#and then they are hugging. and then theres a whole lot of other people showing up at the door insisting on seeing hhj
tsumuus · 3 months
first date headcanons | seijoh
a/n these are just some ideas on how i personally think these characters would ask you out on a date + the actual date. lowk longer than i anticipated srry. not proofread
characters toru oikawa, hajime iwaizumi, issei matsukawa, takahiro hanamaki
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toru oikawa
would carefully plan out the perfect moment to ask you out
making use every detail is just right
im sure he would practice in front of a mirror many times before doing so (he genuinely needs the practice, i headcanon that hes not so good w his words since most of the time people flock to him and not the other way around)
he'd wait until he knows your in a good mood and are alone together to ask
like sometime after his practice
or walking you home
start off with some light and easy conversation
he'd be smiling constantly
he'd compliment you a bunch
trying to subtly hint at his feelings
he'd would be confident but also sincere
then he'd ask
he'd be ready with a back up plan if you hesitate, quick to take back what he said if you rejected him
if you said yes tho he would be more than happy
he'd immediately start pouring out all the details of the date he has planned for you two
yet if you are still iffy about the whole thing, he'd be understanding and patient about it
theres absolutely no pressure from him
he's happy just spending some time together
but when it comes around to the actual date
he'd get to the meeting spot extra early to make sure everything is in order
he'd bring you a small gift
like a bouquet of flowers
or a cute plush
he'd greet you with a genuine smile and give you a light side hug if youre comfy w it
he'd compliment you a bunch
the date he planned would be something that allows the two of you to have fun while also being able to get to know each other better
like an amusement park, aquarium, or even a picnic
he'd ask thoughtful questions, he genuinely wants to get to know you
questions about your interests, dreams, etc.
he's not afraid to talk about himself aswell
often bringing up volleyball and other interests if the conversation seemed to be dying down
he would be considerate and attentive
opening doors for you
offering his jacket
your comfort is his number one priority
he'd find subtle ways to touch you
your hands, shoulder, etc.
just subtle and short touches
as the date comes to an end
he would offer walking you home
even if you decline, he would insist
he'd express how much he enjoyed the date (and you) very confidently
he'd would've been bringing up the idea of future dates many times throughout this one
if the moments right
he might lean in for a gentle kiss at your doorstep
if not a warm hug will do
he would text you either that evening, or if it's too late, the next morning
thanking you for a wonderful date
he'd continue to show his interest in you the following days
making it very clear he wants to see where this could go
hajime iwaizumi
would spend a LOT of time thinkinf about how he's going to ask you out
he just wants to make sure he does it right
he'd likely ask his friends for advice
maybe even oikawa
although he'd be reluctant at first
hhe'd wait until the two of you were alone and the atmosphere around you is calm and relaxed
like while studying together in the library
or during a break in the class you share
but he'd much rather prefer to do it in a private setting
to avoid any awkwardness
or embarrassment if you were to reject him
he'd start off with a casual convo
but his tone would be a bit more serious that usual
still friendly tho
he'd be straightforward
would say something like
"Hey, I like you. And I was wondering if you'd like to hang out outside of school? Maybe sometime this weekend?"
direct but sincere and caring
his eyes showing how much he truly likes you (the eyes chico. they never lie.)
if you agreed, he his smile would be so wide
a rare but genuine expression
not for the actual date
he would put in extra effort to look his best
maybe wear an outfit you had complimented him on beforw
he'd be there on time, if not a bit early
maybe sure everything is set for a smooth date
and also to just prepare himself
would greet you with a warm smile and friendly hello
possibly give you a small gift like a single flower
he'd plan for a mix of both activity and relaxation
so you could have fun while also relax and have good conversation
like a hike, farmers market, or just go shopping lowk
constantly asking you questions
genuinely really interested in what you have to say
everything about oyu is just so fascinating to him
and he'd also open up to you more than he would with just anyone
he'd offer his hang when walking, open doors for you, brush your hair behind your ear
as the date comes to an end
he wouldn't even ask, he'd just start walking you home
nearing the end of the date he'd lowk get a little shy about the topic of another date
he doesn't want to scare you by being too foward
but he also doesn't want you to think that he doesn't want to go on another dat because he really does
as you get to your house he'd thank you
he wouldn't kiss you though
he believes he should wait to make a move like that until you two went on atleast a couple of dates
he wouldn't call or text you the next morning because he knows that he'd gonna see you and would rather talk in person
issei matsukawa
wouldn't oeverthink it
would approach the situation laid back and confident
he'd rely on his natural charm and sense of humor to make the interaction smooth and comfortable
i mean it's his charm that led to you guys being friends in the first place
he'd pick a moemnt where youre relaxed and happy
like during lunch or after school
would prefer a setting where youre already comfy
like during school or during a casual hangout w him and a couple other friends
he'd start off playful
teasing you or making a joke to break the ice
then would smoothly transition into a more serious tone
but still keeping it light hearted
he'd be really smilely about it
would say something like
"Hey, I've got a great idea. How about you and I go out this weekend? I promise it'll be fun."
if you say yes, he wouldn't be able to hide his excitement
as for the date
he'd dress casual yet stylish
he wants to look good obviously
but doesn't want to over do it
he'd bring a small gift like your favorite snack or a small keychain
once he see's you walking up to him he'd be all giddy
wide grin and a friendly hug or even handshake
he'd make a funny comment or joke to start things off on a light hearted note
he'd choose like a cafe or maybe we go to an arcade or bowling
he'd asked about your hobbies
would be genuinely curious
he'd the mood upbeat with his own stories and experiences
some abuot volleyball and the team
he'd find small ways to be affectionate
like playfully nudging you or giving you a gentle pat on the back
as the end of the date draws near
he would suggest getting a bite to eat or some dessert like ice cream
he just wants to extend your time together longer
he's not shy about talking about any future dates
in fact asks you if youre free the following weekend
once the two of you are back home
he would text you
either send you a pic of funny momemnt from your date or a meme that reminded him of you
he'd continue to show interest and keep the conversation alive
he makes it clear that hes looking foward for their next outing together
takahiro hanamaki
wpuld approach you with a playful and teasing demeanor
using humor to lighten the mood
making playful comments and jokes
he uses your reactions to see if you're comfortabe and interested or not
he'd pick a moment where you guys are in the middle of a fun conversation or activity
would prefer a setting where youre already having a good time
making it feel natural and spontaneous
he'd start with a playful remark
pretending to be deep in thought he goes, "You know what I've realized?"
then smoothly transitioning into his date proposal
keeping the atmosphere light and humorous
he'd keep it casual and confident
if you say yes
he'd playfully act surprised
"Really? Wow, I must be pretty sharming then."
he'd dress casual
aiming to look effortlessly cool
he'd greet you with a playful comment or joke
setting a playful and relaxing tone for the date
he'd compliment you in a light hearted way
saying something like
"You clean up nice! Almost as good as me."
he'd like soemthing a little competitive and fun
like mini golf
or even karaoke or an amusement park
the activity he chooses has to allow for plenty of playful interation between you too
he keeps it lively and entertaining
there's never a dull moment
even when the conversation seems go be dying off
he's quick to pick it up again
as the date comes to an end hed express how much he enjoyed the date with a genuine smile
100% asking you on another date then and there
would text you later that night when you guys are already home
just continuing the conversation form earlier
talking about anything and everything
you guys texted all night until you passed out around 2am
he's already head over heels for you only after the first date
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listofwhyyouloveher · 2 months
How the gang would be with cuteness aggression, like what you were doing to cause it and all that
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Summary: The Gang with cuteness agression Warning: none Author's Note: none PONYBOY CURTIS Most of the time Ponyboy finds cuteness agression annoying, he has to deal with people treating him like a kid all the time so he keeps it in mind not to do it to others. However, sometimes he can't resist and he just gets giddy because to him you're so cute. He'll keep it at bay and side hug you when you walk by but he's genuinely so infatuated with you. You don't have to be doing much to cause it, it's more based on his mood than anything. If he's feeling happy and a little more relaxed, you're more likely to get a reaction out of him. JOHNNY CADE Johnny doesn't like cuteness agression either, he thinks it belittles him and others and also he's really unused to it so he finds it rather awkward He'll only do it when he's really tired, when he's delerious from sleep. He usually tries to not do it because he doesn't want to belittle you but when he's tired he's willing to give in. You two just happen to be falling asleep in the lot when he snuggles up to you and falls asleep. That's about all he will do though, except maybe the occasional squeeze of the hand when you're together. SODAPOP CURTIS Sodapop lives for cuteness agression, he likes it a lot and finds it fun when either he or you initiates it. He probably likes it because secretly he's a little childish and gets shy and stuff when you compliment him. He does it whenever he needs a little boost in mood, because if he gives it to you, chances are you give it back. It's not transactional but more a tradition lol. Whenever he finds you alone or when it just you and his family he'll do get cuteness agression with you. He prefers to not do it in front of the rest of the gang except Steve and definetly not infront of strangers. STEVE RANDLE Steve isn't a super big fan of cuteness agression, he's just not the kind of guy to squeeze the cheeks of his girlfriend like a grandma. He prefers to show his affection through other things. However, he'll do it once and a while when he's piss drunk. He'll walk up to you and squeeze one of your cheeks till its red while giggling like a mad man.
Steve, who is not unlike Sodapop, will only do it around Soda or in private. He doesn't want to show the whole world your private life so he likes to keep it with people he trusts. TWO BIT MATHEWS Two Bit doesn't dislike cuteness agression, he just doesn't care for it a lot. He doesn't think about it a lot so he never does it and in the end he just finds other ways to mess with you. He, like Steve, only does it when he's drunk, although it doesn't take quite as much liquor to get him there as he's more aware of cuteness agression, unlike Steve. He likes to squish your face like a fish when he's in a good mood and drunk, usually when you two are alone and watching a movie at night. Although he's open to acting goofy in public when he's intoxicated. DARRY CURTIS Darry likes to pamper his girlfriend, so he actually gets a really bad case of cuteness agression when you're around. He doesn't act on it but he thinks that you're the best thing thats happened to him. When he can, he'll pick you up and hold you really tightly, and sometimes spin you around to get you to laugh. He likes doing it to see you smile or laugh but he also like picking you up and being close with you. He'll do it where ever he wants, the gang knows better than to poke fun at him because he's twice as strong as they are and he supplies them a house. They'll often laugh at you two and call you lovebirds, but that's as far as the teasing goes. DALLAS WINSTON I hate to be the bringer of bad news but Dallas Winston would not get cuteness agression. Theres nothing I can think of to write in this section. The best case scenario is that he does get extremely pissed at you and instead gets only a normal amount of pissed at you. And only if he's feeling extra nice for some strange and deranged reason, (bro is NOT getting off the naughty list)
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miralunawritez · 1 month
HxH main four + hisoka n illumi w a teenage daughter thats going through her first heartbreak
this came into my brain n i NEEDED to write it
(the main 4 r aged up to adults btw lol)
Is absolutely heart broken for his little girl, wishing he could take her pain away
Hugs her tightly while she cries, not letting go until shes ready
Takes her out to dinner for a dad n daughter date to distract her from her break up
Buys her anything she wants on the menu, he doesnt care how much it costs
Does face masks and watches movies with a bunch of snacks when they get home, any movies of her choice
Paints her nails, does her hair, does absolutely anything for her to make her happy
Is calm about it on the outside but furious on the inside, who in their right mind would hurt his baby?
Sits her down on the couch to talk about it, letting her vent and cry into his shoulder
Lets her help him cook dinner while playing her favorite music, goofing off the whole time (its ooc but he wants to make her happy)
Gives her some good moving on advice (no contact, distractions, etc)
Stays up with her as late as she wants him to, even though he is an extremely busy man he would always put his child first, especially with what shes going through
Pays super close attention to her, checking up on her frequently, asking if she needs anything, etc
He's mad and he shows it, saying stuff along the lines of he knew her ex was bad news, he never liked them, etc
He eventually feels bad about the stuff hes saying and asks what happened, watching and listening as she cries and vents
Buys her a bunch of chocolate, new clothes, jewelry, anything she wants
He already didnt want her dating for this reason because it hurts him to see his little girl upset just as much as it hurts her
Plays video games with her if thats what she wants to do, he will do absolutely anything for her
Makes sure she has no way of contacting her ex so they dont come back into the picture
Oh he is PISSED. its an understatement tbh he is absolutely LIVID.
"Give me their phone number" "Dad I-" "Give it to me"
Goes OFF on her ex, saying how they are missing out on such a wonderful, beautiful, caring girl and how they are going to regret it when shes more successful than them
It's embarrassing but she cant help but love every second of it, cherishing how much her dad loves her
Gives her a pep talk, saying shes too good for them and way too pretty for them
Makes her favorite dinner for her after renting/buying her favorite movie and bringing her a million pillows and blankets to make sure shes comfortable
Is angered by the fact someone broke his daughters heart, but he knows there is other people out there for her
Tells her theres plenty of fish in the sea and that she will find someone else
More protective over her, not like she dates a lot of people anyway, people are terrified of hisoka and dont wanna be around him
Plays cards with her to keep her distracted and focused on something else, occasionally letting her win to make her happy
Does her makeup for her since she ruined it by crying, being slightly gentle with her
He genuinely loves her so so much..deep down, he just doesn't really know how to show it
Kills her ex
wrote this bc me n my bf js broke up n i dont have a present father so this is kind of projection of what i wish my dad would do for me (all except hisokas n illumis)
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camryntheking · 5 months
Ok! My thoughts on 7x05!
First, i just wanna say that the whole Hen and Karen storyline is awesome! I love that the show is giving queer people so much screen time, especially a Black lesbian couple! And i think its super sweet that they really want to try for Mara! I hope it works out!
Next, i think that has been my favorite cold open so far. The “ITS MEEE” gets me every time (i have already watched it loads of times). I dont have much to comment on it other than it was funny as fuck
Ok. The date scene. I was hoping to see more of Eddie watching them (especially after the stills), but oh well. The second-hand embarrassment i got was… a lot. But i dont think its necessarily a bad thing. It showed how out of his comfort zone Buck was and how he was trying to navigate a terrifying situation. And Tommy? I might have to retract my earlier retraction. Cos wtf?? Literally had just finished talking about how its hard to accept yourself in a “macho” field, then makes a dig at Buck when he fumbles? Not cool. Then not communicating what was happening until he was getting in the Uber? You dont just abandon someone at a restaurant like that. I understand the “you’re not ready” thing, but that was a dick move.
Also, Buck, baby. Sweetheart. Darling. “I look at hot guys’ asses.” Sweetie. Like Maddie said. You are more than an ally lmao. I also just love how Maddie showed interest in getting to know who Buck was talking about and treating the convo after like a normal convo. Because it is! And i love it! But she also emphasized talking to Eddie, because she knew that Eddie would not react poorly. I feel like that just shows how everyone knows how close Buck and Eddie are. TLDR, Maddie is an awesome sister and Buck is lucky to have her ❤️
Next point, the scene where Buck and Tommy talk over coffee. I do think that the hand holding at the end is very sweet and shows how Buck is really trying to be more open, but Tommy is just really starting to rub me the wrong way. Pretty much everything he said contradicts what happened in the date scene. I feel like him being at the wedding is really gonna spark some Jealous Eddie, tho, so i am excited to see that lmao
And Eddie and Marisol? I feel like the show is going in a direction that leads them to breaking up. Like yes, it is showing growth for Eddie and allowed him to acknowledge that he has Catholic guilt, but theres just. No chemistry. It feels awkward. I feel like her being an ex-nun is gonna bring up some issues with Buck and Eddie will not stand for that. I also wanted to point out that i got even more vibes that Eddie could be demisexual, cos he didnt straight up say that he loved Shannon, just that he loved being married to her. And he knows that he is moving too fast and needs to step back a bit
Finally, Buck coming out to Eddie. I do find it funny that Eddie seemed more shocked that Tommy wasnt straight than figuring out Buck isnt straight. But its awesome that Eddie showed interest and genuinely wanted to help Buck through the issue. And the hug? Finally! Give me men not being afraid to hug each other! I feel like this is allowing Buck and Eddie to become even closer (i do hope for Buddie eventually)
Overall, i feel like this episode was great for setting up the development of Buck and Eddie’s relationship (whether it ends up being platonic or romantic). And i am all for Buck exploring his sexuality with someone that isnt Eddie. While Tommy isnt my favorite right now, i do think that he is great for the progression of Buck’s story. I do hope to see more of Dad!Bobby in the coming episodes and how Buck’s parents might react to Tommy. I dont wanna wait three weeks for the next episode 😢. Im ready for the chaos of the Madney wedding
If i think of anything else ill add on, but i think thats all i have for now. Feel free to share your thoughts!
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princessbrunette · 10 months
ok warning: this is going to be long, so feel free to skip it but i had to get this thought down: i am constantly thinking about being sarahs best friend and being into rafe. i mean, lets be real, if you friends with sarah, of course youd have a little crush on her hot, older brother. your probably a kook, your parents are friends with the camerons, so youve know sarah and rafe since you were a kid. you and sarah immediately hit it off, but rafe was always sort of a mystery to you, especially as you got older. he became more distant, more broody, a bit more mean. didnt show up as much to family dinners, didnt want to play dolls or games in the pool with you and sarah. you were a little sad, especially since you had a little crush on him, but it was ok, at least it wasnt sarah that was drifting away. as you got older, you saw less and less of rafe, just passing greetings and nods in each other directions. you remained a little biased towards him, saving a little soft spot in your heart for your childhood crush, but knew it was silly and useless. you basically went no contact when he went off to college, only seeing him at events and holidays. but, when the summer before your senior year approached, everything shifted. im not sure when he started thinking of you differently, when he stopped seeing you as sarahs annoying little friend. maybe when he saw how much you grew in a matter of months when he came back home for the camerons famous christmas party, his freshman year at college. he didnt know what it was, maybe all the wine he had drinken that night, maybe how the weather had gotten cold, maybe the suffocating air filled with obnoxious rich people, but the way that white, lacy dress hugged your curves, the way that fluffy little cardigan hung on my one button on you chest, he was obsessed. he was disappointed to overhear that you had gotten yourself a boyfriend, but not surprised with the way you had matured. when he went back for his second semester, you were constantly on his mind. seriously, when had you grown up so much? i mean, you had never been ugly, but shit. he thought of how you shouldent be wasting time with stupid high school boys, how they would most certainly not treat you right, not like he could. he knew they wouldnt be able to touch you he could, to make you scream like he could. he honestly felt a little perverted for thinking that way, given that you two practically grew up together, but he couldn't help it. he tried burying himself in mindless sorority girls to forget his newfound infatuation, but he definitely couldn't. in fact, i bet he imagined those girls were you, even accidentally calling them your name sometimes. so when ward offered that he could come home for the summer, rafe said yes with no hesitation. it was practically too easy, the way you walked around the house in a little bikini. all he had to do was give you a little look, his eyes glancing up and down with his trademark smirk, and he had you right where he wanted. you felt bad at first, since you were doing it behind sarahs back, but come on, were you really going to give up the opportunity with the guys whos always owned your heart? of course not, you told yourself. sarah would just have to understand, not that you would tell her anytime soon of course. but she was bound to find out, espcially with the way you and rafe were slowly getting less and less inconspicuous with your sneaking around. i mean, come on, fucking in the hot tub on the patio during his parents infamous 4th of july party is definelty not the way to go unheard of. and trust me, theres a lot more where that came from.
HELLO NOT U WRITING A WHOLE DRABBLE IN MY INBOX HEHEHHE this was so good u should write a fic on this😵‍💫
ugh but this concept is so juicy bc like….. the secrecy, betraying ur bestie by sleeping w her brother…. finally being seen by him in that way….. mhm i love it
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carmenized-onions · 3 months
Yap sheet, live and in color!!
I wrote this as I was reading it, so it very well may be incoherent since I read the chapter almost immediately upon waking up. 😍 OH OH OH before i forget this is going to be really long, so my apologies, BUT !! Can i get put on the taglist? Pretty please 😛 .... wait adding this later I think im already on it 🤔
1.) I can taste what is happening here, i think, and I swear to god, if it ends up that he calls tony, calls ME THE READER, a distraction, I'll cry. Onion, you will have made me cry. Sigh. A dish getting sent back making him all wiggy does make a lot of sense, though, I fear.
2.) "He’s not meant to be a good person. He’s meant to be a good chef." :< i hate u that's so sad and isolating, and so on the nose for Carmy :<
-side note idk why but this :< and :> have become my absolute favorite lil emojis lately so silly
3.) Cue my eyes widening all comical and shit cause ONION "you should be dead" NOOOOOOOOOO L major L cause wtf
This yap sheet is gonna be mega long if i keep doing it like this, I'm ngl. But i think you'll enjoy it, so I might keep it up
4.) Yes, match our clothes to Carmy's eyes... or whatever !!!
5.) Poor Fak. "So Fak is gonna be our server?" "Yessir." "He any good?" "No Sir." And that's so real, actually. Okay, just read more, and Neil really is a small train wreck, and "Oh wow" definitely made me giggle
6.) I feel like im taking notes for class here, and i usually hate taking notes, so that's how you know you've got me by the balls with this story, Onion. Also, this is its own point bc ik ur gonna reply to these in order like this so this is me telling u that if u don't want me to send these this long i will not be offended cause this is gonna be so much. ALSO did this just for u bc I'll see in other asks when ur lamenting abt people not pointing out certain things (I TOTALLY get that btw) and I usually notice them but forget them in my yap sheet cause i do them after the fact so :> also this point is so long now okay this backfired on me.
7.) NOT TONY REFERRING TO THEIR RELATIONSHIP AS A RESERVATION thats so silly. I love that Fak was all. Oh, is that Carmy's jacket?? And Richie jumps straight to oh yall are fucking. NOT A SEX PAINTING OHMYGOD
8.) :< that's all I have to say about that sequence with Carmy that made me very :<
9.) Anyway, um Tony screaming at the sight of him is also very :< also him immediately thinking he is the problem or like the self loathing taking over is also so :< bc like UGH this poor man I really just want to give him the biggest hug in the world. But in Tony's defense, I, too, would get jumpscared by slicked back hair Carmen. I mean, I guess that tracks since Tony IS me, technically.
10.) Okay Fak appears like he's going to be this bad the whole time so unless theres smth specific to say, I'll just cap the Fak interaction here and say I feel for my man Neil bc I, too, am a very slow learner and I would probably also fall flat on my face just like this.
11.) Richie is so dear to me as a character, like that man held everything together in his two hands and got zero appreciation for it. And like, that is something I relate so heavily to. Richie watching Tiff move on must be so :< even if he does seem like he's made his peace with it
12.) Okay, so i just read for a lil while, but um. CARMY'S OLD BOSS SHOWING UP??? DIABOLICAL!! YOU ARE AN EVIL ONION FR like that's so vile. Also I will say that the syd comforting is so slay. Tony just going immediately into caretaker mode is so me actually
14.) Anyway I love Syd and Tony and the let me love you is so URGHHHHH i just love them sm
15.) Okay so I hate that fucking guy but ,,, GO TONY !! Love that she basically just handed them their asses by being smart n shit.
17.) Okay the fact that tony questions whether or not Carmen would defend her over impressing chef asshole is so UGH UGH UGH makes my chest all tight bc like, yes, I think he would, i think he absolutely would choose Tony over all of it but... then again.... UGH
18.) OH MY GODDDDDDDD CARMY WROTE TONY A NOTE FOR HER MEAL THATS SO. ITS SO. OH MY GODDD. Even when hes being a grade a dickface hes so sweet :<
19.) LOVE??? Yeah im so gone goodbye
20.) Oh im so dead the moment she got the plate I knew she was gonna give it to chef asshole but STILL IT STILL HURTS
21.) Okay yes im like very :< abt the nat and carmy convo but what is this did mikey have a lil folder abt chip tony like a journal type shit wtf onion
23.) I hate you. Thats all 🫶 that cliffhanger was abhorrent
No but fr that was phenomenal and i really hope you like this ugh. Ur writing so fucking good im like crying at the optometrist rn
ALRIGHT SPOILERS AHEAD IF YOU SKIPPED TO MY ANSWER N DIDN'T READ THE ASK !!! goin' under the keep reading for this one. Will this be the only ask I get through before I have to go run errands? We'll find out. Will there be a snapshot of the next chapter under the cut as a little treat? I honestly don't know, I'll have to look to see if there's anything I can give you that doesn't give away everything lmao.
Before we start though, I do want to note somewhere, I have finished the draft for the next chapter-- I usually don't do to much rework at this point, but I do think it'll need some decent edits-- It's very hard to write like, after a fight, yknow? Like I'm trying to do a very organic aftermath, as well, it's not just a complete cliffhanger, where I can time skip the awkwardness-- And that's like. Woo. Need to revise and make sure it's good.
Anyways, this is all to say:
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Thank God I split this from the last chapter, eh? Almost dropped fucking 20k straight on your heads like a comical boulder.
YES you're on the taglist and never apologize for yapping, I do it all the time. And I love to be yapped back to. I know how much work goes into taking notes, so it genuinely really warms my fuckin' heart that you'd take that time for me thank you my love!!
OOH. I think bro gets very close to saying distraction, I think he says that he gets distracted, but never actually calls Tony one straight up. I do think Tony basically calls herself one at some point... Which... Baby, your self image pleaasse. AND YEAH, THE PLATE SENT BACK-- You'd all laugh if I showed you my notes app drafts, I literally have a note titled 'carmy mental snap' and a list of things to fuck with him psychologically that come to me throughout the day
Writing the not a good person, good chef, actually did make me realize what the fuck bro was yapping about in the Season 2 finale. I always like got the amusement or enjoyment line, but I don't think I fully understood what he meant because I was like-- You make food baby, that's a form of enjoyment-- It's not to him. It's money. He doesn't get joy out of being a chef, right now. UGH. I'M RUINED.
Yeah babyyyyy, the voice in his head is still his exeeccccc lets goooooo-- Pulled up the NYC scene dialogue, for that whole morning routine. Pulled all those lines straight from it. Major L to Jeff from Community. He had a major change in character smh
or WHATEVER!!!!!!
I promise I wasn't planning on dogging on Fak this much as a server, and then I watched the trailer, and no spoilers, he fucking bombs and I was like , well, okay, that's the game we're playing Mr Storer? I'll play,,,
DAWWW, again, I know how much this takes, and I should say-- Never feel pressure, lmao-- Whenever I poke at people for not noting things, it's just me poking fun i swear. I never want it to feel STRESSFUL to read these chapters, though (well, i guess i did want THIS one to feel stressful lmao), so please don't feel like you have to do this-- Do i love it? Yes. Do I also beg for essays? Yeah.,,, but like, like yknow what I mean-- Go at thine pace, baby
Richie and Syd are Tony's two besties, and them both immediately going SO YALL ARE FUCKING???? Feels very correct, to me. Sex painting also, I just think is such a Fak thing to whisper. I mean those canvases couples FUCK on, with paint covering, by the way, if that wasn't clear. I don't know how well known a thing that is. I went to art school, so. When worlds collide, yknow.
:< Zero Pulse Carmy L Count: 2 (the morning scene was rough)
I love seeing the different reactions to Tony yelling, because it's either like: AWE POOR CARMY or THATS SO FUCKING SCARY SHE SHOULD BE SCREAMING, WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM?-- And I love to see that.
I would 100% flail like this. Fak is me at my new admin job every day.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I went from a certified Richie Hater to a lover. Writing this fic I think also aided to that, alot, because it forced me to think very critically about like, what it fucking meant to stick around, when your best friend dies. Like me and my best girlfriend-- The Syd to my Tony, essentially, have both said repeatedly if one of us kicks the bucket, the other one is immediately yeeting it. Like. Richie staying alive let alone in the same place, that takes a lot of fucking strength. Love him.
DIABOLICALLLLLL HAAAAA, I did a little dance, when everyone started tweaking in the comments with that one. Love to see it. Got your asses with that surprise-- Got Carmen with it too, lmao. Can you imagine going to work already in a bad fuckin mood and then the Devil from your shoulder is like 'i'll be there in 30'? Ohhhh bitcchh--- I'd be doin worse than Carmy, tbh.
I would've dug so much more into the RACIALLY TARGETED MILES MORALES BANDAIDS!!!! if I was explicitly writing Tony as a POC, but I needed to give her a tamer response with 'i hate you'-- But to note, if I was going full WOC besties, it would've been fuckin' 'oh so you'd prefer peter parker?? racissstttttttt'-- Nothing says solidarity in the black/brown community like calling your fellow POC racist.
LET ME!!!! LET ME!!! Had that line written in my head for quite some time-- I've been planning this chapter since chapter 2, so it's like, like I really got to LIVEEE writing Tony/Syd, I adore them.
GO TONYYYYYY, I was worried I gave her too many talents, tbh. But like. Her title and nickname is Jack of All Trades, and it makes a lot of sense to me that being a Lead Paramedic = Fantastic under pressure, great at giving direction/leading, decent bedside manner + Repairman Level Memory + Wine Fascination since highschool = Not that many actual skills, but they all transfer into so many different branches. So I think she's not to OP lmao. WE'VE GOT TO NERF TONY.
The rat chef!!! I'm shocked no one found it frankly offensive Carmen hasn't seen Ratatouille-- But I do think that would be canon. I think Carmen's life would change dramatically for the better if he just fuckin' relaxed and watched Ratatouille.
RIGHT? I'm literally still debating the idea of what Carmen would do, in the scenario. Like, a lot rides on the idea of a star. His whole life and everyone elses--- Would he prioritize Tony? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm let's not think about it
The note, bah. What a sweetie. It's also like, written on the recipe card he drafted, too, so technically if she gained all the Michelin skills rn herself she could make it. Theoretically.
LOVEEEE...... moving on....
Speaking of Love, I have loved seeing the handful of people saying they knew immediately when she got that plate what Tony was gonna do about it. Like that is both touching to me as an author and also heartbreaking that on a story and character level, you immediately knew what Tony would do to herself there--- Bah.
JOURNAL IS INTERESTNG-- I wonder if Mikey would be the logging type. Maybe entirely unmarked in his notes app.
Now let's see, is there anything in the water I can give you here... Anything that won't spoil something,,,
There's not really much that isn't really emotionally charged, so I'll give you this, at least. Feels like any context of the next chapter is spoilery, but eh, read it if you'd LIKE to. haha. AGAIN-- THANK YOU LOVE!!!
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Hey! I had some Mother's Day headcanons I thought I'd share:
-Izuku goes all the way out on mother's day. I'm saying breakfast in bed, cleaning the whole house, making lunch, going shopping. He won't let Inko do any chore and will smother her in affection! (She always end up bawling and hugging him tight while saying how grown up he is)
-the Todoroki siblings go visit their mother in the hospital. They bring flowers, chocolate and chat for a while. Sometimes it gets awkward, but is really nice
-Dabi roams around the hospital area, but never dares get closer. He just wander for a bit before going back to the hideout/lair/his home with the League he will never call as such
-Shigaraki makes an effort to behave! He'll deny it has anything to do with the holiday, but everyone knows better. Kurogiri may not be his mom (or dad), but Shigaraki always tries to cause less trouble on mother's and father's day. The others surprisingly don't tease him that much for it! Dabi doesn't even try to rile him up on purpose
-when they caught up that Shigaraki kinda celebrated mother's day, Toga and Twice decided to make Kurogiri a special dinner! Magne helped so they don't burn the kitchen down and Mr. Compress complained they never do anything for him, but she just said he doesn't pass the "motherly vibes" check
-Kurogiri doesn't really eat, but he appreciates the attempt. And there were no fights the whole day! Best present ever
-Present Mic has a motherly vibes playlist ready just for this day and allows listeners to call on the breaks to send their moms messages on the radio. It's sweet
Please pretend its still mothers day
Izuku and Inko would have the sweetest mothers day. And birthdays. And just about any holiday! You know they would do absolutely everything for each other, and set aside the whole day to do something special!
Theres something so sweet yet so sad about the Todorokis on mothers day (prime angst fic anyone?)
You KNOW Compress would be a little bitch about only getting fathers day, and still having to share it with Kurogiri. I think he gets it tho, Kurogiri really is the momliest figure around for the league. He truly deserves one day of not having to corral his terrible children
I love the idea of Present Mic having playlists/call ins for special occasion, not just mothers day. I imagine his show gets a lot of traction on holidays because of how much people enjoy it
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spookberry · 2 years
thoughts on that Wednesday Addams show
-the writing is incredibly juvenile in a way only an adult man who is not actually nor ever has been an "outcast" could accomplish
-that being said all the actors were really amazing! Especially Jenna Ortega!!!
-One thing I liked but felt was more by accident than by design was the way that this school of "outcasts" were like, really normal?? Like theyre just teenagers who happen to not be human. Which makes the fact that Wednesday is a human who's Not Normal kind of compelling. Wish this was an intentional idea though, it could've been played with a whole lot more.... also i just kinda wish they'd picked a word other than "outcasts" to call them. like oh my god i could absolutely see some line during the climax where theres all this petty teen drama where someones like "i might not be human, but at least im not a Monster like you Wednesday" woulda been AWESOME
-Wednesday's love triangle was lame and if she had to get with a guy I'd've preferred Eugene. I love his sibling relationship with wednesday sooo much. One of my favorite dynamics. However if she HAD to get with a guy. Id pick him. He reminds me of Joel from Addams Family Values.
-the fact that two guys fell wildly in love with Wednesday without her doing absolutely anything and also very clearly not returning the sentiment whatsoever and instead just using them whenever she needs them was really funny and on brand, wished the show had been self aware about it
-I really wish the other female characters played bigger roles? Like Enid was Great and I loved the glimpses of her friendship with Wednesday and Thing and their HUG omg,,, I wish the romance plots had been axed in favor of giving Wednesday's friendships more time to shine.
-I also wish Enid and Wednesday had danced together at the Rave'N. Enid goes and dances with all her friends but she never goes over to have fun with Wednesday :( it just felt wrong like, narratively, we saw how excited Enid was about Wednesday going to the dance and then the camera seems to cut to show Enid get excited from watching Wednesday dance and then they dont even Talk?? I hated that.
-also, Bianca. I really loved the way she was basically friends with Wednesday by the end of the show. Wish the show had done a better job at the Enemies to Friendly Rivals to Friends dynamic. Bianca in general is a REALLY cool character that I want more time with.
-Both Enid and Bianca would've made better love interests than the guys imo
-I did like the mysteries, though I'm not sure how well it actually works with the Addams. Because they wound up adding this plot line, no spoilers, about Gomez being accused of murder and Morticia gets super touchy about it. But like?? theyre the ADDAMS why would they be behaving like this about a death???? Makes no sense to me. Needed to be reworked, cuz there definitely are Ways to have made it work imo.
-I really loved all of the costuming for Wednesday though the color correction done on the uniforms makes me kinda sad. i think it would've been fun if the school had been more vibrant and full of life to better contrast who Wednesday is and how she stands out.
-Wednesday's relationship with Morticia is really weird, but in general I get the feeling that certain people involved didn't actually know what Morticia's character was like... at all? And a lot of the problems with the family dynamics stems from this mischaracterization of Morticia in particular. I know some people didn't like Wednesday going through a rebellious phase, but I actually think that fit her character just fine, it's how her parents react to this rebellion that feels out of character to me.
-the fact that they had a romance arc about a werewolf who struggled to be a werewolf and an awkward gorgon..... Very Monster High 2022 to me ngl
-Wednesday is Autistic and you can't convince me otherwise. Everything from the way all of her social interactions are written to the way she literally diverts eye contact whenever theres a closeup shot while she talks to people. shes just like me fr.
overall i give it a 6 out of 10. I wouldn't go around recommending it to people, it's kinda bad, but I got some enjoyment out of it,, so not fully the worst.
But Also if you haven't seen it I WOULD recommend you go watch the fanmade Adult Wednesday Addams series on youtube. It's a classic!
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sol-paredes · 1 year
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My thoughts now that i've finished it (spoilers for the whole game)
-hate that you cant make your character fat
-love the characters and how they are introduced
-kinda hate astarion sorry. Didnt do his quest cause he was mean to me.
-the absolute being a big ass brain was so fucking funny to me i cant explain
-lae'zel is a failgirl and i love her
-i fucked that squid and regretted it. Found out that if you dont have tentacle sex with him he shows you fucked up shit he did. Really mean tbh 👎 will side with orpheus next time
-theres not 17000 endings there's like 3
-lots of weird visual glitches at least in the low settings
-i spotted a few continuity errors in the dialogue but i can forgive that cause there's so many routes to take
-game starts with a really nice pace in act 1, then it becomes reeeeeeeally slow in act 2 and way too fast in act 3.
-The combat system is really fun i love casting spells and fireballs 💥 the fight against ketheric was really good but the other two were meh. So much hype for orin and then she does nothing and dies. And gortash is like if elon musk was a dnd character (i deactivated his iphone robots and killed him in like 2 hits)
-best luck to the tiefling kids i hope the giant brain falling didnt kill them
-omeluum my love. The highlight of the game im not being sarcastic. Extremely good character reveal he has 2 lines of dialogue and i'd give him a hug and help him plan his wedding with blurg.
-game feels half cooked in general. It's a reeally massive game and they should have given it a few more years
-karlach... I love you dude
-seriously the ending was really rushed
-the giant ass brain is cool as fuck though so its ok i guess
-but i wanted to see more. What will hapen to the githyanki now. What about the illithids what about avernus. And the grove's tieflings and all of the people we met. They just show you the yay happy ending screen where are they where is omeluum
-cant we just give karlach heart surgery please. I have revivify spells
-overall good game solid 785/1000 i will play it again and be a cool dragon this time. And also destroy the druids this time cause they suck. Will steal their idol and eat it
-also when your character is rowing the boat towards the final fight they're only using one oar so they should be spinning in circles
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poopyballz28 · 2 years
Kozue Matsumoto Idol AU
This idea has been brewing in my tiny little monkey brain for AGES I love her so much
also sorry i wrote so much i have a lot to say
• She started off obsessing over Hatsune Miku and girl groups, absolutely falling in love with the bubbly type of music and dance styles. She would write demo lyrics in her little pink notebook during school instead of paying attention. She already spaces off during class most of the time and writing down lyrics she thinks are nice really eases her.
• I see her making her own music in her room, instead of just singing something pre-made from a record label. She was super nervous posting her stuff online, but to her surprise one of her songs goes totally viral. The pressure of so much support is incredibly overwhelming for her, but inside she's super happy.
• Her music is also really unique as well. Her lyrics always consist of things in her life she wants to rise up upon, I.E her social anxiety, confidence issues, etc. She puts her whole soul into her music and because of that, it really resonates with people. She garnered a huge and dedicated fanbase for her meaningful music and beautiful vocal performances.
• She was really scared to do live shows, super self conscious about her dancing and just generally showing her face. She knew she wanted to do it though, the thought of singing and dancing to her own music in front of an audience of people who love her traced her thoughts daily, but her anxiety was always a step ahead of her.
• Baki was actually the one who motivated her to do lives. She would vent to him about how embarrassed she was, and how she was afraid of messing up and letting her fans down. He said if they were really her fans, they would support her no matter what. He completely showered her with the confidence she needed and she ended up having her first live show. It was an overwhelming success!
• She's absolutely in love with her idol outfits. Theres never a circumstance where she can wear such fluffy and cute outfits normally, so having a reason to wear such adorable outfits puts her in a super joyful mood. She loves twirling and dancing in them with all her heart. She literally jitters with excitement. (shes so cute oh my GAH)
• She always gets a little nervous before concerts, her anxiety still creeps up on her. Not only is she afraid she may mess up and let everyone down, but she's afraid that one day she'll fall out of style, and people will stop liking her and enjoying her music. Baki is always there to comfort and motivate her though. She couldn't thank him enough for how much he helped her through everything.
• Her performance during live shows are always top notch quality. Her delicate and smooth beautiful voice fills everyone in the venue with butterflies. Her super cute way of dancing and clever choreography she adds throughout could make anyone fall in love with her and what she does. She puts her entire being into every one of her shows, never missing a beat. Her fans see how much effort she puts into her lives and music and praise her up and down for it. (as they should)
• She tends to cry during shows a lot, thanks to all the support from all of her fans. She profusely thanks everyone at her shows for coming to see her perform. Even during meet and greets she's super compassionate. She always gives out hugs and thanks them for everything. She tends to get really emotional whenever she's told how much her music has helped someone too. Knowing her music means so much to other people as much as it means to her, makes her wanna cry.
• She makes all of her merch and live shows super cheap priced, she doesn't do it for the money after all (despite what a manager might tell her) Thanks to her kind attitude, she's completely unproblematic and has little to no haters. Baki may not be very tech savy, but he'll always be the first to defend Kozue when he sees a hate comment on one of her videos. Kozue is really sensitive to hate, tending to question if she's really good at what she does when she sees any, but luckily Baki's always there to show her how much she really matters. (supportive boyfriend hours)
• She's super awkward during photo shoots and stuff. She's embarrassed that she may look silly and doesn't exactly know what to do half the time. Despite how she feels about her nervousness, her fans absolutely adore it. They think she's so undeniably cute for every little awkward thing that she does.
• She begins having little to no confidence in herself, often doubting if she's truly good enough and if she should keep going. But she remarkably forms into a woman who really believes in what she's doing, someone who wants to bring smiles to peoples faces for as long as she lives. She'll confidently chase that dream for as long as it takes, and ultimately get stronger in the process.
I may make a cute little fic abt this too 🤔 perhaps 🧐
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sweetgaleria · 2 years
hello tumblr user sweetgaleria!!!!! I just thought maybe u could use a reminder of what an AMAZING artist you are. honestly your art makes me smile SO much. a couple months ago when u posted that drawing of adrien simply standing there and being a whole entire cutie I was like dhdjdjDHJSSK💕💕💕 IT’S HIM. THAT’S MY BLORBO. I’m dead. Because holy cow do u make him the BLORBO-IEST. like. You just have this way of drawing faces that is So pleasing. Activates intense Cuteness Aggression in me. Makes me melt into a pile of goo. It’s just, like, this level of baby that seems like it should actually be unattainable, yet somehow, you attain it. You’re the master of little baby blorbos and I am crumbling at your feet about it. i do not know how else to describe it but that when you draw blorbos they are soooo blorbo shaped. Like there’s the exact amount of Beloved packed in there that there should be. The beloved is just baked into the crust. Mixed into the sauce. MAN UR ART STYLE IS JUST!!!!! SO CUTE!!!! AND SO GOOD!!!! I know this is like ancient by now and I wasn’t even around when you posted it but the first time I saw that post-reveal Christmas comic you did with the sweaters I was just like 😭😭😭😭 ohhhhh that was so soft I melted like butter dude. It’s still one of my favorite pieces of fanart in this fandom but you have grown a lot as an artist since then and it’s amazing to see!!!! You create beautiful things that make people (me, and also others but very much me) happy and that’s such a special gift to have. Your coloring always feels soooo warm and cozy, like a big hug 🥺 and whenever you post an animation my brain goes 💥💥💥 because it’s incredible!! It is honestly so cool and sexy of you to be a whole entire animator out here and I have no doubt you are gonna kill it in that career and make so many amazing things. I know school can be Rough, especially when it’s taking a lot out of you and you don’t have the time or energy to create :( but hang in there!! you will make things again! It’s not lost. If you’re not able to create right now that’s just bc your formidable powers are in charging mode. They got a little pooped out bc brains and bodies can only do so much but they’re charging up and you’ll be back to a full battery and it’s gonna feel so good. Be kind to yourself 💕 and remember that you are GOOD at this. you’re GREAT at it. your skills and talents are so impressive to me and the heart that goes into your work is what makes it truly special💜 please don’t feel pressure to draw or post if you aren’t up for it but whenever u do I will be extremely delighted,,,I am always so excited to see your art. I’m a sweetgaleria fan. anyway I hope you have a nice day!!
tumblr user carpisuns I've been reading this ask for so long and I still haven't found the proper way to say thank you??? These past few months haven't been the easiest in a number of ways, so your message really did make my week, thank you so so much <33 I don't think I have the mental capacity to reply to your message the way I wanted to, but I hope you know i am also a huge carpisuns fan, seeing your rambles and your doodles and your tags on everything is always so exciting and fun!!! You put a lot of love and care into the things you do, and that shows. I hope we can continue to see each other grow through the years!! And same goes to you!!!! You will be able to create again, you are AMAZING at what you do, and it's normal to feel like you can't draw or write the same way you used to. It's like exercise, once you stop, to get back into it you have to warm up for a while before catching up where you left off. I feel bad sometimes for not improving as fast as i'd like, but then again.. we have the whole rest of our lives to get good, you know? Theres fun in improvement, too And again, thank you so much for your message!! It really did make my week, my whole month even 😭🧡
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Pet Names Masterlist
AM (ao3) - Migs Michael/Luke E, 10k
Summary: 5 Seconds Of Summer consists of Michael Clifford, Ashton Hemmings and Calum Hood. Luke Hemmings is the youngest Hemmings brother.
Before I Let You Walk, You Gotta Show Me How You Crawl (ao3) - punchinginadream Luke/Ashton N/R, 1k
Summary: Luke is happiest on his knees, when he's got his mouth on Ashton.
dive my face between your thighs (until i cannot feel my lips) (ao3) - ashtonsbabygurl Michael/Calum T, 2k
Summary: Michael and Calum's vacation in Florida has a little more feelings and cum than they expected.
Fine Print - @daydadahlias (cornflowerblue (daydadahlias)) Luke/Ashton, past Luke/Calum M, 61k
Summary: If Michael says Ashton Irwin will be a good bodyguard then sure, Luke will put his money on Ashton being a good bodyguard. Besides, all Luke needs is a shadow. So what if he doesn’t like him?
Who ever cared about liking their shadow anyway?
or the one where Luke is a heartbroken solo artist who can't sleep and Ashton is his less-than-enthusiastic bodyguard
Found Out (ao3) - Latefan_5sos1d_wherewasi Luke/Everyone E, 4k
Summary: Luke was very horny but all he had in the hotel was lube while his roommate was with the rest of the band as they ventured in the city. So while Luke wants something other than his fingers up his ass he searches the room and finds something.
A very slutty night in general!
After this night theres definitely going to be a big step up from their current relationship, but it’s not that any of them were going to complain.
Good morning (ao3) - orphan_account Michael/Luke E, 1k
Summary: Michael wakes up from a lovely wet dream his boyfriend next to him.
I Don't Wanna Be a Monster Among Men (I Won't Break Your Heart Again) (ao3) - Anonymous OT4, Michael/Ashton M, 2k
Summary: Ashton’s hand moves to finger Michael’s fringe. “It’s okay, honey,” he interjects, whispering. “If you want, I can listen and not talk. No pressure, though.”
Michael contemplates but nods slowly. He takes another blow of his joint and observes Ashton lighting his own before speaking. “I’ve been doing a lot of research on it lately. I don’t know how to tell people because they,” He pauses to sigh again, “wouldn’t get it.”
(Or where Michael isn't really Michael but struggles with telling his partners.)
i love the way you talk about me (ao3) - orphan_account Calum/Ashton, OT4 N/R, 13k
Summary: “I want you to understand.” Ashton continues. His eyes and voice aren't gentle anymore. “You're here to service me. To service us. You are a fuck toy, and nothing more. You do as I say without complaint or hesitation. You know this, calum, and I expect you to behave. If I ask you to jump…” “I ask you how high.” Calum says. His eyes are cast down, his cheeks filled with color. He’s upset Ash, he doesn’t deserve to look at him. “Good. Finally did something right.” Ashton says.
or the one where Calum is a brat to his boyfriend, who decides that he's going to make Calum sorry via his other two bandmates.
or the one where I hit rock bottom and write Ashton, Michael, and Luke fucking Calum into oblivion.
In the Next Room (ao3) - valiantnerd (arareads) Luke/Ashton E, 28k
Summary: Ashton moves into an apartment with walls made of little more than cardboard and foreign playlists, develops a gigantic crush on Luke, and takes a hot second realizing what's right in front of him.
Knee Socks, Sweaters, & Kitten Boys (ao3) - KiribakuBabe Michael/Luke E, 5k
Summary: In all the whole of four years that Luke and Michael had been married, he'd never once let the other man know about his habit. That habit being that he loved wearing knitted knee socks around the house with nothing else on but Michael's sweater.
That is, until he got caught...
The one where Luke loves wearing stockings whenever Michael isn't home and then he gets caught wearing them..
Luke Hugged Him Back Just As Tightly And Heard Michael Whisper 'Friends'. (ao3) - destiel_lemmings Michael/Luke, Calum/Ashton E, 28k
Summary: Luke knew that this was going to be weird. He new roommate/ex-kitten were now even more indulged in Luke's mind. The only problem was that his roommate was not only attractive but he knew Luke like the back of his hand, and Luke had just met the boy.
Or this is a continuation of 'With A Meow And A Belly Rub Luke Knew He Was In Love With The Ball Of Fur.' And Michael knows all of Luke's quirks but Luke is just getting to know the cute boy that was once his kitten. This is the journey through their friendship and maybe even relationship?
Oh You Know That Tonight I’m Fucking You (You’re So Damn Pretty) (ao3) - Migs Luke/Ashton E, 6k
Summary: The one where Luke says “Daddy can you pass the salt?” and Ashton and Luke’s dad both reach for it.
Revisiting the past (ao3) - Latefan_5sos1d_wherewasi Luke/Calum E, 3k
Summary: Calum gets a little frisky after stumbling upon a fan fiction of himself and Luke, his roommate and past lover. When Luke catches his display history is revisited and not regretted
Silent (ao3) - Smol_lou_lou Luke/Ashton E, 2k
Summary: "Baby, you got to be silent." Or where Ashton and Luke fuck in a movie theatre.
spread your wings for me (ao3) - orphan_account Luke/Ashton N/R, 32k
Summary: He likes watching Luke cough on smoke from a joint, or cry when he gets his lip pierced, or whine when he rides Ashton filthily. He likes the bruises he leaves on Luke’s thighs, and he likes that Luke has to wear turtlenecks to hide his hickeys covering his neck.
He likes destroying Luke’s innocence one little piece at a time.
And this is just another piece that he’s taking for himself.
Or the one where Ashton likes to watch Luke pray, and Luke is more than happy to serve the bad boy of the school.
The Bruises On Your Thighs Like My Fingerprints (You're About To Bloom) (ao3) - Migs Luke/Calum E, 5k
Summary: Calum doesn't like it when other people touch his boyfriend's perfect arse. Because what if someone can touch it better than Calum? What if Luke leaves him for some better arse toucher? Calum can't let that happen. He can't let someone take away his future with Luke, their two dogs and a litter of puppies, just because they worshiped that ass better than he did.
OR Calum gets riled up when other people touch Luke's butt so he reminds Luke who can satisfy him best.
the One About the Pride Parade (ao3) - twinkylukey Luke/Ashton N/R, 3k
Summary: basically, ashton and luke meet at pride and fuck.
Touchy - @daydadahlias (cornflowerblue (daydadahlias)) OT4 T, 7k
Summary: Ashton has eye surgery and the boys take care of him.
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moosekababs · 1 year
cw spoilers for beast machines and beast wars
so i just finished beast machines and i have a lot of thoughts and feelings, specifically about rattrap
ok so i will admit i don't know much about rattrap before beast wars. but im looking at this scene of him hugging botanica at the end of beast machines and the implications. the implications of his character in this series is fucking astounding. like i know i'm definitely reading too much into it but like. He starts doing more tinkering and tech-minded stuff because rhinox is fucking kill., so he becomes the team nerd. dinobot is gone and theres one scene where he tells nightscream "You'll understand when you're older" when nightscream is watching black arachnia be like, hyperfocused on silverbolt, and i can't help but feel like that's a callback to his reaction to dinobot's death. Like, he personally understand what insane shit love can drive someone to do (and yes i consider dark glass canon why do you ask).
And then the whole thing where he works with megatron, that's probably one of my favorite episodes of beast machines because its so stylistically gorgeous, but also like. His best friend(rhinox) and love interest(dinobot) are dead, he's one of the last people of his species alive, he's woken up expecting to be home and away from the hostile environment of the beast wars, His autonomy has been all but stripped from him, and he feels useless and angry and hurt. And then botanica comes around and he treats her much the same way he treated dinobot, and they grow like, hostile-ly dependent on each other, like seeing each other as strong enough to withstand verbal abuse and leaning into that role because it feels good to have something direct to be angry about, and it feels good to EXPRESS that anger, and they can both take it so they don't really worry about hurting feelings or whatever. and then she almost fucking DIES, basically right after they kiss in the middle of an argument, and neither of them know how to handle the kiss but then she's fucking DYING and he barely manages to save her life by doing something exceedingly risky, and then like, independent of her and the fledgling romantic situation, he has to try and make this split second decision about saving all the sparks in the giant head ship thing, and he fucks up and he literally says WHAT DID I DO? and covers his face with his hands and it just gets BLOWN THE FUCK OVER. AND THEN WE'RE IN THE FUCKING AFTERMATH. AND HES LIKE. WHERES BOTANICA. and she SHOWS THE FUCK UP and THEY HUG AND HE LIKE. NUZZLES HER SHOULDER AND IM JUST. BABY BOY. MY LITTLE RAT MAN. MY BELOVED BABY RAT AAAAAAAAAA
like i know i'm reading way too much into him and his character but god fucking damn. im happy he got a decently happy ending. like i would have preferred it be with dinobot but im happy he got a decent ending at all
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moonssugar · 2 years
wip inspiration tag 🌟
got tagged by @encrucijada​
there are A LOT of places of inspiration for my personal writing project roadtrip! and if i had to list them all i’d have pages and pages of bits of inspiration from so many different places but i think i can gather the core wells of inspiration...
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list: the Northern Lights trilogy, the Oh Hellos, Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Castle in the Sky and Sprited Away
ROADTRIP! : sam, a transmasc youth, and his furry ever-companion soulmate kaid live in sunshine arizona with their new rambunctious friend who moved into the neighboring town a year ago, chelsie who has two furry companions of her own named cosmos and chrysanthemum. high school hell, summer shenanigans, friendships, chaos and fun ensue until a girl named aubry shows up in the middle of the desert following a series of strange occurrences. a week later, the three of them take a short walk and don’t return home. they find themselves in a new world, and, well, quite a few new worlds after that. they need to find a way home and they’re determined that nothing stops them, so they journey into a ever shifting, strange, curious and beautiful multiverse that unfolds before them.
this story is about changes and grappling with them, queerness (trans, lesbian/gay mostly), self discovery and becoming, love, family born into, made and found, faiths, destiny is fake, essentialism is bogus, war is hell, different kinds of trauma, the pace of healing, growing pains, be gay do crime, love for humanity, displacement and belonging, oppression and fighting it, the power in being kind gentle and merciful, and how hugs, hand holding and forehead kisses go a long way. theres a lot more but the hugs are extremely important!
The Oh Hellos
entire arcs in this story have started as seeds planted by me listening to the oh hello’s but especially the albums eurus and the other four winds albums, dear wormwood, and into the deep dark valley. ive got a deep emotional connection to their music and since i found them back in 2019/2020 which happened to be the time i started writing this wip. there are whole albums in my character playlists. they are this music on a certain level. the grip maggie and tyler heath have on me is criminal
daemons, angels and the multiverse concept not only totally ripped completely off from this series but also extremely yassified and hit with a transgenderification beam. transdimensional travel as a metaphor for being trans. a angel fabricating a physical body as a metaphor for being trans. rainbow colored openings to other worlds hint hint nudge gay. answering the age old question “trans people daemons gender what?!” with “lol whatever i have a 4D understanding of gender you wouldn’t get it”. using daemons as a way to talk about queerness, gender etc etc. also us american evengalicalism fuckin sucks, lets talk about that and religious trauma without demonizing “religion” as a whole!! this inspired me to think about the beauty of faiths instead of its ugliest sides but also honor the horrific trauma a certain brand of christianity causes. also what if this multiverse concept was executed better and the story was actually satisfying??
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Castle in the sSky (and some other ghibli movies)
okay nausicaä actually inspired a big latter part of roadtrip, mostly its solarpunk elements and focus on ecology, post apocalyptic world and humanity. and insects! castle in the sky is where i got the floating island idea from. some honorable mentions are spirited away, its one of my earliest memories of other world concepts in fiction i remember from when i was a kid, ponyo which is the favorite movie of my character chelsie + some ocean imagery sprinkled here and there and sam loves princess mononoke (this movie helped radicalize me)
Ari and Dante
the slice of life vibes, desert setting but arizona instead of el paso texas, a mexican main character, just taking it easy and being emotionally honest when writing and telling a story is something i learned from benjamin alire sáenz because its one of the first places in literature it really stuck out to me. that you choose your own methods for writing, whatever works for you even if it strays from ‘traditional’ literature structure. realizing a chapter could be 1 paragraph freed me, but now i wish i’d actually let myself apply the guy’s advice. this book had a profound effect on me when i read it at 17, it got me through a lot and its lived inside my head and my soul ever since. rent fuckin free. changed me on a molecular and spiritual level and im so glad it did
honorable mentions: a bunch of different science fiction media, fantasy media, real life locations like arizona, my own state, cartagena columbia, costa rica, peru and about a thousand other places, ecology and the concept of interconnectedness herself, class struggle, queer history, catholic imagery, ‘80s aesthetics, many romance languages, my friends and their many backgrounds, many different cultures, angelology, world history, revenge and spite but also self indulgence and falling in love with writing
gonna tag: @shapeshiftersandfire​!
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quietbluejay · 5 months
Dark Imperium 1
Wow Haley really stepped up his writing game.
Shame his simping is making a character I like...kinda unlikeable Yes yes Guilliman is the specialest boy now can we move along …oh another blorbo showed up!!! Best boy Thiel
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This is not how I would describe Thiel lol (there are many positive words I would use but, "modest" is not one of them). Also the verbiage and relation here feel a lot more Tolkienesque. So I don't know if I can really say it's OOC or if it's more of just the difference between Haley and Abnett as writers.
there is some good Thiel food here at least though he just feels too…idk, like the rough edges of his personality have been sanded down maybe responsibility did that lol
theres a word i'm looking for regarding the writing style and i can't think of it not "artificiality" but related, the opposite of "naturalistic" it's something I also noticed in his other book, though it was all together much less polished there. I definitely feel like this guy primarily reads 90s and earlier fantasy novels and that's where he's coming from as a writer not actually sure if it's being done badly or I'm just used to these characters as being written in a more modern/"realistic" style
Guilliman: I'm about to do what we call a pro-gamer move Guilliman: LEEEEROY JENKINNNSSS
it just described something as "a spicy agony" because i am always a clown i am going to take this to either mean he's having an allergy reaction to the venom or that he's got no spice tolerance also his armour has a name it's called "The Armour of Reason". absolutely incredible also just the mental image of "Fulgrim slithered into them" snake man just knocking people over like bowling pins
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This really is the franchise for chronic pain rep, huh. There's what, Yriel, 40K Guilliman, and Huron I can think of off the top of my head?
i am experiencing normal emotions at these two minor characters i hope they will be okay i know this is a trap but darnit im attached
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Given I know this is Plague Wars...yep. RIP.
oh bleh mil sf space battle not very exciting honestly the most interesting part of this scene is the one dude being a complete ass and Guilliman shutting him down oh good we're getting a human face on things this is where Haley shines as a writer
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war crime time Writer is doing a good job of walking the line of making the characters sympathetic while also not whitewashing them
there was also a fun line about the imperial space marines and the chaos space marines looking equally demonic
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I kind of love how even though he’s doing genuine good he’s still a dictator and losing time and effort to getting his old empire back under his direct control And he’s treating this task as high priority There’s also the whole bit about his hobby/free time thing being trying to reconstruct an accurate history and a bunch of the people he got as assistants/investigators have gotten killed because of it
What’s also hilarious to me is that they don’t even have accurate records of what was in his old empire and he doesn’t know which planets he wants to add but by golly! He’s going to make Ultramar great again A lot of his thoughts are understandable given his background and everything but! Man! I want to beat him over the head with a 2x4 but also give him a hug
yyyep my buddies died horribly or well one has died the other is in the process he was trying to protect him but he followed ;-; yeeppp he's undead now
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man what are they gonna do if rob falls under the weight of all the expectations and responsibilities horus heresy electric boogaloo this time with spreadsheets
as a side note i'm finding it interesting they're using beautiful as a descriptor for a space marine (one specific guy, to be clear) like beautiful as opposed to handsome or any other related adjective maybe i'm reading too much into it but i feel like it says something about how Felix sees the world
and given some of the themes that have been popping up about space marines seeing beauty in the world, and the dichotomy between having and wanting things beyond war, and yet being built for war and seeing nothing but war in the future the humanity seeping in through the cracks it's a lot to read into one word but the other stuff has been popping up haha honestly overall i'm getting a LOT of vibes similar to some wwi fiction I've read especially with the two dudes at the hospital on a lighter note I'm torn between e_e and lmao that the Space Wolf dude just said something "wolfishly"
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It me
I'm just genuinely in shock that this book is as good as it is given the last book.
BUT it's funny this is my complaint in this book given how he was pretty great with the female characters in Valedor but not a SINGLE female character has shown up on-page so far (50% mark). I know you can write women, Haley!! You did fine last time!
anyways I'm still snrking about this
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aww group hug and the squad is getting broken up ;-;
rip Bjarni
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Bjarni is like a complete Space Wolf stereotype and yet, he's able to feel like an actual person
Next time: plaguey bois
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lileonovaa · 1 year
K, and I to you, much more love.
There’s a boy that I fell in love with, and this time, I don't think I will ever forget that. I seem to struggle to remember what I feel or have felt about anything. I feel blue. I feel a sense of sadness in a good way when he refers to me as his. I always tend to step back, just give up, and pursue isolation. All my life, I have been isolated; being used to that sort of melancholy always made sense to me. With him, it's a different kind of sadness, something thats even more addictive than the ones I felt before. In sadness, I feel better, and the more I give up on things, the more I feel free. With this one, I don't feel the need to give up, nor do I feel like I should run after it, because I know he’s right there; even if he’s gone, it's okay as long as he’s happy. I feel like I'm not good for him, but it's okay to be greedy. I will always want and need him until he says so, but he cannot snatch away the blues I feel for him; they'll always be there no matter what. Like an illustrated black and white paper girl sitting in complete darkness, the blueness that she feels around her heart shines bright and gradually grows in a way that shows her love for him, and she’s tightly protecting it with her tiny bare hands. He's extremely different than me; sure, there are things both me and him could relate to. As a child, I always thought being able to relate to someone was how you knew they were the one for you, but with him, we just make sense; it's odd in a beautiful way that I can’t really bring myself to understand why it is, but it's beautiful for sure. He's not perfect, which may be why I like him. I'm sure it's love, but I don't think theres a real reason why or how it works out. All I know is that it works out. He's extremely rare, and somehow he knows about everything, yet I still wouldn’t consider him perfect. I don't idolize him, nor does he idolize me, and I think that’s the most beautiful thing about us. He's not perfect, but his eyes, laugh, hair, piercings, and him as a whole just make the world a better place. He’s truly a poet in a way. I asked him, How do I make you feel? He said it was like the relief of waking up and realizing your life is still normal after a nightmare. that stuck to my mind forever, and sometimes his words just feel like a road trip to Neptune. That's another dream of mine—just us floating our way to the absolute blue planet. Though at times I feel like I'm his nightmare, I tend to upset him a lot, which is one of the reasons why I think I'm not good enough for him. I feel like the stupidest person on the planet, and I am extremely sensitive. I hate who I am as a person. I will be honest; sometimes he says the most gut-wrenching thing ever, and I will just start panicking. I would just cry and imagine hugging him tightly because, even if he doesn’t apologize, I know he’s truly sorry, yet I do expect him to say something because I overthink a lot. It’s unbelievable and unbearable. He's far; he's as far as the moon from the earth, but it's okay. Even though we are oceans apart. My dreams and him are the same in the way, I love them both to the point, even the afterlife wouldn't satisfy me. He loves being loved by me Though I wish I could have made sense to him as a person. I don’t know why I am the way I am, but i know for a fact that he’s as beautiful as the ocean, and I love the ocean so much that I could never stop admiring his beauty. He’s got his momma’s beauty; she’s got the kind soul look in her eyes, and I hope she likes me. Most people would say it’s unfortunate to depend on someone to feel happiness, and I could see why at times because when I upset him, I feel like I'm suffering from a heart attack; my chest hurts like I'm being shot constantly. and I can’t do much other than apologize constantly. I can see why he thinks I don’t really mean it because it can be aggravating, but I do, from the bottom of my heart, always.
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