#and they're all staying at a suite rn
zhi8te · 1 year
* / @keo8te sent : where have you been hiding ? ♤
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" nowhere in particular. in a corner. in the shadows. underneath i - seul's left boob. ” this is uncharacteristic of her — lucy rarely answers a question with anything but the answer itself, but the sleep deprivation and starvation had gotten to her. not to mention the lingering stress and pressure from her home country finally cracking down on her. it hit like a thousand waves of electric jolts, a snap hitting her back until she's down on her knees with no other choice but to succumb. her muscles are sore from the forced stretches — still not flexible enough, despite their current set of dance routines not calling for anything more than a high kick. it's seven in the morning, two hours later than they all would usually start the day. but she's yet to sleep, and it shows. blink and she resembles a ghost, a broken skeleton of a tree : decaying and withering in the fall without its leaves, all skin and branches. lucy doesn't stray from the group, but when she does, she can only imagine the domino effect it sets off. she slinks over the edge of his bed, the mattress softer than the ones back at the company dorm. “ can you make some porridge ? with the egg and pork ? ” she asks this in thai, a slow grin taking over her features.
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stiffyck · 6 months
I’ve been having a bit of a headache dealing with family giving me shit for being aro ace lol. If you have any qpr/aroace headcanons - desert duo or elven duo - it would rlly make my day, if you want! Feel free to answer this or not
Oh absolutely.
Desert duo:
Scar would realise he's aroace after he started dating Grian. He's always thought you sort of "pick" your crush. He'd see someone good looking and ask himself:
"Does this person give me butterflies in my stomach? Do I want to date them? Do I want to kiss them?" And he'd never really know the answer. The idea of dating the person usually didn't seem appealing and kissing them even less so. And he never knew what the butterflies in his stomach means. How would that feel like? How would he know that's what he's feeling?
So when he meets Grian and they become friends Scar thinks he might have a crush on him. He thinks that he's very close with Grian and that this is the closest feeling to what the others described as a crush.
So they start dating. But Scar doesn't really like that. He likes cuddling and holding hands but he doesn't like all the other romantic stuff.
They talk. Grian suggests Scar looks into what being aromantic and asexual means.
Maybe they stop dating, maybe they don't. That's honestly up to you!
Grian is fine with just cheek kisses and hand holding and cuddles. He doesn't need more from Scar. So they could still happily stay as partners.
I think Scar would love being on hermitcraft because the hermits value platonic relationships just as much as they do romantic ones.
Grian loves that too. Grian can be aroace too, depends on how you wanna see it.
QPP desert duo would hold hands and cuddle a lot. Scar is clingy.
Grian is usually stubborn and does not want to admit that hes clingy too. He likes when Scar randomly comes over and just hugs him from behind maybe or if hes sitting Scar will sit on his lap or lay across him. Scar just likes to spend time with Grian even if they dont talk- he'll just watch Grian work in silence. And if he can hold Grians hand or hug him or somehow cuddle him while he works? even better.
Grian loves playing with Scars hair.
Grian also loves to read-
he will lie on his bed with Scar holding onto his middle while he reads. if Scar is awake, Grian will read out loud to him.
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Grian loves when Scar presses kisses in his hair. Scar loves when Grian kisses his nose or his cheeks.
Elven duo:
they love gossipping while doing each others hair. Gem loves braiding Scars hair and Scar loves adding all sorts of accesories to Gems hair.
One of them will stop by the others base to ramble about one thing or another while the other listens and continues with their work.
They're not very keen on handholding but they will absolutely lean on one another and hug.
They like to fight! Scar might not be the best at pvp but he's getting better and fighting with Gem is awlays fun.
They both like to dress up together. Scar has plenty of fancy suits and dresses and he lets Gem raid his dresser occasionally so they can both dress up just for fun.
That also usually leads to them dancing. Scar constantly trips over his feet but is otherwise a great dancer. Gem finds it sweet.
They love watching movies all cuddled up together in a pile of blankets with Jellie. They comment on the stupid stuff that happens in the movie. They love complaining!
Okay thats all i got rn! I hope your family gets their heads out of their asses and i hope you survive the rest of the holidays!
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could I request a very fluffy keith x reader headcanons where they're having a bonding moment (hehe, I cradled you into my arms) because they ended up on a planet during a mission and are waiting for rescue? you don't have to do this if you don't like it of course!
HELLO YOU ARE MY FIRST REQUEST ANON AND ILYSM 🥰 yes I love love love this idea. Also, i had a hard time writing this as headcanons so I decided to write it as like a headcanon/imagine hybrid kinda thing. I hope that’s cool… sorry I’m new to writing this stuff. ALSO this turned out so long I got carried away soRRYYY. Enjoy~
Ps: plz plz plz request more. Somebody, anybody? Thnx 💋
So…y’all are stuck on a planet where the atmosphere is mostly made up of sulfur so it’s not breathable for humans like you
Keith would be pacing non stop, trying to get in contact with the team. He’s so mad his face is nearly as red as his armor.
You are much less worried, knowing that brainiac Pidge would find y’all eventually
It was supposed to be an easy mission, just responding to a distress signal. You and Keith were sent together bc you two work really well together, but when the galra swooped in, you knew it was a setup to steal the red lion.
Of course, Keith took them all out but not without red taking a couple heavy blows
Red needed to rest now that the imminent threat had been neutralized. The lion fought hard without help from the others and would not respond to either of you…and Keith was not handling it well
“C’mon red! You’re gonna give up on me now?! Ugh, you really are the most temperamental lion! You’re such a brat…”
The tense but strong chemistry between Keith and his lion was always something that intrigued you. They really were meant to be.
He eventually gives up trying to talk to red, sitting beside you on the ground.
You and Keith weren’t really close but you trained together nearly every day and you physically complimented each other very well. You always had each others back.
Besides training, you didn’t see him all that much. He likes to skip meals and take late night showers. It’s almost like he’s been avoiding you for a while now
With you around, Keith is all bite and no bark. Sure, he’ll grab and push you around while training but actually having a conversation with you??? Hell nah. Keith no likey talking.
He usually corrects the others’ form and posture and gives advice when training with the them, but not with you. Instead he gives you a lot of thumbs up and small, proud smirks.
Whenever you try to talk to him, you’re lucky if you get any words out of him. Usually, it’s just hums of agreement or head nods.
You think Keith doesn’t like you or finds you annoying with how quiet he is around you
Not having the same armor as the paladins, you were finding your suit to be too thin for the climate on this planet. You were shivering.
Keith notices this immediately but stays still, unsure of how to help you. If he had his jacket rn, he’d totally toss it at you nonchalantly
And suddenly he’s grabbing your hand and pulling you off the ground and along with him.
“Where are we going?” He doesn’t respond, just let’s your hand go but keeps walking, expecting you to follow and you do.
He glances back to check that you’re still there and notices you limping ever so slightly. You’re trying not to let him see this bc you don’t want to piss him off more than he already is.
With Keith piloting, there was no where for you to be in his lion besides standing behind his chair. As he dodged attacks from the galra, you had been thrown around a bit.
He stops walking, making you nearly crash into the back of him.
He turns to you, refusing to even look at you before he sighs loudly. You feel guilty, not wanting to burden him with taking care of you.
“You’re hurt.” “No I’m fine.” “No, you’re limping.” “It’s fine, I can keep walking.”
He turns his back to you and just stands there, hands at his sides. You’re unsure of what to do or say until he looks back at you with a straight face.
“Hop on my back.” “No, Keith. I can walk.” “Just let me carry you.” “No. I said I’m fine. Really, I-“ He cuts you off.
“God dammit, (Y/N), you’re just as stubborn as red! You’re limping and you’re shivering and you’re lying to my face about it. I can tell you need some help, IM OFFERING YOU HELP. Now let me give you a lift to some shelter or SO HELP ME-“
You’re stunned, not because he was lowkey being an ass but because he’s never said so many words to you at one time.
Keith is the epitome of “if a boy is being mean or bullying you, it’s bc he likes you”
He’s talking to you like he was when he first found the red lion and was like “it’s me…Keith. I AM YOUR P A L A D I N.”
Mf is lowkey so mean to you sometimes but he’s not trying to be mean, you just make him feel weird and tingly inside and it embarrasses him and that makes him mad. He’s mad that he doesn’t know how to properly communicate with you without sounding stupid. He’s mad at himself, not at you tho
Dude just doesn’t know how to deal with his feelings
You hop up on his back, quickly wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. His hands grip the back of your knees and he trudges forward.
He carries you until he finds a small dim cave, hoping the shelter would keep you warm. He lets go of your legs without warning, making you slip off him. As you land on your feet, you hiss at the pain in your knee.
As he turns to you, you can barely see him but his face looks different now.
You can see his eyes are wide and his mouth is slightly hanging open
He never looks you in the eye and always has an annoyed and smug look on his face when you’re around. So seeing his face soften with concern and guilt for YOU made you freeze up.
“S-sorry.” He mumbles before holding out his hand to you. You’re confused like ??? What is this? What do you want me to do with this?
If there were more light in here, you’d see his face turning red as he’s stepping closer to you until you’re side by side. He slips his arm around your waist and gently lowers you to the ground.
As your butt meets the ground, you stretch out your leg and rub your knee, huffing in pain. Now that he knew you were hurt, no reason to act like you weren’t.
He sat along side you, your bodies still up against each other. He moves his arm from your waist to your shoulders, pulling you close.
Keith never touched you unless you were training together or you were in danger and needed his help so this physical contact with him made your heart go AFTHNJDFH ❤️‍🔥
The piggy back ride and the helping you to the ground were normal for him but him holding you close like this…omfg
Keith is slowly shutting down from embarrassment and nervousness. You can hear his breathing speed up as he’s praying that the others will find y’all soon or he might pass out
You lean into him, shivering still. His hand rubs up and down your arm in an attempt to warm you up.
Noticing that this isn’t working, he lets you go and scoots to sit behind you. He pulls you against his chest as he wraps his arms around you, your arms now pinned under his.
“Thanks.” You say to him before leaning back against him more, letting your head fall back on his shoulder.
Just as you’re getting comfy…
“Keith? Come in, Keith? Hello?”
You can faintly hear Shiro’s voice over the comms in Keith’s helmet. You tilt your head back more to look up at Keith’s face, he looks relieved but slightly disappointed…as if he didn’t want this moment to end so soon.
As he responds, he keeps his arms around you tightly, his hands gently rubbing your upper arms and you just cant look away from him now.
He held you against him for what felt like hours but it was really only like 10 minutes until Lance pokes his head in the cave, a loud “AAWWWW” coming from him.
Keith tilted his head back and let out a loud groan. Of all people to come save y’all…LANCE???
“They’re cold.” “Oh suuurrre.” “THEY ARE! Tell him, (Y/N).” “Yeah, I’m freezing.”
Lance flashes you both a snarky grin before Keith stands, pulling you up slowly.
“Then if it’s no big deal, I can carry (Y/N) back.” “No!” Keith responds quickly before he picks you up bridal style.
You’re surprised he can handle your weight in this position. Sure he was strong but piggy back would’ve been an easier option.
But you weren’t complaining…and neither was he ❤️‍🔥 (and Lance is lowkey like 🥹 as he follows behind you guys)
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mintkookiess · 11 months
Miles Morales headcannons #7
How he would treat you when you're sick
Okay I know I have like reqs on pending, but I wanna be self-indulgent atm cause I have the shittiest case of colds rn but I finally have the energy to post something again, so here you go (๑>ᗜºั)
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The moment you text Miles that you can't go to school cause you're sick, he's already out the classroom
It's quite common for him to skip classes to do Spiderman things, and often times he'd regret it. But when it comes to you? He's ready to drop em all in a heartbeat and would always think it was worth it
It doesn't even matter if it's just colds or cough or something simple, it always sends him in a state of panic and treats it like some life-threatening emergency
Let's go with the headcannon that he is very aware of the love interests of every Spiderman in almost every universe that doesn't really end well
So you best believe he's going to treat you with the utmost care and make sure that nothing every inconveniences you
He'd already be up into his suit and swinging into the drug store and supermarket
As I've mentioned, he deals with this things like you're about to die (you're not) so he grabs all the medicine he could find, even the ones that aren't exactly for whatever sickness you have
And because of this, you have a medicine box full of the many pills and such that he brings to you but weren't exactly needed at the moment (at least you got a lot of supplies right?)
He also buys you snacks, drinks, anything that would get you to eat since he knows people often don't eat when they're sick and he wants to make sure you're well fed and hydrated.
So he goes into your room with a bunch of bags in his hands, and if he sees that you aren't in bed (could be that you're making yourself food, or sitting on the couch or trying to do work despite being sick)????
"Please get in bed." "Miles, I'm fine! What are you—" "YOU'RE LITERALLY DYING JUST GET IN BED." "MILES oh my god—I'M NOT DYING."
Ever since he's become Spiderman, it's quite rare for him to get sick given the boost in his immune system from his powers. So he always ALWAYS confides in his mom but makes her think that you've got some critical illness every single goddamn time.
You have to reassure his mom that you weren't actually on the verge of passing away and that you're just not feeling well and need rest
There's no point in telling him to get back to class, he WILL spend the entire day tending to you and he won't let you do ANYTHING at all by yourself, and if you want to go somewhere around your place, he always has to hold you against him because he fears you might fall or trip or something. (This does not include going to the restroom, but he'd stand by the doorway)
Mans just worried and scared okay?
He also likes to feed you even if you're quite capable of doing so
"My baby is sick okay? Let me take care of you." "Miles, honey, I can eat on my own." "Just say aahh—" "Fucking hell..."
At this point, just let him do it.
Also, he loves to cuddle you up on your bed while you're sick and it's totally fine because he's Spiderman and he doesn't get sick even though you always tell him to scoot away or he'll get sick too (He gets sad when you do this and goes all pouty, pls don't)
Unfortunately for him, being Spiderman isn't guaranteed to keep him sick-free, so he does get your sickness too (if it's infectious)
"Miles... You got colds too?" "What no I don't." "I've been hearing you sneeze all morning, boy don't lie, I told you to stay away for a while." "Babe you know I can't do that."
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Taglist: @ii01vp @laylasbunbunny @missusmorales @fiannee @faeriesberries
(If yall wanna be on the taglist feel free to let me know!)
More of my Miles content here babes!
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yandereloversblog · 2 years
What about Bonten but sort of in a harem situation :0? Do you do that? Cuz I'm really curious about the general dynamic
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╰┈➤ . . . 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚖 𝚍𝚢𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚌 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗 𝙶𝚊𝚗𝚐
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: 𝚃𝚘𝚔𝚢𝚘 𝚁𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚜
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚛𝚘 "𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚢" 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚘, 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚢𝚘 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚣𝚞, 𝚁𝚊𝚗 𝙷𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚒, 𝚁𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚞 𝙷𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚒, 𝙷𝚊𝚓𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙺𝚘𝚔𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚒, 𝙺𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚘, 𝚃𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚘𝚖𝚒 𝙰𝚔𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚒, 𝙺𝚊𝚗𝚓𝚒 𝙼𝚘𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚣𝚞𝚔𝚒
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛, 𝚃𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚌 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛 , 𝚄𝚗𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚝𝚑𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚃𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚌 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚜𝚎𝚝, 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚙𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚛, 𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚅𝚎𝚛𝚋𝚊𝚕 𝚏𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐓𝐲𝐩𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚋𝚋𝚕𝚎-𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2530
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: Of course I do harems, have you seen my wattpad stories?... I mean they're pretty dry rn but they're harem related.
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Let's get one thing out of the way first: Mikey will always place number 1, he's your top priority. If you want something, like to go outside, you go and ask Mikey first. If you genuinely want cuddles Mikey should be your first choice if he's there. Sure maybe one of the other executives found you first, but if Mikey falls for you too that's that; he's number 1, number 2 and 3 are the privileges for the others.
You're not allowed to breath most of the times, Sanzu's overbearing personality and Kakucho's over protectiveness suffocate you to death, Mikey is his own breed as he never tears his eyes off you, even to blink! Though Kakucho's leniency for your happiness cancels some of Sanzu's strict rules and scolding.
Ran and Rindou are always there to provide some sort of activity for you, they make sure you never stay in one place too long. Mochi is like scary dog privileges together with Kakucho, they're your unofficial bodyguards that are on watch 24/7 whenever you go out. But they're a duo that actually let's you have fun and let your leash loose.
Koko and Takeomi are a nice break, they usually just let you just hang around while they work yet they're also the most demanding. Koko always wanting you to wear what he buys and Takeomi just wanting your attention and affection at all cost.
They shower you in gifts, affection basically everything but freedom. A negative is that their hugs are always so tight, your clothes and diet are controlled by them, their kisses always linger for too long, you're always marked with something whether be it clothes, collars or hickeys, not to mention having to deal with the punishments that befall you when you deny them something -depending on the person-
'So how did we come to this.' You thought to yourself, actually, it was hard to even think with the atmosphere in the room. It was suppose to be a normal meeting between the executives and they let you attend because you all were going to go home right after yet Sanzu, like a dumbass, started a brag about how you were Bonten's precious gem, then he said "Now you just need the tattoo." Like you were an animal that was ready to be branded... Everyone assumed Mikey would choose the place where your tattoo was suppose to be, then Mikey presented them with the gasoline to start the fire:
"Wherever they want."
Then they started to argue, yeah that's right, the executives didn't ASK you where you wanted the tattoo. You weren't allowed to pick it as they would be picking for you.
"Can't I choose it?" You sighed out, a little irritated, all eyes turned to you and there was no sound made for a few seconds before Ran lightly laughed at your suggestion "Darling, don't be ridiculous, this is an important decision. You can't just choose it by yourself." And Koko followed suit with a few words of his own "Exactly, it needs to be meaningful. So sit there and let us handle it for you.."
Unfortunately you were sat on Mikey's lap, you didn't want to know what would happen if you just got up and walked away.
Then they started throwing verbal insults and suggesting places they liked the tattoo to be on.
"They should get one on the front of their neck like us! It's a very visible place and everyone can tell at a glance who they belong to." Rindou scoffed in annoyance, glaring at Sanzu who sat right infront of him, the pink haired male stood up and slammed his hands on the table "Fuck off Rindou! They should match with me! I'm the one who's keeping them in check while you and Ran might as well get [Y/N] lost one of these days because of how much you like to run around!"
"Hate to say it but Sanzu is right, if I wasn't with them last time we went out you two would've lost [Y/N] in the alleyways in the middle of the night." Mochi added with a scoff, rolling his eyes "Shows how much you care about them..." Kakucho mumbled to himself in a growl, mismatched eyes narrowing to glare at the two brothers.
"The fuck did you just say!? You're talking like [Y/N] has a blast around you when instead they seem miserable as soon as you enter the room!" Now Rindou stood up, only thing holding him back from punching one of the three was Ran having a light grip on his arm and pulling Rindou to sit down again, yet the older brother's whimsical smile was strained from the annoying accusations "Why don't we relax? [Y/N] doesn't need to have their tattoo on the same exact place as ours." Ran's carefree smile stretched to a light smirk, swiftly changing the subject "Why don't we make them get it on their thigh hmm?~ Maybe inner thigh specifically." Now Rindou, Mochi and Sanzu both stood quiet as they imagined that.
"Or their lower back, that'd be a nice sight as well." Takeomi joined in with a dark chuckle "Or their chest right in the middle." Mochi added in and Kakucho immediately was at attention on that "Maybe on the left side."
"Oh so it can be in the same place as yours huh!?"
"Sanzu, shut the fuck up." Koko sighed in annoyances "... I hate to say it, but while I do like Ran's, Takeomi's and Kanji's ideas, you do realize the tattoo artist would have to see them take their shirt and pants off." The long white haired male explained and had the others dumbfounded for a few seconds "... Maybe we can give them the tattoo ourselves then." Mochi suggested and Rindou, shaking his brother's hand off, immediately stood up and walked off.
"And where are you going?" Sanzu snarled and followed after him "Gonna search up a wiki how on how to do a tattoo." Before Rindou could even touch the doorknob Sanzu grabbed him by the back of the shirt, tugging at his hair on the process and dragged him back.
"No you won't! I will!"
"Bitch go right ahead! Your dumbass wouldn't even know how to if you tried learning it for a year!"
"Sanzu let my brother go."
"And what are you going to do if I don't!? Just stand there stupidly like Mochi and Kakucho do!?"
"Oh so you want your ass to get beaten today huh you pink bitch!?"
"You ain't gonna do shit Mochi!"
"Rindou stop whining over your stretched blazer, I can smell it's cheapness from here so there won't be a problem when you get another one."
"Yeah, cheap like the hairspray you use."
"Rindou what have I told you about bullying the less fortunate?"
"... Oh so you want to do this today huh? Say goodbye to your salaries."
"Hey- Why'd you do that for!?"
"You think I wouldn't notice because of the children fighting? You're not allowed to smoke when you're in the same room with [Y/N]."
You sighed softly once somehow the argument turned into a heated fight yet again, Sanzu was now fighting with Mochi, Ran and Rindou were getting their allowance cut by Koko and Kakucho had walked over to Takeomi and slapped his whole pack of cigarettes out of his hands because Takeomi wasn't allowed to smoke infront of you this entire month, the two scarred man death staring each other. It was scary, at this point you were just waiting for one of them to pull out a weapon and start shooting like last time.
You squirmed uncomfortably on Mikey's lap, the Bonten leader having hid his face on the back of your neck and through the entire argument he kept gently kissing at it.
Maybe Mikey found the fights amusing as he continued to let it happen everytime, especially to such a childish degree when you were here like he thought they'd entertain you. You heard an annoyed click of the tongue once you uncomfortably shifted yet again and Mikey sighed, finally leaning straight and looking at everyone "Enough."
And they immediately stopped. Sitting back down on their previous seats. All attention on you and Mikey.
Mikey then leaned to the side and made you look at him "Where do you want your tattoo angel?"
Now you thought you'd have a choice. But not really. It was clear by how Mikey had been kissing the same place the entire meeting ever since Sanzu mentioned the tattoo, lips lingering on the back of your neck as a few hickeys were made when everyone started fighting.
"On the same place as yours..." You answered back with a small smile, forcing your lips to tug into a bigger smile when Mikey placed his head on your shoulder. A pleased smile on the leader's face as well, eyes staring at his executives and daring them to say a word.
Your relationship with the executives noticeably changes when everyone is involved. Ran and Rindou can't punish, tease or be strict with you whenever they want, Mochi and Kakucho can't be as affectionate as usually, Koko and Takeomi can't demand too much and Sanzu can't act or do with you as he pleases because deep down he places you above himself since you're fully Mikey's property.
All because Mikey is in the picture, holding them to a level he deems fair by his standards, able to take or give privileges when it comes to you simply depending on his mood.
"It's decided then."
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However, this dynamic can change the more you accept them. These men aren't stupid, they know damn well who they are and what their standing is in the underworld; at the top.
So when they see that you are actually afraid of them they are desperate enough to take control over that fear to keep you from running away.
However if you're NOT scared of them and genuinely enjoy their presence/love them and whatnot it will be a different story -basically have Stockholm Syndrome-
"[Y/N]~" Until the moment was ruined by a certain purple haired male, Ran wrapping an arm around your shoulder and pulling you closer to him, Rindou in front of you and blocking Mochi from sight "We came back from our trip and look what we got you!" The younger Haitani grinned as he held up a pretty jewelry set up, a few bags hanging from his arms and you could only assume there were more gifts.
"Oh." A slight gasp left your lips when seeing the clear box "For me?" You glanced at Mochi with a surprised smile and he immediately nodded "When you went out last time I saw you staring at them." Mochi grinned as he handed you the sweet delicacy from the fancy shop "How'd you figure that out?" You giggled, happily placing them on the counter and completely ignoring or missing the indication how Mochi knew about that when you were alone despite them all being away "Let's eat them together after dinner!" But you turned to look at him with such a bright smile that had his heart pulsating "Of co-"
But your eyes shifted back to Rindou and you smiled "Thank you, but nevermind that, did you have fun in your trip?" Your sweet giggle had the boy's face heating up as he nodded, he was about to say something before Mochi interrupted him "Oi, don't butt in." "Quit being annoying, I'm just showing her the gifts!"
You giggled helplessly at the bickering before feeling Ran nuzzle his face onto your hair "Come on, pay attention to me too~" Ran let out a pleased hum when you hugged him back, kissing your forehead just for you then to be ripped away from him. Ran's smile was etched on his face but the look on his eyes was cold as he glanced at Kakucho who stole you away.
"Let them breath, you've just come back and you're already overwhelming them." The scarred man glared sternly at Ran, his hands on your shoulders. Kakucho's grip on you tightened a little before he let you go "Are you alright?"
"Enough of this bullshit. Quit wasting their time." And just like before you were stolen away yet again. Sanzu placing you to sit on the couch and immediately sitting next to you, throwing an arm around your shoulder and pulling you closer to his chest "Did you feel lonely without us?~" Sanzu's lips stretched into a grin as he awated your obvious answer.
"I'm fine Kaku-chan, you always worry so much~" You lightly teased the scarred man with a grin and lifted your hand up to pinch his cheek, Kakucho let you, and his usual stiff expression melted into a soft smile by your touch "It's you, I can't help but worry darling-"
Playing dumb you hummed and tilted your head "Hmm... Did I?~" The question caused Sanzu to flinch and glare at you, you reaching up to playfully pinch his cheeks, making Sanzu grumble and pout in annoyance "Obviously not." Takeomi mumbled as he sat on your other side "That would mean I didn't miss you either Omi."
Takeomi turned to stare at you and sighed seeing your smile "My bad." You giggled and playfully threw both your arms around their necks, hugging them close. The brothers glaring at eachother while laying their heads on your chest "Of course I was lonely without you! I was just teasing~"
"Well you gotta stop teasing like that." You lifted your head up to see Koko looking down at you, his white hair tickling the side of your face from how close he had leaned down to look at you "I really didn't mean it though." You huffed, to which Koko couldn't help but to lean down further and kiss your forehead.
"Koko, that's not fair! I wanted to kiss them too!"
"[Y/N] let me go! I wanna kill him-"
"And lose that position? Go ahead, I'll have 'em all to myself."
"I told you to quit fighting so loudly..."
They all stopped once seeing Mikey had entered the room as well, silence overcame the previous fighting as Mikey walked towards you, Sanzu and Takeomi.
"Move." Mikey ordered the two, eye lids lowering to an annoyed glare which caused Takeomi and Sanzu to quickly stand up and remove their hands from you. Mikey then turned his stare at you and you smiled back at him, ignoring the light blood soaking his clothes "Welcome back Manjiro~" You opened you arms and without hesitation Mikey gave into your embrace. Sitting next to you to where his thigh touched your thigh, hugging your waist with his head lying on your shoulder.
His face tilting to make contact with your neck as he nuzzled and gently kissed just above the collar wrapped around your neck "We left for quite a while, sorry." You nodded, reaching up to pet him and kiss his head "It's alright, as long as you weren't hurt and are here now."
Mikey stood quiet, only cuddling you before a grin appeared on his face, his face having heated up to a bright pink.
The leader of Bonten always has to say the last words.
"You're so sweet~ no wonder we love you, angel~"
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rosemariilovesyou0922 · 4 months
It was the best thing I could ever experience rn, I'm pretty much ascending. The fact that there was ANIMATION?? ON IT??? Martin is extremely talented I swear to god.
Personally I think a Lot of My questions we're kind of answered. Deffinetly not the "Where the hell is Jack?", No I'm Even more confused about that... I THOUGHT LIKE- FELIX GOT RID OF HIM OR SOMETHING I DIDN'T THINK HE WOULD TELL THEM WHAT HE DID? I honestly thought he would hide it and kill anyone who knew (he didn't need to they're all pretty dead). I honestly felt slightly Bad for him, HE DUG A HOLE FOR HIMSELF 😭. I swear I was SHOCKED- mouth open eyes wide type of stuff, I COULD FEEL HOW AWFUL HE FELT, He reeks of guilt, desesperation and actual negativo emotions, where before I honestly think he only transmited me the smell of alcohol or something; I deffinetly feel Bad for him now.
Okay so aside from the whole Felix thing here's a few things I really enjoyed/noticed:
Beggining ANIMATION with Ed and Molly; knowing what happened that night it was honestly really sad and I felt like it was the Best way to start pt4
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ROSIE VOICE REVEALL!!! Girl I swear, it's extremely obvious how hard I Stan Rosemary Peony Walten SO You know I started levitating ‼️‼️
"Bon" appears in the video early on so that's cool, aside from that uhhh Tv Guy is deffinetly going to be quite the goofy silly guy so stan
Charles struck me as kind of a manager? Someone who does stay in the establishment and is involved but isn't actually like- an engenieer or chef.
Susan You wonderfull woman I swear the strong ass mecanic lesbian is all I needed in my life.
So the whole animatronics moving around and facial recognition actually clear up a bunch of stuff for me, for instance: How the hell would Bon be able to tell who Sophie was. Also I was screaming for them to run whenever an animatronic was lowkey near, scary stuff.
AWOOPPPP TIME SKIP!! Or something skip I have no clue, Charles and Susan talking about Rocket being there. Rosemary and Jack did not know Félix was an alcoholic aparently, that explains why Jack would ever let him drive his children anywhere from somewhere there would be alcohol at.
Félix and the whole cliff scene really broke me not going to lie, You dumbass of man, you're stupid and reckless but I feel awfull for you.
Felix told Rosemary and Jack what happened which actually throws my "Oh yeah Felix deffinetly sent killer animatronics to kill his Best friend and his family so the business wouldn't crash" theory down the drain. Also Rosemary asking for the doll, I cannot imagine how devastated She would have felt, She does not deserve that.
Alright that was terrifying!! Scary imagery actually got me bit scared at atimes, which is good, the show keeps me on My toes.
The fact that: We could actually SEE how he KILLED Susan but ED AND MOLLY HAD TO WATCH TOO 😨
Poor children, god.
The animation actually scared me really Bad, it was so unreal and disturbing in a sense that Made You feel like you'd get jumpscared at any moment, that's what makes this kind of horror amazing.
The whole conversation between "Bon" and Susan/Banny is something You have to watch for yourself.
She was ALIVE in the SUIT, GOD 😭
The fact her 'Wonderland' for has her neck snapped and everything, it looked so disturbing, it was really clear how she got killed.
Ed and Molly at the end :[
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kairiscorner · 10 months
hello po ate!! ( ^▽^)
looking out the car window while it was raining made me think abt the request i'm making rn hehe
basically it's a miles x reader where they can't rlly see eachother that often these days bcs of the daily rain so they have to facecall or chat with eachother but one thing is that they're both touch starved for eachother atp (not in the weird way bcs ik some ppl think abt it the other way 😨) and it comes to a point where miles lit swings to reader's place to cuddle the second the news came out that the rain will stop for that day and they have a cuddle session ehehejdveje
(also !! plss take your time on this one cause i feel like ur alr starting school and i don't wanna be a bother 😕)
-sincerely, the 🧋 anon !!
HELLO 🧋 ANON 💖💖💖 wait that's super CUTE, also i got your follow-up message, ty for making it clearly luv (≧▽≦) OK I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS 💖
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
i can't wait any longer. – miles 1610 x reader
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it's been a whole week, and you have yet to see your boyfriend face-to-face. it's been pouring rain ceaselessly all over the city, and the weather forecasts say it might not let up anytime soon. though, you and miles stay connected through facetiming and texting all day throughout the week you two have been away from each other, simply communicating doesn't bring the whole feelings you two experience when speaking to each other face-to-face and being around each others' presence.
as you were working at your desk on the homework your teacher assigned, you got a text notification from miles himself. the message was the same as always: him expressing how much he missed you, with the addition of sad, crying kaomojis that just made his longing for you a bit more impactful and... pitiful, in a way; it seriously made you want to drop everything, put on your nearest rain coat, not even bother to don on your pair of boots and just run over to him, even if you'd slip on the way or get sick afterwards. but you knew you couldn't do that, reality had always opposed your desires, especially those desires of yours that you sincerely wished for with all your heart; the universe was truly cruel to the sweetest of hearts.
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you were confused as to why he suddenly seemed so hurried to text you, like his thumb was slipping from across the keyboard. before you could decode in your mind what he meant, you heard a light tapping by your bedroom window. you turned your head, and upside down, facing you with wide lenses for eyes, was spider man—your boyfriend, miles morales.
you tried to cover your shock from his sudden arrival, but it was harder to do as miles casually waved at you and pointed down at the lock of your window—gesturing for you to unlock it so he could come in. you knew miles was spider man long ago, and he already admitted it to you a few weeks prior; though he had never come to your place personally as spider man, so just seeing him clad in the black and red accented suit is just... a little jarring, surprising, and fun to you all at once.
"babe!" miles exclaimed as he climbed onto your windowsill and gazed at you. he was sopping wet from the constant rain, and your floors were soaking up the rain drops falling on him, but he didn't care if he was wet or dry, all he cared about right now was just being here with you. you spoke to him a mile a minute, pointing out how wet he was, offering to get him a towel—but you couldn't go anywhere else since miles grabbed your wrist gently and tugged a little on you, practically begging you not to leave him yet, not when he's finally here with you now.
he got off your windowsill and wrapped you in a wet, soaked up hug, murmuring how he missed the warmth of you against him. "i can't believe it's been a week... man, i can't another week without you, it'd be like going a whole week without food, water, or air." he muttered as he held you closer. he pulled away from you and took off his mask, and underneath it, you could see his hair all droopy now from the rain water he soaked up; but his charming, brilliant smile and shining eyes full of love and adoration for you persisted.
you told miles you missed him, it was wonderful seeing him again, but you had to get him a towel to dry him off. you went over to your closet and handed him a clean towel for him to dry himself off. miles got a little embarrassed and nodded. "oh, right, right... sorry, babe, i, um... got a little too excited." he said with a chuckle as he dried his hair. you turned around, not facing him as he dried the rest of himself off; luckily, the hoodie he lent you was still with you, dry and clean. he donned the hoodie on and wrung his suit out from your window, the rain droplets it absorbed rejoining the rain droplets falling down on the roofs and pavements, pattering against windows on buildings left and right.
you made miles a cup of hot cocoa and made one for yourself, too. his had little marshmallows and extra sugar, just the way he liked them. you snuggled up with him as you wrapped a blanket around you two by your shoulders, the two of you getting warmed up by each others' body heat and the fluster you were both experiencing right then and there being in each others' presence after so long. miles chuckled as he looked at the mini marshmallows in his drink. "you remembered how to make my favorite, huh?" he asked you as you blew on your hot cocoa and smiled. "how could i not remember?" you asked him as miles smiled wider and kept chuckling in glee as he sipped on the hot cocoa you made him, with you leaning your head against his shoulder as you two drank up, relishing this moment where you two are just sitting together in comfortable, loving silence—being in each other's company after so, so long; with your free hand on top of his, clutching the back of his hand as miles smiled wider to himself as you held him closely to you, almost as if you were wordlessly telling him, 'i'm glad you came... and i really, really missed you, too'.
tags @ii01vq @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @k4tsu3 @solecitoszn @toneystank-3000 @popeheywardssecretgf @onginlove @meowmoraless
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isa-ghost · 3 months
shaking you by the shoulders. gnawing at the bars of the enclosure. begging screaming yelling sobbing crying for some happy qphil hcs . phil and his children. what do they do to destress. how do they recover from tragedy . p lease
Yknow what I need these so badly rn, I'm doing this ask first. Happy qPhil time.
qPhil headcanons masterlist
qPhil is a simple man. His kids are happy, he's happy. I've touched on this previously but they make him laugh so much. They're the fastest way to make him happy.
Seeing random pretty birds while on wandering adventures is another thing that makes him happy. They make him think of Rose.
I have to mention flying. I have to. I know it's angsty bc his wings are fucked. Shhh. Shut. Shut the up. It made him so happy. It still does, he has a glider and a grapple hook and a trident with riptide SHUT UP LET HIM FLY.
The times he and the kids share music together. The kids fucking love Battlecry and Dreamland and the three of them will start belting it out together.
Obligatory sparring mention. Listen some of the fandom makes pvp his whole thing and personality and that's not true but he's still good at it and likes it a lot. Esp when he gets to be unnecessarily homoerotic with Fit or Etoiles.
Building makes him happy ofc. Creating in general. He can't remember atm but he used to be an architect you could say, discovering the creations of the hardcore gods and tidying them up. Getting to make creations of his own for someone like him to discover one day feels fulfilling, even if he doesn't quite know why currently.
His friends' laughs make him happy. Fit's especially. You know the one. The one he does anytime he gets to be up to some fun destructive rebellious bullshit.
Messages aren't the only way the gods, especially Rose and Kristin, communicate with him. They give little signs that are subtle enough to go unquestioned by others but noticed by him. They're always with him and that makes his heart full.
I can't not mention his own stupid jokes he makes with the purpose of making Tallulah especially die inside a little. His lame jokes are for him and him alone sometimes.
The funny thing is when you ask what makes him happy without the involvement of other people, it might take him a second to answer, if he can answer at all. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. Yes, he's very "care for others and only the bare minimum for myself," but it's also a testament to how being loved and loving others makes him happy. Having people to make smile and laugh. Having people to show cool shit and teach cool things. Human connection makes him happy.
His crows and their dumbassery make him happy. For all the shit they affectionately subject him to and all the disapproval he puts on about the said shit, he'd be pretty lost without them. They've always been reliable to make him smile or at least feel heard when he has no one else.
He fucking loves all the cultural exchange he experiences with his friends. He could listen to Missa or Cellbit or Etoiles or literally fucking anyone talk for hours. God his friends are so cool and so are the things they tell him about.
Obligated to mention that the thought of Chayanne, a child, beat Ender King's ass for 3 days straight and bruised his ego so hard he gave up using Phil as a meat suit. It always cracks him up without fail.
Getting to reminisce to people about things. Especially memories of Techno or things he's done with Goddess of Death. He loves any excuse to talk about them and how awesome they are.
Crow brain means adventuring and finding cool loot makes him happy. Fuck EK he tainted it a little but Phil will reclaim the hobby if it kills him. He loves the rush of opening a new chest and seeing what cool shit awaits inside.
Okay listen this idiot is allergic to self care sometimes but god does he love the chill days where he and the kids just sit around or stay in one place and just hang out doing something fun and low energy. It's why he hates the reset. He wants the goddamn places they'd do that at back.
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cosmicck · 2 years
Takemichi(the really hot timeskip one) x Male reader
WARNING: No matter your age(I really dont care) you are consenting yourself to read NSFW themes dont blame shit on me if something bad happens
A/N: this was supposed to be posted on @secretivemessenger's bday but I got impatient. Also this was written some time ago it was just in my notes- ewwww I'm reading over it rn it is so cringe🤢 imma change a few things hol up
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"Boss! Boss I- oh..sorry did I wake him??" A worker of Takemichi walked in holding paper work for him to do.
"No, I'm sure he's still asleep, one heavy sleeper might I add." Takemichi chuckles as the worker blushes in emaressment.
You on the other hand were "sleep" on Takemichis lap cuddled into his chest, your body rising to each small, and shakey breath you take.
"Just set the papers on my desk please." The worker nods quietly walking over to set the papers his desk, walking away soon after.
"It's ok, gosh stop clutching so hard, your gonna give me bruises through my clothes." He says softly, your nails slightly letting go of his shoulder while still holding on.
"Hey hey, don't worry they're gone, calm down your clenching around me like crazy you know." He laughs quietly, while using his hand to softly caress your back, and using the other to do paper work.
His touch was soft, yet threatening, like he's telling you to stay still, and if you move your getting what he gives which you can't handle.
But you didn't care.
If it means getting fucked into than it's worth it.
You slightly rock onto his lap needing him, no you were needy you wanted him doesn't matter what it takes.
"Oi, quit it. Be a good boy and wait till I finish." He demands. But how could you possibly wait that long? He pretty much had mountains of paper work on his desk, and you know damn well he's taking his sweet time.
You grinded on him once again but harder, causing him to groan at your actions.
"Shit..you want it that bad huh?" You nod at his words, clinging harder onto his suit jacket.
"Use your damn words. I won't know what you want if you don't speak." He says sternly, his voice getting slightly deeper.
You inhale shakily, your lips quiver when your words quietly come out your mouth.
"P-please, I need you deep in me...and to fill me up with your cum please.." He knew you wanted this the moment you sat on his cock.
I mean of course you would, who wouldnt?
He chuckled. "I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you, could you speak up for me please??"
You hated this. And he knew you hated this. That's exactly why he did it, for his own pleasure as well as your own pain.
"Go ahead. Say what you want. What you need from me, go on." He urges you to say it.
"Please..I'm begging you, i-i need you in me..to fill me please..Takemichi.."
"See now, it wasn't that hard now was it? You even asked nicely, such a god boy for me yea?" He says patting your head, ruffling it a bit.
"Alright, if you want it so bad, get off and lean on the desk." You nod, doing as he says, propping your elbows on the desk.
Expecting to have to wait a while for lube obviously, it was the exact opposite you instantly felt his large hands on your waist.
"W-wait, your not going to-"
Without any warning he instantly slammed into you, one thrust after another, tears brimming at the corner of your eyes, choked noises coming from your mouth, your hands harshly gripping the edge of the desk.
No one could really hear you, but fuck the thrill of someone being able to hear you begging for more of Takemichi, and god if someone walked in on the two of you, just the thrill of it.
"Huh? Are you crying already? Isn't this what you wanted? What are you complaining? Oh it's fine I'll stop." God no, you didn't want him to stop, you needed him to keep going.
You shake your head no.
"P-Please! No, d-don't pull out!"
"Very well, we have all we want until someone walks in, but i'm sure you'd like that too."
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Hey there! This is a Rocky Rickaby x fem! Or gn! Reader hc req so i hope you don't mind the specifications for the reader i have lol. This is gonna be similar to the Rocky Rickaby hc with the socialite but its more independent.
Reader probably grew up in poverty but then like, moved to america to start and worked there. Basically a fresh start, things were rocky at first but they got the hang of it. But then somehow, for some reason, reader managed to be the most successful kitty cat in america. But despite being very rich and very successful, that doesn't mean they won't have envious people or rivalries. (Or admirers, bcus y not?).
But since this is fiction, reader is girlboss and managed themselves and is still financially stable, mentally? Probably not. But that's why reader LOVES Rocky right? Even if Rocky is this poor, stupidly deranged and insane, sad cat living in his (well, the lackadaisy funded it) own car. He still treats reader as he would to anyone. Even more so if reader is an artist like him.
I also feel like reader would secretly fund the lackadaisy and be best friends with Wick or sumn (i can hear Rocky's maniacal laughing rn). Btw, sorry if this was a lot for you to take in. When i see a fanfic writer saying they're alr with specifications yk damn well im jumpin on that req button. Hands n everythin. And since this was very long you can do this later or delete it if you wanna. Oki- BYEEE <33333
Ooooo, first request. And don't worry about the length, I've got you. Anyways I present to you...
Rocky x Fem!Successful!Reader Headcanons
For context, reader is a fashion designer. Hope this is good enough. Enjoy!
• You grew up as a poor girl living in the streets of a small town in Italy, and it shaped a lot of your life.
• Your mother was a low paid seamstress, your father a soldier.
• When the Great War broke out, it left your family shattered.
• No deaths, but your father was never the same, and your mother followed suit after seeing how terrible he was doing.
• Throughout your life, there had only been one constant, one tiny thing that kept you afloat in the sea of misery that was your life.
• Fashion.
• You took after your mother, however you wanted to create your own designs, your own outfits.
• And so, that's exactly what you did.
• When your parents shut down, you took a needle, some thread, and whatever fabric you could scrounge up and got to work.
• Though you didn't receive much notoriety yet, you did manage to get enough money to go somewhere else.
• America was your decision.
• You moved from place to place for a while, setting up shop in Boston, New York City, Buffalo, and even Savanah, Georgia.
• All the while you kept at it.
• Your English wasn't great at first, and neither was the money you were making, but you could see it start to snowball as America's prosperity continued to ramp up.
• You moved around more, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, all these places you called home once.
• And while you moved your designs spread. Once seen only on the back pages of a local paper, your designs were beginning to feature on the fronts of national news.
• Catalogues and catwalks galore, you built a fashion empire on your blood, sweat, and tears, and the American people loved it.
• Eventually, after a few years of back breaking work, getting citizenship, getting a company started, etc etc, you became one of, if not the most, successful cat in America.
• Sure, you didn't have as much money as the heirs of old monopolies and tycoons, but damn were you close.
• You had your admirers across the nation, as well as your enemies.
• There were more than a few men who thought they could get one over on you, and while they still despise you and your work, you got the last laugh.
• After so many years of moving from place to place, it became second nature. And that's when you made it to St. Louis, Missouri. The plan was to only stay for a year, maybe more, if it was a decent place.
• You even managed to land yourself an invitation to a local speakeasy from an admirer.
• One night, you finally made your way down to the Lackadaisy, and you got to talking with a businessman, Sedgwick Sable.
• The two of you had a pretty good conversation, becoming fast friends over a mixture of success and hating most rich guys.
• And then a cat ran through the door, panting as he tried to carry about a dozen bottles of booze.
• After getting a bit of assistance, he made his way to the bar and sat at the stool next to you.
• It looked like he had been running for most of the night, and you could swear you smelt something burnt.
• Naturally, you talked to him. If his entrance was one thing, his normal conversations were about ten times that level of chaos.
• He didn't recognize you, too, or atleast pretended not too.
• You ended up finding out his name was Rocky Rickaby, and when you told him who you were, he was rather indifferent.
• That was certainly something new, and it intrigued you further.
• You asked him why he was being so...casual.
• "Well, maybe I don't know you, and maybe I do. Either way, artists like us are still people too."
• The rhyme was an unexpected, but not unwelcome response.
• Honestly, you wish more people had his attitude.
• From then on, you became friends. But eventually things changed.
• You ended up continuing your stay in St. Louis, partly because you grew to love the place, and mostly for Rocky.
• You ended up falling for him, and you know what, you had every right to.
• When you were younger you wished for attention, especially as your family crumpled around you.
• However the love and even hate you got from your work never truly satisfied that.
• Rocky did, though. He was sweet, a little insane, sure, but overall he was amazing.
• So, you crafted the ultimate plan.
• You made sure Rocky got a good amount of sleep the night before, offering up your bed for the night.
• It was way better than the car.
• Then, you spent the day together. You got him new clothes, took him out on a joyride around the city, and ended the night on a bridge over the Mississippi River.
• There, as the moonlight shone overhead, and Rocky played the night away.
• You heard him play many times before, but you loved hearing every new improvised song he came up with.
• You told him how you felt, and he happily returned your feelings, a massive grin on his face.
• The two of you have been happy together since then, and still are now.
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Hello! I've been kinda stalling sending this for absolutely no reason, but I'm gonna do it today because it's going to rot in my brain if I don't. Actually, maybe you've done this ask before? Idk, my brain is all scrambled up rn but I'm gonna ask this anyway cause why not
What would happen if Yuu got their period in the Kaiju!AU? How would the Kaiju react?
I can imagine Grim and Crowley freaking out, trying to figure out what's wrong with Yuu. And all the while, Yuu's like, "What are you guys doing? Hey, stop bombarding me! Personal space! What- why are you guys sniffing me!?" And since Yuu doesn't understand what they're saying, they can't answer them on why they smell like blood. Or it the scenario could work with any other of the Kaiju's, too
Wait, how would Yuu even get menstrual products anyway? Do they get them from Sam?? How would they even get those type of products from Sam??? Maybe he get some of them from that wreck of a lab from the beginning somehow? Idk, but I thought it'd be a fun idea
Yeah, this is all I have rn since my brain is cranked all the way up on slow mode today. I hope you have a good day and goodbye! (Oh, and this can be a gender neutral thing with Yuu just being AFAB)
WARNING: Menstrual cycle discussion under read more! Will be using they/them pronouns since gender neutral/AFAB was requested.
Oh goodness, being in the Kaiju AU is going to be a little more difficult for Yuu whether they’re female or AFAB. 😂 Between staying in Crewel’s den or at Crowley’s nest, it’s tricky to get the supplies that they need or communicate to the Kaiju that this stuff they’ve piled up is necessary. Given that Grim does understand what Yuu is saying though, he is able to help at least get that point across…when it suits him anyway (if Yuu makes even more of a fuss than usual, he’ll translate for the others).
I’ll go ahead and explain that—at first—Yuu had to get a bit creative with their monthly cycle once it actually hit. I’d imagine that their body might temporarily shut down that function due to the stress of their new environment, being surrounded by giant monsters that could literally level mountains with a swipe, and the near constant sense of impending doom—even if they’re safe with the guardian trio. This is good for Yuu as it gives them time to finally venture out of the den with Grim to explore the other facilities as it would take a while before they can get back to the original lab.
Luckily for Yuu, the closest facility—although abandoned—was still in good condition and had most of the supplies that they’ll need. In fact, this is where they found the music player that Grim thought was a chew toy! So imagine the sheer excitement and relief Yuu would have the moment they found not one, not two, but a whole crate full of pads, tampons, period cups, and even extra unopened packages of underwear!
You might be wondering why there was so much. Well, because there are female researchers on the teams and the island is not exactly in the most convenient of places, which means that getting supply drops are far and few. Especially when you have creatures that aren’t the Kaiju who can and will attempt to attack any vehicle that comes near the island. I’ll get a bit more detail on the island’s setup and whatnot, but that’s a bit of context on how Yuu is essentially set when it comes to non-perishable items that could be used for a comfortable existence on the island of behemoths!
Sam may have found a few crates of other supplies that had been washed up, but it’s not like he knows what they’re used for unless he observed the humans using the tools out in the field. Even so, Sam will know when Yuu needs something and will make sure to have them available on his next visit. How else did he know to bring a bed when Yuu wanted something comfortable to sleep on?
Now, as for how the Kaiju would react when Yuu finally starts their cycle. If you were expecting Crowley to be freaking out over Yuu’s health like he did in the Twisted Monsterland AU, you’d be mistaken. He does get flustered, but more like a “my tiny human is too young to mate!!!” sort of way while Crewel just sighs at his theatrics. They would be concerned to notice if Yuu’s cycle causes them a lot of pain and discomfort, but luckily the facilities have plenty of painkillers and antibiotics that are available—all that’s required is MIRA to access the appropriate amount needed to get Yuu through their current cycle!
Surprisingly, Grim becomes more protective over Yuu whenever they’re around the other Kaiju. Whenever he notices that they’re uncomfortable (whether they just took painkillers or they’re exhausted or some other feeling they get during this time), he will pick them up or curl around them to purr up a storm and hiss at whoever comes near too fast.
He’s swatted at the first years more than once. 😆
The other Kaiju boys would be confused as to what’s happening. Sure, they know about cycles on an instinctive level (and they understand what it means), they’re just more confused as to the frequency. Do humans not have specific mating seasons? Eventually it does get to the point where they know to be less rowdy when it’s that time of the month, either bringing Yuu their favorite treats or snacks that they managed to get (and once it became clear that one particular fruit tasted exactly like chocolate pudding to Yuu, it became a staple) or taking naps with them. Yuu is going to be one very comfortable human once they figure out a good rhythm to manage things!
That's all I can think of off the top of my head, but there's more than one way to survive in the wild, and with MIRA at Yuu's side, their chances of survival were better than they were before! UvU Also fun fact, there really is a fruit that tastes like chocolate pudding! 0v0
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katiifaetarot · 4 months
Before we get started: IM GOING LIVE ON MY TIKTOK TODAY; February 29th, 2024 AND GIVING OUT FREE READINGS!!!
TIME: 3:00pm EST
Don't miss your chance! Go follow me on TikTok
THE READING TODAY IS: A Message from the Fae: Using Charm Casting + Mini Tarot ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
☆This will be my first time using Charms to aid with my reading!🧚🏽‍♀️
☆Please let me know if this resonates and/or suggest other readings you would like to see!!
☆Take a peek at the Links for more Messages, Guidance, Clarity, Confirmation, etc!
Me and @faerytreealtars are posting our collab video ALL ABOUT YOUR SPRING BLESSINGS tomorrow, March 1st, 2024 !! So dont forget to subscribe and tune into our videos!! 🧚🏽‍♀️✨️😊🥳
There are 3 piles and you will be picking through the Crystals/Worry Stone in the picture right below this text!!!
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✨️🧚🏽‍♀️please choose your pile and may your intuition and inner knowing guide you to the pile with the energy most suited for you and most suited to help you along your path at this current point in time, no matter what that looks like🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
PILE 1- Amethyst + Clear Quartz Wand
PILE 2- Aragonite Star Cluster (Raw)
PILE 3- Hawk Worry Stone
** sometimes ( most of the time ) i will pick up on multiple energies that need attention or want to be expressed during the reading so i ASK YOU TO UNDERSTAND THIS DURING MY READINGS:
depending on how the reader(YOU) chooses to look at the situation or however the situation resonates for the reader(YOU) and because this is a general reading;
⚠️you HAVE to be able to use your better discernment + better judgement skills to fully absorb the message and be able to do the necessary work to keep you on track for the future you WANT for yourself⚠️
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Your message from the Fae is more of a gentle reminder that you must course correct yourself at this time. While you are doing what you can and must for yourself during this period of your life (no matter what that looks like rn) you are being encouraged to take one step back and fully feel, release, and move towards a better outcome or future. The universe wants you to keep an open mind and for you to have fun again!! Keep your plans to yourself, Keep yourself in TIGHT, tip, top shape!, and give yourself freeedom however, and whenever you can! Its not childish to play like your child self would've or consume things your child self would've loved to consume: its healing. Dont feel shame for taking a break or vacation if you have that privilege! and dont stay wallowing or in a negative mindset because of your past: Move on, gain the proper clarity, stay rooted in your truth and honesty, and release those emotions that want to come out!! Take your time, do not rush yourself♡
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Your message from the fae is unique and rather specific, so let me know if you chose this pile and how it resonated with you if you can! This pile will NOT be for everyone so please exercise discernment: Yes, you're cunning and very good at getting what you want pile2, but you are using this talent and skill on the wrong person/people/situations at this point in time. You could easily manifest more for yourself if you trusted the fact that what is leaving your life is meant too. You keep looking back on "better days" that aren't better. They're just familiar or comfortable for you. You create unnecessary conflict within your mind or your immediate environment because you're acting on thoughts that aren't true. You must walk away from things that trouble you or keep you stagnant and stuck. If you want to get what you deserve... Make sure your attitude and actions are geared towards YOU, not anyone else. Make sure your intentions are in the right place and that you continue to trust yourself and release what no longer serves you. Dont try to hold things together that are clearly broken for good.♡
extra things: scorpio energy, night owl, wanting to buy cute keychains, gold jewelry.
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Your message from the fae is very light and positive, even if you dont feel very...light or positive in your life. You are holding onto many burdens and this is your reminder; Drop Them. You have the world at your finger tips but you cannot go out and explore when your worried about unwanted/unnecessary things. Allow the tower moment(s) to happen so you can rebuild a solid, fun, worry free ( hehe there is a reason you picked the worry stone ) foundation for yourself. Maybe pick up a worry stone for when your anxiety becomes overwhelming. Pile 3, you will figure things out in time and you will ultimately be victorious and achieve great things for yourself as long as you watch your own back, believe prosperity is possible for you, and stay optimistic! Go out in the sunshine and bathe like a flower! Blossom into who you were always meant too. Authentic and Bubbly ♡
I sincerely hope you received what you needed and released what you don't !! See you again soon!! Take it easyyy and just breathe and fllooowwww!!! you got this! byyeee~🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
**please let me know how I'm doing in any way you can! That is the easiest way to supprt me. Dont forget to Follow Me on Youtube and Tiktok for more messages, guidance, and advice 🥺 🥹 🙏🏼
***AND REMEMBER: your own free will is always present within you; which has nothing to do with me or ANYBODY else. I am NOT responsible for YOUR choices after YOU consume my content on ANY of my platforms.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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legodamianwayne · 9 months
BATMAN AND ROBIN 2023 #1 (Take 6 (yes))
(im not writing this as i go since ive already read the issue before. ill also be mentioning gotham war since this takes place during it (just a warning for spoilers!))
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i just noticed the bat and robin on the cover! so cute
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OH........(just noticed this too) that doesn't look good
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look at them goofing off n having fun
this is cute but the way bruce acts here and in gotham war is so jarring its kinda funny
bruce in batman #137: can't stand my fake ass family
bruce in b&r: me and my son damian 🤗
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bruce is in his "local dilf in the area" era rn
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damian having talia's mannerism that bruce noticed is so <3
and here its confirmed that this takes place during gotham war. not sure how to feel about that
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STILL INSANE OVER THIS baby first self insert fanfic
damian went from drawing hyper realistic gore vent art to anime eyes in the corner
i think it'd be fun if we see damian write more as the story goes on. like him daydreaming n doodling in class
wonder if theres any meaning with damian putting talia as a hero n bruce as a criminal here...or maybe its just a "totally original character do not steal" thing
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you dont say bruce 🙄
"the last few years"?? pretty sure the events shown there all happened not even in 2 years since damian turned 14 around the start of the lazarus tournament
also why are alfred n talia not shown there? alfred's death has huge impact on damian (he literally hallucinated him) n talia was there as much as ra's
i dont like how damian looks here but that white connor should be a crime
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"thats enough emotions for tonight father" [slams door]
i wonder why damian is staying with bruce tho (outside of making this book exist) didn't bruce n talia had a custody battle moment™ n damian's like "nah i have my own life (is literally 14)"
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he's quoting alfred ohhh im gonna sob
this is kinda embarrassing for bruce...like ur son is finally living with you again n he's the one up early cooking?? sir u better step up
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aw he's making tea the way alfred did
*squints* did bruce get his hand back? thats a pretty normal looking hand to me
did damian's comment on it in batman #137 made bruce think "shit i cant give damian any ideas of getting a robot hand" n he just. magically grow it back
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gotham...heights? n. not gotham academy? no maps? no damian joining her dnd team?? no detective club finally hanging out with damian??
ik damian got expelled from gotham academy BUT. WHY
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okay? whats the point if he's not going to the same school that his friend went to?
interesting how damian fantasize for a normal life in robin 2021 (with him liking the mundanity of shoujo manga) n now that bruce is offering him that he's rejecting it (or maybe he just rly don't like school which is. fair enough)
wellll just cuz we're not getting maps n the detective club doesn't mean damian's other friends arent showing up right? RIGHT? (maya plz come home)
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THE ROBIN MOBILEEE it looks so ridiculous i love it
ik that thing is rly loud too damian waking up the whole neighborhood here
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not rumors abt the batfam fighting getting spread around?? this is so embarrassing omg
am i the only one getting gotham academy flashbacks here? with killer croc n the trio with the fox shark n bird masks
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they're very comfortable with calling eachother father n son while in suits huh. ig everyone in gotham knows that batman is a dilf (who's beefing with his adult children) now
not much to say abt the rest: bruce got shot with something n now bats are attacking him
end thoughts: i hope with all the focus on animals here means that we're getting damian's pets back soon n that gotham war wont affect this book much since i rly want to see damian interact with his siblings again. also is it just me or does the day scenes looks very bright? saturated? it kinda hurts for me to read idk. the night scenes r pretty tho
next issue is damian's first day on his new school that is not gotham academy but im still excited for it! (coping)
bonus bestie corner
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toomuchracket · 1 year
need some fiancé matty fluff so bad rn, also reader & matty‘s wedding!
let’s be honest, matty would cry watching you walk down the isle at ur wedding. full on tears and he’s not even bothering to wipe them away, he’s just so in love and he doesn’t care who knows it
Have you ever seen those videos of George and Charli DJing ?? I love them so much I imagine them having a set at the wedding 🥹🤍
the wedding!! basing this off of the venue being in london. after the rehearsal dinner finishes in the afternoon, i think you and matty have some time alone at home before you go off to do the "spending the night before the wedding apart" thing. you chill, have some wine and a bit of sexy time (imagine telling matty during sex that "next time we do this i'll be your wife". he'd lose it), before charli drops george and the boys off (they're staying in your house with matty that night) and picks you up so the two of you and the rest of your bridal party can stay in a hotel near your venue. and matty's halfway through the passenger window clinging to you before you leave like "please don't leave me at the altar like a twat" and you're like "as if i'd do that you're the love of my life! meet you there tomorrow" and you kiss.
and then matty looks at charli and goes "and don't you even think about seducing my missus into a torrid lesbian affair tonight" (as she threatens to do quite often, as a bit) and she winks and goes "no promises, healy, i mean look at her", and matty looks at you dreamily and says "... yeah" and you're like "you're gonna cry so bad tomorrow huh" and he's like "absolutely", then kisses you again before charli drives off. and the two of you have fun with your friends/families, but neither you or matty can fall asleep because you're not with the other :(( and he texts you like "can't sleep lol" and you reply "me either lol going for a smoke", and he's like "i'll do the same". so you're out on the hotel balcony and matty calls you and you guys just chat for a bit and it's really sweet, then he goes "s'past midnight angel, we should both get some sleep" and you say "yeah, it's technically our wedding day already and neither of us have gone to bed" and he laughs and says "so it is. sweet dreams, darlin'. see you in a bit" and you both go back to bed and actually manage to sleep. you're both up early, though - you get your hair and makeup all done before the bridal party gets glam, and matty takes mayhem for a really long walk and rehearses his speech on the way before he goes home to get ready. and the two of you are sending voice note updates and its making you even more excited about the day, and then it's time for some pics and then you're ready to go! and matty's probably in a black suit as per, but like the best black suit he's ever worn, and he doesn't even register the bridesmaids walking in because he's too busy craning his neck to catch a glimpse of you. and then you appear and he cries - your dress is perfect, you're glowing, and you just look like YOU, the love of his life. and you're smiling so big at him as you walk down the aisle (it's taking everything in you not to run to him), and when you reach him you say "hi handsome" and matty's like "you're perfect" and you giggle and reach up to wipe the tears off his face and he kisses the palm of your hand as you do, which everyone in the congregation swoons at. you cry at his vows. he cries at yours. adam's son passes the rings up with no problem, his dad behind him quietly sobbing. and then it's time for the kiss - matty being matty, he does something dramatic, either dips you like an old hollywood film or just grabs your face and kisses you. but it's a perfect kiss, full of love and contentment and joy, and then you sign the marriage certificate and that's it! you're married! and you have a little minute alone afterwards where matty's like "you're my WIFE" and you're like "hell yeah i am", and he says "well, wifey, can i kiss you?" and you're like "yeah i wanna make out with my husband". so you do, passionately, and it could turn into full-scale fucking but you both compose yourselves and go out to be congratulated by everyone before it does lol.
and the rest of the night is perfect, too. everyone's happy and laughing throughout the meal and george's best man speech, and crying at matty's (which he just recites to you off by heart). and then the boys get ready and play for you and matty's first dance (accompanied by phoebe, maybe) and it's PERFECT. after that, george and charli do a little dj set to start the party, and you and matty flit between dancing and chatting to people. it soon turns into all your producer and musician friends just taking turns to control the tunes, everyone getting a little tipsy and just having a great time. and there's so much love in the room, specifically between ross and your best friend/maid of honour, who have literally been glued to each other all night - you tried to dance with her to the spice girls but she was too preoccupied kissing him next to the bar lol. and then i think you and matty sneak out for a little smoke, and your hair's a bit messy and you're a little tipsy but you're so happy and matty takes a pic of you, cig in hand and all, because you just look the most beautiful he's ever seen you. and you're like "omg no i look like a mess" and he's like "nope that's my new lockscreen" and you giggle and just kiss him for a bit. and matty says "you're perfect. today's been perfect. i love you so much, wifey" and you say "i love you. can't wait to spend the rest of my life showing you that", and you cuddle. and matty's hands start to get a bit touchy and you're like "excuse me, husband!" and matty's like "as much as i'm enjoying today i just really want to take my wife home now" and you're like "actually fair i think you'll enjoy what i'm wearing under my dress (custom lace set lol)". and matty's like "right that's it i'm stopping the party now!" and you giggle and say "i love you" and he kisses your nose and says "i love you too" <3
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biitchcakes · 2 months
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Ideas for a FALLOUT verse :
i'm gonna ramble here but i wanna get What I'm Thinking out.
Jessica's Fallout story is very similar to how her life starts now ⸺ only, instead of Hydra that's employed her parents, it's the Institute. Researchers in genetics that would be very interested in some Big Brain Biologists like the Drews. Perhaps they're wanted for their research into irradiated spiders ( we don't see any mutated spiders iirc?? so like, maybe they survived pretty unaffected, stayed normal, and maybe that's why they're being researched on? 🤷‍♀️ ), or perhaps not and they're just normal biologists and one of them is more than willing to use their daughter as a genetic guinea pig.
She's poked and prodded at as a child, perhaps even still while she's developing within the womb. She's got a slight immunity to radiation ( decently so, but not entirely safe from it as i'm not looking to Ghoulify the gal ).
Does this make her some sort of mutant by Fallout standards? Just lacking the FEV? Something instead of the FEV, really. I suppose, sorta kinda. And I might touch on that.
I mean, I mean, look at Fallout 4's main storyline and look at what's happening to her in her comics right now ⸺ her son is abducted by an evil organisation, goes on a wild hunt and stops at nothing to find him. ( Replaying the game rn with her as a character, and every time she sadly says something like "I need to find my son, they've abducted my boy" it's a GUT PUNCH ⸺ TOO REAL RN )
I'd make her married to someone random, and I'd rename Shaun to Gerry.
If I go this route, a more Fallout 4-esque story not a one for one, I'm gonna work her being a detective for Nick Valentine in there somehow. I can't not do that. Everything else is so perfect already, how can I leave that out too? ( in his Raggedy Ass Columbo Jacket and all <3 )
Either way, some KEY THINGS I wanna hit:
She's a bounty hunter.
Her weapons of choice? Modified biker gloves charged with fusion cells, looks like lil electrified balls firing as she uses them. As well as a pistol fitted with a laser attachment that she's affectionately named her Venom Blaster. ( Think Pew Pew from FO:NV. ) I was gonna go with knuckle dusters but I like the biker gloves more. Suits her. Plus that means she's got some sort of range on them like she would her real venom blasts. How do they work technically? I'll get there.
In lieu of her pheromones, she's got high as all hell charisma. Could charm the dew right off a honeysuckle. And, if possible, some way to work in the Black Widow perk from New Vegas, 3 & 4.
She'll be younger than she is now ⸺ instead of being typically 28 - 32, I'm taking her down to 24 - 28.
There's a brief, and I mean very brief, period of time in the comics where she smokes. I'm bringing that back for this verse. Pay her in caps, or depending on the job, a pack of smokes. If you wanna gain some points toward her good side, bring her a pack out of the blue.
Still from London, but her parents move to the States at some point before the bomb.
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gummygowon · 10 months
me ranting about girl groups
ok y'all this post is entirely dedicated to @i-luvsang
ok so for xg, i really have to say that their concept is really cool and they pull it off but i don't really vibe with how much they take from black culture it's a little scary i'm not even gonna lie. like the line between appropriating and appreciating is a little blurry for them in my opinion. also a little confused with the whole global group but like only promoting in korea while they sing mainly in english. most of my negative (?) opinions well not really negative on them are more issues on their company and stylists i do really like the girls though. they're all seem so cool and have cute bond with each other and even hikaru! i will also say they eat up their concepts all the damn time. i still haven't listened to their new stuff but it's really cool that they included sign language into "girl gang"!
fifty fifty:
for these girls, i'm not entirely familiar with ALL the details with their company and law suit but i will say that it’s actually in fucking sane how big cupid was like SOME OF MY SECOND GRADERS KNEW THE CUPID DANCE (tiktok ver tho) LIKE WHAT????
also the way they could be nominated for a grammy makes me giggle like those girls were not tryna make billboard or crush charts like they did. lowkey want them to win a grammy just for the plot like it would be so dramatic considering how apparently the girls might get blacklisted for "defying their company" by asking for financial transparency and people are reading it as the girls are money hungry BUT EVEN IF THEY WERE LIKE BITCH IF I WAS NUGU AND THEN MY SONG BLEW INTERNATIONALLY LIKE THEM I WOULD BE ASKING FOR PAYCHECK CAUSE WTF??
also the way everyone in that damn company is tryna get their slice of money from that song makes me laugh cause damn would u really be tryna take credit for them if the girls were nugu? no.
i feel so bad for itzy cause they fell off hard after sneakers and tbh sneakers wasn't like super shit it was just that they wasted a perfectly good royal concept ugh
i love itzy so much and the hate they get is forced like bitch be fr omfg
someone mentioned how itzy didn't have that much competition when they first debuted so it was really just them dominating fourth gen at one point in their careers but with THE AMOUNT OF GGS IN THE INDUSTRY RN ITS INSANE to stay relevant or have chart topping songs every comeback like that's just not possible
i will say that cake isn't my favorite def needs time to marinate with me but i love yuna's part so much also chesire was really good imo and i really liked all the bsides from that era which is a first. kinda surprised it didn't blow up more
overall, the girls have made an impact in the kpop community and yeah they're not on top like they were during loco era or earlier but i still love them
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