#and then malia turns back into a HUMAN and has to go to HIGH SCHOOL and she is not trying to be The Most Popular Girl In School
skywitchmaja · 1 year
malydia are sooo fun because they boldly ask the question “what if too lesbians who were sooo autistic in the exact opposite directions? but what if they’re not actually autistic they’re just Like That because they are a harbinger of death and a girl who spent the last several years of her life as a coyote? but what if still, actually really truly and for real, they were both autistic (in the exact opposite directions)?” and they answer is, of course, “well, that would be awesome”
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supercap2319 · 2 years
Welcome Home
Derek Hale x Male Reader
Summary: Y/N finds a surprise when he returns home to Beacon Hills.
A/N: Based on the up coming film.
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Scott was looking out the window of Derek’s loft as he stared out over the city of Beacon Hills. He never imagined that he would be back here. This place has so many memories. Good ones and bad ones. He had moved to LA, and put his leadership role on the shelf, and was now working at a veterinarian's office while dealing with the complicated realities of being a human.
That all came crashing down when he found out Allison Argent was alive. His first love was back from the dead and he was going to need backup on how to handle it. Scott sighed as he put his head on the glass, the coolness of it calming his burning forehead.
His sense of peace was short-lived as he sensed another presence in the room as his eyes glowed red as he turned sharply and latched his hand around the throat of the intruder as he slammed them against a nearby wall. He roared in their face as the intruder shifted and quickly switched their positions as Scott was now pinned to the wall as the intruder squeezed a hand around his throat as he hissed in his face, fangs out and pointy.
“Y-Y-Y/N?” Scott asked in shock and hesitation.
Y/N laughed as he put his fangs away. “You may be my older brother, but I’m still stronger than you and can kick your Alpha ass.” Y/N let his brother go as the two embraced in a hug. It felt good to hug his brother once again. He’s been gone too long, and he missed him.
They pulled back as Y/N looked at Scott. “Wow, being a normal human looks good on you.”
“Thanks. How have you been? Did you find the person who turned you?”
Y/N had been a witch before he was turned into a vampire by an unknown person and he spent a couple of years traveling trying to find who did this to him. Now he was part witch, part vampire. Oh, the fun it’s been.
“I’ve been good. Though, in all my globe trotting, I haven’t found anything yet, but I will.”
“I’m sure you will,” Scott said.
“Thanks, bro,” Y/N smiled. “So… is everyone back?”
“Not everyone. Stiles is busy being an FBI agent, so he’s not going to be here. And neither is Kira. She’s been with the Skinwalkers. Lydia, Liam, Mason, Parrish, Peter, Mr. Stilinski, Chris, Jackson, and…Malia are here though.”
At the mention of Malia’s name, Y/N’s ears perked up. Last time he checked, they were still a couple. “Are you too still…?”
Scott rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s… complicated.”
“I’m sure it is. Speaking of complicated is… Derek here?” Y/N asked. The Hale that made his heart flutter. The Hale he gave his virginity to in high school.
Scott smiled gently. “He’s out back playing catch.”
Y/N frowned. “Catch? With who?”
“Guess you’ll have to go outside and find out.”
Scott was right. Derek was indeed playing catch. With who? Y/N couldn't say. He was a young boy of 15 years of age and had long dark brown hair. He was shorter than Derek. The young boy threw the ball a bit too high as it sailed into the air. Y/N used his vampire speed and caught the ball in his hands upon its descent.
“Woah, nice catch, dude,” the boy said.
Y/N looked from the young boy with brown eyes to green emerald ones. Those eyes that Y/N loved so much. The eyes that made his heart melt. Derek freaking Hale’s eyes.
“Thanks.” Y/N tossed the ball back to the young boy.
Derek looked at him, a shocked look on his handsome features. “Y/N? You’re here.”
“Wait, this is Y/N?” the young boy said.
“Yup, he’s the one, Eli.” Derek confirmed.
“So, he’s the one that you’ve been moaning about?” Eli said. “The one you probably jerk off too in the shower.”
“ELI!” Derek blushed.
“Woah, we’ll talk about that one later, but first. Derek, who’s this?” Y/N asked the werewolf.
Derek sighed. “This, Y/N, is Eli Hale. My son.”
“Your son!” Y/N was shocked.
“I know. I’m amazing,” Eli jokes.
“H-H-How could this happen? I mean, I know how this can happen, but I was just curious.” Y/N would never have thought he’d see the day when he found out Derek Hale was a father.
“Eli’s mother and I… it’s… complicated, Derek said.
“I’m sure it is. Please tell me it’s not, Kate Argent,” Y/N said.
“Oh, God, no. Eli’s mother is so much better than her.”
“You guys must be very happy together.” Y/N tried not to sound disappointed, but what should’ve he excepted? That Derek was going to wait for him forever? He moved on and so had Y/N, and he couldn’t jeopardize his family.
Derek smiled softly, which was rare for him. He could sense Y/N’s disappointment. The bitter hot jealousy and anger. “Yeah, we were. We were happy together for a long time.”
“We ended things on good terms. We co-parent and I get custody of Eli. Lois thought it would be best if I helped him control his powers.”
“So, Lois knows about the supernatural? How’d she take it?” Y/N asked.
“Mom punched dad in the face when he showed her his wolf eyes,” Eli chuckled.
“Sounds like quite a woman. I’m sure she had her hands full with you.” Y/N grinned as Derek rolled his eyes. “Whatever, Y/N.”
A few rounds of catching the ball between the three of them, the two werewolves and hybrid, when inside to order pizza. Eli was ahead of them as Derek stopped Y/N. “Y/N?”
“Yeah, Hale?”
“I just wanted to say that… that… that I’m really glad you’re here. I missed you.” Derek blushed slightly and Y/N thought it was adorable. “I missed you too, Sour Wolf. And this time, I promise things will be different between us.”
“This time?” Derek looked at him, shocked.
“Yup. I let you get away from me once. I’m not letting you go again.” Y/N locked their hands together as he held them up to their eyes as the afternoon sun bathed them in golden light. Before Derek could respond, Y/N brought his head close to his own as he crashed their lips together in a nostalgic kiss. The way it used to feel kissing Derek underneath the bleachers during lacrosse practice. Over the way, they would make out in his car. Shirts off as they slowly build to ecstasy. Even here. The Hale loft had some memories as well.
Derek growled as he put his hands on Y/N’s waist to bring them even closer as they continued to kiss. Moans and groans escaped both their lips until they separated, both of them panting and cheeks flushed red. Y/N’s eyes were poking out as Derek’s eyes had turned an eerie blue.
“So… is that a yes?” Y/N said.
Derek’s eyes returned to normal as he looked at Y/N with want and desire as he kissed him again. This time slower and gentle, before pulling back. “What do you think?”
Y/N smiled as he hugged the older man as they broke apart and walked back into the loft, holding hands as they did.
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Do u know of any Steter or Sterek fics where the family treats Stiles poorly? Preferably ones where they don’t like him and then over time they realize he’s not what they thought and they end up really liking him? Thank you ♥️
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A Pair of Shoes by ReedMeme
(1/1 I 5,789 I Explicit I Sterek)
He was the human boyfriend. A lot of them don't really approve. Of course his boyfriend had to have a huge family. Which makes sense with the whole Werewolf thing, he supposes. But once in a while, Stiles still wishes he knew that before falling abso-fucking-lutely head over heels for Derek Hale.
That Infamous Middle Ground by LadyDrace
(1/1 I 6,872 I Teen I Sterek)
Stiles is the spark that can get shit done when others can't. Talia is President of the United States.
And Derek? Gets kidnapped.
It's a lot more complicated than that, however.
Of Debutantes and Dashing Dreamboats by missmagoo
(1/1 I 10,670 I Mature I Sterek)
Derek is a debutante.
Stiles is a cocky party-crasher from the public high school.
Hello, Heartbreaker by astoryaboutwar
(1/1 I 18,472 I Explicit I Sterek)
It’s a popular joke among Alphas: fuck an Omega, get heartbreak on your hands. Omegas are fragile little emotional things, needy and whiny. Stiles refuses to become that, or to believe that he’s anything like that.
Stiles and Derek have been fuckbuddies for a while when Derek loses his memories of the past three years - and them - in an accident. (Also - everyone's a werewolf, and everyone's alive.)
See Me In Hindsight by weathervaanes, wishingonalightningbolt
(2/2 I 19,686 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles is 18 when he finds out exactly what's going on in Beacon Hills. He has a few months left before he goes off to college, has a while to help Scott become the best werewolf he can be - and also to get into Derek Hale's pants. And his heart.
They’re in the woods when they get separated. They’re in the woods when the howls start. They’re out in the woods the night before prom and Scott gets attacked by a wolf. Except it’s not a wolf, not really, because it’s a werewolf, which means Scott is one too now.
In a few short minutes, Stiles’ world gets turned on its head. And then, to top it all off, Derek Hale comes back from getting his Master’s degree and kills Malia’s father—his uncle—a rogue Alpha werewolf—and turns glowing red eyes on Stiles’ shaking form. He’s never had such a confused fear boner in his life.
No More Running by sottovoce81
(18/18 I 49,092 I Mature I Sterek)
Derek was exhausted. He was covered in baby tears, baby snot, baby spit-up, and his kids were still crying. Still. They had been driving for nearing nine hours now, with only short stops to feed and change the baby and to let Caleb pee at gas stations. If he had thought he had time to stop longer and let the kids have a break, he would have. As much for himself as for them. Nine hours of driving and they were finally getting close. Safety was across the line some thirty miles ahead.
They were almost to Beacon Hills.
He hoped to find a safe place with the new Pack that had taken over his uncle's old territory. New York wasn't home anymore. It might not even be safe anymore, even though Jennifer was dead. She couldn't hurt his kids ever again.
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blessednereid · 3 years
Just Stay~ Isaac Lahey
Randomizing my Prompts to write an Isaac Lahey oneshot, which is probably only gonna make me cry more.
Mentions of: Major character death, spoilers, Cursing, Heartbreak, Marriage and Children, pregnancy, violence in rage cages, confrontation. She/her pronouns. Please notify me for any other mentions I may need to add.
Pairings: Pack x Reader (Platonic Friendship), Stiles x Reader [(brotherly) (If you don’t look like Stiles, you can imagine the reader as adopted, I just like the idea of Stiles as a protective brother.), Isaac x Reader (romantic).
Prompts:  A10 "You came into my world and you made it worse" and A14 "Just stay"
Word count: 3,381 words
Allison is dead. 
She is gone.
And there is nothing we can do to bring her back. 
It hurts like hell.
But what made it worse.
My boyfriend told me the next week he was leaving for France.
And breaking up with me,
Because he can't do long-distance.
"What do you mean you're leaving?" I said to him, tears running down my face, and he could hear every trickle. He wouldn't even look at me.
"I'm leaving (Y/N), I can't stay here. Mr. Argent is going to France, and I'm going with him."
"Why can't you stay? You don't have to leave. It's not like the McCall's won't let you stay at their place."
"It's not that," he sighed, exasperated at my attempts to make him stay.
"Then why can't you stay? Just stay with me." He turned to face me at that. 
"(Y/N) I can't do it. This town is full of death and pain. My dad, Erica, Boyd, Allison, Aiden. DON'T YOU SEE?" his voice was full of hurt. "I can't sit around and wait for someone else to die, for me to get closer, and for them to die. I can't do it (Y/N)."
"Isaac… your pack is here. We're here. I'm HERE!"
"But for how much longer? How much longer until you die too (Y/N)?" He turned back around and continued packing. "I don't think this is going to work."
"What? What do you—?" The tiny beaver dam holding my tears had already burst, but the floodgates holding back my sobs had just cracked at his words.
"Isaac, what do you mean?" Complete silence.
"(Y/N) I can't wait for you to die. And I sure as hell can't protect you from five and half thousand miles away." His voice was just above a whisper, but it was enough for me to hear.
I sobered up, my tears stopped coming, my heart dropped, but it wasn't as erratic as before.
"So that's it then. You're just giving us up?"
He said, "Just leave (Y/N)... you can't change my mind on this."
"No. Say it, and say it to my face. Say it, and I'll leave, but I need you to say it." I choked up in between words but managed to get the sentence out nonetheless.
He turned around. "I'm breaking up with you. Is that what you wanted to hear?"
"No, It's just what we both needed to."
I turned on my heels and left. I immediately went to Lydia's house. 
The music playing on the radio sounded all the same to my ears, no matter how different the melody. 
I didn't look back. If he wanted to leave, I would let him go. I knew I didn't deserve that. But that realization didn't prevent the way I felt for the next month to come. 
Lydia and Kira tried putting me back out there, setting me up with other guys. Many people tried to break down the walls I put up, but Stiles, being the overprotective brother he is, never let them get close. Every time Isaac came up in a conversation, Malia would swear to the air. Giving empty threats to no one in particular, seeing as how he was never coming back.
I don't think I ever fully healed. He always came back to my thoughts, it was senior year's end, and I still thought of Isaac from time to time. Fondly or otherwise, it really depended on my mood. 
I still thought of him coming back, apologizing, us getting married after college, settling down in the suburbs of California, and having a family. Our kids, a boy and a girl loving their fun and witty Uncle Stiles so much they ask for him to come over all the time. 
"Uncle Stiles!" Grace and Tyler shouted and jumped away from their toys when he walked into the room. 
Isaac stood behind me, his hand on my stomach where our next child rested. He chuckled, his face buried in my neck, lightly nipping at the skin in between my neck and shoulder. 
"How are my favorite niece and nephew?"
"Silly Uncle Stiles! We're your only niece and nephew." Gracie, who was seven, stated as-a-matter-of-factly. 
"That doesn't mean you're not my favorites," he sassed before extending both of his hands and tickling them, where they fell to the floor. 
"Come on, let's leave them be." I turned to Isaac before backing out of the room.
As I said, I was about to graduate, and I still thought about him. 
But on days near the full moon, where my "bloodlust is heightened" as Stiles would say, I would go to rage cages to take out my anger. Often imagining the objects to be Isaac's head. His gorgeous head, but soon blasted to smithereens.
I walked into the building, people wore goggles and other protective equipment. I paid my fees, accepted the safety suit and the wooden baseball bat, and walked towards the room. The room with the breakable shit that would soon be shattered for my sick enjoyment. Because that's what heartbreak can do to you. 
There goes a plate, but to me, it was his head.
The sound of glass breaking resonated through the room. 
That was a TV, but to me, it was his gut.
A dull thud
But that time, it was the wall. 
Sometimes when I saw my friends who were happy in their relationships. Sweet moments they shared would make me think of my relationship with Isaac and wonder if that's how they felt when they were heartbroken. When Isaac and I would be doing lovey-dovey things in front of them. 
He was spinning me round and round. My torso was leaning over his shoulder onto his backside, and my legs were dangling by his chest.
"No can do, princess!" 
"Isaac, this isn't fair. Stop it!"
"What's the magic word?"
"Hmm…. How about… I'll literally kill you?"
He set me down on my feet on solid ground, and very dizzy at that, he still pulled me in for a passionate kiss. And the world stood still. 
He always knew what I needed and how I was feeling. 
But that didn't stop him from walking out of my life without a second thought or notice.
I remember when Mr. Argent came back, and I was frantically asking where Isaac was.
"Mr. Argent! Hello!"
"Hello (Y/N)."
"How have you been holding up recently."
"Life has been as good as life can be."
"Um… Forgive my inquiry…" I hesitated. "Did Isaac come back with you, by any chance?"
"No, he preferred to stay in France. I'm sorry." My heart dropped
"Oh. Well, has he asked about us? About me?"
The deafening silence made my heart stop completely.
"Oh. Ok then. Nice having you back." I ran before he could say anything
It was graduation.
After the ceremony, we had a party in the backyard of Lydia's house. I guess it was to celebrate, not graduating, but making it through high school alive.
And guess who decided to show up.
Isaac Lahey.
In a fucking black suit, with a white collared shirt, with white tulips in his fucking hands.
I didn't notice him at first. Not until Stiles' fist connected with his jaw.
"Ok, I deserved that." Blood from his lip started running down his chin.
We made eye contact, and I wished we hadn't. His face softened and reminded me of every single time he told me he loved me.
My legs started walking to him mindlessly. I didn't even know what they were doing. It was as if I was a doll being controlled by someone else.
When I got to him, he reached out to me. I responded by slapping his hand away and bringing my fist to the other side of his face.
"There. It's even."
He'd been here two weeks. 
I hadn't uttered a single syllable to him since 'It's even' I had run back inside to Lydia's bathroom and locked myself in there. Lydia, Malia, and Kira came to my rescue a little bit later with all my comfort foods. We watched stand-up comedy movies until we passed out. 
I didn't know who kicked out Isaac, and I didn't want to know. Stiles just came to the room a little bit after I left to tell me he was gone. He didn't say anything else. 
I thought I could get away with not talking to Isaac for the rest of eternity, but I was hit with reality sooner than I thought. 
My phone lit up with a message from an "Unknown ID." All it said was, 'I'm outside.' 
I put on my sandals and walked outside to my front door, where the sapphire-eyed love of my life stood, eyeing me as though his life depended on it. 
"You do know I have a gun inside that Mr. Argent gave me, right?" I bluffed. 
"Your heartbeat jumped, so either you're lying, or you're excited to see me and wouldn't use it anyway."
"Fuck you."
"There's the (Y/N) I knew all those years ago."
"Yeah, before you left and never said anything after that." 
"You're an asshole, you know that?" I deadpanned, squinting my eyes when a breeze blew past me.
He was attractive, and I couldn't deny it. 
He was wearing a cardinal red and gold hoodie. The jumper read the words "Stanford University." Just my luck that we would end up going to the same school.
"You know that I never meant to hurt you." 
"No, you just wanted to save your own ass from a natural human emotion of grief and instead had me experience so fucking much of it in your absence."
"Do you know I still remember the entirety of our last conversation?" I continued. "The one that ended with you telling me you were breaking up with me?
He looked at me solemnly. 
"You gave me no heads up, no warning. I just walk into your room at Scott's house and find you packing. If I hadn't gone there, I wouldn't have known."
He looked at the ground. I began stomping towards him.
"You can't just show up here and expect everything to be normal again, Isaac," I shouted. "You can't show up here and expect everything to be ok without addressing the fucking issue."
Nothing, his eyes, and the air around him reflected shame, but he said absolutely nothing. 
"Look at what you did. You changed my world, but you made it worse."
"I'm sorry. I was a coward. And an imbecile." He paused.
"I took the easier way out because I was scared." "I didn't want to have to see you die, so I let you go. And then Chris told me what happened and how you almost did, and I fucking regretted leaving you so much."
I stared at him lifelessly. 
"I was an idiot, and I'm still an idiot, but I'd never have  forgiven myself if something were to happen to you and I couldn't tell you that I—"
I interrupted. "Just stop. Don't. You don't get to come back here and tell me that you love me. If you loved me, you would have stayed. You wouldn't have left me to mourn you as if you died. Because that's what you did. You left, and you didn't say a word," I ranted. "If you loved me, you wouldn't have done to me exactly what you were scared of. I loved you endlessly. I was there with you for everything, with your dad, when you shifted for the first time. I even got into a fight with my brother for you. When everyone died, I WAS THERE WITH YOU. You aren't the victim here. You certainly don't get to act like you are." 
A quietness passed between us, and all that could be heard was the breeze. I walked back into my house without another word, disgusted at myself, n0t for what I said, but how I felt. 
No matter how much I could deny it, I was still in love with the bastard. I still wanted to jump into his arms and cuddle with him and kiss him all over his face. I had always wanted that with him, but he broke me, and I was still hurt.
No matter how much I could deny it, I was still in love with the bastard. I still wanted to jump into his arms and cuddle with him and kiss him all over his face. I had always wanted that with him, but he broke me, and I was still hurt. 
Another few weeks had passed before I saw Isaac again.  It was July. In two months, we would all be going to college. It just so happened that both of us got into one of the most difficult universities to get into across the country. So, at the moment,  I was currently hating the universe. At least Lydia would also be there. 
There was a pack meeting we all had to attend, so we had to meet at Derek's loft. 
I got dressed in a navy blue jean jacket, a white thrashers t-shirt, light wash jeans, and combat boots. 
I got into Roscoe, and Stiles drove us to the loft. He tried to make small talk, but my mind was somewhere else, somewhere it shouldn't have been.
"Hey (Y/N), When do you think is a good time to name the baby now that we know he's a boy?" 
"Hm… how about when you pay your dues for the bet?"
"I thought we weren't doing the bet anymore, love?" 
"No, we were. You only tried to drop out when you found out you lost, and then you tried to bow out because you didn't wanna pay. "
He chuckled and tightened his grip around me, bringing me closer to him. 
"Fine, you won fair and square. You'll have your fifteen dollars on your nightstand by tomorrow morning. Now can we please cuddle?" he whined. 
"Mhm… yes! Yes, we can."
Stop it. Stop thinking about things you shouldn't want (Y/N). 
When Stiles pulled up to the complex, he pulled out his phone and started typing what I assumed was a text message.
We started walking up to the front door, and when we entered, there was no one to be found. Absolutely no one in sight except Stiles and me standing in the door frame.
We went upstairs to find everybody else and almost gave up until the last door.
Everybody else was in there, but so was Isaac. Standing there in a grey shirt and black jeans. Pictures of us taken by either ourselves or by our friends throughout our relationship. Everyone was backed against the walls, but he stood there in the center looking at me, and I knew this entire thing was a set-up.
He sighed.  "Just listen to what he has to say, ok? I already tried kicking the shit out of him."
I gulped, but I stood there, feeling very out of place and very betrayed.
"What's that?" I asked, pointing to the black leather book he held in his hands.
"I have something to say before I tell you what it is," Isaac whispered.
"Isaac, I don't have time for this."
"Please?" He was desperate, and I'm pretty sure everyone in the room could tell, but nobody was looking at him. Everyone was looking at me.
I nodded towards him reluctantly.
"I wanted to write to you. To call you every day. I wanted to come back with Mr. Argent, but I knew you would hate me, and I couldn't bear to see that look on your face, even though I knew it was my fault." He tried looking into my eyes, but I wouldn't let him, looking at everyone in the room beside him.
"I left, and I broke your heart. I know that, and I thought that because I broke your heart, you'd never want to see me again. No matter how much my heart begged to be with you, I wouldn't let it. Because that wasn't what you deserved."
He lifted up the book, and I stared at it curiously.
"So I kept this, and I filled it with everything I wanted to say to you. Stories about my day, times I remembered things we did, things that reminded me of you, places I wanted to see with you, poems, songs, drawings. Anything and everything I could think of to keep my distance so that I didn't hurt you again."
My eyes started to water, but I wouldn't let the tears fall, unlike last time.
"And I'm so fucking selfish for saying this, but I  keep hurting myself trying to stay away from you. And I don't want to do it anymore. Because if I'm with you, at least I can try to take away the pain I'll end up causing you. But if you're not with me, there's no one to take away mine."
He opened the book to a bookmarked page and started reading.
"Eyes as big as Venus
"As enchanting and magnetic 
"as the moon to the tides
"With her heart so divine
"I'm caught like a spider,
"In charlotte's web."
I bit my lip. As cheesy as it may be, he wrote a poem for me.
"Good morning, love. I just thought of what a future with you would be like." He paused. "Probably full of adventure. You would probably want to go exploring the world after college. All I would want is to have you around. I was thinking maybe when we're older we could have a baby. Start our own little family."
"I was thinking if we have a boy we could name him Noah, for your dad, and a girl we could name her Claudia, after your mom and that pen pal you told me about who you were very close with. In all honesty, I just want to wake up with you in my arms and go to sleep just the same. I love you."
A tear slipped. I think I'm about to pass out.
“"I've been planning to come back for a while, love. I was just a coward who didn't want you to hate him any more than he knew you already did. So I stayed. But I'm here now. And I'm not leaving this time. I don't care what you say, I'll always be there for you when you need a shoulder to cry on, or someone to laugh with, or talk about your book that no one else has read with. I'm always gonna be that person for you because I'm so in love with you, it hurts. And it hurts, even more, to be away from you, and I just can't do it anymore. So I'll be in your life in every capacity that you will let me." 
Apparently, I had started walking towards him. Who keeps controlling my feet like this?
Tears were coming out of my eyes, and I wanted to scream.
"Fuck you. Fuck you for leaving me and then coming back and pulling this bullshit."  
I turned to my friends. "And fuck you guys for tricking me into this crap." I turned back to Isaac. "But most of all? Fuck you for being so goddamn addicting that after nearly 2 fucking years, I'm still so in love with you even after all you've done to me, I would let you back into my heart.
“Because that is what you have done, Isaac Lahey. You have worked your way back into your home in my heart, so if you hurt me again, I swear to all that is good, I'll kill you."
Before I knew it, his right hand was on the small of my back, his left hand on the back of my neck. He pulled me to him and kissed me. The kind of kiss that makes the world pause. The kind where you forget who and what is around you. Even the cheers of your friends as they celebrate their one true pairing reunited and the scoffs of your brother ready to kill someone for his baby sister.
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Roommates - Theo x Reader
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Summary: y/n’s landlord is increasing her rent once her lease is up. She has two options: move out or find a roommate. Theo, coincidentally, is looking for a new apartment.
Word count: 2105
Warnings: cursing, theo being a total house husband
a/n: and they were roommates
master list
“So then he finds out that Leia is his sister and- y/n, are you even listening?” Stiles cut himself off and looked over to where the y/h/c was nervously bouncing her leg. y/n’s head snapped up when she heard her name, nearly dropping her phone in the process.
“Uh, yeah, of course! I just um, keep going, I’m listening,” she replied unconvincingly. Her odd behavior caught the attention of the rest of the pack - not that they were really paying much attention to Stiles’s retelling of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - causing the previous conversation to be forgotten.
“Okay, spill. There’s a handful of mostly human polygraphs in here and you’re a terrible liar. What’s up?” Malia grilled, looking at y/n expectantly. 
“It’s really nothing, everything’s fine,” y/n squeaked out, her ability to lie getting worse and worse with each word. After receiving another pointed look from Malia, she finally cracked. “Ugh, fine. I just got an email from my landlord that he’s bumping up the rent when my lease is up and I can’t afford to stay there by myself anymore,” y/n ranted. The group, minus y/n, glanced around at each other with frowns. Each and every one of them would drop everything to help y/n, but it just so happened that they were all already stuck in leases or didn’t have any extra rooms at their homes. After a few moments of silence, Theo piped up.
“I could be your roommate and split the rent if you want,” he offered nonchalantly. Stiles looked between Theo and y/n as if they’d both grown two heads. Before y/n could decline the offer, Theo continued. “My lease is almost up and your place is much nicer anyways. It’s a win win,” Theo pointed out casually and leaned back deeper into the cushions. 
An awkward silence hung in the air for a moment as y/n mulled it over. It wasn’t a horrible idea. Having a chimera as a roommate was basically like having a top-of-the-line security system. Plus, between being a full-time student and working part-time, y/n was hardly home so it didn’t really matter who her roommate was, just as long as they did their fair share of chores.
“Sure, why not,” y/n replied warmly.
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It had been about a month since Theo moved in. Aside from sleeping, y/n had spent very little time at their now shared apartment. If she wasn’t at school or working, she was spending time with the pack, which felt like a full time job in and of itself. Too bad they weren’t getting paid to keep the whole damn city safe. For what felt like the first time in months, y/n finally had an entire weekend off. No looming deadlines from her classes. No long and grueling shifts for work. No supernatural threats. 
When she got home that Friday night she dropped her purse by the door, toed her shoes off halfway through the room, and unceremoniously flopped down onto the couch, sighing loudly as she did so. 
“Well hello to you too,” Theo called as he entered the room stealthily. y/n jumped, startled by his presence.
“Jesus, I didn’t even know you were home. What are you, a ninja?” y/n asked, chest heaving slightly.
“Something like that,” Theo smirked, earning an unimpressed eye-roll from y/n. Theo moved to sit down on the couch next to her, making sure to leave a respectful distance between their bodies, and kicked his feet up on the coffee table. “So, you’ve been busy,” Theo began, striking up a light conversation. y/n snorted and leaned her head back into the cushions.
“You’ve got that right,” y/n groaned, running a hand through her tousled hair. The last thing y/n expected when Theo moved in was for him to be willing to hear her vent about school and work, but he actually seemed to enjoy the conversation and company. She told him about her lazy group project members and the sleazy old men who came to the diner she waitressed at. She told him how poetic justice had been served when one particularly disgruntled customer slipped and fell on the drink that he’d intentionally spilled when a waitress wouldn’t give him her number. Theo actually laughed in response to that story, his gleeful chuckle brought a warm smile to y/n’s face. 
“I didn’t mean to unload on you, thanks for listening though,” y/n finished shyly. Theo brushed off her comment.
“That was entertaining, thank you,” Theo replied with his signature grin. y/n felt heat rise to her cheeks but turned away before Theo could notice.
“Anyways… as much as I’d love to not move from this couch for the next 48 hours, I should probably clean up a bit. I’ve been a pretty shitty roommate,” y/n grimaced as she forced herself off of the couch. Theo gave her a puzzled look and patted the spot next to him on the couch, rolling his eyes when she seemed unwilling to sit back down.
“You’ve hardly been here since I moved in. I don’t think you’ve eaten a meal here, much less made a mess. Except for maybe your shoes in the middle of the floor,” he pointed out, gesturing towards her anti-slip waitressing sneakers. y/n’s face continued to burn as she moved to kick the shoes towards the shoe rack by the door. Naturally, she turned to sarcasm as a defense mechanism.
“What shoes? I don’t see any shoes,” y/n quipped slyly, waltzing back across the room to once again sink into the couch. Theo chuckled wordlessly at her antics and tore his eyes away from her to look at the TV.
“Friends or The Office?”
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As luck would have it, y/n’s free weekend was short lived and the following Monday she was back to her never ending stream of school work and back-to-back work shifts. Fortunately, she was able to run home during her lunch break and wisely chose to use the time for a well-deserved nap. As she pulled out her keys to open the apartment door, she heard mechanical humming coming from inside. Truth be told, she had yet to figure out what kind of roommate Theo was, much less come close to understanding the walking enigma, so she had no idea what she was about to walk into. Was he building something? Did he figure out a way to bring the dread doctors back? Was he doing something unspeakable with a lady friend that would surely scar y/n for years to come?
As y/n mentally prepared herself for the horror movie that she was expecting to walk into, she inserted her keys in the lock. I need a fucking nap, whatever weird shit going on behind this door be damned. She pushed the door open with tense shoulders and hesitantly peered into the apartment. There stood Theo. Not holding any tools, not actively in cahoots with the nightmarish scientists that occupied part of their high school days, and (thank God) fully clothed...
But vacuuming.
Her murderous, half-human, former dirt bag roommate was vacuuming. Like a bona fide house husband. 
Theo heard the door softly close shut behind y/n and he turned to face her, unplugging the vacuum machine in the process.
“What’s with all of this?” y/n asked hesitantly, gesturing vaguely to the vacuum cleaner and the various cleaning supplies set out on the coffee table. Theo glanced at the area around him, proud of his work.
“I had some time to kill so I figured I’d clean up a bit. I’m pretty much done now so I shouldn’t bother you if you’re studying or…” he trailed off, giving y/n an opportunity to fill in the blank.
“Ha, I probably should, but no. I will be dead asleep for the next thirty minutes and then I have to head to the diner for a double shift,” she groaned and shrugged off her jacket as she made her way towards her room. Considering the fact that it was only noon on a Monday, y/n seemed far too tired. Theo frowned for a moment and genuinely considered going to have nice civilized chats with her manager and professors. That’s probably a bad idea though. Unless...
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For some reason unbeknownst to y/n, her professors had begun to show some mercy in the number of papers and projects they assigned. Her manager at the diner even offered to decrease the hours she worked each week if she was feeling overwhelmed. Theo wore a knowing grin when a joyful y/n came home one day and explained this all to him. If y/n caught his mischievous smirk, she certainly didn’t call him out on it. With all of her newfound free time, y/n decided that she wanted to host a pack movie night at their apartment.
“Alright, the pizza is on the way and Scott is bringing snacks. We should probably get the movie set up before Stiles gets here and somehow convinces us all to watch Star Wars again,” y/n rattled off while she paced the apartment to make sure everything was in order. “I washed a bunch of blankets earlier, could you take them out of the dryer and put them on the couch?” y/n requested as she anxiously walked to the kitchen and began pulling out plates and cups. Theo nodded gently as he popped into the kitchen to check things out.
“Don’t stress too much. As long as there’s people and pizza, everyone will be happy,” Theo said, attempting to ease her anxiety. y/n smiled lightly at his words and took a deep breath. Lately he seemed to have some magical ability to calm her down. Theo left the kitchen to take care of the blankets while y/n put together a makeshift snack bar, complete with plates, bowls for snacks, and beer. The pizza and most of the pack arrived just as y/n and Theo were finishing up with their respective jobs. The pizza delivery boy seemed a little scared by the tall, muscled men and tiny but mighty women surrounding him so she gave him a decent tip and rolled her eyes at her friends’ naturally intimidating nature. After y/n ushered them all inside and set the pizza down on the kitchen counter, she joined the rest of the pack in the living room. To her surprise, the blankets had been neatly set out around the room and folded with expert precision. She sent Theo an impressed smile and winked when she thought no one was looking.
Stiles was the last to arrive and much to his disappointment Ghostbusters had already been set up on the TV. It didn’t take long for everyone to grab food and get situated around the living room, so by the time y/n was done buzzing around the apartment like a madwoman to get everything situated there was only one spot left on the couch. y/n knew that her friends - aside from Stiles - weren’t actively trying to hurt Theo’s feelings, but seeing him tucked into the corner of the couch distanced away from everyone pained her more than she’d admit.
So, she did what any good friend would do. Not only did she gladly take the spot on the couch next to him, but she also casually tossed her legs over his and covered the two of them with a blanket. The action definitely earned her a few raised eyebrows, including from Theo, but no one dared to call them out. y/n was able to easily ignore the sideways glances they earned throughout the course of the movie, mostly because she had fallen asleep about 15 minutes in. By the end of the movie her head had fallen to lazily rest on Theo's shoulder and he had subconsciously pulled her in closer to his side.
After the movie finished and they spent some time catching up, the rest of the pack began to trickle out of y/n and Theo’s apartment. Lydia was the last to leave so she offered to lock the door behind her so that Theo wouldn’t have to move and wake y/n. Lydia tossed out a few stray cups on her way out the door, and because she was never one to tell secrets, she definitely didn’t send the girls a picture of Theo and y/n now both passed out and cuddling on the couch.
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a/n: this seemed like a great idea in the shower and now i’m not sure i even like it but i hope you enjoyed :)
edit: enjoy my best friend’s live reaction to this fic
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ultfreakme · 4 years
I started watching Teen Wolf specifically for sterek, to write fics for the ship, read meta, just go ham on that side of the fandom for real, so yes, I came for the slash. Mostly because I wanted more of them in canon with more context and somehow found myself having more of them in fanfiction than in canon. Which left me confused on why Sterek is one of the biggest ships EVER. 
Don’t get me wrong I love the ship, and Derek and Stiles do have a bond of some sorts but we get so little of it, but whatever we do has such high importance that I don’t understand why Stiles and Derek got those lines when in the context of the show it feels like they barely interact. 
But I can’t even dismiss anything because the moments they do get are so surprisingly significant(you probably already know all that’s mentioned on the list if you’re a shipper so you can skip it tbh):
Peter’s speech about the power of human love and the camera directly going from Stiles to Derek
The ‘abomination’ thing- the camera lingered on Derek’s expression
The pool scene(ah yes, probably the point where we all converted)
Matt and the Kanima scene- “You two make a good pair”. 
Boyd’s death- the comfort of human touch.
Stiles for some reason easily recognizing Derek on first meeting(he was the first to recognize young Derek too. Actually, he knows surprisingly lots about Derek).
Stiles is Derek’s anchor. I don’t know why, but the scene in “The Divine Move” can mean little else.
Derek is the king on Stiles’s board for some reason. He thought if Derek was out, the entire game was over. That’s a LOT of trust and responsibility on someone he barely interacted with(that we’ve seen anyways). 
Stiles’s curiosity about Derek in general- this is probably because Sties is meant to be the ‘info dump’ guy but he actively seeks out info on him-the Paige incident.
On text, these events are way too significant. If you saw this written out in a novel format, it would look like Stiles and Derek had a very very significant relationship.
About Matt- I didn’t understand why he said they “make a great pair” because they honestly had not interacted enough to be viewed as one, and this is coming from me who was basically scavenging for scenes of them together. 
Derek’s anchor thing- The part that struck me most was that this scene took place when no one trusted Stiles, not even himself, because the Nogitsune was using him. Even the Sheriff was being cautious. The entire arc was about trust and Stiles. But Derek chose STILES to confide in about all his worries to. He put all of it in Stiles? Why? It could’ve been for fanservice and to feed the starving sterek fans but the moment is too significant. This isn’t an illusion, this isn’t Derek being forced to pick- for once this is Derek willingly choosing to place his trust in someone(something that is nigh impossible to gain) in Stiles. If they wanted  fanservice it could’ve been in a witty but overall pointless banter in some other scene, but this point is almost a turning point for Derek’s behaviour.
There has been long metas on all of the above and these scenes were intentional.
Which is when I realized that Stiles and Derek’s relationship is unlike every other relationship on the show. It happens in the background the most. This is probably the slowest of slow burn enemies-to-lovers relationship. Their relationship is implications, references, symbolic.
They weren’t meant to be romantic probably(Derek’s like, 24 or smthg and Stiles is 16-18, this show absolutely sucks at keeping a timeline). I think they were meant to just be, begrudging friends who often have same goals, an unlikely but effective team of sorts, united mostly because of Scott at first and then grow to become some sort of crime-solving, supernatural-butt-kicking duo. But it somehow got out of hand. 
Stiles is one person that Derek gets almost nothing out of saving, has no obligation towards. His relationship with Scott started because he’s his beta. Chris and Derek have a relationship mostly built on guilt and somehow making it up to each other. Isaac, Boyd and Erica were also his betas he needed to take care of. Peter’s the only family he has left and also happens to be a well of information(sometimes). Breaden’s mission is to get him his money back. 
But the one person who he gets nothing from, who he has no tie to, who he really doesn’t need to give a crap about but actually cares way too much for, enough to make them his anchor? Stiles. Whatever relationship he has with Stiles, he chose to have it.
Now Stiles- he’s more obvious about stuff especially in season 3. Taking down Derek means losing the game against the nogitsune. Losing Derek is unlike the other loses, he’s essentially put Derek’s survival through this game as equivalent to his own. The nogitsune(or Stiles somehow manipulating the nogistune) led the Sheriff, Chris, Allison, and Derek to Derek’s loft. Why there? What’s so significant to Stiles about this place. Go is about overtaking territory- the places the nogitsune had captured were the Sheriff’s station, the school, the hospital- and for some reason, the loft. Wouldn’t his home be better? Or somewhere else where he spends his time? It’s clear that Derek is important to Stiles(More symbolically, we get confirmation of sorts for Stiles being bi in Derek’s loft...hmmm......this is so sus). 
Here’s the thing though; I doubt either of them are aware of how much they care about the other, Derek’s whole “I don’t deserve happiness” shtick+ trauma from how horrible all his other relationships went and Stiles’s possibly crippling PTS+ train-wreck of a relationship with Malia(the girl can barely empathize and she’s just adjusting to human society why the fuck are you putting something as huge as a committed HUMAN VERSION of romance on her??? Why is this relationship even a thing it has all the makings for a messy break-up). 
They’d probably come to their realization years later, outside of the canon timeline and it’d probably be unlike any former relationship they’d have. Stiles has seen the worst of Derek(that’s the starting point of TW, Derek was a villain), and Derek probably knows a lot of Stiles’s flaws because he isn’t putting up a pretense. 
The Teen Wolf canon feels more like building blocks and puzzle pieces for their relationship than the whole picture tbh, which is fun, because we get to envision whatever we want. 
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heliads · 3 years
One Moves On Chapter Three: Search Party
Stiles Stilinski doesn’t know what to think when he’s taken by the Ghost Riders. He’s grateful to be joined by Y/N L/N, although when he finally escapes, no one seems to remember her at all.
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It’s just starting to sink in now. Stiles had gone home, lain awake in his bed even as the hours passed by. Y/N can’t be dead, that’s impossible. Stiles had talked to her, laughed with her, wished he had spent more time with her. Either there are two Y/N L/Ns in Beacon Hills, one of them coincidentally dead, or Stiles might have actually gone out of his mind.
The next morning, Stiles takes a trip down to the Hale apartments. His feet tap endlessly on the floor of the elevator, unable to stay still. His knock echoes twice through the hallway, his knuckles rapping against the door. Peter takes his time answering, but when he does he doesn’t even give Stiles the customary sarcastic jibe. Stiles must look upset enough to warrant him a reprieve this once.
Peter glances across the hallway behind Stiles, as if making sure he hadn’t been followed, then ushers him in. The door clicks shut after him, but Stiles can’t find the energy to feel worried. After all that’s happened, being in the same room as Peter Hale doesn’t hold that same fear. Stiles isn’t sure whether that’s a good thing or not.
Peter folds his arms across his chest. “To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit? I do hope it’s a thank you. I did save your life, you know. I made sure they remembered you. I got them the keys to the Jeep and everything.” Stiles waves a hand at him absentmindedly. “Yeah, yeah, thank you. I need to know what you remember about Y/N L/N.”
Peter raises an eyebrow. “I know she exists, if that’s what you're asking. What, did you leave her behind on the Wild Hunt? Still checking to make sure she’s not been taken again?” Stiles shakes his head. “I can’t find her. I asked Scott last night if he’d seen her, and he told me that she was dead.” Peter’s cocky sneer freezes. “What?”
Stiles finally looks directly at him. “Exactly. He told me that she died a few months ago saving us all from the Beast. I thought he was crazy, but everyone else says the exact same thing.” Peter nods. “You’re here to see if I remembered seeing her in the train station to make sure you haven’t gone insane?”
Stiles stares at him expectantly. “So you do remember her?” Peter gives him a look. “Of course I remember her. The two of you making your jokes for hours isn’t exactly an experience that’s easy to forget. Trust me, I wish I could, maybe over a bottle or two of whiskey, but that’s not the point. Yes, she was there. You’re not going insane.”
Stiles sighs, raking a hand through his hair. “So if she never died, then where is she? What do I do now?” Peter gestures towards the door. “You figure it out on your own time and leave me alone. I don’t have time for all of your pointless heroism. I saved your life once, never again.” Stiles protests as he’s directed unceremoniously to the door.
“She saved your life too! She fought to protect this town and your daughter. The least you could do was try to help return the favor.” Peter shrugs as Stiles stumbles back into the hallway. “I got you two out of the station. That’s enough to even the scales.” Peter goes to close the door in Stiles’ face, then hesitates. “I’ve heard of things like this happening before. After rifts open and close, people don’t always make it through. If I were you, I’d look into a little phenomenon called etheria.”
Stiles frowns at him, bewildered. “Etheria?” Peter gives him a pointed look. “Yes, etheria. Not all rifts open and close perfectly, and when there are mishaps, they’re called etheria. There are several hotspots for etheria across the world, where people appear or disappear.” Stiles sighs. “Why do I have a feeling that Beacon Hills is one of them?” Peter gives him a wolflike grin. “Because whenever something goes wrong, it’s Beacon Hills. There are a couple of hotspots nearby, I’d suggest that you look into them. Maybe you’ll find your girl.”
Stiles opens his mouth to protest over the description of ‘his girl’, but he closes it again lamely when he realizes that Peter isn’t exactly wrong. Peter’s hand tightens on the door. “This is the part where you thank me, and then leave. I’m done being charitable for the day.” Stiles mutters under his breath. “And what a day it has been.” Louder, he settles for an ounce of gratitude. “I do appreciate it, Peter. Really.”
Peter grunts. “You should. Goodbye, Stilinski. I hope to never see you again, or at least for another couple of months.” Stiles barely manages to eke out a “Me too” in reply before the door is slammed in his face. A small residue of anger bubbles up at this lack of hospitality, but Stiles is too busy turning over the possibility of a new lead in his head to truly feel annoyed. Etheria. What could that possibly mean?
Well, if there’s one thing Stiles can do well, it’s research. Scott and Malia may have claws and fangs, Lydia may be able to shatter glass with a scream, but Stiles can find the answers to anything. Give him a day or two, a well-functioning laptop, and an unhealthy amount of caffeine, and he could probably break into any building on the planet.
However, he doesn’t have to break into any buildings. All Stiles has to do is find out the rough locations of etheria hotspots. Peter was right- there is one in Beacon Hills, where Y/N disappeared, and there are a few others scattered across the globe. There are 13 in total, dispersed throughout the continents. They all occur in places with high amounts of supernatural activity, which is why Beacon Hills was one. The others are farther away, but Stiles has never objected to a road trip, and he certainly won’t now.
As he learns more about the etheria phenomenon, Stiles is surprised that he hadn’t heard about it sooner. It’s a minor miracle that everyone except Y/N made it out of the Ghost Riders’ train station safely- whenever there’s a rift in the universe, things always go wrong. Stiles just wishes that the one person dragged away from him wasn’t the one person he’s come to count on in times of need. 
As he researches, Stiles finds himself thinking more about Y/N. How could he have not gotten to know her better? She was just like him- no supernatural abilities, no fast healing or claws or glowing eyes. Just a human heartbeat and a pair of knives in her hands, and the courage to never back down from a fight. He remembers fighting with her in the past, a baseball bat in his hands and another weapon in hers. He’d felt a rush of gratitude that she had his back, but he’d always moved on afterwards. Why hadn’t he stayed?
It’s not like he didn’t know where she was. Y/N attended Beacon Hills High, the same school where Stiles and Scott and everybody else went day after day. They might not have had the same schedule, but they could have at least hung out after classes. To be honest, Stiles finds himself tinged with regret that he didn’t make more of an effort to see her.
However, Y/N also had the opportunity to hang out with the pack, and she never took him up on it. Stiles thinks he’d asked her once, back before the train station or the Wild Hunt had even existed to him. She’d said something about wanting to keep her distance, and how she wanted to have a life outside of the supernaturals. Stiles couldn’t exactly blame her, and he’d wanted to respect her choices. That being said, Stiles can’t help but wonder if she’d change her mind now that-
Well, now that what? Now that she’d been stuck in the Wild Hunt along with him, been annoyed at Peter, had the misfortune of being trapped by etheria and ending up hundreds of miles away from her home, would she feel any different? Stiles knows he certainly has. He has no idea how long he’d been stuck in the grasp of the Ghost Riders, but he knows it was long enough to change his mind about Y/N. He wants to see her again, wants to go to school and walk with her through the halls. The thought of seeing her across a crowded corridor and simply looking the other way doesn’t feel right. He couldn’t leave her behind, not if he tried.
Stiles ends up searching most of the weekend before he finds the locations of the etheria hotspots. Peter was frustratingly vague about how to find them, but Stiles has a sneaking suspicion that the werewolf wasn’t trying to hinder his progress, merely that he also had no idea how to find Y/N. The records on etheria are minimal at best, which makes sense- anyone who experienced being sucked away to another hotspot would be unable to complete their research, as they’d be in a completely different country. Maybe even another continent.
In the end, Stiles manages to come up with a rough assortment of hotspots. There are a few places with high amounts of supernatural activity which look like excellent places to start. The only problem is that there are twelve other locations where Y/N could be, and he has no idea where to begin searching. Does he try the east coast, or stick to the west? Does he give up on North America entirely and try France or something?
It would be helpful if Stiles could question Scott or Malia or anyone who knows anything about tracking people. The only problem is that etheria comes with definite downsides- namely, that anyone pulled away through a rift to a different hotspot is forgotten by those who once knew them. Etheria literally means that victims- or the etherials- cease to be real to their friends and family. By being cast aside through the rift and not properly returning home, the spell of the Ghost Riders is technically still holding true. Until Y/N steps foot into the hotspot where she belongs, Beacon Hills, no one will remember her except Stiles.
This seems like a herculean task. What if Y/N has started moving from her hotspot? What if she was found by supernaturals and killed? For the first time, the reality of this job is beginning to sink in. The chances of Stiles finding her are practically impossible. But then memories of Y/N start to filter back into place- the way she’d laughed at his jokes, even the worst ones that only received a smile or a grimace. The way she’d had his back against hunters and monsters and everything they’d gone through. Even back at the train station, when he’d wanted to give up and stop looking for a way out, she’d given him hope. No, Stiles can’t leave her. Not after everything they’ve been through. Not after everything they could do together.
Stiles is about to stop research when he finds one last manuscript. It’s a PDF that some blessed historian uploaded, full of old-timey grammar and words that Stiles thinks were probably last popular in the fifth century. Stiles is scanning it, one hand pressed to his temples as if the brief contact alone can will him through the headache currently descending on him due to the density of the text, when he sees it.
It’s an explanation on how to reach people who were caught unawares by etheria. A way to reliably calculate which hotspot the etherials would be pulled into, and how to find them before they wander too far away and are lost forever. If you chart each etheria hotspot on a map and draw lines connecting each one, they seem to form triangles that crisscross all over the globe. Simply look for a point in the same triangle as the base hotspot, one that is surrounded by at least three other triangles. The triangles form a net of energy, one that will draw the given etherial to a specific hotspot. The pattern is frustratingly random enough to an observer that the hotspot appearances seem vague, but once you know the trick, it all falls into place.
Stiles leans back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling. This is it- the way to finally reach Y/N. Quickly, he pulls up a map, drawing out the hotspots and the triangles just like the manuscript directed. He pauses, one finger on the hotspot over Beacon Hills and the other searching for the triangles that will direct him towards Y/N’s hotspot. He looks, brow furrowed, and then he finds it.
If his calculations are correct- and Stiles has fairly good reason to think that they are- Y/N was dragged away to a small town called Crow Rock. It’s actually not that far away from Beacon Hills- well, not compared to the other ones. It may be a couple of hours drive, but it’s on the same continent. That’s a start, at least.
Stiles jots down the address, then stands, pushing in his chair at his desk. There’s no guarantee that this will work. Y/N could be long gone by then, either by hitching a ride or by being killed. The triangle trick from the manuscript could be a complete fake, and he could be wasting a day’s drive for nothing. Then again, Y/N is out there somewhere, lost and with no idea how she got there. Stiles owes it to her to find her, to bring her home.
This may be a fool’s errand, but Stiles has been a fool before. At least now it is for her.
one moves on tag list: @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch​, @blahhhhhhhaaa​
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scilessweetheart · 3 years
For the soulmate au alphabet thing?
C and Stalia!!
C: You see in black and white until you meet your soulmate
Stiles had very strong opinions about anything and everything. He despised the taste of barbecue sauce. He thought that “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” by The Proclaimers was the worst song ever recorded. But most importantly, he hated the color grey.
Probably because that’s all he ever saw. 
When he was younger, he was fascinated by the idea of soulmates. He had begged his parents over and over again to tell him their Soulmate Story. How his dad had walked into a seminar his junior year of college and taken a seat next to this pretty girl. When he turned to ask her if she had done last week’s reading, they locked eyes and their whole world erupted into vibrant colors. At this point, his mom would interrupt and laugh, saying how she couldn’t believe she was soulmates with someone so ridiculous, but she couldn’t deny how much she loved his light blue eyes. Then, his mom died, and he stopped asking about it. He knew it hurt his dad too much.
Stiles always wondered if his eyes were that color too.
He knows realistically that he shouldn’t have found his soulmate. His parents met in college. Some people meet while working, or at weddings, or at other events in their adult years. A couple down the street didn’t meet until their 60s. But… he was pretty much alone in this feeling right now. Scott had Kira and they were so disgustingly in love. Stiles was happy for Scott - honestly, he was - but Scott forgot that Stiles couldn’t see colors, and would often point things out like “oh, that green car over there.” Stiles doesn’t know what green is. 
He wished that it was Lydia Martin. He was fascinated by this smart little girl in the 3rd grade and followed her like a lost puppy for years. But no matter how many times they made eye contact, his world stayed black and white. Now, they were friends. And they were so compatible. They were both smart, had a similar dry sense of humor, and worked together so well. Other than Scott, she was his best friend. So he didn’t understand why the universe couldn’t put them together.
But none of that mattered right now. There were darachs and alpha packs and wild coyotes (who may or may not be teenage girls). His love life has been forced to the periphery for the time being.
Scott’s roar echoed through the preserve shaking the very roots of the trees. Stiles whipped his head around, instantly being able to tell where the sound came from. “That’s what I’m talking about!”
He and Lydia tore through the trees, trying to reach his location as quickly as possible. This meant that Scott had either found Malia or…. Something much worse. He wondered where Allison and Isaac were.
Luckily, his questions were soon answered. He skidded to a stop when he saw his best friend crouched in front of a girl. She was huddled around herself, with Scott’s jean jacket draped over her shoulders. Her hair was messy, sticking out from her head at all angles, and she was smudged with dirt. Wow. Scott really did it.
“Malia?” He asked hesitantly, stepping forward.
The girl turned around and her eyes met his and time stopped.
He looked up as the trees spread to be a vibrant green. Lydia’s hair was red. The dirt beneath his feet was brown. The sky was a beautiful blue. So that’s blue. 
In school, he had been told what was what color. He knew them all in theory. But seeing them? Right now? It was… incredible. He started to tear up as he took it all in because God, it was so much better than he ever even imagined. 
Then it hit him. Malia. Malia was his soulmate.
“I want to go home.” She announced, standing up.
“Malia, wait-” He tried to call out to her, but she turned her back on him. 
“The sheriff will be here any minute and he’ll be able to take you home.” Scott told her, leading her back to the main road.
Stiles stood there in shock. His mind was running a million miles a minute. Why didn’t she want to talk to him? Why wasn’t she also fazed by the colors? And most importantly, what now?
“Stiles? Is everything okay?” Lydia asked, coming up next to him. 
He swallowed back all of his questions and put on a fake smile. “Well, we were right. We saved her. So everything is great.”
He didn’t turn to look at her, as he was sure he would crack. Instead, he jogged to catch up to the other two weres. They stood at the road waiting for their ride, Scott fiddling with his sleeve impatiently. Lydia walked up to Malia, so Stiles seized the opportunity to talk with Scott.
“Scott!” Stiles hissed, gesturing for him to come over.
“What?” Scott whispered back.
Sensing his hesitation, Scott immediately went on high alert. “What’s going on? What’s wrong?”
“She’s my soulmate.” Stiles blurted out.
Scott’s jaw dropped, but before he could respond, his dad’s car was pulling up in front of them. Without waiting for Scott, Malia climbed into the backseat. Seeing that she only had Scott’s jacket on, his dad offered her one of the old oversized t-shirts decorated with the sheriff’s station logo. It was short sleeved, which Malia didn’t look too happy about, but she accepted it nonetheless. As soon as she was done changing, Stiles and his dad joined her in the car. Scott opted to take the others home and give them some space.
The drive was short, as Mr. Tate lived close, but it was awkward. His dad could obviously sense the tension, but Malia was pointedly ignoring him, and Stiles didn’t know what to do. 
When they got there, the Sheriff headed up to the door first, leaving Stiles and Malia alone in the car. He figured this was as good a time as any to get to know her. He turned around in his seat, for once being able to fully look at her. She had long brown (brown!) hair and similarly colored eyes. She was… beautiful.
“Hi. I’m Stiles.” He offered her a small smile, before approaching the elephant in the room. “Um… So what happened earlier…”
“You mean with the colors.” She answered shortly. 
“Yeah. That.” He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
She shrugged and slumped back in her seat. “So, I’m your soulmate. Big deal.”
“But… it is a big deal.”
“Not to me. I just want to change back.” 
His eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. “Change… back?”
“Yes. Ugh, it’s so cold.” She muttered, wrapping her arms tighter around herself.
Stiles immediately jumped at the chance to help her. “Here! Take my sweatshirt.”
“Thanks.” She shivered, and zipped up the front of the jacket. She chewed nervously on her thumb nail as she continued to talk. “I just… I don’t know how to adjust. It’s been years, Stiles. I don’t know how to be human.”
“I’ll show you.” 
He reached his hand out to her. She took it, and for the first time, she smiled at him. 
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justauthoring · 4 years
No Reason To (44/50)
Prompt: “And I guess… when it comes down to it, I trust you.”
A/N: So, a couple days early! I couldn’t wait until Monday to post this chapter cause i’m so incredibly proud of it and I’m gonna be spending the weekend playing TLOU2, so there won’t be too many requests adn I hope this makes up for it :)
Also, because Tumblr is stupid, I added memories from past chapters as Y/N remembering Stiles in italic, but for so reason on mobile it switches between italics and not. I’ve broken it up though, so hopefully it’s not too confusing!
Nonetheless, I am incredibly proud of this chapter and I really hope you all love it as much as I do!
Send me a little comment in the ask section or leave it below on what you thought of this chapter. As usual, I hope you all enjoyed!
AGAIN, remember if you’d like me to continue this series, just leave a little comment or an ask letting me know. I will NOT continue the series if no one wants me to.
Please don’t plagiarize my work!
Pairing: Stiles x McCall!Reader
Based off of: Teen Wolf 06x09 & 06x10
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“So, how cold does this thing get?”
“Cold enough for a Hellhound,” Lydia explains with a puff of air, slightly breathless from both of you running around to make sure everything’s locked and prepped. “It’s not the same as the ice bath you gave Isaac but, it can lower your core temperature past anything a human can survive.”
“So, what does freezing our asses off have to do with our memories?”
“It’ll slow your heart rate,” Lydia explains to Malia with a breath, “and put you in a trance-like state.”
“Like hypnosis,” Scott adds, to which you nod.
“Hypnotic regression,” you agree. Then, slowly, you turn to large machine, swallowing thickly. “If we can figure out how to work it.”
Malia turns, glancing around before something catches her eye. “This says ‘start’,” she calls, pointing at the side of the machine. “So, maybe it not’s that complicated.”
Upon further glance, however, there’s a... lot of dials.
Meeting Scott’s gaze, you sigh. “It’s complicated.”
“So, optimistically,” Malia prefaces, “how much time do you think we need to do this?”
“As much time as Liam and Stilinski can buy us,” Scott answers, nodding at the three of you. Then, he turns, unlocking the latch before pulling open the door. It almost looks like a coffin, in a more technical, supernatural way.
Scott elected to go first.
And for that, you’re very thankful.
You blink in surprise as the machine starts to hum, clearly doing... something. It’s definitely on, that you know for a fact. Which means...
“Okay, it’s doing something,” Malia calls, meeting Scott’s gaze. “You ready?”
He meets your eyes briefly, as if for reassurance, which you offer the best you can, before nodding. He grabs hold of the door, stepping forward and into the machine, shutting the door behind him. You’re close behind him, waiting until you’re sure he’s completely in and ready, before locking the latch. He watches you carefully from within the machine as you do, and even though he tries to put on a brave face, you can tell he’s scared.
A little apprehensive, at the very least.
“Remember,” Lydia calls as you continue to lock and prepare a few more things. “This’ll get cold enough to kill you. So, if something feels wrong or like, it’s not working...--”
“It’s going to work,” Scott cuts in gently, voice muffled from behind the door. You frown at him, swallowing thickly.
“I hope you’re not saying that because you think I know what I’m doing,” you call, glancing over at your brother, before turning round to Malia and Lydia. “Or that any of us do.”
“I’m saying that because I know you can figure it out.”
His words are sure and, somehow, there’s no doubt in his gaze as he looks back at you. You only hesitate a moment longer, making sure that he doesn’t change his mind or get freaked out in the last second (which, you wouldn’t blame him for either) before moving to turning all the dials all the way round. There’s three, and you turn them quick before you change your mind yourself.
Almost instantly, Scott reacts.
“Oh, okay,’ he gasps, “all right, yeah, that’s cold. Really cold.”
Your eyes widen as the inside fogs up, blurring your image of Scott.
“So,” Malia speaks up, voice hushed. “What are we supposed to do? Talk to him? Help him remember? Wait till he turns into a werewolf freezy pop?”
Turning to Lydia with wide eyes, you wait for an answer.
“We need to guide him,” Lydia mumbles, nodding over at the both of you. “Keep him focused.”
They both look at you expectantly. And, even though you really have no idea what you’re doing, you step forward without fault. You inhale sharply before speaking, trying to get a good look at your brother. “Scott?” You call gently, but firmly, loud enough for him to hear you. “You have to think about him. Concentrate on Stiles.”
Through the fog, you watch as he nods.
“Try to picture him in your head.” Lydia adds, “think about what he looks like, things he said.”
The machine then hums, whirring.
“I don’t like this,” Malia calls instantly, shaking her head. “Something’s wrong.”
You move forward to stop it, but Lydia catches your arm, halting you. You turn to her in disbelief, but she simply keeps her gaze forward, head-on at Scott. “Wait,” she explains, “give it a few more seconds.”
You’re interrupted by a loud thump. Your attention is pulled in front of you at the sight of Scott slamming his hand up against the glass of the door, a gasp of pain, discomfort, something leaving his lips. You waste no time in stepping forward once more, worried and panicked for your brother, your hand reaching for the latch, “i’m getting him out of there,” but Lydia holds tight.
You glance back at Scott, and you watch as his tense shoulders ease. His hand slowly pulls away from the door, and his face relaxes.
“Scott,” Lydia calls, “can you hear me?”
Slowly, his eyes flicker open and they’re glowing red.
But then his eyes start to weigh and you watch as his head lulls, as if he’s about to fall asleep.
“Scott,” you exclaim, pressing your hand on the door. “You can’t fall asleep. You have to stay awake.”
“I’m trying,” he mumbles, half-coherent.
“Wait,” you call after a moment, mind clicking with realization. “You’re not sleeping. I think you’re losing consciousness. And if you do that, I think we’re gonna lose you.”
“Scott!” Malia orders from next to you, her voice louder then your own. “Stay awake. Scott!”
His eyes flicker, his head rocks, but he doesn’t say anything. You watch with panic, concern, worry and all the above, heart racing, pounding madly against your chest.
But then he snaps awake, suddenly. His body stands straight, and he glances around, as if in search of something.
“Scott. Try to find him.”
“Try...” You hesitate, thinking. “Try to find him in your memories.”
His eyes flicker every which way. His head shakes as if his mind runs a million miles per hour. He’s searching. Desperately searching. But Scott hasn’t found Stiles yet.
“Find him in any memory. Good or bad.”
And he starts to look panicked. Worried. Frightened.
“What’s happening to him?” Malia asks, panicked herself.
Lydia shakes her head; “I don’t know.”
“Well, he doesn’t look good,” you explain, “he looks... lost.”
“I think he is,” Lydia exclaims, frustrated. “I think maybe it’s too much information. Like, he’s getting buried under all the memories. Being overloaded by them.”
“So, what do we do to help him?”
“Did you hear that?”
You glance back, watching as Malia leaves your side and rushes over to door. She halts by it, hand hovering over the lock, her ear pressed against the door as she listens carefully.
Turning back to the both of you, Malia frowns; “maybe.”
Sighing, you turn back to Scott, your frown deepening at the distressed look on his face. He presses the palms of his hands against his ears, as if trying to block the noise from his head. You can’t even begin to imagine the amount of noise, memories more specifically, running through his head rapidly. Can’t even begin to imagine how that must feel.
“This isn’t working.”
“Then,” Malia says without hesitation, making her way back over to you and Lydia. “We have to figure something else out.”
“I know,” Lydia snaps, before easing. “I-I know.”
But Malia doesn’t relent, worried for Scott. “Is he gonna freeze to death in there?”
Frowning, you swallow thickly. “If his memories don’t kill him.”
“There has to be another way to do this,” Malia exclaims bluntly, turning to Lydia specifically. “Isn’t there?”
“I don’t know,” Lydia sighs, “this is my first attempt at trying to open a dimensional rift in space-time. So, i’m kind of fumbling around in the dark, okay?”
“Okay,” you call, trying to ease the tension. “It’s okay. Let’s just... think. We just have to think, okay?” You glance back and forth at the two of them, as if to make sure they’re at least trying to keep calm. It’s a lot harder then it looks. But then, something occurs to you.
Fumbling around in the dark.
That’s it.
“You’re not the only one.”
“You’re  not the only one fumbling around in the dark,” you explain, nodding over at Lydia, hoping she’ll understand what you mean..
“What does that mean?” Malia shakes her head at you.
But Lydia turns to you  bright-eyed in understanding. “That’s exactly it, Y/N,” she nods at you.
“What?” Malia calls again, voice firmer in bafflement.
You turn to her with a nod. “I think we have to treat this more like actual hypnosis,” you explain, “they use images to guide you through memories. Like... a stairwell. Each step represents a new year. That’s how they regress you back.”
Malia’s eyes ease in realization. “I get it. So he needs to imagine something.”
“What do we tell him?” Lydia asks.
Pausing, you think for a moment, before stepping forward. “Scott?” You call gently, trying to grab his attention. “Can you hear me? Scott, listen. Imagine this.” You fumble for something. “Imagine you’re in the... high school. Visualize yourself in the high school, in the corridor where all the lockers are. Just try to imagine standing there. That’s where your memories are. They’re all in the lockers. They’re locked away behind each one.
“Every memory of Stiles is in a separate locker. Scott, you’re there. In the high school. You’re standing there now.”
And then, just as you finish speaking, his eyes snap open.
“It’s getting too cold.”
Your head snaps to Lydia at her words, before flickering your eyes up to the dial, lips parting.
Turning round to Malia, Lydia calls out; “he’s getting too cold.”
“What if it’s not enough to remember him?” She asks, baffling you at her words. “What if it’s some kind of a connection he’s supposed to make because of a memory?” Malia adds, your face easing with realization and understanding of what she means.
Lydia nods, “like an emotional connection?”
“That could be why it worked for Stilinski, right?”
Glancing back briefly at Scott, you nod; “he wasn’t just remembering something. He was remembering his son.”
Rushing forward, Malia calls out for Scott instantly. “Scott?” She calls gently, “Scott, can you hear me?” He doesn’t reply, but she continues anyway. “Listen, I remembered something. At the start of the year, Stiles said he was looking for a place for you guys to live after graduation.”
At the lack of response from Scott, she turns to the both of you panicked, asking for reassurance. You nod, quickly, eyes soft.
“He said you were getting an apartment together?” She recalls, voice doubtful. “And I remember saying something to Stiles. Something like... it’s not always a good idea to live with your friends. Even your best friend. But Stiles said it wouldn’t matter because you weren’t just friends.
“You guys were more like brothers.”
There’s a pause. Scott’s face eases, and you think it might’ve worked.
But then;
“His heart’s dropping.”
“His heart rate is dropping, fast.”
“We have to get him out.”
“Quick, quick!”
“Get him out!”
Your fingers pull hastily at the latch, practically yanking the metal door open and just managing to catch Scott before he falls to the ground. You pull him round, meeting his eyes as he glances up at you in confusion, shaking his head. “What--What happened? Why’d you pull me out?”
“Your heart rate dropped,” you exclaim, shaking your head. “You were gonna die.” 
Leaning forward, Malia nods; “we had to.”
Glancing back at the machine, Scott’s lips part. “But then,” he breathes, breathless. “But then, nothing happened, did it? It didn’t work.”
Malia tried. And it nearly worked.
Just... not enough.
You turn off the machine with a frown, turning all the dials back down to zero and locking the latch with a heavy click and a heavy heart. You really thought this would work. You thought Scott would be able to open the rift, and if not him, maybe Malia since Stiles was her anchor. But... it hadn’t. And you were two steps behind again.
“What are you doing?”
Turning to Scott with a frown, you shake your head; “it’s too dangerous,” you say simply. “We’re not going to save anyone by freezing you guys to death.”
“But it was working,” Malia reminds, voice firm, desperate. “Wasn’t it?”
“There was a light and a strange noise,” you explain with a shrug. “No Stiles.”
“But I can remember him now,” Scott argues, stepping towards you, letting his hands fall from Malia. “I can see him in my head.”
“So can I,” Malia nods.
“He’s more real now than he’s ever been.”
Brows furrowing at Scott, your lips part, trying to say something but not sure what.
“If we can bring Stiles back, we can bring everyone back.”
“There’s a huge difference in being a vivid memory and an actual corporeal human being,” Lydia explains for you, standing up beside you, to which you nod.
“I know,” Scott nods at Lydia, before turning to you, eyes never leaving your own. “Which is why I think it should be you.”
“I won’t last two minutes in there,” you say simply, shaking your head. You may be a witch, but you couldn’t heal and withstand the same things Scott and Malia could as werewolves and werecoyotes. That thing would kill you in seconds. It had nearly killed them.
“We’ll think of something else,” Scott says quickly, gesturing to Malia. “Malia’s right.” Then, his voice softens and so does his gaze as he meets your eyes firmly. “It’s all about the connection. When I was remembering him, I was also remembering the two of you together. I don’t think anyone had a connection like you guys.”
Lips parting, your shoulders fall. You’re... not sure what to say.
“I saw it, too,” Malia nods, looking solemn as she nods at you. “You have to try, Y/N.”
“But it nearly killed you two,” you whisper, “and it’ll kill me.”
“Well then,” Lydia speaks up, you turning to her in bafflement as she quirks a brow. “We have to do it the old-fashioned way. We’re going to have to actually hypnotize you.”
“My mother had a hypnotist who helped her quite smoking.”
You inhale sharply at Lydia’s story, glancing down at your hands, swallowing thickly.
“She had me see the same on when I was ten,” Lydia adds.
Scott turns to her, baffled. “You had to quit smoking when you were ten?”
“No,” she calls, appalled. “I bit my fingernails. Just find a lighter or a candle, please.”
Just then, Malia turns, a blowtorch in her hands. “Too much--?”
“--Found it!”
You glance over, eyeing the candle in Scott’s hands.
Lydia nods, and the three of them make their way over to you, at the table. Scott sets the candle down in front of you, Malia lighting it instantly, as you eye it nervously. Scott and Malia stay stood in front of you, watching you carefully, but Lydia takes a seat in front of you.
Meeting her eyes, you inhale sharply. “Is it scary?”
She instantly shakes her head, “you’ll be fine.” Then, she smiles softly, nodding. “I promise. Now, just... breathe. Take a deep breath.”
You listen without fault, inhaling deeply and slowly, trying to steal your nerves. Your shoulders fall as you do, and your face relaxes as you focus on calming yourself.
“Look at the candle.” Your eyes lower, falling on the lighted candle, licking your lips as you listen closely to the rest of Lydia’s words. “Feel the muscles in your body begin to relax. Your hands relaxing. Your eyelids relaxing.” At that, your eyelids fall shut, instinctively. Out of your control. Oddly, you don’t feel panicked.
You truly do feel relaxed.
“As you relax, imagine you’re sitting in your room.”
When you open your eyes, you blink at the sight of your bedroom. You’re sat on your bed, on the edge of it.
“In your lap is a photo album.”
Glancing down, you frown at the closed photo album held in your hands.
“Each photo holds a memory of your life. You can choose whatever photo you want to look at it. It gives you total control. All you have to do is turn the pages.”
Inhaling sharply, you slowly turn the page, and almost instantly, voices echo.
“Y/N... Are... Are you okay?”
And it’s almost like the picture comes alive before you.
You step forward, falling into Stiles’s arms. He doesn’t respond right away, almost as if surprised, then, his arms are curling around your waist, pulling you close.
The hug seems to last forever, but it can’t be more than a few seconds, before you’re interrupted by Jackson.
Turning the page slowly, you focus on the voices and the memory. Trying to stay calm. At ease.
A choked sob leaves your lips as your hands go to cover them. Shaking your head, you cry out; “i’m sorry,” taking a step back. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t-I-”
“Hey,” Stiles calls, keys falling on your counter, rushing over to you. He envelops you in his arms, holding you close as you move your arms around him, clutching onto the back of his sweater. You feel like a fool, acting so weak and letting your emotions get the best of you, but after spending a night in an empty house, without the comfort of your brother and mother and terrified that your father would come waltzing through the front door any second, you can’t help yourself. “Hey, it’s okay.”
“It’s not,” you whisper, “I don’t… I don’t know what to do.”
Stiles pulls back, grabbing your face by the cheeks and pulling your eyes on his own. He looks just as rough as you, just as fragile, and it’s clear as day he’s putting on a brave face for the sake of you. “We’re gonna get them back, okay?” He whispers, “my father, your mother… it’s gonna be okay.”
“What if it’s not?” You question, shaking your head. “What if this time we fail? I mean, Scott’s with Deucalion. Deucalion…”
“We’re gonna find them,” Stiles says again, and you’re not sure if it’s to reassure you, or himself. Either way, the words to help calm your nerves just a bit.
“Stiles,” you call, “my father…-”
“We’re not worrying about your father right now, okay?” Stiles interrupts, his grip tightening ever so slightly. “I won’t let him near you. Not again.”
“Try to find a memory of Stiles.
“A memory where you felt a connection with him.”
“I’m sorry,” you say instantly, shaking your head. You force your body to ease, trying to ignore the slightly race in your heart. It hadn’t been Stiles’ fault, you repeat in your mind. He hadn’t had any control of his body and Void had done what he did best, cause chaos. He used your fears and Stiles’ against the both of you. “I’m sorry,” shaking your head, you sigh. “I shouldn’t have, I… I know that it wasn’t…”
“I hurt you.”
Your words halt, lips left parted as your eyes fall on Stiles’ own. He’s not staring at you, instead, staring down at his lap; at his hands.
“I… hurt Scott, I hurt Coach and so many others. But… I hurt you.”
“No,” you argue, shaking your head. “No, it was Void. Void did all of that stuff, not you, Stiles.”
“But it was my body,” he whispers, forcing the words out of his mouth. Slowly, he raises his gaze to meet your own, shaking his head. “It was my hands that stabbed Scott. My hands that set up the trap that hurt Coach and the bomb that blew up the police station. It was my hands that wrapped around your throat.”
It’s obvious Stiles is staring at your neck, tears in his eyes as he shakes his head.
“God, he… after everything with your father and then I–”
Taking Stiles’ hand in your own, you squeeze it tightly, keeping your gaze trained on his. “It wasn’t you.”
“It was Void,” you mumble, the words leaving your lips unconsciously. “It... It wasn’t you. Wasn’t... Wasn’t... you--”
“Find another memory,” Lydia cuts in, words echoing. “Keep looking for Stiles. Find another memory”
“Don’t ever do that again... I thought... I thought I’d lost you.”
You turn the page.
“I’m gonna go talk to my dad. I just gotta go talk to my dad.”
And another.
“I know that, uh, holding your breath could stop a panic attack. When I kissed you... you held your breath...
And another.
“I’ll always come back. I promise.”
And then...
You blink, and you’re in Stiles’ jeep.
“That’s when I remembered...”
Lydia, Malia and Scott blink, hoping flickering in their eyes.
“When... When I realized...”
“I’m going to be erased, okay?” You can’t say anything, your head shakes and your lips part, but you’re stunned silent. “Just like Alex. You’re gonna forget me.”
“No,” you cry, the word just spilling from your lips. “No, I… I won’t. I couldn’t forget you, Stiles.”
“Y/N… you will.”
“Y/N? What? What did you realize?”
“I tried to convince myself,” you mumble, eyes sliding open, slowly, lips parting. “I tried to pretend that I wasn’t...”
And you blink at that, heart breaking at the fact that he’s right.
“Just… try to find some way to remember me, okay?” His hand slips into your own again, threading his fingers through your own, gripping onto you tightly, firmly. “Remember… that it’s always been you… Remember that it’s never been anyone but you, from the first minute I saw you…”
Swallowing thickly, you let the words sink in, never tearing your gaze away from Stiles. These are the words you’ve been wanting to hear for months, wanting to know if you’re feelings for Stiles were one sided. If you were still the one he loved…. and now that you are hearing them, he’s about to be taken away from you.
“Remember that you saved my life.”
Lips parting, you whisper; “you saved me life too…” And then you shake your head, small, stiffly, and you feel your eyes water. “Countless times…”
He’s silent for a moment, gazing back at you, as if taking it all in for the last time. And then,
“Wasn’t what, Y/N?”
“Just remember… Remember that I never stopped loving you and…” He blinks, eyes never wavering from your own. “I never will.”
“Still in love with him.”
There’s an echo of silence, and then, he’s being ripped from you.
Meeting Scott’s gaze, you swallow thickly; “That I wasn’t still in love with Stiles.”
“I was there,” you cry, words choking. “I was there. I was the last person to see him.”
Lydia leans forward; “where? Y/N, where?”
“The Ghost Riders,” you explain with haste, eyes blurring as tears stream down your cheeks. “They... When they took him...”
The candle burns out. And it’s silent.
Then, “I never said it back...” Swallowing thickly, you shake your head at Scott, biting your lip. “I never told him that...”
There’s an echo of silence, then, a rumble echoes. It intensifies by the moment, rumbling the entire ground beneath you.
Slowly, you stand up, making your way over to the door. You slowly unlock it, pulling up the latch, and then the door. Your lips part, eyes widening when you notice the bright light.
It’s the rift.
Rushing forward, you slow to a stop and you swear... you swear you see Stiles.
On the other side.
But... But right in front of you.
That night...
That was the night I realized...
I tried to convince myself, lie to myself...
that I wasn’t in love with you.
But I was.
I am.
I’m in love with you, Stiles.
“I can see you, Stiles! Don’t stop!”
Your hand reaches out before you, your feet inch forwards, because you can see him. See his outline. His figure. And you know it’s Stiles; without a doubt that it is. And he’s so close you can almost touch him, Almost reach out for him.
“Keep going! Stiles, keep going!”
But then, the light fades, and so does Stiles.
Your hand falls back down to your side, and it feels as if your heart is breaking.
But there’s no response..
You shake your head at your brothers voice, swallowing thickly. “Where is he?” And then you turn, spinning round to face your brother and your friends, nodding quickly and hastily. “It was working,” you explain. But you falter when you see the looks on their faces. “You... You saw him, right?”
With a sympathetic look in her eyes, Malia shuffles forward; “we didn’t see anyone.”
“No,” you argue, biting your lip as you turn back towards the tunnel. “He was here. I know it...”
A hand falls on your arm, and slowly turning your head back, you frown at Lydia through blurred eyes. You swallow thickly, trying to hold back your tears; your desperation whilst she simply just squeezes your arm, trying to offer any comfort she can.
All you can manage is the bleak mumble of; “Stiles was here.”
They help guide you back inside the room, making sure to keep a close eye on you.
And while you appreciate the support, you don’t notice it, your mind occupied with other thoughts. You found yourself doubting yourself again, because no one else had seen what you had. Not Malia, not Lydia and not even Scott. You were the only one. And it made you wonder if you were going crazy, if you had just imagined it all because you were so desperate to have Stiles back.
But you know you saw him. You know you did. And you swear you heard his voice, so...
Spinning round at your brothers voice, your brows furrow at the sight of the younger boy. You would’ve thought he’d be taken. Like everyone else.
“There’s something you need to see.”
“You’re still here...”
“Yeah, but everyone else is gone,” Liam pants, shaking his head. “All of them. They’re all gone. Look, you have to come with me.”
Shaking his head, Scott’s brows furrow in confusion. “What is it?”
“I can’t explain it,” Liam stammers, “I have to show you.”
“Uh, all right,” Scott stammers, turning back to look at the three of you. “You guys stay here. Just in case.”
You just nod, numb. But Malia speaks up; “in case Stiles comes back?” And her words catch you by surprise, glancing over at her before meeting your brothers eyes who nods firmly at you.
“If there’s any hope,” he explains, “you need to keep trying.”
Your brows furrow when Malia rushes forward, not even a few minutes after Scott’s left, and opens the door.
Lydia seems just as confused; “what are you doing?”
She turns back to the two of you with a smile. “We’re gonna go find Stiles.”
“Scott told us to stay in case he shows up here.”
“Stiles isn’t coming here,” Malia argues gently. “If he was, he would’ve, and he hasn’t, so he’s not.”
Stepping forward, you bite your lip. “You believe me?”
Never wavering her gaze from your own, Malia quirks a brow in question. “You still think it worked, right?”
You nod without hesitation, “I know I saw him.”
“And I trust you,” Malia encourages, “you’re always right.”
Pursing your lips, you hesitate; “I wouldn’t say always.”
Shaking her head, Lydia steps forward; “but, right now?”
Meeting her eyes, then Malia’s, you nod, slowly. “Right now,” you begin, “I’m not wrong. Stiles is out there, I can feel it.”
“Then,” Malia grins, “what are we doing standing here?”
“These look fresh.”
“It’s from Stiles jeep,” Malia explains, “it must’ve just left here.”
Lydia pauses, brows furrowing. “Without his keys?”
You shake your head; “half the time he got it started with a screwdriver, so...”
“Then, he’s here,” Lydia nods, “we have to tell Scott.”
You glance over at Malia, but her gaze is caught on something else. Slowly lowering to help you up to your feet, Malia keeps her gaze ahead, frowning. “We should probably tell Scott about that, too.”
Your brows furrow in confusion, but a simple glance in the direction she’s looking and you understand.
There’s... train tracks in front of the school yard, leading into the school itself. Which just makes absolutely no sense. And definitely doesn’t mean anything good either.
Eyeing the many people sat in the library, now apparently a train station, your heart falls with the realization that the Wild Hunt was a lot further into turning Beacon Hills into a Ghost Town then you thought.
“Why is there a train station in the middle of the library?”
Turning to Malia, you sigh; “there’s also a train station in the Wild Hunt.”
“Any chance they’re connected?”
Stepping forward, you shake your head. “I would say high,” you begin, before glancing back at her and Lydia. “Like a hundred percent.”
The two follow after you quickly, though you’re not really sure where you’re headed or what you aim to do. It’s mainly the blind leading the blind.
“If there’s a train station,” Malia continues, “then there’s probably a train.”
Spinning around to the two of them, you meet Lydia with a similar look as her face falls with realization. “And if there’s a train,” she begins, “it’s going to the Wild Hunt.”
Turning around to the crowd of people, you swallow thickly; “they’re all going to be taken.”
“We can’t let them be taken.”
Malia’s face falls with panic and stepping forward, her mind races for a plan. “Um,” she mumbles, before raising her voice so everyone can hear her. “Okay. Listen up, everybody. We’ve all got to get out of here. We gotta go right now.”
Glancing round, no one moves. Or even really acknowledges Malia.
“It’s bad! We have to go!”
Stepping in front of someone, you crouch to meet their eyes; “hello!” She doesn’t move. Like, at all.
“Uh, hello? Sir!” Malia calls to another man, Lydia trying the same thing to another person. No one responds to either of you. At all. “How do we get them to leave if they can’t hear us?”
“Uh...” Lydia mumbles, before something -- or rather someone -- catches her eyes. “Maybe there’s someone who can.”
Following her line of direction, your eyes widen at the sight of Peter.
Pressing a hand against your forehead, you watch Malia uselessly snap her fingers in front of her father’s face. It clearly does nothing. As everything else she’s tried does nothing.
“The only way we were able to break through the Hunt,” Lydia begins to explain, “is with an emotional connection.”
Malia sighs, shoulders falling with defeat. “Dang,” she whispers, “wish I could help.”
Meeting Lydia’s eyes, you sigh, before stepping forward. “Malia,” you call, voice firm, clear on what you mean.
She seems to understand quickly. And instantly, she shakes her head. “I’m not saying it,” she argues, determined. “I’m not saying it.”
“Okay, well,” Lydia shrugs, spinning round to walk the other way. “I guess everyone dies.”
Letting out a growl, Malia halts Lydia.
Turning to the former, you meet her eyes with a reassuring glance. “It’s okay,” you whisper, smiling gently. “You’ve got this.”
She only hesitates a moment longer, inhaling deeply, letting her eyes fall shut as she tries to prepare herself. Then, slowly glancing down at Peter, the word leaves her lips; “dad.” But not at all in the way you or Lydia meant it to. “Dad. Dad.”
“Say it like you mean it.”
Slowly crouching in front of Peter, Malia takes deep breaths. You don’t say anything, giving her the moment she needs to muster the courage to say it. It might just be a short and small word, but you understood probably better then most how hard it is to accept the man that’s supposed to be your father as your actual father. After everything he’s done.
And that’s why you understand how hard it is for Malia.
“Dad.” She whispers, voice soft, desperate. “Please wake up.”
He drops the newspaper, his eyes shifting. They become less distant.
Malia turns to you and Lydia with hope in her eyes, slowly standing up just as Peter does himself. Then, still silence echoes, uncertainty, and then, you watch as the edges of Peter’s lips curve upwards.
“Attention, all passengers, the train will be arriving in twelve minutes.”
You watch as all the passengers get up, circling around the four of you. Their feet seem to just lead them, having no real control over their bodies.
“Me?” Peter speaks up, pulling your gaze on him as he gestures to himself in disbelief. “You want me to stop them? You know how many there are?”
“Yeah,” Malia nods, “a lot of them. So get going.” Stepping forward, she grabs his arm, pulling him off his seat on the bench.
“There are hundreds of waiting rooms in this train station,” Peter explains, whilst letting Malia pull him. You and Lydia follow closely behind. “Which apparently now also serves as a high school library. It’s impossible.”
“We can try.”
“Where do you get this implausible optimism?”
“Definitely not from my father.”
Shaking your head, you rush forward, breaking the two apart. “We don’t have time for this,” you remind, grabbing onto Malia’s arm to pull her attention on you. “We need someone to just hear us.”
“I think we already did.”
It takes you a moment to process Peter’s words, and when you do, your eyes widen at the sight of a Ghost Rider right in front of you.
“We have to go!”
Pulling Malia with you, you meet her eyes with a shake of your head. “I’m sorry about Peter, but we have to go!”
She chances a single glance back at her father, who currently is being held up off his feet by his neck by a Ghost Rider. He nods at her, encouraging her to follow you and Lydia and with that, she finally follows your lead, though reluctant, allowing you to help pull her along before simply just following you.
However, just as you rush out the door, she stops. And you don’t notice til you’re out, and when you turn back, the library isn’t there.
Meeting Lydia’s eyes, she nods at you, with the intent to follow after Malia and find her. But, just as you take a step forward, a feeling courses through you. And it’s a feeling you’ve felt before, many times. It’s Stiles.
It has to be.
Turning back to Lydia with a dazed expression, you shake your head. “Find Malia, get somewhere safe.”
She shakes her head, brows furrowing in bafflement. “Where are you going?”
“I’ve got to find Stiles.”
You rush off without another word, ignoring her bleak call for you as you pick up the speed in your step, all but running down the hallway. Your feet keep leading you, the feeling growing stronger and stronger by each step, until you find yourself in front of the girls locker room. Without hesitation, you push the door open, the first thing your eyes fall on is one of the Ghost Riders.
And then, you see Stiles.
Your lips part, and a yell leaves your lips as a burst of power flows through your body. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before, unlike anything you’ve ever done before. Your powers feel stronger, unbelievably powerful as you push the Ghost Rider away from Stiles, knocking it back against a set of lockers. The glow of purple surrounds you, surging from your hands, and directed at the Ghost Rider only and completely.
It’s unlike anything you’ve ever done before and it’s more control you’ve ever had over your powers.
And, to your surprise and great shock, the Ghost Rider burst into a cloud of green smoke itself. Just like all the innocent civilians it’s taken over the years. You’re not sure how you do it, how you had that much strength and power to destroy a Ghost Rider. But maybe that’s why they’d been afraid of you, like they were Lydia. Only unlike Lydia, or really anyone apparently, you could... destroy them.
Then, you ease, and you feel your legs grow weak beneath you as a result. Your body feels exhausted, your mind as well, and your eyes dull for a moment as you feel yourself falling, but arms catch you before you body thuds against the ground.
“Y/N? Y/N, are you okay?”
You move your hands to hold onto the arms holding you, finding enough strength in your body to finally look up and meet Stiles’ eyes. The eyes of the man you’ve been searching for for the past few months.
“Stiles,” you breathe, hands falling to his cheeks. “Stiles, you’re here. I... I found you.”
His lips curve upwards gently, eyes never leaving your own as he nods.
“I love you,” you whisper, that being the first thought to leave your mind. You needed to tell him. You just had to. “And I never stopped.”
And, Stiles shifts, holding you closer up against himself as he lets out a gentle laugh. “I know.” He uses his right hand to brush back strands of hair that had fallen into your eyes, gently tucking them behind your ear with a soft and adoring looking in his eyes. “I love you too.” Then, he’s leaning forward, pressing his lips against your own. Something you’ve been craving this entire time, his touch. And he’s here, holding you, kissing you...
You instantly return the kiss, without hesitation, your back curving into him as you pour every bit of feeling you’ve felt for him since he disappeared.
Since you broke up.
His hands run through your hair and you hold tight to him, afraid that’ll he’ll disappear from your fingers once again.
But, he never does.
He’s here. He really is.
“How sweet.”
You pull back in surprise at the voice, eyes blinking over only to find Isaac. Or rather, the phantom Isaac that the Ghost Riders had created. That you knew now. Alarmed, Stiles helps you up to your feet, the both of you shuffling back in response as Isaac approaches, his eyes clearly set on you.
And only you.
“Is that Isaac?”
“I sort of brought him back...” You glance back at him, wincing lightly, “it’s a long story.”
“I hate to ruin the moment,” Isaac continues, his voice contorting, turning darker and muffled. You blink and suddenly, his face isn’t his own, messed up, and it’s then your thoughts and fears of the past couple months are confirmed. That wasn’t Isaac.
And you didn’t love what every he it was.
“But I thought you loved me.”
“Stay back,” you whisper to Stiles, pushing him back behind you. 
Stiles glances down at you in concern, shaking his head. “Y/N, your powers--”
“I know,” you nod, continuing to shuffle back. “But I have to try.” Then, meeting his eyes steadily, you nod. “Be ready to run.”
He takes a moment, hesitating, before slowly nodding, stepping back to give you the room you need. However, he doesn’t run off yet, he sticks close, obviously worried for you as you slowly raise your hands up before yourself, inhaling sharply and deeply in preparation.
Isaac steps forward, a twisted smile on his lips; “don’t you love me?”
Letting your eyes fall shut, you harden your eyes, shaking your head. “I love the real Isaac,” you mumble, “but not whoever you are.”
And then your lips part and your hands jut out before you as a glow of purple surrounds you. Another cry of pain and exhaustion leaves your lips, forcing out everything you have within you. Everything you have left. Your muscles strain and contort painfully, and you feel your legs start to give out beneath you, but what keeps you going is the fact that it’s working.
If the panicked look on the phantom Isaac’s face is anything to go by.
With one last push, using all that you have left, you knock the phantom back. It slams against a set of lockers, and with just one final push from you, it burst into a cloud of green smoke.
Instantly, you’re falling once more. And like before, Stiles catches you, keeping you steady.
Your head lulls and your body is screaming at you in exhaustion. But you don’t much care now because you’re back in Stiles’ arms.
“How in the world did you do that?” Stiles breathes, glancing in the direction Isaac had all but disappeared. “And what the hell even was that?”
“It’s a long story,” you whisper, repeating your words from earlier, voice tired as you lean on Stiles, letting him guide you back up to your feet. “But, at least I know why the Ghost Riders are afraid of me.”
Staring back at you, astonished, Stiles blinks. “Afraid of you?” Then, a small smile curls onto his lips, and he almost looks proud. No, he definitely looks proud. “I love you.”
Laughing, you nod; “I love you too.”
He glances in the direction of the exit, wrapping his arm around your waist. “We should go,” he suggests gently to which you nod, trying your best to not let all of your weight fall on him. He helps guide you out of the locker room and down the hallway, however, you don’t make it far. Because just as you both reach the doors and Stiles moves to open them, a voice echoes.
Turning in the direction of the voice, you stare at the empty hallway.
“Stiles, is that you?”
You shake your head when Stiles takes a step forward, gently pulling you with him.
“Stiles,” you call, voice weak. “That’s not your mom. Just like that wasn’t Isaac.”
“I know who it is,” Stiles mumbles, “I know her voice.”
“No,” you argue, desperate for him to understand. “That’s the Wild Hunt. They’re tricking you.” He only continues to walk forward, towards where the voice had originated, looking both astonished and lost at the same time. “The Wild Hunt brought her back, but she’s not real.”
He turns to you, confused; “what do you mean, ‘brought her back’?”
Before you can speak, Claudia’s voice echoes once more; “Stiles.”
And turning, you frown when she steps through the doors.
“I know what you’ve been through.”
Your grip tightens on Stiles, trying to pull him back. But he holds fast, relenting you.
“I know how much you love your father.” Claudia continues and then, like Isaac, there’s a shift and her face becomes contorted. Darkened. Not her own. And her voice does the same. “But I love him more.”
Swallowing thickly, you let out a shaky breath.
You don’t have the strength to fight her off. Not for the third time. And if you tried, you’re sure it could kill you.
“Even through the hunt,” she continues, voice distorted and echoed, “you somehow worked your way back into his memory.”
“Yeah,” Stiles nods, trying to stay strong. “Worming is one of my skills.”
Standing up a bit straighter, you pull Stiles’ gaze on your own. “That thing,” and you spit the word venomously, “is conjured from your dad’s pain. If he remembers you, he can’t believe in her.”
“That’s why you have to go.”
It happens in a second. Claudia steps forward and you move to stop her, even if you know you can’t, but her hand wraps around your throat, squeezing painfully. It blocks all air and you scramble, scratching at her hand but she’s too strong for your weakened state. And then Stiles steps forward, quick to help you, trying to pull her hands away from you.
“You shouldn’t treat your mother that way.”
You slump against the ground, a groan of pain leaving your lips in response. However, your focus soon turns on Stiles as it’s now his neck being squeezed by the phantom.
“You’re not my mother,” he whispers, voice straining.
She steps forward, quick, slamming him up against a wall. You try to climb up to your feet, hating how weakened you were by your own powers and desperate to try and help Stiles. But you can’t move fast enough. You entire body screamed at you in pain, your head banging in agony, your throat screaming out in discomfort.
“He believes in me. Dreams. So hard to kill.”
But then a figure steps past you, and your eyes widen in hope in realization of who.
“But not impossible.” 
Stilinski attempts to shoot Claudia, but regrettably, it does nothing to her.
“Noah,” she calls, shaking her head. “Your bullets can’t hurt me.”
Finding your strength, you force yourself up. You ignore your own pain and suffering for the sake of Stiles, and the fact that you refuse to lose him again. Not again. You won’t let it happen.
Falling next to Stilinski, you swallow thickly, “fire again.”
He listens without fault, and with the help of his bullet, you push your hands forward, forcing your powers to surge towards her and guiding the bullet there as well. The bullet hits her, right in the chest, and like Isaac, she disappears in a cloud of green smoke, letting go of Stiles.
You slump forward, trying to keep yourself upright. The ground begins to rumble beneath you and you nearly fall, but Stilinski wraps an arm around you to keep you upright, helping steady you.
You glance around as everything continues to rumble, shaking violently, trying to find the source.
“Looking for this?”
Stiles jumps, surprised by your voice as he spins round fast to face you. You bite your lip to fight your smile at his reaction, pressing a hand against your lips to muffle your giggle. “Sorry,” you mumble at his half-hearted glare he attempts to send your way. “Your dad let me in.”
Setting down the book in his hands back on his dresser, Stiles turns to you completely, hand set against his chest. “You could’ve at least knocked.”
You only shake your head, electing not to say anything as you walk into Stiles’ room. You cross the distance between the two of you, slowing to a stop in front of the boy with a soft smile, before leaning down to gently grab his hand. You pull it up, turning it so his palm is pointed towards the ceiling, before slowly lowering the necklace his father had found for you into his hand.
Stiles glances down at the necklace, his eyes widening when he realizes just what necklace it is. “What...”
“Your father found it when you were...” You trail off, a light frown curling onto your lips at the memory of it all. “Well, you know. And he said you left it for me.”
Swallowing thickly, Stiles eyes the lily necklace in his palm for a moment before glancing up to meet your eyes. His gaze is soft as he glances up at you, reflective as well. There’s seems to be hundred of thoughts running through his mind as he stares back at you, emotions that you seem to understand well enough but can’t exactly place. 
While things were better, much, much better... You and Stiles haven’t really discussed any of it. Any of it being what had happened before he’d disappeared. There seemed to be this wall that existed between the two of you, this wall that stopped you from talking about it; about the break up, about the secrecy and the lying... But you didn’t want to go on never talking about it. You didn’t want it to be a forbidden thing in your relationship.
If the two of you were going to do this, you had to be better about being honest.
About it all.
Letting out a laugh, you shake your head. “You go first.”
Stiles hesitates for a moment and he even looks a little shy as his lips part to speak, but he stammers for the right words. You let him take his time, listening carefully as he swallows thickly, mustering up the courage. “I was going to give this necklace to you at graduation,” he explains, “it was going to be my way of apologizing to you for how I treated you. About the way I treated you about Donovan and the Dread Doctors and Theo...”
You frown at the mention of his name.
But Stiles is quick to pull your gaze back on his own, hand falling under your chin and gently pulling it up. “I wasn’t there for you when you needed me and for that, i’m sorry. I should’ve told you, but I felt like I couldn’t tell anyone. I couldn’t even tell my own dad... And I didn’t stop to think that you were going through things of your own...” His hand moves, cupping your cheeks as his thumb softly brushes away the lone tear that had manage to fall past your defenses. “You deserved better then that. Better then me.”
You adamantly shake your head, without hesitation, taking his hands in your own firmly. “I don’t want anyone else but you, Stiles.”
His lips part, and he hesitates, then; “even after everything?”
“Our life is crazy, Stiles. Our lives have been crazy since Scott got bit... And yeah, we’re graduating, and I don’t know what the future holds.” You lean into his touch, your hand falling over his own with a soft smile. “But the one thing I do know is that you’re what got me through it all. And I don’t ever want to not have you by my side again.”
An echo of silence passes, and then, you lean forward, letting your forehead fall on Stiles’ own.
“You’re it for me, Stiles,” you whisper, “you’re all I want.”
Placing his hands on your waist, Stiles tugs you closer. “Good,” he mumbles, “cause you’re all I want too.”
You pull back with a smile, a bright one. There’s this race of happiness flooding through you that you haven’t felt for months. To have Stiles so close again, without all that tension that had once existed between you... it felt like a dream come true.
You blink at Stiles’ words, before understanding his meaning. Pulling back from his touch, you turn, pulling your hair out of his way as he slips the necklace around your neck before locking the clasp for you. Once it’s on properly, you turn to him with a bright smile, letting out a soft laugh as you eye the pendant. “I love it.”
“And,” Stiles begins, pulling you close. “I love you.”
“Hey, Y/N.”
Smiling softly at the sound of Isaac’s voice, you glance down at your lap, biting your lip.
“How are you, Isaac?”
“I’m good,” he responds back cheerfully. “Things are really good.”
“Yeah?” You question softly in response, “i’m glad.”
There’s a pause, then, “how are you, Y/N?”
“I’m good,” you whisper. “I am. I promise.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah,” you nod, even though you know he can’t see it. “I just really wanted to hear your voice.”
His actual voice.
“You sure everything’s okay?” Isaac hesitates, seeming unsure. “You seem off.”
“I’m good, i’m good,” you laugh lightly. “I promise. I’m just tired. Today was the last day of school and I still have no idea what I want to do for college.”
“You don’t?”
Shrugging, you fiddle with the sleeve of your shirt. “No, but i’ll figure it out.” Then, you brighten up. “What about you? You should be done school in France as well, right? What are your big plans?”
Isaac lets out a soft laugh. “I don’t have too many big plans.”
“Well, actually... I sort of... maybe met this girl...”
“You met a girl?” You exclaim, excited. “Who? Who is it?”
“Slow down, Y/N/N,” Isaac chuckles, and you can imagine him rolling his eyes at you. “It’s just some girl from school. But I've taken her on a few dates and things are looking good... Really good.”
“Oh, that’s amazing, Isaac. I’m so happy for you.”
“Yeah, well...” Then he pauses, “what about you? Did Stiles realize the big mistake he made?”
Rolling your eyes, you glance back at the past out image of Stiles next to you, curled up in his blankets. “You could say that,” you snort, “we’re better.”
“You guys together, then?”
Smiling down at Stiles, you nod. “Yeah,” you whisper, “we are.”
Part 45?
Tag List: @potterheadbbc - @sunsetblake - @mythicalamphitrite - @loverofwaytoomanythings618 - @minuteandahalf - @mnk - @gazebros - @colie87 - @quilliamfears - @quellum - @pessimisticbullshit - @kaylinfayezink - @maiabiovillage - @tr1chst3r - @arkcangel - @quirkytwinkles - @thegirlwhoimagined - @noones-girl1980 - @illumminated - @fairchild345 - @all-will-be-well-love - @animemes-trash - @starryrevelations - @literallyhelpme - @theskytraveler - @jinandtion1c - @ilovemymoose - @bibliophilesquared - @stilessarcasmqueen - @mersuperwholocked-lowlife - @newtsshelbys - @wyattgoleft - @pancakefancake - @saturno-in-the-night - @pizzamelon7384 - @riskregretting - @mdgrdians - @ravenclawnerdfromnarnia - @franchisefan14 - @lovingpeterparker - @audreysduvxl - @kararanae23 - @alioop3818 - @a-gir1-has-n0-name - @andyl394 - @sclestial - @jayymocha - @2ptonpt - @itsfangirlmendes- @deafeningmusicdetective - @alex–awesome–22 - @nicholerodz  - @kellbell44- @serrahruby - @agentmarvel13 - @egg-in-a-spork - @nickigv - @vxidnik - @marvelousgab - @emmaleighrose- @danielag1969 - @digicharr - @shantayok - @cherry3bombshell - @thatprofessionalfangirl - @itsjaynebird - @grippleback-galaxy - @dafukbish - @randomfanfictiontime - @unicorn-sparkles123 - @sammyrenae68 - @myfanficlibrarium - @liveforthenight130318- @booknymph02 - @smileyouresopretty - @fionnthebandersnacc- @voidsarahh - @kal-pal - @darlingimmafangirl - @burningmusicmarchi - @celacaveremo - @maolhy71706 - @supernatural-kinda-girl - @wherever-life-takes-us - @natalien-92 - @letmebeyoursforever - @lonelyforeverlina - @parkerschurros - @seninjakitey - @runway-to-my-aid - @weirdowithnobeardo - @missleahlin - @your-typical-giggle - @wandascarlett - @multifandxm353 - @moonliightbabes - @lemontenciulek - @smokingperfume - @where-art-thau-romeo - @1teen1dream - @standing-onthe-edge - @moresimsforme - @used-avocado - @hotel-colson - @lovingchildperson​ - @10minutesofscreentime
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platonicteenwolf · 4 years
Hey! This will be my master list :) Feel free to send in an ask if you have any questions/suggestions. This is going to be a completely platonic series with all inclusive pronouns.
Season 1 Masterlist
Scott is a non-athletic, social awkward high school sophomore... but a single wolf bite changes everything. Now he’s the popular star of his lacrosse team and dating the new girl in town. But Scott’s “new” abilities also pull him into the middle of a war between werewolves and werewolf hunters.
Season 2 Masterlist
Season two begins when a new member of the Argent family arrives in Beacon Hills, and Scott and Allison are forced to continue their blossoming romance in secret. At the same time, Derek Hale, obsessed with gaining strength as the new alpha, begins recruiting for his pack, including newly-bitten Jackson.
Season 3 Masterlist
Four months after the events that nearly ended Jackson’s life and resurrected Peter Hale’s, teen wolf Scott McCall and his friends begin their junior year of highschool unaware that a new threat has arrived in Beacon Hills: A pack of Alpha werewolves intent on bringing Derek into their fold, while destroying his young pack.
Season 4 Masterlist
Still healing from tragic losses, Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Kira, and Y/N return to a new semester of school with more human worries than supernatural, while also trying to help their new friend Malia, integrate back into society. But Kate Argent’s surprising resurrection brings a new threat to Beacon Hills along with the emergence of another mystery enemy known simply as Orphaned.
Season 5A Masterlist
On the eve of Senior Year, Scott and his friends find themselves facing the possibility of a future without each other, a next phase in their lives that might take them in different directions despite their best intentions.
Season 5B Masterlist
Reeling from crushing losses, Scott struggles to put his pack back together while the Dread Doctors’ final creation, a creature known as The Beast, terrorizes Beacon Hills.
Season 6A Masterlist
Storm clouds gather as Scott and the pack head into their final months of high school. But the best days of their lives turn bleak when they lose their closest ally. Before the end, Scott and Y/N will stand alone before the growing darkness and fight to stop the destruction of everything and everyone they love.
Season 6B Masterlist
On the eve of their departure, Scott and his pack discover a new enemy rising in the shadows which threatens the fate of everything they hold dear. Will they find a way to stop the greatest threat they’ve ever faced? Find out on the final season of Teen Wolf.
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Wake Up - Episode One, Part Two
DISCLAIMER - I don’t any of these characters except for Liv Patterson. Also please don’t take credit for something that you didn’t write. The songs mentioned here will be linked down below. Please stay safe ya’ll. Love you guys and just be kind.
Los Angeles, 2020 - Los Feliz High School
Teenagers walk out of their classrooms heading towards their lockers and next periods. A teenage girl clearly avoiding all human beings walks amidst the crowds towards her locker opening it.
“Hey Underachiever”
The girl looks towards the friend standing beside her, smiling, “Hey disappointment, hey good-for-nothing”
“Hey you guys” Lia smirks leaning against the lockers.
“Okay,” Flynn says, “I know you don’t want me to ask you this but have you figured out whatcha gonna do today?”
“I’ll know in the moment” Julie shrugs off.
“Seriously girl?” Lia asks, “That really all you're giving us?”
“You know what Ms. Harrison said right… this is your last chance,” Flynn says
“I know” Julie replies looking at the other girls, “I was there.”
“See you at the rally,” The girls turn to find Carrie walking around handing out flyers.
“Ugh, what is she handing out?” Flynn asks.
“Umm desperation” Julie says.
Carrie walks up towards the trio, “Here you go” she says passing them all flyers, “My groups performing at the spirit rally tomorrow! I’m sure you guys have nothing better to do.”
“Huh, nothings way better than having to watching you Carrie.” Lia snarks
Flynn, quickly adds on, “OMG Carrie thanks.”
“Oh My God Malia, Flynn,” Carrie retorts, playing with her necklace, “Don’t bother coming!”
Carrie sashays away. Flynn crumples up the flyers, while Lia sticks her tongue out behind Carrie. Julie smiles watching Nick lean against a pole.
“Nick?” Flynn asks exasperated, “Still girl, you KNOW they’re gonna get married and have a bunch of unholy babies.”
“Yeah but Nick’s a sweetheart”
“Huh” Lia scoffs, “A sweetheart dating a demon. How ironic.”
“And you’d actually have to talk to him to know that… and remember…” Flynn says, “only one of them have to be a demon to have a demon baby… DEMON” Flynn yells towards Carrie.
“Yes girl!” Lia laughs high-fiving Flynn as the girls quickly look away from Carrie.
“Now there’s that smile,” Flynn says to Julie, “Let’s go prove everybody wrong.”
The girls leave the lockers and enter their music class, taking a seat next to each other
“Nice job Nick,” Ms Harrison tells him as he finishes up his guitar solo, “Almost as good as your game against Glendale. Okay we have one last performance, Julie?”
Julie slowly gets up from her seat and makes her way towards the grand piano.
“Yass Julie! Let’s go my Queen” Lia yells from her chair as Flynn smiles towards Julie giving her an encouraging look. Ms. Harrison spares Lia a look making her sulk down her chair smirking. Julie slowly sits down.
“Take your time” Ms. Harrison tells her.
Julie’s hands hover above the keys for a moment, and slowly stands up. Lia and Flynn share a look and stand up too, “I’m sorry…”
“Is this when we clap?” Carrie says.
Julie runs out and Liv and Flynn are right on her toes, Lia bumping into Carrie on her way out, “Watch it Carrie.”
Julie’s home - after school 
“Oh good you’re home,” Julie’s dad walks down the stairs towards Julie and Lia as they study together, “I was about to go watch your brother’s game, Hi Lia.”
“Hi Mr. Molina! How you doing?”
“I’ve had photoshoots all day. Didn’t even get a chance to eat, but I got a phone call today.”
Julie looks over at Lia across the table and back towards her dad, “Yeah I figured as much.”
“Yeah, well it was my realtor friend…”
“Oh!” Julie smiles towards Lia, and glances back at her dad, “That.”
“Yeah and she says if we’re serious about selling the house then she wants me to take some pictures, for the websites. Which means we have to do a lot of cleaning and get rid of some stuff… and maybe you can… tackle mum’s studio?”
Lia watches Julie’s face fall and catches eye contact with Mr. Molina, “You’re the expert… your brother and I wouldn’t even know where to begin. It’s okay honey if your not ready I can…”
“No,” Julie looks up at Lia then at her dad, “It’s alright. Maybe i’ll try tonight.”
“Yeah,” Mr. Molina gets up, “yeah awesome yeah, thank you and don’t forget the loft. You know those old instruments that were there when we moved in? They need a new home.” Mr. Molina gets up.
“Mum would like that.”
“Yeah she would… Oh god I’m gonna be late,” he starts reaching in his pockets trying to find his keys.
“Under the mail”
“Your a life saver”
“Bye Mr. Molina”
“Bye Lia”
Later at night, Julie and Lia walk down to the studio
“You’re sure you’re up for this, we can turn back right now,” Lia asks standing at the door with her hand on the handle.
“Yeah… I think I need to”
“Alright,” Lia slowly opens the doors, “After you ma’am.”
Julie walks over to the light switch, flipping it. She slowly makes her way towards the grand piano and sits down. Lia slowly puts a hand on her shoulder.
“I’m so sorry mum,” Julie starts, looking up, “That I haven’t been in here…”
After a moment of silence, Lia breaks the moment up, “C’mon Jules, lets go check the loft.”
Julie climbs to the top while Lia spots her from the bottom. “Hey look at this,” Julie makes her way back down, “It’s some sort of CD?”
“C’mon lets play it”
The girls take a seat, bopping along to the 90’s rock song.
1, 2, 3!
Take off, last stop
Countdown till we blast open the top
Face first, full charge
Electric hammer to the heart…
“What the hell is,” Lia turns from looking at Jules to in front of her, “That…”
Three boys literally fall out of the sky, like literally. Julie and Lia stand up and look at each other.
Groans and other pain-filled noises
The boys slowly start to get up, all out of breath but still looking fly. “Ohhh… woah! How did we get back here,” the cute middle one says.
Julie and Lia look at each other and back at the boys, “AHHHHHHHHHHA”
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH,” the boys all huddle together, “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”
Lia grabs Julie’s hand as everybody continues screaming and drags her towards the house . They run into Carlos and Mr. Molina in the driveway.
“Woah wait slow down guys,” Mr. Molina grabs onto Julie, “You’ve look like you’ve seen a ghost”
“We did!”
“Cool!” Carlos chimes.
“Not cool”
Julie runs away pulling Lia behind her, dragging her up the stairs and into her bedroom shutting the door all while screaming, “AHHHHHHHHH”
“Omg girl please stop screaming,” Lia begs, as Julie texts Flynn 9-1-1 on their group chat.
“C’mon Flynn, 9-1-1 means 9-1-1!” Julie cries.
“Okay lets all just take a breath, ghosts don’t exist right, those were just three boys who like broke into the studio, yeah they broke into a studio by… popping outta nowhere, Oh my god I’m going crazy I…” Lia rambles on as Mr. Molina knows on Julie’s bedroom door, poking his head into the room, “Hey”
“Ah… dad”
“Hey just wanted to make sure you’re okay”
“And that’s my cue to leave, I’ll be downstairs” Lia says, walking out.
“You don’t believe me do you dad?”
“Honey, of course I do I see your mum all the time”
“This isn’t like that”
“I know it’s different for all of us”
“Dad… you’re not listening to me… I SAW something out there,” Julie grabs onto her dad pointing towards the shed.
“Alright, okay okay,” He takes a seat, “I’m listening.”
“Tell me what you saw, it’s just you and me here”
“You sound just like Dr. Turner”
“Well maybe seeing Dr. Turner again isn’t such a bad idea”
“DAD,” Julie takes a pause, “Can we just drop it?”
‘Alright, dropped,” he slowly gets up sticking out his finger, “We good?”
“Yeah,” Julie smiles, crossing her finger with his “We’re good.”
As soon as he leaves Julie slowly creeps towards the window as Lia rushes back into the room. Lia peers over Julie's shoulder, “We’re going back aren’t we?”
“Okay fine,” Lia rolls her eyes, “We clearly need to watch more horror movies, but this time,” Lia looks towards the wall, “We go in prepared.”
Back at the garage
Julie walks in first with a cross in front of her as Lia slowly makes her way beside her, looking for, well three ghosts.
“Are you still here?” Julie questions as Lia glances around, “Whatever you are…”
They look around the room and when they don’t find anything, Julie drops her hands to her sides.
“See, nothing,” Lia says walking towards the middle of the room, “we clearly just imagined that whole thing”
“No, I know I’m not crazy!”
“Well we’re all a little crazy”
Julie and Lia turn to face each other, “Ahhhh,” Julie sticks the cross in front of them.
“OH My…” The pink sweater ghost pleads, “Please stop screaming!”
Lia slowly puts her arms around Julie pulling her back “Well who are you?”
“YEAH,” Julie continues, “And what are you doing in my mum’s studio?”
“Your mum’s studio?” The boy with the very Zac Efron haircut asks, walking around the girls as they follow him with their eyes, “This is OUR studio,” he protests as he slides across the grand piano, “Okay trust me fine, yes the grand piano is new and, and… and… MY COUCH!” The boy jumps onto the leather couch sitting against the wall. Lia slowly pulls Julie closer to her.
“But that is definitely not my six string…” he looks around and slowly backs up back to his friends, “Can you give me just one second? Just give me a second. Thank you.”
Lia and Julie slowly separate as the boys huddle in front of them.
“What is going on?” He whispers, “How did they get their stuff in here so fast?”
“Maybe… just maybe,” the boy in the leather jacket inputs, “Maybe they are witches. There’s chairs floating in the ceiling.”
“Okay there is no such thing as witches,” The dude in the pink sweater retorts while the Zac Efron doppelgänger looks around.
“You sure? Because I used to think there was no such thing as ghosts!” “Huh that’s fair”
“Okay so,” Efron says, “We’re going with witch?”
“No we are not going with witch. They are not witches. Look they’re just scared.”
Lia and Julie look at each other very, very confused. The pink sweater guy slowly walks up to them, “Why are you in out studio!”
Julie goes to punch the dude with her cross but her hand goes through the boy. “Okay c’mon,” Lia slowly pulls Julie away, “How did you do that!”
“Okay clearly they don’t understand what’s going on,” the boy murmurs, “Okay look…” he starts, “We’re ghosts… alright we’re just three ghosts and we’re really happy to be home,” Lia gives Julie a side glance, “Soo… thank you for the flowers, they really brighten up the room.”
“We’re actually in a band called Sunset Curve,” the Efron boy starts.
“Tell your friends,” Leather boy smirks.
“Last night was supposed to be a really big night for us. It was gonna change our lives.”
“Umm I’m,” The sweater boy says, “I’m pretty sure it did.”
“This is freaking me out!” Julie pulls out her phone, Lia slowly pulls Julie closer to her, and pulls Julie’s cross back in front of them.
“Umm what is that,” Efron boy asks, pointing at Julie’s phone while the boys look kinda confused, “Uh what are you doin.”
“It’s her phone,” Lia says.
“Stop talking to them Lia,” Julie interrupts, “They aren’t real. There's no such thing as cute ghosts.”
“Oh so,” the leather boy steps up, smirking, “You think we’re cute?”
“Seriously dude!” Lia exclaims.
“Soo…” Pink sweater leans over, “Who you calling.”
“I’m googling sunset swerve.”
“SUNSET CURVE!” The boys say synchronized.
Lia rolls her eyes, as she looks over Julie’s shoulder.
“Whoa there is a sunset curve,” Julie looks from Lia to the boys, “You did die… but not last night… 25 years ago?”
Lia grabs onto Julie’s shoulder tighter as the boys protest, “25 years ago? No. No. No. That’s impossible,” Leather boy starts, “After we floated out of the ambulance all we did was go to that weird dark room where Alex,” He points to sweater dude, “Cried.”
“WELLL,” Alex squeals, “I don’t think I… I think we were all pretty upset… okay”
“But that was just for like an hour,” Efron boy starts, “We just showed up here.”
“Look,” Julie shows them her phone, “I’m just telling you what my phone says. See, you died in 1995,” Julie glances back at Lia, “When you were seventeen - it’s now 2020.”
“So we’re in the future?” Leather dude asks.
“Wait so,” Alex asks, “It has been 25 years? I have been CRYING for 25 years? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!”
“Well you’re a very emotional person,” Leather boy starts.
“I am not!” Alex protests.
“Thought you were afraid to come out here?” Carlos walks in, “Talking to your ghost friend? How does he look? Is he hideous?”
“Huh he can see you,” Alex says to leather boy.
“No” Lia interrupts, “No he can’t”
“Ahh what do you want Carlos?” Julie asks.
“A normal sister for starters, dad’s calling you for dinner. He said you could stay too if you wanted to Malia. Stop being weird and come eat.”
“He couldn’t see you…” Julie starts, glancing back at Lia.
“I mean yeah that’s… ” Alex starts, “Usually how ghosts work?”
“Look…” Julie starts, dragging Lia behind her and towards the doors, “I’m very sorry about what happened to you guys but you have to leave.”
“But wait we,” the Efron boy starts, “We didn’t get your guy’s names.”
“I’m Lia,” Lia says, “She’s Julie.”
“Cool, I’m Luke… ” Efron Boy starts, coming closer. Julie pulls out the cross again and Lia grips onto her, “by the way… and this is…”
“Reggie,” leather boy says, “Reggie. I’m Reggie, hey.”
“And Alex, how’s it going.”
“Ba dah”
“I… I need to leave, I’ll see you tomorrow Jules… I just. I have to go home,” Lia stutters as she runs out of the shed.
“Lia!” Julie says as the boys look on curiously, “Okay?”
Julie walks out leaving the boys behind.
“They seem nice,” Reggie says.
“Did you miss the part where Julie kicked us out…” Alex asks, “Yeah? Ok.”
Lia’s Perspective - After walking out
I’m so confused like what is happening. Mum and dad don’t talk about him much but it has to be him right? In a rock band. Died in 1995 - when he was seventeen. I’m so confused. It would make sense right? Being able to see my brother and his band mates. But he doesn’t know who I am. Or that I even exist! And how could Julie see them too, but Carlos couldn’t. My entire life had been hindered by someone I had never met and today I met him.
“Ugh this is so frustrating!”
Come on Malia Patterson, pull it together.
Once I get home I say hi to mum and dad and head straight upstairs. Instead of heading back into my room, I walk down the hall towards the bedroom that was always closed. A room that held many memories, many I will never know and some that I created.
Dad wasn’t home yet and I had been playing with my small guitar in my room. It wasn’t very good but I was only six. I had been writing a song and I wanted to show my mum. I wandered out of my bedroom and called out for her.
“Momma! MOMMA?”
I saw the door that was always closed open. Mommy always told me to not go in there alone. I slowly crept up towards the door and found momma sitting on the bed with tears falling down her face.
“Momma? Momma why are you sad?”
“Ohh… my sweetie, come here.”
Slowly I walked in and looked around. Walls covered with posters and a worn out acoustic guitar on the wall. Slowly I crawled onto the bed and touched my momma’s face.
“Momma why are you sad? Why are you crying?”
“Ohh I just miss your brother.”
“Momma why did he go away. Why can’t he come home?”
“Oh baby. Your brother is somewhere else. Somewhere happy. We want him to be happy right?”
“Yes momma. But I want you to be happy to!”
“Mommy I wrote a song, do you want to hear it? Maybe it can make you happy. And maybe Luke can listen to it and be happy too!”
My mum gently brought me onto her lap.
“Oh sweetheart, I don’t know.”
“What’s going on here?”
He came and sat with us on the bed.
“Malia was just going to play something”
“Yeah mommy, are you ready”
I jumped off her lap and started playing the song I wrote. That moment is one I don’t think I’ll ever forget. My high pitched screech going along with the untuned music from my guitar. The regret and remorse on my mother and the wet tears against my dad's eyes. I tried so hard to make them smile and I promised that one day I’ll make them happy no matter what it took - I promised to bring Luke back to them.
I chuckle to myself. I slowly open the door and walk in, closing the door behind me and flipping on the light switch. That moment was 10 years ago. After Luke’s death they had never come into this room until i was born and became curious about why this door was always closed. They never let me listen to rock music or listen to Luke’s music. Literally they’ve blocked the work rock from all my devices. Still, I would come hear and just take in the rock posters and listen to the few tapes left behind. I slowly reach for the guitar that I used to sneak into the room to play with. After I hit a certain age, mum took away my tiny guitar and would not let me play any “rock” instruments. Unfortunately for her I took after my big brother a little too much. She always used to say she couldn’t take the idea of losing another child. Sitting on the bed I quickly tune it and strum the worn out strings. Slowly I started playing that song I made all those years ago.
I’m sorry I can't be who
You’ve wanted me to be
I always tried to make you smile
But I’ll never be
Able to make you feel like he did
I’ll try my best to make you smile
And never cry again
But if you ever get sad
I promise to
Come and sing this song to you
Cause every time your tears fall
My heart breaks a bit
Cause I will never be able to
Make you smile like he did
I smile to myself, a little chuckle coming out as I gently place the guitar on the bed beside me, and lay down on my back. Is it possible that If I could see him, mum and dad could too? This whole thing is so confusing. And surreal. I met my brother. My big brother. My big brother who doesn’t even know I exist. I wonder what he’s like. Dad always said I reminded them of him so much, it hurt. I wonder how alike we really are. As my thoughts overrun my brain, I slowly close my eyes, thinking about how I could finally bring Luke back home to mum and dad and make them smile again.
The Next Morning - The Molina Household
Julie headed to the studio before Lia would pick her up to head for school. Yesterday had been a hard day for Julie but it must have been confusing as hell for Lia too. Julie wished her mum was around right now to talk to. She would have known what to do.
“Guys?” Julie asks, looking around the studio, “Guys?”
She slowly walks towards the grand piano, touching the words her mum had written. Julie lays them out in front of her and hovers her hand above the keys. Her hand slowly trembles as she starts to play.
Here's one thing I want you to know
You got some place to go
Life's a test, yes, but you go toe-to-toe
You don't give up, no, you grow
And you use your pain
'Cause it makes you you
Though I wish I could hold you through it
I know it's not the same
You got living to do
And I just want you to do it
So get up, get out relight that spark
You know the rest by heart
Wake up, wake up if it's all you do
Look down, look inside of you
It's not what you lost
It's what you'll gain raising your voice to the rain
The sunlight slowly streams through the window, almost as if Julie’s mum was hugging her
Wake up your dream and make it true
Look out, look inside of you
It's not what you lost
Relight that spark time to come out of the dark
Wake up, wake up
Mr. Molina smiles, hearing his daughter sing again for the first time in a year
Better wake those demons
Just look them in the eye
No reason not to try
Life can be a mess
I won't let it cloud my mind
I'll let my fingers fly
And I use the pain 'cause it's part of me
And I'm ready to power through it
Gonna find the strength, find the melody
'Cause you showed me how to do it
Lia makes her way towards the shed and pauses at the sound of Julie as a tear falls from her eye
Get up, get out relight that spark
You know the rest by heart
Wake up, wake up if it's all you do
Look down, look inside of you
It's not what you lost
It's what you'll gain raising your voice to the rain
Wake up your dream and make it true
Look out, look inside of you
It's not what you lost
Relight that spark time to come out of the dark
Wake up, wake up
Carlos stands outside, smiling, happy that he’s got his sister back
So, wake that spirit, spirit
I wanna hear it, hear it
No need to fear it you're not alone
You're gonna find your way, oh
Julie stands up, feeling the music and passion running through her veins as she sings her heart out
Wake up, wake up if it's all you do
Look down, look inside of you
It's not what you lost
It's what you'll gain raising your voice to the rain
Luke, Alex and Reggie whoosh in behind Julie and look on with admiration, empathy and betrayal
Wake up your dream and make it true
Look out, look inside of you
When you feel lost
Relight that spark time to come out of the dark
Wake up, mm, wake up
Julie slowly sits down, releasing a breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding onto. She reaches for the sheet music to see her mum had written, ‘Julie you can do it, Love Mum” She holds onto it as tears fall from her face as she looks up to the sky. The boys whoosh outside just as Lia comes in. She see’s Julie, takes a seat beside her and just holds onto her.
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*this GIF is not mine cause I literally do not know how to make GIFS... it is however made by @juliecurve​ so thank you for that
Now or Never. Performed by Sunset Curve
Wake Up. Performed by Maddison Reyes
*the other song is just made up of lyrics I actually wrote when I was eight like I legit found it in my notebook so I apologize I might change it in the future but for now these lyrics are important to our character Liv and they MIGHT give an insight to who she is as a human being
ALSO lemme know if you want me to write all the parts in the show (like scenes that don’t involve Lia - like would you have liked me to write Julie talking to the boys about her mum even though Lia wasn’t there - you can just message me about this or write it down below if you wanna see me do that) 
Again love y’all. Stay safe, be kind. Oh and tell your friends 😉 
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kai-anakin · 4 years
I love you
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Summary: Theo and Y/N never got along. The pack knew this, their friends knew this, everyone knew this, but as a tragic attack leaves Y/N badly hurt... Theo starts to realize what he truly feels for Y/N
Warnings: Angst, kinda slowburn
Authors note: this is my first fic ever so it might not be that good but I hope y’all enjoy 🥺
I had gotten a call from Stiles a few minutes ago telling me to hurry my ass out of my house for a new pack mission. He has been my best friend for years and the only other human besides myself in the McCall pack. I was assigned to go with Scott to find our newest enemy alpha leader. He was said to have a large pack of betas and known to be dangerous and would do anything for power. Yah not scary at all right.
As Scott and I left his car, we realized we walked into a trap. Multiple betas came hurdling at us as we tried to defend ourselves. One beta, probably just turned recently, came for my throat and left a huge mark. My neck was burning but I had to fight back or he would probably rip my throat out. Another beta came at me fast and I didn’t have time to react. They clawed at my abdomen. The room looked as if it was spinning and my head was pounding. I could tell I was losing a lot of blood already. Luckily Scott was there and managed to help us both escape into his car. He noticed the amount of blood I was losing and rushed me back to his house where the rest of our pack resided.
Everything was fast paced now. I could hear Stiles and Liam panicking as Lydia and Malia were yelling at Scott to rush me to the hospital. Lydia ran for her keys while Scott hurried me into his car. Derek was planning on driving, knowing how reckless Scott would be if he was driving while stressed. I looked around in the vehicle and everyone in the pack was present. Everyone but Theo. Of course he wouldn’t come, why would he? Actually it was quite a surprise that he didn’t come to laugh at my demise. To mock me for being weak and defenseless. To tell me how I don’t deserve to be in Scott’s pack. I tried as hard as I could to block out any thoughts about him, but I hate him so much sometimes he’s all I remember, all I can think about.
I always gloated to Theo about how much better I was than him. Now look at me, lying on my death bed barely breathing. A few minutes later I could hear the doctor outside telling Malia I would be fine after she threatened to rip his throat out. Typical Malia, her hearts in the right place at least, gotta love her for that.
The thought of coming out of this alive was unbelievable. I was human, I’m meant to be expendable but here I am. I survived. And with this thought I blacked out once again.
It’s been a few weeks since the incident and I started to recover slowly. I decided to make some popcorn and sit down to watch a movie when I heard a knock on my door. It was probably Stiles coming back to check in on me so I hurried to the door.
Once I opened the door I saw Theo. He looked as if he hadn’t slept in days. Bags under his eyes, messy hair, pale skin. I didn’t want to admit it but at times he made we wish I didn’t hate him the way I did. It was no secret that Theo was incredibly attractive and almost everyone at beacon hills high school was in love with him. Everyone but me. We stared at each other for a while until I finally motioned for him to come into the house. He seemed more tense than usual and I really wanted to ask why but at the same time my ego got in the way.
We stood in silence for a bit without saying anything to each other. My stitches started to burn and I winced in pain. I guess Theo seemed to notice because he rushed over and helped me onto my couch. He finally decided to say something.
“So I heard about your injury” he said awkwardly, trying to make conversation
“Yah it’s better now” I said giving him a small smile
“Why did you go with Scott”
“Why did you with him? You’re human, you know you would get hurt if you went against a whole pack of betas and an alpha” he said, his voice getting louder after each word
“He’s my friend, no one else could’ve gone with him because it was such short notice and we needed intel. I trust him with my life”
“You could’ve gotten killed by the way, do you understand that?” I’ve never seen Theo so angry and seeing him act like this annoyed me. Why was he doing this?
“Guess what, I’m alive and now we realize that the alpha is smarter than we expected. Enough intel has been obtained and now we can plan better for our next attack”
“What if you weren’t so lucky? What if I had lost y-” Theo was quick to stop himself. I didn’t hear the last part since he got so quiet.
“Why does this even matter to you? You hate me don’t you. Go about your day. Mock me. Make fun of me. That’s all you ever do right?”
“You really don’t get it do you”
“Get what? You hate me, I hate you. Why do you care so much, is it cause you won’t have anyone to belittle anymore if I died? Or is it cause you wanted to be the one to finish the job” I screamed in frustration
At this point Theo was mad. He looked at me, blue eyes piercing through my soul. I needed an answer. He can’t just come barging into my house, then tell me what to do.
“Why are you so quiet? Tell me why you came here.”
Theo realized what he said and quickly turned around, not able to look into my eyes. I still couldn’t process any of it. Was this just another trick to make me vulnerable? I hated him, I need to hate him. I couldn’t let my feelings get the best of me and let me expose myself to him. Theo started walking towards the door and grabbed the handle. I had to stop him. I knew the answer now.
“Theo..” I said so lightly but I knew he heard me. He was a werewolf after all.
He stopped before he could open the door, slowly turning to me. Theo still couldn’t face me but I inched closer to him. I didn’t need superhearing to hear how fast and loud his heart was beating. He couldn’t have been lying. I’ve never seen him so vulnerable.
“Look I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. You don’t owe me anything in return, I’ll leave now”
I moved my hand to his face, we were both afraid of what was happening but we let it happen. We wanted this. He flinched slightly at the touch of my hand at his face.
“Y/N I didn’t realize it at first, but all those times we fought, made fun of each other, teased one another... I enjoyed that. I missed you so much. Over the last few weeks I finally understood how much you mean to me. I can’t lose you Y/N. I was afraid that you would get hurt again which is why I was mad. You make me feel something no one has ever made me feel. I love you Y/N”
“Theo... I guess I didn’t want to come to terms with how I felt about you. Considering how annoying you were when we first met” the both of us laughed, remembering all those times we would tease each other to our hearts content. “But now I know, I love you theo raeken”
Theo started to smile and I could see him shy away. He lowered my hand away from his face and held it tightly. He took my face with his other hand and we looked deeply into each other’s eyes. We both wanted this so badly but neither of us could start it. I guess Theo couldn’t handle the tension anymore (he was always the more impatient one) and he smashed his lips onto mine. The kiss was innocent but intense all at once. If we didn’t run out of air we could’ve been doing this for hours. As soon as we started to stop breathing heavily he grabbed my waist and kissed me again. I moved my hand to his hair as he moved his lips to my neck. I never wanted anything more than him.
Unfortunately our fun came to an end once we heard Stiles’ Jeep pull over. I guess he finally remembered to check in on me. This boy never had good timing. EVER.
Stiles made a grand entrance through the door and saw me and Theo in each other’s arms.
“What the hell happened here?!?”
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ellewritesathing · 4 years
So Close - S.S. XLIX
Summary: The universe has a funny way of putting the things you want right in front of you, but just out of reach. Stiles and Y/N have been best friends ever since Scott brought him home, but when Stiles realizes that he might want to be something other than best friends, she leaves to go to some fancy private school up North. Now that she’s back though … maybe he’s got a shot? A Teen Wolf AU in which the reader has always been so close to Stiles and yet so far.
Masterlist   Prev. | Part 49
Word-count: 6.5k+
A/N: so i thought i had this queued up for a few weeks ago?? but here it is!! this was one of my favorite pieces to write
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Maiming you and Theo and then eating the Ghost Rider’s pineal gland wasn’t the only thing on Hauptmann’s - or Douglas’, the name he used at the high school - agenda for last night. He’d stolen the Ghost Rider’s whip and made Corey disappear.
It wasn’t all bad news, though: Lydia had managed to do the impossible. She brought back something of Stiles’ - only been his lacrosse jersey, but it was enough to solidify Stiles’ existence far beyond what you and Lydia felt or what Theo apparently remembered. 
Malia managed to get some information out of a newly-healed Peter while they were looking for a rift in the woods. Peter told her a bit about what happened when he was in limbo, chalking up his surviving the rift between worlds to his werewolf abilities because he and Stiles had watched a human burn into nothing when he tried to cross it. 
You felt sick to your stomach listening to Malia summarize Peter’s information. Despite all the craziness that your friends had been through, Stiles was human. He didn’t want to be anything other than human, and you couldn’t force him to change even if you wanted to. 
But Scott was willing to change him. If it meant bringing Stiles home, Scott was willing to take the risk of biting him. 
When all you could bring yourself to do was stare at him, Scott added in a strained voice, “We have to get him through the rift.” He pushed himself off the wall and walked over to the desk where Liam and Malia were looking through papers as he said, “It’s the only way.” 
Peter raised his hand as you and Lydia walked hesitantly over to the desk. “Just to clarify: Are you planning on biting everyone in the train station?” he asked. 
“With Stiles back, he’ll be able to help us figure out a plan to bring back everyone else,” Scott said. “He’s good at that.” 
Annoyance tinged your vision. Did Scott want Stiles back because he was his best friend, or because he was the only one who could come up with a plan to save the day? 
“So the plan is to get Stiles back so that he can come up with a plan?” you asked, sounding more venomous than you meant to. 
Giving you a harsh look, Malia asked, “Whose side are you on?” 
“Malia, look around,” Peter said. Your annoyance grew as you realized that you had been agreeing with Peter. Oblivious to your thoughts, he continued, “We’re the only ones left in Beacon Hills. If they take us, Lydia will be the only left to haunt this place.”
“That’s why I’m the only person that’s going in,” Scott said. 
“No,” you said instantly. You were arguing before you even knew what your argument would be; all you knew was that Scott wouldn’t go in there alone. 
True to his older brother fashion, Scott talked over all your protests. “You guys will stay here with Mason. As long as somebody is left in Beacon Hills, the Wild Hunt can’t move on,” he said.
“I like your plan, Scott. I really do,” Peter said in a tone that implied that he didn’t like Scott’s plan, not even a little bit. “Especially the part about turning Stiles.” He stopped pacing. “But it can’t work.” 
“How do you know?” Malia asked. 
“Logic. Life experience,” Peter said. “Liam, what are the odds that he’ll get taken?” Without waiting for an answer, Peter went on. “What if Stiles isn’t there? What if there’s no Beacon Hills for you to come back to?”
“Okay, you got a better idea?” Liam asked. 
“Uh, yeah,” Peter said, sounding like it should have been obvious. “It’s called ‘run like hell.’” He turned to Malia while the rest of you were too stunned to say anything. “So, we leave in five?”
“You promised you’d help us,” Malia said as she walked closer to him. 
Watching her argue with him - knowing that Peter was her dad - made you feel like you were doing something you weren’t supposed to. You knew whatever happened with their relationship wasn’t any of your business, but you couldn’t block it out no matter how hard you tried.
“If you can’t help us find the rift-” Scott interrupted their argument, “Then we’ll find it ourselves.” 
“Scott, I admit that you have a flair for beating the odds,” Peter said with a sigh. You wanted more than anything for Derek to be here instead of him. “But this? You don’t walk away from this.” He started backing out of the sheriff’s station. “You run.”
“I hate him,” you said without meaning to. Ever since your memories of Peter had come back, you’d been very careful about what you said in front of Malia, but all the memories of comforting her and talking to her about Peter was nothing compared to the anger you felt in that moment. 
Malia turned away from the door with a sad look in her eye. She set her face into a carefully cold expression and said, “Me too.”
The new plan was essentially the same as the old plan: divide and conquer. Liam, Hayden, and Mason were supposed to babysit Theo in the sheriff’s station while you, Malia, Scott, and Lydia went into the woods to find the rift. 
“When you were out here the last time, how long until the Ghost Riders showed up?” Scott asked.
Malia stepped over the tree roots carefully, squinting against the sun slightly. “A couple minutes.”  
“That’s reassuring,” Lydia mumbled as she stepped over the same roots. 
“What is the rift supposed to like?” you asked. “Like some magical portal or more just noticing that something isn’t quite right?”
“If it’s a tear in the fabric of our world, then theoretically it could look like anything from a microscopic black hole to a free-floating Einstein-Rosen bridge,” Lydia said. 
After a second of awkward silence, you asked, “You, uh, don’t happen to have any pictures of those on you, do you?”
Lydia gave you a look that she only reserved for Liam when he tried to steal some of her Red Vines on movie nights. “No,” she said, “I don’t have any pictures on me.” 
“Let’s split up,” Scott suggested, in an attempt to diffuse the tension.
Instead of arguing, the four of you went off in opposite directions and hoped for the best. You didn’t get very far before Scott called you all to look at an old drain pipe. The bars had been broken and curled outwards, like something had burst out of the pipe.
Scott bent down to investigate and picked up a leaf. 
“The rift’s not above us,” Lydia said. “It’s below.”
“Well,” you said with a sigh and knelt down next to Scott in the dirt. “Who wants to go in first?”
Scott gave you an uneasy smile and crawled into the pipe. You followed close behind him, helping Lydia over the bent bars, and Malia crawled in after you guys. After about a minute, you guys arrived at a service hatch and climbed down the ladder to find yourselves in the same tunnels that the Dread Doctors had used. 
Dusting off your hands, you set to work looking for the rift in the very frustratingly normal-looking tunnels. You made your way as a group until you reached a fork in the road. You went left and Malia went right, and then Malia crashed backward into the floor.
“Found it!” Malia said triumphantly as you helped her to her feet. 
Lydia walked past you and towards the rippling in the air. She held a hand out but was careful not to touch it. “It’s remarkably similar,” she said quietly.
“To what?” you asked.
“To the Einstein-Rosen bridge,” Lydia said. “See why I couldn’t have shown you a picture?”
You sighed and nodded reluctantly before turning your attention to the rift. It looked almost like nothing, but you had to figure out a way to cross all that nothing without being flung backward by Lydia’s Einstein-Rosen bridge.
Malia, it seemed, was thinking something similar. She broke off a piece of pipe and threw it into the rift. After almost decapitating Scott, she picked up the pipe again and started ramming it into the rift. All that happened was that the pipe got burnt and Malia burnt out. She groaned and threw the pipe to the side.
“There’s gotta be another way,” you said. “Lyd, do you have any other ideas?”
“I just need a minute to think,” Lydia said with a strained smile. She lifted her hand to her face to help her think.
“Think about how to get through a supernatural rift that melts steel.” Scott met your eye and frowned slightly. 
“I didn’t say it would be easy,” Lydia said, sounding partly humorous and partly defensive.
A voice caught your attention from the dark. “But it doesn’t have to be so hard,” he said. Douglass. Hauptmann. Creepy physics teacher. He stepped into the light with a look that could only be described as devious.
“He followed our scent,” Scott said as he stepped forward. 
“I followed your desperation,” Douglass corrected. Your back ached with the memory of when he almost killed you; it had been so easy for him to take you out. “We’re all in a tough spot. Desperate to get inside and save everyone, and hoping to find a way to stop this army of the dead. We all want the same thing.”
There was something about the way he worded his sentences that creeped you out, but you were starting to think that everything he did creeped you out. 
“He has a point,” Lydia said with a reluctant tilt of his head. 
“Yeah, if he doesn’t kill anyone,” Malia said.
“Else,” Scott corrected. “If he doesn’t kill anyone else.”
“All that matters right now is getting through the rift,” Douglas said.
“Anything that touches the rift either bounces back or burns,” you said. “So you’re welcome to give it a try.”
“Oh, I think I’ll let someone else try it out first,” Douglas said with a sinister smile. He didn’t move, but Parrish walked out of the darkness behind him. He snarled at you, and his eyes were a bright green color instead of his usual golden red. 
Lydia called his name gently, trying to get his attention. 
“If the Hellhound can open the rift, we all go together,” Douglas said. 
“You’re the bad guy,” Malia told him. “I’m pretty sure helping you is a bad idea.”
“Good guy, bad guy. When has anything ever been so black and white?” Douglas asked. 
“Says the Nazi,” you scoffed. Your friends looked at you and you forgot they hadn’t been there when Douglas and Theo spoke to one another. 
“And he wants the Hunt for himself,” Liam said as he appeared from the other tunnel. He looked like he'd run all the way here from the police station. “He wants his own supernatural army.”
Douglas sighed and unfurled the whip he’d stolen from the Ghost Rider. Your breath hitched. 
“We’re not letting you through that rift,” Scott said.
“Not letting me?” Douglas repeated. “I see. You still think you have a say in the matter.”
Douglas cracked the whip and you pulled Liam back with you as your friends ducked. Scott shifted in an instant and roared at him, and Douglas cracked the whip again. He wasn’t trying to make any of you disappear, though you knew he wouldn’t hesitate if you didn’t move out of the way. Douglas just wanted you out of the way. 
You pulled your friends, one by one, to the side of the tunnel. 
“Hollenhund,” Douglas called. 
Parrish followed behind him obediently. He started tearing through the rift without needing to be told what to do, and for a moment you were too hopeful to remember that he wasn’t on your side. 
Scott remembered. “Parrish, stop!” he yelled.
But Parrish wasn’t listening to anyone other than Douglas. He continued to rip through the rift until it completely dissolved, not caring about how burnt and damaged he’d gotten in the process.
“Wunderbar,” Douglas said as he looked at what was left of the rift.
Parish roared at you as Douglas said something in German. He roared again as the burn marks spread further across his body. They started walking through the rift. 
“Now!” Scott yelled. 
The five of you bolted towards the rift but it sealed shut before you got there. Liam pulled you back before you lost an arm to the rift as it closed.
“No, no, no!” You pulled your arm away and reached out for the rift again, but Scott pulled you back just before two Ghost Riders stepped out. “No,” you whispered, backing away while keeping your eyes on the rift. 
“Y/N, take Liam and Lydia to the bunker,” Scott said over his shoulder. 
You forced yourself to look away from the rift and nodded at him. Taking one of Lydia’s hands in yours and Liam’s in the other, the three of you started running towards the bunker while you ignored the sinking feeling that hope was for suckers.
The bunker was further than you expected, and you had to keep tugging Liam back so Lydia could keep up. You froze when a roar broke through the tunnels. 
“That wasn’t Scott,” you said. You recognized it but you refused to let that roar belong to Scott. 
“Well, it didn’t sound promising,” Liam mumbled. 
“They rarely are. We need to keep going,” Lydia said. She shuffled to the front but all three of you stopped when you saw a Ghost Rider. It snarled at you and Lydia pulled you and Liam behind her.
You started to argue that you should be the one to take the hit, but the Ghost Rider raised his gun slowly up to the ceiling. He didn’t shoot at you. 
“What’s happening?” Liam whispered.
“I don’t know, but you guys need to stay behind me,” Lydia said. 
You couldn’t let anything happen to her. “Lyd-”
“Trust me,” she said.
Using Lydia as a shield, the three of you edged your way around the Ghost Rider and ignored the snarling until it was safe enough to start running to the bunker. It was closer now, but you didn’t stay long before Scott and Malia came to tell you that the coast was clear. 
The coast didn’t feel very clear when they told you that Peter was taken, or when you came home to an empty house. It was very, clearly muddy when the operator told you that the number you’d dialed had been disconnected and asked you politely to check the number and try again. 
“Scotty,” you said gently, reaching your hand across the table to hold his. Scott pressed the redial button. “Hey.” You touched his face. “We’re getting her back, okay? I promise.” 
Scott didn’t say anything. You held his hand a little tighter and let your other one fall to your side. 
“What do we do now?” Liam asked awkwardly. 
“We can’t hide from them,” Malia said, easing herself into the chair across from you.
“What about Lydia?” Liam asked as he stood up. “The Ghost Rider was afraid of her.”
“It wasn’t fear. It’s …” Lydia took a breath. She and Liam sat at the table. “It’s almost like reverence.”
“It doesn’t matter. The rift is gone,” Scott said. It had been a long time since you’d heard him sound so hopeless. “We’re the only ones left in Beacon Hills.” 
A knock at the door interrupted your hollow comforts and Noah stepped into the kitchen. You hadn’t realized how happy you were that he hadn’t disappeared like everyone else until you saw him, despite the argument you’d had the last time you’d seen each other. 
Noah met your eye as he pulled up a chair. “I have a son,” he said. “His name is Michislav Stilinski, but we call him Stiles. I remember.” He took a breath. “When Stiles was a little kid, he couldn’t say his first name. Not sure why, it pretty much rolls off the tongue,” Noah explained with a hollow laugh. “But, uh, the closest he could get was ‘mischief.’ His mother called him that until …” 
You reached a hand out to Noah and he didn’t pull away. His hand was warm.
“I remember when, uh- When Stiles first got his Jeep,” Noah went on. His voice sounded raw. “It belonged to his mother. She wanted him to have it. The first time when he took a spin behind the wheel, he went straight into a ditch. I gave him his first roll of duct tape that day. He was always getting into trouble, but he always had a good heart. Always.”
Noah squeezed your hand and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. 
“And we’re here tonight because my goofball son decided to drag Scott - his greatest friend in the world - into the woods to see a dead body,” Noah finished. 
“How did you remember?” Scott asked softly.
Noah sighed. “It started with Stiles’ jersey,” he said with a look at Lydia. “Then I found the red string for his crime board. Finally, his whole room came back … and all the memories.” 
Your mind drifted to the Feliscore Arcade token in your pocket and you felt a sudden stab of jealousy that was so violent that you had to check to make sure that your claws weren’t out. They weren’t. Noah still had his fingers. 
“And then the strangest thing happened,” Noah said, snapping you back to reality. “I- I thought I saw him. It was like something opened right there in the middle of the room. Just for a moment.”
“A rift,” you said instantly. “It doesn’t matter the other the rift closed. If we remember Stiles, then we’ll open another one.” You got to your feet. “Can you- can you take me to his room? Anything. I need-” 
Lydia said your name when you were talking and then again louder when you didn’t listen to her. “We need to slow down and think,” she said.
“I can’t!” you snapped. “All we’ve been doing is waiting, Lydia. I need to remember him.”
“We will,” Lydia promised. Her voice was strained and her eyes pleading. “We just need a little more time. Please.”
You clenched your jaw and caught Noah’s eye. Reluctantly, you sat back down. “Okay,” you said quietly. “What are you thinking?” 
As you got the freezer ready in Chris’ bunker, you thought of submerging Isaac in ice water to get him to remember what happened when he found Boyd and Erica. It had been dangerous, but he insisted on doing it to find his friends. This was dangerous, but you all insisted on doing it to find Stiles.
As you hoped Isaac was doing alright, Scott slammed the bunker door shut behind Lydia and strained to turn the lock. 
“Do you think it’ll hold them off?” Malia asked. 
“No, but it’s all we’ve got,” you said. Your eyes flicked over to the freezer and you walked over to it. “I don’t know how cold this thing gets but it didn’t kill Parrish so I think I can handle it.” 
“What does freezing have to do with remembering anyway?” Malia asked, clearly not impressed by the freezer. 
“It’ll slow your heart rate and put you in a trance-like state,” Lydia explained. She looked at all the dials, buttons, and levers. “If we can figure out how to work it.”
“Well, this says ‘start’ and that says ‘stop’ so maybe it’s not that complicated,” Malia said. “Who’s first?”
“Me,” you said instantly. 
“No,” Scott said. He looked at you carefully, doing his best not to argue. “Please. I need to do this.”
“Okay,” you said quietly. You nodded at him. “Be careful, please.”
Scott nodded and flipped a switch on the freezer. He turned around to take off his shirt and you tried to prepare yourself for what was going to happen. At least when it had been Isaac, you could hold his hand, but there was no hand-holding through the metal.
“Okay. It’s doing something. Are you ready?” Malia asked. 
Scott gave a run-of-the-mill answer as he opened the freezer door. He looked at you as Lydia locked him inside. You hated this. 
“Remember,” Lydia said, “this will get cold enough to kill you. So if something feels wrong or like it’s not working-” 
“It’s going to work,” Scott said.
“I hope you’re not saying that because you think I know what I’m doing,” Lydia said.
Scott smiled. “I’m saying that because I know you can figure it out.”  
Without another word, Lydia nodded and turned the temperature down on the freezer. All four knobs were turned to their maximums.
Scott started gasping and shivering. “Oh, okay. Alright, yeah- that’s really cold,” Scott sputtered. “Like really cold.”
“Scotty, it’s okay.” You took a step closer and put your hand on the glass. “I’m right here with you and I’m not going to let anything happen to you. You’re safe.” You were distantly aware of Malia and Lydia talking behind you but you were focused on your brother. “I need you to focus on my voice, okay? Can you hear me in there?”
“Scott, you have to concentrate on Stiles,” Lydia said as she took a step closer to you. “Try to picture him in your head. Think about what he looks like. The things he said.” 
The freezer whirred loudly and Malia tensed. “I don’t like this,” she said. “Something’s wrong.”
“We need to give it a few seconds,” you said quietly. “With Isaac, he freaked out before it finally-” 
Scott groaned and put his hand on the glass, exactly opposite yours. And then his whole body went still. He opened his eyes and they shined a brilliant red. 
“Scott, can you hear me?” Lydia asked. He didn’t answer but his heart beat steadily. He was still breathing. “Scott, don’t fall asleep. You have to keep your eyes open.” 
Scott sounded far away when he spoke again, “I’m trying.”
“It’s not sleep. I think you’re losing consciousness,” Lydia explained. “And if you do that, I think we’re going to lose you.” Scott’s eyes kept fluttering closed. 
“Scott, stay awake,” Malia ordered. “Scott!”
Scott’s eyes closed. In that far away voice, he said, “Stiles, please let me out. It’s the full moon, I swear.” Your blood ran cold. It was working. “You know I wouldn’t do any of this on purpose. And it’s killing me. I feel completely … completely hopeless. Just let me out. Please?” 
Your heart was going to beat out of your chest. Scott kept mumbling disjointed conversation and looking around him like he was looking for something. 
“Scott, try to find him,” Lydia urged. “Try to find him in your memories.” 
Scott’s heartbeat skyrocketed and he looked more frantic. It was just like when Isaac didn’t want to remember finding Erica’s body. He was terrified.
“Find him in any memory. Good or bad,” Lydia told him.
Scott looked like he was having a panic attack. Malia said he looked like he was lost. 
“I think he is. I think maybe it’s too much information,” Lydia said. 
“Isaac overloaded when he tried to remember,” you said quietly. You took your eyes off Scott to look at Lydia. “How do we get him to focus?” 
Lydia took a shaky breath and looked at your brother. “Scott, can you hear me? You have to try to focus!”
Scott covered his ears with his hands. 
“You hear that?” Malia asked, walking towards the door. 
“Thunder?” Lydia asked. 
“Maybe,” Malia said. 
“Guys, we need to figure this out,” you said. “Scott is going to fry his brain if we can’t get him to focus, and then he’ll freeze to death.”
“I know!” Lydia took a shaky breath. “This is my first time opening a dimensional rift in space-time. I’m kind of just fumbling around in the dark here.” She got a look on her face that you recognized whenever she got an idea. “The dark,” she repeated. “I think we have to treat this more like actual hypnosis. They use images to guide you through the memories.”
“Okay, then let’s give him an image,” you said. 
“Scott, can you hear me?” Lydia asked again. “Listen to me. I need you to imagine this. Imagine you’re in the high school. Visualize yourself in the high school, in the corridor where all the lockers are. Just try to imagine standing there. That’s where your memories are. They’re all in the lockers. They’re locked away behind each one. Every memory of Stiles is in a separate locker.”
Scott was still straining. He looked like he was in pain. 
“Scott, you’re there. You’re in the high school,” Lydia said. “You’re standing there now.” 
Scott went still. He dropped his hands and looked around slowly, carefully.
“Stiles, you there?” Scott asked quietly. Louder, he said, “Lydia, I need your help. I don’t think I can do this. I can’t figure it out.”
“You have to keep looking,” Lydia said gently. 
“There are all these memories, but I don’t know which one’s the right one,” Scott said.
“Find another memory,” Lydia said. After your whispering, she added, “Any other memory will work. You just have to keep trying.”
Scott stayed still for a long time without saying anything else. 
“It’s getting too cold,” Lydia said behind you. She walked closer to the tank to read one of the gauges. “He’s getting too cold.”
“What if it’s not enough to remember him?” Malia asked. “What if it’s some kind of a connection he’s supposed to make because of a memory?”
“Like an emotional connection?” you asked. 
“That could be why it worked for Stilinski, right?” Malia asked. 
“Scotty,” you said hesitantly. “All these memories are important, but Stiles is more than just a memory, okay? He is your best friend. He’s the person that’s been with you even before you were bitten, and he’s the person that will be there for you long after all this is over. He’s a piece of you. Scotty, he’s more than a memory. He’s your brother.”
Scott was so still that he looked dead. His heart was thready, faint. For a moment, he stopped breathing. Then he gasped and his eyes burned bright. Malia managed to pull him out just before he collapsed. 
“What’s wrong? Why did you bring me out?” Scott cried. You never thought you’d be so happy to hear him whining.
“Your heart rate dropped. You were going to die,” Lydia told him harshly.
“We had to,” Malia said. 
“But- but nothing happened, did it?” Scott asked. You looked away from him. “It didn’t work.”
You wouldn’t allow yourself to feel hopeless. You stood up and set your jaw. “I’m going in,” you said. “We know how to make it work now. You can get me to focus quicker. I- I’ll remember more.” 
“No, put me back in,” Scott said. “I could feel something happening.” 
“Yeah, hypothermia,” you said as you stepped around him. “Scotty, you’ve gotta let me do this or it will kill you.”
Scott stared at you for a few hard seconds. “Okay,” he said eventually. 
“No, it’s too dangerous,” Lydia argued. 
“Lyd, I love you but I’m going in there whether you help me or not,” you said. “You can either help me, or you can let me fumble through the dark and melt my brain.” 
Lydia didn’t want to help you, but she knew you weren’t going to back down. “Okay, I have an idea for a visual,” she said. “But I’m not letting you kill yourself in there. If your heart rate drops-” 
“You’ll pull me out,” you said with a smile. You kissed her cheek as you dashed around her into the freezer. “Let’s do this.” 
Malia locked you in the freezer and Scott turned all the dials. You did your best to ignore them and focus on Lydia telling you to picture yourself in a car. Any car, as long as it had a radio. 
“Every memory is a station,” Lydia said in her calm and clear voice. “You can change the station whenever you want. Are you sitting in the car right now?”
You looked around and found yourself in the powder blue Jeep. You felt yourself smile. “Yeah,” you said, putting your hand on the old gearshift. “Yeah, I’m in the car.” 
“Okay, I need you to turn on the radio,” Lydia told you. “Every station is a new memory, and I need you to find a memory where you connected with Stiles. Can you do that?” 
“Yes,” you said quietly. You took your hand from the gearshift and touched the radio knob.
Taking a breath, you switched it on and immediately fell into a memory. 
The spring in your bed poked into your back uncomfortably, but you didn’t hardly noticed anymore. Your body was sore and tired, and all you could think about was Stiles’ voice on the other end of the line. 
“I really miss you,” you said before you could stop the words tumbling out of your mouth. Your hand tensed around the drawstring you’d been fiddling with. “I mean, not like you specifically. I miss being at home. With Scott. And my mom. And …”
“Me?” Stiles suggested drily. You heard him move around and sigh on the other end. “I miss you too, McCall. No one’s here to drive my Jeep into an old lady’s mailbox.”
“That was one time! It’s your fault for not telling me which one was the brake and which one was the accelerator.” 
“I thought that was pretty freaking self-explanatory.”
You argued with him but you laughed anyway. You were filled with a light feeling in your chest as the line got quieter. The tiredness in your muscles faded into fuzzy happiness.
“You still there?” Stiles asked quietly. 
“I’m still here,” you said softly. 
The line was quiet again. After a few minutes, you heard Stiles snoring softly. 
“I’ll see you soon, Stilinski,” you said with a small smile. “I love you.” 
You breathed heavily and tried to focus. That wasn’t enough. You turned the station. 
Stiles taught you how to drive. You taught him how to punch someone without snapping his wrist. He wrote you letters while you were at Willow Creek. You wrote him poems. Stiles. Stiles. Stiles. 
He was everywhere but none of the memories were the right ones. None of them felt powerful enough to bring him back. You changed the station again, begging the Jeep to show you something meaningful. 
The cold air washed over your face mercilessly, but you didn’t mind. The music coming from inside the rave was so far away that it actually sounded peaceful; thumping in time with your heartbeat as you balanced along the inner arc of Stiles’ mountain ash barrier. 
“Is it always like this?” you asked, shooting him a teasing smile. He looked pretty in the moonlight. 
“Yeah, pretty much,” Stiles said with a half-hearted sigh. He looked like he was going to say something else but then he squinted at the bag in his hand. Something was wrong. “Hey, does it look like this bag is getting empty?” He brought it closer to his face to take a look, but before you could answer, he’d poured what was left into his hand. “Crap, crap, crap, cr-” 
“Stiles,” you said, snapping him out of his stupor. “Calm down.” You put your hands on each of his shoulders and shook him lightly as you took a deep breath that you hoped he’d mimic. 
Stiles refused to take a deep breath. Instead, he said, “Calm down? There’s like fifty feet of ground to cover and I’ve got like three sprinkles of magic fairy dust left!” He looked over to where the mountain ash needed to reach, shook his head, and took a shaky breath. “You know what? I’ll call Scott. Scott always knows what to do. I’ll call him.” 
Stiles started fumbling for his phone but you caught his wrist and placed your hand over his. He stopped moving. “Stiles,” you said gently. “You don’t need to call Scott. You’ve got this. Plus, he probably won’t answer anyway.” 
Stiles said your name in a replica of your tone of voice and added, “We don’t have enough mountain ash. Scott will help us.” 
“Stiles!” You let out an exasperated sigh and let go of his hand. Looking him straight in the eye, you said, “This is your job. It’s all on you. You’ve gotta believe you can do this. Scott believes you. Deaton believes in you. I believe-” 
You didn’t get the chance to tell Stiles that you believed in him because he kissed you. It was the first time that Stiles had ever kissed you, and it was better than anything you could have imagined. Your hand moved up to the side of his neck and your fingertips lightly covered his jaw. 
“What was that for?” you asked quietly when he pulled away. You looked in his eyes and tried to find the answer. 
When he spoke again, Stiles sounded like he was telling you a secret. Something he couldn’t quite explain himself. He said, “For believing in me.” 
You let out another harsh breath as Lydia yelled that they were pulling you out. 
“No!” you yelled. You changed the stations again until you found something.  “One more memory. I just need one more-”
“It’s me. I’m next.” Stiles' voice sounded hollow as he lowered his phone from his ear. He slid it into his pocket and then he started running. 
Even though you couldn’t remember him, you ran after him. He’d already been taken from you but you were determined not to let him disappear. 
When you finally caught up to him, you grabbed his hand. “Hey!” It took Stiles a painstaking second to realize that you weren’t a threat. He recognized you, even if you had no idea who was back then. “Hey, let me help you,” you said quietly.
“What’s my name?” Stiles asked with a trembling voice and tears in his eyes. You knew him, and you knew the way his hands felt, and you knew his favorite color was blue, but you didn’t know his name. All you knew was how badly you wanted to make him safe. “Oh, god. You don’t remember me.” 
“I know you,” you said adamantly. Your hand tightened around his. “I don’t- I don’t know how. I know you.” 
Even though your hands were intertwined, Stiles lifted your hands to either side of your face and kissed you. The kiss was over in a second but it felt like you’d been kissing him all your life. 
“I love you, but I’ve gotta go,” he said, sounding heartbroken. 
He pulled away and started running again when you grabbed his hand again. “No! Let me come with you,” you begged.  
Stiles looked like every second he spent with you broke his heart, and now you knew why. “You don’t even remember me.” 
“But I know you,” you said. You changed your grip on his hand so that your fingers laced together tightly. “And I’m not letting anything happen to you. So wherever you’re running … I’m running, too.”
“Okay,” Stiles said quietly, not entirely believing what he’d agreed to. He nodded. “Okay, let’s go.”
Stiles started running, leading through the school at a pace too slow for a werewolf. Back then, you’d thought he might have been like Lydia because of how he kept looking at things that you couldn’t see and pulling you out of invisible danger. 
“Don’t look at them,” Stiles warned. He sounded frantic. “Whatever you do, don’t fight them and don’t look at them or they’ll take you too.” 
“But I-” 
“Promise me.” 
“I promise. No matter-” 
The words caught in your throat. You wanted to yell ‘no matter what’ until you were blue in the face, but you had no control over the memory. 
Stiles dragged you to his Jeep and fumbled for the keys as you slammed the doors shut behind you. He froze when he realized there was no escaping. He looked around and took a deep breath, holding the keys in his hand. 
“Hey, we can still get out of here,” you said gently, leaning over to touch his hand. Fire spread through your fingertips.
“No,” Stiles said quietly. He looked over at you with the saddest, most hopeless expressions you’d ever seen. He broke your heart. “There’s no time.” 
“There’s plenty of time,” you argued. You moved closer, trying to move his keys into the ignition. “Just start the car. We can go anywhere you want.” 
“Hey, listen to me.” Stiles turned and cupped your face like he did in the hall, but he didn’t kiss you this time. “My name is Stiles. I’m gonna be erased, just like Alex. You’re going to forget me.” 
“Stiles,” you repeated. “Stiles, I won’t forget you. Not again, okay? I can’t- I can’t lose again.” 
“I love you,” Stiles said. And you knew he meant it. He knew you better than you knew yourself, and he loved you. 
“I lo-” 
The doors opened and you fell out of the freezer too soon. You didn’t get the chance to tell Stiles that you loved him, no matter what he did, no matter what happened to him. That you'd loved him since before you knew what love was. 
“No, no, no,” you cried, fighting against Scott to crawl your way back to the freezer. “Let me go back to him. I need to tell him-”  
“I know,” Scott said. He held you so tightly that his skin burned you to the touch. 
“Scotty, please.” You sounded pathetic. Your face was clammy and wet with tears. You didn’t even know what you were asking him for as the whole bunker shook and green light filtered through the few windows high up. “Stiles,” you whispered. 
You got to your feet and walked over to the door, leaning too heavily on Scott as the ice stubbornly clung to your bones and stabbed your muscles. There was a white light at the end of the tunnel and you pushed away from Scott to move towards it. 
And then he started walking towards you. Stiles was right there. 
You started running towards him with all the supernatural speed you could muster up, but he was gone before you even had the chance to give out beneath you. Stiles was gone and all he left you with was a pair of bloody palms to break your fall.
“No.” It was all you could get out. “No, I have to… have to get back in the freezer. I have to remember.”
Scott said your name gently as he helped you up. He told you that you couldn’t go back into the freezer because it would kill you. 
“But he was here,” you said. “You saw him.”
“We didn’t see anyone,” Malia said. 
“I saw him,” Lydia told you. “Stiles was here.”
Tagged: @ietss​  @used-avocado​  @trustfundparker​
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samdeancass · 3 years
Welcome to the Family
Requested by: Anonymous
Pairing: None
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Characters: Derek, Malia, Peter, Cora, Scott, Stiles
A/N: AU where Cora doesn't leave Beacon Hills. Set after the events of 3b.
Description: After the Hale family find out that Malia is Peter's daughter, they take her in and train her coyote side whilst Scott and Stiles help her to be human.
Derek falls back in shock but manages to catch himself on the corner of a table. Peter cradles his head in his hands. Derek closed his eyes and grimaced, putting a hand on his forehead.
“Will you please stop the brooding and tell me what you seen?” Cora was leaning against a pillar, arms crossed across her chest. Derek looked up and took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing mind. “Peter....has a daughter.”
Cora steps forward, both concern and confusion written in her features. “What do you mean Peter had a daughter?! Who is she? More importantly, who did he have a kid with?”
Derek stayed silent for a few seconds before answering. “The Desert Wolf.” Cora stood in the middle of the room in shock, her mouth hanging agape. Peter stood up from his chair and turned around to face his niece and nephew. “There’s no chance I’m going to let the desert wolf try and get her clutches into my daughter.”
Peter walked towards the door whilst Cora and Derek stared at each other in confusion. “Where are you going?!” Peter turned his head to face them. “I’m going to bring my daughter home.” Cora opened her mouth to speak but Peter disappeared around the corner before she could get a word out.
“Who is his daughter?” Derek turned to his sister, sincerity in his eyes. “It’s Malia.”
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Peter drove up to Malia’s house and switched off the engine. He sat in his car for about half an hour trying to figure out the best way to tell Malia. Peter took a deep breath and stepped out of the car before heading down the pathway. He waited a few seconds before knocking, gathering his courage.
A number of thoughts whizzed through his mind. What if she wants nothing to do with me? I’m never going to be a good enough father for her. She’ll be better off without me. Peter was just about to walk away when the door opened.
“Peter? What are you doing here?” His eyes widened as he heard Malia’s voice behind him. His heart began to beat faster in his chest as anxiety began coursing through his body. “Hi, Malia. We have some stuff to talk about. Can I come in?”
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Derek paced back and forth across the apartment floor. “What the hell is taking him so long?” Cora rolled her eyes at her brothers impatience and turned to Scott and Stiles, who had been called in for reinforcements.
“I get how you can help, Scott. You’re an alpha werewolf, a true alpha. But what in the hell is pipsqueak over here supposed to do. He’s a human, a rather weak one at that. How is he supposed to help?”
“Hey! I’m right here!” Stiles shook his head whilst Scott stepped forward. “Well, Stiles is Malia’s anchor. He can bring her back if things get out of control.” Cora nodded her head in understanding. “Alright, but I’m sure I’ll be able to diffuse the situation myself.”
Stiles opened his mouth to say something back but was interrupted by the door opening behind him. Everybody braced themselves for what was about to come; but nothing did.
Peter walked through the door first, looking very pleased with himself, then Malia walked inside, looking a little wary. Stiles walked towards her and wrapped his arms around her waist, engulfing her into a comforting embrace. “Are you Ok?”  Stiles pulled away and looked into Malia’s eyes for any sign of worry.
“I’m fine, Stiles. It’s just going to take a little while to get used to. I mean, I’m a Hale. My father’s Peter of all people and my uncle’s Derek! My whole life has been turned upside down in a matter of hours.” Stiles kissed the top of her head and pulled her close into his chest as a way to protect her from the world.
Peter walked straight towards Derek and Cora, Scott following quickly behind. “What did you tell her?” Derek looked down at his uncle, a frustrated look consuming his features. “What do you think I told her? Everything, dumbass.”
Peter rolled his eyes at his nephews idiotic question. “Well, she seems to have taken it well.” Cora nodded towards Stiles and Malia and the others followed her gaze. “Yeah, not at first.”
They all turned to Peter, wanting him to elaborate. “I began with who her mother was, which she already knew  by the way, and then I told her about what happened between the desert wolf and myself which then led onto me telling her that I’m her father. Her eyes glowed and I thought she was going to kill me.” Scott muffled a laugh. “She’d have done us all a favour.”
Peter glared at the Alpha before continuing his story. “As I was saying. She became a little angry but then she calmed down once it all began to set in. I told her that I, we, were going to help her hone her skills as a were-coyote.”
Cora and Derek groaned. “Seriously?! You couldn’t have asked us first before you signed us up for babysitting duty?!” “Well, I’m sorry. I thought you’d want to help your newly-found niece.”
Scott rolled his eyes at the bickering and walked over to Stiles and Malia. “Hey, everything Ok?” They both nodded. “I heard that Peter is going to help you with your coyote side.” Malia shrugged. “Yeah, I don’t know how well that’s going to go, you know, considering...”
She motioned over towards the bickering ‘adults’, to which Stiles and Scott shook their heads. “Well, how about we balance things out? Me and Stiles will help you with the normal human life stuff, like school.” Malia took a second to decide but nodded. “That sounds good.”
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On that day, Malia gained two families. One was her blood family: the Hales. They took her in and treated her like she had been with them all her life. They taught her how to turn quicker and trained her to become stronger and faster. Soon enough, the Hales were the most feared pack of werewolves (and a were coyote) around.
The other family, was the ones that she had grew with, the ones that weren’t blood but she still considered them her family: Scott, Stiles and the rest of their pack. Malia knew that they would always have her back. They helped her through the trivial time of high school and helped her balance school with training. She managed to control her anger thanks to Stiles always being by her side.
Tags: @stellastyless​ 
16 notes · View notes
Final Act - Liam Dunbar x Reader
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(gif credit)
Summary: It’s graduation day for Liam and y/n. They’re going to different schools on opposite sides of the country and she still hasn’t confessed her true feelings for him.
Word Count: 1816
Warnings: angst, fluff, cursing
a/n: hi again! here’s my first liam fic, let me know what you think! also, feel free to send me a message for requests or to be added to my taglist :)
y/n blew out a long breath, smoothing out her maroon graduation gown as she stood in front of her bedroom mirror. She adjusted the cap on her head, a bittersweet smile gracing her face. So this is it, she said quietly to herself. The drive to the school was quiet, not that she expected anything different. y/n’s parents were almost always too busy with work to pay attention, nonetheless talk to her, unless they noticed a B instead of an A on a report card. She was honestly surprised they took the time out of their schedule to come to her graduation, but she had still mentally prepared herself for one or both of them getting a work related call in the middle of the ceremony and leaving without saying anything.
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Growing up, y/n and her parents moved around a lot for their jobs, so it was hard for her to maintain any lasting friendships. When she finally got to high school, her parents decided to stay in one place at least until she graduated. Her freshman year she joined the lacrosse team, deciding to put her years of playing on teams for a max of a few months at a time and playing alone as best she could to good use. Despite her being one of the better players on the team, she ended up lumped in with the underdogs because she was a freshman and a girl. That’s how she met Scott and Stiles, who were sophomores at the time. They soon were like big brothers to her and the trio became inseparable. 
y/n hadn’t been out in the woods the night Scott was bitten, but she was the first person that Stiles came to once he started connecting the dots. She found herself alongside the boys for each supernatural disaster from that point forward and ironically enough y/n and Stiles, both very human, became the first members of Scott’s pack. She quickly became friends with each new member of the pack, Liam especially. They talked to each other about pretty much everything and spent more time with each other than they did with the rest of the pack until Hayden came along. If the pack hadn’t known before, they definitely knew the moment that Liam started spending almost all his time with Hayden that y/n had feelings for him. She was down in the dumps for the first few weeks but was able to manage her feelings a bit better once she started hanging out with Kira, Lydia, and Malia. They’d always been friendly and she found that it was nice to have some close girl friends for a change.
“y/n, we all know you like him. It’s a little painfully obvious,” Lydia pointed out with a sympathetic smile one night when they were having a sleepover at the red head’s house before the three older girls left for college.
“Yeah, just ask him out already,” Malia agreed around a mouthful of chips. Kira, the more understanding one of y/n’s friends, rested her hand over y/n’s.
“You don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with,” Kira consoled and was quickly met by glares from Malia and Lydia.
“Come on, you’ve been pining after him since your sophomore year,” Lydia said.
“-aaaaanndd he’s now a single pringle since Hayden dumped him,” Malia added. y/n rolled her eyes but deep down knew they were right. She did like Liam, a lot if she was being honest.
“It’s not worth risking our friendship for,” y/n sighed quietly. Malia murmured “bullshit” under her breath, Kira offered y/n a sad smile, and Lydia simply hummed as she moved to set up the movie.
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As luck would have it, y/n ended up sitting next to Liam for the graduation ceremony, she half expected it though since they had the same last initial. She waved to her found family when she spotted Malia, Kira, and Scott in the audience with Mama McCall, as y/n affectionately called her. If she was being completely honest, the ceremony was rather boring. The principal and different school personnel gave speeches, along with the valedictorian and a random alumni. Once it came time for students to walk across the stage and shake hands, everything seemed like a blur to y/n. So this is it, she repeated her words from earlier in her head. She hadn’t even realized that the people next to her had gotten up to line up at the edge of the stage until Liam lightly shook her shoulder. 
“y/n,” he spoke into her ear. “y/n, it’s time.” Still in a daze, she managed to make her way to the edge of the stage without breaking an ankle in her heels. As she got closer and closer with each name called, she began to have flashbacks of the last four years, particularly the moments she had spent with the pack and the moments she had spent with Liam. Liam, the boy that she might even love but who had no clue that she wanted them to be anything other than friends. It made y/n want to scream sometimes, but she had somewhat accepted the fact that there wasn’t much that she could do about it now. At the end of the summer she’d be headed off to Boston to attend classes at Harvard and Liam would be staying in state, going to UCLA.
She was about to reach back and hold his hand but she stopped herself. Her eyes began to water as she watched the last three people in front of her start to walk across the stage. Fuck it, she thought, and she whipped around to wrap him in a bone-crushing hug as she lightly sniffled into his neck. Liam paused for a moment, shocked by her sudden action before he wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her close.
“y/n y/m/n y/l/n,” called the senior administrator. y/n pulled away from Liam, offering him a small, sad smile as she began to turn around. He watched as she walked across the stage, beautiful as ever, even with tears in her eyes. When it came time for him to walk across the stage he wasn’t as concerned about shaking hands and picking up his diploma as he was about getting back to y/n’s side. He sat down in his seat soon after and looked towards y/n, whose tears had since dried. She was staring straight ahead, trying to ignore the fact that this was it for them. Sure, they were in the pack together and would see each other over school breaks, but it was never going to be the way it was. 
“Hey,” he whispered in her ear, barely heard over the applause and cheers for the students still walking across the stage. She hummed quietly in response so he knew she had heard him. “Are you okay?” he asked sincerely. y/n thought about lying for a moment, but she knew he’d be able to tell.
“No, not really,” she murmured, quietly enough that he probably wouldn’t have heard her had it not been for his supernatural senses. Liam decided it was better to let the topic rest, at least for the rest of the ceremony. The remaining names were called and the principal stood in front of the podium once again.
“Family and friends, I now introduce to you the class of 2018,” the older man announced . The students threw their caps in the air and began cheering. y/n hesitated for a moment before Liam squeezed her hand in his own and gave her a reassuring nod. She gave him a watery smile before plucking the cap off her head, careful not to mess up her styled hair, before they tossed their caps in the air in unison. She let out a bit of a laugh as she dodged a few falling caps before grabbing her own. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Liam asked, pulling up her chin to look at him as other students began to clear out and meet their families.
“I just can’t believe it’s over,” y/n admitted. “Not just high school though,” she followed up as she cleared her throat. He raised a brow in confusion and urged her on with a nudge. “I mean, we’re not going to be together anymore. The rest of the pack is already in college and has moved away, sometimes it feels like we’ve lost them. Now I’m losing you too,” her voice broke towards the end. Liam pulled her into a hug and ducked down to whisper into her ear.
“You’re never going to lose me, no matter what happens,” he assured. y/n smiled into his shoulder but shook her head.
“You don’t get it,” y/n let out a deep breath. Now or never, I guess. She pulled away from him and held both of his hands as she looked him in the eye. “I’ve- I’ve liked you since you got here. God, I didn’t realize it until we’d spent the better part of a year hanging out. And then- then when you got with Hayden, I realized that I love you,” she sucked in a breath and waited for his reaction as she searched his face. Liam wore a blank look for a moment. Fuck, I just screwed up the best thing that I’ve ever known. She opened her mouth again, preparing to tell him to pretend she’d never said anything, when he lunged forward and brought her in for a deep kiss. One of his hands held the back of her neck gently while the other hand was placed on her waist, pulling her closer to him. She squeaked in surprise at first, her eyes wide, before she relaxed into the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck. The pair hesitated to pull apart, only doing so once their lungs were screaming for oxygen.
“Did that just-” y/n began, out of breath.
“Yeah, it did,” Liam replied as he rubbed a hand over the back of his neck.
“I told you so!” Malia’s shout could be heard throughout the entire room. Liam and y/n looked towards their friends sitting in the bleachers and blushed. Kira was holding out a big thumbs up for y/n with a wide grin on her face, Scott was clapping, and Melissa was shaking her head with a smile at the kids’ antics. y/n ducked her head into Liam’s shoulder and groaned as he chuckled and rested his chin on top of her head. When she pulled away he leaned forward and pressed a sweep kiss to her lips.
“I love you too,” he murmured against her lips as his icy blue eyes gazed into hers.
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taglist: @linkpk88​ 
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heliads · 3 years
I’ll Protect You
When a mysterious death threat shows up at your front door from Gerard Argent, you know who you have to go to if you want to survive- Scott McCall.
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Things were going perfectly fine up until the moment you found the death threat on your front door. It was a pleasant, sunny morning. You had actually woken up without feeling exhausted, which was nice. It was shaping up to be an agreeable day. Then, you had heard the sharp knock on your door.
Yawning, you stumble blearily to the front door. Your parents, tired after long days of work, were still blissfully asleep and so the responsibility for answering whatever insistently knocking early-morning caller fell squarely on your shoulders.
Oddly enough, by the time you pull open the plain wooden door, your would-be guest has vanished. You poke your head out of the door, blinking in the bright light of morning, but you can’t see anybody. Strange.
You’re just about to head back inside and dismiss the whole venture as one of the younger neighbourhood kids playing a prank on you when you spot the folded paper lying a few feet away from the doorstep. Frowning, you pad over to it and pick it up, but your confused look turns into a troubled stare when you unfold the plain, unwrinkled note. It doesn’t say much, just a few words typed onto the stiff white paper. 
We know what you are. We will be coming for you.
This alone spells danger, but it’s the grey heading at the top of the paper that really starts to worry you. This threat is sent by the Argents, legendary hunters of people exactly like you. And if they know what you are, you’ll be dead by morning for sure.
Checking the empty streets one last time for possible messengers, you quickly hurry back inside, slumping down into a nearby chair. Your parents don’t know you’re a werewolf, hell, neither do any of your friends. You’ve kept your supernatural identity a locked-away secret that only you know. You’ve never breathed a word about it, never gone wandering on full moons, and barely even used your supernatural abilities at all. How do the Argents know?
Of course, it’s not how they know that you should be focusing on. Regardless of what they did to find out your secret, they’ll be coming for you. You stare out of the window unseeingly, turning things over in your mind until you arrive at one last-ditch plan to save yourself.
Just as you’ve feared, there are people watching you from the second you walk through the doors of Beacon Hills High School. You’ve suspected for some time that there are a few junior hunters attending your school, and your theory is proven correct when they watch your every step. No one else seems to know about the fact that you’re a werewolf, but there’s a definite group of four or five people shadowing you no matter where you go.
Thankfully, the one class you need the most is your first period of the day. You head gratefully into your AP Bio class, nodding a distracted greeting to your teacher, who announces that you’ll be starting a partner project. Careful to avoid suspicion from the few potential hunters in the front, you slide quietly into a seat next to one particular dark-haired boy.
When Scott McCall notices you sitting next to him, he looks at you in confusion. “Not to be rude, but don’t you usually sit next to-” You cut him off briskly, pulling out your textbook and turning to the assigned page. “Yeah, but Ms. Finch said partners so I figured it would be alright.” You lean over the book as if starting to work on the assignment, but speak instead in a hushed tone.
“I need your help. It’s something really important.” Scott nods slowly. “Okay, what do you need help with?” You hesitate for a moment, deliberating on how best to explain your situation. “It’s the Argents. I know you’re a True Alpha, I need your help so they don’t kill me.”
Scott looks stunned for a second, then turns to you. “You’re a werewolf. How did I not know about that?” You laugh lightly. “I’ve been trying to keep it under wraps, but I found a death threat at my doorstep today from the Argents, and some of the wannabe hunters have been trailing me all day. I don’t know what to do.” Without attracting too much suspicion, you fish the note out of your backpack and hand it to Scott, who reads it quickly before giving it back to you.”
“That’s definitely a problem. Tell you what- head over to my house tonight after school. I'll get Stiles and the others to show up too, and we can all figure out what to do to make sure you’re alright.” You flash him a grateful smile. “Thanks. I mean it.” Scott returns your smile. “Hey, no problem. We’ve been needing to take care of the Argents for a while, anyway.”
The end of the day cannot arrive quickly enough, and you’re more than happy to quietly depart for Scott’s house. The hunters in the school have been eyeing you all day like you’re a prize pig they can’t wait to slaughter, instead of the fearsome monster that they all seem to fear.
By the time you manage to shake your followers and arrive at Scott's house undetected, the rest of the McCall pack is waiting for you. Scott ushers you inside, where everyone is gathered around the kitchen table, ready to help you with your little problem.
You pull the note you found earlier from your backpack and place it on the table, unfolding it so everyone can see the threat as well as the unmistakable logo of the Argents. Malia looks at it, thinking. “Chris Argent is still our ally, so this has to be Gerard’s doing. I thought we scared him out of town, though?”
Scott sighs. “I doubt we’d ever be that lucky. He’s probably trying to make his way back into Beacon Hills slowly, by taking out a wolf here and there.” Stiles squints up at you. “Also, Y/N, why didn’t you tell any of us you were a werewolf? We could have kept you more safe. I thought lone wolves were always unprotected.”
You tilt your head in acknowledgement. “Lone wolves face a lot more risk, that’s true. The thing is, I was trying my best to keep the whole werewolf thing a secret. I figured it would be easier to pretend to be a human if no one knew, and if I hung out with you guys, it would be pretty obvious that I was a supernatural of some sort.”
You look around the room, registering the confused looks on the faces of Scott and his friends. You spread your hands out in front of you, feeling slightly defensive. “Look, everyone who’s been associated with your friend group is either a supernatural or has been one at one point. If I wanted to make the hunters think I was a human, I probably wouldn’t be hanging out with the group that’s like 90% supernatural.”
Lydia nods, trying to hide a smile. “Y/N’s not wrong. I mean, Scott was a werewolf, then Malia was a werecoyote. Kira was human until she was revealed to be a kitsune, Liam was human until he was bitten, I thought I was human until I found out I was a banshee, Hayden and Corey became chimeras, Mason was host to the Beast, and even Stiles had to become the Nogitsune for a short while. Basically everyone in the pack has been a supernatural at one point.”
Stiles nods slowly. “I mean, I guess. I never thought about it that way.” Scott clears his throat. “Can we get back to the issue at hand? If Gerard Argent is coming back, then that spells bad news for Y/N. I’d like to make sure she lives long enough to graduate high school.” You laugh at that. “Me too. That sounds good.”
After a lengthy discussion, you and the McCall pack figure out what to do. You give them each directions to your house, and then the plan is set into motion.
By the time you make it back to your house, the sun is just starting to set. You toss your backpack into a corner of the room and make yourself a snack. Your parents are still at work, so the house appears deserted to any onlookers.
Just as you had feared, there’s another knock on the door. A voice calls out to you- “Come on out, Y/N. We know you’re there.” You give yourself a moment to collect yourself, then square your shoulders and walk to the door. When you pull it open, you find yourself face to face with at least half a dozen hunters, Gerard Argent at the front.
Gerard fixes you with a glare. “Did you really think that you could live freely and not be found out? We do not tolerate werewolves, a lesson you’ll be learning tonight. Beacon Hills is for the humans.” He gestures to one of the hunters, who hands him a crossbow. “Lone wolves do not survive for long out here. It’s a shame- you really should have known better than to be alone in a town like this.”
Gerard points the crossbow at you, an arrow aimed at the center of your throat. Before he can fire the weapon, however, a voice comes from behind you. “She’s not alone.”
Scott McCall steps out of the house, standing in between you and the hunter. The rest of the pack appears out of nowhere, encircling the hunters, who now look tense and afraid. Scott folds his arms over his chest, staring down at Gerard. “Do you remember the last time we spoke? We made a deal, one that is in your best interests to keep. The promise was that if you and your hunters left the supernaturals of Beacon Hills alone, we wouldn’t kill you on the spot.”
Scott gestures around to the pack. “We have weapons and powers that will allow us to take all of you down in the blink of an eye. So I’ll remind you, one last time, to honor our agreement. It’s as much for our benefit as it is for yours.”
Gerard maintains the eye contact for a moment longer, then looks away, nodding at his hunters to stand down. As they file out, Scott speaks one last time. “Y/N is with us. We have her back. If you even look at her again, I will slit your throat with my own claws.” Gerard spits out a few last words about how this is going ‘just as he had planned’ and that he is ‘warning you, Scott McCall, pride goeth before the fall’ before stumping away with the rest of his hunters.
Scott turns to you with a smile as the pack files inside your house. “See, that went pretty well. I don’t think they’re going to bother you again.” You laugh. “No, I think most of those guys looked like they’d rather move to Antarctica rather than have to deal with any of the pack again. They looked terrified.”
Scott laughs as well, but turns serious. “If you ever feel threatened again, please come find me. I know we just met and all, but I want to keep you safe.” You raise an eyebrow, smiling. “Man, I’d heard about Scott McCall’s need to save everyone, but isn’t this a little much?” Scott can’t help a smile. “You’re important to me, Y/N. I want to protect you.” You grin and nod. “Sounds like a plan. We’ll keep in touch.”
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