#and the last song we did before getting kicked out was hey jude
holylulusworld · 4 years
For your celebration drabble can I have Jensen x fem Reader? Please make it super angsty. Maybe a break-up? Can the reader be pregnant too? Please, give mr a happy end with Jrensen. I don't have an idea for the fall/halloween theme. Can you chiose for me? Thank you
Walking by
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11,000 Followers Fall & Halloween drabbles  
Summary: It’s been months since he left you. Now the man breaking your heart complains in public.
Warnings: angst, language, Jensen being a douche for a moment or two, break-up, pregnant reader, kinda public bashing (online/mentioned), comforting, fluff
Pairing: former Jensen x Reader
Characters: Jared Padalecki, Genevieve Padalecki, Ofc Judith
A/N: Inspired by Dido’s “Walking by”; lyrics taken from the song in Italics.
A/N2: Okay, that one got away from me and it’s longer than 500 words. I did not go for a happy ending but a hopeful one. I kept it open for the reader to decide if you give him a second chance.
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
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You and him. Once upon a time you and Jensen were a whirlwind romance, maybe it was even love at first sight.
Now all you’ve got left of the love you shared is a bitter taste on your tongue.
His lawyer made sure you will keep your mouth shut about the break-up as in your love-sick state, you signed a confidentiality obligation when you got together. This means you are committed to pay penalty for every violation against the confidentiality obligation at the rate of 10,000, dollars.
Keep me locked up, keep me shut in
You can but my mind still roams free
You can keep me caged, you can tell me to be quiet
But I remember everything
Unlike you, Jensen preferred to tell everyone about your break-up. Even though it was him who broke things up, he insists you broke his heart, not the other way around.
Sometimes you look at your phone, shaking your head at the next hurtful interview. He’s a great actor, you give him that. Breaking up with you as he feared his career would be ruined if people get to know you used to work as an exotic dancer to pay for your study was not enough. No, Jensen must rub salt into the wounds he left.
Please don't forget that you broke your own heart
And don't forget that you lost your mind
“How does it feel to break a good man’s heart?” The paparazzi snarls at you. He’s getting into your personal space, taking pictures of you, and even worse, your six, months baby bump. “Is that the guy's child? The ones you left Jensen for?”
“Leave me alone. I got nothing to say to you,” brushing past the man you try to outrun him, but he runs after you, almost pushing you to the ground. 
“Hey, asshole! Leave the girl alone,” a familiar voice barks. “Don’t you have better things to do than hunting a – fuck me – pregnant woman?” Jared grumbles, wrapping his arms protectively around your waist whilst Gen threatens to call the cops.
“Get lost. Leave Y/N alone,” Gen warns, already dialing 911. “I swear we will sue you. We all saw you were about to attack a pregnant girl.”
“Classy,” the man spats. “You protect an unfaithful stripper girl who broke your best friend's heart…”
“Y/N,” Gen tries to touch your arm, but you shove her hand away. “Please, let us help you.”
“Leave me the fuck alone. All of you,” you wiggle out of Jared’s embrace, not wanting him to help you. “I don’t need you. I could’ve handled the situation all by myself, just like the last six months as no one wanted to hear my side of the story. Or rather, I wasn’t allowed to tell anyone the truth.”
Please stop tellin' everybody that I did it for you
'Cause every step I take I'm always here behind you
And I don't need words or anything from you
And I wish I'd never felt it, kept on walking by
And I wish I'd never met you, kept on walking by
You walk away, not listening to Gen or Jared calling your name. Ignoring their voices, you wipe a few tears away before you rush toward your car. 
“Y/N, please stop walking away.” Jared tries to catch up with you. He’s jogging now, worriedly placing one hand onto your shoulder. “Why don’t you tell us your side of the story?”
“If you want to know if the baby is Jensen’s, the answer is that its none of your fucking business. You should also know I can’t talk about anything including my relationship with Jensen as I don’t have 10,000 bucks to waste.” You walk by, ignoring Jared’s words. 
Keep me locked up, keep me shut in
But I remember everything
Please don't forget that you sought your own heart
And don't forget that you lost your way
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“Another interview?” Judith, your best friend, sighs. “That bastard should shut his cakehole.” You snicker, giving her hand a tight squeeze. “Will he sue you if I kick his balls?”
“He would know I told you the reason for the break-up,” you look at the pictures on Jensen’s Instagram account, shaking your head. “Soon I’m out of here. I got a new job and will leave the country. No one cares about Supernatural in Denmark.”
“As far as you know,” Judith pokes your belly, hating you look sad. “How about we go for a walk in the park? You love the colorful leaves, I know it.”
“Jensen, he used to go with me for a walk in the park when the leaves started to change their color. He even collected a few for me,” you smile at the memory but then your face falls. “I thought he loves me until my past collided with his career.”
Please stop tellin' everybody that I did it for you
'Cause every step I take I'm always here behind you
And I don't need words or anything from you
And I wish I'd never seen it, kept on walking by
And I wish I'd never met you, kept on walking by
And I wish I'd never tried it, kept on walking by
And I wish I'd never felt it, kept on walking by
“He’s a fucking asshole who dared to say it was your fault he broke up with you. Period.” 
“I didn’t give him choice, you know. I said if he wants a break, this means we are over,” you whisper, running one hand over your swollen belly. 
“Let’s go to the park and enjoy the sun, the leaves and we can scream at guys who want to play football,” Judith holds out her hand, offering to go with you but you shake your head. “Not today?”
“Not today, Jude…”
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The sun warms your face, and for a moment, you close your eyes to enjoy the warmth. There is a sadness in your heart you can’t shake off.
Yes, you told Jensen if he wants a break to overthink your relationship this means you are over, but you never thought he would go for it.
“Y/N,” there is this tiny voice in your head telling you to run, as fast as you can hearing his voice. “Please, give me a minute.”
“If you came to ask if I told Gen or Jared anything, you can go back home. Your fine lawyer made sure I can’t tell anyone you were the one who broke things off with me,” you grumble, glancing at the colorful leaves in Jensen’s hands.
“I didn’t come here to complain or to fight. I hoped you would be here,” Jensen mumbles stepping closer. “Shit, Y/N. I don’t know why I did not try to fix us.”
“You said everything I needed to know months ago. If you excuse me now, I got somewhere else to be. You know, when we met that day, the day you broke things off with your wife,” your voice cracks when you meet Jensen’s gaze. “The day you came to the club and poured your heart out, I should’ve never listened to your shit.”
You start to walk away, not missing the sob leaving Jensen’s lips. “Y/N, please. I know that you’ve got no reason to forgive me, not after I agreed to give all those stupid interviews. My management, they said you must take the blame for the break-up.” 
“Fuck you. Fuck your management,” you spat into Jensen’s face. “I got no reason to forgive you, and I won’t…”
“Baby…I love you,” shaking your head you wrap your arms around your waist. “I love you so much it hurts. I wish I told you sooner.”
“I wasn’t finished, Jensen. When we met the other week and you grasped for my arm to kiss me,” you huff, meeting his gaze one last time. “I should’ve kept on walking by. I wish I never met you. I wish I never felt anything for you. I wish I never saw the way you looked at me when you believed I wasn’t looking.” You sniffle, eyes cast down. “If I would’ve walked by, I wouldn’t be so much in love with you…”
Please stop tellin' everybody that I did it for you
'Cause every step I take I'm always here without you
And I don't need words or anything from you
And I wish I'd never met you, kept on walking by
And I wish I'd never felt it, kept on walking by
And I wish I'd never seen it, kept on walking by
And I wish I'd never met you, kept on walking by
“Baby girl,” Jensen steps closer to cup your face. His thumb wipes the tears away. “I can be a better man. I told everyone that it was me messing things up. It’s all over the media. I fired my management; lawyer and I will do anything you want me to do. Just…please…take me back…”
“Jay,” you choke his name out, fighting your tears. “I don’t think I can…”
“Please, don’t walk by. Please don’t forget about me,” Jensen presses his forehead against yours, praying you’ll be able to forgive him. “I…I wasn’t with anyone, I swear. I regretted my decision the moment I left your apartment, but it was too late. Honestly, I was there, at your home, more than once but feared you would hate me.”
“I can’t, Jensen. Not now,” you run off, tears falling now.
“Y/N, please...just give me a chance,” Jensen runs after you, grasping for your hand. “All I’m asking for is that we talk things out. Please...”
“Jensen,” voice trembling you look up at Jensen. “Okay. I can try to talk things out, but that’s all I’m willing to give...”
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SPN Forever Tags
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags   
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huntective-kyeo · 4 years
❗Warning❗ TYPOS, SPELLING, AND GRAMMAR. And English is not my first language. Kinda angry hehehe
This is my first time to post it here and I hope you like it. Feel free to criticize my writing so I can improve.
So enjoy.
My Father is Dean Winchester
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Dean POV
I sat down on the chair and open the lid of the beer. It's been hectic two weeks. Sam and I hunt a witch in Colorado and it took us a week to find the witch and killed it. That witch got Sam to bruise his ankle, and a concussion but thankfully nothing major injuries that needed stitches and so. Most of all the sonavabitch wore witch almost touch and probably hex my Baby which I did make her pay for it.
All in all, it took us a few days to get back at the bunker and now I'm sitting on the chair, probably wanted to eat some pies and get drunk.
My thoughts interrupt when the door opened and I looked up wonder who that person is. My instinct is to grab my trustful gun and aim it towards that intruder. However instead of getting alert, and hunting instinct it exactly quite opposite to what I feel right now.
Third POV.
A girl took a deep breath and with her shaky hand, she holds the handle and she pauses before she opened the door.
She didn't know what to do or what to say. She felt nervous to face them all. She wants to keep it secret however it keeps harder and harder to hide all the symptoms she felt during the last few months.
with heavy heart and soul, she opened the door and wish that bunker is well as empty as when she leaves it a few hours ago.
She didn't notice that the Impala, her first love park on her usual spot, she didn't notice a man sit on the chair seem like thinking something, she didn't notice her dad.
Dean POV
" y/n? " I blurted out. I didn't notice that my daughter y/n leave the bunker without telling us, or wasn't I?
Y/n my precious daughter, my little sunshine, and the only reason aside from my little brother who keeps me alive. 16 years ago Her mother and I met at the bar and happened to have one night stand. I was drunk to forget us condoms. I didn't realize it until, nine months later, Kylia found me and she shove the newly baby born into arms. I didn't hear her rants about not wanting kids because I was so fallen to my baby girl. I swear y/n is the most beautiful baby girl that I've ever seen. From that fateful night, I swore that I protect and love her no matter what.
With the help of my brother and my family, we did a good job raising a finest and yet mini-me y/n which kinda bit frustrated when she becomes a rebellious teenager and seeking for a new way to hunt.
I know that being a father and hunter ain't hood to raise a child in a world full of darkness but I did try my best to become a father that she deserved and not the father that I used to grow up
I again clear up my throat and by the time that I saw her, I know something is terrible up. Called it father instinct. My stomach began to feel something that I don't know if it's about the food or the worriedness about my daughter.
"Where have you been, I told you not to go outside not unless if you needed something but should-" I stumble and am shocked by a sudden hug coming from my daughter. My eyebrows meet and speculate more thoughts about what happened to her during a few weeks.
Then suddenly y/n cried up and my heart broke up thousand of pieces. Through I used to her cry of nonsense but this is different. I can feel it.
I began to think of a different reason why she cried like this. Is she on her period? Did a boy break her heart? If it is, then who? Oh god, my baby girl is heartbroken?! No-no-no.
" Hey, baby girl what's wrong? " I managed to ask a few words as I stroke her hair.
I didn't get her reply as she continues sobbing and sniffing on my chest. I continuously stroke her hair and rubbed a small circle on her back. With her tears I heard, I began to tear up which probably I got hurt when my baby girl gets hurt.
I saw Sam holding a can and some books and gave me confused look. I know he was confused about what is going on and the same as me. I only gave her shrug off before concentrate on keeping her calm down.
I sigh and sing a song that makes her calm down. It's a song that I always sing to her whenever she feels scared and upset. it her lullaby and till now I always sing to her when she felt like this. And now even though she's growing up ain't stopping this.
'Hey Jude, don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better'
I sang softly and smile. I heard her sobs subside and her shoulder is no longer tensed. I kissed her head and quietly sing the rest of the song
By the song ends, y/n look up to me and hate to see her red-rimmed eyes and red nose face at me.
" Daddy... "
After the song finish, I felt quite comfortable and my heart no longer pains me.
" daddy" I called up again. I hate seeing my dad worried glances and I wanted to back down but I know it's too late, now that I cried to his chest, and makes my father worried.
" what's wrong, princess " I nearly chuckle to hear the old nickname that I used to love but hate now. I should give my father annoying and death glares to him but I'm drained and tired to argue with my father.
Instead of the reply to his question, I took a piece of paper inside my leather jacket. With my shaky hand, I hesitate to give it to him. I saw my father unfold the paper and read it.
I know he reads it as I saw his face turn to a worried and horrifying face. I bit my lip as teardrops start to stream to his face and suddenly it aches my heart.
I didn't realize that my uncle Sam was there and he took the paper that my dad read it. My dad was frozen and saw Sam has the same reaction but he stumbled a bit and luckily sat on the chair or else he would hurt more.
The air was tense and several minutes seemed like a century to me as I was forced to see my dad and uncle of their horrifying reaction.
I was about to leave them and lock them up in my room but my dad grabs my wrist and put pressure on it, so I couldn't shove it off, I hesitate to look at his now red-rimmed eyes just like mine.
" Is this true? "
My heart broke as I nod
" when... When did it start? "
I flinched to hear a tone when my dad wanted a straight answer but I could see the difference of it. Instead of deadly and threatened, it's a broken and saddened tone that probably haunt me the rest of my life.
" honey, when did start... " I look up to him as a surprise to hear the familiar fatherly sweet tone that only me can know.
"a few months ago. When you just back from purgatory dad... " I mumble but I know that dad heard it because he mumbles coherent words that I know he's cursing, I wish it's not from me.
Then suddenly my dad sat down on the chair and then he hugged tightly couldn't breathe but slightly loose the tightness but still hugging me
" We can pull this up alright, we will. N/n we will fight this together okay, we'll find ways to rid this shit. We will be on your battle. " I then look up at my father and saw the tense and urging look " we will fight this out but you'll do your job ok, you'll kick this shit out, and keep fighting. Don't give up okay please, little n/n. " I heard him crack as didn't say anything considering, I was crying again and the inky response I can get is nodding.
Then I hug my father again and I feel another wrapped strong arms. I smile softly that uncle Sam joined the party. Now we are Complete, I feel like I'm ready to fight this shut out.
" Winchester is hard to kill, not even cancer. " I chuckle to hear uncle Sammy spoke.
"Yeah right, so you gonna do your part little princess, aright. Don't give up. " My father kiss my forehead. We parted away and wipes the tears we have. We laugh as we sniffle then finally our tears died down.
My father, Dean wipe the remaining tears and I look up to him confused. I saw him sad and regret my eyes and my heart sank.
" I love you N/Niepie, " then he kisses my forehead.
----AND CUT!!! ---
" Nice work J2 and Jodi damn there are no dried tears here " Robert yelled as all the staff and crew wipe their tears. " okay thirty minutes break, Jared, come to me I gotta asked you something" he added.
A group of assistants swarms the actors and did their task. Some wipe their sweats, do makeup, fixing their hair, and so on.
Jensen chuckles a little bit and wipes the remaining tears from his eyes.
" nice job dude, seem like the Days of our Lives gig paid off huh" A sixteen years old, young actress Jodi Smith tease him.
He rolled his eyes and ruffle her hair. " nice try but no you not riding my Baby" Jodi groan and about to reply when her assistant came and whisper to her ear "You're lucky, Mr. Ackles. Robert needs me now but I won't stop bothering you not until I sat on the driver seat and ride the impala".
When Jodi is out of sight, Jensen Ackles began to walk through his trailer. The thirty minutes of break is not enough of yearning for his daughter.
By the time he got inside. He locks it and sits on the couch. He rubbed his tired face as he grabs the old filthy Cinderella wallet. Today scene was emotional to him, not because of the scene itself but because he truly did miss his daughter y/n
In the finale of season 12, alongside Jack Kline played Alexander Calvert, and y/n Winchester played Jodi Smith we're both introduced and a new cast of Supernatural. Jensen was supposed to be glad that there are two new members of their family, but instead, it replaces guilt and dreadful feelings.
It's not the new cast members but the fact that Jodi Smith portrays is seem a great punch to his heart that he starts to realize he still has a daughter that should be taken care of.
No one knows not even Jared. Danneel and the kids, the crew nor the fans knew that the great Jensen Ackles has a secret daughter and only his close family knew about this truth.
" I'm sorry princess, How I wish I was there for you but you know I can't."
Jensen stroke a faded picture of an eight-year-old girl holding a doll whilst hugging the twenty-year-old Jensen Ackles.
" I'm sorry, I love you" he kisses the picture with so much love and tears began to stream down his cheeks
Hope you like it keep safe everyone. Reblog and like will yah.
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
all aboard the mystery machine | (feat. the gym 3 squad and y/n)
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this was inspired by a post by @kenchiko which was the ‘being in a friend group with gym three squad’ which i like to read when i’m sad. anyway, they all dressed up as the mystery gang and i thought it was so cute i decided to headcanon it. (thank u kenchiko i love ur tsukki stuff but i’m too shy to interact with u *waves*)
it was the day of electric spookaloos aka halloween and you and kuroo were hyped af 
mostly because you could play ‘this is halloween’ on loudspeaker with less weird stares than usual
and kuroo’s all about gROuP CosTUmeS 
previously the five of you had dressed up as the power rangers (which you switched for m&m’s because the helmets were too hard to make), the breakfast club, and the teen titans and now the five of you were going to top it off with…
‘the mystery gang from scooby doo!’ kuroo mentioned in your groupchat
no one noticed it except for bokuto who haha-reacted and then it resurfaced three days before halloween
kuroo and akaashi are the only ones who went all out with their costumes
kuroo has a blonde wig for his fred costume and akaashi also got a wig and made a dress for his daphne costume
bokuto ordered a cloth scooby doo mask online and forgot to order the rest of the body so he looks like inosuke from kny except his head is scooby doo
you and tsukki went to the dollar store on the day itself and just bought shirts for your velma and shaggy costumes
kuroo: you couldn’t even bother to get an orange sweater?
tsukki: it was fifty cents more expensive also i’m the blonde one so i should be fred
kuroo: well you didn’t binge-watch scooby doo all night and got only one hour of sleep so you had to sip akaashi’s pumpkin spiced latte before getting kicked by the owner of said latte
bokuto worked on spray painting kuroo’s pick-up truck to look like the mystery machine 
but the painting didn’t work out and only half of the letters are legible so you’re all piled into a pick-up truck that says ‘THE  Y T RY    AC  NE’ on the side
but you’re off to the only halloween party you were invited to !!
and you blast ‘this is halloween’ on loudspeaker while dancing in the backseat
except on the way tsukki gets a call from his boss (he works at a museum) abt some missing artifacts
you: why did he call you, don’t you just deliver coffee?
tsukki: *kicks you*
you: *kicks back and accidentally kicks bokuto*
bokuto, behind his mask: :’( 
kuroo: missing artifacts??? museum???? 
tsukki: nO–
kuroo: SOUNDS LIKE A JOB FOR THE MYSTERY GANG *drives to museum before anyone can say anything*
akaashi: this is the only party we’ve been cool enough to be invited to this year and we’re going to spend it in mcdonalds again after this is over
akaashi: nO
anyway you, kuroo, and bokuto are excited for this ~~mystery~~
the five of you are miraculously able to sneak past the guards and enter through the back because the mystery gang gave you their blessing to break and enter almost any building on halloween night
kuroo, immediately getting into fred jones mode: alright let’s split up gang! daphne and i will check the upper floors while velma, shaggy, and scooby, you take the basement
bokuto: ruh-roh!·         
you: splitting up is a surefire way for someone to get killed but go off, i guess?
kuroo: also, if anyone curses, they owe a quarter in the swear jar
akaashi: you can only use things like jinkies, jeepers, jiminy, or zoinks
tsukishima: i’m not fucking doing that
kuroo: that’s a quarter
anyway, you’re with bokuto and tsukishima so what could go wrong?
and it all starts when you guys go downstairs into a basement full of creepy artifacts and find a mysterious, glowing amulet
you: i don’t think we should touch that
bokuto, who can barely hear anything in his decapitated scooby mask: TOUCH IT!
tsukki doesn’t care enough to hold him back and bokuto touches the amulet
the basement shakes, the ground beneath you trembles, the amulet grows brighter and pale green apparition appears in front of you. its danny phantom a hooded figure with glowing eyes
tsukki: …a song by Fall Out Boy
you: *trying hard not to laugh but also scared shitless* …jinkies
bokuto: ruh-roh?
tsukki: huh, i guess someone rigged a hologram here as a prank. nice one
you: i mean, i work at customer service so…
tsukki: nice one *high fives you*
ghost: YOU HAVE– *stops when he actually sees bokuto* WHAT ABOMINATION IS THIS?
tsukki: mean, that’s just y/n
you: *kicks him*
meanwhile kuroo and akaashi are sleuthing it up upstairs
kuroo: *having a staring contest with one of the paintings displayed*
akaashi: what are you doing?
kuroo: you know how painting’s eyes tend to follow the main character in cartoons?
akaashi:,,,kuroo that’s a painting of an apple
kuroo: i could have sworn i saw some red eyes 
akaashi: i don’t think anyone would be blazing it in a museum. come on, let’s check the next room
while walking past a row of suits of armor, one of the displays turns its head (but no one notices it yet shhhhh)
back at the basement
the ghost is wreaking havoc: chairs are thrown against the wall, vases are cracked, the faint smell of sulphur is in the air. you and bokuto are fucking terrified and look more like shaggy and scooby despite your shitty cosplays. tsukishima doesn’t believe in anything that’s going on
tsukki: man, these guys here are really putting effort into this prank
ghost: *starts chanting in some unknown, ancient language*
tsukki: ah, nice touch. you watch lord of the rings?
you: tSUKKI NO-
bokuto: don’t worry! i’ll exorcise this spirit with my bible knowledge!
akaashi: *shivers* i just had the strangest feeling that bokuto called manga messiah the bible again
kuroo: zoinks! sounds like him
akaashi: *trying not to cringe* anyway, they’re probably not doing anything right now
the basement, atm: just a complete fucking mess
the walls have started bleeding but somehow y’all are still a-okay
that’s because tsukki’s so salty he’s basically a salt circle with 10m radius but you didn’t hear that from me
the ghost is also tired at this point 
also bokuto is really fucking scared but decides to end things ONCE and FOR ALL
he stands up from under the desk and just tackles the ghost like a football player
he didn’t think that he’d pass through the ghost
but seeing a buff dude with a scooby doo head is enough to scare mr. blood-dripping-from-the-walls shitless, especially when he fucking passes through him
ghost: *disappears back into the amulet*
you: and you still don’t believe that’s real??? 
tsukki: ghosts aren’t real
you: *ready to throw hands*
you pocket the amulet because you can send it to your enemies 
meanwhile: upstairs
kuroo: man, i’d give anything to be chased by a scooby-doo villain dressed in a suit of armor 
a suit of armor: *starts chasing them*
akaashi, in his best daphne voice: jeepers! we better get out of here! 
kuroo, crying out how perfectly akaashi emulated daphne: let’s split up gang!
they don’t split up tho that would be dumb
*cue classic scooby doo chase scene with the music*
and then as they round a corner they run into you, tsukki, and bokuto fresh from the basement and you all fall into a heap
tsukki: *sees the suit of armor running towards then* ah fuck, what now?
kuroo: laNGUAGE *hands him the swear jar*
akaashi: NOT THE TIME
bokuto stands up and once again tackles the knight and this time he doesn’t pass through
it takes five (5) of you to tie up this one (1) guy 
kuroo: oh my god, i’m ready
you: ready for what?
bokuto: the final unveiling
kuroo: now let’s see who’s behind all this! *rips off the helmet which tears off like a mask don’t ask me why but apparently that happens*
and it’s…Bokuto!!
everyone: *gasps and turns to Bokuto who FINALLY removes the scooby doo mask*
tsukki: *gasp* you’re the creepy british dude who keeps trying to buying our local artifacts to display at The British Museum!
akaashi: neo-imperialism is real
bokuto in the suit of armor: guys help!! he kidnapped me!!
all of you (except tsukki because he’s so done at this point) tackle mr. british villain who you thought was bokuto
finally the right person has been tied up
kuroo: your days of stealing artifacts are over!
british villain (let’s say he looks like jude law or something): and i would have gotten away with it…
kuroo: *grabbing your arm* oh my god! he’s gonna say it! he’s gonna say it!
british villain/jude law: …if it weren’t for you fUCKERS!
*dead silence*
kuroo tries to hand him the swear jar but akaashi puts his hand down
you: can we call the police? 
akaashi: *gags* fuck the police 
you: he’s white, british, and a man. they won’t do anything to him
akaashi: exactly
tsukki: hey, you still have that amulet from earlier, right?
you: the CURSED amulet with the GHOST inside?
akaashi: the what now? 
tsukki: yeah, maybe leave it with this guy? and then he’ll get pranked
at this point you’re too tired to argue with mister ghosts-aren’t-real so you leave the amulet with jude law and the five of you get out of the museum and pile into the mystery machine
akaashi: do you think the party’s still going?
you: we could hang out in mcdonalds again like last year
but otw to mcdonalds kuroo’s phone rings and he picks up
kuroo: hello? b-bokuto?
bokuto, over the phone: guys where are you??? the party started hours ago and my headless scooby-doo onesie is hard to get out of and i need to pee !!
akaashi: but…
you all turn to look at ‘bokuto’ sitting between you and tsukki in the backseat. he removes his mask.
it’s…jude law !! 
*cue ending music*
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jayankles · 4 years
Your Turn
Pairing: No pairing; general Dean fic
Word Count: 2016
Summary: Dean and his wife are woken up by their baby, his wife encourages him that it’s his turn to take care of her.
Written for: @spngenrebingo​ / @goodthingshappenbingo​ / @spndeanbingo​ / @spnaubingo​
Squares Filled: playing pretend / pillow forts / Bobby Singer / single parent au
Also for @sdavid09​ ’s bingo challenge. The square filled is below to avoid spoilers.
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A crying baby is what woke them. She snuck her hand around Dean’s waist and pressed a kiss to the back of his neck. “It’s your turn, baby.”
“I know. I got her. Go back to sleep.” He rubbed her hand before bringing it up for a kiss. “Alright, baby girl, daddy’s coming.”
Dean sat up, the palms of his hand digging into his eyeballs, rubbing the sleep from them. He got up, his feet stepping into his comfortable slippers. Grabbing his robe, he tied the belt loosely around his waist, he was ready for action to get his daughter to sleep.
“Come on, Lilah.” Dean leaned over with a small smile on his face, even though Delilah was sobbing her heart out, it didn’t matter. All he saw was a healthy happy baby that just wanted cuddles from her daddy. “You wanna cuddle with Daddy? Before you wake Scarlett because the two of you in the morning is a nightmare. You don’t know how outnumbered I am with you girls.”
Lilah continued to cry but as soon as Dean picked her up from the crib she calmed a little, her cries settling a little after she nestled into his chest. She loved her father so much but Dean loved Delilah a little more, she had him completely wrapped around her tiny little fingers. All she had to do was smile and he was gone.He was all hers. Any of his girls could have him at the blink of an eye, a snap of their fingers, or something as simple as a smile.
When she started to fuss again, Dean started with a hum, he couldn’t figure out which song to sing, about three of them roaming around in his mind. After a few minutes of humming ‘Hey Jude,’ he finally decided on ‘Baby Mine’ from the Disney movie Dumbo. It was the only song that worked with Scarlett when she was younger and it was his wife’s favourite song to sing her too; as he sung the words Dean rocked too and fro. Delilah’s little hands balled into Dean’s shirt but he soon noticed that they had loosened and her breathing had evened out.
After he was sure that Delilah had conked out for a few more hours, he laid her back in her crib, draping the light blanket back over her, softly rubbing her stomach. “Goodnight, Lilah. See you in a few hours, Sweetheart.”
Walking down the hallway, Dean checked on Scarlett. She was adorable, of course, snuggling her stuffed octopus. She was rocking the bedhead vibe as always, something that he would have to fix in the morning. He wouldn’t tell her but he loved brushing Scarlett’s hair and secretly watching the hair tutorials to see which style he could help Scarlett pull off for school.
“Goodnight, Princess.” He whispered, closing the door behind him and heading back to bed. He would need all the sleep he could get.
Sneaking under the covers, he whispered once more. “I love you, mama, goodnight.”
“Yay! Grandpa Bobby is here!” Dean said, his eyes finding Scarlett’s before her face lit up like a Christmas tree. It had been a while since the girls had seen their Grandpa. Their favourite one at that.... Or their only Grandpa, but it was nice to be loved.
“Grandpa!” Scarlett dropped her toys and quickly made her way over into Bobby’s arms. “Can we goto the park today? Get some secret ice cream?”
She was a terrible whisperer, he would have to teach her a few tricks of the trade so her father wouldn;t be able to hear her the next time she spoke of any innocent secret. 
“You know I can hear you, right? And if you go for secret ice cream without me , there will be no My Little Pony.” Dean got up from his extra small seat, taking Delilah with him. “I don’t say this enough but thank you for being retired, Bobby Singer.”
“Are you just using me for a free babysitting service, boy?” There was a stern look on his face as usual but it melted away as soon as Scarlett spoke.
“I can pay you with hugs and kisses.”
“Did you put her up to that?”
“Absolutely not. I would never put your own granddaughter against you.” Dean smiled, a devious one like this was a plan that he had concocted but in all honesty, he had nothing to do with it. “I will see you later.”
He waits for Scarlett to jump down before giving Delilah over to Bobby. He plans a soft kiss to the baby’s head. He moves on to his first born, crouching down to the floor and adjusting the toggle on her hoodie that she wears so often. 
“I’ll make you a deal. You be good for Grandpa, he can get you some ice cream as long as you get me some and stick it in the freezer. If you do that, we’ll have a movie night at the weekend.”
“I wanna do that, yes. Lots of sweets and chocolate and popcorn.” She almost dies at the fact that she’s going to have a movie night. Dean has something else planned first and it was something that he had hoped that they would love even more than just a movie.
As much as Dean hates it, he has to go, has to leave them and go to work. He had already taken a long break but he knew he had to go back. It was time. Dean couldn’t bear to part with his girls, not even for a minute but he had to. 
His coworkers welcome him back with open arms. It had been a rough few months but he was hanging in there. His best friend, Benny, held him so tight that he was afraid he would lose him; Benny may have also broken a few of Dean’s ribs but he loved it more than he would care to admit.
“Good to see you, brother.” Benny gave him one more squeeze before releasing him.
Dean just nodded, his words caught, he couldn’t say anything with his heart in his throat. He gave Benny a slap on the back before he took a step back and coughed, masking his pain.
By the time lunch rolled around, Dean was a lot more tired than he thought he would be, the long nights that he had with the girl had really taken its toll on him. Maybe he shouldn’t have rushed back to his job.
Reaching into his bag, he pulled out his lunch box and his small bottle of pills. Dean had got accustomed to taking the meds ever since Lilah was born, it was one of the many things that he remembered to do each and every day. Dean knocked down the two daily pills, swallowing them with a drink of water.
Dean had taken a bite of the second slice of his sandwich before he put it back down in the box, his fingers running through his slightly longer hair. Inhaling, he tried to keep calm and keep himself from crying, he had done well so far, and had only thought about the situation twice today. But it still didn’t stop the pain that he was feeling, he just wanted to get back to his family back home. The pills would kick in and bring him back down to the dark reality that he was living.
Benny came in not too long after Dean did, neither man said anything, not for a long time and it was beginning to get awkward. The pair hadn’t seen each other since just before Lilah was born a few months ago, there had been texts and calls, keeping up with each other seeing how Dean was holding up and asking whether or not he needed any help around the house. Dean kindly refused Benny’s help, thanking him for his offer and telling him that he was welcome to come over to the house and see Lilah and Scarlett whenever he wanted, when he returned to work. He just needed that time with the kids before he shared them with anyone else. Benny completely understood, any other time, he would have chewed his ass about spending all his time with his babies but Benny knew that he needed to spend this time with them.
“Sorry, I dipped.” Dean muttered, popping an orange slice into his mouth, Scarlett had helped him make his lunch before he put her to bed last night. The thought alone made him smile a little bit. “I shouldn’t have done that to you, you deserved better.”
Benny gave a lopsided smile, “it’s all good, I know your struggles.”
“It’s still no excuse, man.” “Listen, if you’re still beating yourself up about it... how ‘bout you and your girls come over to my place and we’ll have a barbecue. Andrea can take a load off and help with the kids and you can cook your famous burgers that you know we love and I’ll do my steaks. We got you, brother.” 
Dean was left speechless, he truly couldn’t believe the kindness of his best friend, even though Dean felt as if he had treated Benny like shit, Benny still had his back.
Turning the key in the door, Dean stepped into his house, and the house that he had made a home. The house was somewhat quiet and he wasn’t sure whether to take that as a good sign or a bad sign. He threw his bag and coat into the closet, strolling through the house and going in search of his girls. Dean then got to the living room, his heart soaring as he watched Bobby and Scarlett interact. The two of them sing to Delilah, trying to stop her from crying, so far it was working and they got little smiles out of her.
“How are my favourite people in the whole wide world?” 
“Daddy!” “Dada!” Scarlett and Delilah screamed when they saw Dean leaning on the door frame with a soft smile on his face. 
“Now, how about a pillow fort and a movie, yeah?”
Dean quickly got changed into his nightwear, whilst Bobby helped Scarlett into hers. Dean had taken the time to start creating the best pillow fort that he had in awhile. It was difficult at first, Lilah crying when she didn’t get enough of Dean’s attention but he finally strapped her into his chest in one of the carrier contraptions that he so hated to put together, his wife was always better at that stuff, especially the car seat straps.
The couches cushions were first to join the comforter on the floor. Broomsticks and chairs and furniture were moved around so Dean could create a canopy over the television. It would be the perfect, comfortable, little getaway for them. Dean was ready for Scarlett to put in the finishing touches and pick the movie. He couldn’t wait to spend the night with his babies watching Scarlett’s favourite Disney movie for the thousandth time since it came out. It was a surprise when Bobby decided to stay and bring in all the snacks; the popcorn, the gummy bears and the juice boxes even for Dean and himself.
Not even halfway through the movie the four of them had conked out for the night, they all had a busy day and they needed their sleep so that they could do it all over again the next day.
Dean’s wife smiled as she stepped into the living room, watching as her husband and their two baby girls slept. She tucked them all in, even the man she considered a father figure, she wished she could do more but there was only so much that a ghost could do, but she would return to Dean in the morning like she always did. She would do so until Dean got over her but in the end she would be waiting for them. It was always going to be Dean’s turn to be at Delilah’s beck and call.
This fills the ‘character death’ square for Shanna’s bingo.
Forevers: @super100012​ @lupine-princess​ @plaid-lover-bay25​ @atc74​ @growningupgeek​ @sophiebobzz​ @docharleythegeekqueen​ @poukothenerd​ @grace-for-sale​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @jesspfly​ @supernaturallymarvellous​ @sammysgirl1997​ @roxyspearing​ @mogaruke​ @be-amaziing​ @deanandsamsbitch​ @frankiea1998​ @hennessy0274-blog​ @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester​ @iwantthedean​ @capsheadquaters​ @emoryhemsworth​ @notmoose45​ @essie1876​ @cassieraider​ @brewsthespirit-blog​ @its-my-perky-nipples​ @riversong-sam​ @jotink78​ @captainradicalpassion​ @jadalecki-jackles​ @spnbaby-67​ @holyfuckloueh​ @gh0stgurl​ @alyssa6marie​ @esoltis280​ @bumber-car-s @alexwinchester23​ @x-waywardaf-x​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @randomparanoid​ @kellianz​
Dean: @kenmen02​ @ain-t-bovvered​ @deans-baby-momma​  @ericaprice2008​ @shamelesslydean​ @thing-you-do-with-that-thing​ @wingedcatninja​ @mayasmedberg​ @kurosaki224-new-blog @valerieshubin @milo-winchester-4ever​ @sandlee44​ @ruprecht0420​ @akshi8278​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @dslocum89​ @plaidstiel-wormstache​ @ria132love​ @welldonebeca​ @iamabeautifulperson18​ @starry-chaos @deans-treasure @larajadeschmidt13​ @nyxveracity​ @dean-winchesters-bacon​ @adoptdontshoppets​
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loki-lover84 · 4 years
Could Be Worse Part VII
A/n: It’s been a while and this chapter was very short, I’m not actually sure how many chapters I should do of this, I have an idea of how I’m going to end it but don’t know when I should start that DM me if you have any suggestions on when you want this to end.
“So...you’re a dad now, well you’re aware that you’re a dad now. Guess that came sooner than you’d expected.” I laugh anxiously whilst searching the shelves and scanning the inventory list.
“Yeah, I guess it kinda did. Never imagined it’d be like this though, in this environment.”
“Always pictured that white picket fence, apple pie life?” Dean’s silence answered my question. “I always did, with a bit of excitement added in the mix but, this apocalypse took it a bit too far.”
“Yeah we really screwed this one up.” Dean muttered as he stocked up some of the shelves.
“Well, yeah, we’re members of the human race we tend to fuck things up from time to time. I just can’t believe-”
“When I say we, I mean my brother and I. We had the chance to prevent all of this but we went our separate ways because I couldn’t trust him anymore and didn’t trust the dick angel’s to take control of me and wear me to the prom. That’s what Lucifer’s doing to my little brother Sammy.” Dean said punching a nearby wall.
“I’m sorry Dean, I didn’t-”
“You’ve got nothing to apologise for.”
“Maybe we could find a way to get your brother back and then hopefully find a cure to the Croatoan virus. Ya’know because Lucifer could be behind it and if we can get rid of him without causing any harm to your brother then...who knows right? Surely it’s at least worth a try?” I suggest.
“How stupid are you? Do you really think it would be that easy to get rid of Lucifer? Do you really think that I haven’t tried that?” Dean snaps, his murderous glare aimed solely at me.
I honestly didn’t want to be in the same building as him, I’d clearly said all of the wrong thing’s to him when I just wanted to help him how ever I could.
“I-I’m sorry Dean I didn’t mean to upset you. I also didn’t-”
“No. You were only trying to help.” He grumbled as he stocked a few more shelves.
The pair of us quietly got on with our task for about twenty minutes when Dean stumbled across a relatively large unopened bottle of whiskey and held it up. I gave him a small smile in response and he twisted off the lid and offered me the first swig. The pair of us got half way through the bottle by the time our shift was over.
My world was spinning but I was still able to walk normally and think coherently I’m pretty sure the same was happening to Dean too. We walked steadily beside each other as we headed to mine and Y/d/n’s cabin.
“So do you want to tuck her in tonight?” I asked Dean.
“Well I’ve never done it before, we should do it together so I can learn.” Dean replies as we walk in and see Chuck playing with her.
“Mummy, Daddy!” Our daughter cheers abandoning Chuck and running over to us for a hug.
“Hey Sweetheart.” Dean laughs picking her up and hugging her as I hold her little hand.
“This certainly is a new side of you Dean.” Chuck laughs earning a slight glare from Dean.
“So are the pair of you back for the night or...?” Chuck trails off glancing at the half drunk bottle of whiskey hanging out of Dean’s jacket pocket, the jacket that I was currently wearing.
“I think we’ll have to see once we put Y/d/n to sleep.” I reply taking Y/d/n out of Dean’s arms to change her into her makeshift pyjamas as Chuck leaves us for the night.
Dean makes sure the bed is pressed firmly against the wall as he moves a pillow to the side I’d usually sleep on, indicating we’ll be staying up a bit longer, whilst he fluffs her pillow. I lift her onto the bed and tuck her in kissing her forehead.
“What song do you want tonight?”
“Want Dean to do it.” Y/d/n says.
“Dean do you sing?”
“Not usually. Why?”
“Well it’s going to become a regular occurrence, she wants you to sing to her tonight.” Dean shifted uncomfortably. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to, we don’t judge here.” I smile encouragingly nearly completely sober which isn’t quite where I wanted to be.
“Alright.” Dean sits on the bed beside our daughter and begins to sing a song I vaguely remember, it was a song by The Beatles if I recall correctly ‘Hey Jude’ as the song drew to an end she’d fallen asleep.
“Well for someone that doesn’t frequently sing, you’ve got near enchanting vocals.” I smirk at him as he lovingly gazes at his daughter before smiling up at me. “I think we should have the rest.”
Dean stands up and moves beside me as he takes the whiskey bottle out of my/ his pocket. He raised it to my lips and poured some into my mouth nearly spilling some of it as I drink it all up before he takes his gulp. I shudder at the large intake and it’s naturally heated kick. The pair of us drink util the bottle is empty approximately consuming half the large bottle each, I begin to fidget slightly to get the slightest form if friction.
“What are you doing N/n?”  Dean asks noticing my movements.
“It’s just whiskey ya’know? It makes certain things happen to me.” I hint.
“Y/n, are you seriously telling me-”
“Yes, yes I am.” I laugh timidly, “I mean it’s not great though is it? I knowingly drink my own aphrodisiac with my stunningly attractive baby daddy.”
“You’re forward now ain’t ya?” I nod with a dazed grin on my face resting my head on his shoulder. “I think maybe it’s your turn to be put to bed Darlin’.”
“Oh come on D...it wouldn’t be our first time. Or is that why you don’t wanna because you already hit it an quit it?” I slur pushing myself away from him.
“No, Sweetheart. That’s not it.” Dean says in response as he caresses my hair his beautiful eyes locking on mine. “We’re not making the same mistake as last time. Let’s get to sleep sweetheart.” Dean encourages fluffing up the once wall pillow and moving it to the head of the bed for the two of us to share.
That night in my cabin, my daughter’s loving family slept together under the same roof and in the same bed, Y/d/n was next to the wall, I was in the middle in Dean’s arms as he held me in his embrace cuddling up against me protectively, which only left Dean he was on the edge of the bed as he kept his pistol stuck under our pillow.
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anjels001 · 4 years
The Queen of Knights - Guinevere SI
[A/N:I am not English writer, I user Grammarly so if you see any errors let me know!!😉🤭 ]
[A/N: I accept constructive criticism so I ask you to comment if you liked it or not, because your comments help me to improve my writing even more.]
Waking up in a different body, in a world totally different from yours that was in the past is not fun at all. Especially if it is expected to fulfill certain expectations .... Well, I was never able to do what is expected. This is the story of how a girl won the love of her people, won a witch and saved her enchanted prince.
Metal-to-metal beats were heard around him. left, defend, and counter-attack. The intense smell of iron hung in the air. Dodge, defend, kick, and strike. The cries and moans of the fallen, both allies and enemies, afflicted my soul. Defense, dodge left, redirect the blade and attack the opening. The sacred blade weighed in my hand recognizing that it was not its handler, the handle was wider, its blade was longer and wider, something like that would only be an issue for me, but.... she agreed with the job next to me. Dodge, defend, defend, deflect, and counter-attack. I was not surprised when I discovered that the enchanted swords had a small degree of sapience. Dodge, Strike. It was to be expected that of a weapon created by Faes. "Arthuuuuu!"
My internal monologue is interrupted abruptly, when I raise my sword, I defend myself from the attack launched by a red and silver missile.
The strength of the blow that would have brought me to my knees now was just a small cut, I thank you internally for Merlin's lessons and Lancelot's training, but still for myself if it weren't for my stubbornness and my constant requests for his teachings they have no strength to protect my beloved.
"Modred" I answer inside the helmet, my voice comes out hoarse and in the same deep tone, of my beloved, thanks to the illusion of sound. "Recognize father, recognize me as your son, recognize me as your heir!" Screams the boy.
This is magic for you. Its swings were wild and powerful, its attacks were intense, never leaving an opening. I was on the defensive, a little more and would be discovered, that's what happens if everything I did, all the sacrifice would be in vain. No, I can't let that happen, the Battle of Camlann was inevitable, no matter what one tries, the only way my beloved survived was if someone took his place, it doesn't matter my apologies, right there in I knew this result. That's why as your queen, I took your place. With tears, I looked into the maddened eyes of the child who was yet another victim of the witch's plans, of the boy that my heart considered as a son. The boy who wanted nothing more than the love of his parents. With a hardened heart, I make my decision. Moving my sword aside, breaking the facade I took on, I leave a small opening on my right side. A suicidal move to use during a battle, any experienced warrior instinctively would take advantage of that opening. It Mordred perfectly met those requirements. Splash His sword went through my chest, completely ignoring the armor I wore. His body freezes in shock, leaving him vulnerable and giving the opening he needed. Excalibur shone slightly giving me the strength I needed to carry out the intended action. Splash. The sword of the distant future pierced his heart, the strength of this movement breaks the helmet of the knight of the tuition, leaving his face to be seen. A face that was so similar to my beloved's, but also so different.
His blond hair was disheveled, his emerald green eyes stared at mine through my lunch, with a spark of desperation and delight. I pull into my arms without hesitation. His weight, as well as that of his armor plus the armor he wore, ends up putting us on our knees. The spell that covered me dissipates, the armor that used to fit my body perfectly was now loose and wide. A surprised sigh came from his lips. Leaning his helmet on his shoulder, pulling his head to lean against mine, his body curves a little. "Forgive me". I sob "Forgive me, my little dragon". "w-why?" he asks me in a whisper. "Because your father loved you so much, as I loved you, but we couldn't let Morgana take over the kingdom, she would destroy everything, so we couldn't take it over". I murmur regretfully in his ear. "Lo-ve?" As if it were my own flesh, but I couldn't let Arthur fight you, it would destroy you" Me, ignoring the blood that drips from my lips "Forgive me... Mordred" His arms tighten around me as a last effort. "I ... lost ... you ... mom". he said on his last breath. His body softens like a puppet whose strings have been cut to the side. My eyes briefly look at the carnage around me. The floor was painted red with spilled blood, my eyes moved searching among the bodies of the knights, those who swore to serve and follow my beloved. "My king!" the familiar voice screams. I hear the sound of hurried steps, coming to my left, fear, and a battle of relief so that moving the helmet in that direction I see familiar armor.
At that moment the adrenaline that kept me upright decreases, my body leans precariously, but before I fall on my face I am caught by two familiar arms, which support me easily. "Who are you?" asks Sir Bedivere with a touch of coldness in his voice when he perceives the smaller figure in his arms who wore his king's armor. His hands move quickly to the helmet, removing it quickly, to reveal the fake one. "My Lady ?!" he exclaims surprised, horrified, and shocked by the figure he holds in his arms. His face was smeared with dirt and sweat by many men, his beautiful blue eyes were swollen and reddened by the tears he shed, his red hair was stuck in a messy bun, his little lips were quickly blue and his skin was extremely skin. "The others?" I ask in a whisper to Airgetlám's Shining knight, completely ignoring the loss of sensation in my legs. They were more important. "H-hurt but safe my lady". said the stunned knight. "I'm happy," I say, relieved. "Where's the king?" He asks. "In Camelot". I answer "This whole time was you, you took your place from the king". says the same instantly realize what I did. I smile at him, not being surprised by the discovery. " Why?". he asks in a saddened tone. "He would not return." I reply, moving my trembling hand to my neck, holding the pendant on my necklace, it was a small topaz stone in the shape of a tear. "Sir Bedivere, I ask you to return your sword." "No, my lady, I refuse to leave your side, hold on a little longer, my prana can help you and reload the sheath .." "GUINEVERE!" cries the desperate voice of my beloved.
'No' I think desperate 'he should be Camelot'! The familiar face of my beloved appears in my field of vision, his beautiful features were distorted in horror and despair. "Art ... I thought I left you ... in Camelot". I say, feeling the cold rise in my arms. "But I am here" I reply sobbing hugging "I am here ... when you should have stayed there as it was due". "I was never one to follow what was expected," I say. His voice was getting muffled, so he could no longer hear him. "I know". he said, "is one of the things I loved you the most, wait a minute my love, Merlin will be here soon". "Remember ..." he said ignoring the last sentence, "remember ... what I said to you in the Jardins ..... on our first date?" * snorts * "How could you not .... it was apart from that I knew how intelligent and charming you were, how you had a beautiful voice". "Sing ... sing for me ... Please". I ask with difficulty, it was increasingly difficult to maintain awareness. It took a moment before I heard it again. "Hey, Jude ..." Sings with a choked voice "Don't make it bad ..." Tears were streaming down his face... "Take a sad song ..." Raised one of my hands ... "and make it better ...." Give a tender kiss, before caressing her with your cheek ... "Remember to let her .." A few drops of water splash on my face ... "into your heart ...." His voice was distant. My vision died out, his beautiful face was the last thing I saw. Soon the darkness surrounds me. Then the light. Thousands of information and knowledge are recorded in my mind. Some that I already knew, others that were lost, and others that I haven't even heard of. My eyes open, for the first time since I was reborn I found myself again in the modern era. It is and I see that I was in a Warehouse, in front of my master. Sigh. There, lying on the floor, was a red-haired boy that I knew a long time ago, his eyes were wide and shocked by my sudden appearance. Hello shirou ... My lips part and I ask the infamous question of the suicidal nob. "I ask, You my master ? " "Eh?" problematic.
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olliethealright · 4 years
Three Steps From Home - Update #3
Hey everyone, I guess I’m back again. Today, I’m gonna update on the next two chapters of my current WIP. This will be about chapters nine and ten, AKA 3558 words of an honestly stupid amount of food description, Jude being emo, and Aaron deciding if he’s amused or horrified. This is a long one, so the update is under the break.
TRIGGER WARNING: homophobia, emotional abuse, religious content, mentions of conversion therapy
ALSO: these are all my personal words, characters and ideas, please do not use without my consent.
chapter nine - how you met my mother - 1944 words
theme song - let you down - NF
Okay so this chapter is kind of emo and every much a mess, sorry in advance. I’m going to rework this chapter because Aaron is just kind of there and he doesn’t pull his weight (or literally any weight oops), so keep that in mind.
Summary: Aaron and Jude meet Jude’s mom for brunch, and this chapter is basically just the drama that goes down at the brunch and then the fallout that happens afterwards.
Jude VS his mother feat. Aaron just trying to be nice
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Maybe once a month, my mother remembered she was a competent cook and there’s more food to be eaten than microwave dinners and cheap takeout. She had recalled her cooking skills that day, and apart from her eggs, which were notoriously near-poisonous, the meal was almost enjoyable. 
My mother sat on one side of the table and we occupied the other, she served beans, fried potatoes, corn tortillas, and those damn eggs. We held a casual enough conversation, but your knee was already pressed into mine in case things went off the deep end. You wanted to feel my muscles contract, you wanted to drag me out before I said anything I would regret.  
“Why him?” my mother finally asked in Spanish when she had enough of our bullshit and pleasantries.
“Because,” I answered in English. “He’s a good guy, he looks out for me. We’re a good match, Ma, he makes me happy.”
You beamed at me as I avoided my mother’s gaze, and for a moment, I thought that would be the end of it. Across the table, she sighed as if I was the nurse who told her that her only son died. To be fair, I may have done the equivalent; in her universe, you weren’t supposed to make me happy, and nothing would have shattered that world, not even my smile when I looked at you.
and... Jude’s mom bringing up his MAJOR daddy issues
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“Get rid of him, before he abandons you like your father did,” she hissed in Spanish the second you were gone. “No one can love you when you are like this, especially not that boy, and especially not me.”
I bit the inside of my cheek so hard I tasted blood and tried not to look like a kicked animal. “You don’t know Aaron, Ma,” I said carefully, finally answering her Spanish with my own. “He’s not Dad. He likes me as I am, just like you should.”
Her eyes shone, and I knew I had set her up to say exactly what she wanted, I had given her the perfect setup, the gasoline for her fire. “He’s worse than your father. He will always make you feel like an outsider, you will never know how he really feels. But, if you go now, the pastor will still take you. He agreed that you’d be a tough case, that you’re almost beyond help, but he can help you, Jude.”
The way she said it, the proposal almost sounded fair. Thankfully, you cut her off with desert balanced on your arms in a way that only a barista would know how. You set cups of caramel custard in front of us and I dug into mine before I said anything I shouldn’t have.
I’m not going to share anymore because I don’t really like this chapter, but essentially what happens is Jude’s mom is unpleasant, Jude and Aaron leave and Aaron almost talks about his mother, but doesn't (and no one is surprised). 
chapter ten - x (I cannot figure out what to call this one haha) - 1606 words
theme song - TALK ME DOWN - troye sivan
I actually don’t mind how this chapter turned out. I love the dynamic between Jude and Aaron in this one, it makes me strangely happy even though it’s not necessarily a happy chapter.
Summary: This one takes place a few months after the last one, Jude and his mother haven’t really talked and he’s finally starting to feel more free of her. Aaron surprises Jude on his birthday with breakfast and fake Amtrak tickets, and the two decide to move to Seattle together. There is a small flashback of the boys after the events of chapter ten where Aaron gets upset. 
Aaron and Jude joking about the brunch with Jude’s mom (featuring my favorite piece of Aaron dialogue because he would totally become Gordon Ramsey if he thought he could pull it off)
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Your breakfast was excellent. The pancakes were fluffy and sweat, they carried the telltale taste of Krusteaz mix, the kind my dad had made on special occasions. The sausages were as good as frozen supermarket sausages could get, and your eggs were miles better than my Mother’s, which were essentially my only point of reference.
“These might be the best eggs I’ve ever had,” I said.
“That’s only because your Mother’s eggs are, no offense, horrible. I think I saw her put cinnamon in those things. Cinnamon! That’s like the first rule they teach you at cooking school: don’t put cinnamon in your fucking eggs.”
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A week later, it was decided. You wanted a place we could discover together. I wanted to get away from churchgoers who talked about Jesus like a cult leader and called me a sinner when they passed on the street, just loud enough for me to hear. I wanted to hold your hand without looking over my shoulder.
I insisted on buying the cardboard moving boxes, but you stole my computer when you saw the Amtrak website open in my browser, refusing to let me buy my own birthday present. We decided on Seattle because you wanted to smell the sea breeze wafting from the Pacific, the only ocean you’d never seen. Seattle because I had never seen an ocean or a big city, because I wanted to go to the top of the Space Needle every weekend, because it was far away from nowhere, Montana.
Our apartment was packed within a week, we didn’t have many possessions to speak of; most of yours were books that stacked neatly into boxes, and I barely had a trash bag’s worth of clothing to call my own. We surfed the internet until we could find an apartment we didn’t hate on a street that wasn’t claustrophobic, but was still close enough to the bustle of the city that we would still be able to hear the noise and taste the gasoline on every street corner. In another week, we would be gone, in a month, we would be forgotten altogether. 
Okay, well there it is! At this point, updates will probably all be 1-2 chapters each because I’ve almost caught up with myself. I hope you enjoyed this update, send me an ask if you have questions! Thanks for reading if you’ve gotten this far, and remember: don’t put cinnamon on your fucking eggs.
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Are You There, God? It’s Me, Dean Winchester: Part Two
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Chapter Summary: Sam and Dean are stunned when the spirits of Meg and Agent Henricksen appear. Ariel has flashbacks of Lucifer with the Mark and also pays the price for doing the right thing.
Ariel centric episode.
Pairing(s): Eventual Dean x Archangel!OFC, Castiel x sister!Ariel, Kindred Spirit!MOC!Lucifer x Ariel
Warning(s): Typical Supernatural violence, Mild Language, Dark thoughts, Self-loathing
A/N: I'm glad that people are liking my style of writing. I don't do much all day so the episodes are gonna come out faster than planned. I am excited about this as much as everyone else. Sam's storyline in season 4 isn't really interesting to me. I hate it but I will include some parts, I promise. Beta'd by no one so if there are any errors I'm sorry.
Word count: 2,808
By the time Sam and Dean finished checking on all the hunters in the area, the moon was hung high in the sky.
Ariel hummed Hey Jude by The Beatles, feet resting on the backrest of the front seat while she reclined in the back. She teased the ends of her curls, twisting and twirling it on her index finger. The cosmic being sat up immediately once she heard the squeak of the front door and Dean's voice.
Dean came out of the house with his phone in hand and Sam right behind him.
"Yeah, we're at Jed's. It's not pretty. He looks even worse than Olivia. What about you?" Dean asked in a fatigued mood.
"I checked on Carl Bates and R.C. Adams. They've redecorated...in red." Bobby replied.
Dean turned and motioned to Sam that the other hunters were dead. "What the hell is going on here, Bobby? Why did a bunch of ghosts suddenly want to gank off-duty hunters?"
"I don't know, but until we find out, you guys better get your asses to my place." Bobby affirmed.
"We're on our way." Dean ended the call and climbed into the impala.
Sam started the car and pulled off.
The remainder of the car ride was silent, besides Ariel's singing that no one but her could hear.
And anytime you feel the pain
Hey Jude, refrain
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders
For well you know that it's a fool
Who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder
It wasn't her favorite song but she only sang it in great times of sadness. She could sense the self-pity radiating off of Dean's being. Of course, he couldn't hear her but that didn't stop her from comforting the human.
Hey Jude, don't let me down
You have found her, now go and get her
let it out and let it in...
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better
. . .
So let it out and let it in
Hey Jude, begin
You're waiting for someone to perform with
And don't you know that it's just you
Hey Jude, you'll do
The movement you need is on your shoulder
Ariel pulled herself up and beamed once she saw Dean fast asleep in the front seat. The woman gazed keenly at the human, observing his dreams. He dreamt often about his time in hell, as well as other things but his mind seemed to only be plagued with bad dreams.
With grace-charge fingers, she placed two on each temple and sent a charge of grace through him. Dean furrowed his eyebrows at the foreign feeling but eventually relaxed once his nightmare morphed into a dream.
Dean stood in the doorway of the kitchen/dining room. He had a small smile carved on his face as he watched his mother waltz around the kitchen.
He looked down at his attire and notice it wasn't his usual hunter gear. He wore a blue shirt paired with buffalo plaid pajama pants.
"Dean, I made your favorite," Mary cooed. "Cherry pie." She continued as she slid on her oven mitts and pulled a lattice cherry pie out from the oven.
"Pie!" He beamed, immediately taking as a seat at the table and grabbing a fork.
The dream went on for a while before Ariel decided to give him his privacy.
After thirty minutes of driving, Sam pulled into a service station and parked the car next to a gas pump. Ariel followed as he exited the car and went into the store to pay for gas. Once done, he went back to the car and began pumping gas in the car.
Sam leaned against the back of the car, tapping his fingers. As the gas poured into the tank, Sam decided to go to the bathroom before going back on the road.
"Tsk, demon-boy, where are you going?" Ariel asked herself, appearing in the bathroom Sam just stepped into. She kept her eyes on the wall as she heard the tall human handle his business and began cleaning his hands.
The temperature in the room plunged, allowing for Sam's and Ariel's breath to be seen. She covered her mouth and looked around the bathroom, waiting for the ghost to appear.
Ariel slowly stepped back from the spirit, not wanting to be involved in their drama.
The hazel-eyed hunter naturally glanced up to see the mirror crystalized, he wiped away the ice and nearly leaped out of his pants once he saw the spirit of Agent Henricksen. He slowly turned with panic written all over his face.
Henriksen spoke with a sly tone, "Hi, Sam." He paused, "It's been a while."
"Henriksen. Are you-- Did you..." Sam couldn't get the words out.
"I didn't survive...if that's what you're asking." The FED clarified with snark in his voice.
Sam's eyes darted between the door and Henriksen as he discoursed, "I'm sorry."
"I know you are." Henriksen returned.
Sam started, "Look, if we'd known Lilith was coming-"
"You wouldn't have left half a dozen innocent people in that police station to die in your place. " The agent claimed. "You did this to me. It was your fault. She was after you, and I paid the price. You left us there to die!" Henriksen bellowed as he grabbed Sam and hurled him into the lockers, then the divider of the stalls and finished with throwing him at the bathroom mirror.
Ariel furrowed her brows as she watched the spirit batter Sam. She understood she shouldn't meddle but something inside her screamed at her to protect him. Time marched on and Ariel needed to do something quickly.
"Samuel Winchester...do not fret."
Sam's eyes darted around, searching for the face to match the voice but there was no one. He then realized the voice was inside his head.
Henriksen repeatedly banged Sam's head into the sink, it nearly falling off its bolts. He kicked him to the ground and but before he could do anything else, Ariel appeared before the tall hunter, guarding Sam with her wings. Sam, of course, couldn't see them but that didn't take away from their purpose.
"How sweet, you have an angel watching over you." Henriksen sneered.
Sam clenched his jaw as he noticed two pink flats, connected to a woman, next to his head. He didn't have the strength to ask questions or move away so he just accepted her presence.
"Don't worry Samuel, I am Ariel." She beamed with confidence, rolling her shoulders back quickly, her pink grace-charged eyes switching on. The lights in the bathroom flickered as a nearly blinding light filled the room, a silhouette of her large wings projected around Sam. The light never dissipated.
Sam looked around him to see a shadow of two large wings, shielding him.
"Angel." He murmured to himself, shocked an angel would even come to his aid. The demon-blood boy, being saved by an Archangel of the freaking lord.
Ariel raised her hand and held it out, her palm facing the spirit. She clenched her fist, causing harm to the ghost.
"You leave, now." Ariel spewed, wrenching her fist tighter as she watched the vengeful being crumble to the floor. Henriksen glared at Sam as he groaned in pain.
"I'll be back, You know." The agent groaned before his body dispersed into nothing.
Dean rushed into the bathroom once he saw the lights flicker and a bright light flash. "Ariel..." Dean said breathlessly, holding the shotgun. He gazed at her for a long while, noticing how her wings were draped around his little brother. The light dissipated and he lowered the gun, hastily walking over to his little brother.
In these moments that's all Dean saw him as. Not as six-foot four-inch-tall man, but as little Sammy who played with army men and legos. His brows furrowed deeply once he saw the blood trickling down Sam's lips.
"C'mon we gotta get to Bobby." Dean stated as he helped him up.
Dean paused for a moment, his eyes lingering on hers. This was his silent Thank you.
"Dean, you said you helped those in need..." Ariel said in a troubled tone, "If I do not appear to you later tonight, promise me you will question my disappearance..." She choked out, her gaze lingered on Dean's for only a moment. Dean only nodded.
"Why would you disappear?" Sam questioned, staring at the apprehensive angel.
"Because... I defied orders." Ariel put it simply, but before she could continue, a deep voice filled her thoughts, taking her away from the scene before her. 'Ariel, you do not listen. I, of all people know you have a soft spot for nature, humans..." The prayer trailed off before picking back up again, 'Return to heaven and face your consequences.'
Ariel blinked slowly as the prayer ended, fixing her eyes on the boys just as they left the bathroom. She followed the young hunters back to the car.
Dean held out a hand to stop her from continuing further the car, "Woah, Woah. You're not coming with us? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you saved Sammy but I still don't trust you."
Ariel fixed her weary eyes on Dean's as he spoke those last words. She asked woefully, "Are those your last words to me, Dean Winchester?"
His heart panged at that question. What happened to angels who disobeyed? Dean just opened his car door, unsure of what to say to that. He sure as hell wasn't about to sit around and talk about his feelings.
Sam just stared at them in awe, not sure if he should defend the angel or side with his brother. She was the first angel to reveal herself to him, and she saved someone like him.
Return to heaven and face your consequences.
Ariel shut her eyes and with the flap of her wings, she left.
"Damn it, Bobby! Pick up!" Dean uttered while hanging up and redialing. He drove with one hand on the wheel and the other gripping his cellphone. Sam sat in the passenger seat as purple bruises slowly developed on his face.
"How you feeling, huh? How many fingers am I holding up?" Dean quipped as he looked out of the corner of his eye, evidently holding up none as he drove.
Return to heaven and face your consequences.
"None. I'll be fine, Dean." Sam replied.
"Why? What did he want?" Dean asked with his eyes trained on the road and the phone to his ear.
"Revenge. 'Cause we got him killed." Sam stated blankly.
For a moment Dean took his eyes off the road to look at his brother.
"Well, We did, Dean." Sam countered.
Return to heaven and face your consequences.
"All right. Stop right there." Dean scolded as he closed the flip phone, ending the call to Bobby. "Whatever the hell is going on, it's happening to us now, okay? I can't get ahold of Bobby, so if you're not thinking answers, don't think at all." He concluded irritably.
Sam sat silent for a moment just staring ahead at the passing signs.
"Why did you send Ariel away?" Sam queried, his eyes still straight ahead.
Dean said nothing. He had no words to say to that. No answers, no quips. He didn't mean to be a dick, it just happened.
Return to heaven and face your consequences.
Soon, night shifted to day as Baby zoomed down the two-lane asphalt. The car wobbled as it drove over the rocky path and into Bobby's front yard. Everything came to a halt and the squeaky sound of the doors could be heard as the two hurried into Bobby's home, armed.
Return to heaven and face your consequences.
"Bobby?" The oldest called in a hushed tone.
They guardedly walked into the kitchen, pacing around the corner into the living room. Sam glanced around as Dean kept walking toward the hallway.
The righteous man caught a glimpse of the iron fire poker by the end of the stairs. He snapped his fingers at Sam and gestured over his shoulder to the stairs. They both made their way over to the bottom of the stairs.
Return to heaven and face your consequences.
Dean squatted and lifted the poker from the floor, examining it.
"I'll go upstairs. You check outside." Dean mouthed to his brother.
Dean trudged up the stairs with his shotgun aimed and his brother went outside to look through the junkyard.
As Dean reached the top level, he tentatively rounded the corner and whisper shouted, "Bobby?" The door on Dean's right slammed shut, then two down the hall just as the one straight ahead creaked open, essentially revealing no one.
Return to heaven and face your consequences.
"Come out, come out, whoever you are." Dean quipped whilst steadily trailing down the hall. The temperature in the hall plummeted leaving his exhales visible.
Behind him, a woman with brown, shoulder-length hair formed from thin air.
"Dean Winchester. Still so bossy. " She jeered and watched as the man before her, carefully swung around pivoting on his heel.
"You don't recognize me?" She asked mockingly. "This is what I looked like before that demon cut off my hair and dressed me like a slut." She sassed.
Return to heaven and face your consequences.
Dean stood there for a moment, digging deep into his memories from years ago. His eyes lit up as he realized who she was.
"Meg?" Dean questioned.
"Hi." Meg greeted with a giddy voice. She approached Dean slowly with her palms up, "It's okay, I'm not a demon." She affirmed.
Dean's squeezed his shotgun, keeping it trained on the spirit. "You're the girl the demon possessed." He clarified.
"Meg Masters." She paused before continuing, "Nice to finally talk to you when I'm not, you know, choking on my own blood." Meg stepped forward, holding up her hands just as Dean took a wary step back.
"It's okay. Seriously, I'm just a college girl. Sorry--was. I was walking home one night and got jumped by all this smoke. Next thing you know, I'm a prisoner..." Meg brought her hand to her head as she spoke, "In here. Now, I was awake. I had to watch while she murdered people." She took advantage of his vulnerability, inching closer with each word spoken.
Return to heaven and face your consequences.
"I'm sorry." Dean apologized, lowering his gun only slightly. He bit the inside of his cheek, knowing what Meg said was true. It was all his fault.
"Oh yeah? So sorry you had me thrown off a building?" She retorted.
Dean started, "Well, We thought--"
"No, You didn't think! I kept waiting, praying! I was trapped in there screaming at you! 'Just help me, please!' " She hissed, her voice breaking as she continued. "You're supposed to help people, Dean. Why didn't you help me?"
He furrowed his brows at the question. She was right, he was supposed to help people. He kept his eyes fixed on her as he issued another apology. "I'm sorry."
"STOP saying you're sorry!" Meg sneered, raising her fist and sucker-punching Dean to the floor. Dean groaned as he tried to regain his balance.
"Meg." He grunted. "Meg..." Before he could finish Meg's foot connected with his face. She kicked the gun behind her, leaving Dean defenseless.
Return to heaven and face your consequences.
Dean groaned as he turned himself over onto his side to look up at the vengeful spirit. He held out his hands, ultimately to be prepared to block if she decided to kick him again. "We didn't know." He declared breathlessly.
"No..." She derided as she took a squat in front of the downed hunter. "You just attacked. Did you ever think there was a girl in here?" She ridiculed. "No. You just charged in, slashing and burning."
Meg took a long pause to look at Dean's speechless face. It amused her.
"You think you're some kind of hero?"
Dean finally spoke, his voice filled with hatred and honesty. "No, I don't."
"You're damn right." Meg gripped Dean's overshirt and yanked him closer.
On her hand resided a branded symbol that caught the surly hunter's eye. He let her continue. "Do you have any idea what it's like to be ridden for months by pure evil...while your family has no idea what happened to you?" Meg challenged.
Dean sneered, "We did the best we could.
Meg only screamed as she kicked him once in his face and again in his side.
Return to heaven and face your consequences.
Ariel could hear all the shouting and grunts from the hallway as she observed from afar, undetectable to Dean. Michael's words playing over in her mind. The Winchesters didn't want her help so why should she stay?
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ingravinoveritas · 5 years
Title: Reprobation Author: Me Rating: Hard R Pairing: Jonny Lee Miller/Ewan McGregor/Jude Law Warning: Contains sexual content, language, and British boys in their 20s generally being British boys in their 20s. Disclaimer: Not real, never happened (god, I wish), no defamation of character intended. Please don’t sue. Thanks. Summary: Jonny is a Spice Girls fan. Ewan and Jude catch him being one and decide there’s going to be hell to pay. Takes place in the ‘90s when JLM, EM, and JL were roommates in London. Author’s Note: For @memadcow, who is entirely to blame for this, and inspired by one of Jonny’s recent Insta stories. [Also available on AO3.]
Jonny frowned at his image in the mirror, pulling off a third tie and throwing it onto the bed. The audition was in two hours, and he still couldn’t decide what to wear. It was for a period piece--not one he found terribly interesting, but options were scarce and so was money--and he’d take anything if it meant keeping the lights on for another month.
A fourth tie flopped its way out of the closet then, and Jonny’s face flushed as he remembered the last time he’d worn it: Not around his neck, but around his wrists, which had been bound behind him.
Happy memories...
He put it on, pleased at the idea of wearing it while spouting some poncy, ridiculous dialogue to a couple of stiffs in suits.
Jonny was surprised to feel his stomach still flutter with nerves, even after all this time, and he rolled his neck, groaning with relief as it cracked.
“Got to calm down...”  Music. That always worked.
He went to the dresser to dig through a pile of CDs, quickly finding the one he wanted. He slid the disc into the stereo and skipped to the second track, only to stop the music before it started.
Jonny paused, popping his head into the hallway to make certain that no one else was home. Ewan and Jude had gone to lunch earlier and usually had no qualms about making their presence known, but still. One could never be too careful.
Satisfied that he was alone, Jonny pressed Play and cranked up the volume.
♫ I’m giving you everything / All that joy can bring / This I swear... ♫
Jonny loved the Spice Girls. He’d hidden this fact from the others in their conversations, readily commenting on the hotness of each girl and mumbling agreement on the shite quality of their music. But it wasn’t really shite, he’d decided early on, even if his mates thought it was. It was catchy, happy, fucking fun...and just what he needed right then.
The tension immediately released from his body, shoulders relaxing. He began to dance--small, tenuous motions--and turned away from the mirror, not wanting to watch himself in it. The song kicked into high gear and so did Jonny, raising his arms above his head and swaying his hips from side to side.
Ewan and Jude never walked in quietly to anywhere, both chattering away as they shut the front door behind them. They heard the music and fell silent, and Ewan was sure they had the wrong flat, but the familiar surroundings soon convinced him otherwise.
He and Jude looked at each other, both snickering as they realized at the same time what the song was and where it was coming from.
“What the absolute fuck...” Ewan fought to keep from bursting out laughing. Jude pressed a finger to his lips, nodding his head in the direction of Jonny’s room.
“Come on...” his voice was low, and Ewan followed, both he and Jude shrugging off their jackets along the way.
They tiptoed quietly down the hall, the music growing louder with each step. It was obvious Jonny hadn’t expected them to be home, which somehow made it all the more perfect. His door was wide open, giving the two men a perfect view of Jonny thrusting his pelvis in time to the beat.
Ewan couldn’t resist, placing two fingers in his mouth and letting out a loud whistle. “SHAKE THAT ARSE! GO ON!”
Jonny spun around to face his two best friends laughing uproariously in the doorway. He slammed the Stop button on the stereo with comical force, knocking over the stack of CDs on top of it. His cheeks burned red as he fought to stammer out an explanation.
“Got an audition this afternoon, I was just...yeah. What--thought you were both having lunch. What the fuck?” He glared accusingly at Ewan and Jude, neither one of them buying it.
“Oh, that is so fucking good. Had no idea you were a Spicey fan. That’s probably the best thing I’ve ever seen!” Ewan leaned against the door frame, still laughing, wiping a tear from one eye.
“I think we’re going to need an encore performance, actually. Jude, wouldn’t you agree?”
The blond man had moved past Ewan and bent down to pick up a few of Jonny’s CDs, setting them back on the dresser. Jude kept his eyes on Jonny as he stood, grinning the wicked grin Jonny had seen too many times before.
“Oh, definitely, we are.”
Ewan rubbed his hands together. “That settles it, then. You have to strip off to the Spiceys for us. Tomorrow night.”
“What?! Oh, fuck off,” Jonny scoffed. He was fine with them taking the piss, but public humiliation was a bridge too far.
“Nope, sorry.” Ewan was a pain in the ass when his mind was made up. He glanced at Jude. “Hey, maybe we should invite Sean and Rhys. Sadie, too. I’m sure they’d love a bit of quality entertainment on a Thursday evening.”
Jonny half-laughed, unable to keep the nervous edge out of his voice. “Please, man, no. Don’t. I’m serious.”
“The two of us, then. It’s your choice.” Jude crossed his arms in front of him, smirking as Jonny visibly squirmed.
Oh, now suddenly I have a choice? Right...
“Christ. Fine! I’ll do it. Only if it’s just the two of you.”
The corners of Ewan’s eyes crinkled as he smiled, victorious. Jonny was far too easy.
“Brilliant. Tomorrow night, then!” He clapped a hand on Jonny’s shoulder and disappeared into their apartment.
Jude chuckled softly, reaching out to grasp Jonny’s tie, which had gone askew as a result of his dancing. He pulled it straight, noting with mild satisfaction the heat of Jonny’s skin beneath his collar, and stepped back to admire his work.
Neither of them spoke. Jude went to leave and stopped with one foot out the door. He turned back to Jonny.
“Nice moves, mate. Really.”
The air where Jude had been felt heavy in his absence. Jonny breathed deeply as he sat on the edge of the bed, burying his head in his hands. A hundred different thoughts all laced with profanity ran through his mind, and were soon overpowered by a single, dominating one:
...What the fuck am I gonna do?
The audition came and went without incident, though Jonny found he was almost too preoccupied to concentrate on his lines. That night passed similarly, intermittent bouts of sleeplessness overtaking him as he imagined the evening ahead, convinced he was about to look like a complete tosser in front of his friends.
Jonny threw on a t-shirt and stumbled blearily into the kitchen a few hours later, desperate for a strong, hot cup of tea. A very wide awake Scot bounded in soon after, much to his annoyance.
“Look who’s finally up!”
“M’ not really in the mood for a chat,” Jonny didn’t make eye contact, sighing as the first gulp of tea slid down his throat.
Ewan pulled a chair out from the small table. He drew a fag from the pack in his pocket and lit it, several locks of hair falling over his eyes as he sat down and lowered his head to meet Jonny’s gaze.
“So don’t talk, then. Just listen.”
He’d laid in bed half the night fantasizing more than he wanted to admit about Jonny’s dancing, both the day before and the night to come. Ewan basked in the discomfort emanating from the other man, the way it curled around him like smoke. He didn’t really want his friend to be tense, but enjoyed it nonetheless.
“Got you a wee present, actually. For tonight.” 
Ewan produced a small white box with a well-tied satin bow on top and placed it in front of him. Jonny warily eyed the alleged gift, hesitantly setting aside his tea to open it.
Inside was a small wad of tissue paper, and resting on top, a metallic red thong.
“Oh my god...”
Jonny’s gobsmacked expression was everything Ewan could have hoped for. He clasped his cigarette between two fingers and threw his head back, a throaty laugh escaping his lips.
“Wear it.”
“You are properly out of your fucking mind if you think that’s happening.”
Ewan smiled beatifically, the sort of smile Jonny hated for how it weakened his already flaccid resolve.
“Ah, come on. You’ve got to have a big finish! Besides, Jude’ll love it.”
Jonny stiffened at the mention of their roommate. He could still feel Jude tightening his tie, the touch of the blond man’s hands setting off a pool of heat in the pit of his stomach. He glanced down at the box--where did Ewan even get this damned thing?--and bit his lower lip, contemplating the possibilities.                         
That little pause confirmed what Ewan already suspected. He stood up, trying not to look entirely self-satisfied, and stubbed the cigarette out in a nearby ashtray.
“Knew you’d come round. I’m off. See you tonight, Spice Boy!”
He leaned over to plant a kiss on the top of Jonny’s head, giggling as the seated man shoved him away. Ewan dashed out of the kitchen, the sound of loud singing wafting down the hall until the front door slammed shut behind him.
The cup of tea had gone cold, and Jonny wanted to be more irritated than he was.
Bastard. How the hell did he know?
Of course he knew. Ewan always bloody knew everything.
It wasn’t that he cared what Jude thought--no, certainly not--but Jude had always been the pretty one, the one who made all the girls (and a good number of the boys) weak at the knees. The thought of out-seducing the seducer and being the one to get to him for a change was too tempting to resist.
Jonny picked up the thong. He studied the ridiculous shiny red fabric for a few moments, a small smile turning up the corner of his mouth.
Fuck it...
If they wanted a show, he’d give them a show.
Jude and Ewan plowed through the take-away they’d ordered for dinner in record time. Jonny was already dressed in the ensemble he’d chosen for the act. He ate slowly, cocking an eyebrow as he watched the two of them watch him take each bite. He casually brought his dish to the sink, smirking to himself before turning to face them.
“Showtime, yeah?”
The boys nearly fell over themselves getting to the living room, grabbing a few bottles of beer from the fridge for good measure. Jude and Ewan got comfortable, taking up residence on either end of the old leather couch. Jonny placed the CD in the stereo, straightening his tie and blazer and smoothing his hair in place.
Now or never...
It seemed a bit silly to ask, but there was little else left to say.
“Aye, fuckin’ right, we are!” Ewan shouted, taking a swig from his bottle. 
The first few seconds of the song came on and Ewan reached over to elbow Jude in the arm.
“This is going to be hilarious.”
Jonny swallowed hard, trying to remember what girls had done in the clubs they’d gone to, what qualified as being ‘sexy’ and what didn’t, and oh, bugger it--
♫ I’m giving you everything / All that joy can bring / This I swear... ♫ 
He dropped his hips on the first beat, swinging them from side to side as he undid his blazer and shrugged it off of one shoulder.
Ewan and Jude gasped, then hooted and cheered with approval.
“Oh, shit! YES!” 
“Do it! Do it!”
Spurred on by their reactions, Jonny slid the blazer off, giving it a twirl over his head before tossing it aside. The tie was next, loosened from around his neck and dispatched in short order.
♫ But any fool can see they're falling / I gotta make you understand...  ♫
He took his time with the buttons on his shirt, teasing the two men with a gradual reveal of naked skin, the edge of the Scorpio tattoo on his stomach just visible with the last few buttons still done up, waiting...
The chorus came on again and Jonny ripped the shirt off, grinning coquettishly at Jude and Ewan and curling out the tip of his long tongue invitingly.
Christ, this is actually fun, he thought as they further lost their minds, screaming excitedly and making lewd gestures in his direction.
Jonny let the shirt slide off and reached for his belt, a faint blush pinking his cheeks. The room felt significantly warmer than it had moments ago, which didn’t seem possible given his newfound lack of clothing, yet the increase in temperature was palpable.
He moved closer to the couch, one hand lazily unbuttoning the front of his trousers, his gaze flickering between them before settling on Jude. This time it was the blond man who swallowed hard, and Jonny could swear he was holding his breath. He maintained eye contact with Jude, the heat on his skin heightening further as Jude’s focus burned into him.
♫ There is no need to say you love me / It would be better left unsaid... ♫
Jonny winked, and in a single motion pulled the belt the rest of the way off, grabbing it between two hands and cracking it in midair.
“Oh, someone’s a kinky bastard, eh?” Ewan said almost too loudly, as if to remind them he was still there. He dug his fists into the couch, pushing himself up and craning his neck toward Jonny like an eager cat following the scent of meat.
...Jealous, are we?
Jonny was amused at how obvious Ewan could be, even for him. He looked over and Ewan had stopped moving, his legs splayed open as pale blue eyes stared into him.
“Come on! Give us a lap dance.”
Challenge accepted...
Jonny stood in front of Ewan, breathing deeply as he knelt over him, placing a leg on either side of his hips. He took one end of the belt in each hand and looped it around Ewan’s neck, pulling him close.
“Fuck’s sake...” Ewan’s laugh quickly became a soft gasp as Jonny ground his hips into his crotch. He was suddenly keenly aware of Jonny’s weight on him, and the warm, bare chest pressed against his body.
He slid his hands down to cup Jonny’s ass, and it was Jonny’s turn to gasp as Ewan squeezed, digging his nails into the cloth-covered flesh. Ewan closed his eyes, inhaling deeply the scent of Jonny that now seemed to be everywhere.
Jonny heard a murmur from beside them and turned to look at Jude, who was leaning an arm against the back of the couch. He rested his head in his hand as he watched them intently, entranced. Jonny began to wonder what Jude’s lap felt like, drifting off as he imagined Jude’s strong hands supporting his weight.
Ewan demanded attention, indignantly bucking his hips up into Jonny, nearly sending him off balance. He opened his mouth to protest but stopped as he felt an unmistakable hardness forming in Ewan’s jeans.
Jonny didn’t have time to wonder if he was the cause as the instrumental break in the song ended, bringing him back to his senses long enough to remember the task at hand. He climbed off of Ewan, tossed the belt aside, and stood in front of them, hooking two fingers into his waistband.
Jonny’s torso was covered in a sheen of sweat, heart pounding as he realized what he was about to do, embarrassment and arousal running together through his veins, blood rising in his face and other parts of his anatomy that soon would be on display.
He resumed dancing, slowly, achingly, thrusting his hips and pushing the waistband of his black trousers down, grey eyes never leaving Ewan and Jude, desperate to take in every second of their reactions.
Here goes something... Jonny thought, sending a quick prayer to whatever was out there.
He shoved the trousers down completely, kicking them off, revealing the pièce de résistance of the night.
Ewan was thoroughly pleased, his shirt pushed up and one hand tweaking his already taut nipple. The hardness from earlier had grown, filling the front of his jeans, and he kept his legs open, not bothering to hide.
“Oh my god!”
Jonny was afraid to look, convinced Jude was about to start laughing. Yet what he saw was Jude’s mouth quite literally hanging open at the sight of his best friend wearing a metallic red thong. Of greater significance, Jonny noted, was Jude cupping a hand over his own hard-on, stroking one thumb across it as he stared at him.
Feeling triumphant, Jonny lifted his arms above his head, still dancing, his breathing reduced to a series of panting gasps. He was determined to make the most out of the last few seconds of the song, turning to give Ewan and Jude a full view of his hips and ass. He spun back around as the music was dying down, the tail end drowned out by their cheers and applause as he took a bow.
Jonny collapsed into a chair perpendicular to the couch, breathless, cheeks flushed and chest hair damp with sweat. None of them moved or said anything for what seemed like an eternity, a zzzzip! sound finally breaking the silence.
Ewan had undone his jeans, his erection now on full display, one hand wrapped around it as he gazed at Jonny while stroking himself.
“Sorry, mate. You’ve got me all hot and bothered and I cannae wait.”
That Ewan was a complete exhibitionist came as no surprise to Jonny, but the rustling of fabric from Jude’s direction did. Jude had pushed his trousers down, revealing a very prominent bulge in his blue Y-fronts.
Jonny’s pulse throbbed in his ears, the rush of adrenaline from everything he’d just done coursing through him, his cock harder than he could remember it being in a long while, or at least a week. His roommates--his two best friends, for god’s sake--were equally turned on by him. Because of him.
If there was any way he anticipated the night’s events unfolding, it was surely not this.
Jude had the front of his shirt undone, a hand caressing his chest, and had started wanking himself. The shiny red thong stretched obscenely over Jonny’s own erection, and he followed suit, pushing the fabric aside.
The room was silent for several minutes, save for a few quiet groans and the sound of flesh on flesh. Jonny felt keenly aware of two sets of eyes trained on him, and slid his free hand under his scrotum. He played with his balls, moaning shamelessly, his cock twitching and hardening more knowing they were both watching.
Ewan was wanton in his pleasure, incoherent sounds soon giving way to  semicoherent, stream-of-consciousness babbling, his accent growing thicker and rougher with arousal.
“So fuckin’ hot, Jonny. I kent you’d be. Want you so bad, yeah. Driving me absolutely mad. Want tae touch you, want tae feel you. Christ...”
Jonny let his head fall against the back of the chair. He closed his eyes and tightened his grip on his cock, moving his thumb over the slit, where a few drops of precum had already formed.
Flashes of images flooded his mind, of Ewan tying him up, Ewan giving him a handjob, wrapping his lips around Ewan’s cock, Ewan kissing Jude in front of him, sucking Jude while he watched, unable to touch, Jude threading a hand in Jonny’s hair and pulling roughly, biting and clawing his bare throat, Jude kissing him, Jude, Jude...
Louder moans filled the room, and Jonny realized they were coming from him. His balls tightened and raised, and he knew his climax was approaching fast. He opened his eyes and looked over at Jude, his erection curved against his tanned stomach, green eyes darkened with lust, and it took everything in Jonny not to come right then and there.
“Gonna fuckin’ come, boys. So close...so close...” Ewan hissed, skin twitching as he drank in the sight of Jonny slumped back in the chair. Jonny’s lips were parted, letting out the most irresistible high-pitched mewling noises as he jerked off feverishly.
Ewan’s hips bucked up hard, a long, loud groan spilling out of him  as he came, streaks of cum landing on his chest, shoulder, and cheek. He lowered his eyes to Jonny, darting his tongue out to lick away a few droplets, and Jonny’s stomach clenched at the deliciously filthy sight.
“Jesus Christ...” Jonny’s voice was barely above a hoarse whisper.
His thoughts were interrupted as he heard the sultry call of his own name from Jude.
“Jon...” Jude panted, long lashes falling over his eyes.
“I can’t...oh, fuck...fucking hell...”
Visions of Jonny raced through his mind, lovely and writhing beneath him, surrounding him like hot velvet, and he thrashed from side to side as he came. Jude’s hand stilled on his cock, his mouth falling open in an ‘O’ as spurt after spurt shot out onto the flat plane of his stomach.
Whatever tiny shred of self-control Jonny had vanished, and he threw his head back as his orgasm overtook him.
“Ungh...UNGH! Ahh!“
The heat of his climax was searing, brighter than anything he could remember feeling before, tingling in his toes and rushing like lightning up his spine. Jonny’s back arched, hips nearly raised off the chair as cum coated his hand, his stomach, and all over the shiny, red fabric.
That’s gonna be a bitch to clean out... he thought for no apparent reason, laughing to himself before slumping back into the chair, trying to regain feeling in his feet and hands.
The sound of shallow breaths lessened as they all came down, Ewan being the first to return to normal.
“Well, I’m havin’ a shower. You two sticky wankers can wait your turn.”
He got up and peeled his shirt and kecks fully off, tossing them on the couch as he stretched.
“Mind the cushions, yeah?!” Jonny chided him. It was going to be difficult enough getting the red thong cleaned, let alone the ridiculous idea of hauling a whole sofa down to the launderette.
Ewan laughed at Jonny’s petulance, grabbing his clothes and nearly skipping over to him, one arm pressed against the back of the chair as he leaned close to Jonny’s face.
“Cheers for the show. You were brilliant. In no small part due to my incredibly thoughtful last minute gift, of course.”
Jonny rolled his eyes and scoffed, any rebuttal he’d formulated abruptly silenced by Ewan covering Jonny’s mouth with his own in an appreciative kiss. He pressed his forehead to Jonny’s.
“Mmh. More later, yeah?” Ewan whispered, caressing a thumb over the seated man’s lips. Jonny nodded.
Ewan stood back up, turning to grin at Jude, slapping him on the leg.
“That better have been me you were thinking about shagging!”
 “You bloody wish,” Jude shouted after Ewan, who’d already disappeared down the hall into the loo.
Jude shook his head and laughed, then looked over at Jonny. Neither man said anything for a moment, enjoying the warm silence.
“Ah, I’d better get sorted then, too.” He pushed himself up by his arms, grunting as the muscles in his lower back came to life.
Jude removed his shirt, slinging it over one arm. He strode over to Jonny and knelt down slightly, circling a hand around the back of Jonny’s head and pulling him close.
Jonny watched Jude’s mouth, lips so close he could taste them, not wanting to speak for fear of breaking the spell. Jude kissed him then, and Jonny opened his mouth eagerly, sighing as Jude’s tongue massaged his own.
Jude reluctantly ended the kiss a few moments later, both men fighting for air. He glanced down at Jonny’s softening cock and the mess in his lap, the red thong now looking a bit worse for the wear.
“I hope you’re gonna keep that thing around, it’s too good not to,” Jude breathed against Jonny’s lips.
 Jonny smiled, wanting nothing more than to kiss Jude again.
“Oh, I will, I will. All for you, Jude. Always.”
Jude reached out a hand to pinch Jonny’s nipple, then withdrew, winking at Jonny before sauntering out of the room.
Exhaustion finally set in, and Jonny forced himself to get out of the chair, knowing full well that if he fell asleep that way, Ewan and Jude would take pictures and scatter them around the flat at their next party.
He shoved the red thong down, not at all fazed by the fact that he was standing stark naked in their living room--which twenty-four hours earlier seemed unfathomable--and wiped himself off with it, tossing it on top of his other clothes.
Turns out a little public humiliation is good for the soul.
Jonny stalked off to the kitchen for a snack, thinking of all the ways he could get Ewan to scrub cum stains out of leather upholstery.
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toads-treasures · 5 years
I was tagged by @prezs!! This is bizarre to fill something out for me and not an OC lol, I feel like people are going to be even less entertained by this than my long ass Nora rants but here we go my dudes.
Nicknames: Toad, Tor, 
Height: Some people insist I’m not 5′10″ they say I’m 5′9″ but they’re just cowards and threatened by my height. In my favorite boots I’m pretty sure I’m 6′. If you need anything off the top shelf, I’m your girl.
Zodiac sign: Leo, but I never really feel like Leo stuff applies to me. 
Hogwarts house: So...this seems to change pretty regularly. I’ve gotten every house except for Huffelpuff. Which is a shame because I love Hufflepuff. Usually I flip flop between Gryfindor and Slytherin but I got Slytherin the first time on the Pottermore one so....SLYTHERIN.
Last thing I googled: Be by Gnash lyrics
Favorite musicians: Mumford & Sons own my soul, but Hozier has custody right now. JK, I still listen to the Mumford album Delta at least once a day.
Song stuck in my head: Weak by AJR. Also Location by AJR....just a lot of AJR tonight.
Following now: Demasiados. 290
Followers: A whole whopping 81! Lol, I’m chill with that. I don’t want that number to get super high tbh. Why would anyone follow me, this is an unorganized mess.
Do I get asks?: If I ask for them, lol
Amount of sleep?: 7 hours. My usual. 
Lucky number: Don’t have one. I usually go for 5 if I’m going for a random number.
What I’m wearing: A tee shirt that has literally been in my family for thirty years. My mom bought it when she was pregnant with my sister who is eight years older than me and I claimed it years ago. It’s basically made of tissue paper now, and has a watermelon on it and it is my favorite thing in the world. And some gym shorts I’ve also had since probably 2011. Peak fashion.
Dream job: Uhhhh I really don’t know lol. You guys know Maggie Stiefvater? Whatever she’s doing with her life seems pretty great. She’s got a farm. Lots of cool cars. Writes kick ass stories. Something like that sounds pretty good.
Dream trip: I really want to go to the Isle of Guernsey. Any tiny island that’s all chalky cliffs and rocky beaches and rolling green hills. Sounds lovely.
Favorite food: Ugh....I really eat anything, but I do love french fries....like...a lot.
Instruments: I used to play flute and piccolo. I did for years. I also picked up a few songs on a uke and one on the guitar but I haven’t really done anything musical for a hot minute now.
Languages: English and Spanish. I was really fluent in Spanish about two years ago, but I’m getting kinda rusty which makes me really sad.
Favorite song: Hey Jude
Random fact: I detest when people ask me for random facts. There’s one for ya. Nah...um...I lived in Jackson Hole Wyoming one summer and learned how to harness and work a team of draft horses. I learned how to drive a wagon pulled by them. That was pretty sick.
My aesthetic: Aw jeez....I dunno. I love water colors and stars, earth tones but also sunset colors, pastels, natural kind of pastels. Cactus, mountains. Old stuff, like old star charts and just vintage stuff in general.I love old trucks. Abandoned barns that are falling down. Appaloosa horses. Things that look well loved and well used. The ocean. Gosh I love the ocean. Denim jackets. I went to Joshua Tree national forest while the super bloom was still going and there were just fields and fields of wildflowers before you got really far into it. We went at sunset, and so the air was soaked in gold and falling over the mountains, and you could smell all those flowers and see the whole valley. That moment right there. That’s my aesthetic. 
Ugh...I’m supposed to tag 21 people...I don’t even know if I have that many mutuals???
@mars-colony @vulpesarctica @sharonaw @slothssassin and honestly whoever the heck wants to do it!!!! Go right ahead! Say I tagged you! 
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winchester19-67 · 6 years
Not my Kind of Lullaby
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Just Fluff
Word Count: 1,046
Square Filled: Sung to Sleep
A/N: I had some trouble posting this last night. The original post somehow got deleted, so let’s try this again. This was written for @spnfluffbingo​
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Turning over onto your left side for the millionth time, you let out an annoyed huff of air. You know it's getting close to four-thirty, and you're getting desperate for sleep at this point.
You lift your head up off your pillow and fluff it up a bit before laying back down. You throw the blankets off you, reposition your head on the pillow, and turn over onto your right side before immediately flipping back over to your left.
"Would you be still?" Dean groans as he looks at you through sleepy eyes.
You look at Dean and frown a little. "Sorry," you reply softly as the tears from aggravation and exhaustion begin to form. "I can't get comfortable."
Dean sighs before gently laying his left hand over onto your stomach. "Little one keeping you awake?"
"Yeah." The reply comes out weak. "She won't stop kicking, and when I finally get comfortable, it's like he decides to curl up on my lungs and I can't breathe."
Dean starts laughing, and you raise an eyebrow at him even though he can't see the movement through the dark.
"Nothing," Dean replies as he shakes his head. "It's just that you called the baby 'she' and 'he.'"
You roll your eyes at him. "Well, it's not like we know the gender, so I'm just saying whichever comes to mind."
"Just call the baby what she is," Dean says. "That's what I do."
You let out a small laugh, but a tear accidentally escapes and rolls over your nose.
"Come here, sweetheart," Dean says softly as he pulls you closer to him. He lays on his back, and you rest your head over onto his chest. "There. Is that better?" Dean asks as he wraps his right arm around your shoulders.
"For now," you reply as you nod your head. Dean's right hand rests on your stomach, and he rubs his thumb up and down your side.
"Alright, little lady, listen up," Dean says as his left hand comes to rest just below your belly button. "Momma needs some rest, so why don't we make a deal? You quit causing trouble, and I'll sing ya a lullaby."
You can't help the giggle that makes it way past your lips.
"What was that for?" Dean asks.
"You? Singing a lullaby?"
"Shh. I'm negotiating," Dean says before turning his attention back to your growing belly. "When you get here in two months, you can keep us up all you want to. But, for now, how about you give your Mom a break, okay? Whaddya say, kid? Kick once for yes, twice for no."
It doesn't take long for the baby to press a foot against Dean's hand, causing Dean to smile widely.
"I'll take that as a yes," Dean says before making a big show of clearing his throat.
You shake your head and cover your eyes with your arm. "Don't I get a say in this?"
"Pipe down," Dean tells you. "The baby won't be able to hear if you're talking."
"I'm pretty sure she'll appreciate that."
Dean puts a hand over your mouth before loudly clearing his throat once more, earning an eye roll from you.
Hey, Jude, don't make it bad
You give Dean an amused look, and Dean raises an eyebrow at you.
"What?" he asks. "Did you expect me to start singing 'Rock a Bye Baby?'"
You reach up and pull his hand away from your mouth. "Well, Dean, that is a lullaby."
"Not my kind of lullaby," Dean says with a smirk before continuing, strumming his fingers over your stomach.
Take a sad song and make it better Remember to let her into your heart Then you can start to make it better
Hey, Jude, don't be afraid You were made to go out and get her The minute you let her under your skin Then you begin to make it better
The baby kicks twice, and you look up at Dean. "I think that's your cue to stop," you say through a yawn.
"Shh," Dean says as he puts a finger to his lips.
And anytime you feel the pain, hey, Jude, refrain Don't carry the world upon your shoulders For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool By making his world a little colder Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah
The kicking completely stops, and you can feel your eyelids start to become heavy.
Hey, Jude, don't let me down You have found her, now go and get her Remember to let her into your heart Then you can start to make it better
So let it out and let it in, hey, Jude, begin You're waiting for someone to perform with And don't you know that it's just you, hey, Jude, you'll do The movement you need is on your shoulder Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah yeah
Dean stops for a moment when your breathing evens out. He looks at you and smiles when he sees that you look completely content.
"(Y/N)?" Dean says softly. "(Y/N)." When you don't answer, Dean closes his own eyes, but it's not long until he feels a kick against his hand. "Come on, bug, don't wake her back up."
The baby stills before going wild again. You begin to stir, and Dean knows he needs to act quickly.
Hey, Jude, don't make it bad Take a sad song and make it better Remember to let her under your skin Then you'll begin to make it better Better better better better, oh
Just as the singing stops, the kicking starts back up.
"Okay. Okay. I get it," Dean laughs. "Just so you know, I'm not doing this all night. You've gotta go to sleep at some point." He makes sure that you're still sound asleep before pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
Dean feels another kick against his hand. "Alright. Sheesh, kid, don't get impatient on me," he whispers so he doesn't wake you back up. "I was just checking on Momma. Hold your horses."
The movements cease as if the baby's waiting, and Dean takes a deep breath.
Hey Jude, don't make it bad Take a sad song and make it better...
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sunshineandstorm · 6 years
Dear Prudence (Sam Kiszka x Reader - Fluff)
A/N: This is the part two of Hey Jude. Enjoy!
- - -
It was in this very moment that the world seemed to stop along with your breathing. He has done it again. He has successfully knocked the air out of your lungs once more. You still couldn't move. But in all honesty, it's not like you tried to. It's not like you wanted to.
You remained frozen in your seat, but your best friend didn't. If she had endless questions earlier, she has an infinity of them now. Not wanting to prolong her agony, she quickly grabbed a book from her bag, harshly opened it, and firmly placed it on the lunch table in front of you. Automatically, you took the other end of the book and the two of you instantly hid your faces behind it, pretending to read immensely just so you can talk without having to worry about anyone hearing.
"You were talking to Samuel Kiszka all this time and you didn't tell me?" Grace whisper-yelled, slightly mad, but mostly stunned.
"I didn't know that he was the one I was talking to!"
You truly didn't. Having zero knowledge about Jude is what you think made your communication with him last longer than you expected. After all, it was the mystery that provided the thrill and excitement in every conversation you shared with him. If you had known that Sam was Jude all along, you didn't think you'd be able to talk to him as comfortably as you have. And now that you know of his true identity, how were you going to talk to him without being anxious or agitated?
"Oh, my God. Have you seen my sanity? I think I lost it." you say, clutching your chest, attempting to ease it from beating at an alarming rate.
Grace noticed how jumpy you were, now believing you were unaware without hesitation. She held your hand and tightly grasped it, trying to calm you down. Your erratic breathing has returned to normal, your heartbeat stable again. But shock was still written all over your face and Grace's.
"There, you're calm now, but holy shit, you were talking to the love of your life the whole time!"
"I know! It's too good to be true. It's probably not real."
"What? Bitch, we heard what we heard! Sam is Jude!"
You knew, but it doesn't mean you were accepting it. You still refused to believe it, overwhelmed by the truth you were just slapped with.
"But what if it's just a coincidence? What if h-he and whoever he was talking to just happened to be talking about the same thing?"
Grace blinked, feeling the urge to punch you in the face right now. The obvious has been stated, but here you were, still denying it.
"What more of a proof do you want?"
She groaned before taking your phone, eager to prove that Sam really is Jude, as if it wasn't already plain to see. You panicked, afraid that your best friend might do something to exacerbate the situation. You tried to snatch your phone away from her, telling her to stop.
"Calm your tits! I'm not telling him about our discovery!" she cried out as she struggled to type a message to send Sam since you wouldn't keep your hands off of her.
She was able to send the message to Sam, though, much to your dismay. Once the message was delivered, she finally let you have your phone back.
"You bitch! I am going to murder you!"
@gunpowdergelatin: Off topic, but school food disgusts me.
@ClinkFloyd: Same! I can barely shove this boring-ass burger down my throat.
Your eyes immediately travel back to Sam, only to find him, holding a barely finished burger in his hand. Grace turned to you triumphantly, knowing she's proven you wrong.
This isn't happening. Or at least you convinced yourself it isn't.
"See? Destiny's got a hand in this! Can you believe it? You turned out to be this mysterious girl that he's been talking to. You! You, of all people!"
"Fuck. What am I going to do?"
"Well, bitch, we have to tell him that you're Prudence!"
"What? No!"
Prudence. That's what he called you. Your Twitter name is "Dear Prudence", so it's only natural for him to call you that. He knows who Prudence is. He has access to her thoughts. He has entered her mind more than once. It's safe to say that he knows her very well. But were you ready to let him know the real person behind her? Your insecurities kicked in, and whatever Grace was saying wasn't helping at all.
"But he has to know who Prudence is! He deserves to!"
"If he wanted to know, then he would've asked."
"You wanted to know Jude, but you didn't have the balls to ask! I'll sell my soul to Satan if he didn't feel the same fucking way, Y/N."
"Well, I can't just come up to him and tell him that I'm Prudence! He'll think I'm a creep! And do you really think I'd have the guts to approach Sam? I can't even look him in the eye!"
Grace sighed. You were too shy for your own good. But she was firm on her opinion that Sam needs to know that it's you he's been talking to all along. She strongly believes that the two of you need to be together as soon as possible because if you get along so well in the virtual world, then how much more in the real world? She sat still for a moment, hatching a brilliant plan.
- - -
The plan was simple. You had to get Sam figure it out on his own. Just like you did the day you caught him. All you had to do was become unnecessarily obvious. As you much as you hated the idea, it was the only way out of your misery, the only escape you had from this predicament that you're in. Grace was certain that the plan would work, but what are the odds?
Monday. You asked him if there's any artist you would be surprised to know he listens to and he answered Lady Gaga. You were genuinely surprised to know that, but you had to kick it up a notch and overreact so that he'd notice you. You were internally cringing at how loud you were talking about it to Grace, but much to your dismay, Sam didn't hear a thing 'cause he was too engrossed in his conversation with Danny.
Tuesday. Wearing an AC/DC shirt was always a good idea. Your dad was driving you to school and you were listening to Highway To Hell on the way there. How fitting. When you arrived, you talked to Sam about your massive collection of band shirts and even told him what you specifically had on. However, he didn't have enough time to examine your clothing when the two of you briefly had eye contact in the cafeteria because his stupid friends pulled him away.
Wednesday. You were starting to grow impatient. If you wanted Sam to discover that you're Prudence, you had to up your game. You and Grace followed Sam and his crew to the school yard after class. Then and there, you deadass played a Led Zeppelin song the two of you were just talking about, hoping he would notice you. But then he inserted his earbuds on and paid no attention to his surroundings.
Thursday. You tried every method written in the book. You pulled all the stunts you did in the previous days, but to no avail. How fast Sam replied to your messages implied that he was ignoring everything just to talk to you. Sometimes, you couldn't help but get jealous of Prudence. Why couldn't Sam see you the way he sees her? Fighting with your own ghost was way more difficult than it seemed.
Sam noticed you were growing distant. The shorter your replies, the more cautious he got. Was he making you uncomfortable in a way? Sensing unwanted tension, you cleared the air and used the "rough day" excuse. He seemed to buy it, though, constantly attempting to cheer you up. That was so sweet of him, but that was the last thing you needed right now.
The classes came to an end. You felt bad for rejecting Grace when she asked you to check out that new café downtown. You really weren't in the mood to deal with anyone and so you entered the music room where you could be alone.
@ClinkFloyd: What are you doing right now?
@gunpowdergelatin: Taking refuge in the music room.
@ClinkFloyd: That's one awesome way to relieve stress.
@gunpowdergelatin: Tell me about it. Music always helps.
@ClinkFloyd: True. Hey, I'm gonna head home now.
@gunpowdergelatin: Oh, sure. You take care, Jude.
@ClinkFloyd: Will do. I'll message you when I get home.
Sitting on the bench stool, your fingers grazed the ivories and gently tickled them. A sigh escaped your lips as you realized just how tragic your situation is. You only had one attempt at moving on from Sam and he ends up being the exact same person you were moving on to. You were convinced that fate hates you. But what if the universe never led you to anyone else because you Sam is the one meant for you?
Nah, too unrealistic.
It's just destiny rubbing bullshit in your face.
You are grateful for music. Anytime you're unable to speak, it speaks for you. The only problem you had left was Sam's willingness to listen, or the lack thereof.
"Hey Jude," you started, singing and playing the piano.
"Don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better. Remember to let her into your heart, then you can start to make it better." you continued.
My, how suitable is this song for him.
"Hey Jude, don't be afraid. You were made to go out and get her."
Was he really made to go out and get you?
"The minute you let her under your skin, then you begin to make it better. And any time you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain. Don't carry the world upon your shoulders... for well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool by making the world a little colder. Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na..."
Oh, if only he can hear you singing this song.
"Hey Jude, don't let me down. You have found her, now go and get her."
False. You stopped playing, unmotivated by the lyrics that failed to apply in real life. He hasn't found you. There, you were beginning to think he never will.
You got up from your seat, took your backpack and slinged the strap on your shoulder, turning around to leave the music room. Not even a few steps away from the piano, you jumped at the sight of the person who made everything difficult for you.
There he stood, mouth agape, not in horror, but in awe. Unbeknownst to you, he had been standing there the entire time, watching you express yourself beautifully through the music you were playing.
"What are you doing here? You said you were going home!" you blurted out, mentally cursing yourself right after you did.
Way to let Sam find out that you're Prudence on his own.
"What?" he asked, feigning confusion.
He just needed confirmation, but you refused to give him that.
"Nothing. Forget I said anything. I was leaving anyway." you said, heading for the door.
You heart longed to stay, but you were set on leaving, refusing to embarrass yourself even more. You know you'd probably ugly cry about this when you get home, but at least there wouldn't be an audience.
"Dear Prudence," he started singing, making you stop at your tracks.
Never in your life did you ever think that you would have a quintessential rom-com scene like this with your crush. But screw the cliché moment and just look at what's happening! You turned your heels, facing him. Did he finally figure it out without you, having to spell it out for him?
Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
"Won't you come out to play?" he continued, walking towards you.
For the first time in the entirety of your existence, you didn't feel the need to take a step backwards or shy away. The way Sam stared intently in your eyes didn't scare you anymore. For once, you felt calm, safe.
"Dear Prudence, greet the brand new day. The sun is up, the sky is blue. It's beautiful, and so are you. Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play?" he finished.
You looked into each other's eyes for a good minute, allowing yourselves to get lost in them. Neither of you spoke, taking the time to familiarize yourselves with each other physically.
"So we've been talking to each other all this time, huh?" Sam asked, officially commencing the moment of truth.
"I've actually known for a while now." you say, after nodding.
"How long have you known?" Sam asked, trying to make himself appear less surprised.
"When you had an outburst the day you found out what my favorite John Denver song is."
He chuckled upon knowing how you found out he was Jude. He shook his head, unable to believe that he was that obvious.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I couldn't bring myself to tell you, so I figured maybe you could just discover it in your own. I was just as obvious as you were. You know, leaving clues for you to find here and there, but as you can see, I had no luck in trying to get your attention. Guess you were too caught up in Prudence to notice anything else." you explained, hoping he'd understand.
"Well, that just goes to show that I was loyal to Prudence, regardless of who she really was." he remarked.
He was right. Prudence could've been the ugliest girl in the world, but he didn't seem to care. He was interested in her, eager to get to know her.
"Why couldn't you tell me?"
"Because I couldn't ruin it. I was afraid that we'd start talking less once you find out that I'm Prudence. I didn't think we'd be just as fond of each other in real life as we are on Twitter. I mean, you're Sam Kiszka for crying out loud, and I'm nothing special. You're way out of my league and--
You were cut off when he cupped your face and crashed his lips against yours. This was your first kiss. So far, it's everything you dreamed it would be. Gentle, and shared with the person you've always carried a torch for.
If suffering meant you get a taste of heaven in the end, then you wouldn't mind suffering all over again. This moment was perfect. You know you struggled to play the waiting game, but, oh, was it so worth it.
Sam breaks the kiss, his hands moving from your face to your arms. He stops at your hands and holds both of them in his.
"Jude thinks we should go out." he says, giving you a sly smile.
"That's funny. Prudence was just thinking the same thing." you said, causing the both of you to let out the most genuine laugh.
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8. Tell me lies a.k.a. the personal assistant, Occam’s razor and one more pool game (Part Two)
“Private McCready at your service!” I salute as she opens the door.
“Thanks Mike, you saved my life!” she exhales nervously and despite her words, she still seems to be in panic.
“And now get out of my way!” I push her aside and lift the guitar over my head like a baseball bat, ready to strike with it. “Where is he?”
“I don’t know. You called me in a hysterical voice a few minutes ago ordering me to bring a guitar and not to ask anything. So I thought someone, maybe a rubber had broken into your room and I had to eliminate him using the guitar as a weapon. Or is it a phone stalker who threatens you with killing your family if you don’t sing him Edelweiss from The Sound of Music immediately?”
“Very funny, Mike. I need it because…I just need it.” she grabs the instrument in question out of my hands.
“Ha, you won’t get away with it so easily! I brought Stone’s guitar risking life and limb for you, I deserve more than…”
“What? Stone’s guitar?” she frowns disgusted and tries to tuck it back into my hands.
“What’s your problem? When I opened the case of mine, I noticed that one of the strings had broken. So I asked him to lend his one. Neither is it infected with plague nor with cholera and I didn’t tell him I was going to give it further to you so do you need it or not?” This domestic war of them has started annoying me, they act like pouting children.
“I do but… but what if he finds out I used it? He’s like a deerhound, I don’t want you to get in trouble because of me…” she sighs in a softer voice.
“I can take care of myself, trust me, it remains our secret.” I wink as she finally accepts the guitar I handed her again.
“Thanks, bye, Mike…” she moves back into the small hallway and is about to close the door but I prevent it by stopping it with my foot.
“Hey, seriously… you don’t even tell me what you want to do with it, you just kick me out?” I ask insulted.
“I want to play it. Bye…” she makes one more attempt to get rid of me but this time I decide to be relentless and slip in closing the door quickly behind myself.
“I’m a lead guitarist, remember? Maybe I could even help you with whatever you’re going to do…”
“Okay…” she finally agrees and follows me defeated.
“Spill me!”
“Well… I have a few… musical ideas aaaand… I want to work on them but I reached a stage where I can’t make it out without a guitar.”
“Ah, songwriting? What’s the style? Do you write lyrics too? If you need a solo I can…”
“Hey, easy… I have only the melody of the vocal part more or less and I can hear parts of the accompaniment in my head too but I need to try it by actually playing it …”
“Then what are you waiting for? Play it!” I clap my hands impatiently.
“I need my notes…” she starts searching in her notebook until she rests at a page full of letter and number codes.
“That’s unbelievable… I mean, you do it exactly the other way around than us, our songs get written while strumming around and we only write down the chords afterwards… I mean Stone, Jeff and Ed, I’m not really a part of it…”
“Sometimes I do it that way too… it depends on my mood, I practiced harmonizing enough that I can write basic melodies with accompaniment without using any instrument, especially in classical musical styles. But as I’ve said this time…”
“You’re an alien. And I’m super envious. But let’s hear the song!” I cut her off excitedly. “Sorry, I mean… it’s interesting and all but I’m too curious to wait any longer.”
“It… it goes somehow like this…” she starts humming a simple melody, it’s meditative and yet progressive at the same time as the chords she’s playing get added to her voice. She stops playing at dissonant chords and corrects her notes but keeps humming. After the last notes she stares in front of herself lowering her head. Although I can’t see her face of her braids, guessing of her flaming ears I assume she’s reddened.
“I… I like it, it’s cool… really… hey… Earth to Jude!” I lower my head too forcing her to look at me. She finally reciprocates my smile and closes the notebook.
“Please don’t be too critical about my guitar skills, I’m just a lame self-taught player…”
“On one hand, you’re not lame, on the other hand, I can give you some advice if you want to…” “Really? That would be great. My first problem is my left wrist, I can’t find the optimal position…”
“I think you should…” As I lean closer I glance at her wristwatch. “Jesus, Judy, it’s already 6 p.m.!!!” I exclaim.
“And… what?” she furrows her eyebrows.
“Jeff is to show up at 6:30, isn’t he?”
“And…? We have thirty minutes until then so…” she insists with a clueless shrug fidgeting with the strings.
“You should prepare for your date. Try on clothes, do your makeup or do whatever girls usually do before dates…”
“It’s not a date and I…”
“Jude, believe or not it doesn’t depend on how you call it. He bought shaving foam, after shave and deodorant in large quantities and I know this because I was with him.”
Not that Jeff has problems with personal hygiene but buying a whole drug store isn’t typical of him.
“Shaving foam?” she repeats desperately.
“Exactly.” I nod. Okay, she’s finally started realizing what I’m talking about.
“Deodorant?” her face looks all the more miserable, if that’s possible at all.
“Yep. And he was even whistling all morning. So please go and wash your hair at least.”
“Hey, it’s not even grea…”
“Okay, I’m going.” she drags herself towards the bathroom but suddenly turns back with a threatening expression as she notices me sneaking towards the door.
“Don’t you dare leave!” she orders pointing at me with her index finger.
“Jesus…” I sigh and sit back onto the bed.
And now? What the hell should I do? I’m sitting in someone else’s hotel room like a watchdog and I don’t even know why… I pick up her notebook from the nightstand, lean back carefully not to sink too deep into the pillow and begin to study her notes. Although I can’t understand much of them, I get lost in them for long minutes trying to figure out her concept. I start to the ringing of the phone on the nightstand, it’s set to a low volume so Judy can’t hear it over the sound of running water. Fuck… should I ignore or answer it? I have nothing to do with her private conversations but what if it’s important, what if something happened in her family or… Shit.
“Hello? Who’s speaking? I mean, who’s not speaking?”
“Uh, uhm, sorry, I must have dialed the wrong number…” a young, female voice apologizes.
“No, I mean, here’s room number 116.”
“Sure? You’re definitely not Judith Camden or Karrie Keyes…”
“Uh, oh… I’m… I’m the… the personal assistant of Miss Camden, Mr…. Mr…” Shit, why is that I’m not able to improvise in problematic situations? I bend my neck in ninety degrees to be able to read anything from the book she left open on the bed. “Mr. Sforzato?” I utter finally although it rather sounds like I’m questioning since I’m not sure at all I pronounced the word correctly.
“Mr. Sforzato?” the woman on the other end of the phone lets out a short, melodic laughter. “That’s interesting, your voice is very familiar, I would swear I’ve heard it somewhere… would you keep talking, I wanna figure out… how long has my sister had a personal assistant, anyway?” she chats on playfully.
“Being in the showbusiness, she realized she needed someone who helped her with managing time. Staff members are also very busy, I’m responsible for her program schedule.”
“Hahaha, then please ask her if she has a few minutes for her sister?” Effie??? The KISS fanatic little sister? I need a few seconds to rearrange my thoughts although hearing that she’s smiling while she’s speaking doesn’t help much…
“Oh, Miss Camden? It’s a pleasure to meet… hear you but I’m afraid Miss Judy can’t come to the phone right now, she’s preparing her toilet for an evening invitation which may involve romantic elements too…”
“SO SHE’S HAVING A DATE WITH JEFF AMENT, IT’S TRUE THEN!!!” she screams suddenly in the phone. “I have to talk to her, Mike, it’s extremely important! Otherwise she’ll screw up everything!”
Yeah, that’s very likely to happen if she goes on like this…
“As I mentioned, my name is Mr. Sforzato and she’s truly washing her hair so…”
“Okay, then we skip to plan B. Did she leave her glasses in the room?”
“Why is that so important?”
“Did she or not?” the sweet voice has turned definitively into the yelling of a drill instructor.
“Yes, she did, they’re on the nightstand.” I mutter unwillingly.
“Hide them.”
“What? No, why would I…”
“I said hide them! Shesgotcontactlensesbutshestoolazythowearthemandsheshidingherstunningeyesallthetimesoyouhavetohelpplease!” she jabbers with one breath and I can hear that Judy begins to dry her hair in the meantime.
“You can’t be serious, I’m not gonna interfere with her…”
“Mike, you’ve probably noticed how awkward my sister can be with guys so I would really appreciate if you would help me prevent a possible disaster, plus, you would help your bandmate too, is that really such a huge ask?” she tries again in a mellower voice. Okay, mellow is a mild expression, I could listen to her reading even the phonebook for days… I try to think coherently and find out more counter arguments but Judy turns the hairdryer off and to my biggest surprise my instant reaction is to grab her glasses and put them under the pillow. I mutter a quiet “done” into the receiver and hang up placing it cautiosly back onto the phone device.
“I gave it up, it’s too late, I can’t dry my hair properly.” Judy storms out of the bathroom; her face is framed by her half-wet strands. This is the first time I’ve seen her wearing her hair down which is much longer than I thought.
“Do you see my glasses somewhere?” she circles neurotically in the room, groping the furniture.
“No, I don’t, didn’t you leave them in the bathroom?” I deadpan pretending to lean against the pillow again. I should work on my abs, I can’t hold myself in this fake position for long…
“No, I’m sure I left them somewhere here… Shit, I can’t go to an exhibition twinkling like a mole…” she keeps panicking.
“But you have contact lenses, don’t you?” I inquire casually or at least I’m trying to sound like that.
“Yes and I hate them but I don’t seem to have any other choice…” she hurries back in the bathroom and begins to rummage in her wash bag.
“I should leave, y’know, it would be awkward if Jeff found me in your room so…” I straighten up and fix the pillow to hide the temples of the glasses. “Just be cool, it’s just a date, Jeff is a great guy, you’ll have fun.” I send her an encouraging smile and wave at her before leaving, which she responds with a blind, mechanic copy of my move.
I have to wait for the elevator in the floor for a while. As it arrives and its door opens, I bump into the freshly shaved, grinning Jeff. Jesus, he’s wearing an ironed shirt.
“Wish me luck.” he reaches his fist towards me and I hit mine automatically against it. As he passes me by I can smell the fragrance chemtrail of male perfume he’s streaking on his way to Judy’s room. I sigh shaking my head but entering the elevator my thoughts wander back to the only thing which has been on my mind for long minutes: what should I do to get to hear that voice again?
“So you’re a real renaissance man, aren’t you?” I ask Jeff while we’re walking back to our hotel which isn’t near the gallery at all but feeling the mild, spring weather Jeff suggested not taking a cab. Normally, I would enjoy evening walks but since Beth informed me about Jeff’s possible intentions and Mike prevented me from ignoring them, I’ve been just panicking. Jeff’s friend, Zach is a really nice guy and – thank goodness – a great talker as well so I didn’t experience awkward silence at the exhibition for one single minute. And even when other guests stole him from us, I could use his photos as excuses for talking about anything but private topics. But now we’re all alone and damn, how come I was able to talk to him effortless until this morning and since we left the gallery I’ve felt like someone put a sixteen ton weigh on my chest? I had the feeling that Jeff told Zach why he had chosen me as his partner for this evening. Not that he dropped any hints about us but the way he looked at us… or was it only my usual paranoia? Stop overthinking everything…
“Hey, are you trying to say that my clothes aren’t fashionable anymore?” he snickers nudging me gently on the shoulder with that of his.
“Well, I didn’t mean it exactly that way but once you came up with it…” I grin and feel his fingers clenching my throat playfully and gently from behind. “Okay, okay, your clothes are cool, haute couture, really.” Nope, your hats are ridiculous but who am I to inform you about it?
“Oookay, I’ll spare your life.” his fingers release my neck reluctantly.
And the girl felt butterflies in her stomach… Nope, that’s a different story, the girl doesn’t feel anything except for cold sweat. We walk on silently for a while but I don’t like this silence as the only thing I can think about is asking myself again and again: what the hell I’m doing here with him?
“But seriously, A: you’re an athlete. You play basketball and you’re a skater guy.” I pick up the thread again overtalking the voices in my head. Anyway, he has an athletic body, right? Girls like guys with athletic body, right? But damn, I wish his calves weren’t so thick.
“And that doesn’t mean anything, I’m pretty sure that Leonardo da Vinci wasn’t familiar with either of them.” he keeps joking about my choice of words.
“You can’t be sure, he even tried to invent a tank…”
“… that is almost a skateboard?”
“Haha, I don’t let you distract me, B: you’re an artist. I saw you drawing a few times but when you mentioned art school, somehow my brain didn’t put the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle together…” I go on compulsively. He’s artistic, that means he’s sensitive, right? And sensitive guys are gentle and caring, right? But how can he draw with those sausage fingers?
“I studied graphic design but the program was canceled so I quit college and moved with my hardcore band to Seattle. But I didn’t give up making art stuff, luckily Ed has the same enthusiasm about creative projects as me… You know, before his arrival I felt like a lonely fighter, I couldn’t really share my ideas with Mike or Stone.”
“It’s understandable. Stone doesn’t seem to be a very artistic type.” I snort as I imagine him fighting clumsily with paper scissors while he’s trying to create doilies.
“Believe or not, he’s not a total jerk, he’s got emotions, he only refuses consistently to show them and can’t handle if someone does it either. You should have seen his face when Ed gave him one of the collages he made during his flight from San Diego to Seattle, he was like “Jesus, he’s an alien, we should send him back before it’s too late!”
We both burst out laughing. But his smile is nice, isn’t it? Manly. His nostrils are unrealistically wide, though. There was a picture of a Neanderthal in the history classroom of my former high school. But how did that come to mind? My brain is messing with me.
“But as we began to have more and more gigs, I suggested to Ed starting a newsletter for our friends and fans and he totally liked the idea, I could also count on him when I helped Cameron, you know, the guy who directed the movie in which we played… And if you remember the cover of Ten, in the background you can see the text “Pearl Jam” with huge letters… it was Ed and me who made those letters, we cut them out of planks and painted them… it was a challenge since Mike was chasing a cat around us, our first drummer, Dave was sleeping drunk in the corner and Stone… you know, he supported us spiritually.”
“Ah, so he basically did nothing apart from throwing in witty remarks…”
“Exactly, how did you figure it out?” Jeff laughs pretending astonishment.
“The guy is predictable. Anyway, C: you’re a musician. And not an average musician but also a songwriter.”
“And? And??? Jesus, Jeff, maybe it’s not a big deal to you since you’re surrounded by talented bands all the time but being able to compose something new is a huge gift! A lot of musicians would kill if they could do it too, having good ears is one thing but songwriting… that’s another league.”
Ears. Gosh, I hate his earrings. Why can’t he be just a plain guy who wears denims with shirts or tees?
“I don’t know, it comes naturally to me, I’ve always written songs with all of my bands… Deranged Diction, Green River, Mother Love Bone…”
“Actually, I was at a Mother Love Bone show a few years ago.”
“Really? When? Where?” his face lights up of surprise.
“I don’t know, I totally forgot about it but Effie reminded me of it when I was pondering if I should call Karrie back. But I can clearly remember that I was pretty pissed off.”
“Hahaha, why? Did we suck that much?”
“No, I just didn’t want to go there at all. Effie was to meet her crush there and our parents probably suspected something because they allowed her to go only if I would go with her too. So you can imagine, she wasn’t very enthusiastic about the idea and neither was I since I wanted to stay at home with my scores and practice, maybe feeling sorry for myself for five minutes every hour… Unwillingly, though, but I accompanied her.”
“And did you enjoy the show?”
“Honestly, I can’t remember much of it… Of course as Effie found her crush, she didn’t give a shit about me anymore and they spent the evening with making out so I was surprised it was her of us two who had remembered anything from it…”
“You should have chosen a guy for yourself too and made out with him.” he grins audaciously.
No, no way, Jeff Ament, I’m not going to talk about making out with you… I mean talk with you. About making out. Damn.
“I leaned against the wall and was fuming the whole evening. As for the gig, all I can remember is you singer…”
“Yeah… and… uh, sorry for saying this but I thought he acted like a clown, I mean, talking to the people on the balcony in a concert venue where there isn’t any balcony?”
Yeah, Judy, you’re doing it great, insulting his dead friend is a perfect change of topic, keep it up…
“Hehe, yeah, a typical andyism, acting as if you were playing in a huge arena even if your only audience are the doormen of the bar…” he smiles in front of himself but a painful feature appears on his face at the same time.
“I was rude, sorry, I know you were friends and…” I gibber awkwardly.
“You don’t have to apologize, the fact he died doesn’t mean we can’t talk honestly about him. Anyway, when Stone came up with idea of playing with him, I was against it, I knew about his problems and his extravagant style was too much for me… But as I got to know him better I realized how warm-hearted and talented he was…”
“He was a real showman, right?”
“Absolutely…” he sinks back into his memories. Great. If you don’t want the guy to flirt with you, make him sad. Date tips for psychos, lesson one. But suddenly a faint fragment of that night flashes through my brain.
“And… and… you know what I can remember apart from Andy? An exceptionally distasteful leopard vest.” Jesus, what if it was him who was wearing it? Please tell me it wasn’t you, please tell me it wasn’t you…
“Oh yeah, it was Stone’s favorite piece of cloth at that time.” Phew. Thank goodness. What? Stone???
“At least you can blackmail him with the photos of him in that vest till the end of time…”
“Unfortunately it’s not that simple… he has pics of me wearing spandex leggings on stage so…” he snickers. “And to tell the truth, we were more familiar with the use of eyeliner than most girls.”
“Hey, it was in the eighties, I’m sure you made a few poor style choices too…” Should I tell him I bought this dress when I was fourteen?
“Effie tried makeups and hairstyles on me all the time but luckily I never crawled out of my cave so it is still you who takes the cake by having jumped on stage in leggings… Ah, where were we, C, right? D: Dancing?”
“It depends on what we call dancing. I took dance lessons in Big Sandy but I abandoned dancing to prevent my parents from going bankrupt due to the massive compensation they had to pay to the parents of the unlucky female victims… do you know how expensive a leg amputation is?”
Jesus, poor Mike.
“You can’t be that bad at dancing. You’re a musician, you have sense of rhythm… Singing?”
“I’m trying. I used to sing to my records while listening to them but my dad thought I was hiding a jackal in my room. Luckily my bands have always allowed me to sing the backup vocals…”
“They haven’t.” I smile mysteriously.
“What?” he asks back confused.
“As your future monitor engineer the first thing I had to learn was what the staff calls “the secret setup of Jeff’s mic.”.”
“…which means…?” he stops opposite me since in the meantime we’ve arrived back to the hotel.
“…switching it off and knock out everyone who tries to switch it back.”
“You’re not as innocent as I thought.” he smiles and the way his eyes are resting on my face makes me feel uncomfortable.
“It’s not my fault, the others told me to do so, this is the rule, I don’t want to be fired.” I play on, or at least I try to do it since despite his smile his gaze radiates some kind of confidence.
“But maybe asking out the monitor engineer could help change this rule.” he adds still staring at me. Come on, Jeff, blink finally. Blink!
“Hehe, I don’t know, Eric is the boss you know…” I babble and try to blow a strand out of my mouth since the light spring breeze started ruffling my hair.
“Soooo… we’re back. What’s next?” he asks stroking it gently away. His hands are warm and his touch is surprisingly pleasant, basketball freak bass players shouldn’t have such soft hands…“Do you want to take a walk in the park?”
In the park? But it’s dark… and there are benches there… benches are excellent for…” Alarm! ALARM!
“But we’ve been walking until now… and I’m a little bit tired and… “
Nope, I’m not, at all. Granny used to teach us that lying is a sin. But it’s only a tiny lie. It doesn’t matter.
“Or do you wanna grab some food and join the guys at the bar?” he points at a building on the other side of the street. Joining the guys after a date? What a great idea. Or what if we lay in front of a truck or jumped off a cliff?
“I’m… I’m not really hungry…” Honestly, I could eat a horse… Hey little liar… Joan Jett begins to sing treacherously in my head. Thanks Joan, this helps a lot. “My lips hurt, maybe my herpes is about to recur…” Hey little liar… I would swear I can hear Granny singing in the background, Joan, when did you hire her?
“Oh, that’s pretty inconvenient…”
“Yeah, I’ve struggled with it from time to time…” Actually, I’ve never had herpes… and I have no idea what I’m going to say when he notices tomorrow that nothing happened with my face… Hey little liar… Is this song really echoing in the street or it’s just a trick of my mind? “I can barely keep my eyes open, I think I’d rather hit the hay, tomorrow will be a looong day…”
“Yeah… but… if you don’t mind, I’d have a beer with the others… so… dream something nice.” he flashes a meaningful smile at me, strokes me on the shoulder and turns back to cross the street. I forget to answer as I stay standing in front the hotel. Okay, date checked. It could have been worse, right? And now? Jeff meets the guys and… I hope they won’t discuss it. Me. Guys don’t discuss emotional stuffs, right? Ugh. What’s the next step? Oh yeah, I should enter the building…
I walk across the lobby but before I could reach the elevator, suddenly I perk up. I hear smooth piano music and following the sound I find myself in the bar room of the hotel. Actually, a drink would be nice. God, I definitely need a drink.
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topweeklyupdate · 6 years
TØP Weekly Update #67: I Don’t Want the World to See Me (10/19/18)
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I say “they’re back, they’re really back” every week, but I only say it because it’s true. Our band kicked off the first tour of the Trench Era with gusto this week, and that’s only just scratching the surface.
This Week’s TØPics:
The Bandito Tour Begins
Additional Tour Dates Announced
Jim Dun
More Interviews with the Band
Major News and Announcements:
Again, there’s not an awful lot of “news”, mostly just developments happening in real time. That said, there is one notable piece of intel, as the band added another three dates to the second North American leg of their tour: namely, a second show in Toronto, a concert in Newark to further serve that densely-populated metropolitan area, and a show in San Antonio to show Texas some love. You can register for those tickets now, so get to it!
The Shows:
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The Bandito Tour kicked off in Nashville last Tuesday, and it was incredible. Of course, not everyone was totally pleased with it: Some people thought there were too few songs from Trench, while others were heartbroken that too many old favorites were knocked off. For that first point: nine out of fourteen of the new songs made their way onto the setlist, one more than the eight songs from Blurryface that landed on the first headlining show in Australia that era. Granted, those shows were significantly shorter than the current arena shows, but those songs also had much less competition for space. Point is, there’s still plenty of time for “Chlorine” to make it on the setlist, clikkies.
As for the second point... listen, I’m gutted for everyone who didn’t get a chance to sing “Migraine” or “Guns for Hands” this week. But if they could play “Taxi Cab” after five years of acting like it didn’t exist, they can- and will- play those songs again. I promise.
The setlist was comprised of:
Fairly Local- The first full performance of the song since 2015, complete with a reveal of a scissor lift under Josh’s drum kit and a “Hometown”-disappearing act.
Stressed Out- Introduced by a cute video of a flying red beanie to give Tyler a chance to run back to the stage, culminating in it descending from the sky for Tyler to wear.
We Don’t Believe What’s On TV- Complete with Nigel introducing Josh with a romantic poem and Tyler’s now-customary first speech to the crowd.
The Judge
Lane Boy- Josh’s flying drum platform gets an extra light display at the end.
Nico and the Niners- A runway out to the b-stage descends from the heavens and hangs over the crowd; Tyler performs the rap there and finishes at b.
Taxi Cab- Tyler Joseph asks the thousands of people in the audience to sit and listen to this nice piano song his dad likes, causing us to drown in our tears.
Neon Gravestones- A transparent curtain imposes giant ghostly images of the band over the b-stage, while a gorgeous moving light display hangs overhead.
Bandito- The debut of this song was accompanied by another incredible light show and displays of soaring vultures. Notably, the first verse was cut, seemingly just to keep up the pace.
Pet Cheetah- Tyler and Josh head back across the runway to finish the sick beats, the pit drops like nobody’s business.
Iris- The band brings out the openers to play this Goo Goo Dolls classic, infusing it with incredible emotion and a killer uke arrangement. So far, Tyler’s been introducing it as the soundtrack for Josh’s childhood “firsts” (first kiss, first Fun Dip, etc).
Hey Jude- The bands perform one of the greatest songs of all time.
Holding On To You- Now with more pretty stars
Ride- Now without a drum island
My Blood- Now with SKELETON HOODIES and holding on to the crowd harmony conducting from The Complete Diversion.
Morph- Tyler does his best rap thing while Josh busts out his most technical drum island yet.
Car Radio
Leave the City- Replacing “Goner” for the encore, Tyler leans in hard for audience participation.
Trees- Now with imagery reflecting Josh’s tree tattoo. The keyboard is also placed above the car, which rises dramatically from the ground in the middle of the song because Tyler’s just extra like that.
Tyler’s Trees Speech in Nashville was a full one. After acknowledging earlier in the show that he and Josh were really nervous about getting this one right, Tyler thanked the opening crowd for giving him the experience of hearing “Leave the City” sung back at him for the first time, lampshaded how ridiculous the production value of the shows has gotten, gave Nashville-native lighting director Shap some grief, and joked about how he only messed up the second verse from “Morph”, so there’s some room for improvement.
Interviews and Other Shenanigans:
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The biggest interview from this week was the band’s feature with The New York Times, which did not go too awfully in-depth in terms of revealing information that we didn’t already know but was still one of the more well-written pieces on the band I’ve seen in some time. The article takes their art and artistry seriously, covering their oft-repeated backstory with reverence fitting a band that has proved themselves time and again to be worth that consideration. The descriptions of Tyler and Josh read as totally on-point to their personalities, and there’s a cool revelation that Tyler’s kept an encouraging voicemail from Chris Martin on his phone since 2016. The highlight for me, though, is the absolutely crushing ending where Tyler responds to a question of his mental health by answering “I’m OK today.” It’s a mature and sobering outlook on his future struggles with his mental health; I hope he stays OK for many years to come.
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Oh, and Jim Dun’s Instagram page is now public, so you should definitely go splurge through a year’s worth of cute dog photos featuring Josh, cameos from Brendon Urie, and snarky comments from Mark, Brad, Debby, Jenna, Jordan, Abigail, and friends. Josh even gave a little interview with Global K9 Protection Services talking about his relationship with his pup. Jim will be joining the gang on tour, so we’re sure to get plenty more adorable puppy action in the weeks to come.
Chart Performance:
Well, it looks like my suspicions last week were correct: Trench fell just shy of securing a #1 spot in the States, losing out to A Star Is Born’s soundtrack. But that’s no reason to be gloomy- last week was still the band’s biggest sales week ever, selling 135,000 albums and earning an additional 40,000 equivalent units in streams and other avenues of listening. And hey, they were the #1 album in Australia! That’s pretty cool.
As far as individual songs go, things continue to look pretty rosy. The album release boosted “Jumpsuit” and “Nico and the Niners” back to the Hot 100 at #79 and #95, respectively, while “My Blood” was able to debut at #81 off of the music video. Below the Hot 100, “Morph” and “Chlorine” managed to sneak onto the Bubbling Under chart at #6 and #12 respectively.
The songs impressed more individually down on the Rock Charts. Every single track from the album made it onto the Hot Rock Songs chart, which combines every source of music consumption with a similar formula as the Hot 100. Most of this can be attributed to streaming- nine songs from Trench made their way onto the Rock Streaming chart versus only two new arrivals to Rock Sales. “My Blood” is also continuing to gain radio momentum; we’ll see if that’s enough to keep it around next week.
Upcoming Performances:
With the Bandito Tour fully underway, let’s look to the week ahead to see what communities the band will be sharing their music with and try to determine if we might expect any surprises.
Show 3: Enterprise Center, St Louis, Missouri (10/19)
Capacity: 22,000
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Tonight, the band returns to St. Louis, a city they’ve visited many times in the past. They played this venue at their last show here in 2016, albeit when it was under the “Scottrade Center” name.
Show 4: Fiserv Forum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (10/20)
Capacity: 17,500
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Twenty One Pilots have never played this venue before, because it didn’t exist the last time they toured; heck, it didn’t even exist when they announced this one! The brand-new Fiserv Forum, built as the new home for the Milwaukee Bucks basketball team, opened just last month with a concert from The Killers and has already hosted a number of other artists. It should make for an incredible show, even more so because it will be the band’s first ever arena show in the city. 
Show 5: XCel Energy Center, St. Paul, Minnesota (10/21)
Capacity: 13,000
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The band also played this venue in their last visit back in 2016. Not much else to say, so... moving on!
Show 6: Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland, Ohio (10/23)
Capacity: 20,000
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Tuesday’s show in Cleveland will be the closest thing to a hometown show the band will play until their two announced concerts in Columbus next June, nearly nine months from now. As a result, expect to see plenty of family members in attendance (and maybe an on-stage cameo from Zach to perform his verse from “Kitchen Sink”). It’ll definitely be a real special night.
Show 7: Little Caesar’s Arena, Detroit, Michigan (10/24)
Capacity: 22,000
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Wrapping things up, Twenty One Pilots will be playing their first show in Detroit proper since 2015, and their first ever arena show in the general region. This is another relatively new facility that only opened in September of last year, the harshest season of the hiatus. Hopefully those Ohio boys put on a good show for my Michigan kin.
It was another incredible week. I can’t wait to see how these shows continue to grow and evolve in the weeks and months to come. Let me know when you all get the chance to see them. Until then, power to the local dreamer.
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winchestergirl-13 · 6 years
Day In Paradise
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Prompt: “Just Another Day in Paradise”
Word Count: 1,170
Warning: fluff, like one swear word, implied sexy time (nothing happens), mentioned Sam x Eileen
A/N: This was written for @charlotteswinchester‘s writing challenge. This is set in a AU and I used the song “Just Another Day in Paradise” by Phil Vassar; some lyrics are bolded while others are embedded in the story (the lyrics were too long and told the story too much to leave as they were, so I implied that they are there). Enjoy!
Dean woke up in the morning at 8:25 on Tuesday to the sound of his kids screaming for whatever reason, the phone ringing for a moment before being picked up, and their dog, Parker (he was a Sheppard mix), barking, probably at the mailman out the window. He had a feeling that he was bringing by some bills that were overdue. Getting up, he slipped on his robe and made his way downstairs where his wife (Y/N) was making breakfast as Jude and Charlie, their four year old twins, were chatting away at the table.
“Good morning, baby, how are you?” Dean asked as he placed a kiss on (Y/N)'s cheek before reaching into the fridge for the milk.
“Morning babe. I'm good. Sleep well?”
“Yeah. Got a half hour to take a shower before I have to get ready for work,” he replied, taking a sip of the milk. He pulled it away with a look of disgust. It had gone sour.
(Y/N) started laughing at Dean's reaction and groaned playfully when he twisted the top back on and put it back in the fridge.
“Gross dear,” she shook her head as she served breakfast for her family. After breakfast, the kids went upstairs to get dressed before she took them to daycare for the day and Dean went to shower before heading down to the mechanic shop he owned with his father and uncle. She decided to get some laundry done, but there was a problem. The load from last night didn't finish its cycle. The machine broke.
“Damn it,” she cursed, kicking the machine hoping it would start.
“Whoa, hey now. Baby, don't kick it. Look, I promise I'll fix it when I get home, okay?” Dean promised, placing calming hands on her shoulders. “Well, I can add “fix washing machine to my list of about a million other things” he thought to himself, smiling when (Y/N) blew out a breathe before relaxing.
“Okay. I love you,” she wrapped her arms around his waist, her head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, placing a kiss to the top of her head. “I love you, too.”
Well, it's ok. It's so nice It's just another day in paradise
If Dean was being honest with himself, there was no place that he'd rather be. Their life was built with two hearts and one dream. He wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Every night before they went to bed, Dean would get down on his knees and pray to God, asking the Lord for just another day in paradise. His life wasn't what he'd call “perfect” but to him, nothing else was better.
Friday night, (Y/N) was held up in a meeting at the college she worked at as a (insert teaching style) and she got home late. Dean was waiting for her at the door and one look at his watch told him that they'd never make their dinner date at the restaurant they had their first date at. (Y/N) started to cry a little, saying it was her fault, that if she had just gotten out earlier.
“Hey now. Baby, it's okay. We'll just improvise and go out tomorrow. I'll call Jo, let her know that she doesn't have to come tonight and see if she can come tomorrow, while you go get comfy, okay?” Dean stated, cupping her cheek, his thumb catching the tears rolling down her face.
“Yeah, that sounds great,” she sighed, a happy smile playing on her lips. Well, plan B turned out to be some Domino's pizza twenty minutes later in he candle light in their kitchen. Jude and Charlie having gone to bed about an hour ago. After dinner, Dean took (Y/N) by the hand and they were literally tippy-toeing up the stairs to their room. With the kids asleep, they decided it was time to make a little love that was overdue.
(Y/N) had just gotten Dean's shirt off when their door opened. Charlie was standing in the doorway, her little brown bear clutched in her hand as she knuckled at her eyes. Tears were slowly falling from her dark green eyes.
“Oh sweetie, did you have a bad dream?” (Y/N) asked, already knowing the answer as she knelt in front of their daughter.
“Uh-huh. Mama, Daddy, can me and teddy sleep with you please?” she nodded her head, asking softly. They weren't going to deny her that.
“Of course honey. Mommy and I were just getting ready for bed ourselves. We didn't go to dinner, so Jo didn't come by. But she will tomorrow. You climb under those covers and we'll be right back, okay?” Dean replied, picking her up under the arms and gently tossing her onto their bed, taking in her light giggles. She gave a nod and crawled under the covers in the middle as they walked into their bathroom and got ready. There was always tomorrow.
By morning, Dean will wake up and find that Jude had joined them at some time in the middle of the night, curled around Charlie like he was protecting her. (Y/N) laid on the left side of the bed, her arm draped over their kids. Dean smiled and placed a kiss the each of their temples before getting up and fixing the blankets around them. He'd make breakfast while they slept.
Yeah it's ok. It's so nice. It's just another day in paradise.
As Dean made breakfast, he couldn't help but think that he was so lucky to have this life. There literally was no place that he'd rather be. He and (Y/N) had found their dream house, fixed it up, and it took both their hearts to make it their home. He placed the food on the larger serving tray they had and made his way upstairs where he could hear his family just starting to wake up. Walking in, he found (Y/N) sitting up, hair a mess and a sleepy smile as she watched Jude and Charlie play with Parker before catching Dean's eyes. He wouldn't trade this for anything. He made sure to thank the Lord again that night and again asked for just another day in paradise. Well, it's ok. It's so nice. It's just another day in paradise. Well, there's no place that I'd rather be Two hearts And one dream I wouldn't trade it for anything And I ask the lord every night For just another day in paradise
Come Monday, the same routine played out. He woke up to the kids screaming and their phone ringing. Sam calling to make sure they could make it Saturday for the barbecue at his and Eileen's place. The week went by, (Y/N) came home late again Friday due to another meeting, but it was okay. Dean had dinner waiting for her when she got home, Jude and Charlie exclaiming about how they helped. It was perfect. It was just another day in paradise. Oh yeah, it's just another day in paradise
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nickyxlloyd · 6 years
Post-Pool Party Spin the Bottle Recap
LOCATION: Keaton's room after the pool party CHARACTERS: @ezragreenn , @hollandstxrling , @damnkeaton , @hey-juda , @jameshardesty , @nickyxlloyd , @carmenstrcde . SUMMARY: these nerds play spin the bottle, eat pizza, and watch pokemon.  TRIGGERS: kissing and joking mentions of homophobia. (idk man to be safe) PS: we did this on discord, so here it’s lengthy. if you decided to read, bless you. also if you would rather read the interactions on discord, you can hit me up and i’ll add you to the server. <3
Keaton: Keaton had proposed the idea of those who were still going strong toward the end of the party to return to his hotel when someone next door began complaining about how much noise they had been making, and the others bailed back to their respective rooms (or the rooms of others). Keaton was leaning against the entertainment center, half blocking the tv with another drink in his hand. He took the last swig from the bottle, set it down, then shifted aside to grab yet another. "I don't know, I guess I get that she probably had to work early tomorrow, or maybe she has kids. I just thought it was a bit of an exaggeration. A please would've been nice, you know?"
Holland: "It's her fault for deciding to live in a Motel 8. What does she expect, complete serenity at all times? That's ridiculous. I hope someone has really loud, really obnoxious sex in the room next to hers." Holland didn't like to be ordered around. That much, she had to guess, was clear. She took another drink from her water bottle with an exaggerated eye roll. "I need someone to take my mind off of door 4B before I go and start yelling."
Nicky: Nicky kicked back on the couch, "We weren't even being that loud. She's just annoyed that we're young and having fun while she's living in a Motel 8 and going to bed before 11 o'clock at night." She took a sip from her third capri sun of the party, "It's tragic, really, but it doesn't give her the right to be a killjoy."
Ezra: Ezra rolled his eyes from the window, drunk to the point of being happy and the jokester that he was. "Do you guys want me to go to her room and cause a scene?" He was being completely serious and he hoped that others knew.  Ezra was also a little high so he was standing on the wall of the room as still as the people from that Blair witch movie.
 Jamie: Jamie tended to give people a break, usually trying to see their point of view but she was tipsy and slightly bugged. It’s not like they’d been screaming outside or her door or something but maybe Keaton was right. Maybe she did have work or kids sleeping or it could have just been a bad day and she wanted peace. Whatever the situation Jamie felt a little less annoyed with every passing second. “Um.. something tells me she’d call the cops? So.. um.. distraction.” She looked around like it’d pop up. “How about we.. get in touch with our teenage selves?” Did that even make sense? James scrunched her nose. “We should play spin the bottle I can’t remember the last time we did that and it’s a good distraction..”
Juda: Juda sat, cross-legged, at the foot of one of the beds. He was grasping a spiked seltzer in his hands. "I mean we were screaming and it is a Tuesday night." Juda knew the burden of having to get up for an early commute so he empathized with the woman.  "At least we can keep the party going in here!"
Ezra: Ezra nodded his head at Jamie's idea. "You know, as high school as that idea is - I'm totally in." Ezra took an unopened bottle from the 6-pack he just purchased and managed to chug the bottle as quickly as he could before reaching out with the hand the bottle was in. "Who else is in?" He looked over at Juda. "Also, babe - it's a fucking motel people probably get murdered here and fuck hookers. She should be happy that the noise is different for a change." Ezra realized his words were harsh. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry...it's escorts now."
Jamie: Jamie popped a few of the alcoholic gummies she had left in her mouth, glad someone liked the idea, waiting to see if others would too. She was totally not just drunk and wanting to make out with someone or anything.
Holland: "Is that really the only thing you found wrong with that sentence, Ezra?"
Nicky: Nicky rolled her eyes at Ezra's comment but she was also on board with spin the bottle so she moved from the couch onto the floor near where Juda sat, "I'm in."
Jamie: “Yay!” She joined them on the floor.
Keaton: Keaton opened what would possibly be his final bottle of the night. "Maybe we should've invited her to hang out instead." he shrugged it off, then, as he sat down on the floor with his back to the entertainment center he had just been leaning against. "Flashback to fifteen. I'm in for old times sake."
Juda: "Okay that's fair but still I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt." He huffed before taking another sip of his seltzer. At the mention of spin the bottle Juda tensed up. He used to hate that game in high school. Before he was out he would always have to find some way to excuse himself from the party so as to not get roped into playing. He decided to see how it would play out. After all, they were a long way past high school and Juda was much more comfortable with himself now.
Carmen: Carmen's brows furrowed at the suggestion. "Is it really necessary to play just to relive our teenage years?" She stood reluctantly off to the side, not sure if it was the smartest idea to play.
Nicky: "C'mon Carmen, we're all friends here. I'm sure it'll be fun." Nicky said encouragingly, patting the ground next to her.
Keaton: "Don't act like you don't want to jump at the opportunity to kiss me, Carm. You're not fooling me." Keaton offered a playful wink, to make it clear that he was joking and held a second drink out to her. "Come on."
Jamie:“Necessary? Probably not but I think it could be fun.” She shrugged.
Holland: Holland had already made the floor her home, so all she did was crawl until she was next to Nicky, collapsing on the other girl's shoulder with a long-suffering sigh. "I swam too much. So I'm at 15% right now. I need one of you to give me a good reason to stay conscious."
Juda: "I'm down to play but maybe for only one or two rounds." He said softly. Trying to make eye contact with Carmen for reassurance.
Carmen: Carmen rolled her eyes at the comments, folding her arms over her chest. Glancing at them all for a second, she ended up caving. "Fine," she sighed. "Maybe a round or two."
Ezra: Ezra put the bottle in the middle of everyone that was placing. "Alright. Someone, please put on some music and I swear to god if someone plays anything with Cardi B I will automatically use my magic to get the bottle to spin on you because I'd want to kiss you now." He loved Cardi B when he was drunk for some reason and knew every word to Bodak Yellow. "I vote that Carmen goes first!"
Nicky: Nicky smiled as Carmen decided to join, "Yes, everybody plays!" She said as Holland leaned on her shoulder, "I'm sure someone here will energize you."
Carmen: She shot a quick glare at Ezra. "Can't we start with someone else?"
Keaton: Keaton drew his knees up toward his chest with one arm while the other held his drink. "I can confidently say I don't have any songs by Cardi B on any of my playlists. Sorry, man."
Jamie: “If no one wants to volunteer to go first we could spin the bottle and pick it that way?”
Holland: "Smart, smart. This is why you're tonight's ringleader, J."
Juda: Juda remained quiet. He was already beginning to stress out about all of the random outcomes that could happen.
Holland: "Okay, whatever, since I don't see anyone else manning up." Holland sighed before she reached into the center of the circle, took hold of the bottle, and spun it. "This is to decide who's goin--" before she could finish, the bottle had come to a halt. And it was aimed at her. "The gods have spoken." She readied herself with a shake of her hands before she spun again, watching and waiting as it slowly came to a halt. "Awe, Juda!"
Juda: When the bottle creeped its way towards him, his nerves were validated. He rolled his eyes. "Of course I'm first...nothing against you Holland, I just knew it would land on me right away." He paused for a moment, "So want me to come over to you or-." The logistics passed the bottle stopped escaped him
Keaton: Keaton immediately broke out in a rendition of Kiss the Girl from the Little Mermaid, albeit slightly under his breath as he held the beer bottle to his lips with a small smile(edited)
Holland: "We meet in the middle." Holland laughed as she got to her knees and made her way to the center of their misshapen circle. "Lay one on me, baby boy." Even as she spoke, she rose a hand to flip Keaton off, her smile remaining in Juda's direction. "Don't worry, I won't make you act like you mean it."
Keaton: Keaton put a hand over his chest, as if genuinely insulted by the finger she raised in his direction. "Listen, the Little Mermaid is a legendary fucking movie, alright?"
Juda: Juda gave Keaton a fierce side eye before making his way to the middle as well. "Who knows maybe we will fall in love." With that, he leaned in, closed his eyes and kissed Holland. As expected it was painfully platonic but still, he remained for a few seconds. When he pulled back he surveyed the circle, "I- I wasn't sure how long we were supposed to kiss. Was that good?"
Ezra: Ezra chuckled. "That was the most polite round I've ever seen."
Holland: Holland had to keep herself from laughing (or cringing, she couldn't tell) as the kiss endured. It felt like kissing a brother she didn't have. "I think we can call it."
Juda: "Did you expect anything else from me in this game" Juda sat back down nudging Ezra playfully
Nicky: "Jude, it's your turn now, babe." Nicky said when she realized he wasn't aware of the rules.
Juda: "You mean I have to go again?" He was already overwhelmed that the spotlight had been turned so quickly on him. "Okay okay." He grabbed the bottle and twirled it, maybe a little too aggressively. When it stopped it faced Nicky.
Nicky: "Okay, c'mon we have to allow a re-spin here right?" Nicky protested on both of their behalfs, "We're both too gay for this."
Holland: "Don't be homophobic Nicky."
Ezra: "Wow...it's 2018, Nicky." Ezra followed Holland's words.
Juda: "I think it's homophobic to not let me spin again." He piped in.
Carmen: "I mean, they shouldn't have to kiss if they don't want to..."
Jamie: “Best cheek kiss ever time?”
Keaton:"Honestly, it doesn't matter to me. do whatever your hearts desire. Are kisses on the cheek allowed, for the record?"
Holland: "I think it's homophobic for you two to not nut up or shut up." She balled a fist and slapped it against her open palm as to create a dramatic punctuation for her words.
Ezra: "Just allow the cheek kiss." Ezra agreed, Getting up quickly to grab another drink.
Nicky: "Listen, Holland. you're the one forcing a man to kiss a woman when he doesn't want to, sounds pretty homophobic to me." she said jokingly, but she moved into the center of the circle. "Fine, come kiss my cheek, Juda.”
Juda: "I feel like that is lame though." He loved Nicky but if kissing Holland was like kissing his sister Nicky was somehow a level above that. 'I'm fine with that though."Juda leaned over and pecked her on the cheek, "There is everyone happy?" He passed the bottle off to Nicky
Holland: "No, I'm not." Holland huffed, then stuck out her tongue at the two of them. It was still good-natured, but that didn't mean she had to act it.
Ezra: Ezra moved back to his seat. "As long as you're happy, I'm always happy." He smiled with his teeth right before a bottle followed. He quickly moved to whisper to Juda. "Sorry about that. I was totally not being as serious as I sounded."
Juda: Juda leaned in while smiling, "It's really fine. I'm not as upset as I sounded. Just...my luck you know."
Jamie: Jamie felt bad her suggestion now seemed to be making others uncomfortable but didn’t know whether to apologize so she busied herself with a drink.
Nicky: "Alright, now that we're all satisfied other than Holland, let's move on," Nicky said as she spun the bottle in the middle, watching as it landed on Jamie who was just taking a drink, "Alright, Jamie we're up," she said, pointing at Jamie.
Ezra: Ezra pat him on the back. "Well, just know that you can always play with me later."
Jamie: Jamie nearly dropped her drink when she realized. “Ooh me!” She smiled a little and moved towards the middle.
Nicky: Nicky smiled as Jamie made her way into the middle, "Yes, you. Let's do this," she said as she put a hand on Jamie's cheek and leaned in to kiss her. She pressed her lips against Jamie's for a bit before pulling back.
Holland: "This is much more boring than I'd anticipated."
Nicky: "Get fucked, Holland," Nicky shot back playfully, "The game's just starting."
Jamie: She smiled again when they broke apart. “Boring? Is it because no ones kissed the other to the floor yet? Lack of tongue?” She was kidding.
Juda: "To be fair this group is pretty poorly balanced."
Ezra: "This is why you should have pre-gamed with Sonny and I. I'm staring at the wall and having a great time."
Keaton: "Shit, you guys pre-gamed without me? That's alright, Nicky and I... half-gamed? " He was sure there was a word for it, but he had been drinking just enough to forget it. "We smoked too, at some point."
Juda: "Haven't most of us been 'pre-gaming' all day?" Juda had maintained a consistent buzz for hours. He honestly was shocked he hadn't crashed yet
Jamie: “And to think all I did was eat a ho ho standing by the sink,” She moved to spin the bottle.
Holland: "Same, Jamie, same."
Ezra: "Half-gamed?" Ezra just started chuckling, taking another drink. "We literally walked out why everyone was talking? That's always the "we are going to smoke because why the fuck were we talking about ghosts on the bus."
Jamie: “I got me... alas, not today because I’m not in the mood.” Making out with herself would probably be super boring so she spun again. “Hello, Carmen.” She winked playfully in her direction bc and moved to the middle. 
Ezra: "Wait...Keaton for some reason I had no idea that you smoked."
Keaton: "You guys have been hanging out with Dev too much, there are no fucking ghosts on the bus." Maybe Keaton just didn't want to believe in such a thing. Keaton had smoked for pretty much as long as he could remember, so he just shrugged. "Guess you haven't been paying enough attention to me."
Carmen: Carmen had been half watching up until the bottle pointed in her direction. Eyes widening slightly, she felt the slightest bit of panic. "Um... Hi?"
Jamie: Was she nervous? Everything was slightly blurred so it was hard to tell for sure. “Cheek kisses are an option?” Just in case.
Holland: "Only in valid cases of two gays. You two aren't two gays."
Carmen: This would've been a lot easier if she had had a little more to drink. "No, it's, uh fine." She put on a brave face, though probably looked half-terrified, and moved to the center.
Jamie: Jamie smiled in what she hoped was a reassuring manner as she moved to the middle. She didn’t want to spook anyone so she was careful as she leaned in to press her lips against Carmen’s.
Carmen: Carmen tried to smile back, but her nerves were getting the best of her. She let Jamie take the lead, otherwise frozen to her spot in the center. The kiss was quick, Carmen pulling away after a second, but she let out a breath now that it was over. She shot Jamie an awkward smile before going back to her spot.
Keaton: Keaton glanced at Carmen, noting an uneasiness that was pretty unusual for her. he didn't want to draw too much attention, so he moved as much as he had to talk to her quietly. "You okay?
Ezra: Ezra looked over at Juda hoping only he saw, and his eyes were widened.
Jamie: It was over before she could blink but she didn’t mind as she flashed her a smile. Now to find where she’d set her drink as she moved back to her spot.
Juda: Juda shot Ezra a look telling him to knock it off.
Carmen: She gave a quick glance over to Keaton. "I'm good," she murmured, shifting her gaze to the bottle. "It's my turn right?" Quick to grab the bottle, she gave it a spin. Was it bad that she let out a sigh of relief when it landed on Juda? Because that's exactly what she did. "Sorry, Jude. Cheek kiss?"
Juda: Juda bit his lower lip realizing that it was back on him. He took another sip of his drink and shrugged, "No it's okay. I think the cheek kiss rule only applies to Nicky and me because we are Nicky and me." He readjusted and leaned over to Carmen.
Carmen: Nodding her head, she leaned in to meet him. It was easier this time around, pressing her lips to his for a second.
Juda: It was easier for him too. The initials nerves were off and he was comfortable with Carmen to let it happen. "Sorry Holland, still nothing too exciting for you..." He grabbed the bottle and spun it once again. This time landing on Ezra, "..but who knows."
Holland: "Oh, whatever. I've given up hope."
Keaton: Quietly, again, Keaton begins singing. This time High Hopes by Panic! and the Disco as he discards another bottle in favor of a cold one from the cooler nearby.
Holland: "Keaton, not to be weird, but you should sing me to sleep tonight. But only death metal songs in a lullaby voice. I want it to be a challenge."
Nicky: Nicky swatted Holland on the arm playfully, "Lighten up, Holly. Not every kiss is going to be x-rated."
Keaton: "Ah, that's hardly a challenge. I'll accept it anyway, though. Just have to wrack my brain for some songs."
Holland: "Ow. Not only is my arm bruised, Nicky, but my heart is too."
Nicky: "I'm sure Keaton's lullaby will distract you from the pain," Nicky said.
Holland: "Here's hoping. Meet me in my room, Keat."
Ezra: Ezra teased. "I'm not gay, I don't kiss dudes." He quickly got on his knees, turning towards Juda and smiling at his ex-boyfriend. "I know you'll enjoy this." He put his lips to Juda's, kissing for a fair amount of time and it was on the verge of turning into a make-out before he pulled away and moving back down to his seat.  "Gets better every time." He winked at Juda before his hand moved to spin the bottle. He knew that it would land on a girl and it landed on Holland. "Hmmmmmmmmmm."
Juda: After their kiss, Juda sat back down. Ezra had grabbed and kissed him so quickly that his mind hadn't even fully caught up. "There's your fun kiss Holland. But I'll gladly share the wealth." Juda jumped on Ezra's playful hmmm
Holland: "Is this homophobic, too?" After watching Ezra with Juda, Holland had only just finished laughing when she noticed and commented on the bottle pointing in her direction. "What're we doing here, E?" At Juda's comment, she rolled her eyes with a quiet laugh. "Shut up, J. Or I'll make you kiss Nicky again."
Ezra:  Ezra lightly nudged Juda and looked at Holland.  "Well, I can't give you as good of a show as that but I come pretty close. " Ezra didn't mind kissing someone on the mouth, there was a time when he thought he was possibly bisexual and hooked up with a girl (worst memory of his life he had to imagine it was Ryan Gosling).
Holland: "Okay, your funeral. I'm going to turn you straight." She joked, flashing a smile at Juda. She found her way to the middle of the circle yet again, holding her arms out until Ezra was close enough to pull in, her hands planted firmly on each side of his face as she pressed a kiss to his lips. Obviously, there was still nothing attractive about it, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to have fun with it. Her hands ran wildly across his hair as she forced down a laugh, finally breaking away with a dramatized gasp for air, fanning herself off. "Dunno how Juda survived."
Juda: "I didn't." He said deadpan. "I'm actually rather dead right now. You've been hanging out with a ghost ever since the first time we kissed."
Holland: "So Devon was right all along."
Ezra: "Am I going to have to get one of those fucking pottery wheels and sing unchained melody?" Ezra said, quickly walking to his backpack to put on a hat after his hair was messed with. He was very serious about his appearance. "Listen, at least now I can wear my new black hat."
Keaton: Keaton sat back down with a fresh bottle of beer, among the last that they had left, and silently flipped on the TV. Of course, there were only a handful of channels that weren't just static. One of which was an episode of the newest season of pokemon. Keaton quietly tried to follow what was happening with low volume, but was visibly perplexed with his mouth agape and eyebrows furrowed.
Holland: "I was going to apologize, before I remembered that I don't care and that I'm not sorry."
Juda: Juda bopped Ezra on the brim of the hat, "I'd love to do couples pottery babe." He chuckled and then turned his attention to the TV. "Is that suppose to be Ash?  The art style is so different."
Carmen: "What is this show?"
Ezra: Ezra totally forgot that he ordered pizza moments before the game, and a knock on the door is what made him remember. "Guys. It's the police..." He joked before walking to the door, grabbing the pizza, and walking back in where Keaton was watching Pokemon. "What the fuck happened to Rock and the one girl who hated men?"
Keaton: Keaton glanced at Juda, then focused back on the screen. "Is he seriously still a kid? Hasn't it been like... twenty-years?"
Holland: It was about that time, chaps, so she looked back to the bottle on the floor with a sigh. She reached out and gripped it with a look of concentration, whipping her wrist so that the bottle went faster than the time before. Although it didn't seem like many people cared, at that point. "AHEM. Keaton, if you wouldn't mind. You're needed elsewhere."
Nicky: "The girl who hated men is right here, Ez." Nicky joked.
Juda: Juda fell for Ezra's joke and whipped his head around thinking the police were there.
Holland: "Juda why are you even nervous? We're legal now." She paused, "Oh, wait. People smoked bud. I retract my previous statement."
Juda:"I'm not about to get into the complexities of why I would be nervous about cops knocking on our motel door after we had already gotten noise complaints...now go kiss Keaton. That should be fun!"
Ezra: "It's illegal to have drugs, not do them I think we are fine." He lightly leaned against Juda. "My hair is iconic!"
Keaton: "Misty? Togepi was pretty cool." He commented absentmindedly, only half paying attention to the game they were still in the middle of playing. He hadn't actually had his chance to spin so far, but it seemed his misses had run out. "I thought my job was just to sit here and look pretty, not actually play." he joked, with a small smile
Juda: "Don't forget sing. Your job is to sing too." He said finishing his drink.
Holland: "You were failing that job the moment you started watching Pokemon. But whatever, I could always spin again."
Keaton: "I can't sing, kiss someone and watch pokemon." he sighed, tossing the remote onto one of the beds. "Alright, come on Princess." Keaton said as he sat up on his knees and leaned across to meet her.
Holland: Holland hated that she actually laughed at what Keaton said, but once she was in the middle to meet him, she wiped away her smile. This was the first potential kiss of the night that could possibly even be something other than awkward. Her nose scrunched as she got closer, a joking attempt to ease the tension growing inside of her. She wasn't sure why she was nervous, but she was. After a moment of not doing anything, she merely rested her hands on his shoulders and leaned forward to press her lips to his.
Keaton: Keaton paused when she did, his voice low now that they were mere inches from one another. "Never thought you were the type to hold back, Holland." he teased in a whisper, leaning his weight on one hand and holding the side of her face in the other as they kissed.
Holland: Holland couldn't keep herself from smiling mid-kiss, her arm instinctively wrapping around his neck. For a second, she nearly forgot where they were or why they were kissing at all, until a loud I CHOOSE YOU erupted from the screen behind them, making her jump away. She released a shaky laugh as she moved back to her place in the group, eyes on the ground as she hid her grin with her fist. "Okay, welp. Your turn."
Ezra: Ezra looked at Juda again, giving the same wide-eyed look with a mouthful of pizza.
Nicky: Nicky looked down at her hands as Keaton and Holland kissed, suddenly very interested in her cuticles.
Juda: Juda raised his eyebrow at Ezra, rolled his eyes and got up. He moved over to grab a slice of pizza but muted the tv first.
Keaton: Keaton wasn't necessarily opposed to kissing anyone in the group, aside from Nicky (or Avocado as he tended to call her). Perhaps he made the kiss last a bit longer, and a bit deeper than he normally would've though. Just for the sake of getting Holland to stop complaining for a while. At the sound of the TV, Keaton couldn't help but to pull away from her and start laughing. "Alright." He leaned back again, and spun the bottle which landed pointing directly toward him twice, before finally stopping on Juda. "You up for one more kiss, Romeo?"
Juda: Juda turned around having just taken a bite of his pizza. He was now mentally kicking himself for deciding to take a slice. It wasn't hard to tell that he was a little more excited to hear his name get called this time around. "I think I can manage...just uh sorry if I have pizza breath." He mentally kicked himself again (just shut up Juda).
Nicky: Nicky sighed and leaned back on her palms a bit before pushing herself up and heading over to the pizza once Juda headed back to the circle. She picked up a piece and sat on the bed for a minute. "Juda's got all the luck tonight," she joked. 
Holland: Holland watched Nicky leave her spot, expecting her to return once she'd gotten food. When the space next to her wasn't filled again, her eyes found the girl as she sat on the bed. Her eyebrows furrowed just slightly with her confusion, although she chose not to say anything about it. Instead she turned her attention back to the two boys she'd already had two very different experiences with, put her fingers in her mouth, and used them to whistle.
Keaton: "It's alright, I was going to grab a slice anyway." Keaton reassured him, with a smile as he stood up to meet Juda half way. "We could always kiss Lady and the Tramp style." he joked as he drew closer, one hand at Juda's waist to pull him closer while the other lightly touched the side of his neck. "You good?" he paused for a yes before finally closing the last few inches to kiss him.
Juda: "I think I'll pass on the spaghetti bit." He let out a quick laugh while still looking down. When Keaton grabbed his waist and neck Juda's body fully reacted in some combination of goosebumps and butterflies in his stomach. He softly responded, "Yeah...I'm good," and then tilted his head and kissed Keaton.
Nicky: Nicky finished her piece of pizza and got up before heading back to sit down next to Holly and Carmen. "I feel like the boys are having way better luck tonight," she commented to them with a laugh.
Ezra: Ezra's eyes went another direction. "There's a mean girls quote for this." He mumbled under his breath.
Keaton: It was strange how much they'd all changed since high school, wasn't it? Keaton had never had the chance to kiss Juda back then, by the fates of the Spin the Bottle Gods. Or perhaps the bottle had landed the right way, but back then neither of them were brave enough to step up. Now, he closed his eyes and held onto the kiss for a little while longer. It was different than the kiss with Holland, in some way. More... gentle and slow he supposed. Still, undoubtedly pleasant.
Juda: Juda smiled through the kiss. It was intensely satisfying and very comforting. Especially with how he was being held by Keaton. As they began to pull back Juda's racing mind began to regain control. He didn't want the moment to be over. He wasn't sure exactly what he was feeling. If his excitement was that of his past self's question finally being answered, even if it was in a semi-forced way, or if the excitement was new and in the present. All he knew was that he was glad it happened and with that, his game time was over
Ezra: Ezra stood up, deciding it was time for him to go. "Well, I'd love to stay but I'm tired as fuck." And a little jealous? It had to just be him being tired. "Keep the pizza."  Ezra nodded to Juda’s words and walked out with him. He said as he grabbed his bag and began walking out of the room. “I’m big spoon tonight. You’re also hot as fuck and since I like you so much I’d like to see you shirtless” he said while moving to lightly grip Juda's hand.
Juda: He leaned back on Ezra, "Okay and with that, I think it's time to call it. No? Yeah?" He kept talking unprovoked.
Keaton: As they parted, Keaton kept just a small amount of space between them for just a moment. The smile on Juda's face made him smile as well. He let go, his fingers falling from their positions and to Keaton's side, as Juda addressed Ezra, and took a step backward. "Honestly, I'm glad we made my room the venue. That means I get to keep the pizza, right?"
Nicky: Nicky turned to Carmen, "Do you want pizza? I think I'm going to grab a slice before I try to track down Sonny to make sure he's not dead and head to my room."
Carmen: At some point during the rounds, Carmen got up to get herself a drink. It had been the only thing keeping her from bolting after her turns. She was just glad she hadn't been picked again, but once Ezra had gotten up to leave, she was quick to use that as an excuse to follow. Or she was until Nicky spoke to her. "Oh, uh.. No, that's okay. I don't think I'm feeling that hungry."
Nicky: "Okay cool," Nicky said as she stood up, "I'm not letting Kiwi here have an entire cheese pizza to himself, especially since he got to kiss like so many more people than I did," she exaggerated as she grabbed another piece of pizza. 
Keaton: "I kissed two people, Avocado." He rolled his eyes as he fell backward onto his hotel bed with a mouthful of pizza. "It isn't our fault that your one true love isn't here. Do people put avocado on pizza? Probably, right?"
Nicky: "I bet they do in California, seems like something they'd do." Nicky said as she headed towards the door, "Anyone wanna walk back to the rooms together? Power in numbers," she asked the remaining members of the game, half joking since the rooms weren't far.
Keaton: "Goodnight everyone!" Keaton called out as he stood back up, planning to at least watch them walk back to their room from the doorway of his.
Holland: "I'll walk you, Nicky." Holland offered, dusting herself off after standing up. "Keaton, don't forget that you owe me a goodnight song."
Carmen: With everyone getting up to go, Carmen felt like she could make her exit. "Good night," she uttered before heading back to her room.
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