I just think he's good" doesn't really hold up that well as an argument)
So it's really nice to see someone so immersed in sport be openly supportive of him, since you have such a huge pick of drivers to make your blog about and curate your space with - current and past generation(s), legends of the sport. And yet it's about Charles.
That to me is basically like getting approval by an older sibling for a good pick/ good move made in a game. Like maybe my choice to like and root for him isn't as stupid as everyone makes it out to be. Maybe he isn't just popular.
So sorry for the ramble, but I just wanted to say thank you for your patience in explaining concepts to the community and for being unapologetically yourself on this app. Your blog is very enjoyable!
Omg thank you this is truly the sweetest thing <3
I could write essays(and I might) about sexism in this sport. But I want to say that you don't need a "valid" reason for a driver to be your favorite. They can be your favorite because you just think they are neat. And it's also not a bad thing if you do find them attractive or that's what first got your attention. People gatekeep to create this idea that you need a reason that they deem "worthy" when you don't. It's a sport you like, enjoy it however you want to have fun.
If you want to say Fernando is your favorite because you think his sunglasses are cool then more power to you.
And you don't need to understand all the history and car stuff to be a good fan.
People like to gatekeep and create this idea that you need to know certain things or you have to like a driver for X reason, but if you like him for X reason then you aren't a real fan. It's frustrating.
Popular isn't always a bad thing either.
I'm a Ferrari fan, I support the driver who is skilled who is bringing glory to my red team. Charles has been doing that consistently since he joined and that is why he has my support. I have been impressed with his skill on track every single year of his career. I like quality driving, I like quality driving in RED, and Charles does both of those things.
Charles is a skilled driver, and you should feel happy supporting him and watching him drive because it's truly amazing to watch.
I am very glad you have joined us in our support of Charles and his career at Ferrari, it's an exciting time for him and for the team! I hope you are having fun!
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melodrangea · 11 months
can we have nicknames soul eater girls calling their s/o? Pls
absolutely my dear anon
Soul Eater girls don't get NEARLY enough love!
i'm also so sorry requests are taking so long my loves, but I am back in the writing groove and will try to clear my inbox this weekend!
What Soul Eater Girls call their S/O
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Maka Albarn
-Maka is another character that I fell wouldn't really use many pet names until she's older, at least into her twenties
-but when she does use nicknames they're either very classy or short and easy
-just something quick, she'll be in a rush out the door and just kiss you on the cheek saying goodbye
"bye babe, I have to go but I'll see you when I get home, love you!"
-Maka's definitely relaxed, sitting by the couch in one of your sweaters and a thick blanket, famous chopping book in hand
-you'd hand her a cup of tea and cuddle up next to her
she's respond with a "thank you hon"
-she'll usually only call you this when she feels guilty (normally about being gone long on missions) or when she knows you've had a tough day
"how are you doing honey? __ said you weren't feeling well" :(
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Tsubaki Nakatsukasa
THIS girlie on the other hand would absoluetly adore giving you pet names
-fairly self explanatory but usually in front of people she doesn't know she'll call you by a short (cuter) version of your name
-you're just her adorable little s/o and you WILL be addressed accordingly
-used just as casually as anything else she'll ever say to you
-which never fails to make you extremely flustered in certain situations
"which movie did we leave off on love?"
-this one is used more intimately
-a special occasion or something else, whatever she's doing she'll just turn to you and stare into your eyes
"I love you so much beautiful"
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Liz Thompson
this cocky bitch (I'm lying I love her sm)
will probably be flirting with you or just trying to fluster you in general
"hey cutie you feel like going out sometime?" (you guys have been together for months too)
babe is essentially Liz's every other word talking to you
"babe are we still going out later? I still have to do my nails"
calls you this when she's being more serious
"baby be careful, I don't want you getting hurt." "I love you too baby." "It'll be okay baby, just breathe."
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Patty Thomspon
-I'm not gonna lie to y'all...
-pookie (pookie bear)
-she can and would, and ya'll know she would
"hey pookie! Are you ready yet???"
-like miss girl PATIENCE
scardey cat
-Patty gets into some crazy stuff because she just feels no fear
-so you being a normal person (no Patty we don't want to go into the haunted amusement park that's falling apart)
"c'monnn don't be a scardey cat, I'm sure the ghosts are friendly!" (cue Liz running away screaming)
-only normal thing Patty will ever call you
-would probably add 'chan' to the end of your name or nickname
-I love Patty but she's like a middle school boy hyped up on kool-aid with a recorder I'M SORRY
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-it's only cute when she says it and she can and will call you honey-bun whenever she pleases!
"aw thank you honey-bun, I love you too!"
-you are her honey-bun now, just accept it
-makes you two sound like an old married couple and you love it
-you two will be cooking together and she'll ask you to hand her something
"do you mind passing me the olive oil sweetheart?"
-y'all are the definition of an old married couple i'm sobbing
-she'll offhandedly tell you how much she loves you while calling you dearest
"I love you so much dearest, you truly mean so much to me"
I love these four sm I swear
but anyways that's all for now my dears!
I'm here for your literary entertainment, I respond to requests as quickly as I can
-Melodrangea <3
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stitch1830 · 1 year
What type of clothes did Toph wear while she was pregnant with lin and suyin ? Do you think Lin made fun of her mom or was she interested/not interested when she was pregnant and with a big belly ?
Hi Anon, thanks for the ask, and your patience! Love the Mama Toph questions, so feel free to stop by whenever with more (even if I'm not the most consistent Tumblr poster anymore—)
Anyway, let's get started!
I think Toph would go for comfort while pregnant with her kiddos. She would like loose fitting tunics/tops, baggy pants, even dresses in the late stages of the pregnancy. It wasn't often that she wore dresses, but sometimes it was easier just to put on a dress than to put on a shirt and pants with her giant belly. I can also see her wearing belts/sashes that wrap under her stomach for support, especially in the late stages of the pregnancy. During the summer months, she hopes to wear clothes that are airy and light. Winter, she just puts on whatever fits haha!
There have been some fics that I've read where she just bends her metalbending uniform so she can still wear it while pregnant, but I typically stray away from that HC. I like the idea of her going "rogue" with the uniform because she's in charge, so she'll maybe wear the pants, but then just put on a giant longsleeve undershirt and rock that around the precinct. Sometimes she'll wear the forearm guard thingies, maybe the shin guards, but she wouldn't put herself in harms way intentionally while she's pregnant, so she tries not to dress "ready for a fight."
If I push my Kantoph agenda, then I'd say it was Kanto's shirt she steals and wears around (he doesn't mind though because she looks adorable drowning in his shirt). Further pushing the agenda, I think Kanto would most definitely buy outfits for Toph when she's pregnant with incoming Su. He wants Toph and Lin to match, so he'll buy dresses for them, and Kanto's a sweetie about it, so Toph never minds. She also likes it because Lin gets so excited, and Toph can't say no to Lin when she's excited about matching her mama. And of course, Kanto thinks Toph looks beautiful in everything, so really, he's there to try and help find clothes that match and that are most comfortable for her. He knows being pregnant isn't her favorite thing in the world, so he just tries to help in any way he can. Buying clothes is one of those ways lol.
Okay, and regarding Lin seeing Toph's pregnant belly, I don't know if she would make fun of Toph, but she'd have a million questions every day about why her belly is getting so big, where her baby sibling's at, when they're going to be here, etc. I feel like Toph would be the type of mama that would answer Lin's questions (as long as they were age appropriate lmao) and brush them off as if it's nothing big. Like, the sun rises, the birds chirp, badgermoles dig, and Mama's (Toph) gonna have a baby. Just another day in Republic City.
Lin just looks at Toph with wide eyes, thinks of more questions for the next day, and repeat. And usually at night when Lin's all quiet, Toph will take Lin's hand and have her feel the baby move. It's a lil routine they have each night, and often, it sparks more questions from Lin. Of course, Toph answers them, and they just try to enjoy the quiet moments they have while they can.
Okay! I think that's all I have for this ask. Thank you so much once again for the ask, Anon! Love Mama Toph asks, so feel free to stop by with more if you have any. Hope you have a great day! :D
Send me asks about ATLA, LOK, or anything, really! :D
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Hey, I saw you do sibling scenarios/sibling content, so..
Could I possibly ask for Emma Magorobi or Xander Matthews sibling headcanons?
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Sure anon! I think i'll just do Emma since shes quite a dynamic character to work with, but you can re-request for Xander if you'd like.
So sorry for lack of content to all others who have sent requests, after getting sick recently i've been suffering creative burnout and have been just generally unmotivated. However I have started all of the requests in some way or another and will get to all of them eventually! Thank you for your support and patience!
NOTES: Non-Despair AU, Character/Reader siblings, G/N reader, brief mentions of Emma's past (its nothing serious though), VOID has a 'found family' relationship in a way
~ Emma Magorobi w/ a sibling! (HC's)
You and Emma most definitely have a close relationship, no matter the dynamic you two share or in general just how different you are from eachother
At the end of the day, she's just happy to have a sibling and she'd never have it any other way, whether you were with her in the darkest times of her earlier life or through the new family shes come to know and love; you mean so much to her!
I can see her looking after you a lot, like if you forgot something at home on your way to school, she'll make sure to have a replacement for that thing or takes it and gives it to you if she notices you not having taken it yourself
Sometimes you jokingly call HER 'mom' or 'grandma em' because of the way she acts/dresses; she pretends to hate it but actually thinks its a little funny
Speaking of jokes you can't convince me Emma isn't a memer, she sends you dumb things she found on pinterest or old vine compilations and references them constantly, even if only to get a reaction out of you
She means no harm of course, but teasing you is just too funny! She can't help it!
Naturally it doesn't stop at just teasing, you get the short end of the stick with her jokes just like Hajime. You've been sitting through her nonsense for your whole life by now, it's as if shes some sort of joke encyclopedia because she has at least TWO for everything
If you do happen to have a similar sense of humor though, you guys would be having all-out pun wars for who can out-joke the other
Void is subjected to almost all of you and Emma's wars whenever you're invited to visit, which is not often because they insist that ONE Emma was enough
But oh, otherwise Void is actually quite fond of you! (even if you may have your differences with any members)
Nikei would be pestering you nonstop for your likes, dislikes, etc.. He never goes for the 'pervy' joke question though, he thinks it'd be weird because you're Emma's sibling.
Iroha is always dragging you around to show off her art in the hopes that you'll like it, maybe you can help her paint too?
You've probably already met Hajime before because of him being closer to Emma, but somehow he's even MORE motherly than her so you quickly shift your 'ok mom' jokes to him aswell. He doesn't know what to say to that and it confuses him more than anything
A lot of things depend on you liking Mikado, if it's AI!Mikado you're probably iffy on him; no-one can be THAT charming and creepy at the same time, he's probably like a serial killer or something, if you ever told him that though he'd tell on you to Emma, who would ignore him and leave him defeated ("Boo-hoo.. Y/N really thinks so lowley of me! I'm in tears!")
If it's IRL!Mikado though, you and him probably wouldn't talk much in the first place. He's not very good with new people and probably made a nervous error that made him too emberassed to talk to you for a while. He'll warm up eventually but you probably know him as the guy whos typing away on his computer all the time Overall, you and Emma have a pretty eventful life and are always finding new things to do. She really is glad to have family like you, afterall, it's all she's ever wanted
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tracybirds · 2 years
Let's go for questions one and five for the TAG ask game :D
Ooh yay! This got uhhhh out of hand lol
1. What do you like most about your favourite character?
*cue the instant argument in my head over who's the favourite*
I was literally about to go "look John gives me physics so..." and Scott shouted in my head "what about piloting, there's soooo much maths and physics in that  and Virgil went "I'm a qualified engineer???" and Gordon said "oceanography has a huge focus on applied physics, and what about the biomechanics of the body we talk about as athletes" and Alan looked me dead in the eye and just said "SPACE?!?!"
I'm very physics obsessed and since I'm on summer holidays this is only going to build until I get back to school and get to torture a new set of students with my one true love 😂😂
Uh, anyway, aside from that the unfailing and unflinching decision to do what's right over and over and over again, even when it's hard, and to not only do what's right, but to do it with love and kindness and patience. Quietly getting on and solving the problems and it's the old story of all that pain and it only made him kind (thanks doctor who that's permanently etched into my being now but it's so real and it killlllllls me)
and now I'm all weepy 😭😭😭😭
5. Talk about your favourite Thunderbird or any other vehicle like you would talk about a pet.
*giggling* I don't have any pets and all I can think about is Hagrid saying that sometimes people can be a bit stupid about their pets
So.... mini fic?
"She's grown so much, Brains! How's she eating?"
"Scott, it's a machine, it doesn't eat. Thunderbird One's fuel cells are currently operating at 78% efficiency. We need to break 80% if we want those top speeds to be accessible."
"She'll get there," said Scott, cooing slightly as he stared up at Thunderbird One's shining hull. "She's the best plane in the world, she'll do anything we ask her too."
"It's not down to her - it - it's a machine Scott!"
"Oh, you're much more than that, aren't you girl?"
"It's the physics that determin–"
"You listen to me," Scott interrupted, paying Brains no mind. "We all know physics is important, but you and me? We have a bond beyond the physical world, I can feel it. You can feel it too  can't you girl."
He paused, listening to a response from beyond the universe as the sun struck her silver casing and made it sing. Brains looked fit to explode beside them.
"That's right," Scott said, humming in agreement. "When you're all grown up, it'll be you and me, girl, we'll take them on together. Not long now, help Brains with his work now."
Scott patted her hull one final time, and grinned at Brains.
"She'll be good I promise. Forget 80%, I reckon she could hit 85."
Brains huffed.
"I'll keep that in mind."
For a moment, Scott lingered looking down at the blueprints spread out across the holos.
"Could you send me a copy of that one?" he asked, pointing at the very first technical drawing Brains had done, Jeff dictating his vision at his side.
Brains looked up at Scott, forlorn in the knowlesge that he'd be leaving 'his girl' behind once again as his leave ended.
He sighed and waved a hand, transferring a copy to Scott's device.
"Go on," he grumbled good-naturedly. "Take your baby photos and get out of here."
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kokiafans · 8 months
KOKIA updates: January 2024
Below, I have summarized KOKIA’s recent announcements and messages. As explained here, this will remain the style of updates for now, though I hope to be back to old style full translations sometime this year. It is my hope, but I cannot make any promises. My apologies and thank you for your patience.
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KOKIA has made multiple updates for her Once-in-a-lifetime meeting 2024 concert tour. At the tail end of 2023, KOKIA announced pre-sales for fan club members opened up for the performances in Kyoto, Saga and Oita, with the fan club pre-sales for the special performance in Tokyo (which will be held in lieu of her usual spring concerts) opening in January as she mentioned on January 10.
Normal pre-sales for Kyoto, Saga and Oita ran via the ticket offices on January 1-21, while pre-sales for Tokyo are open January 30 to February 4. The links for the offices are in the respective news entries.
Finally, KOKIA announced on January 26 that additional tickets (about 20 seats) are being sold for the first performance on February 4 in Yokohama. This sale started January 27 via Ticket Pia, with by the looks of it still some tickets left right now.
In her recent Instagram post, KOKIA also added Hokkaido and Nagoya to the list, on July 6 and September 7 respectively.
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Of course, KOKIA mentions her upcoming tour in her blog entries too.
In her last post of 2023, she looks back on her 25th anniversary year and returning to Japan. 2024 is the year of the dragon, which is also KOKIA's zodiac sign, which makes her extra excited for what the new year will bring.
On January 8, her first entry of 2024, she explains how her upcoming concert tour will be her way of saying thanks to people all across Japan for supporting her. She has mostly been performing in Tokyo or overseas in the last years, so this will be a nice chance to travel Japan and meet her fans in their regions again.
In her next post, January 16, she mentions how Yokohama and Kyoto have already sold out, and she talks about places she'd like to visit in the prefectures she'll be traveling to for her tour. This year also marks the first time she'll be performing solo at the Nihonbashi Mitsui Hall, although she has been there as a guest before at Mario Tashiro's concert back in 2018.
She updated again on January 21 to announce she's bringing back autograph sessions at the performance in Yokohama on February 4. She hasn't been able to hold these in several years, so she's excited to come face to face with her fans again and exchange some words, even if it's quick. She'll also have several of the items for sale at the venue that are currently unavailable at her official web shop. She assumes you'll receive a ticket for the autograph session if you make a purchase.
In her conclusion, she's already counting down to her 30th anniversary, so she's definitely not slowing down any time soon!
Finally, her most recent entry of January 26 mentions the extra tickets for sale for the Yokohama performance, as mentioned above.
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celestial-thoughts · 2 years
three isn’t always a crowd - part 2
Pairing: Rhea Ripley x Dakota Kai x Shayna Baszler
Word count: 3.2k
Author’s note: spice was promised, so here’s 3,000+ words of spicy, fluffy goodness. once again, big thanks to my lovely prism trap anon for all your amazing ideas. 
read part 1 here
They do just that, finishing up their breakfast and going back up the stairs to the bedroom. Shayna helps Rhea get the bed ready, while Dakota slips into the bathroom. They replace the regular gray sheets with smooth red silk ones, removing the comforter from the bed. Rhea pulls a black box out from under the bed and places it in the corner.
Dakota emerges from the bathroom, still wearing the shorts and t-shirt she had slept in. "How are you feeling?" she asks Shayna, giving her hand a quick squeeze.
"A little nervous," Shayna admits. "But I'm okay."
Rhea wraps her arms around Shayna's torso. "I'll guide you through things," she says, reassuring her. Then she turns her attention to Dakota. "I was thinking maybe some light bondage, if you're okay with that."
Dakota nods, her eyes bright. "Wrists and ankles?" she asks.
"Just wrists for today," Rhea says. "We have plenty of time. I want to make sure we're doing this at a good pace for everyone." She sits down on the edge of the mattress, pulling Dakota down onto her lap as Shayna sits down next to her. "Before we do anything though, I want to establish a safeword." She looks at Shayna. "Dakota and I have a couple that we use, and we can absolutely keep those. But if you have one that you would prefer, we can discuss that."
Shayna thinks for a moment. "What do you guys use?" she asks.
"Eevee," Dakota says. "The inspiration for my first ring name. And red is our backup."
"I'm good with that," Shayna says. "I've mostly used the stoplight system, but I'm not sure how familiar with that one you guys are."
Rhea speaks up. "I've used it before," she says. She looks at Dakota. "Do you know what that is, love?" Dakota shakes her head.
"It's pretty simple," Shayna says. "Green means everything is good to keep going. Yellow means pause and check in, catch your breath. And red means full stop immediately."
"That might be good for today," Dakota says. "Since I'm guessing we're going to be checking in pretty frequently."
Rhea absentmindedly plays with Dakota's hair. "We can try using it today and see if you like it," she says. "But you can still use Eevee and we'll take it to mean the same thing as red. Does that sound okay?" Dakota nods.
"One other question before we do anything," Shayna says. "What do you typically do for aftercare?"
"It depends on what we've been doing up until that point," Rhea says. "But usually Dakota looks for some kind of physical touch right away, so after she's out of any restraints used there's usually cuddling for a bit. Sometimes I'll grab a damp cloth to get her cleaned up, especially if we've been going for a while and she's worn out. Eventually she'll need an actual shower, which requires physically carrying her into the shower because once she gets into the cuddling, it's hard to get her to do anything else."
Shayna nods. "That all sounds perfect to me," she says.
Dakota looks from Shayna to Rhea. "So can I see what you guys did now?" she asks, eyes bright with excitement.
"Patience baby," Rhea says, kissing the top of Dakota's head. She turns to Shayna. "Still want to do this?"
Shayna smiles fondly at Dakota, the smaller girl's excitement helping to stop the nervous butterflies in her stomach. "Yes," she says.
Dakota slides off Rhea's lap and sits down on the edge of the bed. Shayna waits for Rhea to stand before following her to the center of the room. "Okay, so it might look a little different since obviously there's a height difference," Rhea explains to Dakota.
"Okay," Dakota says, eyes focused on them. As Rhea guides Shayna into position, Dakota feels something stirring deep within her. Suddenly, Rhea holds onto Shayna's legs and flips the former fighter to her stomach. Dakota sees Rhea's lips moving as she talks to Shayna, but all she can hear is her heart racing as she feels the heat of her desire spreading through her body.
Rhea looks over at Dakota, who is watching with wide eyes. "Like what you see baby?" she asks.
"Yes," Dakota says, her voice airy and her cheeks flushing pink. She bites her lip watches as Rhea gently sets Shayna down and gives her a kiss before helping Shayna back to her feet.
"Oh, you really liked that, didn't you?" Rhea asks Dakota, sitting down next to her. Dakota nods and Rhea smirks. "First sign that she's turned on," she tells Shayna. "If she bites her lip, and her voice sounds all soft and airy."
Shayna raises an eyebrow. "Good to know," she says, sitting down on Dakota's other side.
Dakota squirms a little, flustered by Rhea casually sharing her secrets, but doesn't protest. "Color?" Rhea asks her.
"Green," she replies immediately, and Rhea smiles.
"Why don't we get some of these clothes out of the way?" she suggests. "Is that okay princess?" Dakota nods, blushing at the use of Rhea's favorite nickname for her.
Rhea turns to Shayna. "Don't be afraid to use pet names," she says. "Especially in the beginning of things. They can help her to relax and get comfortable."
Shayna nods. "Can I take care of this, dove?" she asks Dakota, running her fingers along the hem of her t-shirt.
"Yes," Dakota says, her eyes bright with excitement.
"I take it you like that name?" Rhea asks. Dakota nods and Rhea smiles. "Whenever she sees or hears something that she likes or makes her happy, her eyes light up like they did just now," she explains to Shayna.
Slowly, Shayna gently tugs Dakota's t-shirt up over her head to reveal the light pink bra that perfectly matches Dakota's hair, and sets it aside. She runs her thumb over Dakota's flushed cheek. "Is this okay?" she asks quietly. Dakota nods, and Shayna pulls her closer, giving her a soft, tender kiss.
When they pull away from each other, Dakota has a shy smile on her lips. "Can I help you with these baby?" Rhea asks, fingers brushing the waistband of Dakota's shorts. She nods, lifting her hips and letting Rhea slide the fabric down her legs. "Such a needy little thing, aren't you?" Rhea teases, lightly running a finger over the unmistakable dark spot on Dakota's light pink underwear.
"Don't be mean," Dakota whines, cheeks flushing pink with warmth.
Rhea tilts Dakota's chin up towards her, giving her a kiss. "Still doing good?" she asks when they pull apart. Dakota nods. "Color?" Rhea asks.
"Green," Dakota says with no hesitation.
Shayna, slowly gaining more confidence, begins to trace her finger around the edge of Dakota's bra. "Can I take this off?" she asks Dakota, feeling the smaller girl melt into her touch.
"Please," Dakota says, eyes wide and breathing growing heavier.
Rhea runs her fingers through Dakota's hair as Shayna reaches behind her back to unclasp the bra. Dakota lets the garment fall from her shoulders and onto the floor. She feels her cheeks heating up as Shayna gazes at her breasts. "Beautiful," she says.
"You can touch if you want," Dakota says. She slides over to sit on the edge of the bed, between Shayna's legs, her back to Shayna's chest.
Gently, Shayna runs her hands up Dakota's torso, settling on her breasts. "I take it she likes being touched like this?" she asks Rhea, giving them a gentle squeeze.
"Oh she loves it," Rhea says, not missing the blush spreading to Dakota's ears. "Especially if you play with her nipples." Shayna leans in, kissing the side of Dakota's neck, thumbs brushing over the tops of her nipples. A little gasp escapes Dakota's mouth and Rhea smirks. "Just like that," she says. "Seriously, if you want to get her worked up, this is how to do it."
"Seems like she's already pretty worked up," Shayna says, still focusing on Dakota's nipples.
Dakota lets out a flustered whine. "You guys are so mean," she says, but she's smiling and it's clear that she doesn't mind the teasing.
"You know you love it," Rhea says. She brushes her thumb over the front of Dakota's underwear. "Can I get rid of these?" she asks.
"Yes," Dakota manages to say, shuddering as Shayna rolls her nipples between her fingers. "You're really good at this," she says, peaking over her shoulder at Shayna.
Shayna smiles. "I'm glad you think so," she says.
Rhea tugs at the waistband of Dakota's underwear, and the smaller girl lifts her hips so they can be pulled down her legs and onto the floor. Rhea nudges her legs apart, eyes roaming over her dripping slit. "You've got her really worked up," she tells Shayna, who smiles at her words.
"Please," Dakota whispers, blushing under the gaze of both Rhea and Shayna.
"What is it princess?" Rhea asks. "What do you need?"
Dakota lets out a soft moan. "Please make me cum," she whimpers.
Rhea smiles up at her. "Good girl," she coos, watching Dakota's cheeks go from pink to red at the praise. "Such a good girl, telling us what you need." She looks at Shayna. "Do you want to watch first? Or do you want to get your hands on her now?"
"I think I want to watch," Shayna says. "I want to see how you make her feel good."
Nodding, Rhea looks back to Dakota. "How do you want it princess?" she asks. "Do you want my fingers?"
Dakota shakes her head. "Your strap," she says, still shuddering as Shayna continues to play with her nipples.
Rhea smiles. "Okay love, I can do that," she says, standing up and crossing the room to the box in the corner. "Which cuffs do you want?" she asks.
"The padded ones," Dakota manages to answer, trembling with pleasure as Shayna rolls her nipples between her fingers.
Retrieving the cuffs from the box, Rhea makes her way back over, holding not just the cuffs, but a black harness and red strap-on. Shayna watches as Rhea guides Dakota to the center of the bed, leaning her back against the pillows. Without being told, Dakota raises her arms above her head, letting Rhea cuff her wrists to the headboard.
"Out of curiosity," Shayna says. "Why cuff her arms above her head?"
Rhea smirks. "So she can't hide her face," she says. "She's absolutely adorable when you're making her feel good."
Dakota squirms, face flushed as she tugs at the cuffs. "I am not adorable," she insists, watching as Rhea puts on the harness and gets the strap ready.
"Yes you are," Shayna says, leaning in and kissing Dakota. "You're absolutely gorgeous."
A shiver runs up Dakota's spine at Shayna's words, as Rhea nudges her legs apart. "Ready?" she asks Dakota.
"Yes," Dakota breathes, looking up at Rhea with wide eyes. "Please, Rhea." She lifts her legs and wraps them around Rhea's waist as her girlfriend straddles her, the tip of the strap pressing against her entrance.
Rhea smiles down at her. "Alright princess, just relax. Let me make you feel good." Slowly, she slides the strap into Dakota, feeling the smaller girl's heart beating faster. Gripping Dakota's hips for support, she begins to move, her hips rocking as she slides the toy in and out.
"Faster," Dakota gasps, eyes wide as the toy pumps in and out of her. "Please." Rhea does just that, thrusting again and again until Dakota is incoherent, reduced to moaning and gasping.
"Does that feel good, princess?" Rhea asks. "Does it feel good when I fuck you like this?" Dakota nods, shuddering with pleasure. "Want to cum?" Rhea asks.
Dakota's eyes widen and she nods. "Please Rhea, please make me cum," she pleads.
Rhea smiles. "Alright love, show Shayna how good you are and cum for me." Dakota knows she should feel shy about Shayna seeing her like this, but all she can focus on is the wave of pleasure rolling through her body as she climaxes hard, eyes shut and head tilted upwards.
When she comes down from her high, it takes her a moment to catch her breath. As her breathing returns to normal, her eyes flutter open and she sees Rhea standing next to the bed removing the harness. And Shayna, sitting on the bed, looking at her with a fond smile.
Heat rises in Dakota's cheeks and she instinctively tries to hide her blush but her wrists are still cuffed above her head. She ducks her head, a shy smile on her lips.
"How was it baby?" Rhea asks, sitting down with Shayna.
Dakota peeks up at Rhea through her eyelashes. "Really good," she says quietly. "Thank you." She turns to Shayna. "What did you think?" she asks.
"I think you look so pretty when Rhea fucks you like that," Shayna says, not missing the way Dakota squirms. "Can I make you feel good, dove? Or is that too much right now?"
"Please," Dakota says, her voice shy but still eager. "Please Shayna. Make me feel good."
Rhea gives her a soft kiss on her forehead. "Do you want to keep the cuffs on?" she asks. Dakota nods, and Rhea smiles. "Okay love, we'll keep them on."
Shayna settles between Dakota's legs. "How do you want me to make you feel good?" she asks. "With my fingers or my mouth?"
"Both," Dakota answers, her eyes wide with excitement and desire.
Rhea sits on the bed next to Dakota, not touching her, just watching. "Do you want me to talk you through this?" she asks Shayna. "Or do you want to just go for it?"
"Maybe some help once I get going," Shayna replies. "I kind of want to just get started first before trying anything new." Rhea nods, and Shayna turns her attention to Dakota's dripping slit.
Slowly, she drags a single fingernail over her folds, just grazing. Dakota shivers with delight, already sensitive and worked up from everything they've done with her so far. Then, with careful precision, she slides a finger in.
Even though she's pretty sure she knows what Dakota's answer will be, Shayna still has to ask. "Color?"
"Green." The response from Dakota is immediate, and Shayna wastes no time in adding a second finger. She curls her fingers once, testing the waters, and a moan tumbles from Dakota's lips, her hips bucking at the stimulation.
Shayna turns to Rhea. "Okay," she says. "So what works well for her?"
"Don't underestimate what a little bit of pressure on her clit can do," Rhea says. "Just pressing with your thumb, or pinching lightly will get a great reaction from her."
Dakota, who has been blushing practically nonstop since they started this, lets out a flustered whine. "Please," she begs, bucking her hips again.
With her free hand, Shayna gently pinches Dakota's swollen clit between her fingers, and a sound somewhere between a scream and a moan rips from Dakota's throat. "Please, Shayna," she manages to say. "Need your mouth on me."
"Okay princess," Shayna says with a smile, curling the two fingers deep inside Dakota again. She turns to Rhea. "Any advice?" she asks.
"Focus on her clit," Rhea says. "That's where she generally enjoys it the most."
Shayna nods, lowering her face to Dakota's quivering clit. She latches on, sucking and licking with careful, calculated strokes. Her fingers continue to curl and uncurl inside Dakota, who continues to let out desperate moans and gasps of pleasure. Removing her lips from Dakota's clit, she gently blows on the spot where her tongue was a second earlier.
"Please!" Dakota moans, hips bucking at the cool air on her swollen clit. "Please, please make me cum Shayna," she begs, her breathing quickening.
"Okay baby," Shayna says. "Cum for me." She resumes licking at Dakota's clit, her fingers inside still moving with a steady rhythm.
Considering how worked up Dakota already was before Shayna got started with her, it comes as a surprise to no one that it takes less than a minute for Dakota to cum. With one smooth flick of Shayna's tongue over her clit, Dakota felt the wave of pleasure crashing down. She lets out a sound that Rhea has never heard her make before, a scream of pleasure from somewhere deep inside of her.
As Rhea watches Dakota come down from the high of a second orgasm, she realizes that the smaller girl's breathing is more labored than it usually is after she climaxes. "Breathe Kota," she says softly, rubbing her girlfriend's shoulders. "You did so good. Just breathe baby. Can you do that for us?"
It takes a few minutes, but eventually Dakota's breathing returns to normal, and she slumps back against the pillows. "That was," she begins, searching for a word to explain how good Shayna had just made her feel. But her brain is still coming down from everything, and she can't find the right words. "Wow," she finally says.
Shayna sits up, gently rubbing Dakota's thighs. "Did I do okay?" she asks.
"Oh you did way better than that," Dakota reassures her. "That was fucking incredible. That tongue thing you did at the end there? Amazing."
"Remind me to have you teach me that one day," Rhea says to Shayna with a smile. She turns back to Dakota. "Baby, I'm going to grab a washcloth to clean you up okay?"
Dakota nods. "Thank you," she says, smiling as Rhea gives her a soft kiss before disappearing into the bathroom.
Shayna slides up on the bed to sit next to Dakota. "Do you want me to take these off?" she asks, running a finger along one of the cuffs around Dakota's wrists.
"Yes please," Dakota says. Shayna removes the cuffs, and Dakota brings her arms down from above her head.
Rhea returns with two damp washcloths in hand. She uses the first one to gently clean between Dakota's legs, then uses the other one to wipe the sweat from Dakota's forehead. She tosses the washcloths into the hamper, before returning to the bed and sitting down on Dakota's other side.
For a few minutes, no one speaks. Rhea is rubbing Dakota's shoulders and Shayna is playing with her light pink hair. Finally, Dakota speaks up. "So," she begins. "What did you guys think?"
"I thought it was perfect," Rhea says. She looks over at Shayna. "I know you were worried about messing up, but you did a great job. And at least from my perspective, you did a great job with Dakota."
Dakota nods in agreement. "You did so good," she tells Shayna. "Seriously, it was amazing and I absolutely want to experience that again."
Shayna smiles at Dakota, giving her a soft kiss on the tip of her nose. "I'm glad you liked it," she says. "And thank you for helping me," she adds, looking at Rhea.
"You're welcome," Rhea says, reaching across Dakota to give Shayna's hand a squeeze. "Now, what do you need from us princess?" she asks Dakota.
"Cuddles?" Dakota asks hopefully.
Rhea smiles fondly at her. "Of course," she says. And even though the three of them have only been together for a day, they fit together perfectly, a mess of limbs around Dakota, wrapping her in warmth and love.
Some may say that three's a crowd. But here, it's absolutely perfect.
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jb-nonsense · 11 months
BG asks for Gwen: 1, 6, 11, 14, 15, 17 and 21
Baldur's Gate 3 Character Development Questions
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1: Where in the Faerûn is your Tav from?
A small village about a day and a half trip outside of Baldur's Gate. When she joined the Church of Ilmater, she joined with the temple in Baldur's Gate and did her cleric work in the region. Curse you Ilmater temple in game not having Ilmatari dialogues with all the fellows.
6: What companion are you platonically close with?
They are all her children thanks. But I think there's kind of a sweet dynamic between her and Shadowheart, because Gwen's been nothing but gentle and patient with her, just softly guiding her as they go and Shadowheart seems to appreciate that immensely.
11: Weapon of choice?
The Blood of Lathander is great ngl. Used that through Act 2 with a shield that had an action to bash. Sometimes she'll use a spear instead of a mace, though, but that's just due to my own polearm knowledge.
14: What hobbies does your Tav have?
She could have been a bard if her life had given her that route. Music and art are big hobbies for her along with reading. She definitely carries a sketchpad and sketches her companions during downtimes, though.
15: What NPC's do they like? Which one's do they dislike?
She loves all the tieflings, even if Rolan tried her patience at times. Raphael is not one she's fond of. She likes Isobel and Aylin. She generally does not like people who are unnecessarily cruel, such as what you encounter in the House of Healing.
17: Do they enjoy life as an adventurer?
I wouldn't say she has the life of an adventurer until this moment, just because she was working in service to the Ilmater temple in Baldur's Gate before she was snatched up at the start of the game. But so far it's not so bad; she enjoys the company she's with.
21: What is your Tav's favorite spell?
If my game wasn't currently patching, I could tell you. But since she's a healer, more than likely one of the healing spells or even the warding spell, since she is a cleric of Ilmater.
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psychicreadsgirl · 1 year
hii i came here for ur gameee, ive reblogged and liked you post :>
i'm Y, she/her, and i wanna ask what would a relationship be like between Gayle and i? i'm hoping if you would add a few lines regarding if there's hope between her and i in terms of a romantic connection :>, if not that's okay too!
she's my acquaintance, we aren't really that close but we do interact sometimes, i find her really pretty and i like her personality a lot! if everything goes well, im planning to confess if i am 100% sure i like her!
thank you for ur time and energy, blessed be. 🥰🩷
I won't say whether there'd be hope for a romantic connection because that could influence your decision as to whether to confess to her.
If you two did get into a romantic relationship, G would be more passive and would be more evasive in terms of her emotions/affection. I think she'd have trouble expressing physical affection in public especially. She is rather shy about these things and she'd feel guilty about these things too. I get the feeling she grew up with at least 1 conservative/strict parent that can be pretty domineering? G would be pretty closed off in terms of sharing her deep thoughts/worries/secrets; she's pretty guarded. She would be more of the type to not speak/give the silent treatment when she's mad or upset. She needs time to cool down or think before resolving issues between her and a partner. She's overall the type to run away from tough conflict/confrontations, so she can sometimes seem like a pushover or just decide to agree with whatever people say? She's weaker than you in terms of personality like it's quite easy for her to break down bc of stress/pressure etc. She needs a lot of patience from her partner in a relationship like her partner can't push her to do things or push her to say things unless she's at the stage where she's comfortable. If her partner pushes her to say stuff about her deep emotions/thoughts/secrets, she'll shut down instantly and could walk away.
I think in this type of relationship you'd feel rather frustrated with G's inability to communicate her true feelings. You'd also feel some frustration with her wanting to hide this relationship from people, especially from her family. I don't think she's ready to be fully truthful with herself in terms of her sexuality(?) - I just feel she's hiding some things with respect to her feelings about love/sexuality etc.
I would say that she would be kind of shocked if you were to confess out of the blue and right now. (Not a negative type of shock or disgust but just genuinely surprised.) To make it less shocking for her, I would recommend that you at least get to know her more and talk to her more. That way you can understand where she is at emotionally (like is she even ready for love etc) and to see whether you'd really get along with her personally.
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patience ^_^ 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 22, 23, 24, 26, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 41, 42, 43. im so sorry this is nearly all of it i tried to limit myself. these are good patience questions
love u sm (patience wrote that)
wholesome oc ask game 🤍
1.What is their go-to comfort food?
Purpleberry pastries!!! She especially loves those danish-kind of pastries except that they have purpleberries instead of strawberry :3
2. Give them a warm drink of your choice, what would it be? Would their choice differ from yours?
I'd make her hot chocolate!!! Would also add whipped cream and caramel on it <3
Patience's choice wouldn't differ much they hot chocolate is frankly the only hot drink she like <3 Though they would probably take away the whipped cream.
3. What is something they really like about themselves and what is something you really like about them?
They loooove how easly they get used to new circumstances. Throw her into a completely new situation and she'll know everything abt it in an hour.
8. What is a smell that makes them feel at home?
Creamy chicken pasta and purpleberry wine! Every now and them when she gets to have a quiet evening at home, she cooks her favorite meal, pours herself a glass of wine and sits by her window, looking outside at the beautiful night sky. How freighters fly around the city, the stars and planets such familiar yet far away, few citizens walking outside. Her little teacup canid cuddling next to hear, and her giving it head scritches. Calm evenings make her feel so safe and sound.
9. How would they react if a person they love (friends and family included) gave them a flower bouquet unexpectedly?
She'd be sooo happy!!! She loves flowers and she absolutely loves getting them from others sm <3 She'd be thanking this person the whole day and may also say fun facts abt these flowers :3
10. What is their favorite thing in the world?
Her friends, her canid, her fashion sense. Alicia, too, but she feels so far right now after they separated :(
12. What is their safe place? And what does “safe place” mean to them?
Safe place for Patience is somewhere where they can be themselves. Is there really any place to do that but her own little house of ship? She'd be surprised to hear that yes, there are. But so far they're only aware of these two.
13. Do they prefer warm or cold temperatures? Moreover, what is their favourite season and why?
Warm! She likes late spring or early summer, when it's still not too hot but not cold either. She gets to wear her favorite outfits then <3
16. What positives did they extrapolate from the worst moment(s) of their life?
Patience is a very optimistic person and always tends to pay attention to the positive things more.
Newest one? That she might've lost in what she's always believed in and has it all turned against herself now, but despite that she is still alive and actually feels that more than ever. She feels free, she feels like she can be whoever she wants.
17. What is their favourite hobby? Would they share it with someone they love?
They love exploring in new places and learning new things <3 Most of the times they do it alone bit sometimes with friends :3
19. What is something they excel at?
Surviving. She's been through a lot and has always gotten out of bad situations alive. It's something she's very good at.
22. If they had to pick up an instrument, what would they choose? 
Flute or violin!!!! They're not too big but they make beautiful sounds <3
23. Would they prefer reading books or listening to an audiobook? Besides, would they rather read for someone or have someone read for them?
Reading, definitely! It's something peaceful and she doesn't want any additional noise when she's reading :0
24. How do they relax? Is that a solitary activity, a group activity, or both?
Depends on what kind of relaxation they need! Sometimes she really needs to see her friends and they either go to a party or a bar. Sometimes she needs to be all alone and just spends a nice, calm evening at her apartment :')
26. What would be their ideal romance? Did they find a perfect match already, is it still a work in progress, or have they experienced something out of their expectations?
30. What is their love language?
Acts of service and words of affirmation <3
31. What would make them blush?
Someone giving them a cute gift or saying nice things about her 🥺🤍
32. Draw or describe the silliest outfit you can think of. They now have it inside their wardrobe, but it’s a secret between you and them… unless someone finds out.
Honestly I think it definitely be a purpleberry costume. She is now a proud owner of one. Mayhaps Patience sometimes takes it out of the wardrobe and just sits in at home teehee <3
33. What is their favourite color? And which colors do they like to wear the most?
Purple :) She also likes white & gold, and frankly it's also the colors one can see very often in her outfits.
34. Do they have any guilty pleasures? How guilty do they feel about it?
Shopping 😭 Every time she sees a xool shirt or jacket she Will Buy It. She's spent too many bits on her clothes oughhhhhh She may feel a bit guilty but honestly? at least she wears everything she buys 😔
35. What is something they’re ashamed of but others find extremely cute?
Getting freckles :( She just doesn't like them and feels like they're ruining her style. Others think they look cute w/ them tho and that freckles fit their gold makeup.
36. What would they gift to their partner or their best friends to show their affection?
Flowers, good chocolate, packages of their favorite tea or coffee (or some other drink). Patience doesn't like giving big gifts, because there's always a problem with actually starting to use them (they feel "new" and there's the want to keep the present in the same condition it was given etc etc). That's why she chooses practical gifts that will still bring joy to the person she's giving them to. Patience also gives gifts v often <3
37. Give them your credit card for five minutes; what would they buy?
Clothes, new accessories for her pet, tons of chocolate, a new desk and a special kind of paint for her ship. She wants purple stripes on it.
41. If they were a bath bomb, what scents and colors would you use to describe their personality?
Lavender scent, maybe with vanilla? And definitely purple w/ small amount of gold glitter :)
42. Let them vent for a second, without the fear of being judged. What would they like to say?
She's definitely going to talk abt how lost she feels and smhow scared she is? She grew up believing in everything Board has always said, but during last years her belief and trust in them has started to crumble, especially after seeing how other citizens live outside of Byzantium.
Worst thing is, she has no one to vent to safely. Working for the Board may have some benefits, but it also won't let her be herself safely 🥺
43. And what would you say to comfort them?
I'd say that she has all the right to feel angry at what she's been made to do all these years and feel sad for it too. They have been through so much and realizing that all has been a lie is definitely making it even harder. But no matter how bad it feels, there will be people who she can trust, and who will help her no matter what.
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