#and then the second tier dropped.
sntoot · 2 years
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designs for my azem (with color!)
more info under the cut bc i ramble
their name is hestia! and they may have been an experiment for creation magicks early in life (looks lovingly at the raids for confirming my suspicions that creation magic could absolutely be misused on people). so their hair n eyes r supposed to be weird, their hair specifically supposed to give you the idea of fire-head [gender redacted], and their eyes are supposed to be iridescent as opposed to the usual glow ancients have. they would really rather everyone behaved normally about it and didnt bring it up though
they dont have any memories from before they were found abandoned as a child, and due to the amount of strange things wrong with them, venat/azem ended up taking them in as she investigated, which turned into an apprenticeship and then got them the position of azem. venat never found out where exactly they came from, but she is certain of is that someone did experiments on them and that they are much happier as her adoptee and azem than digging into their past.
they almost always glamour over their actual convocation mask with a regular one bc they dont want to intimidate anyone by being azem (emet-selch has long since given up on complaining about it). if they are in a place like elpis where they need their hood down and their mask off, they cover up their hair with a scarf and wear their mask anyways until they get told to take it off. its both because of how strange they look but also because their aether is warped in a way to draw in other people’s aether (which is mostly just annoying in that it makes people think they have a gravity to their presence). but the amount gets worse when they get people’s direct attention and dont get a chance to mitigate, and in some cases it ends badly because people have differing reactions to being drawn to them
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hylianane · 5 months
(gets ignored by my group of friends that i’ve known my whole life when i try to ask as carefully as possible if they want to maybe go out to eat with me on my birthday): :,(
(remembers I now have new people in my life who are always enthusiastic about going out with me, and try out new games and anime just because i told them i like them, and say insane shit to me like “I really wanna do this thing but Only if you’re there as well when I do it because having you there with me is what makes it special”): :D
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starswallowingsea · 1 year
2, 4, 6 and 12 for the enstars ask game 🩵
ask game
2. who did you first produce?
Kaoru n Chiaki because I started Eng during AtoZ and really thought they were sillies. And they are but oh my god *stares at Crazy:B*
4. what got you into enstars?
Any complaints about my hyperfixation can be redirected to @chadsuke because they started posting about it when eng dropped and I got curious and it's all been downhill since then.
6. how long have you been in the enstars fandom?
I started playing a little over a year ago I believeeeee or a little less but I only really got into it around Tempest release in Eng, and it kinda took over after Night Club Eng, which I remember was over Labor Day weekend because I had to do some of the tour days while at camp LMAO
12. what was your favorite event?
That's been released in Eng? Probably A Dark Night's Passing (the Double Face introduction). It was my first event 5* outside a tour and I just really love =EYE= as a song. Quality stuff. Night Club is a close second. I'm super excited for Ariadne next though and Obbligato. Do not get me started on that one.
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prismaticutie · 1 year
Hi guys! I've been posting a lot abt Rasmus lately! So I want to explain how my obsesseion varies between Rasmus and Cyrus
"Is Rasmus going to be the new Cyrus" GOD no.
There will never be a new Cyrus! Cyrus is the one and only Cyrus
If you haven't seen it yet, I have a post explaining what Cyrus is and how integral he is to my everyday functioning. It's a long post, so all you really need to know is he's like if you combined an imaginary friend + fictional other + caretaker all into one and placed him with me 24/7. He's my silly little cy guy and I would die without him <3
Yet I don't post about him as much as you'd expect me to. But I have been talking soooo so muchsies about Rasmus from Omega Strikers
So why is it different? Because! While Cyrus is a fictional character, that's not all he is to me
Cy serves a lot of other functions and purposes within my life. He's been around for a little over a year now (15 months?) and he helps me to be able to live my life in a healthy and successful manner
Rasmus is just a fictional character. He's a really cool one! But that's all he is
It's casual character obsession. Well, casual for me. To anyone else I probably look insane. And I am! But that's for other reasons
If you followed my pokeblog when I was obsessed w Hassel, it's a little like that. Except I think Rasmus is more of a kin type obsession, not like fictional crush (which is what Hassel was)
I don't think that this happens often w me? I can't remember the last character it happened with before Hassel.
Obviously I also have favorite characters. I talk about them more than other characters in a series, but there's a difference between a character being my favorite vs me being obsessed w them
If a character is my favorite, then you will see me post about them regularly. I might spam post them from time to time, but you won't see me going out of my way to talk about them personally. Usually just rb stuffs
If I am obsessing over a character, then I post about them a LOT more, and might even make my OWN posts talking abt them. I'll actively be constantly rbing stuff for them, and generally I'll be a lot more active in sharing my thoughts on them (in tags or otherwise)
The only reason I don't do that w Rasmus is cuz Omega Strikers isn't so super popular so the fanbase isn't massive on here and there's not much to rb
Basically my 3 stages of affinity for a character are:
Favorite - I see them I go 👍 (Spyke, N Harmonia)
Obsession - I am hyper and rabid and if I see them I go ‼‼‼‼‼😀😀😀😀😀😀💥💥💥💥💥💥 (Rasmus, Hassel)
Unequivocal Cyrus Tier - Seeing the character, I have the same reaction as the obsession level but if I think about him I see him I go 😊😊😊😊😚😚😚😚😋😋😋🤪🤨💗💗💗💗💗💗🌟👑(Cyrus)
I could use this to rank all my fav characters that would be fun actually. Unfortunately I do not remember like half of them bc I have no concept of object permanence
Um but since I mentioned Rasmus might be on my kinlist (spoiler alert: he is) if this post gets one like I'll drop my kinlist including characters I'm kinsidering/honorable mentions (I have one mutual who might fight me to the death abt this tho)
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elegyofthemoon · 2 years
@ abel and helena: you’ll never have what jack and lacie had
#snow speaks#spoilers in tag for fena ep 11 !#i COULD put this on my ramble blog but its not like ive been liveblogging my experience watching fena so hi hello howdy#BUT LIKE EP 11 WAS A BIT OF A MIIIIINDFUCK#LIKE WHAT THE FUCK WAS ABEL POSSESSED???? WHAT BS WAS THAT???? WHATS W THE RED GLOWING EYES ???? TRYING TO BE AVAMPIRE WHAT IS THIS?????????#but more than anything abel and helena's relationship made me think back on jack and lacie#and seeing a lot of the talk about abel in the tags im like hmmm i hope jack is never touched by new fans LKAJSDHFA#but anyways jacie top tier it cannot be outdone by anyone else#but i will say theres something pretty about watching abel cause his own demise chasing a dead dream#also the reaction while i was watching was like huge pikachu face alskdjfah#me watching abel walk towards illusion of helena: OH MY GOD IS HE GONNA DIE???#abel drops dead literally a second after#me watching helena catch fire and abels spirit walks after: omg is he unknowingly walking to the fire#abels whole body catches on fire#anyways. fenas been fun! i dont really like how theyre wrapping it up rn#and they JUST DROPPED ANOTHER MINDFUCKERY !!!#but i might watch that ep later cuz theres only so much i can watch before i have to do something else alsdkjfa#fena pirate princess spoilers#fena spoilers#IN CASE bc i think stan wanted to watch it but idk if he already did ( / w \ )#this actually makes me wanna go reread the tragedy trios chapters in ph but do i need to really hurt myself like this. do i really?
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luxicorde · 8 months
Thinkin bout that scene from eeaao again that was the first boss fight with the tax lady
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rubys-domain · 8 months
god i'm actually so worried that my f2p career in enstars is gonna end with love letter yuta
#⇢₊˚⊹ 🩷∥ruby∥yo,ide yo !!#i should feel lucky i didn't become a knightsP or smth. that would've been 10x more pain and suffering#since i literally don't have the cash to spare for this game#i'm sitting at 21k dia in my starter yuta account. i'm gonna try my luck with the upcoming october scout#hopefully i get him before i run out#if i do run out... i'll be really tempted to just ditch that account and completely focus on my starter hinata account instead#thing is,i don't have their halloween work outfits yet in the hinata account. but i do in the yuta account#i haven't gotten a single halloween outfit drop yet in the hinata account so i can't even do the event work#maybe i'm crazy for also caring about the work outfits#the outfits aren't even all that special. i just want them because they exist and they're for 2wink 😭#i take this whole 2winkP thing way too seriously 🥲#also i got the wwys profile frame thing and it makes my yuta account look so cool#and it's not like the yuta account is THAT lacking in 5 stars. i have a green nagisa and a red hajime on top of the free blue subaru#and starter yuta is a yellow 4 star and i've pretty much maxed him out at this point#i even spent the free 4 star card on a second copy of him to give him more stats. i already have so many other 4 stars so i figured why not#i almost have enough cards for a mono color team of every color on that account#on the hinata account i used my dia on the start dash 5 star tickets and so far got tsukasa shu eichi and mama#and i also got a second copy of starter hinata through sheer luck#and i have yet to unlock the last tier of the shop so i assume there's still one more free 5 star ticket#i'm gonna unlock it when the october yuta scout drops because i also bought the limited dia scout tickets from the start dash shop#and they expire around a day after yuta's scout is predicted to drop. and one of the start dash missions i have now is to scout 30 times#so two birds with one stone and all that#hopefully the dia tickets actually count for the mission because i read somewhere that they might not#but maybe that was just misinformation idk#anyway. i'm conflicted#i should really look up a guide for the love letter event so i know how it actually works. and if i'll need to spend dia at all on it#if i don't then huzzah. i can dump all my dia into the october scout and not worry about a thing#but if i do then yeah..........#okay so i checked the wiki. and it's a unit event so i definitely will need to spend dia#there's also a bunch of calcumulations i need to do before the event to get an accurate prediction of how much dia i'll need apparently
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rainbowangel110 · 11 months
25 for Stacy =]
My favorite thing about her is that she's basically the trope of "Tiny girl, big hammer"
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OC ask game
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i don’t think dot and bubble was trying to do both “phone bad” commentary and race commentary. i don’t think it was trying to do “phone bad” commentary at all. the episode wore the veneer of a mediocre black mirror clone to lull the viewer into expecting something predictable and bland—haha they can’t walk without their phones! mid-tier episode but good enough—and then it hits you with the fucking gut punch of that ending, and the Why of the episode falls into place.
i almost wonder if the real “phone bad” commentary has to do with the experiences of people of color in fandom, where they’re having fun with the story and feel a sense of belonging and then boom. they realize that there are racist people and ideas in a situation that previously felt predictable and safe. i’ve heard princess weekes discuss that experience before, and she even made a video essay about martha jones in doctor who. and of course that experience goes far beyond fandom, in much more serious ways, but it’s the technology stuff that made me think of it specifically. and now that i think of it, there are hints dropped about those much more serious ways in the episode—something about a very modern-day-esque police institution existing in this far-off future utopia, and the way lindy called for them, had already rubbed me the wrong way.
maybe this episode was rtd’s attempt to grapple with the ways he failed martha jones and mickey smith in his original run. acknowledging that an adventure can be destroyed in a second, with the realization that everyone else on the adventure sees you as less worthy than your white counterparts. ncuti performs the doctor’s realization and reaction extremely well. i’m glad that this episode exists.
i’m going to rewatch this immediately, i think. please feel free to add your thoughts.
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skzbyeols · 1 year
i messed up on the first concert part but somehow kept my combo so 😁
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ghost-recs · 2 months
can we get some bakugou recs 😊😊 (written and smaus pleaseee)
hello hellooo! oh man do i ever have some! you have no idea the can of worms you are opening my friend.
but first i am so sorry for how late this rec is! i wanted to get this done days ago, but the semester has been crazy packed. i'm going to get through all my asks one by one. thank you for your patience! anyways let's get into this !!
Bakugou Recs
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Garden of Lungs (Hanahaki) by oweCrew [ao3]
synopsis: you have your whole life ahead of you, a promising future and jobs lined up after UA...but these stupid flowers are going to be the death of you, literally.
i flew through this fic so fast. it was the first time i had every heard of hanahaki disease and oof to my heart. i loved it!
Late Night Calls by fictionpls [ao3]
synopsis: much to bakugou's disdain, you skipped your meals again. tch, he's basically taking care of you at this point.
cute lil fluff oneshot with bakugou as your best friend...maybe more.
Nothing More, Nothing Less by @dekustowel
synopsis: bakugou made a big whoopsies. the only way to get out of it? fake date you, the internet's sweatheart, duh!
this smau idea has a hold on me. i'm a sucker for the fake dating trope. and i mean seriously, it's bakugou! [ongoing...]
Nerd (Affectionately) by @oniku-niku
synopsis: you're in love with bakugou, have been since you were kids. there was no use in hiding the truth. but did he have to be so rude about it??
most of this smau is a big ouch to the heart. but the drama gets heavier as the story goes on and i'm here for it! happy soft ending! :)
Speak by Kikyo851 [ao3]
synopsis: you could not believe that your soulmate was such a crude and violent person...just to spite the universe and him you decide not to say a word to your "soulmate."
soulmate au in which the first words that your soulmate says to you is written on your wrist. this fulfilled my needs of a bakugou soulmate au! so cute and it is complete!
Of Snowscapes & Explosions by sugarbun [ao3]
synopsis: you've been categorized as second to shoto todoroki ever since grade school. after a frustrated vent to bakugou and a few of his cracks revealing some of his own frustrations you realize that maybe you and him aren't so different after all.
guys....when i tell you this fic is the slowest slow burn. i feel like it's so accurate to how bakugou would actually fall for someone. sadly, this fic is unfished tho and hasn't been updated in a couple years😭 but you should read it anyways.
cover shot (through the heart) by @andypantsx3
cross posted on ao3 here! cover shot (through the heart) by andypantsx3
synopsis: you're the only one who can deal with bakugou's attitude in the industry. he hasn't found something that bothers you...until he starts flirting with you, hello??
model/celebrity au. super cute fic. i'm warning you this is much spicier than some of my other recs. mdni. (also check out this author's other works. they have a lot of top tier content!!)
Motherly Love by @kweenkatsuki-fics
synopsis: bakugou gives his mom a late night call to thank her. the reason why softens her heart greatly.
super soft lil drabble that just about brings me to tears everytime i read it. in love with bakugou fr.
déjà vu by @cashmoneyyysstuff
synopsis: bakugou thinks back to some oddly familiar memories with you. and one thing always stays the same, you both are together.
oneshot the made my jaw drop. hit me hard in the feels.
untitled oneshot by @honeypirate
synopsis: being paired with your number 1 enemy for a group project proved that the universe hated you. well might as well have some fun with this and make bakugou's life just as miserable.
college au oneshot. i am always down for a good enemies to lovers trope!
risky by @kusaka6e
synopsis: moving from another country to work as a pro hero in japan was not the easiest. and a certain hot headed hero only adds to your frustrations.
oneshot about the obvious grown tension between you and pro hero dynamite.
i hope you find something you like! sorry for the late rec, have a lovely day/night!
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curtsycream · 4 months
Heyyyy it's me again
Okay so
Poly141 (all dating each other) where they're all like. Lounging in the living room, watching a movie or something. Reader is upstairs in the bathroom (she made an excuse to get away), looking at herself too much in the mirror. She tries to hide she's insecure, but Johnny comes upstairs to find her, and he sees her staring and grabbing her stomach. He watches for a second but when he sees her tearing up, he walks in, picks her up, and takes her to the guys downstairs. He makes her explain to them what he saw, and it turns into fluffy smut? Like the guys are over here like "?????? stfu before i put my baby in you 🙄" and it's gets a little rough, but still fluffy?
Idk it's hella self-indulgent, but no pressure if you don't wanna write it :)
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Beautiful Woman
Poly!TF141 x F!Reader
Heyyyyy, how ya doing? I would never turn down a request like this. I hope you like it lovely <33
warnings: not proofread to the highest tier, Soap’s accent is thick (I apologize couldn’t help it), body insecurities, a bit of dysmorphia if you read into it, penetration (p in v), oral (f receiving), idk
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Movie nights were always her favorite as she leaned her head on Soap’s shoulder. Her fingers entwined with Ghost’s as they watched Grownups. The movie selection was Gaz’s as he seemed to find the movie pure comedy gold. He felt the same about Mall Cop, something Price could partially agree with.
Laughter from Soap and Gaz filled the room along with Ghost’s random commentary. She was enjoying herself but that gut wrenching feeling was there. Where it felt as if all eyes were on her. She knew it wasn’t that way but her mind made it hard to think clearly. At first she simply wrapped her free arm around her stomach. But it wasn’t enough she knew they weren’t but in her mind they were laughing at her. It was nauseating, standing up abruptly she let a half-baked excuse leave her lips. “Need to use the bathroom,” she told them when they looked to her.
They didn’t notice anything off until she went upstairs. There was a perfectly fine bathroom downstairs but she didn’t go to it. Sharing a look they took a moment to write it off. They didn’t want to cause any alarm when she probably forgot.
The bathroom door slammed close, her eyes focused on her reflection in the mirror. Many times have they assured her that they loved the way she looked. But insecurities like that never went away at the drop of a hat. Raising her shirt she turns to the side looking at her side profile. The way her stomach looked bothered her, her finger tracing over a stretch mark.
Her eyes brimmed with tears as she looked at herself head on. Sucking in her stomach she runs a hand over her stomach. Even as she did it she felt inferior in a way. Compared to women from their pasts she wasn’t like them. She wasn’t thin or shaped like a coke bottle, she didn’t feel like their type.
It was a silly concept to focus on the women they dated and determine the kind of women they like. She knew it was but for some reason as her eyes stare at stomach she assumed this was a joke. That she didn’t deserve them because she didn’t fit the standard of the women they didn’t stay with.
Squishing her stomach she sniffled just as the bathroom door opened. He went unnoticed until he stepped forward when seeing how her bottom lip trembled. His eyes on her hands as they squish her stomach. It was clear what was going on as he pulls her against him. His finger rests under her chin as he lifts her head to look at him.
“Whit urr ye daein'?”
His voice was a blanket of warmth over her as he spoke to her. “I—“ she began before stopping.
It was evident that he wasn’t going to let this go, that was reasonable. Shaking her head she uses her hands to dry her eyes. “I don’t deserve you guys, I’m just..look at me.”
“Shut th' hell up, afore ah pat a baby in ye tae prove it..”
“I’m serious Johnny, no matter what I do I always feel so goddamn inferior to the women you’ve dated. Do you even love me or am I just a spur of the moment decision.”
Her words cut him deep leaving him with a hurt look on his face. He didn’t say anything he just looked at her, it was worrying. But before she could ask him about it he picked her up. Wide eyed she let him carry her as if she weighed nothing to him. Not a single grunt or groan left him to indicate that he was struggling.
When he put her down she landed on the couch in a seated position. All eyes were on her a feeling she hated especially now.
“Tell thaim,” he said pointing to the other three men. Their attention no longer on the movie that was now paused.
Fiddling with her fingers she shrugged looking down, “I don’t deserve you guys…you could have anybody and you pick me. I know I sound a bit childish but that’s how I feel, I don’t compare to the women you’ve dated. I don’t even feel comfortable in my skin, I feel too big.”
“Dated? past tense, there are reasons we aren’t dating those women anymore. Just like there’s a reason we’re with you,” Gaz said his tone just as serious as his expression. She wasn’t used to such a look on his face where a smile usually lived.
Opening her mouth to speak she was cut off by Price. The older man had a similar expression on his face, “you deserve more than you’ll admit. You’re perfect for us trust me if we didn’t love everything about you we wouldn’t be with you, darlin’”
“Stop selling yourself short, if I had the option of anyone I would still pick you. There’s no question about it, lovie.”
The tears that were brimming her eyes soon fell. She couldn’t hold it in anymore as she cried from their words. She was pulled into a chest realizing it was Ghost from the smell of kohl and steel. Even when they were away from work he always managed to smell that way. “How would you know, you can’t prove that?” She asked her voice muffled by his shirt.
“Ye'r perfect fur us, we kin aye prove that,” Soap let out.
A surge of desire coursed through Soap’s body as he watched Gaz’s skilled and intimate ministrations. The way Gaz’s tongue danced across her delicate folds, eliciting moans of pleasure from their girl, sent a jolt of arousal straight to Soap’s core.
He couldn't tear his eyes away as Gaz’s tongue worked its magic, exploring every inch of her pussy. The vulnerability displayed by her, the trust placed in their hands, it all fascinated him.
Swallowing hard, she gripped Price’s hand as his lips were attached to one of her breasts. His kisses were enough to melt her to the core. She kept her eyes open as she looked over at Ghost who was stroking his cock as he watched. He was anticipating his turn to show her just how important she was to them. Licking her lips she moans when Price’s fingers rub her clit. She wasn’t prepared for the assisted pleasure her mind reeling at the feeling of Price’s fingers and Gaz’s tongue.
“Ye keek sae bonny lik' this, lass,” Soap’s words cut through the thick layer of lust and need. Her eyes on him as he moves closer his lips slamming onto hers. The kiss was quick pace as if he was putting all of his love into it.
Her thighs squeezed around Gaz’s head as she panted into Soap’s mouth. Her body trembling as she felt close, a sign they all were familiar with. “Look at that wanna cum so bad, wanna make a mess on Kyle’s tongue huh, darlin’?”
All that left her was a moan into Soap’s mouth at Price’s words. His fingers were pulling at her nipples as she came. Her fingers gripping Gaz’s hair as she moaned loudly into Soap’s mouth. He didn’t relent as he seemed to swallow all of her moans.
When Gaz pulled away so did Soap allowing her to see the man lick his lips clean. A smile on his face as he sat up caressing her inner thigh, “still tasting good I see.”
His words left her a mess almost as much as Ghost was about to leave her. She knew the moment Gaz stepped away what was going to happen. Her eyes found Ghost as he made his way between her legs. His large hands gripping her thighs parting her legs a bit more. The sound of kissing faint as Soap tasted her off of Gaz’s lips.
“You’re so pretty, lovie,” Ghost’s words distracted her from him entering her. A moan leaving her lips as she felt him slowly sink into her. “Always so fuckin’ tight too,” he praised.
His words and actions left her feeling fuzzy inside. Just as she thought that would be enough she felt kisses trailing down her stomach. “Love everything about you, darlin’. Look at how pretty you are taking Simon’s cock. Making him feel so good,” his words rang loud in her ears. “Tell me how pretty you are, we wanna hear you darlin’.”
She was used to their reassurance and love but it always felt different when they were intimate. It seemed to cement just how much they truly meant what they said. How they showed her body love in the most intimate of ways. “I’m very pretty,” she choked out when Price left a hickey on her thigh.
As Ghost’s speed picked up he caged her between his arms. His face dropping to the crook of her neck, his breath fanning her skin. “Gonna put a baby in you, let you carry around proof that we love you.”
Shuddering she whimpered at his words while he thrusted ruthlessly into her. It wasn’t long until she was clamping around his cock. Her eyes fluttering shut when she came around him. In return he gasps sharply as her pussy milks him for all that he has.
It served as a reminder even after they cleaned up. She stood in front of the mirror again after the shared shower between them. Behind her stood Price whose hands were on her bare hips. “Look at you, the prettiest woman there is.” He would whisper in her ear as he left kisses along her shoulder. “Regardless of how you feel about yourself I promise you that we aren’t thinking those same bad things you are. You look sexy and it’s okay to not be what you think you should be. We love how you look, darlin’.”
Nodding her head she tears up watching him leave kisses on her skin in the mirror. It was reassuring in ways she had never experienced before. With them she knew she would be loved, they would always make that clear to her.
Soap peeked his head into the bathroom with squinted eyes, “Ye let Si pump a baby intae ye afore ah cuid? ah wis th' yin wha said it first” he tells her.
A laugh left her lips as she listens to him, “I’m sorry,” said said to him. Shaking his head he holds his hand out, “Na sorry, wur aboot tae dae that now.”
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Translations again I want to thank my friend who was able to tell me how to write Soap’s words properly. He’s a real one <33 For words like baby, first, maybe a few more I changed them because my keyboard hates the word bairn for some reason.
Whit urr ye daein'? - What are you doing?
Ye? - You?
Shut th' hell up, afore ah pat a baby in ye tae prove it. - Shut the hell up, before I put a baby in you to prove it
Tell thaim - Tell them
Ye'r perfect fur us, we kin aye prove that - You’re perfect for us, we can always prove that
Ye keek sae bonny lik' this, lass - You look so beautiful like this, girl
Ye let Si pump a baby intae ye afore ah cuid? ah wis th' yin wha said it first - You let Si pump a baby into you before I could? I was the one who said it first.
Na sorry, wur aboot tae dae that now. - No sorry, we’re about to do that now
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dotster001 · 9 months
Hear me out here: The reader gives the basketball club boys a kiss on the cheek after they win a game. That's it. Go crazy. Go stupid
A/N: I was told to go stupid. Hopefully, this is stupid enough 😁
3k followers masterlist
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It's the whole reason he invited you. He knew the coach would be playing him today, and he was  certain that if he showed off his top tier skills, you wouldn't be able to help yourself! You'd be completely seduced by him.
He even took off his shirt at halftime, pretending he was trying to cool off, and dried off his (fake) sweat, slowly, with a towel. He asked Jamil to tell him when you were looking, but Jamil just told him he was being a dumbass, so he had to pay attention himself.
When the game was over, the NRC student section rushed the court, and you ran over to him with a grin. He greeted you with his own cocky smile, asking if you enjoyed yourself.
You told him he did amazing! And then came what he was waiting for. The congratulatory kiss on the cheek. He pretends he was flustered, but as I said, he planned this. He was really hoping you would kiss him on the lips, but beggars can't be choosers.
Next time though….ooh…next time he'll get a real kiss, whatever it takes!
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Didn't even know you were coming. Your presence was a present from Kalim. he didn't even notice you until the final shot of the game, and then realized you just watched him dominate the court, not a speck of mercy in his eyes.
He's worried. Even though he's allowed to be his own person now, he isn't used to people seeing him being anything other than average. He wasn't ready for you to see him with bloodlust in his eyes, as he completely dominated the other team.
He's bashful when he finds you waiting for him outside the locker room. Tries to play it cool. He has to gauge how you felt about his actions.
He quickly realizes that your reactions are favorable. You seem bashful, but excited. He can tell. You liked what you saw .
So he grins that smug ass grin of his, and decides to be a shit and tease you. Only for it to backfire when you fight back with your own teasing
If he wasn't flustered already, he is now that you just pressed a kiss to his cheek. His jaw drops, and his gut is telling him to snake whisper the memories out of your mind. He wasn't ready. It's not fair. He planned so carefully how he would woo you, and now it's all ruined.
He won't snake whisper the memories away, but his hand will gently touch the spot your lips met his skin, as he watches you walk away. He'll smile softly, until Kalim finds him and asks if he did a good job by inviting you!
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Invited you, then totally forgot about it. He fell into one of his moods an hour before the game, and was taking a nap on the bench.
Until half time…when he heard you cheering for the team. Suddenly, he's ready to play! Put him in, coach! He can do it!
Coach knows when Floyd cares, he's the star player, so he puts him in without hesitation. Any loss is quickly made up as Floyd dominates the court, all to impress you.
He's shameless about it. When he makes eye contact with you, he'll wink, roguishly. If he takes a shot, he'll shout, "Hey! Shrimpy!" Just to make sure you watch him.
The team quickly figures out why he's playing so well, and immediately start trying to figure out how to get you to every game. Floyd sees one of them mouth your name in the midst of their whispering, and he nearly forgets about the game, in favor of trying to fight the poor soul. Coach quickly stops him by reminding him you might not find that very nice. That puts Floyd back on track.
The second the buzzer sounds, and the game is over, he's bounding up the bleachers to swing you around in his strong arms. When he finally lets your feet touch the ground again, you tell him, with total admiration in your eyes, how impressed you were, and press a kiss to his cheek.
He's whining now, because you missed! Those aren't his lips! Don't kiss him unless you're gonna do it properly. 
Ah shit, now he's shoving spectators out of the way so he can lay you down and start kissing you "properly". No one can save you. And, frankly, only fools will even try to. The team and student section  sees you as a sacrifice to the eel, in exchange for a win. And Jade…well…he's not going to stop his brother from having a good time.
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cupid-styles · 7 months
cupid-styles recent fav reads
hi :D there's been sooo much amazing fic going around lately and while I haven't had a chance to read everything, I did want to highlight some of my favorites !!!!!
sail my ridges (wattpad exclusive) by @1800titz — recently posted chapter 2 up on wattpad and im just 🤭🤭🤭🤭 always so enamored by their writing!
knockout by @freedomfireflies — obviously. (no but actually soooo so good, boxer!harry with kind of dark vibes but so interesting and well-written!!!!)
could you live with just a taste by @frioamor — the smut............... jaw-dropping.
get over here by @adore-laur — so fun and cute and had me kicking my feet
snooze by @avatar-anna — OBSESSED with this pairing (hockey player!harry x figure skater!yn) and this was such a fun and sweet snapshot of their life together :)
this blurb by @jarofstyles — had me feeling absolutely insane in the best way possible
short straw by @adorebeaa — frat!harry has my heart and this take on it was just perfect
this smutty blurb by @moonchildstyles — I was just a mere puddle on the floor after reading this
loved, seen, heard by @fkinavocado — I've never read a trope/coupling like this before and really enjoyed it!!!! I can't wait to read more about them :)
one night only (part two) by @harrysbabycherry — absolutely adored the first part of this and the second one did not disappoint!!
part two of vampy y/n and harry by @jawllines — DUH.
book lovers by @mydearesthrry — so cute and sweet, but especially bc I'm a chronic smutty book reader and my partner is always teasing me for it
please you by @adorebeaa — bea literally uploaded this morning and I haven't stopped thinking about them for hours. if you love a silly harry/yn pairing this is top-tier, especially bc it's spicy/smutty throughout!!!! so good!
tysm as always to all the writers in the harry fic community for sharing their talents!!!!! sending you all sm love <3
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mikobeautifulheart · 3 months
megumi headcannons?! :3
Why hello there, i've been waiting.
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Bf Megumi head cannons
He defiantly uses you to charge his social and emotional battery.
"Are you okay?"
"yeah just tiered."
Before you dated he definitely couldn't help but try talk you you.
You turn to walk out the class room while talking to Nobora when something falls out your bag.
He sees and picks it up but just holds it.
"Uh wait Y/N"
"Yeah" you turn around looking at him with doe eyes, just stopping to listen to him made his heart thump out of his chest.
"Uh-um you dropped this..." He holds his arm out toward you.
When you just smile and take the object smiling at him.
Everyone can tell when he's flustered prior to him even knowing he liked you.
"Hey Megumi, are you busy on Friday? Yuji and Nobora cancelled on me for the movies just to GO SPY ON GOJO." You asked glaring at Yuji and Nobora trying to make them feel bad.
Yuji and Nobora are covering their mouth with their hands trying not to laugh at the sudden redness of Megumi's face.
Lets you play with his demon dogs when he's reading on the side of the training field.
Buys books he thinks you'll enjoy and read them too.
Has a playlist that he plays when you guys are slowly falling to sleep in his dorm.
Likes to watch you when you watch movies. The lights flickering and illuminating features on your face captervates him.
You never really notice but you lean into his side while your watching the movie and he feels his stomach turn.
He wasn't following the movie plot but he was following your eyes. He sees as they dart to the other side of the screen which is when he makes his move.
When your biting your lip at the gripping scene of the movie he leans his head down and presses his lips to your cheek.
You blink for a second before looking up and seeing that he's back to watching the movie.
Thank YOU for reading ♥️
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AUTHOURS NOTE: Teheh i mean some of it is a bit random but I kinda pulled it together in the end. Somebody love me. Have a good wahtevertime of day.
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enapoe · 7 months
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ᨳ hypocrite
synopsis - y/n's brother is a star soccer player — which is why she refuses to date athletes. (like she dates anyone). But when she's put in charge of the sports section in the school newspaper, she coincidentally makes the star player fall for her.
genre - soccerplayer!hoon × nerdy/writer!reader. FLUFF what is angst? we don't know her. hoon's a rich boy, yn has a famous big bro 🙄 cliché nerd catches athletes eye whatever, whatever
warnings - kiss kiss (duh) lmk if I missed any o(^o^)o
word count - 434
A/N - this story is a lot of my imagination, but after some digging I think @/eeunoia has jungwon fic (Attention Please! Mini series) similar in the sense that both female leads write about the sports team. So before people say I'm not crediting them or stealing their work here I am saying that both our stories have this one thing in common. (Also also, they're a very amazing writer and their stories are adorable and heart fluttering)
PART 2 here !
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The library was your favorite place in the entire city.
Something about the smell of books and coffee that ligures through the book shelves is both comforting and slightly concerning. The library has seen better days but a fair amount of students still come in everyday to study. Sometimes — if you're lucky — people come in for dates, you love people watching, but watching two young people fall in love is S tier. Romance is your favorite genre; books, movies, anything that makes you red in the face and butterflies appear in your stomach.
Even after many failed relationships back in middle school, (don't ask, it was mainly teenage boys filled with uncontrolled hormones) you haven't given dating a second chance. Romance and love was like biting into a creme filled donut—or even better, homemade soup on a cold winter day—it wasn't what your brother said romance is at all.
He's the best brother you could ever ask for, yet his dating life is one of pure nightmares. It seems like everyday Dispatch has a new article about him. He's never brought a girl home, which means he's never been with a girl for longer than one night.
Since his love life consists of picking up a girl and dropping them the next day, you've always told yourself: you will never date an athlete. Yes, in fear they'll use you, but also because you're scared they'd only like you if they find out about your brother.
Whilst in your internal monologue, you didn't notice someone walking up to you.
“Um, excuse me? Do you work here?” you turned and were met with someone's chest. Damn. You looked up and saw the eyes of the one and only star player of the soccer (football) team.
“Oh! Yes, I work here. Can I help you with anything?” Sunghoon found your appearance cute. Not like the ‘I'd date you’ cute but maybe like a newborn puppy type. You wore a baggy beige crew neck and a pair of acid wash jeans, with your hair down and straightened. “I need this book called ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’, do you guys have it here?” After a second of silence, you nodded and led him to the mature reading section of the library.
“Thanks for the help…” you think he's asking for your name. “Y/n, Go Y/n” you giggle like a middle schooler and hate youself for it after. “I'll see you around Go Y/n.” He puts the book in his bag and stops before turning back towards you.
“I'm supposed to check this out, aren't I?”
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