#and staring at Izzy looking hot meanwhile
goayda · 8 months
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Izzy Hands in ep 2x05, my favourite by far. I love the silliness, the cursed suit, the crew being wild, the Stede-training (*coughs* the shirtless Izzy *coughs*). I wish we had had more lighthearted eps like that one in s2.
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duffsmckagan · 3 months
If Kirk played for...Guns N' Roses small fanfic
I apologize for posting a third post of this topic. That video is just funny. I just wanted to write this. Enjoy or don't enjoy. This is a alternate universe so not everything is accurate. If anyone wants to be tagged let me know.
Tagging: @ride-the-hammett
Note: Slash still is in the story. I'm not going to get rid of him. He's one of my favorite GNR members. You see he ends up joining another band. Also story Involves some Klars & Sluff. Old Exes down the rode possibly if I decide to do more parts.
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It's 1985 April 1st. Guns N' Roses, Metallica, and Exodus all played at the same club. All 3 bands just got done with their show. The Metallica lineup consisted of James Hetfield (Aka Hotfield), Lars Ulrich, Cliff Burton, and Dave Mustaine. The Gnr lineup consisted of Axl Rose, Izzy Stradlin, Duff Mckagan, Tracii Guns, and Steven Adler. Duff, Izzy, Axl, and Steven were all smoking cigarettes. Tracii was talking to other people.
Duff: I'm telling you guys he's not going to last. No offense, Tracii is a great guy, just not right for the band. Axl: I think you're right, Duff. Izzy: We've been trying to find someone to replace him this past week. We tried Stevie's friend. Duff: Slash? That's cool! What did he- Axl: He said no and is going to join this band that call themselves Black Sheep. Duff: Oh. Steven: I'll tell you what though. That guitarist from Exodus would be perfect for our band. Think about it. He's a great guitar player, he seems cool, and he's hot just like us.
Axl, Duff, and Izzy all look at each other.
Izzy: He definitely would make our band sound better. Axl: Uh, huh. Duff: Ok. Lets check this guy out. I and Izzy will go talk to him.
Kirk is approaching Metallica. He's wearing a white blouse, a lavender scarf, and some ugly white shoes. The first member he approaches is James. James is drinking a beer.
Kirk: Hey, man you sounded great tonight. James, right?
James smiles
James: James Hetfield. Thank you. And you are the guitarist of the band Exodus? You sounded great too. Kirk: Thanks.
Dave (Who is kind of drunk) starts talking to James about something. Lars approaches Kirk.
Lars: Hey. Kirk: Hey. You guys sounded great tonight. The fans were going wild. Lars: Yeah, that happens a lot. Thank you for your compliment, but we didn't sound as great as we usually do. Dave's guitar was out of tune. Kirk: I really couldn't tell. Lars: Dude, haven't we met before? Kirk: My band opened up for your band a few months ago. Or wait was it last year towards the end of the year.
As Kirk is thinking Lars undresses right in front of him. Kirk kind of spaced out so he hadn't noticed yet.
Kirk: (Snaps) I remember now it was-
Kirk just stands there staring hard into Lars's eyes. His eyes never leave Lars's eyes.
Kirk: (He's European. Europeans do stuff like this. Why am I still shocked?)
Kirk just walks away not saying anything. His face is all red.
James and Cliff approach Lars. He hands Lars a beer.
James: We need that guy in our band. Cliff: Hell yeah. He's got the same shoes as you James. Lars: How soon do you think we can hire him? James: Tonight. Lars: Ok, I'll give him a call. James: Yeah, now put on some pants.
Duff and Izzy are standing next to each other. They both each have a beer in their hand.
Duff: Alright, lets do this. Izzy: Ok.
Izzy and Duff approach Kirk who is still surprised at what Lars just did. His face is red like a tomato. At first he didn't notice a tall handsome blond man and a handsome man from Lafayette, Indiana were standing right in front of him.
Izzy: Are you ok, man? Kirk: Oh, I'm fine. Never better. The drummer of Metallica got naked in front of me. I'm still trying to process that. Duff: Me and my buddy just want to tell you that your band was great. Kirk: Thank you. You guys were too. That drummer of yours has style. Izzy: Yep, Stevie's perfect. Duff: I'll tell you who isn't. It's our guitarist Tracii Guns. He's not bad, but his sound just isn't our style. Izzy: Our drummer thinks you're perfect for our band. Duff: I mean, those riffs for those songs you guys played are just fantastic. Izzy: They would be great for the few songs we've come up with. Kirk: Thank you. I-
Before Kirk could continue Gary calls his name.
Gary: KIRK! Kirk: Sorry, fellas, I have to go. I'll catch up with you guys later. Duff: (Sips on his beer) We're definitely calling him tonight.
Later on that night Kirk was relaxing. He's watching some horror movies with his pet cat when suddenly his phone rings. Kirk picks up the phone.
Kirk: Hello? Lars: Hi, it's Metallica's drummer Lars Ulrich. Is this Kirk Hammett from the band Exodus? Kirk: Yes this is. Lars: How would you like to be Metallica's guitarist? Kirk: That would be great if this of course isn't a joke Lars: Huh? Why would this be a joke? Dude, this is Metallica. Kirk: It's April 1st. Lars: This isn't a joke. I'm dead serious. I will send you our tape. Kirk: Ok, I'll think about it. Lars: Great. I hope to see you soon.
Kirk hangs up. Not a second later the phone rings again. Kirk picks it up.
Kirk: Hello? Axl: Hi, this is Axl Rose from the band Guns N' Roses. Is this the guitarist from Exodus Kurt Hamlet. Kirk: It's Kirk Hammet, and yes. Why are you calling? Axl: Me and my band mates wanted to know if you wanted to be the guitarist for my band Guns N' Roses.
Kirk honestly thinks this is a joke. He's trying to watch his movies in peace with his cat. He has no time for jokes.
Kirk: Yeah right.
Kirk hangs up. A confused Axl is left on the phone. Izzy and Duff are right beside him.
Izzy: You know, it probably wasn't a good idea to call him on April Fools Day. Axl: Boys, we aren't giving up.
Later that week Kirk is at Lars's house about to perform for them. Lars has his left hand on Kirk's left shoulders.
Lars: Welcome to Metallica. I know you've met us before, but from now and forever we'll be best friends (winks). I'm Lars Ulrich, son of Torben Ulrich, best tennis player in Denmark. The tall blond over there is James Hetfield, our lead singer and the other guitarist in the band.
James: (Waves) Hey. Kirk: Hetfield? I thought your surname was Hotfield. James: No, but the ladies call me that.
Lars: And sitting over there is Cliff Burton, who we think is the Jimi Hendrix of bass. Cliff: After you try out for us, do you want beer and pancakes? Kirk: Yummy, that sounds nice.
So now Cliff, James, and Lars are sitting in these chairs all excited. They're all whispering to each other.
James: Yes, we can finally get rid of our old guitarist. Cliff: I kind of feel bad because he's a fucking excellent guitarist, but doesn't really fit. This will give him the chance to form his own band. James: Right. We're doing him a favor. Lars: With this guy we'll be one step closer from becoming the biggest band in the world. Cliff: I'm imagining it right now, dude. James: (High fives Lars) Yeah!
Kirk is standing there wondering what they are whispering to each other.
Kirk: Um, when do you guys want me to start playing. These bad ass riffs are waiting to be played. Lars: Sorry, Kirk, you can start playing them now (Gives Kirk a thumbs up) Kirk: Ok, I'll start now. Be prepared you guys. I won't disappoint. Lars: You haven't disappointed me so far (Smiles)
Before Kirk could play a riff that he wrote for his old band Exodus, Axl, Izzy, and Duff walk in. Cliff, James, and Lars are now confused on why these dudes crashed their house.
Lars: Um, our after show party is rescheduled for next week. Izzy: We're not here for the after show party. We're here for Kirk. Kirk: Wait, you guys were serious? James: No! You guys need to find your own guitarist! We saw him first.
Axl: Ours quit and didn't sound right for our band. You guys already have a decent guitarist. Why would you want to replace him? Lars: Um, None of your business.
Kirk: Wow, 2 bands are fighting over me. Cool.
Cliff point to the exit.
Cliff: You 3 get the fuck outta here. Find your own guitarist. Axl: (Crosses his arms) We just did.
Duff picks up Kirk princess style and heads to the exit.
Axl: Later.
Cliff, lars, and James stand there not doing anything.
Lars: James! Are we seriously going to let them take my-our guitarist? James: No. Looks like we'll have to go with Plan B, boys. Lars: Um, and what's that? James: Call that guitarist from Black Sheep. Lars: Slash? James: Yep.
Axl, Duff, and Izzy manage to bring Kirk back to where they rehearse.
Kirk: Woah. I can't believe 2 bands were just fighting over me. And I also can't believe one kidnapped me. Duff: Are you glad we won? Kirk: Well, yes, but that drummer is something else (Starts to blush from remembering what happened yesterday night)
Duff, Izzy, and Axl look at each other confused.
Izzy: (Izzy raises his right eyebrow) Huh? Axl: Now how about you put on a show for all of us. Kirk: (Shrugs) Sure. I guess Lars, James, and Cliff won't get to listen to these. Steven: Oh they will! When we're selling out stadiums and clubs! Duff: Nice one Steven.
Everybody high fives Steven.
Duff: Alright everybody! Take your seats. Kirk Hammet is going to put on a show for us. Izzy: Heck yeah!
Axl, Izzy, Duff, and Steven take their seats on a comfy couch. Kirk is right in front of them.
Kirk: I promise I won't let you guys down.
Kirk plays this (Yeah it's from an album that would've even exist in this AU, but who cares). All 4 boys are blown away by what they're hearing. Axl and Izzy look at each other with huge smiles on their faces.
Once Kirk is done playing everybody is quiet. Duff and Steven are just blown away from what they just heard. Axl and Izzy are still smiling at each other.
Kirk: (What's up with those two guys? Are they in love with each other or something?)
Izzy walks up to Kirk and puts his arm around his shoulder.
Izzy: We're not sure what song we could write that riff into, but it doesn't matter. You're in.
Steven: That was fucking awesome man!
Axl walks up to Kirk and puts his right hand on Kirks shoulder.
Axl: How do you like the name Kaxl? Kirk: It's weird, but I dig it. Duff: Our first gig with you is in 2 days. It'll be called the hell tour. Kirk: I can't wait! So how about some beer and pancakes? Steven: What a great idea, pal! Beer and pancakes sound amazing! Duff: I'll make the pancakes. Izzy: I'll get the beer.
Kirk is so happy, but at the same time, kind of sad. Why? He wanted to be in Metallica with Lars. He started to develop a crush on the Danish drummer. Kirk shrugs and heads to the kitchen.
Slash: So you want me to join your band? Lars: Yes, we think you'd be perfect for our band.
End of Part 1
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tizzyizzy · 2 years
Consider: Izzy and Stede are forced to team up. Izzy has realized Ed’s true happiness depends on reconciliation with Stede Fucking Bonnet. But Izzy will be damned if he lets a ponce like Stede ruin Ed, so he’s going to teach him to be a proper pirate.
And Stede gets the hang of it! They clash, sure, but Stede begins to find the pirate inside himself, combining it with his own gentlemanly style. In fact, he’s got Ed’s theatrical instincts, creativity, quick thinking...
On one dramatic occasional, Stede ends up covered in someone else’s blood, his shirt town open, sword in hand. The fire of the burning merchant ship dances  diabolically in his mad eyes. Something in Izzy’s brain goes click. 
Suddenly Izzy is calling Stede Captain, and making him tea, and constantly asking for his opinion and orders. Keeps staring at Stede with a goofy grin and huge eyes. Somehow their conversations about Ed circle round to whether Stede has actually ever been with a man, and what he finds attractive in men, and you know, if he wants to know what sort of things a man like Ed enjoys, he can always ask. And, you know, having a little experience couldn’t hurt?
Meanwhile Stede’s trying to not notice that Izzy’s new vest and shirt  are so tight around the chest  the top few buttons won’t close. What were they talking about again? Right, Edward. Who he is in love with. But Ed’s so far away. And this hot leather-clad pirate is looking at him like he’s never seen anything more wonderful. 
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hypnosisbuttd · 3 years
Hypnosis is Bullshit
(A gay Hypnosis Story)
“Alright Campers!” Chris shouts to the contestants in the cafeteria “It’s time for your next challenge!”
“What now?” Duncan asks annoyed.
“Aw what? Do you not enjoy my challenge?” Chris says sadly
“No” All of the contestants say simultaneously
“Rude...” Chris says, faking being offended. “Well it doesn’t matter cause you’re doing it anyways! Meet me out by the cabins! No not your housing arrangements, the OTHER cabins.”
Chris then proceeds to disappear.
The Campers leave their cafeteria, but then Duncan and Trent get into a little scuffle outside the doors.
“Don’t fucking push me dude” Trent snapped
“Well if your slow ass wasn’t taking up the entire doorway I wouldn’t have needed to” Duncan responds
“Bastard, you wanna fight me?” Trent threatens
“Try me bitch” Duncan challenges“
Oh my god, break it up you two.” Heather sighs
“You stay out of this you black haired dog eater” Duncan sneers
“AIGHT BITCH YOU WANNA GO?!” Heather says threatening Duncan as Lindsay holds her back.
“Ha, you’re so easy to get a reaction out of” He laughs
“Ugh! I really wish someone would knock you down a peg you brat!” Heather shouts
“Duncan I really think you should back off” Gwen suggests
“Aw come on you know you love it baby”“Ew...” Gwen says backing off.
“Y’all gonna head over to the Cabins, or Am I gonna have to drag your clown asses over there?” Leshawna asks
“Tch, fine” Duncan reluctantly lets up
(Nobody messes with Leshawna)
The campers settles their conflict and head out to the old cabins in the wood. 6 of them have spirals painted on them.
“This challenge is a 1 on 1 hypnosis challenge, each of one of the former screaming gophers will compete with one of the former Killer Bass to hypnotize each other in one hour. Whoever succeeds will be allowed to do whatever they want with the other, whoever does the most embarrassing thing to the other when the timer is up wins, the judge will as always be me.” Chris explains
“As stupid as this challenge is, there is a slight problem Chris” Duncan calls out
“And that is?” Chris asks
“Hypnosis ain’t real you fucking moron.” He shouts
“Yes it is!” Izzy shouts “Ive seen plenty of government facilities use Hypnosis on Politicians to get them favorably on one side of the Spectrum or on enemy soldier to reveal critical information! But I’m completely resistant to it cause I was born colorblind!” Izzy rants
“And we’re supposed to believe the crazy lady why?” Duncan asks
Izzy growls
“Anyways here are your teams”
“Leshawna and Eva, you’ll go to the first cabin”
“Ha good luck, I have an Iron Will” Eva notes
“Team 2 will be Heather and Bridgette”
“Yeah no, I’m not letting this bitch control me. You’re going down Heather” Bridgette threatens
“Team 3 is Lindsay and Izzy”
“This will go down well...” Duncan mutters sarcastically
“Team 4 is Geoff and Gwen”
“Aight little lady! We got this!” Geoff cheers
“I don’t think you understand this challenge” Gwen says
“Team 5 is Owen and DJ”
“Oh fuck no” Trent and Duncan say simultaneously
“And Team 6 will be Duncan and Trent! Ha ha ha” Chris laughs
“Fuck you and your idiot ass McLain” Duncan says flipping the bird at McLain before waking inside the cabin.
“I could have had it worse...” Trent suggests trying to keep it positive.
The two of them wander inside the cabin and did the room lined with various Hypnosis tools.
Duncan just sighs“God this shit it stupid... I mean look at this” He picks up a ray gun “Hypno Gun? My gif what do they think we are? 5? I’m so done with this. Let’s just wait the hour out I don’t even care if we lose”
“Whatever...” Trent sighs.
Duncan sits down on one of the coaches while Trent wanders around the room.
After a bit of searching however, Trent notices a small tape sitting in the corner of the room, he picks it up and the Tape Reads ‘Easy White Noise Hypnosis’. Trent, wanting a bit of laugh but also not caring, removes the label and replaces it with a label he had on one of his other tapes titled ‘Heavy Punk Rock Favorites’.
He then proceeds to sit next to Duncan
“Da fuck do you want?” Duncan snaps
“Well I decided since we’re going to be here a while, I thought you would like to listen to some music. I know you’re a punk rock fan, so I got some of my favorites.” He hands the tape to Duncan
“I mean you’re choice in Music probably sucks but whatever...” Duncan plugs in a pair of headphones into the tape and begins listening.
“Dude this is just white noise, what the fuck is this?” Duncan asks clearly confused
“It’s a start up noise, it’ll probably take a couple minutes to start up” Trent lied
Duncan relents and continues to sit there. After a few minutes, his expression begins to go slack and he sits there looking confused.
“Dude... This shit is making my head feel... funny...” Duncan slurs. He goes to take off the headphones.
“Up bup bup bup” Trent places his hands on his and keeps the headphones “Just keep going”
“But... I...”
“Ssshhh” Trent shush him. Duncan giggles a little before continuing on.
After a couple more minutes, Duncan is gone full slack. His eyes are crossed and drool is slowly dripping down the side of his mouth. Trent waves his hand in front of Duncan, he doesn’t even react. He just sits there.
Holy shit did it actually work? Trent thinks. He decides to test his theory.
“Duncan can you hear me?” Trent asks
“Yeah...” Duncan mumbles
“Are you willing to obey my commands?” He asks
“Sure” Duncan slurs
“Stand in front of me...” He orders
Duncan stands up and walks in front of Trent.
No way... Trent thinks This can’t be real. I guess the only way to know is if I make him do something so embarrassing that if he’s pranking me he’ll have to let up...
“Alright Duncan listen to me. When I snap my fingers, you will become a Sexy Gay stripper who’s here to strip for me. You love showing your bare ass for people and you’re super horny. Ok?”
Duncan just drools
Theres no way... Trent thinks
Trent snaps his fingers and Duncan wakes up and stares directly at Trent. He then placed Hands on either side of Trent
Yup he’s definitely going to kill me
“Why Hello there Sexy” Duncan purrs
OH MY GOD Trents Mind Screams
Duncan stands up and admired Trent “Damn when they sent me for this job, I didn’t expect my client to be so sexy.” He says seductively
“Thank you...” Trent says trying to hold in his laughter
“Anyways let’s get on with the show shall we?” Duncan says pulling off his shirt slowly.
Trent just stares in awe as Duncan slowly pulls off his clothes. First he tosses off his shirt and lets Trent feel his pecs. Then he pulls off his pants and gives Trent a lap dance. Finally when Trent thought it was going to end, Duncan leaned in by his ear“
Since you’re such a special client case, I’ll give you a bonus show.” He whispers seductively.
Duncan stands up and pulls off his underwear, bearing his ass for Trent to see. He throws the underwear off to the side and exposes himself directly in front of Trent.
“Like what you see?” Duncan says winking
Trent could feel himself getting hard.
Wait what?
Trent looked down to see himself indeed having a hard on at the site of Duncan
What the? I’m straight! What the heck is going on?
Duncan leans in quietly and sets himself on Trents lap“What do you say me and you find the bedroom, and take care of that little problem of yours” Duncan says pulling at the edge of Trents pants
“Alright that’s enough! Sleep!” Trent calls out
Duncan immediately falls limp, his body crashing into Trents chest. Trent realized how Tiny Duncan was especially without the clothes and laughed to himself a little.
Hmm what should I do with you now? Trent thinks.
He looks down at Duncan’s muscular form. And immediately comes up with a devilish plan.
“Alright Duncan… You can still hear me correct?” He asks
“Ye…” Duncan slurs.
“Alright, when I wake you up, you will think you are a professional wrestler. And I am your opponent. You will try and punch and dent but will not have enough strength to do so. Meanwhile when I even slightly tap you, you will feel excruciating pain. And the only way You can make it stop is by me surrendering. Understood?” Trent explains.
Duncan moans.
“Ok… Then go…” Trent snaps his fingers.
Duncan sits up instantly and stares directly at Trent. He smiles and growls.
“Look at you. Little Princess. You think you can beat me?” Duncan sneers.
Trent stands up. “Psh, you’re all talk…” He laughs.
“Oh yeah. Then let’s see how you like this?” Duncan aims a punch directly for Trents face, but when he touches his face, it’s no more than a slight touch. Duncan backs up.
“You’re sturdy…” He mutters.
“Wanna try that again?” He asks
“Grr TAKE THIS!!!” Duncan runs up to him and grabs him around the arms. He attempts to lift Trent up, but fails miserably.
Trent just laughs and flicks Duncan’s nose. Duncan backs up and covers his nose in pain.
“Dude what the fuck?! How did you do that?” He says rubbing his nose.
“Just luck I guess.” Trent slaps Duncan’s back and he collapses to the ground writing in pain.
Trent pulls Duncan’s legs over his shoulders and Duncan writhes in pain.
“Say it!” Trent snaps
“Say what?” Duncan whimpers.
“Say you’re a princess…” He tugs on his leg.
Duncan winces hard. “GAAAH! Fine! I’m a Princess! I’m a pretty little bitch princess.”
“Why couldn’t Mario find you?”
“I was in another castle! Obviously!”
“And what we’re you doing there?”
“Probably getting fucked by You.” He laughs.
Trent stands there silent for a moment as he drops Duncan lies on the ground writhing.
“I surrender.” He mumbles.
Duncan’s pain vanishes and he quietly gets up and turns to Trent.
“You ok dude?” He asks
“Why did you say I was getting fucked by you? Why the fuck would you say that?” He growls.
“Dude, I just think your hot. I’m not tryna make you mad. If anything, I think you’d make a great top!” Duncan laughs.
Trent just sighs. “Sleep…”
Duncan falls forward and collapses into Trents arms. Trent quietly sits him on the floor and sits next to him thinking.
Did he really mean that? Trent thinks
He looks over at Duncan, who’s drooling on the floor and looking spaces out. Trent quietly contemplates for a moment before realizing his final trick. The thing he would do for Chris’s competition.
“Alright Duncan, can you hear me?” Trent asks.
“Mm…” Duncan quietly mumbles.
“Great then here’s what we’re gonna do.”
(Time skip to the end of the competition ton)
“Aaaaaand Times Up!” Chris blows his air horn. “Let’s see what we got now!”
“Duncan was right! You’re bullshitting McLain!” Gwen snaps.
“None of that stuff worked! All of the tools were fake!” Leshawna explains.
“Yeah! And I should know! I know what Hypnosis stuff looks like!” Izzy shouts.
“Really? It was supposedly real when I bought it online.” Chris says nervously.
“Yeah well I can guarantee that not a single one of us completed the challenge.” Bridgette snaps
“Actually I did!” Trent raised his hand.
Everyone turns to look at him in surprise.
“You can’t be serious…” Heather says tiredly.
“I am! And I have proof!” Trent quietly walks down the steps, a small figure crouches down behind him.
“Is that…” Gwen attempts to peak around.
Trent calls the small figure. “Come on, don’t be shy…”
The figure crawls quietly to Trents feet and reveals itself to be Duncan, but he’s different. His usual green Mohawk, now he had his air in a sort of wild style, kind of slicked back, but with a bit of a tip. But that was the least of the Changes. He was completely naked except for a pair of black ears and a large black tail stuck into his ass. And he had a collar with a bone collared name tag on it saying “Damian” attached to a leash that Trent was holding.
“No way…” Izzy says shocked.
“His name is Damian now. He’s a cutie aint he?” He says scratching Damian behind the ears. Damian pants in happiness.
“This isn’t real…” Heather says laughing.
“It is. I Hypnoed him to be a good boy. I taught him a couple tricks while I had the time.” Trent explains.
He points to in front of him and Damian walks up and “stands” on all fours in front of Trent.
Damian sits like a dog looking at Trent expectantly.
“Roll over.”
Damian lies down then rolls onto his back, then rolls back onto his stomach and sits up.
Damian barks.
“Wag your tail!”
Damian sticks his butt up in the air, and begins wagging his fake tail. Damian looks at Trent happily.
“Good boy!”
Trent pulls a cookie out of his pocket and dangles it in front of Damian. Damian grabs it and begins munching on the cookie. Once he’s finished, Trent pulls out a large beef bone and hands it to Damian. Damian takes it in his mouth and quietly circles around Trent before lying at his feet and viciously chewing on the bone.
“This is insane!” Owen looks in shock.
“HES SO CUTE!!!” Lindsay squeals.
“Oh how the tables have turned…” Heather smirks.
Chris looks at Trent in shock. He regains his composure and smiles at Trent. “Well then! Congratulations, Trent! You have won immunity!” Chris announces.
“And Damian, he’s my dog, after all.” Trent reaches down and scratches Damian behind the ears again. Damian whines in happiness.
“Ugh… Fine! Damian gets Immunity too… You have to change him back by the end of the week though!” Chris adds.
“Yeah yeah…” Trent waves it off.
(One week later, after Eva is eliminated)
Trent walks up to Damian, who had been quietly sleeping under Trents bunk. He ques for Damian to come out and Damian shuffles out and quietly waits for Trents command.
“Alright welp its time for you to go back to normal…”
Damian frowns and cries at Trent.
“I know I know… But Chris said it’s the requirement…” Trent says petting Damian.
Reluctantly, Damian sits back in normal position.
“Goodbye for now Damian…”
Damian barks one more time and nuzzles into Trents hand.
“And sleep…”
Duncan’s eyes roll over and he returns to sleep mode.
“Alright Duncan, I want you to take all the memories of you as Damian and tuck them safely away. It’ll be there, but you can’t open it unless I ask you to. Ok?” Trent explains.
Duncan mumbles what sounded like a yes.
“And other than that, when I snap my fingers, you will wake up as your Normal self, with all the memories of what you did. Ok?” Trent asks
Duncan nods.
“Ok, and go.” Trent snaps his fingers.
Duncan’s eyes snap back to reality and he looks at Trent in disgust.
“The fuck is up with-“ He stops as his memories come in “OH FUCK YOU!!!” Duncan gets up and lightly shoved Trent. Trent laughs.
“Yup! I got you!” Trent says.
“Oh god! How the fuck did That work?” Duncan asks
“Honestly? I just kinda got lucky! But I wasn’t wasting a golden opportune moment like this!” Trent laughs.
“Tch, whatever.” Duncan crosses his arms. But shockingly his expression softens.
“Hey… about that Damian thing…” He mumbles.
“What about it?” I ask strangely.
“Do you think you could do it again sometime…” He asks quietly.
Trent looks at him surprised “You’re not serious?!” Trent says shocked.
“Yes I am. I kinda like being Damian. I know I act like a bad boy all the time but, to be Damian would be like having just… a lay off of that I guess…” Duncan mumbles.
Trent seems to think for a moment, before nodding and reaching his hand out towards Duncan. “Deal!”
Duncan grasps his hand and shakes it. “Thanks.”
Duncan begins quietly walking out when Trent stops him.
“Aren’t you gonna put on clothes?” Trent laughs.
Duncan looks back at him and smirks.
“Dogs don’t wear clothes”
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cosplaydude637 · 3 years
Chapter four: words from beyond
Mekyle paced outside the Infirmary door, Two Claws attached two each wrist. Lean up against the wall was Angelique a bow staff in her hand. “You know you look like a tin solder right.” she sneakers.
“I am on gardduty after all.” he spat back.
“Still pissed at Clary” Angelique asks and right then a blue portal opened and Clary, Simon and, Izzy run into the infirmary almost knocking over Mekyle. “What the?” he stamers out catching his balance.
Inside the Infirmary Ruthie stude next to Jace bed with a new cold towel in her hands. Xander was by the door two chakram straps to each hip. He head to duck out of the way quickly when the door flew open. Magnus was in between the to beds blue flames coming from his hands and a blue light was over Jace and Alec how stell lade in the beds passed out. “We got it!” Clary shouts running in holding up the blood covered arrow. Magnus eyes light up and he grabs the arrow using the top to cut his own hand. Ruthie winses at the site of Magnus blood. Magnus lets the two bloods mix together on the Arrow he then drops it in a bowl that Xander brought over to him. He starts to chant words in Greek as blue flames come from his fingers.
Just then Jace and Alec eyes fly open and they sit up at the same time. They move like robots as they stand together side by side.
“Mag’s you did it” Clary says smiling.
Magnus looks grave “no Biscuit I did not finish my spell.” The two guy look over the room again moving as one in a robot style. Mekyle was by the door his claws raised his parabatai Angelique stands next to him gripping her bow staff. Xander is by Magnus his hands on his chakrams. Ruthie head no weapon but she was ready to fight. Clary, Simon And, Izzy were at the foot of the beds looking at the guys.
“What a motley crew of friends you have Magnus” Jace says but not in his voice. The voice is that’s of Sinira.
“By the angel.” Izzy says covering her mouth.
“No sweetie no angels here.” Jace says with a evil smile.
“Sinira what do you want!” Simon snap seeing as everyone was too shocked to speak.
“Oh little sidekick don’t you worry.” Jace says.
“I say again what do you want!” Simon asks again.
“I want you to shut your mouth little sidekick. I speak to true hero’s only.” Jace snaps. This snaps Clary back to normal.
“Jace What is going on why are you talking like her.” Clary cry’s out.
“Oh dear girl he is not in control I am.” Jace says and looks at Magnus as he lays eyes on him Alec body jerks and there is a flash of glimring light and Magnus stumbles I’m to Clary’s arms bleding. “Alec!” She screams.
“Sinira let them go!” Simon shouts.
“Little sidekick can you please shut up!” Jace barks
“Why do you keep calling him that?” Izzy asks color finally coming back to her.
“That’s what he is Clary little sidekick. Going where ever she needs.” Jace says. Simon gives a huff. Jace eyes fall on Simon and in a blink of an eye Alec punch Simon and sends him flying in to the back wall next to the window.
“Stop this.” Magnus slow says getting his feet.
“Soon I will be done brother.” Jace says as his face twitches like saying the words hurt.
“You see that.” Izzy whispers to Clary. Meanwhile Simon has gotten to his feet and is staring out the window. “All be damned.” Simon says. Alec has attacked Ruthie and she is using a bed pin to fight him off.
“Alec Stop!” Magnus shouts. Alec continues his attack not hearing Magnus words. Ruthie spend kicks Alec and he drops to the floor. Xander jumps in to Alec holding one of his chakram to Alec throat. “No!” Magnus cry’s.
“Soon brother are family will be all together. Me, You, Father and are dear uncle.” Jace says and place a dagger to his own throat.
“No please no!” Clary cries out tears running down her face.
“Hey Sinira!” Simon shouts. Everyone turns to look at him. He was standing by a open window his bow raised a arrow ready to fire out it. A huge grin on his face as he looks down at the ground below. “Sidekick this bitch!” He says and lets the arrow fly. There is a sound of a thud a female vice crying out in pane then the sound of a portal opening and then Jace falls to his knees.
“Kid get off me. I am your Console.” Alec says looking up at Xander. This brought everyone back.
“Huh what?” Xander says looking down at Alec. His eyes go huge and he jumps off Alec. “Sir I am so sorry.”
“Can we not be so loud my head is splitting like if I was listening to Simon old band” Jace says. Clary runs over to him and hugs him.
“Watch it Bro he did just save your life twice. No sidekick could do that.” Izzy says and walks over kissing her husband.
After Clary and Jace send the new recruits on patrol the rest of them meet up in the War room. Jace and Alec looked weak as if they had all the energy pulled out of them.
Magnus was white faced and looked very confused. Clary helped Jace walk into the room as Izzy helped Alec. It was only Simon who walked into the room looking pleased with himself.
“Ok can someone please tell me what just happened?” Jace asks slumping into a chair. Clary sits in the one next to him.
“I just saved your ass oh and Alec’s too.” Simon says with an ear to ear grin.
“Yes babe we know you’re great but I think the bigger question is what did she want?” Izzy asks.
“To hurt me.” Magnus says laying his hand on Alec’s
“That's not all.” Simon says. Everyone turns and looks at him with dumb founded looks on thier faces. “She told us soon their family would be completed. Their dad and uncle would be free.” Simon adds.
“Ok I know Asmodeus, but what is this uncle she was talking about?” Isabella asks.
Magnus sighs. “He’s not exactly Family…” he says with a heavy sigh.
“Ok what? Who is he. I’ve never read of any brother to Asmodeus.” Jace snaps.
“Oh you know of him, very well. He is the morningstar.” Magnus explands.
“Sebastian or Valentine?” Clary choke out.
“No biscuit much older than them.” Magnus says. “The Morningstar.” He adds.
“Lucifer!” Simon blurts out.
Magnus looks over at Simon and nods. “That’s right.”
“Ooh Stringbean you’re on fire today.” Jace chuckles.
“Watch it Blondy.” Simon says waving a finger at Jace.
“If you two are done. I’d like to get back to the point of Lucifer coming.” Clary says glarying at Jace and Simon.
“I am with Clary. How is she planning on freeing him.” Isabelle asks.
Magnus sighs and looks down at the table. “There is only one way I know of.” He says and again let out a heavy sigh. “She must be trying to unlock the six gates.”
“Ok what are they baby?” Alec asks running his hand over Magnus’s hand. Magnus just shrugs. The room is silent for quite some time as everyone looks around. Simon slowly stands up and looks at the room placing his hands flat on the table. “Simon” Alec asks looking at him.
“It looks to me like we need to do some research. Let's all meet in the library with Giles for a researcher party don’t forget to get the jelly donuts.” Simon exclames and turns and walks out of the room.
Clary and Isabelle start to chuckle as the other guys just look on completely baffled. Finally Jace speaks up. “Who is Giles?” Clary and Isabelle completely lose it laughing so hard the double over. “What? What did i say!” Jace demands.
“It's form a TV show.” Clary gets out between laughs.
“It's called Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” Isabelle adds and starts to laugh even harder. “Jace… Blond…. Be…. Buffy.” she stamers out laughing so hard she had tears running down her face.
Jace face goes red as he storms out of the room muttering. “Damn mundane tv!!”
Magnus and Alec exchanges looks and blue fire shoots out onto the table and a plate of Jelly donuts appear. Clary and Isabelle fall to the ground laughing hard. Magnus snorts.
“My Magic is not that funny.” He states and picks up the plate and walks out Alec trailing quickly behind him. Leaving the two girls in there fit of laughter on the floor of the war room.
Once the two girls finally make their way to the library a few of the tables are already covered with books. Alec and Magnus sit at one of them eating the donuts. Simon was sitting at the only desk with a computer.
He looked up as they entered the room. “Cordelia, Willow how nice of you to join us.” He said in his best british accent. The Two girls exchanged looks and smiled.
“Your Cordelia.” Clary says with a giggle.
“Then that makes you the lesbian, Willow.” Isabelle says with a smile and a wink.
“And you’re just my type baby.” Clary says pulling Isabelle into a hug. Magnus and Alec cleared their throats at the same time and the two girls split apart and giggle more. “Sorry not making fun of you guys.” Clary says and looks over the room really taking it in. “Where is Jace?” She asks.
“Don’t know it was just Mags and Alec that showed up.” Simon answered.
“I better go find him. Clary says and turns and heads out the doors.
“You must tell him about our love Willow.” Isabelle yells to Clary.
Clary makes her way down the main hallways of the institute looking for Jace. As she winds the east hall way she can hear the sound of something hitting the punching bag. This would be one of the three places she could find Jace ever. The Library, The Music room. Or like this time in the Training room. As Clary entered the room she could see Jace squared up to the bag. He head changed into a Black tank top and black sweatpants. His face was dripping with sweat and his blond beautiful hair was matted down. A look of concentration was on his face. Clary leaned up against the door frame and watched him punch and kick the bag with the grace of an Angel. She so loved watching him. It has become one of her favorite past times ever since she first saw him. Jace spin kicks the bag and it breaks off the chain that was holding it up and flies across the room. “Damn it not again.” Jace snaps. This brings Clary out of her day dream state.
“Hey hot stuff thought I’d see you in the library.” Clary says throwing him a towel.
Jace catches it and smiles a little. “Nah Stringbean is on it. If anyone can solve this puzzle it's him.”
“Did you just give Simon a compliment.” Clary asks in shock
“Don't you dare tell him.” Jace retorts and grabs his water bottle and takes a big drink. “The Newbees back yet?” he asks. Clary shakes her head no. “Think I will clean up and go see what trouble their in.” He says.
“Want some company?” Clary asks with a smile.
“Na there newbees, I think I can handle them.” he replies
“I was meaning with the cleaning up part.” Clary shoots him a seductive look. Jace smiles big.
“Oh now that I do want help with.” The two grab hands and run off towards their room.
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awhitehead17 · 4 years
Everything’s Out Of Control
Chapter 4 / Previous Chapter
Also on AO3
Enjoy! :D
It’s undeniably awkward between them as Alec shows him how to work the shower. Tim tries to not pay too much attention to the tense atmosphere around them as he listens to the man’s instructions. It seems simple enough, he’s pretty sure he can work it.
“So that's it. Magnus said there’s clothes for you in the bedroom and for your friend when he wakes up.” Alec tells him stepping away from the shower and looking at him. “I have work that needs to be done, though I be around if you need me at all.”
Tim nods in understanding. “Yeah, okay. Thank you.”
Alec gives him a nod before turning and walking out of the bathroom. Tim blinks at his departure, trying to wrap his head around that awkward interaction. Obviously there was tension between the two of them, Tim doesn’t know what he’s done to offend Alec, then again having a stranger stay in your home is enough to put anyone on edge. It probably doesn’t help that Tim is a stranger from a different world.
Before getting into the shower Tim heads back to the bedroom he’s been allocated. He instantly sees the new piles of clothes on the desk that hadn’t been there before as well as his utility belt. Tim is surprised to see his possession but is grateful for it nonetheless, Magnus must have put it there at the same time as the clothes. The rest of his suit is still missing, but at least he’s got the most important thing back.
After grabbing the clothes intended for him, Tim checks on Kon. His best friend’s still asleep in the same position Tim had left him in. For a moment Tim debates on whether he should wake Kon up or not, however in the end he decides against it. Kon needs to rest, after everything that had happened, he deserves it at least.
Tim heads for the bathroom and turns the shower on, letting out a long sigh as the hot water hits his body. While he mechanically washes his hair and body, his mind reels at 100 mph, thinking over recent events.
This world is nothing like his own. He’s so out of his element. Usually he’s more controlled than this, knows how to adapt to the environment around him, knows what to do and when and if that doesn’t work then at least he has a backup plan.
Here however, nothing. He has no control over anything and it terrifies him. Not only that, but both he and Kon almost got killed in literal minutes of entering this world. It’s pure coincidence that the man they were looking for happened to be the one to save them.
Eventually he steps out of the warm shower and dries off before changing into the new clothes. A simple black t-shirt and grey sweatpants. Tim is both surprised and not when he finds they fit him perfectly. He bundles his own clothes up and heads for the bedroom again.
He watches Kon for a moment, trying to decide on what to do. He knows Alec is around but he would rather give the man some space, also he said he had work to do and Tim didn’t want to interrupt that. Tim still didn’t want to wake Kon because his friend needed the rest therefore leaving Tim to his own devices.
His utility belt catches his attention again and Tim decides on what he’s going to do to kill some time. Quietly settling down at the desk, he begins fiddling and sorting out his belt. He's making sure everything was still in order, that none of his weapons or gadgets were missing and that everything’s still working as it’s supposed to.
As Tim plays with his belt, he loses track of time. He’s only brought away from his task when a knock from the door gets his attention. Tim looks up as Alec enters the room. The man eyes him at the desk then at Kon’s still sleeping form.
He looks back at Tim, “It’s been a few hours, would you like something to eat or drink? I know you didn’t eat anything at breakfast.”
Tim is taken back by the offer. When he doesn’t respond Alec continues speaking, unperturbed by his silence. “Has he woken up yet? Or has anything changed?”
“No he hasn’t woken up yet,” Tim says glancing at Kon, “I’ve just let him sleep, figuring he needs it. Should I be worried that he’s been asleep for this long?”
Alec shakes his head. “Not really, getting healed by magic and even recovering from a demon wound can really take it out of the body. It can be a long healing process. If he’s still asleep by the time Magnus returns then Magnus can check him over.”
Tim mutely nods. Of course he’s worried about Kon, but again this is something he can’t control, he doesn’t know the ins and outs of recovering from a demon wound or whatever, he’s currently useless to Kon.
“Come on,” Alec says starting to walk back out of the bedroom, “If I don’t feed you then Magnus will have my head.”
Tim sighs and almost reluctantly follows the man out of the room. It’s true he hasn’t eaten but he doesn’t know if he’s actually feeling hungry or not.
They head to the kitchen and Tim settles down at the table as Alec moves about the room. He brings over a couple plates of food and a mug full of coffee for Tim before joining him at the table. Tim notices that some of the food in front of him was from the breakfast spread earlier along with a sandwich.
The two of them sit at the table and eat their lunches in silence. Tim doesn’t mind it, as it once again allows him to get lost in own thoughts, meanwhile Alec’s focus was on some paperwork he had brought to the table with him.
About halfway through lunch, Tim excuses himself from the table to go to the toilet. When he returns it’s to hear Alec on the phone. Instead of returning to the table, Tim hangs back and silently observes the man speaking.
“-and why did you feel the need to call me? Seriously Jace? By the angel, you can handle that on your own! Don’t blame me for your own mistakes and don’t try to drag Izzy into this mess either.”
There’s a long pause and Tim has to hold back a smirk when he sees Alec roll his eyes. It was rather comical to see the action performed by the man.
“Enough. You know, this behaviour makes me wonder how you would survive without me. Uh huh, sure Jace.”
There's a second pause and suddenly Alec’s eyes go wide in a panicked sort of way.
“Don’t put her on the phone! Jace. Jace!” Alec then lets out a long defeated sigh. “Hi Izzy. I don’t know, probably tomorrow. Magnus has some clients he needs to see and I’m not going to leave two strangers lone in his apartment, even if one of them is unconscious. They’re fine Iz. I don’t know, the sooner we can help them and then return them back to their world the better.”
Tim finds it amusing how Alec’s tone of voice goes from being exasperated to concerned to annoyed and back to being exasperated again. It makes him wonder why it seemed to familiar, the fondness mixed with annoyance.
“No you don’t need to come over. No! The less people they meet the better, you do not need to get involved. They’ll be fine, Magnus and I are perfectly capable of looking after a couple of teenagers even if they are from a different world. You wound me Izzy. Definitely not, you are not bringing Simon over no matter how much he wants to meet multidimensional travelling teenagers. No. Right that’s it I’m hanging up. Bye.”
Tim watches as Alec drops the phone down onto the table and rubs a hand over his face. He chooses that moment to re-enter the kitchen and make his presence known. “That sounded like a heavy conversation.” Tim comments sitting down.
Alec sighs again and rolls his eyes. “It’s my siblings, unable to look after themselves as usual.”
It suddenly clicks on why his behaviour seemed familiar. It’s the way Dick sounds after he's had to deal with his sibling’s nonsense. It’s an older brother thing apparently.
Tim continues eating his lunch. “How many siblings do you have?”
Alec glances at him before looking at his papers again. “I have three but it always feels like I have more.”
Tim couldn’t help but snort in agreement. “I know exactly what you mean.”
“Oh yeah? How many do you have?”
“Technically; four adopted brothers, one adopted sister and a very close extended family. I think there’s like nine of us in total.” There’s a sudden tightness in his chest as he thinks about his family back home. He tries to not dwell on it, he’s sure he’ll be seeing their annoying faces again soon enough.
“Oh wow. Big family then,” Alec comments surprised. “I have one sister and two brothers.”
Tim smiles, at least there’s similar between the two of them. “Despite how much of a pain in the ass they all are, I wouldn’t trade them for anything.”
Alec nods like he agrees. That’s when their conversation dies off, Alec continues with his paperwork while Tim finishes off his lunch. Once he's done eating he gets up and takes his plate, as well as Alec’s, to the sink to wash them up.
He washes the dishes in silence and puts them on the drying rack to dry out. When he turns back around he finds Alec watching him from his position at the table, the man meets his gaze steadily, though the corners of his lips turn down in a small frown. “I don’t mean to be rude, but how old are you? You seem young and have an awful amount of scars.”
Tim blinks at the suddenness of the question, unexpecting Alec to jump straight to the point. After a moment he sighs and wonders back to his chair at the table, he should have seen this coming to be honest. He is covered in scars, his arms, knuckles, hands and even his neck.
“I’m eighteen.” He says curtly. He refuses to look at the older man as he fiddles with his own fingers. “The scars are just part of the job.”
Even though he’s not looking at the man, he can certainly feel the heaviness of his stare on him. Alec’s looking at him like he's a wounded puppy or something. It irritates Tim in a way he hadn’t expected. The scars are part of the job, it’s what happens and he learnt a long time ago to accept that.
“What kind of job do you do?” The man questions him curiously.
His first instinct is to refuse telling him, again about those secret identities but for some reason Tim pushes those feelings to the side and opens up to the man. He outlines his nightly activities in Gotham, explaining the cruelty of the city to this man (however keeps everyone else’s names out of it.)
Alec silently nods as he follows Tim’s speech, like he understands all of the fighting and reason behind his duties and why he does what he does. To Tim it almost feels like it’s refreshing in a way.
As he finishes up he shrugs helplessly, “It’s my life really. I take each day at a time and continue to fight where I can.”
“Circumstances may be slightly different, but I know how you feel,” Alec says sympathetically. “Being raised and having to train every day to prove yourself and fighting each day to make the world a better place and to protect those closet to you. It’s a lot to take on.”
Tim hums. “You said you were a… shadowhunter? What does that entail?” This is another opportunity to find out more about this world and the differences it has.
“Well, shadowhunters are people who are born with angel blood. Our job is to maintain peace in what we call the Shadow World and keep it hidden from mundanes.”
Tim blinks at that information. That’s very different than just dressing up in a load of armour and fighting criminals.
“Our angelic blood allows us to have different abilities, these come through our runes,” Alec sits up straighter and spreads his arms, with a hand he gestures to all of the tattoos visible on his pale skin. Tim hums in acknowledgment, so that's what the tattoos are, they actually mean something and not just because the guy likes weird symbols all over his body. “We fight things like demons, help keep peace between the downworlder’s such as vampires, werewolves, faeries and warlocks.”
Tim listens with rapt attention as Alec goes on explaining about the world he lives in. It’s extremely interesting to find out that all of these species actually exist and aren’t just made up myths. Now that Tim’s had some time to digest the knowledge, he finds it fascinating.
The two of them talk about their worlds for a while, they simply chat at the table comparing stories. However their pleasant chat has to come to an end when Alec says he needs to finish off his paperwork. Tim feels slightly guilty for completely side-tracking the man, Alec sees his poorly concealed expression and waves it off with a laugh.
Leaving Alec to get on with his work, Tim decides to go check on Kon to see if his best friend has finally woken up yet. As he gets up from the table the older man sends him a curious look, “you said you knew multiple forms of combat, want to do some training later?”
The unexpected question makes Tim pause, he turns his gaze on Alec thinking about it. He soon smiles, “sure, sounds like you have enough skill behind you too, I think it’ll be an interesting match.”
Tim turns away before Alec could respond, he figures getting in some training wouldn’t hurt anyone. Also sparring against someone different will be refreshing, he’s so used to training with his family that someone else with an entirely different approach to combat will make it unpredictable and challenging.
Kon’s still asleep when Tim enters the room. Closing the door behind him, Tim studies his best friend who was still deeply asleep on the bed, this time however Kon is now on his other side, clutching a pillow with one arm while his head rests on the other.
Unable to help himself, Tim stands there staring at his sleeping friend. He takes in the way Kon looks so relaxed and young like there hadn’t been anything wrong in his life. His best friend has been through hell and back and yet he continues to fight every day, that’s something Tim loves about him.
Tim shakes his head to get rid of those thoughts and strolls over to the bed. He gently sits down on the edge, ignoring the urge to simply staddle Kon and kiss him awake, and reaches out to shake Kon’s shoulder. The Kryptonian’s been asleep for a long time and Tim wants to make sure there is nothing wrong despite what Alec has said.
After a few moments of shaking Kon finally stirs. Tim holds back a laugh as he lets out a long groan and buries his face further into his arm.
“Kon get up.”
“Five more minutes…”
“You get five seconds before I’m getting the water.” Tim threatens with a smile.
Kon lets out another groan but does push himself up into a sitting position and with amusement Tim watches as his friend wakes up, as his mind starts trying to clear the fog that’s come over his brain. He sees the exact moment Kon seems to remember all of the current events that have happened to them, he shoots a wide-eyed look at Tim.
“What the hell happened dude? I don’t remember – everything’s just so hazy – how the hell…” Kon rattles off dozens of unfinished questions before quickly throwing off the bed covers and standing up. He looks down at himself, twisting this way and that, obviously looking for a wound on his immaculate skin.
Not seeing anything seems to make Kon go into a frenzy of panic. “What the hell! What attacked us Tim? How did we escape? Where are we? How am I not dead?”
Tim sighs and gets up, he walks around so he's facing Kon and pushes his friend down onto the bed, keeping a hand on his shoulder to help ground him.
This time Tim knows he can help, in this situation he isn’t useless because he has the answers, he has the knowledge that can help clear up some of the uncertainty. He looks Kon dead in the eyes and makes sure he has his attention. “Kon listen to me. A lot has happened recently, I’ve just mostly wrapped my head around it but I can explain it all.”
Kon takes a deep breath and lets it out, nodding at Tim’s words. “Yeah, yeah, okay. I trust you. Please just tell me what’s going on and what happened.”
Unexplainable feelings explode inside of Tim as Kon declares his trust in him. It warms him to know that Kon still, even after all of this time, trusts him no matter what.
Settling on the bed opposite Kon, Tim begins to describe everything to Kon. It takes a while with the occasional interruption when Kon has a question but Tim is able to get Kon up to speed with all of the information on this world and of what happened to him.
“Jesus Tim, that’s a lot man…” Kon sighs looking resigned.
Tim hums, having already accepted that. “Yeah, this place is certainly different.”
“I’m sorry you had to endure that on your own Tim. I should have been awake with you, not leaving you alone to deal with them….”
Tim’s taken back by Kon’s apology. It takes a moment for him to even respond to it because he has to try and work out why Kon is even apologizing to begin with.
“Why are you sorry? You did nothing wrong, if anything I should be the one apologizing! After all I was useless and unable to help you from getting wounded. If Magnus hadn’t been there, you, and even me, would be dead.”
Kon’s head snaps up and he pierces Tim with a look. “Don’t. Don’t even bother Tim. None of this is your fault, me getting injured isn’t your fault, not having any idea on what to do isn’t your fault either. We’re in a world that is completely different to ours, despite the warnings nothing could have prepared us for what we faced in that alley Tim. I know you like to know everything and have plans for your back up plans but even you couldn’t have predicted what was going to happen.”
His words are meaningful but they still make Tim scowl and look away shamefully. He’s been trained to be better than this. Kon almost died and that’s just something Tim couldn’t take lightly. Of course he can’t handle seeing anyone he loves hurt, but Kon’s different. He literally wouldn’t survive if he loses Kon a second time.
A soft sigh grabs his attention and before he knows it, he’s being pulled off the bed and into a hug. Kon’s arms encase him and Tim finds himself unable to resist the embrace. Tim wraps his own arms around Kon’s torso and rests his head against Kon’s neck, accepting the comfort his friend is giving him. The hug may not drive off the negative and self-loathing thoughts, but it helps him to remember that Kon is alive and currently there with him.
The hug lasts longer than what it probably should have, but neither of them seem to mind and both seem reluctant to pull away. Eventually they do and only because of the sound Kon’s stomach makes.
Kon laughs and leans away from Tim looking at him sheepishly. “Sorry. I guess it’s been a while since I last ate, is there any food here I can have? Also is there a shower while I think about it? I want to clean up a bit.”
Tim smiles and nods. “Yeah there is. I can ask Alec to get something for you now you’re up. There is also a shower you can use yes, they had no problem with me using it so you should be fine.”
It’s as he finishes talking that Tim realises how close the two of them were still standing. Tim even still has an arm wrapped around Kon and one of Kon’s arms around his neck from where they hadn’t fully pulled apart from the hug.
Embarrassment rises inside of Tim and he quickly steps backwards out of Kon’s hold. Feeling his face go hot, he turns around and looks for something to distract him and seeing the clothes intended for Kon on the desk is enough.
Tim goes over and grabs them, using the small amount of time to get control of his emotions again. By the time he turns back to Kon he thinks he’s calmed down enough. “Here, Magnus said these were for you. If you have a shower first then I can get you some food. I’ll show you where the bathroom is.” Tim hands Kon the clothes and heads out of the bedroom with Kon on his heels.
Like Alec had done to him earlier, Tim shows Kon how to work the shower and leaves him to it. Upon leaving the bathroom in order to find Alec to ask about food for Kon, Tim tries to clear his thoughts before he starts overthinking everything that’s just occurred between him and Kon. Now wasn’t really the time to start over analysing his friendship with Kon, there were more important things to be dealing with rather than his feelings for his best friend.
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Half a Pint of Sex
A little AU that takes place during S2 E1. What if Rae didn’t leave after she saw Finn in the shower?
Also posted on AO3.
Thank you as ever to Lil, my beta reader from another mother: you are exacting and wise and very exciting to work with. 
@madfatty @burnnmyhearttout @thatfunnygirllauren @hellothisismebye
Rae was in a tizzy as she walked back from the lingerie shop. It was all well and good to bare everything in front of Chloe and Izzy and the baps-expert bra lady, but…ugh…who was she kidding? Even that was horribly uncomfortable. How could she ever do this with Finn? She closed her eyes and counted to ten. “He likes me,” she reminded herself. “He’s already touched my lady bits and he wants to go camping and he knows we’re getting three tents. Relax, idiot! He likes you. He really likes you.” She repeated the affirmation, though suspected this could all change once Finn really saw all of her. But the pep talk and the teal underwear in her shopping bag gave her a surge of confidence or maybe it was just hope. Whatever propelled her, she found herself heading to Finn’s house. Maybe to show him. Maybe not. 
Meanwhile, Finn was in his attic, waist-high in boxes and sorting fairy lights from Christmases past. Most of his thoughts were preoccupied by the camping trip and how not to let on that he was preoccupied. Being attentive to Rae was work but the best kind. It felt good to be in this deep, to care this much. Anyway, their first time would not be in a tent, that was not how he’d pictured it, hence ten calls to arrange the surprise caravan and a whole morning in the attic. He was glad she’d been busy earlier because he was crap at making excuses. He was covered in dust from his efforts, but now he just wanted to see her. Fuck it, he was going to go over to hers even if he had to wait around until she got home. He headed to the shower to wash up.
Rae’s feet automatically slowed as she approached Finn’s house; much had changed since the first time she’d walked up to his door. When she was with Finn their chemistry was obvious and magnetic, but when they were apart the whole thing still seemed impossible. If she could get back in the same room with him, the rest should take care of itself. She needed to trust in the strange magic of them. She pushed herself forward with the memory of Finn’s reassuring smile, his promise of “to be continued.” Gary welcomed her inside amidst a haze of Dire Straits. Rae prayed her own straits were not so dire.
Finn’s thoughts were racing in the shower. Was he putting too much pressure on her? He was pretty sure the whole thing had been Rae’s idea. It was a sleepover and she’d asked for three tents. And she had let him touch her the other day in her room, but then Linda had barged in and it just didn’t feel right to continue. He’d run off to footy practice even though he’d planned to skip it. But now it was all he could think about, how ready she’d been for his fingers. The hot water across his shoulders was starting to remind him of that warmth and how it had spread to her wickedly soft inner thighs. He rubbed at his stiffening cock but glanced up to find the door open, and his dad didn’t need to see that. He turned the water a little colder–he would wait until he was in his room to finish that thought.
Rae climbed the stairs with a distracted smirk on her face and heard the water running as she reached the top. Was Finn in the shower? Was he showering with the door open? Who showered with the door open? “Oh,” she thought, as she saw his wet and flawless frame turning away, “people with perfect bodies.” And there it was, the arse she coveted, bare as the day he was born, as peachy as she’d ever imagined.
Suddenly, she was struck with a huge choice: run out of this house straight to the airport and jump on a plane to the North Pole to live in a cave and raise polar bears and never again see a human arse that would remind her of what she couldn’t have OR literally put on her big girl pants and meet her own life head on. Seeing as she’d spent her last pound on the pants, air travel was out of the question. She walked halfway down the stairs and back up three times before finding herself in Finn’s room. The next set of events was a blur, as she ran to the window and yanked the curtain over to block out as much light as possible, raced into her new underwear while holding the door closed and finally dove under his duvet and slid herself all the way to the wall.
Lying in Finn’s bed, Rae was shocked by her own actions, completely out of breath and utterly grateful that Chloe had explained what she meant about preparing for “naked time” with Finn. That morning, Rae had shaved her legs, continuing above her knees which she hadn’t even realized was a thing, and she’d smoothed out her underarms and even tidied up her unruly thatch of pubic hair. As she awaited the inevitable, she tried to make herself as small as possible, but her flesh refused to cooperate and kept falling around her in the most hideous of ways. Every time she angled herself to smooth one area, another rolled up and out, and she was quickly getting itchy and hot in all the places where her skin was rubbing against itself, and this was all a very bad idea, and her head was pounding and she thought she might throw up. Her fevered train of thought came to an abrupt halt as the freshly-bathed scent of Finn Nelson burst across her senses and then he was there in the room, in his boxers and running a towel over his head. He didn’t see her at first, as he was taking in the closed window curtain with mild confusion.
“Don’t be scared it’s just me!” Rae blurted out as she pulled the duvet up to her nose. “Hiya.”
Tracking Rae’s voice, Finn found her wedged in the corner of his bed. Her position was almost comical as if she were trying to disappear into the wall, but this did not diminish the salient fact: Rae was in his bed. She was under his duvet. She was hiding something, possibly nakedness. His body was reacting faster than his mind and he quickly moved the towel down to hide his excitement. He was turned on; he was touched, and he was stunned by the boldness of her gesture. As his eyes adjusted to the dimness, he could see that she was terrified.
“What are ya doing under there, girl?” He asked in a tone he hoped was both non-threatening and affectionate.
“Oh nothin’,” Rae responded. “Just thought I’d make sure you had sheets under here.”
“Oh, and do I?” Finn couldn’t help but flirt as he moved slowly towards the bed. He was still having trouble processing what was happening, but whatever it was, was very good.
“Yes, comfy sheets.”
“They’re comfy, eh?” Finn was fully loving the dynamic now. He felt a little bad for torturing her like this, but he knew this would all work out even if she didn’t seem to. “Can you feel them especially, ‘cause maybe you’re not wearin’ anything?”
“Oh, I’m wearin’ something…some…things…” Rae was biting her lip, rolling her eyes and blushing to her toes.
Finn was standing right up against the bed now. His curiosity was beyond piqued, but he knew Rae was regretting her actions and he needed to get her back on board. He was always most confident expressing himself from his arsenal of smiles, and he carefully chose one for her that conveyed sympathy, encouragement and understated joy. When he saw the muscles around her eyes relax, he spoke, “I’m really glad you’re here.” Then even more gently, he added, “Would it be okay if I joined you under there?”
Rae nodded, and Finn slipped cautiously onto the bed, keeping a respectful distance and his eyes on her face.
“So, what are these… things…you’re wearing?”
Rae huffed and rolled her eyes, “Chloe took us to a lingerie shop and I wound up buyin’ this stuff. But they’re totally impractical and I don’t think they look good on me. And I mean, I’m not even sure if you like my boobs, because they’re too large and they’re not made for lacy-”
“Rae…Rae!” Finn was struggling to get Rae’s attention and she finally stopped babbling long enough to look at him. “Do you not know how I feel about your boobs? Guess you hadn’t noticed me looking at them all the time when we first met? Archie and Chop had to tell me to stop!”
“Nah… I hadn’t…” Rae attempted a nanosecond of mental acrobatics, trying to immediately recall all the times this could have happened. It was new information and she couldn’t help but smile and then laugh, “Chop had to stop you?! But Chop looks at them all the time!”
“Yeah…” Finn winced “Now he says if I get to touch’em, then he should at least be able to look at’em.” He scrunched his face and waited for her to punch him.
“What?! Oh thanks for that! Really defending my honor, eh?” The banter was so normal, that for a minute, Rae forgot they were in a bed and half naked. “You know Chop needs to watch himself or Izzy’s going to get seriously insecure. I know she already feels—"
Suddenly Finn was kissing her–his version of oral sparring was not really fair, because he always won.
Finn was glad she was back to form, because he was addicted to transforming loud opinionated Rae into quiet, yielding Rae. Kissing her was like unlocking so much sweetness, and it was all for him.
When she stilled, he spoke quietly, “Anyway, I told Chop, that was bullshit and he had to stop.” Finn continued with a playful pout, “But can we not talk about Chop anymore? Besides…I haven’t really touched them… not really…”
Rae was pleasantly transfixed by the recent kiss and his current gaze. This back and forth between humor and seriousness, teasing and affection, of her knowing him and his knowing her was the alchemy she needed. She bit her bottom lip as she slowly lowered the duvet to her waist, revealing all the cream and teal she’d been hiding. Finn gasped and stared, and Rae felt like she was on fire. His hand instinctively reached out to touch her, but he stopped himself.
“Can I?” His breath hitched on the words and Rae felt a sense of control that she had never known. She could feel how truly sexy she was in that moment with her hair flowing around her face and her lips parted. She looked at him from beneath her lashes and knew how completely she had him. All of time seemed to slow down in that astonishing moment.
When Rae finally spoke, “Yeah,” was all she said. He reached towards her hesitantly and ran his finger along the top of her shallow bra cup, tracing the entire seam where it met the soft flesh of her right breast. Finn’s eyes were on hers, as he slid his finger below the edge, lowering it inch by inch until her whole breast spilled out. They held each other’s eyes with half shock and open mouths. Gradually his eyes lowered to take her in, the fullness, the large dark areola, the perfectly protruding nipple; the sight drew his tongue forward. Then, just as slowly, Finn freed her from the left cup and felt woozy with the vision that lay before him.  
Rae smiled as she watched Finn’s reaction and relaxed into this new sensation of feeling like the best thing he’d ever seen.
“They look so good, Rae…” Finn was nearly stuttering, “better than I imagined.”
Finn was consumed with looking, just feeling her with his eyes for a full minute before finally sweeping his fingers around the outside curves of her and his thumbs against her nipples. He kissed her then, pressing his whole body into her, knowing she could feel him hard against her leg.
It all turned hot and heavy quickly as they licked and sucked at each other’s lips and tongues. They were grinding against each other’s thighs and her hands were grasping at his hair and his hands were full of her breasts. Things were escalating and their hearts were racing, when Rae put her hand between them and pushed him back.
“Are you okay?” he panted, concern registering in his eyes.
“Yeah, I’m good,” she panted back. “So, so good… I just don’t think I’m… ready…”
“Oh, Rae,” Finn smiled. “We don’t have to…there’s so many other things we can do… I mean…if you want to…”
“Yeah…I want to…” Rae smiled, and Finn remembered she had her own arsenal, and this was the one–so wide and genuine and beautiful–that lit up his heart.
“Honestly,” he added, “I’m just chuffed to see you in your underwear.”
“You really like it?” She asked, pretending the question was not rhetorical.
“Yeah, I really like it,” he answered, as if she didn’t know what an understatement that was.
“Do you think your dad might…?
“Nah.. not if my door’s closed.”
“So he’s not makin’ hot pot or anything? Maybe needs some ingredients?”
“He won’t bother us,” Finn grinned as he spoke. “He knows you’re up here. And he totally loves you.”
Rae smiled to herself wondering how many Nelsons might love her. Finn shifted out of the bed to put on some music.
Rae teased him, “Oh, let me guess…”
“Oi!” Finn shot back, “I’ve been waiting for this. You can’t deny me it.” He pulled out his album of decidedly not crap reggae and lowered the needle. “Plus now my dad will really know to stay away.”
As she watched him return to bed, bopping his head suggestively to the music, Rae giggled and felt her whole body melt and tingle in anticipation. “So, where were we, girl?” Finn asked as he crawled in next to her. He looked into her eyes and ran his fingers through her hair, and Rae was very happy to remind him. 
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One and Only Heart Chapter 2
Disclaimer: I don't own FBI, the show belongs to Dick Wolf, and CBS do.
A/N: There's a nod to Law and Order from Season 17 onward, see if you can spot it.
Mention of/Spoilers for: Most Wanted (FBI Season 1 and Episode 18 and FBI: Most Wanted Pilot) and Closure (FBI Season 1.18)
Meanwhile, Jubal was upstairs taking it easy.
He just wanted to rest following a severe case where a judge was forcibly taken across state lines into New Jersey. The abductor threatened to hurt the judge if his demands weren't met. In the end, they got the judge freed, and the criminal captured without further incident. He now planned Sunday go up to Scarsdale as a special surprise visit and spend time with Tyler and Abigail.
Following a quick meal, he turned in but was feeling restless. So, he picked up a book and began reading. However, he couldn't concentrate as there was a person on his mind. Isobel. While they had that argument, he still cared about her and was worried about being with the guy she was with. On his own time, he had done a background check on Axel, and while he did come up clean and no records, it was his photo with a smug smile that worried him on how badly Isobel could be hurt.
He had noticed Isobel from the first time that his team met up and met with her team at the time, the FBI Fugitive Task Force, to catch the killer. To him, it felt like he saw her somewhere before or they had worked together in a previous life, but couldn't place it. He had pushed that thought aside, and they got to work. When the case was solved, and they never crossed paths again. Until, of course, Dana resigned and retired, and Isobel became their Special Agent in Charge.
Fast forward to the present time. When the case concluded, he had noticed how Isobel left in a hurry. He didn't see her in her office, which was odd; she was usually the last to leave though she may be in a meeting. But when he asked around, he got the same answer, there were no meetings. He began to worry about her and hoped that something wrong wouldn't happen.
Fruitlessly trying to read the same page three times, he gave up and got ready for bed. Just as he was about to get in bed when he heard a knock on the door, he thought, who could that be?
Not sure what to think, he headed to the door. He set his weapon aside and opened the door when he checked the peephole and saw who it was. There stood Isobel Castille in a heavy overcoat. Instead of looking stoic, she looked sad. Her mascara was smeared, evident that she had been crying. Sensing something was wrong. Jubal pulled her in and closed the door. Sensing she needed a hug, he pulled her in and asked, "Isobel, what's wrong?"
Isobel bit her lip and replied, "It's over with Axel. I went home, got dressed up and over to our usual meeting spot, and caught him red-handed kissing a buxom strawberry blonde. I had a feeling that he had been unfaithful for some time."
When he heard what Isobel said, Jubal ground his teeth. Axel. Axel Whittaker. That SOB. Jubal knew he had been all wrong for someone as fierce, reliable, and independent as Isobel.
He led her to the couch, and they sat next to Isobel. As a friend who cared, Jubal wrapped his arm around Isobel's shoulder. While she stiffened at first, it wasn't long before Isobel had her head on his shoulder. The two of them remained silent and Jubal let Isobel talk when she was ready to. A short time later Isobel began talking, "How could I have let his personality and charm sway me? We have faced people who are just as slimy, and we were always on guard. Yet with Axel, I let my guard down. I feel stupid. I should have pressed the issue."
Hearing her, sniffle broke his heart. Though he had been divorced for a little while now and hadn't seen anyone socially, here was the one woman he loved her the first time he saw her. However, he stayed away following their heated discussion. Until now, that is.
He reached for the tissue box and handed it over to her. She took a few and wiped her tears, and along with that, her smeared mascara. Jubal breathed in and out; he hoped that now was as anytime an excellent time to reveal his secret.
Clearing his voice, Jubal began. "Isobel, if you had pressed the issue, he would have hurt you even more. A strong woman like you deserves someone better than that punk. You deserve someone better, baby."
Jubal realized what he had said. But before he could take it back, Isobel sat up straight, looked straight into his eyes, and asked, "Jubal, did you call me what I think you called me…baby?"
Like a schoolboy who was caught staring at the prettiest and popular girl he thought oops, way to go Jubal, you are so busted. You'll be lucky if Isobel doesn't do something to subdue you.
Seeing Isobel stare at him, he turned around and faced her and said, "Isobel, here's the truth. Since the time that we first worked something to stir within. I wanted to talk to you, but I had my problems and we had the case to solve. After the case I thought I would never see you again, then when you came in after Dana left I was doing a mental happy dance that you were back. Byt then I knew I was ready to ask you as my problems were settled. Then suddenly you began dating that jerk, and I will admit I was jealous. I wanted to say something, but after our discussion, I stayed away as you had asked."
Now she knew the whole story, Isobel was touched. She had no idea that Jubal felt this way about her. The truth was she liked him too. Since she was apt not to let anyone in on her personal life, and suddenly she was involved with Axel. She hadn't meant to make Jubal jealous, or did she?
Making a quick decision it was now or never. Isobel leaned in and, with their lips a mere inch from each other. Knowing what would happen next, he placed a hand on her cheek and caressed the gently and asked, "Are you sure Izzy? Cause once we cross the line, there’s no going back."
Isobel loved the way her Jubal name just rolled off his tongue. Now she needed to figure out how he found her Jubal name. Leaning even closer, she whispered, "Yes, I’m sure. Just shut up and kiss me already, Jubal."
Jubal replied, "As you, my wish, my lady."
Jubal tilted his head, and when their lips collided the stars aligned. Their first kiss was sweet and unhurried, promising of what was to come. As they continued kissing, alternating between slow and passionate as she placed her hands on his face, and eventually on his neck. Just as their hands began to roam around each other's clothed bodies when suddenly he broke the kiss, causing Isobel to groan, "You better not be having second thoughts I swear I will hurt so badly that…"
Jubal smiled, "No second thoughts."
Taking her hands in his, relishing how skin felt soft against his rough skin. I just realized I should be doing this the right way. I would love to take you on a date first and before proceeding to um extracurricular activities."
Isobel softened. She loved Jubal's sense of being the proper gentleman. Caressing his jaw and framing his face with her hands, she said, "We could, but with our cases and my meetings, it could take a long time before that happened. Plus, I have something that I want to make good use of."
She stood up and took off her coat to reveal a sequined dress with a v-neck dress and a slit that showed her legs. Isobel pulled him up and asked, "Do you like what you see so far?"
Jubal couldn't take anymore. Now he wanted her. He stood up and answered in a low growl, "You bet I do Izzy."
He led her to his room. Once they were in and the door was closed and locked, he turned around and walked to her.
Taking her hands, he pulled her into his arms. Isobel had always imagined what it would be like to be in his arms. Now she never wanted to leave. He went in for a kiss, which started at a steady pace. However, as the intensity of the kiss grew he let his hands roam her body. Isobel's hands moved up into and soon tangled in his hair with his arms wound tightly around her waist. As they continued making out, Isobel let her fingers move in under the shirt to roam his body. The sensations that her fingers left caused him to groaned at her touch, leaving hot sensations on his skin. Soon his hands found the zipper on her dress, and he lowered it.
When the air became a necessity, they broke the kiss and breathlessly backed up and removed their clothing. Jubal pulled off his shirt as she pulled dress down and expose her scantily clad body. They both got a look at each other, each getting turned on even more than before. There stood Isobel in a blue lace bra and panty set. A set that hugged her body so well it looked like it was a second skin. He never thought he would be able to see Isobel in lacy lingerie. All he remembered was wow, she’s so stunning.
Meanwhile, Isobel thought the same thing. Never in her wildest dreams would she ever have felt that she would see Jubal in something more casual than what he wore at work, hence his shirtless look.
Breathe Isobel. You’re not be going to do much if you can't get your heart rate lowered enough.
Jubal came closer to her, and he whispered, "Izzy, you’re so beautiful and so gorgeous. I want you so bad."
Isobel replied in a voice dripping with desire, "Take me and make me yours."
He took her back into his arms and kissed her. He briefly pushed her against the door. But instead of starting another kissing frenzy, he leaned in and began lavishing kisses on her neck. As he continued to let his lips roam everywhere, Isobel sighed in pleasure and tilted her head to give her lover more access. As the ministration continued, she once again threaded her fingers in his thick curls.
When he came up and met her gaze, she slyly grinned and knew what to do. Jubal smiled. He swept up Isobel and carried to the bed. He got on and laid down, he pulled her down to him, and soon their lips touched off another passionate and heated kiss in which their tongues dueled for dominance. Not long afterward, they helped each other out of the remainder of the clothing and made love deep into the night.
Early the next morning, as the sun rays, shining through the curtains and Isobel stirred from her slumber. Try as she may, she didn't want to wake up as that would mean the end of a kind dream she was having where she spent the night with the man she truly was meant to be. She tried to move but felt a strong arm around her and a warm body that spooned against her. She turned her head and saw a sleeping Jubal holding her close to him.
She thought to himself, what did she do deserve a man as special as Jubal. Their passionate lovemaking last night was filled with so much desire and hunger. While she had wanted to show him how much she wanted him, he had insisted on helping her heal and making her feel loved. They had alternated in slow and languid and wild and frenzied. The way his hands roamed her body touching and caressing her caused the nerve ending in her body to go into overdrive. Isobel shivered just thinking about it.
Not able to resist anymore she leaned in and kissed him on his nose, she kissed it a couple more times which got Jubal to stir. Jubal didn't want to wake for he was having the best dream where he was making love with a beautiful brunette, but when he couldn't hold on any longer, he awoke and saw Isobel smiling at him.
Jubal thought quickly, so last night wasn't a dream. It was for real, and dang Isobel looks sexy even with bed head.
Jubal leaned and kissed his lover on the lips, which led Isobel to deepen the kiss. When they parted to get the air, he smiled and said, "Good morning, beautiful."
Feeling her heart miss a few beats, Isobel placed her hand on his face and whispered back, "Good morning to you too handsome."
A few more smooches later, Isobel said, "Last night was incredible."
Jubal responded with a gentle kiss on the forehead. He switched from his right side and laid on his back and pulled Isobel and held her close—he was amazed at how their bodies fit together perfectly.
Wrapping his arms tighter around Isobel, he asked in a low voice, "What do you want to do this morning?"
Isobel snuggled closer to Jubal and answered, "All I know is I want to be with you."
A/N 2: Thanks for reading chapter 2 of One and Only Heart. As always reviews are appreciated.
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morgemuffel · 6 years
This story takes place between 3Bx14 & 3Bx15
I know Underhill has not been given a first name yet so I'll just name him Jack in my story. If the name gets revealed in season 3B, I will revise the text and replace the name. :) *(Part 1 of my series: our heart beats like one)
So enjoy reading & please remember English is not my mother tongue... :)
Sometimes I can't understand his reasoning, I can't understand him. Why can't I just understand his actions and be happy for him? He has regained his magic, well more likely he got a top-of-the-line dose of Lorenzo's and even that to a pretty lousy price. To the price tag of the loft. His home. My home. Nevertheless, I should be happy for him, but I just can't. Am I a bad boyfriend now?
Alec is lying on his bed at the New York Institute and has been staring at his white bare ceiling enormously fascinated for a quite bit of  time now. He never realized how uncomfortable his room was set up. The large room radiated more of a particularly than a cozy atmosphere. Everything looked rather cool. The antique furnitures were indiscriminately combined, the whole previous facility more functional than friendly and inviting. Not like if someone would really live here and feeling safe and secure while being there. Neither Alec's character was reflected nor did it somehow felt like his home. Home, that was the key word, Magnus' Loft was home, Magnus was his home. A part of Alec, just a tiny little egotistical part of Alec, had been looking forward to the loss of Magnus magic. He had felt an unintentional relief at the thought that he and Magnus now had a chance to get old together and the immortality issue would be out of the blue once and for all. But as soon as the thought had come so quickly it had evaporated again. He knew how much Magnus was suffering from the loss of his magic and it hurt him to see him like that. His magic connected him with everything around him and without it he felt like a stranger. In the body of a more than 400-year-old warlock without the electrifying feeling of his magic flowing through him like blood through his veins. So how could Alec begrudge him that feeling? Furthermore, it was not certain that the return of his magic had automatically resolved the mortality. But he was too afraid to ask him this question. This one question that burned like fire on his tongue. The fear that this little shameful part of him would gain the upper hand in a confrontation. He didn't want Magnus to know about that ugly part of him. And so he was back to the beginning of his thoughts, was he a bad boyfriend because of that?
All at once his cell phone rings and an unknown number showed up  on the display. Astonished, Alec answered the phone "Alexander Lightwood, head of the New York Institute, who am I talking to?" There was a moment of silence at the other end. Until the person cleared his throat. "Underhill here, well ahm... Jack." Alec felt a little stupid right now. Why did he have to answer so over-formally? Jack continued "I got your number from Isabel, After assuring her that I really only wanted to go out for a drink after work without any ulterior motives, she gave me your number." Ahm... yeah so, how about a beer? The first round is on me." "Alec tried to quickly sort the information inside his head: 1. OK then his cheeky sister Izzy just pulled out his private number 2. what makes her think that Underhill would actually go for someone like Alec? Alec blushed at the thought. Of course two gay men could also only be friends with each other and 3. Would Magnus see it that way too? What was he thinking, sure Magnus was not a jealous man. "Yeah, why not, Hunter's Moon at 8:00pm?" Jack laughed relieved. It almost seems like he wants to talk to Alec about something important. "Sounds great see you then." They said goodbye and Alec slips his phone a bit confused back into his pocket. He never really had friends apart from his brother Jace and his sister Izzy. Well there were still Clary and Simon. But Simon talked too much about irrelevant mundane stuff and Dustin Hoffman movies. Clary and him were just recently getting along maybe that would change in the future but right now it was more like a collegiate base. It would be nice to have someone who was just his friend, someone who knew what it was like to come out at the institute, someone he could talk to about shadowhunter-stuff and relationship issues and who'd actually understand him. Of course, Jace was his Parabatei and felt everything what Alec felt through their connection and tried to help him as best possible. But Jace, well... Jace, was still Jace at the end of the day and his advice, though well intentioned often not really helpful. With Magnus he could talk about all these things and he appreciated that. He had never opened so much to anyone but what bothered him now, had to do with Magnus and therefore he also dropped out as an option. So Alec was looking forward to hangout with Underhill, with Jack.
Magnus just left Hunter's Moon after his cheering-up-martini. He was feeling a little melancholic at the thought of his lost loft. But he was still convinced that it was worth it. At the end of the day it's just a thing and so he had the opportunity to look for a new home. That was always a lot of fun. He loves to have a look at new apartments and then set it up and decorate it again. He had the money and who knows, maybe he could even persuaded Alec to to paint the walls with him and pick out new furniture from catalogs? Maybe there was even a similar apartment in Brooklyn just waiting for him. And perhaps it was a sign? That the time to take the next step and move in with Alec has come. He had told Alec a few weeks earlier that it wasn't the time yet, that it's to soon.  They were together for about two months now but it felt like an eternity. He wanted to say yes that day when Alec stood there in Magnus' blue shirt when he looked at him expectantly, but he couldn't. He was too afraid and had never ventured this step with anyone before. With Alec he always discovered new needs, needs he never know that they were even there. What Magnus really wanted, no needed was waking up every morning beside his wonderful boyfriend, to lose himself in those beautiful hazel colored eyes, having breakfast with him, eating french toast on a balcony each and every morning, spend the day with him and wait for his return in the evening. For his return to their home. Home, Magnus smiled, yes he was ready for this new adventure.
Arriving at Hunter's Moon, Alec looked for the blond shadowhunter. He just missed Magnus who went out of the back door. Jack Underhill sat at the counter with a beer in his hand and waved to Alec. Alec sat down and ordered a beer as well. Magnus tried to familiarize him with the different drinks and wines but Alec was usually more confused at the end, that's why it was always up to Magnus to decide. He thought taking the same thing like Underhill would be the easiest. "Cool that you've  made it, Underhill started, I honestly asked you out for a reason ..." Alec frowned, and took a sip of his beer. Jack hesitated before he finally started. "I haven't been dating anybody for a long time now and..." Alec's thoughts were a wild mess now. "Oh by the angel, no I don't know how to deal with such a situation please don't say what I think you're about to say ..." Underhill took a deep breath and asked: Would you be my wingman tonight? Alec blushed, he wasn't expecting that. He has never been asked to be someone's wingman. Jace didn't need anyone because he was the master of flirting and now he's happy in a relationship with Clary anyway. What do you even do as a good wingman? Alec wasn't sure. Nevertheless, he agreed" "Okey, then and what did you have in mind?" he asked hesitantly. Underhill told him he just had to help him talk to a potential partner. "I don't know if I'm the right person for this job..."Alec said. Jack shook his head tentative. "Of course! if not you who else?" You got yourself the High Warlock of Brooklyn the Magnus Bane!" Alec grinned at the thought of Magnus. Although he wasn't the high warlock of Brooklyn anymore he sometimes couldn't believe it himself. Magnus wasn't only incredibly hot and sexy but also extremely funny intelligent and... oh, he shouldn't digress it wasn't about him now. But how should he help Underhill? Communication with other people apart from Magnus wasn't really his strength. Except he was drunk then he was according to Izzy *a babbling waterfall* "Well, let's try it, but I'll need two more beers first," Alec laughed.
Meanwhile Magnus opened a portal in the narrow alley behind the bar to get into the institute. Suddenly blood ran from his right nostril down to his lips. Surprised, he wiped his nose and tried to suppress the thought that wanted to spread in his head. Just don't think about it, then it is not true. He wipes his hand on the inside of his jacket and walked through the portal. Once there, he sets out to find Alec, he should be finished working by now. But he doesn't find him anywhere. As he passes the Armory, he sees Izzy and he decides to ask her about Alec."Isabelle, have you seen Alec? I wanted to surprise him with a dinner in Paris and talk about my... our... new living situation." Izzy looks at him sheepishly as she replies "Yes he is with Jack, I mean Underhill they went out for a drink." "Oh... Jack," Magnus says visibly surprised by this message. "Well then we'll have to delay this special occasion..."Izzy perky as always "don't worry about my brother, he only has eyes for you and I think tall, blonde and handsome is more like Clary's type." "Yes ... no no, I'm not jealous Isabel, do you know when he'll be back?" Izzy thought about it "naah, no idea tomorrow is his day off from that... I don't know. Magnus was undecided what to do next. He had hoped to spend the night with Alec in his apartment in Paris. Now he wasn't even sure if it's a good idea to open a portal again. Should he just wait in Alec's room? Yes, that was a good idea. "I'll just wait for him in his room," Magnus said. Izzy nodded and continued polishing her seraph blade. Magnus headed to the bedchambers of the institute until he reached Alec's room. He rubbed his hands happily when he got the idea to redesign the room. And so he was busy with his new project for the next few hours.
An hour later, the two men sat laughing, lolling and loot spying at the counter. So far, Alec had not found any of Underhills suggested men passable. Underhill: "How about the one over there at the pool table, the one in the white shirt?" "I mean he looks good... and I like the way he's stroking through his hair when he laughs... somehow cute." Alec: "Uh... really?" I'm not sure, he's a bit pale" he said with a shrug. Jack: "Well, not everybody can have a flawless tanned caramel-like body with perfectly defined muscles and silky smooth hair. Alec looked at him puzzled "you remember that you're talking about my boyfriend right? Underhill then a bit uncomfortable "Yeah sorry, but I mean Magnus is really good-looking even I can see that. Alec laughs and turns back to Mr. White-Shirt. He inspects him from top to bottom, but finds it difficult to find something about him that he would actually classify as attractive. Automatically, Magnus' Ideal Body appeared in his mind's eye and Alec started comparing the two men. He couldn't say if he would find the man attractive if Magnus wasn't his boyfriend. Hm... Okay the guy could play pool that was positive but otherwise? Alec: Well he's definitely not a Magnus, at the most a 6 out of 10 and he's good at playing pool, you like doing that too sooo...? Jack: "Haha, but I'm not looking for a second Magnus either..." he started but Alec interrupted him, "you wouldn't even find a second one he said in a played sulkily tone. Underhill "Maybe I should have thought this through." The two men burst out laughing again and so it goes back and forth for a while. As Alec's phone rings in his pocket. "Oh, speaking of which..., "heeeey baaabe... "he mumbles into the phone, smiling.
Magnus on the other side of the phone exhales slowly before answering in his casual tone. "Hello darling... I've heard you're out, uhm... with a friend and I wanted to ask you when you're about to be back..? I'm here at the institute, decorating your room a bit..." Magnus cursed inside that wasn't very subtle, he had told Isabel that he wasn't jealous and he meant it. Especially after so many centuries and several relationships, he had learned that, jealousy is just a feeling that comes from your own insecurity. And he knew that he could fully trust Alec but even Magnus was uncertain sometimes. Unsure he might be easy to replace? "Pssst... that's my boyfriend Magnus on the other end, could you all be quiet, thanks!" Alec rolled his eyes at the guests at Hunter's Moon and shaking his head as if it were the most logical thing that the entire bar has to be quiet when his boyfriend calls. Yes drunk Alec was here. Underhill could barely suppress his laugh as he tried to ignore the evil glares of the others. "Send your better half kind regards." Magnus heard Underhill whispering in the background. Alec returned to his conversation with Magnus. "Ahm... greetings, no a kind regards from Jack and I'll be on my way in about 15 minutes," Alec whispered lovingly into his phone. Magnus' heart on the other end began to throb wildly, oh he loved this Nephilim so much that it almost hurt and Underhill is a nice guy so get yourself together Bane. "See you then darling," Magnus replied and hung up.
After Alec has finished the call, the sentence which Underhill had told him a few weeks ago went through his head - Nephilim love once, fiercely - Yes, he couldn't look at other men without thinking about Magnus and his inner conflict made itself noticeable again. Now was the right time to ask Jack for advice. So he took all his courage together and just blurted out with it. "Hey... Can I ask you something serious about ahm... relationships...?" Alec asked. Underhill took a deep breath and stretched slowly. "Alright buddy go ahead." Alec started to tell him about his worries. He told him that he was hurt when he found out that Magnus had regained his magic today. Because he has the feeling that Magnus prefers to have his magic, be immortal and to outlive him. To forget him and one day simply replace him, instead of being mortal and spend like fifty years in the mundane way with Alec. He confessed to him that he thought the biggest hurdle in their relationship would be out of the world. Even though he wants Magnus to be happy at all costs, he doesn't know how to handle this feeling. "He could have died trying and did'n't even ask for my opinion you understand? And I dare not to ask him if he has now regained his magic and immortality, or only his magic and if I am unnecessarily maddening." Jack nodded slowly as he said "It's always best to start with yourself first." Let's talk about the immortality part..."
Alec was obviously feeling better after Underhill's speech and decided to get back reasonably sober with a lot of coffee and then confront Lorenzo at the handover in Magnus' loft. Nobody had the right to humiliate his Magnus like that and he would do anything, to make sure his boyfriend was happy again. The two men said goodbye and reassured each other to repeat this soon again. Alec walked towards Magnus' loft, the cool New York breeze blew in his face and he felt more sober after each block and more like himself again. He took the time to think about Jack's words. Alec had realized he was right about everything. He loves Magnus and he knew from the beginning that Magnus was immortal. He knew that one day he'd be old and that Magnus would probably just bee as young and alive as now. The new situation, whether temporary or not, doesn't change the fact that Magnus is a warlock. He was born as a warlock and his magic is a part of him as well as the immortality. Done.
The loft was unrecognizable. Alec went to the balcony and admired the view as he did so often before, as the door opened and Lorenzo entered. He had so much to say to him, wanted to yell at him, beat him but he tried to stay calm. Instead, he just asked quietly, "You really are despicable, aren't you? Lorenzo remained calm and replied only insolently, "Mr. Lightwood what a pleasant surprise. I didn't know you came with this apartment." And confessed that he just wanted to humiliate Magnus and put him in his place after all, he is now the high warlock of Brooklyn. Not Magnus. Mockingly, he added a condescending remark, "And the fact that he sent his little boyfriend to plead his case tells me I more than succeeded."Alec was seething with anger. Lorenzo forgot who he was talking to. Alec would teach him some manners. Lorenzo could play games with everyone else but not with Alec. No. "I'm the head of the New York Institute. Don't speak to me like that." For a moment he saw the fear in Lorenzo's eyes. Lorenzo said soothingly: "You're right." Perhaps this is getting unnecessarily heated." So Alec tried to negotiate with him offered to find him a better deal. But the warlock refused. He was only interested in referring Magnus to his place and playing out his new position of power. Alec had heard enough. You don't climb higher than you should otherwise you'll fall deeper than you'd like. And Lorenzo was getting too cocky. Alec lowered his voice as he spoke again "Enjoy this position while it lasts." The Clave doesn't take kindly to conniving, unethical Downworld... Leaders." He took a step towards Lorenzo and glared at him as he said: "You will slip up." And when you do, I'll be waiting there to take you down." With these last words he left the loft and thus a thoughtful and confused Lorenzo Rey.
Back at the institute Alec opened the door to his room when he realized, that he was probably still a little drunk, since he had obviously mistaken the room. He was just about to turn in between the door step when the shape on the bed moved and two cat eyes lit up in the dark and gazed at him. "Alec is it you?" Perplexed, Alec tried to spot the flaw in the room in the dim light. The furniture were the same but the walls had been painted in a cool shade of gray, black picture frames were mounted on the walls, with memories of travels he had made with Magnus. It looked like in an art gallery. A big plant was standing next to his desk and he slowly recognized the Scandinavian style that wafted through the room. "Maaa...gnuus, what have you done to my room...?" Alec laughed. He heard a giggle followed by a yawn."I was bored when I was waiting for you and well Nordic Interior Design is currently very trendy, you like it?" In that moment Alec knew he would never ask him. He didn't need to know the answer. The only truth he knew was that he loved this man with skin and hair. And that was all that matters. "I love it" Alec said. "And I love you, so will you finally join me my angel?" Magnus whispered. Alec liked it when Magnus addressed him with pet names, though not all of them were great, but most of them were actually really cute. He wasn't as original at them like his boyfriend and when he tried well... something strange came out of it. He has become friends with *Babe* it was not very originally but since he was the only one allowed to call Magnus like that it was enough. He undressed and slipped in something comfortable to sleep before he went to bed an snuggled up with Magnus. For a while they lay there quietly entwined until Alec asked into the darkness: "Magnus were you jealous of Underhill...? cause I wasn't sure but... " Magnus hesitated for a moment before he answered, maybe in an octave too high "Uhm nope, I have no reason to be." Alec laughed as he noticed the little lie and pressed Magnus even closer to him. He whispered in his ear: "We both know that there is no reason for jealousy but sometimes even I'm a bit jealous, I think that's normal." Magnus turned to look at Alec in surprise. His Alec jealous of whom? He could not imagine with the best of intentions who Alec even rudimentarily regarded as competition. "Please, who could you possibly be jealous of?" Magnus asked. Alec grinned into the darkness. "Good night babe."
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Magic and Miracles and Beyond Chapter 8
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Ya’ll I have STRUGGLED with this chapter for MONTHS because I couldn’t figure out how to connect the first scene of this chapter with the rest of it. But as you can see, I powered through and all the puzzle peices are coming together nicely and I felt like I just slapped things together but that’s only because I AM DESPERATE to show you chapter 9 that’s been sitting in my documents for a while. And I was listening to ‘Let the bodies hit the floor.’ while writing 9. so if that’s any indication. And this chapter I had “What Side of Love?” by Parachute going on. And yes Sylva is a BAMF because she plays all the angles and all the sides. And Tredd really doesn’t get enough credit for being as observant as he is. He’s still much smarter than he looks. 
So here it is on AO3 or if you want, read below. 
@the-immortal-marshal, enjoy girl. 
Chapter 8
“Hey, Sylva?” Tredd asked as he came up to her in the hot tub.
“Yes?” Sylva asked curiously.
“Hey, is it just me or is Ada preggers?” Tredd put to her as Sylva cut her eyes to Ada and watched her very carefully for a few minutes.
“Who have you told that to?” Sylva asked nonchalantly as she looked around to see if anyone was close enough to eavesdrop on their conversation.
“Just Stella, she told me to ask you since you’re The Oracle and the expert.” Tredd shrugged as Sylva hummed and nodded in agreement.
“You’re very perceptive and observant aren’t you?” Sylva put to him.
“Yeah, I guess.” Tredd nodded with a shrug.
“Ok, so here’s the deal...
I will pay you five thousand dollars to be Luche’s shadow over the next two weeks, let Luche and Ada get close and bond emotionally but the moment your instincts tell you they’re gonna fuck, intervene and ruin their moment and remind Ada that she’s dating Cor. They’re both going to hate you for the next two weeks but in a month, they’re both going to thank you in a really big way.” Sylva put to him.
“Make it ten grand and only if you tell me why.” Tredd returned with a smug grin as Sylva and Tredd had a stare off for a few long moments.
“Fifteen if I don’t have to tell you anything and you be a good guy and do me and Luche and Ada a solid by doing this.” Sylva countered.
“Twenty grand, in cash. You tell me why or I announce right now that she’s preggers.” Tredd grinned smugly before they had another stare off before Sylva took his hand and brought him face to face, close enough to kiss her but it was so that what Sylva would say, she could say quietly and softly so that no one could overhear her.
“Fine, when we get back, shit’s gonna hit the fan and there will be a war delivered to all of our doorsteps courtesy of Gilgamesh and everyone is going to be divided and pick sides and everyone is going to choose the wrong side except for you and for me because you are going to be on my side. Ada has a 95-99% chance of loosing that baby because Gilgamesh will go after her first and all of us will be scrambling to protect her and if we’re lucky, we’re all gonna get through it with our lives. I have a plan that’s already in motion to keep us all safe. But in order for that plan to work, I need Luche and Ada to not fuck it up by fucking each other because you and me caught this early. But by the time everyone else will catch it, if they fuck, Cor and Luche will both think that they lost a baby and that will lead to a whole different war that will destroy them both and Ada will get crushed with guilt because she couldn’t keep her legs closed. So you and me we’re gonna protect them by ruining their romantic moments. But part of this deal is you- Will. Keep. Your. Mouth. Shut. You don’t tell anyone, not even Stella, that we had this conversation or that Ada is expecting, you’re not even going to hint at it, in fact when we’re done talking, you’re going to go up to Stella and you’re going to tell her that I said that ‘Ada is not pregnant and that you’re seeing things and that your ego at being the first to see that Crowe was pregnant has you thinking every girl is’ but you’re going to be reluctant to say that, let her push you to get that answer, and you’re going to do your best to avoid the subject and you’re going to let her think she has this victory but when Ada looses that baby, and Stella comes back to you, you’re going to take her apology with grace and I’ll even publicly apologize for seeing what you saw and not realizing you were right and then when Luche asks, tell him that it was just a hunch but that I told you- you were wrong and to forget about it. So in the meantime when Luche asks why you’re being a dick, you’re going to remind him of the night of my wedding and how broken and betrayed he felt when Ada flirted with Cor while she was still with him and how it’s not right. He’s gonna glare, but he’s gonna see that you’re right and then he’s going to thank you and you’re going to keep it up and even by the end of the week and even next week, all you’re going to have to do is give them a look and that will be enough. Now, give me your cell phone number so we can keep in touch, when I text you or call you, you will not ignore me, you will answer me immediately because our lives could be on the line.” Sylva explained.
“Deal.” Tredd grinned before they shook on it and Sylva put his phone number in her phone that was sitting next to her.
“Now go, Regis is coming back,” Sylva urged him as she saw her husband coming back with her drink in hand.
“Yup, when am I going to get my money?” Tredd asked.
“Half tonight, half at the end of next week, I don’t want you blowing all of it while on the boat at the casino.” Sylva answered.
“Sounds good to me.” Tredd beamed happily as he got out of the hot tub.
“Oh and Tredd?” Sylva called after him.
“Congrats on having the gift.” Sylva grinned as Tredd offered her a bashful smile before he left and went back to Stella.
“So? What did she say?” Stella insisted.
“It doesn’t matter,” Tredd shook his head no as he grabbed his pop from her.
“Yes it does, come on, what did she say?” Stella narrowed her eyes playfully as she poked him in the rib cage as he moved to keep her from tickling him.
“Tell me, tell me now.” Stella insisted before she pinned him to his chair and pretended she was about to tickle him.
“Fine, fine, she said I was seeing things.” Tredd told her reluctantly.
“Ha! I knew it, see? You just got super lucky with Crowe, quit thinking you have the magical ability to see things that aren’t there. Now, let’s just enjoy this expense free vacation from aunt Sylva.” Stella beamed as she kissed him before Tredd hiked his hips up to grind his hardening cock at her center.
“Care to enjoy something else?” Tredd hinted with a mischievous grin as he did it again and watched her reaction with delight.
“Yeah, come on,” Stella nodded as the two slipped away.
Meanwhile Selena and Ravus were both lying under a cabana, putting sunscreen on the twins next to the pool after Selena had applied two layers of it to Ravus so he wouldn’t burn.
“Your hair has gotten lighter.” Selena noted as she watched him out of the corner of her eye as he made sure to get every nook and cranny of Izzy.
“It does that. When I was a kid, my mom complained it used to turn white. It nearly did when my dad died.” Ravus answered as he fed Izzy another handful of blueberries to keep her sated and still.
“Really?” Selena asked as she did a double take and imagined his hair white.
“Yup. Marie Antoinette syndrome. I actually colored my hair darker blonde for a year or two to keep it normal.” Ravus revealed.
“Huh,” Selena hummed as she finished getting Gabby covered in sunscreen and proceeded to feed her a few of the blueberries too before she let Gabby rest on her chest and stroked her little back lovingly as she watched Tredd and Sylva talk with curiosity.
“Rae?” Selena asked.
“Hmm?” Ravus looked up from Izzy to her before he followed Selena’s finger to see Tredd talking to his mother.
“What the hell is going on there?” Ravus frowned in confusion as he watched Tredd and his mother have a stare off.
“I don’t know. Something to do with Stella I would think.” Selena ventured.
“Maybe.” Ravus tilted his head curiously before he finished up with Izzy and had her sit on his lap and dig into the rest of the blueberries.
“That’s a negotiation if I ever saw one.” Selena noted as she watched Tredd and Sylva talk.
“Yeah it is.” Ravus agreed. “Whatever it is, has her hackles up.” Ravus noted as he read his mother’s body language.
“I wonder what it’s about.” Selena mused aloud.
“Me too.” Ravus hummed.
“I hope it’s not us.” Selena muttered under her breath.
“No, it’s not us.” Ravus shook his head as he watched Tredd and his mother continue to talk before they seemed to reach an agreement, wishing he could read lips better than he could.
“Nyx and Luna?” Selena wondered as she cut her eyes over to them swimming in the pool with Dani.
“I don’t think so.” Ravus shook his head as he wouldn’t take his eyes off of them.
“Something ‘half’, she’s hired him for something.” Ravus realized as he watched his mother’s mouth intensely.
“What would your mother hire Tredd for?” Selena asked.
“I don’t know, let’s just watch him and see what he does,” Ravus urged as they both watched Tredd go back to Stella before they talked and slipped away.
“That’s just weird.” Selena shrugged as she turned her attention back to Gabby, who was trying to eat most of the blueberries and eating them by the heaping handful.
“Yeah it is,” Ravus nodded in agreement before he saw Dani swim up to Craig and plead to get yeeted into the pool which he obliged as Selena and Ravus both snickered at the squealing screeching Dani made as she got some impressive air before the other kids came up to him and got yeeted too.  
For the next two weeks, Tredd did as Sylva asked and let Ada and Luche draw close and have all kinds of time to reconnect but the moment either one of them got that ‘look’ he was there to ruin it. Tredd, to keep from getting suspicious however, had to do it with some of the other couples too and play it off as him just being a dick. Even Stella was at a loss as to what had gotten into him.
Meanwhile Cor used the break in not having Ada around to worry about him to throw himself completely into his work and he got dangerously close. So close he could practically feel Gilgamesh’s wrists in his cuffs and saw him when he closed his eyes and had dream after dream of killing him and ending it while Hazel, Titus and Sylva could only pray he succeeded.
The last night of the last week of the cruise was the last formal night and Sylva was perhaps extra evil in that she had the DJ play ‘‘What Side Of Love” by Parachute and watched Luche dance with Ada as she and Tredd both grinned at each other as they watched Luche dance with Ada before Tredd’s phone dinged and was notified of an electronic deposit into his account and grinned wider.
“Job well done.” Sylva toasted casually as she clinked her glass with his.
“So how fast are things going to go to shit when we get back?” Tredd murmured quietly.
“Relatively quickly I would think, Cor’s probably been throwing himself completely into pursuing Gilgamesh quite hard. Judging by how much Clarus has been texting Regis and how tense Regis has been the last two weeks.” Sylva revealed. “Could be hours, could be days, possibly weeks, although if it takes more than a month, I’ll be surprised, probably just about the time everyone’s guard is down.” Sylva added as Tredd nodded.
“So basically wait until Hazel gets the warning.” Tredd offered lowly.
“Good for you figuring that out.” Sylva congratulated proudly.
“Yeah, it wasn’t rocket science, she at the drop of a hat decided to come on a three week vacation with us? She’s ordered in Mandarin at the asian restaurants on both ships and she’s been checking her own phone just as much as Regis has been checking his. I mean both of their last names are Stevens for crying out loud and she does have you know, the same accent that Charlotte has and their speech patterns are the same, the same way sisters or mothers and daughters have the same speech patterns, like you and Luna do. And the way she looks at Ada is kind of a dead giveaway.” Tredd murmured.
“Yeah,” Sylva had to admit.
“But I take it since I’m the only one who’s been around Charlotte and Hazel, that I’m the one who knows half of that.” Tredd furthered.
“Correct.” Sylva nodded. “Remember, lips sealed Dearest.” Sylva reminded him before Tredd gestured that his lips were zipped closed.  
When they all did disembark on the boats and finish up the rock tour and Luna and her group finish looking at all the houses in Colorado and Montana before coming home just in time to go back to school, Ada was the first one to be dropped off, Crowe helped cart all of her things inside and Ada was actually disappointed that Cor wasn’t even home and the place looked haphazard. Like all he had done was eat and sleep here while she was gone. She tidied up and freshened up the place as she waited for him to come home before she got irritated and just called him.
“Yeah?” Cor asked when he answered his phone.
“Hey, long time no see, guess who’s home?” Ada asked as she sat on the couch and let Baxter lay on her lap.
“Oh shit, you’re home already?” Cor realized as he looked at the time and realized it was like 8 in the evening.
“Yeah, did you miss me?” Ada asked hopefully.
“Yeah, yeah, of course I missed you, been missing you like crazy.” Cor reassured her as he quickly and busily shoved things into his bag to go home for the night. “Um, have you had dinner?” He asked as he realized he hadn’t eaten anything in the last….8 hours, maybe 9.
“Yeah, Sylva made sure I ate before she dropped me off.” Ada answered. “Kind of been starving for something else though Love.” Ada confessed, maybe she just needed to reconnect with Cor physically to feel right again. Because the last month on the road with all her friends and especially being with Luche again, it had her feeling off in a way she couldn’t define.
“I’ll be home as fast as I can, don’t go anywhere Love.” Cor grinned happily as he came home as fast as he could, but not before grabbing a burger through a drive through to wolf that down on the way home too.
“Ok, I won’t.” Ada giggled.
Cor came home and fucked Ada good and hard, but just...a little too quickly since Cor hadn’t even had a chance to please himself while she was on the cruises and after two rounds and for Ada, one disappointing orgasm later, Cor was out like a light and Ada could only lay in bed and look up at the ceiling as her mind wandered back to the cruises and the few weeks of being on the road with the band. Luche had changed in all the right ways but was still the same in all the ways that mattered and were important. Even though he didn’t say it, he showed it a thousand times over that he still loved her, he still respected her and cherished her and made her feel so special. All Cor cared about is making sure she didn’t cheat on him. Which honestly was a little off putting because his main concern should have been that she had fun and had a good time and missed him. And honestly, being away from him for so long, was sex with Cor always that...lackluster? Like it got some kinks out of the pipes but that was it. Since when was sex with Cor that... disappointing? She would have thought he would have been ticking down the hours until she was home, had a meal ready and waiting for her, had rose petals and candles all over the house and been overly romantic and charming and would have been waiting at Sylva’s house for her… but now all she could feel was disappointment. Had he even missed her that much? At all? He even had new scratches and bruises and new stitches, he had gotten hurt while she was gone and he didn’t tell her. Here she was hoping for a reconnection and she felt even more disconnected now than she did before she came home. Here she thought he would have just wanted to romance her right and then hear every little detail about her trip and her time away from him and it was like, he didn’t want that at all, he wanted to get his rocks off, made sure she was “good” and didn’t stray and then came back in one piece. What the fuck?!
The next morning, Cor outright refused to let Ada leave the house to walk the dog and honestly tried to even keep her away from the windows. Ada felt like she was on house arrest.
“Why?! Why can’t I just take Baxter on a fucking walk?!” Ada demanded angrily.
“Because it’s not safe!” Cor finally snapped.
“I was halfway across the country on a road trip of all things and on two cruises with thousands of strangers but walking the dog in your neighborhood isn’t safe?” Ada questioned. “I need to go grocery shopping, I should be going back to work, I…”
“You can’t, not without me.” Cor cut her off. “Just wait until I get home tonight.” Cor placated as he got ready for work. “Don’t worry about going back to work, we’re ok. You don’t need to work. There’s still plenty of food in the house, you’ll be fine, just stay away from the windows and don’t leave the house.” Cor commanded before he left for work leaving Ada to growl in frustration as she stared at the daggers into his back. This was ridiculous.
She didn’t listen, she still went to the store and got groceries and brought Baxter with her at least as she idly wondered what Luche was up to before she texted him.
‘Hey, what are you up to?’ She texted him as she waited in line at the grocery store.
‘Choosing an apartment. Lol’ he texted back immediately.
‘Really? Where?’ Ada blinked in surprise.
‘Oak Gardens,’ Luche answered. ‘I’m actually looking at different apartments now, wanna help me pick one out?’ He offered hopefully, hoping that didn’t come off weird.
‘I’ll be there in fifteen.’ Ada instantly agreed as she put her groceries on the conveyer belt to be checked out.
She put the perishables into the cold bag and drove straight there and wasn’t surprised to see most of their friends already there picking out different apartments too. Pelna and Yasmine had gotten one and surprisingly Gladio and Pashmina had gotten the one next to that and Craig and Iris had gotten one across the street and even Ravus and Selena had gotten one since Selena had adopted one of Craig’s newfoundland puppies, Bunny since these were townhouse apartments that allowed pets for an extra charge a month and Luche had a hard time deciding if his apartment should be on the left or on the right of Ravus because he liked both, but they were different in their own ways and thankfully Ada was able to look at both and Luche went with the one she liked best which was to the right of Ravus because it had a nicer more easy set up and the color scheme she liked better as she realized, this townhouse was way nicer than the house Cor had and she couldn’t help but feel jealous and wishing she could live here. It had brand new appliances and state of the art this and that and even Baxter liked the apartment really well which Luche took as a good sign. And even though it was a townhouse, it was huge, it had three big bedrooms, three bathrooms, a full kitchen, living room, dining area that was pretty open floor plan and even a basement that had washer, dryer hook ups and brand new appliances otherwise. It was gorgeous.  
Ada decided to stay with them and go out to lunch with them and sat next to Luche and poured over the furniture websites at different furniture and helped him choose what furniture he wanted in each room and in each space using the dimensions she helped him gather of all the rooms in the apartment to make sure they would all fit good as well as picking out a great washer and dryer combo and the apartment complex was in it’s own community that had a pool and a playground and was really close to a nice shopping center and tons of restaurants. It was amazing.
Ada got home in time to put her groceries away, grateful she didn’t get ice cream because it would have melted. But Cor came home pissed at her.
“Why did you leave the house and why did you ignore my calls?!” Cor boomed when he came home as Baxter barked at him for raising his voice before Cor kicked Baxter outside so he couldn’t interfere.
“Because I texted you instead.” Ada answered as she continued to cook dinner. “You knew exactly where I was and who I was with. I was safe, I was fine. Because I was careful.” Ada argued as she paused and turned to face him, her arms crossed over her chest defensively.
“You can’t be too careful Ada!” Cor growled angrily.
“Oh my God, I was gone half the summer and was fine and now that I’m back you’re treating me like I’m a child like you can’t trust me to take care of myself! I’m an adult Cor!” Ada argued.
“You don’t understand! It’s very dangerous right now, I’m just trying to protect you, when Gilgamesh is no longer a threat, I won’t care what you do, because I’ll know then that you’ll be fine but right now, it’s like there’s a bear loose in the neighborhood and all I’m asking is for you to stay in the goddamn house, why can’t you do that?! Why can’t you just listen to me?!” Cor demanded.
“Because that bear wouldn’t be a threat if you didn’t keep poking it with a stick! Just shoot the damn thing and be done with it!” Ada snapped.
“I’ve been trying to! It won’t get into my damn sights!” Cor growled in frustration. “And what’s the deal with you hanging out with Luche all day? According to Gladio, you never left his side.” Cor accused angrily.
“Because he’s been my body guard all summer and is still on body guard duty and will be on body guard duty until you take Gilgamesh down, Sylva fucking hired him to do that. Nothing happened between us all summer, it’s not like that’s going to change over night now that we’re back home. He’s a friend and he trusts my judgement and simply asked for my opinion on stuff, which is something I wish you would do.” Ada defended before the two had a stare off before they both gave each other the silent treatment the rest of the night.
The next day Ada went shopping with Luche again for things to decorate his apartment with as they filled two carts up with stuff since his furniture would be delivered the next day since he was already starting to move his stuff into the place, although he was mindful to leave plenty of room for her things as well since he hoped she’d be moving in sooner than later, but in the meantime he tried to include her in everything apartment wise because he wanted her to feel like she was at home at his place and part of that included having things in his apartment she liked and would use so now both of them were comparing dishes both online and in the stores before they found a set they both loved and adored and afterwords, Luche took her to a tea room for lunch. Ada hadn’t gotten high tea since she came to the states and while Luche’s didn’t love tea, he didn’t hate it either and was open to trying a few varieties before he found one he liked, it was a hibiscus and berry blend that they both liked but Ada’s favorite was still that Irish Breakfast blend.
Ada was torn because for the second time, all over again, she was happiest when she was with Luche because he just talked with her, valued her opinion and input and trusted her judgement on everything, like she was his equal in every way, if anything, like she was more precious than him and more important than him and she was once again the center of his world. God, she had missed that. She missed his sense of humor and his ability to make her forget that anything happening outside the bubble of his presence mattered or existed. She had missed his handsome face and his bright smile and how warm and friendly and at ease he was and how he had all the time in the world to spend on her and how he wasn’t in a rush at all and how every moment spent with her was precious to him. Why had she ever left him? Had Cor really been worth it?
That night she came home and looked around at Cor’s house and realized how little of her was here. That day had been the best day of his career because he had just gotten done arresting Charlotte Stevens and had her in custody, but he couldn’t enjoy it because Ada had been with Luche all day again. The fight with Cor that night was more than she could take and she left with Baxter to take a walk to cool off. It was sunset and she was so angry with Cor she didn’t notice the car following her, and she didn’t notice until it was too late how Baxter seemed to freeze, every hair on his spine standing on end as he started growling and barking ferociously and she barely had a chance to scream before a bag was thrown over her head, she was picked up and she heard a gunshot and Baxter yelping in pain before she was hit over the head and became unconscious.  
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I always get anxious that I'll forget to go anon when sending asks so this came to mind: au where axl/slash send to the other cute daily anons and all sorts of confessions they don't have the courage to say irl. That goes on for a pretty long time until one day they forget to press the anon button and their identity is revealed, cue the panic and avoiding the other at all costs
this is so cute
Slash’s blog is 40% guitars, 40% snakes, and 20% weird porn. Axl’s blog is mainly used for him to voice strong opinions and or start fights with random people on the internet with the occasional post about bands he likes, or bands he hates and feels the need to complain about.
Axl lives in an apartment with Izzy. Duff, Steven, and Slash share one also, in the same complex. These room arrangements are frequent to change if someone is fighting and needs a room to stay in, but they seem to end up spending a lot of time in the same place anyways, so Steven complains it would be easier and cheaper to just all live together. 
If Slash posts a video him playing guitar or something like that, his inbox is flooded with anon messages, sometimes singed with a little flower emoji. It makes him smile every time because whoever this knows their stuff when it comes to music and makes sure to compliment him on all the right things. 
Axl is good at covering his tracks, because he promptly bitches about Slash answering all of them, joking he probably sent them to himself. 
Slash sends Axl little cute anon messages all the time, telling him he looks gorgeous, or that he agrees with a post that Axl made. If Axl is having a bad day and you can tell by what he says online, Slash drops encouraging/sweet things to him, even once going as far as to send a poem/scrap of lyric he wrote.
They don’t seem to notice that things are pretty personal that get sent to them, and Axl is so wrapped up in making Slash get a little smile and a blush from halfway across the room when he sends him something like, ‘you’re so fucking pretty, I hope you have a great day, as always.’
Things go on like this for what seems like forever, and it’s a boost in both of their self-esteem to see things pop up, even if they have no idea who it’s from.
That is until the day that Slash gets absolutely wasted with Duff. They just got back from some bar and Slash flops down with his phone and proceeds to send something stupidly sappy like, ‘you’re the most amazing person I know. I wish I could kiss you so bad sometimes.’  and hits send without turning anon on.
He knows he’s fucked up, but he still stumbles down the hall and barges into Axl and Izzy’s place, spotting Steven on the couch. But, being wasted and huge amounts of anxiety tend to make him a bit slow. 
He can’t find Axl, and his laptop is locked, his phone is gone too. Slash is freaking out, knowing that Axl will connect all the other messages to him too.
It would be the end up their friendship, and would probably end up tearing everyone else apart too in Slash’s mind. 
Meanwhile, Axl had been over at a friends house and he happens to check his blog. Of course, he sees what Slash sent him and freezes. Have all of those things been from Slash? How the fuck is he supposed to answer this? Is it a joke?
He spends the night there, texts Izzy that he’ll be back tomorrow and proceeds to stew over it for hours. Slash on the other hand is on the verge of tears when Duff finds him.
Duff has no idea what’s going on, but he drags Slash back to their apartment and makes him sit on the couch before he comes back with a cup of coffee (with some vodka of course).
Slash won’t tell him what happened, and Duff ends up letting him try to work through whatever the fuck it is on the couch, saying to come to get him if he needs to.
The next few days are a living hell, and Axl and Slash spend them making sure to not be in the same room as each other. Duff draws conclusions pretty damn fast, but he doesn’t know the details, he just figures Slash must have spilled to Axl in some shape or form. Stevie tries his best to get Slash to talk too, but no luck on any front.
Izzy tries to wring the information out of Axl who has been walking around with a blank look and forgetting to eat, let alone blog. He gets nothing, just a vague comment and a snappy comeback.
Axl locks himself in his room, and Slash goes out more and more and comes back even later than normal. It is a getting a little strained for Duff and Izzy too, they both feel the need to take care of Axl and Slash respectively which means not seeing much of each other and not going out to do stuff together.
Axl has spent weeks trying to compose something to tell Slash, he figures it’s all fucked up now, might as well blow it all out in the open.
So he composes what sounds dangerously close to a love letter mixed with a confession, rips it up and rewrites it dozens of times. 
Izzy catches him with a half-packed back and sits his ass down to tell him he’s is not going to get to run away from whatever this is, he’s going to face it.
Slash feels just as equally distraught, and Duff is getting sick of his shit, but Slash won’t listen to him or tell him what happened. 
Axl shows up at Slash’s door with a crumpled piece of paper and lets himself in, and leaves his note on Slash’s pillow before he goes back.
Izzy makes an effort to be extra nice (he even made them dinner that wasn’t frozen or straight out of a bag), but Axl goes straight to his room and locks the door.
Slash gets back and stares at the note on his pillow without opening it like it might set fire and burn the building down. He gets the balls to open it, and slowly unfolds it before reading it. 
It’s more of a rambling confession, but Slash can feel his cheeks get hot and his breath catches when the bottom has the doodle of a tiny flower and a hasty scrawl of -Axl Rose beside it.
He runs to Axl’s apartment, almost knocks over the poor old lady who sometimes bakes them cookies in the hall, and slams into the door. He manages to get inside, and he skids into Axl’s door which is still locked. 
He can hear Izzy yelling at him for not shutting the door, but all he cares about is getting into Axl’s room. The latch finally clicks and he steps back to see Axl with slumped shoulders in the door. 
‘I meant every word I ever said,’ is the first thing Slash says and Axl blinks at him like he’s got three heads suddenly. 
But soon Axl’s eyes change to pure joy, and he drags Slash in by the collar of his t-shirt and kicks the door shut behind him.
‘So did I,’ Axl tells him and Slash just beams, he’s so fucking happy.
He grabs Axl’s face and just kisses him like he’s wanted to for what feels like years in his mind. 
Axl is smiling so hard that he can’t even kiss him back properly, but it doesn’t matter because Slash is blinking back tears of relief and happiness. 
Outside, Duff sits down on the couch next to Izzy (after running after Slash and apologizing to their elderly neighbor). ‘You think they got it figured out?’ Duff asks softly and Izzy nods, ‘I think they did.’ and reaches over to hug Duff.
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murfeelee · 6 years
Shadowhunters - RANT ALERT
lifeasasim replied to your photoset “Yasumi no Edo - Pt2c ( Tōkyō Dizunīrando no Hanabi) The special…”
Because Freeform’s too dang stupid to know not to bite the hand that feeds it, that’s why!
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These articles (X X) are giving me ulcers. I can’t believe this is happening. I just can’t. They’re cancelling my show. We won’t get Season 4.
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They’re stopping Season 3B at City of Heavenly Fire, and not adapting the other books. So does this mean no Malec adopting their sons? No Malec proposal? No Malec wedding? Are y’all serious right now?
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They had the nerve to push back the airing of Season 3B --  Todd & co. had originally said that it would air this August, but that tweet was deleted hella fast, and now they’re saying 3B won’t air till Spring 2019! JESUS! O_O First that long hiatus waiting for 3A, and now this!? Waiting a whole year for a show that’s gonna be cancelled right after 3B finally airs!? WTF!?
So, what am I supposed to do -- sit here and stew in my depression!?
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This is hell.
This is LITERAL HELL, people.
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I’m so mad at Freeform & Netflix, I don’t even have the words. It’s corporate shenanigans and power plays, plain and simple. Netflix didn’t get what they wanted, Freeform couldn’t see a good deal staring them right in the frikkin face, so the whole thing blew up with the show being cancelled over sheer pettiness and greed.
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We had SO MUCH MORE to look forward to! And now they’re gonna squeeze everything into 3B and call it done!? Cassandra Clare is still writing! We got 2 new big bads in the Shadow World to look forward to, with Malcolm Fade and the Unseelie King! That was gonna be AWESOME! And Cassie’s releasing an entire book about Malec!  THE MATERIAL~~~! U_U
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Why can’t Freeform just fork over the licensing rights and give the show over to a company that actually wants to work with it?!
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Freeform didn’t promote Shadowhunters at all. I can't tell y'all how many ads I’ve passed by every day while riding the train to for their new show Cloak & Dagger -- I kept mistaking the white-haired girl in the photos for Danaerys Targaryen (which I know they’re doing on purpose, effing click bait). I saw a few for Siren, too. But in all these years though I have NOT ONCE seen a single ad for Shadowhunters while walking around in NYC. NOT ONE.
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Apparently Netflix & some other networks I think were advertising the show internationally (where the bulk of the fanbase is located), and kudos to them or whatever, but at this point, I don’t even want Netflix to pick up Shadowhunters; they’re the petty arsewipes who pulled the funding in the first place! I’d prefer some other network like Hulu, The CW, or MTV get it, tbh.
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People were speculating that maybe HBO or SyFy could take it, but I don’t really think either of those are viable options. I mean...lbr SyFy’s not exactly known for making that many very good original shows.... >_>
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Shadowhunters started off real crunchy in Season 1 (everything from the CG to the directing/writing to the acting was very amateur), and idek if SyFy could keep up the upward momentum and higher quality that Season 2 and especially S03A delivered. And on that same note, I doubt HBO would want it, not when they’ve got powerhouses like Game of Thrones over there doing The Most and making that bookoo money.
But at this point, I don’t even care. Networks save the shows they want to save. Even if a zillion fans scream and shout bloody murder, if the showrunners & co don’t get those coins rolling in, the show will be dropped like a hot potato. Gold. Just thrown down the drain. They don’t care about anyone but themselves.
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Burke said the network is at peace with the decision ... “They delivered what the fans wanted...I remember being at Comic-Con and seeing the excitement for the show and thinking, ‘This could be our Supernatural,'” referring to the genre staple that the CW just renewed for its 14th season.
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Yeah, YOU THOUGHT. Supernatural’s on it’s 666th frikkin season, meanwhile Freeform couldn't find its own arse with both hands in broad daylight to do anything to keep promoting the show and get the funds and support to renew it for Season 4!
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This all just blows my mind though. Shadowhunters is THE most popular (and frankly, only RELEVANT) show on Freeform. It’s been carrying the network this whole time! How do they not have the money!? Malec literally singlehandedly won them a dang GLAAD award!
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And you know what KILLS ME is that not only are they taking away the show, but they’re depriving me of one of my all-time favorite fictional characters EVER.
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My beautiful, freewheeling bisexual Asian High Warlock of Brooklyn. That flawless bish, that sexy beast, that campy queen, that quite magical wonderful beautiful waking dream of a man.
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Harry’s portrayal of Magnus is  just dripping in charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent; I can’t. And to be BRUTALLY honest, Magnus is the only reason I kept watching the show. Harry Shum Jr was holding it down in Season 1 -- if it wasn't for him acting the roof off in every single scene, I wouldn’t have kept watching at all. Season 1 wasn’t that good, and that’s the T.
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I didn’t like most of the other characters. I hated every single Shadowhunter -- including Alec (Izzy was hot though), and if Valentine wasn’t a racist bigot I’d be on his side and be like: just kill all these Shadowhunters, girl, bye~~!
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So it just shocks me to my core that Freeform would make a move like this. Malec carried that whole show. No one cares about Clace. Climon was anathema. Sia’s cute and all, but lbr everyone’s sitting on pins & needles just waiting for Sizzy to rise. Only reason I even heard of this show was because a bunch of the fanfic authors & fan-artists I’m subscribed to at AO3 started writing Malec fics, which I was skipping over at first, but then the fandom blogs I follow here on Tumblr kept reblogging The Wedding scene, and I was like WTF IS THIS.
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The most iconic episode of Shadowhunters was literally titled MALEC! XD Freeform, you had GOLD! DIAMONDS. Recognition. Representation. Stupid.
This whole cancellation controversy smells like network stunts and shows. They’re doing this on purpose. And during PRIDE MONTH, no less. WOW. How skeevy can y'all get?
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I’m thoroughly disgusted.
So, yeah. That’s the state of things right now. I'M VENTING.
I’m just very upset, because Malec is one of my top favorite ships. But regardless of whether the show is killed off for good or not, I’m gonna keep posting my TS3 Malec Gameplays, the same way I do for my Nagron Gameplays (Spartacus ended in like 2013, and I’m still here, so.... :P ).
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I’m just apologizing in advance to all my followers both here and at my Personal blog and Wishes blog -- I’m gonna be reblogging a lot of posts, to do my part in keeping #SaveShadowhunters trending as much as I can during this year effing long hiatus. So if those who follow me don’t care about all this...oh well.
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malecsecretsanta · 7 years
Merry Christmas, @galtenoble!
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy Holidays !!!
Summary: Magnus and Alec want to make sure that Madzie has a fantastic first Christmas one that she’ll love and enjoy.
Our First Christmas
Chapter 1: Setting up the tree
Madzie stared at her daddies as they brought down a box full of different lights, decorations, and some weird red fabric that was in the shape of a shoe.
She watched as Daddy put down the box with the decorations next to the pine tree that for some reason was resting nicely among the corner of their house, while Papa put the one with the lights and red fabric next to the fire place.
“I just don’t see why Madzie and I can just use our magic to decorate the house instead of wasting time and putting all of these things up.
Alec chuckled at Magnus who wouldn’t stop complaining about them ‘wasting their time’ decorating the loft.
“Because I want Madzie to experience the joys of decorating the house and tree without magic, and to put the star up the tree herself and not use some shortcut,”
Magnus stared at his husband before he gave in, very well we’ll do it your way but I still think we should do it with magic,”
“Maybe next year, right now I want her to at least enjoy Christmas without magic, unlike Halloween,”
Magnus laughed as he remembered him and Madzie using magic to have fun on Halloween, Alec wanted to take her trick-or-treating but Magnus ended up poofing up boxes full of candies and the three spent the day watching scary movies and eating candy.
Alec then begged Magnus for them to at least have a normal Christmas, hell he’ll even take a break from the institution so that they can spent all spent the entire month of December together.
Magnus agreed granted Alec had to use some prestation to get his way.
So here they were setting up their house to give it the feeling of the holidays.
“So what do we do first daddy?” Madzie asked him. Alec turned to look at his adorable munchkin before getting the lights.
“Well, first thing is, we set the lights around the tree,”
“Okay,” she said smiling at him.
The three of them set to untangle the lights making sure that there were no knots or tangle with something else. When they were done with the task Alec and Magnus began to wrap them around the tree Madzie watched as they worked together to get the lights around their tree.
Once completed Alec then gave Madzie another box, this one was filled with different color balls, some boxes with candy canes, and some other ornaments of different shapes and sizes.
“Alright munchkin, it’s time to put these on the tree,” Magnus said as he grabbed one of the ornaments and placed it on one of the branches of the tree.
Smiling Madzie grabbed another ornament and placed it on the bottom of the tree. The three continued their task, hanging up reindeers, some nutcrackers, and candy canes. Madzie asked her papa if she could have one, Magnus being the fun parent said yes, Alec being the responsible one agreed, only because she deserved it.
After they finished the tree Magnus, Alec, and Madzie hung up their stockings; each one was design to fit the member of the family as well as their names on it. They then painted their windows with snowmen, Christmas trees, and wishing everyone a happy holiday.
“Alright the tree is decorated, the house has that Christmasy feeling and now we need to do one last thing,” Magnus said as he looked at the house and was proud of how it looked.
“And what’s that papa?” the little wizard asked.
“It’s time to put up the star,” Magnus said as grabbed the star and handed it to Madzie. Alec then picked Madzie up and had her place the star on the top of the tree. When he put her down, Magnus plugged the cord in the electrical outlet, Madzie watched as the tree light up with pretty lights, even the star light up with different colors of lights.
“Pretty,” she said Magnus and Alec smiled at one another; they both wrapped their hands around each other before placing their hands on top of Madzie’s shoulders.
“Yeah, it is,” Alec said as he stared at his tiny family, he already knew that this was going to be an amazing Christmas, not because it was his first without having to worry about the Institution but because it was the first Christmas that he’ll spend with his family.
Chapter 2: Ice Skating
“No, absolutely not!” Alec said as he placed a plate of pancakes in front of Madzie before pouring her some milk.
“Come on Alexander, we both agreed that Madzie was going to have a great Christmas, what better way to spend it then taking her ice skating?”
“Because the last time we went ice skating I kept falling, and you and Izzy compared me to Bambi,”
“You did fall a lot like Bambi did when he was first walking daddy,” Madzie said as she took a bite of her pancakes.
“See even Madzie thinks that I looked…silly,” he chose to keep it PG since his baby girl was around.
Both Magnus and Madzie rolled their eyes at Alec’s lame attempt to keep things PG. Still she really wanted to go ice skating and she wanted to spend it with her family.
Come Alexander, we should have some fun and what better way to spend time together than to go ice skating?”
“Please Daddy, I want us to go and spend some time together pretty please?” Madzie asked already using her strongest weapon, her puppy dog eyes.
Alec saw his baby using her puppy dog eyes and he was already melting.
“Alright, alright we’ll go ice skating together,”
“YEA!” Madzie and Magnus cheered both hugging Alec and saying thank and kissing him.
Alec may have looked annoy but if he was honest he would do anything to see his family’s smiling faces. Even if it meant looking like a fool.
He takes it back, Alec takes it all back; he rather be at home reading a book instead of doing this.
He held onto the railings for dear life, meanwhile Magnus and Madzie where having the time of their lives. The two were skating around Alec like pros; laughing and doing some crazy tricks that would put most figure skaters to shame.
He couldn’t believe that his two-beloved people are having fun while he was trying hard not to fall and embarrass himself.
“Come on daddy it’s easy to do this,” Madzie said as she stopped to stand in front of him.
“I don’t know sweetie Daddy, well he can-“
“Be very clumsy and can easily fall down and hurt himself,” Magnus said as he stopped in front of Alec and standing next to Madzie.
“Laugh it up sweetheart but I am going to try and skate without having to worry about falling down,” Both Madzie and Magnus looked at each other before they backed away slowly giving Alec some room to skate.
Taking a deep breath Alec pushed himself from the wall and tried to skate. He didn’t make it far, after his second step Alec lost his balance and fell; waving his arms around Alec fell and landed on his butt.
Both Madzie and Magnus chuckled at his clumsiness, the two extended their arms for him to get their hands; Alec smiled at his family as he grabbed their hands, the two grabbed their hands and pulled him up Alec held a firm hand on them as the two held onto him as they began to skate.
Alec held onto their hands as they slowly rode around the rink, meanwhile Madzie and Magnus gave him some pointers on what he should and shouldn’t do, they even told him what he was doing wrong, Alec couldn’t help but laugh as his family helped them in their own way.
After a while, the two wizards told Alec that they were going to let him go so that he can skate on his own and to not worry but they reassured him they will be there for him. Slowly they released his hands and Alec slowly kept skating doing what both Madzie and Magnus said. It took a while but he finally got the hang of it and was able to skate. Without falling on his ass.
The family of three went riding around, they played tag, race, and tried to do tricks on the rink. Well Madzie and Magnus did, Alec was still trying to go fast without getting scared; after a while the three removed their skates and decided to get some food, Madzie told them that she had a great day and she was happy that her family was able to take her out to the rink, she then asked if her daddy will go skating with her again in the future, Alec smiled at his baby and told her that he’ll be happy to.
When they were finished eating Magnus and Alec took Madzie home where Magnus made them some hot chocolate and decided to watch some movies a perfect way to end a perfect day.
Chapter 3: Gift shopping
Madzie watched as all the mundanes walk in and out of different stores, each carrying bags from different stores and gifts. She guessed this was the crazy holiday shopping that her aunt Izzy was telling her about.
“Papa, why are we here?”
“Because sweetie, we need to shop a present for daddy and make sure that he gets something nice because he deserves nothing but the best,”
Madzie couldn’t help but agree with her papa, both her daddy and papa deserved the best which is why she hopped that they both loved the gifts that she got them.
“Okay now what can papa get daddy for Christmas?” he asked.
“Jewelry?” she asked hoping to help him in some way.
“Hmm, go suggestion but unfortunately daddy hates jewelry,”
“True,” she said more to herself.
“Ooh, maybe we can get him some clothes,”
“Papa, daddy wears nothing but black, if we get him something flashy he’ll probably hide it in his closet and tell you that he will wear it when he can which we both know will be never,”
Magnus stopped walking as he stared down at his daughter who just gave him a smile.
“I hate it when you are right,” he said as he continued walking.
“Daddy is a hard person to shop,”
“Yeah, he is, I really want to get him something nice, something that he’ll love and enjoy,”
It then hit Madzie before she tugged her papa’s hand.
“Yes love?”
“I know what to get daddy,”
“And what should I get him,”
Madzie whispered in his ear telling him what he should get him, a huge smile was slowly spreading across his face as he listen to Madzie’s plan, he couldn’t help but imagine Alexander’s face and imagining how much he’ll love it.
“Madzie, love, I know for sure that he’ll love it,” leaning down and kissing her forehead Magnus picked her up and then headed outside of the mall.
Alec quickly hid the gift for Magnus as he heard the door of the loft opening, walking outside of his living room he saw his loves smiling and giggling they were each carrying bags and a plastic bag full of food.
“Hey you two,”
“Hey beautiful,” Magnus said as he walked over to him and kissed him, Alec was happy to return the kiss. When they pulled away the two smiled at one another meanwhile Madzie was smiling seeing her parents happy with one another and she hoped that they continue to be happy and in love with each other when they were old and gray.
“So you’re back early,” Alec said as he took some of the bags and placed them on the counter.
“Well, let’s just say that Madzie and I got our shopping done a littler earlier,” Magnus said smiling and winking at Madzie.
“Yep, we sure did,” Madzie said smiling and winking back at her papa. She hoped that daddy would like the gifts that they got him but knowing her daddy he’s gonna love it.
Chapter 5: Meeting Santa
“Why are we here?” Madzie asked as she and her cousin Jocelyn-Uncle Jace and Aunt Clary’s five-year-old daughter-stood in line waiting for seeing a man in a big red suit.
“Because peanut, your daddy wanted you to meet Santa and ask him what you want for Christmas,”
Madzie wanted to comment that she could do that whenever she wanted but instead kept her mouth shut mainly because she could see the excitement in her cousin’s eyes so she did not comment.
As they waited their turns Alec and Magnus continued to be lovey dovey that it brought a smile to her face, however her smile dropped when she saw how Santa was glaring at her parents, she also did not like how he shook his head in disgust as her parents shared a quick kiss.
Rolling her eyes, she waited for her turn so that she could give him a piece of her mind.
The line got shorter and before she knew it, it was her turn.
“Hello there young lady,” the man in the red suit reached for her but Madzie took a step back.
“I’ll stand,” she said in deadpan tone.
Magnus and Alec looked at one another already figuring that this was not going to be a good day.
“Umm…okay so tell me little girl what’s your name?”
“Shouldn’t you know? I mean daddy and papa tell me that Santa knows every little boy and girl and knows if they are being bad or good,”
Santa stared at her before clearing his throat and said,
“Well you see, My elves have been a little slow with all my letters so I did not have time to memorize everyone’s name,”
Madzie stared at him before asking.
“Are you homophobic?”
“I’m sorry?”
“Well you were looking at my daddies with disgust when they kissed and snuggling with one another so are you homophobic?”
Magnus, Alec, Jace, and Clary stared at her as well at each other in shock, meanwhile Madzie askes,
“I am not homophobic child, I’ll have you know Santa loves everyone and he brings gifts to everyone,”
“If you do, why don’t kids from Africa, Brazil, Afghanistan, and India don’t get presents?”
“Umm, well, you see…”
“Or families that are struggling to make means ends? Why don’t the children in those homes get presents?
“Uhh…well…you see,”
“Why do people believe in you but not in God?” Alec ran and grabbed Madzie meanwhile both Jace and Clary had to drag Magnus who was laughing like crazy about the comments that Madzie made.
After an interesting day the Bane-Lightwood family sat down at the table both adults tried hard to hold in the laughter.
“That ummm…that was an interesting day,” Alec said trying to suppress a giggle.
“Yeah, it was; bet we won’t be allow near any mall santas anytime soon,”
Alec didn’t deny it instead he sent a warm smile to his princess who was sitting on her Papa’s lap, before kissing her cheek, a kiss she was more than happy to return.
“Love you princess,”
“Love you too daddy,”
Alec then lean forward and kiss Magnus.
“Love you,”
“Love you too,”
All in all, the day started out weird but it ended nicely.
Chapter 6: Merry Christmas
“It’s Christmas,” Madize said as she headed towards her parents room, opening the door she jumped on their bed.
“It’s Christmas! It’s Christmas!”
Both Magnus and Alec slowly opened their eyes as they stared into the warm chocolate eyes of their daughter.
“Merry Christmas papa and daddy,”
“Merry Christmas love bug,” both her daddies said.
“Come on let’s open presents!”
The family of three headed downstairs where they found all the presents wrapped nicely under the Christmas tree.
“Okay love bug, go ahead and open your gifts,”
Smiling widely Madzie ran to her side of tree and grabbed her presents. She open the biggest one which she figure was from both her parents. Opening it she saw that it was the Barbie Dream house she wanted.
She grabbed her other presents and saw she got a Wonder Woman, Batgirl, Starfire, Bubble Bee, Shimmer and Shine, and an Uma doll; she thanked her daddies as she saw she also got clothes, books, and paints.
Next it was Magnus’ turn Alec of course got him thoughtful gifts; tickets to a spa, a night out at their favorite restaurant, and of course giving him a beautiful Pandora Charm Bracelet with three charms that represented their little family.
“Thank you, Alexander, I will never take this off,” he said as he put the bracelet on.
Alec smiled as he opened the presents he got. So far, they were all gift that were work related which he didn’t mind as he was always busy with work. However, the gift from Magnus made him almost cry.
They were letters wrapped in envelops, each one had a different saying;
“Open this whenever you are feeling stressed,”
Open this when Madzie starts dating,”
Different types of letters with different sayings that made Alec’s eyes water.
“Magnus, this is beautiful,”
He said as he lean forward and kissed him, Magnus smiled as he peck his cheek.
“Okay now it’s my turn!” she said as she grabbed her present and handed it to her parents.
Both Magnus and Alec smiled as they opened the present when it was free from it’s wrapping they were shock to see that it was a beautiful drawing of them three; Magnus and Alec stared at the drawing in shock then at their little girl who was smiling at them.
The two slowly put the drawing down before wrapping their arms around her and kissing her forehead.
“We love you Madzie,”
“I love you guys as well; Merry Christmas papa, daddy,”
“Merry Christmas Lovebug,” both her daddies said.
This is defenitly going to be an amazing Christmas, Madzie could already feel it.
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“I Can’t Do This Without You” Part 2
Summary: Things go from bad to worse regarding Y/N’s health. It’s totally unexpected and heart wrenching.
Word Count: 1,669
Warning: Mention of cervical cancer, fainting, surgery and uncertainty of a loved one’s prognosis.
Characters: Bucky x Reader
OFC: Steven James, Isabella Marie, Dr. Travers, Tony, Nat, Sam, Wanda, Steve, Maddie and Zach
A/N: When you’re diagnosed with cancer, not only are YOU, the patient shaken to the core, family and friends are devastated also. This series DOESN’T make light of ANYONE with cancer. This series chronicles HOW family and friends process a loved one’s struggles and eventual remission.
Autumn in New York boasted crisp cool air, green leaves turning to spectacular hues of red and yellow, dotting each tree like paint on a color pallette. The breeze forced Y/N to zip her jacket and buy a hot cup of cocoa from a nearby vendor.
Moving to a nearby bench, she sighed, sitting down enjoying her cocoa, drinking in nature and its radiance.
Y/N’s mood turned somber. She thought about Izzy and S.J. How would they take the news about my health? And James? What would he do if I died? Could he be the father our kids need and not shut down?
Giving herself a mental scolding for such dire reflections, Y/N finished her hot chocolate, strolling back to tower.
The security guard out front, Riley, tipped his hat. Y/N waved, making her way to the elevator to her apartment.
Opening the apartment door, S.J. greeted his mother with a megawatt smile and a string of black bass he and Bucky caught.
“Mom, look what me and dad got!!!” S.J. couldn’t contain his pride.
“Wow, so many fish. Awwww look at their eyes. James, the fish are staring at me.”
Bucky and S.J. leaned against the wall in a belly aching fit of laughter. “Doll, you should see your face. Looks like you seen a ghost! C’mere baby lemme hold ya.”
Y/N put her hands up. “No sir, you will NOT come near me until you a) take a shower b) burn those clothes and c) do something with those fish!!! They’re creeping me out!!!”
Handing them to his dad, S.J. watched Bucky cut the heads off. “Cool dad! What’re you gonna do with the heads?”
Putting a hand over her mouth, Y/N ran to the bathroom emptying her stomach. Concerned, S.J. checked on Y/N. “Hey mom are you alright?!”
“Yes. I’m not used to seeing a fish beheaded.”
Bucky furrowed his brow, “Hey baby, you okay?”
“Yeah just feel sorry for those fish.”
Brushing her teeth, Y/N instructed her son to take a shower.
‘Steven James Barnes, take a shower, put your stinky clothes in this garbage bag. Then you can play video games.
“Yes ma’am.” S.J. hung his head, shuffling to the bathroom.
S.J. finished his shower at the speed of light, dropping his smelly clothes in garbage bag. “Okay well I’m gonna go play with Uncle Sam, see ya.”
Cleaning up his mess, Bucky decided to shower also. Y/N curled up on the sofa; a blanket draped over her legs.
Feeling Y/N’s forehead, Bucky appeared worried. “Dollface, are ya alright? Anything I can get ya?”
Waving him away, “James, I’m fine. Seeing those poor fish upset me. Go. The sooner you cook, the sooner I can taste your black bass and all the fixins’.”
“Yes wife, you’re in for a treat. See ya in a bit okay. I’ll send S.J. to get’cha when everything’s done.”
The door closed, Y/N tried to stand up. Crimson drops fell on her green t-shirt. “Oh no. My nose is bleeding. Where’s my cell phone? I need to call Bu-.” Everything went dark.
In the common room, Steve learned how to use the automatic potato peeler and french fry cutter; Wanda and Nat tried their hand at hush puppies and tartar sauce. Tony complained about the smell.
Taking a sip of scotch, Tony grunted, “So, Terminator 2. You could’ve picked something other than fish? Smells like Mayberry in here.”
Pausing the game, S.J. asked his snarky uncle, “What’s a Mayberry?”
Sam told his curious nephew they’d watch “The Andy Griffith Show” later.
Clearing his throat, Bucky proudly announced, “These beauties were caught by our very own Steven James Barnes.”
Everyone applauded; S.J. took a bow. “Thank you….thank you!!! Dad helped, so I can’t take all the credit.”
Ready to be the fry cook, “Deep fryers are ready, Sarge.” Steve saluted. “Let’s get this party started.”
30 minutes passed.  Y/N hadn’t made an appearance.
Wanda inquired, “Where’s Y/N? She should’ve been here by now.”
Interrupting their video game fun, Bucky asked S.J. to see what was keeping his mom.
Bursting in the apartment, S.J. gasped. “OMG!!! DAAAAAD….DAAAAAAAAAD!!! IT’S MOM!!!! COME QUICK!!!!”
Hearing S. J.’s shrills, everyone froze in place. Bucky dropped his scotch, sprinting towards their apartment. Nat, Wanda, Steve and Tony followed. Stopping at the door, Bucky saw Y/N’s pale, limp frame lying on the floor, blood oozing from her nose.
“NO NO NO NO!!! C’MON BABY!!!! WAKE UP PLEASE!!! THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING!!!” Bucky held Y/N’s  hand.
Nat grabbed a towel for Y/N’s nose, Tony barked orders to the hospital putting them on high alert, Steve brought a stretcher from medical;  Sam and Wanda consoled S.J..
Red tendrils flowed from Wanda’s fingers to soothe Bucky and S.J.
Trembling, S.J. asked Wanda if his mom’s gonna die?
Her thick Sokivian accent reassured him ‘no’.
Blood stains coated S.J.’s shirts, pants and hands. Sam suggested he shower and change clothes.
Moving at a fevered pace, Bucky, Steve, and Nat rolled Y/N into the quinjet. Tony wasted no time on take off.
Sitting by her side, Bucky’s broken and hoarse voice willed Y/N to live. “C’mon doll, wake up please baby, please wake up. Ya know I can’t do this by myself. Me, Izzy and S.J. need ya to be alright. Please be alright!!”
The quinjet landed on the hospital helipad; Dr. Travers, 2 nurses, 2 orderlies on stand-by.
“Get her into Exam Room 5 and get the surgical team ready NOW!!!” Dr. Travers stopped Bucky from entering the room.
“James, you can’t come in. Let us handle it from here. I’ll take good care of her, you know that.”
Bucky nodded, slumping down the wall. Steve cradled his shaking body.
Nat and Tony volunteered to get Izzy. Her exams were over, so she could leave the campus. They didn’t waste any time driving to Columbia University.
Sam, Wanda and S.J. arrived at the hospital. Visibly distraught, S.J. sat next to Bucky, their fingers intertwined. Flesh and metal holding on for dear life.
Stepping out of the exam room, Dr. Travers informed Bucky that Y/N was bleeding internally and required emergency surgery. The operating room was ready. She was joining the team to consult with them about Y/N’s medical history.
Bucky whispered, “Hey uh Patricia? Thanks and take care of my lifeline, m’kay?”
“We’ll do everything in our power. Now if you’ll excuse me.”
The orderlies and nurses scurried from the room wheeling Y/N to the Operating Suite on the 9th floor.
An elderly lady from Guest Services took Steve, Bucky and S.J. to the 9th floor Family Room, where food and drinks awaited them, should anyone become hungry or thirsty.
Before leaving the room, the kind woman whispered to Bucky, “I’m praying for your wife.
Bucky thanked her; Steve hugged the polite volunteer. “We really appreciate your help. What’s your name?”
“Millicent Hayes. You’re very welcome Captain Rogers.”
Meanwhile, Tony and Nat didn’t waste time getting to Izzy. Upon arrival at the dorm, no one answered the door.
Pulling her phone out, Nat dialed Izzy’s number, but stopped when she heard laughter.
Izzy, Maddie, and Zach were returning from the dining room. Tony and Nat were seated on a bench near Izzy’s dorm
“Hey guys what are you doing here? I thought Dad would pick me up tomorrow?
“Hey kiddo. Let’s walk over here and talk.” Tony, Nat and Izzy moved to the side; Maddie and Zach waited on the steps.
Gazing into Izzy’s eyes, salty teardrops fell from Nat’s eyelashes onto her cheeks. “Your mom is in the hospital. She’s very sick. We came to take you to see her.”
Opening her mouth to speak, Izzy embraced Tony. “Please take me to her.”
Hearing their conversation, Maddie and Zach asked their hurting friend to call them if she needed to talk.
On their way to the hospital, Izzy asked Tony how bad it was. “I’m not gonna lie to you kid. It’s not good, but your mom’s strong. She’ll pull through.”
Millicent greeted Izzy, Nat and Tony. She directed them to the 9th Floor Family Suite.
Izzy sprinted from the elevator into her dad’s arms. “Izzy, I’m so glad to see ‘ya baby. I missed ya so much.” “Missed you too dad.”
Ruffling his hair, “Hey squirt. You’ve grown a foot haven’t you?” S.J. embraced Izzy. “Hey sis, glad you’re home.”
The doors opened and Dr. Travers came in. Everyone shifted in their chairs.
Bucky held onto Izzy and S.J. Tony, Nat and Wanda huddled together. Sam and Steve rallied around Bucky.
“Surgery is still going on. I had no idea how fast the cancer progressed.
Bucky didn’t know what to do or say. His chest heaved. Steve placed a waste basket in front of him, as the contents of his stomach emptied.
Izzy spoke up. “Wait, mom has cancer?  Wha-where dad?
Nat confirmed to Izzy and S.J., “She has Stage 3 cervical cancer. Y/N wanted you to finish the semester uninterrupted. And S.J., she knew you’d get distracted from soccer.”
“She’s always putting us before herself. Love you mom.” Izzy gently rocked her 15 year old brother.
Bucky’s best friend, soulmate, best half, confidant, lover…….his everything, was fighting for her life.
“Doll, if you can hear me, please don’t leave me. I can’t do this without you. Fight baby for me and the kids. We need ya, okay? Don’t give up…..don’t give up!!!”
TAGS: @shy2shot @irene-rogue-adler @omalleysgirl22 @rebelslicious @pegasusdragontiger @magellan-88 @bolontiku @supersoldierslover@sgtjamesbuchananbarnes107th @3brosangel @papi-chulo-bucky 
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anontrolls · 7 years
> Tink: Homecoming.
It’s noon, when you finally come back.
You timed it carefully - you’ve been gone for nearly a perigee, a little bit more patience isn’t much to ask from yourself. It’s the day after one of the only two nights of the week you can count on Izzy having actual customers, and the sun is at its zenith. You fish the key out from behind the loose stone in the arch of Izzy’s entry way.
Your fingers are so clumsy that you can’t fit the key into the lock properly the first three times, and on the fourth, you tip forward when the door opens in front of you anyways.
Izzy catches you by the arm, narrowly avoiding getting impaled by your horns. You look up, and you can tell even through the filmy quality that your vision has taken on that there’s bags under his eyes. He isn’t even pretending that he’s been sleeping properly.
Isn’t even pretending that he knows how to talk properly, either, given the way he’s jawing at air like a damn goldfish. You wait for the first half-concocted syllable to crack out of his throat before you interrupt, squinting up at him accusingly.
“You smell fucking amazing,” you inform him, “Like four courses with dessert,” and, shit. That is not what you meant to say. You were thinking it, yes, but you weren’t supposed to say that.
“I - I don’t - I can pre-pretend you didn’t,” Izzy offers, and you thump your head against his chest. Drat. You weren’t supposed to say that either. You fucking hate trying to think through the Messiahs-damned hunger fogging over your brain.
It’s even harder when you’re supposed to be trying to move. Everything is shifting, and you can’t quite decipher which way it’s going until everything tips completely sideways and you realize Izzy’s flopped you down onto the couch. The front door is closing, lock clicking, and it feels like it only takes the span of one blink before you’re getting hefted up again, head lolling against Izzy’s shoulder.
Mm. It’s nice to move without having to move, you decide.
Izzy huffs a laugh that sounds more than a little bit hysterical, and you’re too tired to move your arms, so you gnaw at his shoulder in revenge instead. He’s not wearing his over-vest, though, and you belatedly realize that this was a terrible idea because you’re not sure you want to let go.
“P-please don’t eat me,” comes from somewhere above you and a little to the left. You blink slowly, lean your head back, and shove your own wrist into your mouth instead. Doesn’t taste nearly as good, but counter-intuitively is probably less likely to lead to your eventual death. 
You blink again, and you’re staring at the ceiling with Izzy dragging your hand out of your mouth as you moan in protest. He’s stronger than you at the moment, though, and when you squeeze your teeth in harder he just jabs you in the side, right under where your mushrooms start, and it’s enough to make you gasp plaintively - coincidentally enough for him to get your hand out. You mull that over for a second. Clever. You can’t muster up the strength to get your hand back up from where it’s flopped, but you can at least glare at it.
You turn your head to do so, and promptly change your mind to glare at Izzy instead. He’s just - bustling around, like you’re not laying here on this - what are you laying on? It feels like a seating platform, and the carving knife on the side table informs you that it’s probably Izzy’s block. You could stab him with that. Then you could eat him.
You’re too tired to do that, though, because, like you were thinking earlier, you are laying here wasting away while Izzy just clomps around the room like a particularly graceless and passive-aggressive giraffe. What right’s he got to be passive-aggressive? You’re the one starving to your second death. Besides, you’re better at it.
The thought of eating Izzy keeps trailing its tantalizing way back across your mind, and you let yourself nightdream (daydream, you suppose, given it’s the afternoon) for a few glorious moments. You’re just about in the middle of the bit where you bite into his arm (he has a lot of muscles in his arms, you think, which would be particularly delicious) when something yanks at your feet and you yelp in distress.
“Iz- Izzy!” you call for help, and - no, that’s him doing the pulling. You squint, confused, and he waves one of your boots at you. Great. That wasn’t worth actually stuttering at him over. You’re the one that’s good at talking. And he’s still close enough that you can smell him. It’s not fair.
“Izzy,” you complain, and blink in surprise when you’re yanked at again. Right. Two feet. Two boots. Yes. That makes sense. “Izzy, I’m hungry.”
“I - I don’t have anything right - right now,” he hedges, edging over to your side. His stupid hair is covering his blue eye. Why’ve you always got to be staring at the Mal-colored purple one?
Regardless, the reply is unacceptable. You grope weakly at him and get a handful of pants fabric. Tugging at it is like trying to pull at a damn tree. You should know, you’d gone all the way to the jungle treeline while you were gone. It was horrid and wet.
“I’m hungry,” you repeat, “And you smell like you come from somewhere with five stars to its name, which - which is absolutely not fair, because you look like a two at best. But you don’t need all your bits, okay? Listen - listen, this is important. You don’t need all your parts.”
He wraps a hand around your wrist, and you don’t quite hold back the whimper. He’s warm, and he smells mouth-watering, and you can practically feel the blood pulsing beneath his skin, hot and-
“I’ll go to-tomorrow,” he assures you, brows furrowed, “When - when the sun sets. I - I promise, Tink, I - I just - I didn’t know when you’d be back - I don’t have anything for you n-now.”
He just peels your fingers off of his pants, and presses you back into the reclining platform by your shoulders. The pressure is burning handprints into your skin, cloak and scarf be damned. Actually be damned, you realize belatedly, because you’re not wearing them anymore, just a loose undershirt that’s light enough to barely even brush against your mushrooms.
“You’re a selfish bastard,” you groan, “Fuckin’. Feral cullbait. Asshole. I hate you. Why are you so awful?”
He winces, and you lift your lips back into a snarl when you see the way he’s cringing into his collar. Hasn’t got his vest on, though, so he can’t hide practically his whole face. Loser. He doesn’t even have to hide his face, and he still does it. Meanwhile you’re stuck with a veil for the rest of your damn life. Unlife. Whatever.
“S-sorry,” he mumbles, and you want to say something back, something terrible, something that’ll make him go away and stop touching you and being all warm and filled with blood right next to you and torturing you -
You blink, though, and the next time you open your eyes, he’s gotten away from you. Somewhat, anyways - he’s passed out in a wooden chair on the other side of the room, facing you but much too far to reach.
“Fff- fuck,” you snarl, and twist yourself off the platform anyways - your shoulder hits the edge of the side table when your arm remains pulled across to the seat-back of the platform, trapped by a handcuff wrapped around your wrist, though, and the delicate frills of a mushroom split like a wound. You make a wordless sound, sharp and mournful, and claw at your wrist desperately, twisting away from the offending furniture.
Izzy scuffles behind you, thumping across the floor until he’s looming behind you and you cringe into the platform.
“Don’t touch me,” you sob, pulling at your arm, “Don’t fuckin’ - don’t - I hate you - should never’ve come back - you’re just locking me up again, you stupid - you - I’m not some animal -”
Hands wrap around your waist like iron bars and you screech as Izzy lifts you back onto the platform. You try to thrash, but all you manage is to punt him in the knee - not a particularly effective attack when you’re wearing just socks.
Izzy backs away as soon as he puts you down, making some sort of weird hissing noise - you can’t tell if he’s trying to talk or signalling for you to shut up, so you narrow your eyes at him and hiss back, louder and rattling.
He flinches, full-bodied, and stumbles back towards the door.
“It’s - I’ll go - you tried to b-bite me,” he trips over excuses, “I’m - I’m going to go - get you food, Tink, it’s - it’s fine, it’ll be f-fine-”
He’s still stuttering when he shuts the door behind him, lock clicking, leaving you chained to the stupid couch like a dog he’s left in a kennel.
You make like a dog and howl into the pillows until you’re too exhausted to stay awake.
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gaybaconprincess · 7 years
*Depeche Mode's Personal Jesus plays ominously as I waltz into your inbox* Isaiah gets stuck in a vent trying to grab an opossum that's been rustling around in there for weeks. the outcome if for YOU to decide.
[This was kinda long but it was so much fun?? Also I entirely didn’t mean for it to end like it did but goddamnit, Izzy needs something to vent to. Get it? Vent to? VENT? I’ll stop. Also, I listened to Marilyn Manson AND Depeche Mode’s Personal Jesus because of you, thank you so much, I love them both.]
“It’ll be fine, he said. It’s just a dumb animal, he said.” Isaiah mocked in a high pitched voice, squirming in the vent he was stuck in with his plot to murder The Herald still fresh in his mind.
There had been an opossum stuck in the vents of Titans Tower for a while now, and everyone had finally gotten sick of it. Who did they send to crawl through the vents and catch the mangly creature? Not Jericho, not the shortest person on their team who could easily manage to actually fit into the vents. Not Herald, the person who suggested the idea that was doomed from the start. No, everyone took a vote and Isaiah was sent into the vents.
Needless to say, the boy who was already boiling with anger was half tempted to power up and set the vents aflame.
Isaiah, being Isaiah, was much too large to actually fit into the vents and managed to get himself stuck just far enough to be out of reach for anyone to pull him through. Scratch that - Mal fucking Duncan managed to get Isaiah stuck, there was no way in hell Isaiah was going to take blame for his current position when he’d have been just fine with the opossum staying in the vents and dying by itself.
Meanwhile, while Hot Spot was busy squirming uselessly and conjuring up just how he was going to enact his revenge on his idiot leader, Herald was just below where the vent was and attempting to find a way to get Isaiah out of it.
‘Attempting’ - he was really holding a hand over his mouth and nearly passing out from the force it took him not to burst into annoying laughter.
From the corner of Mal’s eye, he could just see Jericho standing with his arms crossed and with his hip angled, giving Mal ‘the look’.
“Oh- C’mon! Look I’m trying to get him out alright? I’ve got the blueprints for the vent system pulled up on the computer and I’m giving him directions!” Herald defended weakly, failing to faze Jericho’s glare in the slightest.
A loud bumping sound as if Hot Spot had jerkily banged his head on the top of the vent sounded through the tower, amplified by the echo that came with being in a vent, and Herald burst into cackles.
“That’s what you get for eating all the cereal this morning you-!” Herald began loudly, cupping a hand over his mouth to amplify his volume before he froze and stared in fear at Jericho’s ever darkening glare.
His glare that was darkening both in the sense that he was angry, and in the sense that his eyes were slowly fading to black as his powers activated.
Herald suddenly turned around to face Jericho and held his hands up like a mime, halting Jericho’s near attempt to literally knock some sense into his friend with a quick ‘allow me’. Herald hit himself over the side of his head with a loud smack and gave a weak, pleading smile and jazz hands to Jericho, hoping his self inflicted punishment would stop Jericho from playing the parent and possessing Herald again. Herald let out a deep sigh of relief as Jericho was seemingly sated with this action.
“What on Earth is all of this noise?” Red Star said through his thick accent as he came through the door to their living room and look bewilderingly at the sight of Herald still posing and Jericho slowly turning his black eyes back to white.
“Izzy McGuire here managed to get himself stuck in the vents.” Mal answered, jabbing a finger toward the vents themselves.
“The vents that you got me stuck in!” Hot Spot reminded with a muffled yell through the ventilation system.
“Ugh, geez Spotty- could you at least have the courtesy to suffer in silence? It’s too early to be woken up by tweedle dum and tweedle dumber.” Kole whined in a baby voice as she tiredly jabbed a finger at both the vent and Mal.
“Um, rude?” Mal interjected before he went right back to analyzing the blueprints laid out on the computer.
‘Kole, it’s three in the afternoon, you should have already been awake anyway.’ Jericho signed to his sleepy pink haired friend, who was already yawning and trudging toward the couch where she would inevitably fall asleep again.
“Don’t care.” Kole yawned, flopping onto the couch and ignoring the scene going on behind her.
“Will one of you bozos please just go get Toni? She’s the only person with any common sense around here!” Hot Spot yelled from his uncomfortable position that he knew would leave his joints aching painfully later. The flaming boy could feel Jericho’s indignant glare toward his place in the vents.
“The only person with common sense and the power to actually reach me in the vents.” Hot Spot corrected, not actually seeing it but knowing Jericho sighed and shrugged helplessly, knowing his stunted height wasn’t going to help their situation in the least.
“Your queen has arrived!” Argent called suddenly as she came through the doors of the living room, appearing out of nowhere like a fairy godmother.
Argent stared saucer eyed at the scene set before her, accompanied by the obvious notion that the banging coming from the vents was probably caused by Jericho, Herald, and Hot Spot. As were most of their shenanigans.
“Sweet Jesus, you two are like the three stooges without any of the comedy.” Argent said flatly with a roll of her eyes as she approached the vent closest to Herald where Hot Spot had presumably been stuck and already reaching out her red plasma energy to get him out.
“Wait!” Hot Spot yelled as if he were Spartan, stopping Toni in her tracks.
Inside the vents, Hot Spot was having a glaring showdown with the opossum that got him into this mess. The black and white mongrel had a coat of silky fur, nothing befitting a trash eating monster, and in his grubby hands, the animal was holding Hot Spot’s missing ring that he’d brought from India.
“Get back here you little snot!” Isaiah cried, using the force of his frustration and anger to finally free his arms and uselessly stretch out all of his limbs to reach the opossum.
The opossum was just barely out of his straining reach, and the animal stuck its tongue out and blew a raspberry with an evil glint in it’s eye, waving around the ring in front of Isaiah’s face before it disappeared further into the vents.
With a few more minutes of loud struggling and grunts of anger, the opossum came to realize that Isaiah was indeed, stuck. The opossum them decided to scurry its way back to Hot Spot, and wave the ring in his face some more, sticking its tongue out and making cartoonish sounding cackling sounds that were almost infuriating enough to rival Herald’s.
With one last grunt of effort, Hot Spot squirmed around uselessly a little more before his elbow knocked the wrong screw, and the entire system seemed to groan in agony.
Both Isaiah and the opossum looked at each other wide eyed, gritting their teeth at what was going to happen next.
“Oh no.” They both seemed to mouth in unison before the ventilation shaft came tumbling down from the ceiling, leaving Isaiah laying painfully in a heap of broken metal, but above all, free from his steel prison.
Despite all the pain surging through his nerves, he still managed to reach out from the rubble and wrap his hand around the opossum’s pink tail.
“Gotcha!” Hot Spot yelled breathlessly, his face covered in dust and his joints screaming at him as the opossum hung helplessly by his tail and didn’t even attempt struggling, opting instead to hide his eyes with his grubby little pink hands.
“Amazing. You are the paragon of a hero, Isaiah.” Argent muttered with another roll of her eyes. Isaiah didn’t care, he was proud of himself, he’d caught Titans North most at large thief.
As Hot Spot panted with the effort it took to slow down his still adrenaline pumped heartbeat from falling from such a height, the opossum took one hand off of its eye so that it could pull the ring out from out of nowhere and slip it back onto one of Isaiah’s dark fingers with a shy smile.
“Uh…thanks?” Isaiah said lamely. Suddenly, the opossum slipped right out of Hot Spot’s grip and was scurrying up and down his shirt and around his waist and under his arm and everywhere else, faster than a flash, before it finally settled in the crook of Isaiah’s neck and started nuzzling into his cheek.
“UM- what?” Isaiah said startled as he froze from the surprise of four grabby feet scurrying all over his body and then halting in the matter of two seconds.
“Aw, I think he likes you Izzy!” Kole called teasingly from her place on the couch.
Suddenly Jericho nearly teleported to where Hot Spot was, already scratching the dirty animal under its chin.
“Oh no- No way! We are not- we can’t- THIS THING IS A VILLAIN! Jericho! Stop scratching it!” Hot Spot cried helplessly, his voice raising nearly an entire octave in an attempt to get Jericho away from the mangy animal.
Suddenly, the opossum scurried around again, stopping when it was right in Hot Spot’s face, holding on by the front of his shirt with big, pleading puppy dog eyes.
It took nearly an entire five minutes, but inevitably Isaiah sighed dramatically and leant his head back in defeat.
“You are not sleeping in my bed.” He said forcefully.
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