#and then i thought. what if he's sort of like delilah in that he's a forgotten relative of the royal family via a servant
aaa fuck. pla dhau thoughts.
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msbigredmachine · 6 months
New To This - Chapter 2
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A/N: Thank you all for the wonderful response to the first chapter, I really appreciate it!
Enjoy Chapter 2!
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Home for Delilah was a small, aging modular house tucked away in an urban suburb in eastern Pensacola. It previously belonged to Andre’s father, and it served as a fairly decent abode for the young couple ever since they got engaged nearly two years ago. Andre had been living there for a decade, moving in to work at his uncle’s auto shop immediately after graduating from high school. It wasn't the most luxurious of dwellings, but it beat the miniscule space she’d been crammed in with her father, mother and older sister for years, so Delilah really couldn't complain.
Rolling her eyes at her mother’s wedding-laden text message, she pulled her keys from her pocket, guided it into the lock and pushed open the door. Closing it firmly behind her, she leaned back against it, shutting out the rest of the world for the rest of the day. Hanging her hooded jacket on the hook by the door, she kicked off her sneakers and dumped them in the corner along with her gym bag, knowing she put them in their proper place, but was too tired and hungry to worry about that right then.
She wandered into the kitchen, ignoring the small stack of unopened bills on the countertop, and opened the refrigerator. The three pieces of leftover chicken and half-full bottle of red wine wasn’t going to cut it. Sadly, ordering takeout was a bit of a luxury right now, so she had to make do with whatever she could find in the refrigerator and the pantry. Luckily, her mother had ensured that both of her daughters became creative enough cooks to see through any food shortage, which, these days, occurred more often than Delilah liked to admit. So, retrieving as many ingredients as she could find, she set about making dinner for herself and Andre, a peace offering of sorts after their turbulent morning.
It had been a stressful last few months, combining her wrestling classes with numerous double shifts at both her jobs to make ends meet. Adding the equally demanding task of planning her wedding was not helping. More frustrating, at least, according to Andre, was the fact that their nuptial plans were being delayed by her so-called ambitions, chipping away at what little income they both earned. Delilah truly wished he could see the big picture, or at the very least, show a little more support. He, of all people, should have her back. That the rest of the townspeople thought she was out of her mind didn’t mean that he had to agree with them.
Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the front door open. Knowing who it was, her insides clenched a little with apprehension, wondering, perhaps hopeful even, that her fiancé would be in a reconciliatory mood. The footsteps coming from the living area got louder as they got nearer. Delilah diverted her focus from the saucepan to watch Andre stroll into the kitchen. and despite the tension that had been brewing between them all day, her heart couldn’t help but welcome the affection that rushed over her for him.
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Andre Gibson had been every girl’s fantasy once upon a time. Still was, if Delilah was being honest. He was yet to lose any of the physical traits that made him so desirable back in high school. Just hitting six feet, his body was lean and toned from years of doing most of the heavy lifting at his father’s landscaping business. They were inseparable when they were younger; the best thing about school for her was sneaking out to hang out with him, making out with him in the bleachers after basketball games. It was like Heaven for Delilah, elated to be in a spot so many girls were dying to be in. The romance continued after high school, to Delilah’s pleasant surprise, culminating in his proposal two years ago on her twenty-second birthday. And now here they were, living together as soon-to-be man and wife.
“Hey,” he mumbled, rubbing a dirt-streaked hand over his tired face. His worn shirt was unbuttoned with his toned abs on display, and he dumped his backpack on the ground against the wall by the back door.
“Hey,” Delilah returned his greeting. “You’re home early. How did your day go?”
His tired sigh preceded his reply. “Same old, same old. We had one breakthrough though. Pops and I finally completed Mrs. Whelan’s garden.”
“Oh yeah, I remember you talking about that,” she said, stirring the contents in the skillet. “That’s great. I’m glad to know you finally pulled it off.”
“Same here, babe.” He came up behind her, peering over her shoulder. “What’cha got cookin’?”
“Improvising a little with the leftover chicken,” she started, pausing when his hands cupped her hips and his lips met her shoulder. And right away, she knew what this was. This was his way of apologizing about this morning; showing her affection without saying a word. That was the thing about her relationship with Andre. There was something special about the way that they didn't have to speak to know what the other was thinking. They fought, then acted like nothing had ever happened when they got back together. She felt he was in the wrong for this argument, but she wasn’t expecting an apology…no apologies were ever really exchanged afterwards…Everything just went back to normal, seemingly papering over the cracks, in Delilah’s humble opinion. But it kept the peace, so it was better if she kept that little discrepancy to herself.
“Now that we know how your day went, you wanna hear about mine?” she asked.
Chuckling to himself, Andre pushed gently away from her. “Sure, babe,” he said, “How was training today?”
“Tough as fuck,” Delilah grumbled, as Andre grabbed a glass and held it underneath the kitchen faucet. “Tank’s not letting up, even with two days to go till my match. But you’ll never believe who showed up at the warehouse today.”
“You really want me to guess?”
“Maybe not,” she conceded with a giggle, her eyes brightening with excitement as she recalled their brief meeting. “Jey Uso! Jey Uso of all people, Dre!”
Andre raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Am I supposed to know who that is?”
“He’s a big shot in the WWE. One of the top guys in the entire company,” she explained, even though it would most likely fall on deaf ears. “And the coolest part is he’s from right here. Raised in Pensacola just like we were.”
“That’s nice,” Andre responded with a nonchalant, almost bored tone as he settled down at the kitchen table. Delilah was well aware that Andre didn’t watch wrestling. He always called it fake and childish, but that opinion changed slightly when Delilah returned home from her very first class with bruises all over her body. She’d hoped he’d take interest in it, if only for her sake, but that didn’t look like it was happening anytime soon.
She finished making dinner and set a plate in front of him, shredded caramelized chicken with white rice and fresh tomato salad. It wasn’t gourmet, but Delilah had done what she could with what little they had. “Mm, smells good,” Andre complimented, grabbing his cutlery to dig in. Delilah sat beside him, casting pensive glances at him as she ate, pondering the right time to ask him a burning question. It was a few bites into her meal when she decided now was the right time.
“You know, you still ain’t told me if you’re coming to see my match or not,” she spoke up.
Andre’s cutlery ceased their skittering across his plate, and he averted his gaze. Delilah detected his answer right away, and her shoulders dropped. “You’re not,” she sighed, shaking her head.
“I didn’t say that,” he said quickly, “But you do understand why I won’t be able to make it, babe. You know what work is like for me these days.”
“I’ve been talking about this for weeks, Dre! You know how important this is to me! It’s my very first match! It’s in two days. Or did you forget that too?” Angrily, she stabbed her fork into a piece of chicken, trying not to imagine it was her fiancé’s eyeball. “You know what? Forget it. You don’t gotta come if you don’t want to.”
Andre started to counter her, but stopped, thinking twice about it. The last thing he wanted was yet another fight, because this was exactly how it always started. They’d been arguing a lot lately, and honestly? He was already over it. “Look…I’ll do my best to make it to your match,” he said.
“Yeah right,” Delilah rolled her eyes, ignoring the glimmer of hope that bloomed within her. “I ain’t holdin’ my breath, that’s for sure.”
“Come on, babe, I’m for real. I’ll clear out my schedule. I’ll set a reminder on my phone and stuff. I promise. Just gimme the details and I’m on it.” He stared at her with pleading eyes, determined to keep the peace between them. It had been a long, tense day, and in-house tension was the last thing he needed.
Delilah smiled, finally. “Fine. I can work with that,” she agreed. “Now finish up. Your mom sent me a few ideas on places we can have the reception. And after that…If you’re a good boy, maybe later, I’ll show you a new move I learned today.” She leaned closer to him, whispering in his ear, “In bed.”
The hand she’d placed on his thigh suggested volumes, and the tantalizing prospect made Andre smile, “Sounds like a plan, babe.” And with that, things were back to normal.
Or so they both wanted to believe.
The next morning…
Good thing she didn’t hold her breath in the end.
As Delilah dumped the heavy weights on the ground, she let out a loud growl, trying to release the tension surging through her body. She paced back and forth frantically as she glanced around the small gym, looking for what else to take out her anger on. Every muscle in her body was begging for mercy, but she couldn't stop. She had to take her frustrations out on something, otherwise she would take it out on someone, preferably Andre. Luckily, the gym was relatively empty, sparing some poor soul from her unwarranted wrath.
Fucking coward. He couldn’t even tell her to her face that he’d changed his mind about coming to her show. If that was even his intention in the first place. He’d scribbled some lame ass excuse on a piece of paper while she slept, and left it on his side of the bed before scurrying off to work. He was long gone by the time she woke up, presenting her with fewer reasons to trust her future husband.
The music blaring in her ears made it impossible for Delilah to hear or see anyone around her. And the anger she was feeling made her essentially ignore her surroundings. So it took her completely aback when she turned towards the direction of the punching bags only to run smack into a brick wall. "What the fuck!"
Josh smirked slightly as he took a step back, watching her yank the buds out of her ears. "Ay, my bad, on me," he apologized, chuckling at the discombobulated look on her face. "Thought you saw me comin’."
"Clearly not. You ain’t that hard to miss," Delilah snapped, tearing the fingerless gloves off her hands. "What are you even doing here?" she shot, noting vaguely that he didn’t look dressed for a workout. The man who had, just the day before, seemed imposing and breath-taking, was now just another testosterone-filled asshole standing in her way, like her fiancé.
Josh crossed his tattooed arms and stared at her. "Relax," he smiled. "Thought I would stop by and see how you were feelin' about tomorrow night, but I guess that's pretty obvious," he said, eyeing her up and down. He’d been on the mark about her body…bangin’ was an understatement. He forced himself to maintain eye contact to avoid staring at her nipples protruding through her sports bra.
Delilah grabbed the bottle of water sat on the nearby bench, unscrewing the cap and taking a few gulps. There was more than one reason she was feeling the way she was, and none of them put the butterflies in her stomach at ease. "I don’t even know why I’m trippin’," she shrugged. "I'm only jobbin' out anyway. Why would I want him to see me lose?"
“Want who to see you lose?” Josh inquired.
Delilah pursed her lips, contemplating whether she should answer or not. “My fiancé.”
He regretted asking. “Oh. Right. Tank said something like that,” he mumbled.
Delilah stared up at the huge man with narrowed eyes. “You and Tank talked about me?”
“Not the way you think,” Josh quickly clarified at her suspicious expression. “He has a lot of faith in you, which is why you ain’t gotta worry so much about tomorrow. You’ll be fine.”
"You make it sound so easy-breezy,” Delilah groaned, shoving her sweaty hair away from her equally sweaty face. “Maybe if one of us got hurt, the fans will have something to remember the match by."
Now it was Josh's turn to roll his eyes. Damn rookies. "Yeah, then you’ll be the fragile weakling nobody wanna work with. I know Tank taught you better than that," he countered. "Look, it ain’t all about winning and losing, not right now anyway. It’s about making an impression on your audience. The fans need a reason to keep watching you, and the suits need a reason they should hire you to wrestle. So everything you do in that ring matters. As long as your match is entertaining as fuck and you don’t kill anyone, that’s all they’ll care about."
Raising an eyebrow, Delilah chuckled. "Right. I’ll keep that in mind for tomorrow," she said. Biting her lip in contemplation, she met his eyes again and fought the urge to swoon.
"Ay, it’s okay to be nervous. You gotta phase that out, though,” he added. “And whatever you got going on at home, put that shit aside until after the match." 
It was a little unnerving how well he’d read her. “Easier said than done,” she scoffed.
For a second, Josh thought about prying, but decided against it. "Wanna know what I was like the morning of my very first match?" He watched her countenance perk up, giving him a curious half-smile that he thought was insanely attractive. "I got so nervous, thinkin’ and worryin’ about the match and shit, that I forgot my bag with my wrestling gear in it. Boots and all. I didn’t realize it until I got to the arena," he explained. “I had to rush back home, and the traffic was so crazy, I didn’t get back to the arena until about ten minutes before my match. That shit sucked ass, man.”
Nibbling on her bottom lip again, Delilah eyed Josh with awe as he spoke, his understanding words and softer eyes putting her more at ease than before. To think that the great Jey Uso had felt this jittery before his first match made her feel like they had a little more in common now.
"I really want this, ya know?" she said, relaxing some more as she confided in him. "I've always wanted this. I had a later start than most, I’ll admit, and I’m playing catch-up. That’s why I'm busting my ass so hard," she admitted. "There’s no room for error, Jey. I gotta be perfect."
Licking his lips subconsciously, Josh watched her take another sip of her water, some of it escaping her lips and trickling down the valley between her breasts, and felt a tightness deep in his gut. "Perfection don’t exist, baby girl, not in pro wrestling," he pointed out, his eyes reactively sweeping down the curves of her body before he spoke again. "Look, if Tank thinks you ready for this, then you ready," he said.
Delilah sighed heavily. She could only hope Tank was right. As she picked up her towel and bag off of the floor, she stopped short, and then turned to face him again. “Wait…Did you just call me baby girl?” she asked him.
A smirk twitched at the corner of his lips. “Sorry. Bad habit. I meant no disrespect. If I offended you, I'm sorry.” He stepped closer to her. “Forgive me?”
Delilah swallowed, taking a few steps of her own backwards. She noticed his lips twitch again in amusement. “Uh…yeah. Sure.” 
Josh smiled. “Preciate that, Delilah.” He backed away. “I’ll see you tomorrow night. Think about what I said, a’ight?”
She watched him walk away from her and out of the gym, so many questions on the tip of her tongue. Her hand tightened over her water bottle, and she suddenly felt the need to take a cold shower, or two.
Banner made by me. Credit to the owners of the pics and gifs.
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jackhues · 7 months
im sorry i love delilah
imagine matthew putting her in little panthers gear for some event, and for some reason she wants to wear bobs jersey not matts and matthews like, sorry pickle you dont have a bob jersey and she goes on the ice all pouty, but then when she comes back theres a little bob jersey in mattys locker
do not apologize, i love lilah too! [takes place before the 23/24 season]
"c'mon, my del," matthew ushered her along, down the halls of amerant bank arena, and towards the locker room. "we gotta get you in your jersey if you want to be in the video."
"coming daddy," lilah gripped her stuffed panther 'kitty' in one hand, and held matthew's hand with her free one.
people rushed in and out of rooms, up and down the hallways, trying to get everything sorted for media day. delilah wanted to be in one of the challenge videos, but she was supposed to wear some sort of panthers gear if she wanted to be in it. although no one was going to enforce that rule with her, delilah wanted to wear her jersey and matthew was perfectly fine with it too.
"here, arms up please, let's get your jersey on," matthew held out the smaller 'tkachuk' jersey that hung in his stall, coming along with the other jerseys.
"can i have a bobby jersey?" she asked. "bobby played really good last time, and he gave me a chocolate today, did you know that? he's a goalie too, goalies are really cool. i think i want to wear a bobby jersey."
"aw, sorry pickle, but you don't have a bobby jersey," he reminded her. "you can wear the tkachuk jersey right now, and the bobby one when we can find one."
"aw, i wanted to wear it now," she pouted.
"matthew!" someone poked their head in the door. "matthew tkachuk, it's your turn for solo shots!"
"yeah, one second," he said to the assistant. he turned back to delilah, who'd taken a seat in his stall, and was kicking her feet dejectedly. "tell you what my del, why don't you go and help them take pictures and videos? maybe you'll convince one of the guys to give you their prize."
delilah continued to pout, but allowed matthew to lead her to where the other panthers were doing challenges and playing games as they waited their turn.
"i'll be back soon, pickle," matthew promised, kissing the top of her head.
he made his way to where his solo shots were going to take place, unable to get delilah's little pouty face out of his mind. the last thing he ever wanted to do was make her sad.
"and you're done," the photographer smiled, letting matthew leave.
his first thought was to stop by the waiting room where delilah would be, but then he remembered how sad she was... and so he took a little detour. not far, simply to the panthers' shop in the arena. luckily they had what he was looking for, and in the right size.
he stashed it in his locker, before stopping by the waiting room, where challenges and games were taking place. delilah was sitting on the floor, multiple drawings, and even more chocolates around her. apparently, she was giving out her drawings to her favourite players (all of them, but especially bob), and they all gave her chocolates and candies in return.
"hey del," matthew knelt next to her, a little surprised to see that she was still upset. usually, she got over things quickly.
"hi daddy," she responded, continuing her drawing.
"why don't you come with me to the locker room, huh? i got a surprise for you," he held out his hand.
delilah looked at him, but they both knew she'd never say no to matthew's outstretched hand.
"okay," she took his hand, allowing him to lead her to the locker room.
on the way there, matthew realized he never did anything special for her. there were no chocolates or candies or drawings in his locker waiting for her. just one simple thing, something he didn't even have to pay for.
but then delilah squeezed his hand as she followed him, and all of his nervousness flew away. this was his del, his little pickle: she'd be happy with a can of worms. this was better than that, at least.
as soon as her eyes landed on matthew's stall, she gasped. she couldn't read perfectly yet, but she'd seen that name on bob's jersey tens of times.
"is that a bobby jersey? for me?" she looked up at her dad.
"for you," matthew agreed. "you wanted one, so i got you one."
delilah tilted her head at him, unfamiliar with the idea of getting anything she ever wanted. even though matthew tried to spoil her, there wasn't much she wanted. and before matthew, there was no one giving her what she wanted. so it was still a little new to her.
but then she smiled, her toothy little grin that made matthew's heart melt every time, and she gave him the biggest hug she could. "thank you, daddy! you're the best!"
"even better than bobby?" he joked.
"hmmm, i don't know, but you're better than uncle brady," she decided.
matthew laughed, "alright, i'll take it. now, arms up, let's get your bobby jersey on."
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thisisnotthenerd · 2 months
not going to spoil anything outside the cut but the beacon membership is absolutely worth it if you're a 2x adhd girlie like me and want to get sleep before 2 am on thursday nights.
might go back tomorrow for a rewatch, but hell yeah. plus it streamlines combat indecision. the only thing i miss is the pre-stream music, but i can always tune into twitch for that and then start the ep when i want to. anyway:
great episode. i loved the hells needling at ludinus: the witches straight up poking holes in his ideas, orym going fuck you, ashton and dorian contemplating a new world order but still hating him, braius advocating for his deity, and chetney shooting through the door with questions about molaesmyr. every time he tried to sidestep a question from chet you know it's about some good shit.
also they run the gamut of kill the gods vs not: dorian in favor because of what he saw with the spider queen, ashton leaning into some primordial thought processes, braius hating the primes, chetney mostly concerned with the effects on exandria, laudna questioning ludinus' denied god complex, imogen considering their flaws as compared to mortals, fearne seeing their relationships, and orym neutral but considering the unknowns and the implications of making that choice for everyone on exandria.
ludinus giving them the arcane battery to deliberately trigger delilah. what the fuck matt. but also, excellent way to force a confrontation with her before more shit goes down.
it's a small moment, but ashton leaving a shard of fcg in aeor and saying welcome home.
the preservation of the soul anchor giving them the possibility to remove and bind delilah, we don't know what will happen to laudna if delilah is removed. i'm of the opinion that she could survive on her own sorcery because of the nature of the shadow sorcerer subclass, but is serving as a sort of phylactery for delilah, while she retains the pact. she's not in a place where i think she would take a different patron, so we'll see how it goes. i personally hope they can remove her, and then laudna gets a chance to be truly alone in her own mind for the first time in 30 years.
also, sam's back! braius has an interesting perspective that he's fully invested in; having that kind of commitment as an aspect of his character provides a good contrast against some of the vague aimlessness of the hells. it's good. it's fine. i'm sure this will all turn out great. the voice does remind me of tary.
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brooklynisher · 7 months
People are asking about it so here it is!
The Spine Hc Angst Relating to Peter Walter I
This sorta turns into borderline a full backstory but aa who cares
Zer0 was abandoned and Rabbit was literally killed by Peter Walter I. I refuse to believe The Spine was such a perfect robot that Peter just left him alone.
I like to believe that after the success of Rabbit’s invention, Peter held The Spine to a much greater standard. So much greater to the point where he wasn’t being realistic. He knew he had the capabilities to program The Spine to be exactly what he wanted The Spine to be.
Two conflicting traits he gave were curiosity and maturity. Though curiosity isn’t inherently childish, you could only ask so many questions before people would assume you were born yesterday.
Because he expects The Spine to be mature, he doesn’t allow The Spine to indulge in any “childish“ activities.
One thing is that Rabbit thinks Peter prefers The Spine because he’s dedicated so much time into perfecting him, but The Spine thinks Peter prefers Rabbit because he seems like he actually likes her and she has many more permissions than he does.
Sometimes Peter will read stories to Rabbit to help her power down, but when The Spine asks to be read stories, he says no since The Spine is supposed to be, “More mature than Rabbit, and he doesn’t need them”. Rabbit might read The Spine stories in secret on occasion.
The Spine was not allowed to play with toys. If he was ever caught with a toy of any kind, they would be given away or destroyed depending on the quality of the toy.
The Spine was never allowed to read children books or watch children shows. He would have his siblings update him on any of his interests in media made for children if he had any.
He’s not allowed to play with his siblings, but instead, he’s expected to supervise.
Overall, he was expected to be “The best robot”. Whenever he wasn’t, he’d get adjusted, which he hated because he never knew what parts of him Peter was going to change. Most of the time he wouldn’t know what he did wrong. Which if he couldn’t figure out what he did wrong, the adjusting process would take 10x longer. The Spine would find himself overthinking everything he did wrong when he couldn’t be the perfect robot. This is part of the reason why he cares so much about the public perception of him.
During moments where he broke, he felt embarrassed and guilty. Peter would never tell him that his system failures were his fault, but he’d complain a lot whenever he had to fix them, making The Spine feel as if it was his fault for all the times he was broken. Like he was Wired Wrong.
Eventually, he’d start repairing himself. Which he got praise for, but if he ever made a mistake, boy did he feel like a failure. He’d be terrified of admitting to Peter Walter that he broke himself, but he would confess when he needed to because Peter would only get madder if he tried to hide it. Still, he was yelled at every time he made a mistake in fixing himself. The Spine would still keep trying though because he’d breakdown less when he attended to himself. His biggest issue is that he can get a bit too good at fixing himself and ends up overdoing it. Hence, over attenuated hydraulics.
Of course, after Delilah’s death, Peter was a lot more strict and critical with The Spine. There were times where The Spine was treated poorly due to Peter’s grief alone, but because he didn’t understand grief, he thought that his existence was the problem. He’d end up being hyper-aware of every little thing he did. Thinking that there was some sort of special way to behave around Peter in order to avoid setting him off. He was cautious of everything. His walk, his voice, the sound of the steam leaving his body, the glow of his eyes. He didn’t know what it was that would hurt Peter Walter I, but he always thought it was himself.
When Peter I died, the pressure to be the perfect robot only got stronger, so it ended up becoming a core aspect of his personality. To be the most mature, well maintained, and to keep his siblings in check.
It wasn’t until Peter Walter VI where he’d start to embrace his inner child. After seeing how well he responded to the rest of his siblings’ changes. He finally felt more comfortable with being himself. A tall robot dork.
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utilitycaster · 10 months
Fighter Breakdown Tracker, episode 3x78
Welcome to what was originally an opportunity to talk about the myriad wizards (not Myriad wizards, a separate concept) of Campaign 2 that occasionally gets co-opted into other things when the thought arises. Anyway, obviously the main event was the Barbarian Breakdown and, relatedly, the Party Breakdown, due to their Communication Breakdown, giving Allura Vysoren specifically her 19th Nervous Breakdown, but I've already talked a lot about Ashton. How are the fighters doing?
As a reminder: characters are included on the basis of 1. are they a fighter, 2. are they remotely relevant to this campaign, and 3. do I have something funny to say about them. I cannot stress enough how important item 3 is in the decision process; do not make requests, my muse speaks to me and that is how the characters (and, to be honest, classes) are chosen.
Cassandra de Rolo: Yes! According to the Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting (not reborn) she's multiclassed into fighter! Anyway that plan to go to the ziggurat went well, huh? totally normal and great. I like to think that due to her rogue levels she saw Fearne march down the ziggurat steps and just peaced out and has been chilling in Pike's little cabin ever since. 4/10: normal "is the world ending" concerns but otherwise she's having maybe the best day anyone on the Whitestone War Council can.
Jarett Howarth: he's specifically avoiding Bells Hells because motherfuckers keep teleporting from Marquet and not bringing any fusaka. This, plus normal "putting the Pale Guard on a war footing and also there's a really mad goat lady in the garden" bumps him up to a 6/10.
Orym: my serious thoughts about the space made for Chetney, FCG, and Imogen to step up aside I honestly think the semi-joking narrative of Orym going off in a huff and working out his feelings quite literally via the power of elaborate bodyweight calisthenics of the sort that grant you 20 Dex and 10 Str would be good for him. Allow yourself a little pettiness, Orym; it's good for the soul. 5/10 because I don't fucking know; we'll see next game.
Ariks Eshteross: I hope he's at peace and buried next to his love as requested; I still haven't gotten around to making those cookies actually and frankly I've had much more of an eye on the gunpowder tea shortbread. 0/10; I like to think he has found true rest.
Bertrand Bell: These motherfuckers have not visited the grave of their namesake at ALL. Traipsing around the Raven Queen's temple - literally everyone but Laudna and FCG has wandered over to that corner of the city - and NO ONE has taken a moment to pause and reflect. He died as he lived: everyone kind of setting him aside for more important matters except for followers of the Raven Queen. 8/10 because hopefully he was entertained by the raven show that got put on but also, come on man you couldn't stop by at all?
FRIDA: I have to imagine things in Vasselheim are wild and it's going to be missing FCG hours, but at least they're in great company! 5/10; they're a pretty even-keeled robot all things considered but the situation is pretty tense.
Otohan Thull: My sole regret about how great this episode is and the fact that we're dropping into the Fey Realm for a bit to have some much-needed time to regroup is that we are likely delaying their richly deserved demise. Anyway everyone's beloathed Palpatine knockoff is unfortunately super unflappable; another reason why they are boring as shit and why I very much want Bells Hells to make the bridge a little bit bloodier on the way up. 3/10.
Percival Friedrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III: Here's the thing. All things considered, his personal position is stressful, but not terrible. The ziggurat did not blow up; Gwen appears to either have not told him about her Delilah incident or did so in such a way that he didn't realize what was going on; he doesn't seem to have noticed the break-in into his parents' bedroom yet; Allura was reassuring re: Whitestone likely being safe (although...it's on a ley nexus so watch out!); and he got to deliver the line "ever since I met you, I knew you were destined for stupidity" which is actually how he specifically blows off steam. On the other hand, every single window in the castle has been destroyed, Allura had to leave, and I just checked and confirmed that Pike does not have the mending cantrip. Maybe one of the local clerics does? Maybe one of his kids does? Maybe Vilya or Ebenold does? Maybe Grog's in town and can be convinced that the role of the Grand Poobah etc etc is fixing windows? 6/10.
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anangelinthepit · 3 months
Bruise My Bones but Leave My Heart Alone
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Hey guys! So after careful consideration and a few touch ups I decided to fix my story and repost . Some stuff may still look the same but I did fix a lot of error. I am warning every now ‼️ This story has a lot of touchy subjects such as domestic violence and swearing. Please be advised but also enjoy the story. As always with love Magenta
Part 1
I was never one for romance, well actually that’s a lie. I used to be but then I got with Jason. The guy who I thought was the love of my life. Jason never really showed me much affection and looking back on it, I should have ended things sooner. At this point I feel like I’m roped in for life with him, he knows my body even though he thinks I should have work done. “No one is gonna want you when you look like that. I’m all you got. Don’t blow it.”
I have let myself go but I still look in the mirror and think I’m pretty.
Nevertheless, his words hurt, and soon after words started to become actions. He wouldn’t hit me all the time, just days when I made him angry. Jason hated the fact that I believed in God and had a cross necklace that I always wore. It was the last thing I had of my grandmother and It meant the world to me. I do believe in God but I do sometimes wonder why he doesn’t help me.
“Where is your God now? if he’s real maybe he should stop my fist from going into your stomach.” He said mocking me while striking a match to light his cigarette.
I laid on the floor with a bloody nose and lip. Not being able to take a single breath because the wind had also been kicked out of me. In a swift motion Jason put out his cigarette then charged over to me. I knew it wasn’t over but I prayed to god that it soon would be.
“Give me a good fucking reason why I shouldn’t rip this off your neck and throw it down the fucking drain .” He said while grasping my throat.
“P…lease….Don’t… I promise I’ll listen.” I choked out.
At this point my throat was on fire and I genuinely thought he was gonna make me pass out. He let go of me and shoved me onto the floor.
“Y/N I told you when I’m out with the guys you DONT call my phone. You send me a fucking text. Understand?”
Jason relit his cigarette, took a couple of puffs and sighed. I could see he was coming down from his rage, I was relived but at didn’t mean my suffering was over. It was just put on hold for the time being.
“Come here babydoll.” He said
I slowly got up to the best of my ability, and limped towards him. I still had bruises from last week’s episode and being so fragile, let’s just say I bruise like a peach.
“ I’m sorry , I promise I’ll learn to control my anger next time. It’s just you know the rules and it make me angry cause I feel like you’re not listening to me.. you know I hate that”
Jason holding me hadn’t brought me any sort of comfort in years. Not sure why he thought this time would be any different, especially when the phrase “I’m sorry” Is a complete lie
“ Do you trust me my love?”
“yes” I said reluctantly.
“Good let’s go to bed.”
Later on that night, Jason wanted to apparently show me how truly sorry he was. I told him I couldn’t because I was on my period, and wasn’t feeling the greatest. Thankfully that was enough for him to push me away and leave me alone for the night. I decided to put my ear buds in and listened to my favorite song, humming it to myself in hopes I can slip into a dream.
“Weight down on me stay tillll morning weigh down would you say I’m worthy?”
A dream where Noah from bad Omens is singing me to sleep. Where he never hits me and thinks I’m so beautiful that he can’t take his eyes off me. A dream where he actually makes me feel like I’m worth something.
That’s all I want is to feel like I’m actually worth something.
I woke up the next day with the East coast sun shining right through my window. Showing me a reminder if what happened last night I get distracted by my phone going off with a text from my best friend Delilah
I’m assuming is has something to do with Noah from Bad Omens but I’ll humor you. What?
Bad omens is performing in our town in a month! And guess who already got us tickets !!!!!!!!! Also I found an address you can send fan mail. Write them a letter and see if we can get free t shirt
Envie if this is a joke it’s not funny. If it isn’t a joke ASSFGGHHJKLLAHGD I LOVEEEEEE YOUIOO. Omfg really? Seriously. t shirts. you kill me
Have I ever told you you are my best friend
Girl I am your only friend and I know🤪 I gotta go at work ttyl love you!!!! Ps im sending you the address now WRITE TO THEM 123 Main Street San Bernadad CA 12245
Lovvvweeeeee youuuuuuuu and omfg your nutty
I was so excited until I realized I was gonna have to ask Jason. I met Jason through Delilah and her boyfriend. We always did double dates but they had no idea bout what happened behind close doors. Maybe Envie can talk to him, it might be easier.
Id be lying if I said I didn’t want to send them a letter, so I started writing. I sat at my desk with complete writers block. What the hell do you say to a band where all you wanna do is kiss everything single one of them? I finally had an idea when suddenly a hand yanks my hair and pulls me out of my chair
“You stupid fucking bitch were you going through my phone ? How did you get my co workers number!
“Fucking answer me you skank!”
“Jason stop! he gave to me after we went over to his house remember?! Our car was in the shop and you were gonna need a ride to work the next day. You were standing right there!” I said crying and trying to shield my face
Jason grabs my necklace and rips it off my chest. I let out a begging scream
“JASON PLEASE DON’T!!” I screamed. At this point tears were just pouring down my face and I feared he was gonna get rid of it.
Jason looked at me and just chucked it other floor.
“I’m going out for a fucking drink, don’t call my goddamn phone. got it?”
I shook my head and scrambled to get my necklace. Thank god I was able to piece it back together. With the damming of our front door I saw up in my chair and decided what I was gonna write.
Dear Noah
I wanna tell you how much of a fan I am and how your music is truly beautiful. Bad Omens has really helped me through my hard times. I’m sending this necklace to you in hopes you can keep it safe until I can get it back. It’s not safe with me anymore. I promise I'll explain if I ever get the chance to meet you in person. Please. With all my love
After putting it in the mail I almost felt so silly.
“he’s gonna looks that and laugh. Probably think I’m pathetic. For a man who talks about dethroning god. Sending him a cross necklace is like putting a hat on a hat.” I thought it myself. Honestly grave myself second hand embarrassment. I should have just asked for t shirts. Well here goes nothing.
I love you all so very much ❤️
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theswissgirl · 11 months
Into your arms - A Saul Silva imagine
Another scenario that I want to write :)
This is a Saul Silva imagine, from Fate; The Winx Saga
In this scenario, I always imagined her to be Bloom's sister and they sort of the share the power of the dragon flame 
Her name is Delilah and she is a fire fairy and of course, she is Silva's girl
Based on Season 2 Episode 3 : Your Newfound Popularity 
(credits to the owner of the picture)
I'm out of my head, out of my mind, oh, I
If you let me, I'll beOut of my dress and into your arms tonight
Yeah, I'm lost without it
Feels like I'm always waitin'I need you to come get me
Out of my head, and into your arms tonight
- Into Your Arms, Witt Lowry & Ava Max
After the display Stella put on at the banquet, everyone had gone to retire to their homes, leaving Bloom and Delilah alone at the dining table. 
Delilah was tired and exhausted, she just wanted to go to her bed and close her eyes but sleep has not come easy for her.
For her thoughts were always occupied with one person and one person only.
Saul Silva.
The man she loved above anything else. 
It pains her greatly that she is not able to see him, even after the winx rescued him from being transported to Polaris, she knew that it would be dangerous from him to come see her. She still missed him nonetheless.
Rosalind joins them.
"I know. It's a lot" she says, looking at delilah and bloom.
Bloom was the first to say something, "When we first spoke at the Stone Cirlce, you said the blood witches were the one who kidnapped us and held us at Aster Dell" 
"Is that because of this thing inside us? Dragon Flame?" delilah asked inquisitively, looking up at Rosalind.
Rosalind nodded.
"It is"
Delilah heart starts to race and she feels herself tense at the new found information.
Bloom draws her eyebrows together, confusion evicent on her face, "What about our birth parents? Do they have it too or are they-" Rosalind cuts her off.
"I-- I wasn't lying back then" Rosalind sits down in the chair next to Bloom.
" I don't know where you came from. But the blood witches will. We'll fight them and we'll work it out" she says with conviction.
"you've already kept so much from us, I don't know if we can trust you" Delilah speaks up.
Rosalind clicks her tongue and slides a piece of paper over to her.
"Maybe this will help"
Delilah picks up the paper and reads the contents of it and then pauses when she reads "criminal pardon".
She looks to Rosalind, "What is this?"
"It's a pardon" a voice spoke up from behind them.
suddenly, delilah's heart tightened painfully in her chest and she is overcome with shock and surprise. She whips around in her chair and turns around to see the love of her life standing by the door way. Her breathing picks up and she takes in his appearance. 
He is wearing the uniform of the specialist, his face is clean shaven and his hair is in styled in order, keeping it from crowding his face.
He looked good.
And dear lord did he look good in that uniform, the clothing hugging him in all the right places.
"Silva" her voice cracks as she is overcome with an intense amount of relief.
But Delilah had to be careful as Rosalind had no knowledge of their relationship so she had to try her damn hardest to keep her emotions concealed. 
As did Saul.
When all he wanted was to run to his girl and pull her into his arms, instead he walks down the steps and moves to stand behind her chair, feeling temporarily content with just standing close to her.
"I've been working Arthur for a week for a damn thing. Stella almost fucked it up this afternoon, but..-" Bloom cuts off Rosalind.
Delilah was too stunned to say anything.
" I don't understand. Why are you-" Rosalind cuts bloom off in return.
" It's time to put aside our differences, we have a common enemy. The blood witches are a scourge on the Other World. Everytime wer drive them out, they come crawling back" Rosland says.
"She's right. And if they are gathering strength to make a move, we need to stop them before it's too late" Silva spoke up from where he stood, serving as another reminder for Delilah that he was actually here, he was alright.
Delilah had the suite too herself.
Bloom was off reading about blood witches.
Stella was with Beatrix
Musa was on a walk with her headphones.
Aisa was probably somewhere with Grey.
Terra and Flora were god knows where.
Once she got back to her room, she immediately changed out of her dress and rid her face of the make up she had to wear. She changed into some black sleeping shorts with a cropped dark green tank top.
She could not stop pacing back and forth, her heart and wind were racing. She knew that Saul was coming to see her as they were not able to even have a conversation in front of Rosalind which meant that now, was perfect for them.
She felt like a high school girl who grew nervous at the sight of her crush. Yes, her and Silva have been together for a whole year now but he still manages to sum a herd of butterflies in her stomach.
It's kind of sweet if you think about, after all these months of being separated, she still feels so strongly about him and their relationship.
It was no doubt the she loved him unconditionally.
A knock on her window interrupts her train of thought, she jumps and whirls around quickly and she sees Saul, waiting for her to open the window.
And when she does, he moves like lightning and pulls her into his arms, stumbling forward at the same time. She is quick to wrap her arms tightly around his neck, burying her face in his neck and breathing in his scent that effectively calms her racing heart.
God she missed him so much.
Saul wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, pulling her in so close she can hardly draw in a breath, he too buries his face in her hair, relishing in the feel of having his girl so close.
"I missed you so much" she whimpered into his neck, tears gathering in her eyes.
" I know, sweetheart. You have no idea how much it drove me insane not having you close to me" He said softly.
He pulls her away from him and moves his hands to cup her face and gently caress her cheeks, his eyes moving all around her face to get a good look at her.
She was always so beautiful in his eyes. And she still is.
He smiles before pulling her close again and leaning his face closer to hers. Slowly, they lean in closer and delilah closes her eyes milliseconds before her lips were going to meet his. Finally, Silva's lips brushed against hers, then he crashes their lips together.
The kiss starts out slowly, giving each other to familiarize themselves again and explore each others mouth. Deliliah tilts her head in order to a slightly deeper angle and she moves to wrap her arms around his neck and interlocking her hands there. She deepens the kiss and Silvas has no problem with that. 
The kiss became more passionate and heated, both picking up the pace so its more faster and rough. Delilah lets out little moans as Silva starts backing backwards towards her bed and he sits down at the edge, pulling her to straddle his lap.
This meant that Delilah face was above his, enabling her to deepen the kiss even more. After a minute or two of their making out, they pulled away from each other, really needing to suck in some oxygen and refocus themselves.
Delilah leans her forehead on Silva's, closes her eyes and smiles.
I've missed that too" she laughed lightly.
He chuckled lowly, "me too love, me too" he pulls her closer to him.
Delilah had to admit, the way they were positioned was making her head spin and she could feel her body slowly coming alive under his touch. 
She's not surprised, her body and mind have gone months without his touch, a reaction was going to be inevitable but she didn't mind.
Right then, a yawn escapes her.
She knew that she wanted him but she was way too tired to engage in that certain activity. Silva could see that too.
"Come on darling, lets get you to bed" he picks her up and carries her to her bed, pulling the blankets from the bed, placing her in it and then pulling the covers to cover her body. He then got in behind her, moving his arms around her body once more and pulling her closer to his.
The proximity of their bodies was making her even more sleepy as she could feel her eyes beginn to feel heavy.
But before she gives into the demand of sleep, she whispers one last thing.
"I love you"
1487 words
not gonna bother proof reading her grammatical mistakes, I'm too tired for that.
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automatictrashwolf · 11 months
I'm back for the second part of C3E77
(think I'm just gonna write down my thoughts as they happen)
Orym's little scene with Fearne was adorable, I'd been wondering why he took that spyglass. Laura adding her hand to the handhold "you have so many hands" "yeah, its best not to question it".
Loved them reacting to it snowing in whitestone.
"And that's how we fought some ghosts"
Marisha: does a bad impression of Vex, Laura: "Imogen and Laudna are done" 😆
Imogen is giving up her Whitestone is for lovers shirt as an offering to the dawn father 🥲
Imogen: "I don't accept it." 😭
Ashton and Fearne's scene by the clock tower "My heavens". Laura looked so pissed at Ashton saying he only trusted Fearne. I did really want Fearne to take the shard, but oh well. Fearne running away after saying Ashton is hot gave me "I kiss her and I skateboard away" vibes. Do y'all think Fearne actually likes Ashton romantically? With Chet it just seemed sexual, but with Ashton it just feels different to me.
Happy to see Cassandra, I want to know more about what she has been up to.
Taliesin said he and Ashley are gonna talk of camera, I think Fearne x Ashton is a real possibility you guys!
We going to the ziggurat! Laudna is uncomfortable, I think her parents were probably among the bodies that lined the walls back then. Delilah definalty used them for some sort of experiment, waste not want not.
Ashton kissed Fearne but then said its never gonna happen again. Damn man, u playing with my heart, and Fearne's I think.
Marisha and Ashley clutching their stuffies during this tense scene.
I don't... I don't know what to say
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jqmalikhsgib · 7 months
love of my life
chapter four
time passed by quickly! before you knew it your eldest daughter was three and your youngest was two and a half. by that time you were on your third baby girl and harry second album was a success! he was still dealing with olivia, even though you knew he was about ready to tell his team to fuck off, he still did it to protect you and your girls.
you loved that harry would do anything to protect his family, even hiding your relationship and dating someone who clearly didn’t understand boundaries.
but you hated how stressed he was. you even offered to tell his fans about your relationship. harry knew you weren’t ready for the world to know about you and your family just yet. he continued to tell you that he could manage this.
and he did, for two more years after that. now, pregnant with twin girls this time, you thought it was time for you to let the world know who you are. harry was overwhelmed with his relationship with olivia and the pressure her team was putting on him for a proposal of some sort.
he wanted to be able to hold you and care for you, love you and kiss you, he wanted to be able to be your husband privately and publicly. and you wanted to be his wife just as much.
it’s why he knew exactly what he was gonna do. he didn’t let anyone, not even you, know his plan. currently he was home with his family. he had to prepare for the grammys! he was announcing his third album to the world tomorrow night.
harry’s stylist, and one of his best friends, had stopped by with plenty of outfits for him to try on.
your daughters all stared at their dad in awe. they still didn’t understand that their daddy was an international rockstar. but they loved watching him dress up.
“what do you think, babe? is it too flashy?” harry asked nervously.
“pwetty, daddy!” delilah states.
she was four now and had the height of her father. your mom swore she was gonna be over six foot tall by the time she reached eleven.
“you like it lilah?”
delilah nods her head, her youngest sibling leaning her head on top of her shoulder.
“what about you, princess? you like this outfit on daddy? or should i pick something else?”
maybelle was only five, but she was really into clothes and fashion the most. harry just knew she’d most likely be a supermodel or fashion designer when she got older.
“like this one, daddy. makes your eyes glow.” she points to the outfit.
harry hums. he grabs the outfit, runs to put it on, and comes back out.
“she’s right! you look fantastic, babe.” you state.
“i love it! and i might have to hire your daughter.” lloyd jokes.
“she’s our little fashion genius!”
harry picks up his eldest daughter as he kisses her cheek gently.
“daddy, going?” nova asked.
“not until tomorrow night. and ill be back home before you know it darling!” harry states.
“you’re still going with o?” lloyd knew how much olivia stressed harry out.
“um—yeah. i am.” he sighs. he didn’t really like discussing this around the kids, or around you. you tried to hide it but he knew you were upset by this dynamic! especially because it was only supposed to to last two years.
but he just couldn’t wait until the brits awards. that’s where his plan to tell the world about you and his family would play in action. tonight he just had to smile for the camera with olivia on his arms.
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you were currently sitting in bed watching the grammys. you allowed the kids to stay up late to watch their dad preform. you knew they’d be cranky tomorrow morning, but you would just suffer through it.
“look, there’s daddy again!” you point to the tv. they were announcing best pop solo performance. when they called his name you and the kids clapped.
“daddy won!” maybelle cheers.
the four of you watched as he gave his speech before going back stage. you knew he wasn’t gonna stay any longer.
“alright, bedtime. daddy should be here soon. ill make sure he comes to kiss you goodnight.”
“kay, mama.” you got the kids ready for bed. heading to your bedroom and getting ready to sleep as well. you heard the front door open.
smiling, knowing harry would kiss the kids goodnight before anything.
when you finally felt his arms around you, you sighed softly. “proud of you grammy award winner.”
harry chuckles. “can’t believe it.” your turned around, wrapping your arms around his neck. “i can, you’re a rockstar! it was only a matter of time.”
harry kissed you gently. “couldn’t have done it without you.”
“what are you on about?”
harry kisses your neck. “i mean, the song was inspired by you after all.” he smirks against your skin.
“you’re nasty.”
“i just wanna taste it. watermelon sugar, high.”
“can i get a taste now, misses styles?”
“you’re tipsy aren’t you? you’re always a little horny when you’re buzzed.”
“just a little, but can you blame me though? i have the hottest fucking wife ever! especially when you’re pregnant with our kids. love you so much.” he kisses you passionately.
you just giggle as he continues to love on you. “gotta be quiet.” you hummed.
“tell yourself that. you’re the one that’s loud.”
you giggle once more as he picks up and and gently plop your body on your bed.
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the next two weeks went by fast. harry had gone to england for the brits awards three nights ago. tonight was the night he would publicly announce to the world about his wife and his three, almost five, beautiful children.
he was nervous, yet excited. unfortunately olivas team pushed them to go to this award show together, despite harrys team thinking it’ll be best if he goes alone. but they couldn’t deny the attention they both got at the grammys. ultimately they agreed that it would be good press.
“you ready, babes?” olivia smiles.
harry refrained from rolling his eyes. he knew that this would embarrass her, big time! but he had to do this. for himself, for you, and for the kids. it was long overdue.
“lets get this over with.” harry sighs.
once they got to the red carpet, everyone cheered and yelled for them. harry kept his hands on the small of her back.
finally, when he was seated and the show went on, he enjoyed himself, drinking and laughing. when it was time to preform he did a fantastic job. he felt more confident and relaxed when he was home.
he loved preforming in the us, but nothing was like preforming in your own country!
when they announced his name for song of the year everyone whistled and cheered. harry got on stage and accepted his award.
“wow! this is a huge honor. id like to thank the fans for always being supportive and enjoying my music. id like to thank my mom for encouraging me to pursue my dream all those years ago. and most importantly id like to thank my wife, yn and our three beautiful daughters! thank you all. i love each and everyone of you.”
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you were stunned when you watched his speech. you didn’t know what to do or say. part of you was nervous.
this was a huge deal for you and your family. this meant the world knew about you. and even from the years before, when they found your instagram, you still get people trying to add you.
now that they knew you were more than just harrys friend, the amount of people requesting to follow you will triple.
another part of you was relieved. finally being able to be free and love your husband openly felt amazing. no more sneaking off, no more looking over your shoulders, no more paying paparazzi off, no more stress. that thought made you feel amazing.
your phone kept going off but you couldn’t care less about that. until you saw harrys name pop up.
“i can’t believe that just happened.”
“are you upset?”
“im—no. im actually relieved, harry. i can finally be open with you. i can finally shout to the world im your wife, and—you can finally tell the world you’re my husband. baby, this is the best gift you’ve given me. besides our kids of course.”
harry sighs in relief.
“how’s jeff handling things? i take it he didn’t know either considering you had to take liva with you.”
“yeah, he’s a bit pissed but he’s also kinda happy i finally spilled the beans. he just wished i would have told him. how are you and the twins?”
“when you said my name they kicked.”
“mhm! i think they’re proud of their daddy.”
“well it’s been a long time coming. you all deserve the world. no more hiding.”
“no more hiding.”
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anyone wanna be added to taglist lmk
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Lore drop
part 1
"I always knew there was something different with Anastasia. We all did."
Anastasia rolled her eyes. Her mother always had a flare for dramatics, and it never was in Anastasia's favour.
"She was always a bright girl."
and there's the priest
Ah, Father Matthew, or the bane of Anastasia’s existence. The very man who, Anastasia now knows, was trying to subtlety put her through some sort of very shitty therapy.
“Father Matthew.” Anastasia said through the fakest smile imaginable. “How nice of you to stop by…”
"Anastasia." He greeted, with his normally overly to big smile. "I've heard quite a lot about you since you left."
"College is a big thing."
"I wasn't talking about college."
Then what were you talking about? The past 10 minutes?
"Right, obviously..." Anastasia said quietly.
"Your mother tells me you've been experiencing some... differences recently."
Anastasia stayed silent for a moment. Part of her wanted to lie, tell him that she was fine and her mother was blowing everything out proportion, but this was her childhood priest and she didn't want that on her consciousness forever.
"You could say that." She said dryly.
"She mentioned gold blood. What happened there?"
"Tripped down the stairs and suddenly I was gashing red and gold."
"Gold blood?" His eyebrows furrowed. "May I?" He nodded to her hand.
"Wha-" Before she could finish, Father Matthew had already grabbed her hand and pull out his pocket knife, pricking her finger.
Instead of the usual ruby red colour, Anastasia's blood was a murky gold, the red and gold mixing together.
"Oh, you're much further along then we thought..."
"I'm sorry what?" Both her and her mother gasped, although her mother's was a lot more excited.
She could only imagine what was going through her head. My daughter's Jesus Christ himself. She's important!
Anastasia pushed that thought to the bad of my mind. "Further along with...?"
"We always knew you were powerful... Maybe Zeus or Poseidon, but this is something else...."
"Zeus and Poseidon- like the Greek gods?"
"I don't know how you managed to go so look without being attacked..." He pulled out a gold cold, a flashlight and a crystal. He positioned it to create a rainbow. "Oh Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering."
The coin disappeared into thin air. "Chiron. Half blood hill."
What on earth is going on?
A little square of rainbow appeared, and Anastasia could see a half man half horse in it.
Anastasia jaw dropped. She generally couldn't believe what was happening right now.
She looked over to her mother, who seemed to have barely any reaction.
Okay. Something is wrong with the world today
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@aria-pane @poseidons-hyperactive-kid @wine-cooper @i-am-persephones-daughter @unhinged-as-hell
ooc: If you want to be added or removed from the tag list, or if I've forgotten to tag you, let me know :)
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mamirhodessxox · 7 months
Hey There Delilah (Part 4)
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Cody Rhodes x Fem OC!Reader
(Delilah Jones)
Storyline: Delilah was born and raised by the beach in L.A and grew up in a home where her parents expected her to go to Harvard & become a well known woman who marry’s a man who is a lawyer after high school. But that’s not what she wanted, She always wanted to own a boutique/flower shop & she did, once her parents discovered she wouldn’t attend college they left her to fend for herself but allowed her little sister Kinsley to visit or sleep over whenever, Her little sister always had an eye for WWE but Delilah never understood why but little did either of them know one of Delilah’s customers would become well acquainted. (Creds to @alyyaanna for helping me w the storyline)
Contents: Toxic parents, Angst, Fluff, Smut in later chapters, Based in summer 2023, Alcohol, Violence, Corruption Kink, Size Kink, ETC, Loss of Virginity, Daddy kink, Fingering, Oral sex (Creds to @alyyaanna for writing the oral sex part bc I couldn’t do it for the life of me) P in V sex, Dom!Cody
{~I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) likes and comments are strongly appreciated so please COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMEENNTTT the more comments the more content <3!!!~}
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The summer was going by slowly, Cody & Multiple of his friends would visit or hang out in the shop during the slowest of days including Delilahs childhood friend Mirabella was. She just moved back to L.A after living in new York after graduation and it had been the best time except one thing. She did not like Cody very much, Atleast Cody thought so, but to Mira she thought of him as a brother but just treated him with a lot of tough sibling love.
Today Mira sat behind the register while Lilah wrapped up a few bouquets until Cody, Randy, Seth & Jey walked in with lunch while Kinsley just made her way down to grab something, Lilah smiled and scampered over to Cody “You brought lunch? You didn’t have too I was just about t-“ he shook his head and gave her a quick kiss “Can’t keep coming in without some sort of treats that’s rude.” Mira rolled her eyes muttering “Your face is rude.” Causing Seth to giggle before Lilah smiled shaking her head
“I haven’t seen you guy’s in a while how are you?” Randy shrugged shoving his hands in his pockets “Been on the road for a little bit, Now we gotta start getting ready to go to another summer slam in Perth Australia” Lilah got a little nervous hearing about this after last weeks mishap that Mira knows a little to much about but Cody butted in “I was just about to ask, we’re getting a vila and stuff and I didn’t wanna leave you by yourself again so why don’t you, Mira & Kinsley come with?”
Lilah smiled a little bit & fiddled with her fingers “I’m sure we’d love to come with, right Mira?” Mirabella was zoned out for a minute looking at Randy but quickly nodded her head getting up to go into the backroom to go out with kinsley while Cody smiled and wrapped his arms around Lilah while the guys got tuned into a separate conversation “You look so goddamn pretty today angel.” She became flustered and nodded her head nervously which made him chuckle and run his hand through her hair, Lilah was so disgustingly attracted to Cody that anytime he touched her whether it were out if pure lust or innocence she would overstimulate herself anytime she felt those things like that time at church & he knew.
Mainly because she’d whimper and tell him she felt certain things and that’s when Cody would need to take her somewhere private just to she her get off & crying about how he makes her feel good. Cody hummed gripping her waist and that’s when she stood up on her tippy toes to mumble whatever needed to be said in his ear before he snuck her off upstairs into the apartment and took her to her bedroom, She laid down and moved her legs around while he moved her dress up and stared directly at her “what’s the matter baby use your words, I know you can sweet thing.” He teased her while she cried out squeezing her thighs together from all of the feelings she had in her tummy & what was in between her legs “f-feel funny Cody please!” She whined pawing at his arm while he smiled watching her react in such a way, he ran his hands up her thigh “Look at you baby, ‘bout to cum and I haven’t even touched you yet.” He teased while she cried into her hand nodding while he rubbed his finger over her clothed pussy making her cry and move around “Cody please!”
He smiled and leaned up to kiss her “Princess your overwhelming yourself relax.” She whined and tried calming down until Cody got back down & took off her panties “Cod-What are you doing?” He shrugged and laid his tongue flat against her clit before Cody held her thighs tightly into his massive hands after he tossed her undies to the side, he growled when he took a glance at her slick wet folds and traced them with his middle finger. He licked her gathered juices off his hand and smirked "sweet....just like i imagined..."
He layed feathery kisses on her inner thighs while maintaining eye contact and kissed her clit then licked a long stride making her whimper and squirm under him. He pushed his thick middle finger into her folds and groaned at how tight she felt "fuck..." he pushed a second finger in and scissored her clit while he licked her clean not wasting a drop of her sweet nectar
She whined and moved under him trying to free herself from his hands and at least get a look of his face He pinned her back down slightly choking her and shoved his tongue into her pussy making her see stars and shake in pleasure before she started cumming and covering her face while cody was busy lapping up whatever he could before getting up to go get her a new pair of panties and clean her up before lying down next to her “how do you feel angel?” She whined out in response before rolling over to face him “ ‘m feeling tingly..” he chuckled and pressed a kiss against her cheek “that’s normal princess don’t worry.” She smiles and flopped her head on the pillows while Cody got up “Gonna go close up the shop for you and then I’ll be back okay?” She lazily nodded and closed her eyes diving into sleep while Cody went downstairs.
Mira raised an eyebrow behind the register “Wheres lila-“ He smiled “napping, gonna close up the shop for the day since she’s very tired” the guys looked over and squinted while SETH started talking “Wait a goddamn minute she wasn’t tired 40 minutes ago.” Cody glared as he flipped the open sign “Well she is now,” Mira gagged in the background while Randy got off the phone “Flights tonight at 11 so I’d recommend we all get home and start packing.” Cody hummed leaning against the door “I already have my stuff ready just gonna spend my few hours packing lilahs stuff & Helping Kinsley.” She peeked out from the boutique “Where are we going?” She questioned while Mira started leaving to get her stuff “Australia. You’ll like it there it’s fun” Jey smiled while she squealed and ran upstairs as everyone left.
After a a long few hours of Cody picking up Lilah & Kinsley after getting his belongings, Going to the airport with everyone, flying all the way to australia which took almost an entire night & Day they finally got there, Everyone was completely jet lagged & were just glad the event didn’t start until tomorrow, They all got to a rented out Vila where they would be staying and decided to rest for most of the day. Lilah sat in a bathing suit completely knocked out by the pool while Cody did the same but with her thighs as a pillow while Rhea came outside & quietly nudged Cody awake holding a plate of food and staying as quiet as possible for Lilah’s sake “Made some food thought you two might want some?” He sat up nodding before taking the plate which was filled with shrimp alfredo & set it on the poolside tables while Rhea smiled “How’s she holdin’ up? She like it here?” Cody rubbed his eyes nodding before clearing his throat still waking up “Yeah she is, Just super tired & getting used to the time difference, she’s really excited just really sleepy.” He looked over towards Lilah who was completely knocked out “We were gonna go swimming and just as I started putting sunscreen on her she was out like a light.” Rhea laughed quietly nodding while patting his shoulder “That time difference will definitely take awhile to get used to.” She smiled and walked back inside while Cody stretched a bit and laid back down against her thigh massaging it a bit “Sweetheart wake up”
Lilah whined a bit before stirring awake and rubbing her eyes “How long was I out for?” She grumbled before sitting up and stretching her back a bit “Like an hour or 2, not too long.” He smiled while pointing at the plate of freshly made food “Rhea made us lunch incase we were hungry.” She smiled “We can share yeah?” He nodded his head in response and started to eat with her and just take it easy. Once they were finished Lilah got up to clean the dish while Cody went to go take a shower, Mira walked over to Lilah & smiled “You excited to be here?” She nodded her head which made Mirah smile even more before addressing the elephant in the room “So, You & Cody? What are you two exactly?” Lilah furrowed her brows as she thought about it and looked over at her “I actually dunno, It’s never really been addressed.” Mira raised an eyebrow and placed a hand on her hip “So your telling me your letting this bleached ass white boy fin-“ Lilah widened her eyes and covered Mira’s mouth “Shh!! Nobody needs to know!!” Mira rolled her eyes laughing against her hands before pushing them away from her face “Lilah cmon’ EVERYONE knows he’s going down on you.” Lilahs face went ghost pale & started panicking but Mira calmed her down “We just don’t care. If he’s doing all of that for you then good for you. You need the dick.” Lilah scrunched her face “Language.” Mira smiled playfully “And i’m not even getting THAT. I’m still virgin, I’m just saving myself?” Mira gave her a look “Girl- Okay.” Lilah rolled her eyes smiling before leaning against the counter “I’m gonna go up to my room & unpack now.” Mira hummed “Yeah okay. You go ‘unpack’” Lilah smiled and walked off upstairs to her & Cody’s shared room and started taking stuff out of her suitcase humming a bit before actually thinking to herself about Cody’s relationship with her.
Cody got out of his shower already semi dressed & Saw Lilah organizing her clothes smiling “Hi princess, What’cha doing?” She perked up and looked over at him “Cody what are we?” She randomly blurted out and widened her eyes quickly putting her hand over her mouth while Cody chuckled walking a little closer “What do you think we are Angel?” He hummed and moved her hand “I dunno..” he smiled smugly “Well what would you want us to be sweet girl? Hm?” He rested his hands right against her hips while she started stuttering over her words “What is it baby? You wanna be mine? Want me to make you my only girl huh?” He whispered and pressed her up against the bed grinning while she started pressing her thighs together nodding “No I want you to say it Angel, go on, Say it, Say i’m yours sweetheart.” He kissed her neck a little bit grinding his crotch up against hers while she started whining and squirming “Y-Your..Your m-mine” she croaked while he smiled and bit her neck a little bit before pushing his hand into her bikini bottoms making her gasp & buck her hips “C-Cody I think I want m-more.” She blurted out which made him look at her “Yeah baby? You want more? More what huh?” She knew exactly what he wanted her to say & she teared up in pleasure while he started fingering her in the process “Want my cock sweet girl? Go on baby, I can’t give you what you want until you start using your words sweetheart, say you want my cock angel c’mon” she whined as he curled his fingers in her pussy and started going faster “W-Want your c-cock!” She cried out.
Cody grinned and kissed her in a sloppy manner while pulling his pants off along with her panties, Lilah hitched her breath the minute he started tapping his dick against her clit, He tangled his hand into her hair and kissed her “It’s gonna hurt for a little bit alright princess?” She nodded as her eyes became glossed over and leaned her head back moaning once he pushed himself inside of her, there was a slight sting & let out a breathy sigh while Cody waited for a moment while entangling his hands into hers, Once she nodded in approval he started taking slow thrusts & letting out quiet grunts before tugging off her top & tugging on her nipples “Taking Daddy’s cock so fucking good sweetheart.” He moaned into her neck as the pain started fading away for her & soon turning into an overwhelming amount of pleasure, Lilah’s guilt set in for a little bit for not waiting for marriage like she was expected too but she also didn’t at the same time. Her legs wrapped around Cody’s hips & bit onto her lip whining once he started making his thrusts faster & sloppier, Lilah bit the back of her hand to suppress any noise which made Cody smirk and started to pull out but she shook her head begging but soon let out a loud moan once he harshly thrusted back inside and moving a hand away from hers to tease her clit.
Lilah started shaking and tapping his back “Cody ‘m gonna-“ he hummed and held her face “Gonna cum princess? Yeah? Gonna cum all over my fucking cock huh? Make me yours?” She whined nodding her head vigorously and moan against his neck before while he smiled wrapping his hand around her throat while grinding his cock directly inside of her cunt before she let out another loud moan and try pulling him further inside of her “D-Daddy!!” She squeaked out before cumming and scratching at his back leaving very visible marks before he pulled out and quickly came all over her stomach groaning. He rolled off of her and held her close letting her rest and leaving a kiss against her temple “You did so amazing angel, so goddamn good for me.” He muttered while playing with her hair before she noticed a few scratches on his arms “Oh no..I’m sorry! I-I wasn’t paying attention!” She blabbered tracing her fingers over the scratches barely sitting up while he shrugged looking over into the mirror sitting in front of the bed “Well I’m yours aren’t I angel?” She nodded shortly before he kissed her “I love you princess, I do, you should know this.” He mumbled against her lips before picking her up and carrying her into their bathroom to have her take a bubble bath.
Meanwhile downstairs Mira sat in the kitchen with Seth nodding slowly “I’m not trippin right? We both heard that?” He laughed while everyone was luckily outside at the pool “How the hell did a girl with the innocence of a literal puppy who goes to church every Sunday & pray AND read the bible 24/7 manage to loose her virginity before I do?” Seth shrugged laughing before pulling out juice from the fridge “Because you haven’t found your person yet.” Mira looked outside watching Randy teaching Kinsley how to do a proper dive and smile softly “I think I did.” Mira and Seth watched as Cody came downstairs dressed and retrieving fruit for Lilah while she took her bath Cody felt like he was being watched and looked over at the two while seth pointed out his very light arm scratches while Mira got distracted staring at Randy “Nice scratches.” Cody flipped off Seth while putting a variety of fruit into a bowl “Dude shut up.” Seth laughed while Cody made his way upstairs.
The next day it was time for yet another Summer Slam event, Cody had a match against Brock & had Lilah & Mirah sit with Samantha outside of the ring and already addressed there would be NO table smashing while Lilah was there. The boys were out into the ring as the match just started and Mirah let out a laugh as she saw very clear nail scratches displayed around his back & Arms while Lilah covered her mouth in shyness “Way to fucking go Lilah! That’s what I’m talkin’ about!” Mira nudged her arm while Cody slammed Brock into the ground part of the ring and directly pointed at his back to show off that he was clearly taken before continuing off his match against Brock.
Eventually he won & everyone met up backstage to get ready to celebrate & go out somewhere But Cody quickly approached Lilah smiling “What’d you think angel?” She smiled and kissed his cheek before hugging him “You did amazing Codes! I just didn’t like watch you getting hit.” She giggled while he shrugged “Yeah well, Had to take some in order to win.” He smiled before pressing a kiss against her lips and clearing his throat “I have something to give you sweet girl.” He dug through his suit he changed into and gave her a pretty little ring “It’s a promise ring, ‘got it for you before we flew out here when I had the time.” She smiled widely and put it on and gave him a kiss.
Lilah knew deep inside this is the man she wanted to merry whether it took time or not Cody was all she wanted, no matter what she knew he would have a future with him & absolutely looked forward to it.
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xtripleiiix’s Masterlist
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lyn-js · 4 months
One Step at a Time | Chapter 2. Recipe for disaster
Calvin Evans x OC Reader
Summary: Everything in Ava Mason's life was what you call normal. She has a steady job as a lab tech at Hastings, has a beautiful bungalow in Sugar Hill, and sometimes babysits her friend Harriet's kids. But that all changes when social services show up at her doorstep with, her 2-year-old niece Delilah. Ever since then, it has been keeping you from your job, going to work late, and leaving when everyone else has gone home. But a certain chemist wants to know why a lab tech is staying late.
Warning: Angst, swearing, mentions of drug & alcohol abuse, dysfunctional family, mentions of adoptions & being put into foster care, and a whole lotta fluff. (Bold Letters mean flashbacks)
(This story is kind of based on what actually happened in Lessons in Chemistry. But no dying. We need to keep one of Lewis's characters alive.)
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2.15 years ago
You jolt up out of bed when I hear someone aggressively banging on my door. I try my bed to wake myself up the best I can and get the deep sleep out of my eyes.
I shuffle my feet out onto the cold floors of my apartment to see what all of the loud commotions was. As I open the door I can already see the eye I have looked at so many times.
“H-Hi, sis,” Izzy says to me with a shaky voice, almost sounding like she was coming down from a cold of some sort. The last time I saw her was at my high school graduation, high as a kite not knowing where she was. But over the years we would write to each other, me telling her I was finally going to college, and pursuing a PhD in chemistry. But with her, she only wrote when she was in a new state, with a new boyfriend, saying she was finally going to get clean, and do right. That promise was only broken when my parents would call and say she was in jail for possession of some type of substance.
But this was different, you don’t know how, and you don’t know why but you felt uneasy about why your sister was here. You're not thinking right now and your mind is on auto-pilot, so you invite her in, and let her sit down while you grab her a cup of tea.
Once the teacup is set on the coffee table, find out why your estranged sister is really here. 
I try to ask her what brings her into town, but before I can even get a word out she starts to uncontrollably sob. I just wrap her up in an embracing hug and try to get her to calm down a little bit.
Once the tears settle a little bit, she sits up and just looks at me with a blank expression.
“I’m Pregnant.” was the only thing that came out of her mouth. I just looked at her with the same expression she had earlier. Such a new surprise to hear. Suddenly Izzy starts to shed more tears. “Hey, calm down, just tell me what happened, Okay?”
Then she starts to talk about how she started dating this guy named Tom that she met in AA, saying he was really sweet, and kind to her in the beginning. Until she found out he was using again, she could control herself so she started back up again. Then she says she found out a couple of weeks ago, then she told Tom, but that ended up with her getting kicked out of his apartment and sitting here on my couch.
“Were you using drugs when you found out?” you ask her, not only worried about her, but the well-being of the baby. She doesn’t have to look at me she moves towards the end of the couch. I just let out a frustrated sigh. Trying to come up with a solution to this problem.
“I’ll… I’ll let you stay here for a little while. But only if you get clean. I'll help out with the baby, unless you thought about other options…” You don’t want to say it out loud, not wanting to see that happen to your sister. Trying not to let her go through that pain all by herself. But she looks up and nods quickly. 
“But Izzy, This is a drug-free zone. I’m not going to let it affect you, or the baby. Got it?” Then she starts to cry again and shuffles into my arms, staying there until she’s calm.
I see her look up at me, “Thank you, Peach. I promise this is going to be it. I’m going to stop this time. I’m gonna be a good mom and get my own place. I’m gonna have a better life now.”I remember she would always call me by my nickname when she felt sorry, I haven’t heard that name in a long time, it always brings up bad memories for us. 
But I try and let it go. So, I just nod and give her a half smile, letting her be wrapped in a warm embrace again.
As I see her lying in my bed, I believe this is probably the best night's sleep she has had in the last couple of days. I watch her chest rise and fall at a steady pace. Also watches as she clutches her hand to her stomach already in mama bear mode, wanting to protect her family from anything.
I shut the door to my room a little bit, not wanting to disturb her. Just so she can’t see me. I let a few tears escape my eyes. I was scared for my sister. Scared for the baby. I don’t know how to do this. I was in college, finally doing something for myself, finally living my dream. But I wasn't going to put my sister aside, she needs me more than ever. I would want to talk more with her tomorrow, so I just slumped my body on the couch and tried to fall asleep the best I could.
Let’s see what happens.
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After a little consideration, a valuable lesson of ‘sex discrimination’ for Donatti, and some paperwork, I could finally move over to Calvin’s lab to work with him.
After days turned into weeks, Calvin and I worked like a well-oiled machine. Helping each other figure out equations, setting up equipment for the different trials, and Listening to new and exciting music while working. I would always be enamored with him, but I tried to keep my feelings away from my work. As being told by Fran, when asking her to work with Dr. Evans, she would tell me that there was no professional relationship between a man and a woman, and say it would be a complete disaster if we were paired up together.
I wouldn’t let her judgment get the best of me, I would always want to keep my feelings out of the lab. But no matter what I tried to do, they would always come back. Also trying to figure out why he was taking up space in my mind for my everyday thoughts. But this moment was about to change for the better.
Just as I was about to start a new trial, I heard the phone start to ring. So, I paused the experiment and picked up the phone to see who was calling.
“Hello, Ava Mason speaking,” I say in a polite tone. But I hear someone on the other line, seeming they be out of breath. “Ava, it’s Harriet,” it sounded like something was wrong, I started to feel the hairs on the back of my neck, rise, sacred something happened to the kids. To Delilah. “Harriet, are you okay? Are the kids okay? What’s wrong?” I start to ask in a panicked tone. Wanting to know what’s happening on the other line.
“The kids are okay, there in the house in Linda’s room. But, there’s this woman here. She’s high as a kite, and saying she might know you, and she wants to see Del.” I can hear my heartbeat through my ears, and afraid it might just pop out of my chest. “Did she tell you her name?” was the only thing I asked back. “I think she said her name was Izzy? I’m not sure. But I think you should come down here. I’ve already called the police they should be here in a little bit. I’ll see you soon.” After that, I hear the line go dead, and hear complete silence.
How could this happen? Why is she here? How did she get here? There are so many thoughts zipping throughout your mind, that you don’t realize a couple of minutes later your cheeks feel wet. You start to breathe heavily, feeling like you're not getting enough air for some reason. You don’t know why, so you brace your hands on the table, and try to regain your breathing. Also, I do not notice that Calvin has walked back in from his run. Probably explaining what went wrong in the last trial, and what we can do better in the next.
I could see him walk towards me worriedly, wanting to know what was wrong with me. “I-I need… I need to go.” I mumble to myself, while also trying to look around for my belongings with tears still in my eyes. Trying to get out as fast as I can. But I could still feel Calvin watching me, I could see him try and touch my shoulder, but before he could, I backed away from him and made my way out the door.
As I’m walking down the hallway, I can hear Calvin calling after me. As I reach the end of the hallway I turn around. “This was a mistake…” I say to him. I turn back around make my way out of the building, and try to get back to my Duckie.
(Short Calvin POV)
As I’m sitting in the room I’m trying to tell Ava about the last problem we had in our trial. I was thinking about it when I was on my run. As I was spewing about what we could do to improve the next time, I did get to see her slumped over on the counter whimpering. When I finished talking about the trial, I turned to see her standing up straight and seeing she had red, puffy eyes. Like she’s been crying for a few hours. I tried and ask her if something was wrong, but I could only hear her mumbling that she had to go while grabbing her belongings and trying to leave. I walk over to her some more and try, to get her to calm down, but she jolts away from me and looks at me with her red eyes like I branded her with evil words. I tried and ask what was wrong but she was already out the door, wondering if was something I did. Because whatever it may concern, I was certainly going to try and fix it.
I try and run after her but I see her turn around, saying that this was a mistake. Then she disappeared around the corner.
I’m still in shock by what happened, I’m trying to think back to see what I could’ve done to make her want to stop working with me. Was it the way I work, the way I leave peanut crumbs on the table and not clean up after? I would simply change anything. Anything to see her again in the lab. Seeing her smile anytime I would try to make a stupid joke, the way her nose crinkles when she trying to solve an equation. I would do anything to see her face again.
(Back to your POV)
I barely put the car in park when I pulled up to Harriet’s house a nervous wreck. I can also see Izzy on the porch steps crying, and yelling back at Harriet telling her that she’s not leaving until she sees me and Delilah. As I’m walking up next to Harriet, she already sees me, and wrapping me in her embrace. 
“I came here as soon as I called, where are the kids?” I ask her in a panic. “The kids are fine, Del’s a little shaken up. But they are safe in the house.” She tells me all of this, but I can see out of the corner of my eye Izzy trying to stand up and stumble her way over to us.
“Hi, Peach, how have ya been?” I feel a shutter throughout my whole body. Trying not to let those bad memories creep back into my mind.
“W-what are you doing here Izzy?” I’m trying my hardest to speak in a civil tone with her while trying not to break down.
“I’m here for my daughter,” She says back to me in a slurred type voice. “I’m better now-” “Yea I can clearly see that Izzy. The cops are coming, so I think you should go.” Me and Harriet walk past her, so we can see how the kids are holding up.
“She’s my Daughter!” She shouts at you. Thinking she has a say in what happens with Delilah at this point. 
“And I’m Her Guardian! I am supposed to provide a safe and loving home for her. And I need to protect her and make sure she’s cared for so If you love your daughter. If you love me. Then leave.” You can’t help it. You let the tears fall down your cheeks and walk up the rest of the way.
As I get into the house, We call out for the kids. As we call them, I can see Linds’a bedroom door open a little bit. When I tell them it was just Harriet and I, I can see all three kids crash into us. Lina and Jr. rush over to Harriet. I still have Delilah with me in my arms, I try to soothe and calm her crying down a little bit. 
Anytime, I would try and put her down, she would want to cling to me more. So I just let her lay with me on the couch in the living room, and wait until the cops come.
When they show up just one comes inside and asks about what happened while another stays outside with Izzy.
Harriet gave her statement, and I gave mine. There are so many thoughts running millions of miles throughout my head. I zone out while talking. The only thing I really have control over is my body, and that is clinging onto my niece for dear life and comfort. 
After a while, they take Izzy into custody and tell us she’ll appear in court in the next couple of days. We said our goodbyes and lots of ‘Are you okay’ from Har, and in return said that we were fine.
While lying in bed, with Del curled up on my chest watching her body rise and fall with each steady breath she takes. Even when I try and switch positions in the bed, she clings onto me tighter than the last time. So, for now, I just watch her, not really being able to fall asleep. The only thing on my mind that keeps replaying is Deliah and her safety with me. What if Izzy comes back, and what if she does more than just complain that she wants to see Delilah? What if she really takes her? 
Over the past two months, Del has been my entire world, she makes my days better when she’s here with me and I wouldn’t change it for the world.
I try to bring those awful thoughts to the back of my mind. I just want to be the present, with the people I love and care about. Del, Harriet, and the kids, Calvin…
Oh shit.
Just as I was about to fall asleep when my eyes widened. I completely forgot that I snapped at Calvin earlier today, I didn’t tell him what was going on, and I didn’t get to say I was sorry for snapping on him. I just might be the biggest asshole on planet earth. I just really hope he’s not that mad at me, I honestly feel so awful about what I did to him today. Hopefully, he will be there tomorrow, so I can tell him. Maybe even tell him about what’s going on. But for right now I want to let my mind lay to rest and get a good night's sleep for a change.
Well, that sure as shit didn’t happen.
As soon as I was in the building, I made my way up to the lab as quickly as possible, making sure I could catch Calvin before he went on his run. But he wasn’t in the room when I entered. Maybe I did miss him, I’ll wait and see.
But before I could put my stuff away, I saw a little torn-out piece of paper on the lab table. I went over to see what it was. 
When I saw the note I could make out Calvin’s handwriting, I dropped everything and looked at what he had written down.
‘I’m not in today. I’m sorry for whatever I did. I’m sorry.’
My eyes started to well up with tears, why would I snap at him like that? I feel absolutely terrible. I wish he was here to explain everything. Wanting to tell him everything that has happened. But I can’t, maybe I can catch him tomorrow, and tell him. But for now, I just sit in the lab and worry about everything that's happening in my life right now.
The next couple of days I spent in agony. Calvin never showed up once to the lab. Or even the building, to be honest, I think I really screwed this up. I think we were working on a really good friendship. Maybe even more…
“No, No Ava, snap out of this. You’re going to go over and talk? You're going to talk and that’s it.” You try and get those stupid thoughts out of your system. You don’t know why but you decided to drop everything and not go to work today.
So you decided to take a walk around the neighborhood with Poppy and Delilah. Just want to get some fresh air, and let out all of the bed energy from this week. Maybe even stop by Calvin's Hariet’s. 
When you reach Harriet's house, you turn around to see if anyone is out around Calvin’s. You see all the curtains closed, no one in sight. But you did hear some commotion in the backyard. Of course, you decide to do your own investigation and go over to his place.
You walk up to his driveway and want to go knock on the door, but you see someone in the garage. You can see that it’s open. You peer in and see Calvin in his element. Apparently, he was using this type of orch to row. You try and call out to him, but he simply ignores you.
You call him one more time to get his attention. “Calvin!” you call out. Apparently, this time he listened.
“What?” he says with some force behind it. You step back a little bit trying not to get him too worked up.
“I see that you weren’t in the lab this week… And Danotti said to me they were firing people if we didn’t finish our research.” He gets up and starts wiping his face down. Wiping off the glistening sweat that rests on his forehead, you really didn’t want him to. He looked more handsome, not waiting to look away from him.
“More pressure. Perfect.” Out of nowhere, he throws the towel down to the ground. “Do you know what I’ve done ever since I won 2 years ago?” Genuinely asking in a gritty tone. I just shake my head a little. “Nothing. Nothing.” He takes a second to speak again. Seeming like he didn’t want to get too angry if I was around.
“I go into that lab every day, I shut the door because I don’t want people to see that I haven’t accomplished a damn thing.” There was a pregnant pause in the air. I wanted to speak up but he continued. “I was all out of ideas… Until I met you, Ava. And you had so many. It was like I could finally breathe again.” At that moment. I wanted to rush into his arms and never wanted to leave him.
And then, all of that fades away. “You left me with no explanation. You just– you left me.” I step forward a little bit, trying to see if he could let me in more. He didn’t say anything, so I kept moving forward. “I really didn’t mean to hurt you, Calvin. There was something that happened that day. It… it’s hard for me to talk about.” There was once again a long pause of silence, trying to see who would speak up first.
“I really miss working with you,” you say to him. “I miss that too.” You could hear some giggling coming your way. You both turn around when you see Delilah waddling over to you with Harriet right on her tail. “I’m sorry Ava, she said she really needed her aunty.” I pick her up and she drops her head right onto my shoulder. I look back to see Calvin with wide eyes. I walk towards him a little bit. I let out a chuckle and started the conversation back up again.
“I’m sorry for not introducing you sooner. Calvin this is my niece Delilah. Hey Duckie, this is Mr. Calvin. We work together.” I see her head come out of my shoulder and give a small wave. “Hi, Mr.Calvin” and give him a toothy grin. We all let out a little laugh. Giggling with the little girls' antics she always has.
“Maybe you can come over later. We can talk more there.” “O-okay, where do you live?” Asking me, I completely forgot to tell him that I lived in the neighborhood. “I actually live a couple of doors down. I realized when I dropped you off after the pageant.” I tell him. He again has wide-set eyes, looking at me like I just moved here from Mars. He doesn’t say anything, “I’ll see you later Calvin.” You turn and walk away when Del wants to be out of your hold. You let her go, thinking she wants to walk by herself, but she waddles her way over to Calvin and wraps her whole body around his leg. “Goodbye, Mr. Calvin!” she lets go and waddles her way back to you. You both leave with smiles on your face when you leave Calvin’s house.
To be honest, you don’t know how you can keep things professional between the two of you. You also don’t know how Delilah just met him, and she adores him. For some reason, you both don’t want to let go.
Let’s see what happens.
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Reblogs are always welcome. Unless you're under 18. I will block you. and comment if you want to be added to the taglist. If I forgot anybody message me and let me know. You will be added.
Taglist: @petersunderoos96 @mrspedropascal5683 @callsign-magnolia @angelbabyyy99
dividers are by @saradika
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therealmsdelulu · 1 year
👉👈 um.. how bout jonah x reader where she’s tells him that she’s pregnant and his reaction and his anticipation to the labor?
him holding the baby and the baby name
Eating For Two
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Summary:Reader is pregnant and Jonah’s looking forward to being a father
A/N: I have no idea how a proffesional pregnancy test works I only had like four of them because I was taking acne medicine and they legally had to before prescribing it, and that was like 5 years ago so if some things don’t add up thats why lol. If this doesn’t meet your request pls lmk and I’ll be happy to rewrite it.
Your period was two months late but you didn’t really think too much of it because you tended to have irregular cycles due to birth control. It was only until you began getting morning sickness that you were concerned.
Like any person in your situation would do, you went to the nearest CVS and picked up two pregnancy tests. You ignored the judgemental looks from the cashier and told them to have a nice day before leaving the store.
Once you got back home you took a deep breath before going to the bathroom. The first test was positive. “It could be a false positive,” you thought to yourself. The second test was positive as well.
You were on birth control so you and Jonah never used protection but you should’ve known that the pill wasn’t a hundred percent effective.
You still wanted to be a hundred percent sure that you were pregnant before telling Jonah so you decided to make a doctor’s appointment.
You were currently at the doctor’s office waiting patiently for the results from the urine sample. You heard a knock on the door and a few seconds after the doctor walked in with a sheet of paper.
“The results came back positive,” the doctor informed you as they handed you the paper. “If you’d like we could set you up some monthly appointments."
You simply nodded your head not trusting yourself to speak because you kind of felt like crying.
You pulled out your phone and sent Jonah a quick text.
You: Hey can you come over we need to talk. Jonah: I'll be there in 15, are you okay sweetheart? You: Uhm I will be, kind of freaking out rn. Jonah: Why? What’s wrong? You: I’d rather tell you in person.
You heard a knock at your front door and took a deep breath before answering the door.
“Are you okay?” Jonah asked examining you carefully for any potential injuries.
“Physically yes, well sort of” you laughed nervously not sure how Jonah would react. “Uhm how do I say this,” you said mostly to yourself, “I’m eating for two."
Jonah looked at you slightly confused at what you were trying to suggest.
“I’m pregnant,” you said looking down at the ground anxiously.
“Are you serious?” he asked but you could tell by his tone that he wasn’t upset. Matter of fact, he was excited.
“Yeah," you handed them the paper that you got from the doctor.
“I’m going to be a dad?” he asked excitedly picking you up and spinning you around.
“I’m not sure if it’s yours,” you joked as he put you back on the ground and he dropped his smile and looked at you. “Sorry that was a bad joke."
You were currently on the couch lying your head on Jonah’s lap while the two of you came up with baby names.
“What about Noah?” Jonah asked looking down at you.
“That’s a pretty good one,” you said smiling at him, “It’s similar to your name."
“And for a girl, what about Delilah,” he suggested.
“That’s a good one too,” you said, “but I was thinking Mia."
“I like that one,” Jonah told you.
“So Noah for a boy and Mia for a girl,” you concluded and Jonah hummed in agreement before leaning down and kissing your forehead.
You were now four months pregnant and currently having your own intimate gender reveal with Jonah before the big one with your family members.
You had set up multiple black balloons and they were filled with white confetti and only one balloon had colored confetti inside. You had taped the balloons to a cardboard stand and set it up kind of like darts.
“Alright,” you said as you handed Jonah the darts, “all except one of theese balloons has colored confetti in it, the rest are just white."
“That sounds easy enough,” Jonah said before taking the darts from your hand. He threw the dart at a balloon and white confetti came out. The same thing happend for the next couple of balloons until finally he hit the right one, and pink confetti fell to the ground.
“We’re having a girl?” he asked excitedly before pulling you into a warm and gentle embrace.
You were now seven months pregnant and Jonah has been working on the nursery since the day you told him you were having a girl. You took out the camera Jonah bought that you two used for documenting your pregnancy.
You walked into the nursery and recorded Jonah as he put together the baby’s crib. He was so involved in what he was doing that he didn’t notice your presence.
“Look at my lovely baby daddy,” you said to the camera and Jonah turned his head to you and laughed at your comment. You stopped recording and sat the camera down before working on some of the decorations yourself.
“You should be resting,” Jonah insisted and took the decorations from out of your hand.
“I’m pregnant not dying,” you chuckled at his overprotectiveness before taking the decorations back. You suddenly paused when you felt the baby kick.
“Are you alright?” Jonah asked looking at you concerned.
“The baby just kicked,” you smiled at him before taking his hand and placing it on your belly. Jonah returned the smile when he felt the baby kick and he leaned down and kissed your belly.
“Oh shit,” you exclaimed. “Jonah!” you shouted and he came running into the room. “My water broke,” you uttered.
“Oh shit,” he said looking at you and hurried to grab the car keys. You made your way to the car and Jonah opened the door for you before hopping in the driver’s seat.
You were currently lying in a hospital bed trying to push a baby out of you, screaming at the top of your lungs in pain. Jonah was holding your hand throughout the whole thing whispering words of affirmations into your ear.
“I can see the head,” a nurse said. “Keep pushing mama,” she encouraged you. You screamed in agony as you pushed as hard as you could. “That’s it,” she told you, “keep pushing sweetheart."
“Good job sweetie,” she said as she was able to grab the baby and rushed to go get the newborn baby cleaned up and inspected for any health issues. After a few minutes the nurse brought the baby back all clean and wrapped up and put her in your arms.
You held Mia and looked at her with so much admiration and love. You never really wanted kids but you couldn’t be more grateful for the bundle of joy in your arms.
Jonah looked at you and smiled. This was such a special moment and he knew he would remeber it forever. “Do you want to hold her?” you asked him noticing the way Jonah was looking at you. He simply nodded not wanting to speak because he was holding back tears. (happy tears of course).
You gently handed him the baby and you watched as Jonah’s smile widened, his dimples deepened, and his eyes crinkled. You watched in awe as Jonah interacted with your daughter and smiled at how gentle and caring he was with her. You smiled to yourself and thought, “There’s no one else in this world that I would rather do this with."
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vaxxy-after-dark · 7 months
what about abo au?? beta delilah, alpha sylas, omega vax... could be fun, no??
shahahah - this au, huh??
okay I'll bite, it can be fun sometimes (i blame tgcf for making me curious about it)
I have thought about Vax hearing the Briarwoods coming so he hides, but he still gets caught anyway because Sylas has super senses and can literally smell Vax the second he walks into the room
but with a/b/o this can go a step further!!
instead of Sylas just clocking Vax's unique scent (his soap + his sweat + his blood + his cologne etc.)
what if Vax is in heat and he forgot to bring scent blocker so Sylas walks into the room and is immediately assaulted by horny omega smell
Delilah being so confused when he just sort of trips up out of nowhere and whines
"What is it darling?"
And all Sylas can do is rush immediately to where Vax is and drag him out of hiding
just fucking holding Vax up by the scruff of his neck like a puppy or something lmao
Vax is scared shitless but also OH FUCK THEY'RE HOT
Vax insists he only hid in here because his heat started and he was unable to hide his scent, but the Briarwoods aren't that stupid - I mean, come on, he looks like Vex who they just had dinner with, and the timing is suspicious with Percy being downstairs too
so they offer Vax a 'deal' - they help him with his heat and he answers some questions for them before they let him go
Vax is obviously reluctant, but he also doesn't want this to be a complete bust and he's not the worse at lying (he is)
so after some much needed relief, and Vax's abysmal attempts at lying his ass off to a literal 'human' lie-detector, Vax slips away and returns to the rest of his party
of course every other alpha in the vincity knows - they can smell Sylas all over Vax
with the headcanon that most of Vox Machina are betas or omegas themselves, with Grog being the only alpha there, I think it could be really funny if Vax gets back and says he has information but they should leave right away just for Grog to ask him "why do you smell like that Briar Hood guy????"
cue the most embarrassing moment of Vax's short life
RIP Vax'ildan, he twinked too close to the sun 😔🤪☠️ lmao
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brooklynisher · 3 months
I’m thinking about Peter Walter I (Analysis thingy?? Awwywiwiwh)
He’s such a conflicting subject in my mind likeee
Initially all of my headcanons painted him to be a pretty crappy guy. Most of it was for the sake of the development of other characters.
But more recently I’ve been thinking about the more positive side of Peter Walter.
Rabbit called him pappy, and continued to do so even AFTER Red Core. And though that’s pretty depressing because she thought the situation was her fault, she had to love Peter Walter a lot to continue to call him pappy. He had to give her a reason to love him.
He was BEST FRIENDS with Thadeus Becile before the rivalry.
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He was ENTHUSIASTIC about his inventions, though they were for Delilah.
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He saw things as a learning opportunity, even if they weren’t great!
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He was careful. He was safe
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I mean just LOOK at him compared to Thadeus Becile
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And y’all saw the way VI talked about him in the comic.
He had all these good things going for him. He was a good person. He let that reflect in his work. Even when he was getting extra competitive, he was still careful and considerate enough to not cause major damage to the Cavalcadium like Thadeus did.
But when Delilah died oh my god.
He was such a good guy, but so much about him changed since then. He had so much happen to him, both as a result of his own actions, a result of grief, and a result of war.
And it’s like, he’s such a good guy, but there’s so much that can and HAS disrupted that. And it’s depressing
He became significantly more reckless building way too many robots all for the sake of escaping grief. He was too smart to be losing his mind. It was dangerous.
But not only that, it was during this moment of his life when he accidentally gave his robots sentience.
A terribly ambitious and intelligent man was losing his sane mind when he mistakenly made a miraculous breakthrough that gave his creations life. Also he opened a portal to another dimension.
He was a mad scientist when he became the “father” of his robots as well as give the entire world access to a different reality.
And to make it worse, it was like a blackout! He couldn’t remember what he was doing when he made the breakthrough! The scientist, a man who works very closely with VERY dangerous tools, doesn’t even remember what he was doing!
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And let me just remind you that making and advancing his robots was a COPING MECHANISM. Imagine indulging so hard into your coping mechanism to the point where it ends up HURTING YOU. Because that’s what Red Core was to Peter Walter!
So long story short, Peter had to deal with the death of a woman he dearly loved, but didn’t love him back. But ON TOP OF THAT he was a wildly genius scientist. So much to the point where his life was inherently abnormal. He couldn’t do anything normally, INCLUDING coping. So when something went wrong, he didn’t know how to deal with it normally! So he deals with it in the only way he knows how and loses his mind as a result. But losing his mind only made him more successful. And just like that, this man is utterly insane!
Two insane yet brilliant scientists thrown into war against each other using their own inventions that were results of their insanities.
And the war is over but now he has to get back to his robots that have essentially turned into his children because now he actually has to look back on what he’s done and work with it.
These robots have been too useful to abandon. Not to mention that they are sentient now. So he can’t just give up his life of science! He’s in too deep. He’s GOT to keep going. And so he did.
Also by the way he’s 32.
So, like, you see what I’m saying. He had every right to become a bad person. He sort of ruined his life by pursuing his passions which is SO depressing, AND THEN HE JUST KEPT GOING?
Of course, he was still messed up. As shown by the fact that he literally killed Rabbit. But considering what he’s been through, I feel like he could’ve done even worse.
And so like, there’s still evidence of that good Peter Walter! I mean, he’s just about as insane as Thadeus was but he still managed to avoid a majority of his footsteps. He kept going. He found love. He found happiness. He changed.
I think it’s made especially clear in Red Core. His sons have repaired a robot that he created in an effort to cope with the pain, only for that robot to remind you of that pain you were trying to escape over and over again. His first robot, and the first robot for him to take out his rage on. He’s seeing this robot again thanks to his sons, who didn’t even design it properly, and he smiled. What was the reason? We don’t know! But it meant something.
That’s where I think a lot of the goodness of VI comes from. I don’t think VI was an anomaly. I don’t think V was either. I think it all started with Peter Walter I. But it was drowned out by his insanity for the longest time.
I have a hard time imagining what kind of a father he was to the robots. He’s got so much good in him, yet he’s been through so much. And it’s like. What did he do.
Bunny has stated multiple times before that Honeybee is sort of laughable in terms of its concept. These days, she sees it more as a “Why did you wrap yourself so tightly around her finger, when people come and go no matter what. Why define your entire life by her” AND WELL
Idk. It’s all crazy to me.
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