#and the guards don’t notice in the first few episodes
turcott3 · 24 days
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matt rempe x fem! reader
warnings?: switches from third to second pov a few times, cursing, talks of fighting, talks of smut, crying, alcohol
loosely based on black mirror episode ‘arkangel’
(third person will be written in italics)
you found your way to the open pavement as the final school bell rang. the basketball court and black top was where everyone hung out that didn’t ride the bus, which was honestly a good chunk of people.
you found your way to your everyday meeting spot, and sat down on the large rock. the same rock where you met up with your sister everyday. you noticed the trouble maker kid outside as well.
his name was matthew. he was in the third grade, you in first.
you tend to watch him from afar, listening in on his conversations. something about him drew you in. you were so intrigued by his presence. recently, you’d discovered that he plays hockey, and now he was getting deeper into it
hockey this, hockey that. that’s all he talked about now.
all his friends were called over by their parents one by one and soon he was left alone, drawing his attention to you. he walks quickly over to you.
the two of you knew each other vaguely, you were at least on a first name basis given you’d been outside together many times before your sister graced you with her presence.
“so you play hockey?” you ask.
“yeah, how’d you know?” he asks, tilting his head to the side slightly.
“well i just heard you talking.” you replied.
“oh so you were snooping?” he retorts.
“well no i-“
“you wanna learn about it?” he offers and you nod.
“i think i should tell you about my favorite part.” he smirks.
he begins rambling on vaguely about the sport but focusing on his alleged favorite part.
“and then he takes his fist and he-“
“matthew stop it!” your sister shouts, speed walking into frame.
“what?” he asks.
“stopping scaring my sister. you’re freaking her out with all your scary, violent stuff.”
“i haven’t even told her anything about it yet.” he spat his words out strongly at her.
“whatever. she’s 6, she doesn’t need to know about that stuff.” your sister says clenching your shoulder one last time.
“you can tell me another time.” you whisper to him, guarding your mouth from her view.
“i heard that y/n. and no, he won’t tell you another time. come on, mom is waiting.” she says tugging your sleeve. you couldn’t help but keep your eyes locked on his frame as he directed his story elsewhere. silly, frantic punching motions coming from the boy.
you sat alone on the ground as you watched all the kids run around at recess.
more specifically, matt playing football with his friends.
you sighed as you picked the small weed flowers, stuffing the pretty ones in your pocket for later. you hear yells from the group of boys playing football and look up, seeing matthew slow to a stop, his eyes on you.
“hey guys uh, ill be back in a few.” he shouts, jogging in your direction. you felt a lump in your throat as he approached.
“hey y/n.”
“what’s wrong? everything okay?” he asks, genuine concern lining his tone.
“yeah, my friend is sick today so, i don’t have anyone to play with.”
“i’m sorry, here,” he pauses sitting down next to you, “now you have someone.”
you smile at the gesture. as much of a bad, misbehaved kid he was, he was always so kind to you, and you never knew why.
“so you play football now?” you ask, looking at the flowers you picked.
“nah, just here. can’t play hockey at recess can i?” he asks leaning closer, nudging your shoulder.
“yeah i guess you’re right.” you giggle.
“well since my sisters in middle school now, you can finally tell me about hockey. i just don’t wanna stop your game over there.” you continue.
“they can play without me.” he simply replies.
“oh…. okay.”
“so you wanna hear about it now aye?” he teases.
“yeah.” you reply shyly. he goes on to tell you about the new rules he was learning, obviously building up to his favorite part.
the fighting. again.
“i’m a lot bigger than the other guys so, it’s easy for me to beat them up.” he says.
“yeah, i think i’ve broken a few noses. you should look on youtube when you get home. just look up hockey fights. they’re awesome.” he tells you finally as your teacher called out for you to come back inside.
“thank you for sitting with me matthew.”
“yeah you’re welcome, oh, and you can call me matt by the way.” he replies as you nod and walk away from him. growing more and more curious about him by the day.
you were a month into your seventh grade year, freshly 13 years old. matt had moved on up to highschool. it made you a little sad not seeing him in the halls during school but since you rode with your sister, who was now a junior, you saw him sitting outside once school got out.
you sighed as you walked past him at a distance. swarmed by girls he seemed mildly interested in.
“ooo shiny new hockey player. kiss my ass.” you mumble to yourself, keeping your head pointed to the ground as you walked to your sisters car. you heard matt’s voice in the distance telling the girls he’d catch them later.
“y/n, wait up.” he calls to you, jogging to catch up to you.
“hey matt.” you smile lightly, blushing at him ditching all those girls to see you.
“how’s big ol’ seventh grade going for ya?” he asks as you continue walking.
“oh it’s good. kinda boring. middle school is dumb.”
“yeah well, i miss seeing you in the halls. highschool better come quick. i’ll catch you later y/n, my moms here.” he nudges your arm as you wave bye to him.
“was that matt?” your sister asks as you approach the car.
“yeah it was.”
“what did he want?” she scoffs as you both shut your car doors.
“he’s not some evil, disgusting monster you know? we’re friends, kinda.” you reply.
“i just don’t want him to be a bad influence on you.”
“you don’t see me fighting people at school do you?”
“well no-“
“then there you go. he’s not.”
“okay y/n.” she replies, pulling out into the road and driving home.
you had no idea why she had formed this resentment for him. he hadn’t done anything to her, she just took what she heard of him and ran with it.
the rest of the drive home was quiet, she made you mad and you were done. defending matt against your sister wasn’t on the books today, but you were sure to get an earful from your mother later.
you walked with your friend away from the buses and to the side entrance of the school, seeing matt leaned up against his brand new range rover, girls and his friends swarmed in a small group around him.
“look at that, matt’s sick new ride.”
“let’s go see it.” she says grabbing your hand and dragging you in his direction.
“y/n.” he shouts, everyone’s attention directing to you.
“nice new wheels.” your friend says, staring into his soul, but him still having eyes on you.
“how you been, haven’t seen you around much this summer.” he asks you honestly.
“oh i’m good thanks matt. and yeah, nice car.” you blush.
“thanks. bells ringing soon. we should get going yeah?” he says leaning up off his car leaving his crew behind, slinging an arm over your shoulder as eyes hit you like daggers.
“can’t let you get lost on your first day.” he says and you giggle.
“matt.” you mumble and he stops outside your classroom, your friend waving as she turns off down another hall.
“what’s up?” he replies.
“everyone’s staring at me.” you say, escaping his grip.
“it’s just because of my new car, trust me, they don’t actually want me…. i think.” he doubts his words looking around.
“matt you know that’s not true.”
“okay whatever it doesn’t matter, i don’t give two shits about people. they stare, they stare. that doesn’t change me walking you to class.” he says.
“well you need to get to yours before you’re late.”
“yeah yeah i know, meet me after school today though, ill give you a ride home.” he he says as nudges your shoulder.
“okay, bye.” you wave as he walks off.
“meet me after school.” you whisper to yourself and scoff.
you sat with an old friend in class and she mentions the homecoming dance coming early. something you’d totally forgotten about.
“oh shit you’re right. i gotta start looking.” you giggle as the teacher begins the lecture.
hours later you found yourself walking to matt’s car, where he once again stood leaned against it. once you were close he climbed in, you shortly behind.
“why are you taking me home?”
“felt like being nice.”
“oh, okay.”
“so what was it you wanted to talk to me about?” you asked interrupting the silence.
“i just wanted to ask if you’d go to homecoming with me? i know it’s early so i figured i should get ahead.” he says turning his head to you, a blush spreading across your face.
“no way, no. you’re not going with him.” your mom says as you sat at the counter.
“mom, why not.” you groan.
“because, that kid is bad news y/n. i don’t trust him.”
“he’s not though, he’s perfectly fine.”
“and i don’t believe you. you can go with your friends, no means no.” she says, setting your plate down on the counter.
“whatever.” you reply, knowing you’re gonna have to text him the news within the next hour.
a short month later you found yourself all ready for the dance.
“you look beautiful.” your mom smiles as you walk down the stairs. you were meeting your friends for dinner, and still going to the dance with matt. behind her back of course, you didn’t want to tell him no.
you spent a while at the dance before you left with matt and a few friends for a bonfire by the lake, wrapped in matt’s blazer.
“can you pass me that?” he says lowly next to you as his friend tosses him a beer.
“matt, you drove.”
“i know, this is for you to drink.” he smiles.
“come on y/n. you know you’re safe with me.” he says unscrewing the cap and handing it to you. you couldn’t find it in yourself to deny him.
you’d never drank before and considering you were 15, you were a light weight. matt being 16 you expected the same but were surprised that he decided to only have one, which hardly gave him a buzz. next thing you knew you were sat in his lap on the log, hug him onto him. things around the fire had gotten awkward with all the couples making out.
“can we go sit in your car?” you whisper to him and he agrees, helping you off his lap and holding your hand all the way to the car, knowing uneven ground and heels were a recipe for disaster.
“i brought some stuff in case of something like this.” he says opening the back doors and revealing a few blankets and pillows. you looked up at him with a hazy smile as he tossed them in the trunk and pushed the seats down, the two of you climbing in and setting up camp.
you shed the blazer, tossing it in the front seat as you laid in a comfortable silence, the two front windows cracked for airflow.
“so.” matt says, leaning up on an elbow.
“how’s the night been?”
“oh it’s been good.” you reply, turning your head to him and smiling to see his eyes locked on your lips, you quickly turning away.
“don’t get all shy on me y/n.” he giggles, pulling you closer to him.
“sorry, you just look really good right now.” you reply.
“and you look even better.” he mumbles before attaching your lips.
the night continued in full physical contact. he learned every curve and crevice of her body carefully, paying attention to every detail. making note of what she liked and disliked. teaching her the right ways to everything. his hands held her carefully as he worshipped her under his breath, quiet whimpers and curses leaving her lips every few moments, before it all came crashing down after a long few minutes.
“you know, you didn’t have to say those things.” he giggles to you.
“well those are things i learned while i’m watching porn on my phone at night, i- i didn’t know what to do. was it bad? i’m sorry.”
“no no, my love, you were amazing. you were perfect.” he says cupping your jaw and dipping down to kiss you one more time. moments later, they’re interrupted by loud bangs on the window.
“you’re so fucking busted. it’s almost two in the morning y/n. i had to come track you down.” you hear your sisters stern voice outside the car window.
“fuck oh my god, what the hell.” you scramble, making sure your dress was on straight.
“it’s not what it looks like.” you express leaping out of the car.
“yes the fuck it is.”
“please don’t tell mom. please i’m begging you.”
“no, i’m telling her you were with him after she explicitly told you not to.”
“hey that’s no-“ he starts and is quickly cut off.
“and you kissed him, and god knows what else. god just get in the car.” she sighs, pointing to her car up the hill.
“matt im sorry, i really am.” you sigh and he nods.
“it’s okay, i didn’t know they felt this way about me.”
“you don’t exactly have good rep, rempe.” you sister spits, shoving you along. immediately you text him apologizing profusely.
your sister knew he just took your virginity. it was no mystery, the windows were fogged and dripping, your hair came undone, his buttons were crooked. she swore not to tell all the details, but in no way were you ever gonna be able to go near him again. except for in the hallways at school.
“you know he’s trouble y/n. you let him get in your pants?”
“yeah i did, and he’s not as much trouble as you think he is. he’s very nice to me.”
“it doesn’t matter. you’re not seeing him again, you hear me?” she says sternly and you sigh, resting your head against the window.
“yeah.” you reply, a tear falling down your cheek as he texted back, repeating that everything was fine.
“what were you thinking young lady.” your mom startles you awake.
“you were kissing matthew in his car at the bonfire? really?” she says standing at the foot of your bed with her arms crossed.
“i’m sorry.” you sigh, tears threatening to spill again.
“what did i tell you about being around him?”
“i know mom i’m sorry, i really like him okay? he’s not how you think he is.” you reply wiping the tears that started to fall.
“yeah well, i really just don’t believe you. he’s not a good influence y/n. it’s just a warning this time, you will not see him again.” she finishes and you nod.
“you know i love you.” she says walking toward your door.
“i know, even if that’s a tough thing to believe.” you reply and she chuckles exiting you room.
and that you didn’t. you didn’t hang out outside of the school halls. all you did was text. every. single. day.
matt knocked on the door and anxiously rocked back and forth on his heels. he knew that her sister and her mom weren’t his biggest fans. hell, you could say they hate his guts, but he knew he had to make it right.
“we don- matt? what do you want?” her mom sighs opening the door.
“i’m taking your daughter to prom.” he says firmly, a light smile on his face.
“she has a boyfriend?” her sister interjects walking up to the door.
he sighs as he looks down at the flowers.
“listen, i know you guys aren’t my biggest fans,” he starts.
“yeah, you could say that.” her sister mumbles.
“but i know this isn’t my news to air but, he broke up with her this morning. we’ve been friends for years, texting for years, whatever. she was so excited for this dance and i- i really fucking, sorry, i really care about her. i really want her to have a good night, i’d do anything to make sure she’s happy and i’d do anything to make things right with you guys.” he states heartfully.
“well.” her mom sighs, her heart seemingly growing larger for the boy that stood in front of her with a large, fresh bouquet of flowers and a nice ironed tux.
“and she doesn’t know, i wanted to surprise her, if that’s okay?”
“yeah it is. thank you matthew. we had no idea, we only saw her this morning.”
“yeah that’s about when it happened.” he replies scratching the back of his head as her mom shuts the door behind her.
“her rooms up there on the right.” she smiles lightly.
“thank you mrs. y/l/n. i really do appreciate it.” he replies making his way up the stairs, knocking lightly on the door.
“are you ready?” he says through the door.
“what?” you call back.
“can i come in?” he asks, you not recognizing the voice. you sat at your vanity with curlers in your hair and your makeup half done. you couldn’t stop crying.
“hey.” you see matt’s face peek through the door before stepping in, fully dressed in a tux, with a large, lush bouquet and a sweet smile.
“matt?” you say, putting down your brush, immediately standing up from your chair and walking over to him.
“i got these for you, i tried my best to match your dress.” he says looking over at the dress that hung from your closet door.
“matt.” you frown sweetly. for the first time since your freshman year, you hugged onto him, tightly. you feel him freeze for a moment before tossing the flowers onto your bed and wrapping his arms around you, picking you briefly up off the ground.
“thank you for this.” you say sweetly as you pull away, his hands still placed on your waist.
“you know i’ll always come around. anything for you.”
“yeah, really.” he smiles, pressing a short peck to the top of your head.
“hey, we got reservations in an hour, chop chop pretty girl.” he giggles into your hair.
“i’ll be done, just give me like 30 minutes.” you reply, picking up the flowers and inspecting them.
“of course, no rush. it’s close by. i’ll be downstairs okay?”
“okay.” you smile lightly as he exits your room, your heart pounding in your chest as you got ready quickly. you zipped up your dress and grabbed the flowers, looking in the mirror at the perfect match he’d picked. you sighed in relief knowing the boy you’d been longing since you were a little girl surprised you and is waiting downstairs for you.
you breathe out as you open the door and turn the corner, walking down the stairs where matt and your mom were waiting, his eyes following you every step down.
“you look beautiful honey.” your mom sighs, looking at the gorgeous dress you’d picked out a few months ago.
“absolutely stunning.” matt says, eyes still locked on you.
“thank you guys.” you blush.
“let me get a picture of you two, uh, y/n stand on the second step, i want the full dress in without having to cut this giant’s head off.” she laughs stepping back with her camera and snapping a few photos.
“thank you for doing this for her matthew, i really appreciate it.”
“of course, anytime truly. your daughter is incredible.” he smiles at your mom, her eyes growing into hearts in an instant.
“you two have fun and be safe please.” she says, opening the front door for the two of you.
sis: use a condom, left some in your wallet ;)
you read the text aloud to matt when you got in the car, laughing at your sisters sudden approval.
“she gave you some? hell i already have some.” he laughs, backing out of your driveway.
“you know to this day, you’re the first of only three bodies that i have.”
“was i the best?”
“well i guess yeah?”
“what do you mean you guess?”
“i mean you were really the only one that paid any attention to my needs.”
“well of course, that’s extremely important to me.”
“then not i guess, you definitely were the best.”
“not were, are.” he winks, intertwining his fingers with yours in your lap.
the night was incredible. after the dance, your mom let matt come and stay over at your house, and you couldn’t believe it. he’d truly won your family over. you spent the whole night laid up in bed, kissing and touching and loving on each other for the first time since you were fifteen. everything felt the same, yet different. a mature kind of passion injected into the kisses you shared and the touches he laid on you. you would never trade his intimacy for the world. when you were with him, it’s like the world stopped spinning, and you were the last two people alive. he made your heart jump in the blink of an eye. you wanted him all along, even against your mothers wishes, and that’s something you’d never change.
“can i ask you something?” matt says as you laid contently on his bare chest.
“yes.” you reply leaning up to lock eyes with him.
“listen i know this is really really fast after this morning, and you can say no and i will understand either way but um, would you be my girlfriend?” he asks nervously and you giggle, locking your lips on his.
“yes, a million times.” you smile, speaking on his lips, reconnecting them after your brief words.
“you have no clue how long i’ve been trying to get to this point. it was hard with your mom and sister hating my guts. and you just got broken up with this morning.” he giggles.
“yeah well, i was gonna start hanging out with you again behind their backs if they didn’t start liking you. and, i’ve been wanting to be with you for years matt, nothing is too quick when it comes to you. nothing.”
“matt.” you call out from the couch, adjusting your position trying to get comfy.
“yes my love.” he says running and sliding across the wood floor of his apartment.
“can you PLEASE get the pizza off the counter and bring it over here.” you beg.
“of course, you wanna watch a movie or something? maybe not do a whole lot of watching.” he says with a smug look on his face as he rounds the end of the couch, placing the box on the coffee table.
“how about we finish this box first and then we can talk….. or not talk.” you reply teasingly.
“i love you so much.” he smirks.
“i love you, matt.” you reply with a scrunched nose, pressing a short kiss to his lips as he got settled on the couch next to you.
over the course of the last 2 years, you’d grown inseparable, falling in love in a matter of weeks. he was there for everything. graduation and all. you hadn’t left his side since the night of your senior prom, and you fully planned on starting a life with him. which unbeknownst to him, this life you’d talked about had already begun.
“hey so, i actually had some news.” you start, finishing your slice.
“go on?” he mutters, shutting the box.
“well, fuck i wanted to make this like a big deal but i’m telling you before we fuck.” you sigh, realizing you should wait.
“no no, what is it, it’s okay baby.” he perks up, taking your hand in his.
“matt im pregnant.” you spit out, gritting your teeth waiting for a response.
“are you for real?” he says, his eyes widening, a quick nod following as a response. a huge smile grows on his cheeks as he practically jumps on you, squeezing you so tight you can hardly breathe.
“you’re carrying our baby. like our baby. wow. i can’t believe it. oh my god, i’m so lucky, i’m so excited wow. i love you so much y/n, you’re gonna be the best mom. i’ll make sure you have everything you need and so much more.” he says, his hands placed on your cheeks.
“thank you handsome, i’m glad you reacted well to that, i was nervous. thank you, i love you.” you reply hugging him back.
you were anxious to start this life with him, but you knew from the start all those years ago that you were taken care of.
ever since the day he approached you on the playground in third grade you knew he was never gonna leave you. never in a million years.
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winchesterwild78 · 4 months
Behind the Scenes pt 1
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Master List
Minors DNI 18+
Warnings: anxiety, things heat up a little, language, not really-but light petting/smutish
A/N: You are newly hired on Supernatural. Your character was supposed to be a one and done but the fans loved you so they wrote you in the story. You were supposed to play Sam’s love interest, but things get complicated when you fall for someone behind the scenes. This is a work of fiction. No disrespect to Jensen or Jared or their families. *kinda a long chapter, just wanted to set up the story*
I edited this fast- please forgive any mistakes
This is my original work, do not take it.
As you drove to the studio on your first day you were so nervous. You had been a fan of Supernatural for years and here you were getting ready to play a small part on this amazing show. You already knew your character was only going to appear in a few episodes but you didn’t care. You were excited to work with Jared, Misha and of course Jensen.
You pulled up to the gate and showed the security guard your ID. They welcomed you and told you where to park. When you pulled in the parking lot there was a man waiting for you. “Hey, you must be Y/N. I’m Carter and I’m a PA on the set. I’ll be helping you and showing you around.” He said extending his hand to you. “Hey, Carter. It’s really nice to meet you. Thanks. I’m a bit nervous.” You admitted. He smiled and told you not to be that everyone was so welcoming.
The two of you walked into a large building and were greeted by some other people. They were excited to see you. Someone handed you a script and told you this was the latest copy of what you were shooting today. Carter walked you to the hair/make up trailer and told you he’d be back with your wardrobe.
You walked in the trailer and Carter introduced you to the women in there. They were very sweet and welcoming. You sat in the first chair and the woman, Sarah started doing your makeup for your first scene. There was a loud sound from behind you and Sarah and the other woman, Cheyenne looked at each other and said “Uhoh. Here comes trouble” and laughed. You watched in the mirror as the door opened and saw Jared and Jensen walk in.
You sat still and instantly got nervous. The guys walked in and hugged Sarah and Cheyenne then their attention turned to you. Jared was first to speak. “You must be Y/N. It’s great to finally meet you.” He extended his hand. “I’d give you a hug but I see you’re busy” he said. “It’s nice to meet you too Jared. I’m looking forward to working with you.” You said offering a smile. Jensen stepped forward and his green eyes sparkled as he said hello. You smiled and said hello back. He extended his hand to shake yours and he held on a little longer than usual. Jared cleared his throat and Jensen let go.
You blushed as you looked away. Sarah finished with your makeup and Cheyenne asked you to come sit in her chair. You sat down and noticed Jensen watching you from the couch. Jared climbed in Sarah’s chair to get ready for the scene. Jensen sat watching every move you made and hung on every word you said.
“So Y/N, seems like our first scene together is today. Are you excited?”Jared asked. “Yeah. I read the rewrite this morning so I think I’m ready. I did read we had to kiss. Are you okay with that, what about your wife” You asked. “Yeah I’m good and so is she. Are you comfortable with it. We don’t have to do that scene today if you need more time” he said. “No, I’m okay. I just wanted to make sure you’re comfortable. You’re the one married.” You answered. Jared stood up and walked over to you and took your hand. “Hey, it’s okay. I appreciate your concern. It’s actually refreshing to have someone concerned about me and my family.”
Jensen smiled. He couldn’t help but smile at your genuine concern. You stood up and grabbed your clothes. “Thanks ladies. I look amazing” you said as you started to leave. They hugged you and smiled. Jared gave you a hug and told you he’d see you on set. Jensen just stood and smiled. You smiled at him and left heading towards your trailer.
You found your trailer and it was between Jensen’s and Jared’s. You smiled as you walked it. Your trailer was beautiful and had so many amenities. You changed into your wardrobe and grabbed the script. You sat on your couch reading over it.
Jensen and Jared were sitting in the hair and makeup trailer getting ready for their scenes. “Hey Jens, you okay man. You’ve been really quiet this morning” Jared nudged him. “Huh, oh yeah. Just thinking and getting my head in the game.” Jensen replied. “Hmm, okay man. Whatever you say” Jared smirked.
Carter knocked on your door and said they needed you on set. You walked out with him and arrived on the massive set. Everyone was excited to finally meet you and the director came over and introduced himself. You saw Jared and Jensen already on set and Jared walked over grabbing you into a big hug. Jensen still stood to the side. You were starting to wonder what you did that made him act like he was.
“Hey Y/N, you okay” Jared asked. “Yeah, just not sure if I upset Jensen or something. He hasn’t really spoken to me. Did I take this role from somebody he knows” you asked. “Oh no, I’m not sure what’s wrong with him, but I know you didn’t do anything wrong.” He said.
The director called for places and you, Jared and Jensen all got into your spots. “Action” the director called out. Jared crossed the room and began the dialogue. Jensen was in character too. Your character was a young woman who the brothers saved from a vampire nest. You were grateful for the rescue so you kiss Sam. After some retakes it was time to shoot the kissing scene. Before action was called Jared asked if you were ready and you shook your head.
“Sam I have no idea how to thank you. I honestly thought I was going to die. Thank you” you said as you stood on your toes and kissed him. He deepened the kiss and you melted in his arms. “And cut, that’s a wrap for the day everyone. Remember we have an early call tomorrow.” you heard the director say. Jared helped you stand and squeezed your arm. “You did great, Y/N”. He said with a smile. You thanked him and started to leave the set.
You walked to your trailer and sat down for a minute. You felt like your first day went really good but you couldn’t shake the feeling you did something to upset Jensen.
You tried to brush it off but you couldn’t figure it out. You stood up and headed for the shower. You carefully took off your clothes and placed them on the bed. You jumped in the shower and were amazed by the shower pressure. Once you were done you put on some comfy clothes and laid on the couch. You decided since you had an early call you’d just spend the night in your trailer.
You turned on the television and put on some random show for background noise. You scrolled through social media and saw you had some new friend requests from the cast and crew. Your heart leaped when you saw one from Jensen. There was a soft knock on the door. You stood up and opened the door to see Jensen standing there. You smiled and he smiled back. “Hey Y/N, can I come in” he asked. You stepped to the side and nodded.
When he walked past, you smelled his cologne and it was intoxicating. He sat down on the couch and you sat beside him. “So, what’s on your mind Jensen” you asked. “I wanted to apologize if I came across as rude today. That wasn’t my intention. If I’m being honest I was kind of in awe of you. I couldn’t find the words” he confessed. “You were in awe of me” you asked. “Yeah, you were genuinely concerned about Jared and Gen and how they were going to handle the kissing scene. I’ve never met anyone like you. And you’re really beautiful” Jensen admitted. You smiled and blushed. “Thank you, Jensen. That means a lot to me.”
“So how did you feel about your first day and kissing that moose” Jensen chuckled. “I think it went pretty good. It was difficult standing on my toes trying to kiss him, he’s so dang tall. How does Gen do it.” You laughed. “Maybe next time we should be sitting.”
Something in the air changed. It felt like the room was filled with an electric charge. Jensen locked eyes with you and you couldn’t look away. His hand brushed against your face to slide a stray hair behind your ear. You leaned into his touch. His hand slowly brushed your cheek and as his hand slid down to your chin fire erupted on your skin. Jensen lifted your chin and leaned in. You leaned forward into his space. You could smell his woodsy cologne and mint gum. It was intoxicating.
The two of you were inches apart and all you could hear was the sound of your heart pounding in your ears. Your breath hitched as Jensen’s lips were inches from yours. Your hot breath mingling with his. He whispers “can I kiss you?” Words failed you. All you were able to do was nod yes. His lips fell on yours and you melted. The kiss was soft and sweet. You felt Jensen run his fingers into your hair and he pulled you closer deepening the kiss. His tongue ran across your lips asking for entry. You parted your lips and your tongues began an intricate dance of dominance. You moaned into his mouth and he smiled. As the kiss continued your hands ran over each other’s bodies.
When you two pulled away to catch your breath you both were panting. You’ve deemed about kissing him for years, but this was so much better than any fantasy you’ve had. You looked at Jensen and smiled. He ran his hands through his hair and bit his lip. “Um, I uh should go” he said as he stood. You were shocked. What the hell just happened. “Oh, yeah okay. I uh need to sleep too. We have an early call” you said trying to hold back emotions.
Jensen looked at you and you swear he was about to say something but he turned and walked towards the door. You stood there dumbfounded. As his hand grabbed the door he whispered “good night Y/N” then left. You stood there with your fingers on your lips feeling the ghost of his kiss.
Jensen went to his trailer and sat on the couch with his head in his hands. He couldn’t believe he kissed you. He wanted to but damn you just started and he didn’t want to screw anything up. He let out a frustrated sigh and climbed into his bed. He stared at the ceiling thinking about you and how he hopes he didn’t screw anything up.
You crawled into your bed and stared at the ceiling too. Playing over and over again the kiss and how he felt in your arms. Why did he kiss you and then leave so quickly. He’d been acting strange all day and this was your first day. How would the rest of the shooting days go. Ugh! You sighed loudly and stared at the ceiling until exhaustion took over.
Jensen sent Jared a text:
Jensen: Jared I screwed up. I kissed her
Jared: you kissed who? Y/N?
Jensen: Yeah. I went to apologize for being rude and I swear I was pulled to her like a magnet. I don’t know what came over me. Then I stood up and left like a fucking coward.
Jared: Damn man, sounds like you’ve got it bad. Please fix this before it gets bad. She’s great and I think she’s going to be great for the show. I’m all for you being with her, but damn dude. The first day?!?!
Jensen: Yeah I know. I guess I should talk to her tomorrow. It’s too late. I’m sure she’s asleep.
Jared: take her coffee in the morning and talk to her. Night man
Jensen: great idea. Night.
Your alarm went off early and you groaned as you turned it off. You set your alarm early so you had time to shower, grab some breakfast and relax before heading to set. You knew craft service was there early so you didn’t have to go far for breakfast. You jumped in the shower and got dressed. As you’re brushing your hair you hear a soft knock on the door. “Just a second” you said as you walked to the door.
You opened the door to see Jensen standing there with coffee and a hesitant smile. You looked at him and stepped to the side. Letting him come in. “Hey Y/N, I wanted to talk to you about last night.” He said hesitantly. You motioned to the couch and you both sat down. “I got you a coffee. Figured you’d need one with such an early morning.” “Thank you, Jensen. I didn’t sleep well so this means a lot.” You said taking the coffee.
“So what did you want to talk about” you asked nervously. “I wanted to apologize for leaving like I did last night. There isn’t a good reason for why I did that. I have to tell you from the moment I saw you I was drawn to you. Then I kissed you and what I felt scared the hell out of me. I just met you and I want you to be mine. I want to get to know you and see where this leads” Jensen said taking your hand.
You smiled and said “I’d like that too, Jensen. When you kissed me last night it was a dream come true. I feel drawn to you too, but I’m scared. You’re Jensen Ackles and could have any woman you wanted. When you kissed me I thought it was a dream I didn’t want to wake up from. I’m willing to take this slow if you want to.”
“Yes, Y/N. I want to, I want you. Let’s take it slow and see where this leads. We should keep this between us for now. I don’t want too many opinions in this relationship. Jared kinda knows I like you and I kissed you, but that’s it.” Jensen said.
“Okay. Let’s take it slow and keep it between us for now.” You smiled. He leaned in and whispered “I can’t stop thinking about that kiss. Can I kiss you again?” You smiled and nodded yes. Jensen ran his fingers in your hair and pulled you closer. His lips landed on yours in a soft kiss. Your tongue licked his lips asking for entry and he parted his lips. You both deepened the kiss and it grew passionate. His hands were running down your body and your hands found his hair. Moans left your mouth as his hands brushed against your breasts. Jensen pulled you into his lap as he kissed you. Your legs straddling his lap and your heat feeling his growing bulge.
Jensen shifted and his hardness pushed into you. He groaned and so did you. God he felt so big. You both pulled away panting for air and your cheeks flushed with desire. There is no fucking way you two are going to be able to take this slow with his body being so damn gorgeous. You bit your lower lip and pushed off of him and stood.
“We need to stop Jensen. I’m not sure I can control myself if we continue.” Your voice dripping with desire. “Yeah, I know. I’d love to see what’s under that shirt and in those jeans.” He practically growled. “Damn, Ackles. You can’t say stuff like that to me before I shoot a make out scene with Jared” you laughed. He chuckled but there was something behind it. You weren’t sure what it was.
He kissed you one last time and you thanked him for the coffee. He left and you went to grab some food before heading to makeup and hair. Jared was sitting at the table eating and he stood up when he saw you. “Hey Y/N, how’d you sleep” he asked pulling you into a hug. “Okay, not the best but I had things on my mind” you said. “Yeah. Hopefully he got his head out of his ass” Jared whispered as he nudged you. You shook your head yes as you smiled.
The day went by pretty quickly. The scenes you shot with the guys were pretty easy. As the day progressed you knew the make out scene was coming up. Jensen had been acting kinda weird this afternoon as the scene approached. You just brushed it off trying to focus on the scene.
“Okay, Jared and Y/N let’s get ready for your characters confession of their feelings and make out scene. You okay with that Y/N” the director asked. You shook your head yes. Jared wanted to make sure you were comfortable with every part of the scene and you told him you were.
You noticed Jensen standing off to the side behind the camera as you and Jared took your marks. “Quiet on set, and Action” the director yelled. “Hey Sam, I think we should talk” you said. “Yeah. I agree Lilah. I really want to see where this goes between us. I really like you and I think we could make it work” Sam said. “I think so too, Sam.” You said with a smile. He kissed you and ran his hands in your hair. You moaned into his kiss and his hands started to run up and down your body. Sam (Jared) pulled you down onto his lap and your legs straddled him. You couldn’t help but think about Jensen in that moment. You stiffened and Jared leaned forward and whispered into your ear if you were okay. You whispered yes back. Jared started kissing you as you moaned Sam’s name and he moaned Lilah’s. He removed your shirt and kissed down your body.
Your back was to the camera so you didn’t see Jensen’s jaw clenching. He was getting angry seeing his best friend kissing and making out with you. He kept telling himself it was your characters not you but it wasn’t helping. He stormed out of the room. Not long after the direct called cut. Jared helped you grab your shirt and stand up.
“Great take guys. That’s a wrap for today” the director said. “Hey Jared, where did Jensen go” you asked. “Hmm maybe his trailer” he said. You walked towards your trailer to change and as you got to your door Jensen’s trailer door flung open. You jumped and looked at him. He looked pissed. “Hey Jensen, you okay” you asked. “No I’m not” he practically growled and kept walking. “Jensen, what’s wrong. Did I do something” you asked trying to get him to stop. “Look, I like you, but I’m not sure this is going to work out.” He said as he kept walking. You stood completely shocked. You then went after him. “Jensen, stop. Talk to me. It wasn’t even a few hours ago you said you wanted to see where this thing went and now you’re throwing in the towel. What the hell happened” you demanded. He looked at you scoffed and climbed in his car driving off.
Wow, okay. You thought. Fuck this you said and walked to your trailer. You changed and left the set for the day. You had a few days off before your next call day. So you decided to head back to your apartment. Hopefully you’d get some answers soon.
Forever tags: @nescaveckdaily @kr804573 @k-slla @jackles010378 @jawritter @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @roseblue373
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thatfeelinwhenyou · 1 year
It’s your final year of highschool, and your only goal is to graduate top of your cohort, as usual. Except as student council president, your advisor can’t seem to leave you alone. What happens when you take Decelis Academy’s top student, their star athlete and put them in front of a camera?
smau + written (2.4k words)
❥・• episode 9 — operation we-don’t-really-hate-each-other
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As the production crew ushers you into the room, your heart races with excitement. The once-deserted classroom has undergone a remarkable transformation, now standing as a confessional studio bathed in the warm glow of overhead lights. An intricate web of cameras and meticulous lighting equipment encircles two inviting stools, positioned neatly right next to each other. The aura within is electric, humming with a blend of excitement and tension.
Amidst this carefully orchestrated symphony of activity, the leading producer paces about, her brows furrowed in concentration, as she meticulously scrutinises the script clutched in her hands for what you assume is the nth time. Nearby, a small brigade of cameramen work with precision, each minor adjustment made to capture the most exquisite angles. And it hit you—this is really happening.
You nod attentively as you receive instructions from the crew that they will be filming the opening sequence to the documentary today, asking only a few questions to you and none other than Yang Jungwon.
Fully embracing the captivating allure of reality TV, complete with its intriguing and heart-pounding suspense, the producer resolutely quashes your hopeful plea for a sneak peek at those darn interview questions.
Frankly speaking, you are a bundle of jitters. It was known to the whole school that you were the embodiment of preparation; concepts securely etched into your mind, and meticulously crafted notes that served as your guide through yours exams. But now, standing right smack in the middle of the room, you're like a lost puppy wandering into uncharted waters. Yet, determined to guard your vulnerability from prying eyes, particularly those of Yang Jungwon's, you employ a carefully constructed façade of coy self-assurance.
And then, as if on cue, he materialises—a figure cast in a demeanour that is both effortlessly casual and frustratingly unperturbed. A pang of annoyance mingles with the surge of nerves as he nonchalantly strolls into the room (just five minutes late, as always).
"Yang Jungwon?" The words cut through the air, tinged with a hint of impatience. "Take a seat, would you? We're on a tight schedule." The crew member ushers him with practised efficiency toward the vacant stool at your side. A sharp, involuntary cringe tugs at your features as your gazes inadvertently lock for a fleeting moment. It's like this weird mix of nerves and irritation—a little tug-of-war playing out in plain sight.
"Shall we begin?" The authoritative resonance of Producer Choi's voice cuts through the room, casting a spell of anticipation over the set. Settling gracefully onto her stool, she assumes a poised stance behind the camera. You offer a subtle nod, a silent testament to your readiness that doesn’t escape her notice. Jungwon's eyes, however, roll in a gesture that practically screams his disdain for what he perceives as your pretentious façade of a good-girl persona.
"Alright, let’s kick things off." Producer Choi declares, her tone dripping with intrigue. Her gaze sweeps over you both, the opening chord of this unforeseen duet. "We've got a series of questions lined up, and all you need to do is answer them as best you can."
“First off, let's get those introductions going." With a pointed gesture, Producer Choi directs her attention toward Jungwon, signalling for him to lead the charge.
"Yang Jungwon, age nineteen, Taekwondo athlete," he utters, his words a blend of confidence and haste. He concludes with an almost reluctant scoff, a rebellion against formalities he can't entirely suppress. The edge of his scoff doesn't go unnoticed; his message is clear even as he chooses to ignore your presence. You, however, are not one to be silenced. Rolling your eyes with a mix of exasperation and amusement, you address the cameras with a poised smile.
"Greetings, dear viewers. I am Park Y/N, a final-year student at Decelis Academy and student body president for the Decelis Student Council. It’s an honour to be here.” Your words hold an unspoken challenge, one pointed towards Yang Jungwon and the inexplicable sense of rivalry the two of you built up.
The camera falls silent as Producer Choi brings her decisive hand into play, her frustration tangible. "Jungwon, I need more enthusiasm, and Y/N, this isn't a grand ceremony; there’s no need for the formalities." The faint sound of a stifled laugh brushes against your ears, a reaction you steadfastly choose to ignore. "Let’s try that again."
"Moving on to the next question, could you each briefly describe your after-school curriculum?”
"For me," you begin with a candid note in your tone, "if there's no student council business demanding my attention, I’ll usually be in the library, my unofficial second home. I catch up on lectures and assignments there." You let out a small, self-aware chuckle. "I guess everyone in the school knows where to find me if they need something-"
"Oh, absolutely, she's practically a monk. Always got her nose in a book and apparently, other people’s businesses." Jungwon's voice cuts in with the precision of a finely honed blade, his words tinged with an undercurrent of amusement. The interruption draws a sigh of irritation from you, but you forge ahead. You're quick to retake the spotlight, your voice a dance of resolve and exasperation.
"I suppose you could say that. With free time on my hands, I've come to believe in putting it to good use." A casual shrug punctuates your response, and you cast a sidelong glance at the boy seated beside you, a mischievous smile playing on your lips.
"I mean, why not, right?" You continue, your words a challenge woven in playful nonchalance. "If there's time to spare, I'd rather channel it into something productive." The tilt of your chin conveys an invitation for his response—an unspoken duel of words and wits. You throw him an artful smile, a silent promise of your tenacity to match his.
"If we're talking productivity," Jungwon retorts, his words a measured challenge, "I'm an athlete. So, after-school training is a part of my routine. Not everyone's got their head buried in books.” His gaze locks with yours, and the tension between you is palpable.
It's like a duel of wills—a silent battle neither of you intends to back down from. The intensity is so thick, it's as if you're caught in a staring contest, each vying for the upper hand. The world around you fades into the background, leaving only the simmering tension that crackles like electricity.
The only interruption is a slight cough, and the reality of the situation rushes back as awareness dawns that you're being captured on camera. Reality snaps back into focus, and you're acutely aware of the weight of expectations resting on your shoulders. The watchful eyes of not only the production crew but also the prestigious universities, the very ones your mother has been weaving dreams of, are watching your every move.
Your glare softens, your defiance tempered by a reminder of your surroundings. With a subtle adjustment of your posture, you manage a quiet apology under your breath, a concession to the circumstances.
Jungwon, on the other hand, wears a triumphant smirk, his victory achieved by stirring a reaction out of you, evidently content that he managed to get under your skin.
"There seems to be some tension lingering between you two. Care to elaborate on your relationship?" Producer Choi's inquiry comes with a raised eyebrow and an undercurrent of curiosity clearly dancing in her eyes. The unspoken rivalry that simmers between you and Jungwon has clearly captured her attention.
Unbeknownst to her before casting the two of you, this uncharted territory has presented itself as a thrilling discovery, painted across her face in a delighted smile. The promise of raw content and untamed drama is endless—the very essence of what a reality TV show thrives upon.
"We're exactly as you see it," Jungwon answers, his voice cool and his words laced with a mix of indifference and disdain. He rises from his seat with an air of defiance, slinging his bag over his shoulder. "No relationship, just mutual detestment." His tongue clicks with emphasis, an unspoken challenge hanging in the air. "Are we done here? I've got places to be."
Producer Choi concedes to his request, her words are a concession to the present circumstances. "I suppose that’s enough for today. We'll reconvene after school at your respective activities." Her tone takes on a breezy cadence, but it's clear that her expectations won't be sidestepped.
"As we discussed, Mondays will be separate shoots, but to uphold our end of the bargain, we need both of you together for the rest of the week. Agreed?" Her assumption of authority, coupled with her audacity to steer the situation, is a stark contrast to the formality she adopts when conversing with your teachers. While annoyance simmers within you, you refrain from voicing your thoughts.
The feeling doesn’t seem to be an isolated thought when your gaze shifts to Jungwon, finding his eyes locked on yours. The unspoken words that sit on the tip of his tongue threaten to escape, his teeth grazing his lower lip in contemplation. However, he brushes off the impulse, and his exit from the classroom is marked by a subtle tension, with the cameras following closely behind him—a testament to the intricate predicament you've found yourselves in.
You, on the other hand, leave the classroom after wrapping up a few more questions. Missing your first period was already stressful enough, but there's something about Producer Choi that sets off alarm bells in your head, reminding you of those bossy characters you thought only existed in dramas.
Lost in thought, you walk down the deserted hallway, quickening your pace to make it to second period on time. Your distraction becomes even more apparent as you inadvertently pass by Yang Jungwon, leaning casually against the lockers.
"Park," his familiar voice halts you in your tracks, and you glance back to find him looking straight at you. Was he... waiting for you?
“What are you doing here? Don’t you have places to be?” You mock him, recalling his cold demeanor in the classroom. He scoffs in response, rolling his eyes, “Can we talk?”
"Depends. If you're here to lecture me about Taekwondo again, save it."
“As much as I would love to annoy you with my apparent obsession with my own sport, but no, it’s about the documentary.” Jungwon pushes himself off the lockers and walks over to you. Just then, from the corner of his eye, he spots the production crew turning the corner, and in a fit of panic, he grabs your hand and pulls you away from the building. Before you could even process it, he was already dragging you half-way across the campus.
“Let go! What is it that you can’t just tell me over text?” You manage to yank your hand free, irritation simmering. “It’s already bad enough that I have to put up with that tyrant of a producer; I really don’t need you adding to it.”
"Normally, I'd disagree, but thank fucking God you find that woman as irritating as I do."
“The way she spoke to us? Sure, I signed a contract, but I’m not her puppet.” He places a hand on his hip, an action oddly reminiscent of your grandmother when she would scold you for not visiting her more often. The image loiters in your mind as you stifle a laughter that unfortunately doesn’t go unnoticed by Jungwon.
“What’s so funny?” He raises his eyebrows, and you shake your head to brush him off, but it only fuels his curiosity even more. “I’m assuming you dragged me all the way here to discuss Producer Choi?” His annoyance is evident, as he nods vigorously. It's an unexpected sight—Yang Jungwon, the epitome of nonchalance, riled up by a woman not much older than him. It's kind of endearing, but you would rather die than admit that out loud, so you bury that atrocious thought in the back of your head.
“Speaking of which, she couldn’t even hide her delighted expression when she found out we practically hate each other-”
“Whoa, ‘hate’ is a pretty strong word. If that's your opinion of me, okay, but I definitely don't hate you. Just a minor difference." You spoke without thinking yet again, and although Beomgyu would be very disappointed if he were here with you, the sentiment is out there now.
Jungwon seems taken aback by your confession, hurriedly clearing his throat. "As I was saying, she's clearly trying to stir up drama, as if I'd willingly play along." He scoffs, crossing his arms in front of his chest, his tongue poking the insides of his cheeks.
“I know you’re taking a risk on this documentary, and don’t even bother denying it because I know you’re trying to gain publicity and favour.”
"How did you—did Sunoo tell you?"
"That's not the point; the thing is, I am too."
"And what university would even take YOU?" He rolls his eyes at your teasing, not bothering to argue.
"I'm an athlete, remember? A Taekwondoin on top of that. I have a really important competition next month, and God forbid that I be shown on national television as someone who picks fights with girls. It goes against the sport's values." He explains, trying to get his point across. Sadly, it flies over your head.
"Seriously? My point is that we need to act as if we don't hate—well, dislike—each other. I know we said we'd ignore each other, but now she's making you sit in for my trainings and me study with you in the library. It's physically impossible." He shudders at the thought of having to even step foot into that place, and though you really wish you didn’t have to be around him, Jungwon is right—there's no escaping this situation.
You sort of know you're heading down the deep end when Producer Choi insists on having you and Jungwon sit side-by-side in class, despite the documentary's official filming schedule commencing only after school. The array of cameras meticulously arranged around your classroom, ostensibly to capture mundane "B-Roll" footage, fuels your suspicions. Deep down, you're well aware that their true purpose is to capture any moment of vulnerability or connection between you and Jungwon.
It doesn't require a genius to discern their ulterior motive—they're determined to exploit your relationship for the camera's sake. The bizarre part is, this isn't even a dating show. The intention behind it all remains an enigma, leaving you to grapple with the looming uncertainty that now defines your academic life.
I guess you can say that ‘Operation We-Don’t-Really-Hate-Each-Other’ is a go.
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mychlapci · 3 months
Magnus’ pretty little Doll has a new show he can’t stop watching! One of those talk show type deals, but for ambitious mechs like himself. All about making friends and influencing people. Which is just what Sentinel needs to know to help him become the Magnus when his Ultra finally retires. He likes to watch it on his breaks, getting so sucked into the material that sometimes Ultra Magnus has to gently remind his secretary that they have work to do. It’s just that the voices are so firm and authoritative, but never too harsh! The colors are so pretty, and the music just quiet enough not to be worth taking further notice of.
“No one likes a self-absorbed mech.” Sentinel learns one day, and can’t help but start to listen when other mechs talk about themselves. Never inserting himself unnecessarily—he’s becoming a wonderful listener. Mechs need to feel like they can trust a Magnus, and love to feel listened to. His coworkers always light up a little when Sentinel asks about whatever they were telling him about last.
“Service is pleasure.” Another important lesson! Sentinel’s a quick learner for this one: his Magnus always has something for him to do, and the jolts of arousal he feels when he’s called a good bot prove this true. Suddenly he’s calling the people who come to the Magnus’ office things like ‘sweetspark,’ and ‘dear,’ as he fixes all their problems with his secretarial expertise. Subtly grinding his panel against his chair as the Magnus watches with an approving smile.
“To be powerful, you must first be popular.” This one is harder, Sentinel thinks. He’s helpful and friendly, now, but not popular. Is he too unapproachable, working directly with the Magnus? He starts making an effort to be seen in public, available and approachable and so very pretty in his skirt. Did you need something? Can Sentinel help you? You’re so funny, so smart, so strong. It won’t be long before everyone is a little in love with the Magnus’ secretary. They’re already forgetting what a proud aft he used to be, falling for the sweet smile and simpering. It only makes sense that this delicate thing left the Elite Guard to be a secretary—the poor thing must have been so stressed and frightened with all the fighting. In a few years, the fact that Sentinel ever was in the Autobot Army will be completely buried.
Every episode is a new revelation, and Sentinel couldn’t be more pleased with the results. His image has never been so widely approved, and his wonderful Magnus can’t stop praising him. He loves when Ultra gets like this, petting and stroking his Doll’s node under his skirt while Sentinel watches his newest episode. He rewards the old mech by rolling his hips, calipers cycling down around the Magnus’ huge spike. Sentinel’s getting better at taking it every day, and this time he’s sure will be the one.
“A dependable mechanism is always ready and willing to serve at a moment’s notice,” the episode begins. By the end of it Sentinel is drooling from a simpering smile as the Magnus pumps a load of transfluid directly into his gestational tank—Sentinel had finally taken the whole thing, and it just barely kissed the back of his valve. Ultra Magnus had ‘accidentally’ broken through his seal with one hard thrust, and the feeling was indescribable as Sentinel overloaded hard.
He needs to feel this every day. He NEEDS his Magnus’ spike filling him so completely, transfluid surging into him to make his trim belly swell a bit. Just so he can prove he did it, that it happened. Vaguely he remembers protesting a bit when Ultra’s tip breached his seal, but the old mech’s praise whispered in his ear had turned him to putty.
“Oh, Doll, my pretty girl. Taking all of my spike,” Ultra had purred, “such a good mech, Doll, my perfect little Doll. You love this don’t you? It feels so very good to be full, doesn’t it?” Sentinel had melted into him, moaning his name and grinding hard against him. And the multiple overloads had proved the Magnus right!
On the other side of things, Ultra Magnus couldn’t be more pleased. Sentinel’s almost ready to become a good little wife for the Magnus of Cybertron. Nobody can believe this pretty little thing was ever a guard. All that’s left is to get him pregnant so that they can transition him to wanting to be the Magnus’ wife instead of the Magnus. And, of course, training him for those duties. But Sentinel is such a pretty bot, now. Always in a sweet little skirt that barely covers his panels, teasing mechs to look and maybe sneak a pinch of his aft. Nails painted eyecatching colors so that everyone’s optics are drawn to the way he sucks at them, or his stylus. The way they trail against his thigh.
The false spike on his desk chair was a stroke of genius. Sentinel rides it whenever he isn’t full of the Magnus, unable to cum without permission but constantly pleasured and full of charge. Eager to serve Ultra, and able to come just from sucking the Magnus’ spike. Sentinel’s panels stay open in the office, but Ultra’s taught him that good girls keep them locked up at home to keep him from playing with the Magnus’ toys… and to keep him from washing the transfluid out.
The next episode of Sentinel’s favorite show will be “Good mechs contribute to the future of Cybertron,” and will hopefully install a brand new breeding fetish to help things along. That one won’t be public release—the council is already working on the propaganda for the breeding program. Not that they’ll call it that. But Ultra’s pretty Doll deserves to be eased into his new life in ways that cater to his needs. He’s about to be the wife of the Magnus, after all, he deserves spoiling. Especially when he begs for Ultra’s spike so prettily, curtseying to show off his wet pussy. Belly still a little swollen from the last round.
It’s good to be the Magnus.
hrghh... Sentinel is right on his way to becoming a dainty little wife, and he doesn’t even realize it... He’s so focused on becoming the perfect candidate to replace the Magnus that he doesn’t even notice how much he's changed, that he's gone from an ambitious member of the elite guard to dumb thing in a skirt <3 Slowly, his desire to climb the ranks is erased from his pretty little helm, replaced by the need to serve the Magnus with his intake and valve. What he always wanted, from the day he began to work under Ultra Magnus, was to become his wife, and to carry his heirs <33
That little hypnosis file meant to give mecha a breeding fetish is a test-run only, but it was extremely effective on Sentinel. He'll be cradling a big belly in no time, with people rubbing it and congratulating him wherever he goes. Ultra Magnus couldn't be happier... now they know that the hypnosis program works and he gets a wife that wants nothing more than to attend to his need out of it. He wasn't fond of Sentinel before, but seeing him get turned into a pleasant housewife was extremely satisfying <3
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silverstar70 · 1 month
Fandom: NCIS Character: Alden Parker x fem!reader
Author’s note: English is not my first language so I apologise for any mistakes.
Warnings: 🔞‼️smut, vaginal sex, established relationship, oral sex, edging, fingering, roleplay doctor/patient, kitchen sex, praise kink, beard kink
Summary: Inspired by episode 21x8. Alden came back home still wearing the scrubs and Y/N is turned on.
Words: 4,604k
Dr. Parker
Y/N was making some dinner when she heard the front door opening. She knew it was Alden and immediately stopped what she was doing to welcome him. She was overjoyed that he was back home since they hadn’t been able to see each other for over a week due to both their jobs.
As she saw him, Y/N threw herself into his arms coughing him off guard. He embraced her straightway,
“Hi. I missed you so much.” She whispered in his ear, holding him tighter.
“I missed you too, baby.” He replied as they parted. At that moment she realized he had a stiff neck and suddenly feared that she might have hugged him too tight.
“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry, I forgot about your neck. Did I hurt you?” she rambled worried but noticed no sign of discomfort on him.
His features softened at the way she was worrying. Alden wasn’t used to people looking after him or being worried about him. Yeah, the team got worried about him just a few hours prior, but that was different. So, whenever Y/N showed some interest in his work, asked him about his day, or showed worries, it always surprised him.
“Honey, I’m fine. Torres gave me a back-crack and it worked magic.”
“That’s great.” She gave him a peck on his lips “Take off your coat. I made dinner.”
Y/N walked back to the kitchen, leaving Alden behind as he did what she said. Entering the kitchen he saw her focused on cooking while a good smell filled the room.
“What are you making?” he asked curiously.
“Pasta with—” she began to reply but stopped mid-sentence when she saw that he wasn’t wearing his usual clothes. “Why are you wearing a scrub?”
Alden hesitated for a second before answering, not wanting to make her worry. “I went undercover and forgot to change.”
Y/N watched him from head to toe a few times. He saw the changes in her eyes as they seemed to turn into two black holes, he knew that look all too well. She unconsciously bit her lower lips, still focused on the way he looked while she felt the desire starting to fill her body.
“Don’t give me that look.” He warned.
“What look?”
“The ‘I wanna fuck you right here, right now’ look.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She replied innocently as she walked slowly towards him, pushed him closer to her and kissed him passionately. He wrapped her into his arms and leaned into the kiss, groaning.
It quickly became hot and desperate. Their wandering hands traveled along each other’s bodies, making clear what they wanted. He backed her off to the kitchen counter, kissing her more avidly and making her moan. Her fingers threaded through his hair, anchoring him to her as their kisses grew more urgent, more desperate.
“Someone is turned on,” Alden said smirking.
She nodded eagerly “You look so hot dress like this.”
He smirked at the effect he had on her. His lips began trailing down her neck nipping and kissing the sensitive skin. She gasped, her breath hitching as he found a particularly sensitive spot. He smiled against her skin, loving the way she responded to his touch.
"Alden," she moaned softly, her voice filled with need.
He lifted his head, his eyes locking with hers, dark with desire. "I need you,” he said, his voice low and husky.
She nodded, her eyes mirroring his desire. "Then don't stop," she whispered.
Alden didn't need any more encouragement. He kissed her again, his hands exploring her body with a renewed intensity. He slid his hands down her back, feeling the warmth of her skin through the thin fabric of her shirt. His fingers found the hem, slipping underneath to touch her bare skin. She shivered at his touch, her body arching into his.
His lips traveled back up to her jaw, then captured her mouth in a searing kiss. She tasted like home, familiar and intoxicating. He couldn't get enough. He needed more of her, needed to feel her against him without any barriers.
She seemed to sense his urgency. Her hands left his hair and moved to the hem of his shirt. He chuckled softly against her lips, helping her by pulling the shirt over his head in one swift motion. She ran her hands over his chest, her touch setting his skin on fire.
Alden's hands roamed lower, finding the waistband of her shorts and panties. He hooked his fingers into them and slowly, teasingly, pulled them down. She stepped out of them, kicking them aside, her eyes never leaving his. He could see the desire in her gaze, mirrored in his own.
He lifted her onto the counter, stepping between her legs. She wrapped them around his waist, pulling him closer. The feel of his body pressed against hers was almost too much to bear. She could feel how much he wanted her and bit her lower lips at the thought. He kissed her again, hard and demanding, his hands gripping her hips.
Their kisses grew more frenzied, more desperate. Alden's hands slid under her shirt, pushing it up and over her head. She wore a simple bra, and he took a moment to appreciate the sight of her. She was beautiful, every inch of her. He kissed her collarbone, moving lower, trailing kisses down to the swell of her breasts.
She arched into him, her breath coming in short, sharp gasps, as the feeling of his beard was tickling against her skin. "Alden," she whispered, her voice a plea.
“You’re beautiful.” He whispered against her skin. Looking up at her and placing another kiss on her lips, Y/N wrapped her arm around his neck, deepening the kiss, and pulling his hair a little.
He reached behind her, unhooking her bra and tossing it aside. He cupped her breasts, his thumbs brushing over her nipples, drawing a moan from her lips. He took one in his mouth, swirling his tongue around the sensitive peak, while his hand teased the other. She writhed against him, her hands gripping his shoulders for support.
Alden kissed his way back up to her mouth, his hands never ceasing their exploration. She was soft and warm and perfect, and he couldn't get enough of her. He pressed closer, feeling the heat of her body against his.
"I love you," she whispered against his lips, her voice rough with emotion.
"I love you too," he replied, with a radiant smile.
In that moment, everything felt right. The days apart were a distant memory, overshadowed by the intensity of their reunion. They stood there, wrapped in each other’s arms, savoring the closeness and the love that bound them together.
Alden reached down, discarding his pants and boxers. He paused, looking into her eyes, seeking her permission. She nodded, her eyes dark with desire and love. He positioned himself at her entrance, taking a moment to savor the feeling of being so close to her. He pushed inside her slowly, both of them gasping at the sensation.
“Oh God,” she whispered gripping at his shoulder.
He held still for a moment, letting them both adjust to the feeling. She tightened her legs around him, urging him deeper. He began to move, slow and gentle at first, then faster, harder, as their need for each other grew.
Their movements became more frantic, their breaths coming in short, sharp gasps. The kitchen was filled with the sounds of their lovemaking, the slap of skin against skin, the whispered words of love and longing. It wasn’t about quantity in that moment, they just wanted to feel the other closer.
His hand found its way between their bodies, reaching her clit. As his fingers began to draw small circles, she felt a pleasant feeling grew in her stomach. Her hips arched against his hands wanting to feel more. His beard brushing over her chest sent shivers through her spine, adding sensations.
His thrusts were more deliberate and precise, hitting her in the right spot he knew would send her over the edge. With her legs wrapped around his waist, she pulled him deeper as her arms were around his neck and her hands tangled in his hair. Alden felt himself closer to the edge, and he could tell she was close too.
“Don’t stop, honey.” She moaned.
His hands moved faster on her wet clit, his pounding was deeper and harder. The kitchen was filled by the sound of their low grows and moans. With a final, deep thrust, they both found their release, crying out each other’s names. Alden held her close, their bodies trembling with the aftershocks of their lovemaking.
“Fuck, Y/N.” He kissed her softly, tenderly, on her forehead, his heart swelling with love for her. “I missed you so much,” he whispered, his voice filled with emotion.
“I missed you too,” she replied, her voice equally soft.
They stayed like that for a while, holding each other, savoring the feeling of being together. Her forehead rested against his, wrapped in each other’s arms, knowing that no matter how much time passed, they would always find their way back to each other. Eventually, Alden helped her down from the counter, both of them still breathless and flushed.
“I think you need a little more care,” Alden murmured against her ear, his voice playful yet thick with desire.
She looked up at him, her eyebrow arched in question. “Oh? What kind of care do you have in mind, Doctor Parker?”
He grinned, loving the playful spark in her eyes. “Well, it seems you might need a thorough examination. After all, I’ve been away for a few days. Can’t have you suffering from withdrawal, can we?”
Her smile widened as she caught onto his game. “Withdrawal, you say? And what would you prescribe for that, Doctor?”
“Why don’t we take this to the bedroom, and I’ll show you?” His voice was smooth, with a hint of mischief, making her heart race with excitement.
“Lead the way, Doctor.” She giggled, her fingers trailing down his chest as he took her hand and guided her out of the kitchen.
They moved through the dimly lit hallway, the anticipation between them building with each step. By the time they reached the bedroom, the air was thick with tension, the kind that made every touch electric. Alden pushed open the door and led her inside, the familiar surroundings instantly comforting.
Once inside, Alden turned to face her, his expression serious yet playful. “I think it’s time for your examination,” he said, his voice dropping to a deep, authoritative tone that sent a thrill through her.
She bit her lip, enjoying the way he took control. “Yes, Doctor,” she replied, her voice soft and obedient, playing along with the role he was setting.
“Good,” he murmured, stepping closer. He gently pushed her to sit on the edge of the bed, his hands running up her arms in a soothing, almost clinical manner. “Let’s start with the basics.”
Once she was completely bare before him, Alden took a moment to admire her, his eyes roaming over her body with a look of appreciation and hunger. “You’re perfect,” he murmured, his voice filled with sincerity and adoration.
“Thank you, Doctor,” she whispered, feeling her heart swell at his words.
He stepped back slightly, adopting a more clinical demeanor as he continued the game. “Now that you're comfortable, I’ll need to assess your overall well-being,” Alden said, his tone a mix of playful seriousness and genuine desire. He knelt before her, his hands lightly resting on her knees as he gazed up at her. “Let’s begin with a basic check-up, shall we?”
She nodded, her breath catching in her throat as she anticipated his next move. The intensity of his gaze made her feel vulnerable, yet deeply desired, and she couldn’t help but tremble slightly under his touch.
Alden slowly ran his hands up her legs, his fingers brushing lightly over her skin, sending shivers through her body. He paused at her thighs, his hands resting there as he leaned in closer. “You seem tense,” he observed, his voice soft and soothing. “We can’t have that, now can we?”
“No, Doctor,” she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.
“I’ll need to check your pulse,” he said, a hint of a smile playing on his lips as he brought his hand to the side of her neck, his fingers pressing gently against her pulse point. His touch was firm yet tender, his eyes never leaving hers as he counted the beats, feeling the rapid thrum beneath her skin.
“Your heart is racing,” he murmured, his voice low. "Have you been experiencing any... excitement lately?"
She bit her lip, trying to maintain her composure under his intense gaze. "Only since you arrived, Doctor,"
He smiled, proudly. "I see. Perhaps a more thorough examination is in order."
His hand trailed down from her neck to her collarbone, then lower, brushing lightly over her breasts. Her breath hitched again as his fingers traced the curve of her body, his touch sending sparks of pleasure through her.
“Lie back,” he instructed, his voice firm but gentle.
She did as he asked, lying back on the bed, her heart pounding in her chest. Alden leaned over her, his hands roaming her body with a practiced ease that made her feel both cherished and thoroughly examined. He ran his hands over her arms, her sides, her stomach, pausing occasionally as if to make a mental note of her reactions.
“You’re responding well to the treatment,” he remarked, his voice filled with satisfaction. “But I think we need to be thorough. Can’t leave any stone unturned.”
“Yes, Doctor,” she whispered, her voice trembling with anticipation.
Alden moved lower, his hands sliding down to her hips, then to her thighs, spreading them gently apart. She gasped at the intimate contact, her body instinctively responding to his touch. He looked up at her, his eyes dark with desire, yet maintaining the playful pretense of his role.
“Now, let’s check your reflexes,” he said, his voice husky. He ran his hands up and down her inner thighs, his fingers grazing her most sensitive areas but never quite touching where she needed him most. It was a deliberate tease, and she felt her body grow more desperate for him with each passing second.
She moaned softly, her hips involuntarily lifting toward him, seeking more of his touch. Alden smirked at her reaction, clearly enjoying the effect he was having on her. “Sensitive, I see. That’s good. Very good.”
“Please, Doctor,” she whispered, her voice edged with desperation.
He raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise. “Please what, Miss? You’ll have to be more specific if you want me to administer the correct treatment.”
“Touch me,” she pleaded, her voice trembling with need. “I need you to touch me.”
Alden’s expression softened, the playful dominance giving way to something deeper. “As you wish,” he murmured, his voice filled with tenderness and desire.
He positioned himself between her legs, his eyes locked on hers as he lowered his head. The anticipation built within her, her entire body trembled with expectation. He started by kissing the inside of her thigh, his lips soft and warm, but it was the feel of his beard that had her writhing beneath him. The rough texture against her sensitive skin sent waves of pleasure coursing through her, making her moan softly.
“You’re already so wet,” he observed, his voice thick with desire. “Do you need this that badly?”
“Yes,” she breathed, her voice barely audible. “I need you, Alden.”
He paused for a moment, savoring the sound of her saying his name in such a vulnerable, needy tone. It made his heart swell with affection, and his own desire grew stronger. Without another word, he slipped a finger inside her, drawing a deep moan from her lips as her body arched off the bed.
“Is this what you needed?” he asked, his tone a mix of tenderness and authority as he began to move his finger inside her, slow and deliberate.
“Yes, Doctor,” she replied, her voice shaking with pleasure. “It feels so good…”
Alden smiled, adding a second finger, curling them inside her to find that perfect spot.
“God, Alden!” She cried out, her hands gripping the sheets as he continued to work her with practiced precision. He watched her face, drinking in every expression, every gasp, every shudder of pleasure.
“You’re doing so well,” he murmured, his voice low and soothing. “I think we’re making great progress.”
She could only moan in response, her body trembling with each wave of pleasure that washed over her. “Please don’t stop.” she gasped, her body already teetering on the edge.
Alden increased the pace of his fingers, his thumb finding her clit and applying just the right amount of pressure. The combination was too much, and she felt closer to the edge when suddenly, he stopped moving and withdrew his fingers
“Fuck!” she moaned loudly in frustration.
He couldn’t help but smile at her reaction, “Patient, Miss. Let the doctor do his work,” he teased, his voice thick with amusement and desire.
Her annoyance quickly faded as he pressed his lips against her most sensitive spot. He kissed her there softly at first, his beard brushing against her with every movement, each sensation heightened by the roughness of his facial hair. It was an exquisite kind of torture, the combination of softness and roughness.
Alden seemed to know exactly what he was doing to her, and he reveled in her reactions. His tongue flicked out, teasing her gently, while his beard provided an entirely different kind of stimulation. She moaned, her hands gripping the sheets as she tried to control the overwhelming sensations building within her.
“Good girl,” he murmured against her, the praise sending a fresh wave of arousal through her. “You’re doing so well. But I’m not done with you yet.”
His tongue began to move with more purpose, lapping at her with a rhythm that was both relentless and gentle. The combination of his skilled mouth and the delicious friction of his beard was too much. She felt herself spiraling, the pleasure mounting with every passing second.
“Alden, please…” she gasped, her body trembling as she teetered on the brink.
“Not yet,” he said, pulling back slightly to look up at her, his eyes dark and intense. “I want to hear you beg for it.”
The command in his voice sent a shiver down her spine. She wanted to protest, to tell him she was already so close, but the way he was looking at her made her want to submit, to give him what he wanted.
“Please, Doctor,” she begged, her voice trembling with need. “I need you… please…”
“Good girl,” he murmured, clearly satisfied with her submission. “Now, let’s finish this examination.”
He returned to his task with renewed intensity, his mouth and beard working in tandem to drive her over the edge. This time, he didn’t hold back, his tongue moving faster, his beard rubbing against her with every movement.
She felt the pleasure build and build until it became unbearable. “Fuck, Alden!”
Her body convulsed as waves of ecstasy crashed over her, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she rode out the intense pleasure. Alden didn’t stop, his mouth and beard continuing their assault until she was completely spent, her body limp and trembling.
Finally, he pulled back, a satisfied smile on his lips as he looked up at her. “I think that’s one successful treatment,” he said, his voice laced with satisfaction.
She could only nod, her breath still coming in short gasps as she tried to recover. He climbed up onto the bed beside her, pulling her into his arms and holding her close as her breathing gradually returned to normal.
He kissed her forehead, his touch tender and loving as he whispered, “You did so well, my love. I’m so proud of you.”
She smiled, nuzzling against his chest, feeling a deep sense of contentment wash over her. “Thank you, Alden… I mean, Doctor,” she added with a playful grin.
Alden chuckled, his arms tightening around her. “You’re very welcome, Miss. I’m always here to take care of you.”
They lay there together for a while, the warmth of their connection lingering in the air. But Alden wasn’t done yet. He had more in mind, and he could tell by the way she was looking at him that she was ready for whatever came next.
“I think there’s still some follow-up treatment we need to take care of,” Alden murmured, his voice once again taking on that authoritative tone that sent shivers down her spine.
“Oh?” she replied, her eyes lighting up with anticipation. “And what kind of treatment might that be, Doctor?”
Alden smirked, moving so that he was hovering over her, his body pressing her gently into the mattress. “Something a little more intensive,” he whispered, his lips brushing against hers. “Something to make sure you’re fully recovered.”
She moaned softly as his hands began to roam her body again, his touch confident and possessive. “I think I might need that, Doctor,” she whispered back, her voice filled with desire.
Alden kissed her deeply, his hands exploring every inch of her body as he prepared to give her exactly what she needed. He pulled back slightly, his eyes locking onto hers as he positioned himself at her entrance.
“I want you to tell me how it feels,” he murmured, his voice low and commanding. “I want to hear every sound you make, every word that slips from your lips.”
She nodded, her breath hitching as she felt him begin to push inside her, filling her completely. She gasped at the sensation, her body stretching to accommodate him, the feeling of him inside her both intense and deeply satisfying.
“Oh, Alden,” she moaned, her voice trembling with pleasure. “It feels… it feels so good.”
“Good,” he replied, his voice rough with emotion as he began to move, slow and deliberate, each thrust drawing soft cries of pleasure from her lips.
He watched her closely, every little reaction making his desire burn hotter. He loved the way she responded to him, the way her body moved with his, the way she called out his name with such raw need.
“Does it feel good, darling?” he asked, his voice low and intimate.
“Yes, so good,” she breathed, her hands gripping his shoulders as he moved within her, the pleasure building once again with each deep, deliberate thrust.
Alden increased his pace, his thrusts becoming more forceful, more desperate as he felt his own need rising. He wanted to lose himself in her, to feel every part of her, to give her everything he had.
“Come for me again,” he whispered, his voice thick with desire. “I want to feel you come around me.”
Her breath caught in her throat at his words, her body already teetering on the edge of another orgasm. She moaned loudly, her nails digging into his back as she let herself go, her body shuddering with pleasure as she came, hard and intense.
Alden groaned, the sensation of her tightening around him pushing him over the edge. He thrust deeply into her one final time, feeling her muscles clench around him as he reached his own climax. His release was powerful, his body trembling as he emptied himself inside her, a deep groan escaping his lips. The intensity of the moment was overwhelming, the connection between them stronger than ever as they rode the waves of pleasure together.
Alden held her close, their bodies still entwined as they came down from the high of their lovemaking. He could feel her heart pounding against his chest, her breaths coming in short, ragged gasps as she tried to regain her composure. He pressed gentle kisses to her forehead, her cheeks, her lips, whispering words of love and affection as they lay there, basking in the afterglow.
She smiled up at him, her eyes filled with contentment and adoration. “That was… incredible,” she whispered, her voice soft and filled with awe.
“You’re incredible,” Alden replied, his voice tender and sincere. He brushed a strand of hair away from her face, his fingers lingering on her skin as he gazed down at her. “I’m so lucky to have you.”
Her heart swelled at his words, and she reached up to cup his face in her hands, pulling him down for a slow, lingering kiss. “I’m the lucky one,” she murmured against his lips, her eyes shining with love.
They lay there together, wrapped in each other’s arms, the world outside fading away as they savored the closeness of the moment. It was as if time had stopped, leaving them in their own little bubble of happiness and contentment.
After a while, Alden shifted slightly, rolling onto his side and pulling her with him so they were lying face to face. He ran his fingers lightly over her arm, his touch gentle and soothing. “How are you feeling, my love?” he asked, his voice soft and caring.
She smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her at the concern in his voice. “I feel wonderful,” she replied, her tone filled with contentment.
He grinned, his heart swelling with pride at her words. “I’m glad,” he said, leaning in to press a soft kiss to her lips. "You know," he said, a playful tone creeping into his voice, "I think we might need to schedule regular follow-up appointments."
She giggled, her fingers dancing over his chest. "Oh? And how often would you recommend, Doctor?"
"Daily, at least," he replied, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Perhaps even more frequently, depending on how well you respond to treatment."
"Daily?" she teased, arching an eyebrow. "Are you sure you can handle that, Doctor? That’s quite a demanding schedule."
He grinned, his hand sliding down to rest on her hip. "For you? I’d happily clear my calendar."
She laughed softly, the sound like music to his ears. "Well, in that case, I think I’ll have to take full advantage of your services."
"Anytime, anywhere," he murmured, his voice dropping to a more serious tone as he gazed into her eyes.
Alden’s heart swelled with emotion, his love for her feeling almost too big to contain. He kissed her again, slow and sweet, pouring everything he felt into that one gesture. When they finally pulled apart, he rested his forehead against hers, their breaths mingling in the small space between them.
"You should get some rest," he murmured, his voice filled with concern and affection.
She nodded sleepily, her body finally succumbing to the exhaustion that had been kept at bay by the intensity of their night together. "Hold me?" she asked softly, her voice barely a whisper.
"Always," he replied, his arms tightening around her as he settled them both under the covers.
With a contented sigh, she closed her eyes, a small smile playing on her lips as she drifted off to sleep, safe and warm in his embrace. Alden watched her for a while, his heart swelling with love and gratitude for the woman in his arms.
Eventually, he allowed his own eyes to close, the rhythm of her breathing lulling him into a deep, peaceful sleep. And as they slept, wrapped in the warmth of their love, the world outside faded away, leaving only the two of them, together and complete.
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countrymusiclover · 3 months
24 - When Dragons Flew to War
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Part 25
The Lion Knight and Dragon Princess
Tags- just send an ask to be added @cdragons @kmc1989 @starkleila @noirrose21-blog @lover-of-books-and-tea
Amethyst leaped down from the rocky ledge with me riding on her back. My silver hair tied back in a simple braid with me wearing a tunic and trousers rather than dealing with a ridiculous gown. Flying above the vast sea water I had never felt more free being up here. She released a cry diving down to the fleet of ships we had at our command. “I think this is one of the few times I’ve seen you this happy.”
“For once in my life I am truly free. Free from King's Landing, free from fake identities, free from Cersei and anyone else who wishes me dead. If I’m being honest I’ve never felt so alive.”
Jaime caught my body in his arms once I had slid down her lowered wing. “I’m happy to see you like this.”
“Where are the twins?” Glancing around the moving ship I didn’t see them running around like they normally had been the first couple of weeks since we had left Dragonstone. Nothing but the vast and open see ahead of us.
Amethyst leaped up off her back legs and shot up to the clear skies with me and Jaime not being able to resist not watching her fly. “I put them down for a nap. I can’t keep an eye on you and them at the same time.”
“You know I can take care of myself. Besides, she won’t hurt me while I'm on her back.”
He moved his left hand down resting against my growing stomach. “I’m not worried about you so much but our future little heir.”
“Stop you’re worrying, my lion. Although I would suggest choosing a different word then calling the baby future little heir. The men that sailed with us are loyal to my sister. We don’t want her thinking we are the enemy.”
Jaime tucked some hair behind my ear that had fallen from my braid. “I think you’ve made it very clear that you have no intention of taking the Iron Throne.”
“I don't see the need in conquering the Seven Kingdoms when there's so much land that hasn't been explored outside of Westeros.”
My husband squeezed me by the waist. “Hmm then it appears you need a different name than Princess of the Seven kingdoms.”
“What would you suggest?” Draping my arms over his shoulders he wrapped his arms around my waist.
“Princess Vaella Lannister, First of her name, Lady of Casterly Rock, and adventurer of the Summer Sea and Sothoryos.”
Kissing him shortly, footsteps approached us. “I love it.”
“My lord, my lady. The children were playing with this earlier. I assumed you would want it back with you.” A guard held up a knife and I noticed the writing engraved on it, quickly taking it from his hand.
“Thank you.”
Jaime raised a brow. “I already gave you a knife as a precaution. Why do you need another one?”
“This isn't an ordinary knife. It belongs to Aegon the Conqueror. He engraved his dream on it. Rhaegar secretly slipped it into my protection before he left to fight. It's strictly only known by the heirs of the Iron Throne.” Sliding the blade back inside my right boot I buttoned the hise hold bag strapped to my boot.
Jaime smirked down at me, holding the side of my face. “Your brother may have thought you would be heir one day, you never know.” I smiled thinking Rhaegar may have always seen me as a Queen.
Rhaegar had been buried away in the library inside the Red Keep. He had always been a bookworm from the day he learned how to read. So I knew where to find him on rainy days where no one was likely to disturb him. Pushing the double doors open hearing them creak loudly seeing him sitting down at the first table. “Brother, what book do you have your head buried in this time around?”
“Aegon the Conqueror.” He waved me over with his freehand pulling me up my own wooden chair. “Come, come, this is what father always told me about before his episodes began.”
Lifting my head up from the book pages I asked him not ever being told the story. “What does it say about Aegon the Conqueror?”
“Aegon foresaw the end of the world of men. Tis to begin with a terrible winter gusting out of the distant North. Aegon saw absolute darkness riding on those winds. And whatever dwells within will destroy the world of the living. When the great winter comes, all of Westeros must stand against it.” Eyeing my brother I was curious about the knife he had drawn from inside his belt on his trousers. “Before Aegon's death the last of the Valyrian pyromancers hid his song in the steel.”
He handed me the knife where I muttered the written word under my breath. “From my blood comes the Prince that was promised. And his will be the Song of Ice and Fire.”
“Vae, I shouldn’t be doing this since this has been passed down from heir to heir. But I’m giving it to you in case something happens to me since you are the oldest in line after me.” Rhaegar placed his hand over mine still holding the knife.
Shaking my head, I attempted to push the blade back into his hands. “Rhae, I can’t accept it then. It’s only between the heirs of the realm.”
“I want someone else to help me figure out the prophecy. You know father’s condition nowadays ....please Vae.” He begged me with those purple dragon eyes we shared.
Placing the dagger in his hands I put my hands on top of his vowing to my elder brother. “I vow to help you figure out this knife prophecy.”
“You might just be the very first Queen of the Seven Kingdoms one day.” Rhaegar sent me a proud smile back, I wouldn’t become obsessed with it like he was. But at least back then we were a team on a mission.
In the many weeks that had passed we were getting closer to the land of Sothoryos. The uncharted land across the Summer Sea. Strolling across the ship now wearing a simple red dress that wasn’t too tight around my waist I leaned over the side of the boat watching the different fish swim in the waters below. “There you are, my dragon. What's troubling you. You're trembling.” Jaime’s familiar hand touched my lower back
Glancing at him I met his gaze. “I got to thinking about something my brother and I read in Targaryen history. The notes of when dragons flew to war.”
“Meaning what exactly?”
Closing my eyes I sucked in a breath wrapping my freehand around my ring necklace. “When they flew to war everything burned.”
“You shouldn’t be the one worrying about dragons going to war. There's only four left in the world after all. We only need to worry about making it to that shoreline.” Jaime points his index finger out in front of us, where we could see some sight of land off in the distance.
Laying my head against his chest I closed my eyes briefly letting my worries fade until I swore I could hear a faint screeching sound above our heads. “Did you hear that?”
“Hear what, Vaella?” He asked me.
Taking a step forward I tucked my hair behind my ear trying to get a better listen. It for sure wasn’t Amethyst because she was laying asleep in the back of the boat deck. “That noise. It sounded like a - a whistle.” The second the word left my mouth, something dove down and hit the top part of our ship where the whole boat rocked and everything fell in different directions onto the deck.
“Vaella!” Jaime shouted at me before he fell onto his back and I banged my head against the side of the boat railing. He scrambled to his feet, genre helping me up by my forearm. “Are you okay. Are you hurt? Fetch the Maester!”
Lowering my hand from my forehead I pushed through the small headache that was coming on. “I'm alright.” Gently pushing him away I ran to the tip front of the boat, leaning up on my toes hearing the same noise another time.
“What was that?” He asked me looking around the empty waters.
Squinting my eyes the skies were empty for a short period before something dove down and flew barely above the water. A long tail swung down and large swings flapping where it was clear what type of creature it was before me. “It's another dragon….hell it's a island of dragons.” Jaime stood behind me seeing multiple dragons flying around the land with small buildings coming into view.
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Almost Caught
kai parker x reader
summary: innocent cuddling turns into something more on one of the few nights a week joshua parker lets you spend alone time with kai. who can blame you, as strict as he is? (pre-1994-PW)
tags: fluff, smut, vaginal sex, gentle sex, hand-jobs / blow-jobs
word count: ~1.5k
It started out innocently, and you really didn’t mean for it to escalate, but how could you resist, when he’s looking at you like that?!
You’re lying in the bed, cuddled up beside your boyfriend, while another episode of Law & Order rolls out on the TV. You yawn. This is probably the eighth episode about to play that you’re watching in one sitting, and the bright screen is slowly making you tired. When you turn to face Kai, he’s already looking at you.
He drags a finger along your jawline, “nothing.”
“How long have you been looking at me?”
“Longer than you think.”
“Because you’re beautiful.”
A pink blush paints your cheeks. Upon seeing it, Kai leans forward to kiss your nose, making you giggle. The encouragement brings him to then kiss your cheeks, forehead, and finally, your lips.
You kiss him back, hands on his chest. “You are too.”
He doesn’t answer verbally, but continues his attack of kisses all over your face. It was innocent at first, but then he’s rolling over on top of you, kissing with more intensity. Deeper, capturing your lips between his teeth, sucking on your skin. His lips move to your neck; hips straddling your waist. You gasp as you feel him getting hard through his jeans. The end of his length pokes into your leg.
“We shouldn’t,” you whisper. 
“He’ll never know.”
“It’ll be okay.”
You open your mouth to argue again, but pressure on your clit stops you. You didn’t even notice his hand snaking down in between your legs, up your skirt, but there it is. “Oh!”
“Shh, princess. Don’t want to get caught.”
You nod furiously.
“Do you want this?” He asks, not wanting to push you. If you really don’t, he’ll stop. But if the only thing holding you back is his father, he’ll gladly work around that fear.
“Okay.” Kai stops for two seconds to unbutton your shirt. When it’s open enough, he pulls it over your head flawlessly. Your breasts are on display for him now, barely covered by a pink lace bra. He’s too impatient to undo your bra, though, and instead forces his head around the material to start sucking on your nipple. His fingers return to your clit, making figure-eights again. “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he repeats.
Your eyes roll back in your head as you try to not react to the sensations. But the pleasure is overwhelming, and you have to bite your lip hard. “Kai,” you whisper. He kisses your tits, pulling your nipples through his teeth. “Ah!” Your hands are gripping his shoulders, but his hard against your body makes you crave a more direct touch. Slowly, you move them downwards until you’re feeling him through his pants.
“Princess,” he moans. The vibration sends tingles all over your body. 
“I want you.”
“I want to get you wetter first,” he insists, immediately ducking his head down and along your body. You start to argue, but then his tongue slips between your folds. Your hands that lost contact with his bulge find your way into his hair, pulling sharply. His moan into your heat does make you wetter, but he’s not finished yet. Kai starts out slowly, but isn’t that way for long. He flicks his tongue quickly over your entrance, drawing out more and more of your arousal. His nose tickles your clit each time he moves his face. “Let me get you ready,” he warns as he puts a finger inside of you. He pumps it in and out for a little before adding a second, then a third. 
“I’m gonna cum, Kai.”
“Cum for me, come on,” he encourages. He doesn’t lose his pace, nor does he lift his face out of the way at all. Moments later, you release on him, coating his nose with your sweetness. “Good girl,” he leans up to kiss you. You catch him off guard, sucking your juice off his nose. He smiles, “are you ready?”
“Mhm, please.”
“Okay. Remember to be quiet.”
“I will.”
“Good girl,” he repeats. Slowly, he unzips his pants and pulls himself through the hole. He teases just a little before pushing through your entrance, filling you up comfortably. You take him well, feeling minimal pain from the stretch. “Tell me when.”
“Now. You’re good.”
“Okay.” Gentle thrusts are made to push himself in and almost out of you as he creates a rhythm. He doesn’t pick up pace, worried that the bed will squeak, but he makes up for that elsewhere. His arms lay beside you, keeping himself in place and keeping your bodies close. His lips attach to your collarbone, sucking dark spots in every area of skin he knows he can. Your legs wrap around his waist so he can thrust deeper, while your hands grip the sheets. Kai moves along your body, pumping into you, worshiping your skin. You’re both so lost in pleasure, but then,
“Fuck, I hear my dad,” he whispers close to your ear. 
You detach your legs from his hips, “oh god.”
In a couple of seconds, Kai’s off your body and has you both pulled under the blankets. The shirt he pulled off you makes its way under, too, covering his cock in case he’s visibly hard underneath. You move closer to him and close your eyes, while trying to ignore the length pressing into you, again. 
“Breathe, princess, it’ll be okay.”
Two seconds later, the door swings open, “Malachai?”
“She still here?”
“Yeah, she fell asleep though. Can she stay over so that she doesn’t have to walk back home in the dark?”
“Alright. That’s fine, I guess. Leave some room between you two, though. And remember to keep this door unlocked. If I hear anything suspicious at all, you know the consequences.”
“I know. Thanks for letting her stay, though. She doesn’t like the dark.”
“I’ll let her father know she’s staying.”
The man shuts the door, but neither of you move until his footsteps depart completely. 
“That was close,” he mutters, “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry for what?”
“That we had to stop. Felt so good.”
You bite your lip, “oh, yeah. It’s okay, though. I don’t want him to hurt you. Do you want to… get back to it?”
“I don’t know. I’m scared he’ll come back.”
“Okay.” You’re both quiet for a minute, but then you say, “at least let me get you off. You’re so hard, you’ll never get to sleep.”
“It’s okay, princess. I’ll live.”
“Please, Kai. I don’t want you to just live, I want you to be satisfied.”
“I’m satisfied just having you.”
“I’ll be quick and quiet. Just let me, please. If you really don’t want it, I’ll stop, but I know you secretly do.”
He swallows, “okay. But be careful. I’ll keep an ear out for anything.”
“Good,” you kiss his nose, then let your hands wander between the sheets. 
You start with finger light touches tracing his length, feeling all the veins prominent on his skin. With the bit of precum gathered at the top, you wet him, making it easier when you start to jerk him off. He pants, biting his lip hard enough to draw blood. 
“Bite me,” you tell him, “bite into my collarbone. You can’t hurt me.” Desperate, he does. You have to hold back your own moan at the sensation. “Good boy.”
It’s funny how you switch into the praising role the minute you take over. The both of you switch roles often, though he’s mostly dominant, he also loves the care. Reversely, you mostly love being told what to do, but every once in a while, you like to be the one with the orders. 
“You’re doing so well,” you praise again, picking up pace. “Can you do something for me, Kai?”
“Mhm,” he nods quickly.
“Bite this pillow real quick,” you grab the end of your pillow with one hand and bring it towards his mouth. He moves his teeth off your skin to latch onto the fabric instead. “Good boy, stay like that.” Then, you dip your head under the blankets, sinking down until your level with his cock. Before he can realize what you’re doing, your lips are moving around him. Your tongue traces his veins again, and then you bob your head up and down on his length. One hand moves further down to cup and pull at his balls, and you feel him tense to avoid moaning.
Within a couple minutes of your newly established rhythm, Kai unclenches his teeth, “gonna cum.” You have barely enough time to wrap your lips around his tip before the back of your throat is coated white. You suck a few times to ensure nothing will leak on the sheets, and then finally, you come back to the surface of the bed. 
“Hi,” you smile.
“Hi, beautiful. That was perfect.”
“Feel more tired now?”
“Mhm. Thank you.”
“No need to thank me. You did a perfect job, too.”
He grins, kissing you, “goodnight, my love.” He tastes himself on your lips, and can’t help but enjoy it.
“Goodnight to you too, angel.”
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bestfriend491 · 1 year
I saw your post abt ramonda's drabble and headcannons so can I ask one of her being jealous and possessive over reader?
It's completely okay if u don't want to do it tho :)
"You're jealous! "
Headcannons / Drabbles
When she's jealous or possessive.
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If the question is if Ramonda gets jealous of others getting too comfortable around you, the answer is definitely yes. 
Though she hates to admit it, when she sees someone getting a bit too close to you, her entire body language changes and it puts her in a less happy mood. 
It’s not that she doesn’t trust you, she just doesn’t trust others to stay respectful. 
Factoring that in with the fact that you are extremely beautiful, she can’t keep her guard down for too long. 
She usually tries to avoid showing any jealousy in public. Her title as queen has taught her a thing or two about keeping a good reputation.
This has helped her learn how to act naturally in moments of jealousy, but sometimes she slips up and it's clear to anyone passing by.(especially to the people who cause the jealousy.)
She tries not to be physically possessive but her eyes tend to tell a completely different tale when waves of jealousy come passing through her. 
You like to poke fun at her in moments like those, especially when it's at an event. 
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Ramonda stood in the corner of the room that held many country representatives. Though her main job for the event was to make acquaintances with other nations’ leaders, her mind was preoccupied with a completely different task. 
She scooted and shifted when people blocked the view of her one focus for the night. 
Or, more specifically the woman next to you. 
Ramonda had temporarily named her “Roaming Eyes”. Not bothering to get her real name or the country she represented. 
It was the most appropriate name considering the way her  eyes were looking at every part of your body but your face. 
The two of you had been talking for the past 20 minutes, and Ramonda hadn’t looked away not even once.
She had her suspicions about the woman's intentions from the moment she caught a glimpse of what she was sure was a glare from the woman when you had both introduced yourselves to her together. 
Now she watched the woman do exactly what she thought she would. Check-out what was hers. 
After another 10 minutes, she was still so distracted watching Roaming Eyes. She didn’t realise that you were no longer standing next to her. 
Instead you were quickly approaching Ramonda, an embarrassed smile placed across your face as you passed by the other people in the room. When you got to her again you cleared your throat. 
“Ehem. My love.” you whispered. 
She still looked at the woman on the opposite side of the room. 
“Ramonda. Can you please listen to me?” 
She hesitantly obliged, turning her head and facing you. Her face softened instantly, but a few tension lines still sat on her forehead. Her eyes were still on the mysterious woman.
“Ramonda, we’re here to make Wakanda allies, not enemies. Now is not the time to have one of your jealous episodes.” 
“I’m not jealous!” she dismissed your claims. You shook your head, rolling your eyes. 
In any other moment her protectiveness would have been endearing. 
Ignoring her denial you spoke into her ear, "My love, your eyes are telling a completely different story.” 
She huffed, “Okay, maybe I am.” 
“Care to tell me why?"
 "Because she was clearly all over you, that's why."
You did your best in stifling a laugh, but your queen was quick to notice. 
"She was almost undressing you with her eyes!" she continued to reason. 
 "It's her first time at one of these events, Ramonda. She's young. She lacks experience. Of course her eyes would wander where they should not, my love." you held on to her arm, for reassurance. 
"Does my word mean so little to you?" 
"Of course not. It's not you who I'm wary of." she emphasised. “I don’t trust her and those wandering eyes.” 
“Well, I’m not asking you to trust her. She’s a stranger. I’m telling you to trust me. Your wife.”
She breathed out, placing her hand on top of yours that sat on her arm. 
"Good. Now, stop looking at her like that. You're gonna cause a scene." 
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toh-tagteam-au · 2 years
Tag Team AU Synopsis – Lost in Language + Once Upon a Swap
Synopsis Masterpost Link
Previous [Hooty's Moving Hassle]
Next Part [Something Ventured + Escape of the Palisman] [coming soon]
WOO first double episode post! I'm going to double-up on certain episodes since some are too short/don't have a lot of substance to justify having their own posts/are too much like canon. So, let's vibe. Library time.
Lost in Language
Eda gets the bat baby again. Hunter shows up to tell Eda that he’s going to the library to research and he’ll take her books back for her.
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(lmao it’s because he’s helping the palisman eater)
Once he gets to the library, he researches for the whole day until the Blight twins start talking to him, saying they were impressed by how he made a quick negative first impression on Amity at the covention. He doesn’t like them immediately, but Edric invites him to come to the library at night.
So they do the wishing star stuff and Hunter actually ends up having fun. Montage Moment. Eventually, they take him to Amity’s study room and reveal their plan, which Hunter HATES.
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He leaves the study room, but not before stealing Amity’s diary without the twins noticing. 
He then literally runs into Amity, who overheard the twins inviting Hunter to the library earlier that day. Hunter gives her the diary, saying that even she doesn’t deserve to be screwed over by family. 
Otabin suddenly attacks, and Amity and Hunter have to save the twins from their own creation. Everyone sticks around to clean up the damages, and Hunter encourages the twins to apologize to Amity. 
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Oh and also
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Once Upon a Swap
Episode opens up at the market, with each character having the same gripes as canon except instead of Luz’s problem with Eda not wanting her name in lights, Hunter has a problem with Eda not explaining how her human stuff works to her customers. Body swap is the same, Hunter in Eda’s body and King in Hunter’s body.
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The narrative sticks with Hunter pretty much the whole time, who tries explaining how human things work to customers. Eventually, people stop coming to his stall because there’s no mysticism surrounding the human stuff now that they know they’re just normal objects. He gets caught by coven scouts at some point during this, and Lilith visits her “sister” similar to canon.
Hunter explains to Lilith in VERY detailed terms that Eda does not want to be part of the Emperor’s coven.
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Basically, Hunter’s “lesson” that he learns is that people will not always listen to you, regardless of how many facts your side is based on. 
Cut to King, who is doing teen stuff in Hunter’s body, when he’s pulled into an alleyway by Luz the Golden Guard, who tells him that Eda was arrested and they have to bail her out. 
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So King knows now.
Cut back to Lilith and Hunter when the Golden Guards arrive. Hunter is understandably terrified seeing King there while Luz smooth-talks Lilith. Luz gets into a stalemate with Lilith before King speaks up, to the confusion of Luz. Apparently, the Owl Lady performed a body swap spell in the market today, so even if they DO put a sigil on her, it won't stick! (He is lying about the sigil thing).
The bodyswap spell is backed up by a few other scouts, who mention they did hear “bodyswap” be yelled earlier, and eventually by Hunter, who says that he is in fact Eda’s new apprentice. Lilith says that Eda did mention him at the covention.
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Luz, quickly using the excuse that this isn’t Eda and thus a false arrest, escorts King and Hunter out of the station and drags them into town before Lilith can wisen up. 
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Eventually, Luz and Hunter beg King to not tell Eda that Hunter is a Golden Guard, saying that they’re trying to help someone with knowledge of wild magic, and Eda is their last shot. King tentatively agrees, as long as they keep Eda safe and don’t hurt her. 
Eventually, they all converge together so King, Eda, and Hunter can end the bodyswap spell and get away like in canon.
Previous Part [Hooty's Moving Hassle]
Next Part [Something Ventured + Escape of the Palisman]
Synopsis Masterpost Link
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she-karev · 1 month
Quarantine (Andrew DeLuca x Alex Karev’s Sister Covid Imagine)
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Two of Three
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Ship: Andrew DeLuca x Amber Karev (Alex Karev’s Sister)
Canon Episode: Season 17 Episode 4
Summary: Amber continues to quarantine in her hotel room and gets a surprise visit from Andrew outside the door who gives her a care package. She is bitter towards him at first but begins to soften when he tells her why he cares so much about her.
Words: 1880
April 15th, 2020
Amber Karev is in her hotel bed watching Netflix with the curtains open revealing the city life at night which to Amber is more entertaining than what she’s watching right now. She kept hearing about this Riverdale show and decided to give it a shot but she soon started to regret it. Despite how bad it is Amber can’t stop watching it while she blows her nose for the 20th time tonight.
In case you haven’t noticed, I’m weird. I’m a weirdo
Amber groans at that sulky line from the Disney kid, “More awful than covid.” She takes a big sip of her water bottle before she hears a knock in her door, “Finally my soup. I’m coming!”
Amber stands up feeling the body aches, but the call of room service is stronger as she pulls her white cardigan around herself and grabs her mask. She coughs on the way before reaching the door and looking through the peephole to see it’s not room service to her displeasure.
Andrew DeLuca is outside her door wearing his casual clothes and black mask. He is carrying a black backpack and a white takeout bag with a dragon symbol on it. Amber inhales as much as she can and exhales to keep her anger in check. She thought this morning would be the last time she would see him for the next two weeks but as usual she knows there’s a force out there that wants her to suffer more and sent her ex to help.
“What the hell do you want?” Amber asks annoyed in a nasal voice due to her stuffy nose, “I was already checked by a nurse an hour ago and another one is gonna take my blood tomorrow.”
“I saw this morning that you were lacking in things other than a TV, clothes and oral hygiene so I thought I would get you a care package for the next 11 days.”
Amber pinches the bridge of her nose over Andrew not taking a hint. No matter how many times she tells him she doesn’t want to be with him he still tries to crawl back into her life with sweet gestures that do nothing to mend the pain he caused her.
Not seeing her reaction he continues, “I got you a couple of Harry Potters a couple of new releases and some spicy chips. I figured you needed something to spark your taste buds for a few seconds. Also, I got you that chicken soup from that Chinese joint at Weller you love so much.”
“What part of ‘get what you need and leave me alone’ do you not understand?” Amber asks with venom in her tone that catches Andrew off guard, “I am sick and I am tired and I don’t need you coming in trying to butter me up when I’m lonely hoping I’ll get desperate and let you in this room on day 14.”
Andrew tries to set the record straight, “Amber that’s not what I’m-”
“Because it has been months since I have touched another human being, but I am not desperate enough that some soup is gonna make me forget all the pain and have one gross night with you. Despite how low you think of me I respect myself enough not to whore myself out to you.”
Andrew closes his eyes in frustration, “Look can you let me-”
Amber keeps going in anger overlapping with Andrew, “So this whole concerned ex act is not gonna work on me so just take your freaking soup leave me the hell alone. It’s like you said to me the night you kicked me out I don’t want you here and I don’t need you here!”
“Will you just let me talk?!” Andrew yells back from his side catching Amber by surprise. She inhales and stays silent letting Andrew say his piece expecting him to piss her off again. Instead, his next words take her by complete surprise.
Andrew inhales from behind his mask before starting, “My nonna and two of my uncles died over the past few weeks because of covid.”
Amber is caught off guard by that fact and guilt immediately replaces her anger. She has been so angry with him and so distant she never considered that he’s suffering in silence because his home country is a hot zone for the pandemic. She never considered that she wasn’t the only one worried about her family in this scary time.
Andrew sighs in grief but continues, “I said goodbye to them over Zoom but still I wish I could have gone there and taken care of them in person. It might not have done much but at least I could feel like I did something to help instead of crying over a damn webcam. And then there’s my father, I’m scared for him, I’m mad at him but that doesn’t mean I don’t care. You and I both know he is probably ignoring the rules and not caring about the consequences without me and Carina there to help.”
Andrew clears the lump in his throat outside Amber’s door not seeing her leaning against the door listening to him. She shakes her head at herself for giving him a hard time when he has so much on his plate as it is. And hearing him telling her about his turmoil makes her feel sympathy towards him. She almost wants to open the door and hug him but knows it’s not safe for either of them.
Andrew continues, “Look I’m not here for an agenda, I’m not here because I’m hoping there’s a reward for me at the end in your bed. I’m here because I can be, and I don’t want to waste it. If your gonna keep insulting me and letting me know what an ass I am then so be it because I can’t lose you. I can’t lose you; I won’t survive and nothing you say is gonna make me stop feeling that way.”
Amber closes her eyes at that statement hearing the Andrew she fell in love with instead of the manic man who brought her down. It’s hard to believe that those two are the same person but for now she’s glad to hear the one who makes her feel loved and seen.
Andrew assumes Amber is still dismissive from his side of the door, but he continues, “I know you don't want me around but I'm not gonna stop caring about you. I might not be able to touch you or hold you but I’m here for you. No matter what you need. So, I’m gonna leave the backpack and soup out here in your door, I’m gonna keep a safe distance so I can make sure you get it because I put a lot of thought into it, and I know whatever your watching is making you want to kill yourself.”
Amber rolls her eyes at her ex knowing her so well but hears shuffling and footsteps from the other side. She looks through the peephole and sees no one there telling her Andrew is down the hall. She puts her mask on, cautiously opens the door and sees the backpack and takeout bag on the floor right outside her door.
She looks to her left to see Andrew two doors down looking at her in worry. Amber sniffles before focusing on her gifts and grabs both of them before closing the door behind her. She puts the backpack on top of the dresser drawer and unzips it.
Andrew was telling the truth as she sees her favorite Harry Potter books, Prisoner of Azkaban and Order of The Phoenix inside. There are two books as well that she is not familiar with and knows Andrew probably grabbed them from the new releases section. After pulling out the books she sees a big bag of Takis inside that she hopes she can taste.
In the small pockets she pulls out the essential needs for her condition. There are cough drops, Nyquil severe cold and flu PM, packets of lemon tea bags, travel size aloe tissues, spare masks, and ibuprofen for her headaches. The sight makes her inner doctor nod with approval.
She opens the white takeout bag next and is silently thrilled at the sight of the sealed container inside. Amber takes the lid off confirming its chicken soup to her joy. She inhales the rich aroma deeply loving the special soup so much it might make her quarantine bearable. Amber moves back to her door that is the barrier between her and Andrew.
“Are you still here?” Amber asks nasally.
“Yeah I am.” Andrew confirms from his side.
“You do realize this backpack is gonna have to be burned after this right?”
Andrew chuckles lightly, “All for a good cause. Do you need anything else? I don’t mind being your own Postmates, it probably pays more than what we make.”
“I’m okay for now thanks…and I’m sorry for what happened.”
Andrew nods, “Yeah me too. Do you need me for anything? Are you feeling worse?”
“I feel like my body has turned on me but that’s not new from this morning.” Amber tells him in a numb tone, “I’m fine it’s nothing I can’t handle, you can go if you want.”
Amber sips her soup container tasting the rich liquid for a few seconds until her loss of taste kicks in to her disappointment. She has to remember to cancel room service since their soup is subpar to the one in her hand. Amber stands by the door for a few silent moments and can still feel Andrew’s presence outside.
She moves closer till she’s near face against the dark wood, “Andrew?”
“I’m still here.”
“You can go if you want.” Amber repeats more requesting than demanding, “I’m gonna have a nurse come in the morning and I still feel better than most right now anyway.”
“I know I just…” Andrew sighs and confesses his fear through the door, “I am afraid that if I leave, and you fall asleep you’re not gonna wake up this time and this is gonna be the last time I’ll see you.”
Amber’s heart swells at this confession as she can tell he is sincere in his worries. She decides to comfort him and make it clear that she is not going anywhere.
“It won’t be.” Amber tells him from her side, “I’ll call you in the morning and let you know how I am. I promise. You should go and get some rest before you go to work, and I should enjoy this soup you got me.”
Andrew grins at that, “Okay, I’ll be back tomorrow night and check on you. Call me if you need anything I don’t care what time it is, I’ll come.”
“I know.” Amber says with a grin as she can see he’s making an effort to make these a tolerable two weeks, “Good night.”
“Good night.” Andrew says with a grin before walking away from the door to leave Amber to her quarantine hoping this is the start to them reconciling while Amber is in her room beginning to see Andrew in a way she never thought she could again.
Next Part Here
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ashes-2-ashes57cba · 2 months
The Bad Batch: Specter
Episode 13: Infested
edited by @ryleeeeeenn warnings: entomophobia (the fear of bugs/insects), dislocated thumb (intentional)
“Cid better pay us extra for that mission,” Echo complained as the group exited the ship. Specter scoffed.
“Don’t count on it,” she mumbled.
“Eh. It wasn’t so bad,” Wrecker shrugged.
“She failed to mention the drop zone would be swarming with gundarks,” Echo argued.
“I would prefer gundarks to the Yalbec. At least the gundarks only want to kill you and not mate with you,” Specter shivered, recalling the mission before they were dispatched to Anaxes. 
“It’s not the first time Cid has left out key details,” Tech commented as they walked through the streets of Ord Mantell City. Specter noticed a few characters—people she didn’t recognize—scattered near the parlor; she could tell that Hunter noticed as well when he kept glancing at the helmeted figures. Omega stayed close to him. He and Specter shared a look before they entered the parlor, which, oddly enough, was full of patrons and more of the helmeted figures.
“When did this place get so popular?” Echo wondered.
“And who are they?” Tech asked.
“Not our problem. Let’s find Cid,” Hunter urged, nodding towards her office. However, a thug stopped them from moving past the doorway into the hall.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked, bumping into Hunter’s chest. The thug sized each of them up, taking a noticeably longer look at Specter. Before she had the opportunity to make a snarky comment, Hunter punched him and threw him against the wall. The Batch walked past the downed man and into Cid’s office, where they were met with blasters raised at them; the Bad Batch raised their blasters too, Specter opted for her bigger rifle.
“It’s rude to barge into one’s office unannounced,” a man’s voice said, sitting behind the desk. He was a tall, green-skinned Devaronian, holding a pet, some sort of lizard, in his arms.
“This isn’t your office,” Hunter said through bared teeth. Two more guards appeared behind the group from the hall. Wrecker and Echo turned to point their blasters at them. Specter shifted her stance, standing protectively in front of Omega. The Devaronian scoffed.
“Guess again,” he mused, sitting up and placing the lizard on the desk.
“Ruby?” Omega wondered, recognizing the creature. 
“She’s my prized pet,” the man said, petting her affectionately.
“What are you doing with her?”
“I paid. Cid delivered,” he explained, feeding the lizard a treat.
“Uh huh. That’s nice. And where is Cid?” Specter cut in. The man glanced at her before shrugging.
“Cid’s out.” He stood up and walked around to the front of the desk. “This parlor and Ord Mantell are now my territory. But if you’re looking for work, I might have use for you,” he offered, letting his guards lower their weapons and sending a pointed smile at Specter. A sort of growl rose up in her throat.
“We’ll think about it,” Hunter said, putting away his blaster. The others did the same, except for Specter, who merely lowered her rifle, still eyeing the Devaronian.
“You do that,” he said with a smirk.
“We’re getting off Ord Mantell,” Hunter said as soon as they were clear of the parlor and its new thugs. “Tech and Specter, prep the ship. The rest of us will gather supplies.”
“But what about Cid?” Omega asked. “What did he mean when he said she was ‘out’?”
“Given his tone, it is a plausible assumption that Cid was either forced out or taken out,” Tech said.
“Well, we have to find and help her,” Omega urged, running to the front of the group and stopping them from entering the docking bay. 
“Do we have to?” Specter complained. The little girl scowled and crossed her arms. The clearing of a throat caught their attention.
“Nice to see one of you cares,” Cid said, leaning against the entryway of the Marauder. “Inside. Now,” she ordered. The group glanced at each other but went nonetheless.
“We need to get in the habit of locking down the ship when we’re gone,” Specter muttered.
“So you boys met Roland,” Cid said, pacing back and forth in the main hold. Behind her, Bolo and Ketch were playing Sabacc on top of Gonky. “He’s a former client and the son of crime boss Isa Durand. Roland’s trying to make a name for himself by joining up with the Pykes.”
“What’s he doing on Ord Mantell? This is quite the stretch for Pyke territory if I’m correct,” Specter asked.
“The port’s connected to multiple hyperspace routes, ideal for smuggling. My parlor’s right in the middle of the action. Roland saw the value in it and took it,” Cid explained. “But we’re taking it back.”
“We?” Hunter repeated, gesturing between Cid and himself. 
“If I lose, you lose. Don’t forget how good I’ve been at keeping secrets,” she reminded. 
“I believe she’s threatening us,” Tech observed. 
“You’re quick,” Cid shot back. 
“When we needed help, we came to Cid, remember?” Omega said, turning to stand in front of the Trandoshan and face the group. “Now she needs help. We can’t just walk away.” Cid smiled and nodded.
“You tell ‘em, Tiny,” she encouraged. Hunter sighed, shaking his head.
“So what’s your plan?"
“My sources tell me that a buyer is meeting Roland tonight to acquire a shipment of spice he’s storing in my back office,” Cid explained as they walked away from the ship.
“You want to disrupt his supply chain by stealing the shipment and thereby sabotaging the deal,” Tech said matter-of-factly.
“Very good, Goggles,” Cid teased. “When the Pykes come to collect, Roland won’t be able to pay, and he’ll be their problem.” Specter rolled her eyes at the Trandoshan’s devious plan, but couldn’t help but feel anxiety churn in her stomach; if Cid could think of a plan like that against someone she considered an enemy, she didn’t want to know what contingency plan the woman had in mind if the Batch somehow got on her bad side. 
Specter blinked hard, letting her eyes and helmet viewscreen adjust to the sudden darkness of the underground. Her flashlight, along with the others’, provided enough brightness for them to see rusted walls, leading out to a cavern. 
“Where are we?” Hunter asked.
“Ord Mantell’s old mining tunnels. These rails run underneath the city. It’s how we’re sneaking into my parlor to steal the spice,” Cid explained.
“Well, why don’t we just walk in there and take it?” Wrecker asked. “We can handle those guards.”
“No one can know we’re involved. Roland is one thing, but the Pykes aren’t an enemy you want to make. We’ll use these carts to transport the crates of spice.” Cid walked onto one of the carts.
“They’re not in the best shape, but I can get the motors operational,” Tech observed.
“No. Motors are too loud. This is a stealth mission. You boys are good at that, right?” The Batch looked at each other, unsure if they should give Cid the truthful answer. “What about you, Shorty?” the Trandosshan turned toward Specter, who stood at the back of the group, holding herself and glancing around the cavern. “They tell me you’re the best spy they got, and I can see you fidgeting. I didn’t think you were capable of being scared of the dark,” she sassed.
“Hey, I am not scared of the dark… just of the critters that lurk in it,” Specter admitted, pushing past and stepping onto the cart with Tech, Cid, and Omega. Cid scoffed and started cranking the cart forward with Hunter, Wrecker, and Echo following behind. Omega and Tech shone their lights at the tunnel around them while Specter crouched down a little by Tech. 
While Wrecker was afraid of heights, Specter’s irrational fear was of bugs and similar creatures; she was always embarrassed to admit it, but even Geonosians were at the very edge of her limit. She shivered at a phantom sensation down her spine. A few quiet minutes passed before they slowed to a stop, reaching a door that blocked off the next section of the tunnel. 
“Now, listen up,” Cid turned to the group. “When we pass through those doors, not a peep out of anyone. We don’t want to wake the hive.” Specter latched onto the railing at the word, feeling herself grow pale at the thought.
“The what?” Echo questioned.
“The caverns have a slight infestation problem,” Cid shrugged, turning to face the doors.
“We’re not afraid of a few bugs,” Wrecker chuckled confidently.
“Uh, Wrecker,” Hunter nudged him, nodding towards a squirming Specter. “You gonna be alright, Spec?”
“H- hive,” was all she was able to say. 
“Well, it won’t be a problem if everyone keeps their traps shut,” Cid advised. “Big Guy, get the door.” Wrecker sighed and shuffled along the narrow ledge, grabbing onto the door latch and prying it open. Omega placed a hand on Specter’s, giving her a reassuring smile. She nodded in thanks and took a few deep breaths before they entered the cavern. 
Distant sunlight shone from a gap in the ground far above them. Specter watched as Tech and Omega looked down and around the cart while Cid moved them along. Tech gestured for Specter not to look down, who nodded in reply. She glanced behind her; Hunter and Echo observed their surroundings as well.
She flinched at the sound of flapping. 
“What was that?” Wrecker whispered, noticing as well. He brought out his flashlight, but Specter watched in horror as his clumsy hands let it slip out of his grip. She followed the light as it sank down into the darkness of the hive below them. Her knees buckled. 
“What did I say?” Cid said with a gasp.
“It was an accident,” Wrecker scoffed. They all kept their lights trained on the hive, listening to the creatures rumble and screech… before falling silent.
“I’m going to kill you,” Specter hissed in his direction.
“Keep moving,” Hunter ordered the group. 
They wasted no time in moving through the caverns, arriving, finally, at their destination.
“We’re here,” Cid announced, stepping out of the cart. The others followed suit, Wrecker and Specter bent over panting, relieved to be out. “This ladder leads into my back office. Up you go,” the Trandoshan ordered, nodding up to the access port.
“Without eyes on the office, how do we know Roland is not inside?” Tech questioned.
“I’ve got that covered,” Cid reassured, pulling out her comm and sending a signal. 
“Let me guess,” Specter said, finally standing up and rolling her shoulders, “Bolo and Ketch are on distraction duty?”
“Very good. Now, care to explain why you’ve got the heebie-jeebies for bugs?” the Trandoshan bit back. 
“No, as a matter of fact, I don’t care to tell you anything,” Specter hissed, crossing her arms. She would keep that card close to her chest. Cid went to reply before Bolo gave the-
“All clear,” through the comm. Specter brushed past Cid and followed behind Tech up into the office.
Tech pushed the hatch open, revealing a dim and cluttered office. Specter followed him out and did a sweep of the room, finding nothing out of the ordinary.
“Ugh. And I thought Wrecker was a slob,” Echo commented, shining his light on the critters eating some fruit Cid had just lying around. 
“Can the commentary. Roland won’t be gone for long,” Cid reminded through the comm.
“Wrecker may be messy, but if I may remind you of Tech’s bunk back on Kamino?” Specter added, ignoring the Trandoshan. Echo sighed and nodded in agreement. She never found his space comfortable and could never fathom how Tech was able to get any sleep with the clutter he accumulated. 
“Honestly, Tech, how do you find anything in this mess?” Specter watched, slightly disgusted, as her teammates rooted around his piles for the tools he needed. 
“I know where everything is. Call it organized chaos.”
“Emphasis on ‘chaos’,” Crosshair muttered next to her. “You know, I’m convinced the long-necks must have pulled him out of a scrap heap.”
“No, they probably used his tube for data-chip disposal,” she countered.
“I heard that.”
She couldn’t help but smile and suppress a giggle at the memory; it felt so long ago now. It seemed like their recent string of missions were intent on forcing her to relive the struggles of her past—Crosshair on Bracca, Ryloth, and now the hive beneath Ord Mantell—while still having to deal with their present situations. 
While she was busy reminiscing, Tech had found the six crates of spice and dragged them with Hunter towards Wrecker at the hatch.
“Out of time, boys. Get the last two crates,” Cid announced. 
“I’ll seal the door,” Echo said, running to the port before Roland returned. Specter helped maneuver the last of the crates down and out, holding the hatch open for Echo. He eventually joined her and ran with her to the carts, where the others were latching down the crates.
“That’s secure enough. Let’s go,” Cid urged. The crew made their way through the caverns again, but not before they were spotted by Roland’s men.
“We’ve got incoming!” Wrecker shouted, firing a few shots as they quickly gained on them.
“Wrecker! Are you crazy? She said ‘no blasters’!” Specter panicked, shoving his weapon down.
“Tell that to them!” he argued. She turned just in time to watch Hunter suddenly stop his cart, ramming into one that quickly approached, knocking the guards out to fall into the darkness. He jumped in, set the cart to reverse, and hopped out to start catching up to her, Cid, Omega, and Tech.
“If those laser brains woke the hive, we’re all dead,” Cid hissed. Specter placed a hand on Omega’s shoulder, gazing with her into the hive. Discontent screeching and chittering filled the air.
“What’s that sound?” the girl questioned. Specter’s grip on her shoulder tightened. 
“Cid, I don’t like this. And I mean more than usual,” she said. The Trandosshan let Tech continue to move the cart while she looked alongside the girls. A second later, the walls rumbled as the bugs shot up from the hive and began to swarm. Specter yelped and nearly fell back into the cart.
“Power up the engines!” Cid shouted. They wasted no time and sped off through the cavern, shooting and swatting away any bug that came too close for comfort.
“We’ve got more coming!” Wrecker announced. Specter felt her stomach churn.
“Don’t say that,” she pleaded. She yelped as one flew straight toward her, Tech stepped in and shone his light at it, which was enough to make it fly away. “Oh, well that works!”
“They’re avoiding the light. Use your torches!” Tech suggested to the others. Specter quickly followed, waving her flashlight to repel any approaching bugs, rapidly swearing to herself. She caught sight of one braving the light and heading towards the group.
“Omega, get down!” she shouted to the girl. She obeyed and dropped to her knees, covering her head. The creature changed course and went to attack the pile of spice blocks. Some fell out of the cart and crashed into the ground below. 
“Not the spice!” Cid cried, watching the shimmering substance scatter.
“Forget the spice,” Echo growled as he, Hunter, and Wrecker abandoned their cart and joined the others. “Let’s go!”
“Wrecker, seal them in,” Hunter ordered. Specter steeled herself and joined in the final push, unleashing rapid-fire on the creatures; slowly but surely they moved back and Wrecker finally got the door closed, squishing the last bug. His shoulders slouched in relief. 
“Well, at least we got rid of the spice, right?” Omega broke the silence. Specter wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
“There’s that. But most importantly, no more bugs!” she cheered.
Specter had never felt so happy to be in broad daylight; the chills and phantom sensations had worn off after a few minutes in the sun. Now the only problem left was whatever waited for them back at the parlor.
“Are you sure your parlor’s safe?” Omega questioned, walking next to the Trandoshan.
“Bolo and Ketch said the Pykes already came for Roland. I told you, they don’t take kindly to unpaid debts,” Cid explained as they neared her storefront. 
“What about meddling strangers?” Specter muttered to the boys. Echo grimaced.
“Perhaps it is best we devise a quick exit plan?” Tech added, looking towards Hunter. 
They entered the parlor and were met with the sight of all of Roland’s guards dead and scattered around the floor. Specter brought Omega close to her, placing a comforting hand on the girl’s head. 
“See? My plan worked like a charm,” Cid said, merely stepping over the bodies in her way. “Even better than expected.”
From around the corner, a cuffed Roland and the Pyke leaders entered the room. 
“That’s her,” Roland pointed at Cid, “she’s the one you want.” He stepped aside as the Pyke leader stepped forward and assessed the group. 
“It has come to my attention that you have stolen our shipment of spice,” he said. “Return it to us, and we will consider this issue resolved.”
“Not sure what he’s been telling you, but we don’t have any spice,” Cid shrugged. Specter scowled in her direction, knowing the Pykes would be smarter than to just take her word.
“Kill them all,” the leader ordered. Specter hated being right sometimes.
“Wait,” Hunter interjected, standing in front of Specter and Omega. “We don’t have the spice on us, but we know where it is,” he explained. 
“My patience is wearing thin. If you know where the spice is, then you should have no problem retrieving it. Until you do, the child stays here,” the leader said. Immediately, the Batch drew their weapons and took aim.
“Not happening,” Hunter growled. They would not let her be taken from them again. 
“You misunderstand. This is not a negotiation,” the Pyke argued. Cid looked between the two groups.
“If I may,” she excused, looking to ease the tension and turning to the Batch, “you all don’t realize who you’re dealing with. If you don’t lower your blasters, we’re all gonna wish we were dead. Let me handle this.” Specter sighed and bowed her head, gently pushing Hunter’s blaster down.
“Let me stay with Omega. I’m sure they’ll welcome one more hostage,” she offered, glaring at the Pykes and Roland. The boys and Omega protested until Hunter motioned for them to quiet down.
“Specter, are you absolutely sure?” he asked her, gazing fiercely into her eyes. 
“I’m sure. I can keep Omega safe even with cuffs. And on the plus side, I don’t have to deal with the bugs!” she promised, trying to add a reassuring smile. 
“Actually, they are insects, not bugs,” Tech added. Specter’s smile dropped into another glare. Hunter sighed but nodded nonetheless. Omega reached up for her hand, giving a small squeeze. Cid patted her shoulder before turning back to the Pykes.
“We can’t leave Omega and Specter with them,” Wrecker protested. Hunter wanted to argue and say that they both would be fine, but he couldn’t help but worry for them.
“We don’t have a choice, but we know where the spice is,” Cid continued leading the group back to the Marauder. “We’ll return it, the kid will be fine, and we’ll get Shorty back.”
“The ptero-creatures we encountered in the cavern are Irlings,” Tech read off his data-pad. “They are nocturnal insects with visual sensitivity to thermal registers. Our best chance is to strike before nightfall.”
“Muscles and I will rappel down into the cavern and locate the crates,” Cid mapped out. “I got the kid into this mess, and I’ll get her out.” Echo watched as Hunter turned to look back the way they came. 
“She’ll be fine, Hunter,” Echo said after the others had boarded.
“I was thinking more about-”
“Specter. I know. That’s how I know she’ll be fine, and so will Omega,” Echo reassured. “Those two are special. They’ll be able to adjust and keep their cool.”
“I know. But maybe I should have stayed with Omega,” Hunter sighed.
“No.” Echo’s refusal caught him off guard. “Given the circumstances, I think she’s exactly where she needs to be, and so are you. You need to trust her and trust yourself.” Hunter looked at him now, smiling in appreciation.
“You’re right. Come on, let’s get this job done.”
Specter carefully watched as the guards walked away, making sure they didn’t see as she started to fiddle with the binders behind her back.
“Don’t try it,” Roland said, noticing Omega eyeing the pliers. “They’ll kill you. If your friends don’t return the spice, we’re all dead,” he warned. “That’s what happens when you meddle in other people’s business.”
“Us?” Omega questioned incredulously. “You’re the one who took Cid’s parlor from her.”
“‘You take what you want’. Isn’t that what you Durands always say?” Specter interjected, still assessing her cuffs. 
“How did you-?”
“I did my research, and I’m a fast reader,” she interrupted Roland, glaring at him now. He scoffed and leaned back onto the table.
“Yes. It’s a tactic my mother has perfected.”
“Aww, so you’re a ‘mama’s boy’,” Specter teased, adjusting her hands. 
“So, she’s a criminal too?” Omega asked. Roland deflated.
“Ugh. You make it sound so undignified,” he complained before ruefully chuckling. “If she saw me now…”
Specter almost felt bad, but his entitlement got them into this mess, so she’d save her pity for someone else. Perhaps for his mother, for having an incompetent and foolish son.
No, that’s too mean, Specter shook her head. Roland’s pet—Ruby—came around, chittering and purring as it climbed happily into Omega’s lap. He sighed.
“Ruby doesn’t take a liking to many people.”
“Don’t worry, Ruby. We’ll get out of this,” Omega whispered, petting her scales. Specter knew she was trying to hide it, but Omega still looked like a scared young girl; she knew she couldn’t make any promises that they would get out alive, but she trusted Hunter and her team.
“What about you?” Roland asked her, angling himself to face Specter now. “What are you doing with them?” They all hushed and waited for the guard to pass. 
“What’s it to you?” she bit back.
“I just thought that with your skill-”
“My skill? You hardly know me!”
“Just,” Roland gestured for her to hear him out, “I can offer you a position; one with real security compared to… all this.”
“How cute,” she tilted her head. Omega looked nervously between them. “I’m sure mummy will be so happy to see you’ve brought a girl home after such a fantastic failure,” Specter sarcastically remarked in a sing-song voice before suddenly leaning close. 
“Listen very carefully; I am a soldier. I’ve fought and killed, and if it’s to protect my kid, my team, or myself, I will gladly do it again. That includes, but is not limited to, you. Don’t think that just because the Pykes are the ones holding us hostage that you are out of the water. You’re still sinking, and I dearly hope you can swim,” she threatened. Roland turned a paler shade of green, watching as she brought her uncuffed hands up.
“You got that, Roland?” Omega asked with a smirk. He went to bare his teeth at the girl’s remark, but Specter’s threat still rang loud and clear: he refrained and simply sat back. The girls turned their backs to him. “How’d you get out of the cuffs? Can you get me out?” 
“Not unless you want to dislocate your thumb,” Specter grimaced. “This is just a precaution, hun. I don’t want to take any chances, even if they do get what they want.” She quickly sat back and hid her hands behind her back, acting as though she was still cuffed when a guard came around. Specter made sure not to squirm under his scrutinous gaze. The trio stayed quiet until the Pykes returned, several minutes later.
“It seems that Cid and your team were successful in retrieving my property. Get up,” the leader ordered. Omega sighed with relief, but Specter would only be satisfied once the deal came through. 
The last lights of day painted the skies by the time the group made it to the port; Specter let out a breath and let herself relax when the Marauder touched down and the rest of the team stepped out to unload the crates. A guard unlocked Omega’s binders and went to unlock Specter’s, but she revealed she had already slipped out, much to his dismay. She held Omega close to her and watched as Hunter helped unload another crate. He spared them a glance to see if they were alright—Specter nodded in confirmation and reassurance.
They watched as one of the Pyke guards inspected the cargo, nodding to his leader and handing him a pack.
“Since the spice has been returned, the matter between us is resolved. But not with you,” he pulled out a blade and turned to aim it at Roland. Ruby squealed in Omega’s arms as a guard pushed her and Specter back toward their group. Hunter placed a hand on Omega’s shoulder while Specter went to stand by Wrecker.
The Pyke leader motioned for Roland to kneel before a box, forcing his head down and raising the blade, ready to strike.
“Don’t!” Omega cried out, stepping forward. “He made a mistake. That’s all.”
“She’s right,” Cid went to join her. “Kill him, and you’ll be starting a war with Isa Durand. Do you want that heat right now? Call this a bad deal and walk away,” she advised. 
“We do not accept bad deals,” the Pyke said. Roland struggled under his grip. Specter gasped as the blade went down and cut off a horn and he cried out in pain, falling back and clutching his head. “Our business is finished.” And just like that, the Pykes walked away with their spice. Omega approached Roland as he sat up.
“Are you okay?” she asked, stern but concerned. 
“It’s a small price to pay,” he sighed, defeated. Hunter and Specter went to stand by the girl as she handed Ruby back to her rightful owner. He gave Specter one last look; her eyes narrowed just a bit, the silver fleck within them turned to hardened steel. “I’ll be going now.” He, too, turned and left. 
“Come on, boys. First round’s on me,” Cid offered, breaking the silence. 
“You owe us way more than that,” Wrecker scoffed before he, Tech, and Echo raced back to the parlor. 
“Don’t push your luck,” Cid teased, following the three. Hunter, again, placed a hand on Omega’s shoulder.
“Why did you… stick up for him? After what he did?” he asked. Specter was curious to hear her answer too.
“I don’t know,” Omega admitted with a shake of her head. “Ruby likes him. Maybe he’s not all bad.” Hunter smiled and let her go follow the others before turning to Specter.
“And what about you? What’s your take on him?” 
She hesitated to answer, thinking of how she could possibly explain. Roland was an interesting character, unlike anyone she had met before.
“I think that maybe Omega’s right.” Hunter cocked his head to the side, waiting for her to explain. “‘Maybe he’s not all bad’. He’s seeking approval; he wants somewhere to belong,” she said before scoffing to herself. “You know he offered me a… a position.”
“Oh, don’t you worry. My place is here, I’m exactly where I need to be,” she smiled at him now. “Come on, let’s not let the boys drink up the entire bar.”
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primsgirl89 · 4 months
So I watched Hazbin Hotel and I was enraptured by it all. I thought my favorite character was gonna be Angel Dust, but the single moment Lucifer came on and sang, Goodbess Gracious!
Never before had I thought of any character as a DILF but Lucifer 🤤
Now I as I am apparently known for is giving good ideas for fics, sometimes writing them and then never finishing them. I do have an idea for a LuciferxOFC. I will give it in a moment, but I do want to get something out of the way first. If you would like to take this up but don’t want to exclude me in anyway, I won’t mind doing a role play as my own character with you and use that in your story.
Lucifer thought all sinners were destructive and distasteful. We know that. So what if on the day of the first episode a girl who was held captive all her life committed a sin? Being forced to do drugs, sex, and anything that didn’t invoke hurting or killing another human.
As much as she was innocent in the way that mattered, not using her freewill to do these acts, the fact is Sera didn’t want her around. Sera believed she had enough free will to stop it all before she allowed the other humans to kill her.
Now sent to Hell, directly in front of the Hotel after the angel raid, the human sat in front of the doors. Angel Dust is the one to open the door to leave for work, when she fell into his legs. Angel took her by her ratty dress and plopped the panicking sinner in front of Charlie.
Charlie having reassured the new sinner she would help her however she could. She even went as far as to name the sinner Apple Ruby.
“Well, what do you like?”
“Ruby red apples…”
“Ooohhh,” a huge excited smile split Charlie’s face, “why don’t we call you Apple Ruby?”
From then on, Apple (only Charlie calls her Apple as everyone else calls her Ruby) clings behind Charlie until she followed A cat around the hotel the day Lucifer comes after Charlie asks for help. Usually, she was very attentive to her surroundings, but she got comfortable with everyone who was around the hotel enough to allow her guard to go down. Chasing KeeKee trying to get her glove back from the playful cat, she bumped into the back of Lucifer’s legs with her head.
When he would turn around to look at the smallest sinner he has seen, she began to shake so much in fear of a new male in her space. So frightened she ran to hide behind Charlie, who was still hugging her father. She only came up to Charlie’s shoulder he would notice.
“Awe, I forgot to tell you my father was coming Apple. I’m so sorry.”
“Apple?” -Lucifer
“Oh, she didn’t know her own name when she came to Hell, so we gave her the name Apple Ruby since she loves Ruby red apples.”
“Why is she cowering?”
“I don’t really know..”
Angel Dust would make it known she was terrified of Lucifer since she didn’t know him. “If you wanted to hang around more to get her to not-“
“No. I don’t want Apple feeling like she is being forced to make friends with someone she is terrified with. She isn’t like normal sinners, she is so quiet and meek, refusing to do anything that is considered bad.”
Lucifer would create a sweet red apple from his hands before offering it to the hidden sinner. He would notice he is taller than her by a few inches.“I don’t mind, especially since if I am going to support your dream, then I should try to be around more sinners.”
Over time, Ruby became less terrified of Lucifer. Often asking Charlie everyday if her dad was coming, frustrating her a bit with the repetitive question that she just gave her father’s cell number to the small sinner. The relationship between Ruby and Lucifer grew to the point she was visiting Morningstar Manor to play with the rubber ducks Lucifer had created, as well as play with Lucifer himself.
Lucifer’s depression slowly subsided with Ruby’s presence and quiet nature that he began to feel more like his old self.
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fanbun · 8 months
Time for me to talk about Hazbin Hotel now that season 1 has ended!
I’d like to start off by saying I enjoyed watching the show. It is a visual delight that introduces some much-needed variety to the western adult animation space. Charlie and Vaggie as main characters hooked me even way back when I watched the pilot on YouTube. And although many of the songs caught me off guard in the episodes themselves, I kept going back to listen to them for days afterward.
But in all honesty, when it comes to writing, season 1 is a structural mess that wants to do as much as it can in 8 episodes rather than narrow its focus to what is most important for a first season. Yes, of course this is subjective to an extent, but the lightning-fast pacing the show quickly adopts is a common complaint even among the most hardcore fans. It is glaringly obvious that major plot points and character development are rushed because Vivienne did not want to compromise her vision to fit neatly into the number of episodes given to her.
Sure, I agree that 8 episodes a season shouldn’t be the norm but I don’t think the quality of a show is doomed to suffer because of that. Choices were made by the writers to include characters and scenes that could have easily been saved for a later date or even cut entirely. Season 1 didn’t even have to end with a climactic battle between heaven and hell, as first seasons are usually meant to introduce characters and provoke further intrigue that can be expanded upon later. But as it turns out the almighty cool factor demanded a war to end season 1 and that’s what we got.
This is something I’ve noticed often while watching Hazbin. The spectacle of engaging designs, captivating animation sequences and catchy songs quite literally steal the show. This “cool factor” will almost make you forget that many of the main characters have hardly spoken to each other outside of a few brief jokes here and there.
Hazbin wants to be cool and it wants to have an expansive cast of characters to make the world-building feel fleshed out. But this doesn’t exactly work when we’ve hardly gotten to know a character before moving on to the next one who seems far less relevant to the main selling point of the hotel that the first season is SUPPOSED to be establishing.
And here’s where a HUGE issue with the pacing comes in and that’s how fast we see sinners at the hotel get better. It doesn’t feel like 6 months have passed in the show since there is barely an indication of the passage of time, and we also don’t get to see much struggle to change from those staying at the hotel. Both Sir Pentious and Angel Dust are given their own character development episodes, but in my opinion a single episode for each is not enough to feel like the development was realistic and earned. Directly afterward we see them immediately improved and acting as if they have become close family with those staying at the hotel.
It was jarring to watch since I felt like I was missing the context for when all of the characters bonded to the extent of being that close. The only characters I saw bonding in a way that felt real were Angel Dust and Husk, and even though episode 4 was terrific for showing Angel’s struggles and how the hotel serves as his support network, it made me desperately crave more genuine moments like it.
I especially wanted more genuine moments between Charlie and Vaggie since they experienced an upset in their relationship towards the tail end of the season. And unfortunately the last two episodes didn’t satisfy me since the two talked more with other characters I wasn’t interested in than with each other. It’s a shame that Alastor often steals their spotlight, and from what I’ve heard season 2 is going to be more about Alastor and the Vees too. This worries me, as it seems Vivienne is showing favoritism for the supporting cast over the main characters.
Still, I will definitely be checking out season 2 when it’s released to see if there have been any improvements. And even if there aren’t, it’ll be a fun show to turn my brain off to. I see the show’s existence as a net positive for the animation industry despite the issues I have with it.
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ffxiv-f13ndish · 1 month
return to sender (and deliver) Collab. drabble w/ @ro-valerius [Tofu] !
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Virgil hadn’t put much thought into how strange it may be that he was going to go visit Tofu. He wasn’t necessarily close to Tofu, and perhaps could even scarcely say they are friends. Nevertheless, a few days after Virgil had heard of Tofu’s state following the pirate ventures, the elezen was knocking at the door of the Flower house with intentions to see how he was doing. 
“Might I come in? There is something I insist on bringing to Tofu,” he said when the front door finally opened. Virgil held up a basket. “And I brought bread.” 
Blomma blinked in surprise at their guest, and her confusion grew as he spoke. She hadn’t been under the impression that Tofu and Virgil got on, let alone that Virgil would go through the trouble of a journey to see Tofu. She tilted her head, but opened the door wider for him to enter, her brow still knitted together. 
“R-right, sure thing. Thanks…?” she managed in her confusion.
Virgil said nothing as he entered and walked past Blomma. He set a wrapped up parcel on the counter. 
“Sourdough. Break it, if you will. Or butter. Whichever,” he blandly explained before walking off to look for where Tofu was staying. 
“St-straight on from the stairs, through the first door, then the second door on the right,” Blomma called after him as she stared at the bread in confusion.
Virgil continued on as instructed. He reached out to knock on said door, only for it to open before his hand could make contact.
Miyu nearly jumped several feet back. 
Virgil gave them a blank look, then squeezed past them to step inside.
“Yeah, that’s fine, you can come in – how nice of you to ask,” Miyu called out sarcastically. Rather than stepping out, they leaned up against the wall to monitor as Virgil went to approach Tofu. 
At Miyu’s response to the visitor, Tofu looked over to see Virgil. He furrowed his brow, but pushed himself to sit up regardless, wincing heavily as he did so. 
“You…are the last visitor I would have expected,” he managed, offering a tense but well meaning smile.
“It is not a very long waitlist. I was certain that you were aware of the fact that outside of your family, you don’t have many who would venture to visit you to see your condition. At least… not many with the best intentions. I presume it’s fair to say I am not the last person you expect to see,” Virgil frankly responded. From the corner of his eye, he noticed the aggravated flicking of a tail, but paid no attention to it. “Albeit, I’ll admit that this is something beyond my comfort zone. But considering the severity of your condition, it mayhaps would be unwise to be the last person to visit.” 
Virgil’s eyes narrowed a fraction as he examined Tofu. He stepped a bit closer to the foot of the bed.
“You look terrible. And this is after healing magics have been utilized, hm?”
Tofu looked away sheepishly. "I suppose there's no waitlist at all, huh?" he murmured before clearing his throat. "Healing magic, uh… doesn't go well with me so…" 
As if on cue, a slight pain flared up briefly, bringing a slight wince across his features as he pressed a hand to his chest; it wasn't bad this time, but the small episodes were generally a prelude to a bigger one on the horizon. He certainly hoped Virgil concluded his business before then… The elezen was the last non-enemy person he wanted to witness the extent of his condition. 
“I’m aware. But with the extent of your injuries, I presumed that some sacrifices were made.” Tofu’s grimace wasn’t missed by him, nor was it for Miyu. Virgil heard hasty footsteps behind him out the door as Miyu went to retrieve something. 
“Your guards are gone. Briefly, I presume. Do you intend on doing anything foolish?” Virgil spoke dryly, despite how he was only making a light jest. He opened up the basket, taking out what appeared to be a target, with several darts affixed to it in a small baggy.
“If you do survive this, don’t let it be that your skills rot in lieu of your body. Hang this up in here, and perhaps you can still proceed with some form of training while you are bound to bed rest,” Virgil suggested, placing the board down for Tofu to look over. 
“You think me so weak that a simple scratch is enough to undo me?” Tofu remarked flatly, turning his gaze away almost carelessly. “I’ve had worse and survived, though your concern is…surprising, and appreciated?” 
His words were immediately undermined by a more intense flare up. He clamped one hand over his mouth to minimize the amount of blood that hit the blankets, but several drying spots indicated this was not the first episode of the day, nor would it be the last. His other gripped the fabric of his shirt over his chest tightly. He had managed to bite back a cry of pain this time, though his breaths still came out ragged as he tried and failed to not react to the intense pain. After it subsided, he cracked a weak smile at Virgil. 
“Let’s…keep that one between us, yeah?” he said sheepishly as he grabbed an already bloodied rag off the edge of the bed, beside the pillows, making sure to wipe as much blood off his hand and face as he could before Miyu returned. 
Virgil’s expression didn’t shift, though he gave a little tilt of his head and leaned down to get a closer look at Tofu as a more severe episode took hold of him.
“Not nearly so. But recognition of magic applied to others is among one of the more rudimentary principles for casters,” Virgil matter-of-factly responded. He eyed the bloodied rag, noting all the splotches of both fresh and old blood. “But if there was a chance of someone to get you now… scratch or not… that would be enough to undo you. You are not invincible, and it's foolish to act as such. Do carry on as you wish, but to whom does your behavior benefit? Because it's not you.” 
Virgil’s head tilted in the other direction, a nondescript hum sounding from him.
“I have no intention to. They’ll all see this again anyways. Your efforts to hide it are, frankly, a waste of energy. You have people eager to help you, I suggest accepting it in your condition.”
“I-it’s not to hide it, or to not accept help. I just…want to minimize the worry, at least a little, or as much as I can,” Tofu said softly, nearly a whisper, though he still didn��t look over at Virgil.
“Nonsense. People who love will worry either way. If that is really your goal, you’d break it off now and go far away,” Virgil remarked rather coldly. “If anything, your feats to protect all of them at the expense of your own being could perhaps even be cruel. And you care for them, so you should drop it, save if you are to leave.”
Tofu’s hands clenched into fists in his lap, tightening at each word. 
“I just need to be stronger. Just need to be faster, so that I can protect them better… If I run away, I can’t protect them. I am looking for a balance between protecting them and minimizing their worry,” he said, jaw tense. “But right now, I’m not strong enough. I need to be better.”
Virgil grabbed Tofu by the collar, shaking him as he pulled him up closer. Tofu winced as the motion jostled his injury.
“I am dying, Tofu. Rotting. My being rips apart day by day in increments. For the sake of becoming better. Is that what you wish to do? Because you will be just like me. Look at me and see what your future will be,” he hissed into Tofu’s face. “I-”
Virgil was cut off as something hard and cold smacked his cheek. 
“What in hells is wrong with you? Back up now,” Miyu snarled, already flinging another ice cube from the bowl in Virgil’s direction. 
With a narrow of his eyes, Virgil let go and took a step back. Miyu briskly walked over, squeezing in between Virgil and Tofu. 
“Mere chatter. I was just about to leave.”
"Wait, before you go…" Tofu picked up the small bell Ro had left on the pillow he wasn't using and rang it almost gently. With a flurry of sparks and a flash of bright light, Daen Lad twirled into the space between Tofu and Virgil. 
"Oh, ew, the stinky aether man is here-"
"Don't start, Daen Lad, please. Can I ask you to retrieve what I had you hold for me?" Tofu asked, his tone more patient than Virgil probably deserved. 
Daen Lad huffed and crossed their arms, stubbornly turning away from Virgil and snapping their fingers before returning to their crossed arms stance. A book dropped into Tofu's waiting hands. He lifted the book slightly, then looked at Virgil with an even gaze, holding out the book properly. 
"I'll take your words into consideration. Rest assured I do not intend to go so far as to fall apart or lose myself in the process. It is a simple matter of training, nothing extreme. I, uh, didn't plan to give this back, but… Something in you has shifted. It led you here, in this moment, with no ill intent. So…sorry for lying about it being gone," he said, his expression neutral with a bit of softness around his eyes. 
Virgil shot Tofu a pointed look when his book appeared.
“Procured straight from the fireplace, hm?” Virgil grumbled, unenthused. He gave a curt nod at Tofu’s words, also taking them into consideration. Virgil tucked his book into an inner pocket of his jacket and turned to leave. Daen Lad stuck their tongue out at Virgil before twirling and disappearing in a shower of lights.
"Understand, you were a threat until things got hectic," Tofu said evenly. 
“I am aware. Your biggest threat right now is yourself,” Virgil dryly joked back in response.
Miyu only stared, uncertain if he was joking, and not just egging Tofu on more. They reluctantly sat down beside Tofu, wetting a cold rag and holding it to the side of his neck to cool him down as they continued to side eye Virgil.
“Well, I’ll be off. Good luck caring for your ward, you will need it,” Virgil called out over his shoulder as he exited.
"See ya, do try to stay out of any more chests, yeah?" Tofu called back, going with the poorly indicated jest.
Miyu stared in confusion. 
“That… that was weird, right?” Miyu mumbled, briefly questioning if they were going insane while they dampened the rag again before they dabbed it against Tofu’s temple. “So what was that all about?” 
Tofu shrugged. "Weird that he came to see me, yeah. Maybe he started to suspect that I still had his book after all?" he said with a tilt of his head. "After all, he had a point. There's not exactly a waitlist to check on me." 
“Or maybe he has a little crush on you now, and he’s just being a weirdo about it. Either way, I hope applications are closed,” Miyu grumbled. Tofu rolled his eyes and shook his head at the thought.
A faint scowl formed across their features as the words of Tofu’s last statement sunk in. With their free hand, they gently tilted his face in their direction with a single finger. 
“Not everyone has the fortune of seeing a rare gem. That is what makes it a treasure. Part of what makes you a treasure,” they insisted, sternly. Their stare held, only to be interrupted upon a glimpse of speckles of blood on Tofu’s shirt. Their hand lowered, smoothing out the shirt as they examined it to see if it was really fresh blood. 
Tofu didn't have time to blush before he realized they had noticed the blood. There was a soft 'ah, fuck' as he looked away again before he plastered a smile on his face and brought his eyes back to them 
"It wasn't that bad," he murmured gently.
Miyu brushed their fingertips against his cheek. 
“I’m sorry. I should have been faster to help,” they quietly apologized with a kiss to his temple. They reached out for the nearby talismans they had retrieved in preparation, in case another swell came. There was a pause, Miyu freezing as a memory of healing following the events on the ship struck them. 
“It’s fine, it’s far from the worst condition I’ve ever been in,” he said, his smile taking on a more soft edge. 
He couldn’t tell what they were thinking, just that they were distressed about it, and did the only thing he could think to do; he placed his hand on their far cheek and gently leaned them towards him so that he could place his lips softly on their forehead. The motion still felt foreign to him, but he wanted to start trying, for Miyu, and for Kore, to return their affections.
Miyu’s eyes softened, their tense limbs relaxing as they leaned in towards him. A faint smile tugged at their lips.
“Hey. It’s my job to distract you, not the other way around.”
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Shadow Puppets AU - The Last Grimwalker lore dump
-Because Grimwalkers take so long to mature, Belos usually had two or three growing at various intervals to account and prepare for their potential betrayals, sometimes bringing the new one in before the previous one needed to be replaced, but always having a few back ups ready within a few years. -This was also an effective method for situations where the Grimwalkers were defective, such has coming out with withered limbs, rotting flesh or missing organs. -Belos normally killed defective Grimwalkers immediately in attempt to salvage the resources used to create them -Hunter is technically a defective Grimwalker, one who came out much too young (roughly ten or eleven as opposed to an adult as the others had) -Much to Astrophel’s surprise and confusion, Belos took him in and left the cavern without planting another, even remarking that the boy would be the last Grimwalker and leaving the others to die. -Hunter is the first and only Grimwalker that Belos has ever seen as an individual and not just pale facsimile of his brother, which is ironic since it was Hunter’s remarkable resemblance to Caleb that stayed his hand -Or perhaps, not so ironic, since Belos legitimately sees Hunter as his nephew, the son that Caleb might have had if not for him. -Belos still lies to Hunter about his origin and even still uses “the Titan has big plans for you” to keep Hunter close, but in the Shadow Puppets AU Belos’s endgame changes after Hunter’s “birth” and not even Astrophel knows about his change of plans for the Day of Unity -Although Hunter was granted the position of Golden Guard at age 14, Belos never intended for him to join the Emperor’s Coven and Hunter got his sigil behind his Uncle’s back. The discovery that Hunter has a sigil caused Belos to noticeably freak out  resulting in one the worst episodes he’s ever had with his curse since becoming Emperor -Belos started looking into the techniques to remove Sigils shortly after, claiming that he was simply following a command from the Titan to ensure that a Witch who was not thriving in their branded Coven could be moved to one more suitable to their talents. -And as Kikimora would unfortunately discover, making attempts on the lives of your rivals to advance in rank may be passable most of the time (as it justifies Philip’s deep-seated belief that witches and demons are barbaric), but harming the Emperor’s beloved Nephew just slams his berserk button. -The Grimwalkers don’t exactly inherit Caleb’s memories, but all had certain intuitions when it came to Belos that stem from being clones of his older brother; the most notable being an innate desire to care for Belos, which sometimes ends up being a little embarrassing for the Emperor in Hunter’s era when his “nephew” keeps trying to parent him. Another is that the name ‘Philip’ feels very familiar and right when Astrophel accidentally slips up and calls Belos by the wrong name in front of him -Hunter and the other Grimwalkers were all born being able to see Astrophel because they are clones of Caleb and Caleb had touched the tablet  -Belos frequently has to tell his nephew to quit worrying about him and remind him that he should be the one taking care of Hunter, not the other way around. -Although, Belos’s curse has been acting up more and more the closer they get to Day of Unity, causing him to need more Palismen to make it through the days, and with the recent over harvesting of Palistrom wood, Hunter probably is very right to be concerned
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chibivesicle · 1 year
The woes of running a secret organization; Steven’s burden and complex partnership with K.K.
It is time for some manga meta for Kekkai Sensen!  Yes, we will be delving into manga only content through Back 2 Back and the Calamity Auction arc.  Anyone who has been reading my meta since Golden Kamuy means I have a love of certain types of characters and Steven and K.K. really fall into that type.
I’m really interested to delve into Steven first and then K. K. (in a later post) but she’ll be in this one for sure because K. K. is intimately tied to Steven all the time in the manga (and I don’t mean in a sexual sort of way).
My previous Steven meta was only based on the anime for the most part and up through episode 7 of season 2.  Which really is more stuff from what should have happened before events of season 1.  Yet, I digress.  I’ve already put out there that Steven has an immense sadness about him in part with how he’s alone and has been making life choices to keep himself alone.
One should always be concerned if this is how you encounter him in the dead of night.
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Steven is the ice cold pragmatist to Klaus’ fire filled idealism.  Certainly, one always needs to look for that single flicker of light but Klaus can state this openly since someone else is in the dark corners trying to make sure it happens.  That being Steven.
Kekkai Sensen characterization and moral conflict scenes
Early on when Steven and K. K. take on the first named Blood Breed in the 23rd Street Station, K. K. gives him absolute shit for being with such a black hearted man.  This implies that K. K. is knowledgeable or bold enough to verbally acknowledge that Steven doesn’t always do things above the board.  Which likely means that Klaus has to know this as well on some level.  Klaus isn’t naive, he’s more compassionate than most but will still crush you if you are inhumane. 
Early on, Steven is set up as the deadpan snarker, with a quick quip or sarcastic comment.  He loves his coffee and can get seriously hangry (where is my subway sandwich?) and does a lot of boring paperwork that no one else does. 
We learn that in ‘Day In Day Out’ about his swanky condo, sophisticated, educated circle of human friends.  Who aren’t really good friends.
It says a lot that he’s got Mrs. Veded as his Beyondian housekeeper with whom he is relaxed and chill with.  He even appreciates her roast beef enough to smile softly commenting on it. 
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We also get to see how his relaxed clothing is a white dress shirt, dark pants and slippers.  Not only is he in his own home, but Steven is always on guard when out and about.  It took me a few reads of this to notice that the manga showing his slippers indicates that he is safe with her.  He’s not wearing his special Esmeralda Blood Freeze shoes.
I am always a sucker for domestic scenes and love the one with him chopping and cooking with Mrs. Veded for his party.  The first person to arrive is Ellen with her new boyfriend/male fling/something.
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Steven is blushing hardcore as he smiles at first.  I think it is pretty clear that they were involved romantically at some point in time previously.  This is backed up by the next page.  They hug while the other guy is just standing there and Ellen even tells Veded that her tentacles look great which is like your hair looks great.  I think.  She then finally introduces her date.
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That is totally a sort of, yeah here was my past fling current date vibe there.  The other guests then start to arrive.  Everyone seems to know that Steven is overworked and they joke about helping him to party more.
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What is most telling though is when he approaches Veded.  We can see that his shoes are his work shoes.  If he felt okay with the guests, than he’d perhaps wear non-vampire hunting shoes, but he’s got them on.
He thanks Veded for her help and makes it very very clear that she’s done for the night.  Only after she leaves does he get a severe expression and tells himself to get things started.
There are almost two pages of all the guests at the dinner party talking to each other in groups while Steven is - completely absent.  We only see him when he volunteers to get beer for a few people who are out from the kitchen.  When his back is turned to them, they all draw their bioweapons on him and it becomes awkward as they request that he come with them or else.  They lay down their job to capture him as a key member of Libra and he at first tries to jest with them.
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His snark is on full force when he thanks them for not killing him violently and destroying his place.  But even more so that if they wasted that precious Veded roast beef.  If Steven cares about you - he really takes anything related to you seriously.  Was that roast beef made with care and attention?  Yes, thus, the roast beef is to be protected!
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The entire group is frozen by his Needles of Absolute Zero attack and then he proceeds to tell them how they blew it.  The manga takes it even further with more examples of his observations of various people.  His comment about Ellen’s perfume continues the idea that they had been involved when he tells her, that she was previously worried about it being too strong.  You’d have to be up close and personal for someone to worry enough about if your perfume is too strong for them. 
They of course think that Steven has Libra do his dirty work but that is not the case, he reveals to them that he’s got his own squad to deal with threats like this - ones that can impact key members of Libra, like himself and eliminate them before they get to the rest of the team.  Their job is to maintain balance and Steven will maintain that balance.
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Steven is also bold enough to reveal that Klaus wouldn’t condone what is about to happen to them with his personal crew but that being interrogated is not going to be good.
He leaves his subordinate to clean things up while he goes out for fresh air with a look of utter defeat and sadness.  The man can’t even have a dinner party without people wanting to kidnap/torture/kill him.  Fun times.  The fact that he goes out alone and then thinks back to the friends he froze and sent off for intel purposes.  That has got to suck on so many levels, but what would you do? Let them kill you? Use you to hurt your friends and colleagues and disrupt that balance?
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His entire lambasting of himself for having too much fun and being normal is sad and pathetic in the worst way possible.  He can’t have any happiness or friends with his job.
Which is why when Veded stops by to check in on him with the party already being over it is so heart warming. He gets to thank her properly.  Technically, his party was a complete failure but she was great.  He also is polite and friendly with her kids.  How many times do humans in Kekkai Sensen act totally normal with Beyondians besides Leo that we see?
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This entire interaction between Steven and Veded’s family and the cat shows that he’s someone who cares about all of the residents of HL and wants to protect all of them.  He also gives thanks and means it, not some sort of lip service.  Other than Leo, the only other character who has totally normal actions with Beyondians on a regular basis is Klaus, but Klaus is the ultimate example of this.  This is also before Zed joined their team so the current Libra line up lacked a full non-human.
Another aspect of Steven that is established very early on in volume 1 is how he will act when someone acts against Libra.  In this case, it is when Leo was kidnapped. 
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He is organizing the entire team to rescue Leo to make it clear that whatever you do, Libra will comeback with way more force to make you suffer.  And the rest of the team doesn’t have an issue with this policy, they all follow it and operate with full force to stop the other party.  AKA, You hurt someone on my team, I will make you suffer tenfold more. 
We also get another example of Steven using any means necessary to acquire information in volume 6 about criminal activity in the city.  Including seducing a police officer and stealing a USB drive from her.  He clearly left her hot and bothered and is strolling along alone before spotting Klaus.  Whatever they were up to, he took of his jacket and tie and unbuttoned his dress shirt and things were getting heated.  Until he isn’t and he quickly makes himself presentable for the general public (which in his case is tie and jacket).
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He’s cold as he shows him the drive.  Klaus didn’t even ask him to tell him about it, and Steven isn’t cocky either.
However, this is really it for the first ten volumes.  We know he has his personal squad for dirty but necessary deeds, has definitely used his sex appeal to his advantage and is very protective of those he cares about.
The story continues on with Kekkai Sensen Back 2 Back for another ten volumes.
Kekkai Sensen Back 2 Back increases the stakes for Steven’s actions
We get the return of Steven’s personal clean up squad, who also get some more fleshed out information than just being giant thugs.
The background is made clear, for two weeks, Klaus is traveling around the world for Libra business with Gilbert and K. K.  That’s right, Steven’s most frequent partner is out of the country.
We learn that Zapp and Zed are in the hospital after being seriously injured by a foe they barely escaped.  This indirectly tells us that someone is out there targeting Libra while Klaus, K.K. and Gilbert are away.  This means that Steven is in charge.
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Patrick really hammers this home for the reading making it obvious that this was not normal and we get this guy named Garrett introduced.  He decides to purchase something crazy dangerous and Patrick is concerned about giving him something so powerful.
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But in the end, he heads out (notice the number of deadbolts on that door!).
Of course this random guy named Garrett is immediately drawn in such a way that we are suspicious of him.  He looks like he’s just walking calmly away but then we see his face shaded in darkness.  He’s got an agenda for sure.
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Obvious suspicious character warning 101 right here.  He proceeds to go into a diner.  A lithe individual with a baseball cap and glasses sits down next to him and does something super fast to connect to the man’s phone.  The mysterious team gain critical information and decide it is time to contact “Frost”.  I’m sorry Steven, but pick a better code name  9_9 . 
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They speak simply in fear of someone else overhearing them and we can only think who will be woken up.  As in these individuals aren’t free to do their own things and have a specific job.
Garrett drives to an abandoned alleyway and arrives at his meeting place.  Only to find Steven alone.  He at first seems concerned and when he realizes it is Steven his eyes fly open in shock.
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We see a very closed off and cold Steven.  He’s still slouching but subdued and not looking up either.  He is incredibly calm as he addresses Garrett making it clear that the jig is up and Garrett should give up.
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Of course, those who he was working with appear.  It is the woman from before directly addressing him for figuring out that they’d infiltrated Libra.  Thus, Steven is also using himself as bait to draw out the nefarious party.  However, he makes it clear that Steven’s behavior is one where he lacks trust in them.
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I would think that it is less about Steven not trusting them, but more that it is his job to protect them from having to deal with this.  Or that he feels that it is his job to protect the rest of the team from this dirty work.  Additionally, Steven wants to punish those who hurt his teammates. Way back in chapter 4, Steven made it clear if someone fucks with Libra they will respond in kind.  Of course he hasn’t changed how he feels about these sorts of things since he first appeared in volume 1.  She seriously injured Zed and Zapp and Steven is not going to let her forget about that.
His squad is able to pin down the tricky tentacle monster and he asks if they are going to kill her or not.  Yet, it seems that she might be in trouble having tussled with them even if they try to get information out of her.  Steven maintains a straight face at Garrett looks concerned.
The expression from Steven where he looks dumbfounded that Garrett is assuming that he’s a cold-blooded man seeing all beings as disposable which is harsh.  However, he does add that what will happen to her isn’t going to be pleasant.  Intelligence seems sexy when you think of James Bond movies and Spy x Family, but so much of it represents an incredibly dark side of human nature.  Think more along the lines of Tinker Tailor Solider Spy.  Focusing on the lack of humanity demonstrated by the agents and the KGB and what snippets we get today from US intelligence etc etc etc.
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What is most interesting is that Steven takes the time to explain why he’s doing what he’s doing.  Which honestly, I don’t think Garrett needs or deserves this since the context would imply that Garrett was a voluntary defector trying to take down Libra.  The fact that he was eavesdropping on Leo’s conversation with Patrick and Neyka implies that Garrett was confirming that she hurt them and likely helped her to cross paths with them.
Steven is completely business about this.  He is managing a crisis, where he has a rat who has compromised the nature of Libra.  Yes, he’s going to find out what Garrett knows methodically.
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In the face of such a terrifying thought, Garrett of course asks if this is the real Steven and throws out the obvious comparison to Klaus, upright to a fault.  This was the absolutely worst thing that he could say to Steven.  His eyes narrow and his expression becomes so awful that Garrett is shocked.
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The bottom panel shows a man who is beyond upset.  He’s sad, disappointed, angry, resigned, foul, and worn out.  Steven doesn’t want to do this.  It isn’t like he gets up in the morning wondering if he’ll get to interrogate a traitor, who already injured several of his colleagues and was going to injure more.
The action then shifts to the morning as they had limited time to act at night to capture Garrett and get to work.  Steven is outside talking with his assistant as they discuss Garrett’s words about what Klaus would think about the situation.  The assistant notes that even though Klaus would ultimately reach the same conclusion, he would have tried to take on the pain of someone like Garrett until his actions resulted in the inevitable self-destruction by his actions, likely at the hands of Libra.
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The nameless aid is trying his best to make Steven feel better.  He believes that one who is the direct aide to a leader is to keep that leader on their path by dealing with things that would distract them and prevent them from being overburdened with more responsibilities.  And here, I 100% think that Steven’s aide believes this and is how he does his job as the coordinator for Steven’s squad.
Steven ask him to confirm the statement and he makes it clear that it is the truth.  However,  the blank expression on Steven’s face tells us that he doesn’t have that sort of faith in his actions.  First, hesitant to speak and then only to say “That would be nice, but” and he never completes the statement.
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The rest of the team wants him to return since they are having a post-mission office party.  I mean, gotta keep up team morale for preventing more damage to Libra.  In the end, Steven approves a drink for the strange baby genius and we never get to learn what Steven is thinking but it is clear that he does feel guilty and doesn’t want this to be a part of his job. 
This entire chapter shows that Steven is willing to do that it takes to protect the balance, in the city, within Libra and his friends and colleagues. 
But this chapter is a teaser preview for the next time that Steven wonders what is right and necessary in a crisis. Again, when he is in charge since Klaus was arrested and he ordered Steven to take the rest of the team and escape.
The evil human eating pot broke open releasing a monstrous creature that Leo rescued and took to the hospital.  Using the All Seeing Eyes of the Gods, he determines that the horrible creature is what remains of some of the victims of the pot and the auction house wants it returned to them to put back in the pot.
What is also important to note is that most of the team are present, K. K., Zapp, Zed, Leo and Steven.  Leo reveals to the group that the ‘thing’ is human and Steven hunches over it asking if it is alive.
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The group needs to determine what to do next.  He then looks to the medical professionals for an opinion, where they aren’t sure what to do other than note, it is seriously messed up.  Steven knows that it will likely draw trouble to them or cause more so he keeps his back to them when he tells them to leave.  The flushed expression on his face and inability to see his eyes tells us that he’s thinking of how to put it out of its misery.
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He’s officially the one in charge and he’s thinking about what is the least risky thing to do.  Leo argues back that the children that were fed to it are still alive and this wasn’t their choice.  But the one who agrees with Steven is Zapp who manifests his blade and tells Leo to think rationally.  The easiest way is to prevent it from returning to the jar and completing the curse.
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Zapp is thinking that these already non-humans have to be sacrificed to prevent the worse option from happening.
However, Zed then jumps in to fight Zapp, agreeing with Leo that it isn’t their place to kill it.  What is really great about the entire scene is that no morality is black or white and the Libra team are all using slightly different ways to look at the exact same situation.  As Zed and Zapp come to blows, Luciana stops them and makes it clear that no one is fighting or killing anything in the hospital. 
Steven then asks if they can remove it from the hospital to destroy it elsewhere.  The facial expression that he has is just so - ugh - why are you trying to hold this entire burden yourself Steven?
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Yes, you are going to use the letter of the law to defeat the spirit of the law.  He looks absolutely terrible trying to think about what to do to protect everyone else.  Unlike the previous chapter with his interrogation squad and their hyper rational mindset that a second in command must do what ever it takes to support their leader, K. K. finally speaks having sat quietly in the background.  She does not mince her words, instead she acts like the brakes on his runaway train of thought.  Asking if he’s sure about it and using his full name for emphasis.  And then asking the question again implying he’d drop to the level he’s thinking about going.
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And as she asks him, she furthermore tells him that she thought he was on the same page as Klaus and his beliefs.  This causes him to snap back into the situation.  We can see that his eyes are back to being both focused and more open in shock at her direct words to him.  K. K. isn’t screaming at him or being passionate, she delivered her words calmly and directly.  And it works.  The grim unfocused expression then becomes aware and  we can see his facial expression has shifted to tense and upset.  He was literally trying to disassociate himself from the situation until K. K. drags him back from the abyss.
Now, that pause is good as it stops Steven from snowballing himself to his own personal mental hell and more guilt.  It is also bad as it has given the brutal Tycoon brothers time to arrive to steal it back.  As their vampire gate manifests above him we see the look of absolute fear on Steven’s face as he’s seriously fucked.
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With the situation spiraling out of control, it speaks to the level of trust between Steven and K. K.  The two of them immediately spring into action to give the rest of the team time to escape.  Steven’s kick is blocked and he gets tossed over K. K. who dodges him and manages to get close range shots at them.
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K. K. may have questioned Steven’s potential action but she’s still going to defend her partner.  With Steven down for a short time, K. K. orders Leo, Zapp and Zed to leave.  Zapp tries to get in on the action -
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Only for Steven to tell him to retreat.  K. K. and Steven are better equipped to fight them and they need someone to protect Leo and the escaped merged human monster from the pot.  The way that K. K. and Steven naturally stand up and next to each other shows that they know what the need to do.  Additionally, neither of them actually exchanged words.  Both of them gave orders to the rest of the group and not to each other.  This is different than our earlier K. K. and Steven scenes where Steven tries to keep them focused and K. K. complains about being teamed up with him.  They’ve fully accepted and understand how they work as a team. 
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To convince Zapp to retreat, Steven still has to tell Zapp that he needs to do so and that he trusts him enough to figure out how to make things work.  Steven is an excellent manager of people and it shows when Zapp stands down.
Of course the situation becomes dire as Steven and K. K. get seriously wounded trying to take on the brothers.  Only Leo is able to step in to mess with their vision thus allowing for both groups to retreat.
Is the fact that Steven got seriously wounded sort of karmic for thinking about destroying it?  Likely not, as K. K. also suffered the same fate.
When Leo is on the run with the child monster of the pot, it is Steven who sneaks out of the hospital with K. K. of course.  I find it adorable that he apologizes to her as though his actions are inconveniencing her and she only smiles in reply knowing that he would not be able to sit back and recover while Leo was in danger.
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K. K. knows him too well and she only can tease him that he’d have to become involved.  The humor then shifts when Steven gets to some sort of stash he has in a parking garage.  K. K. then gets to bitch at him for having a hidden change of clothing (since it is clearly a personal stash for him).  But the second panel is adorable.  We see his hand already wearing his blue shirt hold out a spare pair of pants.  And he apologizes asking if they would be okay.  Both Steven and K. K. are blushing as she accepts it.  You can see the blush under Steven’s right eye and K. K. under her left.  But that’s not all, being the gentleman that he is, he continues to change in the garage with his back to her as she puts on the pants in the car.
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He unlocks his phone and gets on the Libra network while tightening his tie.  All Libra members are to find and protect Leo.  Right after sending it, he gets a backlog of Klaus’ texts to him after he broke out of jail.  That look of absolute shock as Steven has returned to his full strict mom mode.
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That look of annoyance as he can’t get a hold of Klaus!  As the Calamity Auction arc comes to an end, the group are able to reconnect with Klaus and Leo at the shifting dimensional auction house.  As the hardworking teammates return to his aid, Klaus gives them a simple “Thank you.”
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He’s looking a little rough around the edges but had committed to protecting Leo and the inhuman-human pot victim.  The expression on Steven’s face as Klaus continues to say that he’s been waiting for them.  Interestingly, this time, when we only see Steven’s mouth and nose, we don’t need to worry about if his eyes look unfocused and burdened.  The serious expression, softens to a grin and we know that Steven is glad to have Klaus back. 
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They are best when they are all functioning as a team.  I look at it this way, Libra is the extra-governmental organization that maintains the balance of the worlds.  And within Libra itself each team member maintains balance within the organization to give the world balance.  The entire team rushed there to help Klaus so he didn’t hold the burden alone with Leo.  They are stronger as a team than as individuals.
Another great scene is in the chaotic final a battle, K. K. and Steven work together to hamper part of Curious’ personal team.  K. K. spots the monitoring spy eye.  She shoots it out preventing a remote response.
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And right after K. K. does her job, Steven steps in to finish it off after K. K.’s electrified bullets do their action.  Again, no verbal communication between these two.  They really work well together.
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Seriously, the level of understanding between them is great.
What I really liked about the whole season of Back 2 Back was how it took a lot of the moral grey area questions and pulled them front and center.  It continues to force the cast to ask themselves hard questions to which there are no correct answers to.  Instead, those questions are answered on each person’s individual morality and limits.  What actions can these people take and still sleep well at night.  What is something they cannot do.
Steven is a complex character - and therefore, likely why many readers really like him.  He isn’t someone who does questionable things because they are the most logical or rational way to act in the situation.  He’s doing them out of his role in Libra, to protect others and to maintain the balance in the big picture.  He tries to carry the burden of his actions and finds himself not convinced by the words of his own personal problem solving squad.  Which tells us that he likely wants to be able to be more like Klaus or Leo than like them. 
Steven understands worry -  I think back to the first volume where Steven sees how worried Klaus is - trying to look calm when Leo was kidnapped and then reminding himself that Klaus is tying himself in knots.  It is clear that any member of the cast can slide down that slippery slope of ‘but it was required for the cause.’  I feel like there is more to the interaction in the hospital as Zapp does not hesitate to second what Steven is thinking.  Zapp doesn’t want to do something terrible but he also thinks of the bigger picture.  Zed falls on the other side making them a two versus two.  Until K. K. steps in and calls Steven out.  It goes to show how much Steven respects K. K. and likely does not see her as someone to give orders to like Zapp, Leo or Zed and instead sees her as a peer.
Steven was clearly betrayed in the past - What I really want are Steven and K. K.’s backstories.  I think that it would really inform us of how they came to be and why both of them are so strong and stubborn at times.  I can’t help but think that Steven’s scar came from a situation where his trust was betrayed or someone in charge seriously fucked up.  He will not let that shit happen again, not with his team the only people he cares about besides his housekeeper.  And the general public at large.
K. K. is Steven’s other half - The two of them are an amazing pair.  They don’t need to speak and when they do, they are either apologizing or annoying the other one.  Yet, they totally respect each other.  Steve keeps K. K. serious and focused at times while she prevents him from digging himself into a deeper moral black hole. 
Steven is overly involved in making sure that things work and it clearly is something that he feels like he has to do or need to do.  When there might be other options.
Daniel Law leaves us off with his own personal motto, “It is my general rule to not trust anyone.” 
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Sooooo really, Steven has more faith in people than our police detective. 
In the future, Steven, please get a therapist.  Take some time off for a spa day, shopping for new [same] yellow ties, trying to get his messy hair styled, reading multiple print newspapers and drink high quality small batch roasted coffee.  Or buy more artwork for your swanky condo and most importantly, please sleep.
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