#and then 99% of the time i just Don't wind up watching i
spiritofjustice · 1 year
i wanma watch.... movie..........
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faithshouseofchaos · 3 months
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Forbidden love — Max verstappen x Norris!Sister!reader — Lando’s pov part 2
(I don’t know if I would do a part three but if you guys want a part three give me ideas other than that this is finished)
Tagged — @ashy-kit @astraeaworld @alwayzbeenale @67-angelofthelordme-67 @amatswimming @a-casual-romantic @bblouifford @bbtoni @badassturtle13 @barcelonaloverf1life @clowngirlsstuff @charlesf1leclerc @dark-night-sky-99 @dudenhaaa27 @eugene-emt-roe @embrosegraves @faithsotherhouseofchaos @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @formulas-bitch @hangmandruigandmav @hrts4scarr @hollie911 @ironcowboycopnickel @jeffs77 @lightdragonrayne @lollypop90907 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @moss-on-tmblr @norrisleclercf1 @natailiatulls07 @oconswrld @otako5811 @purplephantomwolf @scotlynaurora @toasttt11 @vellicora @venusisnothere @vivwritesfics
Lando's pride and joy was his baby sister y/n. They were the closest out of all the Norris siblings bonding over their shared love for Karting and Formula One. Lando was also quite protective over Y/n. To him, no one was good enough for his sister. Lando had one rule for you when you got to Formula One: don't get involved with the other drivers.
Lando knew you were hiding something from him. Ever since you joined the grid you had become secretive and dodgy. Lando didn’t know what he did to offend you or if he made you upset. Lando wouldn’t admit it but he was hurt by you ignoring.
Lando couldn't understand why you were being so distant. He would try to talk to you but you would always change the topic or leave if he tried to get too close. Sometimes it seemed like you were actively avoiding him. But Lando couldn't understand why. He'd never been anything but protective and friendly towards you. He'd always been there for you through everything. But now it felt like you didn't even want to talk to him anymore. And it hurts.
Lando became suspicious of you. He knew that something was wrong but he didn't know what it was. Your friendship used to be so tight knit but now...you were acting differently, hiding things from him. Something was up, he just had to figure out what it was. Lando was determined to get to the bottom of this and he wasn't going to leave you alone until he had answers.
The thing was Lando didn’t know how or when to confront you about your dismissive behavior. So he sat and waited for the perfect time.
A few months had gone by and Lando still hadn’t asked you about your behavior. Lando and a few other drivers were at the bar after the Austin Grand Prix to wind down. It had been a wild GP. Lewis and Charles were both disqualified and Max was heavily booed on the podium.
The night was coming to a close and Lando and a few of their fellow drivers were enjoying some drinks at the bar. Lando noticed that you weren't part of the group as usual, but instead were sitting alone at the other end of the bar. He watched as you sipped your drink alone, looking lost in thought. Lando felt guilty, he had wanted to ask you what was wrong but now he wasn't sure if it was a good time. He hesitated, his thoughts of you swirling around in his head.
Lando watched you for a few minutes before you made your way over to Max. Lando didn’t know that you and Max were friends. Lando watched as you and Max talked about what most likely happened today during the podium celebration.
Lando turned his attention back towards Carlos and Charles. He was too busy talking with the two Ferrari drivers to notice how you were looking at Max and the comforting touch you offered him and he surely wasn’t paying attention to you and Max leaving the club.
The next morning Lando woke up to the sound of his notifications going off. Lando groaned and rolled over facing the nightstand picked up his phone and went onto Twitter finding you and Max trending.
Sitting up in bed Lando kept scrolling and found pictures from last night of you and Max leaving the club together and then some of you and Max caught in a steamy make-out session.
Lando quickly threw off the covers and got dressed then he headed towards your hotel room.
Lando had known that something had been off between you two but he never imagined that you two would take it this far.
Lando was angry and disappointed. He felt betrayed. His thoughts now racing through his head, he threw off the covers and decided to go and have his words with you.
Lando was making his way toward your suite, his mind racing with a million thoughts. He was livid. He felt betrayed and hurt by what he saw. He didn't know what he was going to do or say to you but he knew that he couldn't let this go unanswered.
Lando knocked on the door of your suite. For a moment it was quiet until he heard you answer.
Lando was standing outside of your suite, his heart pounding in his chest. He was ready to confront you about the pictures that he had seen. As he knocked on your suite, he expected you to answer immediately. Instead, there was a prolonged silence before finally you came to the door.
Lando was taken aback when you finally opened the door. You took one look at him and you could see the disappointment and anger in his eyes. Lando couldn't believe what he had seen, his thoughts racing through his head as his heart pounded in his chest.
Lando couldn't help but feel betrayed and he couldn't hide the way he felt. Instead, he decided to confront you about it head-on. "What's going on between you and Max?"
Lando's question hung in the air and you could feel the tension in the room between you two. You were taken aback by his accusations but you knew that he was right. You stood there for a moment, unsure of what to say. "We were just...talking," you say. But that certainly wasn't the full truth and you both knew it.
Lando wasn't buying your explanation. He knew something more was going on. "Just talking?" he asked disbelievingly. "Are you seriously telling me that you didn't do anything more than just talk with him last night?" Lando's voice had become sharper, his patience was wearing thin.
You were silent for a moment, not knowing how to explain yourself. Lando was looking at you, expecting an answer. "Look, nothing happened last night," you say reluctantly. "We just talked and had a few drinks."
Lando's anger was steadily growing. He couldn't believe you would try to pull the wool over his eyes. "Cut the crap," he barked. "I saw the pictures. I know you weren't just talking and having a few drinks. So why don't you just tell me the truth?"
“Why does it matter what we did last night? Lando, you're not my dad, so back off,” you said, getting annoyed.
“I may not be a dad but I’m your older brother Y/n and I have a right to know” Lando replied
"It matters to me because you're my sister dammit," Lando replied in a heated manner. His eyes narrow at you, his body tense with pent-up resentment and hostility. "You can't just go around dating other drivers on the grid." Lando pauses for a moment, his words lingering in the air, as he tries to figure out what to say next.
"It's different with Max," you fire back, anger clear on your face. Lando was shocked by your reaction but he didn't let that show. "Oh really," Lando muttered. "And why's that?" There was a challenge in his voice, wanting to hear your reasoning.
You knew that you didn't have a good reason. You and Max were both adults and both single, so there shouldn't be anything wrong with you two dating. But there was something about Lando not approving of the relationship that made you feel hesitant. "Why should I bother explaining myself to you?" you ask defiantly.
Lando was becoming more and more agitated. His pride and protectiveness over you wouldn't allow him to step away from this fight. He didn't like how defiant you were being and he didn't like the fact that you were ignoring how hurt he felt by your actions. Lando had a temper and right now it was bubbling over.
“He’s here isn’t he?” Lando asked referring to the max
"Don't act as if this doesn't affect me too," he snapped. "You're my sister and whatever you do affects me too. I care about you so much and it sucks when you keep doing things that hurt me." Lando's voice began to crack. He was trying to contain his anger but he couldn't. He was losing control.
"I told you I don't want you hanging out with the other drivers," Lando pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion. "I thought you'd listen to me because I just wanted what's best for you. But now you're hiding something from me. If you're going to date Max, then at least admit it to me."
You had no way of arguing with that. You'd grown so close with Lando over the years and the fact that you kept this from him hurt. "You're right, I am hiding something from you," you admitted. "And I'm sorry...I just...I like Max and I want to see where our...our relationship goes."
Lando was quiet for a moment as he processed the information. For a few seconds, he said nothing at all, taking in your words, trying to process what you'd said and what it meant. His thoughts whirled inside his head as he tried to decide what to say next.
Finally, he spoke again, his voice quieter than before. "So...you and Max?" he asked softly. You felt his disappointment and frustration over the situation. "Just...just tell me the truth," he continued. "How long have you two been seeing each other?"
“Since the night of the party you threw for me right before Bahrain,” you tell your brother.
Lando's eyes widen with alarm as he hears this. You had been seeing Max for several weeks and he had no idea! He felt betrayed and lied to by you, and his anger began to build back up inside of him. "How could you keep that from me?" he muttered bitterly.
"I should have told you sooner," you admitted. "But I was worried about how you'd react." Lando's eyebrow arched up at that response. "Worried about how I'd react?" Lando said, his voice full of indignation. "Do you think I would get mad at you for liking someone else? I just want to know the truth. I just wanted to protect you."
"Protect me from what?" you snarl. The two of you were going back and forth now, your tempers heating up with each passing word. "Don't you think that's what older brothers are supposed to do?" Lando fired back. "I'm your older brother and it's my job to take care of you."
"I'm not a little kid anymore, Lando," you exclaimed in exasperation. "I'm able to take care of myself." You were beginning to get frustrated with his protective attitude. It was as if he thought he knew better than you did what was right for you.
"I know you're not a child anymore," Lando replied. "But you'll always be my little sister to me." He paused, his gaze softening as he looked at you. "It's just...I care about you, Y/n. And I want the best for you and I'm worried that Max might not be the right guy for you."
You rolled your eyes at this. "Are you seriously trying to say that Max isn't good enough for me?" you scoffed. "He's a great guy. He's kind, and smart, and he makes me happy. He's everything I could ever want, and he treats me better than anybody else has ever treated me."
"He treats you better than anyone else has ever treated you?" Lando was stunned by this statement, he had never heard you talk about a guy the way you just had. Lando's mouth dropped open in disbelief and he was taken aback by your words.
"Yeah, he does," you said defiantly. You were tired of having to defend your relationship with Max. "He's always there for me and he understands me." Lando was lost for words. He wasn't sure if this was the answer he was expecting. Was there something different about this guy?
Lando took a deep breath and began to ponder your words. It seemed like you were serious. This wasn't just some fling or a one-night stand. You did have feelings for this guy. Lando felt a mix of emotions coursing through his body.
"Yeah," you replied softly. Lando could hear the hesitation in your voice but he could also hear the strength of your affection for Max. Lando was silent for a moment, unsure of what to say next.
"Just tell me one thing," Lando said finally. His voice was soft and almost pleading. "You're really happy with this guy. Like really happy, right?" Lando wanted you to be honest with him, he needed to hear it for himself.
You nodded your head yes. "I've never been happier with anyone else," you tell him. Lando could hear the truth and sincerity in your voice. You were happy with Max and Lando was glad that you were. Lando's heart warmed at this discovery, he was happy that his sister was finding happiness in someone.
Lando took a deep breath and his face softened. He looked at you and smiled. "If you're happy with Max then that's all that matters to me," he said softly. He felt a sense of relief wash over him. "I just want the best for you, Y/n. That's all I've ever wanted."
You couldn't help but smile at this. Lando's love for you was undeniable and you loved him too. Although he didn't approve of your choice in dating another driver he was happy that you were happy. That was what truly mattered to him.
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luxtrys · 11 months
anakin doesn't like people touching his hair and you just love teasing your boyfriend
i just know how angry ani gets when someone who isn't you comes anywhere close to his hair.
its not because he spends hours doing it in the morning, because lets be real. anakin has better things to be doing with his time, like betraying the jedi order. he simply hops in the shower every morning with you, using your birthday cake shampoo that you scold him for every-time you see him use way more than he needs to, gets out, drys it with a towel and then goes on with the rest of his day. if he's taking you out someplace special he might go over it with some gel, but thats about the extent of it.
the second someones hands come close to anakins hair, he struggles to resist the urge to pull out his lightsaber and slice them clean off. like that one time obi-wan decided to congratulate anakins success in his duelling victory with another padawan when he was 16. lets just say that obi-wan never touched anakins hair again.
but of course when it comes to you, ani yearns to hand your hands in his hair constantly.
after a hard day at the jedi temple, you watch as ani slumps beside you on the couch while you're watching you're favourite reality show on television. after taking off his heavy robes, he leaves a soft kiss on your forehead, nose and lips before resting his head on your lap. you know what he's asking for, but you decided to test his patience.
you smiled to your self and your new plan, your hands still resting beside you. as seconds pass and anakin doesn't feel your long acrylic nails raking through his scalp, he turns to face you. with his head still squished against your thighs, he frowns at you.
"what ani? why do you look so grumpy?" you giggle, taking your thumb and swiping is across the pout on his lips. "you know why." he states sternly. "do i though? because it seems my mind is blank." you tease.
what he does next is unexpected in the moment, but is so in anakins style. he pushes himself up by his hands, and grabs your hips. you squeal as he lifts you like you weigh nothing, placing your body onto his lap so you're straddling him on the couch.
this is how he liked it, because even if you were on top of him, he was in control. you never like to admit it, because you strive yourself on being strong and that no one has the higher ground in the relationship, but you both know thats not the case.
anakin thrived off of your dependency on him, he loved that more than 99 percent of the time he knew that he was in control of a situation. and that reflected greatly on how your relationship dynamic was. anakin was brooding, protective, arrogant and didn't take shit from anyone. and you, well you were like a ray of sunshine, you really went where ever the wind took you and you didn't really mind much about what other people said about you. you didn't hate many things and you had always seen people saying bad things are that they were learning, and that it was really a reflection of how they were feeling on the inside.
you did however find pride in your self in a certain moment when a man on the streets of downtown Coruscant whistled at you suggestively, and that he cowered when you gave him a lecture on respect and quietly apologised before scurrying off. what anakin would never tell you though is that, in the moment he stood behind you, all tall, dark and powerful, moving to rest his hand over his lightsaber and staring straight into the eyes of the man infront of you.
anakin was a force that wasn't to be reckoned with, but you liked to tease him everyonce in a while. and you always paid for it.
ani's rough large hands ghosting over your sides snaps you out of your thoughts quickly. remembering what you were doing, you giggled at how little it took for you to piss off your sweet loving boyfriend. placing your hands on his rock hard chest, you voiced softly "im not joking ani, i really don't know why you're all grumpy"
"hmm, how am i not believing a word thats coming out of your mouth pretty girl" he rasped, trailing kisses down your neck. he knew you would break when he started kissing you, but you persevered. you just wanted him to admit he liked when you scratched his head, how hard was that?
"i don't know ani! maybe if you tell me what you want me to do then i can help you." he wasn't buying your act, at all. anakin was secure enough that he didn't care that he liked when his girlfriend played with his hair, shit, he would tell the whole world if he had to. but he cared when you were teasing him, and he loved putting you back in line.
"well, if i didn't know any better, id think my good girl was teasing me" his kisses now moved from your neck down to your chest, your tiny laced floral tank not giving much coverage to your cleavage from his lovebites. "im not ani" you whined, his jaw ticking at your choice of tone. "maybe you just need to start taking control in this relationship"
you knew you were done for the second those words left your mouth, ani didn't like when you used your so called 'bratty voice' and he really didn't like it when you questioned his authority. you were sending prayers to every god you could think of as his jaw clenched tightly and his fingers gripped the fabric of your tank top.
he stood up unexpectedly, you legs quickly wrapping around his waist as he held your thighs up. you couldn't help but let out a small 'oh my god’ as he started making his way towards your shared bedroom.
"no baby, no god. just me.”
yall this is a mess im so sorry... feel free to not count this when you think of my writing thankq <33
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frownyalfred · 14 days
Has the title silent running anything to do with how Clark probably booked it from the cave after what he did and told Alfred, and since he can fly, his 'running away' would be silent? (if we don't count the wind resistence making noise)
Are you planning to write a second chapter because I would love it if you did but it's all up to you❤
And who is the 'reminder' for? For Clark because Bruce promised him he'd regret it for the rest of his life and every time Clark comes to visit it is just there? Or for Bruce himself to remember this incident? Or something else?
The fic is so deliciously written! I enjoyed every second of it.
Thank you so much!!
1. The fic title is from a song by the same name. It’s a banger about wishing/trying to get a loved one to do something from beyond the grave. It struck me as a really good title for this fic since the core disagreement is about whether Jason (dead) would’ve wanted this (killing the Joker) to happen. And even though he’s back and we know what he wants, he’s still forced to watch what happened from afar like the narrator in the song.
(also: the line “for some day sons and daughters/will rise up and fight while we stood still” fits Jason’s urge to take justice for this incident into his own hands)
2. The reminder is 99% for Clark. I didn’t manage to fit it into the fic, but I was envisioning Alfred telling Jason that Bruce left it purposefully so that Clark has to walk across the evidence of what happened whenever he visits Bruce in the Cave. It’s undeniable what happened, and also proof of Bruce’s own failures (getting low enough to want to kill the Joker, hitting Superman with Kryptonite, losing a fight with Clark) and a reminder for himself.
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aboutchigiri · 10 months
the better brother
disclaimers: literally just a brothers best friend au and i had to keep their dynamic because i refuse to live in denial. kinda ooc but not really..
not proofread. brain too dead for that. will proofread later.
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rin itoshi knew who you were. you were the only person that his brother brought home, sae's bestfriend.
rin had encountered you in the hallways or in the common areas of his childhood home and was polite, making sure to acknowledge your presence.
from your few interactions, rin found it odd that you actually enjoyed being around sae. sae was miserable and bitched at you, 99% of the time. rin never understood the dynamic.
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one day as he walked past sae's bedroom, he caught wind of the conversation.
"i'm just saying, rin's the cuter brother." your voice sounded through the crack of the door, leaving rin stunned.
"don't make me hate you. those are fighting words." sae mumbled, his face scrunching in disgust.
"i'm just saying the truth. you guys are way more alike than you think. you created an extra emo, dramatic version of yourself. no wonder you can't stand him." you sigh, small grin coating your features.
"y/n, please. i can tolerate you and your attitude but this is just insulting." sae straight faces as he throws a pillow at your head. rin takes that as his chance to stalk off towards the kitchen.
'cute?' rin repeats in his mind, your words resonating with him for multiple reasons.
1. you thought he was cute?
2. him and sae being alike? yuck, rin would rather eat dirt.
3. he is not dramatic, nor extra.
so, it was safe to say that you were on rin's mind a lot heavier than you ever had been. however, rin had never interacted with you for longer than 2 minutes, so he had no idea of what you were like.
a week later, rin pulled open the door to see your face. you happened to be coming over to help sae train but rin was too busy studying your face to step aside and allow you in.
"earth to rin, i'm trying to come inside." you straightfaced, eyebrow raised as you stared at the blue-eyed boy.
"oh..my bad." he mumbled, stumbling awkwardly to the side and allowing you to proceed further into the house.
"'ts fine. sae out back?" you questioned as you slipped your shoes off.
"yea, he's waiting for you. i think.." he replied. "cool, thanks rinny." you chirped before bounding out to the backyard where your energy was flipped by sae who wanted to train earlier today.
"rinny?" rin mumbled to himself as he wandered to his room.
rin had finally gotten a good look at you. you were beautiful, he's never really been interested in anything other than soccer but suddenly, he had an infatuation with the one thing, he may never be able to have.
there was a pro to this situation. if rin successfully managed to 'woo' you and become your friend, or boyfriend, he would have successfully one-upped his brother and managed to get himself a (girl)friend in the process.
but to do so, rin needed a strategy. so, rin devised a plan to make you his.
step 1: get you alone.
rin decided that the most difficult step, would be to find time to pry you away from the leech, that was his brother. therefore, he decided to deploy his first plan.
"sae." rin knocked on the door, awaiting his brother's irritable face. as if on routine, sae swings the door open harshly, his hands crossed over his chest. you were sitting at his desk, spun around to watch the interaction.
"there's a package at the door for you." he answered before sae could reply with an irritable "what".
sae scoffs before turning back to let you know that 'he'd be right back', you shrugged it off and leaned further into the desk chair. rin moved to the side as sae strolled downstairs to sign for his 'package'.
rin watched carefully as sae descended down the stairs before his eyes focused on you.
step 2: talk to you.
"um...how are you, y/n?" rin asked, awkwardly as he plodded in the entryway.
"i'm fine. you?" you replied.
"i'm alright, i was just wondering...why do you hang around sae?" he asked, the question hung in the air for a moment while you thought.
"hmm...sae happens to be one of the few people with a personality like mine. so, i hang around." you answer honestly.
ever since you and sae were in highschool, you've heard your fair complaints about your nonchalant attitude and intense behavior when it came to your passions. but, there came a day when you met sae itoshi and you immediately argued with him. a day later, you approached sae with a lukewarm apology and the odd friendship grew from there.
"do you like him?" rin asked, his hands fumbling with the hem of his shirt.
"absolutely not. he's a drama king. if i was with him, i'd loose my mind but, why do you have so many questions?" you asked, your curiosity peaked as you slowly crept towards the entryway.
"just...curious. i'll leave now, sae 'll be back soon." rin rambled before stalking off to his room.
you were left confused by rin's sudden curiosity but this sudden interest piqued your infatuation with the dark-hair boy.
step 3: get closer with you.
"y/n, let's go to the convenience store." sae started as he laid off the edge of his bed.
"i'm not feeling great, actually. i'll rest for a bit, get me something healing, yea?" you asked, leaning into the corner of the bed, curled into yourself.
"hmm, you better not be getting sick. i'll run and grab some medicine for you. i'll start some tea and ask rin to bring it up for you." he muttered, sliding his body to his feet before slipping out the door.
sae hobbles downstairs before preparing a cup of tea and gathering his belongings before looking towards rin, who was sprawled against the couch.
"i'm going to grab some medicine, can you bring y/n this tea once it gets hot?" sae asks as he throws his coat over his shoulders.
rin hummed as he watched his brother walk out the door. the tea finished warming up and he immediately set out to deliver your tea.
"you alright?" rin questioned as he placed the tea onto the side table.
"mm, just feeling a little gross." you mumbled before slowly reaching towards the tea cup.
"hmm, sae 'll be back soon but i can stay with you until he gets back?" rin offered as he stood at the side of the bed.
"i dont mind." you mumble before sipping the tea, quietly.
rin silently sat in the room, watching you as you gently fell asleep. he reached out to feel the crook of your neck and you were warmer than an average, healthy person.
"you feel like you have a fever... you probably feel way worse than you seem." rin mumbled as he ran downstairs to grab a cold towel so he could help alleviate the heat of your body.
"rin, you're s' handsome." you mumble as he places the cold towel on your forehead.
rin's cheeks lit on fire at the unconscious compliment. it gave him a slight insight into how you felt towards him, despite the lack of interactions between you two.
"t-thank you. sleep... i'll be here until sae gets back." he answered hurrily, rushing his words.
"don' go." you mumbled. when you came to your senses, you were definitely gonna slap yourself for all this whining, you were exposing yourself and you didn't like it.
"i'll be here y/n. just rest, ok?" rin confirmed, smiling at you sweetly and brushing the hair off of the cold towel. making sure to keep a check on your health until his brother comes back and kicks him out from his room.
"all i said was bring her tea. not sit with her and play nurse. out!" sae quietly yells as he watches rin take his final glances at you before walking out.
step 4: confess? or attempt too?
"y/n, can we talk?" rin peeped his head into sae's room when he noticed him run to the bathroom.
"yea, what's up?" you asked, head hanging off the side of the bed.
"i was wondering..if you wanted to go-" rin started, hands nervously rubbing against each other before sae bursts into his room, staring at his brother and his best friend.
"why are you in here, rin and why do you keep bugging y/n." sae straight-faces, staring at his dark-haired brother.
"me and you both know he's not bothering me, sae." you reply, face deadpan as usual causing sae to roll his eyes slightly.
"your number....i was asking for y/n's number." rin blurted out, ignoring the side conversation that was seemingly about to begin between his brother and you.
"oh..." your head turns immediately, eyes widening slightly before holding your hand out, waiting for rin to hand it to you so you could enter ur number.
"but why do you need their number?" sae questions, eyebrows raised unnaturally high.
"none of your business." rin answers before taking his phone and walking towards the bedroom door.
"i'll text you..." rin mumbles as he catches your eyes in a quick glance before walking out of the room.
final step: actually confess
you and rin had been texting and calling back and forth for weeks now, just taking time to get to know each other a bit more before the two of you had finally decided to meet up at a small cafe that was in the busier part of town.
rin was sweating bullets, now that he had taken time to learn about you and all the things you enjoyed doing. he fell even harder and let you into his life, even allowing you to call him while he does his daily mediation, sometimes.
you, were normally a very calm person. your crush on sae's brother had never been a problem until rin's sudden interest and now that you two were finally going out...alone. you were starting to feel a bit nervous.
sae was aware of the situation and contrary to what many would believe, he could care less. he thinks it'd be weird to see you happy to be around anyone, especially someone like his lukewarm brother but, at the end of the day. you're his bestfriend and despite how bitchy you get with him, he only wants to see you happy.
as you walked into the cafe, you caught rin at a table in the corner. conveniently looking disgusted to be there, as he normally did in public.
"hi rinrin!" you wave, even though you're right in front of him.
"hey...so i made you come all the way out here so we can talk but, are you hungry?" he asks, glancing away slightly. his ears we're currently glowing a shade of cherry red that could be perfect for a makeup pigment.
"not really but they have good smoothies. i think i'll order one....also, it must be an important talk for us to come all the way out here." you answered, flipping through the menu before choosing a smoothie flavor.
"i'll pay...don't worry about it." rin mumbles, sliding some cash on the table as you place your order.
"oh....thank you." your face warms slightly, you have to thank yourself for your lack of blushing.
"so...there's honestly no more beating around the bush. i'll be honest and say that i have a thing for you...a romantic thing. and don't feel forced to reciprocate...i understand if you're uninterested or don't want to ruin your friendship with sae." he word vomits, face a beautiful shade of pink as he stares into his water cup. your eyes widened, partially in disbelief and partially in awe.
"you've gotta be stupid if you think i wouldn't reciprocate. i've liked you for a while and sae knows, he doesn't care much. just finds it weird, i don't think anything could come between our friendship. i'm the only person who'll shag balls for him during his trainings." you reply, trying to control your excitement considering rin itoshi, just confessed to you.
the same rin itoshi that you've liked for a weird amount of time. rin, your bestfriends brother who doesn't really like anything except his self care and soccer...rin, who you thought hated you.
"that was actually way easier than i thought... i've been stressing about this for a while. since you had the flu, actually." rin breathes out, small grin gracing his features. "kind of surprised sae doesn't care, i thought this would piss him off." rin chuckles gently, running his fingers through his hair absentmindedly.
"wow, confessing just to piss your brother off? you guys are a new breed of haters." you laugh, savoring the small grin, knowing that you'll hopefully have plenty of opportunities to see this rare scene, more often.
"i really like you y/n...and i'd like to be your boyfriend." rin asks gently, allowing the laughter to subside.
"of course, rinrin. i'd love to have you as my boyfriend." smiles gently, reaching over the table to rub his knuckles softly.
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a/n: love-hate relationship for this fic. but i must feed the rin stans. i'm determined to convert you guys into sae stans. accept he is the better brother 🤞🏿🤞🏿.
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slvt4tom · 2 months
Tom x f! Reader
Okay so I was listening to music and thought abt what to write since I haven't wrote something like this in FOREVER and I'm sorry but here's this
I'm still working on the other one..
Don't mind the fact it's been like a month or more.. Shhh
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Y - you
T - tom
F - friend
E - ex (e/n ex name)
Warnings - a little angst
It was a very dark and gloomy day today and on top of it all ur boyfriend of 7 years just broke up with u today.. So you were walking around crying ur arms crossed over ur stomach basically bawling ur eyes out, u had accidentally bumped into someone so u look up to say sorry and ur eyes are met with beautiful dark brown ones, ur jaw basically dropped the tears turning into just clear stains on ur face and pretty quickly due to the wind tom had noticed but didnt say anything because he didnt know you (yet)
Y - ".. S.. Sorry"
? - "it's okay beautiful"
Your face was such a bright red it wasn't even funny maybe it was love at first sight? You hadn't realized who it was at first but then you took a few steps back and saw it was...
u get cut off by tom smacking a hand over your mouth making ur eyes go wide and you let out muffled screams but he told you to shh
T - "shh im not gonna hurt u princess, i just need u to quiet down so people dont notice me"
you had quieted down once he started talking and you just nod ur head as he takes his hand off ur mouth he had also asked if you wanted to go home with him, you said yes and he opened up his passenger seat for you to get in next to him. you guys had been talking for a while now outside, in his car on the way home, in his drive way, inside his house.
so i guess thats how you ended up here, cuddling the man of your dreams while watching a movie slowly but surely falling asleep in his soft warm touch, him playing with ur hair pulling u closer and closer by the second not wanting to let go.
the next morning was a whole different story!
u had woke up to the sound of stuff being slammed down, you went to check the time on ur phone and noticed messages spammed all the way down ur phone
"E/N💗 99+ messages"
U heard a big *THUMP* and got out of Tom's bed and went down stairs trying to find ur way to his kitchen once u did u went over to him wrapping ur arms around his shoulders from the top leaning ur head on his back.
Y - "hey are u alright? There's a lot of banging.."
He turned around taking your hands off him putting them at your side and turning back around.
T - "...who is that's guy texting ur phone.."
Y - "huh what are you talking about"
T - "that.. That guy who keeps spamming ur phone.. Are you dating him."
Ur eyes widened and the realization u felt horrible u had totally forgot to change his name in ur contacts after u guys broke up, so you took about an hour or so talking to tom telling him the whole story making sure not to leave out any details even though you guys weren't dating or anything you just wanted to reassure him so nothing got bad before it even started.
After a while of you guys like talking and becoming really good friends he asked u to start dating and obviously u said yes! You guys mad so many great memories over the years and hod so much fun, even when u guys fought you would take a break and then talk it out.
Such a cute healthy relationship!
Umm okay I got lazy towards the end and it's rushed because I feel I need to get something out so enjoy this pls!
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xieyaohuan · 1 year
Homelander's penthouse: the obsessive analysis nobody asked for, part 1
After having overlooked something as fundamental as the door to his "balcony"/launch pad, I decided to spend part of my Saturday reconstructing Homelander's very, very ugly penthouse. Let's start with a numbered list of individual components. No, there is absolutely no logic to my numbering system.
Big nine-panel TV screen, as seen here:
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And here, behind The Deep:
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2. Entrance area: Homelander has no door that we know of - people can just enter. The entrance area is to the right of the big TV screen. You can see it clearly behind Ashley in the first image above, vaguely in the second image with The Deep, and also here where the guy bringing the food is coming from:
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3. Weird platform/mini staircase leading to an unknown room. It's opposite the entrance area, and we can see it here:
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4. Bookshelf (looks purely decorative)
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5. Ugly ass big brown couch where he sulks naked (plus small table in front of it)
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6. His bed! Yes, I believe we actually get a glimpse of it in Season 3, and it is inside the big room, not upstairs or behind the flag door. This man honestly has zero privacy. More on this later; for now, a screenshot (S3E7):
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7. Portrait of George Washington (hanging over Stormfront's bed in S3)
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8. Weird fur thing in front of his fireplace
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The mirror we see in this screenshot is probably one of the two by the side of his bed, more on this later. Also, the reflection is completely off and was probably added post-production??
9a: male lamp statue (with female lamp statue and Sisyphos 🎉🎉🎉 in the background)
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9b: female lamp statue
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Let's take a minute to look at some of this stuff in perspective; the screenshot is from Season 3, Episode 7 when Homelander has a meltdown while watching Starlight on his big screen (right before he goes off on a rant about her at the Bob Singer rally):
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10. The door inside the flag on his wall (leading to an unknown room we have probably never seen canonically, unless it leads to something like the meeting room on 99)
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11. The door to Homelander's "balcony" (how did we all miss it?? No clue. But we know of it now!)
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12. The winding staircase going upstairs to an unknown area we have probably never seen in canon
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13. The giant ass flag on HL's wall
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(Yes, I'm just looking for excuses to post this screenshot again)
14. The big mirror we see in the beginning of the Mirrorlander scene. It is probably by the side of his bed, opposite another equally big mirror (basically, he's got mirrors to the right and left of his bed, and on the ceiling, way to go, little star):
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The perspective of the reflection that we see in the big mirror onscreen makes absolutely no sense though, so again, it was probably added post-production?
15. Stormfront's bed in the corner by the window underneath the George Washington portrait and opposite the Mirrorlander mirror:
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(She can - technically - see his bed, and he can see hers; if that's not clear now, it'll hopefully become clear later)
16. The fireplace (no clue if real fireplace or just a mock-up; the distinction is probably irrelevant to HL). You can see it here behind the ugly fur thingy:
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17. The Mirrorlander mirror:
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Okay, time to look at some of the stuff in context again; don't worry about the numbers that haven't been introduced yet
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18. The female statue that gets moved around a bit from episode to episode. You can see it in the picture above, and also here and here to the left and right of the pillar and wall that has the Mirrorlander mirror:
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19. Second TV screen that HL put up so Stormfront could watch TV. Awkwardly, it was placed riiight in front of the Mirrorlander mirror - no wonder Mirrorlander hates anyone HL might love in real life; he gets displaced.
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In context:
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In context again, labelled:
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This is where shit gets interesting because on the left-hand side of the image, we can probably see HL's "bedroom"
20. Bedside table, close-up:
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It's probably time to finally address this bed business, since I've been going on and on about it. I don't consider it 100% confirmed, but two of the paintings shown in his bedroom are clearly recognizable in the screenshot from the scene with Stormfront, see the comparison below:
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They clearly added more stuff in the scene with Stormfront that is not in the still, but I'm still pretty certain that's his bedroom we see in on the left-hand side in S3E1. And again, we also get a glimpse of his bed in S3E7, and it does look like the bed in the still above:
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Plus the whole "mirrors on three sides of his bed" is just a very HL thing to do. Anyway, let me know if you're convinced. I think I am.
Anyway, I have more analysis to add, BUT tumblr is reminding me I can only add 30 images to each post, so I guess I'll have to stop here and continue in Part 2.
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can you tell us about your aquarium
This is the best ask I have ever received. I hope you know the gates of Heaven have opened for you and only you, Anon.
Short answer: this is it.
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Long answer under the cut. Very long, 'cause it's my birthday weekend and my gift to myself is I'm gonna gush about my stupid tank.
This is the smallest tank I've had in years - a 3.6 gallon Fluval. It absolutely counts as a nano tank, which has been both a challenge and a relief.
(My last tank - which I had to get rid of years ago, the last time I moved - was a 40-gallon that mainly featured very dumb dojo loaches and destructively horny oranda goldfish. I miss them every single day but when I surrendered them to my local fish store, the 90-year-old proprietor told me very approvingly that it's very rare for orandas to breed and dojo loaches usually don't get as big as mine did, so that helped soothe the sting a little.)
This one's technically a betta tank, but I'm still split on if I'm ever gonna put a betta in it. The literature on how much room is humane is split and it's really the luck of the draw if your fish will tolerate the inverts or harass them to death.
For now, it's just neocaridina shrimp (mostly red rilis, although a lovely orange lad and a blue juvenile snuck in there and I'm looking to get a few more color morphs), bladder snails, a ramshorn named Guts, and plants. I did not actually buy any of the snails, which is a quintessential aquarium-owner experience.
I've been working on this tank for a few months now. It's my first heavily-planted one, and it went through a few stages.
First off: I fell for a carpet seed scam.
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Yeah. I know. I should've done more research. On the plus side, I got very, very lucky and wound up with something that can actually grow immersed (some kind of hygrophila, I'm 99% sure). For now, at least, it's eating all my ammonia, so yay, and I'm watching it and my water parameters like a hawk to make sure I can go full teardown at the first sign of melting.
(If I were smart and hard-working, I'd've taken everything out and redone it all soon as I figured out what a colossal fuck-up I'd committed, but I am me, so we're waiting, watching, and taking baby steps towards un-FUBARing the tank.)
But the java moss and tiger lotus, at least, are real plants, and they're doing great.
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Had a few issues with the neos, but they've stabilized.
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And I just recently rescaped the entire tank! Including adding in some more plant variety and tearing out ~60% of the hygrophila (yes, I disposed of it safely, I'm not going to be the reason that shit winds up in the Colorado River).
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The goal is eventually to remove all of it, but for now, what's left can stay; the animals like it and I don't want to stress them out anymore.
They seem to be doing great since the rescape; much more active now that the tank has some different environments for them to explore. They love their cobblestone path.
I've got a good male/female ratio on the neos, lots of wee baby bugs swimming around, and my girls keep getting knocked up!
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(Ignore the tweezers. Long story. And the discoloration on the hygrophila; after rigorous water testing and pinching and poking the leaves a whole bunch, seems like its ugly ass just Looks Like That. So glad my dad bought those stupid seeds.)
And that's my aquarium. I've got a little bit of duckweed in there that's not growing as fast as I'd like, and my tiger lotus does not seem inclined to make lilypads any time soon, so I'm planning on getting some water spangles for aesthetics and also shrimp thrills.
I might post some more photos once the spangles are here and I've picked up a few more shrimp colors from my LFS - I don't want everyone to be brown in a few generations, but. Some more diversity would be cool, I think.
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aceofspades-sml · 1 year
My extensive thoughts on the main characters in Newsies uk
Last post about the show I promise but I have too much to say about those guys
(Again I was sat in Manhattan and everything you guys know the drill at this point )
Starting off with Jack !
He has so many emotions ??? Like Michael is so good at portraying Jack's feelings here, and I think the one that comes back the most throughout the show is anger. He is angry at the world, he is angry because the newsies' life is literally so unfair, and don't get me started on his disgust toward Katherine in act 2. Like he doesn't even want to be near her he is staying as far away from her as possible and that's very striking
And that's the thing about Jack's anger, he is never just angry he is also incredibly sad and bitter ?? You can see exactly how broken this boy is and I love it
Also his version of Santa fe is legit so sad. Because first of all, he really makes you notice that Jack just got out of a fight. He is soaked and tired, stuggles to walk and has to hold on to everything he can find to keep his balance. And the way he sings is kind of a mix of angry and hopeless and his voice breaks and it hurts so much
And the final note ?? One of the best I've heard, it's not only the tone it's the emotion in his voice it's the way he is reaching desperately for something he knows he can't get and you can really feel that in this one note
I have so much stuff to say about hopeless Jack and I need to talk about his attitude in the watch what happens reprise because he is literally tired of this, he is desperate and genuinely scared for all his guys because he just wants to protect them and he can't. And that's why he gives up later on in Pulitzer's office, because the mention of Crutchie is enough to literally break him so don't even try telling him about Davey and other newsies going to the refuge
His speech at the rally is so heartbreaking istg I can't deal with this. The way his voice just breaks on every sentence because he understands exactly what's at stake here. And his "how long can you go without making money" line ? I'm like 99% sure he was speaking directly to Tommy boy. Tommy boy who had been a scab, and the last of them to join the strike. It's so specific and so cruel but at the same time devastating because Jack knows his newsies so well. He knows Tommy boy will be vulnerable to this I-
Also after the rally the newsies all pass by Jack shooting him darks looks and he just. Doesn't want to look them in the eyes. Excuse me while I scream in my pillow
His relationship with Katherine was very interesting too. Their dynamic was actually quite different from anything I've seen, overall much more genuine and less superficial than in some productions
+ during I never planned on you, his physical comedy is literally adorable ?? Like he makes Kath pose for him to sketch her and at some point he even tilts her chin up
One more thing I have to talk about, because getting a poc Jack is absolutely amazing and it changes so much stuff in the show ??? Like not explicitely, but the undertones are really different in the context of Jack being black. E.g. his entire Seize the day monologue feels so much more emotional, and Michael really speaks slowly to insist on every single line and make sure we know what he is talking about
Another striking scene about this is Something to believe in. I think that's part of why I said the Jack x Kath dynamic hit different, because this context really changes everything in this song, with the turning point being "I know girls like you don't wind up with guys like me". And it's not just about Jack being poor it's about him knowing very well what having a different skin color means in this world and he is scared to hell about it
The point I'm trying to make is that having a poc Jack gives a whole new dimension to the show and I absolutely adore the way Michael chooses to show this
Also I want to talk about Javey because why not but uh let me tell you Jack does not like Davey at the beginning. He is actually mean and when he talks about needing Les to sell newspapers he is clearly implying "but I don't need you." This changes later on, I really liked the scene before they run from Snyder when Jack thinks Davey need a place to sleep because it feels like okay I don't like your vibe but you're one of my guys now so I want to protect you
Anyway they become closer after that but yeah the way this dynamic starts off is very different
But then they become so intimate ?? I'll come back to this with Davey but they actually get close physically and emotionally, not only with the strike but also because they genuinely start liking each other. I think you need the context of the fandom's vision of Javey to appreciate this relationship development to it's fullest but when you have it boy oh boy
Davey < 333
This may not all be coherent because the most constructive thing I can say about him atm is very close to "alekkkajja" so deal with me here
He is autistic. And gay. Ryan kopel I owe you my soul for this
The first time he comes on stage it already looks pretty clear that he is extremely anxious socially, and as the show goes on it's literally obvious that this guy is autistic as hell
He is stimming for the entire show ??? Always fidgeting and doing something with his hands, little nervous gestures all the time, stuttering when he has to speak in front of people...
When I say stuttering, I mean it. At the beginning it's clearly because he is extremely anxious and doesn't want to speak up on front of the others, he is refraining himself from saying what he really thinks. But then it changes ! Character development !!! He starts stuttering because he is rephrasing what he wants to say so he can make it clear, not because he is afraid to speak up !
Also his character development as a whole is just so amazing. It's not just the way he gets more self-assured throughout the show, it's the way he is clearly becoming more comfortable with all the other newsies ! It's the way at the beginning he is standing very far from the other (literally the other end of the stage) because he doesn't want to be a part of the strike, and then he goes toward them, he comforts them. It's the way he goes from the scared guy who stutters all the way through the "you gave me nineteen" line, to the guy who has to speak up at the rally in front of all the others ! And it's so clear he does not want to do this, he would rather be anywhere else, but he still has the courage to do it ! I could go on for hours about this but the way he gains self-assurance is just. So interesting.
Obv I can't talk about this without talking about the watch what happens reprise. For me it was the moments where I could really see how much he had changed (and how autistic he was) because he is just so excited ! He is talking fast and loudly, he goes toward Jack, tries to establish physical contact with him ! He just got so comfortable around him, he feels free to behave like this with Jack ! Also plotwise this is really the best interpretation of this scene imo, because his excitement is SO contrasting with Jack's hopelessness and it makes the whole dialogue 100% more moving
Also the way his voice goes from "is that a real place ?" = excited bc Jack you're so talented - to "ohhh is that Santa Fe ?" = okay this is bad
Also "we. Are. Inevitable." *Ninja pose*
+ "tell me how quitting does Crutchie any good ?" "Exactly" in the most I-told-you-so singsong voice ever
Did I ever mention this boy is gay
The scene after Jacobi's ? That's gay flirting if I have ever seen it. "Why don't you come over ?- TO MEET MY FOLKS" yeah sure we believe that
"It's- it's good to have you back again" he is so bright and happy and it's just adorable to watch pls
Idk who cares about this but um. When they all get in the triangle to say their names during Seize the day. He says Davey. He doesn't say David. He calls himself Davey. I'm gonna need a moment to recover from this
Coming back to the "being comfortable around Jack" thing but !! The reaction to meeting the governor !!!! When Roosevelt's shakes Jack's hand Davey runs toward him excitedly and they both fangirl so hard like "bro did you see what just happened ???"
Okay one last thing and i'll stop but he is incredibly protective of Les. During Seize the day he is the one to drag him away from the fight instead of Jack and during the rally he is pulling Les behind him to prevent Jack from getting to him and that's honestly so heartbreaking because it also shows how deeply disgusted he is with Jack at this moment
Yes I'll stop now sorry but I love this Davey so much you don't even know
I'm gonna be honest here, I never really liked Katherine. But Bronté's Kath ? I can and will die for her
She seems to be more aware of the situation. Like in Watch what happens and at Jacobi's she seems to actually understand what is at stake, maybe even more so than some of the boys
Also she is very responsible, during WWK she is on the aisles (right-hand side looking at the stage), taking notes about what the boys are doing ; and when she meets them at Jacobi's, instead of giving in to them turning her down and to Jack's flirting later on, she always tries to come back to the topic at hand= the strike. Imo this was very nice because it establishes her as an actual and serious reporter
Due to this it actually feels like she is very present in the show, because I think part of why I didn't like Katherine before was bc I felt as if she was established more as a plot device for Jack's love story than as an actual character (that's only my opinion tho). But here she really appears as a reporter who is essential to the strike, like a mix of Broadway!Kath and 92!Denton, which makes her whole arc so much more interesting imo
Sidenote but this essential role is also shown when she is the only one we see on stage looking at the banner at the end of Once and for all which is really cool
And she is so sassy ??? Like at Jacobi's she replies to the boy's insults in a very sarcastic tone, and during watch what happens she goes "a girl ? It's a girl ! Is that even legal ?" and mimics/mocks the attitude of the editors . Okay queen
"the guy painting places he has never seen is calling us crazy ?" is said to Davey instead of Jack
Also yeah "now would be a good time to shut up" I think a guy behind me gasped so yeah thanks queen
After the rally the emotion in her voice felt SO real and genuine. The way she proposes her plan to Jack feels like she is trying real hard to make up for not telling him everything, because she knows she has no excuse for it so now she can only try to do her best to make him forgive her. Also if I'm being honest, I never really liked Something to believe in as a song, but again, Michael and Bronté actually made me fall in love with it. Their voice were really intense - tho it was last sunday's show so I can't tell if this level of emotion with their voices almost breaking is and everytime thing or if Bronté was really losing it. Which, fair.
Moving on to Crutchie !
YES ??? This interpretation of Crutchie is just so different (in a really positive way)
Just to make it clear, I love AKB and I have nothing against his Crutchie. But after years of watching Crutchie be this little soft ball of sunshine who sometimes talks to Jack, this one really felt like he was finally allowed to express his full potential on stage
Because boy this Crutchie is loud. He is center stage. You can't miss him, he is always whistling, talking loudly, being noticed, you don't have a choice but to see him, you can't just not aknowledge him because he is right here and he makes you notice him
Also he is like. Essential to the narrative. Because he has a clear leadership role toward the other boys (telling them to run after Seize the day...). And his relationship with Jack is incredibly important here, from the beginning to the end it's them, Crutchie and Jack. That's established very clearly in the Prologue, but to me the most important scene to show this was the WWH reprise. Because Jack is so heartbroken and hopeless because of Crutchie. He is almost giving up because he's so genuinely scared for him. And don't even get me started on Jack's attitude when Pulitzer talks about Crutchie in the refuge bc my boy is this close to a breakdown
Also due to this Letter from the refuge hurts so much ?? He misses Jack and all the boys, and he clearly put the accent on telling Jack to take care of all the others ! To protect them !! He is in the refuge and all he wants his to know his friends are safe !
And his whole arc his so much darker in this ?? He is very aware of their situation, willing to buy the papers before the World will know and when Henry asks "at those prices ?" his answer is a very definitive "like we got a choice ?". And when he gets beat up after Seize the day he is actually pleading very loudly for the boys to come back for him and for Wiesel not to hit him. In Letter from the Refuge he actually seems to be in physical pain, and at the end when he gets back from the Refuge it's not just "yeah I got back that's nice" it's literally yes I went through hell and I came back. And oh boy his "may I ?" before cuffing Snyder and hitting him ? He's not joking around, he actually wants to make him pay for what he did
This is the Crutchie this fandom deserved and I would die for him thank you very much
And finally (yes I'm almost done I promise), Race !!!
Okay this is definitely my favorite Race
He has nothing to do with Ben's Race. If you ask me, he is much more like 92sies Race, though obviously not the same
He isn't just a goofy idiot joking around, he is really mature. He is one of the oldest and most mature newsies, and it shows, through the way he dresses and his attitude as a whole
Yes he still likes messing around, like in King of New York, but he is also very responsible toward the other newsies and is really shown as Jack's right-hand man, with many scenes where it's really obvious that he has a leadership role. E.g. at the beginning with his "Henry get down here", and during once and for all when he seems to be giving instructions to the newsies around the stage. Also he clearly cares a lot about them and wants to protect them so yeah overall a much more mature Race than what we got with Broadway
From what I saw he is still very close to Albert, and also to Specs ? Which makes sense because they are all among the oldest newsies. Finch also hangs out with them sometimes but less frequently
Also he is literally rough around the edges. He is actually ready to pick up a fight with the Delanceys at the beginning and oh boy don't get him stressed because then he is ready to lose it
Okay I really want to talk about his relationship with Davey because um. Race actively dislikes him for a solid half of the show (let's just assume no one likes Davey at the beginning okay). His "aren't we the hoi poloi ?" is actually mean. Maybe my take is entirely wrong, but imo the way Race sees it, Davey is just that priviledged guy who suddenly came in and has no idea what's at stake for most of the newsies, and he very strongly despises him for it. And at the beginning he is clearly not happy with Davey putting his guys in danger with the strike, which comes back to the idea of him being a leader and having to care for the younger newsies. Overprotective Race we stan
This changes after Seize the day tho, during Kony they actually seem to get closer and establish an intimate bond during the song
Also at some point (I think Seize the day ?) he gives Les a piggyback which is pretty cute
Okay I promise now I'm done ranting but this version of the show is actually amazing because the actors have an entirely different take from the Brodway show so it really feels like you're rediscovering it all over again
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hyperbolicgrinch · 1 month
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.  Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips
Thank you for the tag, @killerandhealerqueen ! (Gonna finally send you an ask so watch out!! 😇)
for better or worse, here we go:
• string theory/temporary alliance
• don't wait up
• other half/left arm
• worst chemistry
• his captain's joy
• nothing at all
• one by one
• in his name
• heartless/sans hearts
• the avoidable war
• when we go back
• just a phase
• and he will be
• wind chime
• "bite me"/monsters and men
• ***
• i promised you the moon
• i told the sunset about you
• shoulda woulda coulda
• crow's nest
• how much later/two years later
• three am
• waited long enough
• mayhaps opla
This isn't all of them but I've gotta stop because to list them all would be madness asssffdfh 😂
I don't even know this many people pfft but let's see (if you wouldn't be interested in doing this or don't want to share or don't write, that's all good, no worries 😃💕)
@lolacouldnotcareless @joestarry-eyed @tibuki @theotherwhybietoldmeso @nineninepetals @itsanidiom @theoldgaylion @rhymingteelookatme @morkofday @black-rabbit-99 @temistheranger @ahhhnorealnamesallowed @mothman-cheeks-666 @dykealloy @purple-owll @ship-from-shipping-and-receiving @avanture-time @pancakes40 @necoconeko @the-coolest-marshmallow @fab-notfat @recca29 @thealmightyawesomegay-blog @arlothia @dyed-blonde-wannabe-goth-weirdo
(is that the same amount?? I can't count adssfh)
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
Is it just me or do some Bylers reach way too hard to defend Mike for things he was objectively wrong for? Like the rink o mania thing is a perfect example, Will was not being bitchy (onscreen) at all to Mike until the argument where Mike was the one who started it by blaming Will for not telling him about El’s problems. Mike was being a huge asshole there, which even he noticed and said Will didn’t deserve the way Mike treated him. He then apologized and Will accepted it because Will knows that Mike was genuinely remorseful and that he wanted to be best friends again. I hate to say this bc 99% of the time it is deeper than it looks but for this I just don’t get how you can watch and think Will was actually in the wrong.
i do enjoy a good reach and i get not wanting one character to be 100% in the right and one character to be 100% in the wrong in an argument and i don't even think mike was 100% in the wrong at rink o mania but when you back up a bit...what did will do wrong exactly lol.
do we agree with mike that he was a douche for...not telling him that el was being bullied? nonsensical. he didn't even know she was lying to him before the airport.
was he wrong for barely talking and basically sabotaging the whole day? a day el said was supposed to be about the two of them, making will third wheel and feel like shit just like in the beginning of season 3 and for months before that? right...because that makes sense.
was will in the wrong for not calling mike and for making it sound like it was his fault they didn't keep in touch? this one i can get behind but he would have let that go (the painting being a welcome gift doesn't scream resentful) had mike not made it clear that he wasn't interested in anything he had to say by...rejecting his hug, agreeing to the whole day being about him and el, ignoring him save for the vomit green joke, And not calling for months. if the first three hadn't occurred maybe will wouldn't have felt the need to defend himself when mike started a fight because he didn't tell him his gf was being bullied like he's their couples counselor or something
it's like you said mike literally starts the fight and then deflects (twice) and Then he apologizes...idk!
long-winded answer but how exactly was will being a dick lol. i know he apologizes for being mean to him and for pushing him away in the van scene but when exactly on march 22, 1986 was will mean to mike. i can see the pushing him away because he didn't call but he said he deserved the fight and admitted to being a jerk to el (literally HOW. when) and wouldn't let lucas apologize to him in season 3 so i'm not taking his self-deprecating martyr word for it SORRY
it's especially funny when you remember that mike trying to call will is a THEORY
#i know mike is self-deprecating too. this isn't about him💖#i know even byler being endgame is a theory but#and i GET IT like even if it turns out mike DIDN'T call he's not the devil or anything and i knoww why he acts like he does but when you#look at it from will's pov his behavior makes no fucking sense if he cares about him even a little. like why would he reject that hug lol#you could say him rejecting the hug was because he felt like they weren't friends anymore because will didn't call him and like sure but#then how is will not allowed to feel like they're not friends when mike doesn't call AND rejects his hug AND makes him third wheel all day#you can even say it was because he was like oh will gay can't make it obvious that i'm in love with him but that's just beyond the#realm of possibility to will. do you know what i mean? of course he's gonna think he doesn't care about him and doesn't even wanna hug him#hello after six months of not seeing him because he in fact didn't want to hug him. rejected the hug and made will feel like he was the#only one who wanted to be friends just like before#and really can you blame will for not calling when even without taking the fact that he's in love with mike into consideration the last#time he tried to show this friendship meant a lot to him he got shut down like crazy and was told that he was acting like a kid#i would've wanted mike to make a little bit of an effort too after that tf#and i know why he didn't call if he did in fact not call i know all that will isn't a tumblr byler he knows none of that not calling + not#hugging + agreeing to you not being important to the day + making you third wheel = not caring about you is not a crazy leap#if you wanna do the will isn't a perfect angel who is always 100% in the right thing (which i respect btw) i don't really see how#rink o mania helps your case I'M SORRY#you just will never convince me that it was 50/50#ask
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chiss-ticism · 10 months
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Art by the wonderful @/bugcouncil!
I realized that I'd been on-and-off Percy posting without having actually laid the groundwork out for everyone else to see, lmao. Let's do something about that (salute emoji) Blood and Silicon players pwetty pwease don't read this: I may use Percy as a back-up character and wouldn't want you to be spoiled :)
His (current) character sheet is a mash-up between V5's character creation rules and some of V20's Merits/Flaws. I'd keep some of them for subtext were he to need a V5-Only character sheet. Just a heads up :)
NAME: Percival. Percy to allies. Sir Percival, Caine's Anointed in formal address.
CLAN: Ventrue [Antitribu]
SECT AFFILIATION: The Sabbat. [Anarch Movement too, if Pauline dies or something.]
D.O.B: May 13th, 1900.
D.O.D: February 20th, 1942.
APPARENT AGE: Late 30s, Early 40s. [42]
HEIGHT: 5'6'' | 167 centimeters.
Boxer in life, a Templar in death; Percy's feverish devotion to the Hand's assortment of causes is, in no small part, exacerbated by the fact that he had the displeasure of being on the frontlines of the Week of Nightmares back in the Summer of '99. Tasked with aiding the Sabbat's (numerous) failed attempts at claiming domain within Asia, his (notably Ravnos) Priscus was called on for aid and what is a loyal knight to do but follow in her stead? This, unfortunately enough, put them on the frontlines for [Ravnos'] awakening a few miles over in India even if the pack never had the misfortune of laying eyes on the Ancient themselves. He and his pack spent the better part of three days attempting to watch over the torpid form of their packmate and leader within the winding, vacuous corridors of a hotel. They'd staked her with the intention of pacifying her until whatever illness besetting her took its leave, but there was only so much a handful of Cainites could feasibly do. In the end they were ultimately unsuccessful in keeping the veritable horde of her cousins away, on the verge of final death amidst all of the gore and viscera, Percy had a reaffirmation of faith in a wicked way. He's devoted the entirety of his being to the Sabbat and its overarching goals; [Ravnos]' blood plugging any holes the Sabbat's propaganda machine may've missed. He's not incompetent enough to go around shouting his allegiances from the rooftops, but his disdain for the Ivory Tower is as self-evident as the gray hairs that adorn his head. Timeline One [where I'm currently using him :)] - Percy's Priscus meets Final Death, unconsciously. Percy comes out of it in one piece and still serves the Sword of Caine dutifully. Timeline Two [Blood and Silicon, should it be necessary]: the Priscus was never staked and Percy himself was beaten into Torpor before being brought back to the United States for recovery once the fighting had ceased. He would've woken up, his Faith reaffirmed tenfold, to find that the Sect itself had all but collapsed during his nap. Their old haunts having been taken over by the Anarch Movement or, Caine forbid, the Camarilla and none of his sect mates to call upon for an update or guidance of any kind. A man out of time, wandering aimlessly, and forced to contend with the knowledge that there really are ancient evils in dire need of putting down, but with no feasible recourse against them. Languishing in the company of blind Cainites whose knee-jerk reaction would be to take his head if they knew what he truly was, a shell of his former self
Strength (••••) You are a prime physical specimen, likely with very visible musculature.
Dexterity (•••) Your agility is impressive, and your coordination is as good as any trained amateur.
Stamina (•••) Several days of hard hiking with a backpack is no problem for you.
Wits (•••) You can analyze a situation and quickly work out the best escape route.
Firearms (•••) You've been in the shit ("Seen the elephant" if you're older than a century) and come out the other side.
Melee (•••) Your skill with a melee weapon is known throughout the domain.
Awareness (•••) You can see through most disguises and sense concealed dangers or hidden clues.
Occult [S: Noddism] (••) [in regards to Noddism, specifically] You have firsthand experience of something inexplicable, even by Kindred standards.
MERITS/ADVANTAGES/FLAWS (a mix of v5/v20. will mark appropriately):
I Was There (•••) [V5] [Merit] [Loresheet: THE WEEK OF NIGHTMARES] You didn't just hear about it, you were on the front line. Your reputation as a survivor and on-the-spot veteran of the Week of Nightmares grants you Status among Kindred historians, occultists, Ravnos, and Gehenna cultists alike.
Blessed By St. Gustav [V20] [Merit] Many Ventrue antitribu replace their traditional affinity for Presence with an aptitude for Auspex by means of the ignoblis ritae known as the Prayer to St. Gustav. For your piety and devotion to the Sabbat cause, you have been especially blessed and have an affinity for both Disciplines.
Resources (••) [V5] [Background] Middle Class: nice apartment or small house, several cars, high-end equipment.
Nightmares [V20] [Flaw] You experience horrendous nightmares every time you sleep, and memories of them ahunt you during your waking hours. [Ravnos] raging, [their] flesh rending.
Tic/Twitch [V20] [Flaw] You have some sort of repetitive motion that you make in times of stress, and it's a dead giveaway as to your identity. He tends to tap one of his feet, normally his left, impatiently.
Eerie Presence [V20] [Flaw] Mortals have an unconscious awareness of your undead nature, which makes them anxious and ill at ease in your presence. He's too still & doesn't blink anywhere near as often as he should.
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July 1999: Ravnos Moment.
He'll refer to Cainites by their proper form of address, a Bishop as "[your] Excellency" for example, and would rather be damned a second time than do otherwise. He's exercising his freedom by choosing to adhere to the formalities.
His Sire supported the Lasombra War Effort during the Second Sabbat Civil War, making the mass defection smart that much more. He was Embraced 11 years too late to have actually partaken in it himself but he has Opinions.
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cynicalone94 · 8 months
Fanfiction Master List
Hey guys,
I've been a whump fan since I was a kid. My primary mode of expression is through writing fanfiction.
Most of my work is in the Chicago PD fandom with Jay Halstead as my number one target. I also write fiction here and there for Marvel, Brooklyn 99, and 9-1-1 Lone Star.
Chicago PD
I Don't Have Any Beneficiaries Anyway
Alternate Ending to 2x03 Weigh Station. When Jay fails to get the upper hand and is traded for Alex Price, the team scrambles to find him before its too late.
Just Another Day
Jay gets hurt during a raid. So just another day for the Intelligence Unit.
Rather Take a Bullet Than Get a Flu Shot
Friendly teasing goes too far. And just why does Jay hate needles so much?
Cost of Doing Business
A trip to Med to meet his brother for lunch becomes more dangerous than Jay had anticipated.
He's My Brother
Will knows about the death of Roy Walton and the cover up and he's not happy with his brother's new wife.
Living Donation
With his daughter's life on the line, a rich businessman makes a risky decision. But did he make the right choice?
Your Boy Tough
An annual taser recertification course brings up bad memories for Jay.
In The Wind
In a dense forest, sometimes even ten feet is too far.
I'd Rather Stay At Work
Jay actually admits he's sick. It doesn't go well.
Imbalance of Power
Sometimes the easiest way to make someone talk is to give them the upper hand.
How do you judge whether a sacrifice is "worth it"?
Where He Should Be Safe
A sixteen part series of Jay having a bad time in places where he should be able to feel safe.
The Past Has a Price
When someone from Jay's past returns to take Will hostage, will the brothers make it out of this one alive?
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Tag to 2x20 The Number of Rats. Gregory Yates becomes aware that Will Halstead is being questioned and sees an opportunity to shift the blame. **Update 11/19 Tags and warnings have been updated to include rape/noncon elements. It's kind of implied with the Tag to 2x20 but better safe than sorry. There's nothing explicit in this story but it is mentioned.
Upstead One Shots
A series of oneshots featuring Upstead and their beautiful family.
Tag to my story In The Name of Justice. They might not be on the best terms but when Jay has a panic attack, Will can still find a way to bring him home. Pre-series.
Repaid in Kind
Tag to 9x13 Still Water. After Dylan was arrested, they thought all that was left to combat was Hailey's guilt over not saving Lisa. Turns out there was more.
Pre-series story from Jay's days in Afghanistan. Tag to Guilty Until Proven Innocent. How did Jay recognize the sound of the tripwire in time to dive out of the way?
What's Your Verdict?
The final day in court to wrap up a case that Intelligence has invested so much in takes a surprising turn. Hailey is put in a difficult position and every choice that she makes can only hurt her husband more.
Witness Tampering
The mundane lead up to a trial suddenly becomes a race against time when Hailey's husband is kidnapped to keep her from testifying. Will they find Jay in time? Or will a dangerous criminal evade justice yet again?
An on the job injury changes Jay's life forever and he struggles to navigate the aftermath.
I Don't Know Me
Jay (at least that's what she said his name was) wakes up after a serious head injury with no memory of who he is or what happened to him. He's relieved when a woman shows up, telling him his name and claiming to be his wife. Finally, someone to fill in the blanks and answer some questions. Only… something about Meredith doesn't seem quite right and he isn't sure he can trust her. But what other choice does he have?
Friends in Strange Places
Jay is taken hostage by drug dealers when a sting goes sideways. But when they find out that his name isn't Ryan Clarke things take an interesting turn.
Missed Opportunities
Have you ever watched an episode of Chicago PD and been disappointed that Jay wasn't more seriously hurt? Well then you're a monster but you're also in the right place because so am I. Alternate episode endings focused on the idea of increasing Jay Halstead Whump.
Childhood Secrets
When Jay learns that the man who molested him as a child is out of prison and that two of the man's other victims have been brutally raped and murdered since his release, he's pretty sure it's not a coincidence. But will he survive long enough to prove it?
Missing PTSD Moments
Missing moments from the show where the events taking place really should have triggered Jay's PTSD. Starting with the ambush from the opening of Forty-Caliber Bread Crumb.
When a minor on the job injury opens a can of worms, how will the team handle the revelation that one of their own has been trapped in an abusive relationship? And that another member of the team isn't the person they thought she was. NOTE: This story might be difficult for Erin Lindsey lovers. Please know that I do not hate her, nor do I think she was abusive to Jay, she just fits with the plot that I've come up with.
9-1-1 Lone Star
Burner Phone
Someone from TK's past arrives in Austin to make amends. But is everything as it seems?
Making Him Jealous
When Sadie Beck escapes from prison, she finds another crazy way to get the relationship with Owen that she thinks fate has promised her, making him jealous. Will Carlos survive her latest strategy?
Thanksgiving - Brooklyn 99
Jake gets hurt when he and Amy's fathers are fighting, adding injury to insult. Tag to "Two Turkeys"
First Impressions - Marvel
Bruce Banner gets to meet Tony's new intern.
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book-of-baba-fett · 2 years
Illicit Affairs - Chapter 17
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Captain Rex x OC
Chapter Summary: Talia catches up and unwinds with some old friends on Kamino, but does she make a choice she'll regret?
Chapter Rating: E
Warnings: Angst, Smut. Piv, drinking, drunk sex.
A/N: please don't hate me you guys lol. I swear things will get lighter for a moment. Getting close to the endgame now! Thanks as always to @galacticgraffiti for being a wonderful Beta reader! As always, comments/likes/reblogs are so SO appreciated.
Ao3 Link Series Masterlist
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Rex had one time tried to tell Talia that every day on Kamino wasn’t rainy, that sometimes the sun peaked out behind the gray veil of clouds, but the past two days spent in Tipoca City felt shrouded in time, Talia’s internal clocked screwed up as she shuffled from briefing to briefing. She met with cadets, all of whom seemed in awe at the presence of a Jedi. It was sweet how they spoke with excitement, but Talia couldn’t ignore the twist in her gut as they vowed their unwavering support to the Republic. So young, yet that was the only life they were told about. At lunch she ate with Storm, who had attended his own sessions to assist training cadets as well, but Storm could sense something had been going on with Talia lately. He had been watching her closely since Turia, maybe just checking in on her as she recovered, but by now she was ready to snap at him, no longer wanting to deal with his probing gaze.
It was almost dinner time, and she knew he would be waiting again. But Talia wasn’t hungry, and didn’t feel the urge to risk him asking too many questions about why her mood was so downcast as of late. She debated heading to a training room again; she hadn’t gotten much further with her progress with force lightning. She really did rely on an output of rage to create it, so each burst seemed weaker than the last. She tried delving into her mind, finding fuel for the energy while she trained, but the dark place it took her was taxing. She was torn between the drive for the power, and the mental wall she had put up against it.  She knew it was risky even dabbling with it this much. But she wanted to try it more. There had to be good use for a power like this, the Council just didn’t see it yet.
She knew also  that she shouldn’t push herself, though; the process was physically and mentally draining. Her knuckles were raw and bruised already from not taking proper care in her earlier training. A residual ache lingered in her body from the exhaustion of pushing herself past her limits. Talia had enough sense to know she shouldn’t push it more for the day, but now found herself wandering the too-bright pathways of Tipoca City. 
Pacing through the halls, Talia paused to watch the ever-storming weather outside, her gaze following a graceful aiwha as it flew out of the water, battling against the wind before diving back into the thrashing waters.
“General Riva!” A booming voice called from her side. Talia didn’t have time to turn but she didn’t need to see who it was; only one clone had such a presence, and quite honestly had the nerve to swoop her up in a wampa-hug that threatened to break her ribs.
“Wrecker!” Talia coughed out in laughter as her feet left the ground. Wrecker quickly placed her back on the ground – the man meant well, at times he just forgot his own strength. Talia grinned at him and took in the rest of Clone Force 99 behind him. She had met them about a year ago, when they had helped the 412th on a mission when the battalion was still in its rebuilding phase after the vicious attack from Maul.
Hunter stood to the side of Wrecker, a small smile of greeting on his tattooed face. Tech seemed more interested in something on his datapad, but mumbled his greetings, while Crosshair stood the furthest back, a signature toothpick in his mouth.
“Good to see you all! Nothing ever seems to change with you guys. Crosshair, your smile is as lovely as ever.”
The sniper rolled his eyes at that, but Talia caught the smallest flicker of a grin threatening to peek through. Hunter stepped forward and held his arm out, which Talia accepted to shake as he spoke, “Good to see you, General. What brings you to Kamino?”
“Just some repairs, picking up some new troops,” Talia shrugged. She tilted her head back, “You all heading to the mess? I guess I should finally head over and get some food.”
“We just got back from a mission-“ Hunter started
“-and don’t feel like dealing with that many regs,” Crosshair added under his breath.
“So, we were just going to head to our quarters,” Hunter finished, ignoring the statement from his brother. He glanced at Talia, back at his squad, then back to her “We actually have some…uh… contraband, if you’re looking for something to do tonight?”
“Offering alcohol to a General? That’s a bold move,” Talia scoffed, crossing her arms. For a moment Hunter looked flustered, as if he were worried she might actually reprimand them when Talia laughed, loosening her posture and slapping him on the shoulder. “You have no idea what I would do for a drink – I’m in.”
The Bad Batch were truly unlike any clones Talia worked with; besides their physical differences, they had their oddities that made them an interesting bunch to hang out with. What they had in common with their reg counterparts, was their bond with each other. The way they would nag and tease one another, a  flair for embellishment when recalling war stories. And for Talia it was a needed break, listening to them goof off after having a few beers.
Wrecker found a way to grow more boisterous under the influence of alcohol, Tech would fall into slightly slurred tangents that were loosely related to the topic of conversation which would prompt Crosshair to teasingly taunt him to ‘turn the page’ to the next topic, but Talia caught the way his normally stern face slipped into a smirk as he joked with his brother. Hunter leaned back in his chair, slowly nursing his drink, a light flush on his cheeks. He would occasionally toss Talia an apologetic glance when one of his brothers made a particularly crass joke, but Talia always waved it off with a smile.
The night quickly moved on, Talia and the Batch drinking more of the beer they had stashed away. It was cheap stuff, even more watered down than what Republic offered for free to clones at 79’s; but it worked to give Talia a light buzz. She leaned against the table, laughing and tossing out jokes once she felt more comfortable- Talia knew the Kaminoans would disapprove for so many reasons, but she didn’t care.
Talia thought back to herself at the beginning of the war, unsure and a bit uncomfortable in her new role as a General. Many nights she had secluded herself in her own quarters as the Venator drifted through space, reading into the late hours. Then one time as the ship was docking in Coruscant, Church, Storm and a few others had invited her to 79’s for the first time. She’d been hesitant, but she accepted.
It was nice, seeing her men more at ease; even if they were as unsure how to act with her off duty as she was with them. But they settled in, getting a bit drunk and enjoying each other’s company. For Talia, that was the moment it hit her how close she was in age to the men she served with, how normal hanging out with them in down time felt. She started to make a habit of going, or relaxing in the barracks after a long mission. Maybe it was unprofessional for her as their technical superior, but Talia grew to rely on the downtime.  She felt it from the men too: the longer they fought the more they needed these little moments where they could dull the stresses of war. And when soldiers passed on, she was able to look back on those nights as a way to remember them, remember the way they laughed or the dumb jokes told. 
That’s why she felt at ease whenever she went out with the 501st, or even now drinking with the Batch. She didn’t know them as well as her own men, but it was easy to sit in and relax with them. The beer was hitting her head, how little food she had that day more obvious as she could feel herself getting drunk. But she didn’t care, she hadn’t laughed this hard in awhile. She felt like the weight that had been resting in her gut ever since Turia was slightly lessened, the laughter easing the tension that settled over her and the alcohol numbing the bitterness she felt. Maybe this was made easier by how different Rex was from the Batch. They didn’t look like the regular clones, their voices even sounded slightly different so she didn’t feel that jolt of pain she had been feeling any time she talked to a soldier since she had last seen Rex. 
Shit. She’d done it again. She’d thought of Rex.
Talia glanced at the empty bottle in her hand; the drink was obviously not doing its job if she was still being reminded of him. She reached for another full bottle, cracked the lid open and gulped.
“How do you drink so much for someone so tiny?” Wrecker’s voice called out from across the table, a teasing grin on his face. Sure enough, about half a dozen empty bottles sat in front of him, and the large clone seemed barely buzzed.
“I handle my booze just fine,” Talia answered seriously, not realizing the evident slur that would lay in her voice nor predicting how when she waved her hand, she would knock over the empty bottles in front of her. The boys laughed at her clumsiness, and she grinned bashfully, reaching down to pick up the bottles. “In my defense, I would have done that sober.”
It turns out the Bad Batch had a decent beer supply, pulling out a new case and drinking more. Talia still more observed their conversation, her eyes being drawn to the waves outside the window once more. How they thrashed against the foundations for Tipoca City, the lights from the buildings reflecting against the surface before it faded into darkness, the waters a black void in the nighttime that would occasionally be illuminated by bolts of lightning. 
Talia was vaguely aware of the boys getting into a brotherly argument, catching a glimpse of something that sounded vaguely like a plan to head into the shooting range. As the ranking officer present, she probably should have had the sense to say something along the lines of ‘alcohol and blasters don’t mix’ but she was more fascinated with the sight out the viewport. The door slammed shut, a silence settling in the room with the absence left from Tech, Crosshair and Wrecker. Hunter grabbed a few bottles, placing them together to slightly tidy up, his eye flicking to Talia as she sat with her thoughts. She held her bottle in her hand, the cool glass against her skin as she twisted it in her fingers, the ale sloshing inside, a poor mimicry of the waves outside.
“Everything ok?” Hunter asked, nudging Talia and breaking her from her silent periphery. Her head jerked to the side, glancing at him. Talia stilled her movements of the bottle, instead, tilting it back and swallowed the remaining booze.
“Yeah, I’m good,” Talia answered right after as Hunter raised a brow doubtingly. Talia sighed. “Just had a long training day, that’s all.”
 Hunter huffed out a laugh. “I understand that; whenever we come back around the Kaminoans run us through every possible test and training routine.”
“Coming home isn’t just all fun?” Talia asked, already knowing the answer. Kamino might be home to the clones, and some had differing degrees of sentimentality to it, but there was nothing ‘homey’ about the aquatic world that she had witnessed these few days.
“It’s not all bad; don’t have to deal with clankers, but I guess we have to trade them in for the Kaminoans,” Hunter answered, earning a giggle from Talia.
“Not that I’m complaining, because it was nice to see a more relaxed side of you, but why did you spend your night with us? Surely you must have had more exciting things to do?” Hunter seemed sincere with his questioning, a curious glance in his eye.
“Not at all; I’m not a very exciting person.” Talia shrugged, earning a disbelieving huff of laughter from the clone next to her.
“I doubt that,” Hunter replied, leaning against the table to smirk at her. Talia rotated on the bench, swinging her legs over it so she sat facing him.  Maybe it was the influence of the cheap beer, but it really was hard to tell he was a clone. Hunter didn’t have the same sweet honeyed eyes of his brothers; his were smoky, like everything else about him from his long hair to the tattoo covering half his face. Talia always felt the tattoo acted as a mask half the time; imperceptible emotions hidden away under it. A fierceness that hid a layer of softness underneath. She couldn’t quell the curiosity in her mind that wondered how far the skeletal pattern went on the rest of his body.
“Oh, I mean it,”” Talia insisted, taking one last sip of the beer in her hands; she didn’t even realize she had been that close to finishing another one. Her cheeks were warm, the room slightly swaying but she contributed a part of that to the waves rocking outside. Talia pressed her arm against the table, leaning against it and mirroring Hunter’s pose facing her. “Don’t really get up to much. Unless you count that one time I was kidnapped by bounty hunters and held hostage by Count Dooku.”
Hunter looked taken aback for a second at Talia’s blunt delivery, but his face broke into a grin as he shook his head. Talia giggled, feeling a bit lighter by the minute. Maybe this was what she needed. A distraction, her head being somewhere else.
“Still, hanging out with me and my brothers probably isn’t up to your speed,” Hunter continued. “Hope the boys haven’t been driving you too crazy.”
“Hunter, I would be perfectly capable of leaving if I was bored,” Talia rolled her eyes. “Besides, you all are…refreshing. And I needed to unwind a little.”
“So did it help?” Hunter asked, spreading his arms wide on the edge of the table behind him. Talia’s eyes flicked to the way his biceps pressed against the tight material of his undersuit, quickly correcting herself to bring them back to his face. “Hanging out, do you feel less stressed?”
“A bit,” Talia nodded, ignoring the heat settling in her cheeks.
“Anything in particular bothering you?” Hunter asked once again, his voice filled with sincerity. The liquor loosening her lips tempted Talia to talk about everything on her mind; about her own insecurities with the Order and as a leader, how stuck she felt, about Rex. But her last shred of composure allowed her to keep it in, stoppering the bottle of emotions in her.
“Just had a lot of long campaigns in a row,” Talia answered vaguely. It wasn’t a lie. Just withholding the finer details.
“I understand,” Hunter sighed, leaning into the table. “Half the time we aren’t even finished with one mission before we’re getting our next assignments.”
“I just want it all to be over with,” Talia admitted. “No more fighting; I’m good at it, but I never wanted to be a soldier.”
“What did you want then?” It was the type of question that had run through Talia’s brain often these past few days. In theory, it should be simple to answer. But Talia felt a weight pressing on her chest every time she even tried to delve into it.
“I’m not sure, but I know this isn’t it.” Talia answered softly. Hunter’s brows cinched, searching for something comforting to say. If he knew her better, he probably would probe her more, trying to get out of Talia what was really troubling her, what left her in this limbo of doubt. His eyes met hers, soft and reassuring and Talia allowed a smile back, something to signal she was ok.
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out,” Hunter assured, “It’s a pretty wide galaxy out there. Besides, you’re an amazing woman, and I don’t think there’s much you can’t do.”
Talia resisted the urge to sarcastically laugh, thinking of all the things she failed at. But Hunter was being so sincere, something about his presence was so strangely calming. It was…nice having this sort of reassurance. Even if she didn’t want to talk more in depth about it, someone being there and seeming to care was comforting. And he was familiar. The way his face scrunched when he thought, the small smile he gave, even the sound of his voice; it was scratching the surface of what she knew. And maybe she had been wrong in secluding herself so much lately, because even just this moment of company was partially filling a vacancy that had been left within her. Or maybe it was the drunken haze settled into her, driving some innate need of hers to be with someone else, to feel something else than the loneliness that she allowed to seep in recently.
Talia wasn’t sure what propelled her to do it, whether it was just the beer or the way he smirked at her, or just how much she craved the touch of another person. But Talia leaned in, pressing her lips to Hunter’s, chasing him back as he mumbled something in surprise. 
Hunter did not protest, instead his hands found purchase on her hips as Talia clumsily straddled his lap, his grip steadying her and pulling her tighter to him. Talia moaned into his mouth as her core grinded against the bulge forming in his pants, eliciting a curse from Hunter as he gripped her harder, encouraging her to keep moving against him. The kiss was needy, desperate, remnants of beer lingering on their lips. Talia slid a hand up Hunter’s neck, gripping his hair and tugging lightly. Hunter pulled back for air, and for a moment Talia was worried she had crossed a line but before she knew it aHunter’s hands were sliding lower to grip her ass as he stood.
Talia yelped as she was jolted up. Hunter picked her up and turned them around, just to place her at the edge of the table. He leaned down, kissing her again as Talia’s hand’s found purchase on the front of his shirt, tugging the fabric up.
“Are you sure?” Hunter asked breathily, pulling back to search for any hesitancy from Talia. She shook her head and tugged at his shirt once more. She bit her lip and met his eyes. 
“I’ve always wanted to know how far down this tattoo went,” Talia smirked, pressing her hand to his face. Hunter returned the smirk and helped her remove his shirt. He was leaner than Rex, Talia observed, and the skeletal tattoo continued down his torso, black lines over his toned chest and disappearing beneath the waist line of his pants. Before Talia could reach to pull more off him, Hunter’s hands met the hem of her tunic, unwrapping her robes. His eyes glanced up to hers once more and she nodded, her hands meeting his to help speed up the process.
This was no flight of passion, not a moment of devotion and need for one another, where they were the only thing that could satisfy the other’s need; no, it was instinct, it was desperate and rushed. 
It was craving the touch of someone else, almost pretending it was something more just to fill the void. 
Talia quickly tossed off the last of her clothes, just for Hunter’s rough hands to meet her skin. She moaned as he cupped her breasts, arching herself to press into his touch. His head dipped and he took a nipple into his mouth, swiping over it with his tongue. Talia gasped at the tingling pleasure brought on by Hunter’s mouth, her hands once again landing on his head. Hunter seemed to like it when she tugged on his hair, because he started to suck on her breast, his hand roughly squeezing the other as she cried out.
Hunter pulled back and glanced over her body, the remnants of his spit still glistening over her chest, her legs spread wide and revealing herself completely to him. It suddenly struck Talia, the intimacy of it all, almost too much for what she wanted. She flipped herself over, resting her forearms on the table and sticking her ass out for him to see.
“Fuck me, Hunter,” she sighed, glancing gover her shoulder at him. His eyes were wide as they trained on her wiggling ass. “I want you inside me.”
“Are you sure?” Hunter asked once again as he slowly, hesitantly gripped his cock.
“Yes, just… fuck me already,” Talia ordered, facing forward once more.
Hunter’s hands gripped her waist, his thumbs massaging over her skin as the head of his cock nudged against the lips of her pussy. Her heart was pounding, a thud in her head that could be partially contributed to the ample amount of alcohol in her system. Hunter slowly pressed into her, groaning at the tightness around his cock. Talia winced slightly from the stretch with no foreplay, but relaxed into it, moaning as he settled all the way inside her. The fullness made her eyes roll back into her head, that satisfying relief of having that which she had been craving.
Hunter’s hips slowly rocked back and forth, his breath rugged and hoarse above her as he squeezed the flesh of her hips. His cock dragged along her walls, her cunt squeezing around him. 
Talia’s body was still wound tight, a need for something still stirred in her gut and as good as it felt having him inside her she needed even more. Her palms pressed flat on the surface of the table for more leverage as Talia bounced her ass back to meet his strokes. Hunter cursed as Talia met his thrusts, his cock hitting deeper inside her. It ignited something in him, maybe knowing she wanted more was the right push he needed to give it his all.  He placed a hand between Talia’s shoulder blades, nudging her down against the table as he fucked into her harder.
Talia’s cheek rested against the cool surface, the edge of the table imprinting along her thighs. Talia squeezed her eyes shut, listening as the room was filled by the jostling of the table, slightly skidding on the floor with each thrust, the slap of Hunter’s hips meeting Talia’s ass, his grunts and her high-pitched gasps echoing along the walls. She felt his hand as it firmly held her back in place, his fingers spread wide against the smooth and now sweat dampened skin. Blood was rushing through her head, her mind numb as she succumbed to the feel of Hunter burying himself in her, each buck of his hips like a lightning strike of pleasure to her gut. 
Even in her state, that prickling feeling in the back of her mind reminded Talia how the rest of the batch could walk back in at any moment, that they could see her naked and bent over the table they had all been drinking at moments ago, having all sense being fucked out of her by their Sergeant. But she couldn’t bring herself to care. She needed this, needed to feel him using her for his pleasure. Needed to feel the touch of someone else, get to that precipice of an orgasm that wasn’t from her own hand. Needed to feel something.
Talia’s legs were twitching as they hung off the side of the table, no longer able to rest on the ground as the hot waves of pleasure began to spread through her body. Hunter’s breath grew more frantic, his grunts getting louder as his pace grew sloppy. He lowered himself so his chest pressed into her back, their skin clinging to the other. Talia almost cursed at him for changing the angle when her orgasm was so close, but her words were lost to a cry of pleasure as he slammed himself into her deeper and harder. His head fell in the crook of her neck, his breath hot on her skin. His rasping voice in her ear telling her how good she felt, how hot she was, and grunting her name before he pulled out, spilling hot spurts of his cum on her ass.
Hunter stepped back, his breathing still heavy, his voice husky as he asked, “Did you finish?”
“Yeah,” Talia lied, her own breath still tense. She could feel Hunter’s gaze on her, his own doubt in her words palpable but he didn’t voice it. 
Hunter stepped away, murmuring something about getting a towel as Talia slowly pressed herself up. Through the glass on the window she caught her reflection, her hair disheveled, her cheeks flushed, but mostly what she caught was the exhaustion in her face. Her heart rate slowed down,the orgasm  slowly fading away, and she was left wrung out. It had felt satisfying while it was happening, it had seemed like what she wanted. But an ache settled in her chest because it wasn’t enough, because it only scratched the surface of what she really wanted. Who she really wanted.
After considering the past few days a victory for having not cried, Talia couldn’t stop the flow of tears that suddenly cascaded down her face. It seemed as though her body was trying to release every bottle up emotion she had through her tears as she heaved out a sob and crouched to the ground.
“Shit, Talia?” Hunter’s called out, rushing back over to crouch where she huddled and hot flashes of mortification hit Talia. She didn’t want to be crying right now, but it felt like a dam had burst, and she could not stop herself.
“I’m so so-sorry,” Talia choked out, trying to stop the tears but all she managed to do was cry harder. Naked. On the floor. With Hunter staring at her as horrified as Talia truly felt.
“Don’t apologize, I should apologize!” Hunter hurried to grab the remnant of Talia’s clothes where they were scattered about. He brought them over to her, seemed like he was going to try and put them on her again but retracted his hands and just held out the clothes for Talia to shakily accept. “Please, what did I do? Did I hurt you?”
“No you didn’t, you were great. I’m just in love,” Talia’s voice cracked out in a sobbing drunken slur.
Hunter stared at her, his horror fading into confusion, then ran a hand through his hair. “Gen-Talia, I’m very flattered but uh-“
Talia actually managed to hiccup a laugh in between her sobs, as she loosely wrapped her tunic on. “No, n-not you. I’m not that drunk.”
“Let me get you some water,” Hunter stood up to grab a canteen as Talia redressed. He pulled his shirt over his head as she gulped it down, then kept a watchful eye on her until she finished it. “Listen, I’m so sorry if you felt I pushed you to do anything, I thought you were more aware and wanted-“
“Hunter, I wanted it,” Talia cut him off. “It’s just…I recently got out of a relationship and thought this would-.”
Talia couldn’t finish the sentence because she herself didn’t know the answer. Did she really think having sex with someone else would magically make her feelings for Rex go away? Did she just want to numb the pain she was feeling and used the first person she could find?
Hunter stared at her for a moment, understanding dawning on his features. He didn’t need Taia to explain further. He just nodded and sat next to her, “I didn’t think Jedi did the whole relationship thing.”
“We’re not supposed to, at least not fully,” Talia explained, still sniffling. “We’re encouraged to love, but are supposed to be able to let go. I’m struggling with the latter.”
“Who was the guy?” Hunter asked after a beat. As Talia bit her lip and looked down he quickly added, “You don’t have to-“
“He’s another clone,” Talia admitted softly. Her hand reflexively went to her neck, searching for the necklace she would usually fiddle with whenever she was thinking or nervous. In another jolt to the gut she remembered she didn’t have it anymore. “He ended it because things were too complicated.”
That was putting it too simply, Talia knew it. And she had a hunch Hunter knew it too by how he looked at her, but he didn’t question it.
“But you love him?”
Talia nodded, wiping her face with the back of her forearm. “Didn’t get to tell him that though.”
Hunter and Talia sat in silence after that. He offered her more water as tears still fell from her face. When she couldn’t cry anymore, she could barely keep her eyes open, the sweet temptation of sleep calling to her.
“You can crash here if you need to, I don’t mind sleeping on the floor,” Hunter offered as he stood up. He held out his hand to Talia, which she accepted while shaking her head.
“No, I shouldn’t. Besides the walk back to my quarters might do me some good,” Talia waved him off. Hunter looked doubtingly at her to which she just rolled her eyes, “I can message you when I get back, does that make you feel better?”
“Yes it does; you can barely stand straight and I don’t want to think you fell into the ocean,” Hunter nudged her with a smirk. Talia actually managed to giggle a laugh at that. She made a last attempt to make herself appear a little bit together in the event that she walked into anyone on her route back, but she accepted it was a lost cause.
The halls were empty, their white glow adding to her already forming headache. She didn’t rush her walk back; even though she wanted nothing more than to go to sleep she was already dreading the feelings that would come in the morning. The guilt she was feeling was gnawing at her, guilt for her own embarrassment, for how Hunter had to see her in that state, and that bit of guilt that made her feel like she had betrayed Rex.
Every bit of this planet reminded Talia of Rex. She should have known drinking would just make that worse. She didn’t expect it to make her admit the depth of her feelings for Rex. How much she missed him calling to check in on her, the thought that she could meet up with him on leave sometime soon, or that they even could have a mission that would bring them together. These empty white halls and the thousands of identical faces just made her ache for the one that now probably wanted nothing to do with her. If she had told him she loved him back on Turia, would he have still ended it? Or would he have fought to keep her, like how she wanted him too?
Talia found herself in her quarters, once again plunged into that darkness with nothing but the void of the sea outside her window. The rain had slowed, the waves lightly rocking instead of thrashing; she wondered if it would actually be a sunny day tomorrow. Her fading buzz tingled through her, her eyes growing heavy as she collapsed in the bed, holding her comm in her hand.
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Dawn on Coruscant felt timeless in parts of the city; the buildings rose so high that on certain platforms you couldn’t tell the sun was rising, a peculiar haze just settled into the city. There were remnants of bar goers still out from a few of the clubs that stayed open later, night and morning shift workers trading places in their commutes, freight vessels landing in the atmosphere carrying food, medical supplies, and all the miscellaneous supplies the people of the Republic’s capital needed.  It was a bit of a walk from Naobe’s apartment to the train station; Rex had stayed there longer than he should have, but he was still slipping out before she could wake up.
Rex needed to clear his head; he had done nothing wrong technically, but he couldn’t ignore the feeling in his gut, that guilt that made him feel like he had. Maybe Naobe would be upset to find her empty bed that morning, she had seemed fairly interested in him, but Rex wasn’t planning on seeing her again. It was a stupid distraction. One night with a random woman wasn’t going to make him forget how he was feeling. Wouldn’t make him forget Talia. He had known that, yet he still felt disappointed.
Still, he couldn’t dwell on it. He was Captain Rex of the 501st. He had a duty to the Republic, to the brothers who served under him; he couldn’t let his emotions get in the way of that. He would push through like he had pushed through everything else that had come his way.
Rex arrived at the train station; it was empty apart from a couple sitting on a bench near the ticket booth. It was a quick ride to the base, and the next train should only be a few minutes away. Rex glanced at the couple, a Twi’lek man and woman. The man held a bag in his hands, and the woman was leaning on his shoulder, eyes drifting closed as she fought to stay awake. Rex looked away, fiddling with his comm as he felt like he was invading on something too private.
He had muted his comm while at Naobe’s, and had a couple messages. Nothing urgent it seemed, mostly the chat he was in with a few of the CC’s going off. Flicking through them to clear the notification, something else caught his eye that punched him in the gut.
Talia had left him a voice message.
Rex stared at the screen, unsure of if he should wait until he got to base, play the message now, or just delete it and save himself the trouble. But his own desire to hear the sound of her voice won out, and Rex hit play, letting the message echo through his helmet.
Next Chapter
@djarrex @justanothersadperson93 @paige6768 @saltywintersoldat @clonecyaree @dinner-djarin @whore4rex @raven--queen @swlover2187 @collectoroffics @pinkiemme @twistedstitcher27 @frietiemeloen @a-c-lee @ashotofspotchka @galacticgraffiti @itsagrimm @rexandechosandwich @immortalhdx @thebitchformerlyknownaskenobi @stankferrik @aquaamethyst96 @mavendeb @alwayssnivellus @rain-on-kamino @nyravioppri @staryskyforever @amyroswell @Sailingthehighseas @lucyysthings @manqoz
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nonstandardrepertoire · 3 months
ok so @sigmastolen tagged me in this weeks ago and i was like "i should do that!" and then. didn't
until now!!!!!!! surprise here i am i don't believe in tag expiration dates and you don't have to either >:)
Last song listened to: Michael Torke's Psalms and Canticles. i think there are a lot of bangers in it even if it doesn't quite stick the ending, and i think there is some fantasy alternate universe me that winds up performing this someday
Currently reading: to kill time at work, The Man in the Brown Suit by Agatha Christie. outside of working hours, the Opies' Language and Lore of Schoolchildren, altho there "skimming" is perhaps more accurate since i'm not like, that invested in reading every local variation in a schoolyard rhyme from 1956. still some interesting stuff in there, and also interesting to see rhymes that i remember from my 90s Childhood™ being cited as already generations old 70+ years ago. children's lore is wild!
Currently watching: with my husband: Los Espookys when HBO cooperates and Brooklyn 99 when it doesn't. when he's not around, random YouTube videos, some Breaking Bad, and also the BBC Poirot show from the 80s/90s/00s (it had a long run)
Currently obsessed with: finishing the formatting on this siddur so i can finally release it and be free sorry this is a boring answer it is just eating my brain alive
Tagging: @nicethighsnicereyes, @onlysunscreen, @basically-agatha-cromwell, @hippo-pot, @masala-and-thunderstorms if you feel like it!
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nexuschampion · 1 year
//based on a dream but 99% is not, it was really only the premise. the one dream I have ever had about these two and of course it had to be something like this. Didn't really feel like making a full fledged story though, so here you go.
"I've got eyes on 'em."
"Good. Keep them there. We've secured the perimeter."
"This is gonna be a long night bros. Get comfy."
Several long, silent minutes went by.
"I Renamed my iPod The Titanic, so when I plug it in, it says 'The Titanic is syncing.'"
"Mikey…this is serious."
"You're too serious bro. This is a cakewalk."
"Waste of our time is what it is."
"Raph, I've told you we have a vested interest in making this meeting go smooth. We need what's in that vault and this is our only chance to get close to it with the person who has access. We have to take advantage of the chaos."
"I don't care either way I'm just bored. You guys know we're not the only ones sneaking around here right?"
"We know Mikey. A lot of people have a lot of interest in this one way or the other."
"Did the CIA ask you to chime in on this Leo? FBI? Why are these other people here?"
"Ha ha. Common sense Raph."
"Leo's right guys. It's really important that this goes well."
"Suuuuure Donnie. If you say so."
"I count at least 4 other groups here watching. Two are solo. There is a reaaaaaally cute lady over on the west side. And she's aloooone."
"Focus Mikey."
"10-4 bro. Fun mode off."
Hours later Mikey shook his head violently back and forth in an effort to stay awake. He glanced at all the others, all holding their positions, bored out of his mind. The woman that had caught his attention earlier hadn't moved an inch. Her committment was impressive. In his head he imagined she was a highly trained government black ops official. Maybe she was hired by another government to make sure the meeting went smooth. Or maybe didn't. After hours of watching he'd invented an entire back stories for all the other covert operants. It wasn't until there was a sudden shift in the atmosphere that he narrowed his attention to his actual task.
"Something's happening"
"I don't see anything here. What is it?"
"I'm going to get closer."
"Roger that Mike. Let us know."
Mikey checked their counterparts, but none seemed to be on the alert to what he had heard. Perhaps he was being overly cautious or maybe he'd just heard an animal, but he didn't think so. He silently slipped closer to the main meeting area, where all the officials were still convened even though it was well past midnight. He peeked into a window that he had no business peeking into given the level of security, and saw the problem.
"Guys, we've got a breech. We've got a breech right now. Someone must have infiltrated the inside and is actively taking them all hostages. We have a red alert guys!"
He peeked in again. It appeared to be a very subtle operation. They weren't being violent or even threatening to the members beyond waving a gun at them. To be expected, he supposed, since the people in the room had a lot of leverage for their countries. They were very valuable commodities, and everyone knew it and probably expected it.
"No immediate danger guys. This is a long game play."
"On our way."
Mikey checked their counter-parts again. The woman seemed to have caught wind of the action. The others, not so much. Judging by her reactions though, she was likely in a simlar position to them - looking to keep things on track rather than interfere.
"I'm going in. We need someone on the inside."
"Be careful Mike."
"When has this charming personality not been able to win anyone over, even an terrorist? Come on, I know what people want to hear."
"Be careful."
"Hey there!"
He immediately found the barre of a gun pointed at his nose. He'd easily snuck in, and right up the guy. He wasn't talkative though, so Mikey did it for him.
"I can imagine you have quite the grand scheme planned here. You're not the only one but I'm sure you know that. Or maybe all of them" he waved his finger around "are part of your little operation. I don't really care to be honest."
The man, clearly caught off guard enough by what he was to not immediately pull the trigger, just stared at him so he continued.
"So, I think we can help."
"We don't need any help, who the fuck are you?"
"Doesn't matter nearly as much as what I am. I'm not interested in any of this. Don't care about money, any of these guys, except one that we need just for a quick conversation. This was an opportunity for us to get what we want and I think that makes it important to us that you succeed, to keep us as much under the radar as possible."
"I have no idea who or what you are but I am not looking for help. We have planned this for over 6 months."
"Oh, good for you! We just got wind of this thing a couple of weeks ago."
The man cocked his gun, still pointed at his face.
"That is a very small gun for all this isn't it? Your people must be massively armed outside this room. You know, I know you want to pull the trigger to get rid of me, so go ahead and try."
"What, are you bullet proof?" His voice betrayed his unease.
"Maybe. Maybe not. Never know until you . . ."
It was only a split second, but Mikey eaily caught the slight tension in his finger and smoothly grabbed his arms to disarm him, flipped the gun around and holding it to his forehead.
"We are way better at this than any of you. We could easily take out your whole team and no one would even know what happened and you'd be left here high and dry. That wouldn't be very wise of you considering I doubt this little thing will work for very long."
He spin the gun on his finger and grabbed it by the barrel, handle toward the terrorist for the taking. He took it, desperately trying to quell his tremors.
"We are only interested in something else at this facility, but we need access through this room. You ignore us, and you'll get the benefit of us on the outside along with your own people, making sure no one is the wiser."
The man slowly nodded. The confrontation had been out of nowhere. His weapon had been taken and returned with an expert ease. His team on the outside hadn't intervened. There really wasn't a choice.
We're in guys. I don't know what their plan or reason is, but they will let us move around freely to figure it out.
"How did you…?"
"I lied Leo. I made up some shit about helping them and proved we aren't to be messed with. What else is there to do?''
"Mikey, you really need to consult the rest of us before you pull stunts like that."
"10-4 fearless."
The woman flinched in surprise, but not by much. "Who are you? What do you want?"
"Same as you, I think. When I saw you come in here I took the chance. I think we have a mutal interest in usurping this little unatuhorized get together."
"I'm tasked with making sure this goes smooth, and it's not. This is not a game, the most powerful people in the world are in there."
"What exactly are you suggesting?"
"Truce? None of us want this little swaray to go wrong."
"I have a job to do and I don't need help."
Mikey hummed. "Ok so the fact that I already went in there and got to know our guy, means nothing? In fact, he said the same thing. They don't need help either."
"I know. I saw."
"So Mr. Terrorist who thinks he can take all these super important wierdos hostage? He's cool with me, thinks I'm on his side. Means nothing to you?
"No, I mean…yes. But no. For all I know you're with them, even with that stunt you pulled."
Mikey thought about his approach for a moment. "So, Not even a little surprised to see a walking, talking, giant turtle? You're a tough nut to crack."
She looked over at him, taking in him in his entirety before returning to the scope in her rifle with no reaction. "I hadn't noticed."
Mikey narrowed his eyes at her, then smirked. "Wow, I dont know if should take that as a compliment or an insult. But sure. You didn't notice. Look, I've got a free ticket in and out of there which is what we need, but we can't handle this without some outside help."
"My team. Brothers. I'm the cute one by the way, and the funny one. There are three other teams here too. One is solo like you, the other with at least two. The one with four has to be in on this but they haven't moved yet."
For the first time she lowered her weapon and properly looked at him. "You're serious."
"As much as I can be, which isn't a lot."
"What do you want?"
"There something in that building that one of them has access to in the vault. Unrelated to any of this and I guarantee you woudn't care about it. We were gonna corner him at some point, away from the crowd, but this whole situation defintely puts a damper on our plan. What about you?"
She shrugged. "I don't ask questions other than 'how much'. I'm here to make sure this" she waved her hand in frustrtaion at the building "is successful."
"Well then it seems we really do have a common goal. We could care less about anything going on here, it was just convenient for us, but we don't particularly care for this kind of nonsense either so we'd be happy to help your cause. We're kinda good at this sort of thing."
"Ok. What do you need from me?"
He handed her a radio to tuck in her ear. "I need you to contact whatever police are around here, and help us coordinate getting them here unnoticed, and to stay out of the way until we can get these guys in a position where the good guys can pretend like they did all the work. As much as I think the world is missing out, it doesn't need to know we exist. You can take all the credit for yourself."
"Why me and not one of the others?"
He shrugged. "I dunno. You stood out. I like that."
She raised an eyebrow at him, but grinned. "Ok, I'll take this risk but I don't trust you. I'm Shadow. May I know the name of my mysterious suitor?"
"Michelangelo. Mikey for short. My brothers are Leo, Raphael and Donatello."
"I assume Leo is short for Leonardo?"
Mikey returned her grin. "I knew you were smart."
Mikey winced from the punch one of their foes landed and sat back against the wall. "Three down. You're pretty impressive. You know, for a human."
"And you're pretty cute. For a turtle."
"So, since we have a few minutes to get to know each other, who hired you?"
"Telling you would be a sure way to end up dead. Who hired you?"
"No one."
"That's suspicious as hell."
"Talk to my brothers about it. I'm just here."
"You just do what you're told?"
Mikey paused. "No. But I have no reason to question them about this particular gig. What about you?"
"Money speaks but I prefer the jobs that don't ask for assasination."
"Dark. You've got some nice moves by the way."
He caught a hint of a smile. "So do you."
"Don't I know it." He paused, listening. "Dude is suspicious, I'll be right back."
"Everything is in place. Just a few more minutes."
"Yup. We couldn't have done this without you. I hope we get to collab again."
"I wouldn't mind."
"I wouldn't mind a collab with just the two of us."
"Are you asking me out? During a terrorist kidnapping?"
"Would you say yes?"
"I might not say no."
Shadow stood behind the four of them, surprised they hadn't kicked her out to conduct their business in private. "You did all this, for that?"
Mikey turned his attention back to her and smiled. "Surprised?"
"A little, yeah. Or a lot, actually. Who are you guys?"
"We're just a family who doen't care for crimes against humanity." Don answered, handing Leonardo a package. "Usually we keep it local but we've been known to expand our scope when the situation calls for it."
"Thank you sir." Mikey turned to an older businessman, dressed in light blue suit that was wrinkled from 24 hours held in captivity. "You did the right thing."
He nodded. "I will keep your secret, if you keep your end of the bargain."
"Oh we will. Let's move out." Raphael barked.
Mikey paused. "I'll be right there." He turned to Shadow. "I, um, you can wrap all this up if you want. We can't leave until tomorrow so we'll be around for a bit."
"I think I can handle this. Thanks for the help."
He hesitated again. "I really liked spending time with you" he said. "I want to see you again."
"I think I'd like to get to know you a bit better too."
He handed her a small scrap of paper. "Call me. We could start tonight."
"Thanks for picking up an unknown number."
"I would talk to a 100 scammers if it meant a chance one of them were you."
"I am offering a discount on an extended car warranty, but I'll need some very personal information first."
Mikey reached for her, but stopped midway. "Sorry. My brain catches on a bit slow sometimes."
She hesitated in her response, something he expected and wasn't immediately worried about.
He reached for her again, nudging her chin to look at him. "Would it freak you out if I said I think I want to be more than friends."
She blinked a few times as she mullled it over. "That's bold of you."
"I trust my instincts, and I pay attention. You aren't exactly turned off by me."
"What else are your instincts telling you about me? You have no idea who I really am."
"They're telling me it doesn't matter because I already know what I need to. And to kiss you. Right now."
"Are they?" A humored smile slowly blossomed across her face. "Right now?"
"If you'll let me. If you want to."
She blushed a little, and he wasn't prepared for his own reaction. He had never felt anything so strongly so quicky. "You're amazing Shadow. I just want to . . . see . . ."
She raised herself onto her toes and reached behind his neck to pull him down, inches from her lips. "You can see me just fine."
"I sure as hell can."
The contact from the kiss was all but electrifying and it lasted a long time. When they finally pulled away from each other, Shadow whispered breathlessly, eyes locked on his. "This place is a hotel you know."
"Yeah, it is."
"Shall we?"
"I already have a room. I would like to formally invite you to it."
"I know."
Once they were in the room, nerves squashed by overwhelming desire, they stood face to face in front of the bed. He leaned in to kiss her again only to feel her hands on his shirt, tugging it upward and out of his belt so she could slide her hands underneath and over his plasteron.
He let out a soft sigh and stepped back. She pulled the black sweatshirt up and he finished the job, tossing it on the floor. He chuckled when she let out 'Oh, damn.' as she surveyed the mutant before her.
"I think you need to stay like this for now. This is a good look for you."
"Is it?" he grinned and went in for another kiss as he returned the favor by pulling down her pants. Stepping out of them and kicking them to the side, she pulled off her own shirt and went for his belt while he attached himself to her neck.
"Fuck" he whispered.
Shadow paused. "Have you, ever? Done this?"
"Been so incredibly and immediately attracted to someone that I won't need to show you where the keys are to the door? Can't say I have. The sex thing? More or less."
"What?" She grinned up at him in confusion before pulling back the waistband of his pants to peek inside to see his erection starting to buldge through his plasteron. "Oh. . . well then. Lucky me. I think that's a better look than this one." She hummed, looking back up at him, and slowly ran her fingers over his shoulders and forearms. "Barely though. You really are attractive, you know."
He pulled her against his chest. "I don't think I've ever been described that way but I think I like it. So much better than 'aaahhh a monster!'"
His light hearted comment seemed to elicit something in her. She purposefully reached up and took his head between her hands and met his eyes. "You are gorgeous. And you are kind and amazing in every way."
"Careful." His voice wavered and his expression turned into a mix of pain and joy."You're going to make me think I might actually be right about how hot and great I am."
As though she could see right into his soul, she pushed up and lighty kissed him. "You are right. And I think I've seen what I need to see too."
Mikey shuddered when her fingertips trailed back down his neck. His equally gently trail of fingertips led him up her side and over the top of her right breast, then up along her neck. She saved him the trouble of unhooking her bra and it was quickly discarded to the side. He grinned at her, then laughed at her squeak of surprise when he slid his hands under her thighs and picked her up. He lifted her high enough that he was face to face with her chest and took a nipple into his mouth.
"Not wasting any time are you?" she gasped.
He enjoyed himself for another minute before pulling away with a faint pop to rest his chin between her breasts and look up at her.
"No" he beamed up at her. "But I'm a long term kind of guy. This is just that first time baby. I want a taste of you now, hard and fast and delicious, but in a couple hours I am going to get to know you a whole lot more intimately. Slowly."
She hummed eagerly, squeezing her fingernails into his bicep. "I like the sound of that."
"We have all the time in the world, Shadow."
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