#and some complete stranger came into the replies and started being rude to me
lookingfxryou · 4 months
Notes: A series of small snippets exploring Giyuu and reader’s idiots to lovers relationship <3
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“I could just stare at you forever.”
“Creep.” Came Giyuu’s reply to your flirtation which only made you sigh dramatically.
“Come on! That was a good one! Didn’t you feel your heart skip a beat?” You weren’t one to back down so easily though.
You had befriended the Water Hashira after much efforts and stubbornness from your side, until the poor man had finally relented and did you the honor of replying to your questions.
Lately though, much to Giyuu’s annoyance, you had started flirting with him. (I’m not flirting with you! I’m just trying to make you blush. Don’t think so highly of yourself.”)
And he would rather die before admitting that your one liners, indeed, had some kind of effect on him. You couldn’t really tell though, with the way he always gave you a deadpan expression and a scathing retort. God, he hoped you did not know, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself.
(Why does he think that, though?)
“The only thing I felt was wanting to reach home faster.”
You pouted and walked a few steps ahead of him, turning back to look at him and walking backwards.
“One of these days, I’ll make you blush so hard that you’ll have a nosebleed.”
That unwillingly pulled out a smile from him which had you beaming. Now that he looked at you, you were really beautiful. Sure you were one of the strongest slayers and had prevailed against a lot of deadly opponents, but there was something about your smile, the way it had your eyes crinkling, that gave him pause. Made him think of you in a totally different way.
Shaking his head, your conversation stopped as you reached his house. You wasted no time in going ahead and calling out for Tanjiro and Nezuko.
(What even were they doing in his home, he had no clue anymore. Something about being in the most quiet and inconspicuous place. As if there was anything inconspicuous about those two.)
“Don’t you have to go home?” He called out making his way inside and you stopped before furrowing your brows at him.
“Don’t steal my babies from me.”
He just sighed and went ahead to his room. God, you were infuriating, had no sense of personal space, kept talking to him–
“Did he come around then?” He could hear Tanjiro’s voice, dull since they were probably farther from his private quarters, but his nonetheless.
He could hear your giggles.
“You are too optimistic, Tanjiro. He still thinks I’m just trying to make him blush.”
A pause.
“Which is true, I suppose, but he doesn’t really take my words seriously.”
“Why don’t you just tell him that you like him?”
Giyuu felt his breath hitch at Tanjiro’s words. There was no way that you liked him. The antisocial, rude, idiotic him.
“And risk him completely shutting down on me, and everyone else? No, I can be patient. Besides I got him to smile today!”
He could hear Tanjiro’s exclamations but his heart was beating so fast that he couldn’t even think properly. Did you really–? But you could choose anyone else–? Why him?
Your voice turned lower, more serious and Giyuu had to strain his ears to hear your next words.
“He’s one of the kindest people I know, Tanjiro. And maybe he doesn’t see it himself but I do. I see the way he is with strangers, helping silently, not asking for anything. I see him with you and Nezuko and how much he cares, even if he doesn’t show it. He deserves so much more and I hope he will get it someday. Until then, I’ll be his friend and stay by his side.”
This was not happening, no, no, no. He could feel it, his skin getting clammy, heart beating fast and the heating of his face.
You thought this much about him?
Your conversation turned to other topics after that and Giyuu moved away to go outside where the cool air caressed his warm, blushing cheeks.
You would never let him live it down if you saw him like this.
Well, since you came all this way to his home, he supposed it was only natural to ask you to have lunch together.
Along with Tanjiro and Nezuko, of course!
Just a normal lunch with friends.
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thethickerside · 1 year
Twitter Fingers.
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Warning: lots of TENSION. Dirty talk. Shuri has no filter. Very timid, but nasty main character. Mention of pornography. Smut. Strap on sex. StrapxShuri.
Gently spell checked, there may be spelling or grammar errors.
She found herself clenching her legs and covering her mouth as the vibration of her favorite toy shocked her entire being. She moaned into her hand while looking over at her phone that was propped up. The lewd video lit up a small area in her dark room, the light reflecting back on her pleasure filled face.
But…the video wasn’t necessarily what she was thinking about. Of course, it’s right in her face, so she obviously could not hide her arousal towards it, but the thing that truly set her on fire was the caption.
She had been following a Twitter account that included all things lesbian. For the past few weeks she had been using her light pink rose to reach an orgasm; a direct result of her constantly viewing the Twitter page.
She could feel her orgasm creeping up on her as she moaned into a nearby pillow. As she went on, she couldn’t help thinking about whoever was behind this account fucking her. “I’m cumming…” she whimpered into her pillowed as she orgasmed.
While coming down, she laid there for about a minute before picking her phone up and scrolling to the top of the Twitter page. She felt embarrassed by the fact that she had came to Twitter porn, but she couldn’t stop her self from clicking the inbox button.
Before she could even think, she started to type up a message that conveyed her feelings.
“I’m new to Twitter, and I came across your page…and I just wanted to tell you that everything you’ve posted has effected me…I feel embarrassed that I’m even dm’ing you…”
She felt like she was going insane when she pressed the send button. She immediately regretted her decision and slammed the phone down on her bed. “I can’t believe I fucking did that…” She laid there in silence for some time before her phone buzzed.
Once she flipped it over, she was very surprised by the notification.
“Embarrassed..? Why is that?”
They fucking replied.
“They fucking replied…” She said as she stared at the notification on her phone. She gulped as the heat that was once at her core traveled to her face.
“I don’t mean any harm…but it’s just find it so morally wrong…it’s so sexual and graphic…”
She sent out that message, and it took a little bit longer for the reply to come in. “…was I being rude..?” She asked herself.
What she didn’t know is that the woman on the other end was laughing.
“I promise you, my page is just a small fraction of how sexual and graphic my mind is.”
“There’s more..?”
“So much more.”
“Can you show me..?”
She timid female stared at her screen for a couple of seconds, awaiting a response. She bit her bottom lip and sighed to herself. “Fuck…that was so stupid.”
“Call me.”
She gasped when she saw that message. She do don’t even know this person and she was already going to call them.
The line rung a couple of times before a simple “Hello?” was said.
“I didn’t expect you to sound like that.” The woman on the other side of the phone had a very relaxing voice.
“I didn’t know you were gonna sound the way you sound either. Where are you from..?” She asks.
“None of your concern. What’s your name?” The woman was firm.
“…Athena…beautiful.” The woman said. Athena smiled behind her phone and chuckled lightly to herself.
“What’s your name?” Athena asks.
“…” The woman fell silent at this question. “Just call me Ri.”
Ri. As in short for Shuri. The queen of Wakanda couldn’t reveal her identity to a complete stranger online…just yet.
“…This may be a weird thing to ask…but can I see your face..?” Athena asked. She was prepared to be in the face of immediate rejection upon her request, but instead she was met with “Do you have Skype?”
“Yes! My username is Athenarooz”
After about 30 seconds, Athena was met with a call request.
She quickly sat up and looked in the mirror next to her bed before setting her phone up against a pillow. Her full face was in frame, with a tiny bit of her dark headboard showing.
Once she answered, she was met with the woman behind the account. Shuri didn’t show her whole entire face. The only part of her body that was in frame was the lower half. Athena couldn’t see her eyes or her nose. She didn’t mind though.
“Hi…” Athena gently said. Her heart shaped hair was slightly messy, and she had on simple pajamas.
Shuri thought she was adorable. She had cat like eyes, full cheeks, and a gold dainty necklace on.
Shuri smiled upon hearing her voice. Athena could see a flash of gold shine across Shuri’s bottom teeth once she smiled. “Hi.” Shuri simply said.
“So…um, I like your grills. They look really good.” Athena smiles warmly as she gazed at the other woman.
“Why thank you. I greatly appreciate it.” Shuri smirked at the compliment. “I like your pink lights…you look very pretty under them.” Athena felt her heart skip a beat before giggling to herself.
“Oh…thank you!” Athena said.
“Are they always that color, sithandwa?”
Athena could feel her pussy start to pulsate from the foreign term. “Well— no! They actually change colors.” Athena said while looking down at her sleeves.
“When do you change them?” Shuri asked.
Shuri didn’t want to make the girl feel rushed, but she knew there was a reason why she DM’d her.
“…you know…during certain times.” Athena felt so small under Shuri’s gaze, en thought she couldn’t even see her eyes.
“Like when you’re scrolling down my page…?” Shuri asked before leaning back in her seat. “Well…yes. Your page just…it makes me feel—“
“Aroused.” Shuri finished that sentence for her.
“What part makes you feel that way?” Shuri asked. At this point, Shuri was very intrigued with this girl’s sexual behavior.
“To be honest…it’s not the videos. O-of course, the girls help a lot!! But…it’s just the way you write your captions…they’re so sensual…” Athena says. She can’t help but to breathe a bit heavier while glancing at Shuri.
Shuri had never met a person who liked captions on Twitter porn more than the actual video.
“Athena?” Shuri calls out her name.
“Y-yes?” Athena’s eyes light up slightly at the mention of her name.
“What makes you climax?”
Athena felt like a waterfall had ripped through her core once she heard that question. She didn’t know how to answer that.
“…I honestly don’t know how to explain it…c-can I show you..?”
“Go ahead…” Shuri said. She watched Athena closely, waiting for any sign of sexual action.
“Um, okay! Give me one second.” Athena grabbed her ipad from her nightstand and quickly went to Shuri’s account. She scrolled for a bit before she recognized a video that repeatedly got her off.
“There’s this one video that I’ve watched a couple of times…” Athena showed the video to Shuri, turning her iPad to face her camera, letting Shuri watch.
“Hmm, it’s from my page.” Shuri said with a slight smirk.
“Yeah…how did you find this video..?” Athena asked.
“Quite honestly, I truly just browse. I get aroused quite often and when I do, I find more videos to put on my Twitter.” Shuri said.
“Have you ever done any of the things in the videos..?” Athena asked. She could feel her heart beating out of her chest at the thought of the other woman doing those things to her.
“…” Shuri was silent, once again. “Yes…why do you ask?”
Athena knew that what she was about to ask could go completely right, or terribly wrong.
“Do you see yourself doing those things to me..?”
Shuri paused at this. She could 100 percent see herself giving Athena immense pleasure, but she had to be careful because of who she is.
“Absolutely…but, I’m not in a position to do so.” Shuri replied.
“Why is that?” Athena asked.
“I’m not just a regular person…”
This statement struck fear into Athena.
“…w-who are you..?” Athena asked.
“If I tell you…it will change the trajectory of your entire life.” Shuri said. Her voice was laced with caution, not wanting Athena to make such a big decision.
“I don’t mind.” Athena said.
Shuri had to contemplate for a moment. She knew this will affect the both of them…but she was so fucking horny. She couldn’t make any rational decisions at the moment.
Shuri takes her computer screen and angles it upward, showing her full face to Athena. Upon seeing her, Athena tilted her head.
“…” Athena simply just gazed at her. The initial shock was there, but after a couple of seconds she just…shrugged.
“Shuri…queen of Wakanda…but, I don’t see how this matters…” Athena says with a slight giggle.
Shuri’s eyes widened at Athena’s claim. “You don’t think it matters??” Shuri questioned, feeling baffled by the other woman.
“We’re both horny…and honestly…I don’t really care about who you are.” Athena says before biting the inside of her lip.
Shuri’s body seemed to relax once that was said. “Bast…I don’t know what I’m gonna do with you…” she chuckles.
As time went on, Athena’s desire coursed through her body.
“Shuri…do you wanna fuck me?” Athena asked with a tiny smirk.
Shuri smirked and shook her head, chuckling to herself in disbelief. “I’ll be at your place in 15 minutes.” She said beofre the call ended.
Athena stared at the screen for a couple of seconds before running to the shower. She quickly freshened up before getting dressed.
Her pink baby tee complimented her pink spandex shorts. Her hair was in a claw clip, that also being pink. She had on some white fluffy slides, with her toes being painted a light pink color. She looked at herself in the mirror, contemplating whether or not she was underdressed.
“Hmm…” she looked at the clock next to her mirror and smiled lightly. “It’s 2am…who cares.” She reassured herself.
She grabbed her phone and went downstairs. Athena lived in-front of a large field, where she would go for jogs, or simply just journal at. She looked outside and saw a small aircraft parked in the field.
She couldn’t hear it land, so she suspected that it had to be Shuri.
The doorbell rang, and Athena could feel her heart go insane. She took a deep breath before walking over to the door and opening it, being met with Shuri looking at her through some Prada sunglasses.
“Hi.” Athena said. She quickly scanned Shuri’s figure, and saw that she was dressed casually as well. She had on some black sweatpants, and a black t-shirt.
“Hi.” Shuri said, smirking lightly at the girl. She’s adorable… Shuri thought to herself. She put her hand out, offering it to Athena.
Athena softly took her hand, and walked with her back to the aircraft. “I hope you don’t think I’m creepy or anything…I promise you I’m not going to hurt you.” Shuri said once they stepped inside. Athena smiled timidly and nodded, looking up at the other woman.
“No…oddly enough I didn’t think that…” Athena said with a slight chuckle.
Shuri stared softly at the other woman, taking off her sunglasses. She slowly walked to Athena, running her thumb across Athena’s bottom lip.
“You’re so pretty…intombi entle.” Shuri said. Athena could feel a her nipples immediately harden from the foreign language, and Shuri could see them.
She glanced down at Athena’s chest, seeing them press up against her cute pink shirt. “Are you excited?” Shuri asks, slipping her thumb in Athena’s mouth. Athena looked up at Shuri and nodded, her eyes being filled with desire.
“I can tell…” Shuri trailed off as she lifted up the other woman’s shirt, letting her full breast become exposed. Shuri let go of Athena, taking a seat in the aircraft. “Let me see you…” She leaned back in her chair, before sliding her own shirt off, having nothing but her gold panther necklace on. “Show me…” Shuri demanded softly.
Athena stood infront of Shuri and took her shirt off, and then her shorts. “You don’t have anything on under that…” Shuri said to her. She smirked at Athena before calling her over with just a hand gesture. Shuri spread her legs and let Athena straddle her.
Athena’s nude body was pressed up against Shuri, as she could feel her underwear become soaked. Shuri could feel Athena’s desire, all thanks to her heightened senses.
“I just want you to know…this is just sex.” Shuri said while gazing into Athena’s eyes.
Athena giggled while leaning into Shuri. She could feel the other woman’s hands travel to her backside, squeezing it firmly. “You did have to say that…you could’ve just fucked me.” Athens says.
What Shuri and Athena didn’t know is that their relationship was not going to just be sex.
Shuri immediately captured Athena’s lips in a passionate kiss. The kiss was hot, passionate, and sloppy. The two woman were incredibly aroused, and they didn’t hold anything back.
“Fuck…” Shuri pulled away from the kiss and hissed as she continued to grope and smack the other woman’s ass. “I didn’t know you had all this…” Shuri chuckled before kissing along Athena’s jawline. “Oh please…it’s nothing.” Athena dismisses her remark, biting her lip from Shuri’s touch.
Shuri’s kisses halted. She looked up at Athena, her gold grill showing from the low exposure lighting in the aircraft. She raised her eyebrow, smirking lightly.
“It’s nothing???”
“Holy shit!!” Athena moaned out. By this time, Shuri had bent Athena over. Her fingers were digging into Athena’s hips as she snapped her hips into a thrust. The black and silver strap glistened in the light as she continued to fuck Athena.
“Let me tell you…It’s not nothing. Your ass looks so good from back here..” Shuri said before throwing her head back, hissing and moaning at the feeling of Athena squeezing her. “I can feel you usana. I can feel you squeezing the shit out of me. You like this?” Shuri moaned out. Athena couldn’t answer. She was too busy shoving her face into the bed that was located at the back of the air craft. “S-so good…” Athena whimpered out.
Shuri couldn’t believe the words that were coming out her mouth. All of her lewd thoughts that she would hide just came spilling out. It was almost like Athena’s body drew them out of her. She was hooked.
“Shit Athena!” Shuri said before pulling her strap out quickly and grabbing her phone. “I want to record you…I wanna watch this back over and over again…will you let me..?” Shuri asked while kissing down her back.
Athena looked back at Shuri with a euphoric expression. “Do it…” Athena answered. Before she could turn back around, Shuri had started to record, the flash from the phone highlighting the pleasurable experience.
Shuri inserted her fingers, pumping them slowly, while her thumb rubbed the other woman’s clit. “S-Shuri—“ Athena moaned while her legs began to shake.
“You close..?” Shuri asked while looking directly at Athena. “Y-yes…” Athena whimpered while making eye contact with her. “What are you gonna do..? Hmm?” Shuri asks, her pace speeding up. “I-I’m gonna cum..” Athena whispered. “Let me see it…” Shuri said with a slight smirk. Athena came undone on Shuri’s fingers. She couldn’t even let out a moan, the feeling was so euphoric.
“O-oh my fucking god!!” Athena whimpered out. “That was beautiful Athena…” Shuri said before putting her phone away, feeling incredibly aroused still. Shuri gently laid Athena down on the bed, grabbing her chin, and planting a gentle kiss on her lips. “I’m gonna make you cum again…okay??” Shuri said while her lips brushed against Athena’s.
Athena could soon feel Shuri’s length stroke into her. Tears of pleasure fell from her eyes as she let out soft moans, Shuri’s name falling from her lips. She looked up at her and marveled at her appearance.
Shuri’s gold chain glistened up against her skin, her bare upper body being on full display as her thrust became quicker.
On the other hand, Shuri couldn’t take her eyes off Athena. Even when her body wanted to close them, she couldn’t. She was entranced by the look of pleasure that was displayed on the other woman’s face. Her thrusts quickened as she could feel Athena squeeze her once more. “Come on baby…I know you want too…” Shuri moaned out, encouraging Athena.
“F-fuck! You’re gonna make me cum again…” Athena moaned out while her eyes rolled back slightly. “Give it to me…” Shuri said. Her thick Wakndan accent had Athena cumming in seconds.
“Shit, you look so pretty…I’m gonna cum from just looking at you—“ Shuri said before moaning loudly. She orgasm washed over her like a thunder storm and had her Whimpering.
Both woman were left breathing heavily before Shuri pulled out and laid beside Athena.
There was about two minutes of just silence.
Athena and Shuri were just gazing at each other. The both of them felt a buzz, leaving them feeling euphoric.
“That was…amazing..” Shuri said, hooking her arm around Athena’s back, pulling her closer. By this time, Shuri had discarded her strap, leaving their two completely hide bodies cuddled into one another. “…it really was…” Athena said before falling into a deep slumber.
When Athena woke up, she was back in her own bed. She looked around, feeling slightly disappointed when she couldn’t find Shuri. She understood that it was just sex, but deep down, she was wishing for more.
She laid back in her bed, sighing to herself. “I guess she was being serious…this really was just sex.” Athena says to herself. Her thoughts were interrupted by a Skype call notification from…Shuri. Her eyes widened in slight shock as she checked her appearance and answered quickly.
“Hello, sthandwa…” Shuri said. Her tone was warm and she had a look of adoration on her face.
“Hi Shuri…” Athena said, rubbing her arm shyly.
Both of the woman found it insane how sexual they are some hours ago, and how they are so much different in each others presence now.
But my gosh, this is only the beginning.
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devildom-moss · 9 months
OH SHIT I FORGOT THEY OPENED YESTERDAY!! If you are keeping them open another day, how about "Jealousy" (SFW) with Lucifer and m!MC? Possibly in the same sort of timeline as the marriage one just so he gets to call him his fiance.
Hope this is to your liking, anon!
1 year anniversary flash request event - SFW
(Lucifer x m!MC)
Prompt 2 - Jealousy
First, you went shopping with Solomon of all silver-haired, shady bastards. Then, you spent your lunch playing games with his brothers. Then, Diavolo had the nerve to pat you on the head for getting your report in ahead of schedule – which was not only uncalled for, but completely self-indulgent and rude when Diavolo knew better than to touch what didn’t belong to him. Now, some lesser demon was approaching you on your walk home – the only time Lucifer had gotten you alone all day – to give you a present, claiming to be a part of the “Demons for Humans: MC Fanclub.” Now, Lucifer wasn’t convinced that such a club didn’t exist, nor was he a stranger to fanclubs or random admirers coming up to him with offerings, but this was you who was getting extra attention, and Lucifer had used up all the tolerance he had to spare.
“You’re just so cool, and I’ve really come to appreciate humans since you came to the Devildom. I wanted to thank you for all of that, so please accept this!” The lesser demon thrusted the present out towards you, bowing his head in embarrassment and respect.
You took the gift from him with a smile. “Thank you. That’s so sweet.”
By then, a dark aura had engulfed Lucifer and all the light had drained from his eyes. When the lesser demon looked up, he noticed and yelped. He was ready to run in the opposite direction when Lucifer placed a firm hand on the lesser demon’s shoulder, careful not to crack the weakling’s bones in your presence. Lucifer cleared his throat before he spoke in a calm tone, laced with homicidal intent, “Yes. Thank you so much for supporting MC. He’s certainly deserving of all that praise. However, I would request that you not make it a habit to give gifts to my fiancé.”
“I-I had no idea you were engaged. Congratulations, sir – Lord Lucifer. I wish you a happy marriage,” the demon replied skittishly.
Appeased by his fear, Lucifer smiled and let go of the lesser demon. “Thank you.”
The demon ran away, quickly disappearing down the nearest busy street. You turned to glare at Lucifer.
“Seriously? He was just being nice.” Your glare didn’t lighten up.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Lucifer huffed.
“What’s up with you?”
“I’ll tell you when we get home, just,” Lucifer grabbed your hand and started down the street towards the House of Lamentation, “don’t look so mad.”
You sighed and waited patiently until Lucifer had dragged you all the way back to his room and finally released your hand. Before you could open your mouth, Lucifer spoke up, “Can you sit down on the bed for a minute?”
Annoyed, you sat down at the edge of the bed. “Okay, now are you going to tell me what your problem is?”
Lucifer wormed his way onto your lap, surprising you as he adjusted himself until he was practically curled up against your chest. You were too stunned by the sudden soft gesture that your annoyance began to melt. Despite being such a large demon, Lucifer tucked his head under your chin. With that, any anger you held onto disappeared, and you held him tight, stroking his soft hair with one hand.
“You’re my fiancé,” Lucifer mumbled just above a whisper.
“I am. And you’re mine. You don’t see me terrifying your fans.”
“I don’t have to explain why that happened.” You could tell from his tone that he was pouting.
“I know, but I’d like you to. For your soon-to-be husband?” You cooed and kissed the top of his head.
“I got jealous. I get mad that I have to share you, and the first time I get you alone all day, that random demon. . .” Lucifer huffed. “I’m sorry.”
“You know, if you need attention, you can just ask. Even if it’s embarrassing, ask and you shall receive, my sweet, angry, jealous baby boy.”
“Then can you keep holding me for a while?” Lucifer wrapped his arms around you and clung to your body.
“Oh? Did you think you had the option to leave? Not happening. I have you in my arms, and I’m not letting you go.”
A/N: requests are still open for the rest of today if anyone else wants to enter. (rules here) I probably won't get to all of the SFW requests, but I may be able to finish them up tomorrow or the day after.
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sasagehoes · 5 months
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐈 ;𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐬 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐬 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𓅨˚₊‧⁺⋆♱;; The fruits of necromancy start taking roots inside of you, and your older sister's warnings didn't prepare you for the horrors that were to come.
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CW; This series contains a LOT of sensitive topics. Just like the show, there will be individual warnings for each chapter, I'm not responsible for what you read.
graphic depictions of blood and gore/ canon typical violence / assault/ murder/lots of change in POV/ war/ assault and rape/ mentions of purity culture and virginity / arranged marriage/ typical game of thrones warnings.
3.6k words
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As soon as the boat arrived with her on board, everyone went crazy. It wasn't that big of a deal, I was planning on rejecting the proposal,
why would I marry a complete stranger?
I knew they would make me go receive her and her family, so I hid until they left, I knew my mother would reprimand me, but as much as I could avoid her, the better.
I came down from my hiding spot to see my older sister, Sansa, standing there with her arms over her chest. I was clearly mad, I tried to run, but she caught up to me
"Don't you know just how in trouble you are right now," she said, pulling my ear slightly to not injure me, but enough that it would hurt
"Let me go!" I said."Stop whining! mom's gonna give you an earful"
As we entered the mess hall, i could see my mother standing with a displeased face, looking directly at me
"Why do you not want to see her, Bran?"
My mother said, annoyed. I just ignored her and looked to the side
"Answer me, Brandon," she repeated herself, this time mad.
"Why would I marry someone I've never met!" I snapped, now standing up
"You think she chose to get married, chose to be sent away from her family to come into this one?" She replied hastily looking into my eyes.
I stopped, and I never thought about her situation, I knew my sisters would have the same fate. Yet I still couldn't stomach the thought of being with a complete stranger for the rest of my life.
"...no, I'm sorry," I said, embarrassed, looking at my mother
"When she gets here, treat her nicely, you don't have to like her immediately.. you'll have time to learn how to love and cherish her."
With that, she left, leaving me there pondering on how my life would be with a stranger.
The harsh cold wind was unfamiliar to me. My fingers felt like falling off. I couldn't imagine how it would feel once winter came.
The Lord of Winterfell, Eddard Stark, got off his horse and came up to us. He looked around, clearly expecting more people
"I thought Lord Caius would come to send you off, I guess I was mistaken," he said sincerely
at the mention of my father's name, my eyes went wide, coming out of my trance. My sister noticed and grabbed my hand firmly.
"My apologies, Lord Stark, some..commotion has started in our land, both our parents had to stay to re ensure the safety of our people."
He nodded, "No worries, I understand. You'll be taken care of here, until your leave." he said.
Robb, the oldest, helped to mount my stuff on the horses. I smiled at him, muttering a small 'thank you'
The man I've learned to address as Theon tried to start small talk once in the horses,
"Bravoos is a beautiful place from what my friends say," he started
"I suppose it does have its own flare,"
I say out of it, just mentions of Bravoos made my stomach churn.
not wanting to seem rude, i forced the conversation to continue
"Winterfell is even more beautiful than what I had imagined. You must feel proud of being born here, my Lord," I say, looking at him, his eyes drop for a second too long.
"I'd have to agree with you, my Lady, it is indeed a beautiful place, yet I'm not form here, I'm form the Iron Islands, a Greyjoy"
"Oh, well, it must've been hard getting used to the weather," I say, mustering up a dry chuckle. He nodded and was about to continue till Robb told him something, and he stayed by his side until we arrived.
It seemed my betrothed was nowhere to be seen.
Once you arrived at Castle Ward, you couldn't believe your eyes..it was beautiful, a sense of comfort and warmth that radiated from it.
All of the remaining family that didn't go out to receive you and your sister were all lined up, two girls, two boys, and a woman.
As all of you approached them, you heard whispers in the crowd
'She's to marry the little lord?'
'Isn't she a doll'
'so beautiful'
'Bravoosi ey?'
you payed them no mind as you plastered a small smile on your lips and bowed to the family, waiting to be risen you looked up briefly, and the boy, who seemed your age was already looking at you, as soon as the two of your eyes met, they disconnected.
So that was to be your husband, your salvation.
"Rise child," Lady Catelyn said sweetly, and so you did. Looking at her in the eye, you smiled. "Pleasure to finally meet you, my Lady." you say.
"Likewise, you are more beautiful than what the books described... So glad you could make it safely,"
"This is Sansa and Arya, my only daughters, and I've seen you've met Robb, my first born already, we'll this is Rickon, the youngest and Bran, you're betrothed" she continued, pointing at each one of the children as she named them.
"Pleasure to meet you all, I hope we can get along." Your eyes met Bran's as you finished. He avoided them as soon as he saw you.
"I can't wait for us to be sisters," Sansa exclaimed in her place as she went up to you to pull your hand. "Would you like to see your room?" she asked hands, holding yours. You nodded, and she took off running with you in tow.
"Careful not to fall!" Catelyn yelled at the both of you.
Ophelia looked at Brandon and walked up to him.
"I trust you'll take care of her, My Lord?"
she said to him, a trail of worries behind her words.
"I promise, she won't be sad as long as she's with me" Brandon replied, with a smile looking up at her, she nodded and bowed slightly l, mouthing a small 'thank you'
The food was wonderful, the smell of wine was everywhere in the dining room, and people danced and sang, up until Lord Stark stood up and held his cup of wine and hit it with his spoon
"Today, we celebrate the soon to be union between House Stark and House Corvus!" he said loudly, everyone followed suit, cheering and clapping rather obnoxiously.
Your face was dull and expressionless, staring off into the abyss that were the walls. You couldn't escape it.
You heard her everywhere, like a taunting reminder that you got a better chance that she could've ever gotten, you hated yourself, even if it wasn't your fault.
a hand on your shoulder helped you out of the trance, Arya. If you remember,
"Want to spar outside? If you don't know.. I can teach you!"
You smiled genuinely for what felt like the first time in weeks and nodded, running off with Arya outside.
"Grab one!" she said to me, throwing me a wooden sword that was left on the floor. I caught it after it almost escaped my hold, Arya giggled, "Just you wait," I told her jokingly, making her get into a stance, a bad one, and so did I.
We sparred for almost an hour when their Septa walked out of the mess hall and froze in her steps
"Arya Stark!" she yelled in disbelief
"Oh no.." Arya sighed
"What do you think you're doing, young lady?" the septa said as she dragged Arya by the arm
"Im not a lady," Arya bickered
"Your father is a lord, making you. a lady, now get inside!" the old woman said, annoyed, clearly having dealt with this more times that she could count. Once Arya made it inside, and after she flashed you a smile, the septa came up to me
"My Lady, please don't humor her, I hope i won't have to deal with the both of you from now on," she voiced out as nicely as she could
"I promise i won't become a problem." My eyes squinted as I smiled at her.
Pleased with my answer, she bowed slighly and left.
'maybe this wouldn't be so bad' I thought as I gazed at my surroundings, the tall grey walls of the castle were mesmerizing, although the castle back home was more lively and more colourful, on the inside it was dull and bleak, now even more so, with everything currently going on.
"Lost on your thoughts again, little lady?" a man whom i've never met said to me almost invading my personal space."Please don't call me that sir, " I say, trying to sound as polite as possible.
He got closer. "Your father sent me," he said, and my eyes went wide, I opened my mouth to scream, but he covered it "Scream and you'll end up like Leiana, understood?" He asked, I nodded as tears escaped my eyes,
"Your brother ever told you what I did to the little whore?" He continued now moving to the stables, I couldn't breathe, "Answer me!" he screamed.
"NO, no he didn't please let me go, I won't say anything!" My words were rushed, I didn't want to end up like that, broken and destroyed.
He threw me down on the hay that adorned the floor of the empty stable, my cries were drowned by the music that played in the mess hall and the cheers.
"Oh, I'll let you go, just after im done with you," he said, standing up, undoing his belt.
As I tried to scream once more, trying to get anyone to listen to my cries, a sword pushed through the back of the man, blood falling on my skin.. I froze.
"Are you alright?! Did he touch you?!" The man with dark shoulder-length hair said, picking me up, the sword now thrown on the floor.
I hugged him tightly "Thankyou, thank you!" I sobbed trembling.
"What happened?!" I heard Ophelia yell from the doors of the mess hall, once she saw my sobbing figure and the man dead on the floor, she ran to me.
"Please tell me he didn't touch you," She said now on her knees in front of me, holding my face. Her voice was shaking, I shaked my head.
"He asked if Amadeus had told me what he did to Leiana." I tell her as much as my hiccups would let me. Her eyes went dark for a moment.
"Those bastards!" She yelled
The music had stopped, and people were coming outside, Lord Stark came out worried, and once he saw the scene, he hurried to ask what had taken place.
Once everyone calmed down and explained what had happened, I saw Brandon looking at me with worried eyes from afar. He came up to me and offered his coat and left, not knowing what to say. After that, everything was a blurry mess.
When I woke up, a sleeping Ophelia was at my side sitting on a chair. Feeling a shift in the bed, she woke up. "Are you alright, my dear?" She asked me worried, I nodded
"I'm leaving today sister..I can't delay my trip to house Reed" she spoke, my eyes went wide
"What if another one comes after me or worse you!" I exclaim
"I'll be protected by some guards, and so will you, Lord Stark was very understanding"
I sat up abruptly "You told him?!"
"No! Not the whole truth.. I have to be careful"
I relaxed, it wasn't safe for anyone to know as of now, anyone could betray us. Anyone.
You hugged your sister tightly as she bid farewell to everyone, not knowing if this would be the last time you two would see each other
"We'll meet again" she said caressing your hair
"Once snow comes"
"Blood shall fall"
This would be the last time you heard of Ophelia..alive.
The days went on rather banal, nothing new, taking sewing and embroidery lessons with Sansa and sneaking off to play with Arya in the courtyard once you got bored.
Everytime you went to talk to Brandon he was dry and cold, sometimes just flat out ignoring you.
you couldn't care less, most royal marriages were only for one thing - unions.
or that's what you told yourself.
One particular day, you noticed you were feeling rather drained, not having done many physical activities you felt worried,
Apparently someone noticed and left you a snack with a note that said 'rest, you look tired', with an apple next to it.
You asked around thinking it was either of the sisters but none knew what you were talking about so you just left it at that.
At around noon, you where playing with Arya on top of some tables, pretending to be knights, when a puncturing pain burst in your lower abdomen making you almost fall off. Arya, worried, dropped her stick and went to you thinking she had hurt you
"Are you okay??" she said panicking "Yes I'm alright just an old bruise I suppose"
you knew it wasn't a bruise, you knew what this pain entailed. You were petrified. this was only the begging.
your sister, Leiana, had explained what happened go the woman in the family once their first blood takes fruition, it's not only blood and pain, it the nightmares of death that plague you, and the smell of blood everywhere. it was too early you thought..way too early.
One morning you woke with the pain gone but a slick feeling in your thighs, you uncovered yourself and saw the crimson red stain that now adorned the bed sheets.
Although you wanted to think you were saved, Leiana also had gotten it, yet that didn't stop them. Nothing stops them
"You know what this entails right my dear" Lady Stark asked you, as you told her what was happening. you nodded slightly, she smiled.
"Don't worry, I know other houses make the girls marry as soon as there first blood occurs, but not here, neither of you are ready so don't fret, your still a child, I couldn't do that to you" she said empathicly. you just nodded and thanked her, and as she left you could only smell blood, it irked you, you felt disgusting.
Sansa was next to you at dinner talking about how wonderfull this was, you could have children now, give birth to little lords and ladies, which made Brandon's cheeks dust a light pink. You giggled, but there was a part of you that felt a nauseating feeling at the pit of your stomach.
If you had a girl would she deal with the same thing your sister did? Would she be chased down the streets and tainted by the men who swore to protect her?
No. you'd make sure she'll never go through that horrible, thing you'll make sure. Even if it's the last thing you do.
The following day you could barely walk, the pain was getting worse and Maester Luwin said ot was normal. saying it was because you had gotten it sooner than it should.
If only.
As you were walking with Sansa trying to withstand the cramping pain, talking about how you two would want both your futures to play out, the pain got worse, in an instant it felt like soemone took a blow to your lower stomach, making you bend over and groaning in pain. Sansa noticed and went to your aid, but before you could say anything everything went black.
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑
You opened your eyes and the bright light blinded you briefly, your head throbbed as the distant noise got closer.
You weren't quite sure where you were, but it wasn't Winterfell. It was red, everything, the snow was crimson red, the dew falling off the trees was red everything was red. You looked at yourself in the nearby bloodied river.
it wasn't you.
you felt around the face that was reflected on the river, it wasn't yours yet you could feel it, it was c aked in blood as well as the hair that came with it.
before panicking you remembered your sister's words;
"apart from the normal symptoms, you'll be ridden with nightmares for days might even be weeks"
You felt and indescribable hunger and as you saw the crimson snow it became appealing - appetizing even.
you took a handful of it and ate it, and then another, and another until your hunger was satiated.
everything went black for a while and when you awoke, you still weren't in Winterfell, but in the palace of Corvus. Castle Ravenna.
It wasn't you, you had to remind yourself before any panic would settle in your bones.
It all looked so different, The sigil on the banners was the old one, the walls were relatively new, even the throne looked more polished
this was clearly long before you had been born, who's body you were inhibiting, you didnt know, but it felt... different than in the snow earlier, the blood on your veins wamer, and faster.
"Amelia! are you listening?" the voice of a man said
Amelia? if the stories the women in blood told your sister were true, she was the first necromancer of house corvus.
"Yes dear?" you answered, the voice not your own.
"What have you been doing in the outskirts of the city, I've told you a hunded times. do not." he kept going
"The snow, i helped get rid of the red snow"
You didn't know how you knew what to say. You just did. It was automatic.
"We can't keep escaping from our marital duties.. we need to produce an heir"
Your stomach churned at the thought.
The blackout ensued again, yet this time you were in the garden, your hand was bleeding profusely, and a white rabbit squirmed on the floor, its head was detached.
You wouldn't move, couldn't, it felt as in a second your body was still and then you were looking through the rabbits eyes.
You've heard of wargs, yet they manipulated live animals.. not the dead.. as you snapped out of it, you gasped and quickly jid the beheaded rabbit in a bush, washing the wounded hand on the fountain.
The night you finally consummated your marriage with your husband, he was gentle, truly, he was, but we both longed for someone else. We didn't belong to the other, yet our destinies were written long before our conception.
Another black out. Gods, did you hate them by now.
You held your first born in your arms, a beautiful baby girl, eyes like the forest and caramel skin. She cooed at you and you smiled.
Her father seemed mad, only came in the room to corroborate the gender of the child and left.
Your nightmares showed the many children you or better said, Amelia, had through out the years. Five boy and five girls, only two made with love, the other out of necessity.
The last one was the most brutal of them all
Your body was now old and wrinkly as you could only stare in shock as the torture that was inflicted on your daughters was laughed at, and sang about, the remaining two sat on the table ridden in fear that they would wake up with a man in their chambers, putting the through hell, and you couldn't do anything.
Their daughters' daughters would go through this hell, and their daughters after that. Amelia couldn't bear it. You could feel it in her veins. She mustered any bit of energy left in her old bones and killed the man whom she had married all those years ago
The man who let men do whatever they pleased with your daughters for the sake of the kingdom. It was her last straw.
"You stand here accused of practicing the dark arts, and the worst crime..regicide, how do you plead?" The man asked loud for the whole city to hear
I stayed silent.
"Any last words then?" He asked
I looked up and said:
"My daughters will not be able to use their gifts, but be worry of the ones to come, one will be born so fierce, she'll fear no man, as no man will come to harm her, the loss of her sisters will only strengthen her, and the downfall of the tyrants of Bravoos will come"
The daughters cried as they were held by the perpetrators as your neck was sliced from ear to ear. Everything went black for the last time.
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑
When you finally woke up, it was in a cold sweat, pawing at your neck with one hand. You looked hastily at your surroundings and saw a sleeping Bran at your bedside, a hand holding yours. Your heartbeat slowed a little, and you smiled
"Brandon, wake up," you say softly, shaking him
He woke up slowly, eyes groggy, but when he laid his eyes on your figure, his eye widened, and he jumped to hug you. "I thought you wouldn't wake up," he said distraught
You hugged him back and said, "Didn't know you missed me," grinning.
He glared at you playfully "Maybe..maybe not, are you okay? you were gone for days, mumbling things in your sleep.. you had me worried, " he said the blush in his cheeks eminent.
You couldn't stop the giggles that exited your mouth. After being cold and distant for so long, who could've thought he would be so concerned for your well being.
"Don't laugh." he added as he tried to storm out the room, but your hand pulling his stopped him.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude," you say in between laughs. He furrowed his brows and quickly kissed your cheek, making you shut up. your brain malfunctioned, and you just stared at him, eyes wide and cheeks red.
Before you could say anything, he bolted out the door, yelling, "She woke up!"
And you just stared at the door in disbelief.
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𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑ Thank you so much for getting this far, can't wait to continue this series!! If you'd like to be added to the taglist,let me know ♥︎
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v1smokewife · 10 months
who is this person - chapter six
On a quest to find love on a dating website, Sanji falls head over heels for a woman with an interest in...alternative relationships that sends him down a rabbit hole of completing tasks for a seemingly sadistic mistress. But what happens when she turns out to be more than what she seems?
Zoro pretends to be a female on the internet to talk to Sanji and bad things happen.
Darkfic with themes of internalised homophobia, bad bdsm practices and lying about your identity to strangers on the internet. Please read with caution. This is NOT how BSDM should be practiced. Always practice Sane, Safe and Consensual practicesboarders on being considered dead dove do not eat material
read on ao3
authors note; Hello!!! I’m so excited to be writing another chapter! I have a clear road map for the ed of the story which I’m really excited about. So, I hope people are still enjoying. I think I got lots of comments in the last chapter which is so funny considering there’s very minimal sex in it. This chapter goes into slight dubcon (I mean as slight as a coerced masturbation and feminisation scene can go) and very clear manipulation. Also, it’s entirely Sanji’s POV. The next chapter will be entirely Zoro’s POV.
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Sanji would have hoped that Zoey would have started talking to him by now. However, it had been a few days, and she hadn’t replied. He texted her every morning and every evening. He didn’t press anything. Asked her about her day and told her about his day. He tried to pretend as if the conversation hadn’t happened. Sanji hadn’t thought more about what she had asked him as her kind of hoped that the conversation would go away eventually. After all, if he had to even think about having sex with men again… his skin crawled but he didn’t want to admit the possibility of anything other than complete refusal. 
Anyway, during those three days, Sanji went about his days. Unlike last time, he didn’t overtly show that he was upset. The last time that happened, Zeff was really pissed at him for it, so he decided to pretend as if everything was fine, and everything was okay. After all, surely this was just a minor thing. Things would be good soon. He remembered the last time when she stopped speaking to him, she only stopped speaking to him for a day and that was it. They were totally fine afterwards.  
But by the third day, he was becoming desperate.  He was currently sitting spacing out in a café whilst with Nami and Robin. Although he is making conversation, he’s not as chirpy as he normally is. No inappropriate flirting across the table...no nothing. He looks tired and Nami clearly takes notice of this when she stops talking about Vivi to talk to Sanji. 
“Sanji…you don’t look well,” 
The voice of Nami came over his depressive thoughts as he looked up at her. It was another day with himself, Robin and Nami out for tea. Like the other time, Sanji kept looking at his phone, but Nami noticed something else. He wasn’t as…upbeat as normal. He seemed a little depressed. She was beginning to suspect Zoro all over again especially after the last time that they met but Sanji seemed worse. Something was genuinely bothering him. He seemed like he wasn’t happy about something and wasn’t making as much conversation as he normally was. He seemed sad.  
“Me?” He replied, trying to force a smile. “Why would you say that? Can’t I have a day where I’m not upbeat and happy Nami?”    
Robin looked at Nami. Last time this happened, they had some hidden beef. Nami just looked concerned. She looked like she wanted to say something but then Sanji said something again after he realised, he came across kind of…well, a little rude. He reached into his coat pocket for his cigarette case and lighter. 
“Sorry...” He said, before reaching to light up a cigarette, “That was so rude…” 
“It was,” Nami said but didn’t press further than he was willing to go but it’s well that Sanji seemed willing to share as he seemed to hesitate but then started to talk again.  
“I’ve been having relationship issues...with Zoey,” It seemed to drop on all three of them like a pile of rocks. Sanji admitting to himself that things were not okay. Nami realised that both Sanji and Zoro had been lying to her and Robin...well, Robin had no clue what was going on, but she could tell by the tone of the conversation that it was big. It sounded like it was serious. 
“Sanji...” Nami wanted to say something about how he promised her she wouldn’t date Zoey, but Nami knew that Sanji didn’t need that right now. She also knew that the right thing to do was to tell him, but Nami needed proof. She needed proof that Sanji was being catfished by Zoro. 
“I’m sorry. I lied to you. I know you didn’t approve but...” Sanji looked at her and forced a smile, “The heart wants what it wants... and I want her,” Nami’s heart could have broken at his words. She looked at him with a soft expression. She couldn’t be mad at him...even if he was being more than careless. This right here was senseless. How could anyone just believe a woman online like this without wanting to see her first? It was absolutely senseless to Nami.  
But the possibility that Zoro has been manipulating Sanji all this time. But what did Zoro gain from it? Last time he said it was a mistake. He can’t say it’s a mistake anymore. 
“No... it’s okay, Sanji,” She had to say something. Screw proof. She needed to be there for her friend, and she knew it was the right thing to do. Sorry, Zoro... “Sanji I...” 
“I’m going to go back to my apartment, I think. I suddenly don’t feel in the mood for coffee...” Once again, like before, despite Nami trying to get him to say, Sanji lay money down for the girls before heading off out the café. Nami couldn’t stop him, and she just watched the door with sadness in her heart. 
Would she really expose her best friend like this? Zoro had been her best friend for years, but he had lied to her. Suddenly, she felt Robin’s hand on her arm. Robin’s expression was kind, albeit confused. Nami had refused to tell her last time. Could Nami really keep her in the dark again this time? 
“Now will you tell me what’s happened?” Robin asked. 
Nami considered it. It really wasn’t any of Robin’s business and Nami felt tears come to her eyes. Sanji is being played with and it’s her fault because she could have told him sooner. She rubbed her eyes, looked at Robin and sat down. It took her a minute to compose her emotions before she turned to Robin with tears in her eyes. 
“It’s my fault Robin,” She sighed, “Sanji...I know who Zoey is and it’s not who Sanji things it is. It’s Zoro,” 
“Zoro?” Now that seemed to surprise Robin, “How do you know this?”  
“I saw it on Zoro’s phone,” She said, deciding whether or not she told Robin the full story but maybe Robin could help in some way, “I... knew from the beginning. Remember when you were first suspicious...I knew then but Zoro promised me he’d stop, and he didn’t... Sanji is going to be so mad...” 
Robin didn’t try to dispute it. She felt like she would be mad about the same thing but it’s too late for that now. Especially when their friend was being manipulated, “What can I do to help?” 
“I need to get Zoro’s phone away from him...but that’s going to be impossible,” Nami said but Robin quickly waved her hand to say otherwise. 
“Not impossible,” Robin had an idea it seemed, “Zoro goes to a club. It’s...a bdsm club,” Nami was about to ask how Robin knew that, but Robin was smart enough to put two and two together, “I... might be able to distract him and take his phone away from him. I might get Franky involved. Franky could probably break into the phone so we could get the information we need...” 
Nami stared at her. Oh, Robin was good, “That would be amazing. I’d rather have proof. Thank you so much,” 
“We were planning on going tonight. Zoro said he is a regular so I can almost guarantee he will probably be there,” Robin nodded, “I... I don’t know why he would do this but last time I seen him, he was acting strange about his phone...I never thought anything of it. Anyway, I’ll help you,” 
The ladies agreed on a plan and paid for their lunch before going their separate ways. Nami felt determined despite the lingering guilt. She would do anything to bring an end to this...even if feelings get hurt in the long run. 
Sanji couldn’t take this anymore. He was longing to talk to Zoey. He tried to play it cool by not putting too much pressure on her and by trying to get her to speak to him without the pressure of talking about what had happened, but it didn’t seem like it was going to happen. He rushed home and headed back to his apartment before going to the living room. His fingers quickly, as if by muscle memory, went onto Zoey’s messages with the him scrolling to type the messages. The last few messages had been fairly standard. He had been trying to get her into a normal conversation, but he couldn’t do it anymore. Desperate times called for desperate measures, so he tried to talk again. 
S: Hey. 
S: Can you please talk to me? 
S: I don’t know what I’ve done to make you so upset with me. 
S: But I’m sorry regardless of what it is. Please. I want to make you happy again…. 
He was beginning to feel desperate. He missed the attention. He missed the way that she used to make him feel. The way she made him vulnerable only to throw all her praise at him. The way that she made him feel so hot. He didn’t care that the tasks were humiliating. He wanted her to humiliate him and push his limits. 
He needed her. He didn’t know if he could live without her much longer which was why he didn’t even wait for her to reply before he wrote more messages. 
S: I’ll do anything to show I’m sorry. I’ll have a threesome with you and another guy if that will make you happy. I’ll do anything right now to show you I’m sorry. 
S: Please Zoey. Please. I need you. 
S: I don’t care what you want to do. If you want to humililate me, make me beg for your forgiveness, make me do something really public...I will do anything to make you happy Zoey. Please. I want to be yours forever. No one has ever made me feel this way before. I’m all yours, body and soul. 
Just as he was about to type one last thing and stop for the day…suddenly, a speech bubble appeared to show that she was typing. He could have cried. Cried of happiness because she was finally listening to him. She was finally at least willing to talk. Maybe she’d tell him just to fuck off, but she was at least going to hear him out. Suddenly, the message came through and his heart stopped. It was Zoey and she replied to his little rant. 
Z: Anything? 
He breathed out a breath of relief. 
S: Anything? Please let me make it up to you. 
Z: … 
Z: Fine. I’ll give you one chance to redeem yourself. 
Z: You know the adult store in down? The small independently run one. 
S: Yes. I know the one. 
Z: Good.  
Z: I’ve just made a purchase under your name. Do not open it until you get home. 
Z: Go get it. I’ll tell you want to do with it when you get it. 
S: Okay. I’ll leave now.
Z: Good boy.
This was ominous to say the least. Was she not going to tell him what it was? Also, had she been planning this all along? It seemed like a quick turnaround for her to buy something that he was going to collect. Regardless of all that, he was running on the adrenaline that she had accepted his apology, and she was going to go through with this whole thing again even if he didn’t know exactly what it was, he was going to do it to get back in her good books. 
A serious rose-tinted glasses moment. 
The embarrassment he felt inside the adult store was ungodly paramount and he was so glad he could get out of there quickly. However, even with the awkward conversation at the desk, he still had no clue what was in there other than apparently, he had made a great choice. A great choice on what? He didn’t exactly know but apparently, he had made a great choice, nonetheless.  
Thankfully unlike the first time, there were no awkward conversations going on at the store with someone he knew. He couldn’t help but remember the time in which he seen Vivi in the store. Although, it made him think back to earlier on with Nami and Robin. He wished he had continued to lie to Nami, but Nami seemed mad. Mad enough to insinuate that Zoey wasn’t real and was the figment of some sick imagination. How would Nami even know that? And Zoey has repeatedly always send pictures of herself. All consistent and match the things that she had told him about herself. How could she be fake?  
Going back to his apartment, as soon as he entered the door, he could hardly wait until he was opening the bag. He placed it onto his bed and got what was inside the bag and…he felt a little surprised. About? Well, he wasn’t sure what item he felt more surprised about.  Was it perhaps the dildo or was it the lingerie set?   
He could only guess what the dildo was far. It was large…like really big. He felt his face heat at the realisation that she likely wanted that inside of him. How? It was absolutely massive. About 6.8 inches at least and really thick. He really had only had his own fingers inside of him and he was used to that. He enjoyed that at the very least but having that thing inside of him? How was that going to work out for him? 
The lingerie set? He had to only guess but…surely…surely not? There was only one way of knowing that and that was through asking her. 
S: So, I got what you asked. 
S: What was your idea? 
Z: Good boy. 
Z: I want you to take another video for me. 
Okay seemed all good. Sanji was willing to do anything at this point but when he saw her next words, it made him stop for a few moment. 
Z: I want you to dress up for me in the lingerie and film yourself fucking yourself with that dildo. 
Z: In front of a fairly large window. 
They weren’t strangers to semi-public stuff. She had asked him previously to film while in a public changing room and he’d done it but…his apartment was on top of Zeff’s restaurant. Everyone knew Sanji was somewhat of a son to Zeff… if he was caught. 
S: Okay wait. 
S: The lingerie set and in front of the window? 
S: I’m fine with using the dildo but…. the other two? 
S: It’s Zeff’s restaurant under my apartment…if people see... 
S: Do you understand?
Surely, she could understand what he was asking. If anyone, his colleagues or heaven forbid, Zeff saw, he was going to bring so much embarrassment to Zeff and well, everyone. Zeff had done so much for him throughout the years, and he would do a disservice if he embarrassed him like that. 
Quickly, Zoey wrote back. 
Z: You don’t have to do it. 
Z: But I won’t forgive you if you don’t. 
Z: Because clearly, I don’t mean that much if you're not at least willing to try.  
And it made matters worse. The window in question was at the front of the apartment and right underneath was the Baratie. Honestly, who would be looking up at him? He was trying to mull it over in his head what he should do. Honestly, he really didn’t know. He felt as if he was stuck right now. He finally had the chance to make her happy and have her back but…not like this. 
S: Okay fine.  
S: How long do I have? 
Z: An hour as normal. 
Z: Starting now.  
Okay, that was plenty of time to get into it. Plenty of time to get into this but he couldn’t help but feel that deep feeling of confusion in his heart. There were aspects of this he was deeply uncomfortable with. If someone saw… 
He was wasting time. Plus, would Zoey really try and ruin his life like this? He had told her multiple times that his dream was to become a sous chef. He wanted nothing more than to be that but if he even dared to embarrass Zeff like this…how would he do that? Plus, Zeff has done so much for him over the years. Zoey knew all this. They spent hours talking about it. She knew how important Zeff was to him and how he’d never intentionally upset him but… he didn’t want to upset her further.   
His hands moved to the bag to run his hands over the lingerie set that she had bought him. Never in his life had he ever thought about wearing something…this is what women wore. Men shouldn’t…this was so embarrassing. It was a beautiful set though. The material didn’t feel cheap either. It wasn’t the kind that would break. He wondered how Zoey knew his size without even meeting him in person. He didn’t really know what to think about that. 
He supposed he’d have to start. He’d already wasted time thinking too deeply about it and he didn’t want to upset her further by not doing it in time. The time restraints in the past had been fun but this time it felt cold and unwanted. He started to unbutton his top and let it fall to the ground before unbuttoning his pants. All the time, he wanted if she really met the full set. Bra included? He didn’t even know how to put something like that on. 
But he didn’t feel right asking her questions. He had already bothered her enough. 
So, reaching for the set, he began to put it on. The bra…he had no clue. He’d watched women put it on before, but he didn’t know how to put one on himself. He pulled it over his head and adjusted it…as if he had anything to give support to. Then next came the panties. The lacy blue panties. What was so weird was that Zoey seemed to know his exact size because everything seemed to fit very nicely even if it was made for a women. There was that pit…of something in his body.  
He can’t possibly be aroused over wearing lingerie. 
Men didn’t wear lingerie and he was a man who never even thought about these kinds of…indecencies. No. Calling it indecent was a little unfair. Different strokes for different folks and all that. He didn’t think about it but recently…Zoey’s been making him think about it. 
He caught himself in the mirror in his room and he couldn’t help but…stare. It was weird. It was like he was looking at someone else. Someone who wasn’t him. Maybe it was easier to feel that way. Like he was watching someone in a movie or in a show rather than himself. It would separate himself from the pressing issue that he was very aroused over this already and he honestly would rather not think about it. Not at all. Nope. He would rather just get on with it than think deeply about some absurd notion that he likes this. 
So, he stops looking at himself. He makes a reminder to himself to ignore his appearance in the mirror. Anymore and he is going to have to think about it too deeply and he’d rather not do that. 
Regardless, he adjusted it and made it as comfortable as he possibly could. He wasn’t going to even acknowledge the fact he was semi-erect already. Nope. Wasn’t happening. He refused to think about it. 
Now, next was the dildo. He had never owned one on his life nor had he ever used one. He’d never even used it on a woman in the minimal experiences he has had with women. He knew that Nami had once confessed to owning a large collection. In his feeble (and admittedly rather close minded mind) he just decided that dildos weren’t toys that straight men used. And he was 100% straight so why would he use one? So, the fact that she bought him one was breaking down a preconceived notion he had. Although, she had already got him into being fingered. Something that was now a habit when masturbation. Who knew that having a G-Spot up there was so exciting? 
This was just like that but with an object, right? He didn’t have to think about it deeply.  
Anyway, Sanji grabbed it and then went to the bedside cabinet to grab the lube. Then…it was time to approach the window and set the camera up. It wasn’t as if Sanji was really truly obvious. You would have to really look up. He looked down below and seen people leaving and entering. If one of them really looked up and focused on his window. He had to just get on with it. He had enough time, but he wanted to prove his devotion to her.  
So, he set up the camera and sat in front of it. Although the camera couldn’t see him, she could see by the light illuminating off of him that he was most definitely in front of a large plain window. In the background there was the light sound of people walking past. He pressed record and started into the camera for a second. He assumed that she didn’t want him to take off the lingerie. He sat with his legs spread so she saw everything from his already flushed face and the outline of his hard cock in his panties. Sanji was absolutely flushed, and he only realised how hot he felt already until he looked at her in the camera.  
He went to grab the lube. He knew the routine by now, but he felt a little thrown off by the lingerie. He slipped his finger in the panties and made quick work of slipping his finger inside of him. His fingers were nice and long which he began to enjoy because he was able to find his own pleasure spot quite easily but that would not be the focus of this. It wasn’t as uncomfortable as it used to be. He grown to like it. Enjoy the feeling of having his hole stretched around something and having something stimulating him in another way that wasn’t him stroking his cock.   
“Hm…fuck- “  
He already couldn’t constrain himself from moaning as he was a lot more confident with fingering himself. It wasn’t painful anymore. Immediately, he pulled his finger out and then back in with a second finger which got a small groan of pleasure from him. He could only imagine how lewd he looked in the camera, groaning and thrusting his hips against his hand so his finger could get in deeper. He could only imagine how much of a slut he must has looked to Zoey. He didn’t mind behaving like a whore or a slut…especially when his head was becoming so fluffy and light headed with lust that he didn’t mind if he looked like a wanton whore now… as long as Zoey was the only one who got to see him like this.  
He added a third and then a fourth finger. He was starting to get good at this and was getting good at spreading himself apart. Pity the panties were in the way and he couldn’t take them off or else he would totally let her see him stretch himself out.  
He could have done this for a long time, but he knew this wasn’t the main attraction anymore. She wanted something more…something more and he was happy to give it. He had long forgotten about the window and the lingerie as he pulled his fingers out and then grabbed the dildo. The easiest way of doing this was pushing the panties to the side which he did, despite how hard they were pulling against his cock which was already leaking precum. He put lube on the dildo and then pressed the head against his stretched hole. It was cold and felt foreign, not unlike the first time he’d ever fingered himself for Zoey’s amusement. 
Sanji braced himself, pressing the head in harder until it was engulfed inside of him. It was a different kind of stretch, and he winced as his hole sucked the dildo in more. It felt…weird to begin with. It was cold and foreign which he didn’t like but this was how it felt when he first fingered himself so maybe he just had to brace himself and go for it. Slowly, he pushed it in with winces and whines as he felt himself being filled in a way that he’d never felt before. It burned…and it burned more than he thought it would despite the preparation. Maybe he should have done more. He let it sit there for some time, with deep breaths so he could process it and feel himself adjust to the intrusion. Eventually he did, it started to…feel nice and his head felt really fuzzy again. He pulled the dildo out slowly until the head was only nested inside of him before he pushed it back in again. The head of the fake cock would press against his sweet spot which caused his legs to shake.  
He was holding himself back with one arm and his legs were bent and spread giving her some view. He had long forgot about the window and the fact he was wearing women’s underwear. He felt too good. He felt far too good. Was he a little humiliated? If someone looked up, they’d see him behaving like a whore. In his mind, that fear turned into arousal. Was it the worst thing if they saw him behaving like a whore?  Was it really? They’d see him all dressed up in women’s underwear fucking himself with a dildo. It shouldn’t be but the thought was so…arousing. The thought of being humiliated like that in front of everyone…well, it spurred him to thrust the toy in more and more.  
It got to a point where he was able to push the toy in fully and let it bash against his spot causing his legs to shake and for him to thrust his hips up. God, he didn’t care about anything. He only wanted to be Zoey’s personal Porn star. Nothing had made him feel as good as this had. The fake cock stretching him open. It didn’t take long for a stray thought to come into his head. 
 “Would it feel even better if an actual cock was fucking me like this?”  
And that stray thought was invasive like a parasite. It stayed there as he continued to fuck himself and cry. He was so close to cumming and he didn’t know he would be able to stop. Not if anyone saw him. He even started to wish someone was watching. Someone saw him behaving like a whore. How humiliating and wonderful that would be at the same time.   
“Oh God….” 
Nothing could have prepared him for the orgasm he was about to have. He clenched hard around the phallic object before thrusting his hips again. He came quite a lot, almost ruining the underwear he was wearing which almost felt like a shame. He thrust his head back as he thrust the cock in rapidly to fuck himself through the orgasm. It was wonderful. He didn’t want it to stop. He was almost crying real tears when it was happening. Nothing had ever felt better. He didn’t care about anything. Not Nami’s reaction to his relationship, not being a sous chef not anything. He wanted to belong to Zoey forever. Nothing gave him such bliss like this. 
But eventually, all good things do come to, and end and they did come to an end here. Sanji felt back against the floor. The dildo sitting between his leg and the cum stained underwear still on. He only sat there for a second in absolute bliss until the things around I’m started to come to him. The sound of downstairs; he could hear the kitchen staff working, talking and arguing. He could hear the outdoors, people leaving and entering the restaurant.    
That was when the guilt came in. The shame.  
He reached for his phone. He could barely skim through the video. The reminder that he not only started to like the lingerie. He was enjoying the thought that he might be seen… and the humiliation. He wanted to be looked at in the way that someone might look at porn. He wanted to be seen in that disrespectful and disgusting way. How awful was that? He would never… 
Or would he? 
He trimmed off the start and the end and sent it to her. He lay there for a few minute. He focused on breathing as a weird feeling flood over him. A feeling of awfulness. What has he just done for this woman? And why did it make him feel so…good? He felt good in the moment, but the clarity of the situation hit him. 
He didn’t know what he wanted anymore. 
However, that was almost erased from his mind when he heard his phone buzz. He didn’t look at it right away, but he did after five minutes. It was her.
Z: Good boy. 
Z: I love you so much. I forgive you. 
Z: Will you meet me on George Street? Inside a bar called the black mask. 
Z: It’s a BDSM bar. I think you might like it. I’ll be there at 8pm. 
Z: What do you say? 
And just like that, all of his doubts were wiped away when he saw she wanted to meet up. Everything that he had doubts of completely vanishing. Holy shit. He’d get to meet Zoey tonight. He at once typed up a yes before getting up. He had to get showered, and he had to put on one of his best suits. This was the thing he had wanted to most for the past week. He had to make it work tonight.  
He just had to. 
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paixarina · 2 years
Pet Me, Sweetie
: ̗̀➛ Catboy!Shion Kaida x GN!Reader
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"come here, you can pet me as you want~"
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A strange meowing voice suddenly came out of nowhere, as you walk home on a late night. You tried to look around you, to see if there is a stray cat that gets hungry or a pet cat tried to find its way to home after being away from its owner.
Unfortunately, you find nothing after trying to find out whose behind this odd meowing voice. You get scared and started to think if it was a ghost who wants to scare you or an annoying person trying to trick you with a silly prank by pretending themselves to be a cat.
Also, it could be that you are just tired or hearing strange voice that you actually didn't want to hear.
Suddenly, you hear a walking noise. As you tried to find out who's behind it, you witnessed Shion. His appearance may look like regular human, however, he has some unusual features that you find completely odd to look at.
"He looks like a normal human, but wait... Huh?! He has cat's ears and a tail?????????"
You realized that you started screaming that you ended up accidentally cause Shion turned around his head and sees you, with a flirty smile on his face while putting his cigarette on his mouth. Later, he made a meowing voice once again while approaching you to pet him, seemingly.
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"Meow~ meow~ would you like to pet me, my cutie pie? I want to be with you so we can have fun together, fufufu~" Shion gently holds your shoulders on your back and snuggling your hair with his cheek, begged you to pet him like a spoiled, needy cat while you were sitting on a street corner with him together.
"Ughhhh no thanks! Unfortunately, I don't trust strangers who I don't know about, so get away from me you stupid cat!" You tried to get rid of him away from trying to snuggle with you excessively.
"Aw... you are not a fun person I see~" He gets sad with a frown on his face when you told him to stay away. You feel nothing but pity when you saw his eyes, a sad stare begging you to pet him. But, at the same time, you still feel very annoyed by his spoiled, flirty personality.
"Why would I want to have fun with a stranger like you, huh? I'll be honest, you creeps me out." You cynically replied to him, as he shows a pleading face into you, convinced you to spoil him with your affection.
"Aw, please... wouldn't be fun if you just rub me softly~?" Shion keep begging you to spoil him with a flirty tone despite you refused to do so. But, his pleading stares caused you unable to resist to not rub him because how cute he looks.
"Ugh, fine!" You groaned and sighed while annoyed.
As you tried to rub his back, Shion suddenly clings on your shoulders, hugging you while licking your cheek and snuggles your neck while purring with a happy face. You felt the amount of softness on your neck because of his hair, which make you feel warm in the middle of cold midnight.
All the sudden, your annoyance to him started to fade away, as he keeps cuddling you over and over. You feel like your heart melted as you saw his face, unable to refuse to let him go because how cute he looks.
"...F-fluffy... he is so fluffy... what a fluffy cat... so soft and warm like a cotton... how cute..."
You feel comfortable and panting while smiling because how soft his hair is. As you checked what time on your phone, you started to get back into a realization and got surprised.
"Oh no, I have to get back at home quickly! It's late midnight here, I need to sleep for tomorrow's activity. Ain't no way I will just sit there with this cat boy together until morning!" You quickly stand up, while Shion looked at you with a soft, flirty smile on his face.
"Hm~? Wanna go home, sweetie~?" He asked.
"Yes! No way I have to pet you until morning with a spoiled cat boy like you, ew!" You rudely answered his question and leaves with a blush on your face, implied that you have a nice feeling with him inside. But outside, you can't admit yourself, because you are too denial to accept how cute he is.
"Hey~I have something to show you, cutie pie~" Once again, Shion tries to prevent you to leave with his flirting. You turned around with an annoyed face and asked him.
"What?! What is it?!" You asked him impatiently since you are pissed off.
Shion makes a gesture by putting his palm of his hand on his mouth and then, blows a kiss to you while giggling. After he did that, you feel like you are about to burst and screams in embarrassment.
"I hope we can meet again sweetie, meow~" He gives you a farewell by waving his hand, while you started to shout loudly in the middle of the street.
Despite you don't want to see him again, deep down in your heart, you started to develop a little bit of crush to him. Love really blinds you in a unique way.
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whiteqnn · 4 years
PURE [4] - Corpse Husband x Fem! Reader
A/N: I’m back. Shout-out to my sister @mojajasnoscmrokirozproszy , who encouraged me into finishing this part.
part 1 
part 2 
part 3 
part 5
PURE [4] 
Corpse was confused, to say the least. He stared at the screen with his brows furrowed, not exactly understanding what just happened, or what caused Y/N to leave so suddenly. He thought they were all having fun, or at least that’s the impression Y/N gave while interacting with other players. 
Was she just pretending she’d had fun when in reality, she didn’t want to spend time with them? 
He knew it was none of his business. They didn’t even know each other, outside of these two short games they’ve both been part of. But Corpse was quick to get attached to new people, and Y/N’s sweet voice, her innocent demeanor, and pure personality made him instantly like her... 
Perhaps it wasn’t exactly a good thing that he felt so worried when she left, given the fact that two of them have spoken maybe for a few minutes since they met each other. But Corpse couldn’t help it, and certainly couldn’t stop this weird feeling that something was wrong and that he needed to make sure that Y/N was okay. After all, he was the only one who knew that she left. Except for his audience, of course. 
So the moment her white little astronaut suddenly disappeared, Corpse went on a killing spree. He didn’t even care about that whole finish my lyrics thing he decided to terrorize his friends with, he just wanted to finish this game and check on Y/N. It was obvious that she wasn’t telling the truth. Even though it looked like she was trying really hard to contain her emotions, he could still hear her quavering voice. It was too hard to hide, and he knew it firsthand. That’s why he made it his point to at least check on her.  
“Jesus Corpse, you just went full berserk on us...” Felix murmured when the last person was killed, and Corpse could see a sign victory on his screen. It didn’t make him smile though, not how it usually would. 
“It was great though! Let’s do it again, but maybe on the other map?” Sykkuno suggested, clearly very excited about this hide and seek game they’ve come up with. 
“Sure, let’s get the first one maybe?”
“Actually, would you guys mind if we had a little break?” Corpse asked before they could start another game. “We’ve been playing for a little while now...”
“Ah, yeah! Bathroom break!” came Rae’s response, followed by a few hums of approval. Corpse sighed in relief. He was afraid his worried voice would draw the attention of other players, but they didn’t seem to notice it. 
“All right, is ten minutes good?” asked Sean, and when everyone agreed, Corpse excused himself from his audience and muted his mic. He grabbed his phone and unlocked it, only to be hit by a sudden realization.
He didn’t even have Y/N’s number. 
“Fuck...” he cursed quietly under his breath, running a hand through his hair. How the fuck was he supposed to check on her? He couldn’t use discord, he was still streaming after all... Maybe Twitter would work? Nah, she probably wouldn’t even notice his messages. What was left then?
Of course. 
Corpse didn’t even think about any explanation as he quickly typed in a message to the said man, asking if he had Y/N’s number. The response came almost immediately. 
“Yeah, I have. Why?” 
Okay, now what? He couldn’t just tell him what happened. Corpse knew that Sean and Y/N were close, but he felt like it wouldn’t be fair towards the girl if he told Sean what happened. Maybe she didn’t want anyone to know... Maybe she didn’t want to speak to anyone. 
Him included. 
But Corpse felt as if he had to do it because that was something he wished someone would do for him if the roles were reversed. To at least show that he cared, that she wasn’t alone with whatever it was that bothered her... 
Was he being intrusive, for wanting to make sure that everything was okay? And what if she was totally fine and he’d just end up making a complete fool out of himself?
“Not that I haven’t already made a fool out of myself...” he mumbled under his breath, his fingers quickly typing the response to Sean. However, before he could finish it, the said man’s name appeared on his screen with an upcoming call. 
It was so unexpected that Corpse almost dropped the phone.
“Um, hey man” he said after picking up, his hands trembling as he tried to come up with some good explanation as to why exactly he needed Y/N’s number. “Look I-”
“Does this have something to do with her disappearance?” Sean cut him off, leaving Corpse with his mouth hung open, utterly shocked.  
“I um- no. I just wanted to call her and... cause I don’t have her number...”
“Corpse, I heard what she had told you...” Sean sighed into the phone “I was flying around you after you murdered me.”
“I...” Corpse tried once again and again found himself at the loss of words. His brows furrowed suddenly as he realized something “Wait- are you still streaming?” 
“I left for a moment to grab something to drink and call Y/N. Don’t worry, I wouldn’t say anything on the stream.” 
Corpse sighed in relief. If Sean managed to somehow play it off, then his fans maybe haven’t figured out what was going on. He didn’t want them to attack Y/N’s social media with tons of questions she obviously wouldn’t answer. 
“Do you know what happened?” Corpse asked quietly, hoping that maybe Sean knew something more that would ease his nerves. He hoped that it wasn’t anything serious, that maybe Y/N just had a bad day. “She left so suddenly and I got a little worried...” 
For a moment there was silence between the two of them, Corpse impatiently awaiting an answer and Sean thinking about the right words... or wondering whether he should tell him the reason for Y/N’s disappearance in the first place. 
“It’s- ugh.” Sean groaned, before letting out a heavy sigh “It stays between us, all right? I don’t want others to start texting her out of nowhere, asking if she’s okay. She would probably kill me.”
“Yeah, absolutely” Corpse nodded his head rapidly, even though Sean couldn’t see him. 
“Okay... So I don’t know the exact reason of her disappearance...” he began, and Corpse felt his heart sink in disappointment. “But I have some suspicion.”
“Can you be a little more specific, Sean? We don’t have much time before the next game...” Corpse didn’t want to sound rude but he was slowly growing impatient, and even more nervous when he still wasn’t able to check on Y/N and make sure that she’s okay.
“She received lots of hate after our last stream.” Sean finally explained, although his voice sounded quite reluctant. “And when I say lots, I mean lots, Corpse.”
“What?” Corpse grunted, his brows knitted together in confusion “What do you mean?”
“Oh you know, man... Comments on Twitter, on her Instagram, even under her latest video...” Sean let out an exasperated sigh “Apparently, some people are not happy that she’s playing with us.”
“Why?” Corpse managed to utter, completely shocked at the news. For some reason, it was the last thing he expected Sean to say. It didn’t even cross his mind that someone as sweet and polite as Y/N might have to deal with this kind of issue. 
She was always so kind, why would anyone hate on her? 
“You know how some people act online...” Sean murmured, his voice clearly gloomy, as opposed to his usual cheerful tone. “They think she shouldn’t be playing with us cause she’s not popular enough. Some consider her annoying, not funny enough, and so on...”
“What does popularity have to do with who we’re playing with?” Corpse almost growled these words, feeling anger slowly bubbling up in his stomach. He couldn’t comprehend why anyone would act this way towards Y/N, towards this little angel as Sean put it last time they played, towards this sweet, innocent girl, his partner in crime... 
“That’s what I told her before the stream” Sean explained with a sigh “And that she shouldn’t worry about what strangers think of her... but it’s easier said than done.” 
“You think she received another text or something?”
“I don’t know man” Sean sighed “I tried calling her like ten times already and she didn’t answer. It’s not like her to leave so suddenly, without saying goodbye. I’m worried something happened...” 
Corpse clenched his jaw, closing his eyes for a second. If Y/N didn’t answer Sean’s calls, why would she answer his? They barely knew each other, while Sean was her best friend.  
“Maybe... I’ll try calling her?” Corpse suggested anyway, his voice low and almost shy. He figured it was worth at least a try. 
Sean was quiet for a moment as if contemplating what to do. They were already running out of time, and Corpse didn’t know what to do. On one hand, he didn’t want to end the stream and leave his fans, he felt bad at the thought alone of disappearing so soon and disappointing them... But on the other, he couldn’t just leave Y/N like that. Especially, since as Sean explained, it wasn’t like her to act this way. It only proved that whatever happened was rather serious.
“Y’know what?” Sean suddenly said “I’ll give you her number, maybe she’ll pick up from you.”
“Thank you, Sean” Corpse said quietly, ready to end the call, only to be stopped by Sean’s words. 
“Look... I know I shouldn’t be asking you to do it, but... could you maybe try talking some sense into her?” he asked, clearly uncomfortable with this request “I feel like you’d be able to calm her down...”
“I...” Corpse stuttered, running a hand through his hair “I’ll try, okay? I’m not sure if she’ll want to talk about it though, I’m basically a stranger, so...”
“Corpse, she agreed to join us only after reading your last tweet.” 
His heart fluttered with something that didn’t seem like growing panic. And even though his face was expressing his worry, his lip corners formed a small, bashful smile. And whether he liked it or not, his cheeks turned completely red.
“I’ll... I’ll see what I can do” he managed to reply, before ending the call. 
Corpse ran a hand through his locks and down his face, releasing a heavy breath he didn’t know he was holding. He considered getting Y/N’s number a difficult task which, however, turned out to be the easiest one. Now came the real challenge. Calling her. 
For a moment, he just stared at the screen of his phone, scanning the new message from Sean, which consisted of Y/N’s phone number. It looked as if he was memorizing the number when in reality, he just felt panic overtaking his body and complete chaos in his mind. 
Let’s say she picks up the phone, and then what? Should he just say hi? Introduce himself? 
“Hi it’s me, the guy you basically don’t know and who became paranoid after you disappeared from the game” 
 Yeah, sure. Perfect introduction for the pep talk he was supposed to deliver. 
Why was it always that he acted almost as if on instinct one second, only to start having second thoughts a moment later. He couldn’t back out now when he had already got her number. Not when there was also another person counting on him. Not when he still didn’t know what the fuck happened, and for some reason was determined to find out. 
And then was the problem of his voice, which suddenly seemed stuck in his throat. It was a very weird feeling, typical for one to get while being on the verge of a panic attack. As if there was a need to talk, but the body refused to. As if his vocal cords were paralyzed and not eager to cooperate. 
As if it was him who just experienced something strongly upsetting, not Y/N. 
Corpse fidgeted with his phone for a moment, before deciding against the idea of calling the girl. He figured he wouldn’t be able to utter a single word if she picked up the phone from the unknown number in the first place. If she did though, she’d probably consider it some misdialed call or some prank. Which was the last thing he wanted her to think.
Instead, he opted on sending her a text. 
He sat still for a moment, thinking about a message that wouldn’t right away reveal the cause of his concern, but which would say enough to figure out who sent it. His thoughts drifted back to the game they were both playing, remembering his stupid comments and her gentle voice. His fingers typed out the message almost automatically. 
“Wanna jump into the lava with me?”
He hesitated just for a second, before sending the text, his heart doing a backflip in his chest the moment he pressed the send button. Corpse gripped the phone tightly in his hands, his eyes staring at the screen and waiting impatiently for those three little dots indicating that the other person is typing a response to appear. He waited and waited, and a lump slowly formed in his throat when Y/N didn’t respond immediately. 
Was he really getting paranoid? 
Maybe he was just tired. Or she had a bad day. Or she just found this game boring.
Or she didn’t want to play with them. Or she thought his comments were annoying. 
“I’m an idiot” Corpse muttered to himself and slapped a hand on his forehead, pushing those thoughts away. Deep down he knew that wasn’t the case, but the longer Y/N didn’t respond, the louder was the voice at the back of his head, telling him that her problems were none of his business and he shouldn’t be asking for her number in the first place.
But it was the right thing to do. He knew it, Sean knew it, and Corpse also hoped that Y/N did not perceive his text as some pathetic joke. He waited for a couple of minutes, before typing another message:
“I’m here, partner, if you need to talk.” 
He felt the need to assure her that despite the ongoing stream and the other players probably already waiting for him to return, he was there for her. That’s what he considered the best option, not to force her into talking, but to let her know that she wasn’t alone. And that it would take just one word from her to make Corpse drop everything and listen to her. 
After what seemed like an eternity of staring at his phone and analyzing his own messages, Corpse put his phone away, realizing that Y/N wasn’t going to reply anytime soon. He couldn’t help but feel disappointed in himself, and guilty as well. Perhaps it would be a better idea to call her, but at that moment he wasn’t able to trust his own voice. He thought about sending her another message but decided against it. Another new text was probably the last thing she needed, with her phone being drowned by hundreds of notifications from angered, and worried fans. 
All Corpse could do was hope that she saw his texts and that she knew she wasn’t all alone. He sure as hell wasn’t going to make her feel as if she was obliged to confide in him. After all, he was a stranger. 
Then again... sometimes to understand a problem and look at it from a different, new perspective, what one needed was, indeed, a complete stranger. 
The next two hours felt almost like an eternity. And a complete hell to Corpse. He tried his best to focus on the game and interacting with his fans, but no matter what, his eyes would drift towards his phone every now and then. Hoping to see Y/N’s name pop up on his screen, with a message saying that everything was fine. 
But then again... would it be enough to calm his nerves? Maybe she’d write something like that just so he wouldn’t worry. Just so he would leave her alone.
She might as well just tell him to fuck off...
The fact that he received so many notifications all the time, especially now, during a stream, didn’t really help. Each time his phone lit up with a new notification, he would crane his neck with the hope of seeing Y/N’s response, only to be disappointed when it turned out to be just some new comment or someone tagging him in an instastory. Something that usually made him really happy now was the reason for his irritation. 
He couldn’t focus on the game itself either, finding it difficult to do his tasks and form some logical arguments during discussions. He didn’t really care, to be honest, when people threw him away almost at the start of the game. Winning or being the best Impostor was currently the last thing on his mind.
So when he said his goodbyes after the last round of Among Us and ended the stream, after thanking his fans, Corpse didn’t know what to do with himself. The game, even though he didn’t really pay much attention to it, provided at least some distraction from his phone, which was still silent when it came to Y/N’s texts. She either didn’t see them or didn’t want to see them. Corpse could only guess what was her reaction if there was any. 
He’d exchanged a few messages with Sean though, the man asking about Y/N during the stream and after it ended. Corpse couldn’t stop the guilt from growing even more when Sean expressed his concerns regarding Y/N and her absence. He knew the older streamer counted on him when it came to checking on the girl, but, obviously, he failed at getting a simple message from her. 
What was he even hoping to achieve in the first place? That she will text back right away, telling him everything that bothered her, confessing all her problems? He would have to be a total idiot to expect this girl to react to his messages.
It was all so overwhelming and frustrating at the same time that he felt almost nauseous. 
Leaving his phone in his room, Corpse walked to his small kitchen to grab a glass of water. The cold liquid brought much-needed relief to his burning throat, giving him a momentary sensation of comfort. He tested his voice, clearing his throat carefully and mumbling some nonsense under his breath. A sigh left his lips once he realized he could talk again and this weird feeling disappeared. 
He splashed his face with cold water and returned to his room, plopping down on his chair and giving his phone a quick glance. Perhaps he didn’t expect Y/N to reply to his texts at all because at first, he didn’t even notice her name on the screen of his phone. He looked back to his computer, almost out of habit, glancing between the tabs he had opened on his screen before. 
And it struck him suddenly, making him almost jump out of his skin when he realized that she did text him back. 
Grabbing his phone quickly, he unlocked it and opened the messages, almost hitting the one with Y/N’s name on it. 
“Hey, partner.” was all the message said. And yet it made Corpse’s heart almost jump out of his chest, both from relief and a sudden feeling of panic. 
She texted him back. Now, what the fuck was he supposed to do?! 
He stared at her text for a second as if trying to convince himself that it was real and he didn’t accidentally pass out on his desk, dreaming that Y/N takes his comments and texts seriously. 
When he came to the conclusion that the text was, indeed, real, and Y/N probably expected him to write something back, he thought about the best way of asking her what happened. On one hand, he knew from Sean what could possibly be the reason for her disappearance. On the other, what obviously mattered was Y/N’s version. How to get it out of her though, without being too intrusive?
Corpse decided that the best option will be to make some dumb, small talk, which would ease her (and his) nerves.
“Y’know, I almost didn’t manage to finish the mission without you” he texted her, concluding that playing along this partner thing would maybe work. In his text, Corpse referred to the one time he was the Impostor after Y/N left, and which happened to be completely boring without her running around “Had Toast and others suspecting my every step all the time.”
This time, much to his relief, the three little dots appeared almost immediately.
“I’m glad you managed to kill’em all nevertheless.”
He imagined her saying it with that sweet voice of hers, which made him snicker, whether he liked it or not. While thinking of some right response, Corpse couldn’t help but wonder how did she know that he managed to kill every crewmate during that round... she wasn’t playing anymore then, so that could only mean she watched his stream.
“Not gonna lie though, everything would go way smoother hadn’t my partner in crime left me on the battlefield all alone :/” he texted her back. Corpse watched intently as the three dots danced next to Y/N’s name and suddenly disappeared, then appeared back again after a few moments, only to disappear again. And for a second he panicked, that maybe this text sounded passive aggressive, or that it made Y/N blame herself for leaving the game... 
However, when her response finally came, he realized he was wrong.
“Can I call you, Corpse?” 
For the first time in a really long time, Corpse was so eager to agree on a phone call.
He replied frantically, telling her that of course, she could call him, and then waiting impatiently for the call. And when she didn’t call immediately, like he expected her to, he found himself wondering if she suddenly changed her mind and decided against the idea of calling him. 
But then his phone buzzed and her name appeared on the screen.
The device almost flew out of his hands, his heartbeat quickening and a lump forming in his throat once again.
Relax, man. It’s Y/N, your partner in crime. You’ve heard her voice before. 
But this was different. The circumstances were different and the reason for a call was different too. And now it was just the two of them, as opposed to a lobby full of friends. And Corpse tried so hard to figure out how to convince her that all the hate she receives on social media didn’t mean anything, that for a moment he forgot she was still calling.
He pressed the green button carefully, as if he was defusing a bomb, and found himself unable to utter a single word, just like before. There was silence on the other line too, as if Y/N expected him to speak up first. 
So Corpse build up the courage and took in a deep breath, before letting out a quiet, almost shy:
 The word left his mouth almost as a whisper, and for a moment he thought that the girl didn’t even hear it, but then her voice told him otherwise.
“Hey... Corpse” she mumbled. She sounded so different, almost as if she was sick. Her calm and soft voice was so quiet that Corpse had some trouble hearing her at first. She sounded so tired, so hurt, so defeated, that he completely forgot every advice he had managed to stock in his mind before this call. 
“It’s good to hear you, partner.” he said after a moment, realizing that asking what’s wrong wasn’t the best thing he could do at that moment. He felt that she’d probably hung up on him if he did... “I didn’t think I’d hear from you after you aborted the mission.”
He heard her sigh out a laugh at his words, his tone playfully accusatory. The girl cleared her throat and wondered for a second, before replying:
“It wasn’t exactly my mission... And if I remember correctly, you were the one who broke our partnership, chasing me around the ship.” 
He could almost hear the smile behind her words, which made his lip corners curl up slightly. He was glad she still managed to joke with him. It meant that, perhaps, it wasn’t that bad. 
“Did I kill you, though?” 
“You would if you had a chance.”
“I had plenty of chances Y/N, and I never took one” he replied right away with a chuckle. “I may be the murderer, but I’m no traitor.”
“You say that after luring me to that lava pit and killing me and Sykkuno? It was a trap all along, wasn’t it?” she asked suspiciously, but he knew she was joking “I bet you were conspiring with MrBeast all this time...”
“How dare you” he scoffed, trying to hold back his chuckle “I took you there cause it’s a special place, it was no trap! It just happened to be the wrong place and the wrong time...”
“Sure, partner”
“I’m serious!” he laughed “Besides - I apologized, and if I remember correctly, I think we both agreed that I jumped into that lava pit for you after all...”
“After they voted you off! You didn’t have any other chance!”
“Maybe it was all planned?” he said, changing his voice to more mysterious “Maybe I conspired with MrBeast so I could jump into that lava pit... and the only way to do it is by being voted off. So, either way, I kept my word.”
“Fine... whatever.”
Their laughter died down and was replaced by surprisingly comfortable silence. Corpse was happy with how the conversation started - he believed it would be easier for Y/N to explain what happened now, if she wished to explain, of course. 
“Y’know...” he began after a second, deciding to change the subject and finally address the issue. “Partners are supposed to help each other... and be there when the other person is in need...”
He was careful with his words, being full aware that Y/N might find it uncomfortable to share her problems with him. He wanted to encourage her, just slightly, if his previous texts weren’t enough. 
She sighed quietly and he could sense her reluctance. 
“But only if the other person wants partner’s help.” he added after a moment, keeping his voice as soft as he could. Y/N didn’t respond right away, but she didn’t hang up either, which Corpse took as a good sign. He gave her a couple of seconds to collect her thoughts, before asking another question: 
“What made you so upset, Y/N/N?”
He could hear her inhale the air sharply as if she had trouble breathing steadily. The line went silent, not that Corpse was surprised. He waited patiently, giving the girl the time she needed to decide whether she wanted to answer that question and what words should she choose if she did. 
And when she finally spoke up, Corpse felt as if his heart could break.
“They are just so mean...” she almost whispered, her voice cracking. He didn’t have to ask whom she meant, it was obvious. “And I don’t even know why... I didn’t do anything to those people, and yet they are so mean towards me.”
Corpse hummed in response, allowing her to keep talking. If there was one thing he knew that helped coping with stress, it was sharing it with someone else. And even though he himself had a lot on his plate, he felt the need to be that someone for Y/N. 
“I... I don’t want you to think that I’m some crybaby, who takes everything super seriously and can’t take a joke, but...” she stuttered for a moment and Corpse fought the urge to cut her off and tell her that what he thinks of her is the complete opposite. “But those comments... those weren’t jokes, Corpse. I don’t think anyone would find them funny.”
His heart ached at the sound of her quiet, weak voice. And then it angered him, that some anonymous haters managed to upset this cheerful, innocent person. How could anyone do something like that to Y/N?
“I... I’m sorry for telling you this...” she suddenly trailed off, sounding rather awkward and uncomfortable. “I shouldn’t be bothering you with my silly problems...”
“They aren’t silly as long as they are problems to you, Y/N.” 
“Yeah, but... I’m sure everyone from the group has received such comments at some point of their career... or maybe they still receive them...” she murmured almost embarrassed. “Maybe it’s no such a big deal after all...”
“Let me ask you something” Corpse said, feeling anger bubbling up in his stomach. Not directed at Y/N, of course, but at the people who made her think this way. “Imagine that someone, let’s say me, calls you because of the same reason. Would you consider telling me that online hate, or any hate for that matter, is not a big deal? That those are just my silly problems” 
She was silent for a moment, thinking about his question, and probably not expecting it in the first place. However, after a few seconds of initial surprise, she replied firmly:
“Of course not.” 
“Then why are you trying to convince yourself that they are?” he asked in what would sound like an accusatory tone, but in reality was just his voice laced with worry. “There’s no such thing as a silly problem Y/N, as long as it bothers you. If you consider it a problem, then it is a problem. And the fact that other people receive similar, or even worse comments, doesn’t mean anything. Maybe just that they are longer on Youtube and they’ve learned to deal with this kind of stuff... And your reaction? It doesn’t make you a crybaby and please Y/N, don’t ever think that way about yourself.”
He said it all so quickly and almost on one breath, letting all his frustration out and trying to form his babbling into some logical statement. 
“I understand what you’re going through...” he confessed after a moment of silence between them. “I know what it’s like to go through the ocean of positive comments and find those few which say something completely different... something that is meant to hurt you and humiliate you... Something that ruins your day, or even a couple of next few days or weeks... Something that completely overshadows everything else you’ve read about yourself. Something that people write from the safety of their own computers or phones, without showing their faces and remaining completely anonymous.”
For a moment, Corpse allowed himself to speak about his own experience, thinking that maybe when Y/N realizes that he knew exactly what she was dealing with, it would make it easier for her. “And that is the key fact, Y/N, that they are anonymous. They do what they do because no one can see them because it is comfortable for them to leave a hate comment and not face any consequences. Because they don’t have to face the person their hate is directed towards.”
“Some of the accounts were not anonymous...” Y/N mumbled, and Corpse could clearly hear that she was speaking through the tears. “People were using their public accounts, with photos and everything...”
“But let me guess, those comments weren’t even about your videos, huh? They weren’t about any of your work?” 
“Well...” she whispered, thinking about Corpse’s question. “Truth to be said, no. Most of them just looked like some kind of a personal attack on me...” 
“Exactly. It’s not even criticism, it’s just plain bullshit cowards are sharing online. They probably aren’t even able to form some logical sentence, they just combine some random words which are supposed to hurt you.”
“It works...”
“Y/N...” Corpse sighed into the phone, hearing her defeated tone. “Let me ask you another question, okay?” she hummed in response, and Corpse cleared his throat. “Tell me, whose opinion matters to you the most?”
“My friends... and my fans’“she said.
“Okay.. and whom do you consider your fan?”
“Someone who finds the content I create interesting and entertaining and takes his time to watch my videos.” she replied right away.
“Okay. Do you think that people who left those comments took their time to even watch your videos?” 
“Probably not...” she replied after a second. “Look, I know what you mean Corpse... That I shouldn’t worry about it because they are not my fans and therefore their opinion shouldn’t matter... but that’s not the case. It’s the fact alone that for some reason people spend their time hating me when I didn’t even do anything to them.”
“You didn’t do anything to them.” Corpse repeated her own words in his deep voice. “And they didn’t watch your videos. It seems like they don’t have any reason to leave those comments, right?” he asked. “I know that it’s hard Y/N, I really do, but the truth is, you can’t really have everyone leaving positive feedback under your content... There will always be someone who will consider it a good idea to send you a hateful message, just because they can, not because they have any specific reason to. Now I don’t say that’s okay... but it’s in a way like some disease. The one there’s no cure for. Even though you can’t cure it, you can make yourself immune.” 
“How, Corpse? How do you make yourself immune to messages saying that you’re a fucking annoying bitch, that you don’t deserve what you have? That you don’t deserve your friends, and you are not good enough to play with them? To spend your time with them? How do you deal with comments suggesting that you should go and kill yourself, because you’re not famous enough, and you will never be?” 
Her voice suddenly rose, and Corpse felt as his heartbeat quickened with each comment she described. He gripped his hand around the phone, his knuckles turning white and his brows furrowing in an expression of pure fury. 
He considered her words for a moment, trying to come up with the best advice, but realized there wasn’t any that would satisfy her. He could imagine the state she was in, she probably wouldn’t take any of his advice seriously. And he wouldn’t blame her for that. 
“I’m sorry for snapping on you...” she suddenly said, her voice back to its soft tone. “It’s just too much for me to handle...”
“It’s all good, Y/N, don’t apologize. You have the full right to be angry and to show it. I just want you to remember that...” Corpse gulped the lump in his throat, feeling his cheeks getting warmer. “Those comments are not what define you. As a matter of fact, they’re not even about you. You know why? Because people who write them don’t know you. They don’t even take a moment to acknowledge what an intelligent and talented person you are, not to mention how kind... but I do. A-and everyone else too.”
She was silent for a moment, and Corpse panicked, that maybe he said too much, or made things awkward again. But then she spoke up, her slightly less weak than before.
“I suppose... maybe you’re right, Corpse.” she said, still sounding a little bit unconvinced. He understood, it was clear his one pep talk wouldn’t suddenly make her forget about it. It would be like telling a person with depression to stop having depression and expecting them to suddenly feel better. “Thank you. For listening to my pathetic babbling... and for not telling me to just pull myself together.”
“First of all, your babbling is not pathetic...” he began “Second of all... I know we don’t really know each other, but... If you ever feel the need to talk to someone, I’m here.”
“And for that I’m grateful, Corpse” she said, clearly smiling. “Sorry, I mean, partner.”
“Partner.” he chuckled into the phone, smiling from ear to ear. 
“It’s getting late...” she yawned into the phone. “Sorry. I think I’ll go to sleep, I’m really tired...”
“Of course” Corpse replied, hiding the disappointment in his voice. He really enjoyed talking to her, just to her alone, but he understood that the whole conversation and the event preceding it probably exhausted her. 
“Hey...” she suddenly said, and Corpse could swear that her voice sounded as if she unexpectedly became shy. “Um... it was really great talking to you, you’re a really good listener, Corpse.”
“Glad to hear that” he smiled happily.
“Um... would you mind if I called you tomorrow too?” she asked so quietly that he almost didn’t catch it, his breath hitching in his throat. “If you have time that is... if you don’t, or if you have some super plans, then I understand, it’s fine-”
“I don’t have any super plans, Y/N” he couldn’t help but chuckle, finding her nervous banter adorable. “Call me whenever you want.”
“Okay...” she sighed, almost in relief, but Corpse didn’t want to point it out to embarrass her even more. “So... let’s say, around 2 pm?” 
“Sounds good to me.”
“Great.” she said, her voice trailing off a bit. “I’m falling asleep here, Corpse... Thank you once again, for everything.”
“Anytime, Y/N.”
“Good night, partner.”
“Goodnight, partner.” 
Part 5 coming soon. It will probably be the last part of this series, I’m not sure yet though.
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bestofbucky · 4 years
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 5.1k
Warnings: none really, enemies to ?
A/N: This is my first time posting something I have written. I hope you enjoy it! Thank you so much @tuiccim for your help, couldn’t have done it without you.
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Being an Avenger is tough. Of course, there are the obvious missions and kicking ass that are exhausting, especially because you don’t have any sort of enhancements or powers. You are just a regular human being, fighting with and against some not so regular human beings. Naturally when you have downtime, you spend it doing things with the least amount of effort. Watching Netflix, listening to music, taking baths, etc, meaning that your social life outside of the compound was, to put it simply, non-existent.
You had just returned from the worst date of your life, well, one of the top five worst dates of your life. Over the past couple of months Steve and Natasha had grown tired of you whining about being single but not making any effort to change it and began sending you on blind dates. Somehow, they managed five different times to find five completely awful people. This time they had set you up with Arthur, a recruit for SHIELD and a good one at that. You wouldn’t be surprised to see him on the elite squad soon, but when it came to your date, he was really blunt and inappropriate, and you had cringed your way through the entire thing.
Once you got back to the compound, you first went to your room to get changed into gym clothes for training with Nat, then headed to her room. On your way you passed one of the common rooms and heard two voices. One familiar but one you didn’t recognise, you decided to check it out and found Steve and another man.
Steve called your name inviting you over to them as they both stood up. ‘This is Bucky. He’s moving in today to begin training.’ Steve explains. You nod and smile at Bucky, remembering Steve told you about him and that he would be living here and eventually joining the team.
You have to stop yourself from gasping out loud at the sight of him. He is a 6 ft something hunk of muscle and beauty and you can’t stop yourself from trying to take him all in with your eyes.
Steve then introduces you to Bucky who looks in your eyes for all of two seconds to say, ‘hi’ before looking down at his feet. He is probably really nervous. Even from that two second glance, you could tell he had one hell of a past. They had you hooked already, you wanted to stare into those eyes and let them tell you the stories of the lifetime they had seen.
‘You were just in Wakanda right? How was it? I have only ever seen it in pictures but I really want to go.’ You let your excitement show, hoping to relax him a bit.
‘Yeah, it was nice. I was frozen for most of it though’ Shit, he curses himself. He didn’t mean to come across so rude but he was really nervous, you are really pretty and it is messing with his head a little. It doesn’t help that he has had to meet a lot of different people today and he is all socialised out. He sees your face fall slightly before you quickly compose yourself, any normal person would have missed it but he has his past of being a trained assassin.
‘Well, Nat is probably waiting for me, she told me she would show me some new moves today.’ You say realising that Bucky had probably been under a lot of stress lately and most likely just wanted to be alone, or with Steve rather than chatting to you, a stranger. At least you hoped this was the reason and it wasn’t that he already disliked you. Saying goodbye to the two of them you head off to Natasha’s room.
Not even bothering to knock, you walk into her room leaving the door open behind you, since you’ll be heading down to the gym soon anyway. Natasha is sitting on the end of the bed braiding her hair. ‘You almost ready?’ You ask.
‘Yeah, just got to finish my hair then put my shoes on.’ She tells you so you take a seat on her bed while you wait.
Meanwhile, Bucky told Steve that he wanted to go get his room sorted. Really it was just an excuse to be alone for a little while. On the way there he walked past a room with the door open and heard two voices talking, recognising them to be you and Natasha. He was just about to carry on walking to his room when he heard Natasha ask, ‘did you meet him yet?’
Bucky assumed she was talking about him and wanted to hear what you had to say. He hoped you would be understanding of his reticence after his taxing morning. 
‘Yeah, I met him today.’ You sigh and roll your eyes.
‘That bad?’ Nat asks, raising her eyebrows with a slight smirk on her face.
‘Yes, I tried to be as friendly as I could but he seemed like a jerk.’ You huff.
‘How so?’
‘He was so blunt he just came across really rude. I had high expectations, especially after hearing Steve say so many nice things about him.’
‘Maybe he was just having a bad day?’ She attempts a defence. 
‘Bad day or not, he should have the courtesy to smile and be polite even if it is fake.’
Bucky was so hurt to hear this. Yes, he wasn’t the nicest to you but your reaction seemed a bit dramatic. He didn’t want to hear you say any more so he rushed off to his room.
‘So, I guess you aren’t going to go on a second date with him then?’ Nat asks.
‘No, I really appreciate you and Steve trying to set me up but seeing as this is the 5th time and none of them were any good, I think I’ll go back to my old methods.’ You smile at her.
‘What, never putting yourself out there and waiting for the right person to just fall into your lap?’ Nat teases and you both laugh when you nod. She finishes tying her shoelaces and you head off to the gym.
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The next day you were leading a meeting of recruits who have the potential to be moved up into the squad that worked with the Avengers. The elite squad. Unfortunately for you, Arthur was in the group of recruits and was probably the next one to be promoted.  You finally dismissed everyone and started getting your stuff together to leave as well when Arthur came up to you.
‘What’s the word on who is moving up next, dove?’ You look up in shock, surely, he didn’t just call you dove.
‘Excuse me?’ You look him dead in the eye.
‘I said what’s the word on who is moving up next? I think you might need to get your hearing checked.’ He laughs at his own joke so you fake laugh with him.
‘That’s confidential., we’ll let everyone know when we have made the decision.’ You say and go to walk past him but he grabs your arm.
‘Does someone need a little convincing. If it’s you, then I can think of some ways.’ He whispers seductively in your ear. You pull your arm out of his grasp and frown at him.
‘I’m only joking, dove, come on, you can’t even take a joke?’ He laughs again.
You put on your best fake smile and your customer service voice. ‘There will be no convincing necessary. You are a good agent but you also have good competition. We will inform you all of our decision when it is made.’ You say and quickly turn and walk out the door before he can say anything else. When you get into the lift you ask FRIDAY where Steve is.
‘Common room A, Agent Y/L/N’. You make your way there as quick as possible. Heading around the corner, you slam into a solid object. You hiss at the contact on your fresh bruises, a frown appearing on your face. As soon as you look up to see what or who you bumped into, the frown quickly fades into a smile when you see its Bucky. He is already looking at you.
‘Sorry I should have been watching where I was going.’ He mumbles quickly.
‘No, it’s just as much my fault as yours. I shouldn’t have been in such a hurry.’ You apologise to him. As much as you would love to stay and chat  with  Bucky, you need to get to Steve to explain what just happened with Arthur and hopefully you can get him kicked off the team.
Bucky had left his room to try and find someone to help him figure out a few things with FRIDAY but as soon as he bumped into you that completely left his mind. You were all that filled his mind ever since he met you. He stood in the hallway for a while before realising he should ask you to help. Maybe this would be a good excuse to make up for his poor first impression. He heads in the direction you went but stops short when he hears your voice.
‘I think he bruised me. The dick.’ You say and Steve frowns at you ‘Come on, Steve. I’m  allowed to be angry. He has been nothing but a jerk to me,’ you explain and shift to get more comfortable.
‘What did you say to him when he did this?’ Steve asks, holding your arm and examining the newly formed bruises in the shapes of fingers.
‘I put on my best fake smile and pretended like everything was ok,’  You joke and Steve laughs, ‘as much as I hate the guy, I don’t have the confidence to actually show it.’ You sigh and Steve pulls your sleeve back down and leans back into the sofa. ‘Is there any way we can kick him off the team?’ You exaggerate batting your eyelashes at him.
‘He isn’t even on the team yet and you already want to kick him off?’ Steve questions.
‘Yes! I really don’t like him. I know he is your friend but I trust him about as far as I can throw him’ You explain and Steve nods.
Bucky had heard enough. He can’t believe you could be so horrible. You had the sweetest exterior and, from first impressions, you didn’t look like you could hurt a fly. But as he heard you say, you clearly put on a fake act to come across as polite and kind when really you are rude deep down. He didn’t mean to eavesdrop on you. Twice now. But he is so glad he did, because now he knows not to waste his energy on you. He knows what you think of him and he has formed his opinion of you. He hurries back to his room.
‘He’s not my friend Y/N, I only said that to you to make you go on the date with an open mind. I’ve only ever had one conversation with the guy,’ Steve jokes and you playfully push his arm, ‘All jokes aside, his behaviour breaks a lot of conduct rules and is a good enough reason to have him knocked down a few squads.’ Steve replies and you sigh with relief. You hug Steve and thank him for his help, he’s taken slightly off guard but hugs you back before you go your separate ways.
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 A few weeks later, you walk into the kitchen to find the whole team eating their breakfast. Sam is cooking and when he sees you, he makes a plate and hands it to you.
‘Thank you Sam.’ You hug him and take the plate, turning around at the sound of Bucky’s scoff. You haven’t had a conversation with Bucky since you bumped into each other in the hallway. You had tried to but he either completely ignored you or just rolled his eyes and left the room.
At first it hurt, you wondered if you had done something wrong. The team seemed just as confused by it as you. Bucky didn’t have a problem with anyone else. That wasn’t to say he was extremely friendly with them, he wasn’t there yet and nobody blamed him but he could hold conversation with the others. He even laughed at their jokes. You were starting to get fed up with it so after breakfast you headed to Bucky’s room to talk to him. You knocked on the door and it wasn’t long until he answered it. As soon as he saw you his face fell visibly.
‘Can we talk?’ You asked hoping he would let you into his room. He paused to consider it then stepped out of his room, closing the door behind him. He stood there with his arms crossed and waited for you to talk.
‘Is there something I did wrong?’ You ask him and he keeps a blank face.
‘Why do you care?’ He asks still arms crossed over his body.
‘I care because you are always scoffing or rolling your eyes at me whenever I try to talk to you.’
‘I’m not scoffing or rolling my eyes now.’ He points out.
‘No but you’re not exactly being very friendly.’
‘Would you prefer for me to fake it then? Just put on a smile and pretend to like you?’ He jabs. You take a moment to process what he just said. You didn’t realise he could be so mean.
‘No Bucky I would prefer for you to maybe make an effort to get to know me before making a judgement.’ You scowl at him.
‘I have a perfectly fine judgement of you. I am not going to fall for your fake smiles and fake friendships.’ Bucky snarls and walks back into his room closing his door in your face. You are left to stand there in shock.
On the other side of the door Bucky is leaning there conflicted. The shock on your face looked so genuine. No, he has to remember it is all an act with you.
From that day on you decided you weren’t going to make an effort with him. It wasn’t the most mature decision but you were tired. What used to be eye rolls and scoffs, now turned into snarky comments and you were no longer afraid to throw them right back at him.
Steve had tried a few times to talk to you about it but, when he couldn’t tell you why Bucky hated you, he realised there was nothing he could do to change how either of you felt about the other. What he could do was change up your schedules so the two of you were rarely ever in the same room together.
Unfortunately, instead of the arguments happening quite calmly but consistently over the course of the whole day. They were now much shorter, confined to just mealtimes, and much more heated and intense. None of the team knew which was worse.
You were sparring in the gym with Natasha trying to work off some steam from this morning’s argument with Bucky.
‘Your moves are sloppy, get whatever is making you emotional out of your head.’ She grunts at you but this only forces you further into your head.
You go hard at her, but she blocks every move so you go to defence. She smirks at you, ‘Has a certain super soldier got into your head?’
That causes a surge of anger to hit you and again you go hard at Natasha, but your anger only allows her to catch you off balance and you are pinned to the mat in a matter of seconds.
‘So it is Barnes.’ She  pulls you up and you brush yourself off before getting back into a fighting stance.
‘I don’t want to talk about it.’ You grunt at her and start your attack. Your moves are still predictable and anger clouds your mind. You feel yourself getting more and more worked up with every hit she blocks.
You retreat to take a breather, you hear the door open and you glance over, the man of the hour has just entered and you roll your eyes but continue to spar with Natasha.
Out the corner of your eye, you see him make his way over to you both, watching as you take a lot of hits from her and barely manage to land any of your own.
‘I have seen toddlers fight better than you Y/N.’ You hear him chuckle.
‘I don’t need your opinion.’ You grunt, still trying to keep your focus on Natasha.
‘Fight like that on the field and you’ll be dead in two seconds.’
‘Keep talking and you’ll wish you were dead.’
He laughs ‘Is that a threat?’ You ignore him and continue sparring. ‘Your punches are so weak, how did you become an Avenger again?’ He is still smiling knowing exactly which buttons to push.
You stop and make your way over to him. ‘I became an Avenger because of my talent and my strength, that I worked hard to earn.’ You are right up in his face, almost chest to chest. You are breathing hard, partly from the exercise but mostly because of how riled up you are. You notice he is breathing hard as well, his breath fanning across your face.
Your mind can’t help but drift, is this what he would look like in bed, his chest rising and falling faster than normal. Small beads of sweat gathered at his hairline from his recent run. You suddenly realise how close the two of you are and force the inappropriate thoughts from your mind. You hate how seeing him so riled up is actually a huge turn on. How could you let yourself be attracted to such an asshole?
‘You wouldn’t stand a chance against me.’ His voice drops so low that in a different circumstance you would have happily dropped your panties.
‘You’re right. I wouldn’t stand a chance against you and your metal arm that you were given. Or you and the super soldier serum that you were given.’ You know they are cheap shots but you just couldn’t help how absolutely fuming he makes you. He had managed to get under your skin and the thought of him being successful only made you angrier.
He leans down even more, your noses almost touching ‘I don’t know how everyone else can’t see through your little nice act. You pretend to be so kind on the outside but deep down you’re a bitch.’ Ouch. You deserved that one for what you said to him but it didn’t make it hurt any less. Especially because if you were hooked up to a lie detector and asked to say those things again, it would flash up as a blatant lie. However, looking into his eyes there was not an ounce of regret for what he said.
Bucky knew he shouldn’t have said what he did, but you had hit a nerve and it was the only thing he could think to say back. He saw the hurt flash across your eyes but it was too late to take it back now. The only thing he could do was exit the situation before it got any worse. He turned on his heels and left the room, leaving you standing there in complete shock at your exchange. 
Natasha calls your name but you quickly leave for your room before anyone can see you like this.
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The team was split all across the base. This wasn’t how you would usually handle missions but as soon as you arrived the mission started to go sideways.
‘Target headed towards the west elevator. Anyone nearby copy?’ You hear Steve’s voice through comms.
‘I'm on it.’ You say back, your comms crackling more than usual.
‘Copy that.’ Bucky said, his comms crackling from the two of you talking at the same time.
The rest of the team had heard both of your voices but neither of you had heard the other. So it was a big shock when you were waiting for the elevator and you heard his voice behind you.
‘You have got to be kidding me.’ He sighs and slowly walks up to you to wait for the elevator as well. ‘Did you not hear me say I got it?’ He snaps at you.
‘No because I was the one that said I’m on it.’ You snap back and thankfully the elevator dings it’s arrival. Normally in creepy Hydra bases you would avoid elevators but seeing as there was no stairwell nearby, this was the only option.
‘Age before beauty.’ You say to him, gesturing to the elevator.
‘Very funny’ he says sarcastically before stepping inside. You follow after him and press the only floor button available.
Silence permeates the small space as you prepare for what’s to happen once the doors open. Instead, the elevator jerks to a stop.
‘No.’ You panic and start pressing the floor button over and over. ‘No no no no no.’ Nothing is working.
‘Let me try.’ Bucky says pushing you out of the way, you so badly want to say something but the only thing you can focus on is the fact you might be trapped. Bucky taps the button and looks around for anything else to press but there is nothing. You can feel yourself start to get light headed as claustrophobia takes hold and the thought of falling to your death in this metal box takes over your thoughts. You shrink down onto the floor and hold your head in your hands.
‘Do you always have to be so dramatic?’ Bucky huffs. You don’t answer him, the only thing you can think about is the pain starting in your chest and your breathing getting heavier. 
‘Stop breathing so fast. You are going to make yourself pass out.’ Bucky grunts but when you don’t reply or make any effort to slow your breathing he gets worried. He kneels down in front of you ‘Hey? Doll? Can you hear me?’ You can’t answer him, you just feel the impending doom and the immense pressure on your chest. ‘I’m going to move your hands.’ He announces then you feel him take your hands and pull them away from your face. You look at him, tears in your eyes, a look of pure fear across your face. ‘Breathe with me, doll. Can you do that?’ He asks and you manage to nod. He speeds his breathing up to your pace then gradually slows it, you follow him as best as you can and eventually you get your breathing back to normal, with the occasional hiccup or sharp intake.
Once he sees you are ok, he lets go of your hands and sits on the floor as far away as he can. You both continue to sit in silence.
‘Thank you.’ You eventually manage to whisper, he nods without meeting your eye.
You can’t help but feel disappointed, you just got to see a caring side of Bucky and it felt amazing to be on the receiving end of it, but now you are back to him not giving a shit about you. You go back and forth wondering whether it is the right time to bring up the issues between you two. If not now, when?
‘Why do you hate me so much?’ He looks across at you and sighs before he answers.
‘I don’t hate you.’
‘Yes you do. It seems like you go out of your way to make me miserable.’ You push, making him lean his head back on the wall behind him.
‘I don’t hate you. I just don’t like how you formed opinions about me so early on. You wanted me off the team before I even got cleared to be on the team.’ Bucky explains. You stare at him in confusion.
‘How do you know what opinions I formed of you? I may have wanted you off the team but it was only because you were mean and that was after you were cleared.’ You could feel yourself starting to get angry.
‘Then how come I overheard you talking about the first time we met to Nat, you said I was blunt and rude. Then after I accidentally bumped into you, you told Steve you wanted me off the team.’ Bucky says agitatedly.
‘I never-‘ you think back to any conversations you had with Nat and Steve about Bucky. The only ones that came to mind were asking them if they knew why Bucky didn’t like you. Then it hits you, he had overheard you talking to Steve and Nat about Arthur. You sighed.
‘Let me guess, you overheard me and Nat talking not long after we first met. We were in Nat’s room getting ready to go train?’ You ask and he nods.
‘Then the conversation you overheard with Steve was straight after we bumped into each other. We were in the common room?’ Bucky looks confused but nods again.
‘You are such a prick. You eavesdrop but don’t even listen long enough to hear who we were talking about.’ You can’t help but chuckle at the situation, even though it’s not particularly funny.
‘What?’ Bucky looks more confused than ever.
‘Well, if you had listened properly to the whole conversation you would know I was talking about that asshat agent, Arthur.’ That came out more blunt than you intended.
‘The recruit that got bumped down a few squads even though he is really good?’
‘Yep. That’s the one’
‘I don’t understand.’
‘Before you came Steve and Nat had been setting me up on blind dates with people. Arthur was the fifth one, I really didn’t want to go so Steve convinced me by saying they were friends and all this nice stuff about him.’ You pause to take a deep breath. ‘The day we met, I had just come from the date with him and it was awful. That's what me and Nat were talking about. Then when we bumped into each other in the hallway, I had just come from a meeting with the recruits. Arthur had been inappropriate and he hurt my arm, I was rushing to Steve to tell him and ask if he can be kicked off the team.’ You finally manage to say and Bucky just looks at you. You can see the cogs turning in his head as he is finally getting context to the snippets of conversation he overheard.
‘Shit. I am so sorry. I am such an idiot.’ He scolds himself and you can’t help but feel bad for him.
‘I am not going to disagree with you, but we have both said and done some pretty nasty stuff. I am sorry for any hurt I caused you.’  You say sincerely and he looks over to you and smiles.
‘So you didn’t think I was rude when we first met?’ He still holds your eye contact and you take a moment to look at him. You have never seen him look so vulnerable before, he almost looked scared.
‘No, Bucky, I thought you were probably nervous or tired from meeting loads of new people.’ You explain and his shoulders fall.
‘I feel like such a jerk.’ He sighs and you scoot yourself closer to him so he has to look at you.
‘I’m not all that innocent in this either. It was a misunderstanding. I am just glad we have cleared it up now.’ You say meaning it and he smiles earnestly back at you. It is something you have never experienced first-hand. You have seen him give those gorgeous, slightly lopsided, smiles to other people but seeing one directed at you causes a rush of heat to your cheeks and you find yourself blushing.
Bucky must have been thinking along the same lines ‘You’re cute when you blush. I have never seen this side of you before.’ He brushes some hair out of your face and behind your ear. ‘You know, part of the reason I was so nervous when I first met you was because I was taken off guard by how beautiful you are.’ His cheeks flush slightly at his confession.
Before you can say anything the elevator jerks again and starts moving, you and Bucky are quick on your feet, preparing yourself for the doors to open.
When they finally do you are met with a group of Hydra agents ready to attack. You and Bucky work in tandem, playing off each other’s strengths. When the Hydra agents realize this, they work to separate you. The majority of them are on Bucky but you are fighting four at once. You are onto the last one when he raises his gun to shoot but you force his arm down. Not quick enough, it fires and clips your calf causing you to cry out from the pain 
It is not as bad as actually being shot in the leg but it still hurts like hell and you can’t put pressure on it. The room is pretty silent apart from footsteps you recognise to be Bucky approaching. You move quickly and uppercut the guy in the nose. The crack echoes throughout the room as the guy falls to the floor at your feet.
You turn to Bucky, his mouth agape and eyebrows raised in shock. ‘That was hot.’ He announces finally, making you laugh, you go to take a step towards him but realise too late that your injured leg won’t hold your weight. You would have fallen to the floor if Bucky hadn’t rushed to catch you.
‘Thanks.’ You chuckle, your faces are extremely close. Your eyes completely entranced in his. Your whole body warms at the safe feeling of being in his arms. You start to wonder what it would be like to fall asleep in these arms, to wake up the next morning still wrapped up in them. Protected.
You force yourself back to reality by clearing your throat. ‘We should probably get back to the team.’ You say and he nods. He puts his arm around your waist and you put yours over his shoulders to use him as a crutch.
The ride back up in the elevator goes smoothly this time and before you know it you are hobbling up to the quinjet where the rest of the team awaits. Natasha and Steve are both looking back and forth from you to Bucky in confusion.
‘What the hell happened?’ Steve asks not trying to hide how baffled he is that you and Bucky are holding onto each other and not arguing. Natasha simply smirks. Bucky helps you into a seat then sits opposite you with a wink as you smile at him.
‘No, this is too weird. Please argue, bicker, roll your eyes. Anything.’ Sam begs Bucky who doesn’t break his eye contact with you. Bucky simply laughs knowing his behaviour is unsettling Sam and enjoying the newfound comradery with you.
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hyunsuks-beanie · 3 years
It'll Always Be You
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Lee Felix × reader; angst, but with a fluffy ending; 2923 words; lovers to exes and back
A/N So Felix has me feeling all sorts of things today, bc of how good he looked during the performance. So here's a scenario for our Sunshine!
"Here's your order and have a nice day," you smile to the female customer in front of you, before handing a pack of cookies to her child. Once the leave, you let out a sigh and look at your best friend who's cleaning the counter next to you. "All done for today!," you exclaim, to which your friend looks up and smiles, before taking off and folding her apron. "So, what are your plans for tonight?," she asks, making you give her a knowing look. She to her eyes before saying, "How long are you gonna stay cooped up inside your house? The break up was two years ago for heaven's sake, you need to start living your life again." "Hey, I am living my life, it's just that, unlike you, I am not interested in going out and meeting new people every day. I meet enough strangers while working here, so there's no need to go clubbing daily," you shrug.
When all she does in reply is pout, you chuckle and say, "Okay, how about we go for a movie tomorrow? My treat." Her face lights up at that, and she gives you a tight hug before saying, "I really want to meet your ex once though, just so I can break his nose." You giggle "Oh he's dead and gone."
Oh, if only you knew.
Once you send your friend off, you start tidying up your little bakery up. This was the place that helped you get over your breakup, which had been messy to say the least. You had immersed yourself fully in your work, because you knew it was one thing that would never hurt you or break your trust.
You sigh lovingly at the memories of setting up and running your bakery, turning your back against the front door. And just as you are reminiscing you hear the door open, causing you to turn. The moment you do so, however, you regret it, because standing there, staring at you wide-eyed, is your ex, otherwise known as Stray Kids' Lee Felix. You both continue to stare at each other for a while, before he finally breaks the silence (and your trance) by whispering, "Y/N."
You clear your throat, and say, "I'm sorry, but we're closed for the day." He rushes to the and hurriedly replies, "Please, it's rather urgent. My friend Hyunjin is really craving some blueberry pie, and he refuses fo join practice before I bring him what he wants." "I told you, I'm sorry, but I can't help you today. You can come back tomorrow though," you say, not looking into his eyes. "Please Y/N, Chan hyung is getting really angry, he's gonna ground me along with Hyunjin," Felix reasons, and you find yourself giving in to his pleading eyes and pouty lips.
"Fine, wait a minute," you say, making him crack a smile. Boy have you missed that smile of his, you think, before mentally slapping yourself for still not being able to resist him, even though he broke your heart to pieces when he broke up with you over the phone two years ago, telling you that he could no longer do long distance with you being all the way in Australia. It wasn't the breakup that hurt you though, it was the fact that he had found someone better and closer to him, or so he said.
Little did you know, though, that the company had he had never really found anyone else, that he didn't want to find anyone else. The company had made him lie to you when they came to know he was secretly dating. He tried to put up a fight, but the company started threatening him about the group facing consequences. He knew you'd see right through him if he told you the truth, so he had to lie to you in order to make you hate him, just so you could move on in life. He meant well, but he never knew he hurt you so bad that you'd give up on dating and love altogether.
"Here you go," you say while handing him his parcel. He thanks you, while contemplating if he should make small talk. Mustering up the courage, he asks, "How have you been?", while looking down. "Fine," you reply, "Congrats on the comeback." His head snaps up at that, as he says, "I didn't know you knew I had a comeback," "It was all over the news, Felix. Stray Kids are really making it big," you swallow before adding, "Your partner must be really proud of you," complete with a fake smile plastered on your face.
Felix winces at your words, not knowing what to say. In the end, he settles with, "How long have you been running this bakery?" "Since about a month after we broke up." When he gives you a confused expression, you sigh and add, "I was kinda already about to move to Seoul when you told me that you had found someone else. I was gonna surprise you, but you ended up surprising me instead."
"Y/N, I-I never knew. I'm so sorry, I-," he says, but you cut him off. "I-I t-think you should leave," you say, with tears threatening to spill. "Let me explain, please. I swear I'll come clean, please, just give me a chance." "No Felix, I can't give you any chance, you blew it up when you hurt me so bad that it made scared of ever loving again. Please.....j-just go," you say, shutting your eyes close. Dejected, he turns around to leave, but not before saying, "I'm sorry," one more time. Once he leaves, you sink down to the floor, crying. "Why did you have to ruin me so bad?," You whisper.
You don't, however, notice that just outside the door, Felix too, is crying hysterically as he gets into his car.
Upon reaching the JYP building, Felix rushes to the washroom to try and dry his eyes and hide any signs that he's been crying. "I still love you. I never stopped, but gosh, why did I have to be such an idiot to let you go? And that too, in the worst way possible?," he says to his reflection in the mirror, thinking back to your broken expression. Slamming his fist against the sink, he curses at himself.
Once he's finally sobered up a little, Felix goes back to the practice room to give Hyunjin his pie. Though he has half a mind to just call in sick and go home and weep, he knows the group needs him. "Here you go, Hyun," he forces a smile onto his face when Hyunjin thanks him. Chan notices his slumped shoulders, but shrugs it off as tiredness. "Now that everyone is satisfied, can we get back to practice?," he asks. Once all the boys agree, rehearsals begin again, but Felix can't find it in himself to focus. He keeps making mistakes, which finally results in Chan stopping the music, grabbing his hand, and taking him out the practice room and to his studio.
"What is it, Lix? You've been distracted ever since you came back from the bakery. Come on, I know something is bothering you, it isn't like you to lose focus. Tell me what it is," Chan says, sternly but gently, his concern for the younger boy evident. "It's nothing, hyung. I'm just tired," Felix tries to evade the question, but Chan presses on. "I'm not buying that, and I'm not gonna have you distracted during performances or practices, either. I can't risk you injuring yourself or any of the boys, so I'm saying again. Spit. It. Out. Leader's orders."
Felix sighs, running a hand through his hair. After a pause, he finally says, "I saw Y/N today. The bakery, it is owned by them." Chan's eyes go wide at this, since he's the only one who knows the circumstances under which you both broke up, and is also the only one who knows about how much Felix regrets letting you go, in the worst possible way. "What happened? Were they....rude to you? Or did they do something?" "What? No hyung, they were nothing but nice to me. We made small talk, and they told me that they were planning to surprise me by moving to Seoul, when I broke up with them. I hurt them so bad that they are scared of ever loving again," Felix says, taking shaky breaths between sentences as tears welled up in his eyes again.
"I messed up so bad hyung, you know I still love them. They're the nicest, most perfect, most lovable person I've ever known, and I damaged them so badly, gosh I feel so guilty," he breaks down again, causing Chan to wrap his arms around him, giving him a shoulder to cry on. Once Felix calms down, Chan says, "You know what you have to do now, right?" "What do you mean?"
"You say you still love them. You say you're guilty. But instead of telling these things to me, you need to tell this to them. Apologize to them, tell them the whole story. Tell them there was never anyone else, and that it's always been them. You didn't fight for them back then, because you were worried for us. But you can fight for them now, because we got your back. Win them back, Lix. Make up for your mistake."
"B-but hyung, why would they ever want to take me back again? I've been nothing but a jerk to them." "Well, in that case, you can't blame them. But they deserve to at least know the truth. They deserve to know that your intentions were not wrong. If they choose to walk away after that, they will at least have had gotten closure. Who knows, it might help them muster the courage to go out and love again. You owe this to them, Lix."
Chan succeeded in knocking some sense into Felix, as the next day, the younger boy found himself in front of your bakery, preparing a long speech explaining why he did what he did to you. He's so engrossed in his thoughts that he doesn't notice your best friend walk out the bakery and stand next to him. "Uhm, are you okay?," she asks, surprising him. "O-oh, uh-uhm, yeah," says Felix, while noticing her uniform, that's identical to yours. "Do you work with Y/N?" "Yeah, we're friends and partners, and on most days, we work together. But they called in sick today, and told me they'd cover the evening shift. How do you know them though?"
To this, Felix finds himself at a loss for words, but he figures if he's gonna come clean to you, he needs an ally. And what better person than your best friend? So he takes down his mask slightly, making your friend gasp in response. "You Felix from Stray Kids! What are you doing here?" "I-I came here to meet Y/N. We broke up two years ago due to a mistake I made, but I need to explain things to them. They deserve to know the truth." He looks up to see your friend glaring at him, as she says, "That was you? You broke my best friend's heart? How could you? I'm not letting you anywhere near them, you jerk"
"Please, just give me 5 minutes, and I'll explain everything to you. Then you can decide if I deserve one more chance." When your friend doesn't say anything, Felix launches into his own version of things, explaining himself and his actions. Once he's done, your friend is still glaring at him, but he notices a smile tugging at her lips.
"You have been nothing but a complete and utter jerk to them. And honestly, you deserve to get your ass kicked by them. But I know that they still love you, and the way you are repenting what you did tells me that you love them too. So I give you my blessing. They'll be here in the evening at 6, be here before then." Felix hugs her super tight at that, with the biggest smile plastered on his face while thanking her. She adds, "But if you hurt them again, I swear I'm gonna murder you with my own two hands." "It won't come to that, I promise."
Felix arrives at the bakery at 10 minutes to six, and the moment he enters, your friend shoves him into the kitchen, asking him to stay there till you come. Once she leaves, he starts pacing up and down, raking his hand nervously through his hair. He tries to prepare what he is going to say, but gives up when he realizes that it would all go out the window when he sees you.
Meanwhile, the moment you step inside the bakery, your friend pretends to be busy setting stuff up on the counter, and asks you to bring in some things from the kitchen. Unassuming, you start walking towards the kitchen doors, when she notices your swollen eyes and exclaimed "Babe, have you been crying?" You muster up a fake smile and tell him that it's just you not feeling well, but unknown to you, Felix heard your friend, and guilt washes over him again. But he doesn't have time to wallow in it, as soon after, you step in.
The way your expression morphs into one of pure sadness breaks his heart into a million pieces, and when you say, "What more do you want from me?" while holding back tears, it takes everything in him to stop from falling to his knees and begging forgiveness. He tries to speak, but you hold up a finger, indicating you aren't finished. "Now that you've found me again, was it not enough for you to have me admit that what you did to me made me stop believing in love? Do you even want to rub it in my face by telling me how happy your are with your partner? If that is so, then please, just get lost, I'm begging you."
Tears are now streaming down your face, and Felix finds himself saying, "Just please. Let me explain. You deserve to know the truth and my feelings and intentions. If after that, you want me to leave, I swear, you will never have to see me again." You can't look at him, but when you don't reply, he says, "I promise that this is the real truth behind what I did. Please hear me out. I lied when I said I had found someone else. There is no 'someone else,' and there never will be one. The only person I've loved, the only person I still love, is you. It'll always be you."
"The company made me break up with you, and threatened me that the group will face consequences if I didn't do as they had asked. I that that if I outright told you the real reason, it would hurt you. And so, I decided to lie to you in order to make you hate me, even if it broke my heart. But never did I ever think that it would damage you so badly, and I know I've been stupid, but I can't help but ask for you to forgive me, and give me one last chance. I know I've been a total jerk to you, and even now, I'm being nothing but selfish, but I just want you to know that I still love you. I'll understand if you want nothing to do with me, and I'll walk away forever. But you deserved to get closure, and I hope that if you do choose to give up on me, you will now be able to love again, and trust again."
By the time he stops talking, the both of you are sobbing hard. You ask him, "Are you done?" When he nods, you say, "You say that you will walk away if I choose to give up on you. But do you really think I'll be able to give up on you? If I couldn't stop loving you even when you broke up with me in the cruelest way possible, what makes you think I'll stop loving you now that I know that you went through the same pain as me? You knew what the truth was, and you still had to hide it. I can only imagine how hurtful that must have been, Felix. I hate myself for believing your stupid lie, for ever doubting the love you had for me. I'm sorry, and I forgive you."
Felix looks up at you, surprised. It takes him some time to process your words, and when he does, he asks you, "What does that mean....for us?" To this, you shyly reply, "Well, I never stopped loving you, and if you didn't either, then should we give us another try?" Felix smiles the brightest he has in ages, as he slowly comes closer to you. Cupping your face, he wipes off your tears, as you proceed to do the same. "I promise I'll never let you go again," he says softly. You giggle and say, "You'd do well to keep that promise," before biting your lip.
"Is it okay if I kiss you?," he asks. You nod in response, causing him to gently place his lips on yours. And for the first time in a while, you feel like you're home.
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Smaller Than This
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff/daughter!reader, Peter Parker/platonic!reader, Wanda Maximoff/reader
Description: The reader is Natasha Romanoff’s daughter, best friend of Peter Parker, and girlfriend of Wanda Maximoff. Growing up in the spotlight is hard enough, but things cross a line when people start commenting on the reader’s weight.
Warnings: eating disorder, swearing, threats of violence
Word count: 3,282
A/N: I know it’s not easy to deal with eating disorders, but please know that you are beautiful and amazing and you don’t deserve to have to suffer through that. Please, if you are struggling with this, reach out for help. <3
Black Widow’s daughter spotted in Central Park with new best friend Scarlet Witch and Stark Industry intern Peter Parker! Could Parker be y/n’s new boyfriend?
You laughed and rolled your eyes as you clicked on the tweet. Stalking paparazzi twitter accounts had to be one of your favorite pastimes, simply because the so-called facts they were giving out were false 99% of the time. For instance, this situation? You had gone out for a picnic with Peter and Wanda when those photos were taken, and the paparazzi completely twisted things. Peter wasn’t your boyfriend, he was just your best friend. And Wanda wasn’t your best friend, she was your girlfriend. You chose to ignore the false headline as you went immediately for the replies.
‘Do you see the way y/n’s looking at Wanda? It seems more like there’s something going on between them than there is between y/n and Peter’
You smiled and liked that tweet. You liked messing with people just a bit. Whenever someone would tweet about there possibly being a relationship between you and Wanda, you liked the tweet. It wasn’t enough information to actually confirm the relationship as true, but it was enough to keep people speculating.
You scrolled through several more replies. Most of them were people using the heart eyes emoji or saying how much they loved your mom, but there were a few in there that stuck out more than the rest. That was because they were harsh and hurtful.
‘I don’t understand how someone can live with the Avengers and still look like that. Does she ever even exercise?’
‘She could stand to lose some weight. Instead of going out for a picnic, she should try to skip a few meals’
You read through replies for a few more minutes. Similar comments would pop up now and then, and while there wasn’t an overwhelming amount, there was still enough to make you close down the app and shut off your phone, averting all your attention toward not crying. 
“Miss y/n, dinner has been called,” F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s voice rang through your room.
Pushing the thoughts to the back of your mind, you got off your bed and made your way to the dining room. There, Peter and Wanda were setting the table while Steve and Bucky carried out the food.
You walked up behind your girlfriend and wrapped your arms around her waist, resting your chin on her shoulder. You felt her jump slightly before she realized it was you and relaxed into your touch. You placed a kiss on her cheek.
“I love you,” You whispered in her ear.
“Hey! What did we talk about?” Tony directed at you, raising an eyebrow at you and causing you to roll your eyes.
“No lovey-dovey shit at the dinner table,” You mumbled.
“Language!” Steve scolded you as Clint joined the conversation.
“Oh, come on, Tony,” He said. “It’s young love. It’s harmless and adorable.”
“It makes me want to hurl,” Tony retorted.
To onlookers, it may have sounded like Tony was being a real dick, but you knew he was just teasing you. He’d never admit it, but secretly he loved how happy you and Wanda made each other.
“Watch it, Stark,” Your mom shot him a glare. “That’s my kid you’re talking about.”
Your head whipped up at your mom’s voice. She had been on a mission for the past week and wasn’t supposed to get home for another three days.
“Mom!” You yelled as you ran toward her, wrapping your arms around her as you squeezed her tight.
“Hey, kiddo! I’ve missed you!” She said, hugging you back and kissing you lightly on the forehead.
“I’ve missed you, too!”
“As much as I hate to break up this reunion,” Bucky said, causing you to pull away from your mom. “Steve and I slaved over dinner and it’s getting cold, so let’s eat.”
You took your seat at the table—in between Peter and Wanda—and filled your plate with the spaghetti and garlic bread Steve and Bucky made. Everyone was silent as you all dug into your food and, you had to admit, it tasted amazing. 
When Steve and Bucky first moved in, neither of them were allowed near a stove without supervision. They had started too many accidental fires. But after lots and lots of practice, the two of them easily became the best cooks in the tower.
After dinner, you excused yourself to your room. Your phone was still lying face down on the bed, so you grabbed it and opened it up. Right away, you noticed several notifications from twitter. Upon further investigation, you found that the rude comments people were saying about you had extended to your messages. Now, you had complete strangers messaging you about how you needed to ‘lose weight’, or ‘eat less’, or ‘exercise more’. A few of the messages even called you a ‘disappointment to the Avengers’.
You deactivated your account and deleted the app from your phone, but the damage was already done and you knew it. So you came up with a plan and decided to set it into motion the next morning.
You woke up in the morning to your alarm blaring. Checking the time, you saw it was 4:30, and you wondered why your alarm was going off so early before you remembered the plan you had made the night before.
You got out of bed and quickly dressed in athletic attire before running out of your room. You knew Steve liked to run in the mornings, so you sat in the kitchen waiting for him.
When he finally sauntered in at 5:00, he was more than surprised to see you sitting there.
“Y/n?” He asked. “What’re you doing up so early?”
“Can I run with you today, Uncle Steve?” You asked him, a pleading look on your face that you knew he couldn’t say no to.
“Yeah, sure,” He said. “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather be sleeping?”
You nodded. 
“I want to start running. My mile time in P.E. class has been slacking lately and I don’t want to fail the class.”
You were surprised yet proud of how quickly you were able to come up with that lie, and you were happy to see that Steve believed every word of it.
So that’s how you spent your morning: running laps with Steve.
The two of you finally called it quits around 6:15 and parted ways. Steve went off to do whatever he did during the days, and you went off to squeeze in a quick shower before school.
By the time you were done with your shower, it was nearly 7:00, which meant you had to rush to get dressed. You finally made it to the kitchen, where Wanda was already waiting for you. The two of you yelled a quick ‘bye’ to whoever was listening before you started the quick walk to the bus stop.
You felt Wanda’s hand interlock with yours and a smile arose on your face as you squeezed her hand. You two didn’t want to publicly disclose your relationship yet, so you knew the minute you reached the bus stop you’d have to let go.
At lunch, you sat at a table with Wanda, Peter, MJ, and Ned. You skipped the food line and instead opted to sip at a bottle of water.
“What’s wrong, y/n?” Peter asked you.
“What do you mean?” You shot back, not quite sure what he was getting at.
“You’re not eating.”
Shit. You had to think of a lie, and you had to be extra careful since your girlfriend could read minds. She promised you she’d never read your mind without your consent, but you were still wary.
“Uh...I’m just not feeling well,” You said. “My stomach is feeling a little flip-floppy and I don’t want to push it.”
To your luck, they nodded it off and changed the topic, not questioning you again for the rest of the day.
That night at dinner, you pushed the food around on your plate, eating a few bites here and there. It wasn’t hard to pretend you had eaten, especially since your family was so big. Everyone seemed to be so caught up in conversations with other people that they didn’t notice when you got up and scraped your food into the trash.
These habits carried on for a few more weeks. You’d wake up every morning to run with Steve, make up some excuse for why you didn’t eat lunch, and you’d have a few bites of dinner before sneakily trashing it. On most weekends, you chose to spend your time training with your mom. You claimed it was so that you could stay sharp with your self-defense skills, and while that wasn’t necessarily a lie, it wasn’t the full truth, either. But your mom never questioned it, and you were glad.
You seemed to fly under the radar, until one Sunday afternoon.
You walked into your room after training with your mom to find Peter and Wanda waiting for you.
“Hey, guys,” You greeted, throwing yourself into a chair and downing half a bottle of water. “What’s up?” 
“We know,” Wanda said, a stern yet concerned look on her face.
“Know what?” You asked her, although you could feel your heart rate rising. You knew what she was talking about.
“That you haven’t been eating,” Peter joined in.
“What’re you talking about? Of course I’ve been eating.”
That was a lie. Your stomach hadn’t been properly filled in weeks and you couldn’t remember the last time it wasn’t rumbling. But that wasn’t important. What was important was the fact that you were finally losing weight. There’s no way you could stop now.
“Cut the crap, y/n,” Peter said, catching you by surprise. “We’ve been watching you. I can’t even remember the last time you bought a school lunch.”
“And you pick at your food at dinner every night,” Wanda added. “I haven’t seen you eat more than three bites. You think no one notices, but you’re wrong. And I can feel you, love. You feel...empty.”
Wanda rested her hand on your knee as you tried to process what was happening. You had been so good at hiding this, how had they found out?
“You guys, I’m—” You started before Peter cut you off.
“Don’t say you’re fine, because you’re not. We know it, and you know it, so please stop lying to us, y/n. We just want to help.”
“I have it under control, I don’t need help,” You protested. “Just...please don’t tell my mom.”
“Wanda, please,” You begged. “My mom has enough to worry about as it is. I don’t need to add this to her stress as well. I promise, I have it under control. I’m alright.”
Wanda and Peter shared a look before turning back to you. 
“We’ll keep this between us for now,” Peter said, and you felt like a weight was lifted off your shoulders.
“But, if things get any worse, we won’t hesitate to bring your mom into this,” Wanda warned.
You nodded and the two of them left, Wanda kissing you quickly before walking out of the room. 
‘I just need to hide it better’ you thought to yourself. ‘This is all my fault for being too obvious about things. I need to do better.’
Wanda and Peter had dropped the topic for the time being, until a week later, things took a turn for the worse when your P.E. teacher announced that your class was running the mile that day.
Thanks to training with Steve, your mile time had improved and you were one of the fastest in the class. However, due to malnutrition, any sort of exercise made you extremely lightheaded. 
You ignored the part of your brain that was telling you to make up some excuse to sit out. You convinced yourself you just weren’t drinking enough water so you drank an entire water bottle and went to class.
You were about halfway done with your mile when the corners of your vision turned black. You blinked a few times, trying to edge it away, but it was no use. By now, you heard a loud ringing in your ears and the world started spinning around you. You slowed down a bit, trying to regain your composure when you felt your knees buckle underneath you, and you were plunged into a world of darkness, not feeling it when you hit the ground.
When you awoke, you were still laying on the field, your entire class swarming around you. You were trying to sit up when you felt something attached to your hand. 
You looked to the right and saw Wanda sitting there, looking scared as hell.
“Miss Maximoff, Mr. Parker, please escort Miss Romanoff to the nurse’s office,” Your teacher ordered.
You felt Wanda help lift you to a standing position and once you were up, you felt the world start spinning again. You shut your eyes tight as two arms, you assumed they belonged to Wanda and Peter, wrapped around either side of your waist. Soon enough, the dizziness ceased and you opened your eyes, signaling for Peter and Wanda to start walking with you.
You made it to the nurse’s station where you saw your mom already waiting.
“Mom?” You asked, wondering how she had gotten to your school so quickly.
“Peter called me the second he saw you fall,” She explained.
You, Wanda, and Peter were dismissed from school early, and your mom led you all back to her car. You sat in the passenger seat while Peter and Wanda sat in the back.
“What happened?” Your mom demanded.
The tone of her voice scared you a little bit, but you knew it was filled more with concern than it was with anger.
“I must’ve just gotten overheated or something,” You lied, knowing exactly why you passed out. “I was doing fine one second, and then the next I was on the ground.”
“That’s not true, Ms. Romanoff,” Peter interjected.
You whipped your head around to him and shook your head, silently pleading him to not tell her.
“What do you mean?” She asked. “Do you know something I don’t?”
“Peter, stop,” You said, panicking at what was about to be said.
“Y/n hasn’t eaten a proper meal in a month,” Wanda admitted.
You shot your girlfriend a look of betrayal before turning back around to face forward.
“You, what?!” Your mom blared. “Y/n, is this true?”
Your silence was enough of an answer for her to understand that yes, it was true.
“Y/n, baby, why?” Your mom said.
You could tell she was trying to be strong, but her voice was cracking.
“Because I’m not like you guys, okay?!” You finally snapped, letting loose all of your pent-up emotions. “I don’t have a super-human metabolism like Peter, and I don’t have a perfectly in-shape body. I’m not an avenger and it sure as hell shows. Even people I don’t even know were making comments about it on twitter.”
“Is that why you disabled your account?” Peter asked, realization hitting him.
You nodded and looked down at your fingers, not wanting to make eye contact with any of them.
By now, you had reached the tower and your mom put the car into park, turning to face you.
“Y/n, I know it’s been hard for you to grow up in the spotlight, constantly being compared to us but this isn’t healthy,” She said, cupping your chin and lightly pulling your head up to meet her gaze. “If I had known all of this, I never would have let you do all those extra training sessions with me. It’s not safe for you to keep exercising like this when you’re not giving your body proper nourishment.”
“I can’t—” You sniffed. “I can’t stop. I need help.”
You felt a tear roll down your cheek as your mom brushed it away, pulling you in for a hug before the four of you got out of the car.
Once inside, your mom told you to sit down in the living room while she left for a few minutes. When she returned, she had the rest of the team with her and you could only assume she had given them the run-down on your situation. 
You were slightly hurt that she had shared your personal life like that, but you knew it was for the best.
“Here’s what’s going to happen,” Your mom said once everyone was settled. “Y/n, you’re going to help with dinner every night. I know it can be hard once you’ve developed a food phobia, but when you’re in control of what we eat every night it makes things a little easier. No more throwing your food in the trash, okay? As for school, I’ll be making you a homemade lunch each day, and Peter and Wanda will be keeping an eye on you and will be reporting back to me. First thing tomorrow, I’ll call and set you up an appointment with a therapist. Bottling up your emotions will only make things worse, trust me. You need to talk to someone, and a therapist will help to give you healthier coping mechanisms.”
You listened as your mom laid out these new rules before telling you to go lie down. As you got up to leave, you were bombarded with your family hugging you and telling you they were there for you. You honestly had never felt more loved and supported in your life.
You finally made your way to your room, lying down in bed. A few minutes later, you heard a knock at your door.
“Come in,” You said weakly.
The handle turned and Wanda walked in, using her powers to levitate a tray behind her. You sat up and she put the tray down in your lap. On the tray, you saw there was a plate of cheese and crackers.
You looked down at the tray before looking up at your girlfriend. You forced yourself to pick up one of the crackers and take a bite, your mind screaming at you the entire time. But you were sick. You knew this. You wanted to get better.
“I’m sorry for telling your mother,” Wanda spoke. “You were slowly killing yourself and I couldn’t stand by and watch it happen. I’m so sorry, y/n. Can you forgive me?”
“I don’t blame you, Wan,” You told her. “I’m the one who should be sorry. I never should have forced you and Peter to keep this a secret.”
Wanda wrapped you into her arms, squeezing tightly. The two of you stayed like that for a long time before you pulled away and, bite by bite, finished the snack she had brought you.
You had been in recovery for about a month now, and while things were far from easy, you knew you could do it. Your family was your support system and they were right there by your side every step of the way.
You were sitting on the couch with Peter and Wanda, you and your girlfriend tangled in each other’s arms as you watched your mom on tv. She was finishing up a press conference.
“Oh, and one last thing before I go,” She spoke toward the camera and the audience. “Whoever decided to make awful comments about my daughter online, I am a trained assassin and I will find you.”
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myherowritings · 4 years
anywhere the wind blows
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SUMMARY. After hunting a bounty near Wangshu Inn, you sensed the faint scent of qingxin blowing in the familiar wind. It seemed like it was leading you somewhere.
PAIRING. xiao x reader
GENRE. fluff, pre 1.3 release
A/N. my first genshin fic of my fav character xiao !! i’m definitely still getting used to writing for this world and for him but i hope this isn’t too bad 🥺 i’m so excited for xiao’s story and banner and can’t wait to learn more about him! if 1.3 comes and totally undermines the small guesses abt the lore i added into this fic then…we pretend we do not see u.u ANYWAY PLS ENJOY xx sof
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“A rock shieldwall Mitachurl with a resistance to cryo,” you murmured to yourself with a satisfied smile, picking up the ominous mask and heavy horn that it dropped from the fight. “No more terrorizing Wangshu for you.”
You had just accepted a bounty handed out to you in Liyue and arranged for the proper party to come pick it up. The rewards were promptly transferred to your tab and you bade the team who came to collect the Mitachurl a swift goodbye.
It wasn’t normally on your daily agenda to hunt bounty for money—though the mora was quite appealing, you couldn’t lie—but when the beasts were too close to civilization and scared both residents and passerbyers in Liyue alike, you felt a greater need to step in. And now, after a job well done with some mora in your pockets, you realized just how tired and hungry that search made you.
Looking up, you saw the peak of the inn from a distance and followed the silk flower-covered path there. It wasn’t often you frequented Wangshu Inn, but you have visited enough to know their Jueyun Chili Chicken and Almond Tofu were pretty solid reasons to drop by again.
Your appearance was rather disheveled from your fight with the Mitachurl but you weren’t too messy-looking—certainly decent enough to interact with other humans you hoped. Smoothing down your clothes and practicing a smile, you headed over to the outdoor dining area and were greeted by a waitress who led you to an empty table as she asked for your order. The exchange was pleasant enough and you were soon left to your own devices once your food swiftly arrived.
It was dark out in Wangshu. The bounty hunt took most of your late afternoon and by now the sun had fully set. The dining area was quiet and empty with only the moon watching over you.
You hummed, taking in a mouthful of the sweet Almond Tofu. The night was nice and peaceful and quiet, just like most of your evenings.
A familiar breeze blew against your face, chilling yet warm. Captivating. There was a faint smell of qingxin, like the flowers you grew fond of during your explorations around Liyue’s stone forests.
The wind was different from what you experienced in Mondstadt. That air was light and playful. Free.
The wind you felt just now, on the other hand, seemed to convey something more wistful. Almost yearning.
And it wasn’t your first encounter with this qingxin-filled breeze either. When you helped comfort Little Luo back in Qingce Village and fended off the pesky Hilichurls on her trail, this wind blew around you and cooled the heat from your cheeks. Around Bubu Pharmacy when you spent time with Qiqi, a zombie you happened to stumble upon one day, you felt the same curious breeze.
Part of you felt like you were being watched over. But not in a bad way. It made you feel safe and protected, yet empowered enough to continue your bold expeditions and help the people of Liyue when you were needed.
The wind stuck around as you finished your meal, the aroma of Almond Tofu wafting through the air from the wandering breeze, almost as if it was seeking a taste. Once your plates were cleared and your drink emptied, you headed inside the inn and hoped they had a spare room on such a short notice and—to your surprise—for once they actually did.
On the way up the stairs, you passed by an open balcony near the top of the inn where you caught a glimpse of a lean figure with dark hair looking up at the night sky. You normally would have walked away from the balcony and left the man to his own devices, promptly going to your rented room to get some much needed rest, but the familiar scent of qingxin flowers dancing in the wind made you freeze mid-step.
Wangshu Inn wasn’t too far from mountain tops where qingxin grew… It could have been a mere coincidence.
But in Liyue, you knew that believing such things could be a coincidence would simply be fooling yourself.
The person on the balcony gave no indication that he felt your gaze, but you knew intuitively that he had already sensed your presence despite not having moved a single inch. His stance was so steady you might have thought he was a statue if not for his teal-tinged hair blowing in the wind.
Could he have been the cause of the qingxin breeze that recently started following you around?
“Hi,” you said gently to more formally announce your presence. On the off-chance he didn’t realize anyone was there, you definitely didn’t want to startle him. But judging by the unsurprised expression on his face as he slowly looked over his shoulder, you sincerely doubted he was one to startle easily. “May I stand here?”
His eyes were scrutinizing but not unkind as they looked you up and down. You took your time examining him as well— From the top of his silky-looking hair to the blue tattoos wrapping around his arms and to the mysterious horned mask hanging from his hip.
“I suppose you may,” he finally replied with a single nod, his voice neither welcoming nor rude.
You stood a few feet away from him, leaning against the wooden balustrades as you let the cool air hit your face. The night was quiet and calm, dimly lit by the moon peeking through the foggy sky. Sighing, your eyes fluttered shut in contentment as you felt the wind soothe the aches from the bounty hunt in your muscles.
You wouldn’t normally let your guard down like this in front of someone you just met, but for some reason you weren’t the least bit on edge. He didn’t seem like a stranger. And you had a feeling that maybe he wasn’t.
“Have we met before?” you found yourself wondering aloud. The mask on his hip looked familiar, though you couldn’t pinpoint exactly why, like you’ve seen it in a book you’ve read. And the air around him certainly felt familiar, though it seemed strange to describe why.
He didn’t respond.
Huffing, you tried a different approach. A more direct one. “Have you been following me?”
His brow raised but he uttered no words.
Was that approach too direct?
After a moment of silence, he said, “Were you not the one who followed me out onto the balcony? If I remember correctly, I was here first.”
“But were you not the one who drew me here with your qingxin-scented breeze?” you shot back, tone more curious than biting.
To your surprise, he said nothing to deny it. “Attentive, I see.”
“I’m not sure it’s quite that I’m attentive rather than you wanting me to know.” You hid a smile. He wouldn’t have made it so obvious otherwise, you were certain of it. For someone who held more power in his little finger than you could possibly fathom, you knew that him alerting you of his existence couldn’t be a mere accident.
“You’re right.” He shrugged. “But it’s not so much that I wanted to call you here than I didn’t mind if you happened to stumble by.”
You ran the palms of your hands over the railings, craning your neck to the side to face him. He was a puzzling creature, giving off the aura of something greater and more powerful than a human. The ominous mask dangling around his hip seemed to serve as a word of caution to indicate a menacing side he hadn’t shown you, but his calm stance and the small tilt of his head made him seem curious—almost inviting.
It was intriguing, to say the least.
“And why did you want me to, as you say, stumble by?” you said. “Not that I mind.”
“I don’t know,” he answered honestly, shaking his head and looking confused himself. “Intuition? I noticed you fighting, helping the people of Liyue. You’re doing a...good job.”
You shrugged, rubbing at the back of your neck as you shied away from his praise. “So you summoned me here to thank me?”
“I don’t know,” he said again, his impassive tone sounding almost frustrated.
At the small frown playing on his lips, you couldn’t help but let a noise of laughter escape you. He gazed at you in question. This whole situation seemed strange and peculiar, straight out of a dream you’d have at random only to forget the next morning. He seemed strange and peculiar, like a figure out of a story book lost in the ruins of Liyue.
And yet you found yourself enjoying this odd encounter.
“Well, Mr. Stranger, since you seem uncertain of so many things still, are you going to continue to have your wind follow me around Liyue until you figure whatever it is out?” you questioned teasingly, not at all minding that prospect.
He glared, looking slightly embarrassed. “It’s not that I was following you. I only sensed someone in need but happened to see you rushing along the way and decided to let you handle it. The less involvement in the affairs of mortals, the better.”
So he wasn’t a mortal himself, you thought, his words confirming your previous suspicions. Still…
“Is that so?” You quirked a brow. “And what is this if not for involvement in the affairs of a mortal?”
He folded his arms and didn’t say a word.
“Let me guess— You don’t know?”
You smiled. “Well, I guess it’s okay you don’t know. It’s okay not to know sometimes, you know?”
He blinked. “You aren’t making sense.”
“And you are?” you retaliated. “I still don’t know who you are or anything about you yet. But… I know you smell like qingxin flowers and feel like a cooling breeze. And I know that I rather enjoy it.”
The mysterious entity looked out into the mountain scenery, gloved hand resting on the dark balustrade. He seemed both lost in thought and completely aware of his physical surroundings at the same time. Suddenly, he spoke up.
Your gaze met his as he nodded once. “Xiao?”
“My name. Now you know who I am.”
You laughed, startled by how blunt he was. “I guess you’re right. Nice to meet you Xiao.”
“Hm.” Xiao waited one moment before he asked, “Do you plan to keep exploring Liyue?”
At his question, you briefly considered your options for the near future. You liked Liyue and there was so much you had left to see. Was it like home to you? No— Not yet anyway, though it could be if the situation was right. But that didn’t mean you wanted to leave just yet.
Not when you may have found a reason you would want to stay.
“For the time being, yes.”
He nodded in satisfaction. “That’s good. You being there to help the people of Liyue means less involvement with mortal affairs for me.”
Though his tone was haughty, he didn’t seem like he actually minded what he considered mortal affairs. If he did, why would he be so alert when he sensed people in need?
“And, if you ever need assistance during your ventures, I’ll be there.”
Xiao’s words comforted you as you looked at him, his hair blowing in the wind. Maybe one day you could reach out and touch it. But not today.
You sensed this meeting was about to end. The breeze picked up and you could feel him getting ready to leave. Whether he was going to leave to go to bed or leave the mortal world, you weren’t sure. But you would rather treasure this encounter than dwell on an inevitable—and hopefully temporary—farewell.
“Thank you, Xiao. And if you ever need assistance with...whatever it is you do, I’ll be there too!” you said confidently. “As I’m sure you’ve seen, I’m pretty handy at weilding a sword myself.” You doubted he would ever need much help in the physical or martial department. “Or, I could simply lend an ear as well.”
It happened so fast, you weren’t sure if it was actually there, or if your eyes were playing tricks on you— Xiao smiled. At least, you thought he did. But in the mere blink of an eye, it was gone.
Still, you don’t think you would ever forget that peaceful image no matter how hard you tried. Not that you wanted to.
Sensing the night coming to an end, you asked, “When will I be able to see you like this again?”
He paused. “In this human form, you mean?”
You nodded, though you figured the answer would be those three familiar words he had said many times tonight.
“I don’t know.”
A wry smile played on your lips. Knew it.
“The mortal realm is not where I naturally belong,” explained Xiao, amber eyes glowing brighter than the moon in the sky. “But I will meet you again in this state soon.”
The scent of qingxin grew stronger as the wind picked up. His skin grew paler, almost translucent as he met your gaze one last time for the night.
“Even if it takes time, at least the wind will tell me when you’re near.” You smiled, raising your hand in a wave. “Goodnight, Xiao.”
“Sleep well, traveller.”
And in your dreams that night, with qingxin in the air, you felt contentment and serenity in ways you never had before. You would see the entrancing being who called himself Xiao again. Soon. But you had the wind to keep you company while in wait.
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753 notes · View notes
personasintro · 4 years
sucker (m.) | pjm
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❥𝒔𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔; You wish you'd pay more attention to Jimin. Like, how his eyes kept changing color. How cold his skin was, too unrealistically to be natural. Or one second, he flashed you with his sharp canines and the next one he didn't have any. How much he craved for you, but not the way you thought he was.
❥𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: smut, angst, vampire au, horror au (?), vampire!jimin x human!reader, supernatural au
❥𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: explicit language, smut; slight biting, oral sex [man receiving], fingering, penetration, unprotected & rough sex, slight dom!jimin, death & mentions of death, blood, mentions of alcohol
❥𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 10.9k+ 
𝒂/𝒏: I got this story idea after halloween and this is the first time I've written a vampire au, so I really hope you'll like it, this is something new for me but was so much fun to write!! banner by @dee-ehn​ (thank you luv, you did an amazing job!!)
𝒎.𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕  | © 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐 (𝒏𝒐 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒔 𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒅)
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Frat parties aren’t usually Jimin’s go-to place but considering the sudden circumstances, he had to agree and couldn't say no to his friend who had chosen the most overcrowded party. In other cases, Jimin would’ve chosen somewhere less crowded but enough to blend with his surroundings. Although, Taehyung deserves a few points for thinking this out considering today’s theme is Halloween. There’s no need to hide anything, especially their appearance that still doesn’t seem as weird as people dressed as pumpkin and other weird costumes. Just as a young male passes by, obviously dressed as Dracula while wearing a cheap cape, his friend snorts under his breath but Jimin can hear him perfectly.
“Horrendous,” Taehyung comments, scoffing at the guy that’s too preoccupied with a girl clinging to his side dressed as something both of them can’t recognize. “Let’s go, I’m hungry.” he grins, licking his bottom lip before they make their way into the huge house full of drunk people.
It’ll be hard to find someone sober or not drunk enough, Jimin thinks while his eyes scan the entire room.
“Jimin-ah,” Taehyung slaps his hands over Jimin’s shoulders while he clutches them but his friend barely reacts, already used to Taehyung's rough hands and strength. “Try to have fun.”
Jimin rolls his eyes, still looking around to map out the whole room almost as if he’s waiting for something to happen. He knows nothing will, none of these people are ready for tonight and are completely clueless. Sometimes, he wonders how it’d feel like to just let loose and drink alcohol like every other person here. Loud rap music boosts against the walls, barely good enough music to dance to, but it seems nobody cares about that and dance no matter how ridiculous they look. A group of young girls pass by them, one in particular eyeing Taehyung as she winks at him, giving him a hint that even she doesn’t know about.
“Well, that’s my cue,” Taehyung grins, slapping Jimin’s shoulder with enthusiasm from receiving attention even though he barely came in. “Two hours?” he asks, slowly backing away from Jimin’s figure who responds with a short but firm nod.
Sighing, with Taehyung no longer in sight, he forces his legs to move through the crowd which is just bunch of drunk college students. It’s hard to blend, especially if he’s the only one sober out of everyone. He walks through the house, not particularly knowing where he’s going since he has no idea where he is. This is his first time here — probably last too. They never come back, not even once. They always just move on and plan things together, with Taehyung. Somehow, his legs lead him to a kitchen, less preoccupied room with an exception since there are still some people sucking their mouths off. Jimin’s nose scrunches in a slight disgust at the smell of alcohol, knowing that it’s just the picky side of him.
Taehyung had been in charge of tonight’s plans, it makes sense this plan sucks. Jimin doesn’t like it here but it’ll have to do. His sharp eyes dance across the room, nose softly sniffling as a sweet scent fills it and then he sees something. Something that looks much more interesting than anything he could’ve seen here so far.
In other scenarios, you’d probably spend your Friday night differently than in a frat house full of people you don’t know. That wouldn’t even be such a bad thing, if your friend didn’t bail on you because her ex wanted to talk. You’re not mad, you’re just annoyed that you’ve been standing here for the past fifteen minutes watching couples make out, while third guy tried flirt with you. May you add, completely wasted where you could smell the alcohol on their breath. That’s enough to make you not interested and disgusted at the same time. When another guy dressed like Joker tries to talk to you, you ignore him and tell him to fuck off. You’re not rude, not all the time. But it’s only natural of you to act this way, especially when you let them know you’re not interested and they still keep trying. It’s like it pushes them to be even more eager to try to win you over. Well, you’re not some trophy and drunk enough to do that.
The guy gives you an ugly frown, visibly displeased by your choice of words but luckily he leaves you alone and your heart slowly calms down. You don’t know what drunk men are capable of, but you get the idea. You need to be careful either way. Not drinking any drink from strangers and not provoke anyone who's drunk, even if it’s standing up for yourself. Those are the rules you need to keep reminding yourself, especially in this place where alcohol clouds most people's judgement and mind. 
Ah fuck, tonight is supposed to be fun.
“Playing hard to get?”
Your head whips at the soft voice, completely contrasting with the awful music and people’s chattering drunken nonsense. Mouth opening in a mere shock, you’re met with a guy you’ve never seen before which isn’t that weird since you barely know anyone here. But you’d surely remember him, if you ever met him. It’s safe to say, he’s probably the hottest guy you’ve ever seen and looked your way. His blond hair is parted in the middle, swiped back as this particular hairstyle shows his sharp jaw but soft features. One of the most eye catching features are those thick lips, looking juicy and soft, like two pillows and the most delicious desert. And you can’t fucking believe you’re gushing over some stranger but you’re surely not done yet. His eyes are sharp and there’s a weird glint in them, maybe it's because of the orangey–red shade they hold. Black leather jacket hugs his frame along with, what seems like a casual white shirt underneath, and a great fit black jeans. You wonder what kind of mask he’s wearing, but then he grins at you and shows you his white teeth. Two sharp fangs poke his bottom lip, making you almost jump in surprise but you sigh in relief.
He seems to know you were just checking him out, judging by the slight smirk he’s trying to hide while he makes his way over to you.
“Just not interested.” you reply, deciding it’s better to find your own voice rather than to gawk at this sex god.
“I don’t blame you,” he speaks, your eyes flickering to his. There’s something that makes your heart skip a beat, maybe it’s his alluring eyes that seems to know everything. As if he could tell you’re mentally screaming at his hotness. “Young guys can be... very persistent and act upon their hormones.”
You snort, placing a hand over your mouth as you start giggling at his choice of words. “You can say it. They’re just horny and looking for sex.”
He smiles, tracing a tongue over his lower lip as his steps come to a halt just a few inches before you. He looks even more heartbreaking from up close. The lightning is shitty but there’s not an inch of flaw on his soft glass skin, he looks slightly more on the pale side, but that has to be the make up. At least he hadn’t overdid it like you’ve seen some other guys. And those eyes... what kind of lenses are they?
“You’re right, they can be like that.” he agrees, still sporting that secretive smirk adorning both his eyes and lips.
You snicker, causing his brow to raise in a mere confusion. “So, what? You’re not one of them?”
There’s no way such a handsome guy wouldn’t use his charms to get the best out of it. He said it himself, young guys are horny just like most girls. It’s not like you judge him for it, he can do whatever he wants as long as he’s respectful to others and doesn’t cross any boundaries.
“I’m certainly not,” he says, voice lacking of that sweet yet mysterious tone he used before. There’s something that flickers behind his eyes but it’s gone before you can dwell what it really was. “I didn’t come here to have sex.”
You’re surprised by his bluntness, not expecting him being so blunt all of a sudden, especially about that sex part since he basically ran his way around the topic of guys being horny and wanting to have sex. But you like it, even though you can’t bring yourself to grin like you want to, not when he’s staring at you with gaze darkening.
“Why did you come here for then?” you ask quietly, eyes searching for any kind of emotion or something that could give you a better glimpse inside of his mind.
There’s something about him. He’s mysterious, hiding something and you’re sure it’s just a part of his personality. Either way, it makes him even hotter and you’d drop onto your knees for this man. But there’s your dignity in the way and somehow, you’re glad about that. You’re not one to have a meaningless one night stand. Not that he’d probably want or care to have one with you.
It’s getting awkward, the silence between you two as he complements about his answer causing you to play with the hem of your stupid dress that aren’t even yours. But then something clicks inside of him and he smiles.
“To have fun.”
“Good luck with that.” you murmur, sarcasm lacing in your tone because you can’t believe Yeri just went after her ex leaving you ‘socializing’ (as she called it) with total strangers. Drunk strangers.
You don’t expect the hot stranger to hear you, your voice muffled by the loud music mainly, but he does when a deep chuckle erupts past his lips.
“Why’s that?”
“If you didn’t come here to have sex or get drunk, I don’t think you’ll have fun. Look at everyone.” you chuckle, arms motioning around you to prove your point.
He doesn’t, his eyes stay solely on you but you’re too busy being sarcastic and still bitter about this party to properly register that.
Jimin isn’t stupid. He knows how these parties work. Where’s alcohol, there’s a big urge to have sex and it proves to be right when everyone’s kissing or dancing which mainly leads to the sex itself.
“I take it you’re not here willingly.” he speaks up, eyes dropping towards your mouth where a fake blood is smeared in the corner of your lips.
It’s supposed to add a little bit of horror detail to your look, but you’re far from that.
“Debatable. My friend had decided to invite me at the last minute and now she ditched me because of her ex. Honestly, the guy is a total prick, I don’t know why she keeps running after him.” you explain, scoffing as you cross your arms over your chest.
Jimin reacts with a low chuckle, slowly licking his bottom lip before he takes a deep breath. It’s interesting to watch him, there’s something about him that you can’t quite put your finger on.
You wouldn’t tell Yeri’s business to just some stranger, or anyone, but maybe it’s those two shots of soju that let your mouth on the loose. He doesn’t know her anyway and you’re too annoyed to care, even though you do feel a pang of guilt.
“What are you doing here? Besides, to have fun here. Did you come here alone?”
Great, Y/N. Now you sound noisy making it sound like you’re asking if he has a girlfriend. Did you come here alone is a totally straightforward question, a very bad pickup line usually guys use. You’ve no idea why you just asked that. However, Jimin doesn’t seem to mind and even though, his lips quirk in a sly smirk and you act like you haven’t noticed, he shakes his head to give you an answer.
“My friend was particularly interested in this party.”
He doesn’t lie, it’s true. Taehyung did persuade Jimin to come to this one.
“Oh, so you were dragged into this like me,” you chuckle.
He isn’t, but he stays quiet.
“I wish she’d tell me sooner than four hours before the party had started. I wasn’t prepared, I didn’t even get to shop for my Halloween look and ended up with Yeri’s costume from last year. God knows what these dresses have been through.”
The incredibly handsome stranger laughs, like truly laughs and it’s the most beautiful sound ever. It makes you grin without even noticing.
“I do think you make a perfect mixture of spooky and ravishing nurse.”
Yeah, Yeri’s costume last year was a nurse but you put your own thought into it and put some fake blood in the corner of your lips and the top of your cheekbone. There’s some of it on your collarbone and arm just to make it more ‘scary’ but it’s just a huge fail. The dress is short, luckily not dangerously short for you to feel uncomfortable in them. You’re not even sure if this is a Halloween costume. Yeri looks like the type of girl to like foreplay, maybe she used it with her ex. Oh fuck, you can’t think about that.
His compliment completely blows all your thoughts out, your heart picking a pace as for the first time, your facade slowly falls down and you blush. Did he just called you hot?
“Thanks,” you grin, “Although, I think this costume is shitty it’s still better than being dressed as Harley.”
“Harley?” he asks, cocking his head to the side.
You stare at him, watching his confused gaze before something flickers in his eyes and he just stares at you.
Well, not everyone had seen Suicide Squad.
“From the movie? Suicide Squad? Harley and Joker? They’re this lunatic couple and everyone’s been wearing their costumes for the past... three years, is it? I don’t even know but it’s so cliché. I think I saw four Jokers on my way to the bathroom. Don’t get me started on Harley.” you roll your eyes, leaning yourself against the kitchen counter that’s behind you.
The two of you just stand in silence for a couple of seconds, and you almost think it’s awkward even though there’s not an awkward atmosphere and you’re just standing in a comfortable silence.
“So, vampire, huh?” you fill the silence after a moment, catching his attention as he watches you with a serious look. “Not to be an asshole, but that’s an overused costume as well.” you add, wondering if you’re getting too comfortable with this stranger.
But he’s probably the most normal and sober guy you stumbled upon, even if he’s the one who approached you. There’s something odd about him, but that’s just because he’s not like one of those drunk assholes trying to get you into one of the rooms upstairs. He’s not rude, disrespectful and drunk and that’s all that matters for you to feel comfortable talking to him.
His features relax and he lets out a breathy chuckle, showing his fangs. “Their costumes don’t do the justice.” he comments, eyes watching one of the guy passing by who’s got vampire costume which makes you snort. 
Overused, like you said.
“They do look cheap,” you comment, giggling. “Isn’t it uncomfortable to talk with those?”
He looks at you with confusion, mouth opening in realization when you point at your teeth to explain.
It comes out short, surprisingly deep and serious and for a moment, it looks like he wants to say something else but decides not to when he closes his mouth.
“You look believeable, though.”
“I do, don’t I?” he chuckles, and your body relaxes when all the seriousness is gone.
“Your skin is pale, not covered in that awful white color and your eyes... wow, those lenses look beautiful. It must’ve been an expensive costume.” you tell him, head leaning towards him as you study his eyes.
They’re almost deep red. Weren’t they more orange before? The lightening is shitty and honestly, you’re too busy inspecting the beauty and uniqueness of his eyes.
He looks stunned, and it looks like he stopped breathing for a moment when you lean closer to him to study his eyes and face. He closes his mouth, not letting you see the fangs hiding underneath those plump lips and even though they’re slightly poking, you can’t see much. He’s dressed normally, not wearing some awful costume. He’s done the minimum with his costume but he can easily win as the vampire of this party. It’s not too much, decent enough to make people stop and praise his costume if they had the chance to be face to face with him.
“I’m Jimin.” he decides to say instead, not even showing his gratitude from your compliment but you ignore it.
It was more of a loud thought anyway. You’re distracted again, this time by his name.
Fuck, even his name is beautiful.
“Y/N,” you tell him, giving him a smile which you hide by taking a sip of your drink.
He watches you, eyes scanning your lips before they move down to your throat as you gulp. You’re too focused watching people dance to notice the way he licks his lips and gulps.
“So, are you studying here?”
His eyes shoot up, your voice catching his attention once again before he thinks through your question. It’s weird how long he’s taking to actually answer, it’s quite simple question that's got a simple answer.
That’s it? Just no?
He must’ve noticed the faint frown that settles on your face before he gives you a little quirk of his lips, those plump lips stretching to a handsome smile that once again gets all your attention.
“Are you?”
“Huh?” you blurt out, embarrassed how quick that flew out of your mouth.
You’re even more embarrassed, your cheeks slowly tinting into a red color when he chuckles lowly under his breath, completely aware of your lack of attention because all of it was focused on his goddamn smirk.
“Are you studying here?” he asks, not hiding that amused smirk that slowly settles into a soft smile that encourages you to answer.
“Yeah,” you smile, “psychology.”
“Are you a future psychologist?” he asks, a glint of teasing in his tone but there’s a curiosity lacing on his soft pale features.
How did he guess that?
“Maybe?” you chuckle, poking your inner cheek with a tongue. “I thought that’s what I want to be in the future, growing up it used to be my dream.” you tell him honestly.
You’ve no idea why you’re so honest and talkative with a complete stranger. Even though you haven’t exposed anything too personal about yourself, it feels very simple to talk to Jimin. He holds this calm aura around him that makes you want to tell him your deepest secrets without you feeling guilty about it the next morning.
“Used to? It’s not anymore?” he asks, cocking his head innocently but you know he’s not stupid and knows what your words meant very well.
For some reason, it seems like he really wants to talk to you and urges you to talk more. He seems interested in you. Not seeing you as a snack and walking vagina, but maybe just someone he wants to talk with because he’s been dragged into this party just like you have. That’s one thing you’ve in common.
“Do you really wanna hear my heartbreaking life story?” you tease him, chuckling when the corner of his lips quirk up once again as he gives you a final nod.
“I’m quite intrigued.” he simply says, your heart skipping a beat for some reason and almost as if he could hear it, he lifts his eyebrow in a provocative and cocky manner.
“Will you tell me yours?” you ask in return, cocking your brow at him which makes him smile.
“Depends on how interesting yours will be.” he says, your lips set into a straight line before you purse them and give him a long sigh.
“It’s nothing drastic. I just feel like it’s not what I wanna do anymore, the worst thing of it all is that I’ve no idea what I wanna do in the first place. But it’d be a good job for me, something I need. It pays well and maybe, it’ll be more fun than I think it is right now. All I can think about is my dad and just the fact that I need to keep going. Life sucks, right?” you chuckle, trying to ease the sudden serious and saddened tone you had.
Jimin is not a person who gets bluffed easily but he acts like he hadn’t noticed anything.
“Your dad?” he asks, slowly watching your reaction as if he’s waiting for you to tell him some drastic news about your father.
“It’s just me and my dad. He’s got a huge loan for the next couple of years and I’m trying to help him, but the part-time jobs just aren’t enough. When I finish college, I’ll be able to find a better job and help him with that. He deserves it and that’s what keeps me going, y’know? I need to pay him back for taking care of me. But it’s okay, I just can’t wait until there’s no loan over our heads. I came to the conclusion that life can be happy and fun, even if there are things that suck.” you explain, noticing how interested he seems to be with your words, sinking all of the information you just gave him.
Despite how sad you seemed to be talking about your family, Jimin notices that you’re staying positive no matter what exactly happened in your life and what you haven’t told him. And that you’ve a goal, purpose you want to fill and probably a bigger heart that you're letting show to others. Maybe he’s wrong, it doesn’t have to be this way. He doesn’t know you. But it’s not right to think that it’s only you. Every person in this house, or even in the entire world, has something they want to accomplish. Dreams, goals and all of that. Maybe some of them don’t know it yet, they’re lost but that’s what life is for. To let them figure it out. 
“That’s very nice of you.” he says, surprising you how serious and soft he sounds at the same time.
“But what about you? What is your life story?” you ask, wanting to change the topic because your life being discussed when you’ve had a few shots isn’t a good idea. Few more and you’d be probably bawling your eyes out just because you get emotional easily, especially if alcohol is involved.
“It doesn’t matter,” he chuckles, “It’s not interesting anyway.”
You don’t hide the disappointment that settles on your face, causing your lips to pout which makes him scrunch his nose cutely. What a shame, you really wanted to get to know him more. It’s like he’s putting distance between you two, keeping a safe distance but still wanting to be in your presence. He’s confusing you.
“But I told you mine.” you pout, mumbling under your breath like a child that just lost a game.
It’s comical, how you’re dressed in a sexy nurse costume and pouting just because you’re dissapointed. For the first time since being here, he feels unsure and actually stops for a second as you see his eyes dance between yours.
“My parents are dead. And I wish I could’ve made them proud like you’re making your dad.” he says, completely serious as you gape at him with an open mouth.
Is he serious? You don’t know him, his reactions are mysterious and despite him talking about his dead parents, he looks too serious and doesn’t show any sadness.
“I-I’m s--“
“Don’t,” he stops you, voice rough as he coughs and tries to mask his all of a sudden unfriendly tone.
It makes you speechless and actually bad for pressuring him into telling you more. Although, you’re not sure if that can be called pressuring.
“It’s been a long time since they’re not here. I’ve had time to process it.” he explains, hand brushing through his golden locks while you watch them bounce right back into its place.
You don’t ask how long they’re dead, or anything about them because it’s not your place to be curious about that. If you knew sooner about them not being alive, you wouldn’t even show him how disappointed you were of not hearing his shortened version of life story.
All you can give him is a slight nod, awkwardly glancing at your heels that, of course are borrowed from Yeri. Remembering that there's still almost a full bottle of soju that you snatched for yourself behind you, you turn around and pour yourself a shot as you glance at Jimin. He's staring at you, attentively paying attention to your face, as you give him a crooked smile.
“You want some?” 
“No.” he answers, causing you to shrug as you drink the shot in one go, weirded out by the expression he gives you. It almost looks like he's glaring at you for drinking and it makes you give him a dumbfounded look.
“Aren't you thirsty?” you ask, his jaw clenching before he allows himself to relax and a low chuckle comes out of his mouth. 
“You've no idea,” he grins, taking a step closer to you as he hovers over you, cornering you while your lower back digs into the kitchen counter. 
Your eyes are big, staring at him in a complete shock by his sudden move but you can't move away. Your whole body is frozen, staring into his red eyes that stare right back into yours as if he's looking for something in them. His own hands lean against the kitchen counter right beside your waist, almost touching you while your heart trembles with excitement. And then when you think it can't get worse, he actually leans his face closer to yours as he takes a sniff of you. He hums at your scent, your cheeks flaring both in embarrassment and praise, mentally clapping yourself on the shoulder for choosing that expensive Yves Saint Laurent perfume you got from Yeri last Christmas. You've always saved it for special occasions, and even though you don't think of this party as anything special, you're glad you've listened to your own guts and used it. Let's just ignore the fact that you used it because you were counting on sweating, knowing the strong perfume will make you smell amazing either way. 
He pulls slightly back, your noses almost touching as you can smell his own cologne, mixed with something that smells like mint. You don't even blink, not allowing yourself to budge as he gives you a tiny smirk. 
“I'm particularly thirsty for something else.” he tells you silently, his voice getting a few octaves deeper but yet sounding calm and soft.
Your breath gets caught in your throat, the huge lump there almost uncomfortable, as you stare at him with still the same shock. Gulping, you blink a few times as you wonder what the hell just happened. 
You should be mad because after all, he lied to you. He told you he's not here for sex, yet he implied something erotic and suggestive with a simple sentence that rolled off his tongue so easily and elegantly, but that's not the worst part. The worst part – that you're not proud of – is that you like it and you can feel yourself pressing your thighs together. This had never happened before. No guy could made your body hot without even touching you, and you wouldn't be so thirsty too for someone you only know by their first name. 
“I thought you didn't come here for sex.” you manage to speak up, successfully without stuttering or sounding too nervous, although confusion and the slightest tremble in your voice is audible even to you. 
“I didn't,” he confirms, nodding but not moving an inch from you. Without taking your eyes off him, you slowly blink as you watch him lick his lips. “But you look irresistible to my eyes.” he says simply, slowly reaching for the strand of your hair as he twirls it around his index finger. 
He's not touching you fully, and unfortunately you can't quite feel his touch through your hair because even now, he delicately touches your hair like you're a fragile doll that may break.
“Then, why don't you do something?” you surprise yourself, not believing something like that just left your mouth. You would never say something like this to a stranger, no matter how handsome and freaking hot he is. But this is Jimin, it seems like everything is different with him. 
And he laughs. He actually laughs like you've just told him a funny joke, and all you can do is stare at him like he just lost his mind. Is he just playing with you? Was he testing you? Before your crazy thoughts and theories could swarm your already confused mind, something else catches your attention that makes a prominent frown adorn your features. This doesn't get unnoticed by Jimin, his laughter dying down as he realizes where your eyes and attention are focused onto. 
There are no longer any fangs poking out of his mouth, and you watch something flicker behind those red orbs that seem to glow in the gloomy lightning.
“What do you want me to do?” he asks, ignoring your look of confusion and curiosity that still lingers in your eyes that don't look away from his mouth just yet. 
“Where are your--”
“Took them off,” he cuts you off, letting go of your hair. “Now, be a good girl and answer my question.” he hums, inching closer to you as you hold your breath. 
“What do you want to do?” you ask instead, getting a breathy chuckle from him. You're not sure whether it's because of your question or because you purposely avoided answering his. 
“You wouldn't wanna know,” he chuckles, eyes dropping down to your lips that are already nibbling on your bottom lip. “It'll bleed if you keep bitting on it.” he comments, licking his own. 
“What, are you scared of blood?” you joke, releasing your mouth that seemed to get his attention, before the mention of blood causes him to snap those red eyes to yours. 
“Not in the slightest,” he smirks, for whatever reason but it shoots butterflies straight to your stomach. “Are you?” he cocks his head to the side, reminding you of a snake that eyes its prey. Or some predator that has some fun with its prey before they kill it. 
Fuck, you shouldn't have watched that horror movie Yeri suggested yesterday. 
“Of what? Blood or you?” you find the courage to ask, raising a brow at him as you eye his from up and down. 
He smirks, cocking his brow at you. “You tell me. Are you scared of me?”
Maybe you should be. No one has ever approached you, talked to you or given you this kind of attention before. This is a completely new territory that you're tiptoeing around, and it does give you some kind of thrill. Maybe it's because your life is boring and Jimin summons a new temptation that you've never felt before. There could be hundreds of reasons why you feel this way or what you should feel instead, but you can't bother yourself to think about it any longer. Because instead of feeling any fear towards the new stranger that has angelic features and voice, and with some kind of darkness that he's hiding, you feel yourself getting more interested and temped. In this case, he's like a forbidden fruit for you. 
“No,” you reply confidently, head held high as you grin. “Should I be?” 
This constant teasing and the lack of touch just sets a flame of temptation inside you that slowly drives you insane. 
“Maybe,” he says, tips of his fingers reaching for your dress as he plays with the hem of it, fingers dancing dangerously at the top of your breasts. “You're the one who's gripping the kitchen counter for your dear life.” he teases, your eyes shooting to your hands that in fact, are gripping the corner so tightly that they turn white. 
Embarrassingly, you let it go as you cross your hands over the chest to make yourself appear more confident, trying to mask the way your heart thumps loudly against your chest.
“That doesn't mean I'm scared.” you tell him, indirectly suggesting that there may be another reason why you appear to be so tense. 
Judging by the tiny and already known smirk that slowly stretches across those beautiful and thick lips, Jimin confirms that he knew way before you even said it out loud. No matter how many times you seem to outrun him, he's always two steps ahead of you, having a prepared answer. 
“What it could mean, then?” he asks lowly, feigning an incomprehensibility that this time – you see and are prepared for.
“Many things.” you gulp, breath hitching when the tip of his finger slightly touches your skin. It's short-lived and almost unrecognizable, but it still makes you shiver over the fact he's so close touching the top of your breasts. 
In other scenarios, you wouldn't let anyone this near to you, nor someone almost touching your breasts that are covered in a costume dress.
“Care to share, my love?”
The new petname shoots excitement straight to your body, your cheeks flaring pink as you look away from him for a moment. You know he's aware of your reaction and how that little petname affected you, but you remain confident as you stare right back at him. 
“I think you get the idea.”
In no way in hell, you'd ever tell him how much you wish to be fucked by him. Those sinful thoughts have to stay in your head, and even if you're not saying them loud like he wants you to, you know he's smart enough to get the idea. 
“Tell me.” he presses, fingers playing with the top buttons of your costume that you can't unfortunately feel that much, except the tiny pressure he puts on them by playing with it. 
“Jimin...” you whine, causing him to grin cheekily at you. For a moment, it looks like he lost that dark and mysterious aura. “Why won't you kiss me?”
You're done playing this game, your patience is slowly dying as you wish to feel his lips against yours. Even just for a second.
“Because you never asked me to,” he answers simply, surprising you by his diplomatic answer that sounds nothing but truthful. 
“If I ask you to,” Oh fuck, this is embarrassing. He's doing this purposely, he wants you to make the first move. You feel like his goal is to make you desperate for him, which he didn't have to do for long. You don't get it. 
“Will you kiss me?” you ask quietly, eyes searching his once again. 
“Mhm,” he confirms. “If that's what you want.” 
First of all, you're surprised that he's more interested in your own interest and consent, instead to taking the first chance of your attention and weakness for himself. And there's a chance that you were wrong. Maybe he hadn't been doing this to push you to make the first move, or to enjoy how you're squirming underneath his hovering figure. All he wanted this whole time has been your consent. Second of all, it makes him fucking attractive for doing so and no matter what the real reason is, you're willing to risk it all for this man. 
“Jimin,” you tell him, voice strained and raspy. “Kiss me.”
For all you know, he could be playing with you this whole time and he doesn't have to be interested in you. Again, Jimin proves you that you're wrong and manages to surprise you all over again when in seconds, he pulls you closer to him and presses your lips together. Jimin seeks your lips hungrily, surprising you how rough and fast he is as if he was controlling himself this whole time. His hand is holding your head from the back for support, while the other one grabs your hip and squeezes it. Gasping, you shiver at the feeling of his tongue dancing across your bottom lip before he envelopes your mouth again. Your tongues move together, your own hands gripping his biceps that are hidden beneath his leather jacket. Jimin has a boosted energy, barely allowing you to breathe between the hungered kisses he's showering you with, and when you start desperately trying to catch your breath, you're forced to press against his chest firmly. It's hard, much harder than you've imagined and it takes an extra strength to actually make him budge, which primarily is the soft whimper that you let out against his mouth. He moves away, almost jumping away from you as he stares at you all frozen. 
He watches your chest move quickly, trying to catch the oxygen that your lungs are craving for. You put your own hand over your chest, chuckling when you feel your heart beating fast and hard. 
A group of drunk people stumble inside the kitchen, catching your attention as they laugh loudly, unable to walk properly as they're reaching for other bottles that are placed on the kitchen island. You weren't here alone this whole time, there are still a couple of people making out or talking, probably searching for somewhere more peaceful than the living room where the most people are. Considering this fact that someone might've seen you sucking off each other's faces, it doesn't bother you and it's probably mainly the fact they probably hadn't even noticed. 
The sudden drop of soju bottle that breaks instantly and stains the floor snaps you out of your thoughts, your gaze shifting to the drunk girl who starts giggling over the fact she's too drunk and clumsy to the point she just dropped a bottle. Now, there's soju smell lingering in the air and staining the floor with shards of glass laying there.
Turning to Jimin, you catch the sudden scrunch of his nose at the smell of alcohol which makes you giggle, even though you find it not so pleasing either. Taking a few steps towards him, you grab him by his wrist and drag him deeper into the house. Surprisingly, he allows you to drag him as he stares at the back of your head until you stop and push the door open. You're quick to turn the lock, making sure there's no one disturbing you as he finally notices where you brought him. The bathroom is decorated in deep blue, the same gloomy lightning that comes from the round mirror and creates a much more dark and intimate atmosphere. Standing in the safe distance, he watches you turn around to him and lean against the small counter where the sink is. 
His eyes turn dark, the red color almost unrecognizable as he keeps staring at you without making any move. Throwing out your insecurity, because this in fact is your first bold move that you've made on someone, you don't let it disturb you from your plan. Your palms sprawled against the bathroom counter, ass digging into the edge of it, you straighten yourself and cross your exposed legs. 
“Are you gonna just stand there and stare at me?” you ask, one hand flicking your hair over your shoulder which catches most of Jimin's attention and his eyes get big. The exposure of your nakedness, the vein that pokes beneath your beautiful and warm skin makes him react instantly. 
You yelp when he's suddenly in front of you, using the lack of your attention and the second of you closing your eyes to blink, he's gripping your face before he attacks your lips with his own, kissing you hungrily that he did the first time. Only this time, you're ready for the strength and intensity of his kisses, awaiting for his tongue that darts out into your mouth. You grip his jacket, trying to take it off but it's impossible with him holding you so close. Tugging onto the leather material, he gets your message and strips it off, tossing it carelessly onto the dirty floor. Your palms spread over his chest, feeling his hardened muscles that are surprisingly too hard. In an instant, you're turned around, hands gripping the sink as you feel Jimin's hands on your thighs, slowly disappearing underneath the skirt of your dress. You shiver, his hands cold against your heated skin as you look back at him as much as your current position allows you to.
Unfortunately, you get only a brief glance at Jimin who turns you around rather aggressively. From this position, you can barely see him in the reflection of the mirror but as he looks up, you're met with his red eyes that stare at you back. 
“What do you want?” he asks lowly, hands slowly caressing your ass cheeks that aren't covered by your panties, his nails grazing over the soft flesh. 
Thank God, you chose to wear sexy underwear – the only sexy underwear you own.
“You,” you breathe out, telling him the obvious answer that he probably just wanted to hear. “You.. Jimin.”
You hear his low hum before your panties are pushed aside and dress hiked up, enough to let his fingers replace the lacy material. As soon as the tip of his cold fingers meet your heat that's coated with your slickness, your breath hitches. He starts rubbing the area, making sure he does the same thing to your clit before he pushes two fingers in. You gasp, not expecting him to enter you all of a sudden, especially with two fingers that stretch you deliciously. It slightly burns, but your arousal that's used as a lube helps a lot and it makes it easier for him to get in. 
Jimin's surprised by your tightness, wondering when was the last time someone touched you while his red eyes flicker to your reflection to check your reaction. He's a monster, he shouldn't care if he's being too rough with you but for some reason he's curious to see how you react to his touch. A cocky smirk flickers on his lips when he sees your eyes closed and mouth open in delight. 
“You like that?” he whispers, mouth hovering over your ear as he takes another sniff of you. Do you really smell that good?
He presses his thumb against your clit, circling it when he feels you clenching around and that's why he adds another finger. You gasp, mumbling something incorrect to both your and his ears. Again, he just smirks at your lack of response and how fucked out you already seem to be. He barely had to do anything. 
Pulling your hips to him, he makes you arch for him with your ass pursed up almost dangerously close to his crotch. 
Fucking you with his fingers, he has no mercy on you and your loud pleas of slowing down. He doesn't know you, but it feels like he reads all the signs your body gives him and with you clenching around his three fingers, being a mess that barely stands on her own feet, he knows you're close. The pleasure gets too much, his palms slapping against your clit as he keeps fucking you is nothing you are prepared for. The orgasm and the chase after it gets too intense, no longer in your hands and with you being able to control it, you're cumming around his fingers, sucking them right in. He slows down, but still keeps a sloppy pace that fucks you through it. Your whole body burns with tingles of post-orgasm and if it weren't for your hands desperately clutching onto the sink, and Jimin's body behind you caging you in, you'd probably fall like a potato sack.
He pulls out his fingers, sounds of slurping leaving his mouth as he cleans them. Unfortunately for you, you've missed that devilish sight of him doing it. You pry your eyes open, slowly straightening yourself as you turn around to check the devil himself.
Just as expected, he's smirking at you, proudly staring at your flushed cheeks and the quick rise of your chest. You surprise him, clutching his shirt between your fingers before you pull him closer and connect your lips together. He lets you kiss him, hands wrapping around his neck and finally feeling up his skin more properly. You're surprised how cold he is, yet no hint of goosebumps cover his skin.
“You're so cold,” you comment, rubbing your hands over his forearms trying to warm him up.
Glancing back at him, you're surprised by the dumbfounded look he gives you before his mouth quirks up. “You wanna warm me up?” he asks, cocking his brow at you as your mouth salivates, your hands completely stopping.
“Yeah,” you answer, no idea why the fuck would you even answer that when you should just put yourself to action. The little act makes him chuckle, leaning closer to you as you hear him gulp.
You think he's about to kiss you, his lips close to the crook of your neck and you tilt your head to the side, to give him a better room for that. However, you're surprised when his mouth never makes an actual contact with your neck. You slightly tilt back, staring at his frozen state as you see his throat bob. 
“Jimin?” you ask, growing worried when he seems to be acting weird all of a sudden. “Are you okay?”
Your voice is muffled to his ears, he barely hears you as all he can focus is the way your blood pulses in your veins and the soft heartbeat of your heart. But you don't know that, all you can see is Jimin standing there gulping and not moving at all. It's until your hand makes contact with his cheek, your warm palm ready to envelop it but before you can even properly touch his skin, he's gripping your wrist at an extreme speed. You stare at him, almost jumping back from the sudden movement. 
“You scared me,” you chuckle, trying to ease the tension as he takes a step back. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” he answers nonchalantly, staring at you with those red eyes. “Now be a good girl and suck my cock.”
Your eyes almost bulge out of their sockets, surprised by the sudden change in his behavior and tone. He starts unbuckling his belt, your mouth salivating at the thought you're about to see his cock. It's been awhile since you gave a proper blowjob and although, you're not quite satisfied with your skills of giving one in the first place, you just can't wait to taste him. 
If Yeri could see you right now, she'd never believe that it's the same best friend that has always been opposed to one night stands.
Dropping onto your knees, your face is facing his growing bulge as you look up at him for permission. He chuckles, licking his bottom lip as he nods his head at you, silently telling you to get to it already. You put his jeans down, not entirely just enough to expose his casual black boxer briefs, as they stay wrapped around his mid-thighs. His boxer briefs are next, your fingers too eager to see him rather than to tease and play with him. Something tells you that Jimin is not the type to enjoy teasing. His erection spreads free, finally out of the material of his tight jeans, and it slaps against his clothed stomach that's hidden beneath the white shirt. 
You wish there was a better lightning and for a second, you contemplate whether to turn the main light on, just to fully appreciate his erected length. No matter what the lightning is, you notice how thick he is and a few veins that poke underneath the thin skin. From the light patch of hair to the red tip that's leaking with a little bit of pre-cum makes your mouth salivate like never before, and you make sure you gulp all of it before you can embarrass yourself. Not wasting any time, your hand curls around the base as you give him a testing squeeze which surprisingly, makes him barely react and when you glance up at him, he stares at you with dark eyes. 
Little do you know he needs your touch, he needs to distract himself from the thirst and hunger, and that dark voice inside his head that tells him to do something completely different, rather than have you on your knees and ready to take him.
As if you could hear his thoughts – which you can't and he knows that – he almost sighs in relief when you wrap your pretty red lips around his tip. It doesn't matter that your lipstick is completely smeared from Jimin's lips and his furious kisses. Sucking on it, you let the angry red tip glisten with your saliva before you start pumping him. Through hooded eyes, Jimin watches you licking a strip up his cock as you go back to sucking him off while pumping his hardened length, this time harder and quicker. Jimin's low grunts that occasionally leave his mouth encourages you to take him deeper, the tip of his cock almost hitting the back of your throat. Your eyes burn with tears but you blink them away, curling your tongue around the head of Jimin's cock. His hand grabs the back of your head, clutching your hair in his fist as he starts moving his hips. It hurts a little, he's putting too much pressure and strength into grabbing your hair and the roots that burn your skull. But with your own arousal between your legs, slowly dripping down your thighs and the undying lust that you feel towards Jimin, you've no time to complain. It adds another pinch of pleasure, a pleasure that makes you moan around his length and almost gag when he thrusts into your mouth. Surprisingly, you look up and you find him checking your reaction.
Your warm hand around his cock and even warmer mouth that's wrapped around him feels surprisingly nicer than he thought it'd be. He takes his time to notice your reddened cheeks that he can see even from up, and with the dim lightning his red eyes catch the line of saliva that's drooling out of your mouth. And he growls, he actually growls and pulls you from his cock in seconds, before he's pulling you up and if it weren't for his strong hold, you'd surely stumble how quick he got you up. He backs you into the bathroom counter, to your previous position before he fingered you, but this time you're face to face. Your ass is digging into the edge of the counter, although you don't seem to care. You're too focused staring at Jimin that clenches his jaw, suddenly bumping into you as he starts kissing you. Whimpering into his mouth, you're surprised when he easily lifts you up and gets you seated on the bathroom counter. However your yelp is muffled by his mouth, his hands pulling you close to the edge, dangerously close that you're clutching onto him, scared of a possible fall. But Jimin got you, his body is caging you and creates a barrier between you and the floor. 
Jimin's hand wrapped around his erected cock looks sinful, like nothing you've ever seen before, at least no one made it look so effortlessly hot. Your body almost trembles with the anticipation of feeling him inside of you, and you know it's coming because he starts pumping himself. Not even aware that you stretch your legs to give him a better space, plus giving him a view of the mess between your legs. He pulls you closer, nudging your thighs apart even more before his other hand moves your ruined panties more to the side. He gets a better view of your pulsating heat that's waiting just for him.
“What about a condom?” 
He stops, eyes flickering to yours as he stares at you with unreadable recognition. It's enough that you're about to have sex with some stranger, even though it's very hot and irresistible stranger, but you don't know him after all. Are you ready to risk it for him? The rational you mentally praises you for remembering such important detail before it could've been too late. 
“Don't have one,” he says through teeth, almost seeming to be annoyed that you stopped him.
Maybe you should grow offended or annoyed yourself by his reaction, but for some reason you don't. You just stare and wait for him to say something else. 
“You don't trust me?” There it is – the smirk comes back and makes an appearance on his thick lips again. 
“I don't know you.” you point out, cocking a brow at him.
“Yet, you're here sprawled for me ready to be fucked,” he chuckles lowly, your expression dropping as your eyes grow big. “I don't know you either, that's why we need to trust each other.” he says, but still doesn't move to do anything else. 
Your mind is screaming at you, telling you over and over again how a bad idea this is and that you'll regret it. There's no actual threat of disease of a potential pregnancy (even though, you've been taking birth control since your teenage years) but you don't know that. He can't exactly tell you without having to explain something that he doesn't even want to or has to explain.
“Hm? What's it gonna be?” he purrs, his hand cupping your jaw as he starts caressing your cheek with his thumb. “Are we gonna trust each other?”
In a way, you're aware he's coaxing you into agreeing and using your temptation by using his low and tempting tone, but you don't find yourself calling him out for it. You're speechless, not able to move your mouth and find your own voice, even though you're not sure what your answer is going to be. But then he's pulling away, taking your silence as an answer which kind of surprises you because you thought he really is coaxing you into agreeing. Before he can fully pull away, you wrap your legs around his frame and cage him. 
He opens his mouth staring at you as you can feel his hardened length touching the exposed skin of your thigh. 
“Fuck me, Jimin.” you tell him, meeting him in the middle as you both crash your lips together.
The kiss is heated, even more than ever before and you shiver when you feel his tip against your heat. He looks at you, checking one more time as you give him a nod before you crash your lips together again.
He needs you as his distraction but he's not an asshole to take you without your consent, or trying to control you.
With that, he pushes past your folds and enters you. You gasp, pressing your face into his shoulder as you bite onto him gently. He doesn't budge, not surprised by the feeling of your teeth dangerously poking him through the fabric of his shirt. He's pushing in, bottoming out before he's already pulling out just to thrust back in. Jimin has no patience, already getting to work as he starts fucking you. With each thrust, it gets easier to move inside of you as your cum and arousal helps him. You're surprised how good you're taking him, even though your walls do burn with the sudden penetration and the new feeling of his thick cock. Even the pace is going too fast, the top of his thighs slapping against the back of yours while his balls make contact with your ass. The bathroom is filled with sinful sounds of skin on skin slapping, and it coaxes you to clench around him repeatedly. You can't keep up with the animalistic and rustless pace he set, whimpering and moaning his name all over again with an occasional curse falling out of your lips. Jimin grunts are no longer silenced ones, although he seems to be controlling his voice much more.
“Fuck,” you moan, head tilting back as your hands are doing a poor job at trying to hold you in place. 
Jimin's hands are around your thighs, making sure your legs stay apart as he keeps fucking into you. You can feel sweat slowly dripping down your neck, even your ass getting sweaty from the contact of the bathroom counter.
“I'm--fuck, I'm close.” you gasp, clutching the edge even harder and before you can say something else, you're already cumming around him. “Ohhh, fuck, Jimin.” you moan out through your orgasm, his pace not slowing down even after you're done and gritting your teeth at the overstimulation.
His head falls into the crook of your neck, lips almost making contact with your skin as he starts shaking and grunting. You think he's close, that it's only a natural reaction of approaching orgasm and you're completely thrown back when he suddenly pulls away completely. His cock is out of you in a record time and as you blink, he's in the middle of the bathroom standing with his jeans and boxer briefs wrapped around his mid-thighs, along with still hardened cock that's coated with your cum. If the situation weren't so weird all of a sudden, you'd probably focus on the sight in front of you much more. 
You watch Jimin's features twist in an almost painful expression, his nose scrunching as his whole body shakes. It's nothing too drastic but just enough to notice by the way he's shivering and trying to control himself. He gulps a couple of times as well, seeming like he's in a pain. You've no idea what has just happened and you just stand there completely clueless, eyes big and mouth agape. 
“Are you okay?” you ask softly, wondering what the hell is wrong with him. 
You hop off the counter, ignoring how sensitive you're between your legs and how hard it feels like to be standing on your feet all of a sudden.
“Don't,” he warns you, voice raising as he outstretches his arm to keep you from coming closer. “Don't come any closer.” he says lowly, head held high as you can't see his face.
“What, why? What happened?” you ask worriedly, your eyes filled with worry and confusion at the same time. 
When you're about to take another step towards him, it's like he can sense it before you can even more your feet, his head snaps to you and he growls at you. 
“Fucking stay away.” he warns you again, almost yelling at you as you jump in fear.
The last thing he sees is your scared eyes before he focuses his gaze to the floor again. He can feel the veins starting to cracking up on his skin, showing what he really craves for. He can't let you see. With your heartbeat being the loudest melody in the room and your smell filling it too, he can't promise not to do something he doesn't want to. That was the whole purpose of tonight, the whole purpose of approaching you and talking to you. He has no idea what's happening to him and why can't he listen to what his mind is telling him to do. He's controlling himself and he knows if he stays any longer, you're not going to make it without any harm. 
And that's why he focuses his attention on something else, desperately listening to people slurring drunken nonsense and the loud music before something else catches his attention. It's not too much, just the only thing that helps with not focusing on your smell entirely. It's something no one else can hear, the whimpers and slurping sounds that could only mean one thing. 
You notice how he zones out, your hands pulling your dress down to have at least some kind of modesty as you eye the stranger in front of you. 
His eyes snap to yours as he turns around. “You need to leave.”
“I-- what?” you blurt out, seeing him tucking himself back into the jeans. You ignore the feeling of disappointment that clouds your mind for a whole second, before you're back to confusingly staring at him. 
“I don't know wha--”
Taking two long steps, he's right in front of you before he grips your face tightly into his hands. You whimper at the strength staring into his dark orbs that shine like never before. 
“Get your friend and leave. You've to leave, right now.” 
The firmness in his voice doesn't go unnoticed by you, however it gets somewhere in the back of your mind as you stare at Jimin with big eyes. Painfully for you, he lets you go as he starts backing away from you but there's nothing you can do. You can't bring yourself to move, nor rush after him when he flicks the lock open and walks out of the bathroom. You stand there, your mind suddenly snapping into action as the only thing you can think about is getting Yeri. 
When Jimin makes it through the crowd, successfully hiding and blending with his surroundings, he stops and makes sure he has a great view of you walking out of the bathroom. He's watching you from the safe distance, seeing you trying to find your friend that seems to be nowhere in sight. When desperation is evident on your face since you've checked every room downstairs and you still can't find her, your legs lead you upstairs. He wishes he'd tell you to go alone, the longer you're staying... no, he doesn't care. 
His mind drifts away to the moment in the bathroom, where his long canines started growing and all he could think about was sinking them to your delicious neck.
He can hear your faint heartbeat but he doesn't allow himself to get closer, not even if you're already upstairs opening every door of each room to find your friend. And when he sees Taehyung with a satisfied grin and blood dripping down his chin nearing him, it makes Jimin think only one thing. None of these people are aware of the liquid dripping down his friend's chin, thinking that it's just another fake blood even if Jimin can smell the metal scent from miles away.
You're growing annoyed when the third room you open, there's still no sight of Yeri but some drunk couples having sex or smoking weed. You scrunch your nose in disgust, wondering if these people don't know what locks are. As you're nearing another room, you just hope there are no naked people and any possible butts that you'll be seeing before you take the doorknob into your hands. 
But nothing could ever prepare you for the sight behind that door. 
The room is dark, the street lights create at least some kind of lightning but you still decide to turn up the lights. It happens in seconds. The first thing you recognize is the costume, the same one she proudly showed you this morning saying she'll be the hottest Black Widow. You stare at the horrific sight of the face of your friend which is almost unrecognizable. Her lifeless body is laying on a bed, blood trickling down her neck and staining beige sheets underneath her. Your piercing scream rings in your ears but you can't stop screaming from the horror sight in front of you. 
Jimin hears your screams, his eyes shifting towards the house as he starts the engine. 
“You killed her?” he asks, voice low as he starts the engine. 
“Y'know how I get,” Taehyung chuckles, wiping the remains of blood from his chin and mouth. “I was hungry.” 
Jimin grips the steering wheel tightly, stealing a last glance at the house and the party that slowly turns into chaos. That's why they never come back. They can't and he should've known his longtime friend would get one of his moods. Taehyung is crazy, much more dangerous than Jimin because he gets so into his own needs. 
“You didn't have to kill her.” Jimin points out, leaving the driveway while the house keeps getting further and further.
“I didn't have to, you're right. But I did,” he sighs pleasingly, patting his stomach as he makes himself comfortable in the passenger seat. “And she tasted fucking great.”
Jimin's jaw flexes, slowly growing irritated by his friend's decision to end someone's life again. He should've gotten used to it by now, but he can't never really process it. It's even weirder now that he knows that someone wasn't just someone. It was your best friend. 
And that night, almost everyone who attended that party had some regrets. And you've got many of them. 
You wish you'd pay more attention to Jimin. 
Like, how his eyes kept changing color. How cold his skin was, too unrealistically to be natural. Or one second, he flashed you with his sharp canines and the next one he didn't have any. How much he craved for you, but not the way you thought he was.
If you just paid attention, maybe your friend would be still alive. And maybe you'd be in her place and would never make it out alive, if it weren't for the stranger with red dark orbs that hunts you every night.
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If you still want prompts (and no pressure if you’ve got a billion) but a combo for ‘tactile’ and ‘under the influence’ could be fun. Use whatever pairing you feel most inspired for!
well, thinky. i was nattering on about four and this is the reason why... hope you like! (forgive any extra mistakes; i didn't exactly have the aid of your eyes looking over things for me. ❤️)
read on ao3.
|| Somewhere on the planet Ranx, 2116 CE. ||
Rose dipped her finger into the simmering cauldron, where crystals like caramelised sugar clung to the sides in evidence of substantial heat. Fragrant steam billowed around the surface in a lambent cloud.
The digit came away violet—a rich, saturated colour like she'd only seen in the deepest hearts of nebulae, and several shades darker than the potion itself. Surprisingly, it didn't burn.
"Is that good?" she asked, glancing up at the crone who stood hunched nearby. The cauldron—and the dusty old cottage that housed it—belonged to her, as did every ingredient that had gone into the stuff now coating Rose's skin. She gave no answer. "Or… bad? Maybe kind of a mix?"
Which just figured. The woman's answers had been dodgy from the start, and now, they seemed completely unforthcoming. Rose had never considered herself a particularly sceptical person, but this scenario was straining the limits of even her credulity.
There was no way it would work.
Still, she had to try.
"Right," she said, mostly to herself. "Nothing for it, then."
Wrinkling her nose, she cupped her hands together and plunged them into the potion. The heat prickled at her skin, the consistency making the liquid cling and drag at each hair follicle. It was thick, almost like wax.
It stung, but she didn't stop until she'd scooped some up in her open palms.
On the surface, it had a faint golden sheen and carried the scent of something sweet—something familiar—
Hopefully that's good, was her last thought before lowering her head and parting her lips, drinking deep before the liquid fell back through her fingers.
|| The TARDIS galley, date unknown. ||
The day had been the kind that called for a drink.
Not that he drank, as a rule. In fact, he tended to advise against that kind of thing on the TARDIS, considering the ship's tendency to—well, become surreal at a moment's notice.
He refused to use the word "malfunction," if he could help it. It just seemed rude.
Still, despite his better judgement, he was seriously considering pouring himself a little glass of ginger beer—with two spheres of ice, just how he preferred it—when a woman came stumbling through the door in a vague puff of colourful smoke, muttering curses.
"Sh-shit—what did you put in…?" she was saying, trailing off the moment her head lifted and her eyes caught his. To his surprise, she gave a dizzy smile. "Oh, didn't see you there!"
Given the state of her pupils—so wide and dark as to be plainly visible at ten paces—he was surprised she could see anything at all. Still, he said, "And yet, here I am."
The woman giggled like he had told a very amusing joke. "Right, s-sorry, could you—I mean, if it's not too much trouble, would you tell me… where, exactly, I am?" Her delivery of the question was slightly slurred, and the Doctor cocked his head. Was she drunk?
In a sudden huff at seeing this stranger in the carefree attitude he'd meant to enjoy himself, he replied, vaguely, "In my kitchen."
Kitchen, of course, wasn't the word for the TARDIS galley. Not remotely. In fact, it was a word he'd never used to describe the room a day in his lives.
His brow scrunched in self-recrimination.
"Really!" she cried, taking another unsteady step forward. He felt he ought to reach out and help her, but made no move to do so. She'd somehow—quite impossibly, he might add—broken into his ship, after all, and there was no reason to aid her in her intrusion. "A kitchen! I take the witch's potion and it lands me in a strange man's kitchen."
Being neither strange nor a man, the Doctor took some offense to this. But the woman didn't seem to notice; she was too busy shambling toward the table, where his bottle of ginger beer sat untouched. And there was the more important matter at hand:
"A potion, you say?"
"Yeah, and a pr—a pretty useless one, apparently," she answered, picking up the bottle and running a thumb over the label. "It was s'posed to show me—hic—someone I'm—I'm looking for."
He couldn't tell if her accent was thickened by inebriation, or if she just sounded like that in general.
"And… who might you be looking for?"
At his words, the woman's head lifted once again, and she pinned him with an calculating look. Her pupils appeared to be getting back to normal—normal assuming she was human, of course, which was rather a big assumption—but her eyes remained glassy, gleaming with a shattering and refracting light, like a cut gemstone viewed through water. The grin that burst over her face was as crooked and impish as it was unexpected.
"Somebody with," she paused, "really great hair."
Her eyes fixed on his—admittedly rather impressive—mop of curls.
He felt a smug smile beginning to work its way over his face. "Really."
"Extremely very. Just—incredible hair. And so soft," she added dazedly. Then, it was like something was taking her over, moving her without her own conscious will, because she dropped the bottle unceremoniously back to the table—ka-thunk—and took several steps toward him. "'Course, I used to wind him up, 'cause he took so long getting it all ready and sticky-uppy in the morning. So many hair products! He used all the hot water, too. Infinite timesh—hic—ship, yeah? And somehow he still ran out the taps! How's that work?"
"Problem with the thermal sieves," he answered. "I'll get round to fixing them eventually."
And then, he realised. "Hang on, timeship?" he cried, at just the same moment she said, "Doctor?"
In an instant, she was lurching towards him again, and he ought to have been skilled at mistrusting people at this point; it ought to have been an embedded trait—but he still, somehow, found himself reaching out and steadying the woman, only to be quite tremendously startled when she fell forward into his arms and clung to him like a limpet.
"Oh my God," she was saying, her voice pitching higher with every word. "It worked. I mean, you're the wrong you—or, I mean, you're still you, of course, but—Doctor!" She practically laughed his name, and it was an inexpressibly joyful sound that rattled his ribcage where she was pressed. "God, you feel nice."
And if he'd had any doubts before that the woman was three sheets to the wind, they disappeared the second she pulled her head back—and then pressed both hands to the center of his chest, right over the dip of his solar plexus, before dragging them down until her fingertips scraped his stomach through his Oxford. He wasn't sure whether he was glad he'd foregone the vest today or not.
She repeated the process several times, then began feeling her way down his arms, over his shoulders. An altogether odd experience, though not unpleasant, and she seemed transfixed by her foggy explorations.
"You're rather a—well, a tactile sort of person, aren't you, to get this cosy this fast," he pronounced when she'd finally pushed the fingers of one hand up under the collar of his shirt, running along his trapezius.
She seemed abashed, but made no move to stop. "It's just, you look so—so good!" she cried, and then, laughing, she corrected herself. "That's—I meant to say—you're in good shape, not…" Pausing the efforts of one hand, she made a vague, dismissive gesture. "Not covered in blood or anything."
He frowned. "Am I often covered in blood when you see me?"
That seemed to strike her as yet another good joke. "Sometimes, but then again, so am I!"
It was, he had to admit, a disconcerting image.
The woman, for all her oddities, had a kind of vigour to her. A brightness, which lit her features and made her generously doled out smiles feel almost calculated to stimulate the production of dopamine in his brain. He didn't care for the mental image of her covered in blood.
The possibility still remained that she was dangerous—that all her talk of blood and witches and potions was indicative of some tendency toward the darker things in the universe. She could be an ally of his enemies: goodness knows he had many.
She could even be an enemy herself. One from his future, perhaps?
But some stubborn part of his brain resisted the notion. It wasn't that he couldn't believe those things; it was simply that he didn't want to.
The prospect alarmed him. He was unused to not believing things merely because he didn't want them to be true.
"You do realise," he finally said, "that I still don't have any idea who you are."
This, finally, brought her roving hands to a stop.
She was just running her fingers along the nape of his neck, tangling in the loose curls there, when she paused. The pressure of the touch made his skin tingle with the urge to rise in gooseflesh, but he suppressed the impulse. She didn't quite let go of him, but her face visibly fell, lines forming where there had been none. He felt in an instant that her age was not what he might've suspected it to be.
"Oh," she said, rather weakly. "Of course. I hadn't thought of that."
He felt obliged to remind her, "You also appeared on my TARDIS out of seemingly thin air. Which is impossible." Impossible for her, he did not say, if she really was only a human woman under a witch's spell.
A limp smile tugged at her lips. "And yet," she murmured, tipping impossibly closer, "here I am." The movement seemed unconscious on her part, and had altogether unexpected results.
Because—the impression which had been forming suddenly finalised, and the Doctor understood without a shadow of a doubt that the person in his arms with her hands in his hair was his future.
There were other possible explanations, naturally; he was a man of science and ought therefore to have given them due consideration.
But some things were simple, or perhaps, irreducibly complex.
She was his future. He could feel it. It was as simple and as complex as that.
And there was also the matter of the TARDIS key.
He spied it hanging on a chain from her neck, shifted free from her jacket on the momentum of her body. Shiny coppery gold, it was daubed with a fat, glittering droplet of some violet substance which did not move, but which swirled with the unmistakable light of time.
Witch's potion, indeed.
That was pure, uncut temporal particulate.
"Here you are," he agreed, softening. And then, after a moment: "Are you going to continue?"
"Continue what?"
"Being tactile." The woman's mouth popped open in clear surprise, and he couldn't help but grin. "You see, I've worked it out and you pose no danger to either of us, so I thought I might let you finish before I set you to rights. You'll likely wake up back where you started, thinking this was all a dream."
This time, his skin prickled very insistently at the urgent convulsing of her fingers in his hair. "A dream—is it a dream?" she asked in wonderment. He thought it was a little endearing, how the effects of the Vortex had her struggling to keep up.
Then again, a dose that strong would be enough to get even the steadiest sort of person pissed as a newt.
"Not precisely. More of a vision. A spatio-temporal projection."
"A projection," she whispered, looking inexplicably sad.
"That's how you got onto the TARDIS: you couldn't really be here, but you have been before, and that's more or less the same thing."
The woman frowned. "But I can feel you." Her words were accompanied by a determined tug. It was obvious she really was very attached to his hair, in the corporeal realm as well as the abstract.
He didn't mind.
"That's because our timelines are physically linked, and there's the… witch's potion, as you said, to help things along. You clearly already know what I feel like, and it's becoming apparent to me that I will, at some point, know what you feel like." He smirked at her baffled expression. "Call it a presentiment."
"Right, so…"
Pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, the woman worked it over in serious thought. Each bat of her eyelashes seemed to fan more aureate sparks over the warm brown surface of her irises. She really had to be very inebriated, but was composing herself rather well, considering.
"I guess, that means—can I—?"
"Yes," he agreed, not knowing what he was agreeing to.
When she pushed up onto her toes, hands braced about his neck and lips pressing soft into the corner of his mouth, he got the idea.
She whispered an apology. "Aim's off. Bloody potion."
"It's perfectly all right, er—I don't know your name."
"Not s'posed to tell," she answered, a little scolding. "You know better, Doctor." Her aim was improving, however, and therefore, his interest in other subjects was beginning to wane.
The woman was sweet and solid in his hands, and she tasted like something sugary—and, in glorious counterpoint, more than a little like unspent time—the intake of which became his sole focus for a good long while.
That, and the varying pressure—the give-and-take—at which he was not terribly practised, but which he felt very willing to learn.
A thought occurred to him. "Do we often—do this, when you see me?"
The woman smiled. Just a little, knowing thing: an answer in itself. And then it turned sweet, a little wistful, as she said, "Sometimes, yeah—when we're not covered in blood."
Before he could decide whether that worried him or not, her lips found his again, and the issue was put very firmly to one side.
He did eventually begin to wonder if her back hurt from stretching to reach him, or perhaps her neck, from tilting it back invitingly—if, possibly, her toes ached from standing on them so long—and he'd come to the decision that they were going to have to either stop—a dreadful idea—or sit down to equalise their heights, when—mid-kiss, and with her one hand still working his hair into a state of havoc while the other slipped back beneath his shirt collar—the woman simply…
Simply disappeared.
In a puff of smoke, violet and indigo, just as she'd arrived.
His lips felt bruised, almost tingling from the sudden absence of pressure, and without her weight holding him down, his centre of gravity abruptly shifted. He stumbled forward, leaning against the table while he caught his breath.
His respiratory bypass hadn't even kicked in until now, he'd been so caught up. In her absence, the practicalities came flooding back.
He'd had a visitation via psycho-projection and Vortex consumption, and the visitor had snogged him. Thoroughly.
The Doctor tipped his head back and laughed.
Romana was never going to believe him.
Left in the now-empty space was the bottle of ginger beer, the single glass containing two melting spheres of ice, and a scent on the air.
Ozone, burning. Crushed violets.
The woman was well and truly gone.
Back to his future, presumably. He sighed, a bit wistfully. He'd never even asked her why she was looking for him…
The Doctor thought maybe he wouldn't bother with the drink after all. Things seemed to be getting surreal enough without it.
|| Back on the planet Ranx, 2116 CE. ||
Rose came back on tiptoe, her heels lowering gracelessly back to the packed dirt floor of the witch's cottage. Her head was positively splitting. Everything was too bright to her sensitive eyes, even the odd werelight of the witch's concoction, still simmering and swirling away before her.
The Doctor had seemed not to think it was really any kind of potion, but had given her no clue as to what it actually was she'd been meddling with.
It took several seconds for her to place the crone again, who was grinning through greenish teeth across the cauldron.
Rose's hands lowered to her sides; they felt oddly bereft without a tangle of hair beneath them, and there was a kind of soreness in her muscles from holding her arms up for such a long time. He really was very tall, that particular iteration. He had at least an inch or two on her own Doctor.
She pressed her lips hard together, so as not to blush at the comparisons she couldn't help but make.
"Well," she said primly. "That did not go as expected."
For once, the witch seemed inclined to answer: her needle-point incisors flashed as she asked, "You want more? More time?"
Rose held a hand to her mouth, sealing her lips. More time.
All around her, the air seemed thick and heady with the roiling heat of the potentially dangerous not-a-potion, and yet, the temptation to drink more—to see if she could reach out again, get another foothold, stay longer, see more—loomed large.
"Better not," she said, letting out a breath. Her head cleared a little. It wasn't as simple as stealing time, not if she was to find a permanent way back. "I'll just have to find another way to see him."
Armed with this determination and little else—except, she smiled, for the lingering candy-sweet taste on her tongue—Rose thanked the witch, and turned her back on the cottage.
She felt content in the knowledge that she'd at least, for a moment, been with him again. That she'd seen him, touched him. Kissed him again. After so long…
And it would not be the last time.
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pretoriafics · 3 years
Teenage Dream Pt. 2 (Interactive story)
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Man! I think this one is the most amazing thing I'd ever written! I'll request from all of you guys special attention at the end of this chapter. I'll let you a message, and I'm pretty sure you will love it!
Derek took you to his loft. While you are alone, you start to understand the environment you were now part of. Word count: 2.056 Pairings: Different Dimension!Reader x Derek; Different Dimension!Reader x Platonic!Laura; Different Dimension!Reader x Platonic!Cora; Different Dimension!Reader x Platonic!Talia Contain: It’s pretty fun; AU Warnings: English is not my main language <3 PART 1 ALTERNATIVE VERSION TEEN WOLF MASTERLIST
You finally entered Derek's loft. Oh, man... It was just like in the tv show!
You enter the loft just like if you had entered paradise. With your mouth opened in pure fascination, you swirl around your feet while looking around. Derek came just behind you with arch eyebrows. It would be funny if it doesn't be scary.
"Oh. My. Godness. Is it here that all the pack meetings are made?"
Derek didn't reply to you. Instead of it, he just stares at you. He gives a few steps forward, getting closer to you.
"What's your name?"
You swallowed hard. Derek was with his usual cold expression, arms crossed in front of his chest, and no patience for bullshit.
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)."
"Good. Look (Y/N) (Y/L/N), you will stay right here. You will not get out, you will not call anyone, or speak with anyone. If you run away from here, I'll kill you faster than you could say to me what happens at season one. Did I made things clear to you?" Shrunken in fear, you just nod, and Derek narrows his eyes to you. "Okay. I need to see someone that you probably know, so-"
"Braeden? Jennifer? Deaton?"
Derek sounds confused to hear the first two names. So, you simply thought that he didn't meet them yet.
"Not of your business."
He gives his back to you, walking out of his loft and closing the door, locking you there. And, wow, you have Derek's loft all for you! Oh man, it just like on the fanfics!
Well, you were curious and excited as hell. Your first thought was something pretty plausible: You used to watch Teen Wolf when you were a teenager. So, being inside the series was just like time-traveling. Smartphones aren't a thing yet, and Dua Lipa music still unknown. As a way to test this theory, you walk in the radio's direction and turn it on. The music that started to fill the room was Friday by Rebecca Black. Yeah, you remind that song, and you instantly felt nostalgic. But it could be just random music on the radio, right?
You switched the radio station, and then Party Rock Anthem By LMFAO starts to play. Well, another song of 2011... But you aren't so sure yet, so you switch the radio station one last time. You almost fell on your back when Domino by Jessie J fills the room. You took a confirmation that yeah, you were back in the 2011's. You are probably during the events of season one.
Well, Scott has just been bit by Peter, Derek just came back from town, and... You are now in the middle of all of that.
"Oh, man!"
You can't do anything for a while. So, all you could do is wait for Derek and whatever he was doing now. You look around while Jessie J sings on the radio, giving you a few nostalgic feelings. Well, you would take a relaxing bath. There's just one problem: All the clothes you have is the one you're wearing now. Without giving a damn, you walk to Derek's wardrobe direction.
"I'm sorry sour wolf, but I'll borrow a few clothes of yours." You open it and take a black shirt. Man, you felt thrilled! "Jeez, this is so like the fanfics!"
You go to the bathroom's direction, taking off your kitten pajama, and putting yourself under the hot water of the shower. Man, Rude Boy by Rihanna starts to play on the radio. You couldn't contain a laugh. It was funny because you were taking a shower and would wear clothes from a legit rude boy.
And, well, you started to sing. It was everything really nice for a few minutes: You were wearing Derek's shirt, listening to a few old pieces of music, and, now, you were in his kitchen making a sandwich.
When you sat on Derek's bed, with your wet hair and your sandwich, Starstrukk by 3OH!3 and Katy Perry started to play. Yeah, that time alone was being nice! You move your body in the music's rhythm while bites your sandwich, still sat on the mattress. You should enjoy that peace while it lasts!
The sandwich was cool, the music either... But you realized that, now, you had a golden chance that every fan would die to have: You are alone in Derek's flat. What kind of things he hides there?
After finishing your sandwich, you look around. You stand up from the mattress and walk around the loft. Getting upstairs, you could find some supernatural books, some weird things that you thought could be some magic stuff, and his laptop. Oh, man! What else hides in his internet searches?
You hold yourself, trying to decide if you should snoop his history on the internet or if you should see what he hides on his bedside table drawer.
When you go downstairs, Animal by Neon Trees fills your ears. You run to Derek's bedside table and opens his drawer. You found his cell phone charger, as well as the laptop one, a coin with a triskelion and... tons of condoms.
Your eyes got widen. This is definitely the kind of thing the TV show hasn't expose.
Also, you noticed Derek's loft needed some... cleaning.
Bored as never before, you walked to the kitchen searching for some cleaning stuff. You found some on a cabinet: A mop and a few other products. Oh, perfect! You took them and, soon, you were sliding the mop through the flat while sings Animal. The flat smells like lavender now, and the floor is so clean that you are proud.
You heard Magic by Rivers Cuomo and B.o.B on the radio, and you sing with the music reminding the parties at your friend's house after school. Suddenly, the door finally opens, and you heard Derek's voice.
"...She's not lying, and I need to know if you already saw something like that before."
You froze with the mop on your hand when you saw Derek. He froze as well. It was understandable: A complete stranger is cleaning his flat and wearing his clothes.
"...Oh, hi! I've borrowed your shirt."
Then, a female voice came behind him.
"There are tons of things that could cause this kind of thing. We need to investigate."
Talia Hale came after his son, as well as Laura and Cora. They also froze with the scene of you wearing Derek's clothes and cleaning his loft. You? Well, your eyes almost had pulled out of your face when you saw them. Talia inhales the air to her lungs, clearly smelling the air.
"Are this... Lavender?"
"Yeah, it is." Laura replied her mom, looking at Derek after that "I think lavender suits you. It's perfect for your flat. It is really your thing, Derek."
You were so confused! What are they doing there? Your chin fell, letting your mouth opened in pure disbelief. Derek rolled his eyes at Laura before look at you again.
"...She'll freak out."
"Oh. My. Gosh. Oh my gosh!!" The mop fell on the floor, and you ran through Talia, Cora, and Laura's direction. "What the hell are you doing here?!"
The Hale women look at each other, and Cora looks at you.
"Well, mom came here to help Derek with, uh, you. And I guess you already know us."
"You shouldn't be here!" You stare at Cora "You should be in South America! And both of you" You stare at Talia and Laura "I can't even talk about you two! Jeez!"
You put your hands on your head, with your mind blowing while the Hale family enters into the loft. Derek turns off the radio before staring at you again.
"I thought you were used to seeing me with them."
You stare at him, with your eyes widen. Your mind was full of theories already.
"Derek, you are definitely not understanding what is happening here. Your family shouldn't be here."
He arches his eyebrows, noticing there's something pretty wrong here.
"What do you mean?"
"Look" You approach them, looking at everyone "I'll do just one question: Did your house was burned some years ago?"
They look at each other, with the engines on their head trying to work. Talia stares at you.
"Yeah, but we had fortunately escaped."
"How about your brother?"
"Peter was the only one that hasn't managed to."
Oh, man... That means one thing. Scared as hell, you sat on the mattress. Derek started to feel anxious and approaches you.
"What's happening?"
You breathe in, staring at the family.
"It shouldn't happen. At the TV show, Talia dies at the fire. Cora ran to South America, Peter got burnt and goes to a clinic, Laura turns herself into alpha, and she stays with Derek. It means that I'm not on the TV Show. I'm inside a fanfic."
Oh, man... It means, basically, that you even haven't so sure about what will happens next. If you were inside the TV Show, you could predict the future. You couldn't do it if you were inside a fanfic.
While you were in complete shock, Talia looks at her family.
"Well... I'll search the most plausible theory of (Y/N)'s arrival. I think we can start looking for some witches near. It can be some work from a coven."
While the Hale family talks about you, you still sat on the mattress, thinking about what the heck was going on. Well, what kind of fanfic did you got into? Was It an insert-reader one, or was It just a common one? Are you the protagonist?
You would test your theory, and you would do it right now.
Knowing the opportunity was just right there, you ran through the flat's door. However, Derek notices your escaping.
"She's running away!"
A mess quickly takes form inside Derek's loft: His announcement made all the Hale run after you, trying to avoid your escaping. They don't know anything about you yet. It could be dangerous to have you simply walking around Beacon Hills.
Fast, you ran through the building until you go outside. A storm quickly takes form, and heavy rain starts to fell from the skies. To everyone's surprise, you stopped in the middle of the asphalt, looking at the sky.
"Hey!" You yelled to something up there "I want a sign! Hey, writer! Readers! Anyone! Am I inside of a fanfic? Answer me! Send me a clue, anything!"
A thunder lightens the skies, and you fell on your knees with a lack of a clue that could help you to find out what was going on. Then, you felt a hand grab your arm.
"Enough, weirdo." Laura said, holding you while the Hale family surrounds you to keep you from running away "You'll stay inside the loft."
With all the last hopes of yours, you look up from the skies. The rainwater runs through your body while you wait. You just want a sign! A clue!
Then, you thought you had seen something. Laura pushes you, making you stand up from the asphalt. And when she was started to drag you to the loft again, you saw something falling from the sky. Derek saw it too.
"Laura, wait."
Everyone looks up, noticing what the heck was that: It was a post-it paper falling from the skies in your direction. When it came close enough, you took it.
Man... When you read it, your face became pale as a candle, and you simply pass out on Laura's arms. Caught by surprise, Laura holds you while everyone runs in your direction. Cora took the post-it paper from your hand and, when she read it, she stares at her family completely incredulous.
"What?" Derek looks at her, in urgency to know what was that. Cora swallowed hard, starting to read the post-it paper out loud.
"Here says: Author's note: Yeah, you are inside a fanfic. Author's note two: Your story has just started, girl."
Yeah, for sure, the Hale family stares at each other in complete shock. Of course, they weren't expecting that your call for a sign would be replied to. Especially by me, the author of your story! Ha! And honestly? I'll think carefully if I'll help you during your journey inside your favorite TV Show, because, honestly? I'll not let things easy for you.
FINAL AUTHOR'S NOTE Here's the thing about this series: I'm the author mentioned at the end of this chapter, y'all are the readers mentioned in the story AND the (Y/N) of this story. Consider that the (Y/N) is the "you" from a different dimension, okay? Why should you consider this: Because you all can communicate themselves with the (Y/N) of that story! At every ending of the chapter, I'll request you to send me something to help the (Y/N) inside the story. You will send it through my ask, right here. Well, the (Y/N) has requested to the readers sent her a sign that she is really inside of a fanfic. Send me your clue for (Y/N) through my ask, and I'll put it on the next chapter to makes her freaking out.
I'll be waiting for y'all!
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moonbaby26 · 3 years
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Title: The Man from the Sky
Pairing: Loki x Goddess!Reader
Summary: You were a Greek sea goddess, just enjoying a typical day of nothing when a strange new god dropped into your land.
Warnings: None yet. There is smut in future chapters already written. Will post more soon.
Notes: I’m aware that what we’d think of as ancient Greece well predates who we’d call the vikings and their like cruising around the seas. This doesn’t take place at the height of the Greek pantheon worship, but old enough in human history that some men still believed in both sets of deities.
Chapters: Next Chapter Here
My Masterlist
You dipped your feet a little deeper into the warm water as it lapped the edges of the rock you sat upon. The sea was calm today, and the wind gentle as the nymphs chatted around you about the usual things. A bit of gossip one had heard from a local river nymph, a new shipwreck one had found, status of a fish migration from another.
You wouldn’t exactly call it boring though, you specifically chose these more remote areas when you came ashore for this very reason. It was so much more unlikely for you to run afoul of mortals here, or even others of your own kind that you may not feel like putting on airs with at this very moment.
It was so quiet in fact, that you were considering getting up to go lay in the sand on the beach in a few minutes and enjoy a nice nap in the sunlight.
That was before the boom which echoed through the air all around you. Somewhat like thunder, but not quite as all the nymphs fell silent.
When nothing came after, you felt all their eyes then turning to you. Their voices piped back up soon enough, though the tones in them changed to all nerves now.
“Do you wish to leave, milady?”
“Could it be Zeus?”
“But it didn’t sound like him.”
“Is there a volcano nearby?”
“What else could it be?”
“I don’t know what it was, I’ve never heard that sound.” You finally said, though now looking inward to the land. You were at least sure that the sound was not of the sea. But you refused to give in to the nymphs’ skittishness too quickly. And without real reason to leave, eventually you all did start to relax again.
Yet then came the cries. “Goddess, mistress please!” That cry absolutely was from the land as you looked in time to see the river nymph you’d met earlier in the day now running from the tree line and down onto the sands. She stumbled slightly, just before reaching you where the sea met the rocks.
She was panting, clearly having run some distance as she continued. “I’m so glad to still find you here,” She bowed slightly, only because she didn’t know you well enough to realize you didn’t require this.
“What is it?” You asked simply, honestly more curious now than anything else. What could she have seen that would strike her so alarming? Any nymph worth their ilk would know every creature, every natural occurrence, all that existed within their lands.
“There is a man in the forest, he came from the sky!” Yet she continued quickly, sure you would only think of Olympus. “But I do not recognize him as one of your own family. And his clothing, he is not of our territory. This I am sure, my goddess. I watched him only long enough to see that he was very angry. I am afraid of his intentions here.”
A man? But not truly a man. Mortals did not come from the sky.
“An angry god?” You said, now standing as you then stepped down from the rocks. The forest belonged to Artemis truthfully. But being this close to the sea, you thought that the older goddess would forgive you this if it came down to it. She would rather the nymphs be protected you were sure from any childish acts of a god’s wrath that may now come into play here.
You had brought no armor, the possibility of battle so far from your mind when you’d come ashore today. But that didn’t mean you travelled completely defenseless. “Bring me my spear please.” You requested of the sea nymphs.
Though they were still anxious, they responded dutifully, one sinking beneath the waves before reappearing with the glinting weapon in hand. It shone a brilliant silver, sea foam still running off its blue spear tip as she handed it to you out of the water.
“Show me the way, and I will investigate this stranger.” You spoke plainly, hopping down onto the sands as you strode barefoot towards the forest, spear in hand. “We will keep our distance as best we can, we don’t seek conflict, understood?”
“Yes, milady.” You heard, the sea nymphs staying behind you as the river nymph moved in front to lead you upward, the sand transitioning to rocky soil and the sparse vegetation and trees beginning to increase as you climbed the hillside.
For the sea nymphs, you could hear them losing their footing here and there in the loose soil, themselves of course far more adapted to swimming the ocean’s depths at your side rather than hiking up into the forests.
You did hope you were not putting any of them in danger. But if you felt they truly were in harm’s way, you would have no qualms in telling them to retreat back to the water at once.
“Up ahead,” The river nymph whispered to you, pointing towards a clearing you could now see leveling off in the distance. But the opening looked so strange with the density of the other trees now around you.
“Was that always there?” You asked her, knowing something unnatural when you saw it, even when this far from the water.
“No,” She confirmed. “When the sky opened up, it carved out the land as well. He appeared when that force receded.”
“Understood.” You replied, though in truth not really understanding at all as you motioned for all the others to proceed no further. You’d never seen something like this. “I will go alone. If he should attack me, please return to the sea to seek help.”
They fidgeted, looking unhappy but not arguing your choice. “Please be careful, goddess.”
You nodded, but kept on slowly. You tried to remember what you’d been taught as a little girl about stalking and hunting on land. So many moons ago, running through the forests with Artemis and at times Pan, being mentored before returning to the sea to your father, mother, and so many siblings.
But the closer you came, the more you realized that the stranger would likely not notice any sound of light footsteps approaching or ground shifting. As you neared, you saw his form pacing back and forth in the clearing, seemingly cursing to himself in a language that was not your own.
Yet it still sounded familiar. Abruptly you knew where you had heard a dialect like this before. It sounded so much like those voyagers from the northern seas. The ones with their longboats and course beards, sometimes with hair as red as fire as they fished and sang and fought.
And he did look as pale as them as well. But with hair like black of night, and a frame far more slender than the burly mortals you’d seen rowing those northern boats along. And just as the river nymph had warned, his clothing confused you as well. Rich green robe, but with black and gold as well. It was wholly foreign and exotic to you in its styling, as was he.
When she’d said a strange man had arrived, honestly you had also expected someone older in appearance. He looked quite youthful to be honest, even as his brow remained furrowed and his fists clenched at his sides.
And just when you thought his feet may actually cut a path in the earth from his agitated pacing, he finally slowed, then stopped all together.
This is when you froze as well, knowing you now had a decision to make. Should you keep to your hiding, just to hope he should eventually leave in whatever fashion he came? Or should you reveal yourself to question his identity and purpose here?
“Done spying yet, or do you intend to actually do something with that spear?” A cutting voice spoke abruptly to your side, so suddenly that you almost lost your footing, shocked as the same man emerged from behind other trees only feet from you.
But you still saw him in the clearing as well, at least you did momentarily before the image of him there dissolved, leaving only the form now nearest you.
“You speak my language?” Was all you questioned instead of answer him though, as he had said those last words only in your tongue. You also kept focusing on backing away as you chose to keep a safer distance. He was some sort of illusionist at least then, which could escalate the danger here very quickly if he made you lose your bearings.
And he was starting to circle you a bit you realized as he began to walk again. But you willed yourself to keep your spear at a neutral position, rather than aim at him, still not intending to provoke attack if it could be prevented. You had no idea what other strengths he might have, and your primary goal was still to keep the nymphs from getting caught in any crossfire.
“Not all of us are so uneducated,” He snapped back at you, still in your language, though you could detect that foreign accent underneath.
You were not wholly unused to rudeness though, yet it had been a very long time since you could recall being spoken to directly in such a manner. It was more the bickering between others in the palace that you were sometimes forced to be party to. Which was only another reason you often favored the relative isolation of the mortal world.
“You need not be so offended, stranger. I only came to see who had entered our land, and to protect my friends if need be.” You answered as reserved in tone as you could.
“Then you have done your duty, girl, and can now be gone. I came here to be alone. If I was actually intending to plunder this wasteland of nothingness, your little cohort never would have made it back to you to begin with.”
You stared, a little coldness entering your eyes then. So that was what had given you away. He’d already been aware of the river nymph to begin with, and had been waiting for someone to return the entire time while leaving that illusion of himself still in the clearing as distraction.
And he’d actually referred to you as ‘girl’. Did he really think you just one of the nymphs then? It was hard to say if he was intentionally trying to goad you, or if he really was so unfamiliar to not realize you for what you actually were.
You straightened a bit, replying, “Insults to our homeland aside, I will leave you to this quiet then, if you should at least tell me your name. You are clearly not of Olympus, and we still have right to know who it is who traverses into this particular land of mortals which we hold sovereignty over.”
He scoffed, clearly wishing to not speak to you even a moment longer. But in the way his chest puffed slightly, you thought it was only pride then that made him physically incapable of denying his identity.
He actually moved closer to you as well, that agitation still rising further in his voice. “Little fool, you stand before Loki! Son of Odin the Allfather. I am god of mischief, prince of Asgard. Your witless mortals should count their blessings that an Asgardian should ever see fit to even set foot here!”
You didn’t know if you’d been quick enough to mask the true surprise from your face. You had already assumed him a god. But never...never had you actually laid eyes on an Asgardian. They never came to this part of the world as far as you knew. And was he telling the truth? Was he really a son of Odin?
This stranger’s arrogance aside, if he were a child of Odin, you knew your own father would be furious with you if you were intentionally insulting now. Asgard and Olympus had never had the closest ties, but you were not enemies either. Asgard was honored by the mortals of the north, and Olympus still honored by those of the south, though perhaps not quite as much as the true olden days.
It took real will, but you bowed graciously to him in return. “It is an honor to meet you then, Loki, son of Odin.” As you straightened up, in his eyes you could see he was trying to judge you as sincere or not. But you just continued smoothly. “As promised, I shall leave you to your thoughts then. But I would be unmannered to not offer my assistance should you need a hostess in your time here as a guest in our land. My name is (Y/N), daughter of-”
You hesitated only the briefest moment, “of the sea,” is what you decided on though. Unlike Loki, you preferred a little anonymity with strangers. You didn’t wish to be targeted just for your lineage.
And with that, you turned, beginning to walk back towards the beach, even as you finished talking. “If you should need me, you need only find the sea’s edge and call for me. One of our creatures will hear you soon enough and seek me out.”
But some odd part of you regretted not being able to see his expression as you left. You wondered if you only would have seen more disdain and condescension at your offer.
Regardless, he said nothing else and soon enough you were back on the sand, the nymphs chittering in a mix of horror and awe around you.
“Who does he think he is, speaking to you that way!?”
“Do you really think he’s of Asgard? Shouldn’t we alert your father?”
“Why would he even come here? He seemed so bitter. Do you think they cast him out?”
“I’d cast him out, with a dirty attitude like that!”
You looked to the horizon, just taking a breath. “I don’t think we need to rush and tell my father just yet. But I do know where I want to go now.” You looked to the river nymph briefly though, “Please have those in the forest keep a distant eye on him. Should he leave or do anything else of note, please let us know.”
You glanced back to the sea nymphs then. “The rest of you return to the oceans. I’m going to Olympus, to the libraries there. I want to find out more about Asgard, to see if he is who he says he is. I’ll return to the water soon.”
They all nodded, “Yes, milady. Please let us know what you find!”
“I will,” you agreed, just watching them dissolve back into the waves.
Were you excited perhaps? Or just very curious? Nothing interesting in this way had happened in ages. You were determined to learn all you could on this new arrival.
The Olympians had been a little surprised to see you gracing the halls there. So many of your cousins had dropped in time and again to say hello, curious themselves of why you were out of the water this long and seemingly such a bookworm all of the sudden.
And you did read for days. All you could find on Asgard, on Odin, the Norse mortals, and their language. You found record that Odin had born two sons, honestly an oddly low number you thought in comparison to the many children of your own kings.
But there in these tomes, were those two names, Thor and Loki. Thor, god of thunder, amusing of course in comparison to Zeus, king of all, including lightning. But also Loki, god of mischief, just as he’d said.
You were surprised, but enthralled as you actually found a drawing of Loki within the book. Though not completely accurate you thought, you still recognized that type of clothing. The green and gold, and the pale skin and black hair with his icy blue eyes. You tilted your head a little, looking at the gold helmet he wore in the artist’s depiction, with long horns curving from it like those of a great beast.
Was he really a beast? Or just a too arrogant manchild? And why did you increasingly wish to find out?
(Continued in next chapter here)
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Fall Into You | Laszlo Kreizler x Reader
Alright my friends. Here is my latest piece of insanity.
It is completely raw and unedited. So, if there are a ton of mistakes, I apologize in advance.
What a whirlwind thing this was. I literally only planned to write the last little bit at the end, that was the entire premise and then 7000 more words came along with it.
This is a partial crossover fic.
TFATWS | The Alienist | Dr. Strange | Loki | universe all mushed together in bits and pieces.
But mostly The Alienist.
Hopefully the characterizations feel okay. Dr. Kreizler and John Moore can be a bit tricky to write and I've never written them before. So, please bear with me on this.
Buckle up. It's going to be a doozy. Kinda.
Word Count: 6,900 - ish
What happens when you wind up 124 years into the past and meet a relative of Baron Helmut Zemo's?
A lot.
It was early evening and you were perched on one of Dr. Kreizler's fine couches, in front of the fireplace, reading a book.
You were waiting for Stevie to drop by and drag you to some musical street performance not terribly far from Dr. Kreizler's residence. Normally, you would have stayed hidden indoors, but you took a liking to the kid when you first met him, and decided you couldn't let him down.
Hopefully Stevie wouldn't drag you out too long, otherwise Dr. Kreizler would start to worry. Although, he would never outright admit to it, but it was the subtle things he did that indicated his concern. Or perhaps it was annoyance. That wouldn't surprise you either. You were loud and very talkative. He'd probably grateful to have to leave his house; so he can finally get some peace and quiet.
Dr. Kreizler always kept to himself and rarely made a display of his feelings to anyone, but you were a good friend of his in the short time you had come to know him. So, you got little peeks into what lay hidden away.
He was gracious enough to allow you stay in his home until you could figure out a way to get back to your own time. One minute you were talking to Wong inside Dr. Strange's sanctum in New York, and the next a portal opened up underneath you and you were falling.
After travelling through an empty void that seemed to go on forever, you finally exited through the other side, which landed you in front of a police precinct. You had looked around after picking yourself up and realized you were in quite the pickle. It didn't take a genius to figure out that this was not your New York.
People were starting to stare at as you took in your surroundings. You initially thought it was because you had randomly fallen out of the sky, but realization had dawned on you; it was because of your clothing.
Ah, yes. You suppose compared to what all the other women were wearing, you were a sight to behold. Jeans, a forest green blouse, and short brown leather jacket, would draw some attention, when all the other women were dressed so conservatively in dresses. You laughed nervously backing away from the small crowd on the sidewalk. You calmly but quickly darted over to a newsie holding up a paper for sale.
You paid the kid a dollar and snatched the paper out of his hand. Not paying attention in the least to his shouts of joy on making so much off of one measly paper, but you were too focused on finding out what time period you were in.
You caught the date at the top of the newspaper: April 1st, 1897.
April Fool's Day.
Typical, something like this would happen to you. Joke's on them, as someone is going to have a hell of time trying to figure out where you went. You're quite sure Wong was trying to sort through what happened and had already calling Strange.
Well, you hope he had.
You put down the paper and tried to think of what to do, but a small crowd of people were still stopped and whispering to each other, pointing in your general direction.
One man was gesturing in your direction and started shouting, but not at you.
"Hey Kreizler, this one looks like a crazy. Should probably haul her off to Bellevue!"
You raised your eyebrow at the man, but didn't say anything, instead choosing to turn and see who he was yelling at.
A very well dressed man wearing a bowler hat was walking down the steps of the police precinct in a rushed sort of manner. He had a cane with him, and it appeared his right arm was tucked against his body as if protecting it. A few steps behind him there was another man darting to catch up with him, also well dressed and carrying what seemed to be a sketchbook.
The guy on the street had yelled at the gentleman in the bowler hat again, which you had assumed at this point was Dr. Kreizler. As the two men reached the bottom of the steps and were about to step into their carriage, the incessant yelling had managed to grab Kreizler's attention. At least it seemed so, because the man with the cane had paused and turned his attention towards the direction of the yelling.
You could see from his body language he wasn't all that interested, but when his eye-line landed on you, he backed away from getting inside.
The other gentleman that was accompanying him, the one with the sketchbook, said something to him, but Dr. Kreizler just waved him off as he started to walk over to you.
You look over to the rude gentleman that had now drawn even more attention to you and gave him an unappreciative stare.
You steeled yourself, ready for whatever this stranger was going to say to you, but your guard had dropped slightly upon getting a better look at his face.
No way.
This was not possible.
The man that had come over to you was the spitting image of one genius, criminal mastermind and general pain in your ass, you knew all too well. One who's currently locked up in The Raft.
If it wasn't for the beard, you'd swear you were looking at Baron Helmut Zemo.
As Dr. Kreizler stopped a few feet from you, he tilted his head to the side and eyed you warily, but not unkindly.
That head tilt, a family trait for sure. Zemo had to be some distant relative of this man in some way, there's no chance they aren't with how closely the two resemble each other. She'd have to make a trip to The Raft and ask him about it sometime, if she ever got back home.
"My dear, you seem out of sorts. Are you alright?" the man inquired, gazing at the small gathering of people and then back to you.
"I kinda stick out like a sore thumb, yeah?" You laughed as you answer his question, peering down at your outfit.
"Quite," he replied.
You saw while he may be cautious around you, you've seem to grab his interest with the scrutiny and intensity of his gaze.
"If I may introduce myself, my name is Doctor Laszlo Kreizler," the gentleman stated.
Ah, so this was indeed the man who was being called out from the street. You noticed he didn't extend his hand in greeting, but then again perhaps it wasn't a pertinent gesture for the time period either. So, you didn't take offense to it.
Your eyeline moved behind Dr. Kreizler and could see his friend at the carriage watching with interest, but also growing impatience.
You gave a kind smile as you introduced yourself and added, "Thank you for humoring the nosy man over there, but I'm not in need of a doctor. I'm terribly sorry for interrupting your day."
"Not in the least. And I may be a doctor, but I am an alienist more specifically," Kreizler explained.
Your eyebrows shot into your forehead and then contemplated his title. An alienist? Where had you heard that before? If you remembered correctly, an alienist was someone who assessed individuals for competence?
The shouty man had mentioned Bellevue. Okay, now you understood.
"An alienist! That term is...." you paused trying to think of a better way to phrase you response. "The term is outdated where I'm from. Instead we simply acknowledge your specific doctorate profession as psychologists, since the very definition of what you do is to study the mind and behavior of individuals," you answered, satisfied with your explanation.
"Outdated. How intriguing. Perhaps we could continue this conversation away from prying eyes and gossipy busy-bodies?" Kreizler asked.
You wouldn't be able to read it on his face, but you can tell you've piqued his interest even more so now with his body language. And his eyes had this sparkle in them as you spoke of his profession so specifically.
Though you felt you could trust this man, you couldn't take the chance that he might, in fact, lure you into his carriage and ship you off to the nearest mental institution, such as Bellevue Hospital.
You'd be lying if you weren't equally intrigued by this enigma of a man standing before you. The resemblance to Baron Zemo was uncanny, and that alone made you want to find out more about him; however, Zemo was not to be trusted as far as you could throw him. Though he did have his moments. You'd give him some credit. Doesn't mean distrustful behavior runs in the family, but it also could. It was a difficult decision.
Your eyes narrowed assessing Dr. Kreizler as you came to decision.
"Shouldn't you give me a mental health assessment test before asking a complete stranger to travel off to who knows where with you? Why shouldn't I be suspicious you aren't going to drop me off at the nearest institute? No offense," you replied warily.
"Thank you!" the man with the sketchbook at the carriage shouted at both you and Dr. Kreizler, clearly in agreement with your answer.
You snickered at his sarcastic reply, but attempted to cover your ever growing smile by coughing.
The corner of Dr. Kreizler's mouth ticked up in a smile as well.
"No my dear, if anything you've just proven you're at least slightly more sane than my counterpart, Mr. John Moore," Dr. Kreizler shook his head and jutted his thumb behind him.
"Heard that Laszlo!" Moore responded with indignation.
"That was the point John," Dr. Kreizler answered back with dry wit.
Yeah, she liked him already.
"Shall we?" Kreizler turned slightly to gesture to his carriage.
You sighed internally. Why the hell not? You had nothing better to do and no idea what your next move should be trying to get home. Dr. Kreizler would no doubt be curious about your attire and that alone with most likely bring up a slew of never ending questions. You'd have to be careful how to explain your situation and make sure what you revealed was limited, but truthful. You wanted to tell him the truth about where you were from, but you needed to word it in a way that doesn't make you out to be a crazy person, but present the information with facts and evidence that Dr. Kreizler could not refute. Luckily you had some tech with you that could prove your point rather efficiently should the need arise you convince him of what time period you come from in the future. 124 years it a length period of time. It would be difficult for anyone to accept your explanation, but Dr. Kreizler seemed to be different. Let's hope you aren't wrong about him.
"I accept your offer Dr. Kreizler, thank you," you spoke kindly.
You were formally introduced to Mr. Moore and to Stevie before getting in the carriage. Mr. Moore seemed uneasy, but went along with Dr. Kreizler's acceptance of you. He was a trusting friend of his, you could tell right away. And something told you, Dr. Kreizler was a tough nut to crack and didn't seem to be the type of person who might have very many. Only a close few.
"What made you decide to take Dr. Kreizler up on his offer so quickly," Moore asked standing outside the carriage as Stevie was getting the horses ready.
Dr. Kreizler had held the door open for you and waited patiently.
You looked at Dr. Kreizler before turning back to Mr. Moore, "You mean besides his sparkling personality?" you winked and got in the carriage.
John leaned into Kreizler before adjusting his hold on his sketchbook and climbing into the carriage himself.
"Oh, well I like her already Laszlo," he grinned incessantly and gave Kreizler a clap on the back.
You saw Dr. Kreizler bend his head down in amused exasperation as a small huff of laughter sounded with the movement. He sighed somewhat dramatically before getting in the carriage and closing the door.
"You know, I've never actually ridden in one of these before," you say slightly awed.
Both Moore and Kreizler gave you confusing looks before Dr. Kreizler used his cane to tap on the rear enclosure signaling Stevie to head home.
Home. Well, this should be interesting indeed.
You closed your book with a snap and slumped into the couch you were perched on. It had been six months, since that day. Six months, you've been trapped in this pocket of 1897.
You had reflected back on how well John and Dr. Kreizler had taken the explanation you were from the future. As you told your story, your only requirement was that they wait until the very end before asking any questions. That gave you the chance to be very methodical about how you explained the future and how it was you ended up in 1897, which to be fair, you don't know exactly how that portal opened still, but magic was involved to say the very least.
It was oddly reminiscent of when Loki used the space stone, which gave her pause. All the infinity stones had been destroyed, and yet you knew that there was an errant 2012 Loki running around the universe with one. It is plausible, he could factor into this, but how or why you, you have no idea.
After you had explained your fanatical circumstance, to help prove you weren't absolutely off your rocker and have Dr. Kreizler change his mind about you, you showed them your phone.
Yes, there may not be any service available, but you could still access all your photos and videos and holographic imagery, etc. That was what allowed John and Dr. Kreizler to accept your story; paired with your unique clothes; they had a surprisingly open mind. John had gaped like a fish for a good 10 minutes before Dr. Kreizler told him to get over it already. John was somewhat outraged that he wasn't more shocked by your existence. But like all things, Dr. Kreizler took everything in stride, which was quite a relief to you. He was incredibly understanding and offered a room in his home to you until you were able to get back to your own time. You made a promise to Dr. Kreizler that you would never lie to him, about anything. It was the least you could do since he opened up his home and essentially part of his life to you.
You understood why he was an expert in his field. His patience and intellect allowed him to be open-minded and grasp concepts others word merely scoff at. However, there was another side to that coin; he was also closed off, and could at times, be calculating and manipulative. Though, none of these traits were used in any nefarious manners, they were there all the same.
He reminded you of Zemo to be sure in this regard. Some personality traits apparently do get passed down through the generations. In some ways, after meeting Dr. Kreizler, you felt you knew Helmut Zemo a bit better. And somehow, you missed him. Not that you were ever particularly close to him, but the time you spent with him in Latvia with Sam and Bucky forever altered your opinion of him.
So while you've been living at Dr. Kreizler's residence, in your spare time, you had been working different avenues of how to achieve ways to get home. You couldn't just solely rely on your friends to get you out of this mess. So, while Dr. Kreizler was at work, you enlisted the help of Stevie to run down leads of potential scientist and gathering of general information of the time period to help you put together some sort of road map. None had turned out to be very promising.
You had, over time, gotten more acclimated to living in 1897, though you mostly refused to wear the clothing of the time period. John Moore would always comment about how you would draw attention in the public eye, should you dare to go out. But you refused to give in most of the time, saying that 1897 would just have to catch up to your fashion sense, and you weren't about to apologize for it. If you were going to be stuck here, you were going to be stuck here, comfortably. You fondly remember Dr. Kreizler's reaction. He seemed pleased, possibly proud of you in that moment. Probably because you had refused to conform to the times, and set your own rules to live by. Not giving in to anyone.
The question lingered, how exactly did you get away with living in this time without having to dress in the clothing of the period? Well, a friend of yours, Scott Lang, had gifted you a device that allowed you to chose one object to shrink and return to it's normal size. So, of course, since you traveled so often with the Sam, Bucky and the other Avengers, you chose your wardrobe. You were just thankful you had it on you already when you got dumped into that portal. So, essentially you had all your clothes with you, making things a bit easier.
Life was not fast paced here, which made things a bit difficult for you. You were used to always being on the go, another crisis to fight through, another area of the world that needed help. But here, here everything was, for the most part, quiet.
It drove you nuts sometimes. Made you antsy. You managed to weasel your way into helping John, Sara and Dr. Kreizler on one of their serial killer cases recently to pass the time. Dr. Kreizler was unhappy at first. You were able to prove your usefulness though with advanced techniques and theories on how to potentially catch the killer in question. Be that as it may, Dr. Kreizler still seemed grumpy, if that were the correct word to use, about you working on the case. You confronted him about it one evening, but he glossed over the whole thing. He was holding back, but what that was, you weren't sure. Maybe he still didn't fully trust you yet. It was a fair assumption, but he was always so hard to read. Though you've managed to get a few good laughs out of him from time to time. Those were the days that really made you smile. Seeing him happy, as most of the time he was always so guarded. It made you feel like you and Dr. Kreizler shared this little secret when no one else was around.
Dr. Kreizler let himself relax ever so slightly around you, but it was far and fleeting. On rare occasions. You savored all those memories and tucked them away. Everyone was so refined and conservative in their mannerisms. You missed just wanting to hug someone. You craved some sort of physical affection, and it was hard, realizing just how different the times were from the future. They weren't terrible by any means, but the social norms of the times had been trying on you, to say the very least. Dr. Kreizler, ever astute, had picked up on this.
He had been gracious enough to offer himself if you ever needed to hug someone. This had been roughly 4 months into your stay at Dr. Kreizler's. You both had gotten more comfortable around the other, and even had a routine of sorts. You had thanked him for his offer, and told him you would not abuse the privilege he had bestowed on you.
Something told her there was more to it, but you hadn't dwelled on it, you were simply appreciative of his friendship.
However more recently, it was more than just friendship you felt. You kept squashing your feelings down, telling yourself this was the worst possible time to develop feelings for someone. Especially someone like Dr. Kreizler. There would never be a happy ending. At some point, you would return home, and that would be that. But there was that nagging sensation in the back of your mind, reminding you, you might not ever get back home. You tried to reason to yourself that you were possibly transferring some of your fondness of Zemo to Dr. Kreizler because of how he reminds you of him. But then you were just lying to yourself. Dr. Kreizler was a person all on his own and one of a kind. You knew better, you were just fighting yourself tooth and nail to live in denial a bit longer.
Footsteps from the kitchen were headed in your direction knocking you out of your musings.
You twisted on the couch to see Dr. Kreizler had returned home from his institute.
"Dr. Kreizler! Good evening," you voiced into the low lit parlor room.
"Good evening to you as well, I trust your day was fruitful?" Dr. Kreizler inquired, coming to rest on the opposite end of the couch.
"It was, thank you. I was somewhat restless earlier, so I took it upon myself to work on the cryptogram the killer left his last victim, with the hopes of figuring out his next location before he strikes," you sheepishly stated.
Dr. Kreizler ruefully smiled at you and shook his head. At one time, he might have gotten upset, but he had been taking your antics more in stride, and you managed to be helpful providing much needed information. So, he'd act unhappy, but silently was thrilled.
"And did you uncover anything useful?" Kreizler queried, he got up from his seat and walked over to the chalk board.
"Not completely, I believe I've broken the code word and the book that the killer has been using to write his cryptograms, but I have yet to comb through all the evidence to gather the page numbers, line and word number to crack the full message. I planned on working on it when I got back with Stevie later this evening," you happily expressed while fidgeting with the watch on your wrist.
"Impressive work. And what book has our killer been using?" Kreizler asked, eyes still going over the work on the board.
"Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. You'd think we could have figured that one out sooner given our killer's eclectic methods of murdering people," you answered sarcastically.
Dr. Kreizler bent his knees in utter annoyance, "Of course it is. Of course. How ridiculous to have missed such an obvious choice."
You smiled knowingly. He was irritated he hadn't figured it out sooner.
A companionable silence continued for a few minutes after his outburst.
Dr. Kreizler was still staring at the board with mild interest when he spoke next, "May I ask you a personal question?"
You had just reached over to place the book on the coffee table next to you when he asked his question and you froze mid motion.
Dr. Kreizler generally didn't push too much into your personal life, so this was somewhat out of left field for him. Never-the-less, you recovered after a beat and placed the book on the table.
"Of-of course Dr. Kreizler. I told you I would always be truthful with you regarding anything. Please, go ahead," you answered, motioning for him to continue.
"Why do you always regard me as Dr. Kreizler and not by my first name?" he questioned softly, almost hesitantly.
This was not the question you thought he would ask. There were a million questions he could have chose, but it was this one he went with.
This really was personal.
You glanced down at your hands sitting in your lap as you pondered how to answer his questions. You could lie about it, and he'd be none the wiser, but it's not who you are. And you promised.
Dr. Kreizler went on to further express his inquiry with a bit more confidence, "You call John Moore by his first name and the same with Ms. Howard, including our other friends we work with, but not me. Why?"
You opened your mouth to answer him when the front door slammed open and Stevie came barging in.
"You ready?" he exclaimed loudly. Stevie was clearly excited at the prospect of showing off his musical talent. "Oh, excuse me Dr. Kreizler, I didn't realize you'd gotten home yet. Thought you were working late," Stevie took off his hat and looked sheepish as he apologized for the disruption in his home.
You sighed. This was your saving grace. You could probably make an excuse and make a run for it with Stevie. You mulled over what to do, battling with the decision.
"Hey Stevie. Nice to see you too! Go on outside, I'll be right there. I just need to put my coat on," you laugh at his enthusiasm.
He nodded at you and dashed back down the hallway and out the door. You could hear one last shout as he exited, "Okay, but don't be too long, we're going to be late!"
Dr. Kreizler gave a look of displeasure at Stevie's unrefined outburst, but didn't say anything as he knows his antics all too well from over the years.
You stood up grabbing Dr. Kreizler's attention.
"Walk me to the door?" you ask, jutting your head in the direction of where your coat hangs.
"Do you plan on providing me with an answer?" he kindly jabbed as he nodded his agreement to follow you out.
You outwardly sighed, trying to figure out how to best answer his question. As you both walked to the front door, you start to answer him.
"Okay, so I address you as Dr. Kreizler 33% of the time, because you deserve the respect that comes with that title. You went to school for many years, and you earned it. So, it's only fair to address you as such," you tell him confidently.
A completely reasonable and partial explanation, you thought.
You both reached the front door, and you grabbed your jacket. Dr. Kreizler, the gentleman that he is, assisted you in putting your coat on. You gave yourself a once over in the mirror, making sure you looked okay before heading out.
You caught Dr. Kreizler staring at you in the mirror as you adjusted a stray hair that had fallen onto your face.
"You look lovely," he quietly voiced.
You turned to face him as he had opened the door for you and stepped outside.
"Thank you," you said, a bit bashful by his sudden compliment.
His expression had gotten softer and his eyes were glowing in the evening lit night.
Your resolve was crumbling even more so now.
"And the other 67%?" Kreizler softly spoke, head cocked to the side.
"Hey - Miss! We need to be going!" Stevie cried.
You turned to Stevie and hollered, "One mo, Stevie! Don't lose your head!"
"I'm sorry I have to go otherwise Stevie is going to have a coronary," you apologized to Dr. Kreizler.
You walked down a few steps, but stopped. You couldn't not answer him.
You go up a step but not completely back to where you where standing in front of Dr. Kreizler. You inhaled a deep breath and exhaled before continuing, looking up to see Dr. Kreizler eyeing you with slight confusion and anticipation with your hesitance to answer his question in full.
"And the other 67% of the time, I call you Dr. Kreizler because..because," you drifted off closing your eyes. You open them again with quiet resolve shining through, finding your confidence. You take another step up to now stand just a foot away from where Dr. Kreizler was.
"Because, I love you Laszlo. And I use your professional title as a barrier, to - to remind myself I have boundaries. It's just easier to separate you this way or well, to keep myself living in denial," you quietly and defeatedly said, laying it all out for him.
You wanted to open your mouth to say something else to him, to let him know it was okay he didn't feel the same way, but you could never quite form the words that needed to come out.
The shock was written clearly on his face. You had completely gob-smacked this man. His eyes had widened considerably and his jaw had gone slack from your answer.
But he never said anything back. You weren't expecting him to.
So instead, you did what you did best. Ran.
"You've got your answer. I-I really have to go now, I'll see you later," you stuttered out, suddenly drained from your revelation.
You took one last glance at Dr. Kreizler before making a mad dash for it with Stevie.
You were gone before Dr. Kreizler recovered from what just happened. And you never got to see the expression on his face after.
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