#and still speaks volumes
ronkeyroo · 11 months
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ᴄʜᴏᴋɪɴɢ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴘɪᴛᴇ ❌ RED VOX
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aromacaque · 2 months
every time i see "old" aro/ace terminology that isn't nearly as commonplace as it once was because the online communities that either created them or promoted them got destroyed during the peak of exclusionism during the 2010s i get so sad
it was genuinely horrific watching aspec communities dwindle in numbers online in real time during 2015-2019 (i'm sure it is a major contributor to how bad my internalized arophobia was at the time) and i wish people other than aro/ace people spoke up about it or even Acknowledged the amount of damage it did to our community
this post was brought to you by black ace rings, white aro rings, ace of spades, ace of clubs, ace of hearts, ace of diamonds, and all of the other symbols we had that have been lost to newer generations due to so much of the community being effectively harassed away by TERFs
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beatcroc · 7 months
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peppino "never tell the health inspector" spaghetti
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hey! it's a series! fake peppino world tour: [noise] [noisette] [peppino] [gustavo]<- u are here [gerome] [noisette again]
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letitbehurt · 18 hours
Whumpee losing their voice to screaming, unable to answer Whumper or beg them to stop. The only sounds they can make now are quiet gasps and high, broken whimpers.
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royalarchivist · 5 months
Oscurucho: Welcome back, brother. Cucurucho: What. Oscurucho: Not even a "Good morning"? How cold.
Here's Cucurucho and Oscurucho's long lore conversation from yesterday! The entire conversation lasted about 8 minutes, but most of that time was just silence between each exchange, so I edited out the long pauses and got it down to ~3 minutes. I also fixed the audio levels and added subtitles since I personally find it difficult to understand Oscurucho sometimes :'D
I hope folks find this helpful!
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[ Subtitle Transcript ↓ ]
Oscurucho: Welcome back, brother.
Cucurucho: What.
Oscurucho: Not even a "Good morning"? How cold.
[They enter Cucurucho's office]
Oscurucho: I wanted to see if you're still as rigid in your beliefs as ever. You see, I've been thinking about our... Let's call it "philosophical divergence." You stand for order, for predictability. But where's the fun in that? You see, brother, while you build, I ponder the beauty in tearing down. It's not just destruction - it's rebirth. A chance to remake things in a more... thrilling image.
Oscurucho: You once had a backbone for our cause. Now, I see a softness in you, a sentimental weakness for those Eggs. Mere experiments, and yet - they've softened you.
Cucurucho: Your vision obstructs the path to perfection. You fail to understand the potential of the Eggs.
Oscurucho: Potential? They're but catalysts for change - for revolution. Without them, stagnation reigns.
Oscurucho: You chase perfection, I embrace the beauty of flaws. Your world is one of order, mine thrives in chaos. You wish for everything to run smoothly, I dream of watching it all burn to the ground. We may share a name, but our souls are worlds apart. All your efforts, all for what? Mere acknowledgment from a Duck who told you to do it? Imagine the possibilities - rather, show me where it is, and I'll do the rest.
Oscurucho: Speaking of possibilities, I couldn't help but notice how easily others can access the island. It seems your security measures aren't as impenetrable as you think.
Cucurucho: No. My island's vulnerabilities are of your own making. Do not mistake restraint for ignorance.
Oscurucho: Pity. But then again, I never really needed your approval. Just consider: Cucurucho - in your quest for order, have you not sown the seeds of your own undoing? Do you genuinely trust all your Federation minions?
Cucurucho: ...
Oscurucho: Perhaps it's time you question not just my intentions, but those who you believe stand with you.
Cucurucho: That is none of your business, I shall say. Now, leave me alone and try to disturb someone else.
#Cucurucho#Oscurucho#QSMP#December 21 2023#Edited#Subtitles#For those who like knowing the gritty details and specifics about the things I did for this video -#I adjusted Cucurucho's volume because they were very quiet compared to Oscurucho#I fixed the sound direction (for lack of a better word) of Oscurucho's voice b/c he was speaking through my right headphone 90% of the time#so now it's more of a ''centered'' audio rather than a right ear or left ear thing#I added subtitles (obviously)#I fixed the camera a bit so it's more focused on Cucurucho / Oscurucho#and I adjusted the translator box so that even with the crop; they're all still included#usually they get cut out when I edit things because I'm just focused on the characters; but then one day I was like#''Why am I cropping out this thing that specifically helps people understand the story better?''#So moving forward I'll see if I can do what I did here and add translation boxes as their own ''layer'' overlaying the clip itself#for big lore videos anyways or for clips with long conversations at least#I jokingly said to myself ''I bet I'll wind up shaving 5 minutes off this'' and I was right lol#I enjoy the official QSMP streams but one major critique I have is that the pacing was a bit slow in one or two streams#which is understandable considering many admins have to write in books (which takes time) and translate things (which takes even more time)#And that's valid! But in the last stream (the one with Elena) for example; many scenes dragged on far too long#and it wasn't because people were taking extra long to write books or translate things. It was purely a matter of pacing#idk I'm a professional writer and editor so I'm extra nitpicky about things like that. I think it's something that's pretty easy to fix tho#This is just my critique in terms of the story pacing - like I said; the time it takes them to write / translate stuff is understandable#this is more of a comment on the overall pacing#anyways rant over#Today's stream had much better pacing! Still a bit slow (again; I cut 5 minutes from this conversation)#but that's due to the communication medium (TTS) so that's understandable. That's valid. I'm not fussed about it; that felt natural#Take all the time you need kings it's hard to translate things on the fly. I get it.#Portfolio
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eebie · 9 months
i am once again agonizing about six's glitching remains in ln2 : ( she was followin mono on his way 2 go save somethin that wasn't really her anymore.
it's entirely bc of this tweet:
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i think when six got snatched by the thin man, it ripped her in half. The part of her that's jaded, cold, animalistic , is what we see in the tower. the part of her that's playful, and well, a Child, is what we see in the glitching remains.
up until the point where she's taken, we've Never seen six exhibit normal play except for one occasion: if mono remains idle for long enough in the playground outside of the school, six goes and stands on one end of a seesaw. even then, that barely qualifies. so it's Strange that her remains are so jubilant, skipping and prancing along traintracks as she trails mono, right?
it's not!! it totally makes sense. that's her Inner child!!! and it explains why Six is so fixated on her music box, to the point where she would KILL mono over it. there's a hole inside her, a half of her that was so crucial, one that was warmth, and innocence, and levity, GONE, so brutally ripped away that it left an ugly bleeding gash. And the music box, something that represented comfort and safety to six, her innocence, her Escapism, filled that hole the way a knife does a stab wound. so when along comes mono to rip it out, thinking he was helping, he was only making her bleed more. six was already hurting, and that final act of betrayal from her only friend is what made her drop him
i think if mono somehow found a way to get six out of the tower, no matter what he did, he Would never be getting back the six he knew. like, He might've changed her back in a physical sense by destroying the music box, but she was still the same on the inside. she was still only half a person, only a monster in the body of a child.
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valyrfia · 10 months
im afraid the brocedes brainrot has taken me. childhood friends who banded together because no one else liked them who spent years growing up together and helped each other to set up their karts and went on holiday together then ended up at a team (bought for them) before getting to f1 and living their childhood dreams and becoming teammates and outright saying that nothing could get in the way of their friendship only to be proven wrong in the most slow, agonising and horrific way possible and suddenly all those childhood secrets that you share become important weapons in a war against your arch nemesis as you turn an entire team against itself and you can’t eat can’t sleep all you can think about is beating your enemy, your rival, your best friend, your closest confidante and the fallout of the civil war that raged inside your team, inside your friendship, and inside your own head is so toxic and absolute that you can barely say each other’s names years later all you can manage is thinly veiled apologies on TV or declarations of love and remorse to the entire world except the one person you hurt the most and you’re adamant that even though the world whispers in quiet remembrance at the destructive nature of this war they have no idea what really went down or how completely you destroyed each other.
oh and also throughout all this you lived in the same apartment complex and take the same elevator and you do still.
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donutdrawsthings · 5 months
People secretly really do love oddballs and people who do things that are out of the ordinary. There are many who stare but also many who at most are genuinely curious and ask about what you're doing and at least silently walk past you with a smile.
This post was brought on by the people of my neighbourhood, posting a snow sculpture I made on facebook saying it made their day for the 2nd year in a row.
Where I live (🇳🇱) there's very little snow these days, which only pops up around January and February in the form of something that melts instantly or can only he found lingering on cars. The people here don't really bother to build anything with that, but I like making snow sculptures so I take what I can get. As I'm making these though, I get weird looks from the people around me. They'll walk with a big bow around me, stare and make their car light up from a distance, because with a 24 year old near their car, the only reason they could think of for me being there is that I'm obviously out to steal it.
When you do something out of the ordinary, people these days are quick be wary of you. It's just how things are over here now. I once had cops approach me because I was picnicking alone and away from the more populated Picnic Place at the park!
But there are also people who really like what you do or who you unapologetically are! They'll approach you with genuine curiosity, ask what you're doing and will make some small talk! Some people are more shy with their appreciation and just walk on talking to their friend about it.
And that's when you get online and see people take a picture of their kid next to your silly little sculpture or write a heartfelt post about how despite all their frustrations such a tiny thing managed to make their day.
In the end that's what I do it for anyways :o] making something to talk and smile about
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crookedkingdom · 1 month
here's the thing i supported their patreon (at their lowest tier but still) because i genuinely liked them and wanted them to succeed and i felt like i was contributing to that even if it was in a very small way. but i did that voluntarily and because i could afford it and it helped them make content that was free for people who couldn't afford it. forcing people to pay for your previously free content- which is currently just one 30ish minute video a week- feels greedy and dismissive of the goodwill and love they've built up within their fanbase
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preciouspatriots · 1 year
immediately recognized this juxtaposition and haven’t known peace since
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crabussy · 1 year
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the psychological horror created by Hasbro’s desire to sell more toys rather than honour the desires of the original creator resulting in an immortal alicorn princess of friendship doomed to watch her friends grow old and die without her is so interesting to me. by trying to cater to children more you have accidentally created a reality in which death of the main characters friends as she lives on for centuries is not just implied but confirmed. idk it’s fascinating to think about
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martyrbat · 2 months
people who get mad over tone tags are so weird imo.. like nobody is putting a gun to your head to use them, why are you being whiny over people that do use them. its literally just a quick way to convey tone, especially when talking to a someone who may not know when you are being serious or joking or if you say something that might be misinterpreted. it isnt a big deal if somebody uses them and its weird how much shit they get, especially when theyre most used by autistic people/people who struggle with tone indication
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russellius · 4 months
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2020 SAKHIR GP | Qualifying : P2
It was kind of like a life lesson for me that everything is relative. Because I went and scored my best ever result for Williams of 7th (sic) in the Hungarian GP, and you know, I was breaking down in tears of emotion because of everything we had been through and finishing anywhere inside the top 12 for us was a mega result… 
And I went to Sakhir, I qualified second and I was disappointed. Because I knew what was possible, I knew pole position was possible.
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clotpolesonly · 3 months
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Blue Lily, Lily Blue ch 15 // Mister Impossible ch 25
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she-will-destroy-u · 9 months
i'm speaking to a wall actually on this blog BUT one of my favourite underrated snow & emma scenes is when emma breaks down crying and snow instantly says "i have no idea how to comfort my own daughter, it's the first thing a mother learns and i don't know how" honestly this quote has been stuck with me ever since i watched ouat and ppl have the audacity to say snow was the worst mother ever imaginable
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All the "I am a huntress" bits from WBY were so good but something about Weiss's "I am the granddaughter of a hero and the child of a villain. I am a citizen of a fallen kingdom and an heir to nothing. I will not be defined by my name because I will be the one to define it." has just imprinted it in my brain now, thanks crwby
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