#and then just the fact that I’m discovering this by complete coincidence all these years later?
longleggedsocialist · 2 years
at this point god actually wants me to kill myself
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star-girl-05 · 7 months
Newly Discovered Desires
Cruise x Reader
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You spent most of your time cooped up in this building. Drinking terrible coffee and eating take out. Even when you left work all you wanted to do was relax, a stressful job will do that. So your social life outside of work was completely non existing, and your romantic life only existed in the books you read. You were okay with that though because your books were plenty or at least you thought they were. 
After a rough day at work T.C. invited everyone out, offering to buy the first round. After the first round there was a second round and by the four your night started to blur. That was your first mistake. The mistake that led to the main mistake, the huge mistake. 
All you needed was your romance books, at least that's what you thought. Now at this moment you're beginning to doubt your previous belief. Cause the feeling of his hands running up your shirt, and his lips grazing your neck sent your senses into overdrive in a way words on a page never could. 
The alcohol in your system only amplifies your reaction to his touch. Never in a million years did you think you would let HIM of all people kiss you. He's a cocky ass, the only reason you tolerate him is because he's good at his job, but tolerating someone is a long way from letting them see you naked. Yet here you are moaning into his mouth. Unbuttoning his shirt and begging him to hurry up. 
That's the last thing you remember, the next day. As soon as you wake up a headache immediately greets you making you groan. The previous night was a blur but the things you did remember couldn’t possibly be true. There's absolutely no way you would kiss him let alone take him back to your apartment. That's what you believed until you opened your eyes and saw him lying next to you. The sight has you jumping out of bed. 
The sudden movement has him, Cruise lifting his head. He lazily flips over making eye-contact with you. He takes a moment to process what's happening and when he finally does he doesn’t seem horrified. In fact he seems the opposite, he's cocky, his signature smirk on his face. “Well isn’t this a sight to see” he eyes you up and down. You finally take a second to see what you're wearing and the sight has you cringing. You're dressed in his white button up and only his white button up.
You reach for the blanket only for Cruise to yank the blanket back. Of course even in a situation like this he's a jerk. “Jesus, how much did I have to drink to overlook your being a jerk?”
“Probably the same amount as me since I forgot just how bitchy you can be.” you openly gasp at him. Before staring at him with a glare that would send anyone running but Cruise just smiles at you before falling to your bed again.
“I’m going to shower and when I come out you're going to be gone and we will never mention this again to anyone” there was an underlying threat to your words one you made sure he picked up on.
“I need to shower too so why don’t we save water” 
“Cruise I’m being serious for all we know nothing happened so there's no need to bring it up again” Yeah maybe the two of you only kissed and you're wearing his shirt because you got hot in the middle of the night and his shirt was the closest thing to you. You were already forcing yourself to believe your unlikely narrative. 
“Yeah you're right I’m sure we just passed out and this condom in the trash is unrelated” Your heart stops your rounding the bed and checking in the trash can to find said condom. “Oh my mistake there's actually two condoms still it could be just a coincidence.” 
“Okay fine we slept together, still this changes nothing.” You were determined to sweep this under the rug. If anyone ever found out about this you would never hear the end of it. 
“Understood, I wouldn’t want anyone finding out about this incident either” You knew why you didn’t want anyone to find out about you and him but you didn’t think he wouldn’t want people to know. What's so bad about sleeping with you? STOP! You clear your mind, take a breath, you don’t care why he doesn’t want people to know. It's good for you that he wants to keep this secret too. Now you can take your shower and not worry that when you get to work everyone will be whispering. 
With one final look at Cruise you slip into the bathroom. You're finally able to take a survey of your appearance. Your hair is a mess and a trail of purple marks on your neck slips below the neckline of your, his shirt. You're slipping off the shirt in a hurry, allowing you to see the full extent of last night's activities. Your body is decorated with various purple marks, a mixture of bruises and hickeys.
He's quick to pull your shirt off, trailing kisses on the newly exposed skin. With every kiss you feel yourself get more and more lost in his touch. 
The memory has you shivering you just need to wash off last night. Put it behind you and never think of it again.
“I need my shirt” you pick up the shirt cracking the bathroom door and slipping it through the bathroom door. You wait by the door waiting to hear the click of the front door. Once you hear it you finally get in the shower. 
Cruise said he wouldn't tell anyone and while you wanted to believe him you still found yourself hesitant to actually walk into work. If you didn’t hurry you would be late, gathering all your courage you finally pushed open the doors. 
You're thankful that you made it all the way to your area without anyone giving you knowing looks. It seems he was able to keep his mouth shut after all. 
The rest of your day went smoothly, an average normal day. After your morning/night you're more than thankful for your boring day. Now your going to go home and end your day with delicious food and a good movie. 
“Hey sweetheart, are you heading out?” Of course he has to ruin your night. 
“Since when do you call me sweetheart?” 
“It seems only fitting now that I know just how sweet you taste” a blush covers your face at his words. Cruise smiles at your reaction, taking pride in making you blush. 
“I thought we both agreed to not mention last night ever again”
“That was before I remembered all about last night” that wasn’t fair, you could only remember snippets from last night but if Cruise could remember all of it he has the upper hand. “Why don't you come back to my place and we can recreate last nights activities” 
“Cruise, i thought i made this crystal clear i want nothing to do with you” you words were harsh but you needed to make sure they cut through his thick skull. 
“Okay fine I’ll just return your underwear tomorrow then” it took you a moment to process his words but when you did your gasping. He stole your underwear, what a pervert.
“You stole my underwear?”
“Of course not I borrowed them, as insurance”
“….” You pause for a moment trying to process his words. As insurance, what sane person steals someone's underwear as insurance. Just as you're about to tell him to bring them tomorrow you freeze for a moment. If the last five seconds of this conversation is anything to go by, Cruise is insane. You could already picture him strolling into work and dropping the item in your lap for everyone to see. Even thinking about it was making you embarrassed. No you would have to get them yourself which unfortunately meant going to his place. 
Cruise had been talking non-stop as soon as you sat down. Making the drive to his place excruciatingly long. You were already pouting at the thought of having to do it again. Cruise refused to give you his address so you were forced to ride in his car. Finally you arrive at his place, it's nicer than you thought it was going to be. “Go get them” you don’t plan on spending a second longer here than you have to. 
“Why don’t you have a drink first?” 
“I don’t plan on drinking ever again” he chuckles a little, mumbling something along the lines of ‘oh well I tried’. He heads to the back part of the apartment opening what you're assuming is his bedroom. You wait as patiently as you can for him to reemerge. He comes from the bedroom, your underwear hanging off his pointer finger. As soon as he’s close your reaching for them only for him to yank them away from you. You should have known it wasn’t going to be easy. You reach for them once more, even if it is futile. His 6’0 ass is holding them way above his head. Before you resort to kicking him in his groin you decide to try and sneak attack him. You pretend to give up walking away from him. You watch him out of the corner of your eye, he’s still holding them way above his head. He barely has time to register you running full speed at him, jumping into his arms. Both of you go crashing into the fall, at the last second Cruise is able to steady the two of you. “Are you trying to kill me?” His words are breathless as he tries to catch his breath. You're not focusing on him, however your attention on the underwear balled in his hand that now rests on your hip. You're pulling them from his grasp before he even knows what's happening. 
“I win” you say cheerfully, tucking your newly found clothing item in your pocket. Cruise is too focused on your smile to be mad about you winning. 
“Did you? I’m the one that has you in my arms” his fingers dig into your hips reminding you of the bruises that already rest there.
“That's enough of that, just put me down so you can drop me back off” You try to wiggle out of his grasp but his grip only tightens. You're prepared to tell him off for not putting you down. The words die on your tongue as soon as you lock eyes with him. ‘He has no business looking at me like that’ you think to yourself. 
“Can’t I have a kiss, you did almost kill me” You didn’t feel bad, he deserved it for holding your underwear hostage, so why are you leaning in. 
The kiss turns heated instantly, your hands tangling themselves in his soft hair. While his fingers continue to dig into the flesh of your hips. He pulls away, placing kisses over neck. In between each kiss you hear him mumble ‘Can’t believe that worked’ 
You can’t believe you fell for that cheesy line either. Yet here you are in Cruises arms once again. Turns out his mouth is useful for more than snarky remarks. Your curious what other things he’s been keeping secret…
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mainsdrug · 2 years
Ultimate fishing simulator 2 review
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That’s all great stuff to have, of course, but the meat of the game (so to speak) is the catching of fish. There are also many, many more types of fishing techniques, equipment, lures, baits, and other fishing-related items in the simulator, some of which are actual real world brands. While it shares a lot of the same types of fishing mechanics (casting, setting the hook, reeling in, etc.) with FC5, the challenges provided by the UFS are more in line with those of real world fishing. Bears, coyotes, wolves, and even turkeys are out to get you too.įortunately, just as I was starting to hope for a somewhat more realistic sim, along came the Ultimate Fishing Simulator. That said, the extremely dangerous FC5 world itself provides plenty of other challenges - the fact that you’re blissfully ignoring your surroundings while fishing is a recipe for getting shot to death. If you can’t catch a fish in five seconds in Far Cry 5, it can only be because you’re casting with your back to the water. It was fun for awhile, but the challenge of it was not in the catching of the fish. FC5, for the unaware, is an open-world game that allows you to almost completely ignore the storyline of the actual game in favor of things you would rather do in the vast and complex world. I got a friend to remove it from the hook.Ībout a month ago, I discovered simulated fishing in the last place I would have expected it: Far Cry 5. The third was a fingerling bass and was so small that I didn’t even know it was on the hook until I reeled in for another try. That’s kind of like accidentally sinking a ball when playing pool: yeah, you scored, but it was just blind luck. Fishing was the obvious choice.Īfter five months of effort, I have caught four fish, and two of those hardly count because they were accidental snags. Gardening equates to work (see also: weed whacking), stamp collecting in the era of email and IM seems pointless, and I’m not ready for Bingo. My history with golf is long and painful, so that was out. While I had periodic opportunities to fish throughout the years, and actually managed to catch a good-sized bass at one point, I never pursued the hobby with any kind of regularity until a few months ago when the initial frenzy of early retirement was starting to taper off and I was forced to find some new and interesting pastimes. As an aside, that little jerk of a fish drew blood when it speared me in the palm with its dorsal spikes, leading to a fifty year history of me never wanting to touch a fish again. And for a good number of years, that little Bluegill was the only fish I caught. Just my luck - a defective bobber! I reeled it in, only to find the first fish that I ever caught. On my very first cast, the bait hit the water and the bobber immediately sunk. It was very much an introduction of the classical variety: a cheap Zebco reel, a kid-sized pole, a bobber, and a hook for a worm to ride on. My first experience with fishing occurred roughly half a century ago, back when I was only six or seven years old.
Which begs the following question: what is your reviewer’s personal background when it comes to fishing? Well, I’m glad you asked, even if it was just rhetorical license on my part. But because we’re talking about a simulator, parallels to real life are pertinent. After all, we’re here to talk about the Ultimate Fishing Simulator, right? Yes. That wasn’t discovered until the next day, though, so I got to spend 12 hours in “The Blame Zone.” This is where the awkward coincidence comes in: the failure of the AC had absolutely nothing to do with the weed whacking. Hmmm, what (read: “who?”) could have caused that? Two hours later on that hot & humid Sunday afternoon, my wife pointed out that it was getting mighty toasty in the house, the cause of which was a non-functioning air conditioner. This time around I managed to get the string of the trimmer all tangled up in the cables and such that feed the air conditioner. I’m sloppy at it, to be honest, and I have done a lot of damage to innocent pieces of vinyl siding and plastic fence posts. A recent example was just a few days ago when I performed my monthly weed-whacking around the periphery of my house. Nothing could be further from the truth, though - the reason for that title is the never-ending string of awkward coincidence that has been the very hallmark of my personal history. I recently decided that if I am ever narcissistic enough to write an autobiography, the title of the book (soon to be a major motion picture) will be “ It Sucked to be Me!” Sure, that sounds pretty awful, almost as if I led a life of deprivation and pain.
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0 notes
flightless-rising · 3 years
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Made a new Flight Rising iceberg and also wrote an explanation.. man, this took way longer than it should have.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy :D
Iceberg explanation
( If there are any mistakes please let me know and I’ll edit this asap. Also, English isn't my first language so please forgive me for any grammatical errors)
EDIT 28/06: Added some new info! Thanks to everyone who tagged and responded with new stuff to add, I really appreciate it!
The Sky
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Back in the day, whenever you bought or sold something on the auction house a message would show up in your inbox confirming the transaction. These messages were sent by one of the dragon couriers: Pearl, Spitfire or Edgar.
On January 2016, a strange glitch occurred that replaced the images and names of couriers with the ones of a female fae named “Naomi”.
It goes deeper than that, though: if you looked up her name in the user search menu, a clan would pop up with over 15 million dragons.
It was quickly discovered that all exalted dragons had somehow become part of her clan. Naomi herself apparently didn’t exist, and clicking on her page redirected to an error page. This was later fixed and the original Naomi page can be now visited.
What exactly caused this glitch is still a mystery and today Naomi is still a well-known piece of Flight Rising history.
Missing Tidelord
In the official lore, the deity of the water flight disappeared in early 2018, as described in the short story “Hear Today, Gone Tomorrow”.
In the follow up story (Mixed Elements) posted in April of the next year it is confirmed that the Tidelord is still missing, but alive. This coincides with the fact that the Tidelord account hasn’t made any forum posts aside from festival announcements.
Emperors are a type of unobtainable dragon that are formed when several Imperial corpses are left in close proximity to each other, which then fuse forming a multi-headed chimera.
Emperors are described in the lore as having an animal-like behavior and destroying everything in sight. They are extremely difficult to kill, which is the reason why in-universe Imperials have such strange burial rites.
An emperor named Luminax is first described in the Raising a Family short story, and their sprite can be seen walking around on the world map.
The Surface
Old color wheel
Originally, there were only 67 available colors for dragons. On June 8th 2016, 110 more colors were added, meaning that currently there are a total of 177 colors available.
When making a custom progenitor dragon, it is only possible to choose among the 67 original colors because it would be otherwise unfair for those who made their account before the new colors were added.
Imperial breed scrolls
Imperial breed change scrolls are one of, if not the most, rare type of item on the site. They were given only to those who pledged 30 dollars or more on the original Flight Rising kickstarter.
At the time, this was the only way of obtaining an Imperial dragon, which meant that the breed as a whole was pretty valuable. Now that Imperials are abundant this is no longer the case, but First generation Imperials are still extremely sought and probably the most expensive type of dragon on the site.
There were also other items that were only given to Kickstarted backers, namely Skycats, Bonefiend, Golden Idol and Cogfrog familiars, and those are also pretty much impossible to obtain.
Baldwin breed change
When Baldwin was introduced in 2015 he was originally a Pearlcatcher. On September 14th of 2016 however his site art started to gradually change, until his transformation was completed five days later.
In-universe, Baldwin started to change after a lightning strike hit his cauldron during an experiment, which made him slowly mutate into the breed we now know as Bogsneaks.
Trans Fiona
When Fiona was added as a trading post dragon people speculated that she was trans, because the female pose for Skydancers only displays two antennae, while the male one has four.
Since Fiona has four antennae in her site art, many wondered whether it was an oversight or actually intended. Aequorin later confirmed in a forum thread that Fiona is indeed trans.
Speaking of rare items, the Boolean familiar was only given to a handful of Flight rising beta testers and as such is extremely rare and valuable.
Plaguebringer coli team
On the Plaguebringer’s page she is listed as being part of a coliseum team.
As of now we have no clue as to why this is, and even more strangely she is the only deity that does this.
Boston & Hope
This story is a bit complicated. I’ve scoured the forums in search of info but it seems like there are still some pieces missing. I’ll try my best to explain anyway.
So, for a long while the Lightweaver was the only deity that had other dragons aside from herself in her lair: these dragons were a Spiral named Boston and a Tundra named Hope. Strangely, they were both Earth dragons and apparently have been there since the beginning (?). When asked why (this happened back when deities would interact on the forums) the Lightweaver responded that they were having a dinner party together.
In August 2014 during a pretty heated dominance battle between Shadow and Light Boston and Hope disappeared from the Lightweaver’s lair.
The Shadowbinder now had them, and both their elements were alsochanged to Shadow. The two deities acknowledged this and changed their broadcast messages accordingly.
If I had to guess this was some kind of inside joke that the admins had, although some people got angry that the Shadowbinder now had both Hope and Boston. Some time later(?) Boston was returned to the Lightweaver and for some reason his element was changed to wind.
I don’t have any more info on the matter but if some of you do I would appreciate it if you tell me.
Shallow Waters
On June 8th 2018 eye type variants were introduced. This update was pretty controversial for a bunch of reasons, and the topic is still discussed today. The majority of people(?) seemed to be upset by the fact the “best” eye types (primarily goat, primal and multi-gaze) could only be displayed on dragons that were born with them, and the fact that every dragon born prior to the update couldn’t have these eye types at all displeased a lot of users.
Another problem was the fact that most of the non-special eye types (i.e the only ones that could be applied to already existing dragons using a vial of Scattersight) were not clearly visible on the grand majority of adult dragons.
A smaller(?) complaint was that two of the primal eye types, Shadow and Plague, were seen as kind of disturbing by some people.
Three years later staff attempted to fix this issue by adding Eye type vials for every available eye type. This resulted in a market crash for special eye typed dragons, as now these eye types could be applied to any dragon. The value of Scattersights also tanked, and the people bought them and hadn’t used them yet lost money as now they were infinitely less useful.
EDIT 28/06: Goat isn’t actually obtainable via breeding, faceted is. Bad mistake on my part.
Also, Scattersights were given away freely by Galore on Flight Rising’s fifth anniversary in 2018 and could not be bought afterwards. I admit that I thought people could be able to buy Scattersights due to how upset people were that the value went down, but whatever.
Courier Breed
The courier dragons (Edgar, Spitfire, and Pearl) are part of an exclusive dragon breed that is currently unobtainable. Even though their eye color still reflects the flight they were born in, in-universe they are considered to be “neutral” and they are granted free access to all domains. This raises the question as to which deity created them, as every other dragon breed (Bogsneaks being the only exception) has been created by one of The Eleven.
According to the site’s terms of service, no one is allowed to have more than one account. This is pretty standard for pet sites, as having multiple accounts grants unfair advantages and can mess up the site economy. This doesn’t completely stop people for having more than one account, and the practice as a whole is called “Multiaccounting” or “having multis”.
Some people only do this to have multiple clans or reboot their account without deleting their old one. They mostly do no harm but it is reasonable that the site wouldn’t allow this because of how easy it is exploit.
The real harm of multis comes from a practice called “funneling” which is when someone creates multiple accounts only for the purpose of giving items to their main account. This practice violates the game’s rules and can result in a ban. Funneling is not limited to multiaccounting though, and having an account only to feed another is against the site’s rules whether or not the account in question belongs to another person or not.
Some people fear of being banned for multiaccounting even if they haven’t done so, especially if they share a computer with other people.
“he purble” is probably among the most famous Flight Rising memes.
In 2016(?) a rant was submitted to the original Dramarising blog by a very angry user that wanted to buy an XXX Purple Ridgeback back when triples were pretty expensive, but got beat by someone else.
I’m not going to copy paste it here because in my opinion it’s one of the funniest Flight Rising related posts ever and I don’t want to spoil the experience of reading it for the first time. You can find it pretty easily by searching it up.
Tert Picking
This is something that refaced recently, even though I’ve seen people talking about this for a while. Some people vividly remember being able to pick their custom progenitor’s tertiary color, even though the developers have made it clear that such thing would be impossible. This is without a doubt just one of those weird situations where a lot of people somehow remember the same thing wrong.
Still, it’s fascinating just how many people claim to remember doing picking their tert.
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Swiftwings were a dragon breed that was scrapped in development. The design was rejected because it didn’t fit the 2 arms 2 legs 2 wings format that every dragon design had to follow before the introduction of ancient breeds.
The reason for this rule is that otherwise it would mess up apparel placement. Although the concept was scrapped, echoes of the design were scattered throughout the site: for example, the empty dragon slots that were present prior to 2019 had the silhouette of a Swiftwings dragon. They are also mentioned in the April Fool’s update of 2018.
“Real” Lore dragons
Most people don’t know that some of the dragons featured on the lore stories are actually real, and you can visit their pages. This is the case for Tetra, Cracklinne, Velya, Liefa, Garote and Mirth, which are currently chilling in Aequorin’s lair.
All of the other dragons in the developers’ lairs are not canon and are used to test bugs and features on the site.
The Middle ground
True deity names
When the site first started the deities used to have actual names instead of titles. Some of these names were based off of the site founders’s usernames on other sites.
The names are the following:
Amogayvhi - Gladekeeper Xhaztol - Arcanist Rhenik - Tidelord Akiri - Flamecaller Thrage - Stormcatcher Undel - Shadowbinder Jhortanas - Plaguebringer Ghurab - Windsinger Artaios - Earthshaker Rhiow – Lightweaver
As you can tell, Xhaztol, Akiri, Thrage and Undel are the usernames of some of the admins of the site, and the flight they are a part of corresponds with the previous name of their deity.
No leg coatls
On January 16, 2015 an iconic thread was posted in the flight rising discussion forum, which displayed a photoshopped image of a coatl with its legs removed. Quickly the thread devolved into a general photoshop thread were people took official site art of dragons and modified it.
The thread was eventually locked due to spam and quote pyramids, but spiritual successors of the original “phoatlshop” thread still exist today.
Dress slot unlocking
A thing that a surprising amount of people don’t know is the fact that when buy an additional apparel slot, the slot opens for every dragon in your lair and not just the one you bought it on.
This is something I also discovered very recently and it’s kind of funny that so many people that have been on the site for very long don’t know this.
Clanbound scatterscrolls
I think the wiki explains it best, so I’ll just copy paste this here:
“Tri-Color Scatterscrolls suffered from an issue where they would only scatter a random range from colors 1-47 (white through sunshine) rather than 1-67 (white through rose). They have been fixed and are now functioning correctly with a random range within the 67 color set. The affected timeframe was from August 15th, 2013 until September 22nd, 2013. The admins allowed users who were unsatisfied with their bugged Tri-Color Scatterscrolls to receive the same amount of them back in the form of Clanbound Scatterscrolls to try scattering their own dragons again with the full color range.”
Beta Mirrors
Ever wondered why they’re called Mirrors?
According to Undel, the main artist of Flight Rising, mirrors originally were supposed to have every part of their body “mirrored”, meaning they had two sets of eyes, two pairs of wings, two tails, and so on.
This design ended up being too cluttered and looked weird shrunken down. The name was kept the same, even though the only mirrored part of the design are the eyes.
Dragons are evil
If you read the “Beastclans on the rise” lore bit, the dragons come across as… very evil, stealing territory from the beastclans when they have been living on Sornieth way longer than the dragons have and killing them for loot.
Furthermore, in the Bounty of the Elements lore bit the Beastclan rebellion guided by Talona is seen by the dragons as unreasonable and wrong even when in canon Beastclans are framed as the innocent party.
The Depths
Scroll of Divorce
In the alpha stage dragons were supposed to be monogamous and could only breed with the dragon they were “paired” with. To break their bond you had to use an item called “Scroll of Divorce” which even featured broken marriage rings in the art.
If I had to guess, this item and the concept as a whole were scrapped because the idea of dragons having “weddings” and needing to divorce before breeding with another dragon felt kind of weird, especially in a game targeted towards teens.
First Festival
The first Holiday festival in Flight rising history was the 2013 Brightshine Jubilee. The items that were available for this festival only are incredibly rare, particularily the Light Sprite which is one of the most valuable items on the site. Apart from that and the fact that the skincent contest only had 6 winners, not much is notable about it.
Offsite drama
Flight Rising has had its fair share of drama both on and off site, but due to the fact that it’s against the site’s rule to discuss user drama on the forums most of the notable drama happened off site (mainly tumblr).
Egg rot
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Egg rot was a very early mechanic that was pretty quickly removed from the site. If you forgot to incubate your eggs, they would “rot” and no longer hatch.
It’s the reason why in the nesting grounds the text reads “Eggs healthy” and also the reason why on the stats section of the Account settings it says “Eggs discarded”. The mechanic was removed because it heavily punished casual players and the frequent downtimes of the site meant that even if someone logged in every day they could still have their eggs die.
Also, the images of egg rot look extremely cursed.
From what I could gather, Pablo is a dragon which became somewhat popular after user “Desmondtiny” wrote a very long and detailed backstory of them being the Arcanist’s lost boyfriend.
I’m pretty sure it gues deeper than that but I couldn’t find any further information. As usual, if you know something more let me know.
Latest News
On November 12, 2014, a glitch(?) occurred that let anyone post in the Announcements thread. Anything that was posted went directly to the front page, which resulted in quite a bit of chaos.
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This was fixed only half an hour later, but the screenshots people have from that time are extremely funny.
On the 2014 Flameforger’s festival announcement Undel accidentally misspelled “Flameforger” as “Lameforger”, which prompted the official account of the Flamecaller to respond aggressively. Lameforger is still jokingly used by users, even after the typo was fixed.
Festival of one (1)
On the first day of the 2014 Greenskeeper Gathering a glitch occurred which switched the site banner for the Starfall celebration banner instead of the Greenskeeper one.
It didn’t end there, in the coliseum Magical shards dropped instead of Bladed Flatleaves, even though skin chests dropped as normal(?).
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The weirdest thing about it all was Joxar’s Space inventory, which didn’t display any items at all and had glitched dialogue.
The event was nicknamed by the fanbase “Festival of 1” and even the deity’s official accounts acknowledged the incident.
Vape Juice
As far as I know the original forum thread as been lost, but the vape juice fiasco will always remain cemented in Flight Rising History.
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A company called Vape Daugz was making vape juice with Flight Rising dragons plastered on their packaging, completely violating the site’s policy.
The company’s site still exists, and browsing through their products I found that the products that previously had Flight Rising dragons on them still exist, but now feature completely different packaging.
I have no idea whether they changed the packaging spontaneously or staff did something about it.
I think there’s a potentially interesting story buried down there, but we’ll likely never the truth behind the Flight Rising vape juice.
The Abyss
There’s been some speculation over the years as to whether or not humans are canon in the Flight Rising universe. Some people believe that the “Mages” of the second age in the official lore are actually humans, but we can’t be sure because they are depicted with long robes that cover their whole bodies.
The idea of humans existing in canon has spawned a couple of memes, most infamously Thomas.
Plague healers
Again, I think the wiki explains this one better:
“According to Aequorin, Plague healers are an interesting bunch because rather than administer treatments that counter illness, they use a mixture of magic and contagion that stress the affected dragon further, allowing them to reach a stronger, healed, and resistant state faster than other elements. Plague healers will treat physical injuries with sutures, bandages, and braces, but they won't clean the wounds or apply ointments."
As described in the original thread, Akitla was a dragon that user “qunii” saw on the front page, but noticed that she wasn’t accompanied by the username of the person owning them.
After clicking on her, an error page loaded. It was discovered that putting her color combination or ID in the search bar would result in an error page. This was later fixed, and both Akitla and her mate were now displayed as being exalted to the Arcanist. T
here are some theories as to what happened to the Akitla’s user, some think that she belonged to a deleted account, others that it was the result of an incomplete account creation.
As with a lot of things on this iceberg, it will likely remain a mystery forever.
Arcane sprite book
“what is the arcane sprite reading??” is probably one of the oldest still active threads on the forums.
On September 25, 2013 user “Kaadashi” started a joke thread were they wondered what exactly is the arcane sprite reading, and playfully suggested that it could be erotic fanfiction. People went crazy of course, and started to wonder what kind of juicy secrets were hidden within the pages of that book.
I don’t want to say too much because I really don’t want to spoil the experience of reading through this very cursed tread.
Sunshine is one of the most… interesting lairs on the site, and certainly one of the most well-known.
They(?) have a lair (almost) completely full of triple basic sunshine dragons, most of which are Tundras. So far they have collected about 320 triple hundred Sunshine dragons, almost all of which are also named “Sunshine”. They’re not all the same, some of them have apparel, some of them are gened and some have unique art and descriptions.
They’re dedicated and I respect that.
EDIT 28/06: Apparently some people seem to think that the sunshine-dedicated lair is based on a meme concerning the announcement of the color wheel expansion, which became so discussed that the itself site broke. The two things are unrelated however, as the Sunshine lair has been around for much longer.
The announcement of the color wheel expansion was cryptic, with only a few post showing off differently colored coatls and then 3 pages of reserved posts, with no explanation whatsoever.
Simple Farmer
Another very famous thread is the “I am but a simple farmer” thread started by user “someKindOfGenius”. It’s not really about anything specific, it’s just a rather silly thread were people photoshop flight rising dragons onto various crops.
Still, this thread is iconic so I had to include it.
Dragon Deaths
Way back in 2014 former flight rising programmer Thrage revealed on a forum thread that way back before the beta, dragons could actually starve to death if left unfed.
Obviously they had to remove this mechanic because it would have been extremely harsh to casual players and make people frustrated with the game.
User “manojalpa” became fairly well-known for the extremely dark lore they(?) had written for their Clan, it was so dark in fact that every single one of their dragon’s bios had to moved to their tumblr where they couldn’t be easily seen by the site’s mainly underage usebase.
Their lore centered around their progen dragon, a tundra named Zalvador, which behaved and had the same powers as a flight rising user: buying dragons off of the action house, having “breeding projects”, exalting dragons, etc.
These things seem pretty normal when done by a player, but when taking them as actual real things that happen in universe… yeah, it was way too morbid for the site.
The Pit
Black linen neck wraps
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For some weird reason, the apparel piece “Black linen neck wrap” when put on a male pose Coatl wraps around the dragon’s throat instead of it’s neck. It’s kind of subtle and hard to see, but if you compare it with the female pose the difference is clear. This is probably just an art error, although it’s weird that it hasn’t been fixed yet, since linen wraps are a very old piece of apparel.
Another weird thing about linen wraps in general is that the wing wraps just sort of… go through the membrane? This is not possible. These dragons are in pain.
Icewarden ears
Another very remarkably popular thread is the Icewarden ears thread.
In 2014 user “Llanai” simply makes note of the fact that the Icewarden has teeny tiny ears.
As we have come to expect from these threads, it quickly devolved into nonsense.
Forbidden Snapper lore
Snappers used to have a way different lore section that was changed because it deemed too similar to the lore of another petsite.
This is what the original section read:
"Snapper dragons do not sleep, but exist in a constant state of reverie. They receive and catalogue all experiences and stories told within their dreams. This persistent state of awakened dreaming awards them the longest memory of any dragon species. They are living encyclopedias, and any dragon who is seeking difficult-to-obtain information will have the most luck unearthing it from a Snapper clan - provided they have the patience for it. If you want two dozen quick answers, talk to a spiral. If you want a fully developed answer, camp out around a Snapper. These dreamers move at their own pace, which varies from dragon to dragon. For some, the awakened dream can prove to be more interesting than their surroundings. This leads to a focus upon the dream, and the waking world as filtered background noise. Interacting with these sleepwalkers can be a trying and repetitive task. Other Snappers may be fairly lucid, with a focus upon their surroundings and the constant hum of the dream pushed aside."
Bee movie script
I’ve seen this story around the forums a few times but I’ve never been able to learn the details.
From what I’ve heard someone copy pasted the entire bee movie script into their clan bio in a drop down text format, which completely broke the page for anyone who visited it. This was fixed, apparently, although I have no clue as to who this user is.
EDIT 28/06: Zeus
Zeus is an XXX gold g1 permababy imperial that used to belong to user "happywing".
Their account is now locked because Zeus was created with the use of a duplication glitch on an imperial breed change scroll, which is obviously not allowed (although I've heard some people say that the dragon was hacked in altogether). Before the account was locked, people speculated that Zeus was the most valuable dragon on the site, because an XXX g1 imperial is impossibly rare.
Wegg shaming
On July 2017 user “Dreamnorn” made a thread were they(?) claimed to have a dream where everything was the same except people used the term “wegged” when two dragons would lay only one egg in a nest.
Ex. Aw man! I’ve been wegged again! = Aw man! I bred two dragons and they only had one egg!
The dream ended up being prophetic, as the term catched on and people started to use it unironically.
The practice of “Wegg shaming” I think refers to the trend of people posting pictures of the dragons that “wegged” them in order to “shame” them.
Plague nest skull
The site art of the plague nest features an unique dragon skull that doesn’t match with any currently existing dragon breed or creature: It appears to have two sets of eyes, like a mirror, but also long and curled horns.
It’s probably just for decoration and it likely doesn’t have any significance whatsoever, but personally I believe it would be pretty cool if when they eventually release plague ancient it at least somewhat resembled this skull.
EDIT 28/06: On second thought, the skull doesn’t seem to have two pairs of eyes, It just has the generic shape of a carnivore.
Rock bottom
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…this is CAPTAINPLANET. Somehow, user “Decres”' managed to overlay a Fae skin on top of a Tundra, creating this horrifyingly fascinating abomination.
I have no idea how she did this, and she seems pretty adamant to tell.
EDIT 28/06: People have pointed out that this skin overlay glitch was actually somewhat common (although I still haven't found another dragon like CAPTAINPLANET). What you had to do was breed change a dragon while attaching a skin to them in another tab.
This glitch has been patched and such thing is no longer possible.
Lair 46264
A cursed lair.
I’ve seen a lot of people, both on forums and on Tumblr, sharing dreams they had about Flight Rising.
A lot of people dream of just being on the site, while occasionally weird things happen.
I’ve read of people who dreamed the distribution of a new breed, buying an exclusive item, a new Fiona feat or Swipp trade, or just browsing the forums.
The most common type of Flight rising-associated dream I’ve seen however is being caught multiaccounting and having their account banned.
I’m no psychoanalyst, but I think it’s pretty clear that these nightmares stem from the paranoia of being banned from their beloved petsite instead of showing any actual intention of doing the “crime” in question.
Anyways, I think it’s fascinating how so many people dream about this site, and it reminds me of the dreams people claimed to have about Mario 64 where completely new levels were added or a scary monster appeared.
Dragon Slime
Dragon Slime was an infamous thread which was supposed to be start off point for an ARG.
It was deleted because it was considered too “spammy” and also because ARGs are banned from the forums. The thread has been lost, unfortunately.
EDIT 28/06: Thanks to @randompurple-fr for providing screenshots of the dragon slime tutorial! You can find them here
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Cucumber is the only dragon ever to have been exalted with a skin, which is something that should not be possible. This raises some questions as to what exactly did the person that exalted them do to achieve this, but we have no way of knowing who Cucumber belonged to.
EDIT 28/06: Actually, we do know who used to Cucumber belonged to! Its owner was Osiem: an official flight rising artist. I couldn’t find the thread where they(?) acknowledged the glitch though, if someone has it please let me know!
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halstudandruz · 4 years
Research Purposes (NSFW)
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*Not my gif*
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Requested: Yes
Prompt: Bearded Jay Smut
Warnings: swearing, smut (18+)
A/N: I know the timeline is off but just go with it.
Sitting at the bar, you couldn’t help where your eyes wandered across the room. You were at Trudy and Mouch’s wedding, and even though it was a joyous occasion you were kind of ready to go home from the start. The night before you had discovered your ex-fiancé and the new girl in intelligence were dating, and it was safe to say you were drowning in your sorrows. You and Adam had been broken up for almost a year, but you still loved him and in the back of your mind you just hoped time would give you both the perspectives you needed and you would be back together. You had no right to be upset, but you were having trouble convincing yourself of that. The night was starting to wind down, as you downed a shot. You had held it together for Trudy wanting her to have the best day ever, but since they had left a few minutes prior you were ready to get drunk enough you couldn’t remember your own name.
“You know the longer you sit still the harder it’s gonna hit when you stand.” Jay teased sliding in next to you.
“Good.” You sighed, turning around to take another drink.
“Well in an effort to ensure I don’t have to carry you out of here would you like to dance?” He asked, holding his hand out to you. Contemplating for a minute he smiled when you took a hold of his hand following him out to the dance floor. Frank Sinatra played in the background while his hands slowly moved to rest on your hips. You and Jay were friends. You worked together and were around each other a lot. You got along well, and you weren’t afraid to admit he was an attractive guy, but you had always been locked in on Adam. So, your friendship never even toed the line. You never even thought about it, until tonight.
“I’m going to go out on a limb and say you found out.” Jay whispered into your ear looking down at you.
“Found out about what?” You eyed him curiously until he nodded towards where Hailey and Adam sat laughing together.
“Wait..you know?” He nodded, “How long has it..?”
“I only found out a week or two ago so it probably hasn’t been that long.” He shrugged,“How’d you find out?” He continued. Sighing your hands rested on his chest.
“Today was actually supposed to be Adam and I’s wedding day. Before we decided to push it. So, I kind of went down a dark hole after the rehearsal dinner and went to see him. When he answered the door I saw her come out of his room.” You chewed on your lip.
“Oh fuck. What’d you do?” He pried.
“I made some excuse about not being able to find something I needed for today so I thought I might’ve accidentally left it there when I moved out or left or whatever. I was just going to leave, but then I had to pretend to look for it, and when I went into his room a bunch of her stuff was there. You know in the dresser I used to use.” You recounted the night before swallowing hard.
“That sounds awful. I’m sorry.” He shook his head pulling you closer as he moved a hand to rub your back.
“Yeah it wasn’t my finest moment. I’ve been avoiding him all day,” you chuckled blinking tears away, “How are you feeling about it?” You looked up at him hoping to shift the focus off you.
“What do you mean? Why would I care?” He masked.
“Come on Jay.” You scoffed giving him a look.
“I don’t have any say in what or who she does.” He said.
“How do you let it roll off you so easily? Not let it bother you?” You wondered.
“I want her to be happy, and wishing that I was the one over there isn’t going to do anything for either of us.” He shrugged nonchalantly, “You deserve to be happy. You deserve to have fun too right?” He continued.
“I don’t know. I guess.” You replied.
“You do, and that is why you’re out here dancing with me.” He smiled, spinning you effortlessly, causing you to laugh. You and Jay would spend the next hour talking and dancing letting your minds push away the two people across the room.
Jay and you were caught up in conversation, your bodies practically up against each other causing heat to surface on your face at the feeling of his hands holding you close. His tie now hung loosely on his shoulders, the top few buttons of his dress shirt open, and his sleeves had been rolled up allowing you to see the veins throughout them. You had never realized how attractive he actually was until you were this close, eyes counting the freckles that covered his face.
“Incoming.” he mumbled looking over your shoulder; breaking you out of your thoughts. You turned to see Adam walking towards you.
“No no no.” You whined hands gripping Jay’s shoulders tighter. Adam clearing his throat when he reached you,
“May I cut in?” He asked, looking between the two of you. A glint of confusion present in his face. Jay’s eyes shifted from him to you, registering your panic of having to face him right now.
“Uh actually I just offered to take her home. We were just heading out.” Jay attempted to save you.
“Oh well we’re going to be going right past your place we could just drop you off so Jay doesn’t have to go out of his way, and I’d actually really like to talk to you for a sec-“ Adam started to grab your hand.
“No it’s all good. No big deal. I already promised her I would.” Jay stepped slightly in front of you.
“Yeah I’m just going to go grab my coat and say bye to Sylvie. See you on Monday.” You pointed walking off to leave Adam and Jay alone on the dance floor. “You didn’t have to do that.” You smiled softly when Jay fell back by your side.
“He shouldn’t get what he wants all the time.” Jay shrugged.
“So is the ride offer actually on the table?” You asked.
“Of course.” He smiled helping you put your jacket on before pulling his on and heading out to his truck.
Walking outside you had made it almost to his truck ensuring you were far enough away from the door that people wouldn’t be watching before grabbing onto his arm to stop him. This could be a terrible, horrible idea, but that thought didn’t seem to over power your want.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, turning to face you where you leaned against the brick wall.
“You know I had every intention of waking up tomorrow either horribly hungover, or in someone else’s bed, and considering you prevented the latter..” You trailed off looking up at him.
“Are you serious?” He asked after a few seconds of silence.
“I’ve been holding out, hoping for something to change with him. I’m done waiting around.” You admitted weakly.
“I don’t want to just be some outlet to make Adam jealous.” He shook his head.
“This isn’t about him. This is about me and what I want. For once.” You laid a hand against his neck.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” He whispered stepping closer to lay a hand against the cold brick, body just inches away from yours.
“Jay, I am going home with someone tonight, and I really hope it’s you.” You bargained. You hadn’t done this in months, and you were just ready to let all the pent up need out. Jay searched your face for hesitation before leaning in to capture your lips. You quickly responded, hands wrapping around his neck to pull his body against yours. Letting him take control of the kiss when his fingers moved to tightly grasp your jaw. Tongue slipping into your mouth in time with the movement. You hummed when he nipped at your lip pulling away to take heavy breaths.
“My place?” He whispered lips almost up against yours again. Nodding quickly you reached into his coat pocket fishing out the keys to unlock the vehicle. Chuckling he took them from you opening the passenger door to help you in before walking to the drivers side and starting the truck. You could see him looking at you from the corner of his eye as you chewed on your bottom lip appreciating his features lit up from the street lights. He turned to wink at you before putting the truck into drive and heading towards his apartment.
The silence was tense and a little bit awkward as you started to second guess your forwardness. You weren’t just using him to get back at Adam, right? You were a grown woman and you had needs. Needs that hadn’t been met in far too long, and the person that was going to satisfy them just so happened to be your co-worker from the same unit. That’s all. It was all coincidence. Plus Jay was hot. Everyone knew that. Why couldn’t you enjoy that fact when the opportunity presented itself? “What’s going on in that head of yours?” Jay asked jarring you out of your thoughts.
“Nothing. I just..I don’t know. Kinda embarrassed.” You admitted shrugging.
“Why?” He questioned grabbing a hold of your hand.
“I could’ve approached that better instead of acting like a horny teenager.” You laughed looking down.
“I would be lying if I wasn’t hoping you’d say something though.” He looked over at you grinning.
“What?” You looked at him confused.
“I mean you’re obviously beautiful and I thought we had a great night together, but I didn’t want to overstep bounds or make it awkward. I was just hoping you picked up the same vibe I was catching. I’m not the greatest at saying what I want.” He chuckled. Shaking your head you looked down smiling to yourself, feeling a little lighter in the knowledge that he wanted you too. Lifting the center console up you scooted closer to him. “Well hello.” He smirked, hand falling onto your thigh.
“I like your beard.” You smiled running your fingers through it. The last time you had seen him with one was when Erin left, and the only time before that was when he had been kidnapped. Remembering the bruises that accompanied the facial hair. Tracing his face where they had healed completely.
“Yeah?” He replied smiling at the gentleness of your hands as you admired his face.
“Yeah, I think you should keep it.” You voiced your opinion.
“Maybe I will.” He squeezed your thigh when you leaned over to lay soft kisses along his neck, nipping at his ear as you moved your palm over the crotch of his jeans. You felt his breath hitch at the movement, letting out a low growl when your lips attached right below his ear, heel of your hand pressing down simultaneously. “Oh god, I can’t wait to get you inside.” Jay whispered, breaths becoming labored at the insistent pressure of your hand. Quickly pulling into the parking garage of his apartment two minutes later. Putting the truck into park he let his eyes fall shut, head falling back onto the rest his hips finally moving up in time with the movement of your palm. The sight before you and the feeling of his obvious arousal already causing moisture to gather between your legs. Giving him a couple more rocks of pressure before slipping your hand up his shirt to rest on his stomach.
“Jay?” You whispered pressing a gentle kiss against his jaw, his facial hair tickling your nose. He turned his head to look at you, pupils already visibly darker than before. “I want you.” You stated. He grinned giving you a quick but hard kiss before shutting his truck off and guiding you towards the elevator. Pushing you against the wall as soon as the doors closed mouth molding over yours, hands bracketing you in against the wall. “Mmm.” You hum when his lips start to trail down your jaw. “Someone could walk in.” You remind him head falling back to give him more access. The dinging as you pass each floor prevalent in the background.
“Don’t care.” He growls lifting one of your legs to rest on his hips, fingers moving up your thigh, starting to move your panties to the side when the elevator comes to a stop on his floor. “I don’t think it’s ever moved that fast before.” He joked letting your leg down and grabbing ahold of your hand to pull you towards his apartment before pulling his keys out to unlock it and ushering you inside. “Do you want anything to drink?” He asked casually as he set his keys down slipping off his shoes, ridding your heels in the process you giggled stepping towards him to take the lapels of his jacket in your hands.
“I’m definitely thirsty but not for water.” You winked pulling him back towards your lips, before you pushed the jacket off his shoulders. Beginning to unbutton his dress shirt his hands moved down to your ass, lips breaking from yours long enough for him to whisper,
“Jump.” You let him pick you up, shedding his shirt on the way towards his bedroom.
“You have too many clothes on.” You sighed when he laid you down on the end of his bed tugging the bottom of his shirt. Laughing he stood up to pull it over his head for you.
“You haven’t taken one piece of clothing off and I’m the one that’s wearing too much?” He teased falling back on top of you.
“Lucky for you, you’ll find there’s next to no obstacles once this comes off.” You snapped the strap of your dress. Jay eyes trailed down your body slowly, hands following as he pulled you up to slide the zipper down slowly, lips falling to your collarbone in the process.
“Tell me if this is okay.” He hesitated sliding the straps down.
“It’s okay, Jay.” You voiced helping him pull the tight dress from your body. Face instantly blushing when you looked up to see his eyes wandering all over you, left in only your panties.
“You’re fucking gorgeous.” He complimented hands squeezing your hips.
“Your voice is really sexy when you’re turned on.” You blurted out, causing Jay to laugh.
“Well I can assure you I am in fact very turned on right now.” He grinned nuzzling your neck.
“Can I..?” You asked tugging on the button of his pants popping it open when you felt him nod. He breathed a quiet sigh at the pressure being released when you opened his zipper, pushing them to the ground with his help. He returned back on top of you leaning down to press his mouth to yours, moving slowly to appreciate the action. In no hurry for this to end. Your hand trailed from his chest to his stomach, tip of your finger sneaking under the hem of his boxers. His hips involuntarily bucking at the anticipation, coaxing your mouth open with his tongue. Reaching further down you took a hold of him giving him an experimental squeeze earning a groan against your lips. Beginning to slowly move your hand his forehead fell against yours eyes closing while his hips began to move in rhythm. Swiping your thumb across the tip, gathering the precum that had started to leak out. He watched as you brought it to your mouth, licking it off your finger to enjoy the taste of him. Breath hitching at the sight, seemingly flipping a switch in him as he lunged forward capturing your wrists and forcing them above your head, his lips capturing yours in a bruising kiss. Roughly biting at your lip before moving down your body. Stopping first at your chest. His teeth nipped at the skin, laying soft kisses all over before taking ahold of your left breast tongue swirling around your nipple. Other hand pinching and rolling the right between his fingers. Swallowing a moan your legs opened further letting him slide between them more comfortably. His mouth moved farther south as his fingers gently started to make soft circles to your center outside of your underwear. Sighing your hips moved slightly trying to get more pressure as you felt Jay smile against your hip bone. Teasingly his fingers fumbled with the side of your underwear occasionally swiping his finger inside while his mouth bit and sucked the inside of your thighs no doubt leaving a few marks. “Oh, yeah you’re keeping the beard.” Your fingertips dug into his head, goosebumps rising at the rough feeling of his facial hair against your thighs, jaw tightening, not wanting to make a sound.
“[Y/N] [Y/L/N], are you insinuating we will be doing this again?” He looked up at you, eyebrow raised, cocky smirk on his lips.
“Stop talking.” You ordered, face going a little red.
“If I remember correctly you just said my voice was sexy.” He quipped.
“And if I remember correctly you were in the middle of something.” You pushed his head back down.
“As you wish.” He winked teeth grazing the inside of your thigh as he moved closer and closer to your core. Your legs were starting to shake at the anticipation, your mind picturing your juices covering his mouth and throughout his beard.
“Jay, please.” You actually whined when he laid a kiss on your clit outside of your panties.
“I just wanted to hear you say my name. I can tell you’re trying to hold back, but all I want is to hear you [Y/N]. Helps me figure out the best way to make you feel good.” He admitted hooking his fingers into your panties and slowly sliding them down your legs before tossing them to the floor, “Let me hear you baby. Let me know I’m doing a good job.” He reminded you before his mouth connected to your center, eliciting a moan that you wouldn’t have been able to hold back even if you tried.
“Such a pretty sound, sweetheart.” He commented, before his tongue swirled around your clit, gently sucking it. Head falling back you let yourself give into every sensation. The way his hands pinned your hips down, preventing you from moving. The way his tongue worked you so soft and smooth like he did the research on exactly how your pussy was structured so he could hit every sweet spot imaginable. The way he pushed a finger in slightly curling it up to perfectly hit your g-spot over and over again while his tongue flicked against your clit. The way his stubble burned against your thighs only heightening the realization that this was Jay. Jay Halstead: your co-worker, friend, and apparently now fuck buddy. Your legs started to shake, hips trying their hardest to fight their way out of his grasp, uncontrollable noises flowing from your lips, knot growing tighter with each tap of your sweet spot.
“J-Jay.” You warned, hoping he could hear your voice that was barely there. Your fingers tightening in his hair, the other one moving down to his cheek, thumb rubbing over the roughness.
“Go ahead, sweetheart.” He encouraged fingers moving faster, tongue licking harder. This was Jay Halstead and he was eating you out like no tomorrow, and with that thought your thighs came up to trap his head, back arching as you screamed out the knot inside of you unraveling hard.
Legs falling back apart you released him and Jay made his way back up your body. Kissing you, taste of yourself covering his mouth. “That was beautiful.” He smirked, cupping your cheek.
“That was incredible, how did you even learn how to do that? It’s like you knew my body better than I do.” You laughed still a little light headed.
“Everyone is different. You just have to pay attention to the signs. For example I already know you’re not going to be able to cum from just penetration. Just like you have a hard time cumming from just oral. You need the best of both worlds. I always knew you were high maintenance.” He joked.
“You already have me all figured out.” You rolled your eyes, but. what he was saying was true. You don’t know how he came to the conclusion, but you weren’t about to complain.
“If you want to stop here I completely understand. We don’t-“ He started to say when you cut him off.
“And deprive myself of discovering whether your dick game is as good as your head? No thank you.” You grinned starting to push his boxers down.
“Well I could never live with myself if I left you wondering.” He shrugged, getting up to push the last remaining piece of clothing between you two to the ground before reaching over to fish a condom out of his nightstand. You took a hold of him again, twisting your hand up and down his shaft to make sure he was fully ready. He ripped the condom open with his teeth, rolling it on with your help. “You’re absolutely sure about this?” He asked again, positioning his dick at your entrance.
“Yes, completely.” You nodded.
“Just tell me if you want to stop at any point.” He reiterated, leaning down the rest of the way to kiss you when he started to push in. Groaning you focused on his tongue slipping into your mouth knowing the pain would subside soon, and a few short thrusts later the pleasure started to seep in.
“Ahh fuck.” You moaned relaxing into him.
“That’s my girl.” He smiled feeling the way you loosened more for him still making small movements, knowing there was no way he would be able to go hard right away, but within a few strokes your pussy started to clench him even harder than before. “Baby, you gotta loosen up for me or I’m not gonna be able to move at all without blowing it.” He groaned biting his lip, hips shuttering.
“I’m sorry you just feel so good.” You cried, it wasn’t your fault. Well not really anyway you had a hard time controlling it.
“Okay okay okay.” You closed your eyes, begging yourself to relax when he hit your g-spot for the first time. “Shit!” You cursed nails digging into his shoulder blades. “Right there. Again. Please.” You informed him, but you knew he was already aware as he hit it again before you were finished talking. He took one of your legs positioning it on his shoulder as he bracketed himself above you. Hitting harder this time, earning a loud moan from you. “Jay, faster. Please baby.” You begged.
“You feel incredible [Y/N]. I’m gonna cum so hard. Jay moaned above you.
“Your dick feels amazing babe. I love that I get to make you cum.” You reciprocated attempting to move with him. His thumb moved down to start rubbing circles on your clit in time with his long thrusts. “I h-hope you think a-ahhh-about this every time you - fuck - see me at w-work this week.” You got out between heavy breaths.
“I’m not going to be able to think about a-anything else baby. How f-fucking good you taste. How much I loved being between your legs e-eating you up. How good your pussy feels s-stretched around my cock. Holy fuck [Y/N] I’m so fucking close. Fuck fuck fuck, [Y/N].” He screamed louder with each word, collapsing onto you as he worked through his high, but you were already gone. Pulsating around his dick the minute he reminded you how good he looked between your thighs. Opening your eyes just in time for you to watch his orgasm and to catch your name falling off his lips with a few curse words.
“Is it true?” You asked after a few minutes of silence, heavily breathing being the only sounds that filled the room.
“Is what true?” He replied confused when he started to pull out of you before carefully disposing of the filled condom.
“You’re going to think all that stuff when you look at me this week?” You explained, causing him to chuckle still breathless.
“Maybe not every time, but I’d confidently wager 80% of the time.” He smirked rolling over to kiss you, “unless you don’t want me to?”
“Well it wouldn’t be fair for me to be thinking about it and not give you permission to as well.” You shrugged, knowing full well this wasn’t disappearing from your mind anytime soon. You got up to use the restroom as Jay cleaned himself the rest of the way.
“Is he bigger than me?” Jay asked, when you walked back into the room.
“I am not answering that question.” You laughed loudly laying back down beside him.
“Why not? It’s for research purposes. You know purely for your benefit.” He smirked down at you.
“Oh yeah? How so?” You urged.
“I just gotta know the level of game I have to bring. Should I be more focused on the motion or does the size make up for it?” He gestured south.
“Motion is always more important than size.” You rolled your eyes.
“I don’t think that’s true.” Jay scrunched his eyebrows,“Next time this happens I’ll just use my finger and remind you of what you just said.”
“I said it was more important. I didn’t say it’s not important at all, but I can assure you the level of game you brought tonight is better than I could’ve imagined.” You smiled completely satisfied.
“I totally am.” He decided, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
“So what’s the plan here?” You changed the subject.
“I think that all depends on what you want.” Jay answered.
“Well..I’m not going to deny this was fun and you did say I need to have more fun.” You shrugged sheepishly.
“So then we keep having fun.” Jay said simply.
“But we need ground rules.” You laid your chin on his chest looking up at him.
“Okay..” He looked down at you waiting for you to continue.
“Like I don’t know..is this purely friends with benefits? Do we go out for dinner sometimes? Do I bring you coffee in the morning?” You started to list the things running through your head.
“If you want to bring me coffee and dinner, who am I to tell you no?” He joked causing you to sigh.
“Jay, I’m serious.” You pushed.
“Can’t we just kind of roll with it?” He asked, hand rubbing up and down your back.
“I guess I’m just scared of what will happen if they find out.” You admitted.
“So what if they do?” He seemed unfazed.
“You’re not concerned at all how Hailey would react?” You asked.
“I like her. I really do. That’s not a secret, but she’s sleeping with Adam. Why should we have to wait around and agonize over it? You deserve to be just as happy as he does [Y/N].” He tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear.
“What if this turns into some fanfiction shit where we end up having feelings for each other?” You giggled.
“Well then I hope the author writes us a happy ending.” He smiled kissing you on the forehead. “Now I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty tired after that performance.” He yawned. You agreed, waiting for him to slide further down into his bed before pulling you back into his side, your head falling back down on his chest.
“Promise me you’re not going to freak out in the morning.” He whispered kissing the top of your head after a few minutes of silence.
“I promise.” You replied kissing his chest before letting his heartbeat lull you to sleep.
Waking up the next morning you felt the heat before your eyes even opened. Quickly registering that you were laying on someone. Slowly opening your eyes you looked around the semi dark room, black out curtains trying to reduce the amount of light peeking through. You knew who it was, but you had to confirm it. Gently sitting up you were met with Jay’s figure still sleeping beside you. Oh shit. You started to panic, memories of the night before suddenly flooding your mind. Remembering the things you did, the things you said. Eyes darting around the room you started to contemplate an escape. You’d sneak out and pretend like this never happened. That’s probably what Jay would want you to do anyway and-
“Lay back down and stop freaking out.” Jay grumbled beside you, eyes still closed. You reached for the sheet to cover your still bare body.
“How did you even-“ You began to ask causing Jay to smirk.
“I’m a detective for a reason, [Y/L/N]. Come back to sleep.” He urged pulling you back into his chest.
“It’s probably just a better idea if I leave.” You sat back up causing him to sigh heavily.
“You promised me you weren’t going to freak out.” Jay reminded you.
“I’m not freaking out.” You tried to defend, voice squeaking a little.
“Then stop biting your lip.” He challenged. Stopping your actions you looked over to still see his eyes closed.
“Okay seriously how the hell-“ You started
“I know you better than you think.” He opened his eyes to look up at you, dark circles obvious under them reminding you of late the two of you were up last night a blush covering your cheeks at the thought. “What’s going on, what are you thinking about at 6:30 in the morning?” He asked, looking at you like you were crazy after seeing the time on his alarm clock.
“I don’t know.” You shrugged looking away from him.
“C’mon talk to me.” He pushed sitting up to face you where you clung tight to the sheet that was also still covering him up to his hips.
“I just said a lot of stuff last night that’s kinda embarrassing looking back on it now.” You admitted remembering distinctly how you encouraged him to fuck you.
“Like?” He urged making you groan.
“I am not answering that.” You shook your head looking around the room for any piece of clothing.
“I can’t think of a single thing that didn’t sound incredible coming out of your mouth.” He shrugged just as you found a shirt slipping it on before realizing it was his.
“It’s probably just a good idea for me to leave.” You sighed contemplating what to do.
“We’ve gotten like 3 hours of sleep. Please lay back down.” He looked at you with puppy dog eyes.
“Jay.” You sighed running a hand down your face.
“Just come back to bed and let me cook you breakfast later. Then if you want to leave you can.” He bargained, voice still raspy from lack of sleep. Your mind was all over the place. You did want to be here, and last night was great and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t hoping for a morning encore. That’s what friends with benefits were for right? But how would this end? You just didn’t want to get hurt again somehow, but maybe that was just something you had to risk.
“Only if you make French toast.” You reasoned making him grin.
“That can be arranged.” He lifted his arms to pull you back to his chest.
“Your voice is sexy in the morning too.” You whispered after a few minutes, hoping he was asleep already.
“I think it’s a little worn out from all the sounds you had me making last night.” He retorted making you giggle.
NSFW Taglist:
@beautiful-bunny89 @justadreamxx @grettiwrites @life-treatments @weepingfestivalmentality @toomuchtv95 @malrunaway @queen-of-arda
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yourmcu · 3 years
Pairings: The Avengers x  reader
It’s your birthday and the team gets creative on how to surprise you, putting their acting skills to the test.
Word count: 2,350
A/n: just a little something because,, well,, it’s my birthday *runs away* also it’s cheesy, hopefully it makes sense lmao
Warnings: uhhh brief mention of explosion? mostly fluff
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The Avengers wanted to get creative for your birthday this year. For the few years they've known you they picked up on things about you. One, you paid no mind to your birthday at all and just considered it a normal day like the rest of the 365, Tony took note that you hated parties, at least the really big ones, something that involved only the team would be good.
Okay, you sound like a party pooper, but that isn't the case; it's not a crime to just... not want to have a grand celebration, right? And people singing the 'happy birthday' song to you too while you just sit there in silence. It's awkward, you once told Natasha. It’s also awkward and hard for you to receive presents even though that’s what birthdays are all about, you’re still getting used to it since you knew someone like Tony Stark.
Well, the team think you're an amazing friend and they all treat you like family. They're so glad they met someone like you.
You're immediately called to the conference room on that day. Only to find the team arguing and pointing fingers at one another.
You kinda just slot in, sitting on the chair you usually sit on whenever there's a meeting or mission briefing. Glancing around, you try and find out what they're fighting about.
Security. Suits. Brief mention of Ultron. Rhodey busying himself with phones, probably making a lot of calls. Natasha and Clint talking among themselves, only raising their voice whenever they're included in the conversation which mainly consisted of Tony and Steve arguing.
"Suit up, get the jet ready." Steve dismisses but before he could walk out himself you raise your hand.
"Hey, sorry, I just woke up," you say sheepishly but coolly at the same time. "What happened, is everyone supposed to go? Can I read the file?" Because if this is an Avengers-level threat that required everyone, you'd want to know all about it.
His sharp and expression softens slightly when he looks at you. "No file, I'm afraid. Some of the compound's security protocols have been compromised, someone hacked in." He proceeds to tell you how they particularly had interest in Bruce and Tony's lab so the other rooms were untouched.
Apparently, they took blueprints and materials, maybe a handful of Tony's suits.
But if you think about it, those two carelessly letting the security to their lab loose? Highly unlikely...
You push the thought to the back of your mind and nod when Steve tells you to get ready. Stark tech can be dangerous in the wrong hands, after all. Let alone the Iron Man suits.
Fortunately, those things have trackers. Leaving you to wonder again why those idiots don't even try and take them off so they won't tracked?
Sat on the floor of the jet while everyone was strangely quiet but once again you didn't pay any mind, you sharpen a few of your knives. Natasha sat on a stool near you, idly picking her nails. An hour into the flight you furrow your brows and look around.
"Are you guys okay?"
"Yes," Tony states quickly and a matter-of-factly. They all share glances before he continued. "It's the tension. Sorry. My fault."
"It's not your fault, Tony," Bruce starts.
"I'm sorry, to whom were those stolen suits again?" Steve speaks up as well and you could tell it's gonna be a full blown argument again.
"Now hold on just a second-" Tony faces the super soldier to counter.
You merely blink, not expecting a simple question to turn out like this. Clint just glances from the pilot's seat and Natasha almost cracks a smile by the look of your face. If only you knew it was all fake, all planned. But what does she know? You're a spy too, maybe you've figured out what they're up to and decided to play along.
Sad to say you're still oblivious. Maybe the fact that you only slept three hours last night is one case. You wanted nothing more than your bed right now.
Heck, not one of them wished you a happy birthday but you didn't notice at all.
Tuning out their bickering you sit down next to Natasha who's the only one not in the argument.
"I haven't seen Wanda all day," you say and she turns her head to face you. "Or Sam, or Bucky."
"Probably not back from their mission." Natasha answers promptly.
You frown at that. "Steve made this sound like an Avengers-level threat, and it is, shouldn't they be here?"
You don't wait for a response, opening up a globe-shaped hologram that shows where the jet, represented by a blinking dot. Your eyes slightly widen when you see the target location which is one of the places you've been dying to visit your whole life.
Maybe it's just a coincidence. You definitely didn't expect to visit it for the first time on a mission though.
Natasha clears her throat. "Hey, have you read the book I gave you?" She subtly closes the globe up when she catches your attention.
You shake your head bashfully. "You know I'm a slow reader. Give me two months then I'll come back to you." You laugh. Natasha smiles and tells you to take your time. "Have you read the book I gave you?"
"I loved it."
"I knew you would!" You say excitedly and the next few moments you discuss about the specific book. She's just glad you didn't ask any further questions about the location.
All of you split up once you reach the base but Rhodey and Bruce stay in the jet as backup. The place reminded you so much of the old Avengers tower, only with darker themes. You're paired with Clint who you follow to the side of the building, with surprisingly no cautiousness. He just... ran in, entrance deserted of guards.
You all had a digital, tech checklist to see what was stolen including all the suit names. So far you've searched two drawers now and still no sign of any agent or guard. But it's weird since the others are clearly doing their part on their floors. Thuds, footsteps and sometimes banging sounds could be heard all around.
“Finally," you mutter when you hear footsteps behind you, spinning around so suddenly to surprise your enemy and take him down with ease. You raise an eyebrow when they don't put up a fight at all.
Clint was in front of a computer when you peek in to one of the rooms but he waves you off. "I'll meet you on the next floor. This'll take a second."
"One suit on the roof!" you hear Steve grunt through your earpiece.
"Remember to remove the arc reactor, that'll shut them down for sure." Bruce reminds through everyone's comms.
You hear Tony let out a noise. "Might have a problem with that, Banner, they're all reprogrammed."
Expecting the man with seven Ph. D's to worry, it only took him a minute to respond back. "It's your tech. I don't believe they could do that completely especially having them for only twelve hours."
"In that case," Tony sighs. "There should be a kill switch under one of their reactors."
"Which one?" Natasha grunts.
The deafening silence from Tony's line explains it.
You fight your way though the thugs which again, don't put up a fight. Sometimes you throw one punch and they're out cold, leading you to believe the intense training Bucky insisted you do worked. The only tough ones were the Iron Man suits themselves.
Ripping out the arc reactors wasn't easy. You had to use all you force. On the second one you encounter it got the upper hand and blasts you through a wall, the impact sending sharp pain to your head and back.
You hear metal thumping of a suit so you get back up and attempt to get your hands on the Iron Man in front of you.
"Hey, hey. Same team. Look," Tony grips on your wrists and lifts his mask up. "You alright?"
“Yeah," you pant, relaxing a bit. "Yeah. One of them got m-"
"We just discovered a bomb, northwest," Clint says. By ‘we’ he means him and Natasha. The redhead speaks right after. “Two and a half minutes. How many suits left, Friday?”
"Only one more suit is fully functional."
You get out of Tony's hold and sprint up the stairs. "I got it."
He smiles to himself. The plan is all coming  to place.
As soon as you enter the room you dodge a blast from the much bulkier Mark XVI. Of course they'd want to make the stealth suit more powerful. You launch yourself towards it, stomping on an arm while trying to dodge blasts from the the other one.
"Y/N! Fifty seconds!" Steve shouts in your earpiece.
You could've just jumped out, leaving the compromised suits here to be blown up but being under pressure made you panic and set your only goal to find the switch.
The suit could still set off a blast from the arc reactor so you couldn't really get your hands on it without losing a freaking arm.
"Get out of there!”
But you didn’t have enough time. So you just curl into a ball against the wall, accepting your fate.
A pop did go off. Loud, but you didn't feel yourself torn into pieces right after. You also heard a bunch of aye’s and oh’s. Redwing whirs by to your head to drop off a birthday hat.
"Happy Birthday!”
Your eyes fly open. Turns out the only thing inside Mark XVI was confetti. Natasha walks over to you to inspect and make sure you're alright.
"What the hell?" Your eyes widen at her, then at everyone. Sam and Bucky were now standing with them, smiling at you amused.
"I think she's in shock.”
“You think?”
Steve glares at Tony with a hint of amusement. "I told you it would be too much."
"Trust me she prefers something like this instead of a big party. Don't you, Y/N?"
"What do you mean?" You take off the hat and clutch it between your hands, appreciating Natasha rubbing your back as you try to collect yourself. "How is none of this real?"
"We basically faked a mission for you." Rhodey says.
You look around all the rubble. "This building, the people, suits-"
"Bought the place," Tony states. "Hired stuntmen, did a few tweaks on the suits...”
"God, why would you do that?" You bury your face in your hands, not knowing if you should be laughing or crying. "I punched those guys!"
"They'll be fine, they signed up for it."
You gently get up and brush off some confetti off your knees.
"But back at the compound... you guys were yelling at each other and during the whole thing you all sounded serious," you point out. "Was that all part of the act?"
Especially when that 'bomb' was about to go off. Steve's panicked voice made you scared for your life, only to know that it was all fake.
They all show signs of agreement, laughing.
"We'd make such great actors." Natasha smirks.
"Alright, the cake isn't going to blow itself." Clint walks up to you with said cake and you meet him halfway.
Everyone gathers around and before they could inhale to sing the stupid song, you cut them off. "You all know I hate to be sung at. Can we just get this over with?"
They all burst out laughing, you giggle in the process, blowing out your candle. You all group hug right after. The laughter makes you miss the sound of faint thunder outside.
"Look who's late." Bruce points out.
"Yes, I got here as soon as I can, my apologies." Thor smiles sheepishly.
Your ears perk up at the all too familiar voice of the god of thunder. Moving everyone of the way, you leap to hug him. "Thor!"
"Happy birthday, dearest Y/N." He grins and pats you on the head. "I'm afraid my - I mean - our gift, is with Loki at the moment."
"Enough with the formality, I’m just glad you’re here.”
Peter rings up Tony to tell him everything's set up at the huge building they rented for your low-key party. Just the Avengers. Peter, Vision and Wanda were in charge of setting things up over there, from decorations and food. Sam and Bucky also helped a bit before they arrived at the fake base.
So you all get into the jet again, this time you look at the windows in awe to see what the city's like. You also asked a bunch of questions on how they pulled something stupid but unique fake mission like that.
Once you've reached your destination, the place was simple yet big enough to fit everyone. Tony really took notes for this year. You didn't like anything too fancy or elegant, and you didn't like huge-ass parties with hundreds of people you've never met before.
Here you're with your family eating, drinking booze and playing games, generally having a good time.
You give the other five Avengers big hugs. Vision's never usually a hugger but for you he made an exception just for today. Everyone was surprised when he lifted you off your feet and spun you around.
"Hugging has a lot of good benefits," Vision says when he lets you go. "Astounding, I know. It is recommended eight times a day, hopefully you've already gotten that much."
You giggle at his remark and Wanda rolls her eyes playfully. “Thank you, Vision.”
“Splendid, that means I don’t have to give you one.”
You turn around to see the god of mischief himself carefully hand you a wrapped box. Loki chuckles when you smile at him. “Happiest Birthday.”
“Loki.... you know you and Thor didn’t have to-”
“Thor? That one’s from me. I assure you.”
“Y/N!” You hear Tony call from the other side of the room. “It’s time for presents, little miss. Good lord this looks like Christmas morning.”
unfortunatley i am that extra to post a birthday fic woo hoo
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alfredosauce50 · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could do some Romano + Prussia x royal reader (separate) headcannons? I'm a sucker for a good forbidden romance and would be happy to see what you want to do with it. Thank you!
Yes, of course! Sorry for the kinda late response--I got carried away writing other things. What a coincidence that I've been doing a lot of exploring in fantasy! The reader is referred to as she/her.
Forbidden Romance Headcanons - Prussia and S. Italy
Prussia - The earnest pickpocket and sheltered princess
Unfortunately, Gilbert is on the wrong side of history. As an albino, he's been an outcast ever since he was born. In an age of superstition and class divide, his parents had no problem abandoning an extra mouth to feed. Especially when they were a demon with magical powers. Left to fend for himself as a baby, he only ever survived thanks to the generosity of an old neighbor. When they passed away due to old age, he had to get on by himself on the streets. Stealing, lying, whatever it takes to get some quick cash. And he's been doing it ever since he was five.
He loved fairytales ever since he was a kid. His guardian always told him these stories before bedtime, after all. They said it was good luck to give the princess a flower, and he remembered this a few years later during the royal parade in town. Pushing through the crowd of onlookers, he held out a small dandelion hoping you would take it. Before the guards could swat him away, you took the flower with a smile. All you remembered from that time was a small and dirty face gleaming up at you. And, of course, a pair of striking red eyes you would never forget.
In his adolescence, he became a thief with quick hands. It wasn't until he took on the most dangerous job of all did he make himself a public enemy. Stealing the royal family's jewels. And he would've gotten away with it if he wasn't forced to take a detour through the princess's bedroom. Unbeknownst to him, you were wide awake. Immediately, you recognized him as the little boy from that day. Without thinking, you hid him in your wardrobe until the guards left. That was the start of a strange friendship forged between two people from two worlds--a dirt-poor criminal and the well-loved princess of a thriving kingdom.
He visits you from time to time by climbing up the side of the castle. When he first did it, you practically throttled him by his collar, screaming, “Do you have a death wish? They'll throw you to the lions if you get caught!”. He simply responds with, “The awesome me never gets caught! That's why I'm here, ja?” Soon, this becomes routine until you learn to trust him.
Gilbert loves gloating about his adventures as a street rat, whether it's about singlehandedly beating up gangs of bullies or outrunning the palace guards. As a sheltered person of royalty, his stories reflect experiences alien to you. But it opens your eyes to things you've never seen, and it's very fascinating.
If he's not telling grossly exaggerated anecdotes of his greatness, he'll bring in board games and cards he “borrowed” from his friends. You've never played with them before as your parents deemed them unrefined. It fills him with pride to see you enjoying yourself so much, especially when he's teaching you how to play.
You don't go out very often, so he always brings back little trinkets and souvenirs. When you found out he stole them all, you would hit him on the head and tell him off. “Where did you get these from? Stealing and giving these to the princess--do you know how stupid that sounds?” Then, you would pinch his cheek until he tears up and admits his wrongs. “I-I thought you would like them, okay? I wanted to give them to you as a present...” The next day, you would accompany him to the shops he robbed and pay the owners back.
He gets upset and embarrassed when he realizes those gifts aren't gifts at all. Not when you paid for them yourself! One of the ways he shows affection is through giving gifts, but that unfortunately clashes with not having money. So he's eager to make something out of himself, even if he has to work as a bottom feeder and face unfair treatment for what he looks like. When you find out, his boss gets one hell of a time dealing with you. After that, he uses whatever small amount he earned to buy something for you.
As he grows out of his old habits, he becomes more honest. In fact, he's so determined to prove himself that he shows up one day with a homemade board game scribbled out on a spare piece of parchment. He's nervous and twiddling his fingers, and that's when you know you have to help him get back onto his feet. He's so touched by your kindness that he shows you a secret he's been hiding forever--he can do magic. It's one of his skills that let him become so good at stealing in the past.
After some practice to touch up his abilities, you try convincing your parents to let him work in the palace as an all-rounder. With the magic dancing in his fingertips, there's nothing he can't do. He has a green thumb, good reflexes, and the horses in the stables listen to him better than the caretaker! He can't forget that you encouraged him to let go of his doubts and previous identity as a petty thief. There's nobody in the world he looks up to more.
On the night of your eighteenth birthday, he's invited to a ball to celebrate. Once again, he finds himself anxious to see you in your dress, especially when he's quite glammed up himself with his suit and hair slicked back. While you teach him how to dance, he tells you he looks ridiculous. But you think otherwise and make it explicit. That's when Gilbert realizes he's completely smitten with you. He embarks on another journey to improve himself until he thinks he deserves you.
South Italy - The plebeian pâtissier and renegade royal
War has ravaged the kingdom and eaten into the state's reserves, leaving inflation rates at an all-time high. The suffering middle and working-class take it up to their rulers in a coup d'état, killing the king and queen. And now, they're searching for the princess amidst the chaos of an ungoverned dominion. Romano couldn't be more indifferent to such a cause, only ever caring about putting food on the table. He works day and night helping out his family's bakery, making what he can to get by. However, he's forced to take a side when he finds a girl on his doorstep on the verge of starvation.
Unable to turn away someone in need, he nurses you back to health. However, he does so with spite, wondering to himself why he has to give what little he has left to a princess. When you feel better after a few days, he's eager to send you off but changes his mind as you leave. Romano can't bear to let you face certain death, or worse, knowing how bitter the townspeople are about the unpopular war. So he welcomes you back with a sharp sigh with his head turned away. “Alright, alright, you can stay. Now stop making that pathetic face, you spoilt principessa--it's depressing.”
He relays a few house rules as conditions for keeping you around. You have to help him with chores. Cooking, cleaning, sewing, everything. Considering you always had someone doing those tasks for you, you're hopeless at it. He'll swat your hand and show you how to do things right with an annoyed scowl. “No, no, no, no, no! You're doing it all wrong. This is how you do it. What do they even teach you in that palace, huh? Books? Maths? Books about maths? Well, they won't keep you alive, you know!”
Because he's so observant and strict, he's a good teacher, and soon, you get the hang of everything. Before, he had to open his mouth to correct you every few seconds, but now, he can just watch you do his work with his arms crossed. It's a little demeaning to have someone watch your every move, but inside, he's relieved you're finally fitting in and not a complete waste of his time and resources. In reality, he never wanted to send you off and hoped he could just handle an extra mouth to feed. Not that he'll ever tell you.
When you're out and about, he makes you wear a cloak to hide your identity. When he's forced to interact with people, he'll hold you close and play everything off without arousing suspicion. Even if your hood falls off, he won't react--he's screaming inside in panic, but he's a great actor when he needs to be. You're totally not the princess, just a crazy similar doppelganger. The cloak is there so that people don't make a fuss. When they leave, he'll turn to you and scream how much of an idiot you are. But really, he was just worried to death--and you have a feeling he was. So you hug it out and leave him cussing with a red face.
As you two grow closer, his cousin Antonio notices how much he cares about you despite his efforts to hide it. It's a problem. He approaches him and warns that if people found out he was hiding the princess, he would get killed with her. Romano heats up and screams, telling him that he already knew what he got into the second he let you into his home. When he's asked why he's still keeping you around, he responds with, “It's not fair that her parents fucked up, and she has to face the consequences. Just like how I never wanted to run this stupid bakery--I wanted to be a painter, not burn my hands in the kitchen all day!”
Unbeknownst to him, you overhear the conversation. The next morning, he discovers that you're gone and loses his head. While he's screaming and crying, he's swarmed with the possibilities of what happened to you. He's a bit of an overthinker, but his paranoia is deserved--were you taken away in the middle of the night? Are you even still alive? He spirals down a path of self-loathing until he confronts how much he misses you, then his regret of never being frank with his feelings. Romano didn't understand what he had until he lost it. To say this was a wake-up call--to be more honest with himself--would be an understatement.
A week later, you return unscathed. Turns out, you left to stay with the owner of a paint shop owner your family always supported and bought from. You present him with a gift of some high-end oil paints, brushes, and canvases. When he sets them all down, he'll pull you into a tight hug, and once again, tell you how stupid you are. While he has you in his coils, you smile to yourself as you pat his hair, happy that you also got something in return. Some transparency. “I just thought I'd give you something... For all the trouble.” You'd say, and he'd shush you with a few hard kisses. “You were never a trouble. I wanted you to stay, so I'm more to blame than you.”
As the political situation of the country calms down, so do the anxieties of angry neighbors pounding on his door. You return to his home much to his content. Now that you're just as good as him at icing cakes, you spend more time running the bakery. This gives him some time to paint, and he can't be happier. Once you both get settled, he discovers another hobby on top of making art. Making coffee! The bakery evolves into a café lavishly decorated with his paintings, and it becomes the most popular establishment in town. You both realize how overrated it is to want to be anything more--you never bring up your title ever again.
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mindynichole · 2 years
Let’s talk about the finale, all those spin-offs, movies, actors, fans, filming, zombies, and other stuff changing the entire dynamic of TWDU…
Part One: 5 Surprising Observations
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So I’ve been lurking around TWD spaces across the internet more and more these days trying to figure out what in the world is going on with this expanding TWDU. 
In my online travels, I’ve found some very interesting things that seem to suggest vast changes going on within the universe. Therefore, I thought it would be good to take a minute and discuss some of what I’ve found.
First, I want to start with some very surprising observations I’ve been making lately regarding TWDU in general. In Part 2, I want to further explore a new emerging fan theory about the entire thing that might actually be going in the right direction.
I am going to put a page break here because the entire notion of this can be a bit spoiler-y in nature though this post contains no direct show spoilers if you are caught up with all the shows. 
Also please note this is a long post talking about where we seem to be at this point in the universe as a whole but I think it’s important to know this info in order to understand how Beth Greene might fit into all of it!
OBSERVATION  #1: There is no way they are filming Season 11 of the main show in order.
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With a few exceptions here and there, TWD has always filmed in an order that loosely follows the episodes. Trust me on this. I have studied the filming of this show for so many years that I could probably write a book on how it is done and why it is so revolutionary from the rest of the industry. Fans have been able to get spoilers simply because the entire nature of the show’s filming is so public.
And it very clear they are definitely not filming the final season in this same order.
We know this because:
The order of scenes and episodes that have already aired did not coincide with the fan-observed filming schedule.
There are too many fan-observed scenes that were shot last summer/fall 2021 that have yet to air, though they should have been in parts A & B. This includes scenes that seem to indicate character deaths. 
We’ve had the privilege of viewing preview trailers for both Parts A & B that ended up including scenes from the later episodes and finales. They would not have been able to include such scenes in those trailers if they were filming in episode order simply because they wouldn’t have been shot/edited yet.
And it appears they filmed this way to protect against spoilers to the overall story. 
So they changed the game entirely. Yes, fans can still easily travel to Senioa and observe a lot of filming like they always could. In fact, there has been a huge resurgence in this with it being the last very season and all. However, it’s also always been really hard to know the context of the overall story simply by having access to a bunch of photos. The second step in discovering spoilers relies heavily on being able to solve the puzzle by connecting dots based on things like what actors are still present, social media accounts, and the order filming is taking place. 
And TWD took that second part completely away for the final season making it impossible to predict things that were easily predicted in years prior. 
It’s very safe to assume that at least some of the less popular characters will start dropping in Part C. We also have some idea about who some of those characters will end up being. We just don’t know when or the context leading up to it yet because they still seem to be around long after their deaths were filmed. By not filming in order, they have been able to camouflage these character deaths greatly and prevent the actual end from being spoiled.
Therefore, anyone who tries to say they know how the show ends because of filming is full of crap!
OBSERVATION  #2: The overall story dynamic of the universe has been vastly changing.
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I’m not sure how much has actually been overhauled from Gimple’s original “map” made back before Season 4, but some of it definitely has. I’m not even saying they have scraped much or anything but they’ve definitely added some stuff and changed the show’s overall story dynamic.
For example, from everything I have been able to gather, I’ve concluded that originally the Daryl/Carol spin-off was probably never originally going to be set in Europe when it was initially announced.  Remember, we first learned of the new show way back in 2020 at the same time it was announced the OG was ending. 
This was way before they ever wrote the Coda in Season 2 of TWB featuring the new French-Variant Zombies. And since this whole new variant thing was obviously inspired by all the virus knowledge the real-world was recently forced to learn during the pandemic, I think it’s pretty safe to say Gimple wasn’t planning it out back before Season 4. And while we can’t be 100% sure that’s why Daryl’s going to Europe, we can make the educated guess he’ll probably come across some of these weird walkers at some point while over there. And it is also at least sort of safe to assume the change in the spin-off’s location might have partly something to do with the writers believing Daryl (and Carol at the time) had to be the one to encounter them.
Still, I believe they have known about this European direction for some time now - based on how Norman started changing his narrative in describing the spin-off beginning late last summer. Therefore, my guess would be that the writers started discussing it among themselves when they first came up with the idea of this variant while writing Season 2 of TWB. This change is what probably caused MMB to rightfully reconsider her involvement after it was already previously announced she had signed on. 
But that is not the only recent divergence from the norm I am finding within the overall universe though. Other notable changes in the story direction lately include:
A new emphasis on survival evident by the sudden trend of major characters - especially OGs - no longer being killed off unless it's absolutely necessary to do so. This has been prevalent across the universe and was evident in the atomic blast storyline in Fear, especially notable on TWB, and apparently even in the OG despite it being the final season given how easy they are to tell us who’s getting a spin-off these days. It can also be seen in the way they are simply leaving the storylines of popular characters open instead of immediately killing them off when the actors want to leave. This is all noticeably different from how TWD was proud to be known for suddenly killing off beloved characters left and right simply for shock value as a major part of their storytelling.
The push to bring back popular “dead” characters in whatever capacity they possibly can be. Rather that be facilitated through full actual resurrections allowed because there was some ambiguity in their deaths such with Madison on Fear or revisiting the Undeniably Dead such as Glen through backstories on Tales, it appears that beloved original characters everywhere are suddenly going to be popping up out of the blue. This greatly contrasts with the clear past policy of encouraging the audience to quickly move on in the story from such deaths with barely a word or two said past their tributes on TTD. 
The change from concentrating on large groups of survivors who could die at any time to small core groups of hardened survivors who are obviously safe. The story has overall changed from if our heroes can possibly survive to how our heroes are going to react to what is happening to and around them. Therefore, there is no longer a need for large ensembles of main cast members anymore.
But there’s more…
Because the original vision of the “Rick Movies” seems to have been changed up too. 
We were first told about the movies when it was announced Andrew Lincoln was leaving and they were specifically said to be a trilogy explaining his where-a-bouts done in conjunction with Universal. Of course the pandemic threw a huge monkey wrench in the entire project but Gimple went on to specifically say at the beginning of this final season of the OG that they were still a go and even mentioned that Robert Kirkman (the first time we were even told he would be directly involved) was actually finishing the script for the first movie as he spoke. Then it was announced that pre-production for that initial movie would start early this year. Now, here we are already in May and nothing further has been announced with no evidence of pre-production having started. Finally we have Norman’s recent Fallon appearance where he out and out says they are all over the place with these movies. 
So clearly something is going on with all these big screen dreams! 
I personally believe some sort of movie will eventually happen because everyone is still kind of insisting upon it. However, I’m starting to believe that it might not just be a “Rick-only” focused affair and it’s probably not going to happen soon. - I will get into this more later and in the next part of this series that will deal with new theories that make sense. 
OBSERVATION #3: It’s looking like there might could be Rick and Michonne spin-off too. 
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Many of us knew all along, Michonne would probably be getting her own spin-off because of the language of everyone when Danai left. And then there was also the weird group we saw her disappear with when she did. Gimple literally said we would see Michonne and learn about this group again somewhere down the line in the universe.
However, the idea that it would include Rick is downright shocking because everyone just assumed it would only follow Michonne’s search for him.
Now - Let’s be clear - the spin-off containing Rick is still not fact. 
But every single day that goes by seems to indicate that there is at least some absolute truth behind these rumors. 
Not only did Ross Marquand (the actor that plays Aaron) slip up and seemingly confirm it, some of the very same people on the internet who suspiciously knew about MMB leaving the spin-off weeks before it was announced are insisting this is going to happen too. And these people aren’t just saying that it would be in flashbacks or at the end either. They are saying Andrew Lincoln will literally play a huge part in it!
Now, if there are really going to be “Rick Movies” and everyone is out looking for Rick, why would he already be off gallivanting around with Michonne? What’s the purpose of showing him now if the first movie is supposed to be the backstory explaining what happened to him like what was specifically told to us?
This also indicates something is majorly going on with the original concept of these movies.
OBSERVATION  #4: Tales’ main purpose will be to fill in the blanks in the universe that they didn’t/don’t have time to air on the shows.
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Tales of the Walking Dead seems to have been created to fulfill the purpose of explaining to and reminding us of what it is the writers think we need to be aware of in the universe as a whole. It will be a true companion series that will simply exist to give us more information. This will include things that are important to the current story-lines but also serve to remind us of where and who TWD came from.
For example, perhaps we will learn the story of what Madison has been doing all this time away from the group in Fear. Maybe they will go more in depth to show us the story behind why Maggie is choosing to do something she will be doing because that something was important to Glen. We might learn more about how Negan came to be married and the history of that group we found him again with because it will become important to his future story-line somehow. Or they’ll show us just how those weird creature-people became so feral in that house Connie and Virgil were trapped in.
In other words, this seems to be the place to throw stand-alone bottle episodes that might slow the other shows around the universe down. Sort of like the Covid-episodes in TWD Season 10C or the back half of Season 4.
OBSERVATION  #5: The main thing fueling all these changes is ratings and viewer retention.
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Now, I’m not accusing the writers of pandering to fans because they are not. They are definitely still telling the story that they are wanting to tell. This has never been more evident than the decision to still allow Daryl to go to Europe without Carol even though they knew it would cause all sorts of drama. TWD is not and never will be a write-your-own-adventure type of thing.
However, the fact still remains that TWDU in general is losing popularity and ratings are plummeting everywhere. So much so, that this obvious question must have finally been raised by someone over there at good ole’ AMC: How in the hell are you going to create an entire universe when less and less people even care about your shows or characters anymore?
I mean, there is a fine line between pandering and completely alienating your audience. I suppose the latter is okay if you are just one show that will eventually end (like GOT or Lost) but that’s no longer what they are trying to be, is it? No, they want to expand into a universe like Star Wars and Marvel so it’s almost like they finally realized they are going to need actual viewers again in order to do that.
Here’s a list of the top 10 most common fan/former-fan/critic complaints you will find around the internet:
“The show is just hopeless anymore. There’s nothing to root for.”
“It makes no sense without Rick. Rick Grimes is TWD.” 
“Everyone I ever cared about was killed off.”
“I can’t get close to anyone because I know they are just going to die.”
“The Zombies aren’t even scary anymore.”
“It’s the same old format. Find somewhere safe and then crazy bad people come and destroy it.”
“They only kill people off for shock value and the deaths make no sense.”
“There’s too many people. I can’t get close to the new guys because I know nothing about them.”
“They glaze over everything too fast” or “Everything is too slow.”
“I’m tired of having to watch panels, TTD, and read interviews to understand what is going on.”
Upon looking at that list, it’s obvious that all these changes are meant to directly combat these legitimate complaints. And so far the response has honestly been positive among those who are still watching. These are the things about the show fans ARE talking about the most.
But the question still remains: Will it be enough? Will they be able to attract new viewers and draw some of their past fans back? Can they pull it off?
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lyallblacklupin · 3 years
Sirius tries to remember Remus.
Post-Azkaban Wolfstar: Angst with Hopeful Ending.
Sirius is battling with his memory after Azkaban. 12 years of dementors torturing him, that had caused some real damages to his brain. He doesn’t remember people until they introduce themselves to him. Everyone is steering clear his way but Remus hasn’t given up on him yet.
These days are sickening. They make you feel so lonely and ugly. They tell you—no they scream at you that you don’t deserve anything. Know why? Because you don’t matter. You don’t exist. The most horrifying thing about those voices is that they can make you believe they are saying the truth. Like I did. And I still do, and believe me, it’s not good.
Life is just unfair is so easy to say, it’s just a slip of tongue as if you are consoling a group of people, like Madam Hooch used to when we would lose to Slytherins because they played dirty. However, realizing the fact how unfair life really is, is gut-wrenching. It forces you to become unlike yourself. It puts malevolent ideas in your head for the people who you love—or used to loved. I would go on and blame these walls, but then I’m questioning the universe that why did I have to be born here? The Grimmauld Place 12? And then I’m eventually answered; Life is unfair, you git, haven’t you get it yet?
The nights are terrible here, I hear Kreacher whispering to my charming mother’s portrait, I hear the floor creaking even though no one comes here, except they are invited by Dumbledore—which sounds weird because it’s my house but again, life is just unfair.
Right now, I’m struggling to sleep because there is a prickling fear sitting at the edges of my body. The fear of Dementors for taking the last of everything away.
I still have some good memories, like the one when James made me Harry’s Godfather. Harry’s big emerald eyes were streaming with fat tears until he was given into my arms. I can remember that I had gasped at the scene, and so did the others in the room.
“Oh Sirius! He was crying for like an hour! But he stops now!? I swear this is not a coincidence!” Lily said, but James had been quiet.
“Prongs?” No answer.
“Prongsie? Hey!” Because I caught him pressing his hand on his mouth forcefully, his face blotchy, and he didn’t stop sniffing. He was crying! “What? Like you—father and son both work alternatively? When Harry stops crying, he transfers his weeping mantra to you, and vice versa?”
“Shut up!” Before I said something, I let out an ‘oof’ because James shoved me in his embrace, sandwiching Harry in middle of the process. Harry was giggling with his tear-stained face. His laugh was like music to my ears. I didn’t mention that. I was in love with Harry. He felt like my own child. I never thought I’d feel this exuberance but there was, more than I expected. I was bad at displaying true affection in front of people, but I couldn’t help when Harry’s tiny and chubby hands brushed the collar of my jacket, utterly in awe with the feeling of material on his fingers, I completely forgot James was hugging me, and I managed to press a kiss on Harry’s cheek. He smelled like soft babies. I was in love with that scent. I wanted to hold him forever.
I can never forget that memory. It helps me cast a patronus. There is also something vague about that memory. There is someone too in the small crowd, behind me, other than James. I can remember there was the blonde girl, Mckinnon, and her best friend, Meadows-something. I struggle with names. Sometimes I forget—
—Remus’ name. I have to see or hear the person to see if I can remember.
“I’m in my room?” He calls me out every time for like the hundredth time he has found me in my bedroom, and yes, I am still in my bedroom. He won’t stop calling me out. Sometimes, he is very annoying.
“Oh yeah, Of course.” He appears at the doorway, leaning to his left, smiling weakly. He looks tired. He is short of breath. I want to give him a glass of water but my limbs are protesting.
“I could give you a glass of water, but I—just don’t feel like getting up.” I didn’t want to say that but I did because the expressions on Remus’ face are priceless. There is awkwardness written on his face with a hint of shock and sadness. There is nothing pretty about that, but it brings back an indistinct memory I enjoy that I cannot tell. I am disturbing. That’s another trait I have discovered about myself ever since I came back from Azkaban.
“No, it’s alright. I just had water. Not thirsty at all. I—umm…I brought you something.” He says, and then I notice a package in his hand.
“Hope it’s not something you and your werewolf buddies plays with.”
“Ha, no, I wish. But it’s something I needed to give you…from a very long time.” He comes and sits beside me. I had to sit up because I can’t let him touch me. I don’t know why but I am always scared of Remus Lupin, and it is my secret, “Here.” He gives me the package, and looks into my eyes. I try looking away but I couldn’t try harder.
“Happy Birthday.” He whispers, and it sends a shudder to my body. What is the date today?
I open the package, and there it is. A photo frame. It was a leather frame. Black. I am trying not to look at the picture so I distract myself by admiring the leather. And again, I remember Harry. But it is a forced visualization so it doesn’t last longer. I am very much aware of Remus’ presence. I am also getting short of breath now. I look at him and he is already staring at me. I smile at him, but he frowns. And then I frown, too. What is wrong? I saw his hand coming up near my face, and I bat away.
He is gawking at him with wide and horrified eyes, and a hurt expression.
“I—I’m sorry. I don’t…I just—I am sorry. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I know you don’t. But you eventually do.” It doesn’t come out bitter. He is smiling at me, but he isn’t done talking, “Sirius, I want to talk. It is eating me alive. Sometimes, I don’t think I am left with much longer in me…But, hey,” He reaches out but stops immediately, “Please…I—I want to talk to you about…Everything or anything. We can talk about us?”
“Yeah…If you want to,”
“There is no Us, Remus.”
“There used to be.” I snort, but he is frowning. I hate his frowns. Why can’t he just smile like a normal person?
“Like what? Did we snog? Or shagged once or twice?” I can’t recall any heterosexual experience, so I can’t say I have never done anything with a guy.
“Sirius, was that picture not enough?” He said with such sadness. And then I look at the picture.
And then I see it. There is a younger version of Remus Lupin, wearing a giant grey jumper, sitting on a library’s table. How decent. There is someone in between his legs, standing before him. It is a dark-haired guy, wearing a Gryffindor tie on his hogwarts’ uniform. He has his hands wrapped around Remus’ torso. A thick curtain of his long hair is almost concealing the half of his face, considering how much it is already buried in Remus’ chest. He squeezes gleefully which causes the younger Remus to erupt with laughter. The scene goes back and forth. And then I spot two people sitting in far distance. They were unmistakably James and Lily. They are the only people I recognize. Those two are cackling because how stupidly romantic the two boys are acting against each other. The picture keeps playing, and I focus again on the couple in the spotlight, and I realize that little Remus is trying to press a kiss on the guy’s forehead but the other person doesn’t stand still, constantly whipped his long hair—and then I freeze all of a sudden. Because I see it. The grey eyes, the long hair, and especially the scar on the left wrist, which still glows sliver in the daylight when I secretly stand in the balcony.
“That is us.” It comes out of my mouth even though I never expect myself to say it.
“Yeah, you and me. We were not just each other’s quick snog, or shagging partner. We go way back, Padfoot. Longer than James and Lily.”
“I don’t remember you…” It comes out as a whimper. I feel stupid and vulnerable.
“I’m sorry, Sirius. I’m sorry for what I did. I never apologized about this…I wanted to—“
“I don’t remember you…”
“—but I never really got a chance. I’m sorry I thought you could betray the Potters. I’m sorry that I kept myself believing for twelve years that it was you. But I swear to Merlin, I never stopped loving you—“
“I don’t remember you, Remus…” But he is not listening.
“—I used to hate myself for this. I felt disgusting that I still loved you. And then I melted myself in filthy thoughts. No one was there to judge me. I used to picture you all the time, sitting on the sofa waiting for me to come back from the muggle job you hated. I used to see you laying on the bed in the night. I used to imagine myself cuddling up with you. And some days, it was so real that we used to talk till dawn. We used to watch the sunrise together. October 31st used to come and go by, and we pretended it was just another Halloween and you used to say ‘Moony, you hate Halloween because some people dress up as werewolves, and you don’t get to wear a costume!’—“
I stop saying anything. I cannot tell that I don’t remember him because I do. His hand accidently rubs shoulder, and I am suddenly yanked to my happiest memory—Harry’s beautiful hands reaching my jacket—and the ‘someone’ is not just someone who is behind me, rubbing my lower back and laying his head against mine, because it was him. It was Remus Lupin. It is still Remus Lupin, I want him to be.
I cannot tell that I don’t remember him because I am starting to…and it’s a start. He keeps telling me how he spent the last twelve years, so I listen to him because my years were not in an open cage just like his. It was scary to be locked up for years and never to see the people you love, but it must have been even scarier to be free for years and never see the people you love. Remus Lupin has suffered too, and I can’t help but be there for him. 
So as he keeps rambling his stories about his undying love for me, I slip into his space, and wrap my arms around his torso, like I had in the picture, and bury my face into his chest. He is not warmer as he must have been in that picture but it calms me down because his heart is beating against mine, and I am happy to have him alive with me.
Thanks for reading! Stay magical!
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Please Don't Leave Me (3)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader
Warnings: Brief mentions of blood/injury (nothing in too much detail), bad writing?
Summary: New information is discovered
A/N: So this is part 3/4! There will be one more part to this! You all are the best! Thank you so much for the kind words and support on this fic! Also, I hope I didn't miss anyone on my taglist, but if I did I'm so sorry!!
Word Count: 1250
The first thing you felt was cold. So cold. Your whole body felt numb until you registered the pain. It radiated all over your body. You groaned and tried to move to alleviate some of the pain, but you barely moved an inch. You were pinned down. You coughed as dust entered your lungs before opening your eyes to figure out your surroundings.
Darkness. By now you realized it was rubble from the building pressing on top of you and you tried shifting again, feeling a little bit more give this time.
You vaguely remembered you almost made it out before the building collapsed. You had run as fast as you could, somehow making it to the door you had entered through before everything came crashing down on you. Just a second too late, but by some miracle, you were still alive.
By all odds, you should be dead. Long dead. You tried not to focus on that fact as you struggled for a bit. Mustering up all of your remaining strength, you managed to drag yourself out from the rubble covering you and into the snow.
“Okay. I definitely have a concussion.” You muttered to yourself as you self-assessed. You managed to get yourself standing despite your dizziness. Taking a step forward, a jolt of pain shot from your ankle sending you back to the snowy ground with a yelp.
“Probably a broken ankle” You winced. “Don’t know how long I’ve been out or how much blood I’ve lost.” You noted as you felt the back of your head and felt more blood.
You pulled your phone out of your pocket and cursed as you realized not only was it dead and the screen was cracked. Just your luck. Alive but stranded with no way to get in touch with the team.
“No sign of the jet and it’s dark out…” You mumbled as you looked around. “Great.”
Even in your weakened state, you knew you couldn’t stay there. You had to get in touch with the team somehow and get help. The nearest town was at least 4 miles away. With your injuries, that trip would not end well.
Steve had mentioned some cabins which were scattered in the woods where people would stay for the winter. Why anyone would be willing to stay here during this time of year puzzled you, but it was your best chance despite how risky it was.
You got yourself back up and hobbled to the tree line, wincing the whole way whenever you had to put weight on your ankle. From there, you used the trees to support yourself. You moved slowly as you used the trees to take the pressure off your broken ankle.
Everything ached. Your ankle was hurting progressively more as you continued on. Your head started pounding as well. Your body didn’t seem to want to continue on, but you were determined. You had to get home. You had to get back to Bucky.
Your heart broke knowing how worried he must be about you. You hadn’t checked in like normal. For all you knew, the whole team thought you were dead.
Your breaks were starting to get longer and, despite your best efforts, it was getting difficult to keep going. You sat down in the snow. The cold had slowly stopped bothering you which you knew wasn’t a good sign. Your body was screaming at you at this point. A break couldn’t hurt.
“Just five minutes.” You muttered to yourself, closing your eyes. Five minutes and then you would continue on in search of the cabins. Just five minutes...
Your body jolted you awake and you winced as pain shot back through you. You wanted to go back to sleep. Your dreams had been filled with Bucky. Your Bucky. What you wouldn’t do to have him here right now. You missed him. He was the best boyfriend you could’ve asked for.
Looking up at the night sky you smiled slightly as you remembered your first date with Bucky. He had taken you up to the roof to stargaze. It had been a fun night with both of you sharing stories and lots of laughter.
You and Bucky had been close friends before you had started dating which made it more natural of a transition. Both of you had unknowingly been harboring crushes on the other for months before Steve, Sam, Nat, and Wanda had gotten involved. Between the four of them, they’d managed to get you two to admit your feelings for each other. The rest was history.
“Gotta get back to Bucky.” You muttered to yourself and took a deep breath before dragging yourself back up. You could only imagine how he was acting right now. If the team thought you were dead he must be devastated and heartbroken. You couldn’t have that.
You forced yourself to keep moving forward. You had to get back to Bucky and your friends. This was your motivation as your body protested further.
Finally, a cabin came into view. Smoke was coming from the chimney and a soft, inviting glow was coming through the windows. You almost cried tears of joy at the sight.
“Help!” You weakly called out as you collapsed to the ground, the snow breaking your fall. Your exhaustion was catching up with you, your body finally starting to shut down completely.
“Help!” you called out again as you tried to drag yourself closer. You didn’t know if they had heard you. You couldn’t quit now! You called out one more time as your vision got blurry and your eyes started to close. You tried to keep them open but eventually, they got too heavy.
“I’m coming, Bucky, I promise.” You mumbled as your head finally rested in the snow. The last thing you saw was the front door opening before everything went black.
They were halfway through the debriefing when FRIDAY interrupted causing everyone to exchange looks of confusion.
“Pardon the interruption, but this seemed important.” The AI started to explain as the images on the screen switched over. “I’ve been scanning the hospital databases in the same area as the base as requested and someone with the same description as Ms. L/N has been admitted as a Jane Doe.” She showed a picture of the hospital and its location before continuing.
“The injuries listed match what we expect Ms. L/N would have sustained. Apparently, this person was brought in by a couple staying in one of the cabins that were near the base. I can’t get a definitive answer if it is her or not. I wasn’t able to tap into the surveillance system.”
“We’ll check out that lead, thanks FRIDAY.” Steve quickly replied, gathering the files he had and jumping to his feet. He was hopeful it was you. All the signs pointed to it being you.
“You’re welcome, Captain Rogers. The coordinates are already programmed into one of the quinjets.” She answered.
“Nat, Sam, you’re with me. Let’s go.” Steve ordered. The two fell into line with him as they walked towards the hangar.
“Should we tell, Barnes?” Nat asked. “You know it’s got to be her, right? There’s no way it’s a coincidence.”
“We can let him know when we get back. I don’t want to get his hopes up on the off chance it’s not her.” Steve explained.
Nat and Sam both nodded as they followed him onto the jet and set out to find the truth.
@criesinlies @angstysebfan @bluemoon-icecream @james-bucky-barnes-bitch @stucky-my-ship @fangirllife98 @austynparksandpizza @blacclatte @soccer-100000 @crist1216 @lomlparker
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makeste · 4 years
in which Deku is a horcrux.
okay, so! here’s another post on this, because I feel like nobody is talking about it?? and like hey, I get it, because there was A Lot!! going on in this chapter! but you guys. like yeah, Tomura’s hair is pretty; and yeah, AFO kept Nana’s severed hand around for shits and giggles maybe; and yeah, Ujiko attempted to murder and abduct the child!Aizawa and then whined to Present Mic about having to settle for Shirakumo instead (which!!!!! YEAH, THAT’S. ....); and all of that is Some Shit!!
but also, guys. can we talk about how Deku has a fucking psychic link to AFO, though.
like hey, remember this?
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the timing of which coincided with this?
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yeah. and now we have this!!
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coinciding with this!
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so yeah. let’s break this all down really quick.
okay so here’s the theory in a nutshell.
1. AFO steals a power-stockpiling quirk from some hapless nobody, probably around 200 years ago. he doesn’t know it’s a power-stockpiling quirk, though. he thinks it’s a strength quirk. hence why he’s surprised to discover that it doesn’t seem to be working after he takes it! since quirks are still relatively new at this time, there’s a lot that people still don’t understand about them, and so he doesn’t realize he’s actually dealing with what Monoma would call a “blank.”
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so what AFO thought was a strength quirk turned out to be useless for him, because he only copied the bare-bones essence of the quirk and not the accumulated power. disappointing, but not the end of the world. except that he’s about to go and make it a whole lot worse for himself.
2. so he decides to give this “useless” quirk to his quirkless younger brother as a means of getting him to submit! except that this backfires. because of this curious fact about OFA/AFO:
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  basically, the accumulated power of OFA can’t be taken by force (as Monoma discovered). but it can be transferred if the holder gives it to someone willingly. which, oh hey guess what, AFO actually did.
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3. so basically, AFO had this power-stockpiling quirk sitting inside of him, stockpiling his power, until he willingly gave it up to his younger brother, and by doing so transferred a part of his own power into his brother as well. and these two powers which he transferred -- All for One, and the power-stocker -- combined to form what we think of as “One for All.” a quirk which stockpiles power and can be transferred from person to person (just as AFO can transfer quirks to other people at will).
4. and last but not least, we now know that’s not all that gets transferred from person to person.
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so yeah. (: catch my meaning now?
so basically OFA is and has always been a duplicate of AFO. but unlike the quirk Tomura now bears, this version of AFO was transferred unintentionally. the results, however, are more or less the same! Deku now bears a piece of AFO’s soul inside of him much like Tomura now appears to. this is the only explanation that I can see for why he’s able to sense the awakening of Tomura 2.0 AFO’S Revenge as it’s happening, even though he’s miles away. the part of AFO that resides in him is still linked to the original quirk. just like AFO is linked to Tomura. because yeah lol I’m pretty sure he is you guys.
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(: (: (:
so what are the implications of this? well for starters, it looks to me like Deku, AFO, and Tomura all have some connection to each other’s minds. the extent of this is still unknown, so like this doesn’t necessarily mean Deku is going to start making random appearances in Tomura’s mental landscape a la Kylo Ren, or vice versa. or that AFO can spy on the good guys by peering into Deku’s mind. but there is definitely some kind of psychic bond there which is going to be important, mark my words. hell, it already is becoming important; Deku being aware of Tomura’s resurgence is going to have a huge ripple effect on the events of the upcoming chapters. particularly if he, Shouto, and Katsuki end up leaving their assigned posts and running off to help Aizawa, Endeavor, and the rest. there are tons of potential plot implications for this moving forward.
then there’s also the as-yet-unknown depths of the link that’s now present between AFO and Tomura. I’m of the opinion that this is a part of AFO’s soul that’s now residing within Tomura, just as pieces of the Vestiges’ souls are currently chilling out within Deku. I don’t think AFO would have willingly given his power to Tomura unless he had some way of ensuring that he himself would live on in some way. AFO is the antithesis of everything All Might and Deku and OFA represent; if OFA symbolizes selflessness and sacrifice and many souls working together toward a common goal, then AFO represents egoism and greed and the sacrificing of many to benefit only one. OFA is give; AFO is take. AFO has no regard for others. he cares only about himself.
so for AFO to take a page from OFA’s book and decide to pass on his strength to another strikes me as a very uncharacteristic decision on his part. sure, he still gets his revenge, but what’s the point if he’s not around to see it? is he even capable of that kind of thinking? of understanding the concept of living on through someone else? and then there’s the fact that he started raising Tomura as his successor years before he suffered his injury at the hands of All Might. so was he planning this even back then? if so, one has to think there was more to it than him simply giving up his quirk in order to allow Tomura to succeed where he never could. I just don’t feel like it’s the kind of thing he would ever do unless he would somehow be able to bask in that moment himself when it finally came. he just doesn’t do things unless they benefit him directly. I don’t feel like the mere knowledge that Tomura would carry on his mission while he rots away in a jail cell would be enough. not for him; not for someone whose entire character is built around selfishness and greed and an unbridled thirst to make everything his.
but if he gets to somehow live on as part of Tomura, though. through his quirk. if it really is like a horcrux, where that piece of his soul has the capability to continue living on even if the original is destroyed. now, that. that would change everything. because that means he can still be the one in control. he can pull Tomura’s strings from within the shadows of his mind. he can see for himself the look on All Might’s face when he’s killed by the grandson of the woman he thought of as his own mother. he can continue to live on, to rule over everything, to be the lord of evil. so yeah. again, I feel like this is the only thing that would actually make sense, given the kind of person that he is.
anyways, so! lots to think about. and lots of questions remaining to be answered! is AFO aware of the connection he has with All Might’s successor as well as his own? (if so, that’s a huge and very dangerous powder keg which could potentially go off at any moment.) will Tomura, who much like Zuko in a:tla is now caught between two conflicting legacies -- that of the monstrous man who raised him, and that of his grandmother’s blood which runs through him -- prove to be less of a willing puppet than AFO anticipated? particularly if this implied new connection with Deku -- someone who is the complete opposite of AFO in many ways and whose influence would be so starkly unlike any other that Tomura has had in his life since his family died -- ends up panning out in ways AFO did not foresee? and of course, the biggest question of all, “is this theory really true to begin with, or is this all just a giant reach based on inconclusive evidence which we don’t fully understand yet?”
and maybe! lol. but like I said, whatever the actual truth ends up being, I didn’t see much discussion going on about the implications of this strange “he’s coming!” moment. and gosh darn it, I want to know more about this, and I want to know now.
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
Might I please jump in with the suggestion that, while making Superman a Pulp Hero can be a little tricky, making LEX LUTHOR a Pulp Hero would be peculiarly easy? (In fact making him a Pulp Hero without making major alterations to his fundamental character might be far more difficult - given how much of a self centred jerk the man is).
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Funny you mention that because, while I haven't read the comic enough to really speak much of it, that kinda seems to be the basic premise of Chris Roberson's Edison Rex, a comic about a supervillain who has to step in as Earth's protector after defeating his superhero enemy, with the titular character being a Lex Luthor-analogue who looks like Doc Savage with Thomas Edison's haircut.
In fact, the idea of Thomas Edison as a protagonist is not even a unique one, not when one of the earliest examples of dime novel sci-fi was named after him. Just as popular in it's heyday and irredeemably reprehensible as the man itself even. If you want to imagine how Lex Luthor looks like as a pulp hero, all you need is to look at the genre called "Edisonade", starting in the 1870s, and you'll see why you wouldn't even need to make that many substantial changes to Luthor's fundamental character if you were to try to pass him off as a dime novel sci-fi protagonist. Not just because pulp supervillains already starred in stories and magazines as is, but because Edisonade as a genre is already built to accomodate characters like him.
The term "edisonade" or "Edisonade" – which is derived from Thomas Alva Edison in the same way that "Robinsonade" is derived from the hero of Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe – can be understood to describe any story dating from the late nineteenth century onward and featuring a young US male inventor hero who ingeniously extricates himself from tight spots and who, by so doing, saves himself from defeat and corruption, and his friends and nation from foreign oppressors.
The Invention by which he typically accomplishes this feat is not, however, simply a Weapon, though it will almost certainly prove to be invincible against the foe, and may also make the hero's fortune; it is also a means of Transportation – for the edisonade is not only about saving the country (or planet) through personal spunk and native wit, it is also about lighting out for the Territory.
Afterwards, once the hero has penetrated that virgin strand, he will find yet a further use for his invention: it will serve as a certificate of ownership, for the new Territory will probably be "empty" except for "natives". Magically, the barefoot boy with cheek of tan will discover that he has been made CEO of a compliant world; for a a revelatory set of maxims can be discerned fuelling the entrepreneurial engine of the edisonade: the conviction that to fix is to patent: that to exploit is to own - Sci-Fi Encyclopedia's entry on Edisonade
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The Edisonade, coined by critic John Clute after the Robinsonade, can be defined simply enough: it is a story in which a young American male invents a form of transportation and uses it to travel to uncivilized parts of America or the world, enriches himself, and punishes the enemies of the United States, whether domestic (Native Americans) or foreign.
The Edisonades were almost entirely an American creation and appeared in dime novels as serials and as complete novels. They were the single largest category of dime novel science fiction and were the direct ancestors not only of 20th century boys’ fiction characters like Tom Swift but also one of the fathers of early 20th century science fiction, especially in the pulps. And the Edisonades were among the most morally reprehensible works of fiction of the 19th century, on a par with the dime novels the Confederacy published to glorify slavery - Jess Nevins's article on Tom Edison Jr
Fun for the whole family!
Granted (and thankfully), Edisonades as a specific genre died down in popularity following the end of dime novel, although you can very easily see how their influence lingered on much of sci-fi as we know it. It makes for a rather interesting coincidence even that, in the turn of the century, as the dime novels and the Edisonades died down in popularity and the pulp magazines proper started to take their place in American culture, the Mad Scientist began to arise in popularity as a stock villain to the point you can make a drinking game out of reading pulp novels where the kind professor with a weird invention turns out to be a cut-throat master villain.
The Mad Scientist as an archetype, which is what Luthor started as, actually seems pretty much non-existant prior to the 1890s (the term seems to have only caught on somewhere after 1893 following the World's Fair Columbian Exposition) and only really started taking shape in the 1900/1910s following the influence of German Expressionism villains and characters like Fu Manchu (far from the first yellow peril mad scientist, but definitely the most popular) and the myriad of pulp villain, even pulp villain magazines, named after some form of "Doctor" (Doctor Death, Doctor Satan, Doctor X, etc)
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I'm not particularly fond of Arch-Capitalist Luthor and I'm not gonna be the billionth guy online to talk about the relevance of that take on Luthor, because my preferred take on Luthor is more on the Emperor Scientist / Ubermensch Arch-Asshole, the kind that's not so much a stock villain archetype because he doesn't have to be, because "Lex Luthor" has practically become it's own archetype, you know it when you see it. I would prefer to emphasize a Luthor who's got more in common with pulp sci-fi supervillains who starred in their own stories, but the stories themselves had no delusions about what the characters were. And I think Luthor can make one hell of a protagonist in this regard.
In another place, under different circumstances, this man might have been a Caesar, a Napoleon, a Hitler, or an Archimedes, a Michelangelo, a da Vinci. A Gautama, a Hammurabi, Gandhi. But in this place, at this time, he was more. Superman made him more.
As an artist saw objects as an amalgam of shapes, as a writer looked upon life as a series of incidents from which plots and characters could be constructed, Lex Luthor's mind divided the Universe into a finite number of mathematical units.
The time he had spent in jail so far this year was three months of thirty days each, three weeks, six days, two hours, and sixteen minutes. This included four weeks, one day, and three hours in solitary confinement during which time he could do nothing more useful than count seconds and scrupulously retain his sanity.
There were other super-criminal geniuses in the world; he had met some of them, dealt with them on occasion. They were chairmen of great corporations, grand masters of martial arts disciplines, heads of departments in executive branches of governments, princes, presidents, prelates, and a saint or two. Unlike Luthor, these men and women chose to retain their respectability. They had trouble coping with honesty.
Luthor was not motivated by a desire for money, or power, or beautiful women, or even freedom. In solitary Luthor decided that his motivation was beyond even the love or hate or whatever it was he had for humanity. It was consuming desire for godhood, fired by the unreasonable conviction that such a thing was somehow possible.
He began by being an honest man. He was a criminal and said so. - The Last Son of Krypton, Chapter 12
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zintranslations · 3 years
Kaleidoscope of Death, Extra 7
Kaleidoscope of Death by Xi Zixu Link to Chinese / Novel Updates
Extra: Bai Ming and Zhang Yiqing
After Bai Ming and Zhang Yiqing met, Zhang Yiqing once asked Bai Ming a question. He asked him: "What are your dreams?"
When he heard this question Bai Ming immediately beamed. He met Zhang Yiqing’s eyes and answered earnestly and solemnly, "my dream is you."
At this, Zhang Yiqing was momentarily taken aback.
"I'm seriously asking."
Bai Ming, "and I'm seriously answering."
Bai Ming indeed was serious. Before encountering the doors, he'd already been a fan of Zhang Yiqing, obsessively devoted to that handsome man onscreen.
Bai Ming collected Zhang Yiqing's every movie, every drama, and every commercial. And when he found out that Zhang Yiqing was quitting the silver screen to direct behind-the-scenes instead, Bai Ming went crazy for a good long while.
During that while, nobody in their organization dared to go through doors with him. They all knew Bai Ming was the sort of person capable of doing anything on a bad mood.
Back then, Bai Ming had not yet been the boss of their organization. He had just been a plain and simple door-crosser, though the potential he emanated often gave his fellow door-crossers the sense that he was no small-pond creature.
Bai Ming's family situation was more complicated. He'd lived at an orphanage since youth, and had only been found and brought back home after he turned twelve. Only then did he learn that his father was actually a rich man, and the reason his father brought him back had nothing to do with paternal devotion, but rather because his brother needed a healthy liver.
This sort of bloody melodrama was what befell Bai Ming.
The truth was, prior to actually meeting Zhang Yiqing, the two of them had seen each other once before.
It was at a cocktail party hosted by the Bai family. Bai Ming had stood in a corner, small and thin, and watched as a smiling Zhang Yiqing chatted with his father. Zhang Yiqing had been young back then, and had just recently snagged Best Actor—there was still a touch of youth in his appearance, but the unparalleled splendor of his later years could already be seen.
Bai Ming had stared at him for a long time, many thoughts flashing through his mind. At this point he was already a fan of Zhang Yiqing's movies, but was too nervous to just walk up and start talking to him. He could only gaze from afar.
And later, Bai Ming met the doors, so he'd thought that there was only ever to be the one encounter between he and Zhang Yiqing.
But fate was always an extraordinary thing. After many years of hard work, Bai Ming had staked out quite a position for himself in the world of the doors. One day, a good friend suddenly asked him: "Bai Ming, you like Zhang Yiqing, right?"
Lit cigarette hanging between his lips, Bai Ming vocalized a lazy, "mh."
"He's started entering doors too," his friend told him. "Want to consider taking him on?"
Bai Ming's head twisted to stare at his friend.
"What did you say?"
Looking innocently back at him, his friend repeated himself.
Bai Ming extinguished the cigarette and laughed, "this isn't a joke, is it?"
Of course it wasn't a joke. The moment he saw Zhang Yiqing again, Bai Ming knew that his dream was about to come true.
Zhang Yiqing, who had retreated behind the scenes, was no longer as tender as he'd been in his youth. He was no less handsome, however. Like an aged bottle of wine, he and his charms had not faded with time, in fact had begun to emanate a unique fragrance of maturity.
All competent people have arrogance, and Zhang Yiqing was a proud standout in his industry. He'd taken the laurels for Best Actor four times, not to mention countless other awards, both large and small. The year he turned to directing, the country had even nominated him for Best Director.
The only shame was that after encountering the doors, his fate was forced to take a sharp turn.
"Hello, I'm Bai Ming." The two sat face-to-face, and Bai Ming held a hand out to Zhang Yiqing with a smile. His smile was sincere, and paired with that harmless-looking face, there really was no visible aura of an apex predator about him. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
Naturally, Zhang Yiqing was fooled by Bai Ming. He took Bai Ming's hand and said, "it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Zhang Yiqing."
"Oh," Bai Ming nodded. "I've seen your movies."
Zhang Yiqing smiled politely. He likely thought Bai Ming was just a normal fan, or perhaps not even that—Bai Ming may just be an audience who had seen his movies in passing. But much later, when Zhang Yiqing saw that room stacked full of his own works, he would finally realize that Bai Ming was nowhere as harmless as he made himself look.
Of course, at this point, Zhang Yiqing was not aware of anything. He saw the headful of natural curls, the unsophisticated grin, and really took Bai Ming for a gentle-natured young man…
At this point Zhang Yiqing even failed to understand why everybody in Bai Ming's organization was so scared of him, to the point where Zhang Yiqing thought there really must be a misunderstanding…
Inside and outside the doors, Bai Ming did not change much. His personality stayed genial. When confronted with malicious words or even malicious people, he was never even vicious in return.
Sometimes, Zhang Yiqing even thought Bai Ming was being too nice, and would step up to protect Bai Ming.
"You're too well-tempered," was something Zhang Yiqing once said. "Nice people get taken advantage of. Harbor no intent to hurt, but preserve all instinct to caution!"[1]
Bai Ming listened to Zhang Yiqing's reprimand and said, beaming, "Zhang-ge's right to scold me."
Zhang Yiqing didn’t know what went through his head then, but seeing Bai Ming's well-behaved smile, he reached out and gave that head a pat. Only after touching Bai Ming did he realize the gesture didn't seem quite right, and so he coughed once, before explaining, "it just looks good to touch."
Bai Ming just blinked his eyes noncommittally.
Bai Ming's hair was extremely fluffy and truly peak touch quality. Just seeing it made people want to pet it. But there really weren't that many people who’d dare to pet a tiger—Zhang Yiqing was one of few, though at that time, he had yet to discover the fact that Bai Ming was a ferocious beast, and not some adorable kitten.
But fake was fake in the end—Zhang Yiqing was no idiot either. By the time he became aware of the incongruities about Bai Ming's person, the two of them had already grown closer.
Zhang Yiqing had noticed the oddity and even joked about it, saying, "Bai Ming, how come I've discovered that anyone who crosses you gets struck with misfortune?"
Bai Ming batted his eyes at this.
"Don't they deserve it?"
At his smile, Zhang Yiqing froze. Zhang Yiqing had only been joking, but after careful thought, a layer of cold sweat began to dot his back. Because as far as he could remember, ever since he and Bai Ming started entering doors together, those who had wronged Bai Ming were not simply "unfortunate," they were all…dead.
That's right, dead. Dead via various odd accidents. Some things may seem accidental on the surface, but—upon multiple occurrences—could no longer be mere coincidence.
Incidental became inescapable after a certain point.
Having realized something, Zhang Yiqing looked once more to Bai Ming, and found that the young man who was once so easy to read now seemed something of a stranger.
The good thing was, that feeling only lasted for a moment, because Bai Ming grinned and scooted closer again.
"Zhang-ge, come get hotpot with me tonight?"
"Sure," Zhang Yiqing agreed.
The relationship between the two of them was still ambiguous at this moment, but one could die at any time inside the doors. Zhang Yiqing saw clearly Bai Ming's devotion to protecting him, and so the two got closer and closer—until one day, when Zhang Yiqing went to a party.
As a heavy hitter in the entertainment industry, there were naturally many people lined up to take a ride on his coattails. That was why that day, a coworker introduced him to a beautiful young woman.
Though Zhang Yiqing rejected her immediately, Bai Ming, who'd come along for fun, still saw everything.
Oddly enough, against Bai Ming's gaze, Zhang Yiqing felt a sense of guilt. The party hadn’t even been over when Bai Ming pulled Zhang Yiqing alone into a break room. Zhang Yiqing wanted to resist at first, but discovered that he wasn't at all Bai Ming's opponent—he was picked up and brought along as if he were a sack of rice.
"Does Zhang-ge have someone he likes?" was what Bai Ming asked him.
Zhang Yiqing said, "no."
"No?" Bai Ming said. "Then what's the deal with her?"
Watching Bai Ming's expression, Zhang Yiqing had the thought that the person before him seemed a bit drunk. He licked his lips, and spoke hoarsely: "I don't like her."
"You don't like her, but you'll still have her?" Bai Ming asked.
Zhang Yiqing opened his mouth, wanting to explain. But when the words got to his lips, the pride in his bones was for some reason set off by Bai Ming's accusatory tone. He lifted his chin and, with a cool expression, forced down the anxiety deep in his chest.
"So what if I will?"
Bai Ming pressed a hand to his lips, got closer, and hummed, "but I'll get angry."
Zhang Yiqing's brow furrowed.
Bai Ming, "I'll get very…very…angry."
Zhang Yiqing was just about to ask and so what if you get angry when Bai Ming shoved him onto the break room sofa. Bai Ming's fingers picked apart the first button on his shirt, and the man looked down at Zhang Yiqing from high above. His voice when he spoke was colder than anything Zhang Yiqing had heard from him.
"I don't want to wait anymore."
Zhang Yiqing's eyes went wide. This was the first time he became aware that Bai Ming and that harmless youth he thought he knew were two completely different people.
"Zhang-ge," Bai Ming said. "I like you. Do you like me?"
Zhang Yiqing swallowed, and he didn't answer Bai Ming's question. He only said, "calm down a second…"
Bai Ming watched him. "You also like me, right? You just don't want to admit it…But even if you don't admit it, that’s alright." He smiled, as handsome as an incubus. "It's fine as long as I like you."
Everything that happened after that was unspeakable.
By the time Zhang Yiqing once again regained consciousness, he was limp all over. Bai Ming had him wrapped up in blanket and was placing him into the car. Seeing him wake, Zhang Yiqing beamed.
"Zhang-ge, you're up? We're headed home now."
Zhang Yiqing wanted to speak, but found his voice nearly gone. He recalled something, and a smudge of red appeared over his cheeks as he grated out: "Animal."
Bai Ming batted his eyes. "Zhang-ge, are you calling me big?"
Zhang Yiqing, "…" He surrendered.
Bai Ming, "no worries, it's only 3AM. There's still plenty of time when we get back."
Zhang Yiqing wanted to retort, so Bai Ming caught him by the lips. Bai Ming's kiss was rough enough to turn his mouth an evocative red.
Zhang Yiqing went dizzy with the kiss. It was only then that he had the faint realization that he…seemed to have caught the attention of someone incredible.
Translator’s Notes:
害人之心不可有,防人之心不可無; idiom that literally means, “you can’t have intent to hurt people, but you can’t not be guarded against people.” The two phrases have parallel rhythms Chinese (note the four middle characters are identical), so coming up with a translation that mirrors that to some degree is both fun and difficult.
[Extra: Twin Lives, Twin Deaths(3)] | [Extra: Tan Zaozao]
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shining-louist · 2 years
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- Misbehaving Honeys by @thinlines on ao3, 29k words
“Hey, since we’re on the topic of newbies… Don’t you guys feel like,” As casual as possible, Louis, you can do this. “That Styles kid has it out for me?” He kept his tone as neutral and unperturbed as possible, but judging from the startled looks he was getting, the comment must have taken his teammates by surprise.
“Styles? You mean Harry?” Liam asked, hands on his hips as he frowned.
Louis nodded and for a second Liam stared at him before bursting out in laughter.
In which Omega Louis can't figure out why the alpha newbie on their footie team seems to hold a grudge against him.
- Why Didn't We Make Out the Night We Met? by @berzerkshires on ao3, 52k words
Louis and Harry meet in an alley outside the hotel Louis is staying for the weekend. Harry introduces himself as Ed, and Louis is completely clueless. They have a relationship through text messages, phone calls, shared pictures and Facetime calls.
Is a cell phone being the only source of communication enough? Will Louis ever learn that he's really talking to an international popstar? And what happens when the world is shutdown due to a wide spread virus?
- The Journal by 4ureyesonly28, RecycledStardust on ao3, 14k words
When Harry finds himself purchasing an antique journal in the ancient bookshop of a town he's never heard of, he doesn't exactly want to admit that he has no idea how he got there. A myriad of odd coincidences and a few kind smiles from the shopkeeper have the two of them working hard to solve the mystery of this strange journal that seems to have been waiting for Harry for almost a hundred and thirty years.
- Lost & Found In Oblivion by @thinlines on ao3, 75k words
Everything wasn’t at all like he had planned. He was supposed to answer the door calmly and coolly, like a proper experienced adult dressed in protective hoodie and joggers. Not like this. But this was what he had and he had no choice but to roll with it.
“I fucking paid for this, didn’t I?” Louis muttered to himself and took a huge inhale.
OR Omega Louis decided to hire an alpha for his heat to ease his touch deprivation, but little did he know everything would grow into so much more.
- Here You Come Again by @Neondiamond on ao3, 22k words
A year after taking over his family’s peach orchard, Louis thinks he has it all figured out. His routine on the farm is mundane, yet familiar, and his dog Clifford is more than enough to keep him company. It isn’t until Harry, his ex-boyfriend who broke his heart and left their small town a decade ago to pursue a bigger, brighter future in the city, comes to stay on the farm that he realises just how badly he was lying to himself.
- No One Like You by @myownspark on ao3, 20k words
Dear Niall,
I was glad to have the chance to talk with you again at the AHA conference. Your idea that the Musee D’Orsay Tomlinson painting is in fact not a self-portrait is an intriguing one, and I may have discovered something that will have a bearing on that theory.
Some background: as you may remember, I’ve been researching for a book I’m writing about Harry Styles. I’ve been in communication with Styles’ last living descendant, who is in possession of a trunk that her family believed to have belonged to Styles himself. It held some personal items she presumes to be his, including two unmounted paintings and a small collection of letters.
Upon spending the last few days in Provins studying these items, I believe there to be a connection between Tomlinson and Styles, and I would very much like your opinion.
Are you up for a trip to France?
Liam Payne
Where Liam and Niall are art historians discovering the truth about two nineteenth century painters on opposite sides of an artistic divide.
- Right down the line by @Poopish_scoopish on ao3, 61k words
Louis knew what was coming before Amanda even opened her mouth. He turned down towards his plate and pretended not to have heard their conversation, begging in his mind for her not to say anything.
"Louis lives in South Village!"
He kept his head down. Don't notice me, don't notice me, don't notice me.
"Louis!" Amanda called across the distance between their round tables.
Fucking hell.
Louis tried his best to seem surprised at the sound of his name, uttering a reluctant, "Yeah?".
"Harry here has gotten his car damaged and has to take a taxi to work every day." Harry seemed to shrink in his seat, head hanging down a bit as if to cover himself. "Says he lives in South Village. Can't you pick him up on your way?" she asked with a smile, oblivious to both Louis' and Harry's apparent discomfort.
"Sure, I can pick you up."
OR, Harry's the new math teacher who loves to make new friends and Louis hates to let new people in his life. As they say, opposites attract.
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sshbpodcast · 2 years
Tales from the Holodeck: VOY Fanfic: Chris’s Story
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Happy Star Trek Day! Star Trek's 56th anniversary also happens to be A Star to Steer Her By's 6th anniversary! Coincidence? No, we specifically planned it that way. Duh.
And in celebration, your hosts whipped out our PADDs and wrote up some Voyager stories and teleplays for our "Tales from the Holodeck" fanfic series. Follow along below and/or listen to the cold reads on this week’s podcast episode (this one starts at 38:08) as Chris explores just what makes Harry Kim so prone to suffering, in this dimension and the next!
[images © Paramount/CBS]
“Harry Kim and the Multiverse of Sadness”
By Chris
Random pick: Harry Kim
“Commander Kim!” A stern voice snapped.
“Hmm?” Harry glanced away from the news program that had been going on about Admiral Picard christening a new Stargazer to see Danny Byrd standing nearby.
“Captain Byrd!” Harry stood up from his barstool and snapped off a very formal salute. Byrd returned the gesture. The two men started stiff-jawed at one another for a long, tense moment.
Byrd cracked first, and within moments the two were chuckling and taking seats together at the bar.
“Harry fuckin’ Kim, it’s been too long you sonuvabitch.”
“Well, if you weren’t out gallivanting across the Gamma Quadrant…”
“Someone’s gotta pick up where we left off! Exploring, making first contact. After so long of keeping to ourselves, rebuilding the fleet…good to be Starfleet again. The Starfleet I signed up for.”
“Yeah.” Kim glanced at his glass. “It was strange when we got back. So much damage from a war we’d missed completely…”
“Who knew being stranded 70 years from home would be the good option, huh?”
“I suppose so.” Harry took a drink. “So how is it out there?”
“A real mixed bag. So many worlds still trying to really understand not being under Dominion control. When you’ve been under a bootheel as long as some of them have been a couple decades is nothing. But there’s so much new, so much exciting!” He paused. “You know…my first officer just got promoted. Getting their own ship, own assignment…”
“What do you mean, “yeah”? Do I have to spell it out?”
“No, I suppose not.” He sighed. “It’s been a long time since I’ve served on a ship, Danny. I’m outta practice.”
“Come on, Harry. You really want to spend the rest of your career squeezing some extra percentage of efficiency out of engines? Tweaking nacelles and warp fields? Is that really what you signed up for?”
“No. But…I don’t know. I saw a lot more than a lot of folks would’ve on this job back on Voyager. I’m a little…explored out?”
“I guess that’s fair.” Byrd stood and patted his shoulder. “Look, I won’t spend all night trying to sell you on it. I have until Tuesday to tell them who I’m picking. Let’s get some Dom-jot in and talk about anything else.”
“Sounds good.” Harry grabbed his drink and got to his feet. “So, how are Libby and the kids…?”
He couldn’t remember the last time he’d woken up with a hangover. Maybe that time he and Paris hit Risa after the divorce? This was far, far worse than that, though. It felt more like coming out of anesthesia, in fact…
“Ah, you’re finally up.”
“What?” Harry forced his eyes open and sat up. Wherever he was, it wasn't his apartment. It looked not entirely unlike a pretty standard Starfleet brig. He looked at the doorway and its glowing forcefield generator to see a woman standing there wearing an odd, all-black outfit.
“Hu’re eww?” he slurred, discovering his jaw was a bit numb.
“My name isn’t important, so you may call me Sloan. I represent Section 31.”
Harry snickered, and Sloan raised her eyebrows.
“What is so amusing, Commander?”
“I’ve h’rd a’you.” He flexed his jaw a bit. “Sure. S’m damn joke they make up to screw with Academy recruits. Ultra-black ops. Doing horrid things in the name of protecting the Federation. Higher ups know all about you, pretend you don’t exist so they don’t need to condemn you, blah blah. Started as a joke, now you’r a fringe conspiracy theory. In other words, “Sloan”, who put you up to this? This isn’t Danny’s style. A bit much even for Tom, and I don’t think he’s even on Earth right now.”
“Hm.” She flashed a tight smile. “The most tedious part of dealing with Starfleet officers is convincing them we’re real. So I think I’m going to just jump right to the demonstration.”
She lifted a hand, and Harry saw a small controller there. Her thumb flexed and he heard a small beep from his right arm. He glanced down to see a dark band wrapped around his bicep that had a pattern flashing across its small display. There was a flash, a noise like inverted lightning, and suddenly the air reeked of smoke and cold wind was whipping him. He was outdoors, perched on a hill that seemed to be made mostly of crumbled rock. He looked up again and saw something that couldn’t be real.
It was a ruined city. But just enough was intact for him to know straightaway that it was San Francisco. He leapt to his feet and the loose rocks gave way, nearly causing him to collapse again. He spun in place, taking in a brown ocean pounding against slag that had once been the Golden Gate bridge. Then the device on his arm beeped again, there was another flash and noise, and he was staring at a wall. He was back in the cell. He turned, seeing Sloan standing by the door still.
“What the hell was that?!” He demanded.
“The dimension most closely connected to our own. Over a century ago Captain Kirk dubbed it “The Mirror Universe”. Silly name, but it stuck. In his time Earth was the seat of a huge, human-supremacist Empire. In ours it’s a desolate hellscape created when the races humanity had been oppressing realized there were more of them and did what they had to.”
“You know that I’m aware what a holodeck is, right?”
“Come now, Commander. You’re a smart man. Even the most realistic holodeck simulations are a bit…off in ways people can’t quite explain. Can’t quite put their fingers on. Did you feel that way at all?”
“I feel that way right now,” he lied. “But mostly because I’m still hungover.”
“Mm.” She glanced away and nodded at someone Harry couldn’t see. The hum of the forcefield, previously just a part of the background noise, became obvious in its absence. Sloan stepped forward and pulled a small holoprojector from her belt. Harry took it and pressed the activation key on it. A small screen appeared. He saw himself, viewed through a chest-mounted camera. He was in the hallway of his apartment building, and very close to his door. There was no sound, but he watched himself reacting to a noise. The projected him turned just in time to try and fail to block a hand from pressing a hypospray to his neck. He watched his image crumple to the floor and two people dressed quite a bit like Sloan begin to collect him before the image went dark.
“A bit much for a gag, wouldn’t you say, Commander?”
“Let’s pretend this is true. What do you want? And what was the point of that little trip?”
“Starfleet has begun exploring again. Its war weariness and the fear caused by the Martian Android uprising is passing. Which means we’re going to start making serious enemies again. Even without a homeworld the Romulans built up a very impressive fleet in a very short amount of time. You never know when the Klingons will fly off the handle again. And someone is going to come out on top in the chaos in the Gamma Quadrant sooner than later. We need to be ready for that.”
“And interdimensional travel ties into that…how?”
“There are countless realities. It’s been a theory for some time, and we’ve been sure of it for quite a while now. Surely some of them have technology the likes of which we can’t imagine. We want you to go looking for us.”
“Why me?”
“Jumping between realities is more than a little difficult. It’s based on technology so secret that Starfleet forgot it even had it. Even we only stumbled on the files a few years ago. It was a failed attempt to replace warp drive with something that could get you instantaneously to any point in the galaxy. Only two scientists truly understood the theory. One died during testing. The other, who actually got it to work, vanished into the future. The notes were extensive, but our best minds are still struggling with it. But in the process we managed to stumble on a way to make interdimensional travel quite a bit simpler.
“And someone like you makes it even easier.” She smiled in a way Harry didn’t like at all. “Your quantum signature is like very few others. Because you’re not you.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you are. But you’re not. Voyager was once split into two ships. Identical in every way. One was destroyed. The one you were on. The Voyager that survived had lost its Harry Kim, and you were sent there to replace him.” She tilted her head. “In short, you’re special. Isn’t that nice? It also means it’s easier to send you across dimensional divides than it is other people.”
“And I’m supposed to bring back superweapons from another reality.”
“If you want to be dull about it.”
Suddenly, there was the noise of the device going off again, but this time it wasn’t his own going off. Harry was suddenly aware of someone next to him, and he turned to see an unfamiliar, curly-haired man in civilian clothes standing there, pointing a phaser at Sloan.
“Sorry, he’s not interested,” the man snapped, before grabbing Harry’s arm. Harry heard the familiar device activation noise again, there was another flash and crack, and…
“We’re still in a cell.”
“Yeah, different one, tho.” The man replied. He reached up and tapped an unseen comm badge. “I’ve got him, let’s go!”
Suddenly there was the hum and tingle of a transporter, and in a few moments the view fuzzed into the interior of one of the new-model runabouts. Harry had been part of the team that had worked on its warp core, so he knew it instantly. The other man was already moving towards the controls, where a young woman in a Starfleet uniform was sitting.
“Right, let’s go. Not long until this universe’s Section 31 tries to figure out what their sensors just saw.”
“Cloaking now,” the woman replied. “Setting course and laying in.”
“Okay, now who are you?” Harry asked, making his way towards one of the empty side seats.
“Name’s Miles O’Brien,” the man replied. “This here’s Molly.”
“Commander,” the young woman said, glancing over at him.
“And…what’s going on?”
“Well, unfortunately, everything Section 31 said is true. I first ran into the bastards during the Dominion War. Thought I was done with them until they jumped me a few weeks ago. Gave me the same job offer they gave you.”
“How did you get away?”
“Had a little help,” came Miles’ voice, but from behind Harry. He spun around and saw O’Brien there again, in different clothes and maybe looking a bit more haggard. “My side of the mirror had gotten pretty good at popping back and forth between our dimension and yours. We became aware of the signals coming from Earth. We had some folks keeping an eye on it when they dropped my counterpart in the remains of our San Francisco and got him out before they pulled him back.”
“Call him Smiley, it avoids confusion,” Miles added.
“We were in a pretty similar room down there,” Harry said, deciding just running with all this would be easiest for now. “So this isn’t our universe, or the Mirror Universe?”
“This is what we’ve taken to calling the Narada Universe,” Molly said, not looking up from her control panel. “It’s almost as closely linked to ours as the Mirror Universe because it was caused by a cross-dimensional trip taken by a Romulan mining vessel shortly after the destruction of their homeworld.”
“Not too different than ours,” Miles said, pointing out the window.
Harry looked and saw the familiar sight of Spacedock. Only it was maybe a bit more of a solid white than its usual bluish-white. And there was something else, but he couldn’t puzzle it out.
“We’re about twice as far away as you think we are,” Miles said. “You thought our Spacedock was big? This thing’s a monster.”
“Have to be, to fit the ridiculous starships they build,” Smiley this time.
“Their Galaxy class is two thirds bigger than ours,” Miles added.
“That’s…why?” Harry asked, looking over to Miles.
“Damned if I know.” He shrugged. “Blue bussard collectors, too. Just looks…wrong.”
“Coming up on the Enterprise.” Molly said.
Harry looked back out the window and saw a positive behemoth of a ship swing out from behind spacedock. He could see the registry on the underside: NCC-1701-G. Seems their universe was a little ahead of his own in that regard. A quiet beeping came from the runabout’s console and Molly poked a control.
“Coded signal confirmed,” she said.
“Enterprise, this is Chief O’Brien,” Miles said. “Signal confirmed.”
“Welcome, Chief,” came the reply, as a screen lit up with a face Harry was surprised to know. Data, the Soong-type android that had been the basis for synthetic lifeforms in his universe, long since lost on a mission to Romulus. “Did you achieve your goal?”
“We got Kim.”
“Excellent. Remain cloaked, we will open shuttlebay three.”
The ship had been a maze of plasticky, white corridors and the bridge was little different. Just an endless expanse of white and chrome, round walls curving into a smooth ceiling. Harry couldn’t tell if it was actually more advanced or just over-designed, but if the former it was definitely the kind of thing Section 31 would be after.
“The Admiral is waiting in my ready room,” Data said, turning in his chair to face them as the turbolift doors snapped shut behind them.
“Thanks,” Miles replied.
They made their way to the door, and Harry could hear muffled sounds coming from behind it. Molly pressed the door chime and they waited. The muffled noises continued from behind the door, but nothing else happened.
“The Admiral is quite fond of classical music, but has a bad habit of playing it a little too loud,” Data said. “I shall let you in.”
The doors slid open, and a torrent of guitar and drum music blared out at them, along with someone screeching “Highway to Hell.” Sitting at the desk, eyes closed in contemplation, was Admiral Jean-Luc Picard. The door closed, and he finally opened his eyes.
“Computer, pause,” he said, and the music stopped. “Sorry about that, didn’t hear you come in. Please, have a seat. Would anyone like some iced tea? Based off a wonderful old Earth product called “Brisk”, very refreshing.”
There were some mumbled “no thank you”s as everyone dropped into a chair. Picard let his gaze fall onto Kim.
“Sir?” Kim asked.
“I knew you in this Universe.” Picard’s smile grew sad. “Excellent officer. Served under me for a time. Sadly you…he…didn’t survive the Dominion War.”
“Now, Commander, you’re already aware of what’s going on.” Picard stood. “Your Section 31 is planning on making incursions into other universes. They’d prefer it be with your help, but they’ll manage it no matter what.”
“We can’t let them do that,” came another voice. Harry spun, and found that he was facing himself.
“Is that really what I sound like?” he said.
“Apparently,” the other him replied.
“Captain Kim here is from a universe a bit more disconnected from our own. They have quite the jump on both of us.”
“The technology that powers your Dimensional transporter worked in mine. Quickly. And became widespread. We’re already exploring the Andromeda Galaxy.”
“Jaysus…” one of the O’Brien’s whispered. Harry hadn’t been looking, so he wasn’t sure which.
“The balance of power in your Universe would be ruined if it fell into Section 31’s hands.”
“And would almost assuredly go to their heads,” Picard added.
“We can’t be sure they’d end up content to simply “protect the Federation”,” Miles said. “They might decide they want it to spread. Possible beyond the boundaries of our universe.”
“What can we do?” Harry asked.
“We’ve been studying interdimensional travel for decades now,” the Captain him replied. “It’s something we’re still trying to grasp, but we’ve got a big jump on your Section 31. We’ve found a nexus point. A place where they all seem to come together and branch off of. From there, we can detect when an incursion happens anywhere else. We can investigate and keep them from interfering with other universes, or your own.”
“We?” Harry asked.
“If you’d like. I’ve people from countless universes on board.”
“With Section 31 after you in our universe it’d be the safest place to be,” Miles said.
“How about it, Commander?” Captain Kim asked. “You’ve not really seen “strange new worlds” until you’ve started hopping dimensions.”
“I…” He paused. “I got another job offer today, too. Let me tell them I’ve decided not to take it.”
For more Voyager fanfic, check out Caitlin, Ames, and Jake's stories from this year's Tales from the Holodeck! Be sure to keep listening to new episodes every Thursday on SoundCloud, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and never trust a thing Section 31 says, in any universe.
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yanderecandystore · 4 years
Yandere dog man in heat, please.
At first I got really confused, and I came up with three different scenarios of how this could play out:
Medieval Monster Dog Man: Kinda like a werewolf, really feral but maybe he can't transform into a human (making it a different type of monster). In this setting I imagined monsters and humans being kinda against one another.
Modern Anthro Dog Man: Beastars basically, a world where either everyone is an anthro animal (furry lol-), or a world where humans and anthro/monster animals coexist in a modernized setting.
Anime Neko Style: A dog man with more human features than dog-like, leaving his tail and his ears and a couple of mannerisms.
Let me see what I can do for you, boo.
TW/Tags: basic horniness (nsfw stuff: mentions of pillow grinding, vague biting kink, sexual frustration, implied sex after ending, slight mentions of breeding kink, etc) // gender neutral/nonspecific reader // I decided to go with a semi fantasy setting, although vaguely described so you can imagine this universe the way you like // I consider him to be from some kind of monster species-
Partners through tough and thin [Yandere!DogMan/Monster?? x GN!Reader - Headcanons]:
Let's start with a bit of an off-topic: Did you read my mind boo? Did you know that I was planning on adding a section to the Masterlist dedicated to humanoid/animalistic monsters? I was thinking more about driders/insectoid monsters actually- But I don't really mind this.
Regardless, let's set up the context!
🎇 Let me set the stage for a quick sec!🎇
So, I won't talk for too long this time, just a quick basic talk about your relationship with Flint (don't @ me, I'm terrible at picking names out of the blue-).
You two meet each other pretty much by coincidence, both of you were looking for people to form an adventuring party with- But ultimately finding almost no luck.
To be fair, you weren't really looking for an adventure with strangers, as mostly you just wanted to gain more knowledge by exploring your vast world with someone you would at least want to be near with. You were a couple of ranks above him, yet you found him to be such great company that you two formed some sort of bond over the time you guys spent together.
Expedition after expedition, and it started to feel like you two were more than random colleagues being together just for the sake of finishing a task, it felt like you two were mutual friends that were so accustomed to working together that it felt weird being separated or near strangers.
You were surprised to find someone so easy to rely on, so sweet and kind and extremely gullible. After seeing so many narcissistic jerks who only wanted someone to carry their stuff and do all the hard work while you stood by and watched them take all the glory of completing their quest- It felt like a breeze of fresh air to find Flint looking for someone as well.
Which was weird considering how easily any of them would have taken him to be their personal walking inventory.
You two didn't get along right away, but you guys did warm up to each other as the time passed on. You thought Flint was too childish and Flint thought you were too stern, and even after five years of working with each other, nothing seems to have changed.
Nothing except a better understanding between you two. Even with your differences, it was as if you two were inseparable at this point.
Flint is a lovely guy, you can't tell if it's because of his dog side, but he radiates Good Boy Energy™. He is loyal to you as an adventuring partner, and he is the best friend someone can have, yet you would be lying if you said you knew everything about him.
Flint is not the best at hiding things, especially his own emotions and even he knows about that! Throughout these five years you two spent together, Flint would always try to keep his distance from you in certain times of the year.
At first you didn't understand why did he act so weird and be so distant from you- Until you realized what was happening and you started to feel stupid for not getting it sooner- Fling goes through a heat cycle every six months and that has proven to be quite the interesting change to your routine- Considering you never knew (and still doesn't know-) what to do about it.
Flint always told you it was fine- It was a normal thing to him at this point and you didn't need to worry about it- You just needed to keep a reasonable distance from him and… Close your ears every night through these cycles.
It was fine, you know? I mean- To you it's a bit of an awkward situation as you aren't the same species or him/or don't go through these heat cycles as him- But to him it was absolutely normal. Inconvenient, but normal.
You have no idea what he does to himself to stop it from getting in the way of your partnerships- But one can't help but be curious, especially since he could just stay home if he wasn't feeling alright, he didn't need to continue this journey.
For some reason he always preferred to ignore it and keep going, to focus on his task to be able to give in to the carnal instincts brewing inside him. That was before he met you, however.
He always had dealt with his heat by occupying his mind, and it worked for the most part- But why does it feel so strong now? Why does it feel so unbearable?
It's been a couple of days that he can't find peace anymore, even if he tries to ease his pain each night, it nevers seems to get better. Whatever medication/potion or spell he could use to stop it, it wasn't working anymore, he somehow felt just as if not more sensitive than he was before he took those.
It wasn't just his body that was struggling to find some rest, his mind was also being haunted by mockeries of his own fantasies- To be fair, he hasn't been in peace with himself for a long time now, probably longer than he thinks, but you know how it is- You don't know you have fallen in love with someone until it's too late, and he has just recently discovered the seed of affection towards you growing into something more and more.
He had a crush on you, he doesn't know for how long yet it feels like it has been an eternity- It doesn't really help that you two spend more time with each other than with other adventurers and explorers, and it doesn't help that while you're sleeping in your tent, approximately 15 meters away from his own, as his mind is filled with worse and worse thoughts about you-
It's way too late at night for him to be feeling so needy- He's been trying to relieve himself for maybe 3 hours already, yet he still hasn't been able to calm down his mind and body. He has been carefully listening to each sound that came from outside, more specifically from inside your tent. Every snore, every breath, every whine you give in your sleep is making him mad with feelings he shouldn't have let it grow to this extent. He was supposed to be listening carefully to make sure you're safe, but instead he is having lewd ideas about your sleeping noises.
The feelings and thoughts that are suddenly coming to his mind are nothing short of disgusting to him, he knows he shouldn't be thinking I'll of an friend he loves so much, he shouldn't be craving someone to this degrading extent- Yet he can't stop biting his pillow and imagining it to be you, constantly breathing out your name while crying pathetically as he continues to indulge in this act while his mind is in a half sleep state.
So sleepy in fact that he hasn't heard you coming inside his tent- He wasn't even sure if your soft caressing was real or just a figment of his own twisted mind. He feels so grossed out by his own mind, he would rather believe this is all a dream then to realize he was being so loud you decided to come inside and see if he was okay-
Please, he is already the worst being alive just for fantasizing about you- Don't tell him he woke you up with his whining, it makes him feel more pathetic.
It's such a bittersweet situation, you came here genuinely deciding to help him out however you could- Not because of pity, but for something more than just wanting to help him ease his urges- But even if he is earning for this with all his heart, he feels too bad about himself to stop crying and apologizing for what he was about to do. You two seemed to have your hearts in the same direction, but can he control his instinct to take you for himself and breed you?
It doesn't really matter if he can or not breed you, his mind is already lost to countless nights without sleeping and constant thoughts about loving you and making love with you- Whatever sense of logic has been thrown out of the window.
However, maybe he isn't completely lost! Maybe he'll try his best to be more romantic about this, as it wasn't really how he expected it to happen. Even if he is currently acting like a lovesick lust beast, you don't need to worry because the good boy as your partner is commonly known for will be back in the morning, just a bit more clingy and overly protective of you.
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