#and since i got five pulls back from the 2 5*s and 2 4*s + 5 pulls from shop reset tonight
uhzuku · 10 months
so. :’))
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owliellder · 1 year
Two's A Crowd
College Bully! Leon Kennedy x fem! Reader
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MDNI 18+
(Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5)
Description: College is proving to be a lot harder than you imagined. You cannot fail this math class. So when you've tried everything else, a well-known student is recommended to you by your professor for tutoring lessons, not really leaving you with much of a choice but to work with him.
Warnings: Not proofread, No Use of Y/N, Dub-Con, Unprotected Sex, Bullying, Yelling, Cursing
Tags: College AU, Bully! Leon, Shy! Reader, both are in their early 20's, Leon is Rude AF in the beginning, Loss of Virginity, Oral Sex, Fingering, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Additional Tags to be Added
Author's Note: Slightly shorter chapter since I got stuck watching the last two episodes of Fionna and Cake, but I hope y'all like where I'm steering this. Pick up what I'm putting down, eh??
Cross-posted onto AO3
Chapter 2:
“This is insane. You’re not even trying.” 
Leon’s cruel comments had been endless since you showed up today. He was already irritated that you even showed to begin with, now he’s just taking all his frustrations out on you. The guy isn’t even passive aggressive, he’s just aggressive. “I showed you the formula like.. five times already.”
“I don’t need you to patronize me, please.” You asked with a meek voice, bringing your hands up to cover your face for a couple seconds before placing them down on either side of the new math assignment sitting in front of you. You understood his impatience though, you were even starting to grow impatient with yourself, having been stuck on the third question for over thirty minutes now. Leon stressed the fact that you got one hour only with him and you’d basically wasted half that time bouncing from the formula he’d written down to the question itself.
The formula was helpful, but this question included more numbers than you knew what to do with. The main issue was knowing which numbers went where in the formula and you wanted to know why they went where they did, but Leon was only giving you the formula and nothing else. One vague explanation and then he was right back on his phone.
You had a glimmer of hope for the frat boy sitting in front of you. Had, being the keyword here. One study session in and you were already starting to accept defeat. “Can you explain it to me again?” You tapped your pencil on the table nervously, keeping your eyes glued to your paper to avoid the obvious glare you’d receive from him.
The sound of his phone slamming down on the table accompanied with a groan made you grip onto your pencil tighter, now holding it still as he pulled the paper away from you. “Do I have to hold your hand, too? What’s so hard to understand about this?” He reached over, yanking your pencil from your hand so he could scribble out the first few steps to the problem. Afterwards, he tossed both the paper and pencil back over to you, tapping his finger down on the work he wrote down before circling it once. “Need anything else? A warm bottle of milk? Want me to read you a bedtime story?”
He leaned back in the chair, crossing his arms with a sigh after picking his phone back up. “You’ve got fifteen more minutes.” The fuck’s his problem? 
Letting out a small sigh of your own, you silently picked up the pencil and looked down at what he’d written. Surprisingly, it did help you make more sense of the rest of the assignment sheet, figuring out the placement of the numbers by using where Leon had put them. Soon, the assignment sheet was finished and you had him look it over.
“Is it-.. Is it good?” You watched Leon carefully, studying his face for any sort of emotion other than annoyance. You unfortunately didn’t find it, but his muttered “good” made you smile, taking your own turn studying your work once he handed it back. Not tossed or thrown, handed back.
He took in a sharp breath through his nose before standing up, focus still trained on his phone. There was only a few minutes left in the hour, so you guess he took your understanding of the material as his leave. “Can we.. uh.. study again on Monday?” His hand paused on the door handle at your question, looking back at you from over his shoulder with his lips pulled tight as he gave you a glare. “You just love taking up my time, don’t you?”
“Wait, is that-” The slam of the door cut you off, leaving you to watch him saunter off through the large window in the door. Your shoulders slumped and you turned back to give your math assignment one last look before stuffing it into your backpack. At least with this new understanding, you’d be able to hopefully do the next few assignments. Mr. Lebovic was kind enough to let you redo your past fails, meaning all you’re doing is slowly climbing your way back up to a better grade with make-up work.
You held out for Leon, constantly giving him the benefit of the doubt with each study session following the first. You did your absolute best to remain passive with him, but each session was filled with crude, nasty, hate-filled comments directed at you, so it was only a matter of time until you started throwing your own comments back at him. By the beginning of November, studying had been put on the back burner whenever you two met up, assignments left abandoned in favor of fleshing out full blown arguments. He always won since you’d never really had a loud voice to defend yourself and his favorite go-to was low blow insults, somehow always managing to sniff out your insecurities.
Leon’s pattern was always one step forward, ten steps back with you. He would help and then spend the rest of your hour together nitpicking your every attempt to learn. He hated you and it was driving you mad. It was impossible to learn anything like this.
You’d grown a sour mood leading up to your trek to the library for one of your regular study sessions, a scowl settling on your face. You decided hours ago that getting dressed wasn’t an option today, you just didn’t weren’t in the mood, so instead you threw on a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants to mind the brisk chill that had rolled in at the end of October. 
The walk to the main building was dull; most of the leaves on the trees around campus had long since browned and fallen off, the grass was dead and crunchy, and it almost felt like it would start snowing anytime now with how quickly the cold had come. The feel in the air made you tired, it made you miss home. The weather made you long for the warmth a home-cooked meal provided, but you had to wait, and that wait was only contributing to your already piss poor mood.
Making your way into the library and into the reserved study room, you didn’t even notice Leon’s smile until he asked you to pull out your most recent assignment. It immediately put you off because it wasn't like his normal cocky smile or smirk, no, this one was oddly genuine. Soft, even.
“Can I see it?” He asked, smile widening slightly as he gestured towards your backpack. Even his tone was softer than usual. “Uh…” You weren’t quite sure how to react, not really processing his words as you tried to figure out whether he’s setting a trap or not.
“Your assignment. Can I see it?” Leon clarified, his arms resting crossed on the table as he glanced down to your bag and then back up at you. That was also weirding you out; the eye contact. Normally he only ever met your gaze when he was intimidating you with a deep glare and it wasn’t ever this long. He was making a point to look at you now.
Without saying a word, you unzipped your bag and pulled out a couple papers, only looking away from him twice to make sure you were getting the right ones. You made sure to hold eye contact with him, eyebrows furrowed as you searched for any insincerity. 
You’d grown rigid with his kind behavior, even more so when he thanked you and took the papers from you. Questioning him was your top priority right now, though your mouth refused to work with your brain, causing you to stutter out a simple “..what?” Leon only hummed, tilting his head a bit as he looked down at your work, following the tip of his pen as it trailed down the paper. 
“What-..” You repeated, swallowing dryly before finally getting the full “What’re you doing?” out. He seemed genuinely confused at your question, looking up to give you a puzzled look. “Hm? Whaddya mean what am I doing? I’m looking over your work.” He looked back down at your paper, clearing his throat quietly.
“No, you’re being nice. Why are you being nice?” You were quick to shoot back to try and draw his attention back to you. “If this is a joke, I’m not gonna fall for it.”
Leon sighed and dropped the pen down onto the paper to rest his crossed arms on the table again. “Why are you asking so many questions? It’s not a big deal.”
Not a big deal?! “Not a big deal?! You’ve argued with me every other day for the past three weeks!” Your hands balled up into fists on your lap, completely baffled by the dismissiveness of his complete 180° in demeanor. “I-” You stopped yourself, taking a moment to breathe. This was.. actually a nice change of pace now that you think about it. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth?
He gave you his normal annoyed look at your sudden pause, seemingly waiting on you to finish talking. “You..?” Shaking your head a bit, you let out a soft laugh and waved your hand. “Nevermind, uh.. yeah, nevermind…”
“Ooookay, well, you did good on this one so you can turn it in.” Leon held up the first paper before sliding it across the table to you, then picking up the second paper. “But this one needs a bit of work. I circled the questions that need to be redone, not gonna tell you what’s wrong with them, though.” You watched as he slid the other paper to you with your own smile now forming. Pulling out a pencil, you started to relax for the first time around this guy, bringing your attention down to the circled questions.
Your study session has never been more productive. He was being helpful; answering your questions, talking you through each step, giving you smiles and the occasional thumbs up. You’re not sure what changed or why, but you definitely weren’t complaining. When Leon wasn’t acting like someone shoved a stick up his ass, he was actually pretty handsome. You’d mentally recognized his good looks when you first met him, yet his demeanor as a whole masked those good looks entirely.
There was no way he could throw anymore surprises at you, but you stood corrected when he walked over to you at the end of your session, stopping you from walking out. “Listen, I’m sorry for how I’ve been acting. I don’t want to be mean to you, it’s just…” He paused to laugh to himself, looking down at the ground with an almost bashful expression. “I’m only tutoring because it’s a big part of my grade in my class, so..” Not a complete lie on his part.
“Oh. Oh, it's.. it’s fine.” You didn’t want him to revert back to his old style, so you chose to just dismiss it. His attitude did make sense, you wouldn’t want to tutor random people for a grade. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Thanks. Uh.. oh, here-” Leon opened and held the study room door open for you, giving you a small wave as you walked out, which you returned. That was a nice mood booster, not being degraded and demeaned every time you see the one person who’s supposed to help you. 
Your friends had their own opinions about the experience after you described it to them. You’d been relaying every bit of info relating to your study sessions from the past three weeks to them, a second and third opinion was good to have for such an odd trade.
“I don’t trust it. Plain and simple.” Sky placed their hands down on their thighs with an audible slap. They didn’t seem impressed by Leon’s sudden chivalry, and to your disappointment, neither did Ella when you looked over from Sky to her. She just looked back at you with a shrug. “Sorry. I’m gonna have to take Sky’s side on this. There’s just something off about that.”
You sighed in defeat, turning your head around to look out the window in the dorm room. It was nice that Sky and Ella shared a dorm, you can’t discuss stuff like this in your own dorm in case your roommate decided to randomly appear. “Yeah…”
Ella scooted closer to you on the bed and pulled you back so your head was resting in her lap. “I know you got your hopes up, but please be careful. I don’t wanna see you get hurt because some pretty boy decided it would be fun to manipulate you.” You groaned, covering your face with your arms. Nothing even happened and you’re already feeling embarrassed.
“It’s okay if you like him, he is kinda cute.” Ella giggled and moved one of your arms to poke your cheek. “But just remember that the guy’s got a bit of a reputation for being a major douche.”
Sky, sitting over on their bed, pointed at Ella in agreement. “Emphasis on major douche.” They smiled and leaned back, their head plopping onto their pillows. “It was just one instance of him being sweet, after all. Who’s to say he won’t revert back to being an asshole by Wednesday?”
“I know, I get it.” You swatted Ella’s hand away and sat back upright. Even if he was putting up a front, it was still nice to get some real help with your math without being insulted. Everyone deserves a second chance and he seemed honest enough when he told you why he’d been so rude, so why not try again with him? Start fresh, maybe you’ll get to make an unlikely friend out of this popular frat boy.
A bit of a far fetched idea, considering the vast differences between you and Leon, but anything like that is worth another try. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
@kayotee4 @k-fallingstar @bobastayhigh @mi-zer-y @chasingkennedy @l30nva @espressonerd @jjouki @5tarx @bunnybreadloaves @whoisgami @cyanscribe @c4b3r1a @darichvep @mmmangel @kingtacocat @klee-iii @baby--vera @dakiniii @kenma-izhu @aliidarling @leonsmamacita
(a few of your blogs won't show up but i tried)
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killykstudio · 1 year
Miguel O'Hara x Cheated on!Reader
Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5; Part 6;
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Warnings: 18+, no minors, heavy smut, fingering , spanking , dom! Miguel, dirty talking, mention of mental illness, self loathing.
Summary: after taking care of you, Miguel decides that you deserve a punishment due to your behaviour.
Author's note: since there are a lot of Spanish sentences in this part I've put the translation near to them, so enjoy!
"uno" Spank!
"dos" Spank!
"T-tres" Spank!
"cua-a-tro" Spank!
"c-cHinCO" Spank!
"chinco"(it's "chinco" (five))
Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank!
"m-miguel!" You moaned.
"Empecemos... De nuevo" (let's try it again). His voice was suave, sultry and deep. You whimper.
"u-uno" Spank!
You forgot for how long he has been torturing your delicate buns. You were still wearing his short , but their legs were pulled up enough to show your skin.He made you count all the slaps he gave you in Spanish. After all you were the one to ask him to teach you the language.Every time you inevitably got the numbers pronunciation wrong ,he would start all over again. at every hit ,you rewarded him with a moan from your plumb lips, that he has bitten to the point of draining blood. His name slips from your mouth like a prayer, but with difficulty , since he has put two fingers in your mouth. You were already a mess , drooling all over the sheets and feeling your slit becoming more and more wet at every slap.
"c-cin-quen-t-ta"(fifty) Spank!
"Bien..." His finger leaves your mouth with pop. A string of saliva still connects them to your mouth. He leans back, takes off his shirt, takes both of your wrists and ties them together. Then he props your ass higher and takes off his shorts from you.
"tan mojada... Solo por esto, muñeca? (So wet... Only from this, babydoll?)
You whine at the cold air on your slit. He takes with his huge hands your peach cheeks, opening them further , a string of cum leaving your cunt.
"esto coño es solo por para mí ¿Tengo razón? (this cunt is only for me , am I right?)
"what are y-" Spank!
You gasp by the sudden sting. Your cunt clenching at nothing.
"solo español" (only Spanish) his severe voice sending shivers to your spine
"s-í" you cry out
"bueña muñeca... Mereces una recompensa" ( good "girl"... You deserve a prize)
Immediately your cunt was filled by two thick fingers.
"ah! Miguel!"
He starts pounding into you with such a fierce speed, touching all your weak spots. Your mind starts going dumb. He doesn't seem to slow down. You present him with your cutest sounds.
"Miguel!....Fuck!" Spank!
Meanwhile destroying your body with waves of pleasure he takes his shorts stained by your juice and puts them in your mouth to ease your moans.
You are drooling all over the sheets. You nails digging so hard in your palm. You can feel it , your climax approaching. It feels divin-
"que maravilla"(wonderful).your eyes widen, your cunt clenching at nothing and your body squirming in search for him. He just pulled out his finger from you , leaving you desperate for your release.
He takes of his shorts from your mouth.
"Repite después de mí" ( repeat after me)
"Mi amor" (my love)
"M-Miguel pleas- Spank!
"Se honesta, ¿lo haces a propósito? Te gusta ser azotada por mí" ( be honest, you do it on purpose? You like being spanked by me)
"repite,mi amor" ( repeat, love)
"Mmi a-amor"
"Buena" (good girl)
He flips you over your back and leans down over your slit , just his breath almost making you cum.
"te amo" ( I love you) he rolls his tongue on your clit. The feeling makes your eye roll in your back
You gasp in pleasure and arc your back . This time he gave you a less hard slap on your slit.
"te- te amo"
He does a long lick from your hole to your pulsing clit, then he sucks on it and release it with a pop ,only to continue doing cats licks on it.
"quiero que estemos juntos..."(I want us to stay together)As he saying it you feel his breath and his tongue playing on your nerves
"q-quieRo q-u-e estEmos jUntos" at this point you are a babbling mess.
"para siempre" (for ever)
"pa-pa-para siiemp-Ah!
Three fingers slip inside your folds, the sudden stretch making you see the stars.
"deja ese pendejo y quedate conmigo te tratare como te mereces..." (Leave that bastard and stay with me ,so I can treat you the way you deserve)
His speed increases more and more with you becoming more and more near your release
"Miguel! I'm cu- "Slap!
"FUCK!" slap!
Your vision is becoming more blurred, your nerves are on fire , your body it's starting to shake-
"Acaba para mi , muñeca" (cum for me , babydoll)
you raise your head and you meet his gaze...
"Fuck!" You cum just by his expression: full of lust , red eyes , his mouth and chin dirty by your juices, his curls in disorder. Fuck he looked so pussy drunk.
He carries you through your release, sucking your sensible bud and getting his finger out to plant his hand on your bladder. This makes your flames turn into an explosion of white pleasure. You scream his name again again
"Miguel! Miguel! Migue-
Morning light hits your eyes , making you find cover under the sheets.
As your sleepiness was leaving your body and your brain started igniting your nerves back, you realised.
It was just a wet dream!?
"everything okay y/n?" You hear Miguel's voice from another room.
What the fuck? Why did I dream something like that... I mean...no,please... I can't be this stupid... Did I fall in love with him?! Just from an act of mercy?!Oh, God! I'm completely crazy! completely gone ! Also a maniac. He would think I'm repulsive if he knew. Poor Miguel being stuck with someone like me, he would be ashamed to have someone like me to like him. I feel so sorry for him, I mean...Wait...when did I fall asleep?... everything he said meanwhile he brought me to his bed...Him teach me how to say muNeCa...was... Me dreaming or...
Fuck! You feel... sticky down there... so you bring two fingers on your covered slit and touch it to check
You are soaking wet
Author's notes: Yikes!! It was so difficult to write smut , but here we are! I think it was time for something spicy after all the drama even though it's just a dream. Anyway part 5 has been released, so go catch it! And thank you for reading!
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leosficlist · 18 days
POST S-4 Getting Together
These fics are about their relationship Post Season 4, which could include apologies and fix-its, or simply fics which acknowledged the events of S4!
Bridges by sussexbound 🔒6.6k words
The silence between them is deafening, interrupted only by the hum of the traffic outside, and the soft click-clunk of the plastic cups Rosie is playing with on the floor beside them. It is the first time they have been alone together, since Sherlock’s birthday. It’s only been two days, but it feels huge, important, like there is a precarious bridge stretched out before them both that they need to at least attempt to traverse.
Nocturne by Atiki 6.6k words
All the most important conversations happen at night.
holding steady by darcylindbergh 12.7k words
“Sitting on a thick wool blanket at the end of a rickety dock side-by-side, legs dangling over the edge, a styrofoam container of wet, dark dirt between them, they’re fishing.”
John knows what this is about. This is about finally figuring it out.
notes: post-everything, no eurus mention, getting away for the weekend
Finally Home by LondonSpirit 🔒 3.5k words
“After the final problem is solved, after everything's resolved, and Sherlock and John have returned to a more or less ordinary life, there's only one ting left to do.
But can they eventually admit what everyone else already knew for a long time, or are they still too blind to see?”
Sehnsucht by unicornpoe 14.7k
Sehnsucht: longing, pining, yearning, craving, intensely missing. An individual’s search for happiness while coping with the reality of unattainable wishes.
John is here now, yes, yes he is. He and Rosie are back home in 221B with Sherlock, safe where they belong... but why is there still a hole deep inside Sherlock, wide and gaping and consuming? Does John feel it too? And what will it take to fill it?
Alternative Facts by SwissMiss 🔒10k words
It was so nice to see they'd finally got things sorted. After all they'd been through, they deserved to be happy. (Or: Five times people imagined what John and Sherlock get up to in the bedroom, and one time we see what they really get up to.)
Six Dates by AvaWtsn 7.4k
A rather accidental 5+1 written for the prompt "is this a date?" Hint: it is.
notes: the first 6 fridays after John moves back in
Whisper To Me by Chrysanthemumsies 20.7k words
Sherlock picks up playing the guitar. John falls more and more in love with every passing day.
notes: John struggling with his feelings, slowly creeping together
Questions and Answers by Pipmer 3.1k
It was useless. What was the point? No amount of talking was ever going to change that John wasn’t interested, and never would be. The only way he would be tempted to pull up house again would be if the practical advantages were enormous, and they just weren’t. Why else would he even consider it?
notes: Sherlock wants John & Rosie to move back in
Once Upon A Time by darcylindbergh 6.5k
It starts with a wish.
In the beginning, John comes home.
notes: fluffy soft warm
Getting On With It by StarlightandFireflies
“What is it?” Sherlock finally asked, staring into his tea. “Nothing,” John said quickly. After all, he could hardly just come out and say the truth: It’s just hit me again, all this. I’ve realized I’m here, and you’re here, and for some reason you don’t hate me, and yet I’ve got no bloody idea where to go from here.  I want to do right by you but it’s hitting me as if for the first time that I’ve no clue how to do that, even though it’s what you deserve. Rated M for chapter 2
Negative Space by Standbygo 8.8k words
John takes a drawing class, but drawing Sherlock has unexpected results.
notes: John’s in therapy, Sherlock goes to John’s art show
Home by liriodendron 2.9k words
Sherlock opens his mouth to ask how he can make the pain go away, but he realizes halfway through that he doesn't know how one asks such a thing, so the only word that escapes his lips is, "John..."
There is a sharp intake of breath at his name, and then John says in a voice like a broken radio, "Take me home, Sherlock."
notes: sex for comfort post-mary's death
Out Of The Woods by SilentAuror
Sherlock is fairly certain that John has taken to flirting with him of late, but can't be entirely certain of it. At least, not until a case takes them into a forest, along with Lestrade's team and something happens that will change everything about their lives...
notes: pining Sherlock, miscommunications, then oodles of fluff
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We Go Down Together, Chapter 5
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
Relationship(s); Cassie Perez & Cordell Walker
Tags/Warnings: Guilt, Trauma, Trauma Recovery, Making Up, Angst with a Happy Ending
Summary: Cordell does some thinking and Cassie makes some progress
Written for @augustofwhump alt prompt 4: Guilt
Taglist: @theladywyn, @ihavepointysticks, @klaatu51, @itsjessiegirl1, @neptunium134
After that confrontation with Cassie, Cordell went home, sat in his home office, and did a lot of thinking.
He’d come up here intending to think about work, even had some files that James emailed him spread out on the desk. He wanted to dive right back in so he could put all this mess behind him and focus on the future.
But no matter how hard he stared at the papers in front of him, his mind kept circling back to Cassie. The dread in her eyes, the pain in her voice, the anger simmering underneath it all…. It wasn’t anything like the Cassie he knew. She was normally so happy, so energetic, so determined. Seeing her stripped bare like that was so unfamiliar. He hadn’t seen her like that since Rita had told them Miles was dead. She’d tried to hide it, but she’d been a zombie at work for days after that and only lightened up when they got that crypto-theft case to distract them.
Maybe that was why he’d assumed it would be the same this time. Sure, Gray Flag had knocked Cassie down but she would get back up again once she had a distraction. That was the way Cordell had always worked, hell it was the way almost every Ranger or soldier he ever knew worked.
But Cassie wasn’t like everyone else he’d ever known.
Suddenly, Micki popped into his mind. She and Cassie were wildly different, but they had similarities as well. Young, determined, a fire in their soul stoked by years of people underestimating them.
He remembered when she came back from investigating Serano. She’d tried to jump right back into work and fell right on her ass. Cordell had thought she’d just needed time then, that she’d get right back up and run by his side again.
Then she’d left in the middle of the night and her desk was cleared out by morning.
Micki had thought leaving the force was the right thing to do. Cordell didn't agree with it, but he’d let her go her own way. Whatever she was going through she needed that support and he was happy to give it to her.
Just like Cassie needed his support right now. Whatever her decision was.
He sighed and rested his chin in the palm of his hand. “Bang up job you did there, Walker,” he muttered to himself.
He pulled out his phone and pulled up Cassie’s number. He hesitated, berated himself for hesitating, and then still waited five whole seconds before pressing the call button.
It took three rings for the call to pick up. “Walker?”
“Cassie,” he breathed. “Thank god. I thought you would’ve blocked me after earlier….”
“Well, I did consider it.”
“I had a feeling.��� Cordell took a deep breath. “I wanted to say I was sorry. Like, actually genuinely sorry. I… I was too caught up in my own stuff to really see what you were going through and…. I messed up. I’m sorry.”
“Thank you.” She sniffed. “I should probably apologize too. I- I should’ve reached out sooner so you didn’t get the wrong idea….”
“Don’t apologize for that. I’m the idiot that assumed you handled trauma the same way I did. And I’m not sure you calling me and telling me about your nightmares would’ve changed anything. I probably would’ve just made a bigger idiot of myself if we’re being honest.”
She laughed. “Well, at least we can be honest.”
“Yeah….” Cordell cleared his throat. “I really need you to be honest with me, Cassie. I need you to tell me if I’m being a dick or if I’m not doing enough for you. Can you do that?”
She was quiet for a few moments. “I… I think I can. If I can’t, Ben definitely will.”
Cordell chuckled. “Yeah, he will.” He let the silence hang for a minute. “Are we okay?”
“... We will be.”
That was more than enough.
Cassie woke up slowly. She woke up without an alarm, a habit she was going to have to break when she got back to work (and she would go back eventually, no matter how much Ben assured her she didn’t have to). She yawned and reached for her phone to see what time it was.
8:00 A.M.
Her eyes widened and she sat up straight, staring at the screen. The A.M. stubbornly refused to turn to P.M. no matter how many times she blinked. She got out of bed and pulled back the curtain on her window and pulled back when the sun hit her face.
She’d slept the whole night through. Without nightmares. That was the seventh night in a row.
This was progress. This was big progress.
She was on her way back to normal.
She turned on her heel and left her room, excitedly rushing to the kitchen. “Ben, Ben, Ben! I didn’t have a nightmare last night! And I didn’t wake up in the middle of the night or anything!”
Ben almost dropped the pan of bacon he was pulling out of the oven, but managed to save it just in time to leave it on the counter so he could take off his oven mitts. “Cassie, that’s great!” He hugged her tight. “I’m so proud of you.”
She squeezed him just as tight. “Thanks. For everything.”
“Hey, that’s what brothers are for.”
“I know, but still.” She slowly let go of him. “I need to tell Shannon. Oh, and Walker. He’ll wanna know…”
Ben rolled his eyes. “He’s just tired of being stuck on the desk without his partner.”
She slapped his arm. “He is not. Besides, he has too much paperwork to catch up on to go on another case.”
“That’s just what James tells you so you don’t feel bad.”
She rolled her eyes and pulled out her phone to update everyone.
She knew she wasn’t cured yet. She still had a ways to go. But it was progress, and that was worth celebrating.
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hbyrde36 · 1 year
Self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 🖤
oh! so fun, thanks anon!
In no particular order because they are all precious to me:
Steve Harrington: Vampire Hunter
Vampire Eddie Munson, Vampire Hunter Steve Harrington, P.I. Robin Buckley, bad-ass gun toting Nancy Wheeler, VAMPIRE DUSTIN!, Stripper Chrissy Cunningham, and so much more.
My ‘steddie as Anita and Jean-Claude from the Anita Blake novels’ fic. I fucking love this thing. It’s SO FUN. The book series it’s pulled from start out in the 90’s (yes I’m old and I read them when they were originally published🙈) and as much as I love the idea of Vampire Hunter Steve having a beeper, I decided to bring things up to present day (along with quite a few other changes to make it my own, and to fit the steddie vibe). It’s weird and a little challenging writing a fic intermingling two different pieces of media, but I love weaving in and combing elements of each universe's lore, while still maintaining the main beats of the story. If nothing else, read this one for the dream sequences!
2. Caught in the Undertow
Post season 4, Canon Divergent – Eddie lives and Vecna has been defeated.
AKA the sad Eddie fic, or, as i used to call it in my head, 'the passively suicidal Eddie fic'. This was my first foray into the ‘giving my own issues to my blorbos’ thing, although it still seems to be in character for them, I think. Don’t worry, I spread it out between both Eddie and Steve, so they’re both a little fucked up. I loved and hated writing every word of this fic. It was so hard sometimes and I made myself cry more than once, but it was incredibly cathartic. This is the fic I go back to and read parts of more than anything else I’ve written.
3. Times Like These
Time loop, Eddie POV
TLT was my first brain worm, my first ever fanfic, and the first thing I’d written period in a very long time. I had no idea what I was doing, but I was so intrigued by the idea and there weren’t many (any?) Eddie POV time loops on ao3 at that point so it was definitely a little bit of a “fine I’ll do it myself” moment. I was just so curious how it would play out if Eddie, the new guy who knew so little about the upside down, who got thrown into the mix and died all within a single week, were to be the one stuck in a loop. What would he think was happening to him? Would he trust the party enough to tell them? What would he do or change to try and fix things? I think I’ve improved quite a bit as a writer since I finished this, just through sheer practice, but I’m still so very proud of my first baby and think about it often.
4. Life is a Game (and True Love is a Trophy)
Canon was just a crazy homebrew D&D game, sort of.
My second brain worm, this fic lived in my head for 8 months before I had written a single word of it. It all started with the idea that, 'what if all of the events from the show had just been a D&D game played by the boys in Mike’s basement?', and then I ran with it from there. It’s a work in progress and we have still have a ways to go (I’m not sure we’re even at the halfway point yet) but I love how it’s turning out. The response from readers, in comments on ao3 and tumblr, to this one has been very kind and encouraging. It makes it SO easy to work on knowing others love it as much as I do.
5. Thank God we didn’t peak in High School
Friends-with-Benefits to Lovers, Modern Au, life after high school au, no upside down
I wrote this series at the last minute for Steddie Week. Last minute, as in I didn’t even start until several days into the event. I’ve never put out so many words so fast. This fic is loosely based on my own marriage’s origin story, although our beginnings were even more dramatic than this (I felt like I had to tone it down to make it believable). This is the first project that made me realize how fun writing from prompts could be! It’s definitely not my best writing, but the story is fun and cute, a little dramatic and angsty, and as always the boys get their happy ending!
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whimsymanaged · 11 months
Weekend WIP Game
Thank you, @myheartalivewrites, for the tag!
Rules: List your WIPs below (if you only write one fic at a time, feel free to include future WIPs/ideas!) then answer the following questions. Then, tag as many people as you have WIPs (or more).
1. WIP List:
Oh my GOD. This was a mistake.
Okay, so like. Is this only including WIPs I'm actively working on? Because if so, then I have one. Very proud of that fact. I'm super focused and have the willpower to write stuff.
If you mean, like, WIPs that I started posting on AO3 and then never touched again, then... I have 8.
They are:
Five-Drink Henry (RWRB, Alex/Henry, neighbors AU) - this is the one I'm actively working on. I am so fucking determined to finish it.
Change of Plan(t)s (HP, Draco/Hermione/Neville, sex pollen trope) - it's actually marked as 2/2 chapters, which is hilarious. There is definitely supposed to be at least one more chapter.
An Auction (HP, Draco/Hermione, omegaverse) - I miss writing this one, although I am fully on my RWRB bullshit right now with no signs of turning back, lol.
Not What This Is (HP, Draco/Hermione, bloody on your doorstep trope) - I left this one on a very angsty cliffhanger. Sorry.
Where There's Smoke (HP, Draco/Hermione, firefighter AU) - everyone died. The end.
Just Like Quidditch (HP, Draco/Hermione, based on the movie Friends with Benefits) - this was fun to write but I haven't updated it in like 18 months.
Beach Retreat (HP, Draco/Hermione, only one bed trope) - I literally got until they actually slept together and then bounced.
The War Rehabilitation Centre (HP, Draco/Hermione, post-war angst and trauma) - my first fic on AO3!
2. Which of your WIPs is currently the longest?
Five-Drink Henry at 8,348 words. I am obviously incredible at writing very long things. Actually, now that I'm looking at all my AO3 WIPs, I'm realizing nearly all of them have petered out between 6k to 8k words. Gulp.
3. Which WIP do you expect will end up the longest?
Five-Drink Henry, lol. Since it's the only one I'm writing.
4. Which WIP is your favourite to write/the most enjoyable to write? Why?
Anyway, the answer is Five-Drink Henry.
5. Which WIP do you find the most intimidating to write? Why?
Where There's Smoke. I knew nothing about firefighting. All I had was a computer and a dream, so I read articles, interviewed people I knew (not firefighters, but people in firefighter-adjacent work), scoured Quora answers, took notes from "Day in the Life" videos, watched Station 19, etc.
6. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why?
The War Rehab Centre. It was an idea that moved me so much that I HAD to post it? I made, like, my SISTERS and my best friends IRL read my first chapters for me because I was so nervous about getting exactly right. And then basically no one read it and now I'm too afraid to reread it so anyway yeah that one
7. Which of your WIPs will you seek out a beta/sensitivity reader for? Why?
I had betas for the first two chapters of Just Like Quidditch, and I had a beta for Not What This Is. For the latter, it was because I was experimenting with a non-linear style and was worried I was not pulling it off, lol. I think it turned out pretty well though although we never will know wtf happened to Draco.
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of writer's block?
Yes, 7 of them.
9. Which WIP has your favourite OC? Tell us about them?
Five-Drink Henry has some random new people to round out Alex and Henry's friend group. I have a soft spot for Felicity, who Henry at first found intimidatingly attractive but is actually, like, his biggest fan and isn't afraid to give Alex shit.
10. Which WIP is the sexiest?
Besides War Rehab Centre, they're actually all rated E, lol.
An Auction is sexy because of the whole alpha/omega biologically induced desperation? Where There's Smoke has this laundry room scene that I've heard is pretty enjoyable.
11. Which WIP is the angstiest?
Not What This Is. Basically, Hermione hires Draco to sleep with her but then they catch feelings and it's all a mess but also he suddenly appears at her door quite obviously dying? There is no chapter 2.
12. Which WIP has the best characterisation (in your humble opinion)?
UGH DON'T ASK ME THIS. I pride myself on good characterization but also it feels weird to say I characterized anyone well, lol. Probably Five-Drink Henry. IDK.
13. Which WIP has the best scene setting (in your humble opinion)?
None of them. I hate describing places.
14. Which WIP have you worked the hardest on?
Where There's Smoke. It was the only one I did research for.
15. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for? Why?
Five-Drink Henry, because it's going to be my FIRST COMPLETED MULTICHAP. YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST.
(I know What to Wear is complete but it's like 5 words long so it doesn't count.)
16. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?
17. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that your other fics don't?
Yes. the complexity of being unfinished.
18. Which WIP is the funniest or has the most humour?
I made myself laugh a lot writing Just Like Quidditch.
19. Do any of your WIPs contain outside POVs or a deep dive on a character other than the main ship? How are you finding that process?
No, but now I want to write a David POV into Five-Drink Henry. Really get into his mind.
20. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs.
The next chapter of Five-Drink Henry is chapter 4, so Henry will be drinking 4 drinks. Did you know that? I don't think you did.
Tagging: @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @beautyberrywrites @holygnocchi @sodamnradd @eveningstruggle @eggbagelsjr @caitybellfics @ellieauthor
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How would you rank the barians from least favorite to most favorite
OK SO. IVE BEEN SITTING ON THIS ASK FOR WEEKS CUZ I WAS WAITING UNTIL I HAD ACTUALLY SEEN ALL SEVEN BARIAN EMPERORS IN ACTION. and now well im done watching the series SO!! im glad I waited because over the course of the back chunk of zexal ii my opinions on all the emperors got jostled around so much AND I ENDED UP LIKING ALL OF THEM A LOT. so i guess caveat for this list: love all 7 of these guys so much, definitely one of my favorite "factions" of yugioh characters. my fuckign kids
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anyway, from 'least' to most favorite
7. Girag: THIS FEELS SO MEAN. SORRY GIRAG like I said i love 'em all but I guess he's the one I like the least, if only because his design is.... unfortunate. And his backstory is......................... unfortunate. They really said "this black character didn't actually do any of his supposed achievements; a literal tanuki did them for him" and called it a day huh HHFDGSDFG Yugioh Not Fantastic Moments but what can ya do. He's still fun. I love his dub voice I genuinely do wonder if it being a bit of a Rocky Balboa impression was a deliberate choice (since he's buddies with Alito Boxer Kiddo Extraordinare).
6. Dumon: AGAIN. A LITTLE MEAN. SORRY DUMON FDHGSG he's grown on me a BUNCH since I started z2 mostly because i lesbianpilled him in my brain but he's gotta be #6 because his Barian form is probably my LEAST favorite of the bunch. I'm not big on his very flat eyes but I do love the idea that they're because He Cant Fucking See. His human form is so fucking funny they really librarypilled this guy so hard. He's low on the list but still dear to me. Definite Zexal Real One.
5. Marin: GOD. RIOMARINMERAG. I LOVE HER. I REALLY DO. her Barian form's color palette is just gorgeous and she has an awesome ice motif and she's a COOL SPORTY JOCK and she LOVES HER BROTHER but my GOD she suffers from Girl in a Yugioh Series SO BAD. THIS POOR GIRL IS FRIDGED FOR LITERALLY OVER HALF THE SHOW!!!! she does 1-3 cool things and They Shred Like Hell but there's just barely enough of her in the show for her to really blossom into one of my top favs :( don't worry sweetheart im coming
4. Mizar: ok so now we're getting into the territory of where I Just Really Like These Guys. I didn't give a SHIT about MizarMizael until the Moon Duel, and then I proceeded to give SO many shits about him. What can I say.... sad kiddo YGO character backstory gets me every time. I love that he pulled an Aporia and face-turned and tried to take on the Big Bad but fumbled so fucking hard he died in one turn. His Barian form is ROUGH, THOUGH. HIS SHADES OF YELLOW ARE TOO FUCKING CLOSE TO EACH OTHER PUT SOME MORE GREEN AND RED IN THERE. Anyway. Been cooking a trans woman Mizar headcanon for a little while now. estrogen and hooves could have saved her.
3. Nasch: I. really like Shark. I'm still sorting out favorites in my mind but Shark is definitely in my Top Five and I like him as Nasch by extension. Definitely one of the coolest Yugioh Rivals by absolute far. His slow growth as Shark from Mean Bully to Guy Who Cares So Much About His Friends just GUTS me!! This is what ygo's all about babeyyy!!! And the sheer amount of AWFUL SHIT that happens to this kid, MY GOD. He loses his sister over and over again and ends up with SO MANY LIVES ON THE LINE it's a fucking wonder he didnt have a turbo emotional breakdown and collapse. Also I love when characters have species identity crisis and claim to throw their humanity away<3 I know that one <333 ALSO his color palette is really good, I wish his pants were dark though.
2. Alito: ALITOOOOOOOO ALITO MY BI ITALIAN REP. he is latino to me. as well. anyway Alito is also one of my Absolute Top Favorite Zexal Characters I fucking love him. I love Tough Guy Who Kids Love. I love his Battlin Boxers. I love his narrative parallels to Nistro (also one of my fav characters). I love both his forms!! His Barian color palette rocks. ALL OF HIS DUELS GO SO DAMN HARD ESPECIALLY THE MYTHIRIAN NUMBER ONE AND HIS 'CONTROLLED BY DON THOUSAN' DUEL. He's just so good!!! His dynamic with Yuma makes my brain spin around. I need to draw him for real so bad. I hope they put him in Duel Links soon I will whoop and cheer and clap.
cmon. gotta be basic here but you know it's VECTOR!!!!!!!!!!! God he might be. My most favorite Zexal character. He is certainly the one making me the Most insane. I feel like a version of me from a different dimension made this character in a lab just to psychologically torment me. He's BONKERS, he's FUNNY, he's SO OBSCENELY EXPRESSIVE IT'S INSANE, he LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE MY BESTIE'S BLORBO, he LOOKS LIKE MY ART STYLE. Absolute Dana Monster Perfect Storm thats destroyed my house and my brain. And then they had to go and make him SAD!!! JUST TAKE ME TO THE VET AND PUT ME DOWN, MAN!!! s-tier yugioh character. top tier favorites hall of famer. i love him to bits. half my screenshot folder looks like this now
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n7viper · 2 years
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I posted 7,039 times in 2022
That's 7,039 more posts than 2021!
342 posts created (5%)
6,697 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 6,845 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#art - 2,806 posts
#dragon age - 2,385 posts
#other - 1,527 posts
#mass effect - 1,319 posts
#shepard - 745 posts
#lavellan - 443 posts
#cullen - 315 posts
#garrus - 307 posts
#solas - 293 posts
#hawke - 229 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#for the piercings - i wish i had some artistic talent because i would die to see her with some extra piercings i can't see in the game
I sent 3 gifts in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
my friend just sent me this video and I just -
those are some pretty crazy rock formations
51 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
Random OTP Asks
I scraped a random assortment of questions from this mega post so that I could answer them in a very self-indulgent way. I didn't originally number them, and it turns out I ended up with an odd number. Sorry to all Increments of Five enjoyers out there.
Who is always horny and will have sex, at any place and at any time?
Who slides their arm around the other’s waist?
Who tops and who bottoms?
Who acts tough but actually is really submissive?
Who is louder in bed?
Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other and who ends up driving them to the ER after it backfires?
Who likes to give the other hugs from behind followed by a kiss?
Who causes the tomfoolery and who has to try and stop the tomfoolery?
Who’s ready for marriage first?
Who wants kids first?
Who’s the first to break down because they’re going to be parents?
Which one has more insecurities? Over what?
Would they hate-fuck if they were mad at one another? If they had a falling out?
Which one stubbornly tries to pretend they aren’t sick?
Who initiates PDA the most in public?
Who is your OTP’s unofficial/official child?
Who pulls the other closer while sleeping?
Who likes to sit in the other’s lap?
Who still blushes when their partner compliments them?
Who asks the other’s father/father figure to marry their son/daughter?
Who sleeps on which side of the bed?
Who would be a lovey dovey drunk?
Who do they ask to be their bridesmaid(s)/best man/men?
Who distracts the driver by being a bit too provocative in the car?
Favorite canon moment of them?
Least favorite canon moment of them?
Which one fixes up the other one’s outfit in the morning (adjusting a tie, putting hair in the right spot, etc)?
What theme would their wedding be, if they were going to get married?
See the full post
76 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
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A few months ago, I was l lucky enough to receive the most amazing commission of my girl from the lovely @lilithkb (LilithKBArt on Twitter) 💖
I have been absolutely obsessed with this since I got it back. The amount of detail that Lilith put into this blows my mind. I love the tweaks that they made to the armour to make it more Mihri, the colours that we worked together on to make it more meaningful*.
I'm never good at words when it comes to these things because I feel like words can't really convey the love I have for this. If you're on Twitter, please go give them and their amazing art some love!
*green is Mihri's favourite color! However, I tend to associate her with turquoise for some reason. The armour colors are a lovely blend of both of us.
78 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
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I was lucky enough to snag a commission slot from the lovely @jentrevellan, so you know I had to get a bust of Mihri 💖 I can’t get over how she looks in her little dress, and the FLOWER CROWN! Thank you again, Jen! 💖💖
160 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Cullen's pretty sure he's gonna go grey by 35
722 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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jrpneblog · 2 years
The calm before the storm
International breaks always seem to effect teams in some way whether it be positive or negative and if history is anything to go by North End are not particularly brilliant after these 2 week incursions are complete. The unbeaten spell ended big time at Middlesbrough last week with a 0-4 reverse on Gentry Day although the scoreline seemed to matter little to the North End fans inside the Riverside who gave the boys fantastic support. Prior to last weeks defeat North End had taken thirteen points from the previous seven games, winning three and drawing four. If we can produce that sort of run for the last eight games of the season then we will finish around ninth or tenth with 66 points. Personally I think it is a decent target for North End to aim for and irrespective of the appalling set of home performances earlier in the season, the club will see this as progress under Ryan Lowe even though the season has been incredibly mixed in terms of performances on the field. Lowe has split the fanbase some what but, although he was very close to the edge prior to the Wigan game, I believe the majority of fans are still with him as we go into the biggest game of the season on Saturday week. Suffice to say a defeat next week may plunge those supporting Lowe into a minority and although it isn't a life or death game as far as the league table is concerned, Ryan Lowe will sleep much more soundly in his bed next Saturday evening if North End can overcome the old enemy at Deepdale in front of the Sky cameras with a 12.30ko. The game is even more important following the slightly unlucky 2-4 reverse at the seaside earlier in the season. So without putting too much pressure on the manager I would suggest that if we only win one more game this season then in really does need to be next this one, next Saturday lunchtime.
Reflecting back on the game last Saturday and a sharp reminder for North End fans just how must a player like Cameron Archer means to a team with promotion or play off aspirations in the Championship. North End, apparently, offered the same terms as Middlesbrough to Archer and his agent but it is just a reflection of how our clubs ambitions are seen that the young Villa striker chose to go to Tees-side. North End player 3-4-2-1 in the first half which I thought was the wrong tactic. As soon as Boro got the opening goal we were under pressure and as half time came we had to revert to our normal 3-1-4-2 although it was to little avail in the end. North End were mediocre on the day and the Home side were very good so no surprises, really about the result. The way the home fans and indeed Middlesbrough Football Club embraced our Gentry Day was excellent and credit and thanks must go to Steve Gibson and his team up at the Riverside.
And finally this week:- England pulled off their first win in Italy since 1961 on Thursday evening with a 2-1 victory thanks to goals from Rice and Kane. With two teams to qualify from the Group a win against Ukraine on Sunday tea time would see Gareth Southgate's boys well on their way to qualification with only North Macedonia and Malta as the other teams in the group. Assuming we beat the two minnows home and away then we look well set to be in Germany next Summers for a competition we must be looking to win. My only memory of England winning a major tournament is as a six year old boy watching his father jumping up and down with delight as Hurst made it four on that increasingly distant July day, 57 years ago. It is very early days yet but it might just be England's time again. Maybe, just maybe, this time well get it right.
Portsmouth to beat Port Vale 1/1
A £5 Stake returns £10.00 on bet365
Returns £167.01 Stake £155.00
Percentage profit+/-loss + 7.75%
Predictions 31 won 15 lost 16.
0 notes
unedibledaisyduck · 2 years
Hi! Can you write a Jack Dawson x Suicidal Fem!reader. Something where Jack notices that the reader is self harming and helps her stop? Thank you!
hi anon! i haven't really been active on this account so i don't know when you sent this, but sorry for the wait :(
oh and its implied that the reader is out of school and lives w s/o! jack
RAZOR - Jack Dawson x Suicidal Fem!reader
TW: suicidal thoughts, cutting, self harm, don't read if you get triggered easily
word count: 628
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You call out to him from your place in the bedroom.
Jack Dawson has been your boyfriend for 7 months now. You two met in a cafe in Paris and hit it off, got to where you are now, living together happily.
Well, not really.
Since you were 15, you've sliced your wrists and upper thighs to relieve some of the pain from the bullying you received on the daily.
Worthless, ugly, unattractive and stupid are just a few of the slurs you were called everyday back in school.
No one knew about what you did, you were very good at hiding it as you had been doing it for years.
Okay well, back to the present now.
"What for? I got you a couple a few weeks back?" Jack asked as he walked into your shared bedroom.
The truth was that your razors were all either covered in your blood, and the ones that weren't, were too blunt to shave or to hurt.
"They're too blunt, they don't take any hair off." You answered, sitting down on the bed.
Jack nodded, he looked a bit out of it. "Huh, I use the same brand though and it works like a dream? I'll go check if i accidentally bought a different brand for you."
You were about to nod but then you remembered that your old and bloody razors were in the bathroom bin, along with the bloody tissues you used.
"Wait-" Jack turned back around. "I- uh- left some of my feminine products on the counter!"
You ran past him into the bathroom. You were thinking on what to do.
If you took the bin bag out and changed it, that would look kind of weird, since Jack changed it this morning, but you couldn't risk Jack finding out. He would think you're crazy!
Jack obviously got impatient as you had been in there for 10 minutes, so he started banging on the bathroom door. "I'm coming in in five seconds."
'Think think what do I do???' you thought.
You eventually just accepted defeat and realised that Jack was going to find the razors. You could say you cut yourself shaving maybe?
"1, I'm coming in!"
Jack opened the door and saw you sitting down on the floor of the bathroom, leaning against the bathtub.
"Are you alright, angel?" He said, crouching down and pushing some hair away from your face.
'Should I just tell him. I'm going to just show him.'
You pulled up your sleeve and showed Jack your wrist. His eyes widened immensely, and you saw his face go through a series of emotions, finally ending on sadness.
Tears brimmed in his eyes as he ran his finger up and down the various scars and scabs.
Jack looked up to meet you eyes. "Was it me?"
Your eyes widened. "NO! No, it's more of a habit now."
"How long?"
"Since I was 15. I was, uh bullied, and it was kind of like a relief from, well, everything. Over the years it just became a habit, and an escape from everything." You explained, playing with Jack's fingers.
Jack sighed and stood up. He pulled you up with him, cautious of your wrists and thighs.
"We're going to fix this, okay?" He spoke, rubbing the back of your hands. "We're going to stop with the razors okay?"
You nodded tearfully.
"You're also going to come to me if you ever, EVER, feel this bad again, alright?"
You smiled at him in appreciation. "Okay" You whispered.
"You deserve the world! You're gorgeous, funny, a genius and you're better than this. We're going to fight this together, right?"
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Fives – Soldier Boy 6 – I Should Have Known
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Fives x fem!Reader FF
Warnings: Mention Of Sex work/ Angsty/ Hurt / Mention Of Drug/ Mention Of Drugged State/ Threats/ Alcohol/ Implied Sexual Assault/ Angry Fives/ Caring Fives
Author's Comment:
I'm already writing the next chapter, in parts at least, this is so much fun right now.
What Happened Before:
Soldier Boy
Part 2 - Caught In The Act
Part 3 - Tender Affection
Part 4 - Worries And Secrets
Part 5 - Welcome Back, Soldier Boy
Part 6 - I Should Have Known
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When you washed up, put on fresh clothes and came out of the bathroom, Fives was sitting on the edge of your bed, looking at you with a smile.
You sighed in relief, feeling your heart beat faster. Right now, he looked like your Fives again. Your mind could hardly grasp how attracted you were to this man, how everything about and within you reacted to him. You felt like a schoolgirl in love.
"I have to admit, you scared me a little," you said softly.
"Did I?"
"Yes," you said with a small smile "But only a little. You were so different today."
He sighed softly, stood and came over to you to take your hands in his.
"I'm sorry, it's just... a lot happened on Umbara. After everything that had been going on there, I just needed to feel alive again and that's why I was drawn to you. I wasn't too rough, was I?"
He leaned his forehead against yours.
You closed your eyes and assured him softly, "No, it was surprisingly different, but I can't deny that I liked it."
Fives laughed softly.
"That's my girl, I knew you were the one for me."
You leaned back to look at him.
"Come on, I'll help you clean your armor."
He shook his head "It's okay, I have to get back to the barracks anyway. I really shouldn't be here at all"
"Oh" you said softly, barely able to hide your disappointment at this.
It hurt your soul that you had so little time for each other after he had been gone for so long. But things were the way they were and for the moment, there was nothing either of you could do about it.
His fingers stroked your cheek as he said softly, "I'm so sorry, but to even be here right now, it's a risk. So soon after our arrival on Coruscant, it might be conspicuous."
You sighed and nodded.
"I understand, then perhaps you'd better leave now," you spoke softly.
He also heaved a sigh, pulled you close to him and kissed your forehead.
"I'm sorry, I wish this whole thing was easier for us, but I promise I'll be back as soon as I can, Scardy Cat."
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A few days passed when you did not hear from Fives and you did not dare to contact him through his comm. If he was not alone, it could raise questions that you both could not answer safely.
You felt incredibly restless, nervous, unable to eat or sleep properly again, and lost in yourself. One evening, you decided to go to the 79's, maybe you would see him there. Part of you was unsure, you didn't want to run after him, but you missed him so much and you were worried too.
A nasty little voice in your head tried to convince you that he was just using you and wouldn't be back, and that voice made your throat tighten and your chest clench.
As you got out of the cab in front of 79's, you pulled the hood of your robe over your head and deep into your face. You didn't necessarily want to be recognized by anyone right away, especially since you were traveling without an escort.
There were a lot of clones around, some in armor, some in dress uniforms, you saw a lot of identical faces. Then you saw movement outside of the 79's, you recognized Fives even before you saw the painting on his armor, by the way he was moving.
Your gaze followed him as he walked into a building next to 79's. Surprised, you walked in that direction as well, there was a lot going on here, and as you entered the building as well, you felt a lot of pairs of eyes on you and pulled your hood even deeper into your face.
You slowly walked along a straight narrow corridor with several closed doors. Little by little you noticed different smells, different perfumes and aftershaves mingling, you heard sounds behind the closed doors, distinct sounds and you realized that you had just entered the clone brothel that Fives had told you about.
Your guts tightened. You really had no business being here. But why was Fives here? This question really made your guts knot up. Had the disgusting voice in the back of your head been right after all?
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Fives was furious when he entered the room and saw the new reg, the Shiny called Sly, lying in the arms of the prostitute. At first glance he could see that Sly was woozy, his pupils dilated and his movements sluggish and slow. He was on drugs again.
He had known he would find him here, had feared and suspected that he would relapse. Fives grabbed the clone's arm and yanked him away from the prostitute. Sly blinked and looked at him, startled.
"You're going to that hotel behind 79's right now, eat something and sleep it off Soldier, that's an order!"
Sly was far too befuddled to contradict. Hastily, he left the room and disappeared.
Fives approached the prostitute in whose arms Sly had lain earlier. The beautiful Togruta stood up and backed away from him against the wall. Fives was so angry, part of him wanted to hurt her, but he knew how to hold back. Still, he stepped threateningly, very close to her, and growled in her face, "You gave him Death Stix again, didn't you?"
"He wanted some," she said defiantly but in her nervous look, he saw that she was afraid of him.
"Sly has a lot to learn, and you're making him sick with your drugs. If our superiors find out, that's it for him."
The Togruta raised her chin defiantly.
"That's not my problem."
Fives bared his teeth and said, "I'll make it your problem though. If I catch him here again and you drug him again, I'll make sure you lose your license. Then you can go back to screwing the scum who, if you're lucky, will pay you enough so you don't have to starve."
The Togruta's lower lip quivered.
"Are we clear?" asked Fives cuttingly.
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One of the clones hastily left one of the rooms and came running down the hall toward you, ramming into your shoulder and nearly knocking you over. Your heart flipped for a moment in shock, but you refocused on finding Fives, even though you had a dark feeling that this was a grave mistake.
You reached an open door, if you were not mistaken, the room from which the clone who had almost knocked you down had stormed out of.
Your heart skipped a few beats when you saw Fives standing there, his helmet tucked under his arm, so close to the Togruta who was in the room with him that their faces were almost touching. You were sure he would kiss her at any moment. Your stomach seemed to stiffen, your heart to slide down your throat, and you involuntarily made a sound that was neither a moan nor a sigh nor a sob, but something very pathetic, somewhere in between.
Fives, to your horror, turned his head; he had heard you. You stood rooted to the spot for the first moment, your hood still pulled low over your face. He tilted his head to the side with a puzzled look and asked, "Y/N?" as if he saw a ghost.
As he spoke your name, a shudder twitched along your body like lightning under your skin, releasing your rigidity.
"I should have known," you heard yourself say.
Five's eyes grew wide, "What, no, you've got it wrong I.... WAIT!"
You had turned on your heel, run out into the hallway, and were now running toward the back exit. You could hear Five's quick footsteps behind you and sped up your own.
Hastily, you reached out for the door, pushed it open, and dashed out into a back alley, right into the arms of three other clones who seemed to be standing there having a drink.
The one you collided with slurred drunkenly, "Hey easy there little girl."
The one on your right grabbed your arm, pulled down your hood and took your chin in his free hand.
"Look at her, pretty thing, I wonder what's under that dress".
You were so startled at first that you hung frozen in his grip.
Then you heard Five's voice behind you, "Let her go, RIGHT. NOW."
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sandsorghum · 3 years
NanaNov Appreciation Month 4/4
Final Nanamin drabble for the month, for the man I love
Find the others here: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
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Snapshots of a life to be
Word count: 900+ Genre(s): Fluff/Domestic bliss Phenomenal art by hercaptain
Nanami Kento takes exactly 37 minutes to get ready for his day, that is, if you don’t distract him. If he successfully resists your whines at his warmth leaving your side, he has 7 minutes for ablutions, 20 to get dressed, and the remaining reserved for a quick cup of coffee.
It used to take him half an hour. You aren’t aware of this, but since you started staying overnight, he’s budgeted 5 whole extra minutes for morning smooches and cuddles with you, so he can see you wake up with a smile at his uncharacteristically unruly bed head, and at the most unguarded, peaceful version of him. You’ve never had to wake up to an empty bed. These days, he rarely leaves the house without you waving to him from the doorway.
On the subway, Nanami Kento is the paragon of a man who is professional, immaculate and…impatient. The rush hour commuters, and indeed, even his co-workers, would only know him by the first two traits, but as his partner, you’re intimately and fondly familiar with this third quirk. It shows up when he discovers a faded stain on the tie set aside for Tuesday, and has to swap it out at the last minute (now he’s only got time for the half-Windsor knot, instead of his preferred full.)
Or when he gets a call from Gojo informing him he’ll be late, cause he was sidetracked by some fantastic smelling taiyaki, does he want some? No? Just tell him the address for next time?
Or when the kettle’s taking too long to boil, and he’s pacing back and forth, getting the grounds, filter paper and a mug. You wonder if he can switch his impatience off, because it seems to dissipate when you shuffle into the kitchen with a yawn, and brush against him to check the toaster. He pulls you in on your way past, doesn’t care you might crease his suit, gives you a morning kiss (which you think ought to be mandatory, if you could just get your sleep cycle under control. He makes getting out of bed earlier seem worth it somehow.)
Nanami will ask if you want a cup of coffee. You remind him he doesn’t have the time.
“I always do, for you.”
On such mornings, you think you’ll probably have to skip the sugar with your coffee. Your teeth would rot otherwise. So yes, with all evidence to the contrary, Nanami Kento has reservoirs of impatience for just about everything and everyone, maybe himself included. You think it’s surprising since he did take his own damn sweet time to ask you out. A couple of years, in fact.
For a long time, you don’t know why he delayed this, you’d probably have agreed to a date the first week you met him. But you yourself were too shy to initiate or ask him yourself, during those years when it seemed he would never be anything more than the strait-laced, stern (albeit sexy) colleague who was strictly dedicated to his career, whom you happened to have a massive crush on.
You feel the same way now, dancing around the question, Kento, we could have had this sooner, I wish you’d told me earlier…
Why didn’t you?
But the urgency of your curiosity has its edges frayed when he smiles just for you, kisses your hand quick in public when he thinks no one’s looking, picks ups multigrain bagels from your favourite bakery and declares one day he’ll crack the recipe to make a superior batch so you don’t have to travel 40 minutes from your office when the cravings strike…It doesn’t matter, you’re in love and it’s probably too soon to interrogate the origins of such sentiments, this early into a relationship.
Nanami Kento is in a queue, and he thinks it’s too late.
It’s too late to ditch his basket of baguettes and bagels, screw the line and the surprise and just go home to you with the velvet box alone, just ask you directly. Nanami sighs, looking at his watch five minutes after he last checked.
He might as well do it properly, he’s been planning it the past few months, though he's known for much longer. Because the truth is, Nanami Kento thinks he waited too long, he wants to make up for lost time.
Even if he doesn’t have to think too far back about when that first date was, or how it was punctured with awkward silences before thankfully devolving into a philosophical argument about whether doughnuts qualified as bread:
It’s fried, not baked.
But there’s yeast, the proof! I will die on this hill Nanami.
Even if he had to admit (to himself and absolutely no one else) that he had capitulated to Gojo’s thinly-veiled insinuations of Heeeyyy you’re gorgeous and single so am I, what a coincidence! What are you doing Friday night and how those had worked wonders as a final trigger for him to intervene and save you from the smug schemer’s advances.
Even if his first taste of you was a tangle of copper and salt, iron and honey, reminding him how the cruelty of the world inevitably alchemized his own selfishness, and still he begged to hear your voice, craving your wavering rejection, but he was denied this instead with gasps pledging pleasure, promising him you could be selfish too
Nanami Kento needs to make up for lost time, so he’ll ask to spend all of it, share whatever remains of his hours, with you.
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xxsycamore · 3 years
- KINKTOBER DAY 16 - Sealing a contract with the Devil - [SARIEL/MC SMUT]
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Rating: E
Word count: 1,633
Relationship: F/M; Sariel Noir/MC (Emma)
Tags:Secret Relationship; Master/Pet; Sadism; Masochism; Dom/sub; Sensation Play; Sensory Deprivation; Blindfolds; Rope Bondage; Bondage; Shibari; Orgasm Delay/Denial; Masturbation; Mirrors; Hair-pulling; Punishment; Mentions of spanking; Mentions of ice cube play; Mentions of whipping; Temperature Play; Wax Play;Vaginal Sex; Possessive Behavior
Check my masterlist here! You can also find all my works on AO3 under user xsycamore.  In my profile you can find my Ko-fi if you would like to support me!
Written for my Visions of Temptation Kinktober 2021 challenge. [DAY 1] [DAY 2] [DAY 3] [DAY 4] [DAY 5] [DAY 6] [DAY 7] [DAY 8] [DAY 9] [DAY 10] [DAY 11] [DAY 12] [DAY 13] [DAY 14] [DAY 15]
DAY 16 - Shibari | Wax play & “I’ll give you five seconds to reconsider.” & “I don’t want you to be gentle with me.”
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When Emma hears the word "punishment" from Sariel's lips, she translates it as torture.
Establishing a relationship with the devil incarnate should be considered torturous enough, yet she is aware she deserves every second of it.
For she was the one to seduce the man in the first place.
Emma still remembers their first night of passion, one that started with Sariel accusing her of getting intimate with the princes. The man presented her with a document she should've been more familiar with, one that very clearly states that she is forbidden from such deeds.
It was then when Emma cast those papers to the side, asking what happens if it is not a prince who she's after.
 Since that first fervent night, Emma and Sariel got entangled into a love affair that carries the mark of lust in its very core. For the princes, it would almost seem like Emma has sold her soul to the Devil - at least, that's how the rumor goes. In reality, this is merely the observation of Emma becoming Sariel's right-hand woman while simultaneously fulfilling her duties as Belle.
At first Emma had no idea that the ordeal of being Belle would be nothing in comparison to the one of being Sariel's lover.
 For one, they created their private "clauses". One of such forbids Emma from having an orgasm when not in Sariel's presence. It has to be the one she hates the most, wishing that the man wouldn't allow her to touch herself altogether, rather than to permit it as long as she doesn't work herself to an orgasm. It's important for another rule, which requires her to be waiting for him at night, wet and prepared, so that he could feel her desperation under his fingertips when he quietly enters her chambers and pulls her in his arms.
Emma knows she is not cut to be obedient type the very same moment Sariel walks on her touching herself without any intention to hold back. He stalls, watching her coldly as she holds his icy gaze, not pleading for release but rather stating that she can't hold back any longer.
“I’ll give you five seconds to reconsider.”
These five seconds pass by in orgasmic haze, in which Emma briefly catches the stern order of "I will be waiting for you in my room tonight. You're deserving of a punishment for what you did." and a door falls shut. In the quiet of her room, Emma's legs tremble at the thought of what is to come.
 At least Sariel's room is nothing like the palace's dungeons that he'd kindly taken her on a trip to, on one of her first days here. In comparison, this room is  well-lit so the man could examine everything better, and the shackles around Emma's wrists are only metaphorical for the most. Instead of using chains, Sariel is in the mood for rope tonight, it seems. Her vision is blocked beforehand by a red silk tie, and she is left in the world of heightened sensations. Which comes just so handy for Sariel to use against her, right now as he lowers her to the floor, applying the ropes on her body.
What started as a seemingly more complicated way to tie back her hands develops into several loops coming around her front and crossing her breasts to entrap them. Emma shivers at the strange ways the ropes fasten on her body, feeling helpless as Sariel bonds her completely.
Her cheek is now pressed to the floor of the room, hands tied behind her back and connected to her similarly tied together legs that she knees back on. The position is not as straining as she expects it to be, but it forbids her escape all the same, as she is left completely at the mercy of the man.
Her hearing now is sharp enough to catch Sariel's extremely quiet steps, and he comes to her side and squats down. She gasps with surprise when he slides one long finger on her cheek, bringing it carefully under the silk tie that covers her eyes.
"I suppose I can give you a peek."
He tugs on it just enough to give Emma the opportunity to blink into focus, the first thing she sees being the tips of Sariel's shoes. She lifts up her gaze to see his satisfied smirk as he moves to the side, and she realizes his frame has been blocking the floor-length mirror behind him. Emma's eyes widen at the image in the reflection, cheeks heating up at the unseen way the lines of rope cross her body. Each of them seem to fall perfectly on place, as if it is a form of art by itself - one that deeply embarrasses Emma to find herself a canvas for.
Sariel remains where he is, his hand now moving to her head as he strokes her hair almost lovingly.
"Beautiful. Don't you think so, my dear pet?"
Averting her gaze in shame, Emma manages to mumble half of an answer. It earns her a string of harsh pain in the scalp as Sariel tugs at her hair, strong enough to lift her face off the floor so she can thoroughly answer him.
"Yes, Master Sariel!"
"That's better. I want you to know how beautiful you are when handled by me."
"You're making me the most beautiful, Master Sariel…!"
He chuckles under his breath at her sincerity and fastens the blindfold anew, depriving Emma of the privilege to see what will happen next with her.
"Silly girl, I can make you far more beautiful than that. But don't forget that this is your punishment. If I catch you enjoying yourself too much…"
"I'm sorry Master, I'll be good. I promise! I'm ready for this."
She can only picture Sariel's expression as he lets another short chuckle that gets lost in the distance as he stands up and moves away. There is a sequence of unrecognizable for Emma shuffling noises, as if Sariel is preparing something, and the unknown only excites her more. The surprise is soon to be revealed, because Sariel's voice is close again, and she shivers to the touch when he caresses the curves of her ass.
"What I am about to do next might shock you a little. It might hurt a little, too. It would be better if you don't squirm much."
Emma shifts a little, as if testing her restrains, not having any intention to disobey him whatsoever. What's more, to his kind warning, she manages her sweetest voice.
“I don’t want you to be gentle with me.”
The sinister smirk must be back on Sariel's face, because there is a certain vigor to his tone.
"Very well then."
Emma's toes curl as she waits for something, for anything at all. She's been through harsh spankings before, through her hottest parts being exposed to ice cubes, through writhing under the strikes of a whip, and so much more which her mind can't recall in its current state, and yet, this is something entirely new. Hot liquid falls on the small of her back, burning to the touch. But only for seconds, before hardening, instead of following her curves and dripping beneath.
Emma tries to arch her back, but the ropes hold her on place. After the first few drops, the heat on her skin merges with the one inside her, driving her absolutely crazy in pain that feels akin to pleasure. Wax, this must be wax - though this feels a little different from the accidental burns she's had in the past.
"Your backside is starting to look gorgeous, Emma. I imagine this red wax is not too much for you, you're enduring it well."
Red. She tries making out the sight Sariel's made of her, rivulets of crimson dripping down on the curve of her spine. There is a brief pause, one that makes her realize that she's been holding on her breath, and through raspy breathing she fails to hear the sound of rustling clothing.
Soon there is something familiar prodding at her hole, and it slides right to the hilt inside her. Excited to be rewarded with her master's cock tonight when she'd believed to be undeserving of it, Emma lets out a long moan, unintentionally tightening around him.
"Rejoice while you can. I'm doing this to draw out the best of your sensitiveness."
And as predicted, the burning-hot wax starts dripping down on her again, this time further up, on her back. With the added sensation of Sariel's thick girth inside her, it becomes inevitable to not moan out like a whore.
Sariel likes what he hears. If shame alone is not enough of a punishment, he would make sure to deprive her of the one thing she was insolent enough to do upon herself. Though, her lovely cumming face would be missed by him, all through the night…
His glasses catch the light of the candle as he tilts it almost horizontally over Emma, making the rivulet of wax paint another line across her skin. He admires his handiwork; the way the hardening red drops adorn her back, almost like rose petals. Almost like blood drops He recalls sweet memories of showering this same back of hers with kisses, with lowly whispered warnings of the unwritten rules of their shared relationship.
Thrusting inside in one smooth slide that reaches her cervix and sends her into yet another moaning frenzy, Sariel narrows his gaze. Taking another look down at her writhing form, he entertains the thought of the wax helping him seal those wicked promises he'll draw out of her lips each night.
And one clause that would overlap with this of the Belle contract, reads that she'll never have eyes for another man.
Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @leonardoism @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran @thehappycat123 @pumpumnnnp  @thesirenwashere @theuwuisunreal @ravenarld @kyokirigiri-22 @kimmy-banana @btarinana @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @trishtori @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @judgemental-seal @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou @toxiicmoron @ikemenlover24 @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles  Please let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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dreamcatcherrs · 4 years
most to least likely to be possessive/a lil jealous in a relationship? <3
mtl likely to be possessive/jealous over their s/o; mcyt x reader
+ judged by their actions and general feelings on jealousy and being possessive
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corpse husband
karl jacobs
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when wilbur is jealous…. he is jealous. and he is not afraid of showing it. he’s not the type to beat another guy up about it (unless there’s a good reason to), but pays no mind in giving you some nice hickeys right then and there. you’re his - that’s it. if someone’s even a tad bit confused about that fact, he won’t hesitate to show them. doesn’t really grow any suspicions on his friends, because he trusts them and he trusts you, but if it’s a guy/girl he doesn't know? he’ll show you off even if there was 0 signs of flirting.
place on the jealousy scale: 9/10
place on the possessive scale: 10/10
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corpse husband:
corpse is a very possessive man. like, he will pull you to his side in an instant the second someone tries talking to you, kissing you right in front of them, and then say “wanna fuck in the back like we agreed to?” and then pretend like he only just noticed the guy/girl and give him a hateful “hey”. he gives no fucks when it comes to someone else trying to get all up in your business. even if it means you getting embarrassed and flushed. he will actually start shaking in anger if someone is so obviously flirting with you, yet you don't notice, and will point it out afterwards to you; “how could you not notice?”.
place on the jealousy scale: 7/10
place on the possessive scale: 10/10
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HE WILL FIGHT FOR YOU. if someone tries hitting on you or winks at you or some shit, he will shut that bitch down. no one messes with you under his watch. he’ll step in the minute they tried talking to you; “was there something you wanted to say?” and if they answered back with a remark instead of just leaving, he’d throw hands, and he won’t stop till they've learnt to stay the fuck away from what isn't theirs. it doesn't happen often though, thank god. would be pouty after you told him not to beat people up while cleaning his wounds; “but you’re mine🥺”.
place on the jealousy scale: 8/10
place on the possessive scale: 7/10
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karl jacobs:
he is a pouty baby🥺 will get very jealous if you hang out with someone else even just five minutes longer than him. especially with his friends. he’ll be vocal about it and quite touchy. will come up to you from behind while you were talking to jimmy, rest his chin on your shoulder and wrap his arms around you. “when are you gonna pay attention to me again?” easily gets jealous, but he isn’t very possessive. he feels guilty if he tries being controlling of you - you can do what you want after all, it’s just not always he likes it.
place on the jealousy scale: 10/10
place on the possessive scale: 4/10
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he doesn't get jealous very easily, but he doesn't like when random guys talk to you. he won’t really show that he’s jealous with people he doesn't know, but would rather be really really quiet. would stand around and mope until he asked if you could leave. he can seem kinda intimidating with his silence, and it can be because he’s very angry, but really he just doesn't wanna lose you. that’s what he's really afraid of. if it’s one of his friends though, even sapnap or george, he’ll be like “back the fuck off!” but it wouldn't really be ‘serious’ because he knew they would never actually flirt with you. he can get pretty possessive though, whispering “you’re mine” in your ear after any events like this.
place on the jealousy scale: 6/10
place on the possessive scale: 8/10
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luke can get pretty jealous and pretty possessive, but it takes a while to rile him up enough for him to show it. if someone is flirting with you just to piss him off, it actually has the opposite effect on him - it doesn't piss him off at all. because he knows the person is just trying to get to him, what's the reason of getting mad? he knows you belong to him, so he has nothing to worry about. but if someone touches you? like sapnap, he will not be afraid to throw hands. that’s straight up harassment and he is not letting that happen. he’ll raise his voice and get all up in their face. can stay pretty mad afterwards and overthink things too much. generally though, he isn't much of a jealous type.
place on the jealousy scale: 7/10
place on the possessive scale: 7.5/10
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alex is more insecure than jealous. he starts thinking that any other guy could easily take you from him, and that he isn't deserving of you (even though he is just so wrong because it would actually be a treasure to be with him. mans needs to know😩). he’d need some uplifting after dealing with these thoughts - just some reminding that you’re his. worst case scenario, he’d give the guy/girl a death glare, but he wouldn't fight them or very obviously show them that you're his or anything like that. he’d rather keep his thoughts to himself.
place on the jealousy scale: 6.5/10
place on the possessive scale: 7/10
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I feel like george gets a lot more jealous than most people think he would. he can be pretty possessive at times, pulling at your hand or arm to drag you away from someone. “don't talk to them, talk to me.” he shows his jealousy pretty calmly and would never pick a fight with someone just because he’s feeling a lil’ jealous. all he needs to do is just tell you or give you a sign, and that’d usually be enough for him to feel all good again. he’s not afraid to blatantly roll his eyes in front of someone who’s flirting with you or come with a snarky remark if he has to.
place on the jealousy scale: 6/10
place on the possessive scale: 6.5/10
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skeppy can get jealous, but he tries to avoid it at all costs. it makes him feel sad to see someone else try to flirt with his s/o, when clearly you're not available. he doesn't like the thought of getting angry about other people’s actions though, so he’s just kinda left feeling sad about the whole thing instead. will definitely need some cuddles and reassuring afterwards just to get his mood up again, and he gets back on his feet pretty quick, because in the end he has no doubts that you’ll leave him. especially not for someone else.
place on the jealousy scale: 5/10
place on the possessive scale: 5/10
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he just looks like a sad little kitten. it has to be very obvious that someone is flirting with you for him to get jealous. and even then he doesn't act out about it - just stares and feels sad. will tell you afterwards that he doesn't like you talking to that person, only because they were very clearly trying to get to know you more than a friend. wouldn't think much of it afterwards because he trusts you enough to then stay away from that person before anything else happened.
place on the jealousy scale: 4.5/10
place on the possessive scale: 4/10
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like fundy, worst case is that he’ll be a little sad. but I don’t really see him as a jealous type, and definitely not as a possessive person. I just think that if you were to be in a situation where someone was trying badly to take you from him, he’d grow defensive and push the person away and tell you; “I didn't like how that guy/girl was talking to you :(”. he wouldn't expect you to stay away from the person if it was someone you knew well, but would just want you to be aware of them. but as I said, that was the worst case scenario. I think he’d get seriously jealous very rarely.
place on the jealousy scale: 4/10
place on the possessive scale: 2/10
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pffff. if you think some guy/girl talking to you is gonna get him mad, you're wrong. you talking to other people affects him in no way other than if you were getting a little too friendly. maybe then he’d feel one single spark of anger inside of him, but it isn't anything that’ll make him act out. the only time he’d really get upset is if you were the one flirting with someone (which you probably wouldn't unless you want to see this man upset, and in that case I don't want to talk to you😔), where he’d feel his heart sink and would honestly just walk away from the situation and feel betrayed. generally, he doesn't get very jealous.
place on the jealousy scale: 3/10
place on the possessive scale: 3.5/10
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sam just does not get jealous. he trusts you 100%, but of course he’ll shut someone down if they got a little close to you (tried to kiss you etc.) because that’s just not alright. he doesn't get mad or anything if that happens, at least if the person isn't aware that you're dating him, and even then, he’s sure his height will do the job to scare the person away. like, c’mon, mans is 6′7. don't tell me that isn't intimidating. anyways, he’s doesn't get jealous. if anything he just laughs it off or jokes around with getting jealous about something.
place on the jealousy scale: 2/10
place on the possessive scale: 3/10
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like sam, he just doesn't get jealous. you can hang out with anyone you want - he knows he’s the one you’ll be coming home to at the end of the day. he’s the one who gets to kiss you, hold you, touch you, so why spend time being jealous of others when he already has you? this is eret we’re talking about - he knows he’s better than all of those bitch boys out there. if they wanna fight, they can fight but like, he knows they’ll lose since they won't get you anyway. trust is key in a relationship😌
place on the jealousy scale: 0/10
place on the possessive scale: 0/10
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a03bkdk · 3 years
no quirks bkdk fic rec list (p 2)
thirsty gay wingman fic by lalazee
Oct 11, 2019 "Thinkin abt besties-since-birth BkDk goin to college together, Dk begrudgingly bein Bkg's wingman w/chicks & lamenting his big gay crush. One nite, Bkg cant get laid, hes drunk in a shitty mood, so Dk propositions him, which turns into the best night ever & the WORST consequences."
My tweet got 366 likes & 66 reblogs, so that was more than enough reason to write about it.
romeo and romeo by supercrunch
There’s a nasally howl from the neighbour’s place. Izuku looks up – it’s the very loud, very blond guy living in the unit opposite. They’re technically in separate blocks but their balconies are close enough they can see into each other’s living rooms. He’s dancing around in his pyjamas. Yodelling at the top of his lungs off-key, swinging his Pomeranian around by the armpits like a furry ragdoll. “You’re a dog! You’re a fluffy little yellow dog and you’re a pain in the ass but you’re still my favourite shit-stain, yeah!”
Izuku bursts out laughing. The neighbour’s head whips around. He yelps when he sees him, tossing the dog on the couch and scrambling out of view to hide in the hall.
Izuku drops the watering can and runs back inside to find his phone.Small Might: Guys. I've decided i have a crush on my neighbour.
(quarantine baking: a balcony romance)
mechanical bull by warschach
Katsuki has a track record of bad choices, it's a condition, but Izuku might be the one choice that's right.
battle of the bands by roadtripwithlucifer
'The rules are simple. Battle of the Bands. Local bands send in a single track to the radio station, and ten tracks are selected. Over the coming month, the songs play on the station and listeners vote on the top five. The top 5 play a live concert as part of a music festival, then the top 3 at a larger, indoor venue. The top two have the honor of opening on the first stop of All Might’s retirement tour – here. In Izuku’s home town. And finally, the winner gets the ultimate prize. Getting to spend the rest of the tour, forty cities, across the country as All Might’s opener. Three months. Same tour bus. Shoulder to shoulder with the greatest musicians the world has ever known.'Izuku Midoriya is a broke college student presented with the opportunity of a lifetime. But winning isn't gonna be easy, especially when one band's aggressive blonde frontman seems to be dead-set on making Izuku's life a living hell.
oh my god! they were roomates! by phatye
“Don’t go through my shit, and if there’s a tie on the door, then fuck off!” Katsuki growled. “...what?” he asked. Katsuki glared at him. “This is fucking college, and I plan on getting laid a lot! I don’t need some nerd cockblocking me! And what is with all the fucking toys here!” Katsuki had moved over to his shelves. “Are you a fucking child or something?!” This was not what he was expecting.
shades of blue by young_crone
Echoes filtered down the white hall as he descended the stairs toward the locker rooms, reverberating from the pool. A whistle, the sound of breaking water. He swiped the towel over his face, paused. The sliver of cerulean catching the sinking sun pouring through the skylights, the red and white lane buoys, the burn of chlorine.Izuku ran a hand through his curls, snagging on a knot. The clock on the wall reminded him how late it was. A minute wouldn't hurt. He worried his lip. Just a glimpse.
k-9 by warschach
((smut- 18304-1/1))
Izuku takes in a stray on one rainy night, except it's not a dog, it's a dog shifter who goes by the name, Katsuki. After the initial wave of panic and embarrassment, Izuku thinks his new pet/roommate is pretty cute.
sucker punch by warschach
But, whatever, Disney Boy over there was—
Prettying up real damn good that Katsuki got kind of distracted—totally understandable, like god those CGI pine eyes—and didn’t see the straight path he made for the metal trash bin in the center of the area until he was tipping forward and waist deep in discarded bottles, plates, balled up tissues sticky with he prayed was chocolate ice cream and nacho cheese.
Mina howled behind the gate. “Look, Katsuki returned to his home.”
(or Katsuki works security at Six Flags and moonlights as a derby dude and continuously looks uncool around Izuku)
may I take your order, dipshit? by supercrunch
So, like, maybe Bakugou wasn’t really the best choice for this whole pizza delivery shindig.
(Midoriya in love, Bakugou in denial, and way, way too much cheese.
A BakuDeku romance in thirty minutes or less. )
raise me so high (your sins become my pedestal) by stardust_painter
After his boyfriend cheats on him, Izuku wants to do something stupid. The question is how stupid does he want to be.
The answer is very stupid apparently.
eye for an eye or whatever by tobiyos
“I’ll make it up to you!” Izuku says brightly, lifting his head from Katsuki’s lap.
Katsuki’s eyes narrow but he isn’t still pushing Izuku away so. Progress. “Fuck are you gonna do to make it up to me?”
“Hmm…” Izuku says quietly, tapping at his chin. “Oh! You’re still a virgin, right?”
Katsuki chokes on his own spit and promptly renews his efforts of pushing Izuku away by the forehead. “Fuck off,” he wheezes, “get out of my room.”
leap of faith by ladyofsnails
Midoriya Izuku is just a random kid who loves art, analyzes everything, and is obsessed with the (in)famous hero Mighty Spider. He's got a loving mother, a great uncle, and maybe not too many friends that aren't those two but he's working on it.
And then a random cute boy shows up at his school, a spider bites him, he meets his hero under the worst possible conditions, and it all goes to hell. Now he's got villains on his tail, a promise to keep to a dead guy, and a washed-up hobo as his mentor.
Here goes nothing.
green is the warmest color by gloriousporpoise
“Woah, someone call the fire department,” Eijirou says, elbowing Katsuki squarely in the ribs. “That guy is smokin.’”
“I literally hate you.”
Here’s the thing, though. Eijirou’s a certified dumbass, but his current observation isn’t even a little bit wrong, much to Katsuki’s displeasure.
“Think you can get his number?”
Or, Bakugou is a painter without a muse.
you and i collide by ethereals
And not that Bakugou’s the type to sexualize a potentially dead body; especially one that he just accidentally murdered, but the man has some pretty solid DSL’s. He would hit it, with more than just his car.
in which rich fratboy! bakugou is a badass who accidentally hits poor med student!izuku with his car and chaos ensues therefore.
97.6 FM by jamjars
Izuku can’t stop listening to the radio host with the deep voice who sounds like he’s stuck in 2010. It’s a harmless crush. That is until he starts calling into the show under the pseudonym Deku.
Or Radio Host! Baugou x Listener! Midoriya
give me that sweet love by xsxuxgxax
Things Katsuki needs to excel at: be hot, be clever and pretend to be nice, let Izuku kiss him publicly, let Izuku fuck him privately…
(sugar baby katsuki and sugar daddy izuku pretty much)
dance with me by astralchaos
Mina pulled up a video of a young man, seemingly teen, dancing to a popular new hit, and Izuku felt his heart drop to his stomach. His skin prickled and felt clammy as he started sweating nervously, not daring to move or make a noise. His eyes were glued to the screen but he didn’t see anything – his brain was too busy going into overdrive and freaking out.
Because Mina was showing him a video of himself. The one he uploaded last night.
How on Earth did she find this? He had barely a few thousand views, he wasn’t popular, and it’s not like he was even any good, especially compared to her or Kacchan–
“That move was sexy as hell,” Kacchan said, and that was when Izuku realized that his childhood friend – his longtime crush – also leaned in to watch the video Mina was showing him.
puppies puppies by Esselle
"So after doing all that," Katsuki says, "you're just going to settle here? Tatting up wannabe bad boys?"
"You think all guys who have a lot of tattoos are wannabes?" Midoriya asks, so smoothly that it throws Katsuki.
"Wh—no, I mean—maybe!" Katsuki says. "You'd know best, wouldn't you? Are you a bad boy?"
The words are out of his mouth before he even realizes it, and he regrets them immediately. There's a figurative list of things that one should never do, and probably high up on it is asking dark-haired sailors with ocean green eyes and black swirls of ink all across their barely concealed muscles if they are bad boys.
Katsuki thinks he has everything he needs in life: a successful pet shop, an occasionally reliable assistant, and the unconditional love of the twenty puppies he’s raising for adoption. But when the tattoo parlor next door hires Midoriya Izuku, a hot sailor with an affinity for dogs, it makes Katsuki wonder if he might need something more.
Like… a piece of that ass. Maybe. He’s figuring it the hell out as he goes.
im gonna make a part 3 later ergaegrggjnjuvuh
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