#and then the entire team can be like 'wait a second. what the fuck did you do to OUR fucktoy. we treat him better hes ours now. asshole"
helen-with-an-a · 2 days
Will there be a second part of "Be The Best" where the girls help the reader. But at some point, the father comes and says that the reader needs to become even better, but the girls stand up for him and drive him away.
Or where the reader turns out to be a good person and tries to make friends with everyone, but it turns out to be awkward.
Hiiiii - so this is a little sadder than I anticipated but I quite like it. I might make a pt3 I'm not to sure - what do you guys think/if you have any reqs for it? Also please just imagine that there's like a foresty/woodsy type bit at Colney
Be the Best pt 2
AWFC x reader ; Leah Williamson x Reader
Part 1 : Part 2 : Part 3
Description: R has some self-realisation after trying to make friends
Word count: 4.6k
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You had never felt so stupid in your life. Why? Why had you done that? Tears pricked at your eyes, threatening to spill over, as you walked. You couldn’t let them fall. No emotion. The best don’t feel emotion.
It was lunch time, a time you usually spent eating alone before going on a walk around Colney, usually ending up in the gym. After much reassurance from Kim, you had finally worked up enough courage to approach some of the team. Kim had made it sound so simple – just walk up to them and ask if you could join. You had rehearsed it in your mind a dozen times, mentally preparing for every possible reaction.
But when you finally stood there, tray in hand, in front of the group of girls who seemed to belong to an entirely different world, everything went wrong. They were sitting in the corner of the canteen, their laughter and chatter like a bubble you had no idea how to penetrate. You were so sure you looked ridiculous – just standing there, awkward and unsure, as if you had no right to even be in their presence.
“Can I sit?” you grunted, the words leaving your mouth almost of their own accord. As soon as they were out, you regretted them. You kept your eyes glued to the tray in your hands, desperately avoiding the gazes you could feel boring into you. The food on your tray – the food that looked so nice when you picked it out, looked bland and unappetising now – suddenly became the most fascinating thing in the world. Anything to avoid looking up, to avoid seeing their reactions.
The silence that followed was suffocating. It stretched on, a tangible force pressing down on you, making you feel smaller and smaller with each passing second. The confidence you had painstakingly built up with Kim's encouragement was slipping away, like sand through your fingers. You had never felt so out of place, so exposed, as you did in that moment, standing there waiting for a response that never came.
Finally, you risked a glance up and caught Kyra’s wide, terrified eyes staring back at you. Did you really scare her that much? The thought sent a jolt of anxiety through you. Were you that terrifying that a simple question had her so scared? Was she always this afraid of you? You shifted your weight from one foot to the other, feeling more awkward by the second.
Alessia and Lotte exchanged concerned glances, their silent communication only adding to your growing unease. You could see the tension in their faces, the way they seemed to be trying to figure out what to do with you, as if your mere presence was some kind of problem they had to solve. Vic, who had always seemed so confident and collected, visibly gulped, her nervousness painfully clear.
No one spoke. No one moved. The entire canteen seemed to have dropped into a wary silence, as if the whole room was holding its breath, waiting to see what would happen next. It was like a switch had flipped, and suddenly you were the centre of attention. The air was thick with unease, the kind that made your skin prickle and your heart pound.
What the fuck were you doing? The question echoed in your mind, growing louder with each passing second. You couldn’t sit with them. You didn’t belong there, in their world, no matter how much you wanted to. The realisation hit you like a punch to the gut, and the embarrassment that followed was almost too much to bear. You don’t need to sit with them, you told yourself, trying to salvage what little dignity you had left.
And then, just as quickly as you had convinced yourself to approach, you mumbled something unintelligible – a mix between an apology and an excuse that even you couldn’t understand – and turned on your heel. The shame was like a weight on your back, driving you away from the table, away from the awkward silence that had frozen you in place.
You walked as quickly as you could without breaking into a run, your feet carrying you away. Your heart was pounding in your chest, and you could feel the burn of tears threatening to spill over, but you forced them back, swallowing hard against the lump in your throat.
You continued walking out of the canteen, your footsteps quick and unsteady, the tray of food abandoned on a random table near the door in your haste to get away. The clatter of the tray as it hit the table echoed in your ears, but you didn’t care. You just needed to escape. The walls of the canteen felt like they were closing in on you, the stares of the other students—real or imagined—burning into your back.
The gym. That’s what you would normally do to squash the feelings down. It was your sanctuary, the one place where everything made sense, where you could channel everything into something physical, something real. There was nothing like running until you felt like your legs were going to give out, or punching the bags hanging in the corner until your arms ached and your hands were bloody. Pain was something you could deal with; it was tangible, controllable. The emotions, though – they were a different beast entirely. The best didn’t feel emotions. You had told yourself that so many times it had become a mantra. Emotions made you weak, and you couldn’t afford to be weak. Not now, not ever.
But you would be easily found in the gym. It was the first place anyone would look, and you couldn’t bear the thought of someone finding you like this – sweaty, shaking, and teetering on the edge of a breakdown. You didn’t want to be found. You couldn’t let anyone see the cracks in the armour you’d worked so hard to build. Not now, not after what had just happened. You had embarrassed yourself in front of the team, made a fool of yourself by going against your instincts, by trying to reach out and connect when you knew better.
You needed to find somewhere to hide, somewhere you could lick your wounds in peace. The locker room was out of the question – too many people coming and going, too many chances for awkward questions and pitying looks. The thought of facing anyone right now was unbearable.
You found yourself heading for the back exit of the gym, the one that led out to the far side of the training grounds. It was quieter there, the paths less travelled, especially at this time of day. You pushed open the door and stepped out into the cool air, the breeze hitting your face like a slap. You bit your lip, the pain momentarily distracting you from the hurt of your stupidity.  The coolness of the air was a sharp contrast to the suffocating atmosphere inside, and for a moment, it felt like you could finally breathe again.
The gravel crunched beneath your shoes, the sound oddly satisfying, grounding you in the present. You weren’t entirely sure where you were going, but you didn’t care. You just needed to keep moving, to put as much distance as possible between yourself and the people inside. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. You bit your lip even harder, tasting iron on your tongue. The best don’t feel emotions. The best don’t need friends. The best train and work hard. The best practice until they physically drop. You didn’t need anyone else, didn’t need to put yourself in situations where you felt so exposed. So why had you allowed yourself to think, even for a moment, that this time might be different?
The girls’ faces flashed in your mind – Kyra’s wide, startled eyes, Alessia and Lotte’s concerned glances, Vic’s visible gulp. The sudden silence of the canteen echoed in your mind. They hadn’t known what to do with you, hadn’t known how to react, and that stung more than you wanted to admit. A solitary tear rolled down your cheek. Besides that day in the media room with Kim, you don’t remember the last time you cried.
Actually, that was a lie. You remember the exact time and place where you last cried. You were 10, you had just received the academy letter that you were to be their second-choice goalkeeper for the Under 12s. You had shown your mum, she had been so excited for you, beckoning your father over to have a look. He had told you it was first choice or nothing. If you weren’t going to be the best, then you shouldn’t even bother. That night, you cried yourself to sleep, clutching the letter so tightly that you woke up with paper cuts. You wanted to prove him wrong, to show him that you could be the best, but that tiny voice in your head, the one that echoed his words, made you doubt yourself. It made you wonder if you’d ever be good enough.
The sky had transitioned from a soft amber glow to a deepening indigo, the kind of blue that swallows the light whole. You had found a bench just off the path, hidden by a canopy of trees that whispered in the evening breeze. The bench was old, the wood splintered and weathered. It was a place where you could disappear, if only for a little while.
You had never missed training before. Not even when you were 18 and had pneumonia. You could still remember that week, the way your chest burned with every breath, your lungs heavy with fluid that rattled every time you inhaled. But you stayed bundled in layers, forcing your body through drills with single-minded determination. Your coach had asked if you were okay, concern flickering across his face, but you’d just nodded, pushing past the exhaustion and pain. You could barely breathe, but missing training wasn’t an option. Not then, and not now. Or at least, that’s what you’d always believed. The best doesn’t show weakness. But today was different. Today, you couldn’t find that strength. The drive that usually pushed you onto the pitch, no matter how tired or sick you were, had vanished. Instead, you felt drained, hollowed out by emotions you didn’t know how to handle.
You shivered slightly, a definite autumnal nip to the late summer evening. The long sleeve top you wore did little to prevent the cold from settling on your skin, but you welcomed the chill. It kept you grounded, made the swirling thoughts in your head a little less chaotic. The cold helped you think, or at least gave you something tangible to focus on when your emotions threatened to overwhelm you.
Your mind kept drifting back to Kyra. She had looked so genuinely scared of you. The memory of her wide, startled eyes made your stomach twist with guilt. You’d never seen her like that before – Kyra, who was always so confident, so full of life. She’d looked at you like you were a stranger; someone she didn’t recognise. And maybe, in that moment, you were. Maybe you didn’t recognise yourself either.
You pulled your knees to your chest, hugging them tightly as if the pressure could hold you together. The breeze picked up, rustling the leaves above you, and you closed your eyes, letting the sound wash over you. It was peaceful here, away from the noise and the people and the expectations. But the peace was deceptive, fragile. You knew you couldn’t stay here forever. Eventually, you’d have to go back, face the reality of your team. The cold crept deeper into your bones, but you didn’t move. You deserved this discomfort, this numbness.
A tear slipped down your cheek, followed by another. You wiped them away quickly, but more followed, and soon you were crying in earnest, silent sobs that shook your shoulders and left you gasping for breath. You hadn’t cried like this in years, hadn’t allowed yourself to. But now, alone in the dark, surrounded by nothing but trees and the fading light, you let the tears come.
It wasn’t just Kyra’s fear that haunted you, but the realization that maybe, just maybe, you weren’t as strong as you thought. The thought was terrifying, a crack in the foundation you’d built your entire life on. If you weren’t the best, if you weren’t unbreakable, then what were you? Who were you?
The tears slowed eventually, leaving you drained and exhausted. You rested your head on your knees, staring blankly at the ground as the darkness settled in around you. The training session was definitely over by now, the team heading back to the locker room, wondering where you were. They’d ask questions tomorrow, they’d want to know why you weren’t there, and you didn’t have any answers to give them.
But for now, you stayed on the bench, hidden away from the world, trying to piece yourself back together. You knew you couldn’t stay here forever, but for a little while longer, you allowed yourself to be weak, to be human. The best doesn’t show weakness – those were the words you’d lived by for so long. You didn’t know how to live without them.
You heard footsteps approaching. Whoever it was, was moving wearily - each step slow and calculated, like trying to approach a frightened animal. Is that what they saw you as? A wounded creature that had to be handled with caution, a volatile presence they needed to tread carefully around to protect themselves? The thought stung more than it should have. You used to like having that barrier. That bubble of self-protection that kept you alive.
You kept your eyes fixed on the ground, not wanting to acknowledge whoever was coming. Maybe if you stayed still, they’d turn back, leave you to your thoughts. But the footsteps continued, growing closer until they finally stopped just a few feet away. You could feel the presence lingering there, the silence heavy between you.
“Hey,” a voice broke through the quiet, soft and hesitant. It was Leah. You didn’t need to look up to know it was her – her voice was unmistakable, that Milton Keynes accent audible even on a single syllable word. You didn’t need to be told why they had sent her to find you. She was your national captain, your club’s vice-captain. You had always respected her.
You didn’t respond immediately. You didn’t really know what to say. You let the silence linger, stretching on to the point where Leah questioned if you even heard her. The silence hung between you, thick and heavy. Leah’s words were gentle, but they carried weight. “You missed training.” It was a simple statement of fact, but it felt like more – a subtle nudge, a reminder of the responsibility you’d momentarily abandoned. You expected her to follow it up with something more – maybe a reprimand, maybe an expectation that you explain yourself. But instead, Leah just sat there, her presence calm and steady.
You could feel her eyes on you, but you kept your gaze fixed on the ground, the words you wanted to say stuck in your throat. What could you possibly tell her that she didn’t already know? She had seen what happened in the canteen. She had seen your stupid attempt to make amends. She had seen everything.
But Leah didn’t push. She didn’t demand answers or try to fill the silence with empty words. Instead, she simply waited, giving you the space to speak when you were ready – or not, if that’s what you needed. It was one of the reasons you respected her so much. She understood that sometimes, silence spoke louder than words.
“You don’t have to explain,” Leah finally said, her tone soft, understanding. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay. That’s all that matters.”
Her words caught you off guard. You’d expected some kind of judgment, some level of disappointment that you’d let the team down, but instead, there was just concern. Genuine concern, not just for the team, but for you. It was a foreign feeling; one you weren’t sure how to process.
“Kim told me that you were thinking of trying to start sitting with people at lunch,” she continued, her voice gentle but probing. There was no judgment in her words, just a simple observation. It was as if she was giving you an opening, a chance to share what was really going on inside your head. But even with the invitation, the words still felt tangled up inside you, too messy to untangle in front of someone else.
You shifted uncomfortably on the bench, the rough wood digging into your legs, grounding you in the present moment. It had seemed like such a simple idea at the time – a small step toward breaking down the walls you’d built around yourself, a way to prove to the team that you were trying, that you wanted to be a part of things. But now, in the cold light of Leah’s concern, it felt almost childish. What had you really expected? That one gesture would erase months of distance, that a seat at the table would magically make everything better?
“Am … am I a bully?” It was something that had been floating around your head all afternoon. No one looked that scared, that nervous of someone unless they had valid cause.
Leah’s eyes widened slightly at your question, and for a moment, she seemed taken aback. But she recovered quickly, her expression softening as she took in the vulnerability behind your words. She didn’t rush to answer, clearly understanding the weight of what you’d just asked.
“No,” she said firmly, her voice gentle but resolute. “You’re not a bully.”
You wanted to believe her, but the doubt still gnawed at you, clawing at the edges of your mind. “My dad’s a bully. And I act like him.”
Leah's expression shifted, her brows furrowing slightly as she processed your words. There was no immediate response, just a thoughtful silence that hung between you. You could see the wheels turning in her mind, the careful consideration she was giving to what you had just said.
“You’re not your dad,” Leah finally said, her voice steady and calm.
“But I act like him.” Your voice held no emotion. These were simple facts. At least in your mind. “He screams and shouts at me for the smallest thing. I shouted at Kyra in a training session. I asked if she was deaf or just stupid. I told her she shouldn’t think. I shout at everyone. I told Alessia she was a waste of money. I said to Laia that she was useless, and I couldn’t understand how she won the World Cup with her defensive skills. I said we were doing better without Laura during her first session back. I told Jen I was glad to see her go because we would make fewer stupid mistakes”
You weren’t proud of anything you said. Each accusation felt like a knife twisting in your chest. The realisation of the hurt you had inflicted was almost unbearable. You could see their faces in your mind – Kyra’s eyes wide and a little glossy with hurt, Alessia’s shoulders slumping, Laia’s frustration, and Jen’s quiet resignation. You knew you’d been mean, knew that all those little comments had chipped away at people’s confidence and self-worth. It was the technique your dad and old coaches had done to you. In order to be the best, you must be broken and rebuilt. Your dad had broken you a long time ago.
 Leah listened intently, her eyes never leaving yours as you laid out the fears that had been gnawing at you. Her eyes widened slightly as you listed the hurtful things you’d said. The gravity of your admissions was evident in the way her expression softened, shifting from surprise to deep concern. She took a moment before responding, her voice steady but compassionate.
“What do you think when you let a goal in?” The question took you by surprise. The question hung in the air, unexpected and almost jarring in its simplicity. For a moment, you were caught off guard, trying to piece together why Leah would ask something so seemingly unrelated.
“That I’m worthless. What’s the point in having a keeper if they can’t stop the goals, right?” You sniffed a little, thinking about all the self-deprecating thoughts that course through your mind at lightning speed if you let a goal in. You bit your lip, letting the familiar pain wash over you. 
Leah's eyes remained locked on yours, her gaze filled with a mix of concern and understanding. She took a moment to absorb your words before responding, her voice calm and measured. “Who told you that?” You blinked, looking at for her a brief second, confusion clouding your mind. “Who told you that you’re worthless if you let a goal in?”
“My … my dad, my old coaches. But everyone knows that goalkeeper’s who can’t keep clean sheets are useless," you laughed humourlessly. "I mean, look at our Champions League matches last season, we lost on penalties, that’s my fault. We came third in the league, I let too many goals in. We crash out of the FA cup because of a goal that I could’ve easily stopped. I let a goal in the Conti cup. All of them are my fault. I wasn’t good enough. And with England? I let the goal in in the World Cup, our Nations League losses were all my fault, goals that shouldn’t have been scored. I’m the reason we weren’t at the Olympics this year. We qualified for the Euros by the skin of our teeth – we lost to France and drew to Sweden on home soil.” It was the rhetoric that had been spewed to you all summer. Every day, you needed to be better, do better, be the best, you couldn’t make a mistake. Look at what mistakes had cost you.
Leah listened carefully. Yes, she knew you carried each loss personally, but she didn’t know you took it this badly. She could see the deep exhaustion in your bones, the deep circles under your eyes, the paleness in your skin. You looked like you hadn’t had a proper rest in years. Each statement you made was like a dagger, not only piercing through your own sense of self-worth but also hitting Leah in a place she hadn’t expected. The weight of your guilt and frustration was palpable, and it was clear how deeply you were affected by every perceived failure.
She could see the toll this relentless self-blame was taking on you. Leah had known about the pressure you faced, but hearing the full extent of your suffering was sobering. It was one thing to understand the high stakes of professional sports, but it was another to see someone so dedicated and talented struggle under the crushing burden of their own expectations. She was struck by how your relentless pursuit of perfection, driven by past experiences and harsh criticisms, had led you to this place of self-doubt. The emotional scars were clearer now, and Leah could see that your harshest critic wasn’t just your dad or your old coaches – it was yourself.
Leah’s heart ached for you. She remembered her own struggles, the pressure to perform and the fear of failure that often accompanied high-level competition. But what you were expressing went beyond that. It wasn’t just about the weight of a single match or a missed opportunity; it was about a pattern of self-destruction that had become ingrained, a relentless inner voice that constantly reminded you of every shortcoming.
“I’ve heard it all before,” you continued, your voice cracking as you went. “Every mistake, every goal that went in was my fault. If I don’t perform perfectly, then I’m useless. I’m supposed to be the last line of defence. What good is a goalkeeper that lets goals in? In order to be the best, you must be broken and rebuilt.” You sounded so lost, in so much pain. Yet you clearly believed every word you were saying.
Leah’s eyes softened even more as she listened to your words. The silence that followed your last statement was heavy, thick with unspoken emotions. Leah let it linger, allowing the gravity of your confession to settle between you.
When she finally spoke, her voice was quiet, yet full of determination. "I don’t believe that," she said firmly. "I don’t believe that you have to be broken to be the best. And I don’t think anyone should make you feel that way."
You looked at her, an unfamiliar ache in your chest tightening as you tried to absorb what she was saying. "But I am broken," you whispered, the words almost choking you. "I’ve been broken so many times. I don’t even know who I am anymore, Leah. All I know is that I have to be perfect, or everything falls apart."
Leah shook her head, her expression resolute. "You’re not broken," she insisted. "You’re hurt. And there’s a difference. You’ve been hurt by people who should have supported you, people who should have built you up instead of tearing you down. But that doesn’t make you broken. It makes you human."
Your breath hitched as you processed her words. They were so different from the ones you had grown accustomed to hearing, the harsh criticisms and impossible expectations that had been drilled into you for years. Part of you wanted to reject them, to cling to the familiar pain because it was what you knew. But another part of you, a small, fragile part, wanted desperately to believe that Leah was right.
Leah reached out, placing a hand on your arm, her touch gentle and reassuring. "You’re not alone," she said softly. "We all make mistakes. We all have moments when we don’t perform the way we want to. But that doesn’t define us. You’re so much more than those moments. And you’re allowed to be human, to have bad days, to not be perfect all the time."
You felt tears prickling at the corners of your eyes, but you blinked them back, trying to maintain control. It was hard, though, with Leah looking at you like that, with so much compassion and understanding in her eyes. "What if I’m not good enough?" you asked, your voice barely a whisper.
Leah moved over slightly, shuffling across the bench until she was almost touching you. "You are good enough," she said firmly. “We are a team. We help each other be the best. We rely on each other and push each other to be better. We can start slowly, there’s a team bonding next week. We’re going to the cinema and then out for a meal and drinks. I know you don’t usually come but how about you turn up. If you don’t like it or you want to go home, you can do – no questions asked.” You had never been to the cinema before. At least not that you can remember – maybe when you were a kid?
“Cinema … that sounds … nice.”
264 notes · View notes
bitegore · 2 years
very important question. what various decepticon teams could use one (1) frontliner speedster
eta: i need at minimum four of them for this to work lmfao
3 notes · View notes
repulsiveliquidation · 2 months
For Club and Country || Alexia Putellas
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warnings : smut (18+), Daddy kink, cunnilingus, strap-on's, throat fucking, choking (r giving + receiving), slight subspace, riding, fingering, spanking, rough sex.
summary : Alexia is on a hot streak, scoring stunner goals at the last minutes to send her country closer and closer to the finals of the Olympics but she needs her girlfriend to help her burn off all that excess energy the only way she can think of.
“What a goal scored by Alexia Putellas in the last seconds of the game to send Spain to the quarter finals!” 
The girls are overjoyed and your voice is hoarse from all the screaming you’ve been doing over the past few days. With your Alexia jersey on proudly, you’re sitting next to her mother in the stands hugging each other joyfully. 
Alexia comes over and climbs up onto the stands, hugging her mother. She smiles when she sees the look on your face, proud as can be of your girlfriend. Her mother shoves you into her daughter's arms and you cling to her tightly, telling her how proud you were of her in her ear. She sighs into your form, whispering a thank you as the whole stadium starts to drown itself out. 
You cup her cheeks and smile with tears, kissing her hard on the lips. She doesn’t care for all the cameras pointed in her direction, she was proud to show you off to them. 
“I love you,” she whispers when you hug her again, arms tight around your middle. 
“I love you too, mi reina,” you giggle, holding yourself back from jumping the stands. She doesn’t stop there, her arms that were tight around you haul you over like you weighed nothing, before yelling to her mother that she’d text them where to meet for breakfast tomorrow.
“Alexia! I can’t go in there!” you scold, dragging your feet like a toddler hoping she’d stop. 
“Don’t worry about it, it’s fine,” she grins, pulling you into the changing rooms. 
The girls don’t even flinch seeing you there, chucking out hi’s and hello's all across the room. You wait patiently, praying no one finds you in here and punishes the team for it. 
“Come,” Alexia calls, hand held out for you to take. 
“Alexia,” you start as you walk towards her cubby, “I can’t be in here amor, what if they penalize you?”
“Oh please, everyone’s brought their significant others everywhere in the olympic village, why the hell do you think they gave out condoms in the welcome bags?”
“Those condom wrappers were very cute though, don’t you think?” Laia inserts, pulling her shorts on after taking a shower. Alexia strikes up a conversation with her, agreeing that they were such a nice touch to the goodies. Ona grins at you and you sit beside her, elbows on your knees. 
“She’s been raving about you the entire time, you know?”
“La Reina isn’t as private as the world thinks.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Let’s just say the whole team knows what you’re in for and you’re certainly going to like it.” 
Just as you’re about to ask her to elaborate, you hear Alexia calling your name. You look at Ona suspiciously and she merely shrugs, going back to massaging moisturizer into her calves. 
“What are you up to?” you ask your girlfriend and she acts like you’ve asked her to give up football. 
“I heard the girls talking.” 
“You only heard Ona talking and you know she’s a shit stirrer.” 
She shoves you onto the team bus headed back to the village and you sulk, arms crossed over your chest like a child. Alexia takes a picture and sits beside you, a bag of peanuts in her hands that she’s already munching on. 
“What did Ona tell you?”
“She said you’ve been blabbing to the team about what you’re going to do to me all week,” you lean in, “you’re not going to murder me and leave my body in the dirty seine are you? It would certainly leave a bad taste in the triathletes mouths.”
“Madre de Dios, ¡no!” 
“Then? Alexia, if this is a shitty surprise, I’ll punch you!” 
She takes a deep breath and suddenly goes cold, leaning in with her lips pressed right against your ear. 
“Ahora escucha aquí, nena. He estado trabajando muy duro en los Juegos Olímpicos y necesito desahogarme. You're going to help Daddy do that, sí?”
You’re sitting and you still feel your knees go weak from her tone. 
“Yes Daddy,” you whisper and she smiles proudly, hand in your lap rubbing her thumb gently.
You’re sitting right in the front of the bus, feeling the burn of the girls staring at you hard. They all watched as you threw a little fit trying to figure out what Ona was on about but it seems like Ona wasn’t lying after all.  
Alexia stands up and you watch her with wide eyes as she goes through the analysis of the game with the team. Her mouth is moving but you can’t hear a thing. All you can think about is all the things you wanted that mouth to do to you. She noticed but kept it subtle, hand resting on your shoulder with a tight squeeze. 
As the girls begin to argue amongst themselves playfully, Alexia leans down and whispers one last thing before reaching the village. 
“Close your mouth darling, you’re giving yourself away to the girls. Wouldn’t want them to see how I'm gonna use that pretty mouth later right?” 
You close your mouth fast and wipe the corners with your hands, sipping deeper into your seat. Jenni, who’s sitting diagonally behind you, sees you reel yourself back. As the bus comes to a stop and the girls begin to gather their things, her tall self leans over and says something in your ear that gives you butterflies. 
“Be good for her, si? Your contributions to the team are greatly appreciated,” she tells you, winking as she steps off the bus. 
Alexia takes your hand and you’re a little startled, standing up and following her off the bus. You hear the girls begin to holler and it takes everything in you to not tell them to shut up. Alexia yells at the to calm down before disappearing into a different hallway to the rest of the team. 
“Why aren’t we with them?”
“I’ve got a surprise for you, mi princesa,” she tells you, pulling a blindfold over your eyes. You trust her to take care of you, feeling her press herself into you from behind to guide you. You hear a door open and the scent of lavender hits you; the sound of several locks being engaged behind you should not have turned you on as much as it did. 
“Alexia, what the-” 
“Surprise,” she says with a calm smile, hands pulling the blindfold off gently. She lets you take in the room, busying herself with the bags of goodies she’s brought in. 
There’s a table filled with snacks, oils and your favorite coffee. The bed has a huge towel on it and a diffuser already going on the side table. Alexia comes up behind you and smiles, hands resting on your hips. You lean back into her and smile, feeling her warm breath on your shoulder comforting. 
“I’ve been feeling so much energy build up over the past few days and you’re the only one who can help me, princesa,” she starts, turning you in her arms. “Will you?” 
“Yes Daddy,” you answer, letting Alexia do whatever she wanted. 
She starts by taking your bag off you, laying it carefully on the tv table. Her hands reach for her jersey on you, match worn by the way, and she gently pulls it off you. 
“This jersey looks so much better on you than it does me,” she whispers seductively, kissing your cheek as she comes closer to mess with your shorts. Her hands skillfully pull the buttons open and zipper down, pushing them off your hips eagerly. 
“Eres tan hermosa, mi reina,” she tells you, hands smoothly tracing your every line and curve. 
“Only for you, Daddy,” you whine, hand reaching back to cup her head as her lips begin to leave kisses all along your neck and back. 
She picks you up into her arms suddenly, the show of her strength sends waves of pleasure straight to your core. Your breath picks up and she notices, smirking as she places you down in the middle of the bed. She strips herself naked and you stare at her shamelessly, eyes ogled at her toned abs and violently perky breasts. 
She pulls her strap on and turns to face you, eyes taking in the look on your face. You’re still staring, face with a little look of surprise and desire. It sends pulses to her cunt that she rather enjoys, crawling onto the bed between your legs. She kisses you, the feeling of her soft lips gives you a sense of calm. 
Your breath quickens as her hands caress your thighs and she groans at the feeling of your warm skin. The soft flesh beneath her fingers makes her mouth water and she wastes no time in letting out her energy. Teeth sink into your thigh and make you moan, the sharpness of her teeth only makes you wetter and needier. 
Big, rough hands press your legs to your chest and have you in a vulnerable position, pussy clenching tightly as you feel the cold air on your leaking arousal. Your lips are already bitten, sore and swollen, breath hitching when Alexia practically bends you into half. Your knees reach your ears and air fails to reach your lungs properly, sending your head spinning in the most pleasurable way possible. 
“Hold them there,” growls Alexia, large hands spanking your ass as it opens up for her. Your pussy glistens at her and she smiles, leaving two more harder smacks on your ass. They’re red and it leaves a sting but you don’t move a muscle. 
“Feels good princesa?” Alexia asks, looking down at you. She grins when she sees your eyes slowly go in and out of focus as you nod, settling into a headspace that she absolutely loved. You were ‘pliable’ and trusted her to know what you needed though it was said to be what she needed; Alexia had always prioritized your pleasure over hers. 
She circles her fingers around your soaking clit; they’re slow and send pulses of energy right into your veins. You knew Alexia meant it when she said she had the energy to go on today, so you settled into your comfy space and let her do whatever she wanted. But you knew for her to do so, you needed to tell Daddy.
“Daddy?” you whisper, looking right into Alexia’s hazel eyes. 
“Sí, princesa?”
“Want you to use me, do whatever you want,” you whine, tears already prickling in your eyes 
“Oh sweetheart,” she states pompously, “I was already going to.” 
Her thick fingers have filled your pussy more times than you can remember but when you were lightheaded and a little oxygen-deprived, the feeling of them filling your pussy always sent you into hysterics. 
Your pussy swallows her fingers obediently and they’re just long enough to press into your sweet spot every time they pump inside. She spreads them and works on opening you up, free hand pressing your thighs open wider. 
“You take them so well, mi amor,” Alexia praises, eyes glued to your core. You stretch around a third finger that joins the two, sounds of your pleasure fill the room. 
You can hear how wet you are and you turn a little red with embarrassment. Alexia however, has her ego boosted when you begin to slightly cream around her fingers. She groans and fingers you faster, lips wrapping around your clit as she begins to suck hard. 
Her tongue flicks over your clit as she sucks, fingers pressing right into your sweet spot with every pump of her arm. Her free hand holds you down as you thrash about, pressure building up behind your belly button hard and fast. 
“Daddy!” you moan, cumming around her fingers and making a little mess on her chin. She pulls away grinning and licking her lips, fingers shoved into her mouth after to taste you. She moans and pulls your legs back down, crashing her lips onto yours. 
You kiss hot and hard, one breath shared between two. She pulls away and you fall in love with her all over again, hand grasping your jaw to pull you back into the kiss. You melt and tangle your tongue with hers, feeling her hands caress your body in ways only she knew possible. 
“Turn over, princesa,” Alexia demands, strong arms already turning you over. You push your ass up and arch your back as deep as you can for her, slipping a pillow under your head to hold onto. 
Alexia spanks your ass again, harder this time and it leaves a handprint on your cheek. She aims and spanks you again, hitting the same spot. Like earlier, the sting is pleasurable and makes your thighs shake, lips left whimpering for Alexia. 
“More Daddy!” you whine, and she gladly obliges. Five more spanks land on your ass, blood pricking underneath your skin. She’s aware of what you’re doing, knowing you’re really prepping yourself for when she’s seven inches deep inside and fucking you roughly. 
Alexia shifts her focus to the silicone dick she’s got hanging between her legs that seems to be neglected. She moves beside your head and you look up at her, clearly seeing that her oral fixation needed satiating. 
Your jaw slacks and she slips in, moaning when you take most of the toy down your throat. A loud gag rings in the room which only motivates Alexia more. She holds your hair in her hands, fucking your mouth hard. She groans and swears loudly, hips driving the toy deep into your cavity. She pushes your head down onto her cock and you gag noisily, before she pulls away and the mess you leave only spurs her on. 
She slaps your cheeks and kisses you sloppily, holding your body up like a doll. She presses you back down and slips into your mouth again, fucking your throat faster. 
“Fuck baby, taking Daddy’s cock so well,” she praises, “getting me all wet to fuck your pussy aren’t you?” 
She pulls you off her cock and gives you a stern look, your brain short-circuits as you struggle to form a coherent answer. Alexia chuckles. 
“Yes Daddy, all for you!”    
She lets you go and you flop onto the bed, her strong hands pressing your back into the deep arch she went feral for. She slaps her cock on your entrance and you beg for her to put it in you, voice breaking when she slips it in mid-sentence. 
“What was that, darling?” she teases, cock buried to the hilt inside you. 
“Fuck me!” 
“Don’t have to tell me twice,” she growls, fucking into you hard. The sound of skin slapping loudly you were sure could be heard throughout the whole village but you did not care. The pure ecstasy your girlfriend was administering at the moment brought fog into your brain. You were on cloud 9. 
Her cock slipped so easily into you, filling you deep and thick. Your walls gripped and she welcomed the resistance, hands grasping your hips as leverage to fuck into you harder. 
“Like this, bebita?” 
“Exact-” you choke, as she angles her hips to hit your sweet spot, “EXACTLY LIKE THIS!”
She pounds her hips up into you and you’re seeing stars, the tug behind your belly button starts to build up again. 
“Daddy!” you scream, feeling the dam break as you come again. Alexia doesn’t stop and you’re becoming delirious with pleasure. It’s red hot and almost makes you pass out, before Alexia stops. 
“Fuck mi reina, want you to ride me,” Alexia says, laying down as you climb into her lap. You’re absolutely soaking and sit on her easily, cock filling you up in a different way in this position. You slowly build up a rhythm, hands lightly wrapped around Alexia’s neck. 
Her eyes roll into her head and she grins mindlessly, hands tightly gripping your hips. You bounce faster and she feels the air slowly leave her head as you begin to grip her neck a little more. 
“Is this what you wanted, Daddy?” you ask cheekily, grinding your hips on her cock slowly. Alexia spanks your ass and suddenly tightens her already tight grip of your hips. 
“No, I wanted to do this.” 
She lifts you and fucks up into you with power you didn’t know your girlfriend had. Her cock reaches places inside you you had never felt before. She was rearranging your guts and it fucking felt amazing.
She turns you over and doesn’t lose an ounce of power, hips fucking into you so hard the bed was moving. She held your lower body up as she fucked you, your back arched off the bed so far that your shoulders were barely touching the bed. 
“You want me to cum in you, baby?” she grunts, panting hard but her hips never slow down or show signs of wanting to. Her hands wrap around your neck this time and squeeze hard, the pressure behind your navel goes from 0 to 100 in mere milliseconds. 
“Yes Daddy, YES!” 
You squirt all over Alexia which sets her orgasm off. She moans your name and your lips crash on hers, breathing each other in. She fucks into you slowly which gives both of you a nice, long high. You tuck your face in her neck and take her in, wrapping your arms around her sweaty skin. 
“I love you,” she whispers, holding you in her lap with her cock still inside you. 
“I love you too,” you whisper as she pulls out, kissing you one last time before carrying you into the bathroom to clean up. She carefully washes you clean in the shower, paying more attention to you than herself. You gently clean her up too, kissing loads and loads between scrubs. She does eat you out one more time before the water goes cold, one last cry of her name echoes in the room before midnight curfew. 
Back on the team bus the next day for training, you have her hoodie on and the hood pulled up, a slight limp in your walk. Alexia walks onto the bus as smug as can be, all the girls whistling like teenage boys as you try to negotiate with god to open the ground up to swallow you. 
“Daddy please!”  “Fuck me!”  the girls yell, making faces and teasing you the whole ride there. You’re blushing an undiscovered color of red, thoughts running a mile a minute as you replay the events of the night before in your head. You catch Alexia’s eyes and she smiles a knowing smile, putting one on your face too.
Ona coming up to you just as they start to get off the bus again. 
“Didn’t I tell you you’d enjoy yourself?” 
“Oh shut up Oni,” you scolded loudly before pulling her close enough to whisper in her ear. 
“Tell me everything she says about sex, will you?” 
“¡Vamos España!” she yells with a wink, leaving you giggling and excited for more. 
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vampiresbloodx · 6 months
Darling, My Darling.
summary: You're new life after retiring from the avengers with your two loves was more than perfect.
pairings: wandanat x reader.
word count: 718
warnings: fluff, tooth-rooting fluff, poly relationship, poly!wandanat, established relationship, living privately, plenty of flirting.
Translation: Любимая = darling in Russian (I'm not sure if I got that correctly, I just got it from google.)
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Wanda stood in the kitchen, swaying to the music that played on in the background. 
The team had just come over for a visit, a dinner, no one can say no to Wanda’s cooking. She was proud of that. All she added was a little magic and love to make it taste just right. She heard laughter abruptly coming from the living room, there were the two people she loved the most in the entire universe. She smiled softly, wondering how lucky she got, to have you and Natasha in her life. 
“No, no, it goes like this” nat grinned, holding your hands as she guided them around her waist, she was teaching you how to dance, you were always the one left out because of your insecurities of not knowing how to dance at all. 
“Nat, this is stupid” you said with a pout, feeling dumb about all this. 
You knew she had the best interest in you. She wouldn’t do this to make you feel bad or laugh at you. 
Her eyes softened, her hand coming up to caress your cheek, “Любимая, my Любимая, I only want what's best for you, and am I teaching you how to dance so you don’t feel left out at parties and events anymore? Yes. it breaks my heart seeing you sitting alone watching us, but if you truly don’t want to learn I can respect that” she says as she begins to step away from you. 
You frowned, not liking how far she is, you grabbed her, pulling her closer. 
“No,” you muttered against her lips, “teach me.” 
She smiled. 
As she starts to get in position, realisation hits you as your eyes widen. 
“Wait, did you just sweet talk me into dancing with you?” you said with a raised eyebrow. 
“Maybe… Maybe I’m just that good” she laughs amusedly. 
You shake your head at her. 
“I was tricked, wow” you say, pretending to sound hurt. 
“Tricked by whom? The woman you love? Doesn’t seem all that bad” Wanda said, walking into the lounge carrying a plate of cookies. 
Natasha’s grin widens. As she knows she’s won.
“Anyways, I finished my baking and I want you two to be the first to taste it” she said.
“Wanda, were always the first to try it” you say with a smile. 
She shrugs. 
“Just taste it, or else.” she playfully threatens. 
Natasha happily grabs a cookie, chocolate chip, a classic, but Wanda’s are always better and different than to anyone else. She took a bite and so did you, at the same time, you both moaned at the taste. 
“Fuck” nat groaned. 
“Seriously, fuck” you hummed, eating the rest of it, going to grab another but Wanda swatted your hand away. 
“They’re for the dinner party, I want everything to be perfect” she said with pride, she heads back into the kitchen, the place smelling like her cooking. 
You can’t help but follow after her, like a lost puppy, Nat goes with you too, her hand grabbing yours as she always wants to touch you, you find it cute how much she’s opened up since the first time you had met her, she didn’t allow anyone to touch her for the longest time, but you and wanda were an exception. 
The two of you made her feel safe, and loved. 
Which was all too new for her. 
Natasha goes by Wanda’s side, kissing her on the cheek, laughing at something Wanda said as you watch them, admiring them both, your heart was so full, because of them. You wouldn’t know what life was like without them. The two blondes that stole your heart the second you first saw them. 
Wanda blushed as Natasha whispered into her ear teasingly, you pouted, feeling left out. 
They noticed by how quiet you were (not on purpose) as they smiled softly, pulling you in closer to them, kissing your cheeks and forehead and lips. 
“I love you, my girls” nat said softly, kissing you both as she wrapped her arms around you and Wanda. 
“I love you more” you and Wanda say at the same time, causing nat to laugh. 
Wanda joined with her, causing you too, this was everything you needed and wanted, the sound of their laughs, was like heaven. 
Everything felt perfect.
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pixiesfz · 6 months
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goodbye gift n.c x reader x j.f
plot: You and Jessie are both leaving Chelsea, leaving Niamh and you all have some unfinished business you need to take care of
warnings: smut, threesome,
a/n: this was written and almost done and I was actually proud of it and then tumblr DELETED IT
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January was a hard month for the Chelsea team.
Jessie had announced her departure for the NWSL almost immediately after the Christmas break, Portland thorns offering her a ground breaking offer.
A week later you announced that you were leaving for Barcelona, your contract was up and they wanted you, you accepted.
Chelsea were losing two key midfielders, you were both leaving the team, leaving Niamh.
You were sitting with your national teammate Sam in the physio room, she had done her ACL and you were eating your lunch whilst sitting on the table with her.
Sam decided to wait until her physio left to back your leg “Ow! Sam what the fuck!” You yelled, rubbing your leg.
“I wanted to know if you and Jessie have finally done it, since your both leaving, get rid of that sexual tension”
You rose your eyebrows “first of all, we do not have sexual tension, second of all not that it’s any of your business but no we have not”
“Well why not?” Sam said and you rolled your eyes “well because we don’t have sexual tension” you said and the fellow Australian gave you a pointed look.
“And I have a healthy knee”
Sam pointed at you “cmon we all saw you two at the last continental cup after we all went out”
It was true.
The whole team had gone out to a club to forget about your loss to Arsenal, you and Jessie had been closer than usual, having both been together the entire game as midfielders.
“We didn’t sleep together that night” you told Sam who snorted “ya should’ve”
Looking back on it you smiled, remembering the feelings of Jessie’s hands on your waist as you danced.
“Just remember you only have one week left”
Niamh was sat on Millie’s kitchen bench, eating pasta that her fiancé made “so when are you going to do it?” Millie asked her and she furrowed her brows “do what?”
“Make a move on y/n before she’s gone, I know you guys went for it at a team meeting”
Niamh shot her head up “how did you know that?”
Millie smirked “you both were gonna for about ten minutes so I just assumed”
“So you guessed”
“And I got it right yay me!”
Niamh rolled her eyes “She’s moving to Barcelona and neither of us want a relationship right now”
Millie smirked, “who said anything about a relationship”
It was now a week before you and Jessie had to leave to your new teams and after the speeches your friends had been given to the three of you, your nice sneaky glances had become obvious and longer.
It was obvious to the team and especially Guro who ran up to the Canadian and English players at the end of the session.
“Do you both like Y/n?” She asked and Jessie turned red as Niamh looked away, Guro gasped “You have a crush on the same girl!” Niamh covered the girls mouth as Jessie turned even more red “can you shut up” she whispered to the girl who was smiling, ear to ear.
“Does this not affect your friendship at all?” Guro asked and both girls shook their heads “none of us want a relationship” Jessie said and Niamh nodded “yeah but like you’re all leaving eachother and none of you had made a move?”
Both girls nodded before Guro smirked.
“TEAM NIGHT AT YA YA’S EVERYBODY BE THERE!” She screamed before looking at Niamh “that’s near where you live right?” Niamh nodded and Guro ran off towards you with a smile, wrapping her arm around your neck “your gonna have fun tonight”
You furrowed your eyebrows with confusion but brushed it off.
You and Kristie sat on your bed with different outfit options “Samantha!” You called out to your friend who slowly walked in, already knowing your question “what” she said and you pointed to the clothes “which one?” You asked and she looked over “none”
“What do you mean none, I’m not going naked” you said, crossing your arms and Sam laughed and went up to Kristie, whispering something into her ear which made her gasp
“Can I know?” You asked “I would have said it out loud if you could know” Sam responded before walking out, leaving you with Kristie.
“This is gonna sound weird” she started “but do you have any pretty lingerie?”
That’s where you lead now, in a dress suit and matching skirt, your black lingerie bra on view for anyone to see.
“My fiancé is a miracle worker” Sam cheered as you walked out “Ha Ha” you fake laughed and grabbed Kristie’s arm “let’s go”
Niamh and Jessie were already sitting at the bar “So it’s not crazy if we-“ she stopped her sentence once when she noticed Niamh was looking at the entrance which she followed “oh fuck”
“Fuck indeed” Niamh agreed with her best friend as they looked at you, your cleavage and legs on display and saying hi to all the girls.
You spotted the two girls and smiled, quickly walking over to them “hey you two”
“Hey- uh- hi” Jessie blushed and Niamh smirked “hello y/n”
You looked past them and to the bartender “three shots please?” You said and he nodded.
Guro, watching from afar saw you take your first shot with the pair “everyone leave! Go!” She ushered the team, all making sly comments whilst all of you three were too distracted with each other to see the whole bunch of them leave.
“My round next” Jessie smiled before bringing her card to pay “we should probably talk to the others” you suggested, ignoring Niamh’s palm that was know on your thigh “Do you want to?” Jessie asked, passing you your shot which you nodded at “yeah”.
You all got up to walk, Jessie’s hand resting on your lower back “can’t find them” Niamh said from the other side of you, stepping slightly forward to check it out.
“Did they all leave?” Jessie asked, her grip tightening on you as people walked by. You noticed as you walked further through the girls always had you in between them.
After accepting the fact that your team had left you still had decided to stay sitting down in a private booth, empty drink littered around the table as you spoke about little things.
There was never a minute one of their hands weren’t on you, weather Niamh had her hand on your arm or Jessie had it on your lap, slowly growing closer and closer to a place that was growing wetter and wetter for the two girls.
“I think we should get out of here” suggested Jessie who was looking down on you, her hands rubbing up and down your arm “to where?” You ask “My house” Niamh said, “none of you guys live in your houses anymore” she said, reminding you of you and Jessie’s departures.
Jessie leaned down to your ear, “I don’t want to leave here with any regrets do you?” She asked and you turned to her, looking at her eyes which were stuck to your lips as you crossed your head “Can’t leave anything back in London” Niamh whispered in your left ear, her lips resting on your skin as you turned towards her, her stare the same as Jessie’s.
“So what do you say?” Jessie asked, her hand sliding up your thighs to the end of your skirt “should we go?” Niamh said, her hand doing the same.
As their hands grew closer to you your breath shortened, feeling flustered from all the attention but still nodding “We need your words y/n” Niamh said, her lips dragging from your ear to your jaw where she pressed small kisses.
“Yes” you stuttered, turning your head to Jessie “please”.
Jessie was already close to you but still closed the gap between you both with a small kiss as Niamh started to knock suck at the skin being shown, brushing your hair back as Jessie pulled at it.
Jessie pulled away first “let’s get out of here”.
The quick walk to Niamh’s house still felt an hour long as your need for them grew. You had wanted them both, at first separately but now…
you couldn’t think of anything better.
Just like in the club, Jessie took the job of placing her hand on your back, now it took a lower place and you took hold of Niamh’s hand who was navigating in front of you, taking the lead.
The two girls knew the house well as they walked in, turning on certain lights as if they were in a routine. Jessie turned towards you with a blushed smile and brought you into a kiss.
It was different from your kiss in the club and you knew it was because you were now in a private space, Jessie loved her privacy.
You heard Niamh drop her keys onto her kitchen bench before her steps walked into a room, you assumed a bedroom.
“C’mon you two” Niamh said as you and Jessie separated and walked past Niamh who was staring to you with an unreadable expression “do you wanna do this?” She asked and you nodded walking towards her.
When you walked into the room, Niamh behind you you smiled, Jessie had already taken off her top and you helped her with her bra, Niamh behind you, stripped off your jacket and unzipped your skirt which you stepped out of leaving you in the lingerie set Kristie had told you to wear.
You turned towards Niamh and started unbuttoning her dress shirt “this was planned wasn’t it” you wondered out loud
“Are we complaining?”
You heard Jessie chuckle at her friend before her lips attached to your neck, you immediately buckled your knees, faltering your paste of undoing Niamh’s shirt which she helped you with.
When Niamh was finally undressed she pushed you onto the bed and Jessie followed, she pulled you into her chest as Niamh walked to the other end of the bed.
Jessie wondered her hands around your chest, pressing kisses to you shoulders before pinching your nipple, causing you to moan.
Niamh lowered herself down to your legs, separating them, kissing from your ankles all the way to your thighs which you started to squirm, Jessie’s smirk being felt against your skin as she saw the effect Niamh gave you.
“Niamh please” you begged the girl who looked up at you “please what?” She smirked and you rolled your head back “answer her” Jessie told you, lifting your head back up.
“Niamh please fuck me” you let out and the girl waisted no time, bringing one of her fingers into you as you gasped, gripping Jessie’s arm.
“You gonna take her fingers baby?” She asked and you nodded “need more” you said as Niamh added another one, and started to speed up “oh fuck” you moaned, squeezing Jessie’s arm tighter.
Jessie’s eyes grew dark watching you moan out Niamh’s name and she grew more wet “can you take another finger?” She asked you and you squirmed at the thought but nodded “such a good girl”
After Niamh added another finger it wasn’t too long until you needed to cum “fuck, Niamh please!” You moaned, Jessie’s fingers playing with your nipples when you finally came undone, Niamh letting you ride out your high as Jessie pulled your head into a kiss.
Niamh came up to also pull you into a kiss, going from one friend to the other. Jessie was sweet with her kisses as Niamh was more dominant.
You felt the warmth of Jessie's body move away, leaving you to lay down fully on the bed, Niamh and Jessie tried to switch spots but you reached out to grab Niamh's wrist, missing the way Jessie reached into her bag.
"are you okay?" she asked you and you nodded "want you to sit on my face" you told her and you saw the confident girl blush and raise her brows "really?" she said and you pulled her closer "please".
Once you made yourself comfortable Niamh rested herself on your face and you almost moaned at the sight. Jessie walks back over to you, your view blocked by Niamh as you waited for her to be comfortable.
You felt the dip in the bed as Jessie crawled on top before you felt the Canadian girl's tip play through your folds, causing you to gasp, sending shivers down Niamh's spine.
Your grip on Niamh's thighs tightened as Jessie positioned herself into you "You ready?" she asked and you nodded your head, your nose hitting Niamh's clit as she rolled her head back at the friction.
You started licking through Niamh's folds at the same time Jessie pushed into you slowly, both moaning your name as you tried to remember the sound forever.
Niamh gripped into your hair as you tried to muffle your moans into her, using her as a form of relief when Jessie kept hitting you in the right places.
"fuck y/n" Niamh moaned out before coming on top of you, making a mess on your face which you smirked at, licking your lips as she got off of you, leaving you to Jessie as she quickened her pace.
You rolled your head back in ecstasy, yanking at her hair which she thankfully wore out "fuck Jessie, just like that" you panted, finally coming undone for the second time that night before you pushed Jessie away, feeling over stimulated.
"You okay?" Jessie asked you and you nodded "just need a little break" you told her, quickly giving her a kiss before turning to Niamh and doing the same.
"then we can go back to it".
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love-byers · 26 days
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....wait . there are people who don't think the show is centered around will? there are people who don't think a core part of s5 will be wills culmination as a character?? there are people who don't think the entire supernatural plot will circle back to will???
besides the fact that the duffers LITERALLY CONFIRMED that will is the center of s5...
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the show itself literally tells you. that is the narrative they've been pushing the entire time.
the entire first season is about finding will. every single plotline is connected to finding will.
mike and the boys are using el to find will
jonathan and nancy are working together to hunt the monster they believe has taken will and barb
joyce is trying to communicate with will to find out where he is and how to save him
hopper is a cop investigating the case, and eventually he and joyce team up to investigate further into the lab conspiracy, believing it's tied to wills disappearance
a massive chunk of s2 is about wills connection to the upside down. he's being hunted by the mind flayer and used as a spy, causing a lot of the conflict but also leading to the resolution.
now that we know vecna was behind all of that, that open so many doors for will in s5. if you use your fucking peanut brain for 5 seconds you'll realize there are lots of things we don't know surrounding will and vecna that will come to light in s5. vecna specifically sought will out and hunted him down. remember s2?
"It wanted to kill you?"
"Not me. Everyone else."
we're also getting flashbacks of will in the upside down so we can see exactly what happened to him the week he was there. clearly there's something important we don't know about. the upside down is literally frozen on the day will went missing. but will isn't important and won't be a big part of s5?
s3 is the first time will is less significant to the plot. he still has the connection to the mind flayer and his ability to sense it is still relevant to the story and helps push it along. bit still, he had significantly less lines and screen time. much of his story is portrayed as him struggling to 'grow up' and not being interested in romance like the others. there are several jokes that present will as simply being childish and reluctant to grow out of it. which a lot of people found sort of annoying. i remember seeing a lot of people enjoying s3, but wishing will had more depth and importance.
but we now know that that's not the whole truth. all of that, him being annoyed and disinterested by romance, just wanting to play dnd with the party, and fighting with mike was all subtext leading into his sexuality and the fact that he's in love with mike. that's been confirmed by actors and the duffers themselves. though will's sexuality was always hinted at, it wasn't meant to fully come to light until s4. so they tried to pass it off as will just being childish. they tried to pass of mike and wills conflict as only being about dnd and growing up. a prime example of this is will tearing down castle byers after his fight with mike. he rips the photo of the core 4 as the ghostbusters down the middle, aka where he and mike are in the center. that is easily passed off as just being about the friend group. people BELIEVED that it was just about the friend group, and that there was no way will was in love with mike. but it's now literally confirmed that he is. like it's insane how many people never even considered that as a possibility. people literally just tune out parts of the show they don't immediately find interesting. i've seen so many comments on byler scenes, for example "it's not my fault you don't like girls", saying "wait i don't remember this scene when did he say that??" people just don't pay attention or think deeper than surface level, which in this case is okay because wills sexuality was meant to be something you slowly realized. the problem comes when people just start denying its significance and refusing to see it for what it is.
if you take in all of will's story with mike and whittle it down to "stupid gay crush on best friend" i don't know what show YOUVE been watching. did you forget that will only remembered his mom and mike when he was possessed and lost his memory? that mike recounting the day they met was enough for will to break through and communicate while possessed? that will puts mikes happiness before his own? that will has literally said he needs mike and always will?
it's not a crush that will can just get over. you know we actually have an example of a simple crush and it's dustin and max. how did that work out? dustin got over max very quickly and it's no biggie. he didn't go on a monologue about how he needs max and always will. he just thought she was cool and pretty.
also, the show spends so much time getting the audience to feel bad for will and want to see him happy. you are SUPPOSED to like him. you are supposed to have empathy for him. will is written to be extremely gentle, kind, and selfless.
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will is too nice to say anything bad about anyone, even after being viscously bullied and called slurs for years. even by his own father, WHO HE STILL CANT TALK BAD ABOUT!!!
no matter how much will suffers, he remains kind and selfless. he gave a girl his tonka truck knowing joyce couldn't by him another one. mike says they shouldn't give up on looking for him because will sacrificed himself in dnd to save the party. remember the whole thing in s2 about joyce getting on will for constantly apologizing even when he did nothing wrong? there is no point to that besides evoking empathy for him!!!!! he is sweet and sensitive and doesn't deserve any of this!!!!!!!!
and about bylers being delusional for thinking will and mikes relationship will be a big part of s5 and the culmination of everything in a show about monsters killing people, here's a quote from shawn levy, who has directed many stranger things episodes
"People talk about mythology and The Upside Down, and all that is huge, but the magic of S5 are the characters who find sense of belonging with other and through that connection, become heroes."
everyone loves the stranger things relationships until they're queer. when they're queer suddenly there's no time for romance in a sci fi show, the writers actually suck, and they're just baiting. lumax and their love for each other was a core plot of the season where the big bad was trying to kill her all season. there is an entire plot point about max's memory of kissing lucas at the snow ball saving her life. in a show like this, there is time for relationships and supernatural stuff because they are interwoven when the time comes. they can do the exact same thing with byler in s5. s5 is going to be the longest season thus far. there will definitely be time for relationship development.
so yeah. call me delusional but i don't think the show will end with wills feelings for mike unresolved or with them just evaporating. given everything we know about s5 (relationships and finding belonging being an important factor, noah and finn constantly filming together, leakers saying will has a love interest) and everything we already know about the relationship formulas in ST, literally all the signs are pointing to byler. the only rebuttal people have is calling us delusional because the writers just wouldn't do that. if you actually push past the heteronormativity and consider the fact that the duffers do want to represent queer people in a way that doesn't reinforce the idea that we can never find love or be happy, things will start making a lot more sense.
i'm sorry to have to say this about mike but mike is a character presumed straight who hasn't been super relevant in the supernatural plot for 2 seasons now, just as long as will. his significant plot points are related to el or will. relationship development. and unlike will, he has been an ACTUAL asshole!!!! lots of people stopped liking mike as much after s2 because of his personality change. (ofc i still love mike, but there's been multiple plot lines about mike being a dick for no reason and apologizing for it) but no one has VISCERAL hatred for him like they do will byers. not saying mike deserves hate, cause he certainly doesn't, but the problems people have with will, they only have with will. any other character doing it is fine. 2 seaons of wills feelings for mike is boring and distracting but 2 seasons of mike having the same 'i love you' problems with el isn't?
i'm not saying the sudden hate for will is because it's now clear that he's gay but im kind of saying it
some people can't sympathize with queer issues because they don't care about queer people. they don't empathize with queer people. queer issues bore them.
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will byers i will ALWAYS defend you. you are safe with me pookie
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queen-of-the-avengers · 10 months
Whatever It Takes
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.5k
Warnings: angst, hating loki for what he's done, only one bed trope
Summary: You hate Loki and everything he stands for. He ruined a bunch of lives, and you don't want to hear some bullshit on how the mind stone influenced him. He knows he's not a bad person, and he has to figure out a way to prove that to you.
Squares Filled: “god, if only you knew what you did to me.” (2021) for @lokibingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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You take some puzzle books and shove them into your bag along with some coloring books and markers. Where you’re going is known to have spotty Wi-Fi service despite you having the best service, so you’re making sure to bring something to do when you can’t get online. The last thing you put into your bag is noise-canceling headphones so you don’t have to listen to Loki yap the whole time.
The thought of him makes you so angry. You slam your headphones into your bag and zip it up angrily. You’re more than happy to go on missions for the team, but you’re not happy with going on missions that Loki is going on. Even worse, you two are going to be alone for this one. This is a highly sensitive mission that can only have a couple of people on it, and they chose you and him.
You haul your bag to the living room where Natasha and Tony are waiting for you. Loki is still getting ready but he can take his fucking time. You don’t like Loki and you’re not shy about it. Everyone, including him, knows your dislike for him.
“Where’s the fire?” Nat asks when you stomp past her.
“I don’t know why I’m going on this mission. Why can’t you go?”
“You can hack your way through anything. Right now, we need that skill. I’m not a hacker. I kill things to get what I want. You sneak in the back door.”
“Okay, why does he have to go?”
“He’s a master of illusions. You’re the perfect pair.”
“Don’t call us that,” you roll your eyes. “It’s bad enough I have to go with him, but going alone? Why do I have to be alone with him? Come with us.”
“You know why we can’t. The less people, the better. It’s only for a week. You can handle being with him for a week. I’ll even take your next two missions for you.”
“Fine,” you sigh. “Let’s get this over with. Loki! Hurry up!”
Loki appears seconds after you call him with his bag slung over his shoulder. He knows you don’t like him. You make sure everyone knows it whenever you’re within close proximity to him. He doesn't feed into your dislike because that would only egg you on so he silently takes whatever you give to him. It’s cute how angry you can get at him.
Your anger is justifiable. After all, he is the one who fucked with New York and brought an alien race to kill humans. He took Clint and used him as a puppet for his own greed. He killed eighty people in two days. He’s the one who let the Dark Elves into Asgard, causing a war to be brought to Earth. He’s not a good person despite him telling you over and over again that the mind stone influenced him for most of it.
“Have fun, you two,” Tony smirks, “but not too much fun.”
“Gag me,” you roll your eyes. “It’s not going to happen.”
You take your bag to the car while Loki stays behind with Nat and Tony.
“Be gentle with her. I don’t need her coming back in pieces.”
“I’ll check in in a few days,” Loki chuckles and walks out to the car. You fit your bag in the trunk leaving just enough room for Loki’s bag. He heaves it into the car and shuts the trunk. “Give me the keys.”
“Hell no. I’m driving.”
“Darling, you’re a terrible driver.”
“No, I’m not, and I’m not going to let you drive. I don’t trust you behind the wheel with my life in your hands. I’m driving and you can back the fuck off.”
Loki could have won this entire argument if he wanted to, but he’ll let you have this one. If you two are going to be stuck with each other for a week, he’s gonna have to pick his battles around you. This won’t be the only fight and it certainly isn’t the last.
You two pile into the car, and you’re off. Loki turns to you to say something but you immediately turn the music on so you can’t hear him. Loki sighs and lets you have your tantrum, but he does want to talk to you. He lowers the music to speak but you cut him off.
“Let’s get one thing straight, shall we? We’re doing this mission together but that’s all this is. The mission. I don’t want to talk to you unless it’s work-related. Got it?”
“You’ve got to talk to me sooner or later about something else.”
“I choose later,” you smile sweetly and turn the music up again.
Tony is responsible for your shelter and he picks the worst fucking place on the planet. The motel he chose is run-down and old with the sidewalk chopped up, the paint in the parking lots is so faded it’s hard to tell where the next parking spot is, the building looks like it’s going to collapse any second, and the numbers on the doors are no longer there. Only a faded shadow of what was.
The inside isn’t much better, but what did you expect? The people you’re targeting are weapons dealers who choose places like this for a reason. No one would go looking for someone if they were here. Tony is one of your good friends but you’ve always hated his sense of humor. If you call him now, he’s going to say it’s a mistake on his part because there is only one bed. One bed that you and Loki have to share.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” you huff out in anger.
“It’s only a bed, love,” Loki says and walks inside.
“I’m sleeping on the floor.”
“Be my guest.”
It’s already too late to do anything so you two get ready for bed. You grab two pillows and drop them on the floor. This isn’t going to be very comfortable but you’ll do it if it means not sharing a bed with Loki. After you brush your teeth, Loki prepares to take a shower. He closes the door before he gets undressed, and you glance over in curiosity. He hasn’t closed the door all the way so you can see him through the sliver.
His back is turned to you but damn, it’s a muscular back. He may be lean but he has well-defined muscles. Thor likes to show his off while Loki is more reserved. His pale skin glistens in the dim glow of the bathroom light, and you look away before he catches you staring. Yes, he’s quite handsome for a God. You’re not blind, you have eyes. No, stop it. He’s a bad person. He’s not handsome.
You shake your head and grab the top blanket layer on the bed to get comfortable. Your back is going to hurt the whole time you’re here but you refuse to sleep on the same bed as him. Loki finishes his shower quickly and quickly changes into silk pajamas. Of course, this motherfucker would have silk pajamas.
He walks out as he’s drying his hair and scoffs when he sees you on the ground.
“Really? You’re going to sleep on the floor?”
“Yes, now go to bed.”
“You can have the bed.”
“No, you take it. I’m fine down here,” you say stubbornly.
Loki sighs and doesn't argue as he gets into bed. An hour after the lights are out, you’re no closer to sleep than you were before. Every time you move, you end up knocking some part of your body onto the cold ground, and it’s starting to piss Loki off.
“Darling, come up here,” Loki finally says.
“I will pick you up off this floor and tie you to the bed if you don’t get in it yourself.” If you’re being honest, the thought turns you on. He will make good on his promise so you stand up and transfer the pillows and blanket to the bed. You get in it but stay at the very edge. There is no way you’re going to be touching him in any way. “You’re being a child.”
“Shut up and go to bed.” You close your eyes to get some sleep when you feel his cold hand on your skin. Chills run down your spine but you’re not sure if it’s from how cold he is or if you’re turned on. You quickly slap his hand away before you get your answer. “Don’t touch me.”
Loki chuckles and lays on his back. An hour later, he can hear your soft snores that he finds adorable. Knowing he’s safe, he grabs your waist and pulls you into him. Subconsciously, you snuggle into him which makes him smile. He runs the back of his finger down your cheek gently so as to not wake you up.
“God, if only you knew what you did to me,” he mutters.
He has to find a way to make you see he’s not a bad guy, and he’ll do it for the rest of his life if that’s what it takes.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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eldritcmor · 1 year
IDEA!! You know how in most legends and myths involving dragons there’s often a hoard the dragon is protecting? What if the 141 was the hoard of someone (or something) not entirely human. They masquerade as a human and fight alongside the 141 but they’re insanely protective of them and have dragon like abilities. Heat and smoke never seem to bother them. Sometimes the 141 can see the shimmer of scales out of the corner of their eye but when they turn to check it out all they see is their “human” teammate. Maybe they have reptile like tendencies and prefer to have meals alone because they’re “insecure” about their eating habits (they’re actually eating nonhuman food like raw meat or something). Idk, I just really like the idea of the 141 being oblivious to a monster in their midst. Also I really REALLY like dragons
Gaz looked up as the sharp screech of twisting metal met his ears. The guard at his door poked his head out to see what was happening only to jerk and slump, a rather large piece of rebar right between his eyes. Gaz did not want to meet whatever the fuck did that and so scooted the chair he was tied to as far back into the shadows as he could. He tried to keep his breathing even but as the steady clomp of boots on metal grew closer, he couldn't cut it. A hand curled around the door frame and for a second, Gaz would forever swear he saw gleaming copper claws. He blinked and suddenly you were in front of him. Kneeling low as you confidently cut through the rope around his ankles.
"Breathe Sergeant. I got you." Gaz practically melted at the familiar rumble of your voice. He let out the breath he didn't know he had been holding as you moved to the bindings on his chest. Then he was confused.
"It's good to see you lieutenant, but how did you get here?"
You hummed as you finished cutting through his bindings and hauled Gaz to his feet. While there wasn't really any major damage that you could see, you still didn't like finding him like this.
"I called in a favor from an old friend. For all intents and purposes, this was never sanctioned. Now before you go thinking too hard, the others did try to come as well. Unfortunately, they got placed under the equivalent of house arrest by Shepherd. Now come on, our ride is waiting."
Gaz rolled the information over in his mind as you led him through the little facility. Everywhere he looked was some form of evidence of a fight. It looked like something had absolutely ripped through their defences.
Ghost startled as he entered the little kitchen of their current base. It was incredibly late at night and he hadn't expected anyone to be awake. You were sitting on the counter, ripped open package of red meat in one hand and a piece of meat midway to your mouth. Ghost raised an eyebrow and you slowly lowered the little chunk back into the tray.
"is this why you never eat with us?" Your fellow lieutenant asked as he grabbed a mug from one of the cupboards. You have a little noncommittal shrug as you set aside your dinner. Ghost popped the mug into the microwave and pulled out a few teabags.
"No need to stop on my account, lieutenant." The microwave beeped and ghost retrieved his mug before plopping the teabags in and promptly exiting the kitchen.
Soap raised an eyebrow as you stripped off your jacket and bundled it into your pack. The team was visiting Farah and the desert heat was harsh on all of them. Even Price had taken refuge under the nearest shade cloth. You however just seemed to be perfectly fine in the heat. He thought the heat was finally getting to you. That is until you climbed up on huge flat rock, laid in direct sunlight and promptly fell asleep. You were fucking basking while the rest of the team was baking in the sun. Soap stomped over, sun be damned, and climbed right up beside you. He purposely blocked the sun as he kneeled next to you and raised his hand to slap down in the dead center of your back. That is until your hand shot out and easily caught his wrist. You two briefly wrestled for a minute or two before soap yelped as you scooped him up over your shoulder and carried his ass back over to the others. Farah laughed as you deposited Soap right at Price's feet. A simple no left your mouth in a sort of grumbling growl as you went back to your rock. Soap pouted in the shade but didn't move to try again, as Price handed him a canteen of water.
Price watched from the door as you wrestled against Ghost, with Soap and Gaz sitting on the side. You two were dirty fucking fighters. Anytime Ghost flipped you on your back, you'd yank him by his mask or shirt to the side. Anytime you'd flip him on his back, he'd take his nails down any piece of exposed flesh in order to get you to rear back and topple. Price thought it was like watching two feral ass badgers fighting. He decided to intervene when Ghost pinned you and his fingers were just a hair too close to your mouth. Your fangs were on display.
"That's enough boys!" He watched in amusement as You and Ghost scrambled to your feet. "Go clean up, all of you. We got a briefing in twenty. Except you, Drake. I need to talk to you." The rest of the squad exited the training room. Price could practically feel the gossip spinning in their heads.
Price turned to you once the team was down the hall and out of earshot. "We need to talk about that little trip you took."
You tilted your head to the side in confusion. "Little trip, sir?"
"The one you took while the rest of us were under house arrest. The one where you somehow returned with the single missing member of this task force."
You simply hummed, a noncommittal sound, as you tapped your wrist. Price shook his head at your silent question. "Ah my most recent leave. What's the issue?"
Price sighed. "Unfortunately, the higher up want to know how Gaz returned." Price grabbed your shoulder and pulleed you down to his height. "You were not involved in anyway, clear?"
You groaned as the grip on your shoulder tightened. "Loud and clear, sir."
"Good man, now get. I'm sure the others are wondering what kind of ass chewing you just got." Price watched as you walked out the room, defeat lining your shoulders. Good, no need to trouble anyone else with your little rescue mission. Price glanced down at his hand. He hadn't meant to grab you that hard but he had to get the point across. There was a red lined imprint of scales in the center of his palm.
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uraveragelonelygay · 3 months
Colt Seavers x fem!reader
a/n: hey team! surprise! also, i despise the way this turned out. but i haven’t written in ages, so i guess I’ve gotta start somewhere. if it’s shit, i apologize in advance! but enjoy!!!
summary: you have an issue with your boyfriend’s addiction to danger. he doesn’t see the problem. but will he see it when the shoe is on the other foot?
“you’re not listening to me.”
“no, i hear you loud and clear. you don’t agree with me doing my job.”
you and colt have been at it for the entirety of your lunch break. this all started when you heard from your coworker, hannah, in the animal welfare department that colt had agreed to perform a stunt involving him leaping from one helicopter to another. you were outraged to hear this through the grapevine instead of from your own boyfriend.
so, when he walked into your tent during lunch with that stupid smirk on his face, you just lost it. needless to say, he was not receptive to your worries.
you sigh, running your hand through your hair frustratedly. “that is not what i’m saying and you know it, colt. i’m just saying i can tell you’re getting riskier and riskier. this isn’t a car roll we’re talking about here, colt. this is literally leaping through the air. something that could absolutely be done through vfx.”
he takes a deep breath, trying to calm the conversation down. “you just don’t get it. the pressure to agree to something when you’re on set with everyone watching you…you just don’t get it.”
you furrowed your brows at this. “i don’t get it? i work on a film set too, in case you forgot.”
he can feel tensions are high, so he attempts once more to calm things by making a joke…one that happens to be in very poor taste.
“i mean, technically, but, don’t you just sit in your trailer all day and tell dogs to sit and stay? it’s not like you’re actually experiencing the pressures of hollywood,” he says with a chuckle.
your heart drops at that. no way did he just demean your entire life’s work to ‘telling dogs to sit and stay’. you’ve worked for years to be a professional animal trainer for screen and stage. it’s been your dream since you were a little girl growing up helping your parents with the animal sanctuary they founded.
“what did you just say?” you ask, shocked.
you see the fear on his face as he realizes the implications of his own words. “oh my god, no, i didn’t mean-“
you cut him off, a look of pure betrayal on your face. “no, i know exactly what you meant. now, if you’ll excuse me, i have to get some dogs to sit.”
“baby, wait, i-“
“out, seavers,” you demanded.
colt knew upon hearing you call him by his last name that there was no mending this right now, so he nodded his head in defeat and slowly left your tent.
you sat down in your chair and put your head in your hands, trying not to cry. deep down, you knew he was just trying to ease the tension of the situation with his typical colt-seavers-awkward-humor. but you just couldn’t shake the feeling his words left you with. he knew how hard you had worked for this position and how demeaning people could be about it. you just never thought that your biggest insecurity would be the bud of one of his jokes.
taking a deep breath, you stand up and try to shake off your argument. you had work to do.
meanwhile, colt is back on set, trying his best to focus as dan briefs him on what his airplane jump will look like. understandably, the stunt man is having trouble focusing. all he can think about is the look of complete and utter betrayal on your face after he made that joke. that stupid fucking joke. why couldn’t he have thought before he spoke, just this once?
“earth to seavers…” dan snaps in colt’s face, trying to get his attention.
“sorry, dan, you were saying?”
dan rolls his eyes. “you might wanna listen to this, considering it’s going to be one of the most dangerous stunts ever performed.”
colt cringes at that. “actually, dan, on second thought-“
dan’s walkie interrupts the conversation as a panicked voice comes through.
“we have a code red in animal welfare, code red in animal welfare.”
colt’s eyes widen at that. “dan, what the fuck does that mean?”
dan puts up a hand to shut colt up. “shhhh, i’m trying to hear it-“
“everyone please clear the area, emts to animal welfare, emts to animal welfare.”
dan speaks into the walkie. “can we request some elaboration on the situation please?”
the walkie beeps with a response. “koda got spooked.”
colt is terrified at this point, his heartbeat ringing in his ears. “dan…isn’t koda a black bear?”
dan slowly nods his head, worry prominent on his face.
“colt, i think you’ve gotta get to animal welfare. this could be bad.”
as you slowly regain consciousness, the first thing you notice is that you can only see half as well as usual. you lift your hand up to your face with a shaky hand and make contact with gauze that seems to be covering half of your face.
“oh fuck.“
your words startled a certain fall guy out of his slumber. upon noticing the panic on your face, he’s quick to move to your side.
“hey, sweetheart, how are you doing?” he gently asks.
“that depends,” you start slowly, “do i still have two eyes?”
he stifles a laugh at your blunt response. “yeah, don’t worry. you still have two eyes. it was a close one, though. he got you pretty good.”
you look at him confused. “what even happened? all i remember is koda getting overwhelmed and going to jump on me. everything else is lost on me.”
colt sighed. “you were knocked unconscious once you hit the ground, but from there koda did some damage with his claws. luckily, hannah was able to get him off of you before he-“ his breath hitches at the thought.
you squeeze his hand. “hey, it’s okay. it’s all okay.”
colt’s face crumples at this as tears fall down his face. you take his face in your hands and gently wipe his tears away. “what is it, honey?”
“i get it now. getting the call on the walkie. i get it. my heart fucking stopped because i thought that you were gonna-“
you press a kiss to his forehead. “shhh. i didn’t, though.”
“but you could’ve, and the last thing i would’ve said to you was that dumb joke that was the opposite of the truth,” he sobbed out.
“baby, i know that. i was just upset in the moment because it hit a sore spot, but of course i knew your true intentions. we’re okay, yeah?” you stroke his hair to calm him down, and the two of you sit there for a moment until his sobs become sniffles.
you bask in the silence, happy to still be alive and still be with him.
“i’m not doing it.”
upon your curious look, colt continues.
“the plane stunt. i’m not doing it.”
you sigh. “i just worry, but ultimately you do know best-“
he cuts you off. “no, no. i learned today how terrifying it is to watch you in danger of losing your life. i can’t imagine how you feel everyday on set. i’m not doing it.”
you smile. “well, i can’t say i’m not relieved to hear that.”
he smiles back at you.
“i love you, darling.”
“i love you right back, fall guy.”
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HELLO I moved last week and I have no WiFi or service in my flat (posting from a coffee shop) so I apologise for the lack of posting.
However, this was meant to be for today's wolfstarmicrofic prompt Basilisk, but it's officially much too long because I've missed writing to post lmao, so it's not a microfic.
(Ravenclaw Remus AU.)
"Lupin, you're patrolling with..." Moody flicks quickly through his notes, "Black."
"Oh, er... Alright," he says with a shrug, trying to pass himself off as calm.
Internally? Every single alarm is going off in his head.
Remus never exactly... spoke to Sirius Black, or his friends. Ravenclaws and Gryffindors aren't really destined to interact, and Remus would have chosen death over joining the Quidditch team. That didn't stop him from being one of far too many people in the school that had a major minor crush on Sirius.
Sure, he knew that Sirius had grown up rich and pampered. He always held himself in this way that made him seem ten times more important than everyone else. That wasn't exactly helped by the fact that he was a Gryffindor. Lily, Mary and Marlene were the only Gryffindors Remus has ever really tolerated. The rest are all pretentious as fuck. Everyone knows that.
Still, for some reason, his brain would short circuit whenever he was so much in the same room as Sirius. He still lays awake at night, humiliated about the time he accidentally caught Sirius' eyes and tripped over the bench in the Great Hall.
Joining the Order wasn't even a question for him. Anything to help them win the war. He hadn't exactly expected Sirius to do the same, but it just makes him feel like he's back in school. Frustratingly enough for him, Sirius has only gotten more attractive in the year since they've left school. It hasn't really mattered until now, though. He's been pretty successful in avoiding him. It's probably helped by the fact that he isn't even on Sirius' radar, but this? He's going to set the strangest first impression on the planet.
There's nothing he can do about it, though.
That's how Remus finds himself waiting outside the Order house, fidgeting with an unlit cigarette.
"Hey, Remus!"
There he is.
Remus looks up, shoving the cigarette back into the carton. Sirius has stopped in front of him, running a hand through his hair and grinning at Remus.
Leather jackets look weird on literally everyone other than him.
Remus has to jostle his brain into functioning. He blinks once, before finally mustering a polite smile.
"Hi. Should we get going?"
"Yeah. Yeah, let's go."
They walk in silence for a while, moving from spot to spot and taking the odd note.
Until Sirius decides he's done with all of that.
"Y'know, I was hoping you'd join the Order."
"Sorry?" Remus practically stops in his tracks, turning to Sirius with wide eyes. Shock ripples through him.
"I mean, I had a feeling you would. I'm just... glad you did, I guess."
"I didn't even know you knew I existed," Remus confesses quickly.
Sirius actually does stop moving, grabbing Remus' forearm and stopping him too.
"You're kidding, right?"
"No, really. You existed on this... separate plane. I mean, you were you. Everyone knew about you. Why would I be on your radar?"
"Remus," Sirius says slowly, eyes boring into Remus'. It sends a shiver down Remus' spine. "All I did was think about you."
"What?" Remus sputters, a strange mixture of confusion and shock overwhelming him.
"Oh, I had such a crush on you." He shrugs like it's nothing; like what he just said hasn't turned Remus' entire world on its axis. "I thought that was obvious, I mean... you're bloody brilliant. Ravenclaw prefect, running a study group-"
"I can't believe you've even given me a second thought," Remus says, a little breathless.
"Merlin, I did. I remember telling James that I'd fight a Basilisk for you." Sirius chuckles to himself, but Remus is losing control over his own responses scarily quickly. "I know you couldn't stand me, but-"
"Who said that?"
"Nobody had to." Sirius watches Remus, a little puzzled. "You're not the biggest fan of Gryffindors, right?"
Well, he's not wrong.
"Besides, you couldn't stay in the same room as me. You literally fell over yourself trying to get away from me before."
"Oh, God," Remus mutters under his breath, his face heating up uncomfortably. His one comfort has been that Sirius didn't notice him embarrassing himself every time he walked into the room.
"Sorry," Sirius says suddenly, releasing Remus' hand. "I didn't mean to- Christ, I've made things even more awkward, haven't I?"
He's not as confident as Remus thought.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean- let's just forget I said that. Finish patrolling."
Remus doesn't want to forget. He needs to do something, before Sirius never speaks to him again.
Hurriedly, he grabs Sirius' hand, pulling him into an alley nearby.
Well, he's committed to it now. No turning back.
"Remus, what-"
He pulls Sirius in by his stupidly perfect jacket and connects their lips before he has a chance to second guess himself.
Thankfully, Sirius wastes no time in falling into the kiss. His lips are soft against Remus', parting just enough for their tongues to meet.
The kiss is everything he could have imagined and more. Sirius is somehow both tentative and eager and he tastes like cinnamon and fuck, Remus may as well have died and gone to heaven. His hand involuntarily slides into Sirius' hair, and he's rewarded with a muffled gasp.
Okay, maybe Gryffindors aren't that bad.
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juanarc-thethird · 1 month
Since your doing the DP and Wolverine prompts does this mean that Nora’s used Jaunes dead body as a weapon or just his sword?
Deadpool used Logan's bones because they are metal, so in this case I chose a third option that I came up with. --------------
Nora arrives at a forest where a cross marks the site of a grave.
Nora: (Narrating) For a long time, I wasn’t sure I’d ever be back. VIZ Media bought RWBY, there was a whole boring rights issue, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But then, it turned out that they wanted me! the one girl who shouldn’t even have her own show! That was all so stupid. Look, we know the title of this thing, so I know what you’re wondering. How are we going to do this without dishonoring Jaune's memory? And I’ll tell you how. We’re not.
Nora then starts digging
Nora: (Narrating) I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Jaune is not dead. Sure, it made for a perfect ending to a very sad story, but that’s not how his Aura boosting thing works. You think I want to be out here in beautiful downtown North of Vale, digging up the one and only Rusted Knight? No, thank you. But the fate of my entire world is at stake. He may not be living his best life, but he sure as hell ain’t dead.
Nora finally reaches the bottom and finds the coffin.
Nora: Bingo... Yahtzee...
She then begins to tear apart the coffin.
*Smack! Tap! Scratch! Bang!*
Nora: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
She makes a hole in the coffin and then…
Nora: Damn it!
She didn't like what she found.
Nora: Son of a bitch! *Hits the cross* Fuck! Motherfucker! My world is fucked!
Moments later....
Nora leaning against a fallen tree
Nora: *Talking to his right while the camera is only focus on her* That was weird. I’m much calmer now. Look, I’m not a woman of science, but you seem incredibly passed away.
The camera zooms out to show a very dead and skeleton-like Jaune, but still wearing his armor.
Nora: But it’s good to see ya. I gotta be honest, I’ve always wanted to ride with you, Jaune. You and me, getting into a Ladypool and Rusted Knight. Just fucking shit up. Can you imagine the fun,... the chaos,... the residuals?
She then starts playing with Jaune's helmet.
Nora: (Mimicking Jaune's voice) That's right Nora. There’s nothing that’ll bring me back to life faster than a big bag of RWBY cash.
Nora: Me too, Jaune. *Gets upset* No, no, no, no. Ugh, he had to get all noble and die for real. God damn it! *Looks back at Jaune* I could really use your help right now.
Suddenly, a group of futuristic soldiers appear out of nowhere. Nora sees them and hides along with Jaune's corpse.
Nora: Wait! I’m warning you! I’m not alone!
Soldier: Nora Valkyrie! You’re under arrest by the Time Variance Authority. Too many crimes with this, come out!
Nora: I hate this guys.
Soldier: Last chance! Throw out your weapons and come out peacefully!
Nora: I’m not gonna give you my weapons! But I promise not to use them. *Looks at you the reader* Did you know that Jaune's armor is made by a lot of pieces together? Here we go, maximum effort.
Nora jumps out of her hiding spot, and uses Jaune's corpse as cover. The soldiers are confused.
Bye Bye Bye by NSYNC It starts to play.
Nora: *Looks at Jaune* Okay, Jaune. I guess we’re getting that team up after all.
Nora grabs a piece of Jaune's armor and throws it at one of the soldiers, killing him instantly. The other companions of the deceased are stunned, but seconds later they run towards them as more soldiers appear.
Nora takes two pieces of armor from Jaune's shoulders and uses them to stab two of the soldiers. One in the back, and the other one she slashes and then stabs him in the head. Following with a kick that makes the piece come out the other side of the guy.
She then uses her leg armor and begins to swing around, hitting the soldiers in the face. She knocks one to the right, another to the ground, and one to the left. She then takes her phone and takes a photo of herself kissing one of the deceased on the helmet.
She then takes both of Jaune's arm armors, bones and all, and begins to slap each and every one of them like it's a game. With what remains of the armor already shattered, she kills the remaining ones. I use Jaune's fingers to stab one of them. Jaune's head to hit another one in the genitals. What's left of the legs to stab quite hard right into the chest of another soldier who was running.
Nora: What is this?
Nora notices a part of the armor that looks like a sword handle and pulls it out. And just at that moment a blue sword blade appears as if it were a lightsaber.
Nora: I am soaking wet right now.
Nora: (Narrating) To be clear, I’m not proud of any of this. The wanton violence, the whiff of necrophilia, it isn’t who I am, it isn’t who I wanna be. Who I wanna be? Well, to help you understand that, I gotta take you back. My little joy ride I took through space and time, to the day that changed everything.
Nora: (Narrating) But that will be for another day, because the idiot who wrote all this is a little tired.
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bluecollarmcandtf · 8 months
Am I Acting Weird?
Part II
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I've been jogging on this treadmill for over an hour now. Cardio sucks, and I hate this old unventilated gym! When I joined the football team, I did it for the parties and cheerleaders! I just wanted to drink with the cool guys and get laid. I still do, but I haven't had a drop of alcohol in weeks. I can't even remember the last girl I hooked up with!
I used to think it was weird that I was suddenly working out all the time. It was like my entire personality had changed overnight.
I know it's not weird now. Max, my younger brother, told me so. I have to keep working out until I become the quarterback of the football team. Then I have to bulk up and train even more, so I can become a professional footballer. That's my new goal in life, and I can't wait for my little bro to be able to brag about being related to a pro athlete.
Sure, I never really wanted to play football professionally. If it were up to me, I'd be out drinking with my buds, but it's not up to me.
That's not weird right?
I shake my head and slow my aching legs. Droplets of sweat run down my face as I work to control my breathing. My whole body is sore from the conditioning. It doesn't help that this is my third workout of the day. Between my morning weight session, afternoon field practice, and this, I am totally whipped.
I stagger over to grab my workout gear. My night isn't over. I still have to bulk my stomach up for tomorrow.
With a frustrated sigh, I stomp out of the gym and march directly into the diner next door. I nod to the greasy cook behind the counter. I've become a regular here, so he knows me pretty well.
"The usual?" he grunts with a toothy grin.
I nod and sink into a booth.
Max, my little brother, got tired of me eating at the house. Apparently, it took our father too long to cook my bulking meals. Max has me eat here after my workouts, and I completely agree. Max shouldn't have to share our dad with me. He deserved to have someone at home cooking whenever he wanted to eat.
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"Four burgers, fries, and a soda," the cook snickers as he slaps the tray in front of me, "A growing boy needs extra protein."
I grimace and turn away from the chef. His breath alone is enough to make me lose my appetite, but I take a big bite and swallow. I won't gain mass if I'm not consuming mass, and I obviously need to get bigger.
I've broken out into a second sweat by the time I'm done. Forcing myself to up, I have to adjust to my bloated waist. You'd think I'd get used to a packed stomach, but I always feel uncomfortable for the rest of the night.
I let out a belch and carry the dirty dishes to the back. It always feels weird strolling into an employees-only area like this, but it's part of how I get my meals for free. You see, the cook let's is nice as long as I take care of two things.
The dishes are the first thing.
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"Leave the dishes," I hear his husky voice behind me, "I never wash 'em anyways."
I drop the dishes and turn the sink off, holding my gut as it growls in pain. My belly might ache, but I've got one more thing to do.
The cook watches me expectantly. He licks his chapped lips, and grabs at the bulge under his apron, between his two trunks of legs. He's already fishing the thing out. I know what he wants, so I drop to the floor. This has become just another part of my daily routine.
It's how I thank the chef.
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I don't know how this became a habit, because I absolutely do not enjoy it! The man is filthy, and a man! I'm not gay! I like women, but I have to eat a lot to bulk up and Max liked the idea of me eating for free. It's not weird!
I let him manhandle me a bit, gripping my head and pulling my hair. The cook gets off faster if he roughs me up a little. He usually only lasts a few minutes, but it's the longest few minutes of the day.
It's not sex. It's just a transaction!
"Oh, yeah!" he growls with his eyes squeezed shut, "Yeah, boy! Fuck!"
I whip my head off his hairy crotch and jump to my feet. I spit into a napkin and wipe my mouth quickly. I know from experience that I won't be able to get the taste of sweat and meat out of my mouth until I brush my teeth thoroughly at home.
My part is finally done here, so I just want to leave!
"Can't wait to see you tomorrow morning, jocky boy!" he laughs, but I've already stormed out, marching down the street to my house. I'm trying not to think about how I'll be seeing him in a few hours for breakfast.
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"Hey dad," I mumble, stepping inside.
"Boy," he answers dismissively, not even looking up from his work. As usual, he's wearing his home uniform: a suit and white gloves. I have a similar outfit for when I'm hanging around the house, but dad gets a lot more use out of his now that I'm constantly bulking up. Max is really the only one who seems to dress casually around here anymore.
I guess that makes him the weird one.
"What are you doing?" I ask, trying to start up a conversation.
"What's it look like, boy?" he answers gruffly, "I'm cleaning up after Max and his guests. Now, either get your uniform on and help or get out of my way."
His attitude makes me cringe a bit. Dad and I used to be really tight. We used to bond over sports and craft beer, but he doesn't really care about anything besides Max anymore.
I don't think he's gone to any of my games for the last few months. He's always cooking or cleaning for Max. I wish I understood. We used to tease Max all the time together, but now he gets angry anytime I try and bond with him. Like, it's totally normal and right for Max to be his new favorite, but I wish we could still chat every now and then.
"Sorry," I mutter.
My father ignores me and heads off to the kitchen in a rush. He looks erratic, and I can tell he's just as exhausted as I am. He's made it a habit of working extra hours at the office everyday. It's so he can bring home the biggest paycheck he can earn every week, but I know is affecting his sleep.
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"Where is Max?" I ask.
My dad frowns, tersely responding, "Max took his guests to a movie in my car. The house needs to be clean and snacks need to be ready for when Max gets back."
"Oh," I sigh, "Are his friends staying over again? I'd stay up with you and help serve them, but Max said I should be getting nine hours of sleep every night."
"Go to bed, boy. I'll handle it," he states firmly, putting the final touches on the silver platter.
With that, my father picks up the tray of assorted snacks and walks them out into the living room. There he takes his place by the door and stands in his usual position. It's where he normally waits to welcome Max home everyday. Father and I know that someone like Max shouldn't have to put their own coat away or take off their own shoes.
"Alright, dad, see you tomorrow."
He doesn't answer. He's already standing still as a statue and probably won't move until Max gets back. Hopefully, my little brother won't keep him up too late.
Sleep won't be hard for me to find. I can barely keep my eyes open, and I pass out as soon as I fall on my bed. The rest of the night is a deep and dreamless void, while my stomach processes all the food I ate.
When I wake up, I find dad like this...
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"Dad? Dad!" I give his shoulder a nudge.
He jumps to life, jerking his eyes around the trashed living room.
"Did you fall asleep standing up?"
"Maybe," he answers with shock, "Max had me holding everyone's coats while they enjoyed some beer. They must have moved to the bed while I drifted off."
"Aren't they a little young for beer?"
"Max and his guests are welcome to my alcohol whenever they want it!" he snaps back at me.
"Geez, ok."
"You have a workout you need to get to, boy," he barks, "And I'm going to have to hurry if I'm going to clean up this mess before work."
I stare at my father as he scrambles to clean up the living room once again. He looks even more exhausted and disheveled than last night. Hopefully, he would be able to clean everything up with enough time to shower and shave. I know that all of the household stuff is his responsibility, but sometimes it seems like too much.
With a shrug, I turn and step out of the door. My day is going to be the same miserable routine as the last. I'm not looking forward to any of it, but that's not weird. Like Max said, I'll just keep my head down, and power through.
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rainyvalentines · 6 months
Hard to hate
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pairings…clarisse la rue x daughter of nyx
description…clarisse hates you but can’t help falling for you
warnings…a little angsty
w/c…734 words 3907 characters
an…i hope you like it!! again i finished like the entire thing in one sitting 😋
You had came to camp a few weeks ago and you were quickly claimed. Everyday your mom would give you a little gift like necklaces or bracelets.
You could feel the watching eyes of the camp, specifically a certain daughter of Ares, Clarisse La Rue. Every day you were made fun of and picked on in some way.
She would always glare at you when you did anything, especially if you had gotten a gift. You knew she fought for her father’s attention which she barely got. When she did it was almost always negative.
You felt bad for her but there was nothing you could do for her besides watch.
————————————————————————————— clarisse’s pov
I hate y/n. She always gets attention from her mother. I want that. I deserve the attention.
Today is capture the flag so maybe it’ll distract me. I’m on her team though. I bet you she’s horrible at fighting. She is kinda cute..
We better win this time. I’m tired of loosing every single capture the flag. It was always Athena and the Hermes cabin that won.
2nd person pov
As you prepare for capture the flag you can still feel Clarisse’s eyes on you. She’s always looking at you, you didn’t even do anything to her.
Your team was talking about the plan and you got put on defense which sucks but better than having to attack the other team.
Capture the flag was starting soon so you got in position. You hear the conch shell blow and yells erupt. You sat on a rock waiting for anything to happen.
You see a group of Athena’s kids running towards you. You quickly stood up and held your sword out. You try to defend yourself but it didn’t work. They overpowered you sending you to the floor.
“We hate kids like you. You aren’t special.” One of the girls spat.
“I didn’t do anything!” Tears started to prick your eyes as she stood above you.
“Why do you get the attention!”
“I-I don’t know what you mean!” You stuttered.
“You always get attention from your mom!”
“That’s not something I can control!”
“I don’t care! You don’t deserve-” She was cut off as someone hit her.
“Get off of her!” You recognized that voice. Clarisse? Why was she saving you?
All the girls quickly ran away at the sight of Clarisse. You looked at Clarisse who quickly runs after them.
“What the fuck..” You murmur. You get up and walk to the beach. As you stand there you start to cry. “I can’t control my mom..”
It was stupid they attacked you just because of your mom. So many people at the camp did that. They were jealous or just hated you for no reason. You never had hurt anyone or was rude. They didn’t have a reason to hate you, they just did.
You saw a kid from the Hermes cabin with their flag. You sighed as they won the game, again.
After a few minutes passed you heard someone walking on the rocks. “You okay?” Of course it was Clarisse.
“I’m fine..what do you want?”
“I just saw you alone and it looked like you were crying.”
“It’s nothing. Why do you care?”
“Are you sure cause you’re literally sobbing.”
“I’m tired of everyone hating me because of my mom! I didn’t even do anything!”
“I don’t hate you..” She muttered under her breath.
“I thought you hated me..”
“I could never..I like you”
You glanced up at her. She likes you?
“I-I like you too..”
“Really?” She sat down beside you. “Do you wanna be my girlfriend?”
“I’d like that..” You mumbled. She softly grabbed your chin and kissed you gently. Your heart was beating a million times per second.
“I’m sorry you thought I hated you..I was just jealous that you got so much love from your mom..My dad doesn’t really do that for me..”
“It’s okay..” You lean into her. Her hand wrapped around your waist as she rested her head on yours.
“I love you..”
You giggle. “I see we aren’t trying to beat the stereotypes? I love you too..”
“Oh shut up! Come on I’ll walk to back to your cabin.”
“Thank you. Truly, you saved me from the Athena girls”
“It’s no problem” She kissed your temple as you walked to your cabin.
Maybe this camp isn’t that bad.
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shitsndgiggs · 2 months
Hey, Kaya. Hope you're well. My request is: Kenan and YN are happily married to each other. YN discovers that she is pregnant and wants to surprise Kenan who is in Istanbul training with the national team. When she arrives in Istanbul and with the help of the other players, she is able to keep her surprise. However, as she is about to surprise Kenan, she overhears him telling Arda that he dated and married YN out of pressure and obligation to his parents. YN starts questioning their entire relationship and leaves without confronting him. I don't know what happens in between, you can include the drama and groveling, but she gives him a second chance on their baby's first birthday party.
In which Kenan fucked up
Kenan Yildiz x pregnant! reader
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The sun streamed through the curtains as I stared at the positive pregnancy test in my hand. My heart raced with excitement. Kenan and I had talked about starting a family, but now it was real.
I couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when I told him. He was in Istanbul, training with the national team. I decided to surprise him there.
With a plan in mind, I packed my bags and made arrangements to fly to Istanbul. I reached out to a few of the players who were more than happy to help me pull off the surprise.
They assured me they’d keep Kenan distracted until I arrived.
When I landed in Istanbul, the excitement was almost unbearable. One of the players, Hakan, picked me up from the airport. “He’s going to be so thrilled,” he said, smiling.
“I hope so,” I replied, nervously clutching my bag.
We arrived at the training facility, and the guys whisked me into a small room where I could wait until practice was over.
I could hear the laughter and chatter of the team as they finished up for the day.
As I prepared to step out and surprise Kenan, I heard voices just outside the door. I froze when I recognized Kenan’s voice. He was talking to Arda.
“I don’t know, man,” Kenan said, his voice heavy with frustration. “I feel like I married her out of pressure and obligation to my parents. Sometimes, I think I just did it to make everyone happy.”
Arda sounded concerned. “But do you love her, Kenan?”
Kenan sighed. “I do, but... it's complicated. I don’t know if it’s enough. Sometimes, I think I convinced myself it was love because it was easier that way. I feel trapped, like I can’t breathe.”
Arda’s voice was firm. “You need to figure this out. You can’t keep stringing her along if you’re not sure. It’s not fair to her.”
“I know,” Kenan said, his voice breaking. “I just... I don’t know what to do.”
My heart shattered. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I felt like the ground had been pulled out from under me.
The love and excitement I had felt just moments ago turned into a suffocating pain. I quietly backed away from the door, my mind reeling.
Without confronting him, I slipped out of the facility and made my way back to the airport. The flight home was a blur of tears and confusion.
How could everything have been a lie? I arrived back home, broken and devastated.
I didn’t know how to face his parents, but they needed to know the truth. I went to their house, my heart heavy with sorrow.
“I’m pregnant,” I told them, my voice trembling. “But I don’t want Kenan in our lives right now. He... he doesn’t love me.”
Their faces fell, and I could see the disappointment in their eyes. They loved me like their own daughter, and this news was a blow.
They promised to talk to Kenan, to make him understand the gravity of what he’d done.
Months passed, and I focused on preparing for the baby. Kenan tried to call, text, even showed up at the door, but I couldn’t face him. My heart couldn’t take it.
My parents were supportive, but I could see the worry in their eyes. They knew how much I loved Kenan, and they were afraid of what this stress was doing to me and the baby.
When our baby was born, it was a beautiful and bittersweet moment. Kenan’s and my own mother were in the delivery room with me, providing the support I needed.
Kenan wasn’t there, but he sent money and gifts, trying to support us from afar. But it wasn’t the same.
On our baby’s first birthday, I decided to throw a small party. I wanted to celebrate this milestone, despite everything.
To my surprise, Kenan showed up. He looked tired and broken, but determined.
“Please, just hear me out,” he pleaded as I stood in the doorway, my arms crossed.
I nodded, unable to deny him this chance. We went outside, away from the party noise.
“I was an idiot,” he began, his voice thick with emotion. “I was scared and stupid. I never meant what I said. I love you more than anything, and I want to be a part of our baby’s life. I want to be a family.”
I looked into his eyes, searching for any sign of deceit. All I saw was raw honesty and regret. “You hurt me, Kenan. You hurt us.”
“I know, and I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you if you let me,” he said, stepping closer. “I’m begging you, give me another chance.”
Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked at him. Despite everything, I still loved him. “This is your last chance, Kenan. Don’t make me regret it.”
He nodded, relief washing over his face. He pulled me into his arms, holding me tightly. “Thank you. I promise, I’ll never let you down again.”
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bro-atz · 1 year
making partner
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in which: your firm needs a new managing partner, and you have eight candidates to choose from. there's a lot that you have to take into account, so you tell them to give you five days to decide, which means they have five days to show you why they would be the best managing partner. which of the eight extremely capable and qualified lawyers will you make partner
pair: hongjoong/afab!reader, seonghwa/afab!reader, yunho/afab!reader, yeosang/afab!reader, san/afab!reader, mingi/afab!reader, wooyoung/afab!reader, jongho/afab!reader
word count: 27k
content: smut, lawyer!au, office sex, car sex, shower sex, completely consensual!
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< the beginning :: day 1/5 >
When your partner told you they were leaving the firm, you were in complete and utter shock. They didn’t give you a notice or anything. They just said that they’re leaving and never coming back. You grilled them as to why they suddenly decided to leave the firm, and they kept offering you these bullshit excuses, but as soon as your partner was gone like the wind, you found out that your partner left not just the firm but the entire country when the IRS came knocking on your door. According to them, your partner had been committing tax fraud for years. You stared at the officers with your jaw dropped to the ground. Unfortunately, you had absolutely no idea where your partner went, and the officers went on their way. You didn’t know how or even want to tell anyone else at your firm about the entire incident regarding your partner, but you had to break the news to your firm that you needed a new partner because, well, you did. There was no way on Earth you were going to be able to do that alone.
And so, you called a meeting with the most trusted lawyers on your team. The nine of you sat in the conference room, and you mustered up all the courage you had to let the team know exactly what happened. You were scared to tell them because you knew for a fact that the second you tell them the news, they would be on you like vultures on a dead carcass. If only you had your former partner with you— oh, wait. They’re gone. They left you to get fucked.
“Alright, I’ve called this meeting because, as you can see, our former managing partner’s name is no longer on the wall or attached to this firm,” you started the meeting.
“Wait, really?” Wooyoung, one of your junior associates, stood up to take a look at the wall.
“Did you not notice that this morning when you walked in?” Jongho, your most trusted senior partner, scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“I was distracted.”
“With what?”
“I plead the Fifth,” Wooyoung stated after hesitating.
“Shut the fuck up,” Hongjoong, another senior partner slapped Wooyoung’s arm. “You’re a lawyer for crying out loud. You can’t keep using that excuse.”
“Then why did the founding fathers include it in the goddamn constitution, huh?” Wooyoung shot back.
“Jesus Christ, Woo. This is why you’re still a junior associate,” Yunho, one of the senior associates, spoke up.
“Also, just be honest. You were flirting it up with the receptionist, weren’t you?” San, the other senior associate, prodded Wooyoung’s arm with a sly smile.
You sat with a wary smile and watched your team continue to bicker. Your patience was wearing thin, but honestly, anything to keep them off topic. You still weren’t mentally prepared to tell them the real reason behind the meeting.
“Woo, you seriously gotta stop with the flirting,” Seonghwa, who was junior partner, lectured. “It just doesn’t look good.”
“Same for you two,” Yeosang, another junior partner, pointed at San and Mingi, another junior associate.
“What did I do?!” Mingi asked in shock.
“You flirt with lawyers from other firms all the time,” Yunho answered. “And San, before you even begin to say anything, you flirt with our clients.”
“Come on, no I don’t! It’s just information I ask for the case, that’s all.”
“Sure, because we needed to know the shoe size of the female CEO of Bibble,” Jongho said with heavy sarcasm.
“At least I’m not seducing the jury in court.”
“When do I do that?!”
The entire conference room erupted into heated debates— fitting for lawyers in your firm. However, you needed them to argue in court, not with each other; and as much as you wanted to stall telling them the news, you did need them to go back to work. Massaging your temples to prevent a headache that could very well turn into a migraine, you stood up and said loudly, “Alright, can we get back to the meeting?”
All eight lawyers immediately shut their traps and looked at you in anticipation. It seemed as though they knew what you were going to say. Taking a deep breath, you took your seat again and announced, “I am going to choose one of you to be the new managing partner. Your name will go up on the wall with mine if I decide to promote you.”
“Hey, wait. That’s not fair! Shouldn’t the candidates only be me or Jongho? We’re the senior partners here!” Hongjoong protested.
“Yeah, it makes even less sense that a junior associate has just as much a chance as a firm partner,” Seonghwa added.
“Look, this is my firm right now. I don’t see why I can’t make a junior associate partner. It is my choice after all,” you smoothly responded. “Besides, all of you have been here for the same amount of time. Your position in the company doesn’t really matter to me. What I want is dedication and loyalty. I don’t need my next partner running out on me.”
On that note, you stood up, the other eight standing up subsequently. “I have yet to decide which one of you I want to make partner. I’ll be going over your records this week and have a decision made by Friday night.”
“Today’s Monday! You’re going to take five whole days to go through the records?” Mingi asked in complete astonishment.
“There’s eight of you. Eight records to go through, and only one of me. I can only do so much, boys. Okay, now go back to work. We’ll reconvene on Friday to hear my selection.”
The men left the conference room while you stayed back. A deep exhale escaped your body as soon as you were the only one left in the room. You sat back down in your chair and put your head on the table.
“Hey, Seeun?” You said loudly into the table.
Seeun, your secretary, popped his head into the room. “Yes, ma’am?”
“I have a headache.”
“On it.”
Your secretary immediately disappeared. He returned moments later with water and a painkiller. You felt your headache immediately start to disappear after you took the pill, but you were still completely and utterly exhausted.
“Is everything okay, ma’am?” Seeun asked with a soft voice.
“Why the hell did that dumbass commit tax fraud?” You asked him. You looked up to see a very shocked and scared expression on his face, so you quickly did damage control by saying, “Never mind. Pretend you didn’t hear that. Anyway, Sumin was that person’s secretary, right?”
“Tell Sumin to clean out that office, and then tell him to meet me in my office.”
“Are you going to fire Sumin?” Seeun asked in a low, concerned voice— all the secretaries in the firm had gotten close, so they were always looking out for each other.
“No, we just need to figure out what he’ll be doing now that he doesn’t have anyone to report to,” you answered quickly, trying not to stress your poor secretary out.
“Okay, good… I’ll go tell him right now.”
“Thanks, Seeun.”
Seeun left you in the conference room, and moments later, you left the room to go to your office. You had a decision to make, and those records weren’t going to read themselves.
< attorney jeong :: day 1/5 >
You sat in your very private office, surrounded by nothing but wood walls and bookshelves that absorbed most of the noise in your office. You wanted privacy for whichever client came your way. Sure, everyone at your firm was to be trusted, but clients are more comfortable when they know their information will be classified. That’s what you found out, anyway.
As you sat at your desk, you started clicking around on your computer. While you had physical copies of all the records, you also digitized them to make finding the pieces you need easier and faster. You opened up Seonghwa’s records first only because his name popped up first— he had a recent case, which meant his file was the latest to be updated.
You didn’t realize how tedious it would be to go through all the records. Honestly, you kind of just wanted to not do it, throw their names into a hat, and draw one of their names. Of course, you couldn’t actually do that. You cared too much for your firm to half-ass anything.
The buzzer on your desk phone went off— Seeun wanted to talk to you. “Come in,” you answered, allowing your secretary to comfortably enter your office. “What is it?”
“Sumin wants to know where to put the stuff from the office.”
“Any papers or documents, keep. I’ll need the two of you to work with one of the paralegals to sort them out. All of the dumb knick knacks in the office can be tossed. And I want the degree. In fact, tell him to bring the degree to me right now.”
“Okay,” Seeun nodded, but he still lingered in the office.
“Yes?” You asked, wondering if he was going to leave your office any time soon.
“Are we just going to forego the former partner’s name altogether?” He asked hesitantly.
“Yes,” you answered immediately, almost as if it was instinct. “That person doesn’t deserve a name. From now on, you are refer to the person as “dumbass”, okay?”
“Got it…”
Seeun bowed then quickly made his way out of your office, leaving you to scour through the records. You didn’t know how long you were reading for until there was another buzz.
“Yes?” You responded to the buzzer.
“Sumin has the degree for you,” Seeun said over the intercom.
“Perfect. Let him in.”
With the framed degree in hand, Sumin entered your office. You stood up and greeted him with a smile, your arm outstretched so that you could take the frame from him. “Thank you, Sumin,” you smiled. “Oh, take a seat. Let’s figure out what you’re going to do here now that you don’t have anyone to report to.”
You tossed the degree somewhere behind you. You didn’t care how you treated it because the first thing you were going to do with it after Sumin left was smash the frame to pieces and rip the degree apart. Your partner was always so fucking proud of their alma mater, so ripping up the degree was revenge and soothing for your enraged soul.
“What did that dumbass have you do for the past couple of weeks?”
Sumin, taken aback by your language regarding the previous person he reported to, replied, “I was running errands like getting coffee or food or—”
“I’ve heard enough. What do you want to do?”
“Honestly? I don’t know ma’am…”
Before you could say anything in response to the cute, flustered boy sitting in one of the chairs in your office and having an existential crisis, your office door opened, and in walked Yunho. “Can’t you see I’m in the middle of a meeting? How did Seeun even let you in?”
“This is important. It’s about the hospital case,” Yunho answered seriously.
You sighed and turned to Sumin. “I’ll check in with you later. Just finish cleaning out the office for now and then see if any of the paralegals need help.”
Sumin nodded and bowed before quickly exiting the office. Yunho took a seat on the couch in your office, his legs immediately crossing and his hands resting on his knee.
“What’s going on with the hospital case?” You asked with major concern— based on the way Yunho was talking, you feared the worst.
“They agreed to settle,” a huge smile blossomed on the associate’s face.
You stared at Yunho, completely dumbfounded. Flowers and sparkles seemed to surround him as he continued to bask in his success. You stood up slowly, your hands planted firmly on your desk.
“Did you interrupt my meeting to tell me that you won a case?”
You walked around your desk and towards him while asking with complete annoyance, “Are you telling me you interrupted my meeting to tell me that you won a very winnable case?”
“Yes…” Yunho leaned back; you were starting to scare him.
“You could’ve waited until after I was done, couldn’t you?!” You smacked Yunho’s arms and shoulders as you berated him. “We all knew you were going to get that settlement done, so why would you think that it’s so important to tell me now?!”
“Because you’re deciding who should be partner,” Yunho replied matter-of-factly.
Your headache returned. You collapsed on the sofa next to him and held your hand out in his face, telling him silently to keep his mouth shut. “I fucking knew this was going to happen. That dumbass really screwed me over.”
“Knew what was going to happen?”
“That you guys would start harassing me one way or another to make you partner!”
“Has anyone else done that yet?” Yunho asked, mildly surprised.
“No, but it’s only a matter of time before the rest of you vultures swoop down… God, this really sucks.”
You stood up and felt a tear slip out of your eye. Before you could even wipe it away, Yunho grabbed your arm and pulled you down so that you were sitting on the sofa once again. He wiped the tear away himself with his thumb and said quietly, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stress you out…”
“No, it’s not your fault. I’d do the same thing if I were in your position. It’s that dumbass’s fault. I hope that dumbass rots in hell,” your mood shifted from distressed to extremely annoyed just thinking about how your former partner deceived you. You probably would have hated them a lot less had they chose a replacement partner before vanishing.
Yunho could tell you were getting more and more upset by the second, so he pulled you in for a hug. You felt your headache fade away the longer he hugged you. “Well, I promise you that this vulture doesn’t want to upset you in any way.”
“Thanks, Yunho.”
He placed a light kiss on your cheek before releasing you from his (surprisingly) extremely comforting hug. You even found yourself longing for him to hug you again, which you immediately dismissed because you still had to maintain some sort of professionalism with your associates. Yunho held your hands and rubbed circles on the backs of your hands with his thumbs.
“I hope my actions didn’t negatively impact my chance of becoming partner. I just wanted to add to my record as soon as possible since I just got the news,” he continued.
“Of course not. Again, I get it. This is a huge opportunity. I just wish I wasn’t the one who had to choose,” you looked down, your eyes beginning to water up again. You seriously hated your former partner so much at that moment.
Yunho tilted your chin up and wiped the tears from your eyes again. He pulled you in for another hug, although this time, you felt something stir within you. You couldn’t tell if it was because of how secure the hug felt or because you got a good whiff of his extremely sexy cologne— you didn’t even realize cologne could smell sexy until that moment— or because you felt his fingers brushing against very erogenous zones on your upper body. All you know was that you were very hot and bothered by this man and that you needed to do something to alleviate your rapidly intensifying libido.
What surprised you even more was that Yunho knew what he was doing. He had this planned out from the second he entered your office. You knew because instead of letting you go from the hug, he pinned you down on the sofa. Honestly, you kind of had to commend him for his plan of action. He played you like a fiddle— a characteristic of a great lawyer.
“Sneaky,” you whispered as he sat up and looked at you with a glint in his eye.
“I gotta prove myself to you that I have what it takes… In more than one way.”
“Do tell.”
“I think I’d rather show you,” Yunho answered before pressing his lips into the nook of your neck.
Fuck professionalism— that flew out the second Yunho came onto you. You happened to be wearing a dusty rose blouse with a ribbon tied to it, which Yunho smoothly undid. He also quickly unbuttoned your blouse, the silk fabric slipping off your torso, revealing your very provocative, very lacy white bra that left little to the imagination. Intrigued by your choice of lingerie, Yunho undid and slipped your white pants off— you already kicked off your shoes the second he kissed your neck— to reveal a matching white pair of lace underwear.
“I love this dedication to detail you have going on,” Yunho remarked as he observed the lace patterns. “Too bad I can only appreciate it for a split second.”
Swiftly, Yunho unhooked your bra, but rather than take it off, he merely pushed it up. You didn’t think such a simple action would feel so sensual, but when the underwire of the bra rubbed against your nipples, you felt your toes tingle with excitement. Then, when Yunho’s lips met your nipples, all of your sanity was a lost cause. You couldn’t help but let a moan slip out when you felt his teeth tug lightly on your nipple.
“Wow, Y/N… That moan was something else,” Yunho released your nipple and sat up.
You pushed yourself up slightly to see Yunho’s ears turn red. Not only that, but you also couldn’t help but note his bulging package making his pants look tighter than usual. Yunho started to unbutton his shirt while you sat up and removed your bra entirely. Just as he slipped off his shirt, you put your hand on the back of his neck and brought him close to you.
“Let’s see what you’re working with, shall we?” You whispered seductively in his ear.
Yunho leaned back and took a condom out of his back pocket, allowing you to undo his pants and slip them down, the bulge seemingly getting even bigger after you exposed his underwear. When you peeled back his underwear, you unveiled what you could only describe as immense and smooth. You’d never seen anything like that before, making you think back and compare him to all the other guys you had sex with in the past. Your mouth started salivating, and that wasn’t the only part of you pooling up liquid. You definitely had to take your panties off quickly before you got them wet to the point where you wouldn’t be able to last the rest of the work day in them.
As soon as he rolled the condom on his cock, you moved so that you were on top of him, your clit rubbing against his shaft. You heard his breathing hitch as you pushed your ass backwards slightly. Turning his chin so that his face was right across from yours, you glanced at him— specifically, his lips. Yunho got your wordless message. He brought you closer to him and licked your bottom lip before enveloping it in between his lips. He sucked hard on your lower lip, then he pushed his tongue through into your mouth, giving you the chance to suck his tongue. You felt his waist move up and down as he impatiently waited for the next move.
“Don’t get so worked up, Yunho. You should keep your cool, especially if you want to be partner,” you taunted.
“Here’s the thing, though,” Yunho lifted you slightly and placed his dick at your entrance. “I learned that you have to make things happen for yourself to get by in this world. Therefore, I’ll make my power moves and have my opponent at my mercy.”
Yunho pushed your waist down and his up, your ass hitting his hips with a loud slap. You felt like his cock was going to shoot through you when you made contact so suddenly. You let out a breathy whine and clung to Yunho’s shoulders tightly, depending on his strong upper body to support you. Every time his hips pushed upwards, you felt him go deeper and deeper inside you, which was insane to you because you were on top of him. You couldn’t even imagine would it would be like for him to fuck you from behind or with you laying on your back.
You didn’t have to imagine it; you got to experience it. After several strong thrusts, Yunho pulled out and stood up. He moved your legs down so that you were kneeling on the ground, your arms and upper body pressing against the cool, black leather of the couch. He came at you without any warning. With one hand clenching your buttock tightly and the other wrapping around you to toy with your nipple, you felt like every single part of your body was on fire. The cherry on top for you was when you felt his tongue trace the edge of your ear and his teeth nibble on your earlobe. His thrusts were getting exponentially faster, earning little sighs and moans with every slap of his waist against your ass. Yunho was a driving force— he only went harder and harder from there without letting up in the slightest, what you would call ruthless. You truly did feel at his mercy when you heard his grunts and groans slowly get louder.
“Shit, Y/N, you feel so good… I’m gonna cum…!”
With one final thrust, you felt his dick twitch and throb inside you, a blissful moan from him echoing in the room. You couldn’t help but mentally assess him. He was intense, and he was truly a force not to be reckoned with, but he came before you did.
He did let you finish; rather, he helped you finish. He pushed his long fingers into you roughly and kept a fast speed going. You bit your lower lip to refrain from moaning uncontrollably as his fingers repeatedly rubbed against your G-spot with great friction, and finally, you experienced sweet relief, your legs trembling as you felt yourself cum all over his hand.
“So, Y/N. How did I do?” Yunho asked as he leaned onto you, his large dick brushing past your thighs, nearly turning you on again.
“You, uh,” you gasped out. “You did a good job, and you made a very compelling case…”
“I’ll take it.”
You watched Yunho stand up and cheerily walk towards the door to your office, still completely naked. You were about to yell at him to put some clothes on, only to see that near the door were towels. Yunho seriously did come prepared.
“There is one thing I can say for certain,” you told him as he handed you a towel.
“What is that?”
“That I definitely made a good choice hiring you.”
< attorney kim :: day 1/5 >
You got through a good chunk of the records by the end of the day, a good chunk meaning only Seonghwa’s and Hongjoong’s records. There was so much information swimming in your head that you seriously regretted saying you were going to go through all the records. Truth be told, out of the eight men you had to choose from, you already kind of had a choice solidified in the back of your mind, but you wanted to give everyone a fair chance.
You were one of the last people to leave the building for the night. You sighed for what felt like the millionth time that day and walked towards the curb. You knew how to drive and owned a car, but based on the information those IRS officers gave you last week, you knew that you wouldn’t have the energy to drive home that day. You held your arm out to hail down a cab, but instead of a cab pulling up to the curb, it was a sleek, black, probably-brand-new, definitely-not-a-cab car. The window rolled down to reveal Hongjoong in the driver’s seat.
“How much do I even pay you for you to have a beautiful car like this?” You immediately asked upon seeing his face.
“Enough for me to live well, but not enough for me to live my best life,” Hongjoong responded. “Not yet, that is.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at how cocky the firm partner was acting. He shot you a cheeky smile before asking, “Can I offer you a ride home?”
Already wary of what moves Hongjoong might pull on you based on Yunho’s actions earlier that day, you hesitated. You looked around to see that you had a better chance of getting home with Hongjoong since there were absolutely no cabs in sight— plus, Hongjoong had driven you home countless times way in the past, so he already knew where to go. You nodded. He unlocked the doors, allowing you to get into the passenger’s seat. As soon as you put the seatbelt on, Hongjoong pulled away from the curb and drove into the night.
The two of you were silent as Hongjoong drove down the fairly empty roads. It wasn’t that late at night, but considering that it was a Monday, everyone definitely wanted to go home as soon as possible. You played with the strap on your bag as the hum of the engine and wind around the car filled the atmosphere.
“So I heard that we’re calling the former partner dumbass?” Hongjoong said after the two were silent for a solid minute or so.
“Yes. The fucking dumbass,” you bit out, your annoyance completely resurfacing.
“I mean, you have every right to be angry. This situation is just so sudden.”
“Luckily, our cases are all in good places, but I won’t be able to relax until I appoint the next managing partner.”
“Right, and you need to make sure he’s going to be more reliable than the dumbass.”
Hongjoong nodded and kept his eyes on the road. He eased off the accelerator and asked you, “Can we make a quick pit stop?”
“Oh, uh, sure…”
After gaining your (somewhat hesitant) approval, Hongjoong took the turn into the nearby state park. Your heart skipped a beat when he kept his hand on the gear shift. You honestly thought his hand was going for your thigh. Your heart would not calm down, though, because you looked to your left to see his face barely illuminated by the faint moonlight pouring in from the window. His side profile was astonishing, and when he glanced at you from the corner of his eye, you immediately looked away, your heart beating even faster. You hoped that he didn’t notice you staring, but face it: lawyers noticed everything.
Hongjoong pulled into an isolated lot in the park. In front of you was a grassy field with a beautiful view of the sky, and to the sides were just trees and more trees. Hongjoong slid the cover from the sunroof off, revealing even more stars to your weary eyes.
“Beautiful, right?” Hongjoong asked you, his voice nearing a whisper.
“Yeah,” you breathed out, the view of the stars rejuvenating you.
“I like to come here whenever I find myself getting overwhelmed. It’s nice to reconnect to nature every now and then… To remember how trivial the things that stress us out can be.”
That statement from him made you completely lower your guard. Your shoulders relaxed and you took a deep breath in and out. He was right— looking up at the night sky really did make you realize how small all your problems were compared to the vast universe. That being said, at the end of the day, you still had to make a decision about the managing partner in four days.
Hongjoong noticed your shoulders stiffen once more. He placed a light hand on your shoulder and pressed gently in an attempt to get you to relax once again.
“Y/N, don’t overwhelm yourself so quickly. You still have four more days,” Hongjoong tried to reassure you, but the number four just re-emphasized how little time you had to go through all of their goddamn records.
“I know. I’m trying to relax, but I haven’t been able to ever since…” you trailed off; you couldn’t finish your sentence because you didn’t want him or any of the other men knowing why your partner vanished so quickly.
“Let’s see… What else could we do to help you relax?” Hongjoong thought out loud. “You could get a manicure or pedicure, or a massage, or a facial, or…”
You looked at him when he stopped talking. You saw the tips of his ears turn slightly red. “Or what?” You prompted.
“Exercise is a great way of reducing stress.”
“Ugh, I don’t want to go to the gym right now…”
“There are other ways to exercise.”
“I’m definitely not going on a run right now. Not in these heels.”
This time, Hongjoong’s hand did rest on your thigh. He looked you straight in the eye as he dropped his voice, “You definitely don’t have to go on a run right now, nor do you have to go to the gym.”
You glanced down at his hand. His hand was slowly moving upwards, his fingers tracing along the inside of your thigh.
“I’m going to need you to make your case,” you told him with the most authoritative voice you could muster despite your insides doing all sorts of somersaults.
“Yes. Make a compelling argument, present your evidence, and I’ll make a ruling to see if you’re correct or not.”
You were seriously egging him on because by that point, he had turned you on to the point of no return. The combination of the moonlight heightening his sharp features and his knowing hand on your thigh made every last bit of you throb and long for some sort of relief.
“May I request some time to prepare my opening statement?” Hongjoong asked respectfully.
“Yes.” You took your time to unlock the door and set your bag down on the passenger’s seat before moving to the backseat. Two minutes had passed by the time you got yourself situated. You crossed your arms over your chest and your legs together to keep yourself together as you said, “You may present your opening statement now.”
Hongjoong cleared his throat before saying, “Your honor, today I will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that fornication is, in fact—”
“Objection,” you interrupted. “Rephrase.”
“That’s not a real objection.”
“For me, it is. I don’t like the word fornication.”
“Fine. Your honor, today I will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that sexual intercourse is, in fact, an excellent form of stress relief,” Hongjoong, as per your request, rephrased the term. He opened his car door and continued, “I will call four witnesses.”
“Oh? Four?” You raised an eyebrow.
Hongjoong got into the backseat next to you, the car door slamming shut. “Yes, four.”
He sat closer to you and once again put his seductive hand on your thigh. You got a good whiff of his cologne and felt the butterflies rampage inside you.
“First, I’ll call my lips to testify,” he whispered in your ear before leaving a soft kiss on your cheek.
“Then, my tongue will testify,” Hongjoong’s tongue ran along your neck, causing shivers to run down your spine.
“Third, my fingers will come up to the stand,” his nose brushed against yours as he trailed his fingertips down the side of your face, across your jawline, and under your chin, tilting your head downwards so that your lips almost met his again.
“Finally,” Hongjoong took your hand and placed it right on his crotch, making you feel exactly how hard he was. “We will call upon my dick as the final witness to prove to you that sexual intercourse is a valid form of stress relief and exercise.”
The two of you were breathing somewhat heavily and very erotically by that point, Hongjoong’s opening statement already convincing you that his case was valid, but he had yet to call upon these witnesses. Your lips were dangerously close to his as you breathed out, “Those are not proper witnesses.”
“Not if you witness all four of them.”
Without a second to lose, Hongjoong pressed his lips against yours with full force. His arms wrapped around you and pulled you closer to him, one of his hands resting on the small of your back. His other hand held your hand before lacing his fingers with yours. You felt like he was about to dance with you, and he really did. His tongue pushed into your mouth and waltzed with yours, earning a muffled tiny moan from the depths of your soul.
The ribbon on your collar had been long untied, and Hongjoong moved his hands to begin unbuttoning your blouse. As soon as your blouse was off, you immediately unhooked and removed your lace bra. Hongjoong pressed his nose into your skin and inhaled deeply, goosebumps popping up on your arms. With a cheeky smile, Hongjoong leaned back so that you were on top of him. His hands were firmly clenching your buttocks, and you felt something other than his hands on your ass when he pushed you so that you were sitting right above his steadily hardening but still sheathed cock.
“Are you going to call your witnesses up in the order you told me?” You teased him as you realized he was getting a little ahead of himself.
“It depends on which witness is ready first, and right now, my final witness can’t wait much longer.”
Hongjoong unbuttoned your pants and slid them, along with your underwear, down. You were barely able to take everything off past your heels, but you managed, which only made you even more restless. Luckily, in that time, Hongjoong had unbuckled his pants. You watched him take a condom packet out, but he had yet to put the condom on.
“Come here,” he whispered as he held your waist.
You let him position you and realized that he sat you down so that your pussy was right below his cock. Hongjoong, too, was packing. He wasn’t as long as Yunho, but you had no problem believing that he would be just as satisfying.
“Lean back,” he instructed.
You listened and did so, the friction between his dick and your clit almost making your legs give. Hongjoong sat up. He placed one hand against the door of the car, the other on your waist. You saw a tiny smirk appear on his face before he started rubbing against your clit. You gasped at the feeling. He was bringing you to ecstasy faster than your vibrator ever could, and he had yet to penetrate you. Your moans and Hongjoong’s stimulating exhales filled up the car. As good as him rubbing against you felt, you needed more. 
“Hongjoong… More…” you murmured.
“Would you say you’ve warmed up enough?” Hongjoong asked with a grunt.
“Then,” Hongjoong finally opened up the condom and rolled it on. He leaned back again and pulled you with him, your breasts pressing against the cloth on his chest. “Ride.”
Hongjoong didn’t do a damn thing. He laid on the seat of his car as you began to bounce up and down on his dick. You let out a little pant with every bounce, and soon enough, you needed to push your hands against his chest for support. He, however, didn’t want you to have the assistance. He took one of your hands and brought it to his lips, his tongue running across your knuckles. The sensation of Hongjoong’s dick filling you up along with the suction of your fingers in his mouth were driving you insane. You were so close to relief, but in the same breath, you needed more. You needed much more.
He tugged your hand, and your breasts were pressed against his chest once again. He cupped your ass and guided you briefly before his hips rammed upwards, sending you forward with a jolt. His thrusts were rhythmic and consistent. You could feel him throb inside you, and you looked to see him bite his lower lip. It seemed like he was trying to hold out as long as possible. You ran your fingers through his hair and pushed his head back lightly so you could witness his lips once again. His hold on you only got tighter as your tongue intertwined with his.
“Fuck,” you heard him hiss as he pulled his lips away from yours.
Hongjoong had managed to suddenly flip you so that your breasts were pressing against the seat and he was above you. The car moved with his every thrust, and your moans consequentially became more frequent. You lost it even more when you felt Hongjoong’s hot breath on your ear, his grunts also becoming more frequent. The cherry on top of the whole experience was when you felt his fingers on your clit rubbing away like there was no tomorrow. The feeling was so unbearably good that your orgasm came at the speed of light, your cries overpowering the sounds of Hongjoong’s thrusts. Seconds later, you felt his thrusts slow down, and you heard him groan loudly as he came, then exhale as he finished completely.
“That was so— Huh?” You started breathlessly then cut yourself short when Hongjoong turned you so that you were on your back and facing him.
Holding his fingers in the shape of a V, Hongjoong rubbed your clit in between his fingers, his pace immediately quick. You inhaled sharply then moaned as he continued to rub, only for your moans to reduce when he kissed you roughly. You moaned in his mouth as you felt yourself nearing your climax once again— so quickly after you just came. You were astonished, then even more astonished when he kneaded one of your breasts strongly. Soon, you came again, moans and profanities leaving your chest as Hongjoong released you to hear you cry his name.
You felt as though you melted into a puddle when he completely moved away from you. You remained in said puddle as he tied up the condom and dressed himself as if nothing had even happened to him. A pink blush crossed your cheekbones and nose as you stared at him without a single thought in your head. A knowing smirk appeared on his face as he ended with, “I rest my case.”
< attorney jung :: day 1/5 >
There were only two things you could think of when you took a shower that night: one was sex with Yunho, and the other was sex with Hongjoong. You wanted to think about the qualifications of those two men for the position, but you definitely couldn’t. You were getting so turned on in the shower that you were desperately trying to think about literally anything else or any other candidate, but whenever you tried, you would think about what each man’s penis would look like. You sighed deeply to yourself. How and when did you turn into such a horndog? On the bright side, at least you weren’t thinking about that dumbass former partner of yours.
You ended up washing your hair that night, so water dripped from your hair and rolled down your bare skin when you stepped out of the shower. The steam from the bathroom escaped when you opened the door, and you heard your bell ring. Quickly, you wrapped a robe around yourself and shuffled out of the bathroom towards your front door. The bell rang again right as you arrived. You unlocked the door and opened it carefully to see one of the junior associates on your team.
“Wooyoung! What’re you doing here?”
“Y/N, can I come in?” Wooyoung, ignoring your question, asked one of his own— but he ended up pushing his way through regardless of your answer.
“I guess you can come in,” you admitted defeat and opened the door fully for him to properly enter. “But what are you doing here?”
“Nice place,” Wooyoung commented as he looked around. He still had yet to answer your question.
He walked into your living room and made himself comfortable sitting on your sofa. You stood before him and looked at him, your arms crossed over your chest.
“Why are you—”
“Wow, this sofa is really comfortable,” Wooyoung interrupted with an irrelevant statement, his hand pushing down on the sofa cushion.
Frustrated, you decided to go back to the bathroom so you could finish getting ready for bed, but Wooyoung apparently didn’t want you to go anywhere. He grabbed your robe belt and pulled, nearly revealing your completely naked body. You held your robe together and turned around to berate the junior associate.
“Sit here,” he told you, patting the same cushion he was pushing seconds before.
Grumbling, you tied your robe back together and sat relatively close to him, your legs closed tightly and your hands pulling the end of your robe down. “Can you please just answer my question?”
A light blush appeared on Wooyoung’s face, and his arrogant smile turned into a somewhat coy one. He nodded, and you repeated your question. “What are you doing visiting me at home? And don’t you fucking dare plead the Fifth or I will kick you out.”
“Yunho was acting all smug today after visiting you in your office, so I wanted to get a leg up as well and sell myself on you,” he answered truthfully.
“You couldn’t have waited until tomorrow at work? You just had to visit tonight?” You asked with a sigh while secretly praying that Wooyoung didn’t know about you and Yunho hooking up.
“Believe me, once I’m done here, you’ll be glad you didn’t have to wait. Besides, isn’t it nice to know you have an associate who is willing to put in extremely late hours?”
You realized by that point, Wooyoung was leaning towards you. The look in his eye changed, and you felt a rush of blood go to your erogenous zones. He definitely knew that you and Yunho hooked up. You narrowed your eyes and you tried your best to not lean away from him as you asked in a quiet voice, “What did Yunho say?”
“He didn’t say anything.”
Wooyoung got closer.
“You said he was acting smug?”
“That bastard is always smug.”
“Then what are you doing here?”
You felt Wooyoung’s fingers reach for your robe belt once again. He tugged lightly as he said, “He didn’t have to say anything because the evidence was all there. Roughed up hair, wrinkled clothes, and most importantly, a mesmerized look on his face as he touched his lips.”
Wooyoung cupped your face with his hand and ran his thumb lightly over your lower lip. It was at that moment that you realized that Wooyoung had successfully untied your robe, but the robe stayed in place.
“You’d have to be a horrible attorney to not realize what had happened for him to be acting like that.”
The rising tension in between your legs only got stronger. You swallowed the pool of saliva forming in your mouth and exhaled slightly through your nose, realizing that you had to respond to Wooyoung’s speculation. You still refused to move as Wooyoung’s face was mere centimeters away from yours.
“I’m right, aren’t I?” He asked breathily.
“That was totally leading…” you were barely able to rebuttal.
“How do you figure?”
“Because I know I’m right, and you do, too.”
His fingers trailed lightly across your collarbone before pushing the sleeve of the robe off your shoulder. Usually, Wooyoung loved to run his mouth whenever and wherever; however, this time, he kept quiet. You really did think he was going to say something mind-numbingly stupid when he saw your breast, but he didn’t even change the pace of his breathing. His lips brushed past your shoulder as his fingers pulled the robe down even further. You took your arm out of the sleeve and gripped Wooyoung’s shoulder tightly. You bit your tongue to keep from making a single noise as he pressed his lips into the nook of your neck, his soft hair tickling your ear.
Wooyoung quickly pulled the other sleeve off your arm, leaving the robe to cover only your waist. A moan of surprise left your lips when he cupped your breast to suck on your nipple. You leaned back and closed your eyes to experience the sensuality of his actions more, allowing him to push you back all the way and pin you on the sofa.
Your robe was useless by that point. It didn’t cover a single part of your body, and you knew that without having to look because you felt Wooyoung’s knee press in between your legs. Suddenly, he stopped. He leaned back and sat pretty far back, earning a whine of frustration from you.
“Sorry, Y/N. I just don’t want to get this outfit dirty,” Wooyoung explained as he began to strip. “This is my favorite fit.”
“As long as you finish what you started, then it’s fine,” you said while panting.
“Don’t worry, I always complete my work before I leave for the day.”
Wooyoung stood up and removed the rest of his clothing before pinning you down once more. His bare knee pressing in between your legs was so much more sensual now than before. You knew for a fact that his knee was getting wet being pressed against your pussy, so him taking off his pants was probably for the best.
You had yet to feel Wooyoung’s plush lips press against yours, so you put your hands on the back of his neck and pulled him into you. His lips immediately invited yours, but his tongue had yet to introduce itself. You held onto him tightly as you pulled him even closer to you, hoping that the action alone would be enough to tell him to violate the sanctity of your mouth with his tongue. He received the message, but he had no intention of fulfilling that request just yet.
Instead, Wooyoung leaned back. “I seriously can’t wait anymore,” he mumbled as he held your legs up and together before pushing his dick in between your thighs.
You’d never experienced such friction before in your entire life. Sure, you’ve had your inner thighs be licked and stroked and tickled, but not once did someone put their dick in between your thighs. His length brushed past your clit every time he thrusted inwards or pulled outwards, and every time, you felt your clit tremble and your pussy get even more wet.
Wooyoung’s voice was usually on the higher side, so it completely amazed you when you heard his voice drop when he moaned. You watched him through narrowed eyes as you leaned your head backwards, your body unable to deal with the pleasure he was providing you. You saw that his eyes were closed, that he was gritting his teeth so hard that the veins in his neck were popping out. You looked below that to see that the veins in his hands and arms were also very prominent. You didn’t think you had a thing for veins until you saw Wooyoung’s, but now you definitely did.
While you thought about how sexy Wooyoung looked in that moment, you felt yourself nearing your climax. Apparently, Wooyoung was close too, because the second you let out a sweet moan and came, he thrusted in between your thighs one last time before cumming all over your chest. The two of you breathed heavily before separating. It took you a moment to register, but you looked at the cum on your chest and sighed deeply.
“Great. Now I’m going to have to take another shower,” you muttered to yourself.
“Let me help you.”
Apparently, Wooyoung heard you. You looked him right in the eye and said, “No, I think you should show yourself out now.”
You sat up properly and were about to dress yourself in the robe again when Wooyoung held the robe down and brought his lips to your ear. His breath tickled your ear as he said softly, “We both know that you’re going to touch yourself again when you take your shower, so why don’t I help you out? Save you some energy and water.”
You felt your face turn red hot. As much as you wanted to kick him out to prevent the two of you from going any further, you couldn’t because he was right— you definitely were going to touch yourself in the bathroom because you were still not satisfied. You desperately wanted something hot and throbbing inside you.
Suddenly, you felt Wooyoung grab your face with one hand and pulled you towards him. Your lips met his, and he finally pushed his tongue into your mouth. You felt like he was eating you alive with the way he was kissing you. You were so enthralled with the kiss that when he moved away from you completely once again, you were filled with irritation.
“Hey—” you started, only for him to interrupt you.
“Let’s go shower, Y/N,” Wooyoung said with a flirty wink.
Despite never having been in your place before, he seemed to know exactly where the bathroom was. You followed him in there and closed the door behind you as Wooyoung turned on the tap to warm up the water. The water from the shower head pelted down and got more water droplets on the glass doors of the shower— the glass was still wet after your first shower. Wooyoung stepped in first and held his hand out for you to take it.
You didn’t realize how cramped it was in your standing shower until the two of you were in there. Your back was facing him, your front facing the shower head. His hands held your waist and brought you ever so slightly towards him, allowing you to feel his definitely erect dick press against your wet skin.
“Do you want to hand me the soap?” Wooyoung asked, his lips rubbing against your ear.
You mentally reprimanded yourself at that moment. Of course you had to use a bar soap. You were worried he was going to intentionally drop the soap so that you would have to bend over and pick it up, but you were worrying for nothing. Wooyoung very much did intend to help you clean up. He rubbed the soap in his hands until it lathered completely before giving it to you to place it back. His hands ran up and down your torso, front and back and on the sides, his cum pretty much completely gone by that point. You sharply inhaled when you realized that one of his hands was straying towards your breast while the other reached downwards towards your crotch.
“Wooyoung,” you breathed out as he massaged your breast. “This feels so fucking good.”
“Glad to hear it,” Wooyoung couldn’t help but chuckle.
The sensation of the hot water hitting your breasts along with Wooyoung’s consistent kneading definitely turned you on, and his fingers rubbing against your labia induced sweet moans to tumble out of your mouth. You didn’t even bother holding back your moans when his fingers pushed into you, his nails lightly scratching the inside of your pussy.
“Spread your legs for me, Y/N,” Wooyoung told you as he lifted one of your legs.
You rested the leg Wooyoung moved on the ledge, giving him more space to finger you. You held onto the bar in the shower with all of your might to the extent that your knuckles were turning white. You seriously couldn’t feel your legs at that point. You were so close to sweet relief, but there was definitely something missing that prevented you from cumming.
As you tried desperately to cum, you began to rock your hips in rhythm with Wooyoung’s pace. Your hand slipped slightly, and luckily, you were able to hold onto the bar and not slip or anything, but the soap that was on the ledge did fall to the ground. You heard Wooyoung’s evil chuckle in your ear as soon as he realized what you had done.
“Y/N, you should pick up the soap…” he said knowingly.
You pursed your lips and moved as Wooyoung let go of you, allowing you to bend over. And, of course, when you picked it up, the soap slipped out of your hands. Soap was slippery, and soap really wanted you to be pleasured by the man behind you.
“Are you doing this intentionally?” Wooyoung asked as the soap slipped out of your hand yet again.
You wanted to retort, but you could only gasp as you felt his hands spread your ass cheeks wide. He positioned himself before thrusting into your cunt quickly, the soap assisting his entrance. You cried out as you felt his dick ram into you repeatedly, and you for sure thought that you were going to slip and fall, but Wooyoung’s hold on you was so strong that you definitely were safe. He guided your waist to and fro, the sound of your hips hitting so much louder with the added effect of the water from the shower.
“Oh my God, Wooyoung!” You cried. “I’m cumming!”
Wooyoung didn’t let up. He kept thrusting despite hearing what you told him. You moaned loudly and came while his dick was still inside you, the arousal fluid dripping down your legs as he continued.
“Wooyoung, please,” you said breathlessly. “It feels too good!”
“I’m almost there, Y/N,” Wooyoung grunted out.
You felt yourself nearing another climax, and you were so close to cumming again when Wooyoung pulled out. He stroked himself a couple times and came on your back with a loud groan followed by an exhale, leaving you to finger yourself so you could cum one last time. Wooyoung noticed you struggle, so he brought you up, lifted your leg again, and ruthlessly fingered you until you came yet again while crying his name.
This time, Wooyoung bent down to pick up the soap since you were hopelessly failing earlier. He lathered his hands with soap and set it back on the ledge before turning you around so that you were facing him, the hot water hitting your back. He began to rub the soap into you once again, his lips meeting yours at the same time. You held onto his shoulders and kissed him back roughly as he cleaned your body once again.
The truth was that you just couldn’t get enough of his soft lips. He was an amazing kisser, and you needed to experience those kisses for as long as humanly possible. The two of you dried off and Wooyoung changed back into the clothes he wore to your place while you donned your robe once more. Before he could leave the living room, you grabbed his collar and pulled him in for another series of hot, rough kisses, Wooyoung chuckling slightly in between the kisses.
“Aren’t you glad you didn’t wait?” He asked brazenly.
You didn’t bother responding. You just wanted to continue kissing him. He held you tightly as you wrapped your arms over his shoulders, your hands running through the roots of the hair on the back of his head. Wooyoung was letting breathy moans slip here and there as he held you close and continued to kiss you until your lips were red and raw.
“Okay, Y/N, I gotta go if I want to make it to work tomorrow,” Wooyoung leaned away, causing you to whimper.
“No. Didn’t you say you would complete your work before you left for the day?” You asked him, using his words from earlier.
“I did say that, yes.”
“Then come with me. We’re not done here,” you told him as you dragged him by the collar to your bedroom.
< attorney park :: day 2/5 >
The next morning at work, you thankfully didn’t have a headache, but your hips were on fire. You couldn’t tell if it was because of one specific person or if it was all three men. All you knew was that for you to feel this sore the next day, whatever happened the day was definitely good if not great.
However, despite three men completely wrecking you, you were still stressed as hell. Truth be told, you really didn’t want to look through all the goddamn records because they were the number one source of your stress. Then, an idea struck. You called Seeun and Sumin into your office.
“Since I have both of you, I would like you both to go through all of the records and pick out the relevant pieces of information from each case that each of these people have had,” you said as you handed a piece of paper with eight names on it to the closest boy. “You have until the end of the day to finish it.”
“But, ma’am,” Seeun stepped forward. “What do we do about phone calls? Should we just ignore them?”
“Oh, shit. That’s a bad idea… You know what. I’ll go grab one or two of the paralegals to help you, but I want you all working on gathering the information. If the phone rings, then you go to answer it, Seeun.”
Seeun nodded and took another step back. You stood up and prepared yourself to head out of your office. “Go to the physical records room and start going through everything both physical and digital. I’ll send someone your way within the hour.”
The three of you left your office. You smoothed out your dress before walking towards the paralegals’ offices. Upon arriving in the area, you saw Seonghwa with a group of the paralegals talking and laughing. You checked your watch— it was lunch time, so it made sense to see them just hanging around. You stood out of their line of sight and watched as Seonghwa waved to the paralegals before leaving the vicinity and heading back to his office. You only emerged after he fully left.
“Everything good here?” You asked the five boys.
“Yeah!” One of the more cheerier paralegals, Hyunwoo, responded to you.
“What did Seonghwa talk to you about?”
“He was telling us about how he got to become junior partner,” another paralegal, Yujun, spoke up.
“Yeah, I was actually starting to lose hope being stuck in law school, but he made me want to keep going,” Junmin, the most senior of all the paralegals, added with starry eyes.
“That’s good to hear. I hired you because you’re good and I want you to stay,” you smiled at Junmin. You then realized that you could get the opinions of others to figure out who you should choose to be your partner. “Just curious since he was just here, but how do you guys feel about Seonghwa?”
“He’s the best!”
“He’s reliable and inspiring.”
“Watching him work is the coolest.”
The boys started to bombard you with more and more things that they liked about Seonghwa— they definitely did like the most senior of associates. You nodded and took in everything for about a minute before you decided that you needed to put an end to the praising.
“Thanks for the input. I appreciate it,” you told them. “The real reason I came down here: I need someone to go help Sumin and Seeun with some work. Who would like to help them?”
Hunter and Yechan, the two newest paralegals, both immediately stepped forward.
“Great,” you clapped your hands and smiled widely. “They’re in the records room. They’ll tell you what to do when you get there.”
Nodding, the two boys set off for the records room. You bid the other three paralegals farewell before walking towards Seonghwa’s office. You noticed that his secretary wasn’t at his desk, making you uncertain of whether or not Seonghwa was in a meeting with a client or not. Deciding to take the risk, you knocked on the door and popped your head into the room.
“Y/N? What’s up?” Seonghwa asked you as soon as entered and the two of you locked eyes— it was just him in his office.
“What happened to Minjae?” You inquired about his secretary.
“Oh, Hongjoong needed some assistance with organizing his schedule, so I sent Minjae his way.”
“See, this is why I keep telling him to hire a secretary. I’m going to force one on him at some point.”
“Hongjoong is ultra stubborn. You should already know he’s going to fight you on that.”
Letting out an exasperated sigh, you nodded and leaned against the doorframe, your arms crossed over your chest. You watched Seonghwa as he returned to whatever work he was doing on his computer. He noticed you blankly staring at him, prompting him to ask, “Why’d you stop by, Y/N?”
“Oh!” You snapped out of your trance. “Can we chat? I have some questions for you.”
“Yeah, sure. Let me just finish up this document.”
“Okay, just come to my office when you’re done.”
Seonghwa smiled and nodded before furiously clacking away on his keyboard. You returned to your office and left the door open, Seonghwa arriving just a few minutes later.
“Close the door behind you, then have a seat,” you instructed him.
The lawyer did so. He took a seat on the couch, and you instantly remembered you and Yunho being intimate on that couch. You did clean up after and instructed the night staff to thoroughly clean the couches, which they definitely did. Yet, you still felt a little weird about Seonghwa sitting on that couch. You felt your face heat up slightly, causing you to look away quickly to regain your composure.
“What did you want to talk to me about?” Seonghwa, eager to get down to business, asked you after you were silent for a solid several seconds.
“Oh, I was talking to the paralegals just now since I needed one of them to help my secretaries out—”
“Secretaries? Since when did you have more than one?” He interrupted.
“When that dumbass left, Sumin was left boss-less. I didn’t want him to lose his job because of the actions of his previous boss, so I told him that he’d work under me for now until we figure out this whole managing partner thing,” you explained.
“Oh… Got it. So you were talking to the paralegals?”
“Yeah. I didn’t know you had such a good relationship with them. They had nothing but nice things to say about you. You’re a good leader,” you rapid fire praised the attorney.
Seonghwa looked bashful as he started, “Thanks— ”
“However, what I want to know is,” you interrupted him. “Are you a good listener?”
“I’d like to think that I am.”
“Then let’s confirm it right now. Go lock the door.”
Trying hard to prove that he was a good listener, Seonghwa immediately jumped to his feet to do so. You then gestured with your hand for him to step closer to your desk, which he did. “Take off your jacket,” was your next instruction, the devil on your shoulder encouraging you to do the unthinkable.
He placed his jacket on one of the chairs closest to him and stood in front of you again. “Now your tie.”
He took his tie off and put it on top of his jacket.
“Unbutton your shirt.”
“Why are you having me do all this, Y/N?” Seonghwa asked while listening to you and unbuttoning, his suspicion intensifying.
You ignored his question. “Remove your belt.”
A suggestive look appeared on Seonghwa’s face. He removed his belt and rather than put it on the chair, he let it fall to the ground. The sly smile on his face irritated you slightly. You decided that you were going to toy with him in a different way now. “Unzip your pants. Only unzip them.”
As he did so, you quickly slipped your panties off. You stood up carefully and opened your desk drawer to take out a condom— condoms that you had stashed in your desk earlier that morning in case another attorney of yours needed to discuss their qualifications with you. You walked around your desk and sat on top of it, your legs immediately crossing. You held the condom packet in the air, Seonghwa’s eyes locking on it. He immediately walked over to you and reached for it, his hand on your thigh. You held it away from him.
“Ah, don’t get ahead of yourself. You still have to listen to me,” you whispered in his ear.
He looked at you with desperate eyes. His hand on your thigh was trembling. He was definitely doing his best to wait for further instruction. The second he ran his ridiculously rude tongue over his lower lip before biting it, you felt yourself get even more wet. You stuck the condom in the strap of your bra and brushed his hands off of your thighs. You reached for his waist and pulled him closer to you.
“You aren’t allowed to touch me yet. Got it?”
Seonghwa nodded slowly. You put your hand down to uncover the ready to burst bulge in his underwear. You’d seen his penis before— heck, you’ve had sex with Seonghwa multiple times in the past. He’d been your fuck buddy for the longest time, but when the firm became more well known and you both got extremely busy with cases pouring in left and right, you stopped. To be honest, you kind of missed his dick, so holding it in your hand after such a long time was exhilarating, almost as if you’ve never held it before. You licked your hand and spit on his cock before starting to pump.
“Holy shit, Y/N,” Seonghwa hissed.
Seonghwa was gripping the edge of your desk as you continued to pleasure him. His face was a light shade of red. His face only got redder when you brought him in a little closer so you could leave kisses on his collarbone. Seonghwa rotated between moaning and swearing. You trailed your tongue upwards towards his neck and felt his hot breath on the nook of your neck. He nearly leaned on you for support, but he remembered what you asked of him, and he refrained to the best of his ability.
Your hand went from his neck to his waist, and your lips trailed kisses down to his chest until you got to his nipple. You heard him sharply inhale then moan as you sucked lightly on his nipple. You felt his penis twitch in your grasp, and before he could cum, you let go of him and pushed him away slightly. His face was completely flushed, and he looked confused and frustrated. He opened his mouth to say something, but you held your finger to your lips, telling him to remain quiet.
“Kneel,” you said sternly while pointing at the ground.
Clearly annoyed by that point, Seonghwa still listened to you, his lips pulled into a pout. He kneeled right in front of you, his face by your knees. “Good boy,” you commended him.
You couldn’t help but bite your lower lip as you reached for his face and squeezed his cheeks with your hand as you made him look up at you. You wanted to see the look on his face when you spread your legs, revealing your soaking wet pussy. His eyes widened and he slightly parted his lips, a sense of eagerness emanating from him.
“Eat me out.”
Seonghwa nodded instantly. He nearly grabbed your thighs, but then he remembered he still wasn’t allowed to touch you. He looked up at you with begging eyes.
“May I at least grab your thighs?” Seonghwa asked, his voice low and soft.
“Only my thighs,” you allowed.
Nodding, Seonghwa held your thighs and spread your legs even more, his tongue hanging out of his mouth thirstily. His thumbs rubbed against the inside of your thighs, and he brought his lips to your clit. He sucked hard, immediately making your knees tremble. You wanted so badly to close your thighs and keep him from going any further because the one action alone felt so good, but his hold on your thighs was incredibly strong, and he kept pushing your thighs outwards more— as far as you could split.
When Seonghwa’s tongue rolled over your clit, you flung your head back. You grabbed onto the roots of his hair and pulled his hair every time he did something you liked, which was every single goddamn action he took. His tongue then moved downwards slightly and prodded inside you. He flicked his tongue quickly while simultaneously slurping your pussy up. What you didn’t notice, though, is Seonghwa let go of one of your thighs to continue to stroke himself; he still hadn’t cum and he desperately wanted to.
As he continued to flick his tongue at what felt like the speed of light, he started humming and moaning against your pussy, the slight vibration from his lips nearly driving you insane. You pushed his head further into you and cried loudly as you hit your climax. Seonghwa moved away from your clit before you came, all of your liquid ending up on your desk. The hand that was on your thigh squeezed tightly as he, too, came. You were panting heavily when Seonghwa was done with you, and you could barely keep yourself upright.
“Okay,” you barely managed to get out. “That’s all. You can put your clothes back on.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Seonghwa asked, unsure if you really just said what you said.
“You can leave.”
“Sorry, Y/N, but I’m going to have to touch you now.”
Before you could get off your desk, Seonghwa grabbed your arms and pinned you down on your desk. You tried to get out of his grasp, but when you felt his once again erect friend, you felt a rush of blood go through your body and turn you on all over again. “You got me this far, so there’s no way in hell I’m stopping now,” he leaned down and whispered in your ear aggressively.
He pressed his chest against yours and ran his lips along your collarbone. He held the sleeve of your dress in his mouth and pulled the sleeve down, revealing your bra strap and the condom you stuck in the bra strap. He grabbed the condom with his teeth and moved away from you. He tore the packet open with his teeth— every single time he did something with his teeth, it drove you insane— and rolled the condom on.
“Wait, Seonghwa,” you told him as you sat up slightly.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Seonghwa pinned you down again.
“My dress,” you whined. “I don’t want to get it ruined…”
“I think you pretty much already did after cumming like that earlier, but alright. I’ll take it off for you.”
Seonghwa pressed his chest against yours once again, his arms wrapping around your body. He unzipped the dress slowly, tracing a line down your spine as he did so. Your back arched and you let out a sweet moan in his ear.
“Seonghwa! Hurry!” You grabbed onto his shirt and tugged lightly as he took his sweet time taking your dress off.
“And you wanted me to leave,” he scoffed.
“I’m sorry, just hurry now please…”
Still listening to you, Seonghwa took your dress off quickly, your black lace bra following seconds later. He ran his hands down your rib cage and held your waist tightly. You watched him run his tongue over his lower lip before biting it and placing himself at your entrance.
You completely forgot about Seonghwa’s length and girth until he pushed his way into you. You felt like your pussy was going to get ripped in half, especially because he, rather than pushed, shoved himself into you. Rhythmic slaps echoed in your office as he fucked your brains out. You felt even more pleasure run through your nerves when he lifted your legs so that your calves rested on his shoulders, tightening your cunt around his dick.
“Fuck, you just got so much tighter, Y/N. You feel fucking amazing,” Seonghwa moaned out.
You couldn’t even vocalize how much you enjoyed Seonghwa inside you. You could feel him throb more and more, and you were so close to cumming. Seonghwa could tell that you were close.
“Not yet, babygirl. Wait for me.”
Seonghwa lowered himself down and stuck his tongue down your throat, his hand moving to cup and massage your breast. You whimpered as you did your best to keep it together and wait to cum, but he was stimulating you so much that you couldn’t help but wonder if he was intentionally trying to make you desperate. He released your lips to say, “Good girl,” with an irritating smirk on your face.
You were moving on your desk so much that you felt like your ass was on fire. You couldn’t wait any longer.
“Hwa, I want to cum,” you cried. “I’m cumming!”
Quickly Seonghwa pulled out. He drove two of his pretty fingers into you and fingered you hard and fast. Your moans wavered as you hit your max and came on Seonghwa’s hand. He didn’t give you a second to breathe, though. As soon as you finished, he re-entered you and returned to the pace he was at before he pulled out. With one final slam, you felt him spasm inside you. He flung his head back and closed his eyes as he groaned in melodious relief.
He stayed inside you for a minute to calm himself down, allowing you to catch your breath. He took off the condom and threw it away before wearing his underwear and pants properly. You pushed yourself off the desk, but you didn’t realize how numb and wobbly your legs were until they hit the ground. You fell right onto Seonghwa, your face pressing against his firm chest.
“That wasn’t enough for you?” Seonghwa asked with a slight laugh.
“Shut up, that was more than enough,” you huffed out. “But… Can you help me walk to the couch?”
Seonghwa nodded and pretty much carried you to the couch. He sat you down on the couch and sat down next to you. You let out a sigh and looked down to realize that you were completely naked, and your dress was completely ruined. Seonghwa noticed your consternation and took off his button up to give to you, which you graciously accepted and put on. You buttoned two of the buttons and smoothed out the shirt to see Seonghwa looking at you with a small smile.
“It really has been a while, huh?” Seonghwa murmured.
“Yeah… You haven’t called me babygirl in such a long time. I nearly came when you said that,” you admitted to him.
“You’ll always be my babygirl, Y/N,” Seonghwa said, his hand petting your hair lightly.
With another sigh, you leaned into his chest. Your head was clear, and you felt fulfilled. Seonghwa put his arm around your shoulders and hugged you closer to his chest. He exhaled, the warm air going past your ear, nearly turning you on again. You shifted a little in his embrace and put your arm over his torso, hugging him slightly. You looked up at him and asked quietly, “Are you sure you don’t regret passing up the senior partner position?”
“Hmm,” Seonghwa thought out loud, his hand rubbing your arm. “I regret it sometimes, but I’m happy being junior partner.”
“Then do you want to be managing partner, though?”
“Kind of, yeah.”
Seonghwa looked down at your face and kissed your forehead. He pulled your legs over his and held you even closer as he responded, “Because then I’d get to work with you more intimately… Like this.”
Seonghwa subtly ran his tongue over his lower lip, turning you on all over again. You put your hands on the back of his neck and brought him in for a kiss, the two of you silently confirming that you could go another round or two.
< attorney choi.s :: day 2/5 >
Thanks to your dress being completely ruined, you had to get Seeun to go buy a new outfit for you. He didn’t ask why, luckily, but it took him a while to get you clothes to wear because he was busy working on the other task you gave him. Seonghwa stayed in your office with you because you were still wearing his shirt, after all, and he didn’t want to leave you completely naked. While you waited for Seeun, you and Seonghwa fucked another several times, and when Seeun returned, you two immediately got dressed. Seonghwa left your office, and shortly after, you did too, only to see that the sun had completely set (you don’t have any windows in your office, so you can never tell the time except for on your phone).
You sincerely hoped that no one noticed that you and Seonghwa were pretty much MIA the whole day, but you all are lawyers. You would have to be completely blind or oblivious to not notice that two people are missing despite being in the workplace.
You were and Seeun were the last two people to leave the office that day.
“Ma’am,” Seeun started slowly as you both walked towards the elevators. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Well, correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought I heard you crying in your office earlier…”
You were crying earlier, but the way Seeun was speaking to you made it seem like he thought you were upset over something. You were crying for Seonghwa to give it to you, which was definitely not something to be sad about.
“Oh, I saw a huge bug scurrying around my office and every time I tried to kill it, it would scurry away again,” you lied straight through your teeth; you didn’t need precious, young Seeun to know what you were truly up to.
Seeun nodded and accepted your lie. He didn’t press further. “Yeah, bugs are the worst, especially if you see them one second but then they disappear the next.”
“Exactly! You get it.”
It was still early enough in the evening for Seeun to catch the public transportation home, so you waved goodbye to him before heading to the parking garage. You drove yourself to work that day, which meant you had to drive yourself home— not that it was a problem because you liked to drive.
By the time you got home, you were exhausted and ready to crash, but first, you had to shower. No matter how much you and Seonghwa cleaned up, you knew that there were going to be traces of him somewhere on your body. You took a quick shower and did your moisturizing routine when your phone started ringing. You shuffled out of the bathroom and to the living room where your phone sat on the coffee table. The call was from San. It was unnatural for him to call so late, which meant that there was most likely a problem with his cases.
“San? Everything okay?”
“Well… Yes and no. I’ve been struggling all day with this settlement offer, and I couldn’t talk to you about it earlier, so I tried to figure it out on my own, but I’m still stumped,” San explained quickly.
“What case is it for?”
“The medical malpractice one.”
“Oof, yeah that is a tough one… Why don’t you come over and we can figure it out tonight? It’d be better to discuss this in person.”
“Ah… Okay. I’ll be there soon, then. Just send me your address.”
“Will do. Bye.”
You hung up and immediately texted San your address— apparently he lived in the building a block down from yours, so that gave you five minutes to finish your night routine and get dressed. You realized that you had yet to do laundry, which meant out of all the pajamas you had, you only had two tank-top-and-shorts pajama sets left. You thought about digging into your dirty laundry because there was no way in hell you were going to wear your office clothes so late at night, but the thought of wearing dirty laundry made you feel icky— what was the point of taking a shower if you were just going to wear unclean clothes? You had to settle for the pajama set: you ended up choosing the lavender set.
Exactly five minutes after San called, the doorbell rang. You opened your front door and let San into your place. You instructed him where to sit while you went to the kitchen and got water for the two of you.
“Alright, what’re we working with?” You asked him as you sat down next to him.
San opened his laptop and pulled up the documents. You leaned over his shoulder to see the screen and read up on the new details of the case. After leaning on him for a solid five minutes and absorbing all of the information, you sat back and crossed your legs, a skeptical look overcoming your face.
“What? What is it?” San asked with concern upon seeing your judgmental face.
“When did you get all the new information?”
“Earlier today.”
“Okay, that makes me feel a little better,” you said with a smile. “You must’ve had a long day at work then.”
“Yeah… Wait, how’d you know?”
“You missed this,” you pointed to something on his computer screen. “The hospital is trying to pin the blame on the doctor when the doctor wasn’t even working the day of the medical malpractice. This should actually be a wrongful termination suit.”
San rubbed his eyes and stared at his screen. His eyes darted back and forth momentarily before he exclaimed, “Oh my God, how did I not see that?!”
“It’s a super small detail, don’t worry about it. I was just concerned that you had this information for weeks. But, hey! You don’t have to worry about the settlement! Take it to court, win the case, and then flip the lawsuit.”
“Oh wow, thank you so much Y/N!” San cheered as he hugged you.
Within seconds, San realized what he was doing and immediately let go of you. He fully turned away from you, his ears completely red. “I’m so sorry, I just… I’m so relieved that this is a winnable case.”
“Don’t worry, I understand. This does call for a celebration, though.”
“It does?”
“Yes, it does,” you nodded and stood up. You disappeared into the kitchen and returned with two glasses and a bottle of whiskey. “You need a pick-me-up after being stressed about this all day.”
You held the glasses to San. He took them carefully from you and held them on his knee while you sat down next to him and opened the whiskey bottle. You poured the alcohol into the glasses one-third of the way before setting the bottle of whiskey aside. San handed you one glass, and the two of you tapped glasses before taking a sip.
“I honestly didn’t have you pegged as a whiskey person, Y/N,” San said.
“I’m not, but my brother is,” you told him. “I have to have a bottle of whiskey on hand for him always, and I just ran out of wine, otherwise I would have offered wine.”
“Whiskey is perfectly fine with me.”
The two of you finished your drinks within ten minutes, and you immediately noticed San’s face reddening. The tips of his ears were blazing. He set the glass on the coffee table and leaned in towards you as you set your glass down too.
“Where did you disappear to earlier today, Y/N?” San asked you point blank.
“In my office,” you told him, which was the truth.
“Really? Because I knocked on your door around two, and you didn’t respond…”
Your eyes went wide. You avoided eye contact with San as you realized that the other attorneys in your firm were probably trying to get in contact with you, but you were so busy with Seonghwa that you didn’t hear a damn thing. “I… Uh…” you stuttered out, unsure on how to respond to San.
“Maybe you were in the bathroom or something,” San offered an excuse for you, which kind of surprised you.
“Maybe… Probably…” You ran with it.
“At least I got this figured out before tomorrow,” San continued softly. “That’s one less thing to worry about.”
“What else have you been worrying about, San?”
San looked you in the eye, the red across his cheekbones and nose started to lighten up a little. “Making partner.”
“I do want to be partner… It’d be a huge step in the right direction for me, plus I love working for your firm, so I want to climb the ladder here,” San admitted. “And I’ve been trying to figure out ways to show you I have what it takes, but this medical malpractice case just proved that I have some improving to do.”
“No, San,” you put a reassuring hand on his. “I make the same mistakes sometimes too. Having another person to consult definitely helps sometimes. Don’t sell yourself short. Why else would you have been in that meeting?”
“I don’t know… I feel like I still need to prove myself though. I mean, I am loyal and dedicated, which is what you want, but I’m sure there’s more to that.”
San sighed deeply and bowed his head, and you just couldn’t help but notice how cute he was in that moment. He always carried himself at work with pure confidence, but seeing him a little tipsy and uncertain on your couch wearing sweats and not his usual work attire reminded you again of how he was definitely human. You couldn’t help but reach out and pet his hair, hoping that it would silently reassure him that he’s doing a good job.
When San looked up to look at you, you felt your heart skip a beat. His eyes were soft but still sharp, and the flush on his face was no longer from the alcohol but from something else. He placed his large hand on top of yours and stared into your eyes. You held your breath as he got closer and closer to you, but he stopped his face mere centimeters away from yours.
“If I do this… Then will you not consider me for partner?” San asked quietly.
“Do what?”
San’s hand, which was still on yours, held your hand firmly. He pulled you towards him, your face nearly crashing into his soft chest. You felt his hand rest on the small of your back, tingles shooting through your body. He brought his lips close to yours, but he was still centimeters away.
“If I do this, then will you not consider me for partner?” San asked again.
“I, um,” you cleared your throat and did your best to maintain eye contact with him. “If you do this, then it won’t negatively impact your chance of becoming partner…”
“So what Yunho and Wooyoung were saying is true?”
San gained a little more confidence. He pulled you even closer to him, your knee brushing against his thigh. Your heart lurched when you noticed the bulge in his dark sweatpants, your mouth immediately salivating.
“What’re they saying?” You asked him breathlessly.
“I can’t say…”
San licked his lower lip slyly and lightly. His hand moved slightly down so that it was no longer resting on the small of your back but now your tailbone. He couldn’t say, but he could definitely do from the looks of it. You cupped his face and trailed your finger along his jawline as you whispered, “Well, I’m sure your assumption is probably correct. So go ahead. Impress me.”
Slowly, San’s lips met yours, and he kissed you gently at first, unsure of the pace he should take things at. But, you liked this slower pace of his. It was a lot more sensual. You were painfully aware of where his hands were going. He let go of your hand and ran both his hands down so that they were holding your buttocks. Your hands rested on the back of his neck as you rolled your body into his, your kisses slowly starting to get more intense. You moaned when his hands clenched your butt and pulled upwards, pushing you further into him. Your teeth nibbled on his lower lip when his fingers crept under your shorts.
“You like that?” San pulled away lightly and gazed at your face.
“Mmm, yeah,” you said breathlessly in a higher tone.
San hummed in acknowledgement. He brushed his nose against your jawline as he lowered his head to kiss your neck. His hand let go of your ass to slide the razor thin strap of your tank top off your shoulder. You couldn’t help but lean your head towards him as his soft lips continued to leave feather light kisses along your shoulders. You heard him whine softly when his hands cupped your boobs from underneath and squeezed lightly.
“Ah, San! Oh God,” You cried when his hands started kneading your breasts with intensity.
Your face got hotter when he looked up at you with lust filled sharp eyes. His hands held your waist and pulled you in even closer so that your breasts were pressed against his chest. He stood up, making you stand up as well. What you didn’t realize was how weak in the knees San made you until you struggled slightly to keep yourself upright. San let out a light chuckle before hugging your waist and picking you up, his lips pressing against yours again. He walked you to your room and sat you down on your bed, disappointment hitting you when he stopped kissing you. He pulled his shirt off from grabbing his collar from behind, revealing his wide shoulders and thick muscles. You stared in wonderment at the proportions of his body before you noticed his crotch getting progressively tighter.
“Do you want to know what the guys have been saying?” San asked as he trapped your waist by planting his hands on either side of you.
You could only nod. Your words were stuck in your throat and only got more stuck the closer the man before you got.
“Yunho said your dedication to detail is impeccable, that the colors of your clothes always match,” San said, his hand going over your clothes and running from your breast to your thigh. His other hand squeezed your thigh.
Your face got hotter. You were a little embarrassed knowing that they were definitely talking to each other about how you were in bed.
“He also said that you’re the biggest tease. Wooyoung said the same thing. I wanted to see if their story tracked and if the evidence showed that.”
“And?” You asked, although you pretty much already knew the answer.
“They were right. Y/N, how can you wear something so provocative and expect me to keep calm?” San whispered, his lips near your ear. “I’ve been struggling ever since you opened the door.”
“This was the only thing I had left,” you responded weakly.
“I’m sure it was,” he replied sarcastically.
“Well, I also have this set in green, but that’s it I swear.”
“Don’t perjure yourself, Y/N,” San lectured. “You could have put on your street clothes, but you chose to wear this.”
San stood with his legs far apart as he leaned into you— he was still standing while you were laying on your bed, your legs dangling off the edge. His lips met your nipple, which was still covered by your tank top, and sucked lightly. His hands pulled your shorts and panties down, leaving you to kick the clothes off. He rubbed his fingers lightly against your clit, causing you to curl your toes. You wanted to tell him off— he was being more of a tease than you. Fuck his slower pace. You needed him to fuck you senseless at that point. Your body lurched when you felt his teeth sink lightly into your nipple, his hand pinching your other nipple.
“San,” you said with the sternest voice you could muster as you pushed yourself up slightly to rest on your elbows.
“Yes?” San responded without looking up.
“Condoms are in the top drawer of my dresser.”
San’s lips left your nipples. He smirked at your impatience. You immediately wanted to wipe that arrogant look off his face, but one thing at a time. First, you needed his dick inside you.
“Thanks for offering,” he started as he reached into his pocket for his wallet. “But, I’m going to have to use my own.”
“Why— Oh…”
Your eyes went wide as San pulled the waistbands of his sweats and underwear down, revealing his colossal, for lack of better comparison, eggplant. Hell, you’d seen missiles smaller than the weapon he had. As he rolled his condom on, you couldn’t help but compare: Yunho’s big cock was long and straight. San’s big cock, on the other hand, was curved and incredibly thick— so thick that you didn’t even know if he was going to fit inside you. But, he was right; the condoms you had in your drawer were definitely not going to work for him.
San stood closer to you and rubbed the length of his penis against your clit. His hands stroked your thighs before gripping them and placing the tip of his dick at your entrance.
“If you need me to stop, let me know,” San murmured as if he had repeated those words millions of times in the past.
You nodded and laid back, your elbows no longer propping you up. You thought earlier that day that Seonghwa was going to rip your pussy, but it was actually San that did. He moved into you slowly, his girth opening you up. You let out a loud moan and flung your head back as he continued to drive his dick inside you all the way. His hands moved from your thighs to your waist, allowing you to grab his wrists and dig your nails into his skin.
“Should I stop?” San asked with a low grunt.
“No,” you gasped. “Keep going.”
Nodding, San did just that. Tears filled your eyes the more your pussy took of him. He finally fit himself inside you all the way before letting out a sigh of relief. You still held onto his arms firmly, but your nails were no longer leaving crescents on him.
“Are you okay?” San asked you, his large hand caressing your face.
“Uh huh,” you whimpered.
“I’m going to start moving,” he warned you.
You gave him a singular nod. San placed his hands on your hips again and pulled his dick out a little faster than before when he was pushing himself inside you. Then, he thrust suddenly into you. You let out a yelp when you felt his hips slam into yours. You felt like he was completely filling you up with the way his cock was. You pushed the back of your head further into your bed the more San thrust into you. He kept a standard pace, but he was still slamming strongly into you, making your body move upwards and the springs of your bed squeak.
Small, erotic cries escaped you with every thrust. You both were breathing heavily in unison, San’s breaths later turning into grunts as he clenched his jaw to keep ramming his cock into you at a faster pace. He already had an impressive jawline, but clenched was a whole new game. You lifted your hand to reach for his face, which he happily placed in your hand. You guided his face to yours and reconnected your lips, his kisses immediately making the pain from his thrusts turn into pure pleasure. As he bent down to kiss you, though, his cock started hitting you at a slightly different angle, hitting your G-spot over and over again without remorse. You broke off your intense kiss with San to cry, “I’m cumming!”
San didn’t give you the time to say or do anything right after. He kissed you again, his tongue intertwining with yours. Fluid shot out from you and coated San’s cock, but he refused to let up. When he released your lips to stand up straight and fuck you with all of his might, you felt another orgasm coming your way. Seeing San’s eyes closed tightly as he finished with a final thrust did it for you. The two of you came together, and you continued to cum after he pulled out. You covered your face in embarrassment, but San didn’t seem to think anything. In fact, he was beyond happy because he was able to make you feel that damn good.
“Heh, Yunho was right,” San giggled to himself as he removed his condom.
Barely sitting up, you observed San’s expression, then a realization hit you. He took a page out of Yunho’s fucking playbook.
“You knew about the wrongful termination, didn’t you?” You asked him as you grabbed his waist and pulled him back towards you.
“Of course I did. Only an idiot would miss that detail,” San said matter-of-factly. “I’m a senior associate for a reason, Y/N.”
“I swear to fucking God, you all are so goddamn annoying,” you complained while pinching his ear.
“All lawyers are annoying. You should know that by now,” San laughed despite your hold on his ear hurting him like crazy.
You let go of his ear and were about to smack him silly, but he grabbed his clothes, wore them quickly, and waved goodbye while singing, “Good night! Don’t let the vultures bite!”
< attorney choi.j :: day 3/5 >
When you woke up the next morning, you seriously regretted your entire existence. Five. Five out of eight. Five out of eight men you were considering for partner. You fucked five different men in the span of two days. You wanted a hole to swallow you into the Earth. Heck, committing tax fraud sounded a lot better than knowing that you fucked five lawyers from your firm. God Fucking Dammit.
You really did not want to go into work that morning. You seriously did not want to. You considered calling in sick, but you realized that if you did, then you’d lose a day of going over their records. But, you also couldn’t think about walking into the workplace knowing that five men could gossip about how you were in the sack. Frustrated, you held your pillow to your face and screamed into it for a good minute. After you screamed, you tossed the pillow aside and checked the time. Fuck it. You got your ass out of bed and went to work.
Before anyone could stop you or greet you, you rushed to your office and locked yourself in there. Seeun called your desk phone, and you immediately answered with, “Nope. I don’t want to talk today. Not to anyone. Do not let anyone in, and don’t call again.”
“Ma’am, is everything okay…?” You heard the concern in Seeun’s voice and felt your heart tighten; you couldn’t believe that you just talked to your sweet, innocent secretary like that.
“Yes… Sorry, Seeun, I just… Ugh.”
“I understand, ma’am. I’ll just email the records that we sorted out yesterday to you.”
“Oh my God, I totally forgot about that. Thank you so, so much! Remind me to buy you, Sumin, Hunter, and Yechan lunch next week.”
“Yes, ma’am!” Seeun’s voice got considerably more cheerful. “Sending the email now.”
“Thanks. Bye.”
Due to your amazing secretaries and paralegals, you were able to keep your mind off of the five mistakes you made in the past two days; however, that lasted two seconds when you started reading through Choi San’s records. You slowly felt yourself getting wetter the more you read his file, and it infuriated you greatly.
“God dammit!” You yelled as you leapt out of your seat.
Overcome with the urge to break something, you turned to see your former partner’s diploma sitting in the corner. You immediately grabbed it and smashed it into the ground, glass shattering everywhere. You stomped on the frame repeatedly with your heels, getting your aggression out while imagining you were beating your former partner’s ass. If only they didn’t fucking commit tax fraud! Then you wouldn’t have been in this position, and you certainly would not have fucked any of your employees (other than Seonghwa, but let’s leave the past was the past).
Your desk phone rang. You whipped your head around to see the phone and grumbled to yourself as you picked up.
“Seeun, what did I tell you? I don’t want—”
“Y/N, it’s me. Jongho,” the attorney on the other line interrupted you.
“Oh… Jongho. What can I do for you?”
“Meet me in my office. I need help with this client.”
Before you could even respond, Jongho cut the line. You stared at the receiver in shock. Jongho was your employee, yet the way he was speaking to you was as if he was your boss— acting like he already made managing partner. You were slightly annoyed, but in the same breath, hearing him order you to meet him in his office like that was so sexy.
Realizing that your head was once again swimming in your goddamn horny hormones, you stomped on the frame several more times. After managing to cool off, you realized that you were stamping tiny glass shards into the carpeting.
“Fuck,” you hissed before picking up the receiver and calling your secretary. “Hey, Seeun? Can you get someone to clean up the glass in my office…? Just clean up the glass and the frame, but leave the degree. I’m not done with that yet.”
After getting confirmation from Seeun, you hung up and made your way to Jongho’s office. His secretary, Jinsik, was standing in front of the door and had his head popped into the office. He and Jongho were discussing something quietly. You didn’t know whether or not to scare the living shit out of Jinsik and ask what he and his boss were talking about, and you decided that what goes on between secretaries and bosses should stay between secretaries and bosses. Jinsik closed the door and turned around to see you. He flinched before holding his chest.
“Sorry, Jinsik. Jongho told me to meet him in his office,” you explained.
“I know. Attorney Choi told me to block his entire schedule because he said the two of you were going to get busy today.”
A light blush rose to your cheeks upon hearing the way the secretary phrased the sentence. You hoped that he wasn’t insinuating anything. Jinsik gestured to the door to Jongho’s office, granting you permission to speak with his boss. With a nervous gulp, you nodded and moved forward.
You knocked on the door to Jongho’s office before entering, and what a sight you got to behold. Jongho was leafing through several documents he had in his hands, his legs up and crossed on the edge of his desk. You got a beautiful view of the way his pants hugged his thighs just right to show off how muscular they were, and he didn’t have his suit jacket on for once, so you got to see exactly how wide and sturdy his shoulders were. You wanted to stare and appreciate his beauty for longer, but there were several reasons as to why you couldn’t: one, you both had to get to work; two, you needed to stop fucking your employees; three, you needed to get your shit together and act like a normal human being instead of some sex-crazed-horndog.
“Alright, let’s go,” Jongho announced as he stood up.
“Where are we going?” You had no idea what was going on.
Jongho handed the documents he was looking at moments before to you. You looked at them while he put on his suit jacket.
“Subpoenas?” You were shocked at how many there were.
“Yeah, I got the okay from the judge. I want to hand deliver them to see the looks on the smug bastards’ faces,” Jongho said passionately, him saying the word “bastard” nearly turning you on to the max.
As he walked towards you to take the documents back, he noted your outfit and said, “Oh good, you’re wearing pants. I’m telling you these assholes are disgusting. We don’t need them staring at your legs… Or your cleavage.”
You covered your face with your hand, a shocked expression plastered to your face along with a pink blush. Jongho, taking the documents from you, made his way out of his office. You, still shocked by what he said, had to take a second to calm down before following him out of the building.
What Jongho said was right. The men you were serving the subpoenas to were, indeed, disgusting pigs. You went to three different offices, and all three men objectified you in one way, shape, or form. One of the men even stared at your ass the entire time Jongho was telling him about the subpoena. Jongho didn’t even have to jump to your defense— you berated each man, told them to eat shit, and insulted them ruthlessly, going after their clearly fake hairpieces or their beer belly babies which were well past overdue. After years of managing your own firm, you learned how to completely destroy men like the three you were forced to meet with.
You stomped back into your office building angrily huffing and puffing, and Jongho had to calm you down before you blew the three pigs’ houses down, but he himself was struggling to keep it together because he was laughing way too hard.
“Why the hell did you make me come with you?!” You yelled at Jongho. “That was horrible!”
“But did you see the looks on their faces?” Jongho asked in between laughs. “Ugh, that was priceless. You always know how to tear those kinds of men down. Who else better to stick it to them than the managing partner of the firm that’s suing them? God, it was like watching Monet paint.”
“I’m glad you’re happy,” you said without a shred of happiness in your voice. “I could use a drink… Or ten…”
“If you’re okay with ditching work, we can just head out for happy hour,” Jongho offered.
“I like the way you think, Choi. Alright, lemme check in with Seeun, then we can go.”
“Okay, but I’m driving.”
“You were going to have to, anyway. I didn’t bring my car today,” you told him as you walked away.
You went to your office to see that the glass had been cleaned up just like you requested, and the dumbass’ diploma was sitting neatly on your desk. You glared at the diploma briefly before heading out of your office, dismissing Seeun for the day, and walking with Jongho to the parking garage.
The two of you went to a bar that was conveniently near your place, also known as your regular spot. The two of you sat at the bar top. You introduced your bartender friend to Jongho, then got your drinks.
Despite having the roughest day, you refused to drink a lot. You needed to stay sharp, aware, alert. While you didn’t think Jongho would try to advocate for making managing partner in the same fashion as the five previous men, you wanted to remain careful because even if he didn’t do anything, you knew for a fact that you would try something if you got too drunk.
Yet, your eyes couldn’t help but stray back to his thighs. To be honest, you could not stop thinking about his thighs from the moment you saw them earlier that day. You did your best to avert your eyes and focus on your drink, but your eyes would sneak peeks as his thighs every now and again. And you prayed that Jongho was inebriated enough to not notice your not so sneaky glances. What you didn’t know, though, was that Jongho was a heavy weight. He saw every single thing you were doing.
Luckily, he was engrossed in a conversation with the bartender, giving you time to get your head out of the gutter, but the more you tried, the more you objectified the senior partner. You felt your blood rush through your body to your crotch when he crossed his legs, accentuating his luscious thighs. When the bartender said something funny and Jongho laughed, your heart fluttered— even his laugh was so fucking sexy. You panties were getting wetter at an exponential rate. You sat up a little more on the bar stool and pressed your legs together tightly, hoping that you could stop your lust continuing to manifest in your cunt.
You held your glass to your lips and wondered if your drink was spiked, but there was no possible way that it was for multiple reasons: the bartender was your friend, so why would they spike your drink? Also, your drink was whiskey neat. If it was spiked, you definitely would have noticed the color being off. And Jongho would never do such a thing to you or to anyone for that matter. You had to admit defeat. Having sex multiple times in the span of two days did a number on you and made you an insatiable beast. With a heavy sigh, you finished your drink and stood up.
“You ready to leave?” Jongho asked you.
“Yeah, but you can stay if you’d like! My place is a five minute walk from here, so I can get home.”
“No, let me drop you off. It’s late, and I think you’re a little too tipsy to walk home.”
“You don’t seriously think I’m a lightweight, do you?” You were slightly offended.
“Not at all, but it would make me feel better knowing that you got home safe,” Jongho explained.
You couldn’t stress enough to him about how it was fine, that you could just get home by yourself and text him when you got home, but Jongho was a stubborn man. Accepting defeat, you told him that if he was going to drive you home then you would pay for the drinks, and he accepted your terms and conditions.
When you sat in his car, you were hyper aware of how horny you were, and you hoped that you would be able to return home without him realizing. You quietly instructed Jongho on how to get to your place, and upon arriving, Jongho parked by the curb, but he didn’t unlock the doors just yet.
“Jongho, we’re here,” you said with an awkward laugh.
“I know,” he responded.
When he turned his head to meet your eyes, it was like déjà vu. Every cell in your body was yelling at you, telling you to fuck this man. You swallowed nervously as Jongho leaned over you. You for sure thought he was going to kiss you, but instead, he unbuckled your seatbelt. Your face was hot when he leaned back. He was teasing you, but he didn’t look playful in the slightest. He was testing the waters— testing you.
“Y/N,” Jongho called your name in a register that you were barely able to detect over the sound of your pounding heart.
“Yes?” You whispered, Jongho leaning closer towards you.
“You okay?”
You didn’t know what Jongho was asking about— was it your current mental state, your feelings about the events prior to that evening, or his hand on your knee? Although you were wearing pants, you felt his hot touch seep through the fabric, but what you really needed was that touch on your bare skin more than anything.
“Uh… Hmm…” You were desperately trying not to moan, so anything that attempted to be a word that came out of your mouth was just breathy nonsense.
Jongho’s fingers brushed against your temple, startling you slightly; but, when he brushed your hair away from your face and tucked it behind your ear, you wanted his fingers to brush elsewhere, like along your jaw, across your collarbone, down your waist, towards your thighs. His fingers did brush along your jaw, but then his finger ran across your lips, his pointer finger resting on your lower lip.
“May I?” Jongho’s lips were near your ear, so you heard his melodious voice ring loud and clear in your ear.
You nodded. Jongho left his finger on your lips and kissed you lightly, which was a little disappointing. You, however, nearly lost all self control when his finger pulled your lower lip down. He sharply inhaled as he kissed you for real this time, his lips engulfing yours with a raw, animal instinct. He unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned even further towards you, allowing the intensity of his kisses to rise aggressively. You placed one knee on the passenger’s seat and pushed yourself towards him.
At some point, the angle at which you were leaning at was getting extremely uncomfortable, and Jongho was so animalistic that you also couldn’t breathe— you were really struggling. You pushed him away and panted, Jongho giving you a second to recover.
“Would you like to come in for a nightcap?” You asked him despite knowing his answer.
Before you knew it, you and Jongho were stumbling into your apartment and barely keeping your hands off each other. You held onto Jongho’s shoulders while he held your waist and steered the two of you in the direction of your living room, your lips still completely locked with his.
The two of you sat down on your couch and continued kissing like there was no tomorrow. You leaned into him so that you were on top of him, his head resting on the arm of the couch. You felt him grind his pelvis against yours, suddenly reminding you that you should grab condoms before you went any further.
“Wait, wait, wait,” you said breathlessly before his fingers could roam anywhere else. “Let me grab protection.”
You (shakily) pushed yourself up and went to your bedroom. You didn’t dare look at your reflection in the mirror above your dresser— you knew your face was definitely the deepest shade of red the human body could muster, and your lips were definitely swollen and raw. You grabbed the condoms and made your way back to the living room with the condoms tucked into your bra strap (how is it that you had yet to find a pair of women’s slacks with pockets?). You walked back to see that Jongho ended up moving to the arm chair that was right next to the couch, his legs crossed yet again. He had removed his suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his button-up, revealing his toned forearms. Your heart leapt into your throat as you watched him put his elbow on the arm and rest his chin on his hand. He was incredibly sexy, and he knew it because he smirked upon seeing your completely shocked face. You felt yourself salivate as you observed his thighs once more.
“Y/N, you have to stop looking at me like that,” Jongho warned quietly. “Otherwise I won’t be able to control myself.”
“What do you mean…?” You choked out.
“I could barely keep my focus when we were at the bar earlier because I kept thinking about how sexy you would look completely disheveled after I got done with you. Why do you think I keep crossing my legs?”
A fire erupted within you. You were amazed at Jongho’s self control because you were ready to pounce at that point. “I could barely keep my focus all fucking day from the moment I entered your office this morning, Jongho. Your thighs are just so sexy…” You admitted honestly.
“Then,” he uncrossed his legs and spread them, his thick bulge as bright as day. He patted his thighs as he continued, “Sit. I’ll let you fully experience them.”
As he instructed, you sat on his lap, your knees on either side of him. You gripped his shoulders as he brought your lips to his once more. He untucked your button-up from your pants and quickly unbuttoned your shirt. He moved the sleeves off your shoulder slightly before moving his lips to pepper kisses on your shoulder and collarbone. In that time, he also unbuttoned and unzipped your pants, his hands pushing the waistband down.
Jongho somehow managed to get you out of your pants while still straddling him. When your bare thighs pressed against his firm, clothed ones, you felt shocks travel through your nerves. You breathed heavily near his ear as he ran his tongue along your neck and unhooked your bra, the condoms falling onto his lap. He kept your button-up on you and pushed your bra up to reveal your breasts, which was so much more erotic than you were expecting. He had one hand on your breast and the other on your ass, pulling up on your panties. His teeth nibbled on your nipple gently. You almost came upon feeling the sensation.
You couldn’t take it anymore. You needed his dick inside you. You wanted to cum. You undid his belt buckle and moved his underwear slightly, his cock springing out, firm and ready to go. Jongho moaned, your breast still in his mouth, as you ran your fingernail lightly on the tip of his penis. His lips let go of your breasts with a pop. He grabbed one of the condoms, ripped open the packet with his teeth, and rolled it on. His hand was no longer massaging your breast as he guided your hips closer to his cock.
“Y/N, sit up for me for a second,” he requested quietly.
You did just that. He pulled your panties to the side and positioned himself right at your entrance. He left it up to you to sit down at your own pace. You let his cock slip inside you slowly, not realizing that Jongho was thick. Incredibly thick. You let out a sweet moan as you sat down all the way. He filled you up perfectly, like his cock was made just for you. Your arms trembled as you held onto his shoulders and started bouncing up and down on his lap.
“Good job, baby. Keep going,” Jongho encouraged you as you began to pick up the pace.
You let out little moans of pleasure with every bounce, Jongho’s breathing becoming more ragged with every passing second. His hands traced the curve of your waist before gripping your waist tightly. He pulled you towards him slightly, shifting the position of your hips as you sat down. His cock rubbed against your G-spot repeatedly, and with a loud cry, you came. You pulled yourself off his dick entirely and finished off of him before positioning him and sitting down once again. You quickened your pace, and right as Jongho’s breathing hitched, you felt his dick tremble inside you while he groaned and clenched your waist tighter.
Surprisingly enough, you had enough strength in your legs to stand up, allowing Jongho to remove the filled condom; and although he came seconds prior, his cock was still erect and stiff. He rolled on another condom quickly and grabbed your arm to bring you back to him. He turned you so that your back was facing him. His dick pressed against your back as he stripped you down completely, the rest of your clothes sitting in a pile on the ground. You yelped in surprise as you felt his arm go under your thigh and lift it up, allowing him to have better access to your cunt. He positioned his dick then lowered your thigh so that you were once again sitting on his lap with him filling you up.
Jongho left kisses on your back as you began to move. He had one hand on your breast and the other wrapped around your waist, guiding you slightly as you moved. You whimpered when his fingers tugged on your nipple, your teeth digging into your lower lip. Jongho turned your face and kissed you roughly before saying, “Don’t hold back. I want to hear you.”
He thrusted his hips upwards, making you cry out, your face looking towards the ceiling as you let him pleasure you completely. The cherry on top for you was when Jongho leaned forward slightly and snaked his arm around your thigh, his fingers rubbing your clit as you continued to move up and down on his lap. You felt your legs nearly give the more he rubbed your clit and pinched your nipple. Your moans got louder and louder as you felt another orgasm come about, and you came right as Jongho bit your shoulder— he was cumming too.
The two of you were breathing hard as you took a second to rest on his very comfortable thighs. Jongho kissed the side of your neck several times before asking, “How did you like my thighs?”
“They were just as I imagined them to be,” you responded with a light smile. “Fucking comfortable.”
You moved off his dick, but you still sat on his lap, your legs hanging off his thighs. He kissed you on the lips several more times, and you felt him smile against your lips briefly before he leaned back and gazed at you while saying, “Just so you know, you can sit on my thighs whenever you want. Tell me when, and I’m there.”
Another kiss. You leaned forward, your ass pressing against his thigh a little more. “What about right now?”
“Of course.”
< attorney song :: day 4/5 >
Porn star. You were a porn star at this point. You were sleeping with so many different men in the name of a job. Who did you think you were— Mia Khalifa? You had Seeun compile all their records for you, and you had yet to sit and actually read them. Instead, you were finding their qualifications out another way, and for why? To satisfy your lust? Desire?
You hit your head against your steering wheel lightly as you sat in your car in the parking garage of your firm’s building. You had to go to work, but you were dreading it. At least you got to work early enough so that you could avoid any sort of conversation. That, and you still had so many records to go through. If you didn’t get to work early, then you would definitely have to stay late, and that sounded like a recipe for disaster.
You thought you were going to be the first person to get into the workplace that day, but you were wrong. Sitting at his desk in his tiny office typing away was Mingi. He was concentrating on his computer hardcore and didn’t seem to notice you. Before you went into your own office, you fully walked into his office, greeted him, and then stood behind him, Mingi still unaware that you were in the office with him.
“What’re you working on?” You asked Mingi, your voice hushed.
Mingi jumped in his seat and turned around to see you standing over his shoulder. He bowed his head and quickly muttered, “Good morning.”
“Which case is this?”
“Insider trading,” Mingi stated simply, only to realize that what he said was way out of context. “I meant the insider trading case with the former CEO of—”
“Mingi, relax. I know,” you giggled at how flustered he was.
“Right… Yeah.”
“Well, don’t mind me. Keep working.”
Mingi turned back to his computer, the tips of his ears slowly turning red. He bent his head down slightly so he could get engrossed in his computer once more, trying to ignore the fact that you were leaning over his shoulder to get a look at what he was typing up. He was typing, but he was typing slowly, like pressing one letter at a time with one finger slowly. You leaned in closer, confused as to why Mingi was all of a sudden not working as hard as he was just moments prior. His hair brushed past your chest as he ended up leaning towards you and inhaling slowly.
“You good, Mingi?” You asked him as you leaned away.
“Yep!” Mingi said quickly.
He leaned towards his computer again and began typing again, but you noticed him shifting slightly and uncomfortably in his seat. You remained standing straight, but you looked down with your eyes to see a very hard, very large outline of a penis in his pants. You pursed your lips to suppress a giggle— the poor thing was just trying to work, so you felt bad for wanting to laugh at his predicament.
“Mingi, do you usually have a hard time paying attention?” You asked him, just trying to confirm that his inability to work properly at that moment was because of you.
“Not really… I just can’t focus right now…”
Mingi, once again, shifted in his seat. He was desperately trying to hide his boner at that point. Putting a hand on his shoulder, you said to him, “Come with me. We can take care of this before everyone gets here.”
You took a couple of steps away from Mingi’s desk and turned to make sure he was following. His cheeks were red as he stood up, and he was trying to act subtly, but you could tell he was definitely struggling. You turned back around knowing that Mingi would follow as long as you didn’t stare at him.
You opened the door for Mingi to shuffle into your office and continued to keep your eyes off him out of respect as you told him, “Sit at my desk. Get your work done from here.”
After you heard Mingi plop down into your office chair, you finally looked at him. He nodded at you, his face significantly less flushed. As he logged in, he held up the paper diploma on your desk and asked, “What is this?”
“Oh, that’s trash. You can give that to me.”
You walked over to him and plucked the diploma out of his fingers. At first, you wanted to rip it up right then and there, but then you decided to roll it up and stick it in your purse. What you really wanted was to burn that motherfucker to ashes.
Mingi let out a deep breath and resumed his intense typing. You pulled out your laptop from your bag and pulled up the email Seeun sent with all the records. You began to read through the records when you noticed something in Mingi’s record.
“Hey, Mingi?”
“Yeah, Y/N?”
“Do you get bothered easily?”
Mingi’s hesitation made you look up from your computer. He had an awkward blush on his face— not the same kind of blush from earlier, but he was definitely embarrassed.
“When I first started practicing law, the things the other attorneys or judges said to me used to bother me a lot, and sometimes I would react… I wouldn’t flip out or break shit, but I did talk back to judges a lot… It kind of landed me in hot water a couple times,” Mingi explained.
You closed your laptop and set it aside. You couldn’t help but stare at Mingi, who was trying his best to focus on the screen in front of him but was clearly getting flustered with every passing second.
“You know, if you want to be managing partner, then you have to keep your resolve,” you told Mingi. “You can’t let anything bother you, otherwise you’ll definitely break after two weeks.”
“I mean, I’m definitely better than I was before— Woah,” Mingi started to advocate for himself until he saw that you were standing right next to him again.
“What? What’s wrong?” You were intentionally playing dumb at that point.
Mingi cleared his throat, but his voice still kind of squeaked as he said, “Nothing!" Ahem, nothing,” his voice returning to normal after he cleared his throat the second time.
“You sure?”
You leaned on your desk, your butt near Mingi’s hand. You watched his crotch get tight again as he kept his eyes on the computer. You bit your lower lip to contain your amusement because as funny as the situation was to you, you also felt bad for Mingi. With a sigh, you grabbed Mingi’s chin and tilted his head to look at you. His face went bright red as you kept your fingers on his face.
“Do you want to be managing partner?”
Mingi, unable to verbalize anything, nodded enthusiastically.
“Then you need to develop a thicker skin. Here’s what we’ll do.”
You scooted your office chair over so that you were in front of your desktop computer so you could quickly type and pull up some documents. You pointed at your screen and said, “Jongho and I went to serve subpoenas yesterday to these three men. I want you to do the paralegal work and get information on all three and type up a report. You have to do all of this within one hour without getting bothered by external stimuli.”
“What external stimuli?”
The voice in the back of your head was screaming at you to not do what you were about to do, but the devil on your left shoulder was egging you on. Listening to the devil, you kneeled in front of Mingi and placed your hands on his thighs, spreading his legs open. Mingi started hiccuping, completely unprepared for what was about to come his way.
“Y/N, I— Hic— Uh— Hic— What?!”
“Resist. Focus on the task at hand. From the first word you type, I’ll start timing you. If you can’t get it done, then forget about making managing partner, I’ll send you to work with the paralegals.”
“That’s so— Hic— Drastic!” Mingi complained.
“Then do the work, otherwise face the penalty.”
Mingi pursed his lips. He nodded and hiccuped again. You adjusted yourself so that Mingi could sit comfortably at the desk and type without having to worry about carpal tunnel while you, on the other hand, fit yourself all the way in the area that Mingi’s legs were supposed to go. You checked the time on your watch, and the second you heard him type profusely, you got to work. You unbuckled Mingi’s pants and unzipped them, the bulge immediately popping through. You didn’t realize you’d be working with such a large piece of equipment until you tugged the waistband of his underwear down. Compared to Yunho’s and San’s, Mingi’s cock surpassed them both in size. No wonder Mingi was so uncomfortable sitting with his boner.
You heard Mingi take in a small breath as you observed his penis. Your nails traced along the length before lightly scratching the tip. You had an hour, so you decided to take your sweet time while Mingi was under crunch time. You placed a tiny kiss on the tip of his penis, earning a tiny grunt from Mingi. Despite all the little noises he was making, he was still typing at a quick rate. He was really doing his job.
Taking Mingi into your mouth turned out to be a Herculean task. At first, you could only really fit the tip into your mouth, so you just sucked the tip at first. Mingi’s legs trembled when you swirled your tongue around, and when you moved away from him to breathe, his body jerked slightly.
Mingi yelped in shock when the phone on your desk rang. You looked at the time on your watch— the people of the firm should have been there by now, and Mingi still had another fifty minutes.
“Answer it,” you told Mingi, slightly distracted by his cock. “And put it on speaker.”
Mingi did just that. At first he didn’t know what to say, so he answered the phone with, “Y/N’s office, this is Mingi speaking.”
“Oh, Attorney Song? Why are you in Y/N’s office?” Seeun’s voice came through loud and clear.
“Go on, tell him,” you teasingly whispered to Mingi before running your tongue along his length.
“I’m helping Y/N write up a report.”
“Shouldn’t a paralegal be working on that?”
“Yes, but I was the first person in the office today, so Y/N grabbed me and told me to start working on it. It’s pretty important, apparently.”
You smirked, impressed by Mingi’s ability to lie and bullshit his way through this conversation he was having with her secretary. To reward him, you took as much of him into your mouth as you could, Mingi moaning, only to immediately cover that up with a cough and a yawn of sorts.
Seeun didn’t seem to notice anything, the poor, oblivious child. “Where is Y/N, then?”
Mingi looked at you with concern. You decided to speak up.
“Hi, Seeun,” you greeted the receptionist while stroking Mingi’s dick lightly, Mingi shivering and tapping his feet.
“Hi, ma’am,” Seeun greeted back. “Attorney Kang would like to speak with you at some point today.”
“Alright. Tell him I’ll stop by his office at some point today.”
You kissed the tip of Mingi’s penis, the boy’s hiccups returning.
“Okay, I’ll tell him. Bye ma’am, bye Attorney Song.”
“Hic— Bye.”
Mingi hung up and immediately let out a shuddering sigh. You heard him mutter a singular profanity under his breath before the sounds of his typing started up again. Mingi held his breath after that for two reasons: one, to end his hiccups; and two, to keep from moaning when took even more of him into your mouth, the gagging noise from the back of your throat making his knees tremble. As you continued to suck, you also stroked his dick, Mingi’s typing not letting up in the slightest.
Based on the amount of tiny noises he was making, you were surprised that Mingi was lasting so long. You kind of expected him to cum by that point, but he was holding out. You figured it was because he was so fixated on the work you assigned him. So, you decided to turn things up a notch.
“Mmm, Mingi,” you moaned while continuing to suck him off.
Mingi let out a muffled groan, but his fingers were still typing away. You checked the time— he had another forty minutes. Slightly annoyed by the fact that he had yet to come, you put in a little extra effort. You started sucking faster, Mingi’s dick going in and out of your mouth quickly. He sharply inhaled when you continuously gagged on his incredible size, and he finally came when you swirled your tongue around the tip once again and stroked quickly. He came into your mouth, and that was the first time within that hour that he truly got distracted. He looked down to see you swallow his cum then wipe the corner of your mouth.
“Y/N… That was fucking hot…” Mingi couldn’t help but comment.
“How far along are you in the report?” You asked him.
“I have one person left.”
“Wow, you’re pretty much almost done.”
“That’s right,” Mingi responded with a serious tone, his eyes darkening as he gazed at you.
You felt a shiver run down your spine at that moment. You checked your watch. Thirty-five minutes.
Mingi took five more minutes to finish the whole report, which gave you five minutes to stroke and suck his dick to get him to cum one more time. He succeeded in his task, but you failed, and by the looks of things, it seemed like Mingi wanted to punish you.
“I still have thirty minutes left, right?” He asked you as he stood up and helped you up from under the desk.
“Yes…?” You answered carefully.
Mingi, unbuttoning his shirt, hummed and nodded. He walked you around your desk and sat you on your desk so that your legs were dangling off the edge of the desk, and he moved the monitor so that you could clearly see it while he stood in front of you. He took off his shirt and tossed it aside before firmly grabbing your thighs, his thumbs pressing into your inner thigh.
“Look over the report. You have thirty minutes,” Mingi said with a smirk.
He reached around you and unzipped your dress quickly before pulling it off you and tossing it to where his shirt lay. He made quick work of your bra and panties as you struggled to read the first line of the goddamn report. He rubbed his cock against your clit lightly which wasn’t stimulating enough, allowing you to get through the first paragraph or so of the report. You scrolled down on the mouse to the second page as Mingi pulled a condom out of his wallet and rolled it on— he, like San, needed special fucking condoms for his huge wiener. You barely got to the second page when he pulled you forward and shoved his way through your wet— you had no idea at what point Mingi had turned you on, but he definitely did by that point— pussy. 
You wanted to scream and cry Mingi’s name so bad, but before you could even get a single noise out, the lawyer stuck his finger in your mouth and whispered, “Y/N, you have to read the report. You only have twenty-five minutes left, and you have another dozen pages left to go.”
You whimpered as you sucked his fingers. With his free hand, he held your waist and pulled you towards him as much as he could while he thrust into you repeatedly. You knew that if you didn’t read this report, then Mingi would give you hell for it, but all you could really think about doing in that moment was flinging your head back and crying his name.
Mingi’s fingers in your mouth was like some sort of fucked up pacifier— you found that with this weird oral fixation, you were able to get through seventy-five percent of the report fairly quickly. Then, the phone rang again. Your eyes widened as you stared at Mingi, who expected you to take the call. He took his fingers out of your mouth, allowing you to speak into the receiver.
“Seeun? Now’s not really a good time—” you cut yourself off and gasped as Mingi slammed his waist into yours.
“She wants to meet today? That’s not going to be possible...”
You had to move the receiver away from your mouth as Mingi kissed you passionately, his wet kisses sure to get through to Seeun on the other line. At least, you thought Seeun would hear it, but the kid was still incredibly (and thankfully) oblivious. You pushed Mingi away right before you had to respond to Seeun.
“Schedule her for a meeting next week… Um, don’t tell her about the managing partner situation since I’ll only make the final decision tomorrow… Okay, bye.”
You slammed the receiver down, grabbed Mingi by the collar, and pulled him in close. “What if Seeun fucking heard?!” You hissed.
“That was me earlier when you made me pick up the call. Call it even an exchange. You have fifteen minutes left.”
You wrapped your hands behind Mingi’s neck and pulled him closer to you, his chest pressed against yours. You kept him close in your embrace as you finished reading the rest of the report. On the very last paragraph, though, Mingi sped up quickly, and without even being able to warn him, you came, a high-pitched whine leaving your lips. Your face turned bright red when the sound came out, but Mingi didn’t say a damn thing— he was fixated on cumming as well.
As soon as you finished the last paragraph, Mingi came, his hips slamming into yours once more time before his cock shuddered inside you. You didn’t realize how much he had wrecked you until he pulled out. Your hips were on fire. You wondered how you were going to last the rest of the work day with your lower body feeling so sore.
“Look at that, three minutes to spare,” Mingi showed you his watch. “Good job.”
Mingi handed you your dress as he got dressed himself. You struggled to put your clothes back on again while he, on the other hand, was pretty much ready to take on the rest of the day, his face completely rejuvenated. He only started to head towards the office door once you were completely dressed.
“Oh, how was the report?” He asked you.
“Good,” you croaked out. “It’s solid. Thank you.”
“Thank you for this training session,” Mingi shot back with a wink. “I hope that you saw my true abilities today.”
“Yes, and then some… Have a good rest of your day, Mingi.”
Mingi bowed his head then quickly left, the door closing behind him. You sighed and nearly put your head on your desk, only to realize that you had to clean it. You could still see some traces of cum. You grabbed a tissue and cleaned up your desk quickly before rubbing your head and sighing as you pressed the buzzer for Seeun.
“Painkillers. Now. Please.”
< attorney kang :: day 4/5 >
You wanted to get more, if not all, of your work done before visiting Yeosang in his office. You finally finished reading up on all the records before one in the afternoon, making you feel accomplished— although, you knew if you had just sat down and read everything the second Seeun sent you the records, you would’ve been done two days ago. Regardless, you finished, and you were almost ready to make your decision. Key word: almost. You had to pay Yeosang a visit first.
Knowing the temperament of the junior partner, you didn’t think he was going to be like the other seven— God, you were up to seven different fucks in four days— men, but, just in case, you stashed a condom in your bra. You were also hoping that by bringing the condom, you wouldn’t have to use it, like when you bring an umbrella anywhere: if you have it, it doesn’t rain, and if you don’t have it, it rains like there’s no tomorrow. Hence, the condom.
You greeted his secretary as you walked by, “Hi, Junghoon.”
Junghoon immediately stood up and said, “Y/N! Hi! Uh, do you have a meeting with Attorney Kang? Did I forget to schedule it?”
“No, he asked me to stop by at some point, and I didn’t say when.”
“Okay, good… Well, he is in his office if you want to meet with him now.”
You smiled and thanked Junghoon before walking up to Yeosang’s office. You knocked on the door lightly, hearing a faint, “Come in!” come from the other side of the door.
“Y/N, good! I was worried you had forgotten,” Yeosang greeted upon seeing you.
“I’d be a bad boss if I did. Anyway, why’d you call me here?”
“I just wanted to chat,” Yeosang answered as he got up from his desk chair. He gestured to the chairs in front of his desk for his clients and said, “Come, have a seat.”
Yeosang turned one of the chairs so that it faced the other, you doing the same before taking a seat. You crossed your legs and leaned back, Yeosang mirroring your actions. You felt like he was trying to size you up. You observed his facial expressions as the two of you were silent for a moment. He was smiling like he usually did, but there seemed to be a hidden agenda behind his facade.
“Have you figured out who you’re going to promote yet?” Yeosang asked you head on.
“Not yet.”
“Are you going to decide tomorrow?”
“No, I’m going to decide today. I need Seeun to have the paperwork ready by tomorrow morning.”
“So why haven’t you decided yet?”
“Yeosang, I just finished reading the records before I came to see you. I haven’t sat alone with myself or my thoughts yet,” you said with a heavy sigh.
“Okay, that makes sense,” Yeosang nodded and uncrossed his legs.
It was only when he leaned forward and rested his arms on his thighs that you realized what Yeosang was up to. You did your best to maintain your resolve as Yeosang’s eyes sharpened. His interrogation was already nerve-wracking, but the look of determination on his face terrified you even more. You didn’t even realize that Yeosang was capable of such an intense look— no wonder he was a great lawyer.
“I have a couple more questions for you,” Yeosang laced his fingers together and leaned towards you just a little more.
“Why are you interrogating me?” You asked, trying to establish your dominance against him.
“I’m not interrogating. I’m cross-examining.”
“Then, where’s the other attorney?”
“You, Y/N. You’re representing yourself. Now, for my questions.”
Yeosang stood up and took one step towards you. You had to look up diagonally at him to make eye contact with him. You swallowed nervously in anticipation of his next question.
“What are the factors you observe upon evaluating each one of us?”
“Previous cases, work ethic, relationships and compatibility with the paralegals, other lawyers, judges—”
“And with you?” Yeosang interrupted.
You felt your heart skip a beat when he said that. Quickly, to kill whatever suspicions he had, you said, “Objection.”
“On what grounds, Y/N?”
“Fine. Sustained. Where were you yesterday?” Yeosang continued.
“I was with Jongho going to the offices of three pigs and delivering subpoenas to them,” you answered truthfully.
“And what time did the two of you return to the building?”
“A couple minutes before Happy Hour.”
“So you were in the building a couple minutes before Happy Hour. Did you go back to your office?”
“For a second, yes.”
“Why a second?”
“To check if the broken glass in my office was cleaned up.”
Yeosang’s eyes widened. He broke out of his lawyer persona for a split second as he said, “Remind me to circle back to that later…”
“Are you done with your cross-examination, Attorney Kang?”
“No. Why didn’t you stay in your office for longer? The work day was not done.”
“Jongho and I decided to play hooky and go to the bar for Happy Hour. The pigs I had to deal with were so disgusting that I couldn’t focus on anything when we got back.”
You were starting to get nervous. Yeosang was definitely going back to his earlier assumption with his questions, but you couldn’t object and say leading because he wasn’t.
“You went to the bar with Jongho. What happened after?”
“He dropped me off at home.”
“Did he go in?”
“I don’t have to answer that,” you put your foot down.
“Did he go in?” Yeosang repeated as he took another step towards you.
“I plead the Fifth,” you responded weakly.
“Did he go in?” Yeosang was right before you, his crotch near your face. You looked away immediately and didn’t maintain any sort of eye contact with him as you finally answered. “Yes.”
“Where did he go?”
“Into my home?”
“Where did he go?”
“Um… Objection. Asked and answered.”
“Y/N, look at me,” Yeosang said as he leaned down, his hands resting on the arms of the chairs as he brought his face dangerously close to yours. You held your breath as he asked one more time, “Where did he go?”
You remained silent. Yeosang cupped your face as his thumb ran over your lower lip lightly. “Was he in here?”
“Did he go here?” He ran a hand along the curve of your hips.
“How about here?” He held onto your thigh and uncrossed your legs before tracing a line down your inner thigh.
You couldn’t help but gasp when you felt his fingers brush against your cunt before resting his hand back on the arm rest. Your silence after that only meant one thing: Yeosang had succeeded— he pretty much confirmed that you and Jongho did have sex, and he got you all hot and bothered.
“So, you and senior partner Attorney Choi… And do I have it right that similar events occurred with Attorneys Kim, Park, Jeong, Choi, Song, and Jung?” Yeosang really wanted to cross all the Ts and dot all the Is.
“Therefore, if a similar event happened between us, then you would have no choice but to let it happen?” 
“Are you blackmailing me?”
“No, I’m just trying to match the qualifications of my competitors,” Yeosang said with a smirk.
Seeing your sweet, kind, and lovely junior partner turn into this flirty, smooth, and overtly sexy prosecutor pretty much made your brain go blank. You were silent for another heartbeat or two before croaking out, “Who are you and what have you done to Kang Yeosang?”
Yeosang, in response, laughed innocently, but he licked his lips subtly before biting his lower lip, making your brain explode at that point. Despite all the touching he had done earlier, Yeosang had yet to put his hands on your body again. “So would you be okay if I showcase my skills on you right now?” He asked quietly.
“I suppose that’s only fair,” you nodded, encouraging him because at that point, you needed to do something about the fire in your loins.
“Alright. Can you stand up for me?” Yeosang asked, and you did so. “Now take three steps backwards.”
You took three careful steps backwards and realized that Yeosang nearly had you pinned against a wall. He was standing in front of you, three steps ahead of you. His arms were crossed over his chest. He tilted his head and narrowed his eyes before saying, “Can you turn around?”
Hesitantly, you turned around so that you were facing the wall. You didn’t know how long you were waiting for after you turned around— Yeosang didn’t make a single move for a solid minute; then, you felt his fingers brush up your arm and rest on your shoulder, sending shivers down your spine. You heard him sigh softly as he pressed his hand on the small of your back, your back arching slightly, pushing your breasts up against the wall. An erotic whine from you rang out in his office when he exhaled lightly on the back of your neck. As Yeosang continued to tease you, you realized that he had yet to even kiss you. You were starting to get a little impatient.
“Yeosang, please— Eep!” You turned your head to try and make eye contact with him, but you were startled when you felt his tongue run up the edge of your ear.
“Sorry, did that surprise you?” Yeosang’s lips were still near your ear, his deep voice making your legs wobble.
“I— Uh— Um—” Not a single coherent thought revolved in your head.
“My bad,” Yeosang said, although you seriously doubted whether or not that statement was genuine. “What were you going to say?”
“Hurry,” you whined as he grunted in your ear as his hips pressed against yours. You heard him stifle a chuckle as you pushed your ass towards him.
“Y/N, we can’t just jump into things so fast. We have to fully prepare before we start anything,” Yeosang explained. “But since you seem so desperate…”
He slowly unzipped your dress and pushed the sleeves down, his lips leaving soft kisses on your bare shoulders. Your back arched even more when he trailed his tongue along your spine up to your neck, your head pressing against his when brushed his nose along your shoulder and exhaled deeply. You didn’t even realize that Yeosang had pushed your dress all the way off you by that point— his lips were just too sensual.
Apparently, Yeosang knew you stashed a condom in your bra; he knowingly pushed his hand into your bra and took it out. He opened the packet and rolled the condom on quickly before pressing his body against yours. It was only when you felt his hot skin against yours that you realized he was naked the whole time. You moaned loudly when his arms wrapped around you, his hand diving into your bra again and clutching your breast; and you let out a cry when he ran his hand over your panties and pressed his fingers firmly into the fabric, the rubbing of your panties against your labia making your pussy get wetter by the second.
Yeosang continued to knead and massage you while his tongue violated the sanctity of your ear and neck. His hips pressed against yours so hard that your entire body ended up getting pressed into the wall. You were about to ask Yeosang to speed things up a bit again, but he seemed to have read your mind. From behind, he pulled your panties up and to the side, his dick slipping in between your legs and rubbing against your clit. He held onto the waistband of your pants tightly before gliding his cock inside you. You moaned blissfully as he moved at a relatively slow pace, your body pressing against the wall even more when every thrust. When he unhooked your bra and pulled it off you, your hard nipples grazed the wall lightly, the stimulation from the cold wall on your sensitive nipples bringing you to an orgasm faster than you expected. Your hands pressed as hard as they could into the wall as you came, Yeosang’s dick still inside you refusing to let up.
“Yeosang… More…” you whined after releasing your cum; you still weren’t satisfied.
“Yes, Y/N,” Yeosang responded.
He pulled out of you, flipped you around, and pressed you up against the wall once again. He slipped you out of your panties, brought your leg up, re-entered you, and finally, pressed his lips against yours. Just like his usual demeanor, Yeosang’s kisses were sweet and lovely. He slipped his tongue into your mouth, but the way he did it wasn’t the same way anyone else had— it felt like his tongue was meant to be twirling with yours, allowing you to breathe and enjoy his kiss. The sweet and lovely part of Yeosang disappeared quickly when he thrusted into you hard. His hand gripped your thigh and pushed it a little higher, his other hand supporting your neck as he continued to kiss you passionately. He managed to find a position that rubbed against your G-spot perfectly several times in succession that you came quickly. You broke off the kiss with him to let out a sweet, loud moan, your pussy quivering as you came for what felt like an eternity.
When Yeosang pulled out, you shuddered again, a little more cum escaping your body. You were about ready to sink to the ground when Yeosang wrapped his arms around you and held you upright, his tongue running up your neck before he whispered in that ridiculously low voice of his, “Did you like that?”
You could only nod in response. “Then there’s more of that where it came from,” he said with an even lower drawl, making your limbs tingle with excitement.
When Yeosang lifted you, you yelped in shock. You knew that he worked out and that he was strong, but you didn’t anticipate for him to actually use his muscles like that. He sat you down on his desk, pushed off a bunch of shit from his table to the ground dramatically like people did in the movies, then pulled your hand towards the table.
“All fours,” he growled in your ear.
You felt yourself get turned on all over again by the way he ordered you. You obeyed him and held yourself up with shaky arms as he rubbed the tip of his cock against your pussy a couple more times before slowly entering you, a groan emitting from his soul.
You remained as quiet as you possibly could be— you desperately wanted to hear him moan and groan. Yeosang slammed his pelvis into you repeatedly, making your body lurch forward every so slightly with each thrust. Unintentionally, you ended up clenching when Yeosang grabbed your ass with one hand and your waist with the other.
“Fuck,” hearing a profanity leave Yeosang’s mouth was so much hotter than you ever anticipated. “Did you just get tighter?”
“Mmm,” you moaned as you nodded. You getting tighter not only pleasured him, but it also made you feel incredibly good and sexy.
“Y/N, lay on your back for me,” Yeosang hissed through gritted teeth.
Yeosang pulled out, allowing you to lay on your back. He barely gave you time to situate yourself before slamming his hips into yours, fucking you rough and hard. He had one hand on your breast and massaged it firmly before licking and sucking on your nipple. Your back arched more and more every time he bit your nipple lightly and tugged upwards. Panting, you reached for Yeosang’s shoulders and held on tightly— you wanted to cum again so badly, and you were almost there.
“Kiss me, Yeosang,” you cried, your voice breaking every other syllable.
With a throaty chuckle, Yeosang nodded and pressed his lips against yours again. You sucked on his lower lip hard as his pace slowed down. You both broke off the intense kiss to groan and moan loudly as you both came together. You felt the inside of your pussy get even hotter when Yeosang released his pent up load, the condom completely filling up. Your pants synchronized, and after a moment or two, Yeosang pulled out entirely and took a step away from you. He removed the condom and threw it out while you sat up on his desk to situate yourself.
“Yeah?” Yeosang responded as he got dressed.
“You’re incredibly sexy.”
You watched Yeosang’s face get bright red. He turned his head away from you as he muttered, “Thank you…”
He grabbed your clothes and brought them to you, his hand resting on his desk as he stood by you. Before wearing your clothes, you cupped his face and brought his lips to yours— you were definitely addicted to his lips by that point, which reminded you of the fact that he took so long to kiss you.
“Why did you tease me for so long, though?” You complained.
“I was holding back for as long as I could… I wanted to last a while.”
“We only had one condom.”
You paused and blinked at him in shock. Look at the junior partner being so resourceful. You couldn’t help but giggle at his response before kissing him again. He put his hands on your waist, and you were slowly getting turned on again with every passing kiss. Suddenly, Yeosang pushed you away and took a step back.
“We can’t do this again.”
“What?” You were kind of hurt when he said that.
“We don’t have any more condoms, and you still have to make a decision on the next managing partner,” Yeosang brought up very valid points.
Eyes wide, you nodded in agreement. You hopped off his desk (and nearly fell to the ground) before quickly redressing yourself. You fixed your hair and smoothed out your dress. Right before you could exit Yeosang’s office, he said loudly, “Wait!”
He grabbed your arm and pulled you towards him. He kissed you intensely, making you hold onto his shoulders for dear life. When the kiss ended your face flushed, and it only got hotter when you saw Yeosang run his tongue over his lower lip then smirk.
“Alright, you can go now,” he said to you as he waved goodbye.
Still shocked, you left Yeosang’s office in a daze, the last kiss he left you with being the only thing on your mind.
< the end :: day 5/5 >
Friday. The dreaded day finally arrived.
You did make a decision the night before, but it was difficult. You desperately wanted to consult with someone, and you did, but Seeun could only do so much to help since he was merely a secretary. Asking a paralegal was out of the question because it was going to break one of two ways— they would either tell you to pick Seonghwa, or confuse you even more.
Thinking about the paralegals, you did think about just making Seonghwa partner. But you thought about the other seven men and how much they did for you. Yeosang was impressive in flipping the switch and changing his demeanor. Mingi was fast and thorough. Jongho was charismatic and authoritative. San was cunning and convincing. Wooyoung was bold and brash. Hongjoong was calm and reliable. Yunho was prepared and sly. You just had too many good lawyers in your firm.
A thought crossed your mind: fuck it, just make all eight of them managing parters. But the thought of having nine names on the wall and business cards made your skin crawl. No, two names were enough.
When you got home that night, you did two things. You made yourself a drink, and you went to your balcony with your former partner’s college degree. You lit the edge of the paper and watched it go up in flames. The ashes got swept up in the wind, and you made your decision. You went back into your place, finished up the rest of the paperwork, and sent it to Seeun. You did not, however, get a good night’s rest. You were so on edge about announcing your decision that you couldn’t sleep. You used a lot of concealer that morning to cover up the bags under your eyes and walk into your firm with your head held high.
“Gentlemen,” you started once the eight men sat at the table and looked at you expectantly. “I’ve made my decision. Seeun, if you will.”
Seeun, who had accompanied you to this meeting to give you a tiny boost of morale, stood up with the papers you sent him the previous night. He walked to the man and placed the papers in front of him.
“Congratulations. You just made partner.”
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invaderzia1 · 2 years
hehe gamer bf! scara fucks us over his desk setup after raging in valorant!🙏
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okay but at this point, you know the protocol. you’ve been together long enough to know that when he’s raging this badly that you should prepare yourself for him to take his frustrations out on you.
sometimes he will call for you and make you get on your knees, sucking him off as he starts up another game. other times he will basically throw his head set off and have you crawl on top as you ride him on his gaming chair, cursing the entire time about how everyone in this game is a bunch of worthless losers. sometimes he’ll grab one of your toys and tease you with it, edging you until he gets his fill.
very few times will he fuck you over his precious gaming set up, not wanting you to mess with his set up. he will only do this when his raid party are being complete shit. I mean like, none of them seem to know what they are doing and they’ve had to restart this raid multiple times. the entire time he’ll be mean and degrading, it isn’t because you did anything but he just needs to take his frustration out on you in a healthy manner.
so when he calls you into his gaming room, you pick up almost immediately on his tone. you feel kind of giddy as you walk into the room, seeing his head set thrown haphazardly on the floor and he’s already got his cock out, stroking it lazily as he waits for you. once he sees you his tells you to strip and you do so happily. he’ll then bend you over his step up, not caring if your face is right against his keyboard and roughly shove two fingers into your tight wet cunt. his pace is brutal, shaking both you and his desk as he stares intensely at the way your cunt eagerly takes his fingers pumping in and out of you.
honestly, he’s obsessed with the sight of it, the way your pussy almost sucks him back in when he pulls out of you. the warmth and just how wet you get by just his two fingers inside you. it almost makes up for his teammates incompetence. almost. so he has you stand there while he fingers you harshly, degrading you while he does so.
“filthy fucking slut, do you get this wet knowing others can hear you?”
“no,” you squeal, making him laugh, “only for you.”
this makes his movements still for a second, his face blushing lightly as he became flustered by your words. but he still feels that rage inside him, so his fingers pick up much harsher than before. he knows you’re being loud enough that his raid party can hear you from his discarded headset.
“only for me, you’re all mine.”
he’ll play with you for a bit until his boner almost becomes painfully hard, then he’ll quickly maneuver you around and push himself into you. it’s quick but all his previous foreplay helps make it easy. and then he’ll fuck you hard, shaking his entire set up until you can barely even remember you’re own name. he wants you to be cock drunk for him.
he doesn’t even care at first that his raid party hasn’t yet left the discord call, all he can think of his how tight you are wrapped around him. then he hears you whimper out his name, your hand reaching behind your back to hold his, it would almost be pathetic from anyone else, but seeing you like this made his heart beat. this doesn’t stop him from being mean though, honestly it fuels the fire.
if you think this will end once he cums, you would be wrong. at this point he’ll pick his headset up and tell off his raid team for being worthless perverts and then disconnect from the group. and now the real fun can begin.
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