#and the third one under the cut (i think that one was for 1 month)
honeydots · 9 months
Xanlow Midwinter Promo Art!
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im posting all my promo art without the words/graphics from xanlow midwinter! the rest will be under the cut~
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cattjull · 2 months
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Summary: Abby doesn't want something serious. You won't let her fuck you and give you nothing in exchange, will you?
CW: Just a little smut under the cut (mdni or just skip the italics part), r! is afab, dacryphilia if you squint, strap use (r! receiving), r! is kind of a manipulator.
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Her dick slipped in and out of you relentlessly as you chanted her name, tears falling from your eyes from how good it felt.
"You like this?" She asked in your ear. The knot building in your stomach felt heavy, like a tub of ice cream. Her voice was sweet as caramel. Her panting was the cherry on top.
"Y-yeeahh." You managed to mutter out, your voice high-pitched. "M' gonna..."
"Come on, give it to me, baby." She commanded, and you instantly came. You were incredibly wet that night, so wet that you squirted all over Abby's strap, screaming louder than ever.
After some minutes you spent going to the bathroom, taking a pee, putting on some of Abby's T-shirts with no panties and washing your face, you came back to her bed where she waited for you, in short pajamas. You climbed onto her like a koala, wrapping your arms around her neck and your legs around one of hers. Some minutes passed while she just caressed your hair and you kissed her neck until you pulled back a little to look at her in the eye.
"Abby, will we be something?"
"Listen, I know you want this to be serious." She affirmed cautiously. You hadn't knew her for too long, so trying to guess what would she say next was practically impossible.
One way or another, you were afraid of what she would say next. Maybe she didn't like you? You didn't want her to go after spending a whole month with her and staying at her place at least twice a week.
"But I don't think I can handle it. I'm too busy with work, and you know that." She excused herself, the guilt in her almost palpable as each word felt like a punch to your gut.
"So you just wanted to use me and throw me away like a broken toy?" Tears welled up in your eyes, blurring your vision as you blinked rapidly.
"No, no, no, baby, listen." She seemed to instantly regret her choice of words and sat up too.
"Listen what? I don't want you to fuck me when you're free." You yelled at her, cracking your voice in purpose at the end of your sentence.
"We can have something casual if you want. But right now I'm really busy to-" The tears kept coming out of your eyes.
"No, I don't want to." Your voice came out of your mouth more high-pitched than usual and, honestly, it sounded like this was the worst day of your life.
"What if I pay you?"
"What?" You weren't sure you heard it well. This was kind of your goal, but you didn't expect her to offer it so easily. Plus, you wanted a rich girlfriend, not to be pampered like a whore.
"I'll pay you. Like a sugar baby. I won't be using you, I'll be giving you something in exchange." You acted like you had just started considering her offer.
"How much are we talking about?" You asked, still not convinced.
"Four thousands a month plus dates and gifts." Fine, this could work.
"You think that's enough for me after literally breaking my heart?" You asked coldly. You didn't feel exactly great using her this way, but you needed the money, didn't you? And, she in fact broke your heart
"Six thousands." You sighed and furrowed your eyebrows, pretending to be mad at her even if you were enchanted with the idea, and laid down next to her with crossed arms, facing the ceiling.
"I have some rules."
"Tell me."
"First, you can't be with someone else or I'll rip my eyes out of my head and kill myself in your front door step."
"Did you need to be that extreme?" She asked with a disbelief smirk.
"It's just so you remember it well." You smiled. "Second, you have to pretend you're my girlfriend in front of everyone. Everyone. And act like my girlfriend."
"I can do that."
"And third, don't treat me like a slut because I'm not one."
"I have the feeling you've done this lots of times before." She said with suspicion.
"Third rule." You reminded her in a warning tone.
"I didn't mean it in that way."
"Sure." You rolled your eyes and turned your back to her. She pulled you close to her, wrapping her big arms around your waist and forcing you to be the little spoon. "Hey!" You giggled.
"You shouldn't stay mad at me. It doesn't suit you."
"Fine, fine." You let yourself smile for once, wiping your tears.
"We'll go shopping tomorrow, okay?"
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Taglist: @elliessgfsstuff @giuliaexe66 @playboygirlsnextdoor00 @justhereforthosefics
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cumikering · 7 months
Neighbour Ghost x reader 2
2.1k | fluff You had many dinners with Simon (part 1) (part 3)
Simon Riley white-knuckled the vegetable peeler against the poor carrot in his other hand like it owed him money.
He’d knocked on your door that morning with the full intention of being helpful, but it was painfully difficult to hide the fact that he was beyond clueless as he stood there at the counter. He even dressed for the occasion, wearing a loose black shirt to not dirty his sleeves. It was his first time seeing you in something other than a hoodie, and he caught your momentary gaze on his tattooed arm.
Sure, he kept telling himself each time he came up with an excuse to have you over was for his mum’s company. It made him happy to see the smile on her face as she chatted with you, your laughter filling his otherwise quiet flat. But was it really for her company now, when it was just the two of you as he embarrassed himself?
Regretting what he thought was a brilliant idea, he glanced at you, absolutely horrified of being a hold up and ruining lunch.
You didn’t even look up from the pot you were stirring. “You know, I really don’t like doing the dishes. Would you like to help with that instead?”
A small sigh of relief escaped him as he dropped everything on the cutting board, thankful you spared the sliver of dignity he had left. He did most of the cleaning while he watched you. You said you weren’t the best cook, but your movements were serene, easy. You didn’t look like you were going to chop your fingers off, and to him, that made you far above decent.
Evidently, Melanie complimented the meal generously while Simon simply asked for a third helping. He beat you to the dishes after that, not allowing you to lift a finger after all the cooking you did.
At your door, you turned to him. “In case I don’t see you again before you ship out-“
“You will. I leave Thursday morning.”
“Can I have your number?”
You handed him your phone and Simon Riley called himself from it.
“I’ll see you around, Simon.” You smiled at him.
Again, he only left when you’d closed your door. When he entered his flat, his mum looked up from wiping down the dining table.
She sighed softly. “How long am staying, Si? It’s been over two weeks now.”
“As long as you want, mum. I’d rather you here.” He walked over to her. “At least I know you’ll be safe.”
“What’s going to happen to your dad?”
“You wouldn’t let me bash his face in, and he’s not my dad. Not sure he ever was,” he said gravely. “I can’t tell you what to do, but I just need to know you’re safe. That’s all I’m asking.”
She turned away, the discomfort evident in her eyes. Simon knew the look to well.
“You need to leave him, mum,” he said under his breath.
“I think I’m going to stay a few more weeks, two months tops,” she finally said. “Until things settle. I’ll look for a job meanwhile.”
“You really don’t have to.”
“I want to feel useful, Si,” she reassured. “You’ve been too kind to me.”
“Never enough.”
When's the latest you can have dinner before it's not called dinner anymore? Simon texted you Monday afternoon.
Is this the premise to a joke?
He tilted his head. On second thought, it did sound like one of his dad jokes.
No, was a genuine question actually.
9, maybe. Why?
I'll be home before 7:30. Would it be okay to wait for me for dinner until then?
Who's cooking?
Takeout chef down the street. You pick who the lucky bloke is
You smiled as he stood at your door with takeout in hand. The way you looked at him made him question his clean shaven look that day. Did he look too much like an adolescent with no scruff?
Simon didn’t like making conversation, let alone with someone as sunny as you, but he was surprised to find that he wanted to put himself in a social situation with you. Still, he wasn’t used to it. He tried saying more, he really did, but the most he managed to tell was that he was an apprentice butcher back in Manchester before he enlisted, and that he was a currently a lieutenant in the SAS.
After dinner, you sat facing each other on your small couch sipping on tea, knees almost touching each other’s.
At this point, he noticed you didn’t look away as much as you did the previous instances. Either you’d got used to his unyielding stare or his attempt to appear less scary succeeded. You didn’t ask further about his job, and he hoped it was because you thought it was mostly confidential, not because you were afraid of him. That was alright though, you were far more interesting than his work anyway. He enjoyed watching the way you lit up talking about your interests.
Perhaps it was patronising how he wondered why you could be so much like sunshine in this bleak world, walking around like no one was going to break your heart. He found your generosity reckless, even foolish. Guilt pricked his heart for having these unsavoury thoughts, yet he was still utterly and shamelessly fascinated by your smile.
Despite him not wanting to leave, he excused himself for the night before it was remotely late.
“The day at the base starts early, yeah?”
He gave you a small smile. “Same time tomorrow?”
You nodded.
“Good night, luv.”
On his way to the lift, he knocked on the door of his own flat. His mum answered, clutching her cardigan close to her chest.
“Oh, Simon. I wasn’t expecting you.” She stepped aside. “Are you staying the night? I’ll get the bed-”
“No, ’m just dropping by.” He closed the door behind him.
“Did you need something? Have you had dinner yet?”
“I did, yeah.”
A knowing smile tugged on her lips. “Was it with someone I know?”
“Wanted to say good night and make sure everything’s alright.” A blush might have crept up his neck as he stepped in for a one-armed hug.
But the next night, Simon dropped by again before going back to base.
“Why are you here every day now?” Melanie looked at her son with a teasing smile. “I’m not complaining, but I thought you said you were too busy to come home.”
“Can I not want to see my own mum?”
“Sure, Si.” She gave him a playful side eye. “Let me see what ingredient I’m missing, in case you want to run to the shops.”
He groaned. “I’m shipping out Thursday. Wanted to take you somewhere nice for dinner tomorrow. Get yourself an outfit. Use my card.”
“How nice!” She beamed. “Is she coming with?”
He looked away. “I didn’t invite her.”
“Would you like to?” When he gave her an unsure look, she reassured, “I don’t mind at all. She’s sweet and I’m happy you’re meeting new people.”
Of course it didn’t take any convincing for him to invite you to his favourite steakhouse in the city. In fact, he very much looked forward to having another excuse to see you, especially dressed up. Not like you didn’t look nice, but thinking of taking you out made him giddy. He suddenly didn’t dread the med evals, trainings and briefings he usually detested before each deployment.
When he arrived at base, your reply waited.
Thank you so much for the invite. The place sounds lovely, but I don’t want to intrude. Have a nice evening you both!
His shoulders sagged. Can I at least see you after dinner?
Mrs. Riley beamed when Simon picked her up with a rose in hand. He didn’t remember ever seeing her so dressed up, and he was glad to have given her the opportunity to. She gushed over the delicious dinner, the wine and how polite the waiters were that it brought a bittersweet smile to his lips.
He could tell how much the evening meant to her, and it broke his heart that no one had cared for her that much in a very long time. He held her hand as they walked back to his flat.
“You be safe, Simon. I’ll be waiting for you,” she hugged him tight at the door as her voice wavered, her eyes brimming with tears.
He gave her a squeeze, feeling the emotions rubbing off on him. “Will do, mum. I’ll be home as soon as I can,” he said into her hair.
She gave him a kiss on the cheek before he headed to your flat.
Simon didn’t recall feeling this heavy upon shipping out in recent memory, but as you answered the door in your loose shirt and shorts, his arms ached to wrap around you. Instead, he shoved his hands in his trousers pockets.
“Would you like to come in?”
“I can’t,” he said. Because if I did, I wouldn’t want to leave.
You looked away, seemingly a little embarrassed by his rejection.
“May I ask why you didn’t want to come earlier?”
You stepped out into the corridor, closing the door behind you. “I feel your mum would appreciate it more if it’s just the two of you, that’s all.”
“Maybe next time with you then?” he asked hopefully. “Just us?”
You nodded and a smile blossomed on his lips in return. You both lingered a few more seconds in silence.
“I’m wishing you and your unit the very best on your mission. Please take care out there.” You cast your gaze down.
He caught the wobble in your voice and the sincerity was the push he needed. You barely had time to react to him stepping in for a hug. His arms encircled your frame loosely, but tightened as soon as yours wrapped around his waist. He curled over you, inhaling your scent as your breath tickled his neck.
The lack of distance only highlighted how much he towered over you. He was sure you could feel his racing heart under his turtleneck, but he didn’t care. He just wanted to hold you.
“Let me know when you’re back,” you said when he pulled away.
Simon very much looked forward to your texts whenever he had time to himself. While he asked you about your days, he unfortunately couldn’t say much about his. Instead, he sent you photos of the sunrise, or the shit cup of tea he was having. In return, you sent photos of the Hereford sunset and your meals. He said the kind of food he ate would ruin your appetite.
You told him his mum got a job at that bakery you loved – you knew the owner. On some days if her schedule allowed, you could walk back home with her. Simon thanked you for keeping her company, knowing how much she must have appreciated it.
The two weeks seemed to roll by a litter faster than usual. You were the first to know as soon as he was scheduled to fly back. He said he’d probably get home a late, but would love to see you if you had the time.
At his first knock, rapid footsteps came from behind your door which you swung open with a grin on your face. “You’re back!”
“May I come in?”
You made way for him, and when the door closed behind you, he stepped in, arms lifted a little. With a chuckle, you closed the gap, squeezing him tight.
“Are you available for dinner tomorrow?”
You pulled away. “No, going out with friends.”
“Oh,” he muttered. “Sunday then?”
“That’ll do.” You smiled, walking backwards to the kitchen. “Come, I’ll make us a cuppa. Co-worker gave me some oolong tea.”
His eyes softened. “Sorry, can’t stay long, luv. I’m going back to base.”
“But tomorrow is Saturday. I thought you stay home on weekends.”
“Yeah, but it’s too late now. I don’t want to bother my mum.”
You gestured at the couch with a chuckle. “I’d offer you this, but it’s way too small for you.”
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to bother his mum - he wouldn’t. He could get in and out the place without a sound, nor was your couch a problem. He could sleep on the floor and it would still be better than some of the places he’d had the pleasure to sleep in.
He wasn’t ready yet, especially not when he just got back, with his mind still reeling 1000 miles an hour.
“That’s okay. I can head back.”
Your brow rose at him. He understood how silly it was now, driving all the way to you at this hour to not even stay 15 minutes. It was embarrassing, if he was honest, how much he was transfixed on seeing you that he didn’t even think of the logistics of the visit.
“Sorry, I’m not a late sleeper. I’m dead tired and always sleep like a log the first night back.” His eyes flicked to your lips as he swallowed. “I’ll pick you up Sunday?”
You smiled. “Where are we going?”
“The same place. I think you’re going to like it.”
@tiredmetalenthusiast @shadofireshinobi @keegansshark @two-gh0sts @rowanyaboats @mangoguy @fruitymoonbeams-blog @ghostslittlegf @luvecarson @sparrowgalaxy @insert-weird-name @nocturnalreader106
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lunajay33 · 5 months
Lost Part.2
Summary: Carl Grimes was your best friend since birth, when he died the world turns grey, he was your partner in crime so you shut yourself off from the world, no one could get through, until one day you’re wondering Alexandria seeing Negan in his cell, maybe he could be the one to break you out of this hell
Pairing: Negan Smith x f!reader
Content: Age gap, Depressing themes, Consoling, Spicy themes later on, breeding kink, character development
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After Michonne caught me having a moment with Negan, she told Daryl and now they’re ripping me a new one, I’ve never felt like I disappointed anyone more but I can’t help how I feel towards Negan, I don’t get to chose how I feel
Daryl and Michonne are pacing back and forth in the living room in front of me as I’m sat on the couch waiting for their outburst
“Damn kid what the hell were ya thinking? Ya know what he’s done” Daryl groaned
“I’m going to chalk this up to you trying to distract yourself from Carls death but…..”
“DON’T!” I cut Michonne off feeling that rage
“Don’t talk about him, and don’t tell me how to feel, you don’t understand how I feel, Negan does….he’s helping me, I don’t feel extremely depressed when I talk to him, I thought I’d get better eventually but it’s been 2 months, hell Maggie got herself together quicker than this after Glenn, I don’t know what’s wrong with me” I feel my bottom lip wobble again hating the disappointed look
“Why can’t you let us help? Daryl’s tried, do you want Maggie to come back maybe she could talk some sense into you, see the reason why she doesn’t have Glenn anymore” Michonne huffed before she stomped out the house slamming the door
“I don’t like ya talking to him but…….i can’t watch ya go through this anymore, if yer just talking to him and it helps do it, just be careful sunshine” Daryl said more gently as he rubs my back
“Thanks D, I’m just gonna go to my room” I say defeated but at least Daryl was sort of on board, thankfully Michonne never brought up what she caught me and Negan doing, if so Daryl would’ve probably marched down to his cell and beat him black and blue
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It’s been a week since everything happened, the first day after I got up to go see him and right as I got to his cell Michonne dragged me back to the house, she wasn’t as keen as Daryl was, I tried again the next day and the same thing happened, see even got Rick involved so now I’m basically under house arrest, by the third day I could feel that darkness seep back in, I continued to stay in my room, Daryl would occasionally bring me food and water just like now
“Hey kid, ya hungry?” He asks as he sits on the edge of my bed with a sandwich and glass of water
I nod feeling too tired to even speak, this was way out of character for Michonne, sure she could be a hard ass but this…..this was too much
“They still won’t let ya leave?” My silence answered his question hearing him sigh
“It’s happening again isn’t it?”
“Yeah, Negan was helping for a bit, I can’t think of anything else except Carl when I’m locked up in here” I say looking at the letter that I have placed on the night stand, he followed my gaze taking it and reading it
“Ya can’t keep reminding yourself of this over and over”
“I….i didn’t even get to say goodbye”
“Would seeing his grave help?”
I didn’t even know he had a grave, no one even told me but maybe seeing it and talking could help resolve something that’s been missing
“I know this might be a long shot but could I take Negan? Would you be able to convince Rick just for the day to let him out?”
He watched me for a bit with that look I can never decipher what he’s thinking
“I’ll try but I ain’t promising nothing, now come on I’ll walk ya to the cell”
I ate my sandwich on the walk to Negan and of course when we got there Michonne and Rick tried to stop me
“I’m telling ya Rick let her go, ya haven’t seen what I seen, she needs this” as they are arguing I slip past them down to Negans cell
“Hey” I call catching his attention
“Long time no see darlin”
“I’m sorry, if you can hear them you’ll know they’ve been keeping me under house arrest, I tried to come see you but…”
“I know, I heard everytime Michonne tried to stop you, I missed our talks though, I can see you have too”
“I’ve been thinking about our conversation last time, it’s partially been keeping me sane all locked up”
“Can’t say it hasn’t crossed my mind baby, but you know I’d never use you right, I ain’t sick like that”
“I know, you’re different now hell I’m different now, I just wish you weren’t in this cell I’m working on it”
“What do you mean?”
“Daryl said I could go to Carls grave, I didn’t even know he had one until today, I asked if I could take you out for the day since I don’t feel judged with you, obviously only if you wanted, he said he’s gonna try to work something out”
“Oh sweetheart, you got a good heart but are you sure you want me out with you?”
“You don’t have to”
“No I want to, I wanna be there for you”
Just being here for a few moments have lifted that weight off my chest
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Later that night everyone went to bed early and they left my door unlocked so I sneak out as quietly as possible, quickly making my way down the block to Negans cell and he was still wide awake, I unlock his cell and sit next to him his arms immediately wrapping around me
I sigh in relief to be able to touch him again, to feel his warmth, he moved me around so I’m partially laid against his chest and lap as he sat back against the brick wall playing with my fingers
“Have you tried anything since our conversation last week?” He asks breaking the silence my body feeling on fire instantly
“I still don’t know how”
“Want me to show you baby?” I look up at him feeling my legs tingle
“You’d do that?”
“I’d love it, you need to unwind, forget about your problems for a moment”
“Please, please help me forget” I whine feeling his hand rub up and down my thigh
“My pleasure” he smirks as he plays with the hem of my pants before pushing his hand fully down basically grasping my pussy
“Look at that baby girl, already wet and I’ve barely done anything” I can feel my face redden
“This is so embarrassing” I mumble hearing him laugh
“Nah baby, this is hot as hell, you’re being such a good girl” his praise eased me
His fingers circled my clit making me jolt it felt so foreign, everytime I’ve tried it’s felt like nothing but his strong hands touching me was so much more than I could imagine
“Oh god” I whine as he gets faster pushing me closer to the edge
“You like that angel? Do I make you feel good?” He teased as he grips my hair with his other hand
“Yes Negan! Oh it’s too much fuck” I gasp when he moves his hand down and enters a finger then another stretching me a bit with his big long fingers
“You okay darling?” He asks as he continues to finger me at a slow pace, doing a come here motion hitting a spot I’ve never felt before
“Woah, that feels…….oh god that feels different”
“Different good?” He goes a bit faster making me see stars as my head slumps against his chest
“So good, why does it feel better when you do it” I whine
“Cause I know how to please ya, this tight pussy just need a good man to clear your head, fix all your worries”
Something was building low in my stomach, it felt so weird but good but also like I was gonna lose control
“Negan wait I’m gonna…” but he kept going
“No baby it’s alright I’ve got you, let it go” his thumb came up to rub my clit again and I instantly let go feeling his hand wrap around my mouth as I let out a intense scream my sight going white, my pants felt soak as I came back down to earth laying limp in his arms
“Fuck baby, that was hot as fuck, you’re dripping” I sat up realizing what just happened, I look at him as he sucks his fingers clean making me hot all over again
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I told you something was happening now I made a mess and my pants are full of piss, I have to go” I turn to leave completely embarrased when I feel his arms wrap around me from behind
“Oh baby, you’re so damn cute, that’s normal and it’s so damn sexy, you just came all over my fingers and let me tell you, you taste like heaven” he whispers in my ear as I turn in his arms
“Are you sure this is normal…….it did feel really good couldn’t see for a second” he smirks gripping my hips
“If you think that was good baby, wait till I give you this dick, you’ll be begging for more after”
“Can we now?” I beg as I push him back on the bed straddling his hips
“As much as I’d love to destroy this pussy, I ain’t taking your virginity in some grimy cell where everyone can see and hear us”
“Okay, but what about you I can feel how hard you are, I can help” I say grinding down on him moaning as I feel his bulge rub against my sensitive clit
“Not tonight, tonight was about you”
“Well if I can’t help…..can I atleast see it?” I ask biting my finger aching to see his dick
“You ever see one before?” He asks laughing
“No please I wanna see it” I pull on his belt slowly undoing it waiting for him to stop me but he never does, unbuttoning his pants, we both stand so I can pull his pants down to his thighs, playing with the hem of his boxers
“Go ahead darling, he ain’t going to bite” he says gripping my hair, I pull them down seeing it smack against his stomach and my knees felt like jelly again, it was so big and thick it was mouth watering
“You like what you see”
“Can I touch it” I look up at him seeing his eyes were blown with lust
“Go ahead baby” I run my finger up the bottom till I reach the tip and circle it my finger wet with liquid, I bring it up and lick it and it tastes so good I want more hearing him groan as I do it
“Fuck you know what you just did?”
I shake my head I feel so clueless with all this
“God you’re going to be the death of me” I push him back down on the bed again and kneel between his legs
“Please I want more let me lick it”
“God how can I say no to that”
I lean down flicking my long over the tip tasting him again but I need more, I’ve heard others talk about blow jobs and this must be it, I take him in my mouth circling my tongue around hearing him hiss I look up but her looks like he’s enjoying it as he runs his hands through my hair
I take more of him in my mouth till he hits the back of my throat but I keep going till my nose is flush to his stomach moaning when I finally fit him in
“Jesus Christ baby” his moans drive me insane, I move my head up and down as his groans get more and more louder till I feel a warm liquid fill my mouth it’s surprises me, I lean back on my legs looking up at him with a mouth full of his cum, I swallow it feeling like ecstasy
“Was that your first time cause god damn woman I ain’t ever had my dick sucked like that”
“I want more, god Negan I could get addicted to this” he lets out a low laugh as he tucks his dick back in his boxers
“Oh baby what have I unleashed”
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Taglist: @lanadelnegan @lvrgirl6999 @aubiewabie33 @mordilwen-of-mirkwood @sweetbutpsychobutsweet @sadgenderfluidmaniac @aleemendoza2425-blog @donniedarkosblog @itsmytimetoodream @twisteduniverse5 @heidiland05 @negandevotee
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shawnxstyles · 1 year
Omg! Panty stealer pt2 is sooooo gooood! Cocky and dom Peter absolutely blew my mind! Your writing is awesome!
Pleeeeease tell me that it will be third part to fulfill the panty trilogy! As humble suggestion maybe reader find out that Pete is SpiderMan and he will finally get head from her while he is in his spidey costume? Or maybe more than just blowjob?Hehehe Am I very bad and naughty that I'm typing this to you? 🥵🤤
Anyways love ya darling! You're smashing it!
in the suit
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words: 3k
warnings: smut; (m- receiving [oral], dirty talk), language, and fluff of course. barely edited.
note: panty!peter blurb #1 coming up :D also, this is the way i believe y/n would have found out about spider-man, but i have another request for the same thing so i’ll probably do an alternative version!
you couldn’t stop thinking about it. how?
how does peter manage to get into your room every night? okay, not every night, but most nights.
most nights, peter magically and mysteriously sneaks his way up into your forbidden bedroom with ease. sometimes, you even wait and watch outside your window to try to get a peak at what he’s doing. but you never see him.
he’s just so slick. how does he do it?
you and peter have been together for over a month now, if you’re counting the day he broke in. the feeling isn’t necessarily new in your heart. you feel like you’ve known him your whole life. like he’s always just… been there.
through this month of stability yet craziness, you haven’t gone back to the frat house since the halloween party. you thought that after you guys got together you would stay there more often, but peter doesn’t want you to be ‘attacked’ by the guys. meaning, he doesn’t want them to ask a million questions when you guys are supposed to be private. you thought his excuse was dumb, but he was also just being a bit protective.
in reality, peter just didn’t know how to get you into the frat house without anyone seeing you. you both had agreed that your relationship was going to be kept private, very private. people could spread rumors and assume you two were together, but you weren’t going to show each other off. you guys liked it this way, it made your relationship more special because it was just for you two.
peter had a sixth sense, sticky fingers, and webs. it was pretty easy for him to crawl up into your room especially because you didn’t have security cameras (maybe you guys should get some at some point though…). you would constantly ask him how he does it since you live on the second floor and it was high up. but peter responds by not responding and instead laughs and kisses you. god, he was too good at distracting you.
but tonight, you were determined to find out.
peter had already texted you earlier and said he wouldn’t be able to stop by tonight because of overbearing homework. you completely understood, and sent him a good luck and goodnight to me then message. but truly, you were sneaking out and heading towards the frat.
you put on your sneakers and a hoodie, pulling the strings tightly around your head. the early december weather was no joke in massachusetts, and your thermal leggings were barely helping to keep you warm. as quietly as possible, you leave through the back door, making sure not to alert anyone or anything. not like you have a system to alert though.
you cut through some of the hedges until you’re in the front yard and the frat is staring at you from across the street. taking a deep, chilly breath, you cross the road with your frozen fingers tucked in your pocket.
all the lights in the top rooms were off, except one. you’re not totally sure which one is peter’s, but what other frat guy would stay up until 11 p.m. working on homework?
maybe ned, but he sleeps downstairs.
you walk until you’re under the window, the yellowish light taunting you. there was no latter, vine, rope, or magic hair to get you into the bedroom. the houses were built very similarly, and you know he doesn’t bring a latter with him.
so how does he do it?
you take a glance at your surroundings. the biggest difference of your houses was that the guys’ didn’t have large garden hedges. they just had a shit ton of messy bushes that they should probably trim once in a while.
having no ideas, you try to jump towards the window. great, that’s totally going to help you. maybe you’ll get some super jump that can spring you up and inside.
you feel stupid. yeah, peter may be the smartest person on campus and going to mit on a full academic scholarship, but how does he sneak into your room? with geometry? you didn’t think so.
what if… he’s hiding something from you?
that would explain why he’s so weird about it. letting the impulsive decisions take you over, you throw a rock at his window. hopefully, you’ll get his attention and he’ll come down, so you can see how he does it. or he’ll just go through the front door… whatever he does, you need to ask him this question right now. or else you’ll never be able to sleep again.
when throwing the rock gets tedious and noisy, you quit. just as you’re about to drop to the ground in annoyance, you hear a distant whipping sound. you hold your breath as if the person whipping will hear you.
fuck. it wasn’t a good idea for you to go out at night.
suddenly feeling anxious and scared, you slowly creep towards the sorority house. you don’t get too far before you see a body flinging through the air. the whipping noise gets closer and closer to you with every web on the streetlights. what the…
there’s only one person that could possibly be doing the impossible.
but what was he doing in your little neighborhood? this was one of the safest places in the area, so he didn’t need to check up here. there were so many more places in massachusetts that needed saving. feeling beyond curious, your feet scatter to hide you behind one of the untrimmed bushes.
you watch through crowded leaves as spider-man swings through the neighborhood, getting towards you. it’s like he can sense you and he’s coming for you. your heart thumps wildly in your chest, nervous about seeing him. you’ve never seen him before, and at least not in person. he was popular on the newspaper and television screens, but never on the street. unless you lived within the city.
with one long and final thwip, spider-man flings himself towards the frat house.
what. the…
you place your hand over your mouth, just in case your breathing is too loud. you intensely watch as the spider crawls up the white wall and towards the only lit window in the whole house.
no. fucking. way.
before you could fully register what you were seeing, you felt the gasp leave your mouth. you slap both of your hands on your face to shut yourself up. you nearly fall back on your heels as spider-man halts his movements. he scans his surroundings before jumping down the wall entirely.
your eyes are wide and your hands of shaking. you’ve never felt your heart beat so unbelievably fast, but you’ve also never been more afraid. what does he do to people that find out? what is going to happen to your relationship?
the body of blue and red stocks closer to the bushes with careful steps. you try to scoot away, but your back hits the fence. the wood creaks, your actions not quiet enough. his footsteps pick up speed as they rush to the bushes with determination.
spider-man jumps over the plant with grace, hoping to see a wild animal of some sort. but when he sees his girl with the most shocked and terrified expression in the world, he immediately falls to his knees.
“y/n,” he calmly says, slowly inching to you. he doesn’t hesitate to comfort you as peter. you don’t move, you just listen. “it’s okay. i promise.”
now that he sensed you, peter could hear your heartbeat overbearingly in his ears. he could hear your muffled breaths under your palm, and he just wanted to soothe your fear.
“baby,” he wanted to cuddle your body until you stopped shaking. you weren’t crying, you were just in shock. peter takes a quick glance at his surroundings before yanking off his mask and kneeling, so you could see his face reflecting off the moonlight. “it’s just me.”
“i…” you whispered as your hands fell from your face. peter doesn’t hesitate to grab them gently with his gloved ones. “…knew it.”
“you knew i was spider-man?”
“well… for like five seconds,” you flusteredly laugh while trying to recover. you still haven’t gotten used to this. well it’s only been a minute. “i knew you were hiding something.”
“what are you doing out this late anyway?” he stares straight up at the moon as it shines vehemently over you both.
“uh… well,” you start, “i was kind of curious as to how you always snuck into my bedroom without a latter or something, so i went to see? i don’t really know what i was looking for.”
peter chuckles. “but you found your answer, yeah?”
“yeah, i did,” you smile with sweetness as peter helps you up from the grass floor.
“it’s different breaking into your room rather than mine,” you say as you sit on the edge of peter’s bed. you watch as he tosses his mask inside of a box labeled books. “so that’s what was in the box. not dirty magazines.”
“surprise?” peter laughs and you giggle at his shyness. his cheeks and nose were red from the cold, but also from the slight blush that crossed them. you made him feel all warm and tingly inside, and even a little gooey.
his hand reaches for the button on his chest. it deflates, instantly becoming huge around him.
“wait,” you stop him before he undresses himself. he looks towards you. “can i just… look at you for a moment? in the suit?”
a small smirk creeps up his face. peter clicks the button again and his suit encloses on his body, outlining his muscles perfectly. every ridge and curve of him was being shown off by the spandex. you felt a spark of lust fire inside of you at the sight.
“like me in my suit, baby?” he teased as he trudged over to you. you stood up from the bed to meet his buff chest. you nodded with a bite of your lip.
he nearly growls before attaching your lips. it’s barely been a day since he’s last kissed you, but that’s too long for him. his gloved hand grips your jaw to deepen the kiss while your hands explore his messy hair.
the heat between you was undeniable. you were getting worked up over peter in his suit, and that’s something you never thought was possible. because you didn’t think peter being spider-man was possible.
is there a spider-man kink?
you take your shirt off after breaking the kiss, but resume it in no time. as he pushes you onto the bed, you stop him, having a new idea in mind.
“peter,” you sigh, spandex body hovering over yours.
“you okay?”
“yeah, yes. i just…” you swallowed, “can i…”
you didn’t really get your question out. you just slithered your body off the bed until your knees were digging into his carpet. peter’s eyebrows shoot up as he stares down at your figure, submissive below him.
“fuck. you want to touch my cock?” peter was already growing hard at the idea of fucking you in his suit. he found it hot that you found his suit hot. everything seemed to be a turn on right now. but now you were on your fucking knees like an angel and damn near begging to touch him?
how could he say no?
“go ahead then, sweet girl,” peter allows, but you stay still.
“how do i take it off—?”
he unzips a zipper that you swear wasn’t there before. you barely take him fully out before you’re drooling at the sight. he was big and thick, and you don’t think you’d ever get used to looking at and feeling him.
your thumb drags over his weepy tip and he winces at your freezing touch.
“sorry!” you exclaimed with a funky smile. he forcefully laughs while you spit warmth into your hand.
“it’s okay, baby.”
your delicate hand wraps around him as you shift up and down. he sighs into the air, eyes fluttering back. your other hand scratches his thighs lightly. then, you fondle his balls until he’s groaning above you.
“fuck, darling,” he moans as his rough hand rests on your head. with his grip on you, you feel inclined to put your mouth on him. you’re barely an inch away, so what are you waiting for?
your lips pucker as you kiss his veiny shaft. you see from the top of your eyes how his face floods with pleasure, and your ego rises.
“if you look at me like that again, i’m going to explode, baby,” peter husks with his fingers laced in your hair for support.
with a hummed chuckle, you finally place your mouth on him. you suck on his leaky tip as a deep groan elicits from him. his noises always give you a bunch of reassurance, so you hum against him in satisfaction.
“takin’ me so well,” peter forces himself to stay still and let you do all the work. although, his hips just want to break free and ram into the back of your throat until you lose your voice. for another time… “love when you’re on your knees for me.”
you vibrated a moan against his cock as you took him deeper, a little more than half way. you were never the best at giving head because you couldn’t go that far down without gagging atrociously, but after peter showed you a better technique, for breathing and comfort, he thought you were a professional.
“you like being on your knees for me? or for spider-man?”
a groggy moan rippled around his cock from your filled throat, confirming his suspicions. you were definitely turned of the idea of peter as spider-man, and because of that, he was too. every time you were horny, peter was too.
you released your hands from him and braced them on his thighs. you focused and remembered the small notes he’s given you before. you take a long breath before sinking his cock deep in the back of your mouth. your thumb stabs your palm to eliminate your gag reflex, and it works. your nose nudges the base of his cock and you can see up close how his abs contract tightly.
“fuck! doing so good for me. going to make me come, sweet girl.”
hearing this, you bob and twist your head with a goal. your tongue swirls exploring around each ridge like it’s never tasted the plain before. peter was delicious; he was sweet with a pinch of saltiness that made you a fan of giving head. you would get on your knees any day for him.
his cock twitches in your mouth, warning you that he’s coming. you feel his hips buck into you as he strongly yanks your hair. you groan as he lets himself go.
“where do you want it? on your face? chest? or are you going to swallow it like a good girl?”
even when his dick twitches again, you don’t make an effort to move. you lick the underside of him, which sends peter over the edge.
a string of hushed groans fall from his pink lips as his muscles clench. ropes of his orgasm spurts down your throat, and you swallow every drop like a champ. well, almost all. parts of his come drip from the corner of your lip as he slowly pulls out of you.
the second he exits you, your jaw is instantly sore and achy, but it was worth it. to see the flustered and breathless peter above you was worthless everytime. peter was nearly disoriented by how fucking incredible your mouth was. how you were.
he tucks himself back into his suit as you remain on the floor. he leans down and helps you up, your knees popping in the process.
“how was it this time?” you croaked, voice cracking horrendously. peter tries not to laugh as he wipes away the nearly dried sperm on your face. you open your mouth without a thought, and he sticks his thumb in your mouth for you to lick it clean.
“it was good. fucking amazing. impeccable. exceeded expectations. outstanding performance—”
“okay, okay i get it. you’re a nerd!” you brokenedly laugh as you shove his chest. you got a sudden wave of chills because you were starting to get a bit cold. your body was still running hot because you were still, well, turned on.
“nerds are awesome, okay? they know everything.”
“like what? impress me,” you challenge as you throw your leg on top of his lap and get yourself seated. he smirks, feeling his cock chuff up a bit already. you were beyond soaked in your panties, and you just couldn’t wait for peter to destroy you.
peter knows you didn’t actually want him to say anything nerdy, so he made it a bit sexual. as always.
“they know how to… kiss.”
“you’re probably the one nerd that knows how to kiss.”
“okay, fine. i know how to kiss,” his hand cups your face as it leans closer towards his. he places a soft, longing kiss on your swollen lips before pulling away way too fast for your liking. “i know how to touch you, i know how to rile you up. right? i’m doing it right now. and you’re probably soaking.”
a warmth wave floods through your body at his words.
“i know how to talk to you too. bet these dirty words are going straight to your little clit, huh?”
“peter,” you whimper. he was right. he was beyond right.
his hand trails down your bare stomach and hovers over your clothed cunt. he can feel the heavy heat radiating from you through your leggings, begging for more.
“i can feel you. i can smell you, too. a perk of being spider-man,” he smiles, “guess this nerd is pretty great.”
“peter!” you shook his shoulders in desperation, but he didn’t move. you had a love hate relationship with his teasing. he indeed got you riled up, to the max, until you were begging him to touch you. he just dragged it on and on and on. he loved hearing you beg for it.
“okay, okay, sweet girl,” peter chuckled as his fingers fumbled down the waistline of your leggings. they were thick, so you helped him get them down. “just want to hear you say how awesome nerds are first. how do you think i made these webs?”
“you’re the hottest, super-nerd i’ve ever met in my life. now can you please fuck me?” you begged as your cunt ached.
“aw thanks, baby,” all he did was laugh at your misery with a smirk. “all you had to do was say please.”
note: not my best work, but i hope you enjoyeddd. literally posting this at 1 am :D
taglist: @invisibletrolleyson-jeremy @lnmp89 @crybabyddl @pretty-npeach @marine-mayday @aerangi @justanotherpasserby-blog @tinafuentes @moniffazictress11 @eywaheardyou @alwaysclassyeagle @mrstealuregirl @bisexual-desi @sherlockstrangewolf @madsttx @graywrites20 @bradtomlovesya @princesspannnn @sageisswaggg @purplerose291 @girlbossnancy @lockwood-lover @marzipaanz
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offside-the-lines · 8 months
tell me who i run to (if not you) | anthony beauvillier
"The first sip is joy, the second is gladness, the third is serenity, the fourth is madness, the fifth is ecstasy." - Jack Kerouac
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Summary In July of 2023, Evie looked at a list of cities in North America and rolled a die. Just like that, she packed up her life and moved to Chicago, a fresh start. The 2023-24 NHL season started well for Tito; he did not expect the call on November 28th telling him that he was being traded. To the worst team in the league. And just like that. 10 months after being ripped from his home, he had to pack up and move again. To an unfamiliar city, and to unfamiliar faces. Which is why, when Tito and Evie ran into each other, quite literally, on Christmas morning, they both latched on to a familiar face. Over the next few months, they became close friends. They didn’t talk about the nights shared in Chicago clubs.  They didn’t need to. Because they're just friends.  Right?
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This is a completed fic split into episodes for easier reading. It was written for @bqstqnbruin as part of the Winter Fic Exchange 2k24 hosted by @wyattjohnston.
Episode 1. Blue Christmas (4.9k) Episode 2. I. Winter (4.4k) Episode 3. Pal-entine's Day (4.8k) Episode 4. Four-leaf Clover (5.5k) Episode 5. Evie's Birthday 🌶️ (5.6k) Episode 6. II. Spring (4.8k) Episode 7. Not Goodbye 🌶️🌶️ (5.4k) Episode 8. III. Summer (4.8k) Episode 9. Tito's Birthday (4.2k)
Read it in full (44.5k)
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Under the cut: author's notes, tropes, warnings & disclaimer, fun tidbits, chapter summaries
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Author's Notes: This fic was written for @bqstqnbruin as part of the Winter Fic Exchange 2k24 hosted by @wyattjohnston. It got so out of control long so quickly. I genuinely had so much fun writing this, it's basically my magnum opus; if you look closely, I think you can probably see my soul in there somewhere. I would like to thank @devilssacrament, @wyattjohnston, and @forgottenflowers for being my editors, holding my hand and keeping me sane in this. Also, thanks to @swissboyhisch, and @imperatorrrrr for being a sounding board for ideas . All of your help and support has meant so much to me. You are all just the fucking best, I am sorry this has been my entire personality for the past month, I will probably return to normal soon. Probably...
Tropes: a gut-wrenching mix of angst and fluff with a happy ending, slow burn friends to lover (tbh, idiots to lovers let's be real), alternating POVs
Warnings: alcohol (one instance of alcohol poisoning by side character), mature content bordering on smut (mostly occurring in clubs/public), references to a toxic past relationship. Disclaimer: This series is set in Chicago but does not mention the name of the team based there. Only other Chicago players mentioned by name are: Nick Foligno, Jason Dickinson and Connor Bedard. Other notes: NHL players featured Mat Barzal (a heavily featured supporting character/bestie) and brief mentions of Zach Hyman and Matt Martin. Assume that Tito and Evie are always speaking in French with each other.
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Face claim for Evie (if you want one, but you can imagine whoever you like): Adeline Rudolph
Fun Tidbits: Original Character (she/her) called Genevieve Gignac or Evie (pronounced eh-vee) is the oldest sibling of Tito's juniors teammate and friend Brandon Gignac. Along with their other sibling Wiliam, they grew up in Montreal. Evie had been living in Toronto for six years, before moving to Chicago in the summer before the fic starts. I did way too much research so a lot of the little facts are true. Nicknames: (ma) chouette (shoo-wet): owl (mon) chou/chouchou (shoo): in practice, honey, sugar, baby, sweetheart // by definition, my cabbage or my profiterole/cream puff (depends who you ask) Solours (soul-oars): the Québécois name for the yellow Care Bear with the smiling sun on its belly Solou’ (soul-oo): a diminutive Evie decides to use
Cook, Cook, drink your tea, But save some in the pot for me. We'll watch the tea leaves in our cup When our drink is all sipped up. Happiness or fortune great, What will our future be? -- "Afternoon Tea at Pittock Mansion" by R.Z. Berry
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Episode Synopses:
Blue Christmas Evie and Tito are both starting life anew in Chicago. It's an unfamiliar city with unfamiliar faces. They're both alone on Christmas. Maybe it's fate that brings them together. Jason and Alandra Dickinson are already smelling smoke from this fire.
I. Winter Tito injures his wrist in the first game of 2024, he’s out for 6-8 weeks and then his car breaks down. He thinks maybe he’s cursed. Evie becomes a shoulder to lean on. Barzy gets suspicious.
Pal-entine’s Day Tito returns her kindness by being a shoulder Evie can lean on when she is having a hard time after all-star break. She tells him it’s anxiety about work. He brings her a box of pastries and they cuddle on the couch all day; he doesn’t realize it’s Valentine’s Day. Later, a hook-up goes very wrong.
Four-leaf Clover Tito’s been playing again, and during his first stretch of away games begins to miss home. Well, Evie’s home anyway. When he sees her in the bar, he can’t help but show it. Barzy calls him out on his lies.
Evie’s Birthday Sometimes the music moves you. Sometimes the bass pounding in your chest makes you do things you wouldn’t do. Fuck it, it’s your birthday. That’s what Evie tells herself anyway. There are gifts given, but there are also secrets kept. 
II. Spring Tito tries to tell her— he does— It’s just he needs to find the right time, and something keeps coming up. Evie’s honest with herself. But does that even matter? Mat decides maybe it is his time to intervene.
Not Goodbye Evie realizes that her time is running out. To do what? She doesn’t know. But she has one last night to find out. That is until— Well. It’s too late now. Tito flies home and wonders if that will be the worst mistake of his life.
III. Summer They try to get on with their summers as if nothing is wrong, convincing no one. How long will it take them to realize they can’t keep pretending like everything’s fine? And who will finally take the leap of faith?
Tito’s Birthday Tito receives the best birthday present he has ever gotten: the girl he loves standing at his parent’s front door. It was never destiny or fate; it can only be by choice. And they’ll choose each other every time. Eventually, anyway.
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seuonji · 9 months
night shift ★彡 xu minghao
xu minghao x yn ln
彡when yn’s juniors finds trouble with some fellow college mates, yn goes through mountains just to get them justice, even if it means needing to infiltrate and make friends with the most intimidating clique on campus.
#14 white tee! | # 15 lucky charm! | #16 …!
notes: there’s a writing part under the cut! (1.6k words)
last post before the new years!!! so excited for next year! hope you guys enjoy this one<3 thanks for keeping up, love you!
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soonyoung had driven to your place and you were notified they were there as jun called you. you silently left the house not wanting to be questioned by thing 1 (cheol) and thing 2 (han) questioning your whereabouts.
you eventually got to the venue of the competition. it was dark and the dim lights glimmered over your face.
“minghao’s already here?” you asked as the three of you walked up the stairs. “yeah, he should be in getting ready in the back or something, let’s head to the stage and find a spot!!” soonyoung beamed.
it was a long wait, tons of dancers came out and it was like nothing you’ve experienced before. it was only now you realised you have been too cooped up in your room and taking your role as vice too seriously.
and soon, the man of honour showed up.
“now we have xu minghao, winner of many battles before, let’s give him a round of applause!!” the host cheered out. everyone was loud that even with soonyoungs astronomical voice, it seemed like minghao didn’t notice you guys there.
suddenly jun bent to your ears, “look, minghao’s looking around.”
you turned to him and looked as if you have a question mark above your head.
“he’s checking and wondering if anyone he knows came to see him, of course he’d never admit it but he’s looking,” he softly giggled.
you let out a chuckle, that sounds so minghao. you slowly reverted your attention to the stage and minghao got into his starting positions.
you didn’t expect to be so in awe the next few minutes.
“HAOO!” jun and soonyoung continuously chanted.
as his performance came to an end, he seemed like he could finally hear since he finally faced the direction of where the noise was coming from. the area where you, soonyoung and jun stood. and what a face he made when he saw you.
as he thanked the host and jumped off the stage, he immediately made his way to you guys.
“yn?” he said dumbfounded.
“minghao! you did amazing!!” you rubbed his shoulder and commended him.
he felt his ears get warm and he’d never been so dumbfounded before. usually it was only soonyoung and jun that came to these things, along with mingyu and seokmin but most of the time they were too busy but he was thankful for any efforts they put in.
“who’s at work?” he asked totally puzzled.
“seokmin,” jun sternly said it was a bit scary.
minghao just squinted his eyes, further feeling puzzled but the adrenaline was so high he just wanted to let off some steam.
“uh, let’s get drinks?” minghao blurted out and looked at everyone.
as college students, it would be understandable to drink alcohol. but, with the vice president around, they were all pretty wary. so here you were, huddled around a small table, drinking juice.
“you never told me it was a competition. let alone, you never told me you were performing!” you whined.
“i didn’t think you’d be interested!” he fought back.
“he’ll forever be like that yn, you need to pry things out of him,” soonyoung sighed and his tiredness with minghao showed as he laid his chin on his hand.
minghao quietly hid his face behind his drink but all of a sudden, the rooms lights dimmed a bit more, catching everyone’s attention.
“well now begin the announcement for this months’ dance battle winners!” the host walked on stage and the cheers came in waves.
as always, the tension had to be built and announcements were taking long. as time passed, soonyoung and jun were holding hands and hitting each other as suspension rose.
“in third place, kina!”
your eyes bounced around the room and you happened to catch a glimpse of minghao’s hands in a fist. he was anticipating.
“in second place, jinni!”
oh, there was a chance for minghao to be first place.
the winners were getting on stage and you poked minghao and pointed to he stage, teasing him telling him he’d be next. he slowly leaned closer to you and whispered, “the competition this month was great, i don’t know if i’ll place.”
you punched his shoulder and whispered back, “you deserve it, stand up already.”
he diddled with your hands stopping you from pulling him up and then you whispered again, “if you win it’s because i’m your lucky charm.”
his response to your words was unexpected, you don’t think you’ve ever seen him laugh so loud.
and amidst your banter, the announcer spoke again, “and in first place, minghao!”
your whole group stood up and even the table almost fell making you all laugh.
just before he went on stage he whispered once again to you, “maybe you are my lucky charm.”
and you don’t know what influenced him, perhaps everything that night was going so well but he went in for a hug with you. just a simple hug.
the ride home was like a victory experience. soonyoung and jun sat in the front and soonyoung hung the medal on the rear view mirror as if he won it but it was all in fair game and support to their dear youngest.
“it was really an insane performance,” you patted minghao’s shoulder as swayed as if you were drunk, you were actually just really tired.
“it’s not much,” minghao laughed and stayed humble about the situation.
“no really it was great i think it’s the best ones i’ve seen,” soonyoung popped into the conversation, looking at you both from the rear view mirror.
“well i hope it was worth skipping work today,” minghao joked.
you just realised, you skipped work.
“ah shit i need to tell joshua i’m not at work.”
“you report everything you do to the president?” jun turned around and asked.
you pursed your lips as you realised not everyone knows about your living situation.
“well he’s my roommate and he offered to bring me to and from work,” you explained with a smile.
“ooh you guys are close if you’re roommates,” soonyoung bluntly replied.
“yeah they’re close,” minghao smirked to which yiu gave him a death stare.
and it was as if something clicked in jun’s head as he heard the words come out of minghao’s mouth.
after a long talk about your living situation, the hype and energy died down. soonyoung was focused on driving while aswell singing to every song on the radio. jun was playing some cat game on his phone and you and minghao were continued talking.
“so joshua knows where you are now?” he asked.
“yeah, just told him i’m not going to work today,” you simply explained but in reality havoc was being raised at home.
jeonghan was pinching the bridge of his nose complaining that you shouldn’t be taking your days at work for granted while joshua was trying his best to defend you.
“how’s it going between you two?” he asked in a mildly teasing voice, catching jun’s attention. jun was secretly listening in the front but he almost let his facade slip.
“hm? what do you mean?” you asked back without showing nervousness.
minghao just raised his brows with a smile knowing you knew what he meant.
you laughed lightly and tucked your hair behind your ear, “nothing new.”
minghao pouted his lips and nodded, he never wanted to pry but he was losing things to talk about with you it was the only think he could think of talking about but now he felt bad for bringing up anything.
but he wanted to provide some comfort, he understands the fear of rejection. so while patting your head he whispered, “it’ll be okay.”
you grinned as a response and turned your body to the front, “yeah.”
meanwhile, jun was reporting his live hearings to his fellow mate seokmin and the rest of the car ride was silent but with some chatter here and there.
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eventually you got home and was lucky enough to avoid an argument with jeonghan.
after taking a warm bath and getting the after party smell off of you, you used your phone just before going to bed.
you let out a sigh and smile of acknowledgement of the fun you had that day and then you shut your phone and dug deeper into the space of your bed.
but suddenly, your hand itched to watch the video you filmed of minghao dancing.
you knew minghao was noticeable but with the spotlight on him, he was the only one you could see in this moment. and watching the way his body flowed to the music you saw how he’s powerful but there’s a sense of gentleness in every beat he moves to.
he was just as delicate on stage as he was with you. it reminds you of the way he’s cold when it comes to conversations but he’d never fail to come to your service when you’re in need.
his gaze and his words are sharp like a knife but with every meeting, every game you’ve played and with every shift, your heart grows fonder of mingha—
huh? what are these feelings? joshua’s the one you love.
that same night, minghao watched the replay of his performance and he watched the version you filmed. he actually never felt comfortable watching videos of him performing but he was deeply entertained by all the ‘ooo’s & ‘woah’s that could be heard in the background courtesy of your voice.
there was even an ‘oh shit’ at the end of the video by the end of it because the camera was barely pointed at him. you couldn’t focus on taking a proper video because you were that amazed.
and just before he turned the lamp on his bedside table off, he saw the medal he won today reflecting off the light.
he’s won a lot of medals in his life but today in his mind, he mentally thought, ‘thank you, lucky charm.’
lights off.
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funfact: minghao thought he saw you in the crowd but he was mildly convinced he was hallucinating. he didn’t quite understand why you’d be there but he didn’t mind that yiu were.
taglist: @weird-bookworm @kissesfrmwonwoo @haecien @amxlia-stars @addyanm @anemoiant @kokoiinuts @leewonkyeom @silver-liner @zzenkha @buffhoshi @woozixo @porridgesblog @ilovehimyourhonour @koala-wonderland @bangantokchy @limbomoon @som1ig @imprettyweird @hyelium @sikuthealien @isabellah29 @itsokaytobedumb00 @pineartease @stayhereitscoldoutside @luchiet @ckline35 @akunoeyebrows @minhui896 @to-mi-yo @userjunhuii @90s-belladonna @wondering-out-loud @soobiary @fairyoflia @rakshithanotrao @catjunhui @writingbarnes @fayeea @skyechild
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wolfjackle-creates · 8 months
Answer My Call Chapter 2 Part 1
What's this? Two posts for WIP Wednesday??? I said I was gonna spoil you guys. Now, I originally planned to do Carry Your Heart. Figured the top and bottom choices from the WIP Wednesday poll would be fun. But both stories are at a point where Danny is taking Jason to Frostbite and I just didn't feel like writing the same scenario twice, even if the details and POV are totally different.
So I went to the third place option.
If you want a say in what I work on this week, check out the poll!
Story Summary: Jazz, Sam, and Tucker manage to help Danny escape the GIW, but they can't follow him and are under too much surveillance to communicate with each other. Sam snuck Danny a phone as he ran and Jazz sends him a text every day, hoping to hear he is all right. But he's not the one getting the texts.
Jason was away for several months on a mission with the Outlaws. When he finally returns home, he is surprised to find dozens of messages from an unknown number begging a Danny to tell her he's okay. Looks like there's not going to be a break between missions this time around.
Chapter 1: AO3 (user locked), Tumblr
Word Count: 1.5k
Jazz tapped her finger on her phone as she waited for the Dunkin employee to call out her order. Red Hood was supposed to arrive any minute. She’d left her dorm a full two hours ago and led Agents K and O on a merry chase through Boston before finally losing them at Quincy Market. Then she’d doubled back and was now near Northeastern. She had no reason to be here, so hopefully it’d take a little longer to track her down.
And that’s when she felt it—a ghost or liminal was nearby.
Pushing his way in the building was a tall man with a red beanie covering dark hair. He had on an unbuttoned flannel jacket over a Dumpty Humpty T-shirt and jeans with a backpack slung over one shoulder. He glanced around before his eyes settled on her and he grinned.
“Hey, Jazz, right?” He held out his hand. “I’m Todd.”
Jazz couldn’t say anything and just stared in horror. Red Hood couldn’t be liminal. Had she just led another liminal to the guys in white? Did he even realize he was considered an ecto-entity under the anti-ecto acts she’d introduced him and Red Robin to?
“Jazz? Are you okay?” he asked, dropping his hand.
“Order for Jazz!” called out the barista.
Jazz shook herself and grabbed her drink with a smile for the employee. Then she grabbed Todd’s elbow and dragged him over to the tables.
“Sorry, I just wasn’t expecting—” she cut herself off. She had no idea what he knew and what he didn’t. And the agents could come get them at any moment. Instead she pulled out her phone started turning off every security setting. “Never mind. Do you want anything?” she asked with a gesture at her own drink.
“I’m all right. But, are you? What happened?”
Jazz let out a laugh; if the way Todd’s eyes widened was any indication, it was a tad more hysterical that she would’ve liked. “Nothing. Absolutely nothing happened.” She looked down at his shirt. “My brother loves Dumpty Humpty, you a music fan?”
He seemed nonplussed at the topic change but shrugged. “Sure. Music is good, but I stole this shirt from one of my brothers. I don’t know if I could name a single song by them. How about you?”
Jazz grinned and forced herself to relax as she logged out of her school email on her phone. “I’m a huge fan of any sort of self-expression, including music. Actually, my plans for tonight involve music, so I hope you like the indie scene. Might be a bit intense for a first date, but I’ve always figured, why not jump right in? Show ‘em the crazy from the start and see if they can keep up.” She leaned forward over the table and winked at him. “Think you’ll be able to keep up?”
Todd played the game perfectly and looked her up and down like they really were about to start a first date. “With you, sweetheart, I’ll follow anywhere you lead.”
Jazz laughed and stood. “Come on, then. We’re going on an adventure.”
Todd grinned and joined her. “Lead the way.”
Once out of the building, Jazz led them away from the university. This being Boston, it wasn’t long before they came across a homeless man begging on the side of the street.
Wincing internally, she gripped Todd’s arm and said loudly, “Honestly, I don’t know why the cops don’t do a better job of keeping away the beggars.”
Todd looked at her in surprise. “What are you talking about? They have a right to exist and we should help them.”
“They’re probably fine. Everyone knows they only use the money they’re given on drugs and alcohol.” She pretended to glance at her phone before reaching back to shove it in her back pocket. Only to miss so it fell to the ground. “Ew, he’s looking at us. Come on, let’s cross the street.”
She could feel the way Todd tensed at her words, but he let himself be led across the street.
As soon as they were out of hearing shot, he turned to her and hissed, “What the hell was that?”
Jazz glanced back and saw the man picking up her phone. She looked away before he could catch her looking. “Come on, I’ll explain.” She grabbed Todd’s hand and led him down an alley to a much busier street. “I had to ditch my phone. I logged out of everything and left it unlocked so he can use it or resell it. I needed to make sure he wouldn’t try to return it to me and, well, what better way than being the worst person you can imagine?”
And now he was staring, open mouthed.
“They’ve had remote access to my phone for months and I couldn’t let them track us!” she insisted. Habit had her looking around for any sign of a white suit.
“Who can’t find us?”
Jazz shook her head. “The guys in white. Look, this is too public. I can’t say much else here. But meeting you, everything had to change. You’re in danger just by being near me and I refuse to be the reason you get hurt.”
“Why am I in danger?”
“Later!” Jazz hissed before wincing and looking around. She forced a smile back on her face and asked, in as normal a tone as she could manage, “What time is it? Do you know?”
He looked down at his phone. “Uh, looks like it’s almost five.”
“Oh great! Plenty of time for us to get something to eat before I bring you to our surprise destination.”
And from there, Jazz led Todd on a convoluted tour of Boston. They grabbed food at the Pru, then she took him to the green line. Where they traveled four stops before she jumped up in feigned surprise that they were on the wrong branch. So then they got off and hopped on the train going in the opposite direction.
Which was where she wanted to be going all along.
For once, she was happy the orange line was still under construction, because the shuffle of passengers from trains to buses and back just made their journey that much more complicated and harder to follow.
By the time they finally got to their stop, the sun had mostly set. The station was mostly empty and Jazz looked around for any sign of white suits or vans, but even when she didn't see any, she couldn't relax.
“Where are we going?” Todd asked for probably the dozenth time.
Jazz rolled her eyes. “We’ll be there in five minutes and then you’ll find out.”
She led him to the street, the crosswalk had lights over it, but the rest of the road was shrouded in darkness. They ran across without waiting for the walk symbol.
Once they crossed what was basically a divided highway, Jazz led them along the poorly lit and cracked sidewalk. Ahead of them they were approaching a river.
“It’s before the river,” muttered Jazz to herself. “Is this it?” She hesitated at the top of a sloping, unpaved drive that led to an industrial building that sat on the waterfront. “I think so. Apparently this building used to be a coffin factory. Cool, huh?”
“I don’t care for coffins,” was Todd’s terse reply.
Jazz flinched slightly. She knew he was death-adjacent. Should’ve known better than to mention coffins. “Right, sorry. Well, they aren’t made here anymore.” She made her way down the steep drive, Todd a step behind her.
“What is it now?”
“Apartments, I believe.”
Once at the bottom, she looked around and saw the old loading dock. Entering, she looked for the door on the left.
Only to hesitate once more. Two doors were on the left. She hadn’t heard anything about there being two doors. Taking a chance, she opened the first one.
Inside was a table where two women sat in front of a metal box. On the wall were a set of pegs already mostly filled with coats. And inside milled probably thirty or forty people.
The women smiled at Jazz. “Hi, have you two been here before?”
Jazz shook her head and pulled two twenties out of her wallet. “No. But I had a classmate come here and tell me about it. When I realized you had something going on tonight when I had a date? Figured it was a great place to come with my partner!”
She laughed. “We’re definitely unique here at the Night Cap.” She stamped their hands. “Show starts in half an hour, but feel free to mingle until then. Bathroom’s through the kitchen.”
“Thanks! We’re looking forward to tonight.”
Todd nodded his own thanks and followed Jazz into the room.
“What are we doing here?” he whispered in her ear.
“Hiding,” she whispered back. “I’ve never been here before. Never even taken this stop on the T before. When we leave here, we’ll get a motel room or something and I’ll tell you everything.”
“Is this necessary?”
“Without a doubt.”
Jazz could tell Todd didn’t fully believe her, but he dropped it. Jazz found a few people who were discussing that evening’s performers and the two of them joined the conversation.
Part 2
I no longer do tag lists, but please check out the Subscription Post if you want notifications when I update.
So, I had a lot of fun with this section. The place Jazz takes Jason to? Real place. Though Night Cap isn't what the residents call it. Honestly, the real name is also impossible to google. If you don't know it exists, you would never find it (why Jazz runs from the GIW there). Out of respect for the residents of the apartment, though, I changed the name. I went to a show there and it was super weird trying to find it. Like, the directions in my email seriously said "enter the loading dock of the former coffin factory, find the door on the left, and slip the person standing there $10-20 cash. Don't touch anyone's personal belongings, please."
As we waited for the bathroom during set break, two of the residents were cooking dinner at the stove and we were chatting about how Regan was the worst.
10/10 would go again.
Anyone who has spent any time in Boston knows what I mean about the T being under construction. Annoying as hell, but it worked out for Jazz this time.
(The T is the name of the Boston train/subway system.)
The Pru refers to the Prudential building. The bottom level(s) are full of restaurants and shops (basically a high end shopping mall) and upper levels are offices. The top level is an observation deck that's open to the public, though I've never been.
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aalien-s · 10 months
I cant stop thinking about trolls, specifically Floyd. Finally decided to just go wild and draw fanart. Im going insane over this little guy
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Pretty short theory/rant under cut
I also really love the idea that he’s been hanging out with the rock trolls since the brothers separated. It could even kinda make sense. His looks kinda remind me of something you could see a rock troll looking like, just mess up his hair a bit. Ofc he has wayy too bright colors to be a rock troll, but he was born as a pop troll. (I can just imagine how much he would stand out oml.) Not to mention, Prince D said in the second movie that trolls can enjoy more than just one type of music. He was also apparently kidnapped 2 months prior to the movie, and the second movie was just a week before the third, meaning Floyd had been missing for 1 month and 3 weeks by the time of the second movie. Someone would probably try to look for him, but after a while of no signs they could’ve just assumed him dead and given up. By the time of the movie the rock trolls wouldn’t even think to ask anyone of the other tribes about him, because he’d been missing for a while and because the whole rock-apocalypse was going on. Only reason i can see it not working is if the rock trolls were against any type of music the entire time and either would’ve just kicked him out or forced him to only play rock (which i don’t believe Floyd would be able to do). Really going into theory mode here: Floyd showing up could be what made Queen Barb find out about the other tribes and first get the idea of the world tour, but only starting to plan it after Floyd disappears and they fail to find him.
I would also love if this was true and every time Floyd plays rock music he gets aggressive and scares the sht out of his brothers lol.
I literally came up with the oc as i drew this, i just wanted some random guy for the pose and suddenly i had a character. He’s just someone that basically clung himself to Floyd immediately when he got to the village. Bro’s kind of a bully but he’s also a loser. (Just wanna say I’m not the type of person that ships ocs with canon, and i’m not doing it here) They end up having a sort of rivalry, as Floyd gets better at Rock and manages to mix it with his pop, he gets a bit popular. Meanwhile Brick has never really tried to gain an audience, but when Floyd gets followers and Brick was already challenging him, he ultimately gets some attention too. They sort of team up and become a duo, but they ensure that they’re still rivals. Inevitable though, they become friends, hang out a lot, sing and dance, like normal trolls. Brick teaches Floyd some specific things about rock and Floyd tells him about his tribe and brothers. Brick would be the devastated when Floyd got kidnapped and would be the last to stop searching. (Never stopped hoping he was alive though). Of course though, he is a rock troll and theres no way he would show how much he cares about Floyd.
Im currently working on colored designs of Brick and Rock!Floyd
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peachy-panic · 3 months
Wrong Place, Wrong Time (pt. 1)
Whew. After months (almost a year?) of marinating this chapter, I've decided to cut it in two. Thought about titling this chapter: Shit Hits The Fan. Enjoy!
WARNINGS: BBU setting, struggles with bodily autonomy, recovering alcoholic, mentions of violence
Jaime hits the ground with more force than he expects. His back takes the brunt of the fall, and for a moment, he is rendered breathless. A few weeks ago, the impact might have triggered a memory of real violence. Now, he gulps in a few deep breaths, feeling the grass at his back, until Ezra’s face eclipses the sunlight overhead. 
“That was better,” Ezra says, extending a hand. Jaime takes it and lets himself be pulled to his feet. 
“I can’t seem to stay on my feet,” Jaime huffs, frustrated. He swipes an arm across his face, pushing aside the hair that clings to his forehead.
“You’re doing fine,” Ezra says. “Getting knocked down is half the process of learning.”
Jaime grimaces. “I must be learning a lot, then.”
Ezra grins. “You are,” he says, sounding like he might actually mean it. “You’ve already improved from where we began. For now, take five and drink some water.”
“I can go again,” Jaime insists, already rocking back into his sparring stance. 
“We have all day.” Ezra grabs Jaime’s water bottle and pushes it gently against his chest. “You’ll burn out quickly if you don’t pace yourself.”
At the finality in his tone, Jaime relents and collapses back onto the grass. He downs half his bottle in one go. 
It’s been over a month since Ezra offered to teach Jaime how to spar. At first, the idea unsettled him in a way he couldn’t pin down. He didn’t understand the point of it. Ezra knew more than most how little Jaime’s ability to fight mattered; it isn’t an imbalance in physical strength that keeps him in his position. It is the law, the society, and the institutions decades in the making that hold the end of Jaime’s leash. Something about learning the art of self defense and knowing he is never allowed to exercise it feels more cruel than not learning at all. 
One session, Ezra had wagered. Train with me once and see how you feel.
The first time, Sebastian stayed to observe at Jaime’s request, perched on a piece of exercise equipment in Ezra’s basement gym. Jaime, who spent the week leading up antsy and nervous, watched with rapt interest as Ezra wrapped his hands. 
They started slow. 
The first time Jaime hit the ground, the room went silent. In the split second of shock and pain, a flare of violent memories flashed before him: a handler shoving him onto his back, his foster father slamming him up against the hallway wall. Distantly, he heard Sebastian’s voice break through the budding panic. “Maybe we should call it a day?”
Something about that—the grounding reminder of where he was, who he was with, and that the choice was his to walk away—snapped him back into his body. Ezra watched him from where he stood several feet back, not coming to his side and not saying anything in response to Sebastian’s concern. Instead, he watched Jaime, waiting to see what choice he would make.
The choice was his.
Jaime pushed himself onto shaking legs, nodding once to Sebastian before meeting Ezra’s unwavering gaze. “Let’s go again.”
Ever since that day, Jaime has taken to training with a level of enthusiasm he didn’t realize he was still capable of feeling. There is an itch for it under his skin when he wakes up some mornings. When he stretches, he relishes in the way his muscles burn from their previous session. On his morning runs, he thinks through new techniques Ezra showed him and commits to perfecting them next time they meet. 
On the evening after their third sparring session—Jaime still sweat-damp and shaking from exhaustion in the passenger seat of Sebastian’s car—he realized that this feeling was familiar. It was a sense of liberation he hadn’t felt since he last sprinted across a soccer field under the stadium lights, since the night he tore off across the backyard of a party with Derek at his side, high on the revelation that he might want to kiss him. It was the realization that training with Ezra made Jaime feel in control of his body for the first time in a long time. And that is a gift he can never repay. 
Ezra sinks down onto the grass beside him, uncapping his own water bottle. It’s almost embarrassing how he barely breaks a sweat against Jaime. Maybe one day he’ll give him a run for his money. 
From the screened window above the kitchen sink, Jaime can hear laughter from inside the house. He titled his head and smelled… something? Sebastian and the others insisted they would take care of dinner tonight and leave Jaime and Ezra to their workout. Jaime doesn’t know much about Sam and Aria’s skills in the kitchen, but…
Ezra smiles at him, nodding his head toward the sound. “How do you think it’s going in there?”
Jaime shrugs and lets his head fall back, enjoying the sun on his face. Spring is starting to blossom, slowly but surely, and it’s the first warm day of the year. “Nothing is on fire,” he says. “So it can’t be that bad.”
“Cilantro can substitute oregano, right? They’re basically the same thing?”
“No,” Sebastian and Aria say at the same time. Sam’s expression falls. The frown paired with the 1950s-housewife-style apron creates quite the endearing image.
“It’s not too late to order Thai food,” Aria mutters, pouring herself another glass of wine. Sebastian chuckles around a swig of lemonade. 
He didn’t make a big deal about staying sober these last few weeks, but he’s pretty sure Aria clocked it anyway, judging by the way she has kept the bottle out of arm’s reach of him all evening. He pretends not to notice. She pretends not to notice him not noticing. 
It’s been a good day. 
He can tell Jaime tried to hide his enthusiasm about a return visit all week. He never asks him about it outright, but his demeanor visibly perks up at any passing mention of Saturday dinner at Sam and Ezra’s. Sebastian offered to take him over there before work on any given weekday so that Jaime didn’t have to spend the day alone in the house, but that’s where his enthusiasm waned. Jaime isn’t quite comfortable enough to be alone with anyone except Sebastian, but Ezra comes close, he thinks.
It’s good. It’s so good to see Jaime like this—surrounded by people who care about his well-being, expressing more autonomy than he has ever been allowed in Sebastian’s presence. It’s moments like this that tempt Sebastian into believing that it was worth it, slogging all these months through the misery of WRU, just to bring him to Jaime. To bring Jaime here.
And maybe it was worth it so Sebastian could meet the others, too; his first friends in a very long time. 
They are laughing when the front door opens, so none of them hear the unexpected entrance until Julian Hernandez is suddenly standing in the doorway.
The room goes silent. Sebastian nearly shatters the glass in his hand to keep it from slipping to the floor. 
“You need to leave,” Sebastian says, the panic overriding any facade of politeness.
Julian, who is skeptical of Sebastian on his best day, says, “Excuse me?”
“Shit,” Aria says, stepping up beside him. “Jules, he’s right.”
Julian looks around, taking in the sight of all of his friends there without him, and Sebastian thinks he sees a quickly masked flash of hurt pass through his expression. “You asked me to take a look at your transmission last week,” he tells Sam. “I brought my tools.”
“I did say that,” Sam says. “But I didn’t mean tonight. I’m sorry. This… isn’t a good time.”
His mouth presses into a thin line. He glances over at Aria. “Yeah,” Julian says. “I can see you’re busy.”
“It’s not like that, Jules.” Aria insists. “Tate’s—” she starts to say. But it’s too late. It’s too fucking late. 
Because then the back door slides open and Jaime steps through, trailed by Ezra. They’re mid conversation, murmuring quietly. Both of their shirts are soaked through with sweat, clumps of hair clinging to their foreheads. Jaime is smiling—honest-to-god smiling—and Ezra is laughing at something he said, until his eyes meet Julian’s from across the room and he goes still. He puts a hand on Jaime’s shoulder. 
“Fuck.” It’s Julian who says it, a breathy whisper as he realizes the clusterfuck he has just set in motion. 
It’s the last sound in the room before shit hits the fan. 
Jaime is the last one to spot the new presence in the room, and when he does, his entire body locks up. The blood drains from his face, making his pale skin nearly translucent. His knees hit the ground before anyone can intervene. 
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spiderlily-w1tch-blog · 9 months
𝚂𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝙼𝚒𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜
𝕋𝕤𝕦𝕜𝕚𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕞𝕒 𝕂𝕖𝕚 𝕩 ℕ𝕚𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕠𝕪𝕒!ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
— — —
Reader is Nishinoya Yuu’s sister who looks different enough from him that no one would guess they were siblings. Tsukishima has been pining for Y/n for months now, not ever knowing she was Noya’s sister. When she shows up to the gym one day wearing Noya’s sweater and calling him Yuu, people think that they’re together.
Misunderstandings and jealousy ensue.
𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: I do not own Haikyuu or it’s characters, all credit goes to its creators and actors
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆: Use of Y/n, Jealous Tsukki, Misunderstanding, One(1) Mention of Reader being taller than Noya, Slight mention of Injury and Blood(not much!), Slightly Awkward Tsukki and Reader, I think that’s it???
— — —
Tsukishima successfully blocked Hinata’s practice spike and smirked at the upset carrot top. When the boy kept glaring, the taller got tired of the look and walked away.
“Hey! Stingyshima! Where are you going?!” The cry fell on deaf ears as Tsukishima just didn’t care, heading to the sidelines to grab his water bottle. Just as he began drinking the doors to the gym slid open. All heads turned at the sound and Tsukishima’s surprise at the visitor made him squeeze his hand, water spraying over his face.
The girl who’d caught his eye months prior stood in the doorway, smiling lightly at the sight of the team. She wore a uniform skirt with thigh-high socks under her flats, though what everyone seemed to notice was the jacket she was wearing. It was one of theirs, their volleyball jacket. More specifically it was Nishinoya’s jacket she had around her, the fabric slightly loose on her form.
“Yuu!” Her angelic voice rang through the gym, her eyes lighting up when she saw him. She ran over to the boy and threw her arms around him. Tsukki’s heart panged and hurt at the motion, the girl who’d caught his fancy already had someone.. and it was his tiny senpai.
“Y/n?! What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t gonna come until after school practice!” Noya cried though anyone could see he was happy to see her. That fact alone made Tsukki want to both wretch and punch Nishinoya in that moment.
“Well, I thought I’d surprise you! I also made you a bento since you forgot to make one for yourself!” She lightly smirked and playfully flicked his forehead.
“Uhm.. Hi, I don’t mean to intrude on you two, but we’ve gotta get back to practice.” Daichi brought their attention back to the rest of the world.
“Ah! Sorry about that! You’re.. Daichi, right? Yuu has told me a lot about you! All of you in fact!” Y/n grinned at the team, the beaming smile only making Tsukki fall deeper, as much as that hurt now. “I’ll let you all get back to practice! See you later, Yuu! Oh! Hi, Ryuu!” She noticed the short boy’s best friend who eagerly waved back at her. The moment the doors slid shut all hell broke loose.
“Noya!! Who was that?!”
“She’s so gorgeous!!”
“Where have you been hiding that Goddess?!”
“Since when do you even know such a pretty girl?!”
“Since when do you have a girlfriend?!”
Unfortunately, the last demand got lost amongst all the others and never got answered.
“Her name is Y/n! She’s my-“ Noya got cut off by Ukai yelling from across the gym to get their asses back to practice.
That was the first time the team met her, it certainly wasn’t the last, though.
Y/n never interrupted practice again after that. She did make sure to show up to every game though, even practice games. She was occasionally allowed to come along during training camps as well because she’d subbed in for Kiyoko and Yachi a good few times or assisted Yachi when Kiyoko had to focus more on her duties as a Third Year. Outside of Volleyball business, however, she would still come around when she knew she wasn’t intruding on anything and if she did show up during practice, she ended up helping Kiyoko or Yachi, sometimes even helping the boys by refilling their water bottles and getting their towels.
Every single time, though, she would be clinging to Nishinoya like he was her lifeline. If he wasn’t immediately available, she’d cling to Tanaka’s side. The fact that Tanaka also got her attention only aided in annoying Tsukki more.
She’d often show up to the group wearing something of Noya’s(as they could tell by his surname written on it somewhere) or show up arm in arm with the guy himself, laughing like anything.
Finally, one day, he couldn’t stand it as she kissed his senpai’s cheek and ruffled his hair before she left, calling a sweet farewell to the rest of the team as well. She gave a particular, lingering smile at a certain tall blonde before her especially fond parting with the shortest boy. He was unfortunately too deep in his jealousy to notice, however.
Kei stood abruptly and walked away from the group, not saying a single word to anyone, the sour look on his face telling nearly all, though. He walked in the direction of the vending machines for cover as an escape so no one would bother him, particularly a certain human tangerine. Luckily, though they all wanted to mercilessly tease the blonde, they left him be, knowing that his mood would only deteriorate more if they didn’t which wouldn’t be very pleasant for anyone. (They did have to stop Hinata, the innocent, naïve bean, though)
A painful ‘thud’ sounded from the machine’s glass, Kei’s fist having collided with it in his rage. He wouldn’t admit it to another living soul, not even Tadashi, but he let a few tears slip out of his eyes, most of them landing on his glasses, his head aimed directly at the ground. He couldn’t stand the fact that such a loud and obnoxious shrimp could get the attention of the girl who had truly captured his heart and they just had to flaunt it all the time right in front of him, even if they didn’t know it.
Suddenly, he heard voices nearby and he quickly straightened himself out before hiding his, now bleeding, hand in his pocket. He settled his face into his usual smug-indifferent expression and coolly sauntered off to wander back towards the group. If he should happen to take a more scenic route and just happen to take a little longer getting back, well then that was up to the fates.
As he wandered back, he found the source of the voices and heard their conversation more clearly.
“-Yuu, I swear to god! Give me my phone back!” Y/n’s voice rang as she shouted at Noya.
“And what if I don’t? What’ll you do then, shorty?”
“Yuu… I-.. I’m literally taller than you.” She deadpanned, looking at him like an idiot. Kei snickered at that, almost ashamed to admit he was even the least bit pleased that there seemed to be Trouble in Paradise. Almost.
“Well- I mean- I guess, yea, but still, compared to.. y’know.. other people! You’re short!” He declared like he had already won the argument.
“Well, you’re not ‘Other People’ so you don’t get to call me short, Shrimpy.” She smirked and that paired with that retort only served to ensnare Kei even more, as much as he knew he would regret it.
“Now. Give me. Back. My phone. And before you ask what I’m gonna do about it, I’ll tell Mom and you and I both know neither of us wants that. So either you give me my damn phone now or you can suffer the wrath of Nishinoya Asuka. So, which is it?” She challenged, holding out her hand, palm up and waiting for her phone to be placed in it.
“You wouldn’t dare,” Noya narrowed his eyes at her, still clutching her soft golden-coloured phone more towards his back, “I know for a fact you haven’t told her about what exactly you spent all your allowance on and I’m sure mom would love to hear about that four-foot dino-” Noya was cut off before he could finish when Y/n faked charging him from the right and then swooping in on his left and grabbing her phone from his hand with a ‘Yoink!’
“You tell anyone about that, and you’re a deadman, you hear me? I don’t care that you’re my brother. You spill to anyone and I’ll be wanted for fratricide.” She threatened, narrowing her eyes at him with a steeled glare and pointing at him in a warning stance.
Hearing the whole conversation left Kei in a state of shock. She’s not dating him. He’s not dating her. They’re siblings. Most of the time when she showed up, supposedly wearing something of his, it was probably hers since that’s her name written on the clothes he and some of the others teased him about for being so girly. She always stuck by him because he’s her brother. No wonder she’d feel so comfortable around him. And Tanaka since he might as well be Noya’s very own brother. Of course, she’d call him his first name if they’re siblings, not many things are closer than that.
They’re siblings. They’re brother and sister. Not dating. That kiss on the cheek and ruffle of his hair was familial affection.
And what was that about a four-foot Dino?
When he saw the two part and Y/n start to head towards the direction he was in, he quickly backtracked enough that it would seem casual for him to walk by and seem like he couldn’t have overheard their conversation.
“O-oh! Tsukki- uh- Tsukishima! Fancy running into you here!” Y/n stumbled a bit on her words and a bit of a reddish tint appeared on her cheeks as she looked up at him.
“Ah, yea. I thought I heard a little bit of yelling earlier, are you okay?” He asked, wanting confirmation from her that everything was alright.
“Ah- uh, yea! Don’t worry! Just a little tiff between me and Yuu! I think I heard somewhere that you have an older brother, do you ever get into petty squabbles with him, too?” Y/n chuckled nervously. It seemed like she was so casual about the information that she and Noya were siblings that they were clearly not hiding it. It seems like they assumed everyone already knew.
To be fair, a couple of them share at least a class with her so you’d think they’d know her surname. Although to be fair, each of those classes she shared with the idiot duo so it makes sense it would go over their heads.
“Oh, uh, yea. A few too many, if you were to ask my mom.” He said lightly, a small breathy chuckle at the end. Man, why did he have to be so awkward around her? His train of thought was quickly cut off, though, when she giggled. Her eyes closed and she brought her hand up to cover her mouth with a loose fist but he could still see her smile and it was, still, the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen. Hinata’s name might mean sun but the girl right in front of him was brighter than any sun. The sight of her giggling at something he had said made him smile, one he didn’t even try to stop or hide. He would definitely try and deny the blush, though.
“I understand that,” she tried to say through her giggles as they tapered off, “Ryuu and Saeko-nee are always fighting. Honestly, it’s kinda rare to not see them squabbling.”
“Saeko-nee?” Kei noticed she was the only one she used an honorific for. For an older sister, no less.
“Oh! She insisted that I call her Nee-san and said that she’d adopt me as her new sibling in exchange for Ryuu.” She laughed, clearly very amused by the situation, and given her compliance, completely accepted it as well. He gave a sound of understanding and the air between the two fell into a comfortable silence, just looking at each other for a moment.
The only thing that permeated the silence was the sound of a tiny little wet ‘plap’. They both looked down toward the sound and there they saw a single droplet of blood on the ground. Soon enough though, it was joined by another.
Y/n’s eyes widened and she surged forward. Quickly, she scooped his hand in between her own to inspect the cuts that he had, quite honestly, forgotten about.
“Tsukki! Oh my Kami! Are you okay?! What happened?!” She cried, too caught up in the moment and her worry to correct herself or even realize when she called him ‘Tsukki’ rather than Tsukishima.
“Uh, I-..” He stuttered, flustered by how close she was and how tenderly she was holding his hand.
She didn’t waste any more time and immediately reached into her bag and pulled out a travel First Aid Kit. She set to work on disinfecting and bandaging his hand, halting for a moment and gently stroking her thumb over the back of his hand when he would hiss at the sting. Once she was finished, it seemed to be a force of habit when she placed a gentle kiss over the bandaged cuts.
“There.” She stated, then looked up and saw Kei looking at her, wide-eyed and blushing and she realized what she had done. “I-! I am so sorry!” She called and jumped away from him, her face about as red as that Guess Guy from Shiratorizawa, “I-it was a force of habit!”
Her flustered state was probably one of the cutest things Kei had ever seen and he couldn’t help the small, soft smile that appeared on his lips.
“Cute…” He muttered though it was far louder than intended. Loud enough, to be specific, for her to hear him between her rambling apologies.
“I-… huh?” She froze, eyes wide again, and stared at him.
“Uh-! I- uhm-“ It was his turn to get flustered as he tried to find any excuse to cover up what he said.
“Tsukki…” She started, cutting off his own ramblings. She moved forward again, this time more slowly and cautiously, until she stood in front of him, still a reasonable distance away before she spoke again, “I…” Her hands slowly moved in front of her and clasped together in front of her skirt before she leaned into a bow, “I like you.” She tilted her head up to glance at him, “Please.. Will you go out with me?” Her voice was surprisingly steady given how red her face was and how obviously her hands fidgeted and trembled.
Kei froze. He just got a confession. A girl… just confessed to him. No, not just a girl. The girl he’s completely, hopelessly, head over heels in love with. Just confessed to him and asked him out. System Shutdown. Tsukishima Kei.exe has stopped working. How speak? How say yes? How confess back? How nod?
“I-I.. Y-yes… I will.. I will return your feelings…” He somehow managed to speak enough to make sense. To say ‘Yes’.
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beforeastorm · 1 month
We used to be a proper fandom (not really)
I'm not going to link or reference directly, because the claims have not been verified to any reasonable degree, but I have watched 911blr descend into... something... over the last couple of days because of a situation(s) involving truly horrendous fics, homicide-this-character accounts, and some pretty intense accusations about who (both specifically and as a group) is culpable for those behaviors. And I have some thoughts.
(Under the cut, because I ramble).
Desensitization and Escalation: The fics/account/posts/tweets didn't happen in a vacuum. They're, unfortunately, a natural evolution of what's been happening for months (before anyone ats me, on both/either side). It starts small: I hate so and so, I hate so and so's fans; so and so is the worst, so and so's fans are the worst. People become desensitized to it and then you're primed to escalate. THIS IS CLASSIC SOCIAL CONDITIONING. From I hate them, to someone should enact violence on them, to they deserve that violence, to I hope they die, to they have to die, etc.
I literally saw a tweet that stated something along the lines of "RT if you think we shouldn't consider (ship stans) humans". I'm sorry why are we questioning folk's humanity? About a television ship? The tweet did very well. Tons of likes and RTs. Anytime someone called them out for it, they were told to lighten up and learn how to take a joke. That it wasn't that serious. Well, here we are, a couple months later, and shit has gotten pretty serious now, eh?
And the longer in-groups permit this behavior, at any level, the more the cycle continues. And yes, it does need to be in-groups holding their own to account. And that's not always calling them out - especially if they're not in your circle. And not that you shouldn't call out behavior from the other side, but also - let's sweep our own kitchens before we call someone else's house a mess.
And, to be frank: both houses are messy so don't even.
And let me clarify by what I mean when I say holding people accountable. Because Tim Minear, to my knowledge, has not made any of us 9-1-1 fandom police, nor appointed a fandom inquisitorial squad. So you don't have to proverbially yell at someone to hold them accountable, though if you think they're open to a dialogue - then go for it. You can also choose not to engage/reblog/like/repost bad content; you can unfollow them, even if they make really cool art or write otherwise awesome fics or have really insightful takes 95% of the time. You can make a counterclaim or disavow a bad take; if it's someone in your circle by all means have a developmental conversation. The (ship) fandom would never! Yes they would. So would (other ship) fandom, and even (third ship) fandom and I've actually never met a toxic Bathena fan so go off kings (/gn) but there's probably one out there somewhere. Liking a ship isn't a vaccine to toxicity. Toxic, damaged people exist everywhere. They've existed since the dawn of time. I don't want to accuse anyone of being naive, but really? All this line of thinking does is create blind spots where we allow bad actors room and space to fester. We can, and should state that there's no space for this in the (ship) fandom, and anyone behaving in such a manner will face appropriate social sanctioning, up to and including ostracization. But to just flatly deny the possibility that someone on 'our side' might be bad is irresponsible.
The remedy is suffocation, not to ignore it: I get that you don't want to, to use fire metaphors because it's 9-1-1 after all, feed the flames by engaging with bad actors and giving them attention. Unfortunately, when you ignore a fire, it can spread unchecked.
Suffocate that motherfucker (metaphorically) and grab the burn kits. Starve them out. Unfollow, block - warn your friends - offer care to any affected. If it breaks ToS - report it. YOU SHOULD RESPOND, but you can choose to respond in ways that don't give bad actors the attention they may be craving.
This act was perpetuated by (ship) stans! I feel like I'm in an episode of Scooby Doo. It's not bad (ship) fans, it's (anti-that-ship) fans PRETENDING to be (ship) fans to make them look bad and sow chaos? RIP OFF THE MASK! Was it Agatha all along?
I do believe that happens. I also believe that not every single take that makes your preferred ship/fandom look bad is from a double agent. All pure, immediate, unequivocal denial and accusation does is provide cover and perpetuate the rot in that ship space. Before we immediately accuse the other side, we should show up with some goddamn receipts. (I have yet to see receipts).
At the end of the day - fandom should be joyful. If your entire experience has been reduced to bashing another ship, bashing characters, starting rumors about other fans, complaining about other fans/ships/characters, impersonating fans of ships you're against, or infiltrating 'enemy territory' like you're some kind of spy and not some overworked, underpaid 21st century serf trying to exist under the crushing, existential weight of our capitalist hellscape whose main form of escaping said hellscape is our weewoo show blorbos? Be so for real right now. It's giving Regina George. Why are you so obsessed with them? Choose to engage with joy (or alternatively, choose to engage in really sad fics if you need a good cry because that is fair and also valid).
Stormy out ✌️
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spaceistheplaceart · 11 months
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Body Swap - How Do I Talk Like That? Part Three
Honestly, I'm not that happy with how this part went but after literally struggling with it for like. half a year. im just glad its done. let me know what you guys think!
Summarized ID: Reigen tries to help Mob in the consultation by gesturing to him what he should do. Mob doesn't get the hint, and the client almost leaves before Reigen is able to somehow sway him with his over energetic sales pitch. They wait for a taxi, but Mob seems down.
(This is a body swap, so I'll be referring to the characters as who they actually are but keep in mind that Reigen is in Mob's body and vice versa.)
"I see..." Hiroto says. "Hmm..."
Mob glances over at Reigen, who is frantically pointing to the 'course options' sheet on the desk. Mob looks down at it and says, "oh!" before picking it up and reading it. "Let's see, the fees for the various course packages are listed here..." He slides it over to Hiroto, smiling. "Please, read it over. There seems to be a deal on the 'all-out' package this month."
Reigen grips his hair in distress, thinking to himself: "No! You're supposed to talk him through the process!"
We see Hiroto reading the sheet. Reigen is still thinking, "You can't let him read the whole thing, reel him in before he's got time to think!!!" Reigen leans over his desk, staring intensely at Mob and Hiroto. "Now would be a great time for some latent telepathic abilities to awaken!"
Hiroto hands the sheet back to Mob. "Hm. Well. Thank you for taking the time to see me. I'll keep you in mind." He stands up.
"Crap!" Reigen thinks to himself, standing up from his seat. "Sir!" He calls out to Hiroto, who is near the door and ready to leave. Reigen points to a poster behind him that says '3 Ghosts, One Free!'. He says, "Did you know that right now we have a special deal going on!? For the whole month, if you have three ghosts or more, we'll exorcise a third of them free!"
Hiroto looks at Reigen, bemused. A question mark is beside him. "Aha. Thanks, kid, but... I'm alright."
Reigen looks at him tensely, a sweatdrop on his cheek. He glances back at Mob, who is frozen and still holding the price sheet.
Reigen puts his hands on his hips and speaks out again, "Listen! My master is absolutely the real deal! Just look at all these satisfied customers!" He points to a corkboard behind him. On top of the corkboard is a label that says 'Our Customers' and there are many photos of customers on the board, pinned up. Reigen says, "Every single one of them! Spirit free! Whether it was a barrage of spirits or just one-"
He continues, pointing to himself with his thumb. "MY MASTER! Was able to help them all! So-"
He trails off as Hiroto begins to chuckle. He holds his hands over his stomach, his chuckling slowly trailing off. He sighs and smiles at Mob.
"Aha... Seems you've got yourself quite the little businessman, huh?"
Reigen, Mob, and Dimple, simply look at him, confused.
Hiroto runs a hand through his hair and sighs. "Fine... Be over at 1 o'clock. Sharp."
He leans down to Reigen's height, smiling with sparkles around him. "That's thirty minutes from now, okay?"
Reigen forces a smile, sparkles around him too now. "Yep, sounds great! We'll see you then, sir!"
"Wonderful, see you then." Hiroto says. He leaves, disappearing behind the wall that seperates the entryway from the office. As he's leaving, he mutters to himself "Aha... kids..." Then the door closes with a chime.
Mob is sat at Reigen's desk, a shadow over his eyes and his hands clasped together. Reigen comes up and claps a hand on his shoulder, looking off to the side.
"Well! It's to be expected. You did the best you could, Mob.Though I do have a few pointers..." He waves his hand around dismissively. "We'll talk on the way."
"Sure." Mob says.
Two panels, both black with white text, say: PROGRESS TOWARDS EXPLOSION: 48%
We cut to outside the office, where Mob and Reigen are sitting on a curb. There's a text box above them that reads: "waiting for a taxi"
Dimple floats off to Mob's side. Mob looks a little sad. Dimple frowns and asks, "Why do you look so down? You got the job in the end. Don't tell me you're bummed just because it was little awkward."
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sjyuns · 4 months
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written part below the cut!
You can’t believe he’s actually here.
Standing between you and Sunghoon.
Arms linked with the both of you.
And you can’t help but feel a heavy weight of regret mount on your shoulders. You should have known that Jake was one who took jokes seriously, and you shouldn’t have ever planted the sheer idea that he could join you if he found out which restaurant you and Sunghoon were going to — given Jake Sim is a man full of mystery.
You peer at your boyfriend (fake boyfriend), guiltily tuning out the chatter of the third wheel, sad to barely have the chance to talk to Sunghoon since the start of the date.
The all black outfit suited him perfectly, the glasses that was perched on the bridge of his nose complimenting the sharp features that adorned his face. And you can’t help but feel your heart exhilarate just by looking at your best friend.
You think that it’s a wonder how you’ve never seen him like this before. Having him as a boyfriend, albeit a fake one, showcased to you a different side of him — one that you have never noticed. The way he would constantly check in on you, accompany you throughout the night if you had trouble sleeping, feeding your wretched obsession with mario, and most of all bring you on incomparable dates. He was the perfect companion, and above all, he knew you like no one did.
“You okay, love?” Sunghoon’s voice breaking your train of thought, “you look tired today.”
You hum and nod you head in response, only to be cut off by a certain someone. “Wait y’all are actually dating?”
You give Jake an ominous glare, “we’re aren’t.”
“Then why did he just call you love? Or was he talking to me?” Jake questions, his head tilting as he looks at the both of you in suspicion. “I mean, it would make sense if you’re dating, cause the both of you always go out everyday. And, Sunghoon has had a crush on you since — OW!” Jake yelps, his flurry of worlds getting cut off by a loud slap on his back by Sunghoon.
You squint at the two of them, “i didn’t really catch the last part, what did you say?”
“Nothing important,” Sunghoon quickly answers, an innocent smile on his face as his friend continues to mutter a string of curse words under his breath.
You swear your ears weren’t tricking you — Jake just said that Sunghoon has had a crush on you…right? Since when? and you feel the apples of your cheek get warmer under the dim moonlight.
All you have to do now is get Jake Sim to spill.
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MIKAELA’S! it’s supposed to mean ‘THIS MAN IS DANGEROUS’☺️ but i love you too jake sim
SYNOPSIS! it’s the month of love, yet you only have one thing in mind — to get your crush to like you back. armed with a mission, you deploy your best friend Park Sunghoon as your fake boyfriend to make him jealous. one tiny problem, Sunghoon’s desperately in love with you and he can’t seem to keep his own jealousy at bay.
TAGLIST 1! @seongclb @jlheon @euncsace @aeuns @mirustardiary @beomgyusonlywife @thesunoosshining @makiswrld @imsiriuslyreal @mrchweeee @enha-stars @sakiimeo @enhaz1 @en-dream @jiaant11 @hoonven @strawberrysavi @semisemirin1i82 @firstclassjaylee @fakeuwus @dilrmma @eleanorheartschishiya @yizhoutv @nyuloverforeternity @woninluv @astrae4 @hexoolio @www-jungwon @pockyyasii @ilovemangograham @isoobie @lcv3lies @forlovvers @enhahah @yenqa @haechansbbg @strayy-kidz @sparklingsjy @jungwonsjellies @nyfwyeonjun @artstaeh @rikisly @delulu4-life (OPEN)
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THIRD PLACE ROUND - Jiang Cheng vs Wen Kexing
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The battle for third place is between Jiang Cheng (shixiong: Wei Wuxian) from Mo Dao Zu Shi and Wen Kexing (shixiong: Zhou Zishu) from Word of Honor
Propaganda under the cut
Wen Kexing:
(okay so the canon part is confusing. cause wenzhou are officially canon in Faraway Wanderers and are censored bromance in Word of Honor. but they're only shixiong/shidi in Word of Honor and not in Faraway Wanderers. so idk what you want to do in regards to the canonicity of their relationship)
I mean Wen Kexing is all over Zhou Zishu from day 1, though he has very complicated emotions surrounding the whole shixiong/shidi element to their relationship, he does eventually declare himself as the second disciple of Shiji Manor and publicly acknowledges Zhou Zishu as his shixiong. anyways if you know anything about Wen Kexing you know how desperately he wants Zhou Zishu, even the censorship couldn't hide the fact that Wen Kexing wants to rail Zhou Zishu to kingdom come
the utter simp that is WKX for his ZZS? No contest. None. None at all.
#WKX now actually fucked his shixiong like pls the entire book/show is about him wanting to get with him
#WKX hands down wanna fck or get fcked by his “Ah-Xu~” from day 1
#y'all have the audacity. as if Wen Kexing did baby trap is shixiong with TWO kids
Jiang Cheng:
Clinged to WWX constantly for 7+ years, wanted to have WWX as his right hand man forever after becoming sect leader, cried after WWX left, cried when he discovered what WWX sacrificed for him, was TORN APART when it got explained to him that if they were more outwardly close knit, WWX might not have died
PROPAGANDA!! to start, i'm still very bitter about how fairy lost the sentient animal poll and i want to win this badly. very very badly. current stats are 50.6 in favour of jc but that's too less of a gap for me. jc should be winning this by a landslide, y'all hear me? anyways. starting with a class act, like the clown i am->
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a few links ( because i'm chengxian trash, as always and i'd love if poll-guy could copy paste them on the og post): one, two, three, four (gif), five, six, seven (gif), eight (thoughts on different wavelengths), the absolute circles of them saving each other, the fucking golden core reveal scene. golden scene reveal part 2, jiang cheng will always forgive wei wuxian
to start with. jiang cheng is literally the picture of "i knew from the moment i met you that i'd spend a lifetime forgiving you".
the earliest dynamic of jiang cheng and wei wuxian is jiang cheng giving away his dogs (the only gift his father has ever given him, btw) because wei wuxian is scared of the dogs. tis only the start of it.
his father very obviously prefers his shixiong over him, his mother berates him for not being as good as wei wuxian and tells him his inheritance is in danger, and his sister (in my opinion) has more care for him (visibly. maybe jiang yanli doesn't show it because jc is an emotionally complicated purple grape, maybe because jc doesn't need it, or wei wuxian is traumatised but that's my opinion). but still. still. Jiang Cheng loves Wei Wuxian. so much. jealousy is like. the most tame response i can think of. and jiang cheng is proud of wei wuxian, okay? he'd believe his big brother if he'd said anything. want proof? well, here you go-> link
to paraphrase the link:
Jiang Cheng had just lost his family, his home, and his very golden core, and his older brother - his brilliant older brother who could fix anything, who could sneak wine into Cloud Recesses and defeat an ancient turtle nearly-god and make Jiang Cheng share a smile when Jiang Cheng’s mother was disappointed and furious at both of them - His big brother smiled and said, “I can fix this.”And Jiang Cheng believed him then, and believed him three months later when Wei Wuxian crawled out of the Burial Mounds (just the second miracle in three months), and believed him every day of the next seventeen(?) years until the pieces were shoved into place for him to see.
also. the circle these two go in protecting each other. (gif set by @sandushengshou), the 'if one of us is to die, then, i beg, let it be me' that they both do for one another in a seemingly neverending loop of sacrifice. via this post a la my lovely @backtoyunmeng
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jiang cheng is a cannonically ruined woman archetype, justified via the countless posts you'll get in the top posts of jiang cheng tag. he keeps chenqing, wwx's flute in perfect condition even when he hates wei wuxian, even when wwx, if only indirectly, has a part in jiang yanli's murder and oof okay someone pointed out to him that he's known to have killed wei wuxian and he almost cries. he absolutely believes, with his whole heart, that wei wuxian lives even when the world is sure he doesnt. and it always read to me like, i'd know if he was dead. he's a part of my soul, so i'd know if he was dead. he can't be dead.
this is getting too long, so, to sum up, some absolute poetry by @jiangchengsjawline
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#JC On The Other Hand Has His Entire Life Shaped By His Shixiong And Ended Up Cast As The Ruined Woman By The End
#jiang cheng though. wasn't able to fuck his shixiong but his shixiong definitely fucked with him
#hello?? the answer is Jiang cheng pls#he's the shixiongfucker or all shixiong fucker you wish you could be as pathetically in love with your shixiong as he is#chengxian
#i do not go here (chengxian) but the propaganda is incredibly correct they are insane abt each other#also sorry jiang cheng ik you're suffering but they are so funny to me#neway VOTE JIANG CHENG FOR CLEAR SKIN
#look I rarely go here#(here being chengxian)#but by GOD their lvoe compels me#they’re tragic and doomed and they love each other without knowing how to say it in words the other would understand#or in words at all because communication??? we don’t know her???
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he didn't even think about sacrificing himself, and consequently his entire bloodline, his sect, pretty much everything that depends on him for his shixiong??????????
is this not convincing->
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#had to vote jc though i have more feelings about chengxian#i think jc should have a huge gege kink
#like. jiang cheng should win the entire tournament hands down period
#jiang cheng#is the only correct answer in my gay little brain#i’m sure everyone else’s shixiong fuckers are great too#but jiang cheng is MY favorite#tumblr polls#mdzs#if chengxian fucked in canon it would make everything about their situation at least 65% less complicated you can’t change my mind
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armoricaroyalty · 3 months
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For some reason, when she kissed him, he thought of Theo.
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Transcript under the cut.
WOMAN 1 | ...for real, I've been like, completely obsessed. WOMAN 1 | Like, there was hardly any wedding coverage for Jacques and Vivi, right? And that was my first royal wedding! I thought it was normal! I didn't know I was missing out. WOMAN 2 | Right? It feels like everyone's been saving up all their hype. WOMAN 1 | Has anyone else been following the dress rumors? WOMAN 2 | [ sighs ] I just hope Emily's dress isn't as boring as Vivi's was. WOMAN 2 | Vivi's whole wardrobe is boring! She dresses like a toddler, it is so unflattering. WOMAN 1 | I know, right? She should ask Lady Em to take her shopping. WOMAN 3 | Lady Emily is soooo gorgeous. WOMAN 2 | She's too good for him. He's always been such a scrub. WOMAN 1 | Whatever! I'm just glad it's a real love story, not just a shotgun wedding. An office romance... [ dreamy sigh ] Like, it could have been me! THEO | [ scoffs ] [ The conversation died immediately, and the silence solidified into something like hostility. Theo turned to see five pale, contemptuous faces fixed on her back, and her heart jumped up into her throat. Fighting to keep her expression neutral and her voice even, she stood and announced to no one that she was going to lunch. They pretended not to hear her. ] WOMAN 1 | ...she is such a stuck-up b-word. WOMAN 2 | Did you know that she used to date Prince Frederick? WOMAN 1 | Oh my god. Her? WOMAN 2 | Yeah. That's how she got hired here after she got disbarred or whatever. WOMAN 3 | Yeah. And her mom dated the King before he married the Queen. WOMAN 1 | Oh my god. She's a second-generation royal girlfriend? Gross. WOMAN 2 | D'you think her daughter will actually land a prince? WOMAN 3 | Why not? [ giggles ] Third time's the charm! [ Even in the warmer months, the gardens at Yew Court Palace stood empty. In February, the fountains were dry and the ivy dormant. Fat crows stirred in the bare branches overhead. Somewhere nearby, muffled by hedges, came the low hum of passing traffic. ] [ It was a food place to be alone. ]
THEO: I am going to kill myself or my coworkers, havent decided yet FREDDY: Nooooo dont do that FREDDY: Id have noone to text if you were dead THEO: Aw, no friends? FREDDY: Nope :( THEO: Pobrecito FREDDY: O baby. Talk dirty to me THEO: Lmao THEO: For real though THEO: Gonna kill my coworkers THEO: Or myself FREDDY: What did they do this time THEO: They are just openly talking shit about me now THEO: IN FRONT OF ME FREDDY: Wtf???????? FREDDY: Want me to have them fired lol THEO: I can fight my own battles tyvm FREDDY: Whats your battle plan? Stapler in jello? Sign them up for boner pill emails? THEO: Find a new job and leave them here to choke on their own incompetence FREDDY: Love when you talk about choking :heart_eyes: THEO: LMAO perv FREDDY: Cant help myself lol FREDDY: Anyway…sorry about your terrible job. Mine kinda sucks rn too THEO: Isn’t your job rn wedding planning?? FREDDY: But it’s not it’s actually mediating between my mom and Emily THEO: Do they not get along? FREDDY: No they get along fine but it’s like. FREDDY: My mom clearly has Ideas (tm) about how the wedding should be and em clearly wants something completely diferent and it is just constant FREDDY: Theyre killing meeeeeee THEO: That sucks. Are you at least getting your own ideas in too? FREDDY: Not really…altho tbf if i was getting my way it’d be like. Courthouse wedding. In and out. THEO: My parents got married at city hall FREDDY: Dreams really do come true THEO: They sure do THEO: Okay this is going to sound weird but...I felt like the wedding plans didn’t really seem like you THEO: if that makes sense? THEO: Like I get that you're a prince but a huge formal wedding isn't your vibe at alllll FREDDY: You know me…my kind of party involves a lot more helicopters and blow THEO: LMAO I thought there was just the one helicopter FREDDY: See this is why we’re friends lol FREDDY: You keep me honest
[ soft knocking ] EMILY | Frederick? Are you okay in there? FREDERICK | [ muffled ] Be right out! EMILY | Are you alright? You were gone a while... FREDERICK | Aw, did you miss me? EMILY | Just making sure you didn't fall in.
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