#and the woman who works here asked if i'm having a prom
jakeperalta · 1 year
just got asked if I have a prom coming up and I had to be like "no I'm 24" 😭😭
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
Shelter me From the Storm
Actress!Natasha Romanoff x F!R
Stripped Bare (Part 1) / Two people asked for this and I already had the ideas so boom. 😂
Warnings: Loss of Parent / Grief. Post-Partum Depression (Not mentioned, but heavily implied—hygiene/eating struggles, struggle to bond/help). Media (Implied lack of respect for Sex Work).
Smut: Soft | Daddy (N) | Nat has a penis | Oral (Both) | Fingering | Overstimulation | Squirting | Unprotected / Breeding | Cockwarming (Plugging)
18+ | Minors DNI | Please Don’t Report, it’s labeled properly.
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"Whatcha thinking about?" Natasha's raspy voice startled you, but it also soothed your aching soul. It'd been exactly two months since the two of you moved to Oregon to officially start your life together. "My mom, us, them."
The redhead nodded solemnly, worried eyes casted down onto your fidgeting hands. She settled down beside you on the porch swing, and took your freezing hands between hers. Gently as ever she kissed, and breathed onto them until she deemed them warm enough.
"You couldn't have worn mittens?" She teased, then her strong arms wrapped around your body so she could pull you into her lap. Her forehead leaned against yours as she tried her best to comfort you. It was you who broke the distance and pressed your lips to hers for a kiss that reminded you that you were really there.
You were still alive, even if your mom wasn't. The thought broke you, this idea that Apollo and Luna would grow up without her love.
"I miss her," you sniffled, and the redhead sighed empathetically, "Me too moya lyubov'."
A smile graced your face at the memories of Nat with your mom. They'd only known one another for a little over a year, but your wife stole your mother's heart instantly. The sick woman never missed a chance to talk to her, even if it involved interrupting your convos.
They had a pure love of you in common, so it was easy for them to spend hours talking. It warmed your heart, but also infuriated you to no end when your mom shared your secrets.
Natasha never needed to know about your failed prom, or about how you believed in Santa and his friends until sophomore year.
The redhead loved to tease you about it, even now, "Who else will tell me all your secrets?"
"Thank fuck that's over," you sadly joked, because embarrassing as it was, you'd let your mother release all of your most embarrassing moments in life if it meant she was still here.
"Ooh, What about Cole?"
You snorted, "Not if he wants to stay alive."
"You're no fun."
Silence soon fell over the both of you as you watched the rain harshly pelting down. The pavement, and dirt saturated in no time as mother nature wept, you weren't sure of her reason, but you liked to think it was for your mom. She loved the rain, it never presented as an inconvenience to her like it did for others, you remember chasing the rainbows with her.
Losing her was polarizing really. It was always coming, but you were never prepared for it.
All that really brought you comfort since she passed, was that she met your daughter first.
Luna Romanoff, the little girl with your wife's cheeky smile, and your mothers love for music.
At only ten months old she was a little rockstar. The xylophone was her go to instrument, it made you feel like your mom's name as her middle prophesied their clear connection. They had met, then five hours later your mom died.
Natasha took care of everything after, she still does some days when you can't manage. You usually feel bad, but every time she senses it, and reminds you that there's nothing else she'd rather be doing than caring for her family.
"I'm going to miss you too," you finally broke it, voice cracking as your emotions got the best of you. "I wish you didn't have to leave at all."
"Me neither," Nat replied in the same tone, a tear slipped down her face as she stewed over her departure this evening. Leaving you in such a vulnerable state wasn't easy, but she hadn't a choice as she had to do a slurry of interviews for her upcoming film, as well as clear the air on her sudden disappearance from Hollywood.
It was the only way the execs would let her off the hook for the premiere. The buzz from her interviews will give them enough scandalous PR. Especially when she announces this will be her last film for a long while. The seats will fill.
She'd pleaded for zoom interviews, but even being as big as she was, they wouldn't budge.
"I wouldn't go if I had a choice," she reminded you for the umpteenth time. "I know Natty."
"It just sucks," she voiced your thoughts.
You chuckled humorlessly, "Majorly."
The sudden sound of a cry through the baby monitor brought you and your wife out of your bubble of intermixed grievances, and right into the house where you found a shocked Apollo hovering over Luna's traveling bassinet.
Five minutes ago they were peacefully napping, one in a heap of blankets and toys, while the other was cozy in her bed. It was safest not to move your son, he'd have woken up lively.
Where he lays, he stays—a household motto.
The scene was clear as day, he'd climbed up onto the couch with a devious curiosity, and now it appears the young boy had slapped her.
Natasha swiftly moved to the side of the couch, stopping your son from repeating the offense with a gentle catch of his hand. With ease she scooped the boy onto her hip, then she lovingly reached down to smooth a hand over your daughters face. Her cries stopped instantly.
After your daughter was soothed you watched quietly as Natasha handled your son. Her look was stern, but her eyes were still adoringly soft. There was no true harm done, it was clear Luna was mostly just shocked, not genuinely hurt.
Plus, he's only two, this was like a canon event.
"Apo," she called his attention to her with the nickname derived from his inability to say his. "You have to be gentle," she softly reminded him, using her hand to mimic proper touch as she continued to brush her hand over your daughters face until she was sleeping again.
Apollo butchered the word as he repeated it, but he mimicked her perfectly. Tiny hands covered in god knows what reached out to cup her face, something he'd seen done before. Both of your hearts beamed at the boy for his slow, but steady understanding. This would probably happen again, from both ends, but you knew that it would be an easy resolution.
Natasha's gentle approach to the kids was a surprising discovery you'd made. Not that you expected her to be downright cruel, but you just expected more sternness from your former experiences. But then you remember the Natty that you'd loved was always there back then too, and then it all makes sense. The first time you witnessed it was when your infant son was playing with an extension cord. You wanted to run over and rip it from his hands, but she'd stopped you with a hand on your shoulder.
Instead she walked over to him, created some static electricity with her hands then tapped his. It seemed almost cruel, but then she picked him up as he wailed, then that soon faded into hiccups and it all became clearer to you.
He'd wanted her attention all along, and she taught him a valuable lesson in the process.
The gentleness came right after, when she held him close while she hummed a Russian lullaby to soothe him. All the while pointing to the enticing cord and saying a simple, firm no-no.
You remember watching them fondly, with a smile on your face, a hand on your bump, and a subtle sense of relief that'd washed over you.
No matter what came, you knew you'd all be safe with Natasha. Parenting was a learning curve, without your mom to guide you you've lost it, but you felt like she'd had it mastered.
That's why after the night slowly crept in you anticipated the arrival of your little brother. He's flying in from New York, and should be to your house by 8:30pm, and Nat has to be gone by 9pm, or she knows she'll never make it.
Apollo had already gone down for the night, but Luna Bear was still a live wire. Bouncing on her mama's hip while haphazardly shaking her head side to side in a tiring game of 'no-no'
"Wow, you've gotten so big Lunar Eclipse," your brother greeted the giggling baby, who turned to him with a wide, curious smile. Natasha sent him one as well at the relief she felt since she no longer had to shake her head.
"Luna," you corrected with a fixed glare. "I've been meaning to ask you about that sis."
"Cole," you warned through gritted teeth, and for the first time Natasha had realized the help she planned might actually be the bother.
"Why would you name your kids like animals?"
Natasha glared at your brother just the same, coddling the baby into her chest with a hand over her ear to shield her from hearing him
"You're the most annoying person on Earth," you deadpanned, he gasped in offense. "Give me the cat, and say your sappy goodbyes."
Natasha's arms around your waist stopped you from chasing your cackling brother down as he took your giggling daughter into the house.
"Don't leave me with him," you pleaded. "I won't look good in an orange jumpsuit Nat."
Natasha snorted softly, "You're so dramatic." Then she leaned in to kiss you slowly, a bunch of unspoken words being exchanged: 'I'm only a call away,' 'Don't kill your brother, please,' and 'Seriously, call me if you need me,' but the most important of messages came tumbling from your very own parted lips, "I love you."
Natasha smiled against you, she instantly repeated the sentiment, "I love you too Y/N. With all of me. You'll be okay detka. Promise."
The driver honked impatiently, and you fought off the urge to flip them off. Natasha rolled her eyes as she saw the petty conflict behind yours. "I'll be back in three sleeps sweetheart, you take care of yourself while I'm gone please."
Natasha sighed as she saw you bite your lip, a nervous habit of yours she'd become familiar with. You never wanted to disappoint Natasha, but you felt like you always were when you couldn't even manage the mundane tasks.
"It's hard, I know it is," she sympathized with your newfound wave of inability. "But eat, drink water, and sleep whenever possible."
"I'll try," you whisper against her chest as she hugs you close for a final moment. "That's all I ask moya lyubov, you deserve to be nourished."
"Three days," you whispered, your eyes shut tight as you reeled in your emotions. You could break down when she made it onto the road.
"Then there'll be no more leaving, we got this."
"Safe travels Natty." You kissed her cheek, then made the move to slip from her grasp, knowing all too well that she wouldn't willingly let go.
As you entered the house she watched, making her driver more irritated but she didn't care. His paycheck was signed by her, therefore his patience was paid for. She watched closely and nearly broke down when she saw a little Luna crying as her hands slammed into the window.
It was strange, how the ten month old could understand the implications of her mother in the car, and it hurt the woman's aching soul.
Once you locked the door, and scooped your daughter up she told released a breath and told the driver he could take off as she sent off a worried text to Cole, begging him to keep an eye on you like he promised her he would.
Then she sat back and began to count down the milliseconds until she could return to you.
The following morning came with a wake up Facetime call, your wife waited until it was 9am your time, then spent hours virtually cuddling. Around 12pm she bid you farewell, as it was 3pm in New York, her interview was for 6pm, but with makeup and wardrobe it was time.
It was live, so at 3pm you'd ensured the babies were already down for a nap, and settled onto the couch in some clean pajamas with your emotional support water bottle, and chips.
Natasha looked beautiful as she crossed the stage, with practiced elegance she flashed her award winning smile, and you swooned. It felt like it was directed at you, and with it being your Natasha you realized it probably was.
They discussed the movie, it was a smooth interview, until the hot topic, you, came up.
"So, tell me Natasha, who's the mystery girl?"
Natasha instantly grimaced, but quickly shook the expression for one of happiness. "My wife."
"Wife, huh?" He chuckled nervously, you both saw a question on his mind designed to send you spiraling. "Fans across the globe really thought you'd end up with Wanda Maximoff."
Natasha breathed harshly through her nose, it took all of her patience to remain composed.
"Wanda is nothing more than a lifelong friend." Natasha cooly replied. "Who's happily engaged, need I remind you, to The Vision Stark."
"Hindsight is 20/20," he jested awkwardly.
"Mhm," Natasha hummed, not even humoring the man with a response as she watched him fumble through his note cards for more. She smiled, it was perceivably smug, and made you feel something you'd yet to in almost a year.
He took a steadying breath before his face relaxed, then he continued his futile attack.
"I have it on good authority that your wife, Y/N Y/L/N." Natasha cut him off, "Romanoff."
"Sorry," he replied annoyedly, "We've been informed that Y/N Romanoff was a stripper."
Natasha nods thoughtfully. "Is there a question there, or are we just stating useless facts. If so, I'd like to inform you your tie is on wrong."
Your eyes widened, in all your years of knowing of Natasha, you'd never seen her so snarky. It was really hot, and you truly couldn't deny it.
"I guess, if it wasn't obvious," he starts shakily, as if he feared the 5'3 redheaded woman. "The world is wondering if that's how you met."
"Well, the honest answer is yes." The audience gasped, she rolled her eyes behind her lids knowing they were likely prompted to do that for shock value alone. "I know right? How shocking that rich people still go to strip clubs."
Her eyes then narrowed onto the nervous host. "As if you yourself aren't a regular Johnny."
"Jimmy," he timidly corrected and she laughed. Boy did she laugh, it was mocking, and had the man sweating through his shirt. "My apologies, so tell me Jimbo, does your wife know what happens during the actual late nights? We both know this show is mislabeled. It ends by 7pm, but your life is only just beginning then right?"
The raven haired man gulped, it was clear Nat was prepared for his intrusive questioning. You caught sight of Natasha's sideways smirk just as the show cut to a commercial, and when it returned your wife was no longer there. Cole snickered from beside you, "Mom would have loved to see this, God, I adore your wife Y/N."
You hummed your agreement, then left him to tend to the crying babies while you answered your wife's phone call. She was panicking, but you reassured her that it'll be okay. That her die hard fans wouldn't leave, and that with the progressive nature of Hollywood that she'd likely receive accolades for her honesty, and her overall support of the sex work industry.
Even if you both knew it wasn't a guarantee, Natasha couldn't help but to believe you. In the end, if this is where her career ended she didn't mind. She had more than enough money to retire, and she still would have her business.
Natasha ended the call after you'd calmed her as she had more interviews to prepare for.
It felt fulfilling being there for her, helping her through a freak out for once instead of it being the other way around. You knew it wasn't a competition, but it's hard to think otherwise when it's always you on the visibly weaker end.
There was a renewed confidence in your step now, and it showed when you fixed lunch for the whole house instead of letting Cole. You'd ushered him off to play with the kids, and got comfy with the concepts of cooking again.
When the next day came you got to hear from Nat sporadically. She told you all about her day, the highlight apparently came when she got to answer fan's questions while playing with cats. You rolled your eyes, knowing now that she'd be insufferable until you finally said yes to her taking in the stray kittens that lived amongst Wanda's garden. The brunette wanted to take them to a shelter a week ago, but Nat told her she'd win you over soon enough.
She begged again before she got off the call, and she was right, because that evening you sent her a picture before she went to sleep of a relieved Wanda on your doorstep with a box.
Natasha called you on the verge of tears, she'd only hung up the phone an hour ago so she could take a shower and get ready for bed. It was only 4pm for you, and 7pm for her, but she had an early morning interview before she was then meant to catch an afternoon flight home.
So, after she thanked you profusely, she settled down in her bed, and you on the couch as you pulled up her most recent interview done with Clint Barton. An actor turned talk show host.
He was also her very best friend, so of course she gave him the tell all story others wanted.
"So Natasha," Clint started with a teasing smirk. "Mhm?" She hummed playfully, her eyes softly rolled as a smirk overtook her face.
"When do I get to meet my niece and nephew?"
"Whenever you catch a flight out to Oregon."
"That's right," he bounces off her seamlessly, "You made the bold move to the Beaver state, what is in Oregon that's not in LA or NYC?"
"Peace," she answered simply. "It's gorgeous, and it's where my love wanted to end up."
Clint smiled, it was incredibly genuine as he admired the lovesick one your wife wore. The man has yet to meet you, but he plans to hug you tightly in silent thanks for changing her life for the better and making her this happy. He's watched her through every phase, the partying, all the meaningless hooking up, to the present.
Where she is outwardly softer, but as expected she is still guarded where she needed to be.
"Your love," he acknowledges, a slight tease to his tone as he met her eyes again. "Why don't you tell me all about who's taking you from us."
Natasha glared at him, but it was a playful way, that she agreed to, to ease her into her purpose for this interview. "You know Clint, I've been acting ever since I was a kid," she thoughtfully began, "It's all I've ever known honestly. It's been my greatest passion for three decades."
She took in a steadying breath, then sighed while wearing a shy smile, "It wasn't until I met her that I envisioned more for myself," her cheeks reddened at the thought of exposing herself in such a vulnerable way to the world.
Acting, telling others stories, was what she did best, but it felt foreign to tell her own like this.
With her eyes closed she imagined your smile, then she heard the memory of your kids giggles and suddenly it was the easiest decision. "Y/N is my light at the end of the tunnel, truthfully."
Clint nodded proudly, leaning back in his seat to metaphorically open the floor up to her.
"I know the world is already freaking out, some angry that I'm off the market, others mad that she's a former stripper, but I don't know why any of that matters to them." Natasha frowned as she tried not to cry. "People are saying my career will end with this, and to those people I say good fucking riddance. I've given almost every last piece of me to this industry, and if me finally choosing my happiness is a problem then I'll let it be for only them. I'm happier than I've ever been, and that is my truth."
"So, you're leaving Hollywood behind?" He asked for clarity, and she shook her head in a partial negation. "I have decided to take a step back, this upcoming film is going to be my final for an indefinite amount of time. I want to focus on my family, and I deserve a break."
"That you do Natasha," Clint acknowledged, behind him on a screen a slideshow of all of her hit movies began to appear. Emphasizing the focus of conversation. "If you retired today I'd say that you've left your mark on the world, even more so with those beautiful babies."
"They are my entire world." Natasha clarified, they were her legacy, sure, but they were so much more than that too. They were a perfect mixture of you both. Apollo with her distinctive eyes, and your sweet smile. Then Luna with her smile, and dimples and your huffy temper.
Both with their own blooming personalities.
The redhead smiled brightly when a photo then flickered on the screen of your little family. The four of you were sat on a park bench, Apollo stood on her lap with his hand pointing to something behind her, she had smiled at the camera, but her eyes focus was torn between him and the phone. Then sat beside her was you, with a blanket over your chest, shielding the hungry baby from the harsh Fall winds.
It was meant to be a cute family photo, and it still was, but far more dysfunctional than intended. Natasha had tried to get Apollo to turn around, but he wouldn't take his eyes off of the firetruck in the back. Then Luna cried, and it was clearly hunger so you let her latch on, and even then it could've been cute, but then she grunted angrily so you covered her.
"You guys look happy," Clint acknowledged, and the woman smiled fondly. "We are."
"Well, I hope that in a few years time we'll be able to see you back on the screen," Clint moves to wrap up the segment. "But if we don't, then I'd like to dedicate a moment of silence to the greatest loss in the industry."
"Oh stop it," she joked tearily, leaning forward to playfully shove his shoulder. Clint winked at the emotional redhead, then he yanked her up and into a bear hug. "Tell Y/N I look forward to meeting her," he whispered, then he planted a kiss on her cheek, and she left the stage with a chorus of loud applause following her.
You turned the TV off, then wiped at the few tears that she'd elicited from you. Seeing her so vulnerable on TV, all in an attempt to make the media go easier on you, was overwhelming. It made your heart swell with more love than before and you couldn't quiet grasp how you could even love her more than you already did.
It also made you want her more than you did yesterday. No longer was it a feeling you could ignore, but instead a deep seeded need you'd had every intention of satiating upon your wife's return. Which is why you rebooked your brothers flight home, and reminded him about that one time you covered for him when he rear ended your evil neighbor Mildred's parked car.
The last thing Natasha expected to find as she entered your house late at night was you. But on the couch you sat, with a glass of red wine, and in a matter of seconds you were on her.
"Moya lyubov' I said drink water," she groaned, but it was a humored one. You looked up at her with wide eyes, then you smiled innocently. "Would you believe me if I said that Jesus showed up and magicked it himself?"
"Oh, is that so?" She cackled in a hushed way, you nodded vehemently. "Scouts honor Natty!"
"Mhm?" She teasingly hummed, the vibrato felt as she pressed her lips to yours, and you gasped affectedly. Natasha tried to pull back, feeling guilty for looking like she was trying to initiate anything, but then she felt guilty for feeling guilty because of course she wants you.
"No," you whimpered and clung to her biceps. "Daddy please, I-I'm ready." You were wet, desperation was controlling your mind now.
"You're drunk detka," she pointed out, but you showed her the bottle, proving that you'd only poured the one glass and hadn't had more than two sips. Which was only for liquid courage.
"What's changed for you?" Natasha pulled you down into her lap, you whined in frustration, but then you saw the glossy viridescent orbs full of concern waiting for your reply.
"Seeing you lose your cool on TV over me was hot," you admitted shamelessly, stroking her big ego in the hopes that it'd soon be her cock.
The redhead blushed, but quickly regained her cool as she leaned back into the cushion of the couch and firmly gripped your thighs apart.
"Can I see how hot it made you detka?" Her raspy voice made you dizzy, you nodded and moaned a soft please so she eagerly padded at the wetness seeping through your panties. "Oh look at you detka, you're just so needy, huh?"
She cursed in Russian when you answered with a buck of your hips. With a swift hand she laid you down and said, "You have to be quiet."
You shook your head. "I reminded Cole of a secret I kept, so he collected the kids and all they'd need and went to the guest suite."
"I knew I married a genius," she teased, her heart nearly exploded as you laughed. It'd been so rare to hear nowadays, so it was cherished.
"What do you want moya lyubov'?" Natasha looked deep in your eyes, wearing a smile that said only your pleasure was enough for her.
Instead of answering you pulled her down with a hand wrapped behind the nape of her neck. The kiss was soft, almost exploratory as it'd been so long since you'd had a spike in libido. But when Natasha still remained timid you took the initiative, your hand cupped her bulge, and you slid your tongue over her bottom lip.
She gasped and your tongue pushed beyond her lips, but hers expertly swirled around yours then darted down your throat. As you gagged she couldn't fight off the aching need so she pushed down into your hand and moaned.
The redhead pulled away, panting heavily as she tried to reel her neediness in. You drove her body wild, but she didn't want to get too lost in the lust if you weren't ready yet.
"You've been so patient with me," you purred, "Let me take care of you daddy, please?"
Natasha suddenly stilled, her sorrowful eyes set on  yours. "Hey no, detka, you deserve endless patience without expectations."
"Yeah, I know," you breathed. "But we went from having sex every few days to not at all."
Natasha smiled tenderly, her hand cupped your cheek. "That's fine, I don't need sex to be happy with you Y/N. You alone are enough."
"Well, that sentiment is returned, but I'm absolutely serious, so let me give you head."
Natasha was shocked by your bold words, it was a quick recovery though as she snorted, "If I ever say no, please do have me committed."
Natasha smiled triumphantly as you giggled, it always made her heart warm to hear your joy.
The mood swiftly returned to one of lust when after she leaned back you slid out and onto the ground on your knees. The woman was tired, jet lagged to be more precise, but that didn't stop her from helping you take her sweats off.
Natasha was undeniably aroused, her cock stood tall as soon as you slid her boxers off.
"You gonna stare all night detka?" Natasha teased, then her eyes softened. "If you're not ready, just say the word lyubov', it'll be okay."
You shook your head free of worry, and smiled at her for being so sweet. It was comically endearing. Here she sat with an erection that had to be hurting her at this point and she only cared about your comfort. Which actually only made you even more excited to suck her off.
Natasha groaned, the sound raspier than ever before as you traced your tongue over the veins of her cock. Her hands gripped the cushions of the couch as your lips wrapped around her tip, and she nearly came on the spot as your hands steadily pumped up from the base of her cock as your other hand lazily played with her balls.
Her breathing became increasingly labored as you bobbed your head up and down her length, you could feel yourself dripping down your thighs as you'd gone commando beneath her sleep shirt. Hearing just how much she was enjoying this had immeasurably turned you on.
Natasha's hips involuntarily jerked. "Oh fuck." You giggled around her shaft, the vibrations making her do it again, and this time you'd choked. Universal instant karma you suppose.
Natasha stilled, fearful eyes looking down into yours. "I'm okay," you immediately said after gasping for air upon releasing her cock, you didn't move far though, you instead hovered her tip with a goofy smile for hopeful clarity.
"Are you close?" You asked, but with how her shaft continued to twitch beneath your fingertips you'd figured you had your answer. Natasha nodded, it was uncharacteristically shy and you found yourself wanting more soft sensual moments just like this one with her. 
"Good." You mused. "Now how about you take over and cum down my throat as a reward."
The way you winked made the pit within her begin to unravel, Natasha's tip instantly coated in pebbles of white as you took over half of her length into your mouth, and proceeded to let her fuck your throat until it was raw. Your nails dug into the skin of her thighs that you were gripping for stability as she thrusted wildly, and glorious tears ran down your warm cheeks.
When she released down your throat the pleasure was blinding, her eyes slammed shut and she moaned for a prolonged moment as the hot spurts didn't stop. Strands of her cum slid down your chin along with your drool as she continuously thrusted until that wave of pleasure she was riding came to an end. 
While you both caught your breath you began to get handsy, impatiently pulling at the hem of her shirt until she removed it with a huff of amusement. You then kissed up her body until her cock was trapped against her abdomen by your slippery cunt, and your lips met hers.
Natasha's hands fell to your hips instinctually, and she guided you as you slowly ground into her, letting her tongue explore your mouth. When you whimpered with need she pulled back and you were met with dark, lusty eyes.
"I know you want me inside detka," she teased as she ran a thumb over your swollen lip that was still somewhat coated in her essence. "But daddy's missed your pussy in more ways than one, and I can't help but to need to taste you."
"Please," you whispered affectedly, and she pulled you back in for a deep, heartfelt kiss. "Thank you detka, lay down for daddy now."
Natasha removed your shirt seamlessly as you laid down, the fabric had barely left your skin before you felt her hands all over your body. One second they were gripping you by the hips to keep you from bucking into her face, then they no longer cared as they sought out your breasts. Natasha's tongue flicked over your bundle of nerves just as her thumbs pinched your nubs, and your body writhed as you came.
The orgasm you experienced was intense as the aftershocks continued rolling through you, and in retrospect it was also embarrassingly quick. But it'd been so long and Natasha was just that good, she never struggled to get you to let go.
Every muscle in your body relaxed for all of two seconds, but then the redhead continued to lavish away at your cunt. Cleaning up your arousal, but then delving even deeper to pull another, somehow more intense orgasm from the depths of your soul. Stars bloomed behind the lids of your eyes as you screamed her title.
Over and over again too. Natasha was like a woman starved as she refused to leave her place between your thighs. When you tried to shimmy away she growled, it was terrifying, but in the best way as you involuntarily gushed.
You knew that if you really needed her to stop you could say your safe word, but as much as you felt overstimulated you felt just as good.
"Fuck I missed this," Natasha moaned as she continued to lick at your glistening, puffy cunt. "If I could, I'd never leave this sacred spot."
You were cognitively incapable of a verbalized response besides the occasional, pitiful whine.
Natasha admired your fucked out face briefly before turning your whimpers into loud moans as she wrapped her lips around your clit, and sucked harshly as she suddenly filled you with three of her skilled fingers, that now curled delicately into your g-spot with every thrust.
Tears streamed down your temples, matting your hair to your face, and seeping into the cushions of your couch. You came with a yelp this time, cum absolutely drenching the couch and leaving Natasha in awe. You however were hardly able to breathe, or see as the tears made your sight bleary. This was when your hands flew into her hair, tangling up in the locks as you used all your remaining strength to pull her up to your lips in a redirecting manner.
Natasha kissed you sloppily, her fingers now coming to a stop as she understood your silent pleas. Slowly, after distracting you with a swirl of her tongue around yours, she pulled out. You whined lowly at the loss, but your body appreciatively deflated into the cushions, and while you worked to calm down she began to kiss all over your skin in a calm, soothing way.
"We should go get you cleaned up lyubov'," she murmured against the skin of your neck that she'd been nibbling, your breathing had finally returned to an evened rhythm. "No, please."
Natasha pulled back to look you over, she was shocked to see your eyes desperate for more.
"Are you sure detka?" You frantically nodded, "Yes, fuck, I want you to fill me so bad daddy."
Natasha pressed her lips to yours, and slid her throbbing member into your slick cunt without a hitch. Neither of you were going to last long, and truthfully neither of you needed to. There was already stars where the ceiling once was as your lover pounded into your sloshing cunt.
"Gonna fill you to the brim detka," she moaned against the shell of your ear. "Can't wait to see your beautiful belly grow with my baby again."
Her breaths were hot as they fanned across your twice as hot skin. Every grunt she released brought with it a reactive clench of your walls, and it drove the woman atop of you insane.
Natasha came with a silent scream, her load unleashing havoc on your abused walls, you were a moaning mess as she slammed into your g-spot repeatedly as she chased this glorious high, milking it for all it's worth and herself as well in the process. When she came to a stop, and pulled out of you she gasped.
The amount of cum that oozed out of you was jarring at first inspection. Natasha had never released this much in her life, she's almost certain it's impossible for that much to exist inside a person at once but she just rationalized it as a delayed release for the year without sex.
There was no way you wouldn't get pregnant.
Especially not after Natasha thrusted back inside of you, mumbling something about preserving the chance that made you chuckle.
"Are you prepared for a third baby?" You teased your wife, with a hand mindlessly running through her hair as she laid with her face pressed against your chest. "I once told you detka, I'd make you my breeding bitch."
You cackled, chest shaking beneath her head to the point that she had to lift up and narrow her eyes at you. "I'm not sure why that's funny, but yes, I'm prepared for whatever life brings. With you by my side I'd willingly raise a dozen kids."
Natasha smirked when your humor died away, eyes wide with fear until she finally took over laughing for you. "God, you looked so scared."
You scoffed, "I was. That's a lot of c-sections." Natasha pursed her lips in thought, then she shrugged her shoulders. "Not if we have twins."
"We'll leave the twins to Maximoff," you soon decided over a yawn. "I think two more is fine."
Natasha leaned down to kiss your lips. "Two more sounds perfect. A simple family of six."
"There's nothing simple about you Natasha."
"Yet you love me anyways." You could hear the insecurity in her tease, and it hurt your heart to think someone ever made her feel unlovable. "That I do." You gently guided her lips to yours, kissing her slowly before you guided her face back to the crook of your neck. "Very much."
Neither of you spoke another word, you just laid there soaking in the warmth of your love before slipping off into a restful nights sleep.
The first in a long time actually, and the last genuine one before Raven and Leo arrived. 
6,389 Words
Nat's former job: Acting / Y/N's: Stripping
Nat's current job: Breeder / Y/N's: To be Bred
❤️ Kaitlyn. 🤭
770 notes · View notes
nhl-stories · 10 months
midnight love – Anthony Beauvillier
Summary: Hannah was ready to accept her fate as second choice, but a newcomer just entered the picture
Author’s Note: Oh my god I've been working through this for so long and then bam that trade happens. And changed how I was going to end this so I'm a bit distraught.
Word Count: 3.9k
Album Series Masterlist
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I can't be your midnight love When your silver is my gold
She wishes she had enough of a backbone to disappoint people, if only in self-preservation. But no, instead Hannah is spending another night as a stand in.
It’s not like these people aren’t her friends, but there’s a hierarchy; they’re Brock’s friends and teammates first, then Cora’s friends and fellow significant others, then at the bottom of the list is Hannah.
At least it’s just a team dinner, not some event where she has to explain over and over again that no, she is not Brock’s girlfriend, just a friend. Usually throw in a joke about taking advantage of an open bar or nice dinner.
His real girlfriend is prettier and more talented, just busy with her emergency medicine residency. Hannah is just a placeholder so he doesn’t have to go somewhere alone.
Don’t worry, Brock isn’t slumming it with the plain-looking girl who works in a fish market.
He’s with Cora: head cheerleader and prom queen in high school, first in her class in college and med school, Miss British Columbia who probably would have been Miss Canada if she wasn’t too busy studying to be a fucking doctor.
Hannah’s only a little bitter.
To be fair, she did it to herself. She spent her whole life as Cora’s less-than-impressive sidekick, she should have seen it coming.
Hannah should have thought twice before introducing Cora to Brock, should have known Cora would charm him and ask him out before Hannah could even tell her how she felt about him. And then it was a year and a half of worming her way into Brock’s heart down the drain.
Brock and Cora are good match. They look like a Barbie and Ken set and then they’re personable and kind on top of it.
Still, Brock can’t seem to take Hannah off a pedestal. It’s a little lower than Cora’s, but a pedestal nonetheless. Maybe if she jumps off, it will put her out of her misery.
“You’re Brock’s girlfriend? The doctor?”
Hannah’s head snaps up from stabbing the cherry in her drink, to see a new face. Anthony Beauvillier, her brain supplies.
“Oh no, just a friend filling in,” she bites back her initial reaction of a barking laugh, “You’re Anthony, welcome to Vancouver.”
“Thanks, so just a friend, what’s your name?”
“Oh, right, Hannah.”
“Hannah since you’re here and not a significant other, I can assume you know all the dirt.”
Hannah blushes under his gaze. His eyes are so blue she can’t seem to keep direct eye contact. So, they keep drifting to his hair, she hadn’t realized he had such soft looking locks since she mostly had seen him on TV with a helmet.
“I guess, what do you want to know?”
She tries to be coy; she definitely knows more than most. She’s so present but so unassuming she guesses she must be easy to open up to.
“Is it really a big deal that Petey brought around a girl?”
“There hasn’t been a lot of exciting off-ice news this season. But I’ve known him for almost 4 years and I’ve barely seen him flirt with a girl, so to bring a girlfriend is kind of big deal. Although between you and me I think he’s been hung up on her for a while.”
Anthony nods.
“The only thing before this was Quinn broke up with his girlfriend from back home and then just started showing up with a new girlfriend like a month later. But Samantha has been accepted into the fold so it’s not really gossip anymore.”
“You really do know the low down.”
“I can’t give you much on-ice info, but off-ice dynamics, I’m your woman.”
He gives her a crooked smile and starts to say something, when a hand grabs her elbow a bit too tight.
“Dinner is starting, I got us seats,” Brock tugs her towards the table that’s filling up.
“Nice talking to you Anthony,” she gently pulls her arm out of Brocks grip.
“Yeah, let’s do it again sometime.”
“You smell like fish,” Cora says as Hannah sits down next her in the stands.
She pulls up her collar and gives it a sniff, she doesn’t smell anything, “I changed before I came here.”
“I think it’s just embedded itself into your skin at this point.”
“You smelled like a barn when we met and I still became your friend, even though everyone said you smelled like horse butt.”
“Well, the tables have turned and now you’re the stinky friend.”
“Fuck off,” Hannah laughs and flips her friend off.
Cora reaches in her purse for a tiny spray bottle of perfume, “I got you covered my fishy friend,” she gives her a spritz.
“Did I miss anything interesting?”
“I just got here, like 10 minutes before you. Had a last-minute surgery.”
“So, we were both working with guts before we came.”
“Yeah, and hopefully after this, number six will be rearranging my guts.”
Hannah laughs, but it’s hollow. They’ve been together long enough it shouldn’t still sting, but somehow it does.
Thankfully, there’s a big hit on the ice to shift their focus.
“The new guy is pretty cute,” Cora says when play settles.
“Yeah, you met him at that dinner thing, right?”
The tone in Cora’s voice makes it clear that she knows something Hannah doesn’t. That she’s toying with her food.
“Mm-hmm, he seems nice.”
“Brock said he was flirting with you. He was all worked up about it too, like ‘this new guy comes in and just charms the first girl he sees, what if Hannah was my girlfriend?’”
Hannah forces herself to focus on the puck traveling down the ice. She can’t look at Cora, let her see something she might jump on
The puck is blown dead, icing, and Hannah tries to keep her face blank when she turns, “He was just trying to meet the group and be friendly.”
“That’s what I tried to tell him. Why would he be trying to flirt with you?”
Hannah bites her tongue, she knows Cora means why would he be flirting with someone at a team dinner, when most women there would be taken. It doesn’t mean it’s any less hurtful. Like Cora isn’t digging her finger into the soft flesh of her biggest insecurities. 
“Brock’s just protective of what’s his,” Cora adds like that’s not another sharp jab.
A wave of nausea rolls over Hannah.
The boys win by one in a mostly winless season, which is good reason to go out and celebrate. Hannah is wrangled into one of Cora’s dresses, and doused in her perfume, and dragged to a club.
One out of three of those things is Hannah’s choice.
“You smell nice,” Brock leans over to whisper in her ear, reaching across her body to steal a gulp from her drink.
Her body involuntarily flushes, like it always does when Brock casually invades her space. So completely unaware of the effect he has on her.
“I smell like your girlfriend,” she hates the way her voice wavers.
“Where is she anyway?” He stares out into the crowd, arm casually thrown over Hannah’s shoulder.
“Dancing with some of the girlfriends,” she waves in the direction the group went.
“Not like you to not join in,” he gives her a smile that used to be reserved for her only.
“It’s been a long day,” she shrugs, “which reminds me, Cora said certain things that mean if I want a good night’s sleep, bring her back to your place.”
“So, I’m scoring off the ice too?”
Hannah gags, “second star on and off the ice.”
Brock laughs and gives her gentle shove.
“I’m gonna get a drink, need a refill?”
Hannah gives him a thumbs up.
She watches him walk towards the bar and Cora appear out of thin air to wrap herself around him. Hannah knows she’ll be waiting on that drink forever.
“Looked like you could use a refill,” a solid wall of warmth slides up next to her, a drink placed in front of her.
She should have been expecting it to be Anthony, but she’s surprised. A warm feeling rolling over her thinking about how Brock thought he was flirting.
“Thanks, Brock’s useless,” she holds up the glass in cheers and takes a sip.
Over the rim of the glass, she catches two blondes sucking face, having their foreplay in front of everyone.
“Do you want to get out of here?” She blurts without thinking of the implication, maybe not caring.
Anthony gapes at her forwardness before Hannah’s brain catches up, “Like to a quieter bar?”
Hannah takes him to a dive bar, where they drink crappy beer in tall boys and play darts. She’s too dressed up for the location but it doesn’t matter, they only have eyes for each other.
“You worked on a crabbing boat?” Anthony asks incredulously.
The alcohol is already having her run hot, but the focus from Anthony- or Tito or Beau as he said people call him- feels like a direct sunray. She’s the listener not the talker. Yet, there’s something disarming about Anthony, makes her walls fall away, makes her want to talk as much as she listens.
“Yeah, it was a quick way to make a lot of money in a few months, and it was exciting. There aren’t a lot of crabs the past few years so I haven’t had a chance to go back. And I’m not very smart so I have limited options.”
“You’re talking to a hockey player, I’m also not very smart and have limited options.”
“That’s probably explains why Brock and I became such good friends, although he did go to some college,” she grins and throws her last dart.
Anthony doesn’t make a move to start his turn, “so you and Brock were never–“ he cuts himself off with a throw.
“More than friends?” Hannah supplies.
“Yeah,” Anthony visibly tinges pink even in the darkened bar.
Hannah can’t quite vocalize her answer, worried the timbre of her voice will give away all the thoughts and feelings she’s been hiding. She shakes her head instead.
“If Brock was being weird, I think he was just vetting you. As a teammate and if you were worth my affections or something. Not that you were actually flirting with me.”
“I was,” Anthony looks her straight on, no doubt on his face or in his voice.
Something snaps inside Hannah, bursting red-hot in her veins. She’s not going to sit back and wait this time; she’s going to lean into what she’s feeling and grab it tight.
She drags Anthony towards to the back of the bar, pushing him into the bathroom and pushing him against the door once inside. She feels a little depraved, but she drives through the feeling and kisses Anthony.
He’s quick to kiss back, tongue slipping past her lips, gentling her erratic movements. He grabs her hips gently, but firm. He’s a wave of cold water crashing into her molten lava body. Nature in symbiosis.
“I don’t normally do this,” she says between kisses.
He moves his hands up to her waist, he doesn’t stop kissing her, just moves down her jaw closer to her ear, “and this is what you want?”
He sinks in his teeth into the hinge of her jaw, she gasps.
“I want–“ her voice is shaky.
She doesn’t know how to say it or ask for it. She just wants the light of his attention, on her, his whole-hearted focus directed at only her, like no one else exists.
“Cause I want more than a bathroom hookup, but I’ll take what I can get,” she can feel his smile against her skin.
There’s a bang on the door then someone yells, “You don’t have to go, but you can’t stay here!”
It’s like being dunked in the ice-cold Pacific.
She gives him one more peck, “Another time?”
They find themselves in another bathroom, this time in Demko’s house while the team has a party. Hannah on the counter and Anthony in a vice grip between her knees.
“Sorry, couldn’t wait until after the party.”
Hannah can’t hold back her smile. Hasn’t been for almost two weeks now. They hadn’t seen each other again, but had been texting. If Cora asks, she says it’s Brock being stupid. If Brock asks, she says it’s Cora being dramatic.
“I like it,” digging her fingers into his hair, it’s as soft as it looks.
 “But we can’t take too long,” she adds, though she doesn’t kiss like someone with an exit plan.
“I’ll take my time tonight,” he whispers against her lips.
Voices drift closer to the door when they finally decide to peel apart. Hannah fixes where she mussed his hair as best she can, before peeking to see if the coast is clear.
She makes her way through the kitchen to casually grab a drink and slides up next to Cora and her conversation with the other better halves.
She’s trying to ease herself into the conversation but her mind is elsewhere. In the future and whatever tonight is going to be and in the present glancing over to see Anthony trying to do the same.
Cora elbows her before leaning in, “Classic hot mess Hannah.”
“Your very dumb, signature move,” Cora grins, “you forgot to wipe your lipstick off his mouth before you reintegrated back into society.”
Hannah tries to casually glance back at Anthony, he looks towards her at the same time and grins. His lips a shade too pink to be natural. Hannah mimes wiping her lips with the back of her hand, hoping he’ll get the message.
“You dirty girl, I’d recognize that nude berry on any boy’s lips, which honestly let me find you a new color, you’ve been using that for like a decade now.”
Hannah tries to smile through her worry, but Cora knows her well enough to see through it.
“I’m very proud of you for getting him while the getting’s hot, but if you’re worried about me telling Brocky babe or something, don’t worry, secret’s safe with me,” she zips her lips and throws the key over her shoulder.
The giddy nerves in her stomach start fighting the anxious nerves in her stomach.
A heavy arm drapes over Hannah’s shoulder, “There you are, Cora said she saw you but I couldn’t find you anywhere.”
That’s the thing, Hannah trusts Cora to keep a secret, she doesn’t quite trust herself.
“Almost feels like you’ve been hiding from me,” Brock laughs at the thought.
Cora joins in and gives Hannah a desperate look to join in as well, Hannah can feel her own laugh is too erratic, but Brock doesn’t seem phased.
“Babe, she’s allowed to have her own life, she’s not just our personal third wheel,” Cora pulls him into her own side.
“Technically Cora, you’re the third wheel to our friendship,” he grins and gives her a peck.
Hannah feels nauseous.
“Oh honey, you’re the third wheel to Hannah and I’s friendship, it’s been around the longest.”
They’re not even acting like Hannah is involved in this conversation, she takes the opportunity to duck out. She grabs another a drink and goes out to the unused balcony. It’s still too cold to hang out there at night, the air is the kind of wet-cold that you can feel in every breath.
“How long have you been in love with Brock?”
Hannah jumps at his voice, barely managing to keep a hold on her bottle of beer.
“I’m not really in love with him anymore,” there’s no use in lying if she’s that transparent.
“Is that why this all secretive?”
Anthony’s eyes are so big, endless blue that Hannah isn’t sure how to read. She wants to learn.
She has reasons lined up: she doesn’t want to effect team chemistry, doesn’t want to ruin her friendships if this goes south, doesn’t want to fall in love with another hockey player.
But all those reasons are logical and rational. And this is emotional in a way she’s not sure she can find room for in her body.
“It’s nice to have something that’s just mine,” she furrows her brow, feels like it’s not quite what she means.
“I’m not the smartest or the prettiest or the most anything, I’m just Hannah. But you act like that’s enough. I’m not just a consolation prize or silver you’re settling for because you can’t have gold.”
Anthony doesn’t say anything for a long time, Hannah feels like maybe they froze outside.
Then he takes a step forward, cupping her face with hands so warm they burn her cheeks. He kisses her slowly; Hannah doesn’t think anyone has ever kissed her like this. Like she’s something precious, worth savoring.
He pulls away and smirks, “I’ve kind of been wishing for silver my whole life.”
“Jesus Christ, is that a Stanley Cup joke?” her smile grows so big it swallows her face.
“Like I’ve said I’m not that smart or that clever either.”
Hannah just has to kiss that stupid smile off his face, not caring who can see them through the windows.
Brock is pissed.
He acts like everyone doesn’t know what it’s about. Like they don’t notice the glares he sends Beau when he walks into the locker room or how his knuckles go white around a beer bottle when he sees Hannah dance with Anthony at club.
They all let him sulk for a week, without saying anything.
Teammates start to chirp him when it lasts longer.
It comes to a head when Brock goes to a team event alone and brings his mood home to Cora.
“You’re not even his ex or something,” Cora is pretending to be the slowest customer of all time at the fish counter while she complains.
Hannah sort of wishes it was a rush so she could usher her friend away, she’s so over dealing with Brock. The jealousy that she would have killed for a few months ago is starting to become overkill and Hannah kind find it in her to be bothered.
It’s funny that the first time she’s all Brock can think about, is also the first time she doesn’t give a shit about it.
“He’s never had to share you with someone else and now I’m like invisible or something.”
That make Hannah pause.
In all the years she’s known Cora she’s the never been self-conscious, never had a reason to be.
She has to bite back the spiteful smile, it’s nice to be reminded that Cora is a mere mortal too.
“I’ll talk to him, can’t have you feeling lesser than me.”
Cora scoffs, “Hey, don’t talk about my best friend like that.”
Hannah rolls her eyes.
“I’m serious bitch, I don’t know why it took so long for it to get through your head, but I’m glad someone finally makes you feel on top of the world.”
The next night Hannah and Anthony are at Brock’s door.
He opens the door and almost shuts it in their face, but Hannah catches the door with her foot and shoves Anthony through the door.
“It’s an ambush babe,” Cora squeezes Brock shoulders, trying to make him unclench an iota.
“I come bearing the traditional British Columbian peace offering, a fillet of fish,” she nobly holds out the wrapped package in her arms.
Brock almost cracks smile.
“Brocky babe, why don’t you help her prep the fish and I will fix Beau here a drink.”
Hannah drags him into the kitchen before he can argue or pout.
She doesn’t really need prep; she knows her way around the kitchen already and the recipe like the back of her hand.
She pulls out a knife and points it at Brock.
“I’ll let you be upset for the time it takes me to cook this fish, and then you’re going to snap out of it.”
She gets to work, “You love Cora, you love that she loves hiking and boating and your dogs. You love that she’s as passionate about her job as you are. You love that she moved the fucking earth to make your dad passing as easy as possible for you.”
Brock’s face is set in stone.
“So why the fuck are you so bent out of shape about me dating someone, to the point where your perfect girlfriend is jealous of me?”
“Of all the people in the world you had to go for one of my teammates? What if something happens and I can’t even think of passing to him or it makes things weird with my teammates.” Brock snaps.
“Cause you’re doing a great job of that right now, Petey says he’s worried you’ll throw a punch soon.”
“Were you just using me until you could land the right hockey player?”
“Not everything I do is about you Brock. Sorry I let you think that for so long.”
She throws some of the fish in the hot pan, it sizzles like her nerves.
“I’m sorry it happened this way, it’s the last thing I would purposely try to do. But can’t you tell how happy he makes me?”
She feels her tears start to fall, hot and heavy. They’ve been locked and loaded for years.
“You didn’t want me when we met all those years ago, and that hurt. And then you fell for my best friend like instantly, and that hurt worse.  You don’t want me that way, so you don’t get to be mad that someone else does.”
Brock looks like he might cry, too.
“I love being your best friend. I love your dumb jokes and you’re stupid fucking laugh. But I can find that somewhere else if you can’t accept this.”
Brock squeezes her tight, she can feel his tears on the crown of her head.
“I want what’s best for you,” he pulls away, “sorry I have a dumb way of showing it, is there any way I can make it up to you?”
“Pay my rent when you ask Cora to move in?”
Brock lets out one of his stupid fucking laughs, “maybe by next season you’ll also have a new place to live.”
Hannah shoves him away and plates the last of the fish, “the instant acceptance is appreciated, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
She goes to the dining room where the others are waiting with bated breath, pretending like they weren’t eavesdroping on the whole conversation.
“Hope you guys are ready for some tear-brined salmon for this very emotional and awkward double date.”
Anthony takes her hand when she sits down, she can’t help but kiss him. She likes the view off her pedestal.
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maddsmallow · 1 year
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" "con, don't you ever fuckin' relax?"
"lieutenant, i'm a machine. i don't need to 'relax'."
"oh fuck you, come on, we're on break. loosen up a little or something. you can chill out from your fuckin' mission for the three minutes it'll take me to smoke this cigarette. and shut your mouth before you go telling me it isn't actually exactly three minutes on average to smoke a cigarette or whatever."
connie closes her mouth. a small addition to her list of missions to accomplish is made: try to appear "relaxed" to appease lieutenant anderson. a raise in friendship means an easier partner to work with, so connie carefully inspects the lieutenant's posture and does her best to replicate it. being a machine of plastic and metal certainly doesn't make it easy. "
hankcon, but gorls. did i base hank off of my butch lesbian manager at my old job at a sex toy store who was covered in spongebob tattoos? absolutely yes i did
mostly i just wanted to portray fem!hank as a Large Woman because i think there is a severe lack of that. broad with muscle hidden under fat, like the kind of woman who does shot put. so uh,,, ms trunchbull basically LMAO. deep voice, raspy from smoking and drinking, all that good stuff 😩👌 also peep the button on her jacket hehe
got some headcanons and stories for them under the cut!
-hank wears cargo shorts 100% of the time. no matter the weather or temperature. like, 'bill and ted at prom in shorts, but it's her at a dpd ceremony in cargo shorts' level. but not actually because i'm totally gonna draw her in a pantsuit later, totally not with connie on her hip in a slinky dress 👀
-also yes hank's shirt is a spongebob reference
-when people ask hank why she goes by hank and not her "real name," (which i like to headcanon is "henrietta") she always says, "oh it's actually a really funny story, i'll tell you later," and the later never comes lmao. or, if she does tell you, it's some made up wacky story that actually has nothing to do with giving herself the name hank. the real reason? she just likes it
-speaking of "henrietta," this story, 'if you know where to look' by ghost_teeth, works so fucking well with a lot of my headcanons about how their characters would be like genderbent! highly recommend it, and all their dbh stories honestly!
-connie has a compact gun (i asked my brother for examples and he said sig p365 or springfield hellcat, which i think work perfectly for this) holstered inside her jacket on the left side. also, i'm stealing this idea from this post (which basically almost has the same design for fem!connor (altho like, most designs for her are basically the same lmao)) but she also has a knife strapped to her thigh
-her skirt is actually made of some super high tech flexible and durable material, and she's got specific programming to make her balance crazy good, since she'll be running in heels. she's made to hunt and pursue deviants so obviously she needs to be able to run and jump. the outfit is only made to appear like a standard "business woman" to blend in with the humans she would be required to work with, but otherwise gives her everything/doesn't hold her back from doing what she needs to complete her mission. here's a bonus conversation i had with @extraordinaryandroid about it lmaoo:
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-hank met connor-51 first for the ortiz case, but connie-52 (with 51's memories of course) came in the next day when it was announced they were to be officially paired to investigate deviants. cyberlife has their grubby lil hands in everything so of course they knew their RK800 unit would be paired with this lieutenant anderson before basically anyone else, and deemed that she'd get along better with a "female model" that she would find attractive. which of course has hank like WOW that's super weird and gross of y'all! and i fucking hate that it's working you pieces of shit at cyberlife !!!! but ofc connie's like "im a machine i dont even have a gender" all the while hank's sweatin major thirsty bullets
-at the cyberlife tower, connor-51 is the one to hold hank at gunpoint. how did he get hank to trust him? idk i haven't figured that out yet lmao, but the angst of connor-51 essentially taking the place of -60 from the game in the sense that he's clearly deviant in some capacity, in this context being that he feels connie stole the life he deserved (which he'd never admit) and now wants to suck up to cyberlife and be their best boi to feel important and special again and not knowing they'd just throw him away for the RK900 model, is very good imo. that was a very long sentence so i hope it made sense lmaoo. have i worked out all the details of how all that shit would work in a story? absolutely not, im too busy thinking about butch fem!hank making her robo girlfriend bluescreen in the bedroom 🤪
also if ur wondering wtf the background is, idk. my usual plain color gradient was too simple, but i did NOT want to put in the effort to do a whole ass real background, so i settled on something in between. meh, it's just them hagin' out behind the station on a smoke break ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
consider supporting me on ☕! ko -fi. com / maddsmallow (without spaces)
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Random thoughts about Hawaii Five-0 rewatch: part 3/?
Last random thought for a while, because I need to find the time to skip between s6-s10 DVDs.
Thought #4: dude....love triangles only apply to romantically and sexually involved people, so no, don't worry, we won't "call it bromance", or: The Prom Date parallel, or: The Real Jersey Slip.
This one is really just on my mind, but since I was skipping between contents just to make sure everything was (probably) working (Danny's negativity is powerful in me), I happened to land onto two specific bits of dialogue which made me bitter-laugh so madly.
The incriminated dialogues are found in the s4 Shorelines (I think), and in the commentary (courtesy of Lenkov, O'Loughlin, and Park) for 3x17 aka the Pro Bowl date episode.
I'm reasoning backwards, because what the writers were saying, extensively, about the Billy storyline, was that they wanted to show a different side of McGarrett: he's sure of himself, self-confident, cocky even, when coming to his job and skills....but what about his feelings and personal life? He does have a vulnerable, doubtful side, one which makes him feel stuttering when coming to relationships. He trusts Catherine (ouch), and Billy too because they used to be battlefield brothers. But does he? So they explored this jealous side of him, one he's not proud of and which he desperately tries to stifle, deny, push down and downplay, because admitting it would mean feeling weak.
Also, Billy's death would've put Catherine in a place where she didn't have purpose in life anymore, where she felt guilty for something she was trained to prevent, bringing her to seek Steve's presence as a friend too (!!!!) to have a shoulder to cry onto.
This is absolute perfect, and I do appreciate the effort and the general masterplan...even if as usual, character-study is not the main interest for an older audience thus it was obviously shallow and just hinted at, in reality....and also they shamefully killed Billy after a few episodes instead of exploring this "love triangle" in depth.
That's it. That's the exact idiom they used for the Billy/Catherine arc. Love triangle. Which is absolutely the correct term for the situation. Let's pack it for later, and let's move to the 3x17 commentary.
What's so funny to me, is that when the (in)famous "Cath gets ditched because Steve is going with Danny" scene comes on screen, you hear PL almost absentmindedly perking up and laughing, saying something like "Oh, and here we are at the classic love triangle drama!".....then suddenly shuts up because he gets aware of what he just said.
At this point things get frenzy, they laugh, Grace cheers, and someone (PL? Alex?) hurries to add "C'mon Steve, don't be that man who ditches his girlfriend to go out with his best friend!", to save the situation.
Only problem is, we hear Alex (I think it’s his voice this time), saying "It's exactly like one of those awkward moments when you're asked for prom, but you turn down the person because you already have a date".
And we really remember when that other "prom date moment" was, right?
I really can't understand why they chose to ditch all this potential they were all clearly aware of, just for heteronormativity sake. A man and a woman can be platonic best friends. Two men can be completely romantically committed to each other. I really can't see what the problem is.
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usmsgutterson · 1 year
Caaaallllllllll 🩷 how have you been, love??? Are you on summer break yet?
I've heard your call for fic requests and I have one for Pin! What if Pin and his dad are family friends/neighbors of an old lady, and Pin has been helping take care of her during the winter since she lives alone. Then Reader, the woman's granddaughter, comes to live with her when her parents die, Pin teaches her how to ride, the fall in love, the whole 9 yards.
Get Together- Pin Hawthorne x fem! reader
hi! I've not quite hit summer break yet--I've got like, seven and a half weeks left and in that time there's prom, senior skip day, a whole lot of studying, three classes worth of exams, grad rehearsal and then grad itself--but I am literally counting down the days til summer and even though I hate the warm weather I also cant wait for it, honestly.
What about you? How are things on your end? I hope all is well!
Fic type- fluff
Warnings- mentions of death, mentions of car accidents, a mention of making out (referenced as a snog)
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"Ah," said a spry older woman as she noticed the sight of a dark blue toyota camry rolling into her driveway. "My grandbaby is here! Edward, do me a favor and help me down the front steps?"
"Of course, Mrs. L/N," Pins father intoned. Pin tried to hide his smile as he leaned back in the rocking chair that the elderly woman kept on her front porch, gently rocking back and forth by gently pushing the back of his foot off the ground.
Pin had been nineteen, would be twenty in February--it was barely the beginning of November, and Pins father had volunteered him to help take care of Mrs. L/N two, nearly three years beforehand--and still, he'd never quite met the person who stepped out of the camry when it was parked.
He watched Mrs. L/N approach you, saw your tired grin and puffy cheeks as you pulled your grandmother into a hug.
"Pin!" She called. "You must come down here this instant! I have someone I want you to meet."
"Grandma," Pin heard you say exasperated. "Don't make him get up! Don't make him do anything. I didn't mean to cause a fuss."
"You haven't," Pin called. "If you're fine to let me stay in my seat I'll gladly do so. My name is Pin Hawthorne."
You grinned at him, watched his tongue dart out to wet his lips before he returned the gesture to you.
"Y/N L/N," Mrs. L/N said proudly. "My granddaughter! She's just transfered to an asynchronous online program through a university in the city, and she'll be living with me until she finishes her degree in about three years time."
"What's your major?" Pins father asked.
"Writing," you said. "Creative writing. I'm minoring in journalism as a back up."
"Pin is currently enrolled at the same uni," Pins father said. "Should be catching up on his coursework before exams in December, but alas, you can't win them all."
Pin laughed easily as you came up the stairs, letting your grandmother hold onto you to keep herself steady.
"What's your major then, Hawthorne?" You asked.
"He's on his way to becoming a farm vet," Pins father intoned. "He'll work for the local horses stables. Only difference is that they'll have to start paying him for his contributions."
"They do well enough."
"Because you rescued them from bankruptcy and they find you terrifying."
You cast a glance at your grandmother. "Are they always like this?"
"Unfortunately, yes," she responded, giving you a reassuring grin. "But Pin is more sarcastic then his father, and Ted here is always the one who gets it started. One look, though, and they'll both shut right up."
"Or a cup of tea," Pin said.
"Biscuits," his father admitted, a guilty expression on his face. "Oh my word, your grandmother makes them wonderfully."
"Yes I do," your grandmother said with a proud grin. "Now, inside! You've flown, taken a train, and you've driven. You must be bloody exhausted. Rest up, we'll have dinner and tea in three hours."
You nodded at your grandmother, turned your gaze to Pin and his father.
"See you two in a bit," you said. "Lovely to meet you both."
Pin and his father both nodded, and when you'd fallen out of his line of sight, Pin turned his gaze to his feet in an attempt to hide the grin that'd spread to his face.
He ignored it when his father lightly elbowed his forearm, offered your grandmother a grin when she tutted at his and his fathers antics.
He offered her an arm. When she took it, he let her lean on him and lead him into the kitchen, his father following closely behind.
The weeks to follow were simple. Pin would come to yours and your grandmothers place to help look after her and to work on his studies.
The two of you often found yourselves in the sitting room on opposite ends of the couch, idly chatting as you typed away at an assignment or reviewed coursework to prep for exams that December.
Eventually, Bright Fields came up. Pin offered to teach you to ride using the horse your parents had kept in the stables before they'd passed, had told you you didn't have to do anything with the horse if you didn't feel comfortable with it yet.
Pin had ended up staying later and later, helping you take care of your grandmother during the day and relaxing with you in your room during the night, laughing and drinking tea that'd gone cold and studying together for the upcoming semester exams.
Without realizing it, you'd opened up to one another, had begun to rely upon the other person. By the end of that January, you'd told Pin about the accident--your survival, your parents deaths--and in turn, Pin had told you some of what happened with his mother.
At the end of that January, you'd finally taken Pin up on his offer to teach you to ride. You'd go to Bright Fields after your grandmother had called it a night, laugh and joke as Pin taught you basics and eventually you were almost better at it then he was.
It was when his father had offered to take his place in looking after your grandmother for a couple of days that he realized his father had known everything the whole time.
"A tip for subtility next time around," his father had said as he passed Pin a mug of tea. "Don't blush every damn time your phone dings with a text from her. Gives you away right quick, it does."
Pin nearly snorted, but managed to keep his composure. "I wasn't trying to be subtle," he said. "I have nothing to be subtle about."
"You're in love with her and you haven't even noticed?" His father asked incredulously. "Goodness, even with my lack of luck in the significant other department, I thought I raised you better. Mrs. L/N thought Y/Ns parents did a decent job too, but it seems she's just as oblivious to it as you are."
"I'm not oblivious," Pin had known he'd fall in love with you quickly from almost the get-go. He'd realized it the very day you met, and it was March. Spring was only two weeks away from donning on the island. "I do know that I'm in love, I just was raised by you. Love confessions really aren't the Hawthorne specialty."
His father laughed. "Fair enough," he said. "Just say something before it's too late. She's got a place at Bright Fields with the usual crew, and I'm sure Marcus has noticed. He'll try to bro-talk it with you, no doubt."
Pin scrunched his lips. He didn't much like the idea of talking his love life with anyone except someone he was in love with, and the idea that Marcus, of all people, might've found it an interesting point of discussion made him want to die.
"Yeah. I'll bring it up with her."
Pins father nodded. "Good lad. Enjoy your tea, I'll go check in next door and see how things are with Y/N and her grandma."
Pin nodded, took his tea up to his room as his father left.
"It's nothing big," Zoe said. "Just something small, to celebrate Spring. A get together!"
The two of you were in the stables, you running a brush along the horse your grandmother had kept in case you'd ever wanted to learn riding like your mother had once. The horse was called Luna, her coat a silvery white color.
"At the Dukes estate," you rebutted. "A get together is not a get together when it involves a butler named Arthur, nor when it involves professional chefs."
"It could be," Zoe said. "A get together is a get together when people get together."
You scoffed. "Get togethers in America are chips, sugary soda, a couple of bags of Sour Patch Kids dumped into a big ass bowl, some shitty lighting and fake laughter amongst people who are regretting agreeing to go within five seconds of their arrival."
"You miss it?"
"Somewhat," you laughed. "Oh, American get togethers were just small parties. I do miss that part, but I do not miss the stale beer or the stench of sweat. College parties were almost worse, though."
"Was it that bad?" Zoe asked. "Oh, you are so going to make me glad I chose to take asynchronous online schooling. I have to wake up at three am for zoom calls in the states sometimes, but if it means I don't attend shitty college parties it will be so much more worth it than I'd thought."
"College parties are glorified high school get togethers with shitty plastic solo cups to indicate relationship status. I used to always pick 'happily coupled' just to avoid being hit on so that I could drink my stale vodka in peace."
Zoe snorted. "Yeah. Feeling blessed. Thank you."
You laughed as you finished brushing Luna, placing the brush on the hook you'd always kept it on.
You turned to the entrance of the stable in time to catch Pins eye, the grin spreading to your face before you could stop it.
"Hi," Pin greeted. "Zoe, would you be all right if I took a minute to talk to Y/N?"
"Go ahead," Zoe said, shooting Pin a look and an eyebrow raise as she grabbed Lunas lead with the intention of passing her to Becky so that she could get some exercise because it had been a busy few days and you hadn't had time to see her at the stables with everything going on.
"Do tell her what a get-together is, though! She's got it wrong!" Zoe called as she walked further away, closing the stable door behind her.
Pin glanced at Zoes back before turning to you, confusion and surprise both present in his gaze.
"What was that?"
"Living on the island for too long has poisoned her," you said nonchalantly. "She thinks a get together is a party with a minimum of fifty people. I think it's like the shit I dealt with in college before my grandmother needed some extra help to look after her and I transferred. I think it's stale vodka, the stench of frat boy sweat, shitty lighting and laughter that makes ones ears hurt."
"Zoes right."
"How dare you?" You asked. "You were supposed to be my ally in this, Hawthorne! How dare?"
Pin shrugged. "Can't help it. She is."
"A get together is not fifty--you know what? You're going to make me sound like a bloody broken record. I am not doing that shit."
Pin laughed, and your heart fluttered for a moment.
"Calling it a get together is how the over twenty-five islander crowd discusses partying," Pin said after a moment. "It's 'we're going to get together, probably get drunk and definitely do something stupid regardless of how sober or not sober we are, but we're not in our early twenties and partying sounds too reckless.'"
"It is not," you said. "Hawthorne, you've found the hill I'm willing to die on. A get together and a party are very different things."
Pin smirked at you, shook his head as though he meant to clear his mind.
"I was wondering if you had a minute to talk," he said. "Not about the debate that we will most definitely be continuing later, but about something different."
"Yeah," you gave a nod, leaning against the stable wall. "Shoot."
"I'm in love with you," he blurted.
You thought on it for a few moments. You'd fallen for him too, across the five months you'd known him. You fell in love quick and hard, and somehow it seemed like it was paying off.
"Ditto," you said.
Pin scoffed. "That was easier than I tho--ditto?"
"Yes, Hawthorne. Ditto. It's very American of me, but if I say that I love you back I might just melt into a clingy puddle and I am not ready for you to see that side of me yet."
He scoffed again, though you couldn't help but notice his grin. "May I kiss you?"
"Please," you responded. He stepped forward, cupped your face in his hands and kissed you. You kissed back, arms moving to rest on either of his shoulders. You felt weightless almost, like nothing mattered more in that moment than the two of you did.
As you pulled away, you heard clapping. Pins arms wrapped around your waist as you pulled him close, not daring to look up and meet the gazes of those you knew were standing outside of the stable doors.
"Finally!" Marcus called. "I've been watching this trainwreck for five months, and finally it happened!"
"We're not a trainwreck!" Pin called back.
"Oh, yes you are! First, you meet at Y/Ns bloody grandmothers house," Mia called.
"Then you fall in love over tea, creative writing essays and fucking biology assignments," Zoe added.
"And now, look at you lot! Having a snog in a bloody stable!" Gabby finished off.
"We were not having a snog," you fired back, ignoring the heat in your cheeks. "It was a kiss--one kiss! Stop being lewd."
Pin let you go as the two of you turned, letting you grab his hand instead, other hand moving to rest on his elbow as your fingers interlaced.
"Did you at least bring up the--" Zoe started, cutting herself off. "The thing, relating to the other thing that's happening at your estate?"
"He's taken your side on the get-together debate."
"I'm taking Y/Ns out of spite from here on," Pin mumbled. "And loyalty."
You snorted where Zoe scoffed. "She's wrong and you know it!"
"I'm loyal!" Pin said in his defense. "Kill me, Zoe. Kill me for my loyalty. How would that look on your resume?"
You leaned up and pressed a kiss to Pins cheekbone, shooting Zoe a pointed look.
"Oh, fuck off! Both of you!" Marcus shouted. "Ah, now they're a couple, it's going to be hell around here."
"Oh no! Two people holding hands, kissing, and taking the other persons side in group arguments! How awful!" You mocked, one part of you wishing you and Pin were at your place, relaxing and trying to do course work, one of your hands idly running through his soft brown hair.
The other part of you wanted to be in the field you and Pin had found a good distance from the beach, leant up against a tree as you drank tea you'd poured into flasks and talked about anything and everything.
Pin gave your hand a squeeze. "All right," he said. "That's enough gawking, you all have work that needs doing."
Marcus gave a mock salute, Zoe and Mia nodded.
Gabby nodded. "Marcus is wrong. You'll be good for each other."
"Thanks," you and Pin said.
You were almost entirely sure that, since the deaths of your parents, since your survival after the accident, those moments were some of the first wherein you felt genuine happiness again.
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lugarn · 7 months
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This is my Playboyy bingo card! Behold its beauty and horror *_*
I'm going for a blackout, because why not??
Behind the cut are the ideas I have so far, warning for uhh...everything in Playboyy. All of these are preliminary ideas that might or might not get written, first, and second, I am a firm believer that two people can take the same idea and write very different stories because fiction is all about execution. If there's an idea here that grabs you... have fun!
Keen/Jump - Something something come play
Porsche/Jump - i want them both in thigh highs!!!!
Porsche/Soong - Soong is actually into all the disgust and humiliation that Porsche doles out and realizes he's too into it and this can never happen again (alternatively, set after everything is done, soong asks porsche to humiliate him because he misses it and first can't do it without his head getting fucked up)
Nuth/Soong - Pre-show, Soong blowing Nuth for extra drugs in the age old tradition of fucking your dealer
Soong/Captain - Soong and Captain happen to share an elevator in a parking garage. They make the most of it.
Captain/Keen - Captain working very hard to get Keen off, Keen doesn't react to it at allllll and Captain gets off on that a little. He gets off even more on the grunt when Keen comes and the evidence that Captain did a good job all over his face.
First/Keen - First blows Keen, back before Captain ever ends up on the team. First looking at Keen at the underwear party just like "I...know him. It's not relevant. Should i say? I won't."
First/Nant - Nant is the reason First is in the friends group
First/Phop - Phop cams for First, pre-show
Puen/First - Puen and First have sex, after First is helping them. "I don't want you to feel like you have to!" "I want to. The door is there, you're not stopping me. Or are you?" (and first is very much not.) "What about Aob?" "He likes it better when people come in me. Says it really feels like evidence someone else has been there." (first, finding this very hot but also. Wow so much info.) (Could also have this end up with a threesome??)
Puen/Porsche - Puen finds Porsche somewhere, avoiding going home after the dinner where almost everyone's there. Gives Porsche a good Dad talk.
Teena/Prom - Teena's having A Bad Time after a client is rough while fucking him and Prom gives him kisses
FREE SPACE - Zouey realizing that he's still objectifying Teena, somehow. (Maybe Aob is the one who realizes what's going on and gives him a talk?)
Aprons/Service play - Nuth/Phop a light piece of Phop feminization/exploring Phop's gender feelings (them pearllsss) (phop looking at himself dressed up for nuth on the camera and actually liking it)
Biting - Porsche/Jump, leaving a mark because he can
Casual nudity - Aob/Puen/Captain, it gets hot in the laundry room
Celibacy - Teena being mostly celibate outside of the context of sex work and not thinking that's weird or a trauma response ("Don't you wank?" "Who needs to with this job?")
Cheating - Captain/Soong/First - Captain's kink for being the other woman as explored via First and Soong, set after Captain's kicked out, First uses it as a way to be able to pay him way too much for it.
Foot kink - Prom. who with ???? pending but I would not be shocked to learn Prom has a lil foot kink. Maybe he paints his toenails
Humiliation - Jason/Porsche because of who I am as a person
Loss of virginity - Puen losing his virginity to Jason and then deciding that it doesn't count
Mutual masturbation - trans!Nuth and Phop, squirting in the tub, YOLO
Role play - Aob/First, Daddy shit obviously (at Playboyy, the very first time First went, before he started hurting people)
Self-discovery - Jason/Nant, Nant is seduced while staying with Porsche and um. Maybe a little more into being hurt than he thought he'd be, though Jason still makes the experience unpleasant. 
Watersports - Aob/Jump (i don't care I want it)
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chiaraswritings · 1 year
Disclaimer: I do not own DC or their characters, or their settings. This is certainly not canon.
Warnings & Topics: Social anxiety disorder. 18+, if you please.
Word Count: 1.7K words
Summary: fem!Reader is struggling with social anxiety while attending Bruce Wayne's birthday party, but then she meets a woman named Barbara who helps her escape. Very happy ending. Just fluff & stuff.
Author's note: Thank you all so much for reading. I hope you enjoy.
How the hell did I end up here, I asked myself. 
I pressed my back to the mahogany wall as colors and watched the pastel colors swirl past me. I should have never come to this event, this celebration. I'm not even sure how I got invited to this. I had barely ever crossed paths with Bruce Wayne. Sure, I'd edited news stories covering his spotlight before sending them off to be published on the internet, but I could never bring myself to meet with him face to face. I'd talked with him over the phone, fact checking a wild take that a journalist had submitted, but in the two minutes and five seconds that we had chatted, he had obviously decided I was suitable to be invited to his birthday reception. 
That's what I absolutely love about my job. I can sit in a dark office all day, I don't have to see anyone face to face, all submissions and communications are sent via email. I'm trying to make arrangements to work from home, so the stress of being so close to the other offices won't be on my mind. My job only requires a computer and phone, after all. 
My boss was overjoyed when he heard I had been invited to the big event. Any more excitement, and he would have started a fire with how fast words were spilling out of his mouth. His thrill, however, did not match my own by a long shot. I thought back to when I was sitting in my comfy, swiveling office chair, staring up at the balding, sprightly man who was positively demanding I accept the invitation and attend the event. I don't think I even verbally responded to him at the time. My plagued mind overtook my body, and still had ahold of it even then as I tried to blend into Bruce Wayne's wall.
Social anxiety disorder, my constant companion. My nemesis, my excuse, my greatest hurdle. The only reason I stood there in my old prom dress is because my boss has been on such edge lately, and like my coworkers, I wasn't ready to risk the consequences of saying no to him right then. My anxiety was to blame for that too, coincidentally enough. 
As the sea of long dresses and black suits moved past, I tried my hardest to remember my therapist's favorite phrases. Be aware of your body. Be aware of your surroundings. How is your body reacting to this situation? I could answer the last question easily enough. My heart was beating out of my chest, my stomach was churning, sweat was appearing on my trembling hands. Fear was wrapped around my throat, my breathing labored. An older gentleman in a very nice suit gave me a concerned look before his glamorous college-student wife pulled him towards the dance floor. Yes, please go, stop looking at me. I wonder how many people are looking at me right now. 
Be aware of your surroundings. I tried, I really tried. I tried to take in the luxury of the room. The velvet curtains, the gold trim, the expensive art, the... was that a tapestry? Be aware of your body. I attempted to become aware of my physical senses. Deep breaths, eyes closed, trying to relax my tense muscles. 
"Ma'am, are you alright?" 
My eyes flew open. A young waiter with a tray was quizzically observing me from a couple feet away.
I can't do this anymore. "Yes! Yes, yes, I'm alright." Fight or flight mode had been activated. Not bothering to thank him, I slipped past the waiter and made a not-so-graceful getaway to the hall. Lush ivy and large chairs decorated the long room, along with a huge mirror that I planted myself in front of, my entire brain trying to retake control. But no, the sickening, uninvited fear had ahold of my entire body.
Looking up into the mirror, I was not exactly pleased by what I saw. My eyes were full of adrenaline and my mascara was running slightly. My dress was wrinkled by where I clutched it at the hip. My hair was the only thing that didn't look frazzled (thanks to an hour of straightening before I had left for the party). Using the tip of my finger, I tried to clean up the mascara around my eyes.
"Did you get bored too?" 
My finger nearly went into my eye, startled by the unexpected and unwelcome voice. I wanted to run like a deer being threatened by a panther. I turned nervously to the owner of the voice, and my fear alleviated if only for a moment by the spectacularism of the person I saw. A red haired young woman in a black velvet dress had approached me, a single party-goer from the roar of festivities behind her. I could see the door swinging closed from when she had entered. My anxiety lurched and I could feel liquid coming up in my throat. A hard swallow later, and I assumed my most casual pose. "You could say that."
The redhaired woman turned, pulled her lipstick from her clutch, and repainted her red lips in the mirror. "I'm not even sure why I'm here, my father is the one who actually knows Mr. Wayne."
"I don't know him at all. Bruce, I mean. Not your father." Oh, that sounded so rude. "Sorry... about that." 
She turned back around and gave me a shiny smile. "Are you okay?" 
Hell no, I'm not okay. "Yes, of course." My hands were still trembling and my cheeks were flushed. Breathing hurt. The radiant woman in front of me could obviously see through the lie. Her head cocked, her beautiful, wavy red hair swayed. 
"You don't seem okay," her concern was evident, but I wasn't in the mood for people being concerned and trying to make me talk about it.
"I'm okay, I just haven't eaten today. So... I should probably go do that," that wasn't even a lie. I had only had coffee today so I wouldn't throw up from nervousness tonight. 
"What's your name?" asked the woman who was freshening her eyeliner in the mirror. 
"(Y/N) (L/N)."
"I'm Barbara Gordon. It's good to meet you. And funny enough, I'm hungry too," the stranger straightened and shook my still shaking hand. "Want to go get something? I can't fill up on shrimp and caviar." 
"Neither can I, seafood isn't my favorite." I was shocked at my own boldness. My fear had released its painful grip slightly, but it was far from gone.
"Me neither. I could go for Chinese," Barbara smiled at me. "Want to join? My treat." 
Now this was an unexpected decision. She seems nice enough... I want to so badly. It'd definitely be a way out of here, and with a nice person. But what if she's not nice? What if she's not who she seems? What if I mess up in front of her? What if she invites more people? "I'm not sure..."
"Hey, it's okay. I'm chill, I need a way out of this place too. I mostly came for my dad, he loves Bruce. I'm just... not in the right place to party like this." 
How about this, my brain bargained with itself. If it turns out bad, we never have to see her again. If it goes good, then we... still never have to see her again. "What the heck. Got a place in mind?"
"Of course, come on! I can't think of a better time than two well dressed girls getting the best Chinese in town. We can take my dad's car." 
My hands had slowly stopped trembling. I think it's going to be okay.
My escape with Barbara was a needed lifesaver. She made the car ride pleasant, complimenting my dress, asking me about my job, commenting on my hair. I think she sensed that I wasn't as comfortable talking about myself, so she told me about her own life. She was a college student, she was multilingual, she lived with her dad at the moment, but was looking into getting her own place. Listening to her talk was relaxing, knowing I didn't have to talk about myself, no risks of stumbling over my words like I did earlier. 
We arrived at what looked to be a family-owned place, it wasn't a chain restaurant, which I sort of admired Barbara for. The best Chinese food came from small restaurants, and she seemed to acknowledge that. The woman assured me she knew exactly what I would like, telling me she'd order then come join me. 
I slid into one of the empty booths. Actually, all of them were empty. Too late at night for most people to get takeout, but Barbara and I were evidently not the same as those people. She joined me at the table with trays that smelled much tastier than the takeout Chinese that my boss had delivered at the office every day for lunch. "This looks amazing, thank you so much."
"No, thank you for coming with. It's nice that I found a friend to do this with." Barbara smiled before picking up one of the cartons.
Friend. The word felt so new. "It's been a really long time since I've had a friend." Anxiety brewed and steamed in my throat, but I forgot all about it when she slid her phone across the table to me, a new contact form ready to fill out on the screen.
"Well, now you have one," the redhaired woman said with a smile, before taking another bite of the food. 
That was four years ago to this day. It's Bruce Wayne's birthday again, but neither of us are on the guest list. That's perfectly okay, we have our own party going on for us. Empty Chinese takeout cartons lay on the coffee table, an actress on the television screen dramatically screams in fear, and I am laying on Barbara's chest, my finger becoming accustomed to the new diamond ring.
I look up at her, admiring how her fiery hair glows in the pale light of the television screen. Anxiety? Hah, not around Barbara, not anymore. Finally finding a person I can experience only joy around... that feels good. Her hand rests on my head, holding me close. Her eyes are focused on the television, but by her smile, I know her mind is somewhere else. She notices I'm no longer interested in the film, turns off the TV, and smiles down at me. Butterflies, not anxiety, fill my stomach. 
"Did you get bored too?"
"You could say that."
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A Minor Hiccup while Painting the Town
•The episode begins in Ports classroom, where he is once again going on one of his rants instead of teaching. Jaune then gives a bouquet of white roses to Weiss, who rejects them and then turns her attention to Pyrrha.
•"So Pyrrha, I just thinking about how we're the two most popular girls at school and the strongest of our class! (~Weiss stop lying~) We have so much in common and we are both incredible, and yet we don't even have dates for prom yet. So, I was just wondering... uh, if we still don't have dates for the prom, maybe you would consider we go together as sisters-in-arms?"
•"Weiss... are you asking me to be your date?" Pyrrha asks while flashing a smirk.
•"WH-WAHT!!! N-No, I w-wasn't suggesting th-that?! A-as a Schnee, I need to consider my bloodline and all, hehe!"
•"I can continue your bloodline for you, if you want!" Jaune perks up.
•"EWW, GROSS! No way, Jaune!" Weiss screams loud enough to catch the classes, and Port's, attention.
•Weiss fake smiles at Port until he returns to the lecture.
•Pyrrha then restarts the conversation, "Weiss, going on a date dosen't mean we're married. Have you even been with another woman before?"
•"Wha, women with woman? That's not me, unless you want it to be Pyrrha, wait no I'm just kidding, ahahahaha."
•"Aha, well I think this is something about yourself that you should give more thought to, Weiss." Pyrrha says before looking away and muttering under her breath, "...I'm, not incredible..."
•Jaune notices this comment, but doesn't say anything.
•The scene shifts to team RWBY's dorm room, where the girls are trying on their new outfits and thanking Weiss for ordering them from the SDC fashion department.
•The girls then explain their plan to uncover Roman's plot with the White Fang: Ruby and Weiss will head to Vale's CCT and use Weiss' connections to check the SDC's records for any inconsistances between past Dust robberies and Roman's current activities; Blake will attend the local White Fang rally which not-so-secretly recruits new members and hands out orders after dark to discover what they are planning; Yang will head to Vale's red-light district to "negotiate" information from the local Broker. The reason why Blake and Yang are working alone is because, as Ruby admits, "you two are a lot tougher than Weiss and me, so if anything goes wrong, you can handle yourselves." And because Yang's location is in between the CCT and the Fang rally, the girls plan to have a rendevouz at her location to share what they have found.
•"Yeah, let's do this!" (Ruby excitedly screams) "Allright!" (Sun excitedly screams outside the window). "Sun?!" (Blake screams), "What are you doing outside our window???" (Yang angrily asks Sun while taking step forward). "Oh, y'know... just, hanging around? Anyway, let's do this team mission thing!"
•"You aren't on our team." Weiss sasses him. The girls then hear a knock on their door and Blake opens it, revealing Scarlet and Sage standing outside. Scarlet then barges ibto the girls room while complaing about how freezing the hallway's AC was. Sage asks Blake if he can come in, and she sighs before saying yes.
•"Whoa, there's a lot more people in here, hehe..." Ruby jokes before shrinking in on herself. Yang then starts to connect the dots before asking "wait a minuet, Sun are you spying on us?!"
•"Whaaat, spying??? That's crazy talk! And, we just got here anyway, so..." Yang then turns to Sage. "Headmaster Lionheart tasked us with investigating anything suspicious, and Sun suspected you all were up to something." Sage matter-of-factly states. "Dude, not cool." Sun tells his teammate.
•Weiss then creates a wind glyph behind Sun to blow him into the room. This also blows Neptune into the room.
•"Another one?!" Yang yells. Weiss then rushes past her and kneels next to Neptune. "Oh my light, Neptune! I'm so sorry! Are you hurt? Here, let me help you up!!" "Ow- I mean, I'm fine Snow Angel. Now please, don't hurt your pretty little hands helping me u- Ow!!" Neptune shrieks as Weiss helps him to his feet anyway. The rest of team RWBY roll their eyes at her.
•"Hooray, that boy bands all here! Now get out of our room and never come back!" Yang sarcastically tells team SSSN while pushing them out of the room.
•"Wait," Blake calls out to Yang, "having them with us... could be useful." "I-I second that notion!!!" Weiss jumps up. "Blake, we can't even trust them! What if they snitch on us to their headmaster?" Blake then walks up to Sun and looks him in the eye. Before she can speak, Sun starts up "Ok, I know what you're going to say and I just want you to know even if you were doing something against the rules I would never tell the authorities and I'm really sorry for spying and-" "Swear it. Don't spy on me or lie to me ever again." "... I swear it. Never again." Blake then smiles and turns to the rest of her team. "We can trust them."
•Yang sighs before saying, "Alright boys, my partner's giving you a second chance. Don't make me regret it!" Yang says while looking at a nervous Sun. "Now since your here, Ruby, what do you think they should do?" Ruby, who had been hiding in the corner underneath her cloak, jumps up, "Oh, uh, well Blake and Sun are both faunus so they should go to the rally and Sage and Yang are both big so they should go to togather so I guess that means me and Weiss will be going with Scar and Tune!!! Ahahaha, let's gooo!!!" Ruby then burts out of the room to catch her breath, which the rest of the girls catch onto.
•"Sigh, well Neptune, I guess we'll be alone togather out there..." "I wouldn't have it any other way, Snow angel." Neptune then takes Weiss' hand and they walk out the room togather. Scarlet whispers underneath his breath, "someone please shoot meee..." as he reluctantly follows them.
• The scene changes to Ruby, Weiss & Neptune, and Scarlet all at the CCT tower. Ruby is excited to see it, Weiss gives her exposition dump dump to the rest of the gang, Neptune flirts with her somemore, and Scarlet really doesn't want to be there. Ruby then drops her Scroll trying to take a picture, which gets picked up by Penny.
•Ruby asks Penny why she dissapeared at the Docks, Penny pretends she dosen't know her and runs away, Ruby chases after her, leaving Weiss with the two boys.
•Scarlet opts to wait outside for when Ruby returns, so Weiss and Neptune enter the CCT together.
•Inside the the Elevator, Weiss practices her smiles while standing in front of Neptune. However, Neptune is able to see her reflection across the silver walls of the elevator. "Know that you don't have to pretend to be happy with me, Snow Angel..." Neptune's sentiment surpises Weiss, and she almost cries. Before she can, the doors open. Weiss fixes herself, grabs Neptune's hand, and leads him into the communications room.
•As Weiss and Neptune walk over to her assigned cubical, all of the background shadow people stop and stare at the two of them, whispering "weiss schnee" and "neptune vasilias".
•As Weiss sits down at the cubical and readies herself for the call ahead, Neptune behind her with a comforting hand on her shoulder.
•"Thank you for calling the Atlas- Oh! Miss Schnee! Good afternoon! I'll patch you to your father immediatly!" "No-", before Weiss can finish, the operater switches to the CEOs private channel.
•"There you are Weiss," the voice of Jacques Schnee, Weiss' father comes through the channel, "I've been worried sick about you!"
•"Hello, father." Weiss says in fake nice tone. "I'm sorry if I made you worry about me, I've been so busy with my studies and-"
•"Cut the crap Weiss!" Jacques voice turns crass and cold. "You haven't been returning my calls, you've been ignoring my messages, you spend my money on clothes, and now your at Vale's CCT and your first thought isn't to call me!?"
•Weiss voice drops to an uncharacteristically submissive tone, "I really am sorry I-" "NO YOU ARE NOT!!!" "Father, I'm in public!" "I DON'T CARE!!! If this is how you act when I stop watching over you, then maybe you shouldn't be a huntress at all!!!" "...that's not fair." "Not fair??? What's not fair is that you have adoring fans worldwide that are wondering why their favorite idol is on hiatus? Oh yeah, she's in Vale playing huntress and putting on pounds!! Are you even watching what your eating?!"
•That lost comment increases the intensity of the whispering around Weiss and Neptune.
•"Weiss, who is gripping your shoulder???" Jacques commands his daughter tell him. Before she can respond, Neptune kneels down and faces Jacques directly.
•"Neptune Vasilias, sir. It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Schnee." Neptune says in his charming voice. Jacques eyes go wide as he looks at him, "Weiss, you finnaly found a man! And he's rich!?! Foolish girl, why didn't you tell me sooner??? Oh, this news could get your mother to stop drinking!" Jacques then lets out a bellowing laugh at his own joke.
•"Wait I-", Weiss elbows Neptune to stop talking and eyes at him to play along. "Father, the real reason why I haven't been in contact was because I wanted to surpise you with my fiance Neptune here. I know you always worry me about having children soon, so... here he is!" Weiss says with an even faker smile. "Weiss, you know I don't like surpises! Ugh, they don't call you the smart Schnee for a reason, but at least young Vasilias here can more than make up for it aye my boy hahaha!"
•"Anyway, father, my you give me the files requested on my scroll?" "What do you want with those files." Jacques doesn't ask, but commands Weiss tell him. "Weiss and I are doing a joint school project on crime reports in the area, sir. I'm sorry we ask so much of you, but may we please have them?" Neptune saves Weiss again.
•"Hmm, normally I would say no... but not even I can say no to my future son in law! Here you go my boy!!" Jacques transfers the files, and Weiss + Neptune both breath a sigh of relief.
•"Oh, and Weiss," Jacques turns his attention back to his daughter, "do call again soon. You know how much I love you." Jacques then ends the feed right there.
•Weiss and Neptune march back to the elevator, and inside Weiss hugs tightly Neptune... before kissing him on the lips.
•Neptune is surpised at first, but reluctantly gives in.
•As they break away, Weiss takes a step back from Neptune, the two of them both have dour expressions on their faces.
•"Did... did you like it?" Weiss asks Neptune in a sad voice. Neptune takes a breath, and tells her "I did if you did."
•"I... didn't. Light, what's wrong with me? You're the perfect boyfriend and I'm just, I just..." ""... you're not the only one that has that problem." Weiss looks back up at Neptune, surpised. ""Every girl at my school loves me, but I just can't love them." as Weiss hears those words, she comes to a realization about him, and herself.
•"We might not be partners, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends." Weiss then hugs Neptune again before thanking him.
•Cut back to Ruby and Penny, the scenes where they talk, learn about Ironwood's robot army, get chased by Atlas guards, Penny stops a truck, then Penny reveals to Ruby that she is a robot, ending the first part.
•Part two begins exactly the same as vanilla Rwby: Penny explains she is the first ever gynoid to have an aura, Ruby tells Penny that she is real girl because she has a real soul (Ruby can see her soul using the third eye technique), Penny acidentally lets drop that the world is in danger and she was built to save it, etc.
•Cut to Yang and Sage, who have just arrived at Juniors club. The duo were talking about their relationship with the rest of their teammates off screen.
•"...and it's like, sometimes they treat me like I'm their mom! But I don't even know my mom!!!" Yang admits to Sage as tears streak down her face. "That's rough buddy." "This is the worst field trip ever!" (It's a joke).
•Yang's grand entrance to Junior's club is the exact same as vanilla rwby.
•Cut to Blake and Sun, who have just arrived at a public White Fang rally as it ended. Sun thinks they are two late, but Blake tells him that the public rally is just for show. The real White Fang rally would be in secret location after dark. Blake then realizes that a number of the Faunus that attended the rally are walking in the exact opposite direction as everyone else. Blake and Sun follow them to a building that has three claw marks scratched onto the door.
•"This is it." "You sure?" Blake glares at him and starts moving towards the entrance while unfastening her bow. "Y'know, I'm just gonna take your word for it."
•Inside, Blake and Sun are given Grimm masks and told to head down the right hall.
•"I don't get it. If you believe what you're doing is right, why hide who you are?" Sun asks Blake as they walk down the hall.
•"The masks are a symbol. Humanity called us grimmspawn, so we chose to don the faces of Grimm."
•"Grimm masks... that's kind of dark."
•"So was the guy who started it" Blake puts on the mask and walks down the hall.
•"Always sunshine and rainbows with you..." Sun puts on his mask and follows her lead.
•Inside the recruitment meeting room, a snake grimm masked man with tattoos is standing on a stage before the audiance.
•When Blake spots him, she whispers to herself "Nyeusi Mamba..." (that's his name).
•"Thank you all for coming. Sadly, Father Corsac could not join us tonight to welcome our awoken brothers and sisters..." As Nyeusi talks, Blake moves closer to the stage and Sun follows her.
•"...so allow me to introduce a very special instrument of ours! I can assure you, he is the key to obtaining what we have fought for for so long!"
•Roman Torchwick then walks onto the stage, with a short woman with heterochromia trailing behind him. "Thank you, thank you! Please, hold your applause!"
•A Deer Faunus standing behind Blake point's and yells "What's a human doing here?!"
•"I'm glad you asked, Dee- er, Miss! Now, I'll be the first to admit, humans... are the worst." Roman salutes as an example. "Case in point. So, I understand why you would like to see us all locked away, or, better yet, killed!"
•Sun leans over to Blake. "So, is he going somewhere with this?"
•"But, before the claws come out, I'd like to mention the fact that you and I all have a common enemy: the ones in control, the people pulling the strings, the dirty, rotten humans that run our kingdoms!" The crowd changes their tune and starts agreeing with him. "Councils, Atlesians, even the Academies: they're all to blame for your lot in life!" A few members of the crowd begin to cheer. "And they're all pests that need to be dealt with! Fortunately, I'm the best exterminator around!" (A mouse faunus makes a loud "Hey!" directed at Roman) "No offense to any rodents in the room."
•Roman then snaps his fingers, and the short woman behind him unveils their secret weapon: the Atlesian Paladin-290.
•Sun and Blake stare up at the mech. "Whoa, that's a big robot..." "How did he get that?"
•"As some of you may have heard, this right here," Roman taps the giant mech, "is Atlas' newest defense against all the scary things in the world. And thanks to my "employer", we've managed to snag a few before they, uh, "hit the shelves". Now, me and my friends have already started our new operation in the southeast. If you'd rather stay within the city, that's fine... But if you're truly ready to fight for what you believe in, this is the arsenal I can provide you. Any questions?" The White Fang's roaring applause tells him the answer.
•"I'm stopping this right now." Blake tells Sun before flipping onto the stage. "Wait what are you-"
•When Blake lands on the stage her Grimm mask falls off her face and lands on the floor, shattering like glass. The entire room of almost one hundred people is speechless.
•"My name is Blake Bête, daughter of Kali and Ghira Bête, founders of the White Fang!" Blake addresses to the crowd. Within seconds, their cheering becomes louder than it was for Roman.
•Blake then points to Roman, "This human 'collaborated' with our kind before, and what did it get them? Thrown into cages like animals, meanwhile he's here free!!" The crowd's cheering turns into screams as they all start turning on Roman and the girl behind him. One Faunus tries to climb onto the stage, but Nyeusi kicks him down while trying to get them to calm down.
•"If princess kitty over here is so mad her brothers are in jail, then why did she throw them in their in the first place!!" Roman yells at the crowd. This shocks them into silence, and Blake's eyes grow wide in response. "As a matter of fact, your long lost princess has been kissing up to Weiss Schnee while masquerading as a human!!!" Roman than motions to the short woman behind him, and she snaps her fingers. Suddenly, a light projection pops up in front of the stage, showing an image of Blake (her bow on) huging Weiss at the docks from last volume. As soon as the light projection goes away, the crowd becomes dead silent.
•"That's not, I-" before Blake can finish, Nyeusi points at her, "So what Adam says is true, you've gone mad!" "Is that what he's been saying about me?!"
•Nyeusi than yells to the crowd, "Brothers and sisters, capture the beautiful beast! She's been bewitched by the humans!!!" Multiple Faunus start climbing the stage and Nyeusi starts charging Blake.
•Sun leaps towards Blake, "We gotta get out of here, now!" He then pulls out Burn and Wash Dust crystals from his pockets and throws them both onto the ground. This creates a massive smoke cloud that gives Blake and Sun enough time to escapes the building. However, as soon as they do, the mech poileted by Roman crashes through the walls of the building and starts chasing them.
•ROBOT CHASE SEQUENCE!!! ROBOT CHASE SEQUNCE!!! ROBOT CHASE SEQUENCE!!!!!!!!! (Is it cheating if I tell you to imagine team SSSN are there only to all get knocked away?)
•RWBY VS Roman Torch:WICK!!!!!!!
•Team SSSN eating noodles.
•The end.
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ginger-grimm · 2 years
🔮 + riley
Thank you so much again, here is how Riley and Coop met since I am unsure if I'm ever going to get there.
Riley stepped out of Marlow's car with a sigh. "It's not even my car and I don't even have a license," she started. "And yet here I am, pumping gas for you like the peasant I am."
"I never said you were a peasant!" she said, a mock-shocked expression crossing her face. "Also, I take you everywhere for free. Pumping some gas is the least you can do."
Riley shook her head, a huff escaped her lips. “Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
“You’re just upset that you can’t get out of going back to school next year,” Marlow told her.
The young werecoyote began typing away on her phone, trying to properly answer a confusing message Mason had sent her about Junior Prom. “Look, I get it, you haven’t been in school for a while, and it hasn’t exactly been a cake walk back here with the whole Beast incident, but I believe you can do this. It’s one and a half years left. You got this.”
Riley was listening, but only half way. She had heard the same spiel ten different times. From Marlow to Scott, everyone had given her a pep talk. That wasn’t what was bugging her anyways. Her eyes were fixed elsewhere.
An older woman was pumping gas into a truck. Behind her, a silver minivan pulled into the gas station. Both cars were filled as much as possible with boxes and the minivan had an extra carrier attached to it. Either these people were passing through Beacon Hills, or a new family was moving into town.
In the truck was a young boy, a boy Riley’s age hopped out of the passenger seat next to him. They were brothers, she could tell. The woman pumping gas looked like their mother. In the minivan sat a young woman. She was pretty, Riley thought. Seated in the back was a little girl, headphones on and staring intently onto an iPad.
“Riley? Riles, watch the meter, please! You’re gonna bankrupt me!”
She snapped back to reality, releasing the handle of the nozzle and pulling it from the car. “Right, sorry, I’m done.”
Her eyes wandered over to the boy who got out of the car. She watched as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it way too close to the gas pumps, her eyebrows raising drawing together in confusion.
“Excuse me!” she hollered, quickly shoving the nozzle back into the pump before walking over to him in quick strides. “Do you mind not doing that right there? It’s bad enough you’re killing yourself, you don’t need to kill everyone at this gas station.”
The boy turned his head to face her, giving her a studious look. Riley covered her chest with her arms as his eyes wandered up and down her body. “You the attendant here, or something?” he asked, blowing out a huff of smoke.
“I don’t need to work here to have common sense. You don’t light a fire at a gas station.”
“It’s not exactly a fire...”
“It’s a fire hazard, dingus!”
The boy laughed, an actual out loud laugh. “Dingus?”
Riley rolled her eyes with a sigh. “Are you gonna put it out or do I have to call an actual attendant?”
He sized her up with a smirk. The mere action aggravated Riley. He took one more drag off the cigarette before dropping it on the floor and stomping it out.
"Happy now, darlin'?"
Riley's eyes narrowed as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.
"Riley!" Marlow hollered, sticking her head out of her car window in a panic. "What are you doing, huh? Leave that young man alone and get in the car...please."
He looked past Riley at Marlow. "That your mom?" he asked, nodding at the blonde.
Riley rolled her eyes, looking back at Marlow as well. "No. My mom is dead," she said, then looked back at him. "I live with my uncle. He's a cop."
He waved his hands dramatically. "Oh no, I've never been so scared in my life."
Riley's anger levels hadn't risen so high since Gerard Argent first stepped foot in Beacon Hills.
"Cooper, leave the natives alone and get back in the damn truck. The moving vans are gonna beat us to the house if we keep slacking off!"
"Listen to the pretty lady, Cooper. Get back in the truck, and quit the habit while you're at it."
Coop hid the smirk that formed on his face. He turned on his heel and walked back to the driver's side door.
"See you in class, I guess?" he asked before he got back in the car. Riley bit the inside of her cheek, then nodded. "Nice to meet you, Riley."
Riley halted for a second. Coop chuckled then pulled the door open.
"You too."
She heard him laugh before he sat back inside. The truck and the minivan pulled out of the gas station. Coop smirked at Riley from the backseat. The action aggravated Riley and yet, she felt the corner of her mouth tug into a smile.
"Riley and Cooper sittin' in a tree..."
"Marlow Marie, don't even!"
"I'm gonna murder you."
"I'm gonna be your Maid of Honor!"
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TAGGING: @waterloou @firsthorror @eddysocs @ocs-supporting-ocs @foxesandmagic @veetlegeuse @decennia @hiddenqveendom @arrthurpendragon @luucypevensie @richitozier @noratilney @jvstjewels @oneirataxia-girl @wordspin-shares @nejires-hado @endless-oc-creations
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aishakasa · 1 year
• Found You (P.JS)
Part 2 coming soon
It hurts to remember everything from the very beginning.
Adjusting to the life that she wasn't used to, she tried her best to act neutral cause of the arena she got for making ties with an artist who's in an incredible platform.
But after a few months, she quickly got the hang of it, all the ups and downs of their relationship immediately fixed the cause of the power of their trust.
"Can we stay like this, for a moment?" After saying the same thing a few hours ago, being trapped in his arms and can't move a muscle.
"I forgot to say something to you" he hummed waiting for an answer, "My auntie from the province asked me to live there with her"
He slowly let go of her and faced him "Is there something wrong? Why are you suddenly saying that?"
"It's not like I'm staying there forever, my family members are so busy with their work, so I think I'm the only one who's available as of now" she holds his hand and kissed the back of it.
"I promise, I'll talk to you every day, she's in a very bad condition right now, something might happen to her as we speak" he sighed and held her tight in his comfort "I understand that, don't worry I won't stop you"
"Jay, even if I'm far away, you're not alone, I'll still support you, my dear, please... wait for me" she slowly teared up, she back away from him and left the room.
Before she left the city, they made a time capsule to remember each other, going to the place only they would know, a remembrance of their activity before her departing.
"[Name]! I've been quite busy lately, how are you doing? How's your auntie?" their first video call, a few weeks after she left, they couldn't talk that much cause of his tight schedule.
"Ah, I'm doing okay, and good news, my Auntie's recovering, the doctors said something triggered her nervous system but it wouldn't take too long for her to recover" she explained.
"Good to know she's getting better" she smiled and nodded "Yeah, I mean, she was one of the women who raised me from diapers to prom days"
The call lasted for five hours, Jay who secretly spoiled lyrics for his comeback to her and found the new song amusing.
And everything was just a voice of them laughing "Take care of yourself okay?" he chuckled "Yes ma'am"
That was a memory he remembered seven years ago.
He stared at the glass window, having thought about her a third time today, it's almost been a decade since he last saw her, and he decided to go to the hometown of his lover and check for himself.
"Oh, you mean [Name]? The last time I talked to her was a few years ago, but yeah, they moved out of this place two years ago" one of her neighbors answered his desperate question.
"Thank you so much for the information" now that he knew, he was confused why didn't she tell me she had to move out here? And why was she last seen three years ago?
He drove around the neighborhood and ask for random residents about the woman, and all of them answered the same thing 'we never knew what happened to her
He banged his head on the stirring wheel, still confused about her whereabouts, that is until one person came to his mind.
Riezza, her inseparable best friend. He tried to look for her location and ended up finding it at the end of the day.
"Your [Name]'s friend, right?" he looked up at her house and saw her head popping out in the window.
"yare yare daze"
She went outside her house and answered him directly "Don't ask me, I also can't contact her, that woman always does things on her own"
"Is that so, well sorry for distributing you, you might be busy"
As she watched his vehicle drove away from the second floor of her house, she took out a box of cleaning sponge and soap to disinfect the objects the man held in her home.
Her loud sigh exhaled while scrubbing the cleaning materials. That man's desperate, so, how long are you gonna keep hiding his child, [Name] Ackerman?
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The Unexpected Prom Date
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David's mother stood at the door, mouth agape, staring at the woman who had just rung her   doorbell. Six feet tall. Long fiery red hair that matched her dress and skin that, well there's no need to get too graphic. To David's mother, the real surprise wasn't that this twelve had showed up on her doorstep, it was the fact that she had introduced herself as David's prom date. 
“Ma'am, is David ready?” The woman asked. 
David's mom quickly shook her head and managed to find her words. “I didn't know he was going to prom tonight.”
“It was a last minute thing. Could you please get him?” 
When David walked down the stairs he was dressed in his fleece pajama bottoms and faded cartoon t-shirt.
“David,” his mom snapped. “You can't go out looking like that. Your hair isn't even combed and you're not wearing your glasses.”
David yawned. “Go out where?” His mother motioned to the door. 
The woman curtsied.  “Hello David. My name is Sadie and I'll be your prom date.” 
“Wait a minute,” David's mother said. “My son is not going to prom with an escort.” 
“I'm not going to prom ,” David whined. “No one wanted to go with me.” 
Sadie crossed her arms. “I do. And ma'am I am not an escort. I go to the same school as your son and he may not remember but he did ask me to go with him, so I'm here.”
“Oh, well, my son can be the forgetful type. David, go upstairs and get ready.”
“No buts. You made a commitment to this girl, now go and have fun.” 
It didn't take David long to get ready. He didn't have a suit jacket so he pulled out a wrinkly blue button down shirt with a clip-on tie and a pair of jeans. When he came back downstairs his mother and Sadie were sitting in the living room talking. Now that he was more awake and could see properly, he got a good look at Sadie and his heart began to beat a little faster. Did he really ask her out and then forget? If so, how did he even get the courage? He still had trouble reading in front of the class. 
“David,” his mother snapped. “Is that the best you can do?” 
Sadie laughed. “That's quite alright, I can work with that.” She got up and held out an arm. “Shall we?” David hesitated for a moment but then wrapped his arm around hers. 
She was warm and it made his stomach tighten a bit. This wasn't the first time he had been entwined with a girl, but it was the first time he had been entwined with a girl like this. Sadie took the lead and all but carried him out the door and down the sidewalk towards a white limousine. 
“Have fun you two,” David's mom called after him. He didn't turn around, but he heard the door close behind them making the night eerily quiet. 
“Your mother is very trusting isn't she?” Sadie asked behind a wolfish grin. The smile made David shiver. 
“We are going to prom, right?” 
“Of course we are.” Sadie opened the limo door. “Please.” 
The inside was the size of a small living room. As far as limo’s go, it wasn’t as fancy as David had come to expect. It had a leather sofa that stretched out on one side and curved towards the back of the car and a shag carpet. There was no mini bar, no televisions, not even a disco ball or colored lights. 
“I’m not sure what you were expecting,” Sadie said, pushing past David, “but we’re only going to be in here for a few minutes. No need for all that excess.”
David gasped. “Can you read my mind?”
Sadie laughed again. “No, your face is just easy to read.” As she slunk to the couch David had trouble trying to pull his eyes away from her movements. He tried to look away in time when she turned and sat down but her eyes caught his. Her smile deepened and she patted the seat next to her. As David sat down, Sadie slid in closer and leaned on his shoulder. David swallowed. The engine of the limo turned on and they began to move. 
For the first few minutes of the ride it was quiet except for David's hammering heartbeat. Finally Sadie sat back up. “Alright I think it's time we deal with the paperwork.” 
“Paperwork? So you are an escort?”
Sadie pushed herself away and narrowed her eyes. “Just so we're clear, I have no issue dropping you off in the middle of the street and letting you walk home in the night. Calling me an escort implies intimate relations, and I don't provide that service, nor would I provide it to a teenager.” 
“But aren't you a teenager?” David stammered. 
Sadie's smile returned. “Of course. Now,” she reached into the space behind the sofa and produced a clipboard and handed it to David, “you need to decide how we will spend the night.” 
On the clipboard was a single sheet of paper. All the words were written in curving letters like the kind you would see on a scroll in a movie. At the top it read “Prom Date Contract,” followed by a list of different things to do throughout the night.  
“As you can see some of the boxes are already filled in. That's because they are an integral part of the experience and cannot be left out. Things like the limousine ride, slow dancing and a photo. The rest is for you to decide.” Some of the other options were showing off Sadie to make people jealous, a song dedication from the DJ and even…a kiss at the end of the night. 
“You see,” Sadie continued, “we aim for you to be fully satisfied by the end of the night since payment is non-refundable.” 
At the bottom of the list in bolted letters read, “Payment Read Carefully. At the conclusion of tonight's contract the signee must hand over their soul.” 
David tossed the clipboard to the side on the couch. “Pull over,” He said flatly. 
“Pull over? Why?” 
“You know why. Those ass holes at school put you up to this. This is all just a prank.” 
Sadie narrowed her eyes again. “Excuse me, I didn't go through all this trouble for a mere prank. Do you know how expensive limousines are to rent?” 
“I don't care. Drop me off here.” 
Sadie crossed her arms. “I'm offering you the best night of your miserable young life. A soul is but a pittance to an experience like this. And it's not like you'd die. You can survive without…” 
“Just let me out.” 
“Fine. Diavlo, pull over, there's still plenty of losers out there for me to fill out quota.”
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 2 years
Watch "Counting Crows - Mr. Jones (Official Music Video)" on YouTube
He borrowed a red dress from Ellie for Halloween she says it didn't go well, said is real rough with people in belligerent when I first saw the tape I started laughing and laughing even though it's there anyways and I couldn't stop laughing and finally I calmed down and I thought why is it so funny it's because it looked on your face when people are saying the stupid s*** it's like Clint Eastwood gone berserk so it sees this red dress and he was asking me is that the one I wore and it was and Ellie is not wearing it no that's Ellie and The blonde is her daughter like that that he's a flamingo dancer and I'm the blonde and they can tell who he was right away as Captain late maker and he's singing to his people saying to Mr Jones wants to be a big star and be famous and not true he's trying to do something and they see it and they say double after their stuff so they get the idea it's better than nothing and I see my husband's point so they're going ahead with it. It's a major battle it's extremely important and yeah he looks like the Winter soldier which is his character here too he tries to mess up the aircraft carriers and blame Tom Cruise and it didn't work he got blamed. The point is so that even if he didn't do this they'd get it done somehow but he went over and did it and he wants his guys involved I guess put some other defensive but really things going real slow. I'm happy to announce this it makes me feel good and he's right up to date and is involved and it is kind of funny because of the dress and he doesn't ever want to do that again was what he said and he never has and these people do it all the time and sister goes what a bunch of fags, he means it too it was Halloween okay people couldn't tell right away and he's bigger than them most of them it wasn't that big almost 6 foot the same things what's your name all sorts of stuff you answer back shoe size... And then say things rude things go home then just here for the Candy crush sake he's answering his voice is regular mouth voice they couldn't tell one guy came up and said you seem kind of manly are you a woman he said and he said it's Halloween okay since I was a guy and started making fun of him more dressed up as a woman just come over here for a second to see his arms are big it's kind of funny looking does anybody for the most part should be able to tell if they couldn't his shoulders are huge this is weird so I wore it as Robin good friend and Robin was big and then wondering if it's the girl from Halloween and then she was I was with him and they're going to play this is trying to make some sense and some of her asking me and it was the same dress so they said this what the hell are you two doing. And we made it to prince and princess of the ball and we of the prom and we got awarded something and he was like boy we were that close and they said thank you I wouldn't have gotten it without you and it's true because it was dancing and being nice so I left and I was happy we're a couple dates and he almost died so he can call me after that I pulled the steering wheel at the wrong time and I don't know what I was doing and then I was trying to fool around was nothing accurate so he was mad and I was angry cuz he jerked my arm away and so why and then stop being angry he thought it was out of control so I guess I have to explain that the others were encouraging me and then again it might not have been me at that point and it could have been Camilla Harris and she was punished supposedly and she was full-blooded at that point. So I have to tell you these are not very comfortable. And she also did the surgery of course
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leafs-lover · 2 years
hello! it's the fic WIP fairy🧚✨please tell us about what you're working on in as much or as little detail as you want!
pass this along to anyone who you admire, anyone who you know needs motivation, or anyone who may not get to talk about their work often🌻spread the love💜and good luck on your wips!💓
I have some one-shots or blurbs but I'm going to focus this on my series.
Too Far Gone is an Auston Matthews x OC fic. It starts during his season in Zurich where he met Tia and fell wildly in love. They were crazy about each other and convinced they would spend forever together but when he left Zurich they didn't speak for almost 3 years. When they finally reconnect they are not only trying to process what happened, but how to move forward while raising their son together.
No Strings is a Freddie Andersen x OC fic. Fred is playing for the Canes and struggling with some of the fallout of Jessica (a woman he dated in Toronto). He isn't in a place for a relationship when he meets Nicole and things quickly change but she comes with some secrets and a history that threatens to tear them apart.
There are some asks under the "no strings fic" and a little snippet here
Lastly is my still unnamed MB fic which takes place during the 2022/2023 season when he runs into Hadley. The two of them were friends in high school and even went to prom together, but Hadley abruptly left without even saying goodbye and the two have barely spoke since then. While trying to navigate their renewed friendship they are trying to deal with old wounds.
I posted a bit of a prologue a while ago here and there are some asks under "unnamed MC fic"
All of these fics take place within the same universe, and there will be overlapping of characters and storylines (but they all can be read as stand alone pieces). If you have any questions on any about these feel free to send them in!
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harunovella · 2 years
could i be more obvious? ; e.y.
synopsis: It felt as if Eren spent his life chasing after you, but with bad luck came bad results... that is until a near fatal incident finally brings the two of you together. Of course, that was all thanks to his alter ego, Spider-Man... and who would've guessed that the man behind the mask was the man you had been crushing on, too? | spider-man!eren x fem!reader
cw: modern setting (high school/senior year), mutual pining + first dates (if that's even a warning?), loss of virginity/first times, oral (m → f), fingering, hand jobs... idk if i'm missing any! (MDNI!)
wc: 13k+
an: crossposting this on tumblr as I've been solely writing on ao3 only but thought I'd start putting my work on here too! this honestly was insp by a dream i had so don't mind me, i love the idea of spidey eren; title inspo ♥
Having a brain for a best friend was always a bonus when they helped advanced your super suit—at least, that was the case for Eren Yeager. Armin insisted in many necessary additions to (what once was) Eren's cheesy version of his spidey suit. Or, as he liked to call it, Mark I. A vibration was felt against his hip as he was in the midst of disarming one of the five thieves surrounding him. "Do you all mind if I get that?" He asked as he lifted a finger, his other now outstretched as a web had shot out and blocked one of the criminals from pulling the trigger.
The men all exchanged looks in confusion as the masked vigilante—hero—reached to his side and pulled out his sleek, smartphone. "What the hell—"
Pulling back and flicking his wrist as a web silence of the thug who spoke, Eren tapped the answer button after reading the name. "Armin, now is not the time, I'm in the middle of handling a robbery."
"Right now? You're about to miss prom!"
Growing wide eyed—as the white eyes of his mask grew, too—Eren cursed, "shit, I lost track of time!"
The sound of a gun shot and multiple whoa's on Armin's end caused him to gasp, "Eren, be careful!"
"Eren, you better not be endangering yourself!" Mikasa exclaimed.
"I— I'm okay!" Eren panted, dodging bullets before swiping his leg and knocking the man firing off his feet. Slinging some webs, yanking away the weapons, Eren kept his phone against his head, "I'll be there soon! I promise!" He shouted, hung up and webbed up the five men together. Hanging them upside down from the bank's ceiling, the crowd that was hidden cheered.
Letting out a sigh as he heard the police sirens, he took a few steps back to eye his work—he loved hanging up criminals from his webs. It made them look like they were about to be feasted on.
Turning away and eyeing the civilians that now stood from their hiding spaces, he saluted them, "your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man saved the day, yet again!" Waving, he looked out the window to see a collection of police cars lining up. Turning his attention down to his phone, he gasped at the time. "Shit— Gotta go!" He waved at the civilians before rushing out through a hole in the wall caused by the robbers.
"Spider-Man saved us!" A kid shouted as Eren rushed into the nearby alley, smiling to himself before he stopped at a dumpster. Reaching behind it and pulling out his duffle bag, he quickly removed his mask and pulled on his prom suit. Tucking his mask into the inner pocket of his jacket, Eren haphazardly tied back his hair before fleeing the area.
"Sometimes I wish we didn't know our best friend was a superhero," Armin said as he rubbed his face while Mikasa stood beside him on the balcony. "It's like living every day unsure of whether or not we will see him again."
"He'll be fine," the grey eyed young woman nodded. "I know he will." Hearing a grunt come from behind them, the two instantly turned, eyes now wide. "Did you really fly around in that?" Mikasa pointed at the suit the man before her was wearing.
Eyeing himself, Eren nodded with a smirk, "not a single scratch. Quite impressive."
Sighing, Mikasa walked over and fixed his hair, pushing aside the loose strands that were scattered all over his forehead. "What if someone saw you?" She asked, concerned.
Shaking his head, Eren buttoned up his jacket as Mikasa handed him his favorite rings. Slipping them on while Armin patted down his suit, he rolled his eyes, "not when I'm stories high. You can barely tell what the hell I'm even wearing."
"Yeah, well, with the cameras today, anyone can spot you," Armin shook his head before rounding his best friend, making sure nothing seemed out of place. Then, he handed him an emerald green tie, "I knew you'd forget it."
"Thanks, 'Min," Eren smiled as he tied up his tie around his shirt's collar, "what would I do without the two of you?"
"Perish," Mikasa casually said as Armin chuckled. "Let's get going, we only have our senior prom once." Turning and walking ahead as Armin took her side, Eren followed shortly after.
Mikasa was in a deep burgundy gown with a slit that her leg peeked through. The straps of her dress were thin and crossed at the back as she held a small matching clutch. Her lipstick—to no surprise just like her hair and nails—all black. It was her. Armin, on the other hand, wore a dark blue tuxedo and had a grey bow tie to adorn it. Eren? He stuck to a simple black suit, not needing anything fancy when he wasn't sure if and when he'd have to rip it right off. Of course he kept his super-suit on underneath, it was like second skin at this point.
"Wow..." the three said in awe, eyeing the ballroom with its large chandeliers and a flashing disco ball above the dance floor. The lights were dim and the decorations of stars and constellations made it feel like they were in a planetarium. Under the Night Sky was the theme their class voted on. So, as expected, many were wearing silvers, blacks, and any other matching shades.
"You guys!" A voice called out as the trio looked over, spotting a familiar face wave their hand. "I got us all a table!"
"Hey Sasha!" Armin waved as the three walked over, noticing that her boyfriend—Niccolo—and Jean were already seated. "Where's Connie?"
"On the dance floor with the ladies already," Jean pointed with his thumb as the trio looked over to see that Connie was—in fact—dancing with a group of girls who cheered him on. "For a man who attracts that kind of attention, it amazes me how he never gets laid."
"Does it really surprise you?" Sasha asked as she had taken her seat and began stuffing her face with appetizers. "I mean, he's an idiot."
"You're one to talk," Jean teased.
"I have a boyfriend!" She exclaimed, mouth full as Niccolo patted her shoulder, mumbling for her to calm down so she wouldn't choke. The couple matched, Sasha in a canary yellow, backless gown as Niccolo's bow tie was the same color.
Jean, on the other hand, wore a simple black tuxedo—one Connie apparently got the same of—as both wore ties in matching colors. Jean was pissed, to say the least, when he saw Connie had the same look, claiming he just got inspiration from him. It also didn't help that Jean had a burgundy tie to coincidentally match Mikasa, but now it looked like he was there with Connie as his date. "Don't even say it," the young man with the mullet spoke as Eren's eyes bounced between him and a wild Connie dancing afar.
Lifting up his hands in defense, Eren walked over and took the open seat beside him, knowing very well Jean was saving it for Mikasa. "Thanks for saving me a seat, Jean boy."
"You bastard, you know it's for Mikasa," Jean mumbled through tight teeth, earning a pat on the shoulder from the green eyed man next to him.
Taking a seat next to Eren, Mikasa looked up at Armin to see he was in a trance. Following his eyes and spotting Annie in the distance speaking to Hitch, Mikasa smiled, "go say hi to her."
Blinking with a blush, Armin nodded, "right... I'll— I'll be right back."
Turning his head to see what Mikasa and Armin were talking about, Eren's eyes landed on the small group in the distance. Annie standing with Hitch as they spoke beside another table. Said table had Bertolt, Porco, Colt, Pieck, and... "Where's Reiner?" Eren asked, eyes searching the crowd.
"Looks like he just got here with your girlfriend," Jean smirked, punching Eren's arm as the brunet hissed and flicked Jean's forehead.
"Asshole," turning in his seat and eyeing the entrance, Eren's eyes landed on the broad man walking in with a smirk on his lips. Reiner easily towered everyone around him, including the woman on his arm... you. Eren's heart skipped a beat. Your gown was insanely gorgeous, but not as gorgeous as you looked. The tied up spaghetti straps, the sheer green fabric of the skirt that had shimmering designs beneath, a matching shawl... oh, how you looked like a princess. It didn't help that you were wearing a green much like the tie he had been wearing. Definitely a coincidence... it wasn't like you knew, anyway.
"Don't stare," Mikasa patted Eren's arm as he blinked, unable to peel his eyes from you, your soft makeup and that updo of yours that had strands of hair framing your face. An arm snaked around your waist, pulling you in as Reiner held you close. That should have been him by your side. "Eren, you're being obvious..."
"She looks so beautiful..." he whispered, watching as you and Reiner greeted people, walking by his table and saying quick hello's before moving along. "Oh, god, she smells amazing—"
"How the hell did you get that?" Jean asked with a look of disgust on his face, Eren turning and glaring at him.
"Dumbass, she walked right by! It hit me!" He hissed.
"Damn, Eren, that could've been you if you didn't have such bad luck," Sasha pointed out, finishing her second plate as Eren sighed.
"Thanks for the reminder..." He groaned, slouching in his seat as his eyes shifted back to the direction you went in... watching you enjoy the night.
It seemed that was all he was destined to do at prom: watch you have fun with everyone but him.
Mikasa had insisted he get up and enjoy the evening, dance and be entertained, but Eren found himself sulking. Sinking deeper and deeper into his seat the more he eyed you. It was embarrassing at how long he had, occasionally looking away when you turned in his direction. He knew he should've joined his friends—hell, even Armin was having the time of his life on the dance floor with everyone else—but he had pictured this night so differently.
If it wasn't for the fact that he always had bad timing with you, maybe then he would've already had you long ago.
Eren wasn't much of an outcast or someone to look past, he made a name for himself all those years ago in junior high, back when he was chaotic. Always getting himself into some new mishap, always the center of attention with his eccentric personality. Of course, now as a young adult at the lovely age of 18, he liked to believe he was much more mature than he was then. Though, still a bit of an odd ball, he was well rounded. Mikasa and Armin would always be his best friends, but there was no denying that he had friends all over the school. Ranging from different ages and groups, he was quite the social butterfly. He knew so many people, he caught the hearts of so many girls... yet, he could never have yours.
Turning down various girls who asked him to dance as he stubbornly moped in his seat, Eren watched as his friends danced together to the upbeat music. Smiles plastered on their faces as they jumped and laughed altogether. Mikasa broke out of her shell alongside Armin as Sasha and Connie circled them with foolish movements that had the group in tears. Just as the upbeat tempo had everyone bouncing around, it soon slowed and turned into a smooth number. Jean took Mikasa to a side as Niccolo brought Sasha with him. Armin shyly approached Annie while other couples paired up. Eren's eyes (once again) landed on you as you stood to the side and watched happily.
How come you weren't joining in with Reiner?
Looking around for your supposed date for the evening, Eren sucked on his teeth before rolling his eyes at the sight of Reiner talking up a storm to Historia. Now's my chance, he thought as he stood from his seat and approached you. You stood with your hands held together before you, a gentle smile on your lips before your head turned at the sound of Eren clearing his throat. "May I have this dance?"
Eyeing the brunet before you, your eyes trailed over to the blond who was meant to be the one asking. Your shoulders dropped as you sighed at the sight of him so close and personal with Historia, though knowing fairly well he almost stood no chance. It wasn't like you had a raging crush on Reiner, he was a nice guy, but he was nothing more than your prom date. He had asked you. Why couldn't he act like the prom date he was supposed to be?
Noticing the way a small frown took on your lips, Eren bit on his own. This wouldn't have happened if he had asked you. This wouldn't have happened if he wasn't always being interfered whenever it came to you.
It all started back then in junior high; when he was the class trouble maker and you were the star student. He knew he was out of your league, being the chaotic boy he was, but that didn't stop him from falling head over heels for you: the teacher's pet. Eren always found himself in the messiest situations, and when he had, you always so happened to be there. Watching, eyeing him with such disappointment. His smiles always faded at that. Somehow, you always caught him at his worst but was nowhere to be seen at his best.
If it wasn't Eren being scolded outside of classrooms or in the principle's office, it was him getting his ass beaten—alongside Armin, Jean, and Connie—in a stupid Fight Club made for a bunch of 13 year old boys. And, like aways, you walked by at the perfect moment with your little group of friends to see him getting his ass handed to him.
Instead of making a good impression, to get you enamored in him, it always ended up being Eren embarrassing himself in front of you. He knew it was karma for how immature he was, why else wouldn't you give him the time of day? He was reckless, a ball of fire... and no matter how many times he tried to get you to be his, something always got in the way. Another mess to be dragged into, another look of shame from you.
Snapping out of his thoughts as he gazed down at you, Eren noticed the way your lips parted, how you were just about to speak before a tall blond interfered. "Let's dance," Reiner grinned as he took your hand and pulled you to the dance floor, leaving Eren there with tight fists and barred teeth. You gave him a sympathetic look before you were lost in the crowd. Reiner did it on purpose, he must've.
"Hey, let's get some punch!" Armin said as he popped out of nowhere, Mikasa appearing as well as she gently pulled Eren away.
"Always a loser, huh? Can never get the girl, can you, Eren?" Jean laughed, earning a threatening scowl from Eren.
"I'm going to get some air for a bit, you guys enjoy the night, don't worry about me," the brunet said, eyes low as he gently peeled off Mikasa's hand before walking away.
Wanting to follow, Armin gently tugged her back, "let him be... he's been struggling all night."
"But..." stopping herself, Mikasa nodded. "Fine..."
It didn't take long for Eren to slip past the crowd of students spread throughout the entrance of the ballroom. He took the first elevator that opened, slid in, and leaned his back against the glass wall. Rubbing his face with a sigh, Eren thought about you. Thought about how pointless it was to have a stupid crush on you for so long. Thought about how everyone was about to graduate and move on with their lives and he'd still be pinning over you. Maybe he shouldn't have come to prom. Maybe he should've just kept on being the good superhero he was and find another person in distress. It wasn't like fighting crime was uncommon, hell, he could do it right now. All he had to do was swing around and find someone in need within seconds.
Hearing the elevator ding as he snapped out of his thoughts, Eren made his way into the lobby and out the front doors. A gust of wind greeted him as he made his way down the long steps, stopping at the last few before sitting down. He just needed a breather, a moment to collect himself, to stop being such a pathetic man. Slow dances would end, everything would go back to normal. Maybe then he could distract himself with his friends, take photos in the photo booth, entertain their we have to do everything at prom since it only happens once! desires. He'd be a good friend and stop sulking around. Yeah, he just needed to breathe in some fresh (city) air, star gaze the few stars the light pollution allowed him to see, and force you out of his head.
Yet, not thinking about you was near impossible. You were on his mind 24/7. You were all he thought about when his thoughts weren't filled with his future and his alter ego. Why couldn't he just let you go? After trying for so long, after all the missed opportunities, all the signs that told him you were never meant to be... why couldn't he just give up? Why did he have to be so persistent and want you and only you so badly?
This is why you'll die a virgin. She will move on with her life and you will just be the man behind the mask who never got laid.
His internal monologue went on and on and he found himself sinking into his spot until, suddenly, he sprung up. His senses were going off, tingling around his head as he eyed his surroundings. His skin went cold, hair standing as goosebumps formed. He went rigid, his heart skipping a beat as his gut turned. He knew what this meant. He hated this feeling. Something bad—
His ears started to ring. It happened too fast, even for him. Debris was all over the place, he ducked forward and held his head out of instinct before turning around and eyeing the building he sat before. Jumping to his feet as hordes of people rushed out, a scorching fire blazed through the building, glass shattering and crashing below.
Pushing past the people as he looked around, much too many of them getting in his way, his eyes landed on his friends. Armin, Mikasa... Sasha, Niccolo, Jean and Connie... He spotted Annie and Reiner and— Where were you?
"Eren!" Mikasa and Armin exclaimed in unison as they rushed to him, both looking startled but luckily in tact.
"Where— Where is she?" He asked, his tall frame giving him the advantage he needed to search the crowd frantically. Lowering his focus to his best friends as they exchanged looks, the three of them then looked over at Reiner, who stood beside Annie, trying to catch their breaths. "Reiner!" Eren called out, forcing his way to him. "Where is she?!" He asked, grabbing the man's suit jacket. "Why isn't she with you?!"
Knowing who he meant, Reiner shook his head, "I— I lost her in the mess—"
"Lost her?!" Eren panicked. "How the fu—" biting his tongue, he shook his head before his body began to move. He didn't have to think it through. He had to do this. If you weren't down there with them, then you must've been still up there, trapped.
"Eren!" Mikasa called out.
"Don't go in there!" Armin exclaimed, the two trying to reach him, only to be pushed further away from the building as the crowd continued to gush out and way from the hotel.
Ignoring them and rushing inside, seeing how the lobby was full of smoke and debris, how the power flickered and the glass scattered across the floor, he made a beeline to the staircase.
The building had been cleared out, Eren saw no one rushing down the staircase as he pulled apart his suit and made his way to the fifth floor with speed. He rushed through the halls before tossing his clothes along the way, slipping his mask out from his jacket and onto his head as it helped filter out the thick smoke.
His voice boomed as he called your name, searching through the halls and bathrooms, opening and closing accessible doors. He tried not to make matters worse, focusing on his breathing and finding you. He learned this long ago after he decided he would become a hero to his people. He couldn't have a full blown panic attack now.
He continued to call your name, hearing the crackling of flames and the crunching of glass and other materials beneath his feet. Eren ran as fast as he could to the ballroom door's seeing them wide open as he slid right in, continuously calling your name. The round tables were destroyed, some engulfed in flames as others were shoved and tossed to a side. Chairs scattered, the decorations hung low and were cinched. His eyes landed on the expanding fire towards the kitchen at the back.
It must've originated there. Turning his attention away, calling out for you, Eren clenched and unclenched his fists. He was focused but he was uneasy. How many lives has he saved? How many has he lost? He hated thinking about the latter and he refused to add you to the existing list.
He had done anything and everything in his power to protect you when you were and weren't aware. You lived in a bustling city, danger was everywhere. Car crashes, kidnappings, violence and crime... anything that ever came your way, he was always there to prevent you from being a casualty. But now? Now he couldn't even find you and the anxiety was starting to rise up in his throat like bile.
Eren refused to believe you had perished within the flames, refused to believe that he couldn't save you. He cried out your name, almost begging for you to respond back. He screamed and screamed, and when he tried to scream once more, distant coughs were heard.
Snapping his head in its direction, towards the far left corner of the ballroom, near the glass windows, Eren rushed over. A pillar had collapsed and all he could see was a piece of cloth—a shawl. Your shawl. He called your name once again and you coughed in response. Quick on his feet, he yanked back the column with all the strength he could muster as his webs latched onto the concrete. Grinding his teeth and pulling back before it could collapse any further, Eren rushed to your curled body and pulled you into his arms.
In a matter of seconds he got the two of you out and over to the next building's roof top before another burst of fames exploded within the ballroom.
Lying you down carefully, head rested on his hand, Eren leaned in to listen to your barely there breathing. His heart raced faster than it already had. Thunder filled the night sky matching it's beat as rain began to scatter, drop by drop before showering you both. Removing his mask as he eyed your face, he brushed your hair away at the sight of the few cuts and bruises that scattered across your skin. Feeling your pulse, Eren cursed under his breath before he brought his mouth to yours, pinching your nose and performing CPR.
Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.
Please. Please. Please.
Hearing your cough again as he quickly sat up and eyed you, a pained groan left you as your eyes fluttered open. Eren gazed at you with relief as his shoulders slumped. Tears formed in his eyes at the sight, vision being blurred now not only by the downpour. He brought his hand to his face, rubbing it before he snapped his head up and looked at you. Your hooded eyes blinked a few times, blurred vision focusing. "E— ren...?"
The mask! My mask! Where is it?! Frantically searching around, a hand suddenly wrapped around his wrist. Slowly looking down at you, Eren bit his tongue. You weren't supposed to see him. You weren't supposed to know. You weren't—
Your hand reached up to his cheek, resting there as you took in deep breaths. "Eren..." you said again, this time more audible.
"Please... Please don't tell anyone," he shook his head as he shut his eyes. "No one knows... I made sure you would never find out but—"
"Eren," you slowly sat up as the man's eyes widened, hands reaching out to help you. "What do you... What do you mean?"
"I just can't have anyone finding out about who I am—"
"No," you shook your head, hand falling to his shoulder. "About... making sure I would... never find out?"
Gulping as he looked you in the eyes, now more worried about you knowing the truth than the building burning beside him, Eren took in a sharp breath. "I mean... You know who I am now... I save people... And I've... saved you a ton without you realizing."
A bit out of it as your mind was fuzzy and your breathing was still rather ragged, you eyed Eren curiously. His words slowly processed in your foggy brain before you spoke with a subtle blush, "you have?"
Awkwardly looking down at the mask he now held in his hands, fiddling with it, Eren took in a deep breath and nodded. "I kind of... watch over you... I shouldn't, there's plenty of other people out there to protect but, I— Nothing, never mind, just," looking up at you, he begged, "please don't tell anyone."
Nodding, you smiled softly, "I won't... Though I am sure Armin and Mikasa know."
Growing wide eyed as his lips parted, Eren only slumped in his spot, "you're too smart for you're own good..."
Smiling, your hand moved from his shoulder, now onto his as it clutched his mask, "thank you... You saved my life."
Looking deeply into your eyes as his heart fluttered, although in the darkness of the night, the faint city lights were enough to illuminate you. The subtle neon signs reflecting off of the two of you giving you both a soft glow amongst the rain that drenched your bodies. If he could stare there like that, gazing at you forever, he would. He really would. How did it take him saving your life to finally have a moment alone? He was amazed he wasn't completely tongue tied or choking. Maybe it was the adrenaline. It must've been that.
He felt a small shift, your bodies were leaning in to one another—or maybe he was imagining it—but he was sure your eyes were now on his lips as his were on yours. That is until distant yelling snapped both of you out of it.
"I should— You know I should leave you down there so no one thinks you're dead," he nodded as you did, too.
"What about you?" You asked as he held his hands out for you to take as you both stood up.
"Well, I left my suit in the burning building... and... Let's hope everyone was evacuated because if not, I really should go back in there—"
"Oh my gosh, Eren?" You shook your head as your eyes widened.
"I'm sure there wasn't anyone left! I know it for a fact!" He eagerly nodded, reassuring you... and himself. "I'll... do a double check?"
"Oh, god..." you sighed but Eren was quick to grab you and rush across the rooftop without a warning. You clung onto him for dear life, eyes squeezing shut as you felt the sudden force of wind against you and the pelting of the rain.
Settling in the alley in between the two buildings, Eren placed you down on your feet before he brought his mask over his face. "You should go back to everyone."
Nodding, you took a small step back as he flicked his wrist to shoot out a web. Just before he could leave your side, you caught his free hand. "I owe you my life, Eren. What could I do to repay you? Really, I mean, I was— I thought I was done for up there."
Grinning from within his mask, Eren straightened his back and puffed his chest, "go on a date with me."
Blinking a few times with round eyes, your cheeks flourished with heat before you nodded, "okay..."
Feeling his heart skip a beat as he bit back a scream of glee, Eren bowed his head before he took a step back, ready to make his way up the building. However, you stopped him again. You reached over and lifted his mask just enough to reveal his lips, placing a sweet kiss before lowering it again and stepping away. Stunned, Eren blinked a few times before he forced himself away from your side as you waved goodbye.
A yawn left your lips as you pulled back the sheets of your bed and slid underneath. After your encounter with Eren—Spider-Man—you were nearly trampled by all your worried friends. Eventually, you were taken to the paramedics to get your wounds cleaned up and to make sure you were okay and safe to go home. To your luck, Eren had saved you in time. Minus the small wounds and the slight struggle to breathe properly—which was temporarily, thankfully—you were able to go home.
It was late, your parents were worried sick but were thankful to see you were now safe and away from the catastrophe. No one knew what happened, everyone claiming a gas leak or a really bad accident in the kitchen... but you tried not to ponder over it. It was much too large of an explosion to be an accident.
About to lie down, a sudden knock on your window made you jolt in your spot. Furrowing your eyebrows and reaching over for the curtains, you tugged them open and gasped. Quickly moving over to the edge of your bed to unlock your window and slide it open, Eren greeted you with his boyish smile as he slipped inside.
No longer in his Spider-Man attire, he was in nothing but sweats, a sweatshirt, socks and slides. His hair was loose, reaching his collar bones, and his eyes looked tired. "It's super late..." you smiled as the brunet closed the window behind him before he sat on your bed with you.
"It's super early," he corrected, eyes wandering around your bedroom. Though the lights were off, he used the moonlight to help him eye your decorated walls and shelves, your dresser and vanity, as well as your desk. Soft colors all around, modern furniture, so organized and put together. Unlike the chaos of his teenage boy bedroom with a bed too small for his now long body and bedsheets that should be fore a five year old.
Watching him as you could tell he was deep in thought, you leaned against your bed's headboard. "Why'd you come?"
"I wanted to make sure you were okay," looking back down at you, he smiled again, this time, a softer one. "Armin and Mikasa told me you were, but I needed to see it with my own eyes. I hope you gave Reiner an earful for what he did."
Nodding you chuckled, "I did, he apologized like crazy afterwards." Lowering your eyes from his own, you then realized the text written across his chest. "Paradis? Is that where you're going?"
Keeping his focus on you, grinning at the thought of you telling off Reiner for leaving you behind to die—though that really wasn't the case—Eren snapped out of it as he then nodded at your question. "Yeah, Paradis University."
"Me too!" You gasped, lifting your eyes with a grin.
Blushing, Eren awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, "I kind of knew that... That's why I applied." Hearing you gasp, Eren lifted his hands up in defense, "it was one of my choices anyway! But I heard you were going and after being accepted there... I decided to choose Paradis University, too."
"Eren... You were going to keep watching over me, huh?" Gently nudging his chest, you wore a small smile as the two of you looked down bashfully, only to look up in a gaze.
"Yeah..." Eren scooted closer, reaching a hand out and gently held your chin, thumb brushing your cheek as he eyed the small cuts that were now cleaned. A small bandage was plastered on the side of your forehead where a small gash had been, the sight making his stomach turn, but he was beyond happy to know you were okay. "I can't let anything happen to the woman of my dreams, especially now when I've finally got her. I'm just glad you're okay."
"Me too," you softly whispered, watching as Eren leaned in and gently pressed his lips against your own. It was a small gesture at first, the two of you testing the waters. However, he lowered his hand to the back of your neck as he scooted even closer, leaning into you and tilting his head as his lips moved against your own. Although this wasn't his first kiss—as he had his fair share at parties while playing games or while tipsy—nothing compared to kissing the woman he wanted for so long.
Pulling back to let either of you breathe, Eren chuckled, "you don't know how long I've wanted to do that. I never thought this day would come."
Chuckling, your hand reached up for his wrist, pulling it down before you interlaced your fingers with his. "Oh, I know. I'm sure everyone knew about your feelings towards me," you nodded as Eren sighed, not denying it. "Although you were quite over the top in junior high with all the chaos you created, I always admired you."
Growing wide eyed, Eren sat up, "really?"
"Yeah..." nodding as you looked down at your connected hands, you smiled, "you stood up for your friends. You cared for them deeply. You still do. I admire that. You have a big heart, Eren. And now you're a hero... You've matured so much. With great power... I'm sure came great responsibility."
"Oh, you don't know," he breathed, but he smiled. "It's worth it... I get to protect people. I get to protect the prettiest girl in the universe, too."
Giggling at his words as he smiled at you, you shook your head, lifting your eyes to meet his again, "I wish you took me to prom instead... Reiner's a nice guy, but he's a bit of a himbo."
Laughing at your words, Eren let out a small breath, "I wanted to but he beat me to it. Don't you know that I always lose when it comes to you? Every advancement I've ever made failed."
"You have me now, don't you?" You asked.
"I do..." he breathed. "So many years of lost opportunities due to outside forces were killer... but I finally got my moment. Though it was a terrible one that almost took your life, I would go through great lengths just to have you."
Reaching your free hand up to cup his cheek, your thumb grazed his cheekbone, "it amazes me how you never gave up."
"It's embarrassing—"
"It's endearing," you corrected as Eren looked through his lashes at you.
"I really like you..." he mumbled.
"I like you, too," you grinned. "Is this our first date?"
Softly laughing, Eren shook his head, "no... more like a pre date. I want to take you somewhere nice."
"What do you have in mind?" You curiously asked, only to see Eren go rigid as his eyes grew wide. "What is it?"
"I— Hah— I haven't thought about it..." he awkwardly admitted. "After so many years, you would've thought I would've had this planned out."
"It's okay," you nodded. "You can surprise me. After all, you can take us almost anywhere, Spider-Man."
Seeing you lean in as you winked, Eren bit his inner cheek, "I didn't think of that... but, you're right..."
Chuckling, you gently tugged him down to lie with you, rolling on your sides and studying every aspect of each other's faces. Hours passed you by without you realizing it as you shared small talk, voices low and fingers lingering on one another. Gentle touches and caresses as the sun eventually began to raise above the horrizon. You spoke about anything and everything, from things you loved to things you hated. Your passions, your favorite pastimes, greatest memories... even about Eren's many failed attempts to woo you, up until the both of you fell asleep in each other's arms.
The sound of knocking on your bedroom door caused you to jolt awake. Eren's eyes shot open as he quickly sat up, his instincts yelling at him. You hopped off of your bed as you grabbed him and pulled him with you, nearly shoving him into your walk in closet before closing the door. Without a word, and a bit disoriented, you rushed to your bedroom door and opened it.
Eren pressed his ear against the wooden door, hearing you speak to your mother. Sighing, he turned and reached for his phone that he had slept with in his sweats' pocket. Turning on the flashlight, Eren curiously peered through your closet. Your organized shelves of shoes; clothing sectioned by dresses, pants, and tops. Being the young man he was in a woman's closet, he couldn't help but snoop around. Lots of plush toys stuffed away—possibly from your childhood. Purses, backpacks, and wallets galore. Scattered awards and old text books and journals from previous school years stacked.
Then, a small, black box caught his attention. It was hidden underneath the hem of your hanging dresses. Pulling it out as he squatted before it, he stood again and settled it on one of your shelves before pulling it open. Reaching in, his heart sunk to the pit of his stomach as his cheeks burned. A little number—a lace thong—hung from his index. With wide eyes, he brought the little thing into his palm before looking into the box again and pulling out a matching bra. Nothing but lace and wire. Lingerie.
Yelping at the realization and the many thoughts that flooded his mind, he quickly covered his mouth with the back of his hand.
"What was that?" Your mother asked.
"Huh? Oh! I left a YouTube video playing, must've been an ad," you lied with a wave of your hand. "I'll come down soon," you nodded as your mother said okay before turning and leaving you be. Closing your door, you then rushed to your closet and opened the door. Eren spun in his spot and quickly hid his hand behind him, caught red handed. A small giggle left your lips. You recognized the box, you knew what it was. "It was a stupid birthday gift from my friends."
"Wha— Huh?"
Shaking your head, you walked over and pulled his hand from behind him, "my best friends got it for me as a joke. Said I should use it on someone."
"On who?" He asked rather quickly.
Biting your bottom lip, you grinned, heat burning your cheeks, "you."
"Me?" His eyebrows furrowed. "You're lying. Why me?"
"Like I said, everyone knows how much you like me," you shrugged.  "And they swore I liked you, too..."
"Well, they weren't wrong," he teased as you rolled your eyes playfully. "Can I see you in it?"
Lightly swatting his arm, you crossed your arms, "not now..."
"Maybe some day?" He tilted his head, earning a subtle laugh from you.
"Maybe," you considered. "You should get going before anyone finds you."
"Right," he nodded, turning to take the box with him, but you stopped him with hands extended out. "What?" Eren whined.
"You're not taking those," you shook your head as he frowned, settling the box and lingerie in your hold. Closing it and hiding it once again as Eren watched you with a pout, you shook your head and pushed him out of your closet and towards your bedroom window. Opening it up for him, you stepped to the side, "I'll see you later."
"Fine," he sighed. Before he climbed out, he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you into a swift kiss. Leaving you buzzed and blushing, Eren slid out and made his way back home.
Later that day your phone had vibrated with a message from Eren telling you to be ready before sunset. You weren't sure when that was so you prepared yourself around mid afternoon, wondering what it was that Eren was up to. If this was your first date, he must've had thought of something quick to already have plans set. Since it was summer, you dressed in a mini dress; with a sweetheart neckline and daisy print, you paired it with white sneakers and a crossbody. Well aware that Eren was going to be having you stories high, swinging you in the air like Tarzan, you made sure purse was secure enough for you not to lose anything. As exciting as it, it was also terrifying. You weren't sure how he did it, but then again, he more than likely had been face to face with dozens of weapons that could easily take his life.
The thought made your heart skip a beat.
How did he do it? And how were you now going to live a life not knowing whether or not he was going to make it back okay?
Taking in a deep breath and forcing yourself to think about the present and only the present, you checked yourself in the mirror one last time—makeup perfect and hair styled nicely (though you made sure to carry around a hair tie for when things got messy)—you smiled. Tonight was going to be perfect. Nothing was going to get in the way. At least, you hoped.
Hearing a knock on your window, you turned from your vanity and grabbed your purse before rushing over, sliding the window open and smiling. "Hi."
Eyeing you from head to toe, Eren's heart fluttered within his chest as his lips parted, "you look gorgeous—" Clearing his throat, Eren smiled, "I mean, hey."
Letting out a soft laugh, you leaned in and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips as he was squatted before you on your window sill, "thank you." Eyeing his attire—a blue, short sleeve button up and black jeans, vans and his hair pulled back in his signature low bun—you smiled, "you look good yourself."
"I do, huh?" He asked, eyeing his attire before lifting his head, "my cologne kinda got swept away."
"By swinging here?" You asked as he nodded.
"Yeah... You know, I wanted to look my best for you and—" seeing you lean in as your face went towards his neck, Eren grew stiff.
"I can still smell it," you nodded as you stood up straight, now seeing the flushed look on his face. "What?" You chuckled.
"N— Nothing! Just... I don't typically have girls sniffing my... neck," he shyly spoke, causing you to grin. "Does it smell good?"
Laughing, you nodded again, "yeah, I like it."
Sighing in relief, Eren nodded his head, "thank god..." Realizing he said that out loud, he cleared his throat, "are you ready?"
"Mhm," you bit your inner cheek, pulling your purse over your shoulders. "Though, I'm kind of scared of the whole swinging around thing."
"It's okay," he smiled in reassurance, "I promise I won't let anything happen to you. Do you trust me?"
"Yeah," you breathed, a sweet smile on your lips. "I trust you."
"Then we're going to have a perfect night."
And true to his word, you two did. Though you clung onto him—again—for dear life, it actually was quiet... calming to see the city so high up above. The breeze that tickled your skin, being closer to the stars, hearing muffled cars... You wondered how often Eren swung around just for the hell of it. Maybe when he was bored or stressed. Maybe when he needed time away.
Eren had taken you to his favorite spot first: atop the tallest building in the city. You two watched the sun set from there, your shoulders pressed together as your hands held onto one another. You shared a few glances and kisses, taking a few photos of the sight before resting your head on him. It was possibly one of the most beautiful things you had ever experienced, and you were jealous Eren was able to see it almost daily—as he disclosed with you.
After that, he took you to dinner nearby, an exquisite restaurant he managed to get the two of you in. You had asked how and Eren mentioned how Spider-Man may or may not have made an appearance there and asked for a certain Eren Yeager to have access without questioning. It made you laugh without a doubt. It also made you laugh when he admitted to stealing some of his father's money in order to afford the dinner for you two.
(Eren was a pizza delivery boy, but the money he made was nothing compared to what was in his dad's wallet. He solely had the job to understand the morals and importance of the working class and making your own money. Even if your parents were bathing in bills. Grisha and Carla did not raise their son to be a snobbish brat... Though, Eren Yeager had tendencies of being a brat every now and then. However, not as bad as he used to be after gaining his abilities.)
You knew about the Yeager's, Grisha being a well known doctor in the city—and possibly the country—while his mother, Carla, owned a local restaurant and eventually opened up multiple locations across the country. After asking him why he didn't take you there, you should've expected the answer because my mom wouldn't let me hear the end of it afterwards. That also made you laugh.
"You know, pizza delivery boy, I have a job, too," you said.
"Oh, I know. You work at the local library," Eren said nonchalantly as the two of you had shared a dessert—beignets topped with ice cream.
"You are such a stalker!" You laughed as Eren shrugged. "I should be worried, is this okay to be dating you?" You teased as the two of you shared soft laughter. You were so engrossed in the moment that you didn't realize how quick Eren's reflexes and senses were.
From one second to the next, you went from sitting and giggling to being held tightly against Eren's chest, off to the side as a sedan had crashed through the window. Right into the table you two were once sitting at. Glass, concrete, the wooden fragments from the tables all scattered before you as panicked yells and rushing civillians snapped you out if it.
"Oh my god..." you breathed, shaking in Eren's arms. "You— You saw that coming?" You asked, peeking your eyes from the silver car, up to an upset Eren whose eyebrows were narrowed.
"My senses went off, just like when the fire erupted," he said, eyeing the damage before looking down at you, expression softening. "Are you okay?"
Nodding, you took in as deep breath, "yeah... thank you."
"Let's get you home..." He said, keeping an arm around you as he guided you away from the scene.
You couldn't seem to stop shaking, even the moment you made it back into your bedroom. Eren felt terrible, though none of it was his fault, he didn't like seeing you this scared. It also didn't help that this was your second near death experience, and if it weren't for him... He didn't want to think about it
You had quietly asked him to stay the night in which he didn't hesitate to agree with. After changing into your pajamas while Eren stayed in his own clothes—though you insisted it was okay for him to get comfortable—the two of you slept that night holding tightly onto one another.
Days began to pass and each night was much like the first; Eren visiting by sneaking in and staying over. Eventually, the days melted into weeks, weeks of the two of you secretly seeing one another without anyone knowing. You weren't sure how either of you didn't get caught, seeing as Eren was in your bedroom every night, and the two of you snuck around and exchanged glances in class and in the hallways more often than not. Maybe it was because the latter was already common as it was, seeing as Eren was never discreet when he would gaze at you.
On one night, however, you hung out with your closest friends for a movie night. Eren had been working that evening and you so happened to order from the pizzeria he had worked at. Though you had never ordered from there before, and weren't sure if the pizza was good or not—seeing as your secret dates with Eren always consisted of anything but pizza—you were curious. You also just wanted to see him in his cute uniform.
And you weren't disappointed.
The moment you opened the door to the delivery boy—your boyfriend—you grinned. Eren's hair was tied back in its usual low bun, a cap on top, a black polo with the logo etched on his chest, black pants, and black vans. "Oh, thank you so much..." leaning in and reading his name tag, you fought a laugh, "Eren."
Playfully rolling his eyes as he handed you the pizza box, you pulled out your cash and were about to hand him the money you owed, only for him to shake his head, "it's on me."
"Eren," you sighed, but he shook his head again, pushing the money away from him. "Can I at least give you a tip? Y'know, for looking so good in your uniform?" You teased, earning another roll of his eyes—and a blush, too.
"No," he shook his head. "I'm not taking your money." Seeing you pout, a small grin etched itself on his lips. "Though... maybe something like a kiss would suffice..."
Settling the pizza box to a side, you reached over and tiptoed, tugging Eren down for your lips to meet. Your arms moved to wrap around his neck as his now bare hands held onto your waist. He swiped his tongue along your bottom lip before you welcomed him to deepen the kiss. Your tongues intertwined as you breathed each other in, only to separate, leaving small pecks before completely pulling apart. "Thank you for the pizza," you breathed as Eren looked down at you with hooded eyes, his left hand reaching up to rest on your right cheek as his thumb brushed over your soft lips.
"I'll see you later tonight," he whispered, leaving a kiss on your nose before turning to walk away.
Of course, it didn't go unseen by your friends the way you looked so happy when you returned to them with the pizza. One of them pointed out how your cheeks were red, another mentioned how your lipgloss needed retouching as another acknowledged how your chin shined. It was safe to say you didn't hear the end of it that night, you were just glad they didn't know who the pizza delivery boy was... or the fact that you never confirmed nor denied their accusations of you making out with said delivery boy.
More days had passed, your graduation was nearing and you couldn't help but countdown the days until you were finally free. In the midst of working your part time job at the library, restocking the shelves with rented and new items, you softly spoke to your dear coworker and friend—Annie—about the approaching milestone.
"Just a few days to go," she huffed. "I can't wait to finally get out of there."
"You and me both," you sighed, thinking about the things you and Eren had planned. Of course, you also had your own friends to be around, but this newfound relationship you had with Eren—a man who could carry you around town like nothing—was beyond exciting.
Noticing Annie went silent, you looked over to see her reading something on her phone before she settled the few books in her hands away. "They need me up front," she sighed as you nodded, watching her go.
Turning to what you were doing, your eyes widened. Through the spaces open between the shelves, you spotted an oh too familiar brunet now peeking through. "Eren!" You quietly shrieked, pushing his face back as he laughed. "You may have spidey senses but I don't."
Rounding the bookcase, Eren stood beside you as you were now propped up on a step-stool. Taking the books from your hold as you were now face to face with Eren due to the added height, he left a sweet kiss on your lips before he pulled away to shelve the books. "You also don't have the height," he teased, placing the last book in its place on a higher shelf.
"That's why I have you," you poked his bicep before hopping off the stool. You pushed the nearly empty cart to a side before grabbing the step stool and settling it underneath said cart. Eren followed you around like a shadow as you shelved a few more books in a nearby aisle, quietly speaking to one another about your day and upcoming plans. As you finished up the last few books, pushing them into their places, you noticed Eren deep in thought as he looked off. "What is it?"
"It's so empty and quiet over here," he said. "Too quiet in the back..."
Smiling, you shook your head at the sight of his eyebrows narrowing, still deep in thought as he brought his hand to his chin, rubbing it. "Yeah, not many people come to this side, it's usually only needed for research on prehistoric studies."
Nodding, Eren then turned his head and eyed you, "has anyone ever had sex here?"
Laughing as you covered your mouth, you swatted his arm. "Of course that's what's got you deep in thought—"
"I'm curious," he shrugged as you sighed.
"I've caught a few... I didn't see too much, luckily, but I've had to kick them out. Most of the time they leave on their own will out of embarrassment, it's rare for them to make a fuss. Most people actually don't like getting caught even if they like the thrill of the idea." Seeing Eren grin, you shook your head, "don't get any ideas."
Lifting his hands in defense, Eren shook his head, "I didn't say anything. However... I would love to kiss you again. You know... A little longer this time."
Rolling your eyes as you grinned, you took his hand and guided him away, falling so easily for his trap. A trap that you were fully aware of and didn't even really consider to be a trap... More like temptation. You ended up on top of Eren in that same spot the couples you found having sex. Your lips moved desperately against one another, Eren's hands under your blouse as he untucked it from your skirt. Your own hands were in his hair, loosening it from the bun it was in as it fell to his shoulders. The sound of your breathing and subtle panting bounced off the bookcases. You were so glad the library was dead in that moment.
Eren's eager hands played with the back of your bra before caressing your back. His hands glided along your hips and belly, over your ribs and just underneath the wire of your bra. Your knees straddled him as you felt his bulge press against your heat, thin panties not doing you much help as you whimpered and may or may not have rocked your hips a few times. Eren noticed. He encouraged it as his hands slid underneath your bra to properly cup and squeeze your breasts. All while your lips sloppily met in a hungry kiss of tongues exploring and lips swelling.
Gliding your hands down his torso, feeling the outline of his abs against the graphic tee he wore, your hands reached for the belt of his jeans, only to stop as someone called out for you. "Ugh..."
"Dammit," Eren hissed as the two of you separated from the kiss. "Rain check?" He asked as he pulled his hands out from under your blouse, cupping you cheeks and kissing your lips once more. "We'll pick up from where we left off."
Eren was true to his word. Well, he planned on being true to his word. That night after both of you were free from your schedules, he took you out, swinging around the city. It was something he did almost nightly to get you accustomed to it. Though it still made you nervous, you were growing more and more confident in Eren. It wasn't like he'd let you fall... but being that high up was nerve wracking. Now lying on top of your school's rooftop, softly speaking to one another while stargazing, you found yourself to be the most at peace than you've ever been.
With your head resting on his shoulder as his arm wrapped over your hips, you lazily rolled on top of him before planting a sweet kiss to his lips. A small laugh left Eren before his hands reached up to cup your face. You smiled, your tongue swiping over his bottom lip before he gave you access. The two of you looked at one another with hooded eyes as your tongues met, Eren's hands moving to rest on your lower back before sliding down to your ass, cupping the cheeks as it made your skirt ride up enough to expose more skin. You shivered at that, even in the summer, the evening breezes had goosebumps forming on you.
The sound of a loud gasp caused the two of you to stop, you quickly lifting your head as Eren groaned in annoyance. There at the door of the stairs that lead to the rooftop stood a gaping Mikasa and Armin. "You—"
"You didn't tell us!" Armin finished for Mikasa, pointing a finger with cheeks tinted pink. Both him and Mikasa noticed the way their best friend had his hands gripping your bottom for dear life.
You were quick to sit up and adjust your skirt as Eren sighed, "sorry, babe..." Standing to his feet as he took your hands in his to help you up, Eren turned and let go one of your hands before approaching his best friends. "Yeah... we are together. No one knows..." using his free hand to scratch the back of his head, Eren looked at you for some help.
"He— He saved my life... and one thing lead to the next and we are dating," seeing their confused faces, you smiled, "I know he's Spider-Man. Just like you two do." Grabbing and lifting Eren's hand and folding his middle and ring fingers, you made him shoot a web. "See?"
Watching as the web landed across the brick wall of the staircase, both Mikasa and Armin then looked at Eren, then you. "So much to take in..." Armin whispered, but Mikasa took his hand in hers.
"As upset as I should be that you kept this from us... we can talk later," the dark haired young woman said with squinted eyes as Eren groaned. "We didn't mean to interrupt your date—"
"It's not a date," Eren grumbled with a blush, looking away.
"We'll get out of your hair, but we expect an explanation," Mikasa said, looking pointedly at him before pulling a still stunned Armin away, who was still trying to process what he walked in to. "Don't forget to invite your girlfriend to Jean's graduation party!" She said before she opened the door and brought Armin with her.
Watching the two go, you then looked up at Eren, "do they— do you three normally come up here?"
"Yeah... it's kinda our safe space... I brought you here because it's one of my favorite spots. Thought I'd share it with you. Should've considered the fact that they would possibly show up..." he trailed, rubbing the side of his face awkwardly.
Smiling, you gently grabbed his wrist and lowered his hand. "So, about that party?"
Graduation came and went faster than expected—but so did your time in high school. You walked the stage, got your diploma, and eventually found yourself properly meeting Eren's parents. Grisha was a quiet fellow, but he had a gentle smile on his lips the entire time his wife—Carla—gushed about her baby boy. Going on about his endless crush on you, how madly in love he had been for so long, all words that made Eren want to disappear into the ground beneath him. He was embarrassed to say the least.
Then it was your turn to be embarrassed, Eren meeting your parents as they recognized him as the son of their doctor. However, that wasn't what had you hiding your face in your palms—it was the fact that your father announced to your boyfriend that he recognized him because he's the boy my little girl would draw hearts over in the yearbook! Yeah... you weren't going to hear the end of that. It was safe to say you both were equally embarrassed over news you already knew. That everyone knew. Not one soul didn't know about your crushes on each other... even if it took this long to happen.
Eventually, you found yourselves together all night at Jean's party. You had no interest in announcing that you were a couple, simply holding hands and the occasional kiss was enough for word to spread like wildfire. Neither of you cared. Everyone saw it coming. However, it didn't prevent the onslaught of you two are together?! Probably why the two of you tried sneaking away after a few hours of playing games and drinking here and there.
"Shit—" Eren cursed as he tried to unhook your dress from the fence. The two of you—a bit tipsy—thought it was a bright idea to sneak into a nearby community pool. A giggle left your lips as he lifted you by your hips and removed the bit of material that got caught, holding you over his shoulder before walking away. On his little journey to one of the lounging chairs, Eren nearly tripped over his own foot as he settled you down. Crawling on top of you as his lips lazily met yours, the two of you sloppily kissed in between small fits of laughter.
"Shh— Shh..." you hushed, placing your index finger against Eren's lips. "Someone could— catch us."
"Doubt that," he scoffed before removing your heels, then kicking off his own dress shoes.
"What're you doing?" You murmured as Eren slipped off his socks and stuffed them into his shoes before lifting you in his arms. "Eren—"
"I've always wanted to do this—"
"Eren, you're crazy— don't!" Before you could protest any further, you found yourself being enveloped by the pool's water. Surfacing and catching your breath as you looked at a grinning Eren who looked a bit buzzed, you shoved his shoulders. "You—" pushing him into the water, the two of you messed around before Eren caught your wrists and pulled you into another kiss. One of his arms wrapped around your waist as his other held the back of your head, kissing you deeply, gliding his tongue along yours before the sound of footsteps and keys caught both of your attention.
Rushing out of the pool and grabbing your shoes, both of you slipped into the showers and covered each other's mouths as you watched the light of a flashlight flicker around. Eyeing one another as the footsteps grew farther, you let out tiny giggles before reaching for one another again. Your arms wrapped around his neck as his moved around your hips, continuing what was started in the pool.
"Can I take you back to my place?" Eren nearly whispered against your lips.
"Yeah..." you breathed with a nod.
With his swift movements, even while a bit buzzed, Eren was quick to take you away, back into the city. You both were freezing, instantly slipping into his quiet home—as his parents were already asleep—and into his bedroom. After handing you clothes to change into (as he did as well) he took your wet clothes and slipped out to leave them in the laundry room, worrying about the consequences of his mother finding your clothes later. Locking the door after his return, Eren found you sat on his bed, waiting for him.
The shirt he handed you slid over your left shoulder as the boxers you wore were loose at the hips and thighs, exposing skin as you sat there with your knees pulled in. Smiling at one another, the way your gazes grew soft in the darkness of his room that was lit by the moon, Eren quietly moved towards you. You moved deeper into his bed as he followed, propping himself up on one hand as his other cupped your cheek, lips meeting and hearts racing. "You could've showered," he mumbled against your lips, hands now in your wet hair.
"I could've... but maybe I wanted to share one with you," you muttered as your lips kept meeting halfway, small kisses being shared in between words.
Letting out a small sound, Eren moved to press his forehead against yours, "don't tempt me... I'll literally grab you right now and undress you and take you—"
"Slow down, cowboy," you chuckled. "We never got to finish what we started back in the library..."
Sucking in a deep breath, Eren lowered his head on your shoulder, already feeling himself throb at the thought of finally having you. "You're telling me we would've had sex in the library for our first time?"
Laughing, you shook your head, "not quite... we would've had some fun, maybe left to my place..."
"Fuck..." Eren breathed, "you really got me all worked up, babe."
Smiling, you lifted his head so he could look at you. Then, your hands reached for the hem of the grey tee he was in, tugging it over his head and tossing it before your hands trailed over his chest, then his stomach. Eren shivered at your touch, the way your fingertips brushed against every dip and curve of his torso, how your nails gently tickled his skin. He leaned down enough to close the gap between you as his own hands slid under the shirt you were. He knew you had nothing underneath, the pile of wet clothes not only including your dress, but also your bra and panties—his mother definitely was going to kill him if and when she found them.
Slowly but surely, the two of you undressed one another until you were completely bare. Your body beneath his as his was held up above your own. Your eyes darted across his skin, over every muscle and mark on it. A small scar or two from his childhood, the faint beauty marks that scattered his tan skin... His eyes did the same to you, but he couldn't possibly look away from your breasts. He was a man after all, he couldn't help himself... You were the woman of his dreams. His soulmate. The love of his life... and now he was going to be your first as you were to him.
"I've seen a lot of porn, I'm ready," he teased as you laughed, covering your mouth at the sound.
"You're such an idiot," you shook your head. "Touch me."
Sucking in a deep breath, his hands started at your shoulders before moving down your chest. Gently grabbing your mounds and feeling the flesh against his palms, his breath hitched as his heart raced at the sensation. Your bare breasts in his grip, all for him. He really hoped he wasn't dreaming.
Your hands caressed his shoulders and biceps, feeling the hardened muscles underneath. A small gasp left your lips as Eren's pointer and thumb tweaked your nipples, playfully fondling with your breasts as he grew more and more experimental. Kneading at them, Eren squeezed them together before burying his face in between.  Another gasp left you as your blush deepened, but you couldn't help but laugh at his reactions.
"Can I take them in my mouth?" He asked.
"Do whatever you want," you nodded.
And that was enough for Eren to do all that he fantasized. He nipped at your skin, leaving marks behind on your collarbone and chest, and the fat of your breasts and just underneath them. Then, without any hesitation, he brought one of your nipples in between his teeth, gently nibbling before swiping his tongue along it, giving both breasts the same attention as he moved between them. Your back arched as subtle moans left you, your hands now in his wet locks as you closed your eyes for a moment.
Then Eren grew bold. He left a trail of kisses down your stomach, kissed your hip bones before kneading at the meat of your thighs. He left more red blotches in his wake before he parted your legs further and was greeted by your bare cunt. "Do you still want this?" He asked as you nodded. "Words, princess, use your words."
"Yes," you breathed.
With a lick of his lips, and a lick along your pussy, Eren began his experimenting. Everything he was doing to you was new to him. He saved himself for you because he swore he would win your heart someday. And he was glad he did. He may be inexperienced, but he wanted to grow with you. To learn what you liked. To know what made your body react. He wanted to know every bit of you and be the lucky man who got to please you.
Eren remembered a few things his friends had told him, and other things he read and saw online. He knew it was nowhere near the actual thing, but he truly wanted to make you feel just as good as he did. Even if he was nervous, he also was beyond excited in the fact that he was doing this to you. And his hard-on was an obvious reaction.
Listening to the muffled sounds you made as you used one of his pillows to block your moans, Eren swirled his tongue around your clit before swiping up your folds. He did that repeatedly, focusing on the way your hips jolted and your thighs clenched around his head. Smiling to himself at how wet you were—and how he was the cause—Eren brought an experimental finger to replace his mouth as he sat up. His fingers played with your clit before teasing your entrance as his other gently pulled the pillow from your face. "I want to see you..."
Sucking in a sharp breath as you bit your bottom lip, your hands moved to press against your face to cover it as his finger pushed into you. "Oh my gosh..." you breathed as Eren grinned, slowly pumping his finger in and out of you.
"Come on, look at me," he softly spoke, his free hand reaching out to pull your hands away. "I want to see the faces you make, I wanna remember them..."
Breathing heavily as you felt yourself falling apart, knowing very well you wouldn't last, Eren tested the waters as he added a second finger. As his pointer and middle pumped into you, he lowered his head again and kissed your clit before gently sucking on it. With a few more thrusts, you came around his hand, clenching your eyes shut in embarrassment. "Ere—" nearly choking on your breath at the feeling of your own release, your eyes fell open as Eren pulled away. You frowned at the lack of him in you, only to make a desperate mewl as he brought his wet fingers into his mouth, tasting you.
A look of ecstasy was written across his face, as if you were the tastiest dessert that ever existed. "Damn..." he breathed. "This was so much better than I imagined."
Blushing, you rubbed your face before Eren pulled your hands away again, leaning into a kiss as you tasted yourself on his tongue. Your shaky hands roamed from his broad shoulders, down his pecks and hardened abs. Your dainty fingers found his hardened length and wrapped as much as you could around them—which wasn't much. Your breath hitched just as Eren's did as your thumb pressed against his slit, the pre leaking and smearing as you brushed against it. Eren bucked his hips as the two of you found yourselves breathing into each other's mouths. Your tongues touching but lips hardly moving at the lack of focus. The hands on either side of your head balled into fists as Eren felt his chest tighten with each breath.
Your parted knees that Eren settled in between pushed further apart as you brought his length against your soaking pussy. A moan escaped the both of you at the foreign feeling, your hand slowly pumping his cock as Eren moved his hands to grip his sheets. "I want you to feel... as good..." you breathed, hand gliding along his shaft as Eren hissed, biting his tongue and nearly coming all over your hand in an instant.
"Sh— Shit... sorry... I didn't—" Taking in a deep breath as he clenched his eyes shut, you softly smiled as you leaned up to kiss him. Flipping the two of you over, a small gasp left Eren as you straddled him. "H— How do you... wanna do this?" He asked, looking up at you as you looked like an angel under the moonlight, silhouette hovering before him as he was now under your control. He wouldn't want it any other way... at least, not in that very moment.
"Raw," you smiled.
"R— Really? You— You on the pill?" He asked as you nodded.
"Helps with the bad cramps," you shrugged before aligning yourself with him. "Is this okay?" Seeing him eagerly nod, a chuckle left your lips before you sunk down, taking him inch by inch ever so slowly. The stretch made you hiss as your eyes pricked with tears, you bit your bottom lip as your hands pressed against his chest. Eren's grip moved to your thighs, fingertips digging into your flesh and more than likely leaving black and blues in their wake. He watched you with hooded eyes as you tried to take all of him—at least, as much as you could. It was no surprise that Eren was, indeed, packing. Your breathing quickened as you sat still, clenching your eyes shut before you shifted your hips. With the subtle rock, your eyes fell open and met with Eren's, a smile grazing your lips as the same went for his.
Then, as you began to move at a slow and steady pace, you grabbed his hands and interlocked your fingers with his, pressing them against the mattress on either side of his head. The two of you listened to each other's moans and panting breaths, Eren's eyes never left yours as yours never left his. You met each other halfway with each thrust, moving in sync as your bodies grew hotter and hotter, melting into one. Silent words being uttered along the way of praise and encouragement, enough for the two of you to reach your orgasm one after the other. Riding out before growing still for a few moments as you fell against his chest, Eren's hands left yours and caressed your back and hair as you took in deep breaths.
"Can we share that shower now?" Eren asked as you chuckled with a nod, lazily forcing yourself up and feeling Eren leave your body as you huffed. You almost didn't want to move, almost wanted him to stay in you for as long as possible, but a shower sounded very appealing.
Moving off of his bed and heading for his bathroom to pee, Eren soon followed after before preparing the shower, letting the steam cover up the small room as he locked the door behind him. Quietly, you moved your way into the shower and hugged Eren from behind as he stood under the shower head. You lifted your focus to watch his long hair stick to his skin as every inch of him was drenched and dripping. You followed suit, soaking up before you took care of one another, Eren washing your hair before washing his, the two of you lathering each other before rinsing off the suds. A few kisses were shared, some longer than others, lips lingering more as if you two fell asleep that way. Eventually, after exiting and drying off as much as possible—and changing into one of Eren's shirts as he pulled on a loose pair of sleeping pants—the two of you cuddled on his bed.
"I I love you," Eren broke the silence as your heart skipped a beat, your head resting against his chest, looking out his bedroom window as he stared up at your ceiling. "Yeah, I love you."
Smiling, you nuzzled his neck, leaving a few kisses before whispering in his ear, "I love you, too."
"Hmm..." lazily grinning, he extended his arm out as he flicked his wrist, a heart forming on his ceiling from his web as you looked up and lightly laughed at the sight. "After so long... After the many failed attempts... It took saving your life to finally win your heart."
"My hero," you spoke in a sing-songy voice.
"I'll always be your hero," Eren said confidentially, making you chuckle again.
"So cheesy..." you smiled "Thank you, Spider-Man."
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m-jelly · 2 years
Is this really happening? Yeayyy I'm so happy. Can I request high school levi and reader on a reunion, where Levi was a popular student but always wonder why reader never pay attention to him, she literally ignore levi and only talked to him when it necessary. On a reunion day they met and feel nervous after years not seeing each others. Reader was and still having feelings for levi but she was being herself, she believed that if she likes someone, the person she likes will hate her and that's why she always ignored levi. Without her knowing that levi was always admired her for on of a kind behavior. Reader never thought herself beautiful, nor she has beautiful body or popular like others. Instead she always view herself lowly. Thank you Jelly.
Sure thing! Such a cute idea <3
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Luck changes
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and tags: Modern AU, romance, fluff, cute, sweet, high school reunion, confessions, becoming a couple.
Concept: Levi goes to his reunion in hopes of seeing you. When he finds you, he tries to talk to you but you're nervous. He manages to get you alone and you both talk about high school. Levi discovers why you kept your distance from him. He confesses how he felt and how he still has feelings and wishes to pursue something with you.
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The one that got away, that's what you were. The one who truly knew him. The one who didn't fall for the stories. The real one. The honest one. The one.
It had been years since high school and yet you were on his mind all the time. You were this intoxicating mystery that he'd always craved and needed.
He wasn't sure when he started liking you in school, maybe it was when he started noticing that you were ignoring him. He was always popular and yet you weren't interested in him at all. You often ignored him and acted as if he wasn't someone to watch, but he watched you. He watched you a lot.
You caught Levi's eyes often with your kindness, your quick wit and how sweet you were. He admired how beautiful you were and how welcoming you would be to others, which made him ask. Why not him?
Over the years you'd popped into his head often. He wanted to know why you stayed away from him, why you didn't care much for him, why you would blank him. When he got the notice of his high school reunion his first thought was you. Were you coming?
Levi didn't like meet-ups and gatherings. He knew very well this reunion was a way for people to bost about the things they'd done, how successful they were or lie about it all. He knew people were desperate to know about him. He'd worked hard and not used his looks. He ran a business and became a successful CEO.
He fixed his suit and tried to look as good as he possibly could. He eyed himself in his car mirror before accepting his appearance and his fate. He left his vehicle to many stares and whispers. He lowered his head and hurried inside to the welcome desk.
He released a sigh. "Levi Ackerman."
The young woman gasped. "I know who you are! We had biology together."
"Right." He took his name tag. "Sorry, I don't remember much from high school anymore." He looked at the names on the table to see yours was not there. He frowned and said your name. "Is she here?"
The lady's brow said as curiosity filled her. "Her? Yeah, she's here. Didn't she ignore you a lot?"
"Yeah, I have questions." He walked past the desk and to the hall. "Thanks." He put his hands in his pockets and scanned the poorly decorated room with silly high school prom things from his teen days. He hummed as he kept looking for you. "Tch, damn it."
He let out a long sigh as he debated about giving up and going home, but it was as if fate had heard him. People parted to reveal you in a beautiful dress that framed you so wonderfully. You were smiling and laughing with an old friend of yours. Levi's cheeks burned at how much you'd grown up into a fine woman.
He flinched when he realised he'd walked right over and your friend had noticed him. He cleared his throat and said her name. "Good to see you. You write comics, right?"
She nodded. "Yeah, I do. I didn't take you for a comic guy."
"I do like some. You do excellent work. Your storytelling is beautiful."
"Thank you." She glanced at you. "I'm going to get a drink, excuse me."
You pressed your lips together and hummed in thought. You turned to Levi and smiled. "Levi, hello. You've done well."
He hummed as he embraced your wonderful scent. "Yes. Thank you. Can we talk?"
You felt nerves bubble inside you as you took in the man you'd always loved in a suit that gripped him perfectly. "I ah, I suppose so."
He put his hand on your back and guided you out of the party hall to one of the long halls lined with lockers. "Strange to be back, huh?"
You hummed a soft laugh. "Yeah." You stopped by a locker. "This was me."
He moved to his. "This was mine."
He nodded and looked over at you. "I always had the best view."
You pointed to a locker between you. "Stacy?"
He shook his head and moved closer to you before leaning against the locker next to you. "No, you were my view."
You hugged yourself. "If you're aiming to make me a notch on your belt, then I'm sorry. I've never been interested in that."
"You're not that and I was never the type to sleep around."
You leaned on the lockers. "Really?"
He nodded. "Yeah. If you actually got to know me instead of ignore me you would have known that."
You sighed as you felt a bit embarrassed. "I had a good reason to stay away."
You pressed your back against the locked and hummed. "Let's just say, as soon as I get close to someone they end up hating me. I never have any luck in romance." You looked over at him. "And let's face it. I was a plain Jane in high school and I still am."
Levi laughed a little taking you by surprise. "Cute and weird, huh?"
You playfully shoved him. "Shut up. I mean it!"
He grabbed your hand and pulled you close. "Whoever told you that shit needs their eyes cleaning." He massaged your hand in his. "You're incredibly beautiful and kind. I always liked you and admired you in high school. I wanted so badly to get close to you and get to know you, but you avoided me so much. I thought you hated me and I came here to find out why."
You leaned towards him as you felt comforted by his touch and presence. "Are you kidding me? I had a massive crush on you in high school. I never thought I was good enough for you and I didn't want you to hate me like everyone else seems to when I get close."
"I like you."
You locked eyes with him as you felt your cheeks slowly burn. "You do?"
He nodded. "I thought about you all the time in high school and I only game to this stupid reunion just so I could see you and talk to you again."
You smiled a little. "Cute. You know, I might have not talked to you in high school, but I was always watching you when you didn't know it. You just had this hold on me." You nibbled your lip a little. "I liked you and I like you."
Levi hummed in thought. "I would love to kiss you, but I'll give it time. I want you to believe me in how I feel about you."
He looked behind you before glancing back at you. "Would you like to get out of here? I have a car, unless you drove."
You shook your head. "I didn't drive here. I got a lift."
You smiled. "Pizza?"
He put his arm around you and walked with you. "I'll treat you. Can we call this a date?"
You nodded. "A date."
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