#and they’re cracked in different places too.. hmm..
kotoku · 1 month
chilchuck x reader - cherry wine
synopsis - the group had been planning a hangout at the local bar for a while now. it was only a few months later when everyone’s schedule had aligned that everyone was able to meet up. seeing chilchuck there had brought up the buried feelings you kept to yourself. how will this night unfold, you wonder.
pairings - chilchuck tims x reader
warnings - not so family-friendly words / drinking
word count - 1.8k
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The bar was packed with people varying in species, swarming the dance floor as they swayed and twirled to the beat of the music playing over the loudspeakers. You were amongst those people, skittering across the dance floor as you followed in rhythm to the song that was currently playing. 
The group that you had shown up with had split into their interests. Whether it was drinking at the reserved booth or chatting with an old friend, you didn’t know, but as long as they were having fun! 
The group in question consisted of Laios, Falin, Marcille, Chilchuck, Senshi, and Izutsumi. A very unique gang but that’s what drew you in. Everyone had varying personalities and you loved each vibe they had given off, thus propelling you into forming a tight-knit bond with the group. 
With a glance toward the booth you knew they were seated at, you only saw Senshi, Izutsumi, and Chilchuck, all seemingly drinking their beverages while chatting away. Of course, Senshi had made sure of only giving Izutsumi alcohol-free drinks, Chilchuck almost accidentally giving her a shot before it was slapped away by the older man. The memory had made you chuckle.
The upbeat dancing slowly started tiring you out, causing you to retreat to your seat with a huff. Izutsumi and Senshi had given you an acknowledging glance before returning to their conversation, Chilchuck giving you an amused glance as he took a chug of his ale.
“Tired already? Sheesh, your stamina is lacking.” He teased, giving you a smug smirk. You rolled your eyes in response, giving him a small shove. 
“Whatever you say, old man. Bet the only thing you’d manage is a couple of cracks and pops before you’re tired out.”
“Old!? You’re not that much younger so I’d say you’re old too!” Chilchuck crossed his arms, offended at being called ‘old’ as he was only 29. You laughed, waving a worker over so you could place an order for some water. 
“How’s your shop been, Chil?” You hummed, resting your cheek in the palm of your hand. He seemed to have visibly grimaced, sighing heavily before answering. “It’s been fine, damn workers have been slacking off though.” 
“Really now? I thought you had a good eye for candidates.” You thanked the waiter as she placed down the glass in front of you. Taking a couple of swigs of your drink, you continued listening to Chilchuck's small rant. 
“Yeah well— turns out that people may not always be what they seem. They were pretty chipper at first, but I think they’re starting to take things for granted.” 
“Hmm…” You hummed to yourself, deep in thought. 
“Hey! What if I worked for you?” Chilchuck almost spat out his drink in surprise, coughing into his elbow. “You? Work for me? Psh, as if you’d leave that comfy desk job of yours.”
“What!? It’s been getting kinda boring lately, things aren’t the same as they used to be. It wouldn’t hurt being some kind of manager for your shop!” You whined, slouching over the table. 
Chilchuck flicked your forehead in mock annoyance, huffing. “You have a good job, idiot. It’d be a shame to waste your talent at a small shop such as mine.”
“…” You slowly registered his words, giving him a bright grin. “You think I’m talented?”
“Uh, who wouldn’t?” His face slowly flushed a soft pink before he lightly shoved you. “Don’t let it get to your head!”
Laughing, you waved him off, finding his reactions to your teasing quite cute. It really brightened up your mood, you noted.
For the next couple of minutes, you both sat there, drinking your respective drinks while sharing different stories from the past month. To be honest, it was quite nice being able to catch up with Chilchuck, it had been a while since you had a group meet-up due to everyone’s conflicting schedules. You felt your heart ache at the idea of this hangout coming to a close. When will you see each other again? 
Unbeknownst to you, Chilchuck felt that same ache. Although he openly showed his irritation with the group, he couldn’t deny that you were all his close friends and meant something to him… Not like he’d tell any of his friends of this anyway, he still has a reputation to uphold, he tells himself. 
As much as Chilchuck would try to hide his fondness for you all, everyone knew that he cared, and that in itself was enough. 
“Are you gonna dance?” 
Chilchuck was broken out of his thoughts by your sudden question, eyes darting from you to the dance floor.
“..Maybe,” he shifted his gaze away from you, focusing on the drink in his hands. “It’s been a while.”
“Ahh come on,” you nudged his shoulder with your elbow. “Just one song!” 
He rolled his eyes, a small smile creeping into his face. “Fine, just one though.” 
With a cheer, you gently pulled him up from his seat, dragging him onto the crowded dance floor. However, as soon as you got there, the music shifted and the song seemed much more romantic compared to the previous ones.
“Oh, uhh…” You trailed off, unsure if Chilchuck was in the mood to dance anymore since the vibe had completely changed. “Do you still..?” 
“I said one song, didn’t I?” He huffed, offering a hand to you. “Come on, don’t want to keep me waiting do you?” 
You felt your cheeks heat up at his offer, was he really willing to dance with you? Hand in hand, feet in rhythm, and distance between you almost nonexistent? …Ah, fuck it. Never know when you’ll get this chance again.
With newfound confidence, you placed your hand in his, being swept off into the midst of the crowd. 
You both started off a little clumsy, your feet accidentally stepping on his as he teased you for your poor dancing skills. You’d roll your eyes in response, cheeks flushing in embarrassment before trying again. 
Surprisingly, Chilchuck made for a skilled dancer, following in tune with the song as he twirled you around. Every time you did so, you found yourself laughing in surprise, his smile widening at your giddy self. 
Maybe it was the cherry wine you had earlier but.. everything in that moment seemed different, as if you were seeing through rose-tinted glasses. The bar had felt empty, leaving only you and Chilchuck swaying in beat to the song. Your eyes were locked on his as he let himself relax, returning your gaze with a smile while leading you. This had seemed so natural for the both of you, that you almost hadn’t noticed the song coming to a close.
As the ending to the song came, Chilchuck suddenly dipped you, leaving you breathless as everything faded out, your focus honing in on him as a look of fondness overcame his expression. It was a look unlike any other, eyes filled with such intensity and a grin that made your heart flutter with anticipation. There was no denying that he harbored intimate feelings for you.
Just as soon as it happened, it ended, the two of you left slightly panting as people scattered for the next song. 
“Chilchuck.. I—“
Before you could speak, Chilchuck shushed you, hand intertwining with yours as he pulled you to a more private location. 
“I need to speak with you. Privately.”
Hearing him state the last part made your body flush with heat, the beating of your heart picking up its pace as you waited with bated breath for what was to come. He had led you towards the garden the bar had, the display of greenery very well showing the dedication and care the owners held for them. There was no one else there, just the two of you beneath the garden’s fairy lights and the stars.
You both took a seat on a small bench, Chilchuck’s hand slowly leaving yours, fiddling with his fingers. His brows were furrowed, gaze locked onto the ground with focus as he tried picking out what to say. 
“I’ll just get straight to the point… _____, I’ve liked you for a while now and—“ He paused, mouth moving to form words but nothing came out. “sigh It’s fine if you don’t reciprocate… In fact, forget I said anything! I-“ 
You quickly shut him up with a small peck on the cheek, his words rendering you speechless and leaving you with only your actions to speak for yourself. Chilchuck had stilled, his words pausing as he gaped up at you. His face slowly became a cherry red, the hue reaching the tips of his ears. You could almost see steam coming from him, you mused to yourself. 
“I like you too, Chilchuck.” Smiling, you cupped his face, feeling the heat radiating from his cheeks. 
Before you could register what happened next, he had already leaned towards you, lips placing a chaste kiss on your own before departing. If his face could get any redder, it would’ve. 
“You're such an idiot.” He huffed, his giddy expression betraying his words. You laughed before pinching his cheek. 
“You’re the one who likes me y’know.” 
“…Yeah.” Chilchuck’s words had trailed off, much too distracted by your lips, your eyes, everything. He couldn’t help himself, is what he thought as he leaned in for another kiss, this time, lasting much longer. 
There was a certain tenderness behind it, lips moving in sync and he pulled you closer. Something about you drew him in, and he couldn’t get enough of it.
Before you could continue any further, a phone rang out, startling the two of you. 
“Ah..everyone is getting ready to leave.” You hummed, scrolling through Marcille’s text message. “We should head back.”
The half-foot grumbled next to you, arms crossing as his brows twitched in irritation. “Seriously? Talk about bad timing.” 
“Don’t worry. You’ll have many opportunities in the future.” You grinned, standing up and stretching. 
“There better be…” He huffed, standing up as well. 
The two of you talked while slowly walking toward your booth, trying to delay the inevitable departure. However, it seemed you didn’t have to worry about leaving his side anytime soon. 
“Hey..do you wanna come over? Watch a movie or something?” Chilchuck asked, hands in his pant pockets. 
Your smile widened at the offer, feeling a warmth flood your body. “I’d love that.” 
“Hmm…” He looked towards the booth in thought before turning to you. “I never said it before but.. you taste a lot like cherry wine.” 
“..Is that a good thing?” 
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kindagayfish · 2 years
I am also very obsessed with Babygirl Vash lol how about the classic sharing a bed trope with Vash? It can be swf or not! We just need more imagines of him!
Vash and sharing the bed trope
A/N: YES SHARING THE BED TROPE I LOVE IT SO MUCH HDJBSFHKSBFHKDBGHJB especially when its with bb girl vash *swoon* I’ve seen quite a few of these scenarios already but there will never be enough to satisfy me. I made this one sfw cause I really just wanted to write some fluff. Also, I finished the OG Trigun and I see some differences between OG Vash and Stampede Vash. I’ll be writing for the Stampede characters unless specified otherwise. We just haven’t seen him flirt with anyone yet, while in the OG he was very much a Chad lol. So sorry for the quality, and for taking so long. I haven’t written fanfiction in a LONG TIME. Seriously it’s been years but it feels nice to do it again. But how do people write these so quickly like damn.
Contains: fluff, Gender-neutral reader, And not really proof-read cause we die like men out here.
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When you open your eyes again, it’s still dark. Your mouth cracks open in a yawn and you slowly become aware of someone pressed up against your back. 
Oh. Oh that’s right.
It had been an exhaustingly long day trekking through the desert, and an even longer evening trying to find a place to stay the night. You have no idea what possessed every abled body in Noman's Land to travel to the same town as you, but every room in the dusty motel next to the bar was taken. Even the porch swing had some poor soul wrapped up in his coat for the night.
You and Vash were about to call it and take turns sleeping in a nearby alley, when an old woman took pity on you and offered up her spare room. You were so excited to sleep in a real bed that you didn’t even think to ask about the size of the space.
It wasn’t until the both of you had finally gotten into the tiny, very much intended for one person or two people squished very close together bed, that you realized how incredibly awkward the whole situation is.
“WELL GOODNIGHT” You had blurted out, turning so that your back was to Vash, hiding your flustered expression. He is a little too good at reading your face sometimes, and you didn’t need him asking questions.
He replied with a quiet goodnight, feeling him shift away as well.
Now, Vash’s breath is hot on the back of your neck as he snores lightly, his spiky hair tickling your skin. Sometime in the night, his arms found their way around your middle and pulled you flush against his chest, securing you in place.
This particular scenario had been one you’ve played in your head on loop anytime the two of you had slept close to one another. It’s like a dream come true. And any other time, you would have nestled back into his hold and fell back asleep, hoping that this action was intentional; but instead, you silently curse yourself for chugging a whole gallon of water after arriving in town. Because my god you have to pee.
He stirs slightly when you shift, hugging you closer and burying his face into your shoulder. You feel yourself growing hot as he lets out a content sigh, lips ghosting over your skin. It quickly becomes clear that you’re not escaping without waking him.
“Vash…” You whisper his name softly, not wanting to alarm him. “Vash?”
“Hmm?” he hums, breathing in deeply. Vash lifts his head and loosens his grip slightly. You take this opportunity to turn and meet his eyes. They’re droopy with sleep, blinking a bit. He gives you a lazy smile before whispering, “hi.”
“Uh hi.” Your heart rate picks up at the sight before you, and you swallow hard. “Could you um…”
“Hm?” It takes a moment for him to register the kind of position you are in. “Oh. OH SORRY.” Vash squeaks with wide eyes, releasing you quickly with a growing blush on his face. Getting out of the bed in a hurry as an attempt to hide your own flustered state, you almost miss the deflated look he gives when you’re no longer next to him. 
“Everything alright?”
“Yeah yeah. Just ya know…bathroom.”
“Right right.”
You quietly make your way to the bathroom, making sure not to wake your host who slept soundly in the room next to yours. Part of you wanted to rush to get back, feeling chilly after leaving the warm bed and Vash’s arms. You hide your burning face in your hands as his smile flashes in your mind.
He’s just so…ATTRACTIVE. Ever since you realized you had fallen for him, it has been increasingly harder to hide your feelings. Any time he touches you (which is a considerable amount when running from danger) has your brain short-circuiting and your stomach doing flips. Sometimes you can’t help but wonder if Vash is really this oblivious, or if he is ignoring it to save you both the embarrassment of a rejection. Either way, you aren’t sure if you’re ready to face the truth just yet.
Maybe if I take long enough he’ll fall back asleep and it won’t have to be weird.
After a considerable amount of time pacing the bathroom, you finally make the short walk back to the spare bedroom.
To your slight disappointment, Vash is asleep by the time you slip back into the bed next to him. His face is calm, a stark contrast to the way his brows furrow together during an intense confrontation, and you take a moment to admire his face in the moonlight. You brush a few hairs back from his forehead and immediately freeze when his eyes flutter open.
“Hi” he whispers a second time.
Pulling your hand back, you feel your face grow hot again. “Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you twice.”
“It’s okay: Vash replies, smiling softly.
You continue to stare at each other, both unsure of what to say next. It’s subtle, but you start to see a blush creep up Vash’s neck and reach the tips of his ears.
“Um” Vash is the one to break the silence, reaching for you. “Can I…?”
“Yes” you answer immediately, scooting your body closer to his.
“Does that make this weird?”
You let out a laugh. "You just caught me watching you sleep and you think this is weird?"
“Fair enough" Vash laughs with you. "But are you sure?”
“Oh okay good” He breathes out a sigh in relief, pulling you completely into him. Feeling his body relax against yours, you tuck your head up under his chin, ear pressed against his chest. You swear his heart is pounding as intensely as your own.
“So warm” Vash mumbles into your hair. You let out a content hum, allowing sleep to overtake you once more.
Some general headcanons:
Man sleeps like a ROCK with you
Very used to having to wake up and jet at any moment so I assume he’s a light sleeper. But with you next to him? His body finally allows him to get those good Zs.
Clingy af
Good luck escaping Vash’s arms in the middle of the night. Once he has latched on, you won’t be free until morning.
Will 110% snore lightly in your ear
mumbles in his sleep too. Usually you can’t make out what he is saying though.
Loves any cuddling positions, but his FAVORITES are any where you are the one holding him.
Vash always wants you to play with his hair. Legit will turn to putty in your hands if you scratch his scalp.
Sometimes will even nuzzle into your shoulder to get you to do it because he’s too embarrassed to ask
If you need some extra comforting at night, maybe you had a nightmare or something particularly scary happened that day, he will lay you on his chest and softly hum/sing until you fall asleep. (I honestly think Vash would have a really nice singing voice)
Usually the last one to fall asleep, and the first one to wake up. He really enjoys the quiet moments with you. It’s the way you softly smile at him in the dawning sunlight that makes him forget that he’s a wanted man.
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sw33tsuccubus · 1 year
Oikawa fic, and it's Oikawa having a rivalry with reader, who is the captain of the basketball team. They end up needing to kind of share the same sports court since the volleyball one is going through maintenance, so they have to agree on schedules to use it
Oikawa and reader don't hit it off at first, but they end up needing to be stuck with each other to make reports about the court usage to the school's council
Oikawa starts to crack a bit and buys reader a soda, then they start to get warmer to each other, and it's that sweet hand holding while they still can't admit their feelings for each other
Rival Captain
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tooru oikawa x male reader
summary: the basketball team shares their court with the volleyball team while their court is in maintenance.
genre: fluff
requested by anon
word count: 1k
A/N: this request was a pain, i wrote it wrong the first time
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“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
I groan, gripping my hair and turning to our teams’ co captain.
“They can’t go to a sports center or anything?”
He shakes his head, glancing around.
“It’s a big court, Y/n. It won’t be too bad sharing. Besides, we could make friends!”
I scowl at him.
“This isn’t a kids show, Soma. We aren’t making any friends.”
He sighs.
“Would it hurt you to loosen up a little? If you go to university and you see any of those volleyball members, you’ll know someone!”
“I don’t care! They’re all so weird, I don’t want to see them in my court or anywhere else.”
“It’s not even your court, it’s the coaches. Shut up and deal with it, Y/n.”
Soma slapped the back of my head and I groaned. He can be annoying sometimes, but he always has reason on his mind.
I roll my eyes, playfully shoving him back.
“Fine. But if I see them on my court during our practices, I’ll blow a fuse.”
Soma rolled his eyes.
“You’re so dramatic.”
After classes that day, I had scheduled to meet with the volleyball team captain, Tooru Oikawa. I knew who he was, sure. He was some annoying lady’s man who was probably gay and was really good at volleyball. His best friend, Hajime Iwaizumi, was alright. We had some classes together in second year and we got along.
Oikawa is a whole different story, though. He has a fake nice aura about him, like he’s secretly some evil person. Walking to where we agreed to meet, I wasn’t sure what to expect.
I appeared in front of the gardening club shed and leaned against the wall, waiting patiently for the volleyball captain. After a while, I checked my watch and scowled.
Seven minutes past when he agreed to show up. 
I gave him some more time, and just as I was about to leave, he came jogging over.
“Sorry for being late, some girls wanted to chat.”
He smiled, and I gave him a look of disdain.
“Don’t care, didn’t ask. You’re late.”
He blinks at me and crosses his arms defensively.
“Ladies first, man. I had to chat with them.”
“Why, so you can keep up your high school Q? Pathetic.”
He gave me an offended look and scowled at me.
“I’m sorry, okay? Can we plan this thing?”
I roll my eyes and nod, pulling out my phone.
“Do you guys do morning practices?”
“Yeah. Afternoon too. You?”
I grimace, writing some things in my notes app.
“Hmm.. what are your practice days?”
“Monday, Wednesday, Friday.”
“Yeah, that won’t work.”
He huffs, shifting his weight to one leg and placing his hand on his hip.
“And why not?”
“Those are our days too. We’ll have to split things up.”
He nods in understanding.
“Sure. One team takes Monday and Thursday and the other gets Tuesday and Friday?”
“That works.”
I tap at the keyboard on my phone, writing it down. 
“As for Wednesday, one team can take the court during the afternoon and the other during the morning.”
He hums in agreement.
“My team can take Tuesday and Friday, as well as afternoon practice on Wednesday.”
“It’s my court, Oikawa. Don’t get greedy.”
I eye the boy, before typing on my phone again. I was perfectly fine with my team going Monday and Thursday. He sighs.
“Then we can go M-“
“It’s fine. Now.”
I put my phone into my pocket and glare at Oikawa.
“If I see any volleyballs or any of your equipment on my court on any of our days, we’ll have problems. Got it?”
He rolls his eyes.
Telling the school how the usage of the court was going was strange. I was used to doing it by myself, or occasionally with Soma. Doing it with Oikawa was weird.
“Nobody is doing drugs.”
I glare at Oikawa. That came out of nowhere.
“We clean up after ourselves after each practice. It’s just the basketball team and the volleyball team.”
The council nods.
“The teams are getting along?”
I shrug.
“Yeah. We don’t fight at all, but we don’t talk much.”
“The basketball team is very hospitable towards us. It’s quite nice.”
The council nods again, taking in our facial expressions and body language.
“Are the captains getting along?”
“For the most part.”
Oikawa smiled nervously and I roll my eyes.
“We don’t talk much. It’s normally nice banter.”
I could tell the council knew we weren’t being completely truthful, but they didn’t seem to care.
Leaving the room, Oikawa sighed. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye and rolled my eyes.
“You would say we weren’t doing drugs why?”
“It’s a genuine response!”
He clicks his tongue.
“It’s dumb to say, they’ll think the opposite.”
“They know me, L/n. They know I make jokes.”
He shrugs, walking to a vending machine. I have half the mind to stay with him and half the mind to walk away.
I walk away.
“Hey, L/n, wait up!”
Oikawa walks over, handing me a soda while holding one for himself. I raise an eyebrow at him and he looks away.
“Just enjoy it. You were here and I didn’t want to be rude.”
I sigh, cracking open the can and taking a swig. Strangely, he knew one of my favorites. I looked at him curiously, and he was sipping at the same kind. Maybe he just liked the flavor.
“What are you doing after this?”
“Going home and then something’ll happen. Why?”
“It’s just something to talk about.”
He shrugs.
“How’s the team doing?”
“We’re alright. Kyotani gets out down by Iwa-chan whenever he tries to start something. Or by Yahaba, he listens to him too, strangely.”
I think back to the volleyball club members. Iwaizumi, the ace and co captain. Kyotani is a second year with anger issues Oikawa likes to call Mad Dog. Yahaba was a second year who didn’t contribute much but was a good player nonetheless.
“You could try practicing with us, if you wanted.”
“I don’t play volleyball.”
He scoffs.
“So? You could just join us. Doesn’t matter if you’re any good.”
“Why do you want me there so bad?”
His face turns red and he looks at the floor.
“Forget it.”
He walks away, presumably to try e basketball court. I shrug, watching his back.
A few days after that, Oikawa and I got stuck in the rain. He had come to watch basketball practice, saying the sport could be interesting to learn about, and then stayed behind to help Soma and I clean up.
Soma left, since he had an umbrella, but here I was with Oikawa. The chocolate haired boy grabbed an umbrella from his bag and opened it up.
“Walk with me?”
I sighed, taking it from him and walking with him to my home. It was kind of peaceful. The rain sounds above and around us, the smell.
He would occasionally look at me but wouldn’t say anything. He’s very strange. 
Sometimes he would step in a puddle and curse, but then would quiet down and we would be silent again.
We got to my house, and he said a silent goodbye before leaving. Normally he would chat with me, tell me some things, but he’s been awfully quiet today.
Oikawa would shy away whenever he saw me. Weird, since we still report to the council and I have to unlock the gun every morning the volleyball team practices.
Once, I tried striking up a conversation with him and he walked away like I hadn’t said a thing.
Today, I entered the gym and found him cleaning up after their afternoon practice with Iwaizumi.
I walked over to the volleyball captain.
“Hey, Oikawa. What’s up?”
He looked at me, but didn’t say anything. I sighed.
“What’s up with you, man? You seem to dislike me even more.”
He shakes his head.
“Never disliked you.”
“Then what’s up? Tell me.”
“After I finish cleaning.”
I roll my eyes but agree, going outside the gym and leaning against the wall. Iwaizumi leaves first, saying bye to me and going on his way.
I zero in on Oikawa when he steps out, and he groans.
“I’ll get right to it, okay?”
I nod, staring blankly into his eyes.
“I’ve got a crush on you.”
I furrow my brows. Not what I was expecting.
“No way.”
“Yes way! And, that time I got you a soda, i thought I could ask you out then, but you were being weird, like you didn’t like me at all, so I chickened out!”
I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.
“Ignoring someone isn’t the way to go. Should have told me, Tooru.”
He looks at his feet, and I rolled my eyes.
“I guess I can give you a chance.”
He looked up, his eyes full of hope.
Dating Oikawa was quite interesting. He was sweet to you, very nice. Always offered to pay for your things and opened doors for you, although he acted like a princess. 
You could feel yourself falling for him, having the urge to pamper him and kiss his cheeks. Maybe he wasn’t ready for that.
You cleared your throat, handing Oikawa a bento box. He swooned at you, thanking you and taking your hand as he put it safely into his locker.
He walked you to your class before leaving to go to his.
You sighed as you watched him walk away. What a sweetheart.
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spoilersmylove13 · 1 year
Since their wedding night, prince Aegon has been complaining everywhere about how his wife and sister acted like a dead fish on their wedding night. He burps with breaths of fine wine when he does that, as queen Alicent marches toward him, demanding him to stop talking, “Aegon, think of the shame you’ll bring to your sister, your wife!” Aegon simply shrugs, walking away with a newly-filled glass of wine.
The princess, as usual, surrounds herself with insects, not sparing one more look at her husband’s direction. They have not slept in the same chamber ever since. While Aegon’s chamber is never short of whores coming and going, Helaena’s nights are usually much quieter. Until one evening, that is.
When Helaena pasts Lucerys’ chamber, she is surprised to find there are no guards in front of his door. She doesn’t think much of it, until faint noises start coming out of his chamber. The intermediate moans from her nephew, her sister’s son.
As she walks in, Lucerys’ half-bared ass is facing right to her, bucking at a pillow Luke’s been holding tightly, while her nephew is moaning wantonly, not noticing Helaena’s presence. “A-Aemond…” cried Lucerys, as he trembles so intensely while reaching his climax.
Helaena watches with her eyes widened, bit slow to piece everything together and register the obvious obsession Luke has on her little brother. Awkwardly, she clears her throat, and Luke snaps his head back to see his aunt standing in his room, looking all lost.
“Gods, I’m…I’m sorry, Helaena. I…” Luke’s voices sounds cracked, with a hint of crying tone. He fumbles to cover himself with pillows and sheets, his face looking crimson red. Helaena should probably leave, as she tells herself in her mind. Instead, she sits down by Luke’s bed.
Helaena is never one to clingy onto the carnal pleasure like her husband, who’s always seen with an armful of whores, sometimes maids, groping them under their underskirts. She seems to be against all forms touch. Her first reaction is to flinch, whenever she’s touched.
But tonight something is different. As she watched Lucerys reaching the edge of his pleasure, she becomes curious, wondering what it would be like, to be over the edge of ecstasy, the thing that’s constantly chased by her husband Aegon.
Lucerys is still shaking, partly out of pleasure and partly out of shame. “I’m sorry, aunt Hel. I was…I thought no one was coming here so I dismissed the guards and..” he looks up at her, realizing she must have heard him screaming Aemond’s name, “Please, you can’t tell a single soul…I’m…I’m a disgrace, I…”
The sobbing gets louder and louder. Helaena reaches her arm, cradling the young prince in her arms, bringing him onto her laps, “I won’t tell anyone, I promise.” She twists her body uncomfortably, then realizes what the wetness is around her lower waist seeping through the fabric of her dressing gown.
“Oh Gods,” babbled Lucerys, “Oh Gods I’m so, so sorry…” He lifts himself up, his engorged clit exposed to her, red and swollen, glistening too. Helaena swallowed. She brushes against Lucerys’ tender bud with her finger, making him squirm and yelp at the same time, “Wait…It’s still sensitive.” Luke sounds breathy, but there’s no sign of asking her to stop.
So Helaena adds another finger, pinching the clit as Luke throws his head back and squeezes his eyes shut, “Fuck, yes, keep going, hmm...” Helaena’s breaths start to become heavy out of the excitement. Lucerys understands the cue, so he reaches down his own hand, slipping into Helaena’s gown, slightly rubbing her pussy lips.
Before she could manage to hold back, a tiny moan escapes Helaena’s lips. Lucerys hums in contentment, leaning onto his aunt, as he inserts one finger in her while thumbing her clit. Helaena moves her hips, grinding herself on Luke’s hand, fastening her movements on her hand as well.
Soon both of them are panting loudly, foreheads pressing together as they’re about to finish. Luke’s lips find Helaena’s neck, as he places little pecks on it, licking it every once in a while. Helaena shivers, feeling her body tense up, then released from the buildup pleasure all over her. Tears well up in her eyes. She almost cries having an orgasm.
Luke is close too. He buries his forehead in the nook of Helaena’s shoulder, one hand in her pussy, the other gripping and kneading her breasts. He let out a series of muffled cries against Helaena’s skin while she raises her arms and hugs the boy tight, waiting for him to get over his own shivering orgasm.
They cuddle together in bed, playfully kissing each other on the cheeks, noses and chins. Helaena doesn’t leave until the dawn. Little do they know, the cleaning maid catches a glimpse of princess Helaena leaving prince Lucerys’ chamber when she comes in…
“Helaena? Impossible.” snorted Aegon, “Your spy is wrong, Criston. Have you fucked Helaena? Oh, you haven’t. Then let me tell you, she is no fun. Not in a million years would she shag our nephew, not to mention everyone knows he’s got his eyes on buzz-killer Aemond, Gods bless his poor soul.”
“Nevertheless, my prince. The Blacks are a bunch of shameless whores. I am merely concerned that the princess might be corrupted.” replies Ser Cole. Aegon waves his hand impatiently, “Yes, yes, they take it from their whore mother. I’ve heard hundreds of times from mother. Leave me.”
Aegon raises his hand again but stops halfway. Somehow he loses his interest in summoning his whore back in. He takes a big gulp of his wine, stumbles up and wanders to his wife’s bedchamber. Helaena sits there, by the window, looking down at the training yard where Jacaerys is practicing swords play with his brother Lucerys.
“Something fun to watch?” Helaena turns her head, giving her husband a blank look, and looks away, “Nothing, husband.” “I heard you and little Lucy had a wonderful time last night, and the nights before.” Aegon sounds colder than usual, his eyes not leaving Helaena.
Helaena turns back at him with slight surprise in her eyes. But soon enough her expression changes to her usual look of indifference. This, Aegon sees as a slap in his face. Rage rises in him and he grabs Helaena’s wrist, slamming her to the bed.
“Why aren’t you denying it? Trying to hide it? Lie to me at the very least?” He growls, silver strands of hair messily frame his face. Helaena does not reply. She tilts her head to the side, waiting for his usual way of force-entering. Aegon flips her over, making her lying belly down on the bed, and tears open her dress with his right hand.
“Not having enough fun from your Lord husband?” spits Aegon as he frees his cock from his breeches, “If getting fucked is what you want, why don’t you come to me?” Aegon thrusts mercilessly, a hand gripping his sister’s hair, “Of all these sluts I pay for in the Keep, I didn’t know you were one of them. My own wife and sister! Whoring herself to a bastard!”
Aegon bucks his hip deeper in his sister, who is still not responsive, just taking in silence. This only angers Aegon further. He takes off his small clothes hanging by his ankle and covers Helaena’s mouth, “Taste it. Sniff it. That’s your husband. Your brother. The one you should be fucking. I’m sick of you acting like a dead fish while screeching like a whore in someone else’s bed.”
He grabs Helaena’s hair and forces her to look up, “You should be grateful of your husband’s cock, Helaena, of your brother’s…” And then Aegon freezes, as he sees tears streaming down from Helaena’s face, already smothered red by his small clothes. He stops thrusting, one hand cupping his sister’s face, meeting her unfocused eyes, “Hey, hey, hey, Hel, don’t…don’t cry…”
He lowers his body, pressing the tip of his nose on Helaena’s temple, “What’s wrong? I thought you liked it rough. The whores always…Fuck what am I saying? I…I didn’t mean to make you cry,” he raised his hand to wipe her tears, only to find more and more tears dripping down. Aegon stays in her, afraid to move. Slowly, he gets his arms around her, while Helaena sobs in his arms.
“There, there.” Aegon awkwardly coos at her, “I’m holding you. Like when we were kids. You were the best sister, always quiet, not crying at all in my arms. You refused to let anybody else hold you except me. You cried so loud when mother tried to take you in her arms. You still flinch when she or grandfather touches you. But you always let me hold you.”
Helaena stops sobbing, but Aegon keeps going, “That’s the only kind of love I get. Touch. The kind of touch when mother is not slapping me.” He laughs a little, “The whores throw themselves over me. They ride me, screaming about how much they love me. Sometimes I close my eyes and pretend they were you.”
A kiss, then two, then three come down on Helaena’s cheek. Aegon turns her over, scrutinizing her face for the first time in years. He leans forward, whispering, half to himself half to her, “Why weren’t we close anymore since grandsire announced our betrothal? I miss you, Hel.”
Helaena wipes her tears, then brings her brother’s face close to her, planting a light kiss on his lips, “I miss you too, Egg.” Somehow simple words like this make Aegon’s eyes red. Slowly, he picks back up his pace, gently thrusting in and out, observing Helaena’s face. She tilts her head back, arching her back to match his thrusts.
Aegon kisses Helaena’s cheek again, “You’re alright with the pace?” Helaena nods, and puts her arms around his waist, pressing his hip down at her. Aegon does not notice he’s crying. He keeps thrusting and pounding, muttering, “I miss you, I miss you.” Helaena takes his hand, and places it over her clit, rubbing herself against it, “It’s alright Aegon. I’m here.”
And Aegon comes hard at her words, screaming into her nape, thighs trembling. Helaena’s walls tighten around him, causing a painfully sounded groan from her husband. And Helaena squirts right after that, clear fluid wetting the both of them.
Aegon collapses on top of her, catching his breaths. His lips stay close to Helaena’s face and neck, pressing deep and shallow kisses all over. He rests his head on Helaena’s chest, one hand fondling her nipples. “Well that was not too bad at all, my lady wife,” chuckled Aegon, “and next time, maybe I’ll help you fuck Lucy if our brother won’t fuck him.”
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btssunnyboy · 1 year
Vermilion - Jeon Jungkook Part 1
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The fate of the band rests of the back of the two people who couldn’t hate each other more. What happens when they’re forced to pick between rivalry or fame?
Warning’s - cuss words, Jungkook is an asshole. E2L
Bts , Ateez , NCT , request open!
You know how in cartoons when people are so angry that steam blows from their ears and their faces are almost too red to make out any features? That all seemed so silly before, but now it's all falling into place. The look on your manager’s face was an absolute picture copy from the cartoons, his brows were furrowed, his breathing was so heavy it echoed off the walls, and truth be told it actually seemed like steam was rising off his body like it was asphalt. You thought his metal desk was about to fall apart at the hinges from the sheer force of his fist. Men don’t normally intimidate you, but right now he has enough anger in him to snap a person's neck within a split second.
“Any of you want to explain to me why these numbers are suddenly so low? Hmm?” The papers were flung down on the table, the thick stack made the metal ring through the room. All eyes were glued to that stack, but they would occasionally shift towards the manger and right back to the crisp white sheets. His eyebrow was cocked as he stared each and everyone of you down. “No one wants to fess up, take responsibility for this? Well okay then, I’ll sum it up for you, y/n and Jungkook, before I proceed. Is there anything you want to share with the class?”
Before you could even let a mere word pass through your lips, you were completely cut off by an agitating little voice. “Well, maybe you should just ask our lead singer, those voice cracks on stage probably are knocking our sales down. No one wants their eardrums to bleed.” Your arms gripped the arms of the chair as you turned to face him. His stupid cocky grin plastered on his face. This bastard thinks he has the right to speak on your voice, what about him? His stupid drum solos probably cause everyone within a hundred mile radius to go deaf. That stupid eyebrow piercing probably blinds everyone in the front row.
“Voice cracks, really? Is that the best you can come up with! What about you being late to practice, hell you’re even late to the performances half the time!” He simply rolled his eyes at your rant as he scratched his upper lip. His body language gave away that the comment struck him. He could say anything, because you were right. The only thing about him was that he is a cocky asshole who has no respect for other people's time. Right now the only thing on his mind was whoever legs he was gonna be between tonight.
“Guys, do you seriously not see the problem! You two bickering like kids is the problem!” Namjoon scoffed as he slammed his body against the back of the chair. His hands are trying to rub soothing circles on his temple. A soft sigh passed through his lips as he tried to form more words to help you two understand this situation, but god he couldn’t come up with anything! He’s tired of sugar coating everything he ever says, but in doing so it’s made this stupid rival go on longer than it should have.
“You guys aren’t that fucking stupid are you?” This time it was Yoongi speaking, his calm demeanor was a drastic difference from the sentence that came through his lips. Yoongi was definitely a keep to himself kind of person, he truly did love you all so much, but god this was becoming infuriating. This group was his life, the good money he’s made has been paying off his college debts and even though he loves you he can’t afford to lose this, he can’t afford to lose you all. “Don’t look at me like I have three heads or some shit, you both know what we’re talking about.”
“I don’t get it, guys, I really haven’t done anything wrong.” Before you could even blink your hand was lifted in the air and soon made contact with a full head of hair. Jungkook’s head went flying forward as he slowly turned his head towards you. From a few inches away you could see his stupid lip curving up every so slightly. “Awe, sweetheart, I didn’t know you liked it rough.”
“Enough! That’s enough! I’m so sick and tired of you two putting this group and my business at jeopardy! Are you two really that selfish?” His question hung in the air heavily as he eyed the two of you. If his eyebrow stayed cocked any longer you were almost certain it was gonna freeze like that. Mr.Young pinched the bridge of his nose and exhaled loudly. “I’ve received multiple complaints that this feud you two have is plummeting this groups sales.”
“Wait hold up! Just the other day you said our numbers were higher than ever!” You exclaimed as you leaned forward in your chair. The feeling of the denim smoothing your palms was doing nothing to soon the surge of dread that was filling your body. What did he mean you were the cause of sales going down, he can’t truly mean that.
“I said some of your solo projects were high than ever, but since we’re airing everything out. I was talking about Kim Namjoons, and Min Yoongi’s solo projects.” Mr. Young confessed as he saw both yours and Jungkook's eyes widened drastically. Not missing how the other two band mates also had eyes the size of saucers. “Now you guys are practically my family, but right now I’m having to consider other possible solutions to this problem.”
“What kind of solutions are we talking about?” Namjoon inquired as he scooted his body towards the edge of the chair. All eyes were now on Mr.Young as he stayed silent. You could hear the ticking of the nearby clock. All the blood in your body was starting to run cold, and you could feel all the color draining from your face as the seconds tick on. Namjoon cleared his throat before he spoke again, “What kind of solutions?”
“I’ve had multiple investors come to me about Namjoon and Yoongi, so one of the solutions would be for Vermillion to break up.”
“Hold up, do we even get a say in this! Maybe Namjoon and I don’t even want to go solo!” Yoongi popped up as he leaned forward in his chair. Both hands are now gripping the back of yours and Jungkook. His knuckles turning white from the firm hold he has on the cushion. “We’ve been a band for three damn years, I’m not ready to throw it all away.”
“I said solutions, meaning plural, before I cause you all to jump me, here's the other side. Y/n, Jungkook, you know this band has a tour coming up in three months, correct?” You could see from the corner of your eye Jungkook was the only one quite literally not on the edge of his seat. In fact you could see a small light beside his thigh, at the worst possible moment he picked to be on his fucking cell phone. “I guess I’m speaking to three instead of four, but this tour will take everything we’ve got, are you two prepared to act like more of an adult?”
“Act like more of an adult? What the hell does that supposed mean? I’ve only given constructive criticism and if you want my honest opinion Y/n really don't need to be in the band.” You truly could’ve killed him at that moment. His cockiness started getting to his head the moment the band took off. But before you couod even defend yourself he spoke again. “I mean what does she truly bring to the table? Namjoon plays killer bass, yoongi raps and writes our songs. I choreographed almost all of our dances, and what does she do? Sing in a flat tone?”
“See that’s what I’m talking about, you two are always at each other's throats and it’s tiring, so if you all don’t want this to go away. You two are gonna need to figure out how to at least act like you can stand to be within ten feet of each other!” Mr.Young exclaimed as he circled his desk, before he placed himself upon it. “Three months, and I’ve already scheduled interviews, meet and greets and so much more. If I don’t see improvement then we all will go our separate ways.”
With that Mr.Young grabbed his briefcase and made a brisk exit for the door. He sighed heavily before turning his body back to his group. “You all have an interview tomorrow, please I’m begging you just get it sorted out.” And with that his presence was soon on the other side of the door. Out of sight and seemingly out of mind.
Namjoon cleared his throat to speak, but before he could Jungkook haisley stood up. The wooden legs screeching against the marble of the floor. The sound makes your head wince. His heavy boots slapped against the floor as he made a b-line for the door. “Before you all bust my chops about how we’re all supposed to have a heart to heart right now. I can’t, but you all can just text me the meeting place tomorrow.”
“What an asshole!” Yoongi huffed as he slumped back in his chair. He looks as defeated as Mr.Young did before he finally left the room. The silence in the room was eerie, it was not like you all to be quiet. If anything you’re all normally chatting up a storm so loud the people next door could hear. But now the only thing being heard was the conversions people were having outside the door. “I don’t know what his problem is, but y/n you know you’re not useless to the band.”
“You’ve come up with countless merchandise ideas, you’ve written multiple songs with us, hell without that pretty little head of yours we would’ve never even gotten the connections to form the band.” Namjoon spoke so highly of you, yet none of it seemed real. Jungkook’s voice was echoing in your mind over and over again. Maybe you weren’t meant to be in the band, maybe the sidelines of production is where you were meant to fall. “Plus I don’t know what he’s talking about with flat notes, I’ve seen you mess up once, and that was back when the bad first started.”
“You really are an amazing asset to this team, and I’m not just saying that to bullshit around, y/n. But now I’m not gonna sit here and lie and say that you don’t add fuel to the fire when he acts like that, because sometimes you do.”
“I know I do, but god it’s so hard having to take hit after hit from him everyday! Maybe you two should —“ before the sentence could even leave your mouth both men were shushing you. Their protest sent a warm chill down your spine as you stared at them. Their comforting eyes were almost enough to set you at ease. But before any of them could speak, a simultaneous ding rang in your ears.
“He booked us a hotel, he said the interviews were a few cities away.” Namjoon sighed as he stood up and straightened out his pants. “And it looks like we’ve got roommates.”
“You’ve got to be shitting me.” You exclaimed as you read the message on your phone. The vein in your forgead felt like it was about to burst. You didn’t want to be kept in a room for days with him of all people. You two could have easily just played it cool in front of the cameras, there was no need to punish you by making this a roommate ordeal. The three of your sighed loudly as you all walked to the door.
“Maybe it won’t be so bad, y/n. Besides if anything gets too out of hand we’re only a few rooms down.” Namjoon smiled as he opened the door to let you two out first.
“You say that and watched I’ll wake up with one of his knifes in my stomach.” You fakily laughed as you seareched your pocket for your car keys.
“He’s stupid I know, but that idiot is not dumb enough to commit murder.” Yoongi tried his best to comfort you, but things like that were never really good for him. He didn’t know how to give comfort or receive it, really.
“Well, let’s hope not.” With that you pressed the elevator button and it started to descend. He wouldn't really hurt you, would he? Questions like that raced in your mind as you stood there staring at the glass walls of the elevator. This feels like it was going to be your worst nightmare come true.
This was truly something out of a book. The two rivals have to bunk up and room together. This was absolutely ridiculous.
I know the roommate's situations aren’t ideal but you two need to spend some time together and try to at least appear happy. And please for the sake of the band act civil and that means no screaming matches tonight.
You sighed as you read the text messages over and over again. The thought of being in a room alone with him only made you more scared. The goosebumps scattering across your skin right now served to show how tore up this whole situation has gotten you. The door slamming shut brought you out your haze, it at least could’ve been a good thing that walked through the door. But your luck was never that good.
“Don’t speak, I’m gonna shower and then go to sleep.”
You didn’t protest, you only held your hands up in a way of saying, okay. The last thing you wanted to do was speak to him, or even anyone for that matter of fact. He ignored you completely and flung his duffel bag in the bed, shoveling through the contents of the bag. Things were getting through so hastily that the only thing you could do was sit back down in the bed and face the window. You saw his silhouette through the window panes, and then he disappeared into the bathroom. With a quick lock of the door you knew it was safe to turn around.
The mess on his bed was enough to make you gag. His clothes were thrown around and you could only guess those pairs of purple panties were from his new hookups. The thought of him not even knowing her name disgusted you. Jungkook was truly a pig for better words, and you don’t even know how he made it into the band in the first place. But the one thing that caught your eye was the bright red leather that was halfway out of the bag. The leather material had a slight shine to it from the lamp nearby. The badass bad boy, Jeon Jungkook, had a diary? You knew it wasn’t right, and you knew that snooping never ended well.
But your mind raced with possibilities as to what was kept inside of that thing. Maybe in that thing was the missing piece you needed to understand why he hated you so much. And all you needed to do was flip the dianity pages really quickly and just fill yourself in. You raced yourself off the bed and it felt like entirely before you were face to face with his duffel bag. But before your hands could even grasp the material of the bag the bathroom door flung open.
You’ve been caught almost red handed.
“What the fuck are you doing?” He questioned as he bolted towards his bag. Small water droplets placed themselves upon your skin as he shook his head. “Awe, are you upset there, not your panties?”
He doesn’t know you know. He doesn’t know that you saw the small red book peeking through the clothes. Maybe you’ll be in the clear if you play your cards right.
“God you’re so gross, I was trying to pick up the mess you made considering we’re gonna be here a few days.” You scoffed as you held back a gag from picking his underwear. A quick hand snachted it from yours as he threw it back into the bag. A small eye roll from him was enough to put your mood down once more. “Fine, leave your half of the room in a pigsty, but I’m going to bed.”
“Good, I was getting tired of looking at your face in the light anyways.” He gave the fakest smile he could before he turned his body away from you. You know you should but you stared at his toned back that was still shining with fresh droplets, and you hated to admit it, but god he was attractive.
But right now you didn’t even want to dignify that with a response, you simply slipped off your house shoes and climbed into bed. You turned towards the window and turned out your lamp, you breathed a small sigh before saying, “goodnight, Jungkook. And don’t forget we have to be up early in the morning before the interviews tomorrow.”
“Shut the hell up, y/n.” He scoffed slightly as you heard him rustling around in his bed. The creaking of the bed spring was starting to become annoying with every second that passed on. What the hell was he doing?
And with that last sentence spoken, the room went pitch black. But out of curiosity you peeled one eye open for a split second. Through the window you could see a small light appearing in front of Jungkook. Looks like he was writing a new entry in his little diary. And it might be the death of you, but you needed to know what he was writing about. Was he writing about his hookups, the guys, or even you? You could feel it in your gut that the book was going to something that could help the band altogether.
And you were determined to know all the secrets Jeon Jungkook has hidden within those pages
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crystalninjaphoenix · 4 months
MerMay 2024 Day Fifteen Things go Belly-Up
Jack was very familiar with the rocks around his lagoon. He was easily able to navigate around them to the place where they all agreed to meet. And it looked like he was the first one who arrived there... or, almost the first. He could see a pair of green eyes glowing in a crack in the side of a tall pillar-shaped rock. Swimming downwards, he called out, “Anti? Are you... hiding?”
“I’ll come out when the rest of you all show up,” Anti muttered.
“Ha.” Jack grinned. “Alright, alright.” His smile then slipped. “Did you find one of those tags I mentioned? If it’s red, it should stand out a lot against your green fins.”
“Nothing red,” Anti said. “But... There’s a tiny... thing. I-I’ll tell you all later. When you’re all here.”
Jack nodded. “Okay. I’ll just float around out here while we wait for the others.”
Slowly, the rest of the group trickled in. Jackie came first, and then Chase and Schneep. Marvin and Jameson were the last to arrive, since they lived the farthest away. “Is this everyone?” Jackie asked, looking around. His eyes narrowed. “Where’s Anti?”
Schneep rolled his eyes. “Don’t sound so angry, Jackie.”
“I’m not angry! I’m just... cautious.”
“He’s here,” Jack said. “Anti? Do you want to come out?”
After a moment, Anti poked his head out of the crack in the rock. The others all stared at him. Chase gave a little, awkward wave. “Hey,” he said. Anti didn’t respond. He just stared.
“Good to see you are alright, Anti.” Schneep smiled. “Jack told you why we were all meeting, yes? Jameson and Marvin sent messages to the rest of us, but I do not know if they did that for you. They said Jack would.”
Anti nodded. “He did.”
“Right. Well, in that case, I did notice something,” Chase said. He dived down and put his tail up in the water. “Look. It’s very small, and it blends into the black part on my tail, but check out one of my fins.” The others took turns crowding around—except Anti, who stayed back. There was a small black dot on Chase’s fin, smaller than a fingerprint. It really did blend in. “It doesn’t bother me like how Jack said his did, but... could that be a tag, too?”
“Hmm... maybe?” Marvin said. “It looks pretty different from Jack’s.”
Anti inched out. “I, uh... found something too.” His tail curled up. Unlike a traditional fish, he had one long fin going down his back and one going down his front, which merged into his tail at the end. He pointed at a spot shortly before the end of his tail. “There’s a... black dot there.”
“Hmm... if you both have one, it is likely that it is indeed some sort of tag like Jack’s,” Schneep said. “How do we get them off?”
“Nothing magic can’t solve!” Marvin took his bag off, setting it on the ocean floor, and reached inside to grab a power stone. “Jameson, what do you think?”
Well, we’ll have to be very careful, Jameson said. Very precise. Perhaps a concentrated beam?
“I was thinking that, too.”
Anti swam backwards into the crack in the rock again. “I’ll just—work on taking it out by myself.”
“They’re not going to hurt you, Anti,” Jack said.
Anti’s eyes flicked around them. His gaze lingered on Chase, on the branching scars on Jameson’s wing, on the scars across Jackie’s face.
“Here, I’ll go first,” Chase said. He turned to Marvin. “Well?”
“Lie down on the ground, that’ll be easier,” Marvin said. Chase did so, lying on his stomach. Marvin and Jameson swam down next to him. “Jameson, do you mind holding his fin flat?” Jameson reached out and did so, flattening Chase’s fin like one would with a piece of paper, Chase staying very still as he did so. The runes on Marvin’s power stone started to glow. He pointed at the small circle, and a bit of seafoam green light darted out, hitting it. “There we are. You can let go, Jameson.”
As soon as Jameson did, Chase swam upwards again. “There we go. See, Anti? Everything’s fine.”
Anti was quiet for a moment. “...show it to me.”
Chase blinked. “Huh?”
“The tag, I think,” Jack said.
“Ohhhh.” Chase looked around, and scooped up the small black circle from the water, where it went floating after Marvin removed it. He swam up close to where Anti was hiding near the rock—
“Do you guys hear that?” Jackie asked.
Everyone stopped where they were. Yes, there was a strange... humming sound. Coming from the surface. They all looked up as a shadow passed overhead—
“Swim!” Schneep suddenly gasped.
The merms started to scatter, but they weren’t fast enough—not nearly fast enough to avoid the heavy metal links that fell from the sky, through the shallower water, and to the ground, pinning most of them. It was a net. A net made of metal—chains like what boats used for anchors. Heavy iron balls lined the edges, making extra sure to hold it down. “Ow!” Jack shouted. “What?! Metal?!”
“Wh-what the stars is this?!” Jackie cried, trying to wriggle out from underneath it.
“Jameson? Jameson?!” Marvin tried to swim closer to JAmeson, but the net constricted his movements. Meanwhile, Jameson flailed wildly, some panicked whistles escaping his throat.
“H-how did they find us?!” Schneep gasped.
The only ones out of range of the net had been Chase and Anti, close to one of the rocks. Chase immediately swam back over and tried to lift up an edge of the net, but Anti stayed, frozen, for a while. Then he noticed a speck in the water. The black circle that Marvin had taken off Chase’s fin. He swam over and grabbed it, bringing it close to his face to inspect the item. It was very hard to see, but... there were tiny strings coming out of it, and even smaller bits of metal with strange patterns. Anti had seen the same strings and patterns on the inside of other human devices. Was this—was this—some sort of item to track their movements?!
Panic surged through Anti’s heart. He darted up to the surface, breaking into the air. The bright light hurt his eyes but he squinted through it, scanning the area. There was something in the sky! It was the thing making the humming sound! What was that, a flying boat?! Something with wings like a bird. As he watched, it got closer to the water and landed on the surface, sending up sea spray... then began moving towards where they were. And on the side of this flying boat... he saw a familiar logo of a trident circled by fish.
Anti’s eyes widened and he ducked back underwater. The first thing he did was curl his tail up, reaching for the small black circle on his own tail. He grabbed it and yanked, crying out as it unexpectedly hurt. Blood trailed from his fin, but there was no time to stop! He threw the tag as far as he could, then dove down towards Chase, who was still struggling to lift the heavy net. He grabbed him and started pulling him away.
“Wh-what’re you doing?!” Chase shouted. “We can’t leave them!”
“They’re coming!” Anti said. “I-it’s the trident group! W-we have to get out of here!”
“What?! TridentCorp?! Then we really can’t leave them!”
“Chase, you have to get out of here!” Jackie shouted. Nearby, Schneep had gone pale, his tentacles turning anxious green. “Find some way to get us back from the outside!”
“I can’t just let you get captured!” Chase shouted, distressed.
Anti hesitated for a moment—then he wrapped his arms around Chase from behind. Before Chase could do much more than shout “Hey—” he sent a pulse of electricity through the water. Chase slumped, eyelids fluttering. He would be fine. Just knocked out. Anti looked at the merms struggling under the net. “I—I-I’ll—W-we’ll—” Anti struggled to find the right words.
Jack looked at him and nodded. “We know. Now get out of here! Fast!”
Anti nodded back at him. He grabbed Chase, holding him close, and swam wildly away. There was nothing they could do right now. The net was too heavy. They had to get help. That was their only option.
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em-prentiss · 4 months
:) <3
From this list <3
8. What project(s) are you currently working on?
Currently there’s a new 5+1 that I’ve been consistently working on for a few days. I also keep going back to an ask I’ve gotten a week or so ago as well as the Beth fic I mentioned before. I tend to focus on a few at a time and whenever I get stuck/ bored in one place I move on to the other fic haha they’re like a rotation. (The Beth fic has been on there for way too long but I hope I’ll get a break in it soon!)
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Yes! I definitely didn’t expect to get so many comments/ reactions to that old familiar body ache, the snaps from the same little breaks in my soul just because it was so sad to write. While writing it I was very aware that it might not get much attention, but I was honestly blown away by that reaction!
18. What's one of your favorite lines you've written in a fic?
“As he trailed rough fingers over the pearls of her spine she knew that if they cracked her chest open, they’d find his fingerprints on her heart.” From touch me with a kiss, feel me on your lips. If I’m honest I really think I cooked with this one lmfao.
“He feels her wrap her arms around him and pull him down on top of her. It’s her turn to hold his jaw and kiss his skin, nuzzle her nose along his throat and feel his pulse beat beneath her lips. It’s not desperate, not like before; she’s slow, breathing him in and taking her time, not wanting sex but just to expel her love for him physically, in her hands combing through his hair and her leg curling around his waist.”
I also really love this whole scene from this love is glowing in the dark!! One of my softest if I do say so myself.
20. What's a favorite title for a fic you've written?
Hmm they all come from songs I love so this is a bit difficult, but I love this love is glowing in the dark and I’ll ruin it all over, and over (like I always do)!!
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jq37 · 2 years
Twice Upon a Time - Neverafter Ep 8
The Lines Between
Hey y’all, welcome back to Dimension 20 where I picked a hell of a season to get back into the game. It seems we can’t go a single episode without something wild happening and this episode is no exception as we fully lean into the meta aspect of this premise in earnest for the first time.
Our heroes are pulled through the door Scher opened for them into a weird new realm (represented by a brand new map) that seems to be made of books and pages, much like the IRL set for the show. Brennan says that Muffet and Itsy Bitsy (along with Crow who we’ll get to in a sec) are with them but they’re not mentioned for the rest of the episode.
Scher and Tim recognize each other and Scher says that the guardian, once returned to them, was able to help get them out of the cave and to this realm. The bigger question on everyone’s mind is what the hell is up with Pinnochio’s mom. Pinocchio doesn’t really have an answer as the reveal was shocking to him too, and he’s really bummed that his mom is a nightmare abomination. 
He also realizes that the crow that his mom uses to spy on him and can go invisible is gone. Troubling. 
Sinbad the daring sailor introduces himself to the crew and, for no earthly reason, Puss lies and says he’s a sailor too, forcing Pinnochio to go along with the side lie and his ship is called The PInocchio and that he’s made from wood of the ship. 
Puss asks where they are and Scher is at a loss but, luckily, Aesop shows up. He comes through the same door they came through from a field with animals. Three accompany him–a lion, a mouse, and a mule.
The lion and the mouse are from the classic tale called, well, The Lion and the Mouse. The Mule seems like it should be from The Ass and the Mule but on a Nat 20 check, Puss realizes the Mule is avoiding his gaze. It’s not just a random mule. It’s Alphonse (the second son’s mule from the fairy fight)! 
Puss immediately is like, “Hey buddy, what the fuck???” But Alphonse gets him to play cool until they can get some time to talk alone. 
Anyway, Aesop says they are now in a place that is beyond their stories and, in some ways, realer than their stories. He discovered this place some time ago. While they’re here, they don't have to eat or drink and some of the denizens of the place might be helpful. 
The group immediately realizes that it seems like Aesop’s land has been spared the ravages that they’ve had (and Scher has too) and Aesop says his realm–the land of Birds and Bees–is more resilient than theirs. They were able to repel the time of Shadow somehow. Maybe partially because their stories are so simple and less susceptible to corruption. 
(Btw, at this point, enough time has passed that the Crow is beyond finding, and when Pinnochio does  a last check, he just sees an oily feather. Bad!)
In the space where they are, there are different landings which are associated with different realms. They ask Aesop if their realm is the worst and he doesn’t want to have to deliver bad news, but it is by a wide margin. It’s so bad that it’s bleeding into other realms–like the painting of Elody Scher said she saw in her realm. 
At this point, Alphonse and Puss peel away (with an excuse that they’re “scouting ahead”) so they can talk privately. They go through double doors to a library and Puss realizes that this is a room with stories from his realm. He spots the Frog Prince right away. 
When Puss once again asks Alphonse what the hell he’s doing here, the mule says that during the right he just started running and didn’t stop. He ended up in a weird forest where he felt a shadow fall over from far away him and something like light spilling from a crack in a door (hmm, stepmom vibes). He panicked and kept running and somehow ended up in the land of Birds and Bees. It was nice there. No Times of Shadow and it seemed like good things happen to good people and bad things happened to bad people. He planned to just chill there until Puss showed up and recognized him. And he doesn’t want to be involved in all this new nonsense. Things are BAD. Aesop told him that the Never After is absorbing other realms. The Lullabye Lands for instance. It wasn't a part of the Never After before. 
On a 22 Investigation, Puss sees a key on a table that seems to be to the room, and yoinks it. He also sees a copy of Cinderella and yoinks that as well. When the pair hear footsteps, Puss hides and Alphonse speeds away. The footsteps turn out to be two librarians (Key and Legend, though Puss doesn’t know that) and they seem concerned that the door is open and that the key is missing. They’re like, “Guess we have to use the master key again” and they lock the door. With Puss inside. 
Back with the rest of the group, the pair of librarians crosses paths with them as well. They’re some of the helpful denizens Aesop mentioned and invite the group to the Tower of Tales with them (and mention that their fellow librarians Glossary and Index will also be helpful). Interestingly, the librarians refer to the PCs as characters and then people, pointing to the weird meta existence they lead, half in one world, half in another. 
When the PCs get to the tower, they see that the place where they are is a citadel amidst an endless Aurora Borealis. From the Aurora, they can hear people talking and are told that what they’re looking at is the Auroratory (which Emily immediately realizes is a pun on Aurora+Oratory, much to Brenna’s delighted shock). These are stories that are being told orally.
Red hears the voice of her grandma telling her story and jumps into the sky to get closer. Luckily (miraculously) that works, and she’s able to swim into the sky. Key and Legend assure the group that it’s perfectly safe. They say that the Auroratory is much older than the citadel but the oral stories can come and go while stories bound by ink stay.
They take the remainder of the group within the Tower of Tales (they were on the ramparts before) and they see stairs leading up to a door with a symbol of an inkwell and quill. Tim asks about it and is told (with suspicious nervousness and intensity) that that’s the Cannonade which is the source of the ink and locked for the protection of EVERYONE. Tim and Scher try to surreptitiously break away to check it out but as soon as they take one step up the stairs, their books start to glow and Tim hears faint fiddle music. 
Key hurriedly stops them but then on a 1 and 3 to Ger’s 15, are distracted by his demonstration of sword forms, giving Scher a chance to cast Invisibility Circle on herself and Tim so they can snoop.
Meanwhile, Puss is still locked in the library with their stories. He opens up Cinderella’s book and skips to the end where he finds that not only are the pages blank, but the last pages are ripped out. At the front there are words that start with “Once Upon a Time” but they end shortly after, when Cindy’s dad dies. 
Brennan tells Puss to roll initiative suddenly as Crow suddenly appears and attacks, going for the book at the stepmother’s instruction. The crow has golden doors in its eyes, and Puss can hear the stepmother whispering commands but this is a cat v bird fight. Puss easily stabs out the crow’s eyes and it poofs dead in green smoke and turns to black parchment. As this happens, Puss wonders if the pages ripped from the book stayed here or disappeared into nothingness. Then, he unlocks the door and runs. Brennan asks if he does anything else. He says no. Let’s put a pin in this. 
Back with Red, things are all nice and peaceful in the Auroratory. She’s hearing countless versions of her story and she realizes that it’s not her grandma speaking but many people’s grandmas. The version she’s hearing is the version you’re probably familiar with. The one where the woodsman shows up and saves everyone and kills the wolf. Red likes this story a lot better and just kinda tries to sink into it.
Wisdom Save–5.
She’s suddenly filled with a deep sense of shame as she sinks and she sees these red streaks coming off of her body. Immediately, she thinks she’s corrupting the nice version of her story and, as she thinks that, she hears someone start telling her story, ending with the wolf eating her, the end. Red doesn’t even mind that story. In that story, she’s a sweet little victim that people would love and pity. Not a monster. 
Brennan gives her a chance in this moment to try and seek help from within or from without. Red doesn’t feel good about what’s within her so she yells for help. “Timothy!”
So we cut back to Tim and Scher (the group is so split up. What happened to straying together? lol). As they get closer and closer to the door, their books glow brighter and brighter. When Tim opens the door, he realizes it’s their ink that’s glowing. He wants to check out the keyhole to see if anyone goes into this locked room and rolls the obligatory once per season Na1 20 that reduces Brennan to zero HP. 
On a Nat 20, Tim sees that there are scratches in the keyhole–people do come in and out of here. There’s also a little glitter–maybe fairy dust? But that’s not the most important thing. He can actually look into the keyhole and what he sees is a vast shrine with a pedestal at the center. And on it is a big glass inkwell with ink spiraling out of it. Brennan gives Tim the option to look deeper into the ink and it’s Ally so of COURSE Tim looks deeper into the ink. 
WIsdom and Charisma save–just what you want to hear on a Nat 20.
Tim makes the Cha save but not the Wis one. 
As he stares into the ink, he thinks about the process when he writes. How easily the rhymes flow from his pen. How they feel so right and perfect right away. How amazing and incredible it is to feel like he’s doing what he’s supposed to be doing. The ink fills his vision. He can’t even see the keyhole anymore. 
But then, he realizes that he feels a bit flat. And that he’s trembling. And he feels this deep and thundering emptiness, like his whole existence is frivolous. He feels like people are watching him. REAL people, unlike him. Which is terrifying because they are powerful–more so that he can imagine–and they can do whatever they want to him. THEY’RE real and he? Well, he’s nothing more than ink on paper.
“Tim!” Scher cries, snapping him out of his dark reverie. 
She’s horrified because he’s literally turned to just ink and parchment. She casts Dispel Magic on him and on another miraculous Nat 20 is able to bring him back. She touches him and turns briefly partially to paper herself, but says that she doesn’t care what is going on, they’re both just real enough. They both turn back to normal in time for Tim to hear Red calling out for him. 
Everyone else has rolled up to the Auroratory at Red’s cry and Puss jumps in to save her–rowing Pinnochio’s body like a boat. They grab the very shaken Red but Brennan makes them do Wis saves as well. Puss fails his and starts to hear versions of his story. But before he starts sinking, he hears a voice say, “Once upon a time, there was a wolf.” A beautiful wolf made of light shows up and pushes him to safety before burning to death violently. 
(Note: Both Puss and Pinnochio had the same red trails coming off them as Red.)
When they all meet back up with the larger party–all back together finally–Pinnochio admits to Sinbad that he’s not actually made from a ship and Puss isn’t a sailor, revealing that Ger’s new sword Veritas is actually a sentient, singing sword. And he just loves singing about how good it is to tell the truth–instantly earning the ire of both Pinnochio and Red who has finally met an authority figure she doesn’t like. 
I also want to point out that the moment the sword things, Siobhan does a little Snow White-esque trill back at it which is so funny. 
Anyway, Roz is much more delighted with the sword than the others. When she holds it, there’s this weird static ripple and a part of the library vanished (something the librarians say happens a lot–”cutbacks” they call them) and she tries to pass the sword to someone else, but when she gets the strong sense that her true prince is supposed to have the sword, she scoops it back up and is fully back on the True Love train. (Of course, she has this revelation on a Nat 1 so…you know…)
Back on land, Red says that her story in the Auroratory is correct and she needs to see her story book so she can change it. The librarians say it’s not good for characters to see their stories and they’re being sorta weird and cagey about the request. At the same time, Scher is talking to Aesop about what happened and he seems conflicted in a Lawful Good sort of way (since they were disobeying when they split off). 
Key and Legend start explaining that the corruption started in the Never After and has been affecting most strongly the realms nearest to it. Story realms go through phrases. Key nervously says the phrase, “Ink is permanent…Asterisk,” and Tim clocks a sense of dread and epiness in them like what he felt before at the inkwell. He tells them that they’re real like Scher said to him and, before anyone can parse that, Aesop comes over and snitches them out. Or rather, he says honesty is the best policy and kinda makes Tim admit what they did and what he experienced. 
Key and Legend say he shouldn’t have gone up there but gives the group info anyway. There’s a lot of debate about where they–the characters–come from. From the ink or the Auroratory or what, but the ink versions? They come from Them. The people that Tim saw in the ink. The ones they don’t dare name if they don’t have to. In fact, Brennan, in character, writes down what they’re called so they don’t have to say it: The Authors. 
The librarians are kinda freaked so they move the group away from the Cannonade before they keep talking. They jump back to Tim’s statement about being real. Yes, they’re real but some things are realer. It’s kind of hard to comprehend without losing your sense of self. 
The Authors made The Lines Between. They’re incredible and incredibly powerful and, most importantly, they do not care (well, there’s different school of thought about that but they don’t get into that). Tim wonders if bad things happen to good people just because it makes a good story and the librarians say this is what they should talk to Glossary about.
Sidenote: This is kinda tripping me up because like, Tim tells stories, right? Maybe the ones in his book are just him channeling other stories but some of what he does is legitimately tell stories (unless we’re going to learn that that’s not possible–but I doubt it because these guys lie all the time and lies are storytelling of a sort lol. They have the capacity to make things up is my point). Anyway, when Tim makes up a story from his brain, is he not doing the same thing? Does he not write what will make the best story, even if it means the characters go through hardship? Is it like Authors and characters all the way down? Do you see what I’m saying? Can they really be angry at the Authors when they’re doing the same thing?
Also, is this season gonna end with the PCs fighting their real life players???
But I digress. 
The librarians continue explaining. The power of the ink can be accessed by proxy which is what magic is in their worlds. Ways to move the story in the direction that the Cannonade wants.  Some beings in their world have this access naturally (like fairies and witches I assume). 
While ink is permanent, there have apparently been some revisions over the years, though there’s no record (idk how they know that with no record–maybe word of mouth?) Legend once again says that the realms always go through good and bad times but the Gander (repping bad times) has been ascendant for too long and they don’t know why. And the bad vibes are leaking. The rip caused by the cutback earlier glimmers.
Oh, and one more thing. Key thinks there’s something loose in the library. On a Nat 20, Tim thinks that the vibes are that of the movie Alien–trapped in a location with a Thing that’s waiting to pick people off. 
The group agrees to split up to help make sure there’s nothing bad lurking but, before they do, a few quick exchanges:
Pinnochio admits that he’s not on his “Twice Upon a Time” (Index’s turn of phrase) like everyone else. That his Stepmom ripped away the Pinnochio from this story and dropped him in. Tim recognizes what he describes as similar to what happened to him when he was turned to paper.
They decide they’ll find Glossary to speak to after this. 
Red asks Aesop about if he knows any wolf stories and he tells the story of the Boy Who Cried Wolf in such an aggro way that Tim is like bruh, chill. 
With that, they split off, our heroes going alone without Key or Legend who are occupied by the others. They go back to the library where Puss was and remember when I told you to put a pin in him not doing anything before he left?
Yeah, the door is open. He didn’t lock it. 
I’m sure that won’t be a problem. (I’m lying.)
Puss gives Ger the Frog Prince book and he also pulls out the Cindy book. Pinochio recognizes the picture of a man on the cover as the man in the picture he stole and gave back to his mom. And now that he thinks about it, the picture seems like it was ripped out of this very book. 
There’s a click.
They turn. 
The door behind them has turned to the Stepmother’s door. She’s here. She’s angry. And she’s getting bigger. 
Roll for initiative baby! Can’t wait to see what horrific battle figurine Rick Perry is gonna curse us with next ep! See you then! 
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cloudbattrolls · 1 year
Nothing Like The Rest
Thrixe Varzim | Varzim Sanctuary | Present Night
Thrixe cracked open Tuuya’s bones easily with his tendrils, examining the substance within that resembled but was not quite marrow.
True bone marrow made blood cells, after all, and Tuuya hadn’t had any blood for centuries.
“So, how’s it look?”
The interested voice came from…well, a lot of places, technically.
The worm swarm liked to spread out as much as he did, when there were no trolls around. They’d nestled in his walls, some peaceably floating in the water, and some green eyes on stalks watched him from the laboratory ceiling, anchored by creeping white tendrils. Segmented, of course, unlike his own.
He’d tried segments, but they weren’t really his style. He preferred his natural spiny flesh for most practical things, such as delicately inserting a few very narrow ones into the faux-marrow.
“Give me a few moments.” He said, with decent grace. 
He had several eyes at the moment, but not so many to spare that he could afford to divert them. He hadn’t split his consciousness either; all the rest of his extended body mostly felt instead of thought at the moment. 
“Oh, take your time, I’m just curious.” Said the worms, many of them looping happily around the interlocking spines in the walls. 
He could detect their mind’s happiness and the simple pleasant sensations the individual worms could feel, even without being directed by their intelligence.
He usually cut himself off from others’ feelings. Tuuya had said they didn’t mind.
Thrixe was quietly grateful.
Trolls deserved privacy. They always did. He didn’t want to upset or disturb his friends, not ever if he could help it, though he knew that was unrealistic. 
He drew the false marrow out in a liquid chain, vibrating into patterns of sound waves in the air. The hybrid listened to it. Every note, every pattern of song contained within a body was distinct to him. Noise and matter weren’t so different, not to him.
“I might be able to make something for you…medicine of sorts. I can’t meddle with your DNA again, I’d need Ullane’s help for that, and it would be dangerous anyway. It’s a miracle your genome is as intact as it is…” he shook his head, hair and tendrils alike tossing with the motion in his in-between form; not fully troll, not completely a terror.
“At a dear price, Thrixe.” Said Tuuya, solemn. “Far too much of one…ironic, I get to live how I want, and I think of those who died so it could happen. But then, I should never forget how I came to be, I think.”
“It wasn’t your fault.” He said, hesitant. The marrow still vibrated, but more gently, his focus leaving it. 
“No.” They agreed. “At least not all of it…the parts I couldn’t have known. I still wonder…did I truly see Lleios, when I almost died? Or was it just my survival instinct giving itself a face, like it did with Cestoa? Goodness knows my own wouldn’t have worked.” They said with a snort, which sounded funny coming from multiple throats.
Thrixe’s lips twitched in grudging amusement, though it faded as Tuuya spoke again. 
“You’re lucky, being natural. No one died so the Varzims could exist.”
He sighed. “No, but we can kill so easily, even when we don’t mean to. At least you have a limit now. I don’t. I keep changing, getting stronger, even though I make restraints and ask Gaia for help.”
“Hmm. That is a pickle, isn’t it? How does one limit growth itself?”
“If you figure it out, let me know.” He muttered. “It gets…hard to remember that I need to at times. I just want to fill a whole place, want to make all the life around me become more and more. I want to be a song running through everything. I want to listen to the planet itself and channel its rhythms so trolls can see how beautiful they are.” 
“None of those are wrong, in moderation.” Said Tuuya gently. 
They had no face at the moment, but he could imagine their expression if they did, kind-eyed with a slight needle-toothed smile.
“Maybe not. But they’re overwhelming. And that’s the beauty of trolls; they can only experience such a tiny fraction of existence and yet they can do so much. Breaking those minds and bodies - really they’re the same - is horrible to think about. That electricity of souls…there’s nothing else like it.”
He suddenly felt tired. “We’re so similar, us Varzims…Zanzul and I may be different people, but we’re still aspects of the same progenitor…just another facet of growth. Sometimes that’s comforting to me. Other times it feels so…dull. Like I can never truly do anything new. I’m only a piece of a whole.”
He felt something on his shoulder, a gentle pat from white white worm tendrils descending from the spiny crevices of the ceiling.
“You are always your own person.” Said Tuuya softly. “I question it myself. Am I simply scraps of Lleios mixed with Cestoa, the little girl who meant so little to anyone? Sometimes I’m not sure. 
But then…then I recall that I am loved for who I am. That it is not so bad, because no matter what sort of creature I may be, someone will hold my hand - or paw, or tendril - and talk funny nonsense with me.”
Thrixe thought of Pidge. Laughing, smiling, crying - beautiful with them all - so curious, so vibrant…
“Oh my, what’s got you so done up?”
Thrixe flushed as he realized the spines and flesh Tuuya looped around had begun to grow abundant flowers and vibrant fuchsia fins.
“You don’t have to tell me. But I confess I’m curious.”
He paused, putting the bone and marrow down entirely on his desk. It could wait.
“I…I’m in flush.” He admitted quietly. 
The first time he’d ever spoken it out loud. 
Linnae and Yumech had been carefully guarded secrets, and he’d kept them until the feelings faded. He’d done so well.
Pidge…Pidge was impossible to keep a secret any longer.
It terrified him. It exhilarated him.
“Will you ask them out?”
He blinked all his violet eyes, startled. His fins waved and then drooped.
“I’m not sure if he -“
Those beautiful fuchsia eyes. His hands. His tail. How he bowed. How he moved.
How he kissed.
Thrixe’s pause turned into a nervous laugh.
“I…would he want a horrorterror? For a matesprit? Would anyone?”
“Says the starfish to the worms. And I can assure you, I am much kissed.”
For once the idea didn’t disgust him.
“My friend, you are making the nearby reef grow as well, if you were interested. You know, in this world where it’s supposed to be fully stable.”
Said Tuuya in amusement. Thrixe covered his face with hand and tendril alike.
“Clearly you love this man very much. I think you should tell him.”
Thrixe swallowed.
“I do mean tell him in the horrorterror way too. He deserves all your nature.”
Thrixe examined the ground.
“He said I was beautiful. When he first saw me as a horrorterror.” Admitted the hybrid shyly.
“How true of him.” Said the swarm sincerely. 
Thrixe felt a stab of guilt. 
“I’m…I’m sorry, Tuuya.”
The worms wriggled and shifted around, looping in patterns as they adjusted for the influx of leaves and blooms.
“Oh, I’m not all that bothered. But I appreciate that. It’s hardly wrong or unusual to find me ugly and grotesque. I pride myself on such skills! Yet it is nice to be seen as beautiful too, sometimes, even if I must usually pretend my quadrants don’t feel that way.”
He winced. He didn’t have to ask why.
They were ready-made jokes, the pair of them. Easy to reduce to someone’s bizarre lust or lack of standards. Who would want a truly freakish monster for a genuine quadrant, if they were in their right mind? What a ridiculous idea.
So they both had to pretend they thought it was ridiculous too. Emphasize their troll-like traits. Explain romantic affection with kindness, with tolerance for the strange rather than love of it.
Wouldn’t want to seem embarrassing, after all.
For the first time the thought made him bitter, and the greenery and fins wilted, smelling a bit acrid.
“It’s not fair.” He muttered.
“It isn’t.” Tuuya agreed. “But it’s how things are. Better people laugh than be frightened, usually.”
He sighed. “Usually.”
“Oh, is the horrorterror coming into his inheritance?” Tuuya asked, amused, extending a a few more querying eyes on stalks.
He nodded a stiff affirmative.
“Well, I can tell I’ve reached the limits of your indulgence, and we should get back to work anyway; I know you have other projects.”
He did. But this one was important too.
Tuuya did not mind walking with a cane now, and he wasn’t sure he could fix that anyway, the balance issues they now experienced when walking on two legs. Yet if he could make it possible for them to reshape their form even more swiftly and easily, with minimal energy usage, he wanted to.
“Once we’re done here, you should go to him.”
He blushed again. “I’ll text him first.”
“A wonderful plan!”
They worked a bit longer, swarm and hybrid, until they parted ways.
Until Thrixe gathered all his courage, and went to tell Pidge Nyxxus every way that he loved him. 
No matter how strange.
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
The littlest Firefly:
Tumblr media
An: More backstory for our fave Blinky
Cw: use of the N word
@vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @myers-meadow-selfship @oceansrose2002
Blinky’s POV:
Six months. Half a year I’d been with the Firefly family. My family. It felt much more official now, something natural. Like I’d never known anything else. It’s was comforting. But being a Firefly wasn’t all roses and sunshine, far from it actually.
But did I even want that? A life like that no longer seem achievable, and hardly desirable. Who wants to be a pretty princess, cooped up in a stuffy tower, waiting on a prince to come save them. It was much better to play the prince. That’s what I decided on today. I fashioned myself a little crown out of the old newspaper Grandpa was done with. There was a little blood stain on one of the corners where he killed a mouse with it, but I didn’t mind.
I had my hair up in two big puffs, it was much too hot in the texas summer now for me to have my hair down. There was just so much of it. Baby had helped me with my hair, giving me little purple ribbons to tie it up with. I placed the crown on my head, pining it down with bobby pins. Such an odd name for a little trinket.
I had much more clothes now. Otis had stolen some from a young girl who was backpacking across texas. A strange choice for hiking, but who was I to judge. It wasn’t a hobby I knew much about. I preferred indoor hobbies, like origami that I used to make my new crown. I decided I would show it off with a pretty outfit. There was a small yellow dress at the back of my closet, a little shorter than I usually wear, but I didn’t mind.
I paired it with some striped black and white socks, and the new shoes Mama had gifted me. She said my old ones were hideous. And I guess she was right, there wasn’t much shoe left to them. These were much more hardy, they reminded me of Otis’s work boots and that’s why they were my favourite. I sometimes like to mimic his heavy walking and stomp around in my brown combat boots when nobody was home. He was always so angry, and he looked a little silly with his brows furrowed. It left a permeant wrinkle on his face.
I zipped up the boots and checked myself in the old cracked mirror in the corner, but something was missing. Tiny had picked me some flowers last week, little daisies he found on the side of the road. I plucked one from the vase and snapped the stem, shoving the now shorter flower into the side of my left poof. Perfect. I gave a little twirl, giggling to myself as the room got blurry. I flopped down on my bed to steady myself, a tiny point of my crown bending a little. But I didn’t mind, it added character.
I had to show Baby. I skipped down the hall, following the sound of rock music to her room. I knew she wouldn’t hear if I knocked, so I slowly peaked the door open to make sure she was decent. I didn’t want a repeat of last time I bathed into her room. I watched as Baby danced along to the music, she always made dancing seem so easy. She looked effervescent. She turned around, and stopped when she noticed me, smiley wildly.
“We’ll aren’t you adorable today.”
“I’m adorable everyday” I responded cheekily.
“You’re right, my mistake my lord.” She did a mocking literally curtesy.
“I’m a prince actually. They’re quite different.”
She chuckled.
“No makeup today? I suppose they don’t usually wear any do they?” She asked, turning down the music.
I was thankful she’d noticed I was getting mildly overstimulated. I never wanted to ask her to be quiet, it didn’t seem right. And it wasn’t fair to her, especially when she was having so much fun.
“We’ll maybe I’m not a normal prince, not if the princess wants to do my makeup.”
I held out my hand, asking for hers. She placed her hand in mine and I kissed the back of it. She was positively giddy.
“Hmm, let’s think. What if we put little stars on your cheek? And some yellow eyeliner to match that pretty dress if your Prince Blinky.”
She nodded her head.
“And does the Princess get stars too?”
“Of course!”
She still held my hand, leading me to sit on her bed.
“Let me go get your face paint box. You still got some left right?”
I nodded.
“Spaulding didn’t like the paint he got last time, said it made his skin itchy.”
She frowned.
“It doesn’t make your skin itchy right?”
“Nuh uh.”
I kicked my feet back and forth as I waited for her to come back. My smile returning as she entered the room. Baby’s personality was contagious.
“Alright what colours do you want today, you seem to be in a very colourful mood.”
I thought to a second.
“Just yellow and purple to match my ribbons please. Don’t want to over do it.”
“Oh yes, the only person allowed to be over done in this house is Mama. Did you see the new robe Spaulding gifted her?”
“The one that’s baby pink?”
“Mmm” she hummed.
“I think it makes her skin look pretty.”
“And did you tell Mama that?”
“Not yet, I got nervous.”
She chuckled lightly.
“Alright eyes closed, no peeking!”
“Might have to claw your eyes out if you do.” She teased.
“But my eyes are my best feature?”
I looked up at her, my eyes shinning brightly for emphases. They were far more expressive then the rest of my face. Sure I smiled a lot now, but it was a learned behaviour. It felt so weird, and kinda hurt at first, my face muscles sore at the end of the day. But for the most part, I remained neutral, just smiling with my eyes most times.
“And don’t you forget it.” She booped my nose:
She was different than me than with the others. She was almost constantly getting in petty fights with Otis. But it seemed she liked having another “girl” around. I don’t know what I was, but girl never really felt right. But I liked pretty things, and girls had the prettiest things. And if being used as a living doll made Baby and Mama happy, I’d gladly do it.
“Now close your eyes Blinky.”
I obeyed easily. I was no longer nervous in her presence. Not like when I first got here. I let my mind wander as she painted my faces, speckling little stars on my cheeks. I kept thinking to the story of the prince I’d been reading. He was strong, fierce, but shorter than his brothers, younger too. The last in line for the throne. No one thought he’d amount to much until he rescued the rival kingdoms Princess from the evil dragon. Sure, the way I described it sounded like a children’s story. But it was quite gruesome, many before him has died horrible deaths, being torn apart, burned or eaten but the fearsome dragon.
I believe the book was marketed toward young adults. They’re were many encounters of sex with the other brothers, but I didn’t much care for that part of the story. And when the little prince rescued the princess, they were betrothed to be married to save their two kingdoms. A wedding to bring enemies together. A wedding which ended in the beheading of the cruel king, the one who’d ignored his son, and by the hands of his daughter in law none the less. An act of love and devotion to her new husband who has suffered at the cruel hands of a king who was unfit to rule a kingdom. As she held up the head of the once feared king, the kingdom cheered for their new leader.
“Long live the King!” They all chanted.
And that was where the book had ended. And ending which I’m not quite sure I would describe as happy. It was good, satisfying even, but there was something about it that seemed so strange. I wondered what would become of the little prince and his new queen. Do they live happily ever after, or was he doomed to ruin her, and befall the same fate as his father. Could people be different, change? Would he ever unlearn the behaviours and habits forced onto them by family?
“Blinky, you’re scrunching.” Baby said, slightly annoyed.
“Oh.” Was all I said, trying my best to relax my facial muscles.
“What ya thinking about in that smart Brain of yours huh?”
I fidgeted with my hands.
“Do you think people can change Baby?” I asked.
I didn’t dare open my eyes, but I did lean forward slightly when I didn’t feel her hands or the cool brush on my face.
“Course they can. People change all the time, you have.”
“I have?” I asked.
Maybe it had gone unnoticed, a subtle change over time. But my memory wasn’t too good, I always forgot certain things. Like what I looked like when I first got here. But I remembered stupid things, useless things. Like the first book Otis had ever gifted me. Or Tiny’s favourite food. Or Mama’s favourite perfume. I knew a lot about them now, but I didn’t really know a lot about me. I didn’t like to think about me much. Every-time I did I’d only get sad again.
“Could you tell me how?” I asked.
“Well, I guess you’re less shy. You don’t hide as much anymore. And your style, that changes every week. You’re less squeamish too, don’t mind the blood and the mess so much no more.”
“Hmm” I hummed.
Maybe I could change. Maybe the Prince could. But was it a good change? That was an entirely different question.
“And done!” She proclaimed proudly.
“Can I see?”
“Yes Blink, you can open your eyes now.” She sassed.
She held up a tiny little pocket mirror. My eyes looked a little bigger, the yellow complimenting the dark drown. Well I’m wasn’t sure if that was the right word for it, they were almost black, unless under harsh lighting. And the undertones were more red. But whatever they were, the yellow was nice, like the centre of the daisy in my hair. And the little stars complimented everything perfectly. I felt like the cutest prince in the whole world.
“I love it!” I exclaimed happily.
“Of course you do!”
Baby was confident, in everything she did. Some people may think it comes off as arrogant, but I thought it was endearing. She was a princess who didn’t need saving, like the one who changed at the end of my story. No longer being docile and quiet, and choosing instead to cause a ruckus and stake her claim on life.
“Now, help me pick my outfit for the day.”
Baby was more of a blue jeans, tiny shirt kinda of gal. But she did own a few dresses. I spotted a purple dress in her closet and instantly pulled out out.
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“We could match.” I offered a small smile.
“I knew there was a reason we kept you around Blink.” She smirked.
She turned around to and started to strip and I blushed, throwing myself into the pillow to avert my eyes. Baby was comfortable with a herself, which I was glad for, but I swear sometimes she did this stuff on purpose. She shimmied into the dress and when I thought enough time had passed I looked up again. She was sitting at her vanity, tying her hair into little pigtails to match my puffs.
“Wanna return the favour?” She asked, holding out a makeup brush.
I nodded and quickly made my way over, kneeling by the chair so I would get to her face. Her makeup didn’t take nearly as long as mine. I kept it simply with a light purple eyeshadow and a dark purple cat eye wing. Baby never wore lipstick much so we just put on a light gloss. I stuck my tongue out in concentration as I evened out the wings.
“There, done.”
“Wanna go show off to the family?” She asked.
I nodded, grabbing her hand as we made our way to the kitchen. It was a little loud with Spaulding crinkling his paper, Mama watching a Tele Novela over his shoulder on the tv, an Otis cooking up breakfast. I wasn’t sure where Grandpa and Tiny were at the moment.
“We’ll don’t you two look perty.” Mama complimented.
“Thanks Mama” Baby did a little twirl to show off her dress.
“You look like a god Damn Girl Scout.” Spaulding said to Baby.
It was his way of attempting a compliment. He wasn’t very good at them. Worse than Otis actually.
“And what are you supposed to be?” He asked me.
“I’m the Prince of the purple kingdom!” I declared.
He let out a half huff, half laugh.
“Since when do prince’s wear dresses?” He asked.
I just shrugged, sitting down in my spot for breakfast.
“Your clothes seem to be fitting a little better sweetheart.” Mama commented.
“I blame Otis’s cooking.” I laughed.
It was strange always having so much food in the house. I’d grown so used to one meal a day, since forever. Otis made it clear I was free to eat anything in the house, and make requests on grocery day. Otis sent me a crooked grin over his shoulder.
“We’ll somebodies gotta cook around ‘ere” he teased.
Most of breakfast was in a comfortable silence as we all enjoyed the french toast and berries. Otis made eggs for everyone else, but I couldn’t stand them. He was offended the first time I turned him down, and I didn’t mean to make him feel insulated. I just couldn’t stomach eggs, they made me sick. I thought back to the first two months I was here, when I’d get sick so often after eating. My body wasn’t used to being so well fed. I think a gained about five pounds since I’ve been here.
“You’re with me today kid.” Spaulding announced as he got up to put his plate and coffee in the sink.
“Oh, ok.” I said.
I didn’t mind working down at the store, there was always something to keep busy. Rearranging things, cleaning the counters. It kept me busy, which made me feel helpful.
“Is Otis not working the gas station today?”
“Naw, I’ve gotta head into town to get some stuff to fix the damn shower. God Damn thing won’t stop leaking and it’s wasting water and money.”
I hummed, downing the last sip of my tea. I followed quickly after Spaulding so I wouldn’t be scolded for not keeping up. He gave instructions as we walked.
“You man the front, I gotta deal with this fucking delivery that’s a damn week late. I swear nobody gets shit right in this town.”
I chuckled slightly. He was always grumbling about something. It could be a perfectly fine day and he’d still find something to complain about.
“You got it boss man.” I said.
He stopped waking and rolled his eyes at me. I just shrugged and we made our way into the little corner store. The day would go by slow, as usual not many people came in. But as luck would have it, the little bell at the front door chimed. I looked up to see a girl who looked scarily like Darla. It almost made my heart stop, but I pushed it down. She was with a man, a little taller than her, jock type from the look of letterman jacket.
He looked around the store, pretending to be interested in random things.
“Can I help you sir?” I asked.
He finally looked my way, and I saw his body stiffen slightly and his nose scrunch up.
“What, is the pretty princess convention coming through town?” He jeered.
I frowned.
“Is there anything I can help you with.” I pushed forward, ignoring his Inappropriate little side comment.
“Yeah, this shithole got a manager?” He asked.
His accent was thick, possibly Georgian. Spaulding would be interested to hear this, people from out of town were easier as Otis explain to me. Less people to notice them missing.
“Sure, I’ll go get him.”
I hopped off my stool and ran off to the back of the store, finding Spaulding unpacking pallets of soda.
“Hey Cap?” I asked.
It was a nickname I’d taken to calling him, he didn’t seem to mind it.
“What the fuck do you want kid?”
It wasn’t hostile in tone, he just slipped swearwords into almost any sentence he could.
“Customer wants to talk.” I explained. “He and his girl are from out of town.”
“Are they now?” He said.
He placed the heavy tray of soda back down on the stack. He made a lead the way motion with his hand and I followed him to the front again. I lingered behind, leaning against the wall as I watched.
“What can I do ya for?”
“Wondering if there’s anywhere to get a car fixed around here. Damn thing broke down.”
“There’s a mechanic just up the road, but I could look at it.”
The man scoffed.
“Yeah, no thanks. I don’t want you anywhere near my truck.” He commented.
“That wasn’t very nice.” It slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it.
“The fuck do you know kid?” He turned back to Spaulding, “ain’t child labour illegal?” He asked.
I crossed my arms over his chest.
“Darren, be nice, these kind folks are trying to help us.” The girl spoke up.
“Did I ask for your opinion?” He snapped at her.
Definitely not very nice. I kinda felt bad for the girl, like I had when watching my brother and Darla. Why did pretty, smart girls fall for jerks like this? I could never understand. I wish I could create a diversion, help her escape. But I knew the drill, they were a package deal, and they’d already seen both of our faces.
“Which way to the mechanic old man?” He asked.
Spaulding just pointed, but not towards the mechanic, no, toward the house. We’re Mama and Baby we’re back home waiting. I wondered if Otis had even gotten back from the city yet. I watched as he shoved passed the girl and out the door, letting it slam behind him.
“Thanks for the help.” The girl offered.
I gave her a tight lipped smile. About half an hour had passed and I went to take a break outside for some fresh air. I leaned against the wall near the dumpster and just kinda stared down at my feet. Clicking then together to get my stims out before going back to work. I heard foot steps approaching and they seemed heavy. I thought for a moment maybe Spaulding came to ask for help with something, but I noticed the boy from earlier.
“Hey you, kid!” He started.
He seemed angry.
“I’m almost 18 I mumbled” annoyed then he called me that.
It was different when it was my family, but I didn’t like strangers treating me like a child. I could hold my own. I wasn’t helpless.
“What sort of games are you and baldy playing Hmm?” He asked as he got closer.
“Don’t call him that.” I said.
“Or what? Is it gonna hurt your feeling sweetheart? Maybe someone should teach you a lesson, wearing a short little skirt like that and flaunting yourself around while your old man fucks people over.”
I finally looked up at him, rage burning in my eyes.
“What did you just say?”
“Called you a slut, cause that’s what you are.”
He grabbed my arm harshly.
“Where the fuck is the damn mechanic?” He asked.
I shrugged, apparently that was the wrong move, cause he squeezed tighter on my arm. I glared up at him. He went to put his hand in my face, and without thinking I viciously bit into his hand. I heard him let out a yelp as I bit hard enough to draw blood. He yanked his arm away, dropping his other one too.
“Stupid nigger bitch, you bit me!” He exclaimed.
Before I could do anything, his fist connected hard right at the front of my face. I heard a crack and almost instantly felt warm blood trickle down my face. I think he broke my nose. I stumbled back a little, catching myself on the wall. As I went to lick my lips, I could taste the blood, and something fell onto my tongue, I spit it on the floor to see it was one of my teeth. I starred at it for a second in shock. He certainly knew how to throw a punch, probably got into a lot of fight in high school.
“Hey, bitch im talking to you!” He said, wrapping his hand around my throat.
I guess the ruckus must have gained Spaulding’s attention, cause I grinned up at the boy as he squeezed my throat.
“The fuck you smiling about?”
Before he could get out another word, Spaulding reached around and slit his throat. I felt warm blood spray on my face and closed my eyes and mouth, making sure I didn’t get any of it where it shouldn’t be. I didn’t need a nasty infection from this impish oaf.
“What the fuck were you thinking kid?” Spaulding yelled.
I flinched slightly.
“Please don’t yell at me.” I muttered.
He sighed exasperated.
“He could have killed you.”
“But he didn’t.” I reminded him.
“Shit, look at your face, Otis is gonna be pissed.”
I adjusted my now crooked crown back on my head, and spit out a mother glob of blood.
“I’m fine Spaulding, thank you for saving me.” I said.
“Don’t ever make me do that shit again ya hear?” He said
“Yes sir, won’t happen again.”
That I was sure of, I wouldn’t make the same mistake next time. Being on my own here could have ruined me, if Spaulding hadn’t been nearby.
“Fuck!” He groaned. “Blinky help me get him into the dumpster.” He said.
I nodded, quickly moving to throw open the top of it. I wasn’t sure how much help I would be, that man was nearly twice my size. But almost everybody was bigger than me. I grabbed his legs and helped Spaulding throw him over the top, then slammed the lid back down. By the time the trash people came, in this hot, moist environment, he’d be well on his way to decomposing.
“Inside, now.” Spaulding said shortly.
He was mad, that much was obvious. I didn’t hesitate, quickly doing inside and slipping into the back office where we had all the paperwork. We kept the first aid kit back here. I sat on top of the desk. Spaulding came stomping in a few minuets later.
“Called Mama, told her in sending you home early for the night.” He explained.
I nodded. He bent down to pick up the first aid kit, before quickly throwing me a cold water he’d taken from the front. I took a sip, swishing it around in my mouth, then spit it into the plant pot in the corner. Before taking another and letting it slip down my throat. It was refreshing, I hadn’t even realised I was getting dehydrated. I sat back atop the desk.
“Let me see.” He said.
I opened my mouth, and he moved my face side to side with his hand on my chin.
“Shit Blinky, he got you good.” He said.
“Yeah, don’t think I enjoyed that very much” I chuckled.
“Nothing we can do about the tooth, and your busted lip with heal. But I’m gonna have to set your nose.” He said.
I nodded.
“It’s gonna hurt like a bitch.”
I closed my eyes as I felt him touch the bridge of my nose. I winced a little. He didn’t even give me a warning before I heard it click.
“There, good as new. Now go head to the house and shower before Otis gets home, I don’t need that bastard on my ass about this. I’ll clean up the mess outside.”
“You sure you don’t need help.”
“Just get to the Damn house Kid.”
I nodded, running off toward the house. I was able to make it to the master bathroom before anyone saw me, I quickly stripped out of my clothes, knowing I’d have to burn them later. It was a shame, I liked this outfit. But they was no getting blood out of yellow, bleach or peroxide would just steal the dye. I turned on the water, waiting for it to heat up. Otis had yelled at me for this once, but what kind of psycho turns on the shower when they’re standing in it, the water that comes out first is always freezing.
I scrubbed away the blood, watching it go down the drain. I groaned as the adrenaline wore off. There was a small bruise forming from where his hand was, and the hot water stung a little when it hit my broken nose. I threw on a towel as I got out and looked in the mirror. The tooth to the left of my canine was missing. I suppose it added character. And if I ever made a friend I’d have a cool story to tell. I’d finally get to use the line “you should see the other guy.”
I opened the door and walked down the hall to my room. I slipped into one of Otis’s oversized band T-shirts and some old shirts Baby got me. I fixed up my hair, tossing it into one giant bun. Seems I made it just in time for dinner, cause I could smell the food from here. Otis turned around when he heard me say “what’s for dinner”
“I’m making spaget- Blink what the fuck happened to your face?” He asked.
He seemed shocked, but the shock quickly turned to anger.
“Tripped.” I shrugged.
I don’t know why I lied to him, I didn’t feel good about it. But I already got scolded by Spaulding and I didn’t really want to hear it again.
“Shit, Blinky how many times have I told you not to skip around everywhere. This is what you get.” He grumbled. “It hurt?”
“Not much.”
He paused and took a few step forward, grabbing my chin in his hand, and using the other one to open my mouth.
“Fuck, you’re missing a tooth.”
“It’s ok.” I said.
“How hard did you hit the ground you dumbass?”
It was supposed to come off as mean, but I knew him better now. He swore more when he was deflecting, trying to make it seem like he didn’t care.
“Think I might have cracked the pavement.” I joked.
“I’m gonna have to put you in a damn bubble I swear. Nothing we can do about that tooth.” He commented.
It was odd how he was just like Spaulding in that way. Two sides of the same coin with those two.
“Just set the table” he sighed.
I would have to talk to Spaulding after dinner, make sure he kept our little secret. I didn’t want Otis finding out what happened today. He’d flip, and majorly so. If baby ever found out what that man called me, she’s also lose her mind. They were very overprotective in that way. Baby like a sweet, but scary aunt, and Otis the dad with a shotgun in hand at all times.
Baby greeted me by picking me up and spinning me around. I giggled, pleading with her to put me down.
“Shit, the fuck happened to you?”
“Tripped.” I lied again, it was easier this time.
She laughed loudly, and gave me a big grin.
“Didn’t think you could get any cuter kiddo, now look at that smile.” She said.
She always knew just what to say to cheer me up. Things were getting better around here and I hoped they continued like this. Yes, being a Firefly wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, but it was home. It was safe. And I was never gonna let anyone take this from me. I wouldn’t be without a family ever again if I had to kill every last person to keep it that way.
An: Despite being black, I didn’t use that word much. But house of 1000 corpses is a bit darker subject material so it felt appropriate to use here.
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johaerys-writes · 2 years
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Shiro/Keith | Voltron: Legendary Defender | E | Ch. 3/3 
Summary: During a fight with the Galra, Shiro and Keith are sucked into a wormhole and flung to the far edge of the universe. They land on an empty and unfamiliar planet, with no way of contacting the castle, but Keith isn’t too worried. Things could be worse— at least they have each other.
Until Shiro collapses.
Read on AO3 | Read from the beginning
“Blood sugar levels are normal, heart rate a bit elevated but nothing out of the ordinary, liver enzymes intact. Overall, I’d say he’s as healthy as a flimhog in its prime!” Coran says cheerfully as he reads Shiro’s vitals off the chart displayed on the pod’s monitor. “It’s like he was never sick at all.”
“But he was.” Keith frowns, arms crossed before his chest. After making it back to the castle, Coran has kept Shiro in the medbay, running every test on him that there is. Shiro’s looking better now, much better, but Keith can’t shake the worry that still lingers. Shiro was very sick. There was something seriously wrong with him, and it could still be there, ready to come back at any moment.
“What caused those symptoms in the first place?” Keith insists. “Can’t the pod just figure that out?”
Coran purses his lips in thought as he goes over the data again. “Usually, foreign bodies like viruses or bacteria leave some sort of trace after they’re gone, even if it’s just the antibodies the body produces. But there’s nothing here that I can see. Only the imbalances caused by the high fever.”
“I might be able to help,” Pidge says beside Keith. “I got some samples from the planet you were on. Perhaps if I run a quick comparison with similar strains on Earth and the places we’ve visited so far, the results could point us in the right direction. Hopefully it will tell us more about what happened to Shiro.”
Coran ticks some numbers in his data pad, then transfers the information to the main computer. Pidge cracks her knuckles and gets to work, the numbers on the screen reflecting on her glasses as her fingers swiftly tap the keyboard.
Keith waits anxiously while the computer processes the information. Shiro is still in the healing pod. The contact fluid is surrounding him, drifting through his hair like underwater currents. Coran had to give him an anaesthetic to prepare him for the examination, and his features are now soft as if with sleep. It makes Keith’s heart ache.
Just a little bit longer, he thinks. We’re getting you out of there soon.
“Right! That should tell us something.” Pidges presses a button when the computer starts beeping, and a list of numbers a mile long comes up on the screen. Keith can’t make heads or tails of it. “Hmm… that’s interesting.”
“Well?” Keith says, his foot tapping on the floor. “What does it say?”
“It looks like he had some sort of allergic reaction.” Pidge frowns at the screen, her brows pinching together in concentration. “This planet you were on: did you notice anything unusual about it?”
“No… not off the top of my head. It seemed fine to me. The suits didn’t detect anything wrong. The air was clear, just a tad too highly oxygenated.” When Pidge doesn’t respond, only continues to squint at the screen, Keith stomach tightens. “Why? Did you find something?”
“So, the planet’s atmosphere is composed of oxygen, nitrogen, argon, carbon dioxide, traces of neon and methane and—”
“Yes, just like Earth,” Keith interrupts impatiently. “What else?”
“And,” Pidge says pointedly, “an extensive web of microscopic symbiotic creatures. Now, most planets with some sort of lifeform have those, right? But these are different. They are necessary for the native life to thrive, and impossible to filter from the air. But if they are inhaled by non-native life, they can cause severe anaphylactic shock. Not only that, they seem to be highly aggressive towards alien life-forms, inhabiting the body for a while after until they are successfully dealt with by the immune system, like a bacterial infection. A few seconds of exposure is enough.” She turns back to the screen, staring down the list of strange numbers and symbols. “This is fascinating. I’ve never seen anything like this before.”
Keith’s blood runs cold. He stares at Pidge as if he doesn’t understand. “So that’s what made Shiro sick? The air of this planet?”
“That’s what it looks like.”
Keith’s pulse thrums in his ears, making him dizzy. It can’t be— how can that be? It was Keith that told Shiro that the air in that place was okay. It was Keith that told him it was safe to take off their helmets. It was Keith. If he’d noticed earlier… if he’d somehow known—
“It’s all my fault,” he mutters. “I told Shiro— I just looked at the readings on my suit. Everything seemed normal. How were we supposed to know—” He snaps his mouth shut when the lump in his throat makes it difficult to speak. It was all his fault. He was the one that insisted they go after that cruiser in the first place, that dragged them into the wormhole, that put Shiro’s life in danger. He is the one that’s responsible for all this mess.
If it wasn’t for him, Shiro would have been fine. He would have been safe and sound and healthy in the castleship, and none of this would have ever happened.
Keith rakes a hand through his hair and looks away, tries to control his breathing. He can’t lose his cool, not now, not like this. Not in front of everyone. That’s a sure fire way to make everything worse, and that’s the least Keith wants.
“What about me?” he asks, jaw clenched tight.
Coran blinks. “What about you, my boy?”
“I took off my helmet too. I breathed the same air Shiro did. Why didn’t I go into anaphylactic shock too?”
Coran and Pidge exchange a curious look, then go back to staring at the numbers. “You didn’t have any symptoms?” he asks, leaning over Pidge’s shoulder.
“No fever, no shortness of breath, no lesions?”
“Nothing, I was fine.” Keith shakes his head. “How is it possible that I was fine, and this happened to Shiro?”
“Now that is the million groggery question, Number Two!” Coran says, way too happily given the subject at hand. “One that we shall have to have a look into. But for the time being, let’s get you some anti-allergy medication, shall we? Just to be on the safe side. You never know when those pesky symbiotic creatures might hit!”
Though it is the last thing that Keith wants, he still endures stoically as Coran pricks his finger to take a drop of blood to examine it, then checks his pupils and his mouth with a flashlight that makes his tongue itch. After some careful deliberation and an extensive look through his manual, he hands him a pill, which Keith chases down with some water, and gives him a strict warning not to eat any zogglion fruit or Uggirlon moss juice.
“Though delicious, they are absolutely the worst when in combination with the medicine I just gave you. The reaction could be deadly! I’d stay far away from them right now, if I were you.”
“Yeah, I wasn’t planning on having any, don’t worry,” Keith replies, wrinkling his nose in disgust when he remembers the slimy quality of the zogglion fruit —or whatever it’s called— when Coran presented it to them the week before. Keith isn’t particularly picky with food, but he’d rather starve than eat another bite of that thing.
He waits outside the medbay while Coran runs some last few tests on Shiro. Allura, Hunk and Lance all arrive to keep him company, and though Keith isn’t particularly in the mood to talk, he still appreciates the distraction. He doesn’t really want to be left alone with his thoughts right now. His worry for Shiro, although duller now that he knows he’s okay and can be treated properly if something happens, still feels like a vice, gripping his stomach. He won’t relax until Shiro is there with them, until Keith can talk to him.
As soon as Coran’s tests are done, he drains the healing pod of contact fluid and they all help him carry Shiro to a medical table until the anaesthetic wears off. Keith sits by him on a stool, his knee bouncing restlessly. He wants to be there when Shiro opens his eyes.
Read the rest on AO3!
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melodyofthevoid · 2 years
2,6,8 for ask game
Superpower, 3 wishes, and trolley problem
*cracks knuckles*
In terms of superpowers, I think I’d probably most like to be able to stop time/make a pocket dimension or have illusion powers.
Do you have any idea how easy it’d be to write if I either
A: had all the time/private quiet space I wanted or
B: could visualize a scene??? In real time??? Plus the petty potential would be nice too hehe
3 wishes… hmm. I guess it depends on the scope I’m allowed? If they’re large scale than obviously world peace, end systemic inequality and give everyone the means to survive, and fix climate change.
If they’re just personal wishes for myself then
1: Be able to finish all the projects I have
2: find a job and place to be independent
3: make as much of a difference in the world as I can
Trolley problem I pull the switch. Yeah I’d agonize about it but in the specific constraints of the scenario given I pull the switch.
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eabwriting2023 · 10 months
A Lone Moon - Day Nineteen
Saturn has its golden rings, their 146 moons to keep them company. Jupiter is the largest towering over the entire universe, chilling out with their 95 moons. We have Mars, beautiful and elegant, their blush red appearance dazzles those in the darkness, even they have two moons to keep them company on different leap years around the sun.
Then there is me, Earth, the smallest, the weakest, the dying one. I am the only one to habitat residents on my spherical body and I hate it! They itch and complain, they are fleas making me worse and worse everyday. I have become so demanding, so emotional after millions of years of letting them live upon me. It’s exhausting!
To make things worse, I have only one moon to keep me company. Whenever I have no energy or can’t be bothered with the life on me, my moon is either too much or too little. They are always in my sights, or not in my sights at all, there is no middle ground.
Planets such as Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have exquisite appearances where their moons will take care of them in a way that is pleasing to their senses. I am disgusting compared to them. The fleas have destroyed my beautiful pores, the lakes, the grass turning them into dust, cracked in all the wrong places. I have no one to truly comfort me, my moon really couldn’t care less.
They spin around in the blackness of the universe minding their own business floating around me yet they do not keep eye contact. They tried to make things work, leap year after leap year when I faced them fully with mindless chatter and stupidity but they were trying to hard to please me.
They float on the right hand side of me now as it is the middle of June. They don’t look directly at me but focus their attention upon the many stars that whisk around space.
I feel myself burning, yet it isn’t yet another forest fire caused by these fleas, it feels different some how. A human emotion very similar to jealousy. What is there for me to be jealous about? They are my only moon who quite literally revolves around me but they whisper in tongues to these stars that sparkle and it concerns me.
“It’s okay to be scared, every star feels this way, everyone becomes a burning star eventually, it’s part of our universe.” I hear them say to a shaken ball of dust. “Trust me.”
They nod they’re strange little geometrical bodies and zoom off into the distance. I watch my moon float around with their thoughts thinking they are alone.
I observe the moon hum and watch the other star commuters travel space just simply being. I cant understand how at peace they can be alone with no moons to pass away the years with. I think they sense my presence as they spin around noticing me bobbing around.
“Earth!” They say sounding surprised. “What an unexpected visit.”
“What was you just doing?” I try inquiring.
“I was just speaking to the stars mostly, some get scared about being transformed into shooting stars, it means their life is coming to an end.”
“I know the feeling.” I sigh feeling itches all over my country patches scratching from whether we are having this June.
“Hmm…” The moon nods weakly but turned to face the darkness of space. “I still can’t get over the vastness of this place.”
“Excuse me?” I strike back at them. How dare they not compliment me on my heartbeat, I am literally falling into pieces as we speak.
“Yes?” He responses calmly, their attention still focused on the space around us both.
“I just opened my heart out to you, told you my honest feelings, my worries. I am dying!” I cry.
“I understand that, but we all have our issues. We are all dying. I feel sorry for you, I do but there’s no point complaining, that isn’t going to help the humans, or anything in fact!”
“You are a bad moon!” I snap. “The other planets, their moons comfort them and sooth over their problems, they don’t pester them one year and completely blank them the next!”
“The other planets aren’t you Earth! No other planets have residents big and so many living upon them. So what if Saturn has golden rings with 146 moons to look after their every need, they are not you!”
“But what is me? What am I now? I have crumbled into dust, no one cares for me now!”
“That simply isn’t true and you know it Earth! There are plenty of humans campaigning to save your life, everyday, but secondly there is me! I maybe one moon and not ninety five but I care for you!”
“How do you care exactly? You are torturing me with your personality switches! One moment you are too attentive the next you don’t give one damn about me, you care more about your star friends over there!”
“That’s outrageous! I don’t care for these more than you it’s just they appreciate me more than you. One time in your one billion existence could you be grateful? These stars say thank you, respect me as a moon. Is it so hard just to be happy with and who you have?”
I want to respond with something clever and witty but sadly that is proving their point. I pause for a moment looking deep into my moons eyes, their beautiful patchy skin. How have I not noticed how fantastically amazing they are?
I focus my attention on the universe around me. The stars rushing around spreading joy to humans with their sparkle. I look back at my moon once again and sigh.
“I am sorry you know, I truly mean it.” I say breathing a wind sigh of relief.
Unusually, my moon is not hostile or angry but just smiles right back at me.
“Let’s do this together. We can survive if we have each other’s spheres.”
I nod firmly. For the next few while I spin on my axis we help stars that come to us make sense of their very special life and reason to be in the universe. Together, we are a little less lone than we were last year.
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Once the power comes back on, Gwen forces the doors open. Laying a puddle of blood in the centre of the cells, is Rhys Williams. Gwen collapses onto the floor next to him, pulling his body into her arms. Sophie stays, frozen in the doorway, seeing a different body than that of Rhys. She blinks a few times, and shakes her head. Taking a few deep breaths, she places a comforting hand on the Welshwoman's shoulder.
Jack picks up Rhys' body, while Sophie assists Gwen down toward the autopsy room. Jack lays the man on one of the tables, and assists Gwen onto a stool. Her face is blank, and she looks lost. Tosh and Ianto file in as well, lining the wall.
The Captain begins to carefully scrub the blood off of the woman's hands, as she stares at her boyfriend's body.
"I'll have to tell his family," she states, lifelessly.
"We'll deal with it."
"The way you dealt with that porter the first time I met you? No, you won't deal with him, Ianto."
"Gwen, I'm so sorry," Tosh offers,
She laughs, "You never even met him. This is what happens here. We all end up alone." She smiles, "Not me," she stands from her seat, "No way. You bring him back."
"No," Jack states, turning away.
Sophie steps around the Captain, "Gwen, I understand what you're going through, okay. I just lost my best friend a few months ago. But, you have to understand, everything has a time, and everything ends. And that is always sad, but everything always begins again too, and that's happy. It'll take time, but there is nothing that can be done now."
"No," she says, brushing off the comments, "there's something wrong with time, so er, we, we can go back to the moment, to the very moment–" Jack cuts her off, while sweeping Sophie behind him. The Welshwoman, in her grief, lunges at Jack, "There's something you can do, otherwise what's the f*cking point of you!" She starts to shake him by the collar, "You, you bring him back! Bring him back. You bring him back. Do you understand me, Jack f*cking Harkness!"
Jack carefully grabs her arms, wrapping his around her, keeping her still. "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry."
The woman gives up her protests, falling limp in Jack's arms. At that moment, Owen enters the autopsy room, "Oh, sh*t. What happened?" He ignores Tosh and Ianto, attempting to take Gwen into his arms. She shoves away, and goes back over to Rhys. "How many other people have got to suffer?" the doctor asks, glaring at Jack, "I'm gonna fix this. I'm opening the rift."
He starts up the stairs, and almost immediately, Ianto and Tosh go to follow him. Jack watches them ascend the stairs, "Make sure you stop him."
Ianto freezes, and turns back to face him, "No."
"We're gonna help him," Tosh adds.
Gwen rushes away from her boyfriend's body, "Bilis was right. He said open the Rift and everything goes back to normal. Owen's right. I'm going to get Rhys back," and she rushes up the stairs as well.
Jack turns to find Sophie still at his side, "What, you aren't going to help them?"
"Hmm?" she asks. "No. The Doctor warned me. Said if the Rift is fully opened, more destruction than has ever been seen may befall the earth. Said that the Silurians had a legend about it as well. And all legends–"
"Have a semblance of truth," the Captain finishes. "We have to stop them."
"Thanks, Captain Obvious."
He glances over at her, "It's Captain Harkness actually." He then takes off up the stairs, Sophie right on his heels. As soon as he touches the landing, he calls out, "Get away from the computer, Gwen."
They all turn to look at the duo, "Jack," Owen says, and gestures to Gwen.
The Captain rolls his eyes, "This is a trap. All these cracks around the world, they're diversions. This is what Bilis wants."
"What are you afraid of, Jack?" the doctor asks.
Sophie opens her mouth to speak up, but Jack shakes his head, and she slips backwards, letting him take the lead. When it becomes clear that they aren't moving, Jack sighs, and pulls out his revolver, aiming it at Owen, "I said move." Sophie can see the tears forming in his eyes, but she knows that he won't hesitate if need be. When they don't move from the computer, Jack reiterates, "Final warning."
Gwen takes a step away from the rift manipulator, "Come on, Jack."
"You're a united front now?" he sighs, "Toshiko, the poor girl who'll screw any passing alien that gives her a pendant? Owen, so strong he gets in a cage with a Weevil, desperate to be mauled. Or Ianto, hiding his cyber-girlfriend in the basement. Your three comrades here pumped bullets into her, remember?"
"I've got to get Rhys back," Gwen tells him, and Sophie can see the pain on her face.
"Yeah, cause you're so in love with Rhys that you spend half your time in Owen's bed."
Gwen reacts, punching Jack so hard, he falls to the ground, his gun flying from his hands. Owen scoops it off the floor, and aims it at Jack, "We're relieving you of your command, Captain. We're opening that Rift and getting back what we lost." Jack squares his shoulders, and moves to stand back up. Owen points the weapon more forcefully, "Stay down."
"You're in charge, Owen?" Jack asks, and starts to force himself up, "You've gotta have significantly bigger balls." He reaches his full height, and Owen presses the trigger. The bullet makes its landing right between Jack's eyes, and he crashes to the floor. The doctor then turns, and aims the pistol at Sophie.
She freezes, raising her hands in a placating manner. She takes her gaze off the barrel of the weapon, meeting Owen's eyes instead. Ianto gently grabs Owen's wrist, while in the same move, handcuffing Sophie to the railing behind the Rift Manipulator. She struggles against the cuffs, "Don't do this. You have no idea what the ramifications of opening this rift could be. You could destroy the world."
The doctor turns on her, the pistol butt raised in the air. He sees it swing toward her, and then everything goes to black.
0 notes
lizzie-is-here · 2 years
girls just wanna have fun
part ii- mariposa
“i can’t wait for you to come my way”
wordcount: 2.9k
warnings: cussing, avengers very poorly faking the internship, brief mentions of: underage drinking, drug use, drugging someone’s drink, violence
a/n: reader is smarter than they planned for lol 👀 also this is more filler, but i’m super excited to write the party scene. enjoy 🤍
taglist: @faiirybread @softasha @edgycatx @happy-nico @local-mr-frog @minimarkive @softyutae
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You were always early. To literally everything. School, sporting events, parties… And now, meeting your crush for lunch. Maybe it was a habit instilled by your business-oriented parents, but you arrived at the cafe the next morning at 10:27. Peter and you both agreed to meet at 11:00.
What you didn’t expect was for him to already be there, sitting on a bench and fixing up his hair.
“Um. Hi, Peter,” you say. He jumps, whipping around to spot you.
“Oh, hey (Y/N). Do you- do you always get places early?” he asks awkwardly, stumbling over his words. You smile.
“Yeah. I see you do too?” He nods before jerking a thumb at the cafe’s doors.
“Um… You look really nice,” he stutters, rubbing the back of his neck. “The line isn’t too long if you’re ready to order.”
You peruse the bakery for a while, with Peter choosing a simple iced latte. When you ask him if he’s getting breakfast, he declines.
“I didn’t bring too much money. Don’t wanna spend more than I can save.” Hmm. He was money-smart, unlike the boys at your school that tended to blow any paycheck they got on random shit. Nonetheless, when Peter’s stomach grumbles, you laugh and lift your own purse.
“I’ll pay, Peter,” you offer, grabbing a twenty and a ten. “Get whatever you want.”
“Oh, no, I really couldn’t-“ You grab his shoulders, sternly turning him towards you.
“Peter. My monthly allowance is higher than I’d like to admit. I don’t need any extra money. I can pay.” He reluctantly nods, picking out a breakfast sandwich before you order an açaí bowl and a matcha latte. You pay, generously tipping the young girl with a brilliant smile that leaves her blinking for a few moments after you step away.
As you and Peter grab your order and sit down at a table, you take in the people coming and going. Some rush to wherever their destination is, while others stumble along, barely awake and with bags under their eyes. You check the time. Avengers Tower isn’t too far away, but you have plenty of time. However, Peter mentions that he wants to get there even earlier to get some equipment set up in the lab.
“God, it’s so cool that you have this internship. I hope you don’t mind me jumping on the opportunity,” you say, sipping your drink. The teen shakes his head with an easy smile.
“No, it's totally fine. It’ll be nice to have a- someone else… from school… Ya know, working there too.” You scrunch your nose, smiling as he turns four different shades of red. When he seems to be discouraged by your silence, you pat his arm.
“Peter, you can call us friends. I’d like to be friends with you.” The sound he makes is almost a squeak, but you ignore it in favor of making your way through your food. With anyone else, the silence would be awkward. But with Peter, it feels… natural. Like you could both just coexist without needing to exchange words to enjoy each other’s company. It’s a while before he manages to talk again.
“I really liked the football, rush-thing, whatever, that you did yesterday. It actually almost made me excited to watch Flash wear pants two sizes too small.” You laugh, garnering some glances.
“I thought I was the only one who noticed,” you giggle, remembering all of the times you saw far more of Flash Thompson’s ass crack than you’d ever intended. “The other football guys don’t like him.”
“Really?” Peter asks, mouth full. “I always thought they were all like him.” You wave a hand, shrugging.
“They’re just hyperactive, but most of them are chill.” Your phone buzzes with a call, and as your lock screen lights up, you see dozens of notifications. With a roll of your eyes, you silence the call, returning your full attention to the boy sitting across from you.
His eyes are wide, and he keeps glancing at your phone. “Are you… not gonna answer it?” You shake your head, making a slight face.
“Nah. It’s just some friends harassing me about Matthew’s dumb party tonight. Apparently it’s gonna be a banger.”
“Are you going?”
“Undecided. What about you?”
Peter stammers. “I- I don’t really get… invited to those things.” Your jaw drops.
“You’ve never been invited to a party?” He shakes his head and you lean back in your seat.
He frowns. “Is that, like, bad? Or…?”
“No! No,” you jump forward, leaning against the table. Then, you remember Dawson’s idea. “Do you wanna go to the one tonight?”
Peter thinks about it, and you can practically see the gears turning in his brain. And he’s just grateful you can’t read minds and hear how thrilled he is. His crush. Just invited him. To a party. Honestly, he doesn’t care if the party is in a dumpster behind that one trashy diner a block from his apartment. He’d go anyway.
Countless questions are running rampant through his mind. ‘What do I wear?’ ‘Is there alcohol?’ ‘How do I pretend I know how to take a shot?’ His train of thought is off-the-rails before he remembers that you’re still waiting on an answer.
“Yeah. Sure. That sounds amazing.”
If you were anyone else walking into Avengers Tower, you would be intimidated. But years of practice truly did make perfect, and you greeted the receptionist politely before Peter led you to the lounge floor.
You straighten your top one last time, applying a last layer of gloss. When the elevator doors ding and open, you’re met with a bustling group of superheroes.
Steve Rogers, James Barnes, and Sam Wilson sit at the counter, the latter two arguing as Captain America tries to mediate.
Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Vision and Wanda Maximoff are on the massive couch. The witch is floating glasses in the air. The Black Widow seems to be the only one to spot you coming in.
A few other Avengers are scattered around the room. It’s almost overwhelming. Almost.
“Hey, everyone, meet the new kid.” Tony Stark appears from behind the fridge, closing the door with a glass of juice in his hand. A few greetings are thrown your way, and the genius billionaire waves a clipboard of papers. “You ready to sign these?”
You nod, and to your surprise, he throws the papers down on a table in the middle of the living room. Peter groans from where he’s standing next to you.
“God, I’m sorry. He did this to me too-“
“Hush, Parker,” Tony says, gesturing for everyone to sit down. You sit in the middle of the couch, staying cool as the world’s greatest superheroes settle in for your interview. This was weird. “Introduce yourself, tell us some things about you.”
You straighten your posture, keeping all of your public speaking lessons in mind. “My name is (Y/N) (L/N), I’m 17. I go to Midtown Tech, and I’m the co-captain of the Decathlon Team, I’m the class president, and my GPA is 4.0. I take all AP courses and also play several instruments in their concert band. My ACT score is a 35, and I’ve passed all of my AP exams with 5s. I’m set to take the SAT in a month.”
The group nods, although a few exchange looks of mild panic. Suspicious.
“What about extracurriculars?” Ms. Romanoff asks.
“I’ve done gymnastics and figure skating since I was five, but recently stopped competing. When I did compete, I won state for both. I also have taken self-defense lessons.” You don’t mention that the only reason you took those self-defense lessons was because your parents didn’t want to leave you alone without some form of protection.
“You’ve got an impressive resume, kid,” Sam Wilson nods. “Look through these papers and I’d say you’ve got the job.”
This doesn’t feel right. It feels too easy.
“Is this a test?” you ask, tilting your head. You notice Steve Rogers go a few shades paler and Sergeant Barnes snicker under his breath. This has to be a test.
Tony waves his hands. “Great job, kid. You caught them.” He shakes your hand. “You were absolutely right; it was a test. And you just got the job.” He shoved the papers towards you.
You dutifully fill them out, pausing to pull your social security card from your purse as you fill out line after line. You hesitate when you get to emergency contacts. Your parents aren’t ever home, so could you even list them?
A few of the team members notice your internal dilemma.
“You put your parents or guardians there. Just in case something happens,” Vision explains, his voice kind and patient. “You… do have parents?”
Wanda lightly scolds him. “Vis,” she whispers, “You can’t ask her that.”
“Oh, no it’s fine,” you say. “They’re just… out. A lot. Most of the time.” You repeatedly correct yourself, hands slightly clamming up. “Ya know, business and other such things.”
“That’s where I know you,” Tony announces, snapping his fingers. “Your dad heads that research board out in Silicon Valley right? And your mom owns that big-shot publishing company down in Florida?” You nod.
“They’re at the apartment maybe… once every week or so? Sometimes together, but most of the time their schedules overlap. I’m pretty self-sufficient.” You take the opportunity to hype yourself up.
“Well, kid, you’re always welcome at the tower.” You smile, genuine and not just a polite-slash-awkward gesture. For as famous as these people are, they’re more welcoming than any adults you’ve interacted with in a long time.
Once you finish signing the papers, Mr. Stark hands them to you. “Would you care to run these down to the receptionist?” You? Alright. You take them with a nod, ignoring the odd request and writing off as the billionaire’s eccentricity. As soon as you’re out of earshot, the Avengers scramble into a huddle.
“This isn’t working; she can tell something’s up,” Natasha says, causing a few people to nod and others to groan. You’re more perceptive than they planned for.
Sam glares at Peter. “You know, when you said she was the top of your class you didn’t mention that she’s practically a genius,” he snaps.
“My school literally is dedicated to higher-level education,” Peter sighs. “How could you not know?”
“Whatever,” the Black Widow snaps. “We need to be more convincing. She doesn’t buy it and, honestly? I don’t blame her. You all are horrible actors.”
“Ouch,” Clint monotones, sipping his coffee.
“So… What is she even interning for?” Steve asks. Tony freezes, uncharacteristically silent. The super-soldier gapes. “You don’t know?”
“Well, in my defense-“
The elevator opens and you step out, a slight bounce in your step. “So,” you say, approaching the group. “What now?”
“Peter here is going to give you a tour, and then you’ll be done for the day,” Tony improvises. He rests both hands on Peter’s shoulders in a silent message. ‘Just play along.’
“I am?” Peter is very bad at reading silent messages.
“Yep!” The teen’s eyes widen as he realizes the plan.
“Oh, yeah. Yeah I’m giving you a tour.” You smile, allowing him to take the lead as he explains everything about the tower, from the names of the receptionists to the snacks in the pantry.
It’s ten minutes before he’s done talking about the lounge floor and leads you into the elevator to visit the training floor.
“God, he’s stupid,” Bucky mumbles behind a mouthful of chips.
Wanda shrugs, narrowing her eyes as she considers your interactions. How you fiddled with your rings as Peter talked. How your smiles seemed just a bit bigger when he made a joke or told some off-topic story about even the most mundane days at the tower. “I think she likes him.”
“Likes that he’s stupid?”
“And this… is my favorite part about the entire Avengers Tower.” Peter had been leading you and giving you a full tour for over an hour now, and you were enthralled. He had a talent for storytelling, and each room seemed to have a story for him to tell.
Now, he pushes open a door to a stairwell, ushering you up the stairs and asking FRIDAY, the building’s intuitive AI, to unlock the door.
The view is truly to die for.
Even if the tower isn’t as tall as the Empire State Building, it’s still high enough to take your breath away. Wind whistles around you and you sigh, basking in the sun as the sounds of the busiest city in America surround you on all sides.
It’s all encompassing. And yet, it feels insignificant when you hear Peter’s phone shutter.
“Sorry,” he says, waving the phone. “You just looked so… I don’t know. It’s a really good picture.” He shows you. It is really good.
“I never knew you had a talent for photography,” you tease, bumping him with your hip. He flushes. You both go to sit down on the ledge, and you swing your legs. The height doesn’t bother you, and yet, you feel butterflies in your stomach.
“Um… About the party,” Peter begins, picking at the edge of his t-shirt. “What should I expect?” You laugh, laying down.
“Well, it is Matthew who’s throwing it, so expect alcohol. Some of the best; his dad’s a connoisseur. You don’t have to drink if you don’t want to.” He nods, mentally taking notes.
“There shouldn’t be any hard drugs. Weed at the most. He also invited that nearby school… What’s it called? Oh, yeah, Baxter. And those kids can get crazy. Don’t pick fights, but don’t try to stop one either. If someone bleeds, we get the hell out of dodge. And pour your own drinks.”
“What, why?” He’s so sweet it almost hurts.
You hold up one finger. “Rule #1. Don’t trust anyone with your drink unless you’d trust them with your life. It’s too easy to drug someone these days.”
You both stay silent for a moment, enjoying the pleasant weather. An especially aggressive car horn blares on the street below you. A flock of pigeons passes, probably shitting all over the place.
“Thank you for showing me around,” you say, turning to face Peter where he lays a short bit away from you.
He smiles, and it's like sunshine. Goddamn it. He’s so cute he’s making you spew metaphors. Your AP English brain pauses to correct yourself on such a simple mistake. Similes. You’re spewing similes. “It’s no problem. You’re really easy to be around,” he says, pausing to think for a moment. “If- if you ever want to stop by for dinner, my aunt would be happy to have you over.”
“That’s probably the nicest offer anyone’s made in a while, Peter.” You’re beaming, biting your lip before looking away. “I just might take you up on that.” When you check the time, you sigh. “Guess I’d better start heading home. If you want, we could meet up before the party? I’m probably gonna walk since it’s only a few blocks away. In that little suburbian area sort of thing?”
“Yeah! Yeah, that’s cool. I’ll see you then.”
It takes you approximately 4 minutes and 37 seconds to get out of the tower and far enough away to squeal in excitement. You spin in a circle in the middle of the sidewalk, blushing as you recount every detail from the past two hours or so. It takes you another 23 minutes to get home, and when you do, you immediately begin putting together an outfit.
In these 27 minutes, Peter Parker is completely freaking out. He knows nothing about high-school parties, and to his shock, neither does the team. He’s pacing in front of them, a slideshow presentation projected on the TV.
“If I wear a t-shirt, she might think I’m not excited to go with her. But I can’t wear a button-down or something. Too uptight.” The world’s mightiest superheroes are sprawled across the couch, jotting down notes and brainstorming ideas to help out their youngest member.
And while the room contains national war heroes, master assassins, a genius, and a literal AI, it takes them ten minutes before Natasha sits up abruptly.
“I’ve got it,” she pipes up. “A sweatshirt. Boom, I’m a genius.” She drops her pen and pad on the floor, sitting back with a proud smirk on her face. “But wear a t-shirt underneath it, so when she inevitably gets cold, you can give her your sweatshirt to wear.”
Applause echoes from a few members of the team. Peter takes a deep breath. “Alright, that’s the plan. I’ll run home, get ready, and fill May in.”
Yes, it took you an hour to pick an outfit. In the end, you simply threw a pair of ripped jeans with the corset top you were already wearing, spraying a ludicrous amount of sweet-smelling perfume on.
Did Peter have to know that? No. He’d texted you an hour after you got home, checking where you wanted to meet and what time.
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When he shows up at your doorstep just as planned and you open the door, he chokes on air. As he sputters in your hallway, you lock your apartment, beginning the short walk to the party. You hear it before you see it. Loud conversations, trashy pop music, and occasional cheers echo down the dimly-lit street, Lights shine from the home and booming speakers send soundwaves through your body, reverberating in the very core of your being.
Outside of the house, you reach for Peter’s hand. You smirk, jerking your head towards the door.
“You ready?” you ask.
“For what?”
You open the door, flooding your senses with lights, music, and the overwhelming stench of alcohol. A few friends spot you, cheering as a form of drunken greeting,
You turn to Peter, offering an outstretched hand. He takes it, hand shaking.
“I’m gonna teach you how to party.”
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luvyanfei · 4 years
anon said. ooo a new blog! can you do confession headcanons where xiao, childe, and scaramouche react to reader confessing to them and the aftermath of it? thank you!  
a/n. xiao’s is kind of terrible ;; ue ue gomenasai
“i love you, [character’s name].”
huh? is this some kind of a joke? if so, it’s definitely not a good idea to mess with his feelings like this, especially when he also shares the same sentiment. scaramouche is almost impressed by your boldness. not everyone has the nerve to confess their love for a harbinger in front of their own faces, after all. when he’s hit with the realization that you’re serious, he secretly pinches himself to make sure he’s not in a dream.
the sharp pain that comes with his nails making contact with his flesh affirms that this is real. he stifles back a genuine smile, choosing to stay calm despite the bliss he’s currently feeling. “i guess it can’t be helped. hmph, you should be lucky i’m rather fond of you as well, [name].” he says that, but he’s the fortunate one to have successfully stolen your heart before others can claim you for themselves.
unfortunately, his time with you is quite limited due to his affiliation with the fatui, so any fleeting moments are captured in photos from the kamera to look back on. he secretly carries a picture of you while he’s out of town on important missions so that he won’t miss you too badly. he fondly looks at your still, yet smiling face to cheer him up after a tough work while everyone else is asleep. well, almost everyone.  
“hmm, who’s that in your hands, scaramouche?” childe asks, gesturing to the photo the harbinger is admiring fondly. scaramouche rolls his eyes to hide his slight embarrassment and hesitates a bit before he answers.  
“oh them? their name is [name], my... sibling.” childe almost gapes in disbelief as he looks at the blue-haired man in shock. 
“you have a sibling? why didn’t you tell me? they’re so cute!” the 11th harbinger squeals in delight, which honestly irks poor scaramouche. he scoots away to give himself some space as he tucks the picture in his pocket for safe-keeping. 
“you didn’t bother to,” he explains matter-of-factly. “now if you’ll excuse me,” he stands up from his crouched position and dusts himself, “i’m going to take a walk, alone.” 
he wanders through a dark forest and grassy fields, until he finds himself standing on top of a cliff, the moon glowing brightly above. he peers up at the twinkling stars in the sky and imagines you beside him, watching the breathtaking view together. humming an unfamiliar tune to himself, scaramouche muses over the past and replays your confession over and over again. if he could, he would respond differently than he did before. 
‘i love you.’ those three letter words echo in his ears like a melody and he allows himself to smile. 
“i love you too, [name].” 
he automatically perks up an eyebrow in confusion. what? is it just him or did you seriously admitted you love him? xiao stammers for a brief second, no words spilling out from his partially open mouth. what is he supposed to say? “thank you?” “i love you too?” 
when he pulls himself together, xiao shakes his head and frowns. his answer is clear and simple: no. you mortals don’t understand just how dangerous it is to get close with someone like him - a yaksha. drowning in the brink of debt and despair, he doesn’t need you to suffer all the same. the dejected expression on your face pains him to a considerable degree, yet he convinces himself, this is for your own good. 
since then, he avoids you like the plague in hopes that your feelings for him will disperse into flames. you deserve someone better, someone who won’t place you in harm’s way, someone unlike him. out of kindness, you still visit him from time to time while you go and do your daily commissions, but your interaction is heavily tense and an air of discomfort seeps through your gaze. why does his chest hurt as if he was impaled with a knife and so much more when you look at him like that? the thought of breaking down and revealing the truth that he’s also in love with you tempts him eagerly, but his pride and anxiety tides over his desires. 
you, on the other hand, is aware that xiao harbors feelings for you. you discovered this secret of his when you climbed the stairs to the spot on the balcony where he was to surprise him with a greeting, but your ears captured a faint voice in the night breeze and you couldn’t stop yourself from eavesdropping on the little conversation xiao was having with himself. he muttered about “rex lapis”, the fate of liyue, and etc. you were about to leave him to his own devices, but the next words he said stopped you in your tracks. 
“will [name] accept me if i say i love them? probably not, i suppose.” you left before he could spare a glance in your direction and a smile graced your features as you happily walked away. and being the persistent individual that you are, you inquire verr on why he’s acting so cold towards you, desperate to seek the answer you need. “xiao is, as you’re well aware, a yaksha who’s experienced hardships throughout his life, and probably lost loved ones along the way. i’m sure,” she turns to look at the setting sun in melancholy, “he doesn’t want to hurt anyone important to him again.”
you plan ahead of time for the best way to approach him without giving him any chance to escape. unfortunately, this is the only thing you can think of as you place a hand on either side of his head, trapping him between you and the wall. xiao looks at you curiously, devoid of amusement. he crosses his arms and frowns. 
“what are you doing?” your hands twitch and you chew on your bottom lip nervously before you explain yourself.
“i heard from verr why you’ve been giving me the cold shoulder, that you don’t want to hurt anyone important to you, but...” you trail off to blink back the tears threatening to burst. 
“it hurts, when you ignore me like this.” your voice is quiet enough that he needs to step closer to hear you. “it hurts how selfless you are. can’t you be selfish just once? i meant what i said and i’ll say it again. i love you.” 
xiao stammers, at a loss for words, before he starts sniffling and buries himself in your arms, crying out apologies as you stroke the back of his hair and gives a closed-eye smile. “it’s okay, xiao. i’m sorry too, for not realizing how much you’ve been suffering by yourself. you don’t have to carry the burden alone anymore,” you say, looking into his tear-filled eyes, “i will always be here with you, no matter what path you choose to take.” 
“even if that path may eventually hurt you?” he whispers in a cracked voice, fingers curling around your sleeves. you nod. 
“it’s worth the pain as long as i can hold you in my arms, like this.” he chokes out a bitter chuckle and wipes away the glistening tears. 
“i love you too, [name].” 
the harbinger blinks his cerulean eyes once, then twice, and... you find yourself pulled into his arms, as his lips uplift into a jovial smile. “really? you love me? [name], i had no idea you held such deep admiration for me.” you playfully roll your eyes and chuckle as you wrap your own arms around his body, fondly reciprocating his affection.
he’s the fastest to accept your confession than the other two men. you’d bet he would scamper to where he’s staying at to tell every grain of detail to his adoring relatives. 
he writes letters to his siblings about your daily dates and the progress you two are making in your relationship. they tease him for the most part, but they’re happy that he’s found the love of his life and requests that he bring you along with him on his next visit. childe smiles in relief, content that they accept you already despite never meeting you and he asks you if you’d like to come with him to his home country where you can introduce yourself to his family. without hesitation, you agree instantly, eager to meet the siblings he gushes about. 
snezhnaya is colder than you thought, as you hug yourself to preserve your warmth, even with the layers of clothing wrapped around you. “we’re almost there, [name].” childe notices your trembling and rubs his gloved hands against your back. “sorry, it’s a bit chilly here, but please bear with me.” 
you nod and continue on. when a building enters your field of sight, childe stops and grins shyly at you. “this is the place.” breath materializes in front of you as he gestures for you to head on in. almost immediately are you greeted with a little embrace as a young boy wraps his fingers around your waist and grins up at you. 
“so you’re the one who big brother said he’s in love with? have you kissed before? when is your wedding?” the child bombards you with questions excitedly and a girl has to pull him away from you, tonia, you guess. 
“teucer,” childe scolds gently, a light blush colouring his cheeks, which does not go unnoticed in his siblings’ eyes, unfortunately for him. 
a wedding, huh? seeing the sparkle in your eyes, the laughter in your voice, and the warmth of your touch as you idly chat with his siblings makes him hope, that maybe in the distant future, he’ll brave himself to take the next step to further deepen your relationship, for he wants to be with you always. 
as he tucks away the last sleeping child, childe wanders in to your shared bedroom, surprised you’re still awake. “you really love them a lot, huh childe?” he nods seriously, as you pull him to lie down comfortably into bed. 
“but do you know something else?” his breath tickles your ear as he intertwines his fingers with yours, offering a meek smile. you shake your head and nuzzle closer to him. 
“i love you too, [name].” 
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