#and the company behind it
justagaycryptid · 2 years
I think that if you made a game/piece of media and MatPat makes some batshit insane very clearly wrong theory about it then you should be allowed to feed him through a paper shredder 
*looking directly at the Hollow Knight vid and how blatantly wrong it is* 
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anarchafemme · 1 year
The way people are talking about Musk's Neuralink FDA trial approval is so frustrating to me. "Oh haha, Musk fanboys are going to get their brains fried!" But that's.... that's just not how FDA trials work. They're not things that perfectly healthy people can sign up for just for fun. FDA drug/medical device trials are for specific health conditions - I'm having a hard time finding which exact conditions Neuralink is approved to have trials for, but all I can see is they intend to treat neurological conditions in general. When you look at people who sign up for trials though it's pretty much just people who are absolutely desperate for a new treatment because what's available isn't working for them - or they have no medical insurance (medical trials usually cover not only the cost of the trial but the continued treatment with the trial drug for X months/years after) and people just desperate for money (many trials offer financial compensation). And it's like.... Sure maybe a handful of those people might be Musk bros, but they aren't going to make up the bulk of the ones killed and maimed by this. It's going to be disabled people in desperate situations, I'm sure many of whom have no idea or only a vague idea of who Musk is.
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sofiaruelle · 4 months
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Another commission for the lovely, @flowerandthesongstress of Sam, Sebastian and Abigail enjoying the afternoon sun.
The companion piece.
my commissions are Open!
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frenchfry99 · 9 months
"new friend?"
Another day in neighborhood, another troublemaker in Howdy's bugdega
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Explaining that he has a whole stack, stash and a box of things to do, "uncle Howdy" tells Lilly to go find someone else to play with, giving a couple of beloved by her tangerines, to sweeten the situation at least a bit.
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Throwing out the peels Lilly finds something bizarre- more like someone??
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They went to visit frogs later :]
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That frog ribbited something too personal 😔😔
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Tiger cubs tend to bite others while playing, so does Lilly! (Nobody can escape the lil ankle biter!! Muhaha!!)
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Her clown nose honks if you press on it! :]
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so silly!!!! Gahhhh!!!! He better watch out for the claws though-
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Being silly whole day is a hard job to do so they're taking a nap😔😔
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Goofy doodle of "the mandatory older sibling report in the end of the day" lmao (Sunny would think Robbie is just one of the countless itty bitty bugs Lilly befriends)
Robbie belongs to @clownsuu ! >:^]
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luna-lovegreat · 3 months
I want. Four to get appreciation. Because
Four gave a ton of unnoticed help when Twilight was injured
The fight with Wild was difficult, and I know we're all concerned about his negative view of the shadow crystal
But Four did something that no one else really thought of to help- He took care of Twi's stuff
From the beginning he told Twilight to not worry about them
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So Four took care of pretty much everything but the others (that Sky and Wars handled)
He took care of Epona
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Which is so very important- he took care of Twilight's horse. After her arrival at the stable Four followed up on her
And for Epona, a horse so attached to her human, having some company can help so much for reassurance
He took care of Twilight's stuff
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He got Twi's shield- his bags and equipment, and organized it into one place
And he was worried. He obviously found the shadow crystal while handling Twi's stuff, but his negative reactions to it were out of concern.
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Also- because of his placement in this scene
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I'm fairly convinced Four was ready to start cooking before Wild showed up (since he's beside the counter with food supplies). At the very least he had the basket of fruit out for everyone -but he was literally standing with food behind him- he thought of everything
And he did housekeeping!
Wars payed for the inn, so Four took care of the inn
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Realistically these boys were probably not too concerned with tidyness. Four got all of Twi's things on one table, and took care of the room they stayed in
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Organizing tables and Twi's things, having food supplies ready, and opening the curtains- overall he was the one tidying up the inn
Four helped in a huge way! He took care of Twi's horse (Epona is so important), his equipment and shield and bag, as well as the other rooms in the inn
Four filled in all the little tasks that others didn't think of. He helped in ways that were needed, but not obvious
There's a lot of problems with the shadow crystal and with Wild, and I don't know what's gonna happen in the future
But don't forget this- don't forget that Four was one who stepped up in an almost unnoticeable way
Don't forget that when everyone was barely holding it together, Four visited Twilight's horse and took care of his things
No matter what develops in the future- this amount of care shown is important ya know?
Art and comic from Jojo @linkeduniverse au :)))
#epona is so important#Lu four#linkeduniverse#linked universe#I work with horses and#Epona is INCREDIBLE- she's extremely attuned to humans and emotions. she doesn't scare easily and can keep her cool in a fight#but it's still super stressful to suddenly be in a fairly large and populated town- separated from her person#and for such an empathetic horse? Four going and TALKING to her- gently petting her nose and just being near her#means so so much! that literally matters so much to a horses mental state in a foreign situation- just having company#he checked on Epona and gave her company like !!!!!! it's so considerate and means so much for Epona! Four I love you !!!!!#uhhhh yeah!#with the food- I don't think the innkeeper would have free/complimentary food out- but wars wallet def had it covered#then wild showed up with potions in a cooking frenzy- but four was still shown with food behind him- he thought of everything#I don't know what's gonna happen with the shadow crystal and stuff. but no matter what happens in the future- this matters.#he did a ton of small things no one else thought of it matters he cares so much didjdkdksjfjj#I have a lot of posts I'm making/editing and trying to get to. I'm just a little gal trying my best :/#so many ideas and so little time... I love you guys and this fandom so much :))#(if I said anything off or offensive let me know... I'm always nervous about that but I want to hear from you if I'm wrong)#(also you are so so cool and valuable don't forget that ok? I love you and you are important)#:)
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404-art-found · 3 months
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I love you, I love you
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highgroundanimations · 9 months
Closer look at my clone's face rig. 💀
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tenebsolis · 6 months
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hiiiii. only kromer was planned for this but then I was like making cringe keyblades for demian and sinclair would be sm fun so I had to give them designs too. yayyyy yahoooo yeyyyyyaaa
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trappednyourheart · 1 month
A family visit
Alfred has been granted (Force) by the bats a week off, and whatever way would he do in a week?, visit his Father of course!
Alfred didn't really have a word into this, he only just been given (forced) a week off, he reason with the family ( it always works) but to his surprised! None of it came through there heads! ( Somehow they got lucky from Alfred's reasonable scolding)
What about the manor? Who would care of it? Who would assist? What will happen if-
How many times he reason and tried to budge it in there minds, none of it work?
Alfred is in horror, so the only thing he can only do is accept, remind them what's not do and do, (every single details) or atleast the common things to do, which he thinks they can handle it- if not, if he sees the house in shambles or in the news, he can now have a reason to not always take a weeks off.
In Alfred's room, he was packing some pairs of clothes, a coat, a medical kit, pairs of shoes, a book, his dark shawl that is covered with a lots of constellation's from his papa's gifts, (he always take good care of it when he left on his own, he couldn't leave his shawl even in the time of his work,) and whatever he needs.
He decided to visit and have his week's off to his papa's, it's been quite a long time ( maybe 60 years or so-)
It's not like he was an absent son, he was just busy, he would occasionally send letters or his baked cookie's ( he's own recipe but still came from papa's original treats).
The Batfam does know Alfred had a dad who's still alive?( Which the kids would joke about how his dad is immortal) outside his life here in Gotham as the only staff in the Wayne manor.
While they were chilling in the living room, they could see Alfred heading towards the door, before he stop and took out a letter, and as he did a ring in the bell could be heard, Alfred open the door, and greeted..
The mailman? ( A very hardworking ghost mailman, just saying “Jolly ho!- how may I help send! Deliver, or even package international!” which Alfred replying “International please, for in this ### #### ## address, I need it quickly delivered through his doorsteps” then the Mailman just nodded, Alfred payed him and he just disappeared)
And Alfred sighs in relief and went to get his luggage, and bid the Batfam goodbye without even explaining what was happening (Bruce dropped his newspaper)
They might had ideas Alfred wasn't human or normal, but after that bombshell, they just can't stop the urge to find out ( like the usual thing the Batfam does, but only minimal like just knowing where he went and they wanted to have Alfred privacy)
Alfred was on his way to his papa's home very much missing the feeling of home in Britain now it's been quite a long time almost but he's getting second thoughts, what would his papa think?
( and yes, hes dad was wealthy, and through family too, He lived in a manor too,
which was a very old money manor, cause Danny? he's literally the ghost king)
Alfred decided he got this, so he took a step and took a deep breath In the front door of the home he loved and cared for in his childhood, knocking three times and the only thing he imagined is that his papa would give him a big warm hug like old times when Alfred would visit once a while before he truly left home.
The bats were in disguise, well partially disguise, the british neighbors nearby can see them looking at them like there were weird (stalking is not a healthy way...sometimes) And how can they even see them?! There literally in a camouflage!!
They saw how Alfred took a step, and knock three times...the door open and there they saw- a kid? Wait what? The black haired and blue teenager might be 16 who looks like could be adoption bait look surprised and happy and he give Alfred a hug, and Alfie just return the gesture, they were having a conversation, they couldn't here it because they were out of range and no hearing gadgets ( damn it Bruce)
Then Alfred and the teen went back to the house, and the door could only shut blocking there view of Alfred and the teen.
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the fact that in the year 2024 the FIRST EVER OMEGAVERSE LIVE ACTION HAS A SECOND SEASON and the cast of said series is equally excited about it makes my mind blow. like how did we get here HOW DID WE GET HERE
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chiliger · 2 months
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Caught in places a clone shouldn’t be.
(Aurebesh translation: Upper left - “Inhibitor undetected.” Lower right - “ARC : CT-0317 . . . Knows too much. Terminate.”)
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aroflareon · 5 months
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chipistrate · 4 months
I think something cool about modern fnaf is that- unlike other indie horrors (Bendy, Poppy Playtime, Indigo Park, etc etc)- the big corporation behind everything isn't. Personal? If that makes sense?
All of the listed games have faces to their companies, people who give speeches and are like the face of the company beside the mascot- they make the experience kind of. Personal. Hearing the dreams and wishes of the person behind the evil and explaining why they do what they do (or at least what they want you to think the motives are)
Modern Fnaf doesn't really have that- William and Henry are dead and we don't know who the new CEO of Faz Ent is. It's cold and corporate behind the colorful mascots. We know nothing about the goals of the owner/CEO, who they are, why they inherited/got ownership the company- we just know the colorful faces hiding whatever they're doing behind closed doors.
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buck-cleven · 24 days
they raised me
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annie-also-draws · 13 days
Hades Charmes brain rot dump
Domestic Charmes Modern Au for my needs bc there’s not enough art of them HNNNNG (bless you AO3 writers)
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Some designs for Hermes. (Charon’s still in the backlog in my head rn). Hermes with glasses anyone??? 😭
I’m in the deep trenches of making my own Au where Hermes and Charon are finance bros (god of commerce and the god who collects gold, duh, ain’t no way they’re dirt poor).
There’s plenty of fics that display Hermes as the black sheep of the family who’s running his own life away from his family doing odd jobs and barely hangs on (no hate I love them!!!) but there’s not enough Rich! Hermes out there so I just gotta insert my own brain rot. Charon and Hermes working for rival finance companies (one deal with future investment and one deal with settlement money/clauses after one’s death (idk if it’s a real thing but meh)
Check the tags for the synopsis lol AO3 style
Bless Jen Zee for long hair Hermes bc all the hairstyle I can conjure from this 😩🙏
The glasses started as a goofy accessory and ended up staying. Longsighted-Hermes who can’t see things that are close to him and uses contact lenses at work 👁️👁️. Only wears glasses at home (with Charon). Grows very little beard and is perpetually tired bc overworked! Hermes is so canon.
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getahomerun · 2 days
Not to sure if this is a known photo or not but it’s my first time seeing it after finding it on a long late night twitter scroll so enjoy? Idk 😭
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