#and then she’ll probably give me another box cause she thinks i like them
hyunpic · 7 months
i have these xmas chocolates that my grandma gifted me last december and they taste so weird. like idk how to even describe them but im so determined to eat them even tho i don’t like them.. cause i feel like my grandma would know and feel it spiritually if i threw them away
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geospiral · 2 months
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“I want to be someone’s stepping stone; I want the memory of me to haunt that person so that I may live through them and be beside them without having to stay. I know that's selfish and cruel, but if the path has already been laid out for me and I have no choice but to die, then I want to at least be able to choose who I die for. And to be honest, I will probably regret this decision when I’m lying there and spitting up my own blood, but at least it will be mine… and I think I can rest easy knowing that.”
Moran, a top student when it comes to all things excluding singing, can best be described as being Anakt Garden’s very own “Thinker.” Often found sitting on the very left edge of the garden’s box, she is willing to lend an ear to those in need.
Alien Stage OC Base made by @shakingparadigm
Anakt Garden:
Moran is not a person who will intentionally seek other people out, but she does enjoy when others come to her, usually in the form of seeking guidance. This guidance can range from simply helping a fellow student with their class work to teaching others some of what she knows about the Segyein’s entertainment industry, a topic that she is familiar with due to her upbringing. 
She likes talking about philosophy, giving general worldly advice, and being a mediator to her fellow classmates, trying her best to be an impartial judge.
Moran also likes “reading” other people’s fortunes as a kind of game. It’s not anything serious; you ask her a specific topic about the future, such as “Am I going to pass the test?” and then give her as much information as you can about your chosen topic in order for her to make an educated guess. If she guesses correctly, you have to give her something, and if she doesn't, then she’ll give something to you. The items are nothing big, just small treasures like a pretty stone from the stream or an Anakt Garden lollipop. Moran also keeps a small collection of things she finds or is given in case others would just like to do general bartering with her; however, she doesn’t hold any real attachment to the things she collects and will usually trade her items away in exchange for short-lived treats such as candy, drinks, or a bubble wand.
Moran gets along fine with the other students, and although she can be pretty blunt at times, to the point of unintentionally seeming rude, she does her best to stay on everyone’s good side. She was raised with many others under her Guardian, so she has always been used to living alongside her fellow humans; however, the experiences were not great, causing her to have trouble telling when others genuinely like her or wish to be her friend. It doesn’t help that it only seems that her classmates come to her when they need something.
Moran’s Guardian, Rheya, is a well-known and respected theater director with a theatrical troupe composed of the many humans under her, raising them from a young age to be her personal actors. By having her plays consist of an entirely human cast, Rheya is able to push the limits of her plays' theatrics in ways that she simply could not when working with her fellow Segyeins. Her plays are touted for their stories and visual spectacles; however, they can tend to be extremely dangerous for the humans involved, with many sustaining real injuries throughout their performances.
Despite the humans of the troupe referring to Rheya as their "mother,” they do not view one another as family but rather as competition when it comes to gaining their Guardians' affection. Bullying amongst the group is commonplace; if one person is punished, everyone is, which leads to that one individual being viciously humiliated and outcast by their peers and being sent down levels in the troupe’s personal social hierarchy.
(Note: The troupe’s hierarchy is loosely inspired by that of the video game Rule of Rose; I haven’t played it, and it's basically impossible to do so without pirating, but I got the idea from the video analysis of the game by RagnarRox.)
Rheya did not want to stop her storytelling at just theater production; however, she wanted to extend her reach further and saw Alien Stage as a chance to do just that, devising a long-term plan to craft what will hopefully be one of her best stories. She wants the story to go like this: she will choose two of her humans, one to send to Anakt Garden and the other to stay with her, molding him into the next big celebrity pet. The one sent to the garden, Moran, would be used as fodder in order to boost the fame of the other human pet, Adam, under the guise that the reason she trained for and performed in Alien Stage was to gain the other’s attention, subsequently dying in the competition. Upon finding this out, Adam would then go on to perform in the next Alien Stage season after her to avenge the women who loved him, winning in the process.
Rheya doesn’t have any faith that Moran can survive her Alien Stage season, and neither does Moran herself, but while Moran is in the garden, she hopes to find someone who she can truly die for in the competition, someone she actually cares for, unlike Adam, whom she barely knows and has never loved. If Moran must die, she wants it to be meaningful to her and the one she adores. She wants to make it her own choice.
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aeoki · 2 months
Atlantis - Clown: Chapter 2
Location: Yumenosaki Auditorium Characters: Wataru Season: Winter
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< A few minutes later. ㅤㅤZ. K. Amano Hashidate (who goes by “Amano Hashite” at Yumenosaki) begins her speech. >
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Amano Hashidate (Wataru): “Students of Yumenosaki.”
“No. I shall refer to you all in this way instead: My fellow students who are experiencing their days of youth at the same school as I.”
“As ‘Himemiya-san’ mentioned earlier, I’m a newcomer.”
“I’m a student who transferred to this school a few months ago. I’m a stranger – someone who has lived in another world from you all.”
“I understand that you may not be willing to listen to a newcomer who has appeared out of nowhere.”
“But the higher grade students should know this fact very well. The one who will change the academy into something new and meaningful is someone from the outside.”
“Yumenosaki Academy is an idol training school that has a long-standing history and tradition. We can remove the mould and moss growing here and turn the school into something beautiful and clean.”
“Of course, I’m simply a young girl and I do not have the ability to lead a dramatic revolution, nor can I provide you with the powerful leadership that ‘Himemiya-san’ speaks of.”
“I cannot be a dignified and strong king – an ‘emperor’.”
“I am a flag.”
“I am a single, fluttering flag who will accept your feelings that have taken the form of a breeze, swirling around Yumenosaki Academy.”
“A flag doesn’t need any power. But every time you gaze upon that flag, you will realise that we are indeed moving forward.”
“I wish to be such a flag. I want to be a landmark and guide for you.”
“I have no intention of becoming a threat to your lifestyles by oppressing you all with my authority and strict rules. I do not have the power to do that.”
“The ones who will change this school will be none other than yourselves. I am merely the symbol of everyone’s collective actions – I am a flag that will flutter in the wind, reflecting that.”
“No. That is exactly what I envision a student council president to be.”
“We are living in modern times now. It is not the feudal era, so there is no need for a king to proudly rule over the people.”
“That is my conclusion, my ideas and my message to you all.”
Touri: (Grrr~... That Amano Hashidate! She’s getting on my nerves!)
(She’s just faultfinding and keeps saying stuff like, “Unlike Himemiya-san”! Everyone’s bad impression of me is getting worse!)
(This isn’t a debate so I can’t give a rebuttal, either~! Geez, she’s stressing me out!)
(If you think about it, this Amano Hashidate girl didn’t mention anything specific!)
(She’s just saying flowery words and talking like she’s reciting a poem!)
(But the people listening are probably thinking that she’s saying something good, right?)
(Pay attention to what she’s actually saying! Do they even understand? Amano Hashidate is basically saying she’ll do nothing for you guys!)
(And we’re fighting for the position of student council president here!)
(She’s trying to weaken the position! She’s trying to turn it into something that doesn’t necessarily need to exist, like an empty box!)
(Is there any point in having that sort of student council? It’ll just be a waste of money!)
(I wanna give it to her straight!)
(Amano Hashidate is just pretending to be a good person – she’s grinning foolishly while people are moved, listening to her speech. I wanna jump out and beat them both!)
(But! That’s something I shouldn’t do, right? I know!)
(Even if I used direct violence to defeat them, that doesn’t mean I’ve “won”!)
(I need to make her properly lose in the election, and that will be the moment I’ll reject her!)
(I’ll break the “flag” that just stands there looking pretty and throw it away in the rubbish bin!)
(But can I win against her?)
(No wonder she’s called the genius of the Z. K. Zaibatsu – her speech was really good…)
(She’s nonchalantly causing my image to deteriorate by making fun of me while also doing a good job saying the things everyone wants to hear.)
(She’s turning the fact that she’s a new transfer student into one of her strengths, just like Anzu and her achievements last year.)
(Anzu really made a huge impact on those she took care of – Amano Hashidate included.)
(At the same time, the other new students in the “producer course” are emphasising their position and showing their sympathy.)
(She said they would be the ones who will change the old school.)
(That’s how she’ll get everyone, young and old, to like her.)
(If anything, I’m learning so much from her… How frustrating.)
(The Z. K. Zaibatsu and Tenshouin Zaibatsu were once longtime enemies. They were rivals of equal standing. That’s the sort of opponent I’m fighting against right now…)
(It feels weird, like I’m fighting against Eichi-sama.)
(They’re both heirs to conglomerates so I can’t help but think of her as Eichi-sama…)
Amano Hashidate (Wataru): (Hehehe. As they say, you learn, without realising it, from what is around you. It’s just monkey see and monkey do, but even I can imitate Eichi and give a speech in his style.)
(Eichi always chooses his words carefully in order to gain support from the majority in his speeches. That’s the optimal solution in winning an election.)
(It’s important to give the impression that they will gain something if more people vote for you and at the very least, they won’t lose out on anything if they do.)
(And in comparison to the prosperity brought by a lofty revolution that Himegimi proposed, the majority of the students prefer to maintain the status-quo.)
(Even if the faraway future is one of glory, if there is a small “obstacle” in front of them, they’ll avoid that path and choose another one entirely.)
(How lamentable – that is the true nature of humans.)
(If they wish to overrule that nature, then humans should have been given fuel.)
(They should be given a vehicle that will automatically take them to their destination as they stand there in silence and fuel to power said vehicle.)
(Just like how Eichi asserted that we, the “Five Oddballs”, were evil that should be defeated and that he could get rid of us if the students supported “fine” during the War.)
(But right now, Himegimi has not managed to present that sort of “easy-to-understand story”.)
(Naturally, no one knows what will happen in the future. It’s certainly possible for Yumenosaki Academy to suddenly close due to certain circumstances.)
(But you should have declared that like a prophet, and said that everything will definitely be fine no matter what happens in the future as long as they believe and support you.)
(Himegimi, you should have promised them that a rose-coloured future would be awaiting them, even if they were to sit still without lifting a finger.)
(Those who believe will be saved. That’s certainly untrue but that’s what you should have said to them.)
(Being honest and sincere is not always the “optimal solution”.)
(You think everyone will sympathise with you and come to like you if you sincerely tell them your feelings…? Why, that only exists in fairy tales.)
(There are times where skillfully lying is also seen as the correct thing to do.)
(If you don’t realise that and don’t act strategically, then at this rate, you will lose to me ♪)
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lightlycareless · 1 year
OUGH CHAPTER 33,, this ones RICH theres so much here all of y/ns letters,, i wonder how hinata would feel if she actually got to read them?? not that she'd get through all of them before trying to break in there herself to get y/n out i imagine
NAOAKI,, calling y/n cute straight up now?? we're just straight into it there's no denying anything anymore. full on flirting out there-- good for them. and the GRAPE,, feeding her the grape,, im obsessed. hinata turning naoaki away bc of his resemblance to naoya-- i get why girl but also MAN you are missing out on the sweetest man in the world. n also the possibility of the zenin's getting pissy over hinata and naoaki talking to each other?? they are DERANGED for real its unbelievable.
mariya and tatsuro,,, i really do think she COULD tell hitomi i like to think she'd understand. and also backing herself into a corner w lying about to everyone i just can not imagine that ending well at ALL somewhere down the line
THE BOXES FULL OF RECORDS MY GODDD,,, naoya is going to give y/n a HEART ATTACK. its a thoughtful gesture but she is so (understandably!!) put off anything to do with him she just finds it creepy as fuck. it is so funny tho "there has to be another reason for his actions,, but what,," girl,,, hes trying to be nice for once this is not a murder attempt,,
and the idea that naoya's gonna eventually try to ask how she liked the gift oh MAN-- he's already gonna be torn up beyond belief over that last chapter ending (must be why we don't see him this time he's too busy crying) and to see her respond cold to like... what's probably the first real big thoughtful gift he's tried to get her?? devastating. obliterated.
this chapter is driving me insane and up the walls (in a good way) i am SO ready to see whats coming.. ur setting up for somethin big i know it,,,
Hello!!!! I’m glad you liked the bit of… lore I guess? I don’t know how to call it lol regarding Y/N’s letters! I only went through them briefly, in the aspect of what she must write and what not to keep a low profile, but never really showed what she was writing… and boy, was it sad.
Hinata would be very, very sad. Definitely. She’d first be upset, angry, quickly identifying that her letters are to set up a façade that everything is right, when it’s not. She’ll also be able to find some traces of Y/N being genuine whenever she speaks of the twins or her staff… perhaps. But overall, those clues end up being irrelevant to the fact that Y/N is in danger and needs to be taken out of there as soon as possible.
And her not caring for Naoaki…. Hahahahahah it made me laugh and a bit frustrated tbh, but how is she supposed to know?! yet OMG he's RIGHT THERE.
I did think on various occasions that her acting that way with him might’ve been... reckless, like it could’ve raised some red flags from him and be like “Hinata is acting weird” subsequentially, leading the clan to be further vigilant of her. However, Naoaki doesn’t know what’s up with his clan, and his priority is to help Y/N above anything else so… yeah. I wish she would’ve given him the benefit of the doubt and approached him, doing so on any other occasion I think, when she isn’t there for work and isn’t overworked either lol.
But yeah, she’s tired of all she’s been put through and couldn’t care less of engaging with other people as of right now. To Naoaki’s defense… Hinata didn’t talk to anyone else either, so there’s that 🤭
I’m still surprised the Zen’in weren’t lil bitches about it, they probably didn’t consider their interaction to be that important anyway—since their secrets are safely guarded… at least for now. Kind of. Hinata is still not out of their radar. Hmm. They’re probably thinking on how to not get involved in the crisis since they think so little of non-sorcerers lol.
Now onto Mariya…. I just love causing conflicts with her lmao. You could argue that she’s not doing anything… wrong per se, but man, lies and lack of communication can lead to some pretty terrible misunderstandings and that’s the least of the things I want happening between Y/N’s staff 😭 But essentially Mariya is afraid that speaking out loud of this situation might lead other members of the staff overhearing this, rumors begin to circulate around the house, and she loses her job 💀 It’s not that she doesn’t trust Hitomi, but she’d rather keep it hidden from everyone to avoid these risks. (also, the pain of having disappointed her is too much for her to even contemplate 😭 she cares too much for the sisters, and already gone through something like that with Y/N... no, I can't have her suffering 😭😭)
As for Naoaki… that freaking scene with the grape was like omg……………………………………���…………… I wanted to go heavier on the subtle implications, but I was like no ma’am, Y/N pulled away from that one and I don’t think Naoaki would insist after seeing her reject his advancements sooooo maybe for another time 😊 This was also a way to show just how… bold the two had become after the whole Naobito/Naoya/Y/N thing went down, had this been before that, Naoaki would’ve never done something like that.
I can imagine Ranta watching the two from some undisclosed corner frantically hoping that Naoya won’t come out and see them lmao.
Finally… the mystery of whatever Naoya was shoving inside his pocket the chapter before is revealed!
Guess he was listening to what Y/N was telling him, however, for him to suddenly go out and buy them implies another motive behind them… or at least that’s what I intended to write 🤭 Naoya is trying something, to be nicer I guess, but without him taking accountability I don’t think there’s going to be any advancements soon. 😫 He’s still out there having some kind of war with Naoaki, when he should be focusing on Y/N and his marriage!!!!! Well, best wishes to him I guess lol.
Now… I won’t say much outside of that hehe because it will be expanded on the next chapter, it's a Naoya-centric one where we'll see what he was doing while this went down, as well as a bit of—
Anyways, thank you so much for tuning in for a new update!! The build up for the next chapter has me at edge, nervous… but excited too and I can’t wait to show you!!! (let the hype be appropriate) But for now, I shall take it easy, I got my birthday to enjoy (and this annoying cold out of the goddamn nowhere!!! To overcome)
Have a wonderful weekend, take care, and hope to see you soon!!!
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coveredinsweetpea · 2 years
Reader x Eddie, taking Polaroid pictures of each other and with each other while they are doing it (maybe even walking in on Eddie touching himself while looking at such pictures of y/n and then they do it and take more pics to do it to themselves with for when the other one isn't around cause they are working or something) basically a lot of filth but I think its kinda really cute and damn sexy
OK I need to start by apologizing because this probably is nowhere near as filthy as you wanted it to be, BUT if you've known me before my Eddie days, you know I'm OBSESSED with taking nudes, so I promise I will come back to this and bring out the filth as well!!!! (SMUT-ish) 2k
Warnings: SMUT, 18+, sex (p in v), exhibitionism, nudes, masturbating, humiliation (kinda?), Eddie trying to be mean but it actually just cute, two idiots in love, mentions shitty relationships with parents and smoking, and yeah, I think this is it? it's a chill one, I'm sorry!!!
Your thighs burned as you rolled on Eddie’s cock, his hands cupping your breasts as he stared up at you in awe, getting closer and closer to his second orgasm of the night. You had your eyes closed and your lips sucked between your teeth as you enjoyed the moment, only realizing Eddie’s grip on your body tightened when he raised his voice.
“Where’s your camera?” he panted.
“My- camera?”
“Polaroids” Eddie continued, but you still frowned in confusion.
“The ones we took at the Metallica concert? What!?”
“Just, give it to me”
In complete disbelief, you climbed off his dick and sighed at the sudden emptiness between your legs as you tiptoed your way to your dresser. The second you touched the camera, you realized what he had in mind. 
“Do you wanna-?” you began questioning and turned to see Eddie grinning widely at you.
“You’re cute when you’re slow like that”
“Oh shut up!” you scoffed and ran to the foot of the bed. “I get a dick pic for this” you laughed as you snapped a picture of him, sitting on top of your fluffy pillows and pink blankets, hair a mess, lipstick all over his face and cock hard, resting against his abdomen. “I’ll keep this one in my lunch box” 
“I have a different idea for my lunch box,” he added.
“Yeah? What do you have in mind?”
“Oh, no, I don’t know what pictures I want, I know I don’t want them inside my lunch box”
“Eddie!” you gasped and jumped on top of the bed, swatting him and throwing yourself against his chest, “Don’t you dare”
“Don’t piss me off, sweetheart, and I won't,” he laughed. Eddie snatched the camera from you and returned to his spot. “Get back on my cock”
“I’m scared now,” you giggled.
“You should be, I’m getting so many ideas!” he chuckled and just when you gasped, he snapped another picture. 
“I’ll take more if you don’t shut up and climb back on my dick”
Not that you allowed him to win, but you let him think he did. You threw one of your legs over his without a word and guided his tip at your entrance, before lowering yourself on his cock. Eddie took a deep breath and rolled his eyes in pleasure as you moaned, and just when you saw him too lost in the moment, you snatched the camera from him, covered your breasts with your free hand and took another picture, from the side.
“This can go on your lunch box”
“Why are we visiting your mom again?” Eddie whined, his fingers intertwined with yours as you guided him through the office building. “I thought you hated her”
“I do” you nodded and tugged him closer. “But my grandma said something about being decent human beings and being the bigger person and… I don’t know, I didn’t really listen. Point is, I’m doing this for my grandparents. We’ll go in, I’ll introduce you, she’ll try to make small talk, I’ll pretend I’m not annoyed, and then we’re done”
“This is what you stuffed me into this ridiculous suit for?” Eddie cried, “I thought she was buying us dinner at least”
“Can you stop being a child?”
“I can try…”
And as always, your mother was running late. Her assistant mentioned something about a meeting that could not have been postponed, about how your mother was really sorry and that she’d be there as soon as possible, but after 10 minutes of waiting, you and Eddie were ready to leave.
“Y/n, if we  leave now, do we have to come back another day?”
“Yeah, poss-”
“Then, no. We’re waiting”
“I’m bored” you whined and leaned against his shoulder, “Unbore me”
“Oh, those sweet, magic words” Eddie smiled, shaking his head. Confused, you looked up, and saw him pull out your camera from his suit jacket.
“Eddie, no!” you warned and pointed a finger at him. But it was too late.
Eddie grabbed your hand and pulled you from the lobby, into the elevator, and randomly chose one of the many levels of the building. 
“Thank god you didn’t get us stuck inside this elevator”
���Nah, that’s not fun enough”
You didn’t even question it, instead stumbled after him out of the elevator. He was running around aimlessly, neither of you knowing where you actually were, but he never slowed down, not until he reached a small balcony.
Without giving you chance to say anything, Eddie opened the door and ushered you outside, “Take those off”
“You’re insane if you think I’ll-”
“You told me to unbore you, that’s what I’m doing”
“Not like this!”
“I’ll let you peg me”
You instantly stopped complaining. “What do you want me to take off?”
Your flowery shirt and elegant cardigan flew off of you, lucky to have come off with all buttons still intact. Eddie’s hungry mouth instantly found your nipples, and he sucked and bit into your sensitive skin as you giggled and played with his little ponytail - a look you didn’t hate. But it was only a matter of time until someone would pass through the hallway, and so Eddie didn’t let things escalate too much or he wouldn't have been able to leave that balcony for another 15 minutes.
“Lean back” he ordered and while normally you’d have complained about the height, you arched your back over the edge and let your head fall.
As you stood there, almost trembling in the wind, Eddie grabbed one of your hands to get you to cover one of your breasts as he placed his palm over the other one, and snapped a picture. 
“Hurry, hurry!” he said as soon as he pushed the button and pulled you away from the edge. 
He threw your bra and your shirt at you, and jumped to cover you, pretending to light up a cigarette as he waved at one of the employees that walked through the hallway. With your heart in your throat you remained glued to his back, breathing heavily until he turned and let you know it was safe to come out.
“You idiot!” you snapped and hit him with the cardigan you had borrowed from Nancy, “You couldn’t have told me sooner someone is coming?”
“No one saw you!”
“Doll, put your clothes on”
Sighing heavily, you did so, and together you left the balcony.
“Close your eyes” Eddie said enthusiastically as soon as you took all your clothes off and remained in your underwear. 
“Do you have a surprise for me?” you cheered.
“Yes, sweetheart, I do”
“Am I gonna like it?”
“You’re gonna adore it” he licked his lips and reminded you to close your eyes.
Without being able to contain your smile, you closed your eyes and tried to listen to what he was doing. You heard him walk around the room, heard him shuffle through one of his drawers, and then heard the sound of something metallic being pulled out of a paper bag. Bracelets? you thought and then became convinced of it when Eddie grabbed your wrists. But it only took a couple of seconds for realization to hit, as you soon felt the pair of handcuffs being fastened around your wrists.
“Where did you get these?” you beamed, and tested them a bit. Sturdy, looked like the real deal.
“I stole them” Eddie answered nonchalantly and tugged at the chain between the cuffs. It made you stumble forward, which prompted him to chuckle proudly, “Don’t you love them?”
“Yes!” you nodded and pushed yourself up to kiss his lips, “Are you gonna tie me to your bed?”
“I am, later”
You remained still as Eddie wrapped his arms around you, only to undo your bra, and force it up your arms. Due to the cuffs on your hands, he couldn’t take the bra off of you, but considering he was taller than you and still wearing his boots, when the tugged the bra and the chain as high up as he could, you had to push yourself up on your tiptoes to keep up.
“God, Eddie, stop!” you whined, trying to wiggle your hands out of his hold but he was keeping them too tightly in place. All your struggling did was make your breasts move from side to side which made Eddie grin widely as he showed no shame while staring down at your naked chest.
“Ask nicely”
“No?” he laughed and backed away to climb on top of his bed.
You tried to follow, but he kept you from doing so, and now he towered over you, smiling even prouder than before. “Ask me nicely, sweetheart, or I’ll think of worse things to do to you”
“You’re enjoying this!”
“Of course I fucking am, look at you all whiney and upset. You’re adorable”
“Let me go!” you cried, but your amusement was too loud to not be heard too. And on top of it all, a familiar buzz started building up between your legs and the last thing you wanted was for Eddie to find out.
“All the things I could do to you, sweetheart”
“Eddie, please!”
“Please, what?”
“Please, let go of my hands!”
He thought about it for a while, and then sighed, “But I like you being all helpless like this”
“My hands are tied, I’m helpless anyway” you tried and then studied his reaction to see if you managed to get to him. 
“I love this too much, I think I’m gonna keep you tied up for a while”
“I’ll do whatever you want!”
“You always do whatever I want anyway” Eddie said.
“I do, and look how you repay me. You’re so mean sometimes”
“Don’t look at me like that” Eddie shook his head, “You love it”
“I love you”
“And you love it when I’m mean to you”
“If I say yes, will you let go of my hands?”
“Then yes” you breathed out, “I love it!”
“That’s my girl” Eddie beamed proudly and dropped your hands.
But he wasn’t done. You thought he was going to kiss you, but he grabbed your hips and threw you on the bed. In the blink of an eye, he pulled out the camera and snapped a picture. When he was done, he threw it to the side and returned all his attention back to you.
“What am I gonna do with you, doll, hm?”
“Whatever you want?” you smiled.
It had been a long week. School, work, Eddie’s campaign and your promise to help Nancy with the newspaper - it had been horrible. It was now Friday and you couldn’t contain your enthusiasm as you rushed down the streets of Hawkins on your way to Eddie’s house. You weren’t supposed to see each other until Saturday afternoon, so your palms were sweaty with excitement as you imagined the look on his face when you’d burst into his room one day early. 
Carefully, you took out the key he had given you and made your way inside the house. His uncle wasn’t there so it was easy for you to get to his room, where you softly knocked on his door, “Eddie?”
“Y/n?” you heard his voice, weak and out of breath.
You blinked in confusion but still pushed the door open, only to see Eddie naked on his bed, legs spread wide open, cock in hand as probably every single one of the polaroids you had taken had been laid out around him on the covers.
“Eddie?” you struggled to not burst into laughter.
“I can explain” he jumped, “It’s not what-”
“You’re masturbating to our nudes, what’s there to explain?” you teased and walked over to him.
“You were supposed to be at Nancy’s”
“I was, but we were done early and I wanted to surprise you”
“Are you mad?” Eddie cringed, ready to start apologizing. 
“Mad? No! Why would I be mad?”
“I don’t know… I just thought-”
“I think it’s kinda hot” you said sitting down beside him.
Eddie studied your expression for a second and took a deep breath, “We need more, though”
“We can always take more, but do we need more?”
“Yes” Eddie sighed and gathered the pictures to show you, “I can’t see your ass in any of them, we’ve got none of me eating you out, none of your pussy, but tons of my dick, not to mention the amount that are either too dark or too blurry”
“Let’s get to work then”
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Interesting Encounters
Corpse Husband *& Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Paranoia and Fear of Invasion of Privacy
Genre: FLUFF, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Corpse has an interesting run-in with his regular delivery girl, having the chance to talk to her for the first time despite her having been delivering to his door for months. It’s a big step in overcoming his anxiety and paranoia when talking to strangers.
Requested by Anon. Hi darling! Thank you so much for your wonderful request! Hope you come across the final product of your request and give it a read and if so I hope you like it! Sorry for the wait, I hope it was worth it though! Love, Vy ❤
It’s a regular Monday morning, close to 10AM and Corpse’s face is practically glued to the sound editing app he’s downloaded, playing around with some cool effects to add to his voice in the background of the new song he’s been working on. He hasn’t been able to sleep a wink thanks to the immense excitement, not that he would’ve been able to regardless, but the tune and the lines have been stuck in his head all throughout the weekend and he knows they’ll be bothering him until he turns them into something other people will be able to listen and give an opinion on as well. So far he’s done plenty of work but there’s plenty more to go until it’s done. He’s at that point he usually needs feedback and wants to ask for it but would rather not to avoid either too harsh judgement or fake praise.
He slides the headset off, deciding to take a break for the sake of his sanity before he drives himself to insanity with the intensity of his focus on this new piece. His brain just so conveniently sends him a reminder that his groceries are probably waiting for him outside the door. He has, as of the last half a year or so, had someone deliver his groceries to him to avoid trips to the grocery store with both the whole pandemic situation and the growth of following which translates to growth of the risk of him getting recognized. That’s the main reason - and maybe the only one - as to why he doesn’t interact with the people who deliver to him either. He always gives his delivery person the instruction to leave whatever he’s ordered at the doorstep and if it’s not takeout to not even ring the doorbell. 
That being said, the deliverer of his groceries doesn’t ring the doorbell to give him the kind reminder to be responsible, but luckily he hasn’t forgotten to collect them yet in the six months he’s been practicing this delivery technique.
Going to the front door and looking out of the peephole, he confirms there are several full plastic bags waiting to be picked up on the mat. With the person who brought them not in sight, Corpse unlocks the door and steps out to bring in the groceries for the week. Taking them to the kitchen, he unpacks the goods in the three bags. At first glance he would’ve been fooled, seeing as how it seems that all he has ordered is there. But, each Monday, he receives exactly four bags of groceries. One is missing. He rolls his eyes thinking he didn’t see it outside and left it there while he was hurriedly collecting the rest so he gets up to go grab it real quick.
While in the meantime...
Y/N looks through the remainder of bags in her minivan, making a route in her head for what roads and shortcuts she can take to deliver the last of the groceries to the respective homes they need to be taken to. Upon looking through them, however, she sees a bag labeled ‘MM’ that she uses short for ‘Mystery Man’, aka the guy who never opens the door to greet her whenever she delivers him anything. She works for several delivery services such as takeout, groceries, clothes even and has delivered to that apartment hundreds of times but has never met the resident, giving her the right to call him Mystery Man, aka ‘MM’.
“Ah, shit.“ She mumbles under her breath, realizing she failed to grab the fourth bag when on her way up to MM’s apartment.
Coming to terms with the fact that she’ll have to lose another five minutes going back up to his floor, she grabs the bag and takes off running back inside the building and up the stairs, deciding it would be quicker than taking the elevator.
Just as she arrives to the floor, heading straight for the door, it opens, freezing her in her tracks as her eyebrows shoot up.  At the doorstep stands a guy with an eye patch who looks more surprised and maybe even a little terrified than her. Taking in that Mystery Man is not such a mystery anymore, she returns to her professionalism, remaining at a distance and outstretching the hand holding the bag towards him.
“Sorry, forgot to drop this one off as well, I’m a bit all over the place today.“ She says in her most professional voice.
Corpse too regains his composure and takes the handed bag from Y/N gloved hand. Before he can think twice about it he says, “Thanks, uh...”
“Y/N.“ She says, “I’ve delivered to you countless times, it’s funny you don’t know my name but it’s to be expected since I’ve never seen you. This would be a good time to tell me your name so I don’t have to call you Mystery Man anymore.“ She laughs, cutting her own laughter off barely a second later when she realizes what she’s said, “Oh, fucking shit...”
Corpse chuckles, clear amusement in the sound, “Mystery Man? Interesting, interesting. If I ever become a superhero I’ll make sure to pick that name.” He fails to even pay mind to the fact that he’s spoken a lot more than he’d usually feel comfortable with.
Y/N laughs a little awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck, “Yeah, sorry about that. I promise to come up with a better one if you’re not willing to tell me your real one. Like....Pirate, for example?” she suggests, raising her shoulders.
He can’t help but let out a laugh, “You’d be surprised, but my name is not so far from your mark. It’s, um....” He’s not looking forward to the judgmental look or the questions he might receive in response to his statement but he succumbs to the expected disappointment, “My name’s Corpse.”
Surprisingly, she just smiles - a smile he cannot see due to the surgical mask she’s wearing but the crinkle at the corners of her eyes gives it away. “Cool! Well, I better get going then.”
Just as she turns to head for the elevator this time, seeing as she’s still out of breath from the run up the stairs, Corpse gets an idea he’d probably not be too fond of if he gave himself time to think it over. Which is exactly why he didn’t.
“Hey!“ He calls after her, gaining her attention immediately, causing her to turn around, “You got a minute? I need a little help with something...“
Y/N’s eyebrows raise a little, a moment before she shrugs her shoulders, “Meh, I’m already behind schedule, what’s an extra minute gonna do?” And just like that, they strut their way back towards his apartment.
He can’t help but chuckle, taking the opportunity to crack a joke, “This is how people often get killed. You don’t just walk into a stranger’s apartment like that.”
She scoffs as she passes the threshold, “Believe it or not, you can learn a lot about a person based on the groceries they buy. And trust me buddy, you’re not a murderer.” Earning herself a laugh and a nod with that remark, she continues, “You do appear to be an artist with all the cheap food you’re buying though.”
Corpse laughs yet again, a hint of nervousness is sensed in his laugh this time around though, “Yeah, well, I don’t know if you’re still gonna call me an artist when you hear this song I’ve been working on. Not even out of the box yet.”
Y/N stops in her tracks, “Well, well, well, aren’t I honored to be one of the lucky people hearing this before its release.”
“The first hearing it before its release.“ He corrects her with a pointed look, not missing the excitement that arose in her eyes.
“Let’s hear it then!“
Of all the friendship stories that exist, no one can say this ain’t a unique one.
@maat-the-prescriptive  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @itsminniekat  @hacker-ghost  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis  @waterlilypat  @idontknowwhatthisisfam  @evi-ka  @classyandfabulous00  @redperson58  @lilysdaydreams @solowheein  @mythicalamphitrite  @axen-gers  @luckygirl144  @nj01  @buddyemily   @the-albino-lioness  @stardream14  @gdhdkfnn  @nomadicgypsyy  @preciousskye  @fluffysuicideunicornsworld  @o-kaelin  @manacharlotte  @awkward-youtube-trash  @lolalee24  @bonky-beerns  @meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian  @strawbrinkofdeath  @teenloves  @tams0527  @browneyespinkhair  @starstruckllamapuppy  @daisychains012  @y0ulooked  @tinytacosuitcaseflap @supernatural-is-my-only-life  @jula-pauline  @melodykitty  @just-that-bi-girl  @crazybutconfidentaf  @lowellshade @alphakees  @bellero  @weallneednamjesus  @starryhanji  @boiled-onionrings  @husherstan  @fockingwhore  @melaningoddessthings  @prettypastelpetals  @haleypearce  @godwhyamiawkward  @y-napotat  @daisychainyoonmin  @little-miss-rebel3  @free-wheelin-bi-sexual  @redmoon261 @darkacademic2  @wiseflamingoqueen  @into-the-end  @namikhai-i  @nastiablr  @thelittleplantlover  @mirktuan  @dont-hyuck @jjk-bunny  @vintagegothlover  @easygoingtheatre  @itsrandombooklover  @miiaivi  @emmybaybee  @befourgolden  @jjk-is-my-shit  @eternalteaaars  @spacebadgerx  @princesslunalight  @acequinn14  @samm48  @misselsbells06 @simp-lykawa  @fo-love  @marishimomura-blog  @therealglenncoco  @cinnamonbun332  @killtherandomness  @sanshinexxxsan  @fee-btheweeb  @press-lay  @cathleenpotgieter16  @jazzydoesstuff  @moonlxghtbay  @forestrain2000  @hyunjinhugs  @blood-of-fandoms  @lovellylies  @ukiyolixx  @simpforhpcharacters  @chrisdylan17  @parkerjisung  @pedernille  @theodonyous  @wineandionysus  @malfoystilinskii05  @morbid-x  @coryisagee  @jessewa26  @scoobydooluver97 @mindintheskies365  @raeanneinwonderland  @indecisive-empanada  @gluttonypalace  @loriane2503  @btsiguess-kpop  @khaoticbunny  @lucidlycactus  @smiithys  @rottenroyalebooks  @kpopgirlbtssvt  @fangirl-tc27  @fr0z3n-1  @notmesimpingfortechno  @shotarosleftpinky  @kunoi-chan  @idk-whats-wrong-with-me  @yikeroonie  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @poetry-and-tea  @ama-do-writing-stuff  @wishbonewolf  @emeraldxhope  @t0xick1tty  @kusuinko  @speakyourselfloveyourself  @sophia902103  @lo-manburg  @classsykittykat  @dmgama  @depressedpuppythatneedscoffee  @btsiguess-kpop  @akaashi-baby  @gun-jong-simp  @geschichtenfee  @yerapotato-wp  @browneyedgirl365  @thysagclub  @sparklycloudnight  @helloatomicshadow  @queentorresstuff @vtte @val-gal  @lucy-bunny17  @aaliyahh0  @katluckybear  @boyleanti  @straybids  @franchesca-791  @cosmicstorm19  @averyisbackinthetrashcan  @aomi-nabi  @xlanawriter  @allensimpsforcorpse  @sunnyrae-cessh  @ladykxxx08  @meowiemari  @renupf  @booklover76  @sra-verissimo  @beatrhizn  @blueberrystigma  @beatrhizn  @chicken-taco-burrito  @scorpios-echos
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fernweh-writes · 3 years
Hey, it’s me again :3
My birthday is soon(next week on the Friday)
So I wondered if you could write headcanons for the Slasher with an Birthday S/O.
Like what would they give her, what would they do on her birthday. You probably get what I mean.
But only if it’s alright and you got time, if not it’s also fine^^
I already say thank you :3💕💕(btw I really love your writing <3)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE, I HOPE YOU HAVE AN AMAZING DAY!! I did see the other little tidbit you sent in and yes, ofc, anything for you. Especially since it’s your birthday and you asked so nicely<3
(Going ahead and posting this a lil early… i think? I can’t remember when you sent this in sorry :/)
Slashers on their S/O’s Birthday
Warnings: NSFW content, 18+
Michael Myers
Michael has always been pretty indifferent towards birthdays. So what, you’re getting older big whoop. He doesn’t see them as important and doesn’t understand the point of celebrating them.
However, as you keep mentioning to him that your birthday is coming up, he gets the hint. Michael isn’t stupid and he knows you well enough to be able to tell what you want.
Still, Michael isn’t going to throw you a party or decorate or anything like that. Instead he makes a statement just by spending the entire day with you.
During your time spent together you find out Michael did actually buy a cake for you. Although it was also partially for his own benefit as well seeing as he has a major sweet tooth. He even got “Happy Birthday y/n” written on the top in your favorite color. When you bite into it, you realize that it’s also your favorite flavor.
After the cake, Michael brings you a small box with a horribly tied ribbon wrapped around it. Don’t look at him funny, he tried okay. So what the gift inside was most likely stolen from a victims, you got a present that you loved. Isn’t that all that really matters?
Michael isn’t much of a giver in bed, he prefers to take. He mainly focuses on achieving his own end and whatever pleasure you get during that is what you get. But tonight he’ll make a point of not only making you finish first once, but numerous times throughout the night. Today is about you after all, why not try and set a new record in bed to mark the start of a new age.
Bo Sinclair
Morning sex, congratulations, this morning you become breakfast for Bo. No need to get up early to cook for him when he can simply devour you.
Surprise! He won’t be an ass to anyone for one whole day. Just for you darlin’. If some people happen to stumble into town, Bo won’t let anyone ruin your day, and quickly has Vincent take care of them. Even Lester will help out if need be, even though Les hates participating in the “family company”.
Sneaks away in the middle of the night to decorate the house. Luckily, Vincent pitches in and helps him make everything look nice. Bo goes all out with streamers, balloons, banners, he even got you a cake!
He’s more than eager to give you your presents as well. Of course he had to buy you a lingerie set, it’s a surprise that’ll help the two of you later that night…
Bo is a simple man, he just wants everyone to know that you belong to him. So he also got you a dainty little necklace of his name. Sure it may be cute to you, but secretly he’s laying his claim to you.
Usually he’s busy with keeping up the town but just this once he spends the entire day with you. Bo spending so much quality time with you doing whatever you want really says a lot.
He may even take you to the next town over for a nice dinner. After all, no one should have to cook on their own birthday and it’ll make good use of the cute little sundress he got you and gives you the opportunity to dress up. You better wear the lingerie he got you under it though. Good luck making it to the bedroom when the two of you get back from the restaurant.
Vincent Sinclair
You’re not sure who is more excited, him or you. Vincent makes sure that you have the best time ever and makes the whole day about you. It’s the perfect chance for him to spend the whole day with you and show you how much he loves you.
When you wake up he’ll be missing. He woke up early to make you your favorite breakfast. He had hoped to bring it to you in bed but sadly you’ve always been the early riser. Luckily for you, unlike Bo, Vincent is a good cook. How do you think the three boys survived before you showed up?
Vincent has always been a more private person so while there’s not any decorations all over the house and he can’t take you out to a fancy dinner you can still expect plenty of sweet surprises. He made you a bouquet of wildflowers that he picked, got you the new books you had been telling him you wanted, managed to snag one of the vinyls for the new album your favorite artist had recently released, and even got you some new outfits that he thought would look cute on you.
Vincent would be the one to put on music and dance around the living room with you. He enjoys personal time with you and uses the day to really express to you just how much he cares for you.
At the end of the day he runs you a hot bath. While you soak in the tub he throws around the rose petals and gets the ribbons and candles ready. Before you have time to get dressed Vincent will be scooping you up, tossing you on the bed, and tying you up. Be ready for a long night!
Thomas Hewitt
There’s not really much he can do for you seeing as the town is running low on supplies. Still, he’ll do his best to still make your birthday special for you. Mainly he’s just going to kick Hoyt and Monty out for the day so that you can have one peaceful day together. Luda gets to stay seeing as she’s also happy to celebrate with you.
Thomas lets Luda Mae know he wants to surprise you with something. So while he works on the surprise she’ll make sure to keep you occupied. Luda Mae will fix your hair for you and go ahead and give you the gift that she had made you, a sundress made from floral print fabric. She’s so happy her son found someone, especially someone as beautiful as you.
Thomas will have handmade you a small necklace. Since you didn’t tell him about your birthday until shortly before the day, you left him with little time to make it. He’s lucky that your comfortable with Luda Mae and he can get her to keep you distracted,
When Tommy sees you with the dress his momma made you and your hair fixed up he almost forgets about the small piece of jewelry in his pocket.
After hearing you squeal with delight when you open his gift he’s ecstatic! He loves nothing more than making you happy. when you eagerly get him to help you put it on he thinks he’s going to spontaneously combust with his love for you.
Luda Mae will bake you a cake. You’re basically her daughter in law at this point and she’s going to make sure that you have a good day. She enjoys having another woman in the house and enjoys seeing you and Thomas happy together. You’ve given her the complete family that she’s always wanted.
Brahms Heelshire
Brahms is very good at being sneaky. At this point, Malcolm already knows that Brahms is a real person. So Brahms has no issue with getting Malcolm to bring him everything he needs and giving him the extra money for the week. He makes sure to cover all the bases, he got you presents, a small cake, and of course stuff to decorate the living room.
The decorations in the living room aren’t necessarily the best. Brahms hasn’t been responsible for doing anything like this in his whole life. But he still does his best to try and impress you and make you happy. Just don’t expect for his best to be very good. After all, it is the thought that counts.
Honestly Brahms not being self centered for once should be enough of a surprise. It’s your birthday so he’ll make sure to be on his best behavior just for you! No tantrums or arguing, he promises! He even makes sure to hide the schedule for the day to make sure you know that today you get to relax.
Of course, you’ll still have to cook since Brahms is only capable of making sandwiches. His peanut butter to jelly ratio may be perfect but that’s not exactly the type of meal he thinks you would want on your birthday. So he does make sure to get the ingredients for all of your favorite foods!
Your presents include expensive jewelry, pretty clothes, and of course lingerie although that’s more of a gift for Brahms than it is for you. He’ll have you model all of the dresses and clothes that he got you. The big finale is the lace bra and underwear that you won’t be wearing for much longer.
Brahms is a switch and usually ends up being the more submissive one in bed. Tonight however, he’ll co for a change of pace and be more dominant. For once, he was the one spoiling you instead of the other way around and that brings out the more mature and dominant side of him. Expect o be sore the next day though, Brahms isn’t exactly good with holding back.
Billy Loomis
Billy has a tendency to be narcissistic and obviously an ass. But he can also be great at hiding those traits. On your birthday he makes sure to do exactly that, really playing up the bad boy/boy next door front he’s capable of. Tatum did believe that he was practically perfect, and on your special day, he’ll do his best to do exactly that.
He may not have the same money as Stu, but he still manages to spoil you. You’ll have his full attention for the day and he let you decide almost everything. Billy even lets you pick out the movies that you watch together on your birthday, which is something he’s never allowed to happen before.
Seeing you be happy gives him a funny feeling that he’s not used to which can cause him to act a little awkward. You throw him off a little bit. He didn’t expect to care so much about someone until you fell into his lap. He’s a simp for you and he knows it. If he wasn’t then he wouldn’t be making reservations for that fancy restaurant you loved and buying you a new outfit just for said reservation. Yeah he’s down bad.
Makes sure that you order whatever you want, today cost doesn’t matter. But if he knows your favorite, he orders for you in an attempt to impress you. See, he remembers your favorite food, isn’t he just the best. Also gets your favorite over priced dessert even if you have to take it to go. He can’t bake and he knows that store bought cake just doesn’t compare to the fancy restaurants.
He bought you lingerie for under that cute little outfit and he expects to see it by the end of night. Expect to pinned against the front door before either of you has the chance to unlock it. Billy has been imagining you in nothing but your birthday suit all night and he simply cannot wait any longer.
There’s nothing he enjoys more than seeing you fall apart underneath him. He loves seeing you look absolutely cock drunk with your makeup smeared on your face. Your moans and begs eventually begin to melt together and you just become and incoherent mess as he makes you cum again and again. It’s still not enough for him though, he’s going to make you scream.
Stu Macher
He is very determined to make you have the best day over. Expect breakfast in bed! It may not be great but eat it anyways, Stu is not a morning person and he managed to drag his ass out of bed early just for you. So even if the scrambled eggs have the occasional crunch to them it’s best to just grin and bear it.
Is very determined to take you shopping. Expect for him to buy you anything that you touch or pick up. Like the amazing boyfriend he is he will also carry the many bags that you end up with. You’ll have a brand new wardrobe by the end of the day. Of course he made you pick out a few lingerie sets. He even pointed out the ones he liked and made you find your size.
Of course, Stu will still take you out to a fancy restaurant and do the whole traditional night out thing. After dinner though the two of you will end up on the roof of his house that he made sure to help you out on. Stu is secretly a hopeless romantic deep down and will spend time looking at the stars with you because he thinks it’s something that you would like. Will listen to you as you ramble on about planets and watch as you point out constellations if that’s something you do.
Stu is very clingy at all times so he will be hanging over you all day. That’s nothing really out of the ordinary though. But usually those touches include grabbing your boobs, smacking your ass, and rubbing your hips. On your birthday the touches turn more gentle. Expect him to gently tuck your hair behind your ear so he can see your face, gently caressing your cheek, rubbing your knuckles while he holds your hand, all soft and sweet gestures to convey he truly does care.
He’s usually very fast paced with everything including talking, movements, and of course that includes in bed. But tonight he’ll be slow and gentle, drawing everything out. Also makes sure to focus on your pleasure instead of his own for once.
Asa Emory
Asa never thought he would celebrate anyone’s birthday. He certainly never celebrated his own and doesn’t see the point in doing so. To him, birthdays are just another day and there’s no point in celebrating ageing. So he went about most of his life ignoring birthdays, until you came along.
Asa adored you and your enthusiasm for life and all the good things in the world. You were a bright person, especially when compared to him, and he loved the innocence about it. So when you began to mention your birthday coming up with excitement in your voice he knew that you had expectations for your special day.
He may not be a person who celebrates but he’ll be damned if he disappoints. You’re the one good thing life has given him and he’s not letting you get away from him. If that means getting you a small cupcake and sticking a candle in it and a present then so be it. He can manage doing a little something for you.
When he’s not in his collector persona he is much more awkward and an absolute dork in your eyes. So when he takes you out for a nice dinner you’ll notice his slightly off behavior. Asa doesn’t like crowded public spaces and you’ll be able to pick up on his fidgeting. Luckily your good at carrying the conversation for him.
Asa appreciates that you understand it’s hard for him. So when you begin to do most of the talking and don’t pressure him to contribute much to the conversation besides the occasional nod he’s able to relax.
On the way home he gets nervous once more. What if you hate the present he got for you or expected more. He had only gotten you one thing and it wasn’t much. But when you finally open it and you light up like a kid on Christmas morning he lets out a heavy sigh and finally relaxes. It was only a simple necklace but you acted like he had just handed you the stars.
Asa will be surprisingly gentle with you for one night. Of course, he’ll still tie you up and absolutely wreck you but he makes sure to leave out the cutting and biting out for once. The only bruises you have will be on your hips from his harsh grip. It’s the closest thing you’re going to get to love making from him, but you know him well enough to get the meaning behind it.
Jesse Cromeans
Anything you want and it’s yours, he can make anything happen for you. He makes sure to tie up any loose ends with his business well before your birthday so that nothing can interrupt his time spent with you. Of course he makes sure to spoil you even more than he normally does.
Would love to take you on some fancy vacation and stay in one of the finest hotels there. Go ahead, pick any place you want to travel to and he’ll make the arrangements. He makes sure that anywhere he takes you is more private and remote rather than tourist-y though. Both so that he feels more comfortable and so that you can feel special and not have to deal with crowds.
Does the whole flower petals on the bed, candles, flowers, ice bucket with champagne kind of ordeal back at the hotel. Did you really expect him not to though? He has the money to so why not and he knows that even though you claim it’s cheesy that you absolutely love it. Th blush on your face and look in your eyes give away your love of cheesy things and he pays attention to every little thing you do.
Of course you get new jewelry, designer clothes, and lingerie but you get other gifts as well. Pretty much anything you’ve mentioned to him recently he makes sure to get you. Rambling on about that new book your favorite author just released? It’s yours! Been needing new materials for any of your hobbies? You got them!
Expect rough sex. Jesse rarely does gentle and with how much smaller you are than him he can sometimes accidentally hurt you. Your just so small and fragile compared to him kitten, he can’t help it. Of course he always makes sure to take care of you afterwards with a hot bath and will gently massage the knots out of your muscles. Jesse always makes sure that you’re taken care of.
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13uswntimagines · 3 years
It Can Be Both (Emily x Alex x Kelley x Reader)
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Request: Kelley,Emily,Alex, and yn now like two on each team and yn is a goal keeper just watching confused wondering what the hell everyone is on and how it’s going to end later    (You know)
Author’s Note: I’m going to be honest- this felt very much like a rebound after doing gravity. Like something to get my writing juices flowing again. it ends with a touch of sexual content so warning. hit me up if you have questions or just wanna chat. 
You knew it was going to be a rough one before you even stepped on the pitch. Hell, you knew it was gonna be bad when Alex and Kelley started betting before national team camp had even started. 
Though they were two of the most competitive people on the planet, you and Emily were not (off the pitch at least). But it was hard to stay out of it when their performance, chosen rewards, and/or punishments very much included the both of you. 
You barely even got to admire how good either of your girlfriends looked in white (you made sure Alex knew your feelings about her in that galaxy kit) before things started to get wild. 
“Come on ref!” You yelled, running a gloved hand frustratedly through your hair and shaking your head. Was Sonnett’s challenge hard, yes, but did it deserve a yellow? You didn’t think so. 
You could guess that some of Emily's aggression came from the reward  Kelley negotiated for them if the Spirit beat the Pride. At least Alex was laughing it off and standing. 
“Looks like your girls are trying to murder each other,” Ali snorted, pausing just outside the box to protect against a counter if the corner kick in the other box went south. 
“Vlatko’s probably shitting his pants,” You mumbled, wincing as Emily and Alex clashed again. God, Emily wanted to win. 
“What’s gotten into them,” Ali asked, just as your two defenders collapsed the pocket Alex was trying to slip through. 
You raised your eyebrow at the defender, your cheeks a little red (blatantly ignoring Kelley’s wink from across the field), “you really don’t want to know,” 
Ali looked between you and the three women battling it out on the field, smirking a little. Even though she had seen it more times than she could count, it was still a little strange to see your tall frame look so flustered. “Ooo, so it’s one of those games?” 
“I didn’t ask to be a part of it,” you huffed, crossing your arms indignantly. 
“So there’s not something riding on you getting a clean sheet?” It was Ali’s turn to raise her eyebrows. More red-colored your cheeks, so much so you were sure it was all the way up to your ears by now. 
It wasn’t a secret that it was a thing during the World Cup. One that you very much enjoyed, especially after you pulled off a PK save in the final to come out with a clean sheet. 
You paused, biting your lip. “Not tonight,” 
Ali laughed loudly as Alex set up for her another corner. “Ah, so it all depends on them then?” 
You shrugged. Most of the time you really hated giving up control, but Alex also promised you would like what she picked (even if you weren’t planning on participating). You also trusted Emily and Kelley to stick to your limits, no matter how stoked they were on winning (if they won). 
You sighed when Emily marked Alex just a touch too closely again. “More like Alex and Kel. Guess they got Em on board too,” 
“Did you expect them not to?” Ali asked, her voice showing that she already knew the answer. 
“No, just thought Emily would be on my side,” You grumbled, a gloved hand scratching the back of your neck. 
“Well, I’m sure you won’t enjoy whatever they have planned at all,” Ali rolled her eyes and patted your shoulder, before heading off as the Spirit tried to counter. 
“Shut up,” You huffed, backing up towards goal, your cheeks still very red. You still had 80is minutes to go before you would find out exactly what your girlfriends had planned. 
You had seen a lot of bad refs, but this one was something special. She was micromanaging the field, and you were starting to get tired of it. 
“What the fuck,” You grumbled in between giving your defense direction. 
It was one thing to yell at Kelley for being a little rough (even if it was with Alex), and another to argue with her about 
“Surprised she hasn’t hit her yet,” Emily said, side-eyeing you.
“Be surprised I haven’t hit you yet,” You huffed, barely sparing your blond defender a glance. Fouling as much as she had wasn’t good form, and it wouldn’t help her case with Vlatko. 
Plus you were too busy watching the refs try to corral your most stubborn girlfriend. Her irritation was palpable and you knew if the Ref kept pushing, Kelley was probably going to respond exactly how Emily thought she would. 
“Ooo, kinky,” She laughed. 
You rolled your eyes. “Just clean it up and chill out alright? We need to be able to play to make the team,” 
She snorted, bumping you with her elbow. “Not a chance with what Al put on the line,” 
“I don’t care what she bet. Cool it so we all walk out tonight,” You growled a little more firmly, taking on the tone you used when giving orders on the pitch. The voice that always made her and Kelley listen to you when they were giving you shit for being younger. 
Instead of saluting like she normally would, a very large smirk broke across Emily’s face. “You have no idea what she chose do you?” 
You froze, finally looking towards the defender and blinking owlishly at her. 
So maybe you hadn’t considered that Alex would include you in the bet, and factor in your opinion on her chosen reward. You thought maybe you would just get to watch whatever they had decided and stay safe from whatever punishment if you lost.
Emily cackled as the ball sailed right past your state of stupor, running off to celebrate before you could even respond. 
Despite being in a relationship with them for nearly 2 years, it still caught you off guard sometimes when they included you. It took you a very long time to open up and accept their love (and their physical touch), and even though you were comfortable now, it was still a weird experience to have them care. To have them always think of you when making plans (even ones you weren’t sure you wanted to be involved in). 
You blinked again, shaking your head as though it would help you clear your thoughts. It didn’t, but a warm hand on your shoulder and an annoyed (but concerned voice) in your ear helped. 
“Hey space cadet, you ok there?” 
“Um, yeah,” You smiled tightly at Alex, allowing yourself to lean into her for just a second. It was hard to focus on the game with all the stuff running around your head. 
“Good, cause the ref just called back the kick. Get ready to go again,” She said softly, brushing a fallen strand from your eyes. “and keep your eyes on the ball this time,” She smirked, tapping your nose. 
You wrinkled it under her finger. She laughed a little. It was nice to see you so relaxed, even when you were surrounded by so many people. Maybe they would have to play these little games more often, you know if it could get you to let down your stoic exterior. “You can stare at Em later after we win. She’ll be in a much more… enjoyable position,” she wiggled her eyebrows and squeezed your shoulder. 
“Eye eye captain,” You saluted, earning another laugh. 
“You’ve been hanging out with Emily too much,” she said, with the roll of her eyes as she headed off to her position for the re-kick. 
You wouldn’t let it slip past you again. Alex was right, you would be able to enjoy your girlfriends later. 
“That fucking goal should have counted and you know it,” Kelley grumbled as she slipped into the back seat with you. 
“Well it didn’t,” you mumbled, scooting over as Emily hopped into the other side, effectively trapping you between them. 
“You two cheated anyway,” Alex said from the front seat, glancing back at the three of you in the rear view mirror. You didn’t know it yet, but this was very much part of her plan. 
“We did not,” Kelley snorted, shuffling even closer to you, so your thighs were pressed together, just as Emily did the same thing on your other side. You didn’t think much of it, both defenders were always rather cuddly after a game. 
“So Em distracting y/n wasn’t part of the plan?” Alex asked, raising a signature eyebrow in the mirror (sharing a look with Kelley - one you didn’t see.) 
“And neither of you were trying to remove Alex’s ankles from her body?” You added, wigging a little as Emily’s hand landed on your thigh, just a bit too high to be a friendly touch. 
“We plead the fifth,” She said softly, very close to your ear, sending shivers down your spine. 
You sucked in a shallow breath when Kelley’s hand joined hers on your other thigh. Her lips touched your neck and worked their way up to your ear. 
“But can I just say, your red cheeks made you look very cute tonight,” she purred, nibbling at the skin on your ear, just as Emily did the same on your other side. 
The heat returned to your cheeks, and your hands clenched on your knees. You weren’t quite sure what you were supposed to do with them. 
“I’m not cute,” You muttered, your fingers tapped uncomfortably on your legs. You didn’t like not being the one in control. 
“Just sit back and enjoy it babe,” Emily hummed, her lips working from behind your ear all the way back down your neck to nibble on your collarbone. her hand also shifted to intertwine your fingers. 
The small act helped you to relax a little, and you squeezed her fingers in thanks. 
“Yeah, we’re gonna take very good care of you,” You could feel Kelley’s smirk just behind your ear as her fingers traced a little higher. You knew you could put a stop to this if you really wanted to, but you weren’t sure that you did. 
You found Alex’s eyes in the mirror, flicking between the road and your face. 
“Thought this was your reward, not mine,” You said, your voice coming out in little pants. 
She smiled slyly at you. “Why can’t it be both?” 
Kelley’s hand squeezed your thigh, just as Emily scraped her teeth along your shoulder. “Yeah?” Kelley asked into your ear. 
“Yeah. It can be both,”
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wolferine · 3 years
Unforgivable - Part 2
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: When the reader loses their temper, it causes them to commit an act they can never take back...
Warnings: Violence, blood, torture, death
Word count: 2372
Part 1
Tags: @yeetus-thyself @phoenixofash @lilclownx @yeeterthekeeper @alessiapn @diaryoflife
AN: Please read to the end before you come after me. :)
Everything is a blur. The last thing you remember is cradling Natasha in your lap and seeing the pain of betrayal in her eyes. You did this to her. You couldn’t control your anger and now she had a bullet—shot out of your gun—in her back. You hurt her and there was no way you could ever forgive yourself for that. 
You finally let Tony get close enough to take care of her, because you realized you don’t deserve her anymore. 
You run away from the Avengers Tower, your leg slowing you down, but you don’t care. Each step feels like a knife rubbing against your bone, but even that’s not enough to distract you from the pain in your chest. It feels like someone has torn you open, ripped your heart out of your ribcage, and thrown it into a bonfire.
But you have no one to blame than yourself.
Tears stream down your face as you stumble through the streets, eventually finding some privacy in a nearby forest. Your sobs echo through the trees as you crawl hand over hand, your uniform shredding open on bushes and branches. The trickle of a creek calls to you and you dunk your bloody hands in the freezing water, desperate to wash yourself of your failures.
You can’t believe what you’ve done.
The scene of Natasha falling to the floor plays over and over in your head and you would pay anything to unsee it. You curl into a ball, wiping your nose on your knees. You deserve all the pain and misery for your actions. You’re so caught up in your head, thinking about all the ways you can punish yourself, that you don’t notice the group of men sneaking up on you from behind.
“Over there! Over there!” 
“By the creek, see?”
“Wait—that’s an Avenger?”
“Looks like someone had a bad day.”
“Hey, Y/N.”
At the sound of your name, you finally lift your head, only for the butt of a shotgun to slam into your face. Your nose breaks and blood fills your mouth. You turn away, not even interested in protecting yourself. If they killed you, you would thank them.
“Aw, come on. At least give us a reaction,” someone says.
The shotgun butt smashes against the back of your head and you wouldn��t be surprised if it cracked your skull. Someone kicks your leg where you were shot, and you bite your lip to hold back a scream.
“Well, this is anti-climactic.”
“Hey, if it makes our job easier, I’m not gonna complain.”
“I still think Hammer’s weird for wanting Y/N over the other Avengers.”
“Given the circumstances, he couldn’t really be picky—”
“Stop standing around and get to it!” someone yells. 
The men surround you, punching and kicking every inch of you. The bulletproof vest of your uniform does little to lessen the impact of their blows. You feel bruises forming along your ribs and your rattling teeth bite your lips bloody. It doesn’t take long for you to black out and the peace is blissful.
Sometime later—you have no idea how long—you jolt awake, finding yourself strapped to a metal chair in the middle of a dark, concrete room. A man in glasses and a gray suit with white gloves stands in front of you. 
“Hello, I’m Justin Hammer,” he says, offering a hand, then withdrawing when he realizes your arms are tied to the chair. “Sorry, force of habit.”
You stare at him. Your tongue pokes around the inside of your mouth and you notice some teeth are missing. There is a painful crick in your neck every time you try moving your head and every breath you take feels like a razor blade scraping the inside of your lungs.
“You’ve probably never heard of me, but I’m very familiar with you and your work with the Avengers. But the reason I have you here today is to talk about this man.” Hammer pulls out a folded photograph from his pocket and shows it to you.
It’s Tony Stark, but you have no desire to even think of that man anymore.
“Your best friend, right?” Hammer teases and you curl your lip at him. “What’s wrong? He’s the one who got you a spot on the team, isn’t he?” You look away from him. “I heard what he did to your girl,” he continues. “That must’ve felt like the betrayal of the century.”
“What?” you ask, confused as to what he’s referring to.
“I heard about what happened at the Avengers Tower. So tragic.” Hammer crumples Tony’s photograph and drops it on the floor. “Romanoff didn’t deserve that.”
“W-What are you talking about? Is she okay?” Your bottom lip quivers in fear.
Hammer kneels in front of you. “She’s dead, Y/N.”
“No, no…” You feel like he’s punched you right through the chest. “T-That’s not possible.”
“I’m sorry. I know she meant a lot to you.” Hammer stands again.
“How do you even know what happened at the Tower?” Given its security, there was no way news like that reached the public. At least not the truth of it. Maybe Hammer was just trying to mess with you.
Hammer motions behind him and a blonde woman steps forward from the shadows. Her face jolts your memory, but you don’t remember exactly where from.
“Recognize her?” Hammer asks. “She actually works for me, but she’s been pretending to be a SHIELD agent for some time now. She was right outside the door when your little spat with Stark went down.” Your mind flashes back to when you returned from the mission with Natasha. On your way to the private Avengers’ quarters, you remember passing the same blonde woman right outside the door.
“She heard everything that happened inside,” Hammer says as the blonde woman retreats into the darkness again.
“N-Natasha’s…She’s…She’s not dead,” you stammer.
Hammer shakes his head. “She went into surgery after Stark shot her, but due to the placement of the bullet, there were some complications and she coded on the table. They couldn’t revive her. That part was all over the news.”
You feel so sick you want to vomit. “I…I killed her?”
“No. You didn’t kill her. Tony Stark killed her.”
You start gasping for air, only worsening the pain in your chest. “No—But—He—I’m the one who pulled the trigger—”
“But you weren’t aiming for her. You were aiming for Stark, and he’s the one who deflected the bullet into her,” Hammer says. “He’s also the one who sent you two on that mission to begin with, wasn’t he? The reason you lost your cool and pulled your gun out? Think, Y/N. All of this is Stark’s fault.”
But the sadness of thinking you’ve killed Natasha is too overwhelming. You can’t focus on anything but your own guilt. You will burn in hell for this and you won’t even mind.
“Listen to me, Y/N!” Hammer snaps, striking you across the face. His rings cut into your cheek and blood fills your mouth. “I hate Stark just as much as you do. He’s been my business rival for years and I need someone to help me take him down. Who better than you, a former friend of his, who knows how to hit him where it hurts?”
You start crying at the thought of having to exist in a world without Natasha Romanoff.
Hammer tries getting your attention by slapping you again, but you’re unresponsive. You’re too lost in your grief to process anything he’s saying, and eventually he gives up, promising to come back another time to reveal his master plan to you.
It takes an entire month before he can even communicate with you. Your depression is all-consuming and their threats on your life have no effect. They’re startled to learn you actually enjoy the torture because you believe you deserve it after what you did to Natasha. But Hammer is relentless and finally figures out how to manipulate you into his bidding.
Six months after your capture and the accident, you finally crack. Your agony and pain turns into pure rage and hatred for Tony Stark. You can’t bring Natasha back, but you can get revenge on the man who took her life. After training with Hammer’s technology, which is almost as advanced as Tony’s, you’re deemed ready to be let out in the real world. Hammer personally asks for your help to kill Tony Stark, and it’s an offer you accept gladly.
Three months after the accident…
Natasha wakes up and looks to her right, disappointed to see the bed still empty. She’s tricked herself into believing that one day you’ll show up, ready to pick up the pieces and continue where you left off. But nothing has been the same since you left.
She sits up and turns the lights on. She scoots to the edge of the bed and carefully lifts her body into the wheelchair parked there.
The bullet had struck her lumbar spine, shattering her L1 vertebrae and paralyzing her from the waist down. Tony requested help from the best doctors he knew, but even the greatest modern advancements couldn’t repair her spine. He had personally designed her wheelchair, and she knows she should be grateful to still be alive, but she’s never felt so helpless and alone. 
After the accident, you ran off and no one could locate you. Secretly, she held onto the hope you would return one day, but she knows your guilt and shame are keeping you away. She wants to tell you that it wasn’t your fault and that she doesn’t hate you, but you’re not even giving her that chance.
Tony made the public announcement that Black Widow had retired from the Avengers. No one knew she had been paralyzed, nor that you had unofficially resigned from the team. Without you, without Black Widow, Natasha didn’t know who she was anymore.
She leaves her bedroom and goes into the kitchen. Tony arranged most of the food and dishes down to her new height but she feels like she’ll never adjust to not being able to stand anymore. She locates a bowl and a box of cereal and rolls over to the table. She chokes down dry Cheerios and pours her second bowlful when Tony walks in.
“Thank God you’re finally up,” he says. “When you’re done, I have something to show you.”
“Y/N?” She perks up.
Natasha knows Tony blames himself just as much as she does for her accident, but it wasn’t his fault either. She wrestled between anger and guilt, sometimes blaming you, sometimes blaming him. But in the end, it’s easier to blame herself. She should have stopped you the moment you took out your gun, regardless of whether or not you pushed her. But she got so caught up in the moment she froze, and now she was paralyzed and you were gone.
“Just come down to my workshop, okay?” Tony disappears again.
With nothing better to do, Natasha takes the elevator down to Tony’s workshop. She doesn’t visit often, but when she does, she’s always impressed by his latest inventions and gadgets. She rolls down the aisle of old Iron Man suits displayed in glass cases, admiring the subtle differences in each one.
“Where are you, Tony?” she calls.
“Over here!” He waves her down from the other end. “I’ve been working on this for a while, and I know it’s a little premature, but I couldn’t help myself.” Tony stands next to another Iron Man suit, but it doesn’t quite look like it will fit him.
The suit is curved to fit a woman, black and red instead of Tony’s iconic red and gold. Natasha sees a red hourglass emblazoned on the belt buckle.
“What…What is this, Tony?” she asks, tears in her eyes.
“It’s an Iron Widow suit,” he says. “Or, whatever you want to call it. You’ll have to get in and test it out for yourself, but it’ll allow you to walk again and…be an Avenger again.”
Natasha wishes she could throw herself into his arms, but pulls him down to her level instead. “Thank you,” she whispers, wiping her face. She never thought she would be able to serve as an Avenger again, but she’ll take the opportunity if it means taking her mind off recent events.
“Ready to try it out?” Tony presses a button on the side of the suit and the suit opens up, bending into a crouched position so Natasha can get in it like a chair.
 She smiles for the first time since the accident.
 “I am.”
Six months after the accident…
Natasha is in the gym, lifting dumbbells on a bench when Tony walks in. Although she now has a legitimate excuse for skipping leg day for the rest of her life, she now has to make sure her upper body is twice as strong to make up for it.
“Look who decided to slide through my DMs this morning,” Tony says, shoving his phone in her face.
Midnight. Central Park Carousel. Come alone.
The text was from you.
“Oh, my God,” Natasha says, setting the weights down. You haven’t even texted her since the accident, and she’s a little hurt you didn’t reach out to her first. “What’s this about?”
“I have no idea.” Tony shrugs. “I know it says for me to go alone, but since it’s from Y/N, I wanted to ask if you wanted to tag along.”
“Of course.” In a way, Natasha feels like the text is really meant for her. Central Park was where you had asked her to be your girlfriend. That couldn’t be a coincidence.
“I’ll need you to be on your A-game. We have no idea what Y/N’s been up to these past six months. I don’t know if you’re gonna like what we find,” Tony says.
Natasha has spent countless nights wondering where you’ve been and what you’re doing. Now she has the chance to find out. “It’s going to be okay, Tony,” she says.
He shakes his head. “Just so you know, I’m praying more for you than me right now.”
Click here for Part 3!
AN: I never went to medical school, so forgive my medical inaccuracies.
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hypnomicimagines · 3 years
Hi, may i request some hcs about doppo's s/o getting jealous when a female coworker is being extra attentive and making him lunch boxes?
Thank you so much
Kannonzaka Doppo:
It started off as a simple friendly gesture.
Doppo didn’t have many friends at work, and you had never been the jealous type, so you hadn’t thought twice about this co-worker making him lunch. You were happy that there was someone around willing to help him out other than you or Hifumi, especially at work where your reach was more limited. The frequency of him being made personal lunches was what struck a nerve first, wondering if this coworker of his was trying to imply you weren’t a good significant other because you didn’t make Doppo lunch every day, but you tried not to take it too personally. Doppo didn’t have any issue telling you all about what she made or what the two of them talked about so as long as he stayed honest, you didn’t think the situation would escalate much further.
It’s when the love notes started that Doppo froze up.
He’s miserable at the fact that the one person he thought would be a good friend turned out to be someone romantically interested in him, made even more frustrating by the fact she hadn’t popped up until he was happily committed to someone else. He figured it’s just his luck to be shoved into a situation like this and while he had been iffy about the behavior in the beginning, your lax attitude had encouraged him to take the hopefully surface level kindness and simply go about his day. With this little sticky note with hearts doodled all over it he knew that his lunch breaks just got significantly more complicated, especially when another coworker of his spotted it.
“Wow, they made you a real cute lunch! You’re one lucky guy, Doppo.” The pat on his back was harder than necessary from his obviously jealous coworker, nearly sending him sprawling to the ground before he regained his balance. He dreaded going home to you now, knowing he had done nothing wrong but still feeling guilty anyway. How did Hifumi deal with this day in and out? He didn’t exactly have a consistent romantic relationship in his life like Doppo but all he could personally feel was exhausted at the thought of two different people have feelings for him; even if one would end in just him rejecting them, it was still tiring to deal with.
“What’s this?” Doppo began to sweat nervously as he handed you the note he received around noon that day, wringing his tie in his hands as he tried to think up every defense in the book. He hadn’t done anything wrong, right? What if this single-handedly managed to make you lose your trust in him? What if you thought he had been hiding this all along and that he was finally confessing this to you because of some weird guilt?!
“It’s the first time! I swear, there’s nobody I have eyes for but you! Please don’t leave me…!” His last sentence is so tearfully pathetic you have to give him a half-hearted smile, urging him forward and allowing him to press his face into your chest before you pat the top of his head. You re-read the note several times before speaking up, Doppo tensing up as you lightly pushed him away from you.
“She just gave you this today then? With those lunches?”
“Y-Yes… I can stop eating them! I don’t even want them! Your lunches are better, way better! If you don’t want to make them for me, I understand, it’s my fault for betraying your trust and eating some woman’s lunch… I’m a terrible boyfriend, you don’t deserve to be treated like this… After this everyone will know that I’m a food cheater and no one else will want to date me. She’ll be my only choice… It’ll be what I deserve but I don’t want to date her! I want you! I love you!”
“Well, if we’re being honest now…” You placed the note on the table, frowning; Doppo hated it when you frowned, hated even more that he was the cause of it. “I was a little jealous. Or maybe just annoyed… This woman was making you all this good food and it just makes it seem like she’s better than me or something like that. It’s hard to explain but I didn’t want to be some jealousy crazy person telling you what you can and can’t do. This note is… a little far though.”
“I won’t ever touch her food again! I won’t even look at her. I’ll rip out my own eyes if I have to-“
“Let’s take several steps back now, baby, no need for all of that. Plus, your eyes are so pretty I’d be sad if I couldn’t get lost in them.” Your touch is as warm and gentle as it’s always been, Doppo nuzzling into the hand that reached up to cup his cheek. “I do think you have to be clear about setting this boundary with her. Tell her you won’t be accepting anymore lunches.”
“Y-yes! I’ll do that. I can do that!”
“Relax a little, too. You’re so on edge,” You giggled at the wide-eyed look on his face, knowing he probably expected a much different outcome. “But we do have one more problem.”
“What is it? What can I do?!”
“You can… tell me the sorts of things you’d like for lunch. And I’ll try to prepare them the night before. I’ll even write you cute little love notes if that’s the sort of thing you like ♥”
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ifmywishescametrue · 3 years
"You didn't deserve that... You deserve so much better." for buckytony pls 🤓
thank you for sending one! it got kind of out of hand lol so here's 2.2k of breaking up and making up. hope you like it!
Tony loses track of what the fight is about fairly quickly. He knows it started with what seemed like playful bickering, the kind their relationship was practically built on, but somewhere along the way the jabs turned much more pointed. Barbed wire wrapped around them, until each one was like a knife wound.
The first real cut came from him, he knows. Bucky's witty comment hit a little too close to one of his hundred insecurities, and reflex made him return it with too much sharpness. He can't blame Bucky for reacting, but they're both to blame for letting it get this out of hand. That’s not something that matters in the moment, though.
In the moment, all that matters is the careless insults and merciless words they lob back and forth. They chip away at each other and their relationship until it’s crumbling around them, but even that doesn’t matter. It becomes secondary to getting in the last word and one-upmanship, like it’s a competition for who can hurt who the most that they both desperately want to win, consequences be damned.
“You know this is why people keep leaving you,” Bucky says. “At some point it should be pretty damn obvious that it's you, not them.”
Tony laughs bitterly because the only other choice is crying. “Cause you're a real fucking prize, right? Bet people are just lining up to date a guy they're barely allowed to touch. And God forbid you ever try to do something nice for him, because it'll never actually be right.”
“Better than a guy with daddy issues so severe it'll take him two years to even tell you he loves you. Don't bother saying it in the meantime to him either, because he'll run off to hide for a week after each time.”
“Well, you know what, I'll make it easy for you, then,” Tony says, backing away to grab his jacket. “You don't have to worry about me and all my issues anymore.”
He forcefully shoves his arms into the sleeves and grabs his keys from the hook by the door. Bucky watches with a clenched jaw and doesn't try to stop him, not even when he pauses to give him the chance.
“What are you waiting for? Go ahead and run off. Prove my point.”
Tony shakes his head, an ache already forming in his chest that he ignores. “I’m not proving your point, because this isn’t running. This is breaking up with you because you’re a fucking asshole.”
He lets the door slam shut behind him and speedwalks down the hall, repeatedly pushing the elevator button. It doesn’t come quickly enough, and he flings open the door to the stairwell to rush down them. His vision blurs dangerously, and he can hardly see where he’s going, but he doesn’t slow down. The tears come freely with no around to see, until he’s out on the sidewalk and violently swipes them away with the back of his hand. He doesn’t pay attention to where he’s walking, only on getting as far away as possible.
Where he ends up shouldn’t come as a surprise to him. It’s muscle memory to come here at this point, a walk so familiar he could do it in his sleep and still manage to avoid all the cracks and uneven parts on the sidewalk on the way.
He stands outside of Shield’s Bar, neon lights coloring his face blue and pink, and he contemplates going in. It’s a Thursday, which means Clint is working the bar until midnight. Natasha will be waiting tables, and Steve will come in to replace her at ten.
All Bucky’s friends. He won’t get any of them in the breakup.
Steve will be the first to turn his back on him with his unwavering loyalty to his best friend. Clint will follow next because he hates tension and it’s the easier side to take. Natasha will be last, and she’ll claim that she loves them both and choosing sides is childish and ridiculous. But she’ll go, too, eventually. When none of her other friends will be in the same room as him, and all of their usual hangout spots become off limits. It’ll grow awkward and uncomfortable until promises to meet up turn into vague excuses and texts spaced months apart.
But where does he have to go if it isn’t here?
Rhodey’s on base in California, and Pepper moved back to New York the second her business degree was done. Staying in Boston was never the plan, not until Bucky and his found family welcomed him into their lives and made it feel like home. Where is there to go if home isn’t an option anymore?
He stands there long enough that people start to whisper as they pass by. They must think he’s lost his mind, staring blankly at a brick wall and hardly blinking, but he doesn’t hear what they say. Doesn’t hear anything but his own thoughts running in circles, going from anger to regret to shame and back again.
He wonders if Bucky’s right. If he truly is the reason it never works out. He knows he’s too insecure and emotionally unavailable. He demands too much and gives too little in return and doesn’t know how to communicate.
He used to watch his parents fight, orbiting around each other with avoidance and unspoken words until the dams broke and silence turned to screams, and he would swear that he would be better. If he was lucky enough to be in love with someone and have them love him in return, he would understand just how rare and beautiful that is and never take it for granted.
Easier said than done. Harder to face the fact that sometimes his words sound exactly like his father’s once did and sometimes he feels like his mother when he quietly lets himself be walked on and overlooked. The worst of both of them is tangled up inside of him, and it always kills whatever he touches.
Natasha finds him there eventually. She opens the door roughly, with intention that falters momentarily before she asks, “Do you plan on coming in at some point or are you staying out here all night?”
“I should probably go,” he says, quietly enough that it’s nearly lost to the wind.
Natasha watches him for a long moment, then steps out of the doorway to take his hand. She leads him over to an empty booth and slides into the opposite side.
“Aren’t you supposed to be working?”
She shrugs, “Steve will be here in a few minutes. No one’s going to die if they have to wait for their beer.”
Silence stretches on, and he stares down at his hands on the table. It’s warmer inside the bar, and he doesn’t realize that the cold has turned his fingers numb until they begin to unthaw.
“People coming in here were talking about some guy loitering outside. Some were saying he looked sad, some said lost. A few less optimistic people voted for strung out on drugs, but I think it’s safe to rule that one out now. Same with lost, seeing as you’ve been here a thousand times. That leaves sad, which means you had a fight with Bucky, and you didn’t come in, which means you think it’s your fault. Am I right so far?”
Tony nods, hanging his head low, and she continues to ask, “Do you want to talk about it or drink about it?”
“We broke up,” Tony mumbles. “I did it.”
She takes a long breath, and her hand is warm when it slips back into his. “Are you planning on fixing it?”
“Not sure it’s fixable. I said some things, he said some things. Can’t really take any of it back now.”
“People say things they don’t mean all the time. Doesn’t make it unforgivable.”
He shrugs like his heart isn’t broken. “Maybe it’s better off this way.”
Natasha sighs, “Tony.”
“Go home.”
“Pretty sure I don’t have one of those anymore.”
“Of course you do,” she says softly. “I promise you that he wants you to come back.”
Tony shakes his head. “You weren’t there, Nat. You don’t know what happened.”
“I don’t have to know what happened to know that he wants you to come home. If he feels even half as terrible as you look, he wants you. Just because you broke up doesn’t mean it’s over. It’s only over if you don’t go back.”
Tony bites his lip to keep it from quivering, and he asks, “What if you’re wrong? What if he doesn’t want to see me?”
“Well, it can’t exactly make things worse, can it?”
He huffs a humorless laugh, “I guess not.”
Natasha slides out of the booth, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Go home before he comes out looking for you, and text me in the morning to tell me I was right.”
She walks away, greeting Steve as he comes in, and Tony lingers there for another minute before getting up. He waves to them both on his way out and tries not to think about what she’ll tell Steve about his reason for being there.
The walk back to his and Bucky’s apartment seems quicker than the walk away from it, and Tony resents it for not giving him more time.
He takes the stairs again and hesitates outside the door, what ifs overwhelming his mind. What if he walks in and all of his things are packed up for him? What if Bucky isn’t even there or all of his belongings are gone instead? What if he can’t fix it and this is where it really ends? He doesn’t know if he could recover from that.
Turning the key in the lock, he opens the door slowly and holds his breath in trepidation.
Nothing looks different. No packed boxes, no smashed picture frames, no sign that anything ever went wrong.
Bucky is on the couch, curled into the corner with his legs held tight to his chest, and he doesn’t seem to notice that he isn’t alone anymore. It’s painfully quiet, and the single light that was on before isn’t enough now that it's grown darker outside, but he hasn’t turned any others on.
“I’m sorry,” Tony says into the silence. It’s as good a place as any to start. “You didn't deserve that. Any of it. The whole stupid thing. You deserve so much better. I should be better at this, but I’ve done a real shit job of it lately, I think. Maybe not even lately. Maybe I’ve been a terrible boyfriend the whole time, and in that case you should probably tell me to go and not come back, but I’d like to think there were at least moments where I was sort of okay, and I’d like to try to be more than just okay if you’ll let me.”
Bucky stares at him, lips parted and red-rimmed eyes unblinking. “What the hell are you talking about?”
Tony freezes, unsure of how to answer that, and Bucky unfolds himself to walk over and stand in front of him.
“You broke up with me,” Bucky says.
“Yes, but I -”
“No,” he interrupts. “You broke up with me.”
Tony frowns in confusion and slowly says again, “Yes.”
“That means I do the grovelling here, because I fucked it up. I beg for the second chance, because I crossed the line so far that you left. And I did it on purpose, too, because I had a shit day so I pushed until you pushed back,” Bucky explains. “And apparently I did such a good job being horrible to you that you think it’s your fault.”
Tony tries to process that, but it’s taking some time to work through. A complete turn around on his thoughts that almost makes him dizzy.
“Why did you have a shit day? What happened?”
“Is that really what you’re focusing on in all of that?” Bucky shakes his head in disbelief and runs a hand through his hair. “God, it’s you that deserves better. That’s what I’m telling you here. You were right to leave, and I should be the one telling you I’m sorry.”
“You had a bad day and took it out on me. How many times have I done the same to you? You never once left.”
“Doesn’t make it right.”
“No,” Tony agrees. He reaches for one of Bucky’s hands, because he needs the contact and has a feeling that Bucky does too. “But it doesn’t mean it’s not worth working on. I meant what I said about wanting to be better for you.”
Bucky nods, looking down at their joined hands. “I want to be better for you, too. How do we do that?”
“A lot of talking about our feelings, probably.”
Bucky pulls a face. “God, that sounds terrible.”
Tony laughs, taking his other hand to pull him in closer, “Yeah, it does, but we’ll get better at it eventually.”
“Can we start tomorrow?” Bucky asks. He leans down to rest his forehead against Tony’s. “I’d really like to just hold you tonight.”
“Yeah, baby,” Tony murmurs. “Hold me tonight. It’ll be better in the morning.”
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starshine583 · 3 years
New Girl on the Block (19)
(Hey, everyone!!! Thank you so much for your patience while I was away. It’s good to be back! I hope you all enjoy this next chapter!)
Ch. 1 / Ch. 18 / Ch. 20 (ao3)
Chapter 19: A Date with Misery
“Marinette, you are.. an incredible person.”
“You don’t need anyone to validate how amazing you are.”
“You are talented, kind, and capable all on your own.”
Felix’s words from the night before played over in Marinette’s mind again and again, an endless loop that she found herself incapable of escaping, and with each echo, her heart seemed to melt further than she thought possible. The comments were simply too honey-sweet, too sincere. She couldn’t help reveling in them. How long had he thought of her that way? How long had he placed her on such a high pedestal that she wasn’t aware of? Marinette knew that Felix had a tendency to make unexpected comments every now and then, but last night truly caught her off guard.. and perhaps made her just a tad bit love-stricken. Had he always spoken to her in that soft manner, the one that made her believe she could be the very stars in his night sky? Had he always possessed the ability to send her heart fluttering the way it did last night, when he allowed her to pull him onto the dance floor and hold him incredibly close? She had no way of knowing, and certainly not enough nerve to ask aloud. But, oh, how her mind ran rampant with fantasies anyway. Will she ever be able to dance with him like that again? Would he look at her the same way he had then, with eyes that felt soft as a cloud in the moment? Did he go home last night and think about her too, endlessly turning on his bed and glancing at his diary- if he kept one, that is -and thinking maybe just one more entry-
Marinette jumped, nearly falling off of the ladder that she’d been balancing on, and felt a blush explode across her cheeks.
“Nothing! What? I mean-” She flailed her arms a bit to regain balance, then peeked down at the person below, the very boy she’d been fantasizing about “-Did you need something?”
Felix stood at the base of the ladder, his brows furrowed slightly. “..No. I just wanted to know if there was something wrong with your heart.”
Marinette sputtered, her blush deepening considerably. She couldn’t have been that obvious, right? What expression was she making before he came over? 
“M-My heart?” She asked- or rather, squeaked.
Felix pointed to a stream of hearts on the wall, the ones she was supposed to be taking down. “You were staring at one of the hearts for quite a while. Is it ripped?”
“Oh.” She said, staring blankly at the wall. The paper hearts. He meant the paper hearts hanging next to her. Not her heart specifically. That made a lot more sense. “No, sorry. The hearts are fine. I was just, uh.. you know.. reminiscing. We had a lot of fun times with these decorations.”
“Ah,” Felix tilted his head up in a slight nod, “my apologies for interrupting you then.”
“Oh, you didn’t.” Marinette assured hastily. “It really wasn’t anything important.”
Definitely wasn’t anything important..
She plucked out the pin that held the hearts and started down the ladder to move to the other end of the stream. Felix offered a hand to help her down in the process, and she took it, strongly ignoring the tingling sensation that came from doing so. 
“If you’d like to keep one as a memorial, I’m sure Allegra wouldn’t mind.” He remarked. “I doubt she’s going to keep any of these things herself after all the parties they’ve had.”
Marinette hummed. Keeping a heart streamer as a memorial, huh? That didn’t sound like a bad idea. 
“Thanks. I just might do that.”
Felix gave her the tiniest of smiles, the kind Marinette was used to catching at this point, and slipped his hand out of hers when her feet hit the ground. She clasped her hands together afterwards to compensate, also ignoring the fact that it might have been nice for him to hold her hand just a tad bit longer.
“Would you like help moving the ladder?” He asked, to which she shook her head.
“I’ve got it, but if you could move the box over to the other round table while I move the ladder, I would be grateful.”
Allegra had given her an empty box to put the decorations in as she took them off of the wall. So far, Marinette had exactly.. zero decorations in the box. Gosh, how long had she been staring at that heart? Was she going insane? Why would she even be thinking about Felix this way? He’d just told her last night that he wasn’t interested in romance. Falling for him would be guaranteed heartbreak! It would be completely ridiculous! It would.. It would..
It would probably be inevitable.
Felix was just too sweet to her, too kind. He was always looking out for her and supporting her, always sharing his quiet laughs and amused smiles, and he said too many things that made her head spin for her not to start liking him. There was just no escape! It was going to happen eventually. The only question now was when.
And maybe today was her answer.
Stop it. Marinette scolded herself as she picked up the ladder to walk it over. It’s just some butterflies in your stomach. How many of those did you digest around Adrien?
Marinette froze midstep, an immense sense of horror washing over her. Oh, gosh, this wasn’t going to be another Adrien situation, was it? It couldn’t be. She refused to go through that again. At least not this soon.
Marinette continued walking, if only to avoid Felix’s suspicions, and set up the ladder under the next pin that was holding up her stream. 
When you think about it, this really can’t be another Adrien situation, right? With Adrien, she had no idea whether he liked her or not, but was hopeful despite that and used her friends in an effort to gain his attention. With Felix, she already had her answer. She knew for a fact that he didn’t like her romantically, that he wouldn’t ever like her romantically, and she also hadn’t asked any of her new friends to help her gain Felix’s attention. (Though, in all honesty, she probably wouldn’t need help even if she was looking for his attention, because he already gave it to her willingly on a constant basis, but that thought didn’t exactly help her cause.)
“Is here alright?” Felix asked as he set the box on the end of the round table.
Marinette nodded, scaling the ladder to pluck the next pin. “Yep. That’s great, thank you.”
“Of course. If you need anything else, I’ll be wrapping the candles and putting them in boxes.”
“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.” She said, pulling a smile. 
No, this wasn’t going to be anything like her crush on Adrien. This time she at least had closure before she began, and although it might be just as heart-shattering in the long run, she won’t be wasting her time wondering “what if” or tripping over herself to become his dream girl in an effort to be ‘chosen’. She’ll simply be his friend, as he’s been to her, and if she’s lucky, this sort-of-tiny-little crush of hers will wither away before it grows into a bigger problem. 
After all, it’s like Felix said: She’ll find someone new who appreciates her eventually. It just.. won’t be him. The sooner she took this lesson to heart, the better.
Marinette plucked the next pin out of the wall, watching the stream of hearts fall into the box below, and started back down the ladder again. That’s one down. Five to go.
She paused at the bottom of the ladder, ready to pull it together so she could pick it up and move it again, when her phone started buzzing in her pocket. She quickly shimmied it out to check what the buzzing was for, only to be met with the flashing words “Adrien Agreste - Café”.
It was her alarm clock telling her that it was time to go meet Adrien for lunch. And it couldn’t have picked a worse time. She still had five other heart streamers to take down, and at this rate she was going to have to run half way across town just to make it on time. Ugh- why didn’t she set her alarm clock earlier?
“Hey, guys?” She called out to the group, tucking her phone back into her pocket. “I hate to say it, but I actually need to get going. I’m sorry I couldn’t help out more.”
If she hadn’t stopped every two seconds to daydream about somebody-
“Oh, don’t worry about it!” Allegra called back with a smile. “You’ve helped out plenty.”
“Yeah,” Claude agreed. “This was our party anyway.”
“I know, but I only managed to get one of the streamers down.” Marinette sighed.
“But you also helped fold all of the tablecloths and put them away.” Allan reminded her.
“And you swept the room after the trash was taken care of.” Allegra added.
“Go have fun at your appointment thing or whatever. We’ve got everything covered here.” Claude assured, emptying the water from another flower vase.
Marinette smiled as she grabbed her purse from one of the round tables. Her friends were so great, each and every one of them. 
“I’ll see you guys later then.”
“See ya!”
“Bye, Mari!”
“Do you want me to call my driver for you?” Felix asked, briefly setting his candles aside. “It’s quite a walk from here to your house, isn’t it?”
“Thanks, but I’m good. I can have Maman and Papa come to pick me up if I start running late.” Or she can transform into Ladybug and swing right over to Adrien herself, which was exactly what she planned on doing. “I’ll text you guys when I get there, though.”
That seemed to satisfy Felix, because he nodded and continued placing his candles in the box. “I’ll be waiting to hear from you then.” 
Marinette pursed her lips and spun towards the door, hoping he didn’t notice the fresh blush that was creeping across her cheeks. Gosh, how was she ever going to survive this boy? Maybe Adrien’s presence will give her a good slap in the face and bring her back to her senses.. She highly doubted it though. With her track record, she’ll probably end up falling for Adrien again too, and then she’ll be stuck between two unrequited crushes! Great!
..Why does she always have to fall for the people who don’t love her back?
Wind rushed past Chat Noir’s face as he raced across the rooftops, his grin stretching wide from ear to ear. Today was the day! It was finally the fifteenth! In just a few short blocks, he was going to meet Marinette at their agreed café, and they were going to have a whole lunch together just to themselves! It made him buzz with excitement at the very thought, because finally his plans were progressing. Finally he was gonna have a long, drawn out chat with Marinette as Adrien, and perhaps, if he had gained even the slightest bit of luck from his partner, he would be able to convince her to transfer back to Dupont. Or at least have her consider it. She probably shouldn’t come back right this second. 
Chat Noir landed on a rooftop and slid down the tiles with glee, but before he could leap to the next rooftop, a red and black-spotted figure flew out in front of him. He stumbled back with a yelp, staring at the person with wide eyes as they sailed onto the rooftop across from him. Was that..?
“My Lady?” He called out, pushing himself back onto his feet. What was she doing out at this time of day? It wasn’t like her to be out and about during daylight when no akumas were present.
Unless there is an akuma. Chat realized with horror. He glanced around the city, looking for explosions or destruction of some kind. Please, let there not be an akuma. That would mean he’d have to skip out on his lunch with Marinette! And he’d worked so hard just to get her there!
The spotted figure turned around- proving that it was, in fact, his wonderful Ladybug -and flashed him her signature, Lady-Luck smile. “Oh, Chat Noir! I didn’t realize you would be out today.”
Chat Noir returned her smile and hopped over to her rooftop. “I could say the same to you, Bugaboo. Is an akuma on the loose again?”
“No, not that I’m aware of.” She assured, to his relief. “I just had some free time and thought I would do a small patrol around the city to make sure everything’s still in order.”
Chat Noir chuckled. That’s His Lady for you. Never ceasing to protect Paris. Could she ever become more amazing?
“Sounds like a great idea. I’d be tempted to join you, but I’m actually on my way home already. I’ve been out for a while.” He said, though none of it was true. He hadn’t been out for a while, and he certainly wasn’t running home, but Ladybug was extremely strict on the ‘keeping identities a secret’ policy. If he let something about his civilian life slip- like, say, meeting someone at a cafe about five minutes from now to talk about school transfers -she’d get upset and scold him for divulging too much information. It wasn’t fun lying to the person he was supposed to trust the most, but this was the set up that they’d decided to use. 
“That’s alright. I wasn’t planning on staying out long anyway.” Ladybug replied. “I’ll see you during our next patrol?”
“Or attack.” Chat Noir agreed, giving her a little wink before he took off again. This time he turned to the left of the café, moving in a direction that was somewhat opposite of it. He didn’t want Ladybug seeing where he was going- again, secret identities -but, he also didn’t want to stray too far from his and Marinette’s meeting place, or else he was going to be late. So, he figured he could find a comfortable alleyway about a block or two away from his destination and simply run the rest of the way on foot.
Thank goodness he did, because as soon as he turned left, Ladybug swung off in the exact direction he’d originally been heading. Can you imagine if they’d started going the same way? The explanation for that one would have been awful, he’s sure.
Chat Noir dropped down into an alleyway a few minutes later, just as planned, and detransformed back into Adrien. Running around Paris in his civilian form probably wasn’t going to be any easier than jumping rooftops, but at least he didn’t run into any problems with His Lady. That was a plus, right?
“Ugh,” Plagg groaned as he swirled back into the air, “remind me again why we had to waste my precious energy on a lunch date?”
“Come on, Plagg, you know I hate having Gorilla hover over my shoulder.” Adrien said, offering his kwami a slice of cheese. Gorilla does his best to give Adrien as much space as possible, but still, when you know someone is there specifically to watch you.. “Besides, it’ll give Marinette and I more privacy while we talk.”
Plagg gave a dismissive sigh as he snatched the cheese from Adrien’s hands. “Oh, that’s right. We’re still on pigtails.. I don’t know why you’re so obsessed with her. It’s not like she died or anything.”
Adrien frowned. “I’m not obsessed. I’m just trying to be a good friend. She’s always been there for all of us. So why shouldn’t I be there for her?”
“Mm.. Does this really count as being there for her, though?” Plagg asked as he shoved the first half of the cheese into his mouth. 
“What do you mean?”
“You’re trying to be there for her by bringing her back to Dupont, right? Well, she seems perfectly happy at her new school to me. So why not leave her be? If you want to be there for her, don’t you think you should be supporting her decisions?”
A bit of guilt festered in Adrien’s chest, and he rubbed the back of his neck. “I.. get what you’re saying, but I want her back too. I want to hang out again and talk like we used to.”
“You’re about to talk with her right now.” 
“You know what I mean. I want to talk with her daily, like we do at school.”
“Then, why don’t you transfer schools?”
Adrien let out a small chuckle. “And leave Nino? I couldn’t do that to him.”
“Okay~, but don’t say I didn’t warn you if things don’t work out the way you want them to.” Plagg said. He then shoved the rest of the cheese into his mouth and zipped into Adrien’s shirt pocket.
Adrien furrowed his eyebrows, but didn’t reply, instead starting for the cafe. Why would Plagg say something like that? Of course everything was going to work out! Yes, Marinette was happy at her new school, and yes, getting her to come back to Dupont might be a tad tricky (especially since he had to deal with Lila first) but that didn’t mean his plan was going to fail. He simply needed to remind Marinette that she loved being at Dupont too! More so than Rosemary even! It’ll be alright. Plagg will see.
With little time to spare, Adrien booked it to the café, careful to keep his head down and not catch the eyes of the media. Thankfully, he made it there in one piece, albeit five minutes late. It should be fine, though. If anyone were to understand missing the mark for an appointment, it would be her, right?
Adrien slipped his phone out of his pocket as he walked inside to check for any new messages from the ravenette, then silenced it when he saw that there were none. He didn’t want this precious time to be interrupted. 
The bell on the café door jingled above him when he entered, reminding him of a certain bakery. He glanced around the room for Marinette hopefully, then lit up when he caught sight of a pair of ravenette pigtails at a table in the middle of the room. Yes! She was here!
Adrien wasted no time strolling over the table, tapping the top of her head to get her attention. She jumped- as she usually does -and whirled around with wide eyes.
“Hey, Marinette.” He greeted with a smile.
“Adrien!” She said, letting out a nervous laugh. “Y-You’re here.”
“Yeah!” He chirped, slipping into the seat across from her. “Sorry I’m late. I ran into a bit of traffic on the way here. How have you been? Did you have a good Valentine’s Day?”
Marinette settled back into her chair as well, pulling a small, tight smile. “It’s alright.. I’ve been pretty good, and my Valentine’s Day was wonderful. How was yours?”
“Oh, you know,” Adrien shrugged, “same as always. I got some cards from a few fans and did a special photoshoot for my father, but that was about it. I tried to go see Nino or something, but he was with Alya, so..”
“Aw, I’m sorry. I wish it could have worked out better.”
“No, it’s fine.” He quickly assured. “I’m used to it. Besides, Nino and I have actually been hanging out a lot more during the winter break.”
“Oh,” Marinette said, “That’s good then. You deserve the free time.”
Adrien smiled. What a very ‘Marinette’ thing to say. “Thanks. Have you ordered anything yet?”
She shook her head. “No, I figured I’d wait for you.”
“Then let’s go get some food.” He said, standing from the table again. “I’m starving.”
Marinette stood with him, and they made their way over to the line that led to the service counter. It wasn’t long, thankfully, only holding about three people or so. They should be back at the table in no time.
“So, are you enjoying your new school life? I heard you transferred to Rosemary.” 
“Yeah, I’ve been having a great time,” Marinette said, a bit too cheerful for Adrien’s liking, “but I do have a question. How did you know I transferred to Rosemary?”
“Oh, uh..” 
Would she accept ‘my good friend Chat Noir’ as a proper answer?
“..Mlle Bustier. She announced to the class that you had transferred, and when I asked about it afterwards, she told me that you went to Rosemary.”
A hum came from Marinette, the corner of her lips tugging downwards. Why was she frowning? Did he say something wrong?
“Is that a problem?” He asked.
“Oh! No.” Marinette replied hastily. “Well.. sort of. I’m just worried that if she told you, then she’d be willing to tell other people.. Like Lila or Alya.”
Ah.. She made a good point. Her whereabouts could be spread around easily if Mlle Bustier was being loose-lipped. Although he doubted that Lila would come after Marinette since she’s not trying to out her anymore, Adrien wouldn’t put it past the girl entirely, especially since she was still spreading rumors about Marinette on a regular basis..
Granted, this only mattered if Mlle Bustier actually told him where Marinette went to school, which she didn’t. So they should be perfectly safe for the time being.
“I’m sure everything will be fine.” He insisted. “I was the only one that asked, anyway, and I made sure we were alone.”
Marinette nodded, but she didn’t look any less unsettled. “You’re sure you were the only one that asked?”
“.. Okay.” She muttered, fiddling with the tip of her black jacket. Oh, she was getting anxious now! He needed to fix this. Change the subject!
“Anyway, you said your new school was great?” He asked as he stepped forward in line. “That’s good to hear. Have you made any friends there yet?”
Of course, he already knew that she’d made new friends- several, in fact -but hopefully talking about them would help her relax. Plus, it would give him more information on her new environment. So it’s a double bonus.
Marinette took the bait, her hands quickly falling back to her side as she said, “I have. I was fortunate enough to run into a whole group of friends on my first day, and they took me in without hesitation, which was sweet. They even gave me a tour of the school and everything.”
Adrien plastered a tight smile onto his face in an effort to show support. She already had an entire group of new friends? That was gonna be hard to pull her away from.  
“Wow, they sound really nice. You’ll have to introduce me to them sometime.”
“Maybe I can,” Marinette agreed, “but it probably won’t be for a while. We all have schedules and things that we’d need to work out, and I’ve been working on this fashion project lately that I was hoping to get done by the end of next week.”
“No worries. I definitely understand having a busy schedule.” Adrien joked, stepping forward in the line again. “Dupont’s been a little crazy since you left too. We had to pick a new vice president and everything.”
“Yeah, I heard. Lila had to come by and grab the books.” Marinette said bitterly.
Adrien winced. “Really? What did she say?”
“Gosh, I don’t even remember anymore.” Marinette rolled her eyes. “I try not to worry over stupid people. I’m sure she just rubbed her ‘victory’ towards me leaving in my face.”
Adrien chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “I bet.. Lila aside, though, we all miss you. Dupont isn’t the same without you here.”
Marinette raised an eyebrow at him as they took another step forward in line. “You all miss me?”
Adrien frowned, partly because she doubted him, but mostly because he knew her skepticism was justified. They didn’t all miss her. Some- if not everyone besides himself -seemed to be happy that she was gone. It was a true tragedy.
“Well.. I miss you.” He said, his heart dropping further when she gave a satisfied nod. She’s already accepted the tragedy as fact, something unchanging, but he was going to work to make things different. 
“Can I take your order?” The cashier cut in, grabbing the pair’s attention.
Adrien and Marinette gave the cashier their order and walked back to their table to wait for their names being called.
“So..” Adrien trailed off as they took their seats. “Do.. you miss us?”
He knew it was a risky question, especially since she’d firmly told Chat Noir a month prior that she did not, in fact, miss Dupont, but maybe her opinion had changed since then?
Marinette shifted in her seat, clearly uncomfortable. “I.. I’m not sure how to answer that, Adrien. How can I say that I miss the people who treated me like a monster for no other reason than the fact that I decided to stand up against a liar? I get that Lila twisted their views, and that everyone has their own version of a story, but it still hurt for them not to believe me even though most of us have known each other since childhood.”
“Do I miss the fun times and the people they used to be before Lila came along? Sure I do, but they’re not the people they used to be. They’re not the friends I grew up with anymore, and I’m not going to regret leaving a situation that wasn’t good for me.”
Adrien sighed. “Alright.. That’s a fair answer.. But what if they did come back? I mean- like - What if they realized that Lila was lying and came back and apologized and everything went back to normal. Would you come back?”
Marinette frowned. “.. I don’t know. What you’re suggesting is extremely far-fetched, and even if everything did go back to ‘normal’, it still wouldn’t quite be the same. They abandoned me for a foreigner. You can’t really come back from that. Plus, I think Rosemary is a great opportunity for me. It’s a prestigious school with extensive classes on the fashion industry and many other things, and although there can be some snooty, rich students, most of the people I’ve met there are really nice.”
Adrien hummed. Her answer was, once again, disheartening, but he took comfort in the fact that she said ‘I don’t know’ instead of just a straight up ‘no’. That was at least something, right? He could work with an ‘I don’t know’.
“Was this all you wanted to talk with me about?” Marinette asked. “Whether or not I would come back to Dupont?”
Adrien winced. “Well, no-”
“-I also just wanted to catch up in general. We haven’t really seen each other in over a month, ya know?”
Although she appeared to be hesitant towards his answer, she gave a small smile anyway. “Yeah, it’s definitely been a while.”
Adrien chuckled. “You know, I actually tried to go visit you at Rosemary one time before this, but when I asked a student where you were, he said that you didn’t even attend the school. Had you two just not met yet?”
“Uh.. Can you describe him? There’s a lot of people at the school.”
“Sure. He was about my height, maybe a bit taller, with pale blonde hair and light eyes- I think. He was kind of  just pale in general.”
Marinette snorted. “Do you know the amount of people at the school that could match that description?”
“Okay, okay, uhm.. I think he was wearing dark colors that day. Like, greys or blacks maybe.”
“Wears dark colors, but has light hair and eyes, and is tall. Got it.” Marinette smiled. “Sorry, Adrien, but I’m just not sure. That could be Devin or Caleb or Eliot or any other number of boys. It could have even been someone who’s not in my classes.”
“Right, that’s fine. I was just curious.” He said casually, though it was really eating him alive. He knew that they knew each other. They had to! No one gets that upset during an akuma attack and calls the person their friend without knowing them. The guy even mentioned that their mutual friends were waiting for them! So who could it be? 
“Order for Adrien and Marinette Dupain-Cheng!”
Adrien stood. “I’ll get it.”
Honestly, he didn’t need to know the guy’s name. It was a bitter inconvenience, to be sure, but in the end, finding out the blond-haired dude’s name isn’t the objective. The objective was to get rid of Lila, then get Marinette to come back to Dupont. She might be hesitant about it now, which was understandable, but once she sees the changes that he’s gonna make at Dupont, she’ll be more than happy to come back. He simply needed to open her up to the idea again.
Lucky for him, he had a whole lunch date to do just that.
Lila slowed to a stop on the sidewalk, panting and out of breath. She searched the city streets from left to right, but was only met with the scenery of a regular, Paris afternoon. Where were the screaming fans? The paparazzi? The bodyguards holding everyone back? Did they all disperse already? That post was literally made five minutes ago! How did he run away so fast?
She pulled out her phone to unlock it, watching as her social media popped up again. It was a picture of XY standing next to a downtown café, the very café Lila was standing next to right now.
“Chillin’ at the Café Aroma today!” The post read, but there was no XY in sight. There were hardly even any XY fans here looking for him. Was the post just a ruse to get rid of the paparazzi for a while? Don’t tell her she got up and ran all the way down here for nothing!
Lila let out a groan, slumping against the café. If XY or any of his lackeys bothered to answer their dang cell phones, none of this would’ve happened! Why would they even put out public numbers if they weren’t going to tend to them? It was really a jerk-ish thing to do.
Nevertheless, she still needed to find a way to contact him. XY was the only celebrity in Paris that might be willing to show up at Dupont per her request. Jagged Stone was a close second, but if she brought him to school, Lila was certain Adrien would ask about her stupid, kitten-saving story. Then, Jagged would get all confused and say that he never had a kitten, and Lila would have a lot more explaining to do. That was too much of a hassle for her to deal with. She needed someone she hadn’t lied much about, someone who could also quiet her whining, soul-sucking classmates. Ergo, she needed to find XY.
But where is he? Lila thought, scrolling through her phone for more recent posts. XY clearly wasn’t downtown, meaning he could be just about anywhere in Paris. He could even be outside of Paris. How was she supposed to find him when she had no special contacts to do so? It was like looking for a needle in a haystack. 
And yet.. Marinette managed to find and reign in every celebrity she needed while she was class president. On. Her. Own.
Lila scowled and shoved her phone back into her pocket. Curse that goody-little-two-shoes for making her job harder. Curse her for somehow being perfect at everything and forcing Lila to enhance her lies to compete. Curse her for leaving to another school and making Lila suffer the consequences for it. Why couldn't Marinette have been a normal class president, hm? Why did she have to constantly outdo herself with the grandest of gestures and the most important of people? Why did Lila have to be so stupid as to try and fill an impossible roll? She should have convinced Alya to run for president instead. At least then she wouldn’t be blamed for the sudden budget cuts or the mismatched class trips. She would be able to continue lying in peace and not have to worry about delivering on all of her false promises. In fact, if she weren’t so busy trying to keep up with Marinette’s ‘legacy’, along with her own big mouth, she might have been able to take care of Adrien by now.
Lila heaved a heavy sigh and massaged her temples as she stood up from the café wall. XY wasn’t going to be found anytime soon, so she might as well take a break and grab a coffee before moving forward. Perhaps the caffeine will spark her creativity for a few lies that Adrien can’t dig into should her plan to find XY fail.
She walked over to the café door and pushed it open. The bell attached to the door jingled, reminding her of that incorrigible bakery, but she ignored it and continued inside. A little music toy wasn’t going to get in the way of her espresso.
Her eyes grazed over the room, hoping to find an empty table.
What she found instead, however, made her stomach drop.
There, sitting at a table near the middle of the room, was Adrien Agreste himself, and sitting across from him was none other than Marinette Dupain-Cheng. 
Lila yelped and ducked back outside, pressing herself firmly against the wall where they couldn’t see her. What were they doing there? What were they doing together?!
Carefully, she crept past the door and slid over to the large window at the front of the café, where she could watch the two from a safe distance. It probably looked suspicious to anyone passing, but she hardly cared at that point. If Adrien and Marinette were getting together like this, Lila was going to have much bigger things to worry about.
She peered through the glass, noting the near-empty plates on their table. They must be having lunch together. Did they do that often? Since when? What could they possibly be talking about?
A smirk tugged at the corner of Adrien’s lips, and Marinette snorted, putting a hand on her mouth to hide her laughter. Ugh, why did she look so cheery! She was supposed to be miserable!
Lila scoffed, digging her fingernails into the brick at the base of the window. What happened to the endless tears and the defeated, sagging posture? What happened to the shriveled up nothing that Lila watched leave the school? Was she really enjoying herself now that she wasn’t attending Dupont? More importantly, how long have Marinette and Adrien been meeting up like this? Was this the reason Adrien suddenly decided to fight back against her? Because he’d rekindled his friendship with Marinette? No wonder the man was out for blood! Marinette probably set him up to the task herself! She must have planned all of this from the very beginning!
No, Lila thought, digging her phone out of her pocket again. She refused to be made a fool of. If they thought they were going to pull one over on her this easily, they were gonna have another thing coming. 
She snapped a photo of them together, making sure to get a moment where they were laughing hard, and tilted the angle of the camera to make it seem like she’d been passing by. Lila then got up and walked back into the café. A picture of Adrien having a grand time with Marinette should be enough of a set up for her to build him a bad reputation, but she needed to know what they were talking about specifically. The more she knew about this meet-up (and previous ones) the better, and if she were anything close to lucky, they would talk about their plans for her while she was there too. That would give her plenty of time to find a way to prepare. 
Or, perhaps, strike first.
As casually as possible, Lila slipped into an empty seat near the pair, not too close, but not too far away that she couldn’t hear them. She then snatched the menu on her table and propped it up so her face couldn’t be seen while she listened.
“Okay, wait. So you’re telling me that they threw an entire Valentine’s Day party at the Mandarin Oriental by themselves?” She heard Adrien ask. He sounded immensely impressed. Who were they talking about?
“Yeah!” Marinette replied, the smile clear in her voice. “They’re parents paid for it, of course, but they arranged everything themselves, including the caterers and reservations. We actually made some of the decorations by hand too.”
“Wow, that sounds like a blast. I bet they all looked great.”
“They did! Especially when we finished the lights and stuff. Everyone loved it.”
Lila scrunched up her nose, equally confused and annoyed. Someone threw a party at the Mandarin Oriental for Valentine’s day? Who? Why was Marinette invited? And why did she get to personally help with the decorations? This wasn’t another one of her “chummy celebrity friends”, was it? It better not be.
Adrien chuckled. “If all of those rich kids at Rosemary enjoyed it, I’m sure it was something.”
Lila froze. Did he just say “all” of the rich kids? Meaning multiple? Why was Marinette hanging out with multiple rich kids? How was she hanging out with multiple rich kids? Were they inviting her to the parties they were throwing? Why? What did she have that was so freaking special? 
Wait a minute. 
Her raging thought finally caught up with the rest of Adrien’s comment, specifically the one about Rosemary. Wasn’t that the stuck-up school near the middle of Paris that was famously known for hosting either incredibly rich or incredibly gifted students? The one that barely let you breathe in their direction if you weren’t considered “worthy”? How did Marinette end up wandering around there long enough to catch some rich friends? No one’s allowed inside except for students or staff, and their policies are extremely strict. (she should know, considering she’s tried to weasel her way in there several times.) The only way she would be able to get inside was if-
Lila gasped, nearly dropping her menu in the process.
No.. No, no way Marinette got transferred from Dupont to Rosemary. That would just be absurd! She didn’t have any money! And she certainly didn’t have enough talent to be accepted despite that! 
But as Lila listened to the conversation more and more, she had to endure the horrible realization that Marinette had, in fact, been transferred to Rosemary. Not only that, she was thriving there. She was making new friends who gave her rides in limos. She was going to fancy restaurants that cost more than Lila’s house for an afternoon snack. She was having slumber parties in mansions. Mansions! Entire estates that were apparently just as big- if not bigger! -than Adrien Agreste’s!
Lila had finally gotten rid of Marinette and won Dupont, only for Marinette to gain the new life that Lila had always dreamed of having! How was that fair? How was any of this fair!
Lila drew in a long, deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. She couldn’t blow her top just yet. Marinette may be winning right now, but once Adrien is out of the way, Lila will make sure that Marinette suffers the way she deserves. Rosemary isn’t going to save her for long.
She pulled out her phone to unlock it and clicked on the messaging app, scrolling down until she found her favorite minion: Alya Cessaire. 
~Hey, you’ll never guess what I just saw!!~ 
Lila smiled as she sent the text. With a message like that, Alya won’t be able to help her curiosity, and when Lila sends the picture of Adrien and Marinette together, the journalist will fall headfirst into a pool of rage. 
In other words, that pampered little rich boy won’t know what hit him.
(Hey, everyone! This section isn’t quite part of the story, but it’s going to be part of the updates from now on. Two weeks ago, I visited a Bible camp, and the Lord really spoke to my heart through the messages. So, from now on, I want to make Him the center of my life and glorify Him in everything I do. At first, I thought of not writing anymore fics or chapters, since doing so would really take my focus away from Him, but instead, I decide to start writing little devotions at the end of each chapter I post. That way, you all won’t have to suffer through an incomplete story, and I get to share the wonderful gospel with you all!
The first devotion I want to post is the message of salvation and how you can know that you’re going to Heaven when you die. The Bible (King James Version) says in Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” and the first part of Romans 6:23 says “For the wages of sin is death”. We have all had a moment in our lives where we know we’re not supposed to do something, but we do it anyway. That breaking of rules is called a sin, and because of that sin, God says that we are not fit to be in His presence, for He is a just and holy God. So, due to this, our souls are condemned to the fiery prison known as Hell, where it is pitch black around you, and the only thing you can hear is wailing and weeping and gnashing of teeth. Your soul will be alight with fire, but your body will never actually burn, so you will be faced with that pain for the rest of eternity. Can you imagine that? Being in that kind of torment forever and ever and ever and knowing that it will never end? I can’t wrap my brain around that kind of pain, and I certainly don’t want any of you to have to endure it. So that’s why I’m telling you now that there is a bright side to all of this!
John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” and the other part of Romans 6:23 says “but the gift of God is eternal life”. Do you realize what this means? It means we don’t have to go to Hell! God has provided a way of escape for us!
2,021 years ago, God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, down to earth to die for us. He was a perfect man, with no sin about Him, but he became sin for us and sacrificed himself so that we could be saved. People beat him and mauled him to point beyond recognition, then they nailed him to a cross for him to die. The pain he had to endure was excruciating, but he did it for us, because he loves us.
Then, three days after the Son of God passed away, he arose from the grave with new life! and because of that, we now have a way to join Him in heaven! All we have to do is admit that we are a sinner, repent of our sins, and accept Jesus Christ into our hearts as our Lord and Savior. We must believe on Him, and believe that he died on the cross for us, then we won’t have to go to Hell! It’s that easy! And those who believe on the Lord Jesus not only don’t have to go to Hell, but they also find a new home in Heaven with the very person who created us and loves us so much to the point of sacrificing Himself for our benefit. It’s a win-win scenario!
I know this isn’t a normal thing to do for fics, but this is something extremely important that I need all of you to know. So please, if you read through this, I implore you to get saved and accept Jesus as your savior. What do you have to lose? If you don’t, you’ll be doomed to an eternity of pain and suffering that you can never escape, but if you do, you will be guaranteed a place in paradise, where Jesus will be waiting for you with open arms. Please trust Him with your life and your heart. You know he will keep it safe.
Thank you all for listening to this and I hope you have a wonderful day!)
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
fine line - p.p
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pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Synopsis: there’s a fine line between love and hate and you and Peter dance it on a regular basis
Series Masterlist and Regular Masterlist
When your dad told you he had recruited a boy your age to the Avengers, you felt a little flame of jealousy bubble inside you. Without any superpowers of your own, you were often left out of the heroic and dangerous missions the Avengers went on. Your dad did his best to include you by letting you help out in the lab and tag along on lowkey missions, but that all changed when Peter started coming around.
A lot of things changed when Peter started coming around.
The way he seemed to replace you, and so effortlessly at that, boiled into a deep resentment for the young hero. He was always there, occupying the spaces you once did, and you resented it. You resented him.
Just not as much as you resented the way he made your heart flutter when he looked at you.
“What are you guys doing?” You asked as you walked into the lab to see your dad. Peter was by his side, as he always was, making you roll your eyes. Peter smiled brightly at you as you sat down, and you gave him a tight lipped smile back.
“Hey, Princess.” Your dad greeted. “We’re adding back up back up jets in the butt of Rhodey’s suit in case the back up jets in his legs fail.”
“I call them the weapons of ass destruction.” Peter said gleefully as he held up the jets.
“Yeah, hilarious.” You said sarcastically and turned to your dad. “Um, daddy, I thought we were gonna do that.”
“Sorry sugar plum. I needed to get this done before the trip later and sticky fingers said I shouldn’t wake you.” Tony apologized to you and a familiar feeling of anger filled your tummy. This wasn’t the first time you’d found Peter doing something with your dad that you were originally supposed to do. It seemed like every plan you made, Peter weaseled his way in and took your place. You looked at Peter with narrowed eyes, to which he responded with a sympathetic smile.
“Did he now?” You said, just a little bitterly.
“Maybe you can help us next time. Did you sleep well?” Peter asked politely, and you just rolled your eyes.
“Did I sleep well? What are you, my Fitbit?” You snorted and looked away from him. Peter’s heart sank at yet another rejection from you, but he kept his mouth shut and continued working. Your eyes shifted back to him once he went back to his work, feeling a pang of guilt for being short with him.
“What trip are we going on later?” You directed your question only to your father, acting like Peter wasn’t there.
“Cap got a hit on where Bucky might be. We’re heading to Canada to check it out.” Your dad explained as he twisted a screwdriver.
“Okay. I’ll pack my stuff.” You got out of your chair and went to leave before you heard your dad sigh.
“Sorry Princess, but this is just gonna be an avengers thing.” He said with apologetic eyes. “We only have room in the jet for four and I promised Peter-“
“It’s fine.” You cut him off, not wanting to hear about Peter again. “I’ll just hang out with mom.”
“It’s really cold in Canada anyway. It’ll probably be a bad trip.” Peter offered to make you feel better.
“Yeah, thanks weather boy.” You teased and looked at your dad again. “Can we hang out tomorrow then?”
“Of course. Mall and a smoothie?” He asked, making you smile as he suggested your signature thing to do together.
“Mall and a smoothie.” You nodded, happy that he was finally making time for you. You rested your chin in your hands and watched them work, feeling slightly better now that you made plans with your dad that Peter couldn’t infiltrate.
You tripped over a cardboard box the next day, stumbling right into Peters arms as he caught you. You looked down and saw a bunch of boxes outside your old playroom, boxes with Peters handwriting on them.
“What is all this? You’re blocking the hallway.” You snipped at Peter as you stepped out of his arms.
“Sorry, Y/n. I’m almost done.” Peter apologized as he picked up another box. “Hey, I like your shirt.”
“Almost done with what?” You ignored his compliment, despite it making your face flush.
“Moving in. Mr. Stark gave me this room so I wouldn’t have to commute here everyday.” Peter explained. Your eyes widened up upon hearing this, not believing your dad would let Peter move in without asking you.
“You’re moving in?” You nearly yelled, making Peter clutch his box in fear that he did something wrong.
“Yeah.” Peter nodded. “Maybe we can hang out more now that-“
“Sorry, I’ll be right back.” You cut him off and rushed to the kitchen, finding your dad rummaging through the refrigerator.
“What are you doing?” You demanded.
“Making a smoothie. Want one?” He offered as he shut the refrigerator with his butt.
“No thank you.” You shook your head. “And I’m talking about Peter. Why did he tell me he’s moving in?”
“Oh, cause he is. Now, do I want straw-bana or kale-berry?” Your dad pondered as he tapped his chin.
“Why does he have to live here? He has a house.” You reminded him.
“He has an apartment smaller than the first dollhouse I bought you. Princess, he was basically living in a cardboard box and sleeping under newspapers.”
“This isn’t an dog pound, daddy. We can’t just take in strays.” You whined, wishing he could take your side for once.
“He’s not a stray. He’s my son.” Tony quipped as he booped your nose and crossed the kitchen. Your heart sank to your stomach at his words and you felt your face fall.
“No he…no he isn’t.” You sputtered in a weak voice.
“Cheer up, sour patch. Think of it this way, now you have a brother.” Tony shrugged and dropped some blueberries in the blender.
“I don’t want a brother. Our family is fine the way it is.” You insisted, feeling the jealousy come back in a wave when your dad called Peter his son.
“He’s a good kid, Princess.” Tony said in a tone that told you the conversation was over. “Give him a chance. He’ll surprise you. Hell, he surprised me.”
Before you could respond, Peter entered the kitchen with a happy smile.
“Hey Mr. Stark. Hi Y/n.” He waved at you and put some bowls in the cabinet.
“Yeah, hi Parker.” You said dismissively, wanting him to leave so you could finish talking to your dad.
“You ready?” Tony asked Peter as he poured the smoothie into two cups, handing one to Peter.
“Yep. I’ll see you in the theater.” Peter nodded as he clicked his glass against your dads.
“What are you guys doing?” You wondered, watching them interact with disgust.
“He’s got me hooked on this show about teenagers in a glee club. The writing is horrible, I love it.” Tony beamed as he took a sip form his cup.
“I thought we were gonna hang out today. You know, mall and a smoothie?” You reminded him, feeling a bubble of hurt that he didn’t remember.
“Oh, sorry buttercup.” Tony realized he forgot. “I promised Pete the treat I’d watch the show with him. Tomorrow?”
“Yeah, sure.” You nodded sadly as your dad cupped your chin and left the room.
“You could watch with us if you’d like. They sing a lot of the songs you like.” Peter extended an invitation to you when he saw your disappointment.
“Thanks for the sales pitch, but I’m good.” You mumbled at him and left the kitchen, missing the solemn look on Peters face as you went.
“She doesn’t like me.” Peter sighed, shaking his head as he looked down at his smoothie.
“No, she does not.” Tony laughed, cutting it short when Peter looked at him in dispare. “Oh, not funny. Don’t sweat it, kid. It took me a long time to like you too. She’ll come around.”
“Okay, good.” Peter nodded, content with the answer. “Wait, what?”
“FRIDAY, what’s my assignment?” You asked the screen outside the lab as you reported for your job the following day.
“Good morning, Y/n.” FRIDAY greeted. “Mr. Stark asks that you repair bullet holes in one of the suits.”
“Cool. Let me in.”
“Access granted.” FRIDAY chirped as the doors opened. You only got a few paces into the lab when you saw Peter sitting at a table, sighing in annoyance at the sight of him.
“Hello.” He said weakly, knowing you wouldn’t thrilled to see him.
“What are you doing in here?” You eyed him skeptically as you got some tools off a shelf.
“Not much at the moment.” Peter shrugged, trying to make a light hearted joke.
“Well you can’t stay. I have an assignment.” You told him, a little proudly at that. You were finally given a task after being idle for months.
“Actually, I have to stay.” Peter said, looking a little weary of you as you neared him.
“I am your assignment.” He grimaced, anticipating your reaction to be bad.
“You have bullet holes?” You folded your arms and eyed his body.
“Canadians aren’t as friendly as I thought.” Peter chuckled.
“Fine.” You rolled your eyes. “Where’s the suit?”
“Right here.” Peter pulled it out of his backpack. “Theres three of them. The holes are in the front. And the back. They sorta went through.”
“Went through?” Your eyes widened as you worried for him. “As in went through your body?”
“Canadians really aren’t as friendly as I thought.”
“You said that already.” You stated as you laid his suit out on the table.
“Sometimes jokes are funnier when you say them twice.” Peter explained, coming to stand by your side.
“I don’t need you to explain humor to me.” You grumbled as you began working on the holes.
“Feels like I do.” Peter muttered, adverting his eyes from you.
“Excuse me?” You snapped your head up to glare at him.
“Nothing.” He gave you an obviously fake smile. “Nothing at all.”
Doing your best to ignore him, you got back to your work. He was close enough that you could feel his breath in your neck, your elbows touching every-time you pulled on the thread.
“Is there a reason you’re hovering?” You said suddenly, losing your ability to focus with him that near.
“I just want to make sure you’re doing it correctly.” He shrugged, leaning down to check your work. Your jaw dropped a little, feeling offended that he didn’t have faith in your to do it correctly.
“So what, you think I can’t patch a bullet hole on my own?” You laughed shortly as you raised as eyebrow at him.
“Well I know the suit better than you do.” He said simply, taking pleasure in getting a rise out of you.
“I helped design it, Parker.” You narrowed your eyes at him. “I know it just as well.”
“Then you won’t mind me making sure of that.” Peter shot back, running his finger over the newly patched hole.
“Whatever.” You scoffed and went back to work. “Just because you’re my dads lab rat doesn’t mean you’re mine.”
“I didn’t say I was.” Peter leaned again, watching your work closely.
“And yet.” You looked up with a sarcastic smirk, your nose nearly touching his from how close he was. “Hovering.”
“Sorry.” Peter mumbled and took a step back.
“You said there were three holes. I only see two.” You realized as you held the suit up.
“That’s weird. I definitely got shot three times.” Peter tilted his head as he stared at it.
“Did you find three bullets?” You asked him, a rare moment of civility.
“No. Just two. Oh…” He trailed off when he realized where the third bullet was.
“Yeah. Oh.” You mocked him. “Take your shirt off.”
“What?” Peter furrowed his eyebrows at your request as you went to a different shelf in the lab.
“You can’t leave the bullet in there, you’ll get an infection.” You reminded him as you set medical supplies on the table. “Take your shirt off.”
Peter hesitantly pulled his shirt over his head once you turned around to disinfect the table. You turned around, needle in hand, and turned a deep red at the sight of him.
“Good.” You swallowed thickly. “Just leave it on the counter.”
“Are you trained to do this?” Peter worried as he folded his t shirt. You did your best to hold eye contact, but your eyes slipped every now and then.
“I’ve read about how to do it.” You said quietly, not trusting your voice to be steady.
“Have you ever done it before?” Peter wondered as he stared at the large needle.
“I’ve read about how to do it.” You repeated to avoid the question.
“See? You said the joke twice. That makes it funny.” He smiled smugly at you and you made a face.
“Shut up and get on the table.” You groaned and he complied, laying on his side to let you work. You rounded the table to work on his back where the exit wound was located.
“Oh good.” You commented as you rested a hand on his bare rib cage. “It’s right at the surface.”
“Okay. Try not to kill me while you’re back there.” Peter looked at you over his shoulder so you stuck your tongue out at him.
“I won’t.” You grumbled, hesitating a little as your stared at his wound. “Um, this is gonna hurt.”
You felt a moment of sympathy for him, knowing he was in for a lot of pain. His skin was hot, even under your surgical glove you could feel it. In a brief lack of judgment, you squeezed his arm to comfort him.
“I’m Spiderman. Nothing hurts - SON OF A BITCH.” Peter screamed as you pressed a hydrogen peroxide soaked gauze pad to his wound. You quickly took out the tweezer and fished out the bullet, all while Peter hissed in pain.
“Sorry sorry sorry.” You stammered and threw the bullet into a dish. “It’s out.”
“Oh my God. I feel like a pencil sharpener.” Peter whined as he rubbed his back near the area.
“Sit up. I’ll patch you up.” You said in a kinder tone then he was used to hearing.
“You don’t have to.” Peter looked at you as he sat up straight.
“Yes I do. You’re my assignment.” You shrugged, trying to portray that you couldn’t care less when in reality, you did. As much as he got under your skin, you didn’t want to see him hurt.
You poured more hydrogen peroxide on a gauze pad as you cleaned his wound, feeling his body retract at first contact.
“That’s cold.” He winced, twisting his body around to avoid the pad.
“It’s also gonna save your life.” You grumbled. “Hold still.”
“Ow.” Peter jolted when you applied numbing cream to the wounds. “Cold again.”
“Can you stop whining?” You yourself whines as you blew on his cuts.
“Can you be a little more gentle?” He retorted. “Just try to be nice to me for five minutes. It can’t be that hard.”
“I am nice to you.” You hissed as you started your sutures. “I sewed up your dumb suit and I’m cleaning your stupid cuts so you don’t get an infection in your dumb ass body. I am nice.”
“Said the joke twice.” Peter quipped, grinning at you over his shoulder to rub it in.
“Shut up.” You sneered. “Stop fidgeting.”
“You think I’m funny.” He said in a sing song voice. “That’s fine. I get it all the time.”
“Oh my God. Could you be anymore irritating?” You groaned as you put the last bandaid on his back. You walked around the table to patch the front, looking up at him shyly as his bare chest rose and fell.
“Easily.” He snickered. “Wanna see?”
“I’ve seen plenty, trust me.” You rolled your eyes, meaning more than one thing with your words. Peter smirked a little, able to heart your rapid heartbeat with his advanced hearing. You rested a hand in his shoulder as you cleaned his chest, the wounds in the front stinging less as they already began to heal. Peter watched you intently as you worked, admiring the way you bit your lip when you concentrated.
“You know, if you stopped acting like I was the devils spawn for a minute, you might actually like me. We’d get along.” He laughed softly, making you look up at him. Your eyes locked and for a moment, he saw kindness in them. It quickly retreated as your face hardened, looking down to avoid his gaze.”
“Thanks for the life advice but I think I’ll pass.” You replied sarcastically as you opened a bandage.
“Is there a reason you don’t like me?” Peter honestly wondered. “Is it something I did?”
“No.” You grumbled, feeling your face heat up in embarrassment. “Be quiet, I’m trying to concentrate.”
“Oh, I get it.” Peter nodded like he knew something you didn’t.
“You get what?” You took the bait, looked up at him in angry confusion.
“You like me.” Peter smirked, making your whole body ignite. Your face twisted in shock, followed by anger as you stumbled over the right words to say.
“What?” You sputtered. “What could possibly lead you to believe I like you?”
“That’s the most obvious answer.” Peter pretended to yawn, making you even angrier. “You’re mean to me because I you like me. Classic playground logic. It’s cute if you think about it.”
“I do not!” You stamped your foot, feeling frustrated that you couldn’t come up with a better argument. He had caught you red handed and you didn’t see a way out.
“Okay.” Peter’s voice was dripping with false innocence. “I believe you.”
“Listen Parker.” You growled, leaning your hands on either side him and gripping the table. “Let me make this clear, I do not, nor will I ever, like you. I don’t even tolerate you.” You shook your head slowly while holding his gaze. “I don’t want you here, okay? My life was a whole lot better before you came around and ruined it. If it were up to me, you’d be thrown out on your ass before lunch. I do not like you.”
“And yet,” Peter leaned forward, tilting his head a little, “your heartbeat says something entirely different. You know what they say, there’s a fine line between love and hate.”
“You’re all done.” You ripped off your gloves with a loud snap. “Put your shirt back on.”
Peter smirked as he tugged his shirt over his head, loving the angry flush he left on your face. You gave him one last glare before storming out of the lab, your footsteps echoing loudly as you went.
“See you later!” Peter called cheerfully, laughing when you let out an angry huff.
 To be continued…
@awesomebooklover17 @thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling @weirdr-artiest @serendipitous-amor @dummiesshort @foreverxholland @lavender-writer @captainmandeestudent17 @whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning @imyourliquor-youremypoison @theolwebshooter @andreasworlsboring101 @guksmyfav @waiting-to-be-myself @letsloveimagines @peterparkoure @a-villain-vying-for-attention @justcallmehitgirl @averyfosterthoughts @jackiehollanderr @tiny-friggin-human @mara-twins @iamaunicorn4704 @the-crazy-fanfictionist @maryjanee23 @geeksareunique @emmamarshmellow @jillanaholland @unbelievableholland @rebekkah4766 @flixndchill @sovereignparker  @thisisthebiplace @spideydobrik @every-marveler-ever @undiadeestos @caelestii-e @eridanuswave @itscaminow @fiantomartell @solarxmoonchild @where-art-thau-romeo @canyouevencauseicant @illwritetomorrow @thehappygrungelife @saysomethingspiderman @parkerboop @smilexcaptainx @hes-amarillo @quaksonhehe @kelieah @kickingn-ames @purefluffykiwi @seasidecrowbar @lovelessdagger @love-sick-blues @electraheart-3174 @lou-la-lou @unbelievableholland @yourtypicalhotmess @spideyanakin @horanxholland @thesuitelifeofafangirl @anapocalypseinmymind  @marshxx @heyheycharlatte @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie @tomshufflepuff @cookiemonstermusic258 @maybemona @young-romanoff @alexxcorona113 @spidey-reids-2003 @lethal-wisdom @xo-spidey @im-still-tryin-to-find-it @big-galaxy-chaos @pandaxnienke​ @spideydreamers​ @parkerpeter24​
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I would love to see Harry jealous because his wife give a man ( Kindergarten teacher ) a compliment that he deals really well with Stevie.
this got kind of long oops, hope you like it :)
it's kind of cute
warnings: none
word count: 2k
“Time to go, Stevie!” You called, adjusting your coat in the mirror by the door. “Come get your shoes!”
You heard her feet pattering on the hall floor before Harry yelled, jumping out at her and scooping her up. She screamed in delight, laughing as he hoisted her onto his shoulders.
“Look at me!” She yelled, holding her arms out to her sides. “I’m so tall!”
“You are,” you laughed. “Is my tall girl ready to go?”
“I think our tall girl needs some shoes first,” Harry said, lifting her down. “The pink ones or the yellow ones?”
She thought intently before picking up the yellow shoes. She beamed when she got them on the right feet on the first try.
“Good job!” Harry said, reaching down to high-five her. Shoes were a tricky thing to learn. There had been a lot of struggling, but she was finally getting the hang of it.
She smiled, jumping up from the floor. Harry held her coat, helping her slip her arms into the sleeves.
“Let’s go! Come on, mom,” She said, bouncing on her feet. “Go faster!”
“Yeah, mum, hurry up,” Harry said jokingly. You shot him a look, opening the door so Stevie could run to the car.
Harry put his arm around your shoulders as you walked towards the car.
“She’s getting so big,” he commented. “Why can’t she just stay our little baby?”
“Very unfortunate,” you sighed. You made sure Stevie was settled before getting in and buckling your own seatbelt. Harry got in the driver’s seat, starting the car.
“I’m in the mood for some Moana,” he said, handing you his phone before he pulled out of the driveway. “What do you think, Stevie?”
“Moana!” She yelled, eyes lighting up.
You shared a smile with Harry as she began belting out the lyrics.
“I wonder where she got her singing voice?”
“No idea,” he laughed.
He pulled into the school parking lot, stopping the music to grandly announce, “We’re here!”
Stevie gasped in excitement, already fidgeting with her seatbelt. Harry opened her door for her, holding her hand so she could jump down. You took her other hand, swinging her arms between you as you walked toward the school.
“Alright, Stevie, where are we going?” You asked, even though you knew where her classroom was.
“Yeah, we don’t know where it is, you have to help us!” Harry said excitedly. “Lead the way, princess!”
Stevie let go of your hands as she marched down the hall.
“Look at her, so grown up,” he said sadly, taking your now empty hand in his.
“I know, she’s practically an adult. Oh, she’s going to be in middle school soon, and then high school, and then college, and then she’ll be gone,” you said, getting emotional already.
“Wait, wait, we can’t get ahead of ourselves yet, this is a kindergarten parent-teacher conference, we have a few years.”
“Right, you’re right,” you smiled.
“Here it is!” Stevie announced, pointing at the door, which was decorated to look like a box of crayons.
“Oh, how cute!” You said, noting that each crayon was labeled with a student’s name. “Stevie, you’re the yellow one! It matches your shoes!”
“I know!” She said excitedly. “That’s why I wore them!”
“Very smart, Stevie. Very fashionable,” Harry said, ruffling her hair.
He opened the door, allowed both of you to walk in ahead of him.
“Hello! Hi Stevie, it’s good to see you!” Her teacher said, waving you over to his desk.
“Hi Mr. Jeffery!” She said, running over to him. “Is it here?”
“Of course it is! It’s right over there on the drying rack, if you want to show your mom and dad,” he said, pointing across the room.
She ran in the direction he pointed. When she came back, she was carrying a painting of a butterfly.
“Did you make that?” Harry asked, crouching down to inspect her artwork. “Wow, this is amazing, love! We’ll put this on the fridge so everyone can see it,” he promised, smiling.
“Yes, Stevie loves our art projects, don’t you?” Mr. Jeffery asked, smiling when she nodded enthusiastically.
“I have to talk to your mom and dad for a few minutes, Stevie. What would you like to do while we talk?”
“Color!” She said, shoving the butterfly painting into Harry’s arms.
“Alright, do you remember where the crayons are?”
“Yes I do!” She ran over to the art section, busying herself immediately.
“Yes, she’s very into art,” You said, smiling as you and Harry settled into the chairs behind Mr. Jeffery’s desk.
“I’ve noticed! She’s taken a particular interest in painting. Does she do a lot of that at home?”
“Oh, yes,” Harry laughed. “Y/N isn’t so happy with that, though, she’s ruined quite a few shirts.”
“We try to steer her towards more... dry activities,” you said, smiling.
“Well, that’s understandable,” Mr. Jeffery laughed, clicking around on his computer. “So, today I just want to talk about her progress. As you probably know, she does extremely well in several areas. She can do some sight reading, which is not something we see very often at this age. She is also doing very well with her numbers, colors, and shapes.”
Harry beamed as Mr. Jeffery laid out how well Stevie was doing. Of course, he already knew she was the most amazing child in the world, but it was nice to have outside validation.
“That’s great, we tried to expose her to as much reading as we could, we really wanted her to be prepared,” you said.
“You did an excellent job,” he smiled, looking at you.
Harry didn’t like this, even though he knew it was this man’s job to reassure and praise parents. He just didn’t like the way he looked at you. He was smiling a little too much.
“Yes, we did,” Harry said, leaning a little closer to you. He looked at the teacher with a face that was just a little less than friendly.
Mr. Jeffery cleared his throat, turning back to his computer.
“As for her social skills, she is also doing very well there. Aside from the normal kindergarten spats, she has no issues getting along with the other children. She communicates very well with the other teachers and myself. We really don’t have any problems,” he smiled again, this time making sure not to look at you for too long.
“Looks like we did a good job,” you beamed, nudging Harry. His intimidating face dropped and he smiled as he took your hand.
“Look at us go,” he said, looking across the room to where Stevie was still coloring.
“You’re very good with her,” you said, following his gaze. “I know she can be a handful sometimes,” you laughed, turning slightly to Mr. Jeffery.
Harry’s jaw tightened when he saw your face. He knew you were smiling from looking at Stevie, but he still didn’t like how happy Mr. Jeffery looked. He squeezed your hand a little tighter, causing you to shoot him a confused look. He kept his eyes fixed on Stevie, willing himself to stay calm. Y/N hasn’t done anything wrong, he reminded himself.
“No, she’s usually very well behaved,” he said, flipping through his notes. “Again, we’ve had very few problems.”
“I’m glad to hear,” you said, running your other hand up and down Harry’s forearm.
“Well, that’s all I have for you today, unless you have any other questions?” He asked, looking you and Harry. You looked at him, both shaking your heads at the same time.
“I think we’re good,” you said, turning back to him with a smile.
“Alright, well it was good to see you today,” Mr. Jeffery said, standing to shake hands with you. Harry watched intently, not blinking until the man pulled away from you. When he reached for him, Harry made sure to squeeze a little tighter than necessary. Not too hard. Just enough to make him nervous.
“If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me,” he said, smiling tightly.
“Yes, we’ll do that,” Harry said, not breaking eye contact. Finally, Mr. Jeffery stepped away to get Stevie. Harry moved his arm to rest over your shoulders again, smiling at Stevie when she skipped over.
“Did you make us a pretty drawing?” He asked, removing his arm to bend down. “Absolutely gorgeous,” he beamed. “Another one for the fridge, I think!”
Stevie giggled, taking your hand as she turned to wave at her teacher.
“Bye Mr. Jeffery! See you later,” she said, completely unaware of how tense Harry was behind her.
Harry placed his hand on your back, shepherding you both out of the room. Once the door was closed, you stepped away to look at him.
“Are you alright?” You asked, concerned at how tight his face was. “You’re not acting like yourself.”
Harry shook his head, flicking his eyes towards Stevie, trying to communicate not now.
You frowned, but silently agreed, taking his hand as you walked down the hall.
Harry was quiet the entire ride home. He didn’t sing along to the Disney music, even when Stevie yelled out “everybody!” before the big chorus. This was concerning. He usually sang even when Stevie didn’t want him to, and he could normally never resist her cheering him on. Something was definitely wrong, but you could tell he didn’t want to talk about it right now.
It couldn’t be that bad, though, because he was still holding your hand like he had been since you left Mr. Jeffery’s room. He had only let go of you when you had to get in the car.
Once you got home, Stevie ran off to her room, yelling something about “a tea party with Mr. Snuffles!”
“Harry?” You asked gently, approaching your husband. His back was facing you and his hands were braced against the counter. “Harry, really, what happened? Did I do something?”
“No,” he turned around quickly. “No, I’m sorry,” he said, reaching for you. You wrapped your arms around him, listening to his deep breathing as he held you.
“Ok, then what’s the problem? You looked so mad when we were talking to Mr. Jeffery,” you said. “What?” You asked again when felt him tense up at your words.
“Nothing, it’s just- it’s stupid,” he said, shaking his head.
“Harry, nothing that upsets you this much is stupid.”
“It’s just- ugh,” he groaned, dropping his head to rest in the crook of your neck. “I just hated how he looked at you.”
“You- what?” You said, pulling back. He looked at you, embarrassed.
“I told you it’s stupid,” he said, blushing. “I just didn’t like how you were talking to him, saying how good he was with Stevie, and how happy he looked. I don’t know, it’s dumb,” he mumbled, looking at the floor.
“Hey, come on,” you said, taking his hands in yours. “I don’t think it’s dumb.”
“No?” He asked, looking at you again.
“No, it’s not,” you said, smiling. “It’s kind of cute.”
“It’s not cute,” he said grumpily. “I feel like a child.”
“You’re not a child,” you promised, standing on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “Maybe a little immature, but-“
“You’re so mean!” He exclaimed, laughing. “I’m so nice to you, and you repay me how? By hurting my feelings.”
“I’m sorry,” you smiled, kissing his cheek again.
“I’ll forgive you,” he said, pulling back to look at you. “But only if you give me a kiss.”
“I think that can be arranged.”
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fangirlovestuff · 4 years
Wanda Saves Valentine’s - Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
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a/n - hey lovely people!! this is based on this lovely request right here, thank you so much:) i probably have at least one more valentine’s fic coming your way today cause i’m going through the requests for the sleepover, so watch out for that;) i hope you enjoy!!<3
Summary: you think Valentine’s won’t be as good this year, but Wanda proves you wrong.
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: mentions of blood and injury (getting shot), nothing graphic. apart from that, very fluffy as per the request:)
You tried to stifle your grunt as you made your way off the Quinjet, clutching into your shoulder, which was pulsing in pain. You wobbled a little, the pain getting stronger with your movement, and Nat caught onto you, on your side that wasn't hurt, thankfully, to keep you steady.
"I'm fine," you try to shove her hand off, but it lost its power when you couldn't stop the muffled sound of pain coming from your mouth.
"C'mon," she said, trying to get closer again, "you need-"
"What I need is-" you started objecting, but the words caught in your throat as you caught sight of Wanda coming towards you, running once she got a good enough look at the state you were in. Once she got to you, you pulled her into a tight hug with your unhurt arm, wincing slightly at the contact, but it was so, so worth it.
God, you'd missed her so much.
Taking a deep breath, your senses flooding with her scent, you tried to compose yourself and not fall apart right there.
"What happened?" she asked with a soft frown, her eyes trained on your bloody shoulder.
"Nothing," you said, while at the same time Nat said, "she got shot. Protected a kid that was running around, looking for his mom. She pushed him away just in time. it went through her shoulder."
You averted your eyes to the floor as she said it, not knowing what Wanda's reaction would be.
You heard her huff out a long breath before you felt her hand cupping your chin, nudging it upwards to meet her gaze. You didn't think she'd be mad, but you didn’t expect the soft smile you saw on her face, her shining eyes filling with unshed tears. "Of course she did," she said softly, keeping her eyes staring into yours.
You flashed a small smile at her, unsure of what to say. Apparently, you didn't have to say anything, as she simply looped her arm around your unhurt one, leading you towards the compound.
"Of course, when Wanda tries to help, she lets her," you heard Natasha grumbling under her breath, causing you to look at Wanda. You two giggled slightly.
Wanda left you alone to get checked up and bandaged, saying she'll be right back. When she returned, the medic was just finishing up bandaging your shoulder. They gave you a painkiller beforehand, so you nearly didn't feel when the bandage was tightened around your wounded skin.
"And remember, bedrest, alright? No moving too much for a couple of days," the medic said, smiling at you.
"Yeah, I know," you sighed but still returned a tired yet grateful smile.
"Ready to go?" Wanda asked, offering you her hand to help you up.
"As I'll ever be," you chuckled, taking her hand in yours and lacing your fingers together before getting up, giving the medic one last wave before finally heading towards Wanda and your room.
When you entered, your first instinct was to plop down on the bed, but your shoulder certainly wouldn't allow that, so you laid down more delicately, pulling Wanda with you. She wrapped her arms around you, and you leaned back against her chest.
You stayed like that for a while before you turned your head around to see Wanda already smiling at you. You smiled back and craned your neck to plant your lips on hers in a soft kiss, pulling away while your foreheads were still resting together. You let out a sigh of content, your eyes still closed. When you opened them, your eyes found Wanda's.
"Hi," you smiled.
"Hey there," she giggled.
"I'm sorry I got myself hurt," you said, needing to get it off of your chest, "I know tomorrow's Valentine's, and I was so excited that we could come home and I could take you out, but then, you know, there was the fight and-"
"Hey," she cut you off softly, "I get it. I don't want you to get hurt, but it's our job to protect others. You take that job seriously, and you care, and I love you for it. Just be careful, okay?" she kissed your forehead fleetingly.
"I am. But, you know, if I had to choose… I'd do it again," you looked up at her.
"I know," she whispered, gently swiping your hair away from your face, "I'm just happy you came home to me. That's what matters," she continued stroking your hair.
"Wanda," you turned around, cupped her cheek in your palm, "I love you."
"I love you too," she smiled, and you leaned forward, pressing your lips together once more, kissing her. You felt like you were melting against her, the tension finally seeping away from your aching body.
You were home.
The next morning when you woke up, she wasn't there. You frowned, rubbing your eyes, and then you smelled the cup of tea that, presumably, Wanda put on the nightstand. You put it to your lips, inhaling the scent before taking a sip. It was still pretty warm, so she couldn't have left too long ago.
"Honey?" you called out tentatively. No answer. You indulged yourself and drank the tea in bed, moving your bandaged shoulder a bit, trying to keep it from turning stiff. Just when you were about to get up, you heard the door open and close quietly.
"Wanda?" you tried.
"Good morning," she smiled as she entered the room, a small bag in her hands. She sat down on the bed, putting it on the floor before kissing you gently. "How'd you sleep?"
"Fantastic," you grinned. "So, since I can see you're not gonna tell me what's in that bag by yourself, I just have to ask – what's in that bag?"
She giggled slightly before taking out a heart-shaped box of chocolates. Grinning, she handed it to you. "I know it's cliché, but it's chocolate," she shrugged.
You opened it only to be hit with the smell of it, making you inhale and smile. "I love it. and I love you," you leaned in to kiss her once more. "Happy Valentine's day."
"Happy Valentine's day."
You shared some of the chocolates in comfortable silence, and you hummed in appreciation as you put another one into your mouth. "Okay, okay," you closed the box, "I think we better pace ourselves," you smiled as you put it on the nightstand, next to the long-empty cup of tea.
"We probably should," Wanda grinned in agreement. She was lying down next to you at this point, your legs intertwined.
"So," she started, "since you're on bed rest, I thought maybe we could watch some movies. Maybe those Star Wars ones you're always telling me about," she smiled.
"I still can't believe you've never watched them," you scoffed, prompting her to chuckle. "Seriously, they're classics," you continued, making her burst into laughter at your antics, and you joined her.
When you too calmed down, you spoke softly. "That sounds like a great idea, babe. But first," you detached yourself from her, slowly lifting yourself from the bed, "I believe I still owe you a present," you smirked.
Digging through your drawer, you found what you were looking for. The box was wrapped in pink and red wrapping paper, appropriate for the occasion. You hoped she'd like it.
"Open it," you handed it to her, sitting back down on the bed. She looked at you, shaking it slightly next to her ear, trying to gauge what it is. You bit your lips in anticipation as she tore through the wrapping paper, opening the box to reveal the beautiful necklace you'd gotten her. It was a simple, thin silver chain with a pendant of a ruby heart. She gasped, a beam stretching onto her features as she took it out, holding it delicately.
"You like it?" you asked, smiling.
"I love it!" she squealed, wrapping her arms around you, "thank you. Put it on for me?"
You took it from her hands, and she moved her hair aside so you could reach and clasp it around her neck. Her hand clutched onto the pendant, a grin still on her face.
"You look beautiful," you told her sincerely.
"I mean, with a necklace this pretty, I doubt anyone would look bad," she giggled.
"No," you shook your head with a smile, "it's definitely you."
You spent the rest of the day cuddling in bed, watching movies, only getting up to eat and shower. After the long mission, this was just what you needed; a day home with your favorite person in the whole wide world, just the two of you.
i’d love to hear your thoughts!! also, expect some more wanda coming your way, i got two more requests for her and i wanna write them after i catch up with wandavision (yes, i’m not caught up yet🙈)
Taglist:  @horny-nd-bored​ @shannon124 @perfectlyharolds​ @wintersoldierslut​ @iceebabies​  @sleepingpapermouse @steverogerswasalwaysworthy @holtzkinnon @angelicl-y @stydia-4-ever @thatoneperson5000 @fangirlfree​ @kaitcordx25 @bequeening​ @steve-barry-damon-logan​ @itscrazycherryblossomcollection​ @hollandxmarvel​ @stargazingfangirl18 @readsreblogsfics @onetwo3000 @beritmetal @harrystylesholland @jazbot2000 @anobscurename @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @peggycarter-steverogers @evansphnx12 @starlightcrystalline @procrastinatingsapphictrash
if you wanna join / be removed from a taglist, comment/message me! much love <3
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realcube · 4 years
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summary ★ she needs to get the action figure that's in the claw machine for her sister’s birthday, so saiki does her the favour of using his a telekinesis to win it...along with a few other favours.
trigger warning ★ gambling, god, swearing, fem!reader & reader has a younger sister
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construction on the new arcade near pk academy had finally come to an end. the grand opening was today after school so of course, nendou suggested that they attend as a squad. usually, saiki tried to avoid getting roped into outings like this but for a change, he actually agreed without the need for any further prying. that's because the arcade was attached to a small cinema where they'd be premiering the latest action movie — based on the TV show adaptation of the game — 'Olfana's Story X-2'. as it turns out, a few months after saiki gave the game a shot, it became a craze and a massive hit among speed-runners. so from it's new-found popularity, they developed a TV show series which inevitably flopped so now they have created a movie. only the most elite people among the gaming community were allow to see it before the official release date and they all said it was incredible; but there was not a doubt in saiki's mind that they were being paid to sing it's praise. a crappy game turned into a crappy show, now adapted into a movie was sure to be crappy. so you may be wondering why he even wanted to view the movie if he was set on it being awful. Well, there are two simple answers; curiosity and the mystery. since it was so exclusive, he had yet to overhear spoilers through his telekinesis and he now had a germanium ring in his possession so he could watch the movie in peace. also, having played the game but not seen the show, he was curious to see how bad the movie is going to be and perhaps he'd be able to get a good laugh out of it. but he made the mistake of mentioning his plan to see the movie which screened a few hours after the opening of the arcade, as now kuboyasu, nendou and kaidou were all going to see the movie along with him. In theory, it shouldn't be a problem since he'll have his germanium ring on but in practise, the world seems to be against saiki so one of his friends will probably end up stealing his popcorn or chatting throughout the entire movie. he'll just have to wait and see. kaidou and nendou did not even stop to take breaths as they raced on about how excited they were while they were all walking to the arcade. "i'm sure the movie is going to be sick!" kaidou exclaimed, followed by rapid head nods from nendou as he replied, "yup! And i can't wait to see what sort of games they have!" saiki was a bit excited himself but he didn't care to show it like the others did. but when he saw the vaporwave building covered with bright neon lights come into view, his lips curled into a small smile. though it was short-lived as he noticed the massive queue to get in; it appeared as though they weren't the only ones who had the idea to visit the arcade after school as he noticed many familiar faces standing in line, amongst crowds of others. all of their cheery auras dissipated for a few moments until kuboyasu perked up, approaching the doors to the arcade with a smug smirk, cutting in front of everyone in the line and gesturing for the boys to follow him, "don't worry about the queue, guys. follow me." nendou followed without any further questions but saiki and kaidou were a bit apprehensive. all three of them watched as kuboyasu stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the guard by one of the doors, muttering something in the man's ear, causing him to sweatdrop and hesitantly open the door with a shaky smile; allowing all four of them inside. "woah, that was awesome, aren!" kaidou yelled, not only out of awe but so he could be heard over all the cheering, laughing and game noises from inside the arcade. "yeah, that was so cool! but what did you say to that guy? he looked freaked out!" nendou inquired, surprising saiki with his actually intelligent observation. kuboyasu's hand found it's way behind his neck, rubbing it awkwardly as he chuckled, "oh, nothing! it's not important-- hey! how about you guys start playing your games and i'll go get the tickets we reserved, yeah?" "yeah!" kaidou and nendou cheered in unison, high-fiving the purple-haired boy before the all ran off in different directions, leaving saiki standing alone at the entrance. he fidgeted with his germanium ring, contemplating taking it off as he stared at kuboyasu; he really wanted to know what the teen boy could've said that'd incite such fear into a grown man, but he decided against it — merrily making his way towards the claw machines, leaving kuboyasu's secrets alone. ★★★★★★★★★★ "shit." he cursed under his breath as he watched the cyborg cider man plushie that he's been trying to win — for yuuta — for half an hour straight slip out of his grasp once again. 'these things are rigged. and what's the point in having psychic superpowers if i can't use them.' he thought to himself but had to quickly shake off the idea, as there was no way he could risk using his powers in such a crowded place, especially for a plush that wasn't even for himself but rather for an annoying kid. he sighed, slipping another coin into the slot and about to find the right state of mind until he heard a loud "fuck!"  from in front of him. his head jerked up, scanning the area for the source of the noise until his eyes landed on you. the claw machines were lined up, back-to-back, and playing on the machine diagonal from him was a girl with enchanting (e/c) eyes which contrasted greatly with her disheartened expression as she stared at the box. the only emotion she wore was sadness as she stared at the machine, so out of curiosity, saiki slipped off his ring in order to read her thoughts; feeling no guilt in listening to the affairs of a complete stranger. 'c'mon, stupid claw machine, i need this!' your silky yet whiny voice rung through his mind, 'what's she gonna think about me tomorrow when i tell her that i couldn't get her the gift she's wanted? she's gonna hate me- even more than she already does. and now i've spent all my money on this silly game so i can't even try get her a crappy gift with the little money i had. Wow, (y/n), you're the worst big sister in existence.' saiki cocked his head to the side, peering through the glass of the machines to see the contents of the claw machine you were standing in front of and when he saw the limited edition, silver cyborg cider man action figure sitting on a pedestal — almost as if it was taunting the poor girl — he finally connected the dots. your hand dug through your pockets until you found the smooth metal surface of your final coin, 'just once more try. if i win her this action figure, maybe she'll finally respect me as her big sister! and this toy will surely make her more happy than any gift mom could've possibly thought of. i'll make her sixth birthday one to remember!' the dejected look on your face slow lifted into a determined one, but it wasn't very convincing as saiki — and anyone else — could see the worry and shame in your eyes as you dropped your last coin into the slot of the machine, giving you one more chance to redeem yourself and claim the title of 'best big sister in the world'. saiki watched you maneuver the claw of the machine with bated breath, admiring how your pretty nose crinkled and your tongue poked out from the corners of your perfectly glossed lips in concentration — 'ew, stop being a simp, kusuo.' he mentally rebuked himself before engaging with your scene one again. your fist slammed down against the big red button, followed by the claw opening and lowering over the box of the cyborg cider man action figure, slowly closing it's jaws around the box and grasping it perfectly, resulting in a slight gasp to escape your throat as your lips pulled into a grin. the claw kept it's grip in the toy as it lifted up, slowly making it's way over the hole where it would drop the action figure, straight into your possession.  that is, if the grip didn't falter hence allowing the toy to fall down, off it's pedestal and onto the bottom of the compartment to join the rest of the more average action figures. "fuck!" you screamed in an almost identical way to which you did earlier, expect this one held more pain. 'this can't be happening; is this the third year in a row that i'm going to show up to my little sister's birthday party empty-handed?' you thought, your bottom lips quivering so you quickly bit down on it, staring at the damned toy before turning on your heels, shuffling away from the game with your head hung low, the thoughts which cried in your head about how much you budgeted and how hard you worked made saiki's heart sink. 'maybe i could take out a mortga--' your thoughts were abruptly cut off when you heard the noise of something falling behind you. whipping your head around to see what happened, you exhaled a sigh of relief upon seeing nothing out of the ordinary. however, you caught a glimpse of inside the machine which you had been cursing at and realised that the toy wasn't with the packaging peanuts where you left it, as if it magically disappeared in the few seconds you had averted your gaze. creeping up to it, your gaze darted around in search of anyone who might've won it in less than 5 seconds but that was unlikely. now that you were closer, you peered through the glass once more to confirm that the toy was in fact missing and you were right. recalling the noise of falling you heard just before you turned around, you dropped to your knees and lifted the flap to the compartment which held the good that people would win from the machine. you almost screamed with delight and shock when you laid eyes on the limited edition, cyborg cider man action figure that was tucked snugly inside. yanking it out, you pressed it to your chest and the tears you were choking back finally came running down your cheeks, but now they were from joy. "thank you, god." you whispered to yourself, making saiki chuckle from his spot at the claw machine which he hadn't moved from. he wasn't god — nor was he friends with god — but he didn't mind not being able to take the credit for his kind actions of using his psychokinesis to drop the box into the hole for you. honestly, he found that seeing you happy, sitting on the floor with brightest beam gracing your features along with your now cheerful thoughts in his head, was enough of a reward for him anyway. also, he appreciated how you didn't question how the box ended up in the hole and instead you just deemed it a miracle as you were too overjoyed to use logic; that sort of thinking saved saiki a lot of trouble. 'i should probably go home and wrap this.' your internal monologue had now calmed down slightly as you were now able to produce a thought that wasn't just a squeal of delight, 'hm, maybe once i am done i could come back and see the new movie that's premiering-- but i've not got much money left so i guess i shouldn't get ahead of myself.' you hummed, picking up the box along with yourself, dusting yourself off before heading towards the exit. saiki must've been staring for a tad too long though as you caught his gaze while brushing off your clothes. he cringed, instinctively darting his eyes away so you didn't think he was an ogling creep but the fact he appeared defensive probably didn't help. so he fully expected you to frown or cast him a dirty look, judging him for his actions but to his surprise, you simply chuckled. waving at the pink-haired boy before strolling off with the box under your arm. 'he seems cool. where i can get clips like those?' why were you thoughts making him blush like an idiot? time to put the germanium ring back on. ★★★★★★★★★★ as it turns out, nendou is surprisingly good at poker. he figured this out after he stumbled across the casino section of the arcade, and since he looks way older than seventeen, nobody questions it when he took a seat at one of the slot machines, under the impression that it was a fancy, old-timey arcade game. he was then offered a round of poker with some old dude with way too many gold teeth and nendou ended up taking the poor, stubborn guy's entire fortune. god-knows how many games with how-many people later, nendou was sitting on stacks of cash at a round table with a tired dealer, and two grown men — one crying into the shoulder of his arm-candy and the other weeping into the sleeve of his suit — while the three boys who had came to give him his ticket stood by, all wearing matching confused expressions. "uh, nendou." kuboyasu tapped his friend on the shoulder, waving the ticket in front of his face, "the movie is gonna start soon, we should start heading over there right now so we can buy snacks and get good seats." nendou raised an eyebrow, puzzled until he recalled that he was supposed to watch a movie today, "oh, that sounds cool and all but i'm having a lot of fun right here." he smiled, motioning to the large casino area. kuboyasu chuckled awkwardly, backing away from nendou slightly as he turned on his heels, ushering the two other boys away, "alright, well, have fun, nendou! don't stay out too late!" nendou sung an okay in response, sliding a kaidou some cash for the extortionate theatre snacks before he was rushed away by kuboyasu, the purple-haried boy not wanting to spend anymore time in the casino than needed. "if nendou isn't joining us for the movie then we have a spare ticket. here, saiki, you should have it!" "why me?" "uh, because you said you saw reita earlier. so if you see him again maybe you could offer him the spare ticket." 'absolutely not.' was vocalised as "sure." by saiki as he took the ticket from kuboyasu's outstretched hand, fiddling with it before stuffing it into his pocket along with his own ticket. "what i said to nendou was kinda an exaggeration" aren mused, glancing at his watch before looking up at his two pals, "we still have some time left before the movie starts. i'm gonna go handle some business — you two have fun, and try find reita!" kuboyasu said before pivoting on his heels in the direction of the staff only closet. the only thing saiki could think to do during this free-time was escape kaidou's pestering to play dance dance revolution — since saiki didn't want to dance, dance or revolute, he darted outside as soon as kuboyasu left, leaving kaidou alone and confused in the middle of the arcade. 'finally, fresh air.' saiki inhaled, filling his lungs with the cool air rather than the stuffy, arcade oxygen. scanning the surrounding area, his eyes caught a glimpse of a figure standing by the ATM, which he immediately recognised to be that of the girl he had helped earlier. so naturally, he flicked of his ring to figure out the reasoning behind the awkward look on her face. 'do i really want to withdraw money to see some stupid movie? i mean, i could leave that money to accumulate and buy something nicer later.' without thinking, saiki hummed in agreement with your thoughts as he had been in your position many times before. 'but then again, i should treat myself! when was the last time i saw a movie that wasn't pirated? hmm..' your indecisive thoughts matched perfectly with your conflicted expression as you stared through furrowed brows at the screen of the ATM. a soft breeze passed, followed by something light smacking against you face. you winced slightly, your hand snapping your cheek and grabbing at whatever it was; just by the texture, you could tell it was paper. holding it in front of you, upon further inspection you realised that the mysterious sheet that had flew into your possession was in fact a ticket to tonight's showing of 'Olfana's Story X-2'  row G, seat 9. you double, triple checked it out of fear that this may be a cruel prank but no, this was completely real! you cheered, bouncing up and down and away from the ATM since you no longer needed it's services as god had blew the desired item straight into your hands — or your face, rather. either way though, you were over the moon, clutching the ticket to your chest and basking in your second miracle of the day. unbeknownst to you, saiki's smile was almost as wide as your own. you thanked god for your relief and saiki had no problem with that; seeing your little happy dance and squeals with your free ticket was enough for him. but actually, perhaps he might benefit himself after all, since the ticket he had given you previous belonged to nendou. meaning that saiki was seated at row G, seat 10; right beside you. ★★★★★★★★★★ saiki forgot to send a few notes flying your way in the wind, so you walked into the theatre and took your seat, completely snackless since you couldn't afford the exorbitant prices that they sold food for at the cinema. but perhaps that wasn't all bad as it revealed the possibility for saiki to offer you some of his popcorn as a conversation-starter, as he's usually not too good at socialising with new people — forget starting a conversation. however, he didn't need to work up any sort of courage to talk to you as the first thing you did when you plopped down in your seat beside him was turn to him and chirp, "oh, you're the guy i saw at the claw machines earlier! i love your clip thingies." your buoyant-adrenaline allowing your to be more bold than usual. the movie had yet to start, low murmurs of chatter coming from across the theatre as the trailers played in the background, "yes. and thanks." 'good grief, curse myself for not being more talkative. she probably thinks i'm dull now. perhaps i should channel my inner nendou..if i have one.' instead of ending the conversation right there like he assumed you would, you continued talking and saiki was..glad? why did he want to interact with you so much? he spends most of his days trying to avoid interacting with people; why were you any different? "no problem- also, did you get what you were playing for?" you inquired, tapping your lip in genuine curiosity. his ring remained on his finger, despite the fact he wanted to know what you thought about him, he didn't want to invade your privacy any more than he already has. "no. did you?" "yeah, i did, actually!" you chirped, not noticing the smirk creeping onto saiki's lips as you were too engulfed in your memories, "i thought those games were rigged but maybe they're not 'cause i managed to win this super special action figure that my sister has been on the top of my sister's wishlist for like- forever! and her birthday is tomorrow so i'll be a--" you cut yourself off, crinkling your nose in embarrassment, "sorry, i'm over-sharing, aren't i?" your enthusiasm made his heart flutter in a way he wasn't used to, if you didn't know any better, he would have thought he was having a medical emergency. his eyes widened slightly as you halted in your speech, "no, you're fine." he said, the uncharacteristic softness in his voice catching the attention of his two pals sitting on the other side of him. you shook off his comment, "i mean, i'm telling you my life story and i don't even know your name." you said, laughing sheepishly at the reality of the reality of the situation. 
“saiki kusuo.” he blurted out without a second thought.
you blinked a few times, shocked that he’d give his details away so easily as you somewhat expected him to be more of a reserved type of guy but evidently, you were wrong. “uh, i’m (l/n) (y/n).” you choked, biting down on your bottom lip slightly before continuing you story as he seemed to wait expectantly, “as i was saying, today’s just been the best day ever! everything has been going so well, i’m a bit scared as to what is going to happen when it hits midnight.” 
saiki nodded along, popping a piece of popcorn into his mouth before remembering his plan, “oh- would you like some?” he asked, offering you some popcorn from his bucket. unfortunately, the plan was a last-minute thing so he had only bought a small, but he still wasn’t opposed to sharing. 
you shook your head, trying to grin foolishly wide at his kind offer, “no thank you.” 
saiki nodded, about to open his mouth to reply until the blaring music from the beginning of the movie started, putting a swift end to your conversation — despite the fact saiki would much rather talk to you than watch the crappy movie — out of theatre etiquette. 
it was worse than you or saiki could’ve ever imagined.
it was painfully trying not to burst out laughing right in middle of it or lean over and giggle in each other’s ear at the silly dialog but out of respect for the other people in the cinema, you both stayed silent and just cast each other occasional knowing glances whenever something cringey happened on screen. 
you both let out audible sighs of relief with the credits began to roll, accompanied by a slow indie song. “that was..something.” you mumbled, grabbing your purse and jumping to your feet, wanting to exit the building as soon as possible and hopefully leave your memories of the movie behind you. 
“definitely.” he snickered, absently flicking the side of his empty popcorn bucket, “i stopped paying attention once i finished my popcorn.” it felt weird to vocalise — or rather, telepathically communicate — the comments he’d usually keep to himself; why did he feel so comfortable speaking to someone he only just met?
he began gathering his things, stuffing all of his rubbish in the bucket so he could dispose of it all at once. his mind was fixated on crappiness of the movie and how a five-year-old could’ve shot a much better film, until you grabbed his attention by calling out his name, followed by a question which made him blood run cold.
“before i go, it gotta ask’ how’d you do it? or more importantly, why’d you do it?”
he blinked several times before putting on his best bewildered expression, with the idea that maybe if he played dumb, he could gaslight you into thinking that it never happened or that he had nothing to do with it. “what?”
“oh, don’t give me that!” you scoffed, narrowing your eyes at the boy, “i’m not stupid. every time something good happened to me, you were nearby. i’ve connected the dots so fess up. why did you do all those nice things for me? was it out of pity or are you that nice to everyone?”
“i’m that nice to everyone.”
“i don’t believe you.” you snapped, fixing your tone when you remembered that even though he was lying to you, he still helped you get the present for you sister and gave you his spare ticket. “i don’t care if you’re not gonna give me a straight answer, but at least let me make it up to you.”
he huffed, an unimpressed look covering his features before you even proposed your idea. there was really nothing he could possibly need from you. what were you going to give him that he wasn’t capable of obtaining on his own? so he frowned, ready to decline your offer. 
“i saw that you bought one of those jelly pots from the snack stand and i actually work at a little café in the town, so i might be able to get you few things for free or discounted?”
“yes.” wait, that wasn’t refusal. 
“great!” you chirped, glad that you wouldn’t have to pry further, “does later this week sounds good? we could meet up here then i can walk you to the café- or i could give you my number and we can arrange a date later?” 
“sure.” saiki said without thinking once again.
but it wasn’t as though he regretted it when you slipped the piece of paper you had scribbled your number onto, into the front pocket of his shirt, tapping it with a smile. “alright! i’ll see you later then- unless you want to walk home with me?” you fidgeted with your fingers slightly, instantly regretting what you just came out with. not because you didn’t want to walk with him, but due to the fact you highly doubted he was going so say accept so you mentally prepared for the impact of his harsh rejection.
saiki ended up walking home with some girl he met at the theatre so that left kuboyasu and kaidou to fetch nendou once the film finished. they both searched the casino area for almost half an hour but neither of them had any luck finding nendou. that was, until kuboyasu had to take a step outside to escape the casino as he noticed an old friend of his playing on the slot machines, and he found nendou crouched by the garbage cans, on his phone. 
“nendou! we’ve been looking all over for you- why are you out here by the trash? and what happened to all your money?!”
nendou chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck with his spare hand, “fun story actually. i was doing so well and i was on my way to becoming a millionaire until these schoolgirls came marching in and absolutely slaughtered me! it was so embarrassing and the only way i could escape them was by running away so i hid back here.”
kuboyasu’s aura just screamed ‘disappointed but not surprised’, “so you’re telling me that you lost millions to highschool girls?”
“they might’ve been middle-schoolers, i’m not too sure. i didn’t get a very good look at ‘em but they were all wearing creepy red uniforms.”
all kuboyasu could do was massage his temples to ease his headache at the stupidity of his friends, “so you lost all your money to school girls in creepy red uniforms?” he repeated aloud, just to make sure he was hearing things correctly.
“yes. but not all my money.” he said, pulling out his wallet and grandly opening it to reveal a few notes and a button, “i’ve still got enough to spend on ramen with my bros!”
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