#and then when they’ve started to or have fully healed (at least they thought so) they meet again
arsonistman · 1 year
My fave thing to think about actually is post breakup chiluc reunion
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So i started playing the whb game bc i read that really hot fic u wrote where satan’s horns were leaking.
Here begging for a crumb of anything “demon horns as an erogenous zone” related
I love the idea of ‘horn org*sms’ (or halo)
The horn ‘cum’ I don’t think is fertile so it cant be used for breeding it’s kinda just like a natural lubricant.
I honestly think of the horns as though being hard, and basically unmovable by a human, they have a LOT of nerves under them, which also means in injury there bleeds a lot and is extremely painful.
Their horns very in size and appearance and ‘fancier’ horns that are think or short are more sensitive as there’s less space to protect the nerves.
It’s confirmed all demons horns heal every ‘decade’ so it’s likely they are weaker and more sensitive while healing, they prolly end up with a think layer of membrane protecting the horn until it’s fully developed, they sheds the extra membrane when it’s ready. (Think of it like deer/elk horns developing that gross skin over their horns and rubbing against trees to get it off.) it’s definitely uncomfortable and at least a little itchy.
I so funny enough I was using the ‘horn pulling’ thing on Leviathan and Beelzebub and they basically ‘ejaculate’ through their horns before they are ‘done’ and lowkey judging by how they ‘cum’ at the end (after you ‘satisfy’ them) so when they’ve ‘really cum’ their horns don’t always produce, not unless they are being stimulated or are heavily aroused.
Here are the pics from ‘secrets club’
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(It took be over 20 mins to get a pic with the pre in it)
So their horns without fail are always a rainbow touch meaning it’s where they WANT to be touched. They only get the ‘spurting out cum’ if you are actually touching them otherwise they just drip/ooze.
Given how surprised they are when touched and how quickly they get aroused to the point they don’t need to use their dick. I assume it probably sends them just as much, if not more as their actual cock since Satan basically hit his edge once he was grabbed by the horn.
It’s probably like, a intense feeling of pleasure that corses through them while it’s being stimulated? But I imagine it’s also like, really fucking painful to be hurt there, and the devils say “we reguard our well-being by our horns!” Sp it is also probably Like, a mental stimulation to the thought of being touched there, so it’s probably a mix of physical and mental pleasure/pain
I think penetration with horns is possible but not ideal as it seems…almost every horn type is fucking sharp. You gotta corkscrew the bitches before you fuck then-
I think it’s possible though! They probably prefer grinding though, that seems more pleasurable on both ends
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triskhellion · 7 months
Rated: Teen (2k)
Relationship: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Isaac Lahey, Jackson Whittemore, Scott McCall, Alison Argent, Sheriff Stilinski
Tags: POV Stiles, Magical Stiles, Alpha Derek, Baking & Brewing, Accidental Secret Admirer/Assumed Creeper-Bad Guy, Scenting, Kissing, Hickeys, Getting Together
Stiles already knew that the secretive Alpha had a not-so-secret sweet tooth, but not about a favorite spice. He could do something with that.
The Stilinski men were only passable in the kitchen, but he figured he could learn to bake. Woo the guy of his literal and figurative dreams, experiment with finer magic control, and enjoy snacks as he went? Win-win-win.
For Noxnthea and Stiles Shipping Central Ficlet Exchange. Prompt #3, Secret Admirer:
Stiles didn’t mean to end up as [person’s] secret admirer. He’d fully intended to announce his intentions, okay? But then, well… then he accidentally did [insert mistake here], and now [person]’s convinced they’ve got some creepy dude stalking them and goddamnit, if this gets out, the pack is never gonna let Stiles live this down.
Wolf & Snow Moons - Snow prompts: 12, Ginger, Hidden
Stiles began working on his magic over the summer, but didn’t tell anyone because he wanted to have something impressive, or at least reliable, to show when he was inevitably asked to demonstrate. Struggling to light a candle in front of a skeptical audience? No thank you.
So he borrowed some books, started a herb garden, learned various grounding techniques, and eventually it wasn’t so hard to draw from that well of power inside him. Apparently, soon he wouldn’t even need anything except his own will, but for now he actually enjoyed the little rituals. He even got multiple sternum tattoos to aid with things like stealth, protection, and healing and to strengthen his connection to the land and elements. (They looked pretty fucking cool and he only fainted twice.)��
Stiles was practicing extending his senses while walking near the new Beta House one evening when he overheard Boyd telling Erica how he realized that whenever he had something gingery back at the loft — drinks, stir-fry, cookies from his grandma —  that some of it always disappeared. At first he’d thought it was Peter or maybe Jackson, but he eventually caught Derek red (or rather, yellowy brown-beige) handed. 
Interesting. Stiles already knew the secretive Alpha had a not-so-secret sweet tooth, but not about a favorite spice. He could do something with that. 
The Stilinski men were only passable in the kitchen, but he figured he could learn to bake. Woo the guy of his literal and figurative dreams, experiment with finer magic control, and enjoy snacks as he went? Win-win-win.
After numerous attempts ranging from “exploding goo turned charcoal” to “pretty good” his latest batches came out perfectly. Chewy triple ginger molasses cookies, crispy gingersnaps, and decadent dark chocolate gingerbread brownies. The power of three, baby!
He snagged some for himself (quality control) and saved two of each for his dad, but still had a dozen left of everything for Derek. On the way over, he stopped to buy some tea for good measure: chai and lemon ginger. Then it was showtime. 
But when Stiles knocked on the door there was no answer. How anticlimactic. 
He waited a few minutes and then enhanced his hearing to check for sure that Derek wasn’t home, but instead he heard Isaac, Erica, and Jackson approaching the elevator in the lobby — a.k.a. 3 of the 4 worst possible people to witness anything sincere and potentially embarrassing — so he set the bag at the door, quickly erased his scent. and ran down the stairs while hiding his presence.
The mystery gift was the first topic of discussion at the next pack meeting. Derek apparently enjoyed the goodies (yes!) and only gave the envious betas one of each before absconding with the rest. He assumed it was left as thanks by a half-fae waitress he’d helped the week before, but when he complimented her in passing a few days later she had no idea what he was talking about. None of the wolves could pick up a scent on the packaging and bemusement turned to fear (no!) 
There were any number of malicious spells or supernatural substances that could be activated through food, which would explain the lack of scent. And how did the sender find out about his penchant for ginger anyway? 
Having lost his nerve (he’d never live it down if they found out now,) Stiles sent an anonymous text the next afternoon to try to put Derek at ease, but that only made things worse. After receiving an angry voicemail on his burner phone he panicked and tossed it. 
Another pack meeting was held and they were worried enough to bring in Scott and Allison, though thankfully Chris at least wasn’t there. Allison swept the place for listening devices and Scott asked Deaton to strengthen the wards once the clinic closed. Everyone was now on high alert for what Erica dubbed the “Cookie Monster.”
If Lydia or Peter were around they probably would’ve been suspicious of him being unusually quiet, but she’d left early for MIT and their semi-resident zombie wolf (the 4th and final boss of jerkfaces) was off gallivanting who knows where. There was no evidence pointing in his direction. He just had to relax and keep his mouth shut.  
“Definitely sounds like some psycho stalker to me,” Jackson said, making the “screw loose” sign. 
“That lady on the second floor who’s always checking you out?” Boyd wondered.
“Ooh, what about that guy at the coffee shop that always gives us extra pastries if you pay for it? I bet he knows how to bake,” said Erica. 
“If it’s him, you should roll with it,” Isaac joked, earning a glare from Stiles. How dare he credit some skeevy barista.
“Yeah, maybe it’s just someone with a crush,” Scott said, ever the romantic.
“A creepy person,” Allison emphasized with a frown. Erica nodded.
“Yeah, and with his luck…” she muttered, wincing and turning to a silent Derek. “Sorry, big guy,” 
As the others continued speculating Derek only looked more and more irritable and withdrawn. Angry, yes, but even worse, sad. Stiles dreaded the embarrassment and hassling to come, but he hated seeing Derek upset even more.
“It was me, alright!” he shouted, shooting up from the couch.
Everyone paused and turned to stare at him. Scott tilted his head, his expression that of a confused puppy. 
“Dude, since when do you bake?”
Stiles shrugged awkwardly. “Since recently.”
“But why couldn’t we tell that it was you?” Erica asked.
“I, uh, might’ve done something with my magic? Surprise,” he said, making jazz hands.
He turned toward Boyd, who was looking him over as if to check for any changes. Glittery skin or a tail perhaps. Stiles was amused because he wasdifferent now, but only under his clothes were they — and his father — couldn’t see.
“Yeah,” he replied, grinning. “I’ve been learning for a while “
“You, magic?” Jackson scoffed, leaning against the wall. “The only—“
“Me, jackass” Stiles cut in, locating and drawing out streams of flour and black pepper from the pantry and dumping it on his head.
“Dude, that’s so awesome!” Scott exclaimed, coming over to fist bump him as Jackson coughed and sneezed, beating at his hair and clothes. Then Jackson stomped towards him so Stiles stopped him in his tracks just like he kept a pan of B- coffee cake from hitting the floor a week ago.
“Duuuude,” Scott said as Isaac and Erica laughed gleefully. Allison grinned, giving him a thumbs up.
Proud of his progress, he momentarily forgot the situation until he turned and saw Derek watching him with an intense, but unreadable expression. His stomach dropped, but he was still relieved that the subject had changed to his magic and he showed off a few more times, including cleaning up the mess he made. Even the now pristine and mobile Jackson was begrudgingly impressed.
He worked his way closer and closer to the door hoping that with a last good diversion he might even manage to escape (for now, anyway.) 
Then Isaac had to ruin it, raising an eyebrow and smirking before asking about his “sneaking around like a weirdo” and wondering why he made a bunch of desserts for Derek in the first place.
Stiles froze, face flushing as he rambled about training exercises and then made up some tradition of potential emissaries leaving gifts for Alphas. He caused the alarm on his phone go off and then silenced it, saying he had to go. 
Even with just his normal hearing the sound of laughter echoed as he fled.
When Stiles got home he distracted himself with a new game he hadn’t started yet, storming through the fantastical countryside and targeting particularly tall and smug-looking elves. A few hours later he saved his progress and took off his headphones, sighing and knocking his head against the couch cushions. He soon found himself back in the kitchen where he saw some texts and a bunch of group chat notifications when he took out his phone to check a recipe. He ignored the latter, but read the texts from Scott.
< r u okay? >
< do u likr derek?! >
< like >
< ?🤔🤯?! >
Groaning, he replied < can’t talk, abducted by aliens > as if he wasn’t thinking of a certain Sourwolf at that very moment. He added < (not really) > right after because this was Beacon Hills and then slid it back into his pocket.  
His dad came down an hour later in his uniform, yawning as he got a sandwich from the fridge. He was two days into a week of night shifts and was still adjusting to the schedule. 
“Hey, kiddo.”
Stiles saluted back and poured him the coffee he started when he heard movement upstairs. His dad thanked him, watching as he finely chopped a bunch of ginger and then added it and some sugar to a jar of water. 
“What’s that?”
“A ‘ginger bug’. It’ll be a starter for ginger beer in a few days,” he replied, stirring and covering it with cheesecloth.
He received the patented Sheriff’s Eyebrow and rolled his eyes, explaining that there was negligible alcohol content if you drank it soon-ish or refrigerated it, especially without using extra yeast. None if you just added carbonation instead of letting it ferment. 
“Like this one” he said, pointing to a bottle with seltzer and the lavender ginger syrup that he prepared already. His dad hummed dubiously. 
“So what inspired all of this?” he asked, gesturing with tonight’s allotted brownie. “And why does everything have ginger? Not that I’m complaining.”
Stiles once again made up some excuses as he cleaned, this time about trying new hobbies and how ginger was supposed to help with focus. 
“Uh-huh,” his dad said, giving him a knowing look and the “I’ve got my eye on you” motion. “Negligible.” 
His dad ruffled his hair and chuckled as he left. “Alright, I’m off. Be good!”
“I’ve got nothing better to do,” Stiles grumbled to himself. 
Or so he thought until he went upstairs and found Derek in room. 
“Heyyy, how's it going?” he asked after having a minor heart attack.
The look on Derek’s face could only be described as predatory and he swallowed, backing into the wall as 190 pounds of werewolf prowled towards him. Here it was, his somewhat deserved and unfairly attractive doom. 
But instead of mangling him warm fingers circled his wrist and slowly brought it millimeters away from stubbled cheekbones and parted lips. Derek inhaled deeply and sighed.
“You know, I’ve always loved that smell. My uncle, Daniel, used to make these elaborate gingerbread houses full of ‘gingerwere’ cookies in different stages of shifting,” he said, shaking his head with a bittersweet smile. “But I kind of forgot about how much until I came back here.” 
Derek let go, but stepped even closer, leaning in to nuzzle at his neck. Goosebumps rose in his wake and Stiles shivered when he spoke again, a now huskier voice pressed directly to his skin. 
“And then there was this troublesome brat everywhere, smelling of locker rooms and lust. Cheetos and body spray and the usual things…” Derek's chest vibrated against his when he laughed. “But underneath all of that, his scent was like ginger and honey.”
Stiles moaned as Derek licked his throat, clutching at muscular arms and letting his head fall back in offering.
"Mmm, delicious...just like what you made for me. And now I'm thinking that maybe it’s not just aimless, rampaging hormones with you. That maybe you actually want something more." Derek drew back just enough to meet his eyes with a darkened, red-ringed gaze. "Do you want...something more...from me?"
Stiles surged forward with a wordless cry to meet him, possessive mouth hot and spicy-sweet and even better than his dreams.
"Yes," he breathed, hips jerking and becoming speechless again when Derek switched to trailing bruises down his neck and below. 
It seemed like he was going to show off his tattoos after all.
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ahundredtimesover · 5 months
Wow that was some heavy emotional heartbreak in that chapter! I feel like there is an elephant sitting on my chest right now. My heart just hurts that bad for two fictional characters. It's just a testament to how much emotion you create with your stories. The best stories take you on an emotional roller coasters, and that's exactly what yours is doing.
I did not see that back story coming! It makes more sense now why she wants to leave so badly. JK really didn't have a choice but to let her go. This story is kind of like that famous line that goes something like if you love someone let them go, and if they come back to you, they were meant to be yours. That's what will happen with the two of them here. He even says it one of the lines. That he'll let her go to find her own happiness, and if she comes back to him, that means she chose to be with him. By convincing her to stay in the company, it's not her choice to be with him. She's not being given any other choice that way. She has to want him on her own. And him too. He has to want her outside of just needing her to be his assistant. They need to be more to each other than what the job allows them to be.
I really hope Mr. Ri gets his chance to be with OC's mom. If OC and JK can get their "second" chance, I hope Mr. Ri does too. He's such a great character, and I've really come to adore him. I hope that when the story ends, he also gets his happy ending.
I'm assuming there will be some kind of time jump coming up in the next chapter. I would imagine it would take maybe a few years for her to find what she's looking for and make her ready to come back to him. It certainly can't happen in a few months. I'm curious to see if they stay in touch after she leaves, or if there is just a complete break between them until she's ready to find him again. The real question is will JK have gone back to his playboy persona again. Can he stay celibate while he's waiting for her? I hope so, because that would just prove to her how much he cares for her. And will she stay celibate? So many questions I can't wait to find out the answers to!
Hiii ugh, I love it when you guys cry but I always hope you feel better right after. 🥹 I cried writing this chapter, too, especially the narration of the past, so I'm happy to know that the emotions I felt are also being felt by the readers.
I've been hinting that connection from the beginning! You might spot them after another read through hehe but true, it was just so important for OC to do this for herself. Imagine having to carry that burden... And she didn't even expect to like him! Like she said, she wasn't supposed to care that much. We at least have a JK who understands why she's doing it, but sometimes the best decisions don't make us happy (right now). And that' just how life goes. Like you said, it has to be their choice, an idea that I emphasise moving forward bc choice is what OC didn't feel she's ever really had, so if she stayed for JK, she's essentially letting him take that away from her this time. It's just not a good start.
I love the love for Mr. Ri! I absolutely enjoy creating characters like this. There's so much wisdom and pain and I just like the idea of how he's family to both OC and JK. 😌😌
Hmm interesting take about the way forward. I'd say that learning to heal and finding their happiness is important but like a lovely friend pointed out, they aren't together... They just admitted their feelings but there's nothing else beyond that. Whatever feelings they have for each other haven't fully developed yet, so they don't even know what happiness with each other looks like. Sure they have their own issues, but they’re issues that intensified bc they’ve been dealing with them in their own.
Just a thought, bc this seems to be a popular take! And my answer would be... things will be happy but they won't be perfect. There are also plans for season 2, so there’s that!
Thank you so much for reading! Been enjoying reading all of your lovely thoughts 💕💕
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aprocessionofthoughts · 11 months
ai-less whumptober 2023 day 15- muzzle/expirementation fandom- Danny phantom TW- blood, cuts, medical stuff, manipulation, conditioning summary- Everything hurts
ao3 ai-lesswhumptober23 masterlist part 3 of SIANT
Danny curled up on his side, hands wrapped around his knees. Tears escaped his closed eyes.
He wanted to go home. He’d been here for at least a week. The third day they’d taken more samples of his blood, flesh, and bone marrow, along with some more scans. What for, Danny had no idea. That time, they’d completely removed his suit which had dissolved into ectoplasm once it was no longer in contact with his body. Danny had been grateful that they had at least provided him with a hospital gown to protect ‘their delicate sensibilities.’
His suit hadn't reformed, probably because with the collar he wasn't able to regenerate more ectoplasm, and everything he had was going toward healing his injuries.
That was when they had added the muzzle. Apparently, he was screaming too much.
It was too tight and bit into the skin of his jaw. It was metal like the collar and kept his mouth completely shut so he had to breathe through his nose.
He felt like he was starving. They hadn’t given him food or water since those were human foods. But at least they knew that ghosts needed ectoplasm or they would destabilize. So, on the third day, after the scans, they’d taken off the front part of the muzzle and given him a glass full of ectoplasm. 
He’d chugged it, tipping it up to get the last drops, before they put the muzzle back on.
For the next three days they didn’t come for him. He only saw Agent E when he came to give Danny his ectoplasm.
He hated it.
Agent E made him kneel at the edge of his cage and then he’d press a button that loosened the muzzle allowing Danny to open his mouth just enough that the agent could pour the ectoplasm down his throat before tightening the muzzle again. And through the whole process the agent liked to run his fingers through Danny’s dirty, matted hair.
He hated that the most.
Hated that he leaned into the touch.
And it was always so dark. They kept the lights off unless they were coming in to feed him or take him to the examination room. And with the collar on, he hardly even glowed.
His body ached from never being able to fully stretch out. Never being able to walk or fly or do anything but sit in his cage or lie on the examination table.
After what he thought may have been three days,  judging by when they fed him, with no experimentation he’d deluded himself into thinking they’d taken everything they wanted.
Of course, he was wrong.
“Morning, Phantom. They’ve got a long day planned for you down at the labs.” Agent E said as walked in.
Danny didn’t move. He wasn’t sure if he could. He felt floaty and he didn’t want to come back to his body. It would just hurt more.
Agent E reached into the cage, pulling him out and gently placing him in the cage. “There we go.”
Danny trembled as the agent rolled him to the labs. 
His limbs were shaking too much to even think about resisting. 
They strapped him in.
Then one of the scientists leaned forward and spoke to him.
“Listen here, ghost. We’re going to turn off the collar for today’s tests, but if you try and use any of your abilities it will deliver a high powered shock. This is your only warning.”
Danny stared at the ceiling. Why were they turning the collar off if they didn’t want to test his abilities? Could he use this opportunity to escape? He wasn’t sure. It had been a week since he’d used them, and he was weak. He doubted he’d be able to even phase through the table before they shocked him unconscious. And he couldn’t have that. Couldn’t show them that he was half human.
There was a buzz and Danny tensed, but then his body was flooded with a comforting cold. He shuddered as his core started circulating ectoplasm at its intended rate instead of the sluggish pace it could do with the collar on.
His relief was short-lived as he saw one of the scientists approach with a scalpel. 
“Let’s note for the record that with the collar removed specimen H9G1’s injuries which had already started healing have now rapidly completed regeneration. First test will involve a surface level incision of 1cm in length on the specimen’s upper arm.”
Danny breathed in sharply through his nose as he felt the blade cut into his arm. His eyes watered. Everything else had been terrible, but now… now they were treating him even more like a science experiment.
“Ectoplasmic blood is seeping from the incision. It is dark green in color.”
Like he was just something to be studied.
“It has been 10 seconds now and the ectoplasmic blood has turned a lighter shade of green.”
To be observed.
“It has been 15 seconds and the incision is now starting to close.”
To be examined and then destroyed.
“25 seconds and the incision is fully sealed.”
Nothing more than a lab rat.
“40 seconds and there is no sign of the incision.”
Danny let himself drift as they continued to test his healing factor.
He was next aware when someone started running their fingers through his hair. He leaned into the touch, but kept his eyes closed. It felt like every part of his skin stung. 
He could feel the straps being removed. And then someone picked him up, holding him gently. He leaned into the warmth, trying to take in as much comfort as he could before they’d drop him back in the cage.
But they didn’t. The person started walking while still carrying him and Danny didn’t open his eyes because this was such a nice dream.
How long had it been since his dad had carried him?
He couldn’t remember. They had been obsessed with the portal for such a long time… 
This was a nice dream. He’d take it for as long as it lasted.
The person stopped walking and Danny felt himself being deposited back in his cage.
“You did so good. They were able to last for four hours before your healing factor started to slow, and then another two hours before the wounds stopped healing. But don’t worry. They didn’t want any infections to affect their tests tomorrow, so they even bandaged you up. Wasn’t that nice of them?”
Danny whimpered, keeping his eyes closed.
“You were so good today. How about we get you something nice for being so good. Is there something you’d like?” The agent pressed the button that loosed the muzzle and allowed Danny’s mouth to open.
Danny opened his eyes a sliver to look at the agent. “Let me go,” he whispered.
“I’m sorry, but you know I can't do that. No medicine either. Remember, that it would just be a waste.”
Danny didn’t say anything. There was nothing else he wanted. He just wanted to go home. To lie in his own bed and look at his ceiling covered in stars. To lay on the observatory roof and map the constellations.
“I want to see the stars.” he whispered.
Danny closed his eyes again and didn’t notice as a strange gleam came into the agent’s eye. “I think something can be arranged.”
Danny heard him leave the room, but the lights didn’t shut off.
He shouldn’t have said that. He wasn’t supposed to mention his love for space. But he just wanted to see the stars again. He shouldn’t have said anything.
Then he heard footsteps approaching and opened his eyes.
Agent E was coming back, carrying a laptop.
“I’m afraid we can’t go outside, but I’ve got this.”
Danny stared as the agent opened the laptop and pulled up a documentary on the Curiosity Rover. 
“See, we can be good to you when you behave.”
It was a documentary Danny had seen before. But he didn’t care.
Danny stared, unblinking, at the screen with his whole body pressed against the side of the cage.
He didn’t notice the agent sitting next to him, the fingers running through his hair, or the victorious look in the agent’s eyes.
AN: I’d like to state that this is not, nor will turn into anything sexual. Agent E is manipulative and creepy and treats Danny like a dog, but is not meant to be in a sexual predator way
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chlodani · 5 months
DFF Alternate Ending
Chapter 2: Broken Solutions Part 1
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Fluke's P.O.V.
I didn't want to think about anything. I didn't want to think about how all because of one person, our entire group had been screwed up. Ever since we were saved, nothing has been the same. Tee and White are off in their own little world. They barely contact me. The last time I heard from them it was White saying hi and it was only a brief conversation. It makes me think that Tee doesn't even want him to contact us. He's been so protective and controlling over White since all this happened. A part of me can't say that I blame him, but does he have to shut all of us out? I haven't even heard from Jin and Phee since two weeks after the hospital. It's been two months, what could they possibly be doing to ignore me like this? I couldn't care less about Phee, I know he still has ill intentions. Jin can't seem to see that. I question why he had to go and fall for someone like him. What bothers me the most is Jin hasn't contacted me. I would have at least expected out of all of us left that he would at least be willing to try. He hasn't even bothered, not even a hello. The only one who ever bothers to text me is Top, but I don't talk to him. I have been meaning to block him, but for some reason whenever I try, I can't do it. I wonder how none of us could have seen this. Wasn't it obvious? We should've questioned why two new students joined in the middle of the school year and all of a sudden started to ask us questions about Non. How could we have been so stupid? We lost one of our best friends because of it. That was their intention all along. Every single one of us fell for it. If I could go back and change it, I would stop us from ever letting them into our group. I know I have never been one to speak out much, but I didn't trust them from the beginning. That's when I asked myself if any of them would have listened to me. Especially Jin. He seemed to be drawn in by Phee the first moment he saw him. I think it was too late for him from the beginning. The ding from my phone made me jump away from my thoughts. I picked up my phone thinking it was maybe from Jin or Tee, only to be disappointed that it was Top again. I sighed as I looked out the window while I sat in my wheelchair. I set the phone on the table again, and turned it screen side down. I couldn't stop thinking about how I wanted nothing more than to pack up everything that I could and leave. I didn't want anything to do with this place anymore. Now that graduation is right around the corner, I'll be moving up in school. I've set up to move to America to finish my study of medicine in four months. By that time my leg will have fully recovered and I don't have anything weighing me down anymore. My parents have barely even bothered to do anything for me. I've had to hire a nurse just for personal help with this broken leg. They think I'm wasting my life away by wanting to become a doctor. I'm gonna prove to them that I can do anything. I don’t think they’ve ever seen my true potential. Sometimes I barely believe that I even have any. I didn’t care how they saw it, I was going to make them proud of me even if it killed me. I rolled my eyes as I heard my phone bling for the second time. I didn't want to hear anything from Top anymore. I wanted to forget he even existed. Yet I can't seem to understand why whenever I think that, I feel guilty. I looked at my phone and saw a message from my mom. I sighed a little disappointed.
"What the fck is wrong with me? Am I disappointed that it wasn't him bugging me again for the millionth time?"
I cleared my throat gently as I shook those thoughts away. I looked at the text and instantly became even more annoyed.
Mom: Fluke, we know you've had a hard time adjusting to your broken leg, and we can't afford to pay the nurse anymore, so we found someone who is willing to spend the next four months with you until your leg is fully healed. The best part is, he knows exactly what you're going through, it should be easy for you two to get along. He should be arriving at your apartment sometime this afternoon
I rolled my eyes as I triple-read the message. I couldn't believe my mom was doing this to me. Doesn't she understand that I want to be left alone? If they can't bother to help their own son, then they shouldn't care how I get better. I'm doing everything the doctor told me to do and I go to physical therapy every week. It's a broken leg, not a terminal illness. I grunted out of frustration as I threw my phone on the bed. That's just another thing I have to deal with. My parents don't trust me so they assign me a babysitter. All I have to say is he better not be annoying either, I'll make him leave. I don’t need help. I sighed as I sat there thinking. I didn't want to be bothered by anyone. Why can't I make them understand that? I grunted in annoyance as I heard a knock on the door. I debated on whether or not I wanted to answer the door or not. Maybe if I'm silent they'll go away. I sat there not moving or making any noise. It was silent for almost a minute straight then I heard the knock again. This time it was almost pounding. I jumped fifty feet and jerked my leg, which caused me to grunt in pain. I groaned out of frustration as I rolled my chair over to the door. I rolled it out of the way so I could open it. He gave me the widest smile that he possibly could as he moved to come into my room. My eyes became wide, and my stomach dropped. I immediately slammed the door shut as hard as I could. My breathing was uneasy as I had my hand resting on the doorknob.
"Ahhh! Dudeeee you just closed the door on my foot! Just because I can't use it yet doesn't mean I don't cherish it!" Top complained from the other side of the door.
My heart was racing and I couldn't understand why. Could it possibly be from anger? Maybe it's from hatred? I haven't seen him in two months. Could it be because I thought that I would never see him again?
"What are you doing here??" I panicked.
Top winced through his teeth as I heard him move his chair away from the door a little.
"Thriving in pain," he replied with a grunt.
I rolled my eyes as I stared at the floor.
"Go thrive in pain somewhere else…"
"I don't know! And I don't care, just...Anywhere but here...You can go roll down the stairs and break your other leg for all I care!"
"Ouch, that was harsh! Why don't you want me here?!"
"You know why!"
"Still haven't forgiven me for that?..."
I wasn't sure that I was hearing this right or not, but the tone of his voice almost seemed to change from happy to depressed in an instant. He should feel that way after what he did, but why do I feel guilty for treating him this way?
"No, and I don't plan to either, just leave..."
I spoke to him with a calmer voice. Is it out of guilt? I heard him sigh.
“Fluke please, can’t we just-”
“I said no! Now…Go away!...”
It's like I could feel the burning in my heart as I spoke these harsh words to him, but they needed to be said, didn’t they? I held my hand on the door as I stared at the floor. A part of me knew that I should open the door and talk to him, but the other part of me felt like I had to stay away from him. At the moment the part I wanted to listen to was the lonelier option. I don’t need him. I don’t need anybody. I can't excuse what he did. I don’t care what he was on.
“Just open the door,”
“Whether you open the door now or later I’m not leaving. I’ll sleep out here if I have to,”
“Do whatever you want Top, I will never open this door for you,”
“Never say never, I’ll get you to open the door for me somehow,”
I grunted quietly in frustration. At that second I kind of wanted to open the door and punch him in the face, but there had been enough violence between our group.
“Can’t you go annoy somebody else?!”
“No, the others won’t talk to me either, at least you’ll look at my messages,”
“And what are you gonna do if I block you?”
“If you were going to block me, you would have done it already,”
I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm.
“I’m gonna be having someone coming over anytime to share my apartment with for the next four months. You’d better leave before he shows up,”
I didn’t care how I sounded to him. The feeling of betrayal and hatred that I feel towards him doesn’t even scratch the surface of how I truly feel towards him.
“He’s already here,”
My stomach dropped after I heard this. In pure frustration, I rolled my chair away from the door to open it. The only person I saw was Top sitting there in his wheelchair with a stupid smile on his face. I sighed out of irritation as I looked out the door.
“Told you you’d open the door for me,” Top smirked as he chuckled.
I rolled my eyes and looked out the door more.
“The only person I see is you,” I raised an eyebrow as I glared at him.
I sat there in silence as I looked at him. He didn’t stop smiling as he stared back at me.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well, your mom talked with my parents and set it up for me to live with you for the next four months-”
My stomach was in my shoes and my heart practically jumped from my chest.
Top almost jumped from how loud I shouted. I felt like I couldn’t breathe as I grabbed at my chest with my hand. He was just staring at me in question. He let out a gentle sigh as he stared.
“They said it would be easier for us to take care of each other while our broken legs finish healing. We could make sure neither of us miss our physical therapy once a week-”
“You mean you??” I looked at him with pure anger buried deep behind my eyes.
“Okay, turn it around on me, anyway, and Mom suggested that you could tutor me to help me graduate, it's a win-win situation,”
“I don’t see any of this as a win situation and I’m not letting you into my apartment!”
Just as I tried to slam the door shut, Top stopped it with his foot on his broken leg.
“Ow…” He sighed, “Do you honestly hate me that much that you’re not willing to help your own friend graduate from college?”
“You’re not my friend anymore,”
“I know you feel that way now, but it’s only four months,”
“No, there is no way in hell, I am allowing you to live with me even for that long,”
I tried to roll my chair away from him to close the door again.
“You don’t have a choice,”
“Who says?!”
“Your mom, and mine”
“I’m an adult now I don't have to do anything she tells me,”
“Oooo I never saw you as a rebel before, kinda hot,”
My stomach did a 36o after I heard that. I wasn’t even sure that I heard that right. I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear that right.
“I'm sorry what?”
“Uhh, never mind, you have to let me in Fluke,”
“No, I don’t,”
I turned my chair in the opposite direction and faced away from him.
“My mom already kicked me out, if you don't let me live with you then I’ll be living out on the streets…With a broken leg…Probably sleeping in an alley…In a dangerous part of town…Who knows maybe something would eventually kill me…”
I didn’t say anything as I kept myself turned away from him. I didn’t know why, but I felt bad for him. Was it pity? Guilt? Friendship? Or maybe something else? But what else would it be? I let out a gentle sigh as I wondered if he was going to say anything more.
“Fluke…” Top calmed his voice down to almost a whisper.
In all the time that I have known him, I don’t think I have ever heard his voice so serious before.
“I’m not going to apologize again, because…You’re right…Saying I’m sorry isn’t enough…I know what you told me that I did, but I honestly can not remember it. If I did I would…Well, you probably wouldn’t want to know what I would do…”
Does he think I’m stupid? I can put things together, but why did it bother me so much that he was even thinking about this?
“I hate everything that happened and I wish we could go back in time and change it to when…The only bad thing that happened was when I accidentally broke Por’s camera and blamed it on Non…I can’t help but to think…You know maybe all of this can be traced back to me…If I…”
I could hear how much he was struggling to speak. Why do I feel so bad for him? I didn’t say or do anything as I listened to him.
“Maybe if I had told Por the truth about the camera in the first place none of this would have happened and he would…He would…Well, you know…”
I could feel a small tear trying to escape my eye. I quickly wiped it away with my finger.
“But unfortunately I can’t change anything that happened…I won’t say I’m sorry to you anymore…But please…Don’t make me have to sleep outside in a town like this…My mom already told me she wouldn’t let me come back until my leg was healed, if even then…I feel like she secretly hates me too…And I know you hate me too, but living with you would probably be better than my mom for the next four months…”
I didn’t say anything as I stared at my hands. I didn’t know what to say.
“I know you don’t want me here, but it will be good for both of us, neither of us will have to do anything alone and…After our legs are fully recovered, I promise that I’ll move out and…I…I…Will never bother you again,”
I felt like I could hear the pain in his voice as he said this. My heart was racing so fast that I still felt like I could barely breathe. Why was I even contemplating this? I didn’t want to be around him. I didn't want to reconcile with him. Would it be so bad if I did? How can I even think that after what he did? I let out a soft sigh as I gripped the arms of my chair for a moment. I sat there in silence for what seemed like three minutes. Top tapped the arm of his chair anxiously with his fingers. I turned my chair around to face him. I looked him directly at him for the first time in two months.
“Promise you’ll leave after we’re fully recovered?”
Top anxiously looked at me. He almost seemed hurt but also overjoyed at the same time.
“Wait, are you serious?”
I rolled my eyes at his response.
“Just answer my question,”
“Yes, yes I promise,”
I let out another sigh as I moved my chair out of his way to let him inside.
“You can sleep on the couch”
Top smiled from ear to ear as he rolled his chair inside. He stopped it directly beside me.
“Thank you,”
I rolled my eyes again. I didn’t respond to him as I looked away. My heart started to race as I felt him lean over his chair to get closer to me.
“But a lot can happen in four months,” Top said to me with a smirk.
I suddenly could feel my face warming up and shivers ran up and down my body from head to toe. What is happening to me? Is it just because he is extremely annoying? I’ve never felt this way around him before. Maybe it's because I’m still so angry with him and I don't want to be around him. I heard him chuckle as he leaned away. I cleared my throat and kept my face turned from him.
“Don't get any bright ideas,” I still refused to look at him.
“Who’s getting any ideas? What ideas?” He chuckled.
I rolled my eyes again as I rolled my chair away from him. Top followed me and closed the door behind him. I sighed as I rolled my chair back over to the window. I refused to look at him. Maybe if I continue to ignore him I’ll be able to get through these next four months without a problem. Top looked around the apartment and didn’t say anything for a second.
“I’ve never been inside your place before,” he spoke in curiosity as he looked around.
“You’ve been to my parent's house, but not my apartment near the college, it’s more convenient trying to get to school because the complex is only two minutes from the college. I can say this is the one good thing my parents actually did for me,” I sighed.
I could feel Top looking at me.
“Don’t you have a sister too? I thought I met her once?” he asked curiously.
“That was my cousin, I’m an only child,”
He was silent for a second. I could feel his stare, and again I felt like I could feel my face turning slightly red. What is wrong with me?
“You don’t talk about your family much,”
“Ever think there’s a reason for that,”
I rolled my eyes and started to get annoyed again. He let out a soft sigh as he looked around again.
“Why is there old textbooks underneath a glass table top? Could you not afford a new table?”
“Why do you keep pestering me with these annoying questions?”
“I’m trying to pass the time,”
“Then go find something else to do, I’m going to go do some homework,”
“Right now?”
I rolled my eyes as I was slowly becoming more annoyed. I couldn’t seem to understand why I couldn’t ignore him. I wanted to ignore him. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of thinking we had gone back to being best friends. Why can’t I stop myself from answering his ridiculous questions? I sighed as I rolled my chair away from him. I rolled myself over to the desk and started to get out my papers. I leaned over the desk and grabbed a pencil. All I have to do is get through these four months, graduate, and I’ll be set free to go finish my medical study in America. I can deal with this for the next four months, can’t I?
Top’s P.O.V.
I sat in the corner of my darkroom in my wheelchair. I was trying to recall everything that happened over that weekend. Ever since Fluke reminded me of what I did, I can’t stop thinking about it. I have been trying with everything that I have to remember what I did. I can not remember it no matter how hard I try. Maybe it’s best if I don’t remember it. Then I think maybe it will be better for me if I do remember it. Wouldn’t I be able to move on that way and live a normal life again? Or at least as normal as it can be after everything that happened. I couldn’t seem to understand why it had been bothering me so much that Fluke was acting towards me the way that he was. Not even Tee, White, Jin, or Phee have treated me this way. They don’t contact me, but at least they forgave me. At least I think they did. I don’t know why it bothers me so much that Fluke hates me. He ignores all of my messages. I’ve tried to call him several times, but he ignores them too. I’ve been thinking about him non-stop since the night at the hospital. Could it be because I’ve always been so used to him being my friend for so long that it bothers me when he doesn’t respond to me? However, if that were the case, wouldn’t I be feeling this way about the others as well? They haven’t messaged me in two months. The last time I talked to them was at the hospital the day after we were saved. After that day, they stopped coming to visit me. My mother barely came to visit me. My little brother came to visit a few times. More than my mom, but it still wasn’t enough. I don’t even think my oldest brother knows what happened to me. He was the one I was closest to as I grew up. He was the one who would always stick up for me when anyone in our family treated me like shit. He always tried to be fair to me, no matter what our parents said. I was heartbroken when he left because I knew that I would have no one after he did. I haven’t seen him in five years. He’s studying in England and he has tw0 more years. It’s been so long, I don’t think I’ll ever see him again. I was alone. I’m still alone. No one cares enough about me to worry about me. No one cares enough to want to know if I’m okay. I sighed as I picked up my phone and started to look through old pictures of me and my friends. I chuckled as I looked through them. A tear slipped from my eye as I found a picture of me and Fluke. Fluke was always the one that I was the closest to out of all of them. To this day I’ve never seemed to understand why. At least until the day he pushed me away. Ever since then, I feel like things have been becoming more clear to me. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. If I’m being honest, it scared me a little bit, but I was also curious. I always thought he was just like a brother to me, but we grew closer over the years and it turned into more than that without me even realizing it. I’m still not quite sure of my feelings. I could be mismisinterpreting them, however, the more Fluke ignores me the more determined that I feel to reconcile with him. I couldn’t explain how much I missed him. I couldn’t put into words just how much I wanted to hear from him. Even if he replied to my messages and told me to leave him alone, it would make me happy. At least that way I would know that he looks at them. I let another sigh leave me as I went to my messages with Fluke. I started to read through them as a couple more tears fell from my eye.
Top: Fluke, I can't say I'm sorry enough for everything
You're really gonna ignore my messages too
How does it help if I can't remember anything
Just tell me how to make it up to you
Come on man just talk to me
Dude I just saw a squirrel climb all the way up a tree with an arm full of nuts and dropped them after he got to the top. Reminds me of myself, remember how you used to make fun of me because I'm so clumsy🤣
You're not even looking at my messages
I stared at them and contemplated whether or not I wanted to send him another one. Would it even be worth it to try anymore? I shouldn't give up on him, right? If I care about him, I wouldn't give up on him no matter what he does. He already hates me so there isn't much more that can already be done. I shrugged as a soft smile came to me. I stared at his picture for a moment before I sent him more messages.
Top: How are you?
Have you eaten today?
How is your leg?
Mine is still broken🤣
I knew there was little hope, but I knew that I had to try. Fluke doesn't have anyone either. Unless our friends talk to him and not me. It wouldn't surprise me if Fluke had them all turned against me at this point. Not even that was going to stop me. I was determined to get him to be my friend again. There was nothing that would stand in my way. Not even the words I hate you.
Top: How are you?
Have you eaten today?
How is your leg?
Mine is still broken🤣
Read 12:23 pm
My heart started to pound so hard that I feared that it would jump out of my chest at any second.
“He looked at it! Yes! I am one step closer to wearing him down!”
I couldn't contain my excitement. I raised an eyebrow as I sat there and thought for a moment. Why am I so excited about this? He never even replied. Is it because I'm hopeful that the reason he opened it is because he wanted to try to open up to me again. Maybe he says one thing but he means another. Maybe he says he doesn't forgive me, but he does. Maybe he says he hates me but he means he loves me. I let out a soft chuckle as I shook the thoughts away. I couldn't stop smiling as I pulled the picture of him back up. I couldn't look away from him. I still didn't understand why even the thought of him made me smile, but it was the only smile I'd had in months. I don't want to lose it. My stomach dropped as a sudden image flashed through my head. I screamed in fear as I threw my phone across the room. Tears streamed down my face. I couldn't make out what it was, but through the blurriness it looked like Por and me. I felt like I couldn't breathe as I sat there. My aunt and little brother ran into the room and over to me. My aunt was more panicked than my brother, at least from what I could see. My vision was blurry and I couldn't even make out what they were saying. I couldn't catch my breath as I gripped my chest. My stomach was spinning and I felt like I was going to be sick. The tears wouldn't stop streaming down my face. I didn't know what to think. I couldn't think. I barely made out what it was, but it looked like Por dying and I was the one holding the stake. I kept moving around frantically in my chair. I was still trying to catch my breath. Through the blur in my vision, I could faintly make out my brother picking up my phone. My aunt was trying to hold me down and keep me calm. I couldn't focus on anything. I tried to make out what they were saying but it was still faint. All I could hear was yelling, crying, screaming, and ringing in my ears. I tried as hard as I could to tune into their conversation.
“Don't just stand there Ton, help me with your brother!”
“He's been like this for several weeks Auntie Palm, it's better to just leave him like this,”
“I know you don't mean that now put down that phone and help me calm him down,”
“Oh there isn't anything that's gonna calm him down now, you know he hasn't eaten anything in about two weeks. He lets the food pile up and makes me secretly take care of it. It's like he's depressed about something,”
“I wonder why, do you know what your brother has been through? You would be depressed too, now get your ass over here and help me!”
“What's the point, Auntie Palm, we aren't gonna be able to calm him down. From what I recall the only thing that will calm him down is this guy-Fluke I think his name is. I think it's his boyfriend or something,”
I suddenly felt like I could make out everything around me. My site was back in focus and my heart rate went back down to normal. I saw Ton holding my phone and showing the picture of Fluke to our Aunt. I quickly snatched the phone away from him.
“Give me back my phone you little rascal!” I demanded in annoyance.
Ton rolled his eyes.
“What are you doing in here?!” I asked him annoyed.
My aunt sighed as I jerked myself out of her grip. She stepped away as she kept her eyes on me.
“You were having another episode dumbass-” He slapped me upside the back of the head. “Me and Auntie Palm were helping you, though you're still an unappreciative jackass,” my brother replied.
“Fck you….Wait…Another episode? What do you mean another episode?”
“Sweetheart, do you really not remember your previous episodes when you were like this?” Auntie Palm asked me with concern in her voice.
I looked at her and slightly shook my head.
I sighed, “I'm sorry Auntie Palm but I don't,” I replied as I looked at the floor.
“And we go through this every single time, you think we'd have the answer by now. The only thing that pulls him out is hearing his boyfriend's name. Maybe we should just ship him off to stay with his boyfriend for the next four months, we can't take care of him like this,”
“Shut up and get out you little fcker…”
My stomach was spinning a million times per minute at just the thought of staying with Fluke. My brother rolled his eyes but he didn't move.
“You're not denying that he's your boyfriend,’’
I rolled my eyes and started to get annoyed with him.
“He won't even talk to me jackass, how could he be my boyfriend?”
“Ohhh so you were an ass to him too, what a surprise,”
I let a soft sigh leave me as I leaned back in my chair. I looked away from him and didn't say anything.
“Alright that's enough Ton, can't you see you're upsetting him?” Auntie Palm asked my brother calmly as she tried to rub my arm softly.
I moved my arm away again. I didn't want to look at either of them.
“Like he cares, you try to baby him too much and he still won't let us do anything. He's hopeless,”
“That's enough just go downstairs and set the table for supper! I'll deal with your brother!”
He rolled his eyes again as he left the room. I still refused to look at her as I stared at the floor. I didn't want to deal with anything from either of them.
I didn't respond to her as I continued to stare at the floor. I heard her sigh as she knelt on the floor in front of me.
“Top sweetie?”
I still didn't say anything.
“You've been losing too much weight son, you need to start taking better care of yourself. You don't go to physical therapy for your leg, you don't get nutrition, how do you expect to get better if you don't start taking care of yourself?”
“I don't,” I spoke to her coldly as I still refused to look at her.
“Don't you want to get better?”
I refused to answer her question as I sighed.
“You can't stay like this Top,”
“Watch me,”
“What is it going to take for you to want to get better?”
“Nothing you can offer me,”
My aunt sighed once more as she looked at me. I didn't want to be cared about by anyone. There was only one person I cared about. And I still question why I care about him so much. Is it just because I miss him being my friend? Or is it so much more than that? Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as my aunt pulled out her phone. I sighed out of annoyance wishing she would just go away.
“Well, would it make it better if someone else were to take care of you and your broken leg for the next four months until you're fully recovered?”
“I told you I don't need to be taken care of! Just go away and leave me alone!!”
“Even if you'll be living with Fluke for the next four months or longer?”
My heart rate went up higher than it should as I slowly lifted my head to look at her. My stomach had dropped to the floor and I felt like all my thoughts cleared at once.
“Longer? What do you mean longer?”
She gave me a soft smile.
“I've been talking to your mom and we both think that it's a good idea for you to go stay with Fluke until you're fully recovered. For him, it will take about four months but for you, it could take a little bit longer since you've refused to take care of yourself, you might need longer and since you two are friends, your mom and I don't think it will be a problem, even if he doesn't talk to you. Maybe this will give you guys a chance to talk,’’
My heart wouldn't stop racing. I felt as happy as I did when I saw that he read my texts. I looked at my aunt and smiled. Her face lit up as she saw me smile.
“When do I leave?”
She chuckled with a soft sigh of relief.
“Today, pack your things, I'll go get the car ready,”
I said nothing more as I hurried to get a suitcase. I should feel bad that my family just suddenly wants to ship me off to someone else because they don’t know how to take care of me, but I don’t. I couldn’t care less about what my family does. I’m the oldest out of me and Ton and they still treat him better than me. Tong hasn’t contacted me in months. I feel like I’m not as important to him anymore. I’ve always been the odd one out. I’m always picked last for everything. It doesn’t matter what it is. After Ton was born, I turned invisible to everyone in my family except my oldest brother Tong. My parents and Ton didn’t even bother to come to my high school graduation. I just barely had enough credits to graduate. I’ve always been a failure in their eyes. They even think going to college for sports science is a waste of time. All they do is joke around about how stupid they think I am. They make fun of me by telling me that the first team I coach won't respect me because I can't take things seriously. I’ll show them. I’m going to graduate college and get my degree. I'll prove to them that I can make a difference in someone else's life. I'll prove that I can successfully lead someone to a possible future. Not that they would care about anything that I do. I never felt like I belonged anywhere until I met my friends. They made me feel like I could be a part of something. Believe it or not, I met Fluke first. It was our first day of class and I was the last one to come into class. I know being late on your first day of school doesn’t show the best initiative, but in my defense, I slept over my alarm. I know that’s not a valid excuse either, but I did my best. Luckily I stayed in one of the dorms so getting to class was no problem. After I got to the class late there was only one seat left and it was directly next to Fluke. He was such a nerd sitting there with all his textbooks open and notes taking up two full pages. Now that I think about it, he looked pretty cute with those glasses on. He still does. I was the more laid-back kind of guy. I just wanted to have fun. College is supposed to be fun right? That’s why I chose to study automotive engineering. It had to deal with cars, which in some cases can be very fun. I wasn’t sure how much the nerdy kid would like me or not, but I didn’t care about what others thought about me. I gladly took the seat beside him. I didn’t mind getting to know him. Later that day I came to find out that Fluke was my roommate. I was flattered, at least it was someone that I already kind of knew. The next day Fluke introduced me to his other friends and that’s how I became acquainted with them. To this day I can’t imagine my life without them. That’s how it's turned out. We lost one of them, probably by my hand. The other four don't bother to talk to me, and Fluke wishes he had never met me. I sighed as I thought that maybe it would have been better for them if they had never met me. Maybe Por would still be alive. I shook away the thoughts as I started to pack my clothes. I was hoping that maybe living with him again would rekindle something. The friendship that we once shared. I wouldn’t complain if it turned into more than that. I wasn’t too confident about my feelings yet, but I knew that I felt something more than friends for him. All I cared about at that moment was having him back as my friend. As far as anything else, I’ll worry about that later on.
~Time Skip~
I sat in my wheelchair just outside Fluke’s door. I sighed as I contemplated knocking on the door or just turning around and leaving. I already knew that Fluke didn't want me here. I didn't even have to see his face for me to know that he didn’t want me here. I tapped my fingers anxiously on the arm of my chair as I had my elbow up on the other. I rested my fingers against my cheek as I stared at his door. I probably sat there staring at his door for a good five to ten minutes and I still didn’t knock on the door. I let out another sigh as I went to turn my chair away. I kept thinking about how I felt when I saw that he read my texts. Should I turn around and leave when he is the only thing alive that can make me smile like that? I took in a deep breath before I knocked on his door. I wasn’t sure if he would open it or not, but my stomach was spinning in a thousand different circles. Was I feeling butterflies because of him? I was a little disappointed as I sat there for almost two minutes with no answer. I didn’t truly understand why I felt so determined, but I wasn’t going to give up on him that easily. I knocked on the door again, but this time louder than I had before. A bright smile came across my face as I watched him open the door. He stared at me as I turned my chair more towards the doorway. I felt a sudden sharp pain shoot through my foot up my entire leg as the door slammed closed. I cried out in pain.
“Dudeeee, you just closed the door on my foot!! Just because I can’t use it yet doesn’t mean I don’t cherish it!!” I shouted through the door.
I rubbed my leg through the cast as I winced in pain. I let out a soft sigh as I stared at the door. I still wasn’t going to give up that easily. His words hurt more than this does.
“What are you doing here?!”
His voice sounded like he was almost panicking. I raised a curious brow.
“Thriving in pain,” I grunted.
“Go thrive in pain somewhere else!”
“I don’t know! And I don’t care. just…Anywhere but here…You can go roll down the stairs and break your other leg for all I care!”
I felt my heart physically ache as I heard him say that. I closed my eyes for a brief second before I cleared my throat. No matter what he did or said to me, I still wasn’t going to give up.
“Ouch, that was harsh! Why don’t you want me here?!”
“You know why!”
My stomach dropped as he brought this up again. I feel like he brings this up whenever he has a free chance just to try to make me leave him alone. This only makes me want to be around him even more. I want to prove to him that this is not the kind of person that I am.
“Still haven’t forgiven me for that?...”
I sighed as we both fell silent. A part of me just felt like I should leave, that’s what he wants anyway right? Then the other part is the part that wants to stay and fight for our friendship.
“No, and I don’t plan to either, just leave…”
I let a soft smile pass me as I heard him speak to me with a calmer voice. Maybe there is hope, even if it’s only a little.
“Fluke, please, can’t we just-”
“I said no!-” I jumped a little hearing him shout again. “Now…Go away!..”
My heart was pounding so hard from holding back the frustration he was causing me. I tried so hard to contain myself with him. I could physically feel the tears that wanted to stream from my eyes. I wanted to remember what I did so badly as to understand the full reason why Fluke hates me so much. Then there’s still that part of me that doesn’t want to remember any of it. I sometimes wish that I could forget everything and everyone, maybe it would be better.
“Just open the door,”
“Whether you open the door for me now or later, I’m not leaving, I’ll sleep out here if I have to,”
“Do whatever you want Top, I will never open this door for you,”
“Never say never, I’ll get you to open the door for me somehow,”
I chuckled as I heard him grunt out of frustration. I knew he was getting more annoyed with me, but I had to admit that his acting this way with me only drew me even closer to him.
“Can’t you go annoy somebody else?”
“No, the others won’t talk to me either, at least you’ll look at my messages,”
“And what are you gonna do if I block you?”
“If you were going to block me, you would have done it already-”
I feel like I could feel Fluke rolling his eyes. That just made me chuckle a little more.
“I’m gonna be having someone coming over anytime to share my apartment with for the next four months, you’d better leave before he shows up,”
The fact that he sounded like he hated every part of me, just made me want to stay even more. I couldn’t stop the smile that came over me. I chuckled as I thought about what he just said.
“He’s already here,”
Fluke became silent. I wasn’t sure if saying that would work or not, but I waited anxiously to see if it actually would or not. I was hoping more than anything that he would open the door and give me a chance. He wouldn’t exactly have a choice now anyway, but I was hoping that he would be okay with me staying with him. If I could at least hear him tell me that he was okay with it, then I would feel even better about this. My stomach dropped as I watched the door start to open. I couldn’t stop the smile that crossed my face as I looked at Fluke.
“Told you, you’d open the door for me,” I smirked with a chuckle.
He rolled his eyes as he peaked out the door. I couldn’t stop smiling as I looked at him.
“The only person I see is you,” He raised an eyebrow as he glared at me.
He didn’t say anything as he sat there staring at me. I couldn’t stop smiling as I stared back at him.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well, your mom talked with my parents and set it up for me to live with you for the next four months-”
I practically jumped from how loud he shouted. I watched as he looked like he was struggling to breathe. I let out a gentle sigh as I looked at the floor. All I wanted to do was rush over to him and help him try to breathe, but I knew he would never accept this kind of help from me. I looked back up at him.
“They said it would be easier for us to take care of each other while our broken legs finish healing. We could make sure neither of us miss our physical therapy once a week-”
“You mean you??”
He looked at me with pure anger buried deep within his voice.
“Okay turn it around on me, anyway, and Mom suggested that you could tutor me to help me graduate, it's a win-win situation,”
“I don't see any of this as a win situation, and I’m not letting you into my apartment!”
Just as he went to slam the door, I moved my chair and stopped it with my foot on the same leg that was broken. I took in a sharp breath as the pain radiated from my foot up and through the very core of my leg. For a moment I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I let out a low hum in pain as I cleared my throat.
“Ow…” I sighed, “Do you honestly hate me that much that you’re not willing to help your own friend graduate from college?”
“You’re not my friend anymore,”
“I know you feel that way now, but it’s only four months,”
“No, there is no way in hell. I am not allowing you to live with me even for that long,”
A soft sigh left me as he turned his chair away from me. A part of me still felt like trying was pointless. I didn’t think that he would ever forgive me for what happened. It didn’t mean that I still wasn’t going to try. It just meant that it would be harder to prove myself.
“You don’t have a choice,”
“Oh yeah, who says?”
“Your mom and mine,”
“I’m an adult now, I don't have to do anything she tells me,”
I couldn’t stop myself from smirking as I looked at him.
“Oooo, I’ve never seen you as a rebel before, kinda hot,”
My heart started to pound a million miles per second. Did I just say that about my best friend? What am I thinking? What will he think of me now? Though he already hates me, so I guess I don’t have anything else to lose.
“I’m sorry what?”
I cleared my throat as I felt my cheeks warming up a little. I looked at the floor. I didn’t know why, but I couldn’t bring myself to say it again.
“Uhh, nevermind, you have to let me in Fluke,”
“No, I don’t,”
I sighed again as he turned his chair away from me more and tried to roll away from me.
“My mom already kicked me out, if you don’t let me live with you then I’ll be living on the streets…With a broken leg…Probably sleeping in an alley…In a dangerous part of town…Who knows maybe something would eventually kill me..”
He didn’t say anything as he kept himself turned away from me. I kept wondering if I would ever be able to get him to see the good side of me again. I know how goofy that I used to be and I honestly miss it more than anything else in this world. There is one thing that I miss more than that. I want what we used to have. That would be enough for me. I wouldn’t mind just a hello and goodbye every once and a while. Even that would be enough for me.
“Fluke…” I calmed myself down to almost a whisper. I made sure he could still hear me, but I couldn’t help being serious this time. “I’m not going to apologize again because…You’re right…Saying I’m sorry isn’t enough…I know what you told me that I did, but I honestly can not remember it, if I did I would…Well, you probably wouldn’t want to know what I would do…”
I thought back to what my aunt and brother told me. I probably shouldn’t mention to him about my apparent frequent episodes that I have. Not that he would care right now anyway. I shook those thoughts away as I continued:
“I hate everything that happened and I wish we could go back in time and change it to when…The only bad thing that happened was when I accidentally broke Por’s camera and blamed it on Non…I can’t help but to think…You know maybe all of this can be traced back to me…If I…”
I didn’t expect this to be this hard to talk about. I never expected to talk about this with anyone, but being around Fluke makes me want to just open up about everything even if I irritate him right down to his core.
“Maybe if I had told Por the truth about the camera in the first place none of this would have happened and he would…He would…Well, you know…”
I couldn’t even say that dreaded sentence. Am I still in denial that he is dead? Maybe I'm still trying to deny it because I’m the one who killed him according to Fluke. I felt a slight tear trickle down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away as I continued:
“But unfortunately I can’t change anything that happened…I won’t say I’m sorry to you anymore…But please…Don’t make me sleep outside in a town like this…My mom already told me she wouldn’t let me come back until my leg was healed, if even then…I feel like she secretly hates me too...And I know you hate me too, but living with you would probably be better than my mom for the next four months…”
He was still silent as he stared at his hands. Another tear tried to escape but I forced it away.
“I know you don’t want me here, but it will be good for both of us, neither of us will have to do anything alone and…After our legs are fully recovered, I promise that I’ll move out and I…I…will never bother you again…”
Why did I just say that? I don’t want to lose him. Why would I promise something that I don’t want to do? I sighed again as I looked at my hands as I anxiously awaited for him to tell me his answer. I felt like he was beating around the bush because his answer was no. If that’s the case then why doesn’t he just come right out and say it?
“Promise you’ll leave after we’re fully recovered?”
I quickly lifted my head to look at him. My heart was racing a million times faster and I felt the butterflies again.
“Wait…Are you serious?”
He rolled his eyes in annoyance at me.
“Just answer my question,”
“Yes, yes I promise,”
Again, why would I promise this? I’m not going to want to leave his side. He’d probably happily kick my ass out. I watched as he moved his chair out of the way.
“You can sleep on the couch,”
I smiled from ear to ear as I rolled my chair into his apartment. I stopped my chair right beside him as I looked directly at him.
“Thank you,”
He rolled his eyes again as he looked away from me without responding. I quietly chuckled as I smirked. I leaned closer to him the best that I could.
“But a lot can happen in four months,” I told him with a smirk.
I watched as his face turned bright red. I chuckled as I realized that I couldn’t look away from him. I don’t know when he became so adorable to me, but I never want to look away from him. Am I staring at him? At Fluke? I let out a content sigh as the smile on my face grew wider. He cleared his throat as he kept himself turned away from me.
“Don’t get any bright ideas,”
“Who’s getting any ideas? What ideas?” I chuckled.
He didn't say anything to me as he rolled his chair over to the window. I softly chuckled as I looked around. I rolled my chair over more towards the living room.
“I’ve never been inside your place before,” I spoke in curiosity as I looked around.
“You’ve been to my parent's house, but not my apartment near the college. It’s more convenient trying to get to the college because the complex is only two minutes from it. I can say this is the one good thing my parents actually did for me,” He sighed.
I was silent for a second as I looked at him. I felt like I could see a sadness behind his eyes that I’d never seen before. I wanted to try to comfort him, but even if he would let me, I don’t think I would know how. Mainly, because I don’t know what he is thinking.
“Don’t you have a sister too? I thought I met her once?” I asked him curiously.
“That was my cousin, I’m an only child,”
I went silent again for a brief moment. I wanted to know more about him. I felt like I knew he wouldn’t tell me, but I felt like I had to try. The whole time that I have known him, he has never really talked about himself much. I only know enough brief stuff to know him as a friend. At least I think I do. I couldn’t truly and fully understand this strong desire to get to know more about him but I didn’t want to let it go.
“You don’t talk about your family much,”
“Ever think there’s a reason for that,”
He rolled his eyes and I could tell he was starting to get annoyed again. I let out a soft sigh as I looked around again. I gently smiled as I found everything in his little apartment to be quite adorable. I snickered as I saw a coffee table made from a glass tabletop and old textbooks.
“ Why is there old textbooks underneath a glass table top? Could you not afford a new table?”
“Why do you keep pestering me with these annoying questions?”
“I’m trying to pass the time,”
“Then go find something else to do, I’m going to go do some homework,”
“Right now?”
I sighed as I watched him roll his eyes again. I could tell that he was becoming more annoyed with me by the second. This still just made me want to try even harder. I’ve always been the type to go after something that I want. I don’t give up very easily, especially if it’s something that I’ve set my eyes on. I feel like Fluke has always found at least a small part of me annoying, but he was willing to look past it to be my friend. I hope that he is willing to do that again. I feel like maybe there is hope because he is talking to me. I know that I’m going to be living with him for the next four months or longer, but he could still ignore me completely. Maybe this is a small start. If I can just keep him talking to me, even if he gets annoyed with me, then maybe I’ll be able to get him to open up to me again. I watched him as he rolled his chair over to his desk and started to work on his homework. I couldn’t stop smiling as I looked at him. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen during my time here, but I knew one thing was for sure; I wasn’t going to give up on him. I know he is just reflecting his anger about that weekend onto me because I’m an easy target. That just makes me want to try even harder. He may hate me now, but a lot can change in four months. I’m going to prove that to him even if it kills me.
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rebelspykatie · 1 year
Something’s in the air tonight
Link to AO3 | 10.5k | Rated T
Complete | 12 chapters | 70k total
Robin Buckley might just be a genius.
One would think solving Russian codes during the apocalypse would be enough to cement this fact. But, no. It takes figuring out the weird tension between her best friends for her to fully come to realize the complexity of her superior intellect.
In the aftermath of Vecna, Steve and Eddie became tentative friends. They weren’t quite sure how to act around each other at first, hesitant to hang out alone, using Robin and the kids as buffers. That summer was tense, even though the battle with the upside down had concluded, they were all recovering and apprehensive about accepting that things were truly over. All of them still healing and plagued by nightmares.
A gradual shift happened. It wasn’t overnight and it was so subtle that it took Robin entirely too long to catch on, but their relationship changed. At the start, they only hung out in group settings, keeping distance between them that seemed silly to Robin. She figured if you’ve held someone’s guts in your hands to keep them alive, you can bypass acquaintances and go straight to unhealthy codependent platonic soulmates, like her and Steve.
Obviously, she was friends with idiots. Months of dancing around each other, trying to figure out if the other person really wanted to be friends, or whether they were polar opposites incapable of being anything to each other outside of a multidimensional war. Several times she wanted to just grab both of them by the ear and knock their heads together, or at least lock them in a room together until they worked through whatever issues they had with one another.
But by the end of that summer, she really didn’t have to interfere at all. Comfort crept up on them all, allowing them to relax and find their place in the world again. For Steve and Eddie, that was a growing friendship, one that had them spending increasing amounts of time together and realizing they had more in common than they originally thought.
They bring Robin along for the ride, as her and Steve are kind of a package deal at this point. And she loves Eddie. They’re both quirky in that way that is off putting to a lot of people, always struggling to pick up on social cues and never making friends easily. Hell, it took almost dying together for Robin to really trust that Steve wasn’t going to hurt her. But she recognized something in Eddie that made her latch on with no questions asked. That kind of otherness that was reflected back to her in the mirror everyday.
Steve was a tad more reluctant. Something about not wanting to get between him and Dustin. It was almost sweet, but Robin saw the truth. She recognized that Steve was scared. Without the upside down breathing down their necks, he seemed a little lost. So much of his worth came from putting himself in front of danger to protect the kids, and his relationship with Dustin was the catalyst for all of that outside of the shit that happened with Nancy. It was clear that he was afraid of losing Dustin after everything calmed down, especially if Dustin thought Eddie was cooler.
After Eddie’s confession in the upside down, which Robin heard all about one night when insecurities poured out of them into the quiet of a sleepless night in Steve’s bed, Steve seemed to realize how important they both were to Dustin. Before it all started, they mostly kept their distance and didn’t acknowledge that they both befriended the same nerdy, little weirdo. Robin thinks this all was a long time coming, that their jealousy was bound to boil over and either bring them closer or turn their relationships with Dustin sour.
Robin doesn’t know what would’ve happened if Eddie hadn’t been brought into the fold, if all of it would’ve fizzled out over time, with maturity and distance that inevitably occurs with growing up. Instead, they’ve become this bizarre family. A mish-mash of people that never would’ve come together otherwise. Fondness and protectiveness that inherently developed out of a fucked up situation they all somehow survived.
Eddie and Steve just took a little longer to get there than everyone else.
Continue on AO3
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(I actually started this last week, but I feel there is a larger truth beyond my personal experience that compels me to share it now--and I hope that the conclusion...the theory, anyway...that I’ve come to might help someone out there suffering from the demons that life invariably leaves each of us with.)
I stayed with a work friend last week for several nights to save some money on my quest to get back on my feet. Each day going by got more and more difficult. She keeps her alcoholism very secret from the world at large, but in her home, in her downtime, not so much. I only got through those days as a moment by moment thing, and just when I thought it was going to be okay...when I thought I can manage this, that ‘I’ve got this’, things would take an ugly turn..
The saying goes ‘familiarity breeds contempt’, and when she wasn’t deep in her cups, she directed some seriously passive-agressive contempt my way. When she was drunk, she kept calling me her college roomie and saying how grateful she was I was there--because most of her life outside of work she is [like me] chronically alone and lonely. So it was four days of wide swings in the way she treated me, and although I’m still homeless, I can’t imagine seeking her help again, unless there’s a blizzard or hurricane bearing down on our area.
Now, I realize that I’ve got my own quirks and habits, and for someone to view it from the outside, they are probably not easily understood. And believe me, she had her own share quirks and odd habits (like any trash one generates has to go right out to the garbage can outside, she has no trash can in the kitchen or bathroom, which generally made me want to hide my trash in my backpack so I only needed to go outside once or twice a day). But it dawned on me that--at least in my western world culture--ALL of us have these kind of weird habits, and they are a result of the events of our lifetime since childhood and how we learned to deal with the bad stuff so that we could continue to function and eventually become adults. In my coworker’s case, I think she has a real need to control her environment (she’s a neat freak who vacuums like 3x a day) because her father forced her to work at the age of 11 to earn her keep, and took all her money, too. And she’s had some unspeakable losses in her life, and they’ve scarred her badly, leaving her with a need to control what she can. Even if I can’t spend significantly time at her home now without feeling trapped, I can at least understand and not judge her for the wounds she bears.
I won’t speak of the source of my weird (to others) habits, but I am fully aware of where they are sourced, and deal with them as best I can. But my point in this post is actually to acknowledge that almost every single one of us carries some sort of damage--most of the time it was unintentionally inflicted--and that if we could recognize this fact, if we could look at the situation with altruistic eyes, the world could be made a kinder, more understanding place. Everybody hurts, hurts bad, over something they carry like a shameful secret, and if we could just extend some simple understanding and refrain from judging one another, we can make a small but important contribution towards the healing that so many of us need so badly. 
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tarushipping · 2 years
Rei Tamura
(Mob Psycho 100 SelfInsert)
Occupation: Illustrator Personality: Frank | Warm | Caring | Honest | Cheerful
Organization and flexibility, which really helps the Office.
As an esper, has divination and rare healing abilities.
Sakurai (Friend/Romantic)
Koyama (Friend/Romantic)
Reigen (Old Schoolmate/Now Bestie)
Onigawara (Reluctant Mentor)
Ex-SCAR members (Reluctant Leader/Mentor)
She makes a point of being as honest as possible, making her comedically frank.
Did not want to take care of all these children and adults.
Freelance illustrator job gives her a very flexible schedule so she uses free time to hang around the office because she has no social life.
Understands Reigen very well and even she knows what not to call him out on.
In the past, Tamura used to be classmates with Reigen, but they didn’t really know each other well. Years later, they meet again outside of a restaurant where their class is holding a ten year reunion. Reigen watches the restaurant from a distance, smoking. Tamura stands on the sidewalk and also stares at it for a few moments before turning away and noticing him.
“Ah, Arataka-san. It’s…been a while.” She slightly bows her head.
“Are you not heading inside?” He gestures.
“Oh,” she nervously pauses, “No, I don’t think so.” The two awkwardly stand there a moment before she looks back at the restaurant. “To be honest, I don’t really have anything to show for all these years. I thought I could strongly face them anyway but…” she trails off.
“At least there’s two of us then.”
The two have a surprisingly honest chat before deciding to go elsewhere for a couple drinks and complaining about old high school days.
A year later, she sees Reigen on tv and finds out he’s opened a Spirits and Such Consultation Office. Strange occurrences have been happening around her lately, including seeing vague shapes so she shows up to his office to ask if he knows what’s happening. Esper abilities are slowly awakening in her. Through his help and others that visit the Office, she collects a wide range of information about the different espers they’ve encountered and what sort of stuff she should be expecting. Her and Reigen end up becoming friends.
She offers to come by sometimes and help out. She likes ghost stuff anyway and he’s not complaining about free labor. Around the office she helps keep paperwork and such organized, accompanying them to some jobs, and just generally doing odd tasks. She’s always very warm to Mob and the other children when she sees them, always asking how they’re doing.
Once SCAR prepares for their takeover, she happens to be with Reigen when the office goes up in flames. She’s quickly introduced to the ex-SCAR members that gather around him and she’s not impressed, knowing what they’ve done in the past. Tamura is especially upset with Sakurai and Koyama, whom she finds very attractive before finding out who they are. As those two leave to pick up Mob, she insists on leaving with them. She doesn’t trust them and the three bicker in the car. It’s only because she’s there that Mob leaves with them. During the attack, she joins the sewer team to guide them. As the fighting is taken above ground, Tamura starts coordinating the team, knowing each of their abilities well from her previous studies. It’s during this fight that her esper abilities fully awaken and she’s upset that they’re healing abilities. She really wants offensive abilities like the others to directly attack, but they’re still very helpful regardless. As disapproving as she is of the ex and current SCAR members, she still displays a lot of protective care over them. Post fight she uses all of her power to heal the others and momentarily passes out from the strain. Koyama ends up unceremoniously carrying her over his shoulder as they flee the final explosion. Now safe, she voices her opinion on the ex-SCAR members again but also offers help and advice on how to “live as adults”, handing out her business card. The others are grateful for how much care she’s shown towards them and a few take her up on the offer.
Most notably Sakurai and Koyama. Tamura is especially keen to help them out, treating them like grown children and never shying away from both helping and chastising them. When the two get their convenience store job, their rocky relationship turns into an actual friendship.
Over time, she slowly comes to realize how mature the two can actually be, unsure what parts of it have always been there and which parts have grown. The more she sees them as grown men, the more her respect grows and the fonder she becomes…
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honeybadgercomeback · 10 months
Thank you so much for getting back to me! I completely understand and appreciate what you took the time to let me know what was going on. Also, just want to say this is the first time that I have ever wanted to have the option to comment as I’m reading . So I hope you don’t mind that I’m throwing thoughts at you. I’m not expecting you to continue on, but I did want to show you that I do appreciate what you were able to give me.
The rumours had been hilarious at the start, but were turning terrible and cruel. //
So curious about this comment (i’ve been streaming 1989 on repeat lately and when I said, saw this line all I could think about was New Romantics) where the rumors cruel towards her, Fernando, or both an equal measure. Because I feel like IRL, they tended to be more cruel towards Fernando. Just because nobody believe that he would actually be able to date her.
home resting after the Met Gala but this would be a lot more fun.//
Met Gala! We’re deviating from the IRL schedule, and I’m exhausted just thinking about it. But I really hope we at least got to meet Danny.
Are you following me or something?//
OMG! WE DID MEET THE HONEY BADGER!!! Yes! We’re practically Anne Hathaway
how you get the boy, right?” //
Yet another incredible Easter egg with that song lyric there. Love that.
Seems like an absolute queen. Also love that she just came out and said they knew about the media hype, and they’ve been feeding into it and offered the race as compensation.
How’re your wrists doing? Are they fully healed?” You asked Lance, ignoring the slight look of surprise on his face.//
The fact that I could honestly see IRL Lance being surprised that a stranger was actually interested in his medical well-being. So sad. Really feel as though the media has traumatized him.
Thanks for asking. What about your hand, I saw you hurt it during a show?”//
🩵🩵🩵🩵 just made me melt!
Lawrence, Falavio, Fernando and Lance all in a room together. Netflix and drive to survive would be coming up with all kinds of drama, I could even see them trying to get rights to some Bond villain music. 😹
This means EVERYTHING. Ugh I love it. These comments are everything.
I might do some lil drabbles in this universe? I’m gonna tag them all with singer!reader. I can’t guarantee it’ll be everything, but it’ll give us something? It’s why it’s taken me so long to say I probably won’t write the full one, because I absolutely adore this little universe and all my ideas. (Because yes since last week I’ve had a “Karma is the guy in the green, coming straight home to me” idea floating)
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vermillionbun · 2 years
A kitten’s savior 2/2
Catboy!Xiao x reader
Warnings: I don’t think there’s anything too graphic here
Part 1 ; Bonus: Xiao’s point of view
P.s. I have little to no idea how things actually go when it comes to medical procedures with cats or any animals for that matter, so don’t take anything I’ve written too serious. Everything is what I think would be logical, but I could very VERY wrong, so apologies for potential mistakes.
    It’s been two weeks now since you found the black and green feline in front of the supermarket. The veterinarians immediately cleaned the kitten from the blood, glass and dirt and disinfected his wounds, before stitching the deeper gashes and wrapping him in bandages. Despite his seemingly frail appearance he made a very fast recovery, most of his wounds closing within a week, even if not fully healed. 
    After a week the veterinarians let you have him, since you didn’t have the heart to just leave him, with instructions of what to do. He’s still recovering after all, so you have to change the bandages everyday for hygiene and give him medicine. Thankfully, he was left with you also, because he kept waking up and falling asleep again. If he didn’t keep on repeatedly waking up his stay at the vet would have to be extended, you couldn’t feed an unconscious kitten after all.
    When he woke up, it was always frantic, panic written all over the small feline’s face and hair risen, but you found a way around it. Back at the vet the doctors found a fairly worn out and a bit ripped collar with a tag with the name “Xiao” on it. A small smile appeared on your face, while remembering the first time he woke up in your care.    
    You walked into your room, with a glass and bottle of water, some tuna from the vet that’s especially made to not disturb the stomach of cats when they’ve been found starved, a spoon and medicine to lessen the pain of the left-over wounds. You were hoping that him waking up, even if for a short while, was true. He hasn’t woken up since the last time the vets saw him up and you had to give him at least SOME food and water. You placed them on the nightstand and sat next to the kitten to wait and watch over for anything unusual potentially happening. And something unusual did happen, much to your luck and dismay. 
    He suddenly sprung up, a small barely audible hiss leaving his parched throat from the pain of his wounds. Panic was evident, he started trembling and turning his head frantically left and right. 
    Panic also struck you too. What were you supposed to do? The doctors never said anything about this! 
    Hesitantly, you reached out with a small whisper of his name. “Xiao”. His head snapped towards you, ears slightly lowering in regret of the fast movement. His blazing amber eyes followed your every move. It was obvious he felt like prey cornered by a predator. You extended one of your hands almost flat against the mattress of your bed, where both of you currently were. With slow movement, you continued reaching towards him with small reassurances of his safety. “It’s going to be okay Xiao. Everything is alright now. You’re safe”. When your fingers started reaching his face you halted to let him sniff you, which he did. Taking in your smell, the feline watched out for any sudden movement. Your scent seemed to put him a bit at ease. ‘Is it because it’s not someone he’s expecting? Who would be that horrible’ you thought, but was quickly snapped out of thoughts as he gently nuzzled you a bit, with a desperate look in his eyes and a meekly mew. He was hungry, thirsty and in pain, he was desperate for ANY help at this point. 
    You took the small shot glass you poured water for him into and put it in front of him. After sniffing the water he immediately gulps it down. Fast laps and splashing of water filling the silence as Xiao drank it up. In seconds the water was gone, but it was obvious that he wanted, no, NEEDED more. You took the water bottle and filled the cup again, letting the kitten drink more. 
    While he continued to drink more water, you decided to open the can of tuna to see if you can get him to eat, even if it’s just a little. A sharp noise echoed through the room of the can opening, making Xiao freeze, amber eyes staring into your soul. “Hey, it’s okay, it’s just food I promise. See?” you said in the same gentle whisper you used earlier, while bringing the now opened can closer for him to examine.
    After deeming the can of tuna safe, his posture relaxed a bit again and tried to eat some of it, struggling a bit. To make it easier for him you took the spoon you brought and scooped a bit and placed it in front of him. Xiao started to lick what was on the spoon, slowly, but surely, getting it into his mouth and slowly chewing on the tuna, before swallowing. You repeated that again and again until half of the can was empty. It seemed like Xiao couldn’t eat anymore, dare you say he may have over-eaten a little for a first time eating properly in a while. Lastly, now came the hardest thing, the medicine. While most cats aren’t opposed to the taste, you had to keep his mouth open to pour 3 drops into his mouth and you weren’t sure if you could. You’ve already seen his teeth. Sharp and dangerous was the first thing that came to mind. If it wasn’t for the fact that the feline was weakened he could probably bite your fingers off if he wanted to.
    Taking a deep breath, you braced yourself for the potential bite you were gonna receive. There wasn’t much you could do, you had to give him the medicine. “I’m sorry…” you muttered, before prying open his mouth with two fingers and placing your other three fingers behind his neck to keep him in place. Panic struck the originally fairly relaxed amber eyes, fear pooling in by the second. He struggled in your grasp, but the pain from his leftover injuries and the soreness of not using his muscles was too much so he quickly went limp, closing his eyes and bracing for potential impact.
    Saddened, you poured three drops down his throat as fast as possible and and let his jaw go, slowly stroking from his head to mid back and again. “It’s alright, it’s over. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry”. Hushed apologies left your lips as you tried to soothe the shaking cat. He looked up at you, a bit of betrayal glazing his wide opened eyes. You continued to apologize and gently pet him in hopes that he would forgive you. Little by little he relaxed and went back to sleep, lulled into slumber by the soothing motion of your hand.
    Looking back at it, there probably was a better way to give him the medicine, but there’s no going back now. As days passed he got accustomed to you and let you do as you wish even if still a bit wary. Seems like he figured you weren’t trying to cause him harm. He also started staying up for longer periods instead of immediately falling back asleep after medicine like he used to and started to eat in normal quantities.
   You were in front of your apartment door back from work. As much as you didn’t want to leave him alone you could only afford a week at best off of work, which you used to watch over him when he was at his worst. You tried calling a friend over to watch over him once during his recovery last week and it didn’t go too well. Safe to say you’re the only one he doesn’t scratch at a moment’s notice when you approach.
    Opening your door, you enter and lock it behind you, taking your shoes off and walking to your bedroom to check on Xiao. He seems quite fond of that room now that you think about it. He has been to the other rooms, but most of his time is spent bundled up in your sheets.
    Going into your room, you expect to see a small black and green cat tangled in your sheets again, but to your surprise there’s a relatively young man with black hair and green at the tips covered with your sheets, but there were two things that stood out to you. The first were his eyes. Glowing amber eyes staring at you, a red eye-liner lining his eyelids. Eyes you most definitely couldn’t mistake. At first it would seem unbelievable, but your gut screamed that that was the kitten you saved. That was Xiao. And even if you didn’t listen to your gut, the cat ears on his head and tail popping out from under the sheets most definitely convinced you.
Quick question for anyone who made it to here, should I write this part from Xiao’s point of view?
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marvelmusing · 2 years
The Three of Us
Part 3
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova x Fem!Reader x Alina Starkov
Summary: You begin your journey North with Alina and General Kirigan, stopping first at the outpost in Chernast.
Warnings: canon level violence and injury to the reader.
My Masterlist
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A wince flickers across your face as the carriage rocks from side to side, causing your shoulder to clash against Alina’s. There’s a small sting from the almost healed wound at your shoulder. Aleksander observes the wince from his position in the seat in front of you, but he doesn’t make a comment despite his concerns.
The three of you have been sitting together in the General’s carriage on your way to the First Army outpost at Chernast. It’s still early morning, so there’s been little conversation between you all. Alina has spent the majority of the time with her eyes still closed, trying to gain a few extra moments of rest. Your attention has been occupied by watching the scenery go by out the window. With both of you distracted, Aleksander has taken the opportunity to admire you both. Alina, peaceful and soft as she rests, and you, with the view of trees and hills reflected in your eyes.
Once you reach the outpost, a Grisha tent has already been set up, which Alina is escorted to by the Heartrender that seems to always accompany the General - you think his name was Ivan. Which leaves you with the General. The two of you walk through the camp together, heading towards the Kaptain’s tent. As your old commander, the Kaptain needs to be informed of your trip North with General Kirigan. You know that the General will be taking you no matter what, seeking the Kaptain’s permission is merely a formality.
The General gives you a small nod as he steps into the tent, and you stand waiting outside. The outpost is as busy as it was when you left it, with First Army soldiers going about their day. There’s a huddle of soldiers lounging nearby, you recall them exchanging scornful looks as you and the General walked by them. From where you’re standing you can hear them as they swap stories about the General. That the infamous Darkling stole the souls of his followers - because you would have to be truly soulless to follow him willingly.
You sigh when you recognise one of the voices. Mal. You and Mal have never gotten along. When you were younger, Alina had admitted that she thought Mal was in love with you. She thought that was why he became a tracker - to spend more time with you. You were not impressed to say the least. Not only because you were already in love with Alina, but Mal seemed to think arguing with you was the best way to attract you. At some point he must have realised that you weren’t interested, and from then onwards he had increased his attempts to annoy you at every opportunity.
You try to ignore the comments they all make about the Grisha you had arrived with, though you can’t help but bristle when they make remarks about Alina and the General. It’s only when you hear Mal mention your name that you begin to listen properly.
“I bet tracking isn’t the only service she’s been offering them. Grisha have poor taste apparently.” The boys around him snicker, and your skin crawls, causing you to snap at them,
“You’re talking about two living Saints, have a little respect.” You try to ignore the flare of embarrassment that burns in your chest at his insinuation. He laughs, his lips twisting into a sneer,
“Saints? A Darkling and a little orphan from Keramzin?” One of the boys grins, slapping Mal on the back before joking,
“If they’re Saints, Mal here must be a volcra.” You’re tempted to agree with the boy, but you don’t want to start anything. Not when the General is in the tent behind you.
“So when’s the wedding?” Mal asks you, and you frown at him,
“Alina and the General. It’s nice that they’ve kept you around, I suppose that rumour about otkazat’sya pets is true.” You turn to face him fully,
“The hell did you just say?” He stands up, broad shoulders towering over you.
“You heard me.” You raise your chin in defiance, as you sneer,
“Get out of my way.”
“Why don’t you make me? Show everyone you’ve got more value than just spreading your-” You cut him off mid-sentence with a punch to the face. But it doesn’t stop there. First Army brawls only end when someone loses consciousness, or when a superior breaks it up. You pin him down, throwing another punch to his face. His knee juts out, hitting your stomach, which allows him a chance to scramble away from you. The two of you are on your feet instantly, eyeing each other with fists raised. People begin to gather around, clamouring for a fight. He smirks,
“Ready to back down?”
“You wish.”
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Aleksander’s talk with the Kaptain is tedious. It’s clear that the man doesn’t value Grisha as much as his own soldiers, which tries at Aleksander’s temper. He also seems rather unwilling to surrender his best tracker, and is eager to know when you will be returning. Aleksander doesn’t tell the Kaptain that he hopes you will never return to the First Army, that once you’ve found the Stag, you will stay at the Little Palace with him and Alina. In the past few days, he’s thought about the future in a much more positive light. Part of him insists that it’s the proximacy to the Stag after centuries of searching, though deep down he’s certain that it’s because of you. Mainly because you now feature in all his thoughts of the future. Once he tells you about the Sea Whip, he knows you’ll become as obsessed as he is, and in his heart he knows that you will be the one to find it. After that, the Firebird. Then Alina will truly be his equal, and the Fold will be theirs to command as they please. In the meantime, Aleksander has to deal with more meetings. The only thing that keeps him going is the fact that you’ll be waiting outside for him.
The bright Winter sky greets him as he steps out of the tent. At the sound of a commotion, the Kaptain stands at his side. Aleksander looks over as a group of First Army soldiers gather around what appears to be a fight. He raises a brow at the Kaptain. Fights between Grisha could turn dangerous very quickly, so he made a habit of breaking fights as soon as they started. First Army officers tend to leave the fight going for a while, allowing the troops to release some tension. The Kaptain gives a weary shrug, running a hand over his face. He moves towards the group and Aleksander follows at a distance. He’s searching the crowd for you. He stills when he hears your name as a few soldiers exchange bets on the fight. Surely not? Moving closer to the crowd as it begins to disperse, he catches a sight of the two fighters.
“Oretsev!” The Kaptain shouts as a boy kicks his opponent in the stomach from their position on the floor. What he doesn’t expect is for his opponent to shove their weight against his kick, toppling him over and landing several hits to his face. Two pairs of soldiers grab at the fighters pulling them apart. The boy, Oretsev, throws a handful of curses, and his opponent spits blood at him with a snarl. It’s you. Aleksander stands still, watching as one of the soldiers stands in front of you, trying to talk you out of struggling against their hold.
“Oretsev, report to field medics now. Once you’re clear you’re on sewage digging.” A wicked grin of satisfaction pulls at your lips. Though your smile fades when the Kaptain calls your name, “You’re no longer my responsibility. General Kirigan will deal with you.” You freeze, suddenly aware of the General’s presence. With a sudden flare of embarrassment, you wonder how much of the fight he had seen. The Kaptain heads back into his tent, and the rest of the crowd disperses now their entertainment is over. Mal limps as he turns in the direction of the medics tent, though he can’t resist one last dig at you.
“Have fun on your leash.” A dark look fills your eyes, and Aleksander realises you might be more like him than he had originally thought.
Soon it’s just you and the General. A few passersby soldiers cast curious looks between you both. He doesn’t say a word as the two of you make your way through the camp. Once you’re in the General’s tent, the tears fall down your cheeks as you experience a mortifying mixture of fear, anger, and shame. He regards you with an expression you can’t decipher, but his voice is as soft as it was on the night you met him.
“Are you alright?” A startled laugh escapes your lips sharply, confusion colouring your features,
“I’ve just made a fool of you, in front of everyone, and you’re asking if I’m alright?” His lips press into a line, and you’re certain he’s about to berate you for your actions.
“Are you hurt? I know you won’t accept a Healer, but I have some supplies if you require them.” You stand in the centre of his tent as he pulls a first aid kit from one of his trunks, your tears drying in warmth of the wood burner beside you. He looks up at you, eyes scouring you for injuries.
“You’re not mad at me?”
“I do prefer my soldiers to stay out of trouble, though I’m certain there was a valid reason for this incident.” The only response you can manage is a quiet,
“There was.” You sit down at the table as he spreads out the supplies.
“Am I really that obvious?” A small smile tugs at his lips as he shakes his head,
“Dependable perhaps, but certainly not obvious.”
You both turn as the tent curtain is pushed back, and Alina steps inside. Her eyes fall on you immediately. You attempt to hide your bruised knuckles, an action that is not necessary, as Alina can read what you’ve done on your face. The guilty expression and the bloodied lip are her main indicators. The General sits in the chair opposite you as Alina begins the process of patching you up.
“What happened?” She demands. You shrug lightly,
“It was a stupid mistake.”
“I wouldn’t consider defending Alina’s honour to be stupid.” The General argues. Alina’s eyes widen as she realises you are in this state because of her. She’s quiet for a moment as she cleans the blood from your split lip. Then she says softly,
“You don’t need to defend me.” You sigh, irritation flooding through you as you remember their words.
“Yes I did Alina. You didn’t hear what they were saying about you both.” Aleksander freezes. He had caught some of the comments that the soldiers had been making about Alina earlier in the day, and he had subconsciously ignored the ones about him. He’d been dealing with insults, mocking, and suspicion for centuries.
You’ve always been eager to show the correct amount of respect to him, something Aleksander isn’t familiar with. It’s also obvious that you think your actions through thoroughly before you make a decision. So, either the comments had pushed you past reasoning, or you had fully intended on throwing that first punch. Aleksander’s not sure which option he’s most flattered by. But he does share Alina’s concern. He doesn’t want you to get hurt, an ironic realisation as you are about to head into enemy territory together.
“Was it Mal?” She asks, and you nod. “He’s only trying to get your attention.”
“Well, if he likes me that much he should just ask me out, instead of riling me up into punching him.” There’s a flicker of a smile on Alina’s face, but it drops as she ask in a small voice,
“What would you say, if he did ask you out?” Aleksander remains quiet, studying your response carefully. A smirk tugs at your lips.
“I’d tell him to go jump in the Sokol.” She laughs, and your smile widens. Aleksander watches the two of you, admiring the care in which Alina cleans up your wounds, and the tender expression in your eyes. Once Alina has finished, Aleksander stands up. For a moment, you fear he may be about to reprimand you for today. But he simply looks at you both before saying,
“Get some rest. We leave for Fjerda tomorrow morning.”
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The Three of Us Tag List: @joossieisdabomb
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navegandoaciegas · 3 years
1-2-3 Way
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!reader x Steve Rogers
Warnings: smut, bed sharing, there was only one bed???, loss of virginity, dom/sub undertones, dom!Steve, sub!reader, switch!Bucky, unprotected sex, praise, slight degradation, overstimulation, face fucking, fingering, slight spanking, edging, doggy style, aftercare.
Summary: There’s only one bed and you have to share it with your childhood friends Steve and Bucky.
A/N: Listen… there was only one bed is my favorite cheesy trope, I’m sorry. Thank you for the commission, @maryfloat , I hope you like this!!
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It’s so clichè, the way that the receptionist offers you a tight lipped smile and an apology. There must have been an error with the reservation, maybe the server crashed or something, she says, you’ve booked one room, and that room has one bed only. Coincidentally, everyone’s in town at the same time as you, and the only hotel in the area is fully booked.
How unfortunate.
She hands you the keys whilst Bucky hauls your suitcase and his up the stairs, and Steve follows behind him. She eyes them warily and whispers to you, asks if you’re safe and comfortable, and apologises again for the inconvenience.
When Steve, ever the gentleman, proposes they sleep on the floor, you’re almost tempted to accept and thank him. They’re big and strong, and one night on the cold, hard floor won’t kill them.
You hate sharing beds anyways. It gets too warm with more than one body rolling around, and then someone hogs all the blankets, or kicks you in the shins, or elbows you in the ribs, and you can’t catch a break.
Instead you scoff and wave him dismissively. ‘I trust you guys more than I trust myself.’
And you do, really. You’ve known them since those awkward middle school days, where Bucky was chubby and covered in painful acne, and Steve was dangerously skinny and a foot shorter than you. You’ve fallen asleep on their shoulders on long road trips, occasionally napped on their legs in their dorm rooms, fallen asleep on Steve’s hospital bed when he was a frail kid and you and Bucky took turns visiting him.
You trust them, you really do, but still, sharing a tiny bed with them seems more intimate, definitely more wrong, than anything you’ve ever done.
It sends a weird signal down your stomach that your brain can’t quite interpret. You’re not anxious, but as you sit sandwiched between them, you can’t say you’re relaxed either.
Bucky sits to your right, computer perched on his lap, open on the Netflix account he pays for and Steve and you leech off of. He makes the most money with his waitressing job, the old ladies love tipping him for his flirty remarks and bright smiles, so it’s only fair.
Steve munches on a chalky protein bar to your right, a frown on his forehead as he chews with his mouth open and judges Bucky’s recommended section.
“You’re not making me watch another sci-fi, Barnes.”
“And you’re not forcing me through another Studio Ghibli movie, Rogers.”
“C’mon, at least those are relaxing-,”, “and cute,” you quip, intercepting Steve’s snack and taking a bite out of it just to spite him. He side eyes you, pinching your side as hard as he can.
“Oh? I forgot you were the ones paying for the account.”
“This is literal blackmail, holding the damn Netflix over our heads like that.”
“Not sure that blackmail is the word you’re looking for, but go off, bud.”
“Don’t smartmouth me.”
“Or what?”
They bicker like they’ve always done, and you’ve been friends with them long enough to have learnt how to drown out their voices when they fight.
Sometimes your friendship feels like it’s always been, playful, sibling like. They roughhouse you, you make fun of them. It’s familiar, warm, comforting.
No matter how bad school gets, no matter how uncertain your future seems, no matter how many times you get your heart broken, you know that Bucky, Steve and you will always be there to pick yourselves back up.
Some other times the lines get blurred, and it’s scary. But the scarier it gets, the more rewarding it becomes to look for signs, finding them in the smallest of things, like how Steve gets all sulky when you go out on dates, or how Bucky constantly seeks your approval for whatever he does.
You space out as they pick a movie, your mind eerily quiet, your body weirdly warm.
There’s a pit in your stomach that you can’t understand fully. It’s been there a while, ever since your friendship has started to shift, and your stares have been lingering as much as their affectionate touch.
Your eyes travel from Bucky’s black t-shirt to his side profile, tracing the gentle slope of his nose and his pouty lips. Lately, you’ve been looking at him a lot more, catching yourself in the act and shaking yourself out of your thoughts.
What thoughts, you don’t know. Your mind is blank more often than not when you’re set on him. When you’re with them.
You’re doing it again, unconsciously, until Steve elbows you in the side, and you’re rudely snapped out of your reverie.
“You’re too quiet,” he mumbles, eyeing you suspiciously.
“Which is weird since you never shut the fuck up,” quips Bucky, hitting you with his shoulder, effectively bringing you back to reality.
You resist laughing because you’ll never give him the satisfaction, and just swing back at him.
“I’m just tired, ‘s all. My neck hurts a lot, guess we’re getting old, huh.”
Bucky just shrugs and presses play on the movie they’ve chosen. You smile at Steve as convincingly as you can to get him off your case.
He nods at you, not quite sold, but leaves it at that, knowing better than to prod you.
“Want me to give you a massage?” he asks, wiggling his fingers in front of your face.
“Please?” you pout, turning your back to him.
Your thought process was that you can never refuse Steve’s healing hands. You didn’t think it through so much, clearly, as he kneads the knots in your neck and you feel your lower body coming alive, a warmth pooling awkwardly in your belly.
Bucky gives you the most offended, betrayed look you’ve ever seen, frowning and pouting like a petulant child.
“S’ not fair. I want a massage too,” he whines, shimmying his shoulders in your direction, offering you the best puppy eyes he can muster.
Cute, you think. “Gross,” you say, “I’ll give you one if you stop with the face.”
He just sticks his tongue out, wiggling between your legs.
The movie plays in the background, your mind too focused on Steve’s warm hands on your bare skin and Bucky’s back muscles flexing under your touch.
The hot feeling in your chest is back when his eyes move from the screen to yours, a goofy smile on his lips, features relaxed.
You bury your hands in his silky hair, scratching his scalp. He almost moans, butting your palm like a kitten.
He’s so effortlessly sweet that it hurts.
It’s silent in a comfortable way, with the sound effect of the movie lulling you all, except your traitorous brain, in a serene state.
It’s a kids movie, and you’re just giving yourselves a massage like you’ve done hundreds of times before, but something feels different about it, in the way that Steve’s warm breath tickles your neck, or the way that Bucky turns around every few minutes just to smile at you.
At some point your hands stop moving, and your back is flush to Steve’s front as he holds you in his arms, Bucky’s head on your lap as he hugs your thighs to his body, fingers absentmindedly caressing your skin, hiking up your legs, higher and higher-, goosebumps erupting all over you. He stops just before the hem of your shorts, making his way down to your knee, just to do it all over again.
You can no longer deny the fluttering in your core, nor the slick gathering in your panties at the thought of what would happen if he just crept higher.
By the time that the end credits roll around, you're cocooned in their warmth, Bucky asleep on your stomach, your own eyes droopy. You’re drowsy, pliant in Steve’s hold as he adjusts you both comfortably on the pillows.
The last thing you feel, as darkness envelops the room, is his lips on your forehead as he whispers to you good night.
You hate sharing beds, but when you wake up in the middle of the night between them, you think you may not hate it as much as you thought.
Bucky is a messy sleeper, arm swung over your hips, legs sprawled over half the mattress, face buried in the pillow next to yours, back gently rising with every breath he takes.
Steve is more put together. He sleeps on his side, lips parted, one arm under the pillow, the other close to your side, his fingers intertwined with yours.
You don’t know how long you spend staring at the ceiling, heart hammering in your chest, wondering if this shift in your friendship will bring you closer or break you apart in the long run. You don’t want to entertain the chances of them breaking your heart, or you breaking theirs.
Even the possibility of having to choose between one of the two seems absurd to you.
The bed creaks under Bucky’s weight as he turns to you, tightening his hold on your hips. You’re paralized as he nuzzles his nose in the crook of your neck, a breathy whine escaping his lips. All your blood travels to your face when you feel his hard on rub against your legs, his hips uncounsciously rutting on you.
“So soft,” he mumbles, eyes fluttering open.
You’re staring at each other, almost in a daze, and maybe it’s because it’s pitch black outside and you’re in your own little dimension, or maybe it’s the adoration in his bleary eyes, but you don’t turn away when he closes the distance between you.
The kiss you share is soft, lazy, tentative.
You prod his mouth open with yours, tongues swirling together with no rush and no shame. You’d imagined kissing your best friend would feel more awkward than this, and instead his warmth, his taste, his hungry kisses, everything about it seems natural to you, like it’s what you’re supposed to have been doing all this time, a chance you were too scared to take.
You’re so lost in the moment that you barely register the lips on your neck and another set of hands making its way under your t-shirt, settling on your stomach, fingers barely grazing the underside of your boobs.
As soon as his mouth detaches from your own, Steve is pouncing on you, his kiss more rough and demanding than Bucky’s, tongue less hesitant as it explores you, wiping any remnant of sleep out of your mind.
You’re breathless as he invades all your senses, barely wrapping your head around the fact that your shy friend is eating you whole and the flirty, outgoing one is just looking with hunger and rubbing himself on your leg.
Steve breaks away from you, a string of drool connecting you, his eyes dark with desire. He pecks your lips again, smirking at you as he lowers his face, leaving a trail of kisses on your jaw, to the column of your neck, down your collarbones, settling between your tits.
“So pretty,” he murmurs, grasping the hem of your t-shirt, “Can I touch you? I’m gonna make you feel so good.”
You nod fervently, growing needy with each passing second, “Please Steve, just touch me.”
Bucky gets bolder, kissing you with more conviction this time. Your clothes are shedded, his bare skin heated against yours, your hands in his hair.
Steve takes his sweet time making his way downwards, leaving a trail of bruises on your chest, stomach, hips, kneading your ass. He settles between your legs, looking up at you as he closes his mouth on your clothed pussy, sucking through your panties and leaving a wet mark on them.
You’re embarrassingly horny, arousal dripping out of you, nipples stiff as Bucky plays with them. You want him to rip your panties to shreds and take you right there and then, but Steve has other plans, enjoying the way you’re so pliant underneath him.
He grabs you by the hips, turning you around with your face down and your ass up in the air. The string of your underwear is almost swallowed between your puffy folds, stained with your slick.
Steve takes a deep breath before tugging the string up, teasing your swollen clit with the material, raptured by the way you’re so open and ready for them, glistening with desire.
Bucky sits back on the headboard, eyes half lidded, legs spread before your face. You trace the outline of his hard cock through his boxers, mouth watering at the idea of him inside you, filling you up.
Steve doesn’t give you the time to touch him before he’s tugging you upwards by the hair, flush to his chest. His breath tickles your neck as he teases you through your panties.
“Are you gonna be good for me? For us?”
You don’t have to think about it, strings of ‘yes’, ‘please, ‘touch me’, leaving your lips as if having a mind of their own. It would be embarrassing to be this wanton with anyone else, but with them, everything is like it’s meant to be.
“Then be a good girl, okay? Show Bucky how good you can be with that pretty mouth of yours,” he grunts in your ear, pressing his hard on against your ass cheeks, “You’ve done this before, haven’t you?”
You nod, grind yourself on his cock, so pent up and desperate for release that you rub your legs together just to feel the string of your panties digging in your folds, hoping it would help soothe the ache in your cunt.
“Of course you have, you little slut,” he grunts, pushing your head down on the mattress as Bucky tugs his underwear down.
Yours is ripped by Steve, thrown somewhere in the room, exposing your quivering hole to the cold air. Arching your back, you silently beg for something, anything, which comes in the form of a sting and a loud smack reverberating in the stuffy room.
Steve smacks your pussy again, and again, and again, until the sharp pain in your clit becomes so pleasant that you could come just from that. Bucky wastes no time yanking your head towards his crotch, slapping his heavy cock on your cheek, until your face burns with humiliation and need.
Your hands tremble as you reach for him, hesitating before licking a stripe from the base to the tip, savoring his musky pre cum. You swirl your tongue around the head, teasing his sensitive slit with kitten licks, hands fondling with his balls.
Steve’s thick finger prodding at your entrance makes you gasp, giving Bucky the perfect opportunity to shove your face down his cock until you’re coughing, lungs burning, clawing at his things as he holds you down.
“Calm down, Bucky. Stop bein’ so desperate,” Steve’s voice is muffled in your ears as you struggle for air, feeling light headed.
He plunges a finger inside your pussy, then another, eased by the embarrassing amount of wetness dripping out of you.
Bucky whines something in return, yanking you up. Tears blur your vision as you heave, barely getting enough air in your lungs before he pushes you down again, using your head as a flashlight.
He keeps you still, nose buried in the dark hair of his pelvis, as he stands on his haunches. Grabbing your face with both hands, he starts relentlessly pummelling inside you, fucking your mouth with abandon.
With a broken moan he thrusts all the way down, his balls slapping your chin, fingers clamping around your nose when you start gagging.
“Oh, she likes that. She’s squeezing my fingers,” Steve says, scissoring his fingers between your gummy walls, “Do it again.”
Bucky pinches your nose one more time, depriving you of all air. Dark spots start appearing at the sides of your vision, mind hazy. He lets up before you faint, barely giving you time before he’s stuffing your mouth with his cock once more.
Steve lays down between your legs, face up. From his perspective he can see your glistening pussy, your tits bouncing with the force of Bucky’s thrusts, and his cock disappear between your abused lips. You’re being so good to them that he feels like rewarding you.
His hands guide you to sit down on his face, your moans muffled as he latches onto your swollen clit. He sucks on it until you’re on the edge of your orgasm, walls quivering with the need to release.
He stops just before you can reach your peak, and spanks your clit again.
“You’re not coming on my mouth now.”
Your throat vibrates around Bucky’s cock with moans of pleasure, spurring him on to hold you down longer, chasing his own orgasm with a string of curses.
“She’s gonna faint, idiot,” Steve scolds him, tearing you away from Bucky’s cock, drool dripping down your sore jaw.
“She can handle it,” rasps Bucky, rolling his eyes.
“Stop talking about me like I’m not here,” you frown, slapping Bucky’s hands away when he reaches for you.
“Brats, both of you,” Steve sighs condescendingly, “Be more gentle. And you,” he warns, pinching your inner thigh, “don’t talk unless it’s to beg for more, ‘kay?”
There’s a pause, an awkward moment when you don’t know where to look, what to do with your hands, waiting for Steve to take control again, like he always does.
“So-” Bucky starts, looking up at Steve for guidance, “What now?”
“You’re both- y’know, it’s your first time actually doing it, right?” he asks after pondering for a second, eyes darting between the two of you.
“Yes,” you both respond, and he hums.
“Then you two should go first, be each other’s first times. It makes more sense. I got her ready, so it shouldn’t hurt.”
The idea of Bucky’s cock inside you makes you a bit anxious, considering how much you struggled taking him in your mouth, jaw still sore from his abuse, but it also fills you with warmth.
You trust them blindly, and you want this, you want him to be the first one inside you for whatever reason.
There’s no need for words between you, a tiny nod and a reassuring smile all you need to settle on the pillows, spreading your legs for Bucky to settle in between.
He’s always so sure of himself, but in the moment he looks like a lost puppy. He pumps himself a few times, and braces his weight on one arm as he lines his cock with your entrance.
He gives you one more kiss, tasting himself on your lips, before pushing past your entrance. The tip is barely in by the time that you screech, the pain sharper than you imagined, and Bucky halts immediately despite looking like he’s about to bust on the spot.
Your pussy feels like it’s burning, and no amount of fingers inside you could have prepared you for the stretch of your walls.
“It’s okay,” Steve whispers in your ear, a hand rubbing your shoulder to comfort you, “You’re doing so good, being such a good girl, you’re so perfect. It will go away before you realize, promise.”
“Okay, okay, I can do this,” you pant, digging your nails in Bucky’s back.
“Let’s switch, it will hurt less if you’re on top,” Steve suggests, and you and Bucky comply.
He lays down on the pillows as you straddle his hips, propping yourself up on his toned abs. Steve kneels at your side, holding you up as you hover over him.
Your heart’s beating out of your chest as you grasp Bucky’s cock, taking a deep breath to steel yourself before inching down on him, whimpering with every centimeter that gets swallowed by your gummy walls.
The stretch feels like it’s splitting you open, and if it weren’t for Steve’s strong arms, you’d collapse and cry on Bucky’s chest.
Steve whispers praises and reassuring words in your ear and kisses your tears away, swirling his fingers around your clit to help you out, and Bucky caresses the sides of your waist, mumbling broken apologies to you, kissing your neck.
Once you finally bottom out, you still and slump on Bucky’s shoulder, burying your nose in his hair, inhaling the familiar, comforting scent.
The pain is throbbing, burning, but it becomes more subtle and bearable the longer Bucky stays inside you.
“Okay, it’s getting better” you wheeze in an attempt to encourage yourself, “But I can’t feel my legs now.”
They break in a fit of laughter, easing the tension in the room.
“Let’s switch again,” Bucky proposes, slightly out of breath with the way that your pussy is squeezing him in a vice, “I can move.”
You nod, clinging to his neck as he lifts you up, careful not to let his cock slip out of you.
“I want to feel you close,” Steve says, slightly out of breath, “Lay her on me.”
They help you lay on his chest, Bucky’s cock still buried inside you, the pain fading away in a dull sting.
You’re sandwiched between their bodies, enveloped by their warmth and affection, coated in your slick and their sweat, and despite the discomfort, you’ve never felt as full of love as now.
Bucky seeks permission with his eyes, then reassurance from Steve, and starts rocking his hips tentatively, biting hard on his lips to keep himself from cumming embarrassingly fast.
His cock drags against your walls, a ring of white cream slowly accumulating around the base.
It’s not painful anymore, slightly uncomfortable at times when he’s accidentally too rough, but the burn is now a simmering heat that grows in your core with every thrust.
Steve sings praises in your ear, “Look how good you’re doin’, taking Bucky’s cock so well, you’re such a good girl,” whilst Bucky rutts needily on you.
He’s sloppy in his movements, and his hips don’t have a rhythm to them. He takes you high, close to a release, just to fuck it up again when he stutters, involountarily edging you over and over again.
“I’m close, I’m so close, I’m gonna cum inside you,” he moans.
In a blur you’re on your stomach. Bucky positions you on your knees and pummels inside you again, thrusting more forcefully as he loses himself in the pleasure.
You whimper between Steve’s tender kisses before Bucky tears you away from him, yanking you flush against his chest.
“I love you, I love you, love you so much, love you,” he keeps mumbling, tightly clutching his arms around your stomach and tits, slamming you hard on him.
At that angle Bucky’s cock pushes against a sensitive spot inside you that makes the coils in your stomach tighter, your clit throbbing and your walls clamping down on him.
Steve, never one to be outdone, sits back on his haunches and manhandles your head down again until you’re faced with his hard, leaking cock.
He’s trimmed more neatly than Bucky, but he’s just as big and intimidating.
He slaps his cock on your lips, smearing his precum on you. You’re a moaning mess, automatically taking him in your mouth, savoring his musk on your tongue.
Your jaw is still sore but you do your best to accommodate Steve, eager to please. You relax your muscles and let Bucky’s thrusts do the work for you, already lightheaded with the lack of air.
They keep stuffing you with their cocks, bouncing you between each other, the lewd sounds of your squelching pussy and the bed creaking filling the room.
Bucky’s fingers teasing your clit, your lungs burning, your vision going spotty, it’s all too much for you.
Just as you think you’re about to reach your peak, you feel Bucky pause and stutter, a choked moan escaping his throat as he comes, stuffing you full of his warm cum. Steve comes at the same time, and you almost choke on his release as he spills his load down your throat.
It feels good, you’re fuller than you’ve ever been, but it’s still not enough to push you over the edge.
You both collapse on Steve, exhausted, cum pouring out of your hole and onto the sheets. You expect him to take you immediately after, instead he snakes a hand between your bodies, finding your sensitive clit, overstimulated with all the touching.
“You did so well, baby, you were so good for Bucky. Now cum on my fingers, cum for us,” he moans, twirling your bud between his fingers.
Pent up as you are, it doesn’t take long for you to finally come, almost blacking out with the intensity of your orgasm, your limbs shaking and quivering between theirs.
When you come down from your high, you’re tired out, your whole body is sore, your hips and legs hurt, and the cum seeping out of your entrance reminds you of the burning pain there, now back with a vengeance.
When morning comes, you’ll have to remind Steve to buy you Plan B.
The exhaustion catches up to you as soon as your head hits the pillow, a loud ring in your ears as you barely register your surroundings, Bucky already asleep by your side in true Bucky fashion while Steve takes care of you both, cleaning you up and tucking you in bed.
He whispers ‘I love you’ and kisses the tip of your nose.
Maybe one day you’ll say it back.
For now, you let yourself rest in their embrace, always the three of you like it’s meant to be.
Damn, 4k words of porn. This felt like giving birth or something sksjshj
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miniongrin · 2 years
Fake Emmet AU - Part 3
Introducing: Lady Sneasler and the Pearl Clan
[AU Master Post]
At first, “Emmet” leads them away from the Pearl Settlement on the very thought-out and rational sentiment of ew, humans. (Ingo is an exception; Ingo is Emmet’s human.)
But the Icelands are really not the ideal place for Emmet to be wandering around with his brand-new brother on account of a few things like, say, the intense and incredible cold. Emmet thought humans were sturdier than that, from what he’s seen of the humans that wander around here, but Ingo shivers practically anytime they leave the little cave they’ve staked out, and Emmet is 99% sure that’s a bad thing.
…Time to leave the Alabaster Icelands, then!
Most Zorua don’t leave the Icelands, sure, but honestly that can only be a bonus at this point. Zorua and Zoroark as an evolution line are pretty solitary, so Emmet doesn’t have a pack or anything, and he’s starting to worry that if they do stay here long enough to come across a Zoroark, his soul-bonded brother is going to get eaten. This concept is distressing in a way Emmet is verrry unprepared for!!
Leaving takes them right to the only adjacent region: the Coronet Highlands. Still a little snowy, but much warmer than where they were. It’s also less dangerous, technically, but the dangers that still exist are now ones that Emmet isn’t necessarily familiar with.
They run into an alpha within the first 24 hours—Emmet knew where to steer clear of them in the Icelands, so it’s the first alpha Ingo has ever seen, which Emmet doesn’t realize.
Ingo does not hide and then run like he should. He reaches for his belt, for something he can’t find, and ends up getting injured before Emmet grabs him and bolts. He can’t carry Ingo very far, but alphas don’t wander much, so he’s pretty sure they’ve gotten away. Safe enough to take the time to look at Ingo’s injuries, at least—and then another Pokémon shows up, and a very stressed Emmet leaps between an unconscious Ingo and a Sneasler that’s tall enough to make Emmet worry for a minute before he registers the lack of the glowing red eyes.
The Sneasler does not look intimidated by Emmet leaping forward. It tips its head to the side curiously. “…Did you just jump between me and the human?”
Emmet has no idea how to take that question, or the fact that the Sneasler is even asking him questions. “Maybe? Why do you care?”
“I am Lady Sneasler. Assisting humans is my duty.”
Emmet is a baby Zorua who has only sorta kinda vaguely heard the deal with Noble Pokémon. He recalls something about Nobles not being big fans of Zorua, as a rule, but that doesn’t seem important right now when—“You help humans? Do you know how to fix one?”
They both look at Ingo, who is unconscious and concerningly bloody.
“I can give it my best shot,” Lady Sneasler offers.
She takes Ingo to her den, and with her eclectic knowledge of humans (“You can’t just… feed them an oran berry?” “I know, it’s so inconvenient.”) and Emmet’s opposable thumbs, they do all right. Ingo starts healing, and he even wakes up briefly! He’s loudly fascinated by Lady Sneasler, who is very flattered by the attention, and Emmet is verrry relieved.
And then Ingo develops a fever.
He starts having trouble waking up fully, and the persistent confusion even when he manages it really worries Lady Sneasler—and Emmet, who has to admit that Ingo has been confused a lot since they met, but this is different than the usual forgetting, and it keeps getting worse.
Lady Sneasler firmly tells Emmet that she can’t help Ingo anymore; he needs a human healer. Emmet cringes at the idea, but he can’t actual argue when he knows she’s right. He helps her pack Ingo up in her basket and then reverts to his natural form, so that he can spend the journey to the Pearl Settlement curled up as a little red and white fox in Ingo’s limp arms.
In any other situation, the Pearl Clan would be pretty suspicious of strangers showing up out of nowhere, much less strange twins, but, well, when one of your honored Nobles shows up with an injured human and his very worried twin in tow, there’s some questions you just don’t stop to ask yourself. And when Lady Sneasler hands Ingo off to the healer, she immediately parks herself right outside the tent, so apparently she likes these humans! And no one’s going to argue with her.
Emmet, very grateful for Lady Sneasler’s free pass into the village, immediately tucks himself away in a corner of the healer’s tent while she bustles about to fix up Ingo’s wound properly and makes a medicinal tea for his fever. He does not want to interact with humans he doesn’t have to; he doesn’t know what will happen if they find out he’s not one of them.
A few hours later, Ingo is still unconscious, but he’s somewhere cozy and warm and he’s breathing easier already. The healer says they’ll need to let him rest for now, and see how he’s faring in the morning, but Emmet can feel how Ingo’s soul is rallying again instead of slowly starting to slip away.
He finally, finally starts to relax with the hope that things are going to be okay.
Then the healer then very kindly informs Emmet that she clocked him as a Zoroark like an hour ago, but Lady Sneasler seems to approve of him, and the Pearl Clan trusts its Nobles. So she’d kind of like an explanation rather than just trying to chase him off. Especially since, if he found Ingo in the Icelands and then managed to get him found by Lady Sneasler, he’s apparently saved a human twice already.
Emmet’s smile feels a little frozen. “How did you—uh, I am not… a Zoroark. I am Emmet.”
“Your hats have the exact same mud spatter on the trim, and the same scuff on the side of that metal circle. Try varying the wear and tear a little, instead of copying it. It’ll look less like an illusion that way.”
Illusions, Emmet decides, can be very tricky when the person you’re fooling doesn’t have a concussion.
Emmet is still wary, so the healer explains that most of the clan is too young to remember, but there actually was a Zoroark who pretended to be a stranger wandering in from the wastes, and then just… lived as a human. Caused no trouble. No one knew she was a Pokémon until she passed in her sleep and didn’t leave a human body behind. So… spiteful and baneful can’t be all they are.
Emmet finally caves and explains how Ingo found him and mistook him for his twin when he transformed, and that he just wants to stay with Ingo. It’s just that Emmet isn’t really sure how to take care of a human, and things got bad after the injury.
The healer says that that, at least, is something she can fix, and starts to tell Emmet the sort of health concerns and first-aid he’ll need to know, both pretending to be a human and looking out for one.
It doesn’t come up again until after Ingo has woken up, which is also about the same time that Irida has returned to the Pearl Settlement after a visit to the Coastlands.
Ingo’s a lot less addled than he was when he was feverish, but he’s still forgetting things semi-frequently. The healer is extremely concerned about this until Emmet tells her his memory was already like that, though even then she still frets because the fever couldn’t have helped.
Irida hears about the outsiders in the healer’s tent, brought by Lady Sneasler, and goes to check them out in time to get the explanation along with the healer: Ingo explains his memory issues, and Emmet sticks to his story that they both fell through some sort of rift in the sky. Irida is cautious, but with Lady Sneasler’s presence as a clear sign of her blessing, she gives them permission to stay at least until Ingo is better, and a tentative offer to discuss whether they can stay longer than that.
…After which the healer does take Irida aside to explain that Emmet’s a Zoroark, because that’s something you should really explain to your clan leader at the soonest available opportunity. But it’s also really, really clear to both of them that Ingo’s leaning hard on Emmet to help with his memory, and given that Emmet reports that he didn’t run away from an alpha the instant it spotted him, the healer is… a little concerned about whether Ingo would really make it on his own.
So when Ingo is finally asleep, that night, Irida goes and talks to Emmet alone about the situation.
She lays out a few of the ground rules that she would expect of a friendly Pokémon allowed into the village—mostly rules on how not to upset the people who live there, which Emmet does actually find helpful to have laid out—and then asks him, point blank: “I know you’re only pretending to be Ingo’s brother, but you saved Ingo’s life. So, Zoroark, tell me: does the Pearl Clan have a reason to fear you, as long as Ingo is safe?”
Emmet has a moment of crisis, because this may be very un-Zorua-like of it, but also… vengeance and spite just don’t sound as compelling as they used to, compared to the warmth of this little tent and the sound of Ingo’s steady breathing.
“I am Emmet,” he says. “I will stay with Ingo. Ingo does not want to hurt anyone. As long as he is safe, neither will I.”
Irida nods sharply, and completely fails to hide how her shoulders relax at his promise. She turns to leave, and hesitates near the tent flap. “I… was thinking about insisting that you tell Ingo the truth,” she says slowly. Emmet stiffens; she continues, “But our healer said that wouldn’t be a good idea. Ingo’s memory and health is very dependent on you, and enough of a shock could…” She trails off, and the unspoken image of how Ingo might react hangs between them like a raised knife. “Well, he wouldn’t do well out there on his own. And I don’t want to hurt someone when I’m trying to help them.”
Emmet smiles, and starts agree. She cuts him off.
“But if his real brother shows up, then I’m telling him.”
Irida turns to Lady Sneasler, bows, thanks her for watching over the humans in Hisui’s vast space, and leaves a still-speechless Emmet in the tent behind her.
It’s not like Emmet can argue with her, after all, as uncomfortable as the idea makes him feel—and he’s even uncomfortable with the fact that he is uncomfortable. He’s helping Ingo, isn’t he? But, he consoles himself, the odds of anyone falling through another space-time rift, much less Ingo’s twin brother, are verrrry low. It’s better for Ingo if he really believes that Emmet is his twin, so that he doesn’t have to feel that loneliness. If Ingo’s real brother is out of reach, then Emmet isn’t taking anything from anyone!
Lady Sneasler is staring at him. Emmet smiles at her, a little nervously. “…You are going to keep hanging around so the nice humans don’t kick us out, right?”
“Oh, of course. You’re interesting.” She cocks her head to the side. Her face always has that smug sneasel-that-got-the-starly grin, but now it looks like it’s on purpose. “And I might have an idea for where you guys should go after this, too.”
Emmet suddenly feels very nervous. “And what would that be?”
Her smile just gets a little wider, a little smugger, and she ducks back out of the tent without actually answering him.
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makeste · 3 years
In relation to your post on C:320, love your point of Bakugo is actually the best person to call out Deku for the viewing everyone as Extras because he's speaking from experience, because when I first read that bit I did think 'Well that's quite hypocritical mister only uses mildly insulting (at best) nicknames or the exact term extra for everyone'. However given as of C:318 he's still using the term lowfries it feels like it undercuts how powerful that could have been a bit. What do you think?
first off, just to clarify, back in 318 he didn't actually call them "small fries" or "losers" or anything like that; he literally just used a plural form of the word "you" (i.e. "you guys"). it's just that out of the various Japanese words for you (anata, omae, etc.), the one that he used (temee) happens to be the rudest one. but everything Katsuki says is rude, because that's just how he talks. so it really didn't mean anything in this instance.
however, even if he had actually called them extras, tbh it wouldn't have undercut the moment at all in my mind. because the thing is, even if he calls them that, he's not treating them like extras at all. they're his equals. he could have left them all back at U.A. and gone after Deku himself, but he didn't. because he's learned the importance of teamwork, and he's come to trust in his classmates' strength. they've all been working together in perfect sync for the past couple of chapters. he knows when to sit back and let one of them handle something, and he knows when to step in and play his part -- as he did when Deku used Smokescreen.
and that's the thing with Kacchan -- with him, you really do have to look at his actions more than his words, because he often does say things that on the surface appear to be very hypocritical and condescending and insulting. and if his actions even remotely matched what he was saying, he would indeed be the terrible, irredeemable person that so many fans even now still see him as. fortunately, his actions usually do not match up at all, but instead reveal him as the person he actually is -- someone who cares about other people far more than he could ever comfortably acknowledge.
like, please pardon me for going off on an entirely different tangent now, but I feel like the last couple of chapters are really the perfect example of this. it's the contrast between everything he says to and about Deku --
"that damned nerd."
"he's screwed up in the head."
"wow, real inspiring! all hail the mighty inheritor of One for All!"
"do your worst, you All Might wannabe!"
"I guess once you start being able to do anything you try, everyone around you starts to look like an extra, huh?"
-- versus everything his actions tell us about what he actually feels about Deku.
Deku was literally the first person he asked about as soon as he woke up in the hospital.
he completely disregarded the fact that he had been LITERALLY IMPALED THROUGH THE CHEST and was still in a considerable amount of pain, and took off running toward Deku's bedside the second he heard that he hadn't woken up.
as soon as he found out Deku had left, he correctly predicted the exact course of action Deku would take, right down to the actual words that he used.
and upon realizing this, he described it as "the worst scenario I can think of," and immediately leapt into action, taking command of and mobilizing the rest of the class.
he wore a fucking tie for Deku's sake. like what else can you even say. that's true love right there.
he showed up fully prepared to throw down for the sake of dragging Deku back home, even though his wounds aren't fully healed yet.
he immediately saved Deku from the rampaging crowd.
and even while in full insult mode, he couldn't go more than two sentences before making a comment about Deku's wellbeing ("are you smiling now?").
and in fact, let's talk about that last part. because over the last two chapters, Kacchan has thus far made references to Deku being the heir of OFA (which he thinks of as a cursed power), Deku emulating All Might (who has the exact same "never takes himself into account" mindset, according to him), and Deku sneaking off without telling anyone. literally every one of his remarks is actually a comment about the various behaviors that we know he's actually very worried about. in other words, if you look beneath the surface at what he's actually saying, all of these supposed insults lose their bite real fast.
that damned nerd = I'm worried about Deku.
he's screwed up in the head = he never thinks about himself before recklessly leaping into danger and it scares me.
the mighty inheritor of OFA = the latest in a long line of lonely people who all lived harsh lives and ultimately sacrificed themselves for the sake of their mission.
are you smiling now? = what happened to the Deku I knew who never shut up about wanting to save people with a smile?
do your worst, you All Might wannabe = I know you're determined to follow down the same path as All Might -- even if it kills you -- but we're not backing down, and we're not going to leave you.
you didn't even tell us anything before you left = I thought you trusted me enough to know that I would have your back.
I guess once you start being able to do anything you try, everyone around you starts to look like an extra, huh? = you're doing the same thing I used to do, looking down on everyone who you think can't keep up. but when you do that, you lose sight of your own weaknesses. I learned that the hard way and I don't want you to make that same mistake.
anyway, so that wound up being a very long tangent lol. but basically, for my money Kacchan is one of the least hypocritical characters in the series, because most hypocrites are people who say nice things, only to have their hypocrisy revealed through their actions. but Kacchan is the exact opposite. his actions are where he is the most honest. and so yeah, when he says this to Deku in 320, he means it, and he's right, and he should say it.
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theghostnugget · 2 years
I watch a lot of psychology stuff on YouTube (for reasons I will not explain lol) and so often I hear something (especially stuff relating to trauma and unhealthy coping skills) that makes me need to pause and think about Hiei.
My poor boy went through so much shit and had no time to process cause he was forced to fight for his life every single day (there was no time for him to sit down and evaluate “ok that was a shitty thing, how do I cope/how do I move on”).
This post’s length got away from me so…
By the time the series starts he is deeply entrenched in the unhealthy coping skills he had to develop (trust no one, they’re all going to abandon you if they don’t outright betray you - never address you emotions out loud or even in your own head because that distraction will get you killed - love is just a crutch for the weak who can’t fend for themselves that’s why I don’t even want it - etc etc). He doesn’t even realize that he has a support group and a safe space to start to unpack because he has no idea what those things look like. Then comes the process of actually unpacking which he has no fucking clue how to do because he never had healthy coping modeled for him. And he doesn’t even think he can ask for help because he a) doesn’t believe anyone cares enough to help and b) he’s still not completely sure they aren’t playing the long game to get him to lower his guard so they can stab him in the back
I think the reason he leaves for half of season 3 is he subconsciously starts to recognize he has trauma he can and should process and that terrifies him. He has no clue how to start and he knows it’s going to get worse before it gets better and most importantly: he’s found ways to make his poorly executed shit work. Anger and lashing out and self-loathing aren’t helping him in the long run but he can’t tell because they’ve been the things keeping him alive so far - and if he does learn to let those go, what the hell is he gonna find underneath?? What if there’s nothing? What if he’s even more miserable than before?? Then he’ll have to confront the idea that the world isn’t screwed up, it’s just him - he’s truly broken and there’s no hope of him ever being happy. So he chooses the devil he knows and actively chooses to walk away from something that has the potential to heal him
There’s this quote from Just Between Us (an excellent YouTube channel that I definitely recommend) that’s something along the lines of “a miserable person gets to live with the hope of one day being happy while a happy person has to live with the fear of one day becoming miserable” and I think that sums up Hiei’s thought process pretty well - he’s terrified of being happy because it doesn’t last but at least, if he’s miserable, he can hope for the abstract concept of it
It used to bug me that Mukuro was the one to pull him out of his bullshit when the only reason he trusted her enough to let her in was because he was already starting to trust Yusuke, Kurama, and to an extent Kuwabara (and I have so many feelings about why his antagonism towards Kuwabara is also rooted in his shitty mental health but I’ll sum it up to this - when you’re traumatized and miserable, you start to hate everyone who’s not miserable because why the hell does he get to be happy and coping with this shit while I’m spiraling out of control here). But I think it boils down to, he feels too broken to really open up fully to people he thinks are stable - (He’s too wrapped up in level 20 mental illness to realize that they’re all coping pretty poorly {except Kuwabara - he’s best boy and he’s killing it}) - but he meets Mukuro and she’s a disaster just like him, she’s been through so much but she still manages to cling to happiness - she’s him 1 or 2 steps into healing (which gives him hope) but she’s still close enough to his level that he feels like he can open up for the first time without the fear of judgement
This post is so rambly and all over the place but if I didn’t express these feelings I felt like I would die so… thanks for reading?
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