#and they were like 'oh becky! yeah just come on down today or tomorrow and we'll get you in'
laurelwinchester · 1 year
i've said it before and i will say it again. no one will ever love me the way the people at my dentist's office love me. i don't even love me the way they love me.
0 notes
im-not-a-l0ser · 9 months
Part two of Another Ongoing Fic That I Need People To Encourage Me To Finish
Admittedly, this could be considered a Swedish Barbeque story more than a michie story, but it's a chapter of a michie story, so....
It's also much longer than my last one, since it essentially includes two plots.
Feedback please, I'm terrified; this is my first time writing them.
2- Trevor and Rudolph
“Mom, can I have my friend over tomorrow?” Trevor asked as soon as he saw her coming down the stairs. 
“Uh, well, I suppose. But only if you’re okay with Richie’s friend being around too,” She said. Trevor looked over to his brother, who was sitting at the other end of the couch. His face was buried in his volume of Haikyuu, clearly just trying to cover his face.
“I thought you guys usually go over to Peter’s?” Trevor said. Richie cleared his throat, pulling the manga away from his face. 
“It’s not Pete or Ruth,” He said quietly. 
“You have other friends?” Trevor asked genuinely, even though it earned him a swat in the arm with the manga. 
“Who?” Richie froze and curled back into himself, opening his book back up. 
“None of your business,” He grumbled. 
“Well,” Their mother interrupted. “Your father has a meeting tomorrow evening, and I’ll be with Becky, so you can get some pizza or something?”
“Sounds good,” Richie said with a nod.
“Yeah, that works,” Trevor agreed. 
The next day went by excruciatingly slowly. 
Trevor only had his last period with Rudolph, which was an English class, and he was looking forward to it all day, and when he got there, he was so anxious.
It got worse as they walked through the halls to their lockers. Their lockers were on opposite sides of the hall, but almost directly across from each other, which meant that they could walk together, but it kind of made Trevor feel more nervous.
This would be the first time Rudolph was coming over to his house. They’d gone out— as friends, of course— before, but this was the first time they’d really be alone. 
Trevor didn’t even know what to do! It’s not like he had friends over very often! He didn’t even know what Richie did with his friends, they usually hung out in his room. 
That was an even more terrifying idea. Not that Trevor didn’t clean his room, he did, especially the night prior, but he didn’t know if Rudolph would think there were implications or something. He was still a bit confused at Hatchetfield culture. He was pretty good at general American stuff, but there were some things in Hatchetfield specifically that he found odd.
“Are you okay?” Rudolph asked, catching Trevor’s attention. 
“Hm? Yeah… Yeah, I’m fine,” Trevor said with a nervous laugh. 
“Are you sure?” He pressed. His accent made Trevor more nervous, but it was kind of pleasant. 
“I’m sure,” He said with a smile. “Oh, Richie’s friend is coming over today too, so you guys might see each other, is that… okay?” 
“Of course,” Rudolph responded with a smile and puff of laughter. “I don’t mind Peter. Although, Ruth is kinda…” He made a face.
Rudolph avoided Ruth at most costs. She found his accent attractive too. It made Trevor feel guilty for feeling the same way.
“But we could just go into your room.”
“Oh, well, it’s not Ruth,” Trevor said. “Or Peter. I don’t actually know who it is,” He admitted. 
“Oh, alright,” Rudolph said. 
“Is pizza okay? That’s what my mom said that we should get, but we could probably get something else Door Dashed if you’d prefer—”
“Pizza is great, Trevor,” Rudolph reassured. Trevor swallowed and nodded. They slowed as they stopped for their lockers. “Anything sounds great if it is with you.”
Rudolph’s quiet remark was easily covered with the sounds of people scrambling through the halls, and especially at the sound of Trevor opening his locker. 
They walked to Trevor’s house in comfortable silence, filled with the sounds of nature and cars. Neither of them noticed how they’d glance at each other, or how Rudolph carefully stepped in perfect sync with Trevor, trying not to let his height give him an advantage. He’d stare down at their shoes on the sidewalk, making sure to align their step to the right distance. 
When they arrived, there was an unfamiliar bike leaned against the porch. It must've belonged to Richie’s friend. 
“So, uh…” Trevor said, walking up the porch steps, “What do you want to do? We didn’t really talk about it…”
“Anything you like,” Rudolph responded, unhelpfully. 
“That’s not an actual answer!” Trevor huffed.
“Well,” Rudolph said, “It’s not exactly fun, but I do have some homework I need to complete. If that is alright.”
“Of course it is,” Trevor rushed to reassure. “I probably have some too. What class is yours for?” 
He pushed the door open. Richie’s shoes were sitting next to the door, but those were the only additions. 
“Geometry,” Rudolph responded, running his hand along the strap of his bag. 
“Oh, yeah, I’m not in that,” Trevor pouted. 
“Is that a problem?” Rudolph asked. “I can do it later.”
“No, it’s perfectly okay, it just means I won’t be able to help out or anything,” Trevor responded, nearly disappointed in himself. 
Richie was always the one who was good at math. Trevor was good at English, and some History, but Math and Science were never really his strong suit. They must’ve split the attributes in the womb. If they weren’t twins and instead were one person, they’d probably be unstoppable. 
“I am happy to just spend time with you, Trevor,” Rudolph reassured this time. “You know this. I like being your friend.”
“Right,” Trevor sighed. “I-I’m sorry. I’m not used to having people over.”
“I know,” Rudolph answered. “Is there anywhere I should put my bag?” 
“Oh, right! Should we work at the table or the couch? I prefer working with something in the background, so the couch… could work better,” Trevor said, trying not to spiral in his internal debate. 
“Perfect,” Rudolph said, walking over to the couch. Trevor scrambled to catch up, definitely a little frustrated and flustered in his behaviour. “You can put on whatever you like,” He said, pulling out his school work. 
“Right, yes,” Trevor laughed lightly. He quickly threw on Hairspray and pulled out his own school work. 
Trevor hummed along to the music as he worked, and Rudolph looked at him after every math problem with a fond smile. 
Rudolph finished his short assignment first, and slipped the work into his bag. He positioned comfortably toward the tv, but kept his eyes on the focused boy next to him. He glanced at the tv every so often, but Trevor was more interesting anyway. 
Eventually, Trevor finished his work too, and stuffed it into his bag, finally looking back at the boy he’d been semi-avoiding. Rudolph immediately averted his eyes, afraid he’d been caught, but the smile on his face said he wouldn’t mind if he had. 
“Were you staring at me?” Trevor teased, poking Rudolph in the ribs. 
“Yes,” Rudolph admitted quickly. 
“What?” Trevor defaulted. 
Luckily, Richie came down, saving them both from the embarrassment that would definitely come as ‘without love’ began on the tv. 
“Oh, sorry to interrupt,” Richie said. “Can we order pizza now? We’re a little hungry. We have A lunch,” He said with a small laugh. 
“Yeah, go ahead,” Trevor said. 
“Pepperoni sausage sound good?” Richie asked, pulling his phone,” 
“Yeah, sounds great. Rudy?” 
“Yeah, sounds good,” Rudolph agreed. 
“Either of you want pop?” Richie asked. “I’m getting an orange pop for him.” He pointed back toward the stairs, indicating his friend.
“We’ve got Dr Pepper, I’m good with that,” Trevor dismissed. 
“Dr Pepper sounds good, yeah,” Rudolph agreed.
“Okay, I’ll get it ordered. Call for me when they get here— Do Not come and get me,” Richie said. Trevor and Rudolph looked at him strangely but nodded in understanding. 
“We missed most of the movie,” Rudolph said as Richie walked upstairs. Trevor worried that Richie heard and would misinterpret what he said. 
“I, uh, yeah,” Trevor said. “We can go back if you want.”
“No, that’s alright,” Rudolph said. “I’ve watched it before.”
“Really?” Trevor asked, lighting up.
“Of course,” He said, “You really like it. So I watched it.”
“We should watch Legally Blonde The Musical while you’re here!” Trevor chittered excitedly, “And maybe Ride The Cyclone!”
“Whatever you like,” Rudolph said. 
“Wait, we should watch something you like too,” Trevor said. “Just to be fair.”
“We can watch what I like when we hang out at my house.” Trevor tried to bite back his smile as he leaned back against the couch. “Okay,” Rudolph breathed, wishing that Trevor would’ve changed trajectory and leaned toward him instead. 
Once the credits began to play, there was a knock at the door. 
“Richie!” Trevor called up the stairs, quickly followed by footsteps scrambling down the steps. 
He ran into the kitchen and grabbed the cash off the counter before rushing to the front door. 
The transaction was near silent, with the pizza deliverer simply stating the price, and then the sound of the door shutting. 
“I’m putting it on the counter,” Richie called, already walking into the kitchen. 
Rudolph and Trevor exchanged looks before walking, a bit awkwardly, to the kitchen. 
Rudolph hadn’t really interacted much with Richie, but he knew that despite looking the same, he and Trevor were very different. Trevor was afraid something bad would happen, like he had been the whole time, simply because Rudolph was in the house. Not even mentioning Richie and his own friend, it was a lot of anxiety going around.
Richie put a couple of slices each onto two plates and struggled to hold the two plates, orange pop, and dr pepper. 
“We can help bring those up if you need,” Rudolph offered. It looked like Richie could drop anything at any given moment. 
“Nope, no,” Richie said with a laugh. “I can handle it alone,” He said. 
“Why didn’t your friend come down to get it?” Trevor asked. “Did you just want extra pizza so made up having a friend over?” 
“No!” Richie spat. “But that’s genius and I may do that in the future.” 
It was clearly a joke, but also clearly something Richie would consider doing under certain circumstances. 
“Enjoy your date,” Richie said before walking off. 
“Whoa, what?” Trevor asked, turning to Richie’s new direction. Next to him, Rudolph laughed a little. 
“He’s just teasing, Trevor, it’s okay,” He reassured. “I know that he is joking.” Trevor sighed and covered his face. 
“Sorry,” He said. “Richie’s such an ass sometimes.” 
“Like you aren’t,” Rudolph joked. 
“Oh, shush,” Trevor said, shoving Rudolph in the arm.
“See?” He asked, motioning to Trevor’s action. 
“Okay, whatever,” Trevor laughed, setting his own plate. “Get food so we can watch Legally Blonde,” He said, licking grease off his fingers. 
“Hm?” Rudolph asked. “Oh, right,” He said. “You can go to the couch and set up, I’ll be out in a moment.” Trevor nodded, pulled a dr pepper from the fridge, and walked back to the living room. 
Rudolph returned just as Trevor made it to the musical. He was sitting much closer this time. He leaned across Trevor to set his soda on the table next to the couch. 
“Sorry,” He muttered quietly as he returned back to his spot. 
“No, y-you’re fine,” Trevor said with a small laugh. 
“Start the musical,” He said, motioning to the tv with his pizza. 
“Right, yes.”
It was admittedly difficult for Trevor not to sing along with the music, but it was easier when his mouth was stuffed with pizza. 
After a couple of times of Rudolph reaching over him, Trevor offered to grab it for him. The warmth was too much, not to mention being able to feel the form of Rudolph’s body, which was annoyingly fit and strong, especially when Trevor compared it to his own, slightly pathetic thespian body. 
It was when they got to So Much Better that they heard a song coming from the bathroom. Something Japanese, which pretty much confirmed that it was Richie’s phone. 
“Did Richie leave his phone in there?” Trevor asked, getting up. 
“Maybe,” Rudolph said, following though he didn’t need to. 
They followed the sound and found his phone under the pizza box. It was just an alarm for him to do his homework, so Trevor hit snooze. 
“I guess we should… give this back then,” He said with a small laugh. “I mean, I can go by myself, you don’t need to come.”
“Well, if I don’t, I’ll just be sitting bored on the couch, so.” 
Trevor rolled his eyes, but allowed Rudolph to follow him upstairs to Richie’s bedroom. 
There was music coming from his bedroom too, which Trevor recognised as the theme song to… an anime. He couldn’t remember, but he knew that it wasn’t BabyMetal, which was the music playing for the alarm.
He knocked on the door, but there was no response. He sighed and pushed the door open. 
“I got your pho… ne,” He said, trailing off once he saw what was happening. 
Richie was with someone as he said, their empty plates sitting on his messy sidetable. His laptop, which was playing an anime, sat at the end of his bed, threatening to fall. 
Behind the laptop was Richie, with a large guy underneath him. Rudolph covered his mouth in shock. The guy and Richie didn’t seem to notice the pair in the doorway. 
The alarm sounded again. Richie’s head flicked up before he rolled them both off the bed and popped up from the other side, leaving the other guy on the floor.
“Oh, hey, my phone!” He exclaimed. Trevor stepped closer, to which Richie wildly motioned for him to stop. “Nope, no, I got it!” He said, climbing over his bed. He grabbed his phone and shut the alarm off. “You guys can go now!”
“Was that Max Jagerman?” Rudolph suddenly asked, his voice slightly muffled under the hand covering his mouth, but he’d let a gap form between his lips and palm.
Trevor laughed at the question. No way in hell would Max Jagerman be in Richie’s bedroom, especially underneath Richie, attached at the lip and… elsewhere. 
“Whaaaa— No!” Richie exclaimed, lying terribly. 
“Holy shit, no way,” Trevor blurted, stomping over, followed by his friend and brother. 
The three of them hovered over Max, who was still laying on the floor. His arms were crossed awkwardly, his legs bent upward over his hips to cover his vulnerable parts from Richie’s somewhat protective brother. 
“Uh,” Max hesitated. “Hey,” He said with a nervous laugh, waving slightly. Richie sighed and reached his hand out for Max, who took it, but essentially just lifted himself up alone. 
“Are you okay? I didn’t warn you or anything—”
“I’m fine, you dork,” Max scoffed, ruffling his boyfriend(?)’s hair. 
“What…” Trevor breathed. He ran his hands from the bridge of his nose up through his hair. “H-How long has this been going on?”
“Uh,” Richie hesitated. “A while? I-It doesn’t matter,” He said with a nervous laugh. “But hey, you can’t yell at me, it’s not like you told me about your not-so-little boyfriend.”
“He’s not my boyfriend!” Trevor nearly shrieked. “Don’t change the subject! You’re dating a literal monster!” 
“He’s not like that anymore,” Richie argued, “And you didn’t seem to ever have a problem lusting over Edward Cullen or Jacob Black! And those are actual literal monsters!”
“Except they’re not, because they’re fictional characters.”
“I’m just saying, you have no right to judge me having a boyfriend who used to bully people,” Richie asserted, gripping Max’s hand with both of his own. 
Max squeezed his hand back, feeling his anxiety. 
“Richie, you really don’t see anything wrong with dating a guy who harassed you every day sophomore year?” Trevor urged. “What do you think is going to happen when you’re committed? You think he’s not going to turn bad again?” 
“Trevor,” Richie muttered. “We’ve been dating a really long time.”
“We’re already committed,” Max confirmed. “I am, at least.” Richie and Max smiled at each other. “I don’t want to be with anyone else ever again.” 
Richie smiled and rested his forehead against Max’s chest. 
“Richie,” Trevor asserted. “You’re going to get hurt.”
“Then I’m going to get hurt,” Richie said, turning his head. “The moment you see any sign that Max is hurting me— emotionally, physically, whatever— you have every right to step in. You have my permission to object. Before that happens? No. You don’t get to say shit about my relationship. Max and I have overcome what we used to be, and now we make each other happy. Whatever we were before doesn’t matter, okay?” 
Trevor was tense for a moment, but eventually groaned in defeat. 
“Fine,” He grumbled. “Whatever. But you have to stop joking about Rudy and me dating. We’re just friends.” His voice got quieter as he continued, wanting Rudolph to interrupt him and object. It hurt to say. 
Richie got to be with the boy he liked, a boy he had to overcome a terrible relationship with once, and now didn’t. And Trevor couldn’t even get with a boy who loved spending time with him. 
“Fine,” Richie agreed. 
They both sat in the moment, breathing out the tension before Trevor and Rudolph left the room, leaving the couple alone again. 
Trevor and Rudolph took their seats again, this time with Rudolph many more inches away from Trevor. 
Rudolph didn’t say anything for the rest of Legally Blonde. He didn’t even look at Trevor, even when Trevor sang along to the music. 
Rudolph looked upset during Take It Like A Man, like he couldn’t breathe, or didn’t want to. 
Trevor didn’t want to bother him. 
By the end though, Rudolph’s demeanour didn’t look too much better. He looked broken. 
Trevor turned off the show as soon as the finale song was finished. 
They sat in silence for a moment, which felt like so long. 
“Did you like it?” Trevor asked. 
“Yeah,” Rudolph said, leaning down to grab his backpack. “I should get home soon.”
“Uh… are you—”
“I had a good time today,” He said, finally looking at Trevor with a bittersweet smile. 
“Hey, what’s—”
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” He said before walking away, slamming the door probably more agressively than he intended. 
Trevor put on some random video that he’d seen before, sitting with his knees bent up, Rudolph’s can clutched between his hands. 
He flicked the tab down before, hearing the ‘twing, twing, twing’ that came with it as his head rushed through many ideas, anxieties and fears regarding why Rudolph left so fast.
Unfortunately, the one he settled on was that… Rudolph might’ve been homophobic. 
Later, when Max and Richie left their room, they noticed his unhappy demeanor. 
“Hey,” Richie said, confused.
“Where’s Rudolph?” Max asked, voicing Richie’s curiosity. 
“He left,” Trevor said. “Little while ago.”
“Why?” Max asked, earning a small shove from Richie.
“Hm,” Richie hummed. “You really have no idea?” He asked, like he had any clue.
“Yeah, shut your mouth, Richie,” Trevor muttered. 
“Yeah, you’re hopeless,” Richie remarked before leading Max out the door. 
Trevor went on autopilot the rest of the night, the fear of Rudolph hating him for being queer invading every thought he had. 
He was afraid the next day when Rudolph seemed to avoid him. 
But he was still at their regular seat at lunch. They always sat together. Since Rudolph first arrived. He just needed a place to sit, and there was a free space.
More than one, actually. Trevor sat alone most days, since Caitlyn flitted from table to table. 
Rudolph was sitting with his headphones on, poking at the Hatchetfield food with his fork. 
“Hey,” Trevor said with a nervous smile as he sat down next to him. Rudolph nodded politely. “Hey, c’mon, Rudy…” Trevor pulled Rudolph’s headphones down. “What’s wrong? Did I… Did I do something?” He leaned a little closer. “Does it have to do with Richie?”
“No,” Rudolph said, pushing Trevor back with his finger. “I’m just tired.” 
“Please stop calling me that,” He requested. “It makes me feel like a child. I am not your child.”
“I did something. Tell me what I did, let me fix it.” 
Rudolph stayed silent. He stood up, scaring Trevor that much more. 
“Come on,” He said, motioning for Trevor to follow. 
He did, both excited and anxious, wondering if he was going to be hurt or if they were just going to talk.
Rudolph led him to the auditorium. It was usually quiet. The only time it wasn’t was when Band class was going on backstage, which was only in the morning during the offseason. 
They sat on the edge of the stage, letting their legs dangle off. 
“Okay,” Rudolph breathed. 
“Okay,” Trevor responded with a smile. “Okay, tell me what I did wrong. Tell me how to fix it.”
“Does it… rebel you so much? The idea of being with me? Is really so bad that it… makes you want to scream like that?” 
Trevor paused.
“You just… got so angry with Richie…” Rudolph always pronounced Richie’s name as if there was a T in the middle of it. “... whenever he joked about us dating. And I know that we are not dating. But you…” He cleared his throat. “You are so beautiful. And passionate and wonderful to be around. So last night, I had this… this stupid flicker of hope that you would. I don’t know. Do something? Something not friendly. Something like Richie and Max. Elle and Emmette. I thought maybe you wanted that too. And y-you had to know. How I feel. But I suppose that didn’t mean you’d feel the same way.”
“Rudy,” Trevor said. “U-Uh, Rudolph,” He replaced. “I didn’t know. That you liked me. I-I wasn’t even sure if you liked me platonically. Especially after you left. The idea of you liking me, th-the way that… I like you was far too good to be true. Too good to indulge the thought of.”
“Trevor,” Rudolph said, turning his body to face him. “Who wouldn’t love you?” 
“No one as good as you.” 
“I hope that means I haven’t got competition,” Rudolph said, earning a small giggle from Trevor.
“You don’t,” Trevor said, taking Rudolph’s hand, hesitating for a moment when he realised how much bigger they were than his own.
“I’d… really like to kiss you right now, vackra,” Rudolph said. “I wanted to kiss you yesterday. And most days once I got to know you.”
“I guess you’ve got to make up for lost time then,” Trevor replied. 
And he did.
Rudolph finally kissed Trevor the way they’d both wanted to for so long. 
(Later, Rudolph visits the Lipschitz house again and Richie walks downstairs as they kissed gently on the couch. He remarked about how they totally weren’t dating before leaving the room. Neither of them cared enough to tell him off or explain how things changed. It was just so nice to have each other for real now.)
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thehiccupingbanana · 5 months
It's not her lips (i want to kiss)
PAIRING/FANDOM: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper) GENRE: fluff RATING: Mature WORD COUNT: 4,461 WARNINGS: CW/TW: if you squint: dom/sub undertones, but it's not really, they both really just like kissing, but between the 🍂's just in case. slight illusion to self harm in an insecure moment (picking at skin on fingers). SUMMARY: Nick, Charlie, and Imogen are best friends. Charlie and Imogen are neighbors. Nick and Charlie are dating; however, they never made an announcement, they just don't hide their relationship. Most of Nick's friends think Imogen and Nick are getting together. Nick is so in love with Charlie, and doesn't know how to tell him. Or A fic inspired by the lyrics in Stacy's Brother- Mad Tsai (song). ADDITIONAL TAGS: Inspired by: Stacy's Brother - Mad Tsai (Song), Confident Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Background Tara/Darcy, Established Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring, Cannon Divergent, POV Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Bestfriends Imogen / Nick / Charlie
“Do you still want to come over to mine today?” Charlie whispered to Nick in the locker room after rugby practice.
“I have a chemistry test tomorrow that I need to study for, but I do want to go over to yours for a little bit first.” Nick stated.
“Maybe you should ask Imogen if she’ll study with you for your Chemistry test.” Christian interrupted, wriggling his eyebrows.
“Why are you-?” Nick started.
“Ignore him, Nick, he’s been hanging around Harry too much recently.” Sai interjected.
“No, I have not!” Christian argued.
“Then stop being gross like him.” Sai stated.
“I think we’re going to go get Imogen and start walking home now.” Nick said, shifting his eyes between his two friends.
Charlie had started walking away when Christian made the first comment, Nick appreciated his friends, but they made some dense comments about his love life while his boyfriend was standing right next to him. Nick jogged to catch up to Charlie, already outside of the locker room.
“I’m sorry about them, Char.” Nick apologized.
“You don’t have to apologize on behalf of them, Nick. I hear it all day from people that aren’t even your friends.” Charlie shrugged, stopping his walk and turning to Nick with a smirk. “Besides, I know you and Imogen are only friends, and I am the only one that gets to kiss you and touch you.”
Nick gulped, “Yeah.”
Charlie smiled once again before grabbing Nick’s hand and walking with him to the outside of the Higgs school gate. Charlie let go of Nick’s hand and leaned against one of the picnic tables looking Nick up and down.
“What?” Nick chuckled.
“What?” Charlie repeated, smirking.
“You’re starting at me.” Nick replied.
“Yeah.” Charlie hummed, “Just thinking.”
“About what?” Nick asked, head tilted to the right.
“Oh, just about how you looked all sweaty after practice before you took a shower.” Charlie answered.
“Charlie!” Nick laughed, blushing.
 “Hey guys, sorry for making you wait, cheer practice ran over and then Becky and I were talking and I just lost track of time.” Imogen said, walking up to the table the guys were at.
“It’s okay, we haven’t been here that long anyways.” Charlie replied, the three starting their walk to Imogen and Charlie’s neighbourhood.
“How was practice?” Imogen asked.
“Practice was fine.” Nick answered.
“You look flushed, Nick. If practice was fine, are you getting sick?” Imogen questioned, putting her hand up to Nick’s face.
“No, I’m not getting sick.” Nick laughed, playfully batting Imogen’s hand away from his face.
“I made a comment about him and he got all flushed.” Charlie stated.
“Aww, our little bi-disaster.” Imogen cooed.
Nick huffed in response before walking a little faster ahead of them, Charlie and Imogen chucking together.
Eventually, Imogen and Charlie caught up to Nick and the three were walking together again, talking and catching up on their days, until arriving in front of Imogen’s house. The boys said their goodbyes to Imogen before continuing their walk next door to Charlie’s house. Once inside, the boys exchanged a look and then ran up the stairs to Charlie’s room, realizing that Charlie’s parents and little brother were not home yet.
“You have a chemistry test tomorrow?” Charlie asked, pressing Nick between the door and himself, Nick dropping his backpack to the floor with the impact.
“Yeah.” Nick replied, breathily.
“Do you need help revising?” Charlie asked, leaving small kisses on Nick’s neck.
“Yeah.” Nick gasped.
“Want me to quiz you?” Charlie questioned, running his hands under Nick’s school uniform jumper. “What’s the test about?”
“The periodic table.” Nick answered. “Just the first 25.”
Charlie hummed in response, taking a small step back, “And what are the numbers called?”
“Atomic numbers.” Nick whined at the loss of feeling Charlie against him.
“Good.” Charlie said, removing Nick’s jumper and hanging it up on the door hook behind Nick. “Can you tell me what the first element on the periodic table is?”
“Hydrogen.” Nick answered.
“Good boy.” Charlie nodded.
Nick gulped.
“Here’s what we’re going to do.” Charlie started, “You’re going to tell me the first 25 elements in order, and for every one you get right, you’ll get a kiss. For every one you get wrong, well-. How do you feel about that, baby?”
“Yeah, yeah. Green light.” Nick nodded, enthusiastically.
“I wasn’t asking in that context, love.” Charlie chuckled, removing his own jumper and hanging it with Nick’s on the back of the door. “But, since you asked so nicely, do you want to grab your Chem stuff while I go change into comfy clothes?”
“Yes!” Nick nodded.
Charlie left the room while Nick grabbed his Chemistry textbook and journal from his backpack, sitting with them on the blue rug they usually study on. Nick quickly changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt before he started to read over his study guide for the test, he felt like he may do okay for it, but studying with Charlie never made his grade worse.
Charlie walked back into his room grabbing a textbook and homework sheet of his own, sitting down next to Nick and working. After a few minutes Nick confidently said, “Okay, I think I’m ready for you to quiz me.”
Charlie shifted closer and Nick watched as Charlie’s eyes scanned over the review sheet. “Let’s start easy, what are the metals in the middle of the table called?”
Nick furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, he should’ve known that Charlie would quiz him on more than just the order of the elements. “Umm- Transition metals?”
“Good job.” Charlie congratulated, kissing Nick’s forehead, Nick flushing from either the kiss or the praise. “What is the terminology used for a row in the table?”
“A period.” Nick replied. 
“And a column?”
“A group.”
“Very good, Nick.” Charlie stated, kissing both of Nick’s cheeks. “Do you know the first 25 elements in order? Do you want to give it a try?”
“I want to try for you.” Nick responded.
“For you and your test tomorrow, Nick.” Charlie chided, moving to straddle Nick’s thighs.
“Yeah, that.” Nick nodded.
“Whenever you want to start, Nick.” Charlie said, setting his hands on Nick’s shoulders.
“Oh. Hydrogen, Helium.” Nick started.
Charlie hummed positively in response and kissed the left side of Nick’s neck twice.
“Lithium” kiss “Beryllium” kiss “Carbon?” Nick listed.
“Nope.” Charle said before snipping a small area of Nick’s neck between his teeth.
“Char.” Nick sharply gasped.
“Do you want to try again or do you need a hint?” Charlie asked, lifting his head to be even with Nick’s.
“No, I always get these two confused. It’s Boron and then Carbon.” Nick answered.
“Yes.” Charlie nodded kissing Nick’s neck twice again.
Nick continued listing all the elements in order while Charlie kissed his neck, shifting to Nick’s right side half way through.
“And Manganese.” Nick finished, breathless and flushed pink.
“That’s my smart and beautiful boyfriend.” Charlie smiled, setting a hand on Nick’s warm face.
“Charlie.” Nick sighed.
“What do you need, Nick?” Charlie asked with a slight smirk.
“You.” Nick answered.
“I’m right here, you have me. You always have me.” Charlie replied.
“You know what I mean.” Nick said.
“Tell me anyways.” Charlie stated.
Nick sat looking at Charlie for a moment before smiling to himself, “Maybe you can give me another type of Chemistry lesson?”
“Nick!” Charlie laughed, “You’re such a dork.”
“Your dork.” Nick supplied, placing his hands on Charlie’s hips.
“You’re being sappy again.” Charlie said, Nick shrugging in response. “You’re lucky I like you so much, even when you’re sappy.”
‘I love you.’ Nick thought.
“Yeah.” Nick agreed, lifting his head to slot his lips with Charlie’s.
Nick was walking back home wishing he could spend the night sleeping next to his boyfriend, but it was a school night and Jane would never allow that.
Nick mentally was laying on his back in Charlie’s single wide bed, t-shirt off, Charlie on top of him leaving kisses down his torso and bruising kisses on his neck and collarbones. Nick’s not sure what happened, one moment he and Charlie were just kissing, and the next Charlie was asking Nick if he wouldn’t mind removing his shirt, then Nick was shirtless feeling the light weight of Charlie on top of him and feeling so much bliss.
Leaving the neighbourhood that Charlie lives in, about to walk through another, Nick hears a voice he really doesn’t want to hear at any time of the day, much less when he is still in an emotional high after spending time making out with Charlie.
“Nelson!” Harry cheered, “Imogen had her way with you tonight, didn’t she?”
“No.” Nick answered, pausing to see Harry and Keiren looking at him with raised eyebrows.
“Mate, you have the biggest hickey on your neck right now. You cannot deny this.” Keiren laughed.
“Wait, isn’t Imogen taking Biology?” Harry asked, turning to Nick, “You were helping her study for Biology, showing her how to get an A*?”
“That’s disgusting, Harry. You shouldn’t talk about people like that.” Nick replied, feeling angry and deciding to continue his walk home, not wanting to escalate the situation.
Once Nick was home, he went to his room and looked in the mirror seeing that Keiren was right, he has a giant hickey on his neck and his hair is the photo definition of “sex hair”.
Nick: Charles. Charlie: nicholas. Nick: [photo of hickey on neck] I ran into Harry and Kieren on the way home and they saw this. Charlie: 👀😱 i am so sorry. i don’t even know how I did that. Nick: Char, it’s okay. Charlie: nick, i’m so, so sorry. Nick: It’s really okay. I liked it. A lot. Charlie: 😏oh? Nick: 😳🙈 Charlie: you’re so cute, baby. Nick: 😳 Charlie: I’ll ask the girls if they can bring some makeup or something to school tomorrow Nick: I didn’t even think of that. I’m going to try to freeze a spoon to see if it goes away. Charlie: or you can pretend a soap bottle fell on your neck in the shower? Nick: 🤣🤣🤣 That’s believable /s Charlie: tao would believe it 🤷 Nick: He would 🤣 Good night, Char 💞 Charlie: good night 💞
Nick arrived at Higgs early, meeting up with Elle, Tara, and Darcy to get the hickey on his neck covered up. He spent the night before with a frozen spoon pressed to his neck while he slept, and looking for a turtle neck that he could put under his school uniform shirt in the morning, but no luck. The hickey was no longer so dark, but it was noticeable.
“Nick!” Elle called out, waving her hand so Nick could see the secluded table they chose to meet him at.
“Hey guys.” Nick greeted, walking up to the table and setting his school backpack on the bench. “Thank you for helping me with this.”
“Nick!” Darcy laughed, “How did that even happen?”
Nick blushed, looking at the ground, “Well, uhh-”
“Ignore her, Nick.” Tara said, “We all brought some concealer we had and Elle grabbed some theatre makeup, just in case.”
“Come, sit up here.” Elle stated, patting the table top next to her. Once Nick was seated Elle applied a thin green layer of theatre makeup over the bruise to “cancel out the purple” then started mixing shades of concealer to match as close to Nick’s skin tone as possible, and applying it.
“Okay almost done, just need to apply some setting powder.” Elle started, “Nick, don’t make a habit of this, please.”
“Umm, excuse me.” Nick laughed, “It wasn’t just me that caused this.”
“Yeah,” Tara interjected, looking at her phone, “according to all of Truman and Higgs, Imogen gave you the hickey.”
“Why does everyone think Imogen is in to me?” Nick asked.
The three girls all looked at each other briefly.
“Well-” Darcy started to answer, Tara’s hand covering her mouth quickly.
“You know how people are about the cheerleader/rugby player thing.” Tara supplied instead.
“Yeah but…” Nick started.
“Some people just don’t see how gone you are for Charlie as you are. You could start making out with Charlie in the middle of the corridor and people would still say you two are just “good mates”.” Darcy said, removing Tara’s hand from her mouth, but still holding her hand.
“Charlie and I have made out in the corridor.” Nick shrugged, “Although, no one was around. And Christian said the same thing the other day. I know that we never made an ‘announcement’ or anything, but is it not obvious that Charlie and I are dating?”
“Tell Charlie to not make a habit of this then, please.” Elle interjected, “And some people just choose to ignore things, now go before more people show up and see you over here.”
“Nick!” Imogen called out, walking to the table.
“Too late.” Darcy mumbled.
“Charlie said that you would be here, he said that you had to talk to Elle.” Imogen said, “Everyone’s saying that I gave you a hickey but you don’t even have a hickey, so where did that rumour even come from?”
“Harry-” Nick started.
“Of course, Harry would come up with something like that.” Imogen rolled her eyes, walking towards the school building. “Well, I’m headed to form. See you later.”
“I’m going to go.” Nick said, pointing to Truman. “Thanks again guys, I don’t know what I would have done today without you three.”
“Probably catch a lot of slack from the rugby lads.” Darcy answered.
Nick agreed by nodding quickly before crossing the street to Truman and heading to form, ready to take his Chemistry test that day.
Nick had decided that he would take a shower after rugby practice until he was at Charlie’s as to not have the makeup come off his neck. Nick even volunteered to pick up the cones after practice to buy himself more time for the others on the team to leave.  Luckily his plan worked because he and Charlie were left alone in the locker room. The two got dressed into their school uniforms, Charlie always so much faster than Nick. The two boys purposely did not look at each other until Nick finished tying his shoe and stood up to shoulder his bag on.
“Do want me to help you study for your physics test later this week?” Nick asked.
“No, baby.” Charlie replied.
“Why not?” Nick pouted.
“You don’t take physics.” Charlie answered.
“But I can help you study, you know.” Nick smirked, wrapping his arms around Charlie’s waist, dropping his voice to a lower volume. “Isn’t physics about gravity and the effects it has on Earth? You can calculate the weight of gravity while you’re lying on top of me.”
“That’s not what Physics is about.” Charlie pinched one of Nick’s cheeks.
Nick pouted in response dropping his arms from around Charlie’s waist.
“This makeup’s pretty good.” Charlie started, poking the area on Nick’s neck where the hickey is hidden. “It didn’t move at all during rugby practice, and you are sweating.”
“Charlie!” Nick chuckled, batting Charlie’s hand away from his neck, “I don’t want it to be noticeable now either. We told Imogen we would walk back with her today once she’s out of cheerleading practice.”
“Yeah.” Charlie said, stepping closer to Nick, “You know everyone’s saying that Imogen left a hickey on you.”
“I guess Harry thought it was Imogen or something, since I ran into him when I was leaving your neighbourhood.” Nick whispered.
“Do you think I should leave some more on you?” Charlie asked.
“Charlie.” Nick gasped.
“I could leave some in the shape of my name on your neck?” Charlie started, “Or maybe I could leave some lower?”
“Please.” Nick softly whined.
“Later.” Charlie smirked, kissing Nick’s cheek. “Let’s go get Imogen and then we can go back to mine. Olly has some open house thing so my parents won’t be home. And Tori’s doing something with Michael this evening.”
Nick quickly followed Charlie to the outside of the Higgs gate, where Imogen was just leaving. “No shower today, Nick?” Imogen asked.
“No, I didn’t want to get locked in the locker room.” Nick lied.
“Charlie, you’re a good friend. I don’t think I would be able to walk that close to any of my friends smelling like that.” Imogen chuckled, Charlie joining in.
“Oh, he’s definitely taking a shower when we get to mine. I don’t want my room smelling like rugby lad.” Charlie answered, crinkling his nose in mock disgust.
“Okay, okay, it’s make fun of Nick day, that’s fine.” Nick joked starting to walk away, Imogen and Charlie laughing behind him.
That evening after arriving home from Charlie’s and eating dinner with his mum, Nick went up to his room and scrolled on Instagram and DM’ing Charlie for a while before getting an idea.
Charlie: did I see that you updated your ig bio? Nick: I might have 👀 Charlie: you are being so sappy today, baby although people may think you’re a nerd with that emoji selection Nick: You like books, writing, and drums! Charlie: you dork 💞 Nick: Did you just update your bio?👀 Charlie: 👀 are you insta-stalking me, nicholas? Nick: 🙄 I get the rugby ball and dog, but why the sun? I’m not your son. Charlie: you’re my sunshine boy Nick: Who’s the sap now, Charles? Charlie: still you and i’ll deny it if you ever try to say otherwise 😜 Nick: 💞💞💞💞 Goodnight my drummer boy Charlie: 💞💞💞💞 goodnight, sunshine 🌞
‘I love him so much.’ Nick thought as he fell asleep for the night.
Nick woke up the next morning to see that the Chemistry test scores were posted on the school’s grade portal, and was happy to see he got an A*.
Nick: Got an a* on my chem test! Charlie: nick!! 🎉 🎉 🎉
Nick happily got ready for school, his mum dropping him off on her way to work at his usual table outside the school gates.
“I know you were nervous about our Chemistry test, how’d you do?” Sai asked, from his spot across from Nick at the table.
“Yesterday after rugby practice, Charlie helped me study for it and I actually got an A*.” Nick replied.
“An A*?” Sai exclaimed, “That’s amazing, Nick.”
“Nelson!” Harry exclaimed, putting an arm over Nick’s shoulders.
“Harry.” Nick grumbled, shrugging off Harry’s arm.
“Is it true you got an A* on your chemistry test?” Harry laughed.
“Yeah, so what?” Nick asked.
“You hang out with Spring too much; he’s turning you into a nerd.” Harry sneered.
“What?” Nick questioned, with raised eyebrows.
“Or maybe he and Imogen have been studying chemistry.” Keiren supplied, coming up next to Harry.
“Yes Nick!” Harry cheered, most of the other lads at the table joining in.
Nick rolled his eyes at the immature actions his rugby teammates were partaking in, seeing Charlie and Imogen getting off the bus and walking to the table, Imogen talking to Christian and Sai.
“Hi.” Charlie greeted, sitting on the bench next to Nick, his legs on the outside of the table. “You got an A* on your Chemistry test, I’m so proud of you.”
“Well, I had a good study partner.” Nick answered.
“Hmm, that you did.” Charlie agreed, smirking. “I have to meet Isacc in the library this morning, but I’ll see you in Form?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there. Bye.” Nick replied.
“Bye.” Charlie repeated, smiling, before turning around and walking away from the entrance table.
‘I love you.’ Nick internally replied.
“See you later, Nick.” Imogen called out, walking towards the Higgs school.
“Yeah, see you later!” Nick replied.
“Wow, Nick.” Christian started, causing Nick to turn around to face him, “You are so lovesick over her.”
‘Her?’ Nick thought.
“Who?” Nick asked.
“Her, Imogen.” Christian chuckled. “You are so gone on her. I know you and Charlie are good mates, but if you want to get with Imogen, you might have to stop hanging out with him so much.”
“I’m- Good- what?” Nick questioned.
“Ignore him, Nick.” Sai interjected, “Let’s start heading to Form.”
“Yeah, okay.” Nick agreed, following Sai, before speaking lower, “Does he really think me and Imogen-”
“Everybody thinks you and Imogen are dating.” Sai answered.
“How?” Nick laughed.
“Cause you walk with her home every day,” Sai started, “and you’ve been friends forever. You know how people like the whole, “she’s a cheerleader, he’s an athlete” thing.”
“Imogen and Charlie are neighbours, plus she’s like my sister.” Nick said, crinkling his nose.
“I know that, and anyone with half a brain, or an Instagram account, would know that she’s not the one you like.” Sai agreed, “Are you going to have lunch with us today?”
“Yeah. Charlie agreed to help Ajayi with something during lunch today.” Nick answered, standing outside his Form class.
“Cool, see you then!” Sai waved, walking into his own Form class.  
The following morning, Charlie had drum lessons before school, and Sai was running late, so Nick sat at his usual table, idlily making conversation with the others.
“Hey, Nick.” Imogen greeted, bouncing up to Nick at the table with the rest of the rugby team. “Can we talk for a moment?”
“Ooooo.” A few of the guys called out, like they were kids in a primary classroom when someone was called to the principal’s office.
Nick furrowed his eyebrows at the loud group of boys before nodding to Imogen and walking away from the loud group.
“What’s up?” Nick asked.
“So, I was talking to Becky and some other girls and I guess I just wanted to ask you a question?” Imogen asked, looking at Nick with wide eyes.
“Okay.” Nick smiled, trying to be polite and let Imogen ask when she was ready, as it was clear she was trying to postpone asking her question.
“You know how everybody at school thinks we are dating?” Imogen asked.
“Yep.” Nick answered, nodding his head.
“Well, what do you think about actually going on a date?” Imogen replied.
‘Oh, she wants to play a prank on the guys.’ Nick thought, ‘Like in that book that Issac and Charlie were talking about, where the characters were pretending to be in a relationship.’
“Oh.” Nick responded, “Well I think that could be fun, but I would have to ask Charlie first.”
“Why?” Imogen asked, before answering her own question with another, “Do you think it would make it weird walking home together after school?”
“No.” Nick answered, confused.
“Then why do you need to ask Charlie?” Imogen questioned.
Nick looked at Imogen for a moment, seeing a look of confusion on her face, answering with, “Because Charlie is my boyfriend and that seems like something I should talk to him about first.”
Imogen stared at Nick before saying, “You could just tell me no, Nicholas, you don’t have to lie to me.”
“I’m not lying to you, Imogen.” Nick stated.
“Charlie probably told you that you could say that if you get asked out by someone.” Imogen sighed, “You know he has a giant crush on you, right?”
“Well, I would sure hope so.” Nick chuckled. “But I promise you, Imogen, Charlie is my boyfriend and I love him, so I will need to ask him first if you want to go on a pretend date as a prank.”
“Oh!” Imogen started, looking down at the ground, “No, I-. Don’t worry about it, it was dumb. I’ll see you later.”
“Okay, bye.” Nick responded, confused, to Imogen’s retreating form.
The three friends walked to Imogen and Charlie’s houses, with Imogen a little more quiet than usual, texting on her phone. Eventually telling the boys to have a good evening and going into her house, Nick a little worried he may have upset her.
Once inside Charlie’s room, and both changed into more comfortable clothes, the two boys laid on Charlie’s bed, just enjoying the comfort of the other being there. Nick, playing with a clump of curls on Charlie’s head, spoke up, “I told Imogen that you and I are together this morning. I think she had no idea.”
Charlie chuckled, “Yeah, that makes sense.”
“What?” Nick questioned.
“Well, she’s always flirting with you.” Charlie answered, laying a hand on Nick’s chest.
“Hmm, she asked me on a date earlier.” Nick stated.
Nick felt Charlie tense up for a moment before he sat up, looking down at Nick, whispering, “Oh? Is- is that something you want to do?”
“What?” Nick laughed, “No!”
“I mean, if you-” Charlie started, looking at his hands, picking the skin on his thumb.
“I don’t!” Nick interrupted, “I just wanted to tell you. At first, I just thought that she wanted to play a prank on the rugby lads cause, she mentioned how the whole school thinks that her and I are something.” Nick exclaimed. “So, I told her I would have to ask you first, since you’re my boyfriend; but she thought I was lying to her. And said something about you telling me that I could say we were together to get people to not ask me out because you have a giant crush on me. I told her that I hoped you have a giant crush on me cause you’re my boyfriend, and I love you; so, I would have to ask you if I could do the fake/prank date thing with her, but then she got kind of weird and left to go to class.”
Charlie looked up at Nick suddenly, “You love me?”
“Yeah, of course.” Nick answered.
Charlie stared at Nick with his eyebrows raised.
“Oh, umm.” Nick started, rubbing the back of his neck. “Sorry, that kind of just slipped out.”
“Nick!” Charlie laughed, jumping to staddle Nick. “Say it again.”
“No!” Nick shook his head, “It’s embarrassing, I didn’t mean to say it like this. I just have been saying it in my head for so long-”
“Can you please tell me again?” Charlie asked, his hand on Nick’s chin, tilting Nick’s head up.
“I love you, Charlie.” Nick whispered.
“I love you too, Nick.” Charlie replied, finally capturing Nick’s lips with his own for the first time that afternoon.
Charlie broke the kiss far too soon for Nick’s liking, chuckling, “Did you tell Imogen you loved me, before you told me?”
“What? Huh, maybe?” Nick asked, mind still consumed by Charlie kissing him. “Are you mad?”
“No.” Charlie shook his head, smiling, “I think it’s funny actually. But, if you feel like you have to make it up to me, you can tell me you love me more.”
“Okay, I love you more.” Nick replied, looking at Charlie with soft eyes.
“My sappy, sunshine, dork.” Charlie slowly shook his head, kissing Nick softly.
Nick: 💞🏉🐶🌞💞? Charlie: stop insta-stalking me 😝 Nick: 💞💞💞
title from the song
as always, if i missed a cw/tw or misrated this, please let me know and i will fix it. (The text messages are formatted kinda weird on here, if it's not readable, let me know and i'll fix that too). thanks for reading :)
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tobeckyweek · 2 years
(Mamma Mia) Here We Go Again!
Tobecky Week Day 1
Summary: Becky Botsford is having one of the strangest days of her life.  Now if only she could stop having it.  A 5k tobecky time loop fic!
AO3 ink
cws: memory loss, food
Mamma Mia!
Becky’s eyes cracked open to the sound of ABBA, blasting from somewhere downstairs. 
Here we go again! My, my, how could I forget ya!
She yawned, back cracking as she stretched luxuriously.  It was a Sunday, which meant she could lay back down (provided a villainous plan wasn’t brewing), but ABBA this early meant her dad was in the kitchen, doubtlessly whipping up something delicious and chocolatey for breakfast. 
She dressed and shuffled downstairs, murmuring a groggy ‘good morning’ to her parents and Bob then making a beeline for the refrigerator.  She cracked open the milk carton, gave it a sniff, then shrugged and poured herself a glass, settling at the kitchen table as TJ tramped downstairs.
“Hey, Becky, is your phone acting weird?” 
He flashed the screen – the wallpaper was on the fritz, interface completely eclipsed by static.
She rolled her eyes.  “You probably dropped it again.”
“Just because I’ve broken it like five times–”
“–forty seven times–”
“–doesn’t mean I’ve… actually, yeah, good point.”
TJ flopped gracelessly into the seat next to her and Bob, nose twitching.  “Almost ready, Dad?”
Time laughed, flipping a pancake in the air and catching it nearly in his skillet.  “Does a flapjack flap?”
They stared at him blankly. 
“… yes?”
“I mean, the name seems to imply so, but–”
“Hello, Botsfords!”
Becky dropped her fork.
Plastered against the glass doors leading to the backyard was none other than Theodore Tobey McCallister III, smile frenetic and eyes wild as he scrambled for the door handle.
“Good morning, hope all is well with you.”  His voice tripped and trilled over itself as he stepped inside – with his shoes on, the heathen.  “I’m here to see Becky.” 
“Tobey, what are you doing?”  Becky demanded, only for her to reel back, stiffening in surprise when he said the same thing at the same time. 
“Stop that,” he said just as Becky did.  “What are you doing?  Tobey?!”
Becky’s family fell silent, watching with wide eyes.
“I need to talk to WordGIrl,” Tobey said, when Becky finally lapsed into silence, “urgently.”
“WordGirl?!”  Becky forced a laugh, eyes darting to a stunned Bob.  “That’s… that’s silly, why would I even have contact with her– and even if I did I’m sure there’s plenty of others who–”
“Alright,” Tobey sighed, hand closing around her forearm, “I’m abducting you.  Just to the treehouse, don’t worry.”
“Now, hang on–”  Tim objected, recovering his senses, but Tobey was already in motion.
“Goodbye, Mr. and Mrs. Botsford,” Tobey called over his shoulder, tugging Becky along.  “I mean absolutely no offense, but you’re not going to remember this tomorrow, so I don’t really feel like wasting my time on good manners, even if you are my future in-laws.  Presuming there is a future, that is.”
“Tobey!?”  Becky let him pull her along, flummoxed as the door slammed behind them.  “What on Earth are you talking about?  ‘Presuming there was a future’?  ‘Not going to remember this’?  Future in-laws?”  
“We need to get to a secure location,” Tobey said, instead of anything remotely useful.  “We used the tree house yesterday; it should have everything we need.”
“Yesterday?”  She followed him up the ladder, fighting the urge to grab him by the shoulders and literally shake the answers out of him.  “Tobey, we were at school yesterday.  And you didn’t come over.  Why would you have?”
“Oh, I did!  It’s just that I came over today yesterday.  A today that no longer exists, because it was yesterday.”  Tobey turned at the top of the ladder, holding out a hand and hoisting her up afterwards.  “Get it?”
“Tobey,” Becky said, as gently as she could, “did you sleep at all in the last…  ever?”
“What? Yes, probably.”  Tobey ran a hand through his hair, leaving it sticking straight up.  Heavy purple bags beneath his eyes, skin pale and sallow, movements sharp and jittery – he didn't look like he’d slept.  “I mean, presumably.  The loop forces me to sleep, I assume.  This is the fourth go round, and I’ve woken up in my bed every time, at least.”
He crossed over to the blackboard taking up the far side of the treehouse, picking up the chalk from the nearby shelf without even bothering to look for it, scrawling on the board.  “So, here’s what we’ve got so far.  We, my darling WordGirl, are stuck in a time loop.  Unfortunately–”
“WordGirl?”  Becky interrupted.  “Tobey, WordGirl isn’t even here, that’s-  that’s ridiculous.  Me?  WordGirl?  Ha.  Ha!  How do I know you aren’t WordGirl and you’re trying to throw me off–”
Tobey held up a finger, glancing at his watch.  “The neighbors realize they’re late for an appointment at 6:57” – the sound of emphatic swearing, followed by the squeal of tires – “lady walking her dog at 6:58” – on the street, a woman in a red coat chased after a hyperactive Yorkie. – “And your brother comes out to check on us shortly thereafter.”
From below, TJ’s voice called up to them.  “Becks?  Are you good?  Do I need to send for backup?”
Becky swallowed hard, reeling.  “I’m fine, TJ,” she managed, dropping into a beanbag chair.  “Tobey just… needed help with a school thing.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I’m… I’m sure.”
She and Tobey regarded each other in silence as TJ trooped back across the yard, sliding the door to the house shut behind him.
“Believe me now, Botsford?”
“Unfortunately.  I mean, this is Fair City.  Why not add warping the fabric of space-time to the mix?”  Becky sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.  “So… did I tell you I was WordGirl?  In one of the previous loops?”
“Oh, no, I’ve always known, my dear.”  He turned back the chalkboard, shooting her a devilish grin over his shoulder.  “Thank you for confirming it just now, by the way.”
“Wha– I did no such thing!”  Becky flushed, skin prickling.  “I just asked if I said that to you previously.  No confession involved!  I could have been lying!”
“Granted,” Tobey said, squinting at the complex diagram he was drawing of… was that a bowling ball in a net?  “But all the evidence suggests otherwise.  Besides, I’ve been in love with both of you for such a long time, with equal ferocity, so the two of you being one and the same makes more sense than anything else.”
Becky blinked.  She rubbed her ear, snapping her finger next to it, then stared at Tobey’s back as he finished scrawling some headache-inducing calculus.  
“Tobey,” she said, voice strained.  “Did you just say you’re in love with me?  Both of me?  Not just WordGirl?”
The chalk snapped in half in Tobey’s hand.  “I… Yes, well.”  
He turned, adjusting his bow tie and staring fastidiously at the floor.  “The chances that you’ll remember this tomorrow are vanishingly small, so I’ve been taking the liberty of not filtering myself.”
“You were holding it in before?”  Becky raised an eyebrow.  “I never would have accused you of being encumbered with your emotions.”
“This feels like you’re trying to tease me, not help me.”
“I’m a phenomenal multitasker.”  She took a deep breath, softening her voice.  “Tobey, I–”
“Let’s… focus on the task at hand, shall we?”  Tobey said, picking up a nub of chalk.  “We can discuss other matters tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed.”
“Oh my dear,” he said, “when is it ever?”
The facts went something like this: four ‘days’ ago, there was some weird power surge all across Fair City.  Tobey, who had been insulated as he tinkered away in the thick metal exterior of one of his robots, hadn’t noticed anything at first, only to realize once he emerged that every single type of computerized device in Fair City was malfunctioning.
“Which explains the lack of robots?”  Becky asked.
“Which explains the lack of robots,” Tobey confirmed, glumly.
He had largely shrugged it off as a scheme by one of his fellow villains, going to bed, only to be bewildered by his mother claiming it was Sunday when getting ready for school the ‘next’ day.
“I spent most of that first loop trying to puzzle things out with her, convinced she was ill,” he explained.  “Of course, when I ventured downtown later, I realized everyone else had come down with the same affliction.  They were stuck inside time, and I… wasn’t.”
His theory, admittedly, didn’t make much sense to Becky.  He postulated that the energy surge had somehow nudged them sideways out of the linear flow of time and into this loop.
“How does that explain electronics not working?”  She asked.  “Or why you weren’t affected?”
“Well, you see, I…”  He paused, blinking.   “Well, obviously…” 
“You have no idea, do you?”
“I do too,” he protested, hotly.  “I just… we simply…  oh, blast it all, this is as far as we’ve gotten in the last two days. Forgive me for not having everything figured out perfectly.”
He snarled, scrubbing the board with the eraser in large, jagged strokes.
“Tobey, stop!  What if you need that?”
He scoffed.  “I like packing things away for the day.  It’s not like it would be here tomorrow, after all.”
“I guess.”  Becky groaned, dragging her hands down her face.  “Ugh, this is all just so bizarre.”
“Odd?”  Tobey offered.
“Peculiar,” she countered, a smile brushing the corner of her mouth.
“Isn’t that a type of alcohol?”  Becky squinted at him.  “We’re only fourteen, Tobey.”
“British slang, my dear,” he protested, tugging proudly at his bow tie.  “And now you’re behind.”
“Shoot, uh… queer.”
“No reason to call names , darling.”  Tobey shook his head in mock-disappointment.  “Besides, what’s that saying about pots and kettles?”
Becky laughed despite herself, nudging him with her shoulder.  “Yeah, yeah, yuck it up, McCallister.”
He offered her a half-smile.  “Well, look on the bright side: it’s not like you have to get used to it, after all.”
The urge to smooth her thumb under his eyes, as if she could wipe away the lines of exhaustion, swept over her.  She looked away, pinning her hand beneath her leg. 
“I’m sorry you do, Tobey.”
He shrugged.  “Better me than no one, I suppose.”
Pale moonlight flickered in through the glass panel set in the roof.  They had barely stopped for lunch; Becky’s parents were probably bursting with questions Becky had no idea how to answer.
“See you tomorrow?”  Becky asked, then winced.  “Well, I guess you’ll see me…  a me, that is… today.”
Tobey chuckled a little.  “Bloody weird, isn’t it?”
“Oh, that’s putting it lightly.”
There was a hint of cathartic hysteria to their laughter, an edge of delirium as they wheezed; better that than start crying.  Even when they quieted down, there was an afterglow of warmth, solidarity.  Maybe that’s why Becky reached out, laying her hand over Tobey’s and squeezing.
“Tell me I’ve got a carousel in the spaceship hideout tomorrow,” she advised.  “I’ll believe you quicker then.”
His pale green eyes were shining, starry.  “I’ll certainly keep that in mind.”
“It’s late,” she said, softly.  “I should get to bed.”
He reached out, tucking an errant curl behind her ear.  “Sleep well, my dear.”
Her heart, for whatever reason, felt like it was trying to flutter out through her throat.  “You too, Tobey.  You need it.”
“Oh, you never know.”  He winked.  “I may get myself into some mischief.  Not like it matters, after all.”
She shot Tobey a glare.  “Be good.”
“My darling.”  He swung his legs over the edge of the windowsill, and all she could see of his face was the edge of a mischievous smile.  “That’ll never happen.”
Mamma Mia!
Becky’s eyes cracked open to the sound of ABBA, blasting from somewhere downstairs. 
Here we go again! My, my, how could I forget ya!
She yawned, back cracking as she stretched luxuriously.  It was a Sunday, which meant she could lay back down (provided a villainous plan wasn’t brewing), but ABBA this early meant her dad was in the kitchen, doubtlessly whipping up something delicious and chocolatey for breakfast. 
She dressed and shuffled downstairs, murmuring a groggy ‘good morning’ to her Dad and making a beeline for the refrigerator.  She cracked open the milk carton, gave it a cautious sniff, then shrugged and poured herself a glass, settling at the kitchen table as TJ tramped downstairs.
“Hey, Becky, is your phone acting weird?” 
He flashed the screen – the wallpaper was on the fritz, interface completely eclipsed by static.
She rolled her eyes.  “You probably dropped it again.”
“Just because I’ve broken it like five times–”
“–forty seven times–”
“–doesn’t mean I’ve… why is Tobey standing on our back porch?”
“Hi, Botsfords!”  The self-proclaimed boy genius waved through the glass doors, beaming, looking absolutely unhinged.  “Can I steal Becky for a while?”
For some reason, Becky smiled.
  They still didn’t figure it out that time, even if Becky laid her head against Tobey’s shoulder when she groaned in exasperation, and he had to spend about five minutes figuring out how to talk normally again.
Mamma Mia!
Becky’s eyes cracked open to the sound of ABBA, blasting from somewhere downstairs. 
Here we go again! My, my, how could I forget ya!
  Or that time, even if Tobey made some joke about synonyms that made Becky laugh so hard soda came out of her nose.
Mamma Mia!
Becky’s eyes cracked open to the sound of ABBA, blasting from somewhere downstairs. 
Here we go again! My, my, how could I forget ya!
  Or that one, especially since Tobey kissed Becky’s hand with a dramatic flourish when he greeted her in the morning and they lost a few hours with Becky explaining emphatically to her family how they were absolutely not dating and Tobey doing his utmost to be as unhelpful as possible.
Mamma Mia!
Becky’s eyes cracked open to the sound of ABBA, blasting from somewhere downstairs. 
Here we go again! My, my, how could I forget ya!
  Or that one.  No particular reason.  Quantum physics is just notoriously difficult, even for fourteen year old geniuses who seem to spend half their time bantering.
Mamma Mia!
Becky’s eyes cracked open to the sound of ABBA, blasting from somewhere downstairs. 
Here we go again! My, my, how could I forget ya!
She yawned, back cracking as she stretched luxuriously.  It was a Sunday, which meant she could lay back down (provided a villainous plan wasn’t brewing), but ABBA this early meant her dad was in the kitchen, doubtlessly whipping up something delicious and chocolatey for breakfast. 
She dressed and shuffled downstairs, murmuring a groggy ‘good morning’ to her Dad and making a beeline for the refrigerator.  She cracked open the milk carton, gave it a cautious sniff, then shrugged and poured herself a glass, settling at the kitchen table as TJ tramped downstairs.
“Hey, Becky, is your phone acting weird?” 
He flashed the screen – the wallpaper was on the fritz, interface completely eclipsed by static.
She rolled her eyes.  “You probably dropped it again.”
“Just because I’ve broken it like five times–”
“–fifty six times–”
The doorbell rang. 
Sally looked up from her morning paper, head tilted.  “Who could it be at this hour?”
“Salesperson maybe?  I’ll get it,” Becky volunteered, hopping up.
She swung open the door, ready to protest that they really didn’t want any tomatoes or vacuum cleaners when–
“Good morning, Becky Botsford.”
“Tobey?  What are you doing here?”  She stepped outside, barefoot on the concrete step and pulled the door shut behind her, frowning.  “Are you okay?  You look… discombobulated.”
He laughed wearily, rubbing a hand across his jaw.  “That’s a good one.  What’s it mean?”
“Disoriented.  Confused.  Lost.  You, for example.”
“There’s… something I need to do,” he said.  “Something I need to figure out.  I have all the time in the world to do it – more than, actually – but I just… I need a break.  So I was…”  He cleared his throat, adjusted his bow tie, and for the first time, she realized he’d put gel in his hair, slicking it back.  “I was wondering if you, Becky Botsford, would like to accompany me on a… on a date.”
The world teetered into unreality.
Tobey looked tired.  Bags under his pale green eyes had been smeared with concealer, patchy and uneven.  Clutched in his hands was a bouquet of starflowers.  His shirt was pressed but worn soft, as if he’d been wearing it for hours already.  He’d put gel in his hair for her.  He was asking her out. 
“Okay,” Becky said.
“I completely understand, of course.  Sorry for–” He blinked slowly, a small, delighted smile starting to spread.  “Wait… really?”
“Really,” Becky said, laughing a little.  “I think I’d like that.”
It was true, even.  Seeing Tobey there, standing on her doorstep, felt… right, somehow.
“Oh!”  He straightened up, hand flying to his hair before he remembered the gel at the last second.  “Brilliant!  I thought we could go downtown; I believe there’s some pop-up instillation there – well, I know, actually, I’ve passed it at least five times, but regardless–”
“Tobey,” she tried to interject.
“No?  Oh, we can do the park then!  There’s a lovely bookstore on the way, and I saw a copy of Jane Eyre that looked absolutely marvelous, or–”
“Tobey!”  She interrupted, laughing.  “That all sounds wonderful, alright?  Just let me put on some shoes first.”
  It was wonderful, in the end.
They did go to the installation, where the artist spoke passionately about how this had always been their dream, how today was only the first day of the exhibit but how it felt so familiar, so right.  But they also went to the bookstore, where Tobey bought her the copy of Jane Eyre – leather bound and gorgeous.  And the park, where Tobey waited with infinite patience as Becky pet every single dog she could find, then bought them ice cream cones. 
The entire day was filled with conversation – favorite books, school, banter over whatever evil schemes Tobey intended to pull off next.  Becky laughed herself silly, for whatever reason so comfortable, so familiar with her villain.  Yet, still, something was off.  Tobey reacted to things around them even as they happened, sometimes, almost like he already knew.  A strange shadow passed over his face when Becky casually mentioned her plans with Violet tomorrow.
“Something’s wrong,” she said at the end of the day, as they sat on an old swing set, ice cream cones slowly melting in their hands as they watched the sun sinking past the horizon, ceding to the silver moon.  “Isn’t it?”
Tobey kicked the ground with the tip of his loafers, sending him swaying slowly in a pendulous arch.  He didn’t look at her, just tightened his grip on the swing’s chains.
“You have a carousel in your secret spaceship hideout,” he said.
Becky dropped her ice cream cone.  
“What are you talking about?  She managed, laughing nervously.  “I don't– why would I, ordinary teenager Becky Botsford, have a secret–”
“We’re in a time loop, Becky.”
Becky’s swing came to an abrupt stop.
“That…”  She said, slowly.  “Explains a lot, actually.  The sudden date did seem a bit out of character.  Running out of ways to entertain yourself?”
“Quite the opposite, actually.”  Tobey laughed bitterly.  “I just… needed a break.  A reminder that it was still worth it to keep trying.”
“It is,” he said, looking at her with green eyes turned emerald by the setting sun.  “To have days like this with you in the future, to have a future… it's worth anything.  It’s worth everything.”
“How long has it been?”
“A week, I think.  Maybe longer.  It’s… difficult, keeping track of things.”
“For what it's worth,” Becky said, gently.  “I’m glad you get to remember everything.  If there’s anyone who can get us out of this mess, it's the self-proclaimed boy genius.”
“Why, Becky Botsford.”  His eyebrows shot up, a wry smile dawning.  “Finally admitting I’m smarter than you?  Took long enough.”
“I said ‘ self-proclaimed’, McCallister.  We have a big enough problem without your ego inflating and crushing the city beneath it.”  Her words sounded warmer, fonder than she knew what to do with.
Tobey just laughed, standing up.
“Come on,” he said, hands in his pockets.  “I’ll walk you home.”
  “Creating an electromagnetic pulse with an opposite frequency?”
“Already thought of it.  Too risky, since I didn’t get the exact amplitude of the first blast and we don’t know how a second one could interfere.”
“Finding the location of the pulse and blowing it up?”
“You were adamantly against the destruction of public property.”
“Learning the true meaning of Christmas?”
“It’s the middle of July.”
“I don’t see your point.”
Tobey laughed, shaking his head.  “No matter how many times we do this, you never fail to surprise me, Botsford.”
“Well, what if I just stay awake, hm?”  Becky rounded on him as they turned the corner to her house.  “Then the reset won’t happen at all.  Or, at least I’ll be aware of it.”
“I believe you tried that before.  Obviously it didn’t work out.”
“Well, what if you stay with me this time?  Just don’t let me go to sleep, Tobey,” Becky breathed.  “Please, I don’t want to forget.”
“I don’t know if we have a choice, my dear,” he said, gently.  “Besides, what will you think if you wake up in the morning to see me in your room?”
She laughed bitterly, taking one step forward, then another, then fell against him, her face buried in the crook of his neck.  He went stiff, every line pulled tight, scarcely daring to breathe.
“Make me remember, Tobey,” she said.  “I don’t… I don’t want all this to go away.”
His arms slowly lowered around her, settling across her back.  “You know I can’t promise that, darling.”  
“Yeah,” she said as they came to a stop before her door.  “I know.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow, alright?”  He asked.  There was a wry edge of bitterness to it, a cruel inside joke.  
He turned halfway down the path, something achingly open in his face.
“Even if I don’t remember it…”  She hugged the book he’d bought her to her chest, smiling.  “This was the best date I’ve ever been on.  Take me on another one just like it when we’ll both remember, alright?  Just promise me one thing.”
“Next time, when we’ll both remember,” she said, “kiss me goodnight.”
  Mamma Mia!
Becky’s eyes cracked open to the sound of ABBA, blasting from somewhere downstairs. 
Here we go again! My, my, how could I forget ya!
She yawned, back cracking as she stretched luxuriously.  It was a Sunday, which meant she could lay back down (provided a villainous plan wasn’t brewing), but ABBA this early meant her dad was in the kitchen, doubtlessly whipping up something delicious and chocolatey for breakfast. 
She dressed, pulling on her typical green sweater and –
Becky froze, catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror.
Mamma Mia!  Does it show again?
Slowly, she reached up, pressing the pad of her finger to her cheek.  It came away wet.  She watched her reflection as other tears slipped out after.
My, my, just how much I’ve missed ya!
She was crying.
  Becky shuffled downstairs in a daze, murmuring a groggy ‘good morning’ to her parents and Bob then making a beeline for the refrigerator.  She cracked open the milk carton, gave it a sniff, then winced and put it back, settling at the kitchen table as TJ tramped downstairs.
“Hey, Becky, is your phone acting weird?” 
He flashed the screen – the wallpaper was on the fritz, interface completely eclipsed by static.
“You probably dropped it again.”
“Just because I’ve broken it like five times–”
“–fifty seven times–”
“–doesn’t mean I’ve… actually, yeah, good point.”
“By the way, Becky,” Sally chirped, sliding a gray book over to her.  “Is this yours, honey?  It was on the table when I came down this morning.”
Jane Eyre.
“Oh, yeah it is!  I got it…”  She blinked, picking it up and shaking her head.  “Sorry, I don’t think so, actually.”
She traced a finger along the creamy leather cover.  “It’s beautiful though.”
“Did the most beautiful girl in the world say beautiful?”  Tobey McCallister suddenly appeared at their back door, waving before he grimaced.  “That was cringe, actually.  I’m not going to say that when you– where did you get that book?”
The entire Botsford family stared at him blankly.
“What?”  Becky managed.
  The treehouse, again.  An explanation, again, yet with Tobey pacing around frenetically, hands jittering.
“You’re telling me we went on a date?”
Tobey shot her a look.  “Really?  I tell you the book I bought you has blipped through the fabric of space and time, and you’re concerned that we went on a date?”
“Yeah, me too.”  Tobey grinned at her, goofy and unabashed, before he shook his head, refocusing.  “But this doesn’t make any sense!  I mean, unless it’s not…” 
“It’s not a time loop,” Becky breathed, hand trembling around the novel as her shocked gaze caught Tobey’s.
His pale green eyes were huge, breath coming out in strange, hitching gasps.  “It’s a memory loop.”
“You didn’t get caught up in it because you were in your robot–”
“–and there’s enough electromagnetic interference there to shield me, of course!”  Tobey smacked his palm against his head.  “Oh, I’m a bloody idiot, why didn’t I realize sooner?  Of course everyone’s behavior is the same, they’re just acting like themselves, but the environment is changing in minuscule increments!” 
“I knew the milk in the fridge wasn’t going bad that quickly!”
“Okay, okay, think,” Tobey instructed, pacing back and forth, pulling at his hair.  “This isn’t a time loop at all.  There’s something causing everyone in the city’s memories to be reset every day.”
“Everyone except for you.”
“Accurate as always, darling.”
“Well,” Becky said, “there’s really only one villain I can think of who would mess with the minds of everyone in Fair City.”
  It was almost embarrassingly easy to break into Mr. Big’s skyscraper.  The computerized security system was down, and whatever security guards roamed the halls were quickly dispatched by WordGirl.
Tobey, for his part, stood behind her and swooned dramatically every time she took another one down.  She was mostly sure he was joking.
It helped that Mr. Big and Leslie themselves were caught in the loop, arguing ceaselessly about some budgetary report or another that was due the next day.
Wouldn’t they be in for a rude awakening.
The basement where Mr. Big kept his spare mind control devices was an echoing, cavernous place, littered with ominous monuments, strange obelisks.
“Bloody hell,” Tobey swore lowly.  “This place is massive!  How are we supposed to find the one that’s causing all of this.”
Becky tapped his shoulder.  “Call me crazy, but I have a hunch it's the one over there that’s glowing an ominous green and sparking, like it wasn’t destroyed properly the first time and is now malfunctioning.”
“Huh.”  Tobey turned, hands on his hips.  “Yeah, that’ll do it.”
Becky pulled back her fist.  Tobey picked up a length of pipe before nearly topping over and deciding to leave it to the professional.
One hit.  
The machine sparked and wobbled.  Tobey suddenly forgot what he’d had for breakfast that morning.
Then another.  
It cracked down the middle.  Tobey blinked, rubbing his temple, trying to remember if his remotes used low or high pass filters.
Then it was over.
(Ah, Tobey thought to himself. Bandpass filters, obviously.  And oatmeal.)
“Well,” Tobey said, looking at the thing smoldering on the ground before them.  Good riddance.”
“Tobey,” Becky said, turning to him.  “Did you get me cotton candy ice cream yesterday?”
“I did.”  His eyebrows furrowed.  “How on Earth did you– no.”
“Oh, yes,” she said, grinning devilishly.  “Now, what was that about you knowing I’m WordGirl because of the massive crush you have on both of us?”
“I changed my mind.”  He scrambled past her, towards the device, laughing as she grabbed him by the waist, hauling him back.  “Let me fix the machine.  I choose the time loop.”
“Not a chance, McCallister,” she said, tapping his nose.  “You’re stuck with me now, memories and all.”
“Well,” Tobey said.  “How could I complain about that?”
If either of them had bothered looking at their phones, now clear of static, they would have seen that it was a Tuesday.
But they had much more pleasant things to be thinking of.
  “So,” Becky said, once they had crept in through the window to her room.  “How will we know if it still works?  From what I remember now, I crushed the machine once, before the loop started, and that’s when all of this got kicked off.”
Tobey just shook his head, offering a half-hearted smile.  “I suppose we’ll know in the morning.”
“Stay with me,” she asked.  “Please?  I don’t… I’m going to lose my mind if I wake up to Mamma Mia alone again.”
“I will,” Tobey said, softly.  “I promise.”
Bob’s hammock was too small, so they made him a cot of Becky’s spare pillows and blankets, nesting him down at Becky’s bedside.  
“Good night, Becky,” he said, softly.
“Good night, Tobey.”  She reached down, finding his hand with her own.  “See you tomorrow?”
He squeezed.  “See you tomorrow.”
  Mamma Mia!
Becky’s eyes cracked open to the sound of ABBA.
Here we go again! My, my, how could I forget ya?
She sat straight up, chest heaving, eyes wide.
“No,” she breathed, scrambling out of bed.  “No, no, no, no–”
“Good morning, my dear.”  Tobey stood in the doorway, a wicked grin on his lips, a perfectly functional cellphone in his hand, blasting music.  “I hope you slept well?  Your father is making some sort of quiche, and he has several questions about what I’m doing in your house.”
She stared at him incredulously for a long moment, but he just winked, clicking the music up even louder.
My, my, how could I resist you?
“You, McCallister,” she said, stalking forward and grabbing him by the collar.  “Are lucky that you’re cute.”
Mamma Mia, now I really know.
There was a smile on his lips, a bite of mischief in his eyes, and it was the last thing Becky saw before she kissed him.
My, my, I could never let you go.
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
sugar sugar - the planning 2.0
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Summary: It’s a new year and the engaged couple are moving forward with their wedding planning.
Sugar Daddy!Henry Cavill x Becky Kim (asian OFC)
Warnings: Smut (like vibrator(s), slight anal play, squirting, slight punishment)
Wordcount: 3.8k
Masterlist // Sugar Sugar Masterlist // Sugar Sugar the wedding Masterlist // Previous chapter // Next chapter
January 6th 5 p.m.
The entirety that is left of December I’ve been a slightly emotional mess. Okay, remove slightly, because I’m an emotional mess. Period. I don’t know what caused it. Maybe it’s the fact that we have our invitations ready. Maybe it’s because Christmas spend as an engaged couple was a little overwhelming. Maybe spending New Years together in a club with my friends and my fiancé was too much of a change after spending them in pretty much solitude for many years.
So, it doesn’t surprise me at all that I have been bawling non stop for one of my final fittings for my wedding dress. It’s absolutely gorgeous. It hugs me in all the right places and I feel like such a bride in it.
When I walk into Henry’s office, I see he is alone with some paperwork. Henry looks up from his desk and smiles widely when he notices it’s me. ‘Hi sweetheart. How was the dress fitting?’
Oh goodness, there are the tears again. ‘Oh no, I’m sorry.’
He perks up in his seat, immediately alert because of the tears. ‘Was it no good?’ he asks me, ushering me over.
‘No, honey, it was amazing. The dress is so beautiful.’ I sit on his desk after he cleaned it up for me and I let out a deep sigh. ‘It’s just one step closer to becoming a bride.’
He nods with a smile. ‘It sure is. I can’t wait to marry you.’ Henry examines my face and he asks: ‘Are you sure you’re alright?’
‘Yeah, I’m totally okay. It’s just that I’ve been super duper emotional these passed few weeks. It’s just me being idiotic, so please just indulge me.’
‘I don’t think it’s idiotic,’ he says. ‘But when my future wife isn’t feeling well, I might as well make sure she feels better. Is there something I can do, baby girl?’
‘It’s fine, it’s fine,’ I chuckle. ‘Just silly old me being overly emotional, so let’s forget it. On another note, how are you doing? You have a lot of work to do?’
He nods. ‘Yeah, but I can take it home with me. The walls are closing me in, so to speak.’
‘How about,’ I say, ‘you and I go have something to eat? I’m starving.’
Henry agrees to that a little too quickly. In lightening speed, he packed his suitcase and holds me hand as we walk towards the elevator. People in the company slowly began to notice that I was dating the boss and they have all been very supportive.
To our faces, but I think they mean it.
Once Henry and I got in his car, he doesn’t start it up immediately. I want to ask him what’s wrong, but he gives me a desperate kiss on my lips. ‘Are you alright?’ I ask him.
‘I just missed you a lot,’ he says. ‘Might’ve had some never ending phone calls. I’m glad to finally see you. I might be a little obsessed with you.’
I blush. ‘I’m such a lucky woman,’ I admit.
Henry now does start the car and as he drives through the busy New York streets, he asks me where I want to eat. I simply shrug, telling him he can decide. He gets this slightly smug grin on his lips, but it’s not new to me.
Ever since our little conversation, where I just called it as it is (he is pretty much a dom and I’m probably the biggest sub he’ll ever encounter), he has been actively enjoying it a lot more. Every time I say he can decide, every time I ask him to make a phone call for me, every time I ask his opinion on some clothing, it kinda feeds his ego.
Of course it’s not exactly like they describe it online, but with the way we do it, it feels so natural with him. It’s exactly the way I like it.
We stop at one of my favorite places to eat and when Henry and I walk in, the waiter seems to recognize us. He even asks us if we want the usual, which we both want. Henry and I are seated next to each other and we stare at the aquarium.
Henry has his arm wrapped around my shoulders, as he sighs deeply in content. We’re sitting pretty secluded, just the way Henry likes it. Privacy is a big deal to him and I don’t disagree with it. When my friends and I go out to the clubs he can get us into, he makes sure there is a safe spot for us to sit, lots of privacy and sometimes it comes with a bouncer, making sure no unwanted guests are joining us.
‘You’re tired,’ I note, my eyes following the clownfish that is swimming around. ‘Can I help you with something?’
‘No, no, baby, don’t you worry about me,’ he says. He presses a kiss on my forehead, before whispering in my ear: ‘Daddy’s alright, baby girl.’
My friends know about us, about me calling him daddy every now and then, but they had yet to catch us. Until a few days ago, where I forgot they were around and I mindlessly let it slip when he was preparing some breakfast for us. The audible gasp both Genevieve and Viola let out, caused me to actually wanting to die of shame and they haven’t let it go ever since.
But hearing him refer to himself as daddy, makes me forget all about that mortifying moment, and simply lets me appreciate what we have.
Henry and I enjoy our food, sip on our drinks as we share some simple stories of today. ‘What are your plans for later today?’ he asks me. ‘Or tomorrow?’
‘Not much, since the boss isn’t allowing me to “overwork” myself.’
He chuckles. ‘I heard the weather is gonna be killing tomorrow. I already told the other employees they can work from home.’
‘Oh,’ I say, ‘so, you’re staying home too?’
‘I am. I was thinking about maybe starting on our guest list?’
‘Starting?’ I ask him. ‘You probably forgot about Genevieve being involved. We already have a guest list. We can maybe go look for the perfect wedding rings. Oh my, we could do that.’
‘Sounds good to me.’ He takes my hand in his, admiring the engagement ring. ‘We could go for something similar to each other, but yours much more dainty.’
‘You checked rings already?’
‘I might’ve,’ he admits. ‘Just want the best for you.’
‘I love you,’ I whisper, as my heart swells with love and adoration. ‘I love you so much.’
February 14th 9 p.m.
It’s that time again. It’s that time where Henry decided to use the vibrator again with remote control. The catch this time? We’re not in our penthouse, not at his office totally shut off for other people to come in. We’re at a restaurant celebrating my birthday.
He does this from time to time, simply because he seems to enjoy me suffering, however this is the first time we’re actually in public. We’re sitting next to one another, staring over the city at night, as my leg is moving up and down nervously. The vibrations come and go and each time I’m so close, he must sense it, because he turns it off completely.
‘Baby girl,’ he says in a dangerous tone, ‘careful with your lips, now. Don’t chew on them.’
I let out a sigh, followed by a pout. ‘You’re torturing me,’ I whimper.
Almost like he was waiting on me admitting it, because the vibrations slowly come back to life. ‘I am?’
I nod. ‘Please, let’s just get out of here. I already finished my dessert.’
‘But I haven’t.’ He leans back and takes a sip of his drink. ‘Have I told you you look absolutely stunning tonight?’
I look down my silver dress, that is pretty flashy, but in this restaurant everyone looks showy here. Compared to them, I look pretty modest. ‘Yes, you did,’ I say.
Henry gently leans down, giving me a kiss on my forehead. ‘I love you, you’re doing so well.’ I receive another kiss on the tip of my nose and he descends to my lips.
I whimper against him, as I push my legs together, desperate for some friction, some touch. Anything. ‘Daddy,’ I mumble against his lips.
‘You want to go home, baby?’
‘Yes, please.’
He smiles. ‘Okay, let me help you in your coat,’ he says, finally taking a bit of pity on me. ‘Baby girl, you’re doing so well.’
I stand up on wobbly legs and he helps me in my coat. I zip it up and the two of us walk out of this place. Henry holds my purse in his hand, while the other is securely placed on the small of my back. He tells the limo chauffeur to drive towards home and we get in the back.
As the limo starts to drive, Henry unzips my coat and smiles. ‘Let’s take this all off.’
‘All of it? I can’t. I have to get from the limo back to the apartment, remember?’
‘That is why you’re wearing a longer coat, baby girl,’ he retorts. ‘Take it off.’
I do as he tells me to. I take off the coat, before I push the straps of my dress down. Since this isn’t a dress that requires a bra, I’m left in nothing but my flimsy thongs. He orders me to give them to him and like usual, they end up in his pocket. He actually takes the damn time to neatly fold my dress so he can put it in my purse.
Besides my heels, I’m totally naked in the back of the limo. I think it’s good that Henry owns this limo and pays this driver a lot of money. I wonder if the driver knows what is up—especially since this isn’t the first time we’ve had some sexual escapades in the back—but there isn’t a lot of time to think about it, as Henry pulls me on his lap. His lips wrap around my hardened nipple, his teeth softly sinking into it. He turns on the vibrator, as his bulge pressing against my clit. His hands are kneading the flesh of my behind. It’s so messy. We’re so messy, but that is what I love about him. No matter how dirty it gets, he always wants more. More of me. More of us.
He spreads my asscheeks apart, before on of his fingers gently touches my puckered hole, before letting it slip passed the tight muscle. ‘One day,’ he whispers, ‘it’ll be a lot more than just my finger, baby.’
The moan that’s caused because of all that, is a lot louder than I originally intended and he gives me a firm and loud smack on my behind.
The driver definitely knows now what we’re doing.
‘Quiet, baby girl,’ he grunts, ‘otherwise this pretty ass of yours is gonna be very red and very painful for you to sit on.’
I nod, as I resit on his lap a little, causing the vibrator to shift a bit and it hits the exact right spot. Keeping it quiet is nearly impossible, especially because he has been teasing me the entire night. His hand lands on my ass again and again and again. ‘What did I just say?’
‘Sorry, daddy, it’s just that… I’m so close.’ I am already clenching around the toy and Henry kisses me to stop me from making to much noise. It’s barely working, as I ride out my high on his lap. He turns off the vibrator with a smile and his finger exits from my tight hole. He helps me in my coat and says: ‘I believe we’re almost home.’
With nothing but a very short coat on and the vibrator still buried deep inside of me, the two of us get out of the limo. I avoid eye contact with the driver, who despite his own best efforts,  can’t hide the fact that he knows exactly what happened back there. After Henry gave him a ridiculously large tip, we walk towards the entrance of our building. It’s freezing cold and it’s not helping that the insides of my thighs are still a bit wet.
We step into the elevator and Henry stands behind me, his hand on my side, as a group of business men and women also step in. They are loud, meaning that Henry could easily turn on the vibrator and no one would notice.
Great minds must think alike, because he turns it on. I somehow manage to keep it sort of together, but it’s hard, especially with the way I feel my hardened nipples rub against the inside of my coat and Henry’s noticeable bulge pressed against my butt.
The carpet all of the sudden has all my attention.
The group steps off on the second floor and that leaves just the two of us. Henry steps in front of me, blocking the entrance as his hands slips underneath the hem of the coat. He pats my bare bottom a few times. ‘Good girl,’ he whispers.
‘Daddy,’ I whimper, ‘I’m close again.’
‘You better hold it.’
With the vibrator still on, I manage to wobble to the door of our apartment. The second the door closes, Henry nearly rips off my coat and cages me in between his arms and the wall. ‘Fuck, how did I get so lucky? You did well, baby girl. Daddy is so proud of you.’
‘Please,’ I beg, nearly in tears, ‘can I cum now?’
He gives me a soft peck on my lips, a sweet gesture compared to what he has been doing all night. ‘Of course.’
My legs start to shake, as I wrap my arms around his neck to keep me standing up. My eyes roll back, as the familiar feeling washes over me. ‘Oh daddy,’ I moan out, as I feel my juices squirt passed the vibrating egg, down my legs onto the floor. It’s all becoming too much, so I reach down to grab the string and pull it out.
As I’m panting, Henry seizes my wrist. ‘What did you do?’ he asks, turning the vibrator off. ‘Tell me, what did you do?’
Oh shit, I think something bad. ‘I couldn’t take it anymore, daddy.’
‘Then why didn’t you safe word?’
Why didn’t I? ‘I don’t know,’ I say, but when he cocks his eyebrow, I realize that won’t do. ‘It wasn’t necessary.’
He tsks, a sound he barely makes. ‘I’m disappointed in you, baby girl.’ He drags me with him to the bedroom and pushes me on the bed. Not gonna lie, this is turning me on way more than I originally expected. He holds my chin in between his fingers, as he forces me to look up. ‘If you don’t like something anymore,’ he says in a dangerously low tone, ‘then you safe word. But never ever take matters into your own hands like that.’
Fuck, this alone nearly causes my next orgasm. ‘I’m sorry, daddy.’
‘You’re damn right you’re sorry.’ He unbuttons his shirt, revealing his broad chest that over the course of the last few weeks only got broader and stronger. ‘And I’m gonna teach you a little lesson, baby girl.’
✤ ✤ ✤
After I don’t know how many orgasms with the vibrators (yes, plural), he turns them both off as I try to catch my breath. Him plunging my beloved vibrator deep inside of me. Him pressing the other one onto my super sensitive clit. He was torturing me, making me cum over and over and over again. Trying to teach me a lesson. The wet covers of the bed are the evidence of how many times I already came. He was slightly pissed at me, but also continued to whisper that I could safe word whenever I needed to.
Henry sits in between my legs and without much teasing or preparation enters me, burying himself deep inside of me. A gasp escapes my lips, as his girth is a world apart from the vibrator. He pushes his heavy chest onto mine, grabbing my hands and holding them with just one of his above my head.
Henry has never done such thing. Never took he this much control, never was he like this. But then again, never did I do something that would disappoint him. His lips are dangerously close and he says: ‘Tell me baby girl, whose pussy is this?’
What a question, but I know the answer. ‘Yours,’ I whisper. ‘Daddy, I’m so sorry.’
‘If you can’t take it anymore,’ he continues, ‘now or in the future, then you safe word. Promise me that.’
‘Yes, yes, yes, I promise.’
Henry gives me a kiss. It’s such a gentle move after the insane orgasm overstimulation act he just preformed on me. The throbbing pain is overruled by the sheer pleasure I feel of his thick length deep inside of me. ‘Are you gonna be a good girl for daddy?’
‘I will, I will. Always.’
His thrusts are slow, allowing me to take him all in and get used to his length. With every thrust, he brushes against my extremely sensitive clit, earning him soft whimper like moans. His lips press attentive kisses on my lips. ‘Good girl,’ he praises me, ‘such a good girl.’
My mind is so cloudy and foggy, but his lovely words still make an impact. ‘I love you.’
Henry smiles. ‘I love you too, baby girl. Fuck, I love you so much.’
He slowly speeds up his thrusts, only for him to become a lot rougher too. The room is filled with indecent and vulgar sounds, but that doesn’t stop him. No, it even encourages him more. Henry doesn’t stop, not even as I turn into a crying and sobbing mess underneath him.
I know what to do when it gets too much and while it definitely feels like too much, I love how he uses me like this. He is the only one that I’ll ever allow to do this. He is the only one who can have this much control over me.
My legs start to quiver and I don’t even have to tell him that I’m close. My vision turns completely white for a few moments, as I cry out. ‘Fuck!’
‘I know baby, I know. I’m close.’ The sound he makes as he bottoms out, painting me from the inside, is probably the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. He crashes on top of me, making sure he doesn’t crush me under his weight. ‘You did well,’ he says with a proud smile. ‘Are you okay? I was’t too rough on you, was I?’
I try to catch my breath, but I shake my head. ‘No, no, you weren’t. Don’t you worry. I’m so sorry,’ I sniffle.
He pushes some hairs out of my face and gives me a kiss. ‘It’s okay.’
‘You’re not mad at me?’ I place my hand in the back of his neck. ‘I didn’t mean to.’
‘Baby, baby, baby,’ he says, ‘I know you didn’t. Just know that whenever you don’t feel good, it’s becoming too much for you, you safe word. I need you to safe word, baby. Do it for daddy, okay?’
‘Of course, I will,’ I say, swallowing hard. ‘You’re really not mad at me?’
‘Hey, hey, it’s all good,’ he says. ‘I’m not mad at you, never was. Stop worrying about it, okay? Please, baby girl.’
‘I just love you a lot and I hate to disappoint you.’
‘I know you do,’ he says with a smile. ‘I love you a lot as well. And because I’m your boss, I’m willing to give you a day off tomorrow.’
I start to laugh. ‘Oh, how gracious of you.’
‘Want a bath, darling? Or you want to go to the sauna?’
‘Maybe a sauna is nice, and a bath afterwards?’
Henry nods and pulls out, causing me to slightly shiver on the bed. ‘Sit still, okay? I’ll be right out.’
As I am relaxing on the bed, regaining some strength in my legs, Henry walks around, preparing the sauna and I hear he is actually turning on the jacuzzi as well for after the sauna. He carries me out of the bed and whispers he’ll clean the bed later on. He sits on one of the wooden benches, tucking me securely on his lap. I was already sweaty, but despite that, it’s nice to be hugged by the warm air provided by the sauna. I wrap my arms around his shoulders, giving him a kiss in his neck.
His fingertips run up and down my spine. ‘Baby girl, can you tell me why you didn’t safe word?’
‘I don’t know,’ I whisper.
‘You didn’t feel safe enough to do it?’
‘It kinda slipped my mind.’
Henry nods, pressing his lips on my hair line. ‘I only want what’s best for you,’ he says. ‘And if you’re overwhelmed, tell me, okay?’
I nod. ‘I will. I promise.’
✤ ✤ ✤
It’s late by the time the two of us get in bed. Since it’s winter after all, I dressed myself in one of his long sleeved shirts, while my personal heater is in nothing but some boxers. I place my head on his chest and his hand finds mine. He holds my fingers, as his thumb runs over the engagement ring.
‘Honey,’ I say, ‘want to hear about a dream I had the other day?’
‘I dreamed about having kids last night with you.’
‘Really?’ he asks me. ‘Color me intrigued. What happened in that dream?’
‘Nothing much. Just you and me sitting on a porch, looking over the yard and seeing our kids run around, maybe even a dog.’
‘I keep thinking about that as well,’ he chuckles. ‘The whole idea of having kids with you makes me realize how fortunate I am that you’re gonna be my wife. When do you want to start trying?’
‘Maybe a few months after our wedding? I know that I probably won’t get pregnant straight away after I stopped taking the pill, but I’d like to enjoy a few more months of you and I as a married couple.’
He nods. ‘I agree. It’s just that I can’t wait for you and I to start a family. To spoil you and the children rotten.’
‘But we still have to keep them humble,’ I say. ‘I’m serious, Henry.’
‘Of course, of course,’ he quickly says. ‘They should never take anything for granted.’
I close my eyes, placing my leg over his. ‘Do you think we should move places?’
He nods. ‘Totally, because I want to make that dream of yours come true. I want a yard, so we can build treehouses, have toys scattered all around and what not.’
I smile. It’s like he is reading my mind. ‘When are we gonna start looking for a place?’
‘After the wedding?’ he suggests.
I nod. ‘After the wedding.’
111 notes · View notes
Prompt: Y/N’s first day back to work from her vacation is also coincidentally her birthday, as the day goes by, one mysterious box is placed on her work table. The content of it is a devious surprise and Y/N needs to find out who is the mysterious person who dared to give her such a kinky birthday present.
Word count: Long-ish
Pairing: Roman Reigns x Reader
Warnings: +18, smut, bondage(handcuffs), use of a vibrator, fingering, rough sex, mentions of voyeurism, oral sex (female receiving), dirty talk, cursing.
My Roman lovers: @ziasaph, @reigns-5sos, @mindofasagittaruis
Notes: What a better way to start 2021, then with a Roman kinky fic?! I wish you all a Happy New Year loves, may 2021 be kinder to us all. Y’all know the drill loves,sorry for misspellings,english isn’t my first language (bla bla bla),check out my other stories if you’d like to(it would make your girl here very happy 😊) and if you’re comfortable with it,please let me know what you think? Some feedback is always welcomed and appreciated ❤️You can check out my other stories typing ‘masochist writes’ on the search bar on my page and my newest story as a fixed post.Okay,now let’s get to the fun part,shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy 😉
“Happy birthday, to you..” I turn around to the sound of a person singing, just to see Sasha Banks holding a chocolate cupcake and a present bag on her hands.
“Hi Sasha.” I smiled
“Happy birthday babe!” Sasha ran up to me, placing the cupcake on my working table and hugging me tightly.
“Thanks Sasha”
This was my first day back from my vacation, and coincidentally it was also my birthday, so I was excited to see some of the good friends I’ve made while working for the WWE as a chiropractor.
“Here this is for you!” Sasha handed me a present bag.
“Oh Sasha, you really didn’t have to-“
“Shush! I love you, so of course I would pamper you on your birthday” Sasha said as I opened the bag to find a pair of Louboutin’s I had my eyes on for quite sometime, but couldn’t afford it.
“Sasha, are you insane? I can’t accept these! It’s way too expensive!” I gasped
“I am perfectly sane, you will accept these and I don’t care if you think they’re too expensive! I love you, you’re one of my best friends in this company and a human being with a heart made of gold. So if there is someone who deserves these is you” She happily said
“Sasha, I don’t even know how to thank you enough” I whispered with tears on my eyes
“Just say you will be my friend forever babe” She winked
“I don’t need presents to be your friend love”
“That’s why I gave it to you. I don’t care how much they cost, I just want to make my best friend happy on her birthday”
I hugged her and whispered ‘thank you’ on her ear
“So, who else has came here today?” She asked
“Oh! Bayley, Charlotte, Xavier, Kofi, Cesaro, Big E, Alexa, Naomi, Jey, Becky, Seth, Finn, Renee and Dean” I said, listing my close friends
“I was the last one then? Damn it!”
“It’s ok, I know you were busy today love”
“So...no Roman?” She whispered
“No, no Roman” I answered slightly disappointed.
Sasha along with Bayley and Renee were the only 3 people who knew about my stupid crush on Roman Reigns. It’s so stupid of me to think that a man like him would ever look at someone like me.
If he would ever look at someone on this company, it wouldn’t be the thick girl who worked as a chiropractor and yes one of the beautiful toned Divas of this company.
But still I couldn’t help but daydream about having him on top of me.
“Maybe he doesn’t know it’s your birthday?” Sasha tried to make it less uncomfortable
“Really Sasha? He’s friends with Dean! Everybody knows Dean is an open mouth, loud as fuck and can’t keep it to himself not even if his life depended on it...Roman just chose to ignore it, and it’s fine. We’re not close or anything so, I wasn’t expecting him to show up at my office door and fuck me on top of this table” I lied while chuckling weirdly
“Let’s be honest babe, everybody secretly wants Roman Reigns to fuck them on top of a table!” We both laughed at her statement before she continued “It’s his loss anyways babe”
“Yeah I guess so...”
I was making my way back to my office, from the women’s locker room, when a big black box with a golden ribbon called my attention on top of my desk.
“What the hell?” I said as I approached the box carefully. All of my closest friends had already wished me a happy birthday and gave me their presents so this was, to say the least, weird and unexpected.
I saw a blood red card on top of it, so I opened to find the handwritten saying
‘I hope these will make your birthday night unforgettable. Can you guess who’ve bought these for you? ;)’
Ok, that’s pretty fucking weird! I thought
From the corner of my eye I saw Sasha passing by and loudly whispered
“Sasha! Come here”
She entered my office “What’s up girl? Are you ok? You look scared”
I closed my office door and locked, and made my way back to the table by her side.
“Ok, I’m feeling a little paranoid. I just came back to my office to find this box and this card. Here” I handed the card to her and she red silently.
“Did you look what’s inside of it?” Sasha said
“Nope. And to be honest I don’t know if I can..what if it’s like a prank or something?”
“Well, there’s only one way to find out Y/N”
She opened the box, inside of it there was a fancy red paper, I took it out of the way to reveal what was underneath it and I tell you I almost passed out.
Inside the box there was a lavender and purple (my favorite colors) vibrator, it was actually pretty cute...two pairs of handcuffs, lube, nipples clamps and a whip.
“Oh my gosh” Sasha gasped as she took the clamps on one hand and the whip on the other. “Someone wants to get kinky with you girl!” She examined the items carefully
“What in the actual fuck?” I whispered shocked “Give me that!” I took the items out of her hand, shoved back into the box and quickly closed with the black lid.
“Jesus, I can get fired if someone sees that in my office! Who the hell would do that?”
“Someone who wants to get some! And wants it rough” She chuckled
“Sasha it’s not funny! I could not have a job tomorrow morning if someone from the company found these”
“Who do you think did this?” She asked seriously
“How am I supposed to know? I have no fucking clue!”
“Maybe someone who’s name starts with an R...” She smirked
“R?... What ar-... Oh hell no! Nu uh, that’s impossible!” She couldn’t be implying that Roman was behind this, was he? No! Of course not, that’s a dumb thing to think of...but a part of me wished it was him, even though I know it wasn’t.
“Why impossible? You’re a gorgeous woman Y/N! You two would make a beautiful couple, plus, I‘ve seen his handwriting before and I’m pretty sure it’s quite similar to this one” She said as she inspected the card closely.
“Obviously someone wants to make fun out of me, so I’ll just pretend this never happened” I took the card out of her hand and shoved inside the box.
“Or someone has an eye on you for a while and decided to finally make a move”
“Sasha, please don’t tell this to anyone”
“Your secret is safe with me babe. Just promise that when your secret admirer finally show up, you’ll tell me if you guys made a good use of his presents” She laughed
“You’re the worst!” I laughed along
I made my way back to my hotel room later that evening with my hands so full of packages I could barely walk. I opened the door and carefully placed the bags, along with the black box, on the floor.
I went to the bed and sat down on the edge, while I stared at the box.
*Could Sasha be right? Could it be Roman who did this?* Was the only thought that crossed my mind
I decided to forget all about it and take a shower to wash off the day.
As I was rinsing my hair I heard some noise coming from the bedroom
*What the hell was that?*
I blamed on my super active mind and turned the shower off.
I got changed into some clean oversized t- shirt, and went full on commando. I was brushing my damp hair, when I decided to lay out the contents of the black box on the bed.
I roamed my eyes on each item slowly, until they stopped on the lavender and purple happiness. I turned the vibrator on and felt slightly tempted to use it.
*Oh fuck it! Happy birthday to me I guess”
I got rid of the t-shirt and lay down on the bed naked.
I closed my eyes, letting my mind imagine my wet dream, in form of a man... his face, his body, his cock and how I wish I could feel it inside of me, stretching me as I teased my clit with the vibrator.
I moaned Roman’s name and heard someone clear their throat on the foot of the bed. My eyes shot open and my heart nearly stopped beating when I saw who was in front of me. The vision was so unexpected that I even forgot I was naked.
“I see you liked my gift then” He smirked
“Wh- What are you doing here? How did you get inside of my room?” I whispered
“Does it matter?” His eyes had an evil glimpse to it
“Roman... I- I can explain” I begin to stutter
He placed his index finger on his lips in a shh motion and I stopped talking. He hungrily stared at every inch of my naked body, making me feel quite self conscious of the imperfections of it. I grabbed the blanket to cover my nakedness, he notice what I was about to do and yanked the blankets off the bed
“I’ve been waiting for years to see you like this, so don’t you dare cover yourself from me now”
He took off his shirt and pants leaving only his boxers on, from where I was laying I could see the outline of his hard cock and the wet spot of pre cum near of it’s head. He crawled on top of me slowly, like a predator, with dangerous eyes that were glued to my own.
“At first I was only gonna watch you... I wanted to see you pleasure yourself with my gifts, but when I saw your body fully naked on this bed moaning my name” He grunted “I couldn’t control myself, I couldn’t see this” He took the vibrator off my hand and placed on the bed by our side “Having all the fun with you, enjoying every part of your beautiful body, stretching your sweet pussy while my own cock only got to watch, he wants to have his own fun with you baby girl. He wants to make you feel real good” He leaned closer to my face, his lips brushing mine as he asked “Do you want that Y/N? Do you want my cock to make you feel good? Do you want it to stretch you out baby? Do you want it to fuck you hard and rough? Or do you prefer it slow and sweet? Do you want me to fuck you from behind?...Or maybe I should eat you out first huh? Eat that sweet pussy until you’re begging me to stop, I can’t wait to feel you come on my mouth...around my cock,milking it really nice” He growled “Tell me Y/N, what do you want?”
“I want it all, I want everything” I panted as he dry humped me
“Will you let me do whatever I want with you baby girl? What I’ve always wanted to do?”
He smiled satisfied, leaning to kissed me roughly and sloppily as he grabbed both of my wrists into one of his big hands pining it over my head.
“If anything I do bothers you or you feel like your not feeling it or don’t like it, you let me know ok?”
I nodded
“I need words baby girl”
“Yes, I understand”
“Good” He smiled and I felt something cold close around my wrists. I looked up to see the handcuffs around my wrists being closed on the headboard of the bed. Roman sat up and looked down do my naked body at his disposal.
“Fuck, you’re such a gorgeous sight” He said as he palmed his hard cock through his boxers. “I can’t wait to bury my cock deep inside you” He panted
“Roman, please do something” I whispered
His hands roamed the sides of my body until he stopped at my breasts as his hands squeezed them hard while pinching my nipples.
“These were made just for me. Do you see how they perfectly fit my hands? I can only imagine how even more beautiful your breasts will look with my cock sliding in between them” His eyes were glued on my breasts.
I tugged at my handcuffed hands, begging “Roman, please, I need- something”
“Let’s take a look on this pussy...are you wet for me Y/N?”
He raised his eyebrows “Really? Let‘s see” Two of his fingers slides through my folds “Fuck baby girl, you are soaked. Jesus, we won’t even need lube” His fingers traced lazy circles around my clit, making me moan in pleasure. One callused finger slipped inside of me.
“Oh baby girl, you’re so tight, fuck I will barely be able to move. I can’t wait to feel your sweet little pussy stretch around my cock”
He took his finger out and cleaned with his tongue, humming in pleasure to the taste of my juices.
“You taste amazing, Y/N. Fuck I need more” He slide down my body placing his head between my thighs. His tongue gave a long lick from my entrance to my clit sucking it. Making his way back to my entrance again dipping his tongue inside of me, beginning to fuck me with his tongue.
“Oh my god, Roman, please fuck me! I need you inside of me please” I whined
“As you wish baby” He smirked
He slides his cock through my folds to lube it up, then places the head of his cock at my entrance
“Are you sure about this baby girl? ‘Cause once I start I won’t be able to stop myself”
“Roman, just fuck me already would you?” I said impatiently
He chuckled lightly saying “Easy tiger, we’ll take this slow, I don’t want to hurt you” Roman leaned down to peck my lips and returned to his previous position.
He started to slowly slide inside of me, inch by inch, painfully slow. He’s the biggest man I’ve ever been with, so I knew that we needed to take it slow, but fuck he feels so good I just wish he would roughly thrust into me, so I wiggle my hips to take more of him.
“Fuck Y/N, slow down! You’re too tight and I’m not exactly small, if you keep rushing things you’re gonna end up hurting yourself and I don’t want that”
“I know is just that your cock feels so fucking good, I just want you to fuck me Ro”
“Trust me baby, there’s nothing that I want more then fuck you senseless, but I want you to enjoy it as well ok?” He kissed my nose then my lips
When all of him was finally inside of me we both moaned loudly, I’ve never felt so full before and it was both a dream and a nightmare
“Motherfucker! Jesus fuck Y/N, you’re so fuckin- Oh my god.. I gotta focus ‘cuz I feel like at the slightest move I’ll cum” He pressed his forehead to mine as his thumb slowly traced circles on my clit.
“Roman” I gasped “Please don’t tease me like that, fuck it feels so fucking good” I cried as I felt my walls tighten around him
“Oh fuck!” Roman growled loudly “Don’t do that baby girl, don’t squeeze my cock like that, you’re gonna make m-“
“Move,please” I circled my hips
“Fuck it” He said as he forcefully grabbed my hips and begin to quickly thrust me.
“Oh Roman...harder, I need harder”
“Harder?” He chuckled “Like this?” He pounded into me mercilessly
“Yes! Just like that, oh please, don’t stop” “Fuck Y/N you’re going to get me addicted to you baby girl” He kissed my lips vigorously
“I say we should push you a little further..” Roman took the vibrator from the bed and placed on my clit.
“Fuck, you look so beautiful baby girl, a whimpering mess underneath me”
“Ro- Roman I’m gonna cum”
“Cum baby, I wanna feel you cum around my cock”
And I did. My orgasm was so hard that my juices made a mess on Roman’s thighs and the bedsheets.
“Y/N, fuck baby...so fucking gorgeous, my messy girl” He chuckled “Where do you want me to cum baby?”
“Inside” I panted while I felt another mini orgasm come through me
“Fuck, I’m officially addicted to you baby girl. You’re my wet dream come true...gorgeous face, delicious body, perfect pussy..so tight for me. And on top of it all, you want my cum inside of you?! You are beyond perfect Y/N”
He thrusts into me 3 more times before finally cum, filling me up with his seed.
As we tried to recover our breaths, Roman uncuffed my wrists and placed a sweet kiss into each one.
“You ok baby girl?”
“Mhmm” I hummed
“Did I hurt you? Was I too rough?”
“No, of course not. You were perfect!”
“Good baby” He smiled
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure thing baby”
“Why? Why me?”
“Why not you?” He asked sincerely while he brushed my hair with his fingers
“I don’t know, I can’t picture someone like you with someone like me.. I mean, there are so many beautiful women in the company that fit you better...I’ve never thought you could find me attractive”
“Are you serious? Have you looked yourself in the mirror? You’re gorgeous, so perfect Y/N. Yes, there are beautiful women in the company but they’re nothing compared to you baby. You stand out, exactly because you’re different from all of them. You’re unique”
“Still...I don’t know..”
“Oh so you don’t believe me? Maybe I’ll have to show you then”
I could feel his cock beginning to harden on my thigh
“Show me? How?”
“Well baby girl, good thing there are more items of the box for us to try it huh?”
“Yeah, you don’t really think that I’m gonna let you go right? Now that I’ve tasted you, you’ve got me hooked baby. We’ve got the whole night for me to change your mind about us together. And I bet you that I will” He smirked as he leaned down to kiss my neck...
What a great way to celebrate my birthday 🎁
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
Ghosts (Javier x Reader) {MTMF}
Title: Ghosts Rating: PG-13 Length: 2000 Warnings: Potential triggers if you have toxic family members and/or family members or loved ones with addiction. Also very mild allusions to anxiety.  Notes: You can find everything about Maybe Today, Maybe Forever here. Set October 31st 1998. Summary: Halloween festivites are interrupted by a ghost. 
@grapemama @seawhisperer @huliabitch @pedropascalito @rogrsnbarnes @thewallpapergoesorido @twomoonstwosuns @gooddaykate @livasaurasrex @ham4arrow @plexflexico @readsalot73 @hdlynn @lokiaddicted @randomness501 @fioccodineveautunnale  @roxypeanut @snivellusim @lukesrighthand @historynerd04 @mrsparknuts @synystersilenceinblacknwhite @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @exrebelshocktrooper​ @awesomefandomsunited @ah-callie​ @swhiskeys​ @lady-tano​ @beskar-droids​ @space-floozy​ @cable-kenobi​ @cool-ultra-nerd @himbopoes​ @findhimfives​ @pedrosdoll​ @frietiemeloen​ @arrowswithwifi​ @random066 @uncomicalhumour​ @heather-lynn @domino-oh-damn​ @cyarikaaa​ @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​ @im-still-a-pieceofgarbage @ksgeekgirl​  @yabby-girl​ @xqueenofthecraziesx​ @punkass-potato​ @coredrive​ @pascalesque​ @theduchessofkirkcaldy​ @queenquazar @sabinemorans​ @buckstaposition​ @holkaskrosnou​ @yespolkadotkitty​ @fleetwoodmactshirt​ @seeking-a-great–perhaps
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“Well, aren’t you the cutest little pumpkin I have ever seen.” You said with the put-on voice that always managed to make Sofía giggle. She clapped her hands together as she rocked back against Javier’s chest. She reached up and tried to pull off the headband that was made to look like the stem and leaves of a pumpkin. 
“You’ve gotta keep that on, sweetheart.” He told her, batting her hand away from the headband. “You still dressing up, baby?” Javier questioned, giving you a pointed look. 
You looked down, gesturing to your sweatpants with a grin, “What? You don’t know what Morticia wore when she was at home?” You leaned down and pressed a kiss to his lips. “It should take me ten minutes tops.”  
“Mommy!” Josie cried out as she ran down the hallway. “I can’t find my candy basket! I looked everywhere!”
“It’s on the kitchen counter.” You told her, before looking back at Javier. “I don’t know how I feel about your slicked back hair.”
Javier arched a brow, “It was your idea.”
“I know.” You laughed, shaking your head. “Josie-Jo, can you sit with your father while I get ready?”
Josie ran past you with Stevie hot on her heels. You watched, in mild horror, as she climbed over the back of the sofa to get to Javier. 
“This isn’t a jungle gym.” Javier reminded her, before you even had a chance. 
Stevie started barking, ignoring her pursuit as she ran towards the front door a split second before someone rang the bell. 
“I’ll get it.” You told Javier as he corralled the children. “It’s a little bit early for trick-or-treaters.” You commented as you grabbed the dish of candy off the table in the kitchen and headed for the front door.
“Stevie. Hush.” You snapped your fingers, scolding the dog with a look. She took two steps back and sat down obediently. “That’s a good girl.” You gave her a head pat, before turning to the front door.
“Happy Hallo—“ Your enthusiasm was cut short as you pulled the door open. It wasn’t a gaggle of costumed children waiting beyond the door. But it was certainly frightening. 
A different kind of ghost. 
“What are you doing here?” You questioned, stepping out onto the front stoop and pulling the door shut behind you. 
How long had it been? Twenty years? And over the course of those twenty years you hadn’t once regretted leaving her in the past.
“It’s so good to see you, sweetie.” She clasped her hands together as she rocked on her heels. “I’ve missed you.”
“Let me ask again. What are you doing here?” You kept the bowl of candy in between the two of you, like it was a shield that would keep her from getting any closer. 
“I came to see you.” She edged closer, “I’m clean, sweetheart. You don’t have to worry about me anymore, I—“
“I didn’t.” You cut her off. “The only time you ever cross my mind is when I wonder how I managed to get through that part of my life.”
“I know.” She shook her head, before offering you a rather disarming smile. “I’m so proud of you. You’ve done so much. Who would’ve thought that my baby girl would amount to so much.”
“You have to leave.” You said without emotion, despite the storm of emotions you felt in the pit of your stomach. Even your chest felt tight as a wave of anxiety, one that had only ever been reserved for your mother, washed through you. 
She held up a hand, “I want to meet my grandbabies.”
“No.” You clenched her teeth together, “They don’t need to be brought into this same toxic cycle I was caught in. No.”
The front door cracked open and you turned to see Javier standing there, “Baby, you good?”
You bit down on your bottom lip, giving the faintest shake of your head as you caught his gaze. You tried to convey everything without words and he got it. 
“They’ve got the girls,” He assured you softly as he stepped out onto the stoop, pulling the door closed behind you. Javier took the bowl of candy from you, sitting it aside on the small bench that sat on the stoop. 
“Thank you.” You whispered, the chill that had settled into your veins quickly chased away by his warmth as he settled a hand on the small of your back. 
“Can I help you?” Javier questioned, fixing your mother with a look, his other hand resting at his hip as he stared her down. 
“Sweetheart, aren’t you going to introduce us?”
You swallowed thickly, a humorless laugh escaping you. “Javier, this is my mother.”
“It’s so nice to meet you,” She remarked as she extended a hand. Javier didn’t offer his, but your mother didn’t let that deter her. “I’m sure you’ve gotten an earful about me. I’m better. I promise.”
“Married again, I see.” You gritted out, catching the glint of the ring on her finger. 
“We met in rehab.” She explained, “He’s got a daughter about your age.” 
“Congrats.” You offered, leaning into Javier as he ran his hand over the small of your back. “I’m glad you’re alive I guess, but… we have plans.”
“I don’t mean to be a burden, sweetheart. It’s just… after I saw that article, I was just so proud of you. Look at you — you’re a mother.”
You scoffed, “That’s definitely the thing to be proud of.” You tilted your head to look at Javier. “I can’t do this. Please make her leave.”
Javier gave a short, “Whatever you need, baby.” He released his hold as you turned away, “I’ll be in, in a minute.”
You offered your mother a tight lipped smile. “Have a safe trip back to wherever. I hope you’re really clean this time, Becky.” 
What a fucking nightmare. 
Stevie barked as you stepped back inside, “Shh. It’s just me.” You said as you knelt down and gave her a scratch behind the ear. 
She kept close to you like she was your shadow as you headed back into the bedroom to get ready. Not that you felt particularly celebratory now. Somehow, after all those years — she could still manage to zap the life out of you. 
“It’s Monica.” She offered as she knocked at your bedroom door.
“It’s unlocked,” You told her, running a brush over your hair. 
“Hey,” Monica started. “Who’s the woman Javier’s talking to?”
You rolled your eyes, “The wicked witch of the west.” You gestured to the wig laying on the bed. “Do you still get Morticia vibes without it?”
“You look gorgeous,” Monica assured you, though her brows drew together with concern. “I’ve only ever heard you refer to one woman as a witch.”
“Yeah.” You folded your arms across your chest. “There’s a lot to unpack there and I just want the girls to have a good night.”
Monica sat down on the foot of your bed, smoothing her hand over the blue gingham skirt of her Dorothy costume. “Why is she here?”
“Regret? A bid for sympathy? She ran out of people to use?” You questioned bitterly. “Fuck, I hate this. It’s all because of that stupid article.” 
You sank down in the small chair in the corner,  and Stevie laid down directly at your feet. 
“Do you want to talk about it?”
You made a face, “Yes. No.” You looked away, biting down on your bottom lip hard enough to taste blood alongside the taste of lipstick. “It’s been twenty years. I left and I never looked back, Monica. I had plans for my life and none of them would’ve happened if I stayed caught in her web.”
“I know the feeling.” Monica offered you a sympathetic smile, “Remember what you told me and Connie. It’s okay to cut out of toxic people.”
“Apparently she’s clean.” You blurted out, still actively processing everything that she’d said in that short window of time. “But I know how it goes. She married someone from rehab. I think the last one was too… twenty years ago.”
She arched a brow at you, “Is she why you’re so weird about marriage?”
“Yeah.” You rolled your eyes. Your mother would show up mere months after you figured out how to overcome that hang up. “My childhood was shit. The men she brought into my life were monsters. I don’t want that around my girls.”
Javier walked in then and his expression was heavy when he met your gaze, “I had to compromise to get her to leave, baby.”
You pushed your fingers through your hair, looking towards the window then. “What?”
“She’s gonna come back tomorrow. I’ll take the girls the Murphys—“
“You’re not leaving me alone.”
“— and come back.” Javier frowned at you. “Baby, we don’t have to go to this. There will be other Halloween parties at the school.”
“No.” You shook your head. “Josie only gets one kindergarten Halloween party. You stood up then, glancing at your reflection in the mirror. “This is good enough. Let’s just go.”
Javier looked towards Monica then, before looking back at you. “Are you sure you’re okay, baby?”
You pressed your thumb against the spot between your brows and sighed heavily. Taking account of how you actually felt. You could feel your pulse in your ears, a distinct twinge of pain in your ribs. “No. No, I’m not sure I’m okay.”
You sank back down in the chair, resting your head in your hands. “Monica, do you and Nadia mind taking them on to the school? Her class is supposed to be getting together for pictures beforehand.”
“Yeah, of course. Whatever you need.” Monica walked over and gave your shoulder a squeeze. “Nadia’s got so many Polaroid refills. We’ll take a bunch.”
“Thank you.” Javier offered as she headed out of the bedroom. 
You were both quiet for a long time before he moved to kneel down beside you, taking your hand into his. 
“Javi, don’t kneel like that. Your knees are going to kill you tomorrow.” You warned him, lifting your gaze but not quiet meeting his eyes. 
“Baby,” Javier started as he reached out and brushed his knuckles against your cheek. “We’ve gotta talk about this.”
You leaned into his touch, “I’ll meet with her tomorrow, if that’s all she wants.”
“I think it is.” Javier cupped your cheek, “Just say your piece and send her on her way. But I don’t want you to…” He pressed his tongue to the inside of his cheek as he shook his head. “I don’t want you to regret this, baby.”
You chewed on the inside of your bottom lip, “I don’t want her anywhere near the girls. Their grandmother is dead.”
He nodded, “I know.”
“What did she say?”
Javier sighed heavily. “She had a whole bit about how she’s sober now and she’s just trying to make amends—“
“So she’s actually in NA again.” You shook your head, rubbing your hands together. “She’s been before. She gets sober, clings to someone new, and the cycle repeats.” 
“I know.” Javier rested his hand on your leg and gave it three short squeezes, “Look, I told her she could come over tomorrow. We can sit in the backyard and talk until you’re ready for her to leave.”
He reached for your hand, sliding his hand up to press two fingers against your pulse. 
“How do you feel?”
“Like my blood pressure is through the roof.” You reported. “Trust me, I’m aware.”
He brought your hand to his lips, his breath hot against your skin. “I just want you to take care of yourself, baby. And let me take care of you.”
You smiled, “Thank you.”
“Querida Mia.” He drawled out, pressing kisses up your arm, just like Gomez did with Morticia.
You laughed, turning your hand to cup his cheek as you leaned in to kiss his lips. “I love you. I’m sorry you’ve gotten yourself dragged into this.”
“Don’t apologize, baby.” Javier’s brows furrowed together. “I’m in this together with you. Good, bad, or otherwise.”
“Those almost sound like vows,” You teased lightly, “Now stand up before you’re limping tomorrow.”
Javier snorted, chuckling as he pulled himself up off the floor. He dusted his knees off before offering you his hand, “Shall we?”
“Yes.” You stood, interlacing your fingers. “I don’t want to miss out on the festivities.” 
He squeezed your hand, “We won’t worry about tomorrow, until tomorrow. Alright?”
You agreed, “Tonight is about the girls.”
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janeyseymour · 4 years
Few And Far Between
It's been a strange day for Jane and Jenna... First they work together, and then they meet two people they never thought they would.
WC: 2350
It had been quite a day for the queen and baker. For once, Jenna Hunterson, proud owner, baker, and waitress, had taken a day off. Nothing special was happening that day, the woman just decided she should take a much needed break, knowing her staff could easily manage without her. Still, she told Cal that if it got to be too much not to hesitate to call her in.
Jane Seymour had settled into the cafe Anne worked at. It was few and far between that she made visits there anymore (mostly she found herself at Lulu’s to visit her friend), but when she did Anne always made sure the corner spot she had first met Jenna in was open for her. Seeing that she didn’t have to worry about picking Lulu up from school, she figured she might as well keep her friend with space buns occupied.
“Mind if I join you?” A familiar voice teased. Jane couldn’t help but roll her eyes in good nature.
“Mmm,” she drew out. “I suppose.”
“Oh please,” the brunette took her seat across from Jane. “As if you have any other friends who would willingly join you here.”
“Excuse me, I have five other people who live in my house who would happily join me, and your daughter would join me too!” the blonde playfully bit back.
“Well, I guess you got me there.”
The two had been chatting for quite some time when the baker’s phone began to ring.
“Oh good god. It’s Cal. I gotta take this.” The brunette stood and stepped outside before returning a few moments later to gather her things.
“Get called into work?” Jane didn’t even have to look up from her book to know she was correct.
“Yeah. Apparently it’s busier than usual, and you know how some of the staff can get when they’re under pressure. You’re more than welcome to join me, although I don't know if I can promise you a seat.”
“I can come; just gotta let Annie know I’m leaving.” The third queen made her way over to her predecessor and informed her of her new plan.
“Just bring me home a slice of pie, yeah?” With a nod, the two made their way out of the cafe and into the streets.
When Cal had called and told Jenna the diner was busy, he wasn’t kidding. On a Wednesday afternoon, the place looked as though it was a Saturday morning. And of course, they were understaffed.
After spending a decent amount of time hanging around the diner, the silver queen had picked up on how to address customers. Seeing that no one was available to help the customers that had just walked in, Jane stepped up.
“Hi, welcome to Lulu’s pie diner. If you give me one second, I can bus a table for you and have you seated!” The blonde shot them a smile before grabbing the bussing bin and making her way over to the table that had just been deserted.
“Jenna, there’s a new duo at table 7,” Jane alerted the baker as she made her way back to her seat behind the counter.
“There can’t be? It’s not-”
“I cleaned and set it. I just figured you could use some help. Oh god, did I overstep?” A hand flew to cover her mouth in panic.
“No, no,” Jenna quickly rushed out. “Thank you so much, but you don’t have to work hun.”
“I don’t mind.” Jane let a small sigh of relief out after that brief moment of weakness.
“Well in that case-” the owner of the diner reached under the counter before holding out an apron for the blonde to put on. “-better get to work Miss Seymour. Don’t make me regret hiring you.” The brunette winked.
As it turns out, waitressing came easily to the third queen. It made sense in reality- having to clean up hurricane Anne’s messes made bussing and setting tables a breeze. If no one else was available, she was able to seat more customers and inform her friend of the turnovers. She was able to print checks and run them (with some help from Jenna at first). To say the owner of the diner was grateful was an understatement. She truly wasn’t sure how she would’ve made it through this day without an angry customer if it wasn’t for her friend with a heart of... silver? Then, a thought occurred to the waitress. She wasn’t available to pick Lulu up from school anymore, and it’s not like she could ask Jim to- he was on call.
“What’s got you ‘lookin like shit’, as Becky would say?” Jane whispered to her friend as they passed- Jane on her way back to the counter to run a card and Jenna with two slices of “In the Dark, Dark Chocolate” pie for table 8.
“I don’t know how I’m gonna get Lu home from-”
“I can grab her,” Jane offered, already taking off the apron she had been given earlier in the morning.
“As much as I appreciate that, I kind of need you here to help out.”
“I can see if one of the other queens can pick her up? I think Anne gets done a bit before her school lets out. If not, I think Cathy could pry herself away from her work for 20 minutes to pick her up and bring her here.”
“You and your family are a lifesaver sometimes.”
“Let me just shoot them a text.” The blonde pulled her phone out from her pocket and opened her messages.
[ the queens] Jane: Hi, is anyone free to do me (and Jenna) a HUGE favor?
       Catalina: What’s up?
       Anne: ?
       Cathy: Would love to help, but have to finish an editorial that’s due tomorrow
       Kat: drownin’ in classwork n then i gotta run to work, sry j
       Anna: What up Seymour
       Jane: The diner is crazy busy right now, so I’m helping out. Unfortunately, that leaves no one to pick up Lu (Jim is on call). Would one of you be able to run down to her school and pick her up?
“Tell them I’ll bake their favorite pie for them,” Jenna laughed.
       Jane: Jenna says pie is on the table as a reward.
       Anne: what time does her skool get out? might be able to grab her on my way home from work
       Jane: 3:15.
       Anne: might be a few minutes late, but I can grab her. Do I bring her to our place, the diner, Jenna’s?
       Jane: Thank you so much. You’re a lifesaver. Wherever is fine. Thank you so much.
“Annie said she can.”
“Thank god for that. I’ll call the school to let them know she’s picking Lu up. Think you can hold the fort down for a few minutes?”
“Annie?” Lulu looked puzzled as to why one of her girls was picking her up from school that day. Didn’t Mama have off today?
“Hey little Lu!” Anne held out her hand for the small child to take. “Mama got called into your diner today, and apparently it is so super busy, so Janey is helping her out too.”
“Oh, okay! Can we go to my diner?” The little girl asked as the two began walking the streets of New York.
“That sounds perfect.”
“Thank you so much Anne. You’re literally a godsend,” Jenna thanked the second queen profusely as she placed a hefty slice of pie in front of her.
“Not a problem really. You know I’m more than happy to help out,” the green queen got out before diving into her pie with an eagerness neither of the women had seen before.
“Did you not eat today Annie?” Jane asked while passing the table that held two of her favorite girls on her way to another table with more coffee.
“Didn’t have a chance to grab something before I left work. Had to be on time to pick up the little munchkin.”
“You know, if I’m ever this busy again, I might be callin’ you back in for a shift,” the baker laughed as she handed her friend a wad of cash. Now that the hustle and bustle of the diner was starting to slow down, the two could take a break to chat.
“What’s this?” Jane looked at the money that was shoved into her hand. “I don’t need this.”
“Your share of tips for the day.”
“I’m not taking your money Hunterson,” Jane refused, handing the money back.
“Come on. You worked almost a full shift without any notice. Just-”
“I did it to help a friend out.”
“You worked almost a full shift.”
“I volunteered.”
“Just take the damn money,” Jenna sighed as she stuffed the money into one of the pockets of the apron that Jane was still sporting.
“Use it for something that needs to be fixed in the diner.” Jane pulled the money out and did exactly what the owner of the diner had done to her.
“Jesus Christ Jane, just take it.” She threw the money at her in good nature.
“I’ll just put it in here.” Jane, ever the stubborn one, deposited the money in the tip jar.
“You know who the tips go to right?” The brunette bit back a laugh.
“Yes. The waitresses and the kitchen staff.”
“You were a waitress today,” the baker laughed as she pulled the money out of the tip jar and handed it back to the blonde. “You’re not winning this one Seymour, so just take it.”
“Alright fine. I’m going to run to the restroom real quick. Keep an eye on Anne for me, and do not give her another slice of pie. Last thing I need is for her to spoil dinner and be up half the night rambling about god knows what.”
A few minutes later, Jenna heard the bell ring. Counting the cash in the register, she didn’t look up immediately, but started on with her spiel for when it wasn’t too busy, “Hi, welcome to Lulu’s diner. Take a-” she looked up and saw the woman standing in front of her. “Jane, stop playing.”
“I’m sorry?” The blonde in front of her looked confused, the slightest crinkle of her nose evident.
“How did you? I thought you went to the bathroom?”
The baker refused to give in to her friend’s games. “How did you change and get outside so quick Jane?”
“Who is Jane?”
“Uh, Jenna?” Anne spoke up from the booth her and Lulu occupied.
“Anne, did you help her with this prank?”
“Mama, I don’t know who that is, but it’s not Janey.” Lulu had already eyed the customer up and down as soon as she entered through the front door.
“I’m so sorry. I don’t know who Jane is,” the blonde sounded genuine. “My name is Abby.”
“What the fuck?” Jenna muttered under her breath. “I’m so sorry- you just look exactly like a friend of mine. Take a seat wherever there’s a booth open, and I’ll be around to take your order in a few.” The brunette, silently freaking out over meeting one of her best friend’s actual doppelgangers, mustered as genuine of a smile as she could.
“I’m supposed to be meeting my sister here, but she’s running a bit late. Is it alright if I hold off on ordering until she gets here?”
“That’s not a problem hun. Make yourself comfortable.”
“Jane?” Jenna pounded on the bathroom door where her friend was supposed to be . She still wasn’t quite convinced that this wasn’t some elaborate prank.
“Can’t a woman go to the bathroom in private?” the blonde joked as she opened the door.
“What the- no fucking way,” the baker whispered with eyes blown wide.
“What?” Jane asked.
“No fucking way. You’ve gotta be shitting me,” Jenna mumbled as she grabbed Jane’s hand and escorted her out to the front. “This woman, she looks exactly like you.” She pointed over to the table the blonde woman had settled into. “I thought you, Anne and Lu were pranking me.”
“There’s no way.” The blonde glanced over at the table before doing a double take. Had she not been the Jane Seymour, she would’ve thought it was her too.
“I literally told her to stop playing.”
“Well, I can go take her order so she understands why you said that. Maybe, if she sees me, she’ll realize it was a mistake.”
“She said she’s waiting for her sister to get here, but then yes. You take her order and explain the misunderstanding.”
Surely enough, a few minutes later, a brunette stepped into the diner. Jane had been at the counter while Jenna was busying herself organizing the spice rack.
“Hi, welcome to-” Jane looked the brunette up and down.
“Abby?” The woman looked at the queen curiously.
“I’m not-”
“Jessie!” the blonde from before walked over.
“What the-” the new woman, apparently named Jessie, gasped as she looked between the two. Abby too had begun to stare at Jane, completely dumbfounded at how much they resembled each other.
Jane was stunned. Had they found not just her doppelganger, but Jenna’s too? “Jenna! Get out here right now!” the queen yelled into the back.
A few seconds later, the baker emerged from the kitchen.
“What the hell are you yelling about? I almost dropped a bag of-” Jenna glanced at the two women in front of her. They were spitting images of herself and her queenly friend. “-What the-”
“So you must be Jane?” Abby bit back a laugh, remembering the odd encounter she had with the baker a few minutes earlier. “I understand now why your friend thought you were pulling a prank on her.”
They say there are seven people in the whole world who look like you, but it is highly unlikely you’ll never meet them. So maybe Jenna wasn’t one of the seven people that Jane Seymour looked like, but Abby Mueller definitely was. And perhaps Jane wasn’t one of the seven people that Jenna Hunterson looked like, but Jessie Mueller was for sure.
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For @faejilly
Pairing: Maia Roberts/Rebecca Lewis
Maia watched from where she stood behind the counter drying mugs at the person sitting in the corner with a book held up, covering their face, but what really was capturing her attention was the short skirt riding up their thighs, a tease for what was to come later. Maia glanced at the clock. There was still an hour of her shift to go.
Another glance at the corner table and the book had been placed on the table and Rebecca sat there sipping a glass of water. She smiled at Maia and Maia smiled back. 
Maia set down the glass in her hand and turned towards her boss. “Maia! James called in. Everyone else is saying no and I have to pick up my kid in an hour. Will you close the bar?”
The smile slipped from Maia’s face and she briefly considered telling him no and that she had plans, but instead she just sighed and nodded. She didn’t work tomorrow. She could make up tonight’s plans with Rebecca then. 
“Okay,” Maia said. “Yeah, that’s fine.” She gave a sigh as he walked away and went back to drying mugs. It didn’t take long for Rebecca to appear at the bar. 
“Hey sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
“I gotta close the bar tonight.”
Rebecca’s face fell for a split second before she reached out to take Maia’s hand and give it a squeeze. “Want me to stay with you?”
Maia shook her head. “Go on home. I’ll uh-we’ll reschedule.”
Rebecca sighed but nodded and leaned forward to press a kiss to Maia’s cheek. “I’ll see you at home.” She then pressed a kiss to Maia’s lips. “Love you.”
“I love you too. Don’t wait up.”
Rebecca just smiled and went back to her table to gather her things, waving at Maia before she was out the door. Maia watched her leave with a frown. Part of her wanted to say no, but she also knew the overtime would help pay back some loans for her recent college courses. So Maia worked and closed out the bar before returning home to her girlfriend, feeling exhausted.
The lights were off in the front room when she opened the door to their apartment but she could see a soft glow emitting from their bathroom and the sound of water running. She walked over and opened the door to see candles lit on the counter as the only source of light in the room as Rebecca sat on the edge of the tub in the bathrobe, watching the water fill up the tub.
Rebecca looked up and smiled at her. “Hey, sweetheart.”
“What’s all of this?”
“You’ve been working so hard lately I thought you could use some relaxation.”
“It’s almost four in the morning.”
Rebecca shrugged. “We don’t have anywhere to go tomorrow.” She stood up and dropped her robe. “Would you like to join me?”
Maia gave a soft sigh, her heart skipping a beat as Rebecca stepped into the tub and sat down, beckoning her forward. Maia dropped her clothes and climbed in as well, leaning back against Rebecca who pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek. 
“Just relax now, Maia,” Rebecca whispered, gently rubbing Maia’s shoulders. Maia gave another sigh, feeling herself turn to mush under Rebecca’s touch. “I’ve got you now. You don’t have to worry about anything. Just relax.”
Maia closed her eyes and laid her head back on Rebecca’s shoulder as Rebecca continued to rub hers. It was relaxing and she could feel herself nodding off, knowing that she was in safe hands. 
She felt a gentle kiss on her cheek as her breathing deepened. “I love you,” Maia whispered. She felt so exhausted, but didn’t want to leave the tub. 
“I love you too, sweetheart,” Rebecca said, her arms coming around to hug her tight, pressing another kiss to her cheek. “I love you so much.”
They didn’t leave the tub till they were pruney and Rebecca towled Maia and herself down before leading her towards their bedroom. They didn’t bother with clothes as they slid under the covers and curled up, Maia resting her head on Rebecca’s chest, listening to the soft beat of her heart and letting it lull her to sleep. 
When she awoke in the morning, it was to the smell of coffee and breakfast. She slowly sat up and stretched, taking a moment to wake up before grabbing a pair of shorts and a tank and stumbling out of the room and into the kitchen.
Rebecca was at the stove, flipping over some french toast. She walked up behind her and wrapped her arms around her waist, resting her chin on Rebecca’s shoulder. 
Rebecca chuckled softly. “Morning, sweetheart.”
“Sleep well?”
“I always sleep well when I’ve got you.”
“You’re so sweet.”
“Breakfast smells good.”
“There’s some already ready.”
“I can wait,” Maia said, holding Rebecca tighter. “I don’t wanna let go.”
“I don’t really want you to let go either,” Rebecca said as she flipped the french toast onto a plate and started making more. “What do you want to do today?”
“Lay around and do nothing,” Maia answered.
Rebecca smiled. “I think we can do that. You had a long shift last night.”
“Speaking of, thank you for last night and this morning.”
“Of course, sweetheart. You deserved a little pampering and relaxation.”
“You’re so good to me.”
Rebecca turned around and pressed her lips to Maia’s in a soft kiss. “It’s because I love you.”
“I love you too,” Maia said, kissing her back and they continued to kiss until they both smelt burning and Rebecca yanked back. 
“My french toast!!” She shrieked, pulling it off the pan with a frown. “Oh well,” she said, tossing it in the trash and reaching to make more. “Okay, no more distractions. I need to finish our breakfast.”
“Anything I can help with?”
“I’m almost done, but you can grab the plates if you want.”
“I can do that.”
Maia finished setting the table before sitting down and watching Rebecca finish, smiling and feeling grateful to have her as a girlfriend. Rebecca joined her at the table and they shared a quick kiss before digging into their food. 
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ms-rampage · 4 years
Eden’s Gate: Left Behind Chapter 11 - Demons? Of Course!
Warnings: Language, virgin sex, demons. 
Word count: 2.9k
Summary: Kate moves on to the next stage of her confession, and atonement which takes a surprising turn. The demons Merihem and Saleos plan their attack on Kate’s friends. 
Note: Sorry for the gap between chapters I’m in school. Final exams are coming up. 4 more weeks!!! then I’m on winter break.
“You are cleansed. You will now move on” John says, kissing her forehead.
Disoriented, and still seeing two John’s.
“Move-Move on?!” she asks, her head spinning. 
“Yes my love. You will move on to confession. Confessing your sins” he says, guiding her out of the water.
“S-Sins?” she questions, her mind going at the pace of a snail. 
A cold breeze goes by, and it snaps her out of her delusion, bliss state. 
Her body begins to vibrate, shaking uncontrollably. Shivering violently. 
Crossing her arms to keep herself warm. “Fuck!!!” she mutters, her voice trembling. 
John guides her inside the house. “Come on” he says. 
He sits her down on a chair, and goes to get her a towel. 
She sits there shivering, and probably gonna catch ammonia later. 
He comes back, and puts a warm towel around her.
He sits in front of her, “So darlin’ are you ready?!?” he asks. 
“R-ready for w-what?!” she asks.
“For your confession” he says, placing his hands on her knees. 
She furrows her eyebrows at him “Confession?!”.
“Yes. Your confession. Confessing your sins!” he says, his eyes locked onto hers.
Unable to break eye contact from him, “Now?!” she asks.
“It can be now. It can be tomorrow. It can be this weekend. But the sooner we do it the sooner it’ll be over with” he says, “So what do you say? Hm?”. 
She takes a moment to think about it.
“What do you say” he says, softly almost in a whisper.
“Wh-What is the confession? What h-happens?” she asks hesitantly.
He holds her hand in his, and says in the softest voice ever,
“You will confess your sins of course. You will confess every little bad thing you have ever done. No matter how big, small. No matter how petty”.
She stares at him, trying to keep her jaw from dropping open. She looks down at their hands entwined with each other, and closes her eyes for a moment. 
“Castiel please hear me. Any angels up there in cloud city please hear my voice. Help me!!!” she prays in her head. 
“Darlin’ what do you say?” he asks, caressing her hands. 
“I’m okay with this weekend” she says, looking him in the eyes.
He smiles at her, “Excellent” he stands up and goes over to his mantle. 
Grabbing a book off of it. A white book with gold around its edges. 
He hands it to her, “Here, take this”. 
She takes it from him, “Is this a bible?!”, looking up at him. 
“It’s my brother's book. Joseph. You met him at the church” he tells her as she flips through the pages.
She nods her head, “Oh right, right. Yeah”.
A few days later, getting out of class, and driving home.
Kate walks through the front door. 
“Hello honey” she greets Morgan.
“Hello sweetie” she says back. 
Their way of greeting each other as if they were a married couple.
“Any demons follow you home?!” Morgan asks.
Shaking her head, “Nope, I have my hex bag, so I was off of demon radar”. 
She sits down on the couch next to her.
“So how was work?!” she asks Morgan.
She groans, “Suuuper slow!!!, and Holly came by as well”.
Kate groans in annoyance, “What did she have to say?!”.
“She was with a couple of her friends, I think they’re in the Cult. Anyway Alissa said that she heard Holly say a few bad things about you”.
Kate rolls her eyes, “What did she say?!”.
“Uhhh, she said that you were a “Snake in the grass”, a “boring Wyominian girl” and that “you should’ve stayed in Wyoming, or Arizona, or wherever that little freak is from”, and that you stole John from her. Shit like that, and I was gonna confront her about but she was long gone before I could even get into her face”. 
Kate scoffs, “She’s a little bitch, I can probably take her ass in a fight.”
Morgan laughs, “I believe you, and she also said that your dog is an ugly bitch”.
Haley lifts her head up as she says this, tilting her head, and barks loudly.
“Holly said that, don't shoot the messenger!!!” Morgan says to the 70Ibs dog. 
“I’ll fucking kill her, and also I didn’t steal John from her cunt ass!!” Kate says.
“Speaking of John, how was your date the other night?!?.I forgot to ask you about it” Morgan asks.
“It went really good, sorta. Am I planning on breaking up with him?” she groans in an unsure kind of way. “Yes, I am”.
Morgan’s eyes widened, “Oh shit what happened?!?!”.
“Well he wanted me to be “cleansed”.” she says with air quotes.
“What the fuck does that mean?!?” she asks, confused.
“Like a baptism” Kate answers.
“What the fuck?!?. What did you do?!?” she asks.
“I said yes, and I was cleansed” she replies.
“You said yes?!?” Morgan exclaims.
Kate flinches at her outburst, “Yeah?”. 
Morgan sighs, “That is how he gets his followers!!!!!. You have to confess and atone!!”
They say in unison.
“I know the confession part, I just have to tell him my sins” she says.
“Yeah then you atone. He tattoos your sins onto your skin!!!” Morgan says, loudly.
Kate stands up from the couch, her palms start to sweat. Anxiety through the roof.
“Oh fuck!!!. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!!!!!” she yells from the top of her lungs, “And I’m seeing him later!!”.
“Shit” Morgan mutters under her breath.”Okay we can pretend we’re not home, or we can go out somewhere!!”.
“That’s a good idea. But where?!?” Kate asks. 
“We’ll figure it out” she says. 
“I even prayed to the angels, Castiel, Gabe, Raphael, it was an open invite. Nothing!!!” she says.
“Yeah same. Hell I even prayed to Lucifer. Nothing” Morgan replies. 
“Well that’s normal for Luci not to reply to prayers, because no one prays to him!!” Kate says. 
Somewhere in the Whitetail Mountains.
Alissa, Sarah, Becky, Layla, Dylan, Kevin and Ryan are setting up their campsite. 
“So is it just us?!” Sarah asks.
“Yep just the seven of us” Dylan answers.
“So are Kate, Morgan, Ashley, Ivan, Isaiah, and Wheaty gonna come?!” Layla asks.
“Kate, Morgan I haven’t seen, and plus they don’t respond to messages for some reason. Ashley is working at the jail since she’s still a full on rookie. Wheaty is working with the Militia, and the twins are going to Missoula to visit their family” Becky says. 
As they're talking, standing 50 feet away from them, hiding behind the trees. 
The demon Kate and Morgan had encountered a few days earlier. Saleos is watching them.
“So Kate Winchester has non hunter friends?!” he says to himself, a grin on his face. 
“How interesting” another male demon says. 
Appearing next to him with a huge grin on his face. 
“So should we make a bonfire?!” Becky asks.
Ryan looks up at the sky, “Not yet. It’s still too early to make it”.
“Well some of us gotta eat, and we have to cook our food!!” Dylan says, sarcastically. 
They all turn to Ryan, “He’s got a point ya know” Layla says, shrugging. 
Becky, Sarah and Kevin stay back, continuing to set up the tents, while Dylan, Layla, Alissa and Ryan go look for stuff to burn for the bonfire. 
“So, we hurt, not kill, the non hunters, and we go after Kate’s little boy toy. On behalf of our king Crowley” Saleos says, “So Merihem do you accept?!”.
Merihem turns to Saleos, “I accept” he says. 
“Good, we wait until nightfall. Then Winchester will feel pain. She will learn that you can never leave this life behind”.
“What about John Seed?” Merihem asks.
“I’ll take care of him” he responds, “For now we go after the non hunter humans”.
Back in Holland Valley
“So what are we gonna do?!?” Kate asks, pacing back and forth.
“We’re gonna leave. Go out somewhere. What time is he gonna pick you up?!?” Morgan asks.
“That’s the problem!!!. He didn’t say!!” she exclaims.
“Fuck!!’ she mutters. 
“Can’t we just hide out inside, and not leave. Just close all the windows and curtains. Pretend we’re not home” Kate says.
“We can, we can!! How about we” Morgan trails off, and Kate gets a message on her phone from I wonder who.
“Fuck!!!!!!!!” she yells.
“What, what is it?!?!” Morgan asks.
“John is coming over in a few minutes to pick me up” she says.
“Text him saying that you’re not home!!” she advises her. 
As she’s able to text him back, she gets a message from him saying. 
“I know you’re home. My men saw you pull into your driveway” - John
“Shit!!!. Fucking shit” she says, “He knows I’m home because some of his men saw me pull in!!”. 
“Stalker!!!!!” Morgan yells out.
A few minutes go by, a black SUV pulls up in front of the house, and John walks up the driveway.  
Kate shushes Morgan, and the dog.
-knock knock knock-
They stay in silence for a few minutes.
-knock knock knock-
Kate slowly tip-toes to the window, opening the curtain less than an inch.
Sees John, and a few of his men standing a few feet behind him.
She mouths to Morgan, who is sitting on the couch.
“He brought backup”. 
Another knock at the door, but this time a lot more aggressive. 
-bang bang bang-
“Katie!?! Darlin’ I know you’re home!!” he says, in a singy tone. 
“What do we do?!” Kate mouths to Morgan.
Morgan shrugs, “Let's go out the back” she says pointing to the back door.
They grab their stuff, Haley and quietly go out the back gate.
They try their best to be stealthy, but fail to see one of the peggies standing on the far end of her property.
He sees them, whistles loudly, getting John to look back.
Seeing Kate and Morgan trying to sneak off. 
“Katella!!” he says, in a teasing voice. 
Their backs to him, can’t see their annoyed and angry facial expressions.
“Fuck!!’ she murmurs to herself, and Morgan.
“Oh hey John!!” she says trying not to sound suspicious, “Didn’t hear you pull up”.
“It’s time for your confession” he says, approaching them. 
“Ooh right. That was today. Huh, I guess it slipped my mind” she says, totally not in a suspicious way. 
“Alright darlin’. Lets go” he says to her, his hand extended out. 
“Actually John. Kate and I have things to do. So she’ll have to do her confession another day” Morgan says, pushing Kate behind her. 
John chuckles, “You’re a terrible liar Megan”.
“It’s Morgan!!” she snaps.
“Whatever” he responds, “Katie lets go”.
“But I. I can’t g- Okay” Kate stutters in defeat.
She takes John’s hand, but is pulled back by Morgan.
“She’s not going with you John” she says, in her tough voice. 
He looks back at her, “Excuse me?!”. 
“Kate is not going with you. She’s not confessing or atoning for shit!!” she raises her voice.
His men hold up their weapons, but he immediately calms them down.
“Now, now. No need to get trigger happy” he says, “I can do whatever I want Costello, and if I want to take her. I will, unless you want a problem which you’ll get, if you don’t let her go!!” his voice, so sadistic, and so filled with rage in such a short span of time. 
“Morgan. It’s fine. I’ll make it through” she tells her friend.
She hesitates but lets go of her hand. 
“She better not having a fucking scratch on her when she comes home” Morgan threatens him.
John smirks, “No promises” and escorts Kate to the SUV parked on the side of the road. 
At the John’s Gate.
They pull into a giant warehouse on top of a mountain. 
“Where are we?!?!” Kate asks.
“Paradise” he says before kissing her hand. “Follow me”.
They get out of the SUV, and walk to the warehouse. 
His men open the giant doors which make a loud rumbling sound.
John takes Kate’s hand, and he walks her through the dark warehouse.
“It’s dark in here” she jokes.
“Just how I like it” he says, with a lustful undertone.
He walks her into some room, dimly lit and also dark.
It reminds her of the time when she was in Hell a few years back.
“A torture room?!” she questions him.
He chuckles, “This is where the magic happens”.
He grabs a metal tool box, placing it on a wooden table. 
She breaks the silence, “So. Are you gonna ask me what are my sins?!”.
“In a bit. No need to rush” he responds.
Kate nods, “Alrighty then”, and looks around the dark room.
When she turns to face John, he’s already looking back at her.
“Sin must be exposed so it may be absolved. We must wash away our past” he says, as he slowly approaches her. 
“I know your sin” he says, cupping her chin.
She tilts her head to the side, “Do you?!”. 
“Yes. Your sin is” he leans in closer to her right ear, and whispers “Lust”. 
She laughs softy, and looks down at the floor.
“No need to deny it. I know. Because I also suffer, and carry the burden of Lust. I can see it burning in your eyes” he holds her closer to him, their bodies pressing together.
“It burns into your blood. Almost like an itch” he says, “I can help you set that burden free”.
Kate looks into his eyes, can see the feral lust in them, and it’s begging to come out. 
His blue eyes black, dilated and filled with lust.   
“Are you- are you being serious?!” she asks, not believing this is real.
“Yes. I want to set you free, and I know you have other sins. I can see them you” he says.
“I can see. Pride. Greed, and Wrath” he sneers.
She looks at him in disbelief, her eyebrows furrowed at him. 
He clicks his tongue as a sign of tease. 
“I can set you free of them. One. Sin. At. A. Time” he whispers while tracing her lips with his thumb before pulling her in for a deep kiss. 
John lifts her up, grabbing her ass, and presses her against a wall.
Her legs wrapped around his waist, her arms around his neck. 
Kissing, and sucking at her neck. Marking her as his. 
He undoes her pants with one hand, and then his. 
“John! Wait. Wait John!!!” she exclaims, making him stop.
He looks at her concern. 
“I’ve never had-. I’m. A virgin” she mutters.
He chuckles softly, “Well that makes it even more exciting. Let me do all the work”. 
He moves her panties out of the way, and slowly shoves himself inside her tight wet walls.
Her scream turns into loud moaning as his hard cock brushes her tight walls.
“Relax” he whispers, “Let me do everything”. 
He thrusts in, and out of her. 
Her nails digging into his shoulders with every movement. 
He moves her away from the wall, and lays her down on a metal table.
Giving himself better access to pleasure her. 
Gripping her thighs as he continues to shove himself inside her tight cunt. 
His tongue wrestling with hers, biting, tugging on her lower lip. 
His moaning echoing throughout the building.
The sound of skin rubbing together echoing off the walls. 
John pins Kate’s hands above her head, pulling her closer to him, and continues to fuck the shit out of her tight pussy.
The group of friends have their tents all set up, and are all ready to eat dinner.
Laughing, enjoying the night. The stars gleaming, and the moon in its crescent form.  
Cooking fish, meat and making smores. 
“I wish the others were here” Alissa says, looking up at the night sky.
“Yeah same” Ryan replies.
“We can bring them next time. So all of us can be here” Kevin says.
Several feet away from them, hiding in the dark forest.
The demons wait for them to go to sleep to attack, getting the attention of Kate Winchester. 
“Let’s get them” Meriham says, taking a step forward.
“No” Saleos says, putting his arm out to stop him, “We wait until they go to sleep”.
“They’re all right there, we can hurt them now!” he sneers at him.
“No!. We wait until they go to sleep. It’ll be easier” Saleos says to him.
John’s head buried between Kate’s legs, licking and tasting her wetness.
He loves the sound of her whimpering and soft moans.
Knowing that he’s making her do that. 
Making her beg for him. Pinning her down. 
His head between her once virgin legs. Taking her purity, virginity and making it his. 
“John” she moans softly.
Gripping her thighs tightly, her fingers running through his hair. 
His right hand moves up her body, going under her shirt, cupping her breast.
Playing with her erect nipple
He hums between her legs, sending vibrations throughout her body.
“John” she moans again.
He crawls back up her body, crashing his lips with her.
Marking her neck, chest and collarbones. Marking her as his, and no one else's.
“You’re mine now” he says into the crook of her neck. 
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myheartrevealedocs · 4 years
Untouchable Ch 13- Home, Again
Warnings: swearing, mentions of torture and injuries, family drama and stuff? (if there’s something in this chapter that you want me to tag, let me know, I’m just not sure what to classify some of this stuff as)
Ch 12 | Ch 14
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Beck threw herself into her sister’s arms as Lydia entered the waiting room.
“Thank god. Lydia, I’m so sorry, but I’m so scared. Watching her fall apart like that, then start seizing- What would we do if we lost her? What would I do? The system will take in Katie and Adam, but I… I’d be alone.”
Lydia pulled away to look into her sister’s cloudy eyes. “You will never be alone. If something actually happened to Sonia, you could come to DC with me in a heartbeat. Please don’t ever think I’d leave you alone.”
“You hate me,” Beck claimed. Her face was a blotchy mess and she didn’t make it any better be rubbing her hands over it frustratedly. She’d recently cut her hair short, which was perhaps the only thing stopping her from ripping it out. “I’ve been such an ass. I wouldn’t blame you if you left me here and went back to Virginia. I don’t have a job, I don’t have a college degree, I don’t even know how to drive a car! I’m useless!”
“You aren’t useless,” Lydia insisted, then leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “You’re stubborn. You were angry. But you know who knows even more about anger than you?”
She rolled her eyes. “I’m guessing you, you menace?”
They both giggled, Rebecca hiccuping slightly through more tears.
“So, you won’t leave me to be a homeless prostitute?”
“Not this month,” Lydia joked. “What have you heard? Did they dissolve the blood clot?”
Beck nodded. “It’s gone. Now the only concern is figuring out how much damage it did.”
“Okay. Well then, one of us should stay here and wait for news and the other has to take Katie and Adam home and get them to bed. I really think you could use the rest, but I’m okay with either.”
The two twins were seated in the corner of the room. Katie was asleep across the armrest between her and her brother’s chair. Adam looked bored out of his mind, picking at his fingernails.
Beck looked back at them, then bit down on her bottom lip. “I need to make sure she’s okay. I don’t think I could fall asleep if I went home anyway.”
Lydia could understand that. She gave her sister a nod, before stepping around her and approaching the kids. “Hey Adam. Long time, no see!”
He pushed himself out of his chair quickly and wrapped his arms around Lydia’s waist. “Hi Lydie! Why didn’t you come home for Christmas this year?”
“I had to work,” she admitted, feigning disgust.
“You have to see the Legos that Becky got me! I already built them all!”
“That’s so cool! You’ll have to show me once we get home.”
He bounced excitedly, turning around to wake up his sister. “Katie! Lydie’s here!”
The girl blinked, rubbing her face where it was previously squished against her arm. “Adam,” she grumbled. “What do you want?”
Lydia knelt down next to her seat. “Hey Katie,” she said, softly. “I’m here to take you two hooligans home.”
Katie blinked, recognizing Lydia’s voice and her silly nickname for the twins. “Lydie? Mommy didn’t say you were coming home.”
Lydia didn’t want to freak them out by making them think the stroke was a big deal, so she held up a finger to her lips and said, “Sonia doesn’t know yet. It’s a surprise.”
“Is mommy sick?” Adam asked. “Becky said she was hurt, but when I hurt my arm, I didn’t have to stay at the doctor’s this long.”
“Mommy did get hurt,” Lydia admitted. “But she’s super strong. Right now, you two have to get some sleep. In your own beds. Okay?”
They nodded and followed her out, saying their goodbyes to Rebecca as they passed. Lydia called a cab to meet them outside and take them back to Sonia’s house.
As they were packing in, her phone rang. Spencer. Shit…
“Spence, hey…” she began, but couldn’t for the life of her come up with anything else to say.
“Lydia? Hotch told us that you had a family emergency, what happened?? Are you okay? Did you get home?”
She sighed, relieved he wasn’t angry about her sudden disappearance. They’d just been talking face to face and then she was on her way to the airport. “Can we start with one questions at a time? I’m so tired.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he agreed, quickly. “Where are you right now?”
“I’m leaving a hospital in Oakland, California, on my way to my foster mom, Sonia’s, house.”
“Why were you at the hospital?”
“Sonia had a stroke.”
“That’s awful. I’m sorry. What kind of stroke?”
“Uh… I’m not sure? I didn’t speak to any of the doctors directly.”
“Do you know if she had a hemorrhage or-?”
“No. No, it was a blot clot.”
“That’s good!” he said immediately. “The chances of surviving a ischemic stroke are higher than a hemorrhagic stroke. There’s also a higher likelihood of a full recovery.”
She smiled. “Thanks, Spence. How did the case go?”
“We found and recovered all the kids, but Jane and Frank disappeared.”
“Oh no…” she fretted. “I’m so sorry.”
“What are you talking about? You weren’t even in Nevada when it happened.”
“But I was… I told him we could negotiate for Jane and-”
“You saw her,” Spencer reasoned. “She was throwing herself at him. Frank would have gotten away either way and Jane would have followed him. You helped us get those kids back.”
“When did you become so good at cheering me up?” she teased. He didn’t reply, so she kept going. “Spencer, I should go. I’m almost at Sonia's house. Talk to you tomorrow, okay?”
“Yeah, of course. Tomorrow.”
~ ~ ~
“Lydia? What are you doing here?” Sonia demanded as Lydia walked into her room the next morning.
“What are you doing in a hospital bed?” she fired back. “You went and scared the hell out of us!”
“Honey, I’m old. It happens.”
Lydia rolled her eyes. “Not old enough. You’re like… one of the least likely people to get a stroke. You’re 50, you’re a woman, you’re Asain… do you have any blood pressure problems I don’t know about?”
“Apparently I have blood pressure problems that I don’t even know about,” she chuckled, trying not to focus on how bad that could be. “Since when do you know so much about stroke statistics?”
Lydia was perfectly ready to tell her that she’d done a bunch of research at the airport, but it was a lie. Spencer had been sending her little tidbits of information all day. Some to try to cheer her up, others to help prepare her for how Sonia’s recovery might go. As she thought about those texts, a smile pulled at her lips and Sonia was on her in an instant.
“What’s that? That smile. You just got all blushy on me, what happened?”
“I work with profilers and somehow you’re already onto my little secret, hm?” She rubbed her forehead. “You should probably go work for my team if you’re going to be so observational.”
“You should probably stop being so obvious,” she argued. “You’ve got a crush written all over you. Did he tell you about the stroke statistics?”
“His name is Spencer, he texted them to me to make me feel better, and I’m not crushing on him.”
“Oh please!” she cried. “Your cheeks are bright red! I know a crush when I see one. Tell me about this Spencer. Where did you meet him?”
“We work together. And I’m not lying, I’m not crushing on Spencer… because we’ve been dating for almost a year now.”
“You what?!” she exclaimed. “Lydia, you have to tell me these things! Almost a year?”
“Yeah. It started last year in April.”
“Why would you hide this from me? Look at you! You’re so happy!”
Lydia bit her tongue in contemplation. Why hadn’t she told her family? “Because I’ve been keeping it a secret anyway. None of the team knows we’re together. We never agreed that we wouldn’t tell our families, but… I don’t know, I guess I got so caught up in the lie that I didn’t even think about telling you guys.”
“Why are you hiding?” Sonia asked.
“Our work.” Lydia shrugged. “When we went on our first date, we didn’t want the whole team to be invested in a relationship that might not last. We didn’t want things to get weird. But now, it feels wrong, you know? Our boss wouldn’t be happy if he found out that we’ve been lying to him all this time. Spencer’s an agent, so in-office relationships are frowned upon for him.”
Lydia’s phone buzzed in her hand and instinctively, she looked down at it.
“Did he just text you?” Sonia teased.
Lydia glared back. “Fucking profilers.”
~ ~ ~
“Katie! Adam!” Lydia called as she shuffled upstairs.
“Hold on!” Katie’s muffled squealing came from the twin’s room.
Lydia smiled at what she could only imagine to be wild shenanigans going on behind that door. But, she turned and walked farther down the hall, opening up the door to Sonia’s room.
She’d been let go from the hospital after about a week, and had been recovering quickly. Lydia was glad to see her sitting up in bed stretching her arms out in front of her. Her left arm was weak and shook dramatically, but it was an improvement.
“Good morning, Sonia,” she greeted, walking over to the side of her bed. “Make sure to do your leg stretches as well today. I know they’re uncomfortable, but if you don’t build up that strength again, you’re going to end up with only one working leg. I want you to think about how frustrating that would be.”
She dropped her head back. “You’re right. That would be awful. Then I’d look like you.”
“Very funny,” Lydia deadpanned. “But my leg works fine, thank you. At this point, I’d say better than yours. But nevermind that, I won’t be here and neither will the car. If something happens, Beck will handle it and I’ll be back before your physical therapy appointment, okay?”
Lydia leaned down and gave her foster mother a kiss on the cheek.
“I’m ready, Lydie!” Adam shouted as he burst into the room. His backpack hung loosely from his shoulders, seeing as there probably wasn’t more in it than a folder.
“Is Katie ready?” she asked.
“No. Katie’s tying her shoes.”
“Oh, well then she’s almost ready. Let’s start heading down, shall we?”
He nodded, eagerly. “Bye, Mommy!” he said, before scurrying downstairs.
“Bye, Sonia,” Lydia followed suit, closing the door behind her as she left. “Beck?”
Her sister popped her head out of the bathroom, only half her makeup done, looking thoroughly unamused. “Must you be so loud?”
“Make sure Sonia gets up soon,” she ordered. “I won’t have my phone with me, so if something happens, call the doctor.”
“Won’t have your phone…?” She raised an eyebrow. “Are you not coming back after dropping the twin’s off?”
“No. I thought Sonia told you.”
“Told me what?”
“I’m ready!” Katie cried, rushing down the stairs to meet her brother.
“Head out to the car, little hooligans!” Lydia instructed. “I’ll be out in a second.”
“Where are you going?” Beck tried again.
Lydia sighed. “I’m visiting Dad today.”
~ ~ ~
Not that visiting a prison was ever a pleasant experience, but Lydia was comforted to find the place exactly the same. She had enough anxiety going in as is, but trying to navigate new rules or requirements would have made it ten times worse. Her dad didn’t even seem to notice her walk into the room, sitting alone at a table, staring intently at a wall.
Lydia cleared her throat. “Um, hey Dad.”
He blinked at her for a moment, before pulling her into a hug. “Lydia! Look at you! You’ve changed so much, sweetheart!”
She shrunk away from him, slightly as he spoke, both because the guards would yell at them if they were in contact for too long and because it had been so long. It was just weird.
“Yeah,” she sighed. “It’s been a crazy two years.”
“I hear,” he said, the two of them sitting across from one another. “Rebecca tells me that you work for the FBI full-time now.”
“Not exactly. I’m contracted out by one of their teams. Sometimes I’m home for a few weeks, other times we solve one case and fly straight to the next. It isn’t exactly 9 to 5.”
“I’m really proud of you.” He smiled and Lydia’s lip twitched as well. “I was shocked to hear you were coming. Rebecca says you very rarely visit.”
“I’m not in California for a visit,” she admitted. “Sonia had a stroke, so I’ve taken some time off work to look out for her and the other kids in her care.”
Her dad had warmed up to Sonia over the years, seeing as she had to escort Lydia and Beck to the prison when they were still minors. He looked genuinely sad to hear the news. “That’s terrible. Tell her I hope she gets well soon.”
“I will. It was pretty mild it seems. She’s regaining strength quickly.”
They didn’t have the time for this small talk. Her father knew that. But Lydia almost hoped that they could keep the conversation going. As if he wasn’t an inmate in a prison. As if they weren’t being watched carefully. As if she didn’t have mixed feelings about speaking to him.
“So, Lydia, why did you come?”
Lydia blinked, pushing up her glasses habitually. “What do you mean? I haven’t seen you for two years…”
“I know,” he chuckled. “But if you wanted to come say hi to me, you’d do it when you were visiting home. Not when you’re busy taking care of a whole family.”
“Well… your sentence is almost done. Seven years… And I was talking to Sonia about it and she asked when the last time I saw you was… I felt bad.” She waited for him to say something, but he didn’t. Because he knew that wasn’t it. “I haven’t really… told anyone in DC that my dad’s in prison. And with this new job, I talk to serial killers. I learn a lot about them, get into their heads. And in the end, we always put them away. And now I see prison in this whole different light and I think I needed to prove to myself that you… you aren’t one of the bad guys.”
“Okay, so… how do I prove I’m not a bad guy?” he asked.
“You don’t. You just-” Lydia’s eyes started to burn and she stopped herself from getting emotional. “I wanted to see you. That’s all. Recently, it feels like I can’t remember much about anyone in the family.”
“Is this about your mom?”
“I don’t know what this is about,” she rambled. “I just… I was finally starting to be okay in college and then, the whole Jenna thing happened and I was an angry monster again. And when I realized I had settled down, I was a different person. I worked for the FBI for crying out loud! And I’m looking at the people around me, and they look different, too, but I can’t figure out if it’s them who’ve changed or just my view of them. And I’ve always-”
She was tearing up again. Lydia gritted her teeth, feeling frustrated. She came here to check up on him, not have a meltdown. But if she shut down, he would keep bugging her about it, so might as well keep going.
“I’ve always been so mad at you,” she said, gnashing her teeth like an animal. “And then I’m looking through a serial killer's house and all I can think is, ‘At least my dad didn’t become this’. And I feel guilty that I’ve been so hard on you for seven years. So, I came here because I needed to prove to myself that this face belongs to my dad and not a bad guy.”
“Could it be both?”
Lydia glared at him, but didn’t have anything to say. She didn’t need the ambiguous question right now.
“Lydia, I know what I did was stupid and it hurt people. And all the excuses I made for it at the time don’t justify my actions. I wasn’t wrongfully accused and I’m not trying to pretend I was.”
“I don’t want to have an argument with you,” she grumbled. “I want to look at you with my new profiling eyes and determine whether it’s worth rebuilding a relationship with you when you get out.”
That shut him up. Lydia’s face burned in shame, but there was no taking it back. They sat there in silence for what felt like years. She didn’t know what there was to say. It had been on her mind for months now that his release was approaching. She’d considered Beck to be her only family for almost 7 years. Her father was a distant memory. But maybe when his time was up… maybe it’d be nice to have a dad again. But she had sworn at 16 never to forgive him.
“Did you decide?” he asked, his voice grim.
Why did she have to decide? Why couldn’t someone tell her that she was going to have to learn to live with or without him and be done with it? Why did it have to be her to walk away or make the effort. Shouldn’t family come naturally?
But for now, at least, she knew what she wanted.
“I want my family back. I don’t want to leave California one day and never have a reason to come back… I want to know my mom… And maybe, just maybe, I want to remember my dad, too. Because somewhere in the far recesses of my mind, he was a cool dude.”
“I’m sorry that I ever left you,” he said.
Finally, Lydia felt a sense of relief. She stood up. “I need to go, Dad. Luckily, the next time I see you, you probably won’t be behind bars.” And then, she opened up her arms, welcoming him in for a hug.
For the past seven years, she’d never been the one to initiate a hug with her father, but it felt like it was time. Her stubbornness had kept her from too much. She’d missed out on so many opportunities to be happy all because she was hinged on being in complete control of the image of herself that other’s saw. And she hadn’t felt like she’d had a parental figure in a long time.
He accepted quickly. “Go be an amazing bad-guy-catcher,” he teased.
“I will,” she replied with a smile. “Keep being a neutral guy, alright?”
As she headed for the door, he said, “Lydia? One more thing…”
She raised an eyebrow in his direction.
“Happy birthday.”
He remembered. She didn’t expect him to, for some reason. She didn’t really expect him to know the exact date.
“I love you,” she told him, but didn’t wait around to hear his response. She didn’t plan on spilling any tears today.
~ ~ ~
“You’re hunched over your computer like Quasimodo,” Rebecca joked as she dropped a bowl of ice cream next to her sister.
Poor Lydia was so wrapped up in her paper, she didn’t even notice the gift, ignoring the dessert completely. “I need Spencer,” she admitted. “He’d be able to give me more accurate information than these pathetic websites.”
“Why don’t you call him?” Sonia offered from across the table.
“He told me this morning that he was leaving for a case. Really bad one, too. He doesn’t need the distraction.”
Beck rolled her eyes. “I can’t believe you’re actually going to get a PhD for this guy.”
“I’m not getting this for Spencer,” she tried to argue. “But I mean, look at me! I’m set to graduate in the spring. Have you ever seen someone get a doctorate in 2 years? Spencer did that for me. I could become a college professor in about a year, all thanks to him. At 23 years old.”
“Don’t act like you’re not a genius all by yourself,” Beck grumbled. “Just because he’s super charismatic-” Lydia laughed out loud when she said that “-does not mean that he got you your PhD.”
“I’m not saying that!” she tried to argue. “Think about how much money I’ve saved! I mean, I was terrified when I took that internship at the BAU that once it was up, I’d be stuck. With this, I have so many options open that I-”
She paused, noticing her phone screen light up with Hotch’s name. Rebecca and Sonia gave her funny looks, but she held up a finger.
“My boss is calling me. Strange.”
“If he says you have to go back to Virginia, do it. You’ve taken enough to time off as it is,” Sonia instructed, but Lydia just rolled her eyes.
“Hey, Hotch,” she answered. “What’s up?”
“Lydia, I’m going to need your help with something…”
“That’s fine. Is it case related?”
“No it’s…” He sounded exhausted and Lydia wondered where he could be. It was 9 in California, so unless he was on the west coast, it was late. “Lydia, Reid has been taken captive by an unsub.”
Her heart stopped. Seeing her family's confused faces across from her, she jumped up from the table and rushed out of the room.
“What? I- What are you… How bad of an unsub?” she sputtered.
“He’s sending us a live feed of it. As of right now, Reid’s forehead has a large gash in it and one of his feet is mangled. We’re doing everything we can to find him.”
“Is there something I can do?” Her breathing was labored and her chest, constricting. This was all wrong. Spencer had to be okay. He needed to be…
“Lydia, Spencer’s strong. He’ll keep fighting until we can get to him. But I have a feeling when he gets out, he’s going to want to see your face.”
She was far too stressed to even consider what he was implying. “You want me to- I’m not sure if I can-”
“Two days. That’s all. I’ll get you a ticket to Georgia as soon as possible. He’ll need your support. Can you be here?”
Leaving suddenly, once again. But Spencer might need her. Hotch was certain he would. And after news like that… she’d need to see him for herself to even imagine that he was going to be okay.
“I’ll pack my things now. Send me that plane ticket and the case file. I need to know what to expect when I get there.”
“I’ll let you know if anything changes,” he assured her. “Thank you.”
She heard him hang up the phone, but didn’t move it away from her ear. All she could hear was her heartbeat in her ears, as if it was trying to break out. She blinked a couple of times and turned to see that her sister had followed her into the next room, eyes wide.
A tear slipped down her cheek, which she quickly wiped away. “I need to go,” she told Beck and ran to her room to gather some things.
Tag List: @kris-stuff​, @wooya1224, @spencerelds​
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stonerbughead · 4 years
Maria watches friday night lights (#36)
5x13, the series finale i have heard nothing but good things about - I made it y’all! *wipes tear* this is a show i will definitely rewatch! It definitely feels like the kind of show that’s so layered that every time you go back you’ll pick up something new. I love shows like that.
i haven’t been on tumblr on my computer in a long time but im gonna go through and add “read more”s to all of these recaps! 
(thanks to anyone who read these nonsense recaps! if you enjoyed these...in addition to my currently-on-hiatus riverdale podcast @bodysuitsforbughead, I have another teen drama-centered podcast in the works, follow @LeftyTeenDrama on Twitter and @leftistteendrama on Instagram to get updates when it launches! I’m taking a break on working on it till i move but it’s gonna be a big part of my 2021 projects. I’ve already recorded one episode with two of my favorite people in the world and it’s gonna be amazing. It will be about a variety of teen dramas, but FNL will definitely be included.)
and without further ado, my final FNL ramblings under the cut:
And we open with one last montage of shots around Dillon from a car, with a “Christmas in Texas” song playing. Amazing. 
Oh wow, I love the “FIVE DAYS TILL THE CHAMPIONSHIP” vibe. The build-up is already here. A shot of Julie in the stands watching practice! 
It’s super uncomfortable that people are talking to Vince about his “future teammates” on the Panthers before the post-season is even over.  “I don’t really wanan talk about that. I want to talk about how the East Dillon Lions are gonna win State.” “Is that a promise?” These Texas sports journalists are WILD. this is a teenage boy whose school’s funding just got cut right before the biggest game of his life! Can we have some sympathy?!
“I hear they’re taking the cream of the crop for the Superteam so I’m gonna be honest with you, what are you gonna do?” EXCUSE ME SIR? I repeat, TEENAGE BOY. Tinker’s response of “you’re an asshole” and storming away was more than appropriate!!!
“No comment”ing his way out of there like a champ.
Ah, the age-old tradition of decorating a Christmas tree while arguing about a five-year football coach contract in Dillon or a dean of admissions job offer at a prestigious Philadelphia college. Julie’s just sitting there with Gracie like ooooh boy 
“Here is where we put our tree, not Philadelphia! It’s a Texas tree.” OMG STOP IT. Lol Julie putting her hands over her ears.
Wow I did not expect this proposal to come that quickly into the episode! Like i knew it was coming in this episode but aw. They’re so soft! Just like, oh i’ve been thinking about you nonstop since our perfect Chicago tryst and oh look here’s grandma’s ring let me casually get down on one knee in the town where we fell in love. And after she was just talking about how much she misses Matt to Tyra the episode before? That “yes” she gave feels so certain because of it. Aw.
The grandma’s ring really fucks me up because you know how close Julie and Grandma Saracen have gotten over the years. My heart!
“Oh my God, your dad must’ve flipped.” “...What do you mean?” OH NO Eric Taylor is totally the type to care. “...When you asked him to marry me.” Oh I knew this proposal was too early in the episode, im dying!
“You need to go man to man.” Ugh Julie i liked Matt’s plan of just going and telling them much better. His look of fear when he repeats “man to man.” dead. 
Wow no theme song??? That’s how you know it’s gonna be a long series finale!
Andddd here we are, a bickering Riggins “I may or may not be going to Alaska.” “Is it because you raw dogged Tyra last night?” i literally gasped.
LMAO Mindy trying to say Tim and Tyra are incest now that Mindy and Billy are married and then Tim and Billy immediately being like “nope, no blood lines, that’s not how incest works.” Someone should send that memo to all those anti bughead stans about bughead and falice
“What do you think about me taking Stevie for the day?” “I’m fine with that. There’s no going back, I’m going to get the bag.” LOL Mindy spoken like a true parent also YES to Tim and Stevie spending time together.
Poor Jess not realizing that asking Eric if she can follow him to the Panthers is a much bigger question than she thinks se’s asking.
AWW Tim and Stevie at Grandma Collette’s. How cute. 
“Seven’s back in town?” “Yeah, he and Julie got engaged!” 
Tim/Tyra and Matt/Julie double date?? Aw I love that Tyra knows that Matt and Julie got engaged. I really love Tyra and Julie’s friendship. 
I’m laughing really hard at Matt’s speech to Eric trying to ask permission. This is so funny. 
Eric’s like, “is this kid serious rn?” 
Not to be that northern bitch but don’t kids get married at 18/19 all the fucking time in Texas?? I feel like it’s more common in even more rural parts of like...any state.
“The answer to your question is gonna be no today, it’s gonna be no tomorrow, and it’s gonna be no until the sun burns out.” LMAO wow i didn’t see this coming
“This was really just a courtesy, we were hoping for your blessing.” YES MATT.
OH BOY Eric did not just try to speak FOR his daughter, im not about it. “My daughter’s answer to you is ‘no.’” That’s some patriarchal shit right there.
“We’ll never know if we’re East Coast people if we don’t try it!” “We have a MUCH BIGGER problem.” Dude, it’s Matt Saracen, the softest boy who has loved your daughter for years, i actually think the fundamental decision of where you and Tami continue your future might be slightly more pressing. 
“I don’t know why you’re yelling at me! I think we agree on this!” IM SCREAMINGGGG 
Aw, Tami getting teary-eyed at Grandma Saracen’s ring. “It’s just, y’all are so young.” I know but this is a TV show universe so we let teen marriage slide for the right couples, ok. 
Tami and Eric wanna take Matt and Julie to A CONVERSATION DINNER??? This is gonna be so funny. 
Aw, Vince got his dad a ticket to state? “I want you to be there.” if this fucker doesn’t just come and shut his mouth
Oh wow Becky’s mom is finally coming back? And yay Becky’s finally over her Tim crush. “So friends?” “I say family.” AWWW MY HEART.
“You guys were our age when you got married.” ARE YOU SERIOUS? “It was a different time.” Y’all have no leg to stand on here.
“Marriage requires maturity.” Says the man who won’t let his wife take a huge job offer. What, who said that? (Okay the way Tami’s watching Eric give this speech about compromise, thinking she’s thinking the same thing.)
“You guys got married when you were my age, and how many times did you move? How many different things you’ve gone through and look how you’ve made it work. You guys are my inspiration.” AW. I wish my parents had a stable enough marriage to be able to say that LOL but nope.
OH NO poor Tami getting up from the table because she’s emotional! Because she’s clearly always thought of her marriage that way too but maybe not lately AH
Eric, babe, that’s your cue to follow. 
Oh shit, Jess’s family is moving to Dallas? Well, damn.
Eric saw Vince not take a ticket for his dad and came to his watering hole to hand deliver it? “Young man gets a chance like that maybe once in a lifetime.” and mic drop, walk away.
Luke casuaklly meeting Becky’s mom for the first time while coming by to try to win Becky back. “I love you. I’m so sorry.” AWWW. growth!
YES cheers to Matt and Julie! “Here’s to Mr. and Mrs. Saracen.”
“Always thought you’d be the first person to say that.” AW
Yes halfway through college, go Tyra!
Awwww, Matt being like “let’s dance” and pulling Julie up. So cute. Yes, Tim asking Tyra to dance. 
“I got plans.” “I don’t.” OMG is Tim saying he’ll just follow Tyra? Damn.
Why tf is Buddy calling Eric first thing in the morning to tell him about Buddy Jr.’s cast and “staying here el permanente” and GETTING HIM TO SIGN A CONTRACT BEFORE THE GAME? Y’all are shady as fuck!
I love that seeing the Braemore papers made him stop, tell Buddy off, and not make a decision in that moment. What’s gonna happen???
“I won’t be a part of your Superteam after all.” Hopefully Eric won’t be either! Aw Jess thanking him “for the greatest experience of his life.” “I think it’s been mine too.” AW.
Eric’s gonna give a coach in Dallas a good word for Jess? So beautiful. Yesss!
AW Julie and Matt decorating the Saracen Christmas tree, and Grandma trying to get Julie to wear her old wedding dress!
Emotional at this hug between Julie and Mrs. Saracen. “I love you.” “I love you too.”
Awww Vince finally being glad that Jess is part of the team...at the moment when it’s about to end.
Yess Tyra and Tim picnicking on the land? 
And YES to Tyra going into politics, I could see it! “Along the lines of Mrs. T. Except bigger.” YES GURL.
“I’ve been in love with you since I was five years old.” AWWW that is so precious. 
“I’m gonna build a house exactly where we’re sitting. I’m gonna get a job. And I’m never gonna do anything illegal for the rest of my life.” Oh, Tim. my heart!!!
“Maybe one day, our dreams can merge together.” THAT’S SO BEAUTIFUL. What more does one really want? Oh, these beautiful life-filled shots of them drinking beer on the land where Tim wants to build a house. Art!
Oh shit, Eric’s racing to get to Santa in time to be there with Tami and Gracie?! “You scared me half to death. What’s going on?” 
“I turned the contract down. It’s your turn. I want to go to Philadelphia. Will you take me to Philadelphia with you, please?” YESSSSSSSSSSSSS what they deserve! What Tami deserves!!!! My heart!!!!
Ugh, the imagery as they get to State is amazing. The boys taking in the field, the players suited up praying and getting in the zone beforehand. The screaming in the stands waiting for them.
“You may never know how proud I am of you.” “You changed my life, coach.” AW.
Eric’s pre-game prayer overlaying the image of the Lions bursting out onto the field! Yes yes yes!
The way they slowed everything down with just music, and focused in on the faces of so many characters - Vince’s dad showing up, Eric and Tami saluting one another from stand to sideline, Becky cheering in the stands excitedly for Luke, Matt and Julie holding each other, Buddy on the sidelines screaming, Vince’s mom jumping up and down - just absolute perfection. 
And we’re back in, with actual in-scene sound at 26-21 with 3 seconds left on the clock??? Jesus!
AH and every single character watching the football fly in the air, WOW the DRAMA.
Holy shit, they fast-forwarded to one of Eric’s players in Philly catching a football eight months later in Philly??? THIS SHOW IS SO GOOD. WOW.
Tami looks like such a badass strutting around campus!
YES Tinker is on the Panthers! Take that, bullying reporter! 
Aw, the East Dillon Lions sign coming down. :( feels.
Nooo Luke don’t go to the military! Noooo I hate that. Poor Becky. They’re the exact type of couple who gets caught up in that really sad cycle - too poor to really have many other options, so the whole “free college when i get out!” thing starts to look really attractive. smh.
But i love how they used the championship ring he gave Becky as a way to signal that the East Dillon Lions did, indeed, win the state championship eight months earlier...and that Jess is wearing the ring on the sidelines of a new field where she’s working with the coaches! amazing!
Yay Matt and Julie live in Matt’s beautiful Chicago apartment? Perfection. They really look so good in that city together. 
New beginnings in a new city together for both Tami and Eric AND Matt and Julie? I’m living! It’s what they deserve!
Tim and Billy building Tim’s house and drinking beers! “Texas forever.” “Texas forever.” MY HEART.
“Clear eyes, full hearts.” SILENCE. “Ah, we’ll deal with that later.” LOL
Yesss Tami coming out to meet Eric on the field!!!
“Ready to go home?” “Yeah, let’s go.”
And the lights go off on the field. End show. AMAZING. Truly, an epic series finale! An epic show! I will definitely rewatch and i am so glad i finally did! Thanks to anyone who gave a shit about my ramblings.
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dimitrescus-bitch · 5 years
Training Day (Becky Lynch x Reader)
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Warning: Smut
You groaned as Becky’s alarm went off. She didn’t seem to be budging to turn it off, so you had to get up and do it yourself. You turned the light on afterwards and noticed that she wasn’t in bed. You sighed and remembered what today was. Somehow, you had went from being nothing more than a manager to being a prospect for developmental. You had been perfectly happy as a manager, but creative and the fans seemed to have other ideas. Stephanie had been nice to allow yourself to have control over who trained you, but there was no negotiating whether or not you trained.
“Rise and shine lass,” Becky said. She walked into the bedroom with two cups of coffee and in her hands and a big smile on her face. You groaned, not really looking forward to today. You had some wrestling training, but the majority of it was from whenever you were like 15. “Get dressed and then we can go to the gym.”
“Becks, it’s so early,” you complained and Becky set the coffees on the table. You watched her closely, but she still managed to surprise you by throwing you onto the bed. You bounced on the mattress before she jumped on top of you.
“If you get up now and go through everything without complaining, I’ll give you whatever you want when we get home,” Becky promised and that was enough to push you into gear. You changed out of your pajamas and into the leggings and tank top that Becky picked out for you. You drank your coffee and half of Becky’s on the drive over to the PC. “Alright, I wanna start us off with some stretches. Nothing too bad.”
“Um, alright,” you agreed. Those were easy enough and then Becky started you on a bit of cardio. That kicked your ass pretty bad, but she let you rest for about 3 minutes while you got yourself some water, so it was fine. Running the ropes hurt like a bitch, but that was more welcome than bumping. Throwing your body at the ground was never something that you were good at. Becky worked on some reversals with you and then she slammed you into the ground. from the ropes.
“Do you think you’re ready to try one from the top rope?” Becky asked you tentatively. She didn’t want to push you too far, but she didn’t want to underestimate you either. You climbed up onto the top and Becky straight up pulled you down the first time. You did it a couple other times and she took you down a different way each time. “Are you good?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. I did stuff like this all the time before I got to the WWE,” you said and Becky chuckled at that. It was a little ironic that you’d been taken off of the indies when you were one of the biggest stars and brought to the WWE only to not have a single wrestling match. Vince liked you as a manager and he’d promised you that eventually you’d get a match, but you hadn’t imagined it would come after years of working there. “I’m gonna sore as shit tomorrow.”
“Oh I bet,” Becky said, pulling you onto your feet. She spent the next couple of hours just doing different moves with you and trying to figure out what would work best with your body. The two of you would hopefully be tagging together if creative and the trainers there all liked what they saw when it came time for your tryout. Becky took you home and promised to run both of you a nice hot shower. You showered first and while Becky took care of some business and then you relaxed on the bed while Becky showered.
Becky came out of the bathroom after her shower wrapped in a fluffy towel. Your attention went from the show that you’d been watching straight to her. You gave her a nervous smile which earned you a devilish smirk in return. Becky liked making you flustered, it was one of her specialties. Becky got onto the bed and let the towel fall onto the mattress. You tried to not stare at her body, but it was very difficult. Becky noticed this and tilted your head so that she could give you a kiss.
“You did good at the PC today,” Becky said proudly. You smiled up at her as she leaned down to kiss you. Her lips were soft and you felt her lightly bite down on your bottom lip. You gasped at the feeling of her teeth against your flesh and she let go. She focuses her kisses on your neck and you moved your hips forward, seeking hers out. Becky used her hands to hold your body down against the bed.
“Please,” you whined and Becky nodded. She sank down in between your legs and teased you. You were a writhing mess within seconds, when she plunged two fingers inside of you and began to pump them in and out. You bit your lip to hold in a moan, which caused Becky to completely stop moving.
“I want to hear you. You know how I like that.” Becky’s voice was low and sent chills down your spine as she spoke to you. You nodded and once Becky started moving her fingers again, you didn’t hold back. Becky continued how she had been before, only with a little more force. The added force just meant a little more pressure and more of the friction that your body was desperately chasing after. “This is for you, don’t wait for my instructions.”
Becky’s eyes stayed on you as your body tensed beneath her touch. Becky watched you carefully, taking in every little spasm and motion that she could. Once you were relaxed again, she walked over to the closet to pick out something to wear to bed with you. You fixed your shorts and laid back, letting your body get some much needed rest. Becky crawled into bed with you after several minutes of being away, this time with a cold pack. She let you place it where you needed it and then held you, even though her arm was resting right against the cold pack pressed against the bruise forming on your back from taking bumps. If that was how every one of your training days would go before you went back to the main roster, you were more than happy to take your time.
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vanchlo · 4 years
The Assistant / Chapter Forty-One, “Finally”
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*Gifs are not mine*
Clickable Links:
- *NEW* Becky Magazine Cover from an O.C. Tag Challenge c:
- Masterlist feat. all chapters and Character Surveys
- Inspo tag
- Hecky Playlist
- Read on Wattpad
Warnings: None
Word Count: 10.3k words
Song:  You’re Still The One by Shania Twain, bc duh Just Like Heaven by The Cure (click to listen)
A/N: I am SO excited for you to read this chapter, you’ll soon find out why ;)
                                 SNEAKYYYYYY PEEEEEK
For the fiftieth time in the last two days, I couldn’t be more grateful for how easy things are coming together. I couldn’t be more thankful to have him by my side. It still feels like a dream getting to live this life now, and getting to work with him on the daily, singing Spice Girls amidst stolen cheek kisses.
One puzzle piece at a time, and there’s only one or two pieces left in this puzzle of ours.
"And then my soul saw you and it kind of went ‘Oh, there you are. I’ve been looking for you.’"
                             - Iain Thomas, ‘I Wrote This For You’
There was truly nothing that could rock the waves I was currently riding, and I couldn’t wait a second longer to do the very thing that would make them even bigger. They had only climbed since telling Asher earlier this evening, and the smile that shared on our faces. 
Skye was sprawled out on the sofa when I opened the door, finding it impossible to hide the grin on my face as I read a text from Harry that had dinged a moment before. 
i havent been this excited for somethin in a long time bug. absolutely cant wait to see u on friday, idk if i can wait that long ;) good luck on ur case with Myles 2moro, you’ll do great Becks xo
“Well, look who has a pep in her step, all of a sudden. I don’t think I’ve seen you smile in days, since Harry’s left. What’s the occasion, Ree?” she teases, surprising me with the simple act of muting an episode of The Great British Bake Off that our nights consist of as of late. 
“I may have had a good day,” I suggest with a shrug of my shoulders as I put my coat away in the closet. 
“Since bloody when? You were in a shitty mood the last time we spoke, having ‘Harry withdrawals,’ or something. I’d say the only reason you could be happy right now is if you’d seen him, which would be impossible seeing he’s in Glasgow for another few days,” she mutters. I observe the look on her face change and how her eyebrows dance along her forehead after I turn around to face her, letting the smile lose. “Wait, he’s still there, isn’t he?” she questions, reaching a hand out as if looking for an answer with her body, too. 
My head shakes from side to side slowly as my lips part to show my teeth, a rarity among my smiles, and the expression dawning on her face tells me she recognizes it too. “He came back today, his case finished early, Skye. And I asked him out on a date!” 
“You didn’t?! Ree, you better not be kidding with me, or I’m gonna be really pissed at you!” she chuckles, feigning intimidation in her voice. Hints of the emotions buzzing around inside of me play across her face, meanwhile, my happiness keeps growing notch after notch. 
I don’t know if I can wait that long either, Harry, cause I can’t remember the last time I was this excited. Thank you so much xxx
“I’m not kidding, Skye, and he said yes! He didn’t even let me finish asking and he said yes!” I exclaim after sending the text I had been typing, feeling her arms come around me in a shock when I look back up. 
“I’m so fucking happy for you, Ree, it’s about bloody time!” she remarks excitedly, almost crushing me in a hug. 
“Me too, I can’t remember the last time I was this happy,” I admit softly, relaxing in her arms, even though part of me wishes they were the arms of somebody else. Only an hour later, and I already miss him. Wow, I’ve got this bad. 
“Did you kiss him at least?!”
“No, I’m waiting for the date, I guess. I looked like proper crap today, I’ve been up so late the last few nights prepping for the case with Myles,” I laugh, pulling away from her smell of peaches and chocolate when my pocket dings. 
“First kisses aren’t something you plan, Ree, they just happen out of nowhere. The sooner, the better.” 
“I guess you’re right,” I confess with a smile stuck to my lips. “We’ll just see what happens.”
Happiness and its synonyms still fill me to the brim an hour later, and whilst my thumbs flit across the screen of my phone. Her words stare back at me, and unbeknownst to me how, I wish I could see her again already. My footsteps wander down the main hallway, and before I know what I’m doing, I arrive at her door. Low and behold, it’s closed and my heart sinks into my chest when I find darkness waiting behind it. 
miss u already bug xoxo
My words are whisked off to her, and soon my legs are entering the doorway of a certain somebody’s office, although not the one I was hoping for.
“It’s about time you made your rounds and came to say hi to me. Should I feel offended I’m the last one on your list?” Myles teases from behind his desk with a grin lining his lips. 
“Oh, shuddup. Did Becks leave already fer tha night?” I question, letting my shoulder fall to the door frame as I watch the small ‘delivered’ appear under my blue text. 
“Yeah, I ran into her about twenty minutes ago in the break room when she was clocking out. What, didn’t you already see her?”
“Ya, she was me first visitor. I was jus’ hopin’ t’ see her ‘gain,” I shrug, well aware of the terrible job I’m doing of hiding the one hundred watt smile I’m wearing. 
“And does that have anything to do with you blinding me with that smile of yours?” he inquires, raising a sandy blonde eyebrow at me. 
“Maybe it has sumthin’ t’ do with me havin’ a date with her on Friday, as of an hour ago,” I reveal casually with a shrug of my shoulders, feeling the smile grow larger somehow. 
“Fucking finally,” Myles chimes with happiness spreading across his face, and I nod quickly. 
“I know, ‘s all finally comin’ t’getha fer us.”
It would be accurate to say that I was still in utter disbelief after yesterday, and rehashing it all to Skye the second I got home only made it all seem more real, and even better. Then again, that was an understatement, because I had been waiting for this for years. I had been waiting to feel this way for too long, and to be able to say and think that I have a date with Harry tomorrow. An actual, proper date. Several times, I cursed myself for not making the date on Thursday night, tonight, because although I had waited painstakingly for five days, another two felt like twenty years.
It was even bittersweet coming to work the next day and not seeing him there, confusing the habits and expectations I had come to know. I still had to finish up the case with Myles that he would finish arguing, with my help, for the next two days. I tried to think of it that way, that the date would be even better after finishing that case, and in a way, signifying my return to Harry. God, it was all too perfect, but it would be even more so if I didn’t have to wait another bloody day, well actually two, to see him. Yesterday wasn’t long enough, but when I think about it, no length of time ever is with him and that’s how I know I’m in trouble.
Also, that I’m walking right into one of my dreams.
After a morning spent in court starting off the case, I was back at the firm with Myles after lunch to work on it some more. He had given me more time to myself to work on my own than Harry had, but I preferred it that way. Harry was right, Myles was good to me, and I did learn a lot from him, but it wasn’t the same as being with Harry. Nothing has ever and never will be the same as being with him, certainly not. Also, the whole Family and Interpersonal side of court was depressing as fuck, I found out. The topic littered Harry and I’s conversations the last almost week, resulting in me taking after him and deciding to stay far away from it for now. 
I’m reminded of him everywhere I go, and it definitely makes trying to get my work done all the more difficult. I see his face in the succulent sat at the corner of my desk, behind my office chair where he would lean over me to help me on my laptop, on my sofa where he opened his birthday presents with explosive happiness, and in the reflection on the tall window where I now stand in the same spot as on his birthday when he hugged me against his front with a kiss to my head. A day later, and it all still feels so surreal to me, and I’m not mad about it. I appreciate its distracting qualities, leaving me to not worry as much about what the hell I’m going to wear tomorrow, and messing things up. Skye’s already picked out five outfits for me by now, I’m sure, but I was at a loss last night when I perused my closet. The pressure to impress somebody I’ve already met a hundred times, feels even greater than my second interview I had at the firm, and I tell myself I don’t know why, even though I do.
I want to wear the right thing, and feel beautiful. More than that, I don’t want to mess things up between us, again, no matter how stupid that sounds. No matter how premature it is to worry about right now.
With the happiest of sighs, I wander over to my bookshelf that now sits a dozen law books, gifts from Harry, Skye, Robbie, my dad, and Asher. Perhaps my favorite, to no surprise, is the Lawyer’s Dictionary that Harry got me. It has a section for all of the law jargon, another on many important laws, and lastly finishes with a guide for working the courtroom. I was just getting on my tippy toes to grab it when I feel a pair of arms surround my chest and pull me against theirs. 
“Hiya, brat,” a voice teases, tickling my neck. 
“Harry!” I exclaim with surprise, grabbing hold of his forearms. “Why do you love to scare me so much?”
“I dunno, ‘s fun, and coz yer a brat, so ya deserve it,” he giggles, and finally I relent and do too as I turn around to face him. 
“I am not a brat!” I argue, finding his flushed stubbly cheeks, taking a second to get used to the thick stubble covering them now. 
“Ya are, I reckon, couldn’t even wake me up last night t’ finish tha rest o’ tha FRIENDS episode on FaceTime, jus’ kept watchin’ along without me. If that doesn’t make ya a brat, then I dunno what does,” he tuts, clucking his tongue as he shakes his head at me. My giggles grow into a hearty chuckle as his folded hands settle at the small of my back. 
“Harry Edward!” I scoff, swatting at his chest once again hidden by his Northface coat, matching his black skinny jeans. 
“Hey, ya betta watch that hand o’ yers, bug, and that mouth too.”
“I’m not a brat,” I whine, all facial features falling into a pout that immediately grabs his attention. 
“Rebecca Ann, don’t even start with me. Put that bloody pout away befo’ ya regret it,” he insists, pointing his eyes at me with the smallest of smirks peeking through on his lips. It wins him over and soon his dimples accompany his deep laugh. “Stop, yer not a brat, bug, ‘m jus’ teasin’ ya. Y’know that. Jus’ can’t believe it didn’t even take a week fer ya t’ skip ahead o’ me in our show.”
“The episode was already three quarters of the way over!” I protest, earning a good finger wag at me. I fight back and push against his chest. “And I didn’t want to wake you up, you were so tired.”
“No, it was not! It was only half way through and ya couldn’t even wake me up! How rude o’ my Becks t’ be makin’ up excuses.” 
“Stop being mean to me,” I pout again, beginning to turn away with my arms crossed over my chest. 
“Hey, ‘m jus’ givin' ya a hard time, bug, y’know that. Yer neva a brat, and even if ya are, yer my brat,” Harry hums warmly, the honey returning to his voice in full force as he catches me around the middle with his arms once again. I can’t remember the last time I heard his voice absent of the honey, though. I don’t ever want to. “I wouldn’t want ya any otha way.”
“I knew you were only joking.”
“You li’l liar!” he laughs against my temple and mine joins his ever so contagious one. “Y’know, ‘ve always loved how ya neva take me shit and how ya can dish it right back, Becks.”
“Of course, I figured out at  the very beginning that I wouldn’t get by without it.”
“That’s me girl,” he coos, bringing me forth and round to find his gentle green eyes once more. They smile at me with a sparkle to them I haven’t had the pleasure to know before. I’ve yet to see him look at anybody this way, and I wonder if I have my own special look in my eyes for him, too. If I do, it was born long ago. 
“What are you doing here? I thought you had said you were going to take it easy until Monday, since your case got done early,” I wonder aloud, unsure of what to do with my hands until they venture to his coat’s zipper on their own, pulling it up and down distractedly. 
“I was, until My’ roped me into a partner meetin’ t’day, and I wanted t’ see a special sumbody,” he sighs with an accented roll of his eyes at first, and then they dish out their dazzle on me. “But that’s it, and ‘m off afta that. I hafta do a li’l work fer my case afta finishin’ it, but it’ll only take ten minutes tops. Then laundry, cleanin’, and tha like at home before grocery shoppin’. Only jus’ now got outta bed, tha bloody jetlag.”
“Ah, I see. The work of a lawyer never ends, it seems,” I comment and he nods above me, eyes watching my every move closely. “God, if I knew you’d be here today I would have tried a little harder when I got dressed this morning,” I laugh nervously, my eyes falling to his crimson button-up peeking out from his coat, decorated with gray flowers and foliage. 
“Ya don’t even hafta try and ya look gorgeous, Becks. Promise,” Harry disagrees, the molasses pouring out from his words and into my heart, pushing the very last chip away. Just like that, I’m all his again, but I think it happened long before this and I didn’t know. Daring a look up at him, the dimples couldn’t be deeper in his cheeks as his sunshine smile radiates onto me, the pad of his thumb rough against my cheek. “I sure missed seein’ that smile, ‘s me favourite.” 
My anxiousness carries away with the sunshine, and I’m left with red cheeks and a smile that makes them hurt. It almost pains me to look into his bright sunny eyes, but I wouldn’t want to be looking anywhere else. Finally, I let myself look and with that, I let him in a little further and start to let go. 
“You’re really laying it on thick,” I jest harmlessly with a smile, dragging my finger down the seam of his chest where the two sides of the fabric meet in red cloth buttons. 
“Ya, coz I finally can,” he grins, and the warmth spreading across my body in tingly waves finds an outlet in a soft laugh of mine. 
Anxious yes, but ever so happy while his hand spreads out flush against my back, fingertips moving lazily. I’ve already pinched myself once or twice today wondering if this is all a dream, and shocked that I could ever be this happy. There were so many times I doubted the existence of it and its possibility, and everything it had to do with having this with Harry. Predictably, an electronic twinkle interrupts our conversation, and I’m confused to find him lifting his wrist. 
“Woah, look at the fancy lawyer,” I tease, his already colossal smile growing taller as he flicks a finger across his shiny new Apple watch. “That must have cost a pretty penny.”
“Ya, and My’ dished out e’ry last cent,” he titters, pressing his palm to the shiny surface rounded by space grey edges, returning his eyes and hands to me. “It was his birthday present t’ me, sayin’ that I should be mo’ organized at me age, or sumthin’.”
“Talk about brutal honesty right there.”
“Don’t go bloody agreein’ with him now!” Harry scoffs, but his mouth open in disgust is no more, lined by joyous lips that soon attack my cheeks in kisses. 
“No, no, no!” I beg aloud in shrieks when his quick fingers dance along my ribs, sending jolts of electricity across my body. More exclamations and pleas escape them before I say the magic words, “Harry Edward!” 
“What d’ya want, hmm, Rebecca Ann?” he asks breathlessly, that adorable breathy laugh falling off of his glossy cherry lips. 
“I think you like saying my full name too much,” I contend, giving up and falling into the sage green abyss of his eyes for the hundredth time, or more. 
“Maybe I do. Maybe I like it,” he shrugs mischievously, that smirk glued to his lips that pull me in. 
“Do you like it, the watch?”
“Ya, ‘s nice. I thought ‘d told ya ‘bout it, sorry. Reckon it has helped me t’ stay organized. Speakin’ of, me meetin’ ‘s inna few, so I hafta take off, bug,” he croons with disapproving lips, his bottom lip soon jutting out from the top. 
“Harry Styles, don’t you even!” I threaten rather weakly, the sounds of happiness leaving my lips doing a good job of that. 
“Oh, and what if I don’t? Hmmm, Rebecca Holte, jus’ what will ya do ‘bout it?” Harry returns, wiggling an eyebrow at me that makes my chest rumble with harder laughter. 
“I’ll just have to stop you, but I don’t know how just yet.”
A devilish smirk is born on his lips before my eyes, and soon leaves my view while his face escapes to the crook of my neck, his voice soon tickling my skin, “Lawyers gotta be quick on their feet, bug. Reckon I can think o’ a way ya can make these lips stop poutin’, maybe ya can try it on me t’morro’ afta our date,” he hums against my neck, knitting up his sentence with a whisper of a kiss below my ear.
I feel like a fricken sixteen-year-old all over again, and I’m loving every second. 
“You better get going to your meeting, before you’re late, Harry,” I giggle uncontrollably,  sure that my face is blotchy with red all over because of what he just said. My suspicion is confirmed when he lifts his head of moused curls to look me in the eyes again, and the glint in them tells me so. I feel like I can read him even better now, all because he’s letting me. 
“‘s alright, they expect me t’ be late by now, ‘s a given,” he insists with a comedic shrug of his shoulders, hands wandering away from my back and to our sides where they invite my hands into his. 
“Will you stop and say goodbye this time?”
“‘Course, bug. ‘m sorry I missed ya yestaday, ya had already left afta I had made me rounds,” he assures me, receiving a quiet ‘it’s okay’ from me. 
“Try not to fall asleep at your meeting today,” I joke, watching his eyes roll into the back of his head briefly before he scoops me into his arms for a squeeze. 
“I won’t if ya promise not t’ be a brat anymo’ and skip ahead in our show.”
“Get lost and go to your meeting already!” I laugh, shoving him away by his chest, observant of his mouth relaxing into a disbelieving ‘O’. His laugh echoes mine quickly, only disrupted when my hand comes to his cheek to plant my lips on his other for a few seconds longer than necessary. “I’m so glad you’re back, Harry.”
“So am I, Becks, so bloody much,” he echoes, holding my hands a little tighter in his, even bringing one to his lips for a kiss. “Good luck on yer case, love, for tha thousandth time. ‘m so proud o’ you.”
With that, he leaves me in a puddle of my own surreal emotions, disappearing from my office with a look over his shoulder wearing that smirk. That very smirk I want so desperately to kiss off those cherry lips already. Tomorrow, I think, if I can make it until then. Just one more day.
I had been struggling with finishing this last part, or rather redoing it, for too long now. When my eyes again strayig to the violet clock, I was surprised to find that it had been almost an hour, and I hadn’t gotten much further. With my head in my hands, I sigh as feelings battle to be felt within my insides. After today’s argument, Myles and I had to shift our approach, and I still wasn’t sure of how to do that. He had been helping me, of course, but I still felt so lost. It doesn’t help that he’s currently caught up in the partner’s meeting that Harry is also at, and Jennings who is but isn’t a partner. I still don’t get it, even though Harry explained it to me a few times. The next time he does, I’ll have to remember to ask him to dumb it down for me. 
Even after pouring over our shared notes in Google Docs, and my several law books strewn across my desk, I’m at a loss for what to do.
I wish more than anything that it was already five pm tomorrow, and that the only thing I have to think about is my date with Harry. I still don’t know what the hell to wear, or to do with my hair, or how heavy to go with my makeup. 
“Why tha long face, bug?” somebody pipes up, pulling me away from my immersive thoughts. Blinking hard, I tear my eyes away from the laptop screen and look over to the door, but I don’t lift my tired head from my propped fist. 
“I don’t know what to do for my argument.”
“Still? Why didn’t ya jus’ ask, Becks?” Harry hums with an inviting smile, pressing the door to come just shy of closing. 
I shrug my shoulders with a heavy exhale, scrolling through what I have so far, quickly realizing how embarrassing it’ll be to show him. I can’t exit out quickly enough, hearing his footsteps arrive behind me. 
“Hey, what d’ya think yer doin’?” he teases when I switch tabs, quickly feeling the weight of his hand on top of mine, dragging the mouse along. “Don’t be nervous, love, ‘m here t’ help. Always am,” he coos softly, a hand settling on my adjacent shoulder, earning me an encouraging squeeze. 
“It’s embarrassing, Harry. I’ve been sitting here for over an hour trying to figure out what to do, and I have next to nothing to show for it.”
“Relax, ‘s only yer first official case yer arguin’. Don’t be so hard on yerself, Becks. It sounds like ya need a break, bug,” he insists, sending sparks along my left arm as he rubs stripes along the skin. It’s not long before I hear a familiar laugh and slowly, Harry’s dancing figure comes into view. “Yo ‘ll tell ya what I want, what I really, really want. So tell me what ya want, what ya really, really want,” he belts out, his phone blasting the song cupped in his hand. 
“Oh my God,” I sigh with an accidental laugh, my head falling into my hands. I’m too curious though, and so I peek out from behind my spread fingers to watch him sing passionately with his eyes closed while breaking out some amusing dance moves. “Please, stop,” I chuckle, but I’m sure he also hears the lie in my voice. 
“‘m not stoppin’.”
“Please, Harry. You’re going to make me die from secondhand embarrassment,” I confess into my hands, feeling brave and letting my fingers fall down to below my eyes. Mistakenly, his catch mine and they fly back up to cover my eyes, or for the most part. 
“Rebecca Ann, ‘m not stoppin’ ‘til ya come and join me.”
“Then you’re going to be there for a while,” I say with a shrug of my shoulders, certain of one thing and that’s the smile claiming my lips, and the forgotten document staring at me. I’m too preoccupied with the silly, dancing man in front of my eyes, and how somehow this makes me love him all the more. 
“Becks,” he insists, in between singing along to the song very badly. Oh no, I think as his steps near me once again. Before I know it, I’m staring into darkness as his breath tickles the back of my neck. 
“Stop,” I beg with laughs interjected among my pleas. They grow into near shouts and exclamations when his singing is accompanied by his fingers dancing across my sides, and along the slopes of my neck. “Harry!” I almost yell, and when my laughs couldn’t hurt my belly more, it all ceases. Only the singing remains and is joined by his stubbly cheek against my temple, and his arms coiled around my shoulders. “If ya wanna be my lova, ya gotta get with my friends.”
“Make it last forever, friendship never ends,” I continue for him, giggles heard at the end when his nose tickles the corner of my sensitive neck. 
“There’s me happy Becks, ‘m glad I found her ‘gain,” Harry coos, leaving a kiss on my temple before he helps me to tackle my argument. 
Five days did and didn’t feel very long when I think about it now, with his arms wrapped around me as his voice tickles my ear. Too easily, I can remember his absence over those long days, and how effortlessly they felt far longer. I barely survived with his texts and phone calls alone, and it hurts to think that if it hadn’t been for his case finishing early, I’d still be sitting here in my office all in my lonesome. 
Those thoughts are yanked away - thank God - when his voice brings me back, spewing legal mumbo jumbo that luckily nowadays I can understand, but I couldn’t have always said that. Harry makes quick work of what would be my best route to take and how I do that, and for the fiftieth time in the last two days, I couldn’t be more grateful for how easy things are coming together. I couldn’t be more thankful to have him by my side. It still feels like a dream getting to live this life now, and getting to work with him on the daily, singing Spice Girls amidst stolen cheek kisses.
One puzzle piece at a time, and there’s only one or two pieces left in this puzzle of ours.
The murmur of voices assaults my ears when I walk through the door, and feel my vision tugged towards the ceiling decorated with chandeliers. A song by Frank Sinatra floats around the entryway, hardly calming my overactive nerves, despite it being a favorite of my late grandpa’s. When I finally reach the host’s stand, the nerves topple out with my words, jumbling them.
“Reservation for H-Harry Styles, please,” I tell the towering, dark haired man. After a few moments tapping away on the kiosk, he grabs two menus and leads me through a maze of linen covered tables sat under the glow of the several chandeliers. 
I try to hide my disappointment when he leads me to an empty, round table, leaving with a few words about my server being with me soon. Another feeling bubbles up inside me, forcing itself to join all of the others mixed together within me. I had a feeling I was too early, I think silently as I shrug off my long pea coat to hang over my chair. Skye’s wishes of good luck and ‘lots of snogging’ float back to me, filling my sad cheeks with another wash of pink. ‘No, you aren’t driving yourself, I’m dropping you off so then you can get a ride home with him, and lay a big one on him when he walks you up,’ she had insisted, but the anxiousness years in the making is doing a good job of making me doubt myself tonight. 
My attention drifts to my phone that is silent with no new messages, but I still check our conversation. The last message was from him:
see u in half an hour for our date bug :) xxx
My thumb scrolls through our previous messages, straying to last night’s that brings a smile to my face. 
I have no idea what to wear tomorrow :/ 
meant it when i said u look beautiful in anything Becks ;) help what should i wear ? xx
I might be a little impartial to that gray suit you wore to my class lecture that one time ;) 
noted ;) i may especially love the color red on u if u wanna know 
Noted ;) Question....
shoot, love 
Skye was gonna drop me off tonight on her way to her boyfriend’s …. Would a ride home be too much to ask?
course not Becks. anytime u need a ride im here. id love to give u a ride home. perfect we can jam 2 some spice girls in the car then ;) 
I can’t wait
neither can i bug :) 
My reminiscing is interrupted when my eyes fall to my outfit of choice, tugging up the scoop neck that Skye insisted wasn’t ‘too slutty.’ Now, I’m not so sure about it, and I can’t decide if I wish he’d show up already, or if I’m not ready. Those thoughts are stolen away when the texts disappear on my phone, his smiling face claiming the screen with a jingle. 
“Hello?” I answer with a gulp, trying to hide the anxious tremble in my voice. I can’t help it, my eyes dart to my wrist, noticing it’s already 6:05 pm.
“Hi, bug. ‘m sorry but tha traffic ‘s horrendous and ‘m afraid ‘ll be late gettin’ t’ tha restaurant. E’rybody else ‘s comin’ home from work too,” Harry explains from the other side, a weird sound taking over his voice. Yeah, we’re not too good at this pretending thing anymore, are we? I can hear the nerves in his voice, probably just like he can hear them in mine. 
“Oh, it’s okay, Harry. I don’t mind at all, just be careful driving,” I respond, feeling a sense of relief at knowing where he is. I know he never would, but it squashes the tiny voice inside of me saying he wasn’t ever going to show up. 
“‘Course I will, love. Thanks fer understandin’. Reckon ‘ll be there in ten. Are ya there already?” he responds, just the sound of his voice doing wonders at calming me down. The only thing that could take it all away is a hug, one of his.
“Yeah, I just sat down.”
“Mmmm, d’ya mind scopin’ out tha menu while yer there? I won’t be too long, we can order once I get there, if that’s alright,” he asks, the sound of traffic sneaking into our phone call for a second. Then, I hear him sigh ‘finally’ and the subsequent thrum of the motor.
“Yeah, sure. I’ll see you soon then, careful driving.”
“I can’t wait t’ see you, Becks,” he hums before hanging up, leaving me sitting across from an empty chair that I can’t stop picturing him sitting in. 
This is really happening.
The sound of her voice rings in my ears, and does nothing to stop the anxious shakes coursing throughout my body. Curses fall under my breath as I honk at somebody who pulls out right in front of me, making me slam on my brakes. With a sigh, I turn on my indicator before making my turn.
Pulling my keys from the ignition drenches my surroundings in silence, and reminds me of my heart beating wildly within my chest. Looking up, the decorative windows of the restaurant appear before me in shrouded light. She’s somewhere in there . . waiting for me.
Get it together, Harry. You can do this.
My eyes drift to the rear view mirror and I card my fingers through my hair until it looks decent enough. That’s as good as it’s going to get, I almost mutter while smoothing down my blazer underneath my coat. The bone chilling February night nips at my face once my feet touch the tarmac. Streetlights cast glows all around me, as well as the headlights of several cars. The thumping within my chest grows louder and faster as my feet near the door, and then the stand where a manicured man waits.
“Hi. I made a reservation unda the name ‘Harry Styles’,” I tell him, immediately casting my eyes to the tables within view, searching for her dark chocolate locks. 
“Right this way,” he replies, waving a hand to follow him and I do. He leads me past several tables, empty and occupied, and almost gets me lost in the process.
The last thing I feel is lost when my eyes finally find her.
“Thank you. I-I got it from here,” I tell him hurriedly, holding a hand out that brings us both to a halt. He walks away after a short ‘you’re welcome,’ leaving me there, right where I want to be.
I don’t remember the smile reaching my ears or my heart quieting within my chest as I watch her flip through the menu thirty feet away from me. The prettiest red dress dons her long body, falling just underneath her collarbones and draped over the curve of her shoulders. Her hair falls in dark, natural waves, almost hiding the round opal sitting above the scoop of scarlet fabric. A tingling sensation blankets my body from head to toe, and the image of Becks sitting there waiting for me is burned into my mind.
It feels like I’m meeting her again for the first time, but I’m not. This feels like a new first time, and I know it’s one I won’t ever forget, much like the very first time I laid my eyes upon her. 
It felt like a Monday. For the bloody life of me, I couldn’t remember if it was one at the moment. Is it Monday? I’m not sure, but with the way things were going today, it sure felt like one. The copier had a jam, I forgot the first lunch I’ve made in years at home, and my girlfriend had been annoying the fuck out of me this morning. To top it all off, I had applicants being interviewed today to fill the position of my personal assistant, ever since the last one bolted. She didn’t last more than two weeks, a big surprise. 
Pete had been blowing up my phone for the last ten minutes, and I finally had had enough. Without an announcement or a knock, I stride into his office, fully intent on finding out what the hell he wants. 
“I’m a little busy, if you haven’t noticed,” he retorts over the head of dark chestnut locks sat in front of him. Presumably, one of the new applicants for my personal assistant. Hmm. 
“Well, ya kept ringin’ me bloody phone, Pete. So, what tha hell d’ya want?” I insist, throwing up a hand that falls to my thigh with a loud slap. 
Suddenly, I wish the quiet little thing would turn around, and give me a look at her. Shy, she is, it seems. There she sits, tucked away into her little shell, dressed to impress in a dark dress. 
“I’m in the middle of an interview!” he exclaims, certainly making a good first impression with the applicant. It makes me wonder for the tenth time why I bother having him do the interviews, but then I remember that I don’t really give a fuck, as long as I don’t have to do them. 
“What fer, huh?” I tease, instantly getting a snappy response from Pete about it being for me, as if I didn’t already know. But, I did, and am only doing this to bother him even more. 
“Ooo, ‘s it now? Ya get me a good one? Huh, Pete?” I grin, taking a step forward as a hand in my pocket plays with the tiny, metal guitar attached to my key ring. Sticking my head out as I move forward, my eyes dance across her head, and her profile that soon comes into view. “Hullo, love. Gonna be me new one, are ya? Petey here says I can’t keep one fer tha life o’ me, so here he ‘s interviewin’ me anotha one. How’s she doin’ so far, Petey? Think she’s a winna?” I joke aloud, knowing full well the effect my words have on the both of them. 
My subsequent introduction falls from my lips after a retort from Pete, and then the stranger finally turns to look me in the eyes. I rack my brain, trying to put a name to her face from a prior conversation with Pete. Or was it going over her resume when it came in the other day? I can’t remember which, and I blame it on her captivating baby blue eyes, as well as the intoxicating smile that greets my own. Words float from her lips and grace my ears for the very first time, and I knew immediately that she was something else. 
“Hi, my name is Becky. Becky Holte.”
Little did I know how drastically she would change my life, sometimes I thought for the worse, but ultimately for the better. The better, always. I had no way of knowing at that very moment, how many times she would come to save me.
My Becks.
The sound of homemade ravioli filled with chicken and three kinds of cheese is almost making my mouth water. It also makes me wonder when Harry will finally be here, and habitually, my eyes lift to look for him. To my surprise, I find him standing a ways away with the sweetest smile stuck to his lips. 
“Hiya, Becks. Sorry ‘m late. Ya look . . absolutely gorgeous, by tha way,” he comments once he’s within a few steps of the table. He reaches across to squeeze my arm before sitting down across from me, a blush pinching his cheeks. 
“Thank you, Harry. I uh, like the suit you went with, you look very handsome in it. Good choice,” I return, failing to not focus on the fast thrumming deep inside of me. 
“Ya, a certain sumbody said it was their favourite on me, so I couldn’t disappoint,” he grins with a shrug, unfastening the button at his waist, exposing the satiny black button-up hidden underneath. 
“Good, I’m glad you didn’t,” I smile, sure of the warmth he can see filling my cheeks, because I can see it mirrored in his own. “I like that you kept the stubble.”
“Why thank you,” he comments, once again rubbing it with his thumb and forefinger, and like before, making me all the more jealous. “I trimmed it up a li’l bit, figured I betta.” 
“Oh, I hope you keep it. I think I prefer you with it.”
“D’ya now, Becks?” he teases with a lift of his eyebrows, his tousled curls almost tickling his forehead, but just barely. “‘ll hafta rememba that,” he smiles, and more than ever, it’s incredibly contagious. My cheeks are starting to hurt from smiling by now, but I don’t even mind. 
“The um,” I begin nervously, my eyes falling to the elegant paper menu opened in front of me. It pains me to look away from him and the sunshine emanating from his smile, but it’s not so bad when I feel his chelsea boot knock against my heel, remaining there against the back of my ankle. “Chicken ravioli sounds good, as well as the margherita pizza, and Cacio e Pepe. Lots of good choices for dessert, too.”
“Mmm, they all sound good, love. Thanks fer lookin’ fer us,” he muses aloud, head bent down to peer at the menu when I glance over to him. 
His habit returns and his bottom lip is caught between his teeth, and somehow, it makes my smile grow bigger. I didn’t think that was possible, but here I am with aching cheeks. I nudge his foot with mine and he looks up with a question on his face, soon relaxing into a sparkling smile. That effervescent look in his eyes from the other day returns, and if I hadn’t known it already, I truly could look into his eyes for the rest of eternity. The dimples haven’t left his cheeks since he arrived, and his raspberry lips beg at me from across the table. 
“Let’s give it a try then,” he remarks, closing his menu without breaking our eye contact. The words dipped in honey flow from his lips and tickle something inside me, and I want more than anything to hear another meaning in them. His foot nudging at mine in return only makes me give in to it, and so does his wink. 
Our server arrives at our table shortly, and I thank God for the champagne she pours into tall flutes, not taking the edge off fast enough. A conversation blossoms between us about his case, and then mine with Myles. 
“Ya did great by tha way. Congrats on tha win, Becks, ‘m so fookin’ proud o’ you,” Harry grins adamantly, sweetness pouring off of his words that come out with a shake of his head. 
“Thank you so much, Harry. Wait, how’d you know we won it? I was just going to tell you,” I ask with furrowed brows, and receive a measly shrug of his shoulders in return. The look on his face, as if a revelation is threatening to burst from his lips, teases at me until it abates when the server brings us waters and we order. 
“So so bloody proud o’ you t’day, Becks,” he whispers as she pulls out her notepad and a pen. Possibilities blossom within my mind after he sends me a coy wink and knocks his foot against mine again. It doesn’t leave my own throughout the rest of our time there, during our meal and the laughs we share over glasses of champagne, and a plate of Tiramisu that I somehow let him share with me.
“I knew it! You were there today, sitting in the gallery, weren’t you?!” I exclaim, mumbling a short ‘thank you’ when he opens the car door for me. 
“Maybe,” Harry shrugs casually, walking around the front of the car as I fall onto the leather seat. 
“Harry Styles!” I nearly shout, if it weren’t for my voice dissolving into a giggle as he slides behind the steering wheel next to me. 
“What? I had some stuff t’ do at tha courts, so I may have popped in fer a mo’,” he explains. 
“Sure,” is all I say as I pull the seat belt across my chest. 
“Hush, and play some music, bug. Here,” he insists, handing me his grey iPhone that looks normal sized in his hand, and then gigantic in mine. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming to watch?”
“Coz o’ that right there, Becks. Yer nervous ‘bout it right now afta tha fact, imagine how ya woulda been if ‘d told ya I was comin’ befo’ yer argument t’day,” he returns, pressing buttons on the dash and soon, waves of hot air greet my cold body. 
“I guess you’re right.”
“‘m what? I didn’t catch that,” Harry jests, cupping his ear. A scoff flies from my lips and I playfully swat his shoulder. “Hey, watch it. ‘m drivin’.”
“You haven’t even switched gears, so shut up,” I laugh, catching the eye roll he thinks I don’t see. “I see that eye roll, Styles, you better watch it.”
“You betta watch it, Becks. Betta pick a good Spice Girls song too, ‘m payin’ attention,” he jokes, soon his fingers diving into my side. A laugh escapes me unwillingly, and yanks my eyes over to his giggling lips. 
His name leaves mine in a near shriek, and after a blink, his tickling fingers are gone and lacing between mine. The dark flecks in his sage green eyes catch under the overhead light before it turns off automatically. He gives my hand a good squeeze as his eyes melt into mine, and a zing of electricity runs up my fingers and then my arm. The smile falling into his cheeks mirrors the one that’s been glued to my lips all night, and now grows higher and higher. I return the squeeze just as he looks to his mirrors, the click of the doors locking when he shifts to Reverse. 
It almost hurts to look away, but so many other feelings and thoughts are occupying me as my eyes fall to his phone. Disbelief washes over me as his long, ringed fingers sit between mine. It only grows when he lifts our intertwined hands up and over the middle console, to sit on his warm thigh.
An uninvited wave of pain hits me when I spot familiar sad songs amongst his music library, like the familiar ‘When She Loved Me’ that could make any Toy Story fan weep within seconds of hearing it. It intensifies when my eyes run over the songs Before You Go, Wish You Were Here, Say You Won’t Let Go, and With or Without You. Chancing a glance over at him, he stares straight ahead into the dark night, and a bittersweetness greets me. I try not to let it in, and the realization that perhaps those lost seven months were hell for him too, as were those five days apart. 
“Find it? I have Spice World on there sumwhere. I know I have loads o’ shit on there, sorry,” he comments, turning his head to check his left before pulling onto the busy road. 
“Y-Yeah,” I stutter, looking back to his expansive music library spanning from the 50’s to current music. His thumb drawing circles onto my knuckles brushes some of the sadness away as I bring up the album he speaks of. 
“Bloody hell, why ya choosin’ tha sad one, Becks?” he titters, glancing over to me when we come to a stop at a light. His smile shining back at me whisks away the last drops of the sadness, but hints of it remain with me, begging to be felt. I shrug my shoulders as the beginning lyrics of ‘Too Much’ fills the car, and I only turn it up louder. “I get t’ pick tha next song, if yer playin’ sad stuff. Bloody rubbish you are at pickin’ songs,” he sighs jokingly with a shake of his head, curls tickling his ears and the nape of his neck. 
“I am not!” 
“‘Kay, brat, keep talkin’,” he snickers, earning another scoff from me that he answers with a harder laugh. I cast my eyes to the window with an exaggerated whimper, soon hearing his profuse apologies. “‘m kiddin’, Becks, bloody hell. I already know ya have a good taste in music from all o’ our talks. I like this song too, jus’ thought ya’d go fer some happy songs, seein’ tha . . occasion and e’rythin’. Hey.” 
I answer him with my eyes returning to him, finding his wink before he looks back to traffic, and with my thumb coasting back and forth across his smooth skin. I listen to the lyrics, feeling another squeeze of my hand from him before I change the song. 
“Hey, don’t change it befo’ ‘s done!” he exclaims, and I just laugh, watching his shocked lips soon do the same. 
“Then stop complaining,” I argue, catching another roll of his eyes as the car slows to a stop in front of another light. Joy buds on my lips as the surprise unfolds on his features, meanwhile his eyes crinkle, the dimples fall deeper, and his raspberry lips thin out as a smile consumes his face. 
“I knew ya were sumthin’ special,” he notes aloud with a shake of his head, a giggle emanating from his joyous smile, right before he joins me to sing along to Shania Twain’s ‘Man, I Feel Like A Woman.’ 
His fingers laced between mine continue to send my heart into overdrive as we belt out the song between contagious laughs, and then another crowd favourite, ‘You’re Still The One.’ This one gets me and sometimes throughout the song, I can’t get myself to look at him with the sincerity held in the lyrics. As well as the words that hit too close to home. 
Finally, I can’t stand it anymore, and my eyes drift over to his at the end of the song, finding that his are already on mine. “‘m so glad we made it. Look how far we’ve come, my baby,” Harry finishes with his eyes dancing upon me with that smile dripping with molasses. As if his hand squeezing mine periodically throughout the song wasn’t already making me want to cry, now I really could. I return the gesture before looking out the window, blinking back the arriving tears from my eyes as those lasting words sing inside of my head. 
Yeah, we finally made it, Harry. Belatedly, but finally.
“‘s been years since ‘ve been here, hasn’t changed much tho’,” Harry remarks softly, only a few steps away from my door. 
“Yeah, the inside looks bout the same too.”
“‘m sure. Maybe I could see fer meself one o’ these days,” he remarks aloud, and when my eyes drag over to his nervously, I answer him with a nod. 
“I’d like that.”
“Me too,” he coos, rubbing the pad of his thumb along the back of my hand. A shy smile nudges at the edge of my lips as he stands in front of me, my right hand still safe within his. “Well, I had a wondaful time t’night, thanks again.”
“You’re welcome, and thank you too. I had a lot of fun . . with you.”
“So did I, bug. ‘ll um, text you later then?” Harry says, clearing his throat awkwardly, his bottom lip soon returning to its nervous spot. 
“Y-yeah, sounds good,” I mumble quietly, eyes falling to my hand that he drops. The absence of his warmth against mine feels very strange now, having been holding hands for the entire drive and subsequent walk up to my apartment. 
“Night, Becks.”
“Goodnight, Harry, careful driving,” is the last thing I say before slipping behind my door, finding Skye perched on the sofa. The monotonous, forced words echo in my ears and my eyes fall to the floor, disappointment flooding every inch of me. 
“So, how’d it go?! Did you finally fucking kiss him?!” she shouts the second the door meets its frame. 
“No,” I admit between shy lips, the steps I take seeming as if they’re from somebody else’s body, not mine. The entire last five minutes feels like somebody else had lived them, not me. No, it can’t end like that. “Not yet, anyways,” I rush, ignoring my shoes I already toed off, spinning around and ripping open the door. “Harry, wait!” I exclaim, finding his surprised expression waiting in front of the lift. 
“What?” he asks, eyebrows bent into a questioning mess. 
“I-I forgot something,” I manage, the words spilling out in a heap while he closes the distance between us, stopping right in front of me. Right where I need him. 
“Forgot what, bug? Did ya forget yer shoes in me car?” he titters, the fluorescent glow overhead picking out the few blonde hairs in his stubble. 
“No . . something else,” I finally admit, taking a step when there aren’t any left. 
The dimples remain set into his cheeks while his eyes fall to my lips and mine raise to his. His facial hair is prickly and dense under the pad of my thumb, and his coveted bottom lip is warm and pillowy. The golden hue of his olive green irises fills my mind when my lips finally meet his, and at last, I find his bottom lip between my own. His sweet giggle sounds against my lips as my fingers get lost in his buttery curls. I come to echo it when his hands shock me with their coldness against my hips, pulling me closer to him. One strays to the back of my head as his lips move against mine, the word ‘finally’ repeating incessantly within my mind. His barely there beard is scratchy against my skin, contrasting to the smooth tip of his nose grazing my cheek. The cinnamon and cocoa powder from the Tiramisu cake tickles my taste buds while his spicy vanilla smell covers me like a blanket. Zings shoot across my palm pressed to his smiling cheek, his facial hair prickly against the sensitive skin. 
Not feeling like what was actually mere seconds later, air fills my lungs when we pull away at the same time, sharp inhales filling the air. Quickly, his sweet giggle joins it, and ropes one of my own in. The tip of his nose leaves trails on my cheek as his forehead falls onto mine. 
“Ya have no idea how long ‘ve waited fer that,” Harry rasps, his warm breath dancing across my lips. His own press a whisper of a kiss to mine briefly, although after that, now I’m sure it could never be long enough. 
“I think I do know,” I mumble, my hand straying to his chin where I brush the tip of my thumb against the flesh of his bottom lip. 
“‘m sorry it took us so long, bug.”
“It’s okay, we’re here now. Finally,” I tell him and he nods, the twinkle in his eye bright as can be. For the first time, I let myself melt and lose myself in the greens of his eyes. Something I have wanted to do ever since the very first time I looked into his green eyes and knew I was fucked. 
“Yes, we are. And look at you, Becks. Ya beat me t' tha first date and tha first kiss,” he smirks with a decadent laugh adorning his words. I can’t help but join him while I twirl a ringlet of his hair around the tip of my finger against the back of his neck. 
“Oh, it’s okay, Harry. You got the first hand hold, and the first Shania Twain car duet.”
A roll of his miraculous eyes accompanies his continuing laugh, “Ya, well, so did you, but I got tha more romantic one,” he insists, words welcomed by my surprised scoff. 
“Wait, you don’t find ‘Man, I Feel Like A Woman’ romantic?!” I nearly exclaim in faux disbelief, my voice softening into a giggle quickly. 
“Only when you sing it, bug,” Harry smiles, thumbing circles into the small of my back. 
“Wait, you got tha first handhold, brat. Rememba, when I visited you at yer old work that day? Bloody hell, you beat me t’ all tha good ones, Becks. No fair,” he snickers with a sigh to his words, the two contrasting the other. I suffice my response with an obligatory nod, feeling my heart just now starting to settle into a regular beat. “Becks, there’s so many things ‘ve wanted t’ say t’ you, and now, I finally can.”
“I think I know how you feel.” 
“First thing ‘ll say ‘s I get tha second date and tha second kiss,” Harry contends with a smirk held in his eyes. 
“Oh, really?” I giggle and he soon nods. He quiets the laugh beginning on my lips with his own giddy ones, my lips molding against his effortlessly. Thoughts blossom quickly within my mind, including why I waited so fucking long to kiss him. If I’d known all of these years how wonderful it feels to kiss him, I never would have waited this long. Our kisses are slow although hurried, our lips searching for the other’s desperately, and somehow perfectly. Years overdue, and it couldn’t feel any more perfect. 
“Fookin’ hell, I jus’ wanna keep kissin’ you, Becks. Dunno if I can stop,” he chuckles, brushing his nose against mine softly. Shockingly, his eyes are even more gorgeous from this view, and I didn’t think that was possible. Evidently, anything is. 
“You don’t have to,” I laugh and he shrugs his shoulders while his eyebrows mimic the expression, his giggle soon vibrating against my tingling lips. 
“We have loads o’ lost time t’ make up fer,” he notes aloud. 
“Yes, we do. A couple years, give or take.”
“Mmmhmm, yer right there, li’l one. Fook, there were so many times I wanted t’ kiss ya ova the years,” he sighs with a sad shake of his head. His dimple is soft under my fingertip, hidden under the warm brunette facial hair. 
“Then kiss me.”
Too soon, his lips leave mine after a short peck, but I press at the back of his curls and envelope his laugh with my lips. My name falls from him in a delighted whisper before one more kiss. Our laughs grow louder only to be muffled, although weakly, when a figure walks by into their nearby apartment. My face runs to the crook of his neck, my very favorite song dancing along my ears as he holds me against him. 
“Nothing to see here, sir,” I joke, and the warmth filling my insides grows at the sound of his happiness. 
“No, I rememba I got tha first handhold that night we went out fer drinks tha first time. Tha night with tha Purple Hazes and all those shots,” Harry insists from above me, and I give him the funniest look when I come out of hiding. 
“You’re still going on about that?” I ask in near disbelief, watching his curls move when he nods his head, dipping to meet my lips with his for a slow kiss. 
“I don’t want this night to end,” I hum against the strawberry color of his decadent mouth. 
“Neither do I, Becks. ‘ve been waitin’ fer it fer so long,” he agrees, the wispiness of his eyelashes ghostlike against my forehead. 
“It’s getting late, and Skye is probably dying to hear how tonight went.”
“Ya betta go and tell tha poor girl then,” he responds, pulling my eyes towards his that sit just a moment away, sending all of the sunshine in my direction. 
“That’s okay?”
“‘Course. I may or may not ring Myles on tha way home t’ tell him all ‘bout it,” he shrugs with a telling lilt to his sing-song voice. The only sound that leaves my lips is an amused laugh that he echoes, and I know that he feels the same way.
At last, I know after over two years that he feels the same way, through and through. 
“We’ll figure out sumthin’ fer this weekend t’getha, sound good?”
“Yeah, sounds great, Harry,” I agree slowly and he nods ever so slightly, leaving kisses starting from my temple and down my cheek. 
“G’night, bug.”
“Night, Harry. Drive careful,” I tell him and once again, he answers me with a nod. 
“I promise, babe.”
“Goodnight,” I almost whisper, the very last breath of the word stolen away by his lips. I wouldn’t want it any other way, I barely am able to think as his lips massage mine between his. His neck is fiery beneath my palms and I’m sure mine is likened to it underneath his fingertips, surges of electricity passing below my skin. The skin is balmy against my blushing cheek when my arms come around his middle, surprising us both with a long hug, before I pull away first. 
“Night, my Becks,” he murmurs against my lips, a shiver running down my spine when he leaves with a final squeeze to my hand. If that didn’t do it, the song flowing from his humming lips sparks memories behind my eyes, but I still can’t figure out where it’s from. But, I know that I have plenty of time to figure it out, and to get all of the kisses that I want from him. 
Fucking finally.
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Somewhere - USWNT Imagine
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(Y/N) POV:
I groaned as I felt pain shooting throughout my body. I was trying to think really hard about what happened to cause me to get here, but I was coming up with nothing.
“Okay sweetheart…we need you to relax.” I heard someone say as I tried to open my eyes again. I saw multiple people moving around me.
“I don’t think she has any serious injuries, but witnesses say she hit her head pretty hard.” I heard a man say as I closed my eyes at how bright the lights were.
“Okay so potential head injury…someone page Dr. Regan.” A woman who was working next to me. “Hi (Y/N) can you understand me?”
“Yeah…” I said my voice coming out hoarsely as I she gave a small smile. “What happened?”
“You were hit by a car.” She said as I laid there trying to remember if that had actually happened. “It doesn’t seem like you have any serious injuries…but we want to run some tests if that’s alright…”
“Sure…” I mumbled as she then ordered some of the other nurses to do stuff that I couldn’t quite comprehend.
It was another hour before I was sitting in a room by myself. The lights in the room had been dimmed because they had been giving me a really bad headache. I had done some tests, so I was currently waiting for the results to make sure there was no swelling or anything. They had already determined I had a concussion that was a grade 2 based on my symptoms. My arm was determined to be broken so I had it in a sling. My legs were fine thankfully, but I did have a nasty gash on my side from where the car made impact. So, that in turn resulted in a couple broken ribs.
“Hello (Y/N)” I turned to see the nurse who had been in and out coming into my room.
“Hi.” I said with a small smile.
“How are you feeling?”
“Oh, I feel great.” I said a little sarcastically. She gave me a small smile as she seemed to look around for a moment.
“Is there no one here with you?” she asked as I shook my head. “What? No friends?”
“I think calling my friends will only make things worse.” I commented as she shook her head.
“You know it’s surprising how many people actually think that…”
“You don’t know my friends…they are extremely overprotective.”
“Don’t you think they are going to worry about you if you just don’t show up at all or talk to them…?”
“Touché.” I mumbled as I tried to think realistically about if I was able to keep this a secret.
“So, the doctor told me to inform you that you will need to stay overnight just for observation.” I groaned a little earning an amused smile from her. “Yeah, definitely going to have to talk to those friends…”
I nodded my head turning to reach for my phone that was sitting on the table. Luckily, it had not been destroyed in the accident. I had a ton of messages from each of my teammates. I was supposed to arrive to camp today. I had technically, but none of my teammates had been there yet so I went on a walk and ended up in the hospital.
My stuff was there, and I was not so therefore they were worried. It had been hours since I had gone on that walk so, I could only imagine what they were thinking. I bit my lip as I read through the messages. Ash and Pinoe both threatening bodily harm if I don’t answer. Alex, JJ, Christen and them just being worried about my whereabouts. I sighed pressing the call button as I waited for someone to answer.
“I just need to check on your stitches real quick and then I will be done.” The nurse said as I nodded my head.
“Hello! (Y/N) oh my god…are you okay? Where are you?” Alex’s voice floated through the phone as I tried to think of an excuse. There really was no way out of this situation.
“I am…somewhere.” I said as the nurse shot me an amused look.
“What the hell does that mean?” Kelley said as I sighed to myself.
“Why am I on speaker phone?” I asked as I heard a couple groans from them.
“Don’t avoid the question. We are all worried about you. Now, where are you?” Christen asked as I thought about telling the truth. Maybe I could just draw this out and they would give up.
“I am in a place.”
“What’s that beeping noise?” I shot a scowl towards the heart monitor that was beeping very loudly.
“Ow!” I jumped turning towards the Nurse as she gave me an apologetic look. She finished applying a bandage to the wound on my side before turning to exit the room.
“Are you okay?” I heard frantically from various people.
“Okay…I am going to tell you where I am…but you can’t freak out.”
“No promises. Where are you?” Alex said as I sighed again to myself.
“I am in the Hospital.”
“Oh my god.”
“Which hospital?”
“What happened?”
“Jesus Christ…” I mumbled as questions were being thrown left and right from all of them.
“One question at a time.” Pinoe said as everyone quieted down. “Which hospital?”
“Is it bad that I don’t actually know?”
“(Y/N)!” Christen yelled as I stared at the phone in shock. She was the last person I expected to yell at me. “Where are you?”
I quickly told them the name of the hospital before they told me they were on the way. It wasn’t long before my door flew open and in came the Calvary of players who immediately flocked to my sides.
Christen occupied one side while Alex was on the other side. They were followed closely by Tobin, Kelley, JJ, Becky, Ash, and the rest of them.
“Oh my god…are you okay? What happened?”
“I was a hit by a car.” I said as they all gave varying degrees of horrified looks.
“WHAT?” I shied away from Kelley’s shout feeling my headache intensify just a little.
Christen immediately glared at the defender running her fingers through my hair slightly. All of them seemed to back off just a little to give me space. I leaned back on the bed as Alex and Christen both occupied the seats on either side of me. Christen was on the side of my uninjured arm so she took my hand and was rubbing soothing circles on it. Alex sat and started talking with Becky and Pinoe about what they should do.
“Do you know what your injuries are?” Becky asked after a moment as I thought about it.
“I have a grade 2 concussion, my arm is broke, and I have a couple broken ribs.” I said as she nodded her head.
“Okay well…at least your legs are okay.” Ash joked as I smiled. She stopped when everyone else glared at her.
The door opened and in walked a doctor and nurse. He gave me a smile as everyone stared at him expectantly.
“Hello (Y/N). How are you feeling?”
“I am about as good as you can guess.” He nodded his head before opening his chart.
“So, all your tests came back and it seems you’ll be fine. It doesn’t appear that there are any long-lasting injuries to be worried about. I still want to keep you overnight just for observation, but you should be free to go tomorrow.”
“Sounds good.”
After that, he talked for a few more minutes before exiting the room. I sat there talking with everyone for a little bit before they decided it was time for them to go. This then led to an argument about who was going to stay with me overnight. Mostly everyone gave up when Alex and Christen started arguing with JJ and Kelley about which one of the four of them deserved to stay.
“You pick” Becky said after a moment while staring at me.
“You’re the one who is stuck here. So, you pick who gets to stay with you.” I stared at her for a moment as everyone stared at me expectantly.
“So, you guys are going to rock paper scissors on this.” I said as they groaned but quickly started doing it.
JJ ultimately won after beating Christen who had beaten Alex. They each said their goodbyes before taking their exit. JJ took a seat next to me as she took my hand in hers and rubbed it softly.
“You had us worried sick.” I frowned at her taking note of the serious expression on her face.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. Had I known this is what was going to happen…”
“I know…I’m sorry it happened to you. You don’t deserve this.”
“You’ll get better though. I believe in you.”
“I appreciate that.”
“The whole team is behind you.” She commented as I nodded my head.
“Yeah I know…I told the nurse that I didn’t want to call you guys at first because you are so overprotective.”
“I know, but its because we care so much about you.” She intertwined our fingers as I smiled.
“I care about you guys too.” We stared at each other for a moment before she let go of my hand and leaned back in the chair she was occupying.
“You should get some rest.” She said as I nodded my head.
“Thanks for being here Julie.” I said as she smiled at me.
“I’ll always be there for you.” She stood up and gave me a kiss on the forehead before heading into the bathroom. I smiled as I felt myself begin to drift off into sleep. My teammates are insane but I am forever grateful for them.
The End.
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petersasteria · 4 years
Memory - Peter Parker
Pairing: Peter x Reader
Requested? Nah
Inspired by “Memory” from Cats and “Memories” from the OST of Spiderverse
* * * *
Peter had been working part time at his aunt's flower shop across their apartment building. He loved to see different people buying flowers for different purposes. He loved to arrange them. He especially loved them whenever they'd get a special request to arrange flowers for a wedding. He loves everything about the shop and the flowers.
Peter thinks that flowers are classic and it never gets old and it never goes out of style and it never disappoints. He vividly remembers his uncle Ben giving flowers everyday to aunt May and it never failed to make his aunt smile.
Now that his uncle has met his untimely demise, his aunt is now leaving flowers everyday on his uncle's grave. She said it gave her peace and it made her happy.
So it was no surprise that the moment Peter saw you at school and wanted to get to know you, he wanted to give you flowers... or at least just one flower a day, because he didn't want to scare you off with a bouquet. He would tape the stem of the flower to your locker and leave a sticky note that says: "have a great day! -your secret admirer"
He gave you different flowers everyday, because he didn't know what you liked. But thanks to MJ, he found out that you loved tulips.
"I know about you giving Y/N a different flower everyday." MJ told him one day at the cafeteria. Peter looked at her and played dumb, "I don't know what you're talking about."
"I literally saw you sticking it on her locker this morning before she arrived." MJ smirked.
"Wow, congrats! You caught me. Want a cookie for that?" Peter said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.
"After what I'm about to tell you, I think I deserve a cookie." the girl smiled at the brunette.
Peter looked at her with curiosity, "What are you going to tell me?"
"She loves tulips."  MJ told him before paying attention to her book again. Without looking at Peter she added, "She loves pink and yellow tulips. I know, because I caught her drawing them in class today with pastel colored highlighters. She told me she painted those all the time. She's really talented in painting. I asked her to paint me a dahlia and I'll pay for it. My room is kinda empty, so her painting might bring life in my room."
Ever since he found out, he'd alternately leave pink and yellow tulips everyday on your locker. Until one day, Peter finally had gathered enough courage to hand the flowers to you personally. He stood in front of your locker with six tulips in hand. Three pink tulips and three yellow ones. The second he saw you, he swore you took his breath away.
You looked at him and smiled. You walked closer to him until you were standing in front of him, "I didn't expect you to be the type of guy to give flowers, Parker." Peter just chuckled and handed you the little bouquet he arranged for you. You gladly accepted them and smiled, "I really love these. Thank you for giving me flowers everyday."
"Y-Y/N, will you be my-my girlfriend?" Peter stammered. You beamed and nodded, "Yes!"
Present Day
You and Peter have been together since you were sixteen. Both of you are now twenty-three years old and you guys have never been happier. Although recently, you've been arguing a lot and it seemed easier to argue with the other person now that you live together.
"She's literally just a girl from work, Y/N!! You're my girlfriend! You mean more to me that she does!" Peter shouts.
Both of you are currently standing in the living room of your shared apartment as you continued your screaming match. It started thirty minutes ago when Peter got home from a photo shoot. He's a professional photographer and while you supported his job, you didn't like the way his assistant looks at him. You knew she liked him, but Peter was too blind to see that.
"You do know that the word 'more' is used for comparison, right? So, when you say that I mean more to you, that means she still means something to you but I'm a step ahead." You sass, putting your hands on your hips.
"Oh, don't act smart with me now. You know what I fucking mean!" Peter scoffs, crossing his arms.
"Actually, no I don't because you spend more time with her than you spend time with me!" you accusingly point at him as you raise you voice.
Peter's jaw drops and pulls his hair, "Are you hearing yourself right now?! I only spend time with her, because she's my co-worker and assistant! You don't see me hanging out with her after work, do you?? I go straight home after work and I hang out with you! How am I supposed to know that you're not cheating on me with that guy from your work?"
"Who?!" you ask, confusion written all over your face.
"Jonathan!" Peter throws his hands in the air and falls to his side. You throw your head back in annoyance before looking at him, "Here we go again with Jonathan! I'm not cheating on you with him and don't you dare turn this on me!"
"That's totally unfair! You're allowed to think that I'm supposedly cheating on you with Becky, but I'm not allowed to think that you're supposedly cheating on me with Jonathan??? FUCK YOU, Y/N!!!" Peter yells, showing you two middle fingers.
"FUCK YOU TOO!!" you yell.
Peter puts down his hands and looks away from you to calm himself down. He looks at the tulips, nearly dying, in the vase on the coffee table. You calmed yourself down too.
"I can't do this right now." Peter whispers. He grabs his backpack from the couch and his keys. "I'm sleeping at May's. I'll see you in the morning when we've both cooled down." You didn't get a chance to say anything, because he left immediately, slamming the door in the process.
To say that you were sad the following morning was an understatement. You knew you messed up and you desperately want to apologize to Peter, but he's not home yet. You wanted to hug him and kiss him and tell him how sorry you were for starting that stupid argument. Your thoughts were interrupted when you hear your phone ringing. You grab your phone from the night stand and your heart races when you see May's caller ID.
Something's wrong.
You immediately answer the phone and gasp at the news May just told you. "I'll be right there." you quickly get dressed and drove to the hospital where Peter was.
You arrived there and asked the reception where his room is. They tell you and you quickly make your way to Peter's room. You knock on the door before entering. You see the love of your life laying down with his eyes closed. His head is bandaged up and he has a few scratches here and there.
You look over to see May sitting on the chair next to Peter's bed. You didn't notice her there before. You sit next to her and ask what happened.
"Well, he was on his way back to your shared apartment. He said you guys had an argument and that maybe resolving it in the morning would make it okay. Before leaving, he got you a big bouquet of pink and yellow tulips. There were twenty-four tulips and I know because he said he wanted twelve of each. Then when he was crossing the street, a truck came out of nowhere and hit him. Thank god he's okay, though. I don't want to lose him too." May sniffs. She hands you the slightly ruined bouquet of flowers and you gladly accepted them.
"The doctors said that he'll wake up soon. We'll just have to wait. He's not suffering anything serious, though." May gives you a small smile.
"That's good." you smile. "He'll be okay. He's strong."
May eventually had to leave, because she needed to open the flower shop. You stayed and called your boss to say that you can't come to work due to an emergency. Thankfully, your boss said it was okay. Around lunch time, you leave Peter's room to buy some food.
What you didn't expect was the moment you came back, Peter was already awake. You smile and put the food on the table and you sit on the chair beside his bed.
"Peter, you're awake!" you says in a hushed voice, not wanting to startle him. He looks around before his eyes land on yours. Tears of joy streamed down your face as you smile at him brightly. "May and I were so worried about you! And-"
"Who are you?"
Your smile drops. Is this some kind of sick joke?
"Where am I? Why am I here?" Peter questions as he tries to sit up. You immediately pushed the button to call the nurse and they came in with a doctor immediately.
They check up on him and the doctor turns to you, "We'll run some tests and we'll come back to tell you the result. In the mean time, just calm down." They leave and you pull out your phone to infrom May about the situation.
"So...who are you?" Peter looks at you warily.
"I'm Y/N; your girlfriend. We've been dating since we were sixteen." you tell him as you hold his hand. Peter nods, "How old are we now?"
"....That's a long time." Peter says in shock.
"Yeah, but we're happy, so it doesn't matter." you give him a tight-lipped smile. Peter just nods and looks out the window. The doctor comes back and clears his throat, "I have the result back and Peter is suffering from memory loss."
"Will he get his memories back?" you ask.
"Yeah, eventually. Telling him some significant things will help him remember easier." the doctor smiles. "We'll keep him here overnight for a few more tests and tomorrow, he can go."
It's been a week since Peter got home and you and May thought it was best for him to stay with her for a while until he gets his memories back. Your apartment without Peter was lonely, but it's near your workplace so, you didn't really have a choice but to stay there.
May kept you up to date with Peter's progress and he could remember small things like what school he went to, where he lived, his birthday, uncle Ben's passing, etc.
It's a slow progress, but at least there's something.
Peter wasn't allowed to work yet until he regains his memories so, Becky, his assistant has been doing his job. You've been helping out too, because there are some things where Peter's decision was needed and only you can answer for them. Of course while you were there, you confronted Becky.
"Thanks, Y/N!" Becky faked a smile before she turned around to leave.
"Becky!" you called out. She turned to you once more with a bored expression, "Hmm?"
"I know you like my boyfriend. Can you do me a favor and, like, fuck off? He's taken and if you think that he'll leave me; if you think he'll end our 7 year relationship for you, then you're wrong, sweetie." you sneered.
Becky scoffed and left. You smirked to yourself, "Thank fuck." you muttered.
May suggested that helping around the flower shop might regain some of his memories. So, Peter started helping out even though he didn't really know what to do. May didn't mind teaching him again.
Peter is busy arranging a bouquet of flowers when he hears the bell chime, a sign that a customer has come in. He didn't pay attention to it, because May was quick to handle it.
"I'd like twenty-four tulips please." the customer says.
Peter stopped what he was doing and holds his head. May takes notice of this and gives him a questioning glance. Peter gives her a tight-lipped smile  and mouths "I'm okay."
May nods before turning to the customer again, "What colors do you like?"
The customer hums in response as they take a second to think, "I'm kind of torn between the pink and yellow tulips. I love them both, but I can't seem to pick one color."
"Why not both?" May suggests.
Peter knew she didn't mean it, but something in him got triggered and his head started to hurt even more. He closes his eyes in pain and as soon as he did, all his memories came flashing back.
He quickly opens his eyes and turns to May, "I remember everything now." May smiles and opens her mouth to say something, but Peter cuts her off, "I have to go! Thank you so much, May! I'll see you soon!"
Peter rushes out the shop and makes his way to where you are. He remembers that you're not in your office and that today is your day off. He smiles at the thought of seeing you again and soon enough, he's knocking on the door of your shared apartment.
He hears footsteps coming to the door and smiles when you open it.
"Peter! What are you doing here?" you ask in shock and happiness. You didn't expect him to be there, because you usually visit him and not the other way around.
Peter engulfs you in a tight hug and nuzzles his face on your neck. You didn't hesitate to wrap your arms around him, "Are you okay?"
Peter nods before pulling away and smiling, "I remember everything now."
You smile widely at him and say, "Oh my god! I-"
Peter cuts you off with a kiss filled with love and longing. You kiss him back and smile through the kiss. He pulls away after a while and says, "I love you. I don't want us to fight like that again."
"I love you more, Pete. I don't want us to fight like that too." you smile at him as you let him in and close the door.
Having Peter back home made you really happy and you didn't feel lonely anymore. You spent the whole day talking about what he missed and he told you about how he remembered everything until both of you fell asleep on the couch and you wouldn't have it any other way.
* * * *
thank you @lovingsiriusoswald for the help <3
Tagging mutuals: @myblueleatherbag @fanficparker @sweetdespairbarnes @tommysparker @lcvelyparkers
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