#and since eve remembered add's name at the end
dearcharms · 2 years
add/ara may be my otp of all otps but i'll be honest, add/eun feels practically canon LOL
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sluttywonwoo · 1 year
All I can think about is somnophilia with Wonwoo (with consent of course) I feel like he would try not to wake you up but is just so horny and then he goes feral or something but sweet at the same time LOL
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you’ve talked about it before, he knows you like it, but it still makes him feel a little pervy. he supposes it is, regardless of whether or not you’re asking him to. you’re unconscious, totally unaware of your surroundings. wasn’t it at least a little wrong?
still, wonwoo’s so hard he can barely stand it. he needs relief and you’re practically offering yourself to him on a silver platter.
he doesn’t want to wake you. if he did, he knows you’d just ask him why he didn’t use you in your sleep.
so, with another self-pep talk (“she’s into it, you’re into it, don’t be a pussy c’mon”), he gingerly pulls back the covers to reveal your sleeping form.
his cock twitches again as he takes in the sight of you. you’d worn one of his t-shirts to bed. it’s long on you but it had ridden up in your sleep, exposing both your panties and a strip of bare skin just above the elastic band on your hip.
wonwoo’s careful as he slips into bed next to you. you’re not a light sleeper but too much movement would likely wake you up, and it’d be a bummer to end this before it even started.
you curl up to him instinctively and he smiles, kissing you on top of your head.
with a bit of trial and error, wonwoo’s able to get a hand down between your legs so that he can begin to touch your over your underwear. it’s agonizingly slow, but it works. you don’t so much as stir but you do start to get wet. he can feel your arousal soaking through the fabric and coating his fingers, and he wants nothing more than to rip those stupid boy shorts off and bury his face in between your thighs.
but since he can’t, he settles for this. for touching you over your panties. for sliding them to the side ever so gently and rubbing your clit in a way that makes you furrow your brows in your sleep. for sliding one finger inside of you and then two, watching with a smirk as you frown in pleasure.
he fingers you until you’re dripping down his forearm (he can’t help but pause to lick it up— he’s just a simple man and he’s only so strong and he really tried to resist but just couldn’t help himself…) and then rolls you onto your back.
you cling to him, even when he pulls away to get his cock out. it’s only for a second, just long enough for him to shove his sweats down under his ass, but you reach for him in sleep-laced desperation, whining like you’re on the verge of tears.
wonwoo shushes you even though you’re dead to the world and takes another second to admire his work. you’re so worked up and you’re not even conscious. he can’t remember the last time he’s seen you this wet… your pussy’s glistening in the darkness of the room and he just wants to spit on it, add to the mess, make you even wetter, but he knows it’ll be too loud so he doesn’t.
what he does instead is get into position and notch the head of his cock inside of you, pushing in slowly until he’s bottomed out.
wonwoo has to bite his lip to keep from moaning. you feel so good around him. you’re clenching already and he knows you’re not doing it on purpose but it makes him want to curse your name and your cunt for rendering him pussydrunk this early on.
he draws his hips back, almost pulling all the way out, and then eases them forward again. it’s experimental, trying to find a pace that’ll get you off but won’t wake you up, but his luck runs out before he can get it locked in.
“nonu?” you ask sleepily, blinking your eyes open to see your boyfriend on top of you. “what’s going-”
“shh baby,” he whispers in response, “go back to sleep.”
“it’s okay, angel. just rest. you have to work in the morning.”
you start to nod, then cut yourself off with a surprised moan. “feels… good,” you mumble.
“yeah?” wonwoo affirms, leaning down to kiss you on the lips now that you’re somewhat awake. “i’ll make you feel even better, okay?gonna take care of you, baby. just be a good girl and rest while i do all the work.”
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icycoldninja · 3 months
Hello! I have an idea for a (fluff / angsty?) request with Vergil - might be a little long sorry abt that
Basically after dmc5 he returns from hell with Dante and he has some loose ends to tie, one of them being mending his relationship with his s/o (aka neros mother). I was thinking maybe she worked for Dante as a devil hunter and V gives subtle hints of his true self but she didn't catch on until the big reveal. I dunno if that'll be good enough so feel feel free to add on whatever!
Thanks for reading all this if you do and have a nice day :)
Nah, nah, it's fine. Have a MOTIVATED day yourself!
Lots of catching up to do (Vergil x Fem!Reader angst/fluff)
You knew something was odd about this "V" fellow the moment he set foot through Devil May Cry's door. You'd been visiting your employer and friend Dante at the time, and happened to be present when the mysterious man showed up, cane and book in hand. You recognized that book; it was an old copy of William Blake's poetry that Vergil used to tote around, occasionally reading excerpts from it during his downtime.
Ah, Vergil. It'd been a while since you heard that name, or even seen the man, for that matter. The last time you had an interaction with him was years ago on a moonlit eve as you said goodbye to him for what you thought was the last time, right before he departed in his quest for power, and just a month before you discovered you were pregnant with your son Nero.
You were lost in thought for a while, barely even noticing the fact that V was staring you straight in the eyes, a smug smirk on his face, as if he knew something you didn't. You wanted to question him, but knew it'd be better to keep your mouth shut. You, Dante, and the rest of Devil May Cry's staff had a mission to complete.
Imagine your surprise when V insisted on you accompanying him and Nero into the Qliphoth, only giving you a vague, meaningless reason you didn't care to remember. It seemed he just wanted you nearby, even though your skills would be better put to use on the front lines, with Dante, Trish, and Lady.
After the first assault failed and mostly everyone crawled back home, defeated, you found yourself being followed by a tall, skinny, emo-looking man whose name was one letter long. Why he was still following you around despite the separation of the devil hunting team made no sense, but since he was somewhat friendly and didn't seem to have ill intentions, you let him stick around.
Some time passed while you tended to your son, whose arm had been ripped off not too long ago, and over time, you two had to charge back into the fray to save the city from more demon attacks. V disappeared for a while, but you didn't mind, since your focus was on helping and protecting your son. Nero always came first in your mind, because he was the only piece of Vergil you had left.
V eventually returned, in terrible condition, bringing with him Dante, who had been found half buried and covered in blood in a hole near his shambling house. Though none of you but V knew it, the moment all four of you stood together was one of the rare moments when the whole Sparda family was all in one place.
Then V scampered off, trying to find Urizen before the others did, and while an inner instant compelled you to follow him, you decided to go with your son, because again, Nero always came first. You ended up running into V once again, except now he had all the structural integrity of a soggy marshmallow, and needed to be carried between the two of you to his final destination, where Dante was duking it out with Urizen.
After the beast had fallen, V broke free of yours and Nero's hold and scrambled on top of it, which was when he jammed his cane right through its chest and exploded, bringing forth an individual you never thought you'd see again: The father of your son and the love of your life, Vergil.
The hope and joy you felt as you watched him materialize was nothing short of incredible; now you saw why V was the way he was, why it was so soothing to be around him, and why he chose to stay with you. V was Vergil. In a way, he'd been with you all along.
You thought that this would be the end of everything, that now, after so many years, you all could go home and be a happy family. You couldn't have been more wrong, for not one minute after finally returning, Vergil went off to the top of the Qliphoth to fight with Dante, Nero following after them, with you being the last to catch up. You arrived just in time to watch them dive off the demonic tree into the underworld, and felt all the happiness drain out of you in an instant.
There he goes, again, this time taking Dante with him. Oh well, you decided. You'll have to devote all your attention to your darling son, who surely needs more comfort than he's letting on.
Several months passed with you and Nero dedicating all your attention to exterminating demons that lingered in the land, feeling sad over the departure of the Sparda twins, but unlike most, you two vented your stress and worry out on demons, by killing them. You two were doing somewhat fine; Nero was still struggling to cope with the fact that Vergil was his father and you never told him, and you were still heartbroken. Then, out of absolutely nowhere, Vergil knocked on the front door right as you were getting ready for bed.
"Vergil?" You gasped as you opened the door.
"Yes," Vergil replied, expression as grim and stoic as ever. "I...I'm home, Y/N."
"You came back from Hell...but how? And where's Dante?" You asked, not entirely sure if this was reality or you were dreaming again.
"He is at his shop," Vergi, replied, sternly. "Do not concern yourself with him. Where is our son?"
"He's upstairs, why?" You said slowly, wondering if he had ill intentions at heart.
"We have a lot of catching up to do," Vergil answered, a warm smile flitting across his face for just a second. "All three of us."
"That we do," You agreed, chuckling as you took the half devil by the arm and dragged him into your house. "Nero! Come down and meet your dad!"
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toiletpudding · 14 days
Adam x Eve fic
Warnings: Do I even need to add warnings? you're about to read 🚨(lighthearted) porn🚨
This shit ended up coming out to nearly four thousand words, anything is possible when the writers block finally fucks off.
Anyways enjoy, the best part about this fic in particular is that I didn't have to write in any plot because there's a whole comic worth of plot that ties into this. 👏
Adam leaned forward, letting Eve fall back onto the ground again. He threaded his fingers in her dark hair and pulled her into another kiss. Eve returned it like she was trying to devour him, and he felt her fingers digging into his hips to keep him still.
The heaviness that had been tugging at his heart ever since that six winged chicken had shown up was finally loosening.
Eve still liked him, and she was here, with him.
Adam leaned his full weight onto her, grunting when her teeth clenched down on his lower lip.
Finally he pulled back, turning his head when Eve followed, and tried to drag him into another kiss.
She peered up at him through her eyelashes; her cheeks were as red as apples, and her lips shined with their combined saliva. He stared, enamored by her expression. Her eyes flicked downward;  he followed her gaze, and realized that his cock was fully engorged and resting on her thighs. Before he could say or do anything about it Eve's hand darted forward.
A moan was torn from his throat as her slim fingers wrapped around his cock.
Adam jerked his hips forward, "E-Eve-" he panted out.
A devious look crossed her face, and she began to pump her hand back and forth. A startled sound escaped him as the sudden pleasure ransacked his body, but when he reached to make her slow down she intercepted him with her other hand and linked their fingers.
"Y-hhh! You're doing it too quick!"
"Don't try to stop me," she whispered in his ear, "remember last time- How good you said it felt, when I went fast like this?"
The sound of her hand stroking his cock was wet, like sucking the juice from a lemon. He didn't understand why, but it was making a tingling sensation spread through his dick.
"Uh...uh-huh." He breathed out.
The other time she had touched him like this hadn't been that long ago. They'd been swimming in the river, and at one point Adam had begun to really notice how the water made Eve's plump breasts and firm thighs shine under the bright sun. And when she'd bent over to wring the water out of her hair he had gotten a full view of her slit. He'd felt his cock twitch and only then saw that it was standing at full attention between his legs.
It wasn't the first time it had done that, one of the days following his and Lilith's creation she had touched him, down there, confused about why he had what appeared to be an extra limb and she didn't.
They'd both been surprised when it hardened in her palm, and Adam had yanked her hand away, afraid she'd broken it somehow.
But this time, his dick was making him feel really good, and restless, like he needed more.
When Eve had noticed his erect cock she'd had no clue either as to why it'd done that, but was more than happy to help satiate both of their curiosities.
"You really liked it too, when I did it here," her hand slid up to the end of his dick where it flared out into a bulbous head. She kept her attention solely there, fingers moving rapidly. Adam's other hand shot out to grasp her forearm, but he didn't stop her, completely enamored with the sight of the tip appearing and disappearing in her hand, the slick noises grew louder as a thin liquid began to dribble from his cock.
Eve let out a breathy laugh.
"You're gonna do it again right? Leak all over my hand, and yell my name really loud?" Adam's face suddenly felt hot and he looked away.
"Don't stop watching- I like it when you do, keep looking!" Adam groaned as she moved her hand quicker, going back to jerking it along his
entire cock. He could feel sweat dripping down his body, and the tingling feeling was in his belly too now.
Eve guided the hand she was holding to one of her breasts and he squeezed it.
She let out a pleased sound, and as if to reward him, she reached down with the same hand and put that one on his cock too.
Adam jerked his hips forward, thrusting into her hands. He moaned again, and again. Eve was watching his dick intently, stroking him harder and quicker, little breathy sighs coming from her parted lips.
One of her hands slipped further past his cock, and closed around the sack dangling below it.
Suddenly Adam's entire body tensed up as the pleasure skyrocketed, and then he was spilling all over Eve's fingers, moaning and rocking his hips, desperate to chase the sensation. Eve kept her hands on him, one still a blur on his dick and the other stroking and squeezing his sack.
Finally, the overwhelming feelings lessened, and Adam came to a stop, gasping for air.
He twitched a little at the feeling of Eve's hands still on him, fondling him gently now. A buzzing sensation bloomed over his body, most potent in his cock and belly.
Eve let go of him when he began to soften, and Adam flopped onto his back, chest heaving.
Heaviness immediately began to seep through his muscles when he did, and he was content to bed down right there.
His eyelids fluttered shut, but a moment later a hand nudged him.
"Adam." He grumbled, shrugging her off and chasing after sleep. Slick fingers gripped his jaw and shook his head side to side. "Adam."
His eyes shot open and he scowled up at her.
"The fuck do you want." He puffed out.
Eve's brow furrowed in annoyance. "Stop being selfish, I wanna feel good too!"
"You already were, when you were touching my dick!"
She shook her head and laid down next to him, draping an arm over his body, and resting her head on his shoulder. "Not like that, dummy." Her hand slid down to his wrist.
After some insistent tugging, Adam let her take his hand and move it down to the folds of flesh that hid her opening. He could feel her wetness coating her inner thighs, and when Eve pulled her leg back more leaked out onto his fingers. Adam watched as she positioned them, and when the pad of his middle finger brushed the small bean at the top of her slit he felt her thighs twitch.
Eve pressed her face against the crook of his neck.
"Touch me," she breathed into his skin.
He frowned, last time Eve had guided his fingers until she'd gushed all over him.
"Aren't you gonna...Y'know...move too?" She shook her head and pulled her hand away from his, resting it on his chest.
"You do it."
He scowled, but she just laid there, eyes closed and a smile tugging at her lips.
After some hesitation he shifted his finger against the hard nub beneath it. She didn't say anything, so he moved it again, and again-until he was stroking the area in slow, circular motions. She wasn't reacting, not the way he did when she touched him, but he could feel more wetness coming out of her.
When he shifted his touches a little lower Eve sighed, and her hips shifted towards him. He added more pressure and that finally got a little moan out of her, and the hand on his chest began to caress him; running along the muscles of his pectorals, and occasionally stopping to play with his nipples.
Her breathing started to become wobbly, and Adam could see sweat glistening along her skin.
He continued to stroke her, but after a little while her hand slid back down to his. Her fingers pressed down firmly.
"What're you-" the words were lodged in his throat when two of his fingers pushed past a squishy resistance and were buried in hot, tight, softness.
Adam rolled onto his side, intrigued by the new discovery. Eve gasped as he delved deeper into the small space, and when he wiggled his fingers against what felt like padding, her entire body jolted.
"Move them," She squealed, pawing at his wrist, then his bicep, up to his shoulder. Urging him on. "Move-in and out-Adam!-"
She buried her face into him again when he did, dragging them out and pushing back in. He moved them fast, just like how she had touched him, and he was pleased to hear that wet, squelching noise again.
"You're so soft in there-"
"It feels good-go faster!"
Eve's breathy moans and praises were right in his ear, and he felt her lips press against his cheek and the corner of his mouth. Adam was more focused on the sight of his fingers disappearing into her opening. He had no idea it even existed, he had always thought she and Lilith just had a useless slit down there, but Eve was writhing underneath his touch, and slick was leaking out of her like a running stream.
He jammed another finger in.
Eve let out a whine and jerked her hips forward, pressing against his hand.
Her hole strained around three fingers, and when Adam pulled them out there was an audible suction, a sound that made his cock harden again.
Eve didn't reach to touch it, she didn't notice. She was too busy whimpering into his shoulder, chasing the pleasure his thick digits were bringing her.
Adam worked his fingers back in, after a few sloppy thrusts her hole began to loosen, and he eagerly sped up again, slipping them in and out at a frenzied pace. Eve bucked against him, her moans dissolved into rapid panting that grew quicker and quicker.
Just as suddenly as they started. She halted, her breaths stuttered, and a fresh wave of fluids gushed all over Adam, running down his hand and wrist. He tried to keep moving his fingers but her spasming muscles tightened down so hard he could barely even wiggle them.
After a few heartbeats Eve went completely liquid against him. The leg she'd hooked around his slumped away, and Adam's fingers slipped out of her. 
He lifted his hand up to his face, inspecting it. His fingers glistened under the moonlight, and his thumb skidded across them.
His cock twitched.
He looked to Eve just as she rolled off of him.
Adam sat up as she crawled away, heading towards a bush overflowing with cherries.
"Hey!" She glanced back at him, smiling.
"You want some?"
Adam scowled, and chased after her. "No! I want you to put your hands on my dick!"
He leaned against her back, grabbing for her hands, but Eve shook him off.
"I already did."
"Do it again!"
She looked over her shoulder, taking in the sight of the mass between his legs.
She reached down, scooping it up in one hand, and began to stroke him.
Adam breathed in eagerly, but the pleasure dampened when Eve turned back to the bush.
Her fingers felt amazing on him, rubbing the dripping head of his cock repeatedly, but he wasn't satisfied. He frowned as she kept her gaze on the bush.
"...What're you doing?" She ignored him, reaching for another cherry. She leaned forward as she did, and Adam's gaze followed the path of her spine down to the firm mounds of her ass. He peered down lower and could see her thighs were still glistening wet.
His cock throbbed in Eve's hand, but the euphoria that had blasted through his body before wasn't happening now, even though she was touching him; it wasn't enough, he wanted all of her attention.
"Hey-" Eve's protest at him swatting a cherry from her hand was cut off as he wrangled her onto her back, straddling her legs. His cock flopped onto her belly.
"Stop eating!" He demanded, "I want more, Eve." She scowled up at him.
"I was already touching you, what else do you want?" Adam didn't answer, he didn't really have one. All he knew was that he felt hot, his cock was swollen and angry, and Eve's hand wasn't fixing it.
He leaned down, mashing his lips against hers. He could taste the tangy juices from the cherries on her. Eve's muffled sound of complaint went unheard.
His hands wandered down to her chest, grasping both breasts and kneading them, feeling the plush fat pillow between his fingers.
Eve arched her back and squeezed Adam's cock between their bodies. He broke the kiss with a sudden groan, and his hips jerked forward, rubbing against her thighs. His head dropped onto Eve's chest, sounds of pleasure muffled against her skin as he rocked his hips. His voice grew louder when she shifted, and his cock slipped between her thighs.
They were still slick from when he'd had his fingers on her, and the cushioning of her inner thighs felt amazing against his dick.
Eve was breathing hard again, and he could feel her heart pounding from where he rested his head. Her hands scrabbled across the long muscles of his back, seeking purchase as he humped against her.
Her legs wrapped around his waist and Adam reached to grasp her hip, holding her steady so that he could keep himself between her thighs, but then the tip of his dick grazed something warm and wet, and they were completely forgotten about.
Eve twitched under him when he pressed down, grinding his dick into her slit. Panting, she raised her hips, and Adam felt her muscles quivering around his cock.
He pushed harder, thinking of her taut hole clenching down on his fingers.
That soft resistance gave again, and suddenly the tip of his dick was inside hot, strangling heat that restricted around him like a snake.
Adam threw his head back, moaning as his cock pulsed, spurting inside of Eve, and she was moaning too, writhing underneath his bulk, clenching down on him so tightly he thought his dick was going to snap.
All of the sensations began to become too much, and Adam started to retreat, sliding out.
Eve's ankles locked around his lower back and yanked him back towards her. She keened as the rest of his trembling cock was stuffed inside of her, stretching her to the absolute limit, but Adam's own voice drowned her out at the feeling of her swallowing him whole.
His cock twitched uncontrollably, and tensed up so tightly that Adam's vision went cross eyed.
His hands scrabbled for purchase, trying to pull out of her, but the muscles of her calves flexed to hold him in place. Adam's protests came out as an unintelligible garble, he tried reaching back to pry Eve's legs off of him, but she had him in a vice grip.
Adam's entire body shivered as her insides fluttered around his trapped cock.
"E-Eve, it's too much!"
His words were high and breathy, he desperately wriggled his hips, trying to find relief from the pressure clamping down on his dick, but that only made it worse.
Eve moaned at his movements, and reached up, wrapping her arms around Adam, pulling him back down flush against her.
"It feels so...big!" She breathed into his ear. "Y-you're touching me, all over, keep going!"
Her words made his cock twitch again, and Adam slumped on top of her in defeat, burying his face into the pillow of her breasts, breathing like he'd just spent the last several moments sprinting as fast as he could.
Eve whined as he went completely still, fidgeting underneath him. She rocked her hips into his, doing the same as he'd done with his fingers, pushing him in until his entire cock was shoved inside of her, and then gradually letting him slide back out.
The entire time Adam was grizzling into her chest, fingers clenching and unclenching around the meat of her hips. He moaned whenever the sensitive head of his dick mashed against something firm.
He felt Eve trying to move her hips up quicker, grinding her hole against the base of his cock, but his full weight on top of her was apparently making it difficult for her to get the stimulation she wanted.
"A-Adam, please! Move! Please please please-" Her hands pressed into his lower back. Adam groaned in response.
His cock was still screaming at him for reprieve, any small movement made him flinch, but he could feel that needy heat blooming in his belly again, and despite the fact he'd just spilled inside of Eve, his dick hadn't gone remotely soft.
He braced his hands on either side of Eve's head and lifted himself up. He took in the sight of her completely wrecked expression. Her hair stuck to her cheeks, slick with sweat, and her mouth was open, heaving oxygen into her lungs. But it was her eyes that had Adam captivated.
She was looking up at him like he was her entire world.
Like the trees and ground and water, the stupid cherry bush, everything around them didn't exist, just him. A light burned  in the center of her pupils that he had never seen before.
It dawned on him that he was the one who'd brought that look to her face, and that he was the one who was making her tremble and plead for him to bring her pleasure she couldn't give herself.
Adam jerked his hips forward, inhaling sharply. Eve gasped, tossing her head back. He pulled back, and Eve loosened her legs. Adam immediately propped up on his knees, and when he shoved himself back inside Eve's heat their hips met with an audible smack.
He rutted into her wildly, burying his cock into her fluttering walls. Eve's voice pitched, echoing throughout the clearing, crying out her pleasure and praises. Adam thrusted into her harder, drawing more noises from her that had his cock throbbing.
She squeezed a hand between their bodies, and he felt one of her fingertips brush against his cock at the top of her slit.
She gabbled out protests when Adam pulled it away, linking their fingers and pinning them to the ground, but he didn't care. He wanted to make her feel good, and he didn't need any help in the process.
The sound of their hips slapping together grew louder, Adam's ragged breaths grew heavier as the burning knot in his belly grew tighter with each thrust.
Abruptly Eve seized up underneath him, fingers trembling beneath his, and clamping down on his cock as she gushed all over his dick and thighs, wailing out his name.
Adam's thrusts grew erratic, he clutched onto his wife tightly, hugging her to his chest, grunting desperately, humping into that sopping wet pocket of bliss.
Eve whimpered against Adam as he slammed into her one last time, holding as he burst deep inside of her, his voice high and breathless.
His release drooled back out around his cock when Eve was completely filled, soaking the flattened grass beneath them.
When he was finish he collapsed on top of Eve again, burying her under dead weight.
He could feel her chest heaving, and heard her own breathless gasps in his ear.
When his limp cock popped out of her, trembles wracked her body. Fingers squeezed his own and an arm wrapped around his back, holding him tight.
Slowly, their breathing grew steady, and the buzzing hottness in Adam's dick faded.
He felt Eve start to wriggle under him, and after a moment of working up the energy to do so,  rolled off of her. He wrapped in arm around her waist to keep her close though, and Eve seemed content to stay with him, rolling onto her side so that they were face to face.
Adam gazed at her through heavy eyes. She was still giving him that look, but his stomach was suddenly turning with doubt.
"You meant it...right?"
She blinked, "Meant what?"
Adam swallowed and looked away. "That you like me, more than Lucifer?"
Eve leaned forward, pressing their foreheads together.
It was a simple response, but the doubt vanished, he believed her wholeheartedly.
He kissed her again.
"Well, y'know..." he started when he broke away, "You're my favorite wife...I like you way more than Lilith."
Eve's grin was so wide her eyes squinted. She didn't say anything, but slim fingers were suddenly between their faces, pushing a cherry past his lips.
Adam snorted through his nose, and rolled his eyes, but chewed the tart treat.
Eve curled into him and he rolled onto his back, bringing her with so that she could lay on his chest.
A pleased hum escaped him as her fingers gently ran through his hair. The solid weight of his wife on top of him and the soft ground beneath them was comfortable.
After a long time of feeling left behind, and watching Lucifer steal all the attention of both his wives, Adam finally felt relaxed again.
He felt content.
He felt paradise.
Yay, I finished another fic and didn't let it die in my drafts 🙌
Maybe some time later on I'll make a DoubleWhammy piece that's a lot less vanilla between these two. 😎
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theoryofarson · 9 months
10 BL Characters I Want Carnally
I don't even need to be tagged to be horny. Let's go!
In no particular order:
Third (Theory of Love)
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He's so pathetic! He cries so much! He's so rude and mean and bitchy! His shirts are so big and his shorts are so small!
In conclusion, I would treat him right - the way Khai does NOT.
Nick (Only Friends)
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Speaking of PATHETIC!!!! THAT'S MY TOXIC BABYGIRL! MY CANCELLED BOYGIRLWIFESBAND! Sand really wasted an opportunity in that van. It should have been me...
Pa (Bad Buddy)
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You know who's taller than you, Pa?? Me!!! The thought of being the one to make her flustered...pick her up and brush her hair back...dear lord.
Ok this list is really starting to look like I want to be the one doing all the manhandling. I promise you I am also down to be handled. Let's switch it up a bit.
Porsche (KinnPorsche)
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Listen. You know I LOVE VegasPete as a ship.
But if we're talking about who *I* desire - first of all, your bitch is NOT prepared for the kinkery VegasPete get up to. Second of all, I genuinely think Apo Nattawin is one of the most objectively attractive men on this planet. Add to that Porsche's layered dip of a personality (fidgety jokester, devoted big brother, practiced fighter, willing killer, dutiful guard dog...), and I am quite sold. Give me the problematic mafia sex.
Hyeong Da Un (Blueming)
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Dude. I barely even remember this show. I had to look up the character's name. But he's BAD. And he always had like...this teasing superiority toward the main character? Like he knew they would end up together and was just waiting for MC to catch up to that realization? Yeah. That...that's hot.
Ueda Minoru (Our Dining Table)
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I believe this man was crafted in a lab to be as attractive to me, specifically, as possible. He looks like a bit of a delinquent, but he's a sweet and dedicated family man. He is troubled by the notion that he'll never be good enough. He's in love and afraid to say it. He's a bleach blonde with earrings and a bump in his nose and an Adam's apple that makes me want to follow the footsteps of Eve in the garden.
Mhok (Last Twilight)
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Lord, there is not enough time in the world for me to say all I want to say about this man.
I just want it to be stated, on the record, that I have been well aware of Jimmy's attractiveness since Bad Buddy days. Unlike others, I never let Wai's horrendous personality distract me from his absurdly hot face, which, at the end of the day, is the important thing.
And now that we have Mhok? Literally the perfect character - rugged yet tender, clueless yet hypercompetent, jealous yet selfless - full of desire and restraint and humour and sadness in equal measure - I genuinely cannot think of what else I would ask for.
And did I mention his hot face?
Finally, to round out the list, a special triple whammy:
Neo, Miw, and Shin (3 Will Be Free)
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Yes, all three. At once? Separately? I don't give a shit. For all I care, it could be me in this trunk and them looking down at me in disdain. That'd keep me going for like, a year. Just let me be in the orbit of these three ridiculously hot people and their ridiculously hot dynamic. Joss, Mild, Tay: if any subset of you is ever free, at any time at all, I am also free. At that time. Forever.
That was really fun. Tagging: Whoever wants to do it!!!! Go. Be horny. Be free.
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daphnebowen · 10 months
hsmtmts headcanons :)? also what show would you have them do if there were a s5 :D
oh my goodness yes hsmtmts headcanons! I have some that I’ve been thinking about so apologies if this is a horrific mess that jumps all over the place :) also this is going to be very very long so apologies 🥰
after the whole “Romeo and Juliet announcement” for Christmas they get twin golden retriever puppies, one for each of them, and name them Romeo and Juliet. Juliet belongs to Ricky and Romeo belongs to Gina. Romeo is affectionately known as ro or romey and Juliet is affectionately known as ju or juju. (pretty sure this one has been said by people already but I LOVE the idea of it and i had to add Juliet)
furthermore on the Romeo and Juliet topic after Mack leaves Quinn asks Ricky to step in 😍
this is more down the line but I have a vision for in the future when Ashlyn and Maddox want kids. they want to adopt though, and as soon as they find the perfect little red haired munchkin Maddox immediately goes to the hardware store and buys tons of paint and they redo an entire room in their cute little cottage for their kid. idk why but that just came to me in the middle of the night, I had an image in my head of Maddie FaceTiming jet covered in paint laughing/crying as they finish up the room.
jet asks Kourtney out at the big New Year’s Eve party at Ashlyn’s. Enough said. she giggles and accepts and the two become a power couple and a force to be reckoned with.
ricky and Gina continue to meet in the secret stairwell and he continues to climb up through her window even after their relationship goes public
We don’t know what ej is majoring in (at least I don’t remember) so during the middle of his freshmen year he switches it to education. he becomes a teacher and goes somewhere else (somewhere in the Midwest maybe?) to teach middle school sports.
ricky pursues music through college and ends up becoming a famous singer/songwriter/music producer similar to nini but he ends up writing a lot of the songs and soundtracks for Gina’s movies.
Gina pursues her acting career and ends up becoming a total rockstar but she never changed her values and who she is. her and Ricky attend every premiere together
when Dewey gets too old to run camp shallow lake anymore, guess who he asks to take over? Maddox. she happily accepts and moves her and Ashlyn and their red haired baby (ash and Maddie are not married yet btw - can you adopt and still not be married? Dumb question maybe lol) over to California. and one day as they’re going through each of the cabins seeing what shape everything is in, they stop by the honeycomb bunk. Lo and behold as they walk in is a magnificent beautiful romantic picture before Maddox, with a huge framed picture of her and Ashlyn and tons of wild flowers and all her favorite guitars and things. She turns around… and there’s ash with a ring. Ashlyn doesn’t even get to pop the question until Maddox screams and tackles her, laughing and saying “I have to show you something!” She pulls ash behind her over to the theater barn and there is almost an identical setup on the stage, except all of Ashlyn’s favorite things. and now Maddox has a ring. You can guess how it ends. (sorry this one was super long but once I got started I couldn’t stop)
ricky has always enjoyed doing public things for Gina, as we’ve seen. He’s always shouting about his love for her in public, serenading her randomly as they walk through town, etc. well his proposal is exactly the same. They’re on the red carpet for a movie Gina had been kicking butt in (literally, it’s an action movie). (like everyone else has said, they got married young. You decide what age you want specifically) Ricky had been acting a bit nervous and Gina didn’t know why. once they got on the red carpet, in the very center of all those cameras and fans, Ricky took her hand and got down on one knee. Gina’s jaw dropped as Ricky gave the most beautiful profound speech in the world since “I love you forever” and immediately Gina started crying as she said “yes yes infinity times yes!” and everyone cheered and Ricky gave her the biggest hug of his life and spun her around did not let go of her for the rest of the night. *side note: when a reporter asked Ricky if he was nervous about proposing to Gina since it’s very public and what if she says no, Ricky replied with a “that’s not why I was nervous at all. No, I wasn’t nervous that Gina would reject me. We’ve been dating for so long, it’s just- we just get each other. We complete each other. I promised her forever and I’m never going back on that promise. because I do love her forever. No, the only reason I was nervous is because it’s so loud here and I didn’t know if she would hear the things I was saying. I was speaking from the heart! and because I’m on tv being recorded, obviously, what if I mess up and do something stupid? but no, I wasn’t worried at all that Gina would say no.” 🩷 (this one was also extremely long sorry!)
Saw some other rina headcanons (sorry this post might be a lot about them bc I’m in love with them so yeah) but one of them was Ricky gets Gina mystery childcare’s every Valentine’s Day and she literally knows who they’re from but plays along anyway because he’s adorable
Carlos and Seb continue to be a little on again off again through college but eventually settle down in a far-style version of glamping with a huge fancy central house and then a rusty old barn for Seb to do this thing with the cows and such
they have both boys and girls and Carlos insists on having a quince for every one of them (I’m thinking big family…)
all of the respective couples when they have kids name miss Jenn as the godmother 🥹
kourtney is a cat person. idk why. but you cannot change my mind. she’s gonna be a crazy old fashionista grandma with tons of cats telling her grandkids stories while her is half asleep next to her waking up every so often to say “and then I…” and then falling back to sleep
speaking of jetney, jet needs 60 million pep talks before he proposes to kourt - it takes a LOOOOOOOONNGGGG time
i imagine their proposal to be somewhere like iconic. idk I don’t have any ideas where - maybe somewhere overseas?? Kourtney makes her Sharpay dreams come true
Kourtney becomes a world renowned fashion designer and jet is just along for the ride. they have twin boys and a girl and he raises them while working some boring 9-5 job but he loves raising his kids and teaching them all about music and their mama since she’s gone a lot. But they FaceTime every day after school whenever Kourtney’s away for her job, it’s the best part of any day
jenn and mazzy love New Zealand so much that they end up moving there once miss Jenn retires (don’t worry, it’s not for a long time) and when everyone goes for a big reunion party to celebrate the 25th anniversary of hsm4
mike and Lynn don’t actually get back together… do they actually get back together in canon? Or are they just like more friendly towards each other and not so standoffish? Because I dunno, a divorce is very final and then getting back together just offsets the whole change thing Ricky’s gone through. But anyways, that’s just me
nini goes on tour Ricky and Kourtney’s freshmen year in college and Kourtney comes back from Lewis to see her perform in Salt Lake City. nini gets everyone prime seating - even Emmy and jet and Ricky - and they all go and have the best time ever. Ricky and nini don’t kill each other on sight and turns out nini is the biggest die hard rina fan ever and ends up writing a song for them on their wedding day. her and Ricky go back to being better friends and things aren’t so tense after they have a huge raging private concert between them too where they sing all of the thoughts they’ve ever had about each other and just let it all out. It’s very therapeutic for them and helps them understand each other a bit more (same vibe as portwells lil thing in season four where Gina apologizes to ej)
and I’m out of characters soooo more hc and what show they do on the way!! Hope you enjoy!
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shohokubasket · 8 months
Mitsui/Kogure Postype Fics
In case there are any mitsugure/mitko shipper fans out there and curious about some of the fanfiction that is out there, I am posting a few of the fanfics from Postype (a Korean blogging site, often used for fanfiction and fanart) that I've really liked!
For all of these fics posted here you can view them for free and don't need to set-up an account 😄 (adult-rated fics and fics with payments require an account to view )
I'll start with just a couple, and will add more if anyone is interested 👀
Re: Translation
Full disclosure I do not know/speak Korean, so I often just start reading these just with Google Translate and I'm able to get the gist of everything! I also recommend using Deepl and Papago for a little more context/nuance, if you'd like and/or if you have time for that lol.
Re: Names
Since these are Korean authors, about 90% of the time the characters' Korean localized names are used (Kogure Kiminobu = Kwon Junho, Mitsui Hisashi = Jung Daeman*).
*The machine translations will translate some of the Korean names to a literal meaning-so "Chisoo" (Akagi) will translate as "Dimensions", "Baekho" (Sakuragi) will sometimes translate as "White Tiger", etc. This is that case here where Daeman will translate to Taiwan (a literal meaning) pretty much everytime. If I remember correctly I think Korean fans have noted that it's kind of an older ("very 1980s") name.
Links to the fic are in the title (all the "tags" are what I would subjectively tag the fics and not what the authors tagged, just FYI)
My Personal Favorites 🥰
해나미 국수 (Toshikoshi Soba)
Author: Spockkie
"Junho, what about you?" "...Huh?" "If the world were to end tomorrow, what would you want to do?"
Tags: 1990s/ Adult Room mates/ Confession / New Years Eve
손가락 (Finger) [Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3]
Author: 날치
Junho recalled the face that came out to see him off at the gym door just a few hours ago. The figure standing hesitantly as if it had something to say. The hand repeatedly opened and folded his palm as if he was going to jump right in and carry his bag. When he remembered his face with his lips twitching with an expression as if he was about to say something, a smile came naturally.
Tags: Canon AU / Kwon (Kogure) Family OCs / Hospitals / Illness/ Angst
Cute Fluff 🌼
충전 완료 (Charging Complete)
Author: apollo
They say that when you get married, you're newlyweds for up to 10 years. We've been together for more than 10 years, so why do we feel like newlyweds now?
Tags: Medical Doctor (Hospitalist)! Junho / Recently Retired Basketball Player! Daeman / 30s
용기있는 자가 권준호를 차지한다 (A courageous person takes out Kwon Junho)
Author: jet
True courage is not about stepping forward at any time, but being able to step forward when faced with a situation that requires courage. Then shouldn't I, Jung Daeman, be courageous here? For Kwon Junho, who seems to be in trouble?
Tags: Canon AU / High School / Not Together
If you like Wattpad-esque, fan-culture centered fics, these are for you! 🤭
오타쿠는 억울해 (Otaku's Are Unfair)
Author: 날치
“What number is our room?” “Room 1405.” “…Kwon Jun-ho, did you rent that room on purpose?”
Tags: OC POV / Kpop Idol! Junho / Pro Basketball Player! Daeman / Modern AU / Social Media (Twitter)
내가 좋애 (My Favorite Person/My "Bias")
Author: 농놀하는 기나긴겨울
Besides, basketball? A few years ago, she didn't even know the rules of basketball. Now, however, she has become a strong fan of basketball, where you can recite the rules of basketball, when to when the season will be, what year the game was, and what kind of great game it is, and pay half a dozen times for all-star ticketing. Once again, her favorite favorite was never Jung Daeman. But why did she become a basketball fiend? It was because her favorite actor, Kwon Junho, was a fan of Jung Daeman.
Tags: OC POV/ Actor!Junho / Pro Basketball Player!Daeman / Modern AU / Humor
*BONUS* Seongji (Moroboshi) => Junho (Kogure) => Daeman (Mitsui) 👀
이렇게 될 거면 (If It's Going to Be Like This)
Author: 농놀하는 기나긴겨울
"Anyway, that's great jumping ability. I've seen it before, but your reflexes are really excellent." The compliments he gave me with his gentle face were extremely sweet. Have the Buksan guys received this kind of praise? Suddenly, that thought passed by for a moment. While I was thinking about that, Kwon Junho approached me smiling. "Ma Seongji, I heard you also joined this school, but I didn't know we would meet like this"
Tags: Unrequited Love / University AU / Modern AU
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metfell · 2 years
things to know about the bedrockverse blogs i run aka @tmmyrp and @latenightmining
has backstory of being grown in a lab, escaped, and lived with wilbur and schlatt before the smp.
is a shapeshifter. his hybrid features change based on whoever he is connected with most at the time.
he is much closer to ranboo in this than in canon. alliumduo are really funny and stupid. they have had the prison tnt conversation already.
tommy has suffered exile 2, and c!dream was killed by tubbo with the help of ranboo and emerald duo. dream is dead.
had a brief bout of being the server's therapist, since canonically puffy fucked off and made tommy the therapist. he has a therapy book which can be read through here
he has two pets. one is gertrude, a dreamon disguised as a chicken with mary-sue level powers. the chicken has canonically killed dream, and infected subtotechno with a disease that slowly killed him. gertrude can do whatever he wants as long as it's funny. he's also trans.
his other pet is tulip, an old tamed wolf therapy animal who is trained to sniff out mental illnesses, and regularly will run across the server to track down whoever is feeling mentally ill that day.
shroud isnt mentioned much at all because the mod has a fear of spiders.
tommy and tubbo have a small base out thousands of blocks away called Petalsbrough, which is a real- though uninhabited- spot on the smp's seed. a tour of petalsbrough can be found here
has died twice, once with the november 28th death, and once again after a deal with kristin ended on new years eve.
romantic c!beeduo.
they have a second child with tubbolul named mae, who is a baby enderman. she speaks in sign language.
enjoys metalworking and smithing. can be found in the mansion- that they live in- regularly repairing tubbo's things and crafting new small items out of netherite.
he has matching rings with tubbo saying "for the earth" and "for the moon", and a friendship ring with amethyst in it for tommy who's says "for the sun"
ranboo is mending their relationship with quackity, and is still good friends with wilbur as of right now. the canon timeline sadly uses the prison break timeline, and not the hitting on 16 timeline.
ill add more if i remember them but here's a bit of background info going in!
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nerdieforpedro · 9 months
Weekend Update - 12/24/2023 Christmas Eve
Hey Nerdie! You’ve got some bags there.
I do both under my eyes and Din finally let me look through the ones he’s been using. It’s….Mandalorians are wild.
I feel like they’re not Nerdie, at least not how you’re thinking. Should we even ask?
Has to do with what I’ve written this week:
Weddings 101 with Dieter - chapter 3 came out this week. There was a fight that I still giggle about. There will be more, I’m loving the beef between Dieter and Oscar. There had to be some type of fight in the rom-com. 🤭 There was also cloud smut? I don’t know how else to put it. Ya’ll read it and tell me what it was.
Sard’ika Sessions - In Session Four Din put together something in the reader’s house. They may use it again. Liberties are taken with the Creed and Mandalorian culture though not too crazy. (That might be for an epilogue.) I’d like to thank everyone who’s been reading since Session one (we’ve come so far from thigh-riding) and are now on the latter end where our Session partners are exploring each other but communication as well. It was really sweet to read people’s comments and see that they picked up on how well they communicate with each other while indulging in their sexual appetites. I’d like to think it’s come across how I planned it originally when I scribbled all of this in my notebook at 4am when I couldn’t sleep in November after Thanksgiving of all things. We’ll see how things continue to progress.
I have a poll up for “Weddings 101 with Dieter” to determine what might go into chapter four. I’m enjoying everyone’s comments and options on what should happen with both Dieter/Maya and Dieter vs. Oscar. Click the link above to vote and have your suggestions added. I’ll announce the results and the most voted will be put in. I’ll likely add some of the other suggestions because I like them so much. ☺️
Remember Frankie~ (I read something new and caught up on a few things. Some of which weren’t even related to our favorite pilot. My mind went deep into smut. As a warning, don’t read while multi-tasking! Though I take it as a point of pride to have someone forget their name while on a call. 😉) They knew who they are. 😎 Love ya! ❤️
Nerdie’s Bedtime Stories (Might be a new series for weirdness I think up and might read to someone. This was a Christmas Carol featuring some of the Pedro boys. A Feral Carol as @maggiemayhemnj called it.) @undercoverpena and @morallyinept encouraged me. 🤣
You put a lot of thought into what you write. We really thought it was only the non-smut stuff you thought hard on. You’ve indicated you have trouble with that before.
It’s not so much I have trouble with it. I’m used to doing one-shots and exclusivity writing smut before I joined back up on Tumblr. I’m branching out and trying all sorts of smut and actual storylines (when I can make it coherent to anyone but myself) in my writing now. Even comedy with Dieter though I like to put little jokes in most of my writing.
Ah, so you’re learning as you go on as we all do. Fair. Any current WIPs you’re trying to finish up before 2023 is out?
Well, I have a Pickled Peña to finish. Everyone’s welcome to join in and write about our favorite DEA agent Javier Peña. Everyone who’s participating will post on January 1st and tag their work with the “pickled peña” tag.
I’m also participating in the PMAMC 2024 which is in mid-January. I decided to challenge myself with not only writing about pegging but also writing with a character I’ve only written for once and in his historical setting, because past Nerdie who accepted this was feeling ambitious. 😗 Present Nerdie wonders what was she thinking. 🧐 She also has to review her notes on what may have been used to facilitate pegging during the time period, there’s a long note I have on it. It should be mostly historically accurate, I guess, because that’s what matters. 👀 In pegging - the historical aspect. 😒
I have two Robbie Reyes asks to work on as well as one smut piece I wanted to do for him and one actual story.
There are three Joel pieces that I wanted to write, one will be tabled until next Christmas. I don’t think I’ll finish it by tomorrow. The second was a post outbreak one, I’ve only written post outbreak once so I want to see if it will be a one short or series. The third one might be finished. I need to edit it.
Anything else will likely be tabled until 2024 because I either don’t have ideas for it or I want to wait until I feel good about writing it. 😊
Any last remarks?
I’d like to thank any and all of my beta readers: @avastrasposts @musings-of-a-rose @frenchiereading @theywhowriteandknowthings @megamindsecretlair @pedrodascal @iamasaddie @fhatbhabie and @morallyinept @legendary-pink-dot
Ya’ll saw all the typos, swapped countries and off beat plot points. 😗
Also @linzels-blog don’t worry The Creed is fine. Mostly I believe. Like it will all work out. 😉
I usually add fics I’ve read this week but I’m going to organize them and put them in another fic rec post because I have them saved there already. 😎
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The above wallpaper was made by @xxhypersomnia who did two sets of awesome retro Javier Peña edits on her page. 🥰 She even tagged me in the second one which I have to look at later when I’m home.
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hugespace · 1 year
Last week I decided to revisit my WIPs and @becausethathappens wanted to know more about one of them - “Find Yourself, Lose Yourself”, which has been sitting in my drafts since August 2021.
Now, I can’t really take credit for the idea behind this fic, I’m pretty sure I saw someone saying they’d like to read a story about R&L exploring gay bars together but for two different reasons and I just decided to try writing said story; the problem is though - that was nearly 2 years ago, and I absolutely cannot find that post/comment now. So, if anyone reading this happens to remember who first came up with it, please let me know, as I’d like to give them credit. (And if someone else already wrote a story like that - also let me know, and I’m sorry! I wasn’t keeping up with new fics while on my hiatus, so I might have missed something!)
I only managed to write 3 chapters back then, and I’m just posting the first one for now.
***Find Yourself, Lose Yourself***
Rhett finds himself having to come to Link’s rescue one night, when his friend’s journey of self-discovery becomes a bit too much for him. He promises to be Link’s moral support from that point on, but will there be consequences?
An unpleasant and aggressive sound pulls Rhett out of his sleep with a gasp. He has been dreaming about something he can’t remember now; the end of the dream was too sudden. For a second, his brain feels cloudy, he doesn't know what is happening. The initial confusion associated with abrupt waking up goes away quickly, however; he's in his bedroom, where else could he be. It's dark, clearly still middle of the night, and the only source of light is the ring of bluish glow around the downturned screen of his phone laying on the bedside table. Phone, which is vibrating furiously, almost like it's trying to free itself and fall to the floor. So that's the sound, his brain finally catches up.
Rhett quickly picks it up, glancing at Jessie, who is thankfully still peacefully sleeping next to him, arms hugging a pillow and mouth open. He looks at the screen - unknown number. Then the time - 2:13 am. Who could be calling him at such an hour...? He briefly considers declining the call, but an uncomfortable feeling in his gut makes him reconsider. What if it's an emergency? His wife is next to him, both sons in their rooms, but there's still his parents, and brother, and- And Link, he realises, recognising the 818 area code in front of the number. He has to pick up.
Rhett quietly gets up and leaves the bedroom, simultaneously pressing the green symbol on his screen. "Hello-?" he gently closes the door behind him and shuffles towards the door to the backyard in the dark. "Mr. McLaughlin?" a male voice inquires in return, slightly drowned by a distant sound of music in the background. "Yes...? Yes, that's me. Who's calling?" "Brad Whittler, I'm here with your- friend? Charles. He gave me your number to contact you, so you can get him, I don't think he's in a position to drive." It takes Rhett a moment to comprehend the stranger's words. Charles...? Does he know anyone…? OH. LINK.
His heart speeds up so abruptly and with such a force, Rhett feels like it might want to jump out of his ribcage. “What happened-?! Is he hurt...?” “No, no...” the tone of the voice is casual, not filled with concern, Rhett thinks. “He's not hurt, not physically, at least. He's having a pretty bad panic attack, though.” Rhett’s imagination is getting ahead of him, trying to complete what he's hearing. Was Link in an accident...? Is he at a hospital? Did something happen to someone else? “And he might be kinda drunk to be honest.” the man on the other side of the line adds after a few seconds, cutting right through Rhett's racing thoughts. Drunk...? What the hell? “I- Where is he? Where should I come?” “Bullet Bar, do you know the address?” He doesn't, he’s never heard of that place. What was Link doing there, anyway? It was obviously a bar, that much was in the name, but neither of them were ever really big on pubs, and certainly not in the recent years. Rhett switched to speaker and wrote the address given to him by the man in his notes' app, thanking him for the information and promising to be there as soon as possible. The navigation showed him he was in for a ride to Burbank, a different side than the studio, but still around 35 minutes away.
Rhett went back up to he and his wife's bedroom and gently shook her shoulder, trying to wake her enough to let her know what's going on. "Jessie? Baby." "Hmm...?"Jessie opened her eyes and blinked a couple of times, trying to get used to the darkness and to being awake in the first place. "I got a call, Link's somewhere in Burbank and needs me to get him." he spoke in a soft voice. "Don't worry, I think he's fine, I don't know much, but he's not hurt in any way" he added, seeing the sudden alarm in Jessie's eyes. "Do you want me to go with you?" she asked, pushing herself up on her elbows. "No, no, thank you. Go back to sleep, he's okay, it's not an emergency or anything. I'll let you know once I've got him, okay?" Rhett leaned down to leave a kiss on Jessie's forehead. "Are you sure...?" "Yeah, yeah, absolutely." Jessie didn't seem entirely convinced, but she laid back down and asked him for a promise to call her and tell her if everything was alright as soon as he was with Link. Rhett gave her another kiss and jogged out of the room, only grabbing a pair of sweats and a hoodie on his way. He quickly put them on, pocketed the phone, his wallet, and a set of keys, and rushed to the car.
The night was relatively cool, and the streets were calm despite it being a weekend. Rhett had to really control himself not to start speeding, his need to be there as soon as possible and find out what the hell happened was strong, and the fact that the roads were so empty made fast and reckless driving rather tempting. Wouldn't bring anything good if he got in an accident though, he reasoned, trying not to exceed the speed limit. Without any external distractions from other cars around him or sounds of people going about their daily lives, Rhett's brain quickly occupied itself with more or less probable scenarios and mind-boggling questions regarding Link's whereabouts and the reasons for his panic attack. In his rush, he hasn't even checked what that place was, it occurred to Rhett. He only put the address in the navigation and followed the directions.
He would find out soon, he realised, hearing his phone tell him to drive another 5 miles straight ahead and then turn right to reach his final destination. The part of Burbank he was now in seemed to be significantly livelier than what he drove by on his way there. Colourful neon signs on both sides of the street illuminated the sidewalks and people standing or walking on them – numerous party-goers smoking, drinking, talking loudly and animatedly.
"Your destination is on the right." the navigation declared all of a sudden, in its dry and emotionless tone of voice. Rhett slowed down and quickly glanced at the place he was supposedly trying to find. It was indeed a bar, or maybe a nightclub. The building looked innocuous, a bit shaggy even – with black walls with grey brick peeking out from underneath bits of chipping paint, and a simple red sign above the door. He parked his car in front of it, not caring about doing a good job of it, and as he was starting to reach for the handle to get out of the vehicle, he noticed something that has somehow slipped his attention when he first looked at the building. A big rainbow flag was stuck in a flagpole on top of the building and moving slightly in the wind. He brought his eyes back to the sign on the front of the bar and then opened his notes app to make sure he was in the right place. He was. He looked around and spotted another sign, standing next to the building and proudly declaring "Bullet Bar - 40 years of gay haven in Burbank!”
Was Link in a gay bar?
More disclaimers! The Bullet Bar is a real gay bar in Burbank, I know nothing about it though, apart from what it looks like and that it’s been around since the 80s. I just wanted it to be a bar that’s not in WeHo or some other extremely busy place. (And also, I promise Rhett has a legitimate reason to be surprised by Link’s whereabouts, not just “why would he be in a gay bar”)
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tdoong15 · 9 months
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Hello @chimpchard , this sounds amazing I did contemplate if I should add NiziU but then I remembered I don't know any of the members' names. Also Merry Christmas Eve to you and anyone else who celebrates Christmas tomorrow.
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Little!Twice, ITZY ,Nmixx Cg!2yeon, Yeji
Warnings: none
Christmas dinner
It was two days before Christmas and most of the girl groups of JYPE were congregated in Twice's dorm for a celebration and a dinner. The dorm was obviously not quiet in fact it was very chaotic. Jihyo, Lily and Yeji were having a singing battle except it was on who can do the highest note without having a voice crack. DubChaeng also challenged 2shin, Bae, Jiwoo and Kyujin to a rap battle to see who the best rappers in JYPE were out of the girl groups. "Yo Chaeyoung bro cmon let's show these rookies how to rap" Dahyun said confidently, thus starting the rapping competition.
The others were occupied with video games such as Super Smash Bros except Nayeon and Jeongyeon who were in the process of making dinner. They were soon joined by Yeji after her singing competition. "Do you guys want any help with preparing dinner?" Yeji asks because she wanted to help, Nayeon and Jeongyeon both look at each other before Nayeon responds. "Listen, Yeji as much as we would love if you helped we have seen the video you made with your fellow members" Nayeon says as nicely as she could possibly be whilst she remembered the cupcakes Yeji made.
"That was baking and we were in a timed condition, I'm actually really good at cooking." Yeji explains herself about the unique cupcakes she made. "We could use the help." Jeongyeon reasons with Nayeon before she continued. "Alright then, you can help us with dinner, Yeji." Jeongyeon smiles at Yeji who quickly returns the smile, so with that Nayeon, Jeongyeon and Yeji all cook Christmas dinner.
The rest of Twice, ITZY and the whole of Nmixx were watching the Nightmare Before Christmas until they all started to feel smaller, mentally. "Do you guys wanna make a fort?" Jihyo questions mainly because she wanted to make a fort, and thankfully for her everyone else agreed with wanting to have a fort in the living room. Everyone went into four groups of four except one group had five people since overall there were 17 of them. Then, they all ransacked every single bedroom in the dorm, collecting pillows, blankets, toys basically anything they wanted.
"'Kay guys, we build now!" Ryujin orders before they all start building the fort. Nmixx were making one end of the fort, ITZY made the other side and Twice were making the center since they had the most members. After 30 minutes they finished building the fort which actually looked like a cave instead. "Woah we did a good job" Lily says in her Australian accent whilst she clapped at the creation. Her accent made everyone else except the rest of Nmixx gasp loudly.
"You awe Australian, Lily?" Chaeryoung asks in surprise at which Lily nods in response. "Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! Oi! Oi! Oi!" Dahyun yells randomly when she discovers the information. Lily was then bombarded with many questions. "Do you know Rosie from Blackpink?" Lia asks which was then immediately followed by Momo who asked Lily if she "knew Felix from Stray Kids. " Sana also added on if Lily knew "Chan who's also in Stray Kids." Yuna then decided to move completely away from other idols she instead asked "Do you know Hugh Jackman?" Lily felt like she couldn't answer any of them since she wasn't given the time to. Chaeyoung then asked probably the last question "Do you know Jennie from Blackpink?" Which made Tzuyu glare at her "Nini is fwom New Zealand, Dingus." She comments.
"Guys let's just pway in our amazing fort" Bae says which makes the commotion die down and all of the girls rush inside of the fort. "Tank you BaeBae" Lily hugs Bae since she saved her from the constant questioning, Bae hugs Lily back and she just smiles. A few minutes later Jeongyeon calls out to them "Dinner is ready guys, come get it!" Jeongyeon's words made all of them stumble out of the fort and run to the kitchen so they could all eat together to celebrate Christmas before they all went to either visit their own families or stay at their dorms.
"Mama can we all have a sleepover?" Sana questions while she eats some of her potatoes. "I don't see why not, it is nearly Christmas after all" Nayeon shrugs her shoulders and she decides to let them all sleepover which makes them all cheer happily and they all (except Nayeon,Jeonyeon and Yeji) begin to quickly eat their dinner since they wanted more time to play together.
And that's exactly what happened after they finished their dinner. They played countless games varying from charades to hide and seek. But when they were told to go to sleep they all huddled up together in their fort and watched Home Alone. It was safe to say that this was the greatest Christmas that they've had even though it wasn't actually Christmas and they didn't get any presents, they were actually more greatful that they all got to hang out together like one massive family.
Hiiii I hope you guys all enjoyed this and like I said earlier Merry Christmas Eve or Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it early. Also I found out that it wasn't me who made a silly mistake with my last request it's Tumblr themselves because I found out that they won't let me go back to typing anything if I save an ask to my drafts I have to either schedule it's upload or delete it, which is very annoying because I didn't have this problem before.
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harleiquina · 1 year
All TV series I've ever seen III
1940 - 1970
1980 -2000
2010 - now (this post)
2010 - Mike & Molly
Sitcom with some funny jokes... got lost at season 3 maybe... I don't know.
I know some people can't stand Melissa McCarthy but what I can't stand is the typical jokes of "well she's fat so she has to be eating in every scene or making a big deal about food" as it happens in Ghostbusters.
2011 -Once upon a time
At first I thought it was a silly premise (and maybe it is) but I do like fairytales twisted over and over again to create something new.
I stopped watching around season 5... because I was watching it through Sony (LatAm) and they started to play it dubbed and the voices were horrible.
I should pick it up someday.
2011 - 2 broke girls
Yet another sitcom that sometimes lands and others don't. Good enough to watch when there's nothing else available.
2011 - Person of Interest
A man creates a system (AI?) that can identify a criminals so hires someone to take care of them. I might've watched two seasons... then I lost track.
2013 - The Blacklist
James Spader has one of the best voices in the planet and when he plays a snarky a-hole he's at his best. The first two season were great... then I lost track and all the sudden they are ending the show after 10 seasons. I have a lot to catch up.
2013 - The Goldbergs
I might've been born in 1992 but thanks to mom and my aunts I grew up with in the '80s so this show was made for me... or so I thought. Some things are cringy, once Adam grows up the whole nerdy thing isn't as funny but it's ok... ish.
2013 - Father Brown
You can never be wrong with Chersterton's creation. Altough as all british TV shows it can be a little too slow for my taste.
2016 - Nafta Súper (Argentina)
The whole thing started with a simple question: what would've happened if Superman fell in a poor neighbourhood in Buenos Aires instead of the Kent's farm? This was the premise for Kriptonita a book that presented the DC heroes in their argentinean versions. But beware since they are outlaws and not always do good (but compared to our police they aren't as bad)... it is kinda hard to root for them. I mean Nafta Súper (is the name of a type of gasoline you get here) got his name because whenever he had to meet with other crime bosses he would carry gasoline with him and set them on fire if they didn't agree with his views 🤷🏻‍♀️
The movie was a good enough hit, so the TV show was meant to happen and expand the universe. Each episode focuses in one of the members of the Justice League (El Federico/Batman, Lady Di/Wonder Woman, El Faisán/Green Lantern, Ráfaga/Flash) while they all look for Nafta Súper/Superman that, after the end of the movie, is hiding.
As I said, it is hard to root for them but I have to give it to the creatives with all the clever ways to twist this heroes and villains so they fit in our culture. And I do like El Federico & Corona (Batman and The Joker) they are the highlight of the show for me.
2016 - Анна, детектив (Anna, detective -Russia)
Do you remember Medium? Have you ever thought how it could've been set in the early 1900s in a backwater town in Russia? Well now you don't have to!
Anna Mironova is a young woman that always had psychic abilities but they would come and go during childhood. Now this abilities are back around the same time the Officer Shtolman is assigned to her town.
Sometimes is very VERY telenovela (I am not entirely on board when it happens), each case lasts 2 episodes and I do think that is a bit of a strech. But I do have to recognize that Dimitri Frid (Shtolman) plays a man that is very smitten and deeply in love very well.
You can see it in Youtube in Star Media English (captioned in this language)
2018 - Killing Eve
We all know that the first 2 seasons were the best (we can add the 3rd in it too when we compare it to the 4th). This cat-and-mouse spy thriller started strong mixing dark humour and just darkness and left us all with a bad taste in the last episode. Still Eve and Villanelle will live forever in our hearts.
2019 - Good Omens
An Angel a Demon beeing close friends got 20K christians so angry that they started a pettition to cancel this show adressed to the wrong company. And people still ask me today why I am Agnostic?
The Antichrist was born, the Four Horsemen summoned so it is time to stop the Apocalypse.
Really funny, layered and worth a lot more than just a watch (mom and I watched it about 4 times in less than a year, so... is that good)
2019 - The Mandalorian
At home we were never huuuuuge Star Wars fans (we would watch for Harrison Ford and some creatures). Still, since the premise to this show was that you didn't needed to be a hardcore-fan we gave it a go and we loved it! It's very close to old shows, like Zorro, where you have the adventure-of-the-day kinda plot (that some people just can't dig, don't know why) and I do like good fights on TV/Cinema
Never underestimate the power of Baby Yoda!
2021 - Wandavision
Even if we never read a comic, we did watched most of Marvel movies and we wanted to know what all of this was about.
It's a lot more effective if you already know the shows they pay homage to.
Beware... it will break your heart.
2021 - Falcon & the Winter Soldier
Following the MCU, came the buddy-mov... erm, TV show, buddy-Tv show starred by Falcon and Bucky.
At a moment you might think that there are too many things on the plate (super soldiers, the new & bad Captain America, a black market dealer, Zemo) so some things do feel a little rushed. But well... at least was fun.
2021 - Loki
Don't kill me but I do not understand people's obsession with Loki.
I mean, the mythological god is a thing... but aside from Tom Hiddleston's fans I don't see the appeal of any nordic god in the MCU (as I said, I don't read comics).
The show is ok...
2021 - Hawkeye
Since I'm little I always liked archery and I was curious about this Avenger that is easily lost in the background of the movies.
It is not the greatest show ever made... but at least is less "the world will be destroyed" and that is a good change. Less is more.
2021 - The Book of Boba Fett
Of course after watching Mando I had to follow the story... and yes, he did took over in the last episodes. But still... it was nice seeing Boba Fett's arch that transformed him from a Bounty Hunter to a Leader (???).
Something could be a little bit more explored, but well... we'll see what the future holds for him.
2022 - Our Flag means Death
When I had a glimpse of the trailers (mostly focused on Steede's most feminine traits vs the tough life of a pirate) I was like "yay... another show making fun of a clearly gay character. Awesome. Are we in 1980 again?" But some gifsets in here spiked my curiosity... does the story really shows a romantic relationship between Blackbeard and Steede or this is the fandom beeing fandom once again?
Well... watch and find out!
2022 - Moonknight
I love the Ancient Egypt so this show was for me. I didn't know that there was a superhero based on those myths (nor that he had DID) and I really liked him.
Fingers crossed for a second season... or a movie (once the strike is over, of course).
2022 - Ms. Marvel
I was expecting something more teenage-based but anyone can see Ms. Marvel.
I don't understand why so many hated it... oh wait... Sor Juana said it better "foolish men that accuse the woman without reason..."
2022 - She-Hulk
And odd experiment, I do think that the last episode was kinda cheating but if she breaks the fourth wall... what can we do? 🤷🏻‍♀️
At least they aknowledged some narrative issues that have been dragging for a while.
2022 - The Sandman
Loving this show is an understatement.
Once again, I didn't read the graphic novel with the exceptions of a few panels here and there that I saw many years ago in Facebook (when Morpheus meets The Fates and the baby scene on The Sound of her Wings).
I love when all mythology and fairytales and other myths can be combined into something new. So this was my jam.
Waiting for season 2 (and getting a better paid job so I can buy the books).
2022 - Obi-Wan
Is there anybody in this world that hates Ewan McGregor? I don't think so.
The show was ok... some twists were predictable from the get-go (still some didn't see them coming and got angry at them 🤷🏻‍♀️). But well... everybody wanted Vader vs Obi-Wan and they sure had it!
2022 - Andor
I don't know if living in Argentina absolutely killed the idea of a heroic guerrilla, revolution and such (because we are the spoils of that and, trust me, thinks don't get better. But this is not about argebtinean politics so... moving on)... or it is because in USA is heavily romanticized but... Andor didn't clicked with me.
It was a task watching it and we only finished it because we started it... don't know if we will watch a second season.
2022 - Wednesday
A lot of people say that Tim Burton is overrated (I disagree, I think that he is tired of beeing ask to be Tim Burton, wacky director or weird films) but Wednesday is heavily overrated to me. Really? This has 12 Emmy nominations and The Sandman has zero? What the Bloody Hell?!
I like the Addams Family, I watched the TV show... the movies... this is not the Addams Family. I know, I know... this is about Wednesday blah, blah, blah. But this isn't Wednesday either... this is moody goth teenager with the biggest ego in the room.
Let's leave aside all the character and worldbuilding inconsistencies... Wednesday is a sharp and blunt person but she is never mean without a good point. This Wednesday is cruel even with people that loves her!
Did people forget that the weirdest thing about the Addams Family was that they are weird and they deeply love each other? That was what made them who they are! Instead of having the husband complaining about the wife, you have Gomez. Instead of having the wife trying to have the perfect house scolding her kids for their behaviour , you have Morticia with her own interests aside from beeing a housewife and assists her kids with their passions... I'll stop ranting now or I will never end.
Not a fan of the powers, the story is ok-ish...
2023 - The Last of Us
Never played videogames either and zombies (I'm sorry, infected) are not a big genre at home unless is Michael Jackson's Thriller video. Still we decided to give it a go because Pedro Pascal is latino and you have to support your people... even if they are chileans... or brazilians (argie joke. You wouldn't understand it).
We loved it!
I was ready for mom to complain with "is it necessary to always have gays?" in episode 3 but she didn't... and I dare to say that its one of her favourite episodes. (And no, readers, mom isn't conservative... but she's against tokenism -just like me-. If you want to have diversity in the world you've created, that's awesome... if you are doing it just to check some items off a list, it's annoying and feels like a desperate move)
2023 - The Muppets Mayhem
We love The Muppets but since Jim Henson's death they are kind of a hit-and-miss.
It does get better as it goes... wouldn't say is ✨️the best✨️ Muppets yet... but it is a lot better than the Haunted Mansion from last year (?)
2023 - FUBAR
Did you liked the movie True Lies with Arnold Schwartzenneger and Jaime Lee Curtis? Well... what if we do the same premise but this time his daughter is also a secret agent?
It is still good though... sometimes humor can be a little cringey, but Arnie knows his audience well enough and delivers.
2023 - Secret Inavsion (current)
It is still going so I cannot tell much just yet. Doesn't feel like a spy-thriller as I imagined but we'll see.
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I promised that I would become a Spy Classroom blog so here I am! And I will be ranking every single villain in Spy Classroom from worst to best.
Keep in mind that unlike a lot of series, I don’t actually hate any of these characters. Even though some of them aren’t very deep, I think they all fulfill their purposes.
Spoiler warning for Light novel season 1 (Volumes 1-4) and Anime season 1-2 (first 24 episodes) under text
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Yeah, so this one goes without saying. I’m betting most of you don’t remember him. (I’m probably one of like 5 people who remember his name, Takemachi included.) but just for a refresher, he was the antagonist in Grete’s short story in SSC 1 : Bridal Royale and the finale of season 1. He is the president of Mannheim inc. and started a harassment campaign against a local meat pie owner to gain his recipe without paying. He attempted to take advantage of Lily (under the alias Lillian) under the assumption she was desperate and poor and turn her into his “lover”, which is really gross. He is just a violent, borderline pedophiliac scumbag and I hope he never shows up again. Overall there is not much to talk about since he’s just a guy who adds tension to the plot and exists so Grete and Lily can defeat him in the end.
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Ok, in his defense, having Orphan Gang Leader in your resume is really funny. You also may have forgotten him, but like with David from before, Frisé is a character from Bridal Royale/episode 6. He was in charge of a gang of child orphans which he picked up from the street and forced to commit crimes for him in exchange for food and shelter. If they (the orphan children) didn’t meet their quota, he would respond by physically abusing them under the guise of his expression of “love.”
Really fucked up guy, arguably worse than David from before, but unlike David, his fight with Klaus and Sybilla was cool and his philosophy of being someone taking in these kids with nowhere to go and giving them a home and food on the table while the government of Din all but abandoned them is pretty interesting, and goes back to Sybilla’s past in a natural way. (Also in the light novel, he is referred to as a golem looking guy before he is given a name which is funny.)
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Yeah, so am I the only person who did not imagine Ever would end up looking like that? Thought she would look younger and a bit more disheveled.
Anyways, bad villains end here folks, While Eve doesn’t actually get to do much (especially since the anime cut out all the cool shit she did). She makes every moment count with her light novel screen time. Her wire ability is really cool and I hadn’t seen anything similar at the time of reading it. Her philosophy of extreme brains over brawn, while it doesn’t go anywhere (since she gets offed by Klaus like 3 pages later) adds context for the world of spy classroom. She treats soldiers as beneath her because she is a young adult in a world where that kind of combat is growing more and more obsolete.
Where Eve really shines is in Bridal Royale with her fight with Monika. She is the best out of all three of the antagonists in that volume. The way she used her wires to surround the living room and how Monika had to use her calculation skills to get out was awesome. Props to Takemachi for giving her a cameo in that volume because she was someone I wanted to learn more about (even though I forgot about her until I reread volume 1.)
Rip Eve, Takemachi cannot stand to see a girlboss win.
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So rip any anime-onlys I guess (though you should have heeded the warning.)
Yeah, I’d you’re wondering why Matilda is so low, she is kind of my least favorite main villain in season one of the light novels. She is the antagonist of Volume 3 of the light novel and will show up in season 2 as an antagonist for the former half of the series. With Guido and Olivia, the other twist villains, you don’t really see it coming. With Guido, because you are under the assumption that he is dead and that Klaus’s arc will consist of moving past his abuse. And with Olivia, she had previously been a mob with not much presence. You really had to not be paying attention or understand the formula to not think she’s gonna do evil shit.
Even so, she’s the “bad” kind of bad villain. Yeah you don’t sympathize with her because she’s a piece of shit who abused Annette, made her blind in one eye and literally gave her amnesia. But she doesn’t have any guiding philosophies that make her worldview understandable like most of the villains and she doesn’t get any cool fight scenes either. You’re really just wondering when they’re gonna reveal that she’s a baddie.
Her role as a character, despite how predictable she is is still good in terms of her role in the story. The actual conflict she creates between Lamplight (specially Monika and Thea) has created one of the best fights in the series revealing a lot of character between them that has stuck with both of them ever since. I love seeing Monika and Thea as rivals and Volume 3 convinced me of that. The impact she leaves with Thea as the end actually lasts too, creating legitimate questions Thea had to ask herself moving into volume 4. She is like the anti-Hearth in that way. The fact she actually unnerves White Spider speaks volumes about how deranged she is. The scene where she holds up her blue toolbox with White Spider in the room saying that she used that toolbox to beat Annette’s memories out of her gave me straight chills. Like holy shit, this woman should not have been anywhere near a child.
Her impact on Annette though…Christ. Rereading scenes with her and Annette in volume 3 with context make everything so much worse. She’s the only villain so far that Lamplight has outright killed. (Lamplight being Annette). I can’t say she didn’t deserve it.
And maybe that is the point of her, Takemachi didn’t her her reasons for acting like a live of shot or an ideology that justified it simply because. She is an awful person who did awful things to Annette because she’s a coward. Even so, that does not make it any less awful to read about her.
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Ok, before you scream and cry at me for putting Roland so low, let me explain: I think Roland is a good character, I don’t think he’s a good villain. This is because his actual character development happens in Volume 4 where he has been defeated is not acting like a villain
Roland’s role in Volume 2 was basically to be a decoy to distract you from Olivia, hyping you up for a showdown between him and Klaus when he couldn’t actually measure up, that was it, it was funny, but “Corpse the evil imperial assassin” ended there.
Now Roland has a different role in Volume 4. He is withholding information from the Foreign Intelligence Office and when he is giving information, he is warning Lamplight of Purple Ant. In the latter half of Volume 4, we learn a lot about him, how Purple Ant stole his life away and turned him into an assassin, abandoning everything, how he eventually got bored of being an assassin and wanted something new and exciting (a callback to when he became Olivia’s boyfriend.) Thea helped him defy his Master and fight for his freedom. While he did die, he died on his feet as opposed to living the rest of his life on his knees. And that’s pretty damn honorable.
But yeah, we see an ok fight between him and monika and him betraying Thea in Volume 4 was cool which does put him above Matilda. But his great aspect’s don’t really come from him being a good villain specifically.
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Oh hey, on the subject of pieces of shit, we have Guido! Yeah, you can argue that we know less about Guido than Matilda, and I’ve heard people argue that he is the worst villain. I doubt that, as of now, the information we know about him is scarce. We know he was a member of inferno and was basically like Klaus’s Dad, he treated him harshly and insulted him. For some reason, he left Inferno to join serpent and let the rest of his team minus Hearth and Klaus get killed on the Abyss Doll mission. We don’t know why he acted that way to Klaus, and we don’t know why he defected.
One reason I am putting Guido above Matilda is that he actually gets one of the most badass fights in the series. Takemachi did NOT pull his punches with Guido. The actually build up to Guido was great and well foreshadowed. The flashbacks with Klaus and him could easily have been interpreted as an arc for Klaus to overcome Guido’s death and accept Lamplight as his new family, and we got that…just not in the way we were expecting. Guido is my favorite kind of twist, a twist that is completely inevitable in the context of the story and makes you goes “How did I not see that coming?” Even though all the evidence was right there. His fight with Lamplight is on par with later fights in the series like Purple Ant or the one in Volume 5.
Second reason, I don’t think we’re finished with Guido just yet. We know next to nothing about Serpent (and I doubt It’s the standard run of the mill imperialist type stuff the empire does either.) and discovering serpent is going to give us clues to Guido and why he did what he did.
So yeah, while we don’t get much of him, we will soon. His role as an antagonist is extremely well fulfilled given his lack of time and his impact on Klaus sticks with the rest of the series, overall, great villain.
White Spider
No image yet! Anyways, White Spider is great. He isn’t the most memorable, but he breaks the formula for a Spy Classroom villain. White Spider is a serpent member, and so far the only villain Lamplight has not defeated. He stands out from the rest by being a guy who is pretty reasonable-ish. He doesn’t make messes when he fights and he knows his own limits. Also in the fight with Klaus in Volume 3 he was really funny. He has a concept of morality (thinking Purple Ant and Matilda are monsters) and really is just here to get the job done. From what we’ve seen with him so far, his mushroom appearance is great full exaggerated (which is sad, rip mushroom boy) but he makes for a good straight man when communicating with the rest of the villains. Not that much to talk about, but I do hope to see him more!
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Talk about a controversial pick. Yeah Olivia is a really underrated villain and I am fully planning on writing and analysis on her and how she acts as a foil to Grete one one these days. (The anime completely nerfed her design from the manga lmaoooo)
Anyways, I really love Olivia. She is a bitch, she is selfish, she is insecure, superficial and jaded and I love her. The buildup to Olivia was fantastic, you wouldn’t be blamed if you thought she was just going to be some random mob while the girls hunter for Corpse. But like with most spy classroom twists, the villain was right in front of us.
It was less predictable than last time, but the way Olivia was revealed to be a villain in the light novel was no short of awesome. She is so awful and I love her to bits. Her relationship with Corpse makes for a wonderful contrast to Grete, their dynamic is inspired and brings out the best and worse in both of their characters. Her time in the underground brothel thinking that was all she would ever add up to before meeting Corpse really stuck with me, and knowing what we know now about how Corpse actually thought about her, she wasn’t really deceived. Olivia was an opportunist. She saw Corpse as a way out and she took it, same with Roland. You hate her for making the choices she did but you can never fully blame her. It’s could she have even escaped her soul sucking existence if she hadn’t taken his hand.
I really want to write about Olivia in the near future because she is my favorite villain to think and write about, and she does not get the appreciation from the fandom she deserves
Also, I hate how they cut out the final scene with her and Grete disguised and Uwe. It was the perfect ending for her character before getting captured by the republic.
Purple Ant
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Yeah, this should surprise nobody. But hey, guess who has an official design now. (Pleasedontfuckuphisdesignintheanime)
Purple Ant is the best villain in Season 1 by a long shot. He is cunning, sadistic, manipulative, charming and so much more. He is the king of Mitario, the greatest villain Lamplight has faced so far. With the manpower of 400 Ants worldwide. He challenges all of Lmaplihht at their own games. All without lifting a finger. He holds an iron clutch on the lives of hundreds of people he believes are lower than him. Miranda, Barron, The bartender, Corpse, the accounts of their torture burned into the brain of anyone who read volume 4.
Purple Ant breaks people, targets in no way excluding, pushing even Klaus to the absolute brink in a way we have not seen in this entire series. Being an Ant is a fate worse than death, your body and mind in control of someone else, being forced to murder, torture, capture, your family members held hostage and being punished if you do not do everything to a T—or just because he feels like it. When you become an Ant, you are stripped of you. You lose what makes you an individual and turn into another one of Purple Ants pawns.
That isn’t even breaking into the neat of him, his relationship with Hearth, Thea, Klaus, Corpse, holy crisp do I need to do a mega post on him. I feel like his ideology towards Mouzaians (the people he turned into Ants exclusively because he believed they were entitled and privileged after Galgad lost the Great War to them) has clues on serpents actual ideology. He offers a piece the puzzle that has been brewing throughout the entire series.
Props to Takemachi for keeping him alive…so far, I hope he gets in one or two extra moments before Takemachi offs him for good. I can’t imagine this bastard ever getting redeemed lmaoooo
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omophagic-beast · 2 years
Played in an absolutely fantastic game of Hometown Holiday by @kidnickgames this past Tuesday and it was just simply everything i wanted it to be. I GM-ed and the initial love interest I created was named Yule Snowden, owner and operator of the Holly Day Inn (the groans i got for this in the groupchat, delicious). Then for players we had lovable single father Harry Pryne and his kid Pearl, Definitely-Not-Santa-Clause Nikki C., tired video game developer Shelly J. Plankton from The Big City, and Everyone’s Best Friend, Pepper S. Haker. Everything went so well, all of the meet-cutes were so cliche and fantastic: Yule spilling water on Shelly’s shirt and trying to dab it off, then a minute later tripping over Harry’s luggage and -gasp- falling into his arms, and then oh no! something went wrong with the oven and who could Yule call but their childhood friend and handyman Nikki. also Pepper was there! Always. Because Pepper is Always There :), you know, your best friend Pepper? You may not remember exactly when you became friends with them, but theyre always there when you need them! What a good friend. When we had our first doubles roll while everyone was baking and decorating cookies together it ended up introducing another love interest: Mr. Kris, who was also a video game developer from the Big City, but! he worked for the rivals of Shelly’s company. And while him and Shelly didn’t end up having to share a bed, they did end up sharing a bathroom. there just werent any other rooms available! ;3c All in all its a really fantastic game, the system is simple but very fun, with each character having three stats that they can add to their 2d6 rolls. As I mentioned above, if they roll doubles then they all roll on the complication table, which only happened a few times during our game but was fantastic each time. Theres also slight PVP mechanics, as all the PCs are vying to kiss the Love Interest by the end of the game. Of course, we ended up with two Love Interests, which worked out well as in the end Shelly and Mr. Kris got to share a lovely chaste kiss in the lobby while Yule and Nikki kissed at the Holly Day Inn’s Christmas Eve Donation Dance, and Harry and Pepper ended up rekindling their high school romance under the mistletoe. It was extremely fun and just a hilarious time, since we’re all familiar with the good-bad holiday movie cliches we were able to just yes-and eachother into oblivion, i dont think ive ever laughed so much during a game. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a good 2-3 hour holiday one shot this week!
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chaoswithkaycee · 2 years
Hellfire and Honeysuckle, Chapter Ten
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Synopsis: A new girl has moved to Hawkins after the events of the hospital attack, with her own story and her own secrets. She's passionate about many things - her education, baking, friendship, kindness - and ready to finally make friends after a lifetime of running from place to place.
Warnings: Jokes about alcohol, discussion of losing virginity, mushy fluffy junk about falling in love, discussion of an American holiday (Thanksgiving - let me add here that I am well aware of how problematic it is, which is why I do not celebrate it - Honey, however, as a young girl in the 80's who does not have access to the same information, would still celebrate it)
Rating: Minors DNI.
Author’s Note: Two things : one, the usual thanks to @thisishellfire and @writerwannabetree for their continued support. Also a thanks to @ghost-not-found for checking in on me during this storm in Texas. It means a lot! And two : I felt bad about making y'all wait, so this chapter did not go through my proofreader's desk (sorry @queenlydias, I still love you tho) . I hope it doesn't sound too terrible!
Thursday dawned, cold and icy, Thanksgiving day. Honey woke up to the sound of her mother clattering with pots and pans, to the smell of chocolate, to her mother singing along with some Christmas classic album she was playing. It was a beautiful, slow, song. One of both Honey and her mother’s favorites, one they’d hum and sing along to every year. Ella Fitgzgerald’s clear, sweet voice floated through the house as Honey pulled herself to the edge of the bed, reaching for her cane and hobbling to the bathroom. 
“Honeysuckle, you up?” Her mother’s voice floated down the hall from the kitchen as Honey opened the bathroom door.
“Yes, Mama, I’m just gonna brush my teeth and I’ll come help you cook!” Honey shouted in the direction of the kitchen, ducking into the bathroom and closing the door before her mother responded. She leaned her cane against the counter, looking at herself in the mirror as she waited for the water to warm up enough for her to wash her face. It had only been four months since they’d moved to Hawkins, she realized. Five since they’d lost aunt Lilah to her father’s rage. But something had changed. Honey had found home here, for the first time, a home that didn’t move around. Sure, Lilah’s house had been close to a home - it was consistent, but it was always far away, and it was only home for a week out of a year. This was home all the time.
Honey knew the streets here. She knew the people. She had phone numbers memorized, she said hello to her neighbors and knew their names. She participated in clubs, hung out with friends. She’d even gotten a boyfriend, which was probably the most shocking thing of all when she sat and thought about it. Honey brushed her teeth, then washed her face, humming in the back of her throat to the song as she ruminated about her life. Eddie and his Uncle Wayne were coming over in a few hours to have Thanksgiving with Honey and her mother. It would be the first holiday in a long time that Honey could remember spending with anyone other than Mama. Honey spit her toothpaste foam out and rinsed her mouth, wiping it on the back of her hand before she grabbed her cane and hobbled to the kitchen.
“Ah, but just in case I stand one little chance; here comes the jackpot question, in advance; What are you doin’ New Year’s, New Year’s Eve?” Mama was singing, her sweet voice blending with Ella Fitzgerald’s as she opened the stove to check on the brownies in the oven, then closed it again and set a timer. 
“What are you doin’ New Year’s, New Year’s Eve?” Honey repeated, ending the song. Her voice had never been as clear or as sweet as Mama’s - Honey wasn’t much of a singer. Mama was the one who sang in choirs and played piano, not Honey. But the music of the cassette was loud enough that Honey’s tremble couldn’t be heard, and Mama smiled as Honey came in, then frowned as soon as she saw the cane.
“You need to be usin’ the chair. The cane ain’t enough support yet.” She admonished, indicating the cane with her head as she picked up a bowl of potatoes and sat them on the small kitchen table in the corner by the pantry. “Sit down, peel these for me, baby girl.” She added, putting the potato peeler next to the bowl and sliding the trash can next to one of the seats.
Honey obeyed, limping to the seat and leaning on the cane as she lowered herself into the chair. Really, the pain in her hip was nearing minimal at this point. It really only hurt when she changed positions - going from standing to sitting, sitting to standing, laying to sitting, etc - which is why she had to move slowly. But she could sit, stand, walk, and lay down with minimal pain now, and hadn’t taken anything stronger than advil all week. “I know, Mama. But if I’m goin’ back to school on Monday, I need to start strengthenin’ my hip again.”
“You’re usin’ your wheelchair when you go back. At least for another week.” Mama replied, in the voice that said ‘Don’t argue about it.’
But argue, Honey did. “No, Mama. I don’t wanna use the chair at school. It’s embarrassin’.”
“Bein’ disabled ain’t somethin’ to be embarrassed about. Neither is givin’ your body the rest and support it needs.” Mama shot back, her voice stern but patient. 
“You don’t understand. You didn’t hafta use a wheelchair halfway through your senior year.” Honey answered, shaking hands working to peel the large bowl of potatoes.
“No, Honey, I didn’t. And you’re right, I don’t understand. I don’t understand why you don’t want to do the best you can for your body.”
“Because, Mama, it’s…people treat me different, when they see the wheelchair or the cane. They act like I can’t do things on my own, they treat me like a child. Like you do sometimes. Or they tell me I’m an inspiration. I don’t get to be me when I’m disabled - I hafta be their idea of the perfect disabled person. I don’t want everyone to know.” 
Mama stopped fussing over the deviled eggs she had been arranging on a serving plate, and sat down across from Honey at the little table. “Honey, baby girl, listen to me. You don’t hafta be anythin’, for anyone. Not even for me. If they have a problem with the way that you wear your disability, that is their problem. Not yours. But you can’t let your fear of their perception of you change the way you care for yourself. You hafta give your body the rest and care that it needs to heal as much as possible. You’re usin’ your chair through next week, and we’ll revisit you usin’ the cane next weekend.”
“Mama, I’m 18. I can make my own decisions.” Honey said, her hands stilling on the potatoes.
“You’re right. You are, and you can. And I’m tryin’ to help you make the decision that’s best for you and your health.” Mama replied, getting up as the timer went off and removing the brownies. She set them on the counter to cool and slid the turkey into the oven, placing a meat-safe thermometer in the breast. “But at the end of the day, it’s your body and your choice to make. I won’t tell you what to do anymore, but I hope you’ll still ask for my advice.” Mama added, turning to look at Honey again.
Mama was right, and Honey hated it. She wanted to be mad, but she just felt deflated. “I guess I’ll use the wheelchair next week.” She said on a sigh, picking up the next potato. “Is there anythin’ else you need me to do after the potatoes?” She asked, changing the subject. 
“No, I want you to go get dressed after that. We don’t have much more to do other than the mashed potatoes and the gravy.” Mama answered, picking up the plate of deviled eggs and another plate of rolls to take to the dining room table. They passed the next few minutes in silence, Mama coming in and out of the kitchen to transfer the cold food serving plates to the dining room next to the kitchen as Honey finished up the potatoes. 
“I’m done peelin’!” Honey shouted to her mother in the next room as she finished the last potato, standing to go.
“Alright, I’ll chop and boil em in a minute!” Mama shouted back. 
Honey made her way to the bathroom again, starting up the shower to begin getting ready. She hummed along to the next song on the album as she did so, closing her eyes and leaning against the wall as she swayed to the song. When steam had started to fill the bathroom and Honey was sure the water was warm enough, she set her cane against the back of the toilet and began undressing to climb in.
An hour and a half later, Honey was showered, dressed, her hair fixed, sitting on the couch and watching the window for Eddie’s van while Mama was in her room getting ready herself. Honey felt like an excited puppy dog waiting for their owner to return, pressing her nose to the cold glass every time she heard the rumble of an engine. When a truck came into view and parked in front of her house, she watched as a middle aged man with gray hair and a receding hairline climbed out, brushing his hand down over his mustache and small beard. She met him at the door, swinging it open and leaning on her cane.
“You must be Eddie’s girlfriend, uh, Honey?” The older man asked, shifting between his feet. Honey nodded, turning as she heard her mother’s door open. Honey pretended she didn’t see Wayne’s eyes stray to her cane curiously.
“Oh, you must be Wayne, Eddie’s uncle! We spoke on the phone.” Mama stuck her hand out to shake Wayne’s and he took it, stepping into the house. 
“Where’s Eddie?” Honey asked, looking back outside at the empty truck.
“Kid left before me, should have already been here.” Wayne commented looking outside too. “Give him a few minutes, he probably got caught speeding or took a wrong turn.” Wayne shrugged his jacket off as Honey closed the door and limped back to the couch.
“Would you like a glass of wine, a soda, a beer…?” Mama offered to Wayne, ever the hostess. 
“A beer would be great.” Wayne answered, clearing his throat. Pamela led him to the kitchen and they disappeared from Honey’s sight as she went back to watching the window for Eddie. She could hear her mother and Wayne chatting - just normal adult talk, from what Honey could hear. They were discussing how the kids would be graduating soon, commiserating that neither of them understood D&D, Wayne was commenting on how nice their home was. Honey tuned them out as she pulled herself up to lean on the windowsill, watching the road.
It was another ten minutes before Eddie finally pulled up, the bumper of his van stopping only inches from Wayne’s. He was out of the van before the engine had even died down, rushing around to the passenger side of the van. Honey turned, struggling off the couch and to the door. By the time she managed to swing it open, Eddie met her there. Honey jerked the door open to find Eddie, hair wild, cheeks pink from the cold, his arms loaded down with two bouquets - one, yellow begonias, and the other, deep pink carnation with white edging. By this point, having heard the ruckus, Wayne and Pamela had made their way back into the living room.
“Jesus Christ boy, I didn’t mean today!” Wayne laughed, holding a hand to his forehead.
“Uncle Wayne said I should bring you guys flowers.” Eddie explained, stepping into the house. He passed the bouquet of yellow begonias into Honey’s arms, giving her a quick forehead kiss.
“I meant that it would be a nice gesture! Not that you had to do it today!” Wayne corrected. “Where did you even find a store open on Thanksgiving?”
“There’s a flower shop down on 12th that stayed open, I checked their hours yesterday when I was heading home.” Eddie answered, bringing the carnations to Pamela. “They didn’t have sunflowers, so I got the first yellow flowers I saw.” He had turned back to Honey, who was cradling the begonias with a dumbstruck look. “I hope they’re okay.”
“I think it was sweet.” Pamela spoke up, ghosting her fingers over the petals of the carnations. “I’m sure we’ve got some vases around. Thank you, Eddie.”
“Uh, yeah, thanks” Honey finally found her voice, limping over to Eddie and smiling up at him as she leaned on her cane. “They’re beautiful. It doesn’t always hafta be sunflowers.” She giggled.
“I know, but they’re your favorite.” He slipped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her toward him so that she could lean her weight against him instead of the cane. 
“Well, why don’t I go put these in some vases and y’all can hang out till dinner’s done? Shouldn’t be much longer.” Pamela said, taking Honey’s bouquet and her own as she and Wayne headed back towards the kitchen. Eddie guided Honey back into the living room, to the couch, sitting down and pulling her down next to him.
“I missed you.” He whispered, bringing her hands into his lap.
“You saw me yesterday. And the day before. You’ve seen me everyday this week.” Honey giggled, kissing his cheek. “But I missed you too.” 
“I’m glad Ms. Pam invited us over for Thanksgiving. I didn’t want to break the streak of seeing you everyday.” Eddie grinned over at Honey, bringing his arm around her shoulders and pulling her to him for a hug. Honey glanced over her shoulder to make sure they were alone before she leaned in to him.
“Me too. I’m still processin’ it all. A week ago, I was tryin’ to hide my crush because I figured you’d never feel the same, and now…I dunno, sometimes it feels like a dream. Like every time you leave, I wonder if it even happened.” Honey answered, letting her head sit on his shoulder.
“You have the object permanence of a toddler.” He joked, laying his cheek against the crown of her head. He didn’t tell her that he felt the same way. That he had to smell his jacket after every visit to remind himself that she’d been pressed against him an hour before.
“Are you stayin’ tonight? Mama’s workin’.” Honey locked their fingers together in his lap, tilting her head back to look at him. 
“I think I’ll try, see if I can get away with it.” He whispered, planting a short kiss on her lips. He moved his lips across her cheek, settling next to her ear and lowering his voice even more. “Maybe I’ll have you for a late dessert.” He added, watching her shiver and delighting that he was the one to cause it as he watched a blush creep across her cheeks. He pulled his mouth away, bringing his voice back to a normal volume so that their parents could hear. “How’s your hip?”
“Still some pain, but better. Mama wants me usin’ the chair next week at school, but I can use the cane around the house. Took some advil earlier. I can move my hip now too, it hurts for a second when I switch positions, like sittin’ to standin’, but it doesn’t take my breath away anymore.” She answered, letting her head rest against him again. 
Eddie kissed the top of her head and they lapsed into a comfortable silence, cuddled together on the couch. He thought about how quickly she’d become the center of his universe and wondered if this was what love was supposed to feel like. He hadn’t given much thought to the feeling before, honestly. He’d had a feeling they’d end up having some kind of involvement - he couldn’t imagine his feelings for her could be so strong and not come to a head, eventually - but he’d never considered that it might be love. Love was that mushy, gushy stuff that you saw in Disney movies - it wasn’t something that happened to the town freak.
But this was love. It had to be. From the moment he’d seen her, he’d wanted her, he’d known that he was put on this Earth to be hers. And he was hers. To be fair, she was his too - there was no doubt about that. The way she wrapped herself around him, the way she had opened up to him before anyone else, the way her face lit up with a smile as soon as she saw him every morning - even when she didn’t realize it. Even when she was annoyed at him - which happened every so often - she smiled. He got a little flutter in his chest when she did and couldn’t help but smile back. 
The thought settled, finally. Eddie loved her. He’d loved her from the moment he’d met her, he admitted to himself. She was meant and made to fit into his arms, his heart, his life. There wasn’t anyone who would fit better, or anyone he wanted. He’d gladly help push around her wheelchair, reach the top of tall cabinets, carry her where she needed to go. He’d buy her every necklace, every ring, every yellow thing he could get his hands on - to see that crooked tooth smile. Eddie loved Honey.
“You know, I think Corroded Coffin is gonna be as big as Metallica one day.” Honey commented, breaking the silence.
“Oh, you do?” Eddie felt his heart swell up in his chest with affection. Even if it was an empty platitude, he liked hearing her say it.
“Yep. Y’all are gonna be superstars. Awards and groupies and everythin’.” Honey answered.
“What makes you say that?” 
“I dunno. Just a feelin’.”
They were silent again, enjoying each other’s company. He wondered if he should share his realization with her. Really, they’d only been together a week at this point - but they’d known each other longer. And sometimes, you just knew, right? Plus, she was a hopeless romantic - she’d appreciate him being honest about his feelings. He opened his mouth, “Honey, I-”
“Dinner’s ready!” Pamela’s voice rang through the house. Honey picked herself up, smiling at him. 
“What were you gonna say?”
“Oh, uh, nothing. Just that I was hungry. Let’s eat.” Eddie plastered his smile on, standing up and letting Honey lead him to the dining room. He sat next to her, across from Wayne, and bowed his head when her mother demanded Grace - though he did peek to see she also hadn’t closed her eyes. He gave her hand a little squeeze, and felt his stomach flutter when she squeezed back. Somehow, he felt like he’d just told her he loved her, and she’d returned it - but he still wanted to say it out loud. Just not right now, with their parents watching.
The meal went off without a hitch. He managed to avoid blurting out his feelings around a mouthful of ham, and spent about half of the meal trying to explain Dungeons and Dragons to their parents - with Honey interjecting bits of what she considered crucial information (like about how cute dwarves were, or how bards were always flirting). By the end of the meal, though the parents were no closer to understanding the game, everyone was having a good time. Honey tried a sip of her mother’s wine (“A family tradition, she tries it every year.” Pamela had joked) and ended up gagging on the taste, sending them all into rounds of laughter.
“I don’t think I’m ever gonna like wine.” Honey complained, wiping her tongue with her napkin before sipping her own soda. “It tastes like rot.”
Wayne laughed, stretching back in his chair. “You and me both, kid. Beer or whiskey, that’s the way to go.”
“Well, she is from the South. Maybe she needs a good whiskey.” Pamela joked. “I know my parents used to give me a little every time I was sick and I’m healthy as a horse now.”
Honey shrugged. “I could just…not drink?” She suggested, and the adults laughed again. 
“Well yeah, I guess that’s an option too.” Wayne agreed, then turned to her mother. “Pamela, it was so kind of you to invite us over for the holiday, and I hate to dine and dash, but I’ve got a shift in a few hours and I’d like to go home and get a little rest before then.”
“Oh, it’s not a problem, Wayne! I’ll probably do the same myself, I gotta be at the hospital by 7. Here, I’ll walk you out. Kids, can you clean up?”
As Honey and Eddie nodded, the parents stood up and left the room. He could hear the murmurs of their voices saying their goodbyes as he picked up larger dishes - immediately telling Honey she was not allowed to do any heavy lifting - and saw her mother close the door just as he left the dining room to take the larger dishes into the kitchen. Cleaning up didn’t take long - between the two of them, the dishes were washed and placed to dry, and the food was wrapped and refrigerated, in no time at all - with a short interruption for Honey’s mom to wish them goodnight as she headed to her room, of course.
It wasn’t long after that Eddie found himself sitting on the couch with Honey again, this time with her back against the plush arm and his head against her chest, listening to her heartbeat as she turned on a movie. Her hands were combing through his hair, the tv was low, her heartbeat was constant, he was warm and full. It wasn’t long before Eddie felt his eyes closing, and though he kept trying to wake himself up, shifting his position between her legs, moving his head, it didn’t work.
He wasn’t sure when exactly he’d fallen asleep completely, but he woke up to Honey nudging his shoulder. “Eddie.” She whispered, her own voice thick with sleep.
“Hm?” He asked, lifting his head to look at her.
“Mama just left. It’s just us.” She whispered, nodding towards the door. Sure enough, he could hear the sound of her car pulling out of the driveway, her headlights shining through the window before she pulled out of the cul-de-sac. “I wanted to talk to you about somethin’.” Honey added.
Eddie turned his attention back to her, holding himself up. “I wanted to talk to you about something too, actually. You go first.” 
“I’ve been thinkin’ about it and I…I think I’m ready for more. In the bedroom. Like, uh…I want to have sex with you. I want you to be the one I lose my virginity to.” Honey muttered. He could see her blushing, even in the low light, and he felt his own face warm. 
“I love you.” He said quietly.
“What?” Her eyes were big, wet with tears - no surprise there.
“I said, I love you. And I can’t think of anyone else I’d lose my virginity to, either.” He leaned down, kissing her, his butterflies gone. 
“I mean, like tonight.” She added, pressing up against him.
Oh. She meant right now. Eddie grinned, sitting up and pulling her with him. “Well then, why don’t we go to the bedroom?”
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fic-dumpster · 3 years
The dead can give life
Characters: Ghost!Baji, Reader(Y/N), Bonten, Toman | 1257 words
Warnings: manga spoilers, mentions of death, spirits, supernatural stuff, violence, grammar mistakes, idk mediocre writing. There is not a pairing yet… there won’t be… :P idk… ta-da? Trick or treat?
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“Could you please go home? Heaven? Hell! For all I care,” he noticed that you could see him, so he had followed after you.
“Nop.” the long-haired boy with pointy canines paid you no mind.
“Look, not because I am the only person who can see you-“ you began to say
“Yes, actually, that’s the only reason.” he contradicted your unfinished statement.
“Okay, okay. Then what’s your name?” you finally gave up.
“Baji,” he answered.
“Okay, Baji. How did you die?” You inquired as you lifted an eyebrow.
“It’s a long story…” he sighed, looking at the black uniform he’s wearing.
“I have time.” you saw a flash of sadness pass through his eyes, so you decided to lend an ear.
The capability of seeing dead people has always been part of you. Now with more than 20 years on your shoulders, a thing that is horrifying for some became common to you. With time you learned that ignoring those spirits was for the best. Except for that demon child of a ghost you met once upon a time on a Halloween eve.
Oh, how you didn’t suspect that this Baji Keisuke character would give your life a new meaning.
You’ve met this… almost friendly ghost of a 14-year-old boy. You say almost because he tends to be kind of aggressive, most of the time. It was October 31st, 2017, when you first met Baji. He seemed somewhat... lost? Maybe that's why he followed you.
Baji, he said his name was, told you about his life when he was alive. You listened to the fights he won and the very unusual adventures he shared with his friends. You also heard his regrets and, finally, how he died by his own hand. ‘A very tragic ending for such a colorful life,’ you thought.
You took pity for the boy and suggested what most souls sought. Closure. You offered to write letters for those he wished to communicate something or say goodbye appropriately. You said a letter because talking to people wasn't your forte. After a while, he accepted.
“You look like a demon today and every day,” you grumbled. Baji, the ghost, you might add, pulled your covers for the fifth time this morning.
“And you like a crazy woman, now hurry up! We have a lot of places to go.” this is the most excited you’ve seen the ghost boy.
“Yah! Okay! Go and wait in the kitchen; I need to change.” sushing Baji out, you heard him murmur about you being a grumpy old lady. Rolling your eyes, you walked towards your closet.
It's been a month since you've met Baji, and he was a handful. It took you a month to write the seven letters he needed. And that leads you to today, the big day of deliveries. Seeing that most letters had a name and address, you could easily mail them, except for one, but Baji insisted on delivering them with you.
As you walked towards your first delivery, you remembered a conversation with your ghost friends. It happened a couple of days after meeting him.
Baji asked how you had so much time in your hands to help a dead boy. He kept questioning you about family, friends, and even pets. But your answer didn’t seem to be of his liking. You explained how everyone in your family thought you were sick in the head and how because of your ghost-seeing tendencies, you never had friends. Baji apologized for asking, but you really didn’t mind. It was your reality.
A hand waving in front of your face woke you up from your memories. “Y/N, let's check one more time. I'm kind of anxious,” confessed Baji.
“Okay,” you said as you pulled the letters from your bag. “But be fast, please. This is not a good place, gang territory and all that,” you huffed.
You read the names out loud so Baji could see that every letter was there. “Pah-chin, Mitsuya, Draken, Chifuyu, Kazutora, Takemichi, and Manjiro,” you finished.
A sudden commotion made both of you turn towards the sound of people murmuring and flashes of cameras. At first, you couldn't focus. The waves of a feeling of demise hit your body, and as you blinked, the image in front of you cleared up.
A sea of the dead.
“Y/N! That's Mikey,” you gave Baji a weird look, “I mean Manjiro! The one with the tattoo on his nape and short white hair.” he pointed towards the men in suits that were leaving a club called FNN.
The mass of spirits seemed to follow after this Mikey or Manjiro and his men.
“Are you sure? That doesn't look like a Manjiro to me,” you said, scared of the energy that surrounded those men. You saw countless spirits following the group, and that was never a good sign in your book.
“How would you know?” He threw you a confused side glance, “Let's go now! Just give it to him, and we continue on our way,” Baji was excited since you never found Sano Manjiro’s address or any information about him, and he thought he would have to make you ask Draken or anyone and then wait last to see him. “Go!”
“Okay! I’m going!” you walked towards the group. Were you afraid? Yes. Did you know what you were doing? Hell no.
Trying to avoid eye contact with the souls surrounding the group of men, you made it to the man in flip flops that, according to Baji, was Sano Manjiro. You don't know how none noticed you, yet you slid your way between tall and big bodies towards him.
“Hi! Sano Manjiro, right? This is for you!” you squicked at the intimidating flip-flop-wearing man as you bowed and extended your hands with the letter in between them. “Baji Keisuke ordered me to!” and then, as soon as you felt he touched the envelope, you ran for your life.
You ran and ran, hoping that Baji saw you bolt out of there and had decided to follow you. Something in you told you to go; it screamed danger, and with your experience, that voice was never wrong.
“Y/N?!? Are you okay? What happened?” Baji appeared, “You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” you abruptly stopped at his poor attempt of lightening the mood.
“Very funny,” you sarcastically responded, “Baji, your friend must be crazy! Didn't you see the amount of death that surrounds him?” just remembering the feeling sent shivers down your spine.
“So we continue?” he blatantly ignored your concerns. How does a ghost ignore other ghosts?
You gave a no for an answer, explaining that the more contact you had with spirits, the more exhausted you felt. And today, you ran twice through an army of lost souls. Now it makes sense to him why you always nap so much. He understood your situation. Pah-chin, Mitsuya, Draken, Chifuyu, Kazutora, and Takemichi can wait.
Still, there was something else bothering you. Like... The alarms in your head didn't turn off. On the contrary, they screamed even louder.
“Boss, we have her address and a background chek.” a man with scars in the corners of his lips spoke. “No history or contact with Baji Keisuke,”
“How should we proceed?” A man with a single red eye and a scar in the corner of the other asked.
“Bring her here,” Mikey said before munching on a heart-shaped Manju.
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