#and the people who are into it deserve the chance to opt in as well ESPECIALLy if it’s got sensitive content in it
theydjarin · 1 year
@ people posting x Reader content, why can’t you put your stories behind a readmore or just fucking use ao3 like the rest of us pleaseeeeeee
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ellecdc · 3 months
Could I request a fic with either poly moon water or poly marauders where reader has had mental health issues but they were getting better and then they slip back into them. This happens to me in moments and I have to remind myself that it’s part of my progress but it would be so nice if I had someone else to say it too. No pressure lovely!!!!
I ADORE all of your marauders work!! Like OML I never know how much I needed poly moonwater until youuuu❤️❤️❤️😘
hi babes! totally get where you're coming from re: mental health issues. It's a marathon, not a race. and I'm so glad you love moonwater! my evil plan of converting the entire fandom (lol) is succeeding. I opted to go with the marauders but it's quite sirius centric
poly!marauders x fem!reader who is struggling with her mental health
CW: non-sexual nudity [nothing is described], discussion of dark mental headspace and anxiety/depression [again, nothing is described]
You felt awful.
You knew the boys would be understanding, but it didn’t make you feel any better about your behaviour.
You’d found yourself slipping back into familiar and darker headspaces as of late, and though you couldn’t deny the disconcerting comfort that familiarity brought, you knew you couldn’t allow yourself to fully fall back into it; you worked so hard to move beyond this, and you had been doing so well.
It hurt worse now that you felt like you weren’t just disappointing yourself anymore, but also disappointing three other people who - for whatever reason - cared an awful lot about you.  
You’d been inching closer and closer to a panic all day and wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed when you got home and pretend the world didn’t exist for a few hours days weeks. 
Those kinds of plans don’t work when you live with three other people, two of which have the tendency to coddle you.
You knew that irritability was one of the symptoms of your anxiety, but knowing that didn’t stop the sting of your words as they left your lips. 
James was too nice, too bright, too happy, too lovely. You felt like the polar opposite of your sweetest boyfriend, which made you feel even more disappointing than you already had. And Remus was a fixer; he had a tendency to see a problem and immediately start problem solving, but that’s not what you needed right now.
Of course, you didn’t say that.
Of course, you got angry and lashed out at them before storming off to your room and slamming the door.
What started off as feeling blue quickly spiralled into a low affect. Feeling low left you increasingly anxious. Your anxiety left you feeling disappointing and less than, which caused you to feel depressed. The more depressed you got, the more anxious you became. The more anxious you became, the more depressed you felt.
It was a vicious cycle and you were stuck in its seemingly never ending assault on you.
And now, you weren’t just depressed and anxious; you were also feeling terribly guilty and overwhelmed at the thought of having upset Remus and James. 
Remus, who only wanted to help, who only wanted you to feel better, who only wanted to care for you. 
And James, who only wanted to perhaps share a little bit of his joy with you on the off chance it could brighten your day.
You were awful.
You didn’t deserve them, and they didn’t deserve you - they deserved better. You deserved nothing.
You’re not sure how long you had been standing under the spray of the water with your head against the cool tile when you heard a gentle knock against the glass of the shower door.
You felt the irritability surge in your blood again at the intrusion of your pity party, but tried your hardest to take a steadying breath before you hummed a quiet “yeah?”
“Can I come in?” You heard Sirius’ voice ask from the other side, apparently having gotten home sometime during your meltdown.
He could, though you weren’t sure he should.
You were terrible after all.
The glass door popped open and Sirius shoved his face in. You didn’t bother turning your face towards him but you could feel the questions permeating his being nonetheless.
“I’m coming in.” He announced, deciding on your behalf. 
You heard the sound of his clothes falling to the bathroom floor, and you knew if Remus were in here he’d be scolding him: “there’s a hamper right there, Sirius.” 
But Remus wasn’t here because you were awful and you couldn’t bring yourself to care about the sodding hamper nor Sirius’ clothes littering the floor.
Some of your steam escaped as Sirius opened the shower door fully and you were accosted with cool air that left your body covered in goosebumps. He corrected it quickly by standing under the spray with you and pushing his front up against your back, leaning his chin on your shoulder.
“Fuck, you take hot showers.” He commented.
Usually you’d laugh.
“Sorry.” You said instead.
He rubbed at your hips where his hands had fallen with his thumbs, eliciting another layer of goosebumps on your skin. 
“You’re not feeling too good, are you baby?” He asked quietly.
You let out an exhausted breath. “I don’t feel good; I’m no good.” You responded just as quietly.
Sirius ducked his chin down to kiss your shoulder before quickly replacing it.
“That’s not true.”
You didn’t respond, glad that the water streaming over your face hid the evidence of the tears escaping your eyes.
Wordlessly, Sirius pulled away and grabbed your shampoo, working it into your hair. You did nothing to help him in his task, keeping your head pressed against the shower wall as he lathered the soap on your scalp. He pulled the handheld down to rinse it out, paying special attention to point the spray away from your face since you didn’t seem too fussed over protecting your own eyes. He combed some conditioner through your hair and rinsed it out in much the same manner before grabbing a loofa and lathering body wash over your form.
“Sometimes it’s two steps forward and one step back.” He commented, finally breaking the silence that had long been only the sound of the water falling and each of your breaths. “But that still means you’re one step forward.”
A sob escaped you, causing Sirius to pause in his ministrations and pull you back into his chest again.
He didn’t say anything else; he knew better. Of course he would, Sirius sometimes understood this side of you better than the others did. Sirius had a tendency to fall into darker times too, also having a penchant for lashing out at those closest to him when things felt like too much.
He let you cry, standing under the likely too-hot-for-his-tastes water, as he rocked you back and forth with your head leaned back, resting on his shoulder as you faced toward the ceiling. 
“Do they hate me?” You whimpered eventually, trying to convince your lungs to take in slower, deeper breaths.
“Of course they don’t; you know they don’t.”
“Are they mad at me?”
You could feel Sirius shake his head, but he answered you verbally anyway.
“No, doll. They worry, is all.”
You didn’t like that. You didn’t want them to worry. “I’m fine.”
“I know you are.” He agreed readily. “They do too.”
You let that sit in the foggy air for a little bit.
“Do you know that?” He asked eventually.
“Know what?”
“That you’re okay? That you’re just fine?”
You thought about that for a moment. You were sad, and you were anxious, but were you fine?
You admitted to yourself you felt the familiar tendrils of your darker self pulling at you, but you could also admit it was different this time. You were better, you had been working hard, and most importantly, that hard work was paying off.
You may have been two steps forward and one step back, but you were still one step forward from where you started.
“You’re sure they’re not mad at me?” You asked instead, earning you a chuckle as Sirius turned you in his arms to hold your face between his hands. 
“No one is mad at you, love. I swear it. You are, however, very loved.”
You offered him the best smile you could muster and let him pull you forward for a chaste kiss. 
“Then… yes, I know I’m fine.” You agreed eventually, earning you a beaming smile from your boyfriend.
“Atta girl.” 
Your felt your cheeks heat up at the praise and pushed your forehead into his chest.
“Can we get out of this torture chamber, now? I swear this water is being heated by hellfire.” He joked, leaning around you to turn off the shower without your consent.
“It’s really not that bad.” You argued, earning you a scoff.
“I’m red, doll. The water has marred my skin, perhaps permanently.”
You continued arguing about proper shower etiquette as you rubbed lotion into your skin (and then into Sirius’ for his troubles [he really was sort of red]), and changed into your comfies.
You headed towards the living room before you remembered you were sort of ashamed with yourself for the way you had spoken to the other two boys, but Sirius didn’t allow you to hesitate in the hall as he caught your elbow when your steps faltered and ushered you into the room.
“Boys, we’re really going to have to do something about her shower habits.” He commented as if a) nothing had happened, and b) you weren’t even there. “I’m surprised she hasn’t completely melted her skin off." 
“Perhaps hot showers are how she gets so beautiful, Sirius, ever think about that?” James jested back, earning him an indignant scoff.
“Are you saying I’m not pretty, Jamie?”
“As pretty as Y/N?” Remus interjected, looking between the two of you as if assessing. “No, not at all.” 
“Well I-” Sirius began, but you interrupted.
“I’m sorry.”
Everyone’s shoulders fell as they turned to look at you, clearly willing to brush over the tension if that had been what you wanted.
“I was rude and irritable when I got home, and neither of you deserved that. I’m sorry.”
“Angel…” James started, opening his arms for you which you readily accepted and tucked yourself into his chest.
“I was never mad to begin with, but I’ll go ahead and forgive you right now if that’ll make you feel better, okay?” He murmured into your wet hair.
“Okay. Thank you.” You murmured back.
“You’re too sweet for us, dove.” Remus commented, moving to place a consoling hand on your back.
“I was the opposite of that earlier.” You chuckled at your own expense. 
“Please.” Sirius scoffed derisively. “These two are too nice, especially when you feel like shit; I’ve given them a far harder time than you have, dollface.” 
“It’s true.” James said quickly. “He once told me he’d rather have a cup of tea with his mother than snuggle with me when he was in one of his moods once.”
You gasped and looked at Sirius in horror. “You did not.”
Sirius, not at all guilty, shrugged nonchalantly. “Sure did, and I meant it too.”
“Oh come off it.” Remus chided, pulling Sirius into his side who broke out in a grin, effectively eliminating his earnest facade. 
“No, of course I didn’t mean it.” He relented, leaning further into Remus’ side. 
“I don’t like myself very much when I’m like this.” You admitted quietly.
“We’ll love you enough for all of us in the meantime then, yeah?” James asked, pulling you into his arms tighter.
“Just be patient with yourself dove, you’re much too hard on yourself. We’re here now and we’ll be here when you feel better too.” Remus added.
“Can’t get rid of us that easily, dollface.” Sirius concluded, shooting you a wink.
Two steps forward and one step back.
But you were still one step forward.
You knew you would make two more steps forward again soon.
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
This is more of a problem on Facebook and Twitter, but there are some fellow authors who get a tad... upset when you talk about money and royalty earnings.
Needless to say, my frankness about how royalties work and just how little many of us are earning from our labor has drawn the ire of a few people, even here on Tumblr.hell.
I'm not particularly bothered by this. In my view, they're the same people who won't discuss wages in the workplace because they don't want anyone else to earn what they do. They know the system is unfairly rigged, but they like it that way because they're scared if more people are educated about how things work, they'll lose whatever competitive edge they think they have, thus enforcing the status quo.
Needless to say, I don't care for this view.
I'm very much a "holy shit, two cakes" kind of creator. I also very firmly believe in pulling people up behind me and spreading the wealth of information that was shared freely with me by other like-minded individuals who also believe that the mysteries around publishing are gatekeeping bullshit and everyone deserves the chance to earn money from their creative endeavors, not just the people who can afford to.
Anyway, David Gaughran's 'Let's Get Digital: How To Self-Publish And Why You Should' is an invaluable resource for indie authors and provides great insight into how publishing and distribution work. It is available for free through the retailers listed on his website.
If you don't want to publish exclusively through Amazon, draft2digital.com does global ebook and also paperback distribution. (I've only used it for ebooks, but I'll be trying out their paperback options for my next book.) You can pair it up with a books2read account to create easy-to-post buy links. Draft2Digital also allows for distribution through library lending services like Overdrive. So that's neat. (NB: if you use d2d, you can't use Kindle Unlimited, so be aware of what links you have active and where if you decide to enroll in KU. You can always opt for wide distribution again once your KU time expires.)
D2D also recently partnered with FindawayVoices.com for audiobook distribution. You can find voice actors there, or you can upload your own files if you already have them. You can submit to Audible through them, too, but you'll earn a pittance more if you upload directly through Audible. Findaway also allows for library lending distribution through Libby and several other global equivalents.
If you need ISBNs, you can buy them cheaper in bulk from Bowker at myidentifiers.com
Individual storefront options like Payhip.com and Gumroad.com are also great ways to allow people to buy directly from you, though I soured on Gumroad after the whole NFT thing and their CEO harassing people on Twitter over it. Payhip is now my preferred storefront, and as an added bonus, they calculate VAT in European countries as well, so that's one less thing for me as an indie author to work out. As an added bonus, Payhip can be directly integrated into your author website if you have one. It's a feature I'll be implementing soon.
itch.io also allows for the sale and distribution of ebook files, though I haven't used it yet.
If you don't have the means to hire a cover designer or the means to do it yourself in photoshop, Canva.com has some decent-ish ebook templates. Just make sure the images and fonts you're using have the right licenses for commercial use.
Editing and formatting are also extremely important, though I know not everyone can afford them. If you can, I highly suggest doing so and shelling out extra to have them format your work across mediums. Ebook formatting is different from paperback formatting, and it can look very strange if you just try to format an ebook into a pdf. It is a skill you can teach yourself (plenty of youtube videos) if you really want to, but I prefer to throw money at my editors, who provide formatting as an additional service. Whatever you can afford to do to streamline the process is money well spent.
Also, do not be shy about using affiliate links to sell your work. Authors lose a solid chunk of money to places like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, etc., in distribution fees. Whatever pennies you can scrape back through affiliate links for directing traffic to those sites is hard-earned--and it is literal pennies sometimes. You can also integrate any affiliate links you do have into draft2digital, so they auto-generate, which is handy.
When it comes to paperbacks, BookShop.org offers the best affiliate earnings, and a percentage of the sale goes toward supporting indie bookstores. They do not take that percentage from your earnings, they pay it themselves. Libro.FM is the audiobook equivalent of BookShop.org, and they also give a percentage of sales to supporting indie book stores.
Anyway, I hope that helps someone. Good luck out there.
Also, if you're the person who sent me the irate email about "giving away trade secrets," feel free to die mad about it. 😘
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overlysour · 2 years
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He can’t help but want to savour your touches and smiles for himself but he knows he can’t keep you to himself.
You made an effort to interact with him, even with his big ego and judgemental comments. So why would you cheat on him?? What would you even get from that?
Also, his newly received anemo vision represented his freedom, so why would he take yours?
He would still be annoyed, probably rolling his eyes, glaring and overall being grumpy if he’s jealous, he’s not just gonna act like nothing is happening!
Might make a scene out of it… overall pretty petty even if you don’t get what you did wrong.
Probably ends up yelling at the person he’s jealous of after telling you someone needed help (did he throw an arrow at some stupid guy that stalks your neighbour? Yes! Was it just because he needed to distract you? Yes! (also partly because the neighbour wouldn’t shut up about how they have an admirer to you and he wanted attention)).
It really depends on the situation but he won’t act on what he deems to be unreasonable jealously. He thinks it’s unfair to act in that way when he’s been flirted with by many in front of you, though you still try not to react.
If he thinks it’s reasonable then he will act, just briefly though.
Would probably ask for help with a commission, muttering a sorry and making sure to give you a loving hug.
Understands the feeling of loosing someone very well so he’d want to still make it slightly obvious that you’re his and he’s yours.
Would likely threaten anyone making you uncomfortable in anyway.
If she’s just feeling jealous due to you speaking with someone closely then she absolutely won’t make a scene, though most likely asking who they were and what their relationship is with you.
Might make an excuse to walk off with you..
Overall chill but quick to threaten or drag you off.
Doesn’t really come out of his lab much unless going to other nations for fatui missions so he wouldn’t really get the chance to watch you converse with others.
Though If he does get jealous then he’d be slightly colder to you then usual.
Petty as heck (much like many other characters but way more in a ‘I’m-gonna-kill-whoever-that-was’ type of way).
If you were his lover then he’d think high of you, meaning he’d think of stuff like ‘that measly brat doesn’t deserve someone like [Name]’
Wouldn’t make contact with the cause of his jealously, instead gaining small details about them just in case.
Quickly pulls you off, glaring at the probably already scared person.
Acts normal once away, might be the tiniest bit more affectionate.
Understanding yet one to quickly go take out anger on any unsuspecting enemies he can find at that moment.
If it’s someone he trusts then he wouldn’t go let his anger out, instead opting to give you more affection then usual.
He doesn’t want to loose you, since he’s lost so many people over the years.
Though it wouldn’t to be death, he wonders if it’d make him feel worse knowing that he’d lost you to emotions.
Overprotective but watches from afar I guess??
He’s well aware of human emotions but I think he’d be a little confused at first, like why was he jealous so easily? Also how is he feeling such intense feelings?
Treats it as an experiment on himself, though still making sure he’s keeping any more-than-friendly remarks off anyones tongues (he’d like to hope that you wouldn’t do that but he’s prepared to be a barrier between you two anyways)
Trusts you but won’t hesitate to send a cheeky smile at the person as he plants a kiss on your hand and you become increasingly flustered.
Absolutely makes no scene, she’d just feel a bit self-conscious.
If you give her lots of love then she’ll easily forget about it (though it may linger in her mind for a while no matter what).
Kind and collective, openly stating her worries with you if given encouragement or if you’re worried about her.
Honestly quite chill depending on what’s happening.
Though no matter the situation, he’ll butt in your conversation by kissing you and hugging your waist with an innocent smile.
Can be intimidating but would only ever act that way when no others can see him act like that, therefore nobody would believe the person and he’d be known as a cheerful and carefree bard!
Absolute child about it (pun not intended 😗).
He will hang onto your waist whilst he hugs your back as he glares at his source of jealously.
Acts like nothing happened afterwards, dragging you wherever suits him that he thinks you’d like.
Won’t really think about it again, only feeling the need to protect you from harm or people with the wrong intentions.
Calm as long as it’s not much of a big deal, extremely understanding and not afraid to let people know that you two belong to each other only and any objections will be ignored.
If it’s a bigger deal then that, then he’ll keep his calm facade and act relatively normal and understanding but with a small loss of patience.
Worst case scenario, he’ll threaten them without a smile in sight.
Won’t pay much mind to what happened, only focused on perhaps kissing you on the cheek or hand a bit more.
A man that is genuinely not that easy to make jealous, seemingly always calm and knowledgeable.
If in a situation that he becomes jealous, he’ll kindly ask to speak with you and then express his feelings.
Would easily sort out any misunderstandings between you two.
To be continued. I will take requests on what characters people want included!
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lees-chaotic-brain · 8 months
Hey :) this is the same anon who announced they'd send two requests.
Idea Nr. 2:
Character: Green (Fushiguro Megumi)
Theme: sky (hurt/comfort) idk maybe it's more ocean tho... Not sure.
Prompt: #5 the name of your soulmate appears on your body only after that person falls in love with you. As in: Megumi knows his name is written on reader's body (he's seen it) but he doesn't have reader's name so he thinks either they're not his soulmate or not in love with him and he feels awful, but reader just takes longer to fall in love and in the end reader's name appears on Megumi too? Again: just an idea ;)
hi anon! thanks for sending in this lovely request! your other one will be out soon!
note: in this fic your soulmates name only appears on you after they have said that they are in love with you out loud
Selfish (Megumi x Reader)
Word Count: 1.9K
CW: Insecurity, implied childhood trauma (bullying, abuse, toxic relationships, it's up to the reader), angst to fluff, hurt/comfort, swearing, anxiety
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All your life you had considered yourself unlovable. With the way you were raised, how could you?
No, you believed that you were unlovable, unworthy of good things, and incapable of good.
Because of that, when you started at Jujutsu Tech and met your classmates, you were closed off, opting to sit on the sidelines and be alone. You told yourself that if you joined them, you would ruin their fun. It was impossible for people to enjoy spending time with you. You were annoying, a nuisance, why would they-
You ignored the voice. They were probably talking to someone else.
“You. Sitting on the bench.”
Startled, you looked up.
You were surprised to see none other than Fushiguro Megumi, one of your peers standing before you.
“Mind if I sit there?”
He nodded his head towards the empty spot next to you on the bench.
“Um, sure.”
He sat down, folding an ankle of his knee and propping his chin on his fist.
“Those damn idiots.”
He said, watching Kugisaki and Itadori chase each other around squawking.
“Giving me a headache.”
He turned towards you.
“Say, wanna ditch them and go do something else?”
And so began your friendship with Fushiguro Megumi.
Over time, you began to get closer with Kugisaki and Itadori as well, but Megumi always had a special place in your heart. After all, he was your first friend.
But even as you became more and more comfortable with yourself, a small part of you couldn’t help but to believe that he’s only spent time with you because he pitied you.
So when your soulmates name appeared on your wrist, you couldn’t believe that your fellow first year and friend Megumi had not only fallen for you, but you were his soulmate.
After all, you were unlovable. You were incapable of loving him back the way he deserved.
And he was sweet and kind and caring and awkward and smart and so, so much more.
He deserved so much better than you.
So, logically, the next course of action you took was ignoring him at all costs. You wouldn’t let him be in love with you. If he never saw you, surely he would move on, his name would disappear, and the two of you could go back to being friends.
A small part of you was pained at the idea, but you didn’t dare take a closer look at it. If you did, that meant acknowledging that a small part of you yearned for love and-
No. You mustn’t think about it.
For Megumi’s sake.
Even though it was extremely unlikely that he was your soulmate (you weren't even close to good enough for him) if by a slim chance he was your soulmate, the last thing he needed was your name inked around his wrist, shackling him to you.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Megumi had been elated when he noticed his name on your wrist.
After all, when he had realized that he was hopelessly in love with you and quietly confessed his feeling to his empty room, he hadn't dared to hope that he would be lucky enough to have you as his soulmate.
But he hadn't had a chance to talk to you about it, because you were avoiding him like the plague.
It had been months.
Did you really dislike him to the point that the idea of being his soulmate sent you running?
Did you really hate the idea of him loving you that much?
Was he really that unworthy of you?
Suddenly a thought occurred to him.
Maybe he wasn't your soulmate. Maybe your heart belonged to someone else.
Something primal in him writhed merely at the idea of you being with someone else.
He wouldn't, no, couldn't, accept this. He had never asked for much in life. He had never asked people to stay, or for any lofty dreams.
However if you truly loved someone else, or didn't want to be with him, he would have to be okay with it. He had to be. At the end of the day, all he really desired was your happiness.
But for the first time he deeply desired something, and that something was to be with you. And he'd be damned if he let you walk away without even an explanation.
Didn't he deserve at least that much?
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
For months you had successfully avoided Megumi, but it appeared that ended now.
When you heard the knock on your door, you assumed it was Nobara coming to ask you to go shopping with her.
Unsuspecting, you had called out that you were coming, and opened the door.
Only to be faced with the one person you were trying to avoid.
Fushiguro Megumi.
"We need to talk."
You panicked and slammed the door in his face.
Shit. Why did you do that? You just want him to fall out of love with you, not think you hate him!
Your internal word vomit was cut off by him speaking.
"I'm not leaving until we talk. And don't even think about leaving through your window. My demon dog is waiting out there for you."
Fuck. Shit. He had you cornered.
"Why do we need to talk?"
"Just let me in."
His voice was slightly muffled by your door, but you could hear the determination in it.
Accepting that you had no other choice, you sighed and took a deep breath to calm your nerves.
Opening the door you gave him a weak smile.
"Want to come in?"
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Minutes had passed, but neither of you had spoken.
You were perched awkwardly on the edge of your bed, and he was sitting in you desk chair that he had pulled in front of you.
Externally, his face was blank, but inside he was in turmoil.
Every time he attempted to open his mouth and speak, his stomach churned and he felt nauseous. What if after he said everything, you still avoided him? What if you decided he wasn't good enough for you?
Still, he had to try. He walked into this ready to accept it if you didn't feel the same way and continued to avoid him.
"I really, really, like you."
You jumped, startled by the sound of his voice breaking the silence.
He cleared his throat awkwardly.
"I mean like, more than a friend."
"Although, I know you are already aware of that."
His eyes darted to his name inked around your wrist, and you slapped a hand over it.
Megumi's heart panged at your reaction, but he continued speaking.
"And I understand if you don't return my feelings. I just wanted to say it to you officially, I guess."
You said hesitantly, unsure of what to do. On one hand you wanted to accept his feelings and vocalize your own, but on the other hand you wanted to cry, because you couldn't do that to him. You couldn't trap him in a life spent with you. You would just hold him back.
You heard him inhale, and tensed, nervous about what he was going to say next.
"But...I have to know- why have you been avoiding me for the last couple of months. Did I do something?"
"You fell in love with me!"
You snapped, unable to keep it in anymore.
The hurt was evident on his face.
"Is it really that bad...that I love you? Am I really that repulsive to you?"
"No. No no no no."
You waved your hands, tears blurring your vision.
"You don't understand."
You broke down in sobs, your body curling in on itself as you heaved.
"Hey, hey. Are you you okay."
Megumi's heart ached watching you sob. Reaching out, he stopped himself right before he touched your shoulder.
"Would-Would it be okay if I held you?"
You didn't respond.
Unable to continue doing nothing, he grabbed your sleeve and tugged you into his chest.
"I've got you."
He murmured, rubbing your back reassuringly.
"I'm here. I'm here. I want to understand."
You sobbed harder, gripping the front of his hoodie.
"I-It's not you -hic- it's just you can't love me."
"Why not?"
"Because-Because I don't deserve your love! You deserve so much more than me, and I won't allow you to resign yourself to a life shacked to me!"
"Why won't you allow me to!? It's my life, isn't it?!"
"Because I love you!"
The words formed wings, forcing themselves up your throat before bursting out of your mouth.
Stunned silence filled the room, then slowly, both of you dared to look down at his wrist.
And in a single second, your worst fears and his greatest desire were fulfilled. For there, inked upon his wrist, was your name.
Several moments passed as the two of you stared at the letters inked on his pale skin.
"Oh my god."
You breathed, covering your mouth with your hands.
"I'm so, so sorry."
His head snapped up.
"For what?!"
"I'm so sorry you're my soulmate- god you deserve so much more, this is why I was avoiding you. I thought if you didn't see me long enough your feelings would disappear. And even if they didn't, at least I wouldn't be holding you back. I'm so sor-"
"Apologize one more time."
His voice was low, and angry.
"Apologize one more time for loving me back, for being my soulmate, for having me as a soulmate. I dare you. Apologize to me one more time for making me the happiest I've ever been in my life."
You didn't understand what he was saying.
"It's up to me to decide what I do, and don't deserve. In my book, I don't deserve you."
You let out a little scoff.
"It's true."
He looked you square in the eyes, his jade green eyes fierce and brimming with intense emotion.
"You make me a better version of myself. When I'm around you, I'm softer, happier, kinder. You make me greedy. You made me truly desire something for the first time in my life. You make my world brighter, and more beautiful."
He clasped you hands in his.
"I don't know why you think you don't deserve me, and we'll talk about that later, but for now, can it be okay if the two of us just agree to be undeserving of each other together, and be selfish?"
You stared at him with your mouth slightly open and tear tracks on your cheeks.
"Can we just selfishly be together, just selfishly seek our own happiness? Who cares if we don't deserve each other. If we're both happy, nothing else matters in this world. When I'm with you, everything else fades away. So please, will you be selfish with me?"
Putting aside all of your insecurities and fears, you leaned forwards and captured his lips with your own in response to his question.
"I love you."
You breathed, pulling back.
"I love you more."
He responded before leaning in again.
I love you. The three most selfish words you had ever said. But you would say them again and again, if it meant that you got to stay by his side.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Omg I had so much fun writing this! I just love him so much.
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ssaluv-a-lot · 10 months
Izogie x black!fem!reader
A/N: Just some kissing and mild language warning. I am a Lashana Lynch fiend so enjoy
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Izogie had mastered the art of yearning. Long before she became Agojie and even longer before you became the King’s top advisor.
Her yearning started as childhood best friends who lived down the road from each other.
Although your position kept you two close, it was rare that Izogie felt satisfied with your shy waves across the fields and gleaming smiles when she returned from battle stained with blood.
She had to have permission to speak to you now. When just a few years ago, all it took was a call of your name to have a conversation.
“How are you!?” You exclaimed, jumping up from your desk to wrap your arms to her bruised torso.
Izogie suppressed her wince to hug you back just as tight. “I am well. You?”
“Bored.” You rolled your eyes as you pulled away from her form. “All I see is numbers all day. My vision is starting to blur.” You rubbed a hand over your forehead as you took a seat at your wilted chair again.
Izogie followed you in agony at loss of your touch, opting to lean against your mahogany desk instead of embracing you again.
“You need a break.”
“Right. And when the king comes to nag me again, who will be to blame when I am absent?” You suck your teeth and your lips form into a pout.
Izogie can’t fight the smirk that tortures her lips and all she wants to do is kiss the puckered bottom lip until you are blushing and pleading her to stop.
“When is the last time you saw the village?”
“Since I took this job. Izogie, I don’t get to come and go. The King must have me in arms reach all the time.”
The warrior tried not to nurture the red hot jealousy that sparked at the thought of the King wanting to be so close to you all the time. Though she knew his intentions weren’t what she thought, the idea still burned her.
“Come.” Izogie rose and the wood creaked. She held out a hand for you to take and you looked curiously.
“Come with me. You may not be able to see the village but you deserve to see the outside of these walls just the same.”
Yearning. She yearned to take you outside of the palace, to give you everything you could imagine, to not have to answer to anyone if you two decided to disappear for a night together.
She wanted all the things she couldn’t have without getting shunned, exiled, and possibly killed.
“Come on!” Izogie urged you on with a shaking hand and a bright smile.
“Alright. Alright.” You giggled, grabbing her waiting hand and bracing your body against her bicep as she stepped out of the office.
“Do you want to see the Agojie?” Izogie peered down at you as your head tilted back and the sun beamed down on you.
Tenderly, you sighed. It had probably been days since you had a chance to purely enjoy the sunshine. A smile crept up the corners of your lips as you leaned into Izogie further, squeezing at her hand with your own.
The warrior ignored the backflipped her heart did at the sight of you. Beautiful brown skin, glowing under the rays of sun as it should be.
“Yes…I want to see everything.” You giggled, already tugging on Izogie’s arm to guide you further.
“Yes?” She chuckled, tempted to press a kiss to your cheek.
“Yes. Let’s go!”
You kept close to your warrior as she took you around the Agojie grounds and let you watch the trainees.
Her eyes never left your sparkling gaze as you watched like a kid in a candy store. Not even when Amenza gave her a raised brow and a smirk when passing.
“You all are so strong.” You marveled, pricking your finger on one of the spears in the weaponry.
Warrior’s muffled chants and swishing of weapons resounded through the compound.
“Mmm. We have to be. Because we are women, people don’t take us seriously until we gut them and gouge their eyes.”
She made a clawing motion of her hands towards your own brown irises. “We must show them that they should be very afraid.”
“Show me.” You picked up a spear, skillfully twirling it around your arm and pointing it at your comrade.
“Eh? No. You have no business with this weapon. Put it down.” Izogie shook her head at you but you refused to budge.
“Izogie, I want you to show me how to use one of these. I am not asking to become Agojie.”
“That is hardly the point. Come. The King will notice your absence by now.” She moved to grab the spear’s handle and pulled it forward.
You, refusing to let go of the weapon, were hurled forward with a yelp at the sudden motion and thrown right into her chest.
Izogie’s arm bracketed your waist, keeping you flush against her as she place the spear back to its place.
“Stubborn woman.” She chuckled down at you, rubbing a hand over your arm. “Must you disobey me?”
“Isn’t that what makes this so fun?” Your voice came out as a whisper as you tried to catch your breath from the impact of falling into her.
Yearning. She’s never wanted to kiss you as badly as she does now. As breathless as you are and right in her arms.
She could. She could just dip her head a little and graze her lips across your forehead, sending a shiver up your spine as you looked up at her.
She could lift your chin with her dagger-like nails just the slightest bit and lock your lips against hers with a satisfied groan.
“Izogie!” Amenza appeared in the doorway and just as fast, you shove Izogie back, breaking the kiss and wiping your lips.
“Amenza?!” Izogie looked about ready to strike the warrior for ruining something she’s needed for years.
“The King is looking for his advisor, hm?” Amenza gestured to you as your eyes blew wide. “Seems she’s wandered away from her duties.”
You swiftly pushed past the slender woman without so much as a goodbye to Izogie, leaving the two warriors in a charged silence as you raced back to your office.
“Don’t say it.” Izogie pointed a finger at Amenza.
“How could you?!”
“Fuck, Amenza! How could I not?! You have no idea the things I feel for her so please!”
Yearning. The one thing she couldn’t afford to do.
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eddo-tensei · 1 year
The Power of Love according to Season 5 of Miraculous
Something disturbing dawned on me concerning...a lot of the development in Season 5 and it comes down to one thing: Love.
At first, Andre and Felix getting redeemed while Chloe gets sent off to the worst fate the show would allow didn't make a lot of sense. The only thing I could get from the writers was just that "Chloe bad, so everyone else good." It was stupid, but it wasn't insidious. At least, not that insidious at first. And then the finale with Gabriel happened and while it took me a while to process my frustrations with this, something finally clicked. Not only concerning that, but some of the other developments I've seen.
Felix getting another chance to the point of JOINING the heroes in the new universe seemed like nonsense until you look at what happened before that. He was someone who Astruc went out of his way to bury in the narrative and was exclusively causing trouble for everyone up to and including GENOCIDE...until he showed his love to Kagami. Suddenly, his actions are seen as righteous and his backstory of being abused by his father was justification for his actions. You see, he loved Kagami and he also apparently loved Adrien too because they were "the same."
Andre was basically just some corrupt politician who was also a pathetic snob. Then when Zoe came in, we suddenly get all of these humanizing bits about how Chloe totally mistreated him (because apparently, not having the guts to say no to your daughter is mistreatment) and when he divorced Audrey, he gets Zoe because he's someone he could be happy with. A true familial love unlike the one he had with Chloe.
Chloe, meanwhile, doesn't love anyone as far as the writers are concerned. Any genuine connection she might have in either the platonic, familial, or the romantic sense, whether it'd be to Adrien, Sabrina, Zoe or Ladybug, are shown to be either fake or so utterly shallow, it doesn't count as "love." With that, everything she does is absolutely reprehensible and doesn't deserve a shred of forgiveness even if it's clear she's a neglected child who needed help. BUT, because she "doesn't love anyone", she doesn't get redemption and deserves to be sent away with a parent who doesn't love her either. Same with Lila, she doesn't love anyone at all and in fact, just jumps from family to family purely to keep up her manipulations.
Finally, we have Gabriel, who had done nothing but sheltered, belittled, and outright ABUSED Adrien as well as commit a multitude of horrid crimes throughout the series. His actions constantly escalated in awfulness throughout the series, even showing that he doesn't care if he destroys the universe to get what he wants. Yet there was always this trait he possessed. His love for Emilie and that ended up coming to the forefront in the finale. Marinette, who had Gabriel dead to rights, decided at the last moment to try and appeal to his humanity because she knows he loved Emilie and in her mind, that love is enough grounds for her to offer him one chance to step up and help. Then when Gabriel opts to betray Marinette and starts the wish, he tells her at the last moment to try and help Adrien remember all of the times he "tried to be a good father," which is apparently an indicator that he actually LOVED Adrien too. THAT ended up being why Marinette decided to lie about Gabriel by saying he died fighting Monarch and went as far as to try and tell Adrien to remember him as a good man. All because she knew Gabriel "loved" him.
This tells me something distressing. Now, the concept of "Love Redeems" is something I'm not at all against and is in fact common in a lot of stories I like. However, it's what Miraculous does with this concept in Season 5 that angers me. The message of Miraculous ends up giving in its grand finale for the Agreste arc isn't that love can help people find the way to kindness. It's that anything you do can be justified as long as you do it for "love." It doesn't matter if you purposely get a cab driver in trouble, attempt to sabotage a date that your crush is in, put together a project that tries to commercialize air, betray someone to help a terrorist, commit genocide, cause untold amounts of damage to your town and beyond, or even destroy the universe! As long as you love someone, everything you do can be justified. Except when we decide that you don't love ANYONE, then we'll do everything in our power to show that all of your connections don't count as love so you can have the worst punishment we could possibly muster. Regardless of intent, that's how the writers ended up describing the Power of Love in Season Five of Miraculous and that's wretched to me.
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wayfayrr · 1 year
I would dye for you
so this was inspired by a mix of an ask on @cloudninetonine's account and a couple of details from something I did in totk, but there aren't any story spoilers there's just a screenshot at the bottom.
This is a little fluff side story for something else I'm writing, where Wild and the reader get tossed into reader's world and split from the rest of the yandere chain. I might flesh this out into more of an au but as of now but honestly, this idea just lives rent-free in my brain
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"so you’re sure, like completely sure this is what you want"
"I want to try something new, besides it's not like I'll get the chance to have you do this for me again anytime soon, is it? And you’re the one who suggested I should change things up so I don’t get recognised, why not do it like this? "
Wild lifted their arms with the giddiest smile on their face, a box of temporary dye held like the most precious treasure they could've found. Deep cobalt blue, awfully reminiscent of someone’s scarf, just enough to cover all of his hair to hopefully stop the instant recognition of him on the streets wherever the both of you go. 
After the initial shock of them falling through the portal with you back into the real world, if you could even call Hyrule fictional after everything you went through there; after their shock and excitement died down to a reasonable-ish level. The both of you decided perhaps something should be done so people don’t instantly recognise him as Link - the protagonist of Breath of the Wild, new clothes helped, but thankfully the modern world has a few more options for disguises. 
"When I suggested dying your hair, it’s not like I expected you to get a colour that bold, wait - where did you even get that from?"
"I bought it when you were looking at the other dyes, it’s such a fun colour not like anything I could get easily at home. You - you’re not bothered are you?"
With that last sentence wild seemingly decided to try his luck with you, looking up like a kicked puppy begging for reassurance that what he did was okay, that he won’t be in trouble for his actions. Begging you to comfort him, to do anything to get them to smile; all the while knowing they've got you wrapped around their finger. you're all his, no other heroes to steal your attention off of him, to steal away your smile, to steal your sweet voice from your lips, no he's got you all to himself…
as they believe they deserve.
You can't even see the countless red flags burying him in a crimson hue, too focused on helping him adjust to this alien world or if the thought ever crosses your mind that he's too happy about being trapped so far from home it's quickly dismissed.
they're a link, noble, courageous; chosen by Hylia herself. you've got to be imagining things. He couldn't can’t be like that.
it's hard not to cave at his face, so you simply end up ruffling his hair and plucking the box from eager hands.
"no don't worry I'm not, it's your hair so you get the final say on anything about it. just kinda surprised you chose this colour is all. ready then?"
Wild's mood instantly brightened at those few words, with a relieved manic, unhinged smile bright enough to blind anyone not used to him but keeping the same begging eyes through it.
"yeah! Of course I am, you're going to be doing it all for me right? right?"
"Well, you know how to use the shower, so you can wash the dye off yourself, no? But I’ll be helping you with the rest of it all."
He doesn’t even speak that time, opting to pout and turn away from you sulkily, like you’ve said the wrong thing, chosen the wrong option.
"Do you want me to even wash your hair for you after?"
"...please [name]?"
If you didn’t assume it was because you were the only thing they had familiar to them in this world, you could say that Wild has gotten far more whiny and needy towards you. Of course that can still be said, but there’s a sane reason behind it. 
With a playful sigh, you push Wild down onto a chair, gesturing for them to take off their shirt which they do after a moment of hesitation, their face coated by a blazingly hot blush. After tossing an old towel around their shoulders and tugging on the cheap plastic gloves you could finally start getting to work. Using the bottle of dye’s nozzle to pipe it through their roots making sure every area is coated before running the dye through with your fingers coaxing it through every inch of his hair, drowning the sun by submerging it in the deep blue of the sea. 
Wild for his part was relishing every moment in the bliss of your touch, leaning up into your touch like it’ll cure his every hurt, really it’s a miracle they’re still on the chair and haven’t fallen off with how far they’re leaning into you. Having to gently nudge him back to sitting upright, so that the dye’s even and so that he doesn’t slump to the floor. 
Before he gets the chance to really enjoy the feeling of your fingers in his hair, you're already backing off and peeling away the gloves to admire your work blatantly ignoring his pitiful whine towards your actions.
"That’s the dye in then, so you’ve just gotta wait for a while till it's ready to wash out, won't take long, only half an hour"
they don't even have the dignity to respond to that, sitting there with a sulky pout that goes unnoticed. it takes them a moment for him to shake off the fact that you couldn't just sit there like that for half an hour, before responding.
"So you’re definitely washing my hair for me then?"
"Pfft, yeah someone’s gotta make sure you don’t trash my bathroom with dye. I’ll rinse it off for you in the sink."
"Can you play with my hair longer this time..?"
He would’ve never had the courage to ask that in front of the chain, lest the arguing starts up again. Although now he’d be far more willing to risk that; due to the fact that the two of you’ve been living separately from the chain together for a couple of months now, it’d be far harder to split you apart to the others’ dismay.
The processing went far faster than either of you could’ve expected and soon enough it was time to wash his hair out and see if the dye took to it well, not that there was much of a chance it couldn’t given his natural colour. 
So after leading them to the bathroom and setting them on a chair shifted so they could lean over the sink, you took to work, gently tipping water through their hair to get out all the residue. When the heavy was washed out you switched to massaging his roots till the water ran clear, not a single dash of dye left in sight. Even then you weren’t quite finished deciding to go the extra step, with the conditioner in hand and him melting underneath you.
Shaking him back awake was a new experience though seeing as he’s usually one of the first to wake anyway, then if he were ever to nap it wouldn’t be due to you washing his hair or anyone washing their hair. 
"Hey, link all the dye's washed out now. You've just gotta dry your hair."
"Mh, alright then [name]. I’ll do it."
He’s still drowsier than you’d ever really seen him when you all were travelling through Hyrule but chucking a towel at his head seemed to snap him out of it. Ruffling his hair with the old towel till it was dry enough for him, in other words still dripping wet; he leaned against you with a pleased smile like you hung the very stars in the sky just for him."I love this, it just feels right, thank you so much for helping me like this [name]... And I can count on you doing it whenever I need a top up right?"
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so uh, I definitely reacted totally normal when I found out you could dye Link's hair in totk. but on the other hand look at Link with blue hair and tell me I'm wrong - that he doesn't look incredible
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idylliclament · 3 months
The Course of Love: Professor D./Reader (Resident Lover) [Snippet]
When one misstep from Cassandra leads to her opting out of the school play to you preforming as the lover for the world of theatre, you find yourself dressed beside Professor Dimitrescu, awaiting the curtains to reveal the light. OR: You are Romeo. She is Juliet—and your professor.
You know all too well that Cassandra, daughter of the Professor Dimitrescu and star of Mother Miranda All Girls' University, can be quite the—
"Yea, noise? Then I'll be brief. O happy dagger!" Juliet's finger curls over the pommel, releasing the weapon from the deceased Romeo's belt; the first for a fair girl. "This is thy sheath;" She lifts the dagger and points the blade to her chest, thrusting in with the carry of a sharp gasp. "there rust, and let me die." She mutters her final words to the audience, dramatically so for the effect, before joining the body that lays beside her. The death marks the end of a young love that how so appealing, would so too be pronounced guilty on six charges (With one manslaughter.) of murder.
Woe, Juliet, by a miracle come true, walks the day once more and converses with Romeo on stage, rolling up his sleeve to write her phone number on.
—clutter, one you cannot pinpoint a singular word to ascribe to it.
Cassandra, the actress posing as Juliet, sheepishly winks at the director before bringing herself up, dusting off her dress as the backstage crew steps in, beginning to re-arrange the equipment for a restart of the scene.
"The rest is silence, as Hamlet said. I advise the same to you all." Cassandra declares elegantly, holding up a hand in honour.
She stretches her arms out, standing tall for her upcoming soliloquy, that of which is but a ramble. She has always been one to become her character in act.
"We all know he's the best Shakespearean hero to take advice from." Estera reacts scornfully, mocking Cassandra, who discards her response nonetheless.
"Well, the play should have ended here, the perfect moment. People come to watch Romeo and Juliet for Romeo and Juliet. I bet you no one buying our tickets knows any of the other characters' names or even the plot itself." Cassandra raises fair points, receiving differing answers to her words, with a 'Don't steal my thunder after stealing the whole show.' from Prince Escalus and two 'The final lines have meaning even if they're not said by you, attention whore.' from Lord Montague and Lord Capulet, respectively. 
With a quick turn of her heel, Cassandra shifts to face your classmates and instead, shamelessly so, falls behind and into the Capulet tomb, pushing it against Romeo, injuring the actress (You wonder how the poor thing could deserve such luck?).
'A minor sprain', they said, would not mean a new rehearsal nor a hundred so students aligned politely at 8 in the morning with playbooks and mugs in hand, determined to prove themselves a candidate, a suitor even, fit to be the new Juliet's new Romeo. 
Most shocking of all, you had not pictured a goddess ascending down on a rainy Monday of exam week to throw a dice and gamble her chance for a role—Oh, wait, now, that hat does seem most familiar...
"Professor Dimitrescu? What are you doing here?!" A wave of students exclaim at the sight of Cassandra's own mother, here to replace her daughter as the tale's heroine; a dispute between family, to be called the classical soap opera trope you were but swoon over with as a teenager. 'O, traitorous villainy!' shouts the audience, yet in your love would this woman be cherished.
Suddenly, Romeo seems a fate for you to play.
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Ignore the low-quality edit. It has become a ritual for me.
The full work will be posted later on ao3. When? Great question...
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eroticcannibal · 2 months
So who actually supports home education?
Idiots whose only experience of alternative forms of education is reddit posts made by survivors of the worst cases and cult documentaries may think its all "the guvment gonna take my guns and microchip me" types but what is the reality?
There of course will always be an amount of weirdoes, but these are not representative.
A huge proportion of those who home educate do it because of an understanding of child development and education methods. Unfortunately how schools educate does not match up with the science on how kids learn best. Many know this from experience as a large amount of home educaters are *teachers*. When you know better, you do better, and home education allows you to follow the science.
A significant amount have to withdraw their children from school due to the schools failing. This is not ideological, this is survival. Neurodivergent kids, kids with complex medical needs, and increasingly in the past few years, kids with or who's family members have immune disorders. A child cannot learn if their needs are not being met. Schools often resist meeting these needs for ideological or financial reasons, and LAs can be uncooperative for financial reasons.
Due to either dissatisfaction with schools generally on ideological grounds or as a result of rising high control environments in schools, parents may opt out due to beliefs. Some of these may be more right wing beliefs, but a lot, especially more recently, are due to more leftist beliefs. Many, even those of centrist and right wing beliefs, have always taken issue with the role of schools, be it a vague "they don't care about my kid, they only care about creating a worker" or actually naming the problem (capitalism). Schools will always reflect the government, which is a concern for many as a government becomes more facist. Many kids right now are being pulled due to the increasing anti-trans sentiment, either out of fear of what their child will learn or simply because their child is trans and not safe.
Curriculum can also be a reason people prefer home ed. A school curriculum must somewhat support all students, as well as the social and ideological goals of the government. A home ed curriculum caters entirely to the child.
Minority groups may often end up in home education due to other ingredients and lack of access. Travelling families may prefer to educate their children themselves rather than deal with changing schools. There are also many cases where attempts to address social issues due to perceived or actual extremism in religious communities further pushes these religious families away from the wider community.
Many people truly believe in the value of community, and see schools as robbing their children of the chance to truly be a part of their communities. Real world learning is incredibly popular and quite obviously not isolationist in nature.
Some lifestyles simply do not support schooling. Families who move a lot for work, children working in creative fields etc
And there are schools refusers. All kids deserve an education, even those who won't go to school. Kids are being driven to drug use and suicide by school environments. They are being bullied, physically assaulted and sexually abused. Parents in these situations just want their children to be safe.
The reasons people home educate are numerous and complex, and usually very good. The bad ones are not many. They just make better stories, so you hear about them more.
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worriedvision · 2 years
Fun while it lasted - Al Haitham
This is part 1! Gender neutral reader here as well, Tighnari content woo that's unexpected! Al Haitham only really shows at the end because that's what he deserves from part 1
You sometimes saw Al Haitham with his friends, happily chatting as if they didn't feel a shred of remorse for the thing they did to you. There he was, eating his lunch and nodding along to what one of the chatty friends said, and you had heard of him being seen on a date with a very attractive woman. You turn away and leave before you make a fool of yourself, deciding you couldn't bear the possibility of them pointing and laughing at you for being the idiot that thought they had a chance with the one and only Al Haitham. Heading off to the Library, you opt to have a bigger dinner once you get home.
You had to distract yourself from your pathetic loneliness somehow, and diving right into your studies would probably do that.
Turns out that was wrong. You pick up a textbook, starting to jot down notes, only to be reminded of the time Al Haitham had caressed your forearm as he read out a paragraph you were struggling to understand. Hoping you weren't making it obvious to other people your heart got messed with, you keep writing, only to have your notes looking worse and worse by the letter.
Hearing someone pull up a chair, you mentally prepare yourself for it to be one of Al Haithams shitty friends. You sigh out of relief when you see it's Tighnari, who offers a soft smile and nod before pulling out his botany books. You look down at your notes, only to realise your notes were either useless or unintelligible. Turning to the next page, you keep trying to take notes, only to keep thinking about the short haired man that broke your heart for a bet.
"Wanna talk?" Tighnari whispers. When you nod, he nods in acknowledgement. "After I've completed my studies for the day, let's get lunch." He continues to whisper. Thankfully, nobody was near enough to get annoyed by said whispers.
"But I'm not-"
Your stomach interrupts your initial protest against getting lunch, and you smile sheepishly as Tighnari gives you a smug look.
Tighnari gets you to pretend you're reading the textbooks instead of taking notes from them while he studied, and before you knew it, you heard his books close. Getting up at the same time, you both walk out together, the people nearby pointing at the two of you and clearly whispering to each other.
Tighnari takes you to a quiet spot that only a few people knew of, and he motions for you to talk.
"You look like you're struggling." Tighnari starts. "Has something personal happened?"
You look at Tighnari, and you feel like you can trust him. You know he isn't one to engage in many social meetings, nor was he friends with any of the people that would be gossip spreaders.
"I...I fell for someone." You begin. "Only to find out it was all for a bet."
Tighnari watches as you take a breath. "I just feel like I can't look at anything without thinking about them."
Tighnari nods in understanding.
"Is that why your notes looked so bad?" Tighnari teases lightly, only to gasp out when you cry. "Oh, no no no! I didn't mean to insult your writing!" He softly reassures you, placing his hands on your shoulders.
"I can't study without thinking about that person." You pour out. "I'm going to fall back on my studies, and then I'll get kicked out, and then I'll disappoint the people back at home, and then-"
"No you won't." Tighnari reassures you. "I'll help you find a way to get past this, I'm sure of it." He smiles, you return the gesture.
The next few months, Tighnari works with you in his spare time, and he's started to fill the spot Al Haitham once had. He doesn't brush his hands over you, as that would be a bit romantic for study pals, but he does read to you when your brain feels muffed. His soothing voice, oddly enough, helps you more than his usual method of you reading it out and him quizzing you. He does, however, flirt with you, and he receives your flirting well.
"So, what's your plans after this?" Tighnari asks you one day.
"I don't really know. I feel like I can't keep up with people around me." You hum out in thought.
"Join us forest rangers." Tighnari suggests, a bright hopeful smile on his face. You can't help but nod - something about being a forest ranger sounded very nice, more than just Tighnari.
After you find out you've managed to score the best you've scored yet a month later, you run to Tighnari, a big grin on your face. You confess your love openly, not seeing anyone other than you and Tighnari, and Tighnari reciprocates the feelings. You can't help but laugh, pulling him in for a hug.
You fail to see Al Haitham, making uncomfortable eye contact with Tighnari before walking away. Tighnari never learned who he was, and he didn't care to.
This was the man that broke you, he wasn't about to open that wound up by asking you who that was.
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all-pacas · 10 days
Your AU about The Dictator is pretty cool. However, I noticed that you kept Cameron uninvolved with the murder,unlike many other people's AU's. Can you explain more about your readings of Cameron's and Chase's characters? She's the one who came across as more morally ruthless between the two,so a potentially different point of view made me interested.
I was trying to stick as closely to the canon events as possible, which means that Chase has to kill the dude and Cameron has to dump his ass for it.
But, I disagree with the premise that Cameron is more morally ruthless. Quite the opposite.
She has incredibly exacting morals, and her main character conflict in most of the seasons tends to be that she struggles with shades of gray and with not pushing her standards onto other people. She believes everyone ought to be Good and Pure and Fair. The woman who needs a new liver shouldn't get one from her soon-to-be-ex. Euthanasia is always wrong, because it's taking other lives in your hands. If you love someone, you should never leave them or abandon them. Foreman has no right to write a paper about the same case she did. She gets pretty mean and passive-aggressive when she thinks she's right, but she never actually takes action. She doesn't tell the liver donor girlfriend "hey, your girlfriend is going to dump you," she tries to guilt the partner into doing it herself.
She's not usually shown to be right when she draws these lines, mind you. Her inflexibility is shown to hurt more often than it helps, or at best to make no difference. The dying lady gets a liver anyway. Couples divorce. Not everyone is a good person who deserves protection. In fact, three times on the show Cameron is instead called out for not taking action or making a stand, for being passive-aggressive:
In the S2 euthanasia episode. She tries to opt out entirely, refusing to treat the patient and refusing to help him die. House gets very frustrated, and when she eventually starts treating the patient again (passive-aggressively and rudely), the patient himself congratulates her for "taking a stand" -- the implication that it's better to do something then whine and complain and sit on your ass.
When Chase wants to propose. Cameron panics, and instead of talking to Chase about it, she avoids him and pushes him to break up with her. House calls her out on just that: she didn't want to take action and "be the bad guy" and dump him, she wanted to be the victim and guilt-free. This leads Cameron to apologize to Chase, and to them getting engaged for real.
In The Dictator itself! Cameron spends half the episode being passive-aggressive, talking loudly about how Dibala should die, how Chase should have allowed the assassin to take him out, even trying to undermine Dibala with his lieutenant. Dibala himself calls Cameron out: if she wants him dead so badly, take action, don't just act superior and sit on your ass. Cameron considers it, and realizes she isn't capable of just killing him. She then drops her "he should die!" act and does her best to treat him, because she realizes she can't just… go around yelling about how someone should do something if it's not something she herself is willing to do.
Cameron has exacting moral standards that she doesn't always live up to. She struggles with these standards: both holding herself to them, and holding others to those same impossible standards. But when she's pushed into a corner, she's often forced to learn that the world has more shades of gray and that she is the one who has to compromise. But with Dibala, she has a chance and finds she can't take it. She doesn't want to kill him, even though he is evil, because killing is just a line she can't cross. (The episode also repeats the idea, several times: can you kill someone and not be changed forever by it? Can you kill someone and be okay after? Chase thinks not, and Chase proves you can't.)
I also disagree that Chase isn't morally ruthless. Or. Well. Maybe not ruthless. But he's always been very clearly morally flexible, from the start. He's the one shrugging about euthanasia — "every doctor I've worked for does it," he's fine with assisting House in the process, while Foreman and Cameron are horrified.
He shows it in other ways, too. There's one very funny line where he tells House his plan won't work because "Cameron and Foreman are too ethical, and I'm too worried about being sued." In the S1 finale, House wants to stab Mark Warner with drugs to set off a potentially deadly attack. Cameron and Foreman jump between them. Chase hesitates, sighs, and only reluctantly joins their wall. Chase is super morally flexible. He's pragmatic. He cares about results.
There's another very funny bit in 2.16, Safe. They need a sperm sample from the patient's teenage boyfriend; the patient's parents don't know the two had sex. Cameron worries that maybe they ought to tell the parents. Chase shrugs: they'll find out when we bill them for the test. Cameron is mildly outraged: he doesn't want to tell them, but he's okay with them finding out like that? Chase, again, shrugs. Pretty much!
He cares about his job and covering his ass. And it isn't that Chase has no morals. He has some clear lines, he does care about patients (especially children). But he's never been overly concerned with "right and wrong" and legalities. It's wrong to let patients needlessly suffer: help them die. It's good to prove Mark Warner is really sick: if House needs to infect him, so be it. Gotta lie to someone to treat them? Sounds good to him!
If anything, The Dictator also shows it. Chase seems to have zero problems with treating the guy. He thinks it's an "interesting" case. The episode even shows him and Dibala bonding: they chat about Britain and Catholicism! They kind of have a rapport! He's actually very concerned about Cameron's repeatedly insisting Dibala needs to die, and I think part of it is because this is pinging up against Chase's Moral Lines ("he's just a patient, why are you like this?") and partially out of concern for Cameron, who is being unusually aggressive. Chase honestly seems to turn against Dibala only after Dibala threatens his wife (a rare moment Chase actually gets angry), and after Dibala confirms to Chase that Cameron was right — he is an evil mass murderer. It took an awful long time, though, for Chase to care enough about Dibala's actions to dislike the dude.
Mind you, I don't think Chase would have killed him if Cameron hadn't accidentally pushed him into it. That takes a level of commitment Chase doesn't usually show. He covers his ass and lives in cheerful apathy most of the time. But it's harder for me to picture Cameron doing it: she was given the chance and couldn't, because she always struggles with putting action to her words. It's very fun to imagine an AU where she does do it, though, although I think it would have broken her far more than it did Chase.
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bchanslvr · 1 year
New Year's Day [hp x gn!reader]
word count — 669
warnings — one kiss, sickly sweet fluff & not proof read.
summary — new year's day with harry.
a/n — yeah i know i'm late but i wanna start the year with my bf <3
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Gosh Harry hated parties. Everyone was always staring, even when they thought they were slick with it, Harry could always see right through it.
He hated the people, the clothing, the intrusive conversations, the spotlight surrounding him, everything about it was stupid and he just wanted to go home.
But no you insisted on going to this New Year's Eve party, and that was the only reason he was here.
He was so goddamn lucky to have found you. An honest, and incredibly beautiful person from the inside out that loves him so much. Even through his flaws and scars.
He didn't know how he scored you but ever since he felt your unconditional love, nothing in the world mattered more than coming home to you dancing around the kitchen listening to a mainstream song as you cooked dinner.
You grounded him. From the distraction of all that outside of your home.
So that's why he willingly put aside every thought to be here with you on the floor tonight.
To be honest you were pretty neutral with parties. You only came tonight as an excuse to wear your most lavish clothes, and because some friends invited you and how could you say no?
And well, it gave you a chance to boast about your husband. Because who wouldn't when God gave him a beautiful face and the body of a prince.
Eventually came late night as people finally started leaving in their bougie cars and or lifts. You got the cue and managed to drag Harry home after 10 whole minutes of people saying goodbye to him.
Once you got home you rid yourself of any jewels and shoes before dashing for the bathroom to change into the comfort of your night clothes.
You wanted to shower but it was almost midnight and you were exhausted, so you opted for a morning shower once you woke up.
You swiftly did your night routine before collapsing onto your shared bed. Harry following a few minutes after.
You pulled the blanket over your bodies, and layed your head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around your waist. His face resting on your soft hair.
He kissed the crown of your head as you drifted off to sleep in his arms. Yet he still layed there, wide awake and staring at the ceiling.
"Love?" He asked softly as you let out a sleepy "mhm".
"I love you so much. I know I don't say it often but I really do. Do you know how lucky I am going into another year with you? The light of my life."
Your sleep faded as you kept listening to his words. Usually you would slap him on the arm telling him to go back to sleep if he woke you in the middle of night, but not this time.
You clang onto every word that left his lips. Soft in the heart as you pulled him closer to you in an embrace.
"Harry. You don't have to say 'I love you' because I know you do in your actions. Every single day I'm grateful to have a person like you to call as my husband. You're so selfless in everything you do. I don't know how I deserve you but God am I glad because I don't think I can let you go after everything that we've been through so far. "
"Y/N..." He whispered as tears pricked his eyes. Never ever in his life did he think he'd find someone so kind and loving like you.
All those nights as a kid as he stared out the window in his dorm wishing for love never went to waste.
He held you impossibly tighter as fireworks went off in the background as New Year's Day came.
You both lay there, lost in a trance of pure love.
"I love you Harry. Always will. I can't wait to spend another year with you." You say, turning around to gently kiss him on the lips.
harry taglist - again i have no one to tag right now except the people i already know like my works because i made a new taglist which is in my navigation so if you'd like to be tagged in future works check it out! anyways @ronsbadidea @ladyvesuvia @heythereangels @hmupotter @toms-diary
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All It Takes Is A Christmas Party (Alexia Putellas x Reader)
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Here is a second fic for you all! I'm sorry it is a little late I was drinking beer lol I hope everyone has the best day today. Merry christmas lovely people
Yesterday you and your team had played your final game before the Christmas break, a champions league game that you had won by a good margin. This meant that you were all going into the annual Christmas get together in a great mood and with high spirits. The only thing that made you slightly less excited about tonight was your major crush on your captain.
Alexia had won you over about 5 minutes into your first meeting, she had introduced herself and tried her very best to speak English to you from that first moment. It didn’t stop their either, for the next few months she’d be the person to teach you as much Spanish as possible as well as being your translator to the best of her abilities. Wherever you were Alexia wasn't far behind and this was a well known fact amongst not only the team but the fanbase too.
What always showed everyone was the fact that there was nothing going on between the two of you, both of you would always deny it whenever it was brought up with the team or the media and that was the truth. What was also the truth was the fact that you were slowly falling for the woman that was so far from your league. She deserved so much more than you and your insecurities that would always be a thorn in anyone side during a relationship and you knew it.
So you had left those feelings as just that and not acted on them, and you weren’t planning on acting on them any time soon either. This fact made going to events like these, the behind every door get together with the team, so hard. There was no need to hide or put your media trained head on, all of you were in a space where you could just be yourself and it wouldn’t matter. The problem for you was that your normal self had the biggest heart eyes for the women they called la Reina and you knew it would show if you let that shield down.
You knew you didn’t really have a choice though, Lucy and Keira had already threatened a break in if you weren’t outside and ready to go at 19:45 sharp. So you that’s how you found yourself in a matching pair of underwear looking at the three outfits you had set out. One was a simple pantsuit and shirt, one a more suit type ensemble and the final one was a casual jeans and shirt. Deciding that you looked the least ugly in the jeans you opted for them and pulled them on.
You weren’t one to wear any make up and you always had your hair up so you pulled it into a bun and left your face natural before getting your watch and bracelet out. Deciding that you needed at least a ring you found one in your wardrobe and checked the time, finding it was only seven you settled on the sofa to watch something while you waited. This was always a perk of not needing to do too much before going out.
When you and your two close friends pulled up at the club the team had hired out, you were already kind of not in the mood to be there. You had got comfy under the blanket back at home and was pretty sure staying there was the better option for your current predicament. You had been told that you were one of the last small groups to arrive and that meant that the chances of Alexia already being there was high. Both girls with you knew about your thoughts and feelings and knew not to mention them otherwise you would get more in your head about it than you already were.
Entering the club you went right to the bar and got some beers for the three of you, at least with a bit of alcohol you could pretend you didn’t have social anxiety that consumed you in groups of people. Juggling the beers back to the table proved to be a harder task than you realised and just as you were about to drop one it was taken from you. You assumed it was one of the girls it was for so you were caught off guard when your eyes met the beautiful browns of the woman you were trying not to fall for even more.
“Who is it for?” It was a simple question with a simple answer but your brain betrayed you in that moment and you couldn’t get it working well enough to answer, not when you took in the beauty of the woman in front of you. Opening and closing your mouth a couple of times you were saved by Lucy reaching for the beer and taking one other out of your hands.
“Took you long enough. Come on Keira needs saving from the youngsters.” Lucy was your saviour and you weren’t 100% sure she even knew it. “You know if you want to hide that crush of yours, staring at her like you would carry her up a mountain is probably not wise.” The older woman laughed at the horror that crossed your face, so she did know she was saving you and she wasn’t afraid to let you know either.
About an hour into the party was when your nerves around the older woman and your feelings really sprang into full force. Alexia had been dancing with a few of the friends allowed to attend tonight and your mind was playing with you.
For so long your teammates had been telling you she fancied you and that if you asked her out there was no doubt that the woman would say yes but this proved it wasn’t true. You knew you weren’t the most attractive person or the funnest to be around so you didn’t really blame her but it doesn’t mean you were torn up over it.
The woman she was dancing with looked so much better than you did in a pantsuit and shirt, maybe that was the outfit you should have worn. But then again she would then just look better than you in the same clothes and that would be worse. She was talking and laughing with Alexia and she looked to be having a great time.
You decided another drink would help so you head over to the bar. What you didn’t notice was the eyes that followed you. Alexia was hoping that the advice Patri and Claudia had given her would work. She had flirted and been around you as much as she could and yet you didn’t seem interested. And the unknown of your feelings was stopping her making any kind of move, she didn’t want to put you in an awkward spot and loose your friendship.
So that’s why she had gone with their plan, a plan of dancing with the pretty women that were invited to the little get together. However she was starting to see it wasn’t working and that wasn’t good for her. So instead of doing what she had been doing and leaving it she decided to was time to put her brace girl pants on and go up to you.
You had just got your beer when your hand was grabbed and you were pulled in a direction before you could protest. You managed to keep your beer from toppling over and you were about to get annoyed at the person until you saw who it was.
“Alexia what the hell. You scared me. Are you okay?” She looked at you but didn’t speak something that made you more uncomfortable. You knew you were sometimes hard to talk to but you didn’t think she’d ever let it get to that point. In fact she’d promised it wouldn’t.
“I’m sorry. Here have this.” You gave her your beer and ran out of the club. You didn’t want to be the person no one wanted anymore, you couldn’t be that. One more love to leave was more than you could handle so you decided to leave yourself. You couldn’t be a screw up if you left, you couldn’t mess it all up and be the disaster you were always told you were if you were not even there.
Alexia stood and watched as you pretty much sprinted away from her, she saw the sadness in your eyes and she didn’t know what to do. She turned around and came face to face with a rather angry English couple.
“What did you do? Alexia really all you needed to do was talk to her, she’s been trying to build up the courage to ask you out for so long but she doesn’t think she’s good enough or deserves you. What did you do?” Alexia felt like an idiot she really did. She thought you weren’t interested in her and she was so worried about her own possible rejection that she didn’t realise she was harming you.
She didn’t reply to the two women, she handed them your discarded beer and ran out after you. Lucy went to follow but Keira stopped her with a hand around her wrist and a shake of her head. “Let her do this. I have faith they have this themselves.” With a nod they made their way back to the rest of the girls partying and left Alexia to hopefully fix this.
Alexia couldn’t see you when she got out of the club, instead of worrying about that she called a taxi and gave them your address. When the taxi pulled up at your appartment Alexia was pleased and relieved to see the lights on in your flat.
After she payed the driver, she made her way into the foyer and to the lift. Pressing your floor she composed herself and tried to think about what she wanted to say to you.
Taking a deep breath and knocking on the door she held that breath while she waited for you to answer. When the door swung open you were not looking but speaking. “Lucy I’m fine I just couldn’t be there anymore…” your words died in your throat when you made eye contact with the woman who was definitely not Lucy.
Alexia smiled at you and couldn’t help but think you were adorable when your cheeks burned red. “Why couldn’t you be there anymore?” Alexia stepped forward and was pleased when you didn’t block her entrance, in fact you stepped to the side and closed the door behind her.
“I couldn’t watch the woman I am falling for dance with someone else anymore. I couldn’t stay and not be the wanted one as always. I couldn’t stop my emotions showing anymore and it’s not fair because you deserve more.” Alexia was slightly shocked at what you were saying but what shocked her the most was your verbal confirmation that you in fact did like her.
She watched as you paced around the small living room of your flat and she realised quite quickly that you must have not known you had said that you liked her. This also confirmed how much of an idiot she was for letting you get so in your head and not putting her big girl pants on and asking you out earlier.
She decided then and there she would do everything in her power for as long as you would have her to make you know how important and wanted you were.
Stepping into your path she placed her hands on your shoulders to stop you. She waited for you to look at her before she spoke. “Y/n I am so sorry I didn’t talk to you. I’m so sorry I didn’t have the guts to be the forward one and I’m so sorry I let you think that you weren’t wanted. You deserve so much more than that and I failed to make you feel the way I wanted to. I failed at stepping up and I am sorry I let you get to the point where you thought you weren’t good enough. You will always be good enough.” Alexia took a second to make sure you were listening and it was okay to carry on. You were looking up at her with a confused expression but you weren’t pushing her away.
Deciding to take the lead a little more she stepped a little more into your space and slid her hands so she was resting her arms around your neck a bit more. She was happy to see the slight blush rising up your cheeks and was even more happy when she felt your arms settle around her waist. It gave her that little bit of encouragement to continue on, to know this was something you wanted.
“I want you. I should have told you that when we started to get closer. I should have been braver and told you that’s where my head and heart wanted us to go and I’m so sorry I didn’t. But I’m telling you now. I want you y/n.”
She waited as you visibly processed what she said and she panicked slightly when tears started to streak down your face. She was about to pull away and apologise when you laughed but your grip on her waist tightened. That was confusing because she didn’t realised your thoughts.
Of course she liked you, of course your stupid insecurities got in your head and caused you to be an idiot. Of course this was how you got the girl. You composed yourself before looking up at the slightly taller woman.
“Firstly you have nothing to be sorry for. Secondly, I have issues. I have thoughts that mess with my head and cause me to struggle in situations. I’m going to panic and probably say things that are odd and confusing. I’m going to think I’ve messed up when you don’t and it’s going to be a challenge being with me. I want you that I can tell you. I’ve wanted you for a while.”
Instead of answering you and telling you words that she knew you already knew she would say, Alexia decided that actions spoke louder than words.
Pulling you flush against her and leaning forward she took note that your eyes fluttered shut in anticipation. That was all the invitation she needed to close her eyes and bridge that tiny last bit of distance to press your lips together.
The kiss started out tentative, small slow movements on lips against one another. It was stepped up when Alexia tugged slightly on the baby hairs at the back of your neck, the slight pressure had you gasping slightly allowing the older woman to deepen the kiss. The two of you stood there for as long as you lungs let you, breaking apart slightly when air was really needed. Although you didn’t go far, you stayed within each others arms sharing small pecks and soaking up the moment before Alexia whispered against your lips.
“Merry Christmas mi amor. Here’s to the first of many.”
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hotheadedheroprimary · 6 months
Celebrate - In More Ways Than One
Another oneshot based on one of my dreams and one that took waaaaay longer to write than I would have liked but here we are I had a lot of fun writing this, so I hope you enjoy!!
(Kirishima x Fem!Reader) ((and slight Bakugo x Reader))
As far as parties go, this one was going to be big. No one could have anticipated it being this lively but that's what happens when you make a lot of friends. In the beginning, anyone would have assumed that your graduation party would be segregated into each class of UA.
Once the rivalry with class 1-B (and grievances with the other courses) had been diminished, there was no doubt that everyone would want to be a part of this together. It has been an arduous journey for you all but you've made it. You all made it. Now, everyone can enjoy the spoils of a well-deserved celebration. A big thanks has to go to Yaoyorozu and her family for lending her homestead for the afterparty. This should have been expected. Who else would have the space for this many people?
Nerves are becoming an undesirable companion for your poor self. The torrent of people is neither a problem nor the concept of mingling - that is all fine. No, the issue lies with you sticking out like a sore thumb. You assumed that there would be at least one other girl who would opt for trousers but they're all either in dresses or skirts. God knows you would have done the same but that sort of style has never been your thing aside from the compulsory uniform. It took trying on a full store's worth of fancy garments to realise that you best just wear what's comfortable. You're rocking a blazer jacket with matching smart trousers, the ensemble especially pops with the bright (f/c), laced camisole finishing the look. It’s a little snug in your opinion but a certain pink-haired friend of yours insisted that it shapes you perfectly. The blazer shall remain fixed on your shoulders, you think. Mina spent all of the previous day boosting your confidence and psyching you up like the queen she is but you can’t shake off those last remnants of worry. You're having a conversation with her when you notice Kirishima out of the corner of your eye and the skip of your heart isn’t something to ignore. Even you couldn't have predicted him looking as dashing as he does in that suit.
Mina leans over and whispers in your ear excitedly, "Now’s your chance! You gotta get over Bakugo, anyways."
Ah, yes. That whole situation. Over the years, you silently admired the explosive student and awkwardly pined for his attention. You had even attempted to make subtle advances on the guy but he just never took the bait. After so many missed shots, you eventually decided that it would be best to reserve your ammo lest you risk depleting your aching heart. It was only a matter of time before you ended up hanging out with his best friend more and, like some sick twisted fate, found yourself falling victim to those wretched butterflies again. If you had any doubts about having a type before, you don't now. Unwavering resolve, irrefutable strength, and a powerful dedication to becoming a hero? It doesn't seem to get much more attractive than that. 
"I dunno, Mina. 'You sure I'm not too... masculine in energy? I know Kirishima admires manly things but..."
Sighing, she just rolls her eyes and pushes you into him before darting off, giggling like a troublesome child. Cheeky bitch. You love the girl and understand that she's trying to help but her methods aren't always appreciated. Before you fall, Kirishima catches you and that jump of your stomach evolves into a stuttered sprinting when you gaze up at him shyly. Part of you wishes you had landed on the ground just to be saved from this embarrassment. Being met with the cold floor has never sounded more inviting. It's hard to tell in the lighting but it looks as though his cheeks are reddening as he's holding you. Dear God, you've made a fool of yourself, haven’t you? Scratch that. There’s only one person to blame in this and she’s run free from the scene like a coward. 
Kirishima eases you back up onto your feet and smiles, albeit a little teasingly. "What happened there, twinkle-toes? 'You okay?"
"Yeah, sorry,” laughing bashfully, you dust yourself off. “I must've just tripped on something."
Your attention darts around to get a clue onto Mina so you can send her a silent scream of aggravation for what she just did. However, it would appear that she has disappeared among the sea of students and you instead catch a glimpse of Bakugo, who has had his attention on you for a while now. When your eyes meet, he's quick to turn away, the expression on his face unreadable. That's happened a handful of times recently and you can't figure out why. Admittedly, you don't spend as much time together as you used to but that doesn't mean you've entirely withdrawn yourself from him. He is still a friend. Even with the unrequited crush in mind, you would never blank him. The last few months have been a different story but hitting the books has been everyone's priority in the lead-up to finals. 
A soft nudge to your side pulls you out of your contemplation and you are greeted with another one of those heart-melting smiles. "Good thing I was here to catch you, huh?"
You resist the urge to look away and giggle, "I guess it was pretty lucky."
Lucky your ass. A certain pink rascal will be paying dearly for this later.
"I love the outfit, by the way."
Thoughts of revenge slip away like a sinking ship and you slowly gawk down at yourself. It’s a lovely apparel, even you won’t deny that, but it hardly feels worth complimenting when one considers the array of frilly fabrics flaunting around your person. The flattering remark is meant in earnest and you try to keep that in mind, especially with him. He always means what he says, anyone knows that. As stated before: insecurity is an undesirable companion that lingers at your side, practically sewn to your hip. If only you could cut the tie and be rid of it. All you want to do is enjoy your graduation. Is that too much to ask?
You harbour enough strength to look back up sheepishly. "Really?"
"Of course!” His eyes widen with a confused smile. He can’t believe you wouldn’t think the same. “It really suits you!"
"Thanks." You manage to push past your nerves at least a little and grin. "Wanted to make sure I could dance, you know? S'not easy to bust out the full calibre of my moves in a skirt and heels." Oh yeah. You opted for flat shoes just so you wouldn’t risk stumbling over yourself like some schmuck. 
The two of you share a fond laugh and he holds a hand to the back of his neck. An unspoken tension writhes between you both when his gaze drops to the floor. Confidence is a fickle thing, fleeting away as fast as it had been regained. Those nerves prickle against your shoulders once more and you fear you may have sullied your image with the poor attempt at a joke. Taking compliments isn't exactly a strength of yours, so you're quick to deflect with silly responses.
"Well, seeing as you mentioned it, do you... wanna dance? I mean, I'm not very good but..."
Maybe you didn't come across as lame as you had initially thought. Luckily, at his time of asking, a particularly catchy tune is playing; one with a beat you are sure you can get into if you really want to. Might as well. Already making your way to the appointed dance floor, you gesture for him to follow. 
"Come on, then."
It takes a while but eventually, the two of you are dancing with no shame. At one point, you even slip off your blazer and unceremoniously throw it into the crowd, earning many cheers and calls of excitement from your peers. Any doubts about the mildly flashy top beneath your jacket have quickly faded, getting lost in the wildness of your beaming soul along with the music. There's that crazy energy he's fallen in love with. Watching you light up with such conviction is a sight that he relishes any time he is lucky enough to witness it. Whether it’s on the battlefield, during training sessions, or you passionately speaking about something you love, he lives for it. Amidst his fawning, everything around him blurs and soon vanishes. All of his focus is on you and how you manage to effortlessly succumb to having a good time. He tries his best to keep up but he would much rather admire you. Were it possible, he’d watch you for hours on end. The shine of your smile, the gleaming sparkle your eyes hold, how your hair bops side to side with every movement - the guy is unequivocally transfixed and hypnotised by the allure of your enjoyment.
Gradually, the fast pace siezes with a slow song and, unable to look at Kirishima, your eyes wander. Oh, this fucking girl. You can see Mina standing by the speaker, holding her thumbs up at you with a grin that would be contagious were you not writhing in loathing. She must think she's the hottest wing-woman on the block with these unwelcomed antics. Perhaps it’s high time you surrender to her shenanigans and let bygones be bygones. Besides, you can hardly pay much attention to her with your current circumstances. It’s time to face your fears and face the man beside you. When you turn to meet him, equally wondering how he feels about the situation, his hand is already outstretched towards you. As curious as you are, you won’t question how long he’s been waiting for you. Best not to test his patience either. It’s time to get your head in the game. Don’t mess this up.
No pressure. 
With a steadying breath, you oblige and take the offer, fingers gently landing in his palm. His clasp shut around yours and he takes a step forward. Given how resolute his bravery typically is, this moment would be considered comedic were you not just as terrified yourself. Now is the perfect opportunity for Mina to run in and push the two of you into each other. Thankfully, such a dreaded imagining of events doesn’t appear to come to fruition. Although, it’s as if she’s working some strange voodoo magic because you step closer and place a hand on his shoulder. This sudden daring threatens to recoil in fear of coming across brash but Kirishima’s hand on your hip stops that from happening. Those bright, red eyes shimmer with a determination you’ve only ever seen during your sparring sessions. The two of you share a shy smile before you allow yourself to rest your head on his chest. Content, you hum into the fabric of his tux, only hoping that the music is loud enough to drown it out.
Whilst swaying gently side to side in each other’s embrace, your pupils flick around, gazing over the beautiful twirls of elegant cloth that surround you. They’re gorgeous. Every one of them might as well be a princess suspended in iridescent clouding whilst you weep into the muddy ground like a peasant. With how glorious this longed-for moment is, you scold yourself for getting distracted by the heavy tug in your chest. Pulling away only slightly, your shoulders slump against the crux of your fragility. 
Kirishima is unfortunately very good at picking up on these things. "Something on your mind?"
"Huh? Oh. Yeah… it’s just..." You contemplate throwing out some last-ditch excuse but decide against it and sigh. "It's gonna sound stupid but it just feels like this moment would look better if I was wearing a beautiful dress like all the other girls," laughing sadly, your gaze drops to your feet. "It'd probably be nicer for you, too."
A gentle pressure hugs your cheek and the warm hand guides your attention back to him. Eyes wide with worry, his brows turn up and his face is brought forward, foreheads almost touching. These actions alone draw out whatever breath you have left in your lungs and, with that soft stare of his, you forget how to breathe completely.
"You crazy or somethin'? I don't care about any of that. Sure, I bet you'd look amazing in a dress but this is you. It's about what you're comfortable in and I love that you can do that." The concern in his expression subsides, being replaced with a sheepish grin. "Besides, I reckon you're the most beautiful girl in this room."
The evidence is undeniable and, yet, your mind makes haste in excusing it for his kind nature. He’s likely just saying all of this to calm your anxiety. That isn’t Kirishima’s style but why else would he feed you such lovely words like this? Nagging, your inner voice piles lie upon lie to keep you from believing what’s right in front of you. You shake your head and prep your own voice for defiance but nothing comes out. By now, his forehead is pressed firm into yours and you pray that he can’t feel the flush of your suddenly fevered skin.
“Please, believe me,” he whispers and it’s as if the music aids his words, uplifting like a crescendo despite how quiet they are. “You’re stunning. Even if you don’t think it, I… I always have. I do.” His mouth clamps shut for a moment whilst he collects himself, negotiating his options, and then he speaks again, “You really are beautiful and I don’t know how else to say…”
He trails off with the piano’s cadence and this entire time you are starstruck. The raw emotion is palpable even in its softness. Kirishima edges ever closer to you, that shimmering grit blazing his crimson eyes like before. He’s usually strong with his words, having bellowed many motivational speeches for the benefit of his comrades but, at his core, he is a man of action. Hesitant breaths exchange with one another, blowing into one betwixt the little space between your lips. Your temptation to feel them pressed on yours urges you forward and is the clear sign that coerces him into making the jump. Violins sing, percussions crash, and then all fades into a multi-colour visage as you melt into each other. 
He took it. 
He took his chance and is soaring on cloud nine. 
In reality, the dream was much, much shorter but I just couldn't stop writing once I started. So many ideas kept coming to me. Speaking of...
Bakugo's eyes have been on you and his friend like a hawk for quite some time now. He's taken note of the awkward glances, your touch on Kirishma's shoulder when he makes you laugh, the way he smiles bashfully at you. This is hardly anything new. The two of you have been like this for the last couple of months now and it's almost enough to make him sick. Hell, you're even slow dancing with one another. 
"They're like a couple of love-sick puppies," he huffs to himself and leans back against the wall. "It's obvious they like each other. Just say something already."
"That's a little rich coming from you."
Of all the people to come and bug him, why did it have to be that dunceface? He's become more tolerable over the years but there's still a pinch of irritation whenever he has something dimwitted to say. The smug demeanour of Kaminari is almost enough to coax out a bark but, instead, there's a short moment of silence. 
Bakugo's glare narrows more so than before. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Come on! You mean to tell me you didn't know?" When that blazing scowl deepens, he continues, "Dude! (Y/n) had the biggest crush on you for, like, the first two years of U.A. I'm surprised our ever-observant Kacchan didn't pick up on it."
Kaminari is quick to make an escape when a threatening hand rises towards him. What does that sorry excuse for a spark plug know? He falls for any woman stupid enough to say hello to him. Bakugo's clenched fist slowly drops to his side and he goes back to watching you and the redhead. There's no way you had a crush on him. He would have noticed.
He would have acted on it. 
The majority of Class 1-A are good at picking up on when a fellow classmate is bewitched and hopelessly smitten: Midoriya and Uraraka are prime examples. It took those two idiots way too long to finally nip it in the bud and admit their feelings for one another. On the other hand, figuring out if Bakugo has ever become prey to such romantic infatuations remains a mystery to his peers. Eventually, everyone came to the assumption that he was too targeted on his goal of becoming the greatest hero to get distracted by such things. 
That couldn't be further from the truth. 
It started as a high level of respect, shifted into trust, maybe even adoration for a while, and then a strange sensation of euphoria when he'd see you. The whole "realising crush" period didn't hit him until you spent less time together. It dawned on him that he missed your company. How does that mushy saying go? Distance makes the heart grow fonder? Ah, whatever. Bad feelings weren't harboured. He had just put it down to you wanting to knuckle down for the third and final year of school. Then, about halfway through the year, you got closer to his friend. Kirishima has had it bad for you for a while now and it looked as though you'd fallen hard for him as well. A sharp disdain manifested when this turn of events materialised. Had you acted towards Bakugo the way you have been with Kirishima these last two months, he would have made no hesitation in asking you out. 
He's about to put it out of his mind, deciding it's not worth the trouble at this point, but those cogs start turning against his will. You did always put in the effort to make sure he was included, more than anyone else. Not to mention, your fingers used to fiddle with your hair a lot whenever you two hung out. Then there's taking into account the times he caught you and Mina whispering amongst each other, your face growing red when you'd catch his eye. A tightness burdens his chest as the memories start flooding. All of those little instances: the way you'd glance at him in moments of silence, how you'd always ask to be his study partner, the way your voice rose in pitch when he'd enter the room - it all comes crashing down on him like an ocean wave laced with shards of glass. How did he not see this sooner? Was he so insecure about his feelings not being reciprocated that he just subconsciously ignored you? At the very moment of realisation, his eyes re-focus, land on your figure once more and... you and Kirishima are kissing - a beautiful tragedy that burns a hole in his heart. Any opportunity he had of asking you out is long gone and out the window now. 
He lost it.
He lost his chance and is seething in a fiery inferno.
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meowunmeow · 1 month
Undead Unluck Chapter 207 Spoilers!!
I can feel the end getting nearer and I don't think I can handle it.
Ichico being a cutie at the back awww
Feng flying away before Fuuko can find her character development moment
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"Apo" say Apoccy like a real man you coward.
Negators are those who negate rules so it's no surprise that they can be a reference to those who figure out that social constructs are, in the end, constructs. They don't exist in the first place. The only limiter there is you - your physical body - or you - your social identity.
Might make a post if I feel silly
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who's that secret fourth recruit you cheeky bastard. (probably Andy but probably a secret fifth option)
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This is the updated version of that one panel from the beginning of Loop 101 I love parallels
I love Tozuka-sensei's dedication to always put Andy on the sun. It's like his little reminder for us. "Hey, remember Undead? Yknow, the first guy in the title? Yeah. He's right there. Just burning. That's right."
oh look it's Tella time to restart the clock :))
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Why is Feng still there is Kokuto'un that slow or what
I love you skrunkly ichico. You are so beautiful and precious to me. You may have a sexy rack and staggering sex appeal but you are also a creachur to me.
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Girlie hasn't sleep in years and forgot what dreaming is she's so stupid
Wait is that Leonardo da Vinci oml is this a reference to the popular rumour that he refuses to sleep at night and instead opting for power naps throughout the day
Would be hilarious if Nikola Tesla was there because he's Nico's namesake + he's a scientist+ he got an equally weird sleep cycle
I think influential scientists in general have bad sleeping habits
"matching married couple" and that smile and the leaning on his head they're so cute they're so married couple they're so ughhhhh *explodes and dies*
They have matching open shirts and matching eyebags and matching abilities that are a burden but it only makes them become innovative and work around it therefore improving them as people and they
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Wow till death do us part the real version
Eheheh the recreation of Chapter 137 with Fuuko yelling instead, IchiNico being closer instead of further and Feng leaving instead of arriving
And also Feng getting pissed that a chance to fight someone stronger is handed to him on a silver platter rather than becoming ecstatic over it
Feng being submerged in Kokuto'un each time he uses it is so cute I gotta get him pregnant
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Next update is in 2 weeks... Have a well deserved break, Tozuka-sensei and assistants!!
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