#and the other half are super deep 'what is the worst thing you have ever done'
mikanotes · 2 months
teach me ft. eunhyuk x gn!reader
genre: angst/comfort (?) established relationship (?) warnings: sweet home 3 spoilers, nothing much just not my best fic Sorry!!! possibly super ooc eunhyuk author’s note: not much insp so this isn’t my best! the season was pretty good though so. yeah! have this because i love eunhyuk and i missed him a lot.
summary: What do you do when the fight is over? When the person you were looking for comes back with half of his self missing?
“You know I could be of use to you, right?”
You groan in annoyance, tilting your head back. The sky is clear and the streets are quiet. This doesn’t quite feel like the ultimate perfect ending, it doesn’t quite feel like peace, but it’s a kind of calm you won’t take for granted. You look back up and continue walking.
“You’re missing tons of emotions. Trust me, there’s no one better than me to help you relearn them.” you say, attempting a dramatic salesman kind-of tone but failing miserably. You hear Eunhyuk scoff and think it was a bit of a victory, anyways.
“That sounds believable.”
“It is!” you insist, jogging up to him, “I swear we were dating before you went off and died.”
“I know.”
“That’s insane. You— I mean, you didn’t forget things, so then you must know this isn’t how you treat the person you’re dating after not seeing them for over a year. Surely.”
Eunhyuk turns to look at you. “The person you’re dating? We’re still together?”
“I mean, it’s not like I ever gave up on you.” you say, crossing your arms. He stares at you blankly for a couple more seconds before looking ahead again.
“Sounds like a waste of time.”
You sigh and let your expression fall for a second before fixing it. When your gaze falls on Eunhyuk again, his own expression has changed ever-so-slightly. There’s a crease between his eyebrows and his eyes are squinting a little, with a familiar tilt of his head. Then he blinks and returns to this neutral expression of his. “Is it not?”
“What else do you have to do with your time?”
“Finding others—”
“—Like you. Sixteenth time you say this, by the way,” you scoff, walking ahead of him. “You’re starting to sound like a broken record.”
Your eyes are burning a little bit. No, none of this feels victorious. To hell with a final battle, with everyone escaping, with everything. Nothing has changed. All that’s good is Eunhyuk being alive and he only feels like half of himself.
The worst part is that he acts the same as he used to. To the detail. It’s so obviously him that it almost hurts— All his actions just miss the hidden emotions he always kept close to his heart. Now it all feels empty.
Eunhyuk says your name and your heart feels like it stops. Just for a moment. You turn to see him catch up to you and slow at your side.
“This thing,” he says, and pulls out a necklace from a pocket inside his coat, “It’s yours.”
You blink. “… Yeah. It is.”
He looks at the piece of jewelry, holding it up by the chain like some kind of random thing he found on the street, before tossing it around his hand and grabbing the pendant in his palm.
“She said to use memories to relearn emotions,” he recalls quietly, then turns to look at you, “What do you think?”
“You tell me. Do your memories help?”
“I remember caring about you.”
You stare at him dead in the eye and barely blink at all for a few seconds. He does, and tilts his head again.
“What is it?”
“Why am I the only one still in love? That’s really unfair.” you huff.
“Don’t cry.”
“I’m not.”
“I said I remember everything, why are you trying to fool me? You always made this exact same face when you tried to hold back your tears,” he states, “I know this much.”
You heave a deep sigh and crouch down on the ground, covering your face with your hands. He’s right. It’s starting to make you angry. It really is him. It’s as if part of you was still trying to believe it wasn’t really Eunhyuk, that he was pretending not to feel emotions anymore. But it really hits you this time, that he’s simply lost that part of himself. You should be grateful that’s all he lost in the process of his rebirth, but you miss him. You miss him so much it hurts.
“I told you not to cry,” he sighs, and the closeness of his voice indicates he moved to your level, “What’s the point?”
“I miss you.”
“I’m right here.”
You shake your head.
“…If it’s making you this sad, then alright. Help me relearn them. Emotions,” he says. You take a deep breath and look up slowly. He’s waiting, crouching in front of you, a casual expression on his bloody face. “I’m a quick learner.”
“Okay. I’m bad at teaching though, I totally lied earlier. Promise not to leave me.”
“I have no reason to anymore. Besides…” he trails off, gaze averting. “…”
Lee Eunhyuk is more confused than he’d like to admit. He doesn’t feel emotions anymore, and he doesn’t feel any attachment to them either. There’s little hints of them, however, here and there. He sees you in pain and there’s a slight discomfort in his chest, reminiscent of a time long gone. He sees that necklace and picture and wonders why he bothers carrying them around, still. He sees the road ahead of him and acknowledges that he’s… Just a bit lost.
What now?
“… It’s for the best I stay with you,” he says, blinks, then looks at you again, “I think.”
“You think?”
“That’s the best I can give you.” He smiles, a bit tightly, and the grimace you make in return before scoffing out a laugh tells him he must not be doing a great job at this whole thing. He gives up for now.
“Let’s find somewhere safe to stay first.”
“Anywhere is safe as long as you stay with me.”
You give him an expression of irritation that he doesn’t really understand and get up, immediately beginning to walk away. “Don’t say things like that! You’re making me hope! Shut up!”
He gets up slowly and follows you. “It’s true, though.”
“Shut up!”
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ineffableigh · 10 months
Wait what the hell is Aziraphale mouthing here. Lip-readers sound off!!
This is RIGHT before "The Metatron! I don't think he's as bad a fellow - well I think I might have misjudged him."
His line was: "I, um... [mouthing something]" THEN the above line.
This can't be nothing. Can it? "We need to get out"??? Not sure. EDIT: I agree with @maximumpenguinpuppy here, I think he's saying
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Further deep dive on the most painful conversation I've ever seen:
Azi makes the most INTENSE EYE CONTACT I'VE EVER SEEN during "I think I might have misjudged him."
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After a few intercuts with the flashbacks we get to the really painful bit.
"He said that I could appoint you... to be an angel." His voice is so strained and high pitched even for him, here.
"Like the old times, only even NICER!"
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The super nice old times where you couldn't be together at all, eh?
Crowley starts his confession and we get the "What the blazes is he doing?" face as he starts to realize Crowley is NOT picking up on any of this. Azi's breathing heavily here, revealing how very stressed the fuck out he is.
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After this point is when things get really hard to interpret. Aziraphale sounds so genuine about "Come with me!" and "We can make a difference, I'll run it and you'll be my second in command." It feels like Crowley starting his very real confession broke through the charade of 'The Metatron knows something and we're in fucking danger'.
He blathers about Angels and Doing Good before breaking again, letting the "I need you!" slip. We get this HALF A SECOND look of the most profound sadness right before the "I don't think you understand what I'm offering you."
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"You idiot. We could have been us."
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Azi looks like he can't believe just how badly this went. This is right before he looks away.
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Azi is not hiding his emotions well, right before the grab:
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Then of course we get the I Forgive You, which sounds like his most bitter one yet. A flash of anger and resentment, frustration, immediately followed by remorse and grief.
Having seen all that, my best guess now is:
Metatron made the (barely) veiled De Facto Partnership threats, implying he knows about the body swap and, implicitly, threatening Crowley with Holy Water, at least to some extent.
Aziraphale tries his damnedest to communicate to Crowley that Something is Fucking Wrong and they Have to Go to Heaven to Fix It.
Crowley, having been primed by the various chats with Nina and then the 2v1 chat with Nina and Maggie RIGHT before this, clearly timed by the Metatron, fully misses all of this and takes it all at face value.
Crowley starts to give his confession and Aziraphale realizes what he's trying to say, tries to adjust his Heaven Pitch to hinge on staying together as a team to fix things."
"You cannot leave this bookshop." "Nothing lasts forever." Azi has chosen the worst way to make another attempt at saying he has no choice but to leave the bookshop. I don't think this is about the Second Coming, given his reaction to the info later.
Everything deteriorates from there as Aziraphale tries again to imply something is Fucking Wrong by going back to the "Angels! Doing good!" shtick, but it's too late. It's always too late.
"I don't think you understand what I'm offering you." He doesn't but Azi is also communicating it very badly, likely because the Metatron is indeed watching.
Crowley thinks this is all real so he gives his No Nightingales line, etc etc. Aziraphale can tell there's no fixing this, gives up.
Crowley swoops in with The Kiss as a last ditch effort to get Azi to listen. Azi WAS listening, but cannot respond other than in anger and frustration that Crowley, in his view, refuses to listen to him again, has called him an idiot again. This happens multiple times throughout the show so there's history to fuel that assumption.
This is the precise outcome the Metatron was vying for, to split them up and emotionally/psychologically weaken them, to ensure there was no chance of a united front as there was for Armageddidn't.
My heart hurts, ow.
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steddiealltheway · 1 year
(Set right before season 4)
Steve rushes over to the Henderson house after an ominous call from Dustin saying, "Come over as soon as you can, it's an emergency," before hanging up dramatically.
He can hear his nail bat rolling around in his trunk every turn he takes as he gets there in record time. He grabs the bat out of the trunk and rushes to the door, not bothering to knock before he barges in.
He's met with the sight of Eddie Munson staring at him with wide eyes as Dustin yells, "No! No! Don't swing! Not a code red!"
Steve sets down the bat and lets out a deep breath. "What the hell, Henderson?! I could've seriously taken you out with this thing!" He hears Dustin give him a half-assed apology as he tries to get his heartbeat to slow down. "Next time, don't leave such a cryptic message, okay?"
"Okay," Dustin says, holding his hands up.
"What the fuck is that?" Munson asks, staring at the bat.
Steve points at him and says, "Language," before turning to Dustin and asking, "What's he doing here?"
Dustin sighs and gestures them toward his couch. Steve shoots Eddie a look before taking a seat right against the arm of the couch. It's not that he hates him, hell, he's pretty sure he's gotten weed from him before. It's just that he doesn't like sharing this older brother role with another guy - especially one who likes to make dramatic speeches on top of lunch tables.
Based on the way Eddie is similarly leaning away from him and uncomfortably fidgeting with his rings, he can tell there's a mutual tension between them. Dustin doesn't pick up on it as he sits across from them, acting like he's about to deliver the worst news ever.
Steve leans forward a little trying to get Dustin to finally spill and tries not to lean back immediately when he sees that Eddie is doing the same thing.
"Okay, Suzie and I were talking, and her family is considering visiting Hawkins."
Steve smiles. "That's great, but why-"
"Why are you acting like that's bad news?" Eddie asks, finishing Steve's sentence. The two glance at each other, and Steve tries not to size him up.
Dustin groans, "Because I need to take her on a proper date! We weren't able to go on dates during science camp, so I want this to be special. Of course, this is all contingent on whether she can convince her dad to give us alone time..."
"I could be your chaperone, but I'd ditch you once you got to the movie theater," Steve offers.
Eddie scoffs, "Yeah, a date with Suzie will not be at a movie theater."
Steve crosses his legs and turns toward Eddie. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you knew something about dating. Wait a minute." He directs his attention back to Dustin, utterly horrified. "You asked me and Munson for girl help?"
"Don't sound so shocked," Eddie says, but Steve ignores him.
"Yes," Dustin states simply. He sighs and gestures between the two of them. "Steve, you're a lady's man and you know exactly what to say and where the best date spots are, but you pick up the worst girls. Except Robin who you refuse to date." Steve doesn't have time to argue before Dustin points at Eddie, "And Eddie understands all the cool nerd stuff that Suzie and I like, and he's super charismatic. So, I thought we could combine your abilities to create the most epic date in the history of dates."
"No," Steve and Eddie both say at once.
Steve turns to Eddie and raises an eyebrow. "Why are you protesting my help?"
"Because try as he might, Dustin can't convince me that you aren't an asshole that has never actually wooed a girl. You get by with your pretty looks and think that's enough."
Steve's mind lingers a bit on the "pretty looks" for some reason, but he pushes past it to say, "Please, you're telling me you know a single thing about wooing a girl?"
Eddie leans in with a bright smile. "You heard it from Henderson, I'm charming."
"Charismatic," Steve corrects him, "But I haven't seen a shred of that yet."
Eddie tosses an arm over the back of the couch and scoots in until Steve is trapped against the arm of the couch. Steve tries not to show Eddie how much the sudden closeness is affecting him.
"I could easily charm your pants off, big boy," Eddie says with a wink.
Steve's eyes betray him and flicker down to Eddie's lips. "Please, I'd easily beat you to it."
Eddie tilts his head and looks at him through his lashes. "Are you saying you want to charm my pants off, Harrington? I'm flattered, but I'm not that kind of girl."
Steve raises his eyebrows. "Is that a bet?"
"Do you want it to be? Because it kind of sounds like it."
Steve blames his series of bad dates, the meaningless sex with girls with no substance, and the weird tension between them for his response. "It's a date, Munson."
"So, I'm going to assume that was the weirdest way of you two agreeing to help me," Dustin says, startling Steve away from Eddie who he was definitely not just about to kiss.
"Jesus H. Christ," Eddie mumbles under his breath as he moves away, seeming to have also forgotten where they were.
"Sure, we'll create a date for you two and trial-run it for issues," Steve says.
Dustin smiles wide and giggles, "See, I knew you two would help if you just put your dumb differences aside!"
"Something like that," Eddie mutters. "But hey, what does your gut say? Where do you want to take her?"
Dustin shrugs. "I like the idea of the movies."
Steve slowly looks over at Eddie and gives him a cocky smile. Eddie's mouth twitches momentarily into a frown, but he ignores him. "I'll think of something special to do after, but Harrington can fill you in on a movie date."
"I thought you were the expert on wooing," Steve snarkily replies.
Eddie huffs, "Movie dates just aren't my thing."
If they're actually trial-running this, Steve will make it a point to make movie dates Eddie's thing.
"That sounds great. Thank you both!" Dustin says, still ignoring the obvious tension.
"Well, I've got to head out, but it was good seeing you," Eddie says with a genuine smile that Steve thinks he would like to see more often.
"I do, too. Hey, I'm glad I could help. Next time maybe don't make it sound like a nail-bat emergency though," Steve says lowering his voice before grabbing the bat.
He follows Eddie toward the front, but they both stop and turn to mess up Dustin's hair simultaneously. Steve pulls his hand back when Eddie's hand runs on top of his. He looks at him with his eyebrows furrowed.
"I told you you guys are similar."
Steve thinks that Dustin's right, but maybe they're only similar in the way they both obviously care for him.
They finish their goodbyes and head out into the cold January weather. Steve clutches his jacket tighter around himself - he had forgotten to grab a heavier coat in his rush over. He turns to Eddie and says, "Hey."
Eddie turns to him and raises his eyebrows.
"Want to trial-run that date tonight?"
Eddie frowns at him. "I thought you were joking."
With that, Steve should take the clear out given to him and agree. Yes, it was just a joke. Instead, he says, "It doesn't have to be."
It's a long few seconds of Eddie staring at him before he gets a quiet response of, "Yeah, sure. Uh, let's go to my place though. I don't want your reputation to be tainted if you're seen in public with me."
"I wouldn't mind," Steve says sincerely. He's not sure why he's so adamant about this date, but maybe he just wants to see where that moment on the couch could truly lead. "But hey, your reputation would also be tainted if you're associating with me."
"And we wouldn't want that," Eddie says with a small smile. "The freak and the king. What would people say?"
This surprises a laugh out of Steve before he says, "I think your place would probably be a little more intimate than a movie theater."
He can't tell if Eddie's cheeks suddenly flush a little pinker from the cold or a blush. "I told you, I'm not that kind of guy."
"More intimate doesn't always mean sex. You know this."
Eddie laughs and shakes his head. "Why don't we continue this conversation at my place so you don't freeze to death?"
"I like the sound of that," Steve says, making his way to his car and trying to hide the huge smile that's trying to split across his face all because of Eddie Munson.
He rushes to shove his bat into the trunk, hoping that he won't have to further explain that to Eddie. But based on the way his eyes linger on it, he's thinking he won't get away from questioning too easily.
Luckily, he has prepared his Harrington charm for this moment. And boy, he's going to be using it as often as he can to prove Eddie wrong.
Part Two (aka the final part)
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krypticcafe · 2 years
Happy Super Late Valentines </3
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rating: PG-13/teen
pairing: harry warden/the miner x gn!reader
warning(s): reader had a boyfriend, brief mention of cheating, small mentions of blood, violence, and gore, and harry being scary, for j u s t a bit.
synopsis: you had a shitty valentines day, and harry comes to pick up the leftovers.
a/n: okay, I haven't written fanfic in years, so please excuse me if this comes off as an uber corny dumpster fire. I'm just trying to have fun :'))))
So what if it's Valentine's Day?
So what if you wanted to spend a peaceful time with your boyfriend at home with some baked cookies?
So what if you accidentally burnt those cookies?
So what if you were so paranoid that it felt like someone was watching you the entire time?
So what if your boyfriend pushed asked you to go with him and his friends in some spooky abandoned mineshaft?
So what if you were surrounded by couples making out in a cramped, dark, and cold nooks and crannies and one of them happened to be your best friend and your now ex-boyfriend?
So what if you lashed out, dumped him, stormed out of the cave only to get more lost due to the heat of your anger?
It's fine. It's whatever. Could be worse.
Or at least that's what you told yourself to cope with the shredding of your heart and the burning tears.
Oooooh, but that bastard! The audacity to cheat on you, with her of all people! And he was such an idiot to do so after inviting you to come! Did he not think for a fraction of a second that he'd get caught? Or did all the blood in his brain just go to his dic-
God, what were you thinking, coming here with those guys, giving him the time of day?
Looking back on things, you realized you dodged not a bullet, but a whole missile. But did it reslly have to be on Valentines Day of all days? The world really is just that cruel.
And it was about to get even more cruel.
Screams, maybe half a dozen of them, echoed and bounced off the walls of the cave, finding their way to you. At first, you assumed the group was messing with each other. Either way, you could care less.
Then they started growing more frequent and louder, and you scowled.
'In here after that fiasco? Really? Christ, I'm never going out with any of them ever aga-'
Then you heard a blood-curdling scream. Suddenly, you started to prefer the possibility of what you originally thought they were doing.
Your head whipped to the tunnel left of you as you heard a scream far too familiar, and your body began to curl in on itself as you sat in a ball in the corner.
Footsteps began beating from the same corridor where the scream originated.
Anticipating the worst, you wiped the blur from your eyes, took a deep breath, and braced your hand over a nearby stone that you deemed good enough to buy you some time.
The footsteps grew louder, but remained at a painstakingly steady pace, as if to tease your demise. There was a loud thunk! before the screech of metal scraping rock pierced your ears. You were half expecting to see the grim reaper at this point.
Instead, you were greeted with someone else who might as well be the same person. They were tall, broad, and clad in nothing but a full set of miner's gear. Not a single speck of skin peeked past any part of their clothing, and their mask even managed to hide their eyes behind the dark lens. With what little brightness there was provided by the dim cave lights, you just barely noticed the glistening of the blood on their uniform and the way it dripped down the tip of their pickaxe.
You recognized him as the man from the town's local urban legend. It always seemed cheesy and way too cliche to you but here you were, face to face with the man, the myth himself. Would he make you another one of his victims tonight? Would your death become just another story told at the campfire? The thought made your stomach turn.
The two of you stayed in silence, your hand still gripping the stone while you stared at the miner, searching for any movement that suggesting that you'd be the next one to eat metal. But all you could see was the way his chest heaved, rising and falling from what you understood as the cause of all those screams from earlier.
To your surprise, he set down his pickaxe and approached you, kneeling down to your curled form. His head tilted slightly, as if to get a better look at you. A part of you wished you could see his eyes, wondered where he stared, why he stared. As embarrassing as it is to admit, you froze like a deer in headlights, squeezing your eyes shut when he lifted a hand and-
... wiped a tear on your cheek.
You didn't even remember the stone until he pried it from your hand and interlaced your fingers with his, pulling you up with him and into his embrace as he lightly petted your head.
Was he... comforting you?
It would've worked well if uh, he didn't reek of blood and dust.
Staying still as if your life depended on it (it probably did), you let him do as he pleased.
He pulled away from you but kept a gentle grip on your hand, nodding his head in the direction of the tunnels. You couldn't be bothered to question anything anymore, shock was the only thing that kept the fatigue from catching up.
He led you down countless tunnels and caverns, passing by bodies mangled beyond recognition, except for one. You were pretty sure that one was the cretin.
The entire time, the hold his hand had on yours was nothing short of soft and comforting, it almost warmed your heart. Almost.
Eventually, you found where he was taking you, back to the entrance of the mineshaft. He let go of your hand and urged you to the opening. Hesitantly stepping forward, you paused and looked back. He still stood there, though less menacing than he was before despite all the blood and dirt caked on him.
"I- uh... thank you."
Your voice was shaky from processing the events of the past few hours and you had no requirement to thank him, but you felt like you'd regret it if you didn't. The sentiment came across, and he nodded, reaching up again to trace a thumb on your cheek before giving it an affectionate pinch. You watched as he turned and left back into the abyss of the mines, disappearing into the cavern.
It was still dark outside, but you knew the way back from here. You were no longer shaking, nor seething, and the walk back home was oddly peaceful for it being so late in the night.
So what if you might want to see him again?
The next morning, you woke up with your eyes feeling raw and your feet sore, but work calls and you had to get up nonetheless.
Nursing a cup of coffee, you checked your door for any mail, instead finding a bright red, heart-shaped box at your doorstep. Fortunately, it didn't contain any beating human heart as the urban legends told, but interestingly enough, a single wild rose and a card.
"Happy Valentines, won't you be mine? - Harry"
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heybrownieboy · 3 days
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POV: 2nd Person. Y/N.
— Word Count: 2K+
Author’s Note: Finally an update :). In all honesty, I’ve been struggling with getting back into writing lately— after not having time nor mental energy to in so long— but, I’ve also have felt awful going M.I.A for over two months. So, while I was working on this, I decided to break up what I do have and give you all this little update. I wanted to reassure you all that I am NOT giving up on this SMAU. At all. I will be continuing and finishing it. But for now, I hope you enjoy this. I apologize for it being short but, I promise the next chapter is much longer (once I’m able to actually put this one damn scene into words 😭).
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“Do you honestly think this is a good idea?” 
You tore your eyes away from your TV—which was currently playing reruns of “Happiness”— and to the spirit siting on the couch next to you.
“What?” you asked. 
“Tonight,” Minho said. “Do you honestly think going to that shrine tonight is a good idea?” 
“Yes,” you said. 
“That caretaker is crazy, Y/N. Like completely batshit crazy."
“So I’ve heard,” you said.
“I mean it,” Minho said, exasperated. “I think he’s the one that actually killed Jisung and I.” 
Your eyes widened. “Wait what?” you asked. 
“I don’t remember a lot from that night,” he said. “Like at all. And I know you said spirits tend to forget more and more things the longer their earth bound.” 
You nodded at that. 
“But I remember some snippets of that night,” Minho said. “And I think he was there. I swear saw him for a spilt second. I was too shocked when I found…” He took a deep breath, an obvious expression of pain and grief crossing his face. “When I found Jisung’s body. So, I wasn’t exactly paying attention to my surroundings. I saw the caretaker run behind me from my peripheral vision. But, before I could react there was a rope wrapping around my throat.” 
“I thought you two were kidnapped?” you asked. 
“I think we were,” he said. “At least in a sense. Do you remember when Jeongin talked about that night he went to the mountain alone?” 
“He said he doesn’t remember the car ride there,” you said quietly. 
“Or half of his hike through the woods,” Minho finished. "Not until he heard Jisung. From what I remember, something similar happened to me.” 
“It was probably the demon controlling you,” you said. “They’re good at that. It’s like a semi-possession.” You rubbed your temples. “So I’m about to go spy on a murderer, a demon, and an elemental?”
“What do you think they’re doing up there?” Minho said.
“Honestly I don’t know. I feel like I don’t know anything. Everything for me with this whole thing has been guesses.” 
“Yet you’re still trying to help,” Minho said. 
“Of course I am,” you said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Why wouldn’t I?” 
“Because it’s dangerous and you could get hurt,” he said. “Or even die.” 
You shrugged. “It’s not the first time I’ve almost died.” 
“Yeah,” Minho said slowly. “What’s with that huh? How are you alive and have been to hell?” 
You winced. “It was a long time ago,” you said. “And in all honestly I don’t really like talking about it much.”
“I get that,” Minho said. “And I won’t push you to talk about something you don’t want to. Hell was the worst thing I ever experienced in my life. I mean, yeah I guess it’s Hell but, I never expected it to be like…”  He grimaced at the memories.
“Yep,” you agreed, completely understanding of what he meant. 
“I thought it was just going to be super hot.” Minho let out a humorless chuckle. “I wasn’t exactly religious before all this so, I guess I never really read up on it.”
“You could say Dante wasn’t too far off,” you said. “And I do think it’s a little different for everyone.” 
“Yeah. Sometimes Jisung and I would see different things.” 
You squinted at the spirit. “Have you seen any other spirits lately?” 
Minho tilted his head at you. “No actually,” he said. “Now that I think about it. The only one I’ve seen all week is Jisung. Why?” 
“Fucking hell,” you grumbled. You leaned against the back of your couch, head thrown back and eyes staring up at the ceiling. “I’m starting to think that’s what these rituals are for. Because in my twenty years of life, I’ve never gone a day without seeing a least four or five spirits. I’ve only seen three others— besides you and Jisung— in the last week. That’s it. And it been over a week since I’ve seen a demon.” 
“That’s not a good thing?” 
“God, I wish it was. But, no it’s not.” 
“Fuck,” Minho breathed. “So, what should we do? I knew this was complicated and dangerous but this? This seems next level.” 
“I don’t know…” You threw up your hands exasperated. “I feel like that’s all I’ve been saying lately. ‘I don’t know’. It’s so fucking frustrating.” 
“Hey, hey, hey,” Minho said softly. “You’re trying. You’re helping us even if you don’t have to. And so far you’ve done an amazing job okay?”
You have him a half hearted smile. “Thank you,” you said.
“Is there maybe any kind of research you can do on this?” he offered. “I mean, there has to be some answers out there somewhere right?” 
“Maybe,” you said. “I only have like an half an hour before Jay and Nico pick me up though. And kind of search isn’t something I have easy access too. Not to mention it’s the supernatural. Nothing is finite. There’s thousands of rituals out there. And thousands more that aren’t recorded.” You nibbled on the inside of your cheek nervously.
“You grew up in a family of Shaman right?” Minho asked. “Can’t you ask like an elder or something for help?” 
You scrunched your nose at that. “I don’t talk to most of them anymore,” you said. “But, I do have someone I could call. My aunt should be able give me some kind of advice.” 
You leaned over to grab your cell phone off the coffee table. It should be around five P.M in London right now. You scrolled to your aunt’s contact and hit call. It only took a few rings for the line to be picked up
The sound of your Aunt Bora’s gentle voice on the other side of the line immediately had you relaxing. The tension that had building up all day seemed to almost completely melt away. 
“Hi,” you said softly. “How are you?” 
“I’m doing great, honey,” your aunt said. “But what about you? It’s almost one A.M in Korea right now. Shouldn’t you be sleeping?” 
“I wish I could,” you said. “But I’ve been stressed out lately and couldn’t sleep.” 
“Stressed out about school?” Bora asked. “Because you shouldn’t be. I know studying to get your nursing degree can be challenging but you’re extremely intelligent, Y/N. You’ll make an amazing nurse in the future.” 
You smiled at that. “Thank you,” you said. You let out a soft sigh. “But that’ not the reason I called you. I need advice. On the supernatural.” 
“Oh? What do you mean? What’s happening?” 
“Do you remember those two men that went missing last year?” you asked.
“Yes,” Bora said. “Lily-ah and Natty-ah knew them through friends, correct? What were their names again?” 
“Lee Minho and Han Jisung,” you said. You glanced at Minho for a second. He was the one now leaned back into the couch watching you contently. 
“Didn’t you try to help find them last year?” your aunt asked.
“I did,” you confirmed. “But I couldn’t. I didn’t find a trace of them physically or spiritually.” 
“I’ve always found that strange. It’s almost like…” 
“Someone might have been hiding them.” 
“Exactly,” Bora said. “Did you finally find them?” 
“Kind of,” you said. “It’s more like they found me. Well, technically Jeongin found me.”
“Their friend. Um, how do I even explain?” 
“Start from the beginning yeah?” Bora said, her voice gentle. “Tell me everything you know.” 
And so you did. You explained how Jeongin originally had come to you or “Eris” for advice because he thought his friend was haunting him. How that turned out to be correct and that Minho was in fact trying to get through to him. You explained how you saw Minho and then had the premonition about Jisung. You explained their spiritual debt and how they were tricked by those three. How they had to escape hell and how half of their soul was stolen from them.
“So,” Bora said slowly, “you’re trying to help them break their spiritual debt and move on?” 
“Yes,” you said, with a slight wavier to your voice.
“But that’s not all. One of the trio he made a contract with was human. A living human. Minho is pretty sure that he’s the one that murdered them.” 
“Y/N,” your aunt said lowly. “You can’t confront a murder.” 
“Oh, I’m not done though.” 
There was a few beats of silence before your aunt asked, “What do you mean?”
“In the past week or so, I’ve seen three spirits and no demons,” you said. “Only one of those spirits talked to me. And all it did was ask for the time.” 
“Asked for the time? Spirits never ask for the time. Unless…” 
“Unless they’re being summoned somewhere,” you said. “I think they’re all being summoned to that mount Minho and Jisung went missing on. By the human.” 
“You think he’s summoning them all there for something bigger,” Bora said. 
“Exactly,” you said. “He’s been preforming rituals for about two weeks. At least that we know of. “
“He’s most likely a Shaman. A very powerful one. Rituals like that? They aren’t easy. At all.” 
“I know,” you said.
“And I’m guessing there’s more,” Bora said with a soft sigh. 
“The other two being they made this contract with are supernatural. One is a demon. But the other one, neither Minho or Jisung knew what it was. They said it was different from the demon.” 
“Don’t tell me…” 
“I’m pretty sure it’s an elemental, yeah.” 
“Y/N,” your aunt said voice now taking on a firm, cold edge. “You need to stay away from elementals. They can and will kill you if you ever get in their way. Forget the murderous shaman. Elementals are not bound to the same rules as demons. Not to mention they hate humans more than demons ever have.” 
“I know,” you said. “I do but…” You took a deep breath. “I cannot not help. There’s something seriously wrong.” 
“It doesn’t matter. This is your lif—“ 
“They have wards to keep away angels,” you said cutting your aunt off. 
“What?” she asked, utter disbelief overtaking her tone.
“Minho said that the mountain is littered in wards keeping angels out,” you said. “Namely Azrael.” 
“That’s impossible.” 
“You would think. At first he thought it was just the hellhounds being kept out. They got too close to the mountain and they were repelled, But he said that Azrael has not been able to get onto the mountain at all either. That the barrier the wards created repelled him as well.” 
The other line went silent. After a few moments you began to worry that the call had disconnected. 
“I don’t like this Y/N,” your aunt said quietly. “At all. I understand Azrael is probably the last angel you want to see since… since all of that happened. But he’s still an angel. He’s still a protector. If you go on that mountain, you have absolutely no protection. Not against the Shaman nor the elemental.”
“I realize that,” you said. “And I completely understand that. But like I said. There’s something seriously wrong happening. I think Minho and Jisung were apart of whatever plan they have going on. Not to mention they’ve been talking about Jeongin. Another human life they most likely want to take. They’ve been planning this for at least a year now, Aunt Bora. Whatever it is, it’s huge. God know how many people will eventually be dragged into this."
Your aunt let out a heavy, defeated sigh. “Okay,” she said. “Okay. I know there’s no way to talk you out of this.” Another sigh left her lips. “ Let me think for a few minutes. Maybe I can help.” 
You smiled. “Thank you,” you said. “So much.” 
Your aunt simply hummed. After a few minutes she began speaking again. “How were those to boys killed? Do you know? I might be able to narrow down what ritual they’re trying to get ready up for.” 
“They were strangled,” you said. You peered at Minho for a second, your eyes focusing on the wound around his neck.. “Well, honestly it looks like the rope cut into their throats. They both have these huge infected gashes.” 
“Infected?” Bora asked. 
You copied her hum from a few moments ago. “Yeah.”
“Y/N, if they were dead, how could their wounds be infected?” 
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Of Chaos And Spirits Masterlist
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©️heybrownieboy 2024
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orimuraa · 16 days
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chapter warnings: alcohol, profanity, lmk if i missed anything!
wc: 1.9k
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park sunghoon. everyone in the campus knew his name and probably people from other universities as well. the students knew him, the professors knew him, and the principal knew him. all for his reputation. his reputation was made of typical “bad-boy” things such as drinking, smoking, partying, skipping classes, being a player, breaking hearts, having a motorcycle, yada yada yada. but sunghoon was only half of that. sure he drank, partied, skipped class, broke a couple hearts, had a motorcycle, and picked fights, but he never smoked. that’s the one thing he can say he’s truly proud of. but everyone knows that he isn’t the type to fall in love or go out with his one of his many fangirls, he was basically a mystery. he had his group of friends who were just like him. lee heeseung, the oldest of the group and one of the nicer ones, park jongseong, the one who truly cares for them all (they all do but never really show it besides jay) sim jaeyun, who was always at parties and has never been on time for school, and lastly, park sunghoon. park sunghoon was the youngest of his group of friends and he was the one who truly didn’t give a shit about life. they all shared a dorm together, making them practically each other’s family. but one day, a short girl bumps into sunghoon, spilling all her papers onto the floor. sunghoon was about to throw hands when he realized it was l/n y/n. the school’s angel. some said they could see a glow around her whenever they walked past her. y/n was the exact opposite of park sunghoon. she had spectacular grades, was always present in class, helped out at the animal shelter, and was in the dance and art club. she was also called an angel due to her soft, kind, and caring personality, and her goddess-like visuals. she had her own friend group who were her number one supporters and protectors. they have always been super protective of y/n after her heart was broken a year ago. giselle, miyeon, keeho, and yunjin were all y/n ever needed in life. they loved her and supported her more than her own parents did.
so what would happens when after that one incident, sunghoon finds himself falling for y/n? how will he plan to win her heart when the only thing that y/n has ever heard about him was that he was a player and a heart breaker. the exact opposite of what y/n was looking for.
stumbling into class with his blazer messed up and his hair ruffled. sunghoon was late, yet again, to class and by now, the professor didn't even care. sunghoon was just planning on spacing out the whole class and then joining his friends after school for a drink.
y/n had been jotting away for notes on the lecture when the door opened revealing non other than park sunghoon himself. gosh, why does he even bother showing up to class if he's always late? y/n thought to herself. "okay class, we will be doing a project with a random partner i assigned to you! once you hear your name, please move to sit with your partner. the project will be due this friday!” truth be told, y/n was not at all looking forward to this project. she already had so much on her plate such as the dance show, an art exhibit, a huge history project, and a modeling shoot coming up for her friend giselle’s fashion brand. so y/n was praying for a partner who would understand her situation and help do the work with her. "lastly, l/n y/n and park sunghoon. okay, everyone go find your partners!" what the shit- is the first thought that popped into both minds. turning slowly and rising out of her chair to sit next to sunghoon, y/n looked around and saw eyes of sympothy. everyone knows how busy y/n is and to get a partner who doesn't do shit is the worst possible scenario. taking a deep breath and trying to find something positive about the situation, y/n sat down and turned towards sunghoon. the last time she saw park sunghoon, she had been in a rush and had accidentally bumped into him, spilling her papers everywhere. fully expecting to get hit by the man in front of her, y/n prepared her body for the contact. but it never came. opening her eyes slightly and there she saw sunghoon holding her papers out to her. "watch where you're going next time," he said coldly, but anyone could tell there was a hint of softness to it. snapping back to present time, y/n put on a warm smile and greeted sunghoon. "hello, i hope we will be able to work well together!" that's stupid to say to someone who rarely shows up to class, she thought. "yeah, just get it done by friday," and with that, park sunghoon was up and out of his chair, exiting the class. realizing that y/n would now have to do all the work on her own on top of all her other things made her so stressed. the bell rang and y/n headed to her locker to get ready for art club.
sunghoon walked out of the classroom with his heart beating at a rapid pace. why was this girl making his heart beat like this? when she had sat down next to him, he got a smell of her signature strawberry perfume, and sunghoon hates the smell of a girl's perfume. so why was he smelling it still? why did he care? sunghoon would be lying if he said he didn't find the girl attractive, but he wouldn't dream of settling down in a relationship. much less with the school's angel. oh god, what was l/n y/n doing to him?
the only thing on y/n's mind was, "i'm screwed" and here she was, with her best friends, ranting about all the things she needs to do but just can't get them done in time. before she knew it, tears were falling down her face. y/n rarely cried in front of anyone. she never wanted to be a burden to those around her and she just felt so vulnerable. the only time y/n's friends have seen her cry was the incident last year. "shhh, it's gonna get better. i promise honey," giselle whispered to the girl while hugging her. yunjin, miyeon and keeho were there rubbing her back, wiping her tears and stroking her hair. they hated seeing y/n cry, knowing that she only ever cried when things were purely awful. they understood y/n like no one else did. her parents never cared for her and in high school, people would just be friends with her because she was a pretty face. but when she met giselle, they instantly clicked. then, giselle invited y/n to her small group of friends which made y/n a bit hesitant. but once she met them, she knew, that these were the right people. the kind of people who truly liked her for her and not just her pretty face or popularity. they loved her kindness, her love language of gift-giving and physical affection, the way she would have small, cute habits when she was excited or happy. they were y/n's family practically.
however, while y/n was stressing over the project and her schedule, park sunghoon was contemplating his feelings. "bro, you alright? you haven't touched your beer," jake asked, nudging sunghoon to catch his attention. "yeah just thinking. hey do you guys by any chance know l/n y/n?" he asked looking off in the window. "dude- she's literally like, the smartest and prettiest girl in decelis, who could we not know her?" heeseung said, taking a sip of his can. "hm. just wondering. she's my partner in some class," sunghoon added, not noticing how the other guy's eyes widened. "you partner is l/n y/n? dude- you better help her out with this just once!" jake stated. "everyone knows that y/n has so much to do! art, dance, modeling, all that stuff! for fucks sake, even i would help her out." "damn, that says a lot," smack! "ok geez sorry! yeah i guess i'll help a bit. she's pretty hot actually." sunghoon said while rubbing his arm where jake had smacked him. "woah, hoonie's falling for someone?" jay teased, speaking up for the first time since the start of this conversation. "ew no! you know me, i don't do that shit," "yeah....sure...." heeseung snickers. sunghoon just rolls his eyes and leans back on his chair. was he really catching feelings for y/n? no, impossible! he just met her. maybe he should try to help her out with this project.
the next morning, y/n finds sunghoon in front of her locker. she’s not one to get mad at someone but she couldn’t help but feel quite annoyed at the guy in front of her locker. he had his signature smirk on his face and his leather jacket on instead of his school blazer. but the most shocking thing about this situation, was the fact that the park sunghoon was here early at school. park sunghoon was n.e.v.e.r early for school. not even when one of his summer flings begged for him to show up early to school with her. so why the hell was park sunghoon early, and leaning on her locker?
“oh hi…you need something?” y/n asked, trying not to sound too annoyed. “yeah actually, i came to ask where we would work on the project?" completely throwing off y/n. "o-oh...you're gonna help me now?" she asked, not being able to hold back the uncertainty in her voice. "yeah, i figured you're kinda busy so i would help out. unless you don't want me to," he said, smirking slightly at the shorter girl. "no! it's not that! i'm sorry, please help me with this project. i'm so overwhelmed right now and doing a whole project on my own is the last thing i need!" y/n cried, hoping sunghoon was being truthful. for a moment, sunghoon's hard exterior fell and revealed this soft interior as he could feel remorse for the girl who had mountains piled on her plate. but that was only for a moment. "wow, it looks like you're begging for me now. i bet you're in love with me," he grins mischievously, planning in his head a way to make her fall for him, knowing that she would never give someone like him a chance. instantly, the girl's face flushed and she looked like a tomato with how embarrassed she was. "i would never fall for someone like you," boom. there it was. the answer he knew was coming. "well, i bet i could make you fall in love with me in just 10 days if you let me. after 10 days and you aren't in love with me, i promise that i'll leave you alone," he proposed full of confidence. "but if you do fall for me, i win." he smirked once again. y/n was astonished by his bold offer but was feeling bold herself today. "deal," she smiled back. shaking hands, sunghoon was internally cheering, totally thinking that he would've been rejected. "great. then see you tomorrow princess. let the 10 days begin." and with that, he walked out of the campus, missing another day of school.
woo! first writing done! even though it's just the prologue, i hope you enjoyed! i'm super excited for this series!!!
taglist: @lelsforlino, @starfallia, @douxhoon, @woniefull, @kpislby, @yuvany
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madhatterbri · 11 months
Say It Again | E.M.
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Summary: You confess to Elijah that you love him while you lay dying in his arms. You tell him once more when you come back to life.
Author's Note: What's Halloween without the Mikaelsons?
"Stay with me," Elijah urged as his fingers tapped against your cheek. You were sitting on his lap. Your eyelids were half closed. Your head felt heavy against his shoulder. Your vampire body tried to heal itself but werewolves bite was killing you. The injuries were the worst you ever had. Your worst fear coming to life. You were going to die.
"'lijah," you whispered. There was something you needed to tell him. He deserved to know. "I'm sorry,"
"Save your energy. Niklaus and the others will be here soon," he informed you. His eyes hopefully looked around wishing he knew where they were. His super hearing couldn't hear their footsteps. He cradled you closer to him. He loved you. This couldn't be your time.
"You were right," you gulped. The familiar taste of copper started to fill your mouth. You started to cough feeling like you were suffocating. Blood poured down the corner of your mouth. Darkness started to cloud your vision. "I love you,"
The sound of people cheering woke you up. You sat up quickly while checking the room. Nothing was out of place. It must have been the many festivals that New Orleans hosted. The room was unbearably hot.
Your eyes closed as your body started to shut down. The pain and suffering slowly leaving your body. The last thing you remembered was hearing Elijah begging you to wake up.
"Oh my God, I'm in hell. I knew they would drag me down there," you cursed and laid back down.
"Hey I take offense to that," Rebekah joked while leaning against the doorframe to your room. A big smile plastered on her face. "I think my brothers would as well,"
"What happened?" You asked while propping yourself up on your elbows. A quick examination of your body revealed no more injuries and most importantly no wolf bite.
"Came in just the right time with Klaus' blood. Elijah has been worried sick about you. It seems you two made up then?" She asked hopefully. Rebekah was never one to enjoy Elijah suffering. You bit your lip nervously.
Days ago Elijah told you he loved you. As much as you wanted to say it back you were scared. This was the first time you ever were accepted somewhere like family. Of course they had their issues but what family didn't? You sighed and looked at her.
"He told me he loves me," you confessed after attempting to dodge the issue. The words slipped past your lips so carefree while inside you were in turmoil. Elijah was everything you ever wanted. He was intelligent, kind, and loyal. "And I told him I know,"
You chuckled dryly as you looked down. Rebekah sighed softly and closed the door behind her. You could feel the tears well up in your eyes. Guilt gripped you by the back of the neck and attempted to consume you. The vampire you called a sister sat down on your bed.
"I told him... finally. When we were together while I was dying," you admitted. "You should have seen the way his eyes pained when I told him. He thought he was going to lose me. I was only brave enough to tell him while I laid dying,"
The room was still for a few moments. Rebekah appeared to be deep in thought as if to soak it all in. The blonde vampire had been left out in the dark about this. She patted your arm with reassurance.
"He's in the study. Go talk to him. He'll be happy to know you are awake,"
Without a second thought, you ran away from Rebekah to find him. Elijah was in the study. His back to the door as he read from his mother's grimoires. He was constantly studying the book in case the Mikaelsons needed a spell for a witch to use.
"Elijah?" You asked cautiously. He never liked to be disturbed when he was deep in thought. His eyes locked on to you. A relaxed look appeared on his face once he realized it was you.
"I trust you slept well," Elijah spoke sarcastically. He wasn't sure how to approach you. A few days ago you spoke two words that caused his world to come crashing. While dying you suddenly changed your tune. The emotional back in forth would cause anyone whiplash.
"I want to talk to you," you demanded with a little more force than you wanted. Before dying you two weren't speaking. Well he wasn't speaking to you. You couldn't blame him but it hurt. Despite not speaking to you, you went after him to protect him which nearly cost you your life. It took almost dying to realize how stupid you were being. You walked before him to ensure you had his full attention.
"I was foolish earlier. I was just afraid and I still am. Your family is the only one that has taken me in. I... I don't ever want to lose you guys," you spoke softly trying to keep the tears at bay. You placed your hand on his cheek. His eyes narrowed yet he relaxed them once more.
"What are you trying to say?"
"I love you,"
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Tylyn oneshot
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“We need to go on a supplies run,” Ashlyn said. “We need more ammo, batteries for the flashlights, gas for the car, and better protective equipment.”
They all groaned and sinked deeper into the couch, wishing they could just spend their Saturday resting. 
“No complaining. This is necessary for survival. Now, I’m going to separate us into 3 groups. Logan and Aiden, you guys get us batteries and gas tanks.”
Aiden smiled at Logan, who tried to remain calm, but was terrified deep down. 
“Ben and Taylor, you two get the protective equipment.”
“Yay!” Taylor exclaimed. “Grocery run, Ben!”
“So that leaves us?” Tyler asked in an annoyed tone. 
“Yep,” Ashlyn said, equally unhappy sounding. “We’re in charge of ammo.”
“You don’t sound enthused either. Why pair us up then?”
“I just used a random name picker to make the groups..”
Tyler groaned and him and Ashlyn began to put their shoes on to run this stupid errand. 
“I’ll drive,” Ashlyn said. 
“Oh, hell no. Not after what happened last time I was in a car you drove.”
“Seriously?! We’re not gonna be driving from a monster trying to kill us. You’ll be fine!”
“I’ll drive,” Tyler said darkly with that tone that says he’ll just be a stubborn ass about this to the end. 
“Fine,” she said, tossing the keys to him. 
They got in the car and drove in awkward silence to get their supplies. 
They reached a pawn shop that specialized in guns and ammo. 
Ashlyn pulled out her hunting license as her and Tyler looked for what they needed.
Tyler grabbed several packs, Ashlyn glaring at him. “All that’s gonna be really expensive. Put some of it back.”
“Wouldn’t it be smart to get as much as we can get?”
“Just put a couple away,” she said, annoyed. 
He grumbled under his breath as he put a few away. They eventually went to the front to pay and went back to the car. 
“So where are we gonna plant this stuff?” Tyler asked as he started the engine. 
“The forest. Somewhere we can find easily, but can’t be tampered with.”
They drove to the edge of the forest, Ashlyn tying up her hiking boots. 
“We’ll have to look for the spot we were at last night and we can put the stuff there. And then we can send those coordinates to the others.”
“Right..” Tyler was always taken off guard by how responsible and level headed Ash was at all times. As much as he hated it, he found it admirable. 
The two walked through the forest and eventually reached the area they were at the night before. 
“It’s weird..” Tyler murmured. “To be out here.. not running for our life…”
“Well, there are wild animals out here like bears and coyotes. So it’s still technically not safe.”
“Way to calm my nerves,” he said sarcastically. 
They looked around for a good spot and along the way, they struck up awkward small talk. 
“How was the hospital?” Ashlyn asked. 
“It was fine.. the food was probably the worst part.”
Ashlyn chuckled ever so slightly. “Yep. That we can agree on.”
“You’ve been to the hospital?”
“Ya. Multiple times when I was younger.”
“….You gonna tell me, or-?”
“Migraines. Real bad ones that caused me to pass out.”
“Oh, really?” Tyler had no idea she had to deal with stuff like that. 
“Another side effect of my curse.”
“My ‘super hearing’ as Aiden puts it,” she said, rolling her eyes. 
“Ah. Right…”
Another moment of stifling silence. 
“I’ve also been to the hospital before..” Tyler said eventually. “Things like sprains and broken bones.”
Ashlyn let out a soft breath, sounding like a half-laugh. “Ya, sprains are the worst. I’ve dealt with those because of dance.”
“Oh. Ya, I forgot you did ballet.. that’s cool.. you ever do any performances?”
“I just do it for the exercise and because it’s fun. Performing isn’t really my thing..”
They eventually stopped walking, looking around their area. “This area looks familiar..” Tyler said. “But I can’t quite name it..”
Ashlyn nodded in agreement. She found a steep cliff and went over to it. Her breath got caught in her throat and her blood ran cold after what she saw. 
“Ashlyn? What’s up-“ Tyler stopped in his tracks once he saw it. 
The tree. 
He felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He remembered his organs mangled on the branches and the blood dripping down to the grass as the red moon glowed like a blood splatter in the sky…
He backed up, clutching his sides as he tried to keep himself from vomiting. 
“Tyler!” Ashlyn exclaimed as Tyler began to sink to the ground. 
She grabbed him by his shoulders in an attempt to steady him. 
“Don’t throw up,” she urged him. 
“Great advice!” He yelled, panicking. 
He grind her teeth and got to her knees to be at his eye level. 
“Tyler, you’re ok!”
He didn’t, couldn’t, hear her. The world was spinning and all he could see was crimson red, like when he was forced to stare up at the moon that night…
Ashlyn placed a hand on his stomach. “Tyler, look at me. You’re ok..”
He looked up, seeing her green eyes, hard and worried as she tried to remain calm. That sense of calmness, steadiness, managed to help him. 
He followed her breathing and his heart rate slowed to a steady pace. 
After he calmed down, a wave of exhaustion hit him. He rested his head on her shoulder, trying to keep his breathing steady. 
Ashlyn was taken off guard, but didn’t pull away, instead continuing to try and comfort him. She pat the back of his head and continued to instruct his breathing while also lifting him back to his feet. 
“Cmon..” she said. “Let’s hide this ammo and then go home.”
He nodded slowly. 
She looked down at the tree and lead him to it. 
She looked up at its branches and scoffed. 
“This is one ugly tree..” She pulled out a pocket knife and stabbed at the bark. She stabbed, and stabbed, wood chipping off and burrowing into her hands. 
She let out one final grunt as she left the knife stuff in the tree. She then turned to Tyler, who was looking at her life she was crazy. 
“You give it a try,” she said. “This tree..” She looked up at it. “It’s.. it’s pretty ugly..”
He couldn’t believe she was trying to cheer him up. It was a different form of cheering up, but it was Ashlyn’s way to show she cared. And that’s all he needed, maybe..
He pulled the knife from the tree and stabbed at it. He remembered that night, that horrible night. But he also remembered his friends rushing to his aid. The way they all hugged him at the hospital. The way Ashlyn had hung over him at the hospital, unable to say what she really thought. But her stare had said it all:
I do care about you. 
He eventually stopped, his wrist hurting. The tree looked like someone swung a full ax into it once or twice before leaving it. 
Tyler took deep, heaving breaths before turning to Ashlyn, who had her arms crossed and a half smile on her face. 
She tucked the ammo into a hollow in the tree before turning back to him. 
“Let’s go home.”
As they approached the car, Tyler stopped. 
He pulled the car keys out of his pocket before tossing them to her. 
“You… you can drive..”
She blinked in surprise before letting out a breath in amusement. “Ya.. thanks.. now get in..”
He nodded slowly, climbing into the passenger’s seat. 
As they drove, Tyler wasn’t afraid anymore. It was like a new beginning started, even if it was small. 
All he had to do was trust Ashlyn. 
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Hi. I don’t know if requests are still open or not, but I was wondering if you could do some headcannons of Hector, Isaac, Alucard and Trevor helping their S/O through a panic attack??
If you feel uncomfortable writing this or if requests are closed please feel free to ignore this request. I hope you are well and staying safe 💞
Ask: Hi. I don’t know if requests are still open or not, but I was wondering if you could do some headcanons of Hector, Isaac, Alucard, and Trevor helping their S/O through a panic attack??
If you feel uncomfortable writing this or if requests are closed please feel free to ignore this request. I hope you are well and staying safe 💞
A/N: Requests are still closed as of right now, but this one made it in before that- I’m just a super slow tortoise when it comes to getting things done. (I think I’ve had like a year of writer’s block. That or it was just a major depressive episode… Who’s to say?) Anyways, onwards and upwards! Here is how I think Hector, Isaac, Alucard, and Trevor would help their S/O through a panic attack. I hope they're good, normally when I'm panicking I just let myself freak tf out lol
☮ ☮ ☮
Hector knows exactly what a panic attack is. Okay, well maybe he doesn’t know all the psychology behind it, but he’s had plenty himself, so he understands how overwhelming they can feel. 
He may not pick up on the fact that you’re having one right away if he’s preoccupied with making night creatures at the moment. But he’s also one to worry about you- he’s lost almost everyone he’s loved in some way or another, so he makes a point of checking in between every couple of creations. 
He’ll see your labored breathing, the fear in your eyes, or the way you bend your body in half and know immediately that something is wrong. He’s learned from observing your behavior: which words and movements mean you’re happy and which ones mean you need help. 
He’ll physically come over to you, and place a reassuring hand on your shoulder. If you’re in his workshop, or somewhere else that isn’t exactly an ideal calm spot, he’ll usher you- carry you even- if he has to, to a safer place where the two of you can sit quietly. 
If you’re okay with being touched, he’ll hold you close to him, placing one of his hands on the small of your back. Using the other, he’ll grasp one of your hands and bring it to his chest so you can focus on the rhythm of his heartbeat. 
He takes deep calming breaths and urges you to match yours to his. 
Once you're past the worst of it, he’ll leave you alone momentarily to go and make the two of you tea. The two of you can sip your tea and enjoy the company of your many adorable undead pets together. It may be unnerving to some, but to you, when you’re all together, it helps make the world look less intimidating. 
Isaac doesn't panic often, or, well, ever to be quite honest. He used to be terrified as a kid, but now that he’s a man in charge of his own destiny, that’s all behind him. That doesn’t mean he’s unaware of your feelings or anything. As a matter of fact, he prefers the focus to be on your feelings so he doesn’t have to share his. 
The first thing he has you do is drink some ice-cold water, to help your brain shift its focus from your overwhelming feelings to the shocking and quite refreshing feeling of the cool liquid going down your throat. 
The second thing he does is rub soothing circles into the pulse points on both your wrists. He learned from an acupuncturist in one of his many travels, that these points, called the Great Abyss and the Spirit Gate respectively, are good pressure points to use in alleviating feelings of anxiety. 
Thirdly, he makes sure those in and around the palace respect your privacy. He ushers any passersby away and uses his night creatures to reroute people to ensure no one other than him sees you in this state. He doesn’t want you to feel negatively judged for having feelings, because he lived his life like that for so long and he knows how awful it is. 
Once you’ve reached the peak of your panic attack and begin to come down, he’ll ask if you want to talk about what triggered you in the first place. After all, he is the King of Styria now. If it’s something he can change in the palace, or in the way people work, you can bet he’s going to fix it for your benefit. 
If it isn’t something he or you can change, but rather something you have no other choice but to live with, he mentally makes peace with it and urges you to do the same. Yes, feelings of panic are scary and they mess up your entire day, but if this is a part of who you are, he doesn’t want you to feel in any way angry at yourself or at fault. People carry all different burdens, this one just happens to be yours. And Isaac is more than happy, to let you know, you don’t carry this one alone. 
Alucard is pretty stoic most of the time, at least, he tries to be. He’s not used to vocalizing or expressing how he feels. Hell, he doesn’t even really know how to process all that he feels, much less share it. So it’s safe to say, being a knowledgeable and comforting presence is foreign to him. 
Greta and Sypha do end up teaching him a little bit, but you’re gonna have to be very honest and open with him going forward if you want him to anticipate your needs beyond eating and sleeping every once in a while.
You’d most likely come to him and tell him. Either with an “Alucard, I need you,” or even a whispered, “Help.” And he’d come running, like superspeed running, over to you. 
Are you hurt? Are you bleeding? He’s checking for blood. No blood! Okay, any bruises? No bruises! He’s going through the physical list when he notices the way you’re trembling, the way you keep grasping at your chest, and the way you keep shaking your head ‘no’. He soon realizes it's not that kind of injury. 
He takes you to your room and sets you gently on the bed. He asks you directly: what can he do, and what do you need? Whatever it is he’ll get it, or he’ll ask for someone else to get it, so he can stay there in the meantime and hold you. 
He lets you play with his hair, something he rarely does, to keep your mind occupied on something else. He’ll even shift into his wolf form if you’d prefer a big fluffy doggie to cuddle with. 
Stemming off of what he’s learned from Sypha and Greta, he reminds you how much he loves you, and how much you mean to him. He thinks you’re a wonderful person- brave and strong. Panic attacks don’t change that. And he’s not upset or even shocked- life is scary, and your guys’ life has been very scary. 
Basically Alucard just wants you to know that even though he isn’t an expert at emotions, he’ll stay by your side, throughout it all. 
Trevor actually used to have panic attacks a lot as a kid, but back then he had his family to help him through it. After they were taken from him, he shut down emotionally- something he needed to do to survive. So now, his emotional IQ isn’t the greatest. That doesn’t mean he’s not observant though. 
Being a trained monster hunter, he’s good at reading people. He can spot fear or aggression from a distance, and he’d definitely be able to sense panic in you. 
He would want to make sure the two of you are in a place and position for you to freak out freely, preferably away from prying strangers’ eyes. It’s not that he’s embarrassed, he just wants the two of you to feel safe enough to calm down, and it’s hard to do that with a bunch of judgemental eyes on you. 
Trevor’s priority is safety: so once the two of you are clear of people (or night creatures), he turns his attention to you. He instructs you to take deep breaths: in through your nose and out through your mouth- he remembers reading something about that in one of his family’s books a long time ago. 
If you’re not too hot, or in the middle of an anxiety-driven hot flash, he’ll offer you his coat/cloak to grip on or to cocoon yourself in. If you choose the former, he’ll place a reassuring hand on your shoulder, and practice his breathing with you. If you prefer the latter, he’ll pick your wrapped-up form and cradle you in his lap. And he’ll tell you stories from a happier time in his life- something he doesn’t share with anyone other than you- to distract your mind. It’s his way of being vulnerable with you. 
Trevor knows he comes off as stony, bitter, and just completely over-it in general, but he never wants you to think he feels that way about you. He loves you, and he prides himself on his ability to protect you and keep you safe. You’re his family now. He’s going to stick through it all with you- thick and thin. 
He might even softly sing some of the old Romanian lullabies his mother used to sing to him. But that’s only if you’re really, really panicked. Once you start teasing him about how he’s really just a big softie, he knows you’re going to be just fine.
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olderthannetfic · 10 months
ONTF, you're older than I am, you're highly media literate, maybe you'll know: what was the appeal of the Joss Whedon style of writing to begin with? Everyone whateverishly wording their phrasey bits in that very Whedon-y way never did anything for me, positive or negative, and the constant need to have comedy during serious moments or interrupt a serious moment with either snark or a remark that nods towards tropes diffuses the tension to the point where I can't get invested. None of his characters ever felt capable of having sincere moments like most characters in other things I watch, and the few moments of that they did have would get undermined by one of the aforementioned flaws.
I do think the "omg worst writer EVER!" crowd is a bit much, because I've seen things so bad that Whedon looks like Shakespeare by comparison. But my half-sister, who is 25 years older than me and thus in her late 40's, swears Joss' style is revolutionary and deep. And frankly I've been wrong about a lot of media I used to hate and I'm open to the idea I'm missing something. It's super likely given my limited media exposure, though I am admittedly trying to work on that and branch out into more genres of media and more formats so I don't become that 'guy who has only seen Boss Baby thinks every movie has Boss Baby vibes' meme.
So. What am I missing? What's the context I'm missing and the key here that will allow me to appreciate the appeal of and enduring fandom for Whedon's work? I am admittedly a fandom baby but I am willing to learn.
I mean... I despised him from the get go, other than the Buffy movie, which I still quote that death scene from regularly, so I'm probably not the best person to describe what's appealing about his style.
But one-liners during action are a common taste even if I'm fonder of the sorts of homoerotic 80s trash Ruthless Reviews used to cover.
Ironic distance is also popular and easier to swallow than earnestness for a lot of people.
However, I do think Buffy's original audience was connecting with it emotionally. Look at the part where Buffy's all upset after the most clownishly 1980s take on loss of virginity and heavyhanded metaphors for guys being jerks that just made every writer involved seem excessively middle-aged and out of touch Giles asks if she has any idea what could have happened to Angel. For people who weren't going to high school in 90s California, that bilge was apparently very moving. Certainly, there are parts of Buffy where the quips die down for some actual emotional moments.
People like style. Something that commits to being aggressively stylized will often stand out from the bland clones that surround it. Look at Wes Anderson (another creator I don't particularly like). Whedon's godawful faux-witty dialogue did sound different from other things on TV at the time. He also lets women say some of the one-liners, which is sorely missing from most media.
But mostly, he was formative for a lot of people, and I had to live through many, many years of them earnestly entreating me to give his shitty writing another chance because this time I would somehow connect with this sex-negative parasite and his casting aesthetic that I didn't find hot or interesting.
(I like dumb and campy things. I just like them to star a bunch of body builders from New Zealand, not waifs.)
People always hold up the things they imprinted on as more revolutionary and deep than they seem in retrospect. In Whedon's case, his already obnoxious style suffers from having been copied so much since, but even if he weren't famous or popular, if you were talking to that one person whose adolescence was defined by their love of him, they'd say all this same nonsense your sister does.
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ananke-xiii · 6 months
A dream, mine:
spn s13 but with cas alive and jack's a baby, dean and mary are in the AU and lucifer is still on earth. Somehow sam and cas manage to save jack and themselves from lucifer but now they're on the run and they are both questioning their life choices. Sam's like super pissed because he's been baby trapped by cas of all people and he's now stuck with an unhinged angel and a baby that's half his nemesis, a nemesis with which he shares the most unfortunate, most fucked up, saddest "profound bond" of all time. Cas is pissed too because he was handed the shortest (technically the tallest but shhh) straw by fate and ended up with the wrong brother, what's worst, he's now forced, once again, to re-evaluate all his millennia-long prejudices against all kinds of abominations since he's stuck sharing a car with two of the finest examples ever produced. Jack is just a baby which means he cries a lot, wants to eat, does his things etc and the crying alone is enough to send cas and sam crazy. Cas resents sam because he thinks he's using the angel with the excuse that he doesn't sleep so he can look after the baby. Sam resents cas because he went doing his hot girl shit instead of following his plan. Things reach a boiling point when they're in a gas 'n sip, sam deep in "newborn lore" on his smartphone, trying to understand what a newborn can eat out of gas station food, and cas's exasperated because "we can just wear a white coat, go to a hospital and steal breast milk". Sam snaps and he's like "what IS wrong with you, dude?" and cas is so done so he's like "tell me, sam, what IS wrong with me, sam?". Sam's not dean and he's not above recounting all the times cas has fucked them over, fucked him over, he literally uses his fingers to start counting everything that's just wrong with cas and he sure as hell starts by telling him how thick an actual angel of the lord, "the fucking angel of fucking thursday has no feel" (sam's words not mine), can be to save a person from hell without realizing that the soul's not there when he basically did the same thing for dean so "uh cas, explain this to the hand, CAS-TI-EL"! And cas finds out that, after all, he's not that bad at this feeling and being almost human shit cause he suddenly feels very in touch with his feminine side and he's ready to remind sam how thick can he be to think that god was speaking to him telling him to open the cage, like "what sam, just because amara was speaking to dean, you thought god would have spoken to you, to you, SA-MU-EL?" They're one step close to a catfight, neither of them is shy enough to prevent it, they both can and will grab each other by their hair and grip tight to raise themselves from this domestic hell. But they're in a gas 'n sip, whisper-yelling about angels, hell, souls and god and people begin eyeing them, the clerk reaches for the phone. They stop and realize that, in their current state, they're both two male presenting beings somewhere in their forties or in their vicinity with a screaming baby in cas' arms and one call away from child protection services . Things are not good.
Meanwhile, dean is with mary, fake bobby and fake charlie having the time of his life in the fake purgatory copy that is the AU releasing all his decade-long repressed sexual energy toward a certain angel by killing angels with bullets made out of angel blades and knifing the occasional monster of the week that goes bump in the night. Things are good.
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taduki · 6 months
Nadia’s Mehndi
A fluffy little drabble of my apprentice doing Nadia’s henna. I wanted it to come off naturally, but I’m not in the mood to edit it right now 😭😭, so I’ll just hope and pray it comes off nicely and there are no errors. 💕🙏
The Countess spared no expense treating her lover with the loveliest of delicacies as gifts. Alas, her lover was a simple woman who distinctly cherished the one thing money could not buy — her time.
Nadia was a symbol of grace and resilience. She often reminded Taduki of gorgeous sculptures of women, the epitome of beauty. Though she found that, regardless of what she looked like, she would love her all the same, which is why she wanted to decorate her with a special treatment.
She presented her love with a modest, cone-shaped tube of Henna in the palace gardens.
“Oh, my! I haven’t seen this for quite some time.” Nadia smiled. She sighed and rubbed her temple, “My sisters used to draw on themselves for hours. It was at its worst when they insisted on collaborating on my body… But I do have fonder memories of this, my dear.”
Taduki cut off the end of the tube with a pocket knife and placed the tip of the henna on her love’s arm. She hummed and asked, “Would you tell me?”
Nadia watched her fluffed up curly mess of hair move around while she worked. She let out a giggle and said, “Sure.” She had it done during her wedding with Count Lucio. Yes, it was customary in Prakra, but she also saw it as a testament to the first step in her new life.
She stopped herself. “Darling?”
“Where did you learn to do Mehndi? During your travels?”
“Yeah”, Taduki replied. “We did performances and stuff, but not everyone was looking for a show. It actually started because I saw this super bored kid and I offered to draw something on him. It spiraled into a service after that.” She laughed.
Nadia planted a sneaky kiss on her forehead. Taduki looked up and grinned, then asked suddenly, “Say, Nadi? Why do you call it Mehndi?”
Nadia subconsciously played with her lover’s coily black hair in thought. After a moment, she raised an eyebrow. “Is that not what it’s called?”
“I call it henna”, Taduki returned to her work. “I’ve heard people call it Mehndi before, but I have no idea why! It’s just so different.” She squinted.
Nadia sat back on the edge of the fountain, careful not to move her arm. She looked at the sky in thought and inquired, “Henna comes from the henna plant” — she stopped herself. “Wait, no. It’s the other way around! Henna is the plant itself.”
“Yeah, and then Mehndi is the brown stuff.”
“Oh, goodness. Well, when you put it like that—.” Nadia hid a disgraceful snort behind her hand.
Taduki shoved her and laughed. “Do you remember—.” She interrupted herself with a cackle and a wheeze. Nadia gently held her arm, a big grin still stretched over her face, and laughed, “Stop that! You’ll hurt yourself!” Taduki held her stomach and hiccuped. She wearily fanned herself and continued, “The dinner at Vlastomil’s…”
Nadia let out a raucous laugh and clasped her hands together. “Yes! Yes, I do!” She nodded.
“Ewww!”, Taduki recalled herself saying out loud. She wheezed and rolled onto the grass, still shaking with laughter. Nadia followed her and fanned herself off before holding her. She waited for her lover to calm down and catch her breath, but by the time she did, she must have been half-conscious. She took a deep breath in and out. “Never let me tell a joke ever again, please”, she groaned.
Nadia smiled and pat her stomach. She hummed, “I’d miss you.”
Taduki wearily looked into her eyes and hummed back, “Me too.”
Nadia’s shoulders shook and she mouthed, “What?”, before shaking her head and leaving it be. She sighed dreamily and stared into her eyes.
The grass made for a soft cushion and their eyes were starting to droop. Their bed was neatly made in the palace, but they drifted further and further into their sleep, for it did not matter where they were or that one’s mehndi was smeared. They were safe, and they were together.
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anniebear-92 · 2 years
Paw Prints
Thank you to everyone with your kind words on part one! Here is part two and I think it's a tad longer than the first one. Still thinking about 3 - 4 parts and possibly a special one for NFSW if anyone really wants that one that won't add to the story in anyway other than require a trip to church or holy water... >:) Go off Sinners.
It's been a few weeks since Bakugo the cat moved into your home. You've gotten to know him as a cat and as you return to university classes he finds himself unsure what to do with himself. Stay tuned for life as a poor college student with a petty cat... He's a cat right?
Warnings: SFW, Trigger warning: mention of cheating against reader, Swearing. Slight mention of partial nudity nothing NSFW though.
Link to: Part One
Part Two: Poor College Student Meet Petty Cat
You had learned several things during the first few weeks of having Bakugo the cat in your home. One of those things, is how highly intelligent this cat was. He would sit nearby and listen as you chatted away at him like he was your best friend. He had his ways of responding, huffs or swipes of the paw, smirk like expressions when he's extremely smug and the ever present judging glare. Along with this, it had been a struggle getting the cat to take his antibiotics for the required timeframe the vet had set, as soon as he saw that bottle it was if the cat never existed. He would hide until you either gave up or finally found him after a long game of hide and seek. Even hiding the medicine in the food was not enough, as he had started to turn his nose up at any and all cat foods provided to him. Which led to another thing you learned, he was picky.
You had bought and tried almost a dozen brands of cat food at this point in order to make the snooty feline happy. Wet food, dry food, mixture of both… nothing seemed to work… except your own food. He would sit across from you and try to eat from your bowl or the pan if you left it out just a moment too long. You had tried to deter him from this habit, however stubborn was his middle name.
After several days of trying to deter him from eating your food, you had thrown in the towel and just started preparing him his own bowl. Originally you had attempted to give him portions without spices as per your research online, however he too turned his nose up and swiped at you with those large paws until you added in whatever was in your own. You had conferred with the vet upon his check up and they had told you it was an odd behavior but to monitor him closely and which food were okay/not okay for kitties.
Bakugo was given a clean bill of health a week after he had first seen the vet. He had his up and down days where he would be super lethargic, barely getting up to do much. However by the time he finished his medicine he was known as a very energetic little ball of fur with a bad case of the zoomies… at the worst hours.
The first time it happened you were woken up to the largest crash in the living room. Fearing you were being broken into, you had grabbed a baseball bat from underneath your bed and slowly snuck out to see who dared break into your apartment at this god awful hour.
Flipping on the light with a brave face you were met with a very messy living room, your favorite vase now smashed to pieces on the floor with the flowers and soil all over your nice carpet, papers you had been working on for university were strewn all over the floor and sitting in the middle of the chaos… Bakugo. He froze with his paws laid out before him, his top half lowered to the ground and his rear in the air as his tail flipped dangerously. His eyes met yours with wide blown out pupils before he suddenly sprinted away into the spare bedroom, almost in shame.
Taking a deep calming breath you had simply cleaned up the mess and returned to bed, grumbling about a little gremlin cat living in your home. This continued almost every night for a week until you had threatened to lock him in a kennel at night, you weren't serious but it had some how did the trick. He had limited his zoomies to more decent hours and avoided breaking anything else… on accident that is.
The little shit had a habit of getting payback on you for anything he seemingly didn't like. You didn't feed him fast enough? Your mug was on the floor, shattered and coffee everywhere. You step on his tail because he was zooming under your feet to beat you wherever you were going and it was his own fault? You had a nice pile of feces in your shoes later that day.
This became the normal for you for the first few weeks, though at night when the little terrorist was done being a little gremlin, the biggest thing you learned…he was quite the lover. He would crawl into your lap while rubbing all over your hands and up into your neck, against your cheeks. His low rumble purr soothing you as he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep after scenting you as his own with your fingers massaging his fur.
Though it took quite some time after that first time he laid with you for him to come near you again, he was truly a hot and cold cat. Even with that, it was on HIS terms, not yours. If you wanted to snuggle and he didn't? Oh boy wrong move. You had the scratches to prove it.
Today was a new occasion, you were returning to school after a break so Bakugo would be home alone for the first time for more than a few hours or minutes. You were unsure how he would take it as he would normally greet you at the door even for a short trip and demand cuddles before you could do anything else. How dare you have a life without him!
You were mid packing your bag with supplies when Bakugo hopped up next to you, tilting his head in question. 'The fuck you goin?' You tapped his nose in a boop, his ears laying back in annoyance and eyes scanning you for the audacity you had to treat him this way. "I'm going to school today bud so you need to be a good boy." He huffed in answer, his head turning to lick at his paw. 'I'm always a good boy dumbass.' He paused mid lick, turning his head with ears flattened as he processed what you said. 'School?' Now all packed, you swung the bag over your shoulder and made for the door.
Dropping the bag beside you as you crouched in order to put on your shoes, an interruption known as the fur ball from hell rubbed against your legs. He let out the most pitiful meow as his carmine eyes locked with yours.
"Aw don't give me that look. I'll be back later sweet pea." He scrunched up his nose at the chosen term as you ran a quick swipe of your hand over his forehead. He hopped onto your bent knee, rubbing the length of his body against your chest in the attempts you'll chose to stay. Finishing your laces you picked him up and snuggled him close. A low warning growl was let out by the spicy kitten until you planted a soft kiss between his ears. The noise ceased suddenly as he looked up at you in surprise. This was the first time you had done anything like that, even during snuggling sessions.
Placing him on his paws you began gathering up your coat and bag once more as Bakugo licked his hide out of embarrassment. Now all geared up and ready to leave you gave him one more glance and a smile that squeezed the small cat's heart. "See you later handsome boy."
Exiting the apartment left Bakugo in a state of shock. Now what did he do? How long would his food giver be gone? Would he be here by himself forever? No more scratchies? Or kis- No he couldn't think of that one. He huffed and padded himself into the living room, hopping up onto the couch in HIS designated spot. He began moving around the blanket, paws pushing and pulling like he was making a batch of biscuits to get comfortable. Satisfied he plopped himself down and curled his tail just below his eyes, glaring at the clock hanging over the television. 'Guess I'll just nap until they get home.'
You arrived on campus just in time, parking your modest piece of crap next to some fancy car you could only dream of owning one day. Strolling along the path a voice broke you from your la-la land train of thoughts.
"Hey! Over here!" You were met with an energetic red head with the widest smile who was steadily waiving you down towards a group of people. Shining a bright smile you wandered over and greeted your friends. The redhead threw an arm over your shoulders and you laughed. "Hey Kirishima, how are you?"
He shrugged before addressing the raven haired boy beside him. "Sero! You know F/N right?" The ravenette nodded before sticking his hand out in greeting, "You're in Aizawa's lecture class right?" You nodded in response, giving your first and last name as you shook his hand. You had met Sero quite a few times but never formally introduced yourself during friend gatherings. You were suddenly yanked from Kirishima's grasp by a curly pink haired girl. "Bestie! I haven't seen you in so long!"
"Mina, we just got off break! Don't be so dramatic." You pushed her face back by a finger to the middle of her forehead as she whined. "That was forever!"
The group made their way to your respective classes, Mina following you into the lecture hall as you took the usual seats near the back of the hall. "So anything new happen?" She leaned over the tiny desk in anticipation of even a crumb of gossip or drama. With a shrug you open your writing tablet and flipped a pencil between your fingers. "It was mostly uneventful really. I called it quits with what's his face within the first days."
She gasped heavily as she slammed a palm down. "I knew it! Kiri owes me ten bucks!" The pencil in your fingers stopped, "You bet on my love life?" She shrugged in response, sitting back against the chair. "Kirishima was dead set you two were end game. I knew for a fact you weren't. Your chemistry was all off. So we bet on who would be right. I just didn't realize it was so soon… Damn I'm good."
You snorted in response as the loudest teacher on campus walked into the hall to greet everyone. "Good morning students! We'll be learning something new today!" Mina leaned over and spoke in a hushed tone, "So what happened that you called it off anyway?"
Rolling your eyes you whispered "So nosey… He was texting some bitch right there on the couch next to me while we watched a movie saying some shit about how he loved her and couldn't wait to see her. I called him out and he claimed it was his cousin. When I told him to call her so I could say hi, tell me why the bitch answers "Hey baby!" and he just looks at me like a deer in the headlights. Turns out he's been seeing this girl during our entire relationship."
Mina's jaw dropped as she gasped loudly "No way! The whole time??" You nodded somberly, "Would you two like to share with the lecture hall what is so riveting we're interrupting the main show?"
The both of you froze like children caught in a cookie jar and gave a shy no sorry when Mina frowned. "Sorry Professor Mic." He nodded and continued on about whatever it was he was saying before lecturing you both. The rest of class was spent in silence other than the scratch of pencils against the paper taking notes, the other classes mostly 'welcome backs' and here's your new topics for this semesters.
At the end of your classes you groaned heavily at the added weight of a few new books and papers that were sure to set you further into debt. An arm hooked you against what felt like a brick wall once more as you looked up to see the shining red head once again. "How were classes?"
You shrugged, wrapping an arm around your friend's waist in support. "Lame, Mina got us in trouble during Present Mic's lecture because she had to know about my break. By the way you owe her ten bucks."
He growled "You and that guy broke up?" Nodding in affirmation he huffed, "Dammit, I owe that girl so much money at this point. Sero better not split up with his partner or I'm kicking his ass." Letting out a loud laugh you ruffled the red spikey hair to his dismay. "Quit betting on people's love life and focus on your own, you might not be in debt to the resident love guru."
He let out a soft breath through his nose as he hugged you closer with the one arm. "Nah, it's too much fun when I do prove her wrong and win it all back."
Your best friend released you once you stopped near his shiny new truck. You sighed in realization it would be years of paying off debt before you could own something that nice. He gave you a hug and told you he'd be by some time since he missed his best friend. You nodded and told him that'd be awesome before making your way over to your shit box… I mean your car. Getting the thing to start you pulled out from the parking lot and made your way home wondering on the way what state your home would be when you arrive home.
Bakugo's ears twitched at the familiar sound of the tumblers turning of the lock at the door. He yawned widely, showing off those sharp canines before hopping down and racing to the entrance. He quickly stole a glance at the clock and realized his human had been gone for eight whole hours! The gall they had for leaving him so long!
His human stepped through the door, their eyes locking as she gave him a bright smile. "Hey my handsome man! How was today?" He huffed in response, he had spent the entire time asleep save for the few minutes he had wondered the apartment looking for something to do while he waited for the food giver to return.
'My food bowl is empty. Fix it!'
He flicked his head towards the kitchen where his bowl indeed sat empty from breakfast. You ran a hand over his ears before removing all your gear, the smell of something foul hit him like a ton of bricks and he shrunk back with a loud hiss. You pulled your hand away quickly in shock, watching him eye you like you had just spit on his ancestor's grave.
"What's wrong bubba?" He began sniffing heavily as he inspected your entire form, weaving around your body as you finished placing your shoes away. He had smelled something simliar many times, why couldn't he put a place on it now? He should remember that stink anywhere.
You sat on the couch as your shadow followed close behind, still trying to discern the nasty smell. You set your bag beside the couch and began pulling out your tablet and pencils so you could begin on the assignment for the day when he shoved his face into yours. Sitting back in shock his eyes narrowed as he sniffed loudly once more.
'Dog! You smell like mutt!' He hissed loudly as you attempted to console the pissed off feline only for him to shrink back and swipe at your fingers with his paw. How dare you come in here smelling like a mutt!
"I don't know what I did Bakugo… Did I leave you too long?"
He huffed before hopping across to your lap, rubbing himself all along your arms, chest and legs. He made sure not to miss an inch when he realized the strongest smell came from your neck. Who dared touch what belonged to him? He hoped onto the back of the couch as you ignored him, now used to his tsundere actions of love and hate. He began rubbing his cheek against the back of your neck in the attempts to get rid of the horrible smell.
'Stupid fucking dog, I'm going to need a damn bath after this one!'
You were half way through your assignment when Bakugo was finally satisfied that the strange scent was gone. He trotted off before bopping at his bowl with his paw. 'Food servant! Food!'
You sighed heavily before standing up and pulling out some left overs you had made just for him. Bakugo had knocked a container of spices into the pot on "accident" and he had ate it so fast he had demanded more by batting at your head until you finally dumped the rest into the bowl. You placed it into his bowl as he nodded in approval. 'About fucking time, I'm going to waste away!'
Bakugo got used to your routine very quickly once he realized you would be going to this university for at least eight hours a day until the weekend hit. However to his dismay, most days you came home smelling like the same mutt each and every time. Where was this stupid dog that you kept meeting? Was he not good enough?
You also quickly got used to being scented heavily when you got home each and every day though some days were different as if you didn't smell as bad. (You didn't because you didn't see a certain someone that day.)
The day that changed your life started like any other day. Bakugo had been living at your place for a couple months now and you were approaching quickly one of the most stressful times as a student…
Finals. Currently you were holed up in your room, the door shut and messy hair up out of your face as you furiously scratched away at the paper in preparation. Soft thumps and scratches came at the door as the demon that lived in your home indicated he wanted into the room. You had shut him out as he had distracted you from studying so much that you had made the decision to put him out. His loud yowling in protest had you placing ear bud to tune him out with your favorite band.
The scratching finally stopped as the cat huffed, stalking away to take his spot on the couch. He lay there batting a ball the twinkled with the bell inside until he fell asleep, only to be woken when you finally exited your room in the wee hours of the morning. You wandered out to get ready for class that day since you would be starting finals and had not changed into your clothes for the day yet. Bakugo watched as you passed in the tiniest shorts he had seen yet and an oversized hoodie that had slipped to the side so your shoulders were clearly visible. He felt his face heat as he turned away and hid under his tail in embarrassment.
She's just the food giver! No bad thoughts! You've seen her naked, she's not much to look at!
Yeah, okay Bakugo, whatever helps you sleep at night… I'll stop.
Any way, you prepared a small breakfast as your nerves for the day ahead left you with no apatite that Bakugo ended up with the majority in his bowl. You returned to your den to make yourself presentable for the day and once satisfied you didn't look like a homeless crazy cat person you returned to the bright living room to start the day officially.
Bakugo had finished every bite of his meal, happy as a lark he followed you towards the front door while you laced up your shoes per usual. He sat impatiently waiting for his goodbye scratches and totally not his goodbye kisses. He had his dignity…
When you packed up your things and left without even acknowledging him his tail flailed in annoyance. What the hell? He began pacing back and forth, did he do something wrong? Did he cross a line somewhere? He wasn't that bad was he? Was he being abandoned… again?
He spread out in front of the door his ears pressed back against his head that rested on his paws, his tail dropping to the floor as he huffed. The door clicked back open and a desperate you rushed back in to see the dejected cat laying by the door. Your heart squeezed as you got down and pressed a kiss against his tiny nose. "I'm sorry handsome I forgot your goodbye. I'm just so stressed this morning. Have a good day my little prince."
Rushing back out the door the cat's fur bristled as his tail twitched in excitement. The fact that you came back and gave him kisses had zero to do with it okay! He pads away to his spot on the couch where he spent most his days waiting for you, he closed his eyes happily and dreamt of how his life had changed.
The day was extremely stressful as you began the first round of finals for your classes, sitting as away from your pink haired friend as possible in order to not distract you from the important task at hand. She had pouted that she couldn't peek over your test when you shot her an apologetic smile. The test went smoothly and you strangely felt prepared regardless of the anxiety that flowed through you. Today would be longer than most since each class was given extra time to complete their final, so you would be late getting home that evening.
Hours and multiple tests later you were finished for the first day of finals, trudging your way back across the quad towards your car. As per usual a strong arm Shepard hooked you into the wall of muscle. "How did you do short stack?" You pushed him away lazily, to which he let you since there would be no way you would normally be able to move him under normal means. "I'm not short, you're just ungodly tall."
He snorted before leaning down and rubbing his cheek with yours. "You know I love to tease." You snorted and let out an exhausted sigh, too tired for his golden retriever like energy. This is why you were a cat person, less energy… Even though Bakugo made you want to pull your hair out with his zoomies sometimes.
"If you must know I think I did better than you."
His lip jutted into a pout, ruffling your hair which earned a groan of annoyance from you. "Kirishima stop that!" He chuckled before releasing you finally to simply walk beside you. "Alright, I'll quit. That was mean though…" You cracked a smile at his dejected look almost like a scolded puppy.
"How did you do Kiri?" His bright smile was back, "I think I passed this time! Those extra study sessions we did as a group awhile ago really helped!"
You nodded as you found yourself back at your car, his truck parked just a few spots away. "Well this is me. I'll see you guys later." Kirishima pulled you in for a hug, releasing you to make his way towards his own.
The engine on your car whirred over and over without turning over, sounding like a wounded animal. You tried a few more times before a rasp on your window caught your attention with a startle. Your red haired best friend leaning down with a concerned face. You rolled down your window as he crossed his arms and leaned in on the door.
"Your car won't start?"
With a nod he tilted his head to indicate for you to try again, listening intently as the dying vehicle failed once again to turn over. You popped the hood at his prompt and he gave the starter a good couple knocks after messing with your battery wires. You tried once again to no avail when he sighed, hands on his hips. "Your starter is out, needs replaced."
Your head fell back with a low groan, like you had the money for that right now. "You want a ride home for now?" You agreed seeing as it as now dark out, hopping into the passenger seat of his stupid truck. You grumbled under your breath about wishing you had the money he did until he got in and you thanked him for taking you home.
"Don't worry about it darlin'. I got you, by the way if you want me to fix your car I can grab a starter later and swing back to fix it." You blinked and shook your head "No that's too much. I can get it."
He shook his head before turning the radio up just a bit, one of your favorite songs slowly coming into existence. "It's nothing. My parents left me a lot of money to go to school with, I can't leave my best friend without a car."
After arguing it would be too much half way home you finally agreed to let him fix it with the agreement you would pay him back eventually. Though you had a part time job you were starting soon, being a full time student didn't always account for the extras like car repair. He pulled in front of your building and turned off the radio with a snap of the dial. "Ill have the car fixed for you by tomorrow and I'll pick you up for class."
You gave him a soft smile and took his hand, thanking him. His smile lit up the truck as he told you it was nothing and he'd see you tomorrow. With a pep in your step you skipped up the stairs to your door. Slipping the key into the lock you opened it and dropped your bag right away.
"Bakugo I'm home!" You called while slipping off your jacket and hanging it on the hook.
"Well it's about fucking time! You reek of that mutt again!"
You turned quickly at the sudden deep voice, coming face to face with strangely familiar, narrowed, vermillion eyes. Though a complete stranger was slowly standing up from the couch, the blanket your cat always wore wrapped around his bare hips. On top of his head sat a pair of sandy blonde cat like ears and a tail swished back and forth behind him. You backed into the door with a thump earning a confused expression on his extremely handsome face.
"Who the hell are you??"
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green-loser-lover · 1 year
Gangreen headcanons
These have zero order or anything it's just a few HCs I have
Skip past Billy's if you don't wanna read like a lot of stuff
Big Billy
He's only half cyclops
His mom is a human
And his dad was a cyclops
But he had two eyes (this is totally possible, ty genetics lessons)
Since his dad didn't really look like a monster and wasn't THAT big he lived in Townsville for a while
Hence how he met Billy's mom
She didn't know at first but didn't mind when she found out
They got married maybe and lived on Monster Isle
But before Billy was born or soon after his dad died so they never met
Billy's mom definitely took amazing care of him though and stayed on Monster Isle
So he had a great childhood
Until he was around ten and he just sort of wondered off (cyclops thing)
He ended up in Townsville
Sadly he has no clue where his mom is
Otherwise he would visit her
She however is in the same place
So a reunion is possible if he ever remembers where his house is
He's super self conscious btw (thinks the gang doesn't care about him but they do)
He loves animals, mostly fluffy ones
HAD a secret pet cat but after a while she passed
She was pretty old and died in her sleep
He took amazing care of her and was inconsolable when he realized she was gone
When he starts crying nothing can stop him
Except sleeping or food
He's the only one who can properly cook
He met Arturo before the met the others
Lil Arturo
He's a huge hugger
It doesn't matter who you are if he decides to hug you you'll get hugged
He definitely steals hair products a lot
He loves doing his hair
Mostly because he gets to use Maria
He does the whole gangs hair for funsies
He loves sugar a scary amount
If/when someone babies him he acts like he hates it
But he actually loves it a lot
Because he was a middle child in a family of like 15
Speaking of his family
After his dad went to jail he (and most of his siblings) got put in foster homes
He wasn't in the worst foster home ever but they were still neglectful
So he ran away
Which is how he met Billy (and later the gang)
He's not allowed to have caffeine of any sort
He curses in Spanish a lot
Or makes mocks people in Spanish when he's pissed
Mostly Ace
Who has caught on a little bit
He can totally talk in several languages
He just chooses not to
I think he's a lab experiment that went wrong
The purpose of the experiment was to create a brain serum that could make people smarter
But it would've been made from Grubbers brain
When he figured that out he escaped
He really loves classical music
If he wasn't in the gang he would probably collect antiques
He tried while being in the gang
You can probably tell how that turned out
If you ask how he got his violin he'll tell you a different way every time (bought it, found it, stole it, ect.)
He's the smartest in the gang (duh)
And he gives the others tutoring lessons sometimes do they aren't too dumb
But they don't know that's what it is
He's British
Grubber met Snake first (probably deep in the dump)
Oh boy
He REALLY cares about the gang
Like if anyone in the gang gets hurt he thinks about it for weeks and blames himself
Even if it's something like Billy getting a scrape on his knee
He stole a motorcycle and rides it all the time
He can't stand coffee
Though he can and will down five monsters
His glasses were a gift from his grandma
Who was the only adult who ever loved him
She died when he was 6
His parents are literal garbage and they kicked him out when he was like 7
The only reason they didn't do it sooner was because of his grandma
She was kinda loaded
But she didn't put his parents in her will LOL
Ace found the shed when he was a kid and it was the only place he knew no one would bother him at
So that's where he started living
Surprisingly he doesn't just like rock
Bro is a former Swifty (I'm projecting)
Oh he loves music by the way
The thing he steals most is vinyls
God help the soul that touches his vinyls
Knows how to play several instruments
He's also very handy
If he wasn't a known criminal he could probably make an honest living building stuff
I don't know IM not handy enough to explain
Ace met Snake before anyone in the gang had met each other (probably saved his life one way or another)
He's not an actual Snake as far as he knows
But he's always extremely cold
He might have anemia
The D in his name stands for something silly
Again always changes if you asked him
I think his parents acted like those super perfect 60s neighbors
Think the Flanderses from The Simpsons
But in reality they were horrible
In everyway you can think
After they had another kid, a little girl
They got way worse to him
And we're never bad to the girl because bruises on her would look suspicious
They also just really didn't like Snake sadly
One day his sister told him their parents were going to kick him out
It was a joke but he didn't know that
So he packed and left on the day she said they'd do it
He's got an irrational fear of egales (probably his sister's fault)
He goes by he/they pronouns
But probably hasn't told anyone
He's super good at art
He loves gaming
It doesn't even matter what game it is he'll play it and love it
Probably rage quits and breaks arcade games though
In the winter he definitely hordes the gangs entire blanket supply
And bundles up so much he looks a little silly
His speech impediment gets worse when he's scared or really really angry
But he very rarely ever gets angry
He considers Ace his best friend
He has a fat crush on Ace
And probably babies Arturo the most
Not that he isn't hardcore
He's pretty cold (emotionally)
Usually not to the gang though
He wears makeup
Not much though, usually just his lipstick
And he gets high on a daily basis
It's only when he runs out of weed that he'll stop smoking for like weeks to a month
Just for a break
Then go back too it
He's not a hugger
If someone hugs him he'll accept it
He's had multiple piercings
A lot are closed now
Most he gave himself
He gives the other gang members piercings if they ask
I think that's all I got in the tank— so uh smell you later
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11queensupreme11 · 11 months
So I'm the same one who wanted to write the reading the pjo books so I tried to make a prologue and please be super honest to if the writing is good
I. ℐ 𝑔ℯ𝓉 𝓀𝒾𝒹𝓃𝒶𝓅𝓅ℯ𝒹, 𝒶𝑔𝒶𝒾𝓃
Percy wanted to jump into Tartarus, Call her weird but she was kidnapped for the second time in not even half a year. But this time not alone, no even worse it was with the Greek gods and they are going to read her life.
But not the normal Greek gods you know, like here Hades was.. nice? And Zeus was an old man that looks like he should have died hundred years ago. oh and the maybe the worst her father. Back in her world he dressed as a fisherman but was a total slut and at least liked his daughter but here, he dresses like a slut but wasn't anything like one, and if he didn't want to kill her earlier he totally wanted to do now.
If Hades and Zeus weren't holding Poseidon back she wouldn't even have to jump into Tartarus, he would push her right in without second thoughts.
"So, what they are saying is that Percy is the daughter of Poseidon, but not this Poseidon?" Hades tried still slightly confused.
Mnemosyne hesitated a bit before nodding. Poseidon looked with anger in his eyes now at beezelbub. "And you knew about it?!"
Beezelbub nodded calmly but deep down he was slightly scared "I figured it out a month ago when she killed a hellhound. But the multiverse is real and Percy comes from a universe where the gods can have kids with mortals"
Most gods looked in disgust, a child with a mortal?! "So, we all have demigods children there"
Percy decided to speak up for the first time her voice shivering "yes almost all the Greek gods have demigod children, there are actually to many children that they made a camp for them and at the camp er learn to survive, we call it camp half blood."
"Stupid name" Poseidon scoffed angrily
"What about me, do I have kids?" Loki grinned smugly. "Uhm actually I don't even think you exist in my universe, I only ever heard of the Greek gods and titans but not the other pantheons." There is a movie about you she wanted to say but didn't feel like it would fit in the moment.
Its not done yet but please what do you think
me reading this rn:
Tumblr media
this is perfect so far, literally the only mistake i saw were some random capitalization issues, everything else was perfect
since this is set one month after beelzebub finds out the truth.....
(spoiler under the cut!)
poseidon and percy would be a lot closer 😙 so if you DO end up writing this, just note that they got a better relationship by then
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
oh my GOD I love your isekai warriors au.... I love that the isekai trope is becoming a lot more popular, especially in anime... please tell me more about it!!
shaking ur hand rn hello fellow isekai anime/other mediums fan :3c FIRST lemme go on my tangent about this genre and my main inspo because wow this got way too long lol
isekai is total comfort food for me haha it's my go to genre of manga/manwha/webcomic reading whenever i'm feeling down and while i generally feel the genre is getting bloated and somewhat stale in anime, i still enjoy it quite a bit. It's a cute idea with a lot of potential, i just wish less of the shows went for the wish fulfillment route of things since we have so many by now.
mine is very inspired by a lot of korean manwha style stories in which the protag gets trapped in a show/game/book/etc. and has to deal with it, specifically what if you became the villain of a story. A lot of them play off the trope of the one dimensional evil villainess and how an average person would have to deal with coming into the body of someone like that and dealing with consequences. That, or it's the tragic villain, someone's who's life is marred by tragedy usually of their own doing.
The most interesting ones are those that play on how character archetypes would actually work in the story. The cold bad boy is just a shitty abusive guy, the shy guy who follows the girl is kind of a stalker, and so on.
One of my bigger inspirations was a plotline that also stuck out to me: a teen girl who died too soon and got reincarnated as the mother of the protagonist. obviously she has no clue what to do, she's a kid who wants to go home! And the only way she thinks she can is by ensuring the story goes as planned (and this of course is doomed from the start, unbeknownst to her, the villain is a reincarnater too and has already made tremendous changes). She dies and the reader never knows if she gets to go home or not. It's kind of this rough around the edges gem of an idea that I love and obviously had to steal for myself.
note for anyone getting intrigued by my descriptions uh a lot of these stories tend to be pretty shallow in their exploration. this subgenre consists a lot more of wish fulfillment/revenge fantasies comparatively to like a deep dive of "oh my god i've fucked up the narrative". Not to say they don't have interesting ideas! many are super interesting. just like. temper your expectations if you're going in
originally the story was gonna be set in a canon arc but that felt boring so i decided to just make up a whole story for it
The story is meant to be a (loving) poke at old fanfiction, common tropes in the aforementioned subgenre of isekai, and just a general ""cliche"" Warriors series (in the human universe here, I figured it's call Battlers/Battle Cats or something stupid lmao). In this story, Frostblaze is born into [ONE OF THE FOUR FAKE CLANS I HAVENT FIGURED OUT NAMES YET IM SORRY]. She's the born to an unnamed mother who tragically died of illness when she was just a young baby and has no clue who her father is.
She's isolated from her peers due to her eyes which some believe are an omen of her unnaturality. This only worsens when she is apprenticed to their Clan leader and causes Honeypaw, the daughter of the Clan leader, to become enraged with jealousy. She is one of Frostpaw's worst tormentors in the early parts of the book and eventually, during a battle, tries to off Frostpaw herself....but is killed by Frostpaw's love interest, the dashing and handsome (if a bit stupid) Eaglepaw of [INSERT RIVAL CLAN HERE].
The two hit it off (Honeypaw is an after thought at this point) and work together to stop the eeevviilll leader of uuhh eviiiiilll clan. They win, live happily ever after, Frost is actually their Clan leader's daughter and Honeypaw is her half-sister and blah blah blah.
At least, they're supposed to. Honeypaw, out hunting, is hit by a truck at the same time a human is. Human wakes up as a cat about to be buried because everyone thinks Honeypaw is dead and freaks the fuck out.
A lot of the plot points are kind of just me working through my gripes of the subgenre lmao:
"the person who is reincarnated is more adept and cool and better than their character and everyone loves them" -> Honey is awkward, neurotic, and can come off as rude to those who don't know her. Even her coolest trait, her wrestling ability, is off-putting because oh my god why are you putting a cAT IN A SPIDER GUARD THEIR SPINES DON'T BEND LIKE THAT HONEY PUT HIM BACK TO NORMAL-
She reread the story before she died but, because she has no pen, no paper, and sadly of all, no thumbs, she's unable to write it down to keep remembering it when she gets sent to this world. It's awful and she desperately wishes she had thumbs back.
she stands on two legs, makes weird comments alluding to being a human, and just is a bit of a weirdo. Honeypaw was isolated for being mean, Honey is isolated for making everyone uncomfortable (unintentionally). However, her isolation allows her to slip under the radar and do some more investigating, as she's noticed that some of the details in the story aren't adding up...
The story is strange and the characters aren't as she remembers now that they're in the flesh. Of course, her main priority is to thwart Honeypaw's assassination attempts, the spirit being intent that the way to get her body back is if she dies again. It's only from a near death experience that they realize that that's not gonna work and have to work together to change the story so they don't die!
and, as many people have pieced together, they're not alone.
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