#and then I'll wake up tomorrow and not have a migraine for the first time in a week
jorvikzelda · 4 months
comes out of the migraine haze and immediately downs 2 bowls of noodles
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moonydustx · 5 months
warnings: mention of pain/migraines (period-related), mention of wanting to have children (but no mention of pregnancy). Law is a great boyfriend and doctor, as always. Completely self-indulgent since I've been feeling sick for the last week and had to hear the doctor laugh about it. Okay, I think that's enough for here.
You hated these days. You hated having a uterus and having to deal with all the problems it brought. You also hated the idea of ​​wanting to have children - perhaps in a hypothetical and distant future - and this prevented you from getting rid of the organ.
You wanted to feel like other women, some cramps, mood swings and that was fine, but every month a few days before your period it was the same pain that went through your head. If it was your uterus that hurt, you would just ask him to remove the organ for a few days, but what do you do when it was your brain?
Feeling the first pangs, you immediately dropped your task, Law would understand the case. You took the small card out of your pocket and left it hanging next to the groceries you organized. It was an easy way to communicate on bad days, since talking out loud hurt enough that you chose not to speak.
Walking at a leisurely pace, the images around you became colorful blurs and even with just a few minutes between the start of the pain and the current moment, you already felt your head throbbing. Opening the room shared with Law, you felt around the dresser and found the pills, swallowing them without water. Afterwards, your body found comfort in the darkness of the room in the sheets that even covered your head.
I took the day off. Tomorrow, I'll be back.
Law tapped his fingers over the card. He always kept a calendar to keep track of these days and the card you had drawn by hand was just a trace of the little agreement between the two of you for when the day was bad with the problem he hadn't yet found the perfect remedy for.
Passing through the kitchen and his living room, Law picked up what little was capable of improving his situation. The closed door and the silence and darkness of the room indicated that it was another one of the crises.
"My heart?" the cute nickname used on rare occasions reached your ears in a whisper. You knew that Law was too rational for that kind of name, calling you that showed how much he loved you - and in that situation how worried he was. Law struggled to close the door without any noise. You knew he was next to you when you felt the bed dip. "How are we with the pain?"
"I took my pills, but it still hurts." your low, broken voice hurt him more than you could notice. It was frustrating for Law to be a doctor but still not have found the ideal solution.
"Babe did you eat?" your mumble in denial was the answer he already suspected. "Okay. Let's at least have some water, okay?"
He supported you to sit down and, still being held by him, drink the glass full of water that he had brought.
"Good job." he whispered, laying you down again and using the sheets to cover you once more. "I left here some more water and a den den mushi, straight to my room. If you need it, just call and I'll be back here."
"Thank you my love." The words left your lips when Law placed a small kiss on your shoulder.
As much as he wanted to stay there and hold you, wait for you to get better, he knew that taking time for you to be still and silent was the best option or at least the one you chose. He also knew that when you wanted, you would definitely seek his help.
The hours of that afternoon dragged on for Law, while for you they passed a little faster. Although it didn't completely help with the pain, the medicine gave you equivalent sleep for the whole day. Waking up a few hours later, the first thing you reached for was the other water your boyfriend had left there. Emptying the glass in a matter of seconds, you stopped to understand how you felt. Some of the pain had eased and you could see clearly now.
Feeling for the door, you soon found the handle and opened it little by little, letting the light invade the place. Blinking a few times to adapt to the light, you went to where you imagined finding your boyfriend. Sitting at the table, stacks of paper stacked in front of him and an apparently hot cup placed in front of Law, focused on whatever the task was.
"Come in." he answered the two knocks on the door you gave. When he raised his face and came across your figure, his face immediately softened. "Hi babe. How are you feeling?"
"A little better." the firmness in your words reassured him. "Can I stay with you for a while?"
"No need to ask." he dragged the chair back. "Just turn off the light and get cozy." he opened his arms.
Following his brief orders, it only took a few seconds for you to be cuddling up to Law, letting your face hang under the back of his head.
"I won't disturb you if I stay here?" you looked up a little, watching him adjust the small reading lamp on the table.
"Never. I'm glad you came, so I can at least take care of you a little." he spoke still in the same low tone he had used previously. "Unless you want to go to our room."
"Do you mind if I sleep here a little longer?"
"It's okay my heart. Just let me know when you need something, okay?" His hand remained on your back, making a light caress. "Love?"
"I'm sorry I haven't found the solution yet." Law's regretful tone almost revealed that all the papers on his desk were about possible treatments, possible surgeries, possible solutions to a small problem that managed to leave you like that, hurt and vulnerable.
"No problem. " you placed a quick kiss on his cheek. It was frustrating and brought tears to your eyes knowing that even if tomorrow or the next day you woke up well, in a few weeks you would be visited by that torment again. "I love you for at least trying."
"Please, don't cry." as if he could read your mind, Law asked immediately, pulling your face to look at his and finding your eyes on the verge of tears. "First, it's going to make it hurt even more and second, I promise I'll find something."
"No, I'm not going to put your brain in a jar of formaldehyde." Even with the entire dark environment and being physically impossible, Law could have sworn that the light laugh that escaped your lips lit up the entire room. "Just rest, my love. Tomorrow, if you wake up better, we can go up to the surface, get some sun and think about more solutions together, okay?"
"Or can we just eat chocolate and read together?"
"Whatever you want. Now rest, my heart, you deserve it."
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zenphiaaa · 8 months
Cut You Off (Kunikida Doppo)
MathTeacher!Kunikida x TeacherAssistant!Gen!Reader
<> You had to do a few months of supervised teaching in order to complete your degree
<> You got assigned to be Kunikida's teacher assistant
<> While Kunikida wasn't your first pick to assist, you didn't want to say that you were stuck with the man
<> He was nice and treated you well, you just wished that you would stop gaining crushes on people who were nice to you
<> It really didn't help your poor heart when Kunikida would press his hand against your back or touch your arm to get your attention
<> You really hoped that he wouldn't notice your red checks whenever he let out a rare laugh or your flustered state when he would hand your mug to you and your fingers would touch
"Are you alright?" Kunikida questioned as he watched you groan in pain and rub your temples in circles.
"Bad migraine. I think Dazai screaming Taylor Swift lyrics at the top of his lungs affected me more than I thought. And not in a good way." You slightly joked as you pressed your cold cup to your head as a means of relief.
"You take some medicine?" Kunikida calmly asked as he eyes carefully scanned your figure. While your checks were flushed and sweat started to collect around your forehead, the male had a feelin it was more than a migraine.
You hummed a quoet no as you closed your eyes, "Didn't have time before school and we ran out in the nurses office. Yanso said we'll be getting some tomorrow but I'm sure I'll be fine after getting some sleep." You shrugged off the man's concerns.
Kunikida hummed as he moved to his desk, "I keep some pain killers in my drawer. Dazai's antics always gives me headaches." He rolls his eyes as he pulls open said drawer and plucks a bottle of pain killers from their place. He wordlessly hands them to you as he moves to get you some fresh water.
"Thanks." You choke out as you finally swallowed down the ills, drinking the tap water the blonde male gave you.
"Here." Kunikida gently moves you off of the chair and onto the break rooms couch. "Go take a nap for the rest of your lunch. You'll feel a bit better when you wake up. I'll wake you before the bell rings." You mumbled out an 'okay' before allowing yourself to relax and shove your head in between the pillows of the couch.
After a few minutes your breathing had finally evened out which made Kunikida sigh in relief. He didn't like seeing you in pain. He quietly pulled a throwaway blanket on top of you and placed a water bottle on the table near you.
"I wish you'd let me take care of you." He whispered into the quietness. Carefully brushing your cheek with his index finger. Smiling softly at your peaceful expression, Kunikida finally moved away and sat on a chair opposite of you. He would watch after you to make sure no one tried anything.
It was finally the end of the day, letting out a big sigh you place another box on your desk as you try and organize the textbooks. Getting out the books for the new semester was heavier than you realized. Why the heck were textbooks so thick?
"Thought you would be heading home sooner rather than later." A voice snapped you out of your thoughts. Your eyes met Kunikida's who was currently frowning at you.
"Figured I would give myself a half day tomorrow." You replied with a ghost of a smile. "This way I won't have to stay behind and help Ranpo, cause I'm doing everything today." You explained as you finally got done sorting everything.
"I see." Was all Kunikida muttered as he took in your tired eyes and wobbly smile. "The nap helped then?"
You ducked your head, "It did for a bit but then Dazai started with his flirting antics again. At least I can function with this headache." Before Kunikida could scold you for working while not feeling good you finally found the courage to lift your head up. "Um! Are you busy tomorrow then? Since it's the weekend would you want to go to a cafe with me? I want to treat you for eariler."
You could feel your heart wanting to claw its way out of your chest as you despretely tried to search for something on the man's face. You could almost never tell what he was thinking. It was why he always won the the faulty poker games.
Kunikida smiled, "Sure, I'll meet you by the stop at noon then. But you don't need to bring your wallet. I wouldn't let you pay for our date." The male hummed before leaving you to your own devices.
You stood in the middle of the floor with silent panic....did that really just happen to you?
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quandaryqueen · 2 years
Masters of Fear Crane and a dropout reader who needs help studying to get back into school and maybe has a little crush but we have to focus rn no time for all that please
Study Date
Masters of Fear Jonathan Crane X Reader
Jonathan battling his feelings? Mmm that's the shit.
🧡 Above all else, he is fucking understanding of your circumstances. School in difficult enough with the some of the teachers being unsupporting, neglecting, power-tripping, minor mistakes-policing, close-minded individuals who discourage students from chasing their dreams. Add in the students themselves who are the absolute best at bringing out the worst of you, but with teachers doing nothing to stop it, those said students continue to persist at pestering you. Then there were your domestic circumstances of course. Jonathan is not that all good with showing his emotions, but he hopes you know that he is not judging you for dropping out and he is understanding of your reasons.
🧡 Since you're showing interest in returning to school, he highly encouraged you, but with you asking him to help you? Well that he can do... Um... In your house? Just the two of you? Alone? In your room? Ahem. Uh... Right, right... He can do that, sure...
"Right... First year, first sem, these are the subjects and here are my notes." Jonathan handed you his old notebooks, the back of each notebooks torn off lest you should see your name written all over it. Not only that, he had hunted for your name written on the margins of the pages and scribbled it out.
"Got it... Thanks for the help again. You really have no idea how much this means to me." Gratitude was visible in your smile, as you reach for the notebooks, fingers brushing with his from the exchange. "I just don't know who else to turn to, to be honest..."
"I-I'm here for you..." He clumsily squeaks out.
"Yeah and I'm so so thankful you are. How can I ever repay you?"
Jonathan swallows thickly. He isn't dreaming, is he? Will he be waking up soon? Oh gosh, he was reading way too much erotica—
"No no, don't worry about it," his voice cracks.
🧡 He is patient, he will explain to you concepts of certain topics in class on repeat if it means seeing you in the university halls again, take his seat next to you during classes, eat lunch with you, suffer through activity due dates, ride out migraines, vibrate from caffeine overload, writing thesis all that bunch! And he will continually insist that you are no bother to him, just as you reassured him that his presence was not a bother at all.
🧡 Everything about you just had to be cute in his eyes and it's pissing him off. How can someone like you exist? Is that even allowed? From your subtle little quirks, the way you look so focused on your task, the way you look at him while nodding attentively as he teaches you, the way you smile in triumph when you achieve something, the way your face twists when you're bothered— AGH!
nonono, focus man.
Jonathan had to remind himself with a squint of an eye.
Friends. You're just friends.
🧡 After packing up for the day, you grinned at him.
"You know, I meant it when I asked you how can I repay you."
"And I say you don't have to,"
"Well I want to." You pouted. "Tell you what, tomorrow we can go to the diner nearby. My treat."
"Oh no no Y/N—"
"Come on! Just this once," Jonathan reddened when you took his hand between yours, his eyes broken off from your pleading gaze. "Please?"
"A-alright." It didn't take long for Jonathan to agree, how can he say no to you of all people?
"Great! I'll see you tomorrow then!"
The brunet nodded absentmindedly to himself, processing whether this exchange was a platonic offer or not. Either way... Oh he is living his dream.
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keplercryptids · 1 year
oh I've recently realized a fun thing about my botox treatment for migraine. I've known since the first dose that i almost never wake up with a migraine anymore, which is wild bc i used to wake up in pain most days of my life. usually the pain would fade by the time i got out of bed, drank water etc etc but yeah, the initial twinge of waking-up pain isn't there anymore. anyway, what I realized recently is that now, if i go to sleep with a migraine, i don't wake up with one! you gotta understand that for 20 years, any time i fell asleep with a migraine i would wake up with a worse one. which is often how i would have an unending migraine for weeks on end. anyway! it happened twice, where i fell asleep with a migraine thinking "blah I'll deal with this tomorrow" and then woke up and didn't have to deal with it! as usual botox i am kissing you with tongue (even if you didn't really work in march/april).
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doctorguilty · 8 months
Neverrrrmind I'm not going to the store today because I thought I was just planning this with my grandma for the last 3 days which day we were going, but then my grandpa wakes me up like hey are you getting up and going with us and I'm like huh?? And he's like yeah we're gonna take you to the market and then I'm also going to xyz places and then doing dinner gonna make a day outing, and I'm like n..no, no I don't want to do all that and be out for hours, I just wanna go to the store and go home I'm about to buy bulk frozen groceries..... and I haven't had a lot of energy because of migraine flare ups, and he's like "when are you seeing the doctor about that" and I'm like I don't KNOW I'm on a waiting list I keep telling you this, "well how long are you on the waiting list" if I knew then it wouldn't be a waiting list jdkkdfkksdkf I'm on medicaid that's how long it's gonna be :| this is exactly why I hate mentioning anything b/c it always starts being a whole ama session I don't wanna do, I'm like, the barometric pressure plummeted recently and before that it was really loud. Idk. I also just wants mentally prepared to Make A Day Of It its not like it's extremely far away it's like 20 mins tops? I get to leave the house once weekly to biweekly and half those times out are healthcare appointments. The other are groceries. This is all I get to do this is my life, can I just have a day of going to the store a little further out than usual to get my special stuff for the party I'll get to see my friends at for the first time since December 9th because they're far and have jobs and I'm all alone in isolation day in and day out,, and like just be worth the trip and not like, well be better do every errand possible in the area and sit down for dinner like c'mon!!! They take my sister all over the place all the time!! I planned this since last week!
W/e it's not like a Huge deal and my grandma said it's okay she can take me tomorrow, but it's just like one of the many small things that piles up on the mountain of reinforcements of my worthlessness. Just let me have one day out of weeks and weeks without where its about what makes me happy and that's like a good enough reason to go somewhere. I ask for SO little, the bare minimum to like sustain myself . My life just.
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skinnyysweets · 8 months
first day back to work after 1 week holiday
the plan was to wake up at 7, go to the gym, shower, eat and then work at 10.30
i ended up with a migraine (how surprising) and woke up at 1, 3, 5, and 6.55. that last time, i woke up without headache, turned around, and said 'time to finally sleep' and then my alarm went off. fuck that, i put an alarm at 9 and went back to sleep. it's now 8.45, woke up 15 mins ago.
so, even though i'm not going to the gym, i'll 100% get my 10k steps in today, since i have a 9.5hr shift, and i'll go to the gym tomorrow
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cheolism · 1 year
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✧ secrets kept from roommates
✧ roommate!pervert! kim mingyu x f!roommate!pervert! reader ✧ summary: you are hiding a secret from mingyu. little do you know that he's hiding one from you too. ✧ wx is approx 6.5k ✧ warnings/tags: MDNI. both reader and gyu are perverts in this; don't like, don't read! dom!gyu, top!gyu, bottom!reader, sub!reader, bratty reader (ish). humiliation, degradation (calling each other pervert, etc), pet names (baby girl, princess, baby, etc.). oral, fingering, unprotected sex, orgasm denial, overstim. rough sex, crying during sex. roommates to lovers (presumably), jealousy, panty-sniffing, masturbating in someone else's bed. you can fit in his hoodie, bickering, gyu is a simp, dirty talk, gyu loves pussy. and the kinkiest one of them all: pining!!! there's a lot going on here, so i may have missed out on something!! ✧ author's note: yeah. enjoy!!! this is outright perversion. if you don't like it, don't interact and keep scrolling
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You weren't a logical person. First and foremost, reason had always eluded you. You would forget about just having taken a pan off of the burner and go to pick it up, burning your hands and causing your roommate to banish you from the kitchen. You would wait to take showers until the morning, despite your hatred for waking up earlier than necessary, followed by you wasting the time you set aside in the morning for showering by watching videos on your phone and scrolling through your feed.
Yes; logic and reason sometimes escaped you completely.
Which was why when Mingyu returned from a date, grinning broadly and in a good mood, you resigned yourself to a fate of watching your roommate and crush swoon into the arms of another. You called your boss, saying you wouldn't be able to come into work the next day, plan mapped out in your head.
The next morning you bid Mingyu goodbye from your bedroom, quoting your "sickness" for your reason as to why you were staying behind.
Mingyu frowned, moving towards you. He pressed the back of his hand to your forehead, his other large hand rising to cup your cheek. "You feel okay to me. What is it? Stomach ache, migraine? Do you feel like you need to puke? Should I go to the store and get constipation medicine? I think I'll call in, you need someone to take care of you --"
"I don't!" You snapped, reaching up and grabbing his wrist, dragging the hand that was pressed against your forehead. You wrapped his large hand between yours, squeezing. "Don't worry, Mingyu. I'm fine, I swear. Just need a day of rest and I'll be back at it tomorrow. Promise."
He furrowed his brows, unconvinced. Mingyu moved the hand that was cupping your cheek, using it instead to brush back a few strands of hair that were framing your face. "I'm not sure. If you really don't feel good then I should stay and help."
"Don't," you returned gently, rubbing your thumb against his wrist. "I'll be okay."
"You know my office number?" He asked, fingers brushing against the shell of your ear. "In case I can't answer my mobile?"
"Yes, I've got it on my phone."
"Okay, good. If you need me and can't reach me, call the office phone. Tell them you want Kim Mingyu in Sales, yeah?"
You sighed, rolling your eyes. You tried to appear disinterested, tried to put on an act for him. In reality your heart was fluttering with every shift of his hand against you, his concern making you soft and endeared. It was proof that even if his heart was in the hands of another, he still felt something for you, even if it was just as a roommate and good friend.
You followed him to the door of your apartment, hands stuffed in the pocket of your hoodie. "I'll be okay, Mingyu."
"There's leftovers from last night in the fridge," he said, pausing at the entrance. "But the beef might be too heavy for your stomach right now. Maybe I should call in for an hour and make you some soup --"
You laughed, pushing at him. It didn't do much other than make him stumble back. "Go! I'm grown, Mingyu. I can take care of myself. This isn't the first time I've been sick while alone."
He frowned again. He was too beautiful to be frowning, you thought. It didn't suit him. "I know, but you shouldn't have to be, shouldn't have to take care of yourself."
You shrugged, pulling the door open for him. "Maybe get me a cute and rich boyfriend from that office of yours and I won't have to be."
"I --" He broke off, brows furrowed. Then he sighed. "Fine. When I get home tonight I'll make something extra good, okay? But if you're worse then I'll take tomorrow off."
"I won't be worse," you returned. "You're worrying over nothing."
"Maybe," Mingyu said. Then he reached out, arms wrapping around you and bringing you into a hug. He was warm, his body wrapping around you and pressing you close. Your nose was tucked into his chest, and you could feel his body beneath his shirt, could smell his cologne and natural scent. "Like I said. If you get worse before I get home --"
"Goodbye," you laughed, pulling back. Immediately your body was missing his warmth, wanting to sink back into his embrace. Instead you gently prodded him towards the door, waving goodbye as he walked down the hall.
As soon as he left you bolted for the bathroom. You reached into the dirty hamper and, reasoning that this would be the last time you did this and you were only doing it as a way to deal with the knowledge of the impending death of your romance with Kim Mingyu despite it never actually existing, pulled out his sleep shirt from last night. Today was Thursday, which meant tonight when he got home from work Mingyu would go around collecting all the dirty laundry to do, including yours; it also meant that he had slept in this shirt for the past two nights, making his scent especially noticeable.
You pulled it up to your nose, pressing your face against the collar. Taking a deep breath, you breathed him in, his natural scent filling your senses.
Then you pulled off your hoodie, tugging on his shirt. You left your hoodie in the bathroom; you'd just change into it before he got off work at five.
You returned to your room momentarily to grab your phone and switch. Then, with your heart in your throat and excitement buzzing in your veins, you pushed open the door to his bedroom.
His bed was neatly made, black comforter perfectly matching his pillow case. Mingyu always made his bed in the mornings, and you felt a little bad as you pulled back the comforter and slid in, ruining his work.
But then you caught a whiff of him, his cologne that still lingered in the air from him spraying some before he left for work, and all shame and guilt fled from your body.
You spent a moment with your face pressed into his pillow, breathing him in. You loved these moments, when you could just pretend you were wrapped in him, when you could pretend you weren't stealing moments like some crazy roommate, when you could pretend you were his and he was yours, and you were welcome to press your face into his pillows.
Your hand traveled down to your stomach, fingers pressed against the waistband of your sleep pants. For a fleeting second you entertained the thought of pushing your hand into your panties, pressing your thumb against your clit and toying with it like you had so many times before while in the comfort of Mingyu's bed.
But then you remembered the stage you had left your game at last night, and thought otherwise.
And so your day was spent accordingly:
9 AM: playing on your switch after setting an alarm for 5 PM, when Mingyu got off work
10 AM: taking a quick break for the restroom, snacks and water
11 AM: switching from your game to another; texting Mingyu and telling him you were, in fact, okay and hadn't passed out
12 PM: pulling yourself from Mingyu's bed to wander into the kitchen and grab leftovers, taking and sending a picture to Mingyu to reassure him that yes, you were eating something
1 PM: putting on a documentary to listen to while playing on your phone, falling asleep ten minutes in
2 PM: still sleeping
3 PM: waking up to the sound of the apartment door opening --
Waking up to the sound of the apartment door opening.
You were going to puke.
The apartment door was closed with a thud, your roommate's voice calling out. "Y/n! I took a half day so I could come home and help you! I just wanted to check and make sure you were all right before I went to the store to get some stuff to make supper."
You threw off his covers in a rush, feet hitting the carpet. You had left your hoodie in the bathroom, and you had an array of snacks and your switch on his bed. No matter how hard you raked through your brain for a solution, a way to get out of this, a way to lie to Mingyu and say no, you weren't sleeping in his bed, you came up empty.
You could blame it on your sickness, you reasoned badly. Could say you had missed him and you were feeling especially bad, and that in your desperation you ran to find comfort in his bed. And when he would ask if you ever slept or laid in his bed before you would, reasonably, lie and say you hadn't.
But if you did say that you were feeling worse, Mingyu would take tomorrow off. He'd decide to take care of you instead of working, and would say that your health was more important than a day of work.
And the guilt you'd feel would be immense.
"Hey!" He called, his voice loud and nearing the hall. "I'm gonna go ahead and throw some laundry in. Do you want me to clean any specific comfy clothes for you?"
You bit down at your lip.
Ah, well: it was your recklessness that got you in this mess. It would just have to be your recklessness that got you out of it.
And so you went to the door of his bedroom, slowly turning it and meeting the startled eyes of one Kim Mingyu, bent over the laundry hamper, a piece of fabric raised to his nose.
Your eyes zeroed in on the fabric, and for a moment your brain went blank as you tried to recognize why it was so familiar. But then realization soaked in, and you let out a loud, sharp gasp.
"Are you fucking smelling my underwear?"
Mingyu let out a gasp of his own, straightening. He didn't drop your underwear, however, still holding it. "Are you wearing my clothes? Wait -- why are you in my room?"
"No," you said, shaking your head. You stepped out of his room, crossing your arms over your chest, bunching up his shirt. "No. I refuse to let you turn this on me when what you were doing was infinitely weirder. Were you smelling my underwear, Mingyu?"
He winced, raising the hand that was holding the underwear to scratch at his neck. As soon as he did so he realized he was still holding your underwear and, a horrified look overtaking his face, dropped it.
"I -- " He glanced at you before fixing his gaze at your chest. "That is my shirt, isn't it?"
You snapped your fingers at him. "Gyu. That's not what's important right now."
"I feel like it is a little important."
"I mean, not in comparison to you sniffing my fucking panties!" You narrowed your eyes at him. "Is that why you insist on doing the laundry? To smell my dirty fucking underwear like some pervert?"
His mouth dropped, eyes wide. Mingyu scoffed, crossing his own arms over his chest. You valiantly tried to ignore how this action made his forearms, the sleeves of which he had rolled up, bulge, veins thick and running so beautifully down his arms. "I do the laundry because I like it, I'll have you know."
"The first sign I should've paid attention to," you retorted, "no one likes doing the laundry."
"You're ridiculous," Mingyu returned. "And what explanation do you have for wearing my shirt -- my dirty shirt -- and being in my room?"
"I'll have you know that I was feeling ill and in need of comfort," you said, sticking your nose up at him. Mingyu raised his eyebrows. "And I went to take a nap in your room."
"In my shirt."
"Yes," you sighed, rolling your eyes. "In your shirt. You caught me! Your friend of four years was in need of comfort while sick and thought wearing your shirt and sleeping in your bed will help."
Mingyu hummed. Then he was walking closer, leaving your dirty underwear behind. "And that's all you did? Just slept in my bed?"
"Yes," you lied, moving to block his entrance into his bedroom. Mingyu glanced down at you, before he simply just leaned against the frame. Due to his tall height he was able to look past you, and with the new angle, was able to look right onto the bed. "Wait --"
"Is that your switch? And snacks?"
You huffed, pushing at his thick chest. Mingyu hardly budged. "That's not the problem at hand, Kim Mingyu. It's you sniffing my underwear --"
"You went and put on my shirt and played video games in my bed," he said, his eyes glinting dangerously. You started to feel the conversation slipping from your fingers. "Because what? You wanted comfort? I bet you're not even sick, Y/n."
You gasped, sputtering. He raised his brows at you, and you felt heat rush to your face. "I -- I mean -- I am! I'm really sick and that's really insensitive of you to try and say otherwise. I'm appalled."
Mingyu smirked down at you, and that's when you knew the trap he had set for you had sprung. You had fallen into his hands. "You called into work just to spend the day laying in my bed. I think this is something we need to talk about. Here: I'll explain why I was smelling your underwear if you explain why you were in my bed."
"You know what?" You pushed at him again, trying to edge past his large, towering frame. "I'll do you a solid and forget about the panties incident. You just pretend this didn't happen and I'll pretend too. We'll just pretend today didn't happen."
"I don't think so," Mingyu began.
But then you broke out into a sprint.
He made a startled noise behind you, and you heard his rapid footsteps behind you as Mingyu launched into the chase. A loud squeal left you as you felt his hand brush against your shirt, but then you were sharply turning into your bedroom.
Mingyu shoved his form against the door as you went to close it, making you stumble back. You squealed again, heart hammering. He reached for you again, and you let out a muffled scream as Mingyu tackled you back onto your bed.
"Why were you in my room, Y/n?" He sang, squirming so he was pressing you down. He was holding your shoulders against the bed, knees on either side of your legs from where they hung over the edge of the bed. "Come on, tell the truth, sweetheart. Why were you in my bed? Hm? Why do you find comfort in me, darling?"
You huffed, pouting out your lips. "Not saying anything. Can't make me."
"Yeah?" He laughed, dark eyes sparkling. His bangs fell into his face, obscuring your view a little. "Tell me why you were laying in my bed with my shirt and I'll say why I was smelling your underwear like a pervert."
"I want my lawyer."
"Good luck finding one," he laughed. "You were caught red-handed, babe. Just admit it. Why were you all comfy in my bed? Why did you pick out the shirt I had slept in for the past two nights instead of a clean one from my closet? Is it -- gasp --" you rolled your eyes at his "gasp", which was really just him saying the word, "is it because you're a dirty pervert?"
Your mouth fell open, eyes wide. "I am not --"
He laughed again. You squirmed against him, but he tightened his hold against your shoulders. Mingyu shifted, moving so one of his knees was pressed against your thigh on top of the bed. He had you surrounded, had you trapped between his body and the bed. "You're just as much of a dirty pervert as I am. I bet you were touching yourself in my bed, too."
"What the fuck --"
It took you a moment to realize his mouth was on yours.
Your entire body froze. Your brain decided to go on break, decided to tap out. Every single neuron and electron decided to check out, your blood going still.
He pulled away slightly, sighing. Then Mingyu was pressing a small, short kiss to your lower lip.
All systems kicked back online. You gasped, loudly. Then, perhaps far too eagerly for someone trying to proclaim their innocence, you craned your neck, desperate to capture his lips.
The kiss was, in your opinion, the kiss to end all kisses. It was the Mount Everest of kisses, the Venice of all kisses; after kissing Mingyu you would be ruined for all other people, would be left unsatisfied for the rest of your life unless you were kissing Kim Mingyu.
He was warm, surrounding you, his mouth devouring. Mingyu claimed your mouth for his own, releasing his hold on you to run his hand through your hair, cupping your head and tilting it, furthering his exploration of your mouth. His tongue slid against your lips before entering, sliding against your own and further ruining you for all other people.
Mingyu parted from your mouth with a slick noise that, shamefully, sent a flood of warmth through you, all the way from your head to your cunt to your toes. His body pressed against you didn't help either, so large and impressive against you.
"I'll tell you a secret," he murmured, eyes flickering between your mouth and lips. "I've been smelling your dirty fucking panties for the past two years."
You gasped, and he was kissing you again.
His bit down on your lower lip, then sliding his tongue against it to soothe the bite. Mingyu moved his mouth against yours like the ocean lapped at the beach, ever-moving and smooth, pushing and pulling, leaving you breathless and wanting.
Mingyu pulled away, the hand cupping your face sliding. He cupped your chin with his large hand, thumb pressing against the corner of your mouth. "Been fucking want to kiss you for years. You don't know how long I've been dreaming of this moment, how long I've been wanting to press you against your bed and fuck you senseless."
Your eyes widened, a soft little noise escaping. Your hands went to his body, gripping his shirt, pulling. "Mingyu -- but you've -- you just went on a date last night."
He huffed, pressing a kiss to your lips. Then his mouth began to travel, using his grip on your chin to keep your head tilted, allowing him access to your neck. "That's what I told you."
"You lied?!"
Mingyu pressed a sweet, lingering kiss to your throat. He hummed, nosing against your jaw. "Forgive me, won't you?"
"I thought --" You groaned, hands twisting into the fabric of his shirt. "I thought you had met this gorgeous babe who fucking swept you off your feet!"
Mingyu pulled away, tilting his head. He looked adorable, despite the red of his lips from kissing you. "You were jealous? Is that why you took the day off?"
"No --"
"You were," he accused, grinning wide enough to show off his canines. "You were jealous. You were so jealous you took the day off work so you could lounge around in my shirt and bed and mope."
You huffed, rolling your eyes. "Okay, Panty Sniffer."
Mingyu giggled, leaning back down to press a kiss to your mouth. "You didn't ask, by the way."
Distracted by his mouth and wanting more, you halfheartedly answered with a soft "what".
"Ask me," he demanded, not letting his mouth meet yours. Mingyu skimmed his lips back down your throat, nose nuzzling against you. "Ask me why I smell your panties, lovely."
You groaned, giving up on kissing him. Mingyu pressed a kiss to the base of your throat. "Why were you smelling my dirty underwear, Gyu?"
He grinned against your skin. "Because I love the smell of your cunt, baby. Love the way it lingers on your panties, love imagining pressing my face against your perfect pussy, feeling your heat, tasting your sweetness. Do you know what I do after I smell your panties?"
You let out an inquisitive noise, your mind no longer on the conversation. You heard what he was saying, and so did your cunt, but your mind was focused on his hand as it dragged alongside you, the weight of it seemingly like a heavy brand as he toyed with the hem of your shirt, hiking it up.
"I'll take them." Your eyes widened, a little noise escaping you. "I only take one at a time; shouldn't be too cocky, yeah? I'll take it back to my room and press my face to it, press my face to your dirty panties and breathe you in while I fuck my hand."
"You --" Your voice broke as his hand slid beneath your shirt, groping at your hip. "You -- you pervert --"
Mingyu laughed. He shifted, sliding his hand further up your torso while his mouth returned to your lips. "You're a pervert too, sweetheart. Come on. Tell me. Tell me about what you do in my bed."
You groaned as his mouth slid against yours, eyes fluttering. When he pulled away, unsatisfied with your lack of a response, you frowned up at him. You wanted to kiss him, damn it. "I won't. You can't make me say anything, Gyu."
Mingyu giggled, sliding his hand up and up and up, until he was grabbing at your breast. You let out a loud gasp, arching up into his touch. "You think so, baby? Think I can't make you talk?"
A whine left you as he pawed at your tit, thumb rubbing over your pebbled nipple. It was like something out of your imagination, the feel of his warm body against yours, his heavy hand on your tit. "Can't. You can't make me say anything, Kim Mingyu."
Mingyu growled low against your mouth, and then he pulled away. You whined loudly, reaching. He ignored you, hands going down to the waistband of your pants and pulling them, revealing your bare thighs and underwear.
"There it is," he murmured, a smirk of a grin that made your stomach twist and cunt clench spreading over his lips. "My favorite pair. Besides your cute little set with the cherries, of course."
Your mind goes into a whirl at the thought of him recognizing your underwear, but then his hand is pressing to your cunt. You mew, arching. He presses his fingers against your cunt through your panties, rubbing and sliding, twisting his fingers to press his thumb down against your clit.
"Gyu," you whine, brows furrowing. "Gyu, fuck --"
"What do you do in my bed, baby?" He hummed, thumb softly dragging along your clit. A tingling sensation travels through your legs as his ministrations, legs squeezing around his torso. "Bet I can picture it. Should I tell you what I think you do?"
His fingers pressed into your cunt, forcing the fabric inside of your hole. You can't help but moan, bucking up into him. Mingyu moved his mouth to your throat and then he was sucking your skin again, teeth playing with you, and you swear you can feel his canines when they brush against you.
"Per --" You gasp as his finger dips into you. "You fucking -- you --"
"Dirty mouth you've got," Mingyu murmurs, voice deep. He begins to focus on your clit once more, thumb picking up its pace as it ruts against you through the fabric of your panties. "Dirty fucking mouth for a dirty girl, yeah? Fucking yourself in my bed, cumming on my sheets. I bet you fuck yourself in my bed, fucking your little fingers into your cunt. So desperate to feel something inside you but coming up empty because they're not my fingers."
You whine at him, hands moving along his body. Your fingers go to the buttons of his shirt. You messily try to undo his shirt, though your actions are clumsy from your desperation.
Mingyu slides his hand to your clit, and then he's bunching up the fabric as he rubs two of his fingers against your bundle of nerves. You groan, voice heavy in your throat and eyes rolling as he steadily works at you.
"Look so beautiful like this, baby girl. Bet you look beautiful fucking yourself in my bed, too. So hungry for my cock in your precious little pussy. Do you cry, baby? Do you cry, wanting my cock? I bet you fucking do. Bet you press your pretty little face to my sheets and sob for me and my cock."
You can't handle him, you realize. His mouth constantly runs, a slew of filth spilling from it; his hand works steadily at your cunt, your orgasm slowly beginning to rise inside of you. And -- horribly -- he looks so beautiful while he does it. His black curls falling in his face, the glint of his teeth as he smirks down at you. He's so beautiful and gorgeous, and he's intent on destroying you.
"Gonna --" You gasp, his fingers pinching at your clit clumsily through the fabric of your underwear. "Gonna cum, Gyu --"
And then he's pulling his hand away, refusing your orgasm. You let out a cry, hands fisting in his shirt, heart pounding in your ears and chest heaving from the exertion. "Mingyu!"
"I said what I said, princess," he sits on your thighs, large fingers going to the buttons of his shirt and undoing them. "You're not cumming until you talk."
Mingyu throws his work shirt to the ground, and just as quickly he's pulling out his undershirt from his pants and throwing that off, too. You can't help but stare at his sculpted chest.
Mingyu laughs, and then he's got his hands on your hips. He snaps the band of your underwear against your skin, making you cry out, and then Mingyu pulls at your panties, forcing them down your legs. Once they're off, he puts his hands back on you, running over your thighs and dipping into your cunt.
"Pretty girl," he compliments, and you can feel his heavy gaze on your pussy. "Fucking knew it. I fucking knew it. Your cunt's so pretty, baby; fucking glistening for me. Fucking drenched."
Mingyu slides to the floor with a dull thump as his knees hit the carpet. He pulls you close, his hands around your calves, throwing each of your legs over his shoulders.
"What are you --"
And then he's pressing his entire face against your cunt. He doesn't do anything for a handful of moments, just breathing in against your pussy, nose burying deep. Shock explodes through you, and you move to your elbows so you could look down at Mingyu. "Gyu --"
"Fuck," he breathed out, and then he's moving his face from your cunt. "Fuck, your cunt smells delicious, baby. Can't wait to eat it."
A thousand emotions flash through you. Shame, guilt, arousal, lust. It was as if a lifetime of pining had led to this, to Kim Mingyu on his knees for your pussy, moaning about how good it smells as if he was some pervert obsessed with you and your cunt.
Which, in light of the past half an hour, he absolutely was.
Mingyu shuffles closer to the bed, and then he's burying his face back into your cunt. He loops one of his arms over one of your thighs, his hand going to your cunt and spreading out your lips. You can't help but clench as your cunt is bared to the room, to Mingyu.
"How cute," he murmurs.
And then he's diving into you. His tongue, flattened and thick, slides up the entire length of your cunt. You can't help the loud squeal that leaves you, thighs tightening around his head and pressing close. Mingyu just moans back, and then he's repeating the action.
He repeats his act a handful of times, tongue running up your cunt. You're positively soaked down there, and the frequent slurps from Mingyu don't help. Finally, after running his tongue up and down a few times, he stops at your clit. Mingyu thrusts his tongue against your clit, and then he's sucking at it.
You can't help but arch your back, hands twisting in the sheets. The orgasm he had so cruelly ripped from you was slowly beginning to grow, a sinful thing that had you trying to grind up into his mouth.
Mingyu moaned at your eagerness, pulling from your cunt. He shifts his hand up your cunt, fingers idly playing with your clit. "You taste so good, baby," he says, eyes sparkling. His entire face seems to be drenched in your juices, mouth glistening. "Just as good as I knew you would."
"Gyu," you mew, hips grinding down on his fingers. "Gyu, please."
He clicked his tongue, and then he's pulling his fingers from your clit. You let out a sob as he begins to trace the area around your clit, refusing to apply any pressure to that bundle of nerves and let you cum.
"I'm still waiting for you to tell me what you do in my bed, princess," he said, seemingly pure evil. "I can do this all day. Licking at your sweet pussy, fucking it with my fingers. Your cunt's absolutely delicious, baby, fucking addicting. So warm and sweet, and I know it's tight. It is, isn't it? I'd barely be able to stuff my cock in, barely able to get my fat cock in your tight little cunt."
You let out a sob, trying to curl up on yourself, trying to get his devilish fingers and devilish words away from you. Mingyu clicks his tongue in disapproval, and then he's retracting from you. He stands, rubbing a hand at his drenched face.
You watch as he stretches out, all long, golden limbs. Then he shoves down his work pants and underwear, and you can't help the whimper that escapes you.
Mingyu's thighs are thick, the sort that would suffocate you. His abdomen was tight, and the v of his stomach led down and down, straight to his dick.
And fuck.
Mingyu's dick was long and thick, standing angrily at attention. It wouldn't fit in you -- not all of it. There was no way. He was too much, there was too much of him. But fuck -- you wanted to try.
Mingyu's hands returned to your body, and then he was guiding you back up the bed until your head rested on your pillows. His hands smoothed over your skin, pulling your bra up and off, revealing your entire body to him. He hummed, grinning, as his eyes drank you in. He was obviously pleased by the sight of you, his hands a sure weight as he mapped you out.
He slid his hands over your shoulders, down your collar. He cupped your tits, thumbs swiping the soft inner flesh. Mingyu's hands didn't stay there, of course; instead they continued to travel, gliding down your stomach and to your thighs.
Mingyu parted your thighs, and you couldn't help but wince at the stickiness. He lowered himself to the bed, throwing your legs back over his shoulders.
Mingyu returned to your pussy like a man coming home. He ran his tongue up your cunt before focusing on your hole, pressing a dirty, messy kiss there. Mingyu sucked at your cunt, ran his tongue over your hole and dipping inside of it, the noises of his mouth lewd and addicting.
His fingers returned to your pussy, and when he moved his mouth from your opening to your clit, his fingers dipped in.
You had been so distracted by the thickness of his dick that you had completely forgotten about the thickness of his fingers.
You were a mess as he fucked them into you, mouth lazily lapping at your clit. His fingers were fat and long, reaching deep within you and stretching out your walls far more than your own fingers could. It was cruel, almost, how easy it was for Mingyu to bring you to the brink of orgasm, especially compared to how long it could take when you were alone.
Three of his fingers had you moaning and tossing your head back, cunt clenching around them hungrily. It was hell, how they seemed to spear into you; it was heaven, how they fucked into you. He had heaven and hell at his fingertips, and he was using both to torture you.
Mingyu angled his fingers; he began brushing them against your core, that little sponge in your cunt. He didn't hit it directly, missing it purposely. You couldn't help but sob as his tongue took on the cruelty, lapping at your labia instead.
A jumble of words poured from your mouth, a mess that no one could ever possibly decipher. Mingyu made a questioning noise, and then he pulled back from your cunt, making you sob.
"What is it, princess?" He asked, tilting his head. Whatever cuteness that could be associated with such an action was ruined by the mess of your juices on his face. His nose was soaked, his cheeks shining. He licked at his lips, which were red. "You okay?"
You whined, one of your hands going to your eyes and rubbing. You don't know when you began crying, but somewhere during his cruelty you had. You tried to speak, but nothing came out.
His hand slid to your face, cupping your cheek. Mingyu's thumb brushed at your tears, rubbing at them. And then, like a water valve being relieved of its pressure, you began spewing out nonsense, leaving Mingyu to try and piece it together.
"Fucking -- my fingers aren't ever enough, Gyu," you cried, fresh tears spilling. "And I always think whenever you go on dates you won't come back, that that's the last time you'll go out the door because you'll find some pretty thing to fuck and love, and that'll be the end of us, and I can't help but climb into your bed and fuck myself with my fingers and hope you'll come back. And I feel so fucking guilty all the time because I can only cum when I'm in your bed and I want to fuck myself in it all the time, and when I'm not fucking myself in your bed I'm sleeping in it because no one comforts me like you do, no one makes me feel half as safe as you do, Mingyu, and --"
Mingyu pressed his mouth to yours, his lips insistent. He was like a king claiming his territory, devouring your mouth and claiming it as his own. His tongue slid against yours and his spit attached his mouth to yours when he parted from you, his eyes dark with passion.
"Thank you for being honest, princess," he said, his hands smoothing over your body. "I really appreciate it.
"Even if you're a fucking pervert."
And then he's pushing your thighs up, throwing your legs over his shoulders. When his cockhead presses against your entrance you can't help the loud moan that rips through you, back arching and hips searching for his dick, trying to spear yourself on it.
"Fucking pervert," he mumbled, covering your body with his. He was everywhere, surrounding you physically and mentally. "My little princess is a fucking pervert, fucking herself in my bed. What should I do with you, baby?"
"Fuck me," you begged, your hands moving to his curls and gripping them. "Fuck me, Gyu, please, you promised!"
He laughed, and then Mingyu was sliding into you. Tears fell from your eyes as his cock split you in half, too big and too much. But you sobbed for it all the same, hips grinding down on him, eagerly seeking him out.
"Little fucking pervert fucking herself on my bed with her stupid little toys," Mingyu spat, holding still inside of you. You glanced down and, just as you had thought earlier, his cock didn't fit entirely inside of you. "Better fuck you like you deserve then, sweetheart. Fuck you like a little toy all for me."
He slid out, slow, ensuring you felt the slide of his dick against your walls. Your toes curled and your fingers tightened on his hair. And then he was fucking into you, seemingly uncaring of your comfort.
He was splitting you in half, and you loved it. He fucked into you like you were a toy, as if your cunt was a flesh light for his own use. His hips were merciless, driving into you, his balls and thighs slapping against you, the sound of your headboard banging against the wall joining the sound of skin slapping in creating a lewd, horrid, beautiful song.
"Fucking pervert," he growled, head bowed. His curls bounced against his forehead with every thrust. His brow was furrowed, his lips in a pout. He was beautiful.
"Gyu," you sobbed, "Gyu, please!"
"Didn't fucking need my permission before, did you?" He said, hands tightening around your thighs. "Didn't need my permission to fuck yourself on my bed, didn't need my permission to fucking soak my sheets with your cum."
"Gyu," you wept, face ugly with your desperation, "please."
His thrusts were brutal, cockhead so fat that it struck your core with every shove into you. Your pussy was just a means to get off, you didn't deserve to be treated otherwise, didn't deserve for kindness and gentleness --
"You're fucking mine," he hissed, "mine."
With those words you came, mouth open in a loud cry. You sobbed as you orgasmed around him, hands tight in his hair, back arching. Your body trembled from the force of your pent-up orgasm, your body finally getting the relief Mingyu had denied you.
Once you were done, Mingyu gently pulled from you. He slowly lowered your legs, letting your body relax from the position he had put you into. Mingyu then gathered you into his arms, pulling you against his chest. One of his hands ran through your hair, fingertips gently tracing your ear.
"That's a good girl," he murmured, lips pressing against your temple. "Such a good girl."
You let your eyes slip shut, basking in his warmth. It was a dream come true, Mingyu pressed against you like this.
He shifted, hissing when his still-erect cock brushed against you. You slid your eyes open, hand moving against him. Mingyu stopped you, his large hand wrapping around your wrist.
"Don't worry about it," he said, thumb swiping at your palm. "It'll go away."
You hummed. And then you were pushing yourself off of him, wincing as your skin stuck to his from your combined sweat. Mingyu's eyes were wide, his hands still on your body. "It's okay, princess. Really. You don't have to make yourself --"
"I'm not making myself do anything," you shot back, giving him a sharp look. Mingyu blinked, taken aback by your tone. You pressed a hand against his abdomen and he allowed you, falling back flat against the bed.
"You punished me for being a pervert," you announced, slowly moving yourself to his thighs, legs cradling his. "I think it's time for your punishment, Kim Mingyu. After all, there's two perverts in this relationship."
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egg-on-the-run · 3 years
The turtle's s/o is exhausted, they help make things better with a massage.
(she/her pronouns used)
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She's already asleep in his bed when he comes home from patrol. Usually she waits for him on the couch, even when she was tired, but Splinter had specifically told him she was already asleep, warned him to do his best not to wake her up.
She must be exhausted.
He tiptoes in as quietly as he could after his shower, spots her lying flat on his bed: not tucked in, just lying atop his blankets on her stomach. She had been too tired to lift the sheets.
He can see how tense she is, can see the way how even in her sleep her shoulders still rise to her ears, how her finger twitches with an anxious need to keep moving. Her face scrunched up slightly, adorable, but he would rather it be relaxed and soft.
He's careful and slow moving her onto the bed properly, still not setting her under the covers just yet. He's even more careful when he straddles her legs, keeps his weight off them almost entirely. His hands start at her lower back, kneading into her very softly.
She jolts and eyes snap open, "What are you doing?"
"I uh, I was giving you a massage, you look tense, even in your sleep."
"Oh," She relaxes, "You're an angel, just scared me a little." Her head hits the pillow again, already drifting off.
He tries once more, hands softly pressing into her lower back. She lets out a breath of air, sinking further into the mattress. He continues, travelling further up her spine. Usually he hates the sound of bones cracking (all of his brothers teased him constantly about it), but tonight he was quite happy to hear little pops coming from her spine. He especially didn't mind when she gave a little moan afterwards.
His hands travel further up towards her shoulders, kneading and rolling his wrists into the dozens of knots in her back. Her shoulders were so tense that she whined whenever he was too rough. He had to be gentle, working them out slowly.
By the time he was finished, she was sleepily trying to reach his hand with her eyes closed.
"Cuddle me," She mumbled as she found his hand, "Pretty please? I've got tomorrow off."
"Of course," He replied, moving to help her under the sheets, "That was the plan anyway."
He pulled her tight against his chest, hearing her bones crack once more as she melted like putty in his hands. He kissed her forehead.
"Thank god you've got tomorrow off, I'll let you sleep in as long as you want." He sighed, relaxing himself, "I'll make sure the lair is quiet."
She didn't hear a word of what he said, she was already fast asleep.
Raphael was the king of tension. He wasn't like Michelangelo where little bothered him, or like Donatello who had those random self care days, or even like Leonardo who learned to de-stress through meditation. Oh no, Raphael carried tension like a mother with a clingy child: pulling on his shoulders, weighing him down and making him irritated.
It came with the whole anger thing.
So there have been countless times where she has used her knuckles to work the knots out of his shoulders. It was no easy task, especially when she had to use most of her body weight to actually get through each and every knot.
But she'd do it a hundred times more if he needed her to, and Raphael knew that, knew it all to well.
So when he sees her already grumbling to herself at the latest email that just came through to her laptop, when he see her shoulders rising to her ears in frustration and hands balling into fists, he knew he had to do the same thing for her as she had done countless times for him.
She jumps when he first puts his hands on her shoulders, but recognises the warm touch shortly after.
"What are you doing?" She asked, one hand reaching up to rest on top of his, she kept her attention glued to her screen, "I have a lot of work to do, Raphie."
"I know," He said, beginning to knead into her shoulders, "Just a massage, you look stressed."
"Oh with that lovely email, I am more than stressed."
She's always had a sharp tongue, never directed it to him (never intentionally) but he knows her patience is wearing thin and work certainly wasn't helping. He thought about taking his hands away entirely, not wanting to pester her; but she ran her thumb across his hand, typed with only one set of fingers, and Raphael remembered how often she did this for him when his patience was thinner than a piece of paper.
He pressed his hands into her shoulders again, watched as her head leaned back and body moved with his hands. He knew the feeling, when the knots were so tight they just hurt. He continued to work his hands into her shoulders, and slowly it seemed to stop hurting and the tension started to melt away. She closed her eyes, pushed her laptop away from her and just let herself be for a moment.
"Those big ol' hands of yours," She said, voice more like a breath, "So gentle with me."
"Not like you, using your damn elbows to get the knots out."
"But does it work?" She laughed.
He chuckled, "Of course it works, you're the best at this."
"Oh I dunno, you might give me a run for my money, this feels like heaven right now." Her head rolled to the side, turning slightly to kiss his hand, "Take me to bed Raphie, please."
With one final squeeze he let go, moving his arms to wrap around her waist and carry her to bed. Work wasn't important, this was.
The lair was far too noisy, Donatello's lab was far too bright. Everything was just too much, all at once. Even as she sat on his desk, the reflection of his computer in his glasses from behind her was glaring into her eyes. He sat between her legs, arms around her waist and rambling about — god, she didn't even know at this point. She'd spaced out long ago, too overwhelmed to even try and catch up.
He moved his head at he spoke, Donatello was always an expressive fellow, and the light bounced off his glasses right into her eyes. She squinted, scrunched her entire face up and groaned.
"You have a migraine," He said plainly, "I have some painkillers in my drawer—"
"I took some earlier, they just haven't kicked in yet." She frowned.
She looked in pain, Donatello hated to see her like this, hated when there wasn't anything he could do.
He reached up and cupped her face, "Have you had enough water today?"
"Yeah," She mumbled, "Been using that new water bottle I got."
"When did you last eat?"
"Went out for dinner with some coworkers."
Donnie hummed, not knowing what else could cause her such a migraine. They usually had a reason behind them, she didn't usually just get them randomly. He wondered if she'd be on her phone too much, not to sound like Splinter, but she's been talking to him for the past hour or so, her eyes should have rested by now.
She pushed her cheek into his hand, letting his hand squish the chub on her face. Donatello squeezed gently, rubbing her cheeks in a circular motion.
"What are you doing?" She asked, voice muffled by his hands.
"Massaging your face," He replied, moving to knead her cheekbones with his thumbs, "Maybe it's tension that's brought this on."
He moved his thumbs over the bridge of her nose and followed the shape of her eyebrows, he repeated the action a few times before gently rubbing her temples.
"You're really good at this..." She murmured, eyes closed and jaw slack. Her face was no long scrunched up, but instead so completely relaxed she looked as though she was already asleep. Donatello persisted, using his thumbs to move the tension away from her face. His hands moved to her hair, grasping tightly and then releasing, he tickled his fingers through her locks: slowly so as not to pull on any tangles.
By the time he'd moved back to her jaw, he was pretty sure she'd fallen asleep where she sat. He smiled softly at her, kissed her forehead, and carried her off to bed.
He needed an early night as well.
She had been on her feet all day, running errands for a coworker who had recently hurt their leg. Said coworker was fine, and would be perfectly capable of putting of such errands until their leg was better (really, Mikey huffed, using his girlfriend like a servant). But she could never just say no, and even after she'd ran around the city collecting bits and bops, dropping off items and buying groceries, her coworker hadn't even offered her so much as a sit down before he not-so-subtly led her out of his apartment.
So she came stumbling to the lair, exhausted and drained beyond compare and ready to collapse but still so eager to see her darling Mikey. He was in the shower when she arrived, she knew because Raphael told her, and because she could hear his singing before she'd even arrived.
She dragged herself to his bed, kicking her shoes off and not even caring where she left them. She collapsed to her knees before she could crawl under the blankets, lying surprisingly comfortably on the floor.
"Hey, hey angel! What are you doing down here?" Mikey's cheerful voice woke her up, along with a little shake of her shoulder. "We snoozing on the floor now?"
"So tired..." She mumbled, eyes fluttering closed, "Carry me to bed."
"No problem, the whole five feet distance it is." Mikey chuckled. He picked her up, sliding her onto his bed, careful not to bump her head on Raphael's top bunk. "All those errands huh? Guy owes you a thanks at least."
"Jackass kicked me out before I could even sit down at his place," She glared at the mattress above her, "So rude."
"Uh, totes rude? My girl did all that for him and he doesn't even let you sit down? Jackass is a very nice way to describe him." Mikey smiled at her, "Your poor little feet must be sore after all that running around."
"I think my ankles are swollen."
"Just a little." He teased, moving to sit between her legs. He took one of her legs and squeezed firmly along her calves. His hands slid down to her ankles and he frowned: they were slightly swollen, he had only been joking but turns out he was right. He rolled her ankle for her, moved her foot so that it pointed and then helped stretch her heel. He squeezed her calf one more time before moving on to her other leg.
"You're so sweet," She babbled, "Thank you for taking care of me."
"No problem babe, somebody has to," He laughed, "And it's not hard work."
She smiled at him, eyes struggling to stay open. He smiled back at her, not that she could see him, and softly told her to go to sleep; he'd take care of her.
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lythea-creation · 2 years
Migraine - Katniss Everdeen x fem reader
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request: I’ve got a request: a Katniss x reader fic, where Katniss helps a reader out with her migraine?
warnings: none, I think
word count: 486
Author's note: Feel free to check out my Masterlists and make requests. No reposting please! Reblogging, comments and requests are always appreciated <3 If you like the story/my writing, please don't be shy to say it via comments or asks! It takes you a few seconds and might make my day. It's the best appreciation you can show to a writer you like.
Thanks for the request, anon. I hope you like it.
A knock on my door ripped me out of my sleep.
It felt like my head was about to explode just from the little noise.
“(f/n)?” It was Katniss' voice.
I vaguely remembered that we had decided to go to the forest today, but the mere imagination of stepping out into the open was overwhelming.
“(f/n), I'm coming in”, she warned me before opening the door.
The bright light sent a new wave of pain over me leading me to quickly pull the blanket over my head.
I heard Katniss closing the door and felt her sitting down on my bed.
Her hand gently traveled over my back. “Hey. What's up?”, she asked me softly.
“Migraine”, I enlightened her.
It was not the first time I had one, but today it was pretty bad.
Katniss slowly pulled the blanket off my head.
My body tensed up expecting to be blinded by light again, but Katniss had closed the door and the curtains were shut. So the room was almost completely dark.
Katniss moved her hand over my head, stroking it gingerly. “I'll go make you the special tea. Have you eaten anything yet?”, she whispered.
“Eating hurts”, I pointed out.
“Okay. I'll be right back”, she promised before putting the blanket back over my head as she was about to leave the room.
A small whimper left my lips as soon as she had left. The pain was so intense that I felt like I was about to throw up.
Soon later Katniss returned with the tea and placed it down on the improvised bedside table.
Then she laid down next to me in the bed and helped me to inch closer to her.
Her embrace immediately soothed me.
Her hand was carefully moving through my hair making me relax and fall asleep.
When I woke up again she smiled at me.
I was already feeling slightly better and moved to get the now cold tea. It was way too bitter for my liking, but I knew it would help. So I gulped it down in one go.
“You don't have to stay here. I know you wanted to go hunting for your family today”, I mumbled.
“I can still do that tomorrow”, she proclaimed. “I don't wanna leave you alone when you're in pain.”
I smiled at her and rested my head on her shoulder. “Thank you.”
“But as soon as you're feeling better you won't find a way around going on a hunting date with me”, she joked.
A chuckle left my lips before my face automatically contorted in pain.
Katniss sent me a worried glance. “You should go back to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up”, she ensured me.
I laid down on her lap and followed her suggestion.
In the end Katniss was always the one who could make me feel better.
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sillyrabbit81 · 3 years
Her Heavy Cross
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Summary: Three years after tragedy hits, Lana she decides to start dating again. She meets Will through a dating app and they begin an online romance. After months of constant requests, Lana relents and agrees to meet and go on an irl date with Will. But is Will who he says he is? Lana is quickly pulled into an intense relationship forcing her to confront her tragic past. Will Lana face it or will she close her heart forever?
Pairing: OMC x OFC (Female and Male POV)
Word Count: approx 3.3k
Warnings: swearing, smut,
Authors Note: The story started as a Henry Cavill fanfiction but I changed it to be an original character, but shades of Henry are still there. Hope you enjoy the story and thanks for reading.
Part 19
Part 20 Final Chapter
Liam and I took it easy for the next couple of days. We spent some time with Perrin and Cole, taking them for walks and making sure they were getting along.
We watched Inglourious Basterds in Liam's theatre room, which was amazing. It was like being in an actual movie theatre. The dimmed lights and sound system made the experience great. Liam cooked me dinner. We even played Scrabble a few times. We were pretty evenly matched, so the games were competitive. We worked out. We fucked. We made love.
On Saturday morning, I woke with a sore neck. I prayed it was just a strained muscle from working out but the stress I was under during the week tended to catch up with me on a Saturday. By about 4 pm, the left side of my head started pounding, and my eyes became sensitive to light. Every sound in the house felt like screaming in my ears, and I wanted to throw up. I would have cried if I didn't already know how much worse it would make it my migraine.
I told Liam I had to go to bed. Even though my migraines were terrible, I was lucky I could usually treat them with some codeine and a few hours of sleep. They rarely last more than six hours. Liam was lovely about it. He insisted on helping me get changed for bed, and he even went and got me a cold washcloth for my head. He laid in bed with me until I fell asleep.
I woke up around 11 pm feeling groggy, but the migraine had gone. I got out of bed and went looking for Liam.
I found him asleep on the lounge under a blanket downstairs. It looked like he had planned to sleep there all night. Perrin was curled up on the blanket between Liam's legs, and Cole laid on the floor in front of the couch. Cole looked up when I came in, rubbing himself against my legs like a cat and nudging my hand for a pat. Perrin's ears came up, and his tail wagged but didn't move. Lazy old Dog.
I knelt in the spot Cole had been. Liam looked so much younger asleep, almost like a boy, since he had started shaving. Apparently, his character is clean-shaven a lot of the time, so he will be switching between being shaved and unshaved depending on filming. I didn't want to startle him, so I ran my fingers through his hair until he started to wake. Liam stretched a bit before opening his eyes, and he looked so cute doing so I almost pinched his cheeks. Perrin finally got up, realising his warm spot was compromised.
"Hey, Sweetheart," he said and looking at his watch. "Are you ok? do you need anything?"
I smiled at him and shook my head. "Just you," I said.
Liam smiled one of his full Hollywood smiles. He takes my breath away when he does that. "How's your head?"
"I haven't had any complaints," I said, winking. I think I've watched Drag Race too many times.
Liam chuckled and shook his head at me. "And you certainly won't get any from me." He said, getting up. Kissing my forehead, he said, "I'm glad you're feeling better."
I took his hand and pulled him towards the elevator. Like the gentleman he is, he pretended I was able to pull him.
We get in bed, Liam on his back and me with my head on his chest. He stroked my hair, trying to lull me to sleep. I always find it difficult to sleep at night if I have a nap in the afternoon. I was content to breathe my calming breaths and not worry about forcing the sleep I knew would eventually come.
Since sleep was alluding me, I asked Liam, "are you nervous about tomorrow?"
"Meeting your family?" I nodded. He shrugged, "a little. It's been a while since I've been introduced to the family. A couple of years, actually. But I'm mostly looking forward to it." He gave me a quick kiss. "What about you?"
"After Thursday, I don't know if I'll be nervous about anything again." Liam chuckled. "I'm a little concerned about my mum. But I'm excited about you meeting the kids. I wonder if they will recognise you."
"Sometimes, kids do. Other times they say that's not him. He doesn't have a cape." I chuckled. Liam didn't speak for a while, so I tried letting Liam's breaths rock me to sleep. Then he spoke again, "Do you want kids?"
"You know, I do," I replied. We had spoken about it when we first started talking. Not wanting kids had been a deal-breaker for both of us. It was one of the first questions he had asked once we had gotten past the superficial talk. I looked at him, puzzled. "Why?"
"When you first told me about your contraception, I thought with my dick, so naturally, I was excited about not having to wear a condom." Liam's lip twitched, "Having said that, I wouldn't mind seeing you put a condom on me again." I rolled my eyes and indicated he should keep talking. "But then I thought you got that thing put in when you were still with Andy. If it's none of my business, that's fine. I had just been thinking about it, is all."
"You're wondering why I would use such a long-lasting contraception when I was married and wanted kids."
He nodded. "That sums it up."
"Well, several reasons. I had to replace the one I had. It had expired. Second, I have Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, and one symptom is very irregular periods. I was always scared I was pregnant. I could go months without a period, and when I did, they were hell. I would get migraines for weeks, mood swings from being happy to almost suicidal throughout my cycle. When the period came, there was bad cramping and back pain, joint pain, fatigue. So, I had my first implant when I was 20."
"That sound's awful, Sweetheart."
"Yup. I got the last one put in instead of trying for kids because I was 26. Yes, Andy and I wanted kids, but we wanted to wait a few more years, pay more off the house, grow up a bit." Liam nodded.
I was surprised that talking to him about Andy in such intimate detail didn't make me start crying. I still felt sad and missed him, but it was different now. There was a fondness to the thoughts rather than the fear and guilt that would usually arise. Anthea had been right. I had to talk with Andy and be honest with him about how I felt. As if verbalising how I felt to Andy, wherever he was in the universe, eased the guilt I was feeling. It made me realise that it wasn't wrong or selfish to seek love again. It was what made life special, sharing your life with someone else.
Liam was looking with furrowed brows. "Are you ok?" He asked.
I wondered if I should tell him what I was thinking. Would he be interested? Would it be weird for him to hear about Andy? In some ways, Andy had always been the elephant in the room. He was mentioned in passing, but other than last Friday, I hadn't told him anything meaningful about him or how I felt. He had been right when we argued, Andy was a shadow that loomed over the relationship, and that was my fault. I decided to be honest.
"Yeah, I am." I gave him a half-smile and said, "I spoke to Anthea, my mother-in-law, on Tuesday." Liam's face was unreadable. Too late to stop now. I kept going. "I wanted her to hear from me that we were dating before it was official. It turns out she already knew. She was cool about it, happy for me. I was surprised by her response, and I thought she would think it was a betrayal. But she said I should talk to Andy, and I would feel better."
Liam still wasn't showing me what he was thinking. His face was stoic. I thought again, I should stop. "Keep going," he said, his voice not much louder than a whisper.
"So I visited Andy and told him about how I was feeling. I told him about you and how I felt about you. It seemed to work like a weight was lifted from my shoulders. I felt free."
Liam was quiet for a while. I could almost see him arranging his thoughts. After a while, he said, "it seems the only one who makes you feel guilty is you."
"I think that was true, but not anymore," I said. "Are you upset I told you that? Is it... I don't know... tmi?"
Liam gave me a half-smile, "no, Lana. I'm glad you told me. I'm glad you did that. Not just for me, but for you."
"Then why were you looking at me like that?"
Liam's smile was full now. "Because I thought you were going to break my heart. Instead, you told me something private and because you wanted to. Not because I forced you or put you in a position where you had no choice. It makes me believe you may care about me as much as I care about you."
I cupped his face in my hands and looked deeply into his eyes, so he knows what I'm saying is true. "Liam, I do care about you. I don't think anyone else could have opened my heart. I was ready to go the rest of my life alone. If it weren't for you, I would never have taken those final steps to move on. For being the catalyst I needed, I will always be thankful for you and care about you."
Liam POV
Lana held my face in her hands. Her green eyes shined in the dim light of my bedroom as she spoke to me. "Liam, I do care about you. I don't think anyone else could have opened my heart. I was ready to go the rest of my life alone. If it weren't for you, I would never have taken those final steps to move on. For being the catalyst I needed, I will always be thankful for you and care about you."
My heart stopped a moment before it started to thunder in my chest. Lana so rarely bared her soul to me. She dropped hints sometimes, said little things to make me believe she could love me. But too often she was closed off when things get too intimate or too real.
She had changed so much since I first spoke to her, yet somehow she was still the same. She was kind and generous. I picked up on that early. That she was so funny and witty was something that she was slow to reveal but was a joy to watch. Watching her start to open her soul to me was beautiful. To see her courage and strength as she pushed through her grief was inspiring. That she saw enough in me to want to go through all she went through was humbling.
I loved her. I was desperate to tell her. I almost told her so many times. But my fear kept me from saying it. I didn't want to scare her off. I knew now she has to set the pace. She will be ready when she's ready and I will be there when she is.
Lana kissed me, and my body lit up. Her lips were like a match igniting a fire that travelled through my whole body. I instantly grew hard and needed her. I kissed her back, my tongue licking at her lips, urging her to open for me. When she did, I was lost, and all control left me. I needed to be in her.
My tongue entered her mouth, and her taste reminded me of apples and honey. She tasted so sweet to me. I wanted to taste her everywhere. I rolled her onto her back, reminding myself not to throw her around too roughly. She could take a lot of punishment, but I was still careful.
I sought Lana with my hands, pulling off the underwear that separated me from her. I put my hand between her legs, and my fingers parted her. I groaned when I felt how wet she was already, and I had to taste her. I moved between her legs as she opened them wide for me.
I put two fingers inside her, and my cock ached. "You're so warm, Lana," I told her, and she moaned, arching her back, her hips moving as I fucked her with my fingers. She was so responsive to my touch, and I loved watching her every movement. Her body moved in the most spectacular ways, writhing and seeking her pleasure.
I couldn't wait any longer for a taste, so leaving my fingers inside her, I let my tongue find her clit. When her taste hit my tongue, I hummed with delight. Lana's fingers slid into my hair as she pushed me into her and her hips rocked as she grinds herself on my tongue. God, she was so sexy. I wanted to stay here forever, watching her and listening to her moan. I ran my hand up her hips to her tiny waist. Feeling her hips under her soft skin was so erotic. I needed to fuck her, but she needed this first.
Lana started panting, her moans became short cries as she exhaled and I knew she didn't have long. I felt her walls close in on my fingers as she started to cry out my name, begging me not to stop. As if I would deny her this. As if I would deny her anything.
When Lana came, she was beautiful. Her eyes closed hard, her body convulsed, and her thighs trembled. Then she did this thing where she throws her head forward, and her body almost curls into a ball, and I know she's finished. Even when she's standing up she does it, I almost dropped her the first time. It's the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen.
I lapped at her one more time, taking one last taste. She shuddered and tried to close her legs, giggling. She smiled at me, and my heart melted, but my cock was in pain. I needed to have her.
I kissed her, and she licked at me, tasting herself. She drives me wild when she does that. I felt like an animal, my careful control was gone, and I pushed my cock into her. She was so wet and tight, her body moulded around my cock, taking me all in, holding me so tight I almost came.
"Fuck," I swore into her mouth. Lana bit at my lip, playful, but I knew what that meant. She wanted me, and she didn't want me to be gentle.
I wasn't gentle. There was no way I could be. She had me too worked up, and all I wanted was to own her and claim her as mine forever. I started to thrust into her, her tits bouncing as she takes all I give her. Her lips were parted, and her cheeks were red. Her hair looked like a halo of fire on the sheets. Its vibrance thrilled me. I pushed my self off her and watched as my cock pumped into her. Seeing her stretched around me, I felt my orgasm rise again. Not yet. I wasn't done with her yet. I slowed down.
"Liam," She whispered my name, and there was no stopping it. My body took on a mind of its own, driving itself to release. She cried my name again as I felt my seed rise into me, and ecstasy flowed through me as it pumped into her.
I fell on my side next to Lana and took deep breaths. She gave a hum of contentment and I pulled her into me, hugging her tightly and I felt the surge of love again. She was so beautiful and sweet but so fucking sexy. She made me feel drunk. Even moments after orgasming, I wanted her again. I put my face into her hair, smelling her sweet pomegranate shampoo. Lana hugged me back as she played with my chest hair, and I smiled, she loved to touch me there, and it felt so good when she did.
My mind wandered as she caressed me with her pretty little hands and pink fingernails. The first time she had touched my chest, she had seemed so hesitant and unsure, even looking at me for permission. It had been such a turn-on.
It had been so hard not to fuck her that first night. I did try and seduce her. I knew what effect I had on women. It's hard not to know when you're famous and have women hitting on you all the time. I think I could have, there were a few times there where if I had played my cards right she would have let me. But knowing what I know now, I'm happy I didn't. I'm sure she would have run, and I would never have seen her again.
When she did let me, she had knocked me for six when she bit me. It was almost out of nowhere, and the way she opened up to me after about her desires was amazing. We still had so much to explore, only just getting to know each other sexually. I could tell she was getting more comfortable with it. She was probably going to teach me a thing or two. That thing she did with the condom, I think I almost told her I loved her then. I chuckled.
"What are you laughing at?" Lana asked. Her accent made it sound like she said, "whadcha laughn at?" I don't know why, but her accent excited me, especially when she swore at me. Her mouth was filthy. Maybe it was the combination of her outward elegance and her potty mouth that I liked. It was such an exciting combination.
"Nothing, Sweetheart." I kissed her long neck gently and held her. She seemed to accept it and squeezed me into her.
"I love you, Lana," I said, and my heart stopped. She froze. I don't even think she was breathing. My blood was like ice as my heart started to beat again. Oh, God, I fucked up. I'm going to lose her this time. I wanted to take it back. I was such a fool. Fuck.
Then Lana found my mouth and kissed me. The warmth that spread through my body was such a relief. Her kiss held such sweetness and passion. It was the promise that I needed. She wasn't mad. She wasn't going to run away. I held her close and kissed her back. She didn't have to say it for me to know that she loved me too.
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livelovelaug-h · 6 years
Dean x reader Words 1000. Tags - @me-myself-i-and-joon @pastellittlexx . @supernaturaladdicted @supernaturalgirl85  @mystrie @dearhamilchill-221b @thatprofessionalfangirl
Summary- you have to leave the Winchester's because you can't keep bothering them with something personal .... THERES A BIG PLOT TWIST.!!
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You have been sick your whole life, from the age of 20 going from hospital to hospital. It's exhausting and can get very expensive. And one problem your a Hunter. So being very very sick all the time and being a hunter isn't a very good match. You were 28 when you met Sam and Dean. You were getting better at the time but then you started getting very sick again.
You had this conversation way too many times before.
"y/n you aren't feeling very well today just stay in bed". Deans voice said.
"I've been in bed for a week now I need to get out".
"you don't want to get more sick". "fine I'll stay".
"Thank you. We'll be back before you know it i
Love you" and off he goes with a kiss to your cheek.
You were coughing like there was no tomorrow and now you have really bad chest pains not to mention a migraine. Sam and Dean got back just in time to see the scene that is about to happen. It's one there quite familiar with but still panick at.
You were laying down coughing really hard feeling blood coming up you leaned over the bed side and blood came up, while you were coughing..
Deans pov~~ "I can't believe it was that easy. That girl was totally hitting on you by the way ".
"no dean she wasn't".
"Sure- " he could hear the Terrible coughing sounds you were making. "I'm gonna go check on her. Y/n?"
He heard a gurgle sound outside the door and busted into your shared room.
The scene in front of him was terrifying. You were on your back with blood in your mouth chocking. If no one was there to sit you up you could die because you were too weak to get up.
Dean sat you up "SAM."
Sam came running in.
"we have to go to the hospital." He Pat's your back and picks you up to put you in the Impala. The whole time your coughing which then turns into your lungs wheezing.
You feel yourself drift off and then you feel your body shaking like someone was running with you. "HELP!! SHE NEEDS HELP" Dean screams. then everything goes black.
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About 3 hours later wake up coughing of course. You saw Dean sitting next to you.
"I'll go get a nurse". You closed your eyes because yet again the love of your life had to see you go through that and look weak.
The nurse and the doctor come in. They use a pump on you to get the blood out your stomach before and now:
"take her in there and pump her stomach again!"
Not again you think.
When your finished the doctor says you should be good for alittle while but he thinks for only about a month.
He says that there might be a surgery that can help but it's very very expensive.
Of course everything is expensive that's why you never got the surgery in the first place.
"well how expensive?" Dean demands.
"well this visit today is about 1/4 of the price for the surgery." He says.
"how much will today's be" you ask.
"Somewhere around $3000"
Even with the credit cards you steal and use, wouldn't be able to pay for all this. Who has that much laying around.
"there has to be another way". Dean says loudly.
"I'm afraid not." The doctor says
Dean is about to get violent but Sam holds him back. "Dean come on". He says.
"You get to go home now are u ready? I'll help you get changed." Dean asks. With a forced smile.
"yeah can't wait". You say blankly.
"y/n it'll be fine. We'll find a way I promise."
"how we don't even have that much money?"
"stop worrying about the money. We always get it somehow. We will for this too".
"it took us almost 2 months to get the money for medicine last time it's not gonna be that easy. You can't keep wasting your money on me"
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"... Alright don't go there. I'm not wasting it because it helps you and I can't lose you"
"I'm sorry dean"
shh, it's not your fault babe. Let's get out of here".
at the bunker
You fell asleep as soon as you hit the bed and dean joins you after having about 5 beers.
You wake up with Dean next to you holding you tightly. You smiled and rubbed his cheek.
You kissed him and he woke up.
"5 more mins" you laughed hahaha
"you and your 5 mins. " You said getting up.
"I'm serious." He pulled you back down to him.
"okay okay fine"
After about 10 mins you guys made your way down stairs to Sam making pancakes and eggs.
"oh yummy thank you Sam. You didn't have to make this"
"no I wanted to" you lightly smile.
You guys had a day off again and it was amazing.
2 weeks later ~
You haven't been feeling to well again always tired.
11 am
You were in the library when you heard the boys saying they found another case and dean said he was going to go pack but you fell asleep again.
You woke up in your bed and dean was sitting next to you.
"what are you doing here? Did you finish the case already?"
"um no Sam got someone to go along with him so I could stay here with you. "
You sighed. "You didn't need to do that Dean. You can't just stay home because of me. "
"I wanted to it's fine."
"you can't do that forever."
"I know."
3 weeks later ~
Dean stayed home for the last case Sam found again and now he finally just left for the new one they sound this morning. It took a lot of convincing. He can't keep going on like this and neither can you.
"I have to leave the Winchesters behide. " You whispered and started packing your bags.
Or maybe there was something else you do . . .
But everything is temporary isn't it so why not.
You got the box and your Id and went into the woods.
"hello y/n. What can I help you with today?"
"I want to make a deal."
"hmm and what's this deal?
"I'll sell my soul to you but there's two things."
"aren't there always?"
"When I give you my soul, I want to be healed and I want 10 years."
"eh, that's a bit much dont you think."
"no.10 years isn't a lot"
"okay, it's a deal.". "really, just like that ?" You ask.
"well maybe one thing."
"it'll have to be 8 years." "why?"
"because there's rules with these things."
"fine." "Okay so 8 years and your soul will be mine and you'll be healed. Pleasure doing business with you."
"yeah. Now let's get this over with." You kissed the guy for alittle and then you pulled back and he was gone.
"Oh sam and dean won't be to happy about that will they?" You heard someone say and turned around.
"Lucifer?" You ask.
"in the flesh, yes." He laughs. "We're you even planning on telling them?"
"eventually." You say. "well what if I told you, I could get you out of that deal and heal you.? I would just need a favor"
"yea and what's that favor"? You ask. "Help me get my mojo back for a little and then your free to go." You didn't say anything thinking about his offer. "Not so bad right? What do you say"
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wonder-never-wander · 3 years
I dreamed about you last night. I don't know if I can call it that, actually. It was more of a nightmare. We were at school again, in the same cafeteria you used to hold my hand in and tell me everything was going to be okay. The same cafeteria you ridiculed me in, the same cafeteria I got yelled at for lying about the bruise on my shin and who gave it to me.
You probably don't remember it, remember me, you probably haven't thought about me in years. That's the most unfair part about this exchange, I think.
You get to live in peace, and I live in fear.
I am suffering the consequences of what you did. I am learning to deal with the lifelong self deprecation and anxiety you gave me. The sensory issues I have now. I'm dealing with the flood of intrusive thoughts that keep me awake at night.
I haven't seen you in person in 3 years, haven't talked to you or even talked about you, but every time I close my eyes to go to sleep it's your face I see, kicking me and squeezing my neck and giving me black eyes, not just from punches but from lack of sleep as I tossed and turned hopelessly on school nights, knowing I had to see you in the morning and the headache I was fighting would turn into a migraine the minute you saw me.
I remember new things about you every day.
I still remember that your favorite color was red.
I still remember what your teeth felt like against mine.
I still remember the way I felt bad for you.
And every October 10, I wake up in tears in the middle of the night because I feel like a 3rd grader again. I feel like I'm sitting in the cafeteria with the stage and the teachers always yelling at kids for the tiniest things, yet they seemed to miss the way your hand disappeared under the table for a good minute while I squirmed and told you to stop.
They missed the way I cried every day in my room when I got home, begging my mom to let me stay home tomorrow.
"Absolutely not, there's no reason to," she'd say.
"If you fight him I'll take you for pizza, but you need to go to school," she'd say.
I'm not a violent person but you were. I would never fight you, you know that.
I wonder if that's why you chose me.
Everyone said it was because you liked me. Because you thought I was pretty.
"That's what boys do when they like a girl," they'd say, ignoring the way my fists were clenched and ignoring the way tears pricked at my eyes.
Ever ignorant, they would all say to just stop being near him, to just stop talking to him, to just stop doing things, like the fact you were a jerk was my fault.
But you were the bad boy, and I was the quiet girl. The teachers always put us together so that maybe you would stop talking. Once we got to 3rd grade everyone thought we were insane for not being mature enough to just sit together.
Everyone put us together, remember? Tried to force us to get along. I think that made it worse.
I had my first panic attack because I ran into you at Market Basket while my mom was in the car, and your mom was in the car, and we were in the aisle alone.
I hope you're better now.
I sincerely wish that there isn't a girl going through the same thing you put me through.
Happy anniversary.
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av-136 · 7 years
I'm struggling today. Not because it's Christmas, but because I am sitting here on my parents couch in a shitty mood because I can't tell my family that this is the happiest year I've ever had.
I started seeing my girlfriend in March, one week before my starting my new job, the first one I've ever had that isn't food service or retail. Even though I have migraines that we still can't get a handle on and I've gained hella weight, this is the happiest and healthiest I've ever been.
Every day, I look forward to going to work and doing something that isn't breaking my body and making me creak like an old woman. I get to go home to my best friend and genuinely feel loved and safe for once. I get to sleep next to someone who doesn't mind when I talk in my sleep, or wake up with a nightmare.
But today, I spend time not with her, but with my family. They don't know who she is to me. They don't know I'm bi. They don't know I'd much rather be 3 hours south, with a family that knows who I am and is actually happy I'm there. My family doesn't know I'm not Catholic, that I can't stomach the hypocrisy of the religion anymore. So I sit here with 4 other people in the room, and I'm lonely. My mother is upset with me because I won't go to midnight mass with her and my siblings, and I say it's because I fall asleep before 10, but in reality the whole presentation of "love thy neighbor" is wasted on me when I know that outside the church, those same people hate Mexicans or blacks solely for their skin and gays because of their identity. I have to Google churches to lie and say I'll go later tomorrow.
People tell me "nah, your mom is cool, you won't get disowned if you come out!" But they fail to realize that this is the woman that calls Ellen DeGeneres "Ellen Degenerate". This is the woman who won't listen to Melissa Ethridge because she's gay. This is a family that looks at LGBT people with contempt at best.
So yes, I'm so glad to be here today, instead of with a family that knows who I am and still wants me around. I'm struggling to be positive today. I just had to vent for a second.
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