#and that makes me Sad
ali3nboyfriend · 16 days
Destiny 2 is a story about love and hope and resilience in the face of adversity, fighting against fascism and all-consuming entropy by building community and locking hands w people you once called your enemies because you find out you were fighting the same thing all along. it's a beautiful story full of charming characters and this tolkienesque fantastic hopefulness set in a post-apocalyptic backdrop, an ostensibly sci-fi world written with fantasy tropes and conventions. however it is trapped inside of a game that, while i genuinely think it is a really good game, does not attract the sort of playerbase that would actually appreciate the story it's telling.
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jacobglaser · 11 months
So it seems pretty obvious Ed is gonna fish up the leathers next week, but I wonder if he might find some of the letters Stede chucked in the ocean too, Stede mentioning them this week but not telling Ed what was in them makes me suspicious they brought it up for a reason.
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fictionadventurer · 2 months
Still thinking about Disney's Pinocchio and living in fear that I may never see a movie that beautiful ever again.
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maybe if i binge the entire natm trilogy and not sleep again, Jedediah and Octavius will actually kiss this time
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touchlikethesun · 4 months
honestly while watching the untamed, i was thinking that the censorship didn't really bother me all that much, like sure they changed a few lines moved some things around, but they also added scenes so the trade-off really seemed worth it.
i am now realising that i felt that way just because for 80% of mdzs there wasn't that much to censor, playing with the wording was all they needed to do to meet the requirements. i have now reached that last 20% and the full weight of what the censorship robbed from us is starting to sink in.
what do you mean we don't see lan zhan cradling a delirious wei ying before fighting his own clan elders to defend him. idc if you multiplied the number of lashes he received by 10 it is so much less impactful when it's su she and jin guangyao who are the agitators also i don't understand what the timeline is supposed to be is this after wy is already dead?? how is he so composed??? i have so many issues with this and they would all be resolved if they kept the scene from the novels why couldn't that have been part of their "bromance" too???
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zahri-melitor · 7 days
I read two more issues, to get past the Robins fight, and...still so conflicted.
I can see exactly how, if Damian is your ultimate blorbo and you read for Damian, this story is doing exactly what you want it to do and reflecting back beloved stories.
Issue 5 is explicitly set up as a parallel to War of the Robins from Batman and Robin 2011, and even ends with Damian getting an 'I love you and here have a trophy' speech from Dick, to tie Damian back to Alfred and Dick and the layers of care in the family.
It acknowledges Damian's menagerie and comments that the last thing Damian did before leaving was check in on them. It has Goliath show up and save Damian's life.
It has intense Robin: Son of Batman vibes and the whole repeat of the 'finding yourself on an isolated tropical island and redeeming yourself'.
(I expect the whole Respawn thing to play out with very much the exact themes of how R:SOB dealt with Damian's clones once Damian clues in)
But I keep waiting for payoffs that just aren't happening.
Rose slopes off to call for help for Damian, and then Dick, Jason, Tim and Steph turn up and I'm like "oh! Rose went and called Dick, because she's looking out for Damian on the island in the same way that Dick looked out for Rose while he was training her as Ravager and in a bad place where she was hanging on every one of Slade's words and determined she needed to prove herself as worthy of her father...oh. She called Jason".
And look, I know that there's an underlying push for decades now that Jason and Rose do have a bunch of things in common and would work well together (and also hinting at whether or not they're romantically involved), but a lot of that is inferred off panel stuff while Dick was literally Rose's teacher. If you want themes of 'you don't have to be what your family expect of you' why on earth wouldn't you openly reference that?!?
In terms of who is on this island and is one of Dick's rogue's gallery:
Double Dare (both Margot and Aliki)
Lady Vic
Nite-Wing (seriously why is Tad here)
Blue Shrike is apparently Shrike's brother???
Is this going to get acknowledged? That a solid chunk of Dick's enemies are here and fighting Damian? That's like half the competition!
Also while I was looking all of this up apparently the Richard Dragon they're talking about is the son of actual Richard Dragon, who apparently got killed in a flashback or something in Green Arrow #32 during n52 and who apparently in that universe worked for the League of Assassins (oh god I am now tearing my hair out, RICHARD IS NOT LINKED TO THE LEAGUE. HE WAS TRAINED BY THE O-SENSEI. STOP DOING THIS TO ALL THE MARTIAL ARTISTS). Huh. Bet that doesn't stick. Richard's too important thematically any time someone wants to write a Question book to be left randomly dead.
And then there's the whole situation that there is a Tengu on this island. I just went down the rabbit hole and this is an import of the Titans villain who is just a Japanese goblin, NOT the Tengu mask that Shiva hands out to people who are trained by her and fighting somewhat under her banner (as seen in Knightsend and in the Circle of Six in Richard Dragon). Which is honestly a waste; if I were going to resurrect a Tengu for this plot, the Shiva and Richard Dragon aligned mask is far more thematic!
And plus, Silver Monkey? Silver Monkey is heavily linked to both Connor's Green Arrow stories, and Shiva (as Paper Monkey), and Deathstroke. It's War of the Dragons and Cult of the Monkey Fist and Brotherhood of the Fist. It's about death and resurrection (as Shiva almost kills Connor and Tim uses his marker with Shiva to save Connor’s life from the time he saved HER life). Is this going to be acknowledged? Because that's where I'd be playing the references by bringing in Silver Monkey.
And look I haven't seen what payoffs we get for Connor yet and there are definitely a bunch of opportunities built in; on top of Silver Monkey you have Constantine Drakon, who's defeated Connor before. Plus there's Artemis Crock, who in DC Comics comics terms isn't linked at all to Connor (she's JSA and Infinity Inc and was in the YJ98 Zandian Olympics team) but obviously has been used for archer purposes in tv and cartoon adaptions.
I keep seeing all these potential stories set up and wondering if there is going to be any pay off on them. I hope so. But also so far the story has slipped around those payoffs unless it's a direct reference to a Damian story.
Also Ra's al Ghul playing the hermit sensei meditating and in touch with the universe on a nearby island is the funniest nonsense possible. Ra's? RA'S? Taking time out to go meditate on the state of the universe? Just so he's conveniently in a place to give Sage Advice to Damian about what personal values he should work on? Pull the other one.
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talk-danmei-to-me · 3 months
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Me, having googled beefleaf after watching the donhua (schoolboy error) and seeing fanart where Ming Yi works for Hua Cheng, reading this and wondering who it's aimed at...
Obviously Xie Lian.
But also, He Xuan? Because no matter what he says, he is definitely Shi Qingxuan bestie. Like maybe don't go off with your evil plan.
Also Wind Master is definitely Xie Lian's bestie at this point so I would like to know Hua Cheng's angle in all this.
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lovekenney · 8 months
I have trobed thoughts, big ones.
“I’m, ew! Hector the well-endowed. Abed??”
This is so very gay.
Abed made multiple character sheets and all of them had the same kinda names, “zibbidy doo”, “marrrr”, and “bing bong”. But the one he made for his friend had a name that meant “Hector the big dicked”
Not only this but in the second d&d episode new character sheets were made except for
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This is s5 episode 10, Troy has already left the show. This means abed purposely kept the character sheet he made for Troy. The one referencing a big dick.
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Char Aznable is such a tragic character. He never really moved on past his parents’ death. Once he murdered the Zabi family, he had nothing else to believe in. He tried to fight for Zeon zum Deikun’s ideals, but he didn’t have the same heart behind it. Zeon struck me as a very kind, level-headed man who just wanted the colonies to be free to govern themselves, whereas Char is the kind of person who will accomplish his goals at any means necessary.
Char either pushed everyone away, used them, or lost them. He pushed Sayla away and essentially abandoned her so he could get revenge on the Zabis. Lalah died in battle and haunted him to his dying day. He let others get close to him and pushed them away after a while. He used Quess as a pawn in his battle. He got close to Kamille, and he seemed to genuinely see the kid as a little brother, but he didn’t realize until it was too late that he’d led Kamille to become nothing more than a killing machine, and his actions directly led to Kamille’s severe brain injury in the Zeta Gundam and his subsequent coma. Don’t get me started on Amuro, he decided that this guy was the one person who understood him and also his mortal enemy.
After Kamille’s injury and hospitalization, Char blamed the Earth Federation and the Titans for what happened. He misapplied Zeon zum Deikun’s desire for the space colonies’ independence and used it to justify dropping an asteroid on Earth, freeing the colonies by any means necessary. And that any means wound up leading to him being so desperate that he threw everything away, even his own life, for a cause he didn’t even believe in.
Char Aznable wasn’t ever really Char, he had no idea who he was. He had to stop being Casval rem Deikun very young to look after Artesia. He became Edouard, the ward of a noble. Then Char, young soldier from the Texas colony. Then the Red Comet, Zeon’s ace fighter. Then Quattro Bajeena, the AEUG operative and big brother figure to Kamille Bidan. Then he became a new Char Aznable, the face of Neo Zeon. He died without a purpose, nothing more than a boy who never was able to grieve his mother.
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kaufmann-6 · 1 year
I’ve been thinking about the fact that if Jasico were canon Jason would probably be alive because he wouldn’t have left camp with Piper and would’ve stayed with Nico instead.
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starweed · 5 months
heyyy, guess who’s back with more thoughts about itoshi rin????
so, we’ve already established that rin is a very extrinsically motivated person, at least when it comes to football. he doesn’t play football for himself, and he never has. and in a setting like blue lock i just don’t think that’s a sustainably way to play football. blue lock is a place that wants people have a real love for the sport, and would play it every single day of their lives if they could. ego wants people who want to win and want to be the best striker in the world.
rin,, doesn’t really want that. sure, he wants to beat isagi and prove his brother wrong, but that’s not really a longterm, sustainable goal. what happens when he succeeds? does he just stop and say, “okay, that’s good enough”? what happens if he never succeeds? if isagi just continually gets better and better and rin never beats him in a way that makes sae acknowledge him?
having extrinsic motivations is good and normal, but you also eventually have to do things that you want to do for you or you’re going to get burnt out. and i feel like that’s the path that rin’s headed towards if we’re being realistic about this. he just goes and goes and goes in a really unsustainable way, and eventually it’s going to catch up to him.
he’s a really interesting foil to isagi, who’s motivations are almost entirely intrinsic. part of why isagi’s mindset feels more sustainable to me is because he really only plays football for himself. he plays because he really loves the sport. and we don’t ever really see that in rin, so i feel like it’s eventually going to kind of blow up in his face as we’ve seen in previous rounds of blue lock.
or i’m entirely wrong about this. idk, i’m not kaneshiro. i’m just saying that i don’t think that rin’s got anything sustainable going on in how he plays football ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
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willwooddaily · 3 months
Yk for being someone who is afraid of eyes I sure do like a lot of things that involve ppl having a third eye…
anyways here’s some will wood and welcome to nightvale art
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I do all of my sketches traditionally and then I go over them digitally for the lineart and colors, and it never looks how i want it to, but it actually turned out perfectly this time so that’s cool.
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toothbrushfingers · 2 years
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hiccup and his genuine smiles
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jadewazzletime · 1 year
Why did the trans woman cross the road?
I don't know, but I'm sure it was, in some way, related to her being trans
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hephaestuscrew · 1 year
If you ever want a bit of free sadness, you can just think about how Hera describes what she did to Pryce in the finale as "I destroyed her mind". Which isn't really an accurate way of describing it. No matter your perspective on post-memory-loss identity in this show, it's clear that Pryce still has a mind; it's her memories that have been lost, not her mental capacity. And yet Hera says she "destroyed" Pryce's mind. Which becomes emotionally devastating when you think about how she did the same thing to Eiffel...
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kimikoyukiart · 2 years
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Doodle comics - I want more
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