#and then i have a little geraskier fic
kingthunder · 1 year
trying to nail the characterization i like for geralt and jaskier is like trying to balance on one of these bitches
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kairoses · 11 months
It's been - what? five years now? - since that first hunt. Jaskier's heart is long hardened to such things. Injury is as familiar now as the mildew-damp scent of decay in the autumn woods, the whirring and dancing of moths over the fire, stale bread and long days and travelling songs, just another part of the path they follow.
Now, blood is just – well, it’s blood.
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natjennie · 2 years
i am feeling things about jaskier and geralt in this chili's tonight
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grandapplewit · 11 months
I love writing sequels to fanfics I haven’t written yet. So fun and saucy. Oh, what’s the context for this? No fucking clue. Next question.
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fangirleaconmigo · 1 year
Geralt x Dandelion (Jaskier) in The Witcher books Masterpost
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I thought I would make a masterpost for my "I Can't Believe It's Not Fanon" (otherwise known as..."facts that sound like Geraskier fic writers made them up but are, in fact, book canon") series.
I will add to this post, so rb it and keep an eye on it. I have at least one more big post coming up.
Geralt rescuing Dandelion from kidnappers (and slaughtering and threatening a bunch of people for him)
Geralt plays it cool, but secretly loves Dandelion's singing
Geralt and Dandelion Domesticity (sharing beds and clothing)
Geralt and Dandelion Domesticity (pooling money and Dandelion bullying racists)
Geralt is Dandelion's specialest boy (Dandelion defending Geralt)
Dandelion is Geralt's Most Important Damsel (Geralt defending Dandelion)
Geralt and Dandelion patching up each other's wounds
Geralt learning Dandelion's real name
Sweet quiet moment of Geralt asking Dandelion's advice (and Dandy begging him not to kill a dragon)
A doppler turns into Dandelion to protect itself from Geralt and it gets more interesting from there.
So the tag is I Can't Believe It's Not Fanon, and I also do a series called Canon or Fanon in response to asks. But since the tag system on tumblr isn't great, there are the biggies. Just thought I'd make it a little easier on you guys.
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wren-of-the-woods · 7 months
Hello! Thank you so much for what you do- could I please have some recs for geraskier fics where geralt is the one pining harder?
Here you go!! I wasn't sure how to categorize who was pining harder in all of these (since our boys are masters of longing lol) but these are all stories where Geralt loves Jaskier very much, and I highly enjoyed them all!
favorite by @asweetprologue (Rated G, 5.8k)
Jaskier gets Geralt a gift, and it makes Geralt realize he doesn't know enough about what Jaskier likes. He forms a plan to figure it out.
i’ll kiss you slow by @paintedcrayons (Rated T, 4.9k)
Geralt is not being creepy. He’s not. He’s just looking out for his friend (with a questionable choices in lovers). Lately, Geralt has started to notice the way people treat Jaskier’s affection like a means to an end. They kiss him only to move to the next step, dance with him as pretense to get him into their beds. He would like nothing more than to kiss Jaskier for the sake of it. (He does.)
time and time again by @samstree (Rated G, 5.2k)
Marriage proposals, through the years.
The Best Laid Plans by @dhwty-writes (Rated T, 5.5k)
Geralt is in love with Jaskier. In order to finally get him to admit his feelings, he devises a ten step plan with Lambert, Eskel and Vesemir.
A Friend in the Wild by @samstree (Rated G, 1.6k)
In which Geralt acquires a tiny friend who wouldn't stop following him.
Weak and Wanting by @sociallyawkward--fics (Rated T, 36k)
Geralt had thought that inviting Jaskier to Kaer Morhen after all these years would be a good thing. What he didn't plan on was his brothers deciding to have a little fun with their situation. Lambert and Eskel really needed to stop meddling in things they didn't understand, especially when it came to his bard.
Tell It With Your Heart by @bambirex (Rated G, 2.5k)
While Jaskier always says what's on his mind, Geralt works a little differently. That doesn't mean he cannot tell Jaskier how he feels - he just does that without words.
Repeat After Me by @onwardorange (Rated G, 7.3k)
All it takes is (nearly) three years, two meddlesome brothers, and one exasperated sorceress to get Geralt to admit his feelings for Jaskier.
Love Me Better, Send A Letter by @rebrandedbard (Rated T, 12.5k)
Geralt and Julian have been exchanging letters since participating in an inter-school pen pal program in high school, and Geralt has been pining away for Julian for over a decade since meeting by chance one faithful day in Posada. Between work and Ciri, he hasn't had much time for travelling, but he and Julian still exchange their letters faithfully. Finally, Julian's equally busy life coincides with Geralt's long enough for a short visit, and Geralt has the chance to finally introduce Ciri to the man she knows only on paper. Things would be perfect ... if Julian's visit didn't fall within the week of the concert of Ciri's favorite musician, Jaskier.
Music is no solution by @thecrownprincessbride (Rated T, 4.3k)
Jaskier has self-doubts, and Geralt is there for him.
A Careless Omission by @samstree (Rated T, 5.4k)
Jaskier reveals he has a type. Geralt behaves strangely.
Highway Angel (To the Dark I Said Pour and Forgot to Say When) by @fangirleaconmigo T, 2.8k
Geralt is a long haul truck driver. With long stretches on the road away from his family, and with no one to keep him company but his loyal dog Roach, he has to brave most of his life completely alone. Then one day, just as he is passing the city of Oxenfurt, he turns on the radio and hears a voice.
zero for ten by @yaelathewordsmith (Rated T, 10.4k)
The blue-eyed boy on the school's cricket team seems determined to bowl Geralt out. The worst part is, he isn't even fucking trying. * Or, the ten times Jaskier held Geralt's heart in his hands without knowing, and how Geralt grew to want him to keep it.
(You can find my other reclists here!)
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panur · 8 months
Scary Witcher fics (Geraskier)
Last year i decided i would compile a mini list of some dark/spoopy Geraskier fic recs to share with the masses. In no particular order:
The Only One Who Resonates by crushcandles
"Did you really worry?" he asks, licking his lips.
Jaskier barely hears the question and it doesn't register. It doesn't matter. No matter what Geralt asks him, the answer is the same.
"Yes," he says, deep from his empty belly.
with lilies and with laurels he goes by twelvemagpies
The day that Jaskier dies, Geralt wakes up to an almighty ringing in his ears.
Fever Song by crushcandles
"What are you doing?" Geralt barks.
Jaskier freezes, knife in one hand, a long deep blue strip of fabric in the other.
"Cutting a ribbon," he says. He doesn't stutter, but his eyes are wide; he knows he might be doing something he’s not supposed to.
Quiet by Funkspiel
But still, Geralt looked for a cure. He did not ask for forgiveness. He didn’t deserve it – not while Jaskier was still unable to say the words to pardon him for his wish. Wishes. How Geralt hated them, hated the word. His wish had driven Yennefer away. His wish had bound Jaskier to a life in which he could not do what he loved. Geralt didn’t deserve forgiveness. So he did not ask.
And then came the contract about the witches of the bog.
Silver and Copper by Heronfem
From the shadows a man steps out, his feet soundless on the flagstones. He’s tall for a human, lanky, and dressed all in grays and blacks. His clothing is good but oddly threadbare, the embroidery standing out against the silk, and the collar is high on his deathly pale, sun deprived neck. He wears many rings on his fingers, and several necklaces tangle at his throat. Handsome, with nut brown hair with a bit of a curl to it, and a fine jaw and nose, but his eyes.
His eyes are horrible.
haunt by theredtailedhawkwithjewelsforeyes
He is exhausted with the grief of it. He does not let himself feel, and he feels this anyways. Sharp, aching, unfair. The absence of a heartbeat.
Echo by ravenbringslight
Jaskier was gathering his things and he wasn’t panicking. He’d known that Geralt was going to leave any day now like he always did, so that was no surprise, even if it hit him like a punch to the gut (he was familiar with Geralt’s punches to the gut and he could say with great authority that getting left behind again felt slightly worse). But he had enough money to get to Oxenfurt now and his headache was gone and the vomiting seemed to have been short-lived. Other than the whole “can’t speak without the pain of a thousand rusty knives” situation he was right as rain.
In the corner, the thing that looked like him winked.
Bloodhunger by SpinnerDolphin
“What do you need?” Jaskier asks, low. His heart stutters a little, and he firmly tells himself that this is his friend, and he is not afraid of his friend.
Geralt actually trembles. “I need to kill something,”
a thousand voices by mrc2 (this one is actually a WIP but guys it’s SO disturbing i refuse to read it after dark)
“You scared me,” Jaskier said. “I didn’t see you there.”
The statue, as expected, didn’t reply. It was a strange place for a statue to be.
“Why are you here?” Jaskier asked slowly as he took a tentative step closer.
And to his horror, the statue simply smiled.
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hardly-an-escape · 2 months
last line tag game, thanks @fulcrvm for tagging me!
I'm going to cheat a little bit because this is not actually the last line I wrote – which is from the untitled Geraskier fic I'm not writing* and is simply too rough and unedited to allow to see the light of day – but it is a very recent one. it's a bit from chapter two of would you go along with someone like me?
Hob groaned again. “I imagine you want me to ask you what’s wrong,” Morpheus said, still not looking up. “I am a fool,” Hob said dismally. “A fool and a buffoon. A nincompoop, even.” He pushed himself up into a sitting position. “Sometimes I wonder what I’m even doing here, mate, I really do. I mean who am I kidding? I’m almost thirty two years old and I’m sitting in these fresher history lectures and fucking Stephanie is running rings around me. Have I told you about Stephanie? She’s nineteen. Nineteen, Morpheus. We have, like, three classes together, and she’s kicking my arse, she has her entire career planned out, all the way to a Ph-bloody-D, and I can’t remember whether ‘Ottoman’ has one T or two.” “Two.” “I know that, you insufferable git, I’m trying to have an existential crisis here.” “Ah. And is that happening concurrently with your one-sided competition with a child? Or does one precede the other?”
I'm not making any promises about when it will be done, because I know myself too well for that. but I've been making progress, at least!
no-pressure tags for @cuubism @landwriter @five-and-dimes and @omgcinnamoncakes and anyone who reads this and wants an excuse to share a line!
*astute readers may already suspect that this is a lie. I am, in fact, writing it.
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xtarmanderx · 5 days
WIP Tag Game
RULES: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Special shoutout to @tabbytabbytabby for the tag!
This is not the entire list. There are dozens more, but some are just screenshots of notes and some are vague ideas that I don’t remember and would need to read again. I’ve also got tons of ideas scattered in the notes on my phone, but I haven’t made docs for them. Sequel docs exist, too, but most of those aren’t fleshed out enough to be included here.
1. Need a Favor? BuckTommy
2. Sorry. Daddy? Sorry. Daddy? BuckTommy
3. Happy pride BuckTommy
4. Ryan gets a cat Ryan x Carson (Nancy Drew)
5. BuckTommy parents
6. BuckTommy crash
7. BuckTommyEddie
8. BuckTommy meet the friends
9. Shower Tevan
10. What’s in a name BuckTommy
11. Red eye back to you Carson x Ryan
12. Husks - Buddie
13. It’s all I’ve ever known Carson x Ryan
14. BuckTommy
15. Motocrossed Thiam
16. Rockstar Ryan fic Ryan x Carson
17. Ryan high Ryan x Carson
18. Lost in artifacts and cobwebs of the mind Ryan x Carson
19. The Raekoning Thiam
20. Season 4 Ryan/Carson snippets
21. Ryan x Carson Luce’s birth
22. Tony’s shirt Tony Stark x Stephen Strange
23. X-Men Thiam AU (Icarus)
24. Thiam Jatp
25. Avengers Thiam Big Bang
26. Nope Angel x OJ
27. Jaskier prisoner Geraskier
28. Jaskier nightmares Geraskier
29. This Means War (So Fire Away) Thiam
30. Nope 2 Angel x OJ
31. Harringrove fic
32. 5b rewrite with best frand Thiam
33. The Steady Fall of my Heart (Jurassic Park, Alan x Billy)
34. The Black Cauldron (Thiam)
35. The Crown Jewel - Jett
36. Aftershock Thiam
37. Jaskier/Geralt coffee shop au
38. Josh/Brett/Mason/Theo
39. Hercules (Thiam)
40. Treasure Planet Thiam
41. Josh/Brett/Liam - slaves to any semblance of touch
42. Long fic Jett
43. Thiam avatar
44. Good boys are golden boys (Sean x Garrett)
45. Static hearts Thiam
46. Thiam Prompt 7: Oh the Places We’ll Go
47. Smudges of black - discord Jett
48. Miam mating bites (Mason/Liam)
49. The Lies we Tell are Worth Dying For Thiam
50. Anastasia Thiam
51. Jump In Thiam
52. Thason slow burn (Theo/Mason)
53. When Worlds Collide (Asher x Henry, All American x Light as a Feather)
54. Making Waves - Jett
Tagging @snaeken @imjustafangirl-nobodylovesme @extrasteps @equallyloyalandlethal @osirismind @raybyanothername @purplehoodiesandleatherjackets @theoceanismyinkwell and anyone else who wants to do this!
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ex0rin · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @hiddenxplaces-blog & @the-ravening 😘
How many works do you have on ao3? at the moment? 192
What's your total ao3 word count? 668,102
What fandoms do you write for? currently it's all The Walking Dead all the time but in recent memory we're looking at The Boys (AND The Boys RPF 😅) and MCU (winterbones specifically)
Top five fics by kudos: stoking at the fire for you (The Witcher) sing them songs of me (The Witcher, geraskier) just one more (The Witcher, geraskier) steady, steady (The Witcher, geraskier) unexpected, not unwelcome (TFATWS, winterbaron)
Do you respond to comments? i swear I SWEAR i try 🙃 (i'm so good at catching up and then Febuwhump happens and i fall behind trying to stay on top of the monthly challenge AND THEN by like November i've caught up again) (also i have the TERRIBLE tendency to stop responding once i'm out of a fandom BUT I SWEAR i read them all and sob quietly to myself on days where things are exhausting so please take this as a huge I LOVE YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH ❤️)
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? brb hitting the hurt no comfort tag and figuring out what the 'worst' one was… you know what, it was we'll be a fine line (Top Gun, roosmav) - still one of my fave fics tbh, it covers the time between the first movie and where we pick up with Rooster being PISSED at Mav for pulling his papers
OR hell, if i ever could stomach to edit it, i think elbow deep (The Walking Dead, cegan) would count for this - it's almost finished i swear, just need to walk away from it after every paragraph rn
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? for who? i'd say 'till the end of the line where Bucky finally leaves Steve because they're just incompatible after all that time and trauma
Do you get hate on fics? i've gotten a bit but that's just the nature of writing non-con and/ or hurt no comfort 😅
Do you write smut? do i write anything else is the actual question haha
Craziest crossover: i… i don't crossover unless you count RPF where the actors are playing their characters to bang (i assume this doesn't count but it's as close as i get)
Have you ever had a fic stolen? yep! hilariously it was my Watcher Entertainment RPF stuff
Have you ever had a fic translated? maybe? i'm honestly not sure
Have you ever co-written a fic before? i have! a few times! honourable mentions are hold you by the edges (Watcher, limadej) with @sequencefairy (which i still reread often tbh) and keep on keepin' on (Gotham, harvey/jim) with @ponderosa121 (also a SOLID reread)
All time favorite ship? this is unfair - it absolutely depends on the brainrot at any give time. if you're asking me RIGHT NOW it's cegan, no question but like…. three months ago? who knows
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? too many to count - there's a few i think about occasionally as like a nice memory of things that could have been but the thing I WISH i would get to finish is my RP with @sparklingbinjuice which i still hope we fall back into sometimes (but both of our attention is elsewhere at the moment)
What are your writing strengths? smut and run-on sentences 😂
What are your writing weaknesses? plot and punctuation (who needs a period when you have ; and -)
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? i used to be like FUCK IT WE SPEAK RUSSIAN but i cringe when i look back on those times (and have flashbacks to writing Japanese into Gundam Wing fic in highschool) which is to say, to each their own but if i can't speak it fluently or have a friend who does who can edit, i try not to include it in my own work
First fandom you wrote in? technically it was a sweet little Luke/OC insert from Star Wars circa, ohhhhh uh, early 90s but the first fandom i fell into a spiral about is going to be Gundam Wing FOR SURE (gimme that 1x5 please and thank you, strawberries are so sweet you know?)
Favorite fic you've written? this is also unfair - it's the unnamed one in my head that i rant to Abby about while i'm drunk at 4am thanks
zero pressure tagging: @sparklingbinjuice @duchessonfire @dcmonblood @unlikelymilliner (miss you ❤️) @sequencefairy
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medusapelagia · 3 months
20 questions for fic writers
I haven't done one of those in a while so... thank you @mayalaen for the tag!
First, my AO3
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
mostly Stranger Things, and a couple The Witcher
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
28 AU-gust: Royalty (Stranger Things (TV 2016)) (1,794 words) (Omegaverse, Steddie) I'm so good at telling lies (That came from my mother's side) (Stranger Things (TV 2016)) (40,216 words) (Omegaverse, Steddie) My lucky charm (Stranger Things (TV 2016)) (2,775 words) (Omegaverse, Steddie) Never Again (Stranger Things (TV 2016)) (54,847 words) (Steddie) Eddie's month day 12 + Whumptober day 12 (Stranger Things (TV 2016)) (2,312 words) (Omegaverse,Steddie)
I just noticed that all my Omegaverse fic are in my top 5... maybe I should write more of those? Lol
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always (but I must admit that I don't have a lot of comments to answer to, lol)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The majority of my fic are angst with happy ending, but I wrote a very sad little Harringrove fic that's Sorrow
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Almost all my fic have a happy ending but I'll say Separate Ways (Harringrove) because it has beautiful art made by Lemon for the epilogue!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut?
Yes but I'm not really good at it so I have to practice more XD
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
It's not really a crossover but I wrote a series of fics for the Metal Sandwich Movie Marathon (and Kinktober) where Billy, Steve and Eddie decide to reenact some porn versions of some scenes of famous movies. The one that makes me laugh the more it's Jurassic Park.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I translated a couple of mines. Never again, lol.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but I'm working on it ;)
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Steddie it's my first love, but I love Metal Sandwich, and Hargrove as well (and Geraskier)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
An Anonymous Dead Dove.
16. What are your writing strengths?
No one? Lol
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm too fast. I want to get to the end of the story (as a reader and as a writer) so sometimes I have to force myself to slow down a little.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Yes and I did a couple of times
19. First fandom you wrote for?
City Hunter
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Always the last one I'm working on. At the moment it's Second Chances Mixtape, because it's totally out of my comfort zone but I'm still pretty pleased with the result
My no pressure tag list:
@cranberrymoons, @spaceofentropy, @kallisto-k, @viviseawrites @ghostdeb, @applewillowstone and whoever would like to join!
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sequencefairy · 6 months
Writing Wrap-Up 2023
It is, once again, the end of the year! I wrote a lot!
First of all, I have officially published all my original stuff written for Space Fruit Press on Amazon Kindle under my penname, so if you enjoy my fic, I would love to encourage you to check out my original stuff, too, since all those dollars help me on the journey to doing that full time instead of having a full time job that really cuts into my fangirl time.
In addition to what is available on Amazon, there is another anthology of work coming from the press, and I will have a story in it! I need to write it, but it will exist. I'm very excited about this story, as well.
From a fanfic perspective, I have published only three things this year:
And I Was Never Afraid of the Dark (Oh, the Weapon You Made of My Heart) - shyan, wip, unfinished, 9.4k, demon!shane
Shane pulls Ryan out of Hell at 3:37 on a Tuesday afternoon. He’s not looking at his watch at the time, but he infers the time later after he’s finally managed to get up off the desert floor, and has hauled them both back to the car he’d parked in the lot at the trailhead a little over a week ago. Ryan’s a deadweight in Shane’s grip, head lolling back against Shane’s shoulder and body limp and unhelpful in Shane’s arms. His eyes are closed.
My Rivers Tilt Towards You - geraskier, fae!jaskier, 29k, strangers to friends to lovers, canon-divergent au
Geralt pushes the door open one-handed. As it creaks, announcing his presence, Jaskier looks up from the long table he’s sitting at. There’s a mug of something at the bard’s elbow and his songbook is open in front of him. “Geralt,” he says in greeting, and for a moment, Geralt is sure that the bard’s eyes shine in the dark, reflective like his own. He blinks, and the moment passes. Jaskier’s mouth curves into a smile. “Is it done, then?”
Coax the Cold Right Out of Me - shyan, complete, 4.1k, vampire!shane, established relationship
“Shane,” Ryan says, insistent, eyes gleaming in the dark. Shane lets his eyes fall shut, and sighs. The little red and white cooler they usually bring on shoots got left behind at the hotel, an hour and a half away in Jackson. “I’ll be fine,” he says, not looking at Ryan, and ignoring the ache in his gums. He’s gone longer without, he can make it through one shoot and then the drive back before being sated. “You don’t have to be.”
(more rambling under the cut)
So I spent too long making this, but whatever. Let's have fun with infographics, baby!
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Anyway, interesting look at the last couple of years for me! I have clearly been in a quality over quantity place regarding wordcounts + things published over the last few years.
I have, over the past couple of years, been feeling like my writing has changed quite a lot, both in terms of what I am interested in writing, and also what I am interested in publishing both to AO3 and as original work.
I think there's also probably something in here about the fall out from the pandemic, as well as something about the fact that I've been medicated for the ADHD for a year now, and I've had to learn how to write in a way that is not an unhealthy coping mechanism and instead as something I do for fun, as a hobby that I enjoy.
What I have been producing lately, in 2023, is some of my favourite writing I've ever done, and I feel like I really levelled up this year in terms of tackling themes and ideas that the me of 2021 wouldn't have even imagined was possible.
With that said, the other fun comparison across years is this one:
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Clearly, when you only publish three things in a year, it skews your stats, but I do also think that My Rivers was definitely a thing I needed to finish and write in order to become the person who is currently sitting on about 70k or so of active WIP for a different fandom altogether.
I adore, always, all the love that my shyan fic gets, this fandom is demonstrative in a way that no other fandom has ever been for me, and I've made the best kind of friends in this fandom. Even if I never publish another shyan fic ever (which I am certainly not saying is the case), I still treasure every single one of these fics which allowed me to meet people who've become extremely fucking important to me.
In addition to published fic, of course, the other thing to talk about is all that stuff I'm sitting on that hasn't been published (yet).
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These are the seven most active of my WIPs. I am desiring to publish Moonlight on Broken Glass before the end of December, but since I'm the porn and instead of writing it, I keep going back to refine other parts of it, I have some doubts in my ability to get a draft done in the next few days.
All together, that's about 82k of wip, in various states of done that I'm working on. So, really, this year, I've written like, well over 100k, which is always my quiet goal going into any given year.
I don't have anything else to say about this, but I had fun making these little pictures and looking at all my wips. It was, all told, a good year for writing, even if it started off kinda slow.
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My witcher fics general masterpost
Here are all stories dispatched by ship. As most of my fic are mature because of the subjects (depression, suicidal thoughts, mourning process...) and the whump, I will go the other way around and put the 🌸 tag for the light fics. Note that warnings are also in the stories for each chapter.
Fics are post on ffnet and here on tumblr for the microfictions.
[Edit] I have an ao3 account now but I am not sure what to do with it so I will put the links when available there too.
The Muse Saga masterpost [x]
Pears [ffnet][ao3] : OS. 1.7k words. Whump. Geralt and Jaskier are taken prisoner and have a rough time but they have a little moment to chat a little bit. Geralt will learn a thing or two. [Mixed POV]
Microfictions :
Friend [x] : After the moutains [Geralt POV]
Don't abandon me [x] : Alternate ending. Jaskier has heard after the battle of Kaer Morhen [Jaskier POV]
Last thoughts [x] : Alternate ending. Rience finishes him off [Jaskier POV]
If I have the courage to publish more of it some day, this will go there. I try to make it happen creating this category. But due to certain things I have destroyed all remaining notes for the stories I had written for them. So that's all that's left at the moment.
Wild Blue : [ao3 series link]
Trapped [ffnet]: OS. 1.6k words. Hidden between the red roses, a wild blue flower grows. [Radovid POV]
Thorns [ffnet] : Multichapter (9). 35.9k words. Strong whump. Radovid and Jaskier are linked through their dreams. The new king of Redania witnesses the doom fate of his lover and has to find a way to help him get through some terrible wounds - physical as much as emotional. [Multi POV]
You can find every chapter with their specific warnings under the # wild blue of this post.
Microfictions :
My beloved king [x] : AU (kinda). Someone is jealous of Radovid love for Jaskier. [That guy in the back POV]
This can be multiship or no precise ship at all.
Oxymoron [ffnet] [ao3] : Multichapter (in progress - 75k word for the moment). Quite heavy - Whump physical and emotional. The Continent has long forgotten magic and monsters. Those are for books and legends only. Yet some still believe in it and witchers are still in activity. Geralt, one of the last, knows that monsters have just adapted to the human world and hides even in the biggest cities. One day, he meets a young man playing in a bar on the road and his life is changed. - [Modern AU][Geralt POV]
Microfictions :
Vespula's logs - part 1 : [x] Vespula's notes on Jaskier's muses. 🌸
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You know, like, 90% of my ships are directly your fault lol You just make them so damn compelling! Like the witcher, i've seen the 1st season and i'm trying to watch the 2nd one, but honestly i just find it kind of... ok? There are good things, but it just feels so... a man's show about a manly man made for MEN. and those to me are usually just, like, meh. But damn if I'm not reading geraskier fics becase of you lol
Ohhh I just sent you an ask yesterday about the witcher, I hope it didn't come off as me badmouthing the show! I was thinking about it and got worried about how I said it. I know you like it and I wouldn't do that, promise. I just meant it in the sense of how it's funny to read fics about characters without necessarily having seen the show they're on, just based on posts about how good their chemistry is
no worries, i wasn't offended at all! twn season 2 is... well... let's say that it's flawed. some parts of it are impeccable, such as geralt and ciri's relationship and jaskier's songs, but they turned eskel into a tree for fuck's sake. they killed roach. for that alone i would throw hands.
the fandom has strong feelings about s2 and most of them aren't great. and yes, there's a certain "this show was made for gamer bros" vibe to some parts, but it's far from entirely like that. i haven't watched vol II of season three yet due to being in a good omens haze, but vol I was wonderful, character-wise. from a technical standpoint it was also quite flawed, but if you're there for the characters it was delightful.
and while geralt is definitely a Tough Manly Man with Repressed Emotions, he's never one of those guys. he risks his life to save people, he's grumpy but kind, he regards rape as a serious crime and treats women with respect, he's endlessly gentle and supportive with his daughter, he refuses to kill except to protect others... and he does it all while being a grumpy, sarcastic bitch. i love him SO much.
and of coure i love jaskier, who joey put his entire pussy into portraying as a queer poly man who falls in love with everyone he lays eyes on, who's a prissy little brat but also endlessly kind and giving. i love how he's never scared of or intimidated by geralt no matter how the bastard growls, and i love that he's the only one who ever asks geralt what he wants.
ugh, they fuck me up so bad. i'm glad to have infected you. wish i had a blog badge for that lmao. since you're reading fic, have you read the accidental warlord series by @inexplicifics? it's like, the geraskier fic for me lol, i've read it like a dozen times or so by now.
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evilwickedme · 1 year
Geraskier 👀👀👀👀👀
Ok so basically this is about these tags:
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And I have sooo many geraskier thoughts like am I over my Witcher phase? Yes. Did the brainworms LEAVE? Fucking no they did not they just borrowed deeper and went to sleep but occasionally they wiggle and then this comes out
Anyway basically you can read my many, many geraskier fics for the actual smut portion of this but have you seen the women that geralt is attracted to in canon. He wants to be told what to do you KNOW he wants to be told what to do and he wants to be really good for his partner. Geralt being called good boy is a major factor in my extreme enjoyment of several otherwise mediocre fics I read in 2020
People fucking love to write geraskier with geralt being this big brute who's in control and Jaskier is this wilting lily who does whatever he's told or at best is a bratty sub and I just like. No. Did we even watch the same show? (I only read the first book and didn't vibe with it and my computer can't run the games don't @ me anyway) like Jaskier is sooooooo fucking bossy, he just happened to have become best friends with a guy who's entire thing is to be solid and reliable and not get bossed around but that's like, his professional thing, his worksona if you will. I know deep in my heart that Geralt melts in the bedroom
We also must acknowledge that while the wardrobe department did an amazing job making Jaskier SEEM small in comparison to geralt actually joey batey is fuckin huge. I'm just. Season 2 when he took that impromptu bath in the little lake or whatever you wanna call it?? Y'all saw. He's beefy. He's got it. Is he as strong as geralt? No. If geralt didn't want to move he wouldn't. But he LIKES when jask manhandles him, likes when jask positions him, tells him to stay right there, ties him up and has his wicked way with him. I mean PLEASE like it's sooo obvious
In an ot3 scenario this is true also. Obviously we're talking geraskiefer where yen just does the fucking most to geralt - she definitely pushes boundaries, the little we know of their sex life sounds like it's just sort of fun, you know? Stuffed unicorns etc - and I like to think of yen and jask teaming up to low-key torture geralt but then they reward him so it's all good. Or, and I didn't write anything for this ship but I read so fucking much of it, gentle top!eskel with geraskier is also fucking amazing. We're obviously not talking about what they did to my boy in the show, we're talking game eskel who I've seen many clips of and love
But yeah basically geralt deserves to get taken care of and told he's pretty and a good boy and just. I have a lot of feelings on how that works for him and jask. And yeah that's it you can read my bdsm fic for them if you like fucked up relationships and pre-s2 geraskier
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fangirleaconmigo · 2 years
I Can't Believe It's Not Fanon
Otherwise known as...
Witcher facts that sound like Geraskier fic writers made them up, but that are, in fact, book canon.
I have gotten two asks now about Jaskier and Ciri’s relationship. So let's goooo. For this installment of Canon or Fanon, I am answering the question:
Jaskier and Ciri's Friendship, Canon or Fanon?
In Geraskier fanfics, Jaskier is (obviously) Geralt’s romantic partner. So, whenever the fic also includes Ciri, Jaskier and Ciri often have a sweet found family vibe of their own. They almost always get along famously!
But in TWN S2 when they finally meet, Ciri isn’t interested in speaking to him, and brushes him off. (Not saying they can’t or won't become friends in TWN, but we haven’t seen it yet)
So, I’ve been asked whether their good relationship is pure fanon? Or is it book canon as well?
In the books, Jaskier and Ciri have a very sweet relationship. He seems to 'get' her and they get up to a bit of mischief together. 
Ciri also teases him, suggesting a comfortable, affectionate relationship. 
Most impressively, Yen and Geralt ask him to babysit Ciri when they have other things to do, which demonstrates that they place the highest trust humanly possibly in him. 
Dandelion is inarguably part of Ciri’s found family and a big part of his motivation in the final three books are his feelings of responsibility for her.
In fact, Dandelion’s concern for Ciri and his feelings of responsibility for her actually lead to one of the most emotional, touching scenes between Geralt and Dandelion. It is a rare scene where Dandelion is incredibly vulnerable, and when I read it I want to chew glass.
I feel like because it is a bit more subtle, not everyone pics up on it. But as usual, you don't have to take my word for it. I have pulled book quotes to support each of these claims. So, read on!
(Obviously, there are book spoilers. I try to vague up everything plot related and leave out major spoilers, but there are still mild and moderate spoilers. In fact, I think this may be my most spoilery one by necessity. But I try really really hard but I cannot guarantee anything.)
When Dandelion and Ciri meet, he instantly ‘gets’ her. 
The first time Dandelion and Ciri meet, it is in Time of Contempt. Geralt and Dandelion are staying at a friend’s house together, and Ciri is supposed to be on her way to Aretuza with Yen. However, Ciri and Yennefer show up there instead.
Geralt and Yen are broken up, so the reunion scene feels very much like divorced exes co-parenting. It is awkward. Ciri is standing physically between Geralt and Yen, feeling pressure about which one to walk towards. Dandelion watches the scene carefully.
“Who will the girl choose?” wondered Dandelion.
So, he sees right away that Ciri is in a very delicate position, and no matter what she does, it will show favoritism to one of her parents. Ciri comes up with an inventive, if theatrical solution.
Ciri did not walk to either of them. She was unable to decide. Instead of moving, she fainted.
Time of Contempt p101
So, Dandelion understands that she is in a difficult position. He also recognizes a performance when he sees one.
The next day, Geralt and Yen are outside in an orchard having a conversation. Ciri wakes up and goes outside to eavesdrop on them. She is caught in the act.
Ciri had imagined that Dandelion, the famous poet whose work she had read countless times, was asleep. She was wrong. The poet Dandelion wasn’t asleep. And he caught her in the act.
Lol. Imagine you have spent hours and hours over the course of your short life reading this famous man’s poetry, and he catches you being nosy.
“Hey,” he said, coming up unexpectedly and chuckling. “Is it polite to eavesdrop and spy on people? More discretion, little one. Let them be together for a while.”
Ciri blushed, but then immediately narrowed her lips.
Dandelion chuckles, because, well, we know that Dandelion LOVES eavesdropping and spying on people. Where else would he get all his gossip? So it is an affectionate, gentle statement. Then, Dandelion lets her know that he recognized that the faint was fake, even though Geralt didn’t realize it.
That was very cunning what you did yesterday, but you didn’t fool me. You pretended to faint, didn’t you?”
Yes I did,” she muttered, turning her face away.
And then, since as I said, spying is actually very much Dandelion’s thing, he joins her. They sit under an apple tree and eavesdrop on Geralt and Yen together. Ciri describes Yen and Geralt’s body language to Dandelion, then, in his expert capacity as a poet, he ‘translates’ it for her.
It is such an adorable scene. It also very much fits the popular “Dandelion and Ciri do mischief together” fanon. 
I’m going to screenshot the whole thing because it is too long to type out, but here it is in case anyone wants to read it here. And if you can’t read it on here, it takes place on pages 101-103 in Time of Contempt. I found it in pdf form online and I’ll put the link in the replies.
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So, after this sweet beginning, they develop a relationship that is comfortable and affectionate. And perhaps most significantly, Geralt and Yen leave Ciri in his care. There is truly no higher trust, and it very much indicates that he is part of the family.
First, Geralt, Yennefer, Dandelion, and Ciri tride together to Aretuza/Thanned. The journey is not ‘on the page’ but we know they make that trip together as a group of four. Those kinds of missing scenes are ripe for fics. We want to see them spending time together being just relaxed. But we don’t see it here.
But we do read that before they get to Thanned, they stop in Loxia where: 
Geralt whiled away the day talking to Ciri. Dandelion ran around collecting and spreading gossip, and the enchantress measured and chose clothes.
Then the evening comes and Geralt and Yen go to a banquet on Thanned, leaving Ciri with Dandelion. 
Dandelion Babysits Ciri 
The babysitting scenes don’t show them interacting, but it is still lovely. It ‘fast forwards’ to night time, and Ciri is having her usual dreams. As she wakes up and drifts back to sleep, the sounds of Dandelion singing, comforts her back to sleep.
The first time, the sounds are more celebratory:
“Now, vainly trying to recall the dream, she could only hear the soft sounds of lute and flute, the jingling of tambourine, singing, and laughter. Dandelion and the group of minstrels he had chanced upon continued to have the time of their lives in the chamber at the end of the corridor.
Time of Contempt p153 
The second time is more soothing:
“Dandelion’s soft mournful singing and the music he raised from the lute’s strings murmuring like a stream flowing over pebbles, drifted to her from the chamber at the end of the corridor...Ciri listened carefully to the words. 
Then, there are noises in her room. Something is afoot. Ciri tries to reach for her sword. But Yen has given it to Dandelion for safekeeping.
She didn’t have a sword any more; Yennefer had taken it from her, giving it to Dandelion for safekeeping. The poet must have gone to sleep, and it was silent in Loxia. Ciri was already wondering whether to go and wake him...
Time of Contempt p 159
Unlike in TWN so far, Yen already sees herself as Ciri’s mother. She is intensely protective, on high alert, and VERY VERY determined to keep Ciri safe. So, she has taken Ciri’s sword, and given it to Dandelion for safekeeping. This is more indication of her trust in Dandelion which is high praise. There is nothing more important to her than Ciri, nothing. 
The noise in Ciri’s room turns out to actually be Yen, taking her from her room via magical portal. But shit has hit the fan back at Aretuza and she understandably does not stop to wake Dandelion and tell him that she is taking Ciri, or why.
So, since Dandelion is staying down the hall, he doesn’t hear anything. It is only when he awakens some time later that he finds Ciri gone. He doesn’t know who took her and he doesn’t know why. So, he sprints to Aretuza to tell Geralt. 
Dandelion arrived on the steps out of breath, saw what was happening and went white as a ghost.
“Geralt!” he yelled a moment later. “Ciri’s disappeared! She isn’t here!”
“I expected as much,” answered the witcher...”but you really make a body wait, Dandelion. I told you yesterday to leg it to Aretuza if anything happened!...”
Time of Contempt p172
So, it is important to explain here that Geralt doesn’t trust Yen with Ciri yet. Yen is completely trustworthy because she loves Ciri, but he doesn’t ‘get’ that yet. That whole chapter we are in his head, so we know that he is asking himself whether Yen is lying to him, he is saying to himself that Yen is hiding something, and he is questioning whether Yen is loyal to Ciri.
So Geralt is anguished now. He assumes it was Yen who took her, but he doesn’t know whether it was to protect her or to throw her to the wolves. And saying to Dandelion ‘what took you so long’ plays into the next part of Dandelion’s motivations in the story.
So fast forward to a few weeks later. During the whole thing on Thanned, Geralt and Dandelion are separated. Geralt is injured. And then he is taken to Brokilon for healing. Dandelion then makes the terrifying journey into Brokilon to check on his friend. And of course, Geralt is in complete anguish. He is injured. He doesn’t know where Yen is, where Ciri is, and whether Yen is helping Ciri or harming her.
In these scenes in Brokilon is where we fully see the extent of Dandelion’s guilt about Ciri. 
He feels so guilty about  that he dreams/hallucinates a dryad telling him Geralt’s misfortune is all his fault. 
“...It’s obvious you had a hand in it. It’s obvious you are his friend. And if someone has friends, and he loses everything in spite of that, it’s obvious the friends are to blame for what they did, or for what they didn’t do.”
“What could I have done?” he whispered. “What could I have done?”
“I don’t know,” answered the dryad. 
“I didn’t tell him everything...” 
“I know.”
“I’m not guilty of anything.”
“Yes, you are.”
“No! I’m not--”
So, since this is a dream, the dryad is the part of Dandelion who blames himself. And he believes he is at fault because friends don’t let friends lose everyone they love.
This is the inherent tragedy of fantasy stories where non-powered humans are friends with super powered mutants and mages. They worship the ground their super powered friends walk on. They want everything to turn out ok. But they can’t actually do anything to save them. They can only love them. Geralt actually desperately needs that more than anything else, and it is why he values Dandelion, but Dandelion can’t see the value in what he offers him. He just feels useless.
So while he is yelling in his dream, he is actually yelling this out loud and he wakes himself up.
He jumped to his feet, making the branches of his makeshift bed creak. Geralt sat beside him, rubbing his face. He smelled of soap.
“Aren’t you?” he asked coolly. “I wonder what else you dreamed about. That you’re a frog? Calm down. You aren’t. Did you dream that you’re a chump? Well that dream might be prophetic.”
Time of Contempt p238
That is the witcher saga. Combining humor (Geralt’s sarcasm here) and friendship (teasing someone like this is a sign of comfort and affection with them) with extreme pain (Geralt’s grief and Dandelion’s guilt and shame).
It is really heartbreaking! Because how could Dandelion have known, and what could he have done if he did know? He isn’t Ciri’s babysitter because he has any magical powers or combat abilities. He is Ciri’s babysitter because Geralt knows that he loves Ciri and would never turn her over to any of these people pursuing her. He is Ciri’s babysitter because he is Geralt’s one port in the storm. He is the one person Geralt knows that he can trust outside of Kaer Morhen, to not give a fuck about political power or using Ciri as a pawn. (Geralt can trust Yen too, but he doesn’t know that yet. And he eventually trusts other people, but we are talking at this point in the story).
And actually to give credit where credit is due, TWN did include this dynamic by having Geralt ask Jaskier to escort Ciri to Kaer Morhenin S2. That was the most significant show of Geralt’s trust in Jaskier that TWN has shown, and it is very true to the characters and Jaskier’s role in the story. 
But anyway, back to Brokilon. In Dandelion’s dream when he says he didn’t tell Geralt everything, that is in reference to some distressing gossip about Ciri’s whereabouts. Geralt has asked for all the gossip about the war. And as much as he grouses about Dandelion’s loose lips, he often depends on his gossip. However, Dandelion has hesitated in telling him that gossip about Ciri. He is trying to protect Geralt from bad news, and I think he feels so guilty that it’s hard for him to say out loud the kind of danger Ciri might be in.
But he decides to tell Geralt, and he decides to accompany him wherever he may go to look for Ciri. Geralt finds this out when he goes to say goodbye. What Dandelion says to him, and how Geralt reponds just squeezes my heart to bits.
“Farewell, Dandelion.”
“Geralt...Listen to me--”
“Listen to what?” shouted the witcher before his voice suddenly faltered. “I can’t just leave---I can’t just leave her to her fate. She’s completely alone....she cannot be alone, Dandelion.You’ll never understand that. No one will ever understand that, but I know. If she remains alone, the same thing will happen to her as once happened to me...You’ll never understand that...”
Oh god that rips my heart out. Geralt’s voice is faltering. His love for Ciri. The way he identifies with her. The way he wants to save her from the pain he has gone through in life. How passionately and emotionally he speaks about her. Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. That is it for me. That’s the good shit.
But Dandelion tells him that he does understand, and that Geralt isn’t going to do this alone. He replies:
“I do understand. Which is why I’m coming with you.”
Dandelion doesn’t understand what Geralt or Ciri are going through. But he does understand how important Ciri is and that she cannot be alone. Geralt questions the wisdom of this decision.
“You’re insane, do you know where I’m headed?”
And Dandelion’s answer might be the most vulnerable and emotional we see him at any point in the books. (one of them at least) Dandelion always uses humor to deflect. He always uses his arrogance to defend himself against vulnerability. It is so rare that he stammers. It is so rare that he reveals his doubts and weaknesses. But that is exactly what he does here.
“Yes I do. Geralt, I--I haven’t told you everything. I’m...I feel guilty; I didn’t do anything. I didn’t know what to do. But now I do. I want to be by your side.”
Dear god, that gets me. When you get the character who is always funny and conceited and charming just breaking down like that, it gets me. To have the character who is allergic to responsibility and commitment making one here. Holding himself responsible for another person. And to have him just outright say “I want to be by your side.” Gahh;aksd THE FEELINGS IN THIS SCENE. The Gerlion of it. The found family of it.
And all of this is because Dandelion feels responsible for Ciri. He feels guilty that he couldn’t protect her. He understands her importance to Geralt’s mushy heart.
And here is how Geralt responds.
The witcher stood thinking for a long time, his arms hanging limply at his sides.
“Get on your horse,” he finally said, voice sounding different. “You can tell me on the way.”
Time of Contempt p237-241
So, Geralt doesn’t actually argue at all. He just accepts Dandelion’s help. It speaks to how vulnerable and grief stricken he is at this moment. He is so touched. He is so grateful to not be doing this all by himself. (And that is a theme as we go along in the next book. He knows that helping him is dangerous. He doesn’t want anyone he loves to get hurt. Also, he doesn’t think he deserves help. But when people insist on helping him, it means the world to him.)
Now, since the topic at hand is Jaskier and Ciri’s relationship, to connect that dot, I am going to fast forward to the scene in the final book where Dandelion and Ciri are reunited. So far we have seen that Dandelion feels responsible for her, that he understands how important she is, and that he joins Geralt on his quest to help her. 
When Dandelion and Ciri are reunited, we see their affection for each other, and we get a bit more of their time just spent together. We see her tease him about his name, and about his approach to dating. I love that and I’d like it injected directly into my veins pls.
But first, we see that Dandelion loves her. When he and Geralt had split up earlier, Dandelion made Geralt promise to bring Ciri back to Touissant to see him. 
“And I want to hug Ciri. Do you promise, Geralt?”
“I promise.”
Lady of the Lake
Ugh love that.
So in the reunion scene, Geralt is dutifully returning Ciri to Dandelion for that hug. However, when they get there to Toussaint where Dandelion is staying (he is with the Duchess so he is living there), they come upon a scene where Dandelion is seemingly about to be hanged on the gallows. It is a hilarious scene in one sense, because Dandelion is being hilarious and making a scene, and of course he would be charged with harlotry. 
In another sense, it is a sad scene because Geralt doesn’t know this is just something they do, (whenever Dandelion cheats on the Duchess, she sends him to the gallows, then pardons him). Geralt has suffered so much loss and his grief and his exhaustion and pain is palpable. Ciri is also really upset and begs him to do something to help Dandelion. He doesn’t know what to do.
Then Dandelion is spared and Geralt shouts at him to jump onto Roach. So, like many times before, Dandelion jumps onto Roach behind him, and Geralt carries him away to safety. Once they are away from the scene, Ciri greets Dandelion with tears in her eyes. 
Ciri reigned back Kelpie and waited for them. When they caught up she looked at Dandelion, and wiped away a tear. 
“Oh you...”she said. “You Pancratts.”
The joke with the misspelled last name is that Ciri has just found out his real name when the executioner called it out. 
“...it is known, that Julian Alfred Pankratz, Viscount de Lettenhove, alias Dandelion--”
“Pancratts what?” Ciri whispered a question.
So just like the witcher saga, there is heartbreak and hilarity all in the same scene. And having Ciri find out Dandelion’s true name in such a funny way makes her just like her father. It is a running joke.
Then we see Ciri and Geralt joining forces to pick on Dandelion. 
As they leave the gallows behind, Dandelion is rambling on about how his lover will surely forgive him his indiscretion, seeing as monogamy is totally unnatural, and the Duchess is so sweet and understanding that she will see this.
Geralt and Ciri are just listening to him shaking their heads.
“You’re hopelessly stupid,” stated Geralt, and Ciri confirmed she thought the same with an energetic nod of her head.”
Lady of the Lake p 476
That is so cute to me. Geralt and Ciri picking on Dandelion together.
Then the three of them (Geralt, Ciri, and Dandelion) ride together as a little squad to Rivia. They ride together for about a month, but it isn’t ‘on the page’. You just know that they do because the book tells you how much time has passed. 
Their rides together (the four of them earlier and the three of them now) are the kinds of ‘missing scenes’ you get in fics, which are more concerned with relationships and characters than plot. But in the books, you don’t really get that post Kaer Morhen. Everyone is just on the run on the time. Hell, that’s even true for the co-parents. You can count the number of passages where Geralt, Yen, and Ciri are together in the same scene on one hand. Ciri spends much of the latter books on the run by herself, so unfortunately, we don’t get much of it.
And that is even more true of Dandelion and Ciri, given that Dandelion is a secondary character. However, what we do get is very touching and sweet.
Dandelion is inarguably part of Ciri’s found family. He loves her and feels responsible for her. And their dynamic is very playful and mischievous. They pick on each other and care about each other. 
That is the best thing about the witcher saga. The found family. The ragtag group of assembled outcasts loving each other come what may. And though their relationship doesn’t have much ‘on the page’ time, it is extremely sweet.
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