#and then some shit with stick obviously and boy do i have some fucking PLANS for that FUCKFACE MCIHATEHIM
pastafossa · 10 months
Next chapter going up shortly! We're getting some final scraps of fluff towards the end of this chapter before we really dive into both the Frank's Trial arc (which obviously includes the ninja shenanigans happening at the same time, though stuff will obviously play out a bit differently) and a more serious arc having to do with Jane's hunt for Derek and Anthony.
So enjoy this moment, this calmness, this fluff. Then buckle your seatbelts, please keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times, cause we are going on a RIDEEEEEEE
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worth-the-chaos · 9 months
Adventures In Babysitting - Steve Harrington x female!reader - Chapter 1
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Chapter Summary: You haven’t been babysitting Dustin for very long. Underestimating his tendencies for rebellious behavior, you realize too late that he’s snuck out, with your dire search for the boy leading you to the last place you wanted to be: Steve Harrington’s house.
Content warning: swearing, inter-dimensional demogorgon bullshit, kind of strangers to friends to lovers (not necessarily all in this chapter), stancy, slow burn
Word Count: 6.5k
Author’s note: This is my first fic and it isn’t super original; it pretty much sticks to the plot of the show, but adds you to the mix! I tend to like fics that put the reader directly into the Stranger Things universe, demogorgons and all, so this chapter roughly follows Steve’s involvement in season 1 episode 8 when he goes to the Byers’ residence. This is more of a prologue and I plan to be more original with the story as it goes on, but it will still largely follow the plot lines of the series, so if that’s something you’re looking for, you’ve found it here!
Series Masterlist | Next Part
You knocked quickly on the door in front of you, eyes darting left and right to take in your surroundings. You were out of place here among the upper class houses in the neighborhood, with your hand-me-down and thrifted clothes screaming the opposite of prosperity. You were antsy, weight shifting from foot to foot; in fact, you were almost confident that if any of the neighbors were out and caught a glimpse of your obviously anxious form, they’d put a call in to the Hawkins police in an instant. You didn’t belong here. You scoffed at the thought. Though every fiber of your being was telling you—no, screaming at you—to leave, you really didn’t have a choice.
Not to mention the address you were at housed probably the last person you would ever actively seek out. He probably didn’t want to see you either, if you were being honest.
“Come on. Just answer,” You muttered through gritted teeth as you raised your hand to knock once more. However, before your hand could even make contact with the nice, expensive oak of the front door, it opened and you were met with the annoyed and confused glare of the one and only Steve Harrington. The expression on his face didn’t surprise you but the state of it did. Bruises and cuts littered his otherwise perfect skin, leaving you with a lot more questions than you had originally intended on asking.
“What do you want?” His words were direct, his tone short and clipped, drained from what on the outside seemed to be quite an eventful day.
“I-I, uh…I’m sorry, but what happened to you?” You breathed out. You had more pressing concerns, but you couldn’t help but wonder why King Steve of Hawkins High looked like absolute shit.
“I don’t have time for this,” he sighed as he began to shut the door.
You reached your hand through just in time to catch it as you shoved your way into the Harrington household. You knew his parents were likely on some sort of fancy business trip, so they wouldn’t be there to reprimand you for your actions. It’s what made Steve’s house the prime destination for the biggest parties in Hawkins. Parties you were rarely, if ever, invited to.
“What the hell are you doing?! I barely even know you and now you’re breaking and fucking entering into my goddamn house!”
“Technically, I’m just entering. You opened the door.”
“Are you kidding me right now, y/n?”
You were surprised he even knew your name. You tended to blend into the background, flying under the radar in your attempt to make good enough grades to maybe, just maybe, give yourself a fighting chance at attending college on scholarships. “Will you just hear me out. Please.”
You must have sounded desperate because Steve’s furrowed brow relaxed, his expression softening before he rolled his eyes, sitting down on a pristine white couch saying, “Fine. But make it quick because I have a raging headache and my patience is wearing thin.”
You breathed in a deep breath before you rattled off your reason for trespassing.
“Well, it’s kind of a long story, but I happen to babysit Dustin Henderson—or, well to be more accurate, I just started babysitting Dustin Henderson since Jonathon Byers’ brother disappeared—and everything was going fine one minute, but then I went to check on him in his room because he was being awfully quiet, and then I noticed his window was open and he must’ve snuck out, and—“
He cut you off, “Woah, woah, woah. How does any of this concern me? I mean, it’s not my fault you’re clearly a shit babysitter and can’t keep track of some seventh grader.”
“If you would just let me finish,” you warned through gritted teeth, “I’m aware of the fact that it doesn’t concern you, but I’ve been looking all over for him and I can’t find him anywhere. I’ve checked the Sinclair’s, I’ve checked the Wheeler’s, I’ve checked every location a seventh grade nerd might frequent, nothing. So, yeah, though it doesn’t concern you, I thought I might find Nancy here, given the fact that the two of you have obviously been going out, to ask her where the hell her brother is so that maybe, just maybe, I could find the damn kid I’m babysitting before I get fired from my fucking job. Now, if you could stop being so goddamn selfish for once in your life, I would really appreciate the help.”
Steve paused for a moment while he considered this. Being called selfish stung, but you weren’t wrong. The events leading to the myriad of injuries across his face seemed to prove just that. However, there was something about you in particular saying it that cut deep. You were seemingly so perfect, granted a bit odd. You were nice, you made good grades, but other than that he didn’t know much about you, so the expletive-laced explanation was a bit out of place coming from your mouth.
“I hate to break it to you, but you’re a little too late to find Nancy here.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, she didn’t say it, but I take it things are probably pretty over between us.”
This was surprising to say the least. Nancy Wheeler wasn’t someone who you would have guessed would go for a total asshole jock like Steve, but even you had to admit, he was easy on the eyes. Your heart skipped a bit at the thought, as you suddenly also remembered that you basically broke into the house of the most popular kid at your high school. One whom you’d never really spoken to in any meaningful sense before this very instant.
“What happened?” You asked hesitantly, taking a step towards Steve as your fingers hovered over his forearm. Even though you hated nearly everything Steve stood for—popularity, prosperity, assholery—you felt compelled to comfort him. Something about him was different than you expected. When he didn’t pull away, you let your hand rest there.
“Well, speaking of Jonathan Byers, we kind of got into…an altercation. I would like to say that I won, but I think it’s clear that I didn’t. I was with Tommy H and Carol and he spray painted a bunch of awful shit about Nancy and Jonathan all over town, and I didn’t stop him, so yeah, things aren’t what I would call good between me and Nancy right now.”
Your comforting instinct told you to apologize, sympathize, but you weren’t going to condone his actions. You’d seen the “Nancy ‘the Slut’ Wheeler” graffiti earlier in your mad dash to locate Dustin. Though you didn’t know her super well, Nancy had been nothing but nice to you and she definitely didn’t deserve that sort of treatment.
“Well, how do you…feel about it?” You asked gently, internally cringing at your anxiety forcing you to find something to fill the silence with.
“I mean, definitely not good. I was an ass, and I know it, and as much as I hate that I screwed things up with Nancy, I think I’m more so realizing how shitty I was to Jonathan. I mean, he’s got enough going on without me making things more difficult…I need to make things right.” He stood up abruptly, quickly grabbing his car keys from a likely expensive decorative dish on the side table by the door.
“Woah, wait! You’re just going to leave me?” You asked incredulously. “Steve, I-I….I need help.”
“You can come with me,” he responded as he spun his keys around his index finger.
“To the Byers’ house? You know, kill two birds with one stone? I apologize to Jonathan, you ask about the Henderson kid. Hell, you might even luck out and find him there, so what do you say?” He explained as he placed his hand gently on your back, leading you out the front door, down the driveway to his car. You tried not to think about the way his hand felt on the expanse of your back. Before you could say no, he was opening the passenger’s side door for you.
Your eyes met his, your mouth slightly parted as you weighed your options. Sure, you could handle yourself fine on the way to Jonathan’s house…but then on the other hand, Steve had a car and you didn’t, and with all of the weird things going on in Hawkins recently, it was probably best not to be a young woman walking around on her own, especially now that you were losing light. Safety reasons aside, the element that settled the internal argument for you was the look in Steve’s eyes. He wanted to do better. He wanted to be better. Who were you to deny him that?
You breathed in once more, shaking your head as you breathed out. “Alright. Let’s go.”
Being in Steve’s car was, needless to say, a bit awkward. You both had your own problems, brought together by chaos and regret, a combination which didn’t make for great small talk.
“So, Nancy Wheeler, huh?” You asked in an attempt to ease the tension, needing to rid the car of the weight of the uncomfortable silence.
“Yep,” Steve muttered, eyes focused on the road.
“She’s pretty cool. I mean, she’s always been nice to me.”
“She’s the best.”
You weren’t sure why, but this comment made your heart sink a little in your chest. Though Nancy had always been nice, you couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous of her. She stood out in a way that you never could. She was smart but had the money to back it up, which, in terms of social status, meant that she mattered and you didn’t. You were living paycheck to paycheck, barely functioning, picking up odd jobs all the time just to support yourself in the way your family couldn’t. You barely had the time to study or have fun, becoming the background character to everyone else’s life. Hell, you weren’t even sure you had a starring role in your own. She was also pretty in a way that you could never be, with her big blue eyes and thin frame making clearly even the douchiest of douchebags swoon. Steve was living proof.
“Y/n? Did you even hear anything I just said?” Steve’s voice finally flooded your consciousness, drawing you away from your thoughts and feelings of inadequacy.
You shook your head trying to clear out the negativity. “Sorry! I was-I just zoned out for a second, my bad,” You chuckled, your smile not quite reaching your eyes.
“I asked you why you were babysitting the Henderson kid anyway. It just seems like something that you wouldn’t be interested in.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I mean, I don’t know, you’re…different. Yeah, you’re nice and make good grades and whatever, but you’re also pretty edgy. You seem like one of those weird, alt kids that would be into like pretty heavy music and shit, and babysitting just seems a little too suburban-status-quo for someone like you.”
You stared at him blankly, not really sure how to answer given that his words were more a statement of assumptions rather than a question. You opened your mouth to speak, but he interjected before you could even say anything.
“That came out wrong. What I’m saying is that you’ve always struck me as a little bit intimidating because you’re actually an individual; you don’t follow the crowd which, I mean, is admirable, but babysitting? Come on. I’m as stereotypical as they come, and I wouldn’t even babysit, especially not for some thirteen-year-old misfit who seems like more of a handful than its worth.”
“Well, for starters, you’re a guy, so no shit you’re not babysitting the youth of Hawkins, and also, I just need the money, which I’m sure is a foreign concept to you. And babysitting is kind of a piece of cake…normally. Henderson is a special case; he’s too smart for his own good.”
Steve laughed and you blushed, grateful for the darkness to hide the heat in your cheeks. His words felt like they were trying to be a compliment, but you weren’t sure how to interpret them. You guessed that maybe you stood out at least a little bit more than you had initially thought. By his description, people must be noticing you to some extent. He was noticing you.
You shook your head at the thought. What had gotten into you? Half an hour ago you hated this man, but now you weren’t too sure. Maybe he wasn’t as bad as you thought he was.
With Hawkins being a small town in rural Indiana, the drive was not long, so your conversation ended here as you pulled up to the Byers’ residence. You felt a pang in your heart as you saw the tarp-covered hole in the front of the house. From speaking with Mrs. Henderson, you knew how much of a toll her son’s disappearance had taken on Joyce. Both of you got out of the car and you made your way to the front door.
Steve knocked. When there was no response, he banged on the door again. “Jonathan! Are you there man? It’s—it’s Steve! Listen, I just want to talk.”
He continued to bang on the door. You were about to reach up and stop him, tell him that it was enough and clearly no one was home, when the door opened a crack and you were met eye to eye with Nancy Wheeler. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw you, but it only lasted for a fraction of a second before her expression settled and her brows furrowed.
“Steve, listen to me.”
“Hey. Nancy, what—“
“You need to leave. Both of you,” she added as she turned to meet your eyes. She was serious, her expression stern, but there was something else there…desperation maybe?
“I’m not trying to start anything, okay?” Steve pleaded. It didn’t make a difference, as Nancy had clearly made up her mind.
“I don’t care about that. You need to leave. Now.”
“No, no, listen, I messed up…I messed up, and I just want to make things right.” Steve was desperate, you could hear it in his voice. You wanted to try and reason with Nancy, speak on behalf of Steve, but it wasn’t your place. You went to cast your gaze downwards, trying to give the two of them a private moment, but Nancy’s gauze-wrapped hand caught your eye instead.
“Hey, what happened to your hand?” You asked hesitantly, brow furrowed, “is that…is that blood?”
You went to gently reach for her hand but she quickly drew it back and out of sight, but it was too late. Say what you will about Steve, but he was protective to a fault, and in seeing Nancy hurt, any desire to make things right with Jonathan quickly dissipated.
“It’s nothing! It-It was an accident.”
“Wait a sec. Did he do this to you? Nancy, let me in!” Steve demanded as he pushed into the Byers’ home, not dissimilar to how you had intruded upon the Harrington residence earlier. You entered behind him. Under any normal circumstances, you probably would have felt awkward, but instead you were too preoccupied with Steve’s short temper and the fires you knew you would inevitably have to put out.
Unfortunately, you didn’t have the premonition to know the literal nature of that preoccupation.
Crossing the threshold of the Byers’ residence, you weren’t entirely sure what you were looking at, but it did make your heart stop in your chest. You momentarily locked eyes with Jonathan as you looked around the room. There were multicolored lights strewn about the whole house, makeshift weapons on the coffee table, the entire alphabet painted sloppily on the wallpaper, and Jonathan’s hand had the same blood soaked gauze as Nancy’s.
“What is…what the…what is all of this?” Steve demanded.
“You need to get out of here. I’m not asking you, I’m telling you.” Jonathan grabbed the fabric of Steve’s shirt attempting to force him out of the living room, but Steve planted his feet.
“Is that���.is that gasoline?!” You stammered as the rest of your senses finally showed up. Your hands were trembling at your sides, and you felt like at any moment you might have a panic attack. You took a shaky breath as you attempted to calm yourself down.
“Steve! Get out!” Nancy shouted. The distinct click of a gun rang out, and Steve froze, eyes fixed on the revolver in Nancy’s hand, pointed directly at him. Jonathan’s grip loosened on Steve’s shirt as he stepped away, shock registering on his face as well.
Something was obviously very wrong. You pushed your anxiety deep down in your chest, and you took a step forward. If I could just talk to her, you thought, I can deescalate this.
“Nancy—“ you began cautiously, but as soon as you took a step she pivoted and now you were the one staring down the barrel of a gun. Your breath hitched in your throat as you slowly raised trembling hands in front of your chest. “I think you need to calm down.”
“I think you need to leave,” she responded, her voice icy. Suddenly, Steve bounded forward, grabbing your wrist and pulling you behind him. Once you were hidden behind his tall figure, you allowed yourself to break down a little, pressing yourself against him for some semblance of security.
“Is this a joke, Nancy? Put the gun down!”
“I’m doing this for you.”
“What is this?! What does that even mean?” He yelled back at her, but his words weren’t doing anything to help. His hand was still wrapped around your wrist, and his grip tightened. He was holding onto you just as much as you were holding onto him, with a fistful of his shirt balled into your delicate hand as you attempted to ground yourself. It felt intimate, and if it weren’t for your current predicament, you would have been embarrassed.
“Three. Two—“
“Nancy! The lights!” Jonathan shouted, and you peeled your face away from the solace of Steve’s back, watching as the lights flickered with a raging entropy, making it nearly impossible for your eyes to navigate the small room.
“Where is it? I don’t see it!” Nancy cried out and for the first time in the craze of blinking lights and shouting, you saw the fear on her face, her previous stoic facade shattering in the chaos. Seeing the fright in her eyes made your stomach drop, as the reality of the situation began to sink in.
Something was very, very wrong.
“Will someone please explain to me what the hell is going on?!” Steve shouted and you couldn’t help but agree with the sentiment. Even with the family room being sporadically lit up like a Christmas tree, you and Steve were very much still in the dark.
No sooner had he said it did the ceiling begin to crack, something large writhing as it made its way into the small house from above. Nancy began shooting at it as you stood frozen. Finally, it burst through the drywall, falling to the floor on all fours. If someone asked you to describe what you had seen, you weren’t sure what you would’ve even said. It had pale skin, nearly translucent, and made an awful chattering sound as it started to gather its bearings.
“Go! Go! Run! Go!” Jonathan started shouting as he grabbed Nancy around the waist and shoved her in front of him as she darted down the hall. Steve turned around and did the same, his hands harshly grabbing at your sides to redirect you as you formed a human chain; Jonathan’s hand wrapped around your wrist, and your other hand wrapped around Steve’s as you made a mad dash to the bedroom at the end of the hall.
In all the commotion you barely heard Jonathan shout “jump!” narrowly missing the open bear trap on the floor. You shrieked and willed yourself to be coordinated for once in your damn life as you hurdled over the metal teeth of the trap, blindly trusting that Steve’s athleticism would kick in and he would do the same. A low growl sounded out just as the bedroom door slammed shut behind Steve, his momentum causing him to collide into you. You would have toppled over if it wasn’t for his quick reflexes, as he reached out to steady your shoulders.
“Shhh, you’re okay. It’s all going to be okay,” Steve frantically whispered, his hands still holding together your shaking form, as you stumbled backwards and collapsed down on the bed. His lips were dangerously close to your ear, and he brought a hand to the base of your neck, drawing his fingers down to your shoulder to reassure you. He was barely holding it together himself, scared out of his mind, but he brought you into this mess and he was determined to protect you first. “What the hell was that?!”
“Shut up!” Nancy and Jonathan yelled in unison. Everyone’s gaze then fixed on the yoyo that was precariously draped over the chair. Your heart thundered in your ears, your eyes welling with tears as you held your breath and waited. The lights continued to flicker, until a jolt of electricity rang out and they became static. The silence was unnerving.
“Do you hear anything?” Nancy asked.
Jonathan shook his head and slowly opened the door. The four of you stepped into the quiet of the hallway, eyes fixed on the undisturbed bear trap in the middle of the carpet. You all cautiously made your way back to the disheveled family room of the Byers’ house, Nancy and Jonathan prepped with their weapons in hand.
“This is…this—this is crazy!” Steve shouted, running his hands through his perfect hair.
You tugged on his sleeve trying to draw his attention away from what just happened; this was already a shit show, the last thing you needed was Steve losing his mind. “Steve, you need to calm down,” you begged, still shaken from before.
“Y/n, how the hell am I supposed to calm down?! This isn’t a situation where you can calm the fuck down! What the hell is going on?!” He continued to shout, grabbing your wrist and shoving it away. You tried not to take it personally, but it still hurt. You hated how quickly he had gone from comforting to cold.
Before you could open your mouth to speak, Nancy spoke up, “It’s going to come back! So you need to leave. Right now.”
Steve grabbed your wrist, your body lurching as your trajectory quickly changed, the inertia causing you to stumble while your feet attempted to keep up with Steve’s large strides. Steve fumbled with his keys as you reached the car. His shaky hands finally unlocked the door and he swung it open, about to sit when he realized that you had stopped following him, still positioned in front of the house.
“Y/n, what are you doing?”
“Steve, we can’t leave, are you kidding me? They’re in way over their heads. They need help.”
“It’s too dangerous. I don’t want you in there. It’s not up for discussion,” Steve argued, stepping around the door and reaching out to grab your wrist again. You quickly stepped back, pulling your hands out of his reach.
“Y/n, you’re not going back in there. I’m not joking.”
“Neither am I,” you shot back, turning back towards the door. You heard him call out your name again, but you were already through the front door, back in the discomfort of the Byers’ family room.
“Y/n, what the hell are you doing here? I said to leave,” Nancy warned.
“I’m not leaving. You guys need help, and I want to help.”
“Y/n—“ Jonathan began, but his warning was cut short when the lights began to flash again. You quickly grabbed a large kitchen knife from the pile of improvised weapons on the coffee table and met Nancy and Jonathan back to back in the center of the room.
“Where is it?” You asked, trying to shove the fear in your chest down, hoping it was a false alarm, that the wiring was screwy, that you were safe.
“Come out, you son of a bitch!” Jonathan yelled out. You willed your hands not to shake as you tightened your grip on the handle of the knife. Suddenly the lights went out, plunging the room into inky black darkness. You blinked rapidly, a futile attempt to get your eyes to adjust to the pitch black room.
You heard a low growl before Nancy exclaimed, “Y/N!”
You spun around, eyes meeting the nine-foot hulking form of whatever the hell this thing was, standing less than a foot from you. You didn’t even have time to scream as it lunged at you, pinning you to the floor. Your knife fell from your grasp, clamoring across the hardwood. You wish you could go back to when you hadn’t had a good look at the monster. Now you stared wide eyed as its face opened up revealing countless rows of razor sharp teeth as it shrieked, spewing thick drool across your face.
“Help me! Please! Nancy!” You screamed out as you writhed under the pressure of the beast. Its clawed fingers began tightening around your upper arm, ripping into your skin as you cried out in pain. It reared back to scream its ear piercing scream again, but something collided with it, knocking it off-kilter. Its long claws dragged across the flesh of your arm, etching larger gashes as its grip began to release.
You took this opportunity to slip away, scrambling across the floor on hands and knees as you grabbed the kitchen knife, turning around to slash the monster’s achilles. It cried out, turning back towards you, this time far angrier than it had been in the first place. This was when you realized that the collision from before had been Steve, swinging Jonathan’s nail bat as hard as he could at the creature.
He had come back for you.
He continued to swing the bat with all his might, causing the monster to stumble backwards until the resonant clang of metal hitting against metal rang out.
“He’s in the trap! He’s stuck!” Steve yelled out, causing the rest of you to spring into action.
“Jonathan, now!” Nancy shouted. Jonathan hurtled around the corner, the unmistakable flick of a lighter sounding out before he tossed it in the gasoline soaked carpet. The hallway erupted in flames that were almost too bright to bear, as the four of you covered your eyes. You took this opportunity to sprint back to the family room, quickly grabbing the fire extinguisher laid out on the rug, before bounding back to the hallway.
“Get back!” You shouted as you desperately tried to put out the fire before you were all suffocated in a fiery mix of ash and smoke. You all coughed as the smoke cleared, revealing that the monster had disappeared, no longer stuck between the teeth of the bear trap.
“Where did it go?” Nancy hesitantly asked.
“It has to be dead. It has to be,” Jonathan said, though it seemed more like he was saying it to convince himself; to speak it into existence.
Suddenly the string lights started blinking again, this time in a line leading toward them in the hallway. Your breath caught in your throat, and Steve protectively pushed himself in front of you and Nancy. The lights then blinked again, this time in a line towards the front door. This time they weren’t the erratic display of chaos from earlier, but rather an orderly demonstration of cosmos. The four of you cautiously followed the lights, weapons drawn just in case.
“Mom?” You heard Jonathan quietly ask. His eyes welled with tears, and you immediately wanted to hug the boy. He’d been through so much. He didn’t deserve this; none of you did.
You followed the lights outside the house, watching the streetlight gently flicker before all trace of the paranormal phenomenon dissipated.
“Where’s it going?” You asked quietly.
“I don’t think that’s the monster,” Jonathan responded. He didn’t elaborate and none of you asked.
Steve quickly turned to you, gently grabbing your wrist. “Y/n, you’re bleeding,” he said, his eyes widening as they focused on your blood soaked sleeve.
“It doesn’t matter. Where’s Dustin? Please tell me one of you knows,” you turned to ask Nancy and Jonathan, both of them caught off guard by your question.
“Uh, I think it really does matter, y/n. We don’t even know what the hell that thing was! You can’t just ignore—“
“They’re at the school,” Nancy interrupted. She wanted to argue with you too, to tell you that you definitely needed medical attention, but she also knew you weren’t going to listen. Hell, you’d just run back into a house with an inter-dimensional threat so her and Jonathan wouldn’t have to face it on their own.
You turned back towards Steve. “Steve, I promise I’ll let you take me to the urgent care or the hospital or whatever if you just please let me go make sure he’s okay,” you pleaded. Tears were welling in your eyes and Steve realized that he wasn’t going to be able to say no to you.
“Fine, but this is fucked up.”
By the time you pulled into the parking lot of Hawkins middle, it was swarming with police cars and emergency vehicles. You felt nauseous and negligent, as you frantically scanned, looking for the curly mop of hair hidden under a baseball cap. Before Steve stopped the car, you flung your door open, jogging across the lot, calling out for the boy.
“Dustin! Dustin Henderson!”
“Woah, woah, woah! You can’t just jump out of a moving vehicle!” Steve caught up with you. He wanted to reach out and put a hand on your shoulder to rein you in a little, but he decided against it, not recalling which one was torn up. You had to be in excruciating pain, but you didn’t show it. She’s pretty damn tough, Steve thought to himself. Suddenly, you both saw the Henderson boy, chatting away with Lucas Sinclair, as if nothing had happened.
“Henderson!” You growled, marching across the parking lot towards the young child.
“Y/n, I can explain—“
“Do you have any idea the hell I just went through trying to find your ass?! Where the hell were you?!”
“You’re not going to believe me, but there’s this alternate—wait, what the hell happened to your arm?”
You looked at Steve, trying to silently decide how much to tell the young boy. He was just a kid; he didn’t need to be mixed up in all of this, and neither did Lucas. To be perfectly honest, neither did the two of you, but you couldn’t change what happened. You broke eye contact with Steve and looked at Dustin, lips slightly parted as you tried to find the right words to say. Before you could even say anything, Dustin broke the silence.
“It was the demogorgon, wasn’t it?”
“What in the fresh hell are you talking about?” Steve asked, growing tired of this kid who had inadvertently caused you to risk your life trying to find him instead of just listening to his damn babysitter.
“Monster, big and scary, likely inter-dimensional?”
“You…But how do you…you know about all of this?” You asked, your heart sinking knowing that you couldn’t protect him from this.
“It took Will, and we’ve been trying to find him,” Lucas chimed in.
“B-but…but there was a funeral. He died,” you stammered, your heart aching this time as you thought back to Jonathan and Joyce and how miserable they had been over the loss of the young child.
“Look, y/n, I’m sorry I snuck out but it was to find Will. I can explain the rest but it’s going to take a while and you might want to sit down,” Dustin hesitantly spoke.
“You’re so damn lucky your mom is out of town for the next few days,” you spoke through gritted teeth, but you sat down and you listened to the boy.
After his explanation, you and Steve were, needless to say, a bit stunned and speechless. How the hell did three middle school boys figure all of that out? And a girl with a shaved head and super powers? You couldn’t wrap your head around the fact that Hawkins Chief of Police Jim Hopper knew about all of this either. What was there that you could trust? Your head started to spin and you were getting a bit nauseous at the thought.
“I mean, this is wild Henderson. It’s borderline unbelievable,” Steve chided. Dustin’s eyes widened and his face reddened, clearly mad that Steve wasn’t buying his story.
“Are you serious right now, Steve? You saw it! You saw the damn demogorgon! How could you possibly deny that—“
“I said borderline unbelievable, shit bird. Obviously I know some strange shit is going on, it’s just still fucking insane.”
You couldn’t agree more with him as you attempted to stand up, but your vision blurred and you stumbled. You would’ve fallen if Steve hadn’t immediately shot up to catch and steady you.
“Woah, y/n, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” Steve’s eyes were darting all across your face. He wished he could read your mind but you just stared up at him with those eyes and it all remained a mystery.
“I think she needs to get that checked out. She’s losing a lot of blood,” Lucas chimed in, his brow furrowed under his camo bandana. He pointed at your blood soaked sleeve, and everyone simultaneously realized that blood was now dripping down your hand, the fabric no longer able to hold anymore liquid.
“No, no, I’m fine, I swear. Let me just walk it off. I’ll be okay,” you tried to sound confident, but your speech was slurred and there were dark spots invading your vision. Steve gently patted at the side of your face, attempting to keep you conscious.
“Y/n, just stay with us. We’re going to get you help. Just keep those pretty eyes open for me. Y/n, please!” He sounded desperate, and you fought to stay awake. The next thing you knew, he was carrying you, attempting to make it to an ambulance to get your wounds assessed by a real medical professional.
“Hey, we need you to take us to a hospital right now,” Steve spoke quickly as he sprinted to one of the EMTs on scene.
“What happened to her?”
“It’s a long story. Please sir,” Steve’s voice began to falter. The EMT gestured for Steve to hop in the back of the ambulance where he gingerly placed you on the gurney. Lucas and Dustin swiftly followed suit, going to hop into the ambulance, but the EMT stepped in front of the boys to stop them.
“Woah, where do you think you’re going?”
“Sir, if you could please let them come with us. We babysit them and I can’t leave them here by themselves,” Steve argued. It wasn’t entirely a lie, but it was the best he had to work with to convince the guy to take Sinclair and Henderson with them. Dustin looked at him with confusion, mouthing the word “we?” before Steve shot him a warning glance to fix his face before their story was invalidated.
You woke up in a hospital bed, hooked up to an IV. You were no longer in your blood soaked clothes, your frame fitted with a hospital gown instead. You looked over to your left arm which had since been stitched up and was now wrapped in gauze, the bleeding slowing to a stop.
“Steve?” You called out, hoping he was still with you.
“Y/n! You’re awake!” He exclaimed rushing over to the side of the bed. You’d been out for the past hour. They had sedated you once you arrived at the hospital, saying it would be easier to tend to your wounds that way.
“Today didn’t really go how I thought it would.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean,” Steve chuckled.
“I mean, my worst fear earlier was that I was going to get fired. I can tell you that I have significantly worse fears than that now,” you hated crying in front of people, with Steve being the last person you wanted to be vulnerable in front of, but you couldn’t help it as your eyes welled up and one stubborn tear slid down your cheek. Steve was quick to wipe it away, his hand reaching down to hold yours.
“I know, but on the bright side, I think you might be the most qualified babysitter in Hawkins,” Steve tried desperately to make you smile. It worked as you let out a wet laugh through your sob.
“I mean, I guess so,” you chuckled, your cheeks heating up at the compliment.
“You guess so? I know so. I don’t know anybody who would fight a monster with that many fucking teeth for some kid.”
“Nancy would,” you reminded him, your voice getting small again. The light in his eyes suddenly dissipated and he let go of your hand.
“Yeah, no, you’re probably right. I guess we’d all make pretty damn good babysitters,” he averted eye contact, preferring to look at his hands. In the time he’d been spending with you, he kind of forgot about Nancy. He felt guilty.
“You should talk to her, you know?”
“I’m sure she’s probably ready to put whatever happened between the two of you behind her. I mean, you really stepped up when it mattered today,” you added. You weren’t sure why you were saying it because the thought of him going back to Nancy made your heart ache, but maybe you weren’t ready for the alternative. You weren’t ready for him to look at you the way he looked at her. Not that you thought he would, but you just felt the need to create some distance. A lot had happened and this wasn’t the way you wanted him to realize you were something special, something to hold onto.
“Yeah, I guess…I mean, I guess I’ll go talk to her. Let me know if you need anything, yeah?” He looked you in the eye. Instead of seeing annoyance or indifference, you saw something new for a change: sincerity.
He gave you a small smile, pausing in the doorway as he took one last look at you. You did a small wave goodbye, reassuring him that you’d be okay. With that, he took a breath and turned the corner, making his way back to the hospital waiting room where him and Nancy would patch things up. There was something about you though; something he couldn’t quite get out of his head.
He also had a sinking feeling in his chest that this wasn’t the end of whatever was going on in Hawkins. He had a feeling that the danger would linger, lurking in the shadows. He pushed the feeling aside and smiled weakly at Nancy, moving to sit in the empty chair next to her.
a/n: I hope y’all liked it; in theory there’s more to come (like I said earlier it’s gonna be a slow burn so yeah lol). If you feel so inspired to reboot this post that would also be pretty dope and I’d be eternally grateful <3
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nofingjustaninchident · 6 months
hi, I’m not great at requesting things but if this makes sense could you write a high school au where Jason is a football player. I think it would be cute cause he’s definitely tall enough and strong enough but then add in him being kind and wow he would make the BEST high school football player boyfriend. Thank you
⛧° Jason Grace x Nerdy! Reader hcs °⛧
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content: jason grace x reader, college au!
warnings: cursing, allusions to sexual stuff (not much tho), stupidtly fluffy and corny.
a/n: bby if i tell you i dreamt about this, would you believe me? like, i swear to all the gods, i dreamt with this and woke up thinking about writing it… well, here ya go. oh, and i also made her a brazilian, i hope you don’t mind? if you do, just ignore it, please 🫡
⛧° 。 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆༺♱༻⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 。°⛧
Of course, he’s a great football player.
Like, i know no shit about football, i’m a soccer girly, but he’s the best quarterback in the city. like, he’s really really good.
And obviously everyone believes he’s such an asshole and a womanizer.
But in reality he’s so so nice
Sure, he sleeps with some girls and all, but not as much as his teammates.
He’s also the only jock that sticks with a girlfriend. Not for long, but still more than the other guys ig
So when he was having trouble with maths, he needed a tutor, cause he had to have a back up plan of he didn’t went for the pros
Such a nice boy, fr.
And he went talk with the teacher to ask who could teach him.
And that’s when he found you.
You weren’t exactly a super nerd. You just liked to study.
But you had a lot of friends, since being the only exchange student did bring this sort of popularity around the university.
And when he first came to you, you were kinda bitchy.
You know, you had a bit of hatred towards football players. No idea why, it was just there.
Even with that, you were too kind-hearted to don’t tutor him.
And when you got to know each other… you kinda started liking him.
On your first study session, the library was too full, so you went to the outside
Which was really working out, till Jason found a little bird that probably fell from his nest
The guy was so worried that he almost took the bird home
He would’ve done it if you didn’t stop him
But he found the nest and put the little bird back there
And you just stood there, like “what the fuck? isn’t he supposed to be a douche?”
It happens that he’s not.
And you became pretty good friends with the frequent study sessions and all.
Not to mention he was pretty offended when you told him you didn’t like football.
And you were very offended when he asked if the spoke Spanish in Brazil.
He knew it didn’t, he just did it to piss you off.
He really wanted you to go to one of his games, but you never said you were really going.
So, one day, when his team was having a match against Harvard University, he was more than surprised to see you at the stands, right in the front.
With his jersey. With his number and name on your back.
He honestly felt he was gonna cry right then and there.
He got so happy he made a touchdown. They won.
And you were there, cheering for him and pretending like you understand anything that was going on there.
When the game ended, he came rushing towards you.
“Congrats, Gra-“ Before you could even finish your sentence, he kissed you.
Oh, and it was heaven.
After this, you started dating and it was the best thing you ever experienced.
He was such a gentleman.
Doors? Don’t even touch that. Dates? He’s paying, duh. You’re tired? He’ll carry you, bridal style.
You get the point.
You started liking football because of him. And he started liking soccer because of you.
a/n: i don’t know what to feel about this lol. idk what you’ll think of the brazilian thing, but if you don’t like it, i’ll remake it, promise!
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ryuichirou · 10 months
Ace and Deuce special! Kind of… I guess lol Since our last post was about them. But there’re also some about AzuIde!
Anonymous asked:
Context of the latest post? :)
I think it’s pretty self-explanatory, Anon~ But I’ll let the second Anon answer your question:
Anonymous asked:
Hey Ace finally got laid!
The entire twst cast does the “omedetou” clap 😔👏👏👏 Congratulations, Ace!
Anonymous asked:
Not their faults that they share the same room, Riddle. XD Also, poor other two roommates. (Freshmen rooms have 4 roommates, 2nd year have two roommates, and 3rd year have their own rooms. Only Dorm leaders have their own rooms)
No-no, it’s entirely their fault, why would they even do something like this?! (Cue angry virgin noise)
And yeah, I honestly don’t know how their roommates survive this, but who knows, maybe they are out for some reason and ADeuce decided that they won’t get another chance like that and got a little bit too excited~
Anonymous asked:
Do you have any ace thoughts?? I have these like "twst character phases" where one character becomes my chew toy for a week and then gets discarded and ace is my latest victim 🤭🤭
I've kinda been thinking about pining!adeuce except deuce keeps fucking other people to cope and ace is insanely jealous and keeps avoiding him. Maybe he sleeps with one of their classmates (Jamil or epel maybe?? I like jamiace a lot) as a sort of "revenge"?? Which probably works after ace purposely doesn't hide the marks left from his "wicked plan" LMAO
Aftermath is they either fuck and become occasional fuck buddies making their pining worse or they avoid each other and make things worse (either way everyone is getting a headache from these two)
Ace is a nice chew toy, Anon, good choice! We have a similar situation, even though there are characters that are always our faves, right now we’re going through the first book again, so we’ve been kind of rediscovering Ace and Deuce lol
Ace and Jamil are a fun combo (poor Jamil just has to suffer because of his basketball club boys lol), but I honestly don’t know if Jamil would be up for something like that. Maybe he has his reasons though, it all depends on a scenario I guess.
Deuce feeling jealous despite knowing darn well that Ace is purposefully trying to make him jealous… god, how complicated things could be between them lol
I do like the idea of ADeuce being fuck buddies and not dating each other despite the fact that they’re super obviously are into each other and want to be together though; there are some nice doujins about Ace going through a crisis because he definitely wants to keep sleeping with Deuce, but just can’t help but cling to the “we’re just friends” thing, hurting Deuce very deeply. Wow this sounds more tragic that I thought lol but it doesn’t has to be: these idiots are hilarious, and watching them trying to figure shit out, fight, make out and fight again, and then have sex and stop talking to each other and then fight again is peak comedy. And also super headache inducing LOL
Anonymous asked:
Okay someone has to say it, next to Jack Deuce looks like a fucking stick. To be fair, you could be the buffest guy around and look like a stick next to Jack, he’s just THAT beefy
Yeah, Jack is hella big, so he has this aura that makes everyone shrink when they’re near him lol But I’m also prone to exaggerations when it comes to size difference. I love it too much
Anonymous asked:
i was the beach anon..also the dead dove anon from awhile ago, i’d love to discuss the beach scene potential in dms of that’d be ok
Oh hi Anon! :)
Sure, but only if you’re okay with me super slow (I mean it) with my replies. I absolutely hate making people wait and giving lackluster replies, but I also don’t have a lot of time and energy apart from drawing, which makes me a terrible person for chatting…
Anonymous asked:
Hello hi hello I am one simple man who enjoys AzuIdi very much- may your brain always be full of ideas and your hands be capable of completing all your missions
Thank you so much, Anon, it means a lot <3 God how much I want to complete all my missions. There must be more Azul/Idia in the world, and I’m happy to know that there are people who are excited to see them.
Anonymous asked:
So I was looking into your Azuide marriage AU and I find it very interesting so I was wondering if say Idia cheated on Azul for some mysterious unknown reason...what would Azul do??
Ohh thank you for your interest, Anon! I’m glad you like it :)
It honestly depends on the circumstances, but it would still be bad. Azul’s first instinct would be to learn anything he could about that person and how they know Idia. He would talk to Idia about it himself, but even if Idia just tells him everything as it is, Azul needs his own independent research to check if Idia is lying to him or not. Yes he is THAT petty lol
Azul is very bad at forgiving people, and cheating on him is one of the biggest betrayals a person could present him with. Of course, their marriage isn’t a romantic one, but it doesn’t change Azul’s feelings, and he’d be very hurt.
You’ve seen the “bad ending” scenario and probably have read my replies about it; although it’s kind of vague, but this is the reaction I’m picturing, to be honest. Maybe not as drastic, but he’ll also stop giving Idia any kind of privacy: either Jade or Floyd is going to be around him at all times, looking at his monitors, watching what he’s doing, who he’s talking to. Just to make sure that he isn’t doing anything stupid~
Oh, and Azul’s also going to scare that other person away or even ruin their life. Easily.
But there are also some exceptions that would make Azul begrudgingly look the other way. If Idia was to have an affair with Lilia or Ortho, Azul is going to just swallow his pride and try to act calm. But he’d still be super hurt and probably punish Idia in some other way.
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tootalltech · 3 months
tbb s3 review
okay. now that i've gotten a full nine hours of sleep and am probably a bit more coherent, i'm going to give a post summarizing all my final thoughts on season 3 of the bad batch. bc while i am annoyed about the way things were handled with tech, there were absolutely parts of the season i enjoyed as well.
i LOVE royce hemlock as an antagonist and i have since he first appeared. this season continued to show just how far he's willing to go and how completely removed from any empathy or compassion he really is- all hidden behind a cold, calm, scientific front. he ties very nicely into the overarching theme of dehumanization in this show, whether with the clones or the force-sensitive kids he captured. all in all, he's very evil and very cool and i didn't dislike anything they did with him. not even his death (bc get fucked poison boy and also he died about the same way tech did which was very much deserved). 10/10 no notes.
on the subject of tech's death though. it was very frustrating to me that they didn't show crosshair finding out. i feel like it's still very unclear when he even did; i was questioning if he knew or not by maybe the 3rd or 4th episode based off the exchange between him and omega about tech having her memorize all the plans. crosshair discovering he's dead could have been a good moment between him and omega, it could have been a good moment where we get to see just how much he misses his brothers and feels bad about everything if he somehow finds out alone while still imprisoned at tantiss, it could have been a good moment between him and HUNTER if it was discovered before they worked things out a bit more and it would have been a bigger catalyst for their fighting in "the return", etc etc etc. i don't think there was any good reason to just have crosshair find out at some point offscreen. that is his brother.
i thought the cameos from characters we've seen in earlier seasons were generally cool. fennec shand showing up pretty much made sense seeing as the batch already kinda knew of her so i thought that one was fun. cad bane seemed a LITTLE unnecessary (like it could've been another bounty hunter and nothing would have changed) but i didn't hate it. ventress was cool i'm glad omega has a new lesbian aunt and i thought it was funny when the batch decided they were gonna try and fight her because that was SO OBVIOUSLY not going to end well for them.
and then doing a separate thing for other clones bc thats really its own category. i loved seeing howzer again i missed howzer <3 rex is always a winner. wolffe's thing was cool although i feel like he's going to die now? like. if anyone ever found out that he just let them go. yk? and then we got to see gregor for like .2 seconds but whatever. in true tbb fashion the only other named reg clones on the batch's side that we met died or were never seen again within 1-2 episodes. which is fine. it is called the bad batch. no matter how much it functions more as a tcw sequel show...
speaking of the tbb/tcw world though. echo. is just. i don't understand why they make the choices they make with him. him helping rex makes sense, but he also has a good dynamic with the bad batch (especially tech honestly) and he's a part of their squad? like. this is really more of a renewed complaint from season 2 because it continued into this season but. why have him join clone force 99 if he's then going to leave again and just kind of exist in the background occasionally halfway through the clone force 99 show? i wish we saw more of him in season 3. especially after they lost tech, i feel like there was a way writing-wise to have him be with them more. if some corny "we need to stick together" shit is what it takes then so be it. BECAUSE THEY DO.
i'll go back to antagonists now. I LOVED THE ENTIRE PLOT LINE WITH RAMPART. for one thing, the beard looked GOOD on him. he was a dramatic bitch the entire time he was with the batch and his dynamic with them was hilarious. like hemlock, he died in a very deserved way, although i did see someone else say that his death didn't really make sense and i'm... inclined to agree. like, nala se isn't ever going to be redeemed in many fans' eyes and i don't think what they did with her in the finale was going to cut it. and rampart. GET OUT OF THERE DUDE. why would he be so interested in that data all of a sudden? especially given that he famously DOES NOT LIKE CLONES. why would he care? i know he wanted to bargain with the empire, but come on, that would never work and was a pretty stupid idea. it really did just seem like a moderately lazy way to try and show nala se doing something good while killing a villain in the process. i have no qualms with rampart dying, but why not have him die as a result of like. refusing to side with the clones or something? that would make more sense than him making a really dumb decision when he's supposed to be a smart guy. he didn't make it to vice admiral on looks alone remember!
and now for the cx-2/tech rant. i might make this into its own post, but for now what i'll say is that it simply would've made so much sense to have that goddamn operative clone be tech. we never saw his body. hemlock literally taunted the batch about this, which is SO something he would do if he HAD TECH. hemlock had a very hard-to-kick habit of doing weird science fuckery which would ABSOLUTELY lead to him trying to make tech into one of his operatives if he had him. we already know that the clones he tried to condition into being his operatives with this deep-cover program did not have to be willing to do it at all, because he tried it with crosshair. and we know that if the conditioning took, the clones would "come out different", so it would make PERFECT sense for tech to BE CX-2 and have no qualms whatsoever about hurting his old squad and a kind of different voice. like, look what happened to crosshair's hand. there are clearly physical side effects, and the process didn't even work on him. there were also tons of similarities between tech and cx-2 in my opinion, and all in all it just would've been a good choice narratively. he even could've stayed dead! like i said. i'll make a separate post.
finally, i feel like i should devote some rambling to tantiss, crosshair, hunter, wrecker, and omega. in the same way that i liked hemlock, i thought most of the choices with tantiss and the connections to omega were very cool this season. i think they handled crosshair coming back decently although it could've been a little more fleshed out. i liked that crosshair immediately became omega's fifth dad. i liked batcher! and omega's doll going to eva! all the force-sensitive kids were really cute and i liked them. emerie karr was like. alright i guess? i didn't find myself ever really caring about her a bunch but her story still made sense. and onto the male clones, i do feel like narratively they haven't really known what to do with wrecker for a while besides have him like. blow things up. which is unfortunate because i really enjoy him. then again it's just also not always an incredibly deep show and they are all clones who don't know how to talk about their feelings which i've been saying for a while now <3. i liked hunter going back to defending crosshair in "infiltration" and wrecker's "just like old times!" callback in the same episode. and i REALLY like omega becoming a rebel pilot, i think that makes a lot of sense for her and it also is, of course, sweet because tech taught her how to fly and all that. and finally, the scene with older hunter and omega itself was nice although i think they could've had crosshair, wrecker, and echo there. we all know hunter is the main dad, but he's not the ONLY one and the others are also very important. but oh well...
in conclusion. i do still absolutely adore this show and all of these characters. season 3 did not give me everything i wanted but it wasn't necessarily bad either. and i have to acknowledge that i am very biased and never going to get over them killing off tech so i mostly just can't think about that and have to live in denial. but anyway. season 3 was a mostly solid end to a show that started off so strongly i made a tumblr for it, and i will always love the bad batch for being my first ever hyperfixation and the show that really got me back into star wars <3
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mybrainismelted · 1 year
A.U.gust 2023, Day 29 - Office
Mickey seriously hates his office mate. Dude is always fucking cheerful, playing stupid pop songs and dancing in his chair, and thinks they need to "bond" or some shit. Constantly asking him questions, inviting him to go for coffee or lunch. Guy just can't take a hint.
Sure he's hot as hell, and obviously knows it. And maybe Mickey has spent a few lonely evenings fantasizing about the day he spilled coffee on his shirt and stripped it off right there in the office to change into a spare. But fuck, he's annoying.
Take today - Mickey had a major deadline coming up, and a shitload of work to finish. But would Gallagher notice or care that he wants some fucking quiet to concentrate? Noooo. He literally BOUNCED into the office, blabbing something about how he spent his evening that Mickey was completely not paying attention to. Dropped himself down in the extra chair across from Mickey's desk and proceeded to ask him a million fucking questions about his night, his plans for the weekend… totally not dismayed or turned off by Mickey's one-word grunted replies.
After he finally went to sit as his own desk, he sat there and muttered to himself for like 20 minutes straight. UGH. Asked Mickey if he wanted to go for coffee. Talked about some company function coming up that Mickey couldn't care less about. Actually fucking FOLLOWED him to the break room when he finally tried to escape by going to get his lunch. Mickey noticed some of their co-workers smiling at the two of them, or giving them knowing looks - what the hell is that all about?
Then…. apparently the annoying redhead forgot his headphones, so he was blasting some crappy Katy Perry or some shit out loud in the office. FUCK! How is he supposed to concentrate when Gallagher is bopping around the office like that looking like pure sex on a stick?
Now Mickey is sitting in his livingroom, giving up his evening to try to finish his work, and he still can't get that annoying fucker out of his head. He drops his laptop on the sofa beside him, and grabs his phone to text the only friend he has at work.
Mickey: Do you think the boss would let me switch offices with someone? I need to get out of there.
Jess: WTF? Did you and Ian break up?
Mickey: Fuck are you talking about? I can't stand that fucker.
Jess: Wait, really? Just the way he always talks about you, and the way you guys look at each other, everyone thinks you're dating.
Picks up the phone and dials. "What the absolute fuck Jess? What the hell would make anyone think we're dating??"
"Ok, chill out. It's just that he talks all the time about how funny you are, how smart… and then like you guys are always checking each other out, staring at each other. You seriously don't like him at all?" Jess sounds absolutely dumbfounded.
"Not gonna deny that the guy's hot Jess, we've both got eyes. But he's annoying as hell! Always trying to talk to me and shit." huffs Mickey. "Always distracting me so I can't get my work done, telling me stupid jokes, guy has absolutely no chill. How is anyone supposed to work with his sexy ass sitting there making puppy dog eyes at you? And now I can't even get my work done at home because I'm thinking about him!"
"Mick? Are you sure you don't have a little crushy crush?" giggled Jess "You sure sound like someone with a crush on his hot office mate"
"What the… fucking…. fuck." muttered Mickey "Fuck, Jess, I think I might have a crush on Gallagher. Fuck. Now what?"
"Mickey, babe - you have a couple of options here. You go into the office tomorrow, asked for an office switch, and try to avoid him forever. Or you go into the office tomorrow, put on your big boy pants, and ask him out. Your choice hun, but damn, if he wasn't 100% gay, I would be climbing that man like a tree" Jess says with an obvious smirk in her voice. "Now go get some work done and stop thinking about being bent over your desk" she giggles again and disconnects the call.
Fuck…. Mickey drops his head into his hands as he tries to come to terms with the fact that he apparently has a huge gay crush on Ian fucking Gallagher.
After tossing and turning all night, Mickey drags his exhausted ass into the office the next morning, happy to see he beat Gallagher in so he might be able to get a few minutes of work done. He walks past Jess on his way to the break room to get some much needed coffee, and rolls his eyes as she makes kissy faces at him. "fuck off" he mutters so only she can hear, and stomps away.
He's settled back into his desk, staring blankly at the screen, when Gallagher finally bounces in with a cheerful "Good morning Mickey!"
"Gallagher." He acknowledges, feeling his shoulders tense. Then he sighs, braces himself, and says "Look, man… we need to talk. Can you sit down for a minute?"
Ian's face falls, and he quietly sits down, just watching Mickey, uncertainty written all over his face. "Sure Mick. Did I do something?"
Mickey just looks at him for a beat, then shakes his head, and finally manages to reply "Nah, man, you didn't do anything wrong. But did you know everyone in the office apparently thinks we are dating?"
"Shit." Ian seems as surprised as Mickey was. "I knew they were saying something, but didn't expect it to be that. I'm sorry. This is probably my fault. My family always tells me I talk to much, they used to call me 'play what cool Ian'. Shit. I'll sort this out."
"Ian - just stop for a minute." Mickey interrupts to stop the obvious spiral he can see happening in front of him. "I have a better idea. Instead of trying to get them to stop, why don't we just…. give it a try? Like, we could go out this weekend? Or not, you know, whatever you want to do is fine too.." realizing he is starting to ramble, Mickey stops and takes a breath, before looking up to see Ian's dumbfounded face.
"Yeah?" Ian breathes
"Yeah, man…. seems like you're kinda under my skin"
Ian sits completely frozen for what feels like an eternity, but is probably only about 30 seconds, before he jumps up, leans across Mickey's desk and pulls him in for what may be the hottest kiss of his life.
"Yeah, I think we should definitely do that." Ian mumbles against his lips. "But I'm not waiting until the weekend. We're going for dinner tonight, and then I'm gonna show you all the things I've been fantasizing about doing to you for months"
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shurishoe · 2 years
Request: For Jaime can u do like when leanne is in probation yn is like new then her Jaime get close and start doing stuff 😏 then when leanne comes back she thinks Jaime is trying to replace her so she like starts to emotionally hurt the reader then the reader like decides to end things with Jaime and Jaime is like all sad and confused when they are both getting lit leanne fesses up when she's high then theres a whole arguement and Nyef Nyef then her and the reader reconcile
|•|My Love|•|
Warning:Smut(I’m bad at it) Angst, Some fluff
You were new to the Alpha house, having been kicked out a bunch you decided to stick to yourself. Staying in the room you were given and rarely ever leaving, you didn’t like it much. There was a bunch of rude kids, Ones name was Ryan, He was constantly fighting.
A small sigh left your lips as you exhaled the smoke from your cigarette and looked up at the posters you put on the ceiling of your new room, you leaned up from out of your bed and yawned. You put the cigarette out and walked downstairs to find Ryan hitting a boy, you didn’t say anything but walked away. That was your plan, head low, mind your business. It wasn’t until you ran into somebody “I am so so sorry!” You quickly spoke as you looked up to see the infamous Jamie Harrison, she simply smiled and nodded. “your good” she chuckled before running her hand through her hair “you new here?” She asked and you nodded “How old are you?” She said following up as she started to walk, you turned and followed her as you awnsered “17, gonna be 18 in a few months” you said as she looked at you, she felt a connection as soon as she saw you. Her heart fluttered when you actually spoke to her “Ya wanna come with me lad? Gonna go for a walk or Sum shit, smoke a cigarette or two” she said confidently to which you nodded “Yeah of course, I’d been down” you smiled to which she nodded towards the door and walked out, you following in suit.
Over the next few days you and Jamie grew close, you enjoyed her company and she enjoyed yours. A smile grew on her lips whenever you were around, and we’ll this was one of those times.
You walked up to Jamie’s door and knocked on it “It’s open!” Jamie’s called as you pushed the door open, a small quickly took over her face when she saw you. You walked into her room closing the door behind you and sat down on the floor beside her bed, it was common for you two to just go into the others room and just chill. “How ya feelin beautiful?” She chuckled as she looked at the book you were reading “Eh not sure man, I feel like I’m missing something. But also like I have it here” you said as you looked at her, she looked back at you and raised a brow. Tension was building in the room quickly, there had always been some tension between the two of you but y’all never acknowledged it. Because it wasn’t aggressive tension, but the way she looked at you had butterflies doing cartwheels in your stomach.
Your not sure how but the urge took over you and you grabbed her chin and kissed her, obviously she didn’t oppose because she pulled you onto the bed with her and climbed on top of you. She placed sloppy kissed down your neck letting pathetic whines leave your lips, her hand moved between your legs and she looked at you asking for consent to which you just nodded and she continued. Within seconds she was thrusting two digits in and out of you, moans spilling out of your lips as she stuck two fingers in your mouth to make you be quiet. You felt your core tightening as you drew close to a orgasm but she pulled her two fingers out and moved her head down between your legs, she licked up your folds for a moment before wrapping her lips around your clit and suckling. Your hand quickly moved to your mouth as she inserted two digits again and had you moaning louder “Fuck! Fuck Jamie I’m close!” You moaned out making her suckle harder and thrust faster, you felt your back arch as your orgasm came crashing like a wave. Pants left your mouth but she continued to lick you clean before coming up and placing a kiss on your lips, she moved her hand and hugged you.
After she got you cleaned up y’all laid on her floor, you in her lap while you read a book. “Hey Jamie?” You whispered, the first word spoken since earlier. “yes my love?” She asked “When does your friend return?” You asked and she paused for a moment as she counted in her head “In 2 days” she responded and you nodded slightly leaning back against her.
Time flew by with her, it all came crashing down the day Leanne got back. She took one look at you and hated you, but you tried to be nice and continue to talk to her. As soon as y’all returned to the house Jamie went up stairs expecting the two of you to follow but before you could touch the stairs you were yanked back by Leanne. “listen here Bitch, stay the hell away from Jamie you got that? I ain’t lettin no faggot replace me” she growled but you simply ran upstairs and talked to Jamie as if nothing happened.
This went on for days, your feelings started to get hurt by the things she said. You wanted to tell Jamie but you didn’t want to break her heart, so you let it be. Until the day Leanne called you a fucking slut,Her eyes looked furious. She slapped you and put her finger to your chest “Listen here you fucking slut! She will never love you! She’s only using you, using you to get off cause she ain’t got no one else” Leanne hissed before leaving back to Jamie’s room. Your heart hurt, you were tired of it and decided to finally end things with Jamie.
You approached Jamie’s room and hesitantly knock on the door “It’s open!” Jamie hummed in response. When the door opened you were met with Leanne smoking on the bed while Jamie was busy with some music stuff on the ground, you looked at Leanne then at Jamie. Leanne smirked, she knew what was happening by the look on your face. Jamie raised a brow, her eyes scanning over your broken expression. “Jamie, I love you. But I can’t do this anymore, I’m breaking up with you” you said before walking away.
Jamie was broken after that, confused, angry, sad. She didn’t know what to feel, so she decided to just get high with Leanne and drink it off. Club music ran through the room filled with rowdy teenagers, men were rapping and people were drinking. Leanne swallowed a gulp of a drink before looking at Jamie “I gotta tell you sun” Leanne said making Jamie raise a brow “Wha?” Jamie asked, Leanne took a deep breath before confessing everything she did to you. Jamie’s face looked hurt, she got up and left. She ran down the street trying to get back to you but Leanne went running after her, grabbing her arm to stop her. “Stop!” Leanne yelled “No! Why the hell would you do that!! I had something goin for me! I had a good partner! All this shit cause you were jealous!” She yelled at Leanne who punched her, Jamie was quick to retaliate. Punching the girl in the gut then across the face before kicking her to the side and running back, tears streamed down her face.
Leanne followed in suit, when they reached the Alpha house they climbed in through Jamie’s window and Jamie silently went to your room. She didn’t knock, she only pushed the door open to find you sitting by your window smoking a cigarette. “My love” she whispered, your head tilted slightly to see her “Yes Jamie?” You asked but she ran over and hugged you “I’m so so sorry, I promise I did’t know Leanne was hurting you” she whispered as she planted kissed on your hand “Jamie it’s fine I promise, I’m okay” you said but she hugged you “Please forgive me My love” she said and you nodded “I forgive you” you whispered as she pulled you up and you curled your head into her chest as she hugged you “Please be mine again” she whispered and you nodded “Of course my love”
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
Hello!! Just wanted to say thank you for your absolutely refreshing takes. It makes me feel like I'm not the only one which is so nice. I love checking your blog and reading through your responses, they're always so insightful!! Especially about Steve, Robin and Nancy
One thing ive been thinking about lately  that ive been wondering if you have thoughts on (but no pressure if you dont!) - is Nancy's plan to take down Vecna in s4. She saw the vision , she's ambitious and determined to take Vecna down, but she's also unempathetic, doesn't think about consequences and always needs to be right. She bulldozes over everyone and a part of me wonders how differently it could have gone if they didn't follow her plan. Or adjusted it. I mean, Steve has severe road rash up his whole back and arms, has been bitten, strangled, and is breathing in the toxic Upside Down air - and she still wants to go back into the Upside down relying on him. She dismisses his concerns about the bats and then the bats kill Eddie. A lot of this is probably just the Duffers writing decisions but get this boy some medical attention please oh my god take his injuries seriously. Nancy gets herself another gun even though they don't work on Upside Down creatures.
Sorry this isn't more coherent! Nancy is just so complicated and fucked up and interesting to think about!
thank you so much! i love compliments <3
thanks for calling my responses insightful! i try not to get too lost in what i want for characters and my interpretations and stick to what canon presents us with. obviously my opinions will always seep through, but i’m glad you like them!
i think the thing with nancy’s plan is that the duffers don’t want to make nancy look like an idiot, but her plan was designed to fail.
so everything that goes wrong is kind of outside of her control. there’s an earthquake, and they get caught by vines. eddie chooses to run back into the horde of bats. jason shows up and breaks max’s walkman.
the duffers didn’t want the audience to look at the plan and blame nancy for how it went wrong, because she’s their girlboss.
the thing is, when you look deeper into the plan, it’s just kinda stupid. she has someone majorly injured on the main vecna hunting team (and god someone please help this boy, he’s bled through his bandages nearly the second they’re on), she’s using a gun against an upside down creature when she’s never seen that work (steve has an axe that he just doesn’t use against vecna?), eddie and dustin aren’t given any kind of firepower to defend themselves, and everyone completely forgot that jason was after them.
i think if we’re going within the realm of canon, no plan they came up with was ever going to work because the vecna defeat has to wait for s5.
but within fanon, i do think if they’d waited a little more, if nancy had been a little more willing to listen to the others, planned a little better, this much shit wouldn’t have gone wrong. nancy finds it difficult to consider other people, she can’t always see the big picture when she’s focused on saving people, she’s not super emotionally in tune with others, and as a result the boy that’s seen two people get horrifically killed in the last few days gets put on the suicide mission.
though we also have to remember nancy is traumatised by what vecna showed her, so i don’t know if she ever would’ve been able to think clearly. she’s feeling guilty, and desperate, and so she reasons out max putting herself in danger as for the greater good.
sorry this didn’t end up being more about nancy! nancy is very fun to dive into, and her role in the plan is super interesting, especially because i don’t think she’s a particularly good leader figure, but i think the plan sucked because the duffers needed it to suck. and if the duffers wanted vecna defeated in s4, her plan would’ve worked, and nancy wouldn’t have girlbossed her way too close to the sun.
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shitshowkb · 2 years
FINALLY started watching SEAL Team and because this is clearly my new favorite thing to do, I will be writing my reactions/emotions down as i go, so here we go:
✧ SEAL Team season 1 spoilers under the cut ✧
finally watching SEAL Team and decided to write my reactions/emotions down as i go:
• david boreanaz is so mf fine
• and max thieriot 😍
• clay spenser loml
• i literally can not stand ash spenser omg
• oh god his shoot isn't working
• oh shit, is he gonna die!?!?
• yep he's gonna die
• nooo not brian, why'd it have to be brian? 😭
• that smirk on clay's face during that SERE interrogation 🥵
• "actually i'm still kind of thirsty" this man i stg
• my boy made it through SERE
• not the boys sneaking off to get some spicy chicken
• hayes with his hat on backwards 🥵
• 8am and bring beer? these are my kind of people 😅
• this mans smile makes me WEAK
✧ lowkey got super into the show and forgot to write my reactions, but i'm on the episodes where the boys are in afghanistan on their deployment tryna figure out who put the hit on echo team & i'm stressed tf out, i think i have like 4 more episodes in season 1 ✧
• not these grown ass me throwing darts at each others feet
• oh shit, ray's frag killed a little boy
• this man needs to stop lying about his injured shoulder
• god clay is gorgeous, i will never get over it
• also brock??? that man is fine as hell
• "what are you not telling me?" babe his shoulder is FUCKED
• jesus that was stressful
• also jason hayes could ruin my life, i'd thank him & let me him come back & do it all over again
• man i feel so bad for ray bc that little boy died but also homie you lied about being okay before deployment???
• "i want to deliver him to you" idk man that sounds too easy, is this a trap???
• this feels like a trap
• lmao i am so in love with clay spenser
• oh shit
• all of this kidnapping shit for a talk???
• homie is not only going to show you where to find his brother but also tell you how to kill him???
• this shit has to be a trap
• still pissed that ray lied about his shoulder & now he's in there spilling the tea about his injury
• oh okay??? this man does not even care about ray's shoulder
• fr tho ray GO SEE A DAMN DOCTOR
• this journalist gets on my mf nerves
• i do not like the vibes i'm getting rn
• yeah no i don't like this
• oh god oh god oh god
• something bad is gonna happen, i can feel it
• so i obviously know that these guys survive because they're still on the show but COME ON this is so mf stressful
• oh god no
• holy shit
• this shit just keeps getting worse omg
• "I AM NOT EMOTIONAL!" sonny babe you really are
• sonny is stressed tf out, someone better buy him all the beers when they get home
• covered in dirt & bleeding and clay is still fine as hell
• oh god not again
• if jason hayes doesn't sit his stupid ass still omg
• what the actual fuck jason
• jason hayes needs his ass beat, i don't care if he has a head injury
• is that mans bone sticking out of his arm?? 🤢
• damn, i knew medders was dead :(
• oh god is shit gonna go down again
• can these boys please go back to the states like now??? thanks
• this mf and his concussion does not need to going out right now omg
• omfg get tf outta this damn mountain
• well fuck
• jase and the girls are about to fuck some shit up
• oh shit danny overdosed???
• jase is really planning to just kill cutter? lmfao
• i am so excited for the crew to go home
• clay's car 😍
• i feel so bad for davis :(
• stella stayed composed way longer than i would've, i'd have seen clay & lost my shit
• sonny needs a hug :(
• dear god, jase needs to go get his head checked
• someone please get this man some help
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hangon-silvergirl · 2 years
ohhhh my god all of these have me 👀👀👀 but i will restrain myself and only ask about eddie as JD from scrubs, bring it on, and the love in an elevator!!!
Thanks, Haley! 😀
eddie is JD from scrubs for a day
This will be a one-shot in the Last Chance to Run (runaway bride) series. The premise is that Eddie gets into a motorcycle accident and ends up in the hospital, and hallucinates life as a musical while hopped up on painkillers. His friends come to visit him one at a time, and each visit predicates a 'musical number' (and every song is by one Mr. Billy Joel). It's inspired by the many 'musical' episodes of 90s and 00s sitcoms (one of my favorites is the one from Scrubs). A snippet: "Harrington. You don't sing." "Correction," Steve replies, employing what he obviously considers to be a winning grin. "I do sing. I just don't do it well." Eddie groans and throws his head back against his pillow, which is a mistake, because the room starts spinning; the motion does not agree with the intro music for, you fucking guessed it, more Billy Joel. "Listen boy," Steve starts, planting a foot up on the visitor's chair as he pulls ray-bans out of his inside pocket and slides them onto his face. "I don't wanna see you let a good thing slip away!" Eddie thinks that perhaps he actually did die when that truck hit him, because only Satan, or his architects of purgatory, could possibly come up with the very unique and discomfiting brand of hell of being serenaded by King Steve, and, yeah, like the fucking rest of them, probably about Chrissy.
bring it on (you're just what i need) ... one-shot?
My girlfriends and I watched Bring It On this weekend and that shit is so Hellcheer coded it's bananas. But especially Cliff and the mixtape with his own music, and just the exceptional chemistry between Cliff and Torrance. I think that this would be more an inspired by than a re-tell, but this doc is mostly just me tooling briefly with the plot mechanics, and some character mapping: Chrissy -> Torrance Cliff -> Eddie Aaron -> Jason Missy -> Should Eddie have a sister? Cousin? Courtney & Whitney -> Heather & Tammy/OC?
love in an elevator
This is an explicit one-shot that will follow-up on the buzz, and that will tell the story of Eddie and Chrissy's Saturday date. Eddie brings Chrissy home and they take the elevator up to his apartment, and it... breaks down. They end up stuck for almost two hours. Whatever will they do to pass the time...?!? A (brief) snippet: She comes very, very close, biting her lip. Her hands slide slowly under his shirt, migrate up his stomach. "I don't know," she answers slowly, not breaking eye-contact. "We made a plan. We should stick to it." Eddie shudders, closes his eyes, and swear-to-God gulps. His mouth is drier than the Sahara. "Here?" he squeaks, like a fucking prepubescent.
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cescalr · 2 years
For the WIP ask meme, "Percy Rebels And Shit AU; last year, nodus tollens, outline (2022)"
Ok, so;
Percy Rebels And Shit AU is a collab fic series idea between me and @vivithefolle, set in a No Boy Who Lived AU of Harry Potter, where Harry himself was never born. It's in it's early stages, mostly of planning and brainstorming. But as you can tell by the title, it focuses less on Harry, you know, not existing, and more on the ramifications of Ginny's first year at Hogwarts without him.
As in, nobody with parsletongue hanging around to open the chamber.
We open at the close; the start of the fic is set post this alternate year two, wherein Ginny succumbs, Neville and Ron are memory botched by Lockheart, and Dumbledore is scrambling with his allies to combat the fact there are now two whole voldemorts wandering around.
Our focal character is Percy Weasley, because the main actual premise of this fic outside the like, setting exposition, is that Percy gets disillusioned with the Wizarding World status quo and ends up radicalised by a group of disestablishment-minded individuals - an awkward collection of people from all sides of ww political spectrums only weakly held together by the singular goal of removing the acting government. Some of them are total anarchists, some of them are blood purists, some of them are ww liberal, some of them are statute abolitionists, etc etc.
In a sense, PRAU is a combination of standard HP AU trope ideas (no/wrong boy who lived, voldemort returns early, rebellion against the corrupt ministry, etc) and sort of... twists them 180 to the left. Squints at 'em and interrogates them. Looks at them and says, okay, but what would that actually entail?
But it's not cynical.
The problem i have with most of these AUs is not how edgy they get, though that's kind of the point - a darker take - it's how little faith they have in our protagonists. The Weasley family always gets the short end of the stick, and I don't think that's fair. Me and viv are especially sour on the treatment of Ron, as prominent and loud members of his Defense Squad, lol. The collab part comes in that i'm godawful at writing the kind of... well, almost slice-of-life-esque stuff needed for the non-percy side of things; Viv is the primary writer for Ron's side of the story, while I'm doing Percy. Ron's side of the story is more about the hope, the humanity - sure, Harry might not be here, but he's not the be-all end-all. He's just one guy. There's a whole society of people who wouldn't put up with Voldemort's shit knocking around to lob his head of, you know? Vive la révolution, and all. Just 'cause Harry never existed doesn't mean all hope is lost. Just because Percy starts down a bad path doesn't mean he has to end that way. Just because Lockheart fucked over Ron and Neville doesn't mean they're useless now they've got memory problems - they're people. And where there's people, there's always hope. I don't know. I just don't like how.... pessimistic a lot of WBL/NBL AUs are. It seems antithetical to the point of the whole thing.
obviously the entire outline is unshareable for spoiler reasons, but as for 'last year' and 'nodus tollens';
last year - currently the only actually written part. It contains what will probably end up being the summary on ao3, if/when we get this finished enough to post it;
'Last year, Voldemort returned, in the form of Percy's defence professor. This year, Voldemort returned, in the form of his little sister. And yet, the Ministry does nothing.' When family members die, it can start you down a path there’s no returning from. Percy Weasley knows this better than most.
As for Nodus Tollens....
Nodus Tollens: “The feeling that the plot of your life doesn’t make sense any more.”
In your life, there are many choices you can make. These choices range from what you’ll eat for breakfast that morning, whether you’ll wear black or teal-tinged black or maybe even silver-tinged black that day, whether you’ll re-read your favourite book or find a new one in the library, whether you’ll talk with Mother or go on a mission or, as it stands right now, whether you will live, or whether you will die. Regulus has this choice, and he must make it.
(As you can probably tell, there's A Lot going on here - and a lot that will have to go into it before it's anywhere near ready to share. This'll be a slow one, and likely won't show up properly for a while yet.)
thank u very much for the ask!
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artificialqueens · 1 year
Daddy's Boy, Chapter 6.5 (Biadore) - Imafuckinglibra
Ummmm. Hi. I don’t really know if anyone on here cares or if I’m shouting into a void. Obviously I’ve been gone a minute. I’m making this one 6.5 bc technically it’s supposed to be 7 but I don’t know if I’m publishing it yet or If it’s worth publishing it I should say. As an apology though I’m including a bonus at the end for whoever wants it. If there’s mistakes I’m sorry if there’s a part 7 it’ll be fixed. 
This is just pure smut btw enjoy.
“Fashion is like eating, you shouldn’t stick to the same menu.” Kenzo Takada. If you we take his words to actually mean what they literally say, you could say he’s implying we should change our choices. Kind of like…"
“Who the fuck wrote this shit?” Roy grumbled out loud, trying to find the name of the culprit on the loosely stapled pages in front of him. 
He tossed his glasses off onto the bed and tried rubbing the frustration out of his weary eyes with his thumb & index finger.
‘I’m too old for this’ He thought. ‘Go be a costume designer, no I want to TEACH. Be a LEADER.‘ sigh “Yeah right.” 
He had to come to realization we all do that - inevitably - when we’re alone for too long we kind of go, batshit. You start thinking about your life choices and just where oh where did you go wrong. And man did he feel alone.
His apartment, although my no means small especially on a teacher salary, suddenly felt massive. Without his near constant companion running around in baggy jeans, ill fitting hoodies or singing about every day activities the apartment felt like he did. Vast & vacant. Tad dramatic perhaps.
The living room once just books, dog beds and a TV was now littered with photographs, guitar picks, knick knacks so many empty bottles of various sodas or beer. 
The bathroom once so pristine now riddled with long hair everywhere, toothpaste splatter against the mirror, bottles of all sorts of hair and face lotions.
Food smeared and discarded left and right in the kitchen area, boxes and boxes of old take out. Empty bags of chips or half eaten cookies just scattered about without a care in the world. 
Not to mention the bedroom. 
“Just look at how he left these pillows!” He thought. 
Well, to be honest none of it was that bad. Not even close. Everything was immaculately clean. It just been so long since he’d seen Danny he had to start making things up to be mad at him at. If he didn’t he’d start to think of the good and then he’d just miss him.
In true college student fashion the punk rocker had taken the opportunity summer vacation presents to travel with his friends. Him and his roommates packed their bags into Brian’s busted little car and decided to travel the US and hit at least one new bar every night. It may have only been 12 weeks but god it felt like 5 years. 
Some times they’d just stay in one place, sobering up in some dodgy hotel before they head to the next place. Which Roy absolutely despised, causing many a fight between the two. At least 3 times. At least. 
However. Some times, most times, fine. Pretty much every city to be honest, Danny and Brian would perform some of their music and they’d have gas, food and hotel money the next day. Which Roy had to admit, made him proud. 
The fact that he could take responsibility and provide for himself like this with his craft was absolutely endearing. Roy envied him for it once in a while. 
Granted. He didn’t do it all himself, he had 4 others with him. Jason included, the only one with a head on his shoulders who’d pre planned every last detail of their trip before they left. 
Summer comes and goes every year though and so does financial independence and adolescent freedom. Danny and his friends had to finally return to school, and finally back to Roy. Not before making a stop at his mom’s house first though. 
He’d been in Azusa for 2 weeks at this point, getting his school work in order, doing laundry, buying school supplies, being babied by his mother and bullied by his brothers as 20 somethings do. 
“God I miss him though.” Roy said to Dede who’d been strolling through the empty hallway. Realizing the essay from hell was finally over and done with. 
‘D!!’ he scribbled on it. ‘You at least managed to get your own name right, now try getting other people’s name right! Baloney!’
His phone vibrated on the bedside table next to him. He carefully dropped the stack of papers  onto the portable work bench he kept close by and picked up his phone. 
Incoming Call
Danny put the heart next to his own name, don’t question it. 
“Hey, you headin…” Roy asked before he realized what he was looking at and grabbed his bottom lip with his hand to keep from laughing. 
“Shhh.” Danny gestured softly with his index finger over his lips, whispering the command. “Quiet.” 
Danny had propped his phone against some shampoo bottles and a tub of conditioner at the bottom of his mother’s shower. The front camera pointed directly at center stage just for Roy.
His head was tilted in the corner of the tiled shower, his body contorted to fit into the small cubicle. Bent long legs either side of his chest to give his partner the best possible view of the skinny middle finger gliding slowly in and around both entrances. 
His mouth agape in ecstasy at the hot water spraying down from the shower head against the wall onto his growth and down his inner thighs. 
“Naughty boy.” Roy whispered to himself with a devilish grin. He knew Danny only ever teased or fingered himself in both holes when he was desperate. Something which he didn’t frequently do up until right before he left. During finals when he was too stressed to see each other. 
“It must’ve been a minute since he’s been able to jerk off.” He thought but hey can’t blame him. He might have been a liiiitle pent up too. 
Roy picked up on the hint and put the phone down on the bed against his headboard so Danny could enjoy his own show. 
Sitting back on his ankles Roy undid his shorts zipper and pulled his semi erect cock out. Slowly tugging at it to match Danny’s rhythm. Eager to catch up with him but not eager enough to ruin the moment too fast. 
Driving his young lover wild with his fist steadily opening and closing, squeezing the pre cum out of the tip. The same pre cum Danny spent hours teasing him with. 
He reached for the drawer or toys they’d accumulated in their time together and pulled out a fleshlight Danny bought him before he left. 
“No.” Danny mouthed shaking his head. “Pillow” 
“Pillow?” Roy whispered. 
“I want to see.” He gestured back with one now freed hand. 
Roy realized what he meant and happily obliged.
With one hand still around his shaft and the other gripping under him he slowly lowered himself as he would if Danny had been there rather than his hand. 
“Like that.” Danny smiled biting his lip. Watching carefully for when Roy’s cock would slide into his palm again. Sliding 2 fingers into his asshole at the same time. 
He’d grown accustomed to pretending Roy was the one pleasuring him rather than himself, especially when they played together like this. 
He still felt the same butterflies in his stomach he had the very first time they slept together, the same giddy high from watching Roy’s head twitch at every gentle touch. The veins wrapping around his thick tan cock. 
‘Oh fuck he’s gorgeous.’ He thought, watching his body tense and relax with every thrust. His skin becoming shiny with sweat as he picked up his pace, probably without realizing. 
Or maybe Danny was the one who picked up his pace first, who knows. He couldn’t tell anymore. All he wanted was Roy to fuck him hard right now, even if it was just pretend. 
“Dan!” His mom yelled snapping them to reality. 
“Yeah?” Danny yelled frowning at Roy to hush. His fingers slowing down significantly but not stopping. As if he’s been caught in the act before but knew he could get away with it. 
“We’re heading to dinner soon, when you gonna be done?” 
“Like 10 more minutes I’m just washing my hair.” He lied winking at his audience. 
“Okay Hun, we’ll wait for you.”
“AirPods.” Roy whispered quickly gesturing with his hands while they were still unoccupied. 
“But they’ll get wet?”
“I’ll buy you new ones.” Roy rolled his eyes. Danny had dropped these AirPods in everything from salsa, mountain dew to even the mud at the dog park but this was one step too far apparently. Really?
Without missing a beat Danny simply reached his long legs over to his pants that had the case still inside. He put just one in, being careful to keep his head out of the splash zone. Reassuming his position when he was ready with the water perfectly hitting its target again. 
“Ready?” Roy growled into his ear.
“Yeah…” Danny melted into his voice. Thinking how close he could get to cumming right then and there just at hearing his rasp again. 
“I can’t. Wait. To. Fuck….ugh, you.” Roy grunted emphasizing each word with a thrust into his palm. Watching as Danny nodded lost in his own desires, his fingers pounding into himself with him. Making his top lip quiver each time, distorting his face into a silent cry as he tried to control himself. 
A year ago he’d be too embarrassed to act like this over a video call but dating someone long distance like this changes a person. Especially when that person begs so nicely for it each time. 
“I know you want both holes filled, don’t you. I need to fuck you, I need to taste your cum running down my chin again.” He continued.
Danny whimpered a near silent “uh huh” at him drifting his eyes closed as his hands took over with a mind of their own. His left hand finding the same path as his right. A single lanky finger curling into himself, enough for now to apply just the perfect pressure for release.
“Fuck you’re gonna cum right, uhng…now.” Roy panted thrusting himself harder and harder despite his legs burning. His breath ragged. “Right now, aren’t you. Oh fuck.”
“Uh…huh.” Danny nodded again to the best of his ability as his hips bucked, his fingers and toes all curling in as his orgasm overtook him.
Roy watched him writhing around, the sight pushing him so close to the edge he didn’t think he could come back from it. But he didn’t want to look away yet, he didn’t want this moment to end so soon. 
Watching Danny melt into the floor as his hips instinctively kept riding his own fingers were too delectable to let go just yet. His bottom lip clenched tight between perfect teeth as he fought back from making a sound. His chest puffed high as he fought for air. 
“Hngh I can’t wait, fuck, to fill you with cum. Watch it drip out of your tight little ass”. He kept teasing. Knowing Danny hadn’t had enough yet, he could see it in the brief flash when their eyes finally met again. 
Rhythm be dammed at this point he was uncontrollably humping his pillow chasing his own orgasmic high as he tried leading Danny to a second.  Wether ready or not he couldn’t escape it now. “C’mon baby, I know you got one more. Keep that hand there.” 
Danny took a deep gulp for air and moved his left hand towards his growth instead, jerking off furiously in unison with his hips’ gyrating. 
“I…hm huh.” He squeaked softly. The coil inside his body near snapping again despite never going down. 
“Aaah!! Fucking…Dan. Shit.” Roy cried, looking down at his cock pulsing violently. Cum shooting out from his hand onto the sheets beneath him. Splattering across the pillow, the bench next to him and nearly on his phone. 
He kept his chin pressed against his own chest trying to catch his breath, his eyes shut in ecstasy as he heard a faint squeak between the shower splashes coming from his phone. 
His eyes fighting open as he watched Danny completely drop into a mess with his legs uncontrollably shaking through his second orgasm. His face scrunched up, bright red and dripping in probably sweat if the water hadn’t gotten to it yet. 
“Holy shit.” He sighed wiping his hair out of his face. “Fuck baby you made me cum a gallon.” 
Danny softly chuckled under his breath as he straightened his legs up and out against the tiles. Ass still on the floor as he felt the water washing away his sins. “Shhh.” He joked again.
“See. What am I supposed to do with this?” Roy teased pretending to be mad as he turned the camera to give him a view. 
Danny took his phone and started typing quickly. 
You better save some for me then when I get back. You promised to fill me up remember.
“Yeah I remember.” Roy laughed. “Gonna make up for all the times you blue balled me this summer.”
Danny’s face went flat when he read it. Looking into the camera with fake distain. 
Nevermind. I’ll just find some other professor to do it, fuck my way to an A this semester. 
“Dirty bitch…” Roy growled. “We’ll talk about it later, go wash your hair and enjoy dinner. I have papers to grade.” 
[Admin Note:
Continue scrolling for a mildly pornographic illustration.
If you are at work or in church or your parents are looking at your phone over your shoulder...
...then consider yourself warned.
Coming in 10...
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aclosetfan · 2 years
I have an oc couple. Zach and Bella is their name and they give off greens energy. Anyway, when they're older, Zach likes to help Bella do her hair like, when he comes in from work. He helps her detangle and braid her hair, and she shows him the products she uses like coconut oil, conditioner, etc. Sometimes he does her hair while she plays the game, or they watch a sport or movie together until he's like "I need to shower and make dinner." So like, I like stuff like this, "tough guys 'pampering' their ladies " trope. I don't think Buttercup would actually trust Butch with her hair lmao, he might cut it too jagged or something. But he probably trusts her enough to cut or shave his head.
Anyways, i'm talking married/college graduate life, where they're probably casually sharing an apartment and developed a "more serious" relationship. I thought about this gesture of Butch clipping her toe nails after massaging her feet. He likes to take care of her and probably offers to help with very "intimate" deeds as an act of love.
Shoving in the blues to say, if anyone is doing their girls hair right, it's Boomer to Bubbles. He's got the parting and styling down.
But for greens I think Butch would enjoy massaging Buttercup's feet. I don't know. What intimate acts can you imagine the greens doing?🙂💚
Aw that’s very sweet! I love little intimate acts between couples. I won’t lie, it’s hard for me to imagine physically intimate acts because physical touch is the last of my love languages, which is so funny because I h/c that the greens are big on physical touch and have to force myself to write it. For me, I stick to the simple holding each other when they watch tv or fall asleep like they're constantly having to touch each other. Like walking down the street, their knuckles keep bumping, but because they're both "tough" (embarrassed) they can't hold each other's hands in public until later on when their relationship is more established. When they're more established, PDA is more acceptable to both of them. Nothing graphic, just holding hands, pecks on the cheek, or causally resting/wrapping arms around each other.
I think it'd be cute if they were also constantly trying to outmuscle each other, which results in multiple piggyback rides or bridal holds. Massages would definitely make sense. I also imagine a lot of bear hugs and slapping each other's asses when they feel like teasing.
I also think of them as the "quality time" couple. Hiking, going to concerts, and just maintaining a very active lifestyle. I had an outline I never got around to where the greens are engaged, but for whatever reason, Buttercup swears she's going to mess the relationship up because OBVIOUSLY there's friction since she's a good guy and he was once a bad guy, and why would he like her and everyone thinks they're going to break up and she can't let that happen and blah blah blah,
so she's always planning intense couple activities to like self-counsel the relationship, which she definitely only read one magazine article about, and as Bubbles watches her neurotically discuss the next 5k the greens will be running together to ensure a strong, healthy, active relationship, Butch is nodding along with a dopey smile because no one's ever given such a damn about him before.
So, yeah! Secret smiles, sly looks, encouraging words, and effort to make things good for both of them. Oh! and I'm also a huge fucking sucker for the two of them patching each other up after a fight, like good shit, 100% all day every day lets gooooooo yessir there's nothing more intimate than hurt/comfort. if that boy isn't hurt in some way and she ain't fixing him back up, then you know I didn't write it lmaooo
Also, it'd be funny if Bubbles actually hated Boomer doing her hair because they both know he’s better at it, and he’s 100% ready to shove it in her face. Like she throws her hair into a messy ponytail, and he’s like “oh, honey, no, please, what is going on here?” He’s HIM’s child, I make him no other way
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ace-fandom-dumbass · 1 year
Hoo boy I have so many thoughts about Good Omens Season 2, hold on let me google how to put a read more on mobile again
Spoilers Below
Okay so immediate gut reaction to the end was obviously "he fucking wouldn't don't you dare" but honestly? He would. He wouldn't want to return without Crowley, but this is Aziraphale, he's really only been doing what he wants with no regard for heaven and what he's "supposed" to do for what, four-ish years? He wouldn't have even thought to try stopping Armageddon if it weren't for Crowley. He's always been the one with the most reservations regarding, well, everything. Talking with Crowley, the Arangement, stopping Armageddon, Aziraphale has always been less certain about those then Crowley, he's always been the one to hesitate or say something is a bad idea. Hes always the one pointing out that their respective head offices wouldn't like this. Of course he'd choose Heaven here, it's what he believes he's supposed to choose. But both of them are rubbish at communicating so he thinks "oh good, things can go back to normal and I can even bring Crowley with me, everything will be fine" and doesn't even put together that this is so, so far from what Crowley would want. Meanwhile Crowley thinks they're on the same page with Their Side and rejecting Heaven and Hell to have that and doesn't even realize that Aziraphale still thinks he's supposed to choose heaven. He's looking at all this and figuring that they can head off like Gabriel and Beelzebub or just stay here with the bookshop and everything will go back to the normal of the past few years, so Aziraphale's choice pops up and smacks him in the face with how wrong he got it
Also, to get side tracked for a moment, Gabriel and Beelzebub. Saw the shippers after season 1, didn't expect it to become canon, very sweet, don't really ship it myself but it's fine, nice enough. Very sad they get a happy ending after what, four years max? and we can't even get these two idiots to communicate properly after 6000 but anyway. Didn't like the fly climbing into Gabriel's eyeball, that was kinda gross and unsettling and ick. All in all, not enough time for me personally to get attached to the idea of them together, but its a fine ship.
I want Crowley to take over the bookshop. I want him to be halfway to his old flat before cursing and turning back because he knows Aziraphale isn't going to like leaving the bookshop and he (Crowley) would sooner return to Heaven then let something bad happen to it again because what if Aziraphale changes his mind? He walks back in and sees Muriel sitting there is Aziraphale's chair reading a book and just freezes like "what are you doing in his chair? Why are you still in his shop?" He lets Muriel stick around because he's been friends with Aziraphale for 6000 years he know what angels are like about jobs they've been given but hes not just going to leave some random angel he barely knows with Aziraphales's shop. I kinda want him to end up sort of adopting her, Aziraphale shows back up and Crowleys like Oh hello Angel didn't expect you back thought youd abandoned your shop and us and Aziraphale's like us? Who is us-oh my I forgot they left someone here wait why are you (crowley) still here
I expected Nina and Maggie to be this seasons Newt and Anathema, which they sort of were, but specifically I expected to spend most of the time thats focused on them waiting for it to go back to the bit i was more intrested in and i was pleasantly suprised, they were far more intresting than newt (i'll be honest he was the boring bit in season 1, anathema's bits only got boring when it was her with newt), plus them calling Crowley out on his and Aziraphale's plan and also on being obviously in love with Aziraphale was great.
I need the studios to get their shit together, I've already got a list of things I was excited for that are now on hold and now I need more of this, so, you know, come on. Studios need to get their shit together and actually work with the writers and actors on a reasonable deal so I can have more of these dumbasses. Stupid studio executives.
Will probably edit with more of my thoughts once I remember them, anyhow
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benbamboozled · 2 years
1, 3, & 4 for the ask game? >:)
Ohhh boy coming out of the gate HOT. I’m glad I’m wearing my rant pants.
Buckle up, it’s gonna get capslock-y in here.
1–How has DC/Marvel/publishing company wronged you, specifically?
Okay obvs I’m sticking with DC here.
Let’s see…I think the biggest way they wronged me specifically was that time when Steph, Kon, and Bart were ALL dead because my top 5 faves at the time were—
—Jason Todd
—Cassandra Cain
—Stephanie Brown
DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO HAVE THREE OF YOUR TOP FIVE FAVES DEAD??? AND Jay was going through his super flop era, and Cass was ????.
They Wronged Me Specifically SO HARD that I dropped out of comics for like 10 years and missed the entirety of the nu52. (I would literally check in to the DC sometimes and be like—ope, faves are still dead, that’s a big no from me dawg.)
3—Who is your most hated comics writer?
(Okay, I’m going to leave out the obvious “these guys are bad people IRL” answers and stick to my regular “YOU’RE TACKY AND I HATE YOU” beloatheds.)
Okay, so, honestly—I really try not to hate writers.
Like, I can rant about bad decisions, and bad characterization, and so on and so forth all day long.
But for the most part, I think a lot of things that get blamed on writers actually comes down to 1) writers not being the right fit for a book/character, or 2) editorial not stepping in and being like “HE WOULD NEVER SAY THAT.”
I also think that even badly written books can have some saving graces. (Shit, I have Battle for the Cowl on my Jay-recs list, so you KNOW I am forgiving.)
JIM FUCKING STARLIN is on my shitlist for a few reasons.
NOW…I don’t really blame him for being on-board with killing off Jason Todd. The dude shouldn’t have been put on a book where he hated *the very concept* of one half of the team.
But let’s talk about everything leading up to that and some stuff afterward.
First of all—Jim Starlin’s method of making Jason Todd out to be A Troubled Kid was by having Jason get particularly bothered by sex crimes against women and children.
NOT GREAT, BOB! For obvious fucking reasons!
Not to mention—as an inherently…uh…passionate person myself—I REALLY FUCKING HATE IT when “having emotions” is portrayed as a flaw. Guess what—sometimes “cool calculated stoicism” IS NOT THE ANSWER. Sometimes dismissing someone based on their feelings IS ACTUALLY A TOOL OF THE OPPRESSOR, JIM!!! HAVE YOU CONSIDERED THAT, JIM FUCKING STARLIN???
Okay so moving on…
You could just as easily turn around and say, “Damn Bruce, child!you was so reckless for making your parents walk around Crime Alley at night.”
(And like, obviously that is 1000% something Bruce says to himself BUT THE NARRATIVE ISN’T SUPPOSED TO AGREE WITH HIM!!! AND I maintain that BRUCE WOULD NOT THINK THAT ABOUT HIS OWN KID.)
Whew okay…I gotta cool down.
THIRD—the fact that he bragged about wanting to kill Jason with AIDS is EXTREMELY loaded and I hate it and I hate him.
4—Worst decision for (x]'s "new direction"?
Ooooh this one’s easy for me.
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(Admittedly, I like the red guns. They have a fun Danger Days vibe, and they are what I imagine it would look like if Jason used his All-Caste powers to have Evil Shooting Guns.)
(But that’s it.)
I mean, there are probably objectively worse things, but this one wins for me because…come on.
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bylertruther · 2 years
hot take: people's hc's and hopes for s5 are the most angsty things i've ever read and i cannot imagine enough comfort in the world to balance out some of the angsty shit people are putting out there. we've already gotten 4 seasons of byler angst, haven't people had enough?? my fragile constitution cannot handle the dramatics. why do people write out mike and will saying the most heartbreaking shit to each other?? i just want them to forehead touch and kiss to a beautiful musical score. i want them to bake a loaf of bread together and eat it at sunset and then hold hands at nightfall. that's it, that's s5.
we've sat through four seasons of them getting their shit rocked, i'd like to believe that in season five they'll stick to their promise and finally be a team again for good this time. mike already admitted that he thought he was worrying too much about el to the point that he'd lost will--i don't want that to be the case again. obviously the First Lie is going to come up and has the potential to ruffle some feathers, but like .. i have had Enough lol<3 canon already has enough misery and frustration, i come on here to talk about them indulging in some gay shit. and considering the duffers aren't planning on making s5 as long as s4 was, i ESPECIALLY do not want their story to be mostly angst up until the second to last episode.
some people like the whump factor and to make angsty characters and ships even more angsty, but i am not one of them bc i have no undeniable 100% secured guarantee that there Will be a happy ending. once by|er is endgame and they have their smalltown boy era THEN i will give in to my angst demon tendencies but for now bro the duffers got that shit on lock!!! if i wanted an angst fest i would just rewatch the show like 😭😭😭😭 LMAOOOOO
but everyone is allowed to have their own headcanons and theories and write what they want obvi tbh this isn't hate towards anyone. i jus kno u will Never catch me reblogging tht shit, but i WILL be screaming crying wailing over the cute n tender headcanons tht people post bc those bring me joy<3 mike n will are already in superhell ok i want to pluck them from their story n drop them into a world where they CAN bake bread together, where mike can wipe the flour from will's cheek but ends up making even more of a mess, where will can decorate their foccacia and make it look so beautiful that mike feels bad eating it later, where mike and will can steal glances at each other under the stars when they think the other isn't looking, where will can sneak little comics he doodled into mike's locker and textbooks for him to find later, where will draws on mike's hand and forearm bc mike is thinking abt a tattoo but too pussy to go through with it, where he can then try his best to return the favor and it's fucking awful LMAO but will loves it sm bc it's mike and he'll never say no to mike putting his hands on him, and where they can slowdance in will's room (bc they Never hang out in mike's room and as such don't want to draw suspicion), and where they can flirt by comparing hand sizes as is tradition like will putting their hands together and being like "wow haha ur hand is so big! :)" and mike is just so so so red screaming dying inside pressing the tips of his fingers down a lil bit bc he wants to lace their fingers together but he doesnt know if will is jus being will or if they're having a category 5 lgbt moment right now so he just chokes out a "yeah haha 😳 crazy..." and gulps like a dweeb, and and and-----
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