#and the zosan crushes!!!
galaxyspeaking · 1 year
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You up?
Teen zoro and sanji accidentally becoming denden pals…. And more? From @gaypiratehell’s AU (which you can find on tw*tter). These two have my whole heart.
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aubloe · 1 year
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Zosan Secret Agents AU
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poyitjdr · 3 days
Reminder that Sanji has willingly put his own damn fingers in Zoro’s ‘barbaric’ and ‘disgusting’ mouth
Also bonus Sanji giving the biggest shit eating grin I’ve ever seen:
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krikzilla · 7 months
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Sanji day!!! :oD
Everyone wish him a happiest birthday 💛💛💛
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fairybonesandstardust · 5 months
you can’t knowingly fuck a criminal and then turn around and get mad at them for doing something unethical, dubiously moral or illegal that directly involves you. what about this man made you think he follows the laws, is ethical or even moral? you knew damn well that he killed people for a living. how are you going to date someone whose probably on the FBI’s most wanted list (top 10) and then turn around and be surprised that he invaded your privacy? make it make sense. you can be mad at him all you want but shawty the man has proven time and time again who he is as a person. if this mother fucker is out here willingly killing bitches and has probably broken the geneva convention on multiple occasions what makes you think you’ll be exempt 😭? don’t be shy share with the class?
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wonderlandsakura · 8 months
I have a Zosan fic inspired by a post I think I saw on Tumblr, but it being Tumblr, I can't find it to reblog it, but I'm gonna post it anyway (just a heads up, it's kinda long)
Sanji Accidentally Reveals Who His Partner Is During A Livestream! (NOT CLICKBAIT)
“Welcome back to Cooking with Sanji, this time we’re Live! Thank you my mellorines for being such sweet, loyal and gorgeous fans and taking time out of your busy schedules to attend my livestream today!” Sanji crowed, making finger hearts at the camera.
He was in the location of all his videos and livestreams, his kitchen, which straddled the line between cluttered and cosy and straight out of a magazine, with its industrial grade appliances and overfull cabinets and refrigerator covered in random memorabilia, such as postcards, polaroids and for some reason, an absurd amount of fish related pictures, magnets and posters.
“Today we’ll be cooking my partner’s favorite, Onigiri!” Sanji continued, going on to list the ingredients while chatting with the stream and answering any questions that pop up and highlighted by his mods.
Sanji’s partner was an elusive mystery his fanbase (and that of the Straw Hat Pirates, the group of content creators he was part of) had long wondered about.
It was no secret the man was married, the man in question having made comments mentioning his partner more than once and flaunted his wedding ring on occasion when it was brought up, though he didn’t often wear it on his hand when he was cooking, choosing to wear it on a chain around his neck.
They knew the man lived with his partner, as he often made mention of them while filming and streaming through snarky comments that would nevertheless dissolve into lovestruck looks and loud confirmations of his love whenever one of the audience (usually a newer fan) wondered why Sanji stayed despite his complaints.
Many of his fan base assumed that the person in question was female, what with Sanji’s womanizing tendencies, believing it to be one of the female straw hats or their associates, though this was quickly disproven as they came out or started dating other people.
However, some fans still held onto this conviction, many of them shipping Sanji with his female friends, or with Pudding, a baker that Sanji had collabed with before, who had then insisted she was Sanji’s partner, despite not having a ring or being mentioned by the Straw Hats, who had confirmed they had long met Sanji's partner, before that moment.
Sanji had long since spoken out to disprove these rumors about their relationship, but still, some of his crazier fans insisted on shipping the two, along with many of Pudding's hardcore fans.
Most of Sanji's fan base however, couldn't care less about when or if he would ever reveal who the person was, or even their gender, respecting his right to his privacy.
They were more than fed on the scraps they were given, after all, as the look Sanji would have on his face and the way he gushed over his partner spoke volumes about his love for them.
At some point, Sanji’s dad, Red_Leg_Zeff, pops up on the stream’s chat and starts scolding Sanji through his comments, urged on and enabled by his mods and audience, who cheer him on and highlight his comments for Sanji to read, much to his chagrin. He complains loudly about how his old man needs to stop worrying and get off his stream and isn’t he supposed to be getting ready to open up his restaurant, the Baratie?
The stream adores the interaction, though some of the newer viewers need to be reassured that this is just the way the father-son cooking duo interact, and that they truly adore each other.
It was just the way Sanji showed love, whether to his adoptive father, his friends, or when he spoke about his partner.
Eventually the stream settles down and Zeff leaves to work, as Sanji continues to deftly shape onigiri balls as he chats with his audience.
The stream runs longer than usual, thanks to Zeff’s appearance, but it is just about to end when they hear a door opening off screen.
Sanji however doesn’t seem to notice, wrapped up in excitedly explaining what the All Blue he mentions in his bio on all his social media is to a new fan. This distraction would be his undoing.
From out of frame, a very familiar man to those who were fans of the Straw Hat Pirates as a whole appeared, sending those that noticed him into a tizzy.
It was the half naked, sweaty form of one Roronoa Zoro, the group’s resident sports addict, or as he was better known in the words of Sanji himself, ‘Directionally Challenged Mossbrain’, who often got lost and ended up being dragged back to the group by Sanji. He was also known to most as Sanji's rival.
The two were known for their spats, spitting insults and jabs at each other at the slightest slight or provocation, the arguments often devolving into brawls with kicks and hits thrown by Sanji and Zoro respectively. So it was a surprise to see the man so casually ambling about the house that was known to be shared by Sanji and his partner.
This surprise and interest continued as the man, who seemed to have just finished one of his morning workouts, walked up to Sanji as he used the towel around his neck to wipe away the sweat on his forehead.
The chat waited with bated breath for something to happen, for Sanji to snap and shout at him or something to break the tension created by the man's appearance.
And break it did, as the man bent his head down towards Sanji and tilted his face towards him, kissing him right on the lips, cutting off the man's words with the action.
The chat started screaming, filling with comments that rushed by quicker than the eye could catch. More viewers started appearing as people called their fellow fans in to see the shocking moment, the mods struggling to tame the hoards.
All this went unnoticed by the two lovers as Sanji melted into the kiss, seeming to forget where he was for a moment.
Finally they broke apart, a look of lovestruck bliss on Sanji's flushed face as he stared into his lover's eyes.
Only for him to redden furiously and start to bluster, flustered as he realized what just happened.
He started screaming, as a fans had foreseen, hitting Zoro as he shooed him away, the man calmly avoiding the hits as he scooped up an onigiri and moved away. Only to double back, calling Sanji's name, making him shout.
“What do you want, Marimo!”
At which his head was cradled and another kiss was bestowed on to his forehead, causing his squawking to redouble in its intensity and resulting in Zoro leaving his haloed kitchen chased by whatever objects were in reach that Sanji could throw.
Sanji finally calmed down at his disappearance, breathing heavily as he stared after the other man.
Finally he turned back to the screen.
A bright, furious blush creeped slowly across his face as he realized who exactly, had just seen the chaotic interaction.
He lunged forward, over the countertop and the stream ended abruptly, sending the viewers back into the waiting room, where they tittered to each other about what they had seen.
It was a moment that would not soon be forgotten, against Sanji's best wishes, and it was the most talked about, dramatic and chaotic coming out of any content creator.
Though despite its suddenness, all Zoro and Sanji's fans would agree that it was utterly, irrevocably, them.
We've come to the end, thank you for reading :) you might want to take a moment to rest your eyes before moving on
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turntechgaykid · 9 months
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Me too Zoro, me too
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vikingpoteto · 7 months
okay but where is the fic in which Reiju is just a giant simp for hot men just like Sanji is for hot women and she goes insane when she meets Zoro and then Sanji has to deal with it
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I hate ship wars so much because, not only are they a ludicrous reason to abuse each other over in online spaces, the arguments only ever seem to tear down queer readings of a text for the sake of personal interpretations of a relationship (even if that relationship is also queer).
So you just have people arguing back and forth with each other over why their particular queer reading is the one true legitimate or canon or 'healthy' (please save me from that word, I want to pluck it from the world and tear it to shreds) queer reading and all others are wrong, dirty, sinful, a fetish... (you see what I'm doing here right?).
I hate ship wars. I hate how puritanical, antiqueer, and misogynistic they always somehow manage to become in the name of championing a queer relationship.
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twirlymarimo · 2 months
sanji would be that guy you have a crush on but would be hesitant to show your friends because the only pics you have are his wanted posters. you’d be like “i swear he’s good looking in real life” and he IS prettier in real life he’s just a victim of badly taken photos
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soykicho · 2 years
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One Piece log no 4 maybe
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deecotan · 2 years
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You got me looking for attention 🦋
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subbyp · 1 year
love the idea of zoro/sanji fake relationship scenario wherein zoro just happily takes the opportunity to show all of the affection he has for sanji (mostly in the form of cuddling, random little gifts, and threatening the life of anyone who calls him “vinsmoke”; notably not in the form of refraining from their rivalry in any way) while justifying it as “good acting” as if he has ever been capable of acting in his entire life
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mike-milkyway · 7 months
Would you believe me if I said I predicted the Reiju x Tashigi rare pair?
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I am shocked tbh.
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mysticcrownwolf · 2 years
Ok so I got a new idea that by some means be it devil fruit, magic spells, potions or just a mystery fruit but Sanji lost his inhibitors for a day and the straw hats are fighting the guy who did that and Sanji just grab two of Zoro's swords and start wrecking the enemy shit and straw hats just thought it was the effect of the devil fruit or whatever and just let him until one of the enemy goons let it slip that the fruit does not give any skills or ability just stop a person from holding back anything (thoughts, feelings, powers, etc.) because the user was obsessed with having a fair fight and didn’t want his opponent holding back on him. Queue to Zoro trying to stop himself from losing every single drop of his blood through his nose because Sanji look fucking hot fighting with two swords.
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melonteee · 1 year
lies down and thinks about a zosan slice of life high school au to this song
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