#it just. goes up their??? and its uncomfortable too???? and u can feel it??? [dies]
dooodle-bug · 2 years
holy shit tampons really Like that
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hunterbunter3000 · 1 year
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ok so I've had this in my memory for ages and i can so imagine Sweetheart having this as a tattoo on her back, like the angel wings tattoos that are the complete length of your back so and the crescent on her neck like oml like its barely visible from under her shirts and it just makes her neck look that much more delectable plus the contrast from the womb tattoo to the angel like wings is a sight to see, makes the boys go feral (especially soap once he sees it, he didn't notice before cuz he was too short lol)
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The original idea was that she was going to have two pieces, high and low tattoos, the low one was something like this:
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But then I scrapped that, and she was just gonna have a regular back tattoo (like a big one or one in the middle of her back), and it was gonna be something like this:
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B U T that changed and the new idea was that the back tattoo was traveling on her body, like coming to her collarbone and neck, and coming down her arms (which is talked about in the 18+ Gaz ask), something like this:
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Like I can see her getting it because a friend told her that it'll look so cool, not telling her what it means. (As you said, it looks like angel wings) and then that friend dies, not telling her the meaning. (Her friend told her to get it because Sweetheart is like an angel)
(Just kinda sensual teehee)
Cw.: biblical talk (angels), so much praise, overstimulation (sweets cries), bit of angst and feels, (idk if this counts as angst? I'm still learning what's angst and what's not😭) soap is so down bad he's speaking in Scottish Gaelic-- it's translated by Google so I'm sorry beforehand! He talks so damn much, I went overboard 💀 the translation is at the end!
So skip ahead to the now, she's taking care of some wounds she got from a mission, with her shirt off and hair down, wrapping her ankle with concentrated eyes. She doesn't hear Soap knock on her door, and she doesn't hear his little gasp. She also doesn't hear him walk slowly towards her, but she does feel thick, warm fingers move some of her hair and trail down her back. She jolts, turning around abruptly. Her tense shoulders relax, seeing it's only her best friend.
She needs to be more vigilant.
"Jeez, Soap," She chuckles, "You scared me."
His eyes are wide, skin flushed with pink and breaths uneven.
"Tha mi duilich..." he mutters breathlessly. Sweetheart cocks an eyebrow. "Whatcha say?" Soap sucks in a breath and closes his eyes tightly. It's like he's telling himself something.
"Sorry, I'm - I said I'm sorry." Sweetheart nods, "Oh, that's cool! Is that like- Gaelic or somethin'?" Soap nods as if he's in a trance, eyes still focused on her back. Her glowing, hunched over back with the mark of an angel. It has to be. Different scars align on her skin, some in different lengths, some overlapping others, and many that are jagged.
But the beauty of the tattoo is still relevant.
Sweetheart calls out his name softly to get his attention but fails. His mind is hazy, and too many thoughts going through him. The waves of heat pulse on his skin and insides as he gets closer to her back.
Sweetheart doesn't feel comfortable, but she doesn't feel uncomfortable at the same time. She sees him get on his knees and reaches out for her, but freezes. He turns his head and shuts his eyes again, having mental turmoil with his actions. He stares into her eyes, asking her if he can touch it. Feel it.
Admire it.
Her eyes flutter, looking back at him one last time, she shifts her hair to one side, combing the curls with her hand, showing more of the tattoo that goes up to the nape of her neck and around her shoulders. Her actions speak a million words to him.
You can touch it. But please, be gentle.
She hears him whine- whine-- and his palms are clamping on her back immediately.
"Tha e cho breagha. Fuck, bidh thu mar bhàs dhomh, leanabh." His hand slides around to her tummy, tracing the heart to her womb tattoo since he remembers where it's located, engraved- burned-- into his memory. "Ach bheir thu air ais beò mi le seo," His voice is but a whisper over her back, the woman confused if he's talking to her or the tattoo. She feels plush lips where the blade is located. Oh god--
He's kissing it.
Sweetheart shivers, a whiny moan bubbling in her throat, but she covers her mouth with her shaky hand. She hears him mumble Gaelic again, but it doesn't feel like he's talking bad about it. It feels good, warm. Like he's praising it.
Worshipping it.
His other hand feels her skin all over her side, up her back till he reaches her shoulder. "Bha fios agam gu robh thu a 'falach rudeigin fo na turtlenecks sin, brèagha. Bha an corp seo an-còmhnaidh a’ falach rudeigin. Air do ghualainn," His fingers trail on the lines of the angel-like wings, "Air do ghualainn," They snake upwards and around, the pads feeling the bumps of scars and the outline of ink. "Suas do mhuineal."
Sweetheart whimpers, shivering under his touch. Her shoulders cave in, and she bends more forward. She feels his lips trail up her heated skin, wet with love and praise from the scotsman. She knew he loved her tattoos that she showed him, but she never thought he would do something like this.
Did he really like them that much? Did he really like her that much?
Soaps breath shudders on the halo, feeling her goosebumps form and hairs sticking up, hands raking up and down the spiked angel wings.
"Tha mi a’ guidhe nach do dh’fhalaich thu uam, a ghràidh. Tha gaol agam oirbh uile, agus chan atharraich sin gu bràth."
"I'm- I'm sorry...?" Why is she apologizing? She felt like she needed to apologize for something she did but didn't understand what he said. She was going to speak again, but the gentle lull of his shushing in her ear stopped her.
"Òr 's a tha mise air do chràdh agus an dubh a tha air do chorp naomh. Tha am peant dubh maireannach a th’ agad a’ toirt ort coimhead ethereal. Fuck, chan eil fhios agam carson a tha thu a’ còmhdach seo. Bidh thu a’ faighinn cho togarrach rium a h-uile uair a thig thu faisg orm, agus a bhith faicinn an ealain a th’ agad air do bhodhaig na urram ann fhèin. Tha do bhòidhchead tarraingeach, aingil. Chan eil fios agad dè an ìre de chumhachd a tha agad thairis air na fir a tha a 'coiseachd air an talamh seo."
If he keeps going, she's gonna pass out at this rate.
His growly, Scottish drawl always made Sweetheart heat up and melt. But this - this carnal, whispering preaching onto her skin - it's too much, overflowing her cup to the point that it spills all over the floor.
"Mar a chuirinn seachad mo làithean uile ag innse dhut mar a tha thu mar thiodhlac bho na nèamhan. Cha bhithinn leisg a dhol air mo ghlùinean agus mo dhìlseachd gu lèir a thoirt dhut a h-uile latha." He mumbles, lips talking against her skin like he's muttering scriptures to the ink.
With his blue eyes half-lidded, his hands slide down her shoulder blades and back up, his touch so gentle like feathers and silk, down to the small of her back, where the blade ends.
"Tha mi a’ guidhe nach do dh’fhalaich thu uam, a ghràidh. Tha gaol agam oirbh uile, agus chan atharraich sin gu bràth."
"Johnny..." Sweetheart calls out, mysterious want laced in her voice. She doesn't know why he acts like her tattoos are sacred. She doesn't know why she feels tears forming. Her eyes flutter back when his thumbs massage her hips.
He hums, "An ann air sgàth sin a fhuair thu seo? A chionn gu bheil thu bho na nèamhan? Tha e ciallach nam biodh tu. Archangel, a 'stiùireadh shaighdearan gu cogadh le do bhall-airm, ceannardas, agus làmh an uachdair."
Her breath hitches. Archangel?
Why did he say that?
He thinks she's an angel? One of the heavenly hosts, a dispenser of justice and bringer of hope.
Oh my God.
If he thinks that she's like an archangel, then that's the best compliment she has ever gotten.
She feels tears coming down her cheeks, the heavy feeling in her head and warmth coursing through her veins. She remembers when her old high school friend from home told her to get this piece as a tattoo since she had trouble figuring out what to get. She was so excited, kept asking her every day what it meant or what significance it had with Sweetheart, but all she kept saying was, "You'll figure it out."
Sweetheart asked sporadically when her friend was in the hospital. Her answer was always the same.
Sweetheart stopped asking completely when her friend was buried next to her family. She didn't give an answer anymore.
She covers her mouth again to stop a choked sob, tears streaming down her face.
Her friend knew.
"Fiù 's nuair a tha thu air do dhòrtadh ann am fuil an nàmhaid, tha thu fhathast a' seasamh àrd ann an neart, misneachail, nad ghlòir gu lèir. A ’coimhead thairis air a h-uile duine, a’ cuideachadh neach sam bith ann an fheum leis a ’ghàire radanta sin."
Soap knows.
"Ged nach fhaicear do sgiathan, bidh iad fhathast a 'deàrrsadh fon t-solas a tha a' gluasad bho do shàil. An dòchas agus an gaol a bheir thu do dhaoine ... bheir e orm tuiteam air do shon eadhon nas motha a h-uile uair."
And now Sweetheart knows.
He kisses her shoulders, neck, and spine- all the way down to the tip of the blade. He could kiss this skin forever, hearing her soft moans and whimpers. Soap hears her little hiccups and moves to face her. He tenderly cups her jaw and slowly lifts, seeing her big, glistening eyes look up at him. Her damp cheeks, creased eyebrows, and wobbling bottom lip melts his heart. He looks at her with such fondness and love in his eyes, Sweetheart is sure that she will pass away. He brushes her hair out of her face as if she's made out of the finest china.
"Oh, mo ghràidh, mo leannan."
He cranes his neck down, soft swollen lips meeting her forehead. Sweetheart's eyes close, clumped with tears, leaning into his kiss and clutching his hand.
"Mo aingeal dìon."
꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱
It's so beautiful. Fuck, you'll be the death of me, baby. But you'll bring me back to life with this. I knew you were hiding something under those turtlenecks, beautiful. This body was always hiding something. On your shoulders... Up your neck. I wish you didn't hide from me, my love. I love you all, and that will never change.
You have nothing to apologize for, my darling, my heart. Words can not describe how much I ache for you and the ink that's on your holy body. The black permanent paint you have makes you look ethereal. Fuck, I don't know why you cover this. You get me so excited every time you come near me, and to see the art you have on your body is an honor in itself. Your beauty is alluring, angelic. You don't know how much power you hold over the men that walk this earth.
How I would spend all my days telling you how you're a gift from the heavens. I would not hesitate to get on my knees and give my devotion to you every day.
Hmm, is that why you got this? Because you're from the heavens? It makes sense if you were. An archangel, guiding soldiers into war with your weapon, leadership, and dominant hand.
Even when drenched in the enemy's blood, you still stand tall in strength, confident, in all your pretty glory. Watching over everyone, helping anyone in need with that radiant smile.
Even though your wings are not seen, they still shine under the light that radiates from your halo. The hope and love you give people... it makes me fall for you even more every time.
My dear, my sweetheart.
My guardian angel.
Bruh, I totally blocked out the others HAHA
They haven't seen it yet, but Soap boasts about it 24/7. He described it the best he can without giving anything away. But he talks consistently that he saw it and he touched it and-- other stuff.
He doesn't tell his team that he practically went to church on her back tattoo, but he sees how jealous they got so that's good enough for him. Thank God Krueger doesn't know.
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dykeyote · 2 years
what if for the character thing i said elijah volkov for the funnies (PLEASE DON'T BLOW ME UP PLEASE DON'T BLOW ME UP PL)
i wont blow u up with my mind ..... TODAY ....... but i will do this bc i actually do have lots of thoughts on him hehe >:) many of those are just filled with hate
fav thing about him: oh hes an AMAZING villain hes so well written . he really gets under my skin like people talk about how his pet names are hot but i just could never relate to that because his pet names are so saccharine sweet it makes me shiver its like . his obsessive yet adoring affection is written in such a perfect way that makes you simultaneously get lovebombed by his kindness alongside sydney while Also feeling so creeped out and uncomfortable and i think thats Brilliant writing
least favorite thing about him: that hes a stupid idiot motherfucker dumbass stupid idiot who i hate and whos stupid and awufl and gross and disgusting and i literally hate him so much that listening to the clock of meantime when he started talking i got so angry i started violently shaking and had to stop listening to the episode . i want to kill him . serious answer is obviously that hes a predator but thats obvious so more specifically the fact that he kissed sydneys stuffed animal creeps me otu SO bad every time thinking about it makes me gen sick . idk why it just freaks me out so bad
favorite line: "Don’t you think you deserve better than what he gives you? Don’t you deserve his utmost appreciation? Devotion? Love?...He should worship you!...Worship is everywhere, dear. It’s the deepest, truest form of love. It’s the kind of love that gives a lover purpose. Life worships you!" i just think its such a brilliantly written subtle example of manipulation and lovebombing and drawing sydney away from jedidiah . like it starts with the Genuine point that sydney deserves better and deserves more love than hes getting from jeddie and then transitions to warming sydney up to the idea of being Worshipped and then after doing so transitions to the idea of worshipping being the Only true real good love (with the implication being that elijah is the one who can Provide that love and jedidiah cannot) . it just really stood out to me when i listened to that ep i thought it was so well done and such a subtle form of manipulation
fav friendship: i hope he never has any friends ever for the rest of his days
fav relationship: if we're saying "what i think the best possible option is" elijadam is inoffensive to me . i hate elijah too much and i dont really think he deserves a relationship at all but like idk i understand the appeal i get why people like it i wont side eye u for liking elijadam the way i would for like . any other elijah ship lmao . if we're talking "ships i actually Like instead of just thinking theyre fine" then elijah x getting his head chopped off
least fav relationship: i hope everyone who ships him w sydney dies and goes to hell no matter what /ref
random headcanon: i headcanon that hes a loser idiot- omg wait thats canon
unpopular opinion: trying to think of a niche unpopular opiniont hats not just "i think ur kinda weird if u constantly post about how sexy he is" . hmmmm. i feel the same way about willy stampler actually but it applies to elijah also i think a lot of people just refer to him as "manipulative" instead of "predatory" to soften what he did a bit and i find it odd
song i associate w him: aphrodite your electric sexiness
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virgil-says-things · 2 years
started off with Fiona waking up and hearing noises downstairs, so she goes down there hoping to see Lip, literally goes ':-D Lip??' just to see fucking Monica 😭
Fiona got a phonecall telling her that Margaret died and she goes 'grammy died??' and Monica walks over to her going 'i am so sorry' and Fiona immediately moves away whilst looking so disgusted 😭
AHAHWHDJFB even Debbie backs away from her looking uncomfortable 😭
WHY is Frank defending Monica so stubbornly?? if Ian doesn't wanna be around Monica for too long then Ian doesn't fucking have to!! shut up!!
she did NOT just call Carl 'Carlie'??? Monica none of them like you please stop trying so hard
'where's Lip?' uh oh
KAREN WAS A TWIN?? she ate her twin??
Karen returns with Lip and Jody immediately fucking dashes out of the house 😭 why is he still HERE
wait a fucking moment did Frank leave Sheila for fucking Monica?? Sheila thinks he's gonna come back?? what the actual fuck Frank
Monica makes me so uncomfortable I hate Frank so much for getting her to return
'Lip chose to leave this family. that sound familiar??' Fiona. the digs at Monica are funny but the situation with Lip was incredibly unfair
Monica's being trusted with Liam I'm so fucking scared
Karen is such a BITCH Sheila said nothing about charging Lip rent?? I highly doubt she would!! and telling him she'll take Frank with her on the adoption interviews?? fucking hell
Sheila thinks Eddie's haunting their house?? damn. and I think Jody does too now
the cut to Monica and Frank passionately making out is NOT okay they're supposed to be taking care of a baby. hello?? nevermind it's, once again, not just a makeout scene. FIONA WALKED IN ON IT OH MY GOD
Kevin's just learned that circle doesn't start with an s I'm so proud of him. he's learning.
'what if we adopt Lip as our own' KEVIN 😭
Lip please do not take that out on Kevin it's Veronica who doesn't want u there fucking hell
Monica's not taking her meds. and. denying that she's bipolar? well. that can't be good!
'its a school night the kids are already asleep' (Fiona) 'oh c'mon u know Carl can sleep through anything' (Frank) WHAT ABOUT THE OTHERS??? Frank and Monica frustrate me so fucking much. fuck me I am NOT handling the whole music through a speaker thing well
Ian came down, rightfully pissed off about it and said 'some of us wanna graduate and do smth with out lives so why don't u all shut the fuck up and let me sleep?' and Frank gets pissy and starts pushing him saying 'do not talk to ur mother like that' ???? fuck OFF???? okay I'm so glad Monica slapped Frank and told him to apologise. that is the one and only good thing she's done so far
I get Frank's whole thing with wanting the kids to have some time with Monica because she's their mother and his just died but come ON dude this is only gonna hurt them all in the end
Ian still wants to sleep btw guys so maybe take it elsewhere anyways - I feel so bad for Fiona here omfg
Lip's trying to get some sleep on a train I need this whole situation sorted immediately pls ty
Frank took Monica to Sheila's and they're both pretty drunk I'm pretty sure so they're falling into things and making a lot of noise - Sheila's convinced her house is haunted so it's scaring her and I hate it!! plus it's the middle of the fucking night can they just. not. do anything. ty! are they looking for fucking money that Margaret may have left behind?? oh my god.
Sheila's walking around with a fucking vacuum thinking it's the ghost of Eddie - can Frank and Monica just reveal themselves so she knows her house isn't fucking haunted.
Monica's giving Fiona recognition for taking care of literally everything which is good but I still don't like Monica
Frank's finding out that Margaret gave the money she had out to his brothers but none to him <3
ew ew ew Frank and Monica stop FUCKING kissing challenge I hate the both of you plus Debbie and the guy she's tryna get with are RIGHT THERE
FRANK TOLD MONICA ABOUT MICKEY AND IAN???? HE HAS NO FUCKING RIGHT. I mean at least she's supportive or whatever still hate her tho
'ah yes! I come on Lip!' (Estefania (?)) 'WITH. u come WITH Lip.' (Steve) this is incredibly bad because of the way Lip was staring while she changed.
Jody's 30 and Karen's like. 17. why is Sheila encouraging this relationship?? she's still a fucking minor and he's a grown ass man 😭 oh my fucking god. oh my fucking god Sheila and Jody are making out what the fuck. I can't defend this one Sheila.
not Monica telling Ian that she thinks a WAY older dude is checking him out Monica please I hate u
okay okay what the fuck. Lip told Steve about Estefania cheating on him and he's mad about it for whatever reason, called her a sneaky bitch as if he didn't just say he doesn't love her, and Lip moves on and calls Fiona a bitch and then Steve goes 'she was right to kick u out of the house, u should be in school.' HELLO???? why is everyone so pissed about Lip not being in school if he doesn't wanna be he doesn't have to be Fiona shouldn't have kicked him out over that!! anyways Lip went 'yeah maybe I'll enroll again in May, just in time to take ur wife to prom' and Steve shoves him off of his chair. man this whole situation is so fucking messy
seeing Ian and Monica get along so well hurts so much I don't wanna see Ian get hurt guys
why the fuck did Monica put Debbie on the spot so randomly to say a few words about Grammy?? where'd that come from??
Karen's home is she gonna find out about Sheila and Jody?? uh ohhh - idk if she's caught on yet
Monica went ahead and payed for Frank's mother's ashes and bought them home and Frank took some out of the bag and them in his cigarette?? is he gonna smoke his fucking mother??
HOLY FUCK. Terry just burst through the door fucking hell. some fucking warning next time?? WHY IS HE BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF IAN?? DID HE FIND OUT?? FUCK?? OHHH. Mandy's pregnant and he thinks it's Ian's fault?? why???? good on Monica for trying her hardest to keep Terry away from Ian tho
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workofheart · 4 years
jean kirstein relationship hcs
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sorry for the inactivity lately y’all school is whooping my ass </3 in the mean time, have some modern jean relationship hcs bc i miss him
protective boyfriend #1 ♡ ♡ ♡ will not hesitate to yell at ppl if they’re mean or rude to you, he doesn’t want anyone coming near you like that. thinks his partner deserves the absolute best and will not tolerate people disrespecting you or even thinking of disrespecting you. he will defend you til the day he dies, even if it embarrasses you
asks the waiter for a new dinner when yours is undercooked and you’re too nervous to say something. if you’re a person w social anxiety or just don’t feel like doing something, he would do things for you no problem, whether its fetching you something, paying for you, ordering for you, etc. he’s not gonna tease you or make fun of you, he’s just happy to help
he’s a sappy drunk :’) when he’s hammered, he gets all clingy and drags you onto the couch to cuddle w you/hangs off of you while you walk home and tells you all about how he feels about you and how he wants to spend his life with you and have dogs and a cute home forever. has the cutest little giggle while literally pouring out his feelings for you 
and if you bring it up in the morning, you KNOW he’s gonna get so shy and red like “oh... i said that? haha...”
his biggest dream is just domesticity with you - like i mentioned, living somewhere beautiful in a nice house with a beautiful family or just you and him :( he really cherishes you and just dreams about spending his life with you. his “happy place” is very likely just the two of you sitting in a field by a river on a sunny day, maybe with some sandwiches and sparkling water, with all the time in the world watching ducks swim by
i imagine that you were previously friends before starting to date, but he’d been seriously pining for you since the beginning, just never wanted to make you uncomfortable and was too scared to say anything. he’d go home after hanging out w you and just sigh (probably yell into his pillow in frustration too but shh) bc he just felt like if it wasn’t you, then who else?
meanwhile you’re being so obvious that you like him back but he keeps reasoning that you’re just being nice and wouldn’t actually want him like that 
was ready to settle for friendship and just lock away his feelings when you just pulled him aside and confessed directly. he was a strangely confused yet happy daze for the following weeks
is a sucker for romance movies - likes imagining him and you in those scenarios, romanticizes your own relationship shamelessly. i feel like he’d enjoy 500 days of summer and... wait for it... clueless. I KNOW. it’s his guilty pleasure. also consider: he bawled his eyes out at the end of la la land.
loves beach dates! loves the beach, loves the boardwalk, loves everything about that summer atmosphere. waits in line to get you funnel cake and then you sit and eat, people watching and making up stories for everyone that passes by and just laughing while you enjoy the fresh summer air. in the arcades, totally the type to win himself a cute plushie but when ur like “omg!! is that for me?” he goes oh yeah haha.. but don’t think he doesn’t notice when you’ve been eyeing up a specific toy at the ring toss stand. he will not hesitate to play game after game until he gets it for you. 
lover of back hugs. he is so generous, literally towers over you no matter ur height, just wraps his arms around u and holds u <3 it makes you feel so safe and loved and that’s all he wants for you 
carries you wherever possible. up the stairs, down the stairs, from the kitchen to the living room and back. he always boasts about how easy it is to pick you up bc he’s strong and it boosts his confidence lol
constantly tells you how pretty he thinks you are. jean always thinks you look beautiful so he always compliments your outfits and your hair and your makeup, leans into ur ear to whisper it to u and make u giggle even when it’s just the two of you at home
on that note: always gets caught staring at you and he blushes so easily when you call him out for it. can’t stop looking at you over the top of his newspaper when you’re having breakfast in the morning, can’t stop looking at you while you’re making dinner for him, can’t stop looking at you while you work or study
for valentines/your birthday/holidays he always makes you cute handmade cards out of colored construction paper. he finds a new design every single time and spends so long on it, and finishes by writing out how he feels on the inside. can u just imagine him sitting at his desk, tongue poking out of his mouth with a glue stick in hand as he lays down different colored paper hearts :( 
teases you nonstop. always poking fun at you, probably make jokes about how “irresistible” he is and how you can’t keep away lol, thinks you look adorable when you’re flustered
u give him haircuts when it’s getting long, he sits on a stool in ur bathroom and u just give him a trim every once in a while. trusts you not to fuck it up (not that you ever would) and it always comes out so nice and it makes his heart swell just to have you there to do such intimate, sort of domestic things for him.
pet names! i know so many people have talked about this but it’s just so true. has tried everything in the book to see what you like, watches carefully to see how you respond so he knows, occasionally calls you something silly like “pookie” just to get a reaction out of you
needs verbal communication. jean always has so much on his plate and has a lot of insecurities, so he really needs that reassurance that you need him and love him every day until he can accept it for himself
favorite position to sleep in is him on his back with your head on that area between his neck and shoulder, holds you really close during the night. loves loves loves when you nestle into him and cling to him for warmth when you’re asleep. has trouble sleeping if you aren’t there
dotes on you so much seriously he is so sweet and caring, just so whipped for you. he is literally so weak and always gives into you just bc it makes you happy. you want to drive out for mcdonald’s at two in the morning for an apple pie and a shake? he’s getting his keys rn
nsfw below the cut (18+)
i think mostly everyone is in agreement that jean is a total pleasure dom - he spends all night getting you to cum again and again, always asking if you can give him one more
as mentioned earlier, teases. avoids giving you what you want at first, makes you use your words, and when when you do get it, you’re getting it. aka, overstim galore. he’s not stopping until you’re spent
so much dirty talk, asks so many questions to get you to talk. “louder for me, princess” type of guy. wants to reduce you to babbling with how good he makes you feel - the sounds you make get him so incredibly hard
he is also vocal bc he knows you like it. groans his name into your ear just to feel you clench, then laughs.
never forgets to mark you up, leaves hickeys all over your neck and chest and thighs. loves to look at them later on when you’re changing, and especially loves your reaction to seeing them for yourself
size kink!! this man is almost 6’3 so chances are he’s gonna be bigger than you regardless. likes being close to you, likes being in positions where he can see you, probably has an arm slung around your waist or back whenever the position allows for it so he can hold you close
pins your arms down, holds your hips to the bed so you just have to sink into the mattress and take it
every time he aims to fuck your brains out and make sure the only thing you’re thinking about is him and how good he makes you feel
his fingers are fucking magical, dear lord, he gets you so worked up and knows just how to touch you to make you squirm, loves seeing you go hazy and unravel on his fingers. his fingers are so long and gentle and stretch you out so nice + he knows exactly what to do, where to touch you, when to change his motions to get you there in minutes
needs to be kissing you when he makes you cum. swallows your moans, adores how you struggle to kiss him back with the pleasure he’s giving you
mirror sex is top tier for him, probably has one of those siding door closets w mirrors next to his bed so he can make you look at yourself and watch just what he’s doing to you
eye contact, will 100% grab your jaw to make you look at him, loves seeing you stare up at him through glassy eyes
literal KING of aftercare. takes such good care of you, gets you anything and everything you need, cleans up so well, gives you the world and more
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babymilkawa · 4 years
random boyfriend headcanons no. 2 with:
bakugou katsuki
gn!reader :)
no. 1
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Bakugou rubs his head on ur neck because ur warm and he wants you to pet his hair
sometimes if you’re chilling and sitting face to face, he’ll ✨softly✨ slam his forehead with yours and u guys have a glaring contest
u lose obviously
but he’s there for that cute scrunch u do that’s meant to be intimidating
if he wants you to pet his hair he’ll even nudge your shoulder with his head so you can get the frigging hint 😤
at this point I should just do cat!bakugou hcs amiright
and whenever you yawn, he’ll put his finger in between your teeth and maybe get a little excited when you bite them 👀
bakugou loves anything squishy
and if it’s part of you? even better
he’ll just rub his face on them
give them vacuum kisses
by now, he’s used to the fact that your mere presence can have his heart doing jumping jacks
he’s given up on trying to deny it
that doesn’t mean that he won’t do the same to you
man will find ANYTHing to get you flustered or annoyed
not straight up pissed tho, that’s somewhere he doesn’t wanna go
if he does manage to piss you off, unintentionally, his lower lip will droop down to his feet I swear
if you’re passing by each other at the hallway, he’ll just whoop, pick you up by the waist, turn you so that you’re going the same direction as he is and drag you to wherever he’s going
your body is like this straight stick when he does that it’s hilarious
whichever hand you write with, he’ll sit on that side of you and go nudge
your pencil, flying across the page
he gives you forehead flicks period
just a “dumbass” flick
if you do that to him, he’ll scoff like he can’t even feel it but when he thinks you’re not looking, frantically rubs that spot on his forehead LmaO
dammit why do they flick so hard
on lazy Sunday mornings, he’ll cling on to you unless he’s got work to do
if he has to get up before you, he’ll just sit at your desk and watch you
asks you to go the hell back to sleep if you wake up early on a relax day
he’s soft during the night ok
will look at you straight in the face in the dim glow of your lamp and just caress your cheek
he has so much to say but he doesn’t know where to start
he wants to tell you that looking into your eyes makes him fall deeper into his love pit
he wants to tell you that kissing you feels like he’s tasting heaven
that holding and touching you makes him want to put a ring on that finger
he wants to keep you, he wants it all
but he’s bad with words and doesn’t want to mess anything up
instead he speaks with his eyes and his actions
you seem understand exactly what he’s feeling and you feel the same way too
except you tell him exactly that
that you can’t believe he’s yours, that you don’t want to imagine a life without him 
the emotion swimming in his eyes don’t change but his thumb stroking your cheek, falters, clearly flustered from your words
presses his forehead to yours and nudges your nose with his
your limbs are tangled together and bakugou’s heart is just at its limit when you plant the softest kiss on his lips
it bursts
you can practically see red hearts bouncing off his body and flying around your room
pulling you back to his lips, he tries to cover the heat in his cheeks but you can feel them against your own
yikes did not mean for this to be a Drabble for how much he loves you 
anywaysss, bakugou sneaks money into your wallet huehue
if you’re going out with friends, he’ll put some extra cash in there, or slip in a small plastic water bottle
he also carries your bag for you, no buts
I don’t understand why some men are uncomfortable with this
if you’ve been out for a while and you’re feet are tired, he’ll offer a piggy back ride
but only cos “u won’t stop whining abt ur feet”
will complain about you being heavy, receiving a wack on his head
but he’ll also massage your cute ass feet when you’re home
maybe even kiss your toes a little
when you’re eating together, he’ll fill up your plate first with the food u like
maybe stuff it a little too full to hear you complain and pass it back to him
..only for him to sneak it in there when ur not looking
whenever you start reading/watching sthing he’s already seen/read, he’ll PRETEND to spoil sthing for you
like he’ll say that a specific character died or sthing but they didn’t and u, thinking that he’s telling the truth, start ur stages of grief and he’s like “tch just watch, brat”
so you’re mentally preparing yourself for the death of that character and you’re complaining abt getting attached to them but once you finish it, it never happens
“HAAa??” you look at him instantly and he’s there snickering his ass off
he’ll never really spoil it tho, he just loves to see your reaction
at this point, just don’t tell him you’ve started sthing
even then he’ll find out, I mean he won't purposely snoop around, it’s just cos u suck at hiding things babe
n ur trying to cover his mouth with ur hands before he can utter a single word
he wants you to tuck him to sleep
but it doesn’t happen very often because a. he won’t verbally say he wants it and b. it only happens when you’re not sleeping together bc he’ll just pull you into his arms if u do 
but he almost never does it to you unless you need sleep more than he does or you won’t stop your whining
he just looves to have ur face be the last thing he sees and to have ur comforting hands tuck the blanket all snug around him
and oh my god the finishing touch is having you kiss his forehead
man goes over the moooon
will take candid pics of u
like he’ll grumble if you pull him in for a selfie but he’ll be that person who shows the corner of his face and you behind him lolol
you’re not looking at the camera in any of them but he still thinks u look stunning
ur side pROFILE UGH
has that photo widget for iPhones where you can put a picture on ur home screen and it changes every day
yea he does that
with his album for photos of u
yk sometimes bakugou just randomly slumps on you
like you could be standing and on ur phone answering a text rq when he just puts almost all his weight on you, almost
obviously enough to startle you but not enough for the both of you to fall
then ur forced to wrap ur arms around him and he can snuggle in ur neck mmm
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a/n: wow I've had this in my drafts for a while and I’ve just been adding on to it lolol
bnha masterlist
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polyghostfacehours · 3 years
billy and stu at pride with y/n? what would that be like? since its june and all. (i feel like they wouldn’t go but let’s pretend that with enough whining from y/n they agree) i love the way u write them btw. doesn’t feel out of character at all :)
Thank you! I try and keep them as much in character as I can, and spend an ungodly amount of time analyzing their scenes in Scream (it's how I noticed Stu's little mutilated doll project in his attic lmao, I went frame by frame on that shit.)
Poly!Ghostface x Reader at Pride!
So 1996 Stu and Billy wouldn't go to Pride that was anywhere near Woodsboro. But they would be willing to go to one a reasonable distance out of town for you, where Billy's dad wouldn't be able to spot him.
And Stu happens to know which one they would attend. He has an estranged gay aunt who he adores, but isn't allowed to visit often due to his parents' prejudice. She's the biggest supporter of your relationship and is more than happy to let you guys stay with her during the time!
Billy would be too nervous and ashamed to wear any particular flag apparel, but Stu goes absolutely buckwild. He doesn't even care if someone he knows sees him because it's not like they can out him without them outing themselves by being there.
If you are trans, they will both wear trans flag apparel in solidarity. Billy wears a pin, and doesn't care who sees. He may struggle with his own identity, but when it comes to you, he holds nothing back. Stu will have a whole line of trans snap bracelets going down his arms for you. This includes the transmasc and transfem specific flags.
You guys take a ton of polaroids together to put in a photo album later.
Stu brings a mixtape of songs to play that he feels fall in line with the spirit of Pride, and when he finds someone with a boombox, he hands it to them to play while you guys drink and loiter in that area.
Anyone with working eyes could see that Billy is uncomfortable at first. He has that characteristic blank expression and keeps looking around awkwardly. Your heart warms when you see people going out of their way to make him comfortable and by the end of the night he's laughing with the drag queens!
Someone explains demisexuality to 90s!Billy and his mind is blown bc wtf that fits me even more than Stu's bi one
You guys run into another poly throuple and holy shit are all 3 of you blown away. You guys had never ran into any other poly people irl and had only read about the topic on some websites on geocities. This experience really solidifies in your minds that what you guys have is real and true and right
So moving on to some MODERN AU stuff.
Billy and Stu absolutely attend the nearest Pride, no questions asked. Billy's dad is still prejudiced, but Billy cares significantly less because it's 2021 and fuck that be gay do crime.
The minute you guys graduated high school you immediately moved to the big city(I headcanon New York), that has a large LGBT community and presence.
Billy still struggles with his identity but a lot less, and Stu. Oh Stu. Stu absolutely is in PRIDE mode at all times tbh. He always shows you guys off on social media, does PDA in public, and is just proud of you guys in general. At Pride he is absolutely decked head to toe in Pride apparel. He dies his hair and paints his face + chest for the occasion.
Billy is still incredibly subdued, and doesn't really dress up. To him, his sexuality and polyamorous relationship is no one's business but his own and those involved with him. He celebrates his pride by just being there, and maybe wearing a couple of pins or necklace.
You guys wear matching poly pride necklaces that say "Im their boy/girlfriend". Stu gets a temp. tattoo of 3 figures on his right arm that look like those restroom sign figures lmao. Billy hates it lmao.
If you are pre-op transmasc and want to go shirtless but are too nervous to, Stu is your hype man. he will paint anything you want on your chest and assure you that duh guys go topless all the time and youre a guy so whats the problem dude.
If you are transfem and want to wear a short skirt and need help tucking properly, Billy will help you in anyway he can. He won't even be horny about it, he know how important it is to you. It's one of the moments he's most gentle with you.
Stu makes friends easily already, but seeing him at pride was a whole 'nother ball game. His interactions almost seem a bit more....genuine? He's more at ease somehow, as if the stress of acting like a cishet dudebro in his small conservative town that just doesn't understand him or his murder tendencies just...melts away.
If you are bisexual/pansexual cis woman and they hear anything about how you're "bandwagoning" and "theyre just straight women who make out with girls at parties sometimes" then they will go absolutely feral on them. Their girlfriend belongs at pride just like any other queer person fuck you.
Billy gets maaaad jealous when you or Stu get inevitably hit on. Deathglaring the leather daddy flirting with Stu, kissing you in the middle of a conversation with that cute queer biker girl. The works. But of course he absolutely revels in how many people hit on him. he could never resist an ego boost.
If you ever feel uncomfortable for any reason, you'll have to let them know. They're gonna be mainly absorbed in themselves and exploring what's around them, so they're not gonna be super attentive at the time. And honestly, Billy would probably notice but won't do anything until you say something because he's selfish and wants to keep having fun. So speak up!
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hezuart · 3 years
That anaversary aizen looks absolutely fabulous, he looks like a figure skater xd.
I heard along time ago the last arc of the anime was being animated finally bc they pulled a 90s sailor moon were the last season was not either animated or dubbed untill decades later.
I recall near the end of the current 366 episodes there was an episode were the creapy demon ppl woke up in hell and we're all bitter, and there was the other guy who was like, iM cOmEiNg FoR u IChIgO, but then is never mentioned again after and I'm like,why? Why is lt there just plopted randomly into a different arc that seams unrelated.
And locking aizen up underground seems ok, but It deff won't hold, and he will. Escape, and he will kill, you either need that one spell from star, dubbed, the darkest spell of moon the undaunted, a powerfull dark spell that killed immortal beings, that came from best character, eclipsa, the queen of darkness.
We need that.
Or stick him I'm crystal like eclipsa was in star. Is there no one who could trap him in ice or crystal for all eternity.
How about throw him into the centre of a volcano trapped and caged , forverr being killed by heat?
I assume there's space travel, send I'm into a black whole, were a black whole don't fuckin care if your immortal or fat, you will die
Yes, I love anniversary Aizen. His original octopus-butterfly hollow design was ugly so I'm glad he's back to being the fashion icon he is.
Locking Aizen up underground once is one thing, doing it twice after saying he got more powerful by just sitting there, and he escaped to battle the Quincy Soul King God... is another. I think he should have escaped at the end of the Quincy arc. That is the only feasibility.
I heard the anime is coming back for the Quincy arc as well, but because of COVID its probably going to be delayed. (I'm not gonna watch it until the Rain section of the arc then I'm dipping out. I'm only here for Zangetsu)
and funny that you mention that hell scene in the manga :)
-> spoilers for the new BLEACH 73 page anniversary chapter / thoughts/critique on it
So hey you had a premonition! Syazel .... returned? And his hole is outside of his body??? for some reason???
(I didn't understand the explanation or why / how that happens and what that means for the hollow)
And my friend and I were laughing because out of ALL the things. Kubo could do in this anniversary. He gave Syazel his dick back after going to hell. That is iconic. (that's where his hole was located, and now that its not on his body ... well...) This is the funniest thing Kubo has EVER pulled. Kudos to you, sir.
The entire internet is freaking out over Ukitake being in hell. Honestly Kubo has done far worse, and we've established that Soul Society is a corrupt system that hasn't changed, so I'm not surprised he would pull something like this.
At the same time, Kubo 1. cheated his audience. 2. continues to prove me right that he cannot bring himself to kill his characters
1. Hollows who have commit murder in their human life are sent to hell. Syazel and Aaorniero are two of these hollows, and yet, when they are killed, there is NO gates of hell scene. We see them there later in the hell chapter (which was more of a promotion for the fourth movie and I didn't believe it would hold any merit)
But the same goes for Ukitake. We never see the gates of hell take him. What, was hell late? Did hell's gates get lost like an uber before picking him up? It's bull. Withholding such vital information from your audience, not showing the gates of hell when they should pick up this soul IMMEDIATELY is ... I mean its a lie. Kubo lied to his audience.
2. Now we are told powerful shinigami are sent to hell when they die. First of all that sounds like a security threat. Wouldn't shinigami want revenge for that? Or attempt to escape? Why would they still hold loyalty after being sent to a prison of eternal suffering?
Also "Yhwach and Aizen" were the only ones keeping Hell's gates closed is way too convenient and doesn't really make any sense. I feel like Aizen should have deliberately gone to hell to retrieve powerful shinigami / hollows for his army instead of keeping it /closed/.
This is definitely a Kubo-doesn't-know-what-he's-doing-and-is -making- stuff-up-as-he-goes, but it might have a pinch of merit because of previous plot lines.... but either way, there's some big plot holes here, but again, its Kubo, so I expected nothing less.
Again, he can't kill off his characters. He introduced zombification, he introduced immortality through the hougyoku, he has Orihime and Hachigen's reversal / rejection abilities. He brought back Luppi, friggen.... a character who's entire upper half of his body was incinerated. Like.... come on. No. He's dead, you can't bring him back like that. That's a cop out and just weird. You're taking away consequences and grief.
(Also Yamamoto and Unohana deserve to be in hell far over Ukitake, they've done some fcked up stuff in their pasts unlike him)
Also Kubo's favorite character is Mayuri, which.... you're allowed to have a favorite problematic character. But Keeping said character alive and bared from the consequences of abusing his daughter, murdering innocents, and experimenting on your own squad members? Nah. Nope. Kill him, Kubo. Kill this dude.
(his weird attachment to Mayuri is probably why he keeps bringing Syazel back, since Syazel is Mayuri 2.0, but Syazel is the bad guy who does face consequences for his actions while Mayuri is not)
Also, I'm certain Kazui and Orihime are going to be THRILLED that their precious husband/dad is going to hell when he dies :)
(I just... Rukia teased Ichigo about leaving Orihime at home. She teased him about having a house wife who he leaves all the chores to. Orihime had two panels. She checks on her son who promised he would be at home and sleep. Kazui fcking breaks his promise like it never mattered to him and JUMPS out the window after pretending to sleep in front of his mother. ... An 8 year old... alone... in the middle of the night.)
Orihime is abandoned. She is not invited to SS, she is not informed of what is going on, her son leaves her.... I...
Orihime is a side character. She doesn't matter anymore. She hasn't mattered for a long, long time.
A part of me is glad she had little screen time, since she tends to waste it, but another part of me is embroiled with rage.
I've even see people try to defend this. "Orihime and Ichigo can't be together ALL the time, that's an unhealthy relationship!" and I'm like guys... that's not the point. The point is Orihime is not part of Ichigo's other life. Any shinigami stuff from now on is none of her business. She's going to stay at home while Kazui and Ichigo go off and save the world. Ichigo is going to be fighting by Rukia and Renji while Orihime watches from the sidelines, or worse, doesn't even know what is going on with her husband and son. Orihime is going to be uninformed and abandoned, because she has not proven she is capable of fighting by their sides(go on, @ me. I will fight this. She's a failure.), and also because she prefers a human life over a dead one. Which is ironic, because she married a dead man. Ichigo is a shinigami, and he will be one forever. god forbid she ever meets his Zanpaktou. She would tremble in fear at the monsters her husband harbors in his soul, especially when she realizes they don't care about her and would rather see her dead. (Zangetsu would absolutely kill Orihime. Not sure about Kazui, but Orihime has not accepted Zangetsu, she does not like either of them, and the feeling is assuredly mutual.) frick now I want to make a comic about this
Also still frustrated over Zangetsu's shikai / bankai regression. Kubo once again lied to his audience. Ichigo has no bankai. How ridiculous is that? The main character of BLEACH doesn't have a bankai. Insulting.
(RIP to Chad. He doesn't exist anymore. He's just gone. No mention, no cameo. Gone.)
Kazui is a demon child. That character from the novels? Hikone? They're the same character. Literally same personality, same power level. Its worse because Kazui is a liar. He constantly goes behind his parents' backs. He can summon creepy fish and creepy eyeballs and open portals like is ANYONE aware of this? How has SS not kidnapped Ichigo's son and experimented on him / locked away his powers yet? All substitute shinigami require a reiatsu controlling / spy badge to keep them in line. Where is Kazui's? Or is he just a weird fullbringer?
I was worried Kubo was gonna try and pull a knock off Boruto but luckily he kept the focus on Ichigo and the others. But that being said, Ichika and Kazui are now just... sort of there? Kazui was kinda just.... having his own adventure that doesn't matter to the plot at hand, and Ichika had some nice characterization at first but she just hid behind her dad the whole time.
I have a feeling Kazui is gonna step in at the last minute or do some major behind the scenes thing that indirectly interferes with the main plot so no one will realize how powerful and dangerous he actually is. Its sad because Ichika is the superior character in personality and likability, but she clearly is not going to have a bigger part in this.
Ichigo having a normal life after everything still feels extremely boring and uncomfortable to me. Everyone's like 'I'm still bLEACH!" but.... BLEACH just... doesn't feel like BLEACH anymore. It hasn't for a while now.
There's two new shinigami characters. Didn't care for the girl, but the Sign Language kid who talks to animals is adorable ... however... he just reminds me of Chad, and I just... it hurts knowing Chad has essentially been deleted. Chad and Orihime are officially benched. They have chosen the human world, and Orihime has given Ichigo his spawn so she has no more use/purpose to him anymore... ////sigh
Also. This is claimed to be a new "arc". So is the BLEACH manga coming back? What is happening. I thought Kubo was tired and didn't want to do BLEACH anymore. I thought Shounen Jump cut him off. People made so many excuses for Kubo and why the past two arcs have been so badly written the past 6 years and now almost everything they've attempted to defend him with has been revoked.
BLEACH is going to continue to screw up its plot lines and characters, so Its probably best for it to stay dead but I've seen a lot of Kubo stans drooling over this content, they're desperate for BLEACH's return, but its already given out all its possible revelations. There's really nothing else to top here. It's just going to make things up as it goes along ,and I'm not really here for half-assed writing like that, especially since the damage of rushing the previous manga has already been done. Kubo and Shounen Jump are riding off a money nostalgia. None of this was planned.
Honestly though.... overall feeling of this chapter, not as bad as it could have been.
Syazel stole the spotlight, and he's my friend's favorite character, so that's all that really matters.
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buttterknifeee · 3 years
Tims S/O vs. the batfam
You, the reader, are Tim’s significant other. Congrats! you may think the hard parts over right? WRONG. you need to win over the whole ass Wayne family and heres how it goes.
refers to you as Mx. L/N; however as you visit the manor more frequently, he begins to refer to you as Mx. Y/N
Since he refers to you as Mx. Y/N, you call him Mr. Alfred because you feel weird calling him just by his first name
No matter what first impressions you gave off to him, he never shared them due to not wanting to be impolite
you quickly realize that none of the bat fam helps with the chores, so you try to lend alfred a hand whenever possible
you try to be polite as possible around him, and he appreciates it
Is EXTREMELY protective of Tim
So when you first met him, he did the whole “you break my brother’s heart i will break your face” talk and that was TERRIFYING
Tim tells you not to worry about it, but whenever you were with Tim, you could sense Dick out of the corner of your eye, watching
However, as you spend more time around him, he sees that you’re really in love with tim and hes really in love with you
And you see that tim and dick have an amazing brotherly relationship, something you’ve never experienced yourself
One night, you tell dick that you wish that you had a brother as great as him
In that moment, he decided that he was gonna adopt you as one of his siblings and boom hes your big brother too now.
Duke being considered the newest person in the Wayne Manor, is basically your liaison, explaining all the dynamics and history of the Wayne Family/Manor
Super Charismatic, though hes clearly being observant of your every move, analyzing who you are as a person
But for the most part, he made you feel really comfortable at the manor
So the day you bought him a 1000 puzzle set was the day you basically won him over
You let him geek out about film and riddles, listening to every word he said, which was something that apparently didn’t happen often to him
Also duke straight up just third wheels you as often as he can
so basically
you were scared of jason
He was rarely at that manor, especially while you were there but when he was, he came in dragging blood or drinking alcohol
once while you were alone in one of the rooms by yourself, Jason came in, mask off, bandage on his right arm
he asked you, “so why are you dating replacement?”
“Why do you call him replacement?”
“Oh you know, because he replaced me when I died”
“oh. right.” Yeah you’re kinda stupid for that one
It takes a while for you to remember that jason is a vigilante who literally died and came back to life, and it takes him a while  to remember that you’re a teenager and not a crime fighting super hero
so yeah your relationship does improve a bit
Whenever you guys get to talk, he always asks you some really deep question that throws you off guard, but you guys end up having really meaningful discussions and you get closer with him that way
you were even more scared about Cass than Jason
She just silently stared at you sometimes: didn’t even try to hide it
Like duke, she analyzed you a lot during your first meeting with her, although she did it to a more extreme: just by looking at you, she could sense your breathing, heartrate, movements; she was basically reading you soul
From this, should was able to tell just how absolutely frightened you were to meet her, so she made sure to smile to calm you down
Whenever you were alone with her you couldn’t help but feel a bit awkward; not only was there a bit of a language barrier but she was not the most talkative person, at times you just sat in silence
So you would try to do things with her rather than talking: you showed her pictures from your phone, she showed you her fighting moves, and you made conversation through facial expressions and body movements
i mean whos gonna be happy about seeing their ex’s new s/o not her nope
She kept smiling and laughing but you could see the burning hatred behind her eyes
It took a solid month before she actually talked to you
and it took another month for you to pluck up the courage to ask if she actually hated you
She looked embarrassed and admitted that she did kinda hate you in the beginning but that was solely because you were dating her ex, but she saw how good of a person you were, so she doesn’t hate you anymore
She asked if you hated her, since she kind of ignored you in the beginning
You said no, since she was so cool and you could see why Tim dated someone like her
Yeah so now you’re besties
And you often talking about Tim and his dating antics, sometimes right in front of him lol
Sometimes she would joke about stealing you from him, making sure to give you extra long hugs, and give u a kiss on the cheek just to piss Tim off >:)
definitely looked up all your information as soon as she found out you were dating tim
Immediately went to interview mode when she met you
Asked about your future plans with tim, your job, your future college choices, your darkest fears, your median income
“... Im like 16″
Asides from that, shes pretty chill
you dont see her often, but she’s always down for a talk!
Would acted like my aunt from new jersey (in a good way)
You were super nervous about meeting him
Tim recalled events with him like he was recalling a war
So you were surprised to see a 12 year old kid being the one shooting daggers at you
“Drake brought home another guy/girl/person”
“damian shut the fuck up”
one day you catch him painting in his room
You ask him about his various paintings and he tells you his inspirations from each, going on a long rant for a solid hour
He realizes that hes been lecturing you for an hour and looked at you, blushing a bit
“Damian, you’re an amazing artist.” you say. smiling 
Now Damian always tells tim that you’re too good for him, and everytime you banters with tim damian always took your side
Except when he saw you two kissing/cuddling, he would call you guys “disgusting pigs” and bolt out of the room
ah, bruce. the final boss
You couldn’t help but feel absolutely terrified. 
I mean not only is he a super mega rich business man and also like super famous but hes also BATMAN
you are also almost certain that he doesn’t know who you are despite being with tim for a few months by now
Everytime youre both in the same room he is often too busy to look up from whatever hes doing or rushing past you to go somewhere
Tim often confides in you about being the middle child in the family, meaning that sometimes people dont notice him and its really frustrating for him and for you to hear
One day u and tim are chilling in the batcave and bruce comes it and freezes when he sees the two of you
“who are y- what are you doing here-”
“oh um hello Mr. Wayne”
Bruce kinda just looked at you with a perplexed look, but that was when damian and cass walked by
“Father. Drake. Y/N” said damian, with Cassandra smilng and waving at you, to which you wave back.
“Hey Damian” you say nonchalantly. “I saw that you’re working on a new painting. youll have to tell me ALL about it later.”
“Of course. Im sure you’re aware of Georgia O’Keeffe” 
You smiled and nodded, to which he gave the tiniest of a smile back as he and cass headed for the training room
Bruce just stared at you even more perplexed than before, I mean, you just made damian smile
You glanced at Tim, who seemed just as uncomfortable as you
“Oh yeah Y/N, didn’t we have that movie we were gonna watch? yeah lets go like right now.” Tim said as he pulled your arm took you out of the batcave, giving bruce the well talk later look
After that instance he talk to some of his children about you, and they had nothing but good things to say. Even Jason, who literally kills people for a living, put in a good word about you.
The next time you visited the manor, you were greeted by bruce himself, dressed up in a business suit.
“Y/N, correct?” he pulled out his large calloused covered hand and held it towards you
After a brief moment you smiled and took it
“Yeah, thats me”
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sadclearance · 4 years
could u do male reader's been friends with todoroki from mha for since ua (they're newly pros now) and tells him ily and is like ik ur not good with that stuff tho so it's no big! i don't expect an ily back! and todoroki's like :O and doesn't say it back but later when reader's hurt during a mission todoroki's like oh dang i do love u but it's too late cuz he died
pairing: shoto todoroki x male!reader
summary: todoroki says "i love you" back eventually. it just happens to be too late.
category: angst
warning(s): death
word count: 1649
s/t - skin tone
italicized - text
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he's not sure how he got to this exact moment.
if you had told him at the beginning of his high school years that not even just a year after graduating, he'd be running around a deserted parking lot with the cold breeze of the night air nipping at the skin that wasn't covered by his pajamas--which happen to be from a two-years-old matching christmas set with the person he's trying to catch--todoroki would've looked at you as if you were a lunatic.
never in his wildest dreams could he ever imagine this.
but he thinks this is part of what being friends is, and back then, he never would've dreamt of having one of those either.
he doesn't notice the warm breath right next to his ear until a steady voices says, loud and clear, "i love you."
he turns his head so fast his face almost smacks into y/n's, and y/n laughs out visible puffs in the crisp air.
todoroki doesn't even speak. he just stares with wide eyes, not knowing what to do.
this is all just too new to him, and this came out of absolutely nowhere.
"glad that got your attention," y/n smiles when the silence continues. "you were so lost in your thoughts you just stopped moving. i was starting to think you didn't want your phone back."
todoroki now remembers the reason why he was chasing his best friend of four years around an empty parking lot at this ungodly hour, where half of his body was uncomfortably cold.
he does want his phone back, but he doesn't go back to running.
"was that why you said that?" todoroki eventually asks. was it only for the surprise factor? because if so, he's both relieved and disappointed--two things that he recognizes as contradictory and doesn't understand. well, todoroki's never been too good at understanding feelings, so that's not really news.
"nope," y/n answers without skipping a beat, and if todoroki didn't know better, he'd think y/n wasn't nervous at all. the s/t fingers playing with the edge of todoroki's phone case lets him know otherwise. "don't take it too seriously, though. i get it."
get what?
that answer doesn't make todoroki happy at all. now his brain's just muddled and confused, and he can barely process his surroundings. what's he supposed to make of that interaction? don't take it too seriously? he gets it?
when y/n's ran a lap or two without todoroki making a move to get his phone back, he lies down on the floor.
todoroki settles on "you're going to get dirty" because he wants to get back to the present. his head hurts, and thinking isn't getting him anywhere right now.
"come look at the stars with me," y/n reaches his hand up toward the skies, and he looks ridiculous, but todoroki complies because he wants to enjoy the time they have together for as long as he can. they won't have time to see each other for a while, being busy growing heroes and all. 
"is this considered stargazing?"
"we're gazing at the stars, so yeah, i'd say so," y/n jokes.
and now todoroki's out of things to say that aren't questions about y/n's confession.
y/n turns his head to look at todoroki, and todoroki instinctively does the same.
"you're taking that thing i told you not to take seriously seriously, aren't you?"
"i'm having trouble understanding everything you've said in the past few minutes," todoroki admits, turning his head back to face the stars again.
"okay, well, i love you," y/n says.
"you've said that, but--"
"but i don't want you to take it seriously because i get it."
"again, you've said that in almost those exact words." todoroki feels like a frustrated child who's getting cranky over a math problem he doesn't know how to solve.
"i love you in the way that i want to kiss you and go on dates with you and maybe do more stuff," y/n's face reddens at his own words, but his voice is firm.
todoroki's eyes go back to y/n's, and he opens his mouth to say something, but nothing comes out.
"i know you don't see me that way, and it's all good. i didn't expect anything in return. i just wanted to say it."
"i... i wish i could give you a response, but... you already know that..." todoroki struggles with his words. were these the right ones to say? which are supposed to come out next?
"that you're not good with people stuff. yeah, i remember the first year of me trying to court you into this friendship," y/n laughs.
todoroki wants to laugh while reminiscing the memories too, but he doesn't feel like doing so, especially with how he's pretty sure he just rejected his best friend.
"i told you, no expectations here. just wanted to get that off my chest." y/n rises from the floor and todoroki's eyes follow. "c'mon, we should get going. it's cold, and our schedules are packed for the week. we can't afford to be getting sick."
"yes, it is late," todoroki nods and gets up as well.
the car beeps to signal that the doors are open, and todoroki's about to get into the driver's seat when he sees y/n walking off somewhere else.
"y/n?" todoroki calls out.
"i'm gonna take the bus," y/n answers before todoroki even asks.
"they aren't running at this hour."
"my place is close. i'm gonna walk."
"text me if your schedule clears at all!" y/n waves without turning around to face todoroki.
it's been a week, and todoroki still feels the pressure of having to give a proper response.
y/n said it was fine, but even someone with as little experience with these types of things as todoroki recognizes that it's not kind.
i haven't thought about--
i've never kissed anyone--
human relationships--familial, romantic, platonic, and otherwise are all things that are new to me--
no matter what he types, he feels like the words are all wrong. what's in his drafts are all things that y/n already knows. that's why he said he "gets it".
but todoroki's still so frustrated. he wants to respond properly. he feels like it's only right.
but holy shit is it hard to come up with anything at all.
before he can come up with another poorly worded apology, excuse--whatever it is that he's trying to say--he gets a notification.
assistance required in x prefecture. requesting all available heroes.
todoroki, being the good hero he is, rushes to the sight as soon as possible.
he recognizes the name of the location, but he brushes it off as past experience. after all, within the past year, due to his rising popularity, he's had a lot of opportunities to work in different places.
"what's the situation?" todoroki asks one of the heroes that's trying to stabilize the building that the villain appeared to be in.
"one guy with a geokinesis quirk. he's alone, but his quirk's pretty strong. took out the whole village one town over. we don't know his goal, but the whole building's stone, and we don't want to take any chances."
"is there any way you would like me to help?"
"i'd say ice the whole building, but this guy's got quick reflexes. try going in discretely and trap him in ice when he's caught in surprise."
todoroki nods and is about to enter the building when
"also, try not to ice the other hero in there. i think his name's y/--"
the building crumbles at an incredible speed, and he barely has time to throw both himself and the other hero out of the way.
once the other man is stable, todoroki goes to assess the damage. the rocks are still tumbling down, but they're slower now.
they feel a lot faster when todoroki catches a glimpse of an all too familiar hero costume.
"y/n!" todoroki shouts as he loses the ability to think rationally. he runs with his heart in his throat and a terrible tense feeling that starts to overwhelm his entire body, trying to reach y/n before the large boulder does.
ice spreads from his feet and meets with the chunk of stone before it can fall on y/n's head.
"i'm going to get you out of here," todoroki promises when he makes it to y/n. he calls for help while looking over the pieces of the building on top of y/n's body.
"todoroki," y/n coughs weakly, and todoroki notices a pool of red slowly start to grow on the concrete below them.
"don't talk." todoroki's voice sounds so weak and helpless, and he hates it.
y/n just smiles, but the blood dripping from the corners of his mouth keep it from spreading warmth and happiness within todoroki like it usually does.
todoroki's already seen lots of tragedy in his one year of hero work, but he's never felt so panicked in his entire life.
he tries to shift a rock, but it only makes y/n groan.
"help!" todoroki yells again, but everyone's too preoccupied with catching the villain and tending to their own serious injuries to come and rescue y/n.
"shhh, todoroki," y/n says weakly.
"don't talk!" todoroki yells this time. it's still helpless, but it's loud, and y/n starts to laugh to the best of his ability.
"hard when... when you're just so funny. that's why... i..."
"don't close your eyes." todoroki feels like his heart's stopped.
"i..." y/n's eyes droop.
"look at me!" todoroki shouts with wild eyes.
and so he does. y/n looks at him with tired eyes, but todoroki can tell that he's straining himself to do so.
"i love you," todoroki's eyes feel heavy and his nose burns. "please... i love you, too..."
but it's too late.
the open eyes are quick to lose their life, and y/n's skin loses its color.
"i love you."
deadass i was listening to my discover weekly on spotify and when i was writing the last few sentences i love you by wavves came on
i didn't know what to title it so i just left it
i hope it was satisfactory anon!
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volfoss · 3 years
how about ranking bucciarati's team?
regret to inform you that ur gonna get a very long answer bc i have passionate feelings about them all! also trish is in this bc she is part of the team and no one will tell me otherwise and will also include some rambling bc it is me and i have so many feelings towards these characters and none of them r cohesive
under the cut just in case (post writing yes it was long)
Giorno Giovanna:
way way more complex than ppl normally give him credit for (i will not go into feelings on how a majority of the fandom treats him unless ppl want me to then i will in fact make a very long ranty post and will not be stopped)
mildly op (esp at the beginning with how hes kind of able to just use his stand really well w no problems altho i think thats true of most of the jojos that we have seen animated?)
i am emotionally attached to him and want to give him a big hug
hes just a kinda goofy kid and is maybe a bit not good with figuring out hey this is a semi dangerous situation maybe i shouldnt be taunting him (leaky eye luca for example)
has the actual best theme
i love how he works off the rest of the team so well (even w members who do not like him)
is in my top 3 jojos i love this kid sm i would adopt him if he was real
Bruno Bucciarati:
the fucking way his character develops from licky man to best dad material is my favorite thing
his outfit is so so so good i would die to wear it
in general this man is one of my fave jojos characters and i get a lot of comfort from him
hes just really neat and has a good taste in music
he did his fucking best and i will always love him for that
imo the way that his death was drawn out was genuinely one of the most heartbreaking deaths in the entire series and fucks me up each time i think of it
i feel like he really is the one to hold the team together in a way that everyone feels cared for and saved
def has a savior complex tho for sure
dilf but im ace
also manga superiority bc he either makes the stupidest faces or looks very nice (anime has a lot of weird animation in regards to his face) and also because its lingerie there instead of a tattoo that changes thickness and placement every second
Leone Abbacchio:
guilty pleasure liking man
i am obsessed with his vibes and wish to become him
i cannot physically express just how much i love him but hes one of my faves of all time (not obvious by my theme at all wdym)
i miss his manga palette but also the colored manga isnt my beloved but also black lipstick abba
hot take maybe but anime abba looks better than manga minus the lipstick debacle
hes so so tall and i will steal his height in a nice way
his past man his past it fucks me up
his death fucks me up normally but when i was rewatching recently, i saw he gave this tiny lil smile after helping the kids get their ball and i could not take it anymore
him and brunos relationship (canonically and out of canon too) is one of my favorites in the series
also fandom hot take as i guess i am doing those for everyone- but ppl either have him as cosntantly trying to murder giorno or being like good son and v out of character, and it is really weird? not sayign that ill do better when i write them but also like im convinced some ppl havent seen the show or smth
i will steal both him and bruno and marry them both <3
this man is beloved i love him to death
Pannacotta Fugo:
i cannot spell his first name to save my life
also fandom take- ppl make him constantly only angry boy all the time and it really irks me. ik araki did not give him 2 much to work w in terms of canon personality but its frustrating
the light novel purple haze feedback is so so so good and adds sm to his character and i really like it for that!
fugo is one of those that imo deserves a lot and didnt get that
genuinely the vibes between how he treats narancia is v interesting to me, like its clear he cares about nara but nara not doing great w math really frustrates him
i love their interactions and how he is genuinely a kind person at times
the manga colors r superior here, my strawberry boy <3
i just really love and appreciate him a lot and wish that ppl gave him more love
i keep getting assigned him on kin quizzes
very smart good boy
ALSO ok fugo did not do any wrong by leaving
unsure if thats a hot take but i genuinely dont blame the character one bit for leaving and again purple haze feedback really delves into that and why he did it
if ur a fugo fan go read it
his past is really upsetting esp in the anime i will cry over it
his stand is adorable and i wanna hug it
his vibes r fun and i wanna gift him strawberry dangly earrings
Narancia Ghirga:
this boy i am also adopting (i am adopting most of them sorry)
i really hate how ppl act as if hes stupid bc bad math skills do not equal stupid like did ppl not see the fight w formaggio??
the way he just fucking dove into the water after the boat and how brunos face went all soft and happy it will never not make me cry
he is constnatnly making me wanna cry if i think too much about him for 2 seconds i love him sm
how can anyone not adore him when he set an entire street on fire yk
hes just happy despite his past and it makes me sad i love nara sm
torture dance is one of my favorite memes from the show
ALSO ok the way he died so suddenly absolutely broke me bc the remaining team members r really just seeing everyone die in front of them so quickly
his goofy and laid back moments r my fave
i love just how loyal and caring he is to his friends
his stand is really cool and again the fight w formaggio was so fun to watch
Guido Mista:
probably my least favorite member of the team for a semi good reason:
the jokes towards trish are really really uncomfy and how fugo doesnt wanna be involved but he is pushing him to do something that makes him uncomfortable did not make me like him a lot
hes goofy but not goofy enough for me to be ok with the repeated jokes about that esp in the body swap episode (ik it was supposed to be funny but it just felt off)
his vibes r good but i wish we got to see his hair
the fandom interpretation is normally pretty good of him overall?
despite not loving him a lot, i really enjoying writing for him (one day might open up headcanon requests or smth but unsure)
hes someone id wanna watch movies w but his taste in movies and mine r very different
love how he and his stand get along
honestly has very very good comedic potential
i really like how he and giorno interact as the series goes on (in a platonic way i need to clarify that i love their friendship)
again him in purple haze feedback was really interesting
probably a 5/10?
Trish Una:
beloved and deserved better
her first outfit in the manga > outfit in the anime
actually in general i believe in manga trish superiority like her hair in the manga looks so cool
her stand her stand her stand i love sm
if u dont include trish in the group i am murdering u <3
fandom gripe is how people either pretend she does not exist or has the trish first introduction thing where shes using her defense mechanisms and acting a bit spoiled
OK but her in purple haze feedback!!! mild spoilers but how bruno was taking care of her post the ending of vento aureo makes me so happy each time i think of it
very mad that she canonically didnt really get an ending and yet again PHF my beloved actually gave her that
how spice girl starts out as a stand thats helping her thru a very stressful situation is so cool and i love it
DAD BRUNO DAD BRUNO DAD BRUNO *frothes at the mouth*
but more seriously how she leans on bruno and begins 2 trust him and nearly point blank is referring to him as a father figure always fucks me up
esp because of the resulting fight afterwards
and the very ending of the arc that ends w bruno being like bye gonna go in the clouds and look ethereal now, oh man it makes me so sad
bc giorno is the only one that knew what happened and people that were closer to bruno due to knowing him longer didnt
i wanna see how trish coped w that personally
despite being introduced not at the beginning i think her arc and character in general were as well paced as it could be!
finally done! sorry that took so long but oh man i have so many feelings towards these guys its not even funny
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googledocsdyke · 3 years
i have not seen any episodes of spn past season 10. but i am asking u because i trust ur opinion. should i watch the other 5? or is it not worth it?
oh ABSOLUTELY watch the other 5. you'll get some big hits and some big misses. my opinion on ~dabb era~ as a cohesive concept changes every time the wind blows but (and i was yelled at on discord for this) season 12 is one of my singular favourite seasons of supernatural. some general pros of seasons 11-15:
- genuinely post-carver supernatural just feels like it's less afraid to have fun. like you get yockey and perez who specialise in writing an all-caps WHAT IF... on the top of a whiteboard and just fucking slamming the gas from there. but like WITH the reading. the 3-episode season 12 yockey hat trick is like. BING BANG BOOM. angel gender! cas backstory! hunter funerals that aren't lonely devastated burnings but a big crowded house full of drinking games and collective community lore! THEE banes twins! other one-episode wonders include the chitters, scoobynatural, baby, regarding dean, tombstone, ouroboros, mint condition..... late seasons supernatural is at its best when it says fuck the very tiresome molasses mytharc and let's be insane and do a Concept. and it WORKS. like the finales mostly drag but many individual episodes are so good that i could live there
- you get claire's coherent arc!! miss newton killed it in 10x09 and 10x10 and 10x20 but a lot of it is claire having like. the worst fucking life of all time and being prickles and thorns and too much anger behind too small of a gun. her relationship w jody is SO good and aching and the wayward sisters setup is super fun even if. yknow. they didn't follow through
- BILLIE is truly one of the best chars they've ever done though they did her dirty at the end. like she haaaates the winchesters but rather than being some deep seething hyper-personal resentment she has a fascinating relationship to like. the desire to generally bring order to the universe — not imposed power, but just like the natural cycle of being in the world. in a way she's not so much working against the winchesters as she is the like very existence of the entire show — what dies Should stay dead and what is clearly dying Should be put out of its misery and YET the show rolls on. like it's deliciously uncomfortable every time she's on the screen because she's RIGHT! the only reasons the winchesters "should" survive another day is like.... they want to. her style her flair her lines her philosophy her position as Librarian mwah!
- rowena as well. god. milfnatural REALLY goes crazy in the later seasons i don't know what to say she's so good. the FLAIR the drama the royal court shakespeare production of it ALL
- MARY PLOTLINE HIIIIII. WOW. Well. if i think about mary for too long my brain does microwave noises but like the fact that they Literally resurrect the ghost of an inciting incident, the mother-as-plot device who does not speak, never the mourner eternally mourned???? And they stick her into the living world????? And she takes off that stupid nightgown???? big qualms w mary in lebanon and lack of john followthrough BUT LIKE. and her relationship with dean like she cannot meet his eyes. she cannot meet his eyes. multiple dean mary scenes that i cannot physically watch it's like a live wire MMM DELICIOUS
- JACK. SO important to understanding cas' arc. he is gay and he is a dad and he is a dad ON PURPOSE w such sweetness and sincerity and presence like i will become so fiercely father-shaped it's just quite excellent like the dude queers fatherhood. i am of split minds of how they did the dean jack relationship bc at the risk of over-spoiling it i think it's all setup and no followthrough/denouement/proper resolution. and like this is a general problem w supernatural in general that doesn't go away in late seasons you can see the moving parts of something great and then they kind of shrink back and explain it away in the vaguest way possible. But still. jack amazing mesmerising so much potential much of it realised it IS ABOUT father and sons
- you get to see dean and cas build up to 15.18. which is just, like, delicious and SO rewarding. season 12 almost-get together! widower arc! divorce arc! tenuous quasi-parenting debates! all building to I Love Every Body Be Cause I Love You
basically like much of supernatural, it has a lot of truly delicious moving parts with a lacklustre mytharc and some truly egregious writing decisions thrown in. it's not coherent in a way that supernatural has never been and arguably gets worse. BUT it has some of my personal favourite characters and writers of all time and if you want to see any of the above it's like. entirely worth it. and there is something delightful if disturbing in watching a show go on for so long that it parodies itself and references itself and eats itself whole. it is so often so much FUN let's hear it for cwification
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kurutabaa · 4 years
hi i discovered ur blog and its my new fave thing ever! may i req for a ryuji version of the "friend trying to pair up with his future s/o" thing u did? i feel like ann would fit as scheming matchmaker. (or u can pick whoever though) im such a loser for this idea, it's genius. i love ryuji so 👁👄👁 totally self indulgent
Ann Trying to Pair up Ryuji with his Future S/O!
Did I hear Ann the matchmaker and Ryuji as the matchmaker victim?! Yesyes!! I would be happy enough to do a lot more of these “Friend Pairing up Someone with Future S/O” scenarios!! Plus, Ann is the freaking best and I adore her~
(Futaba/Akira version of this scenario here!)
Ann Takamaki + Ryuji Sakamoto!
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Featuring Ann as the Matchmaker and Ryuji + S/O as her target~
As the whole “Futaba pairing up Akira and his S/O together” situation died down, Ann noticed something similar to that with you and Ryuji.
She noticed how Ryuji would act stupider than he normally was around you. How he would try to say something cool but fail horribly, the way he tried to avoid eye contact with you and how he wouldn’t dare get closer then a meter towards you.
Although Ann had no solid evidence for any feelings, she realized this was Ryuji we were talking about. She needed to get her hands dirty.
After this realization, Ann will immediately interrogate Ryuji, wether it’d be at the lockers, cafeteria, or courtyard, she needs some answers.
“Hey, Sakamoto. What’s up with you?”
“What do you mean by that?”
“How stupid are you? I’m obviously talking about Y/N, it’s pretty obvious that you have feelings for them.”
“What?! W-Where did you get bullshit like that?!”
“Don’t play dumb with me! Now, I’m gonna help you win their heart, got it?”
Will definitely somehow rope in Akira the PT Girls into her schemes. Wether it’d be for date ideas or scheming “We’re just hanging out but this is totally meant to be a date!” plans.
Depending on which person you hang out with a lot, she’ll tell them to ask you what you think of Ryuji and to tell her afterwards.
When it turns out that you do have feelings for Ryuji, she’s now extremely adamant on getting you two together.
Will either tell you or Ryuji to ask one another if they want to go out for lunch, but most likely Ryuji has to do it.
It would be the end of class, you would be unknowingly packing your bag as Ann gives a thumbs up of approval to Ryuji. He uncomfortably walks his way towards you and calls out your name.
“Ryuji? What’s up?”
“I-I was wondering if..”
He looks for help to Ann, which he now realises that the entire PT group is now spying on the two of them. Thanks, Ann.
“U-Uh, I need some help with studying, so I’m wondering if you would hang out for a bit afterschool.”
Ryuji audibly hears the Phantom Theif members sighing in relief.
“Oh! Sure thing, where do you want to meet?”
“What about the ramen shop in Shibuya? My treat!”
“Alright! We can go on the train together to Shibuya, then!”
“C-Cool beans!”
As soon as he walked away, he was internally celebrating and had the goofiest smile on his face.
Ann will assign the guys to “prep” Ryuji for their study date while she takes the girls to “help” S/O
What do the guys do to prep Ryuji? Well, everyone gives him strange dating advice, besides Akira who now has some experience in being in a relationship.
“I get it, I get it! I won’t say anything stupid, now can ya stop pestering me?”
How do the girls help you? Well, their actually a bit more helpful! Haru and Ann initiate on styling your school uniform a certain way to make it more flashing, and also attempt at styling your hair either by putting in cute hairclips or puffing it up.
Haru will also give you a pep talk before you go home!
“You can do it, Y/N! And if Ryuji-kun breaks your heart, he’ll feel the wrath of my axe!”
You meet up with Ryuji at the station, taking the train to Shibuya. It was hot and uncomfortable, being stuffed inbetween students and office workers like a sardine can sucked.
You two sighed in relief as you got off the train, then immediately losing eachother in the ocean of people.
After you two find eachother again, the both of you awkwardly agree to link eachothers arms in order to not lose eachother.
“J-Just hold onto my arm and you’ll be good, alright?”
It wasn’t as busy as you two walked down the streets of Shibuya, the two of you gleaming once you found the ramen place.
The two of you ordered your dishes and started some small talk, it wasn’t actually as awkward as Ryuji imagined it to be. Maybe he was just that comfortable with you to forget that this was supposed to be an awkward first date.
“Oh, you asked me to come here to study, right? So, what do you need help on? We have that English test coming up soon.”
“Huh? O-Oh! I didn’t actually needed to study.. I, uh..”
Yikes, he may have just dug himself a hole to confessing why he really wanted you here.
You noticed that he was hesitant on finishing his sentence, and your mind began to race. Wait, was this meant to be a date? Your cheeks flushed at his true intentions.
“Y-Y’know, if you wanted to hang out with me, you didn’t have to make up an excuse.. I-I would’ve said yes even if you asked me straightforward!”
It was silent for a few seconds, although you were in a public restaurant, it felt like the two of you were alone.
Ryuji finally broke the silence. “Y/N! Honestly, I..”
He got up suddenly, bending down onto the ground and bursting out,
“I like you! Please go out with me!”
Everyone stared at him strangely, did a highschooler just got onto the ground and confessed his feelings?
Speaking of everyone, Ann was intently watching with the rest of the Phantom Theives by her side once again. She is the matchmaker after all, it wouldn’t be efficient to leave the pair alone.
“What a flashy way to confess to someone.” Akira muttered.
“Shh! It’s gonna get good!” Futaba hushed him.
You felt embarrassed, speechless, but also quite flattered. You tried your best to look to answer.
“I-I like you too..!”
Ryuji looks up at you in shock, a blush spread across his cheeks
“F-For real?!”
You silently nod your head, while Ryuji has the biggest smile on his face. This strangely sweet moment only to be interrupted by a worker.
“Hey, kiddos, you either keep quiet or take your buisness somewhere else.”
“S-Sorry!” “Sorry!”
The rest of the date went off without a hitch! The two of you turning small talk into engaging conversations and not having a care in the world.
It was getting dark out, so the two of you went to the train station so you wouldn’t get stuck in Shibuya. Surprisingly enough, the Phantom Thieves were still keeping an eye on you two! Despite everyone else wanting to go home, Ann forced them to stay.
You and Ryuji stood in silence, the only thing you can hear is the echos of doors opening and closing, alongside the footsteps of busy people.
“Hey, Ryuji..”
“What’s up?”
You gulped, shyly fiddling with the straps of your uniform.
“Does this mean we’re dating now?”
Ryuji winced, trying to look for the right answer.
“I mean.. If you want to?”
You tried to hide the growing smile on your face, reaching your fingertips to interlock your hand with his.
“I’d like that.”
“C-Cool beans..!” He slightly squeezed your hand, his muscles soon relaxing.
“Well! My job here is done!” Ann patted down her uniform and grinned in pride. “I also snagged a video of this moment, too~”
“I hope their relationship goes well! We should probably leave them be now.” Haru excitingly said, her mind was running with cheesy romantic scenarios.
“Just make sure Ryuji or Y/N find it.” Akira chuckled at how prideful Ann seemed.
“Eh?! You recorded it? Let me see, let me see!” Futaba hurringly rushed to Ann’s side to take a glimpse of the video.
Afterwards, Ann will definitely tease you both with remarks of “It was so obvious you two liked eachother!” or “This bonehead here is too stupid to do it himself, so I had you help you two out.”
Ann is very happy for the two of you! She’ll prepare outfits for you whenever you and Ryuji go out and, if you’re a female, will do your makeup for you~
Dec 14 2020
Can I just say, this was so fun for me to write!!! I adore this prompt with all my heart and I hope you can tell I put my best effort into it! Please feel free to send in another Ryuji ask, this dork is adorable~
Thank you for Reading!
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rhydium · 4 years
fuck it starfinite drabble
its 12pm n i haven't slept, @ the two (2) other fans of these dumbasses come get yall juice ig ???? played around w/ a concept i had n figured i'll just ... post it. why not. this takes place in my android infinite au, pre-relationship!! u don't rly need context other than that tbh ((but feel free to ask me abt it i will gladly infodump))
cw: loss of limb (infinite's arm; it gets reattached), references to blood n stuff in the context of intrusive thoughts. please lmk if i need more!!
"what on earth were you thinking?" starline near shouts, his voice exasperated, shaky with adrenaline. he's angry and he's afraid and it's, it's stupid, really, he can fix this, but his hands tremble as he rummages through his toolbox, eyes darting over to infinite; missing their right arm, wires sparking, broken and it's sickening. he has to look away again. breathe.
"you can't keep... you — you're being too reckless!"
"i don't have much other choice." infinite says, so simply, so infuriatingly calm, so calm, such disregard for the fact they just had a limb blown off.
starline finds the last screwdriver he needs, but continues to sift around, poking and prodding and inspecting wrenches as if he's still looking for something. if he stops that means having to face this and he isn't ready — he needs to, but he can't.
"why?" he asks, ignoring the way his voice cracks, swallows the dry lump in his throat, "why, infinite?"
"is it really not obvious?"
starline grits his teeth, squeezes his eyes shut. his hands grip the edge of the box. "no!! it isn't!"
"i can be repaired. rebuilt. you can't. it's not that complicated. if one of us gets hit then logically it should be me."
his chest seizes as the words sink in, sink through his skin and down, down, down into his stomach like a stone; his gut churns and twists with guilt.
no... no, that's —
"that's stupid!" starline hisses. that self-sacrificing, idiotic...!
he whips around, locking eyes with infinite, don't look at their arm, don't look at it, don't look at the socket.
"don't speak like that. ever again."
whether it's his expression, his tone, infinite seems taken aback, almost appearing to flinch. they stare at him, frowning, though in a way more indicative of confusion than anger.
"like what?"
"like you're disposable!!"
there's a long moment of silence after starline's outburst. he pulls in a deep breath, pinches the bridge of his bill, averting his eyes to the floor, anywhere else, anywhere but infinite. he thinks about apologising — he shouldn't have yelled like that — but infinite is, this can't continue, they're being nonsensical, they keep endangering themselves, it can't.
"i... you just don't get it, do you?" he murmurs, shaking his head, running a hand through his hair. a small, strained laugh escapes his throat, voice thin. "do you have any idea how it makes me feel, watching you get hurt like this?? throwing yourself around like some kind of — like a living shield??"
he's not going to cry. starline is not about to cry.
"you... could have died." infinite says quietly. "all those times, and today, if i hadn't stepped in — for you those blows would have been life changing, if not fucking fatal. do you know how that makes me feel, star?! i can't let that happen. it's so easy to just, imagine you laying there, not moving, the blood, and..." their fingers — god, the ones they still have — twitch restlessly. infinite picks at their claws.
starline can hardly restrain the choked noise that fights its way out of him.
they're doing this for him, to protect him, this is all his —
"it's not your fault." infinite speaks firmly, as if sensing his thought process. "but objectively..." they wave a hand, sighing, "you know? this doesn't even hurt me."
"it hurts me." starline exhales through his nose wearily. "emotionally."
"i'd rather you be a bit emotionally distressed than dead," infinite scoffs softly, "let me repeat; the damage i take isn't permanent or painful. you, on the other hand, are one accident from being... i don't even want to imagine it."
"then what am i supposed to do?!"
"be more careful and i won't have to get involved." infinite shrugs.
starline groans.
"why does it bother you so much?"
"are you kidding?!"
the lack of response would point toward no, apparently.
"because i care about you, you absolute fool!"
infinite falters for a moment.
"...but. i'm not in pain. i can be fixed. what are you afraid of?"
starline gazes at them wordlessly.
i'm afraid one day i won't be able to fix you.
i'm afraid i'm going to lose you.
i'm terrified of losing you because i love you but you don't know that and you can't know that.
"i — look, forget it. i just, i don't want to talk about this anymore, i need to repair your arm."
"you're hiding something."
"aren't you perceptive..." starline can't help but mutter.
"are you okay?"
does it look like it?
"i'm fine."
"could at least put a little effort into it if you're going to lie." infinite mumbles.
"would you just...!" starline takes a deep breath. "be quiet. please."
infinite briefly opens their mouth as if preparing to protest, but ultimately falls silent. they look away, absently staring off at the far window.
starline grabs his tools. he just... has to focus on work. this will probably take a while, he realises. it's easily the most damage infinite has ever taken — at least during their time with him. he's worked with robotics a long time, but infinite is a highly advanced android, and they require extra care, presicion.
infinite's shoulder sparks again. they don't react.
"...you really don't feel anything, do you?"
infinite raises a brow.
oh. right. i told them not to talk.
they shake their head, and starline nods, uttering a quiet "sorry."
no reply.
"can i... start the repair?"
"...you're not just going to go ahead and do it?"
"no. never. listen, i've made habit of asking for your consent and i have no intention of breaking it. it's your body."
"...i don't mind."
starline supresses a sigh and begins to tackle the rather daunting task of fixing up and reattaching infinite's lost arm, which has been laying motionless on the table for the past ten minutes. despite the lack of blood, absence of stench, as would be had if infinite was organic, it's still disturbing somehow. he shivers at the thought of dealing with dismembered flesh, of muscle and bone, and finds himself suddenly a lot more appreciative that infinite is an artificial being.
despite the knowledge infinite can't actually feel any of what he's doing, starline proceeds slowly, gently. regardless of whether they can feel it, their body deserves to be treated with respect. he fiddles with their wires delicately between his fingers, turns bolts and adjusts joints with only as much firmness as necessary, apologises when he has to snap certain supports back into place. now and then, he glances at infinite, who looks oddly tense, contemplative... uncertain.
"are you... uncomfortable?"
"what...? no, i... i told you i can't feel it, didn't i?" they say distantly.
"well — yes, but, what about mentally? are you alright...? do you want me to stop? i'm sorry that these procedures are so... invasive, and it probably, after —"
— no, no, what are you doing don't bring that up —
"...ah. nevermind."
infinite blinks, as if processing his words, and then their expression shifts in understanding.
"you're fine. i mean, this is.... i'm fine." they affirm.
"i mean it. it's... you're nothing like him."
there was once a time starline would have found such a statement insulting. nowadays, he can't be more relieved infinite thinks as such. he adjusts his glasses and continues tinkering away, figuring he won't get much else out of them, at least for now. whatever is on their mind, he'll let it be. the rest of the repair goes smoothly, time passing in a silence that is isn't uncomfortable, nor fully comfortable. he can't help but feel bad about the... was it an argument? he isn't sure, really. maybe that's what infinite was thinking about...?
as he wraps things up, closing the last panel on their forearm and preparing to request that infinite run through a few tests to make sure everything is working correctly, they finally speak; though it isn't anything starline was expecting them to say.
"you could destroy me," infinite utters softly, and they just kind of... look at him, something in their eyes that starline can't put a name to. "if you wanted to. you could rip me apart from the inside."
"i... guess i could." starline murmurs, his fingers lightly trailing over the panel, hidden beneath infinite's fur, the only sign of its existence being several small ridges and the bump of a screw head. "does that scare you?"
infinite smiles. "it's terrifying." they reply. "to allow myself to be so vulnerable... to — to want to let my guard down."
starline blinks in surprise.
to want to...? they want to let me in?
"then why...?" he tilts his head curiously. his hand stills, but lingers where it is.
infinite shrugs loosely. "it's you."
starline, don't you even think about it, that isn't what they mean...!
he clears his throat awkwardly.
"er... is that... supposed to explain it?"
"it's all i've got." infinite replies. the small quirk of their lips broadens a bit, and they chuckle. "sorry."
...starline finds himself smiling back.
god, he's tired, the past hour has been immeasurably draining, but... this, this makes it all worth it. seeing them like that... it lifts all the stress, the anxiety. he feels lighter.
"thank you."
"for trusting me. i know it... must take a lot."
infinite shifts their hand — the one that hadn't been damaged — and hesitantly, very slowly reaches over. they look between starline's hand still resting on their inner arm, just above the wrist, starline's eyes, his hand again, and starline goes to withdraw — but before he can do so, infinite places their own over it.
"thank you." they whisper. "for treating me kindly. for treating me like... a person."
starline's breath catches in his throat. oh god, he cannot mess this up. infinite never — they never initiate contact like this, ever. he can't scare them away, he knows it's difficult for them to be touched, let alone how much faith they're showing in him to touch, and he will not squander all their progress. nothing will ruin this moment.
"you are one."
"...i care about you too, star."
"i — what?"
"you said earlier that you cared about me. i care about you too," they elaborate, a flicker in their eyes, this time something starline recognises, as quickly as it's hidden again; fondness. a very specific kind of fondness that... no — he isn't sure if he's imagining this or not. he has to be. surely, he's making it up. wishful thinking, seeing what one wants to.
"...a lot. more than you know." infinite finishes.
starline gazes into their eyes steadily, searching, trying to find it again. infinite stares back, almost like they're looking for something, too. oh, how easy it would be; to lean down, move in, to kiss them, but starline is not going there. he has no confirmation infinite likes him like, well, that and, it would be far too fast even if they did. not to mention he certainly wouldn't do it without asking.
"...you're hiding something too, aren't you?" starline settles for asking vaguely.
infinite's eyes widen slightly, then glitter mysteriously, amused.
"aren't you perceptive?"
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batz · 4 years
PLEASE talk more abt yr hlvrai design choices i would love 2 see tht!!! :]
OK ill explain a bit! im dozing off rn so pls understand that i dont know how to write or type.
ill probably do a little more indepth so i base a lot of my character designs on how the voice sounds. like what would this character look like based off how they sound, sounds can have shapes so voices can have shapes. little uh motifs i guess? in voice? also, more obvious, design based off personality and also (very loosely) based off the models.
i came up with the designs half way through watching act two. i think only the first ep of act 3 was out at the time so it was EARLY days there wasnt even funny halve live fandom yet rlly. but YEAH so i got to make designs without too much influence from others which is awesome
gordon is comedic straight man normal guy (even tho hes Not normal) hes very generic, kinda scruffy. hes the Main Character and i wanted him to ve very Main Character. hes built like a rectangle, but softer edges. kinda goes along w his voice honestly. just a dude youd see in the line at starbucks or smthn. cartoony glasses w weird dot eyes trope thnak YOU... gordon normal voice syndrome m gettin NOTHIN from this guy he also has a mullet u just cant see it w the ponytail
benrey looks human and is pretty human. bc my art style is the way it is. hes built like a squircle, very wide and imposing but not in a threatening way, in an agitating way. he looks pliable and soft, like playdoh. he doesnt emote, and when he does the expression is forced and awkward. hes an alien after all, and is kinda still getting used to the whole Human Body Thing. benreys voice sounds round!
(gordon and benrey dont have contrasting designs but they have a lot of similarities in both shape and build. bc i dont see them as direct opposites and see them more similar if anything. they dont contrast since Everyone antagonizes gordon one way or another.)
bubby is the definition of Prickly Old Bastard, literally and figuratively. not approachable but generally nonthreatening (somewhat). hes on Edge, easily agitated and uptight, thats why hes always wearing a turtleneck or his shirt collar goes up to his head almost lookin uncomfortably tight. wanted him to contrast coomer..! a lot of the lil details of his design face upwards and inwards. bubbys voice sounds angular!
coomer is round and soft, hes fat bc hes a boxer and also bc it makes him look sweet and approachable, even though hes a very dangerous always-ticking timebomb. i wanted him to look visibly strong but not anime-buff, and also wanted him to contrast bubbys design in almost every way, which is why he changed so drastically compared to my first hlvai art. a lot of the lil details of his design face downwards and inwards. coomers voice sounds round!
(note how coomer and bubby have contrasting character designs but still have similar aspects to them. i wanted them to have a statler/waldorf or bunsen/beaker situation,where theyre obviously a duo. theyre both da shortest in the science team...same height)
tommy is tall and has been since my first piece of hlvai fanart. i just LOVE softer almost unassuming characters standing out like a sore thumb and that MAINLY being bc theyre tall. his voice sounds very tall too, i wish i could explain how or why. baaulp said tommy was a cross between the secretary in twin peaks and pee wee herman and i ran with that. awkward beanpole that wears the same outfit everyday. loose spaghetti noodl. wobbly nd fluid never stiff!!
darnold is my newest design concept and i wanted him to be soda can shaped!!! thats honestly it, he was the easiest one to get. i had his design in mind since i watched the act 4 vod before the episodes were actually released. hes similar to gordon where i wanted to give him this Normal Guy Dad Look. his designs a lot less complex since i used the soda can shape concept AND jusr how his voice sounds.....
anyway when wayne talked abt my designs on stream i Died and also i feel like thats when they were adopted by a lot of the fandom and slowly started mutating into what the general fanon designs are now. except for coomer and darnold who im Sure i based off other folks' designs! same w some of benrey im sure. idk early hlvai fandom days r blurry bc my brain doesnt WORK
its 8am rigut now im passing out while i wanna make a better more informative post abt character design stuff inregards to Halve Live bc i LOVE to talk abt character design i love cartoons
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field surgery
prompt: field surgery
whumpee: kurt wallander
fandom: young wallander
here is another surprise unplanned young wallander fic!!! i didn’t feel like doing what i had planned and was dreading writing this even tho i love field medicine and i thought ok ill do kurt and then the story just...went. love when that happens. anyway i suppose this is a liberal definition of field surgery taken to mean any kind of field medicine. no actual surgery here. 
He and Rask are at the home of a suspect, on the edge of the woods. It’s nothing but trees for miles around, and Kurt can’t help feeling like this place is creepy as he knocks on the door.
Or, if not creepy, then apparently dangerous. A door slams from the rear of the house, and Kurt and Rask rush to the source of the noise of their suspect getting away, jumping over a small fence just in time to see the suspect fleeing into the woods, aiming back at them with a gun. 
Both of their hands reach for their weapons, but not before the suspect gets a shot out. It’s desperate and wild, and the two police take no time in continuing their pursuit. 
There’s a split second in there where Kurt feels like something’s hit him and almost stops running before quickly getting himself together. He’d probably kicked up a rock. 
He picks up his pace as the suspect disappears into a thick patch of trees, flat out sprinting now. Rask’s racing close along behind him, and he hears her curse over the wind rushing in his ears. 
“No signal!” she shouts to him. “No backup!” 
“Okay!” he yells back, pushing himself even further. They can get the suspect, just the two of them. He’s certain of that.
And certainly they would have been able to get their suspect, but Kurt suddenly trips over a log and hits the ground hard, and then Rask tries to sidestep him but stumbles too, and by the time they both get back to their feet, the suspect is nowhere to be found. Kurt’s about to set off running again, desperate now to catch them, when Rask’s hand grabs his arm firmly, preventing him from moving. 
“You’re bleeding,” she says, and he doesn’t even bother to look. 
“I fell,” he says. He’d be more shocked if he wasn’t bleeding somewhere, honestly. 
“No, Kurt. You’re bleeding.” She gestures to his stomach, and he looks down. 
His entire stomach is covered in blood and smeared with dirt from where he’d fallen. If he looks closely, he can discern a hole in his shirt, and if he looks even more closely, he can see the hole extending into himself. 
He’s been shot. 
The second he realizes that, Kurt feels his legs give out from under him, and suddenly he’s sinking to the ground, saved from flat-out collapsing by Rask’s arms around him, guiding him down to sit on the ground. 
He hadn’t felt it before. He’d been running before, distracted, moving. But now that his attention’s been drawn to it, now that he’s seen it, now that he’s not moving, has nothing on his mind but it, it hurts. He presses a hand to it out of instinct, feeling warm blood coat his fingers, barely registering the feeling of the pressure amongst everything else. There’s so much blood. 
Rask takes off her jacket, crouching in front of him. She balls it up and then takes his hand, pulling it away from his stomach. At first he doesn’t understand, tries to pull away and keep protecting himself, but eventually she gets his hand out of the way and presses the jacket into his stomach. 
Whether it’s the unexpected change or the fact that it’s not him who’s in control of it, something about the feeling of the jacket being pressed to him makes the wound scream in a way it hadn’t with his own hand covering it. He bites down hard on his bottom lip to stop himself from screaming, tears welling in his eyes. He looks down at the jacket, held firmly in Rask’s bloody hand, and wonders whether he’s dying. 
Rask’s other hand is occupied with her phone, and then it isn’t. She tosses it to the ground with an angry noise that makes Kurt very worried.
“Still no service,” she mutters, more to herself than to him. “We’re going to have to get ourselves out of here.”
Even in his current slightly-out-of-it condition, Kurt recognizes that this seems like a bad idea. Right now, for as much pain as he’s in, for as much blood as is coming out of him, it’s better than it will be if he’s moving. 
Rask, though, apparently knows this as well, because she makes no move to get up. Instead, with her free hand, she pushes Kurt down to the ground until he’s lying flat on his back. She grabs his legs and stretches them out in front of him, lifting them up to place a small log underneath his back. 
He knows this is in an attempt to elevate the gunshot wound above his heart and hopefully make him lose less blood, but it’s horribly uncomfortable and puts a weird kind of pressure on the wound. It does seem to slow the bleeding marginally, though, so he doesn’t ask her to get rid of it. 
“You’re not walking out of here,” Rask says, which Kurt thinks is rather obvious. “And I don’t think we could make it all the way out of here before you’d have lost too much blood.” 
And probably died, Kurt fills in in his head. He doesn’t want to die. 
“I don’t want to die.”
“You’re not going to die,” she tells him, and presses down harder on the jacket. 
“Are you sure?” he asks, because right now dying seems like the most logical outcome of this. 
“You’re not bleeding massively, so the bullet probably didn’t hit an artery, and anyway, I have an idea.”
“You’re not going to like it.”
“If it stops me from dying, then yes, I will,” Kurt insists. He’d get shot again, right now, he thinks, if it meant he wouldn’t die. 
“Okay, but fair warning, it’s going to hurt.”
“More than getting shot?” he asks, half joking. 
That definitely does not inspire confidence. Kurt feels his hands start to shake where they’re balled into fists at his sides, anticipating the pain already. 
Rask grabs one of his shaking hands and uncurls it, then presses it firmly atop her own on the jacket. He wonders why she’s done that for a second, and then she lets go of the jacket altogether. It slips from his grasp for just a second, and then he’s pressing it back down, weirdly grateful to be in control of its pressure again. 
Rask stands up, and for a horrible second Kurt wonders if she’s going to leave, but she just sticks her hands into her pants pockets and pulls out a rather large pocketknife and a box of matches. 
He has a terrible feeling that he knows where this is going, and he instinctively shuts his eyes against it, though nothing has happened yet. It will, though, he knows. It has to, if he wants to not bleed out in the middle of the woods. 
“I assume you know what I’m going to do?” Rask asks him, kneeling down next to him. He nods and takes a shaky breath. 
“Good. Just hold on.”
He resolutely keeps his eyes shut as he hears her strike a match, hears a flame whoosh, feels the heat of a small fire. He shivers, feeling his heart pound, inevitably forcing yet more blood out of him. He just wants this to be over…
There’s a rustling sound, as of someone taking off their shirt, and then a tearing of fabric. 
“This is probably not going to taste very pleasant, but it’ll at least give you something to bite down on,” Rask says, and Kurt knows exactly what she’s doing, knows it’s almost time for this to happen. He opens his mouth and bites down on the rolled-up shirt, imagining Rask running the blade of the knife through the flames until it glows red-hot…
She grabs ahold of his hand and gently lifts it away from his stomach, the jacket still in his fist. He feels the wound leak more blood at its removal and wishes he could put it back. There’s no chance of that happening, though. 
Rask then lifts the hem of his t-shirt, and he feels it pull away from his skin very slowly, tacky with blood. A scrap of fabric - what he’d heard tearing, Kurt thinks - passes over the wound, though he can’t imagine it does much given how much blood he knows there is. It feels incredibly uncomfortable against his skin, but he tries to focus on that feeling, preparing for it to get much worse. 
His hands are both back on the ground now, again balled up into shaking fists. He feels Rask grab one, gently uncurl the fingers, and hold on tight.
“Three, two -”
On two, there’s a searing hot pain on his stomach, and he screams into the cloth, body writhing instinctively to try and escape the pain. He feels the edge of the knife press into him again and again, and screams until his throat is too scratchy to make any real noise at all. He wants to pass out, wants desperately for this to stop, but it doesn’t. The pain goes on and on and on, burning into him. 
The pain never stops, but eventually it dies down enough that Kurt begins to become aware of other things. His throat hurts. His face is tacky with teats. His right palm burns from cuts made by his nails pressing into it. His left hand is still holding onto Rask’s, just as tightly, and he lets go abruptly. Very slowly, he opens his eyes. 
“It’s over,” Rask tells him. “The worst part is over now.”
He’s too exhausted to nod, and the cloth in his mouth prevents any verbal agreement (not that the scratchiness in his throat would have made that easy, anyway), so he just kind of shudders out a breath in response, and again squeezes his eyes shut. 
She pulls the cloth out of his mouth, and must tear it further, because after a second she wraps a strip of fabric around his stomach and ties it. He feels it press uncomfortably into his freshly-cauterized wound, but he barely reacts to the pain. 
He hears the pocketknife close with a snap, hears Rask smother the fire with something, and wonders what’s going to happen now. He doesn’t think he can stand, let alone walk.
Not that he needs to do any of those things. Rask picks him up, incredibly gently so that it barely hurts at all. She holds onto him tightly, one arm behind his shoulders and the other under his knees, and begins walking. Kurt shivers involuntarily in her arms as a breeze kicks up, sending cold air rushing over his body. 
“I’d give you my jacket if it weren’t already soaked in blood. Or my shirt, if it weren’t torn up into three pieces.”
“Sorry,” Kurt mumbles, voice scratchy and painful and quiet. He shivers again and presses himself closer to her.
“What are you sorry for? You’re the one who’s cold,” Rask points out. “I’m sorry I didn’t wear more layers today. All I’ve got left to offer is a t-shirt, which is exactly what you’ve got.”
“Yours...is less bloody,” Kurt says, his voice now so quiet he wonders whether he’s actually spoken aloud. Her shirt must be less bloody than his, he figures. His is absolutely soaked in blood, drying rapidly now in the cool air, sticking to his skin.
“It still is bloody,” Rask promises. “You’re bloody, and I’m carrying you.”
He nods slightly, lacking the energy and physical ability to speak any further.
Rask sighs. “You’ll just have to get me a new one when you get out of the hospital.”
Kurt supposes he’d spend all the money he’s got to buy her some new non-blood-soaked shirts. It’s the least he can do in thanks for her saving his life. Which she’s done, he realizes, as he sees flashing lights through his closed eyelids. 
“There you are,” Kurt hears someone say, followed closely by, “shit. Medics!” 
He keeps his eyes firmly closed as he feels himself be laid down onto the familiar material of a stretcher, feels himself move, hears doors slam and a siren start. 
“You’ll be okay,” he hears Rask say from somewhere next to him, her voice leaving no room for him to doubt the truth of her statement. 
He’s going to be okay. That reassurance is enough for his body to finally stop fighting against the pain. He passes out before they even give him any drugs, knowing that he’ll wake up alive.
thanks for reading!!!! i had a lot of fun writing this and i hope you liked it!!!
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