#and then like. people do that insertion. for fun.............sounds so painful....
dooodle-bug · 2 years
holy shit tampons really Like that
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(how) to hunt a hunter - sergei kravinoff x fem!reader
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Summary: Kraven the Hunter was a myth equal to the Boogeyman. So the prestigious offer to hunt the legendary hunter sounded insane yet like a blast. Who were you as a Black Widow to say ‘no’ to that?
Word count: 4.5k
Warnings: blood, violence, sexual tension, language, consumption of alcohol
Author’s note: Don’t judge me for inserting another Black Widow character again. 🤣 I thought it’d be fun to not go the typical route of Sergei hunting you, but you hunting him. Seriously, what is up with this trope, guys? I’m getting out of my hiatus which is rough and I want to just create something fun and not like a full-blown series. I apologize, I’m better with witty dialogue than fighting scenes, I’m terribly sorry. 😅
If you followed my we all have our secrets series, there’s a character who gets a slightly more prominent role in this one-shot than the mere mention. You know, I’m getting Morbius vibes from the trailer, but I guess it’s going be fun? 🤷🏻‍♀️
Read me on AO3
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You wiped the damp layer off the mirror and winced at what you saw.
Your battered reflection was staring back at you. You shook your head and even that movement of your wet hair stroking the side of your neck irritated the scrapes and bruises even further.
Needing to breathe through the pain, you exhaled through your mouth, leaning forward on your elbows against the edges of the wash basin. 
Wrath was burning in your eyes when you glared at your reflection. The broken blood vessel of your eye was a sore reminder of the absolute failure of a mission.
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The blue eyes of Sergei Kravinoff shone on the display of your laptop to reveal your target. You hummed before gazing through the binoculars on the roof of the hotel you to keep track of the infamous Kraven.
Killing him would certainly be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Who could even say that about themselves?
Your phone alerted you to a new call coming in. Almost casually you took it without glancing at the screen. Your eyes were glued to the outside surroundings.
“Kind of in the middle of something,” you said with a bored voice.
“So it was you who took the assignment?”
You sighed. Your wrist almost dropped the field glass at hearing Talia’s voice.
“Did I take it away from you?”
A mirthful chuckle reverberated through the loud speaker. “No, I’m not that desperate to face the Hunter.”
Your eyes glanced sideways at that tidbit of information. “Is that fear? Didn’t know that the infamous White Widow was afraid of anything.”
“Not fear. Just a boring survival instinct.”
A pause lingered in the air.
“What is it for you? The prestige? Something fun?”
“Maybe I like a challenge.” 
Talia’s voice turned severe to warn you of the danger. “Trust me on this. This man is no joke. He’s going to enjoy tearing you apart.”
“You sound like you’re talking from experience.”
Talia exhaled. “I knew his father. That family isn’t something to be trifled with. But no, if I want to rupture my lung, I’d rather do it on my own terms. But I also know I can’t stop you if you set your mind to something. All I can offer you are my contacts on sight, wherever you are.”
“No, thank you.” You chuckled. “And don’t pretend like you don’t even know where I am.”
“What can I say? I can’t reveal all my secrets. Stubborn to a fault,” Talia grumbled under her breath. “But I didn’t tell you the whole truth. About Kraven. He’s more animal than man. An absolute savage, mark my words, dushka.” [darling]
“Warning accepted. And to answer your question. It’s a challenge. That’s why I’m doing it.”
“He’d be more than just a challenge.”
“I’m counting on it.”
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The unpredictability of this target revealed itself soon enough when Kravinoff didn’t seem to have a single pattern. It was confounding. People had patterns to orient themselves in their daily lives.
You didn’t understand it.
So, the fact that he entered a hotel bar raised your suspicions even more. It wasn’t your ideal preference with the amount of exit strategies the location offered. With wary eyes, you strolled towards the bar, instantly recognizing the broad shoulders clothed in a white dress shirt.
You sighed. This was truly bad. But it wouldn’t be the first time your cover was blown before the job could even start. A curious glance towards the amount of glasses behind the barkeeper made you smirk though.
Kravinoff slightly turned his head the closer you got before you finally sat on the stool, without any space separating you two. If the target was aware of the oncoming hit, then it didn’t matter keeping up pretences.
He pulled the amber-filled tumbler to his lips. “You want to have a drink before we get started? It’s on me.” If the file didn’t give it away before, the accent certainly revealed his Russian heritage.
“Sure. I love to celebrate.” You pointed a finger in the air and motioned for the barkeeper with a “I’ll have what he’s having, neat. Keep the bottle.”
Kravinoff snorted, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “That’s funny. Already certain of your victory?”
You watched the barkeeper pour two fingers into your glass before he wandered away. “Just enjoying myself during work.” You sipped a bit and instantly hummed from the smoky taste in your mouth.
Kravinoff raised an eyebrow. “You like?”
You shrugged. “You seem to have taste when it comes to certain refreshments.”
The man grunted at your sarcastic dig which satisfied you if you couldn’t use the moment of surprise to your advantage.
Kravinoff twirled his glass between his fingers. “Who sent you?” he inquired throatily.
“What? No foreplay?”
He slowly turned in his seat until his legs were spread and he was facing you head-on. His eyes were burning with intensity. In any other situation you would have deemed him beautiful in a gruff way. Kravinoff remained sullen and quiet, waiting for you to speak.
You rolled your eyes, knocking back your drink. “You’re no fun. Perhaps I intend to play with my prey before I have to kill it.”
His mouth twisted into a sinister smirk. “You think I’m your prey?” The last word sounded like he tasted something nasty on his tongue. 
“Don’t insult me, pet.”
You furrowed your brows at the mention of that so-called term of endearment.
Kravinoff lazily laced his fingers together. “So, what are you? Regular mercenary? HYDRA agent? Talon?”
Kravinoff tilted his head at that one word in intrigue. “Hmm. It’s an honor-”
Something akin to pride or satisfaction lingered in your stomach.
“-to kill you.”
You clenched your jaw at the self-assurance in his voice. “Well, in that case…” You dared to steal Kravinoff’s drink, just to one-up him for that arrogance of his.
“… give it your best shot, sweetheart.”
Before he could even attack you, you hit his larynx with the side of your hand.
Kravinoff omitted a pained grunt, shielding his throat. He jumped from his chair.
You broke his tumbler on the counter, slashing Kravinoff’s neck.
With an animalistic growl and burning eyes, he seized your neck, smashing your face against the counter. Something like a creak resounded underneath you with the force.
A whimper left your lips. You felt something sharp on your temple.
In one swift move, Kravinoff slid your head along the counter. Something wet trickled down the side of your face. You hissed at the sensation of glass shards against your skin.
You kneed the back of his knee, managing to subdue him and jump him until your legs wound around his neck, making him groan with your choking move.
Your balance shifted as Kravinoff tried to shake you off by grabbing your hips. Trying to take him by surprise and to throw him off his game, you jabbed your fingers into his eyeballs.
With a snarl, he rushed forward against the counter. You groaned in pain at the hardwood.
God, you were starting to hate this assignment.
You were starting to get used to Kravinoff’s burning eyes branding holes into you instead.
“Stop choking me.” There was something horrifying yet fascinating about his ocean blue eyes switching into amber-colored ones. The kind that hypnotized you and rendered you frozen.
“Kinda defeats the purpose of killing you,” you hissed as a retort. Although it certainly delighted you at seeing Kravinoff’s face getting red.
Almost in keeping you at suspense, he slowly yanked out a hunting knife from behind his back and making you grimace in return. There was something about his eyes that revealed what he wasn’t saying.
Seeing no way out of this without getting utterly mutilated by this hunter, you stretched out your arm behind you and grabbed a broken glass. You would learn to fight another day.
Kravinoff winced and eyed his shin darkly.
Without losing any time for him to fight back in retaliation, you pushed against his chest with your feet, making him fall back.
Knowing that the moment he would look up, you had already run.
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“I heard you had an eventful day yesterday.”
The humorous statement drew a weary sigh from your lips. Your fingers clenched around the steering wheel at the mere reminder of the mission. Although you didn’t need it since there was nothing that could make you forget with every glance in the mirror or every movement of your muscles.
You inhaled deeply. “You know, it’s funny, when you were dead, the phone remained silent. Now I can’t get rid off you.”
“Allegedly dead. And don’t pretend. You crave our little talks.”
“You here to gloat?”
“Only when it’s warranted. I thought I told you he was dangerous. That’s on you—underestimating a man like him.”
You scoffed in derision. A man like him. “You’re probably right. At least I survived. Who else can say that?”
Your speaker phone remained silent.
You held your breath. “What’s wrong?”
“Kraven has a tendency to kill the people he sets his mind to. So the fact that you’re still alive worries me. He didn’t mention his death list, did he?”
Something moved uncomfortably in your stomach at the concept of an assassin following a list. You licked your lips, remembering how his eyes turned golden. A supernatural hunter trying to kill you wasn’t on your to-do list.
You parked your car in the garage of your safe house before you sped up the stairs.
“No, although there wasn’t a lot of time for talking, if you know what I mean.” You felt the civil conversation at the beginning would make the White Widow only insinuate how you had let your guard down, but you would disagree.
“I’m just saying, Kraven can find anyone, so you better be on your guard.”
A groan left your lips when you inspected the lock on your door, letting your head fall forward. “This isn’t happening,” you muttered in disbelief under your breath. “Got to run,” you called out.
“Don’t die,” Talia sang as a goodbye and half a reminder before hanging up.
You rolled your eyes. “Yes, thanks for the warning,” you grumbled to yourself before you inhaled through your nose in preparation. With your gun placed at the back of your belt and your Widow Bites switched on. Silently, you opened the door and pointed your wrist to the floor. Nothing, so far.
“I’m curious, how would you like to die?” you hollered through the apartment. “Any preferences? I should have asked the last time.” You studiously searched every room, knowing he was in here somewhere.
“How considerate,” Kraven’s sarcastic reply came closer than expected. “Not here to kill you.”
You scoffed loudly. “Yes, right. I’ll believe that when I see it,” you whispered.
Finally, you found him. With his back turned towards you and his arms behind his back, taking in his surroundings. You didn’t trust it one bit that someone like him would be vulnerable like that. Kraven’s figure in the kitchen almost made it seem to small with his dominating presence taking up all of the space. You reluctantly applauded that gall of his for invading your space like that and to make a surprise attack like that.
“You changed your shirt,” you observed quietly, taking in his casual shirt, despite there not being anything casual about him. “The other one too bloody for you?”
Humor was laced in his voice as he slowly turned around, sending you a daring glance. “Observant little spider. Just want to talk.”
The guffawing sound coming out of your throat awkwardly switched to a cough. “Sorry, that—I don’t know where that came from.”
“I’m curious what other sounds I can elicit from those lips.”
You furrowed your eyebrows at the blatant flirting. If that could be considered flirting since it felt more like a hit from a sledgehammer. Very direct and hard to get away from. Typical Russian.
You clenched your hand behind your back. Talia couldn’t fault you for staying on your guard. “And I’m wondering about your noises when I do this-”
You pointed your wrist at him, watching in satisfaction at the electric jolt shooting through his chest. Kraven groaned in pain before sending you a dark glare at your own insolence.
“I was trying to have a normal conversation. You know, trying something new. You make this really hard though.”
You frowned at his ability to talk or even standing upright as you sauntered over to a close cabinet. With calm movements, you attached a silencer to your gun, not needing any more unwanted guests.
“I’m not really interested in talking after our last conversation, you know-”
Your wind was knocked out of you when something pushed into you, making you crash to the floor. You gasped when the back of your head bumped against the wooden floor. Shaking your head, you sent him a thunderous expression. “Now that’s my kind of conversation,” you hissed before you swung your thighs around his neck, squeezing with all your might.
Kraven grunted, closing his eyes. With sudden movements, he stood up and the next thing you knew was that he had pushed you against the wall, making you groan from the sudden impact.
Between your legs, you felt him puff out in breaths, “You know, not that I’m complaining, but I think I’m starting to get used to that.”
His flirty tone of voice made you look down in reluctance to discover him humming contently between your thighs. Spite made you squeeze even tighter and punch against his shoulders with your elbows.
“Stop with your pointy elbows,” Kraven hissed in warning.
“Stop invading my safe house, Kraven svolotsch!” [scumbag]
Your eyes widened when Kraven moved backwards and threw you onto your back as you both fell to the floor. He seemed to have a thing for knocking the wind out of you.
“What did you just call me?” he exhaled next to you.
“You heard me,” you whispered in return, trying to catch your breath.
“You know, I do love our conversations,” Kraven murmured reverently.
“What do you want?” you finally asked in disappointment.
“Now, you want to talk?”
“Now I want you out,” you exhaled tiredly.
“You wound me, pet.”
“Stop calling me that.”
Kraven sighed, slowly sitting up. “Who paid you?”
You opened your eyes, uncertain about his intentions. “Then you’ll kill me?”
Kraven raised his eyebrows, almost like he couldn’t believe you even uttering those words to him. “One less Spider in this world would be a pity. Tell me their name and I’ll reimburse you for your troubles. This, I promise you.”
You inhaled deeply, not knowing if Kraven was the kind to keep his oaths. “Or what?”
“These people are going to kill you if you don't deliver, unless you’re interested in a third run?” Kraven raised his eyebrows in challenge. Probably for some reason sharing the same opinion as you.
“Maybe I haven’t decided yet,” you teased as you leaned on your arm while your hand reached for his thigh which sustained the injury during your last altercation.
Kraven narrowed his eyes with his tilting head in consideration. “Uh, what are you doing?” he whispered hoarsely.
You clenched your jaw. Something wasn’t right, you thought, as you let your fingernails stubbornly search for the cut on his leg.
Kraven swallowed before he cleared his throat. “Why are you stroking my leg? Is this some sort of Soviet seduction technique I didn’t know about?”
There wasn’t an injury. Your heart was racing in your chest at the implication of it.
“What are you?”
Silence enveloped you two. Kraven stared at you in contemplation. “Tit for tat, Spider.”
“Fine.” You rolled your eyes and stood up to stretch your legs. “I don’t know their name. It didn’t matter. He only called himself the Benefactor.”
“Mysterious,” Kraven grumbled behind you.
“Without poison, if it’s possible.”
You turned your body to reveal the fakest smile you could muster for him. “Only for you, sweetheart.”
“Oh, you treat me too well,” Kraven purred while cocking his head. “So, how does he contact you?”
“Encrypted connection via messaging server.” You offered a shot of vodka for him to take.
“Tell him to meet.” Pushing the brown locks away from his face, he threw back his drink.
“Well,…” You mulled over his offer. “…there’s only one choice to make. How do you feel about dying?” you inquired, putting the glass to your lips.
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You tapped your fingers against arm, waiting for the stop of the descent of the cargo elevator. All the while ignoring the stares of two other henchmen standing next to you.
Someone cleared their throat. “Are you like the real deal?”
You pursed your lips at the awkwardness of it all, being in the lair of the so-called Benefactor and being surrounded by fanboys. It was strange. Usually, you were used to people being terrified of your past. Like they couldn’t fathom the possibility of an assassin walking among them. Or that they’d rather didn’t see you being part of society.
“No, I just like dressing up,” you replied dryly, sending them a smirk over your shoulder. “You want me to turn on my batons?”
“Can we take a selfie?”
You considered that for a few seconds before shrugging. “Sure. You want to get the body bag too?”
“Is there really a body in there?”
“What can I say? Needed something large in size to fit the dude.”
Both seemed speechless for a second and made up their minds. “Neat. Come on, huddle together.”
You tilted your head, making a peace sign with your fingers before the camera made the sound of a snapshot. “Nice.”
“Thanks so much.”
You cleared your throat. “My pleasure. Until next time, fellas.” Your fingers made a saluting sign before the doors opened to signal your destination. “Got to deliver something,” you muttered before you wandered down the hallways of the complex.
You had to hand it to those villains. They certainly had the extravagant taste for the finer things in life such as a hidden lair for your base of operations. You turned the corner when the HQ became visible down a set of stairs. Judging by the set of computers and a few people strolling around, tending to their tasks.
In the center of the base a man stood. There was something about him that compelled your vigilance. You trusted your deepest instincts that told you that you were dealing with the Benefactor of all people.
You did a double-take towards the set of stairs, mumbling to yourself, “Huh, that’s a lot of stairs.”
Almost like your voice carried over to him, the man turned around, staring right at you. “Welcome. It’s an honor to be in the presence of a Black Widow.”
Your body tensed before you took a deep breath while carrying the body bag down the stairs, being mindful of every thunk as you descended.
“If you say so.” Your curious gaze met his. There was something about him that felt familiar. The man appeared in his late 60’s and wore an aviator jacket with the lapel lined with fur. “Have we met before?”
The Benefactor cleared his throat. “I don’t think so. Is that the package?”
You narrowed your eyes at the dismissal. “Depends. Are you the Benefactor?”
He smirked when he lowered his head. “Sometimes.”
You placed your hands on your waist, dropping the body bag fully to the floor. “Very cloak and dagger,” you mused. “And to answer to your question: no. I just carry my accessories in there. Really practical if you know what I mean.”
The staring between the Benefactor and you lingered far longer than you expected it would.
Then he smiled widely.
“You’re funny.”
“I haven’t been called that before,” you surmised before you dragged the bag closer to him and pulled down the zipper until it ended around his middle.
The Benefactor hummed curiously and leaned forward until he could really see him. “Hmmm, he looks really fresh,” he replied as an observation.
“I’m sorry?”
“The injuries on his face, I mean. There were stories about him, you know. Is it true that he can regenerate?”
Was he trying to mount him on a wall, or something? Or what was it about this talk of admiration?
Your gaze wandered around in scepticism at this strange diversion. “What kind of supervillain are you?” you asked with a hoarse voice.
The Benefactor chuckled under his breath. “I wouldn’t call myself super, not yet. But I have plans.”
“Hmm, don’t we all.”
He clapped his hands together, like you had just rejuvenated his spirits. “How hard was it to kill him?”
You stared at him calmly, knowing what was about to happen. “I think you know the answer to that,” you whispered ominously.
“Yes, I think I do.” Something glimmered in his eyes which gave you the incentive to turn on your Batons with their red glare.
Kraven’s eyes opened.
Ever so dramatic, you thought, as you inwardly rolled your eyes.
You didn’t gave away any warning before you doused the whole facility into complete darkness. There were gasps around you from the sudden blackout. Instead you turned off your Batons and switched over to your blades.
Something growled in the dark before you saw those golden eyes, like some sort of harbinger.
“You wanted me. Now here I am,” Kraven hissed menacingly.
“There’s no need for violence. I just wanted to see what would happen.”
“Okay,” you exhaled loudly. “Now watch this happen,” you promised sinisterly and threw the first blade.
Someone shrieked in shock when the knife pierced their leg. “Oh my—Goddammit!”
“Finish this, Kraven. I’m starving.”
You heard something powering up. With every second passing, a mechanical sound echoed in the air before something set into place. You turned your head just when night vision goggles jerkily snapped in your direction.
You suppressed a shiver and opted for the (more) silent tactic, swinging the baton around before shooting electricity through it at the last second.
Someone grunted before they fell to the floor.
“We don’t have all day, by the way. What’s taking so long?” you hollered and jerked back when the thrusters of an exo-suit flew past. “What the hell?”
“I know what I’m doing,” Kraven exhaled, hovering in the air, somewhere near the ceiling. “You deal with your henchmen and I’ll take care of this one.”
The alarm deafened your ears before red lights pulsed rhythmically into the dark, giving you the opportunity to watch—wait a second—the Vulture pressing Kraven against the wall.
“Are you sure?”
“Is this concern I’m hearing?” Kraven growled inhumanly before wrestling against like a rabid animal, tearing with all his might against one of the wings.
“If you want to fight the Vulture, be my guest.” You turned your head and watched in suspension as a new group of henchmen ran inside.
“Oh hey, fanboys!” you called out, waving a hand in greeting at the familiar faces.
They looked uncertainly at each other before one whispered to the other, “I don’t want to fight the Black Widow.”
“If it’s any consolation, if Kraven hadn’t taken so long, we would’ve been out of here already, so…” You twirled your batons in the air. “I’m not really giving you a choice, fellas.”
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~Kraven POV~
Kraven was done with this bird man. He didn't mind heights, but this Vulture was messing with his good nature. The thruster’s engine made spluttering noises the longer his fingers viciously tore at it.
“This is all just a big misunderstanding.”
Kraven sneered at the pilot. “Tell that to me a few days ago when you tried to have me killed. Sending a Widow after me? Seems pretty clear to me,” he hissed with venom in his voice.
“Let go of the wing and we’ll talk.”
“The time for conversations is over, ptashka.” Feeling the itching in his fingers, he yanked out his hunting knife, ready to strike and not caring that they would fall several meters to the ground. [birdie]
“Okay, fine.”
Kraven frowned in anger when he was instead pushed, making him land on all fours.
Vulture’s landing was a bit inept, with the wing's engine sputtering. His arms were raised.
“Cease fire for now?”
“I haven’t decided yet,” Kraven exhaled unevenly, feeling wrath still bubbling under the surface, sending you an expression of aggravation over his shoulder. Hoping you would understand not to cross Vulture for now without speaking.
“Can’t make any promises for her though,” Kraven mentioned casually while pointing towards you, like he was discussing the weather.
Thankfully, you fastened your batons at your back again.
“It was an invitation,” Vulture explained vaguely. “A test if you will. To join our circle.”
“Recruitment?” Kraven was getting bored already - this wasn’t really tickling his fancy. He raised an eyebrow with a sneer. “Not interested in joining anyone’s club. I have my own agenda to follow. I'm not bending towards anyone’s rules.”
“We respect your … hunts if you will.”
“A collection of people who have been wronged. Like-minded people such as yourself. We could use someone like you who loves the thrill of the hunt. Because that’s what you do, right? You absolutely live for it. To hunt your prey until it grows tired.”
Kraven hummed noncommittally. Not sure yet of this secret club. But this bird man certainly could appeal to his baser nature. “I’ve reached a decision.”
Vulture tilted his head in fascination, but didn’t reveal his eyes behind those goggles.
“I won’t kill you … yet. For drawing me out like that. But you have aggravated me with your little games by making me neglect my work.” With every sentence, Kraven took a step forward, needing to drive home that he could kill them for their impertinence. “So, I’m going to take off and then I’ll debate with myself if I should drop by in the future. Be thankful if I don’t.”
He turned away, knowing with absolute clarity that they wouldn’t be stopped.
“Not even curious?” Vulture called from behind him, trying to dangle one last temptation.
“Too busy.”
“Even for a spider?”
Kraven clenched his jaw in agitation as he stopped in his tracks. And there went wrath all over again. His gaze met yours.
And there he thought he wouldn’t have to kill anyone.
Kraven turned his body, unable to stop the clenching of his fists. “Come again?”
“Oh, not this one,” he said, waving a hand at you. “I wouldn’t dare cross a potential asset.”
“Not interested,” you negated with absolute certainty.
Vulture shook his head. “Not interested … too busy.” With careful movements he took off his night vision goggles. “I thought it could interest you to hunt a certain … Spiderman.”
Tagging: @mellowstatesmanhandsempath​ @ravenmoore14​ @blackmagicwoman
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Okay, I wanna talk about this scene and what it might mean for Loki and Mobius in S2.
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Sure, they stood here so Loki could point at the panel showing all the Kangs fighting, and the full mural is meant to be the story of how the Time Keepers created order out of chaos, but what if it also means something else.
Let's look at Mobius first, then Loki.
Mobius POV
Mobius is standing with his back to a panel representing chaos and looking at one that represents order, showing the Time Keepers appearing as gods to shocked people below. Seems very religious and mythological, right?
Mobius had always believed in order and that what the TVA were doing, ripping people from their lives, was necessary.
He also has previously likened Loki's origins, which is literal mythology in mcu form, as similar to his own experiences in the TVA.
"If you think too hard about where any of us came from, who we truly are, it sounds kinda ridiculous."
Now, he knows the Time Keepers are fake, that he wasn't created by them. By this point in the episode, he's already acknowledged to B-15 that their gods are dead.
What he isn't aware of is who exactly was behind the curtain or that all-out war is coming. That's something Loki reveals to Mobius, showing him the truth in his blindspot (the panel behind him).
This revelation for Mobius feels pretty similar to how the truth was revealed to Loki in S1E1.
Mobius is also looking at a panicked Loki. He's seen him teary-eyed before, but not this distressed.
What Mobius sees before him is his fear, that Loki won't be able to escape the bonds of the sacred timeline, that he's doomed to die, and that pains him.
And one last thing. Loki is a god of mischief, and I can't help thinking about the comparison of a real god Mobius can see in front of him and the fake Time Keepers in the panel behind Loki.
Loki POV
Meanwhile, Loki is looking at chaos that scares him. The panel has several Kangs all fighting for supremacy in a pose that was similar to that shown by Kang in S1E6.
Loki is the god of mischief, who thrives on chaos, and yet the prospect of all these Kangs frightens him.
War is the only thing preoccuping his mind. It's the only thing he can see.
But behind him are the Time Keepers, and we know they are fake, but what if the truth Loki has to face is that while he no longer wants a throne, he might need to take it to save the people he cares for, his found family.
Loki is looking at Mobius, who's concerned about him and a little rattled, but ultimately keeping his calm. I think this calm is likely to fracture the more season 2 progresses.
What Loki sees before him is his fear, that Mobius will be caught up in the war and lost to him. It's a reminder of what's at stake if he doesn't restore order. And he's already experienced a Mobius who didn't know him, and that was heartbreaking.
What this scene also does is continue both Loki and Mobius being mirrors for each other, revealing truth and reflecting one another.
They are similar to each other in many ways. We saw glimpses of Mobius embracing chaos in S1, which I always love to see. And I can't wait to see more of these soulmates. They are important to one another.
And I haven't even spoken about all the touching, that Mobius doesn't want to lose Loki and Loki is just so desperate to get to Mobius, but I think other people have covered that.
Thanks to @lgwilt and @insert-witty-user-name-here for discussing this theory with me. I added in your glorious insights because what you said really resonated with me.
And just a wee note to everyone that this is just me theorising, and usually my theories do not happen, but I couldn't help pondering if this mural had an even deeper meaning. I just like theorising for fun.
Hopefully, the above made some sort of sense.
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bunnywrites1414 · 1 year
Happy Kink-tober ~~
This years kinktober is 100% compiled of self inserts because I am a spoiled brat and this is my account :)))
I am not sorry for any of these
As always pls read the tags for EVERY SINGLE fic before you read. Don’t accidentally trigger yourself.
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Day 1: Steve Harrington
Teasing- Your friends cannot take a hint and Steve doesn't seem to care
Day 2: Suna Rinatarou
Thigh Riding- What kind of jerk invites someone over and then sits on a computer game for 2 hours? Suna, that's who.
Day 3: Shota Aizawa
Oral Fixation- Y/N gets bratty without something in her mouth and Aizawa is tired of hearing her.
Day 4: Jax Teller
Daddy Kink- Y/N knows what that word does to Prince Teller, she just doesn't care
Day 5: Eddie Munson
Corruption- She is the cutest thing he's ever seen and he cannot wait to ruin her.
Day 6: Spencer Reid
Sadomasochism- Angry Dom!Spencer = Unfair punishments
Day 7: Hitoshi Shinsou
Mind control- Hitoshi's quirk is fun, when he can convince his partners to let him do it
Day 8: Johnathan Byers
Brat Taming- Johnathan is a pushover. His submissive is well aware of that. However it takes more than a pout to sway his friend Eddie
Day 9: Izuku Midoriya
Forced Orgasms- Y/N tastes like heaven and Izuku can't control himself
Day 10: Ushijima Wakatoshi
Size Kink- Ushiwaka is a big 'ol boy
Day 11: Sam Winchester
Angry Sex- Sam hates Y/N. Y/N hates Sam. Dean and Bobby think it's hilarious.
Day 12: Billy Hargrove
Costumes- Billy didn't even know Y/N was coming to this party, but he knows they're matching costumes and that her ass looks perfect in those shorts.
Day 13: Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fat Gum) ft. Kirishima
Teaching- Kirishima has some questions for his mentor and Fatgum is happy to help.
Day 14: Katsuki Bakugo
Phone Sex- Katsuki's away on a mission and Y/N can't cum without him
Day 15: Eddie Munson
Throat Training-Eddie is really good with his mouth, Y/N wants to make him feel just as good as he makes her feel, but it takes a little work.
Day 16: Kotaro Bokuto ft. Kuroo
Group Sex- Kuroo's little girlfriend is really cute and he knows it. Bokuto is a connoisseur of cute things, and Kuroo's not so bad.
Day 17: Eijiro Kirishima
Pain Play- Kirishima is a people pleaser and Y/N likes a little pain with her pleasure
Day 18: Jax Teller
Dumbification- Even 'big hot shot Scientists' need a few moments to be a little brainless.
Day 19: Amren
Blood- Amren has never had blood wraith
Day 20: Arron Hotchner ft. Spencer Reid
Pet Play- Arron forgets to mention he's bringing home a friend, and Y/N is deep in pet space when they get there
Day 21: Cassian
Primal Play - Cassian’s an animal.
Day 22: Steve Harrington ft. Eddie Munson
Degradation and Praise- Steve and Eddie balance each other very well, or at least Y/N thinks so
Day 23: Azriel Shadowsinger
Edging- 'If you hold it I'll reward you'. Y/N likes rewards.
Day 24: Spencer Reid
Bondage- Reid wants to practice his knots
Day 25: Dean Winchester
Overstimulation- Dean is cocky and Y/N thinks it's funny to push his buttons.
Day 26: Eddie Munson
Dacryphilia- Eddie teaches Y/N a thing or two about discipline and can't help but notice how pretty she looks when she's crying.
Day 27: Shota Aizawa
DILF- Aizawa knows he's old enough to be her dad, but his Nanny is perfect
Day 28: Tetsuro Kuroo
Psuedocest- He knows he shouldn't but she sounds so desperate. What kind of brother would he be if he just let his little sister suffer?
Day 29: Spencer Reid
CNC- Y/N is stuck. Like really really stuck. Her neighbor Reid agrees to help under one condition.
Day 30: Keiji Akaashi
Mutual Masturbation- Akaashi is a visual learner, but Y/N thinks he just likes to see her embarassed
Day 31: Jax Teller
Rough Sex- Jax likes to fuck after he fights, and his choice of ass has a hard time saying no to that smile.
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animelovelover123 · 7 months
Hey there! You don't have to answer, but what do you think (insert DMC charas of your choice) would do for Valentines Day? Love your work btw. Always makes my day when you post 🥰 Have a great evening
Devil May Cry Boys Valentine
Parings: Dante, Reboot Dante, Vergil, Reboot Vergil, Nero, V x Reader
Author Note: Thanks for the suggestion! I woke up late today (was up and down all night because of period pain) and when I saw this and started imagining scenarios it made me feel better. Hope you like it, happy Valentine’s Day/Singles Awareness Day!
This mans straight up forgot, like always. He is always forgetting dates and holidays, especially if he is out on a mission in some remote place so doesn’t have the typical festive decorations that litter stores to tip him off that some event is approaching. Even when he is at home though, sometimes he holes up in his house just eating delivery food and relaxing so the world outside and the passage of time goes on without him.
He scrambles to prepare something, anything.
What can he set up in less than a day? What do people do for Valentine’s Day? He is not used to having a partner.
Fancy restaurants? Can he get into any of those? No, they have all been booked months in advance.
Okay, candlelit dinner at home. Should he order something? No, that’s not special enough. So he should cook. He can cook, right? It can’t be that hard.
It was… it was hard.
Well while that disaster is on the way, what else can he do?
Flowers? Flowers sound nice. Again though, most florists are sold out of the traditional roses, but at least he can make his own with his demon abilities (see Lucifer from DMC4). How many does he make though? One? Six? A dozen? Well now Dante has enough roses to fill a hot tub but that’s fine, he can just sprinkle the petals around. What does he do with the stems? Uh… just throw them in the closet for now.
What else?
He should dress up! He still has a suit, right? Does it fit him still? He hasn’t worn it in years.
In the end, you have dinner with Dante who tries to act cool, despite the fact that he is in a suit that is two sizes too small, his food is a mushy mess (a good-tasting mush might I add but still), he nearly set the place on fire with the old candles he used, and you both have little nicks all over your hands from cleaning up the rose stems that came cascading out of the closet when you tried to hang up your coat.
He swears up and down that he will do better next year. Yes, it was a disaster, but by god he tried.
Reboot Dante
Dante is not into Valentine’s Day and how commercialized it is. Every ad, shop, and website proclaims that if you don’t buy your partner <insert product name here> then your relationship will fail. What bullshit.
But you know what is kind of fun? The day after.
Pounds and pounds of chocolate and sweets on sale for cheap.
Popular hangout spots mostly barren as everyone just went.
Bars and restaurants with half-used bottles of wine and champagne that are usually multiple tens of dollars a glass now being sold at a fraction of the price because it was quickly going stale.
Valentine-themed lingerie and sex toys practically being given away at stores.
So hold off on the celebration baby. Save that cash you would have spent.
The next day you and Dante will go on a shopping spree, buying more chocolate than you two could eat.
And as you two indulge in said chocolate, you can bounce from one place to the next, enjoying bougie alcohol at empty restaurants and practically having places like amusement parks, arcades, and waterparks all to yourselves.
And when you two get home, well you now have a drawer full of new lingerie and sex paraphernalia that Dante is dying to try. Which one does he want to try today? Oh no baby, you don’t get it. Dante wants to try them all.
Vergil is the kind of man who did not see a point in doing anything special for Valentine’s Day. He gave you love and affection all year round, why would doing something specifically on this one day mean more than any other?
But if you show even the slightest sliver of disappointment at this, he will do something. Nothing basic though. If he was going to go out of his way for this then he was going to be extra about it.
So on the day he picks you up from work, school, or just your home, in a limo.
He takes you to a dress and suit rental shop filled with gowns and suits of all styles and colours. He also made sure to find a rental place that also offered accessories so jewellery, headdresses, and shoes were also available.
He will not exert his will over your choice, but he does want to be present for you trying things on and he will suggest some things. He claims that he simply wants to make sure you are presentable, but he secretly is having a lot of fun seeing you in different styles, patterns, and colours. He takes mental notes of what kind of things you look good in so he can get them for you later.
Once you pick out whatever you like he takes you to a dance hall where a ball is being held. Men, women, and everyone in between are dressed to the nines and dance around the room to live music. The way the lights shine, the glitter of jewels sparkle, and the fabric of all the dresses swish around creating a dream-like atmosphere.
Vergil will lead you in multiple dances. If you seem nervous or mess up the steps, he does not criticize you. He brushes it off as there is no need to worry. Yes, this was an elegant ball, but that should not restrict you. He did not bring you here to try to force you to act fancy.
He brought you here to make you happy, and that’s all he cares about. Not just today, but every day.
Reboot Vergil
This man is always working and unfortunately does not spend a lot of one-on-one time with you. He makes exceptions for special events though, such as your birthday, anniversaries, and Valentine’s Day.
He will spend time with you for these events. Note, though, that the likelihood of Vergil actually spending the specific day with you is low. His social life must work around his work, he warned you of this before you started dating. So your Valintine’s Day celebration will happen in about a month's vicinity of February 14th.
When the time comes though, Vergil spares no expense. Literally, this man is loaded and he will use this opportunity to shower you with luxury and attention to make up for all the time he spends working.
We are talking about a multi-day vacation to anywhere in the world you want to go to do whatever you want. And you know exactly where you are going because you are the one that planned it all. Again, Vergil is a very busy man.
This isn't to say he will not have a few surprises in store for you.
Despite what it may seem, when you are talking at him while he is typing away on his computer he is listening. He has a specific file on his computer that lists all of the things you are interested in and said you wanted and will secretly add to it while you talk.
The surprises he gets you for Valentine’s Day will be extravagant, not a simple book or game you have been interested in. He just buys those for you whenever they come up, if you don’t take the initiative and get it yourself with his card. So be ready for things like private concerts from your favourite singer and/or group, getting to play the beta version of an unreleased game you have been waiting years for, or getting to play a minor role in an episode or two of your favourite TV show.
The time you two had together would be relatively brief, as only a few days were scheduled and he reminded you that he would have to return to work as soon as possible.
It was almost two weeks later when he could finally pull himself away from you.
A traditional lover from a traditional city and religion.
Even if Nero was not really into the rules and restrictions of The Order of the Sword, some of his beliefs did line up with theirs.
For example, Nero wasn’t interested in getting you something sexy for Valentine’s Day as he felt it was a bit sleazy and he worried that it would give off the impression that he was only interested in sex. However, if you are the one to gift him with a special something something in the bedroom then he will be all for it.
No, Nero wanted to keep things clean and simple.
Flowers, chocolates, and a card filled with some personal and deep feelings that you better not tell anyone about because he would die of embarrassment if it got out.
He’ll take you out on a date, but not to a restaurant or anything. Instead, he planned a picnic for you two. He made all the food himself, with minimal help from Kyrie. Mainly she just acted as a recipe book and made sure everything he made was safe to eat. Nero was a decent cook, but he did not want to risk making you sick. It may not look immaculate (he doesn’t have a normal right arm, give him a break) but it tasted great.
On the day he will take you out of town, somewhere nice and natural. A peaceful place with a beautiful view and no one around for miles that can get in the way of you two being together.
This will be the first Valentine’s Day V ever celebrates, period. He knows of the day, of course, and many of the traditions that accompany it. But he has never gotten to experience them.
It was also a bit troublesome as many of the typical Valentine’s Day activities, such as fancy dinners, either at home or going out, giving flowers and reciting poetry were things V did for you regularly.
So if days with him are already filled with elegance and refined shows of affection, how would he make this day special? Well, he will do the opposite.
V invites you to make homemade chocolates with him. With his lack of experience, it is a messy task and the finished product is far from immaculate, but that did not matter to him.
He could clean later and his familiars could eat any mistakes created. (They were demons, they could eat chocolate despite their animal forms.)
What mattered was experiencing something new with you. To spend the day working together, laughing at the mess-ups and sharing the prideful joy of success.
And he also quickly discovered the appeal of licking chocolate off each other.
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leahrintarou · 1 year
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☠︎︎ WARNINGS: fwb relationship, best friends, no penetration, female stimulation, teasing, fem reader
☠︎︎ WORD COUNT: 1.3k
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y/n's eye's darted up from the screen of her laptop and to the entrance of her bedroom's door after hearing it swing open with such force. "we lost" she heard the blonde announce before closing the door behind himself. "and you're smiling about it?" y/n questioned, still a bit pissed about his sudden barge into her home. "it was a fun game, i don't mind losing, after all, i got to play with some people i knew from high school"
y/n only sighed, before feeling the slight and sudden pressure on the area of her bed that atsumu decided to lay back on. "i could've introduced you but, you never come to my games to watch me play anyways" he frowned, eye's slightly glaring at y/n's uninterested expression. "you want me to watch you lose?" she looked up from her laptop to meet atsumu's gaze, smiling when the evidence of his pissed off state became visible on his features.
"i always come to your stupid student occasions. every one that you've taken for each semester too. despite them being so boring-"
he let out an unexpected whine when y/n's hand collided with his shoulder, leaving a stinging pain behind. "you always tell me how each of your games go, anyway. so, just fill me in on the shit ton of girls that flirted with you or vice-versa" atsumu groaned at her words before sitting up to remove her laptop from it's place on her thighs. "you know i'm not like that anymore, n/n"
"oh, really? i thought you were" atsumu couldn't tell whether she was using sarcasm or not but knowing y/n well enough, it was probably the first option. "you act like you wouldn't fall for me if i actually tried to date you"
"i wouldn't, you're basically a manwhore" she reached for her laptop, pulling it back into her lap so she could focus her attention back onto it. "aw, call me that again" he laughed when y/n' attempted to throw a pillow directly toward his face. "shut up, tsumu"
she calmed down, eventually, finally being able to voice a question. "so..are you going to tell me why you just bursted into my room without calling me?" she questioned. "well, you did give me a key to your apartment which means you're comfortable enough with me catching you doing basically anything. and i also just came here to see you"
y/n glared at his own calmly natured gaze, struggling to look away from him. with the sound of a notification from her phone, she was thankful that it finally snapped her out of her daze. atsumu would always have that affect on her, whether it was intentional or not. everything he did, basically mezmorized her which is why most of the time, she words slick insult or comments just to avoid him from becoming too relaxed.
"well, you saw me. what do you want to do?" she asked. "I'm not sure yet" atsumu was trapped in thought and his sudden silence made y/n look up to admire his features. he felt her gaze but decided to ignore it. that was until, it shifted onto his lips and his lips only. thoughts raced through y/n's head when she saw him smile, immediately forcing herself to look away and back to her laptop. "i feel you staring, pretty"
"fuck off, I just spaced out"
"really? what were you thinking about?"
she didn't reply and only kept her focus onto the screen of her laptop, contemplating whether or not she should insert some earbuds too. just so she could ignore the rising tension that was only being built up more and more in the atmosphere of her room, once again, atsumu removed her laptop from her lap, replacing it with his head, resting it there while his hand caressed the side of her thigh.
"tsumu, i have to finish my assignment. its due in a few hours" she explained reaching for it. he lifted his head before grabbing y/n's wrist. "then why've you been staring at the blank screen for so long?. clearly you're thinking about anything but that assignment." atsumu eventually sat up properly, before leaning closer to y/n, just barely grazing his lips over hers. he immediately pulled away when he felt her attempt to pull him in closer. "i guess it's too bad that i'm a manwhore, though"
"atsumu" y/n groaned, finally having enough of his teasing. "aw, dropped the nickname, already?" he frowned and just before y/n could speak, he properly leaned in, this time fully pressing his lips against her own. his lips moved as if he didn't have a care in the world and in this moment it felt as if he really didn't. "do you want more, n/n?" he smirked against her after inhaling a sharp breath when she purposely bit his lip.
"don't get all cocky, tsumu"
but despite wanting to keep her pride, the heat that rose between her thighs had other plans to which she couldn't help but follow. atsumu moved next to y/n, resting his back on the headboard before urging her to sit between his legs, her back resting against his chest. atsumu placed small kisses and actions of affection onto her shoulders, the lack of attention where she needed it the most almost making her want to groan from frustration. his hands made its way under the layered hems of her pants and underwear, erupting a satisfied sigh from y/n.
"i think im allowed to be cocky since you get so excited over my slightest touch"
before y/n could speak, the pads of atsumu's digits pressed directly against her bud, making her hold back her word's to avoid it coming out as a pleasured moan. atsumu kept an unsteady and patterned pace just to tease y/n enough so she'd voice her frustration of impatience. he smiled when a whimper left her lips after he purposely slowed his movement. "what's wrong, n/n?"
"you're teasing"
"i know" he smiled, suddenly building up a speed that immediately caught y/n off guard. small moans erupted from her throat when she felt like holding back was just going to make the situation more frustrating. atsumu smiled at her uncontrolled actions, her hips jerked up against his hand, her chest heavied repeatedly, and her legs so desperately wanted to wrap around his wrist. and with another lasting fast pace of atsumu's fingers against y/n's bud, her head leaning back onto his shoulder as her unexpected and fastly arriving peak was finally drawn out of her.
she tried to steady her breathing but quickly failed when atsumu only continued.
"again" he mumbled against her ear. y/n wasn't even sure if she could manage to build up the now overwhelming pleasure in such a small amount of time but the way atsumu's words sounding so confident, she had a little hope. she reached for his wrist to slightly slow his movements so she'd be able to relax against his touch for at least a second. y/n felt relief when atsumu complied but, not without a bit of reluctance. "tsumu"
he hummed at her words, when her hand's rested on his thighs to somehow ground herself to reality. his touches were overwhelmingly pleasure filled. his free hand griped her waist to cease her jerking movements as a continuous stream of moans were laced into her warning's over her second orgasm's arrival. her words only sent excitement through the entirety of atsumu's body, and a smile formed on his lips when her grip on his thighs tightened, her legs closely and suddenly encasing his wrist.
"am i still a manwhore, n/n?" atsumu asked, the pacing of his fingers still continuing at a normal pace. he awaited for y/n's answer to decide whether or not if he should draw yet another orgasm from her already sensitive figure.
"yes...tsumu, wait-"
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vivalas-vega · 1 year
new perspectives / jake ‘hangman’ seresin x reader / part five
I wanted to get this one out quickly for y’all!! here is the much needed relief we all needed after that last chapter. as always, lmk what you think and if you want to be added to the taglist!
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new perspectives / jake ‘hangman’ seresin x reader / part five
add yourself to my taglist
prologue - one - two - three - four 
word count: 4.3k
warnings: language, angst, basically another grey’s anatomy ep so... medical inaccuracies and drama !!!
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Sitting in one of the imaging rooms in your own hospital, a room you’d previously spent countless hours in and would go on to spend countless more, brought you a small bit of peace. You were surrounded by familiar faces and doctors you trusted and respected, and that made a world of a difference in your confidence for Mary’s outcome. Despite how close you were to the case no one was excluding you from conversations or keeping you out of the loop on anything, you were given just as much of a voice as Dr. Lewis in dictating her care as you looked over several of her scans and brainstormed a game plan. If this was truly your case you would have kicked your own ass to the curb several hours ago but the patience and grace everyone was extending you didn’t go unnoticed. 
“What if you try coming in through here?” you asked, and Dr. Lewis pondered your suggestion for a moment, trying to visualize before shaking his head.
“If I insert the probe here,” he said, illustrating the path with his fingers, “I’m going to disrupt something here,” he circled around Broca’s Area. “Do that and she’ll lose the ability to speak, she’s a teacher right?”
“Third grade, and she’s damn good at it,” you sighed.
“Then we aren’t taking any risks, I think our best course here is to go in this way,” he said, outlining a new pathway and you nodded.
“It’s still tricky but I think that’s going to be the best approach,” you agreed. 
“Why did you end up leaving neuro? You’ve clearly got a knack for it,” he asked suddenly, looking you over curiously.
“I loved neuro, did Dr. Adams tell you he used to call us the Brain Buddies?” you asked and he shook his head laughing. “He’d go around the hospital saying it like we were some superhero duo… I used to think there was no high like neurosurgery, but then one day there was this massive train crash. Most people were too unstable to move so we went to them. When we got there most had already died and the ones who hadn’t were one slight breeze away from following suit. There was this girl, about my age, who was bleeding out faster than I could control. Nothing was working and I began to panic… trauma is quick and dirty, there’s no time to gameplan or even think, you just have to figure it out as you go and be resourceful, so I used dirt,” you chuckled though it really wasn’t funny. “I just scooped a handful and packed the wound and it worked… we had to load her up on so many antibiotics she got C. Diff and the poor thing needed a fecal transplant but she made a full recovery,” you said with a smile. “That was a high unlike anything else, and I just never looked back. Trauma is where all the fun is.” 
“You sound exactly like one of my buddies who’s a doctor with the Army… you ever considered that path?”
“Briefly but… Jake, Mary’s son, is in the Navy. Every deployment crushes both of our parents and they worry, I couldn’t do that to them… I think they’d all lose their minds if they lost both of their kids to that life,” you said and he nodded.
“Well, let’s go give her some good news, let her know what the plan is.” Mary was surprisingly calm throughout the whole thing, she didn’t even blink when Dr. Lewis briefed her on all the risks (stroke, paralysis, loss of speech, death), all she had said was well, if I can’t speak there’s always sign language and death is better than a painful year of chemo. Really she didn’t care about any of it, she asked if you agreed with his approach and she’d said that was all she needed to know when you’d answered yes. She’d truly put all of her trust in you, she let go of the whole thing and just accepted that because you said it would be okay that it would… and that terrifies you beyond belief. You were a confident doctor, always had been, but right now with her looking at you with such pride and peace you felt sick, knowing that no matter how good a patient’s outcome looks going into surgery that can always change at the drop of a hat.
“That’s the attitude, Mary, keep that up… patients who go in with a positive outlook are much more likely to come out the other side,” Dr. Lewis said. You oversaw the interns in charge of her pre-op care and she had watched through amused eyes as you ordered them around and even called you a hardass… much like Jake had done when he’d visited you in Boston. 
“It seems mean now but Dr. Stevens will tell you his skills have improved since I came around to knock some sense into him. If you put the fear of god in them they’re much more malleable,” you joked.
“It must be working because they are terrified to disappoint you,” Mary said and you didn’t miss how proud she sounded.
“Jupiter is very tough, tougher than any of the attendings but I’ve learned a lot from her,” Dr. Stevens confirmed and you narrowed your eyes at him. “And she makes a mean chocolate chip cookie, I heard that was your recipe.”
“Stop kissing my ass and bring me her updated labs,” you said and he nodded quickly as we went to leave the room, “and just because I’m off duty that doesn’t mean I’m not doctor to you!” you called after him and Mary just laughed.
“I like seeing this side of you,” she said, looking up at you appreciatively and you gave her a warm smile. “If I’m being honest I thought wanting to be a surgeon at twelve years old was just a crazy phase… thought you maybe saw a cool doctor in a movie or something but looking at you now… I couldn’t imagine you doing anything else,” she said.
“I wouldn’t be here without you,” you said, giving her hand a squeeze and you noticed Jake enter the room without saying a word.
“You’ll be in the surgery?” she asked and you nodded.
“I’m not allowed to be involved in the actual operation… it’s too much of a conflict of interest, but Dr. Lewis has graciously agreed to let me be in the room with you.”
“That makes me feel better… knowing you’ll be there,” she said and you gave her another smile before you excused yourself to step into the hallway when Dr. Stevens flagged you down and you looked over her labs in relief.
“What do these tell you?” you asked, handing the paper back to him and he looked at you curiously for a moment, “I taught you better than this, Dr. Stevens, I know you can read labs,” you said.
“I just… I didn’t expect you to be teaching right now,” he said and you watched as he looked over the paper and processed the information. “These all look good, she’s in optimal shape to be heading into surgery,” he said and you nodded.
“Exactly, let Dr. Lewis know and page me when you’re taking her up.”
“Didn’t expect you to be teaching right now either,” you heard Jake say and you turned around to face him with a sigh.
“Your mom’s case is an incredible teaching example and Dr. Stevens shows promise within neuro. Your mom understands that, she’s thrilled he’s getting to learn from her and she wants me to take the opportunity to teach when I can, it’s my job.” you said.
“But you’re not working right now,” he said and you gave a soft nod.
“You’re right, I’m not… I’m just doing everything I can to make sure she receives the best standard of care and teaching when I have the opportunity to ensures that, not just for her but for everyone else’s mom that comes in after her.” He just nodded and you could tell that he was annoyed with you. “Jake, just talk to me.”
“We’ve already gone through the procedure, I don’t need to talk about it anymore,” he replied and you furrowed your brows.
“You know that’s not what I mean.”
“I need you, J. I need you and you’re not here,” he said in a hushed whisper, trying to avoid the nosy ears of your interns at the desk just a few feet away.
“I’m right here,” you said but he just shook his head.
“You’re not. You’re making calls and teaching interns, or holed away in an imaging room and you’re talking to me like I’m just some patient’s family member. There’s enough doctors around here, I just needed you… I needed you to be my Jupiter through this and you were just another doctor,” he said with a disappointed look before stepping back into his mother’s room and any tension that had eased after setting the plan in place with Dr. Lewis was back in full force. Your heart ached and you wanted to go after him but you knew this wasn’t the moment… he was angry and scared and he didn’t understand where you were coming from and that was all okay. There was no way to rationalize with his mother heading into brain surgery in less than an hour and you chose to believe that when the dust settled and she came out the other side things would level out but as selfish as it was… you needed a moment. A moment to clear your head and think so you wandered down to the emergency department, you let your eyes rake over the space as you took stock of how things were holding up in your absence and while you stood in front of the patient board you jumped when the Head of Trauma, Dr. Fowles approached you.
“What are you doing down here?” he asked, looking at you apologeticly as you placed a hand over your heart. 
“Needed a breather,” you said and he laughed.
“So you came to the pit for a little relaxation?” You nodded with a sheepish smile. “Want something to take your mind off it?”
“Please, I’ll take anything,” you said and he led you over to Bay Three and opened the curtain to reveal a beautiful laceration just begging for you to suture it. You introduced yourself as you gloved up and made small talk with her as you worked, taking your time to ensure she had as little scarring as possible.
“One minute you’re making lunch for your boyfriend, who is incredibly ungrateful by the way, and the next you’re in the ER because you zoned out wondering what your old college boyfriend was up to and sliced right through the avocado and into your hand,” she sighed and you chuckled.
“Never go down the college boyfriend rabbit hole, it’s never worth it,” you said. You finally felt like yourself, sure you’d been acting like a doctor nonstop for the past three days but it was all so deeply personal. This was cut and dry, you’d patch her up and send her on her way and likely never see her again. This was medicine without baggage and it felt so good. You hoped Jake was still somewhere on the other side of the hospital, if he saw you right now with that sparkle back in your eye hunched over this patient's open palm it would only make matters worse.
“You got lucky, I’m looking at the tendon here but you didn’t cut through… could be a sign… or a wake up call,” you suggested and she nodded.
“A sign to dump his sorry ass and find someone who will actually drive me to the ER instead of making me get blood all over my brand new car? Yeah, I’m one step ahead of you,” she said and you let out a soft laugh. 
“Well, you’re all good. Take the antibiotics, make sure you’re eating things with lots of good bacteria and fully finish the course even if it doesn’t feel like it’s doing anything… and please, don’t let him reel you back in the way they’re always so good at,” you said with a smile as you pulled your gloves off and went to the desk to update her chart.
“You’re a junkie,” Dr. Fowles said and you rolled your eyes at him.
“Takes one to know one,” you said, handing him the chart as your pager beeped and he wished you luck as you ran towards the elevator. You texted Jake to let him know you’d come out with an update once you had one and were on your way to meet them in the OR. Standing in the scrub room and overlooking them prepping Mary through the window you took a deep breath, you knew things would move quickly the second you got her here but it truly felt like one minute you were at the Hard Deck laughing with your friends and the next you’re here… about to step into surgery on one of the most important people in your life.
“I know you can’t tell through my mask, but I’m smiling right now,” you said as you approached her.
“I know, honey,” she replied and the anesthesiologist looked at you to let you know they were ready when you were. “Promise me something,” she said and you just shook your head.
“I’m not making you any promises, Mary, you’re not on your deathbed.”
“Promise me that when I’m out of the woods you are going to put me and John and your parents out of our misery and finally kiss that son of mine,” she said and you let out a shocked laugh.
“You are about to go under for brain surgery and that’s what you’re worried about right now?” you teased.
“You two drive me nuts! Just give me a wedding already.” she said and you shook your head.
“I’ll see what I can do… I’ll see you after, okay?” you said, nodding to the anesthesiologist. “Countdown from ten for me.”
“Ten… nine… give me a wedding… eight… seven-” she slurred as she fell under and you just chuckled to yourself as Dr. Lewis entered the room.
“Alright, Jupiter… I have been patient with you all day as you made me run through my surgical plan a dozen times and all but demanded to be in here, and I was happy to oblige because I like you, however there will not be a peep out of you from here on out, are we understood?” he asked and you nodded.
“Yes, sir. I understand.”
“Good, because I will throw you out so please don’t make me have to.” You watched as he began, your eyes intently flitting between his hands and the monitor that was displaying an aerial view of the surgical field and you felt nausea begin to creep in. You listened as Dr. Fowles narrated everything he was doing to Dr. Stevens, who you wanted to throw a bedpan at when they got eyes on the tumor… really you couldn’t be mad, his reaction was warranted and it was cool, but it would be a hell of a lot cooler if that tumor wasn’t in Jake’s mom’s head. You listened as Dr. Fowles changed his surgical approach, this was always a possibility. The scans give you a lot of information but any plans are just loose ideas until you actually get in there and see what’s going on, and you bit your tongue as you let him make his best judgment call on how to proceed. You were now two hours into the surgery but it felt like no time had passed at all.
“Alright, I think we’re ready to pull this sucker out, Dr. Stevens would you like to man the cautery?” Dr. Fowles asked and your heart stuttered in your chest.
“Absolutely not,” you said before your mind could catch up and tell you to keep your mouth shut.
“Are we forgetting you’re not to speak in this OR?”
“With all due respect sir, as promising as Dr. Stevens is, one wrong move with that cautery and all of this will have been for nothing.” you said and you watched as his hands stilled on the monitor.
“It seems Jupiter doesn’t want you to learn today,” Dr. Fowles said and Dr. Stevens looked between the two of you, clearly stuck between a rock and a hard place.
“If it’s alright with you sir, I’ll just observe. She’s right, I’ve never cauterized before and I still have a lot I want to learn from her… I’d rather not jeopardize that by sending her best friend's mom to the vegetable patch.” he said and you nodded in satisfaction. You would personally see to it that Dr. Stevens scrubbed in with you on every one of your surgeries for the foreseeable future to make up for the learning opportunity you’d just robbed him of. Things seemed to be progressing smoothly until the monitors started beeping frantically and you watched as her BP suddenly tanked and you felt your stomach drop as Dr. Fowles started barking out orders that weren’t quite registering in your ears.
“No… no, no no,” you muttered, a tidal wave of panic crashing over you as you ran out into the hallway and braced yourself on a wall, trying desperately to get your breathing under control. You quickly hunched over a trash can and let the nausea take over, vomiting onto the pile of discarded gloves and trauma gowns as the door opened to reveal a scrub nurse.
“Dr. Fowles is asking you to come back in,” she said and you shook your head, fighting the tears that were threatening to fall. “Come on, just come see,” she said and you placed your mask back over your face as you tentatively followed.
“You missed the good part, Jupiter… the tumor is out.”
“Her vitals?” you asked, taking a small step closer as you looked at the monitors but you didn’t trust your eyes.
“She’s a fighter,” he answered and you sighed in relief. “I’m about to pack with gelfoam but it appears we are out of the woods. Would you like to go update them as I close?” he asked but you were already halfway out the door, ripping off your mask and sprinting down the hallways until you burst into the waiting area. Jake and John jumped up, looking at you expectantly and as they took in your tear streaked face and rapid breathing you watched as their faces fell.
“No! No no no,” you said, taking in a sharp breath. “It’s good, it all went good, they’re closing now, she’ll be in recovery within the half hour,” you said and they both exhaled in relief. 
“Oh thank god,” John whispered, pulling you in for a bone crushing hug. “Thank you,” he pulled away to place a kiss on your forehead. “There will never be enough thank you’s for this,” he said as he wiped his own tears. You looked over to Jake who had sunk into one of the chairs with his head hung in his hands and you crouched on the floor in front of him and gently placed a hand on his knee.
“Jake? She’s going to be okay,” you said and he lifted his head to look at you with glassy eyes, “it went as well as we could have hoped. We won’t be certain until she wakes up but I have a very good feeling.” 
“J…” he started, but was cut off by his own tears and you pushed him back in his seat to perch on his legs and pull him into your chest.
“I know…” you soothed, rubbing a hand up and down his back. He wrapped his arms around your waist and you just sat there as you held him, whispering reassurances into his ear. You hooked a finger on his chin, softly tilting his head to look up at you before resting your palms on his cheeks. “I’m going to call my parents, let them know… and Rooster too, everyone’s been really worried,” you said and he nodded. You placed a kiss on his forehead as you slid off his lap and you stepped away and pulled out your phone. Your mother had cried, sobbed really, and your dad told you to pass along their well wishes for recovery when he took over the call, you could hear the relief in his voice as he told you how proud he was of you.
“Please tell me she’s okay,” Rooster said as he answered and you let out a breathy laugh.
“She’s good… we’re in the wait and see portion, but I think we’re in the clear. Can you talk with Mav? She’ll be out of here in a few days but this whole thing has him pretty rattled. I know I don’t have the authority but I’m not clearing him for work just yet,” you said and Rooster chuckled.
“Doctor’s orders,” he said and you let out a soft laugh as well. “Mav said to take all the time he needs, there’s no rush to get back.” You thanked him as you hung up, telling him to pass it along to the rest of the Dagger’s as well for how supportive they’ve been throughout. Your pager went off as you approached the two of them and you gave them a reassuring look.
“She’s in post op now, I’m confident everything is fine but I’m going to head up and just be sure, okay?” you said and they nodded as you made your way to the elevator and you all but ran into the room, eyes immediately scanning the brain activity monitor.
“How’s it looking?” you asked a bit frantically.
“Looking good,” Dr. Fowles answered as you grabbed her chart from him to look it over. “You know as well as I do we won’t know for sure until she wakes up but I don’t think we should expect any deficits.” You dropped the chart into its place at the end of her bed and threw your arms around him.
“I know this is unprofessional but just go with it,” you said as you started crying again and he chuckled as he reciprocated and rubbed along your back. “I owe you big time, thank you for everything… I am available for any and every pro-bono surgery you need me for from here on out,” you said. 
“I think I’ll hold onto my favor for a little while,” he teased as you pulled away and you laughed as you wiped your cheeks and asked an orderly to grab Jake and John.
“Well, whatever it is it better be big, I owe you a lifetime's worth of thank you’s.” He slipped out of the room and let you know he would check back later and you felt the dark cloud that had been hovering over you the past few days begin to dissipate and with it brought the crushing weight of every feeling you’d been fighting off. You let out a broken sob and immediately turned to leave the room, not noticing Jake walking down the hallway as you hurried the opposite direction and shut yourself into an on-call room. He poked his head into his mom’s room, making sure everything was okay before chasing after you and he found you sitting on the floor with your back against a nightstand and your head between your knees as you tried to regulate your breathing. He was silent as he sat beside you and you lifted your head slightly.
“You don’t need to be here,” you choked out, “I know you’re mad at me, and it’s… I’m okay, really, go sit with your mom.” He didn’t respond, instead he reached around you to grip underneath your arms and pulled you to sit between his legs where he wrapped himself around you and it was the final straw to push you over the edge. You leaned back against him as he held you tight and fell apart in his arms… you’d tried to say something but nothing would come out around your cries, and Jake just let you get it all out.
“I’m not mad at you,” he finally said when your breathing started to even out. “I was but… I was wrong. I didn’t-” he stopped himself for a moment, taking a deep breath as he fought his own tears. “Not once did I stop and consider what this was like for you, I was selfish. You.. I mean, god Jupiter,” he let out a humorless laugh. “You swept in and had this handled in less than three days. I was so wrapped up in what you weren’t doing that I didn’t think about what you were doing, and that was everything… you held it together for all of us, you made sure she would be okay. I’m so sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry,” you sniffled.
“Yes, I do. I thought you weren’t there for me, but you were. You always are, even if I don’t see it at first. I’m so sorry that I made this harder on you,” he said, giving you another squeeze and you melted against him. “I was mad at you for who you are, and that’s… I say how proud I am of the doctor you’ve become and in the moment that you were doing everything you could to help my mom I was an absolute asshole.”
“You weren’t an asshole… I treated you like a patient’s family, and you reacted the way family does.”
“That doesn’t make it okay,” he muttered, pressing a kiss to your temple. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay,” you said softly. “Do you want to go check on your mom?” you asked and he shook his head.
“No. I want to just sit here with you for a little while if that’s okay,” he replied and you nodded, letting your head fall against his arm.
“Yeah, that’s okay.”
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d34dlysinner · 1 year
Little help: Bael x reader smut
(I am influenced by the chat system)
Bael messaged you early in the morning. You knew he went to a club the day before. He was usually too busy to even try and start a conversation. So it surprised you when you saw a message from him that was sent 5minutes ago.
"Guess who accidentally Beelzebub's food again... It's not big like last time... Just stiff.", he says as you were yet again surprised at the situation.
"How did you accidentally eat it?", you asked, genuinely confused on how that happens.
"Another noble gave it under the guise of them saying they tried cooking... I was a taste tester. Apparently it's Beelzebub's cooking and he just lied.", he says. Not mentioning the name of the other noble. Maybe he was too busy to notice? Or maybe he kept it secret just to "save" my views about the noble? I don't think he wants me to avoid Avisos, because of people lying about Beelzebub's food.
"Are you okay?", you asked as your thoughts shifted to concern for the demon you were talking to.
"I'm okay... It's just painful in a way. It won't go down either. I've been here for a while.", he says. You saw him typing some more and he suddenly stopped. As if he was rethinking about what he typed. You waited for a while to see his next text message.
"Do you want to help me?", he asked via text. You weren't far from his place since you went to Avisos with Bathin to hang out with Stolas. You were currently in a little guest room. Maybe you should go? It sounds like an actual problem this time if he stayed there for a while... You were also tempted in what the help exactly could be.
"I'm coming over if that's alright for you?", you said as you made your way towards the door. Getting ready to go to his place. You heard your phone ping. The screen lit up, showing his message in the notification bar.
"I'll be waiting for you then."
You made your way throught the streets, towards the castle where Bael was waiting for your arrival. You heard gunshots around you. Maybe it was Stolas in one of his hissy fits again? You tried to ignore it and sped up your walk towards the castle. It's maybe hard to kill demons and angels, but you were human. You wouldn't risk staying in the spot while you heard constant bangs around you.
When you reached the castle grounds you were greeted by lesser demons that would work around the place. That's when one decided to lead you to Bael's room, on Bael's command.
You knocked on the door and heard a faint "Come in, MC."
You entered the room and saw a disheveled Bael in his room. Sitting on his bed with a tent visible in his underwear. He wasn't joking when he said he tried getting is down as you saw the multiple toys and tissues in the room.
You locked the door behind you and made your way where the demon was sitting. Before you could even make a move to help him, he pinned you to his bed. "I'm sorry, but I can't hold back too long. Let me prepare you before we start.", he said as he made his way down and started to rip your trousers and undewear away. Sucking and fingering you as he tried to refrain himself from taking you right there when he heard your moans. It was only when he made you cum a few times that he pulled away. He may be painfully hard, but he could never pass on tasting you. He pushed your knees into your chest and lined himself up. He looked down at your expression. "Thanks for coming, I hope you're mentally ready for a few hours.", he said. "It's way more fun with a partner than some objects after all.~", he grinned seeing your expression of shock. Hours? Partner? A lot of thoughts were rampaging in your brain. They all would soon disappear to nothing as he started to insert himself in you.
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memyselfandmya · 5 months
Jwct countdown May 12-13 -> favorite friendship/duo:
I couldn't choose between Sammy & Kenji and Ben & Yaz so here's both of them in another excerpt from the fanfiction I'm in the process of writing. Again, this is mostly unedited. For context, they're at the water park in JW.
Sammy noticed Kenji standing off to the side with a disappointed look on his face. 
“Hey, Kenji! Did you wanna’ go–” 
He flipped his sunglasses to shade his eyes. “Sammy, let me stop you there. I know it’s hard to resist all this,” —he ran his hands across his shirtless chest, which Sammy hadn’t even been paying attention to— “but I’ve got a girl back home. And let me tell you, she is incredibly–”
She stared at him, head tilting a bit. Maybe this wasn’t the best idea after all. “Uh, Kenji. I don’t want to date you,” Sammy said. “Like, at all. I’m happy you have a girlfriend, though. I was just seeing if you wanted to hang out.” 
“Psh… Obviously. I was just kidding.” He cleared his throat. “About you asking me out. Not about my girlfriend... obviously,” he added on.
Sammy nodded her head slowly. “Right…well do you want to go on one of the rides?”
“Yes! Let’s go!”
“So tell me about this girlfriend of yours,” Sammy said as they began walking through the park.  
“Oh, uh–well you know. She’s really pretty. She’s got blonde hair…blue eyes? She’s, uh, really into art too.”
Sammy arched her eyebrow. It was obvious that Kenji was lying about his so-called girlfriend. Why he was, Sammy couldn’t be sure. Not that it really mattered to her. She wasn’t at all interested in Kenji—or boys for that matter. “She sure sounds like a great catch.”
Although to be honest, Kenji’s imaginary girlfriend didn’t seem like her type, at least not the blonde hair and blue eyes. Sounded more like her sister’s type in guys if anything.
Suddenly, her eyes caught on a huge slide with a line of people carrying bright yellow and green intertubes trailing from the base of its stairs all the way to the top which stood at about maybe 2 stories tall. 
“Last one to that slide has to carry the tube up!” Sammy shouted, pointing at said ride and dashing off before Kenji could get a word in. 
She could hear the sound of Kenji’s flip-flops smacking against the concrete as they ran for the line, ignoring the shrill whistle of a nearby lifeguard. 
Yasmina was still bristling from her encounter with Brooklyn. The nerve of that girl! Did she even understand personal boundaries? She just flitted around sticking her phone in everyone’s faces. It wasn’t fair that Brooklyn got to keep it just to be nosy. All Yasmina wanted was to plug her headphones in and listen to music.
It would’ve especially been helpful in that moment. Hundreds of kids were milling around screaming their fucking heads off and life guards blowing whistles at them and it was like shoving a bunch of forks in her ears. She just wished she could tune everything out. 
“Oh, look,” A familiar voice said. “There’s Yasmina!”
Kill me now, she thought, dread settling in her stomach. She sat up in her chair, to find Ben and Darius approaching her. Ben wasn’t so bad but Darius had just as much energy as Brooklynn or, dare she say it, Sammy. “What do you want?” She asked. 
Darius shrugged. “Nothing, really… Just chilling.”
Ben took a seat next to Yasmina, occupying not even an inch of the space and even that looked like it agonized him. 
“Have you done anything fun?” Darius asked, his eyes cutting to Ben.
Yasmina narrowed her eyes at him. What was he up to? “Nope. I’ve been here the entire time. Why?”
“Just asking,” he said. “Ben, I might go on the [Insert ride]. Are you good to stay here?”
So that's what he wanted. Not much of a surprise there.
She looked at Ben who shrugged. “Sure.” 
“Awesome! See you,” he said, not wasting a second to go run off towards the slide line. 
“Did he just dump you onto me?” She asked Ben. 
“Yeah, he did.” There was a hint of pain in his voice and Yasmina wondered how it must have felt to be abandoned like that. 
He shrugged. “I’m used to it.”
Well that’s depressing. Then Yasmina noticed how Ben hadn’t moved any and still balanced precariously on the edge of the bench like he didn’t want to touch it all. 
“Here,” she said, tossing him the towel she’d been using to shade her face. 
Ben fumbled but caught it in his hands before spreading it out over the chair. Finally, he sat his full body on it and curled into himself. “Thanks,” he mumbled.
“Don’t mention it.”
To be fair, out of all the campers, she was glad it was Ben and not one of the others. Ben was quiet and calm and he kept to himself instead of sticking his nose into her business. He was kind of like her, in a way. 
After a moment of silence between them, Yaz could hear sniffling. She sighed, wondering if this was something worth getting into. And then: “Are you okay?”
Ben hated it there. Nobody understood. He could tell he was upsetting Darius by not wanting to go on any of the attractions but Ben just couldn’t. The mere thought of touching the tubes or sliding down slides that so many others had gone down made his skin crawl. If he wasn’t wearing long sleeves he’d probably be scratching at his arms or lathering hand sanitizer on his skin. There wasn’t enough hand sanitizer in the world that could convince him to go on one of those rides, though. The only comforting thing about the wade pool or the lazy river was the heavy amount of chlorine in the water but Ben knew there was only so much he could handle that day. Ben hadn’t even noticed his nails digging into his skin or the salty tear leaking from his eye.
“Are you okay?” Yasmina’s question only seemed to draw more tears from him. 
“No,” he said, swiping at his face. “I want to go home.”
Yasmina was silent for a moment, and in that time he had begun to think that she too fell into the Ben hate club. Until, “Me too.” 
Ben and Yasmina's friendship is so precious to me, especially in s5 of CC and I really wanted to bring that up in the earlier parts of the fanfic I'm writing too.
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espresso-ships · 2 months
Idiots - Varganardi Oneshot
AHHH my very first self insert fanfiction! I usually write x reader ones, and this is the first one I write for me ashhshs Hope y'all like it!
Words: 1.8K Warnings: Hurt/comfort & lot of cussing lol (lmk if I should add something more <3)
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“Can I tell you what I think?” 
“...What do you think?”
“That you’re in love with her.”
“So what? What if I am, what difference does it make?”
“Tell her.”
“You make it sound so damn easy.” He scoffed.
“Nacho, it is easy. Maybe she feels the same-”
“Feels the same?? What fucking fantasy world do you live in, huh?!”
Silence, again. 
Nacho sighed and rubbed his forehead. He felt relieved that Domingo couldn’t see his face. That he couldn’t see the tears of anger or the pain in his eyes. 
“Look, I’m sorry. It’s just… Complicated.”
“I know, Nacho. But trust me. She feels the same.”
“How the hell would you know?”
Silence. Always the damn defying silence. After what felt like eternity, Domingo talked:
“Because she told me.” 
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That’s what the mansion feels like. Drunk - or high - people everywhere. It’s a new years party, after all. The music, laughter and screams makes it feel like the house is vibrating. And the heat - from at least 50 bodies trapped together in a room with bad air conditioning, and from his own nerves. 
It feels like they’re all caged animals, locked together, waiting for tragedy. He doesn’t understand how people can enjoy being squeezed together like this - or maybe they’re all pretending. Just searching for something - someone - to fill the void.
He usually enjoys parties. He is usually one of the people dancing and laughing, with his arms thrown around a pretty stranger. Not tonight. 
Nacho fidgets with the first button to the red shirt, buttoning and unbuttoning, over and over. He has barely touched the shot in his glass. 
“Are you gonna drink that?” Domingo’s words are slightly slurred, and his grin is wide. He shouts to overvoice the music, but doesn’t seem to mind the volume. At least someone is having fun. 
“It’s all yours.” Nacho hands his friend the glass, and he empties it in only a matter of seconds. He grimaces. “You’re gonna be sick, Dom.” 
His friend rolls his eyes.
“Whatever, dad. Don’t look so bitter, man!”
Domingo nudges his friend, who rolls his eyes in return. Yet, he chuckles. His eyes wanders across the room, hoping to see his tall friend amongst the sea of people. No sign of her, so far.
“Relax, dude. She’ll be here soon!” 
I really hope so. He still has to apologize to Laura, after that ridiculous argument they had last week. 
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“What did you two even fight about this time?”
Nacho’s mind goes back to the phone call with Domingo yesterday.
“It wasn’t a fight, damnit.” He sighed. “Just a… Disagreement.”
“About her shit-ex. I told her she was stupid if she forgave them after everything they put her through.”
“I sounded too angry. She got angry, and we both said things we didn’t mean.” Talking about it made Nacho realize how shitty the situation was. He felt like screaming from frustration. “Fuck, Dom… I really messed up this time.”
“You both did.”
“Yea…” He dreads the answer, yet he asks: “When did she… Tell you?”
“Back when you dated Mona.”
“Dude, that was like 10 months ago! Why the hell didn’t you tell me earlier?!”
“Hey! I’m Laura’s friend too. Besides, she threatened to kick my ass if I told you about her feelings for you.” 
“What a damn shit show!” He cussed loudly, almost forgetting Domingo on the other line. 
“I’m sorry, man.” He sighs. “But then, Laura got together with… Them. And well, you still dated Mona back then.”
“And you seriously didn’t know Laura had a crush on you? Like, at all?” 
“No, Domingo! I didn’t.” Nacho hissed. 
“You’re a damn fool, my friend.”
“Rubbing salt in my wounds.” he muttered, frustrated by Domingo’s teasing.
“You and Laura have been dancing around each other for years. You both are idiots, y’know?” 
“I hate you. No… I hate this. This situation? It sucks.”
“I’m so sorry, Nacho.”
Silence, silence, silence. 
“So what now?”
“Talk to her, dumbass.”
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And that’s the plan.
Nacho refuses to start the new year whilst being in a disagreement with his best friend. Crush. Whatever. 
“Damn, look at that girl over there!”
Nacho’s eyes follow to where Domingo’s glare is stuck. He grimaces. 
“She’s way out of your league, dude.”
Domingo scoffs and begins a long, drunken rant about something… 
That’s when he sees her. A tall figure amongst the crowd of people. Her brown wavy hair, that purple shirt he likes to see her in… And as usual, the high heels - as if being taller than him wasn’t enough. 
“Shit, there she is!” He hisses, to gain Domingo’s attention. His friend whistles loudly, and Laura turns her gaze towards them. She looks pissed with someone whistling at her like that, until realizing it’s Domingo. 
Shit, shit, shit. 
She walks up to them.
“Hey, happy almost new years.” 
She greets Domingo with a hug, and despite everything, she embraces Nacho too. He stands frozen, before slowly wrapping his arms around her. He breathes in the scent of her shampoo. Her scent. The hug only lasts for a couple of seconds, but it feels like hours. He wishes it was hours. 
“Yo, thirty minutes left until the new year! I need to find someone to kiss.” 
With that, Domingo walks off, stumbling forward onto the living room, which is used as a dance floor. And just like that, Nacho and Laura are alone.
Thank you for the support. Nacho will remember to give his friend hell for this. He turns his gaze back to her, and she gives him a sheepish smile. Her. His best friend, the girl he’s known since teen years. They’ve gone through up and down together, and shared so much. Laughter, tears, secrets… 
And there it is, the familiar heartache. The urge to run away from the situation, to flee his complicated feelings. Yet, he stands there and looks at her. They both speak, at the same time, the same words. Like they’re telepathetic. 
“I’m sorry-” Their voices harmonize. 
“You-” Again.
“You first.” Nacho is quick to say.
“You were right, Iggy.” 
I did not see that one coming - Nacho thinks. 
“I… I’ve ended it with my ex. Once and for all. They’re trash.”
“Laura… I’m so relieved to hear that.” He gathers his thoughts. “I’m sorry, too. For being so harsh on you. I just care about you, Laura.”
“I know, Iggy…” She sighs and uses the nickname that used to drive mad early on in their friendship. But now? He loves it. “I know. And I care about you. And I don’t want us to fight any more.”
“Me neither.” Everything else fades. It’s only them. Laura, and Nacho. 
Nacho and Laura. 
“We need to talk.” At the same time, again.
“Alright, this is getting creepy.” Laura giggles. “Come on, let’s head out.”
The cold night air hits them, but it’s a nice change from the warm house. A couple of lonely snowflakes fall down to the frozen grass as they walk. 
Nacho gathers his thoughts, mentally preparing for what he’s about to say - but he needs to say it. Now. 
From inside the mansion, the guests are preparing for midnight. Preparing to celebrate the new year to come. 10 minutes left. 
Laura sits down in a sunchair, next to the covered up pool. Nacho awkwardly stands next to her. 
“Hey, idiot. Sit down” Laura says, holding back a laughter. She moves to the side and pats the spot next to her. He sits down, very aware of how close they are to each other. Their legs are touching and so are their shoulders. Their exhales come out as steam in the crispy air. 
“The reason why I was so harsh, Laura, was because I was jealous. Jealous of your damn ex, because they got to call you theirs.” The words leave his mouth before he can think twice. The sound of the music inside feels louder, and he feels scared to breathe too loudly. 
“I don’t know why I said that. I’m sor-”
“I never liked Mona, because I wanted you to be with me. Not her.”
Nacho’s heart skips a beat. He stares at Laura, blinking his eyes - as if trying to process what she just said. 
They’re both silent again, but this time, it’s a comfortable silence. The beat of music echoes - or maybe it’s just the beat of his own heart. Her hand finds his, and her fingertips tap against his knuckles. He opens his hand, entwining fingers with her. 
They’re so close now. So close. Yet, he wants closer. 
“Are we done playing pretend now?” Laura asks.
“Yea. We’re done being idiots. Took us long enough, huh?”
They both grin at each other.
“Yea. You wanna head inside again?”
“Not really. Unless you have a midnight's kiss waiting for you…”
“No, you idiot.” Laura slaps his arm lightly. “Not yet, at least… Do you volunteer?”
His face heats up once again and he nods, failing at trying to act nonchalant. 
From inside the house, they hear the shouts, as the countdown begins. 
60… 59… 58… 57…
The two friends move even closer to each other - closer than they thought was possible. He can feel her hot breath against his face, and looks into Laura’s green eyes. He can almost see his own reflection in them. He squeezes her hand tighter and leans in. His focus is now solely on her, taking in details about her that he’s never appreciated before. The mole under her left eyes, the freckles on her skin, her crooked nose and the acne scars on her cheeks. 
20… 19… 18….
“You’re so damn beautiful, Laura.�� He whispers hoarsely. It’s her turn to blush now, too. The intensity that she looks at him with makes him shiver.
“So are you.”
8… 7… 6… 5… 
The shouts are getting louder, yet it all seems to fade out. 
Nothing else matters - no one else matters.
Their lips meet, and Nacho’s hands tangle into Laura's hair, whilst her hands rest on his back. They pull on each other, trying to be as close as possible. Both of them melt into the kiss and embrace. Now that they finally have each other - no one is allowed to separate them. 
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“Talk to her, dumbass”
The frustration in Domingo’s voice was clear, and even on a phone call, Nacho could almost see how he rolled his eyes.
“I don’t want to lose her.”
“You really love her, don’t you?” 
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Domingo was right.
So Nacho realizes now, when he holds onto Laura. She rests her head against his shoulder, and Nacho has his arms wrapped around her. He can’t help but look at her. She is smiling, and her eyes are glued on the fireworks lighting up the sky. Realizing that he’s staring, he turns to look at the sky. 
Yeah, I love her. 
And so, he’ll tell her. Eventually. 
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AHHHH I hope y'all liked it :3 This idea has been on my mind for quite a while. I really love hurt/comfort stories and realyl like the concept of Laura and Nacho being idiots when it comes to love and relationships LOL So yea - this is basically how they offically became a couple
If you made it this far - Please reblog or leave a comment and/or feedback! It would mean a lot 😭💕
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storiesofsung · 6 months
Obey Me Rewrite - the Passion Project
Note: spoilers below the cut
I’ve always been in love with the game obey me and been super passionate about it as a long time fan however the game itself is kind of lacking.
Obviously it does what it does well, it’s a dating simulator about demons from hell but what I mean is it lacks potential.
I love the characters and their relationships with each other and the overall concept, that is what made me fall in love with it in the first place however I do have my own issues with the game not as a dating simulation but as a story.
To give you more context:
- characters are given great potential with interesting backstories and fun personalities however the direction the game takes them completely wastes any sort of progression as interesting 3 dimensional characters
Example: Satan - he is shown to show personal struggle with a sort of inferiority complex with the way he was brought into this world (or hell) by people only viewing him as an extension of Lucifer and only as wrath, not as an individual living being. He works hard to create a name for himself and he prides himself on wisdom. He has a strong character and one of the best self restraint in terms of anger I dare say (he did attack mc but honestly from the way he was acting in Nightbringer it is progression) plus he is calm and collected and obviously by now a respected demon. Though he knowledgeable in itself, he still has issues to work with, one being working out his difficulties with Lucifer, (maybe) coming to terms with the way he was born and the trauma he went through when Lilith fell (he technically felt Lucifer’s pain). Instead as the series progressed we only saw him a soft cat boy, cmon 😀.
There are much more examples of this in fact all of them have such wasted potential, I’m not going to go in depth (unless someone asks me to hehe) but a very notable mention I would also like to make is
Example 2: MC - I’m not going to comment on how they are dull or has no personality because actually they can be very sassy depending on which options you choose. Also the mc is supposed to just be a self insert so I understand that enough. Anyways what I would like to give note to is the fact that mc forgave belphie right away after he I don’t know KILLED US? Or should I say, more accurately, the game forced us to forgive him so we would have the belphie lovey dovey options (no hate to belphie stans I’m just saying). What I mean to say is that we shouldn’t have not forgiven him you know, honestly it’s more of pacing. We COULD have forgiven him and actually that would be interesting development and a look into their backstory as angels, however there was no real progression towards forgiveness or us even being remotely scared of him (I may be wrong on this but I remember belphie and mc becoming besties real quick with no hard feelings) like the snappy mc incorrect quotes I think would actually fit well into the story as well as proper talk and real progression towards forgiveness.
2. Concepts and storylines
This is slightly less of an issue but I do take slight to the way the game handles storylines. Season 1 was the best (in my opinion) because it was less of “uwu mc marry me” content and more of demons being demons.
Alright so this really bugged me but I don’t like how MC is a a descendant of Lilith, like I know the brothers and Lilith are not blood related and are honestly more found family and that MC and Lilith and so far related (in terms of how many generations were between them) that they barely share dna I believe (in terms of physical dna and all that good stuff not the angelic powers) but I’ve always found it kind of gross but I guess that’s just a me problem…
I’m going to take the next part of my issues with concepts and storyline as general as possible but it’s really long but… hell doesn’t feel like hell, or should I say devildom doesn’t sound like hell
There is technology in other depictions of hell (like Hazbin hotel) but that’s done better because it’s not so emphasized (I know DDD is part of the game but I think they drive the technology bit overboard) it’s a lot less subtle and hell just feels like an abridged human world with slight magic involved.
The demons don’t even act like demons or look like demons, as hot as their demon forms are they look like emo teenagers that just discovered hot topic like girl bye 😭. They don’t act remotely demonic like sometimes, and everything just seems like a cosplay is the best way I can describe it. I know it’s 12+ and not 18+ but I really enjoy the more gorey fanfic versions of obey me concepts because that feels like hell, it brings out emotions in me of shocked scared and surprised which is what Dre me into the game in the first place, not a bunch of boys going to play dress up and harass the MC.
I have much more problems with the game( I still love so obviously I’m gonna play it) but this is more of a rant and I just played Nightbringer so I hope there is more lore that resolves some of my issues but yeah!
I’m not that skilled of a writer or anything but I would really like to try and rewrite obey me as a kind of “real hell” as a passion project, obviouslt no characters, or anything trademarked belong to me this is more of for fun. Again I’m not that experienced so if anyone would like to give me tips on how to write or would lousy like to chat about obey me, about this rant and other issues or just obey me in general feel free to dm me I’m always looking for more obey me stuff hehe but yeah, or actually honestly I just want your opinion on this.
I know it’s not that deep it’s a game about horny demons but it still means a lot to me and I hope you guys understand where I’m coming from. Thank you.
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vonev · 1 year
The Strings Of Webs (and the ones you’ve woven)
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Miguel O’Hara x reader
Chapter 2: Finding Meaning In A Meaningless World
Words: 3.1k
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, angst, hurt/comfort.
Summary:  Oops, seems like you've been captured; what could you do now?
Part I Part II
White space.
Your eyes cracked open and it was all white everywhere; the floor, the walls (if there are even any), and the blank slate of the ceiling staring down at you, almost as though it pitied you.
For your whole life, you thought you cracked the code and found salvation in the life you led. You weren’t a stand-out, not at all, but you were content with that path you had carve for yourself—to live out a life full of no regrets, which is why you had dabble in so many things; impulsively signing up for a barista and a tutor job at the age of 16, graduating high school with flying colors and pursuing your degree in engineering with the goal of one day achieving a PhD in genetic engineering and bringing a positive change to the research. 
Oh, and indulging in strange hobbies like people watching—it was how you learnt the behavioral patterns and responses of people and how you grew to be incredibly adaptable to your surroundings wherever you are. Came in handy when you had to deal with all types of customers during your line of work, too.
Miguel had been the first one to burst that bubble, reminding you that while you thought you had it all figured out; you really didn’t.
For one, he was the only individual you weren’t able to crack on the get-go. His stoic nature as though he had built himself a wall of defense over the years, and you hadn’t known that the walls bite, too. 
You tried to understand him, really, you did. Which is why you had the naïve approach when he had been the one to intrude your home, giving him the benefit of the doubt as you watched him take your life away from you—and you couldn’t do anything about it.
You weren’t sure whether to resent him or simply let it all go, after all, what more could you have done?
Your memories played back in front of you like you were merely the audience who had been granted the pleasure of looking back at your own life in a lengthy cassette tape, inserted into the old-fashioned player on a casual Sunday afternoon—the screen showing moving cards that allowed you to see into your slice of life.
Some of the memories stuck you like a knife to your core; painful and unwavering, but others found themselves warming that void of your heart you had desperately begged to be filled with something, anything of worth.
The times when you had been a rebellious teenager, running around the back of the city where everything was nothing, with a gang of friends you made as you all grabbed the bags of cannons and ran from the cops when you guys were spotted vandalizing public properties with your vibrant graffiti across the already abused walls from long-term use. 
It had been fun times, but like all things—it eventually had to end. 
You soon found yourself in a different card, showing your disheveled appearance as you hunched over your desk, your thick glasses sitting on the bridge of your nose as you moved your fingers to fix the spot of your dress where the fabric had torn earlier when you ran into some thugs. Foot on the sewing machine and fingers gently pushing the fabric to be sewn as the sound of ‘whirring’ hit your ears, followed by a loud yelp as you had managed to prick yourself on the finger. 
You hadn’t touched sewing machines since. 
More memories came by and left like the people in your life—none of them truly stayed, and you hadn’t managed to grasp a single memory that was truly dear to you.
You broke down. 
It hurt.
To have the last moments of your life grieving over what you lost and have not found, the life you led that you thought would’ve been enough—it was never enough. You never made enough friends, families never stayed, and money was always a concern. 
To simply put, you were akin to a bubble that had been stuffed with air to no end, waiting for the day, the right moment to finally burst open and confront the reality that you were in.
You never thought you would be confronted with how miserable your life truly was until your death—but it was all too soon yet too late. The things you promised yourself you would finish by tomorrow, the projects you’ve abandoned over the years collecting dust bunnies in your drawers and files, the people who you told you would meet again yet never did because you were a coward. 
You had the idea that you had found the cheat code to life living by yourself, doing everything by yourself—who would’ve thought it would end up pushing the people you cared the most about away, to never be seen again?
Your sobs could be heard from a mile away, sounding like a child who had experienced their first fall from their bike onto the hard, concrete ground that scraped their skin. Your heart was broken, you were broken. But you chose to swallow up in denial rather than reach out and fix the issues that plagued your mind, the people you wanted to see again, the views you would beg on your knees to be able to watch just one last time—
It had all been fruitless; your efforts. 
At the end of the day, you had been the sole reason for your downfall, who else could you have blamed?
From behind you was a bright flash of white, you brushed away your tears as you turned around and saw the opening of a door with blinding lights coming from it. 
This was it. 
You hadn’t even been content in bidding goodbyes to anyone—to yourself. You still had so much more self-reflection to do, so much more forgiveness you had to grant yourself, and so much potential—yet it all amounted to nothing. You picked yourself up and started stalking to the door, ready to embrace your fate like a mother would a child. 
And as you got closer, the lights engulfed your whole being, your soul, reeling you in with a promise that you could maybe start anew. 
But you knew better. 
And so with a deep breath, you dragged your feet and stepped into the door, feeling yourself slip and fall through what you thought would have been the floor—your screams and cries were left to deaf ears.
You woke up in a pool of sweat— your sweat. 
Your eyes shot open and jumped up from where you laid, your heart beating at what felt like more than 40 miles per hour, trying to soothe the raging headache you could feel blooming in your head. 
You were overwhelmed.
All the emotions came rushing in like tides, drowning you in feelings you hadn’t been ready to touch on, to learn, to feel. You felt around your body with your hands—solid, like you’ve never left. 
Were you relieved? You had no idea.
But you were alive.
The throbbing ache on your neck cried, and you put your shaky hand on it, feeling the slight dent of where the fangs had punctured.
And now, you had finally recalled the events of what happened to you, how Miguel chased you down with ferocity you’ve never seen before—those eyes of his that still plague your mind till this exact moment, the way he looked at you like you were the only thing that mattered at the moment; albeit you could just be completely delusional. 
Suddenly, you felt your intestines twist within themselves, your body contorted into a sheer amount of pain that had you screaming for your life in the small, confined cell; your cries falling deaf to the walls that seemed to hug your conscience, squeezing you tight—you felt suffocated, and you want out. Your body tore itself apart just to stitch itself back together again.
And all of that in just one second. 
You pant, desperately trying to catch your breath, your head now infested by the seemingly endless amount of headaches that ensued. 
It hurts to be alive. 
And you questioned whether or not you would’ve gladly let your life be taken from you if it meant you didn’t wouldn’t have experienced this.  
You coughed into your palm, and upon seeing the blood that trickled down your hand, you felt yourself losing grip on reality—you were so done. Turning your head around, you surveyed the room you were in; or rather, the cell you were in. Bare minimums were met, the toilet sat by the corner, the most definitely uncomfortable bed that would have your back cracking indefinitely if you had slept on it, and strangely, the small pot of flower that was put away in a corner. And the security camera—
—you scowled; the sight and knowledge of being observed had your nerves up in flames, aggravating you to no end. You stood up from where you sat and looked around for something to prop yourself onto, eventually spotting the small stool that found its way under the bed. 
Getting to work, you picked up the stool and placed it right beneath the corner where the security camera sat, blinking innocently at you as though it served a justifiable purpose—watching over you, every single second you would be in here. 
Unfortunately for you, you were just barely out of reach from tearing down the device yourself; jumping did not work, either. You sighed in defeat, yet not wanting to give up your pursuit of destroying the camera. 
You took to the pot of flowers that sat in a corner, approaching it, you could tell from afar it was your favorite—forget-me-not, sitting in a typical looking ceramic flower pot. On the regular you would’ve been happy, flattered, even, that somehow someone knew the exact favorite of yours—yet in this situation, it only served as a mockery; as though it knew and wanted only your suffering. As if whoever had planted this here was hoping the flowers alone would make you forget where you are.
It hadn’t helped that you studied flower language, either, and whoever picked this one out did not take account of how ironic the selection would be.
You snatched the pot up from the ground, the flowers fluttered in unison, almost if they were begging you to not throw them. You bit back the bitter taste in your tongue, you usually would’ve never done this; but extreme situations called for extreme measures. You turned to stare into the camera yet again, catching a glimpse of its eye blinking back at you, as if questioning your next move. 
Sighing, you positioned yourself slightly far away from where the camera was placed, fingers gripping tight around the curve of the flower pot, aiming high as you chucked the object with all your might. A loud ‘clunk’ could be heard when the pot made an impact; in an instant, the camera imploded within itself, causing fragments of the device to rain down onto the floor beneath it, rendering it completely useless. 
You were caught off-guard by your strength—never once had you managed to successfully open a tight-lipped jar, so why was it now that you were able to destroy a camera only with the throw of a flower pot? Had security cameras always been that finicky? You tilted your head to the side in confusion, your brain racking around for answers as to why you gained a newfound strength. You slowly turn around and stare at the metal bars, ones that have tormented your mind for so long—“ no escape,” it screams. 
But you ought to try, even if your efforts may be in vain; and especially considering you have a period of time when the camera is down and you were 99% sure no one was watching you anymore. You approached the bars, your fingers reached up to grasp around the cylinder shaped metal, tightening your hold as if your life depended on the cold, biting metal.
And in an ironic sense, it did. 
You mentally prepared yourself—this could easily end up being a fluke and you would look like an amateur escapist, or you could very much be out of here instantly if you did succeed.
Oh, what the heck, what else do you have to lose, anyway? 
Taking a gulp of air, you hunched over slightly and pulled. 
You weren’t sure what you expected, but to be launched back from the strong pull of your own and landing on your butt, effectively bruising it as you let out a soft ‘ouch’ on the impact. You coughed, and the image in front of you flooded your mind—the bars; they were broken. Your eyes shone like never before, adrenaline ran through your body, ignoring the pain in your palms from when you dug your nails slightly too deep into the skin of it.
They were broken!
You had managed to snatch two of them out from the roots, the gap that was left in its demise wide enough for you to fit yourself through. 
You felt giddy, and before you could lose the opportunity of escape—you took it. 
You rejoiced, jumping in newfound joy as you threw your arms up in the air and ran across the vast hallway, and if you noticed; you would’ve recognized that you were the only one in there, with only one cell occupying the entire space of the hallway. You paid no mind to anything else and sprinted toward what you assumed would be the exit, the larger-than-life doors automatically slid open as you approached. 
Your feet felt like the weight of feathers, carrying you down the empty hallway with ease and at the speed you’ve never experienced before. You could outrun a car—you were sure of it.
You could see the light shining through in-between the cracks, but instead of despair and your demise—you approached it with a flicker of hope swimming in your bloodstream, like a seemingly dead lighter cracking with sparks, lighting up your senses.
You were beyond delirious. 
And upon reaching the gigantic doors, you ran down another large hallway before coming face-to-face with yet another door, this time, it hadn’t opened for you. 
A frown found its way onto your features, your eyebrows furrowed as you slowed your pace and inspected the mechanics of the door. You could see the glow of a handprint security console to your right, the light from it illuminating the dark, unsuspecting hallway. 
You shrugged, and settled for the good, old fashioned way: brute forcing it. 
You laid both your palms flat against the surface of the door, taking a deep breath, you concentrated on your palms and pushed. 
It only made a small dent this time around—but you were determined to escape, to see the light of the sky and the breeze that would greet you with fluttering touches. You kept pushing, and the more you pushed, the more you exhausted your body—you couldn’t stop now; not when the grasp of freedom is within the palm of your hands, quite literally. You could hear the screeching creaks of the hedges, a positive sign; because it would mean you were close to breaking it down. Your body pushing its limit against the weight of the door, prayers falling out along with your heavy breaths. And soon enough, you felt the weight of the door suddenly lessened tenfold, slowly falling over—and you almost tumbled down along with it. 
It was excruciatingly loud.
Unbeknownst to you, Miguel had excused himself for a tea break when he saw you had woken up, his eyes restless as he hadn’t had a wink of sleep in days. So imagine his utter disbelief and surprise when he came back to his desk thinking he was able to have a small break, only to find that you had somehow managed to wreck the security camera he had installed prior to your arrival. He let out a string of curses in his mother tongue, “¡Ay, coño!” as his fingers worked their magic, the absurdity of the situation had gotten to him–
—this was the exact reason he told Peter B. Parker that he couldn’t catch a small rest every time he would suggest, because whenever he does, shit goes down.
Panic ensued, coursing through his entire fiber of being as he fiddled around with his keyboard with insane speed, the sound of ‘clicks’ and ‘clacks’ motivated him to find your whereabouts—you couldn’t have been far, after all, this was his building. 
You rode the high of having pushed over a door that probably weighed a thousand times more than you; but you weren’t prepared for the sight that would meet your eyes next—
A lot of them.
So much so that you could feel a hundred pairs of eyes staring you down, as if to see what could be behind the collapsed gate. To their curiosity and confusion, the dust from where the door fell soon blown away by the wind, revealing your comically tiny figure compared to the large gate, how you had been the culprit that somehow brute forced her way through their security measures, some Spider-people eyeing you with a glint of amusement—the others? Couldn’t care less, you saw how one Spider-woman went back to enjoying a few sips on her cup of drink as she kept on walking. 
You had caused a scene.
And this should be the part of the play where you run.
Suddenly, the speakers blared loud alarms, and you saw the way all of their watches’ screens turned on—revealing the oh-so familiar face you’ve grown to despise. 
“All stations, stop what you’re doing right now, we have a prisoner on the loose—capture on spot by any means.”
It seemed as though the world stopped functioning for just that one second; your breath hitched, the entirety of the vast spaces that were occupied by the Spider-people dropped into complete silence–you could’ve sworn you heard someone clearing their throat somewhere amongst them. 
“That’s her, right?” You could hear one of the Spider-men on the far right quip, scratching his head.
“Yeah I’m pretty sure–”
“Are you an idiot? Of course it’s her—” another one raised their voice, pointing at you and hopping in frustration.
“No that couldn’t be her,” you spoke up, your voice deepened, pretending to chime in as one of them while you cautiously side-stepped into the empty hall closest to you.
“Puta madre,” Miguel’s words rang through everyone’s ears, “It is her, get her now!”
All at once, the dozen eyes of the Spider-people landed on you, some of them gearing up to prepare for the chase, the others stared you down with what you would assume to be murderous gaze. You gave a small, innocent wave with a nervous smile worn on your face as someone in the back shouted. 
“What are you guys doing?! Get her!”
You felt your heart leap out of your chest.
…maybe you should’ve stayed inside your prison cell.
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acopenhagenarmy · 1 year
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Pairing: Y/N x Any idol you love
Fluff and angst - non idol au
Wordcount: 1400 ish
Warnings: None
Summary: You had once broken his heart, you promised that you wouldn't do that ever again. Can you keep it this time around?
Note: This is based off a dream I had last night. It's heartbreaking, and I'm therefore using it as my free therapy session. - You can insert whoever in the place of our leading man, personally I feel like Jungkook is fitting the overall description. But if you want it to be San, Jay, Minguy or maybe even Yoongi, feel free to do so.
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You stood there in a kitchen surrounded by people laughing, talking and having fun. It felt like being surrounded by family, even though you couldn’t quite place why that was, because none of these people's faces seemed like those of people you knew. 
Or that was at least until you spotted him, you knew exactly who he was but he looked right through you. His eyes never met yours and it broke your heart. 
You knew you deserved it. You had not treated him well. You had broken his heart and never thought of him again. But being so close to him was torture, and you suddenly couldn’t remember why you'd ever let him go. 
He walked towards you, and said a small: “excuse me” as he passed. It was like he was deliberately trying not to touch you, as if he would burst into flames if he did. 
Your body had reacted before your mind had a chance to stop it, and you reached out and grabbed his hand. 
The mere skin to skin contact was enough for both of your breaths to hitch. He towered over you, his dark hair looked like he had just rolled out of bed. But it had always been your favorite look on him. After all, the two of you had spent most of your time together there. 
You could see how he desperately tried to blink away the tears that his eyes threatened to spill. 
“Y/N…” he said. But it was nothing more than a whisper, and you were confident that no one else had heard him. 
You took his other hand in yours, and saw how he shut his eyes closed, with a pained expression on his face. How did I ever let him go? You thought to yourself. 
You guided his arms around your waist, and forced him to hold you in his arms. 
“Oh god, please don’t…” He said, this time a little louder, but still not loud enough for people to notice what was going on between the two of you. 
“I’m so sorry” You whispered, and the pained expression were quickly traded in for one of surprice. “I’m so so sorry, I should’ve never left you” 
You were close to him now, and could basically feel the frantic beating of his heart. 
“Do-don’t say things you might regret” he answered as his eyes searched yours for the slightest hint of deception. 
You just shook your head. “It has always been you, I’ve just been too stupid to notice it before now” 
“Are you sure?” His arms were now holding you on their own. You had forgotten how safe he had always felt. He felt like home. 
“I’m sure” you said and raised your hand to his cheek. He instantly leaned into you as he released a breath. 
You couldn’t help yourself, and before you knew it your lips were crashed into his, and your hands were in his hair as he himself pulled you closer to him. 
As you finally came up for air, the two of you could do nothing else but stare at one another and laugh at this whole situation. 
God you had missed that sound. You had missed that familiar spark in his eyes whenever he looked at you. 
“Promise me you wont leave me like that ever again” 
“I promise” 
He gave you a peck and sent a smirk your way. “Good” 
Before you knew it, you were sitting next to him on a couch in the living room, one of his arms wrapped around you, pulling you close. 
“God I can't believe you’re the one” A girl said as she looked at the two of you. “My brother and my best friend… You could’ve told me, you know?” 
“Honestly? I had no idea he was your brother, we just met and hit it off I guess” You looked up at him, and he couldn’t help but smile before he placed a rather long kiss on your forehead. 
She shook her head. “He told me about you, you know. The gorgeous woman who worked in STEM that broke his heart… It’s not something that really happens to him” 
It was more a statement than anything else. She wanted you to know that you had hurt him. 
You could do nothing but nod. 
“I know… Would you believe me if I said I didn’t mean too?” 
She shrugged. 
“Calm down sis, everything is okay now. I got her back and that makes me happy, so just, let me enjoy this. Okay?” 
The conversation continued, and as the day became night, the two of you got more and more entangled in each other. 
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You spent most of your days together. You met his parents and were introduced as his girlfriend. At no point did you regret taking his hand that day, in fact you’d fallen more and more in love with him for every day that passed. 
He spoiled you with food, flowers and gifts. You spend the days waking up to him and his ruffled hair that you loved so much. 
And as time went on he opened more and more up to you. He was an influencer, and you’d never expect to be with someone in that profession and enjoying it. 
He kept you somewhat secret from the world, the two of you had decided that it would be best to stay in your bubble for a little while longer. But you helped him with his content, and as time went on he shared more and more of your lives together. 
He shared datenights, and how he was typically seated between your legs as he played playstation and you read a book. 
You were one soul, separated into two people, who had finally found each other. And those around you thought you were a little too smitten with one another, and they kept warning you that people usually had to burst that ‘new romance bubble’ at one point. 
But somehow it just never happened for the two of you. You could talk about your day to day life, lay in silence and just study each other's faces, you could cry as you opened up about past traumas, and you made love whenever you felt like it. It was perfect, the two of you together were perfect. 
At one point you were filming out on the terrace of his parents house. Sun going down behind him, and him wearing nothing but shorts and sneakers. He looked beautiful in that golden light. 
He waved at you, and you waved back. Revealing nothing but your manicured hand to his viewers. 
“You look beautiful darling” He said and sent a smile your way and your only response was to laugh. 
And then you felt it. You weren’t one to pass out, and it didn’t feel like you were about to. But something changed in that exact moment, and you couldn’t quite figure out why. And when you would, it would already be too late. 
He saw how your smile dropped in an instant, how your eyes panicked and instantly found his. 
“Y/N…?” You could hear the desperation in his voice. 
“Promise me you’ll find me out there” It was all you could muster to get out, it was all you said before you saw him running towards you. And then everything went black. 
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When you woke up, the darkness were still surrounding you. You were just laying there eyes closed for a few minutes as you tried your best to recall his features. But all you remembered were the hair, the hands and the feeling of him. The rest of him were a blur. You couldn’t even remember his name. 
You found your phone in the bed. 06:45 it read.
It felt like you had lost someone precious, it felt like you had lost your heart, and in its stead were now a black hole filled with nothing but emptiness and pain. 
You had no idea how to get started with this day, it felt like you should stay home and mourn the loss of him. 
Maybe he remembers, maybe he will find me out here… you thought. 
But how could he? He was after all only a figment of your imagination, he was after all only a character in your dream. But he felt real, and you could do nothing but hope that someone would ever love you as much and as unconditionally as he had. 
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halevren · 7 months
FHJY Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 7
this may take me longer than usual because I have hurt my hand so it's wrapped up rn and it makes it hard to type 🫡
I miss ayda aguefort i hope she shows up in this episode.
pitch perfect 2 mention! I used to be so into music related movies
So much happened last episode, this recap is so long
I am not a fan of Grix.
Two Kristen's again
"Pretty fun to commit fraud"
"That was sophomore year, I'm cool now"
Body rolling I love body rolling it's so fun to just vibe
Mandatory drug test????
Bard class cool as hell
Rip Gorgug he fell on the stairs
"Did she cast a spell on you " "I mean, in a sense..."
Littledoggy Girlcollar
they should investigate definitely
"If we all do drugs, they can't expell all of us."
Riz trying so hard to keep Fig from being expelles
shrimp burrito
Gorgug not being a fan of Mary Ann is very interesting to me and very reasonable.
"I think it's a really good thing you're thinking."
kipperlitty is subliminally messaging people with the food?!?!?!?!?
I can't wait to see the fan art that comes out of this episode
"Hey.... Girlie"
"Did you hear? She passed." KRISTEN EHEHEJWKEHBEE
"Hey do we need to lock it in" yeah probably
Max Durden is probably my second favorite npc
"Everyone has to have a least favorite friend, it's fine" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Fabian running a study hall is so cool
This downtime sounds fun
Riz "The Ball" Gukgak
Aewlyn mention 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
"Nice new shirt, did you buy it underground?"
The stress tokens are actually making me real life stressed
GORGUG NAT 20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"It might be more stable than mine"
i miss Cassandra I hope she's okay
The shrimp jump. WAS a miracle
let's go Cassandra!
Fig paladin of Cassandra??????????????
Oh my god is Fig Multiclassing
oh my god wait craig he's still around
"it's like animal piss but in a good way"
"Kristen, your adult man is being weird"
"You'd be a nasty as paladin?"
"I don't want to harsh your vibe"
"Everyone has to lick me"
oh no he's a noodler
gorgug has tunnel vision
Gorgug is literally so stressed
the rage!
Fabian is such a loser when it comes to talking with girls
This is so painful, Fabian needs something. I don't know what but God he need something
Fabian stress token
Walking store Adaine
ya hoo
av class 🔥🔥🔥
i need art of fishing club Riz just goin' fishing
Gorgug & Riz joint birthday party!!!!
17 having a ice cream party sounds absolutely lit
Gorbag and Roz!!!
goodbye lucilla she's gone to the skies
"I think you're being weird here"
oh my god fig
Fig is having a strange day
"Why can't I tell him he's weird"
"Haha! Counterspell! ♪"
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me."
oh my god Brennan said teenage rebellion.... just like... just like the song teenage rebellion... T-T-T-TAKING OVER TEENAGE REBELLION IT'S OUT TIME IT'S OUR YEAR—
"Can I take a stress for Kristen"
Riz is the only character allowed to take a stress for another person
popular kid Kristen!!!!
"Anyone who think he's cool" me too I fall in love with everyone who thinks I'm cool
alter emo hauntings a kid's dreams
"Not All Who Wanda Are Lost" single released on all listening platforms. 1 mil listens in a week
oh no...... this is going to be awful and awkward.
ohhhhhh....... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... Fabian.......... This is painful........
Ivy is catching these hands, leave my girl Mazey alone
"You missed your shot, playboy" no he has a call with his bank
Riz is at his conspiracy board
Something does feel off about grix
Everyone has a stress token
"Go roll me a corrupted bardic"
Even I'm grieving Lucy, she sounds lovely...
oh there's something deep going on with lucy
"It's the boss, baby"
Murph has figured it OUT
The epic music
This stress system is making me STRESSED
I relate to the stress causing antisocial things
ohhhhhh goodness.....
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angelicdevil · 11 months
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So I’ve been busy making some TADC OCs, and I’ll probably be drawing their dynamics with other characters and each other. Info on each under the cut
Ash is of course my self insert. They’re a witch and an artist that tries to look out for everyone and be kind, a compassionate face can make things easier. They’ve also thrown Jax from one end of the map to the other. He’s one of the strongest members despite being part of the shorty squad. They’re deeply in love with both Ragatha and Pomni, and their poor best friends (Gangle and @snowmiserboio ‘s Tommy) have to deal with this nervous schoolgirl crush routine until Ash makes a move.
Midnight Moon is a TADC version of my favorite Sonic OC. The clowns are a pretty tightly knit group so they all get excited when a new clown shows up, like Pomni. Midnight is cheerful and energetic, and so so fast. He likes to do tricks and often does prat falls, cracking the ground with her helmet often. Considering its skill but also all the unexpected obstacles that get in xir way, it’s not always clear if these falls are on purpose or not. Fae is also taller then Jax.
Flip and Iron are also versions of my Sonic OCs and also sisters, so they entered the circus pretty close together. Not at exactly the same time but it was clear one was following the other. Haven’t decided what order though.
Flip is an acrobat and I decided to do a boot off an angel motif cause it’s cute. She’s also friends with Ash so they’ve don’t angel and devil routines for fun. They are incredibly sweet and best friends with Midnight. Though it can’t always match his energy, it always enjoys his company. She’s graceful and beautiful and can actually fly with the wings on their bow. It’s also very kind to the NPCs.
Iron is of course a strong man with a costume that’s the wrong compaction, but those muscles really do work. She’s also good friends with Midnight and Primma too. She’s also protective of her sister, who in turn is protective of her. She also loves her hair, especially her mustache, and her muscles too. She has a lovely singing voice. Her main taste in women are butches.
Dim Dim is a very friendly clown with a skirt that can produce anything. So she often pulls out game models in order to play games or build something. It tries to provide distractions for when people don’t have the energy for an adventure. She also has a thing for cowboys. It is also part of the tightly knit clown group of course, and is probably the friendliest member. It uses its hair as a third hand as practically as one can use a giant hand.
Primma Donna is a tightrope walker that’s also completely full of herself. Hard not to be when you’re beautiful, elegant, and have the most beautiful singing voice of the cast. She often gets on everyone’s nerves, but being self absorbed is how she copes. So it can be hard for her to admit when she wrongs others, but she has apologized. She doesn’t WANT to cause others true pain, she’s just scared and is in turn scared to show that she’s scared. She fucking hates Jax though, she’s hit him with her parasol before.
Rosa Felt is probably one of the most irritable out of the group, only beat by Zooble. He likes most of the others, she just tends to have a short temper. Partially because he’s not allowed to smoke. Or have a real gun most of the time. She probably wouldn’t use it on anyone but he thinks they’re cool. So she has to settle for a tooth pick and several water guns and whatever shooting related carnival games are available. He’s an excellent shot, though. And has the Duke Nukem sound effect. He has had to build up a tolerance for nonsense, but folks like Jax can easily tip her over the edge into anger.
Florita is the youngest at 20 years of age. And acts even younger. She of course spends a lot of time doing plant related stuff, gardening and such. They’re very cheerful and make flower crowns for their friends, and show anyone that needs or wants to how to care for the plants. Her favorite is a little baby monster “Venus flytrap” (the kind that don’t resemble real ones) that she’s named “Audrey III” for their favorite horror musical. She’s also not too fond of Jax and has straight up kicked him before.
Thread is believed to be related to Ragatha, but no one is sure how. She is VERY sweet though and crafty, often using her needle fingers for cutting and sewing. She also loves cats. She’s one of the few people that likes Jax, taking his assholishness as jokes. She’s best friends with Dim Dim and Rosa, and likes to mess with the NPCs is harmless ways. She just likes to see how they react by the boundaries of their programming.
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ITLW Lore Stream Summary!
Notes taken from Limited Life + Lore Q&A Stream
Notes taken mostly chronologically, with some elements shuffled around to fit under certain sections. Italics used for poem quotes, quotation marks for direct quotes from Martyn. Also, you can find a summary of the Last Life lore stream here and the stream itself here!
Pillar built, another test: Beginning of Watcher’s influence to betray Scott- he is seriously hated by the Watchers, and there are multiple allusions in the first poem to eventually betraying him.
Pillar also refers to the pedestal the Watcher’s have put Martyn on; they are more interested in him because he has an “emotive soul” and is “more fun to torment.” He has a good emotional range they find interesting- he has the capacity to be honourable and stick with his allies as well as turning on anyone as soon as the situation calls for it.
Pause, unpause, we paralyse/A vacant stare for wandering eyes: Referring to the AFK episode, with Grian as a Watcher who has inserted himself into the games. Grian is attempting to taint the game for the Watchers- his goal is to make the games more fun than it is tragic, depriving the Watchers of the pain they want. The Watchers, angry at his continued interference, used their power to paralyse him, leaving him still physically present but unable to do anything but passively watch- this was supposed to make him easier to kill as well as trying to prevent his positive impact.
“This season they could interrupt his channelling and paralyse his avatar, forcing him to only watch, a claustrophobic and frustrating tomb to be encased in.”
Grian has been acting independently of the other Watchers for some time- he’s a rogue agent of sorts, with Watcher abilities but he’s so new to it he doesn’t have a full grasp of them. “He hasn’t had a full awakening, if you will, and he hasn’t met the Council and things like that.” 
He’s also unaware of the Listeners and believes he’s fighting a solo battle in trying to resist. The Watchers have also tried in-game assassination to shorten his time and prevent him from revealing the reality of the situation to other players, but it hasn’t worked.
Echoes ring for brief exchange/Disruptions by the ones estranged/Tread careful sound/for if we met/our gaze would bring untimely deaf: Watchers are directly addressing the Listeners, a rival power trying to free the players. The Listeners are being of the same type/existence as the Watchers- they’re exactly the same except that they stepped away/deviated from the Watchers, hence why they’re referred to as “estranged.”
Watchers have dominion over all minecraft places, and they can pull people in to do these death games. For the first time, the Listeners have been able to temporarily disrupt the games. 
This is partially due to Grian unknowingly running distraction by being so active this season- all the tnt minecart kills, his quad kill, etc - so the Watchers are focused on countering him, allowing the Listeners to break through.
Body swaps: Listeners swapped in Gem and Lizzie for the sake of Cleo and Pearl’s souls, and Gem and Lizzie were sworn to secrecy. Lizzie was tapped in because Pearl hadn’t quite recovered from the events of Double LIfe. This ties back to the idea that the Watchers will sometimes overindulge and feed too much on the negative feelings, and this time around they didn’t give enough room for recovery.
Martyn showing her Tilly’s ashes then really hurt Pearl, sending her on a bit of a downward spiral, and in recognition of that, the Listeners were able to step in. They were the ones behind the temporary switch.
“Pearl’s aura was still fractured and wasn’t quite whole before the beginning of Limited Life, which meant as the series was going on, there was lots of echoes from the previous season. … Normally the players don’t hold onto those wants and feelings from the previous seasons because these are eaten by the Watchers and each player goes into the next match with neutral feelings about everything. They have those memories, but they don’t hold onto those negative emotions, that sadness, but with Pearl, they kind of messed up with that, which is why Pearl came to me saying ‘Have you got Tilly.’”
On Joel being able to recognise Lizzie when others couldn’t: He was able to recognise her through mannerisms alone, due to the strength of their bond in other worlds.
In response to “no one is a Listener yet” from chat: “Yep, who’s to say, the Watchers were able to bring somebody into the fold. Maybe at some point one of these players would be able to leave. It would be very difficult for them to, the reason it was easy for Grian to become a Watcher was because it was kind of his intent and it was something they wanted to do- the Watchers kind of pulled him out and did it themselves. But here, these players in the Life series and the people that tried to flee from Evo are under such scrutiny and under such close watch it’s hard for the Listeners to really make a dent there and do things like that.”
Pulsing vignette in lead up to final kills: Representing the built up frustration of the Watchers about the Listener’s messing with their games. They’re also mad at Scott (primarily for not abiding by the Boogeyman mechanic in Last Life) and Impulse (for him giving away his time in the name of a fair fight/he’s accepted his place and found peace with the situation). The planned ending the finalists had was too civil, too familiar, it didn’t have the excitement and pain the Watchers want from these games.
More on Martyn’s betrayal: It was both a deeply embedded existing thought (he has always had the mindset of “I will kill who I need to to win this thing”) and the Watchers really amplifying those negative feelings. 
“Mentioning time being delicious was almost like, very slightly, the Watchers slipping in to mild possession towards the end.”
Martyn was left alive in the world until his timer ran out. He went back to the hourglass, moved all the sand to the bottom of the timer, and covered the glass up just as his time runs out. He falls dead into the water, and gets washed up onto the shore. Only the winner’s corpse remains.
There are some who watch/We are those who listen/Not yet free/Still you flee/From a weighted decision: Martyn isn’t aware of this, it is the Listeners semi-addressing the audience.The Listeners have a presence, or part of a presence, in where the players are being held between the death games- they’ve managed to break through the barrier.
Fleeing from a weighted decision: Recognition of the players trying to run away from the Watchers in Evo, and partly Martyn running from the betrayal of having just killed Scott.
Marks/Fragments: The marks are soul fragments that have been lost and it isn’t known if they can be repaired/recovered. The marks visible here are Life series losses, with there being one for each season. The win directly enabled the fragment protection- Martyn does most of the work and the purple being (confirmed to be a Listener) comes in at the end to finish the process/make sure it is properly protected. It does not mean the fragment is safe forever.
There’s a constant battle between the two sides, and this tug of war over the players causes strain and results in smaller fragments, but the Life series marks stand out because they are bigger, more impactful moments.
The marks are shaped like diamonds, with the branching lines being cracks that spread out. 
Life series marks: Mark on his face is from Third Life. “I like the idea of that being placed there because it was a tear shed when Ren fell, because that was kind of the moment that broke character Martyn and made him more selfish moving forwards.” Mark on back from Last Life (hidden secrets), mark on his chest from Double Life (over the heart), and mark on his hand from Limited Life (hand wielding the sword).
Void: The world that Martyn is falling/floating through is an unexplained void. The players are left in suspension because of the instinctive fear of falling, so it’s a passive way to generate fear even while they recover between games. 
Listener’s appearance: When they first break through the barrier, they are pure white/pure light- they become purple when tainted by the Watcher’s domain, this is not reflective of their true colour.
Assorted Notes:
How much is Martyn aware of? He doesn’t know all this is going on. When he’s in the void he’s completely unconscious. In the games, he doesn’t know that Grian is a Watcher. The only time he’s gotten a glimpse of the truth (and couldn’t comprehend it) was the conversation at the end of Last Life.
Number of games: We don’t know, as the audience, whether there have been different games happening in between each of the Life series. Games like Third Life could have been run multiple times before introducing Last Life. 
Wouldn’t people start to question it if they remember all the death games? Probably- he doesn’t think they’d be able to figure out a wider, more ominous picture, but they’d start to ask “Why do we keep doing this?” However, since all the negative emotions are stripped away, it’s likely the players would just view it as a bit of fun sport.
Do the Watchers have any favourites? Martyn is one of their favourites, because he’s shown that he will follow their instructions, but also Skizz and Joel because of how much they lean into the chaotic bloodlust of being Red they find entertaining.
What about other SMPs like Evo or Hermitcraft? Evo is part of the timeline whereas other SMPs are more “I don’t know if dreams is right word, but they’re a different plane.” When the players in in the unconscious state- falling between games- that is when they are “planewalking in a sense.”
Did Martyn lose fragments in Rats SMP because of the multiple lives? No, that was an instance where a fragment was protected.
On the sped up footage during the countdown: It was Limited Life Episode 5, Double Life Episode 4, Last Life Finale, and Third Life Episode 8.
What are the chapters of his Lore? Chapter 1: Memory Lane (indicative of Evo), Chapter 2: Life (beginning of the death games), Chapter 3: Into the Datastream (current), Chapter 4: Fragment Wars.
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