#and the other to their writing. these arent difficult tells
clowndensation · 8 months
99% of the time if you have to ask the question "wait is this a compliment or an insult" about how someone talks about a character, that means they're complimenting them. people who are genuinely insulting a character aren't coy about it.
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mammalsofaction · 7 months
I've been having a lot of thoughts lately about Human Perry headcanons as I read a bunch of fic and rewatch phineas and ferb. You know you're hitting the nail on the head when scenes from a fic you might never write dog your every waking step and haunts your dreams so, I thought putting it on paper will help.
A lot of fics like to suggest that Perry's full name is Peregrine, which is understandable, but ever since I've rewatched 2D and found out their first name for him was actually Bartholomew my life was never the same. So Perry's actual name is Bartholomew. But nobody actually calls him that least of all himself.
-I really like winding headcanons that Perry is Ferb's biological mom's BROTHER, which honestly makes so much sense as to why both he and Ferb have green hair. Here are some add-ons that may get depressing;
Ferb's mom was Eve, or Evelyn. Her codename was E, for Echidna...because egg-laying mammals native to Australia. They were both orphans, and attached to the hip. They were each other's partner in crime.
-They were scouted for OWCA one day, bc the agency liked picking up kids with potential as young as possible. So Perry and Eve were trained for the agency since the start (which is why Perry is such a good agent at what seems to be a young age)
-Owca is a largely independent authoritarian enterprise with branches all over the world. They aren't the only ones, obviously.
-OWCA also prefers training agents as early as they could. Sometimes that entails scouting talent. Sometimes that means taking in kids of employed agents. Either way, this means OWCA has elementary and high schools that are more akin to militant training camps. It's not cruel. The kids are well cared for and well fed, but OWCA prioritized competency, obedience and discipline.
On every level of OWCA recruitment, training and employment, there is a fedora, and band to mark whichever level you are on the totem pole.
1) Middle school kids are given a bandless fedora.
2) High school kids (soon to be graduates) are given a white band
3) Fresh graduates, training into full employment, are Yellow Bands. Here you start being assigned to full branches, and trained by field work professionals. Think OWCA Files.
4) It's fairly easy to graduate from Yellow Band into a Purple Band. Purple Bands are largely refereed to as Junior Agents, but that's not quite accurate. Purple Bands are the highest reporting authority in any division that ISN'T FIELD WORK. The OWCA Tech, Clerks, RnD and Science Divisions all have Purple Bands to signify they are fully employed, or Superior Officer. Pinky has a Purple Band.
5) It's VERY DIFFICULT to graduate from a Purple Band to a Black Band, not least because there IS NO PREDETERMINED TEST. Black Band agents are Superior Agents, only one level below Division General. There's no telling what could turn you from a Purple to a Black, because the agent has to prove unwavering obedience and faith to the agency in dire circumstances. It's saying "I am willing to do anything for the Greater Good."  Often it entails a death of some sort. OWCA often says Black is the band soaked in blood. Black Band agents have licenses to kill. It's why Black Band Agents are few and precious far in between.
6) After a black band, and you live long enough to retire, you can choose a bunch of things. Most agents choose to become Division Generals or Branch Managers: think Major Monogram. They're basically glorified "Guy in the Chair". Some agents choose to become educators, in which case they are given White Fedoras. White fedoras arent exclusive to black bands though; there are plenty purple band white fedoras. In fact most educators are purple band white fedoras.
-Perry's Black Band Event was Eve's death
-At the time of Eve's death, she had already been married to Lawrence. Ferb was barely a year old, maybe 10 months old?
-Lawrence was told it was a car accident: drunk driver. Truthfully it was a mission gone wrong, involving an underground child trafficking ring, and she stayed behind to give them all the chance to escape. She didn't have the chance to escape when security explosives around the building detonated, and she got caught in the crossfire. Perry had to leave her behind.
-This is why Perry refused to get a partner btw, aka his Lone Wolf tendencies come from.
-In the aftermath, OWCA agents approached the family to give them their condolences, and offer to take Ferb into the fold. For the first time since Eve's death, Perry practically lost it. He didn't hurt anyone, he's much too professional, but he knew Eve didn't want Ferb to get wrapped up in OWCA, and for good fucking reason. Due to their training, neither he nor Eve had much of a childhood, and he refused to subject Ferb to the same kind of life experience.
OWCA was NOT happy. Things were tetchy for a while, at least until Perry was approached by Major Monogram. Francis had a wife, and a son, and he understood where Perry was coming from. He suggested taking a permanent residence in Danville, which was his branch division. It was more stability than Perry ever had working in England, where he and Eve was originally stationed, and it was easy enough to come up with a work-related story to convince Lawrence, who was more than ready enough to leave the house where he and Eve originally lived.
-It was after moving did Lawrence meet and fall in love with Linda.
Edit; I've decided to change Ferb's bio mom's name bc I found something that fits better to me :) She's Eve now
End Backstory.
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d4rkpluto · 10 months
i've returned to post about a particular subject i've been fighting to or not to post, because i used to consider this person the closest person in my life and i even considered her as a best friend and a sister.
and we have fallen out and apologised to each other many times, but perhaps whenever we argued it was life telling me that she is not supposed to be in my circle. and you could be wondering why am i bringing this up and telling tumblr this but im telling tumblr this to be aware of @couerardent and her scamming behaviour.
couerardent also known as MYSTIICWINTER OR MYSTICWIINTER.
[other people have come to me and spoke about how bad her services were, but i tried to overlook it because i really cared for her, lessoned learn]
i have always been empathetic towards ardent and her money situation, but there are moments when excuses turn into reasons to not do something. on august, i sent alex money because she needed it, but she also said in return she will give me 4 packs she usually gives her clients and she told me she would give me my money back.
first pack is "tell me your story."
second and other packs she hadnt told me what they were but she informed me that i'll be receiving them weekly since august, and now its november.
at first i was empathetic, since i used to be close to ardent, i knew she went through a lot of stuff at home, so i was patient. until august turned into september, and september turned into october and then october turned into novemeber.
and slowly i became annoyed, [as i should] because her services arent even long or good, as someone who gives chart readings to other people that consists more than fourteen pages, the effort to write that would take long, but ardent doesnt even give five pages for her services, three at most, so why is it taking her so long?
previously, she has joked to me about scamming other people, but would put the blame on them and not want to take accountability until they start using threats to expose her, i think she deleted the making fun of scamming them but here is some of it:
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and when i would message her for updates about my reading because it'll take months, she would ignore me and even change her pfp on tumblr or discord, until i reach out to her on more platforms to get her attention.
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and what would annoy me even more is that she would talk about how she never has something to do or would focus on other stuff knowing she needs to get my reading done lmao and this would be like 1-2 months after i was supposed to receive any of it lol.
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worrying about the layout for almost 3 months PLEASE.
i have received 1/4 readings, and that was now almost 2-3 weeks ago, we should've been on my 2nd or 3rd reading by now, the only reason i have received 1 reading is because i did threaten to expose her if she didnt send the money or reading my way, because even i had some issues because living in london has gotten really difficult and i have been trying to support my family as much as i can, but im doing better right now.
its all about the principle. and she has none of that. and even attempted to victimise herself and behave like she was in distress whenever she got called out about her behaviour.
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she lost track of time, the time being 3-4 months lol.
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and when i was speaking to her she ignored me for a bit again ha, it was almost comedic. for almost two weeks she didnt try and check what i was speaking about.
she has gotten ill, but this was still months after.
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and i have remembered, she has used much of her earned money to fund for her nose job but also uni, but during the moments it was best to pay me back was at the job she said paid her well, she informed me that when she gets paid by her job she'll pay me back, and she never did and ended up quitting the job.
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[the unfairness i was speaking about is how uni her country dont do student finances, she's from romania, because they do in the uk it was just a surprise].
i asked her recently on how i was supposed to receive a reading but she didnt reply but change her pfp on whatsapp and discord, again.
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if there is any confused people comment please because i did this half asleep lmao
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lylian333 · 6 months
Kaiser x reader bully au
This is my first time writing and english is not my first language
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
word count :1036
warning:bullying ,harassing ,maybe suicidal (the reader is gender neutral but will be pregnant in the future of the story)((these were written before I knew his past)
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You hated school...you didn't see any point in it, everyday you dread going to that miserable place with those shallow people.
From monday to friday you had to endure constant mockery from your classmates, you weren't the prettiest...smartest or athletic so you were an easy target for bullies.
Kaiser especially had a fun time picking on you...he knows you are a coward who doesn't fight back.
"Wow Y/N you came to school looking like that? Arent you embarrassed?"
You try to find another way out so that you could go to your class but kaiser grabs your backpack, making the other students laugh.
"Awww did I scare you so much you dropped your book bag on the ground?" He starts to laugh and makes the other students laugh with his ridicule towards you. "Did you know she cries at night...she can't even say one sentence without stuttering."
The students laugh and point at you. Kaiser gives the other kids a high five for making you seem so weak.
You try and reach your books but he holds your bag high above your head, he's tall so it's difficult for you to reach it.
"Let's play a game...you want your books back right?"
The classmates all start to laugh watching you struggle just to get your own stuff back.
Kaiser's facial expression is one of superiority, knowing he is much stronger than you....he could easily keep you here for hours if he so wished.
"Let's see here...why are you so weak?"
The other classmates laugh, he knows the answer...he just wants to hear you say it.
You try to speak up but you end up stuttering
"Oh? I think she's too scared to answer...let's all make her say it!"
The other classmates start to chant.
"Say it Y/N!~"
"Come on Y/N, speak up!~"
They're all waiting and anticipating your answer.
You end up giving him the answer
He finally releases your backpack and looks at you with a sadistic smirk.
"Hm...let's see here...you are weak because....your parents are poor...am I right?"
The classmates laugh, your parents being poor was something people always used to bully you...they knew it was true.
"Yeah, yeah that's it...you're family is poor and you can't afford nice things."
You grab your backpack trying to get away again
But since that he got an answer he doesn't care anymore, he lets go of your backpack but he has one last thing to do before he let's you leave.
"You do know I'm just gonna keep doing this right...you're always going to get bullied as long as you're weak."
He makes a motion of making muscles in his arm in an effort to show his strength.
"Remember what I said...you're weak and poor."
He laughs and turns his back on you leaving you crying, having gotten his kick from bullying you again.
When you finally got back to class, your eyes red from crying and your nose running. You look around the classroom and see the other students whispering amongst themselves laughing while pointing at you, some are shooting you death stares while others are smiling and chuckling mockingly.
The teacher notices you and gestures everyone to quiet down, she looks at you and asks the dreaded question.
Teacher: "Y/N...is everything alright dear? Were those nasty boys bullying you again?"
You hear the other students snickering, they already know the answer to that.
You reply to the teacher by whispering yes
The teacher feels sorry for you but it's obvious she's tired of you getting bullied all the time, she knows the other students get their kicks from it...you're the easy target. You can see the sympathy in her eyes though, she's really trying to help.
Teacher: "What were those boys saying to you this time? Can you tell me?"
"he said that i'm poor and weak..."
The teacher's expression changes to one of anger as she tries her best to stay professional but it's obvious she's upset.
Teacher: "Those horrible brats...they should know saying such things is wrong."
The other students roll their eyes at the teacher, this has happened many times before. The teacher turns to look at you, wanting to know if there was anything else.
The teacher's tone softens as she continues to speak to you.
Teacher: "Don't listen to them dear, don't let what they say get to you...just come to me whenever you need."
She has sympathy for you, she knows you're lonely...bullies target those who appear weak. She sees herself as your guardian. And she truly wants to help. The other students laugh and whisper to eachother making fun of the teacher and her words.
You went back to your seat
The teacher gives you a small smile as she sits back down and the class starts.
When you sit down at your seat, the other students whispering and laughing mockingly at you behind your back. You're sitting silently and waiting for the class to begin. You're trying your best to keep a low profile and get your mind off all the humiliation and bullying.
Your trying to think of something else but it keeps going back to Kaiser's words...you're poor and weak. You try not to let it get to you and keep your mind on the class, hoping it'll distract you from thinking about what happened in the hallway.
*timeskip till the end of the class*
As soon as the bell rings the class ends and everyone rushes to the doors trying to get out fast.
The hallway is filled with the sound of students laughing and talking loudly, their voices echoing off the walls of the school. The students are mostly talking loudly about the newest gossip going around, making fun of random people as usual.
You make your way out of the classroom and to the hallway but you see Kaiser waiting for you...he smiles as he sees you walking through the crowd of students.
He quickly approaches you and pulls you aside into an empty part of the hallway, the other students don't notice as they're too busy making fun of anyone they can think of. The hallway is still full of whispers and laughter even though the bell had already rung.
(also this is like a enemies to lovers but with bully and this story may contain....things)that all from me hope you guys love it
bonus: ai
I apologize if you don't like pink but it is my favorite so deal with it >:)
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janitorboy-writing · 1 month
Writing gn reader x sanji is sometimes difficult for me because gender is important to sanji. his character and behavior changes around either gender
Below is me rambling about it. Includes swearing and spelling mistakes
I imagine gn reader to be treated the same as sanji treats ace. Sanji would be kind and respectful but zero flirting (or maybe a little depends on if he caught feelings yet or not)
Nonbinary reader would most likely be treated the same way sanji treated ace, no matter how they dress, as long as they've made it clear that they're nonbinary
Now, reader with a nonconforming or even confusing gender expression (i.e. male reader who looks very feminine, fem reader who looks very masculine, or even nonbinary reader who dresses however the fuck they want and doesnt bother to tell anyone what their gender is) would be hilarious to explore. Imagine sanji flirts with male reader thinking he's a woman only to do a double take and be like oh shit sorry bro.
Or for female reader the two like bicker, fight, banter, the usual interactions he has with the male strawhats and then one day during a fight he accidentally touches her chest and he's like oh shit that's a whole ass woman I've been fighting (this probably wouldn't work for plus sized or bigger chested girls)
I think for plus size fem reader he'd realize that when he sees her go out to sleep and take baths with the girls
Bigger chested women would have a different story, mostly depending on their personality. Some could be too serious and intimidating that sanji tones down his flirting. Others could be nice, so nothing changes for Sanji's behavior. He might fantasize about her wearing dresses and looking more feminine.
Nonbinary reader who dresses however the fuck they want and refuses to elaborate on their gender (they have no clue or they simply arent bothered to label themself) would make sanji very confused. One day they'd be bickering and the next sanji would be too shy to do anything because damn they look like a lady right now. Nobody can figure out their gender except luffy, zoro, and Robin. Those three somehow have an understanding of their otherwise complex idea of their gender. Others don't question it and Sanji goes a little insane every day.
Sanji: "What's your gender?"
Reader: "Idk. Idc."
Sanji flips a table
There should be more trans readers out there and even genderfluid bigender and other identities. Sanji is such an interesting character to write when it comes to gender (and other things too, but this whole thing is about gender)
I think there's potential like a flustered and confused male reader, female reader who hates how sanji treats women, nonbinary reader that purposefully tries to mess with the poor cook, etc etc
Sorry I rambled oop. I hope I made sense. If you want to write any of these ideas go crazy I'm not stopping you. Maybe even tag me cause I wanna see it xD
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nerves-nebula · 3 months
I fucking adore your comic panelling, any advice on how to do it? Like specific ratios or ways to divide the page?
god there's so much advice i COULD give but i really dont wanna end up writing a book here. so I guess I'll say this: however you divide the page you should be CONSISTENT with it, i literally just learned/internalized this but it's made comic paneling soo much easier. when you break that consistency it will be more impactful. hold up lemme grab some pages.
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so i recently started making loose stitches a 4 tier comic. it's not the exact same for each page cuz i'm lazy but i think it's made legibility way better. before i think it was kinda uhhhhh a little all over the place. not BAD but a little difficult to tell where your eyes supposed to go sometimes. which isnt great for a commic.
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the page on the left in particular has always bothered me cuz i always read the top panels incorrectly and it's like. fuck man what is the paneling here why is it in two columns ????? that's so hard to understand. but the page on the right can be more or less easily understood (by someone who knows how to read comics) even without panel borders because it's just a simple 4 panel square.
one thing my comic professor really stressed was that he didn't like weird paneling or weird borders. for the most part, a square is fine. AND HE'S RIGHT. weird paneling is fun and cool but should be used sparingly or with intention, cuz if you do it too much then like. how tf are ppl gonna read your comic.
that being said there are a lot of cool ways to cut up panels even if they're just squares hold on lemme grab some examples
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so the panels here are all square but the image in the one at the bottom is almost like a mural. one thing i really like to using is a lot of heavy BLACK, what can i say silhouette's have my entire heart.
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in my fable comic, I used a 3 tier system. it wasn't the same exact size across all pages but all pages had 3 tiers of paneling. that way i can be a little more flexible with the SIZE of the panels to emphasize the more important things, without it feeling like it's all over the place
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meanwhile in my comic final i used a 4 tier system where each tier was nearly the same across every page, but you can collapse tiers together for establishing shots and big reveals so that they're more impactful. it's still fully within the grid system I set up so it doesn't feel like it's messing with shit either.
ok i just spent a lot of time rambling about this one particular concept and it's probably not even what you wanted to hear about :') i didnt even go into ratios or anythinggg guhhhh sowwy
other than all that i'd just say you gotta keep looking at what comic artists have written and take note of how they use space and cut things up. there's this book called How To Read Nancy and it has all these exercises for understanding the building blocks of nancy. for real the author is OBSESSIVE and goes through everything of a 3 panel nancy strip from body language to spot blacks to the minutia of the background. we used this book in my class and did some of the exercises in the back and i think it's really good at getting you to THINK about what you're drawing. and you can easily pirate it if you're broke.
also try to make sure things dont get stagnant on a page. zoom out if you're only doing close ups (i try to make sure every page of loose stitches has at least one full body shot even tho I'm lazy and wanna just do talking heads- talking heads arent interesting!!)
also, take advantage of the fact you're drawing a COMIC. you can do shit in comics that you can't do in other mediums, try to implement them when u can! ALSO PRACTICE. you're not gonna get better just by reading and watching. you gotta do it lol. ok ok that's enough and you didn't even ask for that stuff you asked about PANELING sfdasfsd byeee
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swampgallows · 8 days
like obv if there was no rona i would be shadowing again and trying to do dentistry. when we got groceries the other day my dad was trying to be encouraging telling me to do art like i said earlier but he shot down the other things i wanted to do/was trying to do. "postal thing, the dentistry thing, dont do that. those arent for you. youre an artist, you should be making art". again i understand what a privileged position that is but 1. i dont fucking make art anymore and havent wanted to since i was a high school freshman and 2. i genuinely wanted to work for usps and got the offer and my whole family talked me out of it, and also yes the hours would have been brutal but what else am i doing instead??? the answer is nothing 3. they already decided for me that i shouldnt do dentistry which is another field im passionate about esp where it interacts with mental health & servicing underserved communities. so i dunno to me it's like the inverse of 'you cant make any money doing art you need to be a doctor!' my parents met through their art of course they want me to be an artist too. but it's like everyone else in my family decided it for me. it becomes difficult to try to figure out what i actually want and who i actually am. like they would rather me be "stuck here" (this is what my mom said yesterday, "since youre stuck here you should be writing a book!") unemployed and miserable under the guise of being a 'struggling artist' than for me to like. i dont even know what. do something 'below my station' even if it's something i think i would enjoy, like usps or making pizzas or decorating cakes or something. like sure if i try it and find out i hate it then ostensibly i'll have at least tried it and ended up here, back where i began. but theyd rather see me not try anything at all than try and fail. they dont even know that i tried and failed [redacted] so lol. though its generous to say i even tried honestly
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clockworkcheetah · 11 days
*shaking your shoulders* hiiiii tell me everything about your thought process behind writing your incredible bangfic the bad dog nerves, inspiration characters writing EVERYTHING it's so good tell us more
hiii getting to talk about my creations!!! ahhh
ok so cause its been a couple of months and my memory is nothingness aka im a little hazy on some stuff. buuuuuut i distinctly remember several things that heavily inspired TBDN im just gonna run my thoughts as they come so i apologise if its incoherent. i am also putting this under a readmore for the sake of everyone. and because spoilers for the fic
first inspo was deathmark2 cause it got its english translation earlier this year (i love deathmark but ill say everytime i talk of it its very difficult to recommend cause it needs so many content warnings). im very much the kinda person who can and will mash fandoms together- ill make those parallels. god cant stop me. basically dm is what got the ball rolling for me- spirits and possession and influenced moods. its only inspired pretty loosely by dm- very much the general concept/brainrot for both fandoms kinda deal. also more horror elements in dghda yes pls
another thing that inspired it was the doctor who ep 'midnight'. that ep was chilling- i think about how you can tell ten is fully awake and aware during his possession and it stuck with me- a+ acting from david. its a fear of mine being fully awake/aware whilst having no control of your body/immobilised and you cant do anything but wait for the inevitable. granted todd leaned more towards anger, or like the five stages of grief, than fear. but that felt more him also cause it went on longer than a few hours (or rather he expresses his fear through anger/lashing out) but i wanted that ugly rawness of it- hes nervous like a bad dog ay ayyyyyyy
(i sorta wish i went harder with it at the end with his scene with dirk, but alas he was burnt out and healing)
also tbh i just love scenes like that in media too. the character is right there! its so close and nobody is helping them so they gotta save their own ass and be a bitch about it
also i just kinda wanted more fics where dirk just fucks up?? like theres no hoops being jumped through to make what he said right (im not exactly a fan of this fanon!dirk where hes this saint who does no wrong/is always right/everyone else is to blame) so that was a goal in mind when writing this- dirk mostly, but also amanda to an extent of being wrong (not like in some horrible malicious way just. you made a bad call. u gotta live with it). also why todd was quicker to forgive farah (or at least be on better terms with her than the others- i really wish i included a convo between them aw well) granted these arent really specific to this fic- i like to have it in other fics, i need those two to fuck up. as well as todd getting to be angry/upset without this notion that he cant cause he did bad things therefore can only be bad, undeserving person forever cause thats how it works obviously (look if i wanted content of todd fucking up id watch the show lemme have something else with fics- ok ill stop being salty now asdfghjkl;)
i also really wanted the aftermath of what happened to be explored (i love the concept of possession/mindcontrol but shows kinda brush it off after the character is freed. like??? youre telling theyre all sunshine and fine now??? no way, theres gonna be a recovery period. aka todds body being weak from literally having zero nutrients, miru not taking care of the body, also learning to have control of his own body again
with the characters or i guess specifically project miru, she wasnt inspired by anything specific. i really like tragic but unsympathetic characters in media so wanted to have a try at it, and to explore the whole riggins' favouritism towards dirk and how the other projects may have felt. idk how well i pulled it off but i had fun writing her interactions with todd even if it was mostly them being dicks to eachother and being a dick to everyone
ok my brain is starting to run on empty so ill close up this haha.
im sure this is universal but when i got the idea of this fic i had the immediate The Scenes™️ for it. they were: amandas confrontation and realising that oh shit it isnt todd the whole time that scene was vivid in my head (also fave scene to write!!) and the other is the final scene with dirk and todd and todd breaking down. todds kinda the 'strong' one of the two (to dirk) and the caretaker- so someone takes care of him and lets him be upset with everyone
but yeah!!! some of my thoughts behind the creation of TBDN 💖🥰🧡 theres stuff i wish i included in the fic and ideas i had after i had already posted but im happy with it regardless. at its core i just wanted some sweet sweet todd whump i wanna traumatise that little man
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dear-departed · 9 months
Hellooooo :) I wanted to make a request for Obey Me! but I am unsure if you would be willing to write for the idea that I have. I saw on your rules that you are somewhat okay with morbid themes and idk if you would consider this morbid and I completely understand if you arent comfortable with this.
But how would the brothers react to an MC who has killed another human before? Either in self defense or in defense of a sibling/friend... like they completely snapped and lost control when it happened and didnt realize what they were doing until it was over.
Desc.: MC has killed in self defense. How will the brothers react to a human with blood on their hands? Warnings for descriptions of violence.
Word count: 1.1k
Genre: Fluff mostly. Headcanons
Character(s): All 7 demon brothers. Brief mention of Diavolo. A/N: I haven't played the game in a while. If there's any new stuff that came out and I'm unaware of it, I apologize in advance. Also I'm terribly sorry for putting off my inbox for so long.
                Frankly, most of the brothers aren’t bothered, regardless of if it was self defense or not. After all, demons aren’t very known for having a strong moral compass.
                Lucifer is likely the most concerned. He wants Lord Diavolo’s plans to play out just as he envisioned them, and making peace with both the celestial realm and mortal plane is difficult if everyone is aware that the exchange student is a killer. He tells you to keep it down low. “I will not tolerate any rumors circulating. If anybody goes digging to find out, notify me, and I will deal with them swiftly.” He would be lying if he said he wasn’t curious, but giving off the impression that he’s curious about your mortal life would be unprofessional and humiliating. And after all, he has everything on your profile, so why would he need to ask? He doesn’t offer protection; he simply assumes you’re aware that you’re safe under his watch. If something else happens, he’s there within no time. Fuming, so much so that you’re afraid he might create another Satan.                 Mammon thinks you’re badass. I mean, within the thousands of years all the brothers have lived, it’s natural that all of them have led to the demise of at least one other person. But humans? It’s rare you find a human who has directly ended the life of another, with their own two hands. He can’t help himself but ask. One of those days where he can’t find it in him to leave you alone. “So… what’d you use? A knife? Yer hands? Not that I care, or anything… I just want to know! I should be the first to know. I’m your first, after all.” Sits his happy ass on your bed and kicks his feet back and forth like the bbg he is.                 Leviathan is only human. Well… only demon. He’s allowed to be curious, and by God, he is. He can’t help but compare you to every goddamn anime and manga and video game under the sun. He makes assumptions, rather than asking, primarily because you can’t get a word in edgewise from all his theories. “Y-You killed them with a phone cord, right? Or wait— a knife; so, you can get that perfect camera pan from the body to the blood shining off you…” He’s close to having a nosebleed right there, imagining the cinematics. Honestly, he’d be a good play or movie director if he had some more flexibility. Luckily, though, he doesn’t think you’re a normie. What kind of normie kills another person? Exactly.                 Satan, like Leviathan, has a lot of theories and questions. The self-proclaimed detective of the House of Lamentation has many questions… even if it already was a solved-and-shut case. “What did you use? Was that hatred festering in your body for a while? No, not at all, it couldn’t have… you said it was in self-defense. Perhaps, a crime of passion when you got them under you? Crime is a strong word, however… a homicide of passion. It sounds like something out of a book, to be frank. It couldn’t have been those feeble excuses for self-defense, like pepper spray, or those tasers you humans have… no, it had to have been lethal.” To be honest, he starts talking to himself rather than you. “I’ve figured it out! You were getting mugged, a dim alleyway, later than your normal route as you had to stay longer for work… It was a lone thug, an inexperienced criminal… they threatened you with one of those airsoft guns with the orange tips pried off. After all, such a newbie would be far too afraid to take another human life. Of course, you only knew that after they were dead… you pepper-sprayed them, and in a bout of fright and the frantic urge to survive, you beat them to death with a nearby brick!”
“… Sure, Satan. Right on the money.” You reply, thumb and forefinger squeezing the bridge of your nose.                 Asmodeus is under the impression you’re some big bad brute. You know, he has a thing for dangerous people like you… to be fair, he has a thing for just about any type of person, but let him flirt, alright. He’s more than content to listen to your story while he paints your nails or does whatever the hell he wants with your hair. He reacts in an animated manner, truly enthralled. “Oh really?” “Awe, I bet that was gross!” “You took care of yourself after, right? That skin of yours?” He scolds you for not taking care of yourself if you fell into a depression after the incident. “You neglected yourself that much? Shame, shame!” Of course, it’s all lighthearted. If you’re up for it, a bottle of demonus and/or a bottle of human wine? He loves gossip and wine, two of his favorite things aside from beauty and expensive skincare and makeup. And sex. And strip clubs, and partying- okay, he has a lot of favorite things.
                Beelzebub is a family man, no doubt about it. You get scary dog privileges just from being around him. A hulking beast of a man, who just wants you to share a nice meal with him. He doesn’t care to probe or ask questions, but he’ll certainly lend an ear if you want to talk. The only thing is that he stares directly into your face as you talk, hand absentmindedly reaching around into a bag of chips or a bowl of snacks. He offers them to you, “snacks always make me feel better, here.” He vows to make sure nobody tries to harm you, and does he sure fucking live up to that promise. Nobody tries to poke fun, much less harm you, when he’s around. And if they do something while he’s around the corner? Oh boy, he’ll toss them around like a bag of potatoes.                
                Belphegor asks you to talk him to sleep oftentimes. Not that your voice is boring, just that he finds it calming. He slowly dozes off and you take the chance to get out some of the emotions haunting you, some of the images in your head of the lifeless body of your attacker laying on the floor, or the red and blue flashing lights. You start talking to him. Retelling the story, trying to fill in some of the details that have eluded you, things you looked over in your panic when it had first happened. Something that is so soothing to him, your voice, manages to draw him out of his slumber. He keeps his eyes closed, but his brain awake He doesn’t mean to pretend to be asleep, he doesn’t care if you know he’s awake or not, he’s just too tired to face the light. “… humans disgust me.” He remarks, drawing you out of your retelling. “…not you. Not you, of course. The person that attacked you, they disgust me. I hope their soul rots and grows maggot infested.” He scowls quietly.
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top 10 reasons why i think julia should be a pre-merge boot next season
⚠️warning: some may find the following content disturbing. julia fans' discretion is advised
it'd piss off her fans
she's overused her potential and hogged a lot of unnecessary screentime. her schtick as a villain is extremely overpraised especially when the main twist in ep 6 that marked her first significant accomplishment didnt even make sense. you're telling me that somehow, from hearing someone say one single word, she went through all the possibilities (including overhearing a confessional from the outside) and concluded that someone was downloading the confessionals?? despite no one knowing about mk's geek persona in addition to it never having been accomplished in the history of the show before? really? they could've at least had more interesting buildup to that twist, and have julia's "clues" actually have substance because otherwise the writing was very flimsy
she's not that complex of a character canonically. it may be difficult to hear but it's objectively true
it'd piss off her fans
her villain persona is just straight up being a bully about things that arent related to the game at all. it's laughable that people call her heather 2.0 when heather certainly had a personality past being an asshole and nothing else. "but we need more mean women in media!" julia fans also hate MK and millie for that exact reason! be consistent about it.
the pre-merge boot order this season was nasty. every single pre-merge boot had potential, even more so than julia (whose personality could immediately be guessed the moment her design was released. whoop-de-doo!)... i'd like more time for dynamic characters next season and not static ones.
julia's twist was very predictable. her entire character is predictable. she's the character everyone thinks they relate to while in reality they're more of a millie. but who's surprised that people prefer the skinny white tiktok girl over the most realistically written character in the show
with all her canon screentime in the show, she's developed very little. i think it's unfair to have her be a screen hog a second season in a row when she already had her time to shine and hardly did anything unique with it. we finally get the most diverse cast this show has seen and yet everyone wants more of the most boring type of character we've already seen in 700 other shows
seriously i don't get why people think she's all that. just step outside for a moment and you'll find an entire sea of people who are exactly like her, in both appearance and personality. calling her the best villain in the history of td is ridiculous and laughable and even mal was more entertaining for me to watch. at least he was funny
it'd piss off her fans
thanks for watching! please hit that like button and subscribe for more aaawesome content💯🔥💪
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chiyoso · 11 months
seeing other writers/mutuals who are so skilled at what they do talk about not getting support in their sfw, fluff and angst fics just piss me the fuck off, i'm genuinely so heated at the amount of old and new writers struggling because of new tumblr users
ik a lot of you readers like to read our smut fics/porn fics, but those writers, also talking abt only getting likes, instead of reblogs n interactions from those types of works as well is just so depressing that im starting to have this growing idea of what some to most readers are in tumblr
ill be the voice that other writers are hesitant and afraid to express:
LIKES are like a quick glance for us writers.
LIKES are like people who pass by us when we walk anywhere and everywhere.
LIKING is like telling us writers who take our time to write FREE shit for you; “we see it, we like it, but we will not do anything about it”
LIKES will NOT get us writers anywhere in this app.
LIKES is like deafening SILENCE for us writers, crickets, ghosts, an eerie dark night.
LIKES arent similar to instagram, tiktok and other platforms. it is DIFFERENT in this platform. they dont mean jack shit.
LIKES are like a hit and dip shit scenario. one night stand, loveless sex, meaningless encounters.
i've seen so much amazing fics, nsfw or sfw have over almost 9k interactions, then i look to the reblogs count and see only a whopping 500 or so like THE FUCK? SCUSE ME? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT RATIO?
if you're apart of the "ooh! i genuinely like this!" then only press like—thank you, truly. we're glad you like our work, to gain your interest and your silent support, but i want to inform you simply liking doesn't help us in a technical sense, it doesn't help our blog, our reach, it doesn't help our blog grow.
and if you're one of the blogs who only likes, i genuinely don't know what's so trifling and difficult about reblogging and adding the pre-made tags for you to spam and get it over with. i do it and its so, so fucking easy.
i genuinely, genuinely don't understand the analogy as to why you can't just... press that helpful ass button beside the heart. please, someone, enlighten me behind the reasoning.
if you're a bot, fuck you.
will at least (without tags/comments) be seen by your following and increase our significance only slightly.
REBLOGS with # tags INCREASE our chances of being discovered by a fuck ton.
REBLOGS with tags MIXED with your comments HEAVILY motivate us, your thoughts about our WORK motivates us.
REBLOGS are so, so fucking relieving for us, and that relief has been addictive to those starved from support, especially to writers who are struggling OUTSIDE of their work/hobby/blog.
REBLOGS in a literal sense, mean so much more to us than likes. especially with your damn thoughts. the mere thought of taking your time into writing something FOR US and OUR CREATION is so fucking motivating, every positive input from you will be CHERISHED no matter what.
and the fact we have to beg for it, to speak out about it as of late...
god, i remember in full detail the day where i wrote my first story, it had only 200 interactions max, and most of them were only likes and a few reblogs, but my inbox was full of positivity, mixed in with a few shitty ones, but i pressed on because of SAID INTERACTIONS AND MY LOVE FOR WRITING.
to my mutuals and other writers; i fucking love you and your stories so much, sfw or not, the writing community has done so much for me mentally, and lots of fics have been healing me. god its my first time releasing such emotions into this blog, but yea, ive just had it from the amount of turmoil ppl have been causing into all of you, outside tumblr or not.
hhh fuck im so pissed ill stop it right here, stay safe and may your favorite characters kiss you goodnight
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draxua · 8 months
Quick tarot reading for @mysicklove <3
Ace of swords reversed 6 of wands Queen of cups + others
"What do you think of Mello? + any messages you think she may need"
• A very sexy but overly confused girl boss, it's ok to be socially unaware, girl. we love you for that!
• People shouldn't let your socially unaware moments cloud their judgement on your intellectual you're actually extremely intelligent your mind is sharp and you're able to cut through confusing situations and equations, your intellectual engagement is high I forgot what exactly you major in right now but its less vocational and creative and more on the academic side, something to do with problem solving, communicating with others and helping them stay in tune with themselves if not in education this can take other areas of your life like relationships, it may be something you offer to people you love or try to offer ; open mindedness, advice and overall just being a support system in a more physical sense I don't think your best communication is through words but more actions like acts of service or physical touch to which I have a feeling either one of those or perhaps both are your love languages or you attract a wide variety of people who look for these qualities within a relationship, to which you are happy to provide with them
• People feel like they can confind in you, you have that guidance counsellor we all loved as kids because she was cool and genuinely loved her job but got sacked because she got caught smoking marijuana on school site, moving swiftly on!
• You're quite an intimate person, honestly people are lucky to get into a relationship with you. You bring harmony but strength and empowerment to your relationships it's something people who have earned your intimacy actually love about you, you're capable of making strong bonds with someone else whether it's mutal or one sided. You carry an energy which makes people chase and get heavily attracted to you after receiving a bite out of you (with you and this scenario its vice versa) absolute alpha behaviour, you go girl!
• The cards wish to congratulate you on your most recent tumblr milestone, 6 of wands acknowledges public acknowledgment for your hard efforts. That aside the 6 of wands encourages you to give yourself a big hug, you did so much girl they know things didn't turn out exactly as you had planned but you did amazingly, but please be reminded to not let guilt or fear for the future stop you from getting opportunities and stand in the way of your success you still got a looooong way to go, you'll look back at that "moment of panic" and think things turned out for the better.
• The Queen of Cups has beautiful imagery of a woman, she sits on a throne nearby the sea just at the very edge. She holds a golden, that have handles shaped like angels. Most of the cups in the Suit of Cups cards are open this cup is closed (arent you special) – The Queen’s true thoughts and inner feelings are veiled and only arise from the very depths of her soul.
• To summarise you have some deeeeeep feels that are only uncovered through creative processes, because duh you write shit for the girls on tumblr and we eat it up everytime
• Ittu bitty thing I wanna slide in there try looking into moon cycle rituals 👀
I'm also seeing some confusion. You're lacking clear sight of what's to come. Lately, your emotions have felt at the top of the glass. It's close to overspilling. It seems that now you're in a difficult position. You're beginning to give up on your dreams, take this as a lesson to learn to see things from a different perspective, and see things aren't as doom and gloom as you think. Success is in reach for you dear, right now what you need is persistence they're telling you to keep going!!
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knightzp · 5 months
(About The forgotten lyre - your fic)
Hey mikiii I am not really sure if I should send this as an ask but my ao3 isn't working and I just HAD to let you know asap 😭
I loved your fic sm <33 😭 I really enjoyed reading it !! It had such an interesting plot that I genuinely thought I was reading a published novel...I was immediately spamming "next chapter" at the end of each one!!
For me, since I am not part of the fandom, I didn't know the characters so they were more like ocs to me but their personalities and dynamics were very clear through your writing :D
I am pretty sure I would love it even more if I was in the fandom and actually knew the characters (which means I must get into it now :D) but regardless I have grown to love them bc of your writing ^_^
Also I am a sucker for riddles and prophecies...so the moment the prophecy was revealed I was sold <3 and it was really satisfying when it was completely resolved :D
There were so many specific scenes I loved too...for example your descriptions of the various places and settings were very good :0 also there were quite a few dialogues I liked too but I'll keep my rambling short for now haha
Keep writing miki I'd love to read more from you!! <3
Also on that note, I have a question!
Is there a fic that you have written...that is your personal favorite? Basically what do you recommend I read of yours after this lol :]
[ALSO The artworks were so beautiful...it really set the scene so appreciation to the artist from my side <3]
AAAAA LEX OHMYGOD YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY READING THIS MADE ME im really really glad you liked the fic that much!!!!!!!
"I genuinely thought I was reading a published novel" YOU FLATTER ME 🥺​🥺​🥺​ i love knowing you liked the plot of the fic!!! i also Love prophecies and riddles in stories so much but its difficult to do them right so i had to think quite well abt them and im glad you think i did a good job writing them in the end !!
and abt the characters i know you arent into enstars so for you to have read this long fic abt them really means a lot to me <33 im glad you say their personalities and dynamics were easy to understand through my writing and that you got interested in them thanks to it!!! now that i think abt it the characters do have a lot of nicknames depending who is calling them so i hope that part wasnt confusing aldksfk (and omg if you do get into enstars in the end you have to tell me :3)
aaaa i actually love writing description so im happy that you pointed out you liked those scenes 🥺 and there are also some dialogues that im quite proud of so thank you!!!
and im Overjoyed that you really want to read more of my writing like !!!!!! to answer your question im quite proud of every season is full of memories of you with me , and Pink & Blue is quite a short one but is very dear to me too! also idk if youve watched hxh? but i have quite a few fics abt it too. i really like a lot False Steps which is a dancing au !! but well you can just go through my ao3 page and just pick whichever if theres any other that piques your interest!!
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I have a question! You have stuff saying you practice p-shifting in your bio, could I have more info about that? I've heard it mentioned before but know very little.
Of course! Recently I havent been practicing as much, and Im currently going through a phase of reteaching myself certain important values (yet again lol) but I'll try my best to tell you a bit more.
P-shifting is basically the form (or practice) of physically changing into an animal. Its widely believed to be taboo, but if you know where to look you will find plenty of help if you are looking to accomplish it.
I practice physically shifting into an animal, and theres plenty of structured ways to go about it. (Such as PhMP, Blaze's method, etc.) I currently have been practicing more therianthropic ways of mentally shifting and sort of lost touch with physically shifting, so Ill be getting back to it as soon as my power turns back on and I have the time to delve deeper once again. (Currently my whole city has no power, im currently at a casino writing this-)
Theres this idea that its very harmful and dangerous, but in honesty I personally have never had to deal with it being very harmful and/or dangerous to me or my mental health. In fact, before it I was very mentally ill, so its been a journey of healing and self-discovery. I feel like its taught me how to care for myself, accept myself and how I look, and be present to who I am and where I am in the moment. (Sounds counterintuitive, but after all of this time I have gotten here lol)
I have read that its very cult-like, and teaches people to do horrible, nasty stuff - but I've been lucky to never have to deal with it. Im so, very sorry for anyone who has. As long as you critically think, take the time to understand and conceptualize what you are doing, and take it slow, most likely you wont hurt yourself by practicing it.
People can be very misguiding and can hurt you if you arent careful, but know that physically shifting shouldn't hurt you in such a way that you will have to heal, put you in danger, or go to the hospital. You do not need anything to physically shift either. (No spells, no eating raw meat, no cutting yourself, no starving yourself, no getting bitten or meeting up with strangers, etc. Anyone who tells you anything of the sort is wrong, or is trying to manipulate you.)
Of course, not everyone can have bad intentions, but please be weary and keep your head screwed on tight when you are learning new things about p-shifting in general. Fantasy and the real world can be very, very easily blurred together with this sort of topic. If it seems dangerous, then listen to yourself and simply don't do it. There is always another way.
Its kinda difficult to necessarily explain it in a way for anyone to understand well - its really your journey and is something that you have to go and find out yourself from finding other resources. I guess you could say its like therianthropy, but we physically shift instead. Of course, theres more differences, but thats the most basic way to explain it.
I hope this answered your question!
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creativebrainrot · 3 months
thinkin about my names thinking about my gender thinking about how names and gender are associated etc etc
my names are not equal. all my online names (rot/rose/jaime/etc etc) are for strangers / people who don't know me, aren't close to me. I'm neutral on being reffered to with them. i dont dislike it (wouldnt have them if i did) but dont like like them either. theyre like fun trinkets. they dont mean a lot to me and if i lost them id be sad for about five minutes before i moved on. they arent important and i dont really care if you use them or not. i prefer my close friends not to use them. that always feels like a 'downgrade' a 'distancing' thing.
my irl name is second to Most Preffered Thing You Call Me if you know me and ive told you it. number 1, tier 1, highest grade cryptid gender honor; allowed to call me theryn LMAO thats my name thats my favorite thing if i tell u to call me that congration i care about u Extra
i like having five billion online names and one True Name. I like having layers of distance from other people. I like having history with other people. i like having the cryptid monster creature experience of "you can call on me easily if you know my true name true title" is it stupid. maybe. but this is just neopronouns xenogender terrirtory imo and neopronouns and xenogenders are great fun and i love them.
the names thing is kind of like how i'd rather be misgendered as a man if im gonna spend my whole life getting misgendered anyway. the only way for me to not get misgendered is if i could shapeshift into a void/shadow creature monster cryptid skullbeast. and i cant do that, really. i mean i can spend 2.5k+ on a full fursuit but uh. well.
I am nonbinary my gender is cryptid monster beast my gender is complex and difficult to describe with words without writing a peom or showing a moodboard of dozens of images. names are kinda like that to me. if youre special to me, then you get the details. if im close to you, then you know the intricacies. You know my heart and you know my truest most honest name. and i think thats fun i love being queer i love being a faggot cryptid.
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ohbo-ohno · 8 months
How do you write fanfiction without going ooc?
Personally I think you're the best cod writer, I'm considering writing some fan fiction but I'm scared the characters arent in character
"best cod writer"??? when i haven't posted in like a month?? oh babe we are getting MARRIED ilysm thank you <3
im actually like fucking terrible at giving advice (i am not a well spoken person lmao) but i can talk At you for a bit about this!!!
grasping a character's voice is actually like. deeply difficult, and it's maaaaybe the thing i struggle with most when writing (or at least one of the things lmao). especially bc literally every single writer has a different voice for every character, so you have to find what works best for your story and your style. your ghost shouldn't look/sound exactly like someone else's ghost, because he's yours, yk?
that also being said - things that are ooc to me aren't necessarily ooc to someone else. the ghost in my mind would never let you call him a cheesy pet name like "sisi", but that doesn't mean that someone else's ghost wouldn't, yk? and to them, they're in character! so you've kinda got to decide what you think being in character is, if that makes any sense
i read a looooot of fanfiction before i started writing my own cod stuff. i've only watched the full campaign once, but i've read what's probably dozens of fics lmao - my ghost and soap are an amalgamation of the things i enjoyed most in other people's fics. think about the things that you love the most in your favorite fics, and see if you can replicate that tone/vibe
i also think that getting a character's Voice is a lot more than just dialogue. i write in either second person or third person limited, but for the sake of this i'll talk a bit about third person limited
if i'm writing smth like i'll eat you whole, im technically writing from johnny's perspective, right? so i don't write his internal monologue in his accent, but i do use certain adjective he would - like instead of describing ghost as "broad" or "hulking", i said he's "a big motherfucker" bc that's how i think johnny would talk. this doesn't matter nearly as much with second person, but letting johnny's voice float into the internal monologue helps keep me in the right headspace for the fic. it's easier for me to maintain his voice if i never really let it go, yknow what i mean?
also i know this sounds sooo stupid but i think a big part of writing in character is literally just thinking "can i see them saying this? would a person like this do this?"
like. okay. ghost is a 6'4 special forces lieutenant who is willing to do literally anything if it means completing his mission. he's a big man with an even bigger reputation. can you see him begging for your forgiveness at the slightest argument? can you see him stuttering on a first date?
and soap is an incredibly accomplished sergeant who's set records in the military, he's a demolitions expert and a skilled sniper with a hell of a temper. can you see him giggling? can you see him crying when his girlfriend is mad at him?
sometimes making sure you're not writing ooc is as simple as "They Would Not Fucking Say That", and as unhelpful as it is, that's literally just based on vibes
is any of that coherent at all?? i genuinely don't know. hope i didn't make things worse! ily!
(also just as general writing advice - practice!!! don't post everything you write!! i cannot tell you how many things i've written will never see the light of day, but all my little failures in writing have given me a better grasp on the characters, yk? you have to do badly and recognize what's bad before you can be super happy with your writing. write something and then focus on exactly what feels off to you, and change only that. idk. maybe im spouting bullshit)
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